vedicrajastrology · 2 years
How to Judge Married Life Using D1 and D9 Navamsha Chart in Astrology
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How to Judge Married Life Using D1 and D9 Navamsha Chart in Astrology- 
Venus plays most important role in love relationship & marriage life matter
In astrology, Venus is the main significator or giver of love, relationship & marriage . In male native chart, venus represents wife & for female native chart jupiter represents husband, so in your birth chart you've to find out 1st venus condition(venus PAC, P- position, A -aspect , C - conjunction ) for both male & female native chart & then jupiter condition if you are female native( jupiter PAC , P- position, A -aspect , C - conjunction ).
In birth chart 7th house represents- marriage, love relationship with your spouse. So you've to see 7th house condition.
 7th house signlord planet should not be placed in 6th , 8th , 12th house & 6th , 8th , 12th house lord should not be placed in 7th house of bad sign.
 7th house signlord planet should not be debilitated in any house or any planets should not be debilitated in 7th house of marriage.
 7th house , 7th house signlord  planet & venus should not be be hemmed by malefic planets .
 If mars is placed in 12th , 1st , 4th , 7th or in 8th house then it can create problem in married life due to manglik dosh but if your 7th house condition is strong & good then don't fear about your manglik dosh your marriage life will be good.
 If any planet is placed in 7th house then you've to find out that planet's conditions (that planet PAC & nakshatra condition) because that planet is influencing to your marriage life by giving good or bad influence over 7th house of marriage.
 If any planet is debilitated in 7th house then 7th house lord should be strong to control the 7th house condition of marriage.
 Venus should not be closely conjuncted with sun then sun heat energy can burn out venus sweet love romance & beauty but suppose closed conjunct then venus degree should be more than sun degree that represents venus is coming out from sun fiery heat energy.
 If Saturn is placed in 7th house of marriage then its better to get married late but not early age in your life at least wait for saturn 1st return or at the age after 28. Saturn never deny but you've to fulfill saturn condition 1st then saturn will give you the result (Except if saturn is the strong significator of 6th house of divorce).
 Vargottama venus or any planet is in same sign in birth chart as well as navamsha chart  is very good , if that planet is placed in 7th house or aspect to 7th house or 7th lord is vargottama then it indicates very good for marriage life although you've to see other planetary details then judge.
 Dara Pada( A7) or Arudha Pada of 7th house you've to find out that will tell you your marriage life partner image in society.
 Upa Pada (A12) or arudha pada of 12th house you've to find out that will tell you what kind of spouse you'll get in your life.
Last most important point is that you need to check 7th house & 6th house ashtakavarga points , 7th house sarvashtrakavarga point should be more than 6th house sarvashtakavarga point for good married life but if opposite happens then it indicates bad & also check 7th house ashtakavarga score should be more than 30 points for better happy married life. 
D9 Navamsha chart - is specially seen for your after marriage life will be good or bad & your full marriage life all details you'll get from this chart, This chart becomes very much important specially your  after  marriage , Rishi Parashar has given more importance on this D9 navamsha chart after D60 chart then other divisional chart.
 Here in this D9 navamsha chart,  you've to see 7th house , 1st house & 9th house condition in navamsha chart.
D1 Birth chart 7th house signlord planet should be well placed in D9 Navamsha chart like own sign or exalted sign or friendly sign without having malefic aspect or conjunction for good married life.
 Venus , 7th house & 7th house signlord planet condition should be good in navamsha chart.
 planets should not be debilitated in 7th house , 7th lord & venus should not be debilitated in navamsha chart.
 If you've raj yoga in 7th house & 7th lord is in good sign in navamsha chart then it represents good married life.
 If you've bad planetary influence over 7th house or debilitated planet in 7th house of birth chart but in navamsha chart that planet got exalted or placed in good sign of 7th house then that can nullify all bad effect of your after marriage life & relation with your spouse will get improved with time although you need to judge your present running dasha planets condition if that dasha planet signify bad then native will face marriage problem upto that running dasha planet time periods .
Planet is holding lowest degree in birth chart becomes your dara karka planet represents all about your spouse & if that planet is creating raj yoga or placed in good sign of birth as well as navamsha (DKN) chart then it represents good married life & if that raj yoga happens in 9th house of D9 navamsha chart & 9th lord is very strong or if you've Laxmi Yoga then it represents after your marriage you'll get good luck & prosperity through your wife.
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vedicrajastrology · 2 years
What is Astrology? A Beginner's Guide to Astrology
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What is Astrology ? Beginner's Guide to Astrology :-  Astrology is a spiritual divine occult subject through that we can predict present , past & future of native life based on the native details & their own requirement .
There are lots of astrology system like western astrology, eastern astrology – hindu astrology , Chinese astrology . Here we are more concern about Hindu Astrology. There are lots of astrology system falls under Hindu Astrology & they are :- >Parashar Vedic Astrology ; >Jaimini Astrology ; >Nadi Astrology ; >KP Astrology .
Here we’ll learn about Vedic astrology & KP astrology system . Vedic astrology is the base of all Hindu Astrology system & KP astrology system is more advanced than others that will help you for more accurate prediction than others astrology system but before learning KP astrology first you’ve to know the basic knowledge of astrology . So you’ve to learn Parashar Vedic Astrology first then KP astrology.
Our main goal :-  to give correct prediction through Astrological Horoscope or Chart analysis . So we need to know all the starting information which are required for astrological chart analysis .  
Astrological Chart Analysis Prediction Requirement :-  >Birth chart & divisional chart for Vedic astrology  system & KP cuspal bhava chalit chart for KP astrology system ; > 9 planets ; > 12 houses ; > 12 zodiac signs or rashi signs ; > 27 nakshatras ; > Total 27 * 4 = 108 nakshatra padas.
Birth chart or Natal chart or Ascendant rashi chart or Lagna chart 
Birth chart or Natal chart or Ascendant rashi chart or Lagna chart is the chart that shows you the actual planetary position details in the sky when you were born at exact time , date & place of your birth with respect to eastern horizontal (East direction). Each of us come into this world(earth) with a unique birth chart which can easily differentiate with others , even twins or 2 native with having same ascendant will behave different due to their ascendant falls under different nakshatras of same ascendant sign , even twins having same ascendant or same ascendant nakshatra will behave different due to their ascendant falls under different nakshatra padas , even twins with having same ascendant , same ascendant nakshatra pada will behave different due to their ascendant upa naksatra lords are different . So main important point is that everyone is unique & different compare to others & through chart analysis we can easily pinpoint their life pattern , goal , destiny or parabdha karma result that native must get in this life.
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So that means birth chart degreewise length 360 degree circle of the sky where planets are travelling in the sky which you can see through telescope or naked eyes. > So birth chart degreewise length -> 360 degree -> degree of circle > Birth chart total houses -> 12 houses > So , birth chart 12 houses degreewise length = 360 degree > i.e each or 1 house degreewise length = 360/12 degree = 30 degree > 12 houses are occupied by 12 zodiac or rashi signs So, 1 house is occupied by 1 zodiac or rashi sign of degreewise length  = 30 degree . > 360 degree Birth chart 12 houses of 12 zodiac or rashi signs are occupied by total 27 nakshatras . > i.e 27 nakshatras degreewise length = 360 degree > so , 1 nakshatra degreewise length = 360/27 degree = 13 degree 20 minutes > each nakshatra is divided into 4 parts & each of this part is called nakshatra pada or 1 part of navamsha . > so , each nakshatra has 4 nakshatra padas. > 1 nakshatra ie 4 nakshatra padas degreewise length = 13 degree 20 minutes . > 1 nakshatra pada degreewise length = (13 deg 20 min ) / 4 = 3 degree 20 minutes .
> Similarly , we’ve total 27 nakshatras of degreewise length = 360 degree > 27 * 1 nakshatra = 27 * 4 nakshatra padas = 108 nakshatra padas degreewise length = 360 degree > So , 1 nakshatra pada degreewise length = 360 / 108 degree = 3 degree 20 minutes .
Rishi Parashar has written in his Grantra or Shastra named “BPHS -> Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra -> Vedic Astrology main classical text” that If we divide each house of 30 degree long zodiac or rashi sign into 9 equal parts then each of this part is called 1 part of Navamsha of degreewise length = 30/9 degree = 3 degree 20 minutes .
So that means 1 nakshatra pada degreewiswe length  3 degree 20 minutes is same equal to 1 part of navamsha degreewise length , So we can say that each nakshatra pada is equal to 1 part of navamsha & planetary placement in D9 navamsha chart "Rashi Sign" it’s fully based on planetary placement on birth chart "Rashi sign of specific degree of particular nakshatra pada" .
For easy remember purpose you must always remember this rules -> We've total 27 nakshatra & based nakshatra pada placment planet gets placed in particular sign in navamsha but it's little tough to remember so for easy purpose you must remember this -
1> Any planet is placed in any nakshatra of pada 1 -> must be placed in Fire element zodiac signs i.e Aries , Leo & Sagittarius rashi sign in D9 navamsha chart
2> Any planet is placed in any nakshatra of pada 2 -> must be placed in Earth element zodiac signs i.e Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn rashi sign in D9 navamsha chart
3> Any planet is placed in any nakshatra of pada 3 -> must be placed in Air element zodiac sign i.e Gemini, Libra & Aquarius rashi sign in D9 navamsha chart
4> Any planet is placed in any nakshatra of pada 4 -> must be placed in Water element zodiac sign i.e Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces rashi sign in D9 navamsha chart.
These are the core points in astrology without these points you'll never understand astrology & actually you should not proceed for astrology without these points, so first try to practice & understand these given points then only proceed for astrology 12 houses attributes lesson.
For chart analysis prediction, we need to know all 12 houses significant meaning or attributes in astrology
12 Houses in Astrology  & their Meaning
> 1st house represents - you, yourself, your whole body,health,head & your personality.
> 2nd house represents - your family, family lineage, value, asstes, savings, wealth, what type of food do you like, your food intake, drinking capacity, your vocal cord, speech that is why 2nd house is most important for all singers.
> 3rd house represents - your will power, strength, communication skill, acting, mimicry, sales, marketing, own self business, media, anchoring, writing skill, teaching, your siblings(younger), neighbours, small group of friend network circle.
> 4th house represents - Your home,homeland,home environment, the place where you feel comfortable & happy, land,convenience, property , motherly nourishment & care , taking care of others emotionally .
> 5th house represents - fun , entertainment, creative passionate things like art , music, acting, painting, directing, drama, love, romance, beauty, fashion . It's the house of your children, your undergraduate or college life education, speculative business,ancient text learning, stage performance.
> 6th house represents -  your enemy, obstacles, diseases,everyday routine work, services,debts,warzone,fighting,litigation, divorce, any type of competition ,health & healing, untimely death .
> 7th house represents - the house of others people, your spouse,marriage,legal relationship, relationship with others , legal bonding, legal agreement, merchant place dealing with agreement, contract, business (partnership) .
> 8th house represents - hidden secret things which is unknown to you,mystical - occult knowledge, searching – researching , sudden transformation, accident, house of mystery, in law assets, govt taxes, inheritance, things that are buried underground,house of death & rebirth, longevity .
> 9th house represents - your higher learning education,guru,teacher,post grad education,long distance travel , temporary foreign settlement , pilgrimage journey ,religious activity,law,rules, teaching by gurus or the true guider.
> 10th house represents - Your karma sthan,career environment , status, working environment, authority, relation with your co worker or boss , Government , administrative ,executive position.
> 11th house represents - Your incoming gain, gain through career, gain of authority, huge network circle/social network circle, large group of organisation , elder siblings, hope, wishes, ambitious, fulfillment of all kind of desire.
> 12th house represents - spirituality , meditation yoga , Spiritual devine knowledge blessings , house of dreams , spiritual intuition power, actual spiritual creativity , It is the house of isolation, foreign place, jail,hospital, loss of any energy, bed pleasure, hidden talent,its a mokhsa house , import – export business , permanent foreign settlement , Foreign multi national company .
Houses details in Birth Chart :-
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12 houses Body Parts in Astrology 
House                 Body Parts
1st house -------> Head
2nd house ------> Face, Eyes, Right eye of the male & left eye of the female, mouth, teeth, tongue, upper food pipe
3rd house -------> Ears, lungs, Arms, lower food pipe, wind pipe
4th house ------->Heart, chest & breast
5th house -------> Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Pancreas
6th house -------> Small intestine
7th house -------> Sexual organs (internal), Reproductive System, Kidneys
8th house -------> Sexual organs (external), Large intestine, Anus
9th house -------> Hips, Hip joints
10th house ------> Upper part of Legs
11th house ------> Lower part of Legs
12th house ------> Feet, Left eye of the male & right eye of the female
The significators or Karaka planets of 12 houses in Astrology
1st House - Sun 2nd - Jupiter 3rd - Mars, Mercury 4th - Moon, Venus 5th - Jupiter 6th - Mars, Saturn 7th - Venus 8th - Saturn 9th -  Sun, Jupiter 10th - Mercury, Sun, Jupiter and Saturn 11th - Jupiter 12th - Saturn
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vedicrajastrology · 2 years
Astrology Learning Course
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VEDIC RAJ ASTROLOGY  presents Online e-tutorial Astrology Course .
Now you can join the course at any time whenever you want.
***Course Content - 24 class recorded videos with class notes of the following topics given in the Description section
Course level - Basic + Advance
Course  - Vedic Astrology  + KP Astrology Combined
Course Topics :-
Basic Course -
1. Introduction & basic knowledge of astrology , Importance of Vedic Astrology (why should we learn astrology)
2. Basics knowledge of birth chart , houses , signs & planets significant in astrology
3. Planetary house placement & sign placement in astrology
4. Planetary Aspect , Conjunction & Yoga in astrology
5. BIRTH CHART ANALYSIS reading technique
6. Importance of most important Dashamsha Chart &  Navamsha Chart  Analysis Reading technique for Career & Marriage life Prediction.
7. Finding  benefic planets , malefic planets
8 . Finding weak planets & strong planets
9. Introduction of Planetary  Vimshottari Mahadasha , Antardasha , Pratyantardasha , Sookshmadasha & Transits for events prediction
10.  How to check Running  Planetary Vimshottari mahadasha , antaradsaha , pratyantardasha planetary condition to know what'll will happen recent time period
11. Practice with real life chart analysis
Advanced Course -
12. Importance of Ashtakavarga , sarvashtakavarga , bhinnashtaka varga chart in astrology .
13. Planetary transits .
14. Secret technique of Ashtakavarga in Planetary Transits
15. Basic knowledge & Importance of KP Astrology
16. Cusp & Significators
17. Prashna Kundali & Ruling Planets
18. How to find out Planetary KP significant houses
19. KP Special Combination of houses for Special events
20. KP Sublord secret techniques & rules
21. How to pinpoint event through KP ASTROLOGY
22.  Finding best Career name & timing of Career events through KP Astrology
23. Finding marriage timing & after marriage life through KP Astrology
24. Timing of getting  house , Land , Property & wealth through KP Astrology
25. Practice with real life chart analysis
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vedicrajastrology · 2 years
Astrological Chart Analysis Basic to Advance Concept
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Astrological Chart Analysis Basic to Advance Concept -
Basic Concept - We've total 12 houses in Astrology System & these 12 houses has their own significant meaning LIKE
>1st house - health
>2nd house - wealth , family
>3rd house - will power , strength, skills, efforts, small network circle
>4th house - nourishment care , home personal life
>5th house - love , romance, education, children
>6th house - enemy fighting, diseases, problem
>7th house - Marriage, Agreement
>8th house - mystical research, sudden transformation, chronic disease , surgery
>9th house - higher education, religious activity, dharma, temporary foreign settlement
>10th house - Professional career, name, fame , success through career
>11th house - All kind of gain & fulfillment of desire, your monthly or yearly salary, large group of network circle
>12th house - Loss of all kind of materialistic things, expenditure, permanent foreign settlement , Spirituality .
Normally people check their astrological chart to get the answer of their specific question, now whatever question they have , they only check that matter related house sign lord planet's house placement condition ,  like if you want to know your career life through Birth chart horoscope then maximum beginners only check their which planets are placed in 10th house of birth chart ,  these planets are called deposit or influencer of your 10th house of professional career & for career direction or success means which particular career you should choose for that reason maximum astrology beginners check their 10th house sign lord planet house placement because  10th house sign lord is the controller of 10th house of career & for that reason they check their 10th house signlord  planet placement condition like you can find this concept in google or youtube everywhere  
>10th house lord in 1st house  - health activity or health related profession
>10th house lord in 2nd house - finance related work, food industry , music field
>10th lord in 3rd house - sell marketing , networking work
>10th lord in 4th house - land, property , real estate work, norishment care , food service, work from home
>10th lord in 5th house - creative entertainment  field work
>10th lord in 6th house - job service, doctor, problem solver, bank accounting
>10th lord in 7th house - business
>10th lord in 8th house - research field, mystical field like astrology or any occult field work
>10th lord in 9th house - professor, teacher, guider, priest
>10th lord in 10th house - Higher authority Government field work, boss of any field
>10th lord in 11th house - good for all kind of gain through working under huge networking field work
>10th lord in 12th house - work in hospital , asylum, spiritual work, foreign mnc job
& also they check that 10th house signlord planet  own significant quality like if 10th house signlord is sun then Government or higher authority post , if moon then nourishment care, if mercury then business or networking, if saturn then iron steel related.. etc like this way they judge that planet own significant & house placement related work & that planet D10 dashamsha chart house placement condition based on that they judge their career . Yes, that way you can judge & similarly if you want to know your marriage life then simply you can check 7th house signlord planet birth chart house placement & D9 chart house condition & based on that you give prediction or judge your  marriage life but this is not the actual astrology , yes through this basic rules your prediction may be correct or wrong but you can't say 100%  that your prediction always came correct based on this basic rules which I've experienced as per my astrological journey & that I can say from the bottom of my heart. In the advance portion I've written the actual process of judging chart for prediction.
Advance Concept - I hope everyone has already checked their own chart with having 9 planets placement in 12 houses, Have you checked that 9 planets house placement degrees , that degree defines your life condition through that 9 planets which differentiate with others. 
similarly like 9 planets also we have 12 houses or cusp are also placed in specific degrees over 12 rashi sign, I hope that you can't find in Chitra Paksha Lahiri Ayanamsha but Kp astrology has given the extra option through Kp new ayanamsha , here in these system you'll find like 9 planets you also have your 12 houses placement condition based on specific degree like 9 planets & through that degree over specific zodiac rashi sign we divide that 30 degree long house into 3 parts based on rulership of that house. Like if native ascendant or 1st house is placed in aries sign of 0 degree then through this degree of aries we can divide native 1st house of aries sign ascendant into 3 parts  & they are house or cusp , nakshatra & sub nakshatra,  their controller or ruler ship like house lord , nakshatra lord & sub nakshatra lord . So we can write this 3 parts rulership as - mars (1st house lord ) - ketu (nakshatra lord ) - Ketu (sub nakshatra lord)   because 1st house aries sign lord is mars , 0 degree of aries sign that means 1st house of ascendant falls under ashwini nakshatra over aies sign that nakshatra lord is ketu  & 0 degree of aries sign sub nakshatra of ashwini nakshatra always start with ketu upa nakshatra .  So, if this native want to know his/her health related questions then maximum beginners will check only 1st house aries sign lord mars house placement condition but actually this native ascendant location is 0 degree over aries & that area is controlled by ketu as aswini nakshatra & sub nakshatra lord , So the actual controller of this native health is not mars but the ketu so native should check the  ketu's house placement condition rather than mars house placement condition for health related matter , similarly if you want to check your money savings or wealth related matter then check core portion of 2nd house through degree , similarly for marriage 7th house core portion & career 10th house core portion through degree, similarly like when you judge any dasha planet, you simply check that running dasha planet is placed in which house in birth chart & divisional chart but again this is wrong concept because that running dasha planet also has specific degree over the house placement zodiac rashi sign that differentiate with others condition so that dasha planet's condition is also divided by 3 parts like 12 houses based on degree, So when you judge that dasha planet core portion through that degree means nakshatra & sub nakshatra lord house placement condition then only  you'll get the actual result upto 80 % these are the rules given by GURU JI KSK & my GURU JI  but recently another technique has introduced by very rare secret astrologer although not openly because that rule you'll not find in any book or video or anywhere & that secret concept is called connecting planet concept who is not there in the list under  planet/house lord - nakshatra lord - sub nakshatra lord table of your chart  but controlling everything of that cusp or house related mater if you decode connecting planet concept then only you can get full information about your running dasha planet's events or 12 houses cusps conditions that covers remaining 80 % to 90 %  & remaining 10% is your higher psychic power that you'll get from blessings of God. 
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vedicrajastrology · 2 years
What is Astrology? A Beginner's Guide to Astrology
Lesson 1 -
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What is Astrology ? Beginner's Guide to Astrology:-  Astrology is a spiritual divine occult subject through that we can predict present , past & future of native life based on the native details & their own requirement .
There are lots of astrology system like western astrology, eastern astrology – hindu astrology , Chinese astrology . Here we are more concern about Hindu Astrology. There are lots of astrology system falls under Hindu Astrology & they are :- >Parashar Vedic Astrology ; >Jaimini Astrology ; >Nadi Astrology ; >KP Astrology .
Here we’ll learn about Vedic astrology & KP astrology system . Vedic astrology is the base of all Hindu Astrology system & KP astrology system is more advanced than others that will help you for more accurate prediction than others astrology system but before learning KP astrology first you’ve to know the basic knowledge of astrology . So you’ve to learn Parashar Vedic Astrology first then KP astrology.
Our main goal :-  to give correct prediction through Astrological Horoscope or Chart analysis . So we need to know all the starting information which are required for astrological chart analysis .  
Astrological Chart Analysis Prediction Requirement :-  >Birth chart & divisional chart for Vedic astrology  system & KP cuspal bhava chalit chart for KP astrology system ; > 9 planets ; > 12 houses ; > 12 zodiac signs or rashi signs ; > 27 nakshatras ; > Total 27 * 4 = 108 nakshatra padas.
Birth chart or Natal chart or Ascendant rashi chart or Lagna chart 
Birth chart or Natal chart or Ascendant rashi chart or Lagna chart is the chart that shows you the actual planetary position details in the sky when you were born at exact time , date & place of your birth with respect to eastern horizontal (East direction). Each of us come into this world(earth) with a unique birth chart which can easily differentiate with others , even twins or 2 native with having same ascendant will behave different due to their ascendant falls under different nakshatras of same ascendant sign , even twins having same ascendant or same ascendant nakshatra will behave different due to their ascendant falls under different nakshatra padas , even twins with having same ascendant , same ascendant nakshatra pada will behave different due to their ascendant upa naksatra lords are different . So main important point is that everyone is unique & different compare to others & through chart analysis we can easily pinpoint their life pattern , goal , destiny or parabdha karma result that native must get in this life.
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So that means birth chart degreewise length 360 degree circle of the sky where planets are travelling in the sky which you can see through telescope or naked eyes. > So birth chart degreewise length -> 360 degree -> degree of circle > Birth chart total houses -> 12 houses > So , birth chart 12 houses degreewise length = 360 degree > i.e each or 1 house degreewise length = 360/12 degree = 30 degree > 12 houses are occupied by 12 zodiac or rashi signs So, 1 house is occupied by 1 zodiac or rashi sign of degreewise length  = 30 degree . > 360 degree Birth chart 12 houses of 12 zodiac or rashi signs are occupied by total 27 nakshatras . > i.e 27 nakshatras degreewise length = 360 degree > so , 1 nakshatra degreewise length = 360/27 degree = 13 degree 20 minutes > each nakshatra is divided into 4 parts & each of this part is called nakshatra pada or 1 part of navamsha . > so , each nakshatra has 4 nakshatra padas. > 1 nakshatra ie 4 nakshatra padas degreewise length = 13 degree 20 minutes . > 1 nakshatra pada degreewise length = (13 deg 20 min ) / 4 = 3 degree 20 minutes .
> Similarly , we’ve total 27 nakshatras of degreewise length = 360 degree > 27 * 1 nakshatra = 27 * 4 nakshatra padas = 108 nakshatra padas degreewise length = 360 degree > So , 1 nakshatra pada degreewise length = 360 / 108 degree = 3 degree 20 minutes .
Rishi Parashar has written in his Grantra or Shastra named “BPHS -> Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra -> Vedic Astrology main classical text” that If we divide each house of 30 degree long zodiac or rashi sign into 9 equal parts then each of this part is called 1 part of Navamsha of degreewise length = 30/9 degree = 3 degree 20 minutes .
So that means 1 nakshatra pada degreewiswe length  3 degree 20 minutes is same equal to 1 part of navamsha degreewise length , So we can say that each nakshatra pada is equal to 1 part of navamsha & planetary placement in D9 navamsha chart "Rashi Sign" it’s fully based on planetary placement on birth chart "Rashi sign of specific degree of particular nakshatra pada" .
For easy remember purpose you must always remember this rules -> We've total 27 nakshatra & based nakshatra pada placment planet gets placed in particular sign in navamsha but it's little tough to remember so for easy purpose you must remember this -
1> Any planet is placed in any nakshatra of pada 1 -> must be placed in Fire element zodiac signs i.e Aries , Leo & Sagittarius rashi sign in D9 navamsha chart
2> Any planet is placed in any nakshatra of pada 2 -> must be placed in Earth element zodiac signs i.e Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn rashi sign in D9 navamsha chart
3> Any planet is placed in any nakshatra of pada 3 -> must be placed in Air element zodiac sign i.e Gemini, Libra & Aquarius rashi sign in D9 navamsha chart
4> Any planet is placed in any nakshatra of pada 4 -> must be placed in Water element zodiac sign i.e Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces rashi sign in D9 navamsha chart.
These are the core points in astrology without these points you'll never understand astrology & actually you should not proceed for astrology without these points, so first try to practice & understand these given points then only proceed for astrology 12 houses attributes lesson.
For chart analysis prediction, we need to know all 12 houses significant meaning or attributes in astrology
12 Houses in Astrology  & their Meaning
> 1st house represents - you, yourself, your whole body,health,head & your personality.
> 2nd house represents - your family, family lineage, value, asstes, savings, wealth, what type of food do you like, your food intake, drinking capacity, your vocal cord, speech that is why 2nd house is most important for all singers.
> 3rd house represents - your will power, strength, communication skill, acting, mimicry, sales, marketing, own self business, media, anchoring, writing skill, teaching, your siblings(younger), neighbours, small group of friend network circle.
> 4th house represents - Your home,homeland,home environment, the place where you feel comfortable & happy, land,convenience, property , motherly nourishment & care , taking care of others emotionally .
> 5th house represents - fun , entertainment, creative passionate things like art , music, acting, painting, directing, drama, love, romance, beauty, fashion . It's the house of your children, your undergraduate or college life education, speculative business,ancient text learning, stage performance.
> 6th house represents -  your enemy, obstacles, diseases,everyday routine work, services,debts,warzone,fighting,litigation, divorce, any type of competition ,health & healing, untimely death .
> 7th house represents - the house of others people, your spouse,marriage,legal relationship, relationship with others , legal bonding, legal agreement, merchant place dealing with agreement, contract, business (partnership) .
> 8th house represents - hidden secret things which is unknown to you,mystical - occult knowledge, searching – researching , sudden transformation, accident, house of mystery, in law assets, govt taxes, inheritance, things that are buried underground,house of death & rebirth, longevity .
> 9th house represents - your higher learning education,guru,teacher,post grad education,long distance travel , temporary foreign settlement , pilgrimage journey ,religious activity,law,rules, teaching by gurus or the true guider.
> 10th house represents - Your karma sthan,career environment , status, working environment, authority, relation with your co worker or boss , Government , administrative ,executive position.
> 11th house represents - Your incoming gain, gain through career, gain of authority, huge network circle/social network circle, large group of organisation , elder siblings, hope, wishes, ambitious, fulfillment of all kind of desire.
> 12th house represents - spirituality , meditation yoga , Spiritual devine knowledge blessings , house of dreams , spiritual intuition power, actual spiritual creativity , It is the house of isolation, foreign place, jail,hospital, loss of any energy, bed pleasure, hidden talent,its a mokhsa house , import – export business , permanent foreign settlement , Foreign multi national company .
Houses details in Birth Chart :-
12 houses Body Parts in Astrology 
House                 Body Parts
1st house -------> Head
2nd house ------> Face, Eyes, Right eye of the male & left eye of the female, mouth, teeth, tongue, upper food pipe
3rd house -------> Ears, lungs, Arms, lower food pipe, wind pipe
4th house ------->Heart, chest & breast
5th house -------> Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Pancreas
6th house -------> Small intestine
7th house -------> Sexual organs (internal), Reproductive System, Kidneys
8th house -------> Sexual organs (external), Large intestine, Anus
9th house -------> Hips, Hip joints
10th house ------> Upper part of Legs
11th house ------> Lower part of Legs
12th house ------> Feet, Left eye of the male & right eye of the female
The significators or Karaka planets of 12 houses in Astrology
1st House - Sun
2nd - Jupiter
3rd - Mars, Mercury
4th - Moon, Venus
5th - Jupiter
6th - Mars, Saturn
7th - Venus
8th - Saturn
9th -  Sun, Jupiter
10th - Mercury, Sun, Jupiter and Saturn
11th - Jupiter
12th - Saturn
Thnx regards
Vedic Raj Astrology
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