#nodding in agreement
grandorderconfessions · 4 months
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orcboxer · 4 months
It isn't about being in the perfect place, it's about being in a better place than you were before
the ol river flows on
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necrolexic0n · 1 year
I'm sorry but your Under fell and Swapfell Sans's makes me just wanna- *ring*
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they make you HUH? 🤨
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saetoru · 9 months
ok i know we always talk about girl dad satoru but imagine boy dad satoru and his lil gentlemanly lessons.
it happens for the first time when you go to take your seatbelt off and get out of the car as soon as it’s parked, but there’s a little voice from the back saying “wait mommy! wait!” and satoru’s nodding like “yeah, wait mommy!” with a knowing grin. you watch him get out of the drivers seat and jog over to help your son out of his car seat before they both make their way to your door. it’s teamwork: satoru opens, and your son holds a tiny hand out for you as he says, “hold my hand mommy, don’t fall!” you walk with satoru trailing behind you both, smiling in amusement as he tells your son “remember kiddo, we never let mommy open her own doors!”
and from then on it’s always a small squeal of “no! mommy stop!” when you’re about to sit down, just so they can jog up and pull the chair out for you and push you in once you’re seated. there’s that routine “after you, mommy!” when he lets you out the door first because it’s always ladies first, of course. there’s always a strict, “mommy’s cold! give her your jacket” you hear thrown at satoru with tiny hands on hips that makes you giggle as satoru shrugs off his jacket with a huff from being scolded. sometimes, there’s a “for you mommy!” before a small bundle of flowers is pressed to your hand as satoru grumbles from the back that he paid, so he should be able to give it to you.
you can’t help but pick your son up every time and kiss his cheeks, grinning as you murmur, “what a sweet little gentleman i have to take care of me.”
and satoru’s always pouting, always standing in the back as he whines out a petulant, “i taught him all that! what about me?”
so you kiss him too—because he treats you just as good, teaches your son to be even better, in fact. and you love your boys, and they never let you forget they love you too.
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the-gay-cousin-666 · 10 months
I imagine the Foxes watching a horror movie and Neil randomly going "that's not what happens when you gut a man." in the middle of a gore scene. Just completely blank-faced.
And then he's confused why the others are looking at him weird instead of watching the movie.
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chamomiletealeaf · 5 months
Captain MacTavish who makes you wear his dogtags as he fucks you with your knees pressed to your ears so he can see the way his name bounces against your tits.
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stevenrogered · 5 months
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians | 1x03 “We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium” 
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reactshuns · 1 year
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van helsing, about jack seward: look at this nerd. this dweeb. this absolute loser. you think he gets women? he barely knows what a woman is. he’s never so much as glimpsed a woman’s shin, and let’s be real, he never will. (unless it’s for a medical reason because again, he has no life.) zero game. his doctorate is in being pathetic. you’re aware of this, i’m sure, miss westenra,
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merrysithmas · 22 days
Mai and Katara snickering about the Omashu parallels in the back row of the inter-nation conference where their husbands Firelord Zuko and Avatar Aang are proposing Republic City:
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daily-hanamura · 8 months
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‘its for power!’ cpunz yells as he imagines cdream giving him little kisses all over for doing so good at the plan
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magpod-confessions · 1 month
@ doorkeay-disliker anon
You do know that most doorkeay shippers were shipping it before knowing anything about the age gap? And that these are two consenting adults in at least their 30s? And that after that information showed up, Jonny came out saying he fucked up the timeline like an idiot? That he fucked it up many times? Nobody in that group of people wants that age gap, and shipped them before knowing of said age gap. The general timeline of TMA has so many mistakes, and so many Michaels. The Michael that worked with Eric could've been a different one, or he could know about Michael because Mary told him after binding him to the book to make him feel bad.
If you don't like. A ship, that's fucking fine. It's not your thing. Nobody's telling you that you have you like it. But you need to get over yourself with this whole righteous bullshit. If you actually read what people write for doorkeay, you'd notice they're always making them healthily consenting adults.
Moreso. I've never seen a doorkeay shipper harass anyone, or cause any fights. But people who claim "doorkeay has a problematic age gap!" even led harassment campaigns and told artists and writers to off themselves repeatedly for weeks on end for shipping it, when said artists and writers made it explicitly clear that they had always seen the ship as being about 2 to 3 years different maximum.
I hate when people come after ships between fucking grown adults. Why are you so fucking obsessed with it?
Care when they're shipping a minor with an adult.
Gerard Keay is not a child, he's in his 30s, and before we got his birthyear from Protocol, he could've been born anywhere in the 80s. Including 1980. No matter how much you whine, he's in his 30s. That's an adult worldwide as far as I'm aware in this dimension, bucko.
If we didn't get the exact year, he could've even been 43 at the oldest today (1980 to 2023). Doorkeay shippers have been under this understanding since forever (timeline's fucked. Play with it). And they almost always picture Michael as being close in age. Hell, I know someone who made a whole timeline trying to catch all the options that the mistakes cause and found that there's a chance Michael could've been a year younger than Gerry (before getting the set year from Protocol. That timeline was made over 2 years ago)
And the few times there's been a larger age gap, the authors/artist always make sure to clarify:
Smh. G/d forbid girls like anything
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naughtybg3confessions · 2 months
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deadplate-confessions · 5 months
dead plate has what i personally believe to be some of the best queer rep ive seen, especially with the time period it takes place in. racheldrawstuff really outdid themselves because vincent is a very accurate queer man and incredibly well written to boot.
Though it does fall into the "gay villain!!!" stereotype, i feel as though thats done very respectfully. it depicts the struggles of the time clearly. the struggle of loving someone who will never love you back, the struggle of wanting something you can never have. be it taste, or a man.
idk saw this blog and wanted 2 share my thoughts on the game!!!
Confession #69!
[ submitted by @eatyourfleshh! ]
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cleradin-archive · 2 years
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mike wheeler ft. what the hell was he about to say???
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