#nero's yet to be named mom
"Extraordinary Girl" by Green Day is a good Kyrie/Nero song.
"Whatshername" by Green Day is a good Vergil/Nero's mother song.
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lecliss · 10 months
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OO has me in a fucking vice grip with the urge to lunge at Seph's throat!!!!!!! I can't fucking believe he convinced Kadaj to join him!!!!!! I'm gonna go fucking feral!!!! Leave my sonboy alone!!!!! He has no free will!!! He keeps being used for what Jenova wants cuz of the cells and he keeps being used by Seph as a remnant!!! Daj can never truly have something of his own accord cuz of the very meaning of his existence!!!!! He can never be an individual cuz of them, but without them he wouldn't exist!!!! LET HIM BE HIS OWN PERSON!!!!
And to top it off, Team Ninja dangles a Loz and Yazoo tease in my face after I just said I need Kadaj to have his real brothers back!!!! FUCK!!!! I FUCKING HATE FINAL FANTASY!!!!!!!
#i love kaien trying to help even tho this has nothing to do with him. thank you grandpa 🥺#kadaj and repliku would be a match made in heaven. i want them to talk and go on a murder spree for funsies together#im gonna kill seph so fucking hard. i hate it here!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#at least now i know why kadaj and seymour team up to be ducklings to weiss. tho im not caught up to know how/why they leave seph yet#im just. im gonna die man. im so happy OO added kadaj and gave him so much development and i love that the game takes characters seriously#but god. do they have to keep tormenting MY FUCKING SON!?!?!?!#LET HIM RETURN TO HIS NEW MOM AND DAD (zack and aerith)!!!! GIVE HIM HIS LITTLE BROTHERS BACK!!!! GIVE HIM FUCKING FREE WILL!!!! FUCK!!!!!#its such a good time to be so abnormal about a 2005 one off sequel movie villain. genuinely. it just hurts at the same time#i also like how everyone's fine with kadaj and is even trying to help him cuz despite being morally gray. at least hes against seph.#so hes a good kid in their books 🥺#brb gonna go speedrun the og 7 real quick so i can beat seph's ass in the name of my best boy#also when we get loz and yazoo i wonder if theyll be a joint unit like in brave exvius of if theyll be seperate but released back to back#like reno and rude 🤔#i was expecting sonon or nero next but i do think they wont come until after part 2. while i want genesis most then. i would actually rather#have the baby bro duo if it means they have a real chance of getting in. i didnt actually believe it would be possible. but no it looks real
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ohbutwheresyourheart · 2 months
fragments from the google docs continues with: Nero's mom has a little chat with everyone's favourite goth kid, and she knows her ex well enough to sniff him out even when he's up to his stupidest hijinks yet.
Adaline has stepped out - she needs a breath of air not tainted by fear and guilt, please God just give her that much - and so she is the first to see them.
Her first impulse is to tell Morrison it can wait. Or, if it can’t wait, to send whatever job it is Lady and Trish’s way. Devil May Cry doesn’t need the money and the thought of leaving Nero -- or Dante leaving her -- is, for the moment, incomprehensible. Even for an evening. Even for an hour. She will fall apart. She will shatter like glass.
Then she sees the figure following -- limping -- a step or two behind Morrison, and holds her tongue. It’s rare that a client makes their own way to Devil May Cry; Morrison likes to act as go-between to keep the jobs coming through him. His pockets would empty fast if there was no need for a middle man.
So she keeps her peace, sipping from her glass of wine held in a hand that is only ever so slightly shaking, until Morrison comes close enough to see her in the dim glow of the neon sign. He tips his hat to her, as is his custom, but Adaline is hard-pressed to fetch up a smile as is hers.
“Always a pleasure, Ada,” he begins conversationally. “I realise this isn’t the best of times, but… well, we have a bit of a doozy by the sounds of it. Might even be connected to what happened here.”
Adaline’s toes curl inside her shoes and her grip on her glass tightens; the chardonnay glitters a kaleidoscope of colours as the neon lights refract through it. She says nothing.
The figure behind Morrison -- a young man, maybe only Nero’s age, dark-haired and covered in tattoos -- keeps his head bowed. In one hand he clutches a cane; no affectation, he’s leaning on it quite heavily. In the other, he holds something else, although Adaline can’t properly see what it is.
“May we…?” Morrison nods towards the door.
“Who are you?” Adaline asks the boy. “Why are you here?”
At first, she thinks he isn’t going to answer, but eventually he finds his tongue. His voice is low and slightly husky. Eventually, he does her the courtesy of looking at her. A pretty boy, with pale green eyes; she recognises the shape and colour from somewhere, though she can’t presently think where.
“My name is V. I am here because I have some information about a powerful demon lord poised to wreak havoc on this world. It is something I thought an equally powerful demon hunter ought to be aware of.”
Again, Morrison makes a movement towards the door. “Probably easiest if we don’t have to repeat the story…?”
The last thing - the absolute last thing - Adaline wants to do is let them across the threshold of Devil May Cry. This boy brings trouble, she can feel it. She wants to run inside, batten down the hatches, and keep what is left of her family safe from whatever trouble is building outside.
But Dante never will; she knows him that well by now. Dante never saw trouble in his life without throwing himself into the middle of it. Deep down, Adaline knows she has (just, barely) too much of a conscience to let the world burn for the sake of her boys. Not for the first time she thinks of how much easier life would be, without caring. Without that little bean counter in the back of her mind, totting up life and death. The rippling, unknowable consequence of so much as an afternoon off at the wrong time.
She downs the last of her wine and nods towards the door. “By all means. God knows, he needs some occupation. Why don’t you boys talk about money first? And we’ll talk about… everything else.”
It’s difficult to tell, at first, who is more disconcerted by the proposal. Morrison, however, is a wonderfully uncomplicated man and the rare opportunity of browbeating Dante into promising away his earnings before he’s even earned them without Adaline there to intervene is a powerful incentive. Nodding again to her, Morrison strides into the building.
And so they are two. For once, Adaline doesn’t care to hear the details of payments and cuts and debts, which is all Morrison will be talking about for now. She’s much more interested in V.
He’s gone back to avoiding her eyes as much as he can, fiddling with his cane and what she can now see is a large, though not particularly thick, hardback book. Something about it catches her attention, but it’s too dark to make out the details.
Moving as discreetly and unhurriedly as she can bear to, Adaline lets one hand drop to her side, and then behind her back; out of sight, she casts a series of cantrips. V himself -- his body; his being -- is untouched, but to Adaline’s eyes only his tattoos glow a faint purple. Perhaps the surprise shows on her face, or else he is magically attuned enough to feel the cantrips probing over him; he raises his head, offers a half-smile tinged with an emotion she can’t quite place.
“I assure you,” he says, “I am no demon, nor am I here to launch an ambush.”
No demon, maybe, but something in V is of the Underworld. Adaline’s consolation is that she knows anything she can pick up with a cantrip, Dante will smell on him.
“Forgive me if I seem discourteous,” she says with only a moderate amount of irony. “Someone tried to kill my son two days ago. It’s put me somewhat on edge”
There: V is good, he schools his expression again as quickly as he can, but Adaline sees the flash of panic; the momentarily widened eyes, the white-knuckled grip on his cane; the look of a man caught out.
“I’m… sorry to hear that,” he manages, but it’s too little too late.
Still with one hand behind her back, Adaline prepares to conjure more than a cantrip. “Who are you?”
V holds up his hands -- one still clutching his cane, the other held awkwardly to keep the book under his arm from slipping away -- and the attempted calm is replaced by no small amount of fear. Genuine fear, too, as far as she can tell, unless the boy is an excellent actor. While Adaline can’t smell fear rolling off a body like a demon could, she considers herself a decent interpreter of body language.
It calms her, just a little; anything afraid of her is no match for Dante.
“A friend. Or,” he adds, seeing her disbelief, “If not a friend, at least not an enemy.”
“Someone else walked up to this building once and said the same thing. It ended up causing us a lot of pain.”
They say, the two of them, that they wouldn’t be without Trish now -- but if it was between Trish and Vergil? That bean counter again: life and death, death and life. Pray they’re never given the option.
She’s scaring him: the boy with the demon tattoos looks ready to peel off. Adaline shakes her head, reminds herself he’s only Nero’s age -- if there’s a plot at work here, V is the intermediary rather than the mastermind -- though Nero would be furious to know she still thinks of him as a boy, not a man. Even if it’s a ploy, a trick, they need to know who is after them. Of course they first assumed… But it can’t be… Or is she fooling herself? Maybe the wine was a bad idea.
“Fine. I--” Adaline gropes for the words. “We need to know. Especially if it’s really all that bad.”
V relaxes slightly; lowers his hands, looks at her with something like compassion. He’s just a boy, she reminds herself again; look at him, this boy with his tattoos and his postmodern goth aesthetic, with his cane and his book and something demonic carved into his skin, something he might not even know of or understand. Bound up in a world of trouble beyond his capabilities. Even if that trouble is to do with whatever attacked Adaline’s son, V did not break into Devil May Cry and tear Nero’s arm off.
Those eyes, though. There’s something about him; something she can almost touch, almost taste. Something she feels like a bigger idiot every moment for missing.
“Had I the choice, I would not bring trouble to your door,” he says. His voice is low, genuine; Adaline finds she believes him. Or, at least, believes that he believes it.
She sighs. Exhaustion is settling into every muscle after two days of adrenaline-fuelled anxiety. The wine was definitely a mistake.
“We should probably head inside. They ought to be finished squabbling over money by now.”
V glances at the door; what he sees must confirm her suspicion, because he nods. He shoots her a quick smile and bows: it’s over-exaggerated, a dancer’s flourish; head down as far as his waist, arms outstretched, his cane flicking towards the door.
“Ladies first.”
It’s a charming display, but Adaline isn’t in the mood to be charmed. Especially not when charm so often disguises an intent to hurt. Again, that impulse against all good sense to turn the boy away and batten down the hatches with Dante and Nero. Her brain is running through all of the possibilities, even the most outlandish ones.
Okay, Mundus is dead (or as close as they’re going to get to killing him) and his corpse is slowly rotting in agony, but what if some other demon lord got the same idea? Mundus sent an underling to tempt Dante into danger once before, why fix what isn’t broken?
If that’s the case, whoever has taken Mundus’s place has even learned not to rely on painted doll replicas (and what if that’s why V seems so familiar? Something old, something new, something borrowed, something… green).
V looks up with a smile but his face falls when he sees Adaline still looks decidedly unamused.
“Let’s hear what you have to say,” she says, leading the way into Devil May Cry.
Dante looks expectant, almost excited; Morrison looks satisfied. Those two states don’t normally coincide. Adaline wonders how much money is involved here, and where it’s coming from. V doesn’t exactly give the impression he’s swimming in cash. Then again, this is Dante: he gripes about money from time to time but he’d work for free if the pizza place didn’t demand payment. Adaline happily funds him but he has a few shreds of chest-beating masculine pride about paying his own way that surface now and again.
Adaline circles around the desk to set her glass down on it, briefly makes eye contact with Dante, and leans against the wall behind him. She nods to Morrison as he leaves with a few final words about bringing in Lady and Trish and sets herself to watch. Now that she’s taken her own measure of their newest client, she’s interested to see what Dante makes of him.
Not much at first. Dante leans back in his chair, posturing boredom with the merest glimmer of interest.
“So,” he begins without preamble, “What’s your name?”
V stands in the centre of the office, the book open in his hand and his gaze pointed down at its contents.
“‘I have no name; I am but two days old’,” he says. In the ensuing pause, he snaps the book shut and looks up. “Just kidding. You can call me V.”
Adaline isn’t looking anywhere in particular. It is pure chance when her eyes fall on Eva’s photograph. It’s been on the desk as long as the desk has been in Devil May Cry, and Adaline stopped really seeing it years ago. She knows Eva is there, watching them (watching over them?) but familiarity breeds indifference to the contours of her cheeks and the exact curve of her jawline.
Or the colour of her eyes.
V is watching her when she looks up again; he’s quite still, but his grip on his cane is white-knuckled. His eyes are wide. Helpful: it lets her check the colour again.
Adaline remains impassive to the best of her ability. After a moment, during which she sees V’s Adam's apple bob frantically in his throat, he becomes impassive too; he looks away, deliberately turning his attention back to Dante.
For Dante’s part, if he’s noticed the brief, silent struggle, he gives no indication of it. Humming, he lazily sets aside his magazine and stretches.
“Okay, V... Why don't you tell me everything about this job?”
There’s a slight pause before V answers. He gives a little shrug, his lips pursed, as if to… well, Adaline isn’t quite sure, but his nonchalance strikes her as over-acted. In fact, if he is bringing them information about a job big enough that Morrison is nervous about Dante going it alone, isn’t ‘nonchalance’ the last thing in the world V should be feeling?
“A powerful demon is about to resurrect and…” Again, the briefest of pauses, as if the explanation is so obvious that V can barely bring himself to voice it, “We need your help, Dante.”
Dante lets out a bark of laughter. Either he’s giving an Oscar-worthy performance (and people rarely realise it, but Dante is a good actor when he wants to be; the man practically has a degree in misdirection) or he’s not picking up on any of the inconsistencies and questions Ada is. In stark contrast to her own anxiety, Dante is languid and lackadaisical. He pushes himself out of his chair and strolls over to the couch, still chuckling.
“Now that’s a familiar tune,” he quips. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve heard that exact line before?”
V doesn’t look offended by being blown off so easily. He shifts slightly, grip on his cane visibly tightening. Despite her suspicions, Adaline has an impulse to offer him a chair; he looks genuinely in pain. Before she can, however, he walks towards Dante, intent.
“This is… special.”
“Special,” Dante echoes disbelievingly, a hint of amusement colouring his tone. “Okay, what’s so special about this one?”
It’s about this moment that Adaline realises V has almost completely turned his back on her and she can no longer see his face.
“This demon is your… reason. Your reason for fighting.”
Something shifts in Dante’s expression. He doesn’t enjoy being jerked around and doesn’t suffer fools, but he’s enduring V’s dancing with more patience than Adaline would have expected. Is he finally realising, as she has, that there’s more to this than meets the eye? Or did Morrison just flash more money in his face than usual? Adaline can’t think. His reason for fighting? His reason… your reason--
I have no name; I am but two days old. How -- poetic.
Poetry. Murmured half-under his breath; the one indulgence in an otherwise spartan life; the book she had picked out for him, unearthed in a second-hand store--
“This demon got a name?”
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sylaurin · 2 months
Kabniel Shinespark - Stats and Facts
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Name: Kabniel Shinespark
Nicknames: Kab, Sparks
Age: 22 as of the beginning of Dawntrail
Nameday: 7th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Race: Hyur Midlander
Gender: Female (mtf trans)
Orientation: Pansexual/polyamorous
Profession: Adventurer, small business owner
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: Black with orange highlights, kept long but worn up in braids/tails
Eyes: Green
Skin: tan
Tattoos/scars: none(yet)
Parents: Bio parents are Kestrel (mother, alias) and [father undeveloped as of yet] who were part of a Garlean spy network in Ala Mhigo prio to the invasion but fled to Eorzea after becoming pregnant but we captured by XIVth legion recon teams shortly after the twins were born (ultimate fate unknown). Adoptive parents are Defiant Oak (dad) and Silver Allium (mom) a Roegadyn couple that took her in after her "grandfather" died.
Siblings: she has a twin brother (that I haven't named yet), separated as babies in the incident that took their parents. They've met each other in their adventures but have no clue they're related.
Grandparents: Rennir a hyur highlander Monk that found baby Kabniel in a wrecked chocobo cart
In-laws and Other: the Leveilleur family from her bond with Alisaie (which includes Thancred in this AU) and the Dotharl tribe (which includes the WoL Kal’istae Miurani) through her bond with Sadu
Pets: None
Abilities: Highly skilled martial artist, knows a little bit about magitek (enough to keep her bike on the road without having to rely on the Iron Works overmuch), learned to make various drinks (hard and soft) while working in Costa Del Sol.
Hobbies: Training, competitive fighting, traveling, mischief
Most Positive Trait: Determination, nothing short of hydaelyn herself can stop Kabniel once she is on her path.
Most Negative Trait: Rowdy, loud and proud. She's often rude and indelicate.
Colors: Orange, red, pink, gold, blue, purple
Smells: the ocean, mountain air, rain, sweat, citrus
Textures: Silk, smooth wood, smooth stone, soft petals, cold water
Drinks: Hot and Iced tea, water, sweet red wine, hot chocolate, mixed drinks
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Never
Drinks: socially on occasion
Drugs: Never
Mount Issuance: She generally didn't have the time or resources to own and maintain a chocobo of her own so she typically walked or rented a bird if she needed to move fast. Eventually though she managed to scrape up enough to commission Nero to build her her motorcycle.
Been Arrested: Yes
Tagged by @paintedscales
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half-oz-eddie · 5 months
My OC! Nero Castiel Ramsay
TW for graphic depictions of violence, death, mass murder, suicidal thoughts (and angst!)
For context, the military has seized control of his country, killing, weaponizing and experimenting on people with abilities. After causing a horrific accident with his fire ability, he eventually meets a girl who went AWOL from the military, who took her away from her father as a child so they could use her as a weapon. The two team up to find out where their abilities came from and what the government has planned.
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His full backstory is below the cut!
"My story? Well..." My name is Nero Castiel Ramsay. I’m 25 years old. I was born July 26th in Shrill City General Hospital. 
When I was born, I nearly blinded the midwife. They had to wrap my hands in foil gloves and give me cold baths. My temperature was nearly 200 degrees. 
My mother said the pregnancy was difficult. She always had hot flashes and indigestion, but at least labor and delivery was easy, right? 
When I was brought to NICU-II, my father had my files deleted and destroyed, which is an easy task when you're the hospital director.
None of the nurses really wanted to take care of me, let alone touch me, except Evander. It was a blessing to have an older brother that was a nurse. 
It was a blessing to have siblings that loved me the way they did...
When I was brought home, my family wasn’t nearly as ready as they thought they were. 
I was burning through mattresses in my sleep for the first 2 years of my life, until the fire was a bit more under control. It wasn’t as explosive anymore. 
For awhile, my family thought maybe...it went away. Until I would throw a tantrum and set my high chair ablaze. 
I was only a toddler, and yet, I still remember the horrified look on my mother’s face. 
After that, she was always dumping me on my father and my siblings. I hardly saw much of her. She’d peek into my room, say good morning or good night, and keep walking past.
Physical contact was never really happening before anyway. Vega used to put foil around her hands and arms to give me hugs or head pats, but I was a really unstable kid. 
I was constantly uneasy and had anxiety. If I was really upset, I’d burn through the foil too.
Vega was covered in burns from always trying to interact with me. She’d hold my hand when I was scared, until her hand was blistered. 
When I got a bit older, I convinced her to stop coddling me and just help me become stronger. 
She was 12 when I was 7, so she was teaching me whatever she was learning in school. My mother hardly did any homeschooling with me. I’m surprised I’m not stupid. 
Vega studied a lot of pyrotechnics. She told me to try lotion on my hands and body to keep it slick so I wouldn’t set anything on fire. The lotion worked a bit, but then my hands were still too warm to touch. 
So then, we tried gloves. I’d burn through them within a week or so, and then need replacements. 
Then...finally...we tried both. Vega kept a “burn chart” for me. And as long as I kept my hands lotioned every 3 hours and kept my gloves on, I was able to manage for an entire month without setting a single thing on fire. 
My body was still too warm, though. I tried going outside on the front porch, instead of just staying in the yard like always. 
I saw a baby, and I ran inside and had a panic attack. 
I imagined accidentally setting the baby on fire and I lost it. 
“I’m too dangerous.” I cried. 
Vega held me and tried her best to calm me down. She held and squeezed until it was too warm, too hot, burning. I burned her clothes onto her body. She was in so much pain. 
Luckily it wasn’t as bad as i thought it was. Mom, being a retired nurse herself, was able to tend to her wounds. 
“I told you, don’t touch Nero. I’m tired of seeing you covered in burns. What if he burns your face next? People will start asking questions!”
“I don’t care about questions! I care about my little brother. He’s 13 years old, and he has no friends. You won’t even let him go to church!”
“If I take him to church, everyone will just think he’s the devil.” My mother snapped. 
I overheard everything from the doorway. I ran out into the yard and climbed the big oak tree. It was at least 20 feet tall. 
I looked up at the moon, then down at the grass. I was getting ready to jump from the highest branch and kill myself. 
I heard Evander slide the back door open. “Nero, you out here? You want some pizza? I’m buying...Nero? Yo!”
I didn’t reply. I wanted him to go away so I could finally die. 
“Please don’t look up, Please don’t look up.” I told myself. 
He took out his phone, turned on the flashlight, and looked up.
“Hey, get down! That’s dangerous.”
“I know. I was...just trying to get a view of the city.��� I came up with a quick lie. 
“I told you, if you’re willing to take some pills, I’ll drive you around. Your fire seems to be triggered by your anxiety. And since we can’t take you to the doctors, I’ll get you a script for something.”
“I...I don’t know if that’ll work. I don’t know if anything will work...”
“Wait...are you trying to kill yourself?”
“No, it's just..I um...”
“Idiot. I’m coming up.”
Evander scaled the tree like a superhero and sat next to me. 
“This is really high up, Nero. You actually can see the city from here.”
I shrugged. “I’m not supposed to be alive. What if I really am the devil like mom said?”
“She said that?!”
I answered with an embarrassed nod.
“Nero. I’m so sorry, kid. I know that hurts, but I think you were born this way for a reason. You have to discover that reason. You won’t get answers from death.”
“You can get pizza though, and extra cheese if you get down.”
My brother always knew what to say. 
I decided to keep on living, and keep trying to be better. 
Vega convinced me to try finger painting to calm myself. 
I spent a lot of time in the backyard painting, imagining what the rest of the world was like. 
My father started taking some of my paintings around and sold them. He put money in a trust fund for me, so one day I could have a life of my own. 
Lots of people around the city wanted to meet me, but my father would lie and say I had a very serious autoimmune disease and couldn’t be around others. 
Really...I was the disease. 
“As the years had gone by, I was trying to get better, but I was just fucking up everyone’s life, honestly.”
“It wasn’t your fault.” His friend said comfortingly. 
“To me it was...”
Vega had declined a full ride scholarship to the top university in the country because she didn’t want to leave me. 
Evander was putting his life on hold. He was working per diem hours making below his salary because he considered me a priority. 
My mother just seemed pale and miserable. Our relationship was strained for such a long time, until I turned 17. 
I found it helpful to intentionally let out a little fire every once in awhile. I’d burn wood in the fire pit, and then started finger painting with soot. 
One day, my mom asked me to paint her. When I was finished, she smiled, then pulled a piece of foil out of her pocket, placed it on my forehead and kissed me over the foil. 
I cried a bit, after she took the canvas inside. Then, it started raining. I’ll never forget that day. It was one of the few good days of my life. 
I felt like things were going to start getting better.
I started going out front again. The neighbors wouldn’t stand too close, since they thought I was so susceptible to germs. But, they’d say hello. They were kind. 
I started painting out front. About a week in to my porch painting, I noticed a new family was moving into the house across the street. 
It was an older looking couple, older than my parents, a son around Vega’s age and a daughter around my age. 
God...she was beautiful. Short with long hair, a cute voice, even cuter laugh, warm green eyes. I wanted to...
“Fuck her?” His friend interrupted. 
Nero narrowed his eyes. “Paint her. I wanted to...paint her...and I did. A lot.”
When she made eye contact with me as she headed into their new house, I felt my heart skip a beat. 
Later that day, my family was heading over to do their neighborly welcoming committee bullshit...and of course, I stayed behind. 
I was staring at that girl through the window. 
“Want me to ask her name for you?” Vega said, startling me. 
“What? Are you fuckin crazy? I can’t talk to no girl.”
“Sure you can. You haven’t hurt me any more than I’ve let you. You can at least make a friend.”
I watched my family head over with a casserole and the father welcomed them into the house. 
They were in there for hours. I guess they were really nice. 
Later that evening, Vega came rushing into the house first. I was sitting at the table eating the food my mother cooked.
“Her name is Corinne. She asked about you. She wanted to know about ‘the boy whose eyes look like sunlight that was sitting on the porch.’ So I told her a million great things about you.” She smiled at me. 
I felt like I was going to be sick.
“Oooh you’re blushing!” She gushed. “So her name is Corinne Baker. She’s your age. She wants to be a veterinarian, she likes to sing, she was a Girl Scout, and her family moved here from Senkil because her father got some fancy schmancy corporate job offer.”
“She uh...sounds nice.”
“Her whole family is really nice. The brother seems pretty shifty, though. Call it my gut.”
I shrugged off what Vega was talking about. I knew getting close to anybody was a terrible idea. 
The next day, I was back to my front yard painting, when Corinne came outside. I tried to stay hyper focused on my newest piece, but I noticed out the corner of my eye, she was coming closer. 
“Hello!” She called out from the driveway. “I’m Corinne. You’re Nero, right?”
“Uh...yeah. Nice to...meet you.” I hoped she wouldn’t come closer.
She didn’t. She’d come back everyday, stand in the driveway, and ask about my paintings. We’d exchange idle small talk. She’d tell me about something funny at school, or her homework. I liked seeing her every afternoon after school, and in the mid-morning on weekends. 
One day, she decided to ask vague questions about my health. 
“I’m not contagious, you know. Is that why you stand so far away?”
“N-no! I didn’t think that...I just...was worried I could get you sick. I-I go to school a-and I-I—“
I laughed. “I’m just messing with you.” 
I started getting comfortable with her.
“You can come a little bit closer. You know. So you can see what I’m painting.”
She slowly ascended the steps, and stayed a few feet away from me. My heart was fluttering. 
“It smells like smoke.”
“I paint with soot, that’s why.” 
I smelled like soot, and she smelled like flowers. We were like life and death. 
One day, she came by during a thunderstorm. I wasn’t expecting to see her. I wasn’t even painting that day. I just liked rain. It was the only time I could be comfortable outside. 
“Why’d you come today? It’s pouring!”
“I come see you everyday!”
I sat in the grass, and she plopped down near me. 
“You’re gonna get dirty. You’re...too pretty to be covered in dirt.”
“I love the rain.”
“Me too.”
We sat a few feet apart, and she revealed something really personal to me.
“Really? What’d she say?”
“I’m omitting that part.”
“What?! Why?”
“I’d never tell another woman’s business. What kinda man do you think I am? Anyway...”
I asked her if I could paint her. I worked on it for months. I never let her peek, no matter how many times she came back. 
I finished it toward the end of the school year.
“It's so, so beautiful! Can I take it with me? To college, I mean.”
“Oh...you’re going away to college?”
“Yeah, but I’ll come home for breaks. And we can video chat. Do you...have a phone?”
“Please get one!” She begged with her eyes sparkling. 
I knew damn well I couldn’t have a phone. It would fucking explode in my hand. 
But, of course, Vega had a plan.
“Here.” She said as she plopped a tablet onto my nightstand. “You can video call with Corinne. And it’s voice activated, so you don’t have to worry about blowing the shit to bits.”
“Um...thank you.”
Once Corinne was at university, she’d video call me all the time. 
To tell you the truth, I found it weird. I didn’t understand why she wanted to talk to me so much. She told her friends about me and everything. I guess it didn’t really occur to me that she liked me too. 
Over the years, she’d gotten a few inches closer to me whenever we sat together on the porch. 
I was getting older and controlling my fire much better than before. 
I was able to hug my sister and only feel a little warm. I couldn’t stop the fire from coming out of my hands, though. So I had to keep up my lotion and glove regimen. 
Fast forward to two years ago...
I was going out more often. I had even gotten a job at the mall kiosk. 
My boss was a good friend of my dad’s. So he told him I needed these bathroom breaks every 3 hours because of my condition. It worked. I was able to lotion my hands during my breaks and keep interacting with the customers.
Life was fantastic for once. 
6 months in to my job and nearly normal life, Corinne had moved back home for good. She was a college graduate and a veterinarian. 
“So, you seem to be doing better now. Can I...have a hug yet?”
I didn’t want to lose her. 
“Let’s...work up to that.”
She sat inches away from me. “Fair enough.”
We went to parks and beaches together all the time. One day, we went to a restaurant. 
“Is this a...date?”
“I...think so? I do like you. B-but it doesn’t have to be a date.”
“I want it to be a date.”
I liked Corinne so much, but I was so scared. What if I had to tell her about my abilities one day?
I walked her to her door, and said goodnight. 
“Nero! I don’t get a hug at least?”
“Uh...well. I’m really old fashioned. I don’t want to make any physical contact too soon. It uh...gives us time to work on the bond.”
She looked at me like I was a dumbass, but she went along with it...
For about 2 weeks.
One night, she video called me. 
“Nero. I have feelings for you. Deep feelings. I want to hold hands and kiss you. I know maybe you’re worried about your illness, but I promise I’m healthy, and your parents say you’ve gotten better. You haven’t been sick at all lately, right?”
“Uh...well I ha—“
“So, tomorrow! After you get off work. Meet me at the park across the street from the mall. I want to kiss you.”
“Nero! We’re not kids anymore. I have needs too.”
“Yeah, like closeness. Physical touch...maybe...more?”
When she said more, I got nervous. The last time I thought about sex, I set my bed on fire—again. I tried to stay focused.
“Uh...okay. Let’s meet tomorrow.”
The next day, I went to work, nervous and uneasy. I didn’t know what would happen if I kissed her. 
To make my day even more stressful, my boss’s son was filling in for him. He wasn’t as understanding about my breaks. I asked to take my first one, and he groaned about how much I was needed since we were 1 person short. 
I was feeling the warmth underneath my gloves, between that and the thought of kissing Corinne, or seeing her naked...I felt nauseous. I wanted to touch her, but I didn’t want to hurt her.
I asked for my second break. Still a no. 
Now I was getting scared. I felt it coming. I knew if I set that kiosk on fire I was gonna GET fired. And have to lock myself in my house again. 
I asked for my third break...I fucking implored. 
“Please wait 20 more minutes Nero? Regular break time is around then. I really need you out here.”
I couldn’t think straight.
My gloves were getting hot.
I was supposed to kiss Corinne today.
My gloves were hot.
Corinne’s lips. 
I waited 10 more minutes, then asked if I could go home early. 
“Seriously, Nero? Just wait 10 damn minutes. I promise you can take an hour break, okay?”
My face was covered in sweat. The thoughts swarmed back again. The customers came in droves. My hands were shaking and I was breathing heavily. 
I tried to calm myself with happy thoughts of painting once my shift was over. Then, I started thinking of excuses to not kiss Corinne, and the customers were crowding and making so much noise, and my gloves were starting to burn.
Suddenly, I lost control. Flames flew from both of my hands and body at an unbelievable degree, charring through people and stores. I heard agonizing screams and saw people turning to ash, begging for mercy as their skin melted from them within moments. 
I heard brief shrieks as the flame ate away at them. 
I was horrified as I watched everything burn. It felt like hours but...it was probably 2 or 3 minutes. And for some disgusting reason, I was the only survivor. 
I ran like hell from the rubble...and kept running, and running...and running. I had no intention of seeing my family, or Corinne ever again.
I knew my family would resent me, and I knew I was too much of a monster for Corinne. I hid in an alley for 2 days until there was a thunderstorm. That was my sign that it was time to say goodbye forever.
“Then, I met Yuka in the Obsidian Forest and killed more people, this time soldiers, and this time on purpose. Then...wound up here.” Nero shrugged. “Your turn.”
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kanrojicannoli · 1 year
—{🍓} Kanrojicannoli's drabble asks
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rules: anyone can request as due to the fact my blog is made solely for drabbles and asks, request for only the characters i have listed, you can request anything including something not on here, up to five prompts as well
who i write for:
DEMON SLAYER: tanjiro kamado, nezuko kamado, mitsuri kanroji, giyu tomioka, obanai iguro, tengen uzui (wives too but specify if all for or just tengen or one of the wives specifically), muichiro tokito, kyojuro rengoku, muan kibutsuji, daki, doma
JOJOS BIZARRE ADVENTURE: jotaro kujo (specify what part, 3, 4, or 6), dio brando, ceaser zeppeli, rohan kishibe, tomoko higashikata, giorno giovanna, bruno bucciarati, leone abbacchio, narancia ghirga, pannacotta fugo, risotto nero, prosciutto, melone, trish una, vinegar doppio, diavolo, diego brando, gyro zeppeli, kars
examples: "1 + 4 + 45 for douma of kny"
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“darling, you and i both know that this game of cat and mouse between us will end in blood”
“stop it ___ can’t know that we’re together and you know it”
“only a monster can love another monster”
“i’m starting to think that you don’t hate me as much as you say so”
“i may be a demon, but you’re delusional and naive”
“find a way to want a relationship, because i will love you unconditionally or knock your ass unconscious, your choice”
“loving me is a death sentence, but yet you still do it”
“and yet your mom still knows my name”
“you’re to innocent to associate with me”
“i’m stupid? and yet you’re the one who got us in this shit asshole”
“shut your mouth or else you want us to get caught don’t you?”
“youre giving me a headache with your nagging”
“it’s safer to hate you, but for some weird reason i don’t”
“check, check, check, and mother fucking mate”
“don’t make me say it again”
“youre so fucking stupid, why?”
“if you don’t like me why’d you marry me then”
“i’m an idiot? and yet you stay with me after every fucking time, and i’m an idiot”
“i have yet to do anything fucking toxic and here i am being painted as the bad guy”
“how would your father feel if he knew you were here with me”
“that’s kinda hot not gonna lie”
“shut the fuck up before i do something i’ll regret”
“don’t worry baby i got you”
“oh so we’re not seeing eye to eye? how about i stab you in them so you don’t see shit”
“it’s not that i don’t love you, i just love you too much”
“you’re too much for my heart, but i dont care anymore”
“i’ll protect you and you know this”
“you’ve always been mine don’t play dumb”
“close it or else ill kill you”
“take that back or else i’m walking out right now”
“im not going to hurt you”
“i don’t believe that because you have hurt me”
“i can’t believe you”
“talk correctly to me or im gonna cut your head off”
“i can’t stand the way you act like you don’t own my heart”
“everything is you, you know that right?”
“can we talk? i fucked up”
“can you let me love you”
“i hate you so much, i want you dead but i can’t kill you”
“why do you keep coming back when i’ll hurt you”
“you’re like poison you know that? bad for me but okay if you have the antidote”
“i’ll eat your heart if it beats for someone else”
“if i’m seen talking to you i could get executed you know”
“i’d rather die 1000 deaths than never know you in any of those lives”
“hell is hot, but so am i”
“did you take the last bit of _____? i’m going to kill you”
“it’s not working out, but it’s okay because nothing does and you’re mine regardless”
“youve changed, i still want you dead nonetheless ”
“so are you just gonna act like we never had something because i cant”
“fuck me? you wish now shut up and listen to me before i get upset”
"Till death do us part? I will never die love, youre not leaving"
"If you love me you'll die for me"
"Look at another guy/girl like that again and im ripping your eyes out"
"Lets not fight my dear, we both know i would prefer to keep you in good condition"
"You can either love me or lose me damn it"
“you say you love me but yet, you’re not mine”
“i love you” “then leave him”
“does your wife know you’re here, with me?”
“if i hurt you again kill me” “already planned too”
“i love you and that rock on your finger proves it”
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exoticraven · 1 year
{Vergil x reader} I will always be there...
|I have this idea swimming in my head for Vergil from DMC all day and thought heck why not write it. Also if you are new to fanfiction we sometimes said fuck cannon and rewrite the story. I may not be very good but Tumblr tells me to go for it and if it fails just try again|
{The idea is like Lucrecia mixed with Steven's universe mom. Where She is still alive but in another person}
[I do write in a female pov I am sorry but feel free to change the Pronouns for your liking. I do use a name for my writing it just helps me be I will have a (y/n) beside it so you can change the name to whatever you like Of course, I don't own any of these characters that I am about to write about/with. This is my first attempt at writing for Vergil hope it turns out ok]
The night was cold and wet but there was a strange calmness to it. A woman rocked herself back and forth in a rocking chair rubbing her belly smiling but behind the smile was sadness. She know when her son was born that she could not be with him. All the book on witchcraft was no help either. She wanted to see her son grow up but knew that this form of her couldn't she had to find a way to somehow become someone else but how?
-----Time skip-----
Nero walked around the destroyed town thinking no one was alive when he hear a sheep cry for help then a loud scream of anger or frustration he couldn't tell. He did however could tell where it was coming from of course he had to check it out. He ran as fast as he could to see humans fighting multiple demons while one was hiding behind a broken wall. He Jumped down to help. With Nero's help, they made quick work of the demons. He approached one of the females that seem to be the leader of this little group.
"Is everyone okay?" Nero ask looking around for anyone that was injured.
"Nope I think we're all good" The female helped up on her fellow group members "Whatcha name kid?" She asked Nero
"Nero and yours?" He questions
"I'm Serah, that is Alistro" Points to a guy with a red ponytail, "Abby and her brother Tera their mother thought she was having twin girls" Serah points to a guy with short cut hair that was jet black helping up Abby his sister which he couldn't tell if it was abby or tera. "and that" She looks around "guys where (y/n) Raven?" Serah was looking around for this said, person.
"I'm here" (y/n) Raven said coming out from the broken wall. "exactly where you left me (your pn)" (y/n) Raven Said sheeple.
Serah walks over to (your pn) them and hugs them tightly "This is my baby (sister/brother/PN) (y/n) Raven. I don't know what so special about her that makes every demon drawn to her"
"Maybe she (Your PN) is an Angel!!" Alastor said happily
"Maybe or maybe She (your Pn) is something else?" Tera question
"Whatever she (Your PN) is she still my baby sis nothing going to change that" Serah smiled at (y/n) Raven.
Nero looks at (y/n) Raven seeing a scared girl. (y/n) Raven was playing with her hair timidly not really saying a word to anyone.
"she (Y/PN) is naturally shy so when she (Y/PN) does talk we all try to be supportive and not downing her (Y/PN)" She said looking over at another person in the group Nero has not met yet.
"why are you looking at me for?" he said while cleaning his blade
"That Zack or Zachariah he goes by Zack cause he hates Zachariah" Serah chuckles
"Why do you have to do me like that?" Zack asks frowning at Serah
"Because if you had not put (y/n) Raven down then we all would have been comfortable in a bed by now but no Zack knows everything" Serah scold Zack
"Okay fair that was my bad for losing my temper and taking it out on (y/n) Raven but she should not have run off!" Zack rise his voice almost yelling at Serah which made (y/n) Raven cover her ears Shaking. (y/n) Raven close (y/Pn) she closed her eyes and was taking deep breaths. She (y/Pn) tried to calm herself down.
Serah stop arguing with Zack knowing it was not going anywhere. "we have to move it getting dark and you know how the temperature downs around here" She said holding (y/n) Raven close to her.
Nero agreed and followed them to their hideout. Tera and Abby went to their shared room and stay in there for the rest of the night. Zack headed to the room that he shared with Alastor who just so happens to be brothers Alastor is older by a day. Serah got some food for her, Nero, and (y/n) Raven to eat. While they ate Serah pulled out a syringe filled with a blueish liquid. She injected it into (y/n) Raven's arm which made Raven's (y/n) eyes grow for a short second and then stopped. After they ate Serah lay(y/n) down for bed and tugged her in. Raven (y/n) went right to sleep before Serah could even leave the room. Serah walk out to Nero who was confused about what just happened with the liquid and Raven (y/n).
"you have a question and I have answers," Serah said sitting down grabbing a beer.
"Why did you inject that liquid into her and why did her eyes glow for a short second" Nero questioned
"Well me and the rest of the people here are lab rats. Doctors had their "agents" come and kidnap us from our homes which were orphanages and great places for lab rats cause no one would come looking for them. I and (y/n) Raven were sisters even then people picked on her for no reason she stay to herself and didn't bother anyone. I watched her once play fairy princess once all by herself. She was even now so pure for this fucked up world we lived in that is why I started standing up for her. She needs someone who always had her back. I and (y/n) Raven were walking back to the orphanage cause it was our turn to go buy candy and toys with the money we saved up for doing our chores in the orphanage. That is when they grab us. They separated us it was torture. I could hear (y/n) Raven's screams from where I was in that building. They fucked her up the worst I don't know what they did but it fucked her up. We were 18 when we all escape that lab. but we all were changed for the worst or for the better I don't know but we promised each other we would stay together no matter what. only us lab rats know how to put each other down" Serah said finally taking a sip of her beer.
Nero's mouth hangs open in shock at the story. He did not know what to say. What could you say to a story like that? Nero hears the pitter-patter of bare feet on the tile floor. He looks up to see (y/n) Raven in the doorway of the hallway.
"(y/n) I thought you were asleep already," Serah said confused
(Y/N) Raven walks past Serah and sits in front of Nero. Her eyes widen in awe. "It's...actually you," She said in a somewhat whisper.
Nero was taken aback by the comment and the way her voice sounded. It was (y/n) Raven but wasn't. There was another voice behind (y/n) Raven's voice. She touches his cheek and smiles. "It's really you" Tears fall down her cheek. Somehow (y/n) Raven's touch did not feel like her own. Nero was stunned by (y/n) Raven's actions. "right I look different, sound different and you've never seen me except when you were a little baby" (y/n) Raven said happily
"Who are you and what did u do to my sister?" Serah asks angrily
"She fine Serah she is asleep in a safe place for the time being. My name is not important." The "ghost" that harbors (Y/n) Raven's body Smiles. "My little boy is all grown up into a man now"
"Wait are you saying your my mother!?" Nero asks almost shouting
"yes, I had to...well fall into a deep slumber for you to live on but I found a way to be here to see you and watch you from far away" The "ghost," Said with sadness "I wanted to be there and help you grow up but my physical form could not bear it."
"wait then how are you-" Before Serah finishes her sentence the "ghost" hold up a finger to shush Serah.
"When (y/n) Raven was in that lab she was close to death. She was calling for help. The poor child was scared alone and was about to die so I stepped in to keep her safe. That is why she started to be the scientist's favorite" The "ghost" said
The "ghost" touched Nero's cheek smiling "I am sorry I left you alone in this cruel world" With those words (y/n) Raven's body fell right in Nero's arms. Of course, Nero caught (y/n) Raven's body so it did not hit the floor. (y/n) Raven's eyes flutter open and she leans up looking around. "wasn't I in bed?" She questions
"Yeah well umm see here the thing I think you got possessed by Nero's mother," Serah said with confusion trying to figure out what just happen.
" Um yeah, do u remember anything before you came out here?" Nero asks (y/n) Raven
"I just remember the nightmare that I had which is the same one every night. I was back at the hospital or Alsyum whatever you want to call that place." (y/n) Raven said while thinking
They all seat there in awkward silence for a bit. All three of them processed what happened. Not one could figure out why Nero's mother want to come to him now of all times. All three of them just went straight to bed without another word. (y/n) Raven was the one that could not fall asleep something was bothering her. She felt like she is not alone in her own body. She felt like someone was watching her using her own two eyes. She was scared of her own being. She had to figure out what going on with her. Why Serah and Nero said that Nero's mother came to him through Raven. The only person Raven knew to go find an answer or at least start asking questions was a Gypsy woman known as Alamina Pettigrove. So Raven pack a supply bag and some weapons and set off on her journey. Raven was scared of what answer she would find but was ready to face it.
Serah woke up before everyone else. She usually was the one to wake up first to get breakfast started for everyone in the household. She did not wake Raven due to she wanted her little sister to get some sleep. She walk into the kitchen and made coffee. While that brew she started getting out the tools and food she needed for breakfast. The smell of brewed coffee started waking Serah up a bit which help with getting breakfast done. The first one to wake was Zack then Nero. They sat at the table and talked while Serah was making the food. Nero told Zack about what happened last night with Raven. Which confused Zack too. Abby and Tera came into the kitchen and sat with the other two. They got filled in on what happened last night as well. Alastor came in right before they started talking about last night. Serah set out the food and pour everyone a cup of coffee and took her seat. Serah made her plate then made Raven's plate. She yelled for Raven to come to get breakfast which usually woke her up When Raven did not appear after a few seconds or even the second time Serah yell for her, that was when Serah's stomach flipped. She got up and went into their shared room. She turn on the light and went to Raven's bed which looked like Raven was in bed but when the cover where pulled back to reveal a pillow in place of Raven she knew something was up. She ran back to the Kitchen where everyone was.
"Raven is missing," Serah said
"Are you sure she didn't sneak into Alastor's bed and got comfortable with him" Zack Joked
"I am sure Zack!" Serah said angrily giving him the death stare.
"oh, your serious she actually missing?" Tera said in shock"She could be in her usual hiding-" Serah cut off Tera "I am sure you know she would not use a pillow to hide the fact she is not in bed when she goes there"
"I have a bad feeling about this let's get ready and head out maybe stop by those gypsy sisters. They might know something or saw her?" Abby said getting up to go get ready.
Everyone but Nero left the kitchen and got ready. Nero made a quick to a friend of his for a ride they could all use so they didn't have to go on foot. Nico arrive shortly after the call Nero place to her.
"Well isn't it my favorite asshole" Nico chuckled seeing Nero come out of the hideout he was in.
"Nice to see you too Nico," Nero said
Serah and her group came out behind Nero. "Meet some new friends of mine Nico. Their leader Serah, The two trouble makers Abby and Tera both twins, Zach also known as Zachariah, and his brother Alastor the jester and the jokers." Nero smiles at the group, Serrah like the introduction Nero gave.
"Can people not use Zachariah please I hate that name" Zack said with a bitter tone
Nero opens the door to the van "Why not it funny when you get mad" Alastor said getting into the van. Zach shakes his has and follows his brother into the Van. Abby got in behind Zach and Tera follow suit. Serah took a deep breath and got into the van. All she thinks about is the bad things that could happen to Raven. Serah grabs her necklace and rubs it. Nero got in the passager seat and they seat off.
--Hours before--
Raven walks up to the Gypsy caravan door. She was about to knock when they open the door. "Welcome Raven we've been expecting you for quite some time now." they chuckle.
Raven gulped "You have?" she question
"Oh yes we know that you question who you are" They smile and move to the side to the side to let her in. She went into the caravan and sat on the plush couch. "Now take a sip from this tea" They gave her a cup of tea which she took sips from. " you have a lot of hidden secrets inside you Raven," They said together.
Raven looks at them confused "What do u mean" She took couple more sips from her tea.
"Well for starters you harbor two souls." They chuckle "One is yours and one is someone else's." They look at each other and then back at Raven. "The two souls are starting to come together to form one being."
Raven finishes her tea and set it on the coffee table. One of the sisters grabbed the cup and look at the leaves. "ooh this is some spicy tea" She chuckled "I wonder what he would think of this dear sister" She show her sister the tea leaves.
Raven's Vision start to become blurry. "what was in that tea?" she question as the room started to spin around her.
"oh nothing special." they smile as they Watch Raven trying to stand up. "but there is a mighty fine dollar on you Raven. So they came to us for help" They smiles. Raven reach for her phone to call for help but one of the sisters snatch it away before she could grab it. Raven fell to the floor.
"You sold me?"Raven said angrily as she started to fade in between consciousness.
"Sold is a harsh word but yes. They must find him so you important" Those were the final words Raven heard before she fell unconscious. Two men came in and carried Raven's body away. A nice well dress came in and handed the sister a suitcase of 100 dollars bills.
"Pleasure doing busy with you ladies," He said as he left. Back into a car with tinted black windows.
-hours later-
The group that trying to find Raven arrives at the gypsy sister caravan. Serah and Nero went to the door and went to knock but like before they open up the door before they could. "well well well isn't it Serah the brave knight of Raven." they said mocking her
"you already know why we are here where is my sister," Serah said pushing past the sister into their caravan.
"you just missed her an hour too late," they said turning towards Serah "She wanted an answer that we could not give her just yet so she went on a self-discovery journey" They gave Serah a piece of paper that was a map of sort on where her sister was going. "that should leave you to her. now go on we have other business to attend to the shud Serah out the door closing it and locking it. Both Nero and Serah went back to the van. Alastor ran up to them "Those sisters lie to you."
"What?" Serah said as they came to the van with Zack holding up Raven's supplies bag and phone. "an older gypsy told us that they were paid off by a good dress man." Zack said piss offed.
There were storms of rage in Serah's eyes. AS she spon on her heels and march back to the sister caravan. Nero was about to go after her but Zack stopped him. "She going to get an answer and will karma come to collect," Zack said as Serah punched open the sister's door yelling at them where her sister was.
-an hour later-
Everyone was in the van in silence. Serah still fuming from the gypsy betrayal. Abby was asleep using her brother's lap. She jerked away yelling out Raven's name. Which startled every in the van almost causing Nico to wreck the van.
"What's wrong Abby" Tera was trying to calm her
"I saw Raven she was being swallowed by the darkness she yell for help but I couldn't reach her," Abby said tears streaming down her cheeks.
Serah was mixed with fear and anger. Scared they weren't going make it to Raven in time. Nico and Nero had to make a stop somewhere. Which added another person to the group. {of course, it would not be a DMC fanfiction without} Dante Sparda's climbing into the back with the group which made Abby fan girl from hell. Serah would have if she wasn't so worried about her sister. They got back to driving filling Dante in on what had been happening. Of course, he shooked every one hand but not Serah she was focused on her sister. Once Dante shook Abby's hand she got a vision. Tera was trying to call his sister back and she came back shocked and breathing heavily. "I saw Raven with someone." That made Serah perk up "he had the same hair color as Dante but he was wearing a blue jacket he was shacking asking where someone was."
"well that sounded like my brother," Dante said thinking.
-time skip to the factory-
Nico slams on the brakes jerking everyone in the van. "There is a huge ass creator with a damage Factory in the middle of it."
Serah looks out the window "Let's get out and have a look around and see what we can find."
Every one climbed out and made it down safely into the creator. Dante and Serah were tasked to look into the damaged factory. "so you really care for your sister?" Dante asks Serah
"When I close my eyes I can still hear her scream my name out for help. I can still see the look of her giving up. I can still see her laying on her floor barely moving. I thought she was dead at times. I promised I would protect her whenever we got out of that hell hole. Thanks to the gypsy sister and my friends we all got out we never looked back since then. We were lab rats that know how to kill each other." Serah said looking around.
That hit Dante hard. He had no words to say to Serah after that. They search in silence for clues that Raven was there. They got to this big room with a platform and four pletal stood around it. Serah went onto the platform and dipped her finger in the blood and tasted it. "It's Raven's blood," she told Dante.
"look someone or something was chained over here" he called to her
They hear a gasp for air coming from under the rumble of the ceiling collapse. They started clearing the rumble way to see a barely alive man under the rumble. They got him out and started patching him up.
"they told me I could," the barely alive man said
"what?" Serah said
"Those gypsies told me I could control the beast that lay in the stars."
"you son" Dante had to stop Serah from killing the man
"The beast was too powerful I lost but she shine the brightness and-" the man died before he could finish.
"he was talking about raven I am sure of it," Serah said
Abby came into the room to fetch Dante and Serah. She stopped right on the platform seeing the story of what happened there. Seeing the death the lies and the star. She came back from the vision and ran to Serah. "Raven was here but the person guy who that Dante said must be his Brother took her with him away from a dead beast that was absorbed by Raven."
"She absorbed the best?!?" Serah said
"Yes she did"
-Raven's pov- She awoke in a strange place her head ache. Her body ached and was sore. She lends up in bed looking around the dimly lit room trying to get her bearings. "awake I see" a familiar voice rings out in the room as she looked for the source. Her eyes fell on a person in the corner of the room. "who are you where am I. How did I-" he hold his hand stepping into the light. "You don't remember anything, Raven?"
"How did u-" Raven was cut off again "Lucrecia does that name ring a bell," he asked. Raven's eyes teared up as she covers her mouth. as she remembered what happened. She and Lucrecia had to become one to destroy the monster of the stars. Meaning Lucrecia was gone. "she was your lover Vergil wasn't she?" Raven looked at the man in front of her. He just shook his head yes. "I am sorry I could not save her I-"
Vergil raises his hand "She not gone she is u"
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cainluvr69 · 7 months
Surely, We Can Make Miracles Chapter 8
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Bradley: Sigh… Fer cryin' out loud.
Snow: I'm so glad you came back, Bradley dear.
Bradley: Can't believe that bastard Nero had pepper on standby. Next time I see him, I'm going give him a patdown.
White: Owen dear, did you find the shop with the torta di cocco?
Owen: Shut up. I'm looking for it. This is weird… I'm pretty sure it was in the bazaar.
Hooded Wizard Shopkeeper: Here, boys. Let me give you a sample. They're magic seafood crackers.
Snow: Wah, are you sure?
White: Yaaaay, thankies!
Owen: What are these.
Snow: Seafood crackers.
White: They're magical snacks. Something interesting might happen when you eat one. Go on, give it a try.
Bradley & Owen: No way.
Snow: Owen dear, they're snacks!
Owen: But they're not sweet, are they? Just eat them yourselves.
Snow: Of course!
White: We shall!
Snow & White: Munch… Delicious~!
Bradley & Owen: …
Bradley: If nothin' happens, then I guess I'll try one.
Owen: Me too.
Bradley & Owen: Munch…
Bradley: Mm. Not too shabby.
Owen: They're crunchy and taste like sea creatures.
Kid That Also Tried Them: Moooom! I can only walk side to side like a craaaab!
That Kid's Mom: Dear, what's wrong?! Our house is this way!
Guy That Also Tried Them: I--I'm so sorry! For some reason my body's only letting me move backwards, like a shrimp!
That Guy's Sister: Big brother, hold on! Where are you going?!
Snow & White: Ohoho! How fun!
Snow: It's a good thing we only pretended to eat them!
Bradley: Wha--?!
White: I wonder when the two of you are going to start showing the effects~?
Owen: I'll kill you…
Borda Island Resident: Oh no! Everyone's acting all weird because of those magic snacks! The wizards in the market are handing out weird magic snacks!
Borda Island Resident: Huh?! The wizards in the market are giving out poisoned snacks?!
Borda Island Resident: Help us! No matter what we do, we can't stop schooling like sardines! Even though we don't want to, we just keep moving together!
Bradley: Tch… You idiots got us caught up in some real bullshit.
Owen: If I just kill everyone here…
Snow: My, what's wrong, you two? You're standing back-to-back.
White: You're like mussels!
Owen: Tch… <Cure Memini>
Snow: Oh, he vanished!
White: And we wanted to play more~!
Snow: …That said, this is certainly quite a mess.
White: While we find these kinds of snacks fun, for humans, this is a strange and frightening experience.
Borda Island Resident: What should I do?! I tried one of those fruits earlier!
Market Wizard: Well now, this is a rare magical fruit. I'll give you a sample, just for today…
Traveler: Stop it, you murderer!
Market Wizard: Wh-what did you just call me?!
Borda Island Resident: Won't anyone save me, a poor little arthropod~?
Hooded Wizard Shopkeeper: … Fufu…
Riquet: Fufu… It's almost our turn.
Mitile: Yeah! I hope they're not sold out yet.
Riquet: If they're sold out, are we not going to get anything?
Rutile: I guess so, if they're completely out of everything.
Riquet: Oh no…! … I pray…that we may buy something…
Torta di Cocco Shopkeeper: We're all sold out of torta di cocco for the day!
Rutile & Mitile & Riquet: …!!
Rutile: Oh no… They did sell out.
Riquet: …How…How could this happen…
Mitile: We already planned to stay the night here, so let's come again tomorrow.
Red-Haired Noblewoman: You boys there.
Riquet: Do you mean us?
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Riquet: (She seems like a kind person… And she's wearing a pretty flower ring.) (I feel like I've seen it before…)
Red-Haired Noblewoman: I'd like to give you this, if you'll accept. I already ate some earlier today.
Riquet: Are you sure?!
Rutile: But, but…
Red-Haired Noblewoman: But you all want to eat it. I'm acquainted with this shop's owner. Everything they make is a masterpiece.
Torta di Cocco Shopkeeper: Thank you so much. Lady Claudia…
Red-Haired Noblewoman: Don't worry. I just felt terribly sorry for them. I'll be sure to come again.
Riquet: (Lady Claudia… Is that this woman's name?) Claudia. Are you sure it's okay for us to take this torta di cocco?
Red-Haired Noblewoman: Yes, of course. I won't complain about it later, I promise.
Riquet: You promise… (I think my mother would be about the same age as this woman.) (I wonder what kind of person she was?)
Red-Haired Noblewoman: Boy?
Riquet: My name is not "boy", it's Riquet. I'm a wizard, so I can't make a promise in return.
Red-Haired Noblewoman: Is that right, Riquet. Well then, it'll be a promise just for me. I'm quite experienced with solo promises, I'll have you know.
Riquet: Solo promises?
Red-Haired Noblewoman: Yes. Like promising you I won't complain, or promising to take care of this memento of my sister… Or promising to only love a single person for the rest of my life.
Riquet: …
Rutile: How lovely… Miss Claudia. Thank you for your kindness. We've been looking forward to eating torta di cocco very much. I'm really, truly grateful.
Claudia: Well, I'm happy to hear that. I hope you enjoy your wonderful sweets. Now then, please excuse me.
Mitile: Thank you!
Riquet: Thank you. (I think that I've made a lot of promises in my own heart, too.) (Because I know that rules, justice, morals, and proper procedures must be followed.) (But I'm still trying to find a solo promise that's just for my own sake…) (And I haven't been able to find one.) (It's like I've fallen into the vast ocean to drown and sink to its deepest depths.) (I imagine this is how that feels.) (My heart is like the ocean.) (There's nothing in it but dark depths.)
Akira: This is so good…!
Rutile & Mitile: It's soooo tasty!
Riquet: This torta di cocco really is wonderful…! I need to express my thanks to Claudia.
We'd neatly split the torta di cocco into even pieces, and now we were eating it, sitting by the seaside. Torta di cocco was something very similar to coconut cake. It was a cake as fluffy as a cloud and packed with lots of coconut, and even its appearance was unique.
Mithra: Well, this is good.
Rutile: Ah, Mithra… If you're only going to have a single bite, don't take such a big one…
Akira: (Honestly, it kind of feels like a waste to give any to someone like Mithra, considering he'll say even charcoal is good…)
Mithra seemed interested in the bits of shredded coconut that were fluttering down. I wonder if it reminded him of the snow in Northern Country. Gulls were calling in the background. I looked up at Mithra, sitting at my side, and his gaze was fixed on the ocean as sweet, powdery snow fell from between his fingers. His lips were pressed together, and his expression was hard to read.
Akira: …Is something wrong, Mithra?
Mithra: Something's here.
Akira: Huh?
I became the target of Mithra's gaze instead. My breath caught in my throat. In the waning light of the sun, he was as beautiful as a painting--a masterpiece had been drawn right next to me.
Mithra: There's something in the ocean.
I looked out to the ocean. I didn't see anything but the calm lapping of waves and seabirds silhouetted against the sky. But then…
Mitile: Ah… Look. Those people walking down the beach…
Mitile pointed his finger towards the edge of the beach.
Under the sky dyed in the warm hues of sunset, where seagulls could spread their wings and soar undisturbed… A strange procession had formed on the shore. At the head of the procession was a man with long, white hair and fluttering blue clothes. I could tell he was a beautiful, elegant person even from a distance. Following behind him were many women in bright, colorful clothing. It was like they were fish with gleaming scales, swimming through the sunset scenery as though it were the middle of the sea. The white-haired man at the front…was wearing a silver bracelet with a large gemstone set in it.
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Rutile: Is that the prince of the fallen kingdom the bard was singing about…?
He raised his head. I had the feeling he looked at me and smiled.
Mithra: …!
Akira: Wah, what's wrong?!
Mithra had suddenly scooped all four of us into his arms. He was protecting not only the Southern brothers he'd sworn to defend, but me and Riquet too, his whole body prepared to respond to anything.
Mithra: Why here…
Akira: D…Do you know him?
Mithra: I do not. However… He is not something that should be on land.
Mithra's voice was somewhat shrill. That startled me, and I stared at the silver-haired man. Mithra feared nothing and no one but the world's strongest wizard, Oz, and yet I'd just felt him shiver. In perfect contrast to Mithra, the silver-haired man wore a honeyed smile as he approached. The gentle evening breeze caught his silver tresses and the blue fabric of his clothing, and they fluttered through the air as if dancing. It was as if he were the sea itself. His eyes were a silver so pure they seemed almost transparent. It was a bit frightening.
???: Hwylryn.
Akira: Huh…?
But he did not repeat whatever he'd just said. Yet, somehow, I knew that had to be his name.
Mithra: …If you get any closer, I'll kill you.
At some point, Mithra had pulled out his magic focus, his crystal skull. The Southern brothers and Riquet both drew back, pressing against Mithra, his current state putting them on edge. The silver-haired young man…who was probably Hwylryn simply smiled. It was a friendly but mischievous expression.
Hwylryn: Be at ease, wizard of the North. I'm here to negotiate. What's your name?
Akira: Um…Akira.
Mithra: Master Sage!
Akira: Sh…should I not have told him?!
Hwylryn: Ahh, the Sage. So you're the Sage? Hmmmm.
Hwylryn narrowed his silver eyes. It was like the expression of a cat facing the sun. I could feel Mithra, still standing vigilant at my back, but as I looked at the man standing in front of us, I could feel my fear fading away. I couldn't say why, but he seemed like a cat who wanted just wanted to come and stick his paws in the middle of things.
Akira: …What do you want to negotiate?
Hwylryn: Sage. Take this.
He extended his hand, and I reached mine out, too. I blinked, and my hand was filled with gemstones. I didn't know what exactly all of them were called, but I could tell they were well-sized, well-cut, and very, very valuable.
Hwylryn: I'm giving this to you.
Akira: For… For the torta di cocco?
Hwylryn: Yeah. I heard the last customers had been served. And that you lot were those last customers.
Akira: Ah…
There were so many things I should've asked him, but the question that ended up coming out was a weird one.
Akira: Are you Hwylryn?
Hwylryn: That's right.
He kneeled down in front of me, maybe to meet my eyes. His silvery, transparent eyes looked up at me. It seemed like he was deliberately trying to downplay his commanding presence to put us more at ease.
Hwylryn: Please?
I split my slice of torta di cocco in half with my hand and gave him the part I hadn't taken a bite from yet. Maybe I should've given him the whole thing, but it was so delicious that I ended up only giving him half.
Akira: H…here.
Hwylryn: Thank you.
Hwylryn took a bite of the torta di cocco. Shredded coconut fell to the sand, dancing through the air as it went. Hwylryn looked up at Mithra, who had kind of stopped breathing, and grinned at him. The fluttering tips of his sleeves brushed against Mithra's nose. But Mithra had never had someone tease him like that before, so he was just left confused.
Mithra: …?!
Hwylryn: Let's play together soon, wizard of the North.
That was how Hwylryn and I first met.
****TL Note: Hwylryn's name, while not a literary reference, is taken from the Welsh word hwyl, meaning "fun" or "passion".
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hey :3
out of curiosity, can you give me an overview of your ocs? name, basic bio, anything else you feel like mentioning about them. at least for the ones you use the most? pretty please with a cherry on top /nf
and since, well, this is a drawing blog, can you please draw the oc that is most fun to draw?
awesome that's all I have for now. have a nice day/night
oh boy this will be a long one
also the stuff in these [ ] is the tag you can find their universes specific stuff under and I would be happy to answer any other questions :3
Ester (it means Star :3) [Spacebfs] :
Human kidnapped before birth by aliens (earth has not reached the stars just yet, its around the year 2500 and we focused on fixing our planet (I like being hopeful ok)) and genetically modified to act as a weapon (we are operating under the "humans are space orcs" vibe here)
he eventually ran away with absolutely no context on how to people or take care of himself, hes human but doesnt know what being human really means. Hes like the only human hes ever met
Ester eventually ends up on Llaon 93Q (a planet completely run by an mafia empire) and works as a freelance merc constantly breaking the "rules" the mafia established and having BEEF with them, having to constantly move due to the money on his head (hes running from the police-standin, the mafia and the aliens he originally ran away from dude is STRESSED)
his ship is named Tuhlia, he is CONVINCED she has a personality. to everyone else its a mystery how that pile of junk is still capable of space travel
his favorite color is purple
he alsi has a strange relationship with a lizard man that I wont get into here
[hes the one with the yellow poncho]
Careen [Spacebfs] :
[big tall hunky blue alien man with four arms and a tail and head fins]
Esters love interest
coming from privilege and kinda a dick and getting HUMBLED on his and Esters adventures
he ends up much healthier
Rue [Spacebfs] :
(I am actively writing a full novel length story about them so it might sound a lil weird lol)
Nero/Ghost [The Ravens Dove/emergence line (tho the stuff I already posted I forgot to tag)] :
The protagonist of that universe (its superhero themed :D)
long story short: he's undead
long story long (this is some real comicstyle whackshit) :
born to an rich (made up) swedish family (birthname is simon, we will get to that)
mom died birthing him
dad hated him for it
brother ignored him as he wasnt at home a lot but also never realized how awful and miserable Neros life was
very smart little guy
has a degree in bio chemistry and EXCELLED at it
but he also wants to make his dad finally love him (he got his degree so early and his dad didnt even acknowledge it)
so he fucked around with stuff he shouldnt have without telling anybody
blew himself up
(souls are allowed to witness their funeral and say goodbye to their loved ones) but there was no one, his dad didnt even hold a service
and finally something inside him just broke
he wandered the land of the dead for a while as he didnt want to go to the afterlife to face his mother (every single one of his family members shunt him till now, why would she be different yk?)
the land of the dead aint the friendliest place tho, but he adapted
after like a while (time doesnt exist there) he ran into the domain of the deity of revenge (one of the four brother gods of dead, the pantheon lore is not important just stuff I made up) aka "the raven"
stuff happened they fell in love (their ace) something something Nero becomes "the ravens dove" aka the ravens like avatar to act in the living world
this is where he really adopts the name nero
he becomes an anti hero whose really two faced
(to the heros hes a pretty silly lil guy and to villians hes a scary mf)
starts going on a real rampage against all form of abusers (specifically children) while juggling keeping his image in front of the heros
tho he keeps spiraling and spiraling he really isnt doing well
(also his brother is an hero and so is his fiance, neros real identity is under wraps and he stubbornly refuse to interact with them, the heros have... adjusted)
it all explodes one day and shit hits the fan
there are so many story threats after that point that I cannot all explain here but he will get help and his brother is trying his best to make up for everything
[White hair and close and skin as hes DEAD and yeah-)
You might have noticed other reoccurring muses of the last few drawings
these do have some lore, but I am not willing to share that as it's too close to my heart and I am not ready to share
their lore does not really impact anything on this blog, really they're just my silly little lab rats for art
other than that I just do art other series that are currently going are the custom deck of many things and Fairytales tho I am a little behind on these
request are always very appreciated even tho I might not get to them immediately :>
And your drawing request :3
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(this is M/Ifer (I had to change the name due to revamping his story currently) I dont draw them a lot which is why I didnt introduce them, but they are a joy when they turn out like they did here ^^)
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if i was logical in the order in which i post my "dmc but everyone is a warrior cat" designs, after drawing vergil and dante, next up should be nero
but i don't have a design for nero yet, so you get his mom instead :)
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Her name is Red (i felt very inspired as you can probably tell), she and hydrangeastorm met during the second period of time where he was a loner. She was part of the Order back when they were still looking for the Rift (magic pool of water that's basically the equivalent of the yamato in this au (and other things but that's only because the au is still a wip lore-wise) that is located on the old territory) and died before they found it.
hydrangea knew the location of the rift. he did not tell her.
have i mentioned i based her personality and relationship with hydrangea on under the floor by hail the sun ? now i have
anyway alt design under the cut with an accessory :)
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she gets a pink hydrangea, hydrangeastorm gave it to her before he left, i almost made it a blue hydrangea instead but blue clashed with her palette too much, i am obsessed with flower symbolism, do what you will with these informations :)
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So, I'm strongly of the opinion that the logical move for DMC6 is to be about Nero tracking down his mother. And given that during the development of both 4 and 5, the idea of giving Nero a sister named Angela was floated, it would make sense to use this plot to reveal that Nero has a long lost twin sister (having twins tends to run in families, after all).
Obviously, there are so many directions that plot could be taken, both good and bad. But the version that exists in my head goes something like this:
Nero's mother wasn't just a civilian, but directly affiliated with the Order of the Sword, some kind of role in their science division (maybe she had worked under Agnus at some point? I don't know if that timeline adds up).
She saw Vergil stroll into Fortuna, with his unnaturally white hair and complete lack of subtlety, and immediately clocked him as a demon. However, even she is shocked to learn he's the son of Sparda himself.
She helps Vergil find the information he's looking for (disclaimer, I haven't read Deadly Fortune), and learns what she can about him in the process.
Between her curiosity about demons, and Vergil being unused to this kind attention... They get what they want from each other, then go their separate ways.
However, soon after Vergil has left, she discovers that she's pregnant, and is absolutely ecstatic to have found such a unique research opportunity!
She gives birth to twins, and decides to conduct an experiment: She separated them, leaving one at the orphanage, and raising the other herself, somewhere far away from Fortuna.
What hypothesis is she testing? I don't really know. Perhaps some take on nature v.s. nurture? Or maybe she's experimenting on Angela in particular, and Nero's the control subject?
I also don't know exactly what kind of mother she would be to Angela. Her being a good and loving mother to her - or initially seeming to be, at least - would really sting for Nero. I don't think it has to be one or the other, though, she can truly care for both her children even while mistreating them.
I think in this hypothetical game, the antagonist would either be Nero's mother, Angela, or both of them working together.
The former would be a lot like Arius, Arkham, or Sanctus, a human seeking demonic power (though maybe she doesn't wish to become a demon quite like Arkham and Sanctus did).
The latter would either be like Vergil in DMC3, trying to open a portal to the demon world for her own reasons, or like Credo in DMC4, aiding her mother out of love and loyalty, ignorant - or just in denial - to the damage her scheme would cause.
Her being like Vergil would be interesting if nature v.s. nurture was a big theme of this story, but her being in a similar situation to Credo would put Nero through more angst.
Something I could also see happening is Nico's loyalty being a little bit split. Obviously, she's on Nero's side, but she too sees the scientific potential of demonic power, and could possibly feel conflicted if Nero's mother were warm enough to her, and maybe even swayed to her side if she was dishonest enough. Plus, I'm 100% sure she would fall head-over-heels for Angela.
...I'll have to make another post about all about Angela, actually.
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robotstrategy · 4 months
Recalled • Part 4 • 31 - Nero
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Nero stares around the yard, today they finally separate them into their proper fields of work. They’ve also invited other graduate Bœufs to educate them on their new jobs. Most of them seem friendly enough, there’s one named Brook who sticks out like a sore thumb. She’s got this weird look of guilt plastered on her face ever since one of their Bœufs recognized her earlier. 
She won’t be seeing Madison or Ester today, they were already classed from the beginning, it’s only Nero who’s got to figure out what her purpose is. 
Some co-workers have already been re-classified, it would be a real shame if Nero wasn’t fit for piloting, because she’s one of the two people they’re bringing a chopper in for. 
Nero’s loose hairs start floating as she hears the chopper descend behind her and the other Bœuf. The main pilot pops out of the aircraft and greets both of them, he seems to be a flight academy instructor rather than a military unit, which eases Nero’s nerves a little.
“So who wants to go first?” The instructor asks. Nero looks to the younger Bœuf as they look at the aircraft giddy with anticipation. 
“You can go,” Nero tells the Bœuf, they smile back at her as the instructor guides them into the chopper.
They soon lift off a good 140 feet off the ground, surfing the yard. Roland’s arm does this almost gear-shifting movement as the chopper stabilizes itself in mid-air, it freaks Nero out a little. Lately, Nero has been finding out more and more about her different parts, but whenever those parts are Roland’s it feels invasive, like she’s understanding more of his story without the Recall telling her.
The Recall… Nero wonders if Roland is aware that him being modified qualifies him as nothing more than a clone of his original body with pre-registered memories. Surely his mom knows, but she’s not sure Roland understands the ramifications of him being a Modified Recall yet. Maybe, if he knew, he wouldn’t cry so much.
“Mesmerized by the chopper?” Nero looks behind her to see the Admiral, and she nods.
“We had one of those at the graveyard, Cleaver would take me up in it sometimes to get an overview of it all.” The Admiral explained colour drains from his face a little. “He ended up being behind the death of the goldens. Those were the-”
“Five kids.”
The Admiral and Nero stare at each other in silence. “I’m not getting used to you Bœufs knowing stories before I even tell them.”
“I don’t know the story,” She pauses, “Someone did but that’s all they knew.”
“Right, Cleaver and two other kids tranqued all five of them and sealed them in a box, killing all of them.”
“I’m guessing despite it being called the graveyard, death isn’t supposed to be a normal thing.”
“No, it’s the last thing we wanted there.”
They look back up at the chopper slowly doing figure eight in the air.
“If I remember correctly, Roland-”
Nero hushes the Admiral. “I don’t want to hear it.”
“Right. But wouldn’t you like to know a little more about him? You have his arm after all.”
“I’ve got more than just his arm, and I rather ask him about the graveyard myself.”
The Admiral excuses himself to another station. Tired of squinting her eyes to watch the plane, Nero goes over to the water fountain. There’s a window to the inside of one of the main halls of the StaHo, it looks like it's passing period for the students as many kids travel up and down the hallway. One of them makes eye contact with Nero, she tilts her head away from the fountain over to Sam who stares back at her, he cracks open the door next to the fountains meant for Bœufs. 
“What are you doing?” She asks him.
“I wanted to say hi.”
“You can’t use that door, close it.”
“No, I’ll come see you later, close it.”
Nero sighs as Sam closes the door, she wants to talk with him, their relationship isn’t the fighting siblings kind. For as much as Sam tries to advocate for Rewinds being one person in his vlogs, he’s still able to see where Nero comes from, and how she could think that way. 
Nero moves back to her area, coming out of the shade back into the sweltering sun, a thing she’s become very familiar with during the summer. Nero squints back up at the chopper that looks to be coming down soon, as much as these masks look like they’d protect from the sun the crystal clear insides say otherwise. As the chopper turns Nero feels Roland’s heel lift up and back down, her lips twinge, uncomfortable with how much motor control Roland’s legs already have. She’s read about this in the manual, but it seems weird how he already knows exactly what to do.
The chopper finally lands, and the bœuf leaps forth smiling, thanking Nero, they hand off aviators and gesture for Nero to enter the cockpit. Nero steps into the glass-domed area of the cockpit and shifts herself into the pilot seat.
“Nervous?” The instructor questions.
Nero watches her feet rest on the pedals, her right hand grabs the cyclic and her left, the collective. “... I don’t know how to explain it.”
“Don’t worry.” The co-pilot reassures her from a lower third seat. “At least you know where your arms are supposed to be.”
The co-pilot takes Nero’s mask for her so that she can put on the aviators, she breathes a breath of fresh air, finally being able to see properly in the sun. 
“You’re already aware of the controls?” The instructor asks. 
“Of course.”
“Then let’s get you in the air.”
Nero remembers that it’s the throttle that will shift into flight mode and the collective that will move her up and down. Before she can even act on her thoughts Roland’s arm is already turning the collective’s throttle and lifting the collective. Nero realizes that the gear-shifting move her arm was doing earlier was replicating the movement of lifting the collective. Then she thinks to herself ‘How does Roland know these maneuvers?’ It becomes very clear to Nero, Roland had made it to the graveyard, he was no ordinary unwind, with the Admiral talking about there being a chopper in the graveyard it can only be assumed that Roland had some aircraft education.
“Are you alright, you're a long way from the ground.” The instructor says.
“I’m fine, but when I get back on the ground someone has a lot to answer for.”
As she keeps doing what the instructor tells her to, it seems like her brain and arms are working together, yet apart. Nero understands what she is doing yet at the same time it seems like she and Roland are in one of those races where kids have to tie their ankles together; she’s helping him and he’s helping her. It’s like back when she was first created, all of her parts are working together to make her move, yet they’re not talking to each other. They just have to keep jumping to logistical conclusions in order to make her seem like a normal human being, she’s not, but she’s alright with the unwinds finding comfort in being whole again.
As simpler maneuvers get more complex she finds Roland is less and less present in her hands, perhaps he only knew the basics and had shown all he could. It’s funny, if Roland knew how to fly a chopper, and was smart enough to take to the sky, Nero wonders how he even got himself unwound at all.
Doing figure eights was probably the most fun part of the testing, the nose of the chopper was slightly dipped down as she moved across the yard, from this high up everyone seemed like little ants. Though, she was close enough that she could still differentiate her coworkers from the outside Bœufs to the drill sergeants, to the Admiral. 
Parking the chopper was quite simple, yet it felt like Roland wasn’t helping at all, it confused Nero, why wouldn’t Roland help her? Nero thanks the instructors and trades the aviators back for her mask, steps out of the chopper and almost immediately goes to the phone on the outside walls and punches in Roland’s number. It takes a few empty echoed rings before someone picks up.
“Uh… hi.”
“Hello, Roland.”
“Nero, you don’t sound too happy.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m angry with you, I’m just confused.”
“At least you're not disappointed.”
Nero takes a deep breath before continuing. “I was going to be classified as a chopper pilot. When I got into the chopper your limbs already knew where to go, how? How do they know where to go?”
There’s nothing but radio silence on the other end of the line.
“Answer me, Roland.” 
Nero presses her head to the wall, cursing herself, waiting for Roland to answer.
“Were you able to fly a chopper, Roland?”
“... yes…”
“Thank you for answering.”
“...Is that all you needed to ask?”
“Well I’d like to know a lot more, but I don’t think you like talking about it.”
“... Uh-huh.” Nero cringes at Roland’s response, she’s had enough of ‘Uh-huh.’ for a while. Speaking of which Tonya has made no effort to try to patch things up, for a Rewind made of tithes she doesn’t seem to be all that accepting.
There’s the empty noise of a hung-up phone projecting out through Nero’s side. She hangs the phone back up on its hanger, looking back it looks like the instructor is talking to a drill sergeant and the Admiral. The drill sergeant looks back at her and ushers her to come closer, once she comes closer she looks at the Admiral.
“You were going to tell me that Roland knew how to fly a helicopter weren’t you?” He nods, she nods back with an apologetic smile.
She looks towards the instructor and the drill sergeant. “We’re very impressed with your maneuvers today.” The instructor tells her.
“That wasn’t me, it was my arm, my legs, and whatever little pieces of his brain live up there.”
The instructor looks slightly unnerved, “Anyhow, we were wondering if you’d like to enroll in the school. With your skills, you’d probably be placed in our second-month classes.”
The sergeant looks at her, “This could mean more job opportunities for you outside of the military, if that’s what you want.”
It’s like a pressure had been on her the whole time and she had only noticed it once it lifted. Part of her knew what she was getting into when she was enrolled. She could die, quite easily in an instant, even as a guard, the tales of Happy Jack and other destroyed Harvest Camps tell you that you’re never safe. So hearing that she could stop being in the military, stop knowing that she’ll die young felt good.
“I’ll take it, one last thing though.”
“Go ahead.”
“If you’re really that interested in taking me on because of my skills, then you should know about the boy my limbs came from, he’s been recalled.”
Nero and Bill, the instructor, have been set up in a meeting room waiting for Roland to arrive. The view to the outside has young Rewinds playing on custom playground equipment.
“They’re so young,” Bill remarks.
“I hear it’s because a lot of people have enough dignity to not stork or drop the child off at a StaHo but as soon as the child turns 13 they get them unwound immediately.”
Bill shakes his head, “Awful.”
There are two Rewinds chasing each other around laughing, and a third older one comes up holding granola bars for them, the two go sit on the benches and they eat together. 
“I wonder,” Bill starts. “Do some of you consider each other siblings?”
“Yes, I’ve got a little brother myself. We’re not like the Rewinds on Molokai though, I hear they’re much closer.”
Nero hears footsteps in the hallway, she peeks out the doorway to see Sam.
“It’s my lunch break.”
“I know.”
“Are you in trouble?”
Nero smiles, “No, I’m getting shifted to a different job.”
Nero bends down to meet Sam’s eye level. “I’m not dying in the military, Sam.” Nero suddenly feels arms around her, Sam holds her, crying tears of joy. “Thank you! Thank you!” He cries, Nero laughs, grabbing a tissue and wiping away the booger dripping from his nose.
“So why are you here?” Sam asks.
“Well, I’m gonna be going to a flight academy because of my flight skills, and because of Roland being the reason I had them I had asked if they were interested in taking him on as well, and they were.”
Sam has a face of pure shock. “Roland can fly!?”
“Yeah, I’m as surprised as you are.”
Nero looks up at the time, two minutes until the passing period bell.
“Tell me, how’s Tonya been doing?”
Sam frowns, “You really wanna know how she’s doing?”
“No, I want to know what she thinks of me.”
“She still hangs out with those girls, but they’re not superficial like we thought they were, they care about her. We’ve started hanging out with them and they’re nice.” 
“She got that set of stationary as her gift.”
Nero's eyes light up. “Oh! Hey, wait what are you getting?”
“Memory cards, obviously.”
The bell rings and Sam waves goodbye, Nero goes to sit down at the desk, waiting for Roland. 
“How long does it usually take him to get here?” Bill questions.
“Honestly he’s probably already in the building, maybe he just doesn’t want to be trampled by teenagers.”
That gets a chuckle out of Bill. Soon enough passing period is over and like Nero guessed, Roland cautiously walks into the room. 
He stops at the doorway scanning the office, his eyes flickering between Nero and Bill. 
“You must be Roland.”
“It’s nice to meet you, come sit down with us.”
Roland cautiously sits down next to Nero, he’s got panic written all over his face.
“Don’t worry, you’re not in any trouble, we’ve just noticed your friend over here is a very good junior pilot,” Bill explains.
“But why am I here?” Roland asks.
“Nero mentioned that you were one of her body donors and that you had been recalled. We’ve invited Nero to be enrolled in our flight school, we were wondering if you’d like to be enrolled as well.”
Roland’s eyes widened. “You’re, you’re serious?”
“I see no point in putting such a talent to waste, plus, you’ll be someone that Nero can lean on for support. I’d like to say we’re very accepting, but I’m sure that a Rewind is something new to a lot of people.”
“I, this can’t be real.”
“Well, not exactly right now, looking at your records you haven’t exactly graduated high school, looking at your grades, and seeing as you have no spares, you could drop two classes and be done with your secondary education in two months. Then you can join us.” Bill looks up from Roland’s files back to him. “You’ll be living in residence for three months, after that, you’ll be ready for the workforce, I think it’s a really good choice for a Recall such as yourself.”
Roland sits there, mouth agape, he looks at his arms and legs and for a moment Nero catches a look of worry. Roland looks back up at Bill “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
Nero smiles ear to ear as Bill goes more in-depth with Roland. After he’s done Roland and Nero sit out in the hallway.
“So?” Nero starts.
“Sorry for landing you a job.”
“No, that’s amazing thank you,” Roland looks up at the wall, “It’s just that now the next five months of my life are all laid for me.”
“You don’t like that?”
“No, it’s fine,” He pauses again, “I’ve never told anyone this, but I used to think it would be so cool to attend an air show when Cleaver was first teaching me everything.”
Nero gives it a thought, “That would be cool! We should go to one of those when we graduate.”
“Yeah, we should.”
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Wonder how twisted wonderland cast will react to finding a photograph of Eva, taking note that she looks like Yuu except with blond hair, and Yuu mentioning that she’s her grandmother
Btw to the few people commenting (thank you for being nice ) that Yuu's gender in game is never specified, I know, but I see DMC!Yuu as a girl, you can think of her more as an OC or an alternate version of Yuu.
Yuu always carries a notebook with her, one full of observations and photos Nico and her took. It's quite easy to tell who wrote what, considering how messy Yuu's writing can get. The notebook is also home to information on different types of demons, stories (those the two lived through or heard from the older devil hunters). Tales of Sparta, Yuu and Nero's past and devil trigger awakening, but most importantly- Dante and Vergil's story. The death of Eva, the twins mother and Yuu and Nero's grandmother. Yuu often just stares at the photo, wondering why- or even how- she could be related to some one so human, so kind. Would she like have Yuu and Nero as grandchildren? Or just Nero? Yuu already felt to far gone from humanity.
As she stared at the photo Yuu heard someone sneaking up behind her. Not even bothering to turn, she knew who it was. "What is it Lilla?"
"Aww, little one~ Why so cold? Eh? Who's that?" In a flash, Lilla was looking over shoulder, curious about the lady I the photo.
"Her name is, um, was Eva. She's Dante and Vergil's mom."
"Oh? So your grandmother, I can see the family resemblance!"
"Oh... I don't really think so,"
"Mind if I inquire why?"
"She's... She's human. Completely. She didn't have blood on her hands. She wasn't a monster made only for combat. I am." Yuu couldn't help but shut her eyes while speaking, she doesn't voice it often, but Yuu has always had a disconnect with her human half, no matter how hard Dante, Lady, Trish, and Nero (hell, even Vergil) tried so hard to get Yuu to see herself as an equal to those around her. Lillia stood in front of her, taking the notebook and placing it on a nearby table, and held her hands in his.
"Yuu." His voice dropped its playful tone, now dead serious, "I have been around many, many, years and in all that time never have I met someone so close, yet so blind to their humanity. You are the only known intelligent devil who can heal right?"
"Mhmmh," Yuu couldn't form words, so she gave a simple noise of acknowledgement.
"And you showed up here all alone with no idea where you were, or who was near. You were scared, but you didn't attack anyone, right?"
"Right..." Her voice trailed off.
"If you were a monster, I don't think we would be standing here, or at least here in one piece." He was happy to get a small amused huff and a smile. "I don't know what happened to make you think that you're a monster, but I'll assure you. You. are. Not."
"Thank you, Lilla. I-" Her voice cracked near the end. Lilla enveloped her in a hug, he couldn't help but be reminded of when beingings receive affection for the first time in awhile.
"It's okay, little one. Even if you are a devil, you are no monster."
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
The Future Silva Family Part 4
I now present to you the final group of next gen ocs belonging to House Silva. These are the children of Asta and Noelle Silva: Aimee, Naru, and Filomina.
Aimee Silva
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Her name comes from the French word “aimé” meaning “beloved.” The pronunciation is twisted a little to be “eye-mee” to include the Japanese word for “love,” that being “ai/愛.” It's an ode to Asta's time in Hino.
Age: 11
Birthday: October 6
Magic Attribute: N/A. Uses anti-magic.
Appearance: Aimee has pure silver hair just like her mother Noelle. She decides to grow it out because her mom's hair looks pretty long but she chooses not to style it up. She likes the freedom of loose hair. Her eyes are green just like her father's.
Personality: Aimee is a friendly, optimistic, and honest girl. Noelle and Asta have inspired her greatly. Aimee greets everyone with a smile and she also throws in a hug for people she really likes, such as Yami and Nero. Aimee is the type of person who can easily see the strengths of others and praise them for those abilities. She knows she’s at a disadvantage without magic but she believes she’ll find the strength to overcome challenges. Her parents did it and so can she. Aimee on the adventurous side too, so when she first visited Elysia and met Elfrieda, they immediately clicked. Aimee’s biggest flaw is that’s she’s ditsy, not knowing when honesty becomes bluntness and she can be overly casual with the wrong people.
She's close friends with Elfrieda and Jesse. Aimee and her cousin Eirlys are surprisingly close despite their very different personalities. Ann is someone Aimee looks up to for her strength and courage. She's friendly with Miku (@lyranova's oc) and is acquainted with Eleonora (@thoughtfullyrainynightmare's oc).
Aimee faces a lot of judgement from the more stuck up members of noble society. She’s the first person born into Clover royalty to lack any magic whatsoever. Noelle faced criticism for her poor control but at least she has magic. Nobles with an especially strong distaste for the lower classes blame Asta for creating a “defective” royal and think poorly of Aimee. Her older cousins were protective of her early on but eased up on her as Aimee showed that she didn’t need coddling.
When she was 9, Asta and Liebe gave Aimee a dagger infused with anti-magic so she could start learning to fight. Noelle was a little concerned by this but eventually went along with it. Noelle made Aimee promise a thousand times not to take the dagger in public however.
Aimee becomes a Magic Knight in the future, belonging to the Blue Rose Knights.
Naru Silva
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Naru’s name is is an alternative reading for the character 愛 meaning “love.” Again, he was named in honor of Asta's time spent in Hino.
Age: 9
Birthday: February 19
Magic Attribute: Water.
Appearance: Naru's hair is a shade of grey between his mother's silver and his father's ash blond shades, it doesn't have the same metallic shine as Noelle or Aimee's hair. In his youth, his hair naturally spiked like Asta's but it flattened out as he grew up, to his disappointment. His eyes are a deep, ocean blue.
Personality: Naru has a natural talent with magic, which Noelle is quite relieved by. Naru is definitely closer to Noelle than Asta because of their shared magic. But Naru gets his wild energy from Asta and the father-son duo often go out camping or other adventures. He's also the curious kind of kid. He loves trying new things with his magic and is honestly bummed out by the fact that he doesn't have his grimoire yet because it means there's more he could do. Naru is also prone to asking a lot of questions. "Hey why do people wait until 15 to get their grimoires?" "Where did Lord Vangeance get his funny mask?" And he tends to just keep asking questions until he can't think of anything new to ask. Naru likes to play around too, usually re-enacting the stories he hears from books or his parents' youth. Can be prideful in his skill and reckless when trying new things. It keeps his rivalry with Ferro strong as Ferro challenges Naru and Naru wants to prove he's still getting stronger.
Naru's closest friends are Alfred and Jesse. He'd form a friendly rivalry with Kito (@lyranova's oc) and a less friendly rivalry with Ferro.
Despite using Water Magic, Naru sinks like a rock in water. He is a terrible swimmer and nothing except magic will change that. He's tried swimming lessons but he just can't do it.
Frequently trains with his cousin Aecor because they share an attribute.
Naru eventually joins the Black Bulls once he's old enough for the Knights.
Filomina Silva
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Filomina’s name comes from Greek. It can either mean “friend of strength” or “beloved one.”
Age: 7
Birthday: July 13
Magic Attribute: Ice.
Appearance: Filomina has ash blond hair just like her father though it has the softer, silkier texture of her mother's hair. From a young age, she takes to wearing her hair in pigtails though she wears them higher than Noelle did in her youth. Her eyes are (supposed to be, darn you picrew) a pinkish-purple hue, leaning closer to her mother's eye color.
Personality: Filomina is as sweet and cheerful as a child can be, and she loved everyone in her family. She's excited to see what the world has to offer each day. She's highly energetic but surprisingly polite. She won't barge into a room but she will probably dent a door with her knocking. She doesn't say "please" and "thanks" but shouts those words from across a hallway. Hardly a mean bone in her body, save for the moments when she tugs on someone's clothes or hair to grab their attention. Her thought process is that people love her so it doesn't make sense for her to not love people in return. She's surprisingly empathetic towards others, she can often tell with a glance if a person is troubled and whether or not it'd be a good idea to approach them. Asta hasn't taught her ki reading and chalks it up to Filomina being naturally in tune with people. Very clingy to anyone willing to give her attention even for a moment (she is still very young after all).
Filomina is pretty much the favorite of everyone in House Silva. Her parents and siblings dote on her so much. Her aunts and uncles are unable to resist when she asks something from them. Her cousin Ferro proudly said he'd be her teacher since they have the same attribute. Even Skylar would tone down his chaos and Chalivas would stop being such a stick in the mud when spending time with Filomina.
Filomina is would be very close to Kya (@lyranova's oc). She's basically considers everyone she's met her friend too. She's fond of creative people like Cynthia and Dawn's kindness is also a big inspiration to her.
Filomina (and her siblings) has met Kahono and Kiato. The two of them actually inspired Filomina's dream to become an idol. Once a year, Filomina spends a whole week with Kahono in Raquey to have singing lessons and generally learn how to be an idol.
Filomina once turned down a marriage proposal from Alfred. She told him that it's against to law to marry your best friend's sibling and since Alfred doesn't know laws well, he bought it.
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camaro-and-smokes · 1 year
Pretty (wo)man
Chapter 5: Dinner is served
Tags for this chapter: flirting, causing general mayhem. See rating, warnings and tags for the whole fic on AO3. General warning: This work as a whole includes themes related to and mentions of prostitution, sex work, and sexual abuse. I will add tags with every new chapter and notes when anything particularly nasty is being depicted, but if this kind of content isn't your cup of tea to begin with, please move on. Now, consider yourself warned. Please, proceed.
Other chapters on tumblr >>
Chapter summary: Causing mayhem was why Billy was with Steve on the Nero and, well, mission definitely got a good start.
Billy and Steve were the last to arrive at the dinner. Some guests turned to look, and Billy could feel the surprised gazes on him. He was wearing his hair in a high bun, one of the cocktail dresses he’d bought with Cassie - a black tight one that modestly covered most of his thighs - and a long earring dangling in his left ear. He knew he’d hear about the makeup later as well, and it made him smile.
An older, gray-haired man in great shape—and in a very expensive suit—got up to greet them, extending his hand for Steve for a shake. “Steve! Nice to see you!” “Nice to see you again too, sir.” “Nah, don’t call me that,” the man said, smiling and shaking his head. “It’s Charles. And this is...?” he asked, extending his hand to Billy, seemingly unphased of Billy’s unconventional appearance. “I’m Charles Hamlin, Amanda’s father.” Then he pointed at an older woman, who measured Billy from head to toe – and clearly didn’t fully approve. “This is Charlotte Hamlin, my wife and Amanda’s mother.” “Uh, this is William. William...” Steve started to introduce Billy and realized to his horror that they hadn’t agreed upon a last name. “William Harcove,” Billy said, smiling, and shook the older man’s hand. “Nice to meet you.” Steve glanced at Billy, surprised, but quickly returned the polite smile on his face. “Nice to meet you, William,” Charles said and pointed his hand at the end of the table, right across from Amanda and her husband-to-be. “Steve, William, please, have a seat.”
Charles clinked his knife to his champagne glass. “So, now that we’re all here, I’d like to welcome you all. Thank you for coming and taking part in this week long celebration for Amanda and Tom. We have familiar faces and some new ones here, but I hope to get to know you all over this week. It’s going to pass all too quickly, I’m know it, so let’s make every moment count. Now, a toast for Amanda and Tom.”
After toasting the room filled with chatter as the waiter poured wine and everyone was waiting for the first course to arrive. On one side of Billy, there was a heated discussion going on about the latest polo match and very well made ponies. Billy didn’t have any idea what they talked about except that it must’ve been about horses. On the other side of the table, two women were comparing their very expensive jewelry and how Bulgari was indeed better with Swarovski’s chrystals.
Billy had never felt so out of place before. He leaned on Steve’s shoulder. “So, who are all these people?” he whispered. “Well, you know Amanda. Next to her is her snobby boyfriend, Tom. He’s old money from England, and I’m sure Amanda is more than thrilled about it. I bet she is already dreaming of living in England.” “Not sour at all, are you?” “Not now that you’re here,” Steve smiled.
Billy chuckled. “So, what’s the thing with the old man? You two get along still?” “We do some business together. He’s a shark, though. Keep snark to a minimum when you talk with him. He smells the tiniest drop of blood from afar and bites hard.” “Duly noted. What about the mom?” “As you can see, she already has a glass of wine. Probably not the first one today, either. She’s a bored housewife. They really fit to each other though. Both equally unfaithful, and yet she’s unwilling to divorce him because she wouldn’t have anything if they’d split. How tragic.” “You really don’t sound sorry at all for not marrying to that family,” Billy chuckled.
“That’s because I’m not,” Steve smiled. “Ok, so then there’s Tom’s parents. I know nothing of them, which is probably a good thing. Then there’s Amanda’s best friends, Carol and Heather. Heather and I actually got along well when me and Amanda dated. I’m sure you two get along as well. Ok, so then there’s Amanda’s aunt and her husband, and these people around us I don’t know. Maybe they’re Tom’s friends.”
Billy shook his head. “Why on earth were you invited to this? I mean, I would’ve understood if it was a massive wedding, but there’s barely anyone here.” “To rub it in, remember? Ok, I know Charles was sorry about my and Amanda’s break-up, so maybe he wanted to invite me at least to get to have an enjoyable week on a very nice boat at his expense. When he told me that I was welcomed to join, he didn’t tell me why and I didn’t ask.”
“You could’ve just said no?” “Maybe,” Steve said, and took Billy’s hand in his. “But then you showed up and opened my eyes and...I just couldn’t pass the opportunity. You’ve already taken everyone by surprise, including Amanda.” Billy smiled. “Which was exactly what you wanted, wasn’t it?” Steve nodded. “Mission well on the way, then.”
The food was finally served. When the waiter set an odd looking plate with filled holes in front of Billy, he looked at it, frowning. “What is this?” he asked Steve, poking the filling in one hole. “Escargot,” Steve said. Billy was about to ask how he should eat them, but the man next to Steve asked something from him, and he got engrossed in the discussion.
Billy glanced around the room, trying to see if anyone else was eating already, but everyone was more interested in talking. He was hungry and looked back at the odd plate with holes filled with...some green herby stuff. From outside towards the plate, he reminded himself, taking a deep breath, and took the outermost tool, a funny-looking fork, in his hand.
He poked at one filling with the fork, and startled when it rolled around in the hole, revealing a shell. He froze as his first thought was that the food was still alive. But when the shell didn’t move, he poked another filling, and that remained in its place.
The shells seemed to be filled with something; the holes were over-poured, and he tried to catch the whatever was inside the shell with the fork, but then this shell too rolled around.
He cursed under his breath and looked around him again, making sure no one was paying attention. He pushed the fork between the shell and the hole in the plate and gently tried to pry it out. It worked, but the shell popped out of the hole with such force that it landed on the table, bouncing away from him like a ping-pong ball. He tried to grab it in mid-flight after the first bounce but missed, and he got up quickly, finally catching it on the third bounce. He sat down fast, frozen in place and squeezing the shell so tightly in his fist that it broke.
Steve turned to look at him. “Everything alright?” “Uh-huh,” Billy replied, nodding hastily, trying his best to hold back a laughter as he wiped his hand into his napkin. Steve looked at him curiously. “You sure?” “Yeah,” Billy replied, biting his tongue to force the laughter down his throat. “Sorry, I have to visit the bathroom.” “Alright,” Steve said, amused. “Ask the head waiter for directions. They’ll show you where it is.”
Billy got to the bathroom and had the door barely closed behind him when he started laughing uncontrollably until to the point of having tears in his eyes. When the laughter finally eased, he washed his hands and returned to the dinner table.
This time, Steve was paying attention. “You saw it, didn’t you?” Billy asked quietly as Steve showed him how to carve the meat out of the shell with the odd fork. “Yeah. It was a good catch though,” he chuckled, making Billy let out a laugh. “Don’t worry, it happens. They’re slippery sometimes.” Steve got the meat out of the shell and offered the fork to Billy.
Billy smirked and instead of taking the fork, he leaned in and sucked the meat slowly off of it, his eyes locked on Steve’s, enjoying the view of Steve’s mouth slowly opening ajar. Billy licked his lips with a lopsided grin when he let go of the fork. Steve raised his eyebrow, hunted another snail from its shell, and offered it again to Billy, who repeated the act with a smirk. “Oh, you’re such a bad boy,” Steve whispered, shaking his head slightly. Billy leaned into Steve’s shoulder. “Just the way you like it, don’t you?” he whispered directly at Steve’s ear, and placed his hand on Steve’s thigh, brushing the inner side slowly. Steve shivered at the hot breath of air in his ear and the hand on his crotch. He turned to look at Billy, whose face was barely an inch away. “If you keep doing that, I have no option but to take you away and punish you a little. And then you’ll end up going to bed hungry. Do you want that?”
Billy couldn’t hide his smile when he felt the tips of his ears heating. If it was anyone else saying him those words without previous agreement, he would’ve walked out the room on the spot. But because it was Steve, so out of character, it made his abdomen tingle pleasurably.
While Steve took the third snail in his fork and fed it, too, to Billy, he glanced over at Amanda. Not that her thoughts mattered to him at all not really—the pleasure he got from feeding Billy not at all subtly in front of her and the whole wedding party was enough as itself—but seeing her staring at them, outraged, it made it all even better.
Billy saw Steve look at Amanda, and turned to look at her too, licking his lips and wiping the corners of his mouth with his finger, finishing the job by sucking it unashamedly to get everything off of it. He smirked and winked at her as he sat up straight and took his own fork in his hand, fishing the snails out of his own plate.
The dinner lasted as long as only a three course meal could. While the rest of the dinner party continued the evening at the bar, Billy opted for a smoke.
Steve led them to the end deck of the ship. “After you,” he said as he opened the door to the deck, letting Billy walk through the doors first. “Wow!” Billy said as he stepped out onto the deck. The sun had just set, an angry slit of red between dark veils of clouds in the horizon as a last echo of its light before darkness would take over. There were no clouds above the ship, though, so when he looked up at the sky, he could see the North star. Steve walked to the railing, leaned his back on it, and looked at Billy. “Gorgeous.” Billy looked at him. “You can say that again.” “Well, the sky is pretty too, but I meant you. Gorgeous and sexy as hell.” Billy smiled a wide smile and walked to Steve. “Got my smokes?”
Steve took the pack from his jacket pocket and gave it to Billy. He held his lighter for Billy to light his smoke and when Billy gave the pack back; he lit one for himself, too. Billy leaned on the railing with his elbows and looked down at the darkening sea, shaking his head slightly. “This is fucking magical.” Steve turned around to lean his elbows on the railing too, taking a drag. “Yeah. It is.” He glanced at Billy. “So, what was that at the dinner table?” Billy smirked. “Don’t deny it. You liked it.” Steve leaned into Billy’s shoulder. “Yes. Very much.” “Amanda was outraged,” Billy laughed. “Mission accomplished.” Billy glanced at Steve. “Aren’t you afraid that she kicks us off the boat first thing tomorrow?” “She won’t. Charles invited me. It would be rude.” “Oh, and we’re not being rude?” Billy asked, raising his other eyebrow. “Now that’s different. We are going to do everything as rudely as possible.” “Don’t ask what you’re not willing to do, lover-boy.” Steve laughed. “I think I’m getting more and more willing to do bad things out in the open just to piss her off.” “I’ll keep that in mind.”
They stood in silence for a while, smoking. “So...” Billy started, “is this something that happens frequently in Steve Harrington’s life? Cruises in the Caribbean, fancy foods the names of which anyone else can’t pronounce but the French and wine that’s not available in every street corner?” “Food and wine, sometimes,” Steve shrugged. “But never cruises like this. I’m well off, but not this well.” “First time on the Nero then?” “Yes.” Steve leaned on Billy’s shoulder. “What do you think?” “About the ship?” “About everything.” “Why do you need my opinion?” “I don’t need it. But I’m curious about it. I want to know.” Billy could feel warm swelling in his chest. “Well, the food was great. Though the escargot didn’t taste like anything. “ Steve smirked. “They’re actually great. You were just so busy doing bad things that you didn’t pay attention.” Billy chuckled. “Well, okay, granted. But the steak was good, and the wine.” Steve took a drag of his smoke. “Anything else?” “The desert was good?” Steve chuckled. “I hope the company was at least half decent.” Billy leaned up, looking at Steve pursing his lips to hide a smile. “The company was more than okay.”
Steve looked at the burning amber at the end of the cigarette for a while and then took a drag. “So, Harcove?” Billy glanced at him. “What about it?” “Just a name?” Steve asked after a moment of silence. “Just a name.” Steve nodded and looked back at the horizon for a while. Then he leaned up and took a final drag of the smoke. “Want to go mingle a bit?”
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chaoticcosmos666 · 4 months
OC Dump- Nero
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(forgive me I don't have a sketch or anything yet other than a soul calibur 6 character screenshot on PlayStation)
Who is Nero?
Nero is a Demon male that can go between demon and human form. He's around 36 years old. Physicality he has white hair, has pointed elf like ears, and melanated skin. Born to a Kitsune like mother named Lanis and a time shifter demon named Reiji (who belongs to my partner). Nero has been thru hell.
Other traits?
Due to his mom and father's genes, his hair is straight and fine (also cus soul calibur has no option for textured hair other than cornrows and an Afro), colored white like his father. Eyes are blue as the daytime sky. He has multiple scars, bad daddy issues slowly being resolved, and a multitude of issues from birth.
Whats his background???
Refer to this link so you understand the conflict ❤️
Nero was born to an upper rank family in the western part of In a town couple miles from the western continent of Araphel and in a town a couple hours outside the capital, Gloomshelm. Nero was born "sleeping", aka not breathing. However with the help of temple priests he was revived. As a kid he was kinda sheltered. He was constantly sick. In world they're not sure what is wrong. However the way I wrote him is that he has a weak heart muscle and deformed valves. The reason hes alive is due to him being a demon. That's literally it. Plot armor lmao. He'd always look outside the door watching kids play. For reference here's a photo of how I imagine his door
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At his childhood he was close to his father... Always training, trying to strengthen his heart but also overcome his issues. And when he was with his mother he learned how to cook and how to prepare food and know what plant is ok and what isn't. Around 7 he'd sneak out to play with other kids only that lead to them bullying him. By 10 he stood up to them. This was around the time the demon slayers came to sow chaos. His father decided to work as a double agent and dismantle from the inside. however this ultimately backfired when Nero was 13. Both him and his mom were taken to their camp to either be used as mind slave servants or just killed. To them, demons and half demons were scourges. His father couldn't put himself... Torture after torture... They finally outted his father who had to make a move. He tried killing all them but they overpowered him... Making Neros father choose... His love... Or his son. Nero only saw betrayal. Later down the line he learned that they had a plan Incase they got captured. His father never used a holy blade on his mom therefore she lived. But young Nero never saw this. He screamed out "HOW COULD YOU?!?"
Neros weak body wouldn't allow him to punch his father. this caused a riot which was not part of the plan but a welcomed one. In the chaos, Nero slipped out... His father had no idea. Thus lead Nero on a journey of him alone. Weeks of foraging... His demon side would randomly kick in. Eventually word got around to Jinn (our other OC. I will link him when I finish him)... Nero had eaten a bunch of livestock... At this point he was near feral. Jinn stepped in when he found Nero and soothed him. Having him eat and rest safely knowing that someone would protect him. Jinn was a friend of Neros family and a half blood Himself. When Nero woke he was scared but was able to eat in peace. Jinn paid off the farmer as well. Eventually Nero opened up about his anger and rage. Jinn did his best to sooth again but he knew Nero had to let it out. Eventually he suggested that Nero go to a temple and find purpose....
Nero took that advice and left for a peace temple outside the infernis capital. He stayed there until he felt he was strong enough. And by the time he did leave, news has spread that two people had taken down the remainder of the slayers. Nero was relieved and from the journey here came out with the ability to wield fire like he could shadows. However when he was inside... There was another enemy chasing him... His younger brother.
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