#nekomaru x teruteru
teddybearty · 4 days
Can we see Teruteru getting uppies from Nekomaru pleeeeeeease?
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Up He Goes~! 💙❤️
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dragondemoness · 1 year
Hellooo, I saw your sdr2 girls with a reader who verbal stims with their names and talks in third person sometimes (like Ibuki ) and would like to request a similar one for the boys (esp Gundham 🐹) please 🎀 I loved the other one so much 💗 take care 🪴
DR2 Boys With an S/O Who Vocal Stims With Their Name
Hajime Hinata
It was a bit of an adjustment for him at first, but he grew to love it in no time
The first time you did it, he thought you needed something
"Right here, (Name). Is there something you need?"
"No. (Name) just likes saying your name. It's fun."
"Oh, I see."
He felt silly right afterwards, but he got used to it
He can't help but smile when he hears you stim with his name
And heating you talk in the third person was like Ibuki, but calmer
He wouldn't do it with you, but it's still really endearing to him
Nagito Komaeda
He thinks it's the most adorable thing ever
Anything that comes out of your mouth is his favorite sound by default, but when it's certain words or phrases you enjoy, he loves it even more
The first time you did it, he just gave you a curious look
"Hm? Did you need something, my hope?"
"Nope. (Name) just likes your name."
"Oh, I see. Well, then say it as many times as you want, my hope!"
It almost made him cry, honestly
He's amazed that anything about him is something you enjoy enough to stim with, so you're free to stim with anything you want
Occasionally, he'll join you by talking in the third person as well
He doesn't mean to make fun of you, though
If you don't like it, just tell him and he'll stop immediately
In the end, you're the most adorable and hopeful person he's ever met, and your stims only add to that
Kazuichi Soda
At first, he's just confused
He doesn't really understand what stims are at first, so hearing his name on repeat
"Huh? What's up?"
"Nothing. Your name is just really fun to say."
"Oh, really? Aww, that's adorable!"
It's actually really flattering, and he has stars in his eyes when he listens to you stim
He can't resist pulling you into his lap and kissing your face whenever you do it
He might talk in the third person with you, just to join in on the fun
If you don't like it, he won't do it again
In the end, you're just the cutest thing ever
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
He found it confusing at first
Hearing you say his name over and over was mildly annoying to him, and at some point, he snapped at you
"What?! I'm right here, so tell me what the fuck you want!"
"Nothing. Your name is just fun to stay."
He felt really bad about it afterwards, and he doesn't comment on your stims anymore
He pretends to be annoyed, but he can't help but smile when he hears you stim with his name
Even though he doesn't say it often, he finds you and your stims adorable
Gundham Tanaka
He was also pretty confused at first
"Hm? What is it, my dark monarch?"
"Nothing. (Name) just likes Gundham's name. That's all."
"Really now? Hm... I see. Carry on, then."
Of course you like his name; he's the Supreme Overlord of Ice
It takes some getting used to, but it makes him smile to hear you stim
Your voice is his favorite sound, after all
The Four Dark Devas of Destruction enjoy it as well, and then everyone is having fun
Teruteru Hanamura
The first time you said his name on repeat, he called out to you from the kitchen
"Yes, my darling? Is there anything you need?"
"No. (Name) just likes your name."
"Oh, really now? Well, isn't that just the sweetest thing?"
He loves it
He loves hearing you talk in general, but hearing his name on repeat, even outside of the bedroom, is rather enjoyable
You're just the cutest thing to him, and your stims only makes you even cuter
Nekomaru Nidai
Hearing you stim for the first time immediately made him think you needed something
Or worse, you were actually in trouble
"No, (Name) is fine. Your name is just really fun to say."
"Oh. Sorry about that."
You damn near gave him a heart attack, which is the last thing he needs, but he was relieved to know that it was just a stim of yours
Once he gets used to it, he finds it pretty adorable
It's flattering that you enjoy his name enough to stim with it
Ultimate Impostor
He doesn't understand them at first
Like most of the others, he just assumes you need something
"Yes, my dear? What can I do for you?"
"Nothing. Your name is just fun to say."
"Oh, I see."
He finds your stims really endearing, though
Sometimes, he uses his talent to see if you would say anyone else's names, and it doesn't work
His real name is your favorite, and he appreciates that a lot
Izuru Kamakura
He thinks nothing of it, honestly
The first time he heard you stim with his name, he dropped what he was doing and came straight to you
"Yes? Did you need something?"
"No. Your name is just fun to say."
"I see. Carry on, then."
After that, he didn't comment on it again, but he couldn't resist smiling a little when he heard you stim
He finds it incredibly endearing, even if he doesn't say it often
Overall, he appreciates your stims
They make you even more unique and not boring than you already were
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yawujin · 23 days
So I don't know if you're opposed to writing for the v2 boys but if you aren't
Could you please write v2 boys x s/o who is very hard working so when they get focused they forget to eat or drink water a lot &(if you're comfy trans male reader) they forget to take their binder off and rest.
ofc i'll write the sdr2 boys i love them
request | sdr2 boys x an S/O who is hard working
type | react , light hearted , non killing game , established relationship , trans male reader
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hajime hinata ♡
respects you for working so hard
always reminding you to take a break
hajime's a good listener so you can go to him to talk about work troubles you have
he secretly daydreams of another life where you two can just relax 24/7 so you do not have to worry so much about work
admires and appreciates all that you do
gets really excited when you finally finish your work for the day
kazuichi souda ♡
he gets it
relates to you bc he has had to stay up late working and fixing things
he learned the hard way that he must always keep water or something to hydrate himself while working
he's lowkey the type to ask "have you eaten yet?"
he cares sm about you
even though sometimes he also forgets to pack some lunch for himself for work lol
you two look out for each other always <3
fuyuhiko kuzuryu ♡
you already know he's the type to text you constantly throughout the day
"you're going to eat right?" "there has to be something in the vending machines there you can buy."
angry texts when you say all you had so far was some crappy instant coffee
even angrier texts when you tell him you're working after hours
always insistant on you taking a break (even if you just started working on something)
"i love you so much and if somehow someday you collapse while working i'll never forgive myself"
gundham tanaka ♡
orders you to stop working and take a break
no seriously, he orders you to take some time off
"the supreme overlord of ice commands you to STOP!"
he demands you come to bed and keep him warm
but first he reminds you to take off your armor (referring to your binder)
you still had it on oops
you just laugh a little bit and change
finally, you both can get some rest after a long day
nekomaru nidai ♡
he reminds you not to push yourself too hard
"it's kind of like training, you must know your limits!"
is willing to make a list for with designated times for breaks in your schedule
gets hyped up when you have a day off so you two can finally have a date/datenight
has a whole lot of respect for you and your ability to push through especially hard days
"just keep it in the back of your mind that i'll always be here if you need me for something, got it?"
ultimate imposter ♡
brings food to you
gently urges you to take a break
hugs from behind while you work
prefers it when you work from home
picks you up from work whenever he can
teruteru hanamura ♡
when you come home, the first thing he does is feed you
he makes all your favorite dishes ofc
he can always tell if you neglected yourself during work hours
"can't fool me, as your boyfriend i know what you need!"
keeps track of your days off incase you try to get a head start in working on something new
"nope sorry! can't have that today. you and i are due for a date at the diner"
sends you positive and encouraging and rather suggestive messages while you are at work
nagito komaeda ♡
very persuasive when he's trying to get you to rest after a long work day
you finally choose rest and nagito over more paperwork you need to sort out
"tomorrow's always there" he reassures you
"oh and, make sure to take that off" he says, looking at your binder
you almost finished changing without doing so
nagito gives you some affirmations while you drift off to sleep
"you work too hard..." he sighs sadly. "goodnight~"
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m-y-fandoms · 8 months
COMMISSION: SDR2 Boys x Female Reader - Seven Minutes in Heaven
Details: Takes place during the killing game, timeline switched around, creative license taken to imply everyone is alive and has known each other for at least a few weeks and has had time to get to know each other. The threat of the killing game is still looming though. It’s also implied that the reader has a crush on the boy in each section however whether or not the boy is oblivious to that fact or feels the same varies.
Word Count: 5K Words
Warnings: SFW - fluff, probably mild angst, possible SDR2 spoilers
Everyone needed a distraction. It was getting pretty hard for the group’s self-proclaimed leader, Byakuya, to keep their minds off of the threat of a potential killing game, and he wasn’t the most creative when it came to having fun. Unfortunately for him, having fun was probably the only thing that would help a gaggle of anxious, on-edge teens relax right about now. It’d been weeks without incident since that malicious-looking monochrome bear appeared and told them he expected them to kill each other for sport in order to go home, but nobody seemed to feel safe despite that fact. There was no cold hard evidence to prove this wasn’t some long, elaborate prank or social experiment, and two facts made them believe Monokuma’s words, made them believe they were in danger: first of all, they’d seen those “Monobeasts” blast their innocent, adorable self-proclaimed teacher Usami to pieces, and secondly, nobody from their lives back home had even attempted to contact or rescue them. With each day that passed, they trusted each other less, and the bags under their eyes grew darker. Yes, they needed to have fun.
A game was suggested. It was something simple, well-known to most of the group, even if they hadn’t played it since middle school or really at all. It would pass the time, and maybe create some romance or drama. Any feeling was better than impending doom and the fear of death.
Seven Minutes in Heaven: a game where two people go into a small room or cramped closet alone and have seven minutes to do anything they want to each other. Usually, the goal was the get handsy, to kiss or hug, to confess to someone, to make each other nervous, or to engage in casual romantic activities. It was supposed to be steamy and awkward, to put pressure on the two people. They would all randomly pick straws, and the two people who got the shortest straws would have to go in together while everyone else sat outside and timed their seven minutes. Knowing your peers were mere feet away outside the door only added to the tension.
The location was set: a small, cramped closet in the old building next to the hotel. It was dimly lit by an ancient yellow overhead lightbulb hanging on by a thread and had just enough room for two people once the abandoned supplies, tools, and cobwebs were scooted to the edges.
And so, the game began.
Teruteru Hanamura:
   You were standing in the back of the dark closet, having been the first one chosen to play the game. Figures it would be you. Out of 17 students you picked the first short straw, and now waited patiently for whoever you'd be matched up with. It could be a girl, a guy, someone you hung out with often, or a weirdo you actively avoided. It was nerve-wracking knowing that if you embarrassed yourself, 15 people would be listening right outside the door, but on the bright side, at least no one could get away with killing you when classmates waited within earshot. One scream for help and your attacker would be caught, right?
It didn't take long for your partner to make themselves known, as the closet door busted open before you and was closed in a flash, barely giving you time to process what was happening and certainly no time to see who entered.
You were swarmed in an instant. A warm, soft body clung to your own and engulfed you in a flurry of hands. You were being poked and prodded and the excited mutterings and giggles gave away who this was immediately. You knew those salacious squeaks very well.
"Teruteru?" You grappled with him, grasping out in the dark for his hands to settle them.
"Ohoho~ yes, my queen?" The flirtatious chef snickered, fighting off your attempts to calm him. Queen? Given your little secret crush on the Ultimate Cook, you would've blushed if you didn't have the knowledge that he spoke to everyone like this.
"N-now just hold on a second! Wait!" You squealed, ticklish in odd places and your heart racing at your luck. You often spent time with Teruteru as he seemed harmless, and he made you laugh with his antics. You never meant to develop feelings for him, and sometimes you swore it was just infatuation because he gave you attention and could be quite charming, but regardless here you were, feeling this way. "Don't you wanna slow down, take our time a-and make the most of our seven minutes?" You sputtered, trying to appeal to a sense of reasoning you didn't really know Teruteru to have.
"Huh...?" To your surprise, he halted all movement, seemingly confused by your words. You were just as shocked to get through to him at all. Soon the closet was quiet, filled with just the sound of two souls breathing.
"What's wrong?" You gulped.
"Well... I entered fully expecting to be kicked out expeditiously... either that or you would make a break for it, so I figured I would try to rush in and at least get something out of this experience," he spoke candidly. It was true that he was someone used to rejection, to being an object of repulsion. He probably expected you to be like everyone else.
"But, Teru... I mean… you and I hang out all the time. Do I ever treat you like that?" You posed the question, a bit hurt that he thought of you the same way as everyone else after you’d put what you thought was a lot of time and attention into building a friendship with him.
"Hmmm... I suppose not... but this is something different altogether. I - wait a second! Are you saying you want to do this with me?" He sounded astonished, incredulous. His hands trailed down your arms to take your own in a gentle grasp.
You felt your face heat up, your pulse in your throat, like maybe you'd been too frank, too honest. Maybe your little crush was being worn too plainly on your sleeve.
"Umm... I mean, well..." you chuckled nervously. You could almost feel his smirk, the little devilish rosiness creeping up his cheeks.
"Well, well, well, it looks like my little sous-chef has been hiding something from me. All this time, I never would've guessed~ I thought you were just tolerating me," he teased. You squirmed as he ran his hands up your arms then down the sides of your waist. "Looks like I need to give you some private, one-on-one cooking lessons more often~"
Byakuya Twogami
Cramped even further into the already tight closet by his rather robust figure, you stood there looking up at Byakuya, feeling rather small and exposed, vulnerable. He looked down at you with his arms crossed confidently over his chest. This was a condescending look and stance that he often displayed. It made you feel even more inferior this close up.
"Let's be very clear here. I volunteered to go first for one reason and one reason only: as the leader of you braindead group of cretins, it is my duty to keep up morale so you don't all completely lose it. A true leader," he sneers, "leads by example. I'm tired of seeing you lot run around depressed and terrified so here I am, to save the day as usual. If this silly game makes you all stop whining, I’m willing to lower myself to your level for the night." He rolls his eyes, an expression you can only just barely make out in the dim warm lighting.
"Oh... yeah, I know-" you are promptly interrupted as he continues, blonde hair moved casually out of his face and properly back into place.
"This is beneath me and my breeding: this musty, disgusting closet, this silly child's game, this island, but I know you'd all fall apart without me so here I am. I don't intend to participate in any activities beneath me in this closet here today, however. I simply refuse."
"Yeah... I suspected as much," you twiddled your fingers nervously, looking down at the ground, attempting to get the sentence out once more. "I figured you volunteered for those reasons, and not because you saw it was me coming in here first... that would be too good to be true," you spoke shyly, voice breaking. You really admired Byakuya and the immense pride and status that he carried with him. You found him attractive even though he was extremely intimidating.
A shade of pink dusts over his cheeks at the implication behind your words, his eyes widening under his spectacles for just a beat before he took on that nonchalant, confident expression once again. He couldn't let the facade fall, not for anything or anyone.
"Well then," he cleared his throat, a little too awkwardly for someone of his usual poise, "I'll allow you to admire me. It's not like I'm unused to praise and reverence... envy even..." His voice trails off and he holds one large hand out to you as if you were a peasant expected to kiss a king's ring before being allowed an audience.
For a second you didn’t know what to do, heart racing wildly in your chest. You felt like no matter what you did, you'd mess up, earning a scolding from him, an insult perhaps... but why did even the idea of that excite you so much?
Body shaking, you leaned down, took one of his hands in both of yours and kissed his knuckles. He tried to hide any and all instinctual responses but you felt him stiffen up, his knuckles flexing at the touch. The skin there was unexpectedly rough... not the pampered, soft hands of Togami nobility you'd anticipated. You didn't linger on the thought though, too anxious to see his reaction. Pathetically, you kissed him now on his wrist, agonizingly slow. It was more out of embarrassment then trying to be a tease, however, he was getting impatient all the same. He felt himself sweating over a certain emotion for the first time in forever.
"Oh for the love of-" he scoffs, ripping his hand out of your grasp, "You're embarrassing yourself." He spoke curtly. Roughly, he grabbed onto your shoulders firmly with both hands, pulling you into his chest. With a fervor that frightened you, he took control, crushing his lips skillfully onto yours.
Gundham Tanaka
When Gundham Tanaka burst into the closet with zeal and anything other than an expression of displeasure on his face, you immediately knew he was there under false pretenses. He was the last one who would want to rush into this game, to want to have anything to do with it, so the fact that he was clearly entering by choice told you everything you needed to know. This man was clearly confused. You couldn't help but chuckle as he slammed the door closed behind him, leaving you two alone with a little privacy.
"I see I got here not a moment too soon! The imp Hiyoko Saionji let slip that this unassuming closet in fact contains a portal to the Nether and revealed you'd gotten yourself trapped in here with no way to escape! Of course, only I, Gundham Tanaka, can resist the energetic pull of a Netherworld rift! Fear not, foolish mortal, I am here to save you!" You let him rant, shaking your head at the theatrics. You found his outbursts so entertaining, his personality cuter than even his soft hamsters.
"Gundham... I fear you've been tricked," you sigh, taking a step back to give him some space. "This is a game, there is no portal... but unfortunately, it looks like neither of us will be having any fun." You spoke dejectedly, seeing as you truly would've loved indulging in this game with someone as attractive as Gundham. He was dark and mysterious, with a sexy deep voice and amazing hair. He was kind to animals and such a unique character. Truly one of a kind. How could you not fall for him? "I refuse to play now, knowing that you didn't consent to this. I'm sorry they roped you into thi-" Your words were halted as another thought crashed into the previous one impulsively like a train off its rails. "Wait a second... why would you come save me? You came in here... to rescue me from danger?" You smiled, a big, cheeky grin.
"Think nothing of it, fiend. I would've done the same for any mortal here!" He blushed and stuttered, hiding his face in his purple scarf. "Do not look at me like that! I feel accursed by your gaze alone!"
"No... no you wouldn't," you giggle. "You actively avoid us all. You've been a loner since day one." You step closer, emboldened by his response, by the words you were reading from in between the lines.
"You... you're less insufferable than the others. Nothing more, nothing less." He crosses his arms, a violent red covering his normally corpse-toned face. With a gasp, you look down in surprise when you feel the skittering of claws and fur brushing up your arm. One of the Dark Devas, small and swift, clung to your sleeve and made its way up to your shoulder, buying its master time and a distraction. It presses its little lips to the side of your cheek as if to mimic a kiss as best as it could, rubbing its tiny claws into your skin playfully. It looks up at its master with shiny, telling eyes. He knows exactly what it means to convey, a savant of animal behavior. "It seems you've earned the blessing of one of the most powerful beings to walk this plane of reality. Rejoice and feel blessed that he approves, for the opposite reaction is far more common and fatal!" He was back to his performance again it seemed.
"And..." you feel more confident than before, knowing Gunhdam took the opinions of his hamsters extremely seriously, "what about you? Do you approve?" You took his cold, bandaged hand into yours gently, looking for his consent, for him to let his walls down just enough to allow you to do more. You wanted more.
Nekomaru Nidai
This closet was tiny, criminally so when you considered its newest occupant. You found yourself crushed between a dusty wooden wall and the largest, firmest pectorals you'd ever seen. You were sweating profusely, a nervous mess. Most people slowly got to know their crush, observed from afar, had lunch and chit-chat maybe, and here you were, suddenly pressed flush up against the steel-like muscles of the object of your desires.
"Why do you look so... worked up, (Y/N)?" Nekomaru grins genuinely down at you, oblivious of both your crush on him and how uncomfortably you felt about this forced skin-to-skin moment (probably because the man had never felt shame in his life).
"I- I'm not!" You squeal a little too defensively. You try to shuffle past him, closer to the wall, anything. It only serves to chafe, to make him readjust as well until you're even stickier and smushed than before.
"Anyways..." he continues heedlessly, "I don't really get the rules of this game or whatever." He stretches his arms upwards carelessly, easily hitting the ceiling. Your eyes can't help but rake over his flexing arms and lumbering frame.
"Well if you don't understand, then you can leave... I don't wanna make you uncomfortable," you state sympathetically, not wanting to make a fool of yourself in front of your crush.
"Nah, everyone wanted me to play so I'll play!" He beamed. "I'm no killjoy. You just go first, maybe I'll pick it up and understand along the way!" He was so authentic, so sweet, and positive. You wanted to melt under his gaze.
"Are you sure?" You rubbed your forearms restlessly. He nodded enthusiastically. "Well... I've always liked the idea of being carried by a big, strong man... to feel dainty and.... small and... ohh!-" Before you could finish your thought you were swept off of your feet and scooped into a pair of secure, firm arms. You felt safe, impossibly tiny and protected.
"Like this?" He questions, obviously eager to please. Now level with his eyes this high off the ground, face-to-face with him, you were stunned into silence. His strong features, so unbelievably masculine and striking, hypnotized you.
"Yes..." You felt breathless, lost in a trance. You couldn't stop staring at his lips, at his intense eyes. "Just like that..." It's silent for a long while, and he tightens his grip on you almost instinctively. He feels the need to be your shield, to keep you to himself, and finds himself staring right back.
"I think I'm starting to understand... so, it's only fair that it's my turn now?" He speaks plainly, some glimmer of want in his eye.
Nagito Komaeda
You feel like a complete oaf, heart nearly bursting out of your chest. You were an agitated, sweaty mess, staring across the mere feet of space in the tiny closet into the eyes of a boy who had you cornered like a fox with a rabbit. You felt like prey, as his eyes, always mysteriously unreadable to predator-like, combed over you shamelessly. He was always up to something, and everyone knew it.
This had to be planned. Of all people, it had to be Nagito. Someone did this on purpose... they knew you had a huge crush on him and made sure he picked the second short straw. Someone wanted to see you squirm and suffer. Everyone here knew you weren't the type to be bold or romantic enough for this game. This wasn't for your benefit, to gently help you shoot your shot. This was rigged.
"It's like your thoughts are written all over your face, (Y/N)... They might as well be," he teases, backing up until you are cornered, crushed against the wall with only his slender frame to brace you. "I know you like me, (Y/N). There's no denying it." He knows using your name, hearing your name spill from his lips will drive you wild. The little shit. "You're a wreck right now," he chuckles fiendishly, feeding off of your energy and positively basking in it. "Just my luck, to be chosen at random to come in here with you~" He grins devilishly. "Well... drawing straws is child's play for my 'talent.' Oh well! You should probably make the best of it." He shrugs dismissively.
"So... you wanted this? You did this on purpose?" You were trying to glean the meaning behind his words, his true intentions, anything to make this situation less vexing. You tried to read his pale, beautiful features, begged him with glistening doe eyes to give you space or mercy. At the same time, you wanted him closer, to feel his touch. It was unbearable.
"Why are you fighting your feelings?" He spoke so casually, as if asking what time it was. How did he seem to know everything, all the time? "Are you embarrassed to like someone like me, for the others to find out?" He snorts, exhaling dangerously close to your face. He places one hand on the wall behind you, the other on your waist. "I can understand why. I would be embarrassed as well. I'm a nobody here. Everyone thinks I'm a weirdo and my talent is useless. However, seeing you flustered, riled up for someone like me... it fills me with a sense of hope."
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
"Get off of me! I'll fuckin' kill you!" You are startled into the back corner of the closet as the second participant of the game stumbles clumsily in. Obviously having his small frame pushed forward none too gently, he's pissed off (not that this was a rare occurrence for him) and determined to give your classmates a piece of his mind. He screams threats of violence at the giggling teens who pushed him one last time before the door is slammed in his face. "I already said I'd play, you dipshits! You didn't need to fuckin’ shove! Next time you put your hands on me I'll cut them off!" He huffs, face red as a tomato.
"Um..." You're at a loss of what to say, and how to begin. It's not starting off well. He was in a foul mood, and it seemed you'd never get to indulge in the fun of this game with him. Upon hearing your voice, he is brought back into the moment and finally turns to face you.
"Oh great, it's you," he scoffs, determined to make someone, anyone hurt the way he was hurting. If he had to feel embarrassed and have his night ruined, so did you. A shiver of sadness ran down your spine. It was like a surge of palpable hurt. Why would he say that? Why did he feel the need to hurt you? You felt nothing but admiration and attraction toward him. You'd never judged him or pitied him for his height and baby face, never annoyed him on purpose or brought up the topics that others used to rile him up. In fact, you enjoyed your conversations with him and found him exceedingly handsome. It made it hurt twice as much, that he would so casually insult you. When he sees that flash of insecurity, of pain across your face, he instantly regrets his words. He blanches, mouth dropping open for just a second before he begins to backtrack in remorse. "Hey... don't look at me like that." He forces an airy snort. "I guess you're not so bad... I mean, you're way more normal than the rest of these weirdos we're stuck with." We? "Actually, after that story you told me in the market that one day about your dad, I'm starting to think we aren't so different..." He crossed his arms, looking up at the ceiling. You perked up at that.
"You remember that? I didn't even think you were listening..." Your heart beats, and flutters with hope.
"Of course, I was listening. I'm not deaf, am I?” He rolls his eyes. “And like I said, you're not like these freaks. I don't mind spending time around you..." He sounded like he was fighting his own words, pouting. When he sees you start to grin sheepishly, he frowns. "Don't go getting a big head now just because I tolerate you!" He points at you in a warning way.
"Sorry! I'm sorry..." You cover your smile with your hands as you are unable to relax the muscles of your mouth.
"So what, are we supposed to make out now or whatever? Is that how I win?" He speaks as if this were some competition, yet another thing in his life where he must excel or be looked down upon, or bring shame to his family name. "I'm not letting any of these losers upstage me at a stupid child's game!" He huffs.
"Well, you don't have to do anything really..." You shrink into yourself, feeling silly and really exposed all of a sudden now that the actual game was supposed to begin.
"Nah, nobody is gonna call me a pussy," he snarls, marching two steps toward you with purpose until you have nowhere to go. You gasped in surprise as you were pulled into a fiery, forceful kiss that set your skin alight and left you dazed.
Kazuichi Souda
"Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!" The magenta-haired boy across from you was riled up, revving like an engine. He was practically drooling, shaking with anticipation and excitement in the low lighting of the dimly lit closet.
"Kazuichi, may I ask why you're so hyped up?" You couldn't help but giggle at the display before you. He licked his lips and sharpened teeth, restless and full of vigor like a male bird doing a mating dance to attract a female. He was so adorable when he was in good spirits like this, so hyper and oozing energy like the engines he tinkered with.
"Huh, what do you mean?" He smirks mischievously, but there is a hint of genuine, innocent confusion in his tone.
"Well, I'm only wondering why you're so excited. It's just a silly game, and it's just me," you scoffed playfully. You'd had a crush on the skillful and eccentric mechanic for a while now, but you'd never dreamed he would be this excited to show his feelings for you in return. Maybe he would be satisfied with any female classmate showing up in that closet that night, especially someone as regal as Sonia or perhaps someone who played hard to get like Peko, but you weren't used to boys giving you this type of attention and wanted to bask in it.
"Whaaa?" He sounded incredulous. "Just you? You're super hot, why wouldn't I be pumped? It's not every day I get to spend time alone with a hot chick, and you're super chill! I've always liked you! I think you're a ton of fun. Such a unique talent, too." He sticks his tongue out teasingly, almost daring you to play with him.
"Are you serious?" You can hardly believe his words. "Well... I really like you, too, Kazuichi... I think you're... 'hot' as well." You chuckle, cheeks warming up. His bravado fizzles a bit at that. He was certainly not used to that reaction to his advances. He suddenly feels quite sheepish, overly flattered, and it makes him want you even more than before. Your words are not the kind he hears often.
He was a flustered mess.
"C-can I... would you mind if I kissed you?" He stuttered, sweat beading on his forehead. You eagerly, enthusiastically nodded, wanting that and much more from him.
He endearingly, awkwardly pulls you in by your waist, slotting himself in so your bodies meld together comfortably. When his jittery lips press against yours they are a bit chapped, as were most body parts on a blue-collar tradesman. It was expected, but not unpleasant. It was what made him, him. He parted his lips and you mirrored him, deepening the kiss. You let your hand wander, playing with his hair until his beanie slipped off and onto the floor.
Hajime Hinata
Hinata was closed off, arms crossed, expression uninterested, dull, and neutral. It was no surprise to you. Hajime could certainly come off as the "Tsundere" type you'd read about in manga comics and see on TV shows. He never struck you as romantically inclined, more interested in practical things like trying to get off this island, or platonic conversations. He seemed to love making friends and all of your classmates liked and trusted him. He was the true neutral, often a moderator. People seemed to open up to him, but not romantically. He could be quite sarcastic or cynical at times but was reliable and kind. That's what you found alluring about him. He was handsome, with a wide chest and broad shoulders, a good height, and an attractive voice, but in a less shallow vein, he was also an ear to listen, an intelligent mind, and an excellent friend.
"They pressured me into playing. I assume they did for you, too. We don't have to do anything..." He shrugs and grumbles. His eyes seem to quickly dart between you and the wall. His Adam's apple bobbles once, twice. Little gestures betray his heart and mind. Maybe he wasn't as cool and collected as he seemed.
"What if we want to...?" You counter, unable to look him in the eyes for fear of rejection.
"...Well, do you?" He retorts, just as sharp-witted as always. He was terribly good at deduction, reasoning, and reading between the lines.
"I don't know... I played this game in middle school once but I guess since we are older, we know more... we do more? I don't know the exact rules."
"I don't think there are any rules." He takes a step closer to you, a glint of curiosity and interest in his eyes. "...Do more? How much are we talking?" You see something like intrigue arise in him, more awake than before. It seems like he wants to play... that he wants to play with you, but Hinata was not promiscuous, he was not one to chase skirts or flirt casually like Kazuichi and Teruteru. He wasn't one to engage in anything sensual or even mildly suggestive with a girl unless he truly had feelings in the first place. You started to wonder if maybe, after weeks of spending time exploring the island with him, getting to know him, your crush was mutual... "Well... we don't have much time." He looks you up and down, not so innocently. He bites the corner of his lip, thinking of what to do with such little time. He was effortlessly seducing you and he didn't even know it. He lowers down to the ground, sitting with his knees bent up.\
"Hajime?" You nearly whisper, puzzled by his actions.
"Sit." He doesn't need to ask twice. You sit beside him on the dusty floor of the cramped closet. You inhale sharply in surprise when his arms, much stronger than they appear, encircle your waist and pull you effortlessly onto his lap until you straddle him. Your face is inches from his, your warm thighs hugging his hips. "Is this fine to start?" He speaks in a new octave, lower than you've ever heard from him. A shiver runs down your spine.
"Of course..." Your eyelids feel begin to feel heavy, your head dizzy. Was this really happening?
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thefox-i · 3 months
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Mark your calanders everyone! This year I will be selling designs at FANTASY BASEL in Switzerand 9.-11.5 2024!!!
Keychains? Stickers? Prints?? And an opportunity to talk to internet funny person who makes dangaronpa comics all in the same place???Insane!!!!
Don't let this golden opportunity slip!!
(IAll the designs shows will be purchasable at the con!)
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alluring-eclipse · 6 months
Hiii! Could you write headcanons of the dr2 characters (you can choose whichever ones if you don't want to write all of them) with a reader (platonic) who is very realistic, and expresses it in funny/sarcastic remarks about the others and their island situation?
They will basically say things like, "Okay, so a magical bunny just freaking teleported us to God-knows-where, and now we're all living in 'Death in Paradise'... Gotcha... Perfectly normal..."
Or, will witness Nagito's behavior in the first trial and say something at that moment, literally right there in the trial room, like, "Alright, so we're stuck with a psychotic control freak who's most likely gonna kill us all 'cause of his beliefs... Yeah, I'm swimming back to Japan, peace! ✌️"
Or at some point will say, "Why are there so many crazy ppl in this class!? Damn, y'all got issues! Y'all need Jesus!" 😭
Of course love, here you go, tell me if I missed anyone please ☺
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**Hajime Hinata:**
Your dry humor catches Hajime off guard, making him appreciate the unexpected wit. He often finds himself smirking at your comments, secretly enjoying the realism you bring to their surreal situation.
**Nagito Komaeda:**
During the first trial, you can't help but blurt out your unfiltered thoughts. "Ok, so we're stuck with a psychotic freak who's most likely gonna kill us all because of his beliefs... Yeah, I'm gonna swim back to Japan, peace!" Nagito, oddly unfazed, just smiles, "I'm sure Hope will guide you back."
**Chiaki Nanami:**
Chiaki finds your remarks refreshing, a nice break from the tension. She secretly appreciates your realistic perspective but doesn't express it openly. You become her go-to for a good laugh amidst the chaos.
**Gundham Tanaka:**
Your sarcasm amuses Gundham, and he starts including you in his grandiose speeches. "Ah, the realist amongst mortals! Even in the face of doom, your spirit remains unbroken." You roll your eyes, but it's hard not to smile.
**Mikan Tsumiki:**
Mikan is both fascinated and intimidated by your blunt remarks. She often stammers when you're around, unsure how to respond to your straightforward commentary. Despite this, she secretly admires your confidence.
**Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu:**
Fuyuhiko initially brushes off your remarks, but deep down, he appreciates your no-nonsense attitude. When things get tough, he finds himself seeking out your presence for a dose of reality.
**Akane Owari:**
Akane enjoys your humor and often challenges you to participate in her antics. She appreciates your straightforwardness, seeing it as a refreshing change in a sea of eccentric personalities.
**Sonia Nevermind:**
Sonia is intrigued by your realism, finding it a stark contrast to her royal upbringing. She subtly seeks your company, enjoying the down-to-earth perspective you bring to the group.
**Byakuya Togami:**
Your remarks manage to make even Byakuya crack a small smirk occasionally. While he won't openly admit it, he respects your practical outlook and occasionally seeks your opinion on matters.
**Ibuki Mioda:**
Ibuki adores your sarcastic humor, often incorporating it into her wild antics. The two of you make an unexpectedly entertaining duo, bringing a unique dynamic to the group.
**Teruteru Hanamura:**
Teruteru attempts to flirt with you, thinking your realism is just a façade. You shut him down with a dry comment, and he's left both impressed and slightly intimidated by your unyielding attitude.
**Mahiru Koizumi:**
Mahiru appreciates your realistic perspective, especially when it comes to organizing and planning. She often relies on your input, secretly finding comfort in your practical approach to the challenges they face.
**Nekomaru Nidai:**
-the Reader sarcastically comments on Nekomaru's intense training routines, "Oh great, the human bulldozer is here. Just what we need to survive on a deserted island – someone to clear a path to the buffet."
**Hiyoko Saionji:**
- When Hiyoko insults others,the reader fires back, "Wow, such cutting remarks. I hope you use those razor-sharp insults to build us a shelter or something equally useful."
**Kazuichi Soda:**
- Observing Kazuichi's obsession with Sonia, the reader quips, "Dude, if you put half as much effort into fixing things as you do chasing Sonia, we'd have a functional way off this island by now."
**Peko Pekoyama:**
- Seeing Peko's loyalty to Fuyuhiko, the reader deadpans, "Ah, the devoted swordswoman. Remind me to hire you for my next bodyguard gig... if we make it off this island alive, that is."
Hope you enjoyed dear, feel free to make more requests and I'll finish them as soon as I can😇
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floorbe · 2 years
So glad to see that requests are open! How about pet name headcanons for the sdr2 boys? What do they call their s/o? What do they liked to be called? Thanks!
shure! spoilers under the cut//
Hajime Hinata
-He mostly calls you sweetie, sweetheart, and dear
-Mostly comes out when he’s not thinking about it at all, like if you surprise him or something
-He’s a little embarrassed by it the first few times until you reassure him
-He likes being called anything, honestly! Just the fact that you have terms if endearment for him is amazing
-He does have a soft spot for sweetheart and the more sweet terms like pumpkin tho
-It makes him feel so fuzzy inside
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
-In public? Doll, sugar, sweetheart, hot stuff... typical tough guy pet names
-In private? Honey, sweetie, babe, less stereotypical and more fuzzy names
-You swear you heard him say bunny once. He denies it
-He warms up to pet names pretty quickly. He’ll probably call you the tough guy pet names before you’re even together as a tease
-The more intimate ones take a bit longer, and the first time he does it he is hyper aware of it and watching your reaction
-He doesn’t use them too often, mostly in public, honestly. He likes your name
-He likes being called love, dearest, angel (be careful w this one tho), anything that reminds him of just how much you love him
-The first time you call him a pet name he goes red and will stomp off if you mention it
Gundham Tanaka
-Ohh this mans, only the highest quality names for his dear love
-Queen/King if you use those terms. He also uses my true love, my dark partner, dear heart, my dear, my love... and rarely he just calls you “lover”
-The first time he uses a pet name it’s completely unintentional, but he’ll play it off like it was totally according to plan
-He’ll be flustered using them until he gets more comfortable in the relationship, in which he’ll be throwing them out more than your name
-He’s weak for any and all pet names. He’s the weakest for sweetheart, my heart, my love, and honey
-The first time you call him a pet name he freezes and has to reboot. You called him what? Oh Gods, you really do care about him, don’t you...?
-Biggest restrained smile on his face for the rest of the day
Kazuichi Souda
-Oh lord he’s so nervous to call you anything at first. Expect some “bro” and “dude” (honestly even way into the relationship, it’s just how he works lol)
-He defaults to babe and sweetie
-He also calls you honey and sugar when he’s feeling especially confident
-He’ll resort to any pet name when he wants something tho. Comedically ofc
-“Y/N, love of my life, light of my day, blood through my veins, ventilator to my heart-” “Kazuichi what do you want”
-He uses them decently often! He’s a bit nervous to use them too often but you’ll catch him calling you them naturally when not focused on it
-Oh he lovesss being called love, baby, sweetie, sweetheart, and pumpkin
-Bright red the first time he hears them, but he’s soo happy
-“H-huh?! Wait, what did you say?! Say it again!”
Nagito Komaeda
-He doesn’t use pet names at first (you’ll leave me soon, anyway, right? You wouldn’t want me calling you anything, anyway), but one day he accidentally lets one slip
-You are incredibly happy and he sees that. And something clicks for him and now he is saying them all the timeee
-My heart, my love, sweetie, pumpkin, honey, my hope... you think it, he’s said it
-He picks up on what you like the most and sticks to those
-He calls you them very often once he gets more comfortable, he likes being able to show his love and likes seeing your smile widen
-He loves any and all pet names you give him! He’s weak for my heart and lovely, tho
-The first time you use a pet name he kinda frowns and reassures you you don’t have to. But you keep doing it anyway?
-Now he just gets a big smile
Nekomaru Nidai
-Oh sweetie all the way! Dear, my love, babe, baby, hot stuff, my man/lady/partner, pumpkin, honey...
-He’s trying out all of them to see which you seem to like the most! He falls back to babe, baby, and sweetie routinely, tho.
-He also called you “my little star” once... huh? Where did that even come from? If you ask abt it he’ll just laugh and ask if you want him to call you it more
-He loves calling you pet names! He uses them soo often
-He also loves being called pet names!! They make him feel so warm and lovey
-The first time you call him one he sweeps you into a big ol hug
-He loves very lovey names, “big guy” if you’re smaller than him, babe, love, sugar... lord he’s so so weak for all of them
Teruteru Hanamura
-Pet name God. Someone stop him. He’s getting so carried away. I hope you’re ready
-Pumpkin, sugar plum, honey, sugar, sweetie, sweetheart... anything is on the table.
-He defaults to pumpkin, honey, and sugar
-He jumps into pet names immediately. He probably uses them before y’all are together when flirting tbh
-He definitely ups his usage in public to see you flustered. Just lay into him in return to decommission him
-The first time you call him my love, my heart, or pumpkin in return he has to take a second to collect himself
-Oh bright red when you first call him a pet name. Expect that twang to come out!
Byakuya Twogami
-When in his Togami disguise? He rarely uses any. Maybe a rogue “dear” once in a while
-When it’s just you two? He doesn’t use a lot of them, but he’s partial to love, dear, and maybe sweetheart if he’s feeling particularly affectionate
-He struggles to keep composure when you call him pet names, tho!! Lord help him, you’re gonna give him away with how hard he has to fight back that blush
-He may be a bit of a dick towards you when you use them, but it’s just to keep up appearances. He’ll apologize profusely later when alone
-He love any pet name you give him, even if the more intimate or “lovey” ones may fluster him
-He will never say it when he’s Togami, tho. But you’ll know, there’s always a slight quirk to his lips when he struggles to keep his smile in check
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nerd-cat-rambles · 2 months
My Danganronpa Opinion Tier-list (With rankings, EX./10 and reasons why they're ranked that way below.) (I've only played the first two games, so the V3 ones might not be accurate.)
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Kiyotaka Ishimaru - AMAZING CHARACTER, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, LITERALLY KIN HIM SO MUCH, love the VA, hated his death and trial. - 10/10
Mondo Owada - He's also the best, I love his design, his character, his VA, his motive, his trial, his execution was kinda.... BUT I STILL LOVE MONDO - 10/10
Sonia Nevermind - She's so funny and her ftes are great! So good and love her in trials. Great VA, sondam is awesome. - 9/10
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu - Great Ch.Development after chp2 love him so much. - 9/10
Gundham Tanaka - I love him SO MUCH he's amazing and funny and his execution made me cry alot. Sondam for life - 9/10
I just realised Ishida wasn't on this list but Jill/Syo was, so I'm putting him below:
#. Kiyondo Ishida - Literally an icon. Wished he was in a trial with Syo. 8.8/10
6. Sayaka Maizono - I used to hate her lol, love this queen. - 8.7/10
7. Mikan Tsumiki - I might get hate for this one... - 8.5/10
8. Sakura Ogami - A sweetheart and a hero - 8.3/10
9. Chihiro Fujisaki - He's so cute I wanna pat him on the head - 8.3/10
10. Akane Owari - Underrated, love her. - 8/10
11. Hajime Hinata - Best Protag - 7.9/10
12. Kaito Momota - He believes in Gonta - 7.8/10
13. Shuichi Saihara - Pretty cool ngl I like him :3 - 7.8/10
14. Ryoma Hoshi - Underrated like Akane - 7.7/10
15. Chiaki Nanami - Her FTEs are cute. Noble character. Love her. - 7.6/10
16. Nagito Komaeda - A TINY bit overrated but I still love him - 7.5/10
17. Aoi Asahina - Relatable Queen - 7.4/10
18. Genocider Syo/Jill - She's much funnier than Toko tbh. - 7.4/10
19. Byakuaya Togami - Why did I put him next to Syo lol - 7.3/10
20. Kazuichi Souda - Shark guy. Funny. He's pretty good :) - 7.2/10
21. Peko Pekoyama - Sweet character, AMAZING EXECUTION - 7.1/10
22. Nekomaru Nidai - SO UNDERRATED - 7/10
23. Kaede Akamatsu - Probably would put higher if I had played V3 - 7/10
24. Gonta Gokuhara - Super nice and sweet :) - 7/10
25. K1-B0 (Keebo) - He's actually a cutie patootie - 7/10
26. Makoto Naegi - THE CUTIE PATOOTIE - 6.9/10
27. Kyoko Kirigiri - Nice, but I couldn't love her character like everybody else tbh- - 6.8/10
28. Leon Kuwata - Chill dude, him and Ibuki probs good friends. - 6.7
29. Kokichi Ouma - He's pretty cool, good VA, cooked in his trial. - 6.7
30. Ibuki Mioda - Funny, sweet, a tiny bit overrated. My mum called her a furry once- - 6.5
31. Monokuma - How can you not like the mascot y'all- - 6.4 bc he killed my faves :,)
32. Rantaro Amami - He's cool, but idk him well. Wish we got to see his character more. - 6.3
33. Korekiyo Shinguji - Chill guy, interesting, weird subplot. - 6.2
34. Himiko Yumeno - Overhated tbh, cute, nice, cries a bit too much. - 6.1/10
35. Maki Harukawa - Not a big fan of the quiet brooding ch. but Idk her well so I won't judge too much. :) - 6/10
Neutrual - Like:
36. Celestia Ludenburg - She's pretty cool, trash motive, lied about Taka. That's the reason she isn't higher. 5.9/10
37. Toko Fukawa - A bit creepy, weird, but I still like her. Glad she survived tho tbh. - 5.8/10
38. Tenko Chabashira - Idk her charcater, I just know her "degenerate male" thingy, which is... interesting... no hate tho - 5.7/10
39. Mukuro Ikusaba - Wish she was in THH longer! OMG FAKE-JUNKO WAS SO COOL! Didn't see enough of her to rate higher. - 5.6/10
40. Izuru Kamakura - Cool concept, overrated tho- 5.5/10
41. Junko Enoshima - Cool ch. shit motive. Killed my faves- 5.3/10
42. Imposter/"Byakuya" - Good in SDR2 but didn't see enough of him :( - 5.2/10
43. Usami/Monomi - Cute mascot but I skipped her ALL of her dialogue because she annoyed TF out of me. - 5.1/10
44. Tsumugi Shirogane - GREAT VA but, I kinda don't know what to think about her. - 5.1/10
45. Yasuhiro Hagakure - A bit of a silly-billy, I dunno how he survived. He's closer to like than dislike tho. 5/10
46. Kirumi Tojo - She has the same VA as Hiyoko. HOW. Anyways, talented VA, cool execution, wish we got to see more of her tho. 5/10
47. Monodam - Apparently not as bad at the other ones? Byakuyas VA- 5/10
48. Angie Yonaga - PRETTY DESIGN, GREAT VA, still not sure about her tho tbh... 4.6/10
49. Mahiru Koizumi - Boring, annoying, complains alot tbh, had great potential which wasn't used well. - 4.4/10
50. Teruteru Hanamura - Kinda... interesting. Surprisingly humane motive. I actually prefer him to Mahiru now... 4.3/10 (changed to 4.5/10)
51. Miu Iruma - There's alot to say about this girl... uh... 4.2/10
52. Hiyoko Saionji - Insufferable. I hate her, WHINY AND ANNOYING, I skipped all her dialogue. 3/10
53. Hifumi Yamada - I hate him, but I put him in this category bc why not. Skipped all of his dialogue, he annoyed me so much. I ignored him. He killed Taka for no reason. 2.5/10 because he was helpful in one trial.
All the Monokubs, except I forgot their names. Incest weirdos, no point in the whole thing. 2/10
Anyway, my ranking is a bit controversial, so tell me what you guys think! <3
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Hi! Same anon here who asked for the "worst things about being w/ the SDR2 cast" work. I really liked it! Following up on it, may I request what are the best things about being in a relationship with the characters? Thank you!
Glad u enjoyed it :)
The best thing about being with teruteru is how loving he is, despite being a pervert he can really show how much he loves you. Constantly cooking for you, doing small things around the house like cleaning and offering to massage your back when you had a rough day.
Mahiru is perfection, how could I possibly say what the best thing about being with her is? She’s good at taking care of you, she’s protective and loving, she makes you feel cared for as well and constantly makes you feel good about yourself.
Peko makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world. To her, you are. She’s protective of you and tells you how much you mean to her, when she gets the chance.
Ibuki is energetic, yeah shocker right? But she’s energetic in your relationship in many different aspects. She’s eager to see you, try new things with you, she’s excited to do things she wouldn’t even find interesting, so long as she’s with you she’s ecstatic.
Hiyoko notices things about you others don’t. She knows what makes you happy or what may make you uncomfortable even if you’re good at hiding your feelings. She does everything she can to make you comfortable.
Mikan will always be there for you if you ever get sick, or hurt, or if something worse happens. If you get a seizure or have an allergic reaction, she knows what to do. She’s a life saver.
Nekomaru is good at motivating you to do things, especially if you’re trying to stay fit or eat healthier. If you deal with depression, or perhaps you’re trying to find the motivation to do chores, he knows how to help you out of any funk!
Gundham just loves helping you with anything, even things he may not quite understand, he wants to be able to assist you in anything and is a very selfless boyfriend.
Nagito is just nice to talk to, surprisingly enough he can afford to not be creepy and babble about hope. He can have a lot of pleasant conversations with you that just make you feel good.
Chiaki isn’t judgmental in the slightest. She is always somebody you can go to, when you just need somebody to listen to you. Whether it’s about some niche interest or perhaps something you did, you’re always comfortable telling her.
Sonia will protect and defend you to the ends of the earth, whether it’s vocal or physical harm (even if she’s a princess) she plans on protecting you and defending your honor. She makes you feel safe.
Akane is always grateful to have you. She may have a hard time expressing it, since she gets flustered easily at the idea of it. However, she never takes you for granted.
Hajime is willing to try new things, always. He will truly do whatever you want, no matter how insane or on the contrary, how boring it is. He has fun as long as he’s with you.
Souda makes you feel good about yourself with his compliments and doting on you constantly with gifts. It’s just so sweet, even if you’re the type that doesn’t handle things like that very well.
Fuyuhiko is surprisingly considerate of you, whether it’s the small things like making sure to put a new roll of toilet paper or something more serious like being considerate of your feelings, he’s always thinking of you first.
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Like or reblog if you ship Nekomaru/Teruteru!
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sips-tea-cutely · 2 years
Can you write sdr2 boys if they were dating an ultimate spirit medium? Personality is cheery, bubble, outgoing, stubborn, and overbearing!
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Sdr2 boys dating a bubbly ultimate spirit medium
a/n: the sdr2 cast is so hard to write :distressed:
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#Hajime Hinata
he finds every ultimate cool, what do you think 😨😨
wouldn’t be really TOO interested in your talent pre/during killing game.
i feel like post-danganronpa, he’d really want to talk to chiaki but he knows he needs to move on so he decides against it, plus he was you after all. why talk to your dead bsf when you have an alive s/o 😐😐
ANYWAYS, during the killing game, he’d def be running to you for hints and to be his investigation partner (along with chianki, detective trio!!) after nagito went nuts
imagine if your a bit like toritsuka from saiki k, he’d definitely freak out if you could see ghosts in his dorm 😰😰
#Byakuya Twogami
imposter would find you… interesting to say the least???
how can someone be so cheery while talking to dead people 😟😟 they genuinely wanted to know but like they remembered they were dressed up as byakuya
“what foolishness. how can one be so exuberant and happy-go-lucky whilst having such a dreadful talent? tch…”
pls answer them, they need to know/gen 👁👁
#Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
“hey fuyuhiko, theres a spirit named _____, they want to s-“ “👁👁”
HASHSH ok but besides that, he’d find it pretty interesting tbh
post-trial 2, he’d ask you to mediate a conversation between him and peko as a final goodbye. after that i think he’d finally be satisfied and would move on
i feel like post killing game fuyuhiko would ask you if natsumi is okay, still not over her 😪😪
tbh though, at first i think he’d be terrified to approach you cause like what if one of the people he’s hunted down wants to talk to him? what then, would they be angry??
#Gundham Tanaka
help i think this would boost his god/chuunibyou complex 💀💀
i feel like in the non-despair/UTDP AU, he’d brag about it to people that are kinda similar/related
omg youre the ultimate anthropologist who does seances? too bad, s/o is better. ultimate prisoner? yea, s/o could totally find the people you killed
omg ok but he really does love you sm, not just for your talent, would def love how you’re so cheery despite having such a despair-inducing talent
im praying to god that you also get into his false reality cause you’d be defending his little reality from kazuichi and i swear, i heard his heart skip a beat (im cham-p btw 😍😍)
#Kazuichi Soda
he’d find you pretty cool tbhh
i dont think that your talent would change any of his feelings but he’d definitely think its interesting
tbh i think he’d try to make devices to help make your talent a little bit easier like maybe a little spirit box or incense scent releaser
i feel like you’d have a thing where you refuse to accept his gifts but his love language is giving gifts and receiving words of affection so yea, it’d be little lighthearted fights aww <33
like i said, nothing would change, as long as you love him <33
#Nagito Komaeda
oh my god, youre amazing 😨😨😨
he would definitely use you as an example to everyone else for what it means to smile at despair in the name of hope
nagito for sure has a lot of people he’d like to talk to; maybe his parents or even his dog would be enough 😞😞 but i feel he’d be scared to do it for two reasons;
1: youre an ultimate! why should a talentless and worthless human being like him even get to ask you for a favor? to him, he seems to be very selfish for even thinking of asking for that
2: he also doesn’t want you to think that he only cares for you to use you as a medium to talk to his parents. sure, at first, he admired you for being a symbol of absolute hope but after getting to know you, he truly fell in love. and the longer he fell, the less of a need to cling to the past as long as his final wish was fulfilled; to be loved by someone before he dies.
#Nekomaru Nidai
he would think that training would lowkey make your skill much more easier to practice
he wouldn’t really be too interested in using your talent for his own purposes but he would constantly push the ‘s/o uses their ability to solve the trial’ agenda WJSJSJS but monokuma didn’t allow it
would also ask a bunch of questions about your talent— does it give you a headache, how many spirits can you take, etc
AJSJSSJ im sry i cant think of alot 😭😭
#Teruteru Hanamura
ok i actually have a lot of ideas for teruteru.
so pre/during killing game, he wouldn’t really do anything about your talent, why would he, he’s a chef!
when ibuki suggests to use your talent to talk to byakuya’s spirit, teruteru would almost lose his cool and release his accent (he thankfully didn’t)
and also thankfully, monokuma banned you from using your talent since it’d make the trial boring if they all just relied on you
and then post killing game i feel like he’d ask you to help him talk to his dead mom since im pretty sure its hinted that shes dead
also also omg youre his personal taste tester and i swear to shuichis baseball cap that it’s all food wars clothes-removing inducing kind of good like *chef kiss*
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teddybearty · 5 days
Ayo! I hope do you don't mind me requesting something. Perhaps some Fuyuhiko x Teruteru?
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Short Kings 💕✨
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3rd ask of ur day!! you deserve alot more asks i literally love ur writing mwah amazing 100% gonna be asking for u more, mm how bout sdr2 boys with their copy s/o like their s/o is just like them
Aww! Thank you so much! I didn't do Hajime because his ass doesn't have a talent and Kazuichi because I got lazy Lmao 💀
Characters: Ultimate imposter, Teruteru, Gundham, Nekomaru, Nagito, and Fuyuhiko
Ultimate imposter:
He was surprised to say the least when you introduced yourself as the ultimate imposter (because he was also that) but knew he had to keep up his persona and said your talent was dumb 🤧🤧
"y-your the Ultimate imposter? That's a useless talent. Go away as I have important stuff to look into."
After a while of getting to talk to each other after getting out of the program you learned he was also the ultimate imposter and y'all's relationship bloomed after that. 🥺😋
He gets exited that someone is able to help him cook 🥺 (not gonna make this anything other than wholesome since I'm a minor and asexual lol) and couldn't wait to make breakfast for everyone with you helping him. Sometimes he gets more credit but he always makes sure to scold them and get the recognition you deserve.
"Oh? Ultimate cook? Well it just so happens I'm that too 👨‍🍳 do you wanna make some cookies my momma taught me to make 😏"
"Oh? Who dares to challenge me!? oh- your the Ultimate breeder to? I suppose where pm the same level. Very well then! What is your familiar? 😈"
After a while you both hung out with Sonia as she absolutely loved you guys. And y'all's familiars would play with each other. The devas loved you and it 🥺 you asked him if he can do your hair like his and now it's a funny haha between you both.
Nekomaru :
He was super vocal about his excitement twords your ultimate. Knowing that you both have different methods, you both train Akane and she loves you both sm. After Nekomaru got hit my monokuma's and was sent to the hospital, you both made sure he was happy and comfortable even though it was booming like he normally was. And in the fun house it was you who comforted Akane. After the simulation you both became closer until his time was up.
Makes old man sounds when you tell him 💀.
"What?? Omegosh omegosh fr? Your the Ultimate lucky student as well?!👴🥺"
He fawns all over you and always complements you over everyone else. It's gotten to the point Hiyoko had to bonk him in the head.
"Ahh! I'm so lucky to be graced by you!! 😩🥺👴"
He had shocked eyes knowing that your Yakuza too. He knows your capable of protecting yourself so he isn't all that worried but still has a little bit of worry in him out of love 🥺. Peko finds it her duty to make sure your safe.
"hey shithead. What do you mean we have the same fucking talent?!. Heh,, maybe your not as much as a bastard dumbass as I thought.
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owlcoven · 2 years
DR2 Characters come to your concert! (Ultimate Singer)
You use gender-neutral pronouns! (C/N) is city name in this context! Your music genre is all over the place, but this concert is just focusing on indie songs for now.
Where do I even begin? Honestly, it was more of a surprise that they were coming. You invited them all multiple times, only for them to reject you because they had other plans or “just didn’t feel like it”.
It was a huge crowd, you lost count of how many people came, but if you had to guess, it'd probably be over 250k. You were a pretty popular singer you were everywhere, in interviews, on news reports, even on fashion shows. If you were into that sort of stuff.
You got ready for your big show, sighing, wishing your friends were there to enjoy this moment with you. You step out on stage and put on a big smile for your crowd. “What is up, (C/N)!” You shout and in return, the crowd shouts back your name. Reaching out to you, dancing even though no music was playing yet.
“(Y/N)! Over here!” A familiar voice roared. You glanced over to the crowd and saw none other than your friends, cheering you on. It was Nekomaru calling out to you. You put on a big grin and wave to him. You jump down off the stage and walk over to the fence where Nekomaru and the others were. “I didn't think you'd guys would make it!” You tell them with happy tears leaving your eyes.
“Aw, anything for our friend. A hot one too.” Teruteru winks, but of course, you shrug him off and just pat his head. “Anyways, I bought us all tickets. We couldn't miss it for the world.” Nagito grinned. “Ah, how hopeful, a concert hosted by our friend brings us all together!” He went on his hope rant.
“Where's Peko and Ibuki? Where is Hiyoko and Mahiru?” You ask. “Were they not able to come?” You added, a little sad for them. “A-Ah, no, they're over there!” Mikan pointed to the stage. Hiyoko was dancing, Ibuki was preparing to jam out, and Peko was just scanning the area, making sure nothing would go wrong during your performance.
“Yes, yes. The Overlord of Ice has made it, even he-” Gundham was cut off by Kazuichi pushing him out of the way. “What song will you play first? Midnight? Escapism? I really love them both.” He grinned, excitedly. “Escapsim first, then Midnight.” Fuyuhiko suggested. “Noted, oh I must go now, thank you all for coming!” You smile, happily.
You performed happily, giving it your all. Seeing your friends just boosted your energy, making this concert experience the best one out of all. After the concert, you all went out to eat and talk about your next concert location. They loved the concert, they plan to go do every single one, if able.
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m-y-fandoms · 1 year
COMMISSION: SDR2 Boys x Reader - Marshmallow Hell Scenarios
Details: For those who don’t know, Marshmallow Hell is an anime cliche/trope where someone falls face first into/is smothered by someone’s breasts. Also, this is for anyone with breasts, no pronouns are mentioned
Warnings: language and lewd suggestive scenarios but its kinda PG-13/Teen
SDR2 spoilers in some sections, but some will be implied to be Island Mode/no despair
Word Count: 4.5K words - around 500 for each boy
Byakuya Twogami
It was normal for you and all of your classmates to convene in the hotel restaurant every morning. You ate breakfasts handmade by the Ultimate Cook, discussed the day’s plans, and just caught up with each other. There were already cliques and little sub-groups within the whole - people who favored each other. Nekomaru could often be found getting stronger or training with Akane, Sonia and Gundham spoke of their interest in the occult, and Hajime and Chiaki had grown quite close. Ibuki had developed a fondness and sort of infatuation for the group’s self-appointed leader: Byakuya Togami. It seemed natural to want to be closer to someone titled the Ultimate Affluent Progeny, as he held wealth, status, confidence, and yet a bit of mystery. Ibuki, however, seemed to take to him more than the others. She was constantly asking him questions, playfully praising him, following him around.
This morning in particular, you were minding your own business, in the corner talking about beach-going plans with Chiaki after having just finished your breakfast. Ibuki, loud and boisterous, was trailing behind Byakuya, asking after what their esteemed leader had planned for the day, and Hiyoko, short-tempered as ever, was slowly losing her patience with the noise so early in the morning.
You actually had to commend Byakuya on his own patience. For someone who would be easy to judge as pompous and stuck-up, he actually was quite good at keeping his cool and naturally taking up his post as leader. He passed by Chiaki and yourself on the way back to the kitchen of the restaurant, and you nearly felt bad for the man who appeared to still be groggy from sleep and yet was being bombarded by conversation. He handled Ibuki well. Hiyoko, however, had enough it seemed.
“Ugh! Shut the hell up! I just woke up and you’re being annoying! Go talk to Mr. Ham Hands in your private cabin if you wanna suck his gross, cheesy dick that bad!” Clenching her teeth in frustration, Hiyoko reached out and shoved Ibuki as hard as she could with her angry little hands. The strength such a hateful little body could produce was actually quite surprising. Ibuki screeched, stumbled abruptly forward into Byakuya, who, taken by surprise, tumbled forward onto you. Like a stack of dominos you all went down with quite a bit of commotion.
With the hefty size and height of the Affluent Progeny before you, you were easily taken flat to the ground with a gasp. Everyone turned to look at the situation: Ibuki collapsed across Byakuya’s ass and legs, and Byakuya smothered head first into the plush front of your breasts. Time seemed to stop for a second, and Byakuya raised his head, cheeks aflame with embarrassment at the undignified position. You looked back into his eyes with just as much shock. Hiyoko covered her mouth with both hands, holding back how devilishly delighted she was at the chaos she’d just caused.
“Well, well! If the big rich boy wanted some play that badly, he probably could’ve just asked (Y/N)! I must say, I’m quite jealous of his position!” Teruteru teased, wiggling his fingers, imagining himself switching places with Byakuya.
Byakuya scrambled to his feet, lifting himself off of you in a hurry while sputtering defensive, angry retorts about how a gentleman of rare stock such as himself would never stoop so low and something about not being a common rake like the promiscuous chef.
Teruteru Hanamura
Teruteru was playful, unserious, relaxed in most aspects of his life and personality. However, you noticed he was fiercely serious when it came to cooking. It was his passion, his life’s work, something he didn’t play around with. You admired how much time and effort he put into his craft, and loved to watch him work. He spent every breakfast, lunch and dinner period making a literal feast for all of his classmates, and you often liked to either watch him work his magic in the kitchen, or get more hands-on and actually help him. You found him funny and knowledgable, and liked learning little recipes and cooking methods as much as eating the finished works. However, it was nice to be complimented, compared to delicious dishes and praised for your cooking assistance skills. You found yourself having a lot of fun with him.
At the moment, you were helping Teruteru in the dining hall of the old building by the hotel. Your class had prepared a little party of sorts for tonight, a little feast and get-together to chat, have fun, and just be carefree for a night. Now done with the dishes, it was all about plating and arrangment. He wanted the dining hall to stun your peers when they arrived in the next ten minutes or so.
He was up on a ladder, piling up a tower of sashimi and nigiri a mile high. You spotted him, nervous about the height he was at, especially with his short frame. You had your arms out in preparation, ready for any spills or to catch stray strips of fish meat. Everything had to be perfect. He took pride in that. Ice on the bottom, a cold room, fresh meat, the proper placement.
Teetering to place a bit of yellowtail and red snapper on the top of his masterpiece, you heard him gasp a bit, one foot stumbling over the other on the top step of the ladder. Determined not to crash into and therefore ruin his mountain of fish, he quickly shifted his weight, twisting so he instead fell away and off of the ladder and unfortunately, onto his gracious helper. You grunted with the impact, slamming flat onto your back on the hard floor with Teruteru on top of you. With his height and the angle of the fall, his face planted so very conveniently into your breasts.
It was almost a little too perfect of a scenario for someone like him, and you flustered up immediately, questioning if he’d done it on purpose as he took his good old time getting up. Of course, lewd remark after lewd remark ensued, as he took advantage of the situation fully. How often would he get an opportunity as lucky as that?
Nekomaru Nidai
Nekomaru had many more positive traits than negative ones. You absolutely loved spending time with him, as he radiated positivity and pushed all of those around him to be their best self and train their bodies and minds. He was all about mental and physical strength, as was expected of the Ultimate Team Manager. Nekomaru trained champions, and so he could never just let his friends go without realizing their full potential. You very much enjoyed his presence, his overwhelming energy, hearty laugh, encouraging personality.
Spending time with Nekomaru often meant also spending time with Akane. The two walls of muscle often bonded over their shared interest in being strong in body and mind, and today you’d agreed to train with them. Nekomaru was good at reading people’s insecurities - better to help overcome them - and today, he insisted on honing your senses, as the killing game left you feeling vulnerable and even a bit useless. There’s no one you trusted more to help you get out of those feelings. It was good to get your mind off of things while training to become less of a target for a killing. Two birds, one stone and all that.
Nekomaru had all four of you blindfolded: you, Nekomaru himself, Akane, and Hajime Hinata, who often got roped into silly activities with whoever seemed to be available to hang out that particular day. Nekomaru insisted he could use the training as well, so here he was. The next hour or so was spent dodging light attacks, relying on hearing and sensing danger when sight was not an option. Nekomaru always went easier on you and Hajime, saving the harder hits for Akane, who would never accept any less. Out on the beach behind the diner, you felt the sand between your toes, the wind on your face, the blindfold forcing you to perceive your surroundings in a whole new way.
You swivled on your heels, hearing someone new approach from the south, and you assumed everyone else heard them, too. It was Ibuki, as you easily reognized from the voice.
“There you guys are! We couldn’t find you for like, forever! Anyhoo! Teruteru sent me to round y’all up! Soup’s on! Come on back to the-” before Ibuki could even finish her words, Akane was bolting, blindfold still on, toward the first island, and only Ibuki would actually see what happened next:
Akane, all speed and no sight, plowed into Hajime and pushed past him. He yelped, splatting onto the ground at full-force.
“Ouch! What the fu- ah!” Hajime was cut off as Nekomaru, who also was now heading in the same direction as Akane, tripped over Hajime’s prone body on the sand, tripping face forward onto you, innocent of the chaos and unsuspecting while still blind to the world around you.
“Gah!” Nekomaru’s deep voice rumbled, clumsily taking you down with him, his huge mountain of a body easily smashing yours into the sand below him. Ibuki could only laugh at the cluster-fuck in front of her, the chain of events that lead to Nekomaru face planting directly into your chest. His exclamation of surprise was muffled into your soft mounds of flesh. You were speechless, just wondering what the hell was going on.
“Aww man, sorry, Hajime!” Nekomaru, hearing Hajime yell out beforehand, assumed it was the skinny brunette crushed below him. He reached up for the blindfold, lifting it and immediately feeling a rush of embarrassment set his cheeks ablaze. The tips of his ears were on fire and his heartbeat was racing, now making eye contact with you.
He wasn’t oblivious to his size, knowing whoever he’d fallen on top of was almost certainly pinned and unable to get up until he moved, so he scrambled to is feet, apologizing profusely and helping you to your feet while Ibuki made teasing remarks just a short distance away.
Gundham Tanaka
It was a rare stormy night on the beautiful tropical island. All outdoor activities were off the table, and so you and your good friend, Gundham, decided on spending time in his cabin. It had taken a lot of work to get Gundham to this point, where he let a “mere mortal” into the safe space of his private quarters, and he was still closed off in some ways. He had walls up: about his heart, his past, his Four Dark Devas, and you’d slowly broken many of them down. He still was his own quirky, awkward, edgy self, but around you, he was slightly more relaxed. He didn’t usually let others interact with his Devas, and he still insisted they could turn on even himself in a moment’s notice as they were powerful beasts and truly their own masters, but he was more comfortable letting you hold and take care of them than anyone else. You’d earned that right. You were worthy in his eyes.
You loved his personalized cabin, overrun with hamster tunnels and pet care items. It was so cute and cozy, a stark contrast to his own presentation to the world. Tonight, he regaled you with embellished and dramatic tales of his past feats while the Devas crawled all around you. One was under the collar of your shirt, trying to siphon away your body heat, another used your shirt sleeve like a tunnel. One sat in your lap, eating a seed you offered. Gundham’s storytelling was so entertaining to you because he was so effortlessly good at it. It was an accident that he was so alluring.
Without warning, lightning cracked outside and the lights went out. It was pure black all around you, and you assumed your peers in their own cabins were experiencing the same thing.
Freaking out a bit, Gundham yelled for his Devas, calling them back to his own side. Again, though he trusted you, and didn’t want to admit any faults in his breeding and training methods, at the end of the day, the Devas were animals with instincts and wild at heart. He feared them panicking at the sudden darkness and lashing out to scratch or bite you. He could handle it, as his bandaged arm proved, but he didn’t want that happening to you.
He reached out frantically for the Devas in the dark, lunging forward, scrambling and stumbling until he accidentally toppled you over. Clumsily, he fell forward onto you. You yelped at the impact, not seeing but feeling the Devas scramble for cover away from you before they could be crushed by their owner. Now flat on your back in the darkness, you smelled a masculine, fragrant gel product as a coif of hair tickled your nostrils. Quickly you realized that Gundham Tanaka had pinned you, his face smashed into your bosom.
The monitor that adorned every individual cabin flashed on, the monochromatic, evil bear appearing with a sheepish look across his mischievous face.
“Sorry there, kiddos! Backup generator comin’ at ya!” As if he even cared in the first place, he giggled before disappearing off the screen once again.
The lights shuttered and then flashed back on, Gundham now able to fully take in the situation. His eyes met yours, and widened in absolute horror, mouth agape. He shoved himself off of you immediately, crawling back to his side of the floor and gathering his Devas into his arms. He preferred to pretend the whole thing never happened, hiding his now tomato-red face behind the folds of his scarf.
Nagito Komaeda
Nagito was acting weird. Like, weirder than usual. You were all in the hotel restaurant for your morning meeting as always, save for Fuyuhiko, who was in the hospital after Peko’s trial the day before. Nagito was a clammy, sweaty mess, ranting and and raving about the most random things, and just… lying a lot?
You knew Nagito a little better than the others in the group, actively choosing to befriend and get to know him as much as he would allow, but one didn’t need to know Nagito well to know that he was lying. He was saying the most outlandish, obvious lies in rapid succession.
“Nagito, is this a joke? What are you up to, now?” Hajime, ever cynical and suspicious questioned the pariah of the group, who held himself in a crazed embrace, arms wrapped around his shaking form as he rambled on.
You also knew from spening time with Nagito that he was ill, extremely ill. He was so physically ill that it extended into affecting his mental and emotional wellbeing as well. It wasn’t like he didn’t lie to push his own goals from time to time, but this was different. Something was wrong. You’d all observed that Ibuki and Akane were acting strange as well, and so Hajime, kind of the default leader of sorts, put his flat palm to each of their foreheads and found them ablaze with heat. Ah ha! So there was an illness on top of the illness. Nagito was lanky and pale as it was, but today, he was a ghost of even that.
The group discussed what to do, trying to figure out what was wrong with your three obviously ill classmates, when Nagito, chuckling in a frenzied, unstable way, started to wobble on his feet. You saw his eyes roll to the back of his head, and he stumbled, beginning to drop. You swept forward and moved to catch him before he could hit the floor and take some real damage. With someone as sickly as him, a good fall would probably mess him up big time. Losing consciousness, his dead weight fell face forward, directly into the cushion of your breasts. You fumbled with his weight, struggling to keep him up while he nearly suffocated into the plush surface that smothered his face. You panicked, looking around for help, humiliation in your expression. He was heavier than his gangly frame suggested.
Hajime Hinata
You had the despair disease.
And you had it bad.
Forced into the hospital on the third island, you, Nagito, Akane and Ibuki had been quarantined, separated from most of your healthy classmates. Only Mikan, Fuyuhiko and Hajime visited the four of you on a day-to-day basis, both to care for you until you were better and to protect you from being victims of the killing game. Hajime, being closer to you than the others and someone who considered you a true friend, also just wanted to be there to keep you company. If he caught the disease trying to protect and visit you, so be it. He wasn’t really worried about it.
Little did Hajime know, you very much saw him as more than a friend. Although you’d never admit it to him, you were head over heels for your intelligent, perceptive, caring classmate. Your crush couldn’t have been bigger. When the disease first began to manifest and you were in the more mild stages of it, you tried to keep him away from the hospital, because it was clear to you which form of the disease you’d caught.
Akane had cowardice, Nagito lying, Ibuki gullibility, and you… 
It was most definitely love… or lust, or infatuation… you couldn’t quite tell. You’d like to think it was love, because if it was just lust or infatuation, you’d think you’d be climbing all over Fuyuhiko and Mikan when they came to visit, too, but so far, your grabby hands had only been reaching for Hajime. Your mind had been infected with an all-encompassing passion for Hajime Hinata, and Hajime Hinata alone.
Again, when you were more conscious and healthy at the begginning stages of the disease, you could recognize the involuntary increase of feelings swelling in your heart. You tried to warn Hajime to stay away, fully aware of what was happening to your body. He insisted on taking care of you just as he would help Mikan take care of the others, regardless of your warnings. As your fever burned and the sickness ravaged your body, you found it harder and harder to not grab at him when he approached, to not flirt shamelessly, to not look him up and down and imagine him without his shirt on. On days when the island felt hotter than usually, you subtly even suggested that he just be rid of the white uniform shirt altogether. Hajime had been a blushing mess around you all week, but had done his best to ignore the touches and advances, as he knew you weren’t in your right frame of mind. Though he secretly liked you more as a friend as well, he’d never take advantage of your predicament.
On this day in particular, the disease seemed to be at its climax. Your body was going through waves of heat flashes, sweat pouring from your hairline and onto your face.
As soon as Hajime opened the door to your hospital room, you leapt out of the bed before he could even speak a word. Your heart burned with affection as you latched onto him, jumping into his arms and smushing his face into the crevice of your breasts, very much on purpose.
“Hajime~ I missed you~” You crushed his nose into the sweaty cleavage of your bosom, wanting him to feel the warmth and love you held for him.
“(Y-Y/N)!” Hajime sputtered, stunned at the surprise attack, could barely breath, smothered into the embrace.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
You really admired Peko for her strength, skill and silent grace. She was strong and knew she was strong. She didn’t boast, she was confident in her art form. She was truly the Ultimate Swordswoman. Although it was quite hard at first, you’d managed to get close enough to her to consider her a friend. Being close to Peko by default meant you’d have to get a bit closer with Fuyuhiko as well. The pair were inseparable it seemed, and you didn’t mind that. Fuyuhiko, despite his fiery, spiky exterior, was actually much more thoughtful and kind that most people knew. You’d grown to realize that those who earned a modicum of his trust and friendship would not be disappointed in the type of man he could be. He often tagged along, pretending he didn’t want to be there when you hung out with Peko.
You stood on one side of the beach with Peko across the way on the other side. Peko took up an offensive stance, preparing for a head-on attack. She’d agreed to teach you some swordsmanship and martial arts basics here and there after seeing your interest, and so here you were, on your third lesson. Today’s learning goals included the basics of defensive stances, blocks, counters.
You weren’t picking up the skills as quickly as you’d like, though Peko always encouraged you to press on in her sisterly, stern, blunt way. Fuyuhiko stood nearby, reading some old book from the enormous library while leaned carelessly against the outside wall of the diner. He looked up occassionally to watch you two and comment, to scoff or tease when you messed up or express concern begrudgingly when he felt like Peko was going a little hard on you. Though she was supportive verbally, it seemed that she sometimes forgot her own strength compared to a beginners when it came time for action.
Frustrated with your own skills, you spaced out a bit, sighing and dropping your guard for just a moment, the wrong moment. Peko surged forward for an attack, noticing your lack of focus just a second too late.
“(Y/N), block!” Peko spoke curtly as she approached. With that wake up call, you brought the practice sword up at the very last second, just barely avoiding a head-on attack from the master swordswoman, one that probably would’ve knocked you out cold. Your pathetic excuse for a block took away a bit of the brunt impact, but Peko’s pure strength had you stumbling back still, knocked backward off your feet.
Fuyuhiko, softer in the heart than he’d like to admit, looked up upon hearing the commotion and, in an instinctual moment of reaction, dropped his book and lunged forward, ready to break your fall, if even just a little. You made eye contact with him on the way down, dropping hold of the sword and twisting to grab onto his petite frame. 
You easily tipped over his small body, taking him down with you. You instantly smothered him - your chest lining up perfectly with his nose and mouth - cutting off his airways as you two hit the ground. You were crushing him.
Profanities and protests fully muffled against your chest, Fuyuhiko struggled and swore, insulting you and hurling hateful curses from his compromising position.
Kazuichi Souda
You were making your way to Strawberry House from Grape House. In the elevator beside you was your good friend, Kazuichi, or just Kaz’, as you’d affectionately taken to calling him. You two often moved together, hanging out nearly every day, and now that you were all locked inside the funhouse, nothing had changed. In fact, with the danger of the killing game motive, you probably spent even more time linked at the hip with Kazuichi, as you liked to have each other’s back. He was a true friend to you.
Not only did you find Kazuichi’s unique style intriguing and his personality hilarious, but you really respected his unmatchable skill in engineering. He was a master, able to fix, take apart, and fix again nearly every machine or piece of tech that was thrown at him. He often, in fact, didn’t see just how amazing he was. Sure, he bragged at times, but you sensed a lot of insecurity under the surface, like he would never know just how valuable and important he actually was. You would often ask for his help fixing things or beg him to teach you some of what he knew.
On what you expected to be a short ride in the elevator, you were chatting it up with your best bud, complaining about the lack of food and the eye-strain caused by the bright walls of the fun house. One thing you two loved to do was complain together. You both just seemed to get each other.
Quite suddenly, the elevator stalled. Stopping mid-sentence, you grabbed onto Kazuichi’s forearm for reassurance as the elevator shook and thrusted to an abrupt halt with a jolt, knocking you into him. The lights flickered and went out.
“This is my worst fucking nightmare…” You chuckled nervously, grabbing onto Kazuichi tighter. He was panicking too under the surface, but being the Ultimate Mechanic, knew he was well within his skill set to fix the situation. Grumbling in displeasure, he sighed.
“Yeah, this fuckin’ sucks, but…” he started reaching out in the dark, looking for some kind of control panel or buttons, “I can probably get us outta here. Shit! If only I had just a speck of light!” You relinquished your hold on him so he could crouch, looking for some way to start his work. The panic was starting to really set in for you. What were the odds of this happening?
With a groan, the elevator lurched and shook again. 
“Kaz’!” You shrieked in the dark, leaping forward to grab onto Kazuichi, not caring one bit if you were impeding on any progress he had made. He yelped as you suctioned yourself onto him, tackling him to the ground.
“H-hey!” Kazuichi’s voice was muffled below you. You could barely make it out. “I can’t breathe!” He struggled beneath you, locked in your vice-like, terrified embrace as you ashphixiated him into your chest.
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solesto · 11 months
My OC, Tenga, is actually dating Nekomaru, I'm a sucker for jock x jock ships... Coming back into danganronpa, I ended up having a huge interest in Nekomaru, (coming from a huge Soudam, Kazuichi-Gundham phase).
Overall, Tenga has a type for strong men and women, meaning he has had interest in Akane at least once!
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