#national ptsd awareness day
nationaldaycalendar · 2 years
JUNE 27, 2022 | NATIONAL PTSD AWARENESS DAY | NATIONAL SUNGLASSES DAY | NATIONAL ICE CREAM CAKE DAY | NATIONAL ORANGE BLOSSOM DAY | NATIONAL ONION DAY | NATIONAL HIV TESTING DAY NATIONAL PTSD AWARENESS DAY | JUNE 27 Each year on June 27th, National PTSD Awareness Day recognizes the effects post-traumatic stress has on the lives of those impacted by it. Read more… NATIONAL SUNGLASSES DAY | JUNE…
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murderousink23 · 1 year
06/27/2023 is Day of Culture and Artists 🇹🇲, National Orange Blossom Day 🇺🇲, National Sunglasses Day 😎🇺🇲, National PTSD Awareness Day 🇺🇲, Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day
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plentyoffandoms · 4 days
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So yeah, I blocked them.
But if you have such an issue with soldiers getting only a day, get in contact with your local government, and see what you can do.
Also, depending on the country, they celebrate at different months.
May, for example, is National Military Appreciation Month in the States and Veterans Month is in November. June is PTSD awareness month, plus all just the single day holidays.
I know in many parts of the world, like in my country of Canada, yeah, there is only one day, or even a week dedicated to soldiers, so how is that the fault of the LGBTQ community?
You forget that members of the community fought and died for us? Or do people like this just like to forget about them?
Don't just complain and not do anything.
Also, do they just believe that the month is just for the gay men?
Also, has this person never had their dick sucked? If they have a dick?
Or have they never sucked a dick?
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markcampbells · 16 days
Wolfwood knocks the hand he reaches out away before it can get any closer. "Stop it," he growls, so vehemently he feels the spittle flying from his aching mouth. "Get the fuck away, all right?" "No." Vash shakes his head, his gaze on Wolfwood all the while. "And if you wanted that to hurt me, you'll have to try harder, I'm afraid. Not like I feel it when you slap the prosthesis away." In the aftermath of a dental injury, Wolfwood deals poorly with the pain, struggling to accept Vash's offer of help and comfort. (Vashwood Week 2024, Day Two: Protection / Trust) detailed content warnings are in the fic notes but be aware this fic deals heavily with past medical trauma, dissociation, and PTSD.
Me again, Vashwood nation! For Day Two of @vashwood-week, I... well, I recently had two wisdom teeth removed at the end of a years-long ordeal and I... did some things to Wolfwood. I'm sorry. I feel really bad about it.
My piece for Day One, childhood, can be read here, and thank you so much to everyone who's already read, commented on, and reblogged it with their sweet words! Thanks as well to @trigunfanfic for giving writers a place to promote their work. <3
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filthforfriends · 1 year
The Puzzle Piece Problem
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We have to talk about it again. I started this conversation a year ago, when Damiano posted an image of his mom at the Run for Autism. Progetto Filippide is a highly respected organization that does meaningful work for autism and other disabilities. However this iconography is insulting as fuck and seeing Damiano rep it personally in 2023 makes me sick.
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Previously, I also expressed concern about the language choices on Progetto Filippide's website. This post is going to focus on the puzzle piece iconography in general, but I do stand by those concerns.
"Ritardo mentale" (mental retardation) which I've since learned is also offensive in Italian when used in this context. "Riabilitativo" (rehabilitation) of autism is not possible. Referring to autism as "diagnosi certificata" (certified) or "conclamata sindrome autistica"(full blown autistic syndrome) excludes people who can't afford or can't access a diagnosis. Also autistics and allistics aren't "affrontando le stesse fatiche, condividendo le stesse emozioni" (facing the same hardships, sharing the same emotions) because one of us is neurodivergent. Sameness isn't the goal.
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Here is a closer look at the graphic. As you can see, the text and the logo are made out of puzzle pieces. The majority of the autistic community find puzzle pieces as a symbol for autism offensive and many even find it hateful. We have proudly used our own emblem since 2005, a rainbow infinity symbol for neurodiversity.
"For many years adults have openly, publicly discussed their desires for autism awareness to shift to an approach aimed at creating acceptance for us in society. Continuing to ignore our wishes, to use symbols which may remind us of our discrimination in society or that people sometimes do kill us because of our autism, IS disrespectful."
Paula Jessop, All Together Autism (New Zealand)
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The original puzzle piece logo was created by Gerald Gasson for the National Autism Society (U.K.) in 1963. The crying child represents the tragedy of autism and the shape represents how "puzzling" Gasson found our condition. To avoid the association, the NAS have since changed their name, scrapped the logo (in 1999), and the whole site is rainbow (like our emblem). That's how embarrassing it is to have used puzzle pieces for autism.
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The depiction of autism as a tragedy and sickness resulted in decades of efforts to cure and prevent it. Horrific abuse was suffered at the hands of caregivers, therapists, and physicians who treated autism like a cancer. The puzzle piece itself represents the deficit lens through which autistic people are viewed. We have a piece of the puzzle. We are a fraction of of a person. So the implication is that not being autistic makes you whole. Not being autistic makes you normal. Therefore, autism is inherently inferior. When an autistic person's behavior is measured as good (allistic) or bad (autistic), it's just a measure of how well they can conceal themselves and traits allistics might find "puzzling."
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While the NAS invented it, Autism Speaks (U.S.) made the puzzle piece a global symbol through giant, heinous campaigns that seek to silence and eradicate autistic people. Autism Speaks was founded to help families of autistics manage their child, rather than help the child manage their neurodivergence. The most infamous campaigns are Autism Every Day, (> 13 mins long so I've edited together a few clips) and I Am Autism.
Even worse than these campaigns is Autism Speaks' much beloved Applied Behavioral Analysis. It began with Dr. O. Ivaar Lovaas using electroshock on intellectually disabled patients to stop self harm. The issue with compliance training, is that non-verbal folks communicate through their behavior. Understanding should be the first thing you reach for, and ABA the last since the use of that therapy makes an autistic person 86% more likely to develop PTSD.
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I could keep going, but we've established that Autism Speaks is a monster. Yet, the only puzzle pieces we see in their merchandise is their logo. The puzzle piece is their entire brand, their legacy, and Autism Speaks is limiting exposure. Two of the shittest autism organizations in the history of man (the creators of the puzzle piece!!) have very intentionally moved away from that iconography and towards our chosen emblem.
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So what the fuck is this?? No, the fact that its a complete puzzle doesn't negate the insult. I am not a puzzle at all! The fact that they think that comparison is fitting says something about how Progetto Filippide view its clientele. Sorry, not sorry.
Autistic people look like puzzles because we're punished for being neurodivergent. We're forced to take ourselves apart, do some curating, and put ourselves back together in a way that appears allistic, but that is not who we are. My autism is not a puzzle. Your society is a puzzle.
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This is what neurodivergence is: the potential for an infinite number of unique ways to process the world around us. If you want to support autism in particular, use the gold infinity sign, but either is great! Do you see the giant chasm between how the world views us vs. how we view ourselves?
"Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits."
Dr. Nicole Braumer & Julia Frueh
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When you say "well its a great organization" do you think this is what happens? "I'm sure he didn't mean it like that." "If he'd known, he wouldn't have worn it." No. they're still wearing puzzle piece shirts.
Autistics spend their childhoods and adolescence surrounded by people who’d like them to shut up. We’re called annoying, weird, unlikable. We are told nobody wants to be our friend, or likes us, or wants to hear what we have to say. Not only is it really hard for autistics to speak up for themselves because of this, but we’re also waiting in fear of an allistic person who says things the right way, coming along and usurping the conversation. So just listen please.
I won't be debating or defending anything. Feel free to be supportive or ask a question. Nicely.
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north-blue-hearts · 6 months
Heart of Gold
CisFem Reader x Trafalgar Law
CW: ptsd, trauma, depictions/implications of suicide and suicidal ideation, language, violence, blood, canonical character death, mature themes and events 18+
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Chapter 16: Well in Hand
Not much changed in the day to day of life on the Polar Tang. Your hand found Law’s when the two of you were near enough, and he’d kiss the top of your head in passing, no matter who was around. It was a little embarrassing at first, but the ease with which the crew accepted it, and the frequency of his small actions helped.
Your usual duties continued without interruption. You aided with making meals, learned more about the functions of the sub, and spent what spare moments you could with Law in his office. There was a different tension that built up between you two during these times, but you kept each other on task with continued research, reading and musings.
News from the gulls came in when you’d surface for air or laundry needs. One of the Warlords had been imprisoned for trying to take over a desert island nation, but aside from one of them, the Warlords weren’t your concern. The news had irritated Law, but only in passing, and you imagined, not because of Sir Crocodile.
“Doflamingo was credited with having brought the plot to light for the marines to handle.” You glance over at Law. “The move doesn’t make any sense.”
“Part of a plan that’s mostly obscure?” Law prompts and you shake your head.
“If Donquixote had complete control over who the next two Warlords were going to be, then sure.” You say, brows furrowed. “You could argue he was moving the pieces off the board that do him no good while trying to tighten a hold on all the Warlords for his own gain. But he’s in a business relationship with Kaido, as you’ve said. The other Warlords would do him little good. Duplicitous partnerships like that would only implode on him in the end.”
You consider the news for a few more moments, taking into account all you knew about Doflamingo and the other warlords from what Law and the crew had taught you.
“Is it… I mean.” You groan in frustration, setting the paper aside, and leveling a disbelieving look at Law. “Did he truly make such a move purely because he could?”
“He does enjoy setting off distractions for no reason other than the chaos they could cause.” Law explains.
“… What a chaotic little gremlin.” You mutter and Law nearly snorts.
“We’ll be at the next island tomorrow, are you ready?” He asks, shifting the topic to something more important.
“As I can be.” You admit with a heavy sigh. “Being preemptively anxious does no good, but I can’t stop it.”
Law puts a hand over yours, standing a little closer. “No matter what, we’ll get it figured out.”
You twine your fingers between his and smile. “Is it too much to ask that you kiss me even if I can’t leave the ship?”
He raises his brow inquisitively. “I wasn’t aware I was going to kiss you if you could leave the ship.” He teases.
You turn toward him with a smile. “It was a bit more that I expected I would kiss you, if I was successful.”
He leans down toward you, and you can feel the blood rush to your face. “You don’t have to earn a kiss.”
“Yes, well, no, I know, but in – in front of the crew.” You stammer, eyes focused on his lips.
“Even then.” He asserts, his free hand cupping your face gently as he leans down the rest of the way and kisses you softly.
“We-we’re getting off,” your words are halted by another soft kiss, this one ending in a sly smirk. “Task.” You finish softly. He kisses you again and you can feel a need bubbling up in you.
“I do believe you’re trying to seduce me, Mr. Trafalgar.” You say teasingly.
His golden eyes find yours, and there’s a shift in the gaze, a change in the air, and you can feel tension pull taut through everything.
“Do you want me to honestly try?” He questions in a voice sweet, and low, and dangerous, and terribly, terribly tempting.
“I, um, that’s – I mean.” You press your lips together and look away.
Law kisses you on the forehead before leaning back and giving you space. “No for the moment then.” He answers for you, giving you time to step back and straighten up on your own before he lets go of you entirely.
You excuse yourself long enough to make some tea, giving you both time to cool off a little, and providing a small break from all the research. The rest of the evening goes well, and the next day the Polar Tang is anchored in a cove on the new island.
The whole crew is on deck as Jean Bart and Bepo set up the gangplank from the ship to the shore. Law’s holding your hand as you watch the two work.
“The crew’s here for support, but if you want privacy, I can order them below deck.” He says quietly.
You shake your head. “I appreciate the support.” Your hand tightens against his. “We’re going to do this the same as before, yes?”
“Almost.” Law says, nodding toward Jean and Bepo who are waiting on the island. “Jean will lift you up if you can’t make it and see if that helps. If not, he’ll bring you back up here. I will only ever be a word away, okay?”
You nod taking another few deep breaths to try and keep yourself calm.
“I’ll head down first, then.” Law says, leading you forward gently as he steps over the railing, guiding your descent as he had on the other island.
The hardest part about trying a second time, was that you weren’t sure what was effecting you. Was your heart racing because you were nervous about things going wrong, or was it racing because things were going wrong? You focused on your breathing, and on Law, knowing that even if he had to risk you throwing up, he wouldn’t let you suffer trying to reach the island or the ship.
Halfway down the gangplank you stop. Law takes a few more steps, and then waits quietly. You take things one step at a time, assessing how you’re feeling with each step closer to the island you get. You want to know where the line is, more than anything else, but you also don’t want to assume your baseline anxiety isn’t covering that line up.
Law covers the rest of the gangplank, stepping onto the island and giving Jean Bart space to go get you if needed. You take each step slowly, eyes on the gangplank. You don’t want to look at the island, you don’t want to know where it is in relation to you, so you just keep your eyes on the path beneath your feet.
Each step feels like relief. Each pace forward is another small victory, and you can feel yourself slowly relaxing. You start to look up from your slow movement forward, glancing at the island, and glancing at Law. Another step. Another. It was slow going, but you couldn’t risk rushing it.
Your foot set down on the gangplank again and a zing hit your chest like a small jolt. You nearly gasped, and you knew your face betrayed you when you heard Law call out your name. You took another step despite it and the small jolt tightened, gripping your heart like it had before and making it hard to breathe. Frustration and confusion are painted across your face as Law orders Jean to get you.
The large man clears the distance between you and the island easily and picks you up, steadying you against his shoulder.
“Bell?” He asks, waiting for you to tell him to go to the ship or the island.
“T-toward the island,” you manage. “One step.”
Jean takes a step toward the island and the fear that comes over you tenses your entire body. He doesn’t even ask after that, heading toward the ship as quickly as he can, and setting you on your feet on the deck.
You put the backs of your hands against your eyes. “Dammit.” You swear in frustration.
There’s a tentative hand on your shoulder and when you don’t shrug it off, Ikkaku gives you a hug. “Sorry.” She offers quietly, and you can feel the rest of the crew around you. Different hands squeeze your shoulders, a few people pat your back. You can feel Jean Bart’s massive hand rest on your head for a moment before Bepo hugs you along with Ikkaku.
After a few moments you hear Law’s voice.
“I’m okay.” You reply quietly, and Ikkaku and Bepo step back. You sigh deeply and move your hands away. Your eyes are red, but only a little, as you managed to keep your tears in.
“You don’t have to do that anymore.” Law assures you, running his fingers over your hair before you lean forward and set your head against his chest. He strokes your hair a few more times as you let your tears fall. They don’t fall to the deck, instead soaking into his shirt, but it wouldn’t matter.
Frustration only comes out as salt.
“It doesn’t make any sense!” You shout your frustration into his chest, muffling the sound of your raised voice a little before leaning back. “I traveled a lot, even before I was on the run, even before everything went wrong! I never, ever, had an issue with being on an island.”
“We’re not done experimenting.” Law says evenly. “We’re no where near exhausting all our options.”
“… Yeah. Yes, you’re right.” You say flatly.
Law leans down and kisses your forehead. “It’s okay to be frustrated.”
You nod. “It’s just… I was okay with the idea of staying on the submarine for as long as I could, but now that I know I cannot leave it, I want to.”
“That sounds pretty normal.” Shachi says, and immediately slaps a hand over his mouth. “Sorry, Bell.”
“He’s got a point.” Ikkaku adds. “Like when you injure a leg or your back and the captain tell you not to walk around-.”
“-unless absolutely necessary.” The entire crew chimes in with Ikkaku and Law grunts, a frown on his face.
“The second he says that I swear I remember a dozen things I need to do that require walking.” Uni admits.
“Bed rest is the worst.” Clione adds. “Especially if you don’t adhere to it.”
Hakugan snorts, smiling at you before he clarifies, jerking his thumb at Clione. “He got caught walking around so much Cap’n made him sleep in his office so he could keep an eye on him.”
The crew laughs and you manage to smile easily.
“Thank you.” You say as the laughter dies down. “I feel better, and I appreciate everyone’s help.”
“Do you want to try it without your heart now? Or later?” Law questions.
You look off the ship toward the island, and then back to Law. “Now’s fine.” You agree and smile. “That’s quite the way to put it.”
“You have a bad reaction to Shambles, have you had a bad reaction to anything else?” He asks as he takes a step back and creates a room.
You shake your head. “No, but I also haven’t had any of my internal organs removed by the fruit, either.”
Law nods. “You’re going to feel a little weak, but if you feel any pain let me know.” He explains. “This shouldn’t hurt at all.”
“Certainly.” You nod as Law puts his hand out toward you.
The sensation of being cut, without the pain of being cut, slipped through your body like a hair across your tongue. Uncomfortable, and a little unsettling, but not painful. You could feel the shift in your body as it felt like you had to stretch to connect to your heart, but there was nothing alarming.
Your hand goes to the new hole in your chest before you look up at Law. His eyes are wide, focused on the cube in his hand.
Everything stops.
The heart in Law’s hand is golden.
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dailyunsolvedmysteries · 11 months
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The Bhopal Tragedy
On the night of December 2nd, 1984, a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, began leaking 27 tonnes of the deadly gas methyl isocyanate. None of the six safety systems designed to contain such a leak were operational, allowing the gas to spread throughout the city of Bhopal. Half a million people were exposed to the gas and 25,000 have died to date as a result of their exposure. More than 120,000 people still suffer from ailments caused by the accident and the subsequent pollution at the plant site. These ailments include blindness, extreme difficulty in breathing and gynaecological disorders. In the Immediate aftermath, the health care system immediately became overloaded. In the severely affected areas, nearly 70% were under-qualified doctors. Medical staff were unprepared for the thousands of casualties. Doctors and hospitals were not aware of proper treatment methods for MIC gas inhalation. There were mass funerals and cremations. Within a few days, trees in the vicinity became barren, and bloated animal carcasses had to be disposed of. 170,000 people were treated at hospitals and temporary dispensaries, and 2,000 buffalo, goats, and other animals were collected and buried. Supplies, including food, became scarce owing to suppliers' safety fears. Fishing was prohibited, causing further supply shortages. Formal statements after a few weeks were issued that air, water, vegetation, and foodstuffs were safe, but people were warned not to consume fish. The number of children exposed to the gases was at least 200,000. Within weeks, the State Government established a number of hospitals, clinics, and mobile units in the gas-affected area to treat the victims.  A cohort of 80,021 exposed people was registered, along with a control group, a cohort of 15,931 people from areas not exposed to MIC. Nearly every year since 1986, they have answered the same questionnaire. It shows excess mortality and morbidity in the exposed group. Bias and confounding factors cannot be excluded from the study. Because of migration and other factors, 75% of the cohort is lost, as the ones who move out are not followed. A number of clinical studies are performed. The quality varies, but the different reports support each other. Studied and reported long-term health effects are: Eyes: Chronic conjunctivitis, scars on cornea, corneal opacities, early cataracts Respiratory tracts: Obstructive and/or restrictive disease, pulmonary fibrosis, aggravation of tuberculosis and chronic bronchitis Neurological system: Impairment of memory, finer motor skills, numbness, etc. Psychological problems: Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Children's health: Peri- and neonatal death rates increased. Failure to grow, intellectual impairment, etc. Missing or insufficient fields for research are female reproduction, chromosomal aberrations, cancer, immune deficiency, neurological sequelae, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and children born after the disaster. Late cases that might never be highlighted are respiratory insufficiency, cardiac insufficiency (cor pulmonale), cancer and tuberculosis. Bhopal now has high rates of birth defects and records a miscarriage rate 7x higher than the national average. The site has never been properly cleaned up and it continues to poison the residents of Bhopal.
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unhinged-summer-fun · 2 years
in sickness and in health
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Written for Danktober 2022 Day 10: Pregnancy, Crabby, and World Mental Health Day
Frankie Morales x F!Reader "Wifey" (22+ only)
Summary: It's your third trimester. You've been wandering the house after dark, searching for the self you'd loved just briefly.
Warnings: Body image issues, pregnancy, negative self-talk, brief mentions of PTSD symptoms and damage to one's mental health due to disordered eating. Fear.
A/N: decided to take this opportunity to lean really really hard into proper wife guy culture instead of feeling shame for perpetuating the topic. Frankie's a good husband.
[full danktober list here]
[Don't Call Me Wifey series masterlist]
If you are experiencing severe emotional distress, suicidal ideations, or thoughts of harming yourself, please seek professional help. While it seems tempting to reach out to strangers on Tumblr and spill your trauma and problems and dark thoughts into their inboxes, you do not have explicit consent to do that.
You do have consent to call a hotline for these topics. In the US, you can dial 988 for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. If you are outside the US, this is an up-to-date directory of international suicide hotline numbers.
Note: this fic in particular does not cover the topics of suicide or self-harm, but seeing as it's World Mental Health Day, I wanted to spread awareness of these resources. Thank you. <3
P.S. It's also National Kick-Ass Day. But I think mental health is pretty kick-ass anyway.
P.P.S. The elephant in the dividers represents the mascot for Mental Health Awareness, Ellie! Don't be afraid to address the mental health elephant in your room.
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"Mama, what are you doing up?" Frankie asked from the doorway. You'd been getting out of bed several times a night recently, just wandering around the house like you were looking for something. Whenever he asked, you'd clam up and wouldn't want to talk about it, and you were starting to worry him.
You were seven months pregnant, and definitely showing how far along your daughter was growing inside you. Frankie knew you adored carrying his child, and his compassion couldn't read minds, but he could tell you weren't the happiest with how your body looked recently, or what it would continue to look like after giving birth. You put your hands on your lower back and finally faced him, showing him the tear tracks on your face.
"Mama, what's wrong, what's got you crying?" he asked, rushing over and gathering you up in his embrace. He still had that sleep-warm heat radiating off of him, and you focused on that feeling while you spoke.
"I've been having nightmares," you admitted. Frankie tensed. He got nightmares too, from his time in the service and flying in warzones, but this was different, he knew. "They're silly to talk about, but so, so scary when I'm in them."
"Don't say that, your fears are never silly. Let's sit down, over here, comfy spot." He directed you to the couch, specifically the corner you'd designated as yours, the comfy spot. "What's on your mind, baby?"
"I've been dreaming about… about you leaving me. Because I'm too much. Too much weight, take up too much space, too much of your energy and time, too much room in our bed—"
"Whoa, whoa, hold on baby," Frankie said before you got too frantic. He looked devastated that you felt like this. "How long has this been going on?"
"Since the pop." Since you started showing that you were pregnant. Frankie rested his head on your shoulder for a moment, gathering himself.
"Why haven't you told me this until now?" he asked. "That was almost four months ago."
"Because I want you to only see that I like being pregnant, Frankie!" you said, temper flaring from one end of the spectrum to the other in an instant. The shock on his face had you bursting into tears. "I just don't like myself."
He stammered for a moment, not sure how to proceed with so much happening in front of him. "Have you told Dr. Ha about this?" he asked, knowing you probably told your therapist your feelings. You nodded through your tears. "What did they say about it?"
"That they're irrational fears left over from when I used to be self-critical, and the pregnancy hormones are pulling out all the stops and won't let me rest or enjoy this." Your hand idly traced over your belly, round and full and sometimes active way too early in the morning. You smiled sadly at it. "I'd just started getting used to liking my body when it started to change again, and now I'm caught between loving how I feel and fearing how I look."
Frankie nodded and put a hand over yours on your baby. "Do you know why I make sure to tell you how beautiful you are to me?" he asked gently, almost in a dazed voice. You shook your head no, and he told you.
"You are worth making sure you know I love you. You are worth more to me than numbers and measurements and scales and sizes. You've always meant more to me than that. Whenever I'd tell you about how beautiful you are, back when we were first dating, you used to look so sad. Like I couldn't understand that I was wrong.
"But I know what it's like to kick yourself for whoever's in the mirror looking less than perfect. I know what it's like to deny yourself love for the sake of your self-esteem. I know all that. And I know that little voice in your head that says I'll leave if this, I'll leave if that, it shuts up when I talk because it's not you saying it. And me talking had never been enough to stop you from talking."
You laughed, sniffling through your tears. His face matched yours, wet and smiling.
"So I try to quiet that voice whenever I can, baby. Whenever I can, I try to make you smile, make you laugh. You know why? Seeing your smile quiets that voice in my head, too."
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Thanks for reading! See y'all tomorrow for some Daddy Whiskey!
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National PTSD Awareness Day & Sunglasses Day
Person A had PTSD in regards to eye contact due to having lived with a partner with mind control based on eye contact and would often make Person A do things for them. Person B is someone with a similar power but uses it only for mild hypnosis for their work as a therapist and Person A is their new client.
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cyarskaren52 · 5 months
safehalton May 5 is the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ peoples. This day, also known as Red Dress Day is recognized as part of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Week of Action.
On this day, and during this week, we honour and remember all missing and murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA people.
The dresses are empty, to symbolize the missing and murdered persons who should be wearing them.
Indigenous women are 12 times more likely to be murdered or missing than any other women in Canada.
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The Bhopal Tragedy
On the night of December 2nd, 1984, a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, began leaking 27 tonnes of the deadly gas methyl isocyanate. None of the six safety systems designed to contain such a leak were operational, allowing the gas to spread throughout the city of Bhopal. Half a million people were exposed to the gas and 25,000 have died to date as a result of their exposure. More than 120,000 people still suffer from ailments caused by the accident and the subsequent pollution at the plant site. These ailments include blindness, extreme difficulty in breathing and gynaecological disorders. In the Immediate aftermath, the health care system immediately became overloaded. In the severely affected areas, nearly 70% were under-qualified doctors. Medical staff were unprepared for the thousands of casualties. Doctors and hospitals were not aware of proper treatment methods for MIC gas inhalation. There were mass funerals and cremations. Within a few days, trees in the vicinity became barren, and bloated animal carcasses had to be disposed of. 170,000 people were treated at hospitals and temporary dispensaries, and 2,000 buffalo, goats, and other animals were collected and buried. Supplies, including food, became scarce owing to suppliers' safety fears. Fishing was prohibited, causing further supply shortages. Formal statements after a few weeks were issued that air, water, vegetation, and foodstuffs were safe, but people were warned not to consume fish. The number of children exposed to the gases was at least 200,000. Within weeks, the State Government established a number of hospitals, clinics, and mobile units in the gas-affected area to treat the victims.  A cohort of 80,021 exposed people was registered, along with a control group, a cohort of 15,931 people from areas not exposed to MIC. Nearly every year since 1986, they have answered the same questionnaire. It shows excess mortality and morbidity in the exposed group. Bias and confounding factors cannot be excluded from the study. Because of migration and other factors, 75% of the cohort is lost, as the ones who move out are not followed. A number of clinical studies are performed. The quality varies, but the different reports support each other. Studied and reported long-term health effects are: Eyes: Chronic conjunctivitis, scars on cornea, corneal opacities, early cataracts Respiratory tracts: Obstructive and/or restrictive disease, pulmonary fibrosis, aggravation of tuberculosis and chronic bronchitis Neurological system: Impairment of memory, finer motor skills, numbness, etc. Psychological problems: Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Children's health: Peri- and neonatal death rates increased. Failure to grow, intellectual impairment, etc. Missing or insufficient fields for research are female reproduction, chromosomal aberrations, cancer, immune deficiency, neurological sequelae, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and children born after the disaster. Late cases that might never be highlighted are respiratory insufficiency, cardiac insufficiency (cor pulmonale), cancer and tuberculosis. Bhopal now has high rates of birth defects and records a miscarriage rate 7x higher than the national average. The site has never been properly cleaned up and it continues to poison the residents of Bhopal.
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estrellami-1 · 10 months
That is a very cute fic (though all of yours are💜) it’s adorable that you based that off of how you feel I really like the line about not being the first to discover it but getting it to discover it for myself, I’ve been to slam poetry events they are very fun I feel like I read so many beautiful lines in poetry online and they stick with me to the point I think about them often and it kind of puts the author on a pedestal a bit but seeing someone speaking their poetry to you and a crowd of people in person is so vulnerable that it allows you to see them as just a person in a really beautiful way, like yes their work is brilliant but they’re also dealing with things the same way you are and trying their best and filled with emotions it’s a privilege to be able to know them as more than their writing, like it’s a privilege to get to know you like this. I also backpacked around Italy a few years ago and it was the most magical experience, the Acosta valley is so beautiful and I hiked gran paradiso national park which was stunning highly recommend but you’re right the cost of living is already crazy 😅
I write poetry sometimes mostly just as a way to get my feelings out of my head I post them to my tumblr but they don’t do numbers or anything, like probably 8 years ago or so I posted some of them to an old ao3 account but i can’t remember what i had called it for the life of me, I have an idea for a book that I would really like to write one day, it started out as an after Cinderella kind of thing where people expect you to be happy and perfectly fine when you find something good and get out of a bad situation but you’re still going to carry the pain from that bad situation so it was going to be from her perspective and recovering from the trauma she experienced growing up anf learning to live with ptsd but I’ve written bits and pieces of it nothing major but along the way it kind of lost the Cinderella princess aspect of it and just became kind of a combo my story/original character story kind of thing if that makes sense 💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you darling ❤️ I have some poetry on here, I believe… I think it’s the links in the last paragraph on my pinned post. I’ll try and go through them in a moment and make sure 😂
Slam poetry events are SO fun, I love them!!! There’s a book I read in college called “The Poet X” and I HIGHLY recommend it especially if you like spoken word poetry!!! It very very quickly became a favorite of mine, partially just because it’s good (and partially bc it’s a Latina girl lmao) but also partially because I wasn’t aware that type of writing could become a book. I would absolutely LOVE to do something like that one day!
And I know what you mean, about authors and pedestals. I did the same thing too, a few times, with certain authors on here… but then we got to talking and it turns out they’re literally just people?? Which was honestly so fun to find out 😂 there’s a line I wrote for a fic a while ago (Marvel, if you are/were into that) that I think honestly applies perfectly here. “Put those stars in your eyes back in the sky where they belong. I’m not worth all that.” And honestly… it’s true. Putting someone on a pedestal only makes it hurt that much more when they inevitably fall, because we’re all only human and we’re gonna do dumb crap sometimes.
I have… a lot of feelings about that apparently 😂
Can I have your life???? Please???? 😂 Italy sounds SO fun… I was able to go to Hawaii once and that was nice but I don’t even like the beach/ocean! I got stung by a jellyfish!! My favorite memory there was going on a hike!!! 😂 take me to Colorado I swear. My family’s trying to decide where to go on vacation this year (if it actually happens, that is) and my sister LOVES the beach and wants to go, but we’ve gone SO MUCH and my family KNOWS I don’t like the beach and just. Don’t seem to care? Idk. At this point it’s kinda whatever. But I did suggest skiing this winter since we’ve never been 😂
Ooh honestly I’d love to read all of that!!! I LOVE poetry (like honestly it confused the hell out of me how some people just… don’t understand poetry? What??? 😂)(my favorite is Langston Hughes… how about you?) and I would LOVE to read that Cinderella-ish story, that sounds SO interesting!!! And yes lmao I’ve definitely started a story before, added OCs, and it turned into 6 parts (literally, in the case of my Solangelo series “This Love” on ao3 😂)
Two questions this time, if you don’t mind, darling: how old are you? Where do you live?
It’s more than fine if you’re not comfortable sharing either, or if you want to just share a general range; I understand wanting privacy, I’m mostly just trying to ensure you’re above 18, and as for where you live, I’m strictly curious as to the time difference; I’m in Texas, so it’s currently 12:24am. I just know last night (was it last night? 😂) I answered one at like 10 and you were mentioning how tired you were… so either you’re on one of the coasts (I can’t for the life of me figure out which one that would be at the moment 😂) or you’d had an early morning… or you have a decent sleep schedule, unlike me! 😂 my bedtime is routinely around 12-2am, which is why I’m constantly answering these at all hours of the night. 😂 ❤️
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pantherafool · 11 months
Honestly, the 4th of July this year wasn't it for me. Again.
I have a lot of problems with the 4th of July. I don't like that we as Americans like to celebrate how we stole land from the Indigenous peoples that lived here for hundreds of years before us. I don't like how nobody even talks about natives overall, not even during National Native American Heritage Month (November) and all the other weeks and days dedicated to Native Americans. I feel like people only talk about Native Americans when it's some sort of "trend." I saw so many people talking about natives when ICWA was in danger of being overturned, and now everyone's silent again. I may be the only one observing this, but it's like no one cares. I have barely seen anyone talking about how a lot of tribes don't have access to clean water. The government is and has been neglecting Native nations, and I have seen nobody but natives talking about it. I've SEEN people say that "it isn't a big deal" which is so fucking crazy because hello??? Natives are human beings who need to consume water to LIVE?? But of course, some people don't consider natives human and some just don't want them to live at all. It's fucking performative if you're just talking about native issues to seem like a good person. It is performative to just talk about issues like these when they're "popular."
I also have issues with the 4th of July because of... you guessed it, fucking fireworks! I will preface this by saying I am an American teenager who lives in the south and has C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and asthma and is overall disabled. Fireworks. Fucking. Freak. Me. Out. They freak me out so bad. People started setting off fireworks a few days ago, and I have been physically and mentally SICK ever since then. As I'm writing this, I am nursing a major fucking headache. I feel like throwing up. Up until recently, I could not breathe properly because of my asthma. People have stopped setting off fireworks and other annoying "bang" and "pop" and "sshrr!" sound-noise making things because it is 3 AM right now, but. Holy SHIT. The fireworks caused me to have a mental breakdown because of how eerily similar they sound to gunfire. I'm aware that gunfire doesn't echo/linger the same way fireworks do, but it still freaks me out. The fireworks have caused me to have emotional rollercoasters continuously since July 1st/around then. My mental health has literally reached a low point because of fireworks. I'm not kidding.
And you can laugh at that all you want and think of how stupid it is, but I would also like you to take a moment to think about the animals. The animals that freak out every single year because of fireworks. I would like you to think of your dog or your neighbor's dog that cowers under a coffee table or a bed. I would like you to think about how fireworks release smoke and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen, which harm the environment. I would like you to think of the metal and the dangerous toxins and chemicals that linger for days. I would like you to think of the fact that fireworks harm the environment in the same way wildfire smoke does. I would like you to think of the veterans who fought to protect this country that have traumatic flashbacks due to loud noises.
But who cares, haha!! 'Murica is more important than all that! 🤪 🎆💥
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JUNE Celebrity Birthdays & Events
All Month Long: Acne Awareness/Beautiful in Your Skin Month | Black Music Month | National Soul Food Month | PRIDE Month: Canonically Queer Characters Masterlist | PTSD Awareness Month
June Birthdays
Gemini Stars (May 21- June 21) 1: Shailyn Pierre-Dixon 2: Brandee Evans, Jadah Marie, Omono Okojie, Zuri Hall 3: Assa Sylla, Elizabeth Adare, Josephine Baker 4: Bahni Turpin 5: Denisea Wilson 6: Alex Datcher, Shellita Boxie 9: Logan Browning, Gloria Reuben 10: Faith Evans, Yasmin Benoit 11: Johari Johnson 12: Felecia M. Bell 13: Daniella Perkins 14: Marla Gibbs, Tamara Smart 15: Judy Pace, Ashley Nicole Black 16: Iantha Richardson, Yaz 17: Venus Williams, Sarah Niles, Sonya Eddy 18: Fatou Jobe 19: Phylicia Rashad, Alysia Rogers, Arsema Thomas 20: Tika Sumpter, Laura Kariuki, Kaci Wallfall, Laya Deleon Hayes
Cancer Stars (June 21-July22) 21: Sonique 22: Octavia Butler, DomiNque Perry, Joie Lee 23: Brandi Rhodes, Britne Oldford 24: Solange, Candice Patton, Adele Oni, Dominique Tipper 25: Brenda Sykes, Sibongile Mlambo 26: Antoinette Robertson, KaMillion 27: Anjela Lauren Smith, Chantel Riley 28: Tichina Arnold
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June Events:
1: National Say Something Nice Day, Dinosaur Day | 3: Wonder Woman Day | 6: National Eyewear Day | 12: African New Year (Odunde Festival) | 15-21: National Black Family Cancer Awareness Week | 18: Mermaid Day | 19: Juneteenth |26: LGBT Equality Day | 27: Orange Blossom Day
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reddy-reads · 1 year
The Remarkable Retirement of Edna Fisher, EM Anderson
I read this book on release day, and I liked it!
I gobbled it up in just over a day, which is always a sign I'm having a good time.
(Check it out here: The Remarkable Retirement of Edna Fisher, EM Anderson)
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You're never too old for an adventure when you’re an old woman armed with nothing but gumption and knitting needles, stopping a sorcerer from wiping out an entire dragon-fighting organization is a tall order. no one understands why 83-year-old Edna Fisher is the Chosen One, destined to save the Knights from a dragon-riding sorcerer bent on their destruction. after all, Edna has never handled a magical weapon, faced down a dragon, or cast a spell. and everyone knows the Council of Wizards always chooses a teenager—like the vengeful girl ready to snatch Edna’s destiny from under her nose. still, Edna leaps at the chance to leave the nursing home. with a son long dead in the Knights’ service, she’s determined to save dragon-fighters like him & ensure other mothers don’t suffer the same loss she did. but as Edna learns about the abuse in the ranks & the sorcerer’s history, she questions if it’s really the sorcerer that needs stopping—or the Knights she’s trying to save.
I also want to include the author's note:
You're probably here because this book sounds funny. An 83-year-old Chosen One? Laugh city! And, I mean, you're kind of right. Remarkable Retirement is a warm and funny book about an old woman going on a fantastical adventure, found family, and dragons who, okay sure, might occasionally set a city on fire, but more importantly think they're lapdogs. That said, this book isn't farcical. While it's often humorous, the story involves loss, grief, and unresolved trauma for everyone involved. Some of the characters have anxiety or PTSD and suffer from panic attacks, nightmares, and flashbacks on the page. Some scenes involve physical violence, fire, injury, blood, and death. Additionally, while physical abuse does not occur on the page, it is discussed frequently throughout the story. If any of these topics might be triggering for you, you may want to proceed with caution. If you need to set the book aside, read it later, or not read it at all, please do so: Edna would want you to take care of yourself, and I want that too. If you do choose to pick the book back up someday, I hope it proves a comfort read despite the tough topics.
I honestly think the combination of those two passages do a great job of summarizing why I enjoyed this story, but I won't pack it in just yet :)
I enjoyed the story, the familiar-yet-novel premise and plot progression. I liked the characters--I clicked with them all pretty quickly, and their relationships were very warm and comforting. I liked the overall spirit of the story; it was warm and compassionate even when the topics were tough or the characters were going through it.
The writing style was very straightforward and accessible; it was easy to follow the action, the flow, all of that. Some books are very dense and intricate, like I can only read them when I'm 100% aware and alert, and I like that too, but this one really felt like a book I could pick up at any time of day.
Short version: I recommend it. It was emotionally compelling, and I liked the characters and world. I had a really good time reading it, and it was well worth the buy :)
spoilers below the jump
Also I loved the reveal! I am a little embarrassed I didn't see it coming, but only because it felt so perfect once it happened. But I was along for the ride, really cruising in Edna's POV.
The book also has many queer characters, which is fun; I know people like that.
And I like the worldbuilding too. Even the dragons & knights seem straightforward at first, but then as you learn more about the politics involved---the dragons are in the Amazon, mostly, and there are international negotiations all about that. The stuff with other nations & tribes and the outposts of knights on other lands... It's interesting!
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angelica-belle · 1 year
Blog Post 6
I was not expecting Sula to start the way it did, but I think I understand why. "1919" was about National Suicide Day and the story of Shadrack and how he founded this day. I was surprised the story started like this, I don't really know what I was expecting but when the first line I read was talking about suicide awareness I was brought back a little. Relating to today's society, suicide has become one of the leading causes of death. This story takes place in the early 1900's I feel like shows how some things change while others don't. For example, in "1920" Helene mentions the bathroom for colors. Although racism still greatly exists, times have definitely changed for the better in regard to race. However, with suicide, it has only gotten worse. In the chapter "1919" the story of Shadrack made me think of how many people there are that have PTSD and that suffer from depression and thoughts of suicide who went to war. Along with the people who did kill themself. I found this chapter to be eye-opening reading in today's society because the world has changed greatly but the topics that are touched on in this story thus far are prominent in today's world.
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