#nate and ray are such good best friends they care about each other so much and them openly and freely saying they love each other?
Legend of Tomorrow friendships that mean a lot to me (in no particular order) :
Jax and Stein
Jax and Sara
Nate and Ray
Mick and Sara
Mick and Ray
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waveridercrewmember · 3 years
Legends Among Us
Thank you friends for feeding my Among Us addiction. So here we go. 
Sara suggested the game as a team bonding activity. It quickly overtook the entire Waverider. Sara, to no one’s surprise, is super good at the game, both as imposter and at sussing out others as crewmate. She is dubbed the Queen of the Vents. No one ever sees her coming. She always kills in the most isolated areas, and normally three people are dead before one body is found. 
Ava is an amazing crewmate, but an utterly bad imposter. Her favorite part of the game is completing all her tasks. She’s very good at tracking people and catching imposters lying. However, as imposter she overuses sabotages and people start grouping. It seems like whenever she kills, someone runs around the corner ready to see her vent away. It infuriates her to no end. 
Gary is actually surprisingly good at imposter. This is because no matter if he is crewmate or imposter, he always sounds super nervous and suspicious. People just assume he’s crewmate, and never see it coming when he stabs them in the back. He’s also good at marinating because he never likes to be left alone, especially when fixing lights. 
Whenever Mick is an imposter, there’s always a bloodbath. His style is the most amount of bodies in the shortest amount of time. He’ll kill anywhere. His imposter rounds always end in either the imposters winning before a meeting is called or someone sees all the bodies and Mick gets voted out first. As a crewmate, he hates doing tasks and spends the entire round watching cams or admin table. 
Zari is a force to be reckoned with in Among Us. Her lying skills are unparalleled. She’s the player who knows how long it takes to do download and will call the button when she sees the imposter faking it. She can randomly accuse people of venting and everyone follows her lead. Whenever Sara, Astra, or Nate are imposter, they always try and kill Zari first. 
Astra is the wild card player. She’s an average crewmate and imposter, but every couple of games she will pull a crazy genius move and everyone is astounded. She absolutely loves 50/50s. Often, she will self-report a body or purposefully kill in front of someone and blame the kill on the other person. She never finishes her tasks, and Simon Says is the bane of her existence. 
Nate is a solid crewmate and an okay imposter. He often gets marinated and unknowingly plays the third imposter. He is good at providing alibis to people and works his way through tasks until he gets distracted, then follows other people around (namely Behrad and Zari). His favorite place to kill is med bay, and he loves pulling the reactor sabotage. Nate is always one of the first people to vote. 
Behrad normally only completes a few tasks, then spends the majority of his rounds following his fellow crewmates. He seems to get imposter the least, and he always seems to die first. Behrad is the master of throwing lots of suspicion on other players when he’s imposter, so that most people are deciding between two crewmates to throw out. The chaos makes him laugh. His favorite part of the game is ghost chat, and he is disappointed when the other ghosts won’t reply. 
Mona as imposter loves picking a room, luring other players in, and creating a stack of bodies. As crewmate, she is normally among one of the first people to finish tasks. She loves emptying trash and diverting power. She noticeably talks more when she is imposter, which can get her voted off quite often. She loves haunting people as a ghost. If she sees someone vent in front of her, Mona will keep it to herself until there are 3 seconds left to vote, then yell out who she saw venting. 
Constantine is by far the worst Among Us player. The others find endless entertainment in this fact. Although, the Legends have to be careful how much they kid with him about it outside the game, because they will find themselves cursed if it goes too far. Imposters will try not to kill him so that he’s left as the deciding vote in 50/50s. He always votes wrong so that the imposters win every single time. When they start playing with proximity chat, everyone can just hear Constantine muttering curses in the background. He normally gets caught as imposter because he’ll be the last person seen with the body or he’ll be exiting the area when someone else walks in and finds the body.  
The best imposters are any combination of Sara, Mick, and Zari. They are all excellent liars with high body counts. Additionally, they are amazing at communicating with each other and love to speedrun their wins. 
The worst imposter duo is Ava and Constantine. Neither are good at talking their way out of a kill. They can never coordinate enough to get double kills in, and Gary can uncannily tell when both of them are lying. 
And if you are wondering where Ray, Nora, and Charlie are, they decided to make their own lobby with other past Legends and those deemed honorary Legends. Stay tuned for more information. #legends among us
EDIT: Part 2 here. And an image of the part 1 lobby here. 
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kieumy-archive · 2 years
1 + Ted Lasso, 2+ Reddie, 3+ Will!
Putting under read more because it got long
Ted Lasso
Favorite character: A tie between Dani and Jamie. Dani won me over the moment he appeared on screen. He’s a ray of sunshine, so sweet, so good, so caring. I love how passionate he is about things, about football. His arc about not being able to play football touched me. His usual happy-go-lucky attitude being overshadowed by an unfortunate accident. But then, he came back stronger than ever. Getting to do the penalty that got them back in the Premier League was amazing. As someone who grew up watching the sport, football is life indeed.
With Jamie on the other hand was a different experience. I wasn’t sure what to think about him. He was an arrogant annoying asshole (aaa), but I knew there had to be more to him, and I was proven right. I started liking him after the ritual and him mentioning things about his mom, and how much of a prick his dad is. Seriously fuck his dad. It all made sense, why he acted the way he did. And just when you think he’s growing, he gets sent back to Manchester and regresses to his old habits. But at that point I didn’t find him annoying anymore (okay, mayyyybe a bit, but not as much as I did before). Then season 2 starts and he’s lost and trying to go back to Richmond, and he’s obviously things are not going to be easy because he was such a massive prick, but he tries, and tries, and keeps trying. Seeing that growth was amazing. I love well written redemption arcs. Episode 8? My god what an episode. Standing up for himself against his dad. When he apologized to Roy for telling Keeley he loved her? When he let Dani score the penalty? Amazing, wonderful, showstopping, 10/10, I love him your honor.
Least Favorite character: Rupert. God I can’t stand him. He sucks period.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Roy/Keeley/Jamie as polyamorous and as separate couples, Ted/Rebecca, Ted/Trent, Rebecca/Keeley and I don’t really have a fifth ship, maybe I’ll get one after I rewatch it.
Character I find most attractive: Uuuuuh all of them?? Lol, okay I definitely find both Roy and Keeley very attractive, in every way. But this is a very attractive cast so it’s hard to say who I find the most attractive.
Character I would marry: Dani, Sam and Isaac, no questions. They’re all great.
Character I would be best friends with: Dani because his personality is delightful, it would be impossible to not be best friends with him. Also, believe it or not, I would love to be best friends with Coach Beard. He’s a very interesting character.
A random thought: Can you believe this show successfully rickrolled me multiple times? Me? The king of rickrolls?
An unpopular opinion: I haven’t been here long enough to see what’s popular and unpopular.
My Canon OTP: Roy/Keeley
My Non-canon OTP: Roy/Keeley/Jamie
Most Badass Character: Rebecca “Boss Ass Bitch” Welton
Most Epic Villain: I don’t necessarily consider him a villain but Nate’s corruption arc was amazing. I went from loving him to disliking him. But that’s the thing, he’s such a rich, complex character and I am a sucker for those. I know deep down he’s good, he’s just misguided. He desperately wants to be needed, to be loved, the approval of his dad (it’s always the dads huh?), so he misplaced all that anger on Ted. I can’t wait to see what s3 has in store for him.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Hmmm, I guess Rebecca/Sam? I don’t know.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): No one so far, they better keep it that way.
Favourite Friendship: Rebecca and Keeley!!! They mean everything to me!!! Two amazing women having a strong friendship. How much they love and care for each other. How Rebecca lets her guard down with Keeley, how Keeley has so much love and admiration for Rebecca. How supportive they are of each other. I just, they <3
Character I most identify with: Sam and Jamie.
Character I wish I could be: Ted.
When I started shipping them: Before I watched IT lol. I just knew they were thee couple, and well, I fell for them while watching Chapter 2. They really were acting like an old married couple.
My thoughts: Richie and Eddie are so special. You’d think they wouldn’t work because they’re kind of different, but they just do. Richie loves Eddie, Eddie loves Richie. Why couldn’t SK/AM allowed them to be happy??? Okay, I kinda get SK, but Muschietti changed a lot of the plot, why couldn’t he let them be together? And another thing, they had the perfect chance to parallel Ben kissing Bev to get her out of the dead lights with Eddie doing the same for Richie, and yet!!!!
What makes me happy about them: Childhood friends to lovers!!! Unconditional love. Despite their differences they love and care for each other.
What makes me sad about them: Eddie is dead and Richie will always live with the what if.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Eddie being unnecessarily mean to Richie. Yeah, they bicker and banter but that’s different from Eddie putting Richie down. That’s not them!!! Eddie loves Richie.
Things I look for in fanfic: Fix-It fics ofc. Richie and Eddie navigating their relationship immediately after Derry. The awkwardness at the beginning, not knowing what’s allowed and what’s not, eventually settling into a comfortable companionship. Them showing their love for each other in small gestures that mean the world to them.
My wishlist: Make them canon canon in the next remake.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Stan, for both of them. Stozier, (the real) Steddie and Streddie forever <3
My happily ever after for them: They live together in a small house in California. They adopt two dogs and a cat. Richie’s comedy career thriving now that he writes his own material. Eddie leaving his annoying office work and now having a successfully limousine company (like in the books). They love and support each other.
Will Byers
How I feel about this character: He’s my blorbo, my scrumblo, my son. He’s a beautifully written character imo. Despite everything the world has thrown at him he remains nice and strong.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Mike.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Willel siblings relationship!!! His and Joyce’s relationship, his and Jonathan’s. His friendship with Lucas and Dustin, and I desperately want Max and him to be friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He can be unintentionally mean (remember when he roasted the hell out of Jonathan? Lol), obviously since he’s a kid.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Powers powers powers powers powers. Violence doesn’t solve things blah blah but if he stood up to his piece of shit dad I’d cheer him up. Oh, El and him using their combined powers to help their fiends please and thank you. Explicit coming out.
Favorite friendship for this character: The party, but especially Lucas and him. Their friendship is so underrated.
My crossover ship: Don’t have one.
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The Damn Door
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WC: 902  (thanks to my beta reader for checking this over)
Trent is Sick.
Trent knew a lot of things his teammates didn’t know about each other, they also all seemed to not know how to take themselves to a hospital and spent most nights with whatever illness or injury on his couch. 
He went from being the barely noticed medic, to being blown up and somehow successfully going through Green Team and SERE before being assigned to Bravo team, yet still not really noticed by the group. He remembers Nate not trusting his medical expertise and would rather wait to get treated by a medic at base. 
But somehow he befriended the crazy Alpha One leader, how it happened not even he knew, but he went from spending downtime alone, suffering from divorce and drowning his sorrows in booze to being dragged along on whatever crazy scheme Metal planned. 
Surprisingly, he found out Metal was a much more sane man outside of base, less intimidating, of course Metal would deny that until death. Trent had given his friend a key, thinking it was safe. 
He. Was. Wrong.
Metal found it funny to get the key cut and hand it out to Bravo. So his dates and personal time went right out the window, as almost every night he would have a member of the team in his home on his couch. 
However this time, this time he was sick, he had sent a message to everyone to stay away, that he had the flu and was recovering from it. He ate soup, kept his fluids up and took tablets, from here it was straight to bed to sleep the rest of this damned thing away. 
“Anyone heard from Trent?” Metal asked walking into the cage room. 
“He’s sick and doesn’t want to be disturbed” Clay shrugged. 
“He missed check in” Metal stated, oh yeah that got their attention. 
“He has the flu, he’s probably sleeping” Jason said, watching the Alpha leader, who was frowning more than usual. 
“Trent doesn’t miss check in. I mean he could be in distress” he reiterated. 
That got the reaction he was hoping for. The Team came to a stop, the cogs turning in their heads, then followed Jason out the room quickly, Metal following behind with a smirk. What type of Best Friend would he be if he let Trent get one peaceful sleep? 
Jason was talking, orders clear and precise, as they reached their vehicles. 
Metal kept his face neutral but on the inside he was grinning like an idiot, this was too easy. 
Trent was piled under blankets, sleeping peacefully, not hearing his  phone buzzing and ringing, as the team texted and called trying to get an answer. Whenever Trent was sick with the cold or flu, he’d always end up with a migraine. A good few solid hours of sleep, with plenty of food and liquids, always helped. He would be fine, he just needed some peace to himself. 
Outside a group had gathered, knocking on the door, ringing the doorbell “God damn it Trent answer your door!” Jason yelled irritated. 
Metal huffed, it wasn’t like they all had keys “What if he aint breathing” he suggested with feigned innocence. 
Everyone shared a look, Sonny moving forward, his boot connecting with the door, once, twice and the lock gave way. Door flying open, with the team flooding in, began their search, Cerb taking off to the bedroom, jumping on the bed, Brock checking for a pulse only to be swatted at.
 “The hell” Trent slurred, slowly sitting up, the rest of the team filing in. 
“You missed check in!” 
“We thought there was something seriously wrong” 
“You should get checked out at a hospital” Well that was rich coming from them, given that they refused to go themselves.
Trent winced, head pounding as everyone voiced their concern in typical parade ground volume, then he saw his friend, the older man smirking behind the group. “Will you all shut up” Trent ground out behind gritted teeth, “I have the flu, I let you all know that, I am a medic and can take care of myself” he grumbled, he just wanted to sleep, what was wrong with being left alone for 24 hours to recover? 
The team ignored his complaining, dragging him up, doing their own checks, making sure their medic wasn’t going to die dramatically on them. When they were satisfied Trent looked down the hall, his front door at an odd angle “You lot have a key, you ALL have keys, why did you kick my door in?”
“Sonny panicked,” Clay responded. 
Sonny spluttered “I did not panic, it was a tactical choice in a time of worry” he corrects. 
Jason ordered everyone to leave, looking at Trent one last time “We expect an update on your health” he stated, before following Ray out.
“Why am I friends with you?” Trent grumbles, crawling back into bed and hauling the covers back over himself. 
He glared at Metal who smirked, arms crossed over his chest, as he shrugged "Because I'm the only person who puts up with your stubborn ass” he said “See ya later T” and with that he left. 
Hearing Trent call out “Fix my damn door if you're staying!” Metal shook his head, he would fix the door and hang out on the couch just to make sure Trent actually followed his own medical rules. 
After all, what were friends for?
Tag List: @rebelwrites​ @disasterfandoms @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @chibsytelford​
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bonniebird · 4 years
The Lust Demon Familiar
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John x Demon / Familiar!Reader
“Wait. So you’re saying it wasn’t the warlock?” Ava asked Nate and Charlie as they explained what had happened during their recon mission.
“Look, I’m telling you it was the warlock’s magic. But it wasn’t him. Nate was there with him the whole time!” Charlie insisted. Nate agreed and explained when he’d seen happen, which really wasn’t very much.
“So there is something using the warlock’s powers to summon demons and other creatures to this town?” Sara asked slowly, throwing the idea out. She cocked her head before turning to look at Constantine who was looking unnervingly thoughtful.
“There is only one creature I know that can do that.” He said after a while.
“What is it?” Ray asked quickly.
“That’s a difficult question to answer, mate.” Constantine said as he pulled a cigarette from behind his ear and twirled it between his fingers as he turned to face Sara. “I do have a friend I could ask though.”
“When did you get friends?” Sara joked as she walked past him.
“In fairness she isn’t exactly a friend. Haven't seen each other in a while.” John admitted.
“Oh well I’m sure this will go great!” Ava exclaimed.
Constantine raised his eyebrows as if he agreed with Ava and glanced over at Gary. “Think I could borrow you for some magic assistance.” “Oh I would assist you with anything.” Gary said before blushing as the Legends gave him an odd look.
“Grand. I’ll be needing your help too. The beast we’re summoning tends to ignore me till she wants a favour. Poor thing is a sucker for authority.” John said as he looked over at Ava.
“Well I suppose someone should be supervising.” Ava agreed. John led the way, Gary following him out of the room, close at his heels.
“Good luck babe.” Sara said with a light chuckle to her tone. She kissed Ava’s cheek before Ava left the room. “The rest of us can start looking into what's happening more closely.”
“So why are we at your mansion and what are you summoning?” Ava asked as John finished up the magic drawings and runes on the floor. Gary had directed each one and they’d talked for at least twenty minutes about positioning of runes. It had gone over Ava’s head but she appreciated how difficult getting it exactly right must have been.
“There are very few things that can use a warlock's powers in the way our Nate and Ava described. I’d bet my last cigarette that it’s a kind of familier.”
“A familiar! Like black cats and toads!” Gary asked with an excited expression on his face.
“Not always. Any animal will do for a powerful warlock. Sometimes they’re a specific type of demon that you can summon to serve you in exchange for the life of… well a pet that is spoiled rotten.”
“So you’re going to summon this, demon… familiar?” Ava asked reluctantly as she watched John lead Gary into the circle and sit, both holding hands.
“No. We’re going to summon mine.”
“You have a familiar! What’re they like?” Gary asked, cutting off Constantine who had started chanting.
“She was the runt of her family, so to speak, took her in so she wouldn’t die off. Something she doesn’t like to be reminded of. Small sweet little thing in a good mood. But you mark my words mate. You piss her off; she'll have your throat in her teeth before you realise her mood has changed. Had to lock her away the last time she lost it. Might have left her for too long.”
Ava wanted to question if this was a good idea. But she recalled the people being attacked and kept quiet as Gary and Constantine chanted. There was a glowing between the two of them and the smaller circle in the center became so bright she looked away. When they were done there was a loud hiss and something small and black shot out of the room.
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“Do excuse me. I need to go and grovel to my cat.” Constantine said when it didn’t come back in.
Ava rolled her eyes as he left and shook her head. “I hope this works.”
“(Y/N)?” Constantine called as he started looking through the rooms of his home. A low hiss drew him to the room you were in. Seeing you perched on the fireplace, glowering at him. “Alright love, no need to be snippy.”
He stepped back when you hopped off the fireplace with a gentle thud and shifted into your human form.
“Wow!” Constantine turned to see Gary and Ava looking into the room, curiously staring at you. “She changed! Did you see that. Incredible.”
“Well finally someone who appreciates me.” You almost purred, smiling at Gary who started sputtering and backing away when he realised you were completly naked.
“Alright now! No need to scare him off.” Constantine scolded.
“Oh! Of course. How could anyone pay me a compliment. I forgot I’m some awful demon monster that needs to be locked up!” You spat out at Constantine, squaring up to him.
“Hey now! You brought that upon yourself when you started attacking people.”
“You blabbed about my being a familiar to a bunch of wanna be warlocks! They didn’t even know about familiers.”
“That doesn’t sound like her fault, if anything it sounds like you started it.” Ava said. She looked alarmingly nervous when you actually purred and stroked a finger up her arm, across her shoulders and down the other as you circled her.
“I like this one.” You muttered smiling when she tried to maintain eye contact and not look as nervous as she felt.
“Alright, enough of this.” Constantine said as he shrugged off his coat and draped it over your shoulders. “I need you to help me find another familiar.”
“No.” You said and started to leave. Constantine muttered a few words and the next thing you knew you’d walked into a brightly lit metal room. Turning slightly you could see a group staring at you.
“(Y/N) this is Sara Lance, and the Legends.” Constantine said as he, Ava and Gary followed you through.
“Hi!” Ray said as he went to shake your hand. You purred batting your eyes as you used his outstretched hand to pull him close. His eyes went wide and he glanced at Constantine.
“Careful with this one, half lust demon.” Constantine warned Ray who backed away quickly while you giggled at his reaction.
“I’m not helping you.”
“Not right now you’re not. However as you master you’re going to help me because I command it.”
“I thought you were the one that liked to get bossed around.” You said casually as you stepped close enough to Constantine that he leant back and smirked down at you. “At least that's what Lucy told his demons.” Sara spat out a laugh she tried to hold back and turned away from the two of you.
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Constantine frowned at you as you spotted Charlie and smiled, swaying your way to her. She grinned at the attention and watched you curiously. “Well hello there. Where’ve you been hiding?”
“Johnny locked me away and I’ve been so bored.” You said with a flirty breathless tone.
“Well that seems just awful.”
“Alright, you can play when you’re done. I need your help.” John said as he snapped his fingers. The Legends, except Charlie, and Ava all hopped back in surprise when you returned to your cat form. You hissed at John as he picked you up, smacking him in the face with your thrashing tail for good measure.
“I’m only helping you if you let me go!” You snapped. Constantine had managed to lock you to a spot in the library and convinced you at the very least to wear one of his shirts. Back in your human form, all you needed was to be let go so you could stretch your legs and explore.
“I can let you go if you really want love, but you won't be around long enough to appreciate it.” He warned as he flipped through a book that had the names of all familiars that were sworn to warlocks.
“If you lock me back up in that horrid house again I’ll eat that nervous one. I bet he’d let me go.” You said to yourself, lounging as best you could in the small spot on the floor.
“You harm a hair on Gary’s head I’ll be sending you to hell.”
“Hey, Sara found some more information that might help you.” Nate said as he stepped into the room. He tried handing Constantine the papers he had in his hand but missed when you rolled over, biting your lip and swinging your legs as you batted your eyes.
“Easy there mate. She’ll rock your world but leave you with some pretty nasty scratches.” Constantine said as he held his hand out.
“Oh! No. I wasn’t. I didn’t. I um.” Nate spluttered as he shoved the papers in Constantine’s outstretched hand and almost ran out of the room.
“These people are fun to play with Johnny. Can’t you just let me out for a little while.” You tried pouting and batting your eyes. It would have worked. But he gave you a casual look and shook his head.
“Sorry sweetheart but it’s work before pleasure here.”
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“Oh I don’t need your permission to have pleasure.” You purred and ran your hand down your body as you rolled to your back. Constantine snapped his fingers and walked over to you, seeming to have found the spell he was looking for.
“Look sweetheart. This bastard is hurting people. I know deep down you want to help. Besides. Help me and I will be your magical wingman. We can have a rager. Charlie, the shifter can come, whoever you want but you have to help me first.” As he spoke he’d picked you up and scooped you into his arms, you rubbed against his chin, enjoying the feeling of his stubble. He found just the right spot to itch.
“This is… weird. You need a moment?” Sara asked from the doorway.
“Just a little sweet talking.” He said as he set you down on his chair, changing you back. Sara’s eyes went wide and she spun around when you were suddenly, human shaped and naked again.
“It’s this one.” You huffed and pouted at him. Sara slowly glanced back when he snatched up the shirt you’d been using, tossed it your way and Constantine took the book to show it to her.
“You’re sure. She doesn’t seem to like you.”
“Covered myself in catnip. Poor thing can’t resist it. Now, let's get going. I need to get back to my cat before she gets mad at me.”
Sara glanced at you, seeing you curled up in Constantine’s chair, napping under his shirt. “She’ll be ok like that?” She asked and he nodded, fumbling in his pocket for his cigarettes.
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“Oh yeah, nap for a couple hours. Although I’ll need to be back before she does wake up. Lust demons get a little frisky when it comes to large doses of catnip. Everyone is her type and I did promise her some fun and unless everyone here wants to get some, we’re probably best dropping her for some time at the peak of the sexual revolution so she can calm herself down.” Constantine winked at Sara as he passed her on the way to the brig.
“Good for her.” Sara muttered, recalling Ava saying how awful she felt for you, being locked up by Constantine for defending yourself.
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zaritarazi · 3 years
002 with mixen <3
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when i started shipping it: okay so i went deep into my archives and i found my first mixen gifset, here, from october 26, 2016. it is then followed by this gifset from october 28, 2016, a complete stroke of genius i’d forgotten about. and HERE is the first post i made about them while watching legends, also from october 28th, 2016. i’m assuming that the clip of her trying to kill him was released as a preview which is why the gifset predates the text post. so then in november 2016 is good it’s not really ramped up yet and then we get the chicago way and that, in a lot of ways, changed my life? for the better? unclear. am i being sarcastic? also unclear. there’s just so much about it that did me in. first the “i’m clyde that’s bonnie” because s3 of dusk had JUST ended and that was a RAW fucking nerve. just the exact shit i was looking for. the scene where mick puts his finger to his lips while looking at amaya’s mouth and you just know he’s internally like i am... going to hell. i am GOING to hell. amaya kissing him on the CHEEK? [mick’s certainty of going to hell intensifies] and the real piece de resistance was len descending from the ceiling shrieking in gay rage like. that’s what really solidified mick’s relationship with amaya to me: he was willing to defend her to literally, literally his husband. he says amaya is his ONLY friend because leonard is GONE, implying that amaya is len’s EQUAL in mick’s eyes. mick is a complex character and he’s actually very sensitive but when we had him in season 1, he came as a packaged set with len. and he grew and formed new relationships and listen we all know i can and will ship mick with anyone dominic purcell this is a threat but amaya is, in canon, not just implied by dominic’s choices for the character, the time where mick is declaring his affection for someone out loud. and i also want to reflect on like. leonard, be he real or be he a figment of mick’s mind, despite being WILDLY jealous of amaya, had one goal in that episode: to keep mick alive. like mick was so reckless in season two and with amaya he seems to finally almost want to... pull back? he tells leonard “i’ll be dead like you” which says he isn’t objecting to the idea of being dead, but that amaya is giving him something that makes life exciting, and he’d rather have that than fall into his old self-preservation instincts. you can MARK that mick starts trying to die less after the chicago way until len comes back in the world war i episode.  like i guess i started shipping mixen when they became the epitome of “god said love your enemy so i obeyed her and i loved myself” are you HAPPY? is this what you WANTED? 
my thoughts: you accidentally had a baby with him. i am the reason he is able to feel love. we are not the same
what makes me happy about them: as much as i’ve focused on amaya’s positive impact on mick i want to emphasize that this is a two way street because mick is someone who taught amaya to embrace herself and what makes her happy. amaya has so much pressure riding on her shoulders and mick is never deterred by it. amaya has always been brilliant beautiful incredible etc but when we first meet her in s2 she is so tightly wound and she is so in the mold of what she thinks she needs to be and what she thinks the legacy of the anansi totem requires of her and when she’s around mick she realizes she can be... amaya. just amaya. like did she say to mick “what would a criminal do” because she was being horny on main? yes. but she also did it because she was genuinely open to learning how he saw the world. like it’s truly incredible that amaya meets mick and in the span of 30 minutes is like actually, mick is the most interesting and enticing person i have ever met and  [mick’s certainty of going to hell intensifies] but actually there are just little things they do even when they don’t like each other that show a certain level of respect- mick tells amaya he’s not an idiot and amaya tells him not to call her “girlie” so amaya actually spends the rest of their relationship uplifting mick’s ideas and his accomplishments and mick POINTEDLY never gives amaya a nickname. the nickname one is especially funny bc i geniunely think she just didn’t like “girlie” and may have been fine with a different nickname but like. the fact that mick remembers to NOT give her a nickname EVER when everyone else gets one? the way he paid attention to amaya and respected what she was saying? the way they could be open with each other? like okay they weren’t canon-canon but a part of me is glad bc. this ship was originally marc’s idea and what is legends s2 if not phil and marc fighting for control of the story like the one ring? if marc had been allowed to make them romantic i fear he would’ve done his normal bullshit that he does with his couples where basically mick never changes in a positive way and keeps chipping away at parts of amaya until she feels like she is at “his level” and then he essentially takes over the rest of the parts of her life he hadn’t already taken control of and just, disgusting. like let me be clear on mick rory’s worst day he is still a better person than oliver queen on his best day i don’t care if he’s roasting people alive he is STILL a better person. but with that relationship choice being taken out of marc’s hands, we instead get a relationship where amaya offers mick the starting blocks to build himself UP, and he takes them and is able to keep building himself even without fully relying on her. when he tells her in season 3 “we’ve all done things we’re not proud of” and she just brightens so immediately, and the same thing happens in the pirate episode - and he is able to do these things for her because he let her help him, but did not make her his only lifeline. the person mick is in s3 onward is a person he feels better about being because amaya has always seen good in him and like. not to be dramatic but i am literally, literally crumbling into ash as we speak
things done in fanfic that annoys me: i have no issue with mixen being in fic with OTHER ships but to my fucking detriment it always seems to be a secondary pairing in captain canary fics and like 1. hate crime 2. mick is a bisexual he can have a husband and a wife he can have them at the same time he can have them at separate times but if you’re writing capcan i’m assuming you have a heterosexual agenda and i want that kept away from ships i like at ALL times
things I look for in fanfic: a genuine understanding of mick’s character. he can be kind of tricky to strike a balance with but you can just tell when he’s being written too aggressively or when he’s being written just as too much of a bastard or a former criminal and like, i also look for amaya not being helpless and emotional bc quite frankly mick is way more expressive emotionally than amaya and it is so vital that this is understood. also if it’s sad i like to read it and then cry myself to sleep
who i’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: OKAY FINE nate for either. nate for both! final ot3 of nate/amaya/mick is good, pure, canon supported, and legally required. but also amaya with zari 1.0 and mick with ray or, honestly? zari 2.0. DON’T @ ME
My happily ever after for them: they just get to like. live life together. mick takes in ese as one of his own and amaya does the same for lita and they have a 3rd child together that’s in the bible look it up but like. not giving up the time traveling life and the heroics and the adventures fully but being a family even when their kids grow up and they can be old together even if it’s them popping on and off the waverider sometimes together sometimes they do their own thing always put the kids first and sure mick has 22 wonderful years on amaya but he’s on a timeship he can wait for her to catch up so they can get old-old together. also nate is there romantically, sexually, raising the children, let’s have mick and nate make a fourth child, this is absolutely non-negotiable
who is the big spoon/little spoon: amaya is AGGRESSIVELY the little spoon. like flinging herself into mick’s arms and like HOLD ME and mick just reflexively wrapping his arms around her bc she small. sof. smells nice. pretty
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: amaya like why be having not-sex when you could be having sex? and mick like i don’t know. sleeping? photography? long drives? (it’s long drives & going to museums don’t @ me)
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cxplqnce · 4 years
Nate Heywood - Water Under the Bridge
Based on Water under the Bridge by Adele – The reader and Nate hooked up after his break-up with Amaya and the reader’s recent break-up with her ex. It started out as just friends with benefits but they slowly fall in love.
Word Count: 1,394
If you're not the one for me
Then how come I can bring you to your knees
If you're not the one for me
Why do I hate the idea of being free?
You and Nate had both been through crappy break-ups and needed to work through the pain and frustration that was left by previous partners. Fortunately, you were both consenting adults that needed the same thing; sex.
It started out as just that, fun and meaningless sex to help you both get over your previous relationships, but you started to want more. You started to fall for him, even after Amaya appeared back on the ship after Sara had asked for her help with your small tiger problem.  You were pretty sure that Nate wanted to get back with her but your weekly routine didn’t cease, in fact, it became more frequent.
You hadn’t even considered Nate as a potential boyfriend until Ray brought it up. You were helping him create a serum to stop Nora’s powers when he casually mentioned that he knew about yours and Nate’s situation and you spilled all your emotions and problems to him in some form of word vomit.
“Why don’t you just tell Nate how you feel?” He asked you, while looking down a microscope.
“Because, Ray… He’s still in love with Amaya, right? And I think he wants to get back with her. So what’s the point of even trying if I’m just going to get my heart stomped on.” You explained, plopping yourself down on a chair in despair.
Ray huffed, putting whatever scientific object he was holding down on the worktop and sitting down next to you, “You know, you’re never going to know for sure what Nate wants until you ask him. Also, I have it on good authority that he is most definitely over Amaya and I think you’re to blame or thank for that change of mind.”
And if I'm not the one for you
You've gotta stop holding me the way you do
Oh honey if I'm not the one for you
Why have we been through what we have been through?
Nate was most definitely over Amaya. All he could think about recently is what you did on your nights together and what would happen if he just told you how he felt but every time he tried, he froze. Your relationship was definitely not conventional and it was all you both needed for a while, but Nate wanted more, however, he couldn’t figure out how to bring it up.
When your nightly escapades started, you would leave each other and then pretend it never happened until the next time but lately, you’d started staying. He’d cuddle you to his chest and hold you in his arms, making you feel safer than you had in a while.
That’s how it started, cuddling, but as time went on, Nate became more protective over you – asking you if you were okay and looking out for you more on missions. You found it quite endearing and wondered if this is what Nate would be like in a real relationship.
Nate thought the same thing, after he had started to look out for you more – you started doing the same. And it didn’t go unnoticed.
“So, Nate, what is going on with you and Y/N?” Amaya asked as she found her way into the library where Nate was reading up on their latest time period anachronism.
Nate flinched at the mention of your name, dropping the book he was holding down on the desk, “What, what are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about your obvious feelings for her. When are you going to tell her?” She asked with a mischievous but happy grin on her face.
“I’m not going to.” Nate said, a saddened look appearing over his face. Amaya’s grin faded as she slapped Nate’s arm, “OW! What was that for?”
“For being so stubborn that you won’t open yourself up to a relationship with an amazing girl who definitely has feelings for you!” She defended.
“First of all, how do you know she has feelings for me and second, why do you care so much?” Nate asked.
Amaya sat down on the edge of the desk, “I know she has feelings because I overheard her talking to Ray about it, and I just want you to be happy. We were never going to work out because I will always have to go home to preserve the timeline but your futures are uncertain. You have to grab every chance at happiness you get because if you don’t you may never find it.”
What are you waiting for?
You never seem to make it through the door
And who are you hiding from?
It ain't no life to live like you're on the run
Have I ever asked for much?
The only thing that I want is your love
During the fight in East Berlin where Nora and Damien Darhk almost gained the fire totem and almost killed Ray, you had been hit by Damien’s powers and had damaged your spine by flying backwards into a brick wall. Wally had brought you back on the ship and Gideon told the team that you were temporarily paralysed while she fixed the damage. Thankfully, there wasn’t any pain since you were out cold.
Nate stayed by your side for the few hours it took Gideon to patch you up, Sara, Amaya and Ray had all offered to take over but he refused. Seeing you hurt, flicking in and out of consciousness was horrible and he wondered what he had been waiting for these past few weeks. Why didn’t he just get over himself and tell you how he felt?
You had felt the exact same ever since you’d spoken to Ray. You had planned on telling him multiple times but chickening out every time you even got close to him. All you wanted during this time was Nate but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him.
If you're gonna let me down, let me down gently
Don't pretend that you don't want me
Our love ain't water under the bridge
Say that our love ain't water under the bridge
Your eyes gently fluttered open as you regained consciousness, you shifted your body as you felt uncomfortable and a jolt of pain came from your lower back causing you to let out a groan that woke a sleeping Nate – who you hadn’t noticed yet.
“Hey,” He said, notifying you to his presence, “You shouldn’t try and move, Gideon fixed you up but you were temporarily paralysed so you’re going to be in a bit of pain over the next few days.” Nate explained, concern washing over his face.
You reached for his hand and held it in yours, “Thank you. Would you mind getting me some food? My stomach is aching for some chocolate.”
Nate smiled, “Of course but, can I tell you something first?” He asked, you nodded your head but then realised that was a mistake as you felt a pain in your head. “I like you, as more than a friend… I’ve liked you for a while now but I’ve been too much of a wuss to tell you and seeing you hurt just gave me the push I needed. So, if you’re gonna let me down, do it gently.”
The grin that appeared on your face could definitely rival that of the Cheshire Cat, “I’m not going to let you down, Nate. ‘Cause I like you too, you dork. I’m just pissed that it took me getting hurt to get either of us to fess up.”
“Really? You like me too?” He asked, as if he didn’t believe a word out of your mouth.
You nodded, “Of course, this relationship, it’s not water under the bridge. It’s real, now.”
It was now Nate’s turn to smile like the famous cat as he moved to put his other hand on top of yours and his that were still joined, “Gideon?”
“Yes, Dr. Heywood?”
“Is kissing out of the question for Y/N right now?” He asked, looking you in the eyes.
Gideon chuckled, “Of course not.”
“Good.” Nate replied, before leaning over – careful not to hurt you anymore – and planting, what you considered the best kiss of your life, on your lips.
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @ cxplqnce and remember I take requests!
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
It's so nice to see someone from the GG fandom who likes Vanessa! It's a shame she didn't have a storyline that was only hers (she was always only a prop on someone else's). I really wanted her and Blair to become friends because I think they are a weirdly good match. They could've bonded trough their love of art and even have been roommates on s3. I would love if you could throw some headcanons about that relationship, but feel free to use this ask just to say nice things about Vanessa.
oh agreed with you re: vanessa never having her own storyline! i remember seeing someone on here mention that after a while - specifically in s4 - they stopped viewing vanessa as a character and saw her as a plot device, which is why she was always conveniently in the right place at the right time eavesdropping on people. it’s incredibly depressing.
i loved the fact that vanessa was such a radical marxist (she’s never used these words for herself that i remember, but those are her vibes.) it was so refreshing in like... this gloomy complicated WASPy environment where everyone was so obsessed with class and reputation
this meta does a better job at explaining it than i ever can
vanessa was just: badass, confident, outspoken, unashamed & unapologetic of being who she was, intelligent, cynical but also a ray of light. this remains one of my favourite caps of her. look at her smile!
i wish vanessa had gotten to make films and stuff - we saw a lot of dan’s creative success, i wish we’d gotten that much focus on vanessa. 
one of my.. headcanons... i think i was gonna write fic about this, even, is that vanessa makes a documentary starring nate. they’re both joking around and just doing it for the lols, but it actually blows up, and ... nate & vanessa being nate & vanessa, the documentary isn’t superficial at all. 
obviously, vanessa doesn’t need nate to be successful though, i just really loved nate x vanessa and am incredibly self-indulgent
vanessa & dan should’ve started a podcast together in college!!! 
also yeah, i do think vanessa had character flaws, but everyone on this show is morally skewed one way or the other, and i wish her storyline had been better + i wish her flaws had been handled more gently, if that makes sense to say.
i also wish we’d gotten to see vanessa’s sister ruby + her lesbian punk band + her apartment, where vanessa also lived. i’m so curious about like.... how vanessa would decorate her room in her house, etc etc.
more under the cut (because this got SO long!)
re: her relationship with blair:
i feel the same as you abt that! i was talking to solange about this and apparently all of that ...happened? in the books??? blair & vanessa did become best friends and roommates. i love them being best friends -i’m not going to say too much about my platonic headcanons for these 2, because it’s kind of central to my s3 dair AU, which i’m writing right now! there’s going to be so much vanessa, istg.
i found this response by accident about the show being shitty to her, and i think “mix of racism and laziness” on part of the writers hits the nail on the head. 
i wish blair & vanessa had become friends in s2 over rescuing nate from that duchess. i find it really annoying that dan & blair could become friends due to their mutual love for serena, but blair & vanessa couldn’t become friends from their mutual love for nate?? that’s the tv storyline we were robbed of, seriously. 
i got distracted & started talking about my vanessa ships, so take that, too:
i actually highkey ship blair/vanessa either as much as i ship dair, or more. this post ​does a pretty good job at explaining it. my tags on this post basically say “the dair dynamic minus all the melancholy” --> i love dan, but he tends to stew in sad feelings a lot of the time, and neither blair nor vanessa does that, so i think blairnessa as a relationship would be MUCH less angsty than dair was at initial stages. 
serenessa is such a good ship too. i was telling nads, “serenessa photojournalists who travel around the world AU lives in my head rent free.” i think serena & vanessa both have like.. a very free spirit thing going for them, and i feel that neither of them would be happy doing the standard ‘get married, raise kids, white picket fence’ future kind of thing (which, well, dan and nate probably would. which is why i think they should get married to each other.)
i liked early season natessa, before things got weird. nate & vanessa genuinely supported each other + believed in each other + learnt things from each other and grew as people from it. nate encouraged her to write her SATs and give college a shot, and during most of nate’s s2 arc w/ his grandfather, vanessa was the only person who TRULY believed in him and believed that nate could break out from the influence of his family.
i wrote nate & vanessa on their first date from vanessa’s POV if that’s something you’re interested in reading.
i’m also... pretty sure this wasn’t deliberate, but the way that matthew settle & jessica szhor played rufus and vanessa gave me weirdly intense romantic vibes? vanessa always has the brightest & biggest smiles for rufus, and rufus is considerate and caring and respectful to vanessa much more than dan, her actual best friend, is. 
i wrote this fic abt vanessa dealing w/ guilt over having a crush on rufus, and talking to nate about it, which was an interesting thing to write, lmao. 
even keeping that aside, i think it’s interesting that vanessa was better friends with rufus than she was with dan!! i regard it mostly the same way i regard lily being a better mother to chuck than to serena & eric - “lmao, what is this show. how tragic and awful but also how hilarious.” 
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oficytheft · 3 years
Finding His Way Out of the Time Stream: < Chapter 3 >
Leonard only slept for about 6 hours this time around, he was sure he would have slept longer but the feeling of being hot and sweaty made him wake up with a scowl on his face. He tried to roll away from Mick but the other's arms were clamped around him and he was still asleep, and Mick didn't exactly wake up easily when they were sleeping somewhere they considered safe; so Leonard had to basically pry his arms off of him before he could roll to the other side of the bed and throw the covers off of himself and Mick with a grumble of annoyance. Once the cool air of the room hit him he let out a huff and rolled back over into Mick's arms, this time facing the other and putting his arms around his neck as he closed his eyes and let their foreheads touch lightly and thinking that maybe he could go back to sleep before he was hungry enough that he had to get up.
With the way that Mick's arms tightened around him? He was fairly sure that the other was waking up now that the cool air had hit him. Normally? Even when they were alone Leonard wouldn't be so desperate to intent on staying close to Mick, especially when he woke up uncomfortably hot the way he had. But they had just started getting somewhat back to normal before the Oculus, and in the months since 2046? Mick hadn't been too keen on spending time close to him, and even if Leonard wasn't always in the mood for close physical contact like this? He had missed it then and would take as much as he could get for now. Yeah, Mick was definitely awake now; the hands trailing up and down his back were a sure-fire giveaway. "I take it this means you aren't upset with me anymore?" He moved his head a bit so that the sides of their noses pressed against each other.
Mick's hands stopped moving and wrapped around his waist again, the grunt of annoyance that he let out along with that made him open his eyes and pull his head back a bit at the lack of an actual response. He felt Mick's arms tighten in response and his eyes flew open, suddenly wide awake rather than slowly waking up the way he had been. "Long as ya ain't gonna go and die on me again, I ain't mad anymore Lenny." Leonard almost felt guilty, less because of what Mick said as a whole and more because of him calling him Lenny. He only ever did that after they started talking again after a big falling out, usually? It was only Lisa who called him that.
He moved a hand so that it was flat against the back of Mick's head and neck and pulled him in for a kiss, hand moving so that it rested lightly on the side of his neck and face once their lips touched. He pulled away after just a few seconds, having to crank his neck back farther than he wanted to in order to avoid Mick's lips as his head followed his in an effort to not break the kiss. "I'm not planning on doing anything else that might get me killed, alright Mick? I'm not goin' anywhere."
"Captain Lance has requested to speak with you as soon as you are up and have gotten something to eat Mr. Snart." He let out his own groan of annoyance and moved his head to rest on Mick's shoulder when Gideon spoke up well slowly dimming the lights in the room on now that she had sensed them awake, he was wishing now that he had just endured the warmth and stayed under the blankets.
Leonard let go of Mick and stretched his arms over his head and his legs, arching his shoulders back and pointing his toes almost like a stretching cat as he did so before going to push himself up on the bed. "I guess we should get up, I'm starving and I have no clue how long it's been since I last ate or how long I was floating between the time stream and the temporal zone." He rolled his eyes as Mick tightened his hold on him again and let out a small grumble of annoyance that was nearly a growl when he tried to get up. "Mick, we need to get up. I need food and we need to see what it is Sara wants from me. And that's not even mentioning the fact that I need to fix my gun because someone let an incompetent billionaire use it and he broke it."
At what he said Mick let go and rolled over to get up himself, but not without muttering under his breath in annoyance about 'stupid captain' and ' idiot ais that don't know when they're ruining a moment' that Leonard simply ignored as he moved to the side of the bed and reached to stand his shoes upright on the floor so that he could slip them on. When he went to stand up on his own he got a little bit of vertigo this time around, but after waiting a moment for it to pass he decided that he would be fine to walk on his own. "Sandwiches are probably no good by now, we'll have to get ya something from the kitchen. You fine ta walk?" Mick asked him, muttering slightly as he spoke; he knew that annoyed him to no end.
"Yeah, I'll be fine Mick. I can walk on my own." Leonard told him starting towards the door, his steps weren't quite as quick as usual but he did his best to cover it by acting as if it was deliberate and not due to the fact that he wasn't sure if the vertigo was gonna come back. Mick stood up and went to the door with him and opened it before walking with him down the hall, it didn't escape Leonards notice that he was walking closer to him than he usually did in the halls of the Waverider-even taking into account before they'd had their disagreement in 2046. Every few steps their arms brushed against each other, and he couldn't help but feel like it was deliberate; maybe now Mick could understand how he'd felt before he found out whether or not he'd survived that fire back in 2014.
"Sit, what'd ya want?" Leonard raised a brow at Mick when he spoke on his way to the food fabricator before simply shrugging and answering him as he moved to sit down at the circular table that was in the room.
"Just toast." Putting too much into an empty stomach is a recipe for disaster, something that Leonard and Mick had both learned at a fairly young age. His father never let him and Lisa starve, but there were times when he simply did not bother to go grocery shopping or would forget to give Leonard money to be able to do so; whenever it happened he always had less. He'd eat enough that he'd survive, but he made sure that Lisa had food before himself. He heard Mick muttering something under his breath from where he was now sitting at the table and had to actively avoid clenching his jaw in annoyance.
After a minute he heard a couple of people come into the kitchen talking, right before Mick set the plate with toast covered in Nutella down in front of him before sitting down in the seat next to him with his own plate of bacon, eggs, and toast. It didn't escape Leonard's notice that the talking had stopped, no one was sitting down at the table and the food fabricator was not being used. Staring it was then, great. Not bothering to turn his head towards them and instead he looked down at his food as he lifted it up he spoke before taking a bite. "You know the saying, take a picture. It'll last longer." He figured that would get the point across that he didn't want them gawking at him.
When Ray came over and sat across from them though he almost regretted it with the intense and determined look the other had on his face. "Why didn't either of you tell us that you were married!?" Leonard nearly choked on his food and had to grab the bottle of water Mick had brought over for him along with their food, Mick was entirely unphased though as Ray continued to talk and Nate took a seat next to the other. "We're a team, isn't that something we should know about you? If we had known maybe-" He left it unsaid, but Leonard could hear the implication of 'maybe things would have ended up differently' in his cut-off sentence.
He put the bottle of water back down next to his plate and picked his food back up as he spoke, leaning back in his chair slightly as he looked Ray in the eyes and said with a familiar sarcastic drawl. "Oh yeah right, if you all had thought I was killing my husband? That would have been a line too far, but my best friend? Who cares right?" He waved his free hand into the air dismissively before taking a bite of his food, not looking away from Ray as he watched the shame bloom in the younger man's eyes before he shifted away from the eye contact and started talking again.
"I just meant that if we had known that the issues between you were more complicated than we thought, maybe we could have helped you guys work through it and things would have turned out differently." Leonard almost felt bad for egging on the guilt. Almost being the operative word, almost wasn't enough to stop the growing annoyance at this conversation. Apparently Mick could tell as much, and so when Nate opened his mouth to add something in he spoke up.
"Haircut, Pretty Boy. Go away, we're trying to eat." The words were spoken between bites as Mick looked up at the two with a slight glare of his own; they looked almost like they wanted to say something else, but after a second they got up and walked away. Leonard heard them whispering about something as they walked out of the room, but he couldn't make it out. And when he felt Mick's leg push against his? He decided he didn't care and hooked his foot around the other's leg under the table as they continued to eat in peaceful silence, not even bothering to look up when Amaya walked in a few minutes later and sat down at the table with her own food after stopping at the fabricator.
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I want to tell you... (Part 11.)
Description: Nathan Drake is not the exact definition of an unhappy man. His job is steady, his friends still see him from time to time, he plays football, but his marriage is his main problem. Many things will change when a special person comes to his life.
Part Summary: The storm in your town really reached the strenght of a hurricane, so you’ve decided to spend the night at Nate’s, because your boyfriend left for a business trip. And one glass of wine led to another...
A/N: Nate is my baby and I will protect him until the day I die. This man deserves love and love only. This is the one (1) ray of sunshine you were waiting for, and yeah, he can go all wild and bounce on you like on a rodeo, but... Let this man have some sweet love-making for once, okay?
Warnings: Slow, heart-warming, embracing, fluffy, loving smut. 
Word counter: 6 K
Tagging: @missdictatorme​, @peakymarvels​, @nemodoren​, @flavorishy​, @decadentwinnerjudgedream​
Series master list: H E R E
Nathan’s car sing-along playlist: H E R E
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Nate watched you standing in front of the window, watching the storm unraveling. It was raining, the wind was blowing, thunders were shaking the glass tabs and bolts of lightning were very frequent. This wasn't just some summer storm, this was a full-blown hurricane. Suddenly, he shifted his eyes back to you when you sighed, hugging yourself gently.
"I'll call Mike. I'll let him know that I'll sleep here because I don't want you to drive me home in this kind of weather. And he can't come for me, because he's on that business trip to Seattle." - You smiled at Nathan sadly, having the man nod as he watched you leave to his bedroom, closing the door behind to have some intimacy while you'll be calling your boyfriend. Nathan's heart was racing once again as he slowly realized what you said. You'll be staying over at his place. The girl he likes, the girl he's thinking about for the past month. Finally, he won't be alone inside the apartment. This was his lucky day, such coincidence couldn't be explained any other way.
Why was he so happy about having you spending the night at his place? You had a boyfriend you loved. He had a wife whom he... Loved. This was just to be sure you'll be safe during the storm outside. You could just watch some movies, drink a bit of wine, cook something, he'd let you take the bed, lends you some old clothes to sleep in... And that was it. The end. That was all.
Even though, he could feel his cheeks burning when you walked back into the room, looking at the blue-eyed man you were calling your best friend. - "Mike says hi and thank you for letting me stay the night. The weather in Seattle is bad too, according to what he'd told me. We'll take you and Elena out on some big-ass dinner as soon as she gets back." - You smiled at the man, sitting into the lazy chair again, this time tugging yourself in under a warm, soft blanket.
"Sure, I'll remember that. You know yourself, promises, promises..." - Nate offered you the TV controller, making his way to the kitchen, which was connected to the living room. - "What do you want to eat? I can make some pizza, uh..." - Nate mumbled from going through the cupboards, looking at what he had in store. - "Pizza, I don't even wanna know the other options." - You answered immediately, making the man turn his head at you. If there was something he adored the most about you, it was your love for food. Especially for his homemade food. You would eat even something that didn't turn out well with an adoring smile on your face. But over the time Nate was befriending you, it seemed that you're slowly learning how to cook.
"Don't you want to know the other options? Maybe I can bake some lemon pie for you." - "No, you cant." - You answered immediately, having the man looking at you with a confused expression. - "I've already searched through your fridge. Ain't no lemons there, my friend." - A proud answer came from the lazy chair as you sat up more straight, giving him a shit-eating grin. - "First of all, rude. Second of all, crap, you're already learning how to cook. You'll be better than me one day, I tell you that."
"No, I don't think so." - You smiled back, already coming on your place next to him, getting ready to help him. - "No-one ever can cook as good as you cook, Nate. I mean it." - This took Nate's breath away for a second. The man rushed to his bedroom, grabbed one of his old linen shirts, giving it to you.
"I don't want you to end up all messy once were done." - God, did he want to see you all messy? With tomato paste all over your face, laughing and pretending to be angry with him, so he'd make it up to you... Jesus, he needed to stop these thoughts right here. But there was something about seeing you put on his shirt with a small grin on your face, which made him realize how it feels to be alive. Without realizing, you took in Nathan's smell and a smile appeared on your face. His smell was calming you down in some way. Nate was your best friend, in the end, a person you trusted. So it didn't even come across as weird.
As always, cooking with Nathan was super fun - you've been trying to make the typical pizza shape out of the dough just to have Nathan step in, saving the disaster in the progress. When that was done, you spent almost half an hour putting the ingredients in, because both of you liked something different on your pizza. You ended up making one half of it for you and the other one for it - while Nate wanted to have pieces of chicken and broccoli there, you wanted to keep your pizza as simple as possible. Because simple things were usually the best ones.
You've drunk your first glasses of wine while making for the pizza to bake, standing in the kitchen the whole time, chatting while the TV was running with some cowboy movie turned on. Nathan would swear you'd eat the hot pizza as soon as he took it out of the oven. And you'd eat it with the sheet metal as well, no problem for you. But Nathan first let you pick the movie before he served you the pizza, bringing another two glasses of wine. He usually didn't drink as much when he knew it can go perfectly bad, but he was feeling very courageous that night.
And your night went on. You were chatting throughout the romcom, talking about the people in it, reciting the dumb things they were telling each other, playfully playing some of the scenes. But the more you wine you both had inside your veins, the less you concentrated on the movie - you were just talking about stuff. Until you got to Nate and Elena's relationship, which was surely the pinnacle of the whole night.
"You're not very happy, are you?" - A silent question came from your direction. Jesus, you've already drunk three bottles of wine and you should both stop, go to sleep and talk again in the morning. Nathan had this problem with being very open about his emotions when he was drunk and he was really honest about everything inside of his head. Nate quickly scratched the nape of his neck, watching the TV screen for a second. Then he took another sip, sighed, and look at you.
"Is it that noticeable?" - The man smiled sadly, playing with the edge of the glass slowly. - "I mean, I was really happy with her in the begging. She's that kind of a person who makes you smile without even trying to. Elena's funny, beautiful, smart... Oh, boy. But I think this life isn't for her." - Nate leaned his elbow to the back of the couch, watching you all snuggled under the blanket. You listened cautiously to every word Nathan was saying - and even to the things he didn't say out loud.
"How long are things like this? I mean, how long it is since she started disappearing for long job trips?" - You asked curiously, smiling at Nate to encourage him. The man took a while to count it, to reminiscent about things, signing at the end. - "Two years now? I think?" - At that number, you rose your eyebrows and took a deep breath in. If Mike would be ignoring you like that, you'd broken up with him a long time ago. Sure, he was traveling around the USA because of his work, just like at the moment, but it always a week at the maximum. And he called you every day at least twice. But Nate... He was just too alone.
You liked that guy. Normally, you wouldn't say he's handsome because you were respecting the politeness of a friendship, but damn, these baby blue eyes were a turn for you. He seemed to be innocent, sweet, and caring... You most probably hadn't yet a guy like him - he was caring a lot, which could be felt in every look, but he wasn't annoying you with the care. Also, there weren't many guys who would care as much as he did. Mike cared about you a lot, but he still knew that you're just a human being and you need some space - but Nathan's care was special in some way. He did it in such a way you barely noticed him watching over every breath you took. And when you were getting a bit fed up with it, all it took was one of his sweet smiled and you forgave him immediately...
And he was handsome physically. Like, this guy may be goofy and clumsy, but these arms, a well-built chest and the perfect ass he had... Nathan Drake was hot when he didn't know about it. Especially when he quickly licked his lips when he thought about an answer. Or when he was cutting the vegetables. Normally, you wouldn't even acknowledge the things this openly, but you were drunk. And Nathan was all alone, broken and he wasn't loved in such a long time. Like... Sure, he and Elena probably had some hot moments whenever she got back. But for a reason, you felt that it was more of a physical necessity than an act of love. And you were in love with him. Not like romantic love, as far as you could say, but you cared about the guy a lot.
Whenever Nate was around, you felt better about yourself. The world seemed to be a better place. You liked when you just jammed to the songs in the car when he took you out to the market in the countryside, you loved to cook with him and no matter how ashamed you pretended to be when he danced, there was always a happy smile on your face when you watched him. And you knew, more or less, that you made him feel something similar. You were making him occupied ever since you became friends, the man wasn't that much alone throughout his days. Sure, he had his older brother, Sam, with friends Charlie, Sully, and Chloe, but now, he had even you.
Did you want to do it? Yeah, you wanted to do it real bad. Was it right to do it? No, it was wrong in so many points. Did you realize how much it can fuck the things up? You did, but you were ready for it. At least you thought so. So, slowly, you got up and put the glass on the table. Then you sat down in front of Nate, taking in a deep breath.
"I know that you know... That I have a boyfriend I do love a lot, right?" - You looked Nate in the eyes, feeling your heart already picking up a faster rhythm. Unconsciously, you were playing with the hem of the shirt Nate had landed you, your cheeks were slowly catching on fire. Nathan furrowed for a second there before nodding. Gently, you pulled the glass out of his hand, looking away from him. - "And I know you love Elena a lot. I can feel it, but..." - A whisper left your lips as you pulled the ring down from his left hand, putting it on the table. - "Let's just forget about for that for a moment, right?" - You asked, finally staring into his eyes.
Nathan didn't know what you were trying to do, but he was enjoying the feeling of your fingers gently playing with his hand, so he nodded to hear what you had to say. - "This would come one way or another. And I just want you to spend the night with someone who cares for you very, very much, 'kay?" - Another whisper filled Nathan's ears and this time, it took him a while to process all of the information coming out of you. You were talking... Oh, God. You were talking about what he thought you were talking about? Or did he misread the situation? Nate could feel the sweat on your fingers and insecurity in your voice. You were both drunk and this was just one great mistake you were about to make. But you didn't want Nate to find a woman who wouldn't even care for him. This guy didn't deserve a nightstand with a bitch.
Probably, over time, he would get more and more frustrated with the situation he was in. He'd search for another form of a physical release, even if he was one of the sweetest guys you've met. And you didn't want to see him falling for some random girl just because he liked her ass, that would ruin him even more. No. There were some feelings inside of you and some feelings inside of him. And if he should do something like that, you thought it would be easier for him to do it with someone he already put his trust into.
"'kay." - Nathan whispered after a short while, watching you just sitting there, looking into his eyes. As soon as you scoped over so one of your legs was hooked over his waist, he understood he read the situation just like you wanted him to read it. It was exciting to feel the warmth of another person's body, let alone the gentle caress you were giving his forearm, traveling up to his shoulder. - "You're beautiful, Nate. You know that?" - A tender whisper left your lips before you kissed his collarbone through the t-shirt he was wearing, putting your second palm on his chest, feeling his heart beating heavily under it. All this man needed was to be loved, even if it was just for one night. It was so much easier to let the feelings take control over you when you were drunk.
There was a gentle sigh coming from Nate when he slowly put his palm on your thigh, smoothing it until he reached your waist. This guy was gentle with you, almost afraid you'll back up if he touches you in a wrong way. - "No, you're beautiful." - The man smiled down on you, feeling your lips traveling all over his neck as you kissed your way to his jaw, putting your hand on the nape of his neck. - "And I wanted to tell you ever since you've come to the restaurant." - Nate licked his lips, watching your eyes flickering between his lips end eyes, just asking for permission. So the man took the situation to his hands, quite literally, cupping both your cheeks before he leaned for a slow, gentle, and almost shy kiss. Your eyes shuttered just when you felt his lips touching yours as you fully emerged into the kiss. It was the perfect first kiss when none of you pushed the buttons and just tested out the waters. And it felt good even though you were doing something very wrong at the moment.
Just when Nate didn't think it could get better than this, you caught his waist and pulled yourself so close you were almost sitting on his lap, starting to deepen the kiss. First, you were just trying to find the rhythm, until you both just gave in to the natural flow. You pulled hand under his t-shirt almost lazily, gently smoothing a trail from the first hair on his chest down to his ribs, belly, lingering on the gentle hairline marking the start of his pelvis. You smiled into the sloppy kiss as you felt him gulp needily.
"Why don't we turn the TV and get more comfortable back there?" - Your eyes flashed in the direction of Nate's bedroom. The man was lost inside your eyes and a shy smile. Jesus, he could feel his belly muscles tensing just because your fingertips were lingering there. He didn't want to let you go for a single second, but it was probably a good idea - you'll have the whole eternity to discover each other in there, plus you both could get real comfy.
"Sure, yea." - Nate breathed out immediately, standing up hastily and turning off the TV, almost knocking the bottle of wine over. This was so Nate you had to chuckle. When he caught at least some breath, he turned back to you, offering you his hand. And you slipped your palm into his with a smile, letting the mean lead you into the bedroom. It was a bit cold back there and the drops of rains were slowly slipping down on the windows, giving the place somehow a gentle, intimate atmosphere. For all you cared at the moment, the electricity could go off in the whole city and you would barely notice.
Normally, you'd hop on his lap, but there was something about this slow making out with Nate. Especially when you knew he's enjoying it. So you laid down first, smiling at him. The first thing he did was that he hooked his fingers under the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it off hastily. - "Hold on a minute, just like that." - You whispered, taking in the sight of the man as a whole. Jesus, at the moment you were barely realizing he's way more in shape than you always thought. He had small scars all over his torso, his pelvis was coming out, appearing so sharp it would cut your tongue if you'd lick it. And damn... You knew a lot of men shaved their hair on their torso and the small trail leading down into their pants, but it was looking really good on your best friend. - "Wanna help with that, miss?" - Nate chuckled charmingly after a minute of you staring at him being just shirtless. His finger was pointing at his shirt and your t-shirt under it, but you shook your head.
"I think I can do it with my clothes on." - You teased the man a bit, keeping your straight face on. It seemingly surprised him, - "Sure, gimme a hand, cowboy. It's kinda expected from you." - A content laugh came out of you when you saw Nate's eyes roll at your dumb joke. He was still smiling when he leaned his knee between your legs, gently tugging the shirt closer to his eyes. And with every button he undid, there was a kiss implanted on the place it was covering up. First, the man kissed the small place between your collarbone, traveling down to kiss the sweet spots between your breasts, not leaving even the spot on your rubs and lower belly. When the shirt was unbuttoned, you threw it away, watching Nathan kissing the same spots again, but peeling the t-shirt off of you this time. All you did was that you laid down, gently entwining your fingers with his hair.
"You're more gorgeous than what I imagined you'd be." - Nate murmured once even the t-shirt was slipped down, thrown on the ground. At that, you giggled, cupping his cheek to pull him for another kiss. - "You did what?" - You whispered to his lips, pressing his upper body on yours to feel the warmth of another person. - "Don't mind me, I talk nonsense when I have a beautiful woman in my arms." - Nate chuckled back, having you giggle at the remark. Jesus, you liked him so much it almost didn't feel wrong. It felt natural, it felt like something you should do a long time ago.
"I'll just ignore the fact it sounded like you're jacking off thinking about me, yea?" - A teasing grin broke on your lips as you both stopped with the kisses for a moment just to appreciate the other's presence. It felt good. Too good for you liking. - "But it would like... Give you bonus points, because I find it hot." - You smiled, biting Nate's lower lip as he hovered above you. The man kissed you quickly before pulling off again, his hand traveling on your naked waist, slowly exploring the territory of your belly and ribs.
"Can I take it back? Just to say I did jack off while thinking about you? You know, I would use these bonus points in case you'd like to lower my rating in other... Stuff." - How could a guy be as funny as Nate during something erotic and used this advantage to turn you on even more? You pretended to think about it for a while too, smoothing his naked shoulder in the meantime. - "Don't get ahead of yourself, Nate, I'm yet to decide." - And with another 'kay, Nathan put both his elbows down, gently pushing your thigh apart to push his pelvis against yours as he rocked himself against you. That guy was rock hard and you barely do something. It only confirmed your theory about him being touch starved and alone. To support the natural flow, you hooked your ankles on his ass loosely and gently pushed your pelvis against his when he rocked against you again. And again.
"You're something for real, you know that?" - Nate leaned into his palms to look at you from some height, his pelvis was still emulating the movements of a slow love-making. You slowly bent your head back, traveling with both your hands from his shoulders to his chest, assuring him that he's doing everything just right with a low moan. That made Nate groan, pushing himself faster than before. - "I've been told that here and there, Drake." - You chuckled, smiling at the man. He seemed to be mesmerized with you just as you were mesmerized with him. With a gentle smile, he kissed your throat, slowly taking your leg down from his back so he could freely roam around your body with his lips. He gave each place he could reach at least a hundred kisses before he stopped just above the hem of your jeans, looking you in the eyes.
"Would you mind or should I do it?" - Nathan asked, already feeling his mouth watering at the realization of what does he want to do at the moment. If you were willing to give him this one sinful night, he wanted to at least go in fully so he wouldn't regret not doing something. Your fingers gently massaged his scalp as you smiled lazily. - "Suit yourself." - And dear God did Nathan suit himself well. You furrowed a bit when the man first unhooked the button on your jeans but moved to the socks afterward, taking them off.
"What the fuck are you doing?" - You laughed when he moved back to your jeans. Nathan was looking you in the face the whole time as his fingers got under your clothes, taking both articles down at once. The man licked his lips again, pulling it down with one quick tug. Oh, he had some strength in these arms, didn't he?  
"There are no socks allowed... In my... Bed." - Nathan explained between his moves, trying to get the damn jeans off of your ankle. But to your amusement, they seemed to be stuck there.
"And what if I do have smelly feet, or if you do have smelly feet?" - You wondered with a soft giggle, leaning in to help the man undress you before he'd manage to break your ankle or whole leg. With that, Nathan smiled, leaning down for a kiss before telling you. - "Then you'll have to get over my smelly feet, there's no other way around it." - You'd swear that for a moment, you just got lost in the kiss and the way his touches were feeling. This man was so slow and gentle, Jesus Christ. You did have some demons in your head, thinking about if he can go rough with you. But this was about him. About what he needed and felt. There was no way in hell you'd interrupt him with your kinky fucking.
What you did, however, was that you circled your arm around his neck, pulling him down to embrace his upper body. The man left out a giggle, just because no reason, slowly leading his palm next to your thigh, directly between your legs. It was driving Nathan crazy... The warmth radiating out of you, your smell, the passion... So many things he hadn't feel in such a long time.
It was easy to give in without thinking, especially when he heard you whispering his name into the kiss when his palm gently discovered the gentle valley between your legs. Crap, you were already wet without Nate even having to eat you out. But he was dying to do it.
If he could, he'd spent the whole time with kissing you, praising you in a way you deserved to be praised. Because you were a fucking goddess in his eyes. Quite hastily, be made his way between your thighs, holding them apart firmly. Crap, you've been even wetter and more beautiful up close. The man couldn't but left an awed sigh before smoothing these outer lips gently, looking at you watching him. His eyes were glowing in the darkness around, his smile made you think of a boy in a toy store.
"Ready for the ride if your life, baby?" - Nathan smirked daringly, gently biting your upper thigh. He knew he can't leave a single mark on you, but God, he wished to. Mike would've murdered him if he'd find out, yet it wasn't enough to make Nate behave. The man had to use every small piece of his willpower remaining inside to keep himself from marking you at least on one spot.
"Someone's confident." - Nathan heard just before he pushed his head inside, closing his eyes as the first drops hit the tip of his tongue.
You honestly didn't know what to expect from Nate, but this? It could be felt that he's perfectly aware of every move he made, listening to your reactions. There was a few missteps here and there when he did something you didn't exactly vibe with it, so he rolled his tongue in a way that soothed you again.
You understood that a relationship fallout can be caused by many things, but you were sure as hell that sex wasn't one of them. Elena was fucking lucky to have someone as skilled as Nate at home. Back in the day, before you met Mike at one party, you've met a few jerks that didn't have a single idea about what to do once they dived down to the deep sea, but this sure as hell wasn't uncharted territory for Nathan. He put a mix of emotions into the act - showing that he cares without being that weird dude who nuzzles with a pussy, passion through using some rougher moves without hurting you or making you feel uncomfortable. And that was quite a rare combination.
Lord, you weren't even ready for the moment when Nate started sucking gently, slipping not one, but two fingers inside of you. Until that moment, you were playing with his hair - but when you felt the passion struck you, your hips buckled and your palms tugged his scalp, pushing him even more inside. Suddenly, the man looked at you, his jaw and lips glistening with the remnants of you, still fingering you in a sloppy, lazy tempo.
"Do you want me to go harder, baby? I mean, I was just toying around." - Nate asked in the most innocent tone ever, staring at you with the baby blue eyes. He was what? Just toying around? You were already heated up and started to get sweaty... And he was just toying around. Jesus, that man was something.
"Just make me fucking cum and I don't care about what you're planning on doing, 'kay cowboy?" - You asked. With that, Nathan smiled and hummed something that bore a similarity to 'your wish is my command, pretty lady' before he bore his face within you once again. Oh crap, he was just toying around, because ever since that moment, his fingers started straightaway drilling you. His lips and tongue were still really gentle while playing with the small bud, but the pressure added could be felt significantly. You sat up to have a better view of the man working, slowly smoothing his hair from side to side. - "Jesus fucking Christ, oh my Lord, Nathan, you're so fucking good at this." - Praises were always a way to go for Nate. He loved to praise and to be praised.
This man didn't look like the type, but he was capable of remarkable dirty talk when the girl sucked him off when the mood was right and if she was into that. He also could be the sweetest guy you'd ever find yourself in bed with. So praises? These made him hum in response, which vibrated throughout your whole being, making you squirm with the sudden pleasure. - "Just like that, just like- Oh. Oh. OhmymotherfuckingjesuschistNathan!" - You cried as the climax showed suddenly, pushing your back into the mattress. You could feel his lips leaving the sweet spot and just seconds after that, he brushed it with his thumb to prolong the orgasm for a little longer. - "That's right, ride it out on my hand, baby, that's it." - The man chuckled to your ear, printing a sweet kiss on your cheek. As the last wave washed over you, you were already holding Nathan's shoulder, having the man grinning at you from ear to ear.
"Will I need the bonus points?" - Nate asked sweetly, sucking the remnants of the orgasm from his fingers, waiting for you to regain any will to talk. With your eyes closed, you just shook your head. - "I told you it's going to be the ride of your life." - His voice reminded you mockingly. His palm was smoothing your waist and no matter how calm he tried to appear as, he was sure that if you wouldn't let him make love to you, his dick would most probably just explode. But he'd be fine if you'd tell him that that would be too much. Nathan wasn't the guy to push anyone into things they didn't want to do, except when on a treasure hunt.
"Yea? You don't have anything else to show me?" - A smirk appeared on your face, making Nate realize that you're still inside of that body too.
"Oh, I do have things for you, don't you worry." - Nate chuckled, kissing your cheek before pulling to the side of the bed, searching for the pack of condoms he and Elena always had there for emergencies. Just when he was about to rip the aluminum, you furrowed at him. - "What are you doing?" - A giggle came out of your lips as you took your bra down, revealing the hard nipples under it.
"As Sully always says, 'Nate, don't be silly and wrap your willy'." - Nathan recited in an overly dramatic voice, furrowing as he tried to imitate his best pal. This man was something else, talking about this stuff in his bed.
"First of all, I don't want to think about Sully, thank you. and second of all, I don't require you to wear a condom. I do trust you with not having some kind of an std. Do you have some?" - You asked. Nathan was dreaming because this situation was just unreal. The girl he was simping for the last few weeks was completely naked, just eaten out by him, telling him it's okay if he doesn't want to use a condom. This was either dream or he died and stumbled into Eden accidentally. - "You with me cowboy?" - A simple tug on his jeans made him go back to reality, making him realize he's already slowly slipping his pants off. - "Lemme help you, hm?" - Your fingers took the condom out of Nate's palm, throwing it on the ground as you kissed him, feeling his erection bump into your stomach accidentally. At that moment, you spat on your fingers before kissing Nathan again, slowly stroking him in the process.
Well, you've been expecting something... But his tool wasn't bad. If anything, it felt just made for your hand, which made you smile again. And veins were just something that turned you on once again.
"Hey." - Nate whispered when you made him lay down slowly, making you smile back. - "Hello there."
It was a long time since Nathan felt like a high schooler having his first time with the girl he adores, but it was back within him again and the feeling was simply refreshing. Nathan couldn't hide the feelings of getting a hold on him after he entered the front door for the first time. You would normally sure felt good around his cock, but the emotions he had for you were making the experience much more real. So he put his head in the crook of your neck, slowly and gently rocking against you to make you relax before knocking you off.
"Everything good out there?" - You asked when Nathan still kinda fought the urge to lose himself in that moment. When he heard your voice, he made himself kiss your shoulder while entwining his palms with yours, putting them above your head while making playful movements with his pelvis, making you moan lightly.
"Never better." - Nate stole another kiss, meaning both words he just said. With Mike, you've had that honeymoon phase of sweet sex behind you. You knew what the other one wanted and needed and went straight for the top, but this made you realized how much you missed the slow, passionate love-making. His body felt warm just like his look on your face, Nate's kisses were sweet and often interrupted by his muffled groans or your moans. Sure, you were steadily fastening up, but it felt natural and still filled with feelings. When Nate was just searching for his release, his movements became more desperate, soon moving the bed enough to bang its head into the wall behind. It was divine. Nathan wasn't doing anything new down there, and it still felt exciting. Especially when the man was looking like an embodiment of Adonis.
Like the needy girl you were, Nate could soon feel your fingers brushing your sweet spot hastily, while your other arm smoother the nape of his neck, gently tugging the small hair on his neck. As Nathan felt himself coming to the final stop, he pressed his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. His fingers were circled the head of the bed, each of the movements was not slippy and desperate. And soon after, you felt his whole body tensing up with the last trusts, his lips were mumbling your name again and again. And then, the known warmth filled you from the inside as you came again, feeling Nathan doing the same. The sloppy kissed were so sweet it made you smile as you watched Nate climbing off you, slowly diving under the blanket.
You were both somehow sticky, sweaty, and feeling weird, but you couldn't care less as Nate put his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat as he drifted off to sleep. - "You know, you need someone who'll treat you right. It would be better for you than some fucking asshole. You're amazing, you need someone to take care of you, to love you and treat you with respect, like a gentleman... Someone like... Me." - Nathan mumbled, encouraged by everything that happened, his head was still lost in the post-sex bliss and the alcohol which was wearing off. He didn't expect you to answer, but you did as you smoothed his shoulder and his forearm which was hugging your waist.
"I know, Nate. I know." - You kissed his forehead, before laying down. Both of you fell asleep really quickly, knowing that the remorse will come by the very next morning. But until that, you were both safe, in the arms of each other.
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thewanderingace · 4 years
Is anyone else really disappointed in the treatment of Nate in this season of Legends?
He basically has no story for himself, is barely involved in the season arc besides pining for Zari, has barely used his steel powers at all unless it's for something stupid, and the writers seem to have forgotten that he is a super smart historian (other than the one episode when he came in to help Lita study). Plus I feel like he has had a lot of ooc moments this season. Like the fact that he seems just fine without Ray and doesn't seem to care about his buddy and fellow time bro Behrad being dead and he was barely sad when Zari 1.0 had to back into the totem again. They made it seem like he only cares about getting Behrad back because Zari 2.0 wants him back not because they're good friends. Or what about the many times he's been spelled by the bad guys this season? It's happened like 4 times which is ridiculous. Each episode he gets bewitched and has to be saved and has no other part in the plot. Oh and the writers just straight up forgot that he had hemophilia before he joined the legends based on 5x12
He seems in general a lot more himbo this season than any other and I dislike it. My boi deserves better! Nate is a smart! Nate is a superhero! Why are they making Nate a stupid damsel in distress this season? He has barely been involved in the action all season and didnt have any story this season! The best episode he got was when Ray left.
Sidenote: are they ever gonna just go ahead and make him bisexual cause hes 100% bi. I mean Dion? He was totally attracted to Dion. And the sexy stripper fireman.
I just love Nate so damn much and he deserves better than what he got this season.
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artsy-hobbitses · 5 years
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Because my nostalgic ass had been wanting to do this for a SUPER long time, have some Humanized!Mighty Ducks! It’s funny to see how far I’ve kinda come, because I had a strong love for this and most other anthro shows back in the 90s bc they looks excellent but also because I couldn’t draw humans worth a god damn and ended up anthro-ing all the humans, but now I can human the anthros :’B Also because I have no self-control, actual human names and backgrounds below. I might actually have to write this AU at some point. 
Canadian (Eh)
Half-brother to Nate Fletcher (Same father, different mothers). Despite this, they have a generally good relationship with each other.
It doesn’t mean they don’t have their issues however; Will believes his father chose Nate as the man stayed with Nate and Nate’s mother, while Nate believes Will is the favorite because they never hear their dad stop comparing their accomplishments as a troubled teen to straightlaced Will.
A decorated ice hockey player in his youth, won several state championships.
Formerly a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, did a security stint in Afghanistan from 2009-2014.
Returned to Canada, opened a youth hockey camp to leave behind his old life before the Saurian threat at which point he was called up by his absentee military father to help spearhead a team of saboteurs.
Initially reluctant, however the death of his best friend and former army comrade, Connor Tiberius, during a rescue of captured citizens spurns him to accept on his terms in which he picks the team members.
Responsible, dependable, good-natured, more bookish than his size and stature might suggest, some self-esteem issues and very much a wary but bleeding heart. In his baby brother’s affectionate words, a “Major Dweeb”.
Trilingual; Canadian-French, English (fluent), Pashto (intermediate).
His codename ‘Wildwing’ came from Connor, who affectionately gave it to him as he was the best ‘wingman’ a soldier could ask for on the field and his habit of going from bookish to ballistic when faced with any injustice. His civilian outfit includes a bomber jacket with wings decorated over the back to commemorate his best friend.
Literally the only member of the team to actually be associated with ice hockey. The others picked it up gradually as a way to bond with each other and discuss battle tactics.
Half-brother to Will Fletcher, unofficially the ‘team baby’ which is something he tries hard to break out of.
Seen as a delinquent in his youth and battling with ADHD, his father strongarmed him to enlist with the Air Force when he was 17 to try and ‘shape him up’ and while he absolutely bucked under the chains of command, he proved to be a natural at flying which both amazed and frustrated his officers when he would ace their flying exams but often break out to fly the planes when he wasn’t suppose to.
Due to perceived attitude problems, he was dismissed much to the anger of his father, but was quickly roped into the same role by Will who saw his potential in combating Dragaunus’ forces.
Hotheaded, impulsive and immature but also loyal, gregarious and friendly to a fault.
Will not stand for anyone badmouthing Will. That’s his brother and only he’s allowed to joke about them.
Codename ‘Nosedive’ was chosen because of the stunts he used to pull in the plane and also as a take-that moment to his father who would often complain about how everything good they tried to do for ‘this kid’ would ‘nosedive into shit’.
Oscillates between loving Will as the only family member to have really given a damn about him and see any potential in him at all and resenting Will for in his eyes, being everything he felt he couldn’t be.
Often in charge of flying the team jet.
Bilingual; English (fluent), Canadian-French (beginner. For Will, he’s trying).
A former cop who idolized her Sergeant mother who was killed helping to defend NYC from Dragaunus’ marauding forces.
She knows Will as a good friend through Connor Tiberius who was an old boyfriend prior to his death.
Has been tracking Duke’s movements for some time prior to the invasion, dead-set on bringing the jewel thief to justice. Not particularly enthused about his way of life, but does care for him in her own way as it was during their little chases that she would have conversations she couldn’t have had otherwise with someone she believed would have no role to play in her life outside of prison time.
When he consoled her after the death of her mother and she had to tend to him after he was gravely injured during a rescue, a strained friendship grew as they defended NYC together for a while with her banding together the remaining cops of the Central Park precinct and him putting together a coalition of small-time criminals who turned their tricks to beat off the alien invasion until Will called her up as a member of his new saboteur team.
In a spur of the moment, she asked Duke to come with her, vouching for his set of skills to Will and despite their back-and-forth snarking (mostly snarking from her, mostly teasing from him), they work with each other the best out of the team.
Her hatred for Draganus is strongest out of all the team and of all of them, she’s the most adept at hand-to-hand combat.
Has no use for code names—-the people she loves are dead or on the same team as her so she sees no point to it.
Pugnacious, Black-And-white view of the world and judgmental but also confident, decisive and fiercely determined. If she has her mind set something, she’s Terminator levels of terrifying to see it through.
Speaks only English but understands Arabic and French to an intermediate degree even if she can’t trust her tongue to speak it, if only to understand what Duke is saying at times (as he unwittingly tends to jump between his three ‘fluent’ languages in conversation).
A renown jewel thief (simply known as the ‘Duke’) with a knack for stealing blood diamonds from diamond barons to channel their proceeds back to the communities they were pilfered from. Actually thinks the diamond industry is a huge joke, but it’s a joke some morons pay insanely dangerous amounts of money for. Prefers other jewels on a personal basis (fond of rubies and amethysts)
Ran his own gang back in France called the Brotherhood of the Blade, got caught up in the invasion when he decided to work his heists in New York.
His codename came from the inability of people to properly pronounce his name in his youth and so ‘Dulq’ became ‘Duke’ in due time. ‘L’Orange’ was what happened when having to come up with a surname on the spot during a heist in the States, he blurted out the first vaguely-French word he could remember which was ‘L’Orange’ ie. ‘duck a l’orange’ which was what a former target of his ordered and when his gang brethren found out, it amused them so much they talked him into keeping it as a full part of his nom de plume. He keeps it, because it helps his remaining family stay safe that no one knows his real name and he prefers it that way.
He and Mallory had something he likes to describe as a ‘dance’, with her continuously tracking him down and him escaping her clutches at the last moment. He’s absolutely tickled that they’re now on the same team.
Cares for the team the deepest due to having run his own back home and missing the brotherhood and his own family, always aware of everyone’s emotional and physical condition to the point he disregards his own at times.
Seriously, hurt his new family and you die.
The most streetwise of the team and adept with any form of blade-play and stealth/subterfuge.
Lost his eye and gained the scar on his face fending off ‘Wraith’ for as long as he could from a geologist with knowledge of Beryllium crystals.
The cybernetic eye he hides behind his eyepatch was given to him by Mallory who came across it while evacuating scientists (Including Tanya) from a lab under siege. She obtained it as willing ‘payment’ from them and had them help install it on Duke, claiming that he was only as much use to the rebellion as the clarity of his depth of field. (In truth, was well aware of how shaken he was from the loss of his eye). Cybernetic eye has x-ray and heat-seeking capabilities.
Fond of Mallory (who he may or may not be harboring feelings for but is also aware that he’s greying, a criminal and damaged, like who’s he kidding), Tanya (something of a younger sister to him especially since she’s the scientist who helped install his new eye) and Will (who he treats like a little brother he gotta teach the workings of the streets to).
Egoistical, questionable morals and unconcerned with ‘the big picture’ of global invasion but also surprisingly compassionate, open-minded and does his best to see the good in everyone (He’s a thief eh?)
Something of an omniglot due to his background and the different people he ends up having to work with; Fluent in French, English and Arabic, intermediate in Mandarin, Spanish and Italian, beginner in Japanese and Russian.
A scientist working mostly with cyberkinetics who also made use of Beryllium crystals (the same the Saurians are coveting) in her technology and upon the invasion, her entire lab and research became a target.
She was rescued by Mallory and has since then tagged along with the fiery redhead who sees her as a sister, augmenting her gear and weapons where needed and even providing Duke with his energy sword.
Absolutely not a combatant, has no field experience and is most often found back at the base playing her role as Command central or guarding the ship while the group go on their recon missions.
Sees herself as deadweight sometimes though her comrades will always attest that they’d probably be dead out there if not for her tech and in-depth knowledge.
Meek, easily terrified and a bit of a pushover, but also innovative, multi-talented in diverse sections of science and always eager to help.
Speaks English and German, understands intermediate Japanese due to most of her lab co-workers.
Originally a pro-wrestler working the circuits, he was caught up in the Saurian invasion and captured as a test subject in order for the invaders to figure out the biological weaknesses and breaking point of humans at their prime.
Was the subject of multiple experiments, but strove to keep up the spirits of his fellow prisoners by way of story, meditation and keeping a genial facade.
Was among the prisoners Conrad attempted to free before they died, led the prisoner rebellion and immediately joined up as a member of Will’s team upon finding out that he was Conrad’s best friend—-paying off his dues, as it were.
Unfortunately for the Saurians, their experiments had been in the midst of testing out how much augmented strength a human body could take before breaking, which left him with well, augmented strength to go with an extremely high pain threshold from both his old job and his ordeal. That said, the strength comes with a caveat that prolonged use of it could lead to organ failure due to the strain he has to put on them and thus he’s only able to work with it for short bursts of five to ten minutes depending on the task.
Despite his size, is generally the pacifist of the group more concerned with keeping people safe than facing down Dragaunus’ hordes—he leaves that to the actual soldiers. If you pissed him off in some way, you have fucked up super bad.
Bonds with Will and Nate quickly, rather like a stable older brother or uncle figure who realizes these two worlds-apart siblings have issues and are way over their head with these new responsibilities and tries his best to keep them grounded.
Hesitant, tendency to shy away from confrontation and almost on an emotional lockdown but also amicable, stoic and uncannily perceptive.
Speaks mostly English with a strong smattering/understanding of Jamaican Creole.
The codename ‘Grin’ came from his tendency to ‘grin and bear it’ when it came to punishment or altercations.
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modernsocialmediaau · 4 years
AU: Sara is lead singer in a band called The Legends. Her band mates are; Charlie: Bass Player, Nate: Lead Guitarist, Zari: Drummer, Ray: Pianist. They call their fans beebos. Ava on the other hand is a famous actress with an entourage; Nora her best friend, and stylist, Gary: Manager, and Mona her publicist.
“Rise and shine!” Gary screams from the downstairs, the two are the only one that took care of themselves that night. Everything was going normal until the group caught a glimpse of Ray and Nora locking lips. That’s sort of when all hell broke loose, Sara offered shots and Charlie offered drinking games. 
“If he doesn't stop shouting. I will literally hung him by his leg out in the balcony.” Charlie groans placing a pillow on top of her face, Zari pulls her much closer trying to hide her face while also burying her neck in Charlies shoulder. 
“C’mon love birds.” Sara throws a pillow at the cuddling two. As well as Ray and Nora locking lips, Zari and Charlie made a mistake locking lips right in front of Gary as well as Sara but Sara already knew. 
After an 20 more minutes of Gary shouting and John singing they finally got everyone out of bed for some breakfast. 
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Soon after breakfast the crew heads for their hike, it was a rather quiet first hour. Sara and Ava are up front leading the way, talking about god knows what while the others are behind them scheming. 
“Now that you two are settled, can we focus on those two.” Charlie points at the two blondes leading the way,
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“Charlie, Ava needs time to heal” 
“And Sara--” Nate sighs knowing how much mending a broken heart is hard, but having had a pile of broken hearts after the other tends to wound an individual. 
“Need to heal as well,” Ray sighs
“Okay but you guys can’t tell me that last night they weren’t up on each other or vibing at all.” Mona coo’s looking ahead to see the two girls examining the trail 
“So what they’re friends, what if they are—“ Nate is cut off by the conversation the two girls are having up ahead. Ava is currently holding the map far from Sara’s reach, she’s using her butt as a shield.
“Just let me see it for one second.” Ava argues
“Why Miss-Know-It-All,” Sara teases bumping into Ava catching her in surprise letting her guard down. “You didn’t” Ava scoffs, but Sara took that opportunity to take the map and run away from Ava. 
“Are you kidding though.” Mona woo’s pointing at the two playing tag with one another
“Okay but they’ve been like that since the beginning of their friendship, they’re both extremely headstrong. Sara is extremely rebellious and from what I noticed Ava is a little controlling.” Nate explains following the two blonde girls still play fighting over the map 
“What’s wrong with him?” Gary mumbles, John shrugs taking out a cigarette as they follow, everyone starts to do the same but Nora puts her hand out to stop everyone else from walking. 
“Okay new plan, do we force them to be together, or do we let them heal properly and hope that they’ll get together?” Nora speaks up leaving Zari, Ray and Charlie stuck 
“Well clearly forcing them together isn't working out,” Ray starts 
“Exactly when we do that they seem to butt heads but—” Zari continues 
“When we leave them alone they come together naturally—”Charlie adds
“Which leaves us with the question again, do we keep forcing them together? Or do we let them heal—”
“Hey guys! C’mon the lake is up ahead!” Sara shouts summoning the last four to catch up to them. 
“Well Ava leaves in a month and you guys leave in 2. Which means everyone will be gone, and your tour is going to last what—?” Nora schemes as they slowly walk trying to create some space as they scheme 
“7 month at the most.” Ray informs 
“Which means we let fate decide?” Charlie questions
“That just may be our best bet.” Zari pulls Charlie to walk faster since everyone doesn't have a choice on what to do about the two. 
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1 Hour Later...
“Who knew Mona Wu could cook?” Nora jokes as everyone is enjoying their lunch with some coffee, and tea. 
“Well if you guys actually came over for food every once in a while instead of going out to eat you’d actually see how I can cook.” Mona defenses rolling her eyes making everyone cackle. As they continue to eat Sara somehow sneaks away from the group, and of course Ava notices which means she follows. 
Nobody else notice the two girls sneak away. As Ava gets closer to Sara she whispers “Hey! Where are you going?” 
“Hey, stalker.” Sara chuckles continuing to her path, up a hill 
“I’m not a stalker, you just left and what if you get stuck or lost or something?” 
“Whatever floats your boat”
“So what are you doing exactly?” 
“Wanted a better view, better views give me better ideas, lyrics, melodies—”
“You’ve got writers block?” 
“Yup, and it’s killing me because it is literally the last song of the album and we’re suppose to record it when we get back into town Monday.” 
“Oh well then I’ll leave you alone—” There’s a pause, a part of Ava that wants Sara to ask her to stay but she can understand why the girl might want her alone time
“No wait, can I bounce things off of you?” Ava smiles before turning back around to Sara
“I’ll do my best—What do you got?” 
Sara takes her phone out and pulls up the instrument of her empty music.  The two sit for 6 minutes just trying to get the feel of the music. 
“First of all, I love the sound—do you have a concept?”
“I don’t know nothing is really connecting to me and the whole album is coming together but this song would take it to a whole ‘nother level”
“Alright let’s start with this what haven't you wrote about?” 
“A break up, I refuse. I’ll write about everything else but I don’t know I always feared that I’ll cry during one of the shows and crying is—”
“Disgusting—”Ava jokes
“Exactly but if thats’ the next best thing I’ll take it. So breaks up...break ups”
“How did your break up with Alex go? I know this is personal and might be a little too weird to talk about but—”
“No it’s okay, it was in the end of March and my ex girlfriend Alex broke up with me. She said that she felt lonely every time we were together because I was so busy with everything going on with my life. And she wasnt wrong—”
“Alright what made this break up hard?”
“She found somebody else, this amazing detective named Maggie Sawyer—I guess it hurt a lot because we were friends for 8 years then we dated and I just kind of assume we’d get married and do the whole house and kids thing but to be replaced so quickly hurt.”
“Do you want her back?”
“No I dont want her back but I hate thinking about her with somebody else.”
“Okay so let’s write about that mindset, you dont want her but you hate seeing her with his Maggie person.”
“That’s not bad, Sharpe. Not bad at all.”
30 minutes later
“Let’s hear it, Lance.” Ava runs back to Sara from going to the lake to meditate to hear what she’s got so far.
“It’s rough but hear me out,
So I heard you found somebody else And at first I thought it was a lie I took all my things that make sounds The rest I can do without
I don't want your body But I hate to think about you with somebody else Our love has gone cold You're intertwining your soul with somebody else
“That’s so—What the actual fuck—keep going.” 
“That’s all I’ve got so far, I was thinking of adding another chorus like 
I'm looking through you while you're looking through your phone And then leaving with somebody else No, I don't want your body But I'm picturing your body with somebody else
“Yes that’s good. Next verse c’mon don’t slack now—”
“Feel free to shout some ideas—jeez this is hard.”
“Right sorry, okay same melody right?” 
“Yup, all I’ve got for the second verse is
c’mon baby
this aint the last time—
That I’ve been amazed?”
“No that doesn't make sense, what about that I've seen your face then repeat c’mon baby almost like calling her out as well as calling out to her.”
Come on baby This ain't the last time that I'll see your face Come on baby
“I hate that I can be replaced?”
“You said you’d find someone to take my place?” 
“We’re going to go with yours I dont want her to think this is about her in the slightest—then I have this crazy idea that I thought of as soon as you left ”
I just don't believe that you have got it in you 'cause We are just gonna keep 'doin' it' and everytime I start to believe in anything you're saying I'm reminded that I should be getting over it
“I love that its a shift but not too noticeable where it throws the person off”
“Thank you, then the chorus repeats—
I don't want your body But I hate to think about you with somebody else Our love has gone cold You're intertwining your soul with somebody elseI'm looking through you while you're looking through your phone And then leaving with somebody else No, I don't want your body But I'm picturing your body with somebody else
“Do you have any ideas for the bridge?” 
“I want it to almost be chant like so that whoever is listening to this is getting a looking at themselves in the mirror and my friends said I need to get over the last bit of you and so here I am hyping myself up in this mirror type of feel.” 
“Specific I’m all ears.”
“I want it to build up like this;
I don't want your body, I don't want your body I don't want your body, I don't want your body I don't want your body, I don't want your body
then how about, get someone you love? get someone you need?”
“Fuck that, get money!” Ava jokes but Sara disagrees. 
Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money”
“Damn I am a genius.” Ava nods 
“Right, but it needs one more line before I go on a chanting spree—”
“Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money. I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone”
“Where do you keep coming up with this?”
“Okay let’s hear it shall we?
Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone Get someone you love? Get someone you need? Fuck that, get money I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone”
“That was it! Yes then obviously repeat the chorus right?” 
“Yes and thats the whole song. Thats the whole album WOOHOOO!!!” Sara shouts, pulling Ava into a very tight hug. Ava couldn't help but feel good and oddly giddy having Sara in her arms.
“Oi! Is everything okay?” Charlie waves at the two girls and the two pull away from one another
“I just finished the album you’ve got to hear it!” Sara kisses Ava’s cheek before running towards Charlie. Ava watches Sara making to Charlie, and she decides to sit down to think about what to do.
“What was that up there?” 
“She helped finished the last song of the album which means I finished the album—”
“Sara—calm down, let us hear it then?”
Part 13/?
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
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allisondraste · 4 years
Temperance 32/42
Pairing: Nathaniel Howe/ Female, Non-HoF Cousland
Story Summary: Nathaniel and Elissa were childhood friends, but time and distance tore them apart. In the aftermath of the Fifth Blight, and Ferelden’s Civil War, both Elissa and Nathaniel must attempt reconstruct their tattered lives. As a series of events lead them to be reunited, both are reminded of so many years ago when things were much simpler.
Chapter Summary:    Liss makes an important decision. 
First Chapter
Previous Chapter
Highever, 9:27 Dragon
Dear Nate,
Every year I tell myself that this will be the last year I write to you, but here I am writing another hopeless letter, wondering if you’ll even read it, wondering if you even care.  I’ve started to question whether you ever cared. This is not how friends treat one another... unless they’re imaginary, of course.
Andraste’s arse.  Nate, are you imaginary?  No, no. My imaginary friends still write to me.
Anyway, I’m sure you’ll be utterly shocked to know that I miss you.  I thought I would stop eventually, but no such luck. The pain dulls each year, but I don’t think it will ever go away completely.  I pray that you are well, and far happier than I am, out on your glorious adventure. I’m envious of you, and I’m envious of those who get to be near you.  
I know I shouldn’t feel that way, that I should be angry and resentful that you’re ignoring me, but that’s not me.  The day I stop caring about you is the day I die. I just wish that weren’t such a lonely thing to feel.
Have a good year, Nate.
Liss dropped her quill, and lifted the parchment from her desk, biting her bottom lip as she reread the letter.  More and more tears welled in her eyes with each word, grasp on the page tightening, fingers crumpling the edges.  She debated wadding in up entirely and tossing it into the fireplace. Why not? It would save Nate the trouble of doing it himself. Then again, she was stubbornly devoted to not giving up on him.
Taking a deep breath, she sat the parchment down and leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes and scrubbing the tears from her cheeks.  Suddenly a chill rushed up her spine as a presence appeared behind her, hot breath on her neck, hands on her arms, a trail of soft kisses from her shoulder to her ear.  
“It’s too early,” whispered a low voice, “Come back to bed.”
She couldn’t remember his name, some second son of some minor lord from some small town in the bannorn,  but he nipped at her ear again, and she bit back the urge to slap him. She’d been a little drunk—and more than a little sad— the night before, and he happened to be visiting Highever, willing and eager to distract and entertain the daughter of one of the most powerful men in Ferelden. Liss had learned that most people were, a fact of which she had taken complete, unapologetic advantage.
“Give me a moment,” she said, painting on a smile and turning around to look at the frustratingly nameless man.  Why couldn’t she have had the decency to remember it? Even without the lens of intoxication that so often made people attractive, he was beautiful.  So much so, that he should have been carved in marble and used as decoration in the home of some posh Orlesian widow. He was tall and fair, with dusty brown curls and green eyes that were perfectly symmetrical, and should definitely be painted on the cover of some risqué book like those Mother kept hidden around the castle, pretending she was discreet.  Liss should have been thrilled at his tender attention, and yet in the dim rays of sunlight peeking through the curtains, he wasn’t who she wanted him to be.
The marble statue man lingered behind her, very obviously attempting to read what she was writing. “A letter?”
“No,” Liss teased, “It’s a shopping list.”
“A shopping list that says ‘Dear Nate’ at the top?” He tilted his head and smiled at her good-naturedly.  Thank the Maker this one actually seemed nice.
Pulling the parchment in toward her chest to protect it from the nosey man Liss asked, “Do you make a habit of reading people’s postage?”
“Just when it is keeping a beautiful woman from lying beside me.” He ran his hand along the side of her face, wiping away a stray tear she’d been unable to dry herself. “And causing her to cry so early in the morning.”
“You noticed.”
“I am an observant man, my lady.”
Relaxing, Liss eased the letter down from her chest and sat it on the desk. “Don’t ever fall in love, uh—“
“How could I forget a name like that?”
“We didn’t exactly talk about it.”  Dareios smirked.
“Right,” Liss said, clearing her throat as the heat rushed to her face.  She shook her head. “I’m so sorry.”
“For what?”
“You’re not the first person I’ve slept with to make myself feel better,” she explained, rising from her chair and turning to face him, “But you’re the first person who’s been kind enough that I feel guilty about it.  So, I apologize. If you wish to leave, and spread horrible rumors about me, I wouldn’t blame you.
“Did it work,” Dareios asked, reaching forward and taking her hands in his.
“What?” She eyed him with confusion and he only smiled, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.
“Did it make you feel better, my lady?”
Liss met his eyes and returned his smile.  “Not really.”
“Then it seems I have not done a proper job.”  He brought her hands up to his lips and pressed a kiss to each of them. “I still have a few hours until I leave, if you’ll have me.”
She knew she should decline, send him on his way, but loneliness echoed in her chest, one name, one person over and over again.  Her heart would hear nothing else. Still, perhaps a kind stranger with a warm embrace and gentle touch could drown it all out for a few more hours, just long enough so that she might feel like herself again. She nodded and closed her eyes, allowing him to move in more closely and kiss her and lead her back to bed.
Then, there was a knock at the door, several haphazard raps followed by a, “Sis?”
Liss shot up, eyes widening and turned to Dareios.  “You have to hide,” she whispered and began to look around the room.
“My family will not be pleased that I slept with another of our guests.” She stood up and pointed at the floor beneath the bed. “Here, you should be able to crawl under here.”
“Are you serio—“
Liss shushed him and pressed a finger to his lips.  “Please?”
He laughed and crawled out of bed, and she realized he was wearing nothing but his smalls—even more incriminating were Fergus to find him.  He got down on the floor and slid under the bed. It was a tight squeeze, but it would only be a moment. At least, she hoped.
“Liss, I know you’re in there,” Fergus called through the door, “Open up.”
“Coming,” she shouted as she grabbed a robe, tied it around her, and rushed to answer the door.  She swung it open forcefully and glared at her brother, unable to hide her annoyance. “Can’t a girl take a bath in peace?”
Fergus grinned and cocked an eyebrow at her. “Oh, is that what we’re calling it these days?”
“I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” she huffed indignantly.
“The visiting Bann is looking for his son,” he said, words pointed directly at her.
“Are you suggesting that I would know where he is?”  It was a flimsy defense, and she knew it.
“ Liss. ”
“ Fergus.”
“I am only suggesting that if you happen to see him— oh, I don’t know— when he crawls out from under your bed, it might be a good idea to tell him to find his father before his father finds him,” Fergus raised his eyebrows and lowered his voice, “And before our parents find him.”
Liss nodded slowly, looking her brother directly in the eyes, and he offered her a reassuring smile as a promise her secrets were safe with him.  They always had been. “If I see him, I will certainly let him know.”
“I will do my best to make sure your future baths are not interrupted.”
“Thank you, brother.”
“Don’t mention it.”
With that, Fergus turned and walked back down the corridor leaving Liss to close the door.  Behind her she could hear Dareios crawling from under the bed and shuffling about, most likely in search of his clothes.  
“I suppose you heard that,” Liss asked giggling as she turned to face the now half-dressed man.
“I did,” he replied with a sheepish smile,  as he laced up his breeches, “My father seems to have forgotten that I am no longer a little boy.”
Liss sighed. “I know how that feels more than you know.”
Dareios pulled on his shirt and sat down on the edge of the bed to pull on his stockings and boots. “Your brother seems to be a good man.”
“He’s always had my back, even when I’m completely wrong, totally reckless, and having my back is the worst idea,” she admitted, “He’s the best.  But don’t tell him I said so.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said earnestly as he finished lacing up his last boot.  He stood and walked over to Liss, placing his hands first on her shoulders before bringing them up to cradle her face. “You are a beautiful person, Lady Elissa, inside and out. The only thing I regret about our night together is that there won’t be another.”
Liss’ breath hitched in her throat, and she fought back the tears that welled in her eyes.  He was perfect, in every single way. She should have been begging him to stay, she should have promised him another night, many other nights. Yet, she couldn’t.  She was neither worthy nor wanting of perfect. Instead, she smiled and brought one of her hands up to cover his. “Thank you for spending time with me Lord Dareios.”
“It was my pleasure,” he said, kissing her forehead before taking his hands from her face and moving to exit the room. He stopped in the doorway and turned back to face her.  “I hope that ‘Nate’ of yours wakes up and realizes what a treasure he has.”
“I am no treasure, but I appreciate your words all the same,” Liss said weakly, “Thank you.”  
She waved as he left, and closed the door quietly behind him, pressing her back to it and sliding down until she sat on the ground.  She let her face fall to her hands, tears dripping from her eyes. It would be so much easier for her if she could just love someone else, but she did not know where to start, or how. Her first and only experience with love had happened so organically and subtly, it had woven itself into every part of her life that it was impossible to tell where it began or when it ended.  She could not even be bothered to consider another person, even a person as wonderful as Dareios was.
This was Nate’s fault, she thought, looking up and catching a glimpse of the bow her family had crafted for him propped up in the corner of the room.  If he could just write her back, and tell her once and for all that he didn’t love her. If he could just confirm that he found her letters annoying and unwelcome.  If he could just be blunt and honest for once in his life, then maybe, just maybe she could let him go. As it was, she knew him too well to be so certain that his silence meant rejection.  She’d seen his face light up too many times when she’d forced herself into his presence after he’d told her to go away to think that the same couldn't happen still. Sacrifice of her dignity though it may be, she knew she wouldn’t let go or move on truly until he released her.  Thus, her current agony was his doing alone, and the realization allowed for anger where before there’d been only sadness. Damn him.
Liss stood abruptly and rushed to the desk, pulled out a fresh piece of parchment, and penned an entirely new letter to Nate.
Dear Nate,
Every year I tell myself that it will be the last year I write a hopeless letter to you as if  you will read it. Every year, I tell myself that even if I don’t hear from you, it still matters.  It’s something I should do as your friend, and as someone who cares about you. I am writing to you this time, to tell you that I won’t be doing that anymore.  I am tired of writing letters into the void and wondering if you still care about me like I still care about you.  
This is not how friends treat one another, Nate.  You know that. I can’t even begin to understand how someone I grew up with, someone who I’ve known my whole life could ignore me.  Unless it was all a lie. Unless you were just some figment of my imagination. Andraste’s arse.  Are you imaginary?
Anyway, I’m sure you’ll be utterly shocked to know that I miss you.  I thought I would stop eventually, but no such luck. The pain dulls each year, but I don’t think it will ever go away completely.  I pray that you are well, and far happier than I am, out on your glorious adventure. I’m envious of you, and I’m envious of those who get to be near you.
If you ever decide that you care about me after all, you know how to reach me.  
I wish you all the best.
With one quick read of the letter, feeling confident in her words, Liss folded it  and placed it in an envelope for Papa to send out later. She threw on a shirt and breeches that hung so loosely she knew they must have been old clothes that Fergus had grown out of.  Good enough, since she was in no mood to be uncomfortable in some dress. Then, she trudged over to the corner of the room, picked up his bow, and headed out into the corridor.  
It took no time for her to reach Nate’s room, or at least the one that used to be his.  For so long, it had been a place of refuge and comfort for her, yet it had been so long since she’d even visited it. She couldn’t bring herself to go inside and only see ghosts of him, shadows of his smell, the dusty untouched books, the chest that still had a few of his things in it. She’d feared it would overwhelm her if she opened the door, as if a wave of sadness would burst forth from behind the wood and drown her.  She would not be scared anymore. She’d leave his bow there, with all the other disparate pieces of him and close it away, out of sight unless she wanted to see it again.
Gripping the bow so tightly her knuckles turned white, Liss entered the room.  It looked exactly as it had the last time she’d been in it. Tidy. Empty. Cobwebs collected in corners and the sconces were all flameless. She sat the bow down on the bed and grabbed a torch from the hall to light those in the room.  She walked about the space, taking everything in, remembering the times she’d spent sitting on the floor with him, talking, laughing, crying. She remembered the night they first met. She remembered all the times she’d come there to hide from the world, to just be herself.  
Plopping down on the edge of the bed, she took the bow in her hands once  more, running her fingers along the engravings in the wood, the letter “N.” Anger swelled in her chest and she tightened her grasp around the bow.  She’d done nothing but care for him, and she knew it wasn’t his choice to leave, but he couldn’t even have the decency to write her back. He left her hanging out on a limb for him and her arms were getting so tired.  She still loved him and yet she was so angry with him and it felt so much better than empty. She held the bow up and out in front of her before slamming it down against her knee. It snapped in half, and she tossed it across the floor.
Almost immediately, she regretted it, as she stared at the jagged pieces of wood, once whole, now connected only by the string attached to each piece. It could be repaired, of course.  All of the parts were still there, but it was no longer what it was, and it would never be the same again. It was oddly poetic.
This was the kind of situation where Liss would have typically cried, dropping her head and letting the sobs shake her body, but she couldn’t.  She felt numb, as if by breaking that bow, she had broken herself completely. She sat staring blankly at the stone of the floor for sometime, until there was a polite knock at the door before it swung open.  It was Fergus, again, Oren in his arms and Bear at his side.  
Bear immediately pushed past the door and sat near the bed, tilting his head and looking up at Liss.  Oren shouted “Auntie,” and Fergus let him down so that he could run to her. Smiling vacantly, she picked him up and sat him on her lap.  
“I think Bear saw you come in here.  Wouldn’t let me have any peace ‘til I let him in. Oren wanted to tag along,” Fergus said with a laugh, and then he noticed the broken bow on the ground, eyes widening before he looked back up at her. “You okay, Liss?”
“No,” she answered flatly, wrapping one arm around Oren tightly, cuddling him up close to her until he giggled.  With her free hand she reached down to pet Bear. “But I will be.”
It was not only an acknowledgement of the one-way trajectory that led from rock bottom, but also a promise to herself, to her family, that the past would be exactly what it was meant to be: the past.
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impactvelocity · 5 years
Goodbyes Suck (Legends of Tomorrow, T)
Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow
Rating: T (there’s the occasional swear, but it’s basically a lovefest.) (In a G way.)
Relationships: Gen, Ray/Nora, Nora & everybody
Words: 2,724
Summary: she’s never had to say goodbye before. she never had anyone to say goodbye to. turns out it’s kinda crappy.
Author: frickinsnowcheetah (impactvelocity)
A/N: I’m probably not done kicking this around, so it’s not up on AO3 yet, but it felt like time to cut it free, let it loose on the world. If you have feedback, I’d love to hear it.
This sucks.
She knew things would be different once she got out of the weird Time Bureau resort hotel prison, but this...caring? It HURTS.
It's not like the entire situation's devoid of joy; staying still obviously has appeal, she wouldn't have agreed and planned and made all the arrangements if she didn't want to try a life with Ray. She might have done all those things and avoided talking about them with Sara and Ava and Mona and John, but she WAS looking forward to it.
Ray had a friend (was Oliver Queen a friend? Ray said so, and she'd seen proof they'd been at more than one gala together, and they'd saved the world from Nazis and...okay, maybe Oliver Queen was a friend) who knew a guy-- a friend who could use a hand.
Well. It was more like all the universes collapsed into just this one and Ray happened to own the farm the other guy had owned on his earth and Ray's too good a guy to leave new people to fend for themselves even though Nora's pretty sure she saw the guy *flying* so she's not quite sure how much help he really needs. Also he's got a wife and kid, and those do take up a lot of time.  She's hoping to do some first hand research on that at some point (Maybe. At least the first step in the process.).
So they're gonna help the new people.
They're going to be...farmers.
Okay, that part holds less appeal. But..Ray? A home? Safety and security and love and a place that's *hers* where she doesn't have to run for her life or fight for it or get twisted up in anyone else's magic or the worst parts of her own? Yeah, that all sounds *good.*
But this right now? Sucks.
She's never had to say goodbye before.
Mick stares at her for a long moment, then nodded. "Let Gideon know where to send the manuscripts," he says, and then leaves the room. He forgets his beer bottle on the table, and when she calls after him, he tells her to finish it for him. He cares, in his Mick way, so she drinks.
That had been the easiest goodbye, actually.  John's a brief staring contest, a kiss on the forehead, and a promise that he'll always be around, pretty straightforward, especially for John. Ray gets a nod, then John's out of the room. Gary isn't too complicated, either; she promises to set up the wifi so they can keep playing D&D, and he seems pretty satisfied with that compromise. He even tries to give her and Ray their figures (they tell him to keep them, keep the party together) before he follows after John.  Zari had been pretty quick, too, though Behrad had pulled Nora into a hug that lasted a while. The siblings Tomaz weren't overly chatty about their emotions, either, so she let the hug do the talking.
Ray's hugs with Charlie and Z DID last a little long, though, even if they were standing in the place of verbal goodbyes--she figures there was something that happened before she was really around -- this ship is full  of history like that, the kind you didn't necessarily talk about, but you didn't ignore the results of, either. When Charlie told her to keep an eye on Ray, she nodded, throat too tight to speak--she'd never found out exactly WHY Charlie's so careful with Ray, but she knows the shifter cares.  It's one of the things she likes most about the Waverider. They all KNOW she was possessed by a demon, but she doesn't get weird looks or stares or endless questions about it all or how she feels about it or what she did, exactly.  It's not that they don't care, it's that who you are and what you're doing is more important than what you did or who you were. She's going to miss that.
Five down, four to go.
She swallows hard around the lump in her throat. Again.
There aren't a LOT of pictures lying around the Waverider, but there are some. She knows who everybody is because Ray's talked about all of them, almost always fondly. She's heard about how Martin died, how Rip died, how Jax got married and had a kid, how Kendra and Carter went to do the immortals-newly-free-of-the-asshole-who'd-been-hunting-them-for-two-thousand-years honeymoon-and-vigilante-ing thing, she's heard about Len. How Wally's finding himself and Amaya's protecting her village and family. It's the circle of Waverider life, apparently.
It still sucks.
She's heard the stories, seen the pictures change, and through all of them, three faces stayed present. They're the foundation upon which this family is built, Nora knows. She's not sure they've really thought about it, but she does know Sara's not keeping her face nearly as emotion free as she probably hopes.
Mick was always the easiest to understand. He was loyal, he trusted his partner. By extension, the team. He was SO different than the man who'd burned around Central City that she's read about in papers. He was the obvious demonstration of how people could--DID--change. If he could do it, so could they. He believed that, and he made sure they all knew it, even if he didn't talk about it much.
Now Ray, *Ray* talked about everything. He was the conviction they all needed. Someone with faith in each of them, no matter how many times they fell or fucked things up, Ray was always there to encourage them to stand back up, try again. It wasn't naivete -- he'd seen the world, been knocked around himself -- but he believed in everybody. In the *goodness* in everybody. No matter what. Whatever it took, Ray was there.
She's seen how the others lean on him, and she knows it's not weight he bears unwillingly, but not easily, either. He's leaned back, too, it's a balance they've worked out, but she worries about what happens when he's not there anymore.
There's a heaviness to Ray these days, though, a sadness and gravity that wasn't there before Neron. He'd been all light and optimism, and now...now there were shadows, too.
She knows what it feels like, like you can't take enough showers can't quite reach every nook and cranny in your brain to scrub out the feeling of the demon making itself at home in you, and if anybody can bounce back from that bullshit, it's Ray. She's doing pretty damn well herself, which is how she knows Ray can do it, too. But--change helped her. More than she's let on. Sure, prison wasn't her first choice, but with it came the chance to reassess, to accept things had happened and finally start to let them go. She'll always carry some of it, he'd been there since she was a *child* after all, but she wasn't scared of her magic any more, she could trust herself around Ray, she could be a friend--there are people who *want* her around, *want* to be her friend. That's still surreal.
She's never actually had friends before, she didn't even know they came like this.
They've all shuffled a bit closer, and Sara's the first to sniff, which makes Nate hold out his hand and Ava reach into her pocket and hand over a ten.
But then Ray hauls Ava over to him in a massive hug, and Sara launches herself at Nora, and she's got an armful of assassin hugging her, tight.
Sara had changed too, that was easy to see. Mick (and Len, she's told) was quietly insistent that she could lead this team, even when Sara was sure she shouldn't. Ray never doubted her, always supported her, and their combined belief kept her trying when giving in to old habits and still-raging instincts would have been easier and faster. They back her every play, and because of them, she can make the shitty, hard choices leaders have to make.
There's always been something dark around the edges of Sara, whether from the Lazarus Pit or Mallus or just herself, Nora doesn't know. But she's pushed it back. To hear Ray tell it, she'd been more than satisfied with her roll on the ship as the killer, the one who "took care of things." She was there to provide Rip the muscle he needed to overthrow the...you know, Nora never really followed it all when Ray got to talking about it. (He's a really distracting guy when he talks. Or stands. Breathes. She'd feel shallow, but she's caught him with the same glazed look on his face when she's been talking magic.)  And Sara was fine with that. For a while. No one *judged* her, especially when all their lives had been saved by her at one point or another. But Ray has very vocal feelings about Doing The Right Thing and...morals in general. It was hard to be around him and not try to be the version of you he saw: the very best you you could be.
It's not that the others are amoral assholes, but his loud strong voice doesn't care if you call him foolish or naive; he believes helping people and loving everyone really will solve problems. His speaking up makes it easier for others to do the same. So she knows the team will survive, but she worries about what voices of their lesser angels they'll listen to without Ray around to keep shouting them down. Hell, they'd been ready to turn Charlie over until Ray had argued not to, even when Ava had called him gullible. Now Charlie comes to book club sometimes.
With a last squeeze, Sara backs up. Her eyes are only darting up for quick glances, and Nora can see her take a deep breath in preparation of actually meeting Ray's eyes.
"Wait, wait, wait! I need a hug!" Mona cries, and bolts forward, stepping straight into Ray's arms. She starts telling Ray something, at a very high speed, and Sara floats over toward Nate, who wraps an arm around her waist when she leans into his side.
"I, uh--I took these before we shut the Bureau down," Ava says. She holds out a time courier out to Nora. "I know you've got the stone and all the magic, but..." she shrugs and stands there looking anguished.
"Oh my god, hug each other!" Sara calls, just as Mona says "Hug now!" She sounds exasperated, and it pulls a laugh from both Ava and Nora; this hug is tight, too.
Nora's never had anyone fighting in her corner before, and Ava believed in her when she was at her lowest, gave her a shot at really helping people, bouncing back from the nightmare of her childhood. Ave *understood* what it was like to have something that huge hanging over your head, informing everything. She never judged Nora (Well. Except about the time crimes. And some of Mallus's shit. There were extenuating circumstances, and once Ava realized she was sounding awfully superior and that she *had* been kinda judgy, she did her best to stop and treat Nora like a regular person, so.) She'd given her a *shot* without having much of a reason to, and Nora would always appreciate that.  That Ava was then willing to become her *friend*? Well, that would always feel as surprising as it did hearing she was a clone (that night had been *weird*).
And none of it would have happened without Mona. So when Ava steps back and Mona just shuffles over to Nora's side, she hugs her friend as tight as she can. Mona's arms are tight around her, too, and she can hear sniffling close to her ear. It's fine, she's crying too.
Her friend reminded her a lot of Ray, that irrepressible hope and faith that just pours out of both of them is hard to miss. But Mona straightens up pretty quickly and smiles. "You know we have a time ship," she says. Then holds up her wrist. "And time couriers. It's not like you're going to be unreachable!" Nora nods. It's not the same, and Mona's eyes say she totally knows that, but is determined not to let it matter.  "And we still have book club!"
"Yeah, that was doable when--"
"When Nora was in time prison, then in a magical coma?" Mona asks, cutting Ava off. "I know! 2,000 miles is cake compared to that!" she grins brightly at both Ava and Nora, and holds up a finger. "I'll be right back, I have your book in my room!" then she's gone.
Ava points at the drinks cart. "You want?" she asks.
Nora gets a good look at Nate and nods. Yes. Alcohol would be nice right about now. Ray's already sniffling in Sara's hair, and Sara's just ignoring the tears at this point as she speaks into his shoulder. Ray nods every so often, mumbles back.
"You can paint my bedroom blue," Nate says, aiming for levity.
It gets Nora to smile, she'll give him that. "What makes you think the house is gonna have any other bedrooms?" He grins, too. Like Ray Palmer would have a house without room for his friends. "I expect to see you over there, you know," she says. "He hated it when you moved off the ship."
"I came back," Nate says. He gestures to her, then Ava. "No one ever seems to get too far once they're family." Well, he's got a point. Ava hated them in the beginning, and now she's moved in. John, too. Maybe it's the ship, but Nora's pretty sure it's the people. She doesn't really want to leave them, either.
Nate looks away from Ray and Sara and swallows hard. Ava's handing Nora her drink, but Nate intercepts it, and tosses the whole thing back in one go. "Sorry," he says, and hands the next one to Nora, lets Ava refill his own. He stares at the liquid for a moment before bracing himself and looking up. "Keep an eye on him?" he asks. "He's not as indestructible as his suit."
She finishes swallowing her drink before she nods, then meets him halfway for a hug. Like she'd let anything happen to Ray; but they both know that, Nate just needs to say it. "Thanks for looking out until I got here," she says. "And then while I was here." The laugh Nate lets out is watery, but he nods all the same. "Ray's right, you do really know how to hug," she says. Her face is pressed to his chest, and she can hear his breath hitch. It's contagious, but they both do their best to pull it together when they see Sara step over toward the drinks. Ava's already handing it to her.
It's not that they're *watching* Nate say goodbye, but they're too busy drinking to find something else to focus on.
Except, it's short.  Nate says "Anytime, bro, anywhere," and Ray nods.
"Just call," he replies, and then they're hugging. Big, both armed hug.
Okay, *that's* not short.
Suddenly, she and Ava and Sara are fascinated by their drinks. Which is when Mona bursts into the room.
"Oh, thank god," Ava mummers while Sara starts pouring again.
"I promised Mick last week that we'd read this one next, he  was...excited about it," she says, foisting it on Ava and Nora.
"*MIck* was *excited*?" Ava asks for both of them.
"I let him have his joy, he helps me not go crazy and tear apart the ship and everyone on it when I get upset," Mona says. The "like this" remains unsaid, but the glance Mona throws Nora still feels like a very pointed, angry (almost--it's Mona, she can only be so harsh, even when upset) glare, and Nora winces a little.
"So glad you've got that handled," Sara says. She looks over Ava's shoulder to read the cover and her eyes light up. "It's got assassins!" she grins.
"Pretty sure they're the bad guys," Nora points out.
"Pretty sure you mean bad*asses*," Sara replies. She hands Mona and Ray their own drinks, and raises hers before Nora can counter.  "To family," she says. "My boomerang crew."
Nate's smiling softly, and so is Ray, so Nora drinks with them all before she asks. "Boomerang crew?"
"Boomerangs," Sara nods, serious but still smiling a little, satisfied she's asked. "They come back to you."
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livelovelaug-h · 5 years
What doesnt heal you makes you stronger pt 1
Nathaniel heywood x reader
Warnings = fluff and sad moments
Dc legends of tomorrow! Summary = strap in this is a good one. I don't want to spoil it so the title basically says it all. You have a healing power but when something happens you can't use your power anymore. But do you listen ? What sacrifices are you willing to make?
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"NATE! NO, NO NO NO NO." You crouch down next to his body.
"Y/n? you- you can't use your p-powers for me." 
"Of course I can." 
"You're going to die."
"If it means saving you then.. I don't care" 
~~~ 48 HOURS EARLIER ~~~
You were devastated that you couldn't use your powers. I mean they make you who you are.
''as long as you're evil doppelganger is out there roaming around you can not use your powers otherwise it could kill you. I'm sorry love that's one of the downsides of having them." John said. 
"Yeah." Nate seen how upset you were, he really didn't like seeing you like this. 
"It'll be okay we will get your doppelganger and stop her." he said putting his hand around your waist.
"Thank you" 
"Also anything that happens to your other self can happen to you."
"Then we need to find her ASAP." Nate said. 
"We will but in the meantime, I'm sorry I have to say this but you should stay on the ship." Sara says looking at you. 
''why I can still help?"
"Yeah but we don't need your evil self seeing you or people mistaking you for her. We will find her I promise but right now we need to leave 1970" 
You nodded and everyone sat down in their seats on the waverider getting ready to take off. Nathan grabbed your hand for support and you squeezed his hand. "Gideon take us back to 2019." 
you guys went to your rooms to get a good night's sleep before the adventure you had waiting for you tomorrow.  You woke up earlier than the rest of the team and started drinking. 
3 beers & 2 shots of whiskey in, Nathan and Ray walked in. 
"Geed mornin guysssssss.''
"You're awfully chipper this morning, good morning." Ray said a little cautiously. 
"Woah how much have you had to drink y/n???" 
"Idk but why do they call waiters waiters, when were actually the ones waiting, you know?"
"She's got a point ." 
"Ray! Alright wise one it's time to get you to bed" Nate says. 
"What's going on in here?" Sarah asked.
"Uhh -" 
"Sara hey! Did you have some fun last night? I mean with those noises last night-" 
"Okay time for bed!" Nate says picking you up bridal style and carrying you to your shared room. Sarah just stood there with wide eyes. 
"I uh - I'm gonna go see If he needs help." Ray says and scurries out of the room. 
Back in the room 
Nate lies you down on the bed and you speak up.
"Do you love me?"
"Of course I do why would you even ask that?" 
"Then let's make a baby" 
"A baby? Y/n your drunk okay get some sleep we'll talk about this when you're sober." 
"What if we don't find her?" He sighs. 
"We will we always do. Have some faith. I know you're hurting but it's going to be fine." You nod. 
"Alright steel man. Good night." You roll over and Nate's heart breaks seeing you like this. 
You woke up with the worst headache. You seen a note on your stand that said, "here's some medicine for that hangover i hope you feel better. - Nate Xx" you smiled he's the only thing keeping you going right now. 
You took the medicine and started walking around the Wave Rider not really finding anyone until you seen Gary and Ava. 
"What are you guys doing here?"
" Just making sure you're doing alright."
"i'm doing fine thanks. where's the rest of the team?" 
"They caught insight of where your evil doppelganger is." Gary says happily. 
"That's great where was she?."  
"That I am not allowed to tell you." Ava said. 
Sara came in on Ava's earpiece. "we need some backup Ava." 
"Okay I'm on my way." She says then whispers "Gary you stay here and make sure she doesn't leave ." She starts to walk away: 
"Wait wait what's going on?" 
"The team needs an extra person." And with that she used her watch to go in the portal to time jump.
"Gary please tell me where they went." 
"You know I'm not allowed to tell you. Bosses orders." 
"It's not like I'm going to go there, I just want to know where my evil self went. You know anywhere cool or maybe somewhere meaningful. What's the harm in that?" 
"Mm I don't know." 
"Come on you're my best friend."
"Yes! I'm going to get us matching rings." 
"That's awesome. Okay but you promise you won't try anything." 
"I promise." 
"Alright the team went to 2004 Washington DC it's an abandoned place on ..." 
You had to do this. "I'm sorry." You punched Gary right in the face watching him go down. "But my fingers were crossed." 
You took his watched and walked through the portal to where he said the team was at. It was a big place- it was about thirty floors up. You started going up each floor skimming the rooms to see if you could hear or see anything. When you got to the 8th floor you heard people they were fighting so you tried to hide behind the wall.
"alright let's keep going, Nate and the others are being held on floor 19" Sara said.
They have Nate? you have to save him but how can you do it without Sara seeing you.
You quietly followed them up 2 more floors once Sara & Ava got distracted you went up to the next floor. You got up to floor 19 with no problem except there were guards outside. You punched them both and after a little bit of struggle they both were finally down. You walked in the room and you see Nate and Constantine tied up in chairs.
"y/n you can't be here what are you doing?"
"helping my team."
"thank you for the rescue but you need to leave now."
"I can't where is rest of the team?"
"top of the building where your evil self took them."
"great let's go." When you started walking you felt a slice in your lower stomach.
"y/n?? What's wrong"
"looks like someone got a hold of your evil self love."
"I'm fine let's keep going." On the floor 30 you got stopped by multiple people, and in the fight you lost nate and Constantine. When you finally fought off the five assassins you looked over and seen Nate bleeding out on floor.
"stop y/n. D-don't."
"shhh." You closed Your eyes letting the white light heal Nate. He was all healed but didn't get up yet you on the other hand collapsed on the floor. He gasped for air feeling 100% better, but when he looked over all of that vanished. "Y/n?? .. Y/n come on get up." you coughed up some blood. "I'm glad it worked."
"you shouldnt have done that. Your gonna be okay right? " He asked panicked when he seen your eyes started closing.
"I love you Nathaniel". He had tears running down his face.
"don't do that."
"it's okay." With that you were gone. "Y/n please. No no no." He sobbed into your body. The whole team came running at you guys.
Ray looked at you then at Nate putting his hand on his friends shoulder. "I'm so sorry nate" the floor started shaking.
"What's going on?"
"Gideon?" Sara asked through the coms.
"looks like there is a big time abberation happening Ms. Lance ."
When Nate stood up there was a big white light and before he knew it he was in a hallway. "What the?"
He seen a picture on the wall of you and him.
"In the kitchen." He was startled.
Walking in the kitchen there you were.
"how you were- we were just..."
"we were just what? Are you okay what's wrong?"
"nothing. What year are we in?"
"2019 why?"
"that's impossible where did i work last year?"
"you were a historian and you worked in an office. Are you feeling well?"
"this isn't right."
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