#my guy heard what about us and his damn life flashed before his life
nyxi-pixie · 2 years
"we're friends. we're friends" or as i like to call it:
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kairiscorner · 11 months
this shit got me giggling like TEEHEE
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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dating model au miguel o'hara (as an ordinary person)
honestly, miguel folds when you praise or compliment him. he wouldn't believe him if you told him at first how handsome he was when you two met, and he still doesn't, even if he's a sought-after model that's known the world over.
"y'know, i'm just okay, right? the real pretty one here is... none other than you."
LIKE SERIOUSLY, he was just sought out one day and suddenly, he'd on the cover of all kinds of magazines and posters. he doesn't exactly let that get to his head, though--it's just, in his opinion, a job. coming home to you and treating you the way he knows you should be treated is all that really matters to him.
he didn't mind posing with other people before on camera in intimate ways, but it became harder for him when he met you, because all he could think about when he's holding another person so romantically or intimately is, "i bet holding them would feel like heaven, this is... this is nothing compared to how it'd feel like to hold them."
he's gotten so used to forwarding calls to his agents that he's made it his daily habit to send a bunch of calls his agents' ways. but when you called him for the first time, when he heard your voice and realized this was no representative from a fashion agency or advertising company or wherever else they needed him to pose for--it was just you, that was the very first time in a long while that he had a real conversation with someone who cared about him for him.
that was when he fell in love with you, and kept falling for you when he realized you didn't give a damn whether he was a model or not. he really didn't get how a guy like him was so lucky to have someone like you, so beautiful, so kind, so patient, so gentle, and capable--and here you were overthinking whether he loved you or not, of course he does!
he constantly forces his agents to clear out his schedules for certain hours so he can meet up with you on your commute home and have dinner with you, maybe even catch a movie with you, go shopping, or just... cuddle, sit together in the silence, and just love you without any cameras or flashing lights involved :>
you make him feel so normal, so real, so actually alive, reminding him he has a life outside of the lives many others expect him to live as a high-class and in-demand model. he loves coming home to you at the end of a photoshoot, whether you're asleep or awake waiting for him, and just being close to you, admiring how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have you, despite how chaotic his schedule is compared to yours. he might as well just quit to be your model forever <3
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck
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whohasthecards · 7 months
Hangman meets this Nick-Goose guy at the bar (not a joke)
Jake rested his chin on his cue stick as he stared curiously at the pair at the bar.
The famous Admiral Beau “Cyclone” Simpson and some skinny blonde guy were hanging around. He never knew that the Admiral could smile. Sure, the guy was fair and respected all around the base, but he was stoic. He shrugged and went back to his game. 
By the time he sunk the 8-ball in, he looked up and the Admiral was gone. He handed the cue stick  to the next guy about to play and went up to the bar, knocking on the counter.
“Ma’am, a cold beer, please,” He said flashing Penny a smile, she rolled his eyes and handed him his drink.
“Stop calling me, ma’am, I’m not your commanding officer, Lieutenant,” Penny grouched before smiling.
“Aye aye, Captain,” Jake said flashing a wink and Penny rolled her eyes in response.
“Damn, Pen, not checking IDs, you’re getting sloppy or soft,” The mystery man said and Jake turned to get a better look at him.
He blinked before realizing that Roo-Roo Bradshaw was somewhere in the Pacific Ocean and a good 30 years younger than the man.
“Shut up, Nick, he’s a grown aviator,” Penny sniped back, hitting the man with a towel as he batted it away.
“Damn straight,” Jake said, taking a sip of his beer.
“Ahhh, so you are getting soft, you’ve always been soft around aviators,” Nick said, giving Jake a wink.
Penny blushed and gave Nick another hit with a towel before another customer called her away.
“Piss her off enough and you’ll get thrown overboard, even if I gotta do it alone,” Hangman said, flashing Nick a sharp grin.
Nick gave a low whistle, “Damn, son, no wonder she’s soft on ya, you probably remind her of me and the boys back in the day.”
Jake frowned at that.
“Nevermind that, I’m Nick or Goose, choose what you want,” Nick, Goose, said, reaching out his hand to shake.
“Jake,” He replied, shaking his hand, looking the guy up and down, seeing the grey on his temples. “You used to be an aviator?”
“Old men, can’t be on active duty?”
“The Navy would be too busy worrying about paying for your back pain.”
Goose honked out a laugh that made his callsign make sense.
“I was a backseater, RIO, then after I left I became a civilian flight instructor,” Goose said. “Single-seater?”
“Yep,” Jake said, finally deciding to sit down beside the older man. “Lucky guess?”
It was Jake’s turn to be scrutinized as he was looked up and down, “Nah, I just know the type, do you prefer Jake or Hangman?”
Jake’s lip twitched down before he settled on a blank mask. He used to have no shame regarding his callsign, so who gives a shit if he misspelled a couple words here and there. Until.
“All you do is leave good men hanging! Goddamn executioner of your own squad!”
“Hangman! Smoke in the ai-”
“Lieutenant Jacob “Hangman” Seresin, you did everything you could, dismissed.”
He took a deep breath that was more shaky than he’ll ever admit, “Jake’s good,” he said, flashing a smirk as he took another sip of his drink.
The older man’s eyes softened and he gave Jake a small smile.
“How about you?” Jake asked, realizing it was polite to reciprocate the question.
“Eh, either is fine, they’re both the same to me,” Nick said, shrugging. 
“Doesn’t Goose remind you of the thrill of being in a jet?” Jake asked, swirling his beer bottle around. 
“Nah, reminds me more of hanging around the boys,” Nick replied. “Still see them, but it ain’t the same as it used to be. Plus, I think I’ve had enough excitement for this life,” Nick said chuckling, leaning back and both men wincing as they heard his spine crack.
“You’re showing your age, old man,” Jake muttered, looking at him worriedly, wondering if he was about to keel over. “You hangin’ in there, gramps?”
Nick chuckled, “Not that old, brat, I have a son your age. He’s 27.”
“How old do you think I am?” 
“Hmmm, 21?”
Jake squawked in offense, “You’re actin’ like this my second time drinkin’ or somethin’!”
Nick raised a brow at him, “Is it not?”
Jake glared at him and all Goose saw was the same pout on his son’s face when he withheld the cookies from him.
“ ‘M 23,” Jake muttered.
“See? Not that far off, no need to get your feathers all ruffled, birdy,” Nick said, honking out a laugh.
Jake grumbled, but Goose could see the smile behind the sip of the beer bottle.
“Mav, did the Navy bio-engineer you and Ice’s DNA to create a son we don’t know about?” 
Mav paused, looking at his phone to check if this was Goose he was talking to. “Not that I know off,” he said slowly. “Why?”
“Kid, tall, blond hair, green eyes, naval aviator, technical flying style with some of your style, has your social skills too,” Goose added the last part thoughtfully. 
“Is that a compliment to the kid or an insult?”
“....Anyways, you made sure you don’t have some kid we don’t know about, right? Because if you gave me a nephew and didn’t make me his godfather I will ground you, no jets for a month.”
“Let me check with Ice.”
“Hello my sweet-precious-baby-mini-me,” Goose crowed to the phone as his son groaned on the other line.
“Dad, I am taller and bigger than you.”
“You still get your good looks from me, honey, how’s the deployment going?”
“The other pilots are shitheads, the amount of ego here is astounding.”
“Naval aviators,” Goose said, shrugging before realizing his son can’t see that. “There’s never a shortage of ego, say these pilots are younger than you?”
“Some of them are, some of them are older,” Bradley said slowly, wondering where this conversation was going.
“Good, you’ll have enough practice then.”
“Practice!? Practice for what!? Dad?”
“All good things come to those who wait, Brad-Brad.”
Hey gramps, I’m being’ deployed to Top Gun, Hard Deck?
Sure, Jakey
Gramps flew with pops? Goose and Maverick ejected. Goose got an honorable discharge. Holy shit.
Bradshaw was Nick’s son?
Is that why he was angry?
Hangman was face to face with Bradshaw, anger coursing through his veins. Doesn’t he understand? If they couldn’t fly like Maverick, they would all end up dead. Dead. 
Is he angry because of hop 31? Pissed on behalf of his Dad? But, Nick wasn’t angry at Pete, right?
You can find out.
“Come on, take a walk with me, son.”
No. Nick doesn’t deserve that.
“You have a family Bradshaw,” Jake said slowly, watching as Bradshaw’s hackles raised up even higher.
“Yeah, kid is simultaneously too hesitant and reckless at the same time, and I thought my wingman is the reason I’m gray…”
“You’re almost 60 gramps, that’s the reason why you’re gray.”
“Don’t let them lose you because you can’t think straight. Feelings ain’t matter here, not if you want to live,” Jake gritted out, shoulder checking the other man as he left the room.
They’re alive.
He saved them.
Thank fucking god because in all the hours he spent on stand-by in his jet, he still didn’t know what the fuck to say to Nick if he came back, but his brother and son didn’t.
A selfish part of him wondered if Nick would still care if they both died.
Probably not. Thank god he wasn’t a complete fuck up.
The celebration died down and he was walking back from his long-ass debrief. Getting reamed for launching without orders.
He felt his phone ping with a text.
Come over for dinner when you’re onshore.
Jake gave a small smile at that as he sent back a reply.
“Hangman! Hangman! Lieutenant Seresin! Jake!” 
It was the inverted version of Mav calling out for Rooster during that first day in the tarmac. Except Jake was already turning around once Mav said Lieutenant.
“Jesus, Mav, calm down, I hear ya, I ain’t goin’ anywhere yet, pops,” Jake said, raising his hands up as he flicked his toothpick to the side of his mouth. “Don’t stretch your legs too far tryin’ to keep up with me,'' Jake said, smirking.
Mav rolled his eyes upwards as he put his hands on his hips, as if asking god for patience. Heh. 
“I wasn’t able to talk to you one-on-one after the mission, kid, how are you?” Mav said, eyes softening as he looked at Jake up and down.
Jake felt self-conscious, as he straightened up instinctively, which was dumb because surely Mav wouldn’t notice that he was eating less. That he felt more tired each day. That he doesn’t know what kind of man he is.
“I’m fine, Mav, just thinking,” is all Jake could say.
“Don’t think too hard, kid, you might hurt yourself,” Mav said, giving Jake a smile, but there’s a glint in his eye that told him he meant it.
Mav’s an ace.
“Do you think about it, often?” Jake blurted out.
Mav furrowed his brow, “Think about what?”
Killing people.
No, not now.
“Nothing, nothing, sorry, pops, long day, just thinkin’ about how much the big bosses lectures on and on and on,” Hangman said, cringing at the babbling he just did.
Mav frowned, looking unconvinced, but gave a grin when command’s lectures were brought up, “I just learned to tune it out and forget. After you hear the first one, it all sounds the same, anyways.”
Jake barked a laugh at that, “You’re a menace, Mav.”
Mav grinned at Jake’s laugh, shoulders relaxing as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders.
“Anyways, I’m here to ask if you’re free tonight? My family and I are having dinner together and I want you to join in,” Mav said. “Some of the other Daggers will be there.”
He felt a pang of regret when he realized he’d have to decline, and it must have shown on his face, when Mav gave an understanding smile.
“Have plans, already, huh?”
“Yeah, a,” grandpa, family, mentor, father-figure-, “friend invited me for dinner, I haven’t seen him in a while, and yeah. I wanna hang out with ya pops and the squad, cross my heart, it’s just that I already got plans, and-”
Mav cut him off with a chuckle, “I get it, kid, don’t work yourself up, there will always be next time. Just promise me I won’t have to bail you out of jail tonight and you have fun.”
Jail with Nick? What a joke.
“Aye, Aye, Captain!” Jake said, giving Mav a salute, smirking as Mav shooed him away.
“Yeah, yeah, go on, brat, don’t cause trouble, you hear me!?”
“As if you can talk.”
Jake took a deep breath as he turned off the ignition of his truck, grabbing the beers he brought. He ain’t gonna come to a dinner empty handed, and Nick was more of a beer guy, rather than a wine guy.
He went up to the door and knocked.
“Mav?” Jake said, blinking his eyes in shock.
“Jakey! You made it, kiddo,” Nick greeted warmly, gently pushing Mav away to envelop Jake in a tight hug. Jake closed his eyes and leaned in, burying his eyes on the older man’s shoulder, trying to reciprocate the hug despite his hands being full.
“Here, let me take that from you, buddy, and you two can catch up for a little bit,” Mav said when Jake pulled away from the hug, taking the beer from his hands.
“It’s okay, pops–”
“How come Mav gets pops, but you call me gramps?” Nick said, pouting as he slung an arm around Jake’s shoulder.
“Because,” Jake said dumbly, still a bit shock at seeing Mav.
“Ahh forgot to tell ya I invited my former wingman, Mav and of course you’ve heard of my son, Brad-Brad,” Nick said leading Jake to the kitchen. “Some other guys will be coming, later, some of them are part of Mav’s squad.”
“We’re well-acquainted Goose, heck, the kid even told me he couldn’t come to hangout with us because he had plans with a friend,” Mav said grinning at the two of them.
“Awwww, so you do see me as a friend, huh, Jakey?” Goose cooed, ruffling Jake’s hair as Jake pushed him away.
“I didn’t know you were invitin’ me to the thing I was already invited to!” Jake protested, blushing.
“Hey Dad, where’s the— holy shit, Hangman, you came?” Bradshaw Jr. said, walking into the kitchen. “Mav said you said no, did something happen?” Rooster asked, furrowing his brow.
Jake finally had a side by side view of the two Bradshaw’s. Definitely related. Should have figured that out years ago. 
“Ohhh good that you’re here Brad, here’s the baby brother I promised you years ago,” Nick said, steering Jake by the shoulders to push him towards Bradley. “You’ll love him, play nice, okay?”
“That is a pain in my ass, grown-ass man,” Bradley said, blinking slowly as if he couldn’t understand what was happening. “How the hell did you two even meet?”
“Oh, I found him in a bar acting like a mixture of Mav and Ice and I just gotta keep him,” Nick said casually.
“Baby brother-?”
“Congratulations, you’re adopted, kid,” Mav said, taking a sip of his beer. “Wait til Ice sees you.”
“Iceman,” Nick said. “Tom-Tom, Tommy, Tomcat, you will probably be calling him gramps.”
“I am not calling the COMPACFLT, gramps,” Jake said, jaw-dropping.
“No, you will be calling my brother, gramps, Jakey, plus they already expect it, they have heard many stories about you.”
“You talk about me to the Iceman!?” Jake said, his pitch rising an octave.
“And me, and everyone else, I was wondering why I haven’t heard about this aviator kid Goose here was talking about, started thinking he adopted an air force kid or something,” Mav said grinning. “He only really called you Jakey.”
“Or Jake-Jake, Jay, Baby J –” Bradley started, smirking at a flushing Jake.
“THAT’s enough,” Jake said, pushing at Bradley to cut him off, but Bradley just laughed.
“Boys enough. Bradley, stop teasing your brother. Jakey, no pushing,” Goose said wagging a finger at them.
“Yeah, yeah, dad,” Bradley said, rolling his eyes.
“Also, we need to make a custody contract, Goose, I want partial custody of these two,” Mav said looking way too serious as he pulled out a pen and a piece of paper.
“We need to wait for the other boys to show up first, I have a feeling Cyclone or Iceman would be calling dibs,” Goose said grinning.
“What?” Jake said, confused.
“It means, you’re stuck with us now, Jake-Jake,” Bradley said, ruffling the blond’s hair.
“You named your kid, Bradley Bradshaw?”
“I wanted a little Brad-Brad.”
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 months
Blast is a mediocre hero
Talk about a controversial opinion! Well, I intend to defend it! With thanks to Eldrich_Void, who heard my rantings out.
This is not an opinion I rushed to. However, it has bothered me a lot that Blast seems to have a real track record for fucking things up. Almost all his endeavours seem to end up cursed in some way.
His evil partner, the ninja village horror he set up, and the way he seems intent on protecting the guy. His estranged son. The two heroes he saved both having serious complexes as a result. The monster he couldn't subdue.
Now that we get to see how he saw the situation on the ground, I think that Flashy Flash's accusing him of being unconscionably hesitant is right.
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Under the circumstances, if I were Flash, I'd not trust that pressing that button would summon Blast in a manner timely enough to matter to me.
So, shall we see below the cut?
So, let's wind back all the way to chapter 165, back when Cosmic Garou landed. Remember then? He had time to pose for the benefit of the heroes gathered...
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…then to look at himself, look at the heavens, and thank God for this gift of power.
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Then Bang crawled up to Garou to try calling him back to his senses.
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It took a while for the situation to ripen.
It's only in the next chapter, with Bang continuing to plead futilely with Garou, that Blast showed up.
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Looks like he showed up as soon as he could.
So far, so good. It seemed that Blast came as soon as he could, given whatever else he was busy with. In the current timeline, Saitama came back from the future and punched Garou right when the latter looked up to thank God, so we thought, reasonably, that Blast never had a chance to appear. Case closed.
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And looks like he didn't have an opportunity to show up.
But now we see more...
Several chapters have come and gone, and now we have a fuller picture of the event. And now we know that Blast was aware and on scene when Garou unleashed his gamma-ray burst:
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Oh, so you were here.
We know too that Blast was on scene when Saitama appeared to punch out Cosmic Garou, before Bang even had a chance to crawl to Garou.
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And there!
So Blast had had an opportunity to intervene earlier but did not take any action until after everyone was dropping dead and Bang was using the last of his energy to plead with Garou to come to his senses.
Okay, there's a place for observing the scene before you wade in so as not to make matters worse. As Drive Knight points out, rushing into things without proper analysis is a foolish thing. However, there's one thing I can't overlook. Even if Blast did not want to carelessly jump into a fight, the fact that he was able to reroute Garou's cosmic rays away from the heroes on the ground -- but had not done so originally... that is borderline unforgiveable.
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Damn, if you could always do that, you should have done it earlier!
Let me be extremely clear. I don't hold Blast wholly responsible for restoring Empty Void. Yes, his rerouting the now free-floating 'God' powers as well as the cosmic rays to another dimension accidentally fed Void. That was careless, but not incomprehensible: thinking that one's evil ex-partner whom you left more dead than alive 15 years ago might be camping his nasty half-starved body on the other side of the dimensional hole you opened up in order to receive God's powers is not at the top of anyone's mind. What I am holding him responsible for is failing in the first duty of a hero: HELP PEOPLE!!
Now, let's go back to the original timeline. Even before he stepped up to support Bang, he could have rerouted those cosmic rays and saved most of the heroes. But he did not. I don't think he thought of it. Not a good hero instinct. But it gets worse.
Once it was clear that Garou had no intention of leaving the planet or ceasing to kill with his very presence, Genos stepped up, risking his life to buy Blast an opening.
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Being a hero to the core. When people are in need, he is there.
However, when he was in danger and it was clear that Garou was fixing to kill him, did Blast step up? No. He just stood there, opened his mouth and bleated 'No.' [1]
And it gets worse still. It's not like Garou ripped Genos's head off to kill him instantly. Garou punched Genos through his center of mass. That was really bad: his upper torso is heavily protected for a reason, but that is not what killed him. We find out afterwards that Genos remembers seeing Garou pull his core out. Even that did not kill him: we've seen from back with the Giant Meteor that while losing his core's functionality will stop him being able to move his body, Genos's life support systems run independently of it. No, what killed him was Garou smashing him down so hard that his head and armor shattered and his blood splattered and ran into the ground, some of it being washed into long runnels by the fallout rain. So Blast stood there and watched while Garou not only struck Genos critically, but mutilated and maimed him to death. It was as if Garou was taunting him to try something heroic. And when Saitama finally arrived on the scene, Blast was just standing there. Uselessly.
Blast does not have the instincts of a hero.
Saitama rightly criticised himself for losing sight of what a hero's true duty was. I remember back when Sonic asked him who he was, he defined himself as the person who helps people when they are in trouble. [2] And he knows he fell short.
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Blast appears to have totally lost sight of this fact. That's why his work is cursed.
A Hero Is More Than Mere Works
Without any doubt, Blast is strong. He is righteous but he's not looking at situations the way a hero should. He looks at things more as a warrior -- and it's not really helpful. He's forgotten the need to actually *be* a hero.
If I think about it a bit more, Blast was concerned for the health of the heroes on the field. Yet he did not protect them, even though he could have. He did not move them out of the way, even though he could have. He did not call on the rest of his compatriots to help him accomplish these goals, even though he could have and they would have helped.
I don't think that Blast is in danger of being deposed as the number 1 hero any time soon but man, it's as Flashy Flash says, his conduct is disappointing.
It's an insult to the heroes we've seen. I can't begin to imagine how bitterly Tatsumaki would be if she could have seen him. As the narrator said, she puts him on too high a pedestal. When I think of how hard she fought while never forgetting the helpless child, the civilians at risk, the rest of the strike team, and taking care of them even as it reduced her fighting efficiency, it's everything Blast ought to be. We saw so many heroes risk their lives to help others, even when they weren't of any strategic value.
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Tatsumaki's determination to throw nobody under the bus, no matter how expedient, is the soul of heroism.
A hero is not merely their works. A hero is also what they symbolise. Amai Mask gets it: that's why he goes on and on about a hero being a beautiful symbol of peace. Saitama gets it: that's a big part of why he refused to out King because he symbolised being a hero so well. Mumen Rider lives it: even though he's not strong (by hero standards), he's greatly respected and people are inspired by him to do better in their lives.
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What a hero is: someone who saves from danger, someone who reassures, someone who inspires.
Blast doesn't get it. When he had an opportunity to mitigate Garou's cosmic radiation and save lives, it did not occur to him. When he could have swallowed his pride and called back up to help him subdue Garou and save hero lives, it did not even cross his mind: he only saw a fight.
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Since when was justice a matter of who can hit who harder?
And when he didn't prevail, he just stood there. When it was time for him to step up as a hero and actually take on some risk to try saving a life, he stood there, as hapless as any civilian. Even when it was hopeless, we didn't see the likes of Tank Top Master giving up. We didn't see Genos giving up on Tatsumaki, even when they were swarmed by Black Sperm. You don't give up on people.
No wonder his works are cursed.
How might the curse be lifted?
Some thoughts.
Never mind Tatsumaki: it's a rare hero who wouldn't be appalled. They all look up to Blast as the ultimate hero.
Fortunately, the only person who knows is Genos: it takes knowing how else things would have played out if Saitama hadn't arrived in the nick of time. Genos has no interest in trying to run down Blast: what little credibility he's got, he's used to tell Sicchi to ensure that Saitama got called up if Blast came up with anything.
Unfortunately, Sicchi hasn't passed on that message to Blast and Saitama's been allowed to go dawdling away. Even more unfortunately, what Sicchi has told Blast about Genos is that he's a terror who impedes access to Saitama. This may have terrible consequences down the line.
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Talk about leaving out the important part. That 'is that so?' gives me chills.
You know how some readers are disappointed that the MA arc did not end with Saitama lecturing Garou about the importance of not compromising one's goals? It seems to me that Blast needs that lecture a lot more badly than Garou ever needed it in any version. He's forgotten that the point of heroism is the people you help *first* before it is about glorious fights. Important as it is to fight, losing sight of the human need in front of you is a hiding to nothing.
Or, if you want to put it differently: Saitama is likely to have a reason to confront Blast in the future.
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Someone needs to hear this message and it's not the truculent teenage tearaways.
I am going to be there for it with a giant tub of ice cream!
[1] What was it that Awakened Garou said back in the WC: 'When facing an imminent threat against a monster, all you do is open your mouth and start babbling. It's an easy kind of job.'? (ch 85). It has applied very brutally to Blast here.
[2] In case you need a reminder:
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That's the right thing to be. Saitama's been struggling since he forgot the brief a bit.
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ronearoundblindly · 8 months
Love of My Life (a RoAR drabble)
Flufftober Day 10, Ransom Drysdale x rich!Reader (see series)
This is it, gang, the moment Ran has avoided for soooo long... No warnings, and I even avoided cursing (there is one 'damn' and some taking the lord's name in vain lol). Hopefully, it still seems like Ran then! 🤣 Unedited, short.
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"Watch out!"
Ran yanks his foot off the gas and swivels the beamer to the right, missing his chance to merge up the ramp to Drop Offs.
"My god, Hugh, what is wrong with you? Should I have called Dubois?"
"No," he bites back, "I just didn't see that guy in my blindspot."
Ran is utterly distracted while driving you to the airport. You're on your way back to Beijing for who knows how long, and since everything changed two days ago, he's struggled to focus.
Now he has to loop around the entire place to get back to your departure door. That gives him time, but he hasn't used that wisely so far. Why would traffic be different?
His head pivots back and forth, triple-checking his mirrors.
Your hand lightly lays on his arm. He can't feel the warmth of your skin through his sweater sleeve, sadly.
"Hugh," you soothe, "we'll figure out the money and get you back out to visit soon, I promise."
For once--for one bizarre and shining moment in Ransom Drysdale's life--this isn't about money, so he huffs in annoyance.
"That's not... Let's just get you there."
He takes only a split second to look at your soft smile before overly attending the road. He's not thinking about the heated conversation in this very car the other night, he's ignoring the elephant in the back seat with a tattooed forehead that reads "marriage," and he's definitely swallowing three gigantic stone words.
His car pulls up to the busy curb, and you start for the door handle.
"Wait," he shout-whispers, unable to figure out what his voice should sound like. If he speaks deeper, will that be more serious? If he's quiet, will it seem gentle and genuine? He has no idea. Ran's never told anyone this before, not deliberately, not for real.
You squeeze his hand sweetly when he reaches out.
"I promise I charged my phone."
"No, that--"
"And I've CC-ed you on all my itinerary emails."
"Great but--"
"Yes, I ordered more night cream for the hotel, and I'll keep up with--"
"Just SHUT UP for a--" Ran covers his mouth "--sorry. I--I just..."
He can't finish the damn phrase. The pressure in his chest is topping out the meters and he can't do it.
Patiently, you sit back in the front seat, sighing, eyes darting between him and the airport security guard keeping the flow of cars steady. You bite your lip instead of prompting him.
He has another false start.
By this point, Ransom might cry in frustration.
This is not supposed to be so difficult. Why has he made this so difficult? You two have shared far more intimate things than this. Christ, he's proposed already! It's a good thing you've asked him not to tell anybody because he can't even say I love you.
"I know you do, Hugh. It's okay."
Did he? Did he just blurt that out in the middle of thought?!? That's twice now then, but perhaps the first instance you've truly heard. Third time's the charm maybe...
"I love you," he says, no chance to be mistaken. He hears it, he knows you hear it, and he means it. His voice sounds normal yet foreign, changed but unchanged, kind. He sounds kind. Ran isn't sure if he likes it.
"And I love you, too," you return easily.
The true and enormous grin that blooms across your face is something he definitely likes though--loves even.
He smiles but quickly reins it back in, aware that stupid guard is eyeing their immobile vehicle with no one unloading.
"Come 'ere," he breathes.
You're on him in a flash, tender lips kissing his, and just for luck, he mumbles it a few more times. Practice. He'll need practice. You told him he would to lead a new life with you. One day it will seem as normal as swiping his credit card.
"I love you. I love you. I love you."
He gets his favorite giggle in response. He really is a sucker for that silly noise. How he used to hate it...but oh, how he loves it now.
There's a bracing tap at his window.
"Hey! Let's get moving, you two. Other people need this space."
Yeah, whatever, Ran thinks. I don't care about anyone but her.
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[Main Masterlist; Root of All Ransom Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @starkleila @brandycranby
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to-the-stars8 · 2 years
Learning to Love Slowly
Jason Todd x Reader All Chapters AO3 A/N; I'm sorry ya'll but I'm using the author's notes to rant but it legit has been the most stressful week of my life rip. Like I'm about to butt-ass naked fist fight in a Denny's parking lot stress, that's all that needs to be said.
I do want to know ya'lls opinion while I'm balls deep in the thought of it, but I'm thinking about a Batmom series that's kind of set up like this one, sort of a slow burn, slow climax type of thing. That and seriously getting started on a real regency story for Jason? These have been on my mind for a while tbh Also pls excuse my ranting I need to vent somewhere and I like to vent here.
24- Dresses and the Strongest Man in Gotham
Jason watched from his bed as you tried on clothes for family dinner tomorrow night. As you changed in front of him, he almost shamelessly stared at you as you undressed and dressed, finding every new inch of skin as beautiful as before. He was so distracted by your body that he hardly heard you point out how each outfit was worse, or better than the last. 
You were trying on a sweet, casual pink dress, turning and twisting in the mirror to try and see it from every angle. Quickly it had become one of Jason’s favorites. The neckline was deep, showing off some celevage that he much appreciated, and a bit short all round the skirt. So when you bent over he got a perfect view of your blue laced underwear.  
“Too much boob,” You mumbled, already pulling it over your head. 
He snickered. “Not enough, sweetheart.”
You rolled your eyes. “For you maybe, my darling, but I don’t want to accidentally flash the man of Gotham, Bruce Wayne. Or worse, Alfred!”
Jason laughed. “You really don’t need to dress up. Just put on something casual.”
“I am!” The words were tired from the stress. “I’m trying to, anyway.”
You weren’t only anxious about what to wear, but what to do. Jason had assured you that you didn’t need to act in a posh or fancy way, but be yourself. Dick liked you, and, most importantly, Alfred liked you, too. That fact itself was good enough. 
The moment he had told you of family dinner on Friday anxiety overcame you. You were adamant that meeting his whole family at once was a lot more than he let on. You wanted to be perfect, to at least look perfect. Jason found it incredibly hard to explain to you that it was already impossible for you to become something you already were. Yet, you chose not to believe it. Though, when you showed up on his doorstep asking to try on clothes for him, he would never say no. 
You tried on another dress, this one a lot more casual and modest than the last, and turned to show Jason. He got up to walk over to you, taking you by the hips to turn you back toward the mirror. 
“Beautiful,” Jason leaned into the nape of your neck, pressing a kiss there. It was light, but it made the hair on your arms stand up. 
“Jason,” You sighed, reaching up behind you to lock your fingers into his curls. “Kiss me?”
Damn, like he could say no when you asked so desperately. Leaning your head back by your chin, Jason placed a chaste kiss on you lips. You moaned at the sensation of his lips on yours and leaned up for another, but he pulled away with a smile. 
“This dress with those earrings you have on would look great.”
You looked back to the mirror, smiling. “A vigilante, an amazing, sweet guy, and now a fashion expert? Multi-talented you are Jason Todd!”
“You haven’t even gotten to the best part of talents yet,” Jason teased, albeit in a more joking manner. 
You giggled. “Don’t let Alfred hear you joke like that tomorrow night.” 
Jason only snorted before turning you back around just as he did before, by your hips. You leaned forward a bit, letting him decide whether or not he wanted to press his lips to yours. He did, though briefly. 
“Do you think they’ll like me?” You asked, reaching up to play with the strings on Jason’s hoodie. “Your younger brothers and sisters at least.”
Jason grinned. He liked that you wanted his family to like you, but their opinion wouldn’t mean a whole lot if they didn’t wholly. “They will.”
“Good. That gives me a bit of confidence,” You stood straighter, running your hands flat against the front of your dress before deflating again. The blue complemented you, and it nice enough for a family dinner. Your mom would have approved of it, anyway, but that didn’t feel enough. What if they were worried about you exposing their identities to the world, or that you were too basic to be dating Jason?  
“I hope you are ready for a million and one questions,” Jason said as he walked back across the room to his spot on the bed. 
Sighing, you walked over to yours. “No! I’m nervous. It feels like a thousand butterflies are going crazy in my stomach,” You groaned, taking the pillow from behind him and putting it over your face. “I’m so anxious I think I’m going to throw up.”
Jason leaned over, pulling the pillow away from you. “You’ll be fine.”
“What-what if they think I’m lame?”
He thought for a moment. “I guess that would make me lame, too.” You groaned, taking the pillow back from him to bury your face in it. Jason chuckled, before saying, “I’m kidding. They won’t think that. Dick thought you were really cool. Nice, too.”
Pulling back the pillow just enough so he could see your eyes, you asked, “Really?”
“Yes!” Jason looked away discerningly. “Almost made me jealous when he wouldn’t stop talking about you to Alfred.”
“Oh,” You said, now more interested. Give you a side glance, he nodded his head slowly and you pushed away the pillow completely. “You shouldn’t be.”
“I know.”
“Cause you’re a lot hotter and cuter,” You stated in a matter of fact tone. 
Jason grinned. “That right?”
“It’s a fact. You can’t change facts.”
Not being able to help it, he leaned forward a bit, waiting for you to meet his lips. You did, in the sweetest way possible. You kissed his cheeks first, then his chin before slowly pressing a kiss to his lips. 
Jason touched your hip, running a hand up and down your side. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. They’ll love you.”
 It was insanely scary to meet the whole family that ran nights in Gotham, anyone would be freaked out, especially with six protective younger siblings. You still were being eaten away by anxiety, but looking at the sincereness in Jason’s eyes made you feel a bit less so. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad, after all, Jason said I had already gotten one of the strongest men in Gotham to like you. Now, all you had to do was impress the strongest man in Gotham’s son, Bruce Wayne.
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theemporium · 1 year
Hi can you write a Robin x reader where rob in gets jealous of one of readers friends, so jealous that she decides to take reader into a locked stall and have some fun with her but reader friend is worried after the quick exit. Readers's friend follows reader into the restroom and it leads for a quick and very bad cover up
hiya lovely! sorry for the long wait, this was in my drafts for so long and i forgot i never posted it qkbdkqjbd but enjoy!! 
“That’s it, pretty girl,” Robin cooed, your glossy eyes meeting hers as you pressed your back against the stall door. “Only I get to see you like this, hm?” 
“Yes!” you whined, legs shaking and your whole body feeling like it was on fire.
Robin didn’t consider herself the jealous type. She loved you and she trusted you, and she knew damn well that her feelings were requited but that didn’t mean she trusted other people. To be perfectly honest, she was surprised you had returned her feelings. You were new into Hawkins, bright and bubbly and so pretty that it made her heart beat wildly in her chest. 
She didn’t think you would like her back.
But you did and Robin didn’t think life could get better than that. 
When you had told her some of your old friends from your hometown would be visiting, she was nervous. These people meant a lot to you and they were your friends, she wanted to make good impressions and not embarrass you. But whatever doubts she had were quickly washed away when she met your friend Sally.
Robin didn’t like Sally, not one bit. 
She didn’t think of it at first. It wasn’t unusual for friends to be touchy. Hell, she had to learn very quickly Steve was quite a touchy guy who loved showing affection to those he cared about. It was not weird for Sally to be touchy towards you. 
It was weird when those touches would last for longer than what was platonically accepted. Paired with the lingering looks, the whispered comments and the inside jokes she made sure Robin knew she was not a part of—it was hard to pretend like the whole situation didn’t bother her.
Her final straw was when Sally made some offhand comment about the sleepovers you used to have. She could see on your face that you looked a bit uncomfortable with the sudden topic change, but all Robin could focus on was the smug smile Sally was sending her way. 
As it turned out, jealousy could change people and Robin was no different. 
She had waited all but thirty seconds before following you to the bathroom, seeing you poised over the sink as you leaned closer to the mirror. She didn’t even give you a chance to say anything before she was dragging you into one of the stalls, her lips pressed against yours and whines muffled through the kiss. 
Her hands felt greedy and desperate, like they needed to feel you to remember that you were hers, that only she made you feel this way and not Sally.
Your skirt was tucked into the hem, your panties pushed to the side and Robin’s fingers curling inside you in a way that made your toes curl in your boots. 
Your lips were parted as you let out a whimper of her name, your hands gripping the fabric of Robin’s t-shirt and your boots scuffing against the tiled floor as you felt yourself get closer and closer to falling off the edge. 
“Robin,” you cried out, your face nuzzled into the crook of her neck as she cooed softly. “Please, I need–” 
“I know what you need,” she murmured as her breath fanned against your ear. She placed a soft kiss just above your ear before continuing, “come for me, sweetheart.” 
One hand thrown over your mouth to muffle your screams and the other still knuckle deep inside your wet cunt, you barely had a chance to right your bearings before you heard the bathroom door open and a familiar voice call out your name. 
The glint in Robin’s eyes confused you but you didn’t have enough time to question it as she raised her fingers to her lips, sucking each one of them before she popped the lock open and flashed a smile at your childhood friend—one sweet and fake and so fucking victorious. 
“Sorry about that, she was just feeling a little poorly. Weren’t you, darling?” Robin asked as she turned to you with faux concern. 
Your cheeks were still flushed, your chest was heaving lightly and you were still a little dazed from your orgasm that all you could really do was nod your head. 
“Poor thing, I think we outta go home,” Robin said before turning back to Sally, not a care in the world that the excuse was pathetic or overused. “Enjoy the rest of your night.” 
Because Robin sure as hell will the second they were back home. 
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lala1267 · 1 year
Bow down bitches.
Summary: You were a beautiful model. You weren't very fond of Elvis at first, but when you began to like him, you ruined everything. Your security guard was a part of the problem.
Warnings: smut kinda, not Elvis x reader. (it's not a heavy smut dw). Swearing, punching, and blood (if you squint).
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I was a sexy nineteen year old girl who was named Natalya. I was a model for chanel. I had long blonde hair, big dough eyes, and an hourglass figure. I was perfect. I was used to getting what I wanted when I wanted. If someone were to say no, I would either have a fit or storm off. I was a bitch. But being a sexy bitch wasn't easy. Every man that I met wanted to get me drunk and naked. I was a beautiful girl that was used for her body, many times. Men would touch and tease me and play it off as a 'joke'. I did what I wanted, I would party, drink and smoke. I was living my best life.
Sunday, 5th June, 8pm 1970.
I was backstage getting ready for my walk. It was a very important walk since there would be celebrities watching in the front row seats. But I wasn't nervous, I knew I could outdo all of the other models as usual. I was put in a small tight blue dress that was dotted with expensive rhinestones. I also wore lavish white heels, and my hair was left to flow along my back like a blanket. My makeup was amazing, I had light blue eyeshadow with long black eyeliner, and my lips were a glossy pink. I was next up, I was just thinking about which celebrities would be there. Once I heard my name, I knew it was time. I strutted out with confidence, my hips swayed, and my arms swung. My walk was very arrogant and sassy, but it was also elegant and beautiful. I looked at the celebrities when I locked eyes with the one and only Elvis Presley. I didn't know why he was even here. Surely, he had his singing stuff going on. He stared at me like i was a goddess. I wasn't far from one. His deep gaze didn't faze me. Once I turned around, he flashed me a smile, which I didn't return, I needed to remain professional for the sake of my job. I strutted backstage and began to get undressed and pack my things. I got dressed into a pink, short, flowy dress and a pair of white converse. I left my hair down so that it could seep over my shoulders like water. Thirty minutes had passed, and I was ready to go home. I walked through the main entrance, and I was instantly mobbed by paparazzi, I simply smiled and gave them something to take pictures of. As I got into my car, I was told by my driver,
"Excuse me, ma'am, Elvis Presley has offered to take you to his hotel. He said he wants to get to know you." I rolled my eyes.
"Get to know me, my ass. All guys say that when they just want sex. Besides, I'm not interested in him anyway."
"Ma'am, this could be good. You don't have to date him. He sounded very desperate, at least consider giving the guy a chance."
I paused to think before replying.
"For goodness sake, alright, take me there." I said in a slightly annoyed tone.
"Ma'am, he said that he can send a car over to pick you up."
"I don't need his shit, I have my own car." I angrily said as I crossed my arms. The only reason I agreed to this was because Elvis was known for girls chasing him. Mabey he should do the chasing for once.
Arriving at Elvis's Hotel
I stepped out of the car and onto the cold cement road. It was 10pm. I was ready to go to bed, but of course, Elvis had to bother me at this time. I walked into the lobby with my favourite security guard, Mike. He was a very kind person. I walked up to the reception.
"Hello, how may I help you." The lady behind the desk asked whilst she chomped on her gum like a damn horse.
"I'm here to meet Elvis. Where is his room." I asked.
"Well, Elvis doesn't seem to have anyone on his visiting list. Are you sure you're here to visit him?" I crossed my arms as I rolled my eyes.
"Yes, I'm sure, just call him or something." I snapped as I started growing impatient. The lady let out a small sigh before picking up the phone.
"Yes, there is a girl that is saying that you invited her here." The lady said. I watched her face drop as Elvis instructed her to give me his room number. She huffed as she looked up to me, who had a smug smirk on my face.
"Room is 34, on the second floor." She stated as she lost eye contact with my blue eyes. I just fake smiled and waved as I walked over to the elevator. I pressed a button that read,
'Floor 2'
I turned to Mike, my security guard.
"That lady pissed me off." I said angrily. I felt his hand rub my back in a circle motion before he spoke.
"Well, at least you got your way in the end, and you are prettier than her anyway." He said as he looked down to me with his piercing blue eyes. His blonde hair hung infornt of his face. I smiled as I hugged his arm. Once the lift opened, we stepped out and made our way to the room, linking arms. Mike nocked on the door that had Elvis's name on. We waited until the door opened. We were met with some random guy who was definitely not Elvis. He smiled.
"Ah, hello, you must be Natalya." He said cheerfully. I just nodded as I spoke.
"Yep, that's me."
"Why don't you come in." He said. I grabbed Mike's arm and pulled him in with me, I didn't want to be alone with Elvis. I didn't even like Elvis. I looked around the rather large room. It had lavish red carpets and long purple curtains. There was a kitchen and a living room area. I looked around until I saw Elvis eagerly walking up to me. He was about to pull me into a hug when I stuck my hand out for him to shake.
"Nice to see ya Natalya and..."
"Mike." I said. Elvis's face dropped slightly.
"Is he your boyfriend or what." I furrowed my brows and crossed my arms.
"No, he's my friend, best friend, actually." I said in a tone. Elvis nodded. I looked up to Mike, who was towering behind me. I just gave him a look that basically meant,
'I hate Elvis already'
I turned back to Elvis.
"Well, shall we sit." He asked with a stupid smile on his face. I nodded. Mike and I followed behind Elvis. We sat down on the sofa in his living room. Elvis looked up at his freind, the one who had let us in.
"Ya can leave now, Jerry." he said. He turned back to me, who was opposite him on the other sofa with Mike. I was very close to Mike since I didn't like the man that sat in front of us.
"Tell me about yourself, darlin." Elvis said in a deep voice. His voice made me itch and cringe.
"Yeah, don't call me that. But I do modelling, and my name is Natalya." I said bluntly. He sat up.
"Well, I see that you are close with your friend Mike, he must be a good man." Elvis said in a sly tone. I looked up at Mike who was visibly annoyed. I held his hand to tell him to calm down. I looked back at Elvis who was watching me.
"Yeah, we are close, and he is a very good man. He's the best man. He treats me well." I said as I flicked my hair. Elvis and Mike had a mini staring contest for a few seconds. Mike was clenching his fists and was about to lose it. I placed my hand on his and whispered.
"You should go, I don't want a fight to happen, I'm too tired for all of this." I looked into his eyes as he nodded. He gripped my hand before standing up and walking out of the door. I turned back to Elvis, who was staring at me.
"You kicked him out?" He asked excitedly.
"No, i just told him to leave since you guys don't seem to get along."
"Yeah, damn right we don't." He said in a raspy voice. I rolled my eyes and crossed my legs. This was going to be a long night.
30 minutes later
We had been talking and getting to know eachover for a while now. I still didn't like him.
"Shall we watch some TV in my room." Of course, the only place he had a TV was in his room. What a coincidence. I was tired and I didn't feel like being a bitch so i nodded and followed him. I sat myself down on the edge of his bed, facing the TV. He grabbed a bowl of popcorn that was in his room for some reason. He placed it on his lap. He turned on a movie that was popular at the time. I reached my arm out to grab the popcorn from his lap, he purposely moved it so that my hand met his cock instead of the popcorn. He laughed and i pushed him harshly, it wasn't fucking funny.As time passed, the man seemed to move closer and closer. We were now touching shoulders. I was sleepy and tired and he noticed this. He wrapped his large arm around my figure. For some reason, I wasn't pissed off, I hate to admit it, but it felt quite comfortable. I leaned my head into his chest and placed my legs over his. He played with my hair. I could smell his expensive cologne. It was sexy. I began to drift to sleep when I felt Elvis pick me up and place me in bed. He wrapped me up in blankets so that I was cosy. He took his shirt and pants off only leaving his boxers. He climbed into the bed next to me and placed his arms on my hips. His touch sent chills down my spine, I was still fully dressed, but I was too tired to change. His hands rubbed along my waist. They travelled down to my bare thighs and lifted my dress up. His large hands travelled around my ass and hips. I turned around to face him. I looked into his eyes before he cuddled me. He felt so warm and calming. For some reason, I wasn't able to stay angry at the man, he was too intoxicating.
The next morning
I woke up in Elvis's arms. I felt cosy. He was awake, his hot breath hit my hair. I looked up at him.
"Goodmornin', doll." He said in his deep sexy morning voice. I smiled for the first time.
"Goodmornin', Elvis." I said as I traced my hand down his chest. He grabbed my hand and kissed it romantically. I felt the butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't resist. I leaned closer and placed my lips onto his. His lips were soft and begging to be kissed. I pulled away and laughed. So did he. Suddenly, i felt a sense of guilt rise in me. What about Mike? I have betrayed him. I felt disgusted in myself even though me and Mike weren't dating.
Me and Elvis got up at the same time. As we walked into the kitchen, I felt his hands on my hips. I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a waffle from the packet. I placed it in the toaster. As I waited, i felt Elvis's body against mine. His hand traced up and down, and his breath was hot. I looked up at him and smiled. He was a good man. Once my waffle was done, I grabbed it and took a bite. I turned around to Elvis. I brought the waffle up to his pink lips. He bit into it. I smiled at him and played with his black hair.
"I really like you." He said as his hands were on my waist.
"I like you too." I said as a smile appeared on my face.
I watched Elvis walk into the living room. I followed him like a dog. He sat on the plush couch as he turned the television on. He looked to me and patted his thigh, indicating that he wanted me to sit. I walked over to him and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me as I leaned into him. I was wrong about Elvis, he wasn't some superstar that fucked thousands of girls. He was a man. He was mature and just my type.
1 hour later
I was in the hotel bedroom, gathering my things as I needed to leave. Elvis was still in the living room, watching the television. I was almost ready, I had done my hair and put on the clothes that I had arrived in. I liked Elvis, but I had already spent too much time at his hotel room, I needed to sort out business. As I walked out of the door, I was met with Elvis, who was towering over me. I looked up into his sad puppy-dog eyes. He raised his hand to cup my cheek.
"Do ya have to leave. I really like your company." My heart shattered at his words. But I had a life of my own and a job.
"I know, Elvis, but I need to go. I have my job and..." I paused as Mike came to mind. I couldn't tell Elvis that I was thinking of Mike. His heart would crumble.
"Nothing." I continued.
"I just need to go, I'm sorry, Elvis." I quietly said as I walked past him. I felt his hands hold mine before I pulled away. I walked out of the gates of heaven.
1 day later
I had just finished another modelling show, and i was backstage with Mike. I was packing my things as I talked to him.
"Did you have fun at Elvis's last night?" He said in a slightly pissed off tone.
"Uhm, yeah, it was alright." It was one of the best nights I've had for a while.
"Well I missed ya." He said quietly. A smile brightened my face as I turned around to face him. I looked into his blue eyes.
"I missed you too." I said. He smiled as he lifted his hand to play with my hair. I felt my cheeks turn pink.
"Do I flatter you, my dear?" He said flirtatiously. My cheeks were now hot and red. I rolled my eyes sarcastically before replying.
"Well, I ain't gonna say no." I said as giggles escaped my pink lips. I had liked Mike for a while, and I think he felt the same way.
"You need a real man. Like me, not Elvis." I was slightly taken back by his sentence, but I didn't have time to reply as I felt his plump lips on mine. I didn't stop him. I was enjoying it. I trailed my hands down his chest as he grasped my ass. A slight moan escaped my lips as I felt his hands grip my ass once more. Just then, a girl walked in. I instantly pulled away, and so did he. I wasn't that embarrassed, but Mike definitely was. His face was bright red, and his breath was unsteady. I found it funny that such a big, strong man would be acting like this. I covered my mouth as I tried to hold my laughter in. The girl finally began to speak.
"Uhm, your car is waiting, ma'am." She said. I just simply smiled and nodded like nothing happened. I looked back to Mike, who was still in a state of shock.
"Come on, baby." I said in a flirtatious tone just to embarrass him even more. I loved it when I had the upper hand on men. I walked out of the room with Mike trailing behind me like a lost puppy. He was so cute. I got into the car with Mike next to me. The car started, and we were off. I traced my hand along Mike's muscles. He stroked his hand on the inside of my thigh, slightly pulling my dress up. His hand got closer and closer to my panties. He looked at me with sexieness in his eyes. He bent over to whisper in my ear.
"I can show you a real good time, I can make you scream my name." He whispered in a raspy tone. I felt butterflies in my stomach, and chills ran down my spine. His words and touch aroused me. I smiled before moving to sit in his lap. I shuffled around to get comfortable, and I felt Mike's hard push onto my ass. I looked at his face i knew that he was resisting the urge to not fuck me in a car with others in. I smiled before leaning over and placing wet kisses from his lips to his neck. I had him under a spell, a love spell. I straddled him like a seat and grinded into him like no one was around.
"What are you doing?! The driver will see us." He whispered-yelled into my ear.
"Well, I guess I'm going to have to give him a show as well." I said with an evil smirk. I carried on grinding like there was no tomorrow. I was feeling brave. I lifted my dress up so that it was resting above my bare boobs wich were shoved in Mike's face. I quickly pulled it back down as I tried to hold my giggle in.
"You're crazy." He said as he laughed.
"You only live once." I said confidently before continuing,
"Besides, I have a nice pair of boobs." I said as I laughed.
The driver pulled up into my house driveway. I got off Mike and planted a kiss on his wet lips.
"I'll give ya the rest of the show when we are inside." I whispered flirtatiously. We both got out of the car and watched the car drive off into the distance. Once it was out of sight, we rushed inside and up to my bedroom. He stripped me off aggressively and pushed me onto the bed. He was on top of my bare body. I opened his shirt and reached down to unbuckle his belt. I needed him so badly. I was thirsty, hungry for the man. Once his lower half was completely exposed, he rapidly pushed himself inside of me. He was good at this. Loud moans escaped my mouth as heavy breaths escaped his. His pace quickened, and so did my breaths. Soon, he pulled out and splashed his babies all over my stomach. I smiled proudly as the last moans flooded out of my red lips.
The next morning
I woke up naked along with Mike, who was also naked. I smiled at his beautiful sleeping face. He was a pretty sleeper. I quietly got up. As my legs were firmly on the floor I felt a terrible ache rush through them.
"For fuck sake." I said to myself. All of that riding didn't come without consequences. I walked over to my vanity and grabbed the pink silk robe that was hung over my chair. I wrapped it around my bare body and headed downstairs. I walked into the kitchen, and I began to make a waffle. As the waffle sprang up from the toaster, I heard a nock on my front door. I put my waffle on the counter and walked over to the door. I opened it to the last person I was expecting to see. I looked up to see Elvis with a bouquet of perfect pink and red roses. My heart shattered as I remembered that just last night, I had made love to my security guard. He smiled before speaking.
"Good morning! I got your address from one of your friends, I hope you don't mind. But I got you a gift just for you, my pretty girl. " he said cheerfully as he held out the gorgeous flowers in front of my face. I took them into my hands as I forced a smile onto my face. Just then, I heard footsteps travel down the stairs. A voice followed.
"Oh baby, last night was amazing." Mike said in his deep morning voice. Once he was downstairs, he woke up properly to see me with Elvis at the door. I turned to Elvis, who was both furious and disheartened.
"Elvis i-i can expla-"
"I should have known that you were just a whore who wanted my money. How could you. You said you liked me." His eyes were watery, and his hands were shaky. I would've argued back, but he was right. I did tell him I liked him and I also kissed him just to come home and fuck my security guard. I didn't say a word as I realised what was going to happen. I heard Mike's voice raise and Elvis's voice raise. They were yelling at me and at themselves. They argued back and forth until Elvis stepped forward and gave Mike a heavy blow to the face. I looked up with wide eyes to see Mike with a bloody nose on the floor. Elvis ran towards his powerless body on the floor. I liked both of them, but I didn't want to see any of them get hurt. I jumped in front of Mike's body. This was a bad decision. Elvis's fist landed on my face instead of Mike's. Elvis's eyes widened in shock. His face slowly turned into an angry expression.
"L-look what ya made me do!" He yelled as he quickly walked out of the door. Me and Mike were both on the floor, injured and hurt. I knew once Mike recovered, he would walk out of the door that Elvis had just walked out of. It was just a matter of time
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cixl-writes · 1 year
to the one i loved most
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SYPNOSIS — `` | minji has done everything in her power to pursue her greatest story but all of it seems to backfire at her. was love always this cruel? it wasn't like anything kim minji had envisioned before.
PAIRING — `` | kim minji x pham hanni
GENRE — `` | fluff start. heavy angst.
NOTE — `` | enjoy ^•^
CONTINUATION — `` | haerin ver // hanni ver
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kim minji has always thought of her life like it was a story.
a story so well-written that whoever reads it falls in love with it the moment they've seen the first sentence. minji likes to think that she was the main heroine of a romance novel that potrays the perfect life of hers.
however, she had never gotten a romantic partner in her entire life.
sure, many had confessed to her about their feelings— but she knew that what they felt towards her was only temporary attraction that would disappear after losing interest in her. minji has read far too many books where those kind of confessions were written.
“the moment my eyes caught sight of you, it was like love at first sight.”
that was the most familiar sentence she had seen from all those letters she'd received. minji thinks that 'love at first sight' is simply stupid. what stupid person would fall in love just by seeing someone for the first time?
and then, pham hanni— oh-so-gorgeous and talented foreign exchange from australia pham hanni came and ruined her vision of love at first sight.
kim minji swears that the first time she had laid her eyes at hanni, there was that butterfly feeling she had heard of in her stomach. it was surreal, really.
the foreign student looked so ethereal with their school's uniform, it fits her albeit a bit too perfectly.
oh wow, look who was experiencing that 'stupid' love at first sight. how truly ironic.
"hi, uhm, do you mind if i sit here...?"
minji loved hanni's honey-like voice— perhaps the angels had rang the bell from heaven because she was hooked from the first time she had heard of it.
"oh, not at all!" the kim recovered quickly and flashed a small smile at the shorter girl, looking at her friends who only gave their own thumbs-up.
she just noticed it now, but hanni was speaking in slight broken korean— well, what could minji say? she was a foreign exchange student! duh, minji. "my name is minji kim, by the way. you can call me just minji!"
it was a relief that she had her fair share of english-speaking experience. the exchange student seemed stunned for a second before that smile took over her face, "hanni pham. i'm pleased to meet you, minji."
ah, if minji could turn back time, she would have encourage her younger self to push hanni away.
what a big mistake she had done.
that was the first flaw in kim minji's greatest story.
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minji never knew why she agreed on the date that changed everything for both her and hanni.
she should have known better.
"minji, you look great! stop pacing around, you're making us all dizzy!"
her friends (who had helped her find the perfect outfit for this 'date') were fed up by her constant mutterings about how nervous she was and how she wanted to back down now.
"but guys–!"
"seriously, min. you're looking incredible! and don't back down now, it's finally your chance."
the girl huffed, trying to calm herself down. "she's almost here, you know." one spoke bluntly, making the now calm female panic again. "great job!" they smacked the former whilst minji looked at her mirror.
"you'll be fine... it's just pham hanni..."
it's just pham hanni.
it's just that damned pham hanni.
there was a knock on her door, making her snap out of her daze. "SHE'S HERE—!" the kim slapped her hand on one of her friend's mouth, glaring at them for being so loud. "shush!"
they began pushing minji down the stairs, practically forcing the girl to her date. "you got this, min! it's just that pham hanni!"
right, it's just that pham hanni.
she took a deep breath before opening the door, pushing her friends to hide. there she saw that pham hanni, grinning brightly as she stood in front of kim minji.
"hey, min! ready for our... date?"
there was a blush painting her cheeks for a second as she hesitated, smile growing shy.
minji, flustered and not trusting her voice at the moment, only nodded with a meek smile.
"uhm, let's go?"
if the present minji could turn back to that day, she would've convinced the minji back then to listen to her thoughts.
"it's not a date— you do not like hanni, kim minji."
ah, what a shame.
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"ma, did you regret anything in your past?"
to hear her daughter, out of all people, question her that, minji was thrown back to reminiscing her days back then and she thought back to those days where the flaws in her perfect story started to appear— all because of one person.
pham hanni.
"no, i had never done anything to regret my past."
minji could remember it quite vividly. how she fell in love so quickly with that idiot's antics, how her stupid smile seemed so infectious, how her eyes seemed to hold the stars that were supposed to be in the dark skies, how hypnotizing her voice sounded whenever she was talking or singing.
everything about pham hanni is so perfect— minji thought of her as another main heroine in her perfect little story. that was such a mistake in her part because hanni— her precious hanni pham turned out to be the main antagonist in her story.
quite the unexpected kind of antagonist, if i must say so myself.
their separation was inevitable. kim minji, herself, had known this ever since the day they first got into a heated argument. hanni would always walk away as to not continue their argument and goes straight to y/n's room, eyes losing the anger that consumed it at the sight of her daughter.
how does minji know this? of course, she had seen it.
pham hanni loved her daughter more than anything. she was the one who thought of the name 'y/n' back when they were still in high school, it was oh-so-sweet at first. she loves the name, really she does!
but now, all kim minji could taste was the bitterness of that pham's broken promises whenever she was talking with her beloved daughter whom she had taken custody over of.
minji does not blame y/n for their separation throughout all those years, she knew that it was for the better if her relationship with hanni ended before it could do some real damage on the child's life.
but y/n— oh-so-innocent and naive kim y/n is so much like that woman.
their personality, resemblance in many ways, and everything; it was completely the same. minji hated it but can she really say that out loud? she loves her daughter with her whole heart, after all.
but that aside, the kim knew that she had to end it all herself.
their relationship was very much toxic and highly mentally draining. arguments were like a daily routine for them, insults always thrown around in the air, tension is always thick and suffocating, shading each other, and things she could not bring herself to remember anymore.
and on that very day, kim minji snapped.
"wouldn't it be just better to end this now, pham hanni?"
pham hanni never looked so pitiful until that very moment. "but min—"
"it's over for us, and you know it."
her voice was as cold as ice, poker face placed on so perfectly. ah, even now, she is flawless. her marvellous love story is finally coming into an end, what a shame. "min..."
"...i'm tired, hanni. i'm so sick of this. let's end this already."
she felt that familiar hand desperately clinging into her own, as if stopping her from doing what she had feared the most. "minji, please." hanni sounded so desperate.
minji almost felt bad for doing such a thing, but it had to be done.
"get out, pham hanni!"
"let's not— minji, stop. don't you care about what y/n would feel?!
they were raising their voices again, not caring if their daughter would hear them arguing now. "of course i care! she's my child, too!"
"then, why are you doing this?!"
"because i'm so sick of arguing with you every fucking day!"
minji never had thought that her story would become so... miserable.
"it's normal, isn't it?!"
"no, it's not! fuck, hanni... stop gaslighting yourself into thinking that all you've been doing is right all along!" she took a deep breath, calming herself a little as she held the doorknob of the entrance of their once cozy and warm home. "i'm doing it for our family!"
"did you think that leaving me alone for the whole day waiting for you to arrive home on our anniversary and forgetting about y/n when you were supposed to take her home strengthening our bond as a fucking family? well surprise, surprise! it does not! you're leaving a gap between y/n and me, not closing it, you idiot!"
hanni silenced herself, clutching her head in frustration as she closed her eyes. minji took a breather before speaking once more, "i loved you, hanni. so much that i ignored all those things your family and my family said about us. i tolerated those because i knew that you were always there for me, so... what happened to us?"
what happened to us?
that was the million dollar question that minji persistently tried to answer.
"what happened to the pham hanni i fell in love with? what happened to those promises you made with me...?" minji gripped the knob, feeling tears streaming down on her cheeks. she never bothered to wipe it away, expecting hanni to wipe the tears for her—
oh, right.
it's never going to happen when hanni is in a worser state than her.
"i loved you so much, hanni. you don't know how much time i've spent waiting for you to come home, how much time i've spent staring at my phone to see if you replied, how much time i've spent overthinking about what i did wrong for us to become like this!"
the kim panted lightly before turning away from the sight of the pham clinging into the door frame, "that was how much i've loved you, hanni. so, please get out of this house."
minji never cried before, not in front of hanni nor y/n— not in front of anyone. so, seeing her parents fighting once again and seeing her mother crying so much, y/n didn't waste any time; rushing to the scene right away.
"mom..? ma..?"
hanni slowly turned to her dearest daughter, smiling sadly with tears running on her cheeks before patting her head softly. "sorry, y/n. i made your ma cry," minji turned away from the two, not liking the fact that both of her loved ones (one former) was seeing her in such a miserable state.
"i'm going now. take care, alright? have the sweetest dream, you two. and i'm sorry again, for ruining our family."
"mom? where are you—"
hanni smiled at the confused look y/n had. "i'll be back soon, champ. we'll play all day when the time comes, alright?" the young y/n brightened up. "you promise?!"
"promise! in the meanwhile i'm gone, take care of your ma, alright?"
"of course!!"
"great! i'm going now, goodbye."
minji never bothered bidding her farewell, simply walking back to their shared room.
what has happened to us? perhaps, we were too in love that god got sick of it. perhaps, we were too happy in the eyes of others. perhaps, we're never really meant to be. she don't know, but one thing was for sure;
kim minji regretted so many things.
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
As the floor fell form beneath him, Leo exchanged one last desperate look at the boy next to him before his feet fell beneath him and darkness consumed his vision. He felt someone grab at his shell, hear the disting sound of a zipping as Casey tried to stop their fall only for the hook not to find a grip and the two of them to collapse, rubble slamming in top of them. The past thing Leo saw before the rubble buries him was his own hand pushing the kid out of the way.
He drifted, lost in a swirling vortex of images as they flashed by his eyes too quickly to see and disembodied voices jumbled together, unclear in their context. It swirled and jumbled together. One image showed Mikey and Donnie being turned knto kraang, the sound of Leo telling Casey Jr to close the portal, the image of his brothers being blown from the top of the ship, the sound of him begging Raph to snap out of some sort of mind control. He saw Raph kill him... and then he saw the kraang beating him as they were both trapped, claiming he had ruined everything.
He isn't sure how long he'd slept, as he groaned. Coughing, he tried to stand, hissing at the aches and pain as he shoved a broken signpost off his shell.
"Casey!" He called out, worried as he fell over, hand going to his plastron. Leaning back, he tried again.
"Casey, you okay?"
Rubble moved as Casey shoved it off of him, groaning. Seeing the boy alive, Leo immediately activated his comm, trying to reach Donnie and Mikey. No answer. The sound of the dirt and rubble shifting told Leo the future kid was approaching as he took stock of his injuries.
"What the heck was that!?"
Judging by the tone, Leo doesn't thing itz the crazy kraang monster the kid his future self cared so much about was talking about.
"Some kind of freaky kraang monster..." he tried to divert the attention anyways, struggling to stand. It didn't work as Casey snapped back at him, asking just what he was trying to do and why he didn't listen.
"I... I was trying to get us into the building."
"Well that sure worked well, didn't it!" Casey grunted. It didn't work out well at all, Leo thought.
"How could it have gone so wrong..." he groaned out loud, flinching as Casey snapped back,
"I'm supposed to be the greatest ninja who ever lived... you said that-"
"I was wrong." Casey sighed, "You're arrogant! You're impulsive! And every decision you make could cost someone their life!!"
"That's not-" Leo gasped out before he could stop himself. He turned away, biting his thumb to keep himself from admitting the one thing he swore not to. He knew that it was risky, he knows his decisions will probably get everyone killed, he'll he knows this all too well. Things are just... they're going way too fast! Casey even said Raph hadn't been captured in the original timeline which means everyone is going so much worst, so much faster, and there's nothing Leo can do!! He turns away, not wanting Casey to see his face.
Casey follows, continuing his rant as he throws out the biggest bombshell,
"Do you want to know what REALLY happens to everyone int he future!?"
'They die, and it's all my fault!' Leo thought the same time Casey says the damning words,
"They die! Everyone DIES fighting the Kraang!"
Leo was staring, unsweing in front of him as the memories of countless dreams, countless visions washed over him. Thw horror that what he saw was true and real silencing him. Casey continued,
"The world needs Master Leonardo, and all we got is THIS guy!"
As if to prove his point, Casey tossed something down. A picture, the very same one that had started this whole mess. The one Leo had seen countless times in his dreams. If floated down, landing at his feet. He saw more than felt his hand reach down to pick it up, staring at the faces of his friends and family, back in a happier time. A time that likely won't even come to pass now because he screwed up so badly. He heard Casey stalk out, trying to dig himself out of the hole.
Leo didn't move, staring silently at tbe photo. He had failed, he knew from the very beginning he would. Time Travel his ass, he was a goddamn Doom Prophet who saw the Kraang destroying the world a hundred times in his dreams, why did he think that jsut because one kid had shown up that he'd be able to change things! That he could ever stop it! He should have just done what he'd been thinking of the moment he had the first dream and run off, Pops would have just put Raph back in charge and nobody would have to deal with hsi screw ups destroying the world!
It wouldn't have helped anyways.
Thinking back on it, he was out white awhile. He's surprised he didn't have a vision... or... did he...
OOh poor Leo! He is going through so much right then and it's so confusing! That poor kid needs a break!
Thank you! This was so cool! I loved it! : )
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
Last Hurrah
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Warnings: GUYS this is a heavy fic. I'm serious Minors DNI, 18+. Language, drinking. Mentions of head injury. Trigger Warning! Suicidal thoughts and actions
Pairing Rooster x Reader (Call Sign: Juliet)
Part 2: Do Not Tempt a Desperate Man
Rooster's POV:
For most people, when their life comes crashing down, they never saw it coming. They are the lucky ones. But for me, the whole thing played out infront of me in a series of scenes straight out a Shakespearean tragedy. How ironic really.
God must have a sick sense of humor.
I stood there in the control tower and watched the orange fire ball erupted from the mountain side, illuminating the area.
I can't remember if I screamed, or if I cried, or if I stood there silently as the world flashed in slow motion.
I do remember hitting my knees and throwing up in the trash can near me.
Memories of us flashed before my eyes. They way Juliet laughed, the way her hair would fall around her face from a messy bun, the way she felt pressed up against me as I sang at the Hard Deck. The way she smiled, how my name sounded when it left her lips. All the good things that I had forgotten six months ago.
God how did we end up here?
I came to my senses when Hangman helped me stand up. Everyone in the control room was frozen.
"Why is everyone sitting around? Send out search and rescue!" I yelled into the room.
"Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw. I don't mean any disrespect sir, but there's no way—" I cut the corporal off before he could finish.
"I didn't ask for your opinion corporal, as commanding officer I gave an order." I sneered at him jerking him up by his collar.
"You heard him! Dispatch search and rescue NOW!" Hangman yelled to the room full of people. Suddenly everyone seemed to move. The Daggers and I ran down to our lockers to suit up and join the search party.
I opened the door to mine and saw it filled with photos of me and Juliet. "This isn't the end. I just got you back Jules. I'm not losing you again." I whispered to her photo.
I quickly grabbed my things and began running towards the helicopter. I jumped on board with everyone else as we devised a plane we would spilt up from the crash sight working in small groups in all directions.
We searched for over two hours before meeting back at the helicopter.
"Anyone find anything?" I asked. Everyone shook their heads. Long, sorrowful expressions filled their faces.
"Did anyone check the crash sight for—to see—you know..." Bob asked.
We hadn't. A fire team had to make sure it was safe. As if on cue the head of the fire team came over to us.
"Well, I have what might be considered good news. The pilot seat was missing from the wreckage, and there's evidence of an ejection." He told us.
I felt a glimmer of hope in my chest. She had punched out. She was out there somewhere.
"We also a signal from her ESAT. About a mile north from here." He finished.
"Well what are you all doing standing here let's move!" I shouted to the group but no one did.
"Rooster, you need to be prepared just in case, just because there is evidence of an ejection and an ESAT signal doesn't mean—" my fist cut off Hangman before he could finish.
"What the fuck?" Jake looked at me.
"Don't you dare finished that statement. I'm not going to stand here while you talk about Juliet and act like she's dead. She's alive she's out there and if you won't go with me I'll go get her myself!" I screamed.
Just then Phoenix's hang made contact with my face. Her slap sent me stumbling back.
"Rooster! You need to calm the FUCK down!" Hangman was just making a valid point. She scolded me.
"Calm down? Calm down? How can you tell me to Calm down when all of you know damn good and well that if it was someone you cared about, you're world was out there you'd be acting the same? Hmm? Don't tell me what to do!" I screamed back as the dam of tears I had been holding broke lose. I hit my knees and sobbed.
"I would give anything to have her back. I would do anything. I would give my life for hers. Now I know what Romeo meant when he said not to tempt a desperate man." I thought.
"Bradshaw, Rooster, Bradley... I'm sorry." Jake said placing a hand on my shoulder. You're right. I couldn't possibly imagine being in your shoes right now. Let's go get your girl."
I stood up and wiped my face. We loaded back into the helicopter and flew a few minutes north.
"There! I see a shute! Fanboy called out. We all looked in the direction he was pointing. Before the helicopter even landed fully I jumped off racing ahead over everyone. I followed the line of the shoot, and there, a few feet infront of me I saw her.
"JULIET!" I cried running towards her. She didn't respond. She was still attached to her her seat, lying on her side. Her eyes were closed.
"Oh no." I whispered and I knelt down beside her.
I carefully undid the buckles holding her in place, her body rolled onto the earth. I rolled her over to look at her face. It was covered in cuts, bruises, and ash. I gently lifted her into my arms.
She let out a groan of pain. "Thank God." I thought. I wasn't happy that she was in pain, but at least she was still alive.
"Over here!" I yelled as the team bounded towards us. "She's alive! She's alive!" I cried out.
Some medics came beside use with a backboard. I carefully placed her on it, and another sound of pain left her body. The medics began to access her injuries. From the looks of it, she didn't have a smooth ejection.
I cupped her face in my hands as they set her neck, arm, and a leg.
"Juliet baby, I'm here. I remember you. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." I cried.
Her eyes fluttered before opening a crack. They flicked over to me and then to her surroundings. Her mouth opened and she choked out a small sob. She looked like she was trying to say something.
I moved closer to hear hear her, but my heart dropped when she spoke. "Oh no, it didn't work." Before closing her eyes once more.
"Ju—Juliet... no... no please don't say that." I whispered trying to wake her again.
She didn't realize that I remembered her, that I knew who she was. She was still under the impression that I didn't know who she was, and instead of behind happy to see me, she was disappointed that her attempt to end her life had failed.
The medics were rolling her away towards the helicopter. I chased after her. "Juliet! Juliet! I know who you are! Please baby look at me! Please wake up!" I begged grabbing her hand.
"Lieutenant Commander, we need space to do our job, once she is stabilized back on base you can see her" the medics told me. They loaded her into the helicopter and took off towards the hospital on base.
The rest of us loaded into the other and followed it back. No one spoke on the ride. I was the one to break the silence.
"Thank you. Thank you for helping me find her everyone. And Jake, thank you for recognizing the signs that she was going to hurt herself." I told them.
"Rooster, we're family. We look out for each other." Jake replied. I'm just glad she was able to eject. I know she is going to be so happy to see you, to know that you know her again Rooster." He replied giving a half smile.
"I don't think so Hangman." I replied somberly, trying not to cry.
"What do you mean Rooster?" Bob asked looking at me with concern.
"As the medics were assessing her. She opened her eyes, she looked at me. She saw me." I explained.
"That's good isn't it? She knows you were there for her." Phoenix stated.
"You would think. But instead of being happy... she looked at me and said 'Oh no. It didn't work.'"
Everyone's face dropped. Even with the sound of the whirling helicopter blades, it was too quiet. No one knew how to respond.
We landed on base a few moments later.
It was after midnight before I was allowed to see Juliet. Somehow, she managed to escape with minimal injuries. A fractured radius, a broken tibia, they had to put her shoulder back into it's socket, a concussion and some scrapes, bruises and minor burns. Miraculously she didn't have any internal injuries, but she would have a long road to recovery, probably a year or more before she could get back in a plane, if she would ever get back in one.
The doctors were keeping her sedated for now. I stood outside of her ICU room. The nurses told me I could go in, I had probably been standing there for an hour.
I desperately wanted to go in, but after hearing what she said, I couldn't help but wonder... did she even want me there?
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme
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allmoshnobrain · 11 months
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:��゚✧
part 14 of ? | masterpost
word count: 2226 | ao3 link | fic's playlist
“I didn't want to hold them back, you know?” I said softly. “I thought I could be more helpful staying here. But now I feel like crap.” “Yeah, you’re probably right about the ‘being helpful’ thing. But you also gotta think about your own happiness, girl. I'm sure they would've been thrilled if you went with them too.”  
✦ summary: Nore struggles when the boys leave for New York; despite believing this was the right choice, she has to deal with how much she misses all of them.
✦ on this chapter: dave mustaine x female!oc,oc is cliff's cousin, +18, language, slice of life, angst (mild), fluff, recreational drug use, drinking
✦ a/n: This part was a bit more melancholic, but I'm glad I could develop Nore's friendship with Leanne because I really like both of them! From now on, the plot will get a little more complicated... Especially starting from next chapter hahahaha I hope you enjoyed it, see you next chapter! ❤
We woke up suddenly with the sound of angry knocks on the door.
"What time is it... Oh, shit." Dave grumbled, getting up.
I looked at the clock, confused. It was nine in the morning. I cursed under my breath; Dave was supposed to take me home at eight, so he and the guys would leave at eight-thirty. That means the ones knocking on the door were...
"You better get dressed, Nore," Dave said, hurriedly throwing his clothes into our bag, a towel wrapped around his waist. I nodded, picking up my clothes from the floor of the room and rushing to the bathroom. I hopped into the shower for a quick rinse while Dave answered the door.
"Hey, guys. Sorry we’re late. Come in," I heard his voice, muffled by the running water.
"What the hell, Dave!" James complained.
"You were supposed to take Nore home an hour ago," Cliff added.
"Yeah, my bad. We overslept. Listen, I can't go like this, I need to take a shower first."
"Okay, but hurry up!" Lars replied.
I chuckled softly as Dave rushed into the bathroom, joining me under the shower. He flashed a smile when he saw me, pulling me close and planting a kiss on my lips.
"Dave..." I chuckled against his lips as he pressed me against the chilly shower wall, one hand in my hair and the other firmly gripping my waist. "We don't have time for this right now. If we're any later, Lars might have a fucking heart attack."
"Yeah, you're right," he grumbled, reluctantly letting go. I rinsed off and hopped out of the shower, quickly putting on my clothes before heading out to the living room.
"Hey, Nore," Cliff greeted me, then raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Damn, what happened to your neck?"
"Looks like it was a wild night," Lars teased, making me blush.
James didn't say anything, but I felt my face heat up even more when I saw the way he was staring at me, suddenly aware of all the marks that Dave had left on my neck and shoulders, and the fact that I forgot to put on a bra.
"Hey," I said, plopping down next to Cliff on the couch as I slipped on my shoes.
James didn't answer, quickly glancing away when Dave strolled into the room, still finishing getting dressed. Dave chucked our towels into the bag and hurried to close the cottage windows.
"Alright, that's a wrap," he said. 
"Okay," Cliff got up, "I'll give Nore a ride in my car, and you guys can hop in the van. We'll meet up back home." 
We all agreed and left the cottage. I hopped into the car with Cliff, stealing one last glance at the beach before we drove off, leaving behind the memories of my last moments with Dave.
I sighed, bored, watching the city streets roll by the window of Cliff's car as we followed the van through the morning traffic. He casually draped his arm around my shoulders while driving, gently playing with my hair, and I couldn't help but smile. 
"So...," he started, glancing at me. 
"So what?" I fiddled with the radio buttons, but nothing good was on, so I just popped Cliff's old Misfits tape into the player. The music filled the car, and I looked at him, curious. 
"Um... doesn't it hurt?" he asked, and I raised an eyebrow, surprised. 
"What? What do you mean, 'doesn't it hurt'?" 
"Well... Nore, look at your neck. Even I don't leave Leanne like that," he seemed genuinely concerned, but I couldn't help but chuckle. 
"Don't worry. It's not like it's a bad thing." 
He let out a low whistle, looking stunned. 
"Alright... I just never thought my cousin would turn into a nymphomaniac," he mumbled. 
"Cliff!" I burst into laughter, feeling my cheeks flush. He laughed too.
"But you’re, uh... you know, at least using protection, right?" 
I blushed as I thought about the times when we kinda forgot about that part. 
"Sometimes," I confessed. 
"Sometimes," he echoed, shooting me a reproaching glance. 
"I mean, it's just that..." 
"No need to explain," he grumbled. "I get it. But seriously, take care of yourself. I don't want you catching some nasty disease or, God forbid, ending up with a surprise baby. You're too young for that stuff. Promise?" 
I grinned. 
"Promise, Cliff," I said, resting my head on his shoulder. "You're the best cousin ever, you know that?" 
He let out a grunt but gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. 
"I'll miss you," I admitted. "You and... everyone else too." 
"Same here. But we'll be back before you know it." 
"Yeah, I know." 
"I love you, Nore," he said, casually running his fingers through my hair. I smiled, knowing that he meant that special bond we've always had. We were as close as siblings, and that was never gonna change. 
"Love you too, Cliff," I whispered. And it was true; no one else in the world had the connection we shared. 
That, more than anything, was truly special to me.
We got back home shortly after. I hopped out of the car and grabbed the bag with last night's clothes, while Cliff parked his car in the garage. Dave headed inside to get his stuff. James and Lars were waiting, leaning against the van; they had already loaded their bags before picking us up. Cliff finished parking and closed the garage, then handed me the house key. 
"Do you need a ride to Leanne's place?" he asked. 
"No need, I'll go later. Still need to change and pack my stuff." 
"Alright," he gave me a hug, and I chuckled softly, hiding my face in his chest. "Take care, okay?" 
"You too, Cliff," I said, and he lightly kissed my forehead. 
"I will. See you later, Nore." 
"See you. Keep me updated, okay?" I asked, and he smiled, ruffling my hair. I laughed. "Hey!" 
"I will, I will. Don't worry."
"Hey, Nore," Lars greeted with a smile. I looked over his shoulder and saw that everyone was already all set to leave. He gave me a quick hug. "See you in a while, alright?" 
"Bye, Lars," I smiled. 
I chuckled in surprise as James hugged me too. 
"We'll get you a copy of the album when it's ready," he said, stepping back with a grin. I smiled back at him. 
"Can I say goodbye to my girlfriend now?" Dave quipped, a bit annoyed. James playfully rolled his eyes at me and stepped aside. "Get over here," Dave whispered, pulling me close and holding me tight around the waist before giving me a kiss. "I'll miss you, Nore." 
"I'll miss you too." 
"You'll call me, right?" 
"Of course, I will," I reassured him, then teased, "Just don't go kissing other girls while I'm not around, alright?" 
"I'll try my best," he playfully replied, planting another kiss on my lips. "But you know I only want to kiss you." He whispered, and I couldn't help but chuckle softly. 
A honk interrupted us. We stepped back and saw that everyone had already piled into the van, just waiting for Dave. He let out a sigh, gently caressing my cheek with his fingertips. 
"I love you," he said softly. I smiled, placing my hand over his. 
"I love you too, Dave." 
He gave me one last kiss before reluctantly joining the others in the van. I watched as they drove away, feeling a tightness in my chest and wondering how long it would be until I saw them again.
"Okay, I think this is the last one," I said, plopping my bag on the bed that Leanne had prepared for me in her house. She had set up the spare room for me to crash until the guys came back from New York.
"You brought so little stuff," she noted, looking at my bags. I shrugged.
"Yeah, I didn't pack much when I left my parents' place. And I haven't bothered going back there." 
"Do you plan on going back anytime soon?" she asked, sitting on the bed and lighting a cigarette. I took the pack she offered and lit one too. 
"Not in the near future. I’d rather do things on my own. It's... more free. But I'm not sure how it'll be without the guys around here," I admitted.
"Hey," she smiled at me. "Don't worry about that. We’re in this together, alright? No need to go back to your parents' house. This place is your home for now."
I smiled back. Over the months, Leanne and I had grown quite close. While not as tight as I was with James, Cliff, and Dave, we had a comfortable and easy-going friendship, partly because we were the only two girls always hanging out with the rest of our little friend group. That made it easier for me to share why I had to leave my parents' place. I trusted her a lot, and it felt good to know she trusted me too.
"Besides, you better get pumped up," she stood up from the bed, grinning. "Joe and Dan are coming over later, and we're hitting up a college party. And you're coming with us, no ifs or buts." 
"Me?" I laughed, surprised. 
"Hell yeah! I ain't leaving you here sulking 'cause your boyfriend's away. I bet they're having a blast without us right now. So we'll have a blast too." 
"Alright, alright," I agreed, chuckling softly. I knew she was trying to lift my spirits, and I appreciated it. 
The truth was, even if I tried to hide it, I was pretty bummed about the guys being away—especially Dave. We'd never been apart for this long since we started dating. But no use crying over spilled milk. My decision was made, and if it helped them focus on their album, their music, their success, then that was it.
Leanne and I spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready together for the party later in the evening. We had a lot of fun doing each other's makeup, painting our nails, and fixing each other's hair; living with four guys was cool and all, but I realized I missed having “girly” moments like these with a friend.
Later, Joe and Daniel showed up to join us for the party. As soon as I saw Daniel, I remembered him as the "Alkoholizer" who aced the beer game at Cliff's birthday. He was tall, with brown hair flowing down in wild curls to his shoulders. When he wasn't wasted, he was actually quite friendly, and we hit it off right away.
We headed to a party at some acquaintance of Joe's; the place was huge, and the party was buzzing with excitement. I didn't know anyone there besides Leanne, Joe, and Dan, but after a few rounds of beer and some party favors, I started to loosen up. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd rather be hitting the road with the guys than stuck there. Eventually, I found myself sitting by the edge of the pool, puffing on a cigarette, gazing at the starry sky, trying to convince myself that staying behind was the right decision.
“Hey, you alright?” I glanced up and saw Leanne standing beside me. She flashed a smile, plopping down next to me and offering me a beer, which I gladly took. 
“Not really,” I replied. She chuckled softly. 
“Figured. You wanted to go with them, huh?” she asked, and I sighed. 
“Is it that obvious?”
“Just a little.” 
I smiled, hugging my knees and taking a drag from my cigarette. She rested her head on my shoulder, lighting a cigarette of her own. 
“I didn't want to hold them back, you know?” I said softly. “I thought I could be more helpful staying here. But now I feel like crap.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right about the ‘being helpful’ thing. But you also gotta think about your own happiness, girl. I'm sure they would've been thrilled if you went with them too.” 
“Yeah, I think so,” I smiled weakly. 
“Well, what's done is done. But they'll call us once they get there. And they'll be back soon. In the meantime, I promise we'll have a blast together. While they're busy recording their music, we'll be partying and having fun. Way better, right?” she asked, with a grin that I couldn't help but return. 
“Thanks, Lea,” I said, grateful to have at least her company in that lonely moment. She gave me a hug. “Really.” 
“Hm, no worries. Just make sure to buy me a beer later as a thank you gift,” she teased, and I laughed. “Now let's get back to that party, huh?”
I agreed, and we got up; I followed Leanne back inside the house, trying to push myself to have at least a bit of fun. Moping around wouldn't do any good, after all. Luckily, with her around, it was easy; I felt happy to realize that, in addition to Cliff, Lars, Dave, and James, I could count on one more person, one more friend. More and more, I saw how the friendships I made after leaving my parents' place genuinely cared for me. I was happy. I felt safe.
Even though I missed the guys, right then, I felt like a very, very lucky girl.
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Playing The Game Part 3 (Steve X Plus Size Reader)
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Warnings: Dom/Daddy Steve ( And all that that implies; I regret nothing) Cameos from slightly jealous AND protective Steve. Reader mentions her ex and her getting into a fight. This one is rough y'all. In almost every form of the word but it ends happily I swear!
Word Count: 4161
After you and Steve had your moment in the comic book storeroom, Steve did take you dinner. You told him you wanted Chinese food so he took you to this tiny place downtown. He was a complete gentleman. He pulled out your chair, opened the door for you, and as promised paid for your meal. He seemed very curious about you and your life up until that moment, asking you question after question. His eyes would light up watching you get animated about things you enjoyed. You inquired about his own life and he mentioned his most recent break up. He told you about his family and how they were basically the same as they were when he was in school. 
You noticed how his tone and body changed talking about things like that. Every time you saw his eyes shift away, you would place your hand in his and flash him a comforting smile. You two went on a few more dates after that. 
Dates? Could you call them that? The truth is you still weren’t sure what you and Steve were doing or how to identify your relationship. When people asked, you BOTH said you were friends except when you said it Steve would quickly glance in your direction with some slight hurt in his eyes. Ironically, given the nature of what you did with your private time, Steve didn’t want to push you or make you feel uncomfortable and with everything he told you that night at dinner you felt the same with him. The rules when it came to this part of the game seemed ill defined and you both were too nervous to really look for clarification. 
“Ok, one day you guys are going to have to explain why you insist on drawing on my jeans.” You smile down at Robin from your place on the countertop as you watch her draw a little Marvin the Martian along your thigh. You had the day off so you were visiting Steve at the video store. Currently, he was leaning against the wall near the tv displays, smiling as he watched you interact with his best friend. He enjoyed watching you talk to people. You always seemed to genuinely care about whoever was in front of you and the smile you displayed radiated through entire room. 
“Well first off, your thighs are a big, beautiful canvas. Second, you are an extremely comfortable pillow to lean against whilst we draw.” 
“So I’ve heard.” You glance over at Steve who responds with a charming wink.
“AND,” Robin caps the marker, looking over her work. “Who isn’t looking at these gorgeous legs 24/7? People will already be looking like ‘Damn, look at those luscious stems. Wait a minute! Who’s Corroded Coffin?’”
“Soooo I’m a billboard?”
“Yes, but a sexy billboard.” Robin pokes your nose with her index finger making you both laugh. 
The bell chimes over the door indicating a customer walking in. “Welcome to Family Video. Let us know if you need anything. I’m Steve and Robin is at the counter.” The sound VHS’s crashing on to the floor echoes through the store. Steve quickly moves around the shelf to see you and Robin staring at the man who just came in. 
“I’m gonna just…look over here.” Says the guy as his eyes scan over you. Steve thought he saw a flint of recognition. He watched as you slowly slid off the counter and mumble something to Robin before disappearing. She bends down to pick up the videos and Steve quickly came around to help.
“No, you idiot. Go! Go find her.” Robin whispers at Steve as she shoves at his arm. With a now determined stride he searches for you through the tiny building. He finds you in a corner near the back office talking to the man. Your arms are folded and your body language is extremely stiff. The man is whispering something to you but Steve can’t make it out. 
“Hey there.” Steve’s voice startles you but not the man you’re speaking to. He looks almost annoyed Steve interrupted the conversation.
“Hi, um, Steve.” He squints at the name tag. 
“Can I help you find anything or recommend a good movie for you?”
“No, I think we have it under control here. Thank you.” Steve doesn’t move. “Ok, look, Steven--” Your eyes immediately look at Steve and watch as the dominant version of him slowly oozes forward. 
“My name is Steve.”
“Ok Steve, if you don’t mind, I’d just like to finish my conversation with Y/N.”
“See, the thing is, I do mind. She doesn’t seem to want to talk to you.”
The man turned to fully face him. “That’s funny because she came over to talk to me.”
You place your arm between them. “Ok, Benjamin. That’s enough. You can go now.” Both men stare at each other, neither wanting to back down. Robin’s small but firm voice came around the corner. 
“Hey! You heard the lady. Ben leave. Steve, calm down, buddy.” She rubs her hand on his back. 
Ben finally yields and turns to look at you. “Remember what I said.” He tosses one more glare in Steve’s direction before turning to leave.
“Prick.” Robin lets out a relieved sigh and looks between the two of you. “Everyone ok?” Without saying a word, you walk past her and head out the front door with Steve close behind. “I’ll take that as a no. Okay then.”
If Steve’s shoes weren’t crunching the gravel underneath them you would still feel him behind you. The irritability was radiating off of him in waves. As you opened your car door, his hand cut you off slamming it shut. He leaned his back against it, blocking you from trying again. Steve adjusted himself, folding his arms as he looked off into the distance. You kept your own eyes facing down to the ground.
“So,” his voice came out light but you didn’t miss the sarcasm behind it. “Who was that charming guy?” When you didn’t answer he leaned over to his side, craning his neck to get his face in your line of sight. “I’m asking you something.”
You turn your head in the opposite direction. “Someone… I thought was out of my life.”
“An important someone?” Steve exhales as his jaw tightens. “An ex?” You don’t respond but he gets his answer when your eyes finally meet his. “What did he want?”
“He’s having a party at his house and he invited me to come by.”
“You know why.” You snap at him.
“Are you going?” When you don’t answer again his eyes and tone turn dark. “Well then let’s go.” Your head jerks in his direction. “Yeah, come on. It will be fun. As your friend I can be supportive!” 
Watching him like this makes your heart break slightly but you feel the brat start to pull forward and he sees it. What he doesn’t see is why. This wasn’t for fun. This was for protection. Steve was the first person in a long while that you even considered having feelings for after your breakup with Benjamin. He tore out our heart but, unbeknownst to Steve, he still had a couple of the pieces. 
“Please. Please don’t do this.” You whisper but it was too late. Steve was angry and he felt he had a point to prove. To whom, he wasn’t sure. 
“Oh, come on, Y/N. It will be fun.”
With that the brat fully came forward as you felt your body stand up tall and fully face Steve. “Fine. We’ll do it your way.”
“Of course, he lives on the rich preppy side of town.” Steve says with malice as he parks on the curb outside of Ben’s house.
“Don’t your parents live around here somewhere?” You reply from the passenger seat with your arms crossed. You hadn’t said a word since he picked you up from your apartment. 
He shot you glare as you flashed him a fake smile and exited his car. Steve wasn’t sure what kind of party this was going to be so he just wore his normal jeans and a button up shirt. When you saw him, your heart skipped a beat but you couldn’t let him know. You on the other hand knew what you were getting into. You were wearing a long purple sleeveless dress with your hair down around your shoulders. Steve’s jaw practically dropped when you walked to his car but he pushed down the urge to tell you how beautiful you looked. Tonight, he had to pretend like he didn’t care. 
You knock on the door and it flies open with an excited screech. 
“Fuck…” you catch Steve whisper under his breath. 
“Y/N! Sweetheart! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you! Oh my god! Is that Steven Harrington I see in front of me?!” She leans forward wrapping him up in a big hug. 
“Hello Rachel.” He awkwardly pats her back. From the side he can hear you trying to stifle a laugh. 
“Well come in! Come in!”
“I had no idea you knew my friend Steve here.” You said as she shut the door behind her. 
“Oh honey, I’ve known Steven since he was a baby. It’s been a while though. The events that his parents and I go to aren’t exactly ‘Kid friendly’.” She cackles as she takes a sip of her drink. “Well please. Make yourself at home. Ben is around here somewhere.”
You turn to look at Steve to find he’s already staring at you. His shoulders have completely deflated. “Ok, seriously, I had no idea you knew his family. I would have warned you if I did.”
His lips press together as he nods to himself. “Let’s not forget, you insisted on coming here.”
“Y/N.” Ben rounded the corner with 2 drinks in his hand. “My mom said you were here.” He glanced at Steve. “She said you were here to.” He hands you a glass of wine. “I brought this for you. I know it’s your favorite.” Both men watch with wide eyes as you empty the glass down your throat. 
“I’m going to need more of that.” 
“It’s over here in the—”
“I know where it is.” You cut him off as you make your way towards the kitchen. 
“Steven, everyone is in the living area.” He pointed in that direction and started following you. 
Steve wondered into a room and found a bottle of whiskey. He made himself at home on a couch where he could still see you in the kitchen talking with your ex. He watched him make you smile. He saw the way you looked at him when he spoke. When Ben touched your arm, you didn’t pull away. 
An hour and half of the bottle he was drinking went by pretty quickly. He looked over at you again only this time something was wrong. You had this panicked look on your face. Steve got up to head where you were but you were suddenly in front of him. 
“Steve, I think we need to leave. Now.”
“What’s going on? Are you ok?” He couldn’t act like he didn’t care when you looked so worried.
“Steven!” A firm voice came from behind him. “Rachel said you were here.”
Steve’s eyes squeezed shut as he exhaled through his nose. When he opened them again, he was met with your worried expression searching his face. There it was again. That fire in his eyes. He yanked his arms out of your reach and turned around. 
“Hey dad.”
“Hey. How are you doing?”’ Mr. Harrington leaned in for a hug that his son didn’t reciprocate. Steve kept his hands firmly planted at his sides. 
“I’m doing good, Dad. Thanks for asking. Haven’t seen you guys in a few months. How are things?”
“Excuse me, Mr. Harrington. I’m going to borrow your son.” You try to grab Steve’s arm but he pulls it away from you again. 
“Who is this?” Steve’s dad turns to you and gives you a once over. You know that look as well. You’ve seen it many times from these rich snobs. Disgust. 
“She’s no one.” Steve’s words cut through you like a knife. His dad grabs his sons shoulder turning to leave so they can talk somewhere else. You need to get his attention and there’s only one way you know how. 
“Ok, Steven. I guess we can talk later.”
He stops firm in tracks. “You know what. Let me just see what she wants. I’ll meet you in a bit.”
You head down a hall, into one of the bathrooms. He walks past you as you shut and lock the door. As soon as you turn around his hand is around your throat, pushing you up against it. 
“Steve, please.”
“I told you never to call me that.” He squeezes his hand a bit tighter. “I have to hear fucking everyone in this house including the guy you used to fuck and MY FUCKING FATHER call me that. I will not tolerate it from you. Do you understand me?”
You nod and he abruptly lets you go. You fall to knees trying to catch your breath. 
“I just—I needed to—”
He drops down on the heels of his feet, twisting his head as he watches you try and form words.
“Yeah? You just what?”
“I needed to get your attention. Please, believe me. I had no idea you knew Ben’s family or that your dad would be here.”
“You got my attention, babe. You know, I should have know better. No wonder you’re a brat. Probably spoiled by that prick your entire relationship. Well, you’re not going to get that with me, little girl.” 
The way you looked at him at that moment could make the devil himself turn and run in the opposite direction. You slowly rose to your feet, squaring your shoulders in his direction. 
“Don’t. Call. Me. Little. Girl.”
“Oh?” Steve couldn’t contain his amusement. He had never seen you like this. He stood back up to his full height and waited, wanting to see what happens next. 
“All you preppy assholes are exactly the same. Scared little boys always trying to impress daddy. Do you know what the difference between Ben and you are? He actually knows what he wants out of life. What do you want, Steve? Huh? Because I imagine it wasn’t being a single twenty something burn out who’s biggest accomplishments are being employee of the month at Scoops Ahoy and Family Video.”
He had been leaning against the counter listening to you speak. Occasionally he would nod his head at what you were saying but that last sentence made him let out a controlled tiny laugh. Steve looked at you then with a slanted grin. “Come here.”
“Fuck you.”, you spat at him. 
The smile on his face slowly disappeared as his eyes bore into you. “I said come here.” 
You knew the consequences and were prepared for them as you said your next words. He may be angry but you were angry to. You hadn’t done anything wrong. He insisted on coming here. You didn’t know he knew these people or that his dad would be here. He had no right to be mad. 
“And I said fuck you.”
Steve stood up and practically flew in your direction. He grabbed your arm and flung you towards the counter facing the mirror. He was on you then, his body sandwiching you between himself and the sink. He gripped your hair, roughly pulling it back. 
“I can handle the brat. What I cannot tolerate is the disrespect.” Behind you, you could feel him grinding his groin against your ass. His arm came to wrap around stomach. His eyes watch your face in the mirror as he whispers in your ear. “Tell Daddy if you’re ok.” As you nod your head, he pulls your hair harder making you cry out. “I said tell.”
“I’m ok, Daddy.”
Steve aggressively pushes up the lower half of your dress and kicks your legs apart with his shoe. You listen as he unbuckles his belt and his pants fall to the floor. He releases your hair, moving your underwear to the side, and places both hands on your hips as he slides himself into your entrance. Steve is anything but gentle. He thrusts into you roughly, biting into your shoulder to silence the moans. He places his huge palm over your mouth as your whimpers become a little too loud. You lean your head back against his shoulder as his hand drifts down to your neck holding you in place. When he glances in the mirror, he sees that look in your eyes. 
“Don’t you dare cum without asking me first.” His other hand moves down to your clit quickly making circle motions with his fingers. 
“Oh my god, sir, please. Please Daddy.”
“Go ahead, baby.” With his permission, you cum hard against his cock clenching tightly around him. He roughly pushes your upper half down on the counter holding you down as he pounds his hips harder into you chasing his own high. You feel him fall against your back, moaning into your flesh as he cums inside of you. 
You don’t move after you feel him pull out of you. Steve grabs a washcloth, wetting it in the sink, before reaching between your legs to clean you. You hiss at the contact but Steve doesn’t say a word. He throws the rag in a nearby hamper and delicately lifts you up, turning you around to face him. He reaches to adjust your dress and then pulls up his pants buckling them in place. 
“I’m not no one.” You whisper as you look up and meet his eyes. “I don’t want to be no one with you.” Steve doesn’t say anything as he leans down and wraps his arms around you, resting his head in the nook of your neck. He feels you run your tiny hand through his hair. 
“Steve, he cheated on me. I found out at a party just like this one. His mom had mentioned it which I thought was weird because Ben didn’t. When I showed up, he was kissing on another girl. When the people he was in a group with asked who I was he said he didn’t know.”
Steve pulled away from you and placed a kiss on your forehead. 
“When I left, he followed me trying to explain. I smacked him and told him to stay away from me. He, uh, smacked me back and told me it was my fault this happened. That I’d never measure up to her or some bullshit like that.” When your eyes met Steve’s, they were clouded over with outrage. 
“He hit you?”
“Steve, come on. Let’s just leave, ok?”
He nodded his head but his lips puffed out as he bit the inside of cheek. You watched him cautiously as he opened the bathroom door and was met face to face with Ben leaning against the opposite wall with his arms crossed.
“Well shit, Steven. I have to give you some props because she never made sounds like that with me.” Steve pushes him in the chest to move him out of the way so you could both pass. “So, I guess that’s no on the taking me back, huh Y/N?” Ben continues to follow you two as you head for the front door.
“It’s probably just as well. I could always do better than her but I thought ‘hey why not charity is charity, right?’ Thankfully the trash let it’s self out, huh, baby?”
It happened almost in the blink of an eye. Steve dropped your hand, turning around suddenly, and punched Ben directly in the face. He got back up on his feet quickly tackling him around the waist, pushing Steve into the living room where the guest gasped. You watched as both got in good hits but it wasn’t long before Steve was holding Ben by the collar punching him repeatedly in the mouth. 
“Steven!” Mr. Harrington pulled his son off the boy with one arm and you quickly come beside him making sure he’s ok. He had a bloody nose and cut near his eye but other than that no major damage. Steve spits blood in Ben’s direction on the floor. Rachel flies around the corner, getting on the floor with her son. 
“Oh my god! Steven, what the fuck is wrong with you!?”
He raises his index finger and points directly into the boy’s face. “If you ever come near Y/N again, you’ll regret it. After putting your hands on her you’re lucky I don’t fucking kill you.”
Steve grabs your hand and pulls you as you exit out the front door heading for his car. 
“Steven Harrington! You stop right there!” His dad’s voice bellowed from behind us. Steve didn’t stop till we reached his car. His dad grabbed his shoulder roughly and turned him around. 
“Steven, what has gotten into you!?”
“IT’S STEVE, DAD! Not Steven or Stevie. Only my closest friends call me that. It’s Steve.”
“Fine.”, his dad huffs. “Steve. I didn’t raise you to be disrespectful like that.” He gestures towards the house. 
“See, the thing is you didn’t raise me at all. You guys were barely home and when you were home, I was never good enough.” 
As you listened to him speak, your heart broke for him. “Come on, Steve. Let’s go home.” You murmur from behind him as you take your hand in his. 
“Young lady, if you don’t mind, I’d like to have a private conversation with my son.”
“Even if she doesn’t mind, I do.” Steve glared at his dad as gently pulled you forward, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. 
Mr. Harrington’s eyes become dark with revelation. “Was all that for her? Jesus Christ, Steven.”
“He deserved what he got—”
“It doesn’t matter! And even if it did, we both know you. You’ll be on to a new girl by the end of the week.”
Steve turn to look at you as he felt you pull your hand from his grasp. You knew his dad was being a jerk but you couldn’t help but know that that part of Steve’s life had been true at least at one point. The longest relationship you had ever heard of him having was with Nancy Wheeler. At some point, maybe your relationship was nothing more than a fling. Maybe—
“You’re wrong. I care about her.” He reaches up and gently caresses your cheek. “A lot.” He turns back to face his father, pointing back towards the house. “And I am not going to let some asshole mama’s boy talk to my girlfriend like she’s garbage.” He opens the passenger side door and you slide in. Steve’s dad keeps trying to talk to him but Steve has had enough for one night. He gets in the car and speeds off down the driveway. 
“Ow, woman!” Steve flinches as you place the frozen bag of peas against his head. 
“Oh, calm down. You’re fine.” You giggle at him as you place some tissues in his hands that he immediately shoves up his noise. You had changed out of your dress and were now wearing flannel pajama pants and a black tank top. Your hair was pulled up in a loose ponytail that swayed from side to side when you walked. 
“So, girlfriend huh?” 
Steve winces as he takes the bag off of his face and throws it on your coffee table. “Yeah. I mean, if that’s what you want. We haven’t talked about it but—”
You interrupt him, curling your finger under his chin, pulling his lips to yours. “I want that.” He pulls you down for another kiss as you slide into his arms on to his lap. As he pulls away, you gently trace the marks on his face with your fingers. “I’m sorry about tonight. I had no idea—”
“I know.”, Steve cuts you off, his tone soft but confident as he continues. “I want you to know something, ok? I know we have this thing but if you ever asked me to stop or something I would. I would never hurt you like that.”
You resituate yourself on his lap and place your head on his shoulder. “I know, Daddy.” 
He grins and lets out a breathy laugh. “I like you just the way you are by the way. I don’t care where you work or whatever. Now I am upset I never got to see you in those sexy blue little shorts with that cute sailor hat on.”
“Okay, okay.” Steve pokes your side, tickling you. “Now you’re just being mean.” 
“You’re right. Let me make it up to you, boyfriend, by ordering us some dinner.”
Tags: @eddiethesexy @sammy-is-not-smiley @spungen-tirxie
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sirtaehyunsalot · 11 months
What’s His Deal? (pt 2)
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pairing: Thomas Valles x fem!reader
angst, stalker tendencies, more crack
warnings: stalking, cursing, slight bullying from victor puentes
word count: 2.7k
Pt 1
AN: Again with my usual disclaimer for this series, if you aren't white, then you can pretend that you're adopted
For the past 2 weeks of school, you did everything you could to get closer to Thomas Valles (both physically and socially) but to no avail. He would either brush you off with one-liners or he was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he wouldn't even acknowledge his own friends, let alone you.
“Thomas!!” you called out to him as he was getting ready to run out of school as he always does.
“Yeah?” he stopped and looked over at you with a hint of anxiety written on his usually blank face.
“Do you wanna hang out tomorrow after school? My family’s gonna go to the beach and I was wondering if you wanted to come too”
He paused for a long beat. You obviously couldn’t tell what he was thinking about because you’re not a damn mind reader. You just hoped that it wasn’t anything along the lines of “Hell nah.”
“Sorry, I can’t.” he turned around and started running again.
You stood there for a split second longer, processing what just happened.
“DAMNN you just got rejected!!!” Victor Puentes obnoxiously shouted as he walked up behind you, purposely brushing your shoulder. “In front of half the school too!”
“What's your problem, Puentes? Why are you always on my case?”
“Look, we all know that the only reason you're tryna talk to Thomas and the rest of us is because your dad wants to start a cross-country team. Well news flash blancita, we ain’t interested!”
You were very offended by the fact that Victor had just assumed that you were only here to get recruits for your dad’s stupid cross-country team. It’s not like you were any more interested than they were so what was he bitching about?
“It’s the coach’s job to recruit people, not his daughter’s, you fucking idiot”
“Whatever, bitch,” he responded before jogging out the doors and taking off in the same direction as Thomas.
“That was weird, the fuck is his problem?” you thought to yourself as you waited for your dad to finish packing up in his classroom so that you could go home. You figured that you could try again tomorrow.
Tomorrow came and you showed up with a solid plan in one hand and crippling fear in the other. You really couldn’t believe what you were about to do, your stomach was turning so much that it felt like you were on an intense rollercoaster the entire first 4 periods of school.
Now it was lunchtime and you knew your dad was on lunch duty today so it was near high time that you put your plan into action since you chickened out during life science.
Just when you had mustered up enough courage to put your plan into action, you heard a very loud “I thought I told you to stay away from my sister!” followed by a large commotion coming from the table in front of yours. You snapped your head up quickly to see what was going on and you were highly taken aback by the scene playing out in front of you. It was Thomas Valles beating up some guy and pinning him down on the table. Immediately you jumped out of your seat to go watch the fight. Unfortunately for you however, about 30 seconds after you went to watch the fight, it was broken up by your dad and the football coach that he worked under and Thomas was sent to the principal's office. You were disappointed not only because the fight ended so quickly but also because you just missed your opportunity to start your plan again.
It’s now nearing the end of the school day and you don’t have much time left. You already knew that your dad had 8th period off every single day so you had to lie to your english teacher and say that you were going to the restroom so that you could see him. You walked into his classroom just in time for you to catch him before he left for the teacher's lounge.
“(Name)? You’re supposed to be in your english class, what are you doing here?” your dad asked, annoyed at you for skipping class.
“I know, but I realized that I forgot to tell you something”
“What was so important that you skipped english to come to me?”
“I’m going to the corner store with Thomas Valles and his sister after school”
Your dad deadpanned at you, completely and thoroughly disappointed in what just came out of your mouth. “You skipped class... To tell me that? That was what was so important that you left your class?!” he started to raise his voice, causing your stomach to drop all the way down to the center of the earth.
He grabbed you by your shirt collar. “You have exactly 2 minutes to get back to class. If I see you roaming the hallways again, I’ll tell Mrs. Marsol why you really weren’t in class. And if you pull anything like this again you’ll be grounded, understand?”
“Yes sir”
You sat behind a parked car, waiting for Thomas to come out of the school. Yes, you were really about to stalk your crush. Something you knew damn well not to do. But you were DYING to know why he and his friends always ran off immediately after school with little to no explanation, even though they didn’t really owe you one. Sure you could have just asked like a normal person but you thought that would be too intrusive, especially since you haven't even been here for a full month.
“But stalking is one thousand times more intrusive-” your voice of reason finally spoke up far too late.
You were already knees deep into this whole stalking plan so it’s way too late to back out now, you figured.
Then you finally saw him. Thomas and Johnny Samaniego, the only person in the school that was close enough to being a friend, running off into the distance together. You allowed them to get a 10-second headstart before you took off after them. They were insanely fast, so trying to keep up with them while also trying to maintain your distance so that you didn’t get caught was one hell of a task. You were so close to solving your self-made mystery.
After what seemed like a million and a half miles of running, you finally arrived at your destination. A field.
“A field? Really? This is what he’s been so secretive about?” you asked out loud to no one in particular.
You watched as Thomas and Johnny started to get to work in the field, cutting roots and picking cabbages one by one. You wanted to be 100% sure that this was all it was, if the whole time Thomas Valles’s “deal” was that he was a picker. So you pulled the hood of your sweatshirt over your head, put on some sunglasses, and headed toward the field.
“Hey, young man, stop!” one of the adults stepped in front of you. “Who are you?” the woman asked with a thick Mexican accent but perfectly fluent English.
“Oh uh- I’m a new picker,” you said trying to sound as manly as possible since this woman already thought you were a guy.
“Where is your knife?” she pressed. “First day on the job and you don't have a knife??”
“No, I don’t have one” you replied sheepishly
“Here, take this” -she grabbed a spare knife and put it into your hands- “And wear this!” -she grabbed a hat that one of the previous workers had left behind on accident and haphazardly dumped it on your head- “Don’t ever show up to work unprepared again or else I won't be so generous!”
“Yes ma’am”
You arranged the hat on your head and went over to where Johnny was.
“Hey man,” you said with your royally unconvincing man voice
He looked like he just saw a ghost when you spoke to him. “....Hi-? Sorry if this sounds rude but what’s wrong with your voice..?”
“I’ve always had a high-pitched voice, and it's okay man, I get that a lot.” If there was anything you were good at, it was lying straight outta your ass.
“Ohhhh I understand. My name is Johnny Samaniego, what's yours?”
You panicked. You didn’t think about coming up with a fake name because you weren’t expecting the mission to go this far. You remembered that your english teacher told your class that you were going to be reading Romeo and Juliet in junior year so you blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“Romeo Cortez”
“Romeo Cortez?”
“You don’t look very Hispanic to me, that caught me off guard lowkey”
“You don’t even know what I fully look like, Johnny”
“Damn, I guess you got me there”
“Hey! Juanito y Romito, you better stop talking and get back to work before they fire both of your asses,” Thomas yelled at you both from a couple of feet away.
“He’s right, we’ll talk after work is over, Romeo,” Johnny said as he started picking cabbages again
“When will that be?”
“In like 4 hours, ese”
“4 hours?!?!” You couldn’t be here for 4 hours! School already ended an hour ago so your dad would get suspicious if you were gone for even 2 hours, let alone four!
“Yeah, gotta get used to it man, sometimes you’ll end up being here until midnight”
So you sucked it up and started working, actively trying to come up with an excuse to tell your parents as to why you were gone for so long. You put your hand on a cabbage and started gingerly cutting at the root, trying to convince the other people (and yourself too) that you knew what you were doing. You looked up to see where Johnny had gone, only to see him picking up a box of cabbages and taking it back to where you presumed the “boss” was.
Suddenly you heard a loud laugh coming from behind you. “Damn Romeo, you must be new new huh?” It was Thomas.
“How’d you know”
“Because you’re cutting the roots like you feel sorry for them or something! Here lemme show you how to-” he stopped talking mid-sentence and started to squint at you slightly. You began to get nervous. Was your cover blown? Were you going to get found out now when you were already doing so well?
“You’re wearing the exact same clothes as somebody I know, Romeo. Take off your sunglasses for me.”
Oh no.
“I don’t wanna, I got sensitive eyes you know? Can’t stand the sun even for a second,” you rambled out, trying your absolute hardest to not let your voice crack under the pressure.
“Then take them off for half a second, Romeo. Are you hiding something?” Thomas pressed on. You already knew that your cover was blown so you swallowed your pride and slid off your sunglasses, confirming Thomas’s suspicions.
He scoffed at you. “Seriously? You really thought that I wasn’t gonna recognize you just because I couldn’t see your eyes?! You think I’m stupid or somethin’? Huh, White?! First we got your dad following me and now you too? Is your whole family just full of a buncha stalkers or some shit? Did you guys come to McFarland because your dad lost his job or is it really because everyone in your old town got restraining orders against y’all because they were so damn tired of you and your creepy ass family? If I catch you or anyone else in your family anywhere near me again, so help me god that I don’t end up losing my shit at you stay the fuck away from me!” He screamed at the top of his lungs, drawing the attention of some of the nearby workers.
His words cut into you like swords, and they cut deep. And you knew for a fact that you had absolutely no right to feel sorry for yourself because he was right. You were lucky that the only thing that happened was you getting yelled at in front of some people, considering the fact that what you did was literally a crime. You shoved your sunglasses back into the side pouch of your backpack, threw off the hat that you were wearing, and bolted in the opposite direction while trying not to have a panic attack with your dignity and most likely your reputation in pieces.
Johnny was coming back from his trip to the front of the field when he saw you running while covering your face. Now he was even more confused than when he first heard your voice when you were still pretending to be “Romeo”.
“Where’s Romeo going? We still have 3 and a half hours left! What happened?”
Thomas looked up to see you running back in the direction they came. “He went to go find Juliet.” he said flatly before going back to his work with a slightly angrier undertone in every move he made.
It took you about an hour to successfully retrace your path back to the school and now you were just starting to walk home since you already knew where to go from there. Thousands of thoughts were racing around in your brain.
“Why did I ever think that this was a good idea?”
“What if he decides to tell everybody about what happened?”
“How the hell did I even get to this point??”
“How do you even apologize to somebody for stalking them?”
“How do you even explain to somebody why you were stalking them?”
You were so preoccupied with your internal monologue that you completely forgot about your parents. And you forgot that you actually have to open the front door before you try to walk into it, so you faceplanted into the door and snapped out of your trance.
Your mother heard you walk into the door shortly before you opened it and went inside. “Sit down, (Name).” she said firmly.
Damn it. They already caught you. The second time today that you've been caught in a lie. You sat down across from your dad on the dining room table and your mom sat down next to your dad shortly after.
“Why did you lie to me (Name)?” your dad asked you.
“What do you mean?” you answered, still trying to save face and cover up your already exposed lie.
“Don’t play dumb with me young lady. Why did you lie about where you were going after school?”
“I di-”
“I saw Thomas’s sister walking down our street while I was gardening a couple hours ago and I asked her where you were because she was supposed to be with you. She had no idea who you were. So cut the crap and tell us what you were really doing and why you lied to me.”
What were you supposed to do now? You were so ashamed about what you've done that even you didn't want to know about it, let alone your mom and dad!
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” you said while clenching your jaw in an attempt to stop the tears that you’ve been holding back for an hour and a half from flowing down your face like a raging river.
“I didn't ask if you wanted to talk about it (Name) White, I told you to tell me, you don’t have a choice tell us right now or else you're going be grounded for a lot longer than 3 weeks!”
“And you won’t be allowed to go out without a parent for a very very long time,” your mom added.
The floodgates of hell were released at that dining table that evening. You broke down into tears and told them absolutely everything. Everything from the moment you asked Mrs. Marsol to go to the bathroom to the moment when Thomas put you in your place, often having to repeat things because you were crying so hard that you were slurring most of your words like a drunk person.
After your confession session was over, your parents looked nothing short of shell-shocked. I mean, how the hell are you supposed to react to your child tearfully confessing to you that they were stalking a fellow classmate? It’s definitely not something that happens every day.
Your mom placed her hand on yours, half sympathetic and half “I don’t know what the hell to do”.
“We were supposed to go to the beach today, but I think we need to have a long talk instead.”
Again, this was wild. Part one was all "girl crush!!!“ and "omg this boy is so cute!!! 😆" and then I was like "and now you're a stalker 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹" Shoot me an ask if you wanna be in the taglist 💀
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spnshortcake · 11 months
Sugar daddy
Pairing: cyclone and reader
Smut: minors DNI
Requests are still open!
>Masterlist you’ll find pinned or here!<
A/N: this is not been proofread so sorry for any mistakes!
After moving to California and starting college you and your girlfriends decided to go bar hop in Los Angeles. You have always loved the night life and party scene and never gonna say no to a good time. Y’all all start getting ready and you look at yourself in the mirror. You checked yourself out seeing your tight black skirt and top. Your friends wanted to pregame before getting the Uber to go to the bars so y’all all waited for your friend to pour everyone a shot. The first one always goes down the hardest to you try not to smell it as you lift it to your lips and pour all the liquid down your throat. You do a little dance shimming it down and clap your hands and you look at your girlfriends and everyone busts out laughing.
“Let’s get this party started we got 10 mins til Uber gets here!” Your tall friend Sam said.
“Man I can’t believe Shawn got us a table at the bar down town.” Brie your other girlfriend spoke out.
You may be wondering who Shawn is but that’s Sams sugar daddy. You have heard so much about him and how much he treats her so well and he is always trying to spoil everyone.
“Yeah he did so good he said him and his friends got the table in the back so they will watch us but they won’t get to close said we can get whatever we want.” Sam giggled putting on her lip gloss.
You never had a sugar daddy before but got you thinking. What if you had one? Maybe you needed an older man to hold you down?
“Maybe I need one” you finally speak up and everyone looks at you shocked
“What?” You questioned looking at your friends
“Y/N, I can get you one just gotta talk to him.” Sam finally said and everyone laughs.
“Uber is here let’s go!!” Sam looks at her phone and back at everyone. You all go get your bags and finish up getting ready and make y’all’s way to the Uber. It’s a big black SUV everyone can fit in it.
The Uber pulls up to the curb outside the bar and there is already a line and the music is bumping and lights flashing it’s the oldest bar in LA but it’s the best no wonder Sams sugar daddy brought us here. Y’all start standing in line til a group of tall men come up to where y’all was standing.
“Shawn!! Hi babe!” Sam comes up to the one in the middle and kisses him. You look at his other friends and notice a man in a silky button up black shirt with gold necklace on and rings he has jet black sunglasses on so you can’t see his eyes but you know they are looking at you.
“Y’all don’t need to wait baby come up with us the table is ready for y’all. He unclips the red rope and y’all all make your way to the table and you over hear the man talking to Shawn you thought maybe you was hearing something else since the music was so loud but you swear you heard him say “that one will be mine at the end of the night” you immediately start blushing and trying to look like you didn’t just hear him say that so you went to the table and the men just circle yall.
“Well we will get out of y’all’s ladies hair so y’all just enjoy and whatever y’all need and want it’s on my tab so don’t worry.” Shawn kisses Sam and waves bye as he is walking away with his friends you watch as that older guy walk away and you can’t tell what you like better his front or back more.
“Who was that with him?” You whisper to Sam as she is handing you a shot glass fillled with tequila.
“Which one?” She asked
“The one in the silk shirt and shades” you look back and see that the man took his shades off so you see his eyes and they are staring right at you you try to play it off as you wasn’t looking at him but he smirks knowing damn well you was staring and he knew.
“Oh hun that’s Cyclone. He is hot isn’t he?” She smirks at you
“That’s his nickname we all call him but his real name is well you actually will have to ask him cause I can’t tell you that.”
“What why?” You asked confused
“Cause babe I’m not his. I’m Shawn’s that’s how I know his name.” She wiggles her eye brows at you and y’all laugh.
“So I have to be his to get his name?” You looked back and you didn’t see him sitting with his friends you started looking for him but couldn’t see him. Then you feel someone tap your shoulder making you turn your head and you almost died when it was him. Cyclone. He has a whiskey neat in his hand and then a glass of red in his other.
“Shawn said you liked wine so I got you a drink.” He hands you the drink and you sip it and you almost melt its the best red you have ever put in your mouth.
“Oh goodness this is so tasty thank you-“ you started trailing off cause you didn’t know his name.
“The name is Beau but you can call me cyclone maam. Have a good night I’ll be seeing you.”
You turn back to your friends as he walks away
“Damn girl he is already all over you.”
“Well one drink isn’t gonna get me to be all over him but god he is so hot. Let’s go dance!!”
“Oh yeah put on a little show for man” Sam and Brie laughs as y’all make y’all’s way to the dance floor many people are already dancing and moving to the music.
Everyone is having a great time and dancing and drinking. You can’t keep your mind off one thing the whole time. Beau. You keep stealing peeks at him and when you don’t look at him he is watching you. Your hips moving to every beat of the music and he knows you’re doing it for him. The other guys there are all noticing you too. When you and your friends are dancing you feel someone come up and grab your hips you immediately stop and turn but then you don’t feel his hands on you but you see cyclone grabbing him away from you and you see Shawn and two body guards escorting him out.
“Are you okay?” Cyclone asks you
“Yes I am thank you. But you didn’t need to do that. I can take care of myself.” You smirk at him and he gets closer to you and you can smell his cologne on him.
“Well I know you can but no guys need to be touching you.”
“Oh yeah? Then who can touch me?” You put your hand on your hip
He chuckles looking away from you then looks down at you since he is much taller than you.
“You’re a little playful thing are you. Shawn was telling me how fun you are.” He smirks pulling you closer if that’s even possible at this point.
“Well maybe you can find out how playful I am.” You lift your glass to your lips and drink the rest of your wine.
“Guess you need more drink I’ll be right back.” He grabs your glass and disappears to the bar.
“Girl your totally into him get it.” You and Sam was in the restroom fixing your hair.
“I honestly didn’t know if I would like him but man he is so fine he can do whatever he wants to me and I’ll be in heaven.” You both laugh and walk out the restroom seeing Shawn and cyclone standing by the door waiting for y’all to come out.
“Now baby how about we let them get to know eachother.” Shawn grabs her by her waist and kisses her neck making her giggle and they walk away.
Beau comes up beside you and you instantly smell his cologne. He puts his hand on your hip helping you back at his booth him and his friends were at.
“Thank you for the glass of wine.” You shyly said.
“My pleasure miss y/n” he sips his whiskey and you just watch his fingers wrapped around the glass and seeing his shinny gold ring on his finger.
“Where did you get your rings? It’s nice” he smirks at you looking at his hand and puts his glass down on the table.
“Well let’s just say it’s a family heirloom” he gets closer to you and puts his hand on your thigh.
“You are one beautiful lady.” He looks at you. It’s like you both are the only ones in the bar but you know that’s not the case. You get caught up in his beautiful eyes.
“Y/n come dance this is your song!!” Brie and Sam comes running to you. Pulling you from Beau. He puts his hands up in surrender chuckling.
“I promise she will be back in one piece.” Sam winks at him and he nods.
“Oh fuck beau, yes you do that so good.” You moan out as you look down at beau between your legs as you are on the bars bathroom sink. He looks up at your grinning and inserts the finger with the ring on into you as he plays with his tongue lapping it around your sensitive center as you lay your head back on the mirror.
“You like that? You are such a bad girl coming to the bar looking like that, dancing like how you was having all the guys eyes on you.”
“I was doing it to get your attention cyclone.” You moan out as he picked up his pace. You feel you’re getting closer and you push his back and he is shocked when you did that cause he knew you was about to cum on his face.
“What are you doing?” He looks down at you and you smirk pushing him on the sink and taking his belt off and getting his hard on into your hands it’s so big you have to have both your hands around him and you get on your knees but he stops you.
“Here baby put this on your knees no need to get them sore.” He puts his coat jacket on the floor in front of him and you get back down and look up at him through your lashes
“Oh this is perfect thank you.” You continue to play with him in your mouth and having him moan your name and grabbing your head pushing you down further.
“Is anyone in here?” A voice asks knocking on the door you stop and look at him and he locks the door.
“Yes there is now go away.” He grunts and the voice doesn’t say anything as he fucks your face so hard you are starting to drool.
“Oh baby girl you look so good making a mess with me in your mouth.” He moans and you instantly feel your heat dripping.
“Oh fuck I’m gonna cum in that pretty mouth of yours keep going. You’re doing great job y/n” you feel him release in your mouth and you swallow it looking back up at him and he wipes your mouth.
“You’re coming home with me missy I hope you know that.” He helps you get your skirt back down over you and opens the door to see Brie Sam and Shawn all staring at y’all.
“Leaving so soon?” Shawn smirks at you too and you look down blushing.
“We are definitely leaving.” Beau looks down as he puts his coat on you.
“Use protection.” Sam yells out and you flip her off as y’all walk away and get into his 87 black impala.
I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS I MAY OR MAY NOT DO A SECOND PART! I liked this request! So sorry it took so long to post!
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yourmomsfav18 · 2 years
Never bump into strangers
Tumblr media
Paring - illumi x reader
Summary - You got to a BDSM club with your friend and meet this weird ass guy that to hooks up with you.
Tw(s) - sexual content, cussing, very kinky, shit sounds like rape but I promise it’s lot
AN - idk I just wanted to write about illumi and a bdsm club lmao
If you didn’t love the fuck out of your friend you would have came. Watching as your friend was drunk dancing with this strange man in the crowed and you were just sitting there…very awkwardly. You’ve never been to a bdsm club so when your friend suggested it you of course turned it down and said “it’s not my kinda thing” but when she told you she didn’t like clubbing alone while forcing you into the car you just went with it. So now you were sitting her lonely tipsy and horny. You were ashamed to admit watching all these people tease each other was kinda a turn on. So now you were stuck between two options leave and solve the problem or stay with your friend and suffer…and of course you choose to leave and take care of your needs. So you got out of your seat and started making your way to your friend to tell her you were about to leave so she wouldn’t get worried.
“Damn this place is packed” you whispered to yourself. “Maybe I should just call-“ you stopped thinking mid sentence when you felt yourself lose your balance. You grabbed on your the nearest thing with happened to be what felt like a…a long strand of hair? Once you got your balance you were already preparing your “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean too” speech but before you could you felt something grab your arm in an iron grip. You looked up to see a man with big very very bug eyes staring down at you with this monotone look.
“What are you doing?“ you starred trying to process what he was saying but with all the flashing light, loud music and iron grip on your arm all your could do was reach for your arm and try to get loose. That only lasted about 2.5 seconds before you felt him pulling you off somewhere. You tried to get free tell him to let go but it didn’t work and by the time you felt his grip loosen you felt you body being slung into a closet? You were so confused and the tequila in your system really wasn’t helping.
You scrambled to your feet when you heard the loud slam of a door and what sounded like the lock turning.
“I asked what you were doing” the calm deep voice asked as he grabbed a grip of your hair yanking you back down to your knees. You let out a yelp from not only the pain but the shock of it all. You opened your eyes which you had forgot you shut when you realized it was pitch black. You couldn’t see a damn thing! You heard an irritated grunt come from above you as a cold hand slithered around your neck. “So not going to answer I see. Oh well it can’t be helped.” You we’re flip on you back. “Ouch! What the fuck are you doing.” He pinned your arm by your sides and glanced at you “so you can speak…I hope you don’t mind if I use you for a bit. I was out there about to get some play” He nugged his head towards the door “but…you interrupted that. I’m actually quite pissed about it she promised the best blowjob of my life.” He started moving his hand lower to grope at your boobs. “Stop you creep!” You started to squirm around in his grip
“Why are you making this difficult? Are you not here to have hook up with someone?” You looked up at where you thought the man was and just started he’s sexual assaulting you and has the never to ask why you making this difficult!
“I can smell it you know” he pointed a finger to his noise and continued groping at you boobs “I have a very sensitive nose and can smell even the most tiniest scents. I know you want it” He said quite happily as if he wasn’t touching you without consent. “THAT WAS THERE BEFORE YOU GOT HERE! Get off!” You struggled against his hold even more now “Why fight me if I’m helping you? It’s a win win for us both” … silents fell over the both of you as you both starred into the darkness of the room. “He’s not wrong” you thought to yourself “you were in desperate need and a plastic dildo just wasn’t cutting it anymore. You felt his hand wonder lower and wrap you thighs around his slim waist. “I’ll be gentle ok” you didn’t have time to respond before you felt his lips smash against your. It was slow and tender but not loving or caring you tried opening your mouth for air when you felt his wet slimy tongue into you mouth. You bit down in his tongue hard enough to draw blood and he pulled back immediately.
Trying your hardest to catch your breath and recover from the kiss when you felt his hand snake back around you neck and one around your thigh before pulleying you back into the kiss this time a lot rougher.
He began grinding his hips in a fast and rough motion. He slipped his hand down towards your pants and unbuttoned them swiftly removing them in the process. Left in nothing but your top and a pair of underwear the cold air began to hit you, but the chills went right away when you felt something rock hard touch your underwear. “When did he even take off his pants” you thought.
He moved your underwear to the side and spit on his finger before rubbing the inside to get you even more slicker. “I now what I said earlier but I can’t promise I’ll be gentle.” You heart drop and you began to panic as he forcefully shoved himself inside. It was big a very painfully stretch. You repeated the words wait several times before he could get even half way in. Finally fully seated inside he began to move his hips. You curled your toes in pain and pleasure as he bottomed out inside. The song that was playing was fast and a very loud bass . The faster the music got the faster he got. Your yelps and screams could only be heard yourself and him with how loud the music was. The hand that was on your neck moved up to your mouth to muffle your screams a bit. Tears rolled down your checks as you grabbed onto his back and left red marks all over. Everything felt so good but hurt so much you’ve never experienced anything like this. You hadn’t even realized that you had cum your brain was so scrambled.
“Damn.” You heard him grunt before he gripped your throat as tight as humanly possible and let out a creamy substance that filled your insides.
You were a panting mess trying to catch you breath as best you could wanting to do nothing than sleep. Mean while the figure above you was acting like he just took a walk in the park and didn’t just take you to pound town for the last 20 minutes. You cervix was crying out in pain you pretty sure you were going to see a doctor to make sure everything was alright.
Finally he pulled letting all of his cum drip on the floor. He stood and some how his pants were back on. “Thank you” his said rather cheerfully and walk out the door without giving you a second look.
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