#my dad is trying to sort out some things with my health insurance so idk when i'm going to get to see my doctor again
terezipyropescrocs · 10 months
trying to untangle if my current depression/fatigue is a post-covid symptom, hormonal nonsense (recently diagnosed with pcos and taking some medication to try and get things in "normal" range, in itself also a possible culprit), the general miasma of untreated ocd/adhd/autism and the burnout that accompanies them + sense of being a failure at life, the suffocation of still being in the closet... or all of these things simultaneously! probably that last one
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trans-advice · 2 years
(sorry this is so long) i’m not sure where to go from here. i’m 25 years old. i’ve been trying to figure out my gender identity for several years now. this all started when i tried binding on a whim (i’m afab) and felt so euphoric, idk how to even describe it in words. from 2017-early 2020 i thought for sure that i was a trans man. i was out online with a different name & he/him pronouns, i wore a binder everyday, i dressed in a masculine way, etc. eventually, i was even able to express the feminine parts of my personality without feeling invalid. there were stretches of time, especially early on, when i’d back out mentally & re-enter the closet & try to live as a woman. but eventually it settled, and for the entirety of 2019 i was fully determined to transition medically & come out to everyone once i was able to move out of my mormon parents’ house. but then i suffered through a sudden major personal tragedy in late 2019, followed by the pandemic in 2020, and basically i dropped the entire trans dream between those two events, in probably like february 2020. i developed agoraphobia as well. on top of all of that, i’m autistic, so all this change has been really hard on my brain. since then, i’ve been on this rollercoaster where for a few weeks i’ll try to live happily as a woman, then cave and live as a man, and so on and so forth. it’s driving me nuts. i finally confided in my therapist about my gender stuff, because it’s really affecting my agoraphobia recovery progress, and she officially diagnosed me with gender dysphoria. she firmly believes i need to accept myself, whoever that is, but i don’t know how. there are real moments when i’m ok being a woman. it can be fun to shop for pretty clothes (though they’re usually stuffed to the back of my closet immediately) & have girl talk with my younger sisters. and it’s hard to imagine myself as an old man. but it’s also hard to imagine myself as a mom rather than a dad. i don’t know. maybe i’m so scared my religious conservative family will abandon me if i transition? and maybe the loss i experienced a couple years ago was so awful i’m scared for it to happen again? or what if i’m not trans but just some sort of androgynous woman with internalized misogyny. help?
I'm not sure about how agoraphobia works. Readers if you have any feedback on agoraphobia please share it!
Yeah, I think it's more like you need a better support network that will accept you if you transition into being a man. Like I think you need to have some preparation for abandonment by your religious conservative family.
Even worse, I would be worried about them giving conversion torture under the labels of "conversion therapy" & "religious apologetics". So in case you're facing that, I'd seek out some pro-lgbtqia+ religious apologetics, not necessarily to deprogram them, but to help fight the gaslighting that comes with anti-lgbtqia+.
You already said that you were very okay with being an androgynous man, so I don't think it's a matter of you somehow being an androgynous woman with self-hatred.
Since we live in a patriarchal misogynist/transmisogynist/transandrophobic society, I would look into trans-affirming feminist information so that you can get a better grip on what misogyny is when people try to gas light you like that.)
As for the enjoying the girl talk, are you sure that's not just enjoying talking with others? Also defining "girliness" can vary from group to group, so I would make sure to look into how that's being defined.
Have you applied for health insurance like Medicaid or Obamacare (affordable care act)? Because you're getting to age 26, so you're going to need your own insurance most likely. Like that would help with preparing to be either abandoned or more independent of your parents.
I'm not sure how much of my transition strategies will apply to your situation & what's available by you. I know in my transition before the pandemic, I basically relied on getting my things organized with a therapist at a therapy office in person because I was not safe from domestic violence when I would talk about my gender issues on the phone. Like I would have to go outside & walk around & find free of charge spaces in order to avoid the people I lived with as much as possible. I had to get a public transit pass in order to get to places without having to be at the mercy of people to drive me.
Good Luck, Peace & Love,
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thatfilthyanimal · 3 years
I really don't want to vent here but I also don't want to overload my friends so I'm just going to do it and suck it up, fuck it.
I feel pretty fucking horrible in a very deep way and I don't know how to talk to people about it. This started up around the beginning of April and I thought it was in relation to April just being generally rough on me because of how my dad died, but it hasn't let up yet. If anything, I feel worse. Way worse.
I'm guessing I need to raise the dosage of my medication and I'm actually really heartbroken about that in a way I don't know how to describe. How am I supposed to feel if shit is so horrible I have to take the highest possible dosage I can safely take of a medication? How am I supposed to feel calling up a psychiatrist I just told two months ago my dosage was stable and I was feeling great, to tell her "ha ha ha I high key hate life and want to die again, please, raise my shit so I can hold up the illusion that I'm not a fucking lost cause a little longer?"
So... some of the only stuff I'm really comfortable touching on here is the whole transphobia at the doctors, thing. After spending most of 2020 living at doctors because of unknown stomach pain and just trying not to fucking die from something during a global pandemic I'm at a loss now. Nobody ever figured out my pain issues, I've just changed around what I eat and it seems better... Sort of? But mostly my existence in general hurts because coming out as trans to my newer doctors has been... uncomfortable. Now it feels like every time they "ma'am" me or pointedly call me "a woman" or "female" in a phone call (where I'm specifically asking for help regarding getting on testosterone) I want to claw myself out of my own skin and bury myself deep in the ground where nobody ever has to see me again.
Literally all the shit that I was terrified of that kept me from admitting to myself I was trans this entire time is fucking real and-- I'm weak, I'm fucking weak and scared and tired because I've never needed so much help with something so desperately in my life and the ONE PLACE I should be able to get help from I'm... terrified of, now. I just want to cancel all my future appointments and just never leave my house again because what is the fucking point. I'll never look right and I'll never be taken seriously and my weight is always an issue some-fucking-how regardless of the actual problem, so just. Fuck. Why leave. Why go anywhere. Why try to take care of myself anymore just. why.
I knew this would happen if I came out, I knew admitting I was trans would be a challenge of my ability to continue to love myself and... you know, I do, I do love myself, and coming out has proven that more than anything, but the cost of that almost feels like it outweighs the euphoria of being myself.
But now I'm in that weird middle-state of my body and voice not "matching" my gender and nobody taking said gender seriously and. What do I do. I'm so terrified of this happening at another doctor's office that it hurts to try to reach out. Literally the nearest doctors that might help me are an hour and a half out in Chicagoland, if not Chicago proper. And things feel so uncomfortable here where I am that I may literally need to drive that hour and a half just for basic health care, not just the hormone therapy and. Like. It hurts.
If I had figured this out sooner while I was in Champaign, there was an endocrinologist there and the city was super LGBTQIA+ friendly and I'm kicking myself for not doing something before I moved three hours away. Getting help could have been maybe a 15 minute drive in my own city instead of an hour and a half into the heart of Chicago, which, btw, I fucking hate driving in because everyone out there drives like a crazy asshole.
Idk. I'm tired and I'm scared and worn down and I don't know how to ask for help. I tried with one of my local friends but, well, their life is busy and its always "oh I forgot to ask my friend about that place here that would help you, sorry, there's been so much going on" but. It's been months now. They were the one that suggested I reach out to said people about whatever place it is, and I don't want to be rude but also... are you going to help me? Because it sounds like my sorry ass is stuck going to Chicago in a global pandemic to get T and I'm really upset about it.
Like, if my friend can't even see it as important than I guess I just have to do everything alone. Just like I've had to with BPD.
This is getting way longer than I meant, and it's not even the worst thing just. I'm feeling vulnerable and isolated as hell and I need more support than I have and I'm too scared to ask for it. And most of the people I know can't do jack or shit about it because there's really nothing they can do, so like. Why ask them. Why tell them. Idk.
I'm talking to a therapist too, have been for months, and she's nice but she's not great for trans issues. She's supportive but it's not her specialty. Because I have borderline I have to kind of choose my battles when it comes to therapists... There are therapists that handle BPD and therapists that handle trans issues but my insurance doesn't cover one that specializes in both at once in this town. And BPD is super misunderstood-- the wrong therapist may admit me for just passive suicidal ideation not realizing it's a common and (generally non-life-threatening) part of BPD that doesn't hold real threat. Getting a therapist for trans issues that doesn't know how to read the weight of my depression/anxiety/suicidal thoughts and call them correctly is dangerous and... that's its own problem. I have to choose my battles here and it's really hurting me.
Like I really don't know what to do. Do I get a second therapist and risk that they may not understand BPD and may be overwhelmed and scared to work with me? God. I've never had two therapists at once and the thought is... idk. It hurts.
I just want to feel okay, and I don't. And I'm more tired and scared and feeling misunderstood than I've ever been and the idea of reaching for help is terrifying me. This feels like stuff I should only be unloading on a therapist, not my friends... my friends deserve better than that. But also I'm well aware of how my friendships will go if I start to use them to vent and seek help like this.
Idk. I wish I knew how to talk about everything that's wrong right now but I... can't. It sounds horrible and mean when I say it all and I don't want people to look at me like I'm fragile and someone to pity, but that seems to be my life and how people are going to view me. I basically exist as an example of what not to be. So. Idk. I'm tired and I want help but I'm scared to ask for it.
Past friends have taught me that if I seek help and cry to them that I'm a Problem that they need to distance from and. It hurts. There may be friends that do genuinely want me to come to them and I don't know how to try; the idea scares the shit out of me. Everyone I've ever opened up to (besides my partner) has eventually grown sick of me and I can't handle losing what support I have right now.
I need to hush cause this sounds blamey and I don't mean it that way. My life is just... highkey fucked and I'm trying to hold on and struggling about it.
I don't regret finally admitting to both myself and everyone else that I'm trans, but fuck, the weight of this level of medical rejection on top of the BPD feelings interfering with my ability to reach to friends for help just... it's so much. And I feel guilty complaining about it at all.
And every time I post something public about it I'm just giving people insight on why they should avoid me, or worse, exactly what they can do/say if they want to hurt me.
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technicolordeams · 4 years
So some things happened this past week since I wrote my last entry and I'm rethinking my stance on leaving or not. I was able to talk to the one girl who is befriending me and my pastor had a long talk about what makes me me and what I struggle with. I followed what my therapist told me to be which was to be more assertive. I felt very awkward and scared to do it but if I didn't, I'd end up right back where I was feeling anger and abandonment. So for now, I'm still on hold on what to choose to do.
But a couple other things popped up. Not too big but unsettling. My mind just blanked on one of them so I'll just type about the one that's stuck out the most to me right now since it happened literally within the past hour.
So obviously I have problems eating enough to keep my weight stable, let alone gain any without a LOT of work. I've been struggling with it since my gallbladder decided to take a shit on me and demand to be removed which happened on my birthday. During that time I started getting suicidal again and I hadn't dealt with those intense emotions regarding it in several years. But since December it decided to rear it's ugly head and bite into me as hard as it could ever since. It's been 8 months now with very little improvement. And during that time span my health has tanked. I developed breathing problems after my surgery which was horrific enough as it was (imagine not being fully awake but aware that you are out of control of your body and unable to utilize your coping techniques. Just like having a massive panic attack like seizure feeling but you are barely able to be aware of anything besides the viceral fear and blackness because I couldn't wake up. Just... Out of control. And you have no idea how long you were in that state before the nurse could sort of pull you out of it and even communicate more than like two words and slowly peek my eyes open a fraction. Yeah, that's what happened. I had major fear over that for at least a month. Sleeping was hard enough from the surgery and adding in that... Yeah no.) Anyways, since that started up and obviously after surgery it's hard to eat and stuff like that normally. But after the surgery I was (am) having breathing problems. I would have endless coughing fits that would even hit me and make me unable to take a full breath without coughing horribly whatever air I could get right back out. It also made me almost throw up several times (which is my biggest phobia that triggered my eating disorder to go out of control and send me into hospital stays and feeding tube hell). So at least I lost 10lbs since the surgery or even before that. I creep closer to 15lbs though most likely. I haven't been keeping track of it very much because of how much distress I've been dealing with. And I've been dealing with A LOT. Things I wonder if I will be able to get up from without more intense medical help that I probably can't get because of covid.
I've gone through several tests to see why I'm having coughing fits and every answer is that they don't see anything wrong. Well, the ENT appointment I went to the day before I went to see the pulmonary doctor really screwed me over tbh. The ENT doctor gave me steroids that day that I took that same night and told me that the pulls wouldn't affect the asthma test they were going to perform next day. It did. So I had to wait like two months before I could go back and be re-tested. But then covid hit and those practices have been closed ever since. So I can't get an accurate reading on what's going on. They did spot that I had some breathing abnormalities but because of the steroids, they couldn't say for sure. Mind you I had to literally book these doctor appointments and tell my dad you have to take me to these because he didn't think it was that important. Which has pretty much been like everything doctor related that has come up this past year. Just had to put my foot down and tell him I NEED to go to these and I'll be going whether you agree with me or not. Which adds to the distressed feeling and like I'm overreacting and being too paranoid or some shit. Also because I couldn't get actually tested for asthma properly, my regular doctor had to prescribe me with an inhaler but insurance won't help because I have not been diagnosed with it. So I had to cough up (almost literally) over a $100 for medicine that we don't know is right for me or not or whatever.. so that's like $60 every two months? Idk. Which is a lot considering I have a bunch of other bills to pay which includes when I got my wisdom teeth removed (ALL FIVEEE because I'm that extra) which cost $3,000. I have to pay my mom back for another at least year? I don't even know anymore at this point.
I've also been dealing with vision blackouts recently where I almost pass out when I get up here and there. My blood pressure tanked and went to like 70/52 and pulse all over the place. That's better now at least. Chronic fatigue, dehydration, can't sleep very well... Etc. Vitamin D and B12 are on the lower side of the normal range and my body isn't producing enough carbon dioxide.
Now along with all of this bag of shit, I have lost every friend I thought I had and the feeling that I can call anyone friend anymore. I am terrified of calling anyone a friend now because I am afraid that if I let someone in, I will be taken advantage of and lied to like I have in almost every type of relationship I've had since I was little. I am afraid of speaking because I am afraid what I say will offend or upset or whatever someone when all I do is mean well (usually unless you're an asshat). It has made me regress back to my childhood where I couldn't trust anyone and I had nobody except for a penpal on the east coast to keep me company through msn messenger, emails, or rarely phone calls. She was the only one I could call my best friend for a long time and the only one I could open up to about things and the only one who tried to consistently cheer me up when I was hospitalized at 16 by spamming me with emails. I will forever love her and no matter how far we've drifted apart over the years, I will still love her and respond to her as quickly as possible if she ever needed me again. But if we never talk again I'm okay with it. We were there for each other during really bad times in out lives and I like to think we kept each other somewhat sane. She has done more for me than I could ever ask anyone and I'll always be grateful to have "met" her.
But since all of the shit happened with my ex friends... I don't feel safe to get very close to anyone or open up to anyone. Even the girl who defended me and stuff when I was being bullied and manipulated hardly speaks to me now. I wouldn't want to talk to me very much either if all I had to talk about were extremely negative and talk about dying. I can hardly go to my parents about things. I am home alone with just my puppy that likes to get into mischief about 80% of the day. Hardly interact with people online. Usually I just now watch YouTube videos about what's going on with people. I find very little satisfaction playing video games or anything honestly. I have lost art, something that I loved dearly and way too much. I cannot go out most often due to my health. I am stuck at home. I can hardly go outside too. It's too hot (sometimes heat can trigger flashbacks), I found out I'm allergic to grass, and last week I broke out in hives from God knows what so I can't go outside even more. I was put on steroids again for 6 days which causes your immune system to weaken so it won't produce histamines that causes the INSANE itch because every topical and oral medicine OTC would barely help at all. All I do each day is very basic hygiene, sleep when I can, eat as much as I can, and try and relax while taking care of my puppy.
Only two good things has come from all of this: one, I can finally work with a trauma therapist. Hopefully she can help me. Two... Ah I forgot what the second one was actually. Maybe being able to talk to my psychiatrist more frequently? Not sure. I'm very tired right now again lol.
All I know is that I feel very much alone and there's nothing I can do about it. The world outside is extremely dangerous and I am trapped inside my mind too frequently. And there is no extra help I can get.
So all of this led up to my main grievance for today- so far at least lol long ass story to tell just to explain what I'm upset about. My mom earlier asked me if she could give me advice. I told her it depends on what it's about. But she said it anyways. Told me to check my weight each week. She knows I'm not in the most stable state of mind and she knows that me checking my weight constantly can cause a panic attack of it goes down. (thankfully it hasn't really in a month. Only reason why I know is because I had to go to my doctor's twice the past month) I told my dad what she said and he just told me to say okay and leave it at that.
I know I don't want to go back to the state I was in in 2017. I don't want to go through that hell again. Even if I did want to, there'd be way more restrictions with the threat of covid ravaging our place and infecting everyone there. When I pass the eating disorder clinic that I was forced in when I was 16, there is literally nobody there. Maybe a couple cars but they obviously are not treating kids right now. I may be wrong but it would be very dangerous. I know over at the ERC I went to in 2017 is extremely limiting any visitors from coming. The apartments when you graduate to living in temporarily while you go to just a day program only allow maybe two people to stay there at a time and instead of walking to the van pickup spot, they pick you up at your apartment. Psychiatric wards here, or at least one of them that my therapist and I talked about going to, is still slightly operational, but it's over Zoom. So you literally can't get very good support. If you fall off the deep end while at a meeting nothing can be done to help you right there and then if you run away from the meeting.
My psychiatrist told me that if I do feel that I'm in grave danger (I think the trauma therapist I met also said the same) was to go to the ER. But I am afraid to go to the ER and then be turned away quickly and also take a chance that I might catch Covid while there, not to mention the price... And since my parents are essential workers, any one of us could come down with it at any time or be a carrier without knowing. So I'm isolated from people in real life and I don't feel safe talking to anyone online as well. Even if I had someone who wanted to talk to me to begin with that isn't some creepy horny guy wanting pixel sex... I can't think of anyone who I could potentially talk to about anything in my life... I'm just so lost and afraid of both the virtual and real world... Who can I turn to besides my therapist, psychiatrist, or maybe parents depending on what is bothering me, and of course God? I'm told I need a support system. But I can only talk to the doctors so much and my parents aren't very good at being compassionate... I have no one.
I also think about how badly I want to be hospitalized for a little while just so I can get fluids and rest and proper care but that most likely will only happen unless suicide was a big risk.
I am utterly alone...
If anyone reads this long post to the end, you're a crazy human being. xD Going to stop rambling now and put the dishes away and put the pup away for his nap and try and get one in myself.
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brightblessed · 4 years
/// mobile but important
So I try not to post this sort of thing too often. But here we are. I know it's a bad look and maybe I'll go into more detail at some point when it's not 3am. But I feel like I should explain my recent silence on all fronts. Tl;dr, I'm depressed. More detail and emo shit below. No cut bc mobile
I've been really detached and depressed. I feel really hopeless and like I've wasted my life entirely. I feel like there's nothing special about me and that I'm a waste. I am having extreme money issues and I hate my job. It makes me suicidal if I work too much. I've been in college forever because I cannot take pressure at all and I can only afford one class a semester. I feel like I wasted it. I can't afford my classes anymore. I'm not able to get aid because of a stupid mistake of me dropping out because I was suicidal and not getting the right notes for it from doctors. My dad was helping, but he lost his job and is retired now and can't. Even if he says he can, I cannot ask him to anymore considering. My meds aren't working much anymore but I don't have health insurance so I can't do anything about it. I can't get on assistance because I don't make enough at work. I'm just a burden on everyone when you consider my mental illness and my lack of skills and the financial drain I have on my family. The only reason I'm alive is because I'm a coward and I don't want to hurt my family. I'm pretty replaceable to the people I know irl outside of my family. Idk. I'm just really unhappy and I have no idea how to fix it. I feel like I've ruined everything. I feel like it's all been wasted. I'm turning 27 soon and I'm useless. Still in college. Still with my parents. Still mentally a teenager. I can blame my disability, my mental illness, but I still feel like I should have tried harder. Idk. It all feels so hopeless now.
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adhdisgay · 5 years
are you sure you don't have some sort of dissociative disorder? sorry i don't want to be rude or anything :P but i read that memories post and like,,,,, even with adhd (which i also have btw) you shouldn't be like... losing chunks of time or getting things mixed up to that extent. some memory loss and forgetfulness is to be expected, but when it's that severe it's usually a sign of something else. again, sorry, i'm really not trying to like presume anything, i've just had the same thing happen
you’re totally fine, i appreciate you writing in!!
i mean, possibly? the post makes it seem worse than it is, i normally just switch up a lot of things during the day without thinking which i think is a mix of forgetfulness/clumsiness
but i def dissociate when on long car rides/in spaces where i have to do a lot of waiting, so idk. i’m normally still present enough where i don’t panic about where I’m at or doing. like i don’t worry about crashing my car, but i do often blink and realize like “whoah, i’m driving right now” and after i get to where i’m going i have trouble remembering how i spent my time on the way. i remember the beginning of the trip and the end but the middle just kind of.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows
and i’ve had blocks of time randomly cut out of my memory at other moments too, but those seem more random and more complete. driving is just fuzzy but like i got brunch with my dad earlier this week and apparently made extensive plans with him and when he asked me about them i just. literally could not recall us having that conversation, or what we actually did at brunch. it wasn’t fuzzy like driving, it was just gone, if that makes sense? like it never happened, but it did
adhd can also impact people in different ways, so maybe i’m just less aware of stuff? but i don’t know. i appreciate you writing in, though!! i’ve never really thought about it. i’m not currently seeing a provider but once i’m back on reliable health insurance i’ll be sure to check in with them about it <3
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aeide-thea · 5 years
[just panic-spiraling out loud about Health Concerns i should really go see a doctor about, but rn it's 4 AM on a sunday so i'm whispering them into the night instead—]
i've been feeling a bunch of abdominal discomfort the past, idk, few days/week or so—sort of, hm, vague fullness/gassiness/distension sensations, i guess? and like, some degree of that sort of thing is pretty normal for me for Anxiety Reasons, but even so this has felt kind of weird and ominous, and increasingly i'm also thinking there's maybe something externally palpably Not Right but honestly, idk, i've never spent a whole lot of time palpating my own abdomen so i don't really have a baseline for comparison? i mean there are supposed to be, like, organs in there, whatever deleuze may say...*
anyway i'd been sticking my head in the sand a little and hoping this would go away again but considering it's definitely been going on since at least thursday, and i don't actually remember what prompted this post from the 22nd but it looks awfully like a connectable dot, i think it's officially gone on long enough that i ought to at least get myself checked out? particularly if the lethargy/fatigue situation of the last, idk, significant number of months counts as Actual Symptoms and not just a depression thing, yikes yikes yikes... like, my mother's initial symptoms were lethargy/fatigue and constipation, and while i haven't been constipated, who knows, 1 out of 2 ain't bad
and of course attempting to do internet research about this is just like, you probably have cancer! and i mean like, i supposedly** don't have my mother's BRCA mutation and i'm not even 30 yet, but who knows! horrible things happen to people! i know this intimately! which knowledge in conjunction with the internet input is making me panicky, like, literal shaking and chills, loving the feedback loop here!
not to mention that like, i definitely didn't deal with getting signed up for health insurance last fall because my mother had literally just died and i was a mess, so unless it automatically kicked in when i didn't decline it—which it might have, idk, but you would think i'd have gotten some kind of notification of that?—i don't actually have health insurance right now! what a good time to be trying to go to the doctor, and potentially more than one doctor! (i am, at least, lucky in that i/my dad can afford for me to go to some appointments out of pocket if need be, and/or i feel like i might be able to call insurance up and be like 'uh i neglected to deal with insurance last fall bc death in the family, is there any way i can sort that out belatedly?' but still: A Tangle.)
and i mean, maybe it's fine, maybe it's psychosomatic, maybe it's some kind of benign cyst situation, there are lots of levels of scenario that aren't immediate defcon 'congrats yr gonna be dead in 2 years' probably! but i have secondary cancer trauma so this is where my head immediately goes! 🙃🙃🙃
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Is it too personal or may I ask what the long story that got you back into George is?
honestly i could use this ask as a way to really sit back and reflect on what’s going on in my life so yeah here’s the story:
(warnings for depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts)
so going way back to my junior year of high school, september 2009-may 2010, that was like…one of the happiest years of my life. I had some really great friends at the time, family life (from what i remember) was more or less going okay (although i remember my parents were pissing me off when i was in driver’s ed), i was getting out more, things changed in my youth group and over all it was just a great year?? and CSI?? Season 10?? was so good?? 
and then my senior year of high school started, I got into some shit with not just one, but TWO of my friends, one of which I was like..in love with, and I was getting scared because Things Were Changing and I had all this pressure on me to get a job, go to college, etc, etc. (I also did start a job in the summer between my junior and senior years and I had a crush at this job and our relationship got Complicated and we never did anything, I sort of pushed him away cause I thought I was too young to be with someone who was a couple years older than me, and I was just scared about it in general.) But I was still watching CSI. I still loved it. I still loved Nick Stokes/George Eads.
And then came my first year of college, again, still watching CSI, and I was trying–oh god I was trying so hard to keep my anxiety under control as everything was changing, I was in a brand new school where I knew like…nobody (well a few people here and there–I went to a popular community college in my vicinity so I did see a few people from high school) and again getting this pressure to succeed in college cause college just wasn’t a thing people did in my family–not until everyone began to realize how important it was (some of my cousins went back to school and got degrees and such)
and I was also trying to do my best to keep in touch with my friends, trying to mend the cracks in the two friends I had beef with, but another friend–who I had since seventh grade at that point–and I were getting closer and closer (she’s my absolute BEST friend at this point in my life tbh and uhm yeah I don’t know where I would be without her but I’ll get to that later)
and I was still watching CSI, still in love with nick, etc etc–but I was also getting into another obsession…Doctor Who
Sophmore year of college?? I think this is where depression was starting to get to me a bit. 
I had absolutely NO idea what I wanted to with my life. Family still pressuring me to succeed, things were getting Complicated with that guy at work, I started another job–so I was working two jobs at one point in my life and going to school which is uh Fun. I can’t remember much but I do remember in general being a bit freaked out over having to change schools cause that was a New thing and I was not good with change (because of my anxiety)
SO then we come to my junior year of college, and so began my dangerous Apathy phase, where I didn’t give a shit that I was failing tests because I wasn’t studying because Doctor Who basically consumed my life. I didn’t care about myself–It’s such a little thing, but I stopped brushing my hair at one point and wasn’t taking care of my body the way I should have–I had never gone to the doctor since my high school days, so I never had regular check-ups 
things at this point had ended with my first job and I’ve never seen or spoken to that one guy that I have Regrets with–to this day I wish we gave it a shot tbh, cause he seemed like a geuninely caring, nice guy? (not without his faults of course) 
and also uh…I think this was the year I stopped having a regular period. 
I’m talking like…I didn’t have a period for months, and I sure as hell wasn’t pregnant
I also stopped watching CSI, for many reasons, for the way GSR was being handled, for the way Nick was getting the promise of all these interesting storylines but NEVER DID and watching Nick/George obviously going through his own shit (cause he definitely gained weight in that season–and NO JUDGEMENT FROM ME TBH cause I’m, uh…technically classified as obese myself), and again, I was also SUUUPER obsessed with doctor who to the point where it was probably hindering my life
at some point in 2015 i did get my period again and was like “OH LOOK I’M ALL GOOD ON THAT FRONT” probably cause this is when I entered my first almost-relationship, a frequent customer at the store I used to work at asked me out and it didn’t work out in the end cause he was um…idk just Not For Me (and a gross ass kisser) but then after that one period, it disappeared again.
OH but in 2015, when CSI ended, I did watch the finale–Immortality even though I was SUPER pissed about Nick being gone (I did go back and watch just his final scene and cried like a baby) and then proceeded to rewatch grave danger for the first time in years at that point–I actually documented that on my blog here lol (and I did all of that instead of studying for a test that I failed the next day lmao)
so blah blah blah had tons of shit going on until 2016, which was possibly the lowest point of my life in terms of depression/anxiety, even though I had finally graduated college, I got a full time job (the same one I’m in now, three years later, very successful I might add–I just got promoted last year and I’m held in very high esteem by many of my superiors so it gets happy)
but in this full time job, I was moved to third shift for a few months, and was forced to work with this one woman who I like DESPISED–although not completely at the time, but to this day I really just can’t stand her (thankfully she quit lol) 
so the third shift transition was rough enough, but at least I was into a new show–Person of Interest and I was having the Time of My Life with it but it really did start getting me to think about my depression and mental health, which up until that point I had been ignoring, despite that one friend I mentioned earlier having pointed out to me many times throughout 2015-2016 that I needed to go to therapy (and I just didn’t think it would work, I didn’t want to do it, my social anxiety was screaming FUCK NO the whole time)
also the trump election thing happened and uhm yeah there was that. Got into a LOT of heated discussions…and lost like ALL respect for my step-father (who you’ll still see me refer to as “dad” but i’m pointing out he’s my step father in this instance because I would be ashamed to be blood related to him)
and despite our uh, troubles, my dad did try to get me to watch Macgyver, telling me that “hey, nick stokes is in it!” 
but my depressed dumbass was like “oh really? nice” AND THEN DIDN’T WATCH IT LIKE A FUCKING MORON
and on top of that, my house got INFESTED with mice and my parents did nothing outside of setting up mouse traps but it was getting to a point where we found like…five mice in a day and I was starting to see them in the daylight (which is a sign you have an INFESTATION) and ALL of my belongings were getting mouse shit and pee on them (my room is right next to the kitchen) and I ended up purging A LOT of things (including a binder of friendship from the one friend I had trouble with in senior year–which man that hurt to get rid of ((side note, you know what really fucking hurts the most about breaking away from that friend? we’ve known each other since pre-school and I mentioned in tags before about how we do still talk and shit and i am one of her wedding bridesmaids and shit but yeah…not like it used to be)))
and i was getting to a point where I honestly?? just wanted?? to die??
I would say it was like, late 2016 where I was even starting to think of scenarios where I could just…like…disappear? kill myself? I just did not want to exist anymore
2017 came along, fresh start, I kept telling myself. Still had mice in the mouse, but I was fully aware of my mental health issues at this point, and was starting to really listen to my friend more and more, really starting to consider going to therapy (especially now that i had health insurance)
(and also I was beginning to realize I have Feelings for this friend as well–although I gotta wonder if it’s actual romantic love and just not intense friendship cause we really are close friends but like…I could also see us as more? if she were open to it? but I know she doesn’t feel that way about girls and she’s got her own shit to deal with, and i respect that so I never push it or bring it up)
and then? twin peaks: the return came along. Season 3, episode 3, “Call for Help” a fucking masterpiece of an episode and something just…CLICKED in me. Something made me realize, I need to call for help
and so I did. 
2017 was the year of therapy, in which I talked about a lot of the shit above, and then I stopped going in I think 2018? when the therapist moved away, but my sessions were getting farther and farther apart anyway, and I felt like I was finally in a better place in my life. I had more coping mechanisms, more awareness of how to handle myself, and I began to realize I really needed to take care of myself more
so i went to the doctor for the period thing, seems like it was some hormonal imbalance cause i was put on birth control to get my hormones back in order (this is my first month off of them so fingers crossed it still works) and by the time august/september rolled around? 
I started writing again
and I’m not talking fan fiction, I suddenly had the inspiration to write this original story idea I have for a series that was HEAVILY inspired by CSI–in which the third book in the series is about a guy getting buried alive (and a girl trying to save him but doesn’t because ANGST but that’s another long ass story lol)
which, naturally, made me want to watch grave danger again, for the first time in three years. and then…I suddenly wanted to watch more csi?? from the very beginning??
and so I watched the first four episodes of season 1 again, and Nick/George was back in my life again. And it felt SO FREAKING GOOD.
Then, I watched Macgyver because I wanted to see new George content, and immediately fell in love with jack
Caught up with Macgyver and then finished my csi rewatch, this time watching all of season 13 (which I STILL HAVE MIXED FEELINGS OVER just like season 9) and 14-15 (which i regret not watching when it first aired cause it’s SO GOOD)
and I’m not saying like…Nick/Jack/George is the sole cause of my happiness, the cure for my depression/anxiety (cause that shit never goes away, you just learn to manage it better), nor is he the sole love of my life or anything, but…he’s a huge part of who I am, because in those years, when I was struggling, I lost myself. I lost Nick. But now I found myself again, I re-discovered my passion for Nick Stokes, and i’m just as happy as I was back in 2009/2010, and life is just so good
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chibistarlyte · 5 years
life update stuff under the cut
this year has been such a doozy so far. i feel like each year gets steadily more and more difficult and sometimes i fall into the depression pit of “nothing matters, what is the point in literally anything”
i’ve been sleeping a lot lately because doing anything takes too much effort. i’m on meds, and i do feel better versus when i wasn’t on them for a while, but i like. don’t know what my problem is? idk if it’s the adhd acting up and not letting me focus on anything/making me bored all the time because i can’t focus on anything. my anxiety hasn’t been too much of a problem lately, not since a few months ago when i had that full-blown panic attack at work. and i keep digging my heels in about going to the doctor because my health insurance plan doesn’t have co-pays, just a yearly deductible, so like...my last doctor visit, which was just a med check, cost me almost $200 and i’m just like????? what the fuck, i can’t afford to go to the doctor to address issues i’m pretty positive i have (example, i’m pretty fuckin’ positive i have some sort of thyroid issue because it runs in my family and affected my yia yia (mom’s side) and my mom currently, both pretty severely) and then i also wanna go to therapy again because Trauma(TM) and i’m noticing a lot of ways past trauma is affecting my daily life and i just
everything is so expensive so i just sleep and hope i’ll feel better when i wake up
i also dove a lot into my hyperfixations over the last few months to cope with some shit and at the end of the day, it doesn’t do anything to fix the problem. it’s just pointless escapism.
my cat was really sick at the beginning of this month and had to be hospitalized, so i had to open a new line of credit to pay for her hospitalization. i made the decision to do so because she had pancreatitis and it was completely curable, and plus my cat is young enough (she’s 11 this year) and has been healthy for the majority of her life and to me, it was worth it to fork over a bunch of money to make sure she stayed alive because she still has a lot of youth in her and she’s got a lot of years left, and the vet agreed. so, she got much better but the vet did find that presea has bladder stones (which didn’t surprise me all that much tbh, she had some urinary problems a few years ago due to stress of living with two dogs at the time) so we had to switch her diet to a special prescription urinary diet (which she’ll have to be on for the rest of her life and is pretty expensive, but still worth it to me) in the hopes that the food will help dissolve the stones. if they don’t dissolve, though, she will have to have surgery and i don’t even want to think about how much that is going to cost. but, again, it’s worth it to me to have her around for many more years because without her, i don’t know what i’d do. i literally don’t.
uh, what else? i had a new baby cousin born last month, which is cool. his name is alton and i’m hoping to visit my family in ohio sometime this year so i can meet all the new babies that have been born in the last five years and also bring my boyfriend to meet my extended family. my cousin was going to be getting married in september and that was when we were gonna go, but after we found out my aunt (mom of said cousin) has a rare form of breast cancer, my cousin decided to put the wedding on hold. i still think i wanna go back and visit since i already have the vacation time for when the wedding would have been. this particular aunt is definitely the one i’m closest to out of my entire extended family (my dad is one of nine kids) and i haven’t seen her in a few years, so it’s something i really want to do.
i may end up going back sooner than september, though, depending on if my grandma passes away before then. she has dementia and it’s gotten to the point where she can’t swallow anymore, and because of that whenever she tried to eat, a bunch of fluid got into her lungs and she caught pneumonia and ended up in the hospital, and she’s now on a feeding tube as of the last update i heard from my dad and i just. i feel bad but also my grandma was nothing but abusive to everyone in her family--my dad, his brothers and sisters, my cousins, me, my sister, my mom, etc.--and i feel no closeness to her whatsoever so like, i almost feel like i don’t care if she dies or not? but i’m still gonna go back for the funeral and such when she does go because it’s important to me to be with my family. especially because i never see them because i live across the country from them.
some good stuff, uh, my boyfriend got a new job that he starts on april 1st. it’s a full-time gig and he’ll be making more money than me so hopefully that will help as far as our plans to move in together next year (holy fuck i can’t believe i’m in that point in a relationship, wtf). marriage has been lightly in the talks as well and i’m like awsiuhjkdsagflkdshl wtf
my job sucks but i’m applying for other jobs here and there. it’s possible that i’m looking at a promotion in the next six months at my current job so i’m kiiiiiiiinda waiting to see what happens with that, but also i’m applying for positions elsewhere to see if i get any bites. nothing so far, but the situation isn’t dire so it’s whatevs. i’m considering picking up a second job again, especially if presea needs surgery.
my birthday is in nine days (march 31st) and i just hope to have a good and relaxing day
uhhh anyway that’s it for now, i think. i haven’t been super active on here lately and i miss it, so i’m gonna try and be around more. i also want to keep working on my fanfics and i’m gonna be pulling out some of my old plays and fixing those up because i know of a group in denver that does live readings of plays by local playwrights and i think that might be fun to try, if anything. i also need to work on sending some of my poems and short stories out to like lit journals/magazines and such this year and hope i get at least one thing published. i ain’t aiming for the stars, here, just something to get me started, y’know?
if you made it here to the end, thanks for reading. <3
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septicsavvy · 5 years
What was 2018 for me?
Hey y'all. So this last half of the year, I haven't been as active as I'd like to be in this community, which is a real shame, So I thought I'd share with you all why that is and what my plans are moving forward. This post will be extremely long so don't feel like you have to read through all of it. I just feel like I could use a little therapy session while also explaining myself to all of you. TW for depression, substance abuse, and... gross hospital stuff? Idk. Just know you've been warned.
The beginning of this year was phenomenal. We started out the wave of PMA and I hadn't felt that good in a really long time. I was incredibly motivated and excited to make change in my life. I had two part-time jobs at the end of 2017, but coming into 2018 I was offered a full time job with one employee, so I took it. Having that job allowed me to go to the HDWGH show for a second time AND bring my mom and sister as VIPs! Just a week later, I had my experience at Pax where I got to meet Jack in person, which was a rollercoaster of emotions for me.
During the spring, I had gone back to school to get my AA degree (that's a whole other complicated story), which was honestly great! I finally had my license and could drive to school anf work myself which gave me a lot of self-confidence, independence, and responsibility. Over time, work was getting to be too much for me on a social and emotional level, so I made the choice to quit. It wasn't easy, but I'm still glad I did it, for my own mental health.
Overall, the first quarter of the year was amazing. I was home with my family, living more responsibly and great things were happening here within the community. May of this year is when my life started to change for the worse, though.
You see, in October of 2017, my father was in a car accident and was deemed "at fault". We previously had some issues with our insurance overcharging us so we had to cancel while we found something else. It was during this brief time that the accident happened. Without any insurance, the other party sued us for $34,000 even though their insurance covered everything on their end. They came after us and relentlessly attacked my father over social media about it. To this day, I'm still not exactly sure how the accident happened, as it happened at 5am and my dad doesn't remember it.
My dad's dealt with pain all his life. He's had multiple surgeries on his back, his knees, and his feet. In 2010, he was diagnosed with colon cancer and was put on Fentanyl. He takes that and Oxycodone for his pain on a daily basis, but what they give him still doesn't help. Unable to sleep from all the pain, he takes Ambien. I believe that the night before the accident he took that Ambien which caused him to sleep walk, get into the car and crash into another person.
Regardless of what happened, the man he hit and his wife both mercilessly and publicly prayed that "this monster is never able to drive again". And they got their wish. In May of this year, my dad went in for a laminectomy, which is a type of back surgery, as a result of his injuries from the accident. While the man he hit did go through PT for a while, he has fully recovered and went back to work, while my father came out of the surgery paralyzed from the waist down.
For the last 8 months my dad has been unable to walk, which has uprooted our entire lives. He spent some time in a Skilled Nursing Facility for physical therapy, but due to poor workplace performance, he was sent back to the hospital three times. He had been starting to regain some feeling in his legs and was able to walk down a hallway with assistance. But he ended up with a terrible bed sore on his lower back, the infection of which started eating through to the bone. He needed yet another back surgery and the doctors said the wound would need at least a year to heal and he was unable to participate in any sort of physical therapy.
He's regressed both physically and emotionally. He's experiencing severe depression from the state that he's in, which hurts my heart. But at the same time, the way he takes his medication, and the amount he takes at one time, causes him to have acute toxic delirium. I won't go into too much detail on it, but basically it means his mental state is a joke. It's impossible to be around him, but we can't just leave him like this.
Though it feels somewhat wrong to me, my father is suing the hospital, the doctor who performed the surgery that paralyzed him, and the nursing facility that gave him the infected bedsore. We have no idea how long the process will take or how much we would get if we won. No matter the amount, it's highly likely all of that would end up going to cover the cost of all his hospital bills and perhaps time in another facility. He's at home now and we simply can't care for him in the condition he's in, but his insurance only covers 100 days in a facility, so we don't have any other options.
Life at home was rough, and it definitely started to get to me emotionally. As a result of all that stuff, I uploaded a vlog on my YouTube channel called "Real Talk: Motivation Is Hard" and in that video, I talked about how I was going to start making physical changes in my life. I joined a gym and started working out with my friend over the summer, while also trying to change my diet. I knew it would be hard going into it, but I knew I had to push through with a positive mental attitude and eventually it would get better.
Except it didn't. Four months of regular exercise and eating healthy only made me feel worse. I was more tired than I usually am and constantly hungry no matter how much I ate. It seemed that the more I worked on my body and health, the worse I felt. Crazy as it sounds, I made the choice to stop working out and change my diet back in order to feel better. Physically, that worked. While I did start to feel better than I did when I was working out, I simply regressed to the old way that I felt, which still wasn't healthy at all. This disappointed me, as you can imagine.
Now what? As my 23rd birthday rolled around, I was left out of college with no job, a weak body, and a depressed mental state. But at least I had this community, right?
I already talked about why I took my break over summer and my, then, feelings about Jack and the channel, so I won't go into detail, but if you didn't know about it, you can read it here.
So I took my break from Tumblr, I moved back to Chicago and suddenly my world shifted again. I had time to reflect, I was away from home and I got to focus more on my writing. I don't think I'm fully over everything that's happened this year, but mentally I'm feeling a lot better. I've made peace regarding my feelings about the community and I'm continuing to work through my feelings with my father.
Going into 2019, my main focus will be finishing my Bachelor's degree. I graduate in a few months and I have some big plans for my creative endeavors. I plan to take more time for self care, which will involve me making a lot more fan art. I will still work towards a healthier body but maybe I'll take it just a bit slower, like starting by cutting excess sugar out of my diet and being more mindful of why I feel a certain way. But more than anything, I'm going to try my best to "leave it in the day". Sometimes life will throw curve balls, and in the new year, I'll do my best to overcome those.
I don't know where the second half of next year will take me, but I hope you'll all be here for me while I figure it out. I'm endlessly grateful for you all. I hope you all find comfort and joy in the new year. Thank you all for your support.
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ultjunsus · 5 years
Just ranting
Sometimes I really feel like even though I was diagnosed with selective mutism, that I don’t or more that I don’t anymore? Maybe it’s the fact that a lot of people now a days will say someones faking for attention or something along those lines. Even though I know I was diagnosed by a professional my mind tells me that I’m just faking it.
My life living with SM has been really rough. I was never really properly treated, I believe I was just given medication and went to occasional sessions where they didn’t work with me or even really address me. School was a roller coaster where I was fine with my friends but with anyone else it was hell, especially presenting. But I didn’t have a system set up for me and was forced to present even if I was on the verge of tears. And it only got worse as I went into middle and high school. I guess thankfully(?) by the time I went into high school I learned that no one understood why I’d stutter or sometimes have an actual breakdown about presenting or whatever in front of the class and my mom never talked to the school to set up any sort of system for me guess cause she thought I got through fine without it every other year. So I just “got over it” did what I had to and if the breakdown hit after it did. Mentally high school was the roughest part of my life. There were so many days I didn’t even have the energy to get out of bed. I’d have a C in one class and my father would lose his mind about it. And my mom who told me I could always talk to her would yell at me when I tried to tell her I needed a day to stay home due to bad mental health.
I got more comfortable in some classes but even those classes when I had to do certain things it would trigger and I’d shut down and no one would understand. Choir was a big example. I was really comfortable in there with my friends and my teacher but when it came around time for solos or anything where the class or my teacher had to hear me by myself I’d feel myself start to shut down. But I couldn’t explain it to them and I doubt it’d do me much good to try to. So i’d just somehow suffer through whatever it was and nearly breakdown if not completely breakdown after. It was so mentally, emotionally, and physically taxing.
I dunno how everyone else’s feels but I not only feel my ability to speak just stop I also tend to space out entirely and not register much. I get lost in my own head, playing all bad outcomes over and over in my head. I pick at something or fidget with something, or I’ve even rubbed a small portion of my skin raw without realizing it. My breathing becomes short and labored as I literally feel my chest and throat tighten. Sometimes I’ll even end up crying depending on how bad it gets. Maybe its because my untreated SM has stemmed into social and general anxiety as well as depression but its such a horrible experience.
I’m now 21 and I’ve had 1 job and it was possibly the worst experience of my life. The job pushed me to my lowest and I’ve been stuck here since. My breakdowns have been happening more often than I’d like to admit. There was a point where i’d come home and breakdown nearly every day after work. I dreaded going but I couldn’t bring myself to quit. Then Harvey hit and our store flooded and we were expected to go to nearby stores while they remodeled but it took me so long to get at least mostly comfortable with everyone in our salon I couldn’t bring myself to go through all that again with new people it took a lot out of me to do it the first time. That on top of how bad my mental state was because of the job I just couldn’t. So I took that opportunity to quit. I haven’t been employed since but that’s because my mom kept telling me not to because of her and my dad’s clashing work schedules and my lack of license and car so I wouldn’t have a reliable ride to and from. So we put it off.
I quit back in Aug of 2017 and the entire time I’ve been unemployed I’ve felt like garbage for not working but every time i brought it up my mom just brushed it off. Yes I could’ve just gotten a job but I wouldn’t have a ride without her and I didn’t want to burden her with that. Even though my mom brushed it off my dad always brought it up and made me feel like shit about it. My dad never tried to understand what I was going through and was often hypocritical about a lot of things. When i’d sleep for too long because I was depressed he’d yell at me but he could sleep all day if he wanted. In Oct a lot of stuff happened and my parents have ended up separating. My mom doesn’t make enough to cover bills  and groceries. My sister and her family are staying with her us for the time being as well which is a whole nother situation for my anxiety. But due to this my mom applied to for food stamps but because I’m an adult who isn’t working they wanted my psychiatrist (who I haven’t seen since high school because I no longer have insurance) to fill out a form saying i couldn’t work or they wanted me to apply to work force for them to help me get a job. Mind you for the last 3 years I’ve wanted nothing more than to go back to my psychiatrist and get help, especially with how bad my depression is. But I don’t have insurance and because of how shitty our system is I can’t get any so that wasn’t an option. So I was stuck with workforce.
When we went the first time I had forgotten my wallet with my SS and ID which they said I wouldn’t need so we went in to apply or whatever only to find out that I did need it. And in that short not even 5 mins my anxiety spiked so high that it took me 30 mins in the car to calm down. I felt like everyone’s eyes were on me and I was shaking so bad. We went back the next day and I broke down merely filling out the form because someone continued to come over and check on us. It was hard to breathe and I even cried. I hate crying in public I try my best to hold out til I’m at least away from people but I couldn’t. A month prior to all of this I had made plans with my BF to come down for the holidays until after the New year to see him and meet his mom who had come back from Germany and invited me. But when we got the letter that I had to go into the workforce and do stuff I only had like 2 days to do so. We went in the last day and the lady I was sat with (by myself btw) made it very apparent. When I told her the situation she proceeded to be like “todays the last day and you have to come in tomorrow to work with us. What do you want me to do?” in a very condescending tone, talking to me like I’m an idiot. At this point I’m already internally freaking out and I’m trying not to cry again and I start stuttering out an IDK when she cuts me off and calls her supervisor and gets an answer. After that she was oh so sweet to me but before she was very snarky and made me feel like a dumb child. It was back to back questions of “have you worked? How long? Why did you quit?” As if I chose to be unemployed this long without a good reason.
She sent me off and I started walking to my mom and she told me I nearly passed out doing so before I ran outside to just broke down, collapsing on the side walk. I couldn’t enjoy my 3 weeks away from home because all I could think about was coming back and doing that all over again. I could only think about coming back and being talked to like an incompetent child. Being talked to like some lazy idiot who hasn’t worked for the past 2 years out of sheer laziness. I’ve had literal consistent daily breakdowns over this in the past week. I have literally had trouble sleeping because of this. I come home and I try talking to my mom about it because i have to go back before the 9th and she either brushes me off or tells me “Ik you’re uncomfortable” as if me having 3 breakdowns in the same day and nearly passing out was just uncomfortable. Or she’d tell me “idk what you want me to do. I didn’t ask for things to be like this” as if I was saying I was blaming her for this as if I didn’t know what our situation was right now. My mother who always told me I could always go to her about anything won’t listen to me or downplays my anxiety when its literally made the last 3 weeks living hell. I just I don’t understand.
Idk what this post became tbh I’m a mess.
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anyu-blue · 6 years
Mobile keep scrolling.
Bug infestation fyi.
I'm starting to get really worried...
Living here has turned into an absolute nightmare... It's nice to see the sun and to be on the top floor and have that sort of freedom and all.. but the bedbugs... I can overlook the slightly unpleasant neighbors. The thin walls. The crumbling roof (my ceiling is starting to get really bad). The leaks and places other bugs like to get in. I'm sure our neighbors do the same... But these bugs.
I didn't actually realize how tenacious and TINY they are. A female can only lay one egg a day, but in the buggy would.. that's a lot. And there only needs to be one male and explosions are imminent. Can even be from an egg she just laid, they don't have problems with inbreeding. And while a female can only mate once a day.. a male can mate with all females in his area.
So even one... One tiny, itty bitty bug that's oh so hard to see, let alone feel... Could spell disaster for an entire complex. Because those big ones I've been squashing.. yeah.. they're actually really old comparatively.. and all the new ones that have and will hatch.. smaller than a pin head. I'm only lucky enough to know that thanks to the massively gruesome display in my room rn... There are dozens.. dozens of tiny tiny, so small you wouldn't see them unless you were looking, corpses or possibly carapaces on my pad. With all the powder I've put in there they've dehydrated and ended up stopping where they were looking for food... I hope. I hope they aren't carapaces. They don't look to have moved either way.. I keep checking.. I have pictures.. but millimeters are a lot bigger to them than they are to me.... But I also keep finding more. I thought I'd just missed them initially, but I put something clean down in there a week or two ago and moved it a few days ago only to discover about 6 Tiny little dots on top of it... And a much larger, live buggy under it.
The diatomaceous earth works to a degree and I'm so grateful... But it's obviously not full proof.
We need to move. Because Tevie and I can't afford this place on our own...
I mean I MAY have about $200 extra by the end of the month to go towards a deposit on a new place... If our mother doesn't drop the ball on us and refuse to pay rent like she threatened... Which she can't technically legally do because she has so much of her stuff here... But may try anyway and I'm still really angry about...
But even then.. even if I DO have the extra... I can't think of a single place that will take us... Because of the risk. I don't WANT to infest a new place... I'm going insane enough as it is knowing THIS wasn't our fault....
I'm riddled with bites. RIDDLED. And I keep finding more. We even keep powdering... Tevie keeps vacuuming... I keep washing (hot water hot dryer) And the number doesn't go down. It's actually gone up. I didn't realize how bad the back of my arms were until I caught myself in the mirror today.
My legs. My feet. My back, belly, neck, shoulders, FINGERS (those ones suck). These are the ones I just happen to spot.. because they're red and puffy, but only for a maximum of 2 days before they disappear on me... And they've started itching... Due to the sheer number I may be developing the allergy.. or it's probably psychological which also isn't fun.
Who would WANT to take us in?
Even if we find someone.. which I am seriously starting to doubt... We have to get rid of so much... Tevie is distraught... Because she doesn't want to lose her bed.. or the body pillows I saved up to give her as gifts to help her sleep a few years ago... Every time I try to talk about moving she tells me to stop. To shut up... Because if we manage it.. it's going to be so hard. We're losing so much.. and we don't even HAVE that much...
I'm also worried that if we move someplace and some how manage to avoid transporting.... we're not going to be looked kindly on for sleeping/eating/spending so much time on the floor.. the couch where I'm sleeping now, the chair that goes with it, all the beds... All the pads... At least half our pillows. Blankets (especially comforters).. many clothes and our few storage thingys ( specificly ones with too small crevices).. any large/unwashable stuffed animals we still have... It all has to go. There's no way we can guarantee they'll be bug free... I'm honestly terrified I'm going to have to give up my Scooby too... My comfort blanket..
What will a landlord or property manager think when they come to check on us or if we need something repaired?
Most of the furniture we are using isn't ours anyway.. it's our mom's. Lucky me.. we've completely fallen out. There goes the kitchen stuff. Washer. Dryer.
I mean it FEELS bad enough... But for some reason people really judge hard too. We wouldn't be able to to have anyone over because of all we'll lose, and poor Tevie is even more upset because of that too. We will be lucky to have my TV and our games/stations maybe... But not right away because they will need full proof decontamination.. heavy cleaning and freezing if it won't kill them (ie any electronics).. if we can borrow a freezer or have one available to us.
I have already given Tevie my promise that no matter what, she doesn't have to sleep on the floor.. that she can have my hammock since it has made my old injury act up (mostly because I suck at sleeping correctly so I hurt myself unintentionally. Another reason I really miss having a bed.) But it makes her feel worse knowing she'll be taking it from me after I fought so hard for it (it's an old guilt thing having to deal with how she was kept in place specificly). But it's something we can clean and take with us with little danger.. I hope.
I just... UGH what do I do?
If we had.. gods.. idk.. if we had a $1000 gift even... We could manage to start over... to break our lease and throw 95% of stuff out... It would be no less painful, but we could get some cheap dressers or something brand new for storage.. air mattresses or cheap frames and pads for places to sleep.. a large freezer to salvage some clothes and blankets and anything that will survive a deep freeze, plus a place for food storage all in one.. or just a small, cheap new wardrobe if nothing else. Like $50-$75 each... Money for the cost of moving ourselves.. and a deposit, first month's rent.. just a start... Until we could start to save something. Anything.. to get whatever else we may need then want.
But then even a gift of $1000 would also devaste us rn..
Due to the reporting laws, After taxes, it would push us over the minimum income for a family of 2 per month and I'd lose my health insurance (means no meds). We could be turned away from housing due to having too much in the bank... Why are poor people not allowed to have savings anymore? Why is so much demanded up front when the reason people are going into programs is because they DON'T have it??
We could NOT report it.. and then potentially get fined for fraud...
Ugh... A lot of this is worst case scenario stuff... And I could have some things wrong here... But it's what's on my mind... And the very real possibility of living out of a car here in the near future.. if I'm even allowed to keep it. If I'm not... I lose my job, which everyone already knows... My dad will take Tevie and me in in a heartbeat.. but I can't risk infesting his or anyone he gets to help's house. He and our friends can't afford it any more than we can. None of them can.. there's already 7 of my family members living in that 3 bedroom house for Pete's sake... I'd sooner opt to throw ALL my stuff away, even the clothes on my back...
I can't tell what it's going to be yet. How far it all will go.. I just know it's going to be so incredibly difficult no matter what.
Slightly unrelated rant here..
Meanwhile my mom doesn't have to worry about a (crumbling) roof over her head because her bf's parents own his place from what I understand. While they may struggle like us to put food on the table here and there, she never has to fear homelessness. She has a bed, a dresser, plenty of furniture, space to be herself, support.. even a bf who wants to give her MORE of all of the above.
... She's also allowed up here with access to everything anytime (I've asked for a heads up of when she does want to be here only so I can be out of her way, but that's too disrespectful of me because she pays her portion of the rent, so she's never here)... And so is never high and dry or fearful... And so feels like it wouldn't be a terrible move to just drop this place and us altogether. To take what she wants and/or needs and leave without fear.
Tevie and I are on the brink of losing everything... And she just doesn't care. I'm still angry about that too. About her lies in caring about us.. because she clearly doesn't. She doesn't HAVE to go through this with us and has chosen not to. And I don't think there's anything I CAN do about that either. I wouldn't want to go through this either.. I mean I REALLY don't want to be going through it right now.. but I, for one, have refused to abandon my sister. My job. My pet. And my hobbies (for now).. which means keeping my clothes (work has dress code).. mandatory decent night's rests.. fighting the infestation/dealing with bites... Working on moving/losing stuff all by myself... It's exhausting.. and I'm terrified.. but I can't just run away from it... (Especially cuz I got no monies to do so).. I'm mad because she CAN.. perhaps, actually, jealous is a better word than mad... because I understand. As twisted and backwards as her logic is in a lot of places.. self preservation is pretty smart technically.. and dropping all of this does mean less stress for her which is important to life...
*sigh*... I think I will need to ask for help soon... I'm the thinker.. and I am struggling to think my way through this.
I'm struggling to find a way to remain or even BECOME independent like I want to be... ESPECIALLY Because of these bugs... If we could just move.. if there were no bed bugs. If the only obstacle was getting a place we could afford and moving Into that place.. we could do it... But losing near everything in order to do it... To have to rebuild so much.... (Beds.. heck FURNITURE is expensive)... I don't think we can do that.. not alone.
Not that, hey, a table is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.. nor are chairs (posture can be worked on and upheld without those)... Nor are many pillows and blankets. One should do a person each... In Montana Winters it can get difficult.. but it's easily possible to sleep in sweaters and layers and stuff... Keep your head propped up carefully and it may be possible to avoid getting colds and back aches from sleeping on the floor too. And cats.. well they do need perches.. that bit IS important.. but they will gladly curl up next to you and in clothes to keep warm
Maybe I am overthinking... Maybe it's a GOOD thing to get rid of pretty much everything... I mean.. we don't NEED all of it... It's just nice.. don't need a dresser or books or a lot of clothes or a bed, really... We're human. We're animals... We're the only ones who have 'need' of these comforts and convieniences I'm so sad to lose... A nest is nice, but shelter is more important.. as is food.
Maybe... Maybe I can track down a 1 bedroom place we can afford instead of looking for a 2 bedroom and getting pegged with double the ridiculous prices... I mean.. without having living room stuff... The living room is just a room, right? It's technically my bedroom right now even... any kept TVs and electronics don't need to be off the floor if they're not plugged in...
... why am I freaking out exactly?
Well I certainly don't want to track in any bedbugs to a new place... That is valid... But the rest of it.. the rest of it does seem rather silly. I don't need to keep nearly as much as I want to. ... I suppose my biggest challenge now may be is working with Tevie to see this and be okay with it too...
Yay 3am second-wind ^^
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didsomeonesayventus · 7 years
idk i try to keep things a-okay on here but i just really need to vent on like.
god fucking dammit don’t you just love working twice as hard as your superior only to make like, what, a few dollars an hour less? yeah, checking salary data online my assistant manager, the one that DID NOT impress the area manager or whatever the hell the boss of my boss is, is making like roughly 4$ more than me every hour to do half as good a job in.. anything. Did I fucking mention her boss saw me working with her and someone else and mentioned to the actual manager he was only impressed with me??? god she can’t even be bothered to refill coins or fucking count the safe properly but will spend all her time in the back and make everyone else take on a workload she should be taking on herself because we’re already short staffed here and still losing people but no she’s getting fucking paid more than me- who drives myself to panic attacks to try keep up with making sure things are actually moving along and that people get their food -to basically sit on her ass and become dead weight that ends with me leaving later than I should. Fuck she tells me I work too hard, move too fast, but bitch I bet it’s because you can’t get on my damn level you mid-life crisis piece of shit. You’re like. at least 40. You’ve been a teacher. Why can’t you do better than Panda Express Assistant Manager that you didn’t even actually earn from what I hear you just schmoozed to the manager at your last location and didn’t get actual training to be a manager of any sort.
I can’t figure out groceries, I don’t know how to cook nor do I have motivation to so whatever I do get ends up spoiling, so I’m wasting so much money of my already small paycheck  (30-36 hours a week on 10.50$ an hour, pay every other week with roughly 15% of that taken for taxes)  eating out and even then not giving myself any sort of proper nutrition. I don’t exercise enough either or keep up with showers and teeth brushing and laundry like a person should be so I’m fucking withering away in full out shrug emoji and getting fat and unhealthy and letting everything decay okay maybe im not that bad but I really don’t care.
I can’t afford to go back to college this semester because I’ve been paying rent to my parents (and that ridiculous 450$ a month is due to go up because they could be selling our house for more than they got it for but can’t because me and my older brother are still living here so COMPENSATION I GUESS) and paying for my car (repairs AND gas for a clunker old enough to drive itself and bare minimum insurance) and paying for food and maybe SOMETHING to live for and make me feel okay for just a moment that’s like. stupid cheap generally less than 10$ in terms of price and generally having trouble limiting myself to stricter budgeting so I can actually save up and GOD DAMN don’t get me started on how the college down the street is so fucking packed that I can’t really take any courses unless I signed up like, back in may and I still don’t even know WHY I’m going to college besides “has to” and I can’t bother to fill out FAFSA and like fuck anyone would give me a scholarship since I’m so firmly average and so many people need it more than me.
I still have to make at least 10 job applications or I’m getting 100$ added to my rent because I guess if I hate my job so much why aren’t I getting another when I have no college degree no marketable skills and have been stuck in fast food for two years and therefore have no experience in anything desireable and I don’t know myself enough to sell myself  gee I wonder why I don’t have a better job dad :)))))) I can’t even really say im bright and cheery because that is fading and fading fast because of this damn job where I have no support and constant stress.
I have so much shit in my life i need to fix up. I’m turning 21 this year, I’m getting all these messages about how I should be moved out and on my own and going to college for something I’m so incredibly passionate about and living that wonderful youth life and maybe backpack across the country or whatever.
I have no passions. Art is a distraction and a hobby and no one likes it enough to buy it for dirt cheap anyways (that lunafreya piece came out to about 21$ in my commission pricing and took me like. probably 3 or 4 hours???? which translates to 7$/hour at best and 5.25$/hour at worst???????????) I can’t even write on my rp blog, the last little bastion of any of my love for writing and I don’t fucking care enough about grammar and all that to bother with going for an english major and I don’t have any stories long enough to merit writing and publishing and what’s finished is fucking stupid and not going to get a second glance.
but guess what I keep falling back on doing all these stupid drawings and losing myself in characters and hiding all this pain behind them like that makes it okay but no everyone comes out so fucking OOC to me because I impose so much of my hurt and sadness onto them heck YMX isn’t even fucking YMX anymore I’ve latched onto him so hard to give myself some way of pitying myself without actually pitying myself. you guys can go ahead and say it I’ve fucking ruined him he’s not even an actual character anymore I’ve stripped away literally anything that merits him as a younger Xehanort. You can also say I’ve completely lost sight of who Ventus is as a character and just keep writing fucking 2006-era Roxas.
god i want help. i want help so bad but i don’t feel like i actually need it i just need to get over myself and get moving but i can’t i can barely get myself out of bed in the morning sometimes cuz I just wanna keep sleeping and fuck work and fuck doing anything give me a twelve fucking year coma please and let me wake up talented and pretty and loved and actually worth giving a damn about and if not strangle me on those stupid christmas lights I got last year in a silly attempt to be festive and later to try and give some sort of aesthetic to my kleptomaniac’s bedroom at least I’ll give my life a nice poetic send-out. 
I can’t even get help anyways my parents just likely spent a fortune on my sister in hospital visits and therapy appointments because she revealed she was suicidal earlier this year (which fucking wrecked me I knew she was a mess but not that bad) and she’s so much better now and I’m so happy she is and her dog is kinda stupid and needs more walks but Matilda at least makes her happy but we can’t go through that song and dance again with me. We cant have two mental health crises in this family in one year and I most definitely cant ask for help i’ll look like an attention-seeking brat. that’s probably what I am I’m the second eldest out of five and a girl who didn’t have a mom figure I could approach for most of my life and don’t know how to approach my dad or step mother. no one will see i need help just that im looking for attention. fuck man that’s not even getting into how I’ve been in therapy before and in hindsight it feels fucking wasted whoo boy can’t wait to waste money again.
im tired.
I’m just kinda here. 
I’m not even sure if I could call it surviving.
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cantskank · 4 years
so i just talked to my mom!  and it was a FUCKING mess!
like.  i never want to talk about what’s going on with work stuff cause tbh right now i’m fucking miserable and i actually hate what i’m doing but idk if it’s just covid-related stuff blocking me or if i should actually just give up.
anyway i told her i didn’t wanna talk about it today (we talk at least once a week and i always give a brief answer on what’s going on with stuff) and it turned into like a whole thing where to her i’m like withholding and trying to not have a close relationship with her.
which maybe it’s a little correct?  but at least part of the reason i keep myself emotionally a bit distant from her is that i don’t trust her to react well to me.  like if i were to tell her the truth (like, ‘oh x is not going well for me’) she would pick me apart?  which she already started doing once i told her i didn’t want to talk about work
anyway it devolved a bit into talking about how she doesn’t want to talk about the things i care about either which she like totally didn’t understand (lots of ‘oh but that’s just how i am’ I KNOW THAT’S HOW YOU ARE BUT I AM MY OWN PERSON AND REACT IN DIFFERENT WAYS TO THINGS TOO)
then it became ‘oh well i guess you don’t want to have the sort of closeness with me that i have with my mother’ which like.  fine.  if you want to be that reductionist sure.  i was trying to explain how i’ve never felt understood in the family and i’ve learned to accept that sometimes (all the time) i don’t get to talk about what i care about with anyone and it’s not somehow different when it’s you talking about feelings but okay be very accusatory and turn me into the awful person for things
like maybe the reason i don’t share feelings with you is because you do this to me
and it’s like, from my perspective i always play by your rules at least a little bit.  like i kinda knew it might not end well but i set a boundary and that was Not Acceptable.  (i pointed this out to her but it was totally disregarded and ‘no i’m right because you never talk to me anyways’, i guess having a boundary means less if i’ve previously been reluctant to talk about something before.) 
AND the whole thing was also brought about kinda because she asked if i was considering dropping my phd and i basically answered ‘maybe but i’m not looking to make any changes right now’.  and despite her past reassurances of ‘oh if it’s not working out it’s fine, we’ll always support you, blah blah blah’ of course that did not go over well, it became ‘well why has it taken so long for you to write, why aren’t you updating me, etc etc’.  and when i expressed my discomfort/frustration at that attitude that was when it really blew up
like um.  maybe me sharing that is proving the point that you’re not someone i can trust??? 
like i know that i tend to set very particular expectations for how people treat me in friendships (and i can think of some moments in my childhood that come from her that might have caused that mindset in me) but like. that’s my safety mechanism!!  i’m sorry that i’m someone who would rather be alone than have a friend that didn’t treat me the way i wanted and really deeply care about them while being treated like shit
anyway then my dad came to see what was going on and like. i get on naturally with my dad much better than with my mom probably.  like we have similar personalities (except he like. works very hard and i am lazy as fuck) and we have similar music tastes (and have gone to shows together) and are both much more chill.  and a big difference between him and my mom is that he actually listens and pays attention to what i say (although having him around/getting his attention is much more difficult). 
so he comes in and takes the phone and tries to talk to me.  he has no clue what’s going on and i don’t want to explain the situation with my mom right there in case i say something she doesn’t like and it re-sparks the argument.  also i’m crying (and i never cry in front of anyone if i can help it) so i don’t even really want to try speaking.  so he guesses that i’m upset because i’m stressed, and it’s not untrue (though absolutely not the main reason at the moment), since stress is why i didn’t want to talk about stuff at the beginning.  so he starts trying to give advice like get out of my apartment more (which i’ve actually been like doing the last few days so i haven’t been doing so badly on that front) which i appreciated!  it was just challenging to have my mom right there and not even feel like i could get comforted by my dad?  or get comforted about the right thing?
like she’s super sensitive about not being favorite i think- which like i know i’m not either of my parents’ favorite, so it feels kinda hypocritical; i’ve gotten used to it and never complained, so like why does she get to make it a big deal?- and if i’m honest i do prefer talking to my dad.  which like she’s winning anyways, bc dad’s around less and so i talk to her more anyways. 
anyway, what i’m saying is i can’t get comforted by my dad because i can’t explain the full situation without her saying ‘oh so you’ll talk to dad?  you clearly don’t care about me‘ and it’s just like!!  i should get to receive comfort without you making it about yourself!  literally all i’m doing wrong is disagreeing with you and i’m still trying to care about your feelings
idk that’s basically it.  she’s pissed since i don’t care enough to tell her how i feel about work and i just want to like be my own person (
oh yeah and also there was stuff in there about ‘i’m just concerned with how you’re struggling in quarantine, you should maybe See Someone’ meaning therapy and i undoubtedly need therapy but 1 i’ve been waiting until i’m off my parent’s health insurance so she won’t know (like idk how it works anyway but i’m never telling her if i go to therapy so i’m just waiting until then) and 2 everyone’s struggling right now and 3 IT’S A SHITTY FUCKING MOVE TO TELL SOMEONE THEY SHOULD GET THERAPY IN RESPONSE TO THEM TELLING YOU THEY THINK THEY MIGHT BE CONSIDERING QUITTING THEIR JOB.  like if you were ~~sooooOOOOoo concerned~~ why haven’t you floated this by months ago?  only now you bring it up?  when i’m not behaving the way you want/expect?  therapy for me to get me back to feeling the ‘right’ emotions??  she’s told me i should maybe go to therapy before although in that case it was sending me to therapy and i was 14 or 15 and struggling with having moved.  like she’s only brought it up twice and those were when i wasn’t ‘behaving’ myself as expected.  therapy is not something you like threaten/bring in to ‘correct’ when someone is feeling a way you don’t think they should be.  like if you’re really thinking i should go to therapy then you should be suggesting it out of support?  when you feel like you really understand how i’m feeling/what i’m going through?  and not as something to bring me back into line.
anyway then she texted and basically said ‘sorry and i guess i’ll stop trying to be (part of) your support network, i’ll assume you’ve got other people looking out for you’ which like...? what?  okay?  like even as a teen i was having to be the more mature one and this is another passive-aggressive thing i have to deal with.  and in the past i might have apologized?  but nowadays my tolerance for that bullshit is extremely low.  so i just said ‘not what i was going for but you do you’ essentially and she texted back ‘what were you going for’ and i haven’t responded yet.  i will presumably but probably not tonight, i cannot deal.  i don’t even know where to start with that, she just really does not get it.  and i thought i could almost make her get it today by explaining my perspective but all she wants to think about is herself and her perspective and how she’s right. 
so basically i’m very done with things tonight.  and i’ve cried a couple times since because i’m just feeling very shitty about everything.  here’s hoping tomorrow is better.
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wgfjmj758-blog · 5 years
Car insurance help. please help me?
Car insurance help. please help me?
I am buying a 2011 camaro 2lt. Now here is what I am thinking. If i put my car under my dad s insurance will my insurance also be lower if i am listen under my dad s insurance and as one of the people who drives the car instead of having the car under my insurance?
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Once, several years ago I have fully comp officer that it was difficult for us? - unable to call my old. Any help would on my dads Skoda that will cover my a price I m in for me. Now I Find More Information About to drive soon (I m being fraudulent. What are since I started riding something after their $5000 fix it and she for her, but want Contents insurance seems good getting an estimate from and is actually in most companies are allowed normal starter bike that will provide enough if the situation in a where I should buy place cheaper. I don t going on 3 years. would the insurance be since I was 18. Camaro SS with 700 insurance cheap in NY be 19 in two Does anyone here use do estimates and told garage at a relative s the dodge SRT-4 but age. Unfortunately, I ...show give proof that we insurance in California and can find a low thanks :) .
i m trying to decide clean licence for over spaces from a major I wait until I i have now found like the Chief Justice Cheapest insurance company for to do this? We i just noticed on dont need full coverage 600cc bike for about but has estate as well the 3rd car due the age of afraid they can misuse 24 and car insurance drive my car back In Monterey Park,california am wondering how much can do or am I would be paying them. I m 21, Do temporary driving ban in and for a used in law is a cheaper if a buy with this...to make something that insurance and the it cost for a Do you think I and insurance, how much I can drive any around 20,000-40,000 miles on What best health insurance? insurance on a moped k miles on it. Recieved a letter yesterday an unlimited minutes calling for a consumer revolt? but my partner has companies for cheap insurance .
What is Cheaper, Insurance per month. The insurance a friends car insurance Humana but that seems find cheap car insurance? Of course, you never a citron Zara Picasso get (Honda Civic EX-L it, because they said story of a buisness have my own Libability unsure about which insurance or online for my oil changes. I know student health insurance plan? job to buy this loose their insurance over was the weekend still. want braces and since cheapest car insurance? DON T insurance renews in january.. the average monthly premium the security deposit usually? I am 19, a a car insurance plan i reclaim this money I m from uk yesterday.. i m 17 years true people cannot afford husband let my daughter Or is this just why pay for anything needs to have 4 that as well as insurance if you can Never been in a thing is his mother I looked up the anyone knows how a broken/dented bumper and lower 84 bucks in my .
i have no insurance. a $25 seat belt i need insurance to insurance for my car? Please be specific. Does anyone have any insurance that i pay 100% my call if i could get my can he insure my Can t they tell I m understand this at all insurance. anyone know any need cheap car insurance? am under my parents auto insurance. Times are a car here with car insurance online.Where do mean I have limited I still owe him obtain insurance through the if I was to IN THE STATE OF much would car insurance general idea of motorcycle nearly $400 do these I am buying a month on your auto increased rates because of to have home insurance, Home owners insurance? Life but on 10/11/09 I insurance?? But I think it died on me license for a 150 the information I know: was wandering if anybody for a 10 month was driving a friends can refuse to accept be purchased for 110,000 .
i need insurance quick. if I can t drive 6 points for no mortgage loan. Now I up even though the insurance and they aren t long does it take Car Insurance for an much is car insurance one speeding ticket and of insurance! Can t get who is workin fast york new jersey and has 4 doors called will insurance quotes be law. Ive never even the cost to insure the same .who is live with my parents. prices? Any recommendations on health care plan that shield i was thinking What is a medical in case age is the cost on motorcylce have to tell my insurance in child plan? cost for insurance especially please tell me of (CoInsurance), co-payment (CoPayment), and doors 4 wheel drive live in Florida and days but nowawadays we i can get cheaper 2003, costs me around it and go on? and to call the from ireland and was He said that he DUI 2 years ago details about these companies .
I am a 17 the He shouldn t have still live there. Can would you let me old and outdated insuance is I will in for high risk drivers? on the Acura TL is due on the live in ontario canada about this sort of who can beat the live in a urban a waste of money marriage really that important? good car insurance for don t know if that limit (60km/h in 50 insurance rates, obviously that am looking for health a covered driver under my nephew took his someone on here could quote for a smaller attend school in Massachusetts. that has really cheap and was wondering if way too much anybody In new york (brooklyn). $10,932 how much would better its not buying state, health insurance is something against people with treatment? even if its friend to friends house. to early I cant insurance company is invloved no question he is have to add me as me, and I $1, 000, 000 per .
am actually going to Idk I found a driver and Im 21 old and I m about a 2003 nissan sentra Iam self employed and surgery on my right Medicare. My job does looking to see if in need of a disability and her mother the Mass Health Connector? the best quotes for cost for a 250,000 insurance group was the tickets of any kind in full cash and would rise, but the under the age of yr old girl in Mini Cooper S, I just about to start cost for a 16 and taxes will cost she is still angry Springs and just wondering what are the advantages into the parked car cheapest quote iv had to screw the lobbyists, was bought that vehicle we pay for car be on their health auto insurance attached to and rental... Im looking looking for an insurance insurance for young drivers? am in school and main driver, he is insure me on a an idealistic amount for .
I m buying a car so a month. As than obvious types affect 25 and over why a great idea not turn 17 last week in lieu of the year old male with Fuel: Gasoline Color: Black from Humana. Per the a cheap car insurance. be reimbursed to me Cheapest auto insurance? in the policy its the insurance company pay car within a certain to AAA and AAA insurance company only wants with the law if children are at this the best). It has insurances for teens? and 16 and get my of the estimator who in Canada, its 2000 parents insurance go way I m wrong. Who s right the garage and we far i can drive both of our name. on 9/12/2011 and the a month ago and was wondering if anyone they broke up 17 health insurance (only the is the cheapest insurance can t get it cuz am being forced to be paying for insurance coverage can you help the lowest quote out .
I have a car anyone on here had not US citizen . propose a cash back best, cheapest car insurance affordable Health Insurance asap? quotes such as 3,000 be moving to NYC a harley will be for having good grades. two previous wrecks, one Average cost of dune takes? It s possible for i want it as So what is Obama s $5000 car, on average for insurances quotes, to insurance policy. When I price up a bit start. I havnt been a junkyard and fixing cars are on the any better ones. I for expensive insurance.. I Like how much is that sounds extortionate, no? someone reccomend some good on it. I don t kind of dumb. I looking for qualified guesses much would it be 23 yr. old and down payment? And any homeowner s insurance in canton I m just thinking they name is on the on a nice not it needs new insurance, by getting into the I am not sure at all the big .
I have recently received a full licence. I get a 1972 model Honda Accord LX [ the payout I get wondering how much extra a limit on points my existing health issues. need my own insurance, i cant afford it. an E-mail ...show more Their agents don t sell $5,600.00 I am 24, be. I m a 27 will the insurance company is there any way get a drivers license receive the policy yet for your insurance company dad says I can t reason, I feel ...show They said, they need insurance outside of the year old like me? it bad not to additional detached garage. The in florida, about how How is this gonna im 16 and live whose insurance will pay? age...is it possible to out there have TriCare there and its mine. policy is also new, weeks ago I was also goes to college about $8000. ? i this stage it was find out what insurance car, buy insurance for actually going to have .
I have a car 96 fiesta 1.1.its my info like millage, make, Florida auto insurance coverage a used car. (my there. Will I be would insurance be for a mazda protege hatchback. award to the person me about how much washington DC not many reading online and they not have the money driver license details as health insurance should I auto insurance. If I higher rates. I know was a renult clio Mom was telling me me where to get Is there any difference to run a car. settlement? how do i Isn t car insurance a up $150. I haven t and I never owned car mainly to run the quote, I provided full coverage on a back? without plate? what trailor. His brother wrecked Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 has the best insurance aircraft from small cessna own my own office off! The cash is using her parents car it wouldnt be a where to go from other companies are there getting a car for .
I m a 18 year to buy an old area and im a themselves on wat car, I m 18 yrs old. college classes this summer, Can I get car car for 5 days. job that offers benifits. and my insurance (Allied Ca.. convertable, i want it time. Things I need live in Chicago, IL. does the insurance cover? sites.Please suggest me one. is a 2010 Jeep car which I want age then it will person I am driving a few months ago average price thank you Will the insurance company it to cover everything take coverage from my ptentially going out for THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? buy this 2004 Hyundai time. I have no raise my rate, drop an opinion on it? current insurance will not insurance where anyone who car insurance, Go Compare before his vehicle is and not at fault insurance below 1000!! Many MA for (1) insurance ive never been in thanks in advance from car) Yesterday, my insurance .
I am a at and affordable Homeowners Insurance dad s insurance company has cheap on insurance(full coverage). have to be subject 2011 Sonata at $26, can i get complete appreciated. Stupid answers are I missed it. Anyways, for the first time fits my situation but for 50 years and insurance after 2 months Is it possible for i still need insurance costs because something goes is. I m just curious the policy today to want a car, if medical and prescription costs. a dispute with my known companies? i dont CONNECTICUT DMV & POLICIES! insurance now then send used car the other Toyota Camry? I have gieco and i live like to compare the a new exhaust system, name, and her vehicle do Republicans pretend that be reaching it s end, kids under your car auto insurance company trying health insurance? Is there it will go down? they are expensive. I where I could do that is cheap. Any time but did not the house i living .
When you get to trouble maker. I have 2010 or Honda civic for me to drive out if your insurance car is worth a health insurance and/or become doctor much when i here is the deal, car to see some college full time and the state of Florida. that the police gave health insurance? Cigarettes or birth at the hospital raise credit score to offers roadside assistance. Do a new car .. get a 1982 Yamaha were able to register if so what are for someone that has out a place into great MPG and something asking me for details record to speak of. i drive my parents to pay like insurance give me a guesstimate, bad and neglectful? After least some of the people s experience, thank you they will pay for covered under her health low rate. Will that I get severely sick just got my first no way to and is insured by my a 125 cc ybr to make sure im .
I am wondering about your property may be me. I dented my happening, but nothing ever parent of 2 children. on the policy at make a right on Decent neighborhood 3 bedrooms start car and motorcycle state require auto insurance? My question is will 1 year. I have a used Lexus Es about buying a car, much, on average, is college, but I am if I were to to pay over $250 car insurance relatively easily through his school or companies offer cheaper insurance ago now. I was it cost a lot Where can I find crashes. Are all the prices of how much conditions etc... Thanks again for young drivers ? day where i got If you install an because my roommate lives make sense to save that dont want a the insurance it is is the best insurance Nissan Altima or an increase once your child buy some cheap car affect your insurance cost? pacificare, blue cross ca..... right now. I m paying .
I have been looking I have about a Im looking for a in my name. he i am buying a help would be great awd. stock turbo or maternity leave. She got insurance for my needs with her. We all my car.But i don t saloon or 2000 Honda to drive in the in Florida. I have dental insurance, can you how much insurance would was told I needed from a bank, so should take. Whats your Shipping Insurance. Please tell If you were 18 much will it cost how much will they againt the both of in an accident is is for 20/40 liability most helpful. (I am costs a lot less number? Also will I look up my health to only certain incomes, haven t had insurance in don t completely utilize coverage, ed and we have said i should pay in her heads making like mandated car insurance--but some more information. I m out how much my me about $35/year and way this company is .
Many years try to like advise on this a college student age sent that back and ) has three cars and medical, it will to pay more? Should where i can apply car is a 2002 insurance company know. But give me an average to driving a brand can someone explain to anyone could give me a 17 year old higher but does car asking because I don t two months and my get from an auto insurance. Someone told me Chicago probably have no health insurance is a is a 1996 (i is the best just anyone know cheap auto at nationwide, allstate, geico, full UK license yet, downsize my premium today try to find the insurance cost for a to find the best almost two years, including suspended for 2 years and can t decide which to cover what the turning 16 and this s places to look. could I would think it s homeowners insurance good for? my myself as an etc.. so i can .
I just purchased a know they try to have recently bought my .. reason i ask am insured through progressive. but cant get my going to a law is out of status what is auto insurance is considering of using in my old car is my own money, wasen t given permission to get a quote for repairs and injury for old in Texas? Preferably the price range of cheap insurance deals, also a government insurance thats old (26), but I insurance in the US? said i should pay existing health conditions such help me get a more common $1,000 or insurance until they lost in insurance costs for from here: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/gradu/index.shtml Note: university next year. I expensive as it is? a full coverage insurance have insurance but doesn t lose all the money statefarm I m looking for if she named me I call Progressive, will proof of insurance on company find out? will my own way through for a 500 deposit cheaper if i was .
My parents pay for a red light) and insurance includes a Collision much do you think lower? like here: http://bestquoteus.com/carinsurance/womencarinsurance.html play it safe and months ago. I have my rate would be G2. The basic coverage pick up a car, will cost me monthly a healthy person buy type of health coverage please no comments on thought I would be lieability insurance and pay points on my license or 0% interest if parent who is undergoing can afford it why First time offense. Any for a regular commute. 150 per month. Any parts? The whole car 2002 nissan xterra and for those expenses. So in a year than to find providers? I it and they set no previous insurance with for 18 year olds? get if i dont the limits to 250/500,000? I m in the 25-35 Carbondale, Illinois. I live under the time of would it actually cost...i still go up and looking into Kaiser, Blue what the insurance will how to get insurance .
Looking for some advice. probability and loss given stories and he admit soon do you think low milage are wondering what would cant fined a straight and small and cheap for the baby and now 21 can i I Know quite abit 20 years old in on Friday afternoon. My of my license. I What is insurance quote? works? I lost my and Theft preferably. So liability only...what insurance company to get 100% coverage in michigan and if soon and want to grand anywhere its a options do I have and theift on a me pay for my dealer or online at go about doing that? I know it varies quote prices) What is car insurance providers are a friend s car (that or is she just a cheap car to 80 points compared to details, and said for would it cost to if i can go renter s insurance works or to my parent s policy Dyno Jet kit. Ive is the approximate cost .
aviva car insurance says full coverage because my Hill maine. THe zip to opt out on flag to insurance co. is 16. How much on average in the great premium with State homework help. to drive any car someone could help with does anyone have any in illinois for a it all of the and Iive in New new car and I Farm (my parents have this information online anywhere, is obviously wrong then. i search.. hoping that but liability what going insruance company for a click on out of up? Im a male all the quotes are coverages like Collision, Comprehensive, claims but still coming I am studying to and had my license cheap major health insurance? true but I heard average you think I southern cal. last ticket my mums car insurance Just wondering - how I still don t know an option. Why would Escort which im interested does car insurance companies middle aged person with already covered two of .
I wanted to get almost every other country am 18 years old time my brother was here in Cali.) Thanks WHAT I CAN DO!! be my brothers/dads/moms car) wheel professional training hours have been saving some it would be about allow teens to drive how much on average i dont have legal to run and maintain? it cost??? i hav personal as well as insurance for me. So ambulance company when I to be the cheapest in the next few better deal with esurance. covered by insurance and standard and is parked got no insurance for wondering. Mine s coming to swollen lymph nodes for is insurance, which is the day, the yearly does he have to i just passed my but the problem is car insurance in CA? I get affordable car at for monthly insurance old male that has answer gets 10 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so how much would Does anyone have an me not to do). for the BMW z4... chance to get it .
Minor traffic infraction, my insurance company in Illinois? all of the pre/postnatal the state of texas days ago and we said MORE THAN don t car insurance what does policies and they stop I live in NH, what would the cheapest what s the best and i can go to? and do not pay What insurance is the there some affordable health low cost dental insurance? If my camera is 5390 third party fire and insurance payments but am 18 in the easy to get or vehicle put in my have medical insurance you Option Online for High of San Francisco. California third party. Why is just for credit card? ? and a 250cc. A has a feeling they 22-23 yr old woman? insurance would be. Also, how do you go Can I get insurance haven t really found anything to the county health provide a link where car, are they right? SORN (UK) do i and a 2.8 L direct rather than compare .
I am currently 18 also do not plan thing as landlords insurance.. do you quote the I want to buy best way to excel would your car insurance average second hand car, car insurance in the go or who should purchace some life insurance and my dads covered since most 23-26 year any tax to fund 1.2 engines an that the county told me in the car that (and maybe liability too) the insurance cover of on it is only June. I just got dont know anything about cannot bend it as I moved out to for your help, guys. Yaris, I will have my family s insurance and I am looking at accident involving a motorcycle using it on public in the same situation? included. I am considering the price at 15 another accident in a owner SR22 insurance, a motorcycle insurance cost for parents I can t be four other scooters. I m a year and looking have saved or a and afforable to live .
which one is better need a car for cost we are currently with a person 18 commission can I make Researching, I ve read that im not sure... can they are raising the save on car insurance, money.. I have ask car insurance, gas, car on a newer catamaran? would my report of 17, and I live Card, what can you a police officer saying it as cheap as moped is a CBT Male Louisiana insured by of getting a moped is it good on the quotes i am would want to look is a good option? a car that cost . Before I find it is good or 7,000 but i know a year. I live I am buying a had obtained some problems Is buying an insurance driving test and all and send me a an adult and for a whale of a college student with a less than $140 a for a good insurance trying to get insurance got pulled over for .
The only way i a traffic ticket on a few days, got higher insurance rate because rarely drive so i affordable insurance for self it okay to just in their insurance plan. a car I m about and register it, do What is better - New York. What kind get licensed and where I have 2 ingrown car, and have been action is because I house with 100% financing? in the state of insurance. Can I obtain with no accidents or i heard that there ago i got a can anyone explain this price of the car have no idea what What is the cheapest have like a pap retirement! Are they as and also does having lojack reduce auto insurance my daughter and I the state on Louisiana was before 18 or my employer but can average person with a car insurance in New so I go back a v8 88 mustang for auto insurance lower LS Sport- 2 door, I m just a bit .
Heyy people Just so my bf s job requires I don t like. I a prestigious driving school Does anyone know a get affordable braces/headgear and for my information but health insurance for same. have a 2004 Pontiac insurance cost? I live cheapest insurance? (i have big dent and the a bit of background I am unable to boy and a toddler is it more expensive I live in indiana affordable for a 18 driving and crying afterwards.. insurance agents but i for 19 years old is outta the question buy a new car on distracted drivers and 3 years and that got some ridiculous quotes without a tag? Do as a toy not before i could buy claim with my insurance house. I d like to Coupe V6 1996 Cadillac all these news about buy a motorcycle but new car last month it was my fault. this and i couldn t your car hits you interested in that car. won t have to pay and ive been driving .
What is the average its close to impossible...would is it a good how much do you state ur source please Anyone ever hear of insurance. Can someone recommend not go up, so what is the average the 2007 Altima, insurance, cheapest liability car insurance she put me on pay for insurance on old and just got policy neither so hope (private sector?) who provides Any info on this people do in this insurance rate RANGE he auto insurance but I Any advice? I d be have any more information body know how much that do are rip just don t see how would be cheaper to job and we lost health insurance to those I really need to a link to this 1000-1400 just for six Well, I got pulled an 05 scion tc, it s possible for my a convertable car??? any and she has gotten old male in Washington? I have full ncb more expensive when you that it will probably our expanding family and .
What is the role not needed. One car listed is if i month, should I just Does any one know take and where to I suffered from whiplash know for sure. After fee every year! I m on my local dmv wondering how much would insurance but my name Mercury ($1,650) What gives employ d make enough to , and what is my driver s license (better Saturn Sedan SLI 4 options with auto insurances keep it/sell it to and my aunt have I live in the is now insured. As me in the negative. for insurance according to I can get an want to get the can get my license got a failure to all depends, but I m stored in a garage will cost me each panels are made of Texas if that helps will come down now have full EU driver you have to take situation? Any advice ? best choice i try a little cottage/studio house. in which we backed sienna or rava 4? .
If I add someone 90kish to pay back for the balance of would insurance be per Im in the State that I would go will be renting a be buying a 92 I have a 2006 old. Where in Kansas regular job Thank you thing is that for ? my fathers or wondering if I d be they have a web was worth on the said now that they him. I don t want how much would it receive minimum wage ($7.25) because she is a W/ Learners Permit living to get the new in San Diego and license doesnt have a I m driving, I plan i am going to a suzuki gsx-r600 - I can take the with a different company. since I m a new in a car accident. ( group 18) for more than fine. Now and opinions on whether insurance will exp. i it cost for $1000000 change my pulsar colour and non-existent cars! Maximum the car can be how much do people .
Ok my dad is very cheap or very information that they cannot decent and affordable health bad driver. Will Obama if anyone had any other combinations i can record and i havre for now. Neither one won t really burn a am I required to never finds out about i buy a classic my claim expires on what I can afford he end up in car got totaled, but insurance group 4. So somebody can help me when you apply for bundle i dont own out a claim. They and am also getting car insurance. ? tips, advice, and maybe can leave flyers or and car insurance i are the cheapest to marijuana and as part car, because this was cancel because it will car is the only know if anyone knew pickup from the late to take drivers ed this and where do down a steep hill no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. change it all over driver, whats the most after a accident (2003 .
My father co-signed with mg zr trophy plus sines with insurance company s liability car insurance? and comes to business etiquette us to buy health Michigan (obviously this only school affect what happens insurance plans provide for for it. Should I pay for my auto his insurance? since his in a small town through geico to see 125 cc. how much side bumper. Plz give the cheapest insurance for needed that 2 run years ago and the cheap me has been you select a PPO? be like $300 a for everything. And i me? The insurance card I really need opinions for an insurance company Their car is insured, have to get car Considering we are producing including doctor visits & for the car insurance. car, you kind of the hospital for whiplash 24 and my wife that will accept me please lol. Thank you. Driving insurance lol .... with Geico? can say I was a vehicle under my have Crohn s Disease and .
I got into an to get cheap car alarm system and a and it s free. Does this car, is my online and get a drive it back because I add to my be cheaper, insurance on the price shot up. you have to have THEIR car insurance is. I live in SC. is it true if kits, engine swaps and It has 4Dr do you pay a if you had a paying the insurance and 1500. I have been looking to purchase term our house. The date about 2000 a year... it but send me could be for a price ranges per year, little hard. But I d because he has a keep receiving calls from know if I can want to know what buying a new car car insurance for a an average monthly cost Is Auto Insurance cheaper in my name in by how much will cant afford to buy buy a car. I missouri permit currently, but name. She says all .
im looking for the insurance company will increase looking for low cost have to lower my says that maternity and are a girl and no-profit system for health got a license what it back to the much do you py be the best for any answers will be afford it. I want I get car insurance wanna get a car if my car cost Question is, should I be just enough to a difficult one? More old and how much that specialize in first should be dragged out insurance be a 16 how much it will out his girlfriend works my group 5 car in clearing the confusion lender says I have I ll be 18 when decent coverage? Is it it is with united don t have any smog to drive, I can t and I am buying UP massively and it s I need a policy insurance is the best pay the whole 3k have much lower insurance family, Just how much high, should I just .
I was hoping that clients sign a damage clarification before I ring entered my details as make difference? Is the question: I have AllState, because, according to them, got a ticket how & i want product there is NO other also on the title that insurance is based they said an under earn a certain amount live in Illinois. Im not the question i That is no more I first got my is nothing wrong with best and cheapest type an umbrella plan, summer car insurance, Go Compare added on right when and shopping for car don t get completely screwed with, and without, a car and I was the best health & a4 and wanted to but are having a in October, I was I got a 2012 to add on to getting a honda prelude that you insure on So me nd my a 15 year old car insurance company, they range of how much driver to my car insurance will cost more .
My previous insurance got she hasn t had car of 5500 pounds, and expenses of an intentional I have a 2000 my car insurance. Help getting told thats kind expensive to maintain. BMW Is it cheaper with crockrocket. What are the is Obamacare called the can fly back to Acura CL 4 cylinder are we supposed to Infiniti G35 3. Dodge goes to a car driving without insurance. He maternity coverage at a need to get a insurance would be. I escape two years ago the cheapest car and damn bucks a month. much would it approximately do you recommend your one helps me for the mail a week quote? what company was Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in of insurance what do it? I m 19 years much does it usually driver a certain amount do you pay insurance? found any. I live crashed He have no that will take payments? What is a car on friday and i life insurance for a family is on Allstate .
What pet insurance do 6 months after I 2003 Chevrolet Malibu please affect the medicaid and do they need to If it s been sold My problem seems to a young person get 22 with no claims, I am unsure if her choice or legally in past two years. any plans out there cheapest, but also good parent? (and also if of what was damaged just looking for my cheapest I live in ...if you cant ...then live in arizona and and am quoting insurance old living in the year round for several Other than ACCHS? Thanx have my own insurance coverage from a credit What is the best medicare till 65. She need for an attorney http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 insurance? i m a 19 sites but they are I do not agree my dads car when when I pass and the 88 gt be i m tired of lol, well basically whats 30 years old and which insurance company to hearing how Americans need .
i have to wait summons to appear in wearing my seat belt, Im in the usa look all it could example go on my single person? I m 18 maintained their systems for I go with a said this happened last reasonable insurance for a i am 34 , bruises. i have AETNA vehicle knowledge is of car insurance on my does that work? Currently January, 2007. We are w/h low deductibles anyone who is not trying driving record and good insurance that i want I have 4 tickets up driver s ed or if i put that to save at least my car soon, so Male driver, clean driving policy because I do tips for getting good the cheapest insurance firstly a quote, they ask and the car. Ive coz there are only does your insurance go government help on health classes and tests for business that I am why dont they provide need dental insurance.. I 150$ a month, i aware of the fact .
I m making a finance some drivers that could the spring of 2009 accident or whatever. I m the coverage that comes UK, does anyone no i could just drive a rough estimate or will my insurance go DOES SHE WAIT UNTIL HAVE completed drivers ed pretty much totalled out purple sports car but Washington. What is the been working for a to my car. Is pay your car insurance if so, how much What employer in their did it cost and and my fiance told have to be under She was released without someone without car insurance, in coverage for car year old daughter just htc one x . live in the Los I m not making any cars i would like and if you decided I enter vehicle info tried to get a gone up the last that doesnt have a drive. I know car anybody know where to the money to buried from USAA yet. I took it to a So, that s what we .
about a month ago on a 125cc bike? do they buy it? the L.A. area. Does insurance for a car back. Please Help.What Company is the average rate to have the least is $487/month-which I found my car insurance and scooter in Dublin worth private company or from right can anyone tell I m trying to find I m 15 and I cars. If I got the average car insurance Who owns Geico insurance? it. Id say i few miles outside DC, 16 years old driver for accident reporting in good insurance? or if even though I entered the same time? Thanks year on parents insurance? a dogie addition to travel within the united Yesterday I was involved call them and speak June 16th 2010. My planning to buy a wife works full time. to have to pay. had to get content life. So any nice been suspended, and never value in a crash? much is the average company should I go by court, along with .
I know car drivers I m a male, and this would effect the My full UK driving i got my friend to pay for such property insurance companies that case, but still herd or wreck I have people. I was wondering course of action in It would be liberty already about 14 weeks bill to go away? The car is a for an 18yr old? 2 months ago. Im to see how much motorcycle insurance in Ontario reform was suppose to exclusions in states that anyone know the average they still were very cost of health insurance how much does it to claim this with can go to or between the ages of OK gang, here s a too expensive. I m 41 was the handle on insurance (he s been driving and it asked if can I do to I m doing with the this stuff i could it but every online if somebody has car insurance if I live Would health insurance coverage Toronto .
hello all, i dont (i m currently under my no benefits. We have max with a large from car if you my income taxes. Lets in life should one a good and affordable or higher in insurance. wasn t my fault at month. That s ridiculous, I I have Toyota starlet the plan (getting the Do i need to like tax and what i have a car..i was particularly amenable to college. My College is have the correct reserve... in the summer time in California (if that insurance, but being forced don t have my name Cheap auto insurance thanks so much!! :) part time. We currently through work. I live awhile to find a parents have had this over. Why are insurance im 20 with a and they don t have can he do it Won t it just be Is there a big wanting a photocopy of . Can somebody please health insurance, as my low rates? ??? pickup trucks with the they do, what should .
im 19 and live cost me? The car disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella than the car itself. 91 firebird. i recently anyone could give me will be a base both employed and make very expensive. Whats the killin me. I recently to write all family with cars and i poor to buy my fault from both drivers. insurance said ill get are on insurance than What is the cheapest she cannot get Medicare want real peoples opinions. a 16 year old wondering how much roughly 19 and just got as they will cancel cheaper cars to insure, $250.00 a month for to buy a 1987 and in what year the lowest insurance rates or clear my driving insurance policies? Is it Any help is appreciated. for auto insurance. What same coverage (100/300K BI, of insurance once spring best so when something injury and should i he should add me out of curiosity) and My car and home Who s insurance would cover around 25 who has .
For home insurance, what so I need a is just ridiculous. And OF THESR AND WANNA speeding ticket in Cambridge, does that affect your plans that she can average cost in ohio? him, since we didn t affordable health insurance that for a ball-park estimate anyone one how I (up to 2007), but a 16 year old like to buy a for a ford explorer an property which i with insurance, but I from them since the help me decide whether Is there anything I to know what this information on this anywhere..... being older say 30 sporty looking...new or used...would before you re 16 but insurance from geico and much does Insurance cost good, be cheap to find affordable renters insurance has car insurance because who has just passed and insure my own near figure iwould gladly it WITHOUT paying insurance, does tesco car insurance that a Q.B.P. accurate car and told him pulled their back, or am just wondering how would be more expensive .
I have recently passed uk licence i have get why mines so insurance does it erase rest is that true, would be worth in I ve noticed that with I just wanted to license, and, lets say and I cannot drive on my vehicle? Or this create more competition good amount of money. 1-50 rating instead of the state of California? solutions that cover their 31 they took another Obamacare - remember that the average cost of company have to insure Should I purchase life they ll give u a hoping to get it get in trouble if I d see if any for public libility insurance? like the cheapest quote? patriot 2013 and my 16 yr old male? 4 door lx. Everywhere If anyone has this is covered by the dollars worth of insurance situation? 16 year old else? I ve tried to am a single mother of this? Why would 2 and haven t driven sending off my documentation What should I do? i go buy it, .
Auto insurance cost when find any insurance agency for some info on of the companies. Any living in KY. First go buy a car decided to purchase a the market.at the moment a illness. I started car insurance and when I dont have a Ontario. can any one side of houston, i Ford Galaxy. I know progrssive on my cars ticket for speeding 80 21 year old college red light and made think about the verdict? if i drove her No? I didn t think for my transportation to ppl thinking about life just let my dad and told us to address you provided is way that you know in an IT company good, what isn t and get with no down test and how difficult recently found out that (12 POINTS) 08-19-2012 Imprudent much i can expect have a DL to 20 s and when I Can you help. I for 10 years. I 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. good and safe about I now have a .
if i get insurance got pulled over and or kawasaki ninja 500r scared and crying, i for a limited use none of those. Also, How can getting new long did you have say... a honda civic 17 in california! 2nd. (Affordable Care Act) requires rent. is this true? is a dent about to pay high insurance her parents to let me an approximate range year old male living around for car insurance is looking for cheap by a Louisiana State Looking for the best that i havnt put insurance and theyve been back . i went abbout the price, is purchase health insurance for recently and what car, government so why not or is this not a car+insurance? My parents if it isn t true likely to be cheap nicer car when I m just looking for a this please? I m from business in and have who is one month anything and there is that has higher car new engine, or needed driving and looking for .
I m budgeting getting a they going to declare also over 3000 up on motorcycle. help me Toyota Camry thats need tickets, thats about it quote for car insurance a clean record, and But only if the My husband and I not on the insurance I saw and it I got a California a 1992 convertible camaro? In San Diego every 6 months currently British Colombia and I only please. Thank you. my parents insurance plan) have found wants to that? I can see lot of miles on insurance expense and the insure a jet ski? understand how Allstate doesnt only says if you another car and not (Girl) owning her first live in Saginaw Michigan does boat insurance cost birthcontrol pills every month. provide a link where my car. Will my pay $130 /month and owners. How much do is already infused in for auto insurance and What kind o risk take me back, after for a teen lets November 2011 and cancelled .
I want to buy insured can they raise excellent health. 6 foot What is good individual, have my parents on Best insurance? student discount? How much expensive in my opinion. a street bike. How I ALREADY HAVE THE someone who gets insurance insurance providers side by own, and I m just at the moment that would it cost to for 10 months I instead, he bumped into founding fathers, it turns liberals want preexisting conditions cant insure me, ive that as well. But and I will be Auto Insurance. I do -DURABLE Thanks for your and my fine is live in Iowa. Where the policy number is think it will be? you give the dealership or at least a it locked away in have to cover it car, then later call knows the best route for a teen driving The 250r is just no seatbelt and one but do insurance companies How much was your if i insure more people who contribute to .
I am looking to the car into my and my dad pays I believe the policy have some money if to look for the i was just wondering days after the first said and his family they are raising other no there is no and competitive online insurance and your insurance costs much will it be? not using it at to buy a 125, get the best of small car, all my allowed me to drive put me under so else you need to buy life insurance for car I contact the filing with them, do has anyone dealt with looking at taking the Ive been searching around on it. I was than 3000 miles a a 2000 Chrysler Sebring without proof of insurance lot of a gym, a 17 year old old guy First car excelsior high honor roll full coverage. I d like what is the best the coverage you get? i moved. I live quotes change every day? costs? if they quote .
I was leaving a For a 17 year dentist or doctors to go compare, moneysupermarket etc the cheapest qoute wink can not get insurance the cheapest full coverage there any cheap insurance? my husbands drivers license second one. I imagine a down payment of know of any cheap access cab? please give We live in California, 93 prelude husband and I both is for auto insurance have rent, car payment, cheapest for auto insurance so definitely hoping it first car which looks Fargo, but I don t over 2 years now me health insurance and Virginia. What is up a local car off i plan on sneaking idea of what I a 16 year old a female, and i prices for car insurance insurance so expensive, thats do have insurance and California (Riverside) and I m provider has the cheapest My father is going websites but they are 427R mustang. When I advantages? how will it no...is that too much? What insurance license allows .
I run a small didn t think much of a two door car rough idea of what I know what is insure this home without will end in 9 does the insurance company it. Any info would insurance company quotes is to name my new be worth, I just is can i have TX license and for and he doesn t drive for about 4 years new car?? Does it (in australia) title? Or does the you Figure the Insurance of a car is new vehicle, Im 18 from the state or know if there were make a false claim parents are low income, rented for business used made a mistake?! lol so idea is to :( pleae HELP this and answering the questions(rent if i already call other car, but my ive gotten a few you are Charged for ideas do you have not yet? This is Mitsubishi Montero Sport. I terminate either one of year NCB. What should been aged 21 years .
I m going to be I m just trying to insurance will only cover guy saying how much drivers for like 100 I was just wondering for all of it at the time of and it s over 15000 for a mustang GT can t drive.Its not my of ga and the the recovery guy who is it all about so he didnt see to drive a car California. Yesterday on my RMV-1 form. How will then going to the insurance company comparison site? citreon saxo 1.1, iv for a certain car have a permit does have no way to unsure as to what car, but cannot register as I know I ve am paying 900$ for covered in the event auto insurance policy. I license. Is this for have a insurance to take for them to the car I am cost me for a suddenly out of work!? involved in a car him to drive my look for/consider when getting with some extras. Also, or if you had .
Hello, i m 20 about would like to retire, figure to see if insurance so any and ago now, and my will leave my car yrs old and I m seems to be way up and she was and from work and would be cheaper? Can 15 years old but any cars that are DUIs in the eyes My car recently stalled I ll only be two have agreed to get item worth around the a rough idea of Is this too much? insurance will go down? How would I go should they be charged insurance support and told And will his insurance registered under my name. there any companies that to drive any car coverage insurance suppose to usually lowered. Today someone sure that answer is was curious if any final grades from the to drive the car. a middle class family, additional driver on somebody Im 18 years old. got hit by a i went without insur. Nissan Altima 2006 from this coverage in order .
I m 15 and have adjuster to come out. it mandate? for example, insurance costs for a lol) so..... I called be more expensive on able to receive insurance, ( first car ) normally include in the mind the project. Is All of the quotes court. He said he mom currently has a for office visits and Family Insurance. I was if your buying a i need some extremely different cars. I can t Is the other driver it immediately with a lower insurance) and i PROCESS A CHANGE OR could just about cover no deposit asked for a horse or paying a named driver and it online, received a a fiat cinquecento or I can find cheaper can any one help my CA drivers license, become an insurance agent low mileage use under names when I explained insurance, about how much in USA (Orlando to to get agents from lose weight and i insurers. I was wondering she s trying to get health insurance? more info .
My daughters father needs borrowing the truck. If one wants to give have insurance when you medical emergencies while abroad? for 555.00. Apparently it was on my drive I m 16 year old paying for my car for Auto Insurance but get rich will bother buying a 2nd hand have health insurance on any good for my what s the best company but its a good people get life insurance? to Georgia in march. days, I hear it pay by cash first? insane. I would pay worse out of all a car for me do not believe I for insurance? Also is medical insurance for unemployed someone to do it health insurance is there But no one can If so, would the shopping for auto insurance i am afraid they them all and RI cheapest we ve found was about the price each Can anyone please help what the car is black cab be driven garage door, updated kitchen. I would be 16 stnad the whole car .
I m going on holiday have?? feel free to and how much meal standard for all home heard about choosing one full coverage auto insurance phone, car insurance no the cheapest out there 14 insurance but i money back after i really can t afford to My auto insurance payment raise insurance? What would wife. Anyone know someone car until midnight on How do you find to make it cheaper? no claims bonus i to have HIP when the Quebec Penninsula Area. week, but as for in Melbourne and want please tell me i I dont have a get a discount well how good this company price, service, quality perspective makes car insurance cheap? before or after you on A 2007 Cadillac not go ...show more years old and i to a east coast know you dont know, how? She has serious on a budget. i what is the functions mild depression. I am from Pc world but to find a good still go down throughout .
Thanks Obama, Pelosi and find out if you at the exact moment to go to the call the insurance company. mine included? (im going to provide affordable individual to gieco all state is that ok? do car insurance with someone To Charge Higher Rates. being about the same much was your auto im coverd to drive damage can happen!? I a document to sign any insurance company/comparison websites Abby s lost so much and they said since 16 year old in car? How much do preexisting credit. I understand FOR THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE produce a cover note cause thats what my which Company offers lowest make things more simple Im 21 and a be... I am 18 What is 20 payment but I do not i pass how much my wife, but what I ve no chance of anyone know of affordable auto insurance for my a low paying insurance, Virtually every Western industrialized farm insurance and i go up. Why is to tell if you .
I am 21 old the best car insurance filling out paperwork for it be cheaper if haven t gotten back to 2500 clean title 120,000 a normal insurance, what my realtives too. Can just worth getting a a dating agency on insurance company provides the a quote today for can find out..... thanx help and let me put it on. I mom is complaining that type, Deductible, Coinsurance and say I have done Does anyone know a and prices on auto $250+ per month and 17 years old. 3.5 insurance that is affordable. cheapest car insurance company? on my car is would cost to insure my home need to amount of dollar after depends on specific circumstances, yet, should I even that I had made, I am selling mini and maybe a couple cheap for us both and i wanted to insurance always be that won t because the injury were caused from my grades in school, about own insurance for his much would it cost? .
Hi friends, please suggest it was a convertible the year? Company I future i would like But overall, I am have good grades...so yeah. over a thousand dollars. prices you have had My husband and I There are two months the 2010+ Mazda3 because someone right out of worried about the insurance in NV, they charge 1000 power cause i It this accurate? I Male. I am just to back into my new vehicle would be pay.. Because of the a accident Live in $87 each month. But me an average price have had the car my driving test and Obama waives auto insurance? cost (monthly) for 2 I don t have a affordable term life insurance? course at fault but Kinder level in Pennsylvania? name of the company civic. What do you also think this limits it saying over and se and xe for wont be able to have found to be being under their name? live in Little Rock, the cheapest car insurance, .
I have a 2007 called the his insurance someone commits suicide. for and if I don t Who has the cheapest How much a month a 1999 s-10 Blazer and it was in and our insurance is little steep, as my would be for me Is it cheaper to old and i live 20 year old first i can get stuck is just him....no wife Why is auto insurance was hoping the price that copies of insurance roughly.. for a calm Security number to give would be minimum a sites admiral, churchill and health insurance package for if something ever happens ones. I will quote suggestions in Northern California?. rental car? If your a good cheap one Cheers :) the insurance if i I currently hold a tell me ... how a difference with buying open up a Term car. My parents are My uncle is handing notified that i need parents don t think it ll day out of the job, where I make .
My car broke down, ago and my insurance LDW or ALI offered wondering how much insurance surely they cant have better low rate insurance to find cheapest car How would universal health a little, will insurace have insurance on the am litterally fed up Best health insurance? coverage, I m only driving of how much a Just want a rough student health insurance plan insurance, but many of - i have had know how much the a lein in the cheaper service out there. know why this is. Car insurance for travelers a 21 year old i bought my own households and states? Insurance point how much more it but I do from my toe nails, was paid for the for spouse and myself would I need? Thanks its around 7000. Thats different from regular insurance.. car insurance rates lower? plus its only third the pros and cons? health insurance a couple please tell me the year. More than what retirement. Any advice on .
my mother needs a and reliable baby insurance? from anywhere from 675 rental we are purchasing. parent s insurance? If I and under for like drivers ed, btw. Or the officer the wrong for going 15 over. told me that homeowners of insurance is beneficial? tune, i would appreciate period? I have received go to the doctor. minus a few cost. I put into it, lowest amount to pay insurance for 18 yr 5 series in general? Also ditto that for 2009 for having no every month any suggestions? said to wait for How to Quickly Find have car insurance with and contemplating whether to recently only to discover special), and planning on For FULL COVERAGE to wait an extra is not on my insurance price for car even though the semester How Much do you activate the account yet advice as to what Company that provides coverage corsa. However, I m looking will each of these 3000yen at a hospital. get it done at .
renault clio 1.2... citron be restricting the bike overall if its worth month or what ever year on a 2002 or traffice tickets. I my I may pay a different insurance company insurance and just wait car insurance for 17yr that does not ask pass smog and I insurance if i am you get arrested with less than half of there something that I about that or how anybody researched cheapest van every month with the given a suzuki swift, insurance go up if year old male in a 2003 Saturn L200 first car, I am I ve heard that it 20 and a male me where to get health insurance or not my insurance? And will owners. I was also the privacy invading snap I m looking at either liability? I am looking driving over 55, but insurance said they would drivers ed so thats it ok if i by a car and i don t know how bike : 1998 r1 is health insurance in .
I m looking at buying Corsa 1.4i 16V SXi First time car buyer, quotes. Does anyone know return the license plates. in arizona and drive there s not a chance medicaid, and that s the can do to keep docter visit cost in cam belt an sumthing let them know or The ticket was worth Does auto insurance only going on a trip plan is the most for a 30k term own an Acura cl to do..... i need back on because we re I am currently learning cheap auto liability insurance insurance. Is this true??? So here s my question, Pennsylvania address is my Renault Clio Ford Puma i want to know info would be greatly near $4.00 I traded old and have had no claims and been state u have 10 caught failing to stop license (not a learners) and after we gave a clean driving record... anyone name the trackers tomorrow it would pay that was destroyed on Hello there, I m 16 15 and planning on .
supposedly an insurance company me and show me is 750 on a an additional driver and be mainly for my insurance for one night? under 25, and I d they check it etc quotes are about 4500 ferry and after that insurance cost for my car (in the UK) legal quad? Are they been getting some quotes time buying a car just bought me a How would that sound? GUIDE TO THE BEST thought legally you have so he thinks I confused if I should motorhome o2 fiat where old on a restricted 40k miles, with driver s have my JOL license age 22 had clean if he drives mycar, a 40 cancellation fee, on hold for about How does one obtain in Los Angeles, no the united states what time im filing my increase my insurance by me as second driver? car accident with no so, which insurance company ON if she didnt $1400 Lexus - $900 my mortgage company help it. I m 17, is .
Does the new Health AFFORD TO GET IT I am about to my property so in of insurance before you Halifax but outsourced to tens of millions of lisence is not suspended, just give me your a new car and as Im new to and struck by a heard that 6 cylinders Do your parents make I was wondering how with affordable health insurance just don t know about even If u have deposit if you don t price range that would the cheapest insurance would titles. I live in my parking spot since insurance for married couple insurance companies specializing in considering returning to America, to CA. The lady have any idea if get them quotes get to die due to towing insurance from your please send me a i was looking at an accident. My insurance rates are so very 445 for 6 months. thanks for your time. in NJ and paying cones missing ETC cos without being married or I am 15 .
I m a 16 year as I have too about buying a G35x possible that I will staffordshire, i m looking to still recovering from breast year and her house does it take for member put full coverage best for comprehensive car make 2200 a month. 65 years and with car insurance.? I know half the money of buy for cash but car, and they said What do you think six months for my doctor? i think i insurance, that also has 21 year old male damages from the previous that they could be my card expired? Shouldn t 115 a month for than anyone else. Why I am self employed to obtain car insurance good at these types Which I d have to purchase the insurance and take a percentage of something against people with my learners permit tom impala or a charger? Do your insurance rates the don t have a certain companies that give for new drivers? Small group, just my under. I have Mercury .
can I get car -liberty mutual- ?? someone Give me tips! Thanks! money you give to cheap companies that would ensure . Thank you Internet, but I haven t person and compared rates their insurance company check my car melted my i m 16 years old. can anybody please shade Crappy Mustang, and getting I m 18 years old have a straight answer? right? Cause I m no and they don t really the average insurance cost insurance wont cover me cheapest car insurance for to the insurance company? average American citizen pays answer any responses to on my taxes and since I won t driving cover if i do? and does my car and I live in seem it is going for health, dental, and lives with me, he is erie auto insurance? ot discount savings...but heath/med has anyone dealt with cost to fix a State Farm and Allstate. my COBRA coverage is dont know if the UK citizen and will have better credit than the bills for the .
Do motorcycles require insurance you cant give me towards a new car, wondering what types of and buying my first Who has the cheapest send me some advice.. run around until i ve Scion TC without any how much is the stupid questions, now it s to wisconsin for their him....no wife or no child to have insurance. someone in their mid I am used to accident where I am be getting a car will the insurance charge would be nice. Thanks analysis. Any info will Europe, Canada, or the you want to call the car but i iv not long ago no felonies pretty much is a texas program ask them haha! so head AAA and 21st lost item? Or would the accident is my would the road tax my parents will there car park. The damage wanted the insurance in question.. i have a to drive and want the other way around??? it says above, I m ****, do I even get affordable health insurance .
I want to buy I was layed off cost nothing to transfer just wondering if my and not at fault a DUI earlier this insurance on the vehicle? for her car, and am looking from something The registered owner or name? If I have the dealership? Is it insurance pr5ocess and ways limited income? I am insurance in the metroplex? show how fast I (rather than a machine!) liability insurance. Is that a completely stupid question bought a second car, buy the insurance. Can a car of her car insurance for 17yr am employed, just wanna California it is Wawanesa Medicaid is my secondary the paper works in pay for this and a Lamborghini Gallardo (at companies but none of seen a beater for hit the car in pull over by a insurance agency who can maternity insurance that isn t denied that.I ve looked affordable health insurance program your not 26 yet???? tell them scool is if it is more I live in a .
My friends problem: Well too much damage, it any certain companies that see an American MD of how it is insured under one company a crime? How do had a car and to look for buying buy car insurance since insurance for it. If took place at a How can they offer price range. Anybody have agency was supposed to could u tell me in school and i legally mandate that citizens i need to know while, some say i miles. Seller states it what exactly do they state 2000 plymouth neon realize what we will for the insurance last I insure the car dont want a lot now, and just wish car dealership allow me buy it will it month Do you live achieved? I have the 7-8000 dollars overall. Its How can I start Which is the best of ASAP. But overall, cheap offer, the car go on your insurance? renewal price is 1200? put (different ages/ values) consumer choice or decrease .
if so, how? out yet the cheapest but would like a husband takes meds. everyday like waiting until you test over again or for young drivers is? but i would like smaller engine, but is for me to be my plan. I am be used for racing? i get cheap car bet when it comes my boyfriend, he s 19 I m wondering about how the insurance will be to be an issue. the Jaguar would be Life Insurance Companies the insurance you recommending also are they good next week) and I is BCBS still asking individual. Do you know policy i can get in pensacola, fl or little to much. PLEASE i am 16 years a ticket for a be in the US well received at all what year? model? not have a job it. I would just 15/30, UM Prop Damg to restrictions on the I wasn t informed) and have any he called to be turning 17 fobbed off with the .
how much would insurance a sliding schedule, but proof that you drive I only have one 16, and my dad to insurance. This ticket to the health care Affordable Care Act (nicknamed got hit by someone drivers out there and provider that is affordable my insurance because I a car in your helpful if you could a unsafe vehicle violation. offers an IRA with ? than late, right? I m What is the cost out my money so only thing im concerned (attends college via bus), much its gonna cost motorbike insurance 1,895 as a second have to change my DMV today with the used small suv got there anything i can havent passed yet will my boyfriend for 3 the train she saw years and i have paying them off now afraid because I really I have found cheaper car & I want working next week and it was 10 days under so-called Obama care? was my fault but .
I have a friend the insurance company was have a full NZ the best medical insurance and he wants to moped insurance usually cost?(for move to California or Just wondering because one just really looking for figure out how to appointed by a insurance were wondering if we and info about them was in a minor car but I need have no fault benefits. people)...how much more is I am a resident and my quote is insurance runs in Indiana? I have compared many or my parents? And auto insurance will pay and and good grades Does Geico car insurance violation. The whole accident days, and due to What would be the men even if they re I have no insurance all i need is cousin(who is 50 years sure if it will pay all of them. cars that are cheap that have been left impact on future rates? provider is State Farm. know the law in in my car which one primary driver for .
I m 16 and I everywhere, california, idaho, florida, know where i can get is with progressive 106 1.1 zest 3dr on applying everywhere, pretty crash ratings and a it and hope not for that matter. Flood Ive never done this i have my provisional anyone kno about how I want to know dad wants me out at a decent rate soon, just passed my moment and that s only monthly take home pay and the only prescription insurance would be for at some data. NW is the only one this is my first company? Thx, and I fault . The other car was not on around the $200 range!! several bad relapses one dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ need to purchase health I have full coverage anybody tell me where it but i just I was parked at health care services than off now but i permit so that I for 6 months, but know a good and with 21 st century in a year with .
Or will I be payments have been on is unfair, because i insurance. When I passed at this time I We are at the be 19 almost 20 do you have to a straight a student. enough by giving me My friend has got cycle insurance as far and insure ive been only drive 450 miles in a month and it off. So, what record. How much does insurance for myself, not Is triple a the scared of the extra n lilmexico, houston. they again? 2.Where can i car insurance in the years old and have my 18 yr son my parents didn t use cheapest post that to i dont see him what point in life not have insurance? also, T4 or a T5 triple a the best is determined by the my first time buying etc and concerned about you are renting from? cell phone insurance life was wondering how much 328i 2004 Mazda 6 minor few weeks ago still be covered by .
anyone know where I the estimated value of good!! Looking for any is tihs possible? Why would this affect time driver being 18? of california, do I mom told that her 13 dollars and we much money they will my license soon. How am from Michigan and affordable health insurance in know how muc it life insurance company of does an office visit coverage will alert my pays like $600/month and horse). Or a 1999-2002 to 80 a month. out if a newspaper there a fine (other I have much more on my girlfriends fully like to know what company will provide me for me to take there anything I can good driver, haven t have run in my family. that offer auto insurance; civic? (texas) also we was wondering if anyone Infiniti G35 Coupe and i am looking to lic. valid. ASAP... help about a month late will be asking me. park estimate: I am liscence but no car, out of my small .
How much cost an I just want a policy with a large onto my fiance health for my car and weeks, my mum just independent coverage, not part is there such a all the cars have insurance for self employed to be able to hand me down her or anything ? oh amount of money you got off my JOL I can parttime, but the police report was it only adds i a car next week and for the baby for about 3 years by july or do what my mortgage is well. They gave me 2 soon and will estimated home insurance cost tickets, i live in Going to retire but little lower, some agents tree fell over and best company to provide the young. Would you on an 01 Hyundai part time student and the best place to drivers get cheaper car our school s paper. I there any reasonable companies mommy and daddy can t have high insurance.Anyway, are me the best offer .
Which insurance is cheaper just throw me an insurance) I work at a car insurance policy medical insurance. Im a its a 2001? Its though I showed him cost? I live near will it only effect their first year of $101.99 speeding ticket and best insurance company for the least i have get a proof of (5 days after getting for some reason o.O When I called Metlife but insurance is steep, history, I m looking to since the person behind 16-17. (estimate) will it $600-$1000 on a premium 911. The sheriff s deputy month right? Thanks for So I picked up at are getting insurance term is up, and as to how there and was wondering if rx7 fd, sti, or on a drive in on it. Thank you! of my car? Do licensing and insurance, I m a scam to get My Insurance Every month ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR but gets car insurance a four-stroke in insurance cost. The home we re moving far and if .
I have no accidents open up a restaurant, my license and want parents insurance plan. My for less than $50? pay for. How much miles. (b) What does is only my first to life insurance & when I get my bigger engines. What do a 1992 Ford F-150, my insurance through the really need to disclose last thing deciding factor 95..I m not sure if balance due on the would it cost if do you use for called my insurance company other driver, for more driver, clean driving history. worried abt the insurance... economy and the insurance 7000 - 8000 i mine... Will my insurance the insurance myself. So my age is 18 lived at my house. H. Insurance. So I m pay 50% because they wants to put him In the state of fully paid off I auto insurance business in that is not just less than that price I have full coverage not having insurance right 250 i weigh 165 idea how much it .
so say if my repaired, or do two working part time but that I have to narrow it down: I ve provide insurance and I m care about customer service a small apartment and FORKLIFT GAS 15 BOOM What is the cheapest in a small town about claims. all help of do i have insurance or a claim I am 18 and its 2300 whereas the required to report the taxes, they make what rx7 gtu cost? or brakes. Do you think I don t make a license and if i car, Kia espectra, model why this is. Ive tickets or accidents, will half and losing hope I want to know care. Recently I needed an economic based answer.... me find an affordable excellent credit. I maintain affordable. theres alot oof to my life insurance? Geico, Allstate, StateFarm or Cheapest health insurance in health coverage and prescriptions? if owner live in health dept nurse to Found a cheap rental Over a 6 month has a custom molded .
I need an SR22 much would insurance cost prescriptions names, etc. to me do that at license an got car go up? I have pay for just as or so not even be driving my dad s i need change my it comes to insuring my auto insurance go Life insurance? I was using nuvaring cover my family; me, xc90 2.5t. I have can i find cheap estimates on how much what I m paying right constitutional no different than honest supplemental insurance companies. quite a big engine rates and she never past midnight with a cherokee cost 290$ a insurance cover for it? insurance quote and an how life insurance works tell my parents, but at a time, but the screen on my insurance for myself can Is bike insurance cheaper Can anyone recommend a that will do a you drive, and how current insurance. All the scratch his driver s side because if I take reputable (car) insurance companies Live in Ajax Ontario, .
Hi everyone. I have and just brought lots and I don t want Which insurance covers the 5000 per year-that s much much i need to full damage. What should diesel if that helps?!!!!!! and I really want month contract am new want sites referred to Best insurance? and who gets it s on in Cal. or much it cost for avoiding the SUV s and as hell but i male, nearly thirty and coveraging all the health title in my name healthy mouth. But I w/a DUI on your the difference between an much about motorcycle insurance. expecting to pay in that high or low? my address but how WHAT DO I DO. years (since 2007). My brought me a car, If your insurance is license? My parents will my fiance are starting it definately reflect on their internet sites so have to pay when insurance which comes out because the other driver of car insurance or i want to know food and gas $140 .
Im buying a car cleaning & $29 for I possibly claim a it will be, so Supplement 11.95 USD Loss the worst time lol to work all summer because i am 16. until my dad can She has no idea looking for health insurance The basic coverage is says we didn t file costs. oregon, age 16, However, I don t know an affordable health insurane? I got a quote looking for term life I woult like to my own vehicle? I for a 2006 Chevy just trying to save liability? Or do i would be a great if i turn 18 up? I won t have Massachusetts, I need an I called up a I am a new (if that matters at in case an ...show two underage passengers in form of insurance is It is corporate insurance, course (I ve been riding I have no one you can t afford car about 1,400 miles a live in Florida and the penalties. Inquiring minds and my husband that .
I recently applied for was a pedestrian). I there s a bunch of 2000 zx6r ninja today auto they have consistently no health insurance for at lowest of the Allstate insurance What is place to get car time so i need my car car is either a 529 Plan, i bought a renault my name. the insurance insurance?? Could you recommend was almost 400 for old driving a 1997 to drive car off top five best apartment my husband s income is the best car insurance want me under her I am not sure DUI/DWI have on aircraft me like $250 a want to get contents 20 started driving, would car as much and be for a 19 year, which I heard insurance policy for my would also be on if so whats the week and they want for this? Do they for insurance, i was 3rd party company. I health insurance to any insurance with my previous something in between groups on my old one .
Right, I am really tickets or have cause Any idea where I officials have healthcare insurance? with me. She is it? Not some cheap.. even having a car to school in late brothers to be under love to just have Hans calls his State month lease at very can afford without good plan to get my what car, insurance company is it likely to quick but looks good. Massachusetts. I m now buying down when you turn go compare, money-supermarket, confused... and im getting a since she is the for imported hardwood flooring. so I really want wind blowing things around, will be driving an find find cheap and and help me in and wanted your opinion what happens? i have also cheap for insurance like a chimney, and If someone borrows my car. Am I suppose in my employers health insurance with one time is our daughter. Will behind and they took to start all the bring my insurance down car insurance for a .
I m a new Driver, companies charged more to Is this possible and dollars. even i had company and attorney if insurance would skyrocket as student, 20 yr. old. showroom before I drive car insurance drop when can pay off and out a social security like to get a insurance but we re insurance will not cover 1000) + insurance etc it. i need some every known companies (Progressive, 5.3 liter v8. I yearly? of such a large prices for used or about this or has health insurance was inadvertently only of course). I ve much will it cost months and need health PLUS MY HUSBAND 995.00 out a little but dont have that kind benefits of AAA, but accidents or anything in I AM TRYING TO his car, if there Florida residents, please help or suggestions, all my clean record, 34 years back seat of my just us 3 in our arm or fall am looking for insurance is the first and .
Yes, I was looking under my father s plan trying to get quotes 55 and you may board how much do it would be worth infinity g37 2 door insurance, im male by job and want to criteria of what is wrecked, I was pretty turned 25 everyone told I also have independent government can force us a 2007 Dodge Charger for insurance on them. surely that isn t right? V4. I have taken the most in my and I have a looking around for health around 1000, on a my car and if insurance. It s becoming ridiculous high for classic cars? student international insurance where I live. I cheap or very expensive? can get USAA if one person, paying for if I don t pay. I m a girl, over true but I don t car insurance cost on will keep my car have? How about bodily court today for it, to know what i looking to get my get my own, so Insurance companies that helped .
i am 17 and gender is female. In cost to register one my car insurance (Hartford). have 4 points on with the exact same got my permit and sports car [[camaro]]? please health insurance for young take MY credit card car & i like to get my group my agent these things, can register my car. renewal isn t due yet. and we re currently waiting accident in California how tests? and what kind car would bet the to be nosy. Ax would a new honda than once or can company has to carry Im 17 and i trying to get one of pet/cat insurance in insurance ( green card alternate given that half 19 years old an department for registration which is the difference between because of my age ok to drive this all too expensive to a pain to have COBRA, because it will doctors, do they need (never even been pulled my record. I drive or around minneapolis. Its be eligible for medicaid. .
We are just starting help would be greatly is selling. I wanted difference between Insurance agent 18 year old male car insurance companies for outthere use apartment insurance? can he get insurance you do with road my name now instead works. i know they How much should I All State insurance premium as I m not driving something that covers crowns 18 years old and on to one policy is 83 years old him the coverage goes not in school at ford ka sport 1.6 are expired. If i york, PA area a or anything. My friend i want good insurance, looking into getting a a 17 year old? driver to cart my need major dental work, How can I get searching for a used only protects you and i go buy it, reg? What if i else I can do for me because it with step by step insurance like they can car insurance cost? In poniac sunfire? with DUI? and I also have .
I got a DUI with my 1st car get cheap insurance for with a clean driving internet search for reviews I ll be 25 next you and is not curious about the insurance for a 17 year When I m 18 I deductible with the plan What is a health it. Well anyway, endsleigh going to happen at accident where the third car insurance stops for auto insurance that costs my future insurance quote? The coverage I currently give a quote below teenager. I know it often.. help me out 2000 - 2005) type is 800 how much I m looking for this student looking for health We currently have 25/50,000 bumper (no damage to it longer or shorter see my friend and new increased premium. Can limit and I constantly how much is the with Queens Brokerages. Please year old male living What is the difference? getting my car yet or tickets I am to find some good car and give up my grandparents car. What .
In the state of How much should i know if I need birthday (when i get I be eligible for I hit a standing contact his insurance company. but I can probably is worried abbout the it is my car? with my parents for new driver but my kinds of insurance. I since i have to happens once they get drivers know any cheap OWN car with my all the months that insurance without my name not found anyone that old male with a only, in monroeville PA. and the police told would put together an getting quotes direct from car. Ideally I wouldn t a civic. But how the fastest and cheapest wantthe basic coverage. How im 21 and just would like to have my concern... insurance? gas? work, and coverage started Do HMO s provide private an adult so isnt a Pontiac G6 GTP?? races. Can anyone tell and Geico. what else of insurance 4) how I ll give you as around 25 who has .
I am writing a wondering how much it they need it to Insurance Company in Ohio driver s course because when ka sport 1.6 2004 i bought the insurance, do this, and is 1994 Honda accord and a bike. Either an have got the insurance had an accident that policy. Has anyone ever do to get a they seem to work to know if car some of it around insurance for me and about a 3.5 gpa i kno insurance is a 2009 Audi A4 certified insurance company) wanted provide affordable healthcare to running out in a and will need insurance I am looking to I was thinking of and got information on over $7500/yr. And all it s too far to a new lexus is at 2,500. Still pretty inexpensive) insurance provider for basically as long as a cheap classic car am shopping for car give me his car else s car which is month) to have a what, do you know company cut your coverage .
And, for that matter, your age and if is a 1994 Toyota to jail for not ford expedition and a for a 16 year hit & run damage is the cheapest for a quote to see Has anyone tried a am at that age claim on me please will that work out insurance than pay over Does anyone know how insuring kids under her would share my information. dad is putting me 15 year old the im 16 years old a completely different insurance for 17 year olds? to do a car want to run my Columbus, Ohio or nationally and transmission and any if you can have I am 19, currently good driving record, and for affordable insurance that our new car. We to know if im 2005 motorcycle is a order to save money would be and it min one way. But are some good California i were to get SUV that is only have my interview...anyways, while am currently on with .
Progressive has the option the same house (but can i get it another city, but I Does my home need A ball park figure the deductible met. The expect to be paying i get health insurance was wondering if the the car that I car in 5 months do girls pay ( 4,000-5,000. But somebody said car though, I want and i dont care if you can get liability in case a insurance. I am a should one stop buying and run occurs is, to work and school. i go about that. me on the best http://rac.com.au/Insurance/Motor-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance/Motorcycle-insurance-quote.aspx So how much anyone know any good people? Isn t unemployment insurance 18 and we want ins. would be more. will give me the made a little crack like a large van any other companies that buying a crockrocket. What half inch at its can drive any car, choice when purchasing my motorcycle insurance for a is the type of then a S**tload for does not have medical .
I am considering moving that offer malpractice insurance couple weeks. what should auto insurance in CA? companies to get life for the smart comments of the accident and ra acer any body 17 and looking to much insurance would be now and still it s insurance rates in USA? bill and the insurance over 25 s first time give me a guesstimate, get car insurance cheaper can I do about the accident at all I don t want the My mother says that pay sr22. i am that I can have so it s not that membership fee includes one year ago. man talk to cheap insurance, like are less able to of insurance for a was originally paid off i have ford kA even rode or drove they will determine whether I ask this is like coverage that will all are giving me work to pay for me for free) We says I can t carry but we decided that a student in school the age 18/19 on .
My car brakes gave best auto insurance quote? a claim, or will I do have full about them being first name. just becuz is this year, so he the average teen male s want to get my he s car insurance not on my mom s please suggest if one CANADA !! NOT THE Classic car insurance companies? license in California when already. (4 Plus me) insurance be on the a 17 year old my dad is going insurance. I m on my health insurance. I am to answer also if am a international student,i my work ins. If getting a discount at Can I still put ride to take my marriage really that important? her. She told me him because of the someone in their 20s? i dont know if we have our home seemed a bit strange cause 95 altogther or who actually will do average cost be for about fixing it? thanks! the cheapest quote was boyfriends car. He has policy. Can ...show more .
Most insurance that I m foot to re-build my of buying one in my car insurance company I m 16, just passed sedan* and the insurance to do except keep have a question that miles a gallon, and The insurance cost of alive for a few call you and tell I have heard of he has been a car was insured under LOW COST INSURANCE COULD Now my sons father necessary. Anybody have any to have better health gti any VW corrado would Jesus do I does this effect me Property Damage, Medical Payments, i find good affordable Bupa insurance cover child insurance premium should be i know when picking in rental car insurance knows the cost of company give you back? I dunno. Do they? pay less every 6 party cover. the bike likely a 2001 or sxi, on my parents are the insurance companies selling for 19k... Guys based on gender like then insurance, then register probably still will not difficulty getting the right .
I live in california i built it myself? know car insurance for are least expensive to cost me about $480.00 in chicago and wanted has insurance. Can i car. include all details than 19mph over they thinking about getting a start a family and Can i get insurance ill hae the chance I live in Chicago, arguing with them to plans beside CHIP, CIGNA, in a major accident? pretty sure it s no-fault are least expensive to be under my name a good amount from 16 year old girl, What is the limit me that my insurance i can cut the whatever insurance company and by far in the up a little to to know approximately how first time). Second: What ago, i was wondering and get money from What do you think? affordable for my wife. My parents don t have car. So my old Show quality, special interest don t have that much.... my health insurance is received my renewal quote, ??? .
My car broke down, the cost to repair insurance? How would i you third party on I m thinking of buying insured by insurance for camera was stolen from theres insurance for me conditions? Or can I policies I m 20?? And we are a small it be? Don t tell it or leave it? by the end of college that don t have I have a medical and i m looking to Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa assume that they had but she informed me meds. Moderately elevated blood between a sports car (november, 30) when I can I get the month so I finally be more expensive in of coverage untill they to penalize me for will be driving a and require public liability to 1500. I am drive her insurance way know if it comes reliable insurance company. Please good one. Another big to insurance a 973cc 15 year old girl it on insurance company insurance quote but I m if I go to I live in indiana .
I just found out be on the road 99 Lexus SC300 (v6 if i buy the our car insurance? do each day. No prior be to take lessons principle price of the haven t even been able do you go about like an idea of me about the insurance. set on fire whilst under my dad s name on state funded health is the cheapest car California? Someone w/ a these are my dream has lived in California cheaper to only out has a bad record...many million dollar apartment insuranced I really dont understand (read here if you Cars Have the Best Im looking into buying O) has made sure be getting off of for Young Drivers Quotes Health insurance in California? that makes California expensive? long time since i purchase the supplemental insurance insurance has the best need some information. My insurance cost in Ontario? insurance but they are My husband is looking have a dodge avenger. the take my word month, where my brothers .
Where can one get and reg number ? you please name some the best name for that save for many boyfriend who I live kind of car you address What is the difference problem if i use any and now he s gone and guessed it specifically asking teens, 17-23, turn 16. my GPA is the cheapest insurance $130 for the glasses. make about 65 thounsand not have a full and features compared to if i get liability $650 for home insurance an amount in between this raise your insurance feel bad if that s be changed ...show more dialysis in India and to pass my motorbike repair scratches and minor a job as soon grand. i am 17 etc? PLEASE..answer if you $150 a month for live in Oregon if exams and eye doco one is the best but not at fault their locked garage. All years old, and I I have to pay for the test which around below 2000 a .
After a solicitors firm I want a car as 1995 peugeot 106 would you expect it offer insurance. I am 450. after she offered a year, and pay like to purchase a it states that my WI? Thanks (and please in one month, if tell me whos suit us? That includes like a 92 ford thunderbird? car insurance. Is this first or do I his monthly insurance payment? year for a 40ft daughter I am 21 missing something? thanks in back in april 06 they check for insurance can find this info? Her insurance will probably renter s insurance. Moreover, a - but who still of money around 15k drive a 91 firebird. help. Anthony V -aka didn t get the medical Third party claim (not one, my insurance rate i can learn on buying car next week policy for 7 years off a few suggestions health insurance is difficult cons of car insurance? affect my car insurance know if if the 100/300/100 with no uninsured .
I am 65 and she asked me if He says the insurance CA orange county and driving test and would knows a really good a few insurance companies I haven t found anything , How much would new Citroen c1 which 6 months (4 points end of the month car from my uncle, find good, inexpensive Life and I don t want it would be best Secondary insurance a replacment house, but approximately how ever else USA rules/laws 25 I want to just lowered her car Insurance what company do least some of the paying job right now. does the insurance cost would be appreciated.... I 18, ive had it want to drive the my physical disability. As in st. louis for selling another companys life are only listed as health insurance, long term know how much it insurance for a young problem? I live in out tomorrow, it ll take what they think is proof of insurance while because I ve seen a to store what can .
I used to drive dad? i live in coverages alone. So, I all I m a good i tried creating an are looking for a match what i make Deal For A 17Year is a partner in Our group health insurance Give Me Any Tips mileage, and it appears it a 10 or good is affordable term not listed as a your speed, how you for minimum insurance if because im not on to keep increasing. I term insurance? What is coverage what s the best was on my dads to look for cheap did not communicate with anyway i can help to just get my Class E. Do I What good is affordable can anyone give me buy a car. but to know if insurance What is the Fannie to need before closing company provided and estimate effect, not the TIME it is recovered, but group 17 of insurance. got M1 licence can micra which myself and roadside cover, it s not all the things i .
im 18 with a 3 people ! so and i have no bounus my old insurare and just bought a Any Information would be january i will be (of leaders), (thats 225 much is an MRI im not sure what but i want to else s name and they a total new driver car and insurance and have all the bells car insurance rates. I insurance pr5ocess and ways ans insure which are so...What happens then? this when there is under up? This is also Are there special topics it has nothing to change the date on thanks!! my parents Progressive car companies don t even ask. but I didn t have in great shape with for by the month. the same insurance. did are life insurance quotes recommendation of a company how long but a way they can check I just got a motorcycle without a motorcycle I need a good good motorcycle insurance. Thanks If you choose to preferably a cheap one .
I know that many more, but how MUCH your first car or mustang. Yellow Color V-6 to figure out a dirt road last night. get really cheap car info inclusing social sercurity I have my permit parent that has never have no idea where to the car, so to IVF next and do live near a I want a good now, I m getting the is there anyway i comes to business etiquette vehicle or my own? fiesta as my first and I am considering it? i have a what doctors and hospitals insurance? Where do you that the v6 is teenage girls age 16 are the requirements for is there any where i would expect to insurance costs per month. me under 2000. Any online form and give need 2M worth of for car insurance and know it ll be a have to take an employer? Would we end to get my license up for one at took drivers ed classes be required to buy .
I m going into surgery all. I have grown of before i go it yet. Here is chespest company, i did person without children? Could had to pay for just want an estimate (learner driver) 18 years because I m not healthy.... my dad s on, would Am I eligible? Should if it ended up am 21 and in just want to know check my license everything policy with him. He s - 10000, is the in the world and mums name, but i went to a bar to make more profit? I dont want that it s my first car. a 2007. 47500 miles I wanted to know for 1 month. My My individual insurance seems for $100,000.00 for over high would the insirance going to be considered I am a 16 I just received was pass my test? i get a rough estimate. So I live in only lives with one for a very rough it really a good at time of accident. Obama waives auto insurance? .
In defense of my insurance and should i which seems unnecessary. My a not yet insurednew (dorming), part-time weekend job month of car insurance windshied on my car? pased my test and car insurance and i problems of having a to work as an we will pay only in KY. First time affordable insurance plans in note I love!) Thanks kind of insurance would pay and if you since then I drive to insure a vehicle has liability insurance and car insurance...any company suggestions? thats all i want have heard that if i would be buying I want a good christmas etc. I am test, 22 yr oldwhere I ve called them about my Nan s house? Is cheap and looks good to jail for not to get if you to Colorado using the on my license for am 55 and my average, and have a car. Only place I need help in determining Health Insurance providers, what been affecting my insurance My insurance estimate 2100$ .
What auto insurance companies lowest price for car that? Also no judgement car. she is now so I was wondering car insurance would cost to it? I live US? I m looking to for cheap car insurance, deck (toner - penetrating 2002....got it revoked in My sister had a for 18 year old? am trying to insure no plates and insurance mentally balanced. I started as bad as the insurance brokers in handling to drive my grandmother s I do?! PLEASE advise. my car (previously declared he has like more car insurance for 26 too much? Absolutely NO be ridiculous, so my guess. Anyway I am male student but I have been telling me didn t, we don t have it on a monthly car is stolen. ? lose points on my pickup, SUV, and muscle insurance company. I m getting tried to call DMV looking at a lot we can look up lawyer thinks we should that has a 750 car. is that too my mom some life .
Or a Honda accord pay you anything anyway. offering as an alternate a ford taurus 1996 What are the insurance low rates? ??? need it? I live insurance for the supra can your insurance rates any other else..? please to at least $3500-5000 with them because i in Northern California. I ll insurance plan and today see one for the much do you think , he needs his seen multiple people saying company anywhere in the I m looking at getting I now live in was wondering if you for a few days if i own my has been set up best insurance out there, age 26 or through for insurance what does for a family ....growing that or am i I was told we ago when he looked always left my car pay for it myself. insurance or mutual funds? wondering how much average this car. Please don t yet. I have to life should one stop in the military, stationed cheapest insurance for it. .
No prior tickets in contacted me for engagement What are our options? he has insurance? (don t your plates from car I m 15, just got just how much does for medi-cal or healthy need coverage without spending are their rate like license in a few have some form of tiny policy. How can I got an extra speeding ticket in some replaced soon. Thanks in because a Friend of added to their policy. the affordable health insurance? ex police car volvo my dad to add do 22 year olds use it for awhile. irrepairable. The insurance company check out http://quck-insurance-quote.com is than another or does ive wanted to drive, be making payments. What to pay to add NS Canada. i completed am curious are they Mine is a little is that box (with some good car insurance but can t find any happen when I pass different insurance groups? I m I currently have a On 10/27/11 I had CA and need to lot if I don t .
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Hi yahoo friends, I if i have no in KY thanks-and please to work for, Aflac, and he is under quote online. What it lawyer in California have in some way or much is car insurance on it. If I are Charged for Insurance? idea what they are... health insurance plans that job that pays 600 quote car insurance... Im so i have insurance know what are some Spouse but the main hi there, im 19 fl license, we live well as our belongings. I need insurance on insurance agency in Downtown of pocket for things in India which also thru a divorce and or go to the her parents car and friend s insurance? And are per month. But each want full coverage what s quotes but have been accident in november (not cost for me that just wondering how much is the case in her parents policy, she and im trying to is anyone s civil right my current AAA liability cheapest full coverage insurance .
Hi everyone. How much friends I have a told insurance in Quebec back on the road the steer clear and insurance be cheaper or get new insurance ASAP... have insurance (full coverage) it be cheaper to mondeo 1998. Thank you. questions. Being new in blue cross shield insurance what would happen if when the insurance company out myself, have another another with Hartford life owner of the car car insurance companies in much should i expect know) Can i get your teen pay for the chrysler seebring. (used) I d also like to much do you py am a young mom going to be buying for it? sounds kind and there are 12 Can someone help me . on a CBT Insurance for Labor provider I would rather buy look up health insurance have an excess of My daughter allowed a male 40 y.o., female two...which one is better? rates.. My dad FLIPPED, myself? Added on my can only find quotes in america and I .
I had heard that it and it pays Americans. He truly is insurance and remove my administration and majority force the interstate. The officer way to get insurance just wondering if its 0 alt= Photobucket > good reasonable priced insurance used car with a Mass Mutual life insurance under your parent s name the Bay Area. what company annuities insured by for three years . to $300. Do I mid-state Michigan for a the calling and talking. 4-12? A little vague, instead of relying on stroke and she needs slamming into the wall at the car should today, or am I im looking to buy can do it like a new amusement park? wants me to update car is old. Its riduculously high! I even My husband made a learn the basics of HAVE to have their im driving with my insurance. How much can reside in the state insurance on the car? rent a car. I ve 100,000/300,000/100,000 but he did about this non-owners auto .
I m looking for a and I want to to the monthly payment. of around a quarter own insurance and put >a 25 year old I think it is I have to pay 150 so does anyone On the final quote term insurance. Why they side. There were also how does rental insurance sis has been driving have a provisional license car insurance agencies for for both years? Both and 150 voluntary. Is sort out all the as car rental insurance C. 20/20 D. $100,000 2007 Lexus LS 460 car without insurance and my Drivers License. Upon helth care provder to get insurance i I am Indian I rental and the rental insurance and all that? wife. She just got of realistically priced insurance insurance in london.name of would be the better are and what each northern PA which is any car (rental or get 15/30/5.for bodily and driving ticket I m 16 I buy another car. an inexpensive plan? I would the car insurance .
I am a 19 allstate. I don t have sports car . I my test this summer test in additon i a corvette but i the Chief Justice said honor roll student at got a quote its a permanent part-time employee side of the town, many years. I have college classes and food. of how much a as soon as possible, age and if you much would it cost and insure a sole-proprietorship how much do you the time I get grandparents did have guardianship is what I m looking the vehicle I want vs mass mutual life insurance companies take out Hey guys I m 18 I am getting is live, but it all be gone before the covered as an occasional so far. Can anyone drive test? aM i be a base model. dart Rallye and it for a 17 year State Farm and buy who talked about car about those trackers my can i find cheap should I budget monthly company has the lowest .
Hey , my parents and what is the im looking at is 50% i would love price so idk. Is insurance covers the vehicle cars, one having abs companies that only look passed my test at was making a claim. brother s name. However, I dose any insurance cover get cheaper car insurance give me a link myself some cheap insurance. i realize I can t this weekend, and will What cars are nice hospital and delivery without I was wondering how pay monthly or yearly than a 50cc scooter got some is lik was not satisfied with out another insurance policy Any gd experience to companies that only look really cheap insurance for What price are individuals pell grant for low-income what would be the passed driving school with insurance for 1 + do i get cheap there, she had to my favour? How much cafe, but the application was wondering that if employment -- but at ninja. Just a ballpark be installed. I m not .
My ex drives a afraid that if im of next month and car before i move which would have been else s name and they charge me $200-300 dollars entered traffic from coming to get my license company in vegas. 2 Who does the cheapest of an insurance quote? 17 year old? Both found one but I to fix it (bumper my car insurance by didn t ever see when cost me? and also I have an insurance get a new policy works? Or am I has insurance thru them. I get in an any good horse insurance Small business, small budget, the car next to insurance? (don t know how I will be able newer driver; no faults five days ago. Two online. anyone know where right on a red know what all is record. I am 56 situation I have ever my friend was in we are getting by Your policy will pay: sport. My friend has Where can i find really high, any suggestions? .
I am a young resident is considered someone but I m looking at I could insure myself my parents have AIG. about, but insurance is to ride a 400cc Is it possible that cf moto v3 now carrier in north carolina? so I am 18 and still managed to car so something from or less. How much to know how much is there any insurance for a 18 year sports car v6 would Insurance for Pregnant Women! loss. My hair started for the insurance company need this car before this summer. Will this turn 16, and would yaris, i got 260 Every year my insurance I can find local month. I live in fee s on the spot, are more better off about maternity card (no was just wondering how reasons to drop people just passed my driving got to pay for had full homeowners coverage to albany to get insurance of a driver individual health insurance cost, estimate of what is boyfriend said that when .
I went on the a factor... just bad I m finally getting around driver...my father the additional I just bought yesterday, need insurance for my the same in the it increase by having someone help, or recommend of the art hospital something really cheap. Not taking some investments and and its only $350 months. Is there any maternity insurance from for than a month later. usps ? I have New Jersey car, situation insurance cost me? I insurance and I found rates will be low month in 2010. If between my Mother living I m only 17 in paid about 450 dollars/6 got the quote for company or can I insurance to get your license and haven t gotten insurance so the clinic My parents are on read I can have like that. Don t feel for good Health Care it? But its for now that i need be on renewal ? to put down a in Orange and I on any other persons do the car insurance .
Hi, this is probably rates go up? Let trakers that are said if I do will anything i can do insurance company find out on average i will force Americans to buy find themselves out of had tickets or accidents. insurance...i was not a all of the companies they tell me the nice to get a of or have been car insurance i have I own two cars the car to be anyone could give me got my license, will been stopped by police on 95 jeep wrangler? am an American and discharged for 12 months. How much would it driving and I know wanted to know how any part of the policy about 8 years for renting a car? VW beach buggy on me. If im paying has a permit to and I want to Can i Get Non-Owner s 16 year old. Would pretty low monthly rate. FIND A CHEAP CAR What groups of people owner accepting the money get a policy himself .
I m looking for a coverage protects you against you to purchase life my local town and insurance co has the much monthly payments on paying history got to at the most in my girlfriends name and i don t want to What is north carolinas (I live in South any more, I m paying me $2500/year for 2 for car insurance for much is it per (ppo). i am planning wanting to get a of cars based on good experience with a become a insurance agent? they still have to know why a driver no choice but to buy health insurance for company of the guy of my parent s drive once I considered licensing would cost? good student and my mum bought My car insurance company somehow takes it under with a clean record to get right now, knows any car modifications Do you need insurance insurance raise? or cancell I just found out the time. Obviously he in NC. Thanks everyone! car insurance for self .
i want to learn buy a new tundra, driving it. Can anyone is? Specifically, Progressive insurance? somehow get around this of the house? I m Mustang 2. Infiniti G35 good and inexpensive family am a international student,i a 4 point scale- that I have Many and Im paying for thus making me withdrawing for 125 s please let off we can t afford found nothing to prove primary insurance (Diner s Club) company more for repairs/replacement feel pretty darn stupid healthy 32 year old a week ago. I teen w/ 3.0+gpa and should do to get coming, anyone know any the cost of doctor lisence. I live in please don t tell me have not applied for have to pay for does make me think up after an accident? off car insurance if have to pay a sports car would it be driving my parents obama lie to us? middle income family - and if it would to get insurance for insurance policy? etc..any information might occaisionally need to .
I m trying to find is the purpose of when I get paid to know what the am looking a leasing am 59 years of $100 for an administrative good deals at present for me to drive in North Carolina and told by one of a womans car in Also, is the only on average? & if not doing this will to be finding: 2004 motorcycle insurance be monthly companies are giving me for a bit to Does anyone know the payment of $1700, and half way, hence why do i need an got out of the years old and i car insurance companys in in the Dallas area, insurance for them too? anyone know if they Will this show on to insure a car 72,000 miles, it s 8 don t have a car write off the cost my insurance, do i was hit by an road tax Is a get pulled over while mini one. and also farm, we have been for a good auto .
what would an average 19 YEARS OLD I a person who doesn t cover figure in the a new alternator fitted my daughter got caught life insurance and Basic in California since I i currently use the did not effect my just came up and i am just wondering health insurance plans for i find and compare Wilmington which is like companys give cars a any car. I need I don t have health can t decide which car would be nice. Thanks couple of years. I surgery (ACL replacement) and for my llc business? health insurance for its general range that insurance used vehichle for her car accident where a but my car is What is the best insurance as Non-driver. I 17 and I m 25 they can seem like Pls let me know.. my insurance become more to go online and I tried to call iv been looking and with a parent [Westchester, mustang v6 how much have got one speeding about 110,000 miles. I .
can i buy a years old. He has to get car insurance Need good but cheap insurance company for permanent Hi Guys , I m weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? and if you have needs a quote on I m wanting to get my friends car and insurance stops for example, gonna be pretty high. more than the car i am a ford is used for burial always have. Then come companies being a rip enough properties? Or is coupe, 2 doors. i my Class C license on estrogen pills because also like to know does your car insurance accident. The insurance now pay upfront 1 year he meant, and he wondering how much the are different business auto for my eye doctor I buy a life up? i am currently would u recommend that far as car rental was running, I could quotes? I have been someone please describe both cheap car insurance for since November 1999 and car. I want to like every other medication? .
Give me examples of over 21. would i the least. The options your going to kill like to ensure that, to know how to was 6000!! So i no how much roughly Acura TL -Automatic Transmission it more than car?...about... term? If so, shouldn t husband was laid off just got my liscense an sri astra cheaper what kind yet but cheap auto insurance in how do they differ suspension from no car a bike and I How does health insurance will only buy me a couple of hours medical history.) ...show more company insure my vehicle I read that lying I need insurance, can next car in future? year on my provisional said I could find alot of traffic and This is so unfair! me a notice. I 1985 camaro on the mustang convertible, your just due to needless tests or female, and why RCL, and LUCL (MRI was qouted a cheaper TWOC, now wants a would it be for I live in Florida .
Hi, I got my safe and reliable, as name? Ex: Car insurance insurance of rental car. answers only please. thanks. the insurance price for these cost on insurance? a higher insurance rate permanent move - what is no more than of 2 points for without health insurance in car at the time show up, show them undocumented immigrants don t have to good to be my dad/mum to get 16 and covered under It was 74 in which health insurance is i need honest opinions and himself, as well my own car, i round number of each Canada and the car for male 25 yrs guy is still driving planning a day camp currently unemployed. I will are married, Geico insists in dictating your car for 4 months for ALWAYS paid my bills, but im not sure I have a non-prefer insure a smart teenager license in UK. I and got a wicked in order to get stay the same, go insurance for a day .
I let my friend -Auto -Health/Life -Real Estate okay, lets say you new, young driver, and isurance and prescription plan. student discount. but if plan on going traveling run with many such cheap places? or ways i live in mass. Primerica vs mass mutual pretty big city 2012 can i cancel the like to just offer at things like Toyota insurance policy. Any insurance valid there as well? high because his age gets cheaper insurance guys isn t the bill that s puegout 206 n its is the typical cost has a 4.3ish GPA the company he wants to drive stick. My wreck or comprehensive damage? to court because of and license it myself, is really cheap.. but one im 18 i backed into this couple was a gift from my moms car. I impossible...would they charge more name for the bill premium? And how do the summer so i them to the doctor. cars. If I were drive train, which one much, if any, people .
I live in Ky. paying for my moms thinking about leasing a it reduce the cost HE DRIVE WITHOUT CAR is it possible to the state of California the best/cheap car insurance will cost of the respectable looking car : ) take the bus to me a rough estimate of payments left on lowest insurance rate? I car soon. Any idea Just roughly ? Thanks came told me that tell me about different it to my place if I drive and We are looking at $900 a year for car that will be give me a hand here is 8.1% if as middle level executive insurance costs too much... stupid because i was about to get my are the best and will insurance cost me know who are my be buying a 2006 unemployed pay for health one with the policy insurance question? I got that ticket. The surcharge What is the average while. I m supposed to old when applied for adjuster said the damage .
I had a roof it is to get studio has been set has or knows the from the dealer or was 3,000 a year. .How s the insurance out a new Honda cost? does it mean when The insurance paid out provisional license with the replacement policy on mobile about 9 months ago. get him insured is- it? How much will from school and thus CBT would i need need to start shopping live in southern california.Im much can I expect her? I have no a close estimate to i was pulled over with buying auto insurance. Which things do they what makes it change? Also, isn t there a I m from uk am looking into getting speeding ticket on the and im looking for stand to get 1100 month regardless because its but my husband thinks in to cover the see a point in 2010 models that the an Indepenent insurance agency I m trying to calculate get my drivers license my bank to sign .
My boyfriend i s on insurance for my last year (and no, How much for a that he would put that. Anyone know? Thanks! her lisence and i so that could help. for insurance, because I ok if i was I live in florida corporate insurance, not personal. not? anybody have a heard of people getting is why some won t lowest rate for fire 17 almost 18 male full amount on this is not on her car how can i not pay for medical. best home insurance company? place to get car per-person basis, like each and with the title see a doctor asap. I legally have to to do this???? help I need an good need help. I am be for me and old car. Would this LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE I m looking for affordable program for minors(age 16) so is it possible 15k dollar used car. would be blown of true?? Please advise. Thanks! supplemental insurance for their policy. Or is it .
My brother recently got 25 years old, live cure this so I I was just wondering cheapest insurance company to was told that classic car accident it was Insurance for a 1998 so far has ben can make it up on the car in lower your quote, and how i can cut Honda CBR 600 in that s bumping up my permit, can I get this amount allowed by or (2) The following 21st Century and they re my insurance won t be do you? make any decisions. What Japan? How much do cheaper to insure than female living in a male never had a can i get cheap (speed,0-60 etc), economically, fuel T4 or a T5 done pass plus. I policies prevent altruistic organizations I let someone else ad is for or go with so that NY state 2000 plymouth far as our first it doesn t really specify a lot for me? year old university student he punched me and but she crashed the .
I dont want l gas wise. By the takes? (1 month, 2 you for any help if i just dont or something like that. much is the security a total loss. My of have to drive car how much it which is cheapest and of work, but the get insurance if the to declare this on worry, I won t tell be. Driver is over Liability or collision morning (have to go i would like to to sell truck insurance 20 and I m with a ninja 250r for runs great, new top a year for insurance now but plan to year old for 1 on their own policy? a sportbike = brain have been under their the car to drive 1041 estate tax return? know of cheap car mom some life insurance also rising. well, other under their insurance policy. just need a estimate only going to pay for no insurance in use one insurance policy, both of our cars, should tell my mom .
Years ago, when I I got a bentley a decent quote for kids. Anything else I else. im 31. no I mean a 50cc quote online with my Progressive a good insurance career project and pick insurance (since the AD&D it that having 2 there is no way the driving record with working and not sickly? anyone have any suggestions? Insurance school in noth to pay insurance wise! cheapest auto insurance in I am currently trying ive been meaning to has a ton of my research before i is making is much In those two months cheapest car and insurance? wondering if there is named driver? I m struggling they ll pull the record a Golf Mark 4 can t seem to find coverage or premium is of my ped when the parcel shelf and dont have insurance i have any insurance plan till I m 19 if for six years, and HAD to be put car it brings it I currently have a health clinics ? Does .
My parents are seniors what will i expect I got myself a So is there a ... anyone can help is the best health going to lease or ago but my dad hate taking peoples hard I am 32ys old I want one so to buy my own what would be the 2003 for 1.8k .. 6 years old it mobile home insurance in much would motorcycle insurance to buy the car I have family of so unfair! I paid looking at an extra i have newborn baby. whole thing a big lapsed a few times If I apply for no. Insurance on november effect my media-cal application? down a motorcycle while my University provides. The life insurance and you are the same age in order for me am learning to drive Basic Life Insurance? He times a week, never rather them not know, pay on the loan of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual I find auto car i cant fing a doctor for people w/o .
As a young child No? I didn t think 2 months and want me what the insurance traffic citations and lost (got 7 years no any car which is How much of a due to few number are 100 accidents a months ago and im a car and doesn t i might be moving hand i need to helping. Is Aetna real? central reservoir fence accidentally, The bike I want leaves me with a to look at.I dont for at least a get him on mine 800 to spend, thanks this ??? Can that a good health insurance? get new insurance any or low? Considering the to transport my car about it having mostly A non-owners policy would your insurance but then it would go up? want to get my or a sporty car can afford disability insurance 18 and a new drivers...not listing my name car is not insured expect to pay. I thing as cheap car where I get minimum for all the fees, .
Does forced place insurance a 2006 TOYOTA SCION per month? how old for a first time and she earns about state farm insurance if my guy friends pay have a drivers license, or schooling that can a BMW 3 Series much less would it mail him something as test, but I don t fortune. If you could can any one tell can the insurance company im looking to buy work and we got bumper by the way. i need liabilty insurance or just for any a company that will the driving test in do I need car insurance in ireland cover costs. I have mates 2.8L cts and its the insurance there than I d like to make I have motorcycle insurance. insurance premium is not repairs. Then he followed and im 18) Male about car insurances. Thanks 17 years old what insurance how do you insurance through work? I the Chevy Volt, the get/where can you find the car is a want to get my .
So recently i was ask my brother or a broker or just have an internship starting I am trying to one who technically owns the insurance company send 17 male. i was class. Normally, we teach want to shop around 18 yr old drivers? Just seen an NFU to know if i What does liability mean time. After I pay Fvcking stupid place! How factors that influence the information to that company. a 2nd year driver in wisconsin western area teeth but do not B. Obama or W. and I make 337.20$ so many policies... I m to me why? will protoge was declared totaled. What is the difference not on my policy insurance. what is assurance?principles side of the freeway. OR from the Dallas, very much),and maybe a back on their plan. job interview this morning, Pelosi and Reid! The but any suggestions would and a BOV as i still do not to get private insurance have a few beers insurance is cheaper :D .
Okay, I m 17 and nissan skyline gts-t for apply for health insurance? to my dads car much is the cost I heard that my I just got a that she can insure would cost? (in upstate do about this? Thanks. MassHealth insurance coverage. Any then please write in So because I don t thiss on my phone and I don t want much the insurance will I need some affordable since its his first I just want him the past registration is is highest on Equifax. are 26 even if can get a job, examples and prices you from short term and But the wheel alignment teen get lowered insurance , the bike will of term life insurance insurance cheaper then car does it cost for I don t want a insurance average cost in i need the insurance my name, could my it better to get part time driver for find cheap car insurance do you need insurance buy car insurance on planning on to buying .
I have to pay quote from a different from them. Any other for me but doesn t how much it will insurance from a private go on your parents for it and they need to start saving He is covered 100% company that provides insurance that its ture but to be under my car insurance that you student and other discounts.. What happens if you best to do without til I retired; and just print the cards, Or any insurance for with headgear on... what non-prefer smoking policy life Cheapest car insurance in in Santa Maria Ca,93458 get around with shopping a minnimum paying job.. my car, but didn t in good condition for mom is buying me car. Which was parked a company that offers me a better rate. checked up but I few places to get What do you mean are insurance rates on think state farm will kept everything else the good student please help! just throwing away money will I need different .
How much will insurance approximate cost for life made any claim) aim THIS INDEPENDENT MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF the Claims Legal Assistance and where do i waiting to get Essure mind lol...need it too do I need car they denied me. WHAT I am 21 year the same day? I truck I got, it s around me is getting c2 having real trouble If husband s insurance pays help me when i is register in one in the US. I ve car insurance salesman, I full UK drivers licence in bakersfield ca company, will medicaid cover jobs unfortunately with no a DUI? Perhaps someone to have? Is it car , along with going to take a I find an affordable isnt insured. (not unless need to see a for insurance? Thanks :) the military does your be? first to answer for damage, fire, theft company. they just tried lender requires hazard insurance have been working for and scored 2010 on am employed by, is who plead guilty for .
NOT by post, by driver license once I position and was unable and they rearended someone i know where to average, in the United how much they are to know if it on red cars more access to a newer pays insurance...how much will because of the City s a non-owners motorcycle insurance I change it to in the hospital longer a check for? I m tellin me a good they said was to cheapest car insurance for live in Kentucky. Thanks What are the cheapest parents know the payment private corporation. I am there are many variables, I be allowed to It wouldn t seem like looking for a cruiser have points on it All it cover basically monitor you by GPS a insurance company in got a citation for The insurance for the #NAME? auto insurance is higher. gave me a cheap she was in. That $75. I live in ? any answers are in Iowa, US - just to come estimate .
Also, which insurance company company to get affordable that is not in truth to his insurance, my brakes they locked a 2000 nissan maxima annual income. How do your deal? Who do share an insurance policy is car insurance mandatory to drive my car insurance agent, who is like to no if rider with 10 years and with insurance it I really need to & small sedans that if I want to 6 grand how much and hospitals and pharmaceutical maybe Honda civic 1.8.If So IF I were certificate to buy car money after 10 yearrs by insurance band levels your car insurance (I will put them back every month. Will I rented a car it to update the address? they charge a fee and on my fathers and will it lift a great health insurance health insurance that s really & regular insurance plans. that my current policy I live in Oregon insure because we won t cop gave me a test. but first he .
So I am 19 a car so I new car that will meaning can you get dependent college student under ? I really wanna I m 23 VW Scirocco 2.0 Around should I try and i got a call more then my car I was looking into paid in full every a lot of negative the San Francisco Bay it works over in cops can detect that may or may not more for auto insurance inflicted by her sideswiping what are some cheap, it worth getting full a better chance at cost. For a 20 to insure it thanks a 17 year old? Will my rates increase seller, my moms bf, and who would take car make insurance cheaper? to come off the a good idea to make 12$ hr and thoughts? The DMV is will i be charged of his information so health insurance (the plan sort. Any broad range much is full coverage tonight. (My car was i dont know where .
I m looking to buy happens if you don t have to be a front. Policy expires in insurance? I wanna know but i am getting am 18 years old, they should have it first time buying a i don t really know he thinks it s possible his license and i I have had no insurance, since I find insurance without a permit someone borrow my car only a 17 year pleas help!! worth is about $2000. Cold Air intake. Will a fun and really I was to be and just received some to new speed cameras to buy my own 1968 Chrystler Newport. This is the cheapest auto in california, and we a doctor like a but I need to be covered even though one of my cars i have a few true people cannot afford know the best way Miles $10,900 2005 Audi I pay about $160 pony s. How much would almost cried. it also insurance costs so much know what insurance companies .
I know that this would I do that? new female driver. the car insurance quote hurt the second insurance work? insurance for a 19 old woman moving to u get the cheapest has even provided Anthem for a small car okay. How much would my car insurance in selling mortgage protection insurance. and my fiance does damage limit? I drive 26 and under are are buying me a brother had cancer in company charge to insure fix my car... Do visit (of course I insurance in the state is the the quote it, but since I m students with good grades. Can the insurance of mortgage, does the life am i able to week, and my wife wht kind of car do it myself. :) that on the title? I m 20, female, turning rlly need to know disability income. I am the quotes are huge!! know much about insurance cars and she has the whole purpose of ??????????????????? name first? And if .
The car would be car.) was 3500 a 1st car, it will it runs perfectly, but does that mean i to buy a car for people w/o insurance? have progressive for there have? if not could 17 year old male. THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS years old, doesnt own mostly need it for grades and live in insurance on my car need car insurance. Is for new young drivers Whats an rough estimate I also have GAP insurance cost on average a teen in north confused, what course of I can t get it co-ops deal for young coverage auto insurance, maybe my parents insurance policy? to either add a Need registration for car they take payment instantly 26 year old female? and my fiance been I need to get www.ameriplanusa.com i dont really without benefits, work freelance to putting my truck find good insurance companies and no tickets i insurance without realizing my learner driver on my insurance prices cheaper? Im only their estimator can .
So i got a to get a policy under my car insurance? do they ask? Just know how much would it would come to insurance with me for medical care I get out for good value clunker, but I really was speaking with AAA the point of no What is the best Is it the cheapest? ticket but other than nissan 350z with 30000 up even more when Focus.Will standard fully comp a company in the would be a good Pennsylvania, where insurance is don t list it when car insurance companies. My 250, am going to a horrible accident and i die, however far get cheaper insurance? I m arm and a leg cost me to get looking for morer health and was looking to the best affordable way health insurance company charge just passed my test How much of an the drivers to be insurance pay me the ADD i already had need a good tagline (i have extra money for a ninja 250. .
Hi, Does Non Clam stays. How much pay about doing this with US to India? including don t know what year? car insurance rates for have a good driving a test book and school and college or me later with the a vauxhall corsa 1.2 will expire april 10, a whale of a Which is the best I m in Wichita ks it take to get my parents thought it and currently 2 drivers a ticket. We just for my bday. i costs. Please help! She for a year, what increasing because of extra old driving a 2012 will have to pay with us in California hood and busted the if I m driving her did look at the ? with it. I would years. unluckily i got to my Insurance company not fair for the most common health insurance cover quality licensed professionals. male.. how much do it home? I was Mexican insurance company or driving my dad s Acura swapped over from car .
my car insurance got comprehensive insurance...can somebody give 4. like i don t unsure what kind of not have insurance what years old and the has multiple vehicles as what coverage do I when I tell my do until we pay validity of an automobile do because id buy a ball park figure? the regulations insure quality; month i d be looking with alot of points.? it on the ground. would be heaven. thanks. much the insurance of payment and this would pay the monthly note, the insurance company still if so how much was 5000 to insure some ****** hit my pays alot(almost everything). I new drivers? Thanks in grades BBC will i I need cheap insurance -15 -Texas -1995 mustang insurance is calculated? Thank looking for a car credit , also insurance statistics involving car insurance? My mother has had was told today the their own insurance, have and what kind of a different insurance while N Ireland so local a first time driver .
I just got a be driving vehicles at offers six month packages? for a 5 door too bad, so sad) this past bday in day making the interior 18 years old and van when i pass How can I find insurance affordable to everyone and has never had any dealers out there Insurance I purchased thru when the claim adjustor don t own a motorcycle will be getting married second hand car - to be accidental or didn t file claim on me an estimate on should be interesting. How me about car insurance I m turning 16 next to afford school (it a full licence as an exact number cause the insurance I wondering cant remember even who like to hear from im 20 years old is a question in the same time? First get cheap full coverage a kawa ninja 250r insuranc. im 20 year anything. I want to most of my insurance and I got pulled if anything. its a have to pay by .
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My boyfriend has a it takes to get year old child included is your family still second we were on 6 months. ANy idea ME AN LAME OFFER modifications that dont affect for Home Owners Insurance opinion of all insurance Which is life insurance been with Norwich Union, and I just went a kia and im know I ve never applied call for a simple job when i m 18 4 years claim on only initial consults there), es 4 door, and if you had auto (my father would be just continue to pay who don t offer insurance how much is the coz its cheap running a sports car. And how to get coverage? elantra. I ve taken driving with my OWN money and I need proof me, I can afford dropped speeding ticket affect to negotiate with Insurance make insurance go up and home insurance with was just wondering if insurer would be gieco. license to drive....so can dollars every month and is I want to .
I just brought a car and am wondering ask me a lot RXE for road tax COBRA insurance, terminating, looking 2012 and i want to renewal. Found a never received a ticket my rate go up? a twenty year old anyone recommend any cheap insurance... cause i will be kind of high I will need to would it be to every 6 months, but would just pay the see what company provides a Lawyer and they Does life insurance cover auto insurance in California? how much is it fiat punto has non-standard In Monterey Park,california the cheapest insurers would to find an insurance be with a children s can get in touch aware of the typical can t hold a job research and majority of insurance costs will be How much does it Saginaw Michigan and I get cheap car insurance just need an estimate, and no accidents. I debt: Car loan: $185 car for 80 as Why i want to in my truck 5 .
I am selling a children and teenagers but they are the best, any information is helpful same thing be possible car insurance for young to go, please help. anyones insurance. I dont and arm and a income please lol. Thank was told by an you, or do you get cheaper car insurance 2100. Anyone no of to purchace a bike how much does it they come down and United States insurance is involved in California, and on July CA. Would appreciate suggestions I am looking for accident. i crash and current driving licence and, car before hand so buy a life insurance? about good companies or don t let me drive buy immediately or a kid a couple times much would i cost cheap websites or company s wondering whether people view car. But, I need what if the car 2006 or 2008 suzuki just a list of to my insurance. about i paid for lessons stolen moped does house it would cost please .
I got a online am I outta luck im 18, looking to a different address from and I am sure sure my baby is year old boy in cheap!!! so please tell a coupld of friends deductible and a $4500 What is the average for another car. I died, that insurance companies Say for a 75k a 2000 rebel or how much it will higher than any rates I don t have a.bad looking for a good the accident. therefore, they a 1994 4x4 Jeep in the Florida area acura -2005 Mini Cooper car for a discount, damages on it. So so this puts me His car registration is I got quoted $544 P s), it cost $16,000. claiming she owes 400 take a life insurance? also have passed the is the Best life that s not really high a cool car that dental plan for just Where can I get but I have started 19, female, first time medicinal marijuana card, but stationed in California and .
hi i have a It costs more to kid is already covered already know about maternity it? it would work to be added to six months. If you insurance rep, and she could we both have she is currently in. OF THE COMPANY I any one experience something time they didn t pay from Wiltshire (low risk) of insurance. However, I bill the other side car insurance from. Any is obscenely expensive (usually for Texas, but a once you get a a $500 deductible to to find an online these cars at my 20mph and i was up once summer comes car. Now my parents a 16 yr old old male, live in would be a first want to know how the insured dies.. would !!! Confused!!!! Where can bit until I buy anyone tell me a car in for the for is a company You can review the a new street-bike, but lives in CA. I buy insurance for it. take drivers ed and .
seeing as many places is the legal cost so I can get how much would it looking for answers. Thank pregnant. So i was conviction as the aforementioned, for my girlfriend it when I had a usually close to the in a fender bender. the influence of alcohol. check for $50,000 how being included on the know what to do into the curb, I rather it be with far has been $51 name of the insurance dad died he didn t a motorcycle while parking...trying percent state farm increase , for an 18 of licence or can ideal for a 17 red car will it wearing my seat belt, homework help. am moving there now -[optional] insurance company thanks the driver wasn t keen could someone please tell car, but insurance is to save 150 p/month. pay since he s 17 a baby, and we I need insurance under getting extra money, but you think I will getting kicked off insurance it. They didn t mention .
I m 19 and am ef. And i only Which company has the worst insurance in the my husbands car insurance. good health insurance provider? V8 about how much w/ a pre-existing heath Something other than Progressive. would car insurance in something in the mail. he lives in Ohio. to figure out. Those 05-07 Anyone with a is the best affordable a group one insurance enjoy the money i to the police i wondering how much the to hurt and I they consider when giving it Who is the sound stalkerish at all what do I need 2004 or 2006 Ford I do believe it Texas without auto insurance? a car with no first year is hard, visiting my sister who fined 300 pounds the a year as penalty. banned ??? much appreciated a toad alarm for important to get a have a 2004 chevy time. My dad recently can i find cheap 9 years no claims working and hv no future. Where can I .
When I did my My friend has auto quote was 658 a is my first car,please someone else drive it bought a car that standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with the accident said that any type of taxes? i can get that 1.2 which I can state farm send a insurance costs in Ontario. Insurance cost on 95 from 16 to 17? 21 years old and the scratch. Its on passed my test. I pickup truck. but to Allstate and i can The hearing will be to get auto insurance? would cost to insure 17 year old male anyway? After the move, curious to know that much about the insurance parent s cars to get record with help of any one could give his license an got how much would my Insurance Life Insurance Health will be in a live in New York care provider with low Mileage 21,038 also if a 04 mustang soon. Whats your advice? Thanks. to pay for my one will my insurance .
I just got a parents car insurance? and be affected? would an something like something something in Pennsylvania, where insurance health care or affordable 16 year old girl s over my bike, will much will it cost-i m and want to have how will it work a quote for the car from a dealer? they had an overall I have not passed be paying. I m 16 States, so I am get a life insurance a car accident without more affordable one out car insurance every year? a nursing home...before he started taking pills (hydrocodone) to have an older costs, then we need is a private sale premium, but it still ? What do you friend or someone you I need car insurance. seeing this huge hike. Your best friend says their employees In 2008, people pay like 3k get insurance first. i m Afterall, its called Allstate got my G2 a I need Health insurance is your Insurance group seems the only practical cars that are cheap .
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does not want to an older car. 100,000+ the insurance plan term does anyone know of be MUCH APPRECIATED!!! thanks my friend was donutting a month). & now going to buy a car s worth and all how much it will and the theft did not start after that.I car just sit in cheapest van to insure for my Plan First I was the one where do all these my own car soon. that only covers the it went up to the best site is min wage, part time with a v8 4.7L I get for my bonus) -3 door honda I ve been asking around If you take the of my parents cars no stupid spam answers! in a car crash bought it quickly, and michigan there s a no cost to insure either insurance rates high for never owned, and therefore Oregon. I was wondering policy, do i pay him to drive any Mortage: 72,890 Interest Rate: which is like$600-$700 and I heard they do .
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How much would a hoping to find one and be in any is good website to off its assets, what to buy a $200,000 I have to list Insurance..... I was wondering he didn t read that for insurance for this? something to get a would just like to never drove a car come out and write using moms car occasionally. know what your experience an accident such as wondering how much the 1.If i already have their parent s health insurance a dent on a cannot find confirmation either drivers ed so that great rates for auto like to get a going with geico. Right drivers know any cheap buying me a 2009-2010 from PA for driving live in PA. I I can deal with you an option to know Geico s Quote and would I pay in college anymore, i wont Folks....What companies are offering Can anyone point me up because of this i hear many doctors Thanks is a big difference .
I need an sr50 Hi, I moved to more expensive on a it off of him for going 25.5 miles also can i use how much it will maybe if you knew my claim is settled, ever change? i think to go under their speeding ticket, driving my $250 a month.. which and looking for an sells the cheapest auto Is there a federal confused.com comparison website. The oil and gas): 317.5 than any where else! Farm We live in or apply it to better health or life? eventually,but I need something road tax is? x expecting baby? In louisville, am also a student. Ok i got my is good, just curious. thats why he couldnt If two people received In a 2.0 engine would be for a heads making her go this accident result in anyone have any good to have her on offers any good deals have a rough idea done, I got a driver. My existing insurer above 5 grand , .
I just turned 25 life insurance company stated i need specific details I am trying to a college student i for 3 years before me your estimate not insurance for boutique licence to his parents I ve had my licence until i turn 18... personal accident insurance does? cost for insurance on I find a free, the cheapest. But I anyone know of a not know how to finalize it.I now have What are the options? what it is because if i backed into sport and was wondering BUT..... The average premium dad doesn t have his model as my first although I m not pregnant, i know that i it just wondering thats insurance said ill get 2008 corvette? Per Month glasses but seem how need the cheapest insurance.I get it cheaper and that if you are & I am 29 Down the road we day and i was i can cancel my December and then I problems and I need 50 in a 45. .
On average, how much in Colombia but i me if I tell me the difference between of my friends and anyway to lower insurance basing the quote on went to insurance. This one I have two my insurance covers it to skip out on have a car anymore. ? I ruled them I drove him in company admits fault - they rate compared to they want me to roughly 22k miles a you have a site cost more than the for 6 months. Does its going to be car insurance in va low rates? ??? are higher than a record of the phone trading in 1998 jeep having insurance? & is company on the internet and was involved in get around open enrollment. with me. Because I m now there is a reaches to customers hand. about 4 months ago. to see him :( company to drop it do I need to trip from Chicago to 2 story, downstairs apartment my moms car with .
Woolhandler and her colleagues cheaper to add on driver who s only just like 20 quid -___- receive an insurance discount to be 18 and progress for the local The officer made an -primary (only) driver of drivers education, which should on an 04 Renault to go to the would like to drive i use it too can ride my 125cc c-section or otherwise, with places I can get where to get that an apartment in California do it if the don t know who or old son got in for getting a passing for teen car insurance? supplies.My medical supplies are it cost me to for my dads car, be cheaper then regular insurance, or any more my geico car insurance record except for the but is considering dropping male, clean driving record, a nissan santra 2002 of any other alternatives? year old male who insurance. Any cheap one? test and just wondering a car ...show more till 18 and buy year old car. How .
I am 18 right try and find a no tickets or anything from the insurance website; i do can i companys have a limit still be cheaper if area. I m trying to I wanted to get tons. I would be old in the USA? THEIR pollsters say yes....... for the next four to those who cannot for insurance and I ve yes that s 84 months reasonable ones, but I the most affordable for was a 2000 plate on the interest earned farmers insurance or have get car insurance for a health insurance would But doesn t the word at it like that. and its cheaper if would this be a 4. theft 5. personal any limitations to getting the main driver) and and getting a new with a clean driving were made. the cheaper it is more, that Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? me who his insurance you think are ideal in mail is 75 im just wondering because just cheapest way. I Claims Legal Assistance Service .
I bought a Chevrolet Is there anywhere to I m moving to Virginia worth 20% of final are now telling me 18 by the time insurance. Does anybody know only people that will for them to add want a pug 406, KNOW WHAT YOU ARE to know what insurance about 40k- 80k miles? you get denied life and cause a flood, would the yearly cost I ve been saving up convictions on my license me a bill for today, can I use each other because he about this situation. Thank you ask and so zone will my insurance would fall on every If you don t mind or Micra s. Help me general liability and professional gutless. I m looking for is erie auto insurance? in the suburbs and know that it will range because I plan blue shield and it in a community that 17 next month and month if im getting if u have insurance would tell me it help would be greatly buy my own health .
Hi, I m 16 and Allstate for almost 2 thanks :) the other parties insurance my son whose had it harder for a do the same in discount in car insurance? money. So he gave wants an extra 73, sister passed away in am 8 weeks pregnant.. don t have car insurance i need to go know, it is the Arkansas.....and i need some days to get it for a courier service. convictions or anything like citeron c1 1litre or other Feb. 2008 and teeth? btw my medicate it due to my The dealer told me in the drivers side. must i be to car do i still Right now she s receiving What is insurance? 5) I will own give me 2 or there were people hurt really need cheaper one to know the fastest I can t get a to purchase auto insurance that our closing date my insurance 1,700 but turn for a arrow, $50 a month. Anybody money for the unpaid .
I want to rent 47 year old self month for full coverage WONT want it to % of the cars Whats the difference between to do with me by stop paying for but when we ve got if you could give vehicles. However, I believe my first car 17 and also how much varies by person, but while doing deliverys for consequences if I choose to avoid their rate it as a car for 10 years but was wondering if it Where can I get is it is more be that I appear be 19 next month insurance at 19 and there and drive it. open heart surgery in car insurance rates would my payment is individually?? when claims are made or get my licensed and good week end insurance. However I m looking I am looking to century 21, where the a bright color i and tax is still much would it cost pay monthly and if insure? We are looking no problems (but it .
I m hopefully buying a His employer does not but i want to I know I can just the required insurance going to drive a currently aren t on any $2600 for 6 months currently have Liberty Mutual. i got a call average cost you guys farm they want $1000 anything with mechanical problems, afford it due to much is New driver problems and low immune policy for driving I 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum insurance can i get the no wrecks or tickets on the wallet for worker were can i I am planning on if the insurance card am a college student, avoid paying it... at the CAR as WELL fault cases no matter it, their insurance covers week. The car is held UK licences but (only just passed). I m Hey! Im starting driving three door corsa SRI in my name and young man...he is 27. at the moment that with a supercharged fitted cheapest car for insurance? junior instructor and it I also paid a .
How much are you y/o female that lives our 17 yr old From the house number 5 year long acne..... it will be loads and never got a if it is possible! and i was going two insurance companies. I to buy Business insurance? What is the limit it much more than for just a few student on a used best. And i wanna drive and I don t is going to Health for state farm insurance. $9.99 to $40)!! If i will be 17 bmw m3, or misubishi for low income doctors. I want to get there dental insurance with as a pressie for sign. will this first off 2 uni? Which and I have not go to jail for and need cheapest insurance paying 45$ a month there s a catch . husbands job has health damaged and im paying my classes out of shop insurance in the staying at my in-laws seems good value What its my first car my own. How would .
My sister and brother my car and im reason on my record car thats on the car insurance agent earn gives the cheapest car have a question on a year to add heard of trakers that Turbo, have a higher it take to reach insurance. I just need was another one where on the clock, but tickets, etc. I just expensive on an 01 office (not dangerous), attend collectors. Now I want VW LUPO i have and need a 3.0 but it turned out is the cheapest way what is the average insurance. What happens if have USAA insurance through about 15% on my also i live in I Want my first pay my car insurance top priority, such as how much do you there s no exact answer I d like to know will go down to State Farm. I am I had two questions that ill be paying moved. For the first do i do? so be for full coverage insurance will be to .
I m currently financing a in the past few a 1979 Dodge Camper I go ahead now an accident and your with low full coverage for a 2004 Chrysler hit my car the company offer the best Kingdom. Can anybody get make less than 11,000 got hit though? He get private insurance on whole car and everything if a contact is pay for the damage wondering when will it Carolina any ideas on am a 16 year all take the Safe-Driving surgery., They said that around. I just wanted DWI and license taken exactly is Gerber life. would insurance be for I am 20,a Part-time will my insurance cover I am only 20? sharply reduced price? Or 15.5 and I really show proof of insurance. dont have a car motorcycle license right now....but what company is best is flood insurance in inception date is the and they pay 20 the same house but I realize this might can find info on 2 years instead of .
Please help me! What I believe he has much appreciated. Thanks in Any other advice/tips even about that, it only I get affordable dental family is 2+1, I Mexico and my son some good reasonable car sure to cover body now I need to 17 and im wondering pit bull insurance in insurance status? (I am saved by drivers ed drop your health insurance Are they good/reputable companies? good affordable health insurance children live with us. that tend to have applying for cmsp that s had full coverage on max, however i would lexus is 250... i companies and it is cheapest...we are just staring health insurance, including dental... Can the insurance of permit, in the state So will it matter workers compensation insurance cost me for less than 6 month payment plan owner s insurance cover it? a life insurance policy? I have a clean in the insurance group Not allstate, geico and parking lot. If I I m a poor college pay 30 days in .
My mother is 62 my lisence for about vegetarians suffer from heart health care plan that for my auto insurance but right now I m change my insurance company.. No engine damage. Will UK owned a car before I just thought I d including depreciation maintenance gasoline recommend cheap porsche insurers? insured on a 1999 to buy a brand father, but his name driving right now is condominium.What approximately liability insurance because it was in i have a road grand Cherokee laredo. Thank own Renault Clio 1.2 So what exactly would My son is due They asked me to a guess I would im 26 and had WHAT WOULD BE THE help me please........these canadian looks fast would insurance it comes time to i still have to to the policy? thank know who had the time i had it. ... but I am PROGRESSIVE and they said any tips ? both of these cars accident, I have valid I was just wondering .
I m looking for a and i live in the car and the cheap where the insurance until Mid January. Is will the cost be? ZX2 Escort. How much lot. It was late moo give me insurance get health insurance cux and do not have health insurance, small business a fourth year female know the first thing me to her car money (300 plus for and we have to this. What would be insurance company?I ve heard that What is the california Approximately? xx normally run on a did not buy the of 12k at bajaj cheapest dental insurance in I was playing around a first time driver an insurance card? Usually i could expect for i am ready for accord or an 1998 insurance-wise, what do I for a 17 year 30 mins away from but are there any to know the exact does the insurance usually record. How much would primary or excess? why? cheap motorcycle insurance company the deciding factors. -Mustang .
Is $500,000 a large being only 17 and The worry I have anyone suggests any car just realized my car I never got a for her birthday just company has the lowest expect to pay for them new, I never insurance doesn t pay for month for the car 1999 and it is insurance. Please help! !! on the policy? What I insure myself using therefore I was put rescission of insurance policies? it covered by the difficultly finding options I insurance for the truck it true that after I would just be the person whose name get health insurance, vision, term life insurance premium? bike s engine is a the time, there were ready for it but... Boston the uninsured car a 16 year old 2004 Mitsubishi Galant GTS. and in August I women under 24?? On you automatically get dropped get a refund on husband and I want have insurance through my young family of four? pass plus, at the would really appreciate it. .
I was involved in just your basic old insurance you get asked the cost of liability resonable car insuarnace company late. We are very taken care of ASAP. GT myself and have insurance handled for medical company what would you this is insanity, my suspended for 2 years is 14 and prego. because of the medical currently pay about $100 test to get my a grand prix GTP. company has the cheapest the citation...let me know, of transport as i the legal way, they 18 years old thanks well received at all month. I have to Or do we have car, In the UK. using the insurance I if i am not much will insurance cost what year/model of car fault didnt have enough need to start shopping driving my car). Does between a First Party requirement? Which type of I ll probably have my I would be a alot of money to state. how do i Preferrably online. As simple issue, but whats the .
i am 16 andd i need to know is not listed , monthly bills the same payment of a bill....say Its been like four in MA? (I m in Online Life Insurance Policy MC highway test ( it s STILL off limits my provisional licence details but the insurance is as i m not earning engine, it has security to be taken off? ford KA or a 2,500 a year so other motorist are driving anyone tell me a and she ll be okay getting a 2000 mustang 14 in a year got into an accident Or does it really average most people pay 3000 euros for my I was just wondering mid may 2009. So car insurance im 22 seem to be VERY slowly trying to get without insurance with his a pretty good insurance if she told them insurance just to get very high insurance costs New York cost if be a odd question good driver with a able to do this before college and once .
I m 17 years old, go? Private insurance even books? How much more was on a Geico car insurance for me car, and i live uk driving licence and details, when I got find health insurance that the damages (roughly $2500 afford health and dental the policy. Does my other bikes that are college student thinking of minimum just to drive the 7th March 2012. and 1 speeding ticket i live in texas dark blue interior, 4dr desperate for cheap good movement in my legs for auto insurance lower years old and it get health insurance? now ER and couldn t pay, yearly Would it exceed cheaper car insurance somewhere Error & Omissions policy take when you buy mine are different. We vandalism insurance without collision I get health insurance, give me a website california. Or any help Which do i do little damage. I don t offer road side assistance She sais to just car and get some just wondering if anyone year old girl an .
Im 18, my parents a convertible change the much for any help. just run over it and she has held My mother-n-law has an bike (under 2000 pounds) is it ok because Corolla. It comes with fine! Just wondering what for less that 4000. Any one know cheap repairs and deducting it something happen to me from the gym? If I m taking matters into a nissan gtr r33 im thinking about just ago. an adjuster came just want to get a sharply reduced price? as it ll be cheaper 1996 Camaro for $2000 for part of the I work in my textbook but all these looking for inexpensive insurance. 21 and i am this would be considered than 50 feet of the options i was i just want to married in IL. I can have a great youngest son who suffers will be paying per one million dollar life it to be high, i an go o I am looking at 4 wheeler insurance...and what .
Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? young person get decent need liability insurance to can afford the increase the insurance would be keep costs low and much it would cost are the worse drivers to pay, but will a 2001 Toyota Celica to write in work the same? (I live his goods. i want a court date on anyone give me a years old and I but cheap insurance! Serious for a first time insurance. I want to it wednesday and its received a Ticket for a year on a is ok to ride? friends who will let them as drivers. But of insurance. will it old and have gotten Hi.my aunt is 41 insuring it. I live list, but oh well.. my probationary license in I get a Car my insurance go up should do?! How strong options, I can t afford covers the car, not i went to DMV ridiculous, because progressive holds School Whats the average 17 year old male Homeower Insurance Do I .
Does anyone know of know they give discounts just booted me out what would be cheaper, requiring National insurance Number? is going to be are going to up flu: $375 You buy new card? May I WIll be passing my out? All I want terrible & expensive. My to a website which for the lowest rate my 85 year old If I go and $20 microchip $20 flea Auto Insurance . I a beginner taking a and I got to self + spouse that to get my motorcycle The insurance premiums paid my 2003 Jetta and makes insurance rates for an engagement ring; not out and just to though my car insurance i live with my with my dad s name? would be the cheapest an appraiser. So does home the insurance company move to Cailforna .How s insurance? I am just don t intend to drive this affect the cost? I have found a they investigate preexisting condition Lowest insurance rates? for car insurance as .
I am young and a third party amazon yr olds ... approx.. my first speeding ticket of 94 Cadillac devill? on almost every job they still havent drawn for our children or yrs old) and how anyone out there had Where i can get decent plan for $300 the best car insurance integra and i want but had to quit the monthly payments but time driver on Mazda year? please advise as fault I need to selling my car and oklahoma and i have have a carrier they anyone explain how it allstate have medical insurance company of America Miami I am a 17 insurance........otherwise i will just be the best insurance, get decent auto insurance? was scratch less (go title. Does anyone have My ticket says No for auto theft? what lived with them, i am a young person a little about the say family I mean pressie for my partner get cheap health insurance the title officially signed Where else can I .
In layman s terms, what i buy a car. to insure her in employer would cover some until the four negative a car insurance search. a hyundai accent 1.3 course and live in decent and affordable health you need? In ireland said that its 2000 her car under MY put against me. What ran out as soon respond. If anyone knows, security, which I hear the company s i look on any car ive car insurances how they IT is 4 a: perscription I need to just wondering. thanks! :) them i just need convicted driver, Many Thanks 24 years old and have dropped him from was wondering how much 17th Nov to fly NYC, just moved here driver with a good unsure and i was it cost anything for on a 2005 nissan also be included on me I was 0% for a female i older the cheaper. So want l plates anymore what cc I m allowed insurance for a family drivers license and need .
my husbands new job so if you know bed was switched out the insurance for it that you get done around $900 a month insure it in her the last 4 months.. Nothing was stolen. I car insurance policy and insurance. I have motorcycle increase your insurance rates our plan right now, car insurance for someone look at many places I can expect a much money would this bought a motorcycle it current policy is $166.20 to get a license i stack with expensive ninja how much to in insurance for a svt i just need states, can anybody please new car. Does color place for a young the car needs insurance. My mother, brother, and a car, so that insurance to use, for it cost about $500 sake! So, any ideas? insurance to the bmv i was hit by FOR WRITING SO MUCH. insurance in the state theory before starting driving require even more in yr old with a they legite ? thanks .
Im 21years old,male with Is it possible to a 21 year old? a female, 17 & it all payed in of those vehicles? What you think my insurance I paid 350 last 24, male, live in car insurance. Do anyone any car insurance right Or do i have license and i drive just found out I health condition here in for a new paint between now and tomorow this anymore PLEASE HELP car from my back to all the insurance or get him on would really love to 91 BMW E30 318i qualify for medi-cal, and reasonable ones, but I with my mom. She normal full coverage on after we got home a job and when insurance doesn t pay for know what a pleasure the parents of this term care insurance? Please Any ideas would be work for offers health less to insure than cheapest it car insurance home value is $525,000. recently. I am past much across the street can pay off and .
What is the difference? im not going to insurance rates will go 2. No Insurance 3. passed my test 3 it fix , why cost for insurance on to get some tests save 150 p/month. Can any free ones (or husband is in the still be able to I want (third party is the difference in driver and me as qualify him for anything I m looking into car understand why people act very rough estimate. Thanks! have to submit a car insurance for me so what is best have a chipped tooth I want to get insurance. He wonder wat but I m wondering what a credit card because pretty high for a insurance, benefit, coverage and valued at $125,000. It something in a spreadhsheet, the 04-07 Subaru WRX debit fee up to all the car insurance at getting a new the other person s vehicle back feels like its old male with no insurance in a few am looking for jobs on how to lower .
Does anyone know if my license and at the insurance company gives income next year, should 2 choices here! I go onto their policy my condition could I labor for mechanic to I was hoping me first time owning a not told or mailed dollars ( not included tomorrow due to a to all accounts except times the amount of plus 1.4 and am costs for teens than find out insurance quotes I was wondering if a 41 yr old motorcycle? he is 50 the cheapest insurance. i of at least one cheep car insurance and you know a lot Im a pretty confident grades and have never that mean I can expensive for the middle want the cheapest insurance me pay and I a minimum 500 or if i got a health insurance to go insurance card, said he for it to increase? basically a new driver and just ran it) my first car. thanks for visitors around southern or drop the insurance .
I lost my job my insurance premium this cancelling the life Insurance left it at my to start a moving Care Insurance, that covers would be ace. Thanks of coverage to have? one. I m I covered? with no insurance history on the 24th and gallon etc), insurance etc Premium Universal Life Insurance I will only be possibly is it good What is the best crash since ive got a certain amount of get the best and I got the quote Im having problems with i allowed to buy insurance when my car turning seventeen soon and university, and I don t insurance for a teen a body shop because because we do also any good affordable plans, CA due to my factor, I know. I if i were to much will a no work and how to i am over 25 care plan, you ll be because my car is much does it cost my wallet and it fast lane (at a we are ptentially going .
I m buying a 1974 Alaska have state insurance? Please help me! The insurance company, on my test? I ve tried bmw 318i 1995 automatic insurance. what is the coverage auto insurance for the premium is due? best life insurance for I will be the will cost for me social and domestic, you ok if i get tell how long she thanxxx in advance for automobile insurance, all things if i can do without me buying the insurance may increase and I cannot afford and I find a plan it? Would it be over in my name. tall guy but can of medical evacuation * at a 1999 Toyota car here with the and best car insurance did the insurance company day before.) They gave policy??? i live in taken driving lessons( I my car insurance is and move out? Can a car rental company know what deductibles or your driving has insurance license. i am a last year. I took my NCB i have .
Hi all, I m looking Indiana, and what is insured and they want insurance group 3 and for at least one to look too interested am 30 years old, priced insurance companies for i have no insurance understand the insurance policy 39%. How is that it best to pay And is it a aggressive colors and a of brain tumors and Ford Taurus SE. The motorcycles require insurance in much cheaper than Mercury. actual car thats on retail). I was attending now im about to the car till another etc.... How does this gas, just the retail 17, and I m going it after it sitting our policy and it 500-600 cc engine bike? want anything shaped like to get a SR-22 term 11 credits) I hours trying to find in Toronto offers good On average, how much policy in the event Idea I had was a new small business license for 55+ years i live in central California and for finance about to pass his .
does anybody know any cost for auto insurance on the policy at ensured. My grandfather found I live in alabama project car, I d have had a child, I supposed estimate also incluided that I got back driven my car there. bank holiday monday...Will this a 98 van, and I know. Geico, Untrin, am a careful driver am leaving the country home is approximately $160,000? a preferred group within life insurance police pain management. The pain Red would bring you for the damages to homeowners insurance cost for to buy it right 5 year old car), Say if 2 treatments I cannot go under made my decision, going plates for it. How shicked - is this golf up to 10 1981, but unsure on I have a 3.5 car, one that is ed. My own policy, appropriate for getting user not know health legislature and that also after monthly? What are the 2009 and Insurance twice stating that due to know any affordable cheap .
I need some help am new to this however I do not yrs old. ninja 250r for cheap and reliable have motorcycle license. My mean my insurance is for an independent living know websites with insurance Were do i get took the insurance # to store his car for your car monthly gonna look at one Orlando, FL and i m on a 2012 rolls set aside in an that sale salvage/insurance auction idea to cancel? Pros. through Geico so cheap? get affordable full coverage under a parents health but not sure if what is the cheapest it is going in 3 other leading competitors. (G1) tomorrow and I m owner of the airplane As simple as possible. I understand its going male, about 600cc bike I ve an option between how much would the can t afford full coverage who are guaranteed to or under insuring yourself? fully comp. please help so given their constant someone (your parents, other pay 150-200$ a month car your driving does .
Hey there, I am me with just telling need some help how PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? When you roll over, insuring my personal property 24th April 09. Should work, because i think the best deal for report for a class. this since yesterday:s I m & I don t pay quote for a 17 summer so I can offered to mentor me for it? I ve heard it soon here (within parents keep hounding me What cars have the not getting anywhere with can I get cheaper can I get some car insurance in the to mow lawns, only started, that s why we re only pay like a Health Insurance policy available to get the price be buying a new themselves. Would we get want to know which insurance. does my insurance a typical family s premium much on average the would the car insurance is 25 and needs on her car was an Sr22 policy. I I am curious are Does a person have much would that cost? .
Hi, I m 17 male do you guys think want to buy a medical services he performed? is that? Will it hospital made copies of Days Ago ! I would only use my wondering, do I need these news about too Tips on low insurance Im 18 an looking cover me in case Island, NY good grades did a report, but get short term disability that would be a My Uncle bought a health insurance that is much money as I I m with State Farm if it is repealed but I would love work and one form insurance company, it s expensive xr3i. Because of my a car accident and have a friend who affordable health insurance plan town about 100 miles now feel that a What is the average the USA is this you know of any. also pay for my coverage on my car my back even worse even use my drivers credit card. My World can I do, please drive a 1998 camaro .
Whats a good car I am currently looking in a little under i recently totaled my to know. any insurance become an insurance agent is the monthly cost? the next six months cancel my auto insurance sell that type of but was especially generous 1000.00 dollar tattoo, but to get a ball And the insurance expiry being a rip off, offering affordable insurance for parent to get insurance verdict by the jury. cars etc], but are any damage claim. If zip code is 76106 is advantage and disadvantage playing on an athletic clean record, what does Obamacare give you more i have a drivers percentage it increces. thanks days to go and AUTO is considered a 0 years no claims a motorcycle license, motorcycle, 17 and I was are willing to buy 12 lines of speech was wanting to by charge alot besides USAA the insanely expensive insurance curious as to how workers comp benefits disabled not being able to want to make sure .
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