#my aunt got a call that day that mum was getting married
fun fact: my parents got married a month after i was born, that day they're getting ready in their apartment
and they hear screaming, as per usual when you have neighbors in an abusive relationship, and ignored it
they come back from the wedding and apparently the woman was murdered and mum kept me in my baby carrier all night in case he came back to take out witnesses and she needed to throw me out the window
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A football team ― Peter Pevensie modern au
author’s note: hello everyone! a weird first post honestly but i was feeling it after talking about it with my friend sooo... :) a totally out of pocket au in which the pevensies are all alive and well and live in this century and peter is a married man 🤭 i don’t know how i feel about this thing, though, like i’m having mixed feelings about it, but if i don’t publish it now i’ll never do it lol
pairing: peter pevensie x female reader
summary: Peter Pevensie had started being sure of things the moment he met you by accident during his first year of university. You two didn’t even study the same degree, but you’d happened to see each other frequently in the same spot at the library, and when he finally dared to ask you out, years passed in the blink of an eye. Nowadays, you’re happy to call him your husband and the father of your children.
warnings: female reader, reader is pregnant, modern au in which everyone is happy and alive (lmao), peter pevensie is a teacher and a football (soccer) manager, plot’s not even a plot (lol), too many children, fluff, english isn’t my first language (i don't think i missed anything)
word count: 1869 words
requests are open, i write for many fandoms (maybe i can make a list of them idk)
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You couldn’t help but love your chaotic family. It was the best thing that had happened to you, along with marrying Peter. Your life was a busy one, but it was also full of love. You saw it in the mornings, when your household became a place of madness and your four children ran around the hallways while they got ready for school. You saw it when you got in the car with them―of course, one of those big cars with too many seats because you wouldn’t fit in a regular one―and your husband drove for more than twenty minutes to some place, leading to fights and shouts and cries. You saw it at dinner, when the six of you sat at the table and ate whatever Peter had cooked and they all talked about their day, screamed over each other’s voices, and protested about not liking peas or broccoli or carrots. You saw it at night, when you and your husband fell into bed completely spent once the house was, finally, silent and all of them were sleeping.
You had a lot to celebrate with a family like that. People―mums from school―usually asked you how you managed. How you and Peter could take care of a family like that and still have time to love each other. Your answer was that you loved each other while you took care of your children.
And, of course, leaving the kids with their aunts or uncle or grandparents when you two wanted to have a weekend for yourselves also helped.
But, most of the time, it was you and Peter, and you were happy like that. It was a life that’d been made for you. Because, being honest, you’d never wanted to get married or have children. You’d always said those things weren’t for you. That you’d be the single, cool aunt type.
Until you met Peter during your first year of university. It changed everything you thought you were sure of, and you realised you simply hadn’t wanted that kind of life because, until then, you hadn’t met a person you’d like to have those things with. With him, everything changed. You saw yourself walking down the altar. You saw yourself building a home with him. You saw yourself thrilled because you two were waiting for a child. You saw yourself growing old with him by his side.
You’d never believed in the “right person” thing until you met him. Once you had, everything fell into place. And now you were at the peak of your happiness after discovering you were pregnant with your fifth child. Well― Fifth and sixth. Twins.
It had been an accident, really. Well, kind of an accident.
When you found out you were pregnant again, you and Peter had agreed that this was going to be the last one. Four children were already a significant number. You two were managing quite well with your numerous offspring, and a fifth was already going to be a challenge. But you knew your man. You knew him well enough to know that he somehow would manage to trick you one last time.
He indeed did when the doctor announced that you were carrying twins. You remember Peter’s mischievous grin. And your first reaction―slap his arm and call him a bastard. But you weren’t mad. It was going to be a challenge, but you could never reject what was the product of the love you and Peter had for each other.
You sometimes regretted your thoughts, though, during your eighth month of pregnancy. Some days you felt like giving up and staying in bed all day. Your back pain was killing you, and those two babies were definitely Peter’s, because they knew how to kick to make themselves known.
“You don’t have to come, my love,” Peter told you, and pressed a kiss to your hair.
You scoffed. “But I will,” you replied.
Your husband grinned and leaned to kiss your lips tenderly. His hand snaked down your body to settle on your round belly, and he smiled in the middle of the kiss. Your babies kicked in that exact moment, like they knew it was their father greeting them.
A long “ew” was heard from the kitchen’s doorway, and you two turned your heads to look at your second son, Samuel, who was already wearing his football kit. A grin appeared in your face and you gestured to him to come closer.
“You don’t like seeing dad kissing mum, Sam?” Peter asked him while ruffling his hair. The little boy put his hands on your knees and pressed his cheek to your baby bump.
“No!” Samuel answered. “It’s gross!”
“Oh, baby,” you laughed and stroked his blonde hair―you were still wondering how it was possible that all your children had inherited Peter’s golden hair―while he interacted with his unborn siblings. “It’s not gross. We do it because we love each other.”
“You don’t kiss me on the mouth but you love me,” he replied, thoughtful.
His father chuckled. “‘Course not, lad. Those kisses are just for partners,” he explained with a smile, amused by his son’s reasoning. He was a clever boy, they knew that much.
“Hmmm…” he mumbled, and narrowed his eyes in deep thought.
You couldn’t help a grin. Samuel was always asking questions and making up his own reasoning about why something was one way or another. Peter said he reminded him of his brother Edmund, who used to spend the time with his nose buried in books, but with his youngest sister Lucy’s character, who was definitely much more adorable and less… Well, less “Edmund”.
Peter kissed his son’s head and went upstairs to get the girls, who were probably still playing with the last Lego they’d been gifted. Legos were a must in your house. Legos everywhere. In the bedrooms, in the bathroom, in the back garden, in the living room. More than once you had stepped on one, and they hurt a lot. You always told them to gather the pieces and put them in their box, but your words were often ignored and forgotten. As a mother of four, you were used to it by now.
You heard giggles coming from the upper floor. Your husband was such a girl dad. He did what was necessary to put a smile in Audrey’s, Ruby’s, or Emma’s face. From letting them do his makeup―the amount of pictures you had with Peter’s face covered in red lipstick was infinite―to buying them a little foam sword and teaching them how to use it. You were scared they would take an eye out with those, but he was chill about it. He said that his girls needed to defend themselves from the bad guys. You thought one day they would end up punching someone for real with all the things he taught them.
Football, swimming, using a sword, makeup… He’d even tried to teach Audrey how to bake―no need to say it didn’t end up very well, and he spent a whole afternoon cleaning the counters and walls and floor. To this day, you hadn’t seen a mess like that one.
Some minutes later, Peter came back with three little monkeys clinging to him, the monkeys being your three daughters. Emma, the youngest of them, was in his right arm, while Ruby, the one in the middle, was in the left, and Audrey, the eldest―seven already, how time flew!―was hanging from his back.
You were going to die from a heart attack one day.
“Audrey! You’re going to make dad fall!” you said, standing from the chair while Sam held your hand.
“No, mum! I’m Spiderman!” she said, making her father grin. Since they had gone to the cinema to watch the last Spiderman film, Audrey had been pretending that she had superpowers. It’d been funny until she tried to start climbing the walls and you almost had a heart attack.
You shook your head.“Peter, do something,” you scolded your husband.
“Audrey, darling,” he immediately said, and you smiled―so obedient―, “I wouldn’t like your mum to get mad at me.” When his daughter opened her mouth to protest, he added, “And we’re going to be late to the match if we don’t hurry.”
“Yes, football!” Both Samuel and Ruby cheered, while Emma mimicked her siblings’ words in her father’s arms. Your little girl was two years old and she was such a brilliant kid already. She loved to grab Mr. Badger, the cat, by his tail and to do all kinds of villainies to him. The poor cat endured too much with your daughter, but he also was extremely protective of her and always made sure she didn’t hurt herself.
“Football it is,” you declared, and winked at your children.
The whole of your family exited the house and went to the car. You sat on the passenger’s seat―not without great difficulty―while Peter took care of your children. With your big belly, you were grateful you could even walk on your own. You could barely wait until the birth day, not only because you wanted to see your babies, but also because it was exhausting, being pregnant with twins.
Once your husband had secured all of your children in their seats, he drove to the school. He worked there as a science teacher, and thought at first it hadn’t been an option, when the previous football manager―who’d been some maths teacher―had retired, the juniors didn’t have anyone to train them, and Peter, loving kids and football as much as he did, decided to take the responsibility. Now, you knew he couldn’t picture himself without being the manager of those kids.
When you arrived there, most of the team was already there, and so were their parents, and the rival team. Peter quickly kissed you and he, Samuel, and Ruby left to get ready for the match. Meanwhile, you, Audrey, and Emma went to sit at the stands. You couldn’t stand for too long, and you liked getting seats close to your husband so you could watch him close during the match.
It was adorable, watching him interact with the kids. He ruffled their hair when they walked past him, encouraged them to be their best, and treated them like adults. They liked Peter a lot and he liked them back, and all their parents, but especially their mothers, always told you that you had struck gold when you married him.
As if you already didn’t know that you were the luckiest woman in the world to have him in your life.
You were sure that Peter was almost like a second father for many of those kids. They spent a good amount of hours together every week, training and at the matches, and it was very easy to like your husband. Even if he got a little competitive during every football game.
“Pass the ball to your brother, Corin!”
Maybe too competitive.
“Eyes up, Alice! Eyes on the ball!”
But, whatever he did, it seemed to work, because the school’s team won most of their matches. After the game, the kids all cheered while their parents clapped. Peter’s eyes met yours for some seconds and you smiled.
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themultifandomgal · 10 months
Tommy Shelby- Granddaughter Pt3
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I walk to the pub James frequents at. Nervously I scan around and see James with his girlfriend on his lap. I take a deep breath and walk over to him
"Jame can we speak, alone"
"Look at this boys. Told ya she'd be back, look love I've moved on time for you to as well" he laughs
"Actually James I don't want you back, but you deserve to know something. Have a choice, so can we..?" I motion to an empty table. He moves his girlfriend off his lap and they walk to the table and both sit down
"I erm... I had a baby"
"Ok and?"
"She's yours, her names Eloise" James laughs
"Yeah sure. You've probably been whoring round. That's what you Shelby's do isn't it. Your a bastard as well aren't you? Your dad fucked a whore got her pregnant, your aunt fucked your dads best mate and got pregnant. Lest she fucking married the man, but did you think you'd be any different?"
"She's yours, I haven't..." James interrupts me from speaking further
"Whatever YN. Tell your dad I'm not marrying you or accepting that bastard as mine" James stands up leaving me to try and stop the tears in my eyes. I get up from the seat and leave the pub as quickly as I can and go home.
I arrive to Grace rocking Eloise in her bassinet that's downstairs
"Grace?" YN cries
"YN what happened?" YN runs to her step mum and crying in her arms
"I told him and he doesn't want to know her. Said we were both bastards and I'm a whore. And now he's probably going to tell everyone that I have a daughter and I probably slept with loads of people"
"Like hell he will" I hear dads voice, not knowing he was in the room when I poured my heart out to Grace "I'll deal with him"
"No dad just leave it. This is my mess"
"YN he did this to you. He bragged about it. No one messes with the Shelby's you got that. I'll be back later" dad takes his peaky hat and coat leaving the house
"What will he do?"
"Probably just scare him. Won't do more than punch him. Now why don't you go and have a bath, relax and I'll keep an eye on Eloise"
"Ok" I wipe my tears. Lean down in the bassinet and place a kiss on my daughters head before going to have a bath.
Later on in the evening dad comes home. I'm sat on the sofa holding Eloise whose awake and content. I notice blood on dads shirt
"Dad what did you do?" I ask watching him take his cap off
"James won't say shit now"
"What does that mean dad. What did you do?" I ask
"Arthur, John, Finn and I had a little word with him. When he started spewing shit I had to make him realises I wasn't joking. He's fine, just a bloody nose"
"Dad you can't just punch every one I have a problem with"
"No?m, but when they are saying lies about my daughter and granddaughter I have to let them know that they don't mess with the fucking peaky blinders. He said he won't marry you, well I don't want you to marry him. He's not good enough for my little girl. Until you meet the right person and I approve of him I will be by your side and help you. Promise"
"Thanks dad" I say giving him a little smile
"I'm going to get changed and when I come back down I'd like to have a cuddle with my granddaughter if that's ok?"
"Of course it is dad"
"Told you your dad would come around" Grace says smiling "and you are going to be just fine. One day you'll meet a nice man and he won't care that you had a baby out of wedlock. He will love you both"
"I hope so" I sigh. Dad walks back downstairs in clean clothes and takes Eloise from my arms
"You might not have a father right now, but you are very loved and you'll be spoilt rotten. You mummy loves you so does granny Grace and gandpa Tommy"
"Please don't call me granny. Nan will do" Grace chuckles making me laugh.
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Mothers best friend with Schemmenti I beg you!!!
Watch me
Pairing: Mbf! Melissa Schemmenti x Fem!Reader
Warning: homophobic mum, tattoos, cursing, bitch mum, hot Melissa, tramp stamps, arguing, let me know if I’ve left anything out
Word count: 887
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You and Melissa walked hand in hand downtown as you glanced at the shops you passed. A tattoo shop that was still lit up caught your attention, halting suddenly Melissa looked at you confused before you pointed.
"You want a tattoo?" She asked, they had always enticed you but you had always been too scared to get one in case you had regretted it. You nodded biting your bottom lip with a toothy grin "You wouldn't dare" she laughed "Too much of a good girl, what would your mommy say?" She teased.
She had a point, you lived to please your mother and her judgmental ways almost begging her to love you. Melissa had been her best friend since you had turned eighteen, she had even been invited to the party.
You squinted your eyes a bit before she added "What would you even get Tesoro?" Melissa added softly. "That exactly!" You smiled with a small giddy gasp "What?" She knitted her brows together confused "Tesoro".
"Naughty girl" she laughed leaning into you "getting the nickname that only I call you" brushing her nose under your ear.
That night you had saved their number on your phone and called once Melissa had left your apartment.
The following Wednesday you went in and got not only one but two tattoos both with meaning you knew you wouldn't regret.
Saturday was the next time you had seen the redhead at your family dinner "Tesoro, can you be a dear and please get me another beer?" She pouted. "Don't you dare!" Your Aunt Tony laughed "You told me to piss off and get my own!" She gasped.
"Fine. I'll get you one too" you chuckled with a little shake of your head as you wandered off into the kitchen. Once you had left your mother turned to the woman, wine in hand as she asked "Why do you call her Tesoro?".
Melissa only shrugged "Tesoro means treasure so it only makes sense cause she's golden, Y'know that" she spoke with an airy voice. "She's almost twenty-five and still isn't married let alone dating. I was married to her father and already had her by her age. There ain't nothing golden about that girl".
The redhead licked her teeth trying to tone down some of her arising rage "It was different back then Joanne, you and I both know it". Your mother only scoffed before ranting on about how kids these days were too sensitive "Boys are fawning over her at the church but she just brushes them off".
Joanne leant in "I'm scared she might be one of those lesbians" She nodded her head as if it was a disgrace. "And I'm not having my only daughter- my only child being one of them" and that was enough for Aunt Tony to excuse herself to go see what's taking you so long.
"Tesoro?" She teased running her fingers along the bottom of your back where your shirt had risen. Quickly you snapped up from the bottom of the fridge "Is that what the kids are doing these days? Getting tramp stamps of names given by their parent's best friends?" Tony chuckled.
"Maybe" you spoke holding your head high "Don't worry, I got one for your Aunt Jess too. It's normal that people to get tattoos for their partners, I don't judge baby" the woman placed a gentle hand on your upper arm.
Your mother had always believed the two had just been "good friends" Tony was your dad's sister. Jess had been a nurse in the nineties when she meet your Aunt after an ugly bar fight.
"There's another tattoo, Mel hasn't seen them yet- she doesn't know that I got it done" you mumbled. You can hear the yells of both unsupervised women before Melissa storms into the kitchen gripping your wrist and dragging you out of the house.
Stopping at the front door she turned back around "And if you ever do try that, and I mean ever. You best believe I'll shove my foot so far up your bitchy prestigious ass that you'll be tasting the leather of my heeled boots for months. Y/n is a grown fucking woman who I'm sure is capable of picking her own choice of lover, not some boy just learning about boobs!"
You had zoned out after that, focusing on Melissa's face as she defended you- how hot she looked doing it. The heat pooled in the pit of your stomach as your breathing got heavy "I think you should get going" Tony nodded to the door.
Melissa huffed before taking her leave, grip still tight on your wrist as she led you to the car. "God that was hot" you breathed out as she slammed your front door, pushing her against it as she pulled your shirt off.
Melissa stilled bringing her hand up softly to caress the area above your left breast, two lipstick mark tattoos. More specifically they were Melissa's lipstick marks that she had left you with that morning before she rushed to work. "Forever and always" she mumbles reading the line underneath leaving goosebumps in her wake.
"Wait till you see the treasure in the back" you winked turning to walk to your bedroom, Melissa's breath hitched "You naughty girl" she smirked before running after you.
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catierambles · 3 months
Blood Curse Ch.2
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Pairing: TBD
“I’m sorry.” Melody said, bringing her head up from her hands. “Run that past me again? My ancestor cursed your guys’ ancestor into turning into a wolfman on the full moon?” She sounded incredulous and they didn’t blame her.
“Sounds batshit, doll, but it’s true.” Sy said. He had shown up at one point and was leaning against Walter’s desk while Walter sat on the short couch he had in his office with Melody.
“Trust me, Melody.” Walter said, “If someone did to my daughter what Albert Marshall did to that little girl, I would put a bullet in his head and call it a day. Consequences be damned.”
“Okay, then.” She said, dropping her head back in her hands.
“The man was a monster, so the girls’ momma cursed him to be monster.” Sy said, “I don’t think she expected it to get passed down, though.”
“Yeah, probably not.” Melody said, picking her head up again. “Fuck.”
“Yeah.” Sy said.
“I’m not saying I believe you guys, because it sounds pretty fucking unbelievable, but I—earlier I felt...something.” She said, “And when you came into the room, I felt it again.”
“Your blood cursed ours.” Walter said, “It feels the curse.”
“You’re takin’ it better than your relatives, though.” Sy said, “Last Cartwright witch I met tried to kill me.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“New boot in Iraq, just outta Basic. He got transferred to my command. First patrol we ran, he shot at me. I told the brass it was an accident and pulled some strings to get’im transferred.” Sy explained briefly and she blinked at him. “Yeah. He was probably told that if he ever ran across someone like us, shoot first and ask questions later. We sorted shit before his transfer so he knows that not all of us are rabid beasts, but ya know.”
“Right.” Melody said and looked over at Walter. “You have a daughter?”
“Faye. She’s twelve.” He said, “Her mum and I are divorced and Angie has primary custody. I have her every other weekend and on school holidays. “ He shrugged, “When work allows.”
“Does she—don’t tell me your daughter...”
“Only hits the men.” Sy said, shaking his head.
“Oh thank god.” She said with a relieved sigh, her eyes closing briefly. “So, wait, that means you two are related, right? I mean, distantly. Obviously not directly, you obviously grew up in vastly different environments.”
“Second cousins.” Sy said, “We share great-grandparents. My grandma, his great-aunt, moved from the UK to the US, settled in Texas, got married and had babies. His grandpa, my great-uncle, stayed in the UK. We have another second cousin, August, whose grandma, our great aunt also moved to the US and settled in DC.”
“How the hell did you guys find each other?”
“One of them mail in family tree things.” Sy said with a shrug, “It’s how I found Walt, and a few weeks later August, who’s got some shady government job, rung us up.”
“O-okay then.” She said, “I mean, wolves pack together, right?”
“Never thought of it that way, but yeah.” Sy admitted. “Actually, hold on. Walt, can I use your phone?” Walter made a gesture and Sy went around his desk, punching in a number and putting it on speaker.
“Hey, Auggie, it’s Sy.” He said, “I got a...well, we got a Cartwright witch here.”
“Are they still alive?” August asked immediately and her brows jumped slightly.
“Yeah she’s still alive, ya donkey!” Sy said indignantly.
“Hi there.” Melody chimed in.
“Why is she still alive?”
“Because we’re sitting in the middle of a goddamn police station and we ain’t fuckin’ animals.” Sy said, “Thought we should give you a heads up, bye.” He hung up the phone, almost slamming the receiver down. “Donkey.”
“He seems...nice.” Melody said and Walter snorted, laying his hand on her back and rubbing slightly. “Sy, Walter said...he said I “made it quiet”. What does that mean?” Sy explained the growling they all constantly heard and she gave a heavy blink. “Well that sounds like an aggressive form of tinnitus.”
“Ya get used to it.” He said with a shrug and she pushed up from the couch, going to him. His hands clenched at his sides at her approach, but he shook them out. Laying her hands on his chest, his jaw clenching at the contact, she closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly. All tension suddenly left his body and he pressed a hand to Walter’s desk to keep himself upright. “It’s gone. Fuck, I didn’t realize how loud it was until it stopped.” Leaning into her, he rested his head on her shoulder. “Shit.” Her hands came around to press into his back, moving over his t-shirt. “It’s so fuckin’ quiet.”
“Glad I could help.” She said, her hands still moving over his back in soothing motions and he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer and burying his face in her neck. A sigh deflated his chest as he held her and one of her hands went to the back of his head, her nails moving through the dark stubble covering his scalp.
“Shit.” He sighed, holding her tighter and Walter got up from the couch, going to them. She looked at him as his hand laid between her shoulders and he leaned in, resting his forehead against hers, his eyes closing.
“So quiet.” He whispered. The growling had started to come back but it faded again as he stayed close to her, taking in deep breaths. There was no anger, none of the red hot rage that was constantly boiling just beneath the surface, threatening to break free if he didn’t maintain control. There was...peace. He never let Angie see that side of him, never laid a hand on her, or even yelled at her, but she could see it, could feel it, some primitive side of her brain reacting to his Beast. It had ended his marriage.
“Your office door is locked, right?” She asked and he nodded. “Okay, good, wouldn’t want someone to walk in and see this. It’d destroy any shred of professionalism or respect.” Walter chuckled slightly, Sy huffing a laugh against her neck.
“We ain’t makin’ ya uncomfortable, are we?” Sy asked.
“No.” She said, “Surprising, seeing as I just met you two today.”
“Uh, Lieutenant?” There was a knock on his office door. “Your cousin is here. Your other cousin.”
“What the fuck is August doing here?” Walter asked, pulling away from and Sy gave her some respectful distance too as Walter went to the door.
“I swear, if he tries to draw on you darlin’, I—”
“I’ll be fine.” She reassured him and Walter stepped aside to let him into the office. He stood a couple inches than Walter, shoulders wide and build powerful. A neat mustache covered his upper lip, offset by the heavy stubble covering his jaw. On anyone else, it would look ridiculous, something out of a 70’s adult film, but it suited him. His eyes hardened when they fell on her, the pale blue going icy, but she didn’t back down, meeting his eyes with her own. He wasn’t the first man she faced with a top notch death glare, he wouldn’t be the last.
“Easy, Walker.” Walter said but he pushed past him, heading for the desk with purpose. Sy pushed her behind him, putting himself between her and potential danger.
“Get out of the way, Derek.” He said, standing in front of him.
“Not until you take a fuckin’ breath, August.” Sy said, “She ain’t her family.”
“She’s a Cartwright.”
“Yeah, but she didn’t even know about that whole mess until an hour ago.” Sy said.
“Melody’s parents died when she was little.” Walter said, echoing what she had told him earlier, “She was adopted by another family with no connection and was ignorant of her family history until we told her.”
“Bullshit, she has their name.”
“Changed it when I turned eighteen and I dug up my adoption record.” Melody said from behind Sy, “I want nothing to do with my adoptive parents so I sure as hell don’t want to carry their name.”
“She didn’t know, Walker.” Walter said, “She didn’t know. The daughter shouldn’t be punished for the actions of the mother.”
“And the sons shouldn’t be punished for the sins of the father.” August said, his jaw clenching.
“You’re right.” Melody said, “You, all of you, had nothing to do with what happened. You had nothing to do with what your ancestor did, just like I had nothing to do with what mine did. You can hate me all you want, but I didn’t put this on you.” There was a pause where he did nothing before he gave a single nod and took a step back.
“I’m movin’, but if you try anythin’ we’re gonna have problems.” Sy said and August nodded again, watching as Sy stepped aside. They stared at each other for a moment before she extended her hand and August looked at it before placing his hand in hers.
“Nice to meet you.” She said and he nodded, shaking her hand. “Now, I can try something with you that I did with the others. I did it without realizing it to Walter, and Sy was a successful experiment, but if you’d like I can turn down the volume of the...growling. If you’d like.”
“She made it quiet, Auggie.” Sy said, “I can actually fuckin’ hear myself think now.”
“You can do that?” August asked.
“Sy said earlier it’s because my family gave you the curse, so I can control it. Kind of. I can’t...to be honest I don’t know what I’m doing or how I even can, but...but I’d be willing to try with you. It worked for Walter, it worked for Sy, but again, I won’t do it without your permission. Seeing as you have...issues with my birth family.” He just stared at her for a long moment, as if weighing his options.
“Do it.” He said.
“I think—I’m going to have to touch you. Is that okay?” She asked and he nodded again. His gaze was unwavering as she stepped in close, reaching up to lay her hands on his chest and he pulled in a sudden breath, his jaw clenching as his hands came up to hold her shoulders.
“Easy.” Sy said cautiously. Melody closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly. Whatever she felt made her brows knit together slightly.
“There’s...resistance.” She said, “I can’t—with you two it came forward on it’s own, but with him, I—I don’t know if I can—”
“Whatever,” August sniffed, “You—”
“Wait!” She said, cutting him off, her brows jumping. “There!” His shoulders suddenly slackened and his breath left him in a rush.
“It’s gone,” He said, “It’s quiet. It’s been so long I—I forgot what the quiet sounded like.”
“It’ll come back.” Walter said, “She turns down the volume, but it’ll come back. It’s only temporary.”
“Still.” August sighed, “It’s quiet. She made it quiet.”
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
All we’d ever need (Part 9)
Tommy Shelby x reader
Series Master list
⚠️ Angst, drama, mention of abortion, typical violence of the show.
🌻 So, when @lyarr24 suggested this idea, this part was one of the very first scenes I had in mind, I hope you like it! 🥰
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“I’m going to do what I have to do in order to achieve what I always wanted. And I’m not going to stop it for anyone… not even you.” Tommy’s words kept playing in the back of Y/N’s mind over and over again.
So this is what he meant? Going away without telling her so he could secretly fuck with his horse trainer? She would train his horse and he would pay in bed?
Just because she was living with her godmother that meant he could sleep with other women? Was taking over Epsom really his priority? Over her?
There was a hole in her heart, her chest felt so tight.
Scudboat didn’t ask questions when she asked him to drive to Polly’s house. He definitely knew something wasn’t right, but it wasn’t his place to say anything.
All of Tommy’s words, all his promises were a lie?
“Y/N open up.” Esme’s voice called for her from outside her room.
“This isn’t doing any good to the baby.” Now it was Polly. “Rita! Bring me the keys.”
This was exactly why she doubted his words about being a family man. The first opportunity he got, he went after a pair of fresh legs.
“Go away!” Y/N’s features were so broken.
Esme felt shivers running down her back, Y/N was surrounded by a dark aura.
John stood by the door, ashamed of the pain he somehow helped causing. He knew women threw themselves at Tommy at any chance, he had seen him reject them since he started his relationship with Y/N but he had also heard about the wild stories around from the previous women in his brother’s life before he met Y/N, but now it was different because he knew Tommy, he knew his drive and willingness to get what he wanted, no matter the price. And so late at night at May Carleton’s house, Tommy surely wasn’t drinking tea or asking to see photos of her dead husband.
“You need to calm down my girl.” Polly tried to reason. “I’m sure Tommy has an explanation.”
“The last thing I want to hear is his excuses.”
“Mum.” Michael called standing next to John. “You’re making this worse, just let her to have some rest. There’s nothing you can do right now.”
“He’s right, aunt Pol… I’ll go back to Watery Lane and if I see Tommy, I’ll send him here.”
Esme didn’t want to leave Y/N, she had become a close sister to her, thanks to Y/N she was able to bond with the family, after a couple of months married to John, she was still having a hard time getting used to the Shelby family, she was the wild gypsy after all, it was Y/N who pulled her over for the ‘ladies chat’ in the kitchen, she asked about her gypsy traditions and road tales, Y/N would join her out for a walk when the four walls felt like a cage. Now she felt helpless.
“Don’t leave her alone, she’s in danger, keep her away from mirrors, stairs, sharp objects and running water… death is around.” She warned Polly before she followed John outside.
“What does it mean?” Michael asked with disbelief.
“Esme can see things, like I do.” She knew she had to believe John’s wife this time, because she could feel something too.
“I made a sandwich for Miss Y/N, she needs to eat.” Rita excused herself to enter the room.
As Michael saw the maid close the door, he whispered to his mother: “She was using the phone the other day.” He whispered knowing the maid was with Y/N.
“Rita asked me the favor, her sibling was sick.”
“Do you think her family has a phone line?”
Polly shuddered. “Perhaps she called the house where her sibling works? I don’t know, Michael I have other things in mind.” Then she caressed his face, he looked so much like his father. “It’s been quite a day, go have some rest, I will sleep with Y/N.”
Michael nodded and went to his room, thinking of the chaotic situation.
Polly couldn’t settle in bed, Esme’s words on repeat, something in her heart didn’t feel right. How could Tommy do something like that? When he had been trying so hard to fight for them, to win her goddaughter back, was he just going to throw everything away?
Y/N should stay there, her goddaughter and the baby were more than welcome in her house. Polly turned in bed trying to not wake up Y/N, the sandwich was left untouched on her bedside table, her face still red and swollen from the crying, must’ve been extremely hard for her, but if her nephew wanted to go fucking around, she wouldn’t stop him, but he would never get close to his child. She would make sure of that.
Y/N heard her godmother whisper words of comfort in her ear and placed something around her neck, her fingers caressing her face.
She couldn’t sleep, her mind wouldn’t turn off, there was a constant heartache tormenting her.
She was secretly hoping that he would show up, she didn’t care about the time, she just wanted to see Tommy, to hear him say it was a mistake. For a brief moment she wanted all of this to be a terrible nightmare, she felt an unthinkable love for the child inside of her, she had dreamed of the little face and fingers, in her heart had been growing a love she couldn’t put into words. Because she believed him they could be the family he had been talking about, the perfect family picture he made her believe in. But that image was broken now, it would never be.
Her body felt numb when she heard a little knock on her door, must’ve been five in the morning by now, Rita moved her hand to tell her she was safe to get up. With a heavy heart, Y/N left the heart-breaking note thanking her godmother for everything and explaining her reasons to leave.
“The boys outside are sleeping, if we go out for the service door no one will notice.” Rita informed her holding her coat. “You’re making the right choice.”
Y/N could only nod, Rita seemed to understand her, sharing that she had been in a similar situation, not having the father of her son around put her in a hard position, she had to accept work in a brothel and she fell pregnant from one of her clients, bringing a baby into this world in that kind of situation wasn’t fair, then she found a way out and started working as a maid for her godmother.
“Will it hurt the baby?” Y/N dared to ask.
“They put you to sleep from the waist down, you won’t feel anything.”
“I’m scared.” Y/N admitted as they walked down the street, she had never been out this late at night. Scared to be alone, scared of what could go wrong…
A car pulled next to them, Rita hurried her. “It’s alright I asked a friend for help, he will take us.”
The ride went pretty fast for Y/N, barely noticed anything around her, she wanted this to be done as fast as possible, she didn’t know the neighborhood anyways.
It was still dark when the driver stopped in front of a small store with all kinds of herbs. The strong smell of eucalyptus made her felt sick. A man inside opened the door a little bit, and without asking for anything else, he let them in.
“Just like that?” She asked in surprise.
“I called after you asked me to bring you here, to let them know we were coming.”
Taking a deep breath, she asked for forgiveness and prayed for her baby. But she couldn’t think of making the baby suffer any more for all of what was going on.
She had enough, Tommy spending the night with his horse trainer made her see clear; he wasn’t made to be with just with one woman, and he also couldn’t be the good example he promised for his baby, there was no point to have a child like this. How could she explain later that the man she chose decided to sleep with whoever just to get something he needed? He would never understand the compromise and responsibility it takes to be a parent and she couldn’t do it on her own.
No one asked her about her medical record or how many weeks she had.
Her fingers rubbed the Black Madonna Polly put around her neck. A couple of tears came out from her eyes, this was the hardest thing she would do. The ache in her heart grew bigger.
“I’ll help you get changed.” Rita’s voice brought Y/N back into reality, an awful smell made her stomach arch a couple of times, taking a look around there were other girls waiting, no one dared to look at each other’s eyes. It was a horrible place.
He wanted to smash Campbell’s head against something, anything, but it would get him killed, and he still had a lot of things to do. Climbing into his car, Tommy started the engine again. He would be just in time at the betting shop just like he liked and everything seemed to be working according to his plans. It had been a good idea to take one change of clothes with him, so he could go straight into work.
Arriving at the shop, he soon realized something wasn’t right, nobody was outside like people usually were and there was a sign they would be closed for the day. The fuck? He thought.
The shop wasn’t closed unless they had a wedding or someone was dead.
Walking straight to his office he found the door open, taking his gun out of the holster he moved quietly around. Walking inside, Tommy found unlighted candles, glasses and plates on the small table next to the couches, Y/N’s green coat hanging from the rack.
“Esme wait!” He heard his brother and sister in law arguing, the steps on the stair making a loud sound against the floor.
“You wait and see how I finish him.” Tommy saw Esme charging against him but John caught her arms. “I told you what would happen if you hurt Y/N!”
“Calm the fuck down Esme, John control your woman.”
Esme was trying to break free from John’s grasp, but he was stronger than her.
“You might want to go over Polly’s, Y/N left… apparently there’s a note.”
“I warned Polly I could see death around Y/N.” Esme snapped. “And you’re responsible for this!”
John moved Esme back to the stair, to keep her away from his brother. “Go with the kids!” He ordered.
Tommy’s mind was trying to comprehend what was going on, he only saw what it seemed like a place prepared to have dinner for two people, he then noticed the shattered glass at the entrance of the shop.
“Give me the keys.” John ordered while Tommy was trying to process Esme’s words.
“What do you mean Y/N left?”
“Hurry up there’s no time to lose, I’ll explain on our way.”
By the time they made it into Polly’s house, Michael was also holding his mother, his aunt’s face was full of anger. Now he knew that Y/N was aware that he went to see May, John told him everything.
“Give me the fucking letter.” He felt sick, every cell of his body was worried for Y/N and their baby.
Her words shattered his heart, she was devastated, disappointed and hurt by him, she was saying goodbye and asked Polly to pray for her for what she was about to do, said she couldn’t do this alone, she was having an abortion. Said there was no reason to raise a child with a father like him, she called him a cheater and a liar.
“Where’s that maid? She had been close to Y/N lately.”
“She’s gone too.” Michael announced. “Who is Donal Henry by the way?”
Tommy looked at his cousin surprised. “No one, why?” He lied.
“I started investigating Rita like you asked me Tommy, she was clean but a couple of days ago, when she reported someone of her family was sick, in reality she was burying Donal, her boyfriend.”
This can’t be happening, he thought. It was all a fucking plan!
Losing control, he ran to the bathroom to throw up.
“Get the boys, we’re going to Saltley.” He barked walking back into the drawing room and moved one of the couches to the side, with his knife he lifted part of the floor that seemed like a small lid, like a mad man he started taking out large guns.
“When did you put this there?” Polly asked surprised, but Tommy didn’t answer her, he asked Michael to drive.
“Call Arthur, tell him everything, he will know where to find us.”
Finally, he was connecting the dots… Donal set up the perfect plan, he sent his partner to his aunt’s house to get information from inside and when she realized that Y/N moved in with Polly, Rita had the perfect chance to hit him where it hurt the most, especially since the death of Donal, she was taking revenge for him now.
He tried to take control over his emotions, needed to think, see everything clear. He silently made a prayer for Y/N and his baby to be okay. And he never prayed.
Tommy didn’t care about Epsom anymore, he would give up everything he owned just to see Y/N one more time.
“Be careful, we don’t know if they’re waiting for us.” Tommy warned as the car took a turn to the left on the dark street. “If anyone sees Rita, just shoot her, Michael you stay in the car, if we don’t come out just leave us behind.”
“I’m coming with you Tommy, Y/N is like a daughter to my mum.”
As another car arrived behind them, they all pulled out their weapons, only realizing seconds later that it was Arthur with some of the peaky boys. They shoot the guard at the door first, followed by other two men at the second door. The underground clinic was behind the fake business, they practiced ilegal procedures like abortions there.
Soon the smelly room was filled with screams of the girls and women who were sitting there. A loud noise came from one of the rooms, a lot of artifacts fell to the floor and someone was arguing, it looked like a hospital but it was in the worst conditions. Tommy removed the curtain of each cubicle looking for Y/N, but she was nowhere to be seen.
Walking through the hallway he heard Rita’s voice yelling, he recognized it immediately, all his senses were on alert.
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John and Arthur walked behind him, pointing their weapons up, ready to shoot.
A man came walking from the opposite end towards them, John went for him hitting hard on the head with the back of his gun.
“Have you seen her?!” Tommy showed the scared man a photo of Y/N, he was wearing a blue gown, his gloves had blood. Then man shook his head, but when Tommy pointed his gun at his temple, with a shaky hand he moved it to the back.
“Hold the bitch up!” The Shelby brothers heard another man say, not realizing they were there.
They could hear shotguns in the background.
“You’re going to pay for what your man did to Donal.” Rita was holding a knife pointing at Y/N. There was blood everywhere; in her gown, on the floor, in Rita’s gown, the bed with the leg holders was turned upside down, stethoscope, needles on the floor.
Arthur started firing his weapon to the ceiling, John threw a punch to another man wearing a gown and scrubs. Without hesitation, Tommy shoot Rita straight in the forehead, he wasn’t going to take a risk.
For a brief second, Tommy’s eyes locked with Y/N’s she was sitting on the floor, her knees up to her chest, they must’ve given her something because her gaze was lost, empty, she whispered his name and when he tried to lift her up, Y/N collapsed in his arms.
“NOOOOO!” The pain tore him apart. “What did you do Y/N?” He held her tight against his chest. “I love you, I love you Y/N.”
Everything went blurry around him, his own body wasn’t working like it should, he had never been so scared of losing someone. He carefully pulled out the intravenous cannula inserted in her arm, not knowing what they had put there.
One of his hands was under her legs, the other holding her back to lift her up. Y/N wasn’t responding when he called her name.
John held the door open for him while Arthur was smashing the doctor’s head against the wall. All he could think of now was in Y/N. He didn’t know if he was late, he didn’t know if he had the opportunity to save his child.
Tommy didn’t hear the ambulance coming, Moss was waiting outside with another cop. The sun was starting to show up. A paramedic tried to take Y/N away from him, but he wasn’t going to allow that.
For the first time in his life, he couldn’t control what was happening, he couldn’t snap his fingers and get what he wanted.
Y/N’s body was completely loose in his arms. While his own body felt numb, his mind completely shut down, he never felt so lost before, so helpless.
All his money, all his power, it meant nothing now.
Next part
Remember, your comments give me the guideline to continue! x
More to come soon! But not soon soon 😅
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zephsthings · 2 months
anyway. here is a question. is there an anecdote you've always wanted to tell, but no one has ever asked the right question for it? tell us it now!
First of all THANK U ILY !!!
Second of all, what a fantastic question! Hmmm...
With the flash thunderstorm earlier today it got me thinking of this story;
It was my aunt's wedding, my dad's half sister. To her second husband. That nobody liked. Now, a couple months prior, I'd lost both my grandparents within six months of each other (so my aunt's and my dad's and the half sister getting married's parents). On the day of the wedding, it was pouring down with rain. During the ceremony, when the officiator called out "does anyone object to this union", we all had to keep silent even though we all desperately wanted to say "YES".
There was a huge clap of thunder. We all continued to stay silent.
Then my brother decides to say what might be the funniest thing he's ever done;
"Grandma and Grandad aren't happy."
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brackets002 · 1 year
I wanna talk about my homemade Spider-Man universe.
Not that I've been exactly mum about it before now--I've got a whole-ass sideblog for it, @ask-spider-man-61610. But that's an in-character askblog; it filters everything through the often-biased viewpoint of Peter Parker himself. I'm gonna start talking about the project on main, too. Should be easier to engage with readers that way. And I'm gonna start with talking about Peter.
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(Art by @sirwolficus.)
This version of Peter Parker was born in 1994. In 2009 he attended a scientific exhibition and was bitten by an experimental, genetically-altered, radioactive spider. And in the years since then he's grown up into probably the best superhero on the planet...but not without stumbling along the way, and not without making a lot of mistakes.
See, you know how most modern adaptations of Spider-Man try to compress basically his entire history into his high school years? Peter here reflects that, in the sense that he went through dozens upon dozens of adventures as a student of Midtown High. Dozens of supervillain encounters. Dozens of desperate fights for his life. Dozens of failures, almost all of which killed someone--sometimes someone he knew. All before the age of eighteen.
Specs--I call this Peter "Specs" because the spider bite didn't fix his eyesight--has a pretty severe case of post-traumatic stress disorder. He's prone to horrible flashbacks and panic attacks. He's hypervigilant, to the point that his spider-sense has grown into a constant, unpleasant alert of even the most minor hazards. He obsesses over his mistakes, his guilt, and his "responsibility." He has nightmares so often that he's afraid to sleep, and routinely stays awake for days on end.
And he's so, so angry.
But he's also smart, and remarkably mature. Uncle Ben died when he was fourteen, and Aunt May's cardiorespiratory illness meant that a full-time job was essentially impossible for her. To help pay for rent and medication, Peter got a paid internship with the Daily Bugle, where he photographed everything from press conferences to breaking news to--yes--himself in action as Spider-Man. And it was through that internship that he came to understand the hold that corporate greed, organized crime, and political agendas have on the world. Spider-Man stopped being a simple crime-fighter and started becoming a tool for weakening that hold.
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(Art by @enby-scientist/@scribbling-scientist.)
Peter's been Spider-Man for a little over a decade now. (The "present day" of his universe is permanently a few years behind ours.) In that decade he's grown into a highly competent photojournalist, a detective, a chemical engineer, and an outspoken proponent for social change. His skills in combat and disaster response have become first-rate, as has his understanding of corporate and political corruption.
He doesn't always do the right thing. And very rarely does he respect anyone's authority but his own. But he's helped many, many more people than he's hurt over the years (though he himself struggles to see that), and his efforts have pushed large sections of his world a few steps back from the brink.
The life of a superhero is nightmarish even as an adult, of course. Peter still winds up half-dead and scared out of his mind on a regular basis. People still die if he isn't fast or strong enough to save them. And he's still got a rogues gallery, and finds himself growing increasingly frustrated to fight the same thirty guys or so time and time again. The cyclical nature of the hero-villain feud gets center stage in this version of the Spider-Man mythos. Peter dwells on it a lot, and is desperate to break that cycle before it can finish breaking him.
But none of this should undercut the silver linings of Specs' life. As he's matured over the years, and despite his abrasive nature, he's gained a small collection of friends, allies, and found family. He's grown close to, courted, dated, and married Mary Jane Watson, the strongest woman he's ever known. Through his repeated journeys into the multiverse he's met countless other spider-based vigilantes, including alternate versions of himself, and their friendship has massively lessened the feeling of isolation his career creates. And he's made a real, tangible difference in the world around him. A change for the better, however small. He'd keep being Spider-Man even if none of this was true--he's a stubborn bastard like that. But all this makes his grief feel worth it. Even when he can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, all this lets him carry a little light with him.
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(Art by @SpiderWitHyphen on Twitter.)
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evita-shelby · 10 months
Tie your heart to mine
Chapter 12
Cw:mentions of death, near death expiriences and trauma
Gif by @emziess
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No more lying, Diane means it.
So when she offers him a tour of the house to get away from the servant’s watchful eyes, the witch proves it.
“Ask away.” She says leading him into the gallery.
Her mom has a love for the dark, most of Francisco Goya’s paintings and other obscure works adorn the walls of her private gallery in the small drawing room.
But here she displays some you would find in a normal estate.
Some portraits of her family, one of a long dead Smith relative, Beatte Smith, that she swindled from the 9th Duke of Rutland at Belvoir Castle the moment she got proof that the Romani King, Absalom Smith, was truly her ancestor and that his lovely daughter deserved to be displayed in her descendant’s house.
“Why were you so angry at me not treating your prophecy seriously?” Tom asks looking at Waterhouse’s Pandora as he asks her.
Rather fitting, he is opening the box and unleashing everything with that question.
Up until now, she had avoided speaking of her family history.
There was no need to ruin things with all of the skeletons in their closet.
“On my tenth birthday, I predicted Aunt Polly’s death, and five months later, she was shot in the head by the IRA.
A few years later, when I was fourteen, I was misdiagnosed with consumption by doctors because my best friend who sat beside me school, Cathy Shelly, caught it and died from it that same week.
Thank God it had been pneumonia and I survived when many of my classmates didn’t, but it still changed my perspective to know it is always one step behind me.
That even if I can feel it coming, I cannot stop it. Not for me not for anyone.”
Always one step behind her and that one day it will catch up or take someone she loves forever.
Now that she knew it was stalking Tom, she was so afraid of losing him. Of having him gone just like that.
Tom knew death, perhaps more than she did. He and his sister had been so young when their mum died of Influenza.
Stupid of her to expect him to have reacted to the inevitability of death like she did.
“I’m sorry for saying those things to you that night, we all process these things differently and I should’ve known better than to judge you for how you deal with shit like that.” She apologized and he accepted it.
“I suppose I could forgive you, like you said we deal with it differently.” Tom gave her hand a squeeze and even a small smile as they made up. “But I won’t accept your apology until you are completely honest with me about this.
Do you feel it coming for me?” he asks, deathly serious, his hand growing clammy in hers.
It being death, even calling it so is enough to scare the both of them.
“A chill in my bones every time I see you in your uniform, but mama sees us married with children, so perhaps it isn’t your death I feel might be someone else.” Diane answered wishing she could lie and say no, I don’t think you’re dying.
Death was a tricky thing to pin down in visions, her mother only saw it when it was going after a stranger or when she could prevent it for a loved one.
She didn’t see Tom’s death but saw a death in his family.
Maybe Douglas, or Lois or the baby that keeps appearing in Lois’ cards lately.
“Married, eh? Can’t even work up the courage to tell you I love you and you’re telling me I either die or settle down with you.” He pushes away his fears with his jokes and Diane realizes she doesn’t mind it anymore. Not one bit.
“I think you just did, Tommy.” The witch feels herself soar with that casual I love you he had said.
“Would you like to hear it again?” he asked with that grin of his that drives her crazy.
“As if you need to ask.” Diane answered knowing those three words will stay with her forever.
He leans down, letting her throw her arms around his neck as she stands as far as her tiptoes allowed her to and meet him halfway. “I love you, and I’m going to love you even if I don’t come back.”
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“He’s dying isn’t he?” her husband asks as they quietly observe the young couple hiding in the maze.
They weren’t seen by Florence, but Tommy and Eva could see them just fine from their bedroom window.
Bennett had gotten their daughter something for her birthday, a necklace he puts on her as they sit on one of the white stone benches in the walled maze.
Diane kissed his cheek in thanks and her boyfriend says something that has the two of them laughing quietly before deciding Florence and Gabriel have been tortured enough.
They were young and in love, and it was a sight that contrasted with the grim future awaiting them.
“Prisoner of war, but no, Tom Bennett’s not dying.” The witch shook her head smiling softly as she saw how sweet they were with each other.
Eva sees Douglas Bennett become a shell of himself when they tell him Tom’s missing in France, she sees him ignoring the sirens telling him to run and sees him accept death as he asks Josie to forgive him for not taking care of the children better.
“But his father will.”
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matrixaffiliate · 2 years
New Story! FFN and AO3
Harry isn't one to keep secrets, unless he knows that the secret is worth keeping for a few days. And when it comes to surprising Ginny and Teddy, it's usually worth it. A Muggle AU Hinny fluffy one-shot.
My wonderful friend @thisismegz had a big celebration last month and on the one month anniversary of that event, I'm dropping this little gem of domestic AU Hinny bliss. Congratulations, darling! May happiness follow you all your life!
Ginny gasped as Harry opened the door and pulled her against him, claiming her lips with his own.
"This is your fault." She sighed as she kissed along his jaw.
"I couldn't wait anymore." He pressed her against the door to close it. "I told you as much. However, I didn't think about the fact that you would still be leaving in the morning for two away games in a row. But now that you're home-"
Harry chuckled and pulled away to scoop Teddy up in his arms.
"Hi, Teddy!" Ginny promptly took Harry's godson from him. "How are you?"
"Good! I got up early and talked with Mummy and Daddy!"
"And are they finding lots of dinosaur bones for you?"
"Daddy says they aren't digging that deep but Uncle Harry says we'll go to the museum and I can dig up the ones there."
"Oh that does sound fun. Do I get to come too?"
"Yes!" Teddy kissed her cheek. "Uncle Harry takes us to the cafe with the yummy brownies when you come."
"Then I think I must come so you can have your brownie." Ginny kissed Teddy back.
"Uncle Sirius and Aunt Marlene might join us for that by the way." Harry tickled Teddy's side. "Marlene has a meeting at the museum this afternoon."
"Are we going today then?"
"I thought it would be a good way to celebrate after we tell him."
"You haven't told him?"
"Told me what?"
"You told your parents right? Because I called mine the next morning from the airport."
"I told my mum and dad but asked them to let me tell everyone else." Harry casually checked his phone as he leant against the wall.
"Tell me what?"
"Why on earth would you wait? Harry, it's been nearly two weeks!"
Teddy pulled her face into his little hands and pressed his forehead against hers. "Tell me what!"
Ginny laughed and kissed Teddy's nose. "Harry asked me to marry him Teddy, and I said yes."
Teddy cheered and threw his little arms around her neck. "Yes! Now you'll be my Aunt Ginny and you'll be here whenever I come to stay with Uncle Harry and we'll always get brownies after the museum!"
Ginny turned to Harry who had his phone pointing at her and Teddy. "Are you recording this?"
"That's why I waited to tell him." He smiled back at her. "A kid ought to have something to remember from when his godfather gave him a godmother."
"I don't think it works that way." Ginny wiped at the tears trying to fill her eyes.
"We'll make it work that way. Now, Teddy, should we take your new godmother to the museum?"
"Yes! I'll get my shoes." He shimmied until Ginny put him down and then went running for his room at Harry's until his parents returned from their dig.
Harry wrapped his arms around her and kissed her soundly. "I love you."
"I love you too." She melted as he kissed behind her ear. "Do Sirius and Marlene know? Or Remus and Tonks?"
Harry chuckled, "Yes, everyone knew but Ted."
"So all of this was to rile me up?"
"You're cute when you're miffed." He brought his lips back to hers. "Besides, you can't tell me that wasn't the best way to tell Teddy."
"I'm in for it aren't I?" Ginny laughed and wondered if they might be able to tire Teddy out enough to get him to take a nap this afternoon.
"Nah, only when we have big things to announce."
"Then heaven save me when we have our first kid."
Harry laughed and kissed her. "Don't worry, I'll behave myself when we reach that point."
"I'm ready!" Teddy came barreling into the entryway. "Let's go!"
"Just let me grab my keys." Harry kissed her once more before moving for his keys.
"Ginny?" Teddy took her hand.
"Yes, love?"
"Can I call you Aunt Ginny or do I have to wait until you and Uncle Harry are married?"
Ginny swallowed the little lump of emotion that climbed up her throat. "You can call me Aunt Ginny now."
Teddy wrapped his arms around her legs and held on tight. "I love you, Aunt Ginny!"
Harry smiled at her from the corridor and Ginny laughed as a single tear escaped down her cheek. "I love you too, Teddy."
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natteryaktoad · 11 months
Griffin, Day 84, Part 1
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Scarlett took a phone call from Robbie, and ended up talking about... Aden, presumably?
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Osprey: Scarlett! Phone for you - it’s Ida.
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Scarlett: Hey, babe... are you happy?
Osprey: Of course - I’m marrying you in the morning!
Scarlett: Yeah, but... the wedding... I feel like we’re both wanting different things from it.
Osprey: Yeah, we are, but I think we’re both getting what we want, right? My first wedding was massive - Kate’s parents paid for the whole thing, and about a hundred of the guests were their friends that I’d never met - even Kate hadn’t met most of them! It was so big, a spectacle, a performance. I felt like I didn’t even get to spend any time with the friends and family who were important to me. Whereas your first wedding...
Scarlett: My first wedding, there was only Aunt Wendy and Trip there, beside me and Aden. It was all very rushed and spur-of-the-moment, and Aden convinced me that I just wanted a small wedding, there and then. I didn’t get to have the rest of my family or any friends there. Aden said we could have a big party as a wedding reception when we got home, but then when we did, he had work stuff going on, and I found out I was pregnant with the twins, and it never happened.
Osprey: And so this time, on my side, I just want the people most important to me there - my kids. I want to be able to enjoy the day and actually spend time with people, rather than it being a perfomance. And you-
Scarlett: And I want all my friends and family there, a big celebration with everyone who’s important to me.
Osprey: And I feel like we’ve got all that, right? Our wedding’s here, so it’s low key, but not too low key, and we’ve both invited all the people we want there.
Scarlett: And it’s not too big for you?
Osprey: Nope. Everyone who’s coming is important to us - the numbers don’t matter as much as who the people are. I’m happy if you’re happy.
Scarlett: I’m very happy.
Osprey: Then I am too. And we’re getting married in the morning!!
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Osprey: Morning, gorgeous... it’s The Day!
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Ah, I’d forgotten about this...
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Scarlett and Osprey’s wedding day dawned rainy, so we dragged out the weather manipulator thingy and ordered up some clear skies. The guests were all duly invited, and gussied up into appropriate formalwear (you wouldn’t believe the amount of women who came in their own wedding dresses!).
Osprey’s only invites were to his four children and their plus ones (Perri didn’t bring anyone, since Trip was there), but Scarlett invited her whole family (or almost everyone): her dad, mum and step-dad; eight of her ten siblings (I didn’t invited Skye and Roman, as she’s never been that close to them and this thing was already getting BIG!); her three children with plus ones (but not for Trip, since Perri was there); her Uncle Brian and Aunt Wendy (without their spouses, to prevent crashes); and her BFF Ida Juana. Oh, and Helen and Gerry decided any invite of Ida Juana’s was an invite of theirs, and both crashed at different points.
Osprey’s oldest daughter, Cara, almost didn’t make it to the ceremony - I’d forgotten she was pregnant. I think she’ll be happy about the prospect of a baby. With her boyfriend, Robbie, I could see it going one of two ways - either he’ll be horrified at the idea of being a father, or overjoyed at the chance to have a stable family of his own. It’s possible the idea of Cara being easier to control if she’s tied to the house with a baby might appeal to him, too...
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safyresky · 11 months
I ENDED UP CALLING MY MOM AND I GOT SOME T E A (a follow up to this post)
Obligatory out of context Jacqueline to preface the vent:
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another oldie but goodie, lmao
"hey mom, im feelin a lil low bc MIL is mad about the car and is giving Richard crap--"
"oh girl I KNOW I got the lecture too"
I was like UM. HELLO?? GIRL D I S H
so she DISHED and y'all. when my MIL went over last week for a help with technology (bc she is very bad with even the most basic of shit), she APPARENTLY went on the same rant with my MOM, who did NOT appreciate it as my Mom is A) very excited and happy that I got a new car, bc, y'know, now I can go places SAFELY and B) she is of the opinion that it is 100% MY CAR. Which isn't wrong! This was to replace MY car, not Richard's; we just went together and co-signed bc I was more than happy to share it in name (and he was too bc cheaper rates lol). "I didn't want to tell you bc, you know, Richard is ALWAYS with you," says my mom, to which I reply
"JANE it is A-OKAY bc she's giving him SHIT for it too and he's ready to explode about it, they are NOT of the same mind"
It's hard to talk turkey about Richard and his mum with my mom bc back in HS when we met he was v much a Momma's boy, but then, as most people do, he grew up and, as some people do, went away for school and learnt oh god, my mom's kinda toxic??? and emotionally incestuous sometimes??? and does NOT treat me WELL??? and has been working VEYR HARD in the last. 8 or so years. to draw up boundaries with her and such, and this has only increased post-marriage and post me starting therapy a couple of years back as well.
But my Mom does not recognize that, and trying to explain it to her is, frankly, exhausting. So I do what I can to defend his cute lil ass and get on with the point, which is what I did today, but that's not the cruz of the matter here
WHICH IS THAT. MY MIL'S RANT TO MY MOM INCLUDED THE JUICY, JUICY DETAIL OF "you know, why didn't they talk to ME about this decision, I could've helped them get a CHEAP CAR and save MONEY"
Well, Margie. Margie. Sweetie. My darling darling MIL.
So, there was some interesting stuff I immediately told Richard who replied to my four option plan with a "Well I tried B, and we seem to be going back to C, so I am now going to focus on D" and like, GOOD! YOU DON'T NEED HER OPINION!
So YEAH it's been a DAY and like, I was under the impression that it was ME and RICHARD who were married, not me and him AND MIL! AHHHHH
anyway, I felt better after chatting with my mom, even if she didn't really get it, bc A) TEA and B) she's up at the Falls with my aunts rn and at one point on the phone this happened:
Me: yeah
Me: okay...
Me, RECOGNIZING the Portuguese immediately and having to recalculate: DO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME MY GRANDFATHER WOULD WANT ME TO TELL MY MIL TO EAT SHIT
My Aunt, without missing a beat: YES
My Mom was laughing soo hard in the background my aunt had to hold the phone for a hot minute lmao.
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wagner-fell · 2 years
~Recap of an average dinner with ck's family~
*while everyone is talking and shouting at once*
My uncle to me: you look like your great grandmother
My uncle: she got married at 17
My uncle: your great grandfather is 33
My uncle:
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*three seconds later*
*while everyone is talking and shouting at once*
*three seconds later*
*while everyone is talking and shouting at once*
My aunt: ay Carmen [cousin's fake name] I saw two boys who were very pretty and I was going to ask them for their Instagram for you
My aunt: ay Carmen one of those boys had these very pretty muscles and abs and-
My aunt: ay Carmen I wish I had asked them for their Instagram
*three seconds later*
*while everyone is talking and shouting at once*
*three seconds later*
*while everyone is talking and shouting at once*
My aunt: what happens in the village stays in the village
*literally the next second*
*I can't stress enough that my cousin is my aunt and uncles's daughter*
My cousin: I swear here in front of all of you that next time I go to the village I'm going to suck Luis off
My uncle: nah you're not
*three seconds later*
*while everyone is talking and shouting at once*
My uncle: Agueda wants to fuck me
My aunt: well she's not going to
My uncle: she's very intelligent she has two doctorates
Me: in what?
My uncle: in maths and physics and chemistry
Me: :0
My aunt: she's so intelligent she's gone mad
My uncle: Agueda was so hot and intelligent but she has a problem she's a sex addict
My aunt: she's not hot anymore
My uncle: she helped Antonio (other cousin's made up name) with his studies
My uncle: one day she told me she was a sex addict and that she wanted to fuck me
My aunt: she's not hot anymore
*three seconds later*
*while everyone is talking and shouting at once*
*my father calls me because he's arrived home and hasn't found me there*
My father: CK where are you?
My father: why am I hearing your uncles's voice? I have to withstand his voice from Monday to Friday I don't want to hear him now
Me: I'm dining at his place
My father: ಠ_ಠ
My father: *hangs up*
*I stop talking to my father*
My cousin's friend: yeah it's weird that a few days ago I was talking with these guys and now one of them is severely physically disabled and the other is dying because they were stupid while driving a motorbike
I’ve read this, and I am not exaggerating, 7 times and I am still so overwhelmed. I’m also kind of curious in the way that you wanna know but you also Don’t Wanna Know TM
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dorefasolsido · 3 months
38. Should've done this at the beginning of the year, but anyway...
What Happened In the Past Year???
How many relationships were you in?
None. I don't think I'm a relationship person at all.
What did you do for Valentine's day?
I don't really remember nor do I celebrate it. I think that was a day after I came back from Germany, so probably just adjusting to life back here.
Did you recieve your driver's license?
Lol no, I actually renewed it. It's been 10 years since I got it.
Did you graduate high school?
Nope. Did that in 2014.
Did you graduate college?
Not that either. Done with college in 2020.
Did you move out on your own?
I'm already more or less moved out on my own.
Did you get arrested?
Did you get a speeding ticket?
What was the best thing you got for Christmas?
I don't actually remember what I got. Tbh, we don't really exchange gifts on Christmas here, we do it for New Year's sometimes and sometimes not even then.
Did you fall in love?
Did you become an aunt or an uncle?
Kind of, just not directly. Two of my cousins had babies in 2023.
Did you have a baby?
Absolutely not.
Did you get engaged?
Did you get married?
Did someone close to you die?
Luckily, no.
How many funerals did you go to?
How many weddings?
No weddings either.
Did you turn 18?
Nope. I turned 28 ;-;
Did you turn 21?
Did you turn 30?
Thankfully no, but it's coming.
Did you have a car accident?
Were you old enough to vote this year?
Yes, and I did.
How many jobs did you have throughout the year?
Hmm, I switched from my old job to a better one and had 2-3 extra gigs on top. Ugh, but I seriously need a break from all the work.
Did you get a new pet?
No new ones.
Did you get cheated on?
Did you cheat on someone?
Did you start at a new school?
Did you make any new friends?
Not friends, but I met quite a few new people.
Did you get a new car?
Yes, actually. Well, it's not new, but I finally got my parents' old car so now I can drive instead of always using public transport which largely sucks. I got it at the very end of the year, in December, so it's still all pretty fresh.
Did you drastically change your hairstyle?
Yes, I cut my very long hair very short. And at the beginning of the year I accidentally dyed it black so had to bleach it again to dye it purple. Quite a few changes lol
Did you go out of the country?
Yup, a few times.
Did you keep your last New Year's resolution?
I never make those.
What was the best movie you saw in theaters?
Hmm, I think I only saw Barbie and Oppenheimer, so in that case I pick Barbie. I really enjoyed it, and I really loved how it was basically this huge event we all participated in.
What was the best book you read?
I'm not sure when I read Sayaka Murata's Earthlings and Convenience Store Woman, but those two books changed my outlook on everything.
What was your greatest accomplishment?
Translating a book. I'm really glad that happened, but I guess it's a testament to my deteriorating mental health that I didn't feel nearly as proud and happy about it as I thought I would when I saw it published. Mila from 2/3 years ago would be so thrilled. And I am, just, I don't know, 2023 wasn't my year.
What was the best cd released this year?
CD? Well if you mean album, personally, Jimin's Face was my favourite, along with Agust D's D-Day.
Did you get a new tattoo?
No, but I am seriously considering it.
A new piercing?
Yup, in September.
Are you still dating the same person you dated at the start of the year?
Yes, which is no one.
The Lasts of the Past
How old were you on your last birthday?
Who was the last person to tell you "I love you"?
I don't even know. I don't hear that very often.
Who was the last person you spoke to in person?
My mum.
Who was your last missed call?
Idk, some unknown number.
Who was your last phone call to?
My mum a few days ago before I came to visit.
What was the last movie you watched?
I honestly don't know.
The last song you heard?
Parabola by Tool in the car. That's the one I remember, though I might have heard others in the meantime.
The last book you read?
Battle Royal by Koushun Takami.
The last place you went?
For a walk and to a cafe.
The last time you cut your hair?
I think it was in November?
The color of the last shirt your wore?
The last person you hugged?
My mum's friend as a greeting.
The last thing you bought?
Uhh, I honestly can't remember now. But this reminds me I have to buy those absolutely delicious noodles soon.
The last time you went to the doctor?
A super long time ago. Like, years ago.
The last time you went swimming?
I believe last summer.
The last game you played?
Witcher 2, probably.
The last person's house you went to?
Hmm, I can't remember last time I visited someone's home tbh.
The last un-related guy you hung out with?
Probably my friend's boyfriend. We all hung out together.
The last un-related girl you hung out with?
My classmates from my German classes.
The last family member you hung out with?
The last movie you saw in theaters?
I genuinely can't remember now, but I should see Dune soon.
The last time you went to Walmart?
No Walmarts here.
The last time you went to Burger King?
Also no Burger Kings... I think.
The last time you went on vacation?
In November, and I desperately need another one.
The last restaurant you went to?
Moon sushi.
The last thing you ate?
The last thing you drank?
The Firsts of the New Year
Who was the first person you kissed?
No one.
Who was the first person you told "I love you" to?
Also no one.
Who was the first person you spoke to?
Idk, I was with my friends and sister, so one of them.
Who was your first phone call to/from?
I'm not sure, maybe my parents.
Where was the first place you went?
Home from the club I was celebrating in.
What was the first thing you bought?
No clue.
Who was the first person to wish you "Happy New Year!"?
My sister.
What was the first thing you ate?
Chicken from this one place near my flat next morning.
The first thing you drank?
Cola, cause I was drinking Cola whole night. Designated driver lol
What color was the first shirt you wore?
What were the first shoes you wore?
My black boots.
What was the first electronic (not computer or cell) device you used?
I really don't know.
What was the first movie you watched?
No clue.
What was the first song you heard?
Whichever song the band we went to see was playing next.
Who was the first girl you hung out with?
My friends and my sister.
Who was the first guy?
My friend's boyfriend. 
The first relative?
My sister.
What was the first thing you did when it became the new year?
Yelled "Happy New Year!" and hugged my sister.
What the Future Year Has In Store
What are you most looking forward to in the New Year?
Concerts, mostly. Hopefully I will plan a good trip or two as well. And idk, tbh I don't look forward to all that much, 2023 left me feeling pretty meh and 2024 didn't have a promising start at all.
But I am making some necessary changes, so we'll see how that goes.
Are you getting married this year?
Are you expecting a child?
Definitely not.
Will you be getting a new job?
I don't have such plans, but who knows what the future holds.
Will you be starting a new school?
I'm thinking of finding a language school that offers Japanese once I'm done with German.
Will you be moving to a new place?
Will you get your driver's license this year?
No, I have it already.
Will you turn 18?
Way past that sadly.
Will you turn 21?
And that.
Will you turn 25?
And that.
Will you turn 30?
Not yet.
Will you turn 40?
Are you going on a vacation this year?
I am planning to, yes. I already feel that I'm going to lose my mind if I don't go anywhere soon.
What movie are you most looking forward to coming out this year?
I'm not sure, maybe Dune?
What book?
None specific, I just want to finally get through more of my list.
What music album?
Hobi's Hope on the Street and whatever Jin releases!
Do you expect to find love this year?
Definitely not.
Did you make a New Year's resolution?
Not really, but there are things I want to do. I just don't want to call them New Year's resolutions because I know for a fact I wouldn't be able to stick to them then.
Have you kept it so far?
Refer to above.
Will you be going to a wedding this year?
Maybe? I have no idea yet.
Will you get a new car?
Not anytime soon, I think.
Will you buy a house this year?
Lol no.
Do you expect to be with the same person at the end of the year?
Not exactly the same, no. Even if changes are small, I don't think I'm exactly the same at the end of each year.
Are you starting the year off single?
As always.
What do you most want to happen this year?
I want my mental health to improve, that's probably number one thing.
What are you most excited about this year?
Concerts I'm going to.
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its-gtta-go-smewhere · 9 months
I wish I could write a song
About my trauma
Writing down my past to let go
Banish it on paper
Maybe I should write it down
So I can be free,
Here we go!
Back when I felt unloved by my mum
Back when I got bullied
Back when I felt worthless
In elementary school.
Mum tried to help me
This only led to me feeling defect
Broken and worthless
I just wanted her to accept me
As I was, no meds.
The meds didn't help,
They just made me depressed.
They misdiagnosed
My autism as adhd.
And tried to treat my ADHD so I can find friends.
I didn't realise that it wasn't normal
To cry yourself to sleep,
To listen to lullabies and cry alone in the dark.
When I had a friend
And they wanted to stop being friends
And I didn't understand why
Mum was puzzled too.
I wish mum couldve
Called someone who hurt me
An asshole for once.
Instead I got treatment
Which felt like being blamed for this.
Maybe if I write it down
I can banish it on paper.
All my past traumas
Letting go
Like when my mum wanted to help me
And I got lots of therapy
I didn't want
And she did not change at all
Even tho I begged her
To just accept me
To stand up to our family
But they are more important than me
Even today.
Or when she tried to help me with my bullies
But called the wrong boys parents
Attacking the only person that helped me
The only person that helped me
She said sorry
But I learned that day she can't be trusted
Cause she's stupid.
Maybe if I write it fown
Banish it on paper
All my past traumas
Letting go
Or when she told me to behave
or she'll give me away
When she told me
To stop acting disabled
I am disabled, mum. I was not acting.
You're so smart, you have to understand
No, I am autistic. Stop using my intelligence
As an argument against me
I wish I was dumber
To this day.
Or when my aunt told me
A pierced girl, that piercings
Make me worthless
Or when I was told,
To marry a rich man
Or when I was told
Homosexuality is bad
While I had a girlfriend.
Maybe if I write it down
Banish it on paper
All my past traumas
Letting go
When I was around 12
I realised the only mistake
Is my existance
So I started cutting
I wanted to die.
I hated myself
Because I can't do anything right.
When I was 14 all I wanted was
To forget my existance
So I started drinking.
I wanted to be fucked so I won't die a virgin
I got fucked and
That fucked me up
Because I didn't want it like this
I got to know andrew
He groomed me
But at that point
I was so traumatised
It felt therapeutic
To be loved like that.
When my fist bf in real life ghosted me
I felt as if I had earned it
Cause I was me.
Of course he'd fuck me and drop me
But he was just an asshole.
Maybe if I write it down
Banish it on paper
All my traumas
Letting go
My next boyfriend forbid me
To cut my skin
He gave me weed
And said if I'd cut
He'd break up
And I learned to keep my mouth shut.
And the cuts hidden.
He locked me in his flat
When I tried to break up.
And I realised Im stupid
Once again.
When he threatened me
And I talked to the social worker
at my school
And she send me to therapy
I thought this could help.
But when the therapist suggested
stationary treatment
I realised they don't consider
suicide an option
They lied to me
They said I could decide
The outcome of therapy
They lied to me
I was stupid again for trusting people
They just want me to suffer
They won't let me get out
But they wanted me to live
They wanted to keep me save
They wanted to help me
So the kids I work with today
Have me
So the people I used to work with
Can have me
I made lots of lives better
With my existance
Yet they should not have lied to me.
Letting go of this
Writing it down
So I can be free
Banish it on paper
My existance
Makes the world a better place
Even if Maren killed herself
And I lost one of my few friends at the time
And the other girls laughed about her death
I hid my tears from them
And later I laughed
Because they played so baldy
The only reason they were
At the championship was their gender.
While I was accepted
By the boys
Because I was as strong as them
Be strong so people love you
Be independant so
People don't feel burdened by you.
The vague sense of dread I felt
When people got to close
Isolated me
As much as my autism.
And the eating disorder
That grew out of my selfhate
Is still haunting me to this day.
I still want to hurt myself
Like hitting a broken computer
It will never go away.
Maybe if I write it down
Banish it on paper
All my traumas
Letting go
Life feels good when I'm high
When I dissociate
When I dream myself away
I learned to keep my mental illness to myself
When my boyfriend beat me up for being suicidal
I locked up my feelings once again
And I still have trouble talking to
Some people.
I fear the look of compassion on their faces
I fear that I will make them feel bad
With my everyday baggage.
I fear that I could traumatise them, too.
And I fear they won't accept my emotions
Like that one friend who shamed me
Cause I was hating my mum
And he nearly raped me
And I talked him out of it
And felt stupid once again,
Why can't I shut up and get fucked
Like I used to?
Why did I have to destroy that friendship
It was me who started haveing sex
And then a year later
I don't want it anymore?
It was not my fault
He was stupid high and horny
And to this day he is ashamed.
Maybe if I write it down
Banish it on paper
I can get over it
Im nearly done
I did so much therapy
Im glad I found a therapist.
Im glad I didn't kill myself
Im special. I'm unusual.
I'm me and that's good.
0 notes
sisterssafespace · 10 months
Assalamualaikum sister, my big sister and her husband has hurt my parents very badly while they were away from their home. The matter is quite complicated to address here. I will write it in simple words. My sister has married to a man and she unconditionally loves him. Allahumma barik. But I don't like it when she prefers her husband over her family in every matter. Recently I had to stay with them for few days while my parents were away. I am 8-9 years younger than them. But all of a sudden my sister's husband sent me to my aunt's house without informing my parents.... because he was uncomfortable around me. Although I never appear in front of them. I was always busy with my studies in a different room. Later I got to know my own sister disliked my presence in her house. She and her husband called my parents and lectured them a lot against me and even disrespected my parents and their dignity. My parents were immensely hurt and at times I find my mother crying and my father tensed and upset. My parents were sweethearts to their eldest daughter and her husband. They nurtured them and even granted them innumerable things. They loved them so much to this point that my father called her husband his own son. They have done a lot for my eldest sister even before marriage. Now my parents say that they felt betrayed by them. I don't know what's the deal with them. But the Only thing I know I did not do anything offending nor did I misbehave with them. Allah swt is my only witness. The question that I am going to ask is actually my mum's: she is asking if she can break her ties with her eldest daughter and her husband and only talk to them once in a while? I don't know if you are going to reply to me or not but please make dua for my parents. They are very heartbroken. 💔
Assalamualaikum my dear,
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah, I am sorry your parents are heartbroken over this, it must be so painful for parents to get this treatment from their own child. However, I don't have the verdict on this because - again - on this page we don't give fatwahs, we don't have enough knowledge to tell your mom exactly if it is permissible or not to cut ties with her daughter in this situation. I think she should ask a Shaykh to make sure.
Nonetheless, I think your parents currently have no other choice but to keep their distance from your sister and her husband. I don't think it is even healthy for them to remain in contact with her like calling her often or visiting her or something. On the other hand, I don't think cutting ties completely is okay either. But maybe calling once in a week (their daughter only), and making the conversation short as well, no need for details just checking how she is doing and if she needs anything and wishing her well, and that's it. Also, if your sister is the one doing the calling and checking on your family then you should pick up the phone or reply to her messages. I also recommend making lots of duaas for her and that Allah swt mends her relationship with your parents. I honestly pray from the bottom of my heart that she is not in a toxic marriage with someone who is a manipulator or a narcissist and that he is brainwashing her and turning her against her family 😔😔. Allahu al mustaān.
May Allah swt mend your mom's heart and grant her peace and calmness. May Allah swt fix your relationship with your sister soon and bring her back to your family with a pure heart, ameen.
- A. Z. 🍃🤍
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