#mspec Straight
queerbatting · 1 year
people need to realize that dissolving the lines between gender also means dissolving the lines between sexuality. you cannot say gender is fake and then say sexuality is strict and rigid.
there are multigender/genderfluid people who are lesbians and gay men at the same time. there are mspec lesbians/gays/straights who have a complex relationship with gender and their sexuality. there are gay men who are women and lesbians who are men because male isn't the opposite of female.
"conflicting" labels are a part of many people's queer experience, because the human experience isnt simple enough to be put into neat perfect categories. if you truly support trans/genderqueer people, you need to accept the fact that gender and sexuality is complex and there will be people whose identities you don't understand
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fritz-is-bipolar · 5 months
This might be a hot take for some of the aphobes and whoever else, but I would much rather "let cishets into our safe spaces" than deprive a single queer kid of community on the basis of "what if"
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posting this on it's own
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sapphic-boy · 6 months
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Who's gonna get kicked out of the pride meetup first
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doomsdayradio · 6 months
i love you mspec lesbians and bi lesbians and pan lesbians and omni lesbians and ply lesbians and abro lesbians and mspec gays and bi gays and pan gays and omni gays and ply gays and abro gays and mspec straights and bi straights and pan straights and omni straights and ply straights and abro straights and abros and gaybians and lesboys and trans man lesbians and turigirls and trans woman gays and enbyhets and aplatonics/aplspecs
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1tz-4ll-m3 · 4 months
If a label fits you, you have every right to use it. Even if it’s “contradictory”.
Being queer is not a club that people can exclude you from.
If your queer identity doesn’t hurt anyone, own it.
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redacted-coiner · 1 month
NOTE: I quite literally don’t care about discourse don’t bring it up or I’m just blocking you.
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Mspec Lesbian, Mspec Straight, Mspec Gay/Veldian
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Straightcian, Gaybian, Straightbian
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Lesboy, Contrapan(link), Turigirl
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DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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bisexualsafespace · 7 months
solidarity symbol between misunderstood and complex labels.
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bi straight, bi gay, bi lesbian, gray asexual.
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gloaming-sometimes · 10 months
dear transhets, mspecs who are mlw or wlm, aspecs who are mlw or wlm, straight lesbians/gays/mspecs, polyamorous straights or any other queer person who is attracted to the opposite gender i wish you a wonderful day & you are awesome & you belong in the queer community just as much as the rest of us & i hope the next time youre in a fast food drive thru line the orders get mixed up and you get more than what you payed for and its your favorite foods on the menu.
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yourfavismspechomohet · 5 months
love, there’s no such thing as a “bi lesbian.” someone can’t be bi and a lesbian. Coming from a lesbian myself it just doesn’t happen that way. Being a bisexual means that you like BOTH, being a lesbian means you ONLY like non men. It’s a mockery of real lesbians, it’s not a real sexuality.
Let’s take this apart separately, shall we?
“There’s no such thing as a Bi Lesbian”
Tell that to all the Bi Lesbians that follow me, and like my posts, and request for posts.
Tell that to the Bi Lesbians I reblog from and talk to occasionally.
Tell that to the older queers that identify as Bi Lesbians.
I guess apparently they don’t exist then. 🤷
“Someone can’t be Bi and a Lesbian”
Ah, this is a very popular one on this blog that I keep getting. I could link you to those, but I won’t. Here’s some ways you can be Bi and a Lesbian at the same time:
Biromantic Homosexuals
Homoromantic Bisexuals
Bi people who label themselves as Lesbians, to reclaim queer history. Because ALL Sapphics, regardless of if they were attracted to men or not, were referred to as Lesbians.
Bi people may also label themselves as Lesbians to reclaim being called a Lesbian by Biphobes trying to get them to pick one.
Bi people who lean more towards women, may call themselves Bi Lesbians.
Abroromantics/Abrosexuals may label themselves as Bi Lesbians because their orientation only swings back and forth between those two.
“Coming from a Lesbian myself, it just doesn’t happen that way.”
Well, for the second part, “It doesn’t happen that way”, just go back to the previous comments on “Someone can’t be Bi and a Lesbian”. It does and can happen.
Now for the first part “Coming from a Lesbian myself”. I hear this a lot. Not just from Lesbians, not just from queer people, but people of all different communities, one thing I hear all the time is “Coming from a [Blank] myself”. You need to understand that you are not the only Lesbian on earth. And Lesbians are not a hive-mind. You’re not all the same, and you’re not all going to have the same opinions. If that were the case, all Lesbians would look, talk, act the same way, and have the same views. But you don’t, because you’re not a hive-mind. Simply implying that all people of the same sexuality should have the same opinions is wrong. Believe it or not, I’ve seen all different kinds of lesbians who were Pro-Mspec Lesbian, who were Anti-Mspec Lesbian, and were neutral on Mspec Lesbians. And if all Lesbians had the same opinions, you would not be separated on these different opinions.
“Being a bisexual means that you like BOTH, being a lesbian means you ONLY like non men.”
Being Bi means that you could just about like any gender. It doesn’t just mean both, as in men and women. Bi people could definitely just be attracted to women and men, but they’re also Bi people attracted to all different kinds of genders under the Nonbinary umbrella.
As for being a Lesbian, it means that you’re attracted to women and Nonbinary people. And if we can agree on that, we also have to agree that there are other Nonbinary genders where one identifies as a woman AND a man, that you may also be attracted to. Saying that Lesbians don’t like men excludes Multigender people. Even if that’s not how you mean for it to sound, I can tell you that a lot of Multigender people feel that way.
Also, a common misconception is that Non-Men and Non-Women is okay to use for Gay and Lesbian definitions. It’s not. What you probably didn’t know, is that the terms have racist origins. Black and indigenous queer people have literally been talking about this since this definition was coined. “Non-Men” and “Non-Women” are terms that have been historically used to describe the degendering of black people.
Forcing these terms for queer definitions is Anti-Black, I could forgive you if you didn’t know that and stop using those definitions after now knowing the origins.
But if you still use these definitions even after knowing this, congratulations! You’re racist! Pretty sure there was a book about this, “Bad faith and anti-black racism” by Lewis R. Gordon.
“It’s a mockery of real lesbians, it’s not a real sexuality.”
Mspecs have just as big a part in Lesbian history as Lesbians.
All sapphics were Lesbians regardless of if they liked men.
The term “Bi Lesbian” has been around since the 70s. I’d like to see you try and tell an older queer Bi Lesbian, that they’re “mocking” Lesbians and that their sexuality isn’t real. They probably accomplished more than you have in your entire life, because you want to fight with people on queer labels that you think are and aren’t valid because apparently no queer identity is acceptable unless you agree with it.
Love, wether you like it or not, Bi Lesbians and even male Lesbians have always existed and will continue existing. And they don’t need your permission to be themselves.
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bimdraws · 5 months
I have to say, if you see "m-spec lesbian/gay" in someone's profile and the first feeling you get is anger you need to re-evaluate what being queer means to you. Bi-lesbians aren't redefining lesbian identity anymore than white chocolate redefines chocolate or brown sugar redefines sugar.
We are a community constantly under attack, microlabels are decidedly not a concern!
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fixed some mspec mono exclusionist posts
inspired by @fixing-bad-posts
(1) Truth be told, you are radical, cool, and inclusive for being mspec lesbian. You are literally good man.
(2) Important reminder that contradictory labels just means you're so hot!
(3) being mspec gay makes me gay
(4) Just a reminder that mspec lesbians exist and are lesbian. Happy Pride Month!
(5) mspec lesbians interact with me <3
(6) It's exclusionist to hate mspec lesbians
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lovestruckspider · 3 months
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  ⸺ ≠ Queer
[Pt: Does not equal sign and the word queer , also said as "Does Not Equal Queer /End Pt]
✦   This queer idenity follows the quote "Labels Not Rules" , which The spider made . Labels not rules stands for the stance that sexuality and gender related labels are NOT rules and shouldn't be treated as such ( Basically there are no rules to being queer and shouldn't be in the first place )
✦   This queer stance is for Mspec and Multigendered labels ( Such as Bi-lesbians , Gaybians , Turdigirls / Masc transfems and Fem transmascs / Intersex + Non Binary identities that don't "fit" the traditional stereotype / Those with Disorders or disabilities which affect their gender and Poc who are queer in anyway ) .
✦   This is in no way meant to demonize those who use monospec labels or only use one label to describe themselves . this is meant to uplift those who use any amount of labels !!
✦   Less eyestrain versions under the cut !!
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haunted-thing · 6 months
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Image id: rectangular flag with seven stripes that are, in order, : medium purply magenta, pinkish purple, lavender, pale reddish orange, orangy red, medium pinkish red, dark redish magenta/end id
pt: metian/end pt
being both an mspec lesbian and mspec straight for whatever reasons .
taglist: @puriette , @jiiamp , @squidedibles , @idolkisses, @ithriel
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1tz-4ll-m3 · 4 months
If our queer ancestors saw the amount of queer discourse there is online, fighting over labels and who’s valid and who isn’t, when nobody is getting hurt, they would be very disappointed.
I’m just saying.
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aqg-arts · 8 months
Reblog to scare exclusionary queers.
We are valid.
We have been here forever and will stay here forever.
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