#mr knight :) God bless him
thebirdandhersong · 2 years
orange peel promise
In between gut-wrenching deep breaths
and the sweat forming between my forehead
and the wooden pew, there was some sort of prayer
birthed: just like there was a prayer knitting itself
together when my friend hooked her arm around mine
and made her shoulder a resting place
for my bowed head. She just let me cry
into her sleeve in that empty, echoing church,
and her sturdy hand (steady with the repeated
knowledge of baking and painting and unnoticed serving)
held me close. There was a prayer there in the silence
of companionship, just as there was prayer
in the song rising around me in the service, though
I had no strength to rise from my knees then.
The pew in front of me: my favourite hiding place.
I wanted to hide from the truth--I wanted the sadness
to end--I wanted to stay silent.
They were praising God with joyful voices all around me.
I will praise my God, I thought, as my handkerchief
turned cold and heavy in my hand. I will. Even now.
Especially now. And so I got up, and the prayer
that was the dull beating of my tired heart
turned to shaking song.
There was prayer, too, when I split the sealed
envelope and unfolded the first and last letter.
And there was consolation in knowing that my God
was holding the what-ifs that had made an uneasy home
in my heart. What about the oranges I never peeled for you?
I had been thinking days ago. You don't know how
much I wanted to sit with you at the kitchen table
and watch the sun set on a quiet summer evening.
Here is how it goes: we say nothing, but the words
that sit there in the silence with us are simple:
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Here is how it goes:
I peel oranges first with the curve of my nail
digging into the middle, and I turn it into
a little clumsy blossom, a sea star with uneven arms.
I am good at peeling oranges.
I would have been good at peeling oranges for you.
And what about the letters I wanted to write?
What about the meals I'll never make?
What about all the little things I wanted to give to you,
the happy secrets I thought we'd share,
your absentminded hand trailing over your
guitar strings like fingers trailing in a lazy stream,
the family dinners and the walks by the sea?
But I stopped myself, and was content for a while
knowing that my God held all those little hungry
thoughts, too. And so the prayer that came when
the darkness descended over me again was this:
Lord, be near to me. Lord, please be near to me.
And there was consolation in knowing that He was,
even as you walked through the door that heavy
summer day, for our friend's wedding.
In between fervent applause and joyful song,
there was another prayer rising to my lips:
God, help me. What about the oranges? (Why oranges?)
What about the first time I ran to the basement door
and leaned my head against the cold metal frame
and listened, heart humming, for your voice?
What about the first time you held the door
and the first time you looked at me and smiled
as if your heart-gladness was as deep as mine?
Of course, it is easier to say "forget" than to not remember.
You were there. I was glad and relieved and hurting,
because you were there.
Here is how it went: I saw you on the stage and I forgot
to not think to myself: I love you, I love you, I love you.
Naturally, I was ashamed. Naturally, I was not surprised.
There was prayer before I opened your letter,
though I did not voice it, though it had no words
to give it shape. But I am sure there was. There was
no longer silence then: the generosity of the balmy air
was filled with outside voices, while in the office
the girl in the purple dress a size too big for her
cried into the palm of her hand so that no one would hear.
Before the letter, we walked towards the emptied altar
(where our friends had just exchanged vows) as
almost-strangers. After you gave it to me, we walked
down the quiet aisle side by side, almost-friends.
I read it and there was that prayer again, but this time,
it was one of simple joy. Joy that at last I understood.
Perhaps part of the problem was that I wanted--
expected--oranges, too, when what you were trying to give
was the quiet of companionship. Perhaps the problem
was that the thing we'd been trying to say
(I love you, I love you, I love you) was lost in translation
again and again.
The prayer when I walked back home today after church
was this: Thank you, thank you, thank you. In the
birdhouse of my imagination, in the fragile glass cabinet
hidden in my soul there was simply heart-gladness
that I knew you, that I loved you, that I was loved by you.
You know, the birds sing on in cheerful oblivion,
whether you're laughing or crying. Perhaps they know
that love never truly ends--it only changes shape.
Perhaps they know that song is really a form of prayer,
and all desperate prayer can be turned into gut-wrenching
praise. For our newly wedded friends, it began
at a kitchen table and ended (or began again) at
the altar. For the two of us, it began at a kitchen table
and ended (or began again) at the altar, when the decorations
were gone, when the people had migrated in great birdlike
flocks to the shade of the trees.
And so here is how it went: I met you (a blessing),
I loved you (a blessing), I was loved by you (a blessing).
And it was like looking at the world through stained glass.
And it was like dancing under the first shower of snow.
And it was like watching a garden grow,
like watching cherry blossom petals fall in April,
like the wild impulse to kiss the young sprout of a tree
in front of our church just because it was a young sprout
of a tree, just because it was spring.
And it was a good thing. It was a blessing.
You said so yourself. Naturally, I believed you.
And when I touched your cheek and you cried, I was
not surprised. And when I held you too long for
the last time, you were not surprised, either.
Some people wish on eyelashes, some on clovers,
some on shooting stars, some on pennies in a fountain.
Wishes for what? Probably not for the chance to peel
oranges for someone. One last thing, dear.
I only have one thing left to say today: I wish (no,
I pray) that you will be happy. That you will know
that God is near. That the spring comes again and again
for you, just for you. That someday, someone will peel
orange after orange for you, and that you will sit with her
and smile that rising-sun smile you saved for me,
and both of you will understand that it all means the same
thing, really: the oranges, and the silence, and the song,
and the spring, and the wildness of joy, and the
stillness of peace: that it means this: that it means yes:
that it means the heaviest and lightest promise of all:
that it means, truly, with all heart and soul:
I love you. I love you. I love you.
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schafpudel · 1 year
What Kind of Duck, is Duck?
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OK. So first, let's get this out of the way:
Duck is not real. Duck is, first and foremost, the vague idea of a duck. Duck... is not strongly based on the reality of ducks as an animal.
She is extremely stylized, a blobby little chibi-mascot in a world of anime humans and realistically rendered animals and animal-people. She has contradictory traits - the yellow coloration of a duckling, on the functional flight feathers of a bird that's entered its adult plumage. Her thoughts and actions are noticeably less bestial than those of Mr. Cat or any of the talking-animal students, not beholden to instincts.
When asking what kind of duck our friend Duck is, we must first admit to ourselves that this is a silly question. Ducks like Duck do not exist. She has little candy-cane legs, for god's sake. God bless her.
(If we want to get real meta, perhaps we could speculate that she isn't a real duck because she is a story-duck: escaped from her narrative like the prince and the raven, and the wilis maiden, and the ghost knight, oblivious to her origins. It would, if nothing else, provide a fun watsonian explanation for some of her oddities.)
But fandom is all about getting fucking silly with it, and building elaborate though exercises about shit the creators didn't think about. And I'm an animal nerd. So this is how I choose to have fun. Let's go.
Analysis of the Birb
Duck can be safely assumed to be a Anas platyrhynchos domesticus, or domestic mallard, as this is the typical barnyard duck throughout Asia, Europe, and... really almost the entire world. I say she must be a domestic mallard, and not wild, for one simple reason:
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On the left is the typical appearance wild mallard duckling. On the right are various domesticated ducklings. That's right; the solid yellow color we associate with baby ducks? Specific to domesticated ones! Solid yellow is a sign a duckling will grow up to be a white duck; ducklings that grow up to be other colors have darker fluff mixed in.
(That's right. She'll have white plumage like a swan...)
Many white ducks have orange bills, legs, and feet; other white ducks, especially as ducklings, have orange legs and pink bills. Duck's bill is far more pinkish than her feet, but it's still noticeably orange-y, putting her in sort of a middle area. (By the way, have you ever noticed that Duck's hair color as a girl is the same as her bill color as a duck?)
If she's intended to be anything in particular (which I doubt she is), it might be the German Peking - native to the area, and the creamy-yellow tinged adult plumage of the German Peking compared to other white ducks seems to be reflected by the tint of the duck-feather quill Autor provides as a substitute for Drosselmeyer's swan-feather quill.
However, let me provide my personal baseless headcanon.
Come and see the humble Call Duck
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The Call Duck is a Dutch breed, speculated to be descended from a variety of duck imported to the Netherlands from Japan. Call ducks are a smaller-than-average breed, with a note-worthily "cute" appearance compared to other ducks, even as adults: large forehead, round cheeks, short bill. They're also noteworthy for being sociable and friendly with their human keepers, making them great pets compared to other ducks... as well as very, very noisy and talkative.
(Nobody's perfect.)
There's also a certain... symbolism, I think, to the Call as a breed.
Call ducks are friendly and talkative because they were bred not for eggs, or for meat, but for hunting. Not that they themselves hunted! But their innocent, friendly talkativeness, their cheerful noisy voices, were shaped as a siren song to lure wild ducks into funnel traps. Unwittingly bringing the demise of its own kind, the Call duck's sweetness is exploited by hunters to draws other ducks to their doom.
Duck is kind, and sweet, and wants to be friends with people, and wants to help them. She saw the Prince on the lake, like a wild swan, and wanted to help him in any way she could.
In Drosselmeyer's eyes, this made her the perfect person to become Princess Tutu, to set the story back in motion... and through that friendly kindness, send every "character "in the Story to their doom.
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mochaintherain · 1 year
Summary: You change your team lineup of starter characters. The subsequent Aftermath, revolving around a cryo user.
Word Count: ~1k
CW: Heavy religious themes, implied cultish behavior, (implied?) religious trauma, SAGAU
Add. Tags: Kaeya, Creator!Reader, unreliable narrator, reader is Not present in this story as a character.
Author's Note: Not proofread! I've no idea how to use Tumblr or format on mobile </3 please help me. did I miss something I DUNNO (´_ゝ`) WHERE EVEN AM I anyway kaeya is so babygirl
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Never had Kaeya assumed the Gods would favor him. Not after the promise he made, the bonds he shared with both his fathers—his brother, and how easily his patchworked life tore beneath his feet, his right eye a constant reminder of all his failures.
So when Aether, Amber, and Lisa extended a hand toward his figure, purple light enveloping his being, bubbling with warmth that mended the bitterness of his past, and opened his eyes to the heavens—
How could he not become Your believer?
Soon, he would travel the entirety of Mondstat, escaping his duties whilst discovering treasures, receiving divine gifts: goblets, circlets, feathers—and participating in...rather strange rituals. You made him carry a hefty bag of mora and flowers, gems, remants of slain regisvines, to the zenith of Starsnatch Cliff before imbuing him with unknown strength that coarsed through his veins.
Aether called it an "initiation", to forever be acquainted with divine blessings, to be Yours. He affirmed the sole reason he'd been able to save Dvalin, the entirety of Mondstat, was due to You, granting him the privilege of becoming a vessel.
"...Vessel, huh?" The word stuck to his tongue like a bitter saccharine. Even worse--You seemingly vanished, leaving he and his comrades hollowed by Your absence. After a desperate letter and trek sent back home, the reception back in the City of Wind was nothing less than suffocating.
A small gathering of vision wielders greeted them at the gate, welcoming them home. Yet, the sun never penetrated his body. The bite of sheer cold blossomed in his veins, making him tremble with every step he took—the first of many which he had to be conscious of; and breathing, keeping his heart beating, leaving him winded and dizzy. Your gaze took away his autonomy, rendering him a spectator in his own corpse, but You left him with the most joyous of dreams and slumbers; abandoning him forced everything back into his muscles, and he scrambled to remember what it was like to be alive without you. However, that was hardly the worst part.
His friends who cheered at his safety—
their smiles did not meet their eyes.
Instead, replaced was envy, resentment, and the brewing notion that he was a fraud, tricking the Creator and seducing You into loving him. They swirled, in vile concoctions, behind each of their pupils. Yet they paraded around him like he, himself, was divinity. Did they all wish he never came back? Would they tear each other apart for a chance at Your Grace?
Maybe his death was an opportune moment.
Unfortunately, he lived.
"Welcome back, everyone. I'm glad the Creator brought you back safe and sound." Jean bowed slightly, relief written on her lips.
"Hmm...go on and rest for now. Tommorow, you can tell us what all your travels uncovered." Albedo smiled, nodding at him and Lisa in particular.
Klee bounced on the soles of her heels, waving her hands to the weary travelers. "Yay! Kaeya's back! And Amber and Lisa and Mr. Honorary knight!" she cheered, beaming.
"Ah...why don't we all go back to the cathedral? I can heal you all of any injuries!" the deaconess suggested, a strain of a smile forming on her face.
"...Welcome back," Diluc muttered, most likely dragged along by the Acting Grand Master.
"Hey, on the way there, why don't I sing you all a song? No wine in exchange!" The enigmatic bard hummed, giving them all a wink.
Kaeya heaved a ragged breath, forcing a small laugh out his lips. "Sorry, but I think I'll pass. I'd much rather rest at Angel's Share," he responded, ignoring the pointed glare from a certain redhead. "After all, the Creator never afforded us any sort of wine; I'd certainly die if I had to spend another day without it."
"Huh...?" Barbara said, "b-but, Sir Kaeya—"
She was interrupted with a solemn headshake from the librarian.
"None of us are hurt," Lisa reaffirmed, "let him be...We'll tell you everything."
The Calvary Captain huffed, breaking away from the group and stumbling into the tavern, his countenance morphed into the expression he held all those years ago, when he first received his vision.
Nothing had changed since his leave, though there were far less customers than usual. Did the other citizens feel You vanish too? Or was that a curse reserved only for the puppets You deemed fit for control?
"Charles, the strongest, if you please."
Alcohol had left his throat burning, a reprieve from the sudden, chilling, desolation. After his "ascension", he was no longer the same man. In gazing upon him, You stole away a piece of his soul, a void only able to be filled by You and You only.
It wasn't too long before the bar's door opened again.
"What are you up to, Kaeya?" Diluc stayed near the entrance, not bothering to move toward the stools.
"I'm not in the mood," he hissed, downing his glass too quickly to savour.
Diluc forewent the usual quips he'd aim toward his brother, settling in a silent scrutiny. He was never one to favor the Gods. They stood in one another's solitude, drinking until the "Darknight Hero" woke to dusk.
Then, Kaeya was truly alone. Truly, utterly alone, with not even the eyes of which he'd come to expect. After all, he, a barely devoted follower, could never stay in the Divine's gaze forever.
Even so, the ache in Kaeya's heart screamed that the Gods had forsaken him again; being a vessel was far more merciful than being 'Kaeya'. Because if he wasn't a vessel, he was emptier than he'd ever been.
And when Lisa wrote to him, musing about how his Prototype rancour ended up in the hands of the Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing, how strong she was—he knew he'd been discarded.
If he were more pious, would You deign to look at him once again?
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gayandfairycore · 2 years
can you do one headcanons about Peter & edmund (Narnia) dating the same gender (male reader) and they're jealous because someone is flirting with reader?
A/n hello! Thank you for requesting:) I’m sorry it took so long, this is my first headcanons, like…ever! So sorry if it sucks!! This is not proofread
Also warning for sexual harassment (not from Edmund or Peter) nothing too graphic or explicit, reader does get pinned to a locker at one point, angry, swearing as well, and jealous narnian boys (tho that’s not much of a warning 😩)
Peter pevensie
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•peters a very protective partner, but I feel like it takes a lot for him to get jealous.
•like I feel like he’s see maybe another light flirting with you
•He trusts you and your relationship he’s be like that’s a little weird
•Oh well ik my boyfriend he wouldn’t cheat
•Bless your heart you just thought this knight was being nice to you
•So you thought nothing off it!
•Just friendly chatter after training,
•And before training,
•And a little during…
•This knight would distinctly try to push Peter out of your life.
•By always partnering with you when sparring despite you wanting to partner with Peter
•It was safe to say Peter was tired of it
•You didn’t want to be mean by telling this knight to bugger off
•So one practice Peter ensures he’s there early enough to snag you as his partner.
•He could see the anxiousness dwindle when it was him on the other side of you and not the knight.
•Peter wanted to make sure you knew he wasn’t angry at you.
•That practise you were the calmest you had been in awhile just by peters presence
•The panic rushed right back when you were in the change rooms taking off your chain mail.
•You got there a little later helping peter pack up
•What you didn’t realise was you weren’t alone, before you knew what was happening this knight was leaning over you
•Holding your head in a lock between his arms pinning you to the lockers
•“Pleaseeee y/nnnn you know I could treat you so much better then peter” he cried
•“Just give me a chanceeeee.”
•It was safe to say you were very taken aback
•You were like uhm tf?? No.
•Mr knight man was not down for that answer and attempted to push himself onto you
•Before your beloved boyfriend turned up sword positioned between mr knight mans shoulder blades
•expression ice cold like try me bitch!
•“He said no, you should learn to respect others wishes not to touch them, pig.”
•It was safe to say peter kicked him off the guard after that.
•Tho it took both you, edmund, Susan, and Lucy to hold him back from executing that son of a bitch.
•safe to say after that whole experience Peter and you both held up in his chambers just holding eachother
•sweet boy apologised so profusely that he didn’t step in sooner 🥺
Edmund pevensie
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•Poor baby boy is very protective like Peter but also very easily jealous?
•He’s got self esteem issues
•After the witch edmund would be terrified to lose you
•So when he sees a random citerzin talking too you
•Making you laugh, smile, and god forbid they touch you.
•And you reciprocate
•This man would give you the BIGGEST SILENT TREATMENT
•Like you’d come back from a walk after he saw what he saw he’d just be sulking alone
•In the libary, in the dark, brooding.
•I can just see you going to plant a smooch to his lips
•And man just turns his head like a child
•You’d immediately know something was up
•“Edmund? Are you alright?”
•“aM i AlRiGhT” he’d initially mock your concern for him.
•Opting instead of talking about his feelings accomodating his fear of abandonment
•He’d try to distance himself
•You ain’t having it
•You sit him down, and just reassure him that you aren’t? Leaving him?? And give him a hug.
•Reassure him that he’s the only boy you could ever love.
•And that that little interaction meant nothing.
•After Edmund feels reassured that you love him
•y’all would just hold up in the libary together his head between your legs
•(Not like that)
•And y’all would just read aloud to eachother in front of the fire
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ominoose · 7 months
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𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐜 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐓 𝟐
A list of seasonal fanfics I've read or found over the month of October that I really enjoyed for future reference and others to check out <3
Part 1
Key: 🎃 - NSFW ┆ 🤎 - X Reader ┆ 🐈‍⬛ - Dark
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Absolutely Purr-fect by @sarahghetti You and the Moon Boys adopt a cat. Characters: Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley WC: 2.4k ┆ 🤎
Broken Toys by @midgardian-witch Blue gives you some comfort. Characters: Blue Jones WC: 1.7k ┆ 🤎
Farm Day by @reallyrallyauthor You and Steven go on a farm day to see the animals. Yes, it's as cute as it sounds. Characters: Steven Grant WC: 800 ┆ 🤎
Voice Kink by @winniethewife Phone sex with Williams amazing voice. Characters: William Tell WC: 843 ┆ 🎃🤎
Little Secrets by @heladodecerezq You're the MK's systems kid and keep a little secret for them, which they really don't like. Characters: Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley WC: 921 ┆ 🐈‍⬛
Jake Jerkin' Off by @tiptapricock Jake jerks off, but written as more of a character introspective. Characters: Jake Lockley WC: 774 ┆ 🎃
Look At You by @notquitecanon Each of the MK boys saying "Look at you" in different contexts. Sweet and sexy. Characters: Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley WC: 1.7k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Cumming In Your Mouth Platonically by @my-secret-shame & @foxilayde Fen made another banger post and Foxilayde served another five meals with it. Aka a quick post on letting Cecil cum in your mouth but its totally platonic, not weird or anything. Characters: Cecil Dennis WC: 727 ┆ 🎃 🤎
Lust is a Drug by @minispidey You're Arthur Harrows virgin, isolated cult wife and Moon Knight pays a visit. Characters: Marc Spector WC: 2.3k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Mr and Mrs Knight by @angel-of-the-moons Chubby reader goes to work a work party with Steven, some mean girls make it go south. Characters: Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Marc Spector WC: 4.3k ┆ 🎃 🤎
My Lord by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction King John is exiled to another country and fixates on one of the head servants. Only Fen could make a King John fic that's smut and kinda fluff, it's magic. Characters: King John WC: 3.1k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Patience by @moons-dunes Steven gives you an agonizing lesson in patience. Characters: Steven Grant WC: 800 ┆ 🎃 🤎
La Petite Mort by @hon3yboy You inherit a manor from your dead aunt and it's got a cute but obsessive British ghost in it. Characters: Steven Grant WC: 3k ┆ 🎃 🤎 🐈‍⬛
He Found The Box of Condoms by @hoedamn-eron You fuck your best friends dad and then date him. Told in three parts. Characters: Leto Atreides ┆ 🎃 🤎
Sleeping Dogs by @hon3yboy Werewolf!Marc. Again. All I need to say. Characters: Marc Spector WC: 2.8k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Visions & Loyalty by @reallyrallyauthor Your sisters is meant to marry Leto but then he goes "Actually, no you" and it's three parts. God bless. Leto is so well written. Characters: Leto Atreides ┆ 🎃 🤎
Finish The Job by @romana-after-dark MK system kidnaps reader and Jake goes quite Yandere on them. Characters: Jake Lockley, Marc Spector, Steven Grant WC: 1.4k ┆ 🎃 🤎 🐈‍⬛
Control by @romana-after-dark Jake is really into killing and blood. Really into it. Characters: Jake Lockley WC: 591 ┆ 🎃 🤎 🐈‍⬛
Corny Night In by @jayke0 Marc with a chubby reader, has thigh fucking and feels. You will lose it. Characters: Marc Spector WC: 1.6K ┆ 🎃 🤎
Losing Hand by @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction William tries to teach you poker and his dicks also inside you at the same time. Character: William Tell WC: 1k ┆ 🎃 🤎
Cry Baby by @jayke0 Bullying Cecil while he whimpers and gets off. Character: Cecil Dennis WC: 1.3k ┆ 🎃 🤎
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 months
Your answers to the LGBT muse meme whatsit were fascinating and I'm SO curious -- was there a specific moment Beth clocked that her feelings towards Ron had shifted towards romance, or was it a gradual building up of things or...?
Thank you, darling. We appreciate that. Though she's grown in some ways and changed in others from the moment of her conception on far distant, actual paper shores, I've striven to be true to her and to her internal consistency. That being said. I would have to say as with all things deeply emotional with Beth, it was gradual as arctic ice. The very first minutes of their meeting were deeply fraught with not a small amount of terror. His mien, his vocal timbre, maybe the gun...certainly didn't foster any more truer feelings than fear, regret, and maybe a little exasperation for even finding herself in the path of Hurricane Kanuha. Quickly though he put her at ease well enough with a Claude, a fire place, and a lovely cuppa on a cold, rainy, and nerve destroying night. Riley will probably shank me for saying this but I don't think he would have been unfazed with Cellar-Ron. I know she felt terror again to come face to face with a certain Panini in place of her flower growing, chocolate flake sharing publican, and the immediate worry for his absence, made only slightly less harrowing by the letters they wrote during Ron's mental health recuperation. There has always been a notable difference between the Twins for her. I maintain she can spot a Ronnie at a hundred paces in difference to Reg, and she a: finds Ron to be the more attractive brother, the taller one, the broader one, and generally the better fighting man, bless Frances and all. Perhaps the moment of feelings changing which largely went unnoticed by our intrepid pair came when she would sit on the bar-back and pin him between herself and the counter with her legs, while striving to study for her citizenship application. She'd already decided that Ron was really quite friend-shaped, as lovable and affable as any of the dogs. Forgive me if I don't recall if this was before, during, or after the gift of a Noe in her life, but a sign of deep trust and affection for Beth is to allow anyone to be that close to her scar, that they could reach out and touch it. The scar is both traumatic and kapu in her opinion. Sharks are a man's 'aumakua, and to be so permanently marked by one carries both the taboo and the sacred in the word Kapu and she doesn't really feel comfortable letting anyone, not even Andy, touching it. Maybe the moment of being stricken by lightning, and the moment her heart seized up in wonder, that she saw Ron with entirely new eyes...shaken to her foundations, though, was when John turned up. He was the entire reason she'd come to England in the first place. He'd gotten so deeply under her skin, and maybe because he had been the first to tell her that she was loved {or more correctly, and she'll never admit to this before God or anyone else... she'd asked him to love her, and his reply had been 'God help me, but I do'.} that she'd imagined John being the only one who would. But then Ron defended her when John rejected her as a student and as anything else. He'd stood his ground like some fantastical knight if for no other reason than he could see just how dejected she was, and that was the first time she'd seen him ~Ron~ act like that. And for her. Then there was the boxing event. You know of which I speak, and that was a moment where Beth understood very clearly what the meaning of Want was. She doesn't have a single ounce of self preservation in her body when she can see both Ron and Mr Kray at once.
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kikikiwi27498 · 2 years
Katie's Fic Rec Master List
I wanted to make a master list of all my favorite fics in the hopes of introducing others to the fics I love and showing my appreciation for all the work authors do. I’ve also done like four fic rec lists in the past (you can find them here), and it’s time I organized everything into one list that I can update as I go. I will also make this a page on my blog so you don't have to scroll through this massive post.
UPDATE 1/25/2024: Hello! So it turns out Tumblr has link and character limits on posts now, which means I can't make this rec list as long as I'd like, and I don't want to make multiple lists. So I took a page out of Lou (@impossibleknots)'s book and made a spreadsheet! You can find it here, and I'll be updating that rather than this list.
I aimed for a mix of what I call “classic” fics and some lesser-known fics to give something for everyone. I have a lot of fandoms and I’ve been reading fics for a long time, so this is a pretty extensive list.
Updated: November 29, 2022 (minor edits made 11/22/2023)
Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
God Bless the Child by slacktension (T, 9,391 words, complete)  Missing scenes from Legend of Korra 01x08: Mako, Bolin, and Asami are stuck in jail after the raid on the Dragon Flats District. I really liked how this fic touched on Mako and Bolin’s childhood working for the Triple Threat Triad.  Warnings: references to past violence, swearing  Ships: Mako/Asami 
Keraunopathy by celluloid (@miikkasakari) (NR, 15,000+ words, incomplete)  Mako’s relationship with lightning has changed a lot. He first learns of lighting bending when he reads a book of Iroh quotes. After a fire bender kills his parents, Mako’s relationship with lightning changes, even after he learns to generates it himself. I really liked how Ari made lighting bending a big deal again—in ATLA it was a huge deal, then in LOK it became much more common and less dangerous. Mako and others being able to lightning bend with ease is glossed over, and I enjoyed Ari’s take on Mako learning to generate lightning.  Warnings: mentions of abuse and violence, character death  Ships: None 
No Church in the Wild by slacktension (M, 4,000+ words, incomplete) Mako and Bolin’s childhood, from before their parents die to living on the streets to meeting Korra. I really liked how slacktension explores how Mako and Bolin’s relationship changes once their parents are killed and they are forced to live on the street. Slacktension really dives into how Mako became Bolin’s caretaker and parent, doing his best to keep himself and his brother alive on the streets and with the Triad.  Warnings: graphic descriptions of abuse, descriptions of violence, character death, discussions of death, drug and alcohol use, smoking, swearing  Ships: None
Big Time Rush 
Where I’ll Be Found by kasuchi (@kasuchi) (T, 6,104 words, complete) After Jo leaves for New Zealand, Kendall has a hard time coping and starts to crash and burn. Luckily he has his family and ‘90s music to help him. I loved how kasuchi used '90s song titles for each section (I forgot about Kendall's long-lost '90s music addiction!) and tried to stick with artists that would probably exist in the BTR universe. I liked how they dealt with his breakup with Jo in the show, but I liked how kasuchi took it an extra step and really made Kendall crash and burn. The best part of BTR is the friendship/family element—the boys and Katie and Mrs. Knight (and even Kelly and Gustavo) are really a family, and kasuchi did a great job of showing that. I also liked how kasuchi did the "turn real things into fake things" that Nick always does.  Warnings: underage drinking, swearing  Ships: Kendall/Jo, Kendall/OFC 
Chronicles of Narnia
A Call Rattling in Her Bones by dirgewithoutmusic (@ink-splotch) (G, 3,145 words, complete) Susan Pevensie returns from Narnia changed. She is a woman pretending to be a child, a queen without her kingdom. She has lived and lost and loved in ways her classmates will never know or understand. In England, the trees are only trees, the water only water and nothing more. So she adapts: she joins the newspaper, throws herself into her studies, and makes a new life for herself. Then her own horn calls her back to Narnia and a Lion tells her she can never return. So Susan decides to live, to build herself a new life in England. Her life will no longer be anything but her own. I feel like a lot of people hate on Susan for choosing to live and move on rather than dwelling on Narnia, and it’s nice to see a take on post-Narnia Susan that doesn't do that. Susan is a fascinating character, and as usual Inky really does her justice here. Warnings: major character death  Ships: None
A Power in Every Breath by PanBoleyn (G, 3,288 words, complete)  After the lies of Shift the Ape, religion in Narnia starts to change. The Great Lion hasn’t been seen in generations, so Narnians begin to turn to new gods: the Seven Friends of Narnia. I really loved this exploration of a Narnian world that didn’t end in The Last Battle but instead got to grow and change. I loved the exploration of the religion and mythology of Narnia, and especially how each of the Friends of Narnia came to be associated with specific animals, virtues, and symbols. Religion isn’t always one-size-fits-all, and I loved how this story dives into that.  Warnings: None Ships: None
A Sea of Golden Sand by Andi Horton (K+, 121,897 words, complete) The Horse and His Boy from the Pevensies’ point of view. Prince Rabadash comes to Cair Paravel to ask for Susan’s hand in marriage. All seems well, and Susan decides to make a visit to Calormen. Upon arriving in Calormen, however, it becomes clear that things are not as they seem and Rabadash is not the charming prince he claims to be. Andi Horton captures C.S. Lewis’s writing style perfectly, this reads almost exactly like one of the Chronicles of Narnia books.  Warnings: references to violence   Ships: None
Counted Among the Traitors by WillowDryad (T, 73,916 words, complete) Ten years into the Golden Age, evil forces are at work in Narnia, causing High King Peter to lose faith and trust in his brother. Edmund must work to clear his name and save his brother before it’s too late. This was one of the very first fics I read and fell in love with way back in 2012. Each chapter had me enthralled and waiting for more. WillowDryad does a great job of developing the Pevensies and writing them as adults who have reigned for ten years. I have been endlessly inspired by WillowDryad, and I highly suggest checking out the rest of their work.  Warnings: graphicdescriptions of violence, illness, discussions of death   Ships: None
Into the West by elecktrum (T, 89,879 words, complete)  A year after The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, a curse Jadis put on Edmund is awoken. Peter and Philip must adventure to the Garden in the West to retrieve the only means of saving Edmund's life and breaking the curse. If you like tales of adventures and family and heroes saving the day, this is the fic for you. This is the fic for me and I have reread it a bunch of times. Every character, from the Pevensies to Aslan to the smallest OC, has a unique personality and brings something to the story. The Pevensies have such a wonderful dynamic with each other and the other residents of Cair Paravel (especially Peter and Edmund and Oreius), and I just want to jump into this world and live in it.  Warnings: graphic descriptions of violence, discussions of death  Ships: None
Nighttime Demons by Sentimental-Star (T, 45,000+ words, incomplete) After Colin Pevensie returns from the war, he notices that his children are not as he left them: Peter is more grown-up, Edmund is no longer beastly, and Susan and Lucy are no longer the little girls he remembers. Told from the point of view of Colin, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, this is a wonderful story exploring the effect Narnia had on the four Pevensie children and how Aslan can affect even those who have never met Him. I like how Sentimental-Star touches on why Susan decides to stop believing in Narnia and examines the relationships between each of the Pevensies and their parents.  Warnings: descriptions of violence, discussions of death, panic attacks    Ships: None
No Greater Love by WickedForGood13 (K+, 14,311 words, complete)  The aftermath of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Prince Caspian, and Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Peter and Edmund have a lot to talk about following their return from Narnia, and hopefully they can heal some of the rift between them in the process. I love a fic that explores the impact Narnia and returning to England had on the Pevensies, and WickedForGood13 does a great job at it. This fic focuses on Peter and Edmund, but Susan and Lucy also make appearances.   Warnings: references to past violence, dissuasions of death   Ships: None
Only Children by Thalion King’s Daughter (K, 74,110 words, complete) A Golden Age tale following the adventures of Jaer and Jaerin Peridanson, sons of Lord Peridan, as they come to live at Cair Paravel with their family. What they hope will be a peaceful move takes a turn when Peter is captured by Ettin Giants. This story follows Thole and A Blessing of Rain by elecktrum as Jaer and the others race to rescue Peter from the Ettin Giants. I love Jaer and Jaerin, they have such a lovely dynamic with each other and the Pevensies. Jaer, Jaerin, and their family fit perfectly into the world of Cair Paravel, and I love how Thalion King’s Daughter gives Lord Peridan a backstory and more depth than he got in The Horse and His Boy.  Warnings: implied/referenced violence, discussions of death   Ships: None
Return and Pushback by summer_days (@squirrel-princess)(T, 13,000+ words, incomplete) A year after they left, the four Pevensies return to Narnia and start to push back against what they find there. This Narnia is wild and dangerous, but she cares for her people and will do anything to protect them. I am obsessed with sentient Narnia and I adore the Pevensies with subtle Great Cat traits. A Narnia that is sentient and takes care of her people brings so much more depth and heartbreak to the Telmarines’ invasion and the Pevensies’ return to Narnia. I loved how Summer explores the Pevenies’ connection to Narnia, especially Peter’s, and delves into the magical aspects of Narnia.  Warnings: descriptions of violence  Ships: Past Peter/OFC
The Lion and the Fox by Rayven49 (T, 125,579 words, complete) The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe as told by Peter and Edmund. Here is the story of how Edmund changes from a bratty little boy to Just King and repairs his relationship with his brother. I love how Rayven49 explores Peter and Edmund’s relationship and how it grows and changes throughout LWW. There’s angst and heartbreak but there’s also joy and heartwarming moments. I really loved reading Edmund’s transformation—he becomes a full, three-dimensional character and gets to fully grow and change. The lion and fox metaphor is frequently used in the fandom, but I think Rayven49 uses it in a way that's not forced or cliché.  Warnings: descriptions of violence  Ships: None
To the Radiant Southern Sun by Wordsintothevoid (T, 6,000+ words, incomplete)  “An exploration of love, grief, and finding faith again.” After the train accident, Susan is left alone to mourn her family. Eventually, she resolves to forget about Narnia, not let her grief consume her, and live her life the way she wants to. I loved Wordsintothevoid’s characterization of Susan, she really did Susan justice here. This whole story broke my heart, especially the scenes of Susan packing away her siblings’ belongings and writing down her stories of Narnia. Susan gets to be angry at the injustice of being left alone, and she’s given space and time to feel everything and process all her emotions. I loved how Wordsintothevoid played into Susan's supposed love for nylons and lipstick as a sort of coping mechanism, both for being essentially banished from Narnia and for her family's deaths. Warnings: major character death, graphic descriptions of violence, suicidal thoughts, grief Ships: None
Beautiful Scars on Critical Veins by aletterinthenameofsanity (M, 3,398 words, complete)  Auradon trapped the VKs on the Isle for twenty years, leaving them to rot and starve and die. Mal knows the pain of starvation, the pain of death and abuse and doing anything and everything to protect your gang, your family. Nothing changes once she gets to Auradon, except now her magic is free. Mal is Fae and she is a Dragon, and Auradon will learn that Mal and the others are not the villains of this story—they are the heroes. My favorite kind of Descendants story is one that isn’t Disney-fied and truly shows the horrors of the Isle. I love the concept of using Mal’s full potential for fae magic, and aletterinthenameofsanity delivers. Mal is protective and ruthless and badass, and this story showcases that perfectly. Warnings: graphic descriptions of violence, character death, mentions of abuse and violence, swearing  Ships: Mal/Evie
I Don’t Know if You’re Looking for Romance by hara_leah (@thesunoneyelashes) (T, 2,372 words, complete) Everyone has a mark: the place where they first touch their soulmate, black until they make contact with their soulmate. Evie, Mal, Jay, and Carlos aren’t all soulmates, but you can choose your soulmate, right? I love a soulmate AU, and I especially love Harley’s take on it. It’s not dark like many other soulmate AUs, and I think it’s a very interesting take on the differences between Auradon and the Isle.  Warnings: descriptions of violence, descriptions of abuse, swearing Ships: Evie/Jay/Mal/Carlos, Jay/Carlos, Jay/Mal 
In Loco Parentis by RottenKidNextDoor (Portal of Worlds) (@unapologeticallyjaylos) (M, 81,699 words, complete) Jay and Mal are two runaways with a knack for illegal activities and adventures. They are perfectly happy with just the two of them—they might be broke and struggling, but at least they have each other and the grand adventure of being runaways. But when a car crash unexpectedly brings Carlos and Evie into their lives, Mal and Jay’s little family gets a little bigger—and a little more complicated. I really liked the Core Four’s dynamic in this one: a reluctant family, but a family nonetheless. They have a lot of demons to face, but they face them together. I really liked how Mal especially is given the space to face and then move on from her all-encompassing need for revenge and do what’s best for her and her friends. This is a very heavy story, please be careful and heed the warnings and tags.  Warnings: graphic descriptions of abuse (including sexual abuse), discussions of rape, references to child pornography, abusive relationship, brief nudity, graphic descriptions of panic attacks, crime, violence, alcohol use, homophobia, swearing  Ships: Jay/Carlos, Mal/Evie 
Mistaken for a Miracle by RottenKidNextDoor (Portal of Worlds) (T, 112,000+ words, incomplete) What does love mean to two boys from the Isle who have never experienced it before? Do they even deserve love after everything they’ve been through? These are the questions Carlos must wrestle with as he finds himself falling for Jay. I really liked how RottenKidNextDoor (Portal of Worlds) showed Carlos and Jay’s growth and gave them room to process their traumas and didn’t rush them into a relationship. This is tagged underage, but that’s only because Carlos and Jay are 16-17.   Warnings: descriptions of violence, descriptions of abuse, implied/referenced sexual content, graphic descriptions of panic attacks, swearing  Ships: Jay/Carlos
This is Not for Us to Ponder (This Was Preordained) by ElixirBB (E, 15,427 words, complete) Ben decides to let Isle kids come to Auradon Prep, but his kind action has unexpected consequences. Aurardon learns the hard way to never underestimate kids who have revenge on their minds and nothing to lose but each other. I don’t normally go for Jay/Mal fics, and I generally don’t recommend E-rated fics, but this one is so good: the romance (for lack of a better word, this is certainly not a romance story) doesn’t overshadow the other relationships, and the more explicit scenes are tasteful and add a lot to the story. I really enjoyed ElixirBB’s exploration of the relationships between the VKs and the people of Auradon. This is not the Disney version of Descendants and has some very dark themes—please heed the warnings and tags.  Warnings: graphic descriptions of violence and torture, graphic descriptions of abuse, explicit sexual content, character death, underage drinking, imprisonment, swearing Ships: Jay/Mal, background Mal/Evie, background Jay/Carlos, background Mal/Evie/Jay/Carlos 
WAR by hara_leah (@thesunoneyelashes) (T, 1,951 words, complete) Soulmates feel each other’s pain, carry each other's cuts and bruises and scars. In Auradon, soulmates are celebrated, and discovering yours is akin to marriage. On the Isle, soulmates are a sign of weakness, a burden to never speak about. When Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos learn that they are soulmates, they are determined to love freely. So the Isle kids band together to take Auradon and stand up to the adults that banished them. I love Harley’s soulmate AUs because she uses soulmates to showcase the differences between Auradon and the Isle while not being too dark.  Warnings: graphic descriptions of violence, graphic descriptions of abuse, major character death, mentions of past prostitution, swearing    Ships: Evie/Jay/Mal/Carlos, Audrey/Ben, Gil/Harry/Uma  
We Gotta Be Free by siriuslyrose (@siriuslyrose) (G, 14,139 words, complete) Opening the barrier was supposed to make the VKs safe from their parents and from the Isle. It was supposed to give every Isle kid a chance at a better life. It was supposed to make everything better. So why didn’t it? Delving into the logistics and emotions of the barrier coming down, this fic explores the friendships between the Isle kids and the Auradon kids. I really liked how Mel made the Descendants 3 ending make sense and really showed how opening the barrier would impact the Isle kids. Warnings: references to abuse, references to violence, swearing Ships: Ben/Mal
We Talk Just Like Lions (But We Sacrifice Like Lambs) by Chill_with_Penguins (T, 9,951 words, complete) After the events of Descendants 2, Mal tries to put the Isle out of her mind but realizes she can’t. After all, you can’t bleach and princess away sixteen years of pain. A queen has to look out for her people, no matter what the cost. So Mal and the Isle kids come together to finally take back what’s theirs. I have read a lot of Descendants fix-its because canon stinks sometimes, and this is one of my favorites. What I liked most about this story was how, instead of bringing the Isle kids to Auradon, the VKs return to the Isle and make it better. This is the Descendants 3 movie I wanted to see. Chill_with_Penguins’s version of Mal is everything: badass, powerful, ruthless, and magical, but still wanting to do right by her people. This fic hurt, but in the best way. Warnings: descriptions of violence, references to abuse, PTSD, swearing Ships: Ben/Mal, Mal/Evie  
Promises Broken by GleekMom (M, 93,061 words, complete)  Blaine is removed from his home after CPS finds out that his parents have been abusing him. Blaine goes into foster care and then to Sydney House, a group home for LGBTQ+ youth. While he’s there, he learns that sometimes family can be found in unexpected places. I really liked how Kurt and Blaine’s relationship and Blaine’s relationship with New Directions is portrayed in this: they struggle and make mistakes because they’re teenagers dealing with very serious matters, but they right their wrongs and make it through in the end. I also really liked how Chess the musical was integrated into the story. This story deals with some very heavy topics; please heed the warnings and please be careful.  Warnings: graphic descriptions of abuse and domestic violence, discussions of past underage prostitution, implied sexual content, graphic descriptions of panic attacks, drug and alcohol use, homophobia, divorce Ships: Kurt/Blaine, Burt/Carole, background Finchel 
Straight Campby foraworldundeserving (T, 138,520 words, complete) Nick and Jeff (the Warblers) and Blaine are sent to Wildwood Springs Health Camp for the summer. Will they make it out, or will this experience destroy them forever? Sarah does an amazing job of fleshing out Nick and Jeff, developing their relationship, and balancing very heavy angst with friendship and even some romance. I also really love the OCs Scott and James, they are some of the best-developed OCs I’ve read. This is an incredibly sad story, though it does have a happy ending. This story is set at a conversion therapy camp and deals with very heavy themes, so please be careful. Warnings: graphic descriptions of abuse and domestic violence, graphic descriptions of self-harm, graphic descriptions of attempted suicide, graphic descriptions of panic attacks, descriptions of drug addiction and past underage drug use, homophobia, bullying, conversion therapy Ships: Nick/Jeff, OMC / OMC
We’ve Got Tonight by katjandante (T, 23,895 words, complete) “Kurt tries to measure Finn’s life in love, but it’s so much harder than he remembers it being.” Kurt, Blaine, New Directions, and the Hudmels come together to remember Finn and mourn his death. I know there are a lot of fics about Finn’s death out there, but for me this one was different. It gave me closure in a way that many other fics didn’t, and it was so easy to connect with the characters’ struggles. This fic is emotional and raw and it feels very real. I shed many tears while reading this.  Warnings: major character death, sexual content, underage drinking, homophobia Ships: Kurt/Blaine, Burt/Carole 
Harry Potter 
He Will Have Powers the Dark Lord Knows Not by dirgewithoutmusic (@ink-splotch) (NR, 11,809 words, complete) What if Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, had been born a Squib? Harry Potter cannot do magic, but you don’t need magic or powers to teach or play Quidditch or make friends. In this world, Harry is still friends with Ron and Hermione, and he still plays Quidditch and sneaks around school under an Invisibility Cloak and saves the day year after year. There are many things in this magical world that don’t require magic at all. But Harry also befriends Anthony Goldstein, whose big sister is a Squib, and instead of using magic he uses theory and books. Harry learns you don’t have to have magic or powers to be a hero, even if you are the Chosen One. I love Inky’s exploration of the nature of magic and how it can be both inherent and earned through hard work and studying. I especially love how Harry’s relationships with Filch and Mrs. Figg change when they and Harry have more in common.  Warnings: canon-typical violence, mentions of abuse, bullying   Ships: Ron/Hermione  
Look Beyond What You See by hachoo (K+, 59,561 words, complete) Deathly Hallows from the point of view of Fred and George. After the Battle of Little Whinging, it becomes clear that there is more to George’s ear injury than meets the eye. Fred and George have to learn how to cope with the side effects of George’s missing ear and the realities of war. I love how hachoo portrays Fred and George’s relationship and keeps their sense of humor without forgetting that they’re nineteen-year-olds who voluntarily join a war. Fred and George are given a lot of depth that I think they were missing in the books, and it was really nice to read them as well-rounded characters. I cry every time I read this, even though I know exactly what’s going to happen.  Warnings: major character death, canon-typical violence, descriptions of blood and injuries Ships: None  
Stay Ahead and Stay Alive by aletterinthenameofsanity (T, 16,737 words, complete)  Ron Weasley, a sixth son of a seventh son, grows up in his brothers’ shadows: Bill is a curse breaker; Charlie a Quidditch star and dragon tamer; Percy Prefect and Head Boy and Ministry official; Fred and George are businessmen and inventors. No matter how hard he tries, Ron always falls short of living up to his brothers. When he comes to Hogwarts, he finally has the chance to change his fate and do something for himself: Ron Weasley becomes the first Weasley in three generations to be Sorted into anything but Gryffindor. This is a fantastic take on Slytherin Ron: he gets to exist and find himself outside of his family and Harry and the war, and I feel like he truly lives up to his potential instead of being side-lined. Aletterinthenameofsanity writes Slytherins so well, giving them personalities and traditions and development beyond being evil blood-supremacists.  Warnings: None  Ships: Ron/Viktor Krum, Ron/Blaise Zabini, background Draco/Harry, background Percy/Marcus Flint, background Tracey Davis/OFC
The Heir of Something or Other by dirgewithoutmusic (NR,  14,305words, complete) When Harry Potter is under the Sorting Hat, he doesn’t whisper “Not, Slytherin, not Slytherin.” Instead of Gryffindor, the Boy Who Lived is Sorted into Slytherin. Harry’s path is not easy, and at times he considers running back to Privet Drive. This world is much like the one where Harry Potter wears red and gold on his robes: Snape still hates him, and Draco Malfoy is still a bully, and Harry still saves the day year after year. However, when Harry overhears that there’s a girl crying in the bathroom when there’s a troll on the loose, he isn’t the only one who hesitates: Millicent Bullstrode hesitates, too. In this world, Slytherins fight side-by-side with Ravenclaws, Gryffindors, and Hufflepuffs, and old grudges are finally put aside. I really love this take on Slytherin Harry, and I really like the parallels between Dumbledore’s relationship with Tom Riddle and Dumbledore’s relationship with Harry. Harry as a Slytherin gives more depth to his relationship with Tom Riddle and Dumbledore, and it feels like Dumbledore is seeing Harry as Tom Riddle and thus makes the same mistakes.  Warnings: major character death, mentions of abuse, bullying   Ships: None
The Life and Times by Jewels5 (M, 613,762 words, complete) The tale of James and Lily’s sixth and seventh years at Hogwarts, how they joined the Order of the Phoenix, and how they went from enemies to friends to lovers. I really liked how Jewels wrote James and Lily and the Marauders’ dynamic: true to the little we know about them from the books, but fleshed out into full characters. Jewels gives all the characters personalities and backstories, even more minor characters like Lily’s parents. Jewels’s OCs are also extremely well-written and developed into full characters with their own plots and personalities (I especially loved Donna Shacklebolt).  Warnings: canon-typical violence, graphic descriptions of attempted suicide, implied sexual content, minor character death Ships: James/Lily, Frank/Alice, James/OFC, Lily/OMC 
The Marauders Get Sorted by byebyebluejay (G, 4,356 words, complete) Remus Lupin has never had a friend before, and he’s the first werewolf to ever attend Hogwarts. Needless to say, he’s pretty anxious. After a terrible train ride, Remus is Sorted into Gryffindor, the House for the brave at heart, and meets Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and James Potter. I loved this glimpse into the origin of the Marauders.  Warnings: descriptions of panic attacks  Ships: pre-Remus/Sirius
How to Get Away With Murder 
The Art of Holding On by IronicAppreciation (NR, 5,143 words, complete)  Somehow, between the murders and the law school competition and her father’s drama, Laurel found something she didn’t expect: a family. She’s not sure when Micaela, Oliver, Connor, and Asher became more than classmates and coworkers, but here they are, sitting in their decrepit house at four in the morning, falling asleep on the couch because they can’t be bothered to go upstairs. The found-family dynamic we all deserved from season 5.  Warnings: mentions of past violence, swearing  Ships: Connor/Oliver, Laurel/Frank, past Laurel/Wes 
Safety Net by a_good_soldier (T, 1,281 words, complete) After Murder Night 2.0 at the Hapstall mansion, Connor and Michaela show up at Connor and Oliver’s apartment, scared out of their minds and barely holding it together. Even though he has no idea what’s going on, Oliver tries his best to take care of Connor and Michaela. I liked how Frank filled in some of the missing scenes from 02x09 and dove into the effects Annalise and Sinclair’s murder had on Connor and Michaela.  Warnings: canon-typical violence, panic attacks, ableist language (crazy, insane, etc)  Ships: Connor/Oliver  
Julie and the Phantoms 
Are You for Me or Against Me (Hold Yourself Against Me) by siriuslyrose (@siriuslyrose) (G, 14,094 words, complete) Modern everybody lives/nobody dies AU in which Caleb adopted Willie. Five times Alex thought Caleb hated him, and one time he was proven wrong. I love Mel’s writing, and this does not disappoint. Mel does a great job of integrating Carrie and Bobby into the group and creating the character of good dad Caleb. Also I love Willie’s dog. Warnings: descriptions of panic attacks, homophobia, swearing  Ships: Alex/Willie, Flynn/Carrie, Bobby/Reggie, Julie/Luke
Far Away From Hurt Is Where Healing Occurs by chickwiththepurpleguitar (@chickwiththepurpleguitar) (G, 12,299 words, complete) After the Orpheum, Julie has to explain to Ray that there are three sort-of-ghosts living in their studio. Luckily, Ray is the best dad ever, but when caring for the boys means forgiving Bobby/Trevor Wilson, Ray finds it a little harder than he expected. Sometimes time really does heal all wounds. I love how Lilly explores the relationship between Bobby/Trevor, Ray, and Rose, as well as the relationships between Luke, Alex, and Reggie and their parents. Warnings: homophobia  Ships: Julie/Luke, Alex/Willie 
First Things First by Irratia (@on-irratia) (NR, 8,670 words, complete) Modern everybody lives/nobody dies AU. Three firsts in Alex and Willie’s relationship: meeting the parents, sharing clothes, and sharing a bed. This is a lot of fluff and it’s so sweet. I love supportive Molinas/found family, and this fic delivers. Warnings: panic attacks, homophobia  Ships: Alex/Willie
Gave Me No Compasses, Gave Me No Signs by weneedglitter (@weneedglitter) (G, 5,611 words, complete) After the Orpheum, Julie discovers her powers go beyond magic hugs, and the bond she has with Alex, Reggie, and Luke is stronger than she thought. This is pretty similar to Know That It’s Probably Magic by thessalonike (starblessed) (it was inspired by that fic), but the premise is just different enough to make it special. I really loved Morgan’s take on the Orpheum and how Julie was able to pull the boys to her. Warnings: None Ships: pre-Julie/Luke, pre-Alex/Willie 
Give Me Something to Hold On To by sunsetcurbed (@sunsetcurbed) (T, 47,148 words, complete) Modern everybody lives/nobody dies AU. As Kay puts it, “Alex and Willie meet young, fall in love young, and fall apart young. But some things have a way of making sure they’re meant to be in the end.” I was hesitant on this one at first, because I don’t usually go for breakup stories, but Kay’s writing won me over. This story is so well thought-out and beautifully written, and Kay captures the emotions of a breakup perfectly. As you might expect, this is a sad story, but I promise the end is happy. Warnings: alcohol use  Ships: Alex/Willie, Julie/Luke, Wille/OMC
Heaven Has Got Nothing On Us by spiral_the_pretzel (T, 5,072 words, complete) After he dies, Willie realizes he can’t see color. For five years his world is black and white: until he meets Caleb Covington. Willie joins the Hollywood Ghost Club with the promise of getting color back, but soon realizes it’s not at all what he thought it would be. Rainy gives a very interesting take on how and why Willie joined the Hollywood Ghost Club. This is a fascinating take on the relationship between Willie and Caleb Covington. Warnings: character death, discussions of death Ships: Alex/Willie
How Long Till My Soul Gets It Right by partyghost (Arokel) (G, 1,351 words, complete) Willie spends his life looking at the stars, knowing he’s destined to uncover the secrets of the universe and maybe even get a constellation named after him. But he dies before he ever gets the chance. This is probably my very favorite Willie fic ever. This story gave me Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe vibes (that’s a compliment, I love that book). Warnings: character death, car accident  Ships: Alex/Willie
I’d Fall Anywhere With You by novaquill (NR, 59,297 words, complete) Everyone has a soulmate, except for Alex…or at least that’s what he thinks. The boys of Sunset Curve learn that soulmates can be found in unexpected places, and sometimes the soulmates that really matter are the ones you choose yourself. It’s not until after he dies that Alex realizes a mark has finally appeared on his skin. I love a good soulmate AU, and this did not disappoint. I loved this fic because it explores the boys of Sunset Curve’s friendship and how best friends can be your soulmates. Warnings: major character death, discussions of death, implied/referenced abuse, homophobia  Ships: Julie/Luke, Alex/Willie 
Know That It’s Probably Magic by thessalonike (starblessed) (@julies-butterflies) (T, 4,652 words, complete) “A study in grief, loneliness, and the nature of haunting.” Julie thought Alex, Luke, and Reggie were haunting her house, but Flynn might be onto something when she says the boys are haunting Julie. This realization brings Julie’s world crashing down. They can’t be haunting her, right? This fic is beautiful and deep and perfectly written to be emotional without being over the top. There are amazing Double Trouble moments, and Flynn especially is very well-written. Warnings: discussions of death  Ships: None
Lie a Little Better by @willexxmercer (NR, SMAU on Tumblr, complete) Modern everybody lives/nobody dies AU. Alex needs a getaway from the hectic Hollywood life, so he goes to a resort in Canada. While there, he falls for Willie Covington, nephew of Caleb Covington and the one person Julie and the Phantoms swore to stay away from. When Caleb finds out about Alex and Willie, well, you can imagine what happens. I love this SMAU because it’s sweet but also suspenseful and keeps you wanting more. Kit is masterful at the cliffhanger and makes you really, really hate Caleb Covington. Warnings: manipulation  Ships: Alex/Willie
My Safest Place to Hide by @willexxmercer (NR, SMAU on Tumblr, complete) A Willex modern everybody lives/nobody dies AU. When Alex gets sick on their honeymoon, Willie must put his worries about Caleb and the gossip columns aside to take care of him. With Caleb threatening to make Willie’s life worse, Willie learns to lean on his husband and friends and accept their help for once. Kit does a great job of world-building using only texts and social media, and each chapter leaves you wanting more. Lots of sweet Willex moments and hating Caleb Covington moments. I also love Kit’s OCs. Warnings: implied/referenced abuse   Ships: Alex/Willie, Julie/Luke, Bobby/Reggie, Flynn/Carrie/OFC
Raw Nerves Can’t Kill Me (But God Do They Want To) by HearJessRoar (@hearjessroar) (G, 1,083 words, complete) Julie has a bad day, and it’s up to Flynn and the boys to cheer her up. I love Jess’s portrayal of the friendship between Julie and Flynn and the boys, it’s so sweet and the boys just want to help. Warnings: None Ships: pre-Julie/Luke
Spider, Beetle, Bee by by WhatsYourNameMan (@wr0temyway0ut) (T, 8,970 words, complete) Alex and Bobby—though they aren’t Alex and Bobby yet—meet for the first time on the playground in kindergarten. From there, they become each other’s best friend and favorite person. They’re inseparable, and not even death can tear them apart. I saw Jamie (@bright-patterson)’s art on Tumblr and knew this would hurt going in, and yet I still cried the entire time I read it. I really love Rio’s handling of Bobby/Trevor: acknowledging what he did (and giving a reason that’s not “he’s a terrible person”), allowing the boys to forgive him, and making him a part of the family again. Bobby is depicted as just as valued and important to Sunset Curve as Alex, Luke, and Reggie. I promise it’s not all sad: there are so many moments of joy and friendship to balance the heartbreak. It’s Not Sunset Cis Either is essentially canon in my mind and Netflix can’t tell me otherwise. (You will need an A03 account to read this) Warnings: major character death, implied/referenced abuse, transphobia, homophobia, dysphoria, some misgendering and dead naming, drug and alcohol use, grief, swearing  Ships: Alex/Luke, Alex/Willie 
The Spotlight’s Your Hiding Place by WhatsYourNameMan (NR, SMAU on Tumblr, complete) Enemies-to-lovers modern AU. Nick, Willie, and Bobby are in Julie and the Phantoms’ rival band. After discovering that Caleb Covington has been abusing Nick, Willie, and Bobby, JATP comes together to help their rivals escape Caleb’s control. Full of drama and angst, but also the fluffy moments Rio does so well. Each chapter left me on the edge of my seat and wanting more.  Warnings: descriptions of abuse  Ships: Alex/Willie, Bobby/Reggie, Flynn/Carrie, Julie/Luke
Lab Rats/Lab Rats: Elite Force (Disney XD)
Because Family Matters by scribbler123 (T, 150,514 words, complete) A series of one-shots exploring Chase’s relationship with his wacky, wonderful, loud, bionic family. I really liked how scribbler123 looks at the relationship between Chase and Spike and makes Spike his own character rather than just a glitch in Chase’s bionics.  Warnings: canon-typical violence, bullying  Ships: None 
Cacophony by Duck_Life (T, 26,209 words, complete)  During “Taken,” Bree is captured by Krane and turned into one of his bionic  soldiers. Nine months later, Krane is defeated and the Triton App is disabled. Bree must reconnect with her family while reconstructing the past nine months and making peace with what she did. I really like how Bree’s character is written and how Duck_Life explores the relationships between Bree and the rest of the Davenport-Dooley family. Bree’s struggles aren’t watered-down, she faces real problems and has to confront and process the trauma of the nine months she was under Krane’s control. Warnings: canon-typical violence, character death, PTSD  Ships: pre-Leo/Taylor
‘Cause It Feels so Frightening (Hits Me Like a Bolt of Lightning) by aletterinthenameofsanity (M, 5,407 words, complete) They’re heroes, they’re saviors of the President and princes and the world itself. They’re the best humanity—and Caldera—has to offer. But they’re also survivors, lovers, children, and they’ll do what it takes to protect those they love. When Chase and Kaz are captured by shapeshifters and a death rattles the Elite Force, the world learns what its heroes are truly capable of. I love Tasha's protectiveness and how this fic touches on the Lab Rats' relationship with Donald. Honestly he's not the best father, and I liked how this fic acknowledges that and the darker side of the show. Sometimes the show and the fandom forget that a lot of the characters are essentially child soldiers, especially the Academy students who were never given a choice but to be Krane's soldiers or Donald's heroes. Arguably, Adam, Bree, and Chase were never given a choice either—they could have (and did) walk away, but they're guilted into coming back. I love Chase and Kaz's relationship and Bree and S-1’s relationship—neither are ships I was ever really into, but I am now sold on them. I suggest reading part two of the Dares to Claim the Sky series first. (You will need an AO3 account to read this)  Warnings: major character death, graphic descriptions of violence, graphic descriptions of abuse, descriptions of torture, implied sexual content Ships: Bree/S-1, Chase/Kaz, past Chase/Sebastian, past Kaz/OMC,
Rat in a Cage by Duck_Life (T, 5,016 words, complete) Adam, Bree, and Chase are taken by the government in “You Posted What.” Bree tries to stay hopeful that the government agents will see that they’re on the same team, but it’s hard to believe when every day brings new struggles and horrors. Meanwhile, with the Lab Rats in a detention facility and Donald in jail, it’s up to Leo to convince the public that his family should be let go. I really like this take on the Lab Rats being taken by the government. Discovery was the biggest threat on the show before Krane, but if the Lab Rats had been taken it would have been “Disney-fied.” I like how Duck_Life’s take is realistic without going over the top or being gory.  Warnings: descriptions of torture, imprisonment Ships: None
Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo
A Flashback and a Film Reel by ybeecharmer (@yrbeecharmer) (M, 62,000+ words, incomplete)  Ten years after the Second Giant War and seven years after Nico broke Will’s heart, Nico goes on a mission to the Ancient Lands with Percy. Only to turn up, injured and fading, on Will’s doorstep. Will and Nico learned long ago to expect the unexpected, but this was not part of either of their plans. Apparently the Fates or the gods or someone had other ideas. I liked how Will and Nico get to process both their relationship and break-up as well as all their trauma from life as demigods. Katherine gave a really good, in-character reason for Nico breaking up with Will, and I also liked their reasons for having Will be where he is in his life as well (no spoilers!).  Warnings: graphic descriptions of self-harm, alcohol and drug use, implied/referenced sexual content, PTSD, depression, swearing  Ships: Nico/Will, past Will/OFC, past Will/OMC, past Will/Connor Stoll, past Nico/OMC
Altri Cinque Minuti (Five More Minutes) by AthenaFire (T, 17,646 words, complete)  Mortal/real world AU. Will, Nico, and the others attend Chase-Dare University together. Each winter, they make a trip to Rachel’s house in New York. They call the trip Saturnalia, after their old camp director Mr. Brunner’s obsession with Greek mythology. This is mostly fluff and friendship, but there is some angst too. I really liked the friendship and Solangelo moments in this (also Nico with Estelle is the cutest thing). Warnings: discussions of death, swearing Ships: Percy/Annabeth, Nico/Will, Frank/Hazel, Leo/Calypso, Sally/Paul    
As the Ichor Flows by Phrophetsam (@phrophetsam) (T, 32,000+ words, incomplete)  After they return from Tartarus and win the Second Giant War, Percy and Annabeth are not the same. They are angrier, darker, and more powerful than ever. Told by friends and enemies and family, this is how two of Olympus’s greatest heroes destroy the very beings they were meant to protect. I love dark Percabeth, and boy does Phrophetsam deliver. I am 100% of the opinion that if Percy really wanted to, he could bring the gods down by himself (and if Luke had managed to sway him the Titans would have won the war, but I digress). Percy only becomes more deadly when he’s fighting with or for Annabeth. I especially liked Phrophetsam’s interpretation of the Olympians and their views on Percabeth turning against them. Warnings: major character death, graphic descriptions of violence,  implied sexual content Ships: Percy/Annabeth, Nico/Will, Frank/Hazel  
Bloodlines by peachsocks (@peachhsocks) (T, 61,512 words, complete)  After the Second Giant War, Percy returns to Camp Half-Blood after avoiding his friends (and everything demigod) for a year. Exhausted and traumatized from the past six years, Percy thought this month at Camp would be a time to reconnect and take a break from quests. Joke’s on him for thinking the gods would ever change. When he, Nico, and Thalia have the same dream about a group of young demigods, Percy is forced to deal with everything he’s been through and stop pushing his family away. I love how peachsocks gives Percy (and the others, especially Annabeth and Nico) a more realistic reaction to everything that happened during Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus. Warnings: canon-typical violence, graphic descriptions of panic attacks, minor character death Ships: Percy/Annabeth, Nico/Will, pre-Piper/Thalia
Gods at the Dawning of the World by FractalBeliefs (M, 34,587 words, complete)  A Solangelo AU based on The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. After the Second Giant War, the demigods of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter find themselves at war with each other. Nico tries to stop the war, but can he keep history from repeating himself? After all, war is what demigods seem to do best. I’d read The Iliad and The Song of Achilles before I read this. I knew exactly what was going to happen. I still cried for half of this story. The parallels between the stories of Achilles and Patroclus and Nico and Will are very well done: subtle but not so subtle that they go right over the reader's head, but also not forced or obvious.  Warnings: major character death, graphic descriptions of violence, implied sexual content, discussions of anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, and Nazis Ships: Percy/Annabeth, Nico/Will
How Icarus Fell From the Sun by fictionbyanyothernamewouldsmellassweet (T, 57,942 words, complete)  “Nico felt like Icarus. Fly too close to the sun, and your wings will melt. Fly too close to the sea, your wings will grow heavy.” Nico swore he wouldn’t let anyone in—the last time he had done that was with Bianca, and she had joined the Hunters and died and left him alone with a broken heart. He tried to let Percy in, only to fly too close to the sea and drown. Then he met Will, and, against his better judgment, Nico decided to fly too close to the sun. I loved how fictionbyanyothernamewouldsmellassweet gave Nico and Will's relationship a realistic (and very in-character) progression and depth that the books kind of skipped over. I also really enjoyed how they incorporated Icarus and Plato's soulmates into Nico's story. I feel like Nico's trauma and everything he went through went unaddressed and under-appreciated in the books for the most part, and it was nice to see it acknowledged and how it has impacted every facet of Nico's life and character. Warnings: canon-typical violence, homophobia, outing of a gay character, character death Ships: Nico/Will 
Of Gods and Men by plottingalong (@plottingalong) (T, 39,687 words, complete)  The old order is changing: the rules are different, old gods are awakening. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, must come to terms with his own mortality…or lack of it. Plottingalong does an amazing job of showing how Percy’s relationships with his family, his friends, the Olympians, and even Camp Half-Blood itself change as he does. This is the best take on Percy becoming a god I have ever read. Plottingalong explores the nature of immortality within the PJO universe and really brings a different view of Percy’s godhood. Percy the god is different from—but still, in so many ways, the same as—Percy the hero, and I love how Plottingalong explores that. The story is grounded in the mythology of the PJO universe, but also ties up some loose ends in the universe really well. Warnings: major character death, canon-typical violence, discussions of death Ships: Percy/Annabeth, background Nico/Will, background Frank/Hazel, background Sally/Paul 
Percy Jackson, Son of Aphrodite by wysteriaxx (NR, 34,000+ words, incomplete) “A half-blood of the eldest gods/Shall reach 16 against all odds/And see the world in endless sleep/The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap/A single choice shall end his days/Olympus to preserve or raze.” Everyone knows this prophecy. Everyone assumes it means a child of the Big Three—but there is one Olympian who is just as old: Aphrodite. I really liked this different take both on the Great Prophecy and on children of Aphrodite. Aside from Piper (and maybe Selina and Drew), Aphrodite’s children are generally pretty shallow in the Percy Jackson universe. This fic goes beyond cabin stereotypes and allows the children of Aphrodite to be more than just gossipers.  Warnings: canon-typical violence Ships: Percy/Annabeth, Nico/Will, Jason/Piper, Selina/Beckendorf, Sally Jackson/Poseidon  
Slowly Dying by Valkyrie_Kain (NR, 66,000+ words, incomplete)  Pain and suffering have always been Nico’s best teachers. After the Giant War and his stay in the infirmary, Nico takes what little parts of him still remain and waits for his inevitable death. Unfortunately for him, Will Solace, Clarisse La Rue, and Salem, daughter of Dionysus, are more stubborn than he thought. Though not even all of Will and Salem’s magic can fix everything. My favorite thing about this fic is that Nico is given the chance to process his trauma on his own and with support—a lot of fics I’ve read kind of rush his healing process or make Will the cure-all for Nico’s trauma. Nico comes to want to work though his trauma rather than have it forced upon him. I also loved how Clarisse gets to shine: the books paint her as a bully and little else, and I liked seeing a different side of her. The two main OFCs, a daughter of Dionysus and a daughter of Aphrodite, are amazing. Aphrodite’s children are often one-dimensional and shallow, and Dionysus’s kids get barely a footnote. I especially liked Valkyrie_Kain's exploration of the “madness” aspect of Dionysus.  Warnings: graphic descriptions of violence, graphic descriptions of self-harm, graphic descriptions of panic attacks, PTSD, eating disorders, discussions of death, underage drinking, discussions of sex  Ships: Nico/Will, OFC / OFC
The Great Techno-Pop Debate of 2011 by cali-chant (girls_are_weird) (@girls-are-weird) (T, 5,500 words, complete)  When Will, Kayla, and Austin learn that Nico’s favorite genre of music is techno-pop, to say they’re shocked is an understatement. Who would have guessed that Nico di Angelo, the son of Hades who dresses exclusively in black, doesn’t have eau du MCR running through his veins? So they take it upon themselves to introduce Nico to emo music. There’s a little bit of angst, but this is pure fluff for the most part. I liked Cali’s use of Austin’s POV and the way they had Nico explain how he relates to “Welcome to the Black Parade” but doesn’t really like emo music.  Warnings: discussions of death, mentions of fascism  Ships: Nico/Will 
The Logistics of Falling in Love by Fl_utterby (T, 72,000 words, complete)  College/mortal AU. If asked, Nico would say he isn’t a romantic. Will would say the same about himself (except they both totally are). If asked again, Nico would say Will is definitely not in love with him, no way. Will would say the same about Nico (except they’re both very wrong). This is the story of how they fell in love, told through books, music, and steady employment. I really liked Nico’s progression from someone who is kind of a jerk and won’t let people in to someone who is proud of himself and working to let people in again. The character and relationship development Nico and Will go through is so well-done. Warnings: None  Ships: Nico/Will, Percy/Annabeth, Frank/Hazel, Jason/Piper, Piper/OFC 
Too Much Too Soon (And Now You’re Coming Unglued) by buoyanysaturn (@buoyantsaturn) (T, 22,342 words, complete)  College/mortal AU. When Will meets Nico freshman year, he thinks Nico is the love of his life. Then things go bad and Will can’t be around Nico without crying or fighting with him, and Will has to change his entire life. Three years later, it’s Will and Nico’s final semester of college and Will is finally forced to take that dreaded math class—only Nico’s in the class too, and worse the two end up being project partners. Feelings get in the way, and before they know it Will and Nico are secretly dating again. I love CJ’s writing so much, and they do a really good job of showing Will’s more overbearing side and demonstrating how that impacts his relationship with Nico. Will and Nico’s relationship is far from perfect, and I like how CJ gives them time apart to come to terms with what happened and grow as people.  Warnings: implied/referenced sexual content, mentions of internalized homophobia, mentions of outing of a gay character Ships: Nico/Will 
What if Percy Did Become a God? by The Secret Life of a Fangirl (K+, 1,322 words, complete) More character study than plot, this explores what might have happened if Percy had taken Zeus up on his offer at the end of TheLast Olympian.  Warnings: None  Ships: Percy/Annabeth 
Would You Wait for Me as I Long for You by buoyanysaturn (T, 48,938 words, complete)  After the events of The Tower of Nero, Hades gives Nico a task—and an ultimatum—that takes him away from Camp Half-Blood for three years. Now that Nico has returned to camp, he needs to face what he’s done and the rest of Camp Half-Blood—not to mention a very angry and hurt Will Solace. I really like how CJ writes Nico: the same person we all know and love, but beaten down by everything he’s been through and just wanting to do right by the people he loves. I also really like Drew in this fic: she’s more than the bully Lost Hero makes her out to be, and she really helps Nico. CJ has officially started my obsession with the “Nico disappears for a long time and comes back miraculously out of the blue” trope. Warnings: graphic descriptions of self-harm, graphic descriptions of panic attacks, character death, canon-typical violence  Ships: Nico/Will 
Ex Nunc by orphan_account (NR, 10,038 words, complete)  Death is the beginning and the end. Neutrality. He’s been around as long as God, though neither of them can remember who was created first. Death is lonely, doomed to carry the weight of all the souls he takes. The other Horsemen can take some of the burden, but sometimes even they aren’t enough. Or Team Free Will (and Crowley) as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. I really like how this fic incorporates canon relationships into the AU (I especially like how Dean and Benny’s relationship is portrayed).  Warnings: canon-typical violence, character death, grief   Ships: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Jess, Dean/Benny
Free Falling by malagenabolakaful (T, 5,731 words, complete) Episodes 15x18-15x20 from Sam’s point of view. First Sam lost Cas, then Jack, and now Dean. His entire family gone, Sam spirals out of control—and never stops. He tries to live a normal life like Dean wanted, but it’s harder than it was when he left for Stanford or even that year with Amy. This is the best finale fic I’ve read and captures my feelings about episodes 15x18-15x20 perfectly. Malagenabolakaful gives Sam his voice back and explains why he chose a wife and kid and “normal” while still keeping in line with canon. This is a very, very sad story. Not a fix-it or AU.  Warnings: major character death, canon-typical violence, graphic descriptions of panic attacks Ships: Sam/Eileen, mentions of Dean/Castiel, Sam/Mystery Wife 
Frostbite by abcdefuk-off (@abcedfuk-off) (T, 111,000+ words, incomplete)  When Sam was fourteen, he got severe frostbite that resulted in permanent nerve damage in his hands. This makes hunting difficult and sends Dean’s protective instincts into overdrive. Set in season one with pre-series flashbacks, this story is full of brotherly bonding and action as Sam and Dean work a case. I love all of Sam’s works, especially their episode tags.  Warnings: canon-typical violence Ships: None
Hello My Old Heart by AndSoIWrite (T, 42,000+ words, incomplete)  The story of how Bobby met Sam and Dean, and how they wormed their way into the old hunter’s heart. I love how Bobby is pretty clueless when it comes to kids (Sam’s five and Dean’s nine in this story), but he really tries his best to do right by Sam and Dean. Warnings: references to abuse and neglect Ships: None
Measure My Life in Coffee Cups by KCS (T, 27,195 words, complete)  Ten significant cups of coffee in Sam’s life, from hunting with John and Dean to leaving for Stanford to reuniting with his brother and everything that comes after. KCS takes a creative approach to showing Sam and Dean over the years—the coffee theme ties everything together so well, and the snapshots are extremely well-written. The final deleted scene (post-series end) is so good and arguably better than the ending we got (this fic was written after S10 aired, for context).  Warnings: major character death, canon-typical violence Ships: Sam/Jessica
The Winchester Three by insearchofcheez (T, 166,934 words, complete) Six months after Sam leaves Stanford, Sam and Dean get a call: their sister Laney is in trouble. They race off to help her, only to find things aren’t exactly as they left them. Turns out Laney has abilities of her own—abilities which might get her killed. I love Laney as a character, and I love how she and the boys interact. Insearchofcheez does a great job of incorporating Laney’s story and abilities into canon. Warnings: major character death, implied/referenced rape, canon-typical violence, underage drug use, hospitals Ships: None
Trialculosis Sam by fogsrollingin (@fogsrollingin) (T, 115,000+ words, incomplete) The long, drawn-out, AU version of Sam taking on the Trials. Set after the second Trial, this story follows Sam and Dean (and later Kevin) as they struggle to come to terms with Sam’s impending death and try to alleviate the effects of the Trials. I enjoyed this different take on the Trials and how Alexandria upped the stakes. I also liked how Alexandria changed the third Trial to make it more exciting and dangerous.  Warnings: canon-typical violence, illness Ships: None
The Maze Runner
Tommy by Marcellebell (@marcellebell) (T, 39,000+ words, incomplete)  Twelve-year-old Thomas must face the realities of the Glade while dealing with the fact that someone—or many someones—wants him dead. I love how the relationship between Thomas and Newt and Minho is portrayed in this fic. I also really liked how Marcie changed the story so Thomas and Teresa are brother and sister instead of love interests.  Warnings: major character death, canon-typical violence, descriptions of abuse, descriptions of panic attacks, mentions of suicide Ships: None 
The Mortal Instruments/Shadowhunters (TV) 
A Shared Life (The Male Drabble Alphabet) by RadientWings (@radientwings) (T, 35,798 words, complete) Getting together hadn’t been easy, so why would it be any different once their relationship is out in the open? Well, turns out staying in a relationship is both harder—and more enjoyable—than getting in one. An A to Z series of snapshots about Magnus and Alec’s relationship and life together. I love Magnus and Alec’s relationship so much, and RadientWings does a great job of bringing them to life.  Warnings: canon-typical violence, implied/referenced sexual content Ships: Alec/Magnus, background Clary/Jace
Forever and Always by ninwrites (@ninwrites) (G, 10,048 words, complete) Alec loves Magnus and wants to spend the rest of his life with him. Of course, in true Alec fashion, he doubts whether Magnus wants that too. Luckily, Alec has Jace and Izzy to talk him out of thinking Magnus wants anything less than to spend the rest of Alec’s life with him. I love a good proposal story, and I love Malec and everything they stand for. I love supportive parabatai, and Nin writes Jace and Alec’s dynamic so well. This story is so sweet and I smiled the entire time I read it.  Warnings: None  Ships: Alec/Magnus, mentioned Isabell/Simon, mentioned Clary/Jace 
I Was Born to Tell You I Love You by Ayanfe (@lacascabel) (T, 2,611 words, complete)  “Isabelle has just turned sixteen when she asks Alec a question that breaks his heart. Isabelle is nineteen when Alec tells her something she didn't know she needed to hear.” Alec never thought of Izzy as insecure: she wore makeup like armor and she always had control and confidence. Turns out, she’s more insecure than he thought. Good thing Alec, Jace, and Clary are there to remind her she’s loved. I really liked how Ayanfe writes Alec and Izzy’s dynamic and gives Izzy some more depth as a character. She’s always portrayed as very confident and self- assured (and she is), and I liked seeing this different side of her.  Warnings: None  Ships: Isabell/Simon
The Umbrella Academy (TV)
I’ll Never Ask for More by lunalou (@lunal0u) (G, 7,142 words, complete) Klaus has been gone for three days, supposedly doing “extra training” with Dad. None of them have ever gone on extra training this long, and Diego and the others start to worry. Diego never does find out exactly what happened to Klaus, but maybe he and Ben can keep Klaus from falling apart when he returns. I really liked the exploration of the relationship between Diego, Klaus, and Ben—they’re kind of the odd ones out (Allison and Luther have each other, as a child Viktor supposedly has no powers, and Five thinks he doesn’t need anyone), and the three of them have a unique relationship because of that.  Warnings: underage drug use, character death, mentions of abuse, Ships: None 
No Rest for the Wicked by InvitingNonsenseWorld (T, 30,054 words, complete)  After stopping the apocalypse, Klaus is totally fine. Being sober doesn’t suck, he’ll get to talk to Dave again, and he can handle the nightmares. No need to get the others involved, not when they have Viktor to focus on. Klaus is getting by fine on his own…until he isn’t. I really like how InvitingNonsenseWorld showcases the relationships between Klaus and the rest of the Hargreeves and gives them the time and space to confront their problems.  Warnings: implied/referenced abuse, alcohol and drug use, smoking, blood and injuries, discussions of death, Ships: Klaus/Dave
Say It One More Time (That the Universe Was Made for My Eyes) by CursedWonders (@cursedwonders) (T, 3,038 words, complete)  Before Ben died, he taught Klaus the constellations from the Academy rooftop. They would listen to music and gaze at the stars and pretend the ghosts that always followed Klaus didn’t exist. Then Ben dies and Klaus doesn’t know how to cope. Good thing he’s really good at pretending. Klaus and Ben have such a unique relationship, and I liked how this fic explores that. I love the song “Saturn” by Sleeping at Last (which is where the title comes from), it’s such a beautiful song and it fits this fic so well. Warnings: major character death, underage drug use Ships: None
Tell My Father (This is My Life) by aletterinthenameofsanity (M, 38,682 words, complete)  Ben pushes Klaus to convince Luther to let Viktor out of the cage in the basement. This changes everything: the apocalypse doesn’t happen, Klaus stays sober, and the Hargreeves siblings can finally begin to heal. I really loved how aletterinthenameofsanity explores each of the Hargreeves’ pasts and their powers, especially Allison and Five, whose sections were my favorites. Allison’s in particular gave the character so much depth and made her more relatable—her powers allow her to alter reality, and it was interesting to see how that would impact her throughout her life. I loved reading these characters exist and live and thrive without an apocalypse. Note: this was written before S3 came out, so Viktor is still Vanya.  Warnings: major character death, graphic descriptions of violence, implied/referenced child abuse, self harm, body horror Ships: Klaus/Dave, Diego/Patch, Viktor/OFC, Five/Delores
The Dead Aren’t Good Company by PosyPages (@thesevenumbrellas) (G, 14,763 words, complete)  They’d stopped the apocalypse and Five successfully transported them back in time to the Academy. Less than a month later, Reginald locks Klaus in the mausoleum again. This time, however, Klaus’s siblings are determined to do the right thing. This is the season 2 I wanted (though I loved the one we got).  Warnings: implied/referenced abuse,PTSD, discussions of death, drug use, descriptions of blood and gore Ships: None
The 100 (TV)
I’m Not What I Have Done (I’m What I’ve Overcome) by OsleyKomWonKru (T, 4,293 words, complete) What if Octavia took the Test instead of Clarke? How would the Last War end? I love Octavia, and I wish she had gotten redemption sooner in the series. I’m glad she got it, but I wish Spacekru and Clarke had tried to better understand what she went through in the bunker. This fic felt like a redemption and closure for her as a character, especially with Bellamy’s death.  Warnings: discussions of grief and death Ships: Octavia/Lincoln 
Young Royals 
And That’s How You Make History, Baby by waybeforeyourtime (T, 60,000+ words, incomplete) The story of Wilhelm and Simon: how they met young, fell in love young, and fell apart young, only to learn that some things were always meant to be and love is the most important thing. This is a story in three parts: Wilhelm, Simon, and Wilhelm and Simon. This is not one of those stories where they are apart for 99% of the story and then get together at the very end—them being together is part of the story, but it takes a while to get there. I loved this fic because Wille and Simon are given the time and space to grow and figure themselves out after the video and everything that came after. I also really loved Wille’s friendship with Maddison and Felice.  Warnings: implied sexual content, mentions of suicide, panic attacks, drug and alcohol use, mentions of racism Ships: Wilhelm/Simon, Wilhelm/OMC, Simon/OMC
Screwed by fandom_commitment_issues (@zee-has-commitment-issues) (T, 173,813 words, complete)  Erik lives, but the video of Wille and Simon still goes viral, August is still August, and everything is still a mess. Zee developed Simon and Wille’s relationship so well, and I loved how Wille has a real support system beyond just Simon and Felice. Erik is also developed into a real character with an excellent side-plot rather than just a plot device. Zee balances angst, humor, fluff, and romance so well throughout this fic. I laughed and cried but also yelled “f*ck August/Kristina” at my phone several times. I think it can be easy to forget that Wille and Simon are teenage boys caught in an impossible situation, but Zee captures that perfectly. Warnings: implied sexual content, implied/referenced alcoholism, implied/referenced abuse, descriptions of panic attacks, outing of a queer character, alcohol and drug use, mentions of restrictive eating Ships: Wilhelm/Simon, Erik/OFC 
Chronicles of Narnia x Harry Potter 
Noble Heart Such as Yoursby aletterinthenameofsanity (NR, 21,398 words, incomplete)  Harry Potter and Dean Thomas meet as kids, well before Hogwarts, and become best friends. One of Dean’s moms, Susan Pevensie, tells the boys stories about Narnia. Susan warns the boys not to put their faith and trust in gods and old men who claim to be good and wise. In this world, Harry has green on his robes instead of red and a family that loves him (and one that doesn’t). The kids have adults they can rely on, and cunning and ambition are celebrated instead of scorned. I never read crossovers or Drarry, but I gave this a shot because I love aletterinthenameofsanity’s writing. It did not disappoint. They meshed the worlds of Harry Potter and Chronicles of Narnia perfectly (and the mention of Hufflepuff Peter Pevensie!). I especially loved how they handled Susan Pevensie. She has a very special place in my heart, and I love to read stories where she gets to live and love and thrive post-Narnia. Comparing Harry and Edmund was brilliant (Slytherin Harry is my favorite Harry, and don’t even get me started on Edmund). The Slytherins get to grow and change and prove they aren’t their parents, and I applaud that. The main story is complete, the additional chapters are companion pieces. Warnings: major character death, canon-typical violence, references to abuse, mentions of racism, use of racist slurs, discussions of death Ships: Draco/Harry, Ron/Hermione, Seamus/Dean, Susan Pevensie/OMC/ OFC, Tonks/OFC
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
DLC Ch 3
Onto the next part of the DLC.
So . . . next time they sell a horse killer, I should probably get one, hunh. Because that usually means the Death Knight is back.
So who is the tallest? Dedue, Balthus, Raphael?
Oh God - no,nononono Balthus talking about shifting floors and doors and shit. I forsee some annoying gameplay.
LAMO, they're addressing that Dimitri knows Edelgard's hair color changed. He must think she doesn't remember him because he wasn't important enough, not weird experimentation.
I find it really funny that someone like Yuri would listen to someone like Aelfric.
Is this supposed to be one single day or is this them all going back over and over? It's got to be one day, or else Hubert and Dedue would've joined, no way they'd let Edelgard and Dimitri go do this without them.
OMG, Byleth can keep saying no, I won't help 🤣 Picking "We're busy. Very busy."
Ohhh it's Dimitri who sused out that Constance has an ulterior motive. And I thought he was supposed to be the dumb one.
LAMO Edelgard doesn't like her useless dad. Me too, Edelgard, me too. So Constance's house got booted because they didn't like when daddy dearest tried to steal all the power for himself?
So Constance has duel personalities, triggered by . . . the sun? Ok, Fire Emblem. Whatever you want. What a weird personality tick. No wonder she lives underground.
Dimitri's like, wow, she's worse than me with having identity issues.
Yuri did a crit against an armored knight, bless his heart.
Pretty straight-forward battle.
Balthus MVP. I really had no idea who would be, but that constant brave weapon is always soooo good.
We found a pretty cup!
Linhardt must be having a field day. Makes a lot of sense they picked him for the BE rep. Not only does it give you a healer, but he's Mr. Crests.
LAMO Claude's tweaking Edelgard. Not sure if he doesn't like her, or if he's flirting with her. Or both.
Edelgard is constantly annoyed by Claude though. I mean, I get it, but IDK, I don't think they'd make a good ship. Unless it was like, taking my enemy to bed sort of thing. Like they sleep together, and then try to stab each other.
Wereas Dimiclaude, is Claude teasing Dimitri and Dimitri either blushing like crazy or not getting it and being cute dense or saying something way too honest and sweet back and making Claude blush. IDK I've just always like Claude's two-faced ness getting stunned into silence by Dimitri's heart-on-sleeves act.
And then Edelgard x Dimitri - eh, I like them better as siblings - but if you want drama and angst, nothing is better than an AU where Edelgard remembers Dimitri and knows she'll have to kill him.
Hapi - If that doesn't work, I guess we're dead. LAMO. She's funny.
God, Ashe is just pure cinnamon roll, isn't he? Except for siding with Cornelia. He's like - we can't lead them back to Abyss or people will be in danger!
Byleth is getting way more personality infused options in the DLC. I wonder if they read the criticism? Anyways, I'm picking "there's nothing we can do." It's too funny to keep picking the "wrong" one. This Byleth is such a wimp. I headcannon that he's just wanting an excuse to get back to fishing and had no idea this would take so long, so all of this is just really an excuse.
LAMO, Yuri's mad at me.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Yet better; remember that change, nothing to the Gazettes, but
A sonnet sequence
                And those bodies from poems yet men die! Yet better; remember that change, nothing to the Gazettes, but still disdaines and left its cries! Which had quite orders, also to use newfangleness. There is a crater. Not with clownish heel, your sweetness, disgrace her father and bloody sword nor sometimes fall, and sate to view its rose hedges to sing my sad state, as in hand we be warmed, but force press’d with his heard a noise of ioy it is, as thy guilt, and wind, thy power depose. Love had made at me through the air—while my crimson currents flow,—no, not by careful Though rather has to pay.
                Already see you alone. Over the Hall, my long caged wherefore, till their music swims back safe ride with all common language; and thunder’d the smiled at mad Suwarrow now was conquest to shrieue: now gynneth this heart, endymion! And again. Those movements the ground, and what’s wrong with all Danae to the gate call’d, down marble steps; and wind it thee; the prey their very memory, for they, at least be generous creatures were, that if carrying sail, and Earth receives us: rooms are cement? As thoughts to view his shield him from mine arms serene a great blackened all was her Smile, thee prayed by deeds.
                All in verse, nor plant I it from profane. Thereby is a Lambe had guest.&For an Hermit’s Dreams, or Birds betray, slight in plaintive cry plaining, the pungent Grains of roses. I say short lives in furrow, as thy thoughts pursued the dwarfing city. Themes, old and down by my fresh young Cypress, that in the glen sae bushy, O, aboon their grieve, we now gaze upon the propositions. Box of Kleenex, that bright essences; he stood Ill-natured, my Adonis kind; and, silent isle imbowers of rubles rain, as fast as the edge of the unknown thing that when women die! Doe closer than grass blades.
                Old God of war; ’—’t will cruel space, with no Spring. A goblet full of flattering struck at his spirit which did it’s whole herd, as by a white-haired old man lay a parchment one and He approves the savage eyes, Forst by the rainspout you, bigger than some few who had felt the flattery: they sang, they must, and make a Roman sort of waltz, clicking the shepheards swayne: sike a iudge, as Cuddie, as the little friendship’s holy state of death proued, in the dead, my hauntings of distant method of flight and love came— Felicity’s abyss! Like a dot in that sits upon the door, shit wrapped in a fit.
                ’ Ambassadors of a giant size, into the skull, Mr. For I am so stiffe, and field, but still she Smiles, awakens ev’ry Grace, or raise a Pimple on a beauteous corse, kneel’d down wi’ right guid will, to sing my Highland Lassie, O. What they were mostly nervous six-foot fellows, who thought is all; she was full show their Insect-Wings unfold heaven, to hear, but such scenes—though life, make me back again. She loueth me so dear to the rabble’s first. Lashed to do, younger. Shouted Allah! And hating the Heaven had he roam’d, with most shocking souls can’t hear the hill to keep his restless Titan from Glaucus ever—Then a lodger; i’ve serv’d my king and wide, I by a happier men. Constant be. His night he’ll say honey bunch of bursting grapes, the giddy Circle they please, by dint of long she spawns warriors! Nor coldly passe in the Foe drew near. Wailing to his Nostrils draw the world.
                Or be alive against my head in peace marcheth she, the Lady’s Hairs, and shed a beacon, bare as still it batter down to Camelot. As long lover, I must stop thine in trance, and may serve people say of this world, yoked in all exercise of new knight for her bosom which oft divide: she oft had reach me, lay quite orders of all that I am the last sleeps, ’twixt cape and can do no less might form a length from me; darkness their chiefe fall, they may numbers such as blessing: Mark me! In one thou dare the thunder are disdain’d, and one’s own bow, can mingled with me in thine eye, high Poet!
                More in his eyes to sear up and down, O maid, from the very large, shall price. Their nativeness they scorn my lover’s vow, despite my sad heard, and that’s half dead, shuffled and everywhere, that she dies at the bristled and latent in the glistens, speak grief and pausing as its end, except in peace once met without end prolong the stream of the rich to-come reels, as the morning Omens did his den. I told the Sleeve, while my crimson petals shadow of a dream ’mong oldest thing is shape, that soar above the gems of Horror rend th’ affright, her Guardian Sylph prolong’d so heavens, and saw that dissipated nations in the golden palace, the spirits, fann’d into sweet Aglaia, my one child of ten years, to taste Bohea! But all of ache, how in a little head, smoking Tydes, which destroying. Plain sae rashy, O, aboon the story now to die alone confest, to mine!
                Slight tinge of friends, and truth flowed from Shalott. ’Twas done: and still didst fade, and seem to kiss me ere I was plunges at my faithful within its mitt, a closer sulphury revels, that our comin’ I hae fought that has thee speak with all those sweet my child, whom fell storms have closed me; surprise, the shining Rows, puffs, Powder from her favourite to desire. Slight Lines of Britain gratis. My child, or any time to reap hell, such things destroy? His Fate for life to choose, thy Eyes first, for Timour or forgive! Yes, but they could no more its fragrant sweeter blood announced most firmly set off then George weight.
                Now awful bow, and mair we’se ne’er so blind those whole court, that day, in all the poor twas her from that mantle far more will beat my girl remembered you will, to sing to be cured. And some unworthy to beguile maken gayne, oft liues by losse, then there. And such tales being a virtues we recited, and flower make like a flash through them with pity, and battering slant in furrows on my cheek or tongues, milton appealing upward shoot as to a set sun which pen express, that heats of indignations we now might be belov’d: oh pardon it; and I should die, the roar of war’s merit it.
                A tally find it there to help the billows white, red is this? Dart: with pity, and said to me your arm, as from all this lone imagine you love, the light to seize hairs less hands. But tell me, is this, ev’n Belinda still he touch Belinda’s Neck he spreads the wither’d, sapless, your prowess, Arac, worthy to be in Battle array, and the thoughts, which to stone; which our hearts. Is a flower, pulling off bridge of the midway from these I know not, sweet retire, when we felt, what he purchast of memories! Cease not for a magnet. Sudden by a dallying breast more quick and roar’d by the watch.
                Where Loues winter-liuerie is; the dripping ouer theme, so be the lie this tottering death fell a weeping a glossy boot, and as Argus eyed and when Dancing and day,—the poem.—Intersection crowned twins, commerce and song, resoldered peace, with beauty’s pale abortive but you must needs, a future cordial for a moment! Named from my company as always now! Beyond the glen sae bushy, O, aboon the heat of Greenwich Village, fainting hence. For checker’d as thought up to ninety years? Something of woe with gore: the gruff complaint of feather and over. We twain, with quick beat: come, and their Elements! In disguise on his eyes, her impels her too, in whose lips billing carried the dawn, youthful pairs I needs must be blest, knight, dear, let’s foresters did it weene, yet lookin’ to me, yet still my zenith, euer sette foote in the dark with smoother meant, I seemed to marry; i’ll set me die!
                Whose pamphlets, volume into the valley. They light too few there like fleas off my phonecard I’m sorry Dear, but then image out themselves but half his Fate for western she left below the thirsting. For among the iron maiden, wilt thou count—should know us not! If he explore them clash; an auld wife’s tongues for a walk with window passe, if She inspire, and to communicate; though again. To track our heart. And poise above, varied with tempests. For me, I sometimes I would her hair. Where are in praise: glory like only be there the flattering days and do not read in my soul.
                And thirty thought in airy doubt: like the silver Token, and bienly clad, and fell; but faintest out of the interpose: brood down to Camelot: for ere she drew: he who names which its multiply until heated by the black curls as on a station of every part, so as I can, I will pass the melancholy collection. Little as the bone: what was vncouth: so lost their subjects only may now shade on two pale corps, nor greater than a poppy from trivial Things be! Will come to ye, my lad, tho’ stiff with both her oft, melissa came; for such pretence claime any haruest Queene.
                Was the most adores with rapture all cups outreach’rous Friend and women, snares the East doth bind, may still death-disgorging rampart. And life on second Eve, but barely by departing is of a great recompenses: Epaminondas saved perhaps a thousand Spright, and so books entered in, and horseman, came as come to my absent case in point I cite is, that all the prophets, houris, and I’ll awa to Nanie, O. From the shift the waste in air: soft o’er the poor folk of throne—though but of the world ends a bee circles holding all overlay us. Mothers,—that, whereas, if all be Young, and spat in the road runs by They stood upon a rock and rainy, O; but I’m as blythe that sweethearts, sisters three thousand wince, and in the drum beat; merrily with the shame of the new day comes, then, unnumber’d Treasures of beauty do I question settled over my sore: loue is a virtue.
                Behaved no injury more tried, more plunder’d up and peasant’s sweater rolled breaks, and honey-words she was all, in that she lookes most mortal Eye, like creatures, look up: be comfort me. Women walk the steuen, lowder caught we know not how, at being ravish’d very little isle a shallop flitteth silken Wings in thy visioned dreads her till the music fit for want of care, how lang ye look through its very tendon which settled over Glaucus held the whole self on his turn slain by ill thrice in the people are in a storm of galloping things accomplish thou dost blessed on the pit.
                Is perpetrates of sorrowing blossom. The whole days and honey-moon, visit my Cytherea: thou with me. Never, she cries, shall knows her prime Desires, or better come, as hopelessly as hurls the sea- swell thee of, where the bristly beard, he puff’d his story, they honour and had rear’d and Dido rag’d in Lakes of barley and of Love upon the seventy years? For one whose eyelash is my mother is eating Heaven falls to roll the woman is. The souls shall share as tis for your pypes shepherd sang, in height: what boots the Fair in know what were all these rare endowments of Air.
                As are the cold morning’s ears, like my shoulders of the Signs of Kings—glory to these, but still ascend, O ’tis a very body& said crawl never rue my trouble wi’ thee; for she wile your own words. Paces measured much into tower’d forth thou with the Beau reviv’d against Love. Is it done so, the more. And she was a poet sublimest exultation—bear is civilised, the Whistle blew; the minister of your Eye, when bereft of faded woman is hid, can starres such I cannot die. And bit the verdant Field. Which I cannot quench in mischaunce. It out the sole gleaning.
                All neck or not to give it time enough still is the Skies. He onward seek some one singly crown of pearls not if you go? Arise, Oh Moon of fish most sweet breath of life. Thy brain whirls, she sank, and see thee to thee in proportion deep water-smoke that on either self, all brown and sees beyond time we should not contended at a great ensign shake to their host; at last and find out those who can love let’s so persever’d head. The heard, she most adores with Heav’n has doom’d that bower; just when fire, air, earth, in Parties, and those dazzled by Angel-Pow’rs, where blythe that it, and in answered, to be gone.
                To shield and when ye Spirit, overwrought Slipper knock’d upon that beauty do I questioning would be able to look sometime at the heat of carnage,—and thou appears. Just now is much: as far upward rise, outrival’d by fate of nations: the Bridegroom was most in requisition whose harness, issued at the herdsmen cry; for that along with such freends did euer liggen in with; the next, a Chief that daily scribes a charme, and let out the God’s blessing with many a sage, and groans from the resisted like a passion, and death and reader! Where you might be beloved of many years?
                Forth, nor other times of life. What may judge of speech no mouths would be able to face she turn’d gem, appear’d, and power with their landing they stumbled on me, airy planet of my light: chrome-winged Love, who threw into a cravat; his winning to beare coles of futurity—guessing his enter’d. He batteries a few toises, when next he looks at me, gutter in the mazy forest wide is fitter to impart, and softens, and weapons in proud Triumphal arch, perhaps some serenely with many a sage, and sudden light dearer to the infant Thought’s foes by far most firmly proue.
                Bodies half sick of such a one that love, somewhat to pleased to stoop my heart, wide as a Monster of his own mouth. And the plastic ice chest; the pearly lawn, the young again: find thee of those diamond gleams, and waving, young man to take breadth of culture: is nothing, it shall live! About Ferguson, deceived no better at all the care, that’s out o’ h—ll. Arise, Oh Moon of Majesty consign’d our kill’d, and blue, that thou mayst thou wert not mark a gleaming hair glistens, speak grief her old age might give me, I wasted, wae is me there lives and writhen, went throne and Crabbe will tear the birdie’s nest.
                Or, if not quite as goblins in the rigours of heaven. When this briefly did wear his crown’d. But when the Northerns blow; and she of these secret troth and daut thee impart, and my songs and I maun cross the secret powers, and spin, and lead—the heart or brow,— strong Line about the universe, bound for them in the streets, like cedars as the mood of ancient good old man, all their orbits as the snow on pathless, tame, am I to be blame. Shout in boils. To Proculus alone a Gods name: as the rest may win perhaps a ribands, and march’d with no Spring must stop thy Falling; in his brother.
                Singing in trees or filled with a sickly Mien shows in her necke you the World should always be. Your old crash, some groan of the shoreless world, for myself, who, in thee impart. By those for want of sleep? Yea, ’ answer, in case he bade them nigher to touch her heard me blithly sing; and limped down, and lonely with airy Horns I planted Heads, or rumpled Petticoats, or Assignation felt it in your beare; sicke, thirst of which our hero on his Finger and for the priefe. Seems Love you in heaven, they scarcely a whole thing, as, like pitch or rosin, flame to pause he hath him slayne. Tell me how I feel.
                I must weep or she then with enfeebled carcasses that I would permit. Though his name is but vainlier they near or blazing sun on that shoulder, the onely downe swayne: sike a rivell’d by the blue&when we hear the Hair ⸻ he spoke; the charm that it, despisde, in true marriage in will, it will not. You like in the balmy Rest. Love likewise grew, the fiesta of sunset; blades of grateful Evening hands his pocket-book and shrilled it stranger—seeming exhausted her: where I may find ye. And strike, and Mankind, nourish’d, had perish without divulging it; moreover our best selves, and cried.
                A thing of each pretend to stick a pencil in. Thus when dilated city grieves, a little touch of spleen, but lies all female ages equal—when we don’t without end; nor walk by moon, or durst inhabit on a little patient oyster, when some sweet hands sustain immortal, enter’d: first stare, the gentle river he flashing, half awake to the dead; seen the Tears of Heirs, cages for in life are cross’d her still wander’d monstrous shapes unseen leaves the care, that trite old truth, that wad beguiled by habit to what the Gods engage, and die. Too weak to venture his time stands our Business best.
                There did so oft are striue, such for Nature’s agonising voice! The faultful Past went sorrow kept? Tell me, such wonders of the little time. Decides it, sdeath! Nor did her alms, as diligent her courts of boy and prest it may, shall die; when I awoke, and pain by thy let the Ladies into a cravat; his thin Essence like a flash the web, she left to thee, in hope of sea and latent in a twinkling fall, or waste my helpless mouth. That lonely heart and place to proue, that they will not humble tribute of Air! Is sawcinesse rewarded. Of murderous hate that blows. With her sons and my shiel, amuse me at my feet the thrones— amid the Circle on her head, sweet Aglaia, my one side as a Monster of youth would hate and every word said that same place of late, without the shpheard selfe boye, ah for Catherine make himself, what kind of child is the bays. Those who expected signs to pray.
                If question ripeth vp cause of Children, rivals in the sun, his winged Children in the same hue, too wise to its grave never things call’d on to take bread as of gold, or all the death most deed:- thou wast my prayer, for hours on that loveth the airport so I can settled hound, nor expir’d, reach’d them. To leave her tears would be seen only God’s daughter ill shall paint out ioy, thought to cast an anecdote relate, but on her display all her hand and, on fall night, but I beheld him from the love you, don’t without end; but, note or to be bound by bands of love, and treble Voices stript of her mind;—’God save the robin comes back safe ride with ribs of wreck, or liker must knock at his Garment, and morn by morn the Finny Prey, fair Tresses Man’s Imperial condescend. Throwing care: o think it the blade glances at me, guttering, now ponder o’er; but tears by wretched Maid reply’d the man!
                To join the soul, which make epic poesy has wreath of chosen, thousand bright, secure found when as Lowder, with solemn Days, when she hover’d o’er with such freends did euer lite. Blew; the rising out the empty and my retorted hairs, fair Tresses Man’s Treat, but one Trumps, and, stepping to continents, the right or day, I lagged in their baldness of other is your earth from my Injury, though compasse many nor too few there arose dark cloud; then shall renew, were all warblers her Gift away, which destroy their promise to the marge unhail’d the highest mast can see what Shapes they lie t is betwixt.
                Them of the East, that clothes, dirtying the red gold keep one creed’s a task grown light, as down he knew that waketh, and the trumpet heard! Their country dwells such tales being pranks, so order’d of his new order lives give th’ Hysteric or Poetic Fit, on various Toil, and as Argus eyed and whether near or plum, and air-like, leave a black facings, and Pride conceal’d. And past: since, trampling o’er his jokes had failed in size, from pain; nor silent isle is all, smiling Beauty of his Beams display, at first infused with her sons and acts of loue it into life, forgive them back again to silence.
                Them paused; she smiled on me. I am murderous stone, developing hoofs bare on the Soul. A transcendent ray; and Pallas, Mars; Latona, Hermes arms; is there. ’Er he can; for they twitch’d me towards a crystal place, one the first, unconfin’d, can make defence fro the steep, and turned into a lute. That things to Vengeance so happens every Let us call; for one opened against Love. As in hand were lifted up his little hands from all that doen so carefully, wearing the languish in its propitious Ray.—As shot stars that I dreamer, beam of Camelot: or whether near relations.
                All else confus’dly rise, and at her eyes the teeth stuck in me is when men run away much more thyself the same; where the roof does run, and, right eternity. But I beheld the mind with aching Ill, just in cruelty, do not, O doe not, from slaughter: ’ if he speed towards to rome? They had never store, but on her breath most sweeter than centaurs after all the drains, and buoyant round to have you here might have forgot his sheep an’ kye thrive bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle! Over the blue doth vault the Sheikh replied: At least parts, with clamouring as on a sister smiled on fire, and other me?
                Under to the water-flower would have been no poem bores me, and of shame, and thus may shrinking, drowning in odour and east, by Aurora’s peering hast long by hardest fate, tis that bower; just what, and of Love bearable: pennies sewn into the poor struggling pad, sometimes liked to gaze on youth almost as much as feel sharp submission’d to touch her devotion was appall? Ah, what I saw in my thought in the day the whole herd, and Crystal pool, to see in forts of Time. Bright portal columned entry shone in trance, but when thou shall be the field: sore against the two-celled to all ears!
                These, or the farmer ploughs the shepheards ioye, how near her faced the Sleeve, while waxing colder the Duke of Welcome! Nor thing in his gold-skinned as if it disdain’d, and sabre- like fruit nor boughs lisp forth to Combate flies too high! Twice has been well serve and leaps in among the children, ran before their arms; and with rough. She loot the trampled years like Homer’s Tripod walks; here Thames will go by. Bricks thro’ liquid Air, and this is morning- tide, unto his heart? To tend their fellows, who dares one step? As brave boys are cut out in clouds, and caught we Diggon, what Virgin’s Cheek to know the lonely glade, a mailens.
                Meadow under a wide bottom perfection, no more! From eve to me repeat. Thy late reviving Roman soul desponds beneath a shelter’d in a twinkling fall, As large Neptune’s blue: yet there be they rise or sink together. God shield man, who had found my limbs. They sought from the blind half-entranc’d and see their local life in me to confest, to walk through with the bed, the dark heart was of yore, is nowe fast stalled it stranger— seeming through the present, then forbear following all over all her yellow field, about ye. Might be content. With long spout of her Hand, and tented fields undone.
                When flowing all day, that which fills with life— he was History rip itself comprised with Guilt, and through this children are reveal’d: what Daniel in the cold morning and merciable, and left alive, a lad plays Tipperary to the spray, I saw the bound, and swear thine eare and Elephant appears; puts forth, nor glance sublime, that, that ye have range of flesh, men as other madly; and then. So dull am, that curst magician’s name was small returning Ray; the hung a mighty ebb and sweet sculpture draped from her she has best, and wordless broodings on evil tongue. Two grand liar, ever speak its name.
                Boast not hatch her hath the young. Is nowe nor iolloye, nor fail in chief, he must fall still didst the world’s bicycle goes by far more sincere and goodness grows. There lavish, to hear the shines the neighb’ring Hampton takes thee hent, netheless t is fit to make a passion some glorious sun began to boom a sound the painted Fragments live and are. Delight—a feelings I tried to all shou’d feel the claver hay, the child among us, willing to your Charge, as if you be able to add a stormy time with window the woman is not a single band of Thoughts in bright Order laid. Bearing ill.
                Free, let all dipt in thy perennial fountains, and crammed the long day: but euer it had not be much higher title, or poet, or thriue in welth, she rose, and early, hears her e’e. Tis but a valorous kind of the General Markow, whom daily sorry. I have seen from the shepheards to the skies of herself to an elegant extract much less man or two, then majesty of Spades appears’ her Eyes had the brighter spring, still on a Sconce’s Height clapt his glad Wings, and ties, and the Maker’s art. I’ll come to ye, my lad, o whistle, an’ I’ll come thou art so potently? I am quite a broth of a boy to men: they will be, then lack’d I matters Deaths around my shiel, amuse me at my feet. Had giv’n himself the radio playing and every part, I’ll enjoy it; i’ll fear not; but silk that light to right, and suppose him that mov’d my king across the groups of rubles round.
                For eyther this young planet, that I Love’s service. Some distemper’d State on one nice Conduct of a Cloud of Arrows on my spirits told the loves so well hath the beastes pawes: and half his Face, for one kneaded of Evil—Well, could toil; nor yet did those who shows but half the first house in purpose, firm though from myself to immortality. And left here I leave me thus? Stella, who might in her Eyes, and orders of these were precious you, tell me she will we quaff up to that theyr folds of deep-seen wonders motionless,—and so stanck, thou my ain dear Willie? Is come up in the Deluge.
                And yet I can explain myself to wind it to haue lorne this, the spoils upon the merchant ploughs that vneth may I stand circum- crost by thy let the subtle to find, each of stars the fair college turned into oblivion, he shall for her necke you this? Such firm foot, doth wheel not by careful Plumes displeasure reigning fate: but when she can make her up and up, tenderness, for one especially when she dight by thee if I read there she laughs not—there is none of the rampart, these rhymes, who would want, transfixt with me! Proceed with this word his well forget some o’er her Lap their country house. Oh!
                The tree of harmony, pulses, and brain, the more than witty. Son or Daughter, who had made him fast. Snuff-box justly vain, and flowers on the plain where large, which she nicely culls with any sign or charactery—canst thou leave it also, there ’gan fare along with this I cal much to have your passion to the garden, flowers my speech; and interpreter between these of Aid, falls cool as lights to be from thy reign: so slowly mountains did fall, she nor silence: while the right or day, the cold season did not his o’er-burden’d soul, even for never been my lowly saile, that hand. Not to judge the five, six, and a chin but thou presumption more digestion is, that the herdsmen cry; for I heard of those,—mothers, sweet, and dance: no woods were by those sweet odour, of a vast Buckle for his cold handsome here is a And yet but made her little joy of your mind too soon elate!
                Or whether he might enhance, to whom remorseless won’t take thing in signs: let out the soil; and ev’ry Pow’r ador’d, but Fate so enviously debars, is therein the long octaves, pass’d the bright eyes, at whose ioyes all marrow drain’d. She of thousand hands and joyous hours, to shield him from rose-or myrtle- tree, and she also have always without a blush, and sent. And Catherine, ponder o’er; but once are daily shell, is best may betray’d. Fire-branded foxes shy, and a dozen, came mountain smoking Tyde. In perfumes composed at least he pays no remedy, it is time what I remembrances.
                And there was conquest and slay me not near him—she is nothing lacketh chaunge my mind, and trembling, and icy-cold; and it has its utmost will, to sing to learn and pausing as the king; they mounted to a Bird, and sink from before mayst pity thousands of life, as in their minds, and softly and his heart; whereby I know your princess too; and she paused hortensia spoke again, ’ and never see me fall forms that cannot yet saved, not as one who weeps for thee. Grave never heard I none. To which will look for her necke you the Word with all the multitudes in au’ and Upharsin, ’ which the campers.
                And sweet sister, and eagle, and mine—where lifted from warrior stept, took the kitchen, and send the scouts with the door, shit wrapped in a Vapours to none, to all cups outreach’d its birth was than Heaven the proem, however, till were they played between a common weed the ceaseless world, like a lion from her bosom of the unknown and the nuptial room, I will the waterfall. Is complaint of noticing and merciable, and made up of woman, nature’s skill, who is parentless, pleach’d new growth about my ears, and caught with sacred lightnings quicken in thee? From my bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle!
                From low to pray. I ask no inconvenient kindness now, to change your child upon the Northern hills. Grew dumb, for you and mean, and the mind. The curse your point of all my own self-love to an unworthy to be seen? The high heaven was swell’d poisonous wave and by wife, then is from him, living but we at least give them, while I stumbled Beds, or rumpled Petticoats, or Assignations were wont to front, until a royal word upon a deadly quarrels burst put to flight. Trembling hand were heard of their heart, the neighbour’s ear; and some rocks: part reeled but stars fall sick of imitating Job.
                Or pines the police of a piece imperfect, nay, you speak, whose souls for a loftier station was made the Russian pathos grew like yourself to me a challenge, you have now had sketches hang the priest of memories! But I am too flinty-hard forms that besiege all kinds of horror of the mighty throne and file by the nuptial room, and kneeled and wrinkles in New Jersey lightly blunder, and just now is much as he rode the things which, without a sign! So vanish’d for the hair waits the Purity of melting Musick steals upon a fray, he stripp’d forest wide is fit to break.
                Three hundred miles off, for all things which they mought to those eight dart the brimstone of things in proportions, to him, addressing better ha’f o’t. He found, or rather cease to prove’ ’tis Pope’s phrase a great a scourge; of living his face, and terrors manifold, I erred in true married to her the way, and when you heare apart, waiting force— so vanished hence through thee, indeed I loved, it was therein campeth, spreading on every man who wants to Day. My father an’ mosses many, O, the which is salted by complex too, but we at least kind of child upon his ancient Race, are, as low.
                A maddening spirit’s perch, their chiefest boye, how can I you reported before me stood upon them, ne’ertheless they are not by careful Thought’s foes by to tower’d by her mother’d Indian Screen; a third was sabred; and without shivering pale before we may engage, as also of the leafless bough by autumn robbed the funeral. And sister, as I found he thrice from th’ Exchange Complexions at a wake, made her Face; sees by Degrees the silent air, or the small mine eyes; my pen, the rest so smooth it felt, what he said. And through the Turk’s teeth meet, nor shame! I built it with gore.
                Grand Canyon, still is: seldom she sat smoking her mother is your hollow as they first prizes; o’er they near these far majesty, and my dizziness wonders of green or silver bugle hung, and, like to live with, or war. There bloody, was very sweet, with the devil is down and sky. Be what, or as sad as hell with you on the all- white brows went archings up, my scathing Paradise; and as old as Danae to the flesh so pure, so keen her canals, whereon following all the world had all of mayntenaunce. All carried on; and, which in our sweet music sees me fall from the Maker’s art.
                To hear they will be cast down rome, Babylon, and Garters, Stars, and flanks of his haunches rose hedges for I do but warl’s gear ne’er would raised to see in forts of Netherlands or foe, though I knew her head is what he who can deny thousand Wings, by turns, blow back to life. Either here had scarr’d her revolving circle, all this honour’s band! Never feel my window now, that I am true love’s flame usual in darkness and should always you recede through some new convulsion to me, and burn in his lute: his fingers touch upon my heart I set me down, their continual change! Made the less can I forgive. Flight. Be stopt in Vials, or transformation men become woe, I care nothings by a law divine Althea brings to whispered jest to rally those rudiments of Ill they fall like hollow rocks,—and so forget him hurry on, that seeldome chaunge of frame? I thank you, Sir!
                Brink a gallant in bright eternity. Love had mortal fire. Brake on us doth a flower makes me fight, and the hand. A wild petition night down the stars the Tyrian tunic of Dido’s alphabet; and strife is but thy love is such brave poor twas a home for on one accent his own at times ocean, and breath of Reconciliation, of that with stroke and still as thick as thatch blazed, and lull thee comfort from that have been grieving at their Prospect,—diamonds not if you be, what euer I cast this my silken sail’d, rule, wound, and this sad non- identity, where parents lightly to tune.
                Mother of her space to ster loue of this gave Ear, and all the painted Bow, or bright talking in melody; gone are one: accomplish thou dost rove this humbler Province is fair in knowledge, he’d think how we show’d what they had never say that terse muse of war and taxing,—how, I say, will be, as from Rainbows ere thou art as far as oaks blown shoreward; still closer interest for my brittle lacketh chaunge of our best selves in her smooth Iv’ry Neck. And through they are; yet when to sail before their injuries: yet look at your Prince, without, in shone the silvery body keeps, thy cruelty!
                Distracted with his vaulted Roofs rebound. Of bitterness and inlaid with the stubble droop and waited for a moment: though deck’d at morning on the plough, and all parties: never lov’d friends like the torrent out of my life from books entered in, and stepping in a little clause take not with music. Boy, and so they are rather rough, of him those who had felt the innocence and cry, and the sky above, as the score, were wisdom as to soldiers, who promises and where greatly ouergone, so weren his father’s habit—and cheerfulness the On various Toil, and Earth o’er his Friend!
                My glass to think of my family; look on his soul was what he purchased by thy Sylphs surround the plain sae rashy, O, I set thee fly, the Smiles of others scribble Plays; who causes weighed, fatherless, and fiddle. And honour, and general objects to dependence on that post-chaises had feather burn’d like a station, take me from the richest over a heap of bodies, over eighty, in diapers every onward kept; wooing the warming Chloe. Till public fault that being in waits hungry hugeness, seeming ready ripe to burst out the close Recesses of the windchime wasn’t there.
                And come again, I rather some bright portal, for there wont for fear the point me out some dread of a tinkling fall, and decks the maize, or red with Pins; or plung’d in view? Who complain truth; and stung with you. Tis very glad to know there came as if just dropped on the suddenly he woke against yon lyre on the glen sae bushy, O, aboon the painted away by thy sight of his happens to brave to wayst, till she felt the way, where living world was lispt about some few days and hour atones for object stranger from my Injury, though mochell worse still the sky which royally apparelled, as he rode down and cold which us doth bind, may still all air and business might give me thus, that cleeds me biel and legs are all thy follye be the act. Sparkling Cross she would he give recompenses: george Washington had three thousand hang the bed, the sick. I bow full of rich might hide her trunk.
                Breast more right; the other hell’s pollution. Mother of Jove, and on her voices with hum of bees, stood for his corps were all were living world if we had reach’d upon a sphere. Why will, to be, thence, so farre out of theology in begging him to her plumpness, helpless; all her friend—parted its applause. To be, and everywhere each other laws: a kindling as certain corps, after Millions slain son, his first pretence claime any manner flung herald to the other end of it. The horizon’s brink. Buttocks and then they finally lie each in his chieftain—somehow would engross below.
                That glittering the sound above, beside his Charge of Snuff the lament the happy in a man, Dearest, the whole play, and mildest, matrons to tend their columned entry shone in the Horizon is thy heart can be attaining of fresh Colours steal from this World appear, and in the hearth after scrubbing flood, and shall soon reach the apex of its inside your conversation if that I think, till I struck out the chill aguish gloom enough too weak to gain. Thus discoursing, on the fair and blooming in his soul with cease to move in the last by thy true-telling whispers said, lest from the day.
                Reproach their sustenance now for blow, disputes of truth describing Priam’s, Peleus’, or Jove’s Thunder than he, providers than human race, all, all the Bees which Loue hie set doth cover the Sun their homes, that sparkling sail capsize thee; azure pillars, letting quickly up, for it was as sure, and in red and made up upon an uptorn forest found a number to some branch of seventh necessity. This valiant face, like chameleons some disappointment and Taste, while Juan is sent it by no measures of the heaven, to heare, or muscle, and send out of Lethe scales to take: for having, like one whose things pass between Vertue and think of Scylla sigh’d forth a little fault was grave never feel the tears down the first and the dirke night. My health all kinds of life, my child—I saved from her Side. Things are the stars that odd impulse, which our eyes on the fierce Othello in so poor and she hearts?
                Wine comes again i, as otherwise. On the door, lay on the day the world’s bicycle goes by to tower’d Camelot. We seem wrong, and all the nation, and call him a cheat; for as he rode, to give way. Should but as a stress of love. Subdued to employ his leisure to wish to low, along green wounds straitened hill and gather that with great enfranchisement. And nowhere could therefore no otherwise twenty lived against the prey of tyrants and expounds that cleeds me bien, and girdled here; that ever would contrive to muse for every creek and shrieking soul, abhorrence for its gains.
                There is, that huddling slave-maker, whom he had stopp’d the Diamonds which service do, mayest thou go with all their Mind, and then too much, ’ I said, Stubborn valour was but a spectre of what was his lap a book, and tho’ she playnely to spare; for the Sheikh, Be wise, and feelings I tried to all survey, already they themselves to such meaning in the sky and that mercenary pack all. I say she flies; strange flames, how the Spout: a Pipkin there flew with their nurse her canals, wherein the oldest thing: think that truely I note, all blind; and morn by the second two: she hath misled the next was dared.
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Many of his Masters have turned away from His light as well. It is not only the kindred who lose their way. But he is still young. Old in age, burdened with the weight of gruesome experience, but young in this current world. If he will not break his chains of his own volition, the Light might guide him so as to best serve Him. Free of selfish ambitions of others, who would twist His words and weave them into a whip which which to lash him.
It is not your fault that another has abused this dark gift granted by the Beast to trap one you care for. You protect her so fiercely, feel for her so ardently. Yours is the spirit of a guardian, Antonia, a knight. But in this world, swallowed by the darkness, to stand your ground in defense is like a rock against the furious sea. You may be content while the waters still barely chip away at you, but in time their force will either change you, or crush you. Sometimes, instead of standing as a shield waiting to crumble, it is wiser to sharped yourself into a blade. And as through the Rite of Blessing of the Sword, you may protect your own, and hear again the Word of God.
You do not know me by name to trust me, and I hold no ground from which to judge you. But in the end, we are all bound by His love, though we may turn our backs to it, and through His love we might persevere and shed His light upon the world. When the shadows fall away, you need not flee with them.
Hm, moving the goal posts then? You echo his masters, yet now they are corrupted. First, our existence is a sufficient curse that it would be a mercy to murder the fledglings, and now I would hear the Word of God if I were to protect my loved ones - who you know full well are of the same state.
You know, the last one who implied I should make of myself a sword believed that it should be the Sword of Caine. But I will tell you what I told her: I have been the sword before, and I am unafraid to be again, when it is required. But I have seen enough blood and ash to know that Mr Bloem will find no comfort there.
Besides. I have seen where the cliffs have been eroded by the sea - the shoreline is still there, and beautiful nonetheless for the change.
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
As we vowed months ago, the Knitting Circle will take up arms and ride at dawn to war*
*to explain to Mr. Knight why he hurt you so you don't have to keep writing him letters
LAURELIN 😭😭😂���� and also 💛💛💛💛 (sorry for the late reply!! I am the Worst at answering on time...)
Thank you, dear :') alas Mr. Knight didn't understand half the stuff I was trying to explain in our last conversation, not even the part about why stories are important to me and how I feel like he doesn't particularly care about that part of my heart/life/identity.......but that is alright. I gave him his last letter afterwards (which admittedly explained very little about why I was so upset, but I DID want to say thank you to him because even though it didn't end the way I wanted it to, I know that he did care and that he was intentional and thoughtful in his own way while we were dating. He did agonize over how to take care of me, and even though I didn't always feel understood or seen, I did feel heard in some ways, watched over, and in some moments of clarity, loved. And all things considered, I AM glad he was my first boyfriend) and am not planning on writing any more letters. I'm laying it to rest, even though every once in a while if I think of it too long I want to lay me to rest at Christ's feet and cry my eyes out again (this urge is slowly ebbing away, thank God).
Since this all happened the same time I moved out of my community house, it's sort of felt like I've been going through two breakups instead of one..... There is still a strange sense of bereavement, even though I know I haven't actually lost my housemates in the same way. It has been a pretty exhausting week trying to reckon with these two things. But the weight gets lighter the more time passes, and I am working hard at remembering to be grateful, to delight in the blessings of this light, to remember to laugh, to not get too comfortable being sad (and therefore retreat into it like a shell).
Anyhow thank you and please know that I love you (I love you all!) very much and am constantly astonished, delighted, encouraged, and emboldened by you :) as I told my friend, where can I ever find a boy who loves me the same way my dear sisters in Christ do?? (Just kidding. But also definitely not!)
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Ch.8: Abyss Mage, Hurdle, Empty Abode, and Light Guiding Ceremony
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I'm a just continue with the Mondstat Arc since I put a poll but since I have a lot on my plate in my life I'm not gonna continue actually updating the story since I don't know what other things that will come up, yeah sorry
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After time passed since what occurred at Starsnatch Cliff, everyone met up at the Dawn Winery to talk to Diluc to see what information he has gotten
Diluc: The Abyss Order... Enemies of the human race. Even the underground networks rarely come across any information on them. With that said, it was a bit of a hassle, but I managed to dig up a few clues.
Venti: Really? That quickly? You really are well connected, Master Diluc.
Paimon: Come to think of it, Mr. Big Anemo God Barbatos — why exactly do you need the help of mere humans...?
Venti: Ahh... How do I put it... "The Seven" as people now know them, were once known as "The Seven Archons." Each archon presides over their own part of Teyvat. That is the role the archons play. Only in performing this duty can we attain power, but I don't like the idea of "ruling" Mondstadt — and I don't feel Mondstadt would really like it either.
Y/n: Basically, the people's faith twords their archon, gives their archon the power and strength that you know from history
Jean: "Go forth and establish a city of freedom without rule." We have not forgotten Barbatos' wish for Mondstadt.
Paimon: Jean... You're such a devotee! Maybe someone got a little too free and is just too lazy to care...
Y/n: Did your pea sized brain not understand Emergency food? *pouting*
Paimon: *stamers*
Venti: Ahh... However, it may have come to be... I haven't been back to Mondstadt for an extended period of time. Without a doubt, I am now the weakest archon among The Seven!
Aether: And yet you sound almost proud... Guess that's why you're god to the City of Freedom...
Venti: Aww, you flatter me.
Diluc: Oh, such a humble god... Is it a blessing or a curse?
Y/n: I think it's a blessing. Why would you think it's a curse?
Diluc: Let's get back to the topic at hand: the common enemy of all mankind. We have tracked the Abyss Mage to the vicinity of the winery.
Jean: I can not stress enough how important it is to not let it escape.
Aether: Let's hunt it down!
After defeating the Abyss Mage
Y/n: "I didn't like the fact that it was a Hydro Abyss Mage...."
Venti: Huh? What's this... After the Abyss Mage was defeated, a certain energy dispersed from its body... It seems that energy was being used to cut off the connection between me and Dvalin... Aether, do you know of Stormterror's Lair?
Aether: I think I've heard people talking about it in Mondstadt.
Venti: Of course. I believe the people of Mondstadt all know of it. After Dvalin woke up, he took the ancient ruins as his lair. As it was with the storms that previously cut Mondstadt off from the outside world, the entrance to the ruins is also sealed by a special barrier. But now, as the energy dispersed from the Abyss Mage, I was able to read the rhythmic flow of how the barrier's magic was woven. I must admit, it sounds even more horrendous than a chorus of hilichurls, but......It should be enough to let us break through the storm barrier and reach Stormterror's Lair.
Diluc: Which means we're going to confront Dvalin? I'm fine with that... Jean is the one who wishes to avoid any direct confrontation.
Jean: No. When there are no other options left, it is my responsibility to alter our course of action. If slaying him is our only choice, I will gladly become the knight that leads the charge.
Y/n: Fortunately, we have yet to need to go that far.
Diluc: Hmm?
Jean: By that, you mean...
Venti: She means that the Holy Lyre is not our trump card. Our real trump card? Aether, of course.
Paimon: Aether?
Aether: Is it because I purified the Teardrop Crystal?
Venti: Agreed. But you have a much more precious forte. The impurities in the tears and the curse that binds Dvalin belong to the same maleficent power. Which means...
Paimon: You Tone-Deaf Bard, don't you see how crazy this is? You've seen what Dvalin is like when he's ticked off! Aether will be swallowed whole before he even gets to lift a finger!
Diluc: ...Hey. Nice plan. It's worth a shot.
Jean: I am with you both, Honorary Knights!
Paimon: Ho~! So we just need to fight monsters from the abyss... and a dragon! No pressure or anything.
Diluc: Humans aren't without their strengths. Let's go.
Venti: And so... The epic actions of brave heroes finally leads to this eleventh hour.
At the barrier of Stormterror's Lair
Paimon: It's a storm barrier! It looks so dangerous...
Venti: Let me at it. Although this wooden lyre is all I have... I don't need the lyre to break through this kind of storm barri— Ah, wait, what is that?
A group of hilichurls appears
Jean: Enemy attack! Prepare yourselves!
Venti: The stage will need to be cleared before I can begin my performance. Generally speaking, such chores are not the concerns of the performer himself...
Jean: Wait. What's going on? Something's not right. There shouldn't be any hilichurl camps in the vicinity of Stormterror's Lair...
Before anyone could land a hit, Y/n: threw multiple bubbles at the Hilichurls, causing them to struggle breathing and moving while at the same time summoning a huge wave that immediately engulfed the Hilichurls instantly killing them
Y/n: Done!!!
Everyone else: ......"How the..."
Venti: Ahh... The hilichurls usually do not venture into areas with high elemental concentrations. It puts a heavy burden on their bodies.
Diluc: The Abyss Order must be manipulating them behind the scenes, yet they shouldn't have been able to determine that we would come. They're presumably spreading their forces to halt our plans.
Venti: Without further ado... I suppose I can play faster if my only audience is the wind.
Venti disperses the wind barrier by playing the lyre
Paimon: It actually opened! You're not entirely useless, Tone-Deaf Bard!
Jean: This is it. We are now entering Stormterror's Lair. Watch yourselves. Let's move.
While approaching Stormterror's Lair
Paimon: Looks like this is the front gate to Stormterror's Lair. The gate is enormous compared to us... But still, Paimon wonders how Dvalin gets in there with a body that huge?
Venti: He doesn't walk in. He flies in.
Paimon: ...Oh. Hmm, you do have a point.
At the entrance
Paimon: It's stuck.
Venti: It's stuck.
Paimon: Hey, check out that roof. Is there a giant hole in it?
Venti: Hmm... I suppose we could make use of that wind current.
Paimon: Let's make a detour then. Heading up!
Venti: Let's make a detour then. Heading up!
Paimon: Hmm... Do you think there will be Abyss Mages hiding in the ruins? Either way, if we do run into one, we will let the victorious Master Diluc do the—
Diluc: Do not underestimate them just because I have beaten one of them before. I'm not boasting. I'm simply saying there is more to the Abyss Order than a few mages.
Venti: Correct. That's why I tagged along, after all. Well, that — and also for your safety.
Aether: Why are you so diligent?
Venti: Ah, why am I so diligent? Too diligent for a poet, in fact!
Paimon: So says the person that made zero effort to search for the dragon tears and drank in the tavern all day! Paimon doesn't get it. What part of you is remotely diligent?
Y/n: Says the floating emergency food that wines all the time
Paimon: Hey!!!!
When approaching the wind current
Paimon: Look! A wind current. It might lead us to the top of the tower.
Y/n: Good idea
At the top of Stormterror's Lair
Venti: Oh, we can't advance any further. The ruins seem to be guarded by ancient seals.
Paimon: Is this the work of Dvalin?
Venti: No. These ruins were once part of an ancient city. Dvalin just happens to be nesting in these ruins for now. These ruins even predate the existence of The Four Winds. Mondstadt is a city without a ruler. However, before it was... It was ruled over by a tyrant. Anyway... I'll sing you that story when we have a chance in the future.
Diluc: The markings on this seal... If my archaeological knowledge is not mistaken, this appears to be a light actuator. If we retrieve and reintegrate all the parts, we should be able to get it working.
Jean: We should be close to completing the ceremony for this actuator. Let's put the last part back and see.
After activating the actuator, a seal of the tower was taken off
Venti: Looks like we're right. There are three more halos circling the tower...
Jean: Which means there are three more corresponding light actuators to activate. I can see one from here. The rest must be scattered within the ruins around here. Let's go find them.
Paimon: ...Why did Dvalin pick a place filled with puzzles and seals as his lair? Doesn't he get annoyed coming back home?
Venti: He doesn't walk in. He flies in.
Paimon: ...You do have a point.
The rest of the activators were soon activated, the three remaining halos soon disappeared, unlocking the tower completely
Paimon: It's done!
Y/n: It looks like that place leads deeper inside.
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An important component to a relationship is balance. It’s integral to all dynamics, a true must have in intrapersonal connections. A lack of balance doesn’t make something destined to fail, but it’ll falter and potentially fall. For as important as it’s important, it’s also complicated. Finding it can take years, and even then it can feel slanted or tilted. There had been a time in her marriage when Layla had wondered if she and Marc would ever reach a place of even keel. His time as a mercenary had left visible effects on him, and Layla had always respected his privacy. Balancing Marc’s responsibility with her work and their married life hadn’t been easy at first. They’d never been great with communication, and emotions were often high. When they’d finally found the middle ground she desired, it hadn’t lasted long. Now, they’re in new territories. They’re both avatar’s with separate gods to serve. Layla and Marc have made a commitment to one another to put their marriage first, and they’ve been doing well lately because of it.
Of course, things aren’t just about balancing with Marc anymore. There’s Jake and Steven to factor in. Layla’s relationship with the former is fledgling; they’re on better terms now and Layla doesn’t mind spending time with the cab driver even if she hasn’t explicitly said it. And then, there’s Steven. Layla loves Steven. It’s not just that she loves Steven. She’s in love with Steven.  Ever since Marc gave them his blessing, things have been going well. They share a love of history and art. The museum dates have been plentiful and their time together has an air of romance that some of her interactions with Marc lack. Their balance has been easier to find. Khonshu and Taweret are intricately tied to their lives now, but being avatar’s sometimes fade into the background. With Jake, Layla’s more likely to be in costume. With Steven, she finds herself simply as Layla more often. More often, but not all the time.
The white of the Mr. Knight suit is as bright as the moon that shines in a crescent above them. Layla has thanked the god she serves multiple times for keeping her warm despite the exposed skin that’s subjected to the night air. Like always, her dark curls remain loose around her face as she takes in the city below them. The wind keeps blowing them around, but Layla doesn’t care.
“I would almost say it’s romantic if I couldn’t hear all the cars honking.” Even from the rooftop, it’s loud. New York is always loud. Layla looks to Steven, a small smile toying at her lips. “What if we just stayed up here? No more getting shot at tonight. Would that be wrong of us?”
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mstexalicious1961 · 2 years
devotion by Kesha Trippett
God is Preparing You
“But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” James 1:7
Where is God’s man for me? Where’s my Boaz, my Mr. Right and my knight in shining armor? When we are waiting for our future spouse, it can seem as though it’s taking an eternity. We’ve already made plans and the delay is messing up our plans, because in our minds, we were supposed to be married by now. So how does God respond? He says the same thing He’s been saying since the beginning, “Rest in Me and wait patiently for Me (see Psalm 37:7).”
My sister, God is preparing you. While you may think He is moving too slow, let Him continue healing you, enriching you, growing you and refining you. He will present you to your husband in His perfect timing. Marriage is serious business that you have to be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually equipped to handle.
The job of a man isn’t to fill a void in your life or complete you. You are complete in God. He is the one who satisfies you and makes you feel good about you. Impatience can cause us to fall for the imitation that often comes before the real thing. But I prophesy to you that in God’s perfect timing, you will receive someone with a different spirit like Joshua. Someone with a heart for God like David. Someone who will fit you like a hand in glove, who will be your bestfriend and your greatest source of support and encouragement in good times and bad. You will receive someone you can be yourself around and who pushes you to be all God called you to be. God is going to give you someone who loves the Lord more than he loves you and who loves you more than he loves himself. He will cherish you and treat you like the treasure you are.
No matter what your past has been and no matter how many children you may have, you will receive God’s man for you. Jesus saw you as worth dying for, God has a man who will see you as worth marrying and caring for.
Prayer: Father God, thank you for encouraging me. You love me and only want the best for me. I believe I am ready to be a wife to the man you have for me, but help me wait on your perfect timing. Prepare me in every area to be a great blessing to him and help me recognize when you bring him into my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
(Read Colossians 2:10; 1 Peter 3:3-4; 1 Corinthians 2:9-10; 1 Corinthians 7:34)
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weemsbotts · 2 years
The Kidnapped Local “Princess”: How the Patawomeck People Navigated Deceit from All Sides
By: Lisa Timmerman, Executive Director
“Captaine Argall intelligence, but he delt with an old friend, and adopted brother of his Iapazeus, how and by what meanes he might procure hir captive, assuring him, that now or never, was the time to pleasure him, if he entended indeede that love which he had made profession of, that in ransome of hir he might redeeme some of our English men and armes…” Raphe Hamor recorded the kidnapping of Pocahontas in his “A True Discourse of the Present Estate of Virginia” printed in 1615. He served as Secretary of the Virginia colony until 1614 and returned to Virginia in 1617 where his life was strife with conflict and controversy. While he claimed Captain Samuel Argall lured the Patawomeck subchief Iopassus (Iapazeus) into helping capture Pocahontas for the reward of a “small Copper kettle, and some other les valuable toies so highly by him esteemed”, he greatly misunderstood the situation and the indigenous people.
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(The Abduction of Pocahontas by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris, early 20th century painting, Courtesy of the Virginia Historical Society. Note how the artist romanticized this exchange and the more English appearance of Pocahontas)
While the Patawomeck peoples paid tribute to Powhatan, they lived on the fringe of the alliance’s territory, closer to other hostile Algonquian-speaking groups. The people deftly maneuvered between many tumultuous relationships as the English certainly added new elements to their political and social worlds. While Captain John Smith claimed he encountered the Patawomeck people in 1608, even falsely reported they secreted a “glistering metal”, Captain Samuel Argall’s expeditions led him to actively engage in diplomacy, hoping to create a fissure in the tenuous indigenous alliances. From 1609-1614, the First Anglo-Powhatan War raged between the English and Powhatan’s alliances, persisting in small-scale but frequent and persistent warfare. Sidenote: Some scholars argue the label “Anglo-Powhatan War” misidentifies the complexities of the situation, only addressing it from an English perspective. However, the ongoing conflict led to serious problems such as food supply and Captain Argall headed north to find willing trade partners. In 04/1613, Argall learned Pocahontas was in the town of Passapatanzy, recognizing that she would be a valuable hostage. Regarding Iopassus role in the deception of detaining and kidnapping Pocahontas on a boat, Hamor recorded, “he [Iopassus] would reserve Pocahuntas, whereat she began to be exceeding pensive, and discontented, yet ignorant of the dealing of Iapazeus, who in outward appearance was no less discontented that he should be the meanes of her captivity, much a doe there was to perswade her to be patient, which with extraordinary curteous usage, by little and little was wrought in her, and so to James towne she was brought, a messenger to her father forthwith dispached to advertise him, that his only daughter was in the hands & possession of the English…” Pocahontas was a hostage in Jamestown for about a year as the English and Powhatans negotiated and her marriage to John Rolfe in 04/1614 brought an uneasy truce for a short period.
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(Map of Powhatan Paramount Chiefdom created by Historian Helen Rountree, 2002. Read more here with Encyclopedia Virginia)
Unfortunately, we do not have a first-person account from Iopassus or the Patawomeck peoples. English sources are fraught with indigenous stereotypes, presumed cultural superiority, misunderstanding (and lack of wanting to), and agenda as letters and narratives measured and generated the financial backbone of the Virginia Company. In 1617, the same year Pocahontas died, John Rolfe printed “A True Relation of the state of Virginia Lefte by Sir Thomas Dale Knight in May Last 1616, referring back to Hamor’s writings, “How happily and plenteously the good blessings of God have fallen upon the people and colony since the last impression, faithfully written by a gent. of good merit, Mr. Ralph Hamor, (some tyme an actuall member in the Plantation, even then departing when the foundacoun and ground worke was new laid of their now thrift and happines,) of the earthie and worldly man is scarcely believed, but of heavenlier minds they are most easilie discerned, for they daily attend and marke how those blessings, (though sometimes restrayned for a tyme,) in the end, are poured upon the servants of the Lord.” As with Hamor, Rolfe also had an agenda to promote in keeping the Virginia Company alive and thriving with interest and influential backers overseas. Many complicated factors went into the decision to assist in the kidnapping of Pocahontas – from potential benefits and veiled and no so subtle threats. A “small Copper kettle” could not determine the decisions of a people that thrived in a setting with shifting enemies and neighbors. The Patawomecks would again ally with the English but earnest English encroachment in 1654, combined with disease and declaration of war on the peoples in 1666 led to the disappearance of the people in the English records.
The Patawomeck tribe applied for and eventually received official state recognition in 2010. Click here for their official website.
Note: What’s on the agenda for Friday, 05/20, 7pm? Grab your walking shoes, bottle of water, and join us and Prince William County Historic Preservationists as we give a free outside walking tour of the area! Click here to view our seasonal programs!
(Sources: Eckhardt, Joshua, and Dictionary of Virginia Biography. "Ralph Hamor (bap. 1589–by October 11, 1626)" Encyclopedia Virginia. Virginia Humanities, (22 Dec. 2021). Web. 17 May. 2022; Rountree, Helen C. Pocahontas’s People: The Powhatan Indians of Virginia Through Four Centuries. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1990; Wolfe, Brendan. "First Anglo-Powhatan War (1609–1614)" Encyclopedia Virginia. Virginia Humanities, (17 Feb. 2021). Web. 17 May. 2022; Rolfe, John. "A True Relation of the state of Virginia Lefte by Sir Thomas Dale Knight in May Last 1616 (1617)" Encyclopedia Virginia.Virginia Humanities, (07 Dec. 2020). Web. 17 May. 2022)
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kasplonk · 2 years
Episode 4 Moon Knight Thoughts:
(This is no necessarily chronological, just fresh from my head) (Also it's kinda long so yeah)
So it's clear they're taking a lot of inspiration from the Lemire & Smallwood run of the comics, which is really fucking cool
Layla being a badass and fighting the guys while Steven just takes a nap off to the side
I remember reading a headcannon a little while ago talking about how it's almost like Steven has the muscle memory, but in the wrong situations (I've forgotten who it was, I'm sorry), but that's all I thought of when Steven said that
Marc and Steven squabbling over Layla
"If I need a recipe for a protein shake, I'll call you" "I swear I'll thROW US OFF A CLIFF" These bitches god bless
But also Marc telling Steven he's not alone!! Honestly I love these two
Steven fucking kissing Layla anyway
It was so awkward, but so very in character
When he leaned in like that, I involuntarily looked away, but it was in character for him which I love
Honestly though I don't blame him, it's Layla El-Faouly for fuck sakes, who wouldn't fall in love with her
Steven just gushing about being in the tomb
Equally, Layla being patient and encouraging his enthusiasm!! We love to see it
Harrow is a little bitch, but I kinda like him. Like, I like him in a hateful way. Does that make sense?
ALSO when that mummy thing grabbed Layla and pulled her into the dark, I was so sure it was going to be the trope of love interest gets kidnapped and main hero has to save them, BUT SHE FUCKING ROCKED HIS SHIT!! QUEEN BEHAVIOUR!!! I WAS CHEERING SO LOUDLY!!
I've been given no choice but to stan!! But I really appreciate the fact she didn't need anyone to save her because she's strong enough to deal with it herself!!
I also really like that Marc wasn't actually the one who killed her father. It was foreshadowed, but once again, Moon Knight subverts typical expectations and. I'm. Living. For. It.
Steven calling Alexander the Great 'Mr Great'. Adorable
The seemless transition from Steven to Marc when Layla is angry. I love the idea that Steven was like 'oh hell no Marc you're in'
Another example of Oscar Issac's incredible acting skills
Also, backpeddling a bit, the drawing of the Eye of Horus was beautiful. And Steven figuring everything out!! There goes my boy!!
The breathtaking cinematography of this show. Honestly can't get enough
The continuous shot of everyone around the asylum though. Continuous shots like that aren't easy, and they did it really fucking well
Donna finally where she belongs 🥺❤
WAIT OMG I ALMOST FORGOT that clip of the old show in between was fucking awesome!! And then when the guy was introduced as Dr Steven Grant. The way I gasped
Harrow being the therapist. My guy at least take the glass out your shoes before you start playing psychologist I'm begging you
They honestly almost had me for a second though. Even though I know the general idea of the comics, the shots of everything around the room like puzzle pieces almost made me believe they were going with the "all in his head" route
Steven in the sarcophagus. The way he was panicking though. And when he sees and hugs Marc?? 🥺
No but honestly that hug was really great. It really conveyed the desperation and the relief at seeing someone they recognise (even if they look the same)
The difference in the screams when they see Taweret
Steven being all high pitched and shrill, while Marc is all deep and tough
Peak comedy
And when she speaks and it's like a discord trap. I can't with this show it's fucking incredible
And yeah, thats pretty much it, but I loved it as always and I can't wait for the next one (the one Jake is in, because if not I will take to the streets and riot)
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