#more like inaccurate rambling
braindeadmaggot · 2 years
Hi there.... uhm, can I ask you a random question? What do you think is the most powerful Devil Fruit in one piece, and why?
Hello dear Anon. There is no such thing as a random question~
You could ask me what color why dog's imaginary friend's toenails are and it would still be in the realm of normal~ Also, if you want to ask more questions go here and find many to choose from.
Now on with the show (this... took me over 2 hours to write 😖)
I answered something similar to this before about what fruit I would eat. I talked about how the Hana Hana no Mi would be a super convenient ability to have in a way that I can do pretty much everything without leaving my bed, though one would assume that using the ability and sprouting extra limbs everywhere would actually result in more calories burned which would lead to A) burn out and B) gains. I imagine in a more realistic art style, Robin would be jacked as hell like Zoro and would eat as much as Luffy (maybe). I wouldn't hate that. (Best thing from it is I would be able to take the perfect photos of myself and even design my back tattoo properly because I'd actually be able to see it. SUCH CONVENIENCE!!)
Following this, I think the Hana Hana no Mi is very powerful in a way that being able to clone yourself and be in multiple places at once, sprouting specific limbs onto any surface, and she can fly (well technically gliding and only for a flew seconds) is a major game changer, and with the ability to clone...
I don't think this is a canon ability yet, but she can do this in the video games. She's basically Jean Grey (all seeing [not exactly telepathy but I think you get the idea]), Multiple man (clones), Spiral (many arms), Night Crawler (teleportation [maybe]), and Angel (flight [sorta]) all in one.
Her biggest weakness is if any of her limbs take damage, it projects onto her real body. If a clone hand loses a finger, she loses a finger. If she sprouted an eye onto the back of someone's head and their sweat dripped, she'd lose visibility for a hot moment. She's an amazing spy and covert agent, but has terrible defense.
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Now going into a more literal thought process...
(SPOILER WARNING!! Wano Arc events mentioned @vergina-spva don't read)
I'm at a toss between the Goro Goro no Mi and the Jiki Jiki no Mi. Eneru was able to forge gold with electricity, but Kid's awakened fruit has a similar ability with creating weapons with scrap, just not as refined - more hodgepodged. Kid's ability is limited to only magnetic metals (of which gold is not), but gold being as soft as it is, we don't know how far Eneru's ability can go which different metals. Though the Ark Maxim seemed to have a gold and glass engine, the pipes weren't as bright and yellow as Eneru's staff, so it could have been brass or copper, but it didn't look like iron or steel (I had to check the episodes for this). The Ark Maxim was built by Gan Fall's men though so there's also the possible that Eneru didn't forge any of that.
Disclaimer: I am not a scientist; I know nothing about physics. This is just what I can gather from many web searches over the past few years trying to figure out Kid's fruit for a fanfic I'm writing. It's all theoretical and more than likely inaccurate. No- scratch that. EXTREMELY inaccurate.
Kid's ability is based around electromagnetism and while similar to a Tesla coil (extremely unstable and radioactive btw, so terrible), I think his ability is more similar to Tony Stark's arc reactor (yeah, I'm going to mention other comic book universes a lot here). Kid produces his own magnetic field, can assign fields to others and can even produce an energy beam. 1 and 3 Iron Man can do. That's pretty damn powerful.
Kid's Damned Punk is an electromagnetic canon, essentially a railgun. But railguns are just really really fast slingshots if you think about it. They propel a projectile as speeds of up to Mach 7 - estimated around 5300mph or 8600kph. There's no gunpowder. Any explosion you see is the impact of the projectile blasting through its target. Railguns are unreliable in a sense that they breakdown with use and are very expensive to power and maintain. Says a lot about Kid as a person lol
The Arc Reactor's electromagnet does [insert science words] to make [science words] which turns [science words] into plasma [more science words] it's just a lot to take in okay. They took creative liberties and bent the laws of physics to make this work for Marvel. One Piece has no laws; it's an utter mess!! And I can approach this any way I want. It's devil magic. BASICALLY... the Iron Man suit's electromagnetic fields change atomic energy in plasma based particles that fuse together to create the repulsor rays (hand blasts) and uni-beam (chest blast). I can't explain it beyond that. I probably shouldn't have gotten so deep into this in the first place.
Looking at Iron Man's Repulsor Rays "are pulsed, laser-path guided, medium-density, plasma projectors, capable of generating a maximum concussive force of 150 pounds of TNT." From what we've seen in One Piece, so many characters have been hit with mortars and only walk away a bit dusty. Big Mom could have easily withstood this much TNT. I think Kid's awakened fruit is essentially an unrefined, not as strong arc reactor but his body can withstand it and that's why he doesn't explode.
I say the Jiki Jiki no Mi is more powerful than the Goro Goro no Mi, but it all comes down to who can charge more cellphones in a minute: Shazam or Iron Man. Though they'd both be able to power an entire city no problem.
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Last but not least. The most powerful DF of them all.
Maito Maito no Mi
The Might Might Fruit is an amazing power. Without it, we'd all be dead. It's literally a friggin' powerhouse.
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all hail the mighty mitochondria~
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pro-sipper · 7 months
"- 'proshippers' or whatever the fuck you people are calling yourselves now -"
It's. It's still just "proshippers". It's you guys (antis) and the fence-straddlers trying to have their cake and eat it too that keep creating random new phrases to "other" and distance themselves from us. We're here, unchanging, same as ever, in our corner with our silly little stories. We aren't the ones interested in coming up with 500 new labels for people who know that fiction isn't reality.
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an1muuarts · 1 month
a lot of ppl think that laios would be a furry, but nah, he just has zoology autism
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cringywhitedragon · 1 month
It’s midnight and why has my brain thought of shipping Dante from DMC with the protagonist from “What in Hell is Bad”
Descendant of Solomon meets the son of Sparta, both of whom are trying to stop Armageddon (Likely through different means) forced to join sides.
The dynamic would be something since we all know Dante and how possibly the forces of the Underworld would either be scared of or just out to get his ass.
Plus some Goetia have appeared in the DMC series (At least 3 and it’s kinda spread all over the place with one being from the reboot timeline so it would really depend on the version of Dante we’d be working with but for clarity’s sake let’s just say three of them are dead) so that would likely knock the count of vassels/lords down to 69 of 72.
The sins would be possibly well acquainted with our favorite devil hunter (Likely due to Sparta who in this universe may have held a rank similar to a Sin due to the Underworlds of DMC and WiHiB working way differently. Same would go for Mundas too who would have likely tried to take the whole place over.) and no doubt there would be some tension over the MC because of that (And just Dante being a massive troll to them. *Cue casual gun or sword to the face.*)
Angels and how their dynamic would work with Dante would be hard to tell since how infrequently and how little we know of them in DMC-verse (Plus the reboot verse, this ain’t Bayonetta after all.). Likely they likely know of him but I just Idk? Maybe he ends up a target because demon blood or perhaps the Angels just leave him alone because of him hunting demons (which likely makes their job a whole lot easier)? I’ll let you decide.
And Solomon likely knew Sparda. But I’m not sure what Grandpappy would be thinking about somebody hanging out with a certain half-breed who severs demon contracts in a bit more bloody fashion
So in simple terms, half-demon son of Sparda and mage king’s descendants work together to stop Armageddon and make peace between Heaven and Hell while dealing with the chaos and uber jealous Sin demons. While grandpappy’s reincarnated on Earth as a simple human in the middle of Antartica trying to save the world while getting catfished by a half incubus. Oh wait…wrong game
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cerasus--flores · 1 month
if you like robinhill because robin is "naive and innocent" and boothill is "brash and hot headed" i already kinda don't like you.
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watatsumiis · 1 year
May I request Arlecchino romance headcanons? 🙏
For sure !! I've been really enjoying all the Arlecchino requests in my inbox recently, she as a character fascinates me!
Sorry this took me so long to get to, it's like. Every time I open it up and start typing, I get distracted by something else.
Content: Gender neutral reader (referred to as 'you'), romantic affection, nicknames, some behaviour from Arlecchino that could be considered a little seedy (including some passing mentions of jealousy/possessiveness) - a quick mention of alcohol in the last dot point.
Word count: I'd say somewhere over 900, done in a list format.

I'd say in most cases, she probably would have been the one to fixate on you and take steps to initiate the relationship to start off with - though I could definitely see it being the other way around, but she would've been very much out of her element. She's very much easily flustered when your attention is on her.
During the courting period, she would have cute young children bring you flowers from her whenever you happened to be in the area - at first it seems like some kind of plot or scheme, but in reality she's just too shy to approach you directly herself.
She has people watching out for you, always, even before you're together. Even if you're perfectly capable of looking after yourself, you'll find that there's often a Fatui member or two who just so happens to have grown up in House of the Hearth following in your footsteps or looking out for you.
Despite how affectionate she is, she does shockingly terribly when the favour is returned in any way - her cheeks get all red and she refuses to look at you, practically pouting, even if all you did was give her an innocent compliment or ask how her day has been.
I feel like a lot of the kids at the House of the Hearth remain loyal to her even after they've grown up - despite her cold exterior and attitude, they're all really fond of her and see her as this protective aunt figure, so of course once the rumour gets out that she's taken an interest in you (or vice versa), you find that whenever you're in the area, you're getting a lot of curious looks and whispers sent your way, or even some of the older ones just directly asking you questions - at least once there would've been a time when a younger child just directly asked when the wedding was going to be.
Arlecchino can barely function when you're around before you're together. She's a mess, blurting out compliments and just offering you things. You compliment her coat? Before you can blink, she's taken it off and is offering it to you, but in that annoyed, stubborn kind of way, as if she wasn't given a choice in the matter. "Just take it. You said you liked it."
She only just manages to keep her composure when the other Harbingers are around - she's entirely enamoured by you and it's far too obvious in the way that she's constantly looking over towards you and fidgeting about impatiently, or shuffling over so she gets to stand closer to you.
I'd imagine you two getting together officially just starts out with her accidentally blurting something out and admitting to her feelings, then immediately rushing out and avoiding you for as long as possible until you finally manage to corner her and demand answers, and you manage to work it all out from there.
Once you're officially together, Arlecchino can still be a little flighty around you, as if the slightest movement might scare you off. This borders on uncharted water for her - she's been in relationships before, but never with someone she actually cared for this much.
She's so needy and clingy at times, it's like she thinks if she lets you out of her sight you'll run away forever.
Once she's been given the go ahead for physical affection, she is all over you. Standing right up in your personal space, sitting so close to you that you're pressed up against one another. It's like she hardly even notices her arm wrapping around you, or her fingers linking with yours.
Once she's over that initial phase of doubt and worry, she gets better, though she can still be possessive and jealous at times.
There's nothing she loves more than being able to come to bed and get to hold you after a long day of working. She looks forward to it all day.
She vacillates between wanting to show you off to anyone and everyone and wanting to hide you away somewhere where you'll be safe.
She loves to provide for you - if it's within her power to grant for you, she'll do it in a heartbeat.
If anyone upsets you, she's ready to throw hands, no matter who it is. She'll square up with the Tsaritsa herself for looking at you wrong.
Arlecchino just adores you. She dotes on you to no end - the kids at the House of the Hearth find it adorable - the soldiers serving under her do too, but they're a little more subtle about it, especially considering Arlecchino is trying her very best to keep your relationship under wraps so news doesn't get around to the other Harbingers.
If someone gets her a drink or two and bring you up in conversation she's suddenly fanning herself as she blinks back tears because of just how much she loves you. It's adorable. For all the terrifying stories about her and her general reputation, she's really just a huge softie when it comes to you (though she definitely still has her stern, scary moments).

Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites (without credit + permission).

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mcybree · 5 months
Random limlife Scott rant, GO!
I got this ask and decided that I’d give it my best shot but got so mad on my skim through some of the moments I remembered that I gave up.
#Okay im half joking#I got angry enough for me to decide that writing a post without careful consideration would probably lead to an inaccurate little ramble#I need to like. actually sit down and watch limlife and do a full overall analysis#because the context for how scott acts each season is so important. a skim just wont do#The reason I dont have notes on him to share with the class already is because when it was coming out I was pretending that—#Scott grew as a person after 3l and I wanted to believe that so badly I started making stuff up about memory erasure and limlife being—#dubiously real so that I could look the other way when scott started being weird about jimmy again#I was like yeah they barely remember it thats why scotts being uncomfortably weird about jimmy this season#not because scott doesnt think about jimmy like a person and just wants to hear him say words that make him feel better about his—#rough relationship history#not because the idea of jimmy gaining independence from him makes him feel insecure or anything#sighs. sorry im just saying things. again its been a while since ive watched it so I need to actually. Yknow. Watch it before making posts#Its just crazy how he treats it like proving a point more than actually caring#“I mightve given you the 30 minutes last week if youd said love you” he wouldnt have. he was already leaving when he said it#he’s literally just trying to get him to feel bad about not saying it#pretty sure he kills jimmy in the same episode he lets jimmy kill him. Like. He doesnt really care like that#He just likes to pretend that he does. He is going through the motions of caring#Its like he needs to believe jimmy still needs him. in like a possessive way. Its really weird man#I will say though since I see this a lot: I dont think him singling out tango in the 30 seconds scene was intentional#because if im being honest. I dont think he sees the ranchers as anything serious#He assumes tango was just putting up with jimmy bc he had to. He doesnt think tango actually cares about jimmy#in his mind no one actually cares about jimmy. because if scott struggled to care about jimmy and Scott is known for being an amazing ally#that must mean everyone else struggles to care about jimmy. If that makes sense#rant over I think. tldr limlife scott analysis postponed until I get my life together enough to be able to sit down and watch forthree hour#bree barks so fucking loud#asks
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shoechoe · 10 months
I enjoy those posts that refer to instincts of the human mind as "monkey brain" "chimpanzee brain" "gorilla brain" "orangutan brain" (etc.) as though human brains are some blend of all of the other primates and our instincts are like specific primates "talking" to us. I mean that's really not how it works but it's fun to imagine it that way
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jsheios · 2 years
I've been listening to the Inkopolis Memorial Remix and I've been wondering why Octavio would make a remix dedicated to Inkopolis of all things story-wise.
Then I figured, What if Octavio and Callie both gained a better understanding of each others' worlds through one another?
Callie, despite having her brain remixed by the Octarian leader, found such a deep appreciation and understanding of Octarian culture and society that neither she or Marie could've ever fathomed a year earlier. And Octavio, despite his low view of Inklings, found a better appreciation for them through Callie (Probably reminds him of Craig when they were younger)
I like the idea that Callie willingly stayed underground with Octavio for a while to take a break from her career and personal issues in Inkopolis. She felt like she couldn’t really go to anyone when Cuttlefish, 3, and Marie were all busy and gone, so during a visit to Octo Valley, Octavio decided to take advantage of that fact. He convinced her to break him out through that temptation of escapism. And, impulsively, Callie accepted. She made more music collaborating with Turquoise October and gained a huge following while still being anonymous, something she couldn’t get in Inkopolis.
They both would obviously be really hesitant of trusting each other, being on two different sides of a finished-unfinished war, but Callie put it aside and didn’t think too hard about it. Eventually, they started to trust each other, maybe Octavio opened up about how it is trying to lead a deteriorating nation, or Callie starts reminiscing with him about playing with Marie as kids. Little things, y’know? At least until Octavio broke that trust with the introduction of the Hypnoshades.
Her relationship with Octavio might’ve been broken at that point, but he changed her whole view on him and Octarians as a whole. Octavio was similar, Callie brought a new groove to Octarian society, he saw her become a hit and bring joy to his people underground and maybe to him too. His negative views on inkling society I’d argue changed a lot because of Callie’s influence.
I figure the brainwashing planned from the beginning, but she still left a impact on him. Enough to get him to develop the Inkopolis Memorial Remix, which I think would be a very nice, bittersweet explanation.
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saviourkingslut · 6 months
no but watching napoleon with a bunch of historians and my principal supervisor was there and they were like what did you think about the movie and i said i had my eyes closed for parts of it bc it was so boring and they were like 'what!' and i had to backtrack like a madman vs my daily supervisor being thoroughly unimpressed by the movie like i was and spending 10 mins with me talking shit about it
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millenari · 2 months
I know nothing about ballet so Misto’s little lesson to the kittens made absolutely no sense to me lmao
BUT Misto teaching a few kittens, which turns into more kittens, which turns into older cats too… very very good to imagine
Anyway gold rush is just *chefs kiss*
I'm glad you don't know anything about ballet! I hope everyone who read that chapter knows nothing about ballet, bc if I was hideously wrong about everything I said then no one has to know about it, lmao.
The long and the short of that scene is just (supposed to be) Misto teaching the kittens to do his conjuring turns (aka 'a la seconde' turns). Honestly it probably would've had the same effect if I'd just typed out 'and then Misto spent his afternoon teaching the kittens to do conjuring turns' instead of that entire sequence, but alas. my hubris.
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gemharvest · 1 year
I'm kinda just a feline/ canine guy when it comes to personal furry OCs and I'm fine with that being my specific interest but sometimes I see other people's dragon OCs and go fuuuuuuck. I need me a set of dragon OCs I can toy with.
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lickthatbattery · 1 year
gender is fucked up. it's like. i'm a trans man. i'm multigender. femaleness or whatever is definitely part of my gender identity and experience, an important part at that, but to refer to me in 99.9% of ways that would be indicative of such would be misgendering. i don't even self-refer that way. but it's still relevant and important to my gender experience even if it's not verbalized and as a result, largely internal
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smallblueandloud · 1 year
i am unsure what to write tonight. i want to write about the x-men. i go to my abandoned WIPs folder, scroll past 20+ files of non x-men fics, and click on the very last file, which is called "x-men dumping ground" and features every x-men fic idea i've ever had. i breathe a sigh of relief.
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i'm a lady now is so relatable. i think i have said this before. whatever-
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cottageivy · 1 year
updated my resources page finally lol.
i didnt feel like trying to narrow down the presets i use tonight (except for the zerbu ones but i think those are broken rn) and i just said the creators i use for the sliders for now, but i will probably go back and update it...maybe
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