#might work this into a future fic hmm 👀
spiderin-space · 2 months
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Feels like it’s been forever since I posted sketches when it really hasn’t been
Anyways, bishops bishops bishops (and one(1) Aynno)
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promitto-amor · 7 months
It's been a WHILE since I was on Tumblr, but I find myself inspired to write and Mark Hoffman reappeared in Saw X at the most opportune time...
Summary: Mark Hoffman has a special interest in the Rook at his precinct. After she blows off post-work drinks for a date, Hoffman can't let the opportunity to make a move pass by when she turns up at the bar with a familiar date.
Pairing: Mark Hoffman x Ivy Reeves (original character)
Warnings: Language!
There aren't nearly enough Mark Hoffman fics out there so this is my contribution. Who doesn't like a jealous Hoffman hmm? Ivy is mine from a fanfic I never finished years and years ago. I've brought her back for this one shot because she needed a name for this fic to work. Please feel free to insert your own name! This is pretty PG for me! Also I will forever headcanon that Adam lived. 👀
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Mark didn’t like work drinks. Ever since he had been converted, the thought of alcohol always turned his stomach to lead. The temptation to once more travel down the path of blackout nights was always too great and Mark had to keep his wits about him.
He couldn’t afford to slip up. One slip up could spell the end for him.
Clenching his fist around the non-alcoholic beer that had sat in front of him for the last hour, Hoffman surveyed the throng of drinkers. Among them was Fisk, his occasional partner and first Detective on the Jigsaw case. A man that was too simple for this world, simple enough to have achieved the rare feat of never prompting Jigsaw to put him in a trap. Beside him was Rigg, a future victim, but for now Rigg could live his life in the ignorance that his time was being drained as fast as his third drink. Kerry looked how Mark felt. She’d spent most of the night staring at her gin, too down about Eric Matthews to be in much of a social mood, despite Rigg’s encouragements.
It seems that Matthews himself really was the life of the party. Too bad he’s stuck in some cell of Jigsaw’s making to join them for Friday night drinks.
The only other person who could have made the night somewhat better would have been Ivy. The youngest on their serial killer task team, Ivy had taken to staying late, volunteering to take on swabbing through the heaps of evidence recovered from the latest game. Whether this was due to a morbid fascination with Jigsaw’s modus operandi, or ambition to get ahead in her job, Mark wasn’t sure. But it certainly made the nights when he had to stay late less lonely. With his fellow co-workers becoming more despondent since Matthew’s disappearance, Ivy’s lack of inter-work relationships was refreshing.
Ivy made the best coffee in the office and was the only person to remember that Mark took his coffee black.
A body slumps down beside him, Fisk leans in close to him. “Reckon I’ll be able to get two weeks off?”
“You planning a vacation?” Mark tips back his glass and tries to finish it, but there’s too much left to down in one.
“Thinking of it.” Fisk admits, “I feel like things might be slowing down. I know we had one last week but…hey doesn’t look like anything big is planned.”
“Could just be a matter of time.”
“Maybe,” Fisk grins. “All the more reason to be out of the city when it happens.”
Mark would like to trap him for that alone, but sadly if he could have left New Jersey and Jigsaw behind, he would have been in Europe by now. There was a time when he thought about it. Around the time Ivy had become more present in the Jigsaw case, Mark had allowed himself to fantasise about starting a new life in another country. A new face and a warm smile to wake up next to. But John’s recent resilience across the border in Mexico had proved Mark will never be free until Jigsaw and his puppet apprentice were both dead.
Fisk casts a look round the bar, “Where’s the rook tonight?”
“You’ve gotta stop calling her that.”
”I know,” Fisk nods. “Force of habit, besides she is still new to the task force.”
“Even so she’ll punch you for that soon.”
“I notice you’re avoiding my question.” 
Fisk is eying him and so Mark has no choice but to grumble out, “She has a date.”
“Interesting.” Fisk enunciates every syllable and leans back on his bar stool. “Any idea who?”
“No.” Mark seriously considers ordering a shot, “That’s all I know.”
“Good for her.” Fisk says, “For making sure she has a life. Important that, you know?”
Mark’s known him long enough to get the hint, “I’m fine, Fisk.”
“I know,” Fisk says again, his eyes now on Kerry. “I guess better to be single than caught up with a married colleague.”
Maybe John would allow Fisk to be trapped on the basis of being a gossip?
The bar door opens a couple of times as Fisk continues to chatter about a variety of topics. Mark offers one worded answers whenever suitable. On the fourth time the bar door opened, Adam Stanheight walks through the door. He doesn’t know who Mark is, but Mark knows the wannabe PI well.
This kind of dive bar is where he’d expect Stanheight to frequent. A place where lost souls gather to watch the same generic rock bands, play pool and eventually hook up. Exactly why Mark’s precinct usually favours it. Easy to get lost in the flow of people that gather. It is not the sort of place anyone should bring Ivy Reeves on a date.
She slides in after Adam. Rigg spots her immediately and sends her an enthusiastic wave. Ivy pauses on seeing her coworkers, whispers something to Adam and he too looks over. Adam’s eyes dart from Rigg to Ivy and on her taking his hand the two make their way to the bar. Mark notes Ivy puts as much distance between their position and her position at the bar as possible.
Fisk’s eyes are watching everything unfold, “Isn’t that-“
“From the bathroom game.”
“The one that just appeared.”
Ivy had been the one to speak with a nearly dead Adam Stanheight, who appeared at the Angel of Mercy hospital at some godforsaken hour. He’d been dumped in an empty bed and hooked up to an IV with saline solution. Apparently it had given the nurses quite the scare and when all Adam could say was the word ‘bathroom’, the hospital had been quick to call in the Jigsaw task force.
Mark knows who freed Adam. He’d heard the same rant from Amanda over and over about how interfering Doctors should stay in their lanes.
On that rare occasion, Mark had agreed with her.
Ivy’s eyes track across the room and Mark hopes she might be looking for him. Taking the opportunity before him Fisk calls out, beckoning Ivy over. Mark waits for her to find him and once she has Mark offers her a small nod. She looks away and her hand subconsciously tugs at her top. When she turns back to them Ivy holds up a finger and Fisk shoots a smirk at him.
“What are the odds?”
“She can date whoever she likes.”
“Never said she couldn’t” Fisk is watching him like Mark has become his favourite TV show. “You jealous?”
“She’s ten years or so younger.”
“Shut it, Fisk.”
Ivy accepts a drink from Adam, who hasn’t stopped talking since they arrived and takes a cautious sip. When she thinks it’s been long enough, she glances over at Mark again. He catches her eye again and this time, Ivy has little choice but to whisper in Adam’s ear and make her way over to them.
“Did you know we were coming here?” Fisk ask as soon as Ivy’s in earshot.
“No,” She says, leaning in close to hear Fisk over the chatter. “Adam knows this place, an ex-friend of his used to play here.”
“Hoffman’s been missing you.”
Mark’s definitely putting Fisk in a trap. Even if he has to lie about the reason. Ivy’s eyes slip back to him, “I doubt that. You all look like you’re having so much fun.”
“Sarcasm?” Mark asks and Ivy sends him a shy grin.
Adam sidles up behind her. He rubs the back of his neck, “Didn’t think I’d see you guys so soon.”
“How you doing?” Fisk starts up small talk with Adam, as if he really cares about his recovery. This leaves Mark the perfect opportunity to corner Ivy. He stands up and leans on the bar, blocking Fisk and Adam from her line of sight. “How’s the date?”
Ivy sips her drink. Her eyes look in all directions but at Mark as she searches for her answer. She’s uncomfortable. But for what reason? Is it because she’s out with a victim of the case she’s working? Mark doesn’t even know if that would count as a conflict of interest. Ivy finally answers in a voice low enough that Mark has to lean in, “Adam’s my usual type. He’s nice enough, made me laugh on our first date.”
Mark places his empty glass on the bar top. “But not enough on a second date?”
Ivy’s fingers tighten on her own glass, “I thought I would enjoy it more than I am.”
“What’s wrong then?”
She glances over at Kerry and Rigg, “I should say hello to them.” She glances back to him, as if asking permission.
Mark seizes the opportunity, “You knew we were going here. Did you convince him to take you here tonight?”
Mark didn’t need to be a Detective to read the guilt that washes over her. “I wasn’t feeling it much when I agreed to go out again. I thought if we came here, where you were, I’d have an easier way out.”
He presses in a little closer to her. Ivy’s eyes jump over his shoulder, like a skittish doe, no doubt checking on Adam. Mark knows he’s sizing her up, the dare evident in how he’s gotten so close to her. “Do you need a way out, Ivy?”
“No.” She balks and takes a step back. She tips her drink back, places the glass on the table and crosses the short distance to reclaim Adam from Fisk. She leads her ‘date’ over to the pool tables and Mark retakes his seat by Fisk.
“I like him.” Fisk announces, “He plays electric guitar.”
“He still stalking people and taking their pictures?”
Fisk shakes his head, “Didn’t ask, but I doubt it.”
Mark’s eyes stalk Ivy as she collects the pool cues. Adam is lining up the balls and then he’s leaning over Ivy, helping her break. Not that she needs help. Mark’s certain Ivy’s played before, judging by how she lines up her shot and pockets a stripe.
“I’m going home.” Mark announces, “Someone’s gotta be coherent in the morning.”
“Yeah, me too.” Fisk nods, “I’ll tell the others.”
Mark sidles over to the back exit, where he’ll deliberately pass by Ivy. She’s leaning against her pool cue, chalking up the end when Mark presses himself behind her to get past. “Your opportunity is leaving.” He murmurs in her ear, hands finding her waist. He knows it’s a cheap move, but Ivy tenses deliciously under his touch. He doesn’t care whether Stanheight is watching or not. Mark pushes open the back door and heads for his car, parked just a couple of feet away.
Thankful he’s made it another night without drinking, Mark puts the key in the ignition and waits a couple minutes. Just as he’s about to drive away, the backdoor opens. Ivy walks straight for his car, opens the passenger door and climbs in.
Mark leans back in the driver’s seat and waits for her to speak.
“Just take me home, Mark.”
“I don’t know where you live.”
She turns her head to face him, “Yes, you do.”
Mark sets off. He lets the silence linger between them as Ivy plays with her fingers. The small bag she’s been carrying around all night is on her lap. Mark can tell the silence is eating at her, but she’s too stubborn to speak first. When they are less than five minutes away, Mark gives her some mercy. “What did you say to get away?”
“I said forensics had found something.” She heaves a sigh and runs a hand over her face, smudging some of her mascara. She’s still beautiful to Mark.
“Why’d you lie?”
“Because I wanted to be with you.”
Her admission unsettles him as much as it pleases him. To have won another kind of game, one Mark has rarely ever let himself play is thrilling. He could see how it could become addictive, but Mark isn’t going to be smug about it. Not much. “I didn’t think you’d entertain the idea of someone like me.”
It should be more of a warning than it is. He should be pulling over, telling her to get out. Mark knows he should do everything he can to make her hate him. But Mark can only resist one temptation tonight.
Ivy doesn’t answer as he pulls up outside her apartment block. Mark smirks as the cliche, loaded question leaves him, “Do you want me to walk you upstairs or are you good?”
Finally, she looks at him, “Do you want to?”
He bites back a growl. “Of course I fucking want to.” He says, holding onto the last remnants of his restraint. “You’ve been on my mind all fucking night, Reeves.”
She reacts at once, climbing across the gearbox and onto his lap. Mark just pushes the seat back in time as Ivy settles herself. His hands don’t know where to hold, his bravado from earlier abandons him when Ivy is bearing down on him in all areas. She looks down at him for a second and then her lips are on his. 
How tempted I was to keep this going, but sometimes a tease is better than full smut no? You can let your imaginations go wild from here. 😈
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dreamerking27 · 4 months
I WAS GIVEN THE OKAY SO PLEASE LET ME READ MORE OF THE LAD YES. What does Larkspur do in his free time like when he's not existential about his whole existence 👀?- @jtl-fics
Hmm. Just gonna type this as I think it through because I need a distraction. So.
First, let's start with the limitations: obviously he can't travel much. He can leave his house, but he hates leaving his house.
I think some of it would be decorating. He lives in his house, he's stuck in his house, so he wants to make it nice.
Currently, he's also limited by decreasing fine motor control and increasing brain fog. I think he used to knit (the beds that the party sleeps on when they're staying at his house all have blankets he made, not that they know that!) but now, he's not able to. So he's had to adjust to something that works better for his brain and hands.
[pause for me to do some research]
There are ways he could adapt knitting, such as loom knitting. I think though that he would prefer to try something different. Hmm.
His gross motor is okay right now, but he knows that he's probably going to have difficulties with that in the future.
Okay, I think I've decided on music. I think it's something that he hasn't really explored, not since he was little and still in the Feywild. His dad played a lyre. And it hurt too much to hear music, for a long time. But he's realized that he doesn't want to die without learning how to play an instrument, because it seems like it wouldn't be honoring his dad.
[research part two electric boogaloo]
I think it would be difficult for him to play most wind instruments because he'd struggle with the keys. He also might have difficulty reading music, but I think that's something where one of the pixies might help him by transcribing into tablature. Honestly, I think what would be easiest for him would be percussion, trombone, or a natural brass instrument like a bugle or an old-fashioned (by today's standards) horn or trumpet. Those don't have valves so there's no finicky finger movements, it's all in the mouth movements.
But then, we have to take into account his personality.
This means we throw out all of the brass instruments. Sorry, Larkspur, you are not a bugle/horn/trombone guy.
This also means we throw out the percussion instruments. You're angry, yeah, but you're a quiet angry, not a loud angry.
So, that leaves us with? I think with voice.
He sings. That's his hobby. He's learning how to sing.
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queseraone · 2 months
Anything with a 1 for the fic game!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?) Oh goddddd what a struggle? I asked @timandlucy to answer this for me, and she said this one (which is, oddly enough, one of my favourite things I've written - it was a fun challenge!) or this one (her Secret Santa gift, so she may be biased there...)
10. How do you decide what to write? If something keeps me up at night, I know I need to write it out of pure spite. Seriously though, if I wake up at 3am thinking about an idea, that alone tells me it's compelling enough and/or excites me enough that I need to follow through with it.
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is? All Chenford, all the time! I absolutely love both Tim and Lucy, and I have so much fun exploring these two characters. But I think if I had to chose, I'd say Tim, purely because (at least generally speaking) he holds his cards closer to the chest than Lucy, so there can be more to play with there.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you? Hmm, I don't think so? I'm generally pretty open-minded, but once something's on my shit list, it's usually there to stay!
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore? Again, not really? I'm pretty stubborn strong in my opinions!
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer? While I can't think of any specific examples at the moment, I definitely think there are lot of sensitive topics thrown around in fanfic that would be better left to someone with greater respect for them. If that makes sense? Writing from a place of care (whether that's pulling from your own experience or from research to develop better understand) is super important to me!
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written? Well thus far, I've only written one, for Linstead. But I have a handful of Chenford ideas bouncing around in my brain! Fingers crossed I can make at least one or two of them happen over summer hiatus!
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)? One that I've read and loved? Hello, Chenford married at first sight, aka the AU I never knew I needed! (@cfr749 💖)
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it? @timandlucy, you wanna field this one??? 👀😂
18. If you wrote a sequel to i've got my love to keep me warm, what would it involve? I'm not sure if you had a particular fic in mind here? But in general, I'm not sure I've ever envisioned a sequel to anything I've written, simply because most of my fics lean heavily on the "canon compliant" side of things, so I expect canon to give me the next parts hahaha. But there was a time I thought about writing a part two to this one! And, you know, never say never?
Hmm, interesting!! I suppose this fic technically has the most potential for a sequel - the future anniversaries they hint at at the end. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔
19. If you wrote a spin-off of you know what it was (he is in love), what would it involve? Well given that this is the shortest fic ever, I guess there's potential to explore so many things in more depth. But technically I guess that's not a spin-off. Something similar from Tim's POV I suppose, but the "show you" line was more fitting for Lucy thinking about Tim than the other way around.
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in i can go anywhere i want (just not home), what would it be? I actually went back to my doc for this one, because funnily enough, there are some things I eliminated for this. Here's a chunk that I ended up not using:
It feels easy at first. As Nova, she’s nervous, more so than she ever cares to let on. It’s her first job, and while she feels a rush at the excitement of it all, she can’t deny that it’s scary. So much is riding on the op—for the department, certainly, but also for herself. It’s her shot to prove herself, to show Harper, Grey, Tim, and everyone else what she’s capable of. But when all is said and done, it’s a relatively short job, and the newness of it all makes the time pass quickly.  She doesn’t feel the nerves as much as Sava. Or maybe she’s just too focused on a different kind of nerves, what with being in such close proximity to Tim and feeling so many things.  Being Sava feels easy and almost natural in a way Lucy doesn’t let herself think too much about, but that she knows is because she has Tim by her side. Sure, the op is intense, but the chance to take down Madras is more important than any of the turmoil she feels inside. And in the blink of an eye, it’s over, and there’s so much going on that she doesn’t really have time to dwell on the job. When Lucy goes under as Jamie Hall, she feels a surprising sense of peace. Perhaps because she’s been through it before, so she knows the ropes. But probably more because she has Tim as her backup. She’s still surprised the department signed off on that, but she’s grateful for the added level of protection it affords her. She’s able to really give in to the case, lean into the rush, because just knowing he’s close keeps the nerves and the isolation at bay. So she’s expecting more of the same this time.
31. What’s your ideal fic length to write? Whatever feels right. As much as I fixate on the word count as I write, I try not to let it control when something is done. If it feels complete at 1000 words, so be it!
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.” This fic feels like an extension of canon in such an incredible way that I feel it should be compulsory reading (@makeitastrength 👏)
Thank you!! 😊
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rockyroadkylers · 7 months
Weekend WIP game
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more).
Thank you @happiness-of-the-pursuit for tagging me! (technically you tagged my main, @mainstreamelectricalparade, but this is my RWRB blog, so I'm responding here, LOL)
1. WIP List:
(bolding stuff I'm actively working on, since now that I've finished my current project, most of these are still in the very early stages 😂)
It's Nice to Have a Friend sequel (canon-divergent childhood friends-to-lovers AU)
INTHAF tabloid/social media companion fic
Actor AU enemies-to-friends-to-lovers (child actor Alex, non-actor Henry, technically)
the Bond AU (actually also an actor AU where Henry has the opportunity to follow in his father's footsteps and be the next generation's James Bond... but so does Alex 👀)
Tangled AU (Henry is Rapunzel, Alex is Flynn, you can guess where that's going)
I technically have other WIPs, but they're from a different fandom and thinking about them doesn't really spark joy right now, so I'm not going to include them here 😅
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
Um... I think the child actor Alex outline is currently longer than any of the others, and I have the opening scene written for it, so I'll say that one 😂
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
Ooh... at this stage, it's so hard to tell! It could honestly be any of them, I haven't even started working on some of them properly, yet, so I have no idea if they'll be oneshots or fully-fledged longfics. Currently, my best guess would be the sequel for the childhood friends AU, but... that could change.
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
I wouldn't say I have a favorite, yet... I've done the most outlining for the child actor Alex AU, just because we had a full-on conversation about it in the server, so a lot of the hard work was done for me 😂 I'm joking, obviously, I still have a lot of work to do, but the server gave me some great ideas, so I'm very excited about that fic. A close second is the childhood friends sequel, though, because that AU is my baby <3
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Hmm... A little nervous about the Tangled AU, maybe? I'm not sure why, I just find fics based on movies to be difficult, because I want to stay true to the story, but also make put my own spin on it and make it just different enough that it's not, like, an exact replica. I also have to find ways to work around the scenes with singing and dancing in them 😂 but that will be the easy part, tbh.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
Maybe the childhood friends AU tabloid/social media fic? I've never really done anything like it before. I have to come up with a whole bunch of headlines, write excerpts of news articles, make social media posts, and tie them all together neatly in a cohesive timeline that ties into the original fic. I've maybe bitten off more than I can chew, but there's no pressure to get anything posted before I'm ready! I think people are more excited for the sequel, anyway 🤭
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
Umm... I might not get a full-on beta, but the sequel for the childhood friends AU isn't just going to be about Alex and Henry's budding romantic relationship, it's also going to be continuing to deal with topics such as the aftermath of Arthur's death, Bea's experience with rehab, Henry starting therapy, and so on, so I'll probably ask some friends from the server to check some stuff over if there's anything I'm not sure about.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
Technically, no, because I've barely gotten started on any of them 😂
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
None of my WIPs have OCs, yet (though I imagine that will change once I really get into the actual writing), but my fully-posted fic, It's Nice to Have a Friend, has two: Robert, Catherine's equerry, and Judy, the head cook at Kensington Palace. I love them both, tbh, a mother could never choose a favorite child 😊
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
lmao, I don't write sexy stuff 😂 The sexiest thing I've ever written is a brief moment in the epilogue of It's Nice to Have a Friend, where I blink-and-you-miss-it implied that Alex and Henry had sex after getting engaged 😂
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
That's probably gonna be the sequel 😅 I'm gonna make it as fluffy as I can, but it's gonna be an immediate continuation following chapter 10 of It's Nice to Have a Friend, which means long distance. Plus, like I said in question 7, Henry's still got his grief and Bea's recovery to work through, so it's not going to be the smoothest ride.
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
There's no way not to make this sound like a humble brag but I've gotten a lot of comments on It's Nice to Have a Friend that have told me my characterizations are really good, so assuming I'm consistent in the sequel, that will probably remain true there, as well. Although, the two enemies to lovers AUs I have... I don't have any interactions between the boys written down for either of those fics, yet, but that's pretty on-brand for them 😂
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
Uhhh... not entirely sure what this means 😅 Like, overall universe setting, or like a specific scene? I think either way I'm gonna have to go with the childhood friends AU, because I'm just completely in love with it. I can't help it, that AU is my baby 😂 Although I am getting super into the child actor Alex AU, as well!!!
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
DEFINITELY the childhood friends AU! I spent five weeks writing the original fic, and I've been thinking about a sequel for at least two. I only started actually outlining it after I finished writing the first one, but there's no way I can say I've worked harder on anything else, even though the original fic and the sequel are technically two separate fics.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
The sequel 😂 I can't help it, It's Nice to Have a Friend is the fic that made me fall back in love with writing, and I'm positive that the sequel will continue that legacy. Although I'm feeling really good about the way the child actor Alex AU is turning out, as well!
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
Uh... maybe? Except, I couldn't really tell if it was just a vague, generic Alex and Henry dream, or if I was actually dreaming about them in the childhood friends 'verse.....
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
Well, yeah, I mean, before I started writing for RWRB, I was almost exclusively a platonic fluff writer in the Iron Dad fandom (just check my Ao3 page 😂), so almost everything more complex than a toddler with an ear infection adds a new challenge for me, but I'm loving it, so far.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
Uh... I'll get back to you on that when I actually have stuff written for any of them 😂 the Tangled AU will probably be pretty funny, though.
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
Yeah! The child actor Alex AU will actually have a lot of Arthur's POV, because in that fic he kind of takes Alex under his wing, both as an acting mentor and as a sort of father figure when Alex needs someone to turn to in the wake of his parents' divorce, so you'll get to see a lot of Arthur's thoughts and feelings as Alex and Henry get to know each other.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
Um... one of the boys is gonna be a Bond Girl, and I'm not telling you which one.
A tag per WIP - I'm still relatively new to this fandom, so I don't know a ton of people's URLs yet, but I'll do my best!
@affectionatelyrs, @inexplicablymine, @read-and-write-, and um... I genuinely don't know anyone's URLs, so I'll just leave it open 😂 if you see this somehow and you're like, "hey, Ky, why didn't you tag ME?" I tagged you in my heart, I just don't know where to find you 😭
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thefastestqueeralive · 6 months
3, 4 ,6, 12, 14, 18, 22, 29
3. What's your favorite fic that you've written?
I mean currently I’m really enjoying working on my deaf!Barry fic. I’m really intrigued at the idea of him being deaf and I’m proud of the plans I’ve come up with so far, as well as how I’m writing the past chapters
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
Currently, I’m working on four different fics, but there are so many ideas/prompts/one-liners I have stashed away for future works…
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
Tumbling Together is one of my all time favourite ColdFlash fics and I reread it like four times a year. I think it’s what made me decide to write my own ColdFlash stuff
12. Do you have a playlist for your current WIP(s)? Share it!
I don’t! I listen to a huge variety while writing, but I haven’t the foggiest where to start if I was to compile a playlist to go alongside my own fic
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Hmm… I might have to go with a fic that hasn’t been published yet. I’m not saying anything about it cause it’s part of a BigBang and I don’t know what the rules are exactly around sharing and sneak peaks 👀🤐
18. What's one of your favorite lines you've written in a fic?
A line I wrote about Lisa, it talks of her “wily demeanour returning in an instant” and something about saying those last four words aloud tickles my stimming brain cell? It’s fun to say and I get a giggle out of it
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
My friend, you know firsthand that I have no idea how my stories are going to evolve, let alone end… unless I have the idea for a specific ending and work backwards, I’m gonna be on the journey with you guys the whole time 😂
29. Share a bit from a fic you'll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don't have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don't plan on getting to.)
Okay I have a story idea that's basically Barry getting age-regressed by a meta, but it would be a lil more cause I love to headcanon that Barry's trans ftm, but I probably won't write it
Fan Fic Writer Asks
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hees-mine · 8 months
I really love your work like seriously you're so talented and i'm so excited for the final part of Playtime ! Also i'm wondering if you will ever make a stepson heeseung detailled fic in the future becaude i truly loved the stepson heeseung drabble or like sub heeseung or something like this 💕
Thank you thank you! I really appreciate!!🩵
Hmm maybe I might make a longer stepson hee fic just need to think of a plot for it!!!
Playtime part 8 in an hour or so👀
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shubaka · 9 months
3 and 17? 👀
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic.
I usually just start with a general idea -- sometimes it's just a concept and sometimes there's a specific scene I want to explore. Then I'll try to find one major thing I want to tell in the story.
Next ... I just... start writing lmao. As i write more ideas come to me, and when they do I will add notes to an outline or in the same document as place holders so I can go back and flesh them out later.
I do a lot of "yes, and..." while I'm writing so a lot of the time I'm just like "oh, okay, I guess we're going here. Okay." So I dont get too bogged down with outlines. It changes every time I sit down to write, but there are obviously a few essential scenes that I am actively writing towards, even if hey end up changing in some way because of the new, unexpected things that pop up while writing. I'm basically just winging it 70% of the time, but that's part of the fun.
With multi-chaptered fics, it's essebtially the same but I try to keep better notes, especially if I realise something may affect a future plot point or character's understanding/motice/etc. And I'll end a chapter whenever it feels right. I dont really go into the chapter with a specific plan, just a general idea of what I want to accomplish and then wing it lmao. Does this sound stressful??? (This is also why I could never give an estimate on the total words or chapters for a fic) Anyway, I find being less rigid and more open to playing around with it keeps things more fun and motivating for me as a writer.
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
Hmm, sometimes the best thing for me to do is just stop and take a break from it. But if I am really set to work on that particular fic then I might reread some past scenes I wrote, to see if there's something i can pull from and explore further.
Sometimes I'll think of what kind of scene I want to write next and just come up with one line of dialogue or one descriptive line. It can be the beginning, middle, or end of that scene. Write that one line. Edit it. Reword it. How do those nuances change the feeling of it? Think of what emotions I want to draw from it, or what emotions I want it to lead the character (or the reader) to. How do I get there? Maybe if x happens right before/after? And just kind of build off of that line by line. I don't know if I'm explaining myself very well, but I hope that makes at least a bit of sense!
Some other things I might do:
Work on another wip
Do some fic prompts
Rewatch a bit of the show (or movie or read a bit of the book) -- sometimes seeing the characters and their mannerisms and hearing their voice will kickstart something in my brain
Go make myself something to eat -- something that takes a while to prepare and kind of makes you slow down while you do it? So either you get to give your brain a break and then refuel or your brain wanders and you suddenly get a new idea (plus you get food)
Go for a walk or heck go take a shower. There's something about those moments when I'm relaxed and just letting my mind wander to whatever it wants, that I'll get hit with a fleeting idea that I want to run with.
Just stop and accept it's not a good writing time/day for me. And that's okay! There will be other days to write.
Thanks for the ask! 💕💕💕
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
some more bc im just so curious ;;;
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of? (since u have such cool concepts)
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
Oh hi again!! Thankyou for sending in moreee
From this
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
Ooh one that I’m proud of… For me it might be due to recency bias, but my post on The Organisation clarifying some details I really feel like is good for many reasons, since before The Org. really had little direction and structure;; and I am now making way for possible ‘nonconventional’ deities and continuity in my work which I am super excited about!! I hope to go more cosmic horror with this in the future.
Also Thankyou for the compliment! 🥺
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
I said this to you before but I used to be not as into darker romance as I am now! I am definitely experimenting more now and enjoying it, partly thanks to your stuff 👀 it can be really hot;; but I also love the tragic and angsty side of it too ngl
I would also say that ‘enemies to lovers’ and similar more conflicting/complicated relationship types because before I used to only like ‘friends to lovers’ and such. I think maybe it was just something that came with age and more experience reading/writing fics, and the realisation that it doesn’t have to be something you should emulate irl;; I find these to be really interesting dynamics when done well!
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
Hmm this is a bit of a tough one, I’m actually not sure? Like in general my tastes have stayed much the same just expanded to make way for new likes.
Ok so this might sound weird but I think now I am actually over ‘humanity will always be brutal and nasty when left to their own devices’ stuff like seen in a Lord of The Flies sort of thing. Because I actually think we are capable of more good than that, and grimdark settings have lost a bit of appeal for me tbh. I think there needs to be moments of levity sprinkled in otherwise it feels to over the top to me? If that makes any sense kwkemrlern
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deepdarkdelights · 2 years
hi ! i just wanted to say that positive is one of my favorite fics of all time wokdkf i love the way you wrote the building romance between yoongi and mc and the what could’ve been an ending turning into something much more sinister- the way that yoongi was just the utmost sweetest and humane vampire was killing my heart especially because he just wants the best for mc and the other boys couldn’t accept that- literally crying i just want yoongi to be loved
thank you for your works and efforts in writing them ! and i would love to see if anything blossoms between the two in the future !
i also wanted to say that i LOVE mistletoe to an alarming extent- yandere sope x reader always is a pleasure to read and the way you wrote it was literally SO GOOD from the way hoseok manipulated mc to go to their house and hoseok’s and yoongi’s attitude towards mc GOSH I LOVE IT and the drugging and touching all fit the scene so nicely i just wanted to read more and more but how can sope keep watch on mc when they both work at the same company without raising suspicion ? hmm (3/3)
Hi hunny!
It's okay, don't worry! So many of my fics begin with the letter P so it's bound to happen!
There is a special place in my heart for Purgatory Yoongi too. Secretly, I think Yoongi might have changed his mind at the last minute as he listened to the MC's heartbeat get slower and slower 👀
Mistletoe was my first fic where there was more than one member paired with the MC and I absolutely love a good Sope x reader fic! To answer your question, they kind of mentioned how much of a loner the MC is and how no one even knew she was going to their place. Their co-workers know Hoseok talks with her, but he is also her cubicle buddy 🤔Hoseok and Yoongi generally work alternating shifts so there should almost always be someone at home with the MC.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Hello! If you’re still taking requests for your Growing Pains series, how about the first time Reader realized Andy has a huge slight overstimulation kink?
What a serendipitous discovery for reader 👀
Hmm...I might be able to work that into a future fic. I will noodle on it... Thanks!
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raksh-writes · 3 years
Be the lover to my nightmare
Tumblr media
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Nogitsune/Stiles Stilinski
Words: ~2,8k
Warnings: Blood/injury is mentioned, but nothing much else.
Check the work on AO3 for more information and tags!
I saw the trope in a few fics in a different fandom and got inspired, then typed out this little thing in one day, as it usually happens with one-shots these days. And, as it also usually happens, I already have ideas for at least two/three more little things in this 'verse, hah. So, who knows, I might revisit it in the future ^^ Maaaaybe for some more Angst and Emotional H/C, hmm? 👀 For now, I hope this one will be a nice read ^^ Enjoy!
Stiles sits on the couch, numb, watching the bill get passed, watching the old alphas shaking their grubby hands, squeezing his own to the point of white knuckles and quacking bones. There's bile stuck in his throat, acidic and burning, his jaw's clenched so hard his teeth ache and his blood runs so cold it's scorching the inside of his veins. But, above it all, Stiles is motionless. Frozen in grim fury, seeing the thing all the others like him protested against for months and yet knew deep down it'd be to no avail, become real.
Omegas are being stripped of their freedom right before his eyes. And there's nothing they can do.
He's not sure whose voice is calling out to him; Scott's, his dad's, or someone else's — the pack's gathered all around the living room of the loft, the mix of their emotions a hornet's nest’s buzz in the back of his awareness — but it feels like it's coming from far away, like he's trapped in an aquarium and they're trying to reach him through thick glass and tons of water. It doesn't matter, though — they're all alphas, betas, or mated —  it won't affect them, not like it will Stiles.
There's a cacophony of voices when he stands up, but Stiles can't— he can't deal with their concerned stares and empty words.
"Don't—" He shakes his head, without looking back at any of them. It just— he doesn't have it in him, not right now. "Just don't."
Stiles knows they're worried, he knows they only want to help, show their support, but, frankly, he probably needs just a look to burst and turn into a shouting spree or a sobbing mess. Or possibly both. And he won't, not in front of all of them.
Dragging fingers over his stinging eyes, Stiles shakes his head again — and flees.
The crystal shines beautifully in the last rays of sunshine, warm and slightly hazy, spilling inside from the window. It's laying on the instructions for the small ritual he just did, short of one last step — it's more of a simple summoning than a ritual, really, but this time— Well, this time he needed to make some additional steps first, and now there's only one thing left. If Stiles is able to make this choice a reality.
His heart pounds so hard against his ribs Stiles can feel it in his ears, heavy and quick, thu-thump, thu-thump, as he stares at the polished piece of rock. Carbon. Whatever. It's glimmering silver in the soft light, swirls of black smoke seemingly flowing inside of it, enticing him to reach and use it. At this point, there's not much else to do but just that.
The crystal is cool in his palm, the surface perfectly smooth yet the edges deceptively sharp — it's all too easy to close his fingers around it and let them cut into his skin. The pain is immediate, slicing into Stiles' flesh, and he clenches his jaw over a hiss, but the pain is quick to ebb away, seemingly seeping into the crystal itself. His heart jumps right into his throat the same moment his skin stitches itself back together.
The last signs of the day are gone by the time Stiles puts it down. All the shadows in his room curl and writhe and start to slither around and before him — when he finally looks up, out of the darkness emerges the one Stiles hoped for and dreaded seeing both.
The demon smirks at him, the expression so far away from anything Stiles could ever manage and yet so very fitting on this mirror image.
"Stiles…" he purrs in greeting, drawing out the name until Stiles can't help but shiver.
Void's voice, so much deeper and far closer to a growl than his own, never fails to feel like a caress against Stiles senses — sharp claws dragging over his skin, an intimate touch slipping down his spine. The demon is still wearing the body fashioned after Stiles too, so very different and yet so eerily similar. Taller, stronger, paler — dressed all in black and smooth, supple leather that looks far too good on him.
Stiles swallows heavily as their eyes meet, for just a moment, and he has to stop himself from trembling before Void's dark gaze slips down from him to the mountain ash circle he's sitting in. The demon's expression, so hard to guess even when he lets something show through, seems a mix between amusement and something more hidden, cooler, exceeding even the way he's definitely unimpressed with Stiles' antics.
"Really, darling?" He curves up one black eyebrow, looking back up at Stiles; his gaze drags over him slowly while he does, just as inhumanely focused and acute as Stiles remembers. "You call on me after so long and this is how you greet me? I must say, I'm disappointed."
Still not trusting me, are you? Is left unspoken, but painfully clear in the way the demon's mood seems to have soured, his words mocking and yet bittersweet underneath. Stiles takes a breath and ignores the jab — Void will have his answer soon enough. There's no point in stalling anyway; it's why Stiles summoned him.
"You're a shapeshifter, right?" He starts, tongue darting out to lick over lips, all his nerves fired up and spreading little thrills through his veins. "Could you, in theory, shift into anyone out there? Any… conditions included?"
Void tips his chin down, just slightly, as his eyes narrow down at Stiles. His nostrils flare slightly and although his expression doesn't change even one bit, Stiles' skin breaks out in gooseflesh all-around at the knowledge the demon is scenting him. And he's perfectly aware of just what Void can smell on him — an omega on the cusp of their heat.
"Ask your question, Stiles," Void tells him instead of answering, deceptively smooth and soft when his eyes are all but.
"Could you…" He has to drop his gaze, swallowing heavily and not quite able to face the demon just yet. But he has to. "Could you shift into an alpha?"
The demon stills, completely motionless, and Stiles is trapped, unable to look away now that he's been caught in Void's dark gaze. The emotions tumbling and rolling and tangling into knots inside him are still burning bright; anger, helplessness, disgust, and among it all, plain, old fear. Because Stiles is scared, maybe more than he ever was, and he doesn't know what will he do if this one reckless leap of faith fails. He's not even sure what's worse — the fact that he's so hopelessly, desperately hoping for this plan to work or the fact that he even needed it in the first place. But now they're here and from now on everything's possible.
Finally, Void shows some reaction — he shifts in his place, head cocked slightly to the side and one corner of pale lips quirked up. An amused, short breath leaves his mouth and his eyes turn half-lidded, the dark gaze a scorching, melted obsidian.
"So this is why you summoned me, huh…" the demon muses, watching him with all too much pointedly focused attention for Stiles to handle, and he can only clench his fists on his tattered jeans; wait with bated breath for whatever Void will decide. For a while, he doesn't speak up, gaze heavy and poignant on Stiles as Void seemingly weighs his options, but when he does, it's quite simple — a question: "Do the others know?"
The breath shudders out of Stiles.
Slowly, so very slowly Stiles would be able to retrace it later in his mind alone, the smile comes back to Void's lips — a half-smirk, really, one corner curved up and mouth slightly parted.
"Out of all of them, crawling all around you, out of all the people you could have…" Void drags out his words, unhurried and lazy, his gaze slipping over Stiles just as pointedly; as if they have all the time in the world for their little game. "I must say, I haven't expected this from you, darling. But—" Stiles shivers at the intensity of his look when their eyes finally meet again. "—can't say I haven't thought about it. When I heard about— well... In any case, this is quite a lovely surprise."
The way Void cuts himself off, letting that part of his speech trail away, strikes a chord within Stiles — he hasn't really thought about it; what was Void's reaction to the news. If he had any reaction at all. But, if he did, then— then what would he do? Would Void even do anything? They've been playing this game for a while, or rather — Void seemed intent on pushing it as far as he could while Stiles tried to figure out what his role and placement in it even was; if he really wanted to play along, should he play along. But now his choice is made, and the demon's expression while he purrs his last words, mouth still curled into that infuriating half-smirk, only fuels the burning inside Stiles' chest. Void still seems intent on continuing their play but it's far too later for it now, Stiles needs answers and he refuses to cover even when caught in this weird impasse.
His lips press into a thin line and his fingers dig into his thighs and his patience is hanging on its last thread but he will wait Void out if he has to. Stiles isn't even the one that's been dropping innuendos and making all the little touches through the years — ever since he got the crystal and started summoning the demon Void's been taking every occasion to get under his skin. The pack never really approved and Stiles didn't dare to call on Void if he absolutely didn't have to but dear god did he want to sometimes. And Void had to be aware of it — why press for so long otherwise? Just for entertainment?
The thought is chilling but Stiles throws it away immediately. He hasn't made it this far just to get cold feet now. And the thing is — he could ask someone else. Someone from the pack. Someone from outside the pack even. Hell, he could try to evade the bill somehow or even just let fate decide, but he knows the odds; faced with all that could potentially happen, this seemed like the best way. A way for him to retain at least some of his freedom. And, with Void, he can be sure the demon will stand by his word — which is far more than Stiles can say for most, if not all, alphas and betas.
"You didn't answer," he reminds, keeping Void's gaze as steadily as he can.
Void doesn't answer, again, but his smirk quirks, just a bit. And then he moves, slowly coming closer up to Stiles, step by unhurried step, until he stops just at the edge of the mountain ash circle. His gaze drops to it meaningfully before rising back up to meet Stiles', one brow slightly curved.
"Now, this seems a little bit redundant, doesn't it?"
Stiles looks down to the circle and tries not to show just how fucking nervous he is, still without an answer. But now he can only play the game and hope for the best. He's won it once, and it's probably the reason why he has even a sliver of a chance of this working out. And he's intending on playing along, for now, but Stiles will be ending it soon, and he'll end it on his terms.
Letting out a slow breath, Stiles focuses on the line in front of him and makes it retract to both sides, breaking up the barrier and giving Void a wide way in. The demon doesn't waste time too, stepping inside so that when he crouches onto one knee there's barely a few inches of space separating them. Stiles would be able to brush his fingers against that supple leather on Void's calf if only he turned his palm around and reached. And that's when it hits him.
Void's scent.
Stiles has, unconsciously, taken a big lungful of it, inhaling it deep, deep inside until it fills him up completely, and the sound that rips out of his throat just then is all strangled want wrapped in need that burns in his cheeks and stings behind his eyelids. Void's scent has always been pleasant, has always felt more alpha than anything else, but now— now it makes Stiles' senses sing.
At some point, Stiles has closed his eyes, and now he doesn't dare to open them too quickly; as if looking up at the demon would make him disappear. But Void is still there, watching him with undivided attention and no smirk in sight; instead, he seems thoughtful.
"Does this answer your question?" Void asks softly, voice no more than a murmur.
Stiles licks his bottom lip, mouth filling up with fresh saliva, and nods; trying not to be too obvious about gulping up the potent scent into his greedy lungs. He's already starting to get a bit too hot in his core and his heat shouldn't arrive for at least another couple of days.
Void's eyes slip down his body, probably smelling it on Stiles as clearly as his inherent chaos, and Stiles would probably be embarrassed if he had anymind for it; if the gooseflesh following Void's gaze didn't feel so delicious.
"Not that I'm anything but absolutely delighted at what you're implying, but I must ask—" Void starts slowly, softly, and reaches up, giving Stiles plenty of time to refuse the touch, but when his fingers curl gently over Stiles' collarbones, he leans in. "—are you absolutely sure?"
Void's thumb dips into the valley between Stiles' collarbone and neck, before brushing up along his jugular, a soft touch over the pulse point. Stiles shivers, eyes half-lidded and breath stuttering in his lungs, caught. Void's are as dark as ever, the molten obsidian reaching down, down to his very core.
"No," Stiles admits, because there's really no point in lying now, "but I've made my decision."
Void hums, low in his throat, and now— now his thumb is slowly, intimately pressing, massaging almost, over the scent gland in Stiles’ throat. Coaxing out both more of his scent and the choked little sounds that try to escape him — because it feels downright amazing and because it’s not only a scent gland.
“You must know, Stiles, that if you give yourself over to me, if I sink my teeth in your pretty little neck—” His fingers tighten, just a bit, just enough to make Stiles look up and meet Void’s eyes. “—you’ll be mine. And mine alone.”
Stiles shudders, his eyelids falling almost closed as he licks over his aching lips. He’s burning up and only distantly aware how out of control the situation is spinning — but Void is still here. He’s still here and Stiles is nothing if not persistent.
“I know,” he answers, somehow steadily enough to give it strength. And he does know how possessive the demon is, how rarely he considers something as his — Stiles has been there, has experienced it, intimately, and maybe, just maybe, never really left that circle. "I also know you, and you know me. I won't become a mindless doll just because we are— because we've done it. And I know that's not why you've been getting under my skin for all these years, so—" Stiles swallows heavily, tipping his chin up and baring his neck even more to the hungry gaze of the demon. It's both a surrender — and a dare. "Will you do it?"
Void's eyes glimmer, a silver shine to them that makes Stiles' heart pound twice as hard and fast as before; prey caught in the sight of its predator. The unspoken questions hang between them, thickening the air already potent with their scents.
Will you bite me? Will you make me your mate?
"Oh, darling," the demon purrs, his hand travelling up, up, up Stiles' neck until he can cradle Stiles' cheek in his cool fingers, "you only needed to ask."
And Stiles— Stiles wasn't really aware of just how tight he was strung up until this moment, up until the relief almost sweeps him off his feet and rips out the most pitifully sounding whine from his lungs.
"Hush, sweetheart," Void's thumb swipes over his cheek, brushing away a tear Stiles didn't even feel falling. Then the demon leans in and puts his forehead against Stiles', their breaths mixing together. "I'll take care of you."
Stiles whimpers and finally, finally abandons the last bits of his pride to, just, accept the comfort so easily given — to let himself reach up, touch the demon, bring his own arms around Void and melt into the embrace. The pent-up emotions rolled into tight knots inside him give, unraveling into a quivering mess of shattered breath and fluttering eyelashes and so, when Void gathers him up into his lap, Stiles goes willingly.
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versadies · 2 years
Hi Dan!! 💖 I couldn't thank you enough for dedicating the fic chapter to me 🥺😭💞 my heart melted so much, thank you too for your greetings!! <333 I'm so glad to have celebrated my birthday as your anon 😤 it was a life-changing experience ngl 🤩
Thank you for your tips as well, i find it helpful and i'm starting to work on the plans for my blog 😤💞💞💞 you outlined it in a very concise and understandable manner, i'd recommend it for those who feel lost like me when starting a writing blog !! ✨ Gotta work hard now 🏃‍♀️💨��💨
For my alt story inspired by Speak Now, I TOTALLY LOVE THE POSSIBILITY of Ayato running away with you, ruining his own wedding with someone to heal your broken love together 😩😩😩 i'm so happy you enjoyed my take too 🙈💞 it do be good when you really felt inspired at the moment 🤩🤩🤩
About the chapter 2 update, i was writing this when the first reactions faded away already 😩😌 so i couldn't put my words with the first reactions while reading it,, Venti lowkey scammed us 👹👹👹 but without him scamming us, we wouldn't have the champagne flutes for free 🥴🤩 THE- the omg kzkzkskskkzksmsmkzks the short interaction BETWEen- hold on,, let me 😭 let me contain myself- ahem,, the short interaction between Diluc and you is GOLD😳🙈 the fact that he fully paid the champagne flutes for us IS SO- is,, aaaaaaaaa 🙈 so attractive 😤 little did you know, i malfunctioned when he said that you could put your names together as the senders of the gift on the card 🙈🙈🙈 THE FORESHADOWING 🥴😩✨ didn't knew that from this moment now on, in the future the two strangers who just happen to meet at the shop will be together just like the names on the gift's card🧐😩🤔👀 mwa chef's kiss 👌 also i realized that there's literally a track in evermore named "marjorie" so i kinda,, kinda thought of mondstadt marjorie (the shop owner) that we met in the fic... Hmm,,, im curious as to what plot will be in your chapter named that. But for sure, Marjorie served as an important character 😩😩 JUst- just *breaths* look at the events that transpired 🥴🤩 hehe. I feel sad for Thoma, i wish we could have talked with him a lil more, but the meeting is quite awkward too so i'm looking forward to a proper conversation between us and him 🤔 with us explaining what actually happened on our side- unless ayato told him the truth and he knows what's true. Reflecting on how the champagne flutes you bought is supposedly to be gifted to you and Ayato, but oh well. It's Miss Hiiragi rather than you 😇
Moreover, i have read your househusband! Ayato fic so i'll be putting my thoughts about it here too 😚🥰 he truly did the next step after your wedding 😂 and i really love how you affirmatively agreed to Thoma and Ayaka staying in 😌 You did it to escape the suspicious dish hell that your dear husband put you into 😂😩 It's such a lovely household to be in, given that each and everyone gets along well, now without the burden of the organization or threats to the organization 💞💞💞 Ayaka might have the knowledge of Ayato taking cooking classes from Thoma tho🤭 she's just silent about it and does her best to distract you away from inquiring about it, because she wants her brother's surprise to be successful 🥰🥰🥰
— sincerely yours, 🍰.
hi 🍰 anon !!! im glad you like the gift, i made sure it had a good amount of both angst and fluffiness hehe 😋😋😋 im happy that i was able to help you with my very-few tips !! i wish you good luck and i hope your blog will prosper 👊👊 ill be looking forward to know what your url is so that i can reblog your fics muahahahaha 😈😈 and YESSS YOUR SPEAK NOW STORY INSPIRED ME !!! it makes me wanna add an alt ending to the series ngl 🤤🤤🤤
ugh so true, diluc paying for the champagne flutes is so attractive 🤤🤤🤤 and tbh i didn’t actually intend the “put the names together in a card” as a foreshadowing bcuz i didn’t think much of it 😭😭😭 as for the marjorie thoughts,,,,,,,,,,, i forgot evermore has a track called marjorie at that time so i didnt think much of it as well when i decided to use marjorie and her souvenir shop for the series and now im absolutely mind-blown from your thoughts 🤯🤯🤯🤯
im so glad you feel like that towards thoma bcuz that’s what i want you as well as the others to feel after your lil interaction with him !! who knows, maybe you and thoma will get to have a real conversation soon in the next chapter or not 🤫🤫🤫 and that last sentence tho 😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔 
i made sure to put every single wholesomeness to the househusband fic as a refresh for those who’ve went through my rollercoaster series and im glad it didn’t disappoint you !! and your thoughts about ayaka is true, she’d definitely do that 😍😍😍 hence why she often takes you away from ayato to do some activities w her hehe 😋😋 stan ayaka for being a supportive sister 👊👊👊
ty for sharing your thoughts !! i appreciate how you put you’re willing to put your whole 🍰ussy (/j) into it, it makes me feel relieved that there’s people like you who like my fics <3333
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larrydoinglaundry · 2 years
Helloooo💍 hope your day went well ;) 3, 21, 27👀💕
Oh hey look it's my future wife that I plan on marrying during a Louis concert💍
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
I answered this so I'll copy-paste my answer but this might be a little awkward hahaha.
"Hmm! Does my current WIP count? If so, I've really grown to love a scene where Louis lets his guard crumble down in front of Harry for the first time. I didn't like it at first but after getting feedback from my beta and re-reading it, I really like it!"
I mean... You know that scene, yeah? Of course you do. The one in Harry's cabin, yeah? When they fall asleep after, hm? 🤫
21. most memorable comment/review
Answered this one too! But I'm too lazy to go and copy paste so I just say all those comments that said my bdsm fic is the best bdsm fic they've read. It's so like... What??
Then all these sweet comments about how my fic helped with their anxiety or how they're comforting is just ksksks. 💕
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
Why would you ask this? Who gave you the authority to come and ask me this?
Listen. This is not me trying to be an arse licker but I adore your works. I told you about the stars are smiling and how I was lowkey in my feels.
In addition to you, I love everything @hershelsue is doing.
@kingsofeverything always manages to do it just right.
Of course @brightgolden. Love love love their style!
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anthonyjlockwood · 3 years
if you saw me copy and paste the wrong response into jay's question no you did not xoxo
hello kira ily
👻- 2 or 3 sentences from something you haven’t posted yet
Hmm… should I cheat and repost what I just put on Fic Storming? Or should I pick something else and get my friends even more mad at me?
we’re gonna pick something else
also this is way more than three sentences oops
A voice that sounds suspiciously like Emily’s reaches his ears; he’s pretty sure it’s all in his head, but he’d recognize his mom’s consoling whisper anywhere. It’s notable, because it’s something he hasn’t heard in years.
It’ll be okay, Luke. Just close your eyes.
He listens to his mom’s whispers, lets them fill up his head and consume him -- he tries to focus on her voice, not the sensations of terror and fear and uncertainty and grief; grief for his friends, grief for himself. Grief over their lost future. He actually listens to his mom, for the first time in months, because this is the last time he’s going to be able to hear her voice.
He knows it is.
Luke’s not gasping for breath anymore; now, he’s actually relaxing. He feels the pain blur into numbness.
He lets Emily’s voice lull him into unconsciousness like a lullaby, and the last things he hears are the sound of the sirens getting louder and louder, shouting, and the slamming of a car door.
💍- your most underrated story
I think this one!! “I heard that you might be broken too” was my first (and so far only lol) attempt at a super long one shot! (that’s probably why not a lot of people read it 😂)
👀- favorite response to one of your works
A compilation:
@phantom-curve “WHAT THE FUCK. WHY”
Faith (not sure if she has a tumblr, gotta find out and tag her if she does update: she doesn't RIP): “WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO THEM?!?!?!?!!!!!”
@flynn-taylor “WHAT THE FUCK”
“absolutely the fuck not shelly”
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