#might look through my shelf later to see if I can find it since I still have most of my old books
The Arcana M6 When The Bed Is Covered In Plushies
The bed has disappeared. Not from magic or anything like that, it's just no longer visible beneath the absolute mound of plushies you own
Oh, how does Asra feel about it?
Who do you think was supplying you with all these stuffed animals?
He thrives in this environment
They immediately crawl beneath all of them and become one with the plushie pile
He makes expectant grabbing motions to lure you into the pile of snugness, where he will trap you for all eternity
Faust also thrives in this environment and often is found squeezing the life out of a plushie
Speaking of Faust, she gets lost in the plushie pile so often you will have to check for her before diving in
Do not dive on top of her
Asra will accidentally kick half of the plushies off the bed in his sleep
Her poor heart
The first time she walks in on you sitting in your mound of soft little friends she completely freezes. There's this dewy glittery haze in her eyes that makes you feel as if she's about to keel over
I hope your bed is big enough to accommodate all the plushies you're about to receive
She doesn't care that it's impractical, it makes you happy and that makes her happy
Although if she's being completely honest, this might be healing something for her
Not that she'll tell you that, you'll find out through her having a bit of a snuggle session with your plushies while she thinks you're gone
If anyone tries to make fun of you she just purchases you more (there's nothing quite like retail therapy, I guess??)
He doesn't register the plushies on the bed at night, he just crashed there immediately due to working for 4 days straight
In the morning (late afternoon), he notices. He lets out a frightened "GAH!" and asks you where all of them came from (they've been there for a week)
You explain to him why you own so many and he turns away, smiling a little at the sight of them
Julian's started to have some weird behavioral changes since this discovery. He's started to come to bed a little earlier, and when he doesn't, you end up noticing your plushies missing and later finding them on top of his papers or sitting on the dining table
When you leave to go run errands you'll often come home to him clutching one of your plushies (he's pretending he wasn't just snuggling the shit out of one while sobbing into his pant leg out of depression and loneliness)
Oh. Oh my.
The first time she sees you cuddled up with a soft toy she physically can not handle it. It's just too cute for her
It doesn't help that you're in a big pile of cute soft fluffy things either
She needs an outlet or else she's going to combust, so she ends up punting one of the plushies off the bed and into the hallway (this was followed by a disgruntled yowl)
You look at her in complete owl-eyed shock and she seems to realize what she's done with a surprised laugh
Portia giggles out a series of breathy apologies before going to put the plushie back in the room
Sticks a band aid on the injured one
Bless her soul, she loves you too much for her body to physically be able to handle
One day you came home to a little crocheted Pepi and an apology note from Portia
He saw you with a couple on your trip with Morga
In all honesty his first thought was... well. There wasn't really one. It was like you had scrambled, deep fried, and microwaved his brain, all at the same time
When you moved into the hut he wasn't quite expecting you to move in with all of those
He finds it oddly endearing
But... how are you all going to fit on the bed
Genuinely considers going back to sleeping on the ground
After you frantically convince him that this won't be necessary, he huffs a tiny little sigh of relief before you both wonder what to do next
You decide to build a shelf to keep the majority of the stuffies on, while a select few go in the bed with you
Inanna loves them very much and will adore and protect them like her own pups
She loves them so much that she pulls them off the shelf and into bed with you, her, and Muriel, putting you back to square one
Complained so much about your bed of plushies that you were considering running off into the woods to never be seen again
Okay well you wouldn't really do that, and seeing as you don't really live in a house your bedroll is covered in plushies
"MC, why are you holding a plushie when you could be holding me?" Becomes a nightly conversation
This problem is mostly solved when you get a plushie of him commissioned
What helps the most is when you buy him some of his own
Cue sniffling and eyeliner stained fluids running down his face
Much like Nadia, you're pretty sure this is actually very healing for him so you indulge him
Sometimes you'll hear him ranting to the plushies with his face all squished into them, which you always stop to listen to. Especially when the conversation turns to you
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i-dont-r3member · 9 months
Does anyone else remember a book series from like…idk prolly the mid to late 2010s (or at least that’s when I think I read it it was probably older) where the main characters could like travel through mirrors??? And there was like this whole world in between the mirrors and these big bug creatures that they had to feed (?) so they would bring them to the correct exit mirror and there was like a lord of this mirror plane/world/dimension who was a jerk and they ended up like fighting(? Im p sure they outsmarted him technically) because I only remember this specific aspect and now I HAVE to know the series so I can remember the context around why they traveled by mirror
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medicinal-doll · 10 months
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Daddy!Henry x little!reader
Summary: You only wanted to make a simple home cooked meal for your husband but after a recent accident his cautious nature decides to make itself known.
Warnings: Fluff, love bombing, babying, kisses,petnames,injury,hint at ddlg themes,slight Dom/sub dynamic
A/N I hope this helps a bit anon
*Please don't repost without permission If you use my writing as inspiration please ask first and credit me*
You try to ignore your husband's looming eyes on your body. ever since he got home from work...no.. ever since the accident he's been acting as if you're made of glass.
"Let me get that for you sweetie" A strong dominant hand encircles your waist keeping you firm as Henry reaches over your head. grabbing the pasta box from the high shelf.
And now you're frowning in the corner. not only watching him start to cook the meal you planned, but every now and then he gives you a sympathetic smile.
You stand there arms crossed with a pout trying to work up the courage to say something. to tell him that you're far from helpless, and that you can take care of yourself even though you're healing.
But you know that argument would just fall on deaf ears. Henry babied you before you hurt your back. but now, apparently you can't even manage to make dinner without his assistance and under his watchful eye.
You wait until his attention is turned to stirring the basil ridden spaghetti sauce before you sneak out of the luxurious kitchen and make your way to the wine cellar. You scan the dusty shelves looking for the perfect taste to take your mind off of your overbearing husband and the dull ache of your spine when you finally see it.
The 1942 bottle of sauvignon blanc. only it's netted to an old wooden crate. fueled by determination and denial of your altered state you instantly crouch down. gripping the handles of the crate and start applying force as your husband's warnings ring a faint lullaby in the back of your mind.
You pull your hardest with all your might before a sharp seething hot pain shoots through you. causing an involuntary drop of the heavy box with a thud and a loud cry of pain.
You drop to the floor as you caress your back in anguish.
And not a moment later do you hear heavy rushed footsteps come flying down the cellar stairs. finding yourself scooped up within an instant cradled in a protective embrace. You look up to meet Henry's panicked eyes as his irises wander your form looking for any sign of further injury.
"Are you alright honey?.." he looks at you with a sincere gaze as he brushes away your hair to get a good read on your expression.
But as embarrassment starts to settle in. you just give one simple nod as you feel your tears well up. clinging to his chest for comfort, sniffling lightly in shame.
Henry sighs, his concerned expression slightly settling. relieved that you're okay but then his brows furrow as he takes on a more stern look. taking a hold of your chin as he makes you face him hesitantly.
"Look at me babygirl..." He says in that gentle tone he knows you're weak for. shyly you look up at him your face still guilt ridden as ever.
"you're hurt honey" he says gently not wanting to lecture you too harshly.
"So now... You need to be a good girl and let your daddy take care of you, Okay?"
He feels his heart flutter as he watches your little eyes cling on to his every word.
"Papa knows how big and strong you are...and I love that. but now you need to stop being so stubborn and let me take care of you"
"that's what I'm here for angel" he nuzzles your face and you can't help the giggle that slips.
You pout at your husband feeling self conscious of your silly behavior and needless display of false strength. You bury your head into his soothing chest as you feel him carefully lift your feeble form from the ground.
Settling onto the soft bed he seats you on his lap. gently rocking you back and forth. making sure to avoid shifting your injury as he places sweet kisses on your forehead and against your temple.
You meld so easily into his warm and comforting presence. relishing in the delicious concoction of his natural pheromones and faint cologne.
"I love you so much sweetie"
His big hands roam your body lovingly. caressing you from your soft thighs to your hips.then finally nestling around your ribcage delicately pulling you closer to his chest.
"Stay here and relax for me honey" he leans down giving you a deep passionate kiss to the lips. you whimper lightly savouring the softness and the light tickle of his facial hair.
"I promise i'll wake you when dinner's finished" he says in a low accent cuddling you close to him.You nod absentmindedly, not having it in you to prove your strength anymore. only wanting to be good for him now.
Grabbing at his collar for one last tender kiss. He then hushes you under the sheets. whispering his love and adoration for you. before leaving you to rest that pretty little head of yours.
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population9973 · 2 months
family line - luke danes
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luke danes x fem!reader
summary: things get a little complicated when your boyfriends nephew comes to stay with him
warnings: smoking, family trouble, a bit of angst, mention of cheating but it isn’t happening?, language, readers parents are 💀
word count: 3k (this was supposed to be short)
as you woke up in bed, you rolled over to find luke’s side of the bed empty, and squinted at the clock on his nightstand; you’d slept in.
“oh crap,” you hurried to get dressed and presentable before heading downstairs to work. as you walked in, you noticed luke was on the phone, and he didn’t sound too happy with whoever he was talking to. lorelai was behind the counter grabbing donuts and putting them in a bag, while a group of boy scouts waited in line.
“okay fine,” he said loudly. “do what you want- make the arrangements. now i’m working, we’ll finish this later!” he hung up the phone with a clang.
“is everything okay?” lorelai asked, and you gave luke a worried look as you tied an apron around your waist.
“do either of you have a sister?” he asked.
“uhm, no.”
“no,” you agreed. in the six months you had been with luke, family had never really come up as a topic of dicussion; and that was more than okay with you.
“i do!” one of the boy scouts piped up.
“you have my sympathies,” luke sighed, and disappeared into the back.
“here, i’ll ring you through,” you offered to lorelai, who happily cut in front of the line.
“do you know what that was all about?” she asked, and you shook your head.
“no idea,” you answered honestly, telling her the total for the donuts as rory pestered her to hurry up.
after helping the boy scouts order and pay for their food, you went to find luke, who was sitting in the storage room organizing cans on the shelf.
“hey, sorry i was late,” you said softy.
“that’s okay, it was quiet this morning. i thought i’d let you sleep in,” he replied.
“when is it your turn to sleep in?” you teased.
“that’s what i thought,” you sighed. “i take it that wasn’t a customer calling to place an order?”
“no,” he sighed. “it was my sister. her son - jess, my nephew is gonna stay with me for a while.”
“is your sister okay?”
“define okay,” he replied, and you gave him a look. “nothing happened to her, she just can’t control him anymore. he’s getting into trouble and she’s given up taking care of him, so she’s sending him here.”
“i see,” you nodded.
“you’re mad i didn’t ask you,” he suggested, and you shook your head.
“no, luke of course not. he’s your family, and it’s your apartment not mine,” you disagreed. “i think it’s nice that you want to help him, and your sister.”
“but what?” you asked.
“there’s a but,” he insisted, and you sighed.
“but,” you exaggerated, raising an eyebrow. “are you sure you’re ready for this kind of responsibility?”
“you don’t think i can do it?” he asked, stopping his shelf organizing to look at you.
“it’s not that i don’t think you can, of course i do. i just - think it might be a little more difficult than you’re expecting, thats all. so if you need any help-“
“i’ll be fine,” he insisted.
“but thank you,” he added, kissing your forehead softly, before walking back out to help a customer who’d been ringing the service bell.
“you better be on fire or else calm down; i’m on my way!” he called, and the ringing stopped.
you sighed, wondering if luke knew what he was getting himself into.
you only worked half days at the diner so you decided to give luke some space and go back to your house for a while, tidying up a bit since you’d been at luke’s the night before.
flopping down on the couch, you scrolled through the tv channels looking for something to watch, but failed to find anything that interested you.
after making some lunch and doing some chores around the house, you went out to buy some groceries and stopped by the diner to see how luke was doing just after dinner.
“hey,” you smiled, the bell above the door altering him to your presence.
“hey, back already?”
“i’m just passing by. i’m going to the grocery store - do you need me to grab anything for you while i’m there?” you asked, but he shook his head.
“nah i think i got everything all stocked up earlier.”
“is he here already?” you asked.
“yeah, i picked him up from the bus stop an hour ago. you might run into him while you’re out and about.”
“he went out already?” you asked.
“yeah, i think he wanted to uh… see the town,” luke sounded unsure.
“it’s fine, i’m sure he just needs some time to get used to being here. that’s all.”
“you’re right,” you agreed. “not to go into the gorey details but i’ve been in his place before and it’s not easy. no matter how great the person you’re staying with is,” you held his hand on the counter for a second, and he looked like he wanted to ask what you meant, but just smiled instead.
“thanks. i’ll see you later?”
“i was thinking i’d give you guys some space - let him settle in on his own for at least the first night. i’ll see you tomorrow though?” you offered, and he nodded in agreement.
your mind was distracted as you shopped for a few things at the store; luke’s nephew being in town was bringing up some memories that you’d spent years trying to forget. memories of your own adolescence. you just hoped things were easier for luke and jess than they had been for you.
it was nearly eleven at night when there was a knock on the door. after a quick glance through the window, you opened the door to see luke standing there.
“hey - what’s going on is everything okay?”
“uh yeah, sure,” he replied, walking past you and into the house, and you shut the door, walking into the living room to find him sitting on the couch.
“shouldn’t you be at home with jess? i thought you guys were going to hang out?”
“yeah, uh he went out.”
“he went out?”
“yeah. i think i scared him off,” he sighed, and you took a seat next to him, placing a hand reassuringly on his knee.
“what happened?”
“nothing - lorelai invited me to bring him by for dinner tomorrow, so he can meet her and rory, and he asked if i wanted to play poker and then left,” he shrugged.
“ahh i see.”
“see what?” he asked, and you sighed.
“when i was 17, i got into a lot of trouble - like jess. my parents - may they rot in hell - were assholes who hated me and sent me to live with my aunt. lovely woman - had no idea what to do with me.”
“you’re saying i have no idea what i’m doing?”
“i’m saying, it doesn’t matter if you do everything right, sometimes a kid like that has to decide to come around on their own.”
“why didn’t you ever tell me your parents were dead?”
“i guess it never came up,” you shrugged.
“i’m sorry.”
“don’t be,” you shook your head. “the only thing they ever gave me was the ability to lie about where i was going and which floorboards to step on so they didn’t catch me sneaking out. i’m better off without them.”
“i had no idea.”
“i don’t really talk about them, you had no way to know. i’m okay now. my life is better than i ever imagined it could be, and i have you in part to thank for it,” you kissed his cheek softly, and he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you to lean against his side.
“well i’m glad i could be of service,” he kissed you softly.
“jess will come around, luke. just give him some time. my first night after my parents sent me away i stole a car and lived in it for a week.”
“really?” he asked, looking nervous as if he thought jess might do the same.
“no,” you laughed and he relaxed. “but it did take me a while to settle in.”
“is it a bad time to mention that i told lorelai you would come to dinner tomorrow?”
“of course i’ll be there,” you smiled, snuggling into his side after pressing another soft kiss to his lips.
“i should probably get going in case he comes back to the apartment. he doesn’t have a key.”
“you didn’t give me a key?” you asked with a slight laugh.
“he said he didn’t need one,” luke shrugged.
“ah - you have a locksmith on your hands.”
“you think he can pick locks?” he asked.
“it’s not that hard-“ you raised your hands as he shor you a disapproving glance. “kidding.”
“very funny,” he rolled his eyes playfully. “i really should get home.”
“five more minutes?” you asked, clinging to him tighter so he couldn’t leave the couch.
“okay,” he conceded. “five minutes.”
“hey, perfect timing!” lorelai greeted as you stood with luke and jess at her front door. “sookie is about to break the record for the most food served outside of the roman empire.”
“sounds great,” luke replied.
“sure does,” jess agreed. though far less sincerely. the introduction between you and luke’s nephew had gone about as well as you’d expected, but you tried to remember how you felt each time your aunt brought home someone new, so you weren’t taking anything he said too personally.
“so, come on in,” lorelai offered, and jess followed her into the house, looking at some pictures on the wall before finding his way to rory’s room after being introduced to sookie and jackson.
everyone got ready to sit down at the table, rory explaining that jess was just grabbing a soda, before you realized you didn’t have a drink and went to grab one. jess was no where to be seen when you got in there, and you stepped outside to find him on the porch with a beer bottle, which he opened with the railing of the porch.
“not hungry?” you asked, holding your hand out for him to hand over the beer, which he did with a sigh.
“not really,” he agreed.
“don’t worry - i won’t tell anyone about the beer, just don’t let lorelai catch you doing it again.”
“thanks, you’re my hero,” he said sarcastically. “you gonna make me come back inside?” he asked, and you shook your head.
“no, if i was you i wouldn’t want to be in there either to be honest,” you sighed. “lorelai is trying to be nice but all this can be … kind of overwhelming.”
“yeah,” he mumbled.
“did the party move out here and no one bothered to tell us?” lorelai asked, emerging from the kitchen door.
“i’ll be right in, i think jess wants to get some fresh air,” you said, pretty sure she wasn’t gonna like that answer.
“sookie made you a grilled cheese if you don’t like pot roast,” she offered in a sing song voice.
“wow. if i’d have known that-“ jess said mockingly. you knew lorelai was only trying to help luke, but you had a feeling that she was just going to make things worse.
“you really don’t want to be here,” she gathered.
“what gave you that idea?” he teased.
“look, i’ve done this whole act before - but you’ve got a really good thing here with luke, he’s a really great guy. he really wants to take care of you and make things right for you. you’re incredibly lucky to have him,” lorelai went on and on, and even you felt awkward, taking a step back to sit on the porch swing.
“lorelai-“ you started to tell her to tone it down a little, but she ignored you. you knew luke didn’t want her meddling in the situation, him being very much an ‘if i want help i’ll ask for it’ and then never ask type of guy.
“if you give this situation half a chance, you might be suprised at how good it can be, and how much you like living here, and how good it feels to have someone like luke that you can really depend on.”
“that’s funny, i thought she,” he pointed to you. “was his girlfriend. are you sleeping with him too, or something?” jess asked, and though it was inappropriate to say the least, you barely stifled a laugh. it sounded exactly like something you would’ve said when you were his age, and lorelai was definitely laying it on pretty thick about luke.
“excuse me?”
“the whole starry eyed ‘you’re so much better off, just give it a chance’ speech. you’re either really naive, or you’re getting some,” he said, before turning to you. “sorry this might be how you find out you’re getting cheated on.”
“jess, come on-“ you sighed.
“this is my house, and i choose how i get talked to in it.”
“you know, you don’t know anything about me, or my life, or my mom, or luke, so why don’t you doctor laura someone else.”
“i’m going inside, you better not have taken that beer from my fridge,” she pointed to the bottle you had set on the table, grabbing it on her way inside and slamming the porch door.
“that wasn’t very neighborly now was it?” jess mumbled, more to himself than to you, you decided.
“hey, i’m not gonna give you a speech or anything-“
“sounds like you are.”
“she means well, even if she can be a bit… much, sometimes,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
“if i have to hear about how perfect my life is now one more time i might go stand in traffic,” he huffed, and to your surprise, he sat down on the opposite end of the porch swing, the chain creaking as he did.
“it’s not worth your time; no one here drives fast enough to do any damage,” you offered, and he almost smiled.
jess pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, earning a side eye from you, and he sighed as he handed it over. you put it out in a small puddle of water on the porch and tossed it in the bin outside the kitchen door, before you heard luke and lorelai arguing in the kitchen.
“they fight like a married couple too,” jess added, and you laughed.
“i can’t disagree with you.”
“you sure they’re not-“
“they’re not. don’t bring it up again,” you advised, and he raised his hands in mock surrender as luke stormed out of the gilmore house.
“let’s go,” he said, looking at the two of you, and jess didn’t hesitate to get up and start walking, and in that moment you were just as eager as he was to get away from the gilmore house.
“i think i should go home. call me tomorrow?”
“you’re ditching me?” luke asked.
“no, i just think me being here isn’t really helping, and maybe you guys need some time to talk. i’ll come to yours if you want me to.”
“he’s had more of a conversation with you than he has with me,” luke argued, and you sighed, looking down at your feet. “i’m sorry, you’re right. i’ll see you tomorrow.”
“okay. i love you,” you said, giving him a kiss before he hurried to catch up with jess, and you started your walk home.
for the second time that week, luke showed up at your house unexpectedly, and you opened the door to let him inside. it was your day off work so you hadn’t talked to him since last night, and he still seemed pretty upset.
“hey, what’s up?” you asked.
“i just pushed him in a lake.”
“what?” you asked, raising your eyebrows.
“jess. i got this call from taylor that he thinks jess stole the bridge money and i went for confront him and he was being impossible and i just pushed him in. this is bad,” he trailed off mumbling to himself.
“hey maybe it’s not as bad as you think it is,” you tried to calm him down. “how good of a swimmer is he?”
“he’s fine,” he sighed. “he’s wet. i just - i lost it. you’re right; i am in so far over my head i can’t even see my own hat.”
“have you tried turning it around?” you teased, and he gave you a look.
“what was I thinking why did I say yes to this?”
“because you wanted to help him.”
“raising a kid - i don’t even like kids! they’re always sticky, like they’ve got jam on their hands. even if there’s no jam in the house, somehow they’ve always got jam on their hands. i’m not the right guy to deal with that. i have no patience for jam hands!” he spiralled.
“luke, honey. slow down,” you shushed him. “he’s a teenager, not a toddler, so i think you probably don’t have to worry about the jam thing, and you can absolutely do this. but it’s going to take more than two days and an air mattress for you guys to become best friends.”
“i swear i’m gonna kill liz,” he interrupted.
“liz isn’t here. jess is, and you cannot give up on him yet. i know this is not going how you planned but imagine how he must feel.”
“maybe you could talk to him - he doesn’t hate you like he hates me.”
“he does not hate you, luke. he doesn’t know you,” you corrected. “if you want me to talk to him i can try but i don’t know how much that will help. i can’t parent him for you. he’s living under your roof not mine.”
“you’re right,” he sighed.
“as always,” you teased, kissing him on the cheek. “do you want to stay for dinner since you’re here?”
“nah i gotta go find a gnome.”
“excuse me?”
“babette’s gnome - long story.”
“i don’t want to know,” you laughed, and he pulled you into a hug.
“thank you, for talking me out of the crazy tree.”
“you’re welcome. he just needs more time to adjust - his whole life got flipped upside down overnight,” you sympathized. “and so did yours. you need to adjust to this too. just - try not to push him in anymore lakes?” you suggested as luke stepped out the door.
“no promises,” he smiled, before leaving to go find the missing gnome, and you shook your head as you closed the door behind him. at least things were never boring in stars hollow.
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Two sides of the same coin: First time at the sex shop
Mason was feeling uncomfortable. Even though he was gay, he was raised pretty conservatively, and thus, he had never been in a sex shop in all of his 26 years. Even the name: sex shop.
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Not that there was anything wrong with it. It just made Mason feel a little weird, like he shouldn't be here, and that someone might walk in and ask him what he was doing here. Or that someone saw him in here who knew him. But as much as he was feeling uncomfortable, he also felt very curious, like he wanted to see what kind of things people bought in here, and, perhaps, even buy something himself.
While Mason has been out for some years now, he didn't find a boyfriend yet. Of course, being as uptight as he was raised, the thought of casual or anonymous sex using apps or the like wasn't an option for. So, his sexual experiences were pretty much limited to the occasional porn movie and, of course, his left hand (Mason was left handed).
Since he felt more and more dissatisfied with the experience, he had nurtured the idea of buying some... helpful gadgets. The thought alone made his head redden. The whole idea was so dirty and... wrong.
"Good evening, sir!" a voice sounded through the room, snapping him out of his thoughts.
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Mason turned his head to look at the counter, only to see a young man looking back at him. He didn't look bad, had styled hair and a black shirt, with the upper two buttons unbuttoned.
"Can I help you find anything? My name is Dexter, and I'm happy to help you!" The clerk asked in a friendly tone.
"No, I'm okay", Mason said in an unsure voice. "I just..."
"Ah, you just want to look around. Okay, feel free! Let me know if I can be of any help!"
Even though Dexter had been extremely friendly, Mason felt even more uncomfortable. He quickly looked into the next best shelf besides him, only to find female lingerie on artificial boobs. Not what he was looking for. He wanted to quickly walk away, when he found something else on the shelf as well: A small sparkling coin that didn't look like it belonged here. Mason quickly pocketed it in order to give it to the clerk later.
As he walked away from the thin bras, he felt a bit disoriented. Which parts of the store were meant for gay men, and what areas were meant for women and straight people?
He could surely ask the helpful shop assistant, but in the process, Mason would need to out himself as gay. The thought was ridiculous. Mason wasn't in the closet about his sexuality, and he was pretty sure that a guy who worked at a sex store was asked worse questions than where the gay stuff was.
Nervously, he approached the clerk.
"Uhm, sorry!", Mason began, "but where should I look for... you know... men's stuff?"
The other man looked at him for a moment, then smiled again.
"Don't worry, I'll show you!", he answered in a kind voice and walked to the other side of the store, to the back, where all the male products were displayed.
"So, what are you looking for exactly? Condoms?"
"Oh no, I have those. Or rather, I don't need any right now. It's more...", Mason stumbled. How was he supposed to put this? "It's more about the... toys."
Dexter seemed to understand immediately.
"Oh, sure! Come with me!"
Dexter took him to a section on the wall filled with various dildos, butt plugs and other strange devices Mason had never heard of. He didn't even know the name of most of the stuff, let alone how to use them.
Apparently, Dexter picked up on his lost look and laughed in a friendly tone.
"Don't worry, I see you're probably new to all this. Let's start at the beginning. Are you looking for something for the back or the front?"
"Ehm... what's the difference?" Mason asked. He didn't understand the question and was feeling uncomfortable and hot and was sweating under his clothes.
"Well, there are butt plugs and dildos and a variety of vibrators that go into your ass. And then, of course, there are cock rings, flesh lights and so on to stimulate your penis." Dexter talked about this as if it was the most normal thing in the world, which was both confusing and attractive to Mason. In fact, the whole situation was made a bit worse by the fact that Dexter was really good looking!
"Uhm... " the thought of stuffing something into his ass sounded frightening, so he answered: "The front, in that case. What are these... fleshlights?".
"They are big fun", answered Dexter nonchalantly. "You can put them on your cock and feel like you are fucking someone, or like someone is sucking you off. There are models that look like an ass, or models that look like a mouth. Here." He showed Mason one of the latter, a black cylinder with a plastic mouth.
"Uh, okay. But how do they feel? Can I try it?" Mason had absolutely no idea why he asked the last part. Of course not, that was ridiculous.
As expected, Dexter shook his head. "Sadly, no, that wouldn't be very hygienic. But I assure you, they feel a lot like a blowjob."
"Oh, okay. Uhm. The thing is, I don't know how *that* feels, too..." Mason said. Why did he keep talking? That really wasn't the shop assistants business.
Dexter blinked before smiling again. He looked through the otherwise empty store and said: "I think I can help you with that, if you like."
"What?" Mason asked, surprised. Did he just offer to... what? What did that mean?
"A blowjob." The shop assistant explained. "If you like, I can give you one. Just sit down over there." He pointed at the nearby chairs.
Mason was so shocked by the sudden turn of events that he just mechanically obeyed, and before he knew it, he was sitting in front of the other man, who smiled and reached for Mason's fly. "May I?" he asked politely, and as Mason nodded, he unzipped Mason's pants and pulled them down along with his underwear.
Mason's cock was already hard, partly because of the situation and partly because Dexter was really his type.
"Oh, you have a pretty dick!" Dexter said and looked at it for a while before wrapping his lips around it.
Mason gasped in surprise. This was just... intense. This was something else entirely.
Dexter stopped for a moment and looked up at Mason. "Now, try to imagine it's not me sucking you off right now, but you're using a fleshlight instead. Just think of me as a fleshlight."
Mason nodded. He couldn't say he had tried a lot of stuff, but the idea wasn't bad. It sounded kind of sexy.
As Dexter was back to sucking his cock, he imagined that it was his cock in that cylinder-mouth-thing, and that Dexter was an empty hole. Automatically, he raised his left hand to the back of Dexter's head and supported his movements with careful pushes.
Suddenly, Mason felt the need to use his hands more freely, to grab the other man's head and move it along with his hips. So, he did. Dexter let out a low moan and bobbed his head faster.
It felt incredibly! With his right hand, Mason quickly discarded his shirt and his pants, completely forgetting where he was. He was getting more and more relaxed about the whole situation as well - so, what if someone saw him? There's nothing to it to receive a blowjob? It was like he was using a fleshlight, in a sex shop. Perfectly normal, at least for him! Sure, his friends sometimes called him a pervert, but he didn't see it that way. He was just living his life!
As Mason looked down, Dexter had changed a lot. His whole body had shrunk in on himself and pretty much all that was left was his head that Mason face fucked with joy. With each thrust, the thing that had once been Dexter, the shop assistant, changed more and more, becoming black and cylindrical, with a plastic texture on the outside. Finally, as the fleshlight's changes had finished, Mason threw back his head and moaned loudly, spilling his cum into the plastic toy.
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After recovering for a few seconds, Mason removed the toy from his cock with a wet sound. It was modelled after a man's perpetually open mouth, just waiting for someone to stick his cock in again. It was a great product, really. Mason left the money for it on the counter (he was here so often and knew the owner, so this was okay) and pulled on his pants again before leaving the shop.
Mason couldn't wait until he gets home for round two. Perhaps he'd even start in the car.
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If you enjoyed this story, consider subscribing to my riot page! You get to read all stories as soon as I have written them, and enjoy exclusive content and uncensored pictures!
Also, if you fancy the thought of guys being reduced to objects in tandem with other guys using them, be sure to have a look at my other stories of the series.
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postwarlevi · 2 years
Content: over 1.7k words of you trying to find something of very important value. g/n reader, more on the fem side if you squint, so don't :)
Extras: Another story for @levi-supreme Happy birthday Levi event! This one is special because she gave me permission to do somewhat of a sequel to a story she did last year, Lost and Found. Go read that if you haven't because it is referenced at one point. Thank you Rei and I hope you love it!
You blink your eyes open and smile to yourself as you wake up for the day. You yawn and stretch and slowly sit up in bed. Today being Monday, it's a regular off day for you as your husband gets up for his job very early.
He always tries not to wake you so you can sleep in and usually succeeds in slipping out without making you stir. While you wouldn't mind getting up with him, you do appreciate your sleep.
Looking over at this empty side of the bed you see a note and smile. He's always leaving notes for you.
Morning my love, I hope you got some rest. I might be working late today. But I'll make up for it this weekend. Breakfast is in the fridge. Lots of cut up fruit and yogurt. And those biscuits you like. Don't worry much about chores. I'll help out tomorrow. Relax and I'll see you tonight. - Levi
You sigh happily and put it in your nightstand along with many others from him. Sometimes you like to go back and read them.
Putting on a robe you shuffle to the kitchen and pull out your breakfast. It's all set up so it's easy for you to make a parfait with the fruit and yogurt, and put jam on the biscuits. You make a cup of tea and sit on the porch reading your book while you eat.
It is in fact a lazy day as you don't bother with dishes but put them in the dish washer and draw yourself a bath filled with lavender as you pamper yourself a little bit.
After you're good and wrinkly and the bath water is no longer warm you drain the tub and dry off. Deciding to go be slightly productive you head to your room to get dressed.
You sit on the bed and check your phone that you purposely left on your nightstand so you wouldn't be distracted and see a message from Levi.
It makes you laugh out loud, the funny things he sends you when he's supposed to be in a group meeting.
"Having a good day at work?" You send him jokingly.
Almost right away you get a response asking you to come rescue him, making you smile.
You go back and fourth a few minutes before telling him to get back to work and he says he can't wait to see you.
With that you put your phone in your pocket and think for a moment. Something looks like it's missing from your nightstand but you can't figure out what.
You shrug and go about your day, getting your binder and looking through the fridge to see what you can make with the ingredients you have. You find you like to meal plan, it saves money and gets you making dishes you can eat for leftovers.
You have almost everything you need to make one of Levis favorite dishes and make a note to do a small grocery run if you can't get enough carrots from your garden.
Even though Levi told you not to, you dust a little bit so you don't have so much to do later in the week and pause to pick up a picture on a shelf.
It warms your heart, this picture of you and Levi. He has a real smile, one that's generally saved for special occasions, but for you, always. His friends said he's never been so happy since he's meet and married you.
You feel the need to send Levi a quick "I love you" message randomly, which he's gotten used to and doesn't question if anything is wrong anymore when he gets it, but instead sends you one back.
You head outside to the garden to check on the carrots and other vegetables and go to remove your wedding ring before digging in the dirt and let out a gasp.
"Where is it?" You ask out loud to no one as you stare at your naked hand with no ring.
You frown and go back into the house to retrace your steps.
Did you have it while dusting? You look around at all the spots to see if you took it off so as not to get it dirty, but it's not there.
You look around the kitchen, by the fridge and on the countertops, but nothing.
You go to the bathroom. Surely you took it off for your bath? But it's not on the counter or the floor or in the tub.
Your stomach drops as you think maybe it went down the drain but decide that's overreacting.
You go outside on the porch. and look in the chair, on the table, all around the area, but cannot find it.
You feel yourself getting overwhelmed. If you can't find it, that means you lost it. Your wedding ring!
Heading back inside you sulk back into the bedroom and look in the nightstand and in the bed and under the bed.
At night you usually take it off so you don't accidently scratch it but you can't remember seeing it there today.
You sit on the bed and put your head in your hands. You feel your phone buzz and gasp at seeing it's Levi calling.
You debate answering or not. You could always pretend you were taking a nap when he called. That's more than believable.
By the time you decide to answer it goes to voicemail and a moment later you get a text instead.
"Brat? Are you ignoring me?" Brat. The word he uses when he says you're misbehaving.
"No sweetheart. Just didn't get to my phone in time." You message back, and it's not a lie.
But even through text you're sure Levi knows everything.
"Coming home soon."
You stare wide eyed at the phone. He's supposed to be working late! So you can have more time to look!
You jump up and start tearing up the house. You must find it!
You had it yesterday, you're sure of it. It has to be here!
Things are moved on shelves and the couch is pushed out of place and kitchen chairs are spread out across the floor.
Clothing is pulled out of drawers and things are moved in the closet and you search all over the garage, and still nothing.
You walk back into the house and look at the mess you've made and sit on the living room floor and cry.
You don't even hear the door open and your husband come in.
"What happened?!" Levis shout makes you cry harder. "Did someone break in? Are you hurt?"
He drops everything and kneels on the floor and hugs you as you shake your head.
"You're not hurt? No one broke in?" He holds your cheeks and tears fall onto his hands.
Would it just be easier to tell him that someone stole your wedding ring?
"N-n-no!" You sob as you tell him that no, this is all your fault.
"Love what happened?" He speaks to you gently and it hurts to have to say this.
"My wedding ring went down the drain!" You fling your arms around him and cry more, getting his shirt wet.
Levi rubs your back and smiles to himself, letting out a chuckle.
You push off of him and stare wide eyed.
He's so angry he's laughing? That's not a good sign!
Levi kisses your forehead and helps you stand and gets a tissue to dry your eyes.
"Stop your crying. It didn't go down the drain." He smiles at the silly thought.
"Well then where is it?!" Your voice is loud and squeaky but Levi knows you're just upset.
Levi digs in his pocket and pulls out a box and opens it.
"My ring!" You gasp as there it is, safe and sound.
"I left early today to have it cleaned, it's all nice and shiny now." Levi tells you as he holds it up. And yes, it's very shiny.
You frown and your lip quivers and Levi laughs again.
"I'm sorry love, I took it this morning. I thought you wouldn't notice. Sometimes when you lounge around the house you leave it on the nightstand, so I was hoping you'd rest up and not even realize." Levi tells you what the plan had been.
"You were trying to get me back, for last year." Your brain tells you that's wrong as you say the words anyway.
Levi sighs and looks at you like he's disappointed. "I most certainly am not." He takes your hand and puts the ring on.
"There, right where it belongs." Levi kisses your hand as you look down at it.
You close your eyes and sigh. "I'm sorry." You've finally come to your senses.
"It's okay. I should've just told you." He rubs his fingers along your palm.
You lean in to kiss him and he returns it gently.
You rest your head on his chest and hold out your hand. "It's very shiny."
You both laugh softly and share a sweet kiss, holding each other for a moment.
"Oh man…" Levi looks around the house and you're ready to cry again.
It's been turned upside down in your attempt to find something that wasn't missing.
"I'll help put it back together." Levi tells you, as this is somehow partly on him.
"I moved everything, even the bed. I'm sorry." You pout, rubbing your temple.
"We don't need to do it all tonight. Let's at least go put the bed back." He takes your hand.
You get to your room and can't even look at Levi as he sees the mess.
"I can't believe you made all this mess while I was working." Levi jokes as you huff.
"I really thought it was gone!" You cross your arms as he goes to push the bed back into place.
"I don't suppose dinner is ready?" Levi continues to joke, making you groan.
"You're never going to let me live this down." In ten years, maybe you'll laugh, but not now.
You clean up a little more, saving most for tomorrow, and make a quick dinner together before heading to bed, putting your ring in your usual safe spot.
Tomorrow you'll make Levi that dinner you had tried to plan earlier.
"At least I know you'll tear the house apart trying to find it." Levi pokes a little more and you roll your eyes.
As you slip into bed together you cuddle up close. "Of course, I love you."
He kisses your forehead. "And I love you."
You close your eyes and a moment later hear him chuckle.
"Down the drain?" Levi grins.
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aylacavebear · 4 months
Stockroom Antics - Chapter 1
Maria had changed jobs numerous times over the last five years, more to keep herself safe than anything else. Her mother had told her she was a fairy but she thought it was just her mom being weird. Honestly, though, she had no other way of explaining what had happened to her that stormy day before she'd gone into a coma for two weeks.
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. Will probably be 18+ I haven't decided yet!
Word Count: 1747
Pairing eventually Dean Winchester x OC
Warnings: Angst (mild)
A/N: This one's written a little differently than my last one. Let me know what you think. It's the first time I've tried this type of writing. Chapters will alternate viewpoints as well. I also looked into an actual area so this one could feel more realistic.
----------------------------------------- Stockroom Antics Chapter 1
You’d think being something supernatural you’d prefer to stay away from people, and live more of a solitary sort of life, but no. You like people, love laughter, and having a job with amazing coworkers brings you a sense of peace and happiness in your life.
One of your best friends at work is Sarah. She’s adorable, fun, and goofy, and you both make each other laugh all day at work while you unbox the truck shipment and get things on the hummers and into the bluebins, to get put out later.
She knows what you are, sort of. Although, not even you yet know the actual name of what you are. You haven’t found anyone you can really trust outside your immediate family to tell the whole truth to. Hell, you don’t need to scare anyone. Most people have no clue what’s really out there and you like keeping it that way. You’ve researched to find a name for what you are but so far, there isn’t a single thing that has your abilities/powers description. 
As you’re out on the floor, getting out one of the hummers with the kitchen items on it, your mind wanders back. When did it start, you think to yourself, absentmindedly. Four years, five now. You’re not sure anymore. Technically you’re in your early forties but ever since it happened, you feel like you’re in your mid to late twenties again. It also seemed as though aging had practically stopped. Most things a forty-year-old body would go through, you haven’t been experiencing. Just the opposite, you truly feel as though you’ve been getting physically younger.
“Excuse me, do you work here?” A woman asks, pulling you from your thoughts, as she can’t see the nametag hanging around your neck with how you’re standing.
You turn to her with a friendly smile, “Yup, how can I help you?”
“I’m just looking for a pan I can cover the top of my stove with,” the woman attempted to explain.
Neither you nor the woman knew the exact name of that particular thing, but glancing down, you notice a rather large cookie sheet on the shelf on the endcap of the aisle you’re stocking, “This might work,” you tell her, picking it up.
The woman is impressed, looking it over, “How much is it?” she asks.
You flip it over and find the tag, “Nine dollars,” you let her know, “Not bad. This is really nice.”
“What about that price? Fifteen?” the woman asks.
“Oh, that is the price you’d find it for at another store. Our price is always on the bottom of the tag,” you reassure her.
The woman is very happy, letting you know that if it doesn’t work to cover her stove, she’ll be making cookies. Of course, this is when your lighthearted side comes out, “I’m here Monday through Friday, always in the afternoons,” you tell her, playfully.
She finds you adorable, smiling at your playfulness and the two of you spend almost three full minutes talking about cookies before she thanks you for your help. You know it will bring your times down that you have to run the hummer in, but to you, seeing a customer smiling and enjoying their visit to the store is what brings you the most joy at work.
You smile happily to yourself as the woman goes on about her shopping trip and you get back to running your hummer of kitchen items. It’s while you’re putting out some of the food that the mess of the section bothers you again. This is one thing you’re not responsible for, straightening the shelves up to make them look nice. You frown a bit, seeing that there is nowhere to put out the box of bagged oats. Checking around, and not seeing anyone nearby, you just think that there is room on the shelf, that it looks a little neater, and it happens in less than the blink of an eye. 
What you didn’t notice was that you were being watched. A man, in his mid-thirties was standing near the women’s clothing racks, just watching you. He was fairly average, with short brown hair, and brown eyes, only about an inch taller than you, wearing jeans, a blue t-shirt, a hoodie, and sneakers. 
You finished the kitchen hummer and then grabbed a toy one, making sure to write down your times on the sheet in the stockroom. The toy hummers were a little different. They had toys, pets, and craft supplies. Being a kid at heart, as well as loving anything stationary, you loved running these hummers. As you were putting out some of the dog toys, you heard the sound of one of the bluebins heading in your direction. It was like the hummers but those bluebins were for women's, men's, and children's items specifically.
Sarah was soon standing at the end of the pet aisle, phone up and recording, a playful smile on her lips, “Aaaannd, you’re fired,” she tried to say seriously.
You pretend to look upset and sad, then toss your arms up with playfulness, “Party at my house!”
The two of you laugh as she saves the video, only to post it online later, your Stockroom Antics tag included. The man who had been watching you earlier continues to do so. Every aisle seems to be a bit of a mess today, so again, you think about it looking a little nicer. Only a little though, you don’t need to draw unwanted attention to yourself from your boss if they watch the cameras.
Ten minutes before your shift ends, Sarah comes back up to you, “Code 99 me?” she asks, and you smirk.
“Oh, so if I don’t, that means you’re stuck here,” you chuckle.
“Not cool,” she replies, playfully, “Should I go find someone else?” she raises an eyebrow.
“Na, I’ll let you out,” you laugh a little. 
The two of you walk to the front of the store, in front of the doors so that you’re both on camera. Sarah opens her bag, and you peek in, “Looks good. See you tomorrow?” you tell her.
“Yup. See ya,” she replies before leaving.
You smile a bit and head to the stockroom. There’s always some cleanup that needs to be done and you enjoy doing those little things that there never seems to be time for others to do. The man continues to watch you, and you still haven’t noticed him, not really anyway. You’d seen him, yes, but to you, he’s just another customer.
The backroom isn’t bad, not today. The girl is working on tagging the shoes with the alarms while a couple of other girls are in the clothing pods tagging clothes and getting them on racks to go out either later on or the following morning. You get some sweeping done, straighten up the bluebins and hummers, then bid them all farewell for the evening. Just as you reach the register to clock out, your ‘end of shift’ alarm goes off.
“Thank you phone,” you say out loud, pulling it out of your back pocket, and then turn it off. Smiling and shaking your head a little.
“See you guys tomorrow,” you tell the two cashiers as you punch out. 
They smile and say goodbye as you head for the door. Since you don’t carry a purse, there’s no need to have a code 99 before you leave. The air is a little crisp, it being the beginning of January in Southern Arizona and you put the hood of your hoodie over your head. It’s been a cold few weeks, although this week has been the worst with the rain. For three days now the low in the mornings has been in the upper twenties and the days barely over fifty. That’s cold for where you live but it happens every so many years.
As you’re walking toward your truck, which you love with all your heart, the man from earlier is following you still. The chill doesn’t seem to be bothering him at all. For now, you believe he’s still just a customer, not paying him much attention. The wind blows just right, from behind you, and all you can smell is sulfur, and a chill runs down your back. You take a deep breath though, calming your nerves. You should have known that picking a job across the street from where you had previously worked wasn’t the best of ideas.
You stayed calm as you walked to your truck. She was quite the beast of a truck. A 91’ F350 XLT Lariat, crew cab, long bed, with a two-inch lift, 1500 lb leaf springs, and 4-wheel drive. You hadn’t saved up enough to have her fixed up like you wanted but you loved her dearly. As you rounded the hood, the man pushed you against your truck, right in front of the tire.
“Found you,” he said in a low, pleased tone, smiling devilishly, “The boss is gonna be pleased.”
Without thinking you put your hand on his chest and the black smoke of the demon's soul began expelling out of his mouth, toward the ground. This wasn’t the first time you’d had to deal with demons and you knew it wouldn’t be the last. The demon looked at you through the man’s eyes, almost in terror but more in shock at what you were doing. He apparently didn’t get the memo of what had happened to the last demon that had gotten too close to you. A smirk crossed your lips as the demon's soul left the man’s body, went into the ground, back to hell where it belonged. 
With the demon now gone, the man was unconscious. You sighed before carefully dragging him over to the closest tree in the parking lot, which you had parked near, and propped him against it. At least he was still alive. Most demons rode whoever they possessed hard, usually killing them in the process. He’ll wake later, you told yourself before heading home.
That night you thought long and hard about whether or not to go back to work the following day. You knew the demon would tell his boss, whom you’d never met, just heard about. That’s when you sat up a little straighter on your couch, a determination in your eyes.
“I’m not letting demons run me out of a job I love,” you said confidently.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 2
A/N: If you'd like to be tagged in this one, and future chapters, leave me a comment and let me know. :)
Link to the series Master List
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song-of-storms162 · 1 year
What Dreams Would Sound Like
Genshin Impact Xiao x Gender neutral! Reader 
Modern AU, Bassist! Xiao, Bassist in training! Reader 
2999 words of mutual pining and fluff? 
Xiao’s just in the mall to pick up some new strings and possibly some boba. He bumps into you, a friend from university he’s been giving bass lessons and can’t seem to get out of his head. 
This fic has been collecting dust in my drafts for waaay too long. I cleaned it up to make it more gender neutral but let me know if I miss anything. I hope you all enjoy it!
Here’s a link to a photo of the boba straw key ring that comes with a portable reusable straw for anyone curious (yes it exists):  https://www.bobatribe.com/products/the-boba-straw
The little bell above the door jingles cheerfully as Xiao enters his favorite music store. The various instruments on display line the shop’s walls along with rows and shelves of gear ranging from boxes of violin rosin to smaller instruments like tambourines and maraccas. Xiao gives a brief nod to the owner wiping down the glass counters filled with capos and drumsticks as his eyes skitter over the rack of bass guitars on display. His gait slowed down to admire the gleaming instruments and to not nudge any of the arranged amplifiers with his guitar case. His feet find their way to a particular shelf in a corner of the store, where the guitar and bass strings are kept. 
Xiao reached out to grab a pack of his usual bass strings and some guitar strings for his bandmate Albedo, who had been too busy juggling two majors and a minor to visit the store himself. Xiao unlocked his phone to check with the photo Albedo sent him to make sure he had the right pack and he absentmindedly heard the store’s bell jingle again as he swipes through his photo gallery. 
“Oh, hello! Are you here to see those bass guitars again?” Xiao overhears the store manager say and he’s a little tempted to see who else might be another bass player. His thumb swipes over his phone furiously, where did he put that archons damned pho-
“Yes! And can you recommend me a few amplifiers today?” Xiao’s phone swiping halts at that voice. Looking up from his phone to scan the room, Xiao’s grip on the strings tighten when he spots you. 
You who was the only person brave enough to sit next to him for lectures during your first week in university, you who’s continued to save him a spot on your right for every lecture as you became immune to his glare. You, who calls Xiao over to invitie him to group projects if either of you didn’t have enough group members. You who’s made it to every concert and session he’s had with his band ever since you found out he played and sometimes you show up with bubble tea for him and his group members (they tease Xiao every time you appear) which lead to them jokingly calling you by the nickname of ‘Boba angel’. You who Xiao knows has a workshop every two weeks the same day they play live in Angel’s Share so Xiao asks his band if they can start a little later sometimes because the first time you showed up in the middle of their performance, out of breath from running to the campus cafe with their usual bubble tea, Xiao scolds you but he can’t help the redness creeping up his face when you beam at him and say, “I wanted to see you perform!”
Xiao who started giving you bass lessons when he was free and because he felt he owed you an apology but he quickly grew to love those little sessions with you. Xiao frowns, he hadn’t realised it but with all those sessions you had progressed to a level where you were more than entitled to an instrument of your own. His frown deepens as he realises you won’t be cradling his bass on your lap anymore but it softens when he realises the two of you can have more sessions now that you have your own instrument. 
Unbeknownst to Xiao, you’ve been saving and working for your own bass guitar, your sessions with him had reached a point where each person needed an instrument and you felt a little guilty for hogging his bass sometimes. You had heard of this store from Albedo, Xiao’s bandmate after discussing the matter with him and you soon found yourself coming back frequently to pick a bass guitar in their vast collection and you were able to narrow your choices down to a small number of basses. 
Before Xiao knows it, his feet had brought him closer to where you stand with the employee over two different bass guitars. Xiao recognises them vaguely, he knows the makers stamped on both guitars are well known and he thinks back on the past bass guitars of their brand that he had heard as he tries to pinpoint which one might suit you better. “(Name)?” He tries to hide the fact that he knew you were in the store for the past ten minutes or so. But luckily, you look up from the instruments and a smile paints your face. “Xiao, what are you doing here?” “I needed a new set of strings,” said Xiao as he held the string packet up. “You’re picking out an instrument?” “Yep!” Xiao watches your gaze drop back to the two instruments again, your hands patting down one of the basses. “I’ve been thinking about getting a bass for a while now and I have enough saved up for an amp too.”
Xiao’s not prepared when you smile up at him so sweetly. “And besides, I can’t hog your bass forever.” “I don’t mind.” 
You tilt your head curiously at him and Xiao coughs, looking away from you to hide his blushing cheeks. “I don’t mind you playing my bass.”
“Oh! Well that’s sweet of you Xiao,” you say before turning your head away before frowning at the two basses. 
“You can’t decide?” Xiao noticed your expression and you nod. 
“Have you tried playing them yet?” Xiao asks and you shake your head this time. 
“I don’t want to trouble-”
“Excuse me,” the employee piped up. “If you want, I can bring over an amplifier so you can try them out.”
“No, it’s alright-” “I’ll help you, they’ll need a new cable as well.” says Xiao as he slowly takes off his guitar case so it sits next to you before leaving with the store employee. 
“I have to say, Xiao,” said the employee as they searched around for a brand new cable. “I was wondering why you needed a string change so soon. I thought you were just practicing more but I guess there’s another reason why the strings are so worn.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Xiao picked up the amplifier in one hand before beginning to head back to where you sat. 
“I see I’m not going to get an answer from you,” the employee sighed. “But hey, maybe with both of you coming here, the store can start up a couple’s discount!”
Xiao glared at the employee before snatching away the bass cable. “The day you start a couple’s discount is the day I stop coming here.”
Xiao huffs before briskly making his way back to you, not hearing the employee say “He’s all grown up now, I wonder if Mr. Zhongli knows about his partner.” 
When Xiao comes back, he sees you cradling a bass in your lap. After placing the amplifier on the floor, Xiao drops to one knee to connect the bass to the amplifier. Xiao’s head dips down so he can see the cable and you find yourself staring at the fading turquoise streaks on top of his head, wondering when was the last time he dyed his hair. 
“Xiao?” You call out and he glances up at you. “When was the last time you dyed your hair?”
Xiao’s gaze is fixed on the cable. “A while, maybe a month, why?” 
You hum. “Have you ever considered dying it a different color?”
“...me and Kazuha mixed up our dyes once,” Xiao mumbles, loud enough for you to hear and the grin you sport has him both slightly terrified and embarrassed. 
“Wait, so you had red hair?” The excitement and amusement in your tone had his heart feeling things. 
“Does Kazuha dye his hair any other color?” Xiao grumbles as he stands. “It was just my tips–and why are you staring at me like that?”
The wide smile on your face is now coupled by what Xiao can only call starry eyes, you’re obviously trying to hold in your laughter but the way your eyes scan his hair then his face, have his ears reddening. 
“I’m just trying to picture you with red hair. Oh! Did anyone take a photo to commemorate the event?”
Xiao turns away from you and picks up the other bass and for a moment, you wonder if you’ve crossed a line. 
But Xiao’s cheeks are red when he mumbles, “Venti has a photo, I can send it to you.”
“For a price.” Xiao sits next to you, careful not to bump your instruments together and his gaze turns to your face. Despite the slight redness in his cheeks, his eyes are piercing, serious. They’re the same burning gold that comes out when he’s performing with the band or dancing on stage. 
His staring makes you swallow and you quickly turn your head to the bass strings and begin to fiddle with them to avoid his stare. 
“Well,” you clear your throat. “What’s your price then?”
“We go get boba after this,” says Xiao and you whip your head away from the strings. 
“Wait, that’s it?” you question and Xiao nods.
“That’s it,” says Xiao and a slight smirk crosses his face. “What were you hoping for?”
You jolt in your seat and quickly look away. “Boba! Boba was what I was hoping for!”
“...right,” Xiao takes your actions in stride and you feel yourself let out a breath of relief. 
  “So how long have you and Xiao been dating?” The shopkeeper returns with a catalog in hand. 
Xiao’s hands pause in tuning the bass and he can hear you stutter. “A-actually we’re-”
Xiao doesn’t know how his voice manages to come out without shaking. “I teach them music.”
“Oh really? Are you sure?” the shopkeeper presses on, a teasing smile on their face. 
“And they’re a much better bassist than you,” huffs Xiao and the shopkeeper squawks. 
“Hey! I’m still learning!” 
“And so is (Name) and yet it’s obvious who the superior bassist is,” says Xiao as he starts to fiddle with the bass. 
“Fine,” the shopkeeper deflates. “So (Name) how did you convince Xiao to teach you?”
You and Xiao pause, your expression drops and Xiao quickly replies. 
“That’s for us to know and you to never learn.”
Before the shopkeeper could protest anymore, you quickly start off a few bass licks Xiao had taught you to lighten the mood. Xiao nods in approval when he notices the improvement in your fingering and the even tempo you keep. When you finish, Xiao gestures to the other bass of your choice in his arms, his gaze questioning. 
“Have you chosen that one or do you want to play this one too?”
You slowly set down the bass into an instrument stand the shopkeeper brings out and hold your arms out for the other bass. “I want to try the other bass too.” 
Xiao passes you the bass and plugs the cable into the new bass, nodding at you to start. You smile back before turning a serious gaze to your hand on the fretboard. When the music begins to flesh out, Xiao finds himself mesmerized by the sound for a while, gold eyes lighting up in soft adoration and slight surprise. The sound is slightly different but if Xiao had to pick, he felt the second bass suited you better. 
When you finish, you glance up at Xiao and ask “Well what do you think? I want to hear your opinion.”
Xiao honestly didn’t know why you were asking, the way you looked at the second bass and lost yourself in the playing said enough to him. “The second bass, it suits you. It’s like–hm how do I describe it?”
You’re not prepared for him to say the next line. 
“The way you play this bass, I think it’s what dreams would sound like.” Golden eyes scan the bass before flicking back to you and Xiao’s gaze falters at the way you’re looking at him. 
It’s almost as if you return his feel–
He quickly turns away to the shopkeeper as his hand fiddles with the gift in his pocket. “We’ll take the second bass, this amplifier, a new cable and a gigbag.” The shopkeeper’s eyes light up as they head to the storage room to bring out a new gig bag before asking Xiao if he could help bring the items to the cashier. 
Xiao nods and turns to you and notes the curious expression you wear before beginning to prepare the amplifier and cable. “Ready to go get boba?”
You nod. “Sure, I still need to see that photo after all!”
Xiao’s ears redden at your words. “It’s just a photo,” he mumbles.
“But it’s a photo of you with red hair!”
Were you trying to give him a heart attack from how excited and adorable you were being?
Xiao huffs, ”Let’s go before the shopkeeper bothers us again.”
You pay for your bass and set it inside the new gigbag, smiling when you slip the straps over your shoulders, giddy after purchasing your new bass. The shopkeeper hands you your change as Xiao picks up your amplifier before slowly offering his hand towards you. 
You take it, and Xiao gingerly takes your hand. You both zoom around the mall, never letting go. What exactly were you both now? Acquaintances? Outside of his bandmates, some peers and certain professors, Xiao didn’t associate much with people and you both definitely spent time together. Friends? That would be the easiest answer, but you couldn’t help but wish you were more than that. Best friends? You were sure that title belonged to his bandmates who knew Xiao better than you did but Venti and Albedo had both commented on how Xiao would be easier to convince when it came to doing something that involved you.
Another option lingered on the back of your head but you weren’t even sure if it was possible. 
“Do you want to order your usual or do you want to try the special edition drink?” Xiao’s voice quietly asks as you both reach the boba stand and begin to queue. 
You were still pondering over what the shopkeeper had said, perhaps something familiar would help cool your head. 
“I’ll order my usual,” You reply, maybe something familiar and comforting could help you make sense of this foreign feeling. Xiao nods and orders for you both. You opt to sit at one of the many tables when Xiao noticed how the furrow in your brows hadn’t gone yet. Hesitantly, Xiao brought out his hand and lightly tapped on your shoulder. The familiar gesture brought you out of your thinking. 
“You’ve had that expression for a while now”, said Xiao as he brought his hand back. “So I thought I’d try what you usually do.”
When Xiao was too caught up in his music, you would carefully tap on his shoulder, it would always be the trick you used when you needed to bring him out of his head and now he was using it on you.
“Well,” you cleared your throat. “I was thinking about what that shopkeeper said and how you responded. Does my playing really sound like that?”
“Like a dream?” Xiao asks and you nod as he continues. “It does, to me, it sounds like a pleasant dream I don’t want to wake up from.”
“I think that’s because I have you as a teacher,” you say with a chuckle and Xiao shakes his head. 
“I’ve taught you songs and scales but your playstyle is purely your own.” You both turn your heads when you hear the ding! Of the shop’s numbering machine and Xiao rises to fetch your drinks. 
“You forgot the straws,” You mention when Xiao returns with both drinks in hand. 
Xiao sets the drinks down. “No I didn’t, I have them right here.”
Xiao fishes out two adorable boba keyrings and sets them on the table. You tilt your head at him in confusion. 
“This one’s yours,” Xiao hands you the keychain with the smiling boba cup and keeps the one with the frown for himself. “This is how you use them.”
Xiao pops the keychain open to reveal a poker for your drinks and a foldable straw inside. You mimic his actions and poke your own cup. “These are adorable! Where did you get them?”
“I bought them, I saw them on an online sale and thought they’d be something you’d like.” Xiao sipped his drink and watched you fawn over the keychain, a small smile tugging at his lips at your own excitement. 
But Xiao’s smile tightened when he remembered why he had chosen to gift the keychain to you in the first place. 
“Xiao?” a tap on his shoulder and Xiao’s eyes flick to yours. You smile at him over your drink. “Now you’re the one spacing out! What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“(Name), can I,” Xiao takes a deep breath. “Can I take you somewhere next weekend?”
“Did a new boba shop open up?” you ask and Xiao falters in his response. 
“Yes but also,” Xiao feels his emotions ready to barf themselves on the table. “I was hoping I could take you out properly.”
“Like a date?” you ask with a teasing smile but it fades when you see Xiao nod.
Xiao was being serious. About taking you out on a date. 
You take a nice long sip from your drink, trying to look anywhere but the boy sitting across from you. When you drain your drink of nearly all its toppings, you finally have enough courage to face Xiao, who drained his cup as well. 
“I’d love to go out with you Xiao,” you finally reply with a small smile and Xiao’s eyes widen. 
“You’re sure?” he asks, dumbfouded that you agreed and you laugh.
“You just asked me on a date, and I said yes. Yes Xiao, I’m very sure.”
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justxiao · 2 years
-It's been a week since it started, they were so exhausted. While they were looking for a safe place to stay, many zombies had trapped them, that's when you, the hero, came to help.
-zombie apocalypse AU!!
Where was he now? He didn't know either. All he knew was to keep going until he found a safe place to hide, trying to be as quiet as possible because even the smallest sound could draw the attention of the monsters around him.
He was passing through a street with markets, covering his mouth with his hand. At least it made his breathing sound a little quieter.
His foot came to a bump, feeling it, he pulled his foot away as quickly as he could and looked down. The corpse of a man lay on the ground, his eyes open but no pupils in sight.
Thinking that the man might be a zombie, Diluc took a step back, his back hitting something. When he looked behind him, he saw an iron and wheeled shelf. As Diluc hit the shelf, the shelf started to move away from him and collided with another iron pole.
A 'CLANG' sound was heard. Diluc felt nauseous, those hideous creatures were already starting to gather around him. As he started to run, he felt a hand grab his ankle, and he fell to the ground. When he turned his face, he saw that the man who had been lying on the ground earlier had turned into a zombie.
His foot was bent as he fell, and even if he got up, he couldn't escape. That was the end of him, a bunch of zombies would eat him.
As he closed his eyes, waiting for death to come, he felt the hand on his ankle loosen up. He opened his eyes again, only to meet with an ax and someone he doesn't know.
When he looked up, he caught your sight, some blood on your face, but it probably wasn't yours. You were smiling at him, then you turned around and decapitated a zombie approaching the two of you.
You turned back to Diluc and gave him the ax in your hand, then you quickly took him on your back and ran away from where the zombies were.
Diluc was surprised at the streng you have, you were able to run fast while you were carrying him on your back.
"I was training weightlifting before those goddamn zombies showed up. Heh, not to brag, but I can lift 87 kilos on my back."
You said while turning around a corner, a building came to view. "I can say you didn't eat much in these days. You really are light for a man" you commented again, chuckling a little.
Diluc tightened his arms around you, happy that he was saved, thanking the whatever god was listening to him. He smiled and closed his eyes. Mumbling to your back :
"Don't wake me up until the next day.."
His leg ached so badly that he would soon pass out from seeing his own blood. He jumped over a wire while running from the zombies, but the point of the iron wire had penetrated his leg, inflicting a wound that would likely have left a scar.
He couldn't walk like this, he couldn't move his leg an inch. But the goddamn zombies would find him sooner or later, their proximity was evident from the different sounds coming out of their mouths.
There was nothing to protect himself next to Kaeya, he was defenseless and the walking corpses were many times stronger than him.
A 'BOOM' sound was heard. It was like the sound of a gunshot. But Kaeya felt that his ear was still under the influence of the sound. Kaeya looked behind him from his hiding place, the zombies coming towards him started to head towards the direction of the sound.
"That scar looks bad, man." a voice called. Kaeya turned his head to the side immediately, you were standing in front of him. You sat in front of him, took a cloth from your pocket and wet it with the water from your bottle. Then you gently placed it on Kaeya's leg. You also tied a string, not too tight.
Kaeya winced a little but didn't say anything. He looked at your face, then noticed you had cuts and some bruises too.
"If you like my face that much I can give you a picture, handsome." you said while smirking.
Kaeya looked shocked for a moment, then smiled. "I would love that, to be honest" he said. You returned the smile and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, you picked him up and started walking.
"Wow, you really are strong. I like it"
Kaeya said on your back, making you laugh. You let out a 'heh' and said "You think so? Beacuse I feel like you are the one who is light."
"Doesn't matter, you are my hero anyways."
He was exhausted.
Childe was fighting endless zombies. He had a knife in both of his hands, in fact he had gone out to look for food for his family, but had encountered more zombies than he had expected.
He hadn't eaten properly for almost 3 days. His head was spinning so badly and he didn't think he could cut off any more heads, he told his siblings and mother that he would come home with loads of food.
He leaned against a wall and slid down to the ground, zombies coming towards his base. For some reason he wanted to cry. But there was no point in crying now, he was going to die soon, and he knew it too. Just as a zombie was about to pounce on Childe and bite him, an ax split the zombie's head in half.
He looked up, his eyes wide. You were looking at him with a smile, Childe felt something in his stomach..happiness? He wasn't sure.
You killed the zombies near with the blink of an eye, easy targets for you. "You did a good job killing those things." you said, patting Childe's head.
"Do you have anywhere to go?" you asked, the ax resting on your shoulder. He nodded his head, you hummed and crouched down in front of him.
"You seem very tired. Want me to carry you, cutie?" you asked placing your hand on his shoulder. He looked at you for a moment then nodded, he didn't want to be a burden but he couldn't walk either.
You smiled and gave him the ax, lifting him up and placing him on your back. "So, where is your house?" you asked. Chide told you some directions and you started to walk, you felt him drop his head on your shoulder and sleep.
You smiled to yourself, walking to his house with a him on your back.
Part 2 : Here
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boysplanetrecaps · 3 months
The BUILD UP BRAPPIES, 3x3 Death Match edition
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Time to take a another brief break from my MNET Build Up Recap Project to hand out some BRAPPY Awards for Excellence in the Field of Excellence! In this post, I’ll be giving out BRAPPIES based on how everyone did in the 3x3 Death Match Mission. Let’s go!
Before we dive in to the BRAPPIES, I just want to say thanks again for being part of this! I enjoy shows like this more if I spend time on them, because otherwise they just sort of go in one eye and out the other, so thanks for hanging out with me while I do.
Favorite Performance Overall
And the BRAPPY goes to...
Bad News!
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I mean, my overall favorite (Bain) on a team with two other favorites, performing a great song by my favorite rookie group…? And doing well? And all three of them surviving? YES! 
Favorite Song Discovery
This was tough because there were two really sharp contenders -- Nakka by Akmu, which I have had stuck in my head since I watched the show, and Enough by Hoppipolla, which I listened to in a one-hour loop twice through while working online. 
And the BRAPPY goes to…
Nakka by Akmu!
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“Wow, BPR-Noona chose our song as the one she was happiest to find out about via watching Build Up! That’s such a surprise because I’ve never heard of Build Up or BPR Noona! But I guess it’s nice to win another award. We’ll put it on the shelf with the others and then eventually turn it into a cat toy. We’ll get a cat just so we can make it a cat toy. Thanks!” 
Favorite Performance of a Song I Don’t Like:
I’m going to give this one to Pray. I find the song itself a bit meh, but their performance was impeccable. 
Honorable mention: Fever 
Best stage outfits:
And the BRAPPY goes to…
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Jeup’s team, specifically, Jeup! 
Jeup, would you like to accept the award?
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Oh, you don’t want it?
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That’s cool, it’s just an AI generated image anyway. See you later! 
Worst Stage Outfits:
Team Sweeties, with their paper towel blazers. 
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I just don’t understand the thinking. There had to be other white outfits that wouldn’t have looked quite so… absorbent. 
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Oh no, Sunyoul, don’t look at me like that!
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Ok, I’m sorry. I’ll give it to Neon’s team instead. Neon’s sweater was inexplicable, and they all just sort of look like they’re wearing whatever they happened to be wearing today. 
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Oh no, they’re sad now.
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Well as long as Sunyoul is happy, I’m happy. 
Performance Helped Most By Song Choice:
And the BRAPPY goes to….
Team Underestimated for Enough.
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I think these are all really great singers, and I also know they didn’t even win, but I think that this song is part of what helped them almost make it, and what weighed in to the judges’ decision to save Woong. 
Performance Hindered Most By Song Choice:
And the BRAPPY goes to: Team Forest! It seems obvious that the song was a bad choice overall and allowed only Sanghyun to really sing well, which was bad for the team as a whole. But hold on, team Forest -- there’s another Brappy coming your way….
Teammate Most Screwed Over By a Teammate:
And the BRAPPY goes to: Neon and Taewoo! They were both royally screwed over by Sanghyun, who would not go out of his extremely limited comfort zone and then managed to get all three of them eliminated. Thanks, Sanghyun! Thanghyun. 
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Don’t worry, I’ll mail those Brappies out to you soon. 
Team Most Screwed Over By The Team Itself:
And the BRAPPY goes to...
Team Maknae!
Don’t get me wrong -- I think this was a great team. All three of them are great singers and their voices blend well. I just think judges are biased against young members and automatically discount them. If they had been split up amongst different teams, I think they would have had better outcomes, and we might have able to keep Joohee somehow. 
Biggest Glow Up from Previous Round:
And the BRAPPY goes to…. Seunghun!
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Seunghun looks great in a suit and that shade of ash-blonde suits him pretty well. (I think he looks even better with his original dark hair, but still, he is just looking great over all!) 
Honorable mention: Bain
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I think this is the best he’s looked this whole series. As his hair gets less orange, he gets more handsome. 
Best judging face
So many great nominees for this one! 
Wendy during Fever
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Solar during Pray
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VCG during Bad News
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Eunkwang during Forest
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Baekho watching Geonu dance:
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And the BRAPPY goes to…
This was tough, you guys, but I had to give it to Baekho for just… expressing the truth about Geonu’s dancing. 
Hey, how do you feel about this blog, Baekho?
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Aww, you’re so welcome! Anything else?
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Oh, if you have to go, you have to go. Sorry your shirt fell off. See you later!
Most Irritating Judging Moment:
It’s a tie: (1) when they gave the win to Team Taco over Team Maknae, and (2) when they decided not to save Neon. Fuck that shit. 
Honorable mentions: Not saving Park Joohee.
Best Sweater:
And the BRAPPY goes to…
This fuzzy delight, worn by Jeon Woong! 
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Honorable mention for obvious reasons:
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Team That Seemed To Have the Most Fun:
Obviously, Team Taco. 
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Team That Probably Cried The Most:
The BRAPPY goes to Sunyoul’s team, since they had to change from Piano Man to Drawing Our Moments at the last minute.
Biggest Coat-tail Rider:
Geonu again. 
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Baekho, what do you think?
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Yeah. Yeah, I know. 
Funniest judging moment:
And the BRAPPY goes to…
When Baekho told Jeup he’ll “lose his muscles” if he keeps crying. 
I feel like there’s a certain… theme to my BRAPPY awards? But I can’t quite put a finger on what it is. 
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Oh, Jeup put a finger on it. Thanks, buddy. 
Best Dahee moment:
The moment she decided to wear this. Whatever this is. 
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I love her. 
But also when she was so happy for Team Badnews when they got so much praise from the judges:
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Ok, that’s it for the BRAPPIES for this round!
See you soon! <3 Click here for the next one: Drowning.
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scenezfreak · 1 year
What would Jeff do if his s/o found photos of him before the accident? How would he react? ❤️
Jeff’s S/O finding old photos of him before the accident.
• SFW!!! Comfort-ish? Definitely Fluff
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You were cleaning out Jeff’s room since he’s too lazy to do it himself but claims he’s just “busy”. You take a bland box off one of the shelf’s he has and you rummage through it to sort more things out. Clearing the contents of the box you see an old cracked picture frame.
“Geez…I can barely see the photo.” You say to yourself as you carefully turn the picture frame over. You unclasp the back and take the picture out carefully, it’s just a picture of a normal looking boy. You examine the picture closer and you realize it looks similar to Jeff. ‘Oh my god…is this him before he-‘ you couldn’t finish your thought as you heard the door open.
“Oh, Hi Jeff!” You try to say nonchalantly as you try to hide the picture. He notices the box and rushes over towards you. “What are you doing?” He spat. “Well, I’m cleaning your room because you’re, and I quote, ‘too busy’.” You respond. Jeff sees the empty picture frame. He fell silent and just looked at you.
You sigh and reveal the picture you were hiding. “Sorry…I know I shouldn’t have went through your personal belongings.” You try to grab the picture frame but he stops you. “I just need to burn the picture. I don’t know why I still have it.” He sighs. You look at him, concerned. Usually he’d be mad if you went through his personal things, but he didn’t seem mad just…..sad?
You stand up, you know Jeff isn’t one to talk about his feelings. “Did you think I’d like the old you better?” You assume. He shakes his head. “No just…ugh…I hate talking about my feelings but I guess it’s the right time to tell you.” He states. “I just hate how vulnerable and weak I was back then. And yea I guess I thought you might even wish that you could date the more mentally stable me.”
“Oh Jeff…I love you for the way you are now, I love all of you. Nothing can change that. Mentally stable or not, you’re still the one who owns my heart. Not to mention you look 10x more beautiful now, you think so too, right?” You say and he nods his head. “If you really want to get rid of it then go ahead, but I wouldn’t mind seeing your old adorable self in a picture frame.”
He blushes slightly at the comment and turns away. “You really don’t mind that I look completely different?” He questions. “Of course I don’t mind, you’re still you, and I wouldn’t exchange you for ANYTHING. Being honest, I don’t mind that you’re literally insane, I’m into that type of stuff” you giggle.
You press a quick kiss to his lips and put the picture back into the frame and put it on the shelf. “I’ll get a new picture frame later, alright? If you don’t like it then take it down, I don’t mind.” You smile at him. “And don’t worry, I also find your smile very beautiful.” You say.
He sighs in relief. Looking at the picture one last time. Maybe it wasn’t so bad. Things change and he’s already accepted that. You go back to go through the box. “Why don’t you help me? I mean you ARE free right now.” You say teasingly.
He rolls his eyes, “Fine but only because I don’t want you snooping anymore.” He says. “HEY- I didn’t mean to!” You growl back at him and playfully hit him. He laughs at your anger and you both go cleaning his god awful room together.
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yuhi-san · 3 months
I used to have 658 Manga. I started collecting when I was very young, at a time and in a place where it was harder to find them online, let alone in german (back when I didn’t speak english). so what else was there to do but buy them? I also loved having the copies! But, it was expensive, already like 25 years ago. Prices have more than doubled. Not to mention, back then most had to be ordered on demand because it was a very, very niche thing even in bigger cities.
The point is, I had 658 manga, that is a lot of money and also some space they take up.
Had a special shelf made that took up an entire wall. I loved them. I moves out from home and into an apartment with a friend. I was in my early twenties and below us was a family with three girls. They weren’t quite poor but they also didn’t have much spending money for fun stuff. The oldest girl was 14, I think, and I was talking to her mum once outside when she came begging to get money for the new volume of some series (I can’t remember which one, it was an ongoing one that I knew of but didn’t read). She promised to clean the bathroom, vacuum the house, everything.
I remember saying, “oh, you like manga? So do i!”
The girl was so excited. I mean this stuff was more common overall these days but still more niche in a backwater place like the one I lived at that time. I was like the first person she met that didn’t just loosely watched the shows and was aware what manga were but was really into it, too. I told her if her mum was okay with it, she could come see my collection and pick any she would like to read.
Her mum was a little reluctant. The younger ones would maybe want to look at them too, she was worried they might get signs of usage and so on. I said as long as they don’t split the back, that’s fine. They aren’t collectibles. Like 6 different elementary schoolers went through the dragon ball ones back in the day. Yes, treat your books with care but at the same time, they are made to be read.
Girl was over the moon when she saw my collection. At first she would just ask to borrow new ones when she happened to see me come home from work but later she was less hesitant and came knocking on occasion.
We moved to a different place like two years later. My room would be a lot smaller. So, so many of the manga I have read once and left in the shelf ever since. I put the nostalgia one and the ones I liked a lot into boxes.
The ones I only ever read once into another. I told the girl later she could pick any she wanted and keep them. She could also keep the shelf because I knew hers was cramped and overflowing ( mine was big, actual wood and designed in depth and all to perfectly maximize the space for manga.) and I would no longer need such a big one, let alone have the space.
She was absolutely losing it. Shrieking and jumping and going, really, really? All over again.
I was so excited that she was so excited.
Her mum came to me and asked me at least 5 times if I was sure. Its so much money!
The truth is, second hand manga, even in top condition, don’t sell super well. I did sell some, but couldn’t and also didn’t want to keep the others in boxes until they did sell.
I said, “yeah, sure. I haven’t read them in years. What’s the point in keeping them like decorations in my shelf or in boxes? It just makes me happy that they can make someone else excited the way they excited me.”
(I randomly found her on Pinterest almost 10 years later, she is still super into anime and manga and still has the shelf)
I have a bit of a problem of letting things go because, what if I want to use it later? So I still had like 400 when I moved the second time. My cousin was over to pick something up and saw my collection. Mentioned her neighbor kid was really into it, too. (they didn’t have much money, bad family situation all around, she just moved to live with the grandparents). I sorted my manga out again, put them in a box, got into contact with the girls grandparents. Explained the situation and learned her 13. birthday was coming up. the weekend after her birthday, I showed up with a giant box, told her who I was and that she could have whatever she wanted from the box.
Just like the other girl, she was so, so happy. I loved it.
Could I have made some money back if I sold them? Sure. But it’s a hassle. And see, if I had met someone like me when I was their ages, that would have been such an amazing thing. I like to share the thing that made me happy.
Now, I bought the trigun and maximum manga. They don’t fit into my perfectly filled, current shelf anymore.
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The manga now have been there for years. I love them. Re read some of them. But there is still a bunch that is good but… not enough to have re read them in like the past 10 years.
So what do I do? Keep them? So I have physical copies still if I ever want to re visit them?
For a whole while the talk about getting physical copies of stuff has been going on, especially with what is going on with streaming. I get it, though there is more to it than just ‘unlike with streaming they cant take it away and you actually owe it’ (mostly its money and space but also the ability to check it out before having to invest too much).
The point is, trigun had me actually wanting to own physical copies of something again. And with the rooster teeth situation going on I am glad to know I have all available dvd and Blu-ray from rvb and rwby.
Then again, they sit on my shelf, just in case, looking pretty.
I decided to cut down again. Keep the best and the nostalgia one (I don’t think I will ever reread dragonball or even inu Yasha but that’s the nostalgia. Fma will stay. Durarara, d.n.angle… bunch of shorter series that are mindblowing like blood+ or another).
I don’t know any kids big on manga personally right now, so lets go to the library nearby (that also offers manga drawing courses) and see what they want.
Yes, owing physical copies is important. But if they stay on my shelf untouched for years on end, I think they serve a better purpose with someone what gets to actively enjoy them.
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cutemothman · 10 months
per manum thoughts
Honestly, there are a lot of episodes of The X-Files that give me the heebie jeebies but none have come close to the feeling I got watching Per Manum. It's a Scully focused ep in a season that's a little Scully lacking imo so ya girl was excited!
Neither Mulder nor Scully get out of the narrative unscathed in this show but, god, they really love to torture Scully don't they? I mean, we know that having a baby is something that she's wanted for a long time. Something that she thought wasn't possible. And then Mulder waltz in like "Wassup I got some of your ova. It was in my pocket for a while, but I think it's fine" (Fox, babygirl, you're smart. You should know better).
In a series of flashbacks we see them trying IVF. I have to mention that I freaking loved how they did the transitions to the flashbacks here. Like in the elevator! They were absolutely perfect. Anyway, spoiler alert, it doesn't work. (Like seriously, Mulder, IT WAS IN YOUR POCKET FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG. THAT SHIT AIN'T SHELF STABLE) At this point we make the connection that the same doctor that Scully is seeing, the same one that started her IVF, is in cahoots with these doctors taking alien babies from women? (For what purpose....idk that's still unclear to me)
And then we have to watch poor Scully freaking out that she might give birth to an alien baby. Seriously, I felt panicked for her while watching this, it was kinda tough to get through. In sci-fi and horror, aliens are often used as an allegory for pregnancy. Something invading your body and destroying you from the inside out. This feeds into Scully's fear of her own pregnancy, that something could go wrong. That she's alone and scared and without Mulder. And yes, the idea that she could give birth to a literal alien baby. So while I can see what they were going for, I'm just tired y'all. We see her finally get pregnant and even though she doesn't completely understand how it happened (cough cough all things cough cough) she's excited nonetheless. I think she also sees her baby as a tie that she has with Mulder. And if he's gone at least he left a part of him behind. So to have her panic about the true nature of her baby's paternity just seems cruel at this point.
Another terrifying aspect of this episode is Scully's realization that she couldn't even trust her own doctor. We're used to this show taking people in positions of power and showing them as shady and working for their own agenda. (re the entire government) But Scully herself is a doctor. She looks at other people in the medical field and she trusts them. Because they're doctors and they're supposed to help people. Her own doctor turns out to be working for the alien people, so Scully goes to another hospital only to find that she can't trust those doctors either. I think this conveys a very real and prevalent issue, that is still true today, and that is of women and autonomy of their own bodies.
I haven't seen any of the later seasons yet, but I know about the revelation in season 11. It's just another way to use Scully and her body to drive the plot forward. This comes after all that's she's already been through, with her abduction and experimentation. This decision takes away Scully's choice and desire to have a baby and twists it into a nonconsensual nightmare. One were she wasn't in charge or aware of what they were doing to her body. I don't think the (predominantly male) writers understand just how fucked up that is. So yeah, I'm pissed about that. Mulder is the father of Scully's baby and that's that.
We also finally have Doggett finding out that Scully is pregnant. This has been simmering for a while, as he can tell she's keeping something from him. She didn't tell him, but of course he found out based on the circumstances. It's taken me a bit to warm up to him but I've been enjoying Doggett's character development since his introduction, as well as the development of him and Scully's partnership. He honest to god just wants to help her with no ulterior motive and I think that's exactly what she needs right now. Someone in her corner. I think by the end of the episode, when he tells her that he wants to help her and that he's going to find Mulder, he's so earnest about it, and it breaks down the some of the walls that she's built up.
Overall, I have mixed feelings about this episode. On the one hand, we got a lot of insight on Scully's character as well as her relationship with Mulder. But god, as a woman it was kind of brutal to watch. I just love Dana Scully so much and I want her to be happy.
I'd love to hear other thoughts and interpretations for this ep!
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
Violet and Lotus, Part 4
AO3 Link
Fandom: Naruto Rating: T Pairing: Rock Lee x Nezumi Chisaki (OC) Chapter Word Count: 3.3k Warnings: Health crisis, treatment of said crisis, Lee has very mildly inappropriate thoughts and has his own mild crisis about it, There Was Only One Bed starts to become relevant.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven
A/N: I've been thinking a lot about Lee and Nezumi recently, so I felt it was time to update their get together story.
Last time I said that there would be about 4 or 5 chapters. That is a lie. This is going to be 7 chapters plus an epilogue. So we're about halfway through!
I hope you enjoy the continuing adventures of NezuLee. <3
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In spite of the pep talk from Lee, Nezumi didn’t have high hopes when she slipped back under the office door the following morning. An initial scan of the room showed nothing new or out of place since she’d last been there, so she was looking at another day of going through things she’d already seen in the hopes there was something she’d missed. She sighed, then picked up the nearest piece of paper and scanned through it. She immediately recognized the budget report for the previous quarter, highlighting the increasing profits of the various hotels and attractions in the village and comparing them to the expenses required to keep them running. 
She already felt tired after reading the first paragraph. She set the paper back down, then rubbed her eyes.
Lee’s voice crackled through the radio on her ear. “Are you well, Nezumi?”
Nezumi looked out the window, where she spotted Lee peering at her from the opposite roof. She smiled tiredly and waved. “I’m fine,” she said. “I’ve just seen this before.” She looked back at the office. “If I don’t find anything today, I think we can safely call the mission.”
“Very good,” Lee said with a nod. “I still have not seen anything out of the ordinary from here either.”
“Let me know if that changes,” Nezumi said, moving to the stack of papers haphazardly balanced on a shelf.
“Of course.” Then he paused. “Wait, Nezumi, hold.”
Nezumi froze, watching him in silent anticipation.
“There is a man walking towards the office,” he warned. “He looks like someone of importance.”
Nezumi immediately concealed herself by the wall, peering carefully out the window. Sure enough, she spotted a man in plush robes walking in her direction, a briefcase dangling from his hand.
“That looks like the village chief,” she whispered over the radio. “This might be our big break.”
Lee nodded at her. “I will move to point B and continue to observe.”
“Very good. I’ll maintain my position in the office and see what I can learn.”
They disconnected their radios as Lee disappeared from the roof. Nezumi’s hands whirled through the signs, and she gritted her teeth as her body shrank down. Once the ache ceased, she carefully climbed up the desk and leapt onto the nearest shelf, concealing herself under a leaning book.
A moment later, the chief entered the office. His dark eyes were haggard and bloodshot with dark bags underneath. His shoulders were hanging down, and his movements were slow and sluggish. He shuffled across the room before collapsing into his chair behind the desk, sending several stacks of paper flying across the room. He set his elbows on the desk, then buried his face in his hands, groaning.
Nezumi wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead, but continued watching, committing his every action to memory.
After another moment, the chief put his briefcase on his desk and began pulling out a set of documents. Nezumi watched like a hawk as he opened the drawer on the right, then tucked them inside. Then he picked up the papers on the floor at his feet and began signing them mindlessly, scarcely looking at each document before pen met paper.
Nezumi stayed still, but her mind was racing. She stared hungrily at the drawer, willing the chief to just get up and leave so she could grab the papers. But she lacked the jutsu to make that happen, so she was forced to stay where she was, ignoring the droplets of sweat that were clinging to her face.
Minutes turned into an hour, and the chief maintained his steady pace through the documents. By the end of the second hour, Nezumi was starting to feel lightheaded. By the third, her nails dug into the wood beneath her hands as she swayed slightly, her clothing drenched with sweat.
Finally, four hours after he’d arrived, the chief sighed, stood from his desk, and disappeared out the door.
Nezumi hopped over to the window, forcing herself to remain standing as she watched him walk down the street. “Rock, he just left the office. Do you have a visual?”
“Yes,” Lee’s voice came back. “He is heading for the center of the village.”
“Good, let me know if he heads back,” Nezumi said.
She undid the jutsu, staggering forward as she regained her normal size. Her vision swam as she gripped the desk, struggling to maintain her balance. Then she yanked open the drawer and seized the papers inside before spreading them out on the desk.
It was a letter originating in Otogakure. There were five pages in all, detailing demands for a treaty with Yugakure. But every demand seemed one-sided, such as free passage for Oto’s citizens within Yugakure’s borders and imposing a tax on Yugakure for seemingly no reason other than “goodwill between our villages”.
Then, the last page made Nezumi’s stomach drop.
The final term of this agreement is regarding Project Autumn. When it begins, Yugakure will assume responsibility. Yugakure will also provide headbands and shinobi for the initial force, and continue to provide support throughout the operation as needed.
If these conditions are not agreed to in a timely fashion, then Otogakure will be forced to consider Yugakure an enemy, and when Project Autumn begins, the Leaf will not be the only one to fall.
Lady Teruya
Nezumi read the letter over three times, carefully committing its contents to memory even as her legs trembled under her. Then she carefully replaced the letter in the drawer, exactly where she’d found it.
She touched the radio in her ear. “Rock, I’ve got it. Is the coast clear?”
“Completely. There is no one around in either direction.”
“Thank you,” Nezumi whispered as she made her way to the door. She took one last look outside, making sure there was no one hiding in the shadows. Then she slipped out, walking out of the alley and back to the street.
Lee appeared at her side a moment later. Nezumi immediately took his offered arm and sagged against him. Lee immediately looked down at her in alarm. “Are you all right?”
Nezumi silently shook her head. As she took her next step, her trembling legs finally gave out, and she stumbled forward with a yelp. But before she could hit the ground, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her. The next thing she knew, she was cradled in Lee’s arms, her cheek pressed against his chest.
Too exhausted to be embarrassed, she closed her eyes, resting her head against his chest as he carried her up to the nearest roof.
Lee carefully adjusted his grip on Nezumi, not wanting to drop her but also not wanting her to be more uncomfortable than she was. He silently leapt from building to building, taking extra care to avoid detection from the tourists and shopkeepers below. He was getting used to being on an infiltration mission, but he wasn’t sure he was ready to make up a reasonable excuse as to why he was on the roof with a semiconscious woman in his arms.
He almost wept with relief when Yu No Hana came into view. He carefully dropped them to the ground in a nearby alley, then gently shook Nezumi. “We are back at the hotel,” he whispered. “Can you walk?”
Nezumi cracked open a bleary eye and shook her head.
“Ok, then just rest,” Lee said. “I will handle it.”
“Thank you,” Nezumi said, her voice thin and frail.
Lee took a deep breath, then carried her towards the front door. Before he could reach it, it opened, revealing a worried looking Sadako.
“Goodness, what happened?” she asked, looking at Nezumi with alarm.
“My friend just overdid it a little,” Lee said, plastering a smile on his face. “Too much excitement, I think.”
Sadako chuckled, though she still looked unconvinced. “Yes, that does happen with quite a few of our visitors,” she said. “So much to do, so little time to do it.”
Lee forced a laugh. “Let me get my friend up to the room,” he said. “Then would it be possible to have food brought up?”
“Of course,” Sadako replied. “Once you’re ready, you can order at the front desk.”
“Excellent, thank you,” Lee said.
He hurried up the stairs to their room. Once inside, he followed the set of instructions Nezumi had given him. He laid her on the bed, carefully adjusting the pillow under her head. He pulled off her shoes and set them next to her pack. He carefully undid her braids, letting her hair fall loose under her head. He undid the top button of her blouse, allowing her to breathe more easily. He then went into the bathroom where he grabbed a washcloth and ran it under cold water.
When he returned to the bedroom, Nezumi’s breathing was shallow and sweat was pouring from her brow. He immediately knelt next to her, gently wiping her face with the washcloth. She whimpered quietly as the cool cloth touched her skin, but otherwise she didn’t react.
For the first time since Kakashi had given them the mission, Lee felt the gravity of his assignment weigh on him. He didn’t know exactly what she’d found, but whatever it was was vital information for the future of their village. And until she awakened, she was the only one who held that information. But if someone were to figure out what she knew and want to eliminate her, there was no way she could defend herself. 
Lee was the only line of defense she had. He was quite literally holding the future of their village and her life in his hands.
He unconsciously gripped the washcloth tighter, squeezing out a rivulet of water that dripped onto Nezumi’s cheek. He wiped it away with a whispered “I am sorry.”
“‘S okay,” Nezumi whispered back, her words barely audible.
As he continued to tend to her over the next hour, refreshing the washcloth and trying to get her to drink some water, Nezumi’s color slowly began to improve and her breathing to stabilize. When her soft brown eyes finally fluttered open again, looking at him with exhaustion and gratitude, Lee felt an immediate sense of relief.
“How are you feeling?” Lee asked.
“I’ve been better,” Nezumi said, too tired to even smile.
“Will you be all right for a minute while I go order dinner for us?” he asked.
Nezumi nodded.
Lee threw the washcloth into the sink, then ran downstairs to the lobby. He placed the orders with Sadako, then gratefully accepted the fresh bottles of water she offered him. When he returned to the room, Nezumi was attempting to sit up, pushing her body up with trembling arms.
“I do not think you should be moving yet,” Lee said. “You have not had a chance to properly recover.”
“I probably shouldn’t,” Nezumi agreed. “But I need to send a message to Lord Sixth, and I can’t afford to wait.”
“I could write the message for you,” Lee offered. “Just tell me what needs to be said.”
Nezumi frowned, indecision clear on her face. Then she reluctantly nodded and resettled against the pillows. “The paper is in the front pouch of my pack.”
Lee nodded and pulled out the paper along with a pen. Then he settled on the floor next to the bed, put the paper on the bedside table, and waited. Nezumi took a deep breath, then began to dictate her findings. Lee dutifully copied every word, dread filling his stomach as Nezumi repeated the letter she’d found in the drawer.
They had just finished writing the report when someone knocked. Nezumi whisked the papers out of sight under the covers as Lee went to the door. He accepted the trays of food with a murmured thanks, then brought them back to the bed. He’d ordered her a bowl of miso soup, himself a bowl of noodles.
Nezumi accepted her bowl from him, a slight tremor still in her hands. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” Lee said. “You do not need to thank me for this. I am glad to help you however I can.”
Nezumi smiled faintly. She pulled the report back out from under the covers and read through it as she sipped her miso. “Good work,” she said. “You got everything exactly right.”
Lee bowed his head. “I was only copying your words,” he said.
“Still, you didn’t miss anything or try to elaborate,” Nezumi said. “Once I get some chakra back, I’ll send the report. Then we’ll just have to wait here until we receive further orders.”
Lee nodded. “How long do you anticipate that would be?”
“Unfortunately, two or three days,” Nezumi said. “Think you’ll be ok to lay low here for that long?”
“Of course,” Lee replied. “Though will that not invite suspicion since we are supposedly tourists?”
Nezumi smiled. “You’re right, it will - if we stay in the room the whole time. Once I’m back on my feet, we should visit the onsen and central gardens so we’ll at least be seen. We just can’t stray too far, since we’ll probably have to go the moment we receive word back from Lord Sixth.”
“Understood,” Lee said.
“You’re learning all this very well, by the way,” Nezumi said. “You’ll make an excellent jonin. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lord Sixth promotes you after this.”
Lee looked at the floor, trying not to look too pleased at her compliment. “It is only because I have such a good teacher that I am doing so well.”
Nezumi’s smile faltered. “You’re very kind, but I know I could be better.” She tilted her head back, looking up at the ceiling. “I’m sorry for being so weak.”
“Nezumi, we have been over this,” Lee said, a gentle exasperation in his voice. “You are not weak. I cannot think of many who would be capable of carrying out this mission, and especially not with the strength and skill that you have shown me.”
“Rock, I can barely lift this bowl right now,” Nezumi replied, nodding at her arms that still trembled like noodles. “But even when I’m not experiencing chakra exhaustion, my physical strength leaves a lot to be desired.” She nodded at him. “You have me beat at that.”
Lee hesitated. Then, slowly, he draped a bandaged hand over Nezumi’s free hand. Her face flushed, and Lee waited for her to tell him to stop or to pull her hand away. But she did neither. Instead, she turned her hand over, letting their fingers intertwine.
An odd lump appeared in Lee’s throat. He attempted to swallow around it.
“If it is ok,” Lee started. “I would like to extend my invitation again.”
Nezumi blinked. “Invitation?”
Lee nodded. “Once we are back home, you are more than welcome to train with me.”
Nezumi’s soft brown eyes studied him curiously. “Are you sure? I wouldn��t want to interfere with whatever you need to do.” 
“You would not be interfering, I promise,” Lee said. “I would be honored to help you grow even stronger.” His mouth became oddly dry as he added, “And I would very much enjoy your company, if you accept.”
A warm, genuine smile formed on Nezumi’s lips. “Then I’d love to.” She squeezed his hand. “Thank you, Rock.”
Lee’s own face turned pink, and he felt an odd fluttering in his chest. His grip on her fingers tightened ever so slightly, then he dropped her hand like a hot coal, his face feeling warm. “Forgive me, I did not mean to distract you from your meal,” he murmured.
“Oh, it’s ok,” Nezumi said, though she hastily returned to her soup with an embarrassed expression.
Lee spent the rest of the meal in silence, though his mind was racing. He replayed the moment when his heart raced over and over, trying to understand where such a sensation had come from as he slurped down his noodles.
When they finished their dinner, Lee gathered the dishes and set the tray out in the hallway. He then helped Nezumi out of bed and held her steady as she went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Once the door closed, he got down on the floor and started doing push ups to help clear his head.
He made it to 200 before Nezumi reopened the door. He immediately hopped back up and wrapped an arm around her, guiding her back to the bed. Nezumi then took a deep breath, then bit her thumb and slammed her hand down. “Summoning jutsu.”
A small puff of smoke cleared to reveal a large mouse, about the size of Lee’s palm, with a pouch strapped to its back. It stood on its hind legs, sniffing the air nervously.
Nezumi rolled up the mission report, then offered it to the mouse. “Please take this to Lord Sixth, Gurezu,” she said.
“Right away, Lady Nezumi,” the mouse squeaked. It then scurried over to the shoji and squeezed under it.
Nezumi immediately collapsed back against the pillows. “And now, we wait,” she said, her voice clearly tired.
Lee carefully pulled the blankets up around her. “You get some rest,” he said. “No more jutsus until you get all of your chakra back.”
In spite of her exhaustion, Nezumi laughed. “Is that an order?” she said, her tone quietly teasing.
“Yes, it is,” Lee said, his tone matching hers. 
“Well, I can’t argue with that, can I?” Her eyes fluttered closed. “Good night, Rock.”
“Good night, Nezumi,” he whispered. He returned to his spot, going through the rest of his pushups as silently as possible. He then went through the motions of his own evening routine, getting ready for sleep in record time.
When he returned to the bedroom, he then froze in horror.
Nezumi had ordered him to sleep in the bed for the remainder of the mission. She had even pulled rank to do so.  But now she was the one fast asleep in it.
If Lee was a swearing man, he would have done so. As it was, he bit back a noise as he tried to think of what to do.
The easiest thing to do would be just sleep on the floor just as he had the first night. But Nezumi had made it very clear he wasn’t to do that while they were here, and he didn’t want her to be stressed about his health on top of everything else. 
The next option would be to move her, but she looked so peaceful, he didn’t want to wake her. She needed her rest, and he didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize her health.
That left only one option: sharing the bed.
He shut his eyes, swallowing hard as he tried to figure out a way to make this work. He looked around the room, his gaze landing on the closet by the door. He perked up, then pulled the door open. To his relief, he found a set of extra pillows and blankets inside.
He grabbed the pillows, then crept over to the empty side of the bed. He carefully arranged the pillows down the center, creating a wall between himself and Nezumi. Then he shut the lights off and silently slid into bed, keeping himself as close to the edge as he could.
Nezumi huffed from the other side, and Lee glanced towards her, worried he’d woken her up. But then she resettled, a soft smile on her face visible even in the darkened room.
As he gazed across at her, Lee felt the same fluttering in his heart from earlier. He immediately rolled over and focused on the wall, willing himself to calm down. Only when his heart calmed down did he shut his eyes, trying hard not to think about the woman lying next to him as he fell asleep.
Tag List: @justmyownreality @therantingfangirl @mrsbakashi @anchy-bananchy @hashira-mal @allyallygator @nnandmm-archived-hard @undersero (if you would like to be added to the tag list please let me know)
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Word Find Tag
I’m grabbing @starlit-hopes-and-dreams open tag because those words are excellent: Tears, Sorry, Whisper, Regret
I’m gonna use this one for some of my favorite lines from Heal my Wounds. I believe for the first time I can actually say that this one is exiting WIP status. I am a few CSS fixes away from an exciting post, and until then, have some lines:
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Tears The room was blurry when Valadan opened the door. That damn dust, burning in his eyes. He blinked, trying to clear his tears so he could look around. A large wooden desk stood where once his bed had been. He had seen it before, but never as empty as this. The whole room was tidied, from the comforter on the bed, over the curtains in front of the window, to the rug on the floor. Not a single scrap of paper or piece of clothing was lying around. The books on the shelf were meticulously arranged, a colorful glass statuette to the left of them, a wooden carving to the right.    When Valadan opened the wardrobe, it was filled, but a few empty spots suggested that Damien had taken some clothes with him. It was a small relief; a dead man would have taken none.
Sorry “No,” he interrupted her. “Just… to say I’m sorry. I’m not… I don’t expect you to forgive me. But I had to… had to see you. To see that you’re alive.” He ran his fingers through his hair, not looking at her, as he added, “To try and get those images out of my head.”     “Well, did it work?” Josephine hadn’t intended to sound as harsh, but now she couldn’t take the words back.     Valadan didn’t reply. Whisper Josephine raised her sword. When he made no attempt to attack, slowly circling her instead, she did. Expecting to be at an advantage because of her longer reach turned out to be a mistake. Seconds later, she found herself disarmed, one of his daggers pressed against her throat. Despite the blade being blunt, she didn’t dare to move. Which was because of the dagger, and had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that her back was pressed against his chest.     “Do you believe me now? Princess.” The last word was a mere whisper, his breath hot against her ear. It made goosebumps raise on her arms. 
Regret “I didn’t think you’d want me there.”     Perhaps he was right. While she had needed him in her sleep, awake she might have taken all her fear and anger out on him. Perhaps she would have sent him away, only to regret it later, and been too proud to call him back.     “I want you here now,” she whispered. At her side, in her life. The realization came so suddenly, so clearly. It scared her.
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As always, pick published pieces, wips, whatever! If you want to do it, your words are... Honestly, I don’t wanna pick new words, those are so good. If you wanna do it, just use the same ones! 🤣
Leaving this as an open tag as well, though, since it’s cheating.
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WIP Wednesday #5
Of course, we've gotta do a couple from Where's My Mind? (These might make more sense now that you know Mads is stuck with the Ducks)
“I’m with Dels on this one.” 
Della scowled at him, her jaw jutting forward menacingly. “You do not get to call me that.” 
Mads knew he should just accept it and move on, but he couldn’t. They were all supposed to hate him now, so he was ready to infuriate them even more. “Oh, and what would you prefer? Dumbella?” 
Della immediately stormed across the room, her hand in a fist. “So you want to go there? Because I am ready to-”
Archimede stepped in between them. “Let’s not start anything right now-” 
“Come on, I can take him! It’s about time he got what he deserved for all of this-” 
“Hm, and I remember from last time that you were no match for me.” Mads pointed out with a smirk. “Is beating me while I’m injured something you’d sink to, Dumbella? You could never win in a fair-”
With that Della shoved past Archimede and dove at Mads, and was only stopped by Fenton quickly grabbing her arm as she swung it back to strike. “Let me go!” She growled, still fighting to get to Mads. 
Mads just smiled at her, eyebrows raised, sitting there completely unaffected.
Aaaand here's another-
Blacklight folded their arms, looking proud. “Yes, I will!” 
Della scowled, somehow managing to look uncomfortable at the same time. “Can’t you turn that thing off?” 
“Nope!” Mads told her cheerily. Ever since the last time Blacklight had been turned off and Mads hadn’t gotten them back until a year later, he’d vowed never to do so again. Not just for Mads’ own sake, but for Blacklight’s. “You don’t switch Backlight off.” 
“It is our rule now,” Blacklight told her with a smug nod.
And one last one because I really wanted to show Mads' relationship with Beakley 'cause I love their dynamic (also Mads is kinda out of it here, that might explain his behavior a little more?) -
Beakley sighed. "I will get you a muffin as long as you go back downstairs and stay there until we can figure out what to do with you.” 
“And some pants? These ones are still covered in blood.”
“Sure. I’ll see if I can get you some pants. Now do we have a deal?” Beakley was now hyper aware of the sounds of the house around her, hoping that the kids weren’t awake yet. She wasn’t quite ready to deal with that fiasco. 
The Mad Ducktor paused, considering. “Two muffins.” He decided. “And a drink.” 
“Fine. Deal?”
Beakley rolled her eyes and stepped into the pantry, reaching up to the top shelf where a box of muffins was set behind the chips. Two were missing, leaving four behind. She passed the box to Blacklight, on top of the Mad Ducktor’s head. 
The villain’s eyes widened, looking as surprised as a kid finding out they received an extra surprise for their birthday. “Four?!” 
“It’ll be none if you don’t get downstairs right now.” She threatened. 
And one last one, from a currently unnamed fic where Huey tries to put a movie together.
“Wait, so you’d play someone else?” Boyd looked hopeful, he clearly wanted to get his dad involved.
“Maybe,” Gyro looked back down at his work. “If I have time. I’ve got a presentation for Scrooge’s new board next week that I still need to work out the kinks for.”
“Yay!” Boyd exclaimed, pumping his fist in victory.
Huey looked through his papers. “The only role left is the villain I think… No offense Gyro, but you’re really not the scariest person in the world.”
“You should see him with purple hair,” Lil’ Bulb blinked. 
Gyro flicked their bulb. “Quiet, you. Who else were you going to get, anyway?”
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