#medical industry
intersectionalpraxis · 3 months
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It's not "going to be a good outcome" if his patients don't "align with his values" -you mean people who don't align with your genocidal apologism and zionist terrorist agenda have the potential to be harmed during their surgeries??
That medical license needs to be revoked.
You can also report him here:
One of my friends is a nurse, and has had to treat people and work with staff who are racist pieces of shit, but she would be the one losing her job/be isolated if she tried to address it with her management team. Seeing zionists like him proudly say he would use his position of power to hurt and abuse people... just despicable.
Also update: to the recent anon who was berating me in my inbox for 'labeling him a zionist' I did a little more research on him, and this is my update for those interested in reading my follow-up.
He's pro-Israel and was in Jerusalem with his family when the October's 7th attack happened. Here is some more context:
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neuroticboyfriend · 4 months
honestly you probably shouldn't go into the medical profession if you aren't prepared to treat patients with dignity and respect - even if your job exploits you, even if your bosses suck, even if you're exhausted.
yes, you are allowed to have feelings and be tired. but you have to be willing and able to either admit when you can't do something (and take the consequences), or put how you feel aside and do your job. for the sake of your patient.
you and your job may be harmed by the medical industrial complex's wrongness, but to your patients, you are part of the complex that is also gravely failing them. you have the power to be a force of goodwill and care, or an instrument of oppression.
that is what you're signing up for when you become a medical professional. don't like it? don't become a medical professional.
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lesorus · 1 year
having PCOS is some special kind of hell only a biological woman will ever have to deal with. you'll basically be told that you're at risk for cancer, diabetes, you're infertile, you'll get hirsutism, your hair is thin, your periods painful and irregular, you're constantly tired, constantly hungry, you're always in some kind of pain or discomfort, you might eat less than you need and still gain weight.
you'll be told the only thing you can do about it is diet and exercise, which is fair, it works, but you literally are at risk for high insulin resistance and fatigue as symptoms. you can only swim against the current. now, you can also take birth control pills but they don't solve any of your real problems, they just hide them and if anything the second you stop taking them your health will get worse.
And did I talk about mental health? well, you're at high risk for depression, anxiety, insomnia, and eating disorders. fun right? and it's not some obscure disorder, 10% of women have PCOS. It's a common ailment, you'd think it's well-researched, that OB-GYNS are experienced in treating it, or at least empathetic. Right?
No, literally no. Nobody cares, you have to be your own doctor, go to Reddit for information, and look up research papers. You trust tiktokers more than your medical providers because the best they're gonna do is tell you to take a pill that won't be that effective, diet, and come back when you're pregnant. Oh, your pain is unbearable? Just take some paracetamol. You can't seem to lose weight? Get a grip, you just need to eat 0 carbs and exercise every day, and lift weights. Get some laser treatment for your facial hair while you're at it. You're tired all the time? Doesn't seem that serious, everybody is.
Or worse. Oh, your labs come out fine, you're fine. You have a healthy BMI, what are you worried about? You get a period every 40-ish days so it's not that bad. Not that you're barely eating, exhausted all the time, in severe physical pain, and emotionally distressed. You'll be able to have kids! Cheer up!
And all this? Because the medical industry doesn't care about women.
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spacedocmom · 1 month
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Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom In my era, we address pain respectfully so we don't train patients to have to lie about their pain in order to get treated. It's appalling that so many in your era need to know when to overstate and when to understate their pain just to get basic care. emojis: black heart, blue heart, masked 2:25 PM · Mar 17, 2024
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luidilovins · 2 months
Fast food: Food Service is a business and we are allowed to capitalize on burgers. 🍔
Also fast food: We will take our employee out back and put them down for the customer if they forgot a sauce packet in your bag. 😊
Hospitals: Healthcare is a business and we are allowed to capitalize on life saving care. 💊
Also Hospitals: Fuck patients complaints. They're crazy and lying. Die. 😠
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valentineish · 5 months
When it comes to chronic pain management, the three biggest things factors I was in control of have been:
Body integration and self-directed manual therapy
Limitation discovery and maintenance of boundaries
Prophylactic pain relief and minimum effective doses
Which are all just detailed ways of saying "understand your body, know your capacity, respect your needs, and tend to yourself".
With time, I've come to realize this is exactly what doctors have been trying to communicate. The failure in communication has just been them not disclosing the equation. What's offered instead are prescriptive behaviors - exercise, rest, diet changes, etc. Things that are their solution to the formula of a problem.
The breakdown comes with failing to respect chronic conditions as ongoing equations. What must be management is instead approached as treatment. As a result, the patient is ignorant of their own health. The healthcare provider, meanwhile, is tasked with unwieldy care options. Both will be frustrated by the same ensuing issues, often with one another.
What follows is familiar for many with chronic conditions: hazy treatment plans too broad to implement, repeat visits for the same symptom, and crucial monitoring that goes undone. Not only does this create a breakdown of the trust essential to ongoing care, but it's a recipe for manageable or even preventable complications or quality of life loss.
There is so much wrong with the care surrounding chronic conditions, particularly chronic pain. Patients being treated as subjects of care rather than the executors of treatment – as both short- and long-term care will happen outside the office – adds more difficulty to an already complicated set of problems. Simply put, parameters of well-being and approaches to care must be understood by all those involved.
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oasisr · 6 months
I think that Celiac Disease is a great example of why people prefer to self-diagnose and treat themselves.
Doctors test for Celiac Disease by having a person intentionally eat gluten for three weeks. This is Hell for someone who can't properly digest gluten. It makes the person feel bloated, gassy and sluggish.
In severe cases, it causes nausea, vomiting and brain fog.
Imagine intentionally inducing these symptoms in a patient to see if their body can't handle gluten. This is sick. This is the opposite of healing.
So, many of us are deciding to cut out bread and processed foods on our own. We see that we feel a ton better, have more energy, and our stomachs aren't sticking out for no apparent reason anymore.
I can't tell you how frustrating it is to walk 10,000 steps a day and eat 1,500 to 2,000 calories on average, yet see no results in my body or my weight.
My stomach was hard and inflated no matter what I would do. Finally, I am eating mostly Paleo/Carnivore now, and my stomach feels so much better. It isn't hard to the touch. I couldn't even suck in my stomach. I felt full all the time.
So, the moral of the story is. We are responsible for our health. We have to know our bodies and find ways to heal ourselves. We can no longer trust doctors in this country.
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squirrelstone · 1 year
The recent rise in "personal responsibility" conditions is honestly so concerning. Things that were once considered luck of the draw or the result of a bad environment are now being turned into morality issues, and the result is a decline in quality of medical care.
If you're fat or are considered clinically obese (BMI of 30+; these do not always overlap but both are treated poorly in the U.S. health system), you've dealt with this for ages, and it's spreading to other conditions because insurance companies have realized that if they can find a way to blame you, they have an argument to deny you coverage. A lot of these things can be quality of life issues for years before (or even if) they turn deadly (ex. arthritis), but I've watched the wording around things as significant and immediate as acute cancer cases change to blame the individual who's fallen ill.
Those screening guidelines for cancers that are common and easy to screen for and moving earlier and earlier in a person's life, and while I don't have a record of it because it's anecdotal and I'm not going to violate this family's privacy, I've got a friend who's father was denied partial coverage for their colon cancer treatment because he didn't start screening at 45. The man in question started screening when he turned 50 in 2017, before the guidelines were changed.
Nearly every medical condition I've had in the past ten or so years has been blamed on myself or my parents, on what I eat, what I do, anything the doctors could come up with to say "this was 100% preventable, and it's on you for not preventing it," completely ignoring socioeconomic factors, family history, or any other context of the situation in question. I've been blamed for getting a concussion by being too active (dropped a flagpole on my head in color guard), and in the same breath told I need to exercise more to lose weight and that if I had been exercising more, I wouldn't have pulled the shoulder muscle I was seeing another doctor in the same building about an hour after the neurology appointment for my concussion. I'd joined color guard specifically to get more active and more involved by the way, but it was still my fault for two injuries caused by accidents. My clumsiness and my newness to the sport were turned into moral failings.
I only see this getting worse and worse, so put your foot down with your doctor if they try to blame you for anything, get it notated in your chart that they wanted to blame you, and prepare for some long-ass calls with your insurance cause pretty soon, you could cross at a crosswalk properly and still be blamed if a car runs a red light and hits you.
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cogitotech · 2 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
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Capitalism is killing people in so many ways, and the medical industrial complex is one of them. Healthcare should always be a universal right -both fair and equitable access, but in many cases it is not... the mass injustices.
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jbfly46 · 5 months
Seed oils cause memory loss, make you more suggestible, make it easier to hypnotize you, disrupt your thyroid, cause vision loss, degrade your DNA, and the medical industry knows this.
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goldeythehamster · 8 months
Hey strangles every single nursing home worker to death
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spacedocmom · 3 months
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Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom Doctors have stressful jobs, but it is never acceptable to take out workplace stress on patients. emojis: black heart, blue heart, masked 3:33 PM · Jan 28, 2024
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healthylifestyle4you · 4 months
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The 10 Medicinal Plants You'll Have in Your Backyard
░▒▓ To Know More CLICK HERE ▓▒░
Planting a medicinal herb garden will bring new and exciting aspects to your green world and many benefits. These Medicinal Garden Kits are perfect for people who want to be more self-reliant and for those who are preparing for the worst of times. With your Medicinal Garden Kit, you’ll always have one reliable, safe, and completely free natural alternative within easy reach. All 10 of these healing plants are good companions for vegetables and fruit trees, but you can also plant them in the front yard if you wish. Most of the medicinal herbs found in the kit are perennials that die in the winter and re-emerge in the spring or self-seeding annuals that become well-established after the first year.
Chicory – The Painkilling Plant You Should Grow in Your Backyard Yarrow – The Backyard Wound Healer California Poppy – Better Than Sleeping Pills Marshmallow – The Most Powerful Plant for a Healthy Digestive System Chamomile – The Natural Antibiotic Evening Primrose – A Natural Remedy for Skin and Nerves Lavender – The Perennial Anti-Inflammatory Herb Echinacea – The Most Powerful Immunity Plant You Should Grow Calendula – The Herb You Need to Keep Close During Dark Times Feverfew – Nature’s Aspirin for Fevers and Migraines
░▒▓ To Know More CLICK HERE ▓▒░
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d0nutzgg · 9 months
Life Updates: buildspace, an Idea, and some Concepts
Hey everyone, thanks for all the support on my prior posts having to do with machine learning! I know I didn't mention this really but recently I was accepted into S4 of buildspace which is like a "school" for creatives. I am doing Nights & Weekends but it has been a lot of fun since I started! We just did our first project which was creating the idea we will be working on throughout this "season" of buildspace. This was mine:
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I know you all can tell I am really passionate about helping others with the research I do with machine learning / AI. I am wanting to make it into a nonprofit type business while I am in buildspace for s4.
I have some Proof of Concepts already which you can check out on my Kaggle here:
However, I am working on another project today that uses Logistic Regression and XGBoost models stacked together to predict heart failure mortality. I plan on doing a full walk through of the project to help show investors and buildspace what my goal is for my business.
What are your ideas on this? Do you think I should go for it? What are your dreams if you are a software engineer yourself? I want to hear from you all!
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