#me n my stoner bitch
lokilickedme · 7 months
The day you tucked my arm up under yours and tugged me up against your body and said Mine
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athenamikaelson · 13 days
Written in the Stars
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader!Soulmate x Elijah Mikaelson PART 1
Word Count- 4.3k
Warnings- Swearing, blood, death, panic attacks, mentions of the confederacy (ew)
A/N- This will be a slow-burn series.
The reader has a brother, I know it’s not very X Reader, but it’s to help the storyline.
I brush down the black tie my younger brother is wearing, the satin fabric making me slightly cringe. 
“Are you sure you’re not going to go? We can go show those stuffy old bitches how to really party.” I let out a small huff at Theo’s question, shaking my head amusingly. 
“I’d rather not spend my Friday night with a bunch of Mystic Falls’ elite. Hearing them talk about how they’re so proud of their southern heritage,” Both my brother and I let out sounds of disgust, “the Confederates lost get over it.”
Theo stands in front of the hallway mirror and goggles himself. Where I am rather introverted, my younger brother is most likely the most self-confident person I have ever met. He has called himself, “A gift to the human race,” on more than one occasion. So it takes him about a good 9 minutes to gaze at himself in the mirror before we walk out the front door to the car. 
We drive in silence, or I drive in silence as Theo hypes himself up in the passenger side mirror. 
After a 10-minute drive that seems to have taken at least twice that time, we finally reach the long driveway of the mayor’s house. 
“Why are you even going to this masquerade thing anyways, you hate dances,” I ask him as we wait behind a line of cars.
“Tyler is my football captain, and this thing is to honor his father, I’m here for my fellow man,” Theo presses a fist to his chest and puts on a fake sympathy look.
“So you’re actually doing it because you want to get on Tyler’s good side so he puts you on Varsity?”
Theo’s sympathetic look drops and is replaced with a shit-eating grin, “You know me so well.”
As we get to the front of the line of cars, I hum along to the Coldplay song playing on the radio.
“So what are you going to do while waiting for me?”
I pull my car up to the front of the “house” which is really just a mansion. 
“I have a feeling you won’t be here very long, or stay out of trouble so I’m just going to park somewhere and wait for you.”
My brother does a look that looks like he agrees with me about him getting into trouble and nods his head in agreement. I put the car in park and Theo unbuckles his seat and gets out, straightening out his suit as he goes.
“Bye nerd, don’t wait up!” Theo yells as he climbs the stairs walking past Mystic Falls’ elite. I let out a sigh and pull away to find a parking spot. 
My fingers graze the pages of my book as I glance at the time, Theo has been here for over an hour now and hasn’t shown any signs of leaving. I bring my back up to continue reading when a figure in the distance catches my eye. I lean forward and catch a glimpse of who I believe is Elena Gilbert. Elena’s a popular girl in my grade, who I’ve probably had two interactions within my short time here in Mystic Falls. I don’t know much about her other than that she’s dating some guy named Stefan, her parents died in a car accident and her brother is in the same grade as Theo. Theo and Elena’s brother don’t hang out either because Theo says he’s a “stoner emo.” Theo’s never been one to keep his thoughts to himself. 
Elena seems to walk with a slight limp which makes me slightly concerned but nothing to make me go out and try to talk to her. I hate talking to people in general, especially kids my age. Elena has always seemed nice but I’m not taking the risk.
 Or at least I wasn’t until I saw a man in a mask start following behind her. I may hate interacting with people but I would never let another girl get attacked if I had the power to stop it. The next thing I know I’m hopping out of my car and jogging behind them. 
“Elena behind you!” I yell to her, but I freeze as the man hits her and knocks her to the ground. I let out a yelp as I turned to try to get help but a sharp pain hits my skull and everything goes black. 
“Y/N, can you hear me?” A voice comes from above me and a wave of nausea washes over me. My eyes open and close a dozen times trying to get used to the bright light before I can focus on the person in front of me. Elena Gilbert. Why is Elena Gilbert in my bedroom?  I mean she’s really pretty and all I just thought she had a boyfriend. I’m not a homewrecker. 
“Oh thank god you’re awake!” Elena whisper-yells to me as she brushes a piece of my hair behind my head and grimaces when she looks at my forehead. She brings her hand back and a wave of fear and disgust washes over me as I see her hand covered in a red liquid. Blood. My blood. I try to bring my hand up but Elena stops me.
“Don’t exert yourself we don’t want it to bleed more, okay?” She gives me a small smile but something about it makes me feel uneasy. I don’t understand why until I turn my gaze away from her and look at our surroundings. Dirt-covered walls, glass-covered floors, and a mildew stench are what take focus. I’ve always been sensitive to smells but with the addition of my raging migraine, I am fighting the urge to keep down the rising bile in my throat. 
My breathing starts to quicken and I can feel the start of a panic attack starting to make an appearance. 
“Elena, where are we?” I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t understand what I was saying since my words seemed to be jumbling together. 
Elena glances around us and gives me a solemn look.
“I don’t know, I woke up here a little while ago before I was knocked back out by the people that took us. I’m truly sorry about this Y/N, I would never wish for you to be a part of this.”
I furrow my eyebrows at her last comment as if she were responsible for the reason we were taken.
“It’s not your fault,” I shake my head and start tapping my fingers together one by one. It’s a thing I do whenever my anxiety gets too strong, almost as a way to ground me. 
Elena’s eyebrows mirror mine and she goes to say something but a young man with shaggy hair walks in.
“Oh goody, the other ones awake. How are you doing sleeping beauty?” 
The man starts to walk over to me with a look in his eyes that makes the bile in my throat inch even closer to the surface. But within another second Elena stands from beside me on what I can see now is a couch and blocks me from the man’s view.
“I’m the one you want, Y/N is innocent, just let her go.” 
I want to back Elena up and defend her too but with the migraine and the onslaught of emotions I’m feeling right now being verbal isn’t something I see happening in my current future. 
“You’re right Dopalicious, she’s not, but I can’t just let her go, what if she were to go and warn those friends of yours? Can’t let that happen now can we?” 
Elena goes to stand her ground but within a blink of an eye, Elena is shoved backward and lands on the other side of the couch. I jump backward at the action which gives the man the opportunity to come in front of me. I start trembling as I look up to him I try to push farther back into the couch but I’m squished into it as far as I can go. 
“Stay away from me,” Finally able to find somewhat of my voice again. This doesn’t seem to scare away the man, and honestly, I don’t blame him. My voice sounded like it came from a scared 5-year-old. 
“Just a taste, I’m starving.” My mouth opens to question what he says but a millisecond later I feel myself being grabbed and a sharp piercing attacks the left side of my neck. I’m hyperventilating and screaming at the same time somehow as I hear Elena’s yells from beside us. 
“Don’t touch her!” Elena’s yell comes from beside us and I’m thrown away back onto the couch. I’m disorientated as I look up to see the man before me rubbing his cheek and Elena standing next to him holding her right hand. She’d punched him. My vision strays from Elena’s red knuckles back up to the man, who has something dripping from his mouth. My chest feels like it locks up as I stare at the liquid dripping, everything seems to be going in slow motion for me as I watch the drops start at the man's chapped lips to the drops of blood falling onto the cracked hardwood floors. Wait, blood. He has blood dripping from his mouth. Had Elena punched him that hard? I start to believe that possibility until I feel a wetness drip between my chest. 
My already shaking hand comes up to my chest as I swipe a finger along the liquid. My vision blurs as the red liquid drips from my fingertip down into the palm of my hand. I can’t register Elena’s voice as she kneels in front of me and presses something to my neck. The blood coating my hand is all I can see and smell. 
“Y/N….Y/N! Just focus on my voice ok, breathe. I think you’re having a panic attack.” A cool hand is pressed onto the side of my face and I close my eyes at the embrace. 
“Ok that’s good, I’m going to stand you up to get a better look at your neck ok?” 
I feel like I’m running on auto-pilot or something else is controlling my body and mind as I stand up and grip Elena’s upper arms to keep myself steady. Elena returns the pink fabric from my neck and leans down to glance at the wound.
“Ok, it’s not as bad as I had originally thought. Just keep this here and it’ll help control the bleeding.” 
I must still be in shock because Elena has to bring the shirt to my hand, wrap my fingers around it, and finally press my hand into my neck. The shock of pain washes through me and brings me back to reality. My vision can’t seem to focus on one thing for too long as my eyes keep darting from the blood on the floor, my blood, to the look on Elena’s face, to the man standing behind us with a scowl on his ugly face. Blood, Elena, man. Blood, Elena, man. Blood, Elena, man. This sequence continues until another person enters the room, a woman.
“He’s here.” The woman with a pixie cut says, her voice seemingly scared.
The man next to us shifts his scowl into a look of pure fear.
“This was a mistake,” He rushes over to the woman and shakes his head. 
“No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me,” She tries to talk him down which only seems to freak him out more.
“No! He wants me dead Rose,”
The woman points at Elena, “He wants her more.” I glance to Elena who is standing in front of me slightly as if to hide me from the two strangers or cannibals. Since I’ve calmed down momentarily and I’ve begun to stop the tears that had unbeknownst to me had fallen on my cheeks, I’ve realized that I’ve been kidnapped by cannibals, that being the only reasonable explanation I can come up with.
The two cannibals start arguing about some man but I turn to Elena who looks almost as scared as I feel. 
“What’s going on Elena, who’s coming?” I whisper to her.
Elena turns her head slightly to me and gives me a frown and a shake of her head. 
“A man named Elijah, but don’t worry ok,” Elena grabs my free hand and holds it in her own, “I’m not going to let them hurt you anymore ok?”
I nod trying to find comfort in her words but the girl in front of me is 17 years old and maybe 120 pounds I don’t see how she’s going to protect us both from two cannibals and whatever mega cannibal these two are terrified of. I don’t know if the other guy is a cannibal but using context clues I’m guessing he is. 
“What are we?” The woman’s voice brings my attention back to them as I see her grab his arms. This seems to calm the man down. 
“We’re family. Forever.” 
I might’ve found this endearing if it weren’t for the fact the man had my blood drying on his upper lip and they were literal cannibals. 
A loud knock startles all four of us as Elena and I both shoot each other wary glances. Our hands are still intertwined. I don’t usually like being touched but given the circumstances I can let this slide. 
The woman looks over at Elena and me as Elena slightly turns her head, “You’re scared.” Elena comments. The woman says something else to her friend and then runs up the stairs 
What seems like forever of waiting and pacing around is broken up by footsteps coming from the top of the banister. I can feel Elena freeze up from beside me as we both look up to see a man in a suit staring down at her. The man has dark hair and eyes and a chiseled face. Why is this cannibal not ugly? Wrong Turn had it all wrong. We all stand there watching Elena and the suited cannibal stare at each other. I can feel Elena’s shaking hand in my own and try to comfort her by squeezing her hand to let her know I’m right beside her. That is until the man transports himself from the top of the banister to in front of Elena in the blink of an eye. The movement has me losing my balance and falling back onto the couch. 
No one seems to notice me as my panic attack starts to build up as I try to understand how this is possible. How could he have been that fast, it’s impossible. Oh god, I'm going to throw up. 
“And who is this?” A deep voice comes from above me and my stomach flips at the sound. Defiantly going to throw up. 
“She’s no one. She has nothing to do with this, just please leave her alone.” 
Hearing Elena’s voice makes me raise my head and I regret it instantly because I lock eyes with the suited monster who is now standing above me staring down at me. The man’s face instantly goes slack as his eyes meet mine, a look of recognition seems to pass through his dark eyes as they move fast across my face. The man opens and closes his mouth many times as if he can’t quite find the right words to say. The slack expression from before softens into something that makes my stomach flip again. This guy is so going to kill me when I throw up on his expensive ass shoes. His soft, dark pink lips curve up at the corners slightly.
“You’re real.” 
These are the first words to come out of the man’s mouth. Everyone else in the room seems to know just as much as me with what he’s talking about because they all have looks of confusion on their faces. Feels somewhat comforting to be on the same page as everyone else for once. 
The man doesn’t once take his eyes off of me this entire time though, “What is your name, Elskan?” 
I freeze under his stare and try to avert my eyes, this gives Elena the ability to step in for me. 
“Her name is Y/N,” I look to the man as he mouths my name slightly to himself as if he wants to know how it sounds on his tongue, “Please don’t hurt her Elijah, she doesn’t even know about the supernatural, I’ll go with you willingly.” 
Elena’s words make me freeze up. What does she mean by supernatural? I flinch as the man, Elijah, brings his hand up. This stops him for a moment. 
“I would never harm you. You have my word on that.” I can only sit there frozen as he cups my face with his hand and uses his thumb to brush a stray tear away that must’ve fallen during one of my many panic attacks. He seems delighted at the moment until the soft expression he has on his face darkens into something that makes that bile rise even farther up. His eyes dart from the top of my head and drag themselves down to my chest and neck. I try to move away but his hand has a soft but firm hold on my face. 
“Who did this to you?” 
My eyebrows furrow at his question, and I must’ve not answered quickly enough because he turns to glare at Elena. Which makes her flinch.
“The head injury is from the kidnapping and then the bite is from um,” she glances towards my neck and then to Trevor who looks like he’s about to internally combust. She goes silent again at Elijah’s stare and he turns his attention back towards me. The glare was long gone and replaced once again with a softer look.
“I see. Here,” I have to swallow back down the bile as I watch the man rip into his wrist and put it in front of my face expectantly. I sit there in horror and quickly look to Elena who doesn’t look as surprised as she defiantly should given that this man just BIT HIMSELF. 
“It’s true Y/N, it’ll heal you.” 
I open my mouth to say something which must’ve somehow been an ok to the man as he presses his wrist to my open mouth. I’m about to push him off, or at least try, but stop at the heavenly liquid that spills into my mouth. Elijah brings his other hand up to brush back my fallen hair.
  “Good girl, Elskan.” 
Elijah removes his wrist and I sit there silently staring at my lap as I realize what I had just done. I just drank fucking blood, and I liked it?!??! Oh god, does this make me a cannibal now?
Elijah seems to be fighting an inner battle as he moves his eyes away from mine and onto the man behind us. Elena and I watch before us as Elijah approaches the scared man/cannibal thing. Thing because I’m not sure what the actual hell is going on here. 
“I’ve waited so long for this day, Elijah. Truly very sorry.” 
Trevor says with a bowed head as Elijah circles him. Almost how a predator would circle its prey. 
“Well, no, your apology is not necessary,” Elijah responds but something in his tone doesn’t sit right with me.
“Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina. And I failed you.”
“Well, yes, you are the guilty one,” Elijah glances at him and then up to the woman, “And Rose aided you because she was loyal to you. That I honor…”
Elijah comes to stand in front of the man, “Where was your loyalty?”
“I beg your forgiveness.”
The oxygen in the room seems to be dwindling as everyone watches the interaction.
“So granted.” 
The deep breath I was to let out is replaced by a scream and I can only watch in horror as Elijah throws his hand over to the man who decapitates him. A heart-wrenching wail comes from Rose and I can’t seem to take my eyes away from the body-less head that is lying in front of me. 
“I’m going to-” Vomit spits from my mouth and onto the floor in front of me, the burning from the back of my throat causes tears to build up and block my vision. I feel someone lift my hand and hold it away from my face. For a second I thought it was Elena before Elijah’s voice came from beside me.
“I’m truly sorry, Elskan. I shouldn’t have done that in front of you.” 
I lift my head to stare at him and find him kneeling right next to me. He reaches into his front pocket grabs a fancy napkin and wipes my mouth with it. Not seeming disgusted just saddened. He wraps his hand in my mind and stands me up. 
“We can leave now, we have quite the journey ahead of us,” Elijah leads me over to where Elena is standing and motions for her to follow.
“No! What about the moonstone?” She questions him.
He stands in front of her with a small scowl, “What do you know about the moonstone?”
“I know that you need it. And I know where it is. I can help you get it”
Elijah nods his head, “Tell me where it is.” 
“It doesn’t work that way.”
Elijah’s eyebrow twitches in annoyance as he glances back at Rose, “Are you negotiating with me?”
Rose just shakes her head and tells him she doesn’t know anything. Elijah then turns back around to stare at Elena for a moment before scowling and reaching up to her necklace, ripping it off. 
“What is this vervain doing around your neck,” He throws the necklace behind him and grabs Elena by the neck, dropping my hand in the process. I go to try to get her away but Elijah shoots me a warning look that has me freezing in place, “Tell me where the moonstone is.”
In a monotone voice, Elena replies, “In the tomb underneath the church ruins.”
“What is it doing there?”
“It’s with Kathrine.”
The rest of their interaction is cut short when a glass shatters from somewhere upstairs. Elijah comes over to me and grabs me by my waist bringing me into him almost protectively. 
“What was that?” He asks Rose.
“I don’t know.”
“Who else is in this house?’’ To which he gets the same response. 
Elijah grabs Elena quite harshly with his free hand and guides both of us to the top of the banister. His hand never moved from the top of my hip. Once we make it to the entryway something rushes by us, Elijah pushes Elena off into Rose’s arms but never drops his hold on me. 
“Up here.”
“Down Here.”
A voice call from the top and bottom of the stairs caught all of our attention. Elijah lifts his hand from my hip and motions for me to go over to Rose.
“Don’t let her out of your sight.” He warns her as he moves to the staircase. 
A moment goes by before something flies through the air and pierces itself through Elijah’s hand. I let out a yelp but Elijah doesn’t even seem fazed. 
My vision is blurred for a moment as I now standing next to Rose with an unfamiliar dark-haired man in front of us. He motions with his finger to be quiet. Ya as if I was going to say anything anyway. 
“Excuse me,” Elijah’s voice comes from below, “To whom it may concern. You’re making a grave mistake if you think that you can beat me. And you can’t. You hear that? I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I want the girls on the count of three, or heads will roll.” 
The man who has his hands on Rose’s and I’s mouths moves his head to glance at Elijah downstairs. 
“Do we understand each other?” 
“I’ll come with you,” I perk up at Elena’s voice. Wondering what the actual hell she was doing. But the blue-eyed man in front of me shakes his head at me telling me not to move. 
“Just please don’t hurt my friends. They just wanted to help me out.”
“What game are you playing with me? Where is Y/N? I won’t be leaving without her.” Elijah’s skeptical voice questions her. There’s a sound a medal, and then a loud boom,  before Elijah lets out a yell. The sound for some reason makes my chest feel like it wants to cave in on itself. Rustling and fighting sounds come from below us before the man holding Rose and I leave. Rose runs after him, but I can’t seem to get my feet to work so I just sit there on the dusty floor staring at the wall peeling wallpaper in front of me. 
A few moments pass before I hear Elena’s voice along with two unfamiliar men, one who I’m assuming is the blue-eyed guy from before. 
“Where is Y/N,” Elena asks.
“Are you talking about that girl that smells like vomit?” A snarky voice questions her. If I hadn’t just gotten kidnapped and had one of the worst days of my life, I might take offense but I did just get kidnapped and honestly, I do smell like vomit so he’s not wrong. 
“I think she’s over there.” 
Footsteps get closer to me as I look up with tears in my eyes at Elena. She gives me a small smile before kneeling and wrapping her arms around me in a hug. 
“What is happening Elena?” 
“I’ll explain everything if you want me to ok? Let’s just get out of here first ok?”
Elena stands up and reaches down her hand for me to take, and with a deep breath, I do.
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macklemore1648 · 3 months
North Shore High
summary: Regina George becomes intrigued by the new girl and wants to know more about her.
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being a new student wasn’t always easy, especially when it was your senior year. i didn’t know that walking into my first day of senior year i would run into the queen bitch bee.
“you!” she said with a finger pointing at me. i looked around confused maybe thinking she was talking to someone behind me.
“yes you come here.” i don’t usually listen to people who boss me around or expect they can get any special treatment from anyone, but my legs seemed to have a mind of their own, and next thing i know i was standing right in front of her.
“i um- im new here it’s my first day.” it came out a little bit more quiet than i intended it too.
she nodded and then turned around walking the opposite direction of me. that’s when i had noticed the two girls following after her.
omg. she thinks she runs this place?
“students we have a new student joining you in your home room. miss y/n y/ln. i would like you all to be very respectful and please welcome her.”
“thank you principal Duvall, now go ahead and have a seat y/n this is a very important class and if you don’t listen you might fall behind.” said Mrs. Norbury
i nodded quietly and walked over to an empty desk, thankfully it was more towards the back.
“so what parts are you from around?” said a voice behind me.
“i’m from washington actually.” him and his friend who i just noticed sitting next to him nodded slowly.
“damian and this is janis.” he said pointing in between him and the girl.
“y/n.” you said with a friendly smile.
the next three periods where all pretty much the same, i get introduced and then sit down and listen to the teacher talk for the rest of the class. walking into 4th period i didn’t expect to see the same blonde i had ran into earlier this morning. her eyes where watching me the second i had walked into the classroom, i scanned for empty seats and of course the only seat emptied was right behind her. i avoided eye contact with her while i was walking to the desk.
once i sat down i was immediately hit with the smell of very expensive perfume and was that lavender? shampoo?
i pushed myself as far away from her as i could in my seat that magically stuck to the desk. once the bell rang and the teacher started talking. she turned to face me
“what’s your name loser?” she whipped around quit quickly.
“um it’s y/n.” she nodded slowly looking very deep into my eyes, that made me shift uncomfortably, before turning around.
“your not going to tell me yours?” i leaned a little forward and almost whispered it so the teacher didn’t hear me talking.
“you haven’t heard about me yet?” she turned just enough around that i could see her eyes and a small smirk coming onto her lips.
and she’s full of herself? what the hell is this school?
i didn’t say anything waiting for her to answer with her name.
she rolled her eyes a little bit before answering. “it’s Regina, Regina Grorge.”
i nodded this time slouching back into my seat.
“im kind of a big deal around here.” she said nonchalantly. it was my turn to raise my eyebrows to the sky.
“what are you like the principals daughter? or a drug dealer?”
“no i’m just hot and popular. don’t you agree?” this time she was turned fully around with her hands on my desk and her head titled a little to the side.
i opened my mouth to say something but nothing was coming out. with my mouth slightly opened and my burrows furrowed she smirked and turned back around.
who the hell was this girl?
lunchtime is when i knew i was going to get the most anxiety because everyone already had their groups. i couldn’t just butt into a group and sit at any random table. like any other high school i’ve been too there was the obvious cliches.
the jocks, the goths, the cheerleaders, the band kids, what looked like the stoners?
and then there was Regina and her two other friends that followed her around like lost puppy’s.
“those are the plastics.” i heard the same voice from earlier, i turned to see damian and janis standing behind me.
“the plastics?” i said with one brow raised.
they both nodded slowly at me.
“because they’re too perfect and too pretty like a plastic barbie doll.” they said as if it all made sense.
“i would avoid talking to any of them honestly.”
“y/n!!” i heard Regina say. i turned around to see her using one finger to tell me to come to her. i looked back over and damian and ianis who both just shook their heads to tell me it was a bad idea.
“i’ll be right back.” i really had to let this girl know that i was not one of her lost puppy’s and wouldn’t come to her side whenever she demanded.
“why don’t you sit with us today?” she said in almost too friendly voice i even saw her friend with an expression like a deer caught in headlights.
“Regina she can’t sit with us she doesn’t know any of the rules.” she squeaked out still trying to sound friendly.
“the rules don’t matter right now, go ahead sit.” she said with a smile that looked almost genuine but i wasn’t falling for her traps.
“oh no thanks i already found some people to sit with.” i said with a forced smile.
“then you better sit with us tomorrow or ill be very upset.” she had a very serious look on her face that almost scared me but i just gave her a thumbs up and turned around.
a thumbs up?! are you serious! i mentally slapped myself in the face. remind me never again to give the prettiest girl in school a fucking thumbs up.
finally my first school day was over and i could go back to my house and read peacefully. but of course that didn’t happen because Regina George pulled up right in front of me almost hitting me with her expensive jeep. i was ready to curse her out until i looked up and saw the look on her face.
“i’m having a little get together at my house this weekend, you should come it’ll be a fun way for you to meet people.” she had a small smile and a soft look in her big green eyes.
“here’s my number, text me and i’ll send you the details.” she slid me a piece of paper and let her fingers linger almost a second too long in my hand, before she winked and drove away from the parking lot.
i drove home in my not as expensive honda civic. i played with the piece of paper in my hand and looked down at her number so much to the point i almost memorized it. her numbers where very neat and almost all came together with soft curves.
i didn’t know anything about this girl which sent warning sirens off in my head whenever i looked at her. she seemed like somebody you didn’t want to mess around with.
A/N: i lowkey kinda posted this as a joke- and i wrote it real fast so im sorry if it’s not the best. give me advice yall and if yall want another part. thank you 🫡
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
I’m lovin’ it - Aegon II
This is straight crack like I mean if you read this more than once you’re entitled to go do meth behind a strip mall and work overnight stocking. This is for Chris you big fat dirty white bitch why’d you take me off the motherfuckin schedule with yo triflin ass- @teamaemond
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Loser Stoner McDonald’s Worker!Aeg, modern universe, meet fuck, play place defiled more than usual, doggystyle, dirty talk, pnv!sex, I did not beta I just word vomited aggressively
A/N: based off the crazy ass anon that asked if Aegon would fuck in a McDonald’s play place and I couldn’t help but lose my shit
So McDonald’s wasn’t really twenty-four hours in your town. Too small. 10 o’clock would roll around and they usually had one or two workers and every machine was ‘broken’ by then. No really. They told you one time their hot was broken. You asked for coffee.
But you needed some coffee and some fries before going into an all-nighter studying at the local community college in the area. Hopefully the ‘hot’ wasn’t broken or the weird foot guy was working the night shift. You liked the stupid blonde, he was cute and flirty. Usually he would give you free stuff. Argan? Argon…something weird like that.
Walking into the desolate McDonald’s you breathed a sigh of relief at the blonde working tonight. No foot talks. He seemed bored and positively stoned out of his gourd, leaning against the counter. The man drawled, “How can I help you?”
You came closer and snatched at his name tag, making him yelp. Aegon. You snickered, “Aegon. What kinda name is that?” He grimaced and spat back, “A family one. I’m trying to go home early- so what’s the order.” He had a cute blush on his pale cheeks, pale orbs staring you down.
“Uh just a medium coffee and same for the fries. That’s all.”
“That’s a stupid order,” he commented while ringing it up.
You gave him a look, mouth gaping. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Aegon smirked, “I don’t know, I’m about to close, I have all this leftover food and you want a coffee and fries. That’ll be three-oh-eight.” You handed him a five and teased, “Why don’t you eat the leftovers? You’re like…high as balls right now.” Aegon’s lips pouted and he sniffed, “I’m not trying to be one of those fat fuck stoners.”
You raised a brow at his slightly softened midsection and stifled a laugh. Violet eyes narrowed at you and he turned around to make your food. Plopping yourself on the counter you asked, “Soooo, you got siblings?”
“Are they blonde too.”
“Oh. I graduated with Aemond.”
“He’s a dick.”
You laughed and agreed wholeheartedly. Aegon handed you the coffee and fries, having grabbed himself some nuggets in the meantime. He grumbled, “I gotta close soon.” You shrugged, “You don’t want company?”
A brow raised, heat coming across his eyes, “What kind of company are we talking about babe?”
Aegon had his standard black pants down, fucking you bent over the likely germ infested ball pit of the play place. He said there were no cameras in there…which had to be a total liability. No matter the issue he could fuck and had a nice cock.
His warm hands gripped your hips as he panted in staccato breaths, moaning, “Fuuuck, you’re fucking tight!”
You haphazardly flailed across the balls, unable to gain purchase as he fucked pathetic little ‘ah ah ah’s’ out of you. Reaching back to grab a boney wrist you whined, “C-can we- fuckshit- pleaAse find another spot! I-I d-oooon’t want a needle in ME! Goddamn!”
Aegon laughed, stupidly composed in his situation as he eased you down to the padded floor, hand now on the small of your back to push towards a better angle. You cried out as his cock drug along your sweet spot, pulling and stretching all the right walls. The blonde swatted a hand across your bouncing ass, huffing, “God- you’re gonna make me blow too fast, sh-shit.”
One of his gorgeous hand snuck down between your thighs to get at your swollen clit, sometimes sliding around where his cock stretched your cunt out. You mewled at the obscene feeling, wailing his name. The walls of your pussy were fluttering now, ecstasy taking a hold of body and mind. Chewing on your bottom lip, you thrust back to meet Aegon’s hips in wet slaps, hoarsely moaning.
“Oh Christ,” he whimpered under his breath, tone still low and raspy. Your legs were shaking, Aegon having to pull you up to keep from sliding flush to the ground. He leaned over your sweaty back, cooing in your ear with a playful nip, “Feels that good huh? You’re a needy little thing.”
“‘M gonna cum,” you squeaked with frantic eyes.
He began to nip and lap at your neck, disgustingly hot.
His fingers pinched and tugged at your clit, sending you over the edge with a careening wail, seizing up and milking his thick cock with rhythmic squeezes. Aegon stuttered on a breath, gasping for air as he quickly pulled out and painted your ass with hot cum. The idiot fell back onto his ass, you laying flat on the floor now.
You panted, pussy throbbing in the best way. Aegon moaned in content, “Needed that.” Finally pushing yourself off the floor you retied your ponytail and scoffed, “Yeah I’m not getting any studying done tonight.”
Aegon laughed, an endearing giggle, full lips stretched into a smile. He cocked his head and offered, “We can make this a full time…deal if you wanna help me close up? I’ll make it worth your while.” Then he gave you a cringeworthy wink. You found yourself grinning uncontrollably at the loser, accepting his proposition.
Besides, what’s wrong with a good fuck in the McDonald’s play place from a hot blonde?
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finalgirlfae · 1 year
girls got rhythm, randall “pink” floyd
summary: y/n gets a little too tipsy at a party and randall takes care of her
pairings: randall “pink” floyd x f!reader
genre: fluff
note: this might be a little inaccurate because i’m not a drinker i’m a stoner🫠
music blasted through the speakers of the house as you danced with a red cup full of beer in your hand. it was one of those better summer nights, not too hot and not too cold. it was the perfect amount of warm with a cool breeze overhead.
“having fun?” jodi asked, laughing at the way you danced when you were drunk. you looked like one of those babies who just learned to walk, stumbling around and tripping over yourself a little. this was truly one of the better nights, no more stressors of school and exams. just partying and being with your friends.
you gave no verbal response, just a big smile paired with you tossing your hands in the air. since your cup was full of budweiser the action caused the beer to splash, falling on you and jodi.
“you bitch!” jodi laughed and playfully smacked your arm, she wiped the spilled beer off her face. “i’m gonna go find darla,” jodi began to leave but turned back around and took the cup from you. “and no more drinking for you.” she teased, pointing a finger in your face.
you puffed at her, dramatically crossing your arms over your chest. “you’re not the boss of me.”
she placed her hands on her hips, matching your energy with a smile before walking closer to you. “no but i’m your best friend. same difference.”
you turned away from her, “whatever.” jodi laughed as she watched you stumble away, nearly tripping over your brown wedged heels. they went great with the high waisted denim bell bottoms and dark purple halter top.
you walked around the party, passing through sweaty bodies and clouds of smoke before reaching the other end of the house and finding the man you were looking for. slater.
“slater!” you cheesed, dragging out the last syllable of his name. he smiled at you, obviously high off his ass right now. “y/n, what’s up man?”
you turned to make sure jodi wasn’t behind you before turning back to slater and whispering, “you got a joint on you, man?”
“man you know i do.” he giggled, digging in his pocket before pulling out a pre roll. “$15 bucks.”
you raised a brow at him. “15 bucks? man the only reason you’re at this party and not home studying for summer school is because i helped you cheat in bio.”
he rolled his eyes. “fine. 5.”
you smiled and pulled a 5 dollar bill from inside your shirt. he cringed at the bill as you placed it in his hand. “really? boob money?”
“mhm.” you snatched the joint from him. “closest you’ll ever get to the twins.” you spoke, squishing your boob as a joke before backing up into the crowd again. on the other side of the house in the kitchen pink was leaned against the counter, listening to o’bannion rave to the guys about the hookup he allegedly had with some college girl.
“i’m telling you man, she was spinning on my shit.” o’bannion raved, getting overly excited about the memory. pink only shook his head, taking a sip of his cup full of ginger ale. he was a designated driver tonight, so it was no drinking or smoking for him.
“she was bouncing on my shit like a god damn bunny rabbit. i swear to you man those delaware chicks are wild.” benny sipped his beer and patted o’babnion on the shoulder. “yeah buddy, sure you did.”
“i’m telling the truth!” he was starting to get riled up again. “pink,”
“huh?” pink looked up from his cup, staring at his friends. it’s not that he didn’t wanna be here, but it’s just that he’d rather spend his time with his girlfriend instead of sitting around listening to the guys rave about how many girls they fucked this year. the only reason he came to the party was to see you, you had been hanging with the girls for the last few days and didn’t really get a chance to see each other.
“what do you think, man? they think i’m lying.” o’bannion was clearly already drunk, pink could tell by the hiccups in his voice. he humored his friend, patting him on the shoulder
“you want my honest opinion?”
“uh huh.”
pink shrugged. “i think you’re a pig.”
the group laughed and pink smiled a bit, sipping his soda.
“you only say that cause you don’t like to kiss and tell.” o’bannion put the cup down and pointed a finger in his face. he walked over to pink, tripping over his own feet in the process and falling into the counter. “if i was with a girl like y/n you’d never hear the end of it.” he hiccuped at the end of the sentence.
“okay!” donny spoke, gripping o’bannion’s shoulder and pulling him away. “let’s stop talking crazy before randall breaks your face.” donny pulled the drunken boy out of the kitchen and maybe outside to sober him up a little. it was bad to let o’bannion run around unfiltered and full of alcohol, who knows what’d he’d say?
“randy!” it was dawson’s voice called out to pink, he was peeking his head through the door frame of the kitchen.
dawson motioned quickly with his hand, calling pink over to him. “you gotta see what y/n is doing right now man. she’s dancing with darla.”
“oh shit,” pink grumbled. he put down the cup and quickly followed dawson out the kitchen and to the dining room of the house where the music got louder.
i been around the world
i’ve seen a million girls
ain’t none of them got
what my lady got
you were stood on top a table with darla, both of you shaking your hips and attracting even more of a crowd. people stood around the table, calling and cheering the both of you on.
pink liked to call you and darla the evil twins because every time you two were paired together with music and substances, nothing good was to come of it.
she stealin the spotlight
knocks me off my feet
she’s enough to start a landslide
just walkin’ down the street
he pushed through the crowd until he was at the table. pink stood next to jodi who had her arms crossed and an amused look on her face as she watched you and darla dance.
“and you just let this happen?” pink spoke above the music, crossing his arms and not pulling his eyes off the way your body moved.
jodi shrugged. “you know you can’t stop y/n when she parties. look at her.”
pink and jodi both tilted their heads, looking at the way you pressed your back to darla and how the girl began to grind against you.
wearin dresses so tight
and lookin like dynamite
about to blow me away
“i’m not gonna lie, i’m actually a little jealous right now.” pink spoke to jodi making her laugh. darla had a firm grip of your hips and definitely wasn’t letting go any time soon. she turned both of you, making you face pink as her arms slid around your waist and rocked you to the music. she smiled at your boyfriend, sticking her tongue out and continuing to dance.
no doubt about it
can’t live without it
that girl’s got rhythm
“yeah,” pink spoke, watching how the both of you moved. “enough of that.”
jodi laughed as pink moved closer to the table, wrapping strong arms around your legs and lifting you up. you screamed a little as you were thrown over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and carried out of the living room.
pink walked back to the kitchen and sat you in the counter, looking at how your face pouted. “you are such a party pooper randall floyd!” you slurred, leaning back and hitting your head on the cabinet. you groaned in pain. “ow.”
“how many drinks have you had tonight?” pink stood in between your legs, looking at you closely and running his hands over your thighs. he put a hand up to the back of your head, massaging it gently.
you titled your head at him, ignoring the question completely. “you’re so pretty.”
your boyfriend smiled at you and laughed before digging in his pocket for the car keys. “yeah, i’m taking you home.”
“noo!” you whined out, gripping his arm. “i wanna stay and dance.”
“you are way too fucked up to be here right now. you smell like a dispensary too.” he spoke, commenting on the heavy weed smell from the joint you had smoked earlier.
“i haven’t even smoked tonight.” you lied, rubbing his arm gently. pink looked down at your manicured fingers and how they traced over his muscles. he gripped your hand, stopping you from feeling up his arms. “nice try, you can’t flirt your way out of this.”
“noo let me stay. i promise, ‘m good.”
pink thought about it for a second. “alright. if you can walk in a straight line back to the living room i’ll let you stay.”
you smiled deeply at pink. “observe.” you spoke in an overly cocky tone, sliding off the counter top to stand. you stumbled a bit, the room was spinning in about three different directions and right now to were regretting the shots you took with darla before your impromptu table dance.
you turned your head to pink and he gave you an amused look, motioning with his hands for you to go on. you turned back and took a deep breath.
just walking in a straight line, i can do it
you couldn’t even take a full step before you came crashing to the floor. luckily your boyfriend had fast reflexes and was able to hook your waist with his arm, tugging you into his chest before you fell down.
pink kissed the side of your head before whispering in a teasing tone, “you’re smashed.”
you didn’t respond, much too embarrassed to justify yourself to him right now. pink put your arm over his shoulder and kept his arm around your waist as he began to walk you out of the house. when you reached the front lawn you got away from him stumbling around a few before falling on to the grass.
pink sighed. “you plan on getting up?”
“it’s so comfy.” you muttered, rolling over on to your back. the cool grass was a nice feeling in your drunken state, it felt good against your skin.
“i’m sure it is.” pink spoke, getting in his knees and pulling you to sit up. “but you know what’s he even more comfortable? your bed.”
your eyes widened at his statement. “that’s so true!”
he couldn’t help but laugh at you, pulling you up to stand and practically dragging you to his car.
“you really are so beautiful, you know?” you smiled, looking at pink as he unlocked the car door. pink smiled back at you, “thank you. you are also very beautiful.”
he opened the door to the backseat and helped you in, reaching over and clicking your seatbelt for you. he was so close and was making you feel so strange and it didn’t help that he smelt like heaven.
“do you have a girlfriend?” you asked making him turn his head. pink’s confusion turned to laughter.
“yes, as matter of fact i do.”
“fuck.” you tossed your head back, “she’s so lucky.”
pink sighed. “y/n, you are my girlfriend.”
you snapped your head up at turned to him. “i am? aww that’s so sweet!” you smiled, cupping his face and bringing him in for a kiss. he could taste the alcohol on your lips and normally he wouldn’t like that, but it was you so he couldn’t resist kissing back. you pulled away from the kiss after a few seconds, “i love you.”
he gave you his full smile. “i love you more.”
pink cupped your face, “okay, let’s get you home.”
“so we can fuck?”
he sighed and and pinched your cheeks before letting go of your face. he decided to humor you. “yeah, as soon as you sober up i’ll show you a good time but for now let’s focus on getting you in bed- to sleep.” he closed the back door, sitting in the driver’s seat and turning on the child lock. he wasn’t taking any chances with your safety.
“why not now?” you whined, slouching forward and pressing your face to the back of the drivers seat. the leather was cool against your face. pink backed out of the driveway and pulled on to the main road as you sat up straight.
“because you’re drunk. that’s why.”
you were silent after that, leaning back fully into the seat and looking at the cars and houses he drive past on the main roads.
he checked on you through the rear view mirror numerous times through the the drive, just making sure you were good and weren’t like- choking on your own vomit or something.
when pink pulled on to your block he drove cautiously, saying a silent prayer that your parents weren’t home.
he parked in front of your house and pulled the keys out of the ignition, silently thanking god that your parents were away.
pink opened the back car door, taking off your seatbelt and picking you up. you grumbled incoherent nonsense and he walked up the front door, using the house key in the lamp to open it and pull you upstairs to your room.
pink sat you on the bed and immediately you flopped over on your side. the room was still spinning and the weed mixed with the alcohol made you feel like you had no gravity pulling you down the earth. right now you were simply floating in the stratosphere. pink laughed a little and pulled you to sit up.
“what do you wanna wear?” he asked as he took off your shoes for you. he began to look through your dressers for cloths after that.
“i really want doritos…”
pink sighed. “as soon as we get you changed and in bed you can have all the doritos you want, sweetie.”
he pulled out one of his old jerseys from your dresser and smiled, it was all the way from sophomore year.
“you kept this?” pink asked, walking over to you with a smile. you looked at the jersey and nodded.
“yeah, it’s comfy.” you flipped over again causing him to sigh. pink moved his hands to your pants, unzipping your jeans and pulling them off before helping you put on some shorts. after your pants were changed he removed all your bracelets, necklaces and rings. he left the room for a second before coming back some makeup wipes and a brown wash cloth.
you laid there, watching and letting him take care of you. when he finished changing your clothes he removed your makeup and then pressed a cold wash cloth on to your forehead.
“do you think you’re gonna throw up tonight?”
you only nodded a bit, sitting up and using what ever strength you had left to stand. again, the room spun and you fell back. pink gently grabbed you, sitting you back down on the bed. “woahh, take it easy babe.” he grabbed the wash cloth and pressed it all over your face. “what do you need? i’ll get it for you. just stay here.”
“water please.”
pink nodded and kissed your head, tucking your body under the covers and leaving you in the room for a minute.
he came back with a glass of water, a bag of doritos and a bucket in case you puked during the night.
pink began to walk towards the door but immediately stopped when he heard your voice call out. “you’re leaving?” there was a slight hint of sadness in your tone that made his heart soften.
“no, baby. i’m not leaving. i just gotta go grab some clothes from the car and i’ll be back.”
you nodded and laid down. as soon as your head hit the pillow, you were out like a light. when pink came back into your bedroom, he was careful to be quiet and not wake you. the boy had changed into a black shirt and some flannels to sleep it. he turned off the light, walking over to the bed and slipping in with you.
even in your sleepy state, you felt his body press against yours and his arms wrap around you. soft kisses where placed on the side of your face until both of you fell asleep.
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vauxxy · 5 months
sad, beautiful, tragic
distance, timing, breakdown, fighting
silence, the train runs off its tracks
kiss me, try to fix it
could you just try to listen?
hang up, give up
and for the life of us, we can get back
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peter parker x reader!!
(treacherous part 2)
PLOT - in which peter parker tries to talk to his rival after multiple drunk make out sessions the previous night.
WARNINGS - sexual references, no smut, make out scenes, allusions to sexual activity, weed, smoking, kiss and makeup attitude
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“just talk to her, don’t be an arse” gwen smiled, swaying with the movement of the subway. the sun peeked through the windows as the train made its way out of a tunnel and closer to their destination.
“what exactly are you supposed to say to someone you made out with like, 3 times while drunk?? especially if you used to hate their guts”
“i don’t know, ‘sorry i hated you before, i just internalised my fetish for goth stoners as hatred- let’s make out some more’ or something-“ gwen joked, before being cut off by a frustrated peter.
“are you kidding me? she’s gonna spot us across the carriage any second now and i won’t have any idea what to say to her!”
y/n sat cross legged in her seat, reading some depressing book from the early 1900’s about some depressing characters, written by a depressed closeted gay man. she tucked a chunk of hair behind her ears before re-adjusting her headphones. “i bet she’s listening to fucking my chemical romance or korn or some shit,” peter chuckled as his eyebrows furrowed, gripping onto the hanging bars of the train carriage.
“nope, look on spotify,” gwen corrected. peter turned away from y/n to look over at gwen, his eyes drifting to the screen of her phone.
“it says she’s listening to… taylor swift?” she said, a confused expression painted on her face. peter jolted his head back in shock, overcome with anxiety. “aunt may loves taylor swift…” he murmured, the rustle of the train carriage pulling him away from gwen.
“let me see what song,” peter insisted as he gestured to see gwen’s phone. she passed it over to him, watching his face move as he read the title.
“sad, beautiful, tragic… i’m pretty sure that’s from red, right?” peter questioned. gwen shrugged her shoulders in response. “i don’t know. i’m more of a midnights and evermore type of girl” she replied. peter scrolled down to the lyrics of the song, his eyes widening and his lips pursing.
“gwen, i’m totally fucked”
y/n had slept on what had happened the previous night. spider-man saved her from getting robbed and gave her some very unhelpful advice. what the fuck would spider-man know anyways? he doesn’t get any bitches. y/n may have also ghosted peter, but who cares? y/n put her heart out on the table, for some reason expecting more from the person who constantly teased her everyday for 2 years. sure, she should’ve saw it coming, but she didn’t. which is why she was going to be as dramatic as possible.
this meant a new playlist. no more limp biskit; nobody cries to ‘break stuff’!! it was time to listen to the entire red album on repeat, along with ‘ultraviolence’ and elliott smith. y/n was fully ready to be a sad little bitch.
on monday morning, she scored a seat on the subways and started listening to her new playlist, putting on one particular taylor swift song on repeat while she read her sad little bitch book. she looked up for a split second to see peter and gwen talking.
‘oh, so he can make time to talk to gwen, but not the girl he snogged three times?’ y/n thought.
y/n turned up her volume and put away her book as she listened to the lyrics of the song. the train pulled up to the station within walking distance to her school and so she stood up. catching the eye of peter as she walked to the doors, she quickly averted her gaze and took a few steps back.
peter flinched at the sudden eye contact, turning his full body towards gwen. “gwen. do something” he anxiously muttered. gwen nodded, smiling innocently, before beginning to casually walk over to y/n.
“y/n! how’d that hangover treat you?” gwen asked, pulling in y/n for a comfortable hug. y/n smiled hesitantly and embraced the act of affection. “so, so badly,” she replied, thinking back to the incident that followed the day after the party.
“the hangover is the least of my troubles” she stated and she glanced over at peter, who was watching both of them. “oh, do you mean…” gwen asked as she gestured over to the lanky boy trailing behind them, walking onto the platform as the train doors opened.
“what? no! i was mugged,” y/n announced, arching her eyebrows. peter didn’t look surprised. y/n took note of this, feeling somewhat offended that he didn’t care.
“y/n! are you okay?? how did that happen?” gwen asked, completely and utterly shocked. peter walked over. “wait, yeah… are you okay y/n?” he asked, breaking out of his anxious state for one moment.
y/n sighed softly, rolling her eyes. “i’m fine, spider-man saved me and then gave me some very unhelpful advice.” she said as she pursed her lips, her eyes darting between gwen and peter. “he’s a total ride though- i hope he’s not like… 46 or something,” she continued. gwen chuckled, covering her mouth with her hand as her cheeks turned pink. “did you get to feel his abs?” she asked as the trio walked across queens to get to school.
“yeah, they were rock hard. i didn’t expect him to be so fit!” y/n exclaimed. peter tried to stifle his blush as they got closer to the school, blocking out their conversation.
as they entered the gates, gwen quickly walked towards her class, leaving the two alone.
“um, we have math-“
“i know, peter” y/n interrupted. her voice was cold and unemotional- a stark difference form her previous cheerful demeanour. this was the guy that she was squabbling with for years now… the guy that she also maybe had a few steamy dreams about as well. her preconceived notions about peter were contradicting with her fantasies and the realities of what happened over the weekend- causing her to spiral into a semi-depressed state of rage.
peter, on the other hand, knew exactly what he thought of y/n. he always thought that she was attractive, but a total arse. now, he found her being an arse super endearing. but that could have something to do with the fact that they made out 3 times and he almost touched her boobs.
the two walked in awkward silence to their math class, a strong tension in the air. they took their seats and sat painfully silently for an hour.
y/n tapped her pen on her notebook, not listening to a word the teacher was saying. ‘fuck it,’ she thought, ripping out a piece of paper.
she scribbled a few words down before passing it over to peter.
‘make up for ghosting me by skipping second period and hiding in the unisex bathrooms’
‘sure :)’
the unisex bathrooms were dimly lit, far away from the rest of campus. surrounded by unused classrooms. the unisex bathrooms were a prime hookup spot… but for y/n, it was her own personal hotbox.
she lit the end of her joint and put her lighter in her jacket pocket as she leaned against the bathroom wall. y/n took a drag as she stared at the wall. she took another short hit, before passing it to peter. he did the same, his legs crossed.
“so why didn’t you text me, dick face?” she started, crossing her arms. smoke escaped her lips as the talked, mesmerising peter.
“dick face?” peter repeated, stifling a grin as he shook his head.
“um… i guess i didn’t know what to say,” he replied, passing back the joint. y/n smiled awkwardly as she rolled her eyes. “classic parker…”
“well, do you know what to say now?” y/n asked, sliding down to the floor, head level with peter. he shrugged his shoulders. “kinda,” he muttered.
“are you gonna say it, mcslutty?”
“i don’t appreciate the name-calling, y/n.” he said irritably, his voice somewhat breathy.
“you ghosted me too, remember?” peter added, raising his eyebrows.
“yeah, but i was mugged!” she said defensively, opening her mouth in shock. “obviously i was too busy!”
peter laughed, covering his face. “fair point.”peter pursed his lips, looking down before taking another hit of the joint.
peter took a deep breath in, tapping the floor anxiously. “i really like you, y/n” peter averted his eyes. “i used the think i didn’t, but i was just lying to myself so i wouldn’t have to confront the fact that there’s actually nice stuff about you,” he’s smirked.
y/n chuckled. “what nice stuff?”
“your face, obviously. your musical skills, your rolling skills. you’re also really funny, and you’re so generous. you’re not nice to everyone, but you still help everyone- if that makes sense? but yeah… shit like that i guess,”
y/n smiled sincerely, slightly tilting her head to the side. “that’s pretty sweet, shithead”
it took them a whole 40 seconds before they started jamming their lips together, peter’s hands gripping y/n’s waist as she sat on top of his lap. her hands cupped his face gently, occasionally pulling a hand away and running it through his hair.
she pulled away for air, before continuing her attack on his lips, her hands trailing down his torso as she fiddled with his shirt. peter pulled away, looking up at her before her eyes drifting to her hands.
“what are you doing there?” he asked teasingly, his voice limited to a hoarse whisper.
she began to frantically kiss his neck, her hands still fiddling with the fabric of his shirt. “felt something hard. wondering if you’re ripped or just really horny.” she muttered breathily, one hand resting under his shirt as she caressed his torso, while the other hand gripped a bundle of his hair.
he looked as her curiously as she felt up his chest, watching her pull away with a look of shock and confusion. “peter? what the fuck?” she exclaimed, her hair messy and cheeks red.
“what? what’s wrong?” peter asked, panicked as his eyes drifted down to his pants, before meeting her eyes again. his face turned red, putting up his hands in surrender.
“hey, you were the one grinding against my-“
“no, you’re fully ripped!” she whispered, her eyes wide as her hand retracted from under his shirt. “jesus christ…” she muttered, lifting his shirt to take a peek.
peter burst out into a fit of dry laughter, tilting his head back and lightly hitting the wall of the bathroom stall.
“oh, yeah. that.” he said casually. y/n grumbled, standing up.
“right. i was not expecting that.” she huffed, her face completely red.
“anyways, i’m not fucking you in a hot-boxed bathroom stall at school. if you decide to stop being a little bitch and message me, maybe i’ll forgive you for ghosting me.” y/n proposed, leaning against the wall as she looked down at peter.
peter nodded, standing up. he opened the door, turning to face her. “yeah, i definitely won’t be ghosting you anytime soon. sorry about that, by the way.” he murmured.
“it’s fine. just as long as you send me a picture of your abs after school.” she demanded, her face completely serious as she looked peter up and down. peter nodded, his eyes wide.
she bit her lip, meeting his eyes once again. “seriously, they’re almost as good at spider-man’s.” she added, exiting the bathroom- leaving peter alone to deal with his thoughts.
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navi-n0 · 4 months
🎀Stoner!Choso Drabble🎀
Choso x femreader 18+ literature ig lmfao MINORS DNI!! Includes: weed usage, fellatio!! Infidelity
A/N: this is my first Drabble pls be nice ;-;
I’m also stoned so I should be able to do this right idk
CONTEXT: You’re just starting to fall in love with Yuji Itadori, 4 months of dating in and you have one fateful night with his OLDER BROTHER CHOSO!
After a long, cloudy day of classes at University, you’re eager to get going to Yuji’s house. He loves watching movies, cuddling, and snacking with the weather so gloomy, Yuji always knew how to create sunshine on a rainy day (literally). The clouds above you darkened with a deep blue, and thunder boomed through the school grounds, the shit was so loud you flinched. It was that loud! You hurried to the train station to hopefully catch the soonest one to get to Yuji’s neighborhood, it wasn’t a far ride from University, but at rush hour the station can get pretty.. hectic. You send a quick message to Yuji to let him know you’re on the way, anticipating the large crowds already.
Y/N: Waiting for the next train! Should be 10 minutes :P movie night?
YUJI: YOU KNOW IT CUTIE ❤️❤️ I’ve got to run to the store to grab extra snacks and stuff. If you get there before me the door should be unlocked! I shouldn’t be long baby I can’t WAIT to see u 🥰🥰🥰
It didn’t bother you that you might be alone in Yuji’s apartment. He only lived with his older brother Choso, and he was either never home or isolated in his room, playing video games, his obnoxiously loud guitar or smoking weed. The dank reeked from his room each time he lit up, but it didn’t bother you much. You weren’t a little bitch about drugs. You’ll be on the couch picking options of movies for Yuji to pick through when he comes home from the store anyway.
With that thought, your train arrived, the doors slid open with the automated system announcing its departure to its destination. You stepped into the car and began to mindlessly scroll through your phone because let’s be honest, wtf else are you gonna do?? Updates on pop culture, memes, and the occasional thirst post is all that you see, nothing important but something to numb your brain until you arrive at your destination. Rain began to batter the train car and flashes of lightning filled the windows, followed by the inevitable crash of thunder. This storm showed no sign of stopping. You rolled your eyes because you forgot an umbrella, well you forget it every time because who just carries an umbrella with them? Not y/n, you barely get out of bed on time in the morning. The train stopped once again and the alarm chimed, vocalizing the arrival of the destination. You gathered yourself and your singular backpack, bracing yourself to run awkwardly through this pelting rain. The drops were thick and slapping the ground hard, shit looked painful. The doors slid open again and you began to speed walk towards Yuji’s apartment complex.
By the time you reached his unit, you were drenched. It wasn’t even a far walk but the rain was unforgiving, soaking your hair and clothes. The white button up that was your school uniform is now translucent, making it all the more obvious you forgot to put on a bra today too. Y/N is a hot mess tbh. Your skirt clung to your thick thighs and practically gave you a wedgie. After straightening yourself out and pulling your wet cardigan over your chest, you went to push the door handle down to enter the unit… Why is it not pushing?? It’s not moving.
The fucker forgot to leave the door unlocked.
You couldn’t help but groan and throw your head into your hands. Your silly boyfriend can be… something. With a few deep breaths you collect yourself again and pull your phone out swiftly, sending your grievances to your boyfriend expeditiously.
Y/N: Thanks for leaving the door unlocked cutie 🙃🙃
*One Photo Attachment*
You chuckle out loud, adoring the fact that he actually sent a photo of his pinky. Yuji took pinky promises very seriously, so you had no reason to not believe him. But that doesn’t answer why the door is still locked?!
Y/N: Okay babe I believe you! Is Choso home? Maybe he locked it behind himself?
Yuji: He wasn’t when I left 😞 he went to go pick up more weed I think. He asked me to grab him some stuff too, I might be a little longer. IM SORRY BABY!!!! 😭😭😭😭
You can’t be mad at Yuji, you had no reason to. This is a mild inconvenience, not the end of the fucking world. You send a sweet message to calm your anxious boyfriend.
Y/N: It’s okay Yuji!❤️ I can wait for you here.
Yuji: You’re the best babe! I’m grabbing your favorite m&m’s now!
Your shoulders relaxed at the message, grateful for the sweet gesture. Yuji is seriously perfect. Your eyes dart up to the upper right corner of your phone,
5% is all you had. Well fuck… this was going to be harder than I thought. Hello boredom.
Just then, you hear loud muffled rock music approaching. A familiar black Subaru speeds into an empty spot near Yuji’s building, music still blaring through the small car, the beat was basically vibrating the windows. You recognize the song, even through a closed car you recognize Deftones anywhere. It’s Change, the guitars blaring through the complex. It’s Choso, though you can’t see him because of the white glaze over the windows, smoke seeps out of the small openings of the Subaru and the music keeps playing. He must be smoking while watching the storm, Choso was dark and moody like that. But you’d do the same thing if you partook in those activities. Your patience began to run out as Choso showed no sign of coming inside. You’d have to go ask him for his house key so you can get out of this fucking rain, it’s still coming down like a monsoon. You quickly walked back out into the downpour and frantically knocked on the black Subaru’s driver window. It was then opened to only a fucking inch or two, probably to contain his session. The veil of smoke escaping the car was opaque white, it caught you off guard with the sheer volume of it. The volume of the metal music died slowly. Two dark eyes glared out, staring at you in annoyance. Can’t he see it’s pouring and you’re trying to get inside!! The rain soaked your damp clothes again, causing a chill to run down your body, you nuzzled your wet cardigan closer, doing absolutely nothing for you.
“You broke the box,” Was all Choso groaned, hand resting on his chin with a blunt between his painted fingers. Was that supposed to mean something to you? “Choso, I need to get in it’s~”
“Get in then.” He smirks, pushing the unlock button inside, the audible click of the doors unlocking made you want to scream in frustration. The storm raging outside was still as strong as it started, the wind was now blowing. Twigs and branches were being swept across the parking lot. A lightning bolt hit a little too close for your comfort, and the crash of thunder that followed startled you right into Choso’s passenger seat. The black interior had LED lights strung across the dashboard and glovebox, you had to admit the car was pretty nice. The smoke didn’t really bother you either, at this point you’re getting used to it. What bothered you is that you’re still in your soaked school uniform, hungry and your boyfriend still isn’t here yet. You’re stuck with his stoned older brother, you have never spent time alone with him like this. Especially in his domain.
Your eyes are met with his after you scanned his car’s interior. He can see you have a look of approval and he’s smirking, a brown rolled cigar that can only be the source of this smoke is now in between you two. His index and middle finger holding the blunt as his nudges it towards you, “Wanna hit?” He asks lowly. The expression you give him tells him his answer. It’s not that he wanted to peer pressure you, he just enjoyed sharing his weed. Choso didn’t like smoking alone as much as most stoners would and he’s never really gotten to know his younger brother’s girlfriend. After his eyes read your clear NO expression, they floated to your soaked uniform. Your cardigan was not doing a good job of covering your chest, Choso noticed your nipples poking through the white blouse. He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t a beautiful sight. Choso took another deep drag off the blunt and inhaled sharply, puffing out his chest with an exaggeration. He pulled out his phone and typed a quick message, the swoosh of a delivered message played through his phone. “Where’s Yuji? He said he’d be back by now.” You finally said with a concerned tone, you tried to tap your phone to wake but were only met with a low battery flashing at you. You groaned again, Choso sees your distress and once again, offers his best solution. “You won’t feel so anxious if you hit it,” He raised the blunt between his fingers once more and gestured towards you. You scoffed at him and waved off his offer, “I think I’m already feeling it.” Your body did feel lighter and heavier at the same time. The seat sunk in with your body weight and you feel like you couldn’t move. “Lightweight,” Choso teases, and now he’s smiling.
You never really noticed Choso’s looks or even personality. This was your first time having a conversation other than the casual small talk you give to someone when you’re entering their house. He was cute.. hot would be a better word. His lips wrapped around the blunt and he took another deep inhale, the sound of his breathing was kind of.. erotic. Was the weed making you feel this way? This was all an entire new feeling and space you were in. It felt like you weren’t even on Earth anymore. The sun was setting, the storm was still raging on and the sky was getting darker, darker than normal because of the ominous clouds in the sky. The soft red glow of the car’s LED lights and Choso’s touchscreen dash were the only lights illuminating the black car, rock music was still playing too although it was at a much tolerable volume. Why was Yuji still not home? You directed your attention back to Choso who was rolling yet, another blunt. How much can this fucker chief? His long slender fingers split the cigar perfectly, he took his index to slide the guts into his cup holder ashtray. Now that was erotic, you suddenly thought about what his finger would look like sliding down your folds. He lifted the now empty cigar to his lips and licked the ends delicately, like a mother cat cleaning her newborn kitten. His spit trailed from his lips to the cigar and he wiped his mouth, setting the cigar on his rolling tray to prepare to break down the weed. “I know you’re curious over there,” He slyly said, making direct eye contact with the final lick. At this point you didn’t know if he was talking about smoking or him. You laughed, what he said wasn’t even funny but you’re laughing. Choso became hard not to stare at while he was rolling, he was gentle and grateful with his movements. His hair tied into messy space buns with face framing pieces falling into his face since he was staring down at his tray. He picked apart the weed nuggets into smaller portions and sprinkled it into the empty cigar. You never cared about drugs or smoking, but you weren’t totally opposed to trying it. Besides, Choso seems like a trustworthy guy you could have your first time smoking with. He seemed relaxed and happy too, what’s the harm in trying?
He lifted the filled cigar to his lips again, carefully placing his fingers around it to pinch the folds of the cigar together, licking in between like an envelope and sealing it shut. Choso noticed you staring again and decided to have some fun with you, he knows this look, you only give this look to Yuji but now it’s directed at him! Choso loved his younger brother more than anything, but he thought it was selfish that Yuji never brought your pretty ass around more. You’re cute, funny and hella curvy in the right places. Totally Yuji’s type, nah. You’re totally Choso’s type. With the blunt finally sealed, he picked his light up to his face. You couldn’t help but squirm at how hot he looked with the blunt between his lips and sparking it alive. His large chest rising and falling with each puff he took, ensuring that it would burn evenly. He took a moment to admire his work, smirking at the blunt then at you again. You froze in your seat, his hand generously offered one last time, he knows what it looks like when someone wants to but won’t ask. After a moment too long of debating, Choso took the blunt back to his lips and took a hit, “Hah, I’m just teasing princess, you don’t have to unless you want to. No pressure.” He says with a wink. Your flustered face made him laugh out loud, making him cough and choke on his hit. He beat his chest rhythmically and caught his breath again, “You’re cute,” He mutters and you both stiffen. The air became thick with tension and you weren’t sure if it was sexual or just plan awkward. Choso took another drag and that broke the silence, the heavy smoke that’s filled this tiny car for the past 15 minutes was like a chamber of marijuana for you. You were definitely high, your thoughts were everywhere but with Yuji, he was sweet, kind and everything you want. But something about Choso has you intrigued, he’s like a new flavor you want to taste, ride you want to take, a feeling you want to chase. Choso feels your longing, at his heightened level, he can read people better than before. He can see the way your legs clench together when he licks his lips, he can see you playing with your bottom lip, an obvious sign you’re thinking about something. Fuck it he thought, he sent Yuji on a wild goose chase anyway when you first got in his car. That’s what that last message was for, he asked Yuji to run to his favorite Rice house to pick up dinner. That should buy Choso enough time, he didn’t care about the consequences that will come from this. He was too high to care anyway, he felt needy, hungry, and so fucking horny. If he was going to make a move, he had to do it now.
Your body was boneless and your head was swimming, the effects of Choso’s hot box literally got you high. It felt great actually, you finally understood why so many people did it and felt bad for your previous judgement on Choso. Speaking of, he’s staring at you. This time his eyes were darker, there was something more than just a casual conversation inside and you got your clarification as Choso involuntarily adjusted his hardening cock in his sweats. They did no help covering his arousal, the mushroom head of his dick was so defined. He realized that you had caught him and a shade of red flushed his face. You’ve never seen such a calm guy so embarrassed, yet you weren’t embarrassed. You weren’t appalled or uncomfortable, you liked that you could make him feel out of control. And now that the ball was in your court, you took the chance. As if your brains connected and a spark blew, you’re climbing over each other to get in his back seat. Choso sits in the middle as you straddle his clothed lap, his hard cock pulsing in his sweats and you make it known that you’ve noticed. You whimper as your hips sway, grinding on his throbbing dick, he must be huge if you can feel him this much. Choso’s hands go to your waist then grip your ass aggressively, as if he’s holding on from you dry humping him and he’s absolutely loving it. He can’t imagine how good your pussy must feel, how your tits would look free from the chambers of your shirt and bounced while you’re riding his dick. He needed to focus so he doesn’t bust before he can actually feel you. He’s groaning and panting heavily as he claws at the buttons on your shirt, desperate to see what those perfect tits look like, or what they taste like. You follow his lead and quickly undo the rest of your shirt, he peels it down your back as his dark eyes widen. For the first time you actually see the white of his eyes, they’re always so dark with eyeshadow or dark period. Choso’s mouth watered at your figure and his hands eagerly quenched his thirst. They started at the sides of your jaw, he pulled your face down to look into his longing eyes. “Please, can I touch you?” Was Choso begging to touch you? The sight was all too beautiful, but could be better. You gave a smirk as your hands went around his waist to lift the black hoodie over his head, he adjusted his body so that it would come easier. This time your own mouth was watering at choso’s chiseled body. He didn’t wait for your answer again, you both just began to caress and squeeze each other. This felt like you’ve known each other and have been secretly in love, it shouldn’t feel this good the first time meeting your boyfriend’s older brother.
Unfortunately for you, with the combined sensations of being fucking high for the first time and Choso’s intoxicating touch, you forgot you even had a boyfriend. You were no longer on earth again, you and Choso were in this crazy spaceship filled with sexual tension. You couldn’t even think anymore with choso’s warm mouth against yours, his tongue teasing and lightly sucking on your own. Heavy breathing and fumbling limbs made the car all the much smaller and hotter. “You’re beautiful, y/n” His eyes drinking in your half naked, lustful body. Choso’s hand went up and down with a hard smack. Your back arched into him, shuddering at the sudden pain. You let out a half whimper half squeal and that made Choso all the more harder in his pants. “Fucking perfect,” he sneered again, taking the fat of your ass in his hands and squeezing again. The top of his fingers find the lace of your panties, “Off,” he quietly demanded. You decide it’s your turn to have fun with him. Your hand reaches down to fondle the hard length in his gray sweats, feather like fingertips grazed against his cock and he winced in agony. He bucked his hips up at an attempt to get more from you, your own smirk staring back at his flustered face. “Where’s those sweet fucking manners?” You whisper in his ear, fully emerging your hand into his sweats, no boxers. What a fucking slut~ you hummed darkly. You gripped his dick tightly, precum oozed out of his needy cock and he makes the most beautiful sounds, a whine with shuddering breath followed by pants. Music to your ears. “F-Fuck y/n,” he hisses, he didn’t expect you to take control so abruptly, but it’s making his balls ache for your warmth more. Choso doesn’t sleep around, but he’s not a virgin either. He didn’t care for casual sex at all, but this felt right to do. He definitely felt your body call him right? You were giving him the fuck me eyes right?
Choso couldn’t waste another fucking second overthinking the situation, he needed you now damn it!
“Please, y/n! I wan’ your pussy..” He lets out the most pathetic whine you’ve ever heard a man make. Now he’s really wanting you, hot, sweaty, high, and straddling him half naked in the backseat of his Subaru while the storm continues. Flashes of lightning were the only source of illumination, which is why you could miraculously see his beautiful blushing face. His bangs were sticking to his forehead and his space buns were more like ragged ponytails from your hands exploring his beauty. His tinted windows were fogged on the inside, a faint cloud of smoke still lingering in the small cabin of the car. You put your weight on your bottom and Choso holds your waist for stability, you spread your legs right there in his lap, your back now touching the center console. Thunder and lightning strike and assault the sky, giving Choso flashes of your half naked body and it makes him tremble. With one hand you pull the front of your skirt up and your fingers take your panties to the side, revealing your glistening cunt, it’s literally fucking glistening it’s so beautiful. Choso could’ve came in his pants right there, practically having to look away from your gorgeous cunt so that he can contain his own orgasm. He’s now understanding how Yuji can make those ridiculous sounds when he overhears you guys having sex. Fuck he wants to see if you can make him sound those high pitched moans and whimpers, hell you’re already doing it now. He’d bark if you asked him to, he’s all yours in this moment, he doesn’t want to waste another not knowing what that pretty pussy tastes like.
You lock hungry eyes and he leans in to ravage in your marinating mess waiting for him. Your longing bodies craving to be one, you can feel his hot breath on your fluttering pussy when suddenly-
Choso’s phone starts to ring.. it’s Yuji..
I’m throwing an edging party but you guys can’t come! :P
Tags for my pookie wookie bookies I love u: @comicalgrievance @milkpup
45 notes · View notes
kimpossibly · 2 months
hi ! imagine Madison Montgomery being frustrated because unlike other witches, reader is super chill, and a little sarcastic, so any time she acts up, reader always replies something witty, but never gets angry at her. so she purposefully tries to piss her off to get a rise out of her, which seems impossible, and turns into a 5+1 type of thing (5 times she tries to annoy her and one time she does). Except that when does, reader gets really pissed at her and it shifts to make-up sex (may i request a soft dom madison). I hope it makes sense because it did in my head. have a good day !
hiiiii!!! omg i love this prompt so much, thank you for requesting it! i ended up only doing 3 rather than 5 because i could only come up with so much HAHA. hope you enjoy ♡
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3 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙜𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙨 𝙮/𝙣 𝙤𝙛𝙛…𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 1 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙚𝙙
pairing: madison montgomery x fem!reader
word count:
warnings: swearing, smoking, drinking, smut
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Madison Montgomery has a habit of pissing people off. It's not she goes around trying to ruin people's days (but if she does, they probably deserve it...) but if she doesn't wreak a little havoc before sundown, that pretty much means she's had an off day. Making people angry was her specialty.
Not Y/N, though. Never Y/N. No matter how much Madison bitched and moaned, Y/N wouldn't yell or get pissed off. It was almost like that was one of her abilities. Even Nan would find herself at her wit's end because of Madison some days. But not Y/N.
And so, out of pure curiosity (or enjoyment), Madison decided to do a little experiment.
— attempt #1
"Oh, come on, Y/N! All the cool kids are doing it!"
Already the experiment was failing. Madison had whipped out one of her beloved joints from her stash and propped their bedroom window open to smoke. Y/N sat on her bed, studying. She politely declined to join Madison in smoking, and Madison saw an opening.
"Don't be a pussy."
Y/N just shrugged. "I'm good. Say hi to Scooby and Shaggy for me, though."
"Scooby and Shaggy weren't stoners."
"Please, did you watch that show? They were totally stoners."
Madison didn't respond, taking another puff and blowing it out the window. She looked at Y/N, so calm no matter what. After a few moments, Madison stood and walked over to the bed, taking the book off Y/N's lap and moving it to the side. Before Y/N could protest, Madison threw a leg on either side of her waist and put the joint between Y/N's lips, forcing her to take a hit.
Y/N's eyes went wide for a moment, purely out of surprise, but she quickly recovered. She coughed a bit, smoke spilling out of her mouth. Madison expected her to curse her out, or at the very least yell, but Y/N just looked up at her with a calm expression. "Are you happy now?"
Madison tried to hide her frustration. "Fucking fabulous."
"Lovely. Now can I keep studying?"
Madison just rolled her eyes and muttered a whatever, allowing Y/N to pick her book up and go back to studying.
Well that was a fucking bust.
— attempt #2
The second time, Madison figured a group setting might be best. It all started over breakfast, when a fight broke out between Madison and Queenie. It was about something or other—Y/N never paid much attention to these fights. She usually dedicated her energy to breaking them up when they got ugly.
"Bitch, I swear to God!"
Queenie used telekinesis to send a full glass of orange juice at Madison, who used her telekinesis to send it straight into Y/N's lap. She jumped up as the cold juice splashed all over her legs, a gasp escaping her lips.
"Oops," Madison said with a little laugh.
Y/N let out a deep breath, and Madison was sure she was going to scream. But she straightened up, grabbed a napkin, and dabbed at her now stained clothes. "I'm going to go change," she said as though nothing had happened, "Madison, try not to start a food fight while I'm gone, okay?"
She left, leaving Queenie to snicker in satisfaction. Madison clenched her jaw. That bitch was way too chill.
— attempt #3
"Let's play a game."
Madison was getting desperate. This was proving to be more of a challenge than she previously anticipated.
Y/N, who was levitating a book a few feet in the air, let it drop into her hands. "I'm down."
"Shit, anything's better than this," Queenie said, and Nan hummed in agreement.
Madison grinned. "Forget levitating books," she said, letting her copy of Great Expectations thud to the table. "Let's learn to fly."
With a flick of her wrist, Y/N levitated into the air, a little shriek escaping her lips as she flew. Madison put her down after a few moments and Y/N looked at her in awe. "How the hell did you do that?"
"Please, it's easy. It's just like levitating pens."
"Let me try," Queenie said, focusing her eyes on Madison. Within an instant, Madison was five feet in the air, shouting at Queenie to put her back down. She did so (not before letting her hang a while longer) and crossed her arms in satisfaction. "Huh. That was fun."
Madison flipped her off. Nan looked at Y/N. "Me next," she said excitedly.
Y/N closed her eyes for a moment, focusing, and then opened them. Immediately, Nan rose a few feet into the air, an excited smile spreading on her face. Y/N smiled a bit, relieved. Madison saw her opportunity. "Come on, bring her a little higher."
"I think this is good," Y/N said calmly.
"Madison's right," Nan said, "I could knock some dust off the chandelier."
Y/N hesitated, pursing her lips for a moment. Then, with a little upwards motion, Nan began to rise higher into the air. Her grin grew as she floated higher and higher, reaching out to touch the crystalline tip of the chandelier.
Madison's fingers twitched a bit as she brought her focus to Nan. What followed happened in the blink of an eye: Madison took control of Nan and proceeded to put her into free fall, and Y/N, upon seeing Nan start to fall, moved the couch underneath her to break the fall. Nan landed with a thud and groaned in pain, having hit her knee in the fall. Y/N's hand flew up to cover her mouth. She hadn't done that, had she?
Before there was too much of a ruckus, Cordelia suddenly appeared in the doorway, having heard the thud. "What happened?"
"Y/N dropped me!" Nan said angrily, clutching her knee.
Cordelia fixed her eyes on Y/N, an uncharacteristic anger taking hold. "Y/N, you know the rules. No using magic on your fellow witches," Cordelia said sharply, going to help Nan.
"I didn't—!" Y/N began, and Madison perked up, waiting for the blowout. But Y/N just paused, taking a breath. "I know. My bad. Sorry, Nan."
Now Madison started to feel a little guilty—a feeling she was not well acquainted with. "She's fine," she said, gesturing to Nan, "she fell a few feet, big whoop."
Cordelia gave her a sharp look before returning her gaze to Y/N. "I trust it won't happen again," she said pointedly.
Y/N nodded. "Yep."
Cordelia left with Nan in tow, and Y/N just turned back to the group, eyes fixing on Madison. "You owe me, movie star."
There was no malice in her words—not even in the slightest. She just went back to practicing levitation with the book without a fight. It was Madison who was fuming and resisting the urge to throw Great Expectations against the wall as she watched Y/N carry on as if nothing had happened.
— attempt #4 (the 1 time it worked)
The last plan was half-baked, as Madison only came up with it when the two of them were at a frat party a few blocks away and Madison had already had three shots of vodka. A guy across the room had been eye-fucking her all night—well, he was one of them. Madison expected all eyes on her when she went out, so she carefully selected those she wanted to reciprocate eye contact with. It was only when she noticed this particular guy's friend that an idea formed in her head.
"Come with me," she said, taking Y/N's hand.
"Where are we going?"
"Ever heard of a two-man?"
Y/N shouted something that Madison didn't hear. They were deep in the throes of the party now, connected at the hand to prevent themselves from getting split up. Y/N stayed a few feet behind as Madison went up to the two guys and started talking. She couldn't make out a word of what they were saying, but one of them kept eyeing her while the other couldn't tear his eyes off Madison. Eventually they seemed to come to some kind of agreement and Madison took Y/N's hand again, both of them following the two guys up the stairs.
"Their names are Andy and...something else, I don't know," Madison said as they went up the stairs.
"Where are we going?"
She didn't get an answer. They ended up in a bedroom at the end of the hallway—empty, secluded, and only a little bit quieter than the rest of the house. For a moment, the four of them just stood there, staring each other up and down like sizing them up. Then Madison grinned at Andy. "Well? Are we gonna get this started or what?"
Andy glanced at the other one (Y/N felt horrible that she still didn't know his name) and then looked back at the two girls. "You first."
Y/N frowned, confused, but before she could ask for clarification, Madison rolled her eyes and pulled Y/N in to kiss her hard. It took a good few moments to get over the initial shock of the kiss. Y/N noticed that she tasted like cigarettes and smelled like Dior perfume. Madison's tongue briefly swiped her bottom lip, and then she pulled away, fixing her lipstick and turning back to the boys. "Happy?"
They didn't respond.
Now, by this point, Y/N had taken at least three rounds of shots with Madison, so her reaction time was a bit impaired. Before she could really assess, one of the guys (Not Andy) had his lips on hers and was attempting to unzip her dress, and she realized all at once that she did not want to be in this situation.
Y/N pushed the guy off of her. "What the fuck?"
Andy looked at Madison. "I thought you said she was cool with it."
"She is cool with it," Madison replied, "right, Y/N?"
Y/N looked at her like she was crazy. "No, Madison, I'm not cool with this! Oh my God!"
Without another word, Y/N stormed out of the room, down the stairs, and out onto the street. It wasn't until she was down the front steps of the house that she realized Madison had followed her.
"Y/N, Jesus Christ, slow down," Madison said. Y/N didn't slow down. Madison rolled her eyes. "This was your idea!"
Y/N stopped, whirling around to look at the blonde. "No it wasn't, Madison! It's always your idea! It's always your shit that gets me into trouble! I've tried to be nice about it and let things go, but I'm fucking done, okay? I'm done."
She turned and kept walking, and Madison realized she had finally gotten what she wanting—Y/N was truly and royally pissed.
Y/N didn't talk the entire way back to Robicheaux's. Madison trailed a few feet behind her (partially because her heels were killing her), trying not to let on how worried she really was. The longer she was silent, the more Madison realized she had never really seen Y/N mad before. Nor did she really know how long she was able to stay mad for.
When they got back, Y/N went straight to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Madison stood outside for a moment, wondering if she should ask to talk, but then she heard the shower run. She took that as her cue to leave.
Ten minutes later, Y/N walked back into the room, wrapped in a towel, hair wet. She sat on the edge of her bed for a moment, absentmindedly brushing knots out of her hair. Madison watched her for a moment before getting up and crossing the room. She sat down beside her and Y/N gave no indication that she even registered her presence. She just went on brushing her hair as if no one was there.
Eventually Madison reached out and gently took the hairbrush out of her hands. "Hey, look at me," Madison said softly.
Reluctantly, Y/N looked over at her, her face stoic. Madison took her now empty hand. "I'm sorry, okay?"
"Whatever, Maddie. It's fine—"
"No, it's not," Madison interrupted. "It was stupid. I should've made sure you were fine with it, or whatever. Just...let me make it up to you."
She reached out, moving the wet hair away from Y/N's neck. She leaned in slowly, taking in the smell of her strawberry shampoo and vanilla body wash. Then she pressed a soft kiss to the side of Y/N's neck, right over her pulse point.
Y/N made no objection or attempt to stop her, so Madison trailed kisses up her jaw and cheek. Y/N tilted her head and tried to ignore the pounding in her chest as Madison gently laid her down, placing a knee on either side of Y/N's body.
"Tell me to stop and I will," Madison whispered, but Y/N made no noise, allowing her to continue.
Madison's lips reached hers again, but this kiss was unlike the one at the party. That one had been rushed and performative, trying to stroke whatever fetish Andy and Not Andy were into. That kiss had filled Y/N's stomach with shock and confusion. This one started a fire in her chest, one that sent pinpricks of electricity down to her fingertips. Madison nipped at her top lip and ran her hands through her hair. She was gentler than Y/N expected her to be, but every once in a while she got a little tug on her hair that seemed extremely in-character for Madison.
Y/N and Madison's hands met at the fold of her towel, both of them fighting to untuck it. Soon enough it was discarded on the floor, and with it Madison's shirt. Madison immediately went to work, leaving hickeys on her chest. She came back up and pressed a kiss on Y/N's temple as her hand slowly slid in between her legs.
"Maddie," Y/N breathed, her eyes fluttering in pleasure.
Madison grinned, leaning in to whisper in her ear. "Do you forgive me?"
Madison's lips curled into a smirk. "Good girl."
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hughygjyfjdhyfnhg · 2 months
Okay so this is going to be more like a rant if anything but I’m really really struggling here. I’m a huge stoner okay, like I go through a 2g in about 4 days if I hate my life a lil extra that week😭 like I’m not joking. And I’m also young so there is gunna be damage to my body and stuff but when people said damage I thought like I was gunna be sick, I was gunna have lung cancer, you know like those typa things. But all it really did was give me brain fog, (EXTREMELY SEVERE) memory loss, and it made me not want to eat when I’m sober. My friends at school say I don’t eat anymore, and it’s not that I ate a lot before but when my friends would offer me snacks and stuff I would gladly take it but now I just say I’m not hungry or I don’t want nun because I literally don’t! My friends and i are really close so idc if they make fun of me for being fat, I do it myself too so what’s the difference yk. But my friend waved a piece of chocolate in my face and I said I didn’t want it and she said “you know you do”😭😭 anyway, onto my problem, I get absolutely blown every day and I eat like crazy but that’s making my stomach bloat so muchhh and I just need to find a way to curve the munchiess,, I know I could sleep to avoid them but then I’m js wasting my high so it’s like what do I do??? And before you skinny fucking 5 pound thin as a paper bitches come in here n tell me to “drink water to feel full🥺” YOU MOTHERFUCKERS DONT UNDERSTAND MY STOUMACH IS A LITERAL BLACK HOLE THAT DEVOURS ANYTHING I PUT IN MY MOUTH 😭😭 I can eat 5 big bags of chips and still be hungry like bro wdym u ain’t full yet???
Also no hate to the skinny 5 pound queens you guys are so cute😊
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lokilickedme · 1 year
SMUT SCENE FROM ONE OF MY FICS:  *The door opened just slightly, enough to allow a silvery shaft of light to fall across the floor as she turned to see his shape, that strong outline of his body that always without fail quickened her pulse, and when she found her breath it was barely enough to whisper, Make love to me...*
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an1meslvt · 2 years
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request: girl can we get toxic!shuri who is jealous of a girl throwing it back on the reader in the club and she ends up blaming the reader and they have a argument after
|𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻|
𝘁𝗮𝗴: toxic!shuri x black!fem!reader
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: toxic relationship, stoner!shuri, strap slinger!shuri, a bit of angst, arguing, suggestive themes, fluff at the end 🫶🏾
translations: xhosa: mholweni-hello, ewe-yes, ndiphendule-answer me, ungowam-you are mine, Ndinayo yonke into oyifunayo sithandwa sam-i got everything you need my love, usana-baby
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: y/n and shuri’s relationship ended almost 3 months ago and while y/n is trying her best to move on, shuri refuses to let go.
“girl you sure shuri gon be ok with you coming out tonight?” your friend destiny held your hand as you both walked into the club. “girl i ain’t concerned about her! i’m here to have fun, she’ll be ight.” you waved your friend off with a bit of an attitude causing her to scrunch her face up. “ok not too much…i tryna make sure this bitch ain’t lurking in the bushes or nun, damn.” “girl she might be knowing her.” you said, causing your friend to laugh.
“oouuu, the fine mfs is out tonight! i will most definitely be getting laid.” destiny says. “girlll whatt like i’m finna turn up!” you yell over the loud music. you guys walk over to the bar, sitting down. “hey what can i get you ladies?” the bartender ask. “we’ll both have tequila on the rocks please.” destiny says. just then someone comes over. “mmm tequila, y’all most definitely tryna get fucked up tonight, huh?” you both look up to see three pretty girls looking down at both of you.
“shit, hell yea! my friend right here just got outta this busted ass relationship with a damn psychopath so i’m tryna get her some fun in while she can.” destiny says side eying you. “dess, stopppp! i said ian wanna talk about her tonight!” you whined. the three girls laughed. “we been there done that, mami, no sweat. but get y’all drinks and come with us to the dance floor.” shiddd she ain’t have to tell y’all twice.
now y’all where all drunk, dancing on eachother. it was like a scene out of euphoria. you was grinding on one girl, while another what throwing it back on you. destiny was basically fucking the other girl. to say you felt so stress free was an understatement. this is the most fun you’ve had in a long time.
you ended up taking a uber to your best friend’s house were you spent the night. now it was morning and ofc you had a hangover(but thank god for coffee and tylenol). “girl we had a time last night.” destiny said as she descended down the stairs. “girl i knowww. we definitely gotta do that again.” you laughed, taking a sip of your coffee.
“well i’m glad i can take your mind off of ole girl. you was really stressin’ over it-oop speaking of the devil.” destiny’s previous sentence was cut off by the ringing of your phone, she walked back upstairs to give your phone call some privacy.
you rolled your eyes as you saw who was calling you. “hello?” you said into the phone. “i’ve been calling you all night…where you been?” “shuri, look it’s 8 o’clock in the damn morning…too early for your shit. what do you want?” “i want yo ass home that’s what! why the fuck you not at yo damn apartment, y/n?!” “shuri, who the hell do you think you talkin to? you better lower yo damn voice at my damn apartment. you know them mfs quick to file a complaint over there! and why are you over there any damn way?.”
you could hear shuri scoff into the phone. “i don’t give a damn about all these irrelevant ass mfs over here y/n! i want your ass home in the next 20 minutes or imma do sum shit you not gon like.” the line went dead and you looked at your phone in disbelief. “yo des! i gotta go i’ll be back later.” you didn’t even wait for a response before you hopped in your car and swiftly backed out the driveway.
once you pulled up to your apartment complex, you could see her dora milaje guarding your door. “mholweni, y/n. queen shuri is waiting for you.” spoke okoye. “hi okoye…is it bad.” you said, chewing on your bottom lip anxiously. “ewe, she’s been fuming ever since last night…we’ll be in if things get out of hand.” she handed you back your kimoyo beads that you gave back to shuri when y’all broke up. “press the button right here and it will alert us immediately.” you nodded as they stood back to let you enter. “good luck.” whispered okoye before they walked to go wait in the ship.
you nod and walk in, closing the door behind you. “so you just love to piss me off, huh?” she said, puffing on her freshly lit blunt. you looked at her confused which caused her to chuckle darkly. she walked hurriedly towards you while fidgeting with her kimoyo beads. next thing you know, your back was against the wall and hologram of you and your friend dancing last night was showing.
“you think you fucking slick?! huh, y/n?! you think i don’t got people watching you everywhere you fucking go?! huh?! ndiphendule!” she screamed, pushing you further into a wall. all you could do was cry and try your hardest to push her away. “shuri, please! let me go!” you continued to struggle against her but to no avail.
“why the fuck do you think you can give your body to anyone else but me?! you belong to me! ungowam!” she yelled. you bit her arm which caused her to stumble back and wince. “fuck you, shuri! i’m my own person! i can do what the fuck i want because we’re not together!” you screamed, running to the kitchen.
she followed close behind you. “i don’t even know why i agreed to that shit anyways. you said you needed space and i gave it to you! not go and claim to be single for 3 months! fuck is wrong with you?!” you laughed in disbelief. “mf you walked out on this damn relationship! for some whore who only wanted you for your money, and you seriously tried to say you could be with both of us at the same time! if i said sum shit like that you would fucking kill me!.”
“you damn right i would! and that was a mistake, everyone makes fucking mistakes-” you cut her off. “yea and you made alot of em’ too, shuri! too damn many as far as i’m concerned, i loved you, i gave you everything, every fucking i had to give! and you threw it away like you didn’t give a damn about me or my feelings! so don’t tell me about you making no got damn mistakes!” you yelled.
“you make me mad on fucking purpose! you know you’re mine and can’t nobody else have you! so stop acting like you single cuz you’re not.” shuri gently put her tatted hand around your throat, making you whine. “why you keep playin wit me, mami? you know i’m what’s best for you, right? ndinayo yonke into oyifunayo sithandwa sam.” she whispered before kissing you sweetly. before you could process everything, you found yourself laid back on your couch with shuri between your legs, giving you the greatest pleasure.
and when y’all where done, she held you close to her, peppering kisses along your face. “how’re you feeling, usana?” she cooed. “i’m ok, just a bit sore.” you rasped, your voice half gone from screaming. she smirked which turned into a light chuckle. “i wonder who could’ve did that.” she said playfully, which caused you to roll your eyes.
“whatever shuri.” you waved her off before getting comfortable in the bed. “you know, i’m not tired at all. don’t make me give you round 11.” she laughed at the way your body tensed up. “relax, sthandwa. i’m just playing.” she laughed, causing you to calm down. after a few minutes, there was a loud pounding on your door, followed by yelling. “is that okoye?.” “nah they’re in the ship waiting.” shuri used her kimoyo beads to pull up footage from your ring camera outside.
“oh shit! it’s your fucking neighbor.” while shuri was dying of laughter, you were getting out of bed with an irritated sigh. slipping on a robe, you went down to the front door. “excuse me young lady, i heard a bunch of screaming! is everything alright?” the lady said trying to look in your home. ‘lord jesus, help me.” you thought. safe to say shuri was laughing her ass off. 😭
©️ animeslvt
author: i hope y’all enjoyed this! and to the beautiful soul who requested this, i hope you like it baby! make sure to send request!🫶🏾
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maeleelee · 11 months
ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ ᔕI᙭TEEᑎ
It’s Stoner y/n x Felix Goodie Two Shoes. "There was something off about Felix in her mind. No one was that nice, that good without some sort of motive. But he's everywhere all at once, and she finds herself drawn to him in ways she didn't want. But she wouldn't fall for the cliché. Fuck clichés, they never work out anyway."
⚠️Minors do NOT interact with this au⚠️
warnings: Sex mentioned, markings, name calling(whore, bitch), depression, anxiety, are mentioned, pet names (baby) Fight happens.
Y/n was jumping up and down when she saw Mae was back home. She had the three boys walking beside her. Sans arm around Wooyoung’s shoulder, Yeosang’s arm around her shoulder, and Wooyoung holding her hand. Y/n could tell she was happy, just from the big smile on her face and the way she looked at them. Yeosang leaned down and whispered something in Mae’s ear and Mae laughed at it.
Mae looked forward and her eyes lite up when she saw y/n standing there waving at her. Mae let go of Wooyoung’s hand and ran up to y/n, picking her up and spinning her around. “Did you enjoy your trip?” Y/n asked her.
Mae was in a crop top and high waisted pants, making Y/n notice the bite marks and hickeys Mae wore on her neck and collarbone, making her giggle. “I had a great time.” Mae smiled brightly.
“I see that. Please tell me they have matching marks too.” Y/n laughed as Mae nodded.
“Don’t underestimate me bun bun. I have claws for a reason.” Mae giggled at y/n.
“Ahhhh you’re back!” The two girls turned around and saw Jess running towards them. Mae caught her before they hit the ground. Jess kissed her cheek and held her for a second. "It went nice, yeah?" Mae nodded at Jess. "How'd you end up with all three of the dumb nuts?" Jess laughed as the three were talking to Chan, Changbin, and Caden.
"When the three showed up to take care of Sky and I, I just couldn't help but feel so loved. After all you went home, they built a fort and spent the night watching all the Disney movies a six year old could watch. When Wooyoung asked if I wanted to go to the cabin with them, I couldn't say no. We got there and I realized I also liked the other two. I talked to baby boy about it and he smiled real big and told me he did too. We became a quad like, right after that." Mae smiled at the two girls. "And yes, I have them matching for a reason." She giggled.
Y/n pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek.
"As long as you're happy bunny. I don't care who you're with.
"Fuck. They make me super happy. Mae smiled.
"And apparently horny." Mae punched Jeongin in the shoulder.
"Shut the fuck up." She pouted, making Jeongin laugh. He high-fived y/n and nodded towards Felix.
"She's back." Felix smiled brightly at Mae.
"Thank you for dealing with my bun bun this week.” Mae smiled at Felix, who throw his arm over y/n.
"Anything for you baby.” He smiled down at y/n, who rolled her eyes. "What are we doing today?"
"Mommy and daddy should be here any minute." Y/n told the group. Yeosang threw his arms over Mae shoulders and pulled her into his chest, kissing her cheek. Mae giggled as she leaned back into him.
“There she is. How was vacation?” Cassi asked as she walked up with mommy. Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Mingi following behind them.
“Baby. Pretty. She had a great time. Do you not see her neck? Looks like she got attacked by a pack of wolves.” Hongjoong laughed as he moved Mae’s face to get a better view of the bite mark. “Which one is the leader?” He smirked. Mae punched him in the arm, making him pout at Cassi.
“Deserved. However, I’d like to know the answer.” Cassi giggled.
“Yeah. Tell us.” Kayla smiled.
“Yeosang.” Wooyoung stated, walking over to the two, as he wrapped his arm around Mae’s waist. San standing on the other side of Mae.
“Who left the bite mark?” Mingi smirked.
Mae squeezed Wooyoung’s cheeks together and smiled. “This one doesn’t understand that biting can and will leave marks.” He just shrugged as he tried to smile.
“That tracks.” Chan laughed as he walked up. “On a different note. This is Caden. Caden meet the chaos you’ve been begging to meet.” He smiled brightly and waved at everyone.
“Nice tattoos.” Y/n smiled. He looked down and then back up and smiled at her.
“Thank you.” He replied.
“Ah there you are!!” They heard a girl say. Yeosang pulled away from Mae and walked to the girl. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he picked her up and spun her around. He put her back down and pulled her to the group.
“Everyone. This is Ani, my sister. Ani this is everyone.” Yeosang smiled.
“Oh dear. I hope you’re okay with chaos because you’ve now been thrown into a pot of it.” Jess giggled.
“I had to deal with this one,” she squeezed Yeosang’s cheek, “my whole life. I’ll fit right in.” She giggled.
“Another bottle of sunshine. Great.” Y/n half assed smiled.
“Be nice.” Felix told her. She glared at him and shook her head.
“I am being nice.”
“Please forgive her. She’s built a shell around her soft heart and has yet to break it down. She’s sweet once you get her to open up.” Mae sighed.
“She’s great once you get to know her.” Felix smiled looking at y/n, who wasn’t paying attention to him.
Yeosang had walked back over to Mae and wrapped his arms back around her shoulder.
They stood there and just continued talking, waiting for class to start.
“Well well. The whore decided to grace us with her presence.” Mae groaned as she heard Minho's voice.
“What did you just say?” San asked, glaring at the boy.
“Awh cute. Getting her guard dogs to stand up for her.” Minho laughed. “Funny that she can’t be the independent woman she was when she was with me.”
“Oh I’m still independent. I just don’t have to deal with bill shit anymore.” Mae spat.
“It’s funny. You couldn’t dick her down well enough you had to bring in your two best friends Wooyoung? That’s pathetic. However, not as pathetic as her. Have you told them?” He spat back.
“Told them what?” Mae asked.
“How you’re a depressed, anxious, nervous bundle of emotions. You pop off at the drop of a hat. You can’t ever communicate right and when you’re not an emotional wreck, you’re just a bitch. That you put out for anyone who pays you attention. I know you’ve fucked “mommy and daddy,” he did the air quotes, “before. You’re sad, pathetic really.” He smirked at Mae.
Mae signed. She was over this. Over him. “Minho. What the fuck do you even want?”
“Oh baby. I want my bitch back.” He went to touch Mae’s cheek.
Wooyoung grabbed his hand and glared at him. “Do not touch our girl.”
Cassi had back everyone away. She could see the steam rolling off Kayla. Honestly, they all could. Y/n didn’t really know what to do. She wanted to be there for Mae. Go hold her and never let her go. Kayla had taken Mae in as her friend back in middle school. Mae was older than all of them but that didn’t stop Kayla from stepping up and being the mom of the group. Kayla stood there, waiting.
“Our? Wow. You really did become a whore after you left me. Woo couldn’t get you to come could he?” Minho asked Mae.
“Actually, you were the one who couldn’t make me come. Woo here got me off three times before he actually dicked me down. Added the other two into the mix and I was sent to heaven. I don’t need or want you.” Mae glared.
“That’s fine. I don’t want a whore anyways.” Minho hissed.
As Mae went to say something, Minho was on the ground, Kayla on top of him, throwing punch after punch. His nose was broken for sure and his lip was cut. They was blood everywhere. Kayla only saw red.
“Kayla. Stop.” Mae shouted. Mae looked at Cassi, eyes filled with tears. “Make her stop.” Minho wasn’t fighting back at the moment, and that’s what scared Mae. He was a fighter and when he knew he had a shot, he’d used it. “Get her off.” Mae went to step towards them but Yeosang pulled her back. Chan and San looked at each other and nodded.
They picked Kayla up and handed her to Mingi and Seonghwa. Mae and y/n ran over to Kayla and Mae started making sure she was okay, moving her face. Y/n looked at her knuckles. “Get her home. Take care of her.” Mae told the two boys. They nodded and Mingi picked her up.
“Are you okay?” Y/n asked Mae. Mae looked at her, hate filled her eyes and she walked back over to Minho. He had sat up. She put her foot on his chest and pushed him back on the ground.
“Do all of us a favor and stay away. Leave me alone because next time, I’m not going to make anyone stop. I hate you Lee Minho. I was once in love with you until I realized I was in love with love. I gave my heart away a long time ago and as wrong as you are about me cheating on you, I sometimes wish I never had said yes. I wish you the best Minho, because you’ll need it. I hope one day, you realize how much of a piece of shit you are and turn your life around, until then, go far and stay there.”
Mae stood up and walked off, leaving everyone there, shocked at what she just told the man on the ground. They looked at the three boys and y/n giggled at the look on Wooyoung’s face. “Damn. I had her heart the whole time man. Sucks for you.” He laughed and flipped Minho off and ran after Mae. Yeosang and San falling after the two.
Felix sighed as he saw Seungmin. “What’s the punishment?” Felix asked him.
Seungmin threw his arms around Cassi and Hongjoong. “Honestly. None. About time someone put that cunt waffle in his place. I think you were onto something when you started hanging out with this group.”
Felix smiled at y/n and nodded. “Yeah, me too.”
For the first time, y/n realized she was right. Clique were so dumb but damn was she happy she found hers. She also realized the man smiling at her, made her happy, happier than she had been in a long time. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed Felix’s cheek.
“Thank you.” She whispered to him. “I’ll see you after class. I want to go get some of that pie.” And off she went to class, leaving Felix standing there, with a stupid goofy smile on his pretty face.
“Anything for you bun bun.” He whispered as he watched her walk away.
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angst-king · 3 months
Okay so this is literally me having not a braincell in sight while I ramble about random creepypasta stuff So not many people no this but Ben Drowned has 2 sides to him or well...there's 2 of him (idk how to say it) There's Ben which is the kid who died and all and then there's BEN who's the ghosty bro in the game, BEN is not a kid he's an adult. Another thing people don't talk about is the moon children and the sacrificing stuff. Like I genuinely wish people talked about it more. to be honest I got confused bc when listening to different parts of his story some pieces were missing. And it sucks bc he's my favorite creepypasta
My favorite HC for BEN is that he feels like an over heated computer when flustered and will start to glitch either physically or vocally.
I don't like how some of the old fandom used to make him a stoner but like...to each their own honestly. Fanon is fanon Speaking of which, I do not give a flying fuck about 'oh but the fandom'....bitch I'm here for a good time not a long time let me be a freak in peace! I don't like how the creepypasta fandom is seemly trying to play 'who's got better morals'. I liked when we were all younger and made weird shit about them, yeah sure...there's probably somethings that shouldn't have been made but. Condemning the whole found family trope from creepypasta and going on the "he would never love you he would kill you blah blah blah blah" defeats the entire point in this fandom. People who got into creepypasta in that way were people who needed to feel loved and safe so they projected their want for love ont the characters. Like yeah its probably 'cringy' now but it made you happy or it makes someone happy and its not hurting you, then fuck off. Also Idk if its just me but....if you're into creepypasta....are you also into like gore, and medical stuff? Like do you also have some sort of affinity for knowledge on the human body n shit? Okay if you're into creepypasta what are your 'side interests' cause now I'm curious ^-^
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Sticky Faces (Miles Miller x Reader)
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Summary: It’s a hot night and you and Miles don’t feel like heating up the house, so your only option is to go on a little adventure
Miles let out an exhausted groan, hating the fact that it was the Friday before Memorial Day and that the thermometer outside was already reading close to one hundred. Already, there were reports of wildland fire crews making their way deep into the wooded areas miles away from Lake Tahoe and wealthy out-of-towners from the cities were making their way too and from California and Nevada. 
He stuck a rag full of ice on the back of his neck, shivering as the coolness hit his reddening skin. Miles felt pretty awful, knowing the kitchen staff were probably roasting and Dan was probably chewing out the lazy stoner teenagers for not doing their jobs. 
“Hey!” chuckled a familiar voice. “Hey, wake up! Wake up!” 
Miles lifted his weary head to find his father standing right before him. “Jeez Dad, did you have to wake me up?” Miles mumbled. 
“Hey I didn’t want you falling asleep on the job,” Otis answered him. “Besides, I’ve had a day from hell myself.” 
“Working the pits at the NASCAR track all week in a hundred degree plus weather,” Otis explained. “Stepping on the tarmac made my boots almost melt.”
Miles made a disgusted face as he and his father bitched about their day. When he was finally good to clock out, the rotating desk clerk came to take Miles’s place. What a fucking relief at last.....!!!! Miles thought on his way out. 
Back to the rooms he went, relieved that he had the next two seasons off and to himself. The only thing he hated was that he, his mother, father, you and Benny had to hang around the hotel while you were busy packing the last of your things up to move to the Miller land in Montana. 
The rooms were quiet as could be, the low hum of the fan going while one year old Benny lay asleep under the blue, bronze and white knit blanket that Miles’s mother, Kathy, had made when he was born. He looked adorable as he lay asleep on yours and Miles’s bed, his little fists on either side of his head, sucking away on his pacifier and his little tufts of light blonde hair clinging to his forehead. 
Miles smiled and quickly slipped into your shared bathroom, turning on the cool water in the shower, letting out an obscene groan as the water cooled him down. 
“In the shower (Y/N)!” Miles called out. 
He hurriedly soaped himself up and rinsed off before wrapping a clean, white towel around his waist, stepping out into the hot, humid bathroom to find you rinsing your face in the sink. The bright smile that was on your face when you looked up at him was enough to make Miles blush, his face, his neck and his chest going red at the sight of you in a filmy, lilac colored sundress. 
“Hi handsome,” you purred as you wrapped your arms around each other.
“Well hello Mrs. Miller,” he chuckled as he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. 
You gladly returned the kiss, reveling in the cool warmth of Miles’s body. You rested your head on his broad chest, the soft beat of his heart nearly putting you to sleep before a noise pulled you both from your sleepy state. 
“Here,” you said. “You get yourself in some clean clothes. I think that branch finally broke off the tree and hit the porch.” 
Miles laughed a little and gladly pulled some clean clothes from the dresser, throwing on a pair of khakis and a peach colored button down with short sleeves. A sleepy little coo caught his attention and sure enough, there was little Benny, pushing himself up with his little hands, his face meeting Miles’s own and a little giggle erupting from the one year old.  
“Did you have a good nap?” Miles chuckled, picking him up.
Benny’s little head came to rest on Miles’s shoulder, still sucking away on his pacifier as Miles dug around for a little t-shirt for Benny who had fallen asleep in his denim shorts. 
You came back in, your face reddened from the sun and a thin layer of sweat coating your face and neck. “Stupid branch,” you muttered. 
“Did it hit the porch?” Miles asked.  
“Finally,” you answered. “Can’t get it off but we’ll wait.” 
“Good, because I think little man here is getting hungry,” Miles half laughed. 
You groaned with annoyance. “Miles, it’s too damn hot for this shit.” 
“I was thinking something entirely different.” 
You gave him a puzzled look, wondering what your husband could possibly be cooking up in his brain at a time like this. All the restaurants within a five block radius were either closed or packed full. 
“There’s a little corner store where the summer camps all go for ice cream,” Miles explained. “And I think this little guy is overdue for his first one. Dad’s crabby, Mom’s been treating heatstroke patients all day long.....so why not? Nobody has to heat up the house and cook.” 
And you, yourself, had begun to think that Miles’s brilliant little idea was a brilliant one. 
You gathered up a little bag and a picnic blanket while Miles slipped a little white t-shirt over Benny’s head and put his tiny sandals onto his feet. Once you found Otis and Kathy had returned from working at the hospital, the three of you journeyed right down to the corner store that the summer camps frequented during the season. 
You picked a shady spot under the trees in the grass, spreading out the blanket before you, Miles and his parents all got their pick of what they wanted. You and Miles couldn’t resist the thought of a grape flavored popsicle with huge chunks of blackberries in it, especially for Benny. 
“Well, this beats heating up the house,” Miles remarked after he had stolen a lick of Benny’s popsicle. 
“Better than having to take stuff out of the freezer too,” you laughed. 
You and Miles shared so many laughs that you couldn’t have possibly counted them all. Miles teased Benny by stealing one lick after another of his popsicle, the little one’s hands and face already covered in dark purple smears of juice. Miles’s lips had turned purple from the juice, the two of you laughing as you teased each other, exchanging sticky kisses with one another before Benny began to do the same with the both of you. 
And you couldn’t have asked for a better start to your summer. 
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darkwaveho · 2 years
Parings: Stoner!Wanda Maximoff x reader
Warnings: 18+, cursing, angst, mentions of murder, reckless driving?, hurt-comfort, drug use.
Part 9|  Part 11
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Wanda sat on the ground for the remainder of the time spent in at the drive-in that was until Pietro and Natasha brought her back from her spiraling thoughts for just a moment. just as they were guiding Wanda back to her car the sight of Jean’s smug face sent Wanda into a boil fit of rage. Wanda’s breathing goes static as she sets her destination on Jean. “Woah, Wanda wait-” Natasha tries to reason with Wanda as she gets shrugged off. she didn’t know what was going on, but she knew Wanda wasn’t in the right mind set right now. she follows Wanda’s trail with Pietro right behind them. 
“You delusional, bitter, bitch!” Wanda throws the cup of ice she used for her throbbing face at Jean. Jean gasps from the cold contact hitting her skin. “What’s your problem baby?” she brushes the cold water from her shirt. 
“You know there are other ways to get me out of my clothes.” What normally would’ve turned Wanda on made her stomach churn, she wanted no parts of Jean anymore and even then, she only indulged in her because of boredom and convenience.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Jean pretends to think about Wanda’s rhetorical question. “Nothing at all, silly.” she smiles and hunks her shoulders nonchalantly. Jean steps closer, her hands move on their own accord desperately seeking the touch of Wanda’s skin. it’s been too long since she’s had the pleasure of being Wanda’s muse.
 “Don’t touch me!” Wanda slaps jean’s eager hands away from her. “I’m only going to say this once, stay the hell away from me and stay the hell away from Y/n” Jean clenches her jaw as Wanda lays down the threat and once again chooses you over her. how could Wanda choose you when you couldn’t even accept her? The real her. Jean loved every side of Wanda and still came up the short end of the stick. from not getting claimed, not getting gifts, and not getting exclusivity. 
“Why are you acting like that?” 
“We were never exclusive; you were just a quick fuck! please, get it through your head and move on!” Wanda was tired of talking about this she was tired of explaining this to Jean especially since she’s a bright girl. it’s not Wanda’s fault that Jean caught feelings.
“If I was just a quick fuck then how come you always came back? you never did that to any of the other girls.” 
“Ok, you were a consistent quick fuck.” she hunks her shoulders. “Was that better for you?” Hearing Wanda say those words as if the time they shared meant nothing hit a nerve in Jean, a nerve that Natasha didn’t like the look of. Wanda could ruin people’s lives for sure but so could Jean and she was just as nasty and mean about it as Wanda.
“Alright, that’s enough let’s go, Wanda.” Natasha pulls Wanda away from the area before she ended up with handcuffs on her wrists. Natahsa turns around to Pietro and hands him her keys. “I need you to take my car back to the apartment while I drive Wanda’s car and drop Kate off.” Natasha dangles the keys and snatches them away when Pietro eagerly reaches for them. “Straight there no funny business.” she gives a non-negotiable look knowing he would beg and try persuading her into giving him a chance to drive the car around for a bit. when her nods Natasha dangles the keys once more and doesn’t retract as Pietro reaches for them again. Pietro takes the keys and nods trying to fight the excited smile on his face. Natasha never let him take her sports car for a spin, he was going to take his time going back to Wanda’s apartment.
“I can drive my own damn car, thanks.” Wanda interrupts the conversation hearing Natasha’s plan to have her in the passenger seat of her own car. “Shut up you’re not driving with an attitude like that, especially not with me in the car.” Natasha says as she walks to the driver side of the car.
“Hey!” Natasha turns to the outburst of the brunette. “Sorry, and Kate.” the brunette seemed satisfied with the correction of including her. Kate follows Natasha but opens the door to the passenger side. her motive was quickly shot down as Wanda slaps her hand away from the door handle. “Back seat.” Kate smacks her lips in disapproval. “I was here first.” 
“It’s my car!” Wanda’s head was starting to hurt the more she yelled. “You know what you can walk.” 
“What?” Kate stands there tugging at her sleeves. “Get in the damn car Bishop.” Wanda says exhaustedly as she enters the car. she didn’t have the energy to fight Kate right now, she’s done enough of that for one night.
“I’m calling y/n.” Kate says aloud from the dark back seat of Natasha’s car. “She isn’t answering, I already tried calling and texting her phone.” Wanda replies back as she frantically touches the screen of her phone. “Let me explain-” Wanda snaps her head to the back when she hears Kate speaking on the phone. “Is that y/n? give me the phone.” Wanda holds her hand out eagerly to speak with you.
“What? What happened?” Wanda asks as she sees Kate put her phone back into her lap and releases an exhausted sigh. “That was Yelena, she said to stop calling y/n’s phone before she kicks my teeth out.”  she nervously swallows and avoids eye contact with Wanda from the back seat. 
“This is all your fault!” Wanda turns in her seat to face the brunette in the backseat. if Kate hadn’t cornered her at the party Jean wouldn’t have heard the conversation and recorded everything and none of this would have happened. it’s her fault. in Wanda’s eyes it was her fault.
“My fault? what the hell are you talking about?” 
Before Wanda could say anything Natasha cuts her off. “Both of you shut the hell up, you’re giving me a headache! not to mention you ruined my night this was not how I planned on spending it. baby-sitting you two for whatever you guys did to y/n and Yelena.” Natasha looks from the rear-view mirror to talk to Kate and to the right of her to talk to Wanda, while also keeping her eyes on the road in front of her, she was a great multitasker. “Now keep your damn mouths shut until everyone is dropped off.” The two other women in the car keep their lips sealed, Kate settles for playing with her fingers as she looks out the window at passing cars and building. Wanda keeps her focus on her phone the words she was still typing out on the keyboard.
After dropping Kate off at her apartment Natasha stops at a gas station stalling time and she needed to fill her tank up. she hoped the fresh air would bring some kind of calmness to Wanda. “How long is she going to sit there?” Pietro asks from the other end of the facetime call.
“I don’t know about an hour ago she smashed her phone on the curb when Yn wouldn’t respond back to her lengthy text messages.” Natasha sighs as she pushes herself off the hood of the car. “Now show me my car? I need to know you didn’t go joyriding with some bimbo.” After the fight in the drive-in Natasha gave Pietro her car keys so she could take Kate and Wanda home looking to get as much information as so could and she didn’t want Wanda doing something stupid. Pietro rolls his eyes and shows her the car behind him. “See? perfectly fine, and for the record it wouldn’t be joyriding if you actually gave me the keys to your car.” 
“For the record I don’t care, if I find anything off about my car when I get there to inspect it, I’ll break your legs.” 
 “Why do you always resort to violence? anyway please Keep me updated on her Nat.” Pietro couldn’t do anything to help his sisters pain right now, even if she was the cause of it, he still hated seeing her like this. Come to think of it he hasn’t seen her blow up like that with emotions in a very long time. “I got her Piet, I’m sure she’ll be fine and whatever happened between her, and y/n will work out in the end.” 
“I hope you’re right.” Natasha hums in agreement before saying goodbye and ending the call. she walks back to Wanda’s seated form on the cold ground.  “Wands, are you ready to go home now?” Natasha sits down on the curb next to her patiently waiting. she silently shakes her head and stands from the curb. at this point she wanted to be home and curl into her bed never leaving unless you responded to her. it’s only been a few hours and she can’t stand the feeling of not talking to you after a month of consistency. 
Natasha guides Wanda back to the car and hands her a small bag of ice to put on her jaw. Natasha checks in on Wanda every few minutes. When Wanda’s phone dies, she settles for staring out the window playing with her fingers anxiously. She needed to do something about Jean, this was way over the line. Wanda was honest with her about what she wanted and her intentions she couldn’t understand why Jean felt so entitled and decided to insert herself in Wanda’s first relationship. 
The only answer is jealousy. Jean was jealous of all the things Wanda did for you that she didn’t care to do for anyone else. Things she didn’t care to do for Jean despite them hooking up more than once, Jean felt special, she felt like she was above anyone else on campus hooking up with Wanda because of them hooking up more than once. About 20 minutes of silence in the car until Wanda is talking again.
“I need you to take me to y/n’s dorm.” 
“I need you to take me to see y/n” 
“Wanda that’s not a good-” 
“I don’t fucking care! I can’t have her thinking I did this out of an evil place. I just wanted her to give me a chance, now I’m not going to ask again.” Wanda nibbles on her lip as the exit sign approaches. she didn’t want this to settle overnight so she needed to set things straight now. what if Jean put other things in your head that weren’t true, you’d believe them because she’s been dishonest about a lot of things and doing underhanded stuff behind your back.
Natasha doesn’t say anything as the exit ramp approaches for the path to your dorm hall. she speeds past the exit and Wanda goes angry and anxious with her friend denying her demand. “What the hell you missed the exit!” Wanda leans forward waving her hands in an exaggerated motion.
“I know, I did it on purpose genius!” Wanda reaches for the steering wheel, the car swerves in and out of the lane as passing cars honk their horns and swerve out of the way themselves. “Are you fucking crazy?! do it again I swear to god Yelena won’t be the only one to lay hands on you tonight.” Natasha’s face is stern and unwavering, Wanda could’ve killed them or other people on the road just now. she definitely didn’t need to be around you right now she wasn’t in the right mind set and Natasha wasn’t going to let Wanda make things worse for herself. she also didn’t want Wanda causing you more pain tonight. Wanda huffs and flops back against the passenger seat.  “What part of give her space do you not understand?” 
“You don’t even know what happened stay out of it!” 
“I’m not staying out of anything especially since Yelena’s involved. what happened?” Well, that was part of the reason way she wasn’t going to butt out of this conflict. she really wanted to know what Wanda did for you and her sister to blow up at the same time like that. Plus, things were going good with you two from where Natasha could see, every time you came to the apartment and stayed overnight or when you guys met up around campus. everything seemed fine this was a drastic change, and she didn’t know if things could even be repaired. “So, tell me what happened.” Wanda was preparing herself for an ‘I told you so’ from Natasha because she did indeed tell her to just ease off of you a bit and let things happen on its own, and that you weren’t like other girls. Wanda chose to ignore her advice and got mad when things weren’t going her way. That’s ultimately how she started using Kate as pathway to you. “I’ll tell you later, just not now, please.” Wanda sighs and turns back to the window. Natasha lets the topic go for now and focuses back on the road in front of her letting the car fill with faint music from the radio.
The car ride back to your dorm was silent Yelena wanted answers now, but she was going to wait for you to tell her on your own. you were still fuming not to mention Wanda didn’t get the hint that you didn’t want to speak with her. just seeing her long and lengthy messages about how sorry she is and to let her explain. what more was there to explain she manipulated and bribed your friend for information. information that she could’ve uncovered herself if she wasn’t so entitled and spoiled about things not going her way. When you finally get back to the dorm you still don’t say anything you and Yelena part ways for a few hours. The phone rings and the name that pops up on the screen has Yelena in a conflicted mood, but she decides to answer it anyway. she presses the button and put the phone up to her ear not saying a word. Kate knows she’s probably on the other end of the phone with a glare on her face. “Yelena can you please put y/n on the phone she’s not answering me.” 
“Yeah, and I wouldn’t answer you either after what you did to her. she doesn’t want to talk to you, stop calling her before I kick your teeth out.” Yelena hangs the phone up, even if she didn’t know what happened yet she knew you weren’t going to talk to Kate for a while. she sits the phone on desk and enters your room. Yelena didn’t know what to expect once she made it on the other end of your door, but she definitely wasn’t expecting to see you like this. Yelena pushes herself off of the doorway and stands next to your seated figure on your bed.
“Um okay, y/n can you put the controller down for a sec?” She switches between watching you and the tv screen. the explosion sounds and screams of people sound throughout the room. You angrily mash buttons on the controller as your character runs pedestrians over with her car. “Okay, enough.” Yelena snatches the controller from you and turns the game system off. “Hey!” 
“You need to talk about it, especially since it has to do with Kate.” You look away avoiding eye contact. “What happened? Wanda hurt you obviously, but what does Kate have to do with all of this? Did she cheat on you with Kate?” 
“What? No.” 
“Okay, so what made you fight Katie like that then?” 
“She basically pimped me out to Wanda for her ‘midterm help’ can you believe that?” 
“Wait, you’re saying Kate Bishop, our friend set you up with Wanda in exchange for drugs?” That shocks the hell out Yelena not about Wanda because she knows how she is on a deeper level, which why she didn’t want her pursuing you. but with Kate she couldn’t understand why she would agree to doing such a thing, she understands Kate is a big ball of anxiety and she could be intimidated by Wanda, but she could’ve come to Yelena about it and none of this would be happening right now. you wouldn’t be shedding small tears Yelena’s hand wouldn’t be hurting and everyone would still be at the drive-in right now enjoying the night they planned on having.
“Exactly, and the both of them let this go on for a month without saying anything about it. Wanda didn’t come clean about what she did, and Kate was going to tell me, but she backed out and I had to find all of this out from Jean!” 
“Jean? what the hell does Jean have to do with this?” this whole thing was becoming too complicated for Yelena; it was too drama filled for her. “Oh, you didn’t know? Jean and Wanda have history and she won’t let go of whatever her and Wanda had so she’s basically been sneaking around spying on Wanda. thankfully so, because if she hadn’t, I wouldn’t have known the truth.” 
“I’m sorry” Yelena’s head was starting to hurt from all the venom webs that Wanda created. she would be downing a few shots of vodka after this conversation was over. “I’ll add Jean to the top of my list for people’s ass I need to kick. she’s right at the top with Wanda.”
“I feel stupid, and I feel played.” Yelena brings you closer pulling you into hell her warm embrace. “I knew you dating Wanda was a bad idea, now I have to tell Kate to fuck off when she tries talking to me with her adorable puppy dog eyes.” Yelena tries making light of the conversation with a joke to see just how deep in hot water Kate actually is with you. When she sees that you barely chuckle at the joke, she knows to move on from it your feeling were truly hurt.
“You’re not stupid, the both of them are stupid for even hurting you like this and if Wanda bothers you, I’ll kick her ass properly next time without any interruptions. She dries your tears as you chuckle at her response. “Thanks Lena.” Yelena plasters a wide victorious smile on her face for getting you to laugh, at least she cheered you up a little bit before the night ended, who knows what tomorrow will bring. “No one messes with my Y/n/n.”  She playfully pinch’s your cheek and taps your knee a few times. “Now let’s order some food and kill douchebags on call of duty.” You hum in agreement as she orders the food.
“It will be a while until it gets here so, how about we finally take care of your battle wounds. I’ll even give you one of my hello kitty band-aids.” She smiles and bumps your shoulder. “Oh, wow I get special hello kitty band-aid treatment tonight?” 
“Yes, so enjoy it while it lasts.” She taps your knee and guides you into the bathroom to treat your wounds, if no one had your back you could always count on Yelena.
Wanda promised to explain everything to Natasha once they got home. Natasha wanted Wanda in a comfortable setting to discuss things with the only thing that could really mellow Wanda out besides you. A smoke session. “So, what are you going to do?” Natasha passes the blunt back to Wanda. talking about it got her to stop thinking about what your next move would be. “Beg?” Natasha scoffs as Wanda deeply inhales the smoke and holds it for as long as her steel lungs could. Tonight, was a shit show and wishes she persuaded you to stay in with her instead of going to the drive-in. 
“Do you think you should just let her process what you did? not only what you did but what her best friend did to her as well?” Wanda snaps her head fast to look her friend in the eye for her response. she finally releases the thick smoke and passes the blunt back to Natasha while still eyeing her cautiously. “Oh, don’t give me that look Wands, there was a lot of betrayal going on.” 
“So, what do you suppose I do Natasha? just let Jean win? let my princess drop me because I went about things the wrong way? I just need to make things right.” Natasha knows she won’t fully get through to Wanda especially with the thought of you breaking up with her when you two barely started dating. “Just don’t smother her with apologies” Natasha had a point. saying the same thing over and over again got tired very quickly, Wanda was going to have to win you back with actions. Natasha takes one last hit as she nears the end of the blunt and puts it out in the ashtray, and bumps Wanda’s shoulder. 
“I’m sure she’ll come around and the two of you will be knocking headboards again in no time.” Wanda chuckles as Natasha plasters her signature smirk on her face. the mood doesn’t last long as Wanda returns back to her sadden state. 
“I don’t want to lose her Nat.” Natasha wanted so badly to reassure her friend that she would be forgiven and given a second chance but knowing you and just the seriousness of things she was being too hopeful. Natasha scoots closer to Wanda on the couch. The only thing she could do now to ease Wanda’s mind right now is bring her into a much-needed hug. “Uh Nat, you’re hugging me, Like you’re willingly initiated a hug.” Wanda state the obvious as Natasha rolls her eyes. “Yeah, no shit sherlock, you look like you really needed it, so shut up and hug me back.” Wanda breaks into a soft smile and returns the warm embrace. she really did need a hug even though the person she would rather be hugging and holding right now is you. Would she ever get to hold you in her warm embrace again or did she cross the line of no return?
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littlebowdagger · 2 years
imagine being a stoner and living next to him…pt.ii
cw: drugs (weed), flirty! kiri, pet names (sweetheart, pretty), protective! kiri, less headcanon-y more one shot-y, kissies <3
mdni. all characters are aged up!
⌫ moving into a vip apartment area is one of kirishima’s proudest accomplishments.
⌫ you heard the rumor that a pro hero was moving nearby. of course, you didn’t know who it was. and this was all considered gossip, so you decided to leave it alone.
⌫ you and your bestie who lived below you were out by the pool side sharing a blunt back and forth. just talking about life, theories, the latest gossip; and that’s when the topic of the new pro hero moving in.
⌫ “who do you think it is?” you’d ask as you tapped the blunt against the ashtray and passed it on. bsf/n would raise an eyebrow at you, taking it from you hesitantly.
⌫ “girl, he moved in next door to you like a week ago. where have you been?” she blew out smoke and handed the blunt back to you just when you both heard a door slam from your level. “oh shit, speaking of the devil.”
⌫ kirishima saw the both of you and waved. he cupped his mouth and screamed, “hey! mind if i join you two?”
⌫ bsf/n waved him over and within a minute he was standing over you both, cringing. he hadn’t even noticed the blunt between your fingers, but he definitely smelt it. he peered down at you both, shaking his head.
⌫ “i don’t think pot is legal here, sweetheart.” he pointed down at your hand. you chuckled and sheepishly offered it to him, but he dismissed your offer with the wave of his hand.
⌫ he thought you were the most adorable when you gazed up at him with those pretty doe eyes of yours, all glossy and red and blinking innocently. “you aren’t gonna arrest us, are you?”
⌫ “oh i could sweetheart, i absolutely have that power. but i think i’m gonna let you and your friend go. just. this. time.” even though his voice is stern and sharp his smirk is all playful teasing. he sits down next to you, sticking his feet in the water.
⌫ “oh shit, bitch i gotta go. it’s- you know who.” bsf/n ends up hopping out of the pool and running to a car that pulls up and leaving you with the red head.
⌫ “i’m guessing you guys are close?” kirishima asks. you snort.
⌫ “close? that’s been my sister since- like- ever.” you relight the blunt, and kirishima smirks.
⌫ “mm. i see. both got into *that* together im assuming as well?” the question took you a few minutes to realize he was gesturing to the smoke flowing from your mouth into perfect circles.
⌫ you smirked at him. “so many questions, eh? maybe kiss me and find out.” he chuckled at your flirty wink. to your surprise, kirishima curled his finger in a “come here” motion at you. “oh?”
⌫ “you said i gotta kiss you to find out. i’ll even tell you somethin’ about me, yeah?” his pretty boy grin is what gets you. he’s hot, and his voice is perfectly mixed with man and the nice frat boy from college. you swam in between his legs, hands on his thighs, pretty red eyes praising his existence.
⌫ alright. basically y’all kissed and you told him most of your childhood and he told you about high school and his hot best friend bakugou.
⌫ time skip to tomorrow morning.
⌫ kirishima wakes up early to jog. he absolutely hates it every single morning but he is a pro hero and not only will a morning jog keep him in shape but it will also keep him motivated. in his eyes- if he can get through a morning jog then he can get through whatever bullshit is thrown at him today.
⌫ he doesn’t even smell anything when he walks outside. he does see you walk out of your house kind of in slow motion. he recognizes that pretty stoned face of yours. after all; it took every bone in his body not to take you right there in the pool last night.
⌫ “hey pretty.” “huh- oh shit- fuck- damn. hey kiri.”
⌫ “how- y/n. are you…?” his voice trails off and you’re nervous now. you’re even more nervous when he eyes your keys gripped in your hand. he laughs but it’s that “oh hell no” laugh. “you aren’t thinking about driving like this were you?”
⌫ “like what? oh, no. i’m completely sober. i’m fine. pinkie swear.”
⌫ you almost had him convinced but then you stumbled and had to stand against the wall for a second.
⌫ he immediately ran to your aid and couldn’t help but to laugh at your goofy looking smile.
⌫ “i tell you what, if you go back in your apartment, eat something and drink water, i’ll give you another kiss when i get back. deal?”
⌫ it’s humorous how quickly you perked up and nodded, fumbling with your keys to get back into your kitchen as soon as possible.
⌫ “why can’t i just come with you?”
⌫ “because i’m not trying to carry you while i run. although i should make you run. as punishment.”
⌫ bottom line, kirishima doesn’t care that you smoke. he’s worried that you’ll (a) get arrested or (b) do something stupid while stoned and hurt yourself. that’s why he’s limit you to only the apartments and pool, and even then he’s checking on you.
⌫ he’s just in love and needs to ask you out already 😒.
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