#maybe a little bit because hes matpat
twinktor-frankenstein · 7 months
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I think it was game over for me the second I realised he was named. Cause now instead of having to say the cumbersome "My favourite character is the waiter from the diner scene." I can say
My favourite character is
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yourstrulyrika · 4 months
finished re8, went through a breakdown (im fine now btw no worries its just the damn ending making me lose my mind) and now im watching matpat
and out of nowhere, i got a thought about breath play so uh yeah here we go leon kennedy smut again :3 he’s in my mind 24/7 at this point. btw guys lemme know if you’d like to see other characters because i see the same situation with jill or chris ong— okay im. jill is so. okay just let me know!! i’ll be happy to oblige!!!! reqs are open so remember that :3 they’re open all the time
warnings: none it really is just leon choking you with his biceps
fem! reader btw
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at first, Leon was just a tiiiiiny bit hesitant. like what do you mean you want him to choke you? what if he hurts you? but you hit him with your pretty face and he was like okay i’ll think about it
he loves doggy you know. Leon loves your body— all of it— so he loves all positions, but doggy is one of his favorites because he can spank you and watch your ass jiggle <3 he loves it
you didn’t mention the choking again. maybe he was just uncomfortable with it, you thought. but! when you were at it again, with him banging your brains out, you felt his hand on your neck, testing how you’ll react. when he feels you tightening up around him, he chuckles,
“you like this don’t you? cute.” he says in his breathy tone, that damn voice that makes you lose your mind and feel like you’re on cloud nine. he tilts your head up a little, fingers on your jaw to keep your head up, pulling you into a deep kiss to distract you. in the meantime, he wraps his bicep around your neck when you’re distracted by the kiss, squeezing gently to test the waters.
in that moment, all the hesitation has left his body. he starts liking— no, loving it now. hearing your muffled moan in his mouth is enough to push him to the edge, but not yet. your pussy is clenching around him so fucking good, he’s about to lose his damn mind, he loves it, he loves you. and your pretty pussy too of course.
your nails scratch at his arm, and he’s actually proud of it — the marks — they prove you’re feeling good and he’s there for it, they decorate his skin so prettily, he thinks. your pussy feels like heaven when you’re in this state; you barely holding on, mindless babbles and mewls leaving your mouth.
“so hot, baby. so fucking hot, can’t get enough of you.” and it’s true. Leon can never get enough of you. he’s addicted, drunk on you, so in love, all yours— literally all yours. anything you want, he’ll provide because you’re his everything and dear god he loves being yours. he tries to show it, to show how much he loves you, make you feel how much he loves you because you make his cock go crazy without doing anything.
“god, ‘m close, princess. you gonna take it yeah? be a good girl,” he growls between the thrusts. he starts getting desperate, sloppy— messily hitting his hips against yours and squeezing your neck with his arm. it feels so good — you feel like you’re drowning in him, almost trapped except you don’t want to leave. all you can think about is him and how good he’s fucking you, how well he’s hitting that one spot that makes your tongue stick out of your mouth and drool. at one point you just can’t think properly. but not to worry, you don’t need to think because Leon is doing all the job for you. you just have to lay there prettily and take his cock as it slams your sweet cunt repeatedly!! you don’t need to think — Leon’s got you <3
“she’s sucking me in so well, fuck, so sweet, love you baby,”
you noticed that every time he’s close, he starts babbling everything that comes into his mind. he’s so close, you can feel it, how he’s squeezing your neck, how he’s twitching inside you. he makes sure you cum first though, so he’s holding back. the moment he feels you coming though? he instantly cums deep inside you with a loud whine, feeling you pulse around him. he keeps going through your orgasm until you’re twitching and telling him it’s too much, overstimulation kicking in. he keeps his hand on your neck around you though! he actually came to like it. after a long moment, he pulls out and kisses your forehead,
“you look so damn pretty with my hand on your neck.” he whispers into your head, before taking you to the bathroom.
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lakesouperior · 7 months
🐻🐤🐰🦊 just some thoughts on the fnaf movie
🐻the attention to detail that was put into it, with all it’s little details and easter eggs. the posters in the background, (and i haven’t seen anyone bring this up), the guy who got face-mauled by the cupcake wearing a midnight motorist t-shirt. the spring lock scene. the fact that scariest of all the jumpscares (of which there weren’t a lot but it’s kind of for the younger demographic ig they can’t make it too bad) was freaking balloon boy. the highest kill count going to MVP Carl the Cupcake. this is what i mean when i say movies from established franchises should be made by fans, for fans.
🐤 you can tell they put a lot of thought into the child actors. abby is phenomenal. the five missing children? properly creepy and sad looking.
🐰 characters were all really well written and entertaining. the karen aunt, for all that she is an antagonist and very much hateable, still manages to be funny. even background characters are hilarious, like Doug for example, and don’t even get me started on the friggin matpat cameo i nearly screamed in the movie theater.
🦊 vanessa and mike are naturally each other’s narrative foils (and stand-ins for respectively Michael Afton/Elizabeth Afton (MichaElizabeth if you will) and Charlotte Emily imo), and them saying the same line, the “that’s two jobs��, mike at the beginning, and vanessa at the end, TO THE SAME CHARACTER?? TO THE BIG FUCKIN BAD HIMSELF??? WHO THEY BOTH HAVE DEEP HISTORY WITH???? literally this is good writing. i’m not saying the movie is perfect because it isn’t, but this is good writing.
🐻 and vanessa, as much as she kind of is, doesn’t feel like a coward because her worst fear does come true. her own father, the person who she thought the world of, tries to kill her as soon as she steps out of line. her fear wasn’t unjustified. she spent her entire life under his control — has literally never known anything else, and to still rebel after so long must’ve been the hardest, most terrifying thing in the world but she still did it because she’d grown to care for mike and abby.
and this is what i mean when i quote that one post: “strong female characters ≠ characters who are female and punch good, but strong female characters = well-written female characters” like yeah, vanessa’s an antagonist, or an anti-hero i suppose, but she’s still, once again, likeable and mysterious and funny. and the “bring her here again and i’ll fucking shoot you”?? that was probably her first act of true rebellion, aside from telling mike more than she should’ve about the pizzeria.
🐤 mikes arc is a very obvious “let go of the past and learn to cherish the present” which isn’t exactly revolutionary, but i think it’s done quite well though it could be improved a bit. and as much as you think he is an absolute cabbage head for telling them they could have abby for even a second, but you still, once again, get it.
our man’s running on like two hours of sleep and also meds, finally getting to see his baby brother up-close and even touch his face for the first time in probably more than a decade of blaming himself, and then getting told he could go back and see his parents again, the grief over who he probably hasn’t been able to process since he had to take care of abby when they died (possibly even took his own life in the father’s case if he’s supposed to be a henry stand-in like i think and doesn’t that just make it fifty times worse)
and it’s set up that he wants that perfect family back, the kind that he had during his childhood, that abby never got to experience.
and maybe he feels guilty for that. maybe he thinks, in his sleep-deprived and grief-ridden mind, for only a moment, that she would be better off, since she seems to like the animatronics and their ghost children better than him and he still feels like he doesn’t know how to raise a kid.
🐰 speaking of abby, for once Child Character in the horror movie isn’t just there to do some stupid shit for Plot Reasons (cough, The Curse of La Llorona, cough cough). i mean yes, she does go with them at the climax, but she has been given no reason not to trust them and considering the fact that they are other children, it would honestly be more suspicious if she didn’t trust them (also we’ve been shown she doesn’t really have friends before the end, so they’re also her first and only friends, no wonder she’s clinging to them) plus she’s been left alone with the aunt she does not like, possibly still believing mike is abandoning her. you get it.
she’s also very entertaining in her sassiness. like “are you here to arrest my brother?” or “yeah, love you too bro, kinda don’t wanna die tho, can we leave?” literally i can’t stand kids in general, but especially so in in horror movies, but i would give my life for abby.
🦊and the drawing thing? it’s beautiful and sad and really hammers home the fact that these monsters, however scary they have been made by their brutal and cruel deaths, they were, and are, just children who didn’t deserve to die and communicate the same way children like abby do. it also makes abby herself relevant to the plot and actually useful.
🐻and about abby; i have my own Theory there. we know she wasn’t in the picture during Garrett’s disappearance, which means she’s at least twelve years younger than mike. it’s actually quite common for couples who are going through a rough patch to have kids to try to fix it, which i think is what happened here, made even more possible if they also had her as a sort of replacement for Garrett. this, as i said earlier, makes mike’s indecision all the more understandable — if abby doesn’t just look a lot like Garrett, but was actually supposed to be him and would’ve never existed if not for the tragedy.
but that’s Just A Theory. 🐻🐤🐰🦊
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th3w00ds · 5 months
The Egos as Magnus Archives Fear Avatars
Hello ego enjoyers, I'm once again back on my AU bullshit! Or simply just me rambling on about these character's funky little vibes and assigning them TMA fears they'd probably be avatars of based on nothing but vibes. Possibly their lore, too, if they have it. -Markiplier Egos-
Darkiplier, Avatar of The Dark: This one was an obvious choice! Dark(iplier) shares the same name/nickname as The Dark, and in my opinion it really makes sense with how his character is. My other two options were either The Stranger or The Web, but I decided to go with The Dark.
Wilford, Avatar of The Spiral: I thought that The Spiral fit really well with how Wilford is, considering the Spiral is all about the world not being as it seems and general madness, like how Wilford is.
Host, Avatar of The Eye: The Eye is a perfect fit for Host, because he can see everything going on despite being blind, and seems generally very knowledgable. I also think that The Eye fits with Host because he's a podcast host, and that's very similar to the case logs of The Magnus Archives.
Google, Avatar of The Extinction: This one fit mainly because of his vibes, and his "secondary objective is to destroy mankind" thing. Google just seems like a very Extinction-y android, and given the chance, I feel like he'd gladly serve The Extinction to fulfill his secondary objective.
Yancy, Avatar of The Stranger: Okay, I admit, this one was pretty much entirely based on his vibe. I didn't really think Yancy fit any one of the Fears exactly, so I went with The Stranger as I feel like Yancy sort of has its vibe? Also The Desolation for some reason.
Actor, Avatar of The Web: Even in his lore, Actor is very Web aligned to me. He manipulates, schemes, and is generally just an asshole. Actor orchestrated the entire night of WKM, and I think that's a very The Web thing of him to do. Also control is also very prevalent in his character.
Annus, Avatar of The End: If Unus Annus taught us one thing, it was that everything ends. I think that's all that's needed for Annus's explanation.
(Jacksepticeye, Crankgameplays/Ethan Nestor, MatPat and NateWantsToBattle egos under the cut)
-Jacksepticeye Egos-
Anti, Avatar of The Slaughter: Originally, I was going to do The Web, which I still think fits really well for Anti, but I thought that The Slaughter fit more. This is because Anti is, y'know, very aggressive, and even slit his (C!Jack's?) own throat in his first appearance.
Marvin, Avatar of The Eye: This one was majorly based on vibes, and I felt that Marvin had the most Eye vibes out of the Entities. He knows a lot about magic, too.
Jameson Jackson, Avatar of The Web: I was gonna go with The Eye initially for JJ. However, I thought with his theme in some of his videos of being a puppet connected by strings and being manipulated, I think he'd be an unwilling Avatar of The Web.
Chase Brody, Avatar of The Lonely: Considering in his lore he's divorced his wife and left his child, possibly killed them or somehow lost them... ("I lost the only two people that ever mattered to me") Yeah I think it's safe to say he'd be an Avatar of The Lonely.
Robbie the Zombie, Avatar of The Extinction: Another option for Robbie I had was The End, but with him being a zombie and all, I thought that The Extinction was just a better thematic fit I guess. I also was considering The Corruption.
Jackie, Avatar of The Corruption: This Fear is a little bit of a reach, but I thought that he had the vibes of The Corruption the most out of all the Fears. Jackie in my opinion doesn't really fit with any of them exactly, so I just went with the one I felt like for him. Maybe it's a representation of him getting "corrupted" by his hero work?
Henrik, Avatar of The End: He's a doctor, and has let his patients die before. Henrik is even called the "Doctor of Death." So I think that he's a good fit for being an Avatar of The End.
-Crankgameplays/Ethan Nestor Egos-
Unus, Avatar of The End: Two End Avatars in a row! Again, same logic as Annus being an Avatar of The End. Unus Annus was made to teach us that everything comes to an end, and to cherish the life we have.
Blank, Avatar of The Lonely: I think that The Lonely fits him well, since Blank is the manifestation of Ethan's depression and anxiety. I have a headcanon that he tends to avoid crowds and lots of people like the plague, so The Lonely is a good fit for my version of him too.
Mad Mike, Avatar of The Spiral: He sells drugs in ice cream, and some of those have to have to have some psychedelic affects. I think that he'd be an Avatar of The Spiral largely because of his drug business, and that he's probably somewhat crazy.
-MatPat Egos-
Mad, Avatar of The Desolation: Mad is insane, loves fire, and canonically (if we're calling William Afton in FNAF: The Musical MadPat, which I am) burned himself badly. I think he'd be a poster child of an Avatar of The Desolation. He'd enjoy watching something burn from the outside, knowing that someone's livelihood is being destroyed too.
The Detective, Avatar of The End: My memory of ETN is quite rusty, but I believe he died multiple times and came back once only to permanently die, right? I also get The End vibes from him in general.
The Hermit, Avatar of The Vast: I would've gone with The Lonely because he's trapped alone on an island in the middle of nowhere in the ocean, but because it's in the middle of the ocean, I went with The Vast instead. Hermit just kind of gives The Vast vibes to me.
-NateWantsToBattle Egos-
Natemare, Avatar of The Web: To be honest, I couldn't really decide on a fear for him to be an Avatar of. It was between The Web and The Vast, mainly. For him, I think it's majorly because of him being a siren and being able to control people if he wants to with his voice, and that seems very Web aligned to me.
Phantom, Avatar of The Stranger: Again, I couldn't really decide on one for Phantom. I thought that The Stranger fit his vibe the most, so I went with that. The other option was The Web, but since I already have Natemare as an Avatar of The Web I thought that Phantom should be an Avatar of a different Fear.
Bones, Avatar of The Hunt: This is mainly for my version of him. He's a revenant, constantly in pain and usually very angry. I think he'd like to take it out on others in a Hunt-like way, rather than a Slaughter-like way if that makes sense. His type of violence and killing isn't mindless, it isn't random, it's planned to hurt in as many ways as it can, to cause people the most pain before dying in an attempt to soothe his own pain.
Sharper, Avatar of The Flesh: I thought that he'd be an Avatar of The Flesh since in my interpretation of him/version of him, Sharper is a cyborg. I based that off the scene in the Take Me Anywhere music video where he has an injury with metal and wires and stuff under his skin, then I thought that he would work well as a Flesh Avatar since he might not like that he's (at least partially) still made of flesh and bone instead of fully robot or fully human.
Thank you for reading, everyone! Have a good day/night!
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dumbfilmstudent · 2 years
Watching a 14 year old 8th grader
Things I have been told/asked:
She showed me EVERY Pokémon and made me judge them and then told me I was wrong about every single one
Why Luka is a better boyfriend than Adrien Agreste (thankfully something I could understand)
Made me explain the entire plot of Steven Universe bc she saw one episode but couldn’t find the rest
That she is in love with a Splatoon character
Explained the full Five Nights at Freddie’s Lore (maybe better than MatPat who, by the way, she has no idea who he is)
Asked me about those Urban Legend Horror games like Bloody Mary and the Elevator game and then proceeded to have to sleep with every light on bc she was scared
Told me she doesn’t swear and doesn’t respect people who swear and that she has cut off friends who swear. I have to apologize every time I accidentally curse because of this.
She had me read 14 pokemon ffs on fanfiction.net to make sure there wasn’t any adult content.
In that same vein told me that she had learned how to use ao3 filters (something I had accidentally taught her how to do last time I watched her)
Asked me if I knew what Dokidoki literature club is and made me read 5 of those fanfictions too to make sure there was no adult content (there obviously was. How she ended up in dokidokiliterature is beyond me. She said it was because she is in love with Monika)
Made me read the ao3 ship stats and then asked me about every single fandom/show etc
Quick rundown of what she said when I explained them: Hannibal “remind me never to watch that”, Harry Potter “no one even cares about Harry Potter. Is Dumbledore gay?”, Supernatural “why are ppl shipping brothers” and then I explained destiel and how he got sent to hell and then she got mad at me for saying Hell, 911 “why does 911 have a fandom? People being hurt isn’t funny” I had to pick around a bit but realized she thought that 911 emergency calls were being made into fanfiction, BTS “who even are these people”, My Hero Academia “an anime? I don’t watch it. Is there any Comiket Communicate in the top ten?”, MCR “what’s that” I showed her some music and mvs “why do people like this it’s weird” to which I explained ppl were emo bc I didn’t know how else to explain and she said “my friend is a tall and skinny emo” and then wandered off
Made fun of me for thinking 53 degrees was cold. (We live in California. It is cold)
A dream she had where her friends are baking cookies but her one friend who she calls her little brother climbed into the oven
The fact that her friend group play house and she is the oldest sister
While roleplaying as a family they also roleplay that they can all turn into Eevees (this is not a one time game. They have done this for three years)
Asked me why there are so many fanfictions about BTS because she doesn’t understand how ppl can ship real people
While I was trying to explain it I accidentally mentioned the Dan and Phil real people shipping problem and she proceeded to ask me about who they are. I tried to be vague but she kept asking questions until I explained their whole online career.
Asked me what Doctor Who was and what he was a Doctor in.
Made me watch Friday Night Funkin modded videos for what felt like six hours and then had me watch her play animal crossing.
Told me that boyfriend from Friday night funkin was not good enough for girlfriend and that girlfriend should be with Sky from the Sky Mod (I don’t know what these words mean but I’m sure I agree)
Explained an Eevee YouTube fanfiction series in its entirety.
Wandered back and forth across the living room in front of me listening to music in headphones breathing incredibly loudly making me incredibly overstimulated (she’s got a cold it’s not her fault)
Explained her entire friend groups sexuality, gender and pronouns, mental illness, and the Eevee evolution they are when the rp.
Btw the first time I met her she asked me if I had ever had a fictional crush, I said yes, and she said “I only have girl fictional crushes” which through her mother for a loop she told me later, not bc she’s homophobic (she’s literally a lesbian) but because she had never met me before and was surprised how open she was around me.
Today proceeded to try to explain the nuances of bisexuality vs pansexualty. She has never been on tumblr or twitter but was definitely aware of the arguments.
Asked me what one direction is
Got mad that I named a character in a Pilot for a college film class after a girl who is her friend at a math tutoring place who I of course have never met and then yelled at me until I changed the name. I didn’t but she doesn’t know that.
Told me I need to vacuum my car. I do.
Handed me a warhead and watched me eat it with the most malicious look on her face as though she was tricking me or something.
Cooked all of her meals by herself, gets up and leaves for school on her own, does all her hw immediately, doesn’t swear, let’s the dog out every morning. Literally the most self sufficient child I have ever met (was able to do all of this three years ago when I started watching her) the only reason I’m here is in case of a freak accident or because she freaks herself out at night at can’t sleep.
Then she puts the pot she used to cook pasta on the floor for the dog to lick up…
Asked me what pecan pie is
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MatPat Egos with Sick!Reader
In honor of me being extremely sick right now
The Detective: - Absolutely no working yourself. You’re stuck in bed until he deems you healthy enough to leave - This also means he’s cooking for you most of the time. Specifically soup, because then he can feed it to you like the sweetheart he is 💛 - He also keeps tissues on hand, beside you, specifically, so you can reach for them whenever you need them
MadPat: - Kind of a germaphobe sometimes, but only around people who are sick, because he doesn’t want to get sick too - Buuut… for you, he makes an exception. He’ll keep you on a medicine schedule, depending on what you’re sick with, and bring home pizza from the pizzeria - Maybe stay out of the pizzeria for a while though… can’t have customers getting sick too.
Mack: (Crewmate, head engineer, dictator) - Crewmate Mack is also a sweetheart, very similarly to The Detective. He gets soup from the kitchens (even if he has to pull a couple strings) - He also tries his best to finish all of his tasks as quickly as possible so he can spend as much time with you as he can - Unlike crewmate Mack, the head engineer is a little less… soft. He keeps you from being scheduled for any of the difficult tasks, and even keeps you from having to do any work at all if he can, but that’s about it - When he gets a break from work, he’s with you. He pretends to be displeased with needing to take care of you, but in reality, he loves it, because it makes him feel important - Dictator Mack gets extremely possessive. You’re not allowed to leave his side even once, no exceptions - He’s getting the colony’s best doctors to check on you, even if you assure him that you’re okay. He just doesn’t want to take any risks - When it is proven you are, in fact, fine, and just sick, he’s very, very firm about getting you back to health as soon as possible. Meaning he’s strict about you taking the medicine the doctors recommend for you
The Hermit: - He’s not familiar with illness. Living on the island has increased his immune system drastically, so he’s basically immune to being sick - At first he’s convinced you ate something poisonous on the island, but when you explain to him you’re just sick and it’s not poison, he’s a little bit calmer - He’s determined to keep you inside, though. So you’re basically stuck in bed-rest for a while
WarfPat: - He’s honestly the most cool with it. If you’re not like… throwing up sick or anything really serious, he won’t really treat you any differently - Though, one thing that is different, he won’t let you on his talk show until you’re feeling better. Just in case - If he’s feeling really nice, he might get you a small gift to help you feel better, like flowers or a box of chocolates. But if you ask about it, he will deny it until the end of time
DarkPat: - He’s never been sick— he can’t get sick— so he doesn’t exactly understand what you’re going through - He does, however, see that you’re struggling. - He hates when you’re sick. He gets temperamental around everyone but you because he is stressed. You’re hurting, and there’s nothing he can do to help you - He brings you your favorite food and watches your favorite show (even if he thinks it’s just a little bit stupid)
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chibishortdeath · 7 months
So I saw the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie and I’ve been thinking about it and game to movie/tv adaptations in general, so I guess a review and some general thoughts on it d(^^ ).
I liked the movie, it was fun. The creature shop did really well on the animatronics, and there were quite a few scenes that had me pretty shocked in a good way. Vanessa’s inclusion was actually kinda cool the way they did it and surprisingly I did end up liking the little sister character they added in. William Afton was the best part of the movie and I’m glad he was even though I kinda knew he would be lol. The spring lock scene was a bit toned down, but still cool as hell and I honestly didn’t expect them to put it in at all. The Matpat cameo and the Living Tombstone at the end were fucking wild and hella deserved tbh.
There were some things I’m still meh about though:
I didn’t like how Mike wasn’t really bothered by the animatronics very much at all. They were barely a threat to him. The scenes of the vandals getting attacked was pretty cool, but Mike, the night guard himself, is just kinda protected through the plot armor of his little sister and I guess sleeping on the job??? Sure he did get attacked by the ghosts of the children during a dream, BUT it’s kinda a major plot point that the possessed animatronics are slowly closing in on the night guard office and you have to keep them away, soooo yeahhhh. Like aw man where’s my scene of the night guard closing the doors and having to anxiously watch the cameras? Especially with the added horror that there’s his little sister there and he thinks they’ll hurt her! Those are some high stakes they could’ve had! And the scenes of the sister being friendly with the animatronics could’ve been way cooler if they had scenes of the animatronics being aggressive towards Mike to balance them. Where’s all the my paranoia the game centered around? The suspense, dread, panic? I just didn’t get those vibes from the movie very much, which is sad.
Some of the changes to Mike’s story were strange choices imo. Most fans will know that “Mike Schmidt” is like a pseudonym for Michael Afton, William Afton’s oldest son who is kinda trying to figure out the murder cases and shut all this down, I cannot explain the whole fnaf lore in one bullet point 💀 but it’s important. In the movie, it really kinda seems like they made Mike his own character with his own family and his own sad dead brother backstory. Which is weird to me, because I feel like the whole dreaming plot could’ve worked really well with Michael considering the events of FNAF 4. That game implies that some of the events are at least coma dream related with the IV bags that show up in the kid’s room and mini games, so it would’ve made sense that this ghost kid brother would be communicating through dreams. They could’ve had Michael keep trying to change those events and then remember towards the end that what really happened that day was he had accidentally killed his brother at this establishment and that’s why he had blocked the place and that yellow rabbit, ya know? This would’ve also been interesting considering that little sister character they added and how he’d then feel like he shouldn’t be the one to take care of her after he figures out what happened only to get that redemption later. Idk I just feel like the plot lines they were going for would’ve been cooler if they had maybe not outright said that he was Michael Afton yet, but implied it or kept the whole crying child backstory. They could still be setting this up for twist in a sequel though since Willam kinda stutters on his last name when they meet and they have this whole child custody plot going on, maybe they’ll make that foreshadowing for later when it’s revealed that Willam was divorced or something and that’s why Mike doesn’t know that’s his dad, but yeah idk.
I feel like it was generally watered down. I get that it was made with the idea that kids would be the main audience in mind, but I think a lot of the actual horror gets lost. I almost wanna see this series get an R rated movie someday in the future just to see a different take on it, especially the first game since the vibes and general horror are really at there best in the earlier games. They’re not the scariest games ever made or anything, but playing the first one again recently it still holds up tbh, especially in atmosphere.
No Phone Guy :’(. Not even playing on the tapes. Like they should’ve just kicked the whole nature sounds things and had Phone Guy play instead. One of my favorite characters in the series and they didn’t put him in alas (;_;).
There are things I’d change about it for sure, but I enjoyed it for what it was. It’s pretty damn cool getting to see a movie based on an indie game series like this, and what’s more one that seems to actually respect it.
Perfect? Not hardly. Pretty good? Yeah :). 7/10
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partnersatfazbear · 7 months
FNAF Movie - Full Review / SPOILERS
Alright, my full review after seeing the film once in theatres, under the cut:
Let me preface by saying a few things. I've been a fan of the series since Sister Location and if you follow my blog, you know my main interests would be William and Henry going into the film. Let me say: Henry was not in the film. :( In fact, nothing of Fredbear's was even referenced. Yeah, we expected too much... You may also know how bleh I am towards Vanessa as a character, especially after her botched introduction in Security Breach. That doesn't change here. I went in expecting to hate her inclusion and as expected she adds nothing to the film. But let me start from the beginning..
The first ten minutes is so good. The opening feels like a horror movie and sets the tone really well. Characters, although many, are introduced fairly quickly, including a very stereotypical / evil Aunt Jen (Aunt Jane). Given her actress, I should have expected that... Luckily, she has such a minor role in the movie that it doesn't detract. In short, she wants custody of Abby and wants it now.
Michael was the shining star of this movie. Without his character being everything I'd ever want from a character, I would probably rate this movie way lower. He's a little brooding, he's fucking trying his damndest to raise Abby on his own, and the movie opens with him having major anger problems. PTSD does that to you, though.
Shortly after Michael beats up some guy walking off with his kid, we get to a meeting with his career counselor, Afton (under a different name I don't recall--it's shown a lot in the trailers). But before I say that, I wanna discuss where I thought the film was going... If you played the games you know William is Michael's father. That is NOT the case here, very very very much to my disappointment. When we see an angry father drag off a kid and Mike get upset about it, I thought perhaps it would allude to Michael's troubled childhood. Nope. He's got different problems, which aren't really bad, but I really wish they had kept that familial connection given the scene following with Mike and ("Not")Afton. William recognizes Mike's name, which at this point it's unclear why. If a fan goes into this, they already know William was going to say Schmidt--Michael's alias in the games. My thought here was maybe William abandoned his family and recognized Mike, but Mike didn't recognize him. Again, more on that later. Anyway, "Not"Afton invites Mike to a job at FNAF as a security guard, which due to the night shifts, Michael can't take yet.
But Aunt Jane is back trying to get custody (god, this trope is so badly used here, but it serves it's purpose) and so Mike HAS to take the job before he's evicted from his home and loses Abby. Abby also has some problems of her own. She wasn't around during Mike's life-changing incident, but she is his sister. Due to their parents splitting/dying/whatever I don't even remember it's so unimportant, Abby also isn't told about said incident. She draws a lot, too. (I loved being able to see a bit of my version of Charlotte in her, so that was nice!)
Note: Mike's Dream Theory book is not only plot relevant but a funny nod to the infamous FNAF 4 Dream Theory. Also, MatPat shows up as a waiter very briefly.
Mike takes his first shift, leaving Abby with a babysitter. I know her actress' face, but her character is like a slew of others about to be introduced as 90's slasher fodder. Mike's first night is mostly uneventful, but he takes his sleeping pills and puts on Sounds of the Trailer Park Nature tape and gets a nap in where he recalls a camping trip with his family (unnamed mother, father, and little brother Garret). Garret is quickly kidnapped in a car--and because it's so different from how Charlotte's death is portrayed in FNAF 2, I actually didn't put it together until the 2nd or 3rd short dream sequence. I can see some people not liking these sequences, but for me it made it feel more like it's own movie, it's own thing--it felt like an original horror film and I loved these sequences a lot. They don't overstay their welcome, either.
Now the film kinda goes downhill. Aunt Jane actively PLOTS to get MIke fired to win custody of Abby. It feels very cheesy and it's... kind of bad writing. It serves it's purpose as her character does, but it's a really low point for me. We see she's hired the Babysitter and Unnamed Man A to go trash Freddy's when Mike isn't there in hopes to get him fired. There are two other people as well. Unnamed Person B and Hank (or, Uncle Hank as he was called in casting). And no Hank is NOT Henry--he's just an adorable buff bear that screams like a girl and he's excellent for the short time he appears.
Proceed with them trashing Freddy's and having a nice, quick sequence of them all being picked off by the animatronics. There's good nods here, especially Chica in the kitchen. Chica is a bad ass bitch in this movie and I really enjoyed how everyone (except Freddy) had a pretty solid personality. Foxy even gets a bit of a run sequence, but this may have been later in the film...
Vanessa was introduced somewhere between all this, I don't remember. Everytime she's on screen she's like a paper doll (no complaints to her actress, she was great), but she's... Generic Cop Y. She chunks a few "Don't investigate, Mike"s and "This place's backstory, Mike!"s and that's her character for 99% of the film. Hate it, hated her inclusion from the start, and she TRIES to be romantic with Mike but luckily the movie's plot cuts her off really quick. There isn't a kiss scene or anything like that, but there's a scene where she wants to dance with him and another heart-to-heart that gets cut off by her police radio and both were so dull and boring I will not recap them as her character only serves to infodump to the audience (and Mike) and it's bland and I hate it.
Mike returns to the Pizzeria with his sister since the animatronics killed the babysitter, and she wanders off and makes friends with the animatronics. During this time, Mike starts seeing a group of five children in his dreams that shouldn't be there. We all know who they are and after an 80's style montage of Mike, Vanessa (again...), and Abby building a fort with the animatromos, we learn Vanessa knows who they are.
My wife and I both thought Vanessa would be like... Suzie's sister. You know, something kinda fun and different and help her relate to Michael more and have a stake in the movie. Nah, nah fam. Scott's bad writing shows badly with Vanessa and it gets worse.
I am skipping some stuff, but namely you should know that Mike almost leaves Abby with Aunt Jane forever after Vanessa threatens to literally shoot him if he brings her back after Abby almost dies activating Bonnie's guitar. It seems kinda odd, since Vanessa was encouraging Abby to play with them, but it's supposed to.
Mike goes back for another shift to investigate further with the dream children and knowing that Abby has been seeing the ghost children and talking to them. The children promise to show Mike who kidnapped Garret (again, you should've figured it out) if they offer up Abby. He agrees at first, but then he wakes up and is nearly killed by all the animatronics. I really miss the bit from the games where they wanna kill Mike because he looks like his father, not because Mike broke an arbitrary promise and the animatronic kids are evil (similar to the novels... There's a lot of novel influence here, and this INCLUDES a Golden Freddy kid who is basically FF's Andrew / TOYSKHK from UCN).
Vanessa rescues Mike off-screen and Mike returns to Freddy's with a taser after learning she's Afton's daughter. Yeah. Remember that old deleted / AR email "Vanessa A."? The movie tries to get you to think it's clever by naming her Shelley or something, but no, A COP is the daughter of a SERIAL KILLER. Not like game Afton, either, where he started killing with Charlotte. No, he killed Garret too. Why? Who fucking cares, the movie isn't gonna tell you because... why bother. Also I don't remember when it happens but Vanessa also explains the springlock suits when they find one in the storage of Freddy's that looks a lot like Eleanor / Baby. The springlocks themselves aren't as much like the novels / comics and more like a robotic ribcage that slams shut (think Saw 3's Angel Trap but in reverse).
Speaking of, in the intro to the movie we see a device that's basically a Freddy head with blades inside it where the user is strapped to a chair to have their face sawed off (as is the fate of Security Guard A). Never explained. Only shown again with Mike very late in the film and he escapes rather easily... I DON'T KNOW what the point of this Saw trap is except to provide trailer fodder! I wanted to believe it was the SCUPER, but guess fucking not. You could remove this from the film with literally NO CONSEQUENCES.
Abby finally stops throwing a fit and wakes up to meet Golden Freddy and a dead Aunt Jane (so much for her, I guess). This taxi just fucking ubers her and GF to Fredbear's. I guess the driver thought he was a creepy cosplayer, but the entire segment is played for laughs (which is fine, I guess) but also makes no sense. it's an excuse to get Abby to Freddy's and show off GF. Who, by the way, disappears as quickly as he appeared in the movie, which is kind of shitty considering how important he's played up in some of the original screenshots we saw.
Mike goes to save Abby at Freddy's, electrocuting a bunch of the animatronics with the tazer Vanessa gave him after saving him off screen and taking him back to the police station and info dumping. If she hadn't said that was where Mike was I would've thought it was still Freddy's TBH. Oh, Vanessa? She's not gonna help because she's "scared of her daddy" -.- Just fucking kill me Vanessa it's better than sitting through your shitty character.
Abby is nearly put into the Saw trap by Chica, but Mike saves her. However... THE BEST PART OF THE FILM IS HERE GENTLEMEN. Spring Bonnie finally makes his appearance.
William/Bonnie can somehow magically control the animatronics (it's not explained) and so they all start attacking again. Which is it? Mad at Mike? Want Abby for their kiddy carnival? Or William wants them to kill to build his found-family of child labor force? I DON'T KNOW, IT'S NOT EXPLAINED.
Spring Bonnie's intro is fucking glorious, but it is disappointing we didn't get to hear him hum the Toreador March. In fact, it isn't in the film anywhere that I recall.
Tangent for a second because the march song, the power down noise (despite the power going out 3 times during the film), and the Freddy bonk are ALL ABSENT. Key elements fans wanted to see... not here.
Vanessa tries to shoot daddeh but Spring Bonnie's bulletproof~ Fuck you, it's FNAF, I guess. (It's a bad ass scene though. And Lillard's Afton is everything I wanted. Just creepy enough to not be a Criminal Minds villain but just twitchy enough to be how I imagined William). In a tussle, Wiliam tries to strangle Vanessa (I audibly cheered for him--kill the bitch, Will) and he stabs her shortly after when he brandishes the knife on Mike. Thank God.
Abby shows the animatronics her drawing with Mike's instruction, revealing and reminding them that Afton / Spring Bonnie killed them. They all descent on him and when Cupcake takes a very familiar bite out of Spring Bonnie (see: Springtrap), the springlocks start going off. The animatronics cart off William to the back. Admittedly, I was a bit disappointed it wasn't MORE dramatic, but I think that it would have upped the rating... so I'll let it slide. Mike and Abby leave with Vanessa's "corpse".
Vanessa is in a coma at the hospital. Fuck this movie.
Mike and Abby are happy, although Abby misses her friends. Mike has learned to look forward instead of back, giving him a decent character arc. I think if Garret's killer had been random it would have been better... except my theory for FNAF 2 is that Garret may end up being our Puppet! I really hope that's the case!
There's a final scene of William in his FNAF 3 glory, twitching as Spring Bonnie and reaching out for the door closing on him, in a very "Hello, Zepp" theme kinda way. I LIVED FOR THIS IT WAS EXACTLY HOW YOU'D WANT IT AS A WILLIAM FAN. Andrew/TOYSKHK/GF ghost closes the door on him, showing that at minimum he hasn't moved on, although I suspect the others haven't either.
Only cut in to the credits is that taxi driver again. No post-credits scene of Springtrap. EVERYONE in my theatre stayed the entire time (Living Tombstone song was great) but we all left a little sad about that. It was one of many odd decisions plaguing this movie, but not entirely out of the realm of possibility if you have any experience with Scott's writing. So... I went in expecting the worst, wishing for some things we didn't get to see (FREDBEARS), BUT I left loving this movie. As my wife said if we had a No-Vanessa-Cut I'd give this movie a perfect 10/10 despite the odd writing choices. She's about 45% of those choices.
I hope they leave her for dead so we can watch a PERFECT movie for Part 2.
In conclusion, A-. Good acting, score, effects. Dialogue didn't come off wierd and there's a ton of fun references for fans. A mostly good story with some weird inclusions that slow down the pacing at times. Lack of post-credits scene was disappointing to all and lack of Fredbear's disappointing to all Willry shippers. Also, casuals may be annoyed at how little screentime William gets overall. Fans of the animatronics will die over this film--they shine with Henson's work behind them. Bonnie has toebeans. I love them. Spring Bonnie is a hulking behemoth and I wish he was shown more. Just go see the fucking movie, even if you aren't a fan of the games. It's a fun little romp.
EXTRA NOTES (rewatched on streaming):
I wonder if the Saw trap thing will get explained in a future installment. A big thing now having seen the film is how to set up part 2. If it's a prequel, Mike won't make sense. If it's a sequel, it changes the lore slightly.
I was VERY confused on WHEN the movie took place on my first watch. There's a very minor establishing shot that reads 4/6/2000. Unsure if this date is / will be important. Luckily the use of VHS and flip phones does help give a timeframe as well. (Saw crossover, anyone?)
I really wish the ghost kids in the real world (namely, at the end in the Pizzeria and in the final shot of William) were transluscent. IDK if this was a stylistic or budget choice. It doesn't bother me in the dream sequences but it's a touch I wish was added for viewer clarity (a problem this movie and Scott's writing in general has)
I didn't get to rant about Spring Bonnie enough lol But one thing that really does show his power is how he tosses Mike around like a footballer and stomps like he owns the place. The other animatronics are very stilted and slow in comparison, showing the difference well between an animatronic and a springlock suit. I also LOVE how accurate the suit is to the few models we've seen of Spring Bonnie. It's bulky to hold a human, but it's also bulky to show William's power and ego. I can't remember if I mentioned before when he first shows up and has to adjust his stance to stand up straight--it's a very powerful and evoking moment! (Probably helps that Lillard is very tall to begin with...)
A small thing about streaming VS theatre: way easier to see details in the theatre. I highly recommend you experience this film on a big screen or a very large TV (our 50" is not enough). Also, alot of the backgrounds in the film are purposely blurred, which is kinda weird? But little things like the details on the chalkboard, the map in Not!Afton's office... you'll kind of miss that on home viewings.
I didn't say this enough but the lack of Fredbear's really sucks in the long run of letting this movie soak in. There is literally no mention of Henry, Fredbear, or the diner. Vanessa's photo is at the diner in question where the film takes place. I feel like it's a very personal decision on Scott's part to completely ignore Fredbear's (I even partially suspect because of blogs like mine with a specific ship in mind, but I won't read a lot into that as I have an anxiety disorder) But to completely disregard a big chunk of the lore that fans are really dying for feels a little like a slap on the wrist for spilling juice on a new carpet. Like, come on, Scott. This kinda sucks. It doesn't diminish my love for the film (or this continuity) but as a fan it really hurts. I don't think clarifying Fredbear's in any way, given us more insight to Henry or William, would harm everything, but it is what it is.
A minor detail I noted early on in my theatre watch was how all the Yellow Rabbit drawings are pretty centralized on the wall of drawings in the restaraunt. Not only does it draws the viewer's eye (especially an unsuspecting viewer's) but it adds to William's narcissism / ego as a character. If you look at it in that light, the scene with Abby ripping down the drawing is way more impactful!!
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royalgamerwritez · 5 months
Matpat smut please 😭😭😭😭😭 fem!reader
Title: ~Late Night~
{this is gonna suck, sorry I was gone so long}
S/N/N = Sexy nick name H/L= Hair Length
Warnings: B-Job  MatPat x Fem!Reader/Y/n 
Y/n was sitting in bed with Her panties on with one of Her over sized shirts on, watching random YouTube videos, She could hear Mat in the other room screaming as He was playing Horror Games again, She laughed softly to Herself before turning off the Tv and laying down in bed and pulling the covers over Her, still hearing Mat in the other room screaming from jump-scares, She didn't get much sleep so She got up out of bed and She went into Mat's recording room, She knew He wasn't recording just having some fun gaming, She smiled a little and She walked over to Mat. "Hey Baby." She chuckled and Mat looked at Her before saying. "Hey, what are you doing up so late?" He said as He turned His attention back to the game. "I couldn't sleep, because I'm hearing screaming." Y/n teased as She walked behind Mat and She slowly leaned over Him, softly placing Her hands on His shoulders, Mat chuckled softly and He leaned back a little, still having His attention on the game. "I'm Sorry, Sweetheart, I just get scared too easily." He said sarcastically and Y/n smiled before leaning down near Mat's neck and kissing it softly, Mat sighed and He chuckled. "What ya doing, Sweetheart?" Mat said, as He tried not to laugh, Y/n didn't answer and She began slowly sucking on His neck which made a soft moan escape Mat's lips, Y/n then slowly slid Her hands down Mat's chest and She kissed His neck a little more which made Mat moan more. Y/n smiled against Mat's skin, before She took the controller out of Mat's hands and She put it away before turning Mat's chair around. "Babe, what are you doing?" Mat laughed as He shifted a little in His seat. "Just relax." Y/n said as She got down on Her knees in front of Mat, Mat leaned back finally getting the point of what Y/n was doing. "Oh you wanna play that game?" Mat said with a slightly flirty tone, Y/n bit Her lip slightly and She reached out and She unzipped Mat's pants, Mat ran His fingers through Y/n's {H/L} before gripping it a little, Y/n gasped softly before softly rubbing His member through His boxers. A low growl/moan came from Mat as He gripped Y/n's hair tighter. "You started this, S/N/N, now you gotta finish it." Mat said as He pulled out His member and Y/n took it in Her hands before running Her hands up and down it, making Mat lean back and moan softly, Y/n then slowly started licking and kissing His member while still stroking the lower half. "Oh fuck..." Mat whispered as He gripped the arm rests. Y/n chuckled softly as Mat's reaction and She started to suck Mat off. Mat gasped softly and He arched His back, as He felt Himself getting harder and harder. "Ah, fuck Y/n. I'm so close." Mat moaned out and Y/n deep throated Mat before softly massaging Mat's balls. Mat moaned loudly as He buckled His hips and released His load into Y/n's mouth, Y/n moaned softly and She gripped Mat's legs. Mat sighed out and He leaned back looking up at the ceiling. Y/n got up Her feet and She grabbed Mat's face and She kissed Him before saying softly. "Maybe now you'll be quieter." She teased before She walked out of the room, leaving Mat sitting there chuckling softly. ~I am so sorry if this sucks. I tried~
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I'm shaking. sobbing. eating wet cement.
man I love fnaf crossovers!
been thinking that'd be very funny if people in twst became, like, lore obsessed gremlins (much like it happened to an entire part of the internet a couple years ago) and they started getting into it, not just surface level, I'm talking matpat level of brainrot. and it's like, one of the funniest things about fnaf is that you enter this fandom and start getting into it, it's a but fun, it's a bit silly. but when you get really deep in, you start getting to the real things. the mourning of what should have been, the sadness for a lost family, the destruction of the innocence of children. you know. the deep end.
Holy shit you put what I was thinking when I thought of this crossover into better words than I could ever.
I love the idea of the MC being another Afton and trying to tell the tragedy of their family and everyone else involved as a video game in this completely different world where would be little to no (legal) consequences because of the possibilities for both angst as the cast of TWST maybe realize the silly little horror game series their friend made was in fact stuff they lived through and actually experienced and also the hilarity of these series of games being so utterly ridiculous to them because they HAVE ghosts in the TWST world, ghosts would never act with that much murderous intent (well, minus Eliza but even then she just wanted to marry her dream guy even if a side effect of said marriage was death). Not to mention the commentary on corporations and how little they value their lowest workers in the games.
But yeah Idia Shroud is MatPat confirmed (Ortho is worried about his sanity but glad he’s going outside, even if it’s only to ask MC why the hell the robot soup is using a man as a skinsuit).
Anywho, feel free to talk to me about this AU anytime! I love hearing people’s thoughts about it : D
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japhan2024 · 6 months
Roll with me here
say no more Anon, I GOT you!!!
genre: angst, smut words: 1.327
Your Anthony
It was around Christmas in 2018. And Ian Hecox was not okay.
He sat on his couch, huddled up under a couple of blankets, empty packages of Ben and Jerry's on the ground next to him. He was clutching a bottle of vodka and casting YouTube to his tv.
"This is my weekend!" He thought, trying to justify his behavior to himself.
But all content on YouTube was shit. Maybe he should go back and watch war documentaries in stead. He clicked through a couple of particularly cringy cooking video's with YouTubers who had never even seen a single calory before but somehow pretended to love sweets. Pathetic! He clicked on.
Then he saw a Dan and Phil video. It was titled 'Phil is not on fire 10.
"Wow, they're still going strong at least," Ian thought. He had met them a couple of times, they were nice people. Very reserved though, and somehow mysterious. That was probably their appeal.
"I hope I don't get spontaneous epilepsy from this.."
The video was edited in a frantic, ecclictic way, but it was done very well. Dan and Phil weren't trying to appeal to anyone. They were really just weird like that. They'd drawn whiskers on their faces with sharpies and did random shit on Phil's bed. Somehow, Ian wanted to keep on watching.
"I'm like, hey, you just caught me in the Apple store..."
Dan and phil had just ironically ironed their hair straight and reminisced about their early years. Ian couldn't help but be reminded of those same years, and even earlier than that, when he and Anth.. Anthony, had been so happy together.
"Well, shit." Ian cried. He took another swing of his bottle for good measure.
A coupe of hours later he had watched all Dan and Phil's 'pinof''s and was now on their 'day in the lives'. He definitely noticed the visual similarities between Anthony and Dan, for instance that they were both incredibly pretty. Ian paused the video on a still of Dan. Dan was staring at Phil. Ian looked at Dan's face, his features were delicate. Maybe Anthony was a bit more boyish, and Dan a bit more feminine. Dan's eyes were a bit darker brown as well.
"I can see why Phil keeps him close," Ian thought.
His drunk thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of his phone. It was MatPat.
"Yo, Ian-meister! Are you up for a party with fellow mediocre white male youtubers? JUST KIDDING but accurate still. It's me, Jack, Ryan and Connor. Oh and Dan and Phil are here too, isn't that weird and fun?! COME ON IAN GET YOUR WHITE ASS OVER HERE!"
Ian smiled at the text. Matt knew he was going through it at the moment, and he appreciated how he was trying to cheer him up.
"Well, why the hell not actually." Ian got up, and immediately sat back down. He was too drunk for this. But he called an Uber and somehow made it to the party.
It was a typical YouTuber house on the hills. Everyone was incredibly nice and Ian started to sober up a little, until they served him more liquor. But most people there were on something so nobody judged.
"Hey, Ian from Smosh," Dan joked.
"Hey, Dan from Dan and Phil," Ian joked back.
"How are you?" Dan was the only one at the party who looked concerned for him.
"I mean.. I've been better," Ian laughed. "But I can't complain, really. We're pulling through, and I'm surrounded by incredible talent."
"I'm glad, man." Dan laid his hand on Ian's shoulder. Wow, he was incredibly tall.
"Why are you in the states, though?"
"We are having a reunion with all the tour crew from this year," Phil chimed in.
"Oh, how nice." Ian really liked when 'creators' were actually nice people. Because it was very rare. "I'm glad you're here, by the way."
"Aww thanks! We're glad too!"
They had some more drinks and at one point Ian remembered looking at Dan but his vision blurred and he didn't remember anything after that.
He woke up in a hotel room. Disoriented and with a massive headache. There were two beds. He lay in one, and two dark heads of hair snored softly, cuddled together, in the other. Ian sat up, slowly. He needed to pee so badly. But he had to take in this vision. Dan was spooning Phil, his leg sprawled over Phil's hip. The blankets only covering up some of their bodies.
This was so beautiful, and Ian felt privileged to be able to witness it. So why were tears streaming down his face? Why the FUCK could't he have this?! This level of intimacy, mutual love... Visions of him and Anthony in their many hotel rooms flashed before his eyes. There had certainly been opportunities. But they hadn't been able to go there. Only stolen glances. He had known Anthony was watching him undress. Shit. He walked to the shower.
Crying into the water streaming down, he started to rub himself off. It was nothing more than a morning boner, he told himself, not the sight he had just witnessed, the scene that could so very easily have been him and HIS best friend. Former best friend.
"Anthony..." Ian whimpered, but then he stiffened. He felt their presence. Were they... were they looking? Would he turn around and acknowledge them? They kept silent. So he decided to just continue.
"Anthony, why have we never taken the leap? It would have been so beautiful, Anthony.. I would have treated you like a fucking prince. I would have sucked you off every morning, noon and evening. You would absolutely want for nothing..."
He came and felt four hands wrap around him, in a warm hug, soft bodies pressing against him but hard dicks prodding impatiently. He hugged back, breathing hard.
"Ian," Dan whispered. "I can be your Anthony for now, if you want..."
Ian finally turned around and looked Dan in his slightly darker brown than Anthony's eyes. "Yeah, I would like that, actually."
Ian got on his knees in the shower, and took Dan's penis in his mouth. He looked at Dan's belly, softer than Anthony's, but tanned like him. It could work... He imagined Anthony standing there in the shower. Maybe they were at Vidcon and wanted to wash the day off. Anthony would always be so tired, he was an incredible introvert, although nobody would notice. Ian did, of course. And now Ian would take some of that stress away, give him a prober blow-job.
Dan moaned, Phil kissed him as Ian was still blowing him. Of course, Phil was still there, Dan and Phil were a package deal, after all. He felt Dan's dick get harder and harder, and then he thrusted hard into Ian's mouth, as Phil entered him. He moaned as he came into Ian's mouth. Ian stood up, looked up at Dan as he swallowed and kissed him. Dan had to bend over a bit but kissed back gladly, Phil had slowed down for the tender moment. Ian took a few steps back and leaned against the shower wall. And Phil sped up again, sensually moving and worshipping Dan's body as he penetrated him. Dan was very loud. After a while, Phil came and everyone washed off, and they went back into the hotel room.
"So, that was nice," Ian said, grinning.
"We don't often do this, by the way," Dan said.
"Don't worry about it," Ian reassured him. "I won't tell a soul. You know I can keep a secret or two."
"You're amazing, Ian," Phil said lovingly. "Let's keep in touch?"
Ian called another Uber. When it arrived, he hugged the giant British guys, and looked at Dan one last time. "You're such a beautiful guy, Dan, I can't get over it."
"That's a very high compliment, coming from you," Dan said, beaming.
"Bye, Ian."
~ Fin ~
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floor-a · 7 months
Just finished watching the Five Nights At Freddy’s Movie. I can say that i was pleasantly surprised, and i enjoyed myself for the most part. Anyone who doesn’t want to be spoiled should stop reading here and just know that the movie is not the pile of garbage some people are saying it to be. I’m sure there’s lots people don’t like, but overall i don’t mind a lot of that stuff.
Spoilers beyond this point! Do not read if you do not want to know stuff about the movie! (I do not know how to mark something as a spoiler)
Okay, firstly, the MatPat cameo was a very welcome surprise. I didn’t expect to see him in it, and his lines were a funny reference.
The aunt was awful, i hope she is dead, that will only raise my rating of the movie.
I’d love to have seen an entire night from the perspective of that other security guard, really get more of a look at how terrifying the animatronics are.
The Living Tombstone being the end credits song was a brilliant choice, out of all the options to chose from that song was definitely the right call. It is still a bop almost a decade later, and i will stand by that opinion.
Matthew Lillard was fantastic, i only wish we saw more of him. (Maybe have shown Mike around the pizzeria, or had it be him in the training tapes, just a bit bigger of a presence in the movie. Still no complaints about it though). This isnt surprising though considering how great of an actor he is and how well he pulls of murderous individuals. Can’t wait to see him in any future fnaf movies (hopefully).
I want one of those security guard badges, who do i have to bribe/kill for one?
All of the animatronics looked brilliant, and the yellow bonnie suit looked especially fantastic. My only gripe is that we did t get to see the empty, white eyes of the animatronics, but that’s a minor thing, and makes sense given how they were technically being controlled.
The murderous animatronics were great, i only wish we got a better view of what was done to the guys who broke in, because seeing a cupcake mauling a guy to death was hilarious and i could only wish to see more. Also, loved that bonnie was in the supply closet, fun detail. Most of all, the scene where the babysitter got bitten in half was awesome and unexpected, loved it.
The springlock scene was good, would have maybe preferred a few more and faster snaps of the suit to really show the violence of the machine, and a bit more blood like how it happened in the games, but eh, it was definitely good either way. Naughty rabbits get put in the pain cupboard.
The robotic voice at the end was a great touch.
Balloon boy is creepy as fuck and definitely warrants the reaction he gets, even if he’s smaller. I would punt that asshole so far.
The fort scene felt a little out of place but it wasn’t as bad as I’ve heard some people say it was. They’re kids, and they’ve just met their friend for the first time, they’re gonna want to do kids stuff. Was it a odd? Sure, but it’s fine.
I feel like all the roles were well cast, and enjoyed their performances. Could have definitely been a lot worse.
Overall I’d give this a solid 7-8/10. While there were aspects I’d have liked to be different it was in no way a disappointment as some have said. As much as i can understand that, i don’t agree with it. Maybe it’s just that my expectations were a bit low to begin with, but i was pleasantly surprised.
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alfairy · 7 months
So! I finally saw the fnaf movie! And I’ve got many thoughts about it!!! Here’s my review and random reactions and thoughts about it. Spoilers for the movie under the cut. Proceed with caution!
I thought it was really good! Definitely wasn’t perfect but I had a lot of fun watching it! My mom was with me, and she doesn’t really know anything about fnaf but she also enjoyed it. I didn’t really get scared at any point during the movie (I was more scared by the horror trailers they played before it started haha), but that’s fine! Maybe I’m just immune to jumpscares.
The effects!!! All the animatronics looked so good in motion, and the sound design made them feel even more real. Every heavy metallic movement or blink of an eye, it was just perfect.
There are sooooo many Easter Eggs! Sparky the dog! Ella from the books as a prototype circus baby spring lock suit!
The soundtrack slapped, especially the opening credits. Blumhouse was cooking in the music department fr 🔥🔥🔥
BLANKET FORT SCENE! EVERYONE CHILLING TOGETHER ON THE FLOOR AND BEING FRIENDS! I wish they could’ve stayed friends like that, it was my favorite scene of the whole movie and was so sweet
I heard everyone say there was a matpat cameo but I didn’t see it? Either I somehow missed it or the theater cut the scene or something? I SWEAR I didn’t see this man or hear him say his iconic line. I did have to get up at one point to use the bathroom really quick, so many that’s when I missed it.
Coryxkenshins cameo! I love that guy, he did really good for his quick scenes! I think they should make him a reoccurring character actually. Have him run over springtrap in the next movie.
Also the aunt character was evil. But like, comically evil. She hires people to break into the restaurant to make Mike look bad so she can get custody of Abby and get the government paychecks for it. And she got murdered in Mikes house by Golden Freddy, and they never resolve that??? Last we see her she’s lying dead on the floor and then the last scene with Mike and Abby they’re happily eating spaghetti at home like their aunt wasn’t murdered in the living room lmao. And we know Vanessa couldn’t have covered for them because she’s in a coma soooooooo. 🤷‍♀️
The coolest kill was when Freddy bit that girl in half and her bottom half fell onto the floor like DANG! The rest of the kills they either cut away from or don’t really show detail, which I thing is a weak point. Next movie I think they should push it a little bit further, but I understand why they shot it the way they did.
Is this a good time to admit that I’m kinda down bad for Josh Hutcherson in this thing hhahghshdh 😳🫣 boy stopping looking at me with them big sad doe eyes
Matthew Lillard was also serving cunt in this, even though he got 10 minutes of screen time 😔 he gave it his all. Hopefully if we get a sequel he gets to do Springtrap stuff.
Mike during this whole movie be like: 😴. I’m surprised it took so long for the band to attack him in real life (dream sequences don’t count) when in literally every other scene he’s popping pills and taking naps. He naps every few scenes and yet looks like he hasn’t had a good nights rest in 30 years 😭
So… Garret isn’t one of the spirits? I would’ve thought he was Golden Freddy but he’s not…. Maybe in this universe Garret is the puppet? There was a hidden message in the end credits that says COME FIND ME and the puppet music box is playing. That seems to be what theyre trying to set up for a potential sequel, but…. That’d make me a little sad tbh, this is Charlie erasure ;-; Also can we please have Henry Emily do something for once in this franchise, WHERE is this man.
The finale was cool! When Spring Bonnie walked in everyone was like “YESSS!!!” And after he started talking my mom was like “😯 I think I know who it is!”
William smacked Mike so hard he did a damn triple flip through the air and got his ass knocked out cold. Mans him so hard that it probably sent him back to the bite of 83 💀💀💀
So. The big thing. No Michael Afton in the movie. In fact, Vanessa is William’s only child.
Honestly I’m kinda down for the strange role swap that this universe has going on. I don’t think anyone expected Vanessa to be Williams daughter, but that was cool, and it gives a little insight as to how William managed to get away with this for so long. He’s literally got a kid in the police force keeping tabs on Freddys and covering his tracks for him. Now it suddenly makes sense why in the trailers Vanessa seems so knowledgeable about the animatronics and already knows they’re possessed.
Tbh I had a random thought. If Vanessa gets to take over Mikes role in this world as Williams kid, then Mike should get to have his own “reluctant follower” villain arc. Put that man in a rabbit costume. It’s only fair. Equality 😤 ✊
And with those final thoughts…. Yeah! I’d say the movie was a solid 8.5/10 for me, I’ll probably go see it again with friends when they get off work this weekend! The critics are wrong yet again, it’s a perfectly enjoyable movie and the fans will love it.
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when yall people headcanon adult/teen dipper as like this softboy youre all literally so wrong. adult/teen dipper would not be cute or sweet he would be a nightmare and a menace. he would be a regular on r/askreddit. he would eat 1 (one) edible when he's 16 and then put "stoner" in his social media bios until he's 30 and actually smokes weed and hates it. the only thing stopping him from using 4chan in this day and age is the alt-right pipeline and he regularly converses with incels on reddit "just to understand their viewpoint." he listens exclusively to abba until he's thirteen and discovers radiohead and suddenly he goes down a pipeline and listens to my bloody valentine and the smashing pumpkins and the mountain goats and maybe a little bit of nine inch nails but only year zero and the popular songs because he pretends to be pretentious but in reality he plays the five nights at freddy's song on repeat. adult/teen dipper wears flannel but not in a cute way because he's the kind of person who believes jackets only need to be washed biannually and also horrible graphic tees. you know the ones. mabel got him into homestuck and he only reads it to post horrible theories on reddit like ARE MOM AND BRO THE SAME PERSON???? HERE'S PROOF!!! he watches matpat and thinks it equates to leftist theory. He is not a funko pop collecter i will give him that but he does own like three. he completely unironically plays magic the gathering and yugioh. he shows up to conventions with mabel and she's dressed in incredibly elaborate cosplay. but he is wearing literally nothing but jeans, a hoodie that smells like gender dysphoria incarnate, and a shirt he stole from ford that says "MATHLETES CHAMP '77" because there was literally nothing even remotely clean in his own collection of horrible graphic tees. and they're all posters for horrible sci-fi movies he likes unironically, shirts that say things like "SARCASM IS MY THIRD LANGUAGE (KLINGON IS MY SECOND)" and he legitimately thinks they make him cool and even mabel has no appriciation for them. you people also have the wrong headcanon of adult/teen MABEL. she has seventeen piercings, and horrible tacky tattoos. every time she gets a new boyfriend she gets it tattooed on her arm and never stops doing this so by the time she's 40 her arm looks like RYAN JORDAN MICHAEL JEROME KYLE KARKAT (she dated a homestuck fan she met at a convention and regrets it) and she thinks to herself maybe that was a bad idea. while dipper is pretentious despite having NOTHING to be pretentious about, mabel listens to artists with 3 followers on soundcloud that are just cartoon sound fx remixes and she is in no way pretentious about it because she's also a diehard kesha fan. she probably dresses like a mix between a fairy-kei girl and nicki minaj, but will settle for less when the need for practicality arises. she is an unironic juggalo. she got dipper into homestuck and was an og rosemary shipper despite being straight. she is the camp hetero. she probably pokes holes in literally everything to attach earring backs to them. she does art commisions online of chibi boys because she's desperate for money. she wouldn't make fun of anyone for being into stuff she thinks is mildly lame. but only because she's saving all that rudeness for dipper because they both know he deserves it. but she would punch a neonazi. no hesitation. give the girl some credit. anyway those are my horrible horrible headcanons. and post.
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go-learn-esperanto · 1 year
so uhmm what was the drama surrounding m*tpats hermitcraft theory episode?
Oh gods. Well. Matpat's Hermitcraft Theory (posted on October 17th 2021) was a really strange experience because even I, who have been a Hermitcraft fan for a bit at that point, had absolutely no idea of what he was talking about. Which isn't really indicative of much but it was really strange Matpat would have come up with that theory on his own since it's something so obscure and as far as I know. So when it was discovered, with really solid evidence, that it was taken from a Tumblr user (@/micer2012) hermitblr was rightfully pissed.
Not only was there no credit but also every comment talking about it was being deleted.
Here's micer2012's theory list with the proof that the theory had been stolen:
It was also when I learned there was a blog just listing every sketchy thing matpat has done (@/fuckmatpat) which you can take a look at however please take some of it with a grain of salt and maybe use it to search for the videos they're mentioning in particular because even if I agree with some of these claims in the blog others either I don't feel like are enough to be worth a cancellation or might be a little out of context.
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oceanera12 · 1 year
Dude, if I wasn’t broke I would literally offer to pay real money for you to write the other side of Tango’s chapter. I know you said you didn’t want to go down the rabbit hole of writing extra parts and considering the length and detail you put into every chapter I totally get it, but man, that rescue mission would be so cool to read. I’m glad we at least have an idea of what happened though because even just imagining the whole operation based on that outline is so much fun.
Also, what is Zedaph doing in the Hunter arc in your handwritten outline? 👀 I am very curious about what you’re gonna do with the sheep man
Btw, speaking of ‘director’s cuts’, do you have any comments on Xb’s chapter? I think I’ve said this before but his and Tango’s together are my favorite bit of this fic so far. Just, the complete contrast between the two and how Xb’s chapter helps to highlight everything that the people in Tango’s situation have lost, how the hunters steal more than just their freedom (as if that was little thing), while at the same time diving into and exploring the joys of the diversity that inhabits this universe. Absolute masterpieces, both chapters.
~ @nightmare761
(Im shadowbanned so i cant go off anon)
Well, that stinks.
If I do any "one-off" chapters with Built Family it will be after the main story is actually done to preserve no only my motivation, but my sanity. So we shall just have to see what happens.
Don't worry about the sheep man. He's fine. No really. Don't worry about him. Don't even think about him. He's fine. He's doing fine. Nothing is wrong with him and you do not need to worry about him doing anything of any sort. He is 100% fine and his chapter is not at all one I am looking forward to writing because I want to see what all of your reactions are. That is not the case at all. Don't worry about him. Don't think, don't even ask about him. Zed's fine, he's fine, he's fINE--
ON TO THE CHAPTER ANALYSIS. To anyone who wants to reread it:
There you go. Everyone else, either scroll by or read on!
xB's chapter is one of my favorites because of all the (MatPat voice) LORE!!!
There is so much of it that if I tried to explain it all we would be here all day so we aren't going to do that. But, I knew that I wanted to show how just because they are all "players" there is culture carried from your origin, your server, whatever. The best way to explore is to try and hit as many as I possibly could.
xB's introductions was longer than I planned, but that was my own fault. I wanted to shove as much Guardian culture into only a few pages and it was impossible. So what was supposed to be "here is a peek into Guardian culture" turned into what could have been a chapter on it's own (a common pattern with this fic and I will not apologize for that).
What xB's original chapter was supposed to mainly consist of was all of his trips and what he learned from everyone. That ended up being condensed into a form of "chat" in his journal entries and honestly? I like it. It leaves room for me to explore future cultures (cough cough *Impusle!* cough cough). We do not get to see all of xB's trips, friends, and visits to various places.
I knew that I wanted to connect Cor to xB somehow. Making him the last "World Walker" since xB was unplanned, but really worked out. Originally, I did want to have Cor and xB talk directly, but I had to cut it because of LENGTH. Seriously, it is annoying how much I want to put in and CAN'T. (Maybe in the future after Built Family is done we'll do scene requests and I'll put them in a collection or something)
Case in point: xB's artist career. As an art major I cannot tell you how much I wanted to dive into all the different mediums, styles, and methods I could see xB doing-- but we'll just have to wait until Beef's chapter, lol.
We get to meet Keralis' wife and kids, however brief. I don't know why, but I really like them as these vague, unseen people for the most part. Not sure why.
xB is suspicious of Keralis and company despite their years of friendship. Beef is suspicious of xB despite their years of friendship. Both of them are not technically "bad" in their assumptions, as they both had their reasons to doubt. Obviously, those assumptions were not correct.
I totally forgot to give Keralis a charm in this chapter but I'm too lazy to care about going back to fix it. Now for everyone else's charms, they are 100% related to backstories or hinting at something in the future. As such, I can't really break them down and their meanings until later. But if y'all want to speculate, be my guest.
xB joining the Hermits because of his culture's leftover charms was kind of thrown together, but I like it. xB is one of the few Hermits where he's guided by his feelings and I kind of love him for it. We have a lot of Hermits who are logical in their actions.
I think that's all I got on xB's chapter but if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask and I'll answer in the notes.
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