#mat koon
astoriachef · 3 months
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Funny how Right To Censor was a shoot.
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questforgalas · 1 year
The High Republic series confirmed that part of a Jedi youngling’s day in the creche are midday naps on little nap mats, and now the image of all our faves in youngling form curled up on the nap mat is living rent free in my head
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spiralingemptyness · 8 months
I want more… clone hc pt. 2
why not more hc, I’m bored and wanna ramble… sorry if I repeated any.
99 is the best vode, he knows everything. If a brother is said, he’ll hug them, give words of encouragement and stuff and a mysteriously some illegal contraband that whatever the clone likes will randomly show up.
Shaak ti is buff and can hold her own if not demolish the Alphas on the training mats (The Rancor battalion found that out the hard way)
Jek, Rys and Thire became close after the mission with Yoda, Thire is still close with the commanders on Coruscant, but he’s even closer with the other two
While Hound may be a sergeant, he’s still an honorary commander member, he became the little brother of the group
…Thorn didn’t die on Scipio, nope, no way. Amidala saved him, always carrying a blaster or smth.
Dogma became really good at braiding hair because of all the time he braided Tups hair, so after Umbara when he definitely goes to Coruscant, Amidala finds out and sometimes ask him to do her hair.
Colt may essentially be Buir of Kamino, but all the alphas (especially 17) out Buir him, and it can be very comedic how a big burly alpha is hauling a ARC commander just to force them to sleep.
Fox absolutely denies or threaten to black mail shebse squad if they bring up the fact Fox was the first to fold and call Alpha-17 buir.
Colt and Wolffe have regular holo-calls just to shit talk Ventress.
Rex got adopted into Shebse squad after he bit Cody (Wolffe was proud)
When Kix is on shift in medbay, most of the time Jesse is there with him, he doesn’t have to be their but he’s a good batch mate.
Each shebse squad member have a quirk in fighting droids: Cody punches and spin kicks them, Wolffe bits them, Rex throws his blasters at them if they run out of ammo, Fox for some reason carry’s a high voltage taser, Bly drop kicks them, and Ponds throws rocks at them to catch them off guard
On multiple occasions animals like Loth cats and Tookas have been snuck on board the venators and multiple times have had to been taken off board
Fives has a girly scream, Torrent found out after he was caught singing in the barracks
Comet (and Plo Buir) can convice Wolffe to take care of himself (little brother privileges), unlike Boost, Warthog, and Sinker who have to sedate him of physically haul him away from the bridge
MEDICS GIVE STICKERS, if a your a good patient, you get a sticker. So there is a lot of vode with stickers inside or outside there armor
Colt keeps himself loaded with weapons, many different types of blasters, check. Lots of vibroblades and vibroswords (that he stole from commando droids), check. It will take a solid 10 mins for him to de-weapon himself
after Khorm, Plo threatened Captain Ozzel…. It was terrifying, Kit Fisto was both shocked and absolutely scared of getting on Plo Koons bad side.
Monnk collects different shells and rocks from the ocean floor and give them to different vode
kit fisto taught his battalion how to fish, just randomly, out of the blue he said they were going fishing and they went fishing
Ashoka definitely stole the ‘I’m no Jedi’ line from Rex.
everyone form the 212th and some 501st members were more traumatized by a bold Kenobi than the fact he faked his death to be a bounty hunter for a time period
kix has trouble staying warm after the cyro-freeze, like he’ll be bundled up in layers on tatooine
quinlan snuck into fox’s office once and was hit with a data pad on the head when he scared him and got himself a concussion, safe to say he doesn’t sneak up on fox anymore
clones have a sweet tooth
Once Hound got hurt while chasing a suspect and Grizzer went absolutely feral on the person who hurt him, it took Thorn and Stone just to separate him from the suspect, (fox and thire were just watching in shock as they helped hound)
padawans always use vents for travel (ex. Echo: where’s the commander. Fives casually: oh she’s in the vents. Echo: oh.. WHY IS SHE IN THE VENTS)
(Might be in the other one) The corrie guard have a bet everytime a battalion is on leave, the bet is: which members of what battalion will have the most in the drunk tank.
medics have to have a smex-ed meeting with every new shiny that boards
Bly (respectfully, cause he is a gentleman) asked Aayla to wear armor, the next day she was wearing Bly’s spare armor. Bly couldn’t stop blushing the whole day and it made his tattoos orange
When one or more of the Shebse squad is on leave, they bully fox into going to 79’s with them or to take care of himself. Safe to say, that whenever that happens the corrie guard can relax a bit
the most annoying patients for medics is any CO or jedis, all medics curse like sailors
when Kix was a medic shiny he hadn’t yet mastered the disapproval stare or the ‘shut the kark up and do what I say’ stare, so the vode listened to him just because it was so cute and funny, they quickly learned to stop thinking like that.
once after a battle Obi-Wan found Cody lying star fished on his back, he kicked a droid and broke his foot and collapsed once his foot gave out. Obi-wan just sighed, forced healed his foot a bit and carried him to the medics (Cody was turned into a sputtering and flustered mess)
Rex was already being corrupted by Skywalker’s tendencies when he was just a lieutenant in the 212th, Cody was horrified and wanted to bash his head into the wall.
Boil and Waxer secretly adopted Numa after Ryloth, each just co-parenting her
Kids on coruscant would sometimes come up to a guard member and hand them a paper of a drawing, ask for a hug, or just give them goodies. The guard now has a wall full of drawings given to them by kids in the barracks
the guard have stupid names for operations, it’s just a serious op about observing and trying to take down a drug ring (with vos’s help) and it has a name like “operation: too high to fly”
the cadets will hang off from any limb they can reach of their clone trainers and shaak ti
medics will lay on a cot with an injured clone on it to help them sleep, they’ll either be sleeping with them or doing data work
so yah… I’ll make more. Might make some of cod, fnaf , Dc, etc. as well and try to do art as well
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nobrashfestivity · 2 years
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Robert Rauschenberg Erased de Kooning Drawing, 1953
Rauschenberg first tried erasing his own drawings but ultimately decided that in order for the experiment to succeed he had to begin with an artwork that was undeniably significant in its own right. He approached Willem de Kooning (1904–1997), an artist for whom he had tremendous respect, and asked him for a drawing to erase. Somewhat reluctantly, de Kooning agreed. After Rauschenberg completed the laborious erasure, he and fellow artist Jasper Johns (b. 1930) devised a scheme for labeling, matting, and framing the work, with Johns inscribing the following words below the now-obliterated de Kooning drawing:
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In 2010 SFMOMA initiated an advanced digital imaging effort aimed at learning more about the Willem de Kooning (1904–1997) drawing that Rauschenberg used as the basis for Erased de Kooning Drawing. This image began as an
infrared scan that was digitally enhanced to add weight to the traces of graphite and charcoal on the paper, making their shadowy forms visible to the naked eye. The enhanced image suggests that the de Kooning drawing included several figures worked from different angles. De Kooning himself used erasers as part of his drawing process, so it is possible that some of the lines revealed by this image were erased by him before the drawing entered Rauschenberg’s hands.
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veloursdor · 7 months
based on this au where anakin died in childbirth and obi-wan is left alone to raise the twins, but he can’t bear to be near them without breaking down because he misses anakin too much.
aka neglectful father widow-wan
(1.2k words)
“There must be something wrong with me, since Father loves everyone, but he doesn’t love me.” - Luke and Leia, circa 12 years after their birth.
Leia was trying her best to prove to everyone around her, but especially Father, that she was meant to hold a lightsaber and that she had what it took to train as a Jedi. She was standing in front of the Council – various Jedi Masters, padawans and younglings alike –, trying to show her progress regarding her forms. She knew about the multiple sabre forms there existed, but the one that suited her the most was Form V, Djem So. There was something about the fluidity of the form that allowed her movements to flow naturally though her, connecting her with her lightsaber like no other form did. 
As she practised her movements for the entire room to see, the idea of spinning her lightsaber with a little twirl made her giggle, thinking it would look so cool when she did that. However, half way through her twirl, the sound of the entrance door opening stopped her in her tracks, making her see just in time how her father walked away from the room without looking back. She felt her heart break as the doors closed behind his back, tears scorching her eyes while she tried valiantly to hold them back.
“Thank you, Leia Skywalker, for a wonderful demonstration,” Master Windu said with a kind smile before motioning Leia to step away from the mat, allowing another youngling to take her place. Luke’s smile – bright and enormous as Leia showcased her progress – had dimmed with their Father’s departure. Luke hadn’t shown his progress to the Jedi, nervous about their Father’s approval. “Now, young Ezra Bridger, step forward.”
“I see you’re making progress with Djem So, young Leia,” Master Koon said to her kindly after she had sat down between him and Luke. She smiled as best as she could at the old Master, even though she knew he was lying to her. Because if she had truly done a ‘wonderful job’ that showcased her ‘progress’ with Form V, then Father wouldn’t have walked away from the presentation without casting a glance back at her.
She continued to disappoint him, no matter how hard she tried.
“Excellent form, young Ezra,” Master Windu said as Ezra stepped away from the mat, high-fiving Knight Dume with a bright smile on each of their faces. 
Leia’s insides burned with jealousy at the sight, knowing she would never get to share a moment like that with her father. She was better than Ezra in every possible way, yet Father had the time to share a praising word with Bridger for his ‘achievements in class’ and never for her.
“Luke Skywalker,” Master Windu’s voice called for her brother, making him jump. Leia eyed him curiously as Luke stepped forward, a lightsaber that wasn’t the one he had made after their trip to Ilum clutched tightly in his hands. 
It was beautifully crafted, with a ridged hand grip and a solid casing, something in it causing Leia’s insides to hurt at the sight. She had never seen that particular lightsaber before, but there was something about it that was achingly familiar, and called for her.
Ignoring the weird feeling inside of her, Leia saw her brother attempt and fail to perform Form III – Father’s form –, before his movements naturally morphed into Form V. She rolled her eyes at his obvious attempt at copying her, clearly trying to impress their absent father. 
“Luke Skywalker!” Their father’s voice echoed throughout the room, startling her from her musings and causing Luke to drop the lightsaber he was holding, a bright smile on his face that dimmed down and died the closer their father got to him. 
“Where did you get that?” Father asked her brother once he reached him, before taking the lightsaber from Luke’s hands and clutching it tightly to his chest. “This doesn’t belong to you.”
“I… I found it in your room, Father,” Luke said, his voice shaking alongside his body, as he looked at the floor with embarrassment and shame. “I… I know we’re not supposed to go there, but…”
“Don’t ever touch this again,” their Father said with finality before turning around and leaving the room as suddenly as he had entered it, leaving a deadly silence at his back. 
Leia could only stare in horror as Luke remained standing in the middle of the room, tears running down his face, his shoulders shaking with the strength of his cries. She looked around towards the Masters of the Jedi Council, hoping one of them would stand up and comfort her brother, rescue him from being the centre of all the pity she could feel through the Force.
But no one moved, and Luke continued to cry, silently for the entire room to witness.
“Young Skywalker,” Master Yoda started to say before Luke ran away from the room, the echoes of his footsteps muffling his cries. Leia wanted to go after him, comfort him like she always did whenever Father was too busy to play with them.
But she couldn’t move, a glimmer of hope that her Father would return and praise her for her forms made her remain in place. Luke will be fine, she mused to herself after watching Master Tano stand up from her seat and follow after Luke with a thunderous expression on her face.
That night, after everything had been said and done, Leia failed to fall asleep as Luke continued to play with his toy ship that Senator Amidala had gifted him on their last birthday, saying that it was something their dad would’ve wanted him to have. To Leia, she had given her a book on ‘Diplomacy and Politics’, saying that the daughter of the famous Negotiator should know how to traverse through lies and deceits with ease. 
Leia treasured the gift as if her father himself had given it to her, knowing that she could prove to him that she would be a perfect companion on his travels for peace negotiation treaties if she only studied hard enough.
But before she could plan any further about a future with her father – as Master and Padawan –, the door of their room opened, surprising her with their father’s face. He looked sad and apologetic as he always did whenever he was in their presence, his eyes barely looking at Leia before focusing on Luke, who was looking at their father with a yearning expression on his face.
However, Father’s expression broke down after he caught sight of Luke’s toy in his hand. His breath got caught in his throat – tears pooling in his eyes – and, without a word, he turned around and closed the door behind his back, leaving the twins engulfed in darkness.
“Well done, loser,” Leia said bitterly before turning her back on Luke to stare at the wall. “Now he hates us even more.”
She ignored her brother’s distress, focusing on her own breathing. Leia could no longer coddle Luke’s moods, as they only served to cross Father even further. She had to prove to her Father that she would be a great padawan for him, and in order to do that she needed to toss Luke aside and focus on herself.
Father would love her if she proved to him that she was better than Luke.
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lamaenthel · 5 months
Tivaevae | Chapter Fifteen: Epilogue
Still struggling to emotionally recover from Master Obi-Wan's deception, Ahsoka discovers in the aftermath that twelve-year-old Boba Fett has been locked up among adults in the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center. After convincing Chancellor Palpatine to grant him a pardon, she manages to secure his release on the condition that she serve as his legal guardian. Now, with the help of Master Plo and the Wolfpack, she vows to help him track down what family he has left.
| AO3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
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Fandom: Star Wars Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Boba Fett, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Kanan Jarrus, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CC-1119 | Appo, Dexter Jettster, FLO | WA-7 (Star Wars), Shaak Ti, ARC Commander Blitz (Star Wars), CT-6922 | Dogma, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), CC-3636 | Wolffe, Clone Trooper Sinker (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Comet (Star Wars), CC-2224 | Cody, CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-4860 | Boost, Aurra Sing, Tobias Beckett, Null-11 | Ordo Skirata, Kal Skirata, Original Mandalorian Characters (Star Wars), Original Droid Characters (Star Wars), Original Jedi Character(s) (Star Wars) Total Word Count: 123,000 Chapter Word Count: 2,938 Chapter Summary: Ahsoka finally meets Taarak.
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The crèche still smelled the same as it had as far back as Ahsoka could remember; chalky aquarelle paint and sweet craft paste, sharp calligraphy ink and sun-warmed tatami mats, all overlaid with the minty dalas wood incense that Crèchemaster Vereixem always claimed was calming to a child's disposition. He'd lit a stick ten minutes ago, probably sensing her irritation.
Kento—the ancient dras lizard that Ahsoka had once liberated from the Halls of Learning and hid under her bed for a week—lay sleeping on a java wood branch in his transparasteel enclosure in the quiet corner. The bone masks that her Kaleesh Crèchemaster wore were displayed high on the bamboo wall, out of reach of his curious wards and magnetized to avoid being pulled down with the Force. Each youngling he helped raise decorated a mask for him. They were made from mumuu bones that he harvested himself then carved to resemble the faces of various animals across the galaxy.
Hers hung three spots over from the floor-to-ceiling window that looked east; she still remembered painting the mask with careful fingers, sure that she would make the best mask ever for the nicest Crèchemaster in the galaxy. She had chosen the one that resembled a borgle bat and covered it with green, pink, and purple splotches–attempting a sort of patchwork look that she had really thought that she'd nailed at the time—and glued an obnoxious spray of white feathers in the center.
At the time she'd thought it a masterpiece, but now that she looked at it with fresh eyes the best she could say was that it wasn't quite as ugly as some of the others. The patchwork effect she had been going for made the skull look diseased and the feather crest was doing the same thing Anakin's hair did when he fell asleep flat on his face. Not that Vereixem cared, of course; as far as he was concerned, every single mask that one of his younglings made was perfect, no matter how ugly it was.
Taarak made a happy chirp that was muffled by Anakin's thumb. She glanced up from her coloring page just long enough to see that the little usurper was still dreamily munching away on her Master's ruined glove instead of coloring, distracted by the taste and feel of leather in his mouth and the toys levitating in front of him.
She knew she was being irrational. There was nothing to be mad or jealous or territorial over. Taarak was a kriffing toddler, he wasn't about to steal her Master out from under her. His constant scent marking was done from instinct, not as a challenge to her.
"Ndi mtundu wanji?" Anakin asked Taarak, bouncing him on his knee. His aura was a radiant cloud of coppery-blue pride-affection that made Ahsoka fight down the possessive urge to lean across the craft table and scent mark him into oblivion. "Pano, look. Ndi mtundu wanji, do you know?"
Taarak cooed and reached for the yellow block Anakin was pointing to. "Dzuwa," he sang softly.
"Inde, inde, very good." Vereixem had put out a bowl of raw bantha meat cut into cubes for them to share. Anakin popped one into his mouth, chewed it, then fed it to the toddler as a reward. "In Basic it's yellow, can you say yellow? Nena yellow?"
"El-low," Taarak said, blinking up at him.
"Yellow, inde, good boy." Anakin fed him another cube of chewed bantha meat, practically glowing with blue pride.
"Are you treat training him?" Ahsoka asked, trying not to scowl.
Anakin smirked and shrugged. "Worked for you, didn't it?" he asked, his aura going deep, brassy gold with affection-humor. He popped another cube in his mouth.
"You didn't—" Ahsoka began heatedly. A familiar tutting noise cut her off.
"Big feelings, my little kit, what do we do with our big feelings?" Crèchemaster Vereixem cooed at her over her shoulder. The mask he wore today was a ronto, decorated with rainbow-colored Sriluurian butterflies. Hundreds of small yarn chains the color of ruddy turu grass clicking with glass beads hung down his back.
"I don't have big feelings, Master," she grumbled.
"Really?" Vereixem chuckled. "How odd. My Empathy may not be visual like yours, but I could have sworn I sensed some very big feelings coming from this table."
"Perhaps they were Taarak's," she replied, coloring in her bantha forcefully.
Vereixem squeezed her shoulders. "Shall we sing the big feelings song together?" he asked.
"Master, I don't think that's necessary," she said faintly, cringing. She felt her stripes heat to black.
"I do," Anakin said in a serious voice, his aura gone molten gold with hilarity. "In fact, I'd like to learn it so that I can help you with your big feelings out in the field, Padawan."
"Oh, what a good idea!" Vereixem beamed at Ahsoka. "Ready, dear? We'll sing it together."
Ahsoka glared at her Master, who smiled back like a tooka with a mithoo in its mouth. "Go on," Anakin encouraged her.
Ahsoka took a deep breath. "I have big feelings, very big feelings. They make me yell and, they make me cry. But I'm bigger than, all my big feelings, so to the Force, all my big feelings fly."
Anakin helped Taarak clap his little red-orange hands with a face-splitting grin.
"Force, Force–" Vereixem paused with his hands above his head. "Come now, Ahsoka, don't forget the next part."
Ahsoka sighed and raised her hands. "Force, Force, like the rain, wash my big feelings away." They trailed their fingers down in tandem. "Force, Force, like the breeze, blow away my big feelings." They made their hands swim through the air. "Force, Force, like the sky, help make my big feelings fly." They painted a rainbow above their heads in an arc.
Vereixem clapped cheerily. "Well done, Ahsoka. See, don't you feel better?"
"Yes, Master," she said tonelessly, wishing she was dead.
"Can you do that again?" Anakin asked innocently, opening up the holocam on his wrist-mounted commlink.
Ahsoka growled at him. Taarak's eyes went wide, round, and nearly black, and his yellow aura brightened with milky fear and teal protection. He bared his little baby fangs at her and let out a returning high-pitched growl. Across the room, Kento's rainbow-colored frill popped up around his neck and he made a high shriek that Ahsoka had never heard before. He threw himself at the transparasteel wall of his enclosure and slid down, leaving a wet trail of venomous drool behind.
"Ayi, Taarak, ayi," Vereixem said sternly, striding over to the enclosure with his hand out. His pink aura reached out to Kento with minty serenity and calmed the creature, who sulkily crawled into his hide. "We do not use animals to hurt people. Knight Skywalker, translate for me please."
"Calm down, you two, there's plenty of me to go around," Anakin said, his aura gone a very smug shade of red. "Palibe nyama, Taarak."
"Inde," Taarak sang sweetly, pulling Anakin's head down so he could rub his lek all over his cheek again. He made steady eye contact with Ahsoka as he did, his aura glowing bright metallic green with victory-possession.
Ahsoka closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and centered herself. She was sixteen. Taarak was two. She was not going to snap at a baby. She focused on empathizing with the toddler instead of dreaming about biting him. Coming to the Temple was scary. He was possessive of Anakin because he was lonely and he was the one who had brought him to the Temple. It made her Master feel more familiar to him than he really was, so he was clinging to him like… like a little tick.
She opened her eyes and met Anakin's. He was biting down the urge to laugh and his aura was still bright gold, but he pulled a chewed cube out of his mouth and offered it to her. She accepted it, slightly mollified; she remembered what he'd said about treat training her a second too late.
His wide smirk said that he remembered too. "Good girl," he said with a pat on her head.
Taarak stuck his lip out and turned red with offense-disappointment at seeing her be fed one of his bantha cubes. He sniffed and looked away from them both.
"Why don't the three of you go for a walk?" Vereixem suggested. "Wear out Taarak for me so he's good and ready for a nap when you return."
Anakin seated him on his hip and Ahsoka accepted a farewell kiss on her cheek from Vereixem. "If you run into Parna, please tell her that I need Grogu's updated nutrition plan by tomorrow."
"Grogu?" Ahsoka asked, trying and failing to place the name.
"Have you not met him? He's a youngling assigned to Master Beq. For this decade, at least." Vereixem chuckled. "I believe they're in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, if you're headed that way."
"We're going to the meadow meditation room, but we'll keep an eye out for Parna." Anakin tickled Taarak's deeply clefted chin.
"And don't be afraid to come back and visit me once in a while, my little kit." Vereixem gently stroked her cheek with his dry, reptilian fingers that smelled like red clay. "You are all so precious to me, and this war has taken too many of you." His aura thickened with violet grief.
Ahsoka's heart sank. She took his fingers and kissed them. "I will, Master," she promised guiltily.
"So what did he mean by Grogu was assigned Master Beq for this decade?" Anakin asked once they were back out in the hall.
"He must have a long infancy," Ahsoka said with a shrug. "Some species need longer individual care before they can join a clan." She plucked a cube of meat from the bowl Anakin carried, chewed it, then held it out to Taarak along with a tendril of amber amenability.
Taarak darted narrowed eyes between her face and the offering. Ahsoka watched the little wheels turn in his head as he weighed his options, his aura switching back and forth between yellow suspicion and green trust, before he cautiously took it from her fingers. He held the meat in his mouth, swallowed it with a loud gulp, blinked a few times, then chirped and held his arms out to Ahsoka.
"I knew he'd warm up to you," Anakin said warmly as he handed him over, his aura awash with solid blue happiness.
Taarak nuzzled up against her neck, then pulled the tip of her lek into his mouth and started to suckle. One hand snuck around the back of her neck and started absently stroking along the seam between her rear lek and the base of her skull, sending a warm tingle down her spine. "We should learn to get along now. I have a feeling we'll have a Master in common one day." Ahsoka tried not to let her knees buckle from the endorphin rush.
Fierfek, and to think that she'd been labeled as a master manipulator as a kit. Taarak put her to shame.
"Are you trying to choose my next Padawan for me?" Anakin asked teasingly.
"Pretty sure he chose you, Master," Ahsoka said, then grinned. "But maybe I'll do what you did to Master Kenobi and steal him out from under you once he's old enough to be a Padawan."
"Hey, I didn't steal you, that was all Master Yoda!" Anakin protested, his aura still glowing gentle gold with humor.
Ahsoka purred and rubbed at the crook of Taarak's lekku buds. He purred back and her heart melted a little. "Kriff," she mumbled under her breath.
"So you never actually told me what the big deal was with his clan name," Anakin said, trying not to laugh at them.
Ahsoka caught Taarak's other hand before it weaseled down the front of her robes. If he thought she was going to nurse him just because she had the equipment for it, he was sorely mistaken. "Na'Hane is what we call people who were exiled after…" she tapped on her teeth and raised her brow markings meaningfully.
"They have their own clan?" Anakin asked, surprised.
Ahsoka shrugged. "Some of them end up sticking together for survival's sake. They can't chew, right? But a baby born to the Na'Hane would never be forced to bear that name after they were taken. I can't imagine why his adoptive parents would have kept it."
"Well, they were Toydarian. They must not have known." Anakin looked away and his aura briefly flickered with a purple line of guilt. "They probably thought they were honoring his heritage."
Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "It would have taken them five minutes on the holonet to find out what it meant, but you're probably right. Is it too late to change it in his records?"
Anakin held the turbo-lift door open for her. "I'll find out. So when you say taken…" He trailed off and looked at her sideways.
Ahsoka shifted Taarak's weight. "A Na'Hane can't be trusted with a child," she said firmly.
"So you just… take them?" Anakin asked, frowning.
"It's not like we go out hunting for them," Ahsoka said. "Usually, they're left on the edge of the village in the middle of the night by the Na'Hane."
"But if you ran into one out… doing whatever your people do, you'd just take them home?"
"A Na'Hane is a Togruta exiled from their clan for doing something horrible, Master," Ahsoka snapped, trying not to get annoyed with him. She pulled Taarak's hand out of her robes again. "It's to protect the child, we don't–"
"Easy, little one, easy." Anakin patted her between her montrals and fed her a bantha cube. "Don't get defensive, I was just curious."
Ahsoka swallowed her treat and tried not to sulk. Taarak's purr sped up and he suckled harder, running a fat little hand up and down her lek comfortingly as he did. She hugged him closer. "Anyway," she said, "I'm not saying that it would be a big deal here at the Temple, but if Taarak ever goes back to Shili it'll be pretty awkward. Imagine having to introduce yourself as Starkiller for the rest of your life because of something your mother did before you were even born."
Anakin's eyes widened and his aura went pale yellow with surprise-amusement. "Wait, Starkiller? His name means Starkiller?"
She didn't like how pleased he looked. "Na'Hane means killer," she said sourly. "Taarak—well, Tara—means star."
Anakin threw his head back and laughed. "Snips, there's no way I'm changing that. That is way too cool of a name to change."
Ahsoka scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Master…"
"Aww, who's my little Starkiller?" Anakin cooed, tickling Taarak's stumpy little rear lek. It twitched happily at the stimulation. "You are, yes, you're my little Starkiller…"
"Master, don't call him that!" Ahsoka said, exasperated. Taarak giggled around her lek.
"I'm absolutely calling him that and you can't stop me." Anakin pulled Taarak off of her lek with a loud pop! and blew a snozzberry into his neck. "Alright, Starkiller–"
Ahsoka groaned. "Master!"
" –Go get tired." Anakin set him down on the grass of the meditation room and released him. The kit squealed and took off for the koi pond, diving into a forward slide on his belly until he was peeking over the edge. His little red feet kicked in the air and he cooed at the fish in broken, babyish Toydarian.
Anakin put an arm around her shoulders. "So, did you and Obi-Wan make up? If I have to listen to him whine about his hurt feelings one more time I'll puke."
Ahsoka felt something go quiet in her chest. "Yeah. We're fine."
Anakin glanced down at her, his aura darkening with dark green unease. "Why do I sense that's not exactly the truth?"
She shrugged. "It's never going to be the same. It can't be. But I've forgiven him and I'm moving on."
Anakin sighed. "Ahsoka–"
"We can't stop change, Master," she reminded him. "I had to let him go. It's the Jedi way."
She rested her head against him and subtly rubbed her lek on his cheek while Taarak was distracted. "We'll have to let each other go one day too, Master," she said softly.
Anakin's aura brightened to staticky white with anxiety. "Yeah," he muttered. "One day." His hand twitched on her shoulder.
Ahsoka watched Taarak's aura lighten to burning orange with anticipation-excitement and his stubby little rear lek wag back and forth. She elbowed Anakin. "Just so you know, you've got about five seconds before Starkiller goes fishing."
"Before he–" Anakin's eyes went wide and he bolted for the toddler. "Ayi, Taarak, ayi! Osasambira!" He missed Taarak's ankle by inches, tumbling ass over elbows into the koi pond after him. He surfaced with a gasp a few seconds later, holding a giggling Taarak above his head while struggling to not let his long brown robe drag him back down. He looked like a sad, wet cat with his hair plastered to his forehead, but Taarak was delighted.
Ahsoka burst into hysterical laughter, falling to one knee and wheezing like she'd gotten the wind knocked out of her. Anakin's aura turned a menacing shade of orange with mischief. "Keep laughing, Snips!"
Ahsoka's laughs morphed into screams as Anakin lifted her up into the air with the Force and dropped her into the pond with them.
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TOYDARIAN TRANSLATIONS Ndi mtundu wanji?: What color is it? Pano: Here Dzuwa: Yellow Inde: Yes Ayi: No Osasambira: No swimming
Taglist: @starwarsficnetwork, @soliloquy-of-nemo Dividers: @saradika-graphics
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clonemedickix · 10 months
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OC General Lara Lin (Telperion Laurelin), Commander of the Dragon Company, Guardian of the Balance and Guide of Souls
Dragon Company 1st Officer: Lt Primer
Dragon Company Sergeants: Boost and Deuce
Dragon Company Chief Medical Officer: Volte
Things about Lara: An immortal goddess, created to guard the Balance between the Light and the Dark. The source of the Force, living and cosmic. Created by Eru Iluvatar as a safeguard and ultimate weapon against enemies such as Morgoth the Deceiver, his lieutenant Sauron, and any in that vein. A visitor to the Star Wars galaxy, there to offer her assistance in their war.
Personality: feisty, generally happy if not slightly jaded. A little crass at times, spends most of her time off duty in the American South and so speaks with a drawl mixed from Northeast Louisiana/Southeast Texas (think if Duck Dynasty mated with east Texas). Known to occasionally let fly with curse words. Not above a little pranking, especially against people that annoy her. Loyal, capable of deeply loving, a strong, agile and experienced warrior. Does not handle the loss of loved ones well; swore off personal relationships for this reason. A complete sucker for a clone in uniform.
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence / Adult Themes and Relationships / UNDER 18 DNI
Category: F/M
Fandoms: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon)Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media TypesThe Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. TolkienGame of Thrones (TV)Star Wars - All Media Types
Relationship: CT-7567 | Rex/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: CT-7567 | Rex | CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo | CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives | Hunter (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) | Tech (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) | Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) | Crosshair (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) | CC-2224 | Cody | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Mace Windu | Clone Troopers (Star Wars) | CT-5597 | JesseCT-6116 | Kix | Clone Trooper Hardcase (Star Wars) | Cut Lawquane | Suu Lawquane | Yoda (Star Wars) | Plo Koon | CC-3636 | Wolffe | Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious | Padmé Amidala | Ahsoka Tano
The sound of lightsaber on steel rang through the room as Lara and Skywalker fought in the ring. Rex saw Ahsoka Tano standing by Cody, watching the sparring match; Lara’s lieutenant, Primer, was also there watching in silence, almost as if coaching her movements. Lara needed no coaching, but he knew Primer’s heart was in the right place; he of course wanted his general to win. Rex stepped up quietly to stand next to Cody’s other side. The door behind opened once more and General Kenobi walked in, his face full of curiosity. Kenobi walked up to watch with the other spectators, on Primer’s right side, cheering very quietly as Lara blocked a blow from Anakin he’d aimed at her back; she’d reached back with her great sword to protect her rear and then spun quickly away from him, bringing her short sword around to take her own swipe at him. The two danced around the fighting ring, graceful and sure in their skills; everyone could tell they were enjoying their battle. Anakin used many Force assisted leaps and flips to stay out of her range, while Lara used her quickness and reach to close on him frequently. She knew more tricks than he did, and she spun beneath his saber, her mail shirt’s small skirt flaring in the air. She took a couple quick steps, dropped to her knees and slid beneath Anakin, flaring backwards and bringing her two swords up together as a single instrument to block, then she hopped back up to her feet and spun, leaping and swinging one powerfully aimed boot around to kick Anakin square in his chest. It knocked the wind right out of him and he collapsed to the mat with a thud. Obi Wan laughed out loud; he always loved to see his old padawan bested in a match. Ahsoka groaned; she had thought he had a chance this time, but towards the end of the fight she’d seen Lara’s concentration increase, realizing that as usual she’d only been dedicating about half of her skill to the game.
Lara took a breath; the fight had been hard enough that she was slightly winded, and felt it had been a very good contest this time. She put her great sword back in its sheath over her shoulder and reached her hand down to Anakin to help him up. He groaned in a little laugh, took her hand and let her pull him to his feet. “I’m going to have your boot print on my chest for a week, Lara.” He rubbed it carefully; she’d kicked him about as hard as an angry mule.
Lara smiled at him and replied very quietly, so only he heard her, “Be sure to tell Padme it’s from me.” She winked at him with an even bigger smile as he laughed at that rejoinder. They turned to move over to their spectators, and Lara glanced towards Rex, seeing him watching her quietly. She paused only for the tiniest fraction of an instant, seeing his face, then she moved over to Primer and Cody.
“That was a great move, General. I’ll have to see if I can copy it next time we fight.” Primer took her hand in a warm move of greeting.
Kenobi smiled at her and nodded. “I think we could all learn a thing or two from your fighting styles. That was a good match to watch. Good to see you back, as well, General Lin.” He gave her something of a wistful smile, and tipped his head in a way she knew was mean to convey condolences for her loss.
“Thank you, Obi Wan. I wish the circumstances were a little happier, but it’s good to be back.”
“Yes well, since you ARE here, I’m sure we can find some way to put your skills to use. Anakin, we are needed at the Temple. Ahsoka, you too.” He looked to his fellow Jedi, about like a mother hen herding her chicks toward the coop. Anakin gave Lara a little fist bump as he walked off with Obi Wan; she knew she’d see them in the next few days and they would update her on any needs or deployment plans. Kenobi walked a few paces away and then stopped, turning back to Lara. “Oh Lara, I meant to ask you - General Windu received a strange crate of supplies the other day on deployment from the quartermaster; it seems a large satchel of rubber phalluses in assorted sizes and colors arrived to him, with a note that said ‘Eat me.’ You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”
A huge whoop of laughter escaped Anakin before he could stop it; he covered it by suddenly faking a coughing fit into his sleeve and looking away. Ahsoka asked him, “What’s a ‘phallus’?” Obi Wan’s eyes cut over to Ahsoka and Anakin quickly, his brows scrunching together in what he hoped was a signal to get her moving. Anakin put a hand around Ahsoka’s shoulders and steered her toward the door, still choking on his laughter and tears running down his face.
Primer and Cody both heard the short conversation and their eyebrows about touched the ceilings; they looked at Lara’s face and saw her head suddenly come up, a tiny smirk lit the corner of her mouth and then her countenance went carefully blank, an expression of consternation and shock in her eyes. “I can’t IMAGINE who would do such a thing, Obi Wan! How the neighbors will talk! I do declare!” She drawled the words out, doing her best to keep her appearance one of innocent, amazed outrage and surprise. Kenobi stared at her flatly, waiting for her to finish her little play. “For heaven’s sake….? Bless his heart?…. No? Not working for you?” She finally gave him a little smile while showing her teeth in an exaggerated grimace and cocking her head a little to look from under her lashes.
”You’re a terrible moral example, Telperion Laurelin.” Lara gave him a very false but endearing look of contrition, and Obi Wan turned to leave. He called back over his shoulder, “Next time, don’t sign the requisition ‘Hugs and kisses, Obi Wan’, please.” Lara pursed her lips together as hard as she could to hold in the laughter that wanted to escape, until the door closed behind him. Then she sputtered out in giggles, made even worse when she looked over at her lieutenant and Kenobi’s clone commander. They were both still staring at her like they didn’t know what to do with her. The laughter in her eyes made it hard for them to hold it against her, plus… it was pretty funny. The two men shared a look and then shook their heads at her incorrigible actions.
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cloneshipping7567 · 10 months
Romantic Confessions Part 11
Part 11/30
11. "Don't make me say it. I can't say the words."
Pairing: Cody x Wolffe
Rating/WC: T/2614
Warnings: none
I struggled with this one nil ;-; I hope you like it!
They’re drunk; way more drunk than they should be. It’s giving Wolffe hives, seeing how reckless his men are behaving. Just imagining the look on General Koon’s face is enough to make Wolffe growl at the poor shiny who was ordering drinks while standing next to Wolffe’s seat at the bar. 
As the shiny is scurrying away,a hand claps on his shoulder harshly, and Wolffe turns to snarl at the intruder before he realizes who’s touching him. “Relax, vod. You’re on leave, they can have fun. You can have fun.”
“Says you,” Wolffe grumbles, but he turns on his stool to face Cody. “I don’t think you’ve ever relaxed a day in your life.”
Cody glares at the person in the stool next to Wolffe until they get the hint and run off, before taking the now vacant seat and turning his frown to Wolffe. “I had plenty of fun as a cadet.”
“You’re just lucky you picked your name before we could give you a nickname,” Wolffe says, wishing he had been as lucky. “Or we would have named you Uptight.”
Cody scoffs. “I did like to have fun, I just liked to have fun in ways where I wouldn’t get caught or were allowed by the rules.” He suddenly grins, all teeth, and Wolffe narrows his eyes. “I liked beating the shit out of you on the mats. That was plenty fun.”
Wolffe snarls, taking a swig from his drink. “You weren’t that much better than me.”
Cody’s grin widens, and Wolffe is temporarily distracted by how handsome Cody is when he’s genuinely happy. “The only times you ever won were when you bit me, and those times don’t even count because you got disqualified for cheating.”
Wolffe grins back, showing off the teeth that earned him his name. “All is fair in love and war,” he snarks. 
Cody rolls his eyes. “We weren’t at war yet, asshole.” 
Wolffe forces a laugh, taking another drink and raising his finger for another. “What do you want to drink?” Wolffe narrows his eyes. “Wait, can you drink? You aren’t on leave, are you?” 
“Nope,” Cody says, shifting on his stool. “General Kenobi had to meet with the council, and while Coruscant is a little bit out of our way to our next station, it’s not bad enough to go straight there and meet up with him after. So the 212th is refueling and getting more supplies and such while they have their meeting.”
Wolffe takes his new drink, and wraps his hands around it. “What are you doing here, then?” he asks, gesturing to the bar in general. 
Cody grins again, kicking Wolffe lightly on the shin. “I can’t just want to visit my favorite commander named after an animal?”
“I’m telling Fox you said that,” Wolffe says, smiling when Cody curses softly. He takes another sip, before putting the glass down. 
“I just wanted to see you,” Cody clarifies, his smile still in place. “And I have several hours to kill until I’m expected back on the ship.”
“How did you know I would be here?” Wolffe asks, even though he already knows the answer. It’s 79’s; where else would clones be on leave on Coruscant?
Cody doesn’t dignify the question with a response. “Do you wanna get out of here?” Cody asks, eyes taking on that specific glint that always used to end with Wolffe in trouble, one way or the other. 
Cody may have found ways to not get caught, but Wolffe was always the one who straggled behind and had to take the heat. Cody would always apologize after, but he never stopped inviting Wolffe to tag along- and therefore take the fall when the Kaminoans caught on. 
“And go where?” Wolffe asks, finishing off his drink and pushing it up the bar, closer to the bartender. 
Cody only smirks and stands up, winking once at Wolffe and making his way to the exits.
Wolffe watches him go for a minute, internally debating. There is a very real chance he could get arrested tonight if he goes with Cody. 
Fuck it, the commander of the guard is his batchmate. He’ll risk it. 
He tries to catch up to Cody, and glares at anyone who hinders his progress. The best part of his massive scar is how easily his bitch face gets people scrambling now. He follows Cody out of the club, just in time to see him hailing a cab. 
“Come on,” Cody says, opening the door and encouraging Wolffe to go in first. Wolffe narrows his eyes at Cody, but the other clone simply smirks and gestures to the open door with his head. 
Wolffe sighs and climbs in, resigning himself to his fate. “I’m regretting implying you were a buzz kill.”
Cody laughs, a genuine one, and it makes Wolffe’s lips involuntarily spread into a smile. “Oh, just wait until you actually see what we’re doing. You haven't had anything to regret yet.”  
Wolffe swallows thickly, and Cody laughs and gives the cab driver an address. “Where are we going?” he asks. 
“You’ll see,” Cody says, a cocky smirk replacing the genuine smile. “You’ll love it.”
Wolffe isn’t sure about that, but he chooses not to comment on it. Instead, he makes small talk for the duration of the trip. They talk about what they’ve been up to, how their battalions are doing, how their generals are doing. General Kenobi is still as crazy as ever, and Cody is going to shove his lightsaber up his ass if he loses it again. 
They finally make it to their destination, and Wolffe is surprised to find a hotel. “What are we doing here?” Wolffe asks, turning to give Cody an inquisitive look. 
“I got a hotel room,” Cody says, leading the way inside and towards the elevator. “Something about how Kenobi is ordering me to take a real break, and I’ll find something to do if I stay on the ship; blah blah blah.”
Wolffe hums softly, still feeling like none of his questions have answers. “Okay…so why are we here?”
Cody rolls his eyes, pushing the button to take them to the correct floor. “To hang out, obviously.”
Wolffe purses his lips. “I’m failing to see how I’ll regret this. Or why I’ll love it.”
Cody doesn’t answer, simply walks out of the elevator the second the doors open, and walks to the correct room. He unlocks the door and pushes his way in, holding the door open for Wolffe. “You never trust me.”
“On the contrary,” Wolffe says, taking in the inside of the hotel after walking past Cody. “Trusting you blindly is what got me into trouble as a cadet. If anything, I trust you too much.” 
Cody hums and walks further into the hotel. He turns on his heel and grins at Wolffe, and it’s toothy and a little silly looking and it makes Wolffe’s stomach warm and flutter. “Well? What do you think?”
Wolffe cocks his head to the side in slight confusion, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s a hotel room.”
Cody sighs dramatically, his smile faltering. “It’s private. When’s the last time you had any true privacy? When no one even knew where you were, if they really wanted to bother you? Kenobi is the only person besides us who knows where this place is, let alone that I even have a hotel room, and he’s got his own duties.”
Wolffe thinks about it, and then smiles. It has been a long time since he had some privacy, when no one needed anything from him and there was zero possibility someone would interrupt him. “I guess that is pretty nice.”
Cody shifts his weight, and the movement is so strange coming from Cody. Cody is always so sure of himself; it’s weird seeing him feel displaced. “Are you hungry?” Cody asks. 
Wolffe blinks, uncrossing his arms and scratching the back of his head. “I could eat.”
Cody smiles again, and stands up a bit straighter. “Good, because I got food. Go sit at the table, I’ll get it ready.”
Wolffe laughs, shaking his head fondly but taking a seat at the dining room table. It’s a nice table, and the view is gorgeous; there’s a giant window where the table is pressed up against, and the setting sun is beautiful to look at. “You sure know how to treat a guy,” Wolffe teases Cody, and expects some jab in response but is met with only silence. 
Wolffe tears his eyes away from the view, forcing himself to look over at Cody. The other clone is bustling around the kitchen, and the sounds of metal hitting metal and glasses clinking fills the silence. Cody seems to be out of his element here, cheeks a bit flushed and his movements jerky and flustered. 
Wolffe wants to offer to help, to do something to make Cody relax, but Cody is done before Wolffe figures out how to ask without embarrassing Cody. 
Cody brings over two plates, filled with some sort of noodle dish, and places one in front of Wolffe and one in front of his own empty seat. He returns to the kitchen for just a moment before he comes back in with two glasses and a bottle of very nice looking wine. 
“Where did you get that?” Wolffe asks, allowing Cody to pour them both a glass before placing it in the middle of the table.
“It was a gift,” Cody says, cheeks still a bit flushed as he takes his seat. “Got it a while back, actually. I was saving it.”
“What’s the occasion?” Wolffe asks, because he doesn’t know what else to say to that. It’s just dinner; dinner with Wolffe, of all people. He hardly feels like all this trouble and a gift of expensive looking wine is worth Wolffe being on leave. 
Cody’s eyes snap to Wolffe’s, and the slight panic there sets Wolffe on edge. “I…” he clears his throat, and Wolffe has literally never seen him this unsettled and nervous before. Not even when they graduated and  became official commanders. “I just wanted to share it with you.”
Wolffe shrugs, attempting to let Cody off whatever hook he’s managed to worm himself onto. “Thank you,” he says, taking a sip. It’s good; much better than anything Wolffe has ever had before. 
Cody gives Wolffe a small smile, and then takes a sip of his own. “Mm. I’m glad I saved it, it tastes better than I thought it would.”
Wolffe hums in agreement, putting the glass down and taking a bite of the food Cody made for them. He grans at the taste; not only is it real food and not rations, it’s fucking delicious food. “Mm, Cody, this is great! Where did you get it from? I’ll have to take the boys there next time we have leave.”
“I-I made it, actually.” Cody clears his throat and takes another sip of his wine.
Wolffe raises a brow. “I didn’t know you cooked.”
“I don’t,” Cody says, and then looks down to his dish. “Normally. I learned how, so I could make this.”
Wolffe puts his fork down, studying Cody, who shoves a giant bite of food into his mouth and stares pointedly out at the sunset. “Cody…what’s going on? What is all of this?”
Cody chews slowly, and swallows loudly. He buys himself even more time by taking a sip from his wine, licking his lips and carefully setting it down. He finally makes eye contact with Wolffe, opening and closing his mouth as he decides what to say. 
Wolffe cocks his head to the side, crossing his arms over his chest. “Is something wrong?”
Cody makes a frustrated noise, looking down at his own plate. “No, why would something be wrong? I was-I was trying to do something for you.”
Wolffe sighs. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, Codes. This is really great. It just seems…like it’s not something you would normally do.”
Cody grabs his wine and takes a long sip, cheeks flushed just a bit. He puts it down and sighs, putting his hands in his lap. “I’m sorry, this was a stupid idea.”
Wolffe sighs again, relaxing his arms. “It’s not stupid, it’s just-I was just wondering why you’re doing it for me. This is all really nice, Codes.”
Cody looks at Wolffe, and he looks much more like himself again. He’s giving Wolffe the ‘you can not be this stupid right now’ look he usually reserves for shinies or Fox. “I don’t want you to humor me. You can just leave, if you want.”
Wolffe bristles at the sudden coldness, folding his hands into fists and resting them on the table. “I wouldn’t even know what I was humoring, Cody. I’m not trying to be an asshole here, I’m just confused.”
Cody works his jaw, looking back to his plate. “I just wanted to impress you, make you happy.”
“Why?” Wolffe asks, growing impatient. “It’s just me, I’m nothing special.”
Cody sighs in annoyance, looking up at Wolffe with the furrow between his brows he only gets when he’s really angry. “Don’t make me say it. I can’t say the words.” 
Wolffe scoffs, feeling just as upset as Cody now. “Spell it out for me Cody, since you’re so much smarter than me.”
Cody sighs and rolls his eyes, and then he stands up. “You’re not-” he cuts himself off with another huff and stands over Wolffe. 
Wolffe glares up at him, narrowing his eyes in annoyance. “If you would just use your big boy words instead of-” Wolffe cuts off abruptly, eyes going wide. 
Cody runs his fingers along Wolffe’s jaw, moving down to hook under his chin and gently lift so he’s looking up at the other clone. “Wolffe,” Cody says softly, using his other hand to run through Wolffe’s hair. 
Wolffe’s eyes flutter as he tries to understand what’s happening. Everything suddenly makes a lot more sense–if Cody is about to do what he thinks Cody is about to do. 
He does. 
Cody leans down and connects their lips in a chaste kiss, not pushing for anything, just saying without words what he’s been skirting around all night. 
Cody was right to give him the ‘you idiot’ look, earlier; in hindsight, it’s very obvious what Cody was doing. 
Wolffe almost chases Cody’s lips when he pulls away, but instead bites his lower lip and look into Cody’s eyes. “Oh,” he whispers, reaching up to cup the back of Cody’s neck and denying him the ability to retreat any further. “Oh, I get it now.”
Cody snorts and rolls his eyes, and the smile is so fond and genuine and Wolffe never wants that smile to leave Cody’s face. “I wasn’t trying to be subtle.”
Wolffe hums in agreement. “You love me,” he says instead of arguing, like he normally would. He watches Cody’s eyes widen just a fraction, and smiles back at him. “I love you too.”
Cody’s expression melts into something warm and dopey, and his eyes light up with that same warmth he had earlier in the bar. “Finish your dinner, before it gets cold,” he says softly, almost playfully. 
“If that’s what it takes for you to kiss me again,” Wolffe says, watching Cody take his own seat again. 
Cody laughs, grabbing his glass and taking a sip, but this time he doesn’t hide behind it; this time, he keeps eye contact with Wolffe over the rim. 
Wolffe has a feeling he’s in for quite the treat tonight; they do have the entire hotel room all to themselves all night long, after all.
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
Strike the Match
As the dust settles from the War, there is now time to do what Jedi could not do during the fighting. An exhibition match has been scheduled, only it's not for learning purposes, but rather a slight test to see who is the strongest in the Order now. A match between masters, the one who bested Yoda, and the one who has trained up much the Order itself.
Fandom: Star Wars
Rating: Gen/T (Violence, Language)
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personally, I think we needed more insane fights. Also no i dont have any idea what im doing, im just vibing. Also to anyone who wanted me to have someone just throw a lightsaber ( @d3epfriedangels ), here’s the fic
Despite the rather large amount of Jedi around her, there was little noise within the Training Hall— As if everyone was holding their breath, waiting, and watching. It was understandable, though, it was a rare occurrence for something like this to happen, after all, so much so that nearly every Jedi in the Temple was packed into the seats or standing against the wall. A number of Clones were among the Jedi as well, and those that weren’t were surely watching via camera droids from where they were around the Temple, or even off Planet.
The Training Hall they all were in was one that was specially geared towards the more powerful and intense Masters, formatted and specifically built in a similar style that an arena would be. While the floors were the same resin-covered wood that the other halls had under the mats, but that was where the similarities to the other Training Halls ended. Instead of bleachers for observers, there were stands, raised up above the arena for safety with. Metal plating surrounded the walls, and the ceiling was a special type of transparisteel skylight— that had been opened for this fight especially.
With the use of technology, there were more terrains that could be created in this Hall than in the others, but for now, that didn’t matter. Both duelists had chosen to leave the arena as it was, save for the skylight.
Standing tall with her hands clasped behind her back among the Jedi was Shaak Ti, the named referee for the match that was to begin. On opposite ends with their backs to each other, kneeling and ready with their lightsabers across their laps, were two of the famed Masters of the Temple.
The Battlemaster himself, Cin Drallig, with his hair tied back and fully out of his face instead of the loose pull he normally had it in, was on one end. Gone were his usual robes, instead he was in a looser variant of the Temple Guard’s usual regalia.
Similarly to the other Master, Plo Koon had forgone his usual robes. Instead, he donned traditional Baran Do combat attire as he knelt on the opposite end of the field.
Shaak Ti’s head lifted a bit, catching Mace Windu’s eye. Despite the man’s rather stoic exterior, she could tell that he was rather excited about the duel. The Togruta Master would be lying to herself if she didn’t share his sentiment, though.
There had been no time to duel other Masters during the War, and those who had found the time had never gone full power when facing one another down— injuries that would take more than a day to heal from would be problems in the long run, after all. But now the war was over, now there was time. And many had taken advantage of it when they weren't aiding in the clean-up from the War.
However, this was different. This wasn’t just two Masters facing off in the Temple, showing off their skills for others. 
Shaak Ti knew better than to think of her fellow Councilor and the Battlemaster as just ‘other Masters’.
There was no secret among the Ranks of the Masters who it was that held the top positions as the Strongest Jedi. Not even all of the Councilors made the cut.
As much as Obi-Wan did like to show off his skill, he didn’t come close, and Coleman Kcaj had chuckled once that if anyone considered him to be as strong as the others, he’d eat his loom. The Ongree wasn’t on the Council for his battle prowess—  none of them were— but for his insight and care for others. And, while a very skilled duelist to the point of giving some of the best a run for their credits, Saesee Tiin stated that he always preferred starship dogfights rather than locking sabers with others. Adi Gallia had been the same before her passing.
Still, that meant that those who were renown as the best of the best were even more alight with excitement. 
Mace Windu would gracefully bow out from the ranks at number five— four, now that Yoda had… retired from the Order. Agen had just beaten his lineage relative out from the third rank among the Masters, and no one really wanted to count the Temple Guard’s individual Masters or even their Knights in the rankings. And they didn’t want to be counted either, they had their own system, though one or two had joked by way of hand sign that they would hate to damage egos by being thrown into the mix.
Shaak Ti was certain she wasn't supposed to know that the three Guards switching shifts from the Archives were talking about that, but the fact remained that they at least found amusement in the not-so-official ranking system among the Masters and Duelists within the Order.
And there were definitely Masters who went unranked who weren't among the Guard, falling into unknown spots among them, but even so, there was little doubt about who claimed the positions of the top two Jedi among the Masters.
Plo Koon had since been seen as one of the best the moment he had triumped over Yoda years ago. The Duel had been a private affair, of course, but the results spoke for themselves. The Elder and Older Masters from that time would remember, and the late Master Tyvokka had been extremely pleased with the news. Councilors had since passed the word down between one another when they left, Yaddle had told Shaak Ti herself before she left the Council and chosen her as her successor— yes, there was no doubt that had push come to shove, Plo Koon would be able to pull it off again. Because while Yoda grew old, the Kel Dor in question remained as spry as ever, and was a couple hundred years younger to boot.
Cin Drallig, on the other hand, was another matter entirely.
At face value, it was expected of the man to be placed as one of the highest-ranking Masters among the Order— he already made the cut upon becoming the Battlemaster at a rather young age. But on top of it all, he was one of Yoda’s protégé students, as much as the man would loathe to discuss it.
Yoda’s past students were a rather touchy subject. There were many things that had since come to light after the War, but that was neither here nor there.
The Battlemaster was powerful, controlled, and absolutely ruthless. There was a good reason for his nickname among the Masters as The Dragon, and there was a good reason why the Temple Guard was the way that it was. A powerful force of nature, and the Iron Wall of defense around the Temple.
Yes, Shaak Ti mused as she waited for the final seconds to tick down to zero. There was no doubt that this duel would be something to remember.
She took a breath as the last of the Jedi slipped into the Hall.
“A duel between Masters has been issued,” she announced, the little noise that had been among those within the Hall silencing. “And in agreement with both parties, the Duel has become an Exhibition Match.”
She extended one hand out towards Plo Koon. “The Challenger, High Councilor and Master Plo Koon, approached the Challenged,” She extended her other hand to Cin. “Battlemaster and Head of Security, Master Cin Drallig, to the Duel. The agreed terms have been set: the Duel will run until the time limit of half an hour has been met, until one Master yields to the other, or until I, as the overseer, determine that one or both are unfit for further combat. As per standard, each Master’s lightsaber has been set to a non-lethal output, however, as per both Masters’ agreement, there are to be no restrictions on ability.”
She paused for a moment, gazing at the two before she spoke again. “Are these terms still seen as agreeable between the Challenger and Challenged?”
“They are, Master Ti,” Plo Koon responded, followed by a nod from Cin.
“There is no protest from me.”
Shaak Ti nodded at that before she clapped her hands together. “Very well! May the Force favor you, then, Masters, and let the match begin!”
Both Masters were known for their impressive speed, so it was no surprise to Shaak Ti when the both of them were up on their feet in split seconds, lightsabers igniting with sharp snaps and the low thrum that accompanied them. There was no hesitance, nor posturing as the two wasted no time meeting in the center— blue and green clashing before drawing back, sparks flying in a deadly dance.
The Force was a storm around the two as they clashed, but she knew better than to expect them to stick with only saber-combat throughout the duel.
There was a chance for things to get brutal.
And that was the exciting thing, now wasn’t it?
It would be unlike any other duel Shaak Ti had seen before, but she forced herself not to get caught up in the awe. She had been asked to oversee the match for a reason, after all.
She fought to keep her own grin off her face as she saw Plo’s arm snap out. The Force rippled before Cin was thrown back, or appeared to be. Cin had a good reaction time, something that was clear if one had looked close enough.
The moment he saw Plo's arm move, he had leaped back. While some damage was sustained, the impact from the throw had been lessened, and as soon as his feet hit solid ground, he was off again. But this time, he was faster.
The Battlemaster had a particular skill when it came to the Force that Shaak Ti would freely admit she had been somewhat jealous of as a child.
Force Speed was something that many Jedi mastered, for sure, but Cin had set a bar higher than anyone else.
So, with a soft buzz in the Force, Cin vanished from sight before reappearing behind Plo and sending the Kel Dor sprawling with a rather powerful roundhouse kick. Cin vanished again as Plo whipped his arm out, sending a ripple of the Force towards him, but the Battlemaster reappeared above the Councilor, slashing downwards as he dodged.
Plo blocked, throwing Cin back off of him, and again the Battlemaster manipulated the Force within his own body, vanishing with that soft buzz of the Force again.
Using the Force to increase one's speed was a common ability among many Jedi, but not in the same way that the Battlemaster Could.
Masters like Mace Windu could move as fast as a blink of the eye but it took time to work up to that point in a fight, and in general, the ability was considered to be a core skill among the Jedi— but there was a reason why Cin Drallig waited to teach it last.
It was difficult, and to do it on the scale that he could so flawlessly? Shaak Ti was certain there would be more than a few Jedi who would throw themselves back into studying anatomy and the body after the match.
To use Force Speed on the scale that Cin often did required control over the Force. So much so that he could manipulate it in order to speed up the blood flow, hemoglobin, metabolism, and muscle movement all at the same time so his body wouldn’t damage itself majorly. 
And it was difficult to do. Much like with healing, any loss of concentration or wrong calculation could absolutely shred the body.
There were few who could cross the length of an arena in a short period of time like he could, and those who could often needed time to work up to that point, time to accelerate from a full stop to such a speed, while Drallig could simply 'tell' his body to speed up to such an extent in a split second.
But then again, there were also few who had the same reflexes of the opposing Master he was facing.
In seconds, the Ancient Kel Dor Master had dropped his lightsaber and brought his hands forwards in a clap. The Force, much like before, moved as directed but instead of a simple wave of the force, Plo Koon threw a shockwave out around him.
Much like Force Speed,  one could consider this a basic Force Skill, but there was merit to utilizing it. The power that Plo Koon could put behind the said attack was enough to render multiple enemies useless, and it created a wide enough opening and a moment of respite.
In this case, though, it threw Cin Drallig back far enough for Plo to turn the tide.
Cin was fast, but so was Plo. 
Blue and green clashed again as Cin drew his saber up the split second before Plo reached him. 
In terms of the current position, the Battlemaster was at a disadvantage, with his back against the ground and Plo Koon’s weight class quite literally against him.
Shaak Ti knew that Cin was light. In general and on his feet. He never ate much, and while he was strong in his own right, there was still a disadvantage to be held over him in this case. 
Plo Koon was not overly bulky. In truth, she was pretty sure Vokara Che would put the two in the same physical build class and category. But Kel Dor had both denser muscles and bones, and there was nearly a foot difference in height between them.
As Plo Koon bared down on Drallig, she idly wondered how many other Jedi were thinking along the lines of disappointment. By all means, Plo Koon had the higher ground, a well-known key component to many victories in battle. Drallig was quite literally pinned down, it could be seen as a losing battle, one where the victory was already secured.
They would be pleasantly surprised that the battle would not end so quickly. 
There were four things that happened in the next instance, showing the true skill that Cin Drallig had as the Battlemaster— or perhaps, not quite the ‘true skill’ but rather a demonstration of strategy and willingness to go to all the stops in order to escape a situation.
The first thing that happened was subtle, and if she hadn’t been watching for it, Shaak Ti was certain that she would’ve missed it. Drallig shifted, no longer pressing up against Plo Koon’s saber all the way to defend himself, and angled himself for an easy escape while also adjusting his footing in such a way that he would have enough power to do so.
The second was more obvious. He deactivated his lightsaber.
Following suit, and as to be expected, Plo Koon was unbalanced and in return, began to fall forwards.
Drallig used that, pushing off of the ground and rolling out of the way and to the side to escape his previous position of being cadged in.
Plo Koon recovered quickly, however, using the momentum from his fall to roll forwards and back onto his feet.
Drallig dusted his shoulder off with one hand, holding his saber out in front of him with the other as they circled each other again.
The thing about seasoned Masters, in Shaak Ti’s opinion, was that most of a duel was spent sizing the other up. There were calculations to be made, and strategies to formulate. It was thrilling when you were the one down there in the fight, but not so much when you were watching it.
Still, there was a tension within the hall, all eyes on the two masters as they did exactly that and sized each other up. 
Their duel had started with a bang, a clash of sabers and skills. And perhaps that had been the initial posturing, the initial test of skill and speed. Now they were waiting, watching, and analyzing one another.
It was only a matter of time before one struck, she knew. Both Masters were well known for their patience, yes, but at the same time—
A shower of sparks and the clashing of lightsabers made her lips curl upwards in a smirk as the two moved at the same time. 
Cin broke away first, leaping back before crouching down to avoid a strike to the head, the smell of burnt hair reaching Shaak Ti as the very tip of the man's ponytail suffered the fate of being severed. In the same instance, he drew his saber upwards, forcing Plo to bend back to dodge as well.
The Kel Dor backed up as the other struck again quickly, slashing downwards first, and then to the side before he brought his saber up to block a strike from Plo. The Kel Dor knocked it to the side, before he twisted, avoiding a thrust at his side.
The exchange of blows went on for a bit longer, moving at a lightning-fast reaction speed. Parries would be knocked aside, strikes met blow for blow, incredible feats of physicality shown off more than once as the flexibility and strength of each Master was tested as they dodged.
There were moments where even she had believed that the frenzied duel the two were locked in would end, only for Plo to bring his saber up in a fraction of a second or for Cin to drop to the ground out of the way. Their reaction times were unmatched at this moment in time, and with a quick glance through the others in the hall, she could tell similar thoughts and analyses of the two Masters was going on.
Commanders Wolffe and Fox were both leaning against the rails of the seating area, eyes trained on the fight like the rest but there was a sense of awe that came with seeing two masters tear into one another for the first time. Padawans had the same look, and even some of the Knights as well.
Excitement and awe were etched into the expressions of the Masters who knew just how powerful their cohorts were, and Shaak Ti was certain that the Instructors branch of Jedi had pride mixed in.
The Temple Guard watching as well seemed to hold themselves with that same air of pride.
How could both groups not, after all?
Cin Drallig represented both groups, and it was not to say that there were not people rooting for Plo either. 
The excitement, the anticipation, the pride, it was something that could be felt in the Force, vibrating under the skin of the observers.
Two masters fighting with such ferocity even in an exhibition match? It was exciting.
Again, the two broke apart, Cin leaping back and away from Plo.
The Battlemaster was panting a bit, shoulders tense as Plo kept his saber raised. The Kel Dor fared no differently, chest heaving just slightly as the only visible indication, but still, they circled one another again, eyes narrowed on Cin’s part.
There was a shift in the Battlemaster’s footing, a readjustment of his grip before he twisted. And again, the absolute control over the Force that Drallig had was shown as he drew his arm back.
Lightsabers ignited because of pressure against the ignition button, or a switch internally. There was no way to ‘keep’ it ignited otherwise. So, to throw a Lightsaber and for it to stay ignited was a feat. Most Knights and certainly almost all padawans could not do so, and even some Masters found it to be difficult. 
Not for Cin. 
Like a javelin, he launched his saber at Plo, the Force being directed and wrapping around the saber to keep the ignition on— and perhaps, had the Kel Dor’s saber been in any other position, he would have knocked it away.
But he didn’t. 
Instead, he braced against the force of the saber launched at him, his own held in such a position that it blocked the blade… Only, it proved to be a mistake.
In the same instance that the blades connected, Cin used his Force speed to cross the arena in a fraction of a second.
The thrilled grin on Shaak Ti’s face threatened to widen when the Battlemaster reappeared, his leg drawn back.
It had taken him less than a second to cross the arena, and now it was clear what he was doing as he reappeared.
With a rather unorthodox strategy, Drallig threw more force behind the initial impact created when he threw his saber with a rather powerful kick to the hilt of the weapon.
And still, Plo Koon braced against the impact, even as he was forced back because of it. The Force around them both rippled, and she knew that Drallig had definitely strengthened his strike with it.
There was only one way out, one that was not in Plo’s favor. But he had no choice as he forced the connection to break by deflecting Cin’s saber and the energy that was behind it upwards.
The saber flew up, but Cin was there again, grabbing it and then seemingly using the Force itself as another platform to kick off of the air from above. 
Plo dodged by way of a backflip, and she felt her skin prickle as he moved one hand off of his saber’s hilt. Above them, the sky darkened, the Force bending and seeming to spark with energy. The sharp sense of ozone filled the air and she saw Cin's eyes widen as Plo thrust his hand out. 
Emerald bolts of lightning arced across the arena in seconds, the sky darkening further and thunder rumbling. Cin twisted again, dodging to the side and just barely making it out with just the tips of his hair singed— before the sky rumbled again.
This time, the Battlemaster had no room to dodge as a bolt from above crashed downwards from the sky and through the opened ceiling.
The impact from the bolt to the floor of the arena kicked up dust and debris, obscuring it for the most part, and even forcing those closer to bring their arms up to shield their eyes and face.
The bolt, Shaak Ti knew, would not kill Cin. It was painful, but Cin was quick and certainly had figured a way to avoid being killed from such an attack— or else Plo would not have used it. That said, had Plo brought the fight to an end with that alone?
She wasn’t sure as she focused on the arena.
Plo was standing outside of the created smoke-screen, saber still at the ready and tusks twitching as he watched as well. 
One moment.
There was no movement and the silence stretched on, and a few hushed whispers started to spread from the observers in the stands as it did.
Just as Shaak Ti had taken the breath to call the fight, Plo moved.
She watched, somewhat stunned as he threw his saber to the side suddenly, the same moment Cin launched himself up from the smoke. The Battlemaster's heel met Plo’s arms as the Kel Dor blocked the drop-kick before he threw the Battlemaster back.
Cin looked much worse for wear, smoke from the sheer heat of the lightning still rising off of him, and his robes burnt, torn, and frayed. But he didn’t let up, landing on his toes before he took off again. 
Hand-to-Hand combat was a rare specialty among the Jedi. While true that many could use it and had studied the various forms of martial arts, there were few who could stay they were true Masters of the art— to the point where they could throw their saber away and fight barehanded without worry.
Drallig had no such worries, as he leaped up, slamming his knee into Plo Koon’s face.
But Plo didn’t either, it seemed, as he grabbed the man’s ankle and braced against the hit. He twisted him, making a move to throw him off again, but Drallig seemed to be counting on it as he dropped his weight to the ground. He swung out with his leg next, using the fact that Plo was holding onto him to send the Kel Dor flying before he rolled back onto his feet. Plo did the same, falling into a fighting stance as soon as he was back up.
Cin bounced on his toes before he readjusted his own stance, legs apart, hands up in front of him before he turned one over.
Two flicks of his fingers, the universal sign for ‘come at me’, was made towards Plo and the Kel Dor shook his head out a bit. He reached up and checked his mask silently before he was off. 
Much like the saber fight, the two met one another blow for blow, though hits were sustained in full power this time.
A fist to the face, a kick to the side of the head.
It was a flurry of movements, but Shaak Ti could tell both were wearing down. All it took was one wrong move, and then victory would be taken.
It was a bit unfortunate that the one who made the mistake had been Plo, however.
Cin dodged to the side as the Kel Dor threw his hand out in a jab to the face, before he grabbed his wrist. The quiet ‘oh fuck’ from a knight nearby was probably what Plo was thinking before the Kel Dor found himself flipped over Cin’s shoulder and slammed down hard into the arena’s floor.
There was a moment of silence before Cin let go and leaped back. He staggered as he landed, though, panting much more than before, and he winced as he placed one foot back behind the other. Blood was dripping slowly from his nose, and he reached up to wipe it away with his thumb.
Plo, on the other hand, lay there for a moment before he staggered to his feet as well, rolling his shoulder a bit before he slowly slid into a fighting stance again. But like Cin, he winced as he did so.
The two wouldn’t get a chance to clash again, however, as Shaak Ti’s chrono buzzed in her robe’s inner pocket.
She blinked, before she let out a silent huff of air, and raised a hand after a moment— drawing attention to herself.
The fight had been decided and ended in a draw.
It seemed as if the outcome and position of strongest was still at a tie.
In legends, Plo did apparently beat Yoda and this was kinda an excuse for me to just throw two of my favorites into a fight against one another. I'm personally of the belief that Cin also could've kicked Yoda's ass, he just never had time to do so lmao. Cin is, by way of legends, Yoda's student from what I understand, but that's now just canon in my brain so. There's that too.
For those who dont know I'm the person who saw the canon heights for Star Wars and went "that doesn't look right" and now headcanon some to be much taller or some smaller than before. Cin is 5'4" because I adore the small powerhouse sort of vibe from him. Plo's like 6'3", not a major difference, but enough. For fun, though, Dexter Jettster is 9'2" now because I think it's fun.
Anyways, I really like fight scenes, and I think that Star Wars dropped the ball on ridiculously anime-physics'd fights since Jedi literally don't follow most laws of physics about 60% of the time anyway. I drew some inspo from Mordred vs Bedivere with the saber kick though.
In terms of timeline, obviously, this is AU. It kinda fits into some of my AU Brainwork (the Kiwikipedia / Kiwiverse) but can be read as just AU War ended Differently, no one dies ™
Basically, post War, Yoda just 'retires' from the Order and is on an extended sabbatical to dagobah. It doesn't really matter how the war ended, but yeah. Palpatine's palpa-time was up. 0v0b
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425599167 · 2 years
In general, what're your thoughts on tales of the jedi?
It was pretty good. Filoni got a prequel series, and decided to pack it full of as much dramatic irony as he possibly could. Baby Ahsoka is very very cute. I'm surprised we didn't get to see Plo Koon arrive to take her. Jesse must feel terrible about shooting Ahsoka. We finally found out what happened to Yaddle. Dooku seems to find the Great Tree relaxing just like Barriss and I’m starting to wonder if that tree is evil. Though it’s unfortunate the Ahsoka novel seemingly doesn't exist anymore because who are these people?
This is really nitpicky, but the part that I'm most hung up on was Anakin's training method. I know the narrative purpose it serves and how it worked out, but I can't get over how stupid and inefficient it is. Buddy, she's not gonna do any better when you restart five seconds after she wakes up. Maybe wait until she stops wobbling. Put down a mat so she doesn't crack her skull on the floor after getting stunned in the middle of a spinny flip. Also, stun shots are wider and easier to block, the low-power training bolts are closer to real combat and don't knock people out for an hour. How long were you all standing around? Ahsoka woke up on the floor, did any of you check if she was injured?
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beniouarainoutlet · 5 months
Berber Matto Elegance: Navigointi viehätysvoimassa ja käsityötaiteessa Beniouarain Outletilla
Sisustussuunnittelun alueella rikkaan historiansa ja ajattoman eleganssinsa ansiosta Berbermatto on kulttuuriperinnön ja taiteellisen ilmaisun symboli. Nykyään harrastajat voivat vaivattomasti lähteä matkalle parantaakseen elintilojaan tutkimalla berberimattojen lumoavaa maailmaa. Tässä blogissa paljastamme näiden hienojen teosten takana olevaa viehätystä ja käsityötaitoa korostaen Beniouarain Outletin ainutlaatuista tarjontaa ensisijaisena osta Berber-matto-kohteena ja kuratoimme tilan, joka heijastaa sekä perinteitä että nykytyyliä.
Luku 1: Berber Mats - Tapetry kulttuuria ja historiaa
1.1 Berber Weavingin alkuperä:
Sukella berberikudoksen historiallisiin juuriin jäljittämällä sen juuret Pohjois-Afrikan berberiheimoihin. Keskustele berberimattojen kulttuurisesta merkityksestä perinteisten seremonioiden ja rituaalien olennaisena osana.
1.2 Symbolismi berberisuunnittelussa:
Tutustu Berber matto -malleihin upotettuun symboliseen kieleen, mukaan lukien geometriset kuviot, motiivit ja värisymboliikka. Korosta, kuinka jokainen kappale kertoo ainutlaatuisen tarinan ja vangitsee berberikulttuurin olemuksen.
Luku 2: Beniouarain Outlet – portti Berber Eleganceen
2.1 Beniouarain Outletin esittely:
Esittele Beniouarain Outlet johtavana aitojen berbermattojen lähteenä. Korosta brändin sitoutumista berberikudoksen aitouden ja käsityötaidon säilyttämiseen.
2.2 Monipuolinen Berber Matto -kokoelma:
Esittele Beniouarain Outletissa saatavilla olevaa monipuolista valikoimaa berbermattoja, jotka kattavat eri tyylejä, kokoja ja malleja. Korosta brändin omistautumista tarjota kuratoitua valikoimaa erilaisiin makuun ja sisustuksen estetiikkaan.
Luku 3: Käsityötaito Berber Matsin takana
3.1 Käsinkudottu erinomaisuus:
Valaise huolellista käsinkudottua prosessia, joka määrittää berberimattojen luomisen. Keskustele berberikäsityöläisten asiantuntemuksesta ja perinteisistä tekniikoista, jotka ovat siirtyneet sukupolvelta toiselle.
3.2 Luonnolliset materiaalit ja väriaineet:
Tutustu luonnonmateriaalien, kuten villan, käyttöön ja perinteisiin värjäysmenetelmiin berbermattotuotannossa. Keskustele ympäristöystävällisten käytäntöjen merkityksestä ja niiden vaikutuksesta mattojen yleiseen laatuun.
Luku 4: Täydellisen berberi Matton valitseminen
4.1 Berber Matto -tyylien ymmärtäminen:
Tarjoa näkemyksiä berberimattojen eri tyyleistä klassisesta Beni Ourainista Boucherouiteen ja Azilaliin. Ohjaa lukijoita ymmärtämään kunkin tyylin ainutlaatuiset ominaisuudet ja kuinka sovittaa ne yhteen sisustusmieltymyksiensä kanssa.
4.2 Kokoon liittyviä huomioita:
Keskustele mitoituksen tärkeydestä valitessasi berbermattoa ottaen huomioon tekijöitä, kuten huoneen mitat, huonekalujen sijoittelun ja esteettiset tavoitteet.
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Anna vinkkejä oikean koon valitsemiseen harmonisen tasapainon saavuttamiseksi asuintiloissa.
Luku 5: Beniouarain Outletin sitoutuminen aitouteen
5.1 Eettisten ja aitojen berberimattojen hankinta:
Keskustele Beniouarain Outletin sitoutumisesta eettiseen hankintaan ja jokaisen berberimaton aitoudesta. Korosta brändin omistautumista berberikäsityöläisten ja -yhteisöjen tukemiseen.
5.2 Laadunvarmistusstandardit:
Tutustu Beniouarain Outletin toteuttamiin tiukoihin laadunvarmistusstandardeihin varmistaaksesi, että jokainen matto täyttää korkeimmatkin vaatimukset. Keskustele pistorasiasta hankittujen berbermattojen kestävyydestä ja pitkäikäisyydestä.
Luku 6: Berber matot modernissa sisustussuunnittelussa
6.1 Muotoilun monipuolisuus:
Esittele esimerkkejä siitä, kuinka berbermatot sulautuvat saumattomasti moderniin sisustuksen estetiikkaan. Keskustele berberimattojen monipuolisuudesta täydentää erilaisia sisustuselementtejä minimalistisista boheeemeihin tyyleihin.
6.2 Yhteyspisteiden luominen:
Havainnollista, kuinka berbermatoilla voidaan luoda polttopisteitä eri asuintiloihin. Keskustele sijoitusstrategioista parantaaksesi näiden hienojen kappaleiden visuaalista vaikutusta.
Luku 7: Asiakkaiden tarinat – tilojen muuttaminen Beniouarain Outletilla
7.1 Henkilökohtaiset suosittelut:
Jaa henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia asiakkailta, joilla on osta Berber-matto Beniouarain Outletista. Korosta näiden mattojen mullistavaa vaikutusta niiden asuintiloihin ja yleiseen sisäilmapiiriin.
7.2 Ennen ja jälkeen:
Esittele visuaalisia esityksiä tiloista ennen berberimattojen sisällyttämistä ja sen jälkeen korostaen esteettistä parannusta ja kulttuurista infuusiota. Keskustele Beniouarain Outletin roolista näiden muuttavien kokemusten edistämisessä.
Luku 8: Berber Matton hoitaminen
8.1 Huoltovinkkejä:
Anna käytännöllisiä vinkkejä berbermattojen hoitoon ja ylläpitoon niiden pitkäikäisyyden varmistamiseksi. Keskustele puhdistusmenetelmistä, sijoittamista koskevista näkökohdista ja tavoista suojata näitä perintökappaleita.
8.2 Kulttuuriperinnön säilyttäminen:
Korosta berberimattojen käsittelyn tärkeyttä kulttuuriesineinä ja rohkaise lukijoita arvostamaan ja säilyttämään jokaiseen osaan upotettua perintöä. Keskustele Beniouarain Outletin roolista tietoisuuden lisäämisessä berberikudoksen kulttuurisesta merkityksestä.
Luku 9: Beniouarain Outlet - Berber Elegancen tulevaisuuden muokkaaminen
9.1 Berberisuunnittelun innovaatiot:
Keskustele siitä, kuinka Beniouarain Outlet pysyy berberien suunnittelutrendien kärjessä. Tutustu kaikkiin yhteistyöhön, innovaatioihin tai uusiin julkaisuihin, jotka heijastavat Berber matto -käsityötaidon kehittyvää maisemaa.
9.2 Koulutusaloitteet:
Korosta Beniouarain Outletin koulutushankkeita, joiden tarkoituksena on lisätä tietoisuutta berberikulttuurista ja käsityötaidot. Keskustele brändin tarjoamista alustoista, tapahtumista tai resursseista rikastaaksesi ymmärrystä berberimattoista.
Johtopäätös: Beniouarain Outletin berber Matto Masteryn kohottaminen
Lopuksi matka osta Berber mattoon ylittää sisustuskappaleen hankinnan; se on kulttuurinen tutkimus ja sijoitus käsityön huippuosaamiseen. Kun Beniouarain Outlet on ohjaava voima, tästä matkasta tulee paitsi saavutettavissa oleva, myös syvästi rikastuttava. Jokainen berberimatto kertoo tarinan, ja Beniouarain Outletin avulla ihmiset voivat kuroida tiloja, jotka toistavat berberikudoksen rikasta kulttuuriperintöä samalla kun ne sulautuvat saumattomasti modernin suunnittelun herkkyyteen. Korosta asuintilaasi Beniouarain Outletin Berber matto -käsityön taidolla, jossa perinne kohtaa nykyaikaisen eleganssin. ​
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questforgalas · 10 months
For your sleepover prompts, 2, 14 and 19 :)
2. Clone captains or clone commanders?
The commanders may have the numbers, but the captains have Rex 😏 he's the only captain I need to beat out the commanders
14. What are your 3 favorite Jedi headcanon
After the High Republic confirmed that Jedi younglings take daily naps on little nap mats, I'm fully convinced Quinlan and Obi-Wan would snuggle next to each other. They could not nap unless next to each other, they're besties duh
Obi-Wan is the absolute worst Jedi ever when it comes to attachments, he just hid it better than Anakin
Plo Koon had a 50 page argument for clone rights ready to be published and submitted to the senate before he died in Order 66
19. Favreau, Lucas, or Filoni?
Listen listen listen, I will forever be grateful for what George Lucas created, but what Filoni did with TCW and Rebels was another level of Star Wars I didn't think possible, so I'm going with Filoni
Thanks for playing! Let's have a sleepover, send me a question 🚀💖⭐ list here
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taschott · 2 years
Tumblr media
MOTIVE DRIVEN EXPLORATION: challenging traditional ideas of ethics and aesthetics
“Erased De Kooning Drawing” by Robert Rauschenberg, 1953
from SF MoMA: 
From 1951 to 1953, Robert Rauschenberg made a number of artworks that explore the limits and very definition of art. These works recall and effectively extend the notion of the artist as creator of ideas, a concept first broached by Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968) with his iconic readymades of the early twentieth century. With Erased de Kooning Drawing (1953), Rauschenberg set out to discover whether an artwork could be produced entirely through erasure—an act focused on the removal of marks rather than their accumulation.
Rauschenberg first tried erasing his own drawings but ultimately decided that in order for the experiment to succeed he had to begin with an artwork that was undeniably significant in its own right. He approached Willem de Kooning (1904–1997), an artist for whom he had tremendous respect, and asked him for a drawing to erase. Somewhat reluctantly, de Kooning agreed. After Rauschenberg completed the laborious erasure, he and fellow artist Jasper Johns (b. 1930) devised a scheme for labeling, matting, and framing the work, with Johns inscribing the following words below the now-obliterated de Kooning drawing:
The simple, gilded frame and understated inscription are integral parts of the finished artwork, offering the sole indication of the psychologically loaded act central to its creation. Without the inscription, we would have no idea what is in the frame; the piece would be indecipherable.
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captainkirkk · 3 years
A collection of fics I’ve read (/reread) and thoroughly enjoyed in the past week-ish from all kinds of fandoms and genres.
DC (Batfamily)
Liminal Space by Calamityjim
Bruce's habit of collecting strays is not limited by dimension.
Or: When Young Justice Batman comes across an angsty, seemingly abandoned by his Batman Tim Drake, he decides to step up to the plate and parent the crap out of him.
here there be dragons by envysparkler
There’s only one person Damian trusts to protect him from the League of Assassins.
please cut the strings by carolinaa
The overhead lights are too bright for Aizawa to see anything beyond the four sets of ropes. His vision blurs and begins to hurt from the strain of the lights, and it takes several seconds for him to adjust enough to see the beginnings of the crowd.
Across the mat, he sees Midoriya crouched in the opposite corner, muttering to himself. Overhead, a bell rings.
(BTHB square 1: forced prize fight)
Catching Bees by MonocerosRex (+ podfic)
“You scored very highly—” “As fuckin’ usual.” “—but your interpersonal skills are still unbelievably low. If you are going to be a pro hero you need to be capable of working on a team—sometimes even one composed of people you don’t like.” Aizawa seemed to have roused himself from the edge of sleep long enough to impart this wisdom to Blasty. “Whatever. Just tell me what I’m doing.” Bakugou didn’t seem very moved. Mina thought one might need a backhoe to achieve such a thing. Aizawa zipped himself up in his sleeping bag. “Go around the classroom and give everyone an honest compliment.”
Can You Hear Me? by WanderlustandFreedom
Ben is only seven when he is diagnosed with meningitis. By the time he's eight, his ears are no longer working. At the age of sixteen, Ben makes the decision to bring over villain kids from the Isle of the Lost in order to start a re-integration process that will start to heal things between the Isle and Auradon. They don't know he can't hear them yet, but they seem to like him and he likes them. Things are great. Until they're not.
-In which the VK's learn sign language to talk to Ben.
Clone Wars
Jedi pin-up calendar by Gabriel4Sam
There was a moment of silence, stretching into awkwardness. Nobody in the room had any idea about such a sum of money.
“There is gambling?” Depa said after a long minute.
“It’s fine in dire circumstances under cover, but we are NOT bankrupting a space casino.” Her former Master had debunked.
Another moment of silence. “Come on, we should find something…” Plo Koon had interjected. “Or we really need to consider retirement.”
“Well, I have an idea…” Kit Fisto had finally said. “But I’m not sure what you will think of it. Remember it’s for our men, before you start to yell.”
Jedi Have Baby Energy: Change My Mind by
High General Obi-Wan Kenobi is running on -36 hours of sleep, a handful of stims, and a prayer. He's fine. He's got this.
The 212th Disagrees.
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tanyawritesstories · 3 years
Friendly Competition | Boost x Reader
This is a fic I wrote a long time ago and I'm only now posting. I haven't written in months and I'm honestly thinking about quitting but regardless, here you go I hope you like it.
Word count: 4.2k
Warnings: NSFW, smut, vibrators, butt plugs, general mischief, anal exploration (the good kind), fluff, Sinker is nosey
It wasn't often that you visited these kinds of stores. You usually just ordered the products from the holonet and waited for them to be delivered, but you were out and about with your boyfriend and it was his last day on leave. You both had been walking through the mid levels of Coruscant and seen the store. You decided it would be worth it to try and find something fun to spice things up while you were away.
You and Boost had both kept your jacket hoods up as you entered. Boost looked around curiously while you kept your head tilted down just enough to hide the permanent blush staining your cheeks. Sure, you'd been in sex toy stores before, but that time was with a group of friends where the attention wasn't on you and you could easily blend into the group and not be noticed.
Boost took your hand in his, interlacing your fingers together as you roamed the store, browsing. "You're not usually the shy one," he whispered. You looked up at him, finding a teasing smirk on his handsome face. Your face turned even more red and you buried your head in his chest, causing him to laugh. He put his arms around you and held you to him, loving how much bigger he was than you. You closed your eyes and nuzzled into him, resting the side of your head against his warm body. You listened to his heartbeat, it was one of the things that comforted you the most.
You opened your eyes after a moment and spotted an interesting object across the room. You broke away from Boost and made your way to it. Plucking the box off the shelf you glanced over it, a number of wicked ideas popping into your brain.
"Baby," you called sweetly, "come here please." You turned around and hid the box behind your back, watching as Boost walked closer with a suspicious look on his face. "Oh no," he said, "what've you found?" You smiled. "If I ask nicely will you wear this?" You brought the box out from behind your back. Boost's eyebrows shot up on his face as he looked at the image on the box.
"A vibrating buttplug?" He questioned. "Are you serious?" You giggled, "c'mon babe, it'll be fun." Boost crossed his arms over his chest and sighed.
It was a recent discovery that Boost liked anal. You had been in the middle of giving him a mind shaking blowjob when you decided to be bold. Your fingers were slicked up with spit and precum so you had slowly pushed one fingertip inside him. He came instantly, letting out the most heavenly noises you'd ever heard him make. You both had discussed it afterwards and Boost had shown interest in exploring the realm further. You figured this was a good next step, you also loved to be a tease.
"Please Boostie, baby. Please! It'll be fun, I promise," you pleaded. "Look at you, begging in public," he teased. Your blush deepened and you glared at him through your eyelashes. "Please," you whispered. Boost sighed and stared at the ceiling, thinking. A sly smirk formed on his face, making you uneasy.
"I will wear that if.." he took a few steps back and picked something off another shelf, "..you wear these."
You looked at him in disbelief. "Vibrating panties? That's where you're taking this?"
"It's only fair," he said. "You wear these one day and I'll wear that the next." You thought about it, another fantastic idea coming to mind.
"Alright, you wear this one day on campaign and I have the controller. Then I'll wear those another day and give you the controller. When we get back and go to 79s like we always do, we'll both wear them."
Boost nodded. "The goal is you can't draw any suspicion, try to be as quiet and collected as possible while the other one of us teases the other with the controller. Whoever breaks first loses."
You nodded and walked to stand next to him. "No touching allowed, only tease with the vibrator. If anyone manages to guess exactly what we're both doing, which I doubt, then we both lose." Boost smiled, "Deal."
Luckily, this campaign would be a short one, only a week long supply mission. You snuck your toy contraband into the cruiser with no trouble, hiding both small boxes amongst your clothes.
You were a strategist, normally coming up with battle plans. General Plo Koon had put you in charge of this mission, hoping to give you more assignments in the future that didn't just include destroying things.
The General was currently attending business at the Jedi temple, leaving you and Commander Wolffe in charge of the entire operation. You could tell Wolffe wasn't a fan of it, but he would do his job without complaint.
After the first couple days of traveling, the cruiser had arrived above the planet. The first day of delivering supplies to the surface was also the first competition day.
Boost had made sure that the vibrator was working and in its proper place when you got ready this morning. He had watched you the entire time you got ready, twirling the small controller in his hand giddily.
“You had better be nice,” you warned lightly. “Oh I won’t,” Boost laughed. He had a sexy but dangerous look in his eyes which was turning you on already. Not a good start.
The boring tasks of the day went by without any issue, until it was time for the briefing. You knew your boyfriend was bound to pull something here, but you didn’t know exactly what.
It’s ok, just act normal.
That was easier said than done.
The second you entered the room all eyes were on you, patiently awaiting the plan of action. You smiled at everyone and was making your way to the front of the room when you felt the vibrator start up. You let out a squeak and your knees buckled, you grabbed onto the table nearby for support. You laughed nervously and stood up straight, determined to win and keep a straight face.
“Alright everyone, classic supply mission nothing you all haven’t done before,” you started. Boost was sneaky, manipulating the controller without anyone knowing, spiking the intensity up and down quickly. The tiny jolts and deep breaths you were taking were causing a few of the men to give you weird looks as you talked.
“..and of course the remainder of the week will be spent making sure that the civilians have everything they neeeeed!” Your voice rose to a squeal at the end as you felt the vibrations increase significantly. You clenched your thighs together and your breathing picked up.
“Are you alright, sir?” You heard one of them ask. You looked up, eyes scanning the room, a few of the men looked concerned and others looked confused. You glanced over a Boost for a brief second to find him with a shit eating grin on his face, half hidden by his hand. The vibrations felt good, you just didn’t want it to feel good right now. The toy was positioned just over your clit, delivering pleasurable tingling that flowed through your body.
You stood up straight at the voice of Commander Wolffe, who was standing on the other side of the room. “Are you ok to continue, or are you not capable?” He questioned with an annoyed tone. You took a deep breath and steeled yourself. “I’m alright, Commander,” you said. The rest of the briefing went by without too much of a hitch, Boost was still being a little shit but you were determined not to let him win.
The entire day was filled with frustration. Boost wouldn’t let up, bringing you to the precipice of orgasming in front of a few civilians you were talking to, you wanted to slap him for that one. Every time he turned the vibrations high your knees would bend and you’d let out either a yelp or a moan that you tried to cover up. It got to the point where one of the medics pulled you aside and asked if there was something seriously wrong. You were able to convince him that you were fine and just tired. You walked triumphantly back to your tent as the day ended. You had won this round.
You woke Boost up by laying on top of him and nuzzling your nose into his neck. He groaned, reluctantly opening his eyes to find you already looking at him. A few days on the planet had passed and it was now Boost’s turn to compete. “What time is it?” He grumbled. “Oh six hundred,” you answered, getting off of him and kneeling on his sleeping mat. “What do we have to do today?” Boost rubbed his eyes. “Same thing we did yesterday only in a different part of the city,” you responded. Boost looked up at you and you smiled deviously. “Guess what you have to wear today,” you said. You reached into your pocket and pulled out the silicone plug. “Did you seriously wake me up this early just to put a buttplug in me?” He asked with almost disbelief in his voice.
You giggled. “Maaayybeee. Everybody else is going to wake up soon so I suggest we get a move on.” Boost groaned again and rolled onto his stomach, putting his hips up in the air. You removed his blanket and rubbed his back to calm him down, he turned his head so he could see what you were doing. You had to admit, your boyfriend looked incredibly hot in this position: head down, ass up. It was causing your own arousal to spike; who knew, maybe if he liked this he’d let you peg him sometime down the road.
“It’s not gonna hurt, is it?” He asked. You smiled warmly at him as your hands wandered lower, rubbing gently over his bum. “No, it shouldn’t, sweetie. We got the smallest one they had, it’s not much bigger than my fingers,” you told him. “If you don’t want to, we don’t have to, Boost.” He took a deep, calming breath, “No, I want to do it.” You smiled and kissed his cheek, “I will have to get you ready first, ok? I’m just going to use my fingers to stretch you out a little so you can take the toy, ok?” Boost nodded and verbally agreed.
You fished the small bottle of lube out of your pocket and slid his blacks and briefs down to his thighs. “You have a very cute butt, baby,” you commented, causing Boost to laugh. You touched your fingers to the crease where his ass and thigh met, slowly running your fingers up to their destination. Boost sucked in a breath as your fingers danced over his hole and his muscles tensed up. “You have to relax, baby,” you cooed, “otherwise it might hurt. Do you want me to touch your cock too? Might help you relax.” Boost shook his head and balanced his upper half on his elbows. “No, we agreed to no touching, just do what you have to do to get it in,” he urged.
You complied and reminded him to relax. You squirted some lube onto your index finger and some onto his hole, spreading it around. “I’m going to put my finger in now, ok?” Boost nodded and took a deep breath, exhaling when you told him to. On his exhale his muscles loosened and you slowly pushed your finger in just past the first knuckle. You could hear him bite back a moan and his breathing started picking up a little bit. You waited until he got used to it before beginning to thrust your finger in and out, pushing it a little bit deeper every time.
“How is it?” You asked. He let out a shaky breath. “Just get the plug in, I won’t last long if you keep doing that,” he breathed. You smiled, it was a good feeling knowing that you could get your boyfriend to the brink of bliss with just a finger in his ass. You carefully added a second finger, repeating the same slow motions and techniques to gently stretch him out. When you thought he was ready, you lubed up the toy and removed your fingers, enjoying the whining sound he made when he was empty.
You rested the toy against his ass and slowly pushed it in. Boost bit his lip to hold back the indecent noises threatening to spill out. "Just a little further," you encouraged. You used your other hand to trace his V lines and divert his attention to get him to relax. He shuddered and you noticed the erection that was being held down with the front of his briefs. One last small push on your part and the plug came to a rest inside him.
Boost let out a breath and you chuckled. "There's a good boy. How's it feel?" You questioned. He shifted his hips and wiggled around, trying to get used to the feeling. "It's a bit….odd," he said. You pulled his blacks and briefs back up and spanked him. "Stand up, it'll feel different," you urged, standing up yourself. He stood up with a sigh and a weird look in his face. "I think I'll get used to it," he said. "Let's start the day."
This was fun, you were having a great time messing with your boyfriend. It had only been little things so far on the low to medium settings of the vibrator. You had teased just enough to make him squirm a bit. Once you did it while he was moving a box of supplies and he dropped the box, which nearly landed on his foot. You hadn't used the higher settings yet, you were saving those to make a big scene that you hoped would break Boost and give you the win.
That time came when the work for the day was done. Boost, Sinker, Comet and several other troopers were sitting around a table playing an intense game of Sabacc. You were sitting at a nearby table going over the plans for tomorrow and making sure everything would be taken care of by the time the battalion had to leave the planet. From your spot you had a clear view of Boost and could hear everything being said at their table. Time to start your game.
You turned the vibrator on and upped it a couple notches. You heard Boost suck in a breath and saw him tense up, but he steadied himself and continued. You let it go for a little while before cranking it a bit higher. He took a deep breath and glanced up at you, but you had your head back in the plans already. You waited a couple more minutes until Boost was once again concentrated on his game.
You kept your eyes on Boost as you cranked the vibrator up all the way. He instantly dropped his cards with a shout and clamped his hands on his knees. He was biting down hard on his bottom lip and his knuckles were turning white from his tight grip on his legs. You heard his brothers asking if he was alright and Boost tried to explain it away as a leg cramp, which wasn’t convincing at all. Boost took a few deep breaths, calming himself down and picking his cards back up. He wiggled a bit and leaned forwards in his seat so there was less pressure on the plug as opposed to sitting directly on it. After a few seconds their game continued as normal, you tried again a few times after that but got only small reactions from him. Boost looked over at you and winked, knowing he had won his round as well. You held back the urge to bonk him on the head, it would all come down to the final round in a few days.
The supply mission had been a success, the citizens of the planet were grateful for the aid and they were well on their way to the complete restoration of their cities when the 104th had left. Now, back on Coruscant, Boost and yourself were just arriving at 79s where several more of his brothers waited. You were both wearing your toys tonight as part of the game that had been discussed. This was the final round, whoever broke, if anyone could, would be the loser. Neither of you had talked about a prize or reward for the winner, both too caught up in the idea of a fun and arousing game.
Boost and you entered the club and found his brothers waving you over to the table they had occupied already. You greeted them with smiles and went to sit down. The moment your butt hit the seat, Boost cranked the vibrations up high and you yelped, trying to stand back up and striking your knee hard on the underside of the table. Wildfire asked if you were ok and you assured him that you were before sliding uncomfortably into the booth to make room for Boost to sit next to you.
Warthog brought several drinks back to the table from the bar and you all chatted, laughed, and drank carelessly, enjoying the free time spent together. Boost was halfway through taking a sip of his beer when you turned his vibrator on, causing him to spit some of it back into his glass on reflex. He began coughing to try and cover up the moan he nearly let slip, all while you tried to hold back giggles and whimpers of your own.
A few minutes later, Boost put his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side. It was nothing out of the usual for his brothers to see, but under the table he used his leg to nudge yours apart allowing your vibrator to land directly on your clit. You bit your lip and leaned your head into his chest, hoping none of them saw the blissed out look on your face. You turned Boost’s vibrator up a bit but he didn’t react, he’d gotten used to it and it was pissing you off. You were determined not to let him win.
When he least expected it, you carefully reached your hand over, under the cover of the table, and cupped his slowly growing length. You felt him buck into your hand and you made a point to be discreet, carrying on with conversation so no one suspected anything. You started rubbing Boost through his pants at which point he lowered his mouth to your ear. “You’re cheating,” he growled. You smiled and laughed, pretending he whispered a joke into your ear. “Yeah, well so are you,” you whispered back. You tried tugging your spread leg out from where he had it trapped under his own, but it was no use, Boost was strong. He glared at you and you glared right back for a few seconds until you both went back to acting normal, but Boost had an idea.
The next round of drinks came and the boys were starting to get more buzzed. You had your drink set on the table in front of you, you were about to reach for it when Boost reached across you in a hurry and knocked the glass of beer over. You gasped as the liquid spilled all down the front of you, you immediately knew he had done it on purpose, there was no way he didn’t. The rest of the boys asked if you were alright and you told them that there was no harm done.
“You want help cleaning that up, babe?” Boost asked, a suggestive look in his eyes. “Yes, that would be very helpful,” you replied. Boost told the boys that you would both be back soon before leading you back to the one-room refresher at the back of the club. As soon as the door was closed and locked, Boost was pushing you up against the wall, his lips colliding heatedly with yours. You made out, wrapping a leg around his hips to bring him closer and you could feel his hardened length against your thigh.
“Do you have any idea how hard it was to restrain myself from pouncing on you while this thing was in my ass?” He asked, his breathing shallow. “I swear I’ve never been more turned on in my life.” You smirked and brought your leg down. “I think we can make an arrangement,” you purred. You hooked your fingers on your panties and dragged them down your legs while Boost bunched your skirt up around your waist. “Fuck, you’re glistening,” he observed. Boost kicked your legs apart and slowly ran a finger up and down your slit, collecting your juices. You whimpered, his actions sending pleasure radiating through your body.
You quickly worked on unzipping his pants and shoving them down to his knees, watching his long cock spring free of its restraints. You whimpered at the sight and Boost felt your hole flutter as he pushed two fingers inside you. “Fuck the rules, I’m going to take you hard and fast against this wall, that ok?” Boost asked breathlessly. “Don’t make me wait,” you replied with a devious smile. You smashed your lips into his and Boost lined himself up before slamming inside you in one powerful thrust.
You screamed as your back arched from the feeling, your noises drowned out by the loud music. Boost’s cock always filled you so nicely and you felt him twitch inside you. “Holy fuck, this feels good, shiiiit,” Boost moaned loudly. You then remembered while you had taken off your vibrating panties, Boost still had his vibrator nestled snugly inside his asshole. He started to fuck you at a fast pace making noises you’d never heard your boyfriend make before, moaning and whimpering so loud you were glad for the blaring music outside. You wrapped your legs around his hips and your arms around his neck, meeting his thrusts and kissing his neck.
“Fuck, Boost, please harder,” you begged. Boost held you against him, absolutely destroying your pussy with the speed of his thrusts, the pleasure blaring through your body. “Babe, turn it up,” he grunted, “turn it up all the way and play with your clit, I’m close.” You fished the controller for his vibrator out of its hiding spot in your bra and turned it on max. You dropped the controller on the floor and used that hand to massage hard circles on your clit bringing you as close to release as your boyfriend.
Boost was overwhelmed with pleasure, his body felt like it was on fire. The plug in his ass was vibrating away, the feeling of being stuffed in his ass and strangled by your walls at the same time was mind blowing and Boost felt his release coming on fast. “I want you to cum before I do, baby,” he moaned, “aahhh, c’mon sugar, play with that clit.” His words in his voice only brought you closer, you could feel his cock twitching within you and with a few more strokes over your clit, you were cumming. White hot, liquid pleasure surged through you and your walls clamped tight around Boost’s cock. He thrusted a few more times and then stilled, his balls tightening as he shot his load deep inside you.
He reached behind him and pulled the plug out, letting it fall to the floor. He held you tight to him as your breathing settled down and you both came down from your highs. You both laughed and picked up your mess, washing off the vibrators and deciding not to wear them for the rest of the night. You both got dressed and tried your best to look like you hadn’t just fucked in the refresher of a club. You shared a sweet kiss before heading back out to the table.
Sinker was the only one still sitting at the table, the others had either gone to dance or get another drink. You sat down across from Sinker and Boost pulled you into his side. “So did you guys finally get those things out of your asses?” Sinker asked out of nowhere. You looked confused. “What things?” Sinker motioned vaguely to his lower body. “Those vibrators I assume you guys were wearing,” he answered like it was the most normal thing ever. “How did you know?” Boost asked, stunned that his brother had managed to figure it out. Sinker sat back in his seat, looking proud of himself. “I’m just that good,” he said. You and Boost shot him a guilty glare and he sighed. “I saw the packages in the trash,” he admitted.
You rolled your eyes and Boost laughed. “We tried so hard to be sneaky and we didn’t think to hide the packaging,” your boyfriend mused. “I guess this means we both lose,” you pointed out. Boost nodded in agreement and planted a kiss to the top of your head.
You’ll think of something better next time.
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johnnyclash87 · 3 years
Ok I finished this way quicker than I expected! I’m actually really happy with it
@sammi-doll483 @kris-styx I believe y’all wanted to be tagged in this?
3636 had been in over a dozen battles, numerous engagements, and countless near death experiences. But knocking on a Jedi generals door was still the most terrifying thing he experienced. Whenever his previous General, Pong Krell called him to his quarters at best it was orders for another mission that would get hundreds of people killed. Or at worst a lengthy berating over a small failure in the last mission that got hundreds of men killed. Did they move from position? Failure. Did they retreat? Failure? Did they engage the enemy without orders? Failure. It didn’t matter that their position was under heavy artillery fire, or that they were overwhelmed by a force ten times their size, or that the enemy was about to engage them.
But here he was again at the door of a Jedi. Although this wasn’t Krell, it was their new general, Plo Koon. Kel Dor. Jedi Master. Even though the commander and the rest of the battalion were still extremely uneasy around him, he couldn’t help pick up on some significant differences. Like how when passing the troops he would say “good morning”. Or how he actually congratulated a trooper on their marksmanship on the range. Something Krell would have seemed a mere expectation for a Clone.
Whatever this was about, certainly making General Koon wait would not help. 3636 took a deep breath, said a silent prayer to whatever or whoever cared enough to listen, and pressed the ring button. The door slid open, and sitting on a circular mat that hardly looked comfortable was Plo Koon.
“Good afternoon Commander, please come in” hearing his actual rank was still an adjustment. With Krell it was always “3636” or “CC 3636” or he would just bark orders to nobody in particular and expect them to figure out who it was for.
“CC 3636, reporting as ordered Sir”
“Please have a seat,” 3636 stood still and firm at attention.
“Uhm.. at ease.” The commander relaxed his body slightly and slid his right leg out a small distance.
“I’m not sure you’ll take the offer but it would make this conversation easier if you would sit down” Plos voice even through the rebreather felt oddly calm and assuring. He wasn’t sure sitting would make him more relaxed but if it eased the generals mind.., He wasn’t sure if he should sit cross legged like General Koon and elected to keep his feet on the floor. That would make any need for sudden movement easier. As he sat he noticed a scent stick burning on a nearby table. Noticing it, he noticed a sweet warm smell in the air that oddly seemed to lower his heart beat.
“I hope I’m not being hasty but I think I should get to the point of this meeting. I’ve noticed the men are, well they seem very uncomfortable since the transfer” Plo barely moved except his hands in small slow gestures.
“I accept responsibility for the troops performance, I’ll..” with a slow raise of his hand, Plo gently cut 3636 off.
“No, Commander,I’m not blaming you, or anyone. What I would like to know, is why this is, and how I can help”
The commander was nearly always ready with a response or answer to a superiors question, even if the answer was “no excuse”. But he wasn’t sure how to tell one Jedi that the reason his siblings were so terrified was that another Jedi practically beat that fear in them.
“I know it may be hard to believe but I do genuinely care about you and the Troops. It concerns me greatly that you all seem to be in so much emotional pain. You may be bred for war, but you still deserve to be happy”. 3636 had to look away, unless the general see his eyes moisten.
“It’s ok Commander, I’m listening”
“Well General, honestly it’s just how we’re trained. We’re so used to punishment we’ve come to expect it. Some of us have even become numb to it”
“Punishment from your previous General? Master Pong Krell?”
“Yes sir” For a moment Plos muscles visibly tensed as if reacting in shock and anger. Of course Jedi aren’t allowed to get angry.
“Thank you Commander. I know that was hard but you have done your men and possibly more a great service. I will be sure to speak of this to the Council.” If the Commander wasn’t so well disciplined he might have hugged him.
“Before I go on, Commander, there’s a small but frankly important matter. I know it may not fit into military protocol but I can’t keep calling you commander and CC number is well out of the question. Even droids get names”
“It would be nice to have a name but I’m not sure what I would be called.” 3636 was relaxing more and more. This new general was most different.
“I may have a suggestion. I see how protective you are of the Troops, like a
wolf. What if I called you Wolffe ?” The Clone considered the name for a moment.
“‘No need to decide now. What I’d really like to discuss is how we might ease the men’s hearts and minds. I know many of the Troops in other units frequent the bars on Coruscant to relieve stress. Perhaps a trip outside the base might help?”
“Maybe in time sir, but I’m not sure they’re ready for crowds and loud noise.” Never did 3636 think he would not only counter a generals words but actually be encouraged to do so.
“Hmm you may be very right. Perhaps something less, intensive?” Plo stroked his chin or rather his mask thoughtfully.
“I may have an idea, General”
“Please. You know them better than I do”
“During our training, some of the instructors taught us how to paint our armor to make it more distinctive and to help build a sense of community. For many of us it was the most enjoyable and relaxing trainings we received. Maybe we could have the men paint their armor as a way to ease their anxiety and feel more like individuals. We could even have them make a logo and tell them it’s for tactical reasons. That way they feel less suspicious about the idea” This was probably the most 3636 had spoken to well anyone in while.
“I think that’s a great idea. Is there anyone who might be able to take charge of such a project?” General Plo sounded just as ecstatic as the Clone was.
“Actually I think I know the perfect person. 2827. The instructors were very impressed with his painting skills and he even helped some of the other Troopers.”
“Then he sounds like the man for the job. Call him in, if you would, please” Plo was already standing up as the Commander contacted the Trooper. They didn’t wait long before the bell rang. Plo activated the door and invited the waiting Clone in.
If 3636 was on edge when he first came in, 2827 was practically hanging on it by his fingernails
“Commander, General. You asked for me?”
“Yes Trooper. At ease.” 3636 decided it might be better if he started the conversation.
“The general and I have a very important task for you.” This clearly peaked his interest. At this Plo took over
“Your commander and I were just discussing ways to make the unit more efficient. Not that you and your comrades aren’t performing exemplarily. I’m constantly impressed. But if I’m honest distinguishing the 104th from other battalions is a bit of a challenge. So I’d like you to make an insignia for the battalion.”
“And it can’t just be numbers,” 3636 must be feeling more comfortable if he would dare interject when a general was speaking, “it’s gotta let the Seppies know who they’re dealing with”
“Well said Commander. And I’m sure the Trooper is more than up to the task”
“Absolutely, I don’t think there’s a better man for the job” The commander did something he rarely did, he smiled.
“Well Trooper, you have your orders. Can you do it?” Plo didn’t think he would say no, but wanted him to at least feel it was his choice.
“Yes general. I won’t let you down”
“I know you won’t, brother. Dismissed” 3636 gave him one of the most genuinely respectful salutes he ever rendered
“Yes commander” 2827 was heading to the door, a slight spring in his step
“Oh and Trooper”
“Yes commander?”
“Call me Wolffe. Feel free to tell the others too”
Three days later and 2827 was running down the corridor toward Wolffe.
“Commander Wolffe! Is General Plo around? Have you seen him?”
“Take a breath Trooper. He’s actually heading this way” Wolffe hadn’t seen any of his Troops this excited since they completed training.
“Good. It’s done. I finished designing the insignia for the battalion!”
“That is good. Here’s the General now.” Both Troopers came to attention and greeted Plo with a salut which he returned. Something Krell never did..
“Good morning gentlemen. Commander Wolffe, you have the recommendations for promotion? “
“I do General. But actually, Trooper 2827 has the design ready for us.”
“By all means, let’s see it!” Plo showed about as much excitement as a Jedi could. 2827 opened up a folder he had been holding and revealed the image it had contained; a gray wolfs head.
“I thought that if the Commander was a Wolffe, we would be his Wollfe Pack. If that’s appropriate, sir” The Trooper beamed with cautious pride
“It’s very appropriate Trooper. I’m very proud of you and you should be too” Wolffes normally gruff voice cracked a little. Luckily Plo stepped in so he could wipe the dust from his eyes
“This is very excellent work Trooper. You have great skill with a paint brush. Hmm how would you like that to be your name; Brush?”
“I-I like that very much” 2827, or Brush, rather would probably have been just as thrilled if his name was Toast
“Very good then. Well it looks like we have some painting to do then. Requisition some art supplies and tell the Troopers to meet in the training hall. Commander, I think these promotions can wait, don’t you?”
“Definitely general.”
“And Brush, I hope you’ll be kind enough to assist me with my own art.”
“I’d be honored” Brush and Wolffe shared a silent look that let eachother know thinsgs were going to be much better from now on.
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