#maria pls fuck off already
borhapparker · 11 months
💋 - love letter for Joel with the prompt of meet cute gone wrong. Hopefully takes place in Jackson. Thank you and congratulations!
this is so cute! let's do it! i've never done a meet cute gone wrong so we'll see if y'all like this! thank u! (this is also my first joel fic ever so pls go easy on me!)
borhapparker's 1k follower celebration!
Jackson had been your refuge since the first time you encountered Maria and Tommy while searching for a safe place to spend the night. While they hadn't meant to pop in and disturb you, they were glad to find someone else they could invite into their newfound land.
While reluctant at first, there had been a lot of trust to gain, and Maria was a little harder to crack than Tommy. After weeks of working hard and observing their leadership in Jackson, you managed to prove to her your loyalty and trust, breaking that outer exterior she built around her, as you considered her family.
They knew you inside and out, sometimes making you feel like they knew you better than you knew yourself. But this wasn't always the case, and it somehow made you concerned when they forgot you never wanted to share a home with other people. Especially people that popped into your home with no warning.
While making repairs one day to your home, the one Tommy and Maria had let you choose for yourself, the front door had creaked open. Freezing, a chill crept up your spine, as you placed your tools down, before slowly heading to the door.
"Woah, Joel, this house is huge!" a girl's voice exclaimed as her voice bounced off the walls.
"It is a nice house, I guess."
There's two of them?
Placing your back to the wall, you hid from plain sight, wanting to hear them before they see you.
"Do I finally get a room to myself?" she asked as you heard the other person sigh.
"Yeah you can, Ellie." you heard them place their things down before the person sighed again. "S nice, gonna take some getting used to."
You slowly rounded the corner, a hammer in your hand from the box of tools you had at your feet. Just a precaution.
Quickly heading to the living room, where the voices were now located, you reached the unknown person, grabbing them in a slight chokehold with the hammer held next to their temple.
"Don't move." you threatened, as the person stiffened, before the girl, who you could now place a face to, pulled out her knife.
"Let him go," she threatened, as you smirked, "Or.."
"Or what? I have the upper hand here."
"Ellie, listen to her, drop the knife."
The girl relunctantly listened, dropping the knife on the ground and putting her hands up.
"Now, who are you guys and how did you get in my house?"
Ellie, the girl in front of you, tilted her head, both confused and angry.
"This is our house, what are you doing with a hammer?"
You sighed, "Fixing my house. If you guys didn't tell, it's inhabited already. So move on."
Pushing the man out of the chokehold, he stood next to Ellie, both of them now as confused as you were, none of the information they gave making sense.
"Who led you to this place?" you asked, lowering the hammer as they put their arms down.
"Tommy did, he said we could live here."
You shouted angrily, swinging the hammer as it stuck into the wall, before you stormed out, noticing Tommy across the way in his yard. "Tommy! Get the fuck over here, now!"
He turned, eyes wide, a slight smirk on his face before trudging over. "Y/n, everything okay?"
"No! Everything is not okay! Why the fuck would you give two random people my house to live in when we decided that was my place! I told you guys I don't like sharing!"
Tommy crossed his arms, "Maria and I decided you needed some company. Joel and Ellie came today and they need a place to stay. So they will be staying under the same roof. Besides, you have four rooms in that house, you can share."
Fucking Tommy and Maria messing with my shit.
"Fine." you sighed, crossing your arms.
Turning around, you paused, noticing Joel and Ellie watching the exchange from the patio, both arms crossed over their chest.
"Who are they anyway?"
Tommy smiled, exchanging a glance with the two strangers on your patio before turning to you, "That's my brother Joel, and her adoptive daughter Ellie."
Dropping your arms from in front of your chest, your eyes widened. "You're fucking with me."
He shook his head, smiling. "Nope. So play nice."
Walking to the patio, you pointed a finger at Joel, "We are not sharing a bed. Or a room."
"Fine by me." he shrugged, a slight smirk on his face.
At least he gave me a good-looking guest. Maybe he'll prove to be useful in fixing the house.
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definitelynottony · 3 months
Could you do starkercest? But fem!peter? 🥺 pls?
Her there nonny. Fem!Peter isn't something I've done before, but I gave it a shot because you asked so nicely~
TW: Female Peter, incest (Daddy x daughter)
Tony thought he's been a good father. He's spoiled his baby girl rotten over the years, sure, but she's perfect. And when she gives him those big bambi eyes, like hell he'd ever say no to her. Except when it comes to boys.
"Daddy! Everyone else has a date, why can't I? There was at least three guys that already asked me to the dance!"
"Because, princess, you're not old enough to date yet." That has been Tony's excuse for the last four years. It's even getting old to his own ears.
"That's bullshit and you know it! I'm seventeen, Dad! Most of my class have been dating since they were twelve!"
"I'm sorry you're going to school with a bunch of heathens, but i'm raising my little girl with some class. You can date when I'm dead!"
"But that'll take forever!!!"
"Brat." Tony rolled his eyes at her.
"Meanie!" Parker pouted out to her Dad. Tony can't stand that.
"Come on, tesoro. Don't be like that. Daddy bought you that pretty dress you wanted, bought you all new makeup, and you're going to go get your hair done. Why do you need a boy bringing you down when you're going to be the bell of the ball?"
Parker's eyes started to shine with tears. She was good... too damn good. She knows how to play her Dad's heartstrings. Crying, without fail, always got her what she wanted. She learned that by age five. Tony never had the heart to say no.
"Parker Maria Stark. Do not cry over a boy. I taught you better than that."
"Who am I going to slow dance with, Daddy? I'll look like a loser... everyone already thinks I'm weird."
Tony pulled his little girl into a tight hug. "No one thinks that, baby. You're the prettiest girl in that whole school."
"You have to say that! You're my dad."
"I'm also a man. I know what I'm talking about."
Parker's face flushed at that comment. She turned away and pouted, trying to hide her face. Tony saw it, though. Felt it. How his little girl clenched her thighs... he's just a man. God. A lonely man with a gorgeous seventeen year old daughter. These intrusive thoughts aren't the first time they came to the old man.
Honestly, they've been happening more and more. Even more sinful after Tony saw what his little girl bought herself with her Daddy's credit card. Tony had to dig a bit. Had to threaten the company with the fact that they sold over a five hundred dollars worth of products to a minor. But it was worth it. To see all the lingerie that now sits in his little girls dresser. The dildos and vibrators she's hiding under her bed.
Yeah. There's no way he's letting his little girl with an awakening sexual appetite go off with a teen boy. Tony was a teen boy at one point. He knows how they are. What they want. The only thing they want. The joke is that thing doesn't go away with age. When he's holding his little girl like this, thinking about what she might be thinking about... okay. He should probably let go now.
"Daddy?" Parker asks in a shy voice as her Dad let go of her and stepped back.
"Yes, baby girl?"
"Why don't you want me to have a boyfriend? You know, statistically, kids with strict rules tend to do worse things when they're legal..."
"Are you threatening me, princess?" Tony's face gets serious. Eyes small in a glare, eyebrow cocked.
"All I'm saying is if I don't get to date boys my own age now, maybe I'll end up dating an older man next year when I go off to college." She shrugs.
"Excuse me? You will do no such thing. You're my child, you'll follow my rules."
"No! If I want to go date a forty year old when I turn eighteen in a few months, I will! And you can't stop me!"
Tony's never felt this possessive before. He sees red when he grabs his girl by the wrist and pulls her in against him. When he growls out, "if you're so desperate for a man to fuck you, sweetheart, let Daddy show you exactly what you're asking for."
He might not win "father of the year award," especially after this. But he made his little girl scream and pass out after her third orgasm and you know, that's enough for him.
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mariatesstruther · 7 months
thinking about an au in which maria miller is a high profile celebrity or film industry laywer and tommy is her personal chef :)
it kinda got long so hey here’s a cut. mariatommy lovers pls enjoy
maria is always working herself to the bone, so much so that she’s already hired a personal stylist, an executive assistant, and two assistants for her assistant. all her clients tell her that she works too hard, deserves a break, but she honestly loves her life—she just has a little bit of an issue taking care of herself outside of her work, is all. it’s not a big deal, at least not to her. but at tess’s insistence suggestion, she hires a personal chef; apparently, she needs someone besides herself to make sure her fridge is stocked, to remind to eat when she’s not working, to remind her to drink water in the morning before coffee (and okay, tess. that’s fair.)
in comes tommy miller, one of the executive chefs from miller brother’s cuisine. together, tommy and joel have established a longstanding culinary empire: what started as a chilean-fusion mom-and-pop in austin developed into a series of high-profile restaurants all over the country, as well as a private chef gig tommy decided to start on the side. he got set up with maria through tess, a longtime celebrity client of them both, who suggests that working for her would be good for him—whatever that means. he’s heard her name a few times, just from being familiar with people business, but has no idea what he’s in for when he first shows up at her three-story luxury condo door. he’s struck first by how beautiful she is, with her flawless, glowing skin and long, flowing silk-pressed hair. he’s struck second by how smooth her voice is as she introduces himself and welcomes him in—she says it’s a mess, which is ridiculous, as the only thing remotely out of place is a near-empty glass of wine on her coffee table, sat next to two laptops and a pile of papers so big it gives him an instant headache. he’s struck third and most intensely by the fact that the only thing she has in her fridge is leftover pasta, a box of frozen tempura shrimp, and four bottles of rosé. it alarms him. a woman who works this hard and is this fucking beautiful needs more than scraps in her kitchen, he thinks. he gets to work immediately
maria’s first impression of tommy is that he looks more like a cowboy than a cook. he’s sans a hat, but he’s wearing western boots and a fur-lined leather jacket and has a belt with a western-style buckle that’s bigger than her fist. he calls her ma’am in a low scratchy voice, offers his hand when they go downstairs to see her freezer, thanks her with a close-lipped, charming smile when she offers him a glass of water. he listens intently while she explains what her schedule is like and follows her politely as she walks him around her kitchen—she tries not to blush when she realizes just how empty it is, but he doesn’t seem to judge, which she appreciates. they sit down at her dining room table, the big bulk of him swamping her luxury klarel chair, and he takes down her dietary restrictions and preferences like he is doing bible study. maria doesn’t remember the last time someone listened and dedicated their attention to her so intently—it makes her hot, and it makes her excited to be taken care of him. he explains his plans for her first week, a specially-curated menu meant to give them both an idea of what he can offer her, and everything sounds delicious. by the time he leaves, her mouth is watering and her stomach is tight with hungry anticipation
at first maria doesn’t think she’ll see all that much of him—she assumes he’ll either be in her kitchen, leaving her to work, or dropping premade food off for her to heat up when she wants to eat. but he’s always there, the first face she see’s when she wakes in the morning and when comes home from work at night (not that she’s complaining. he’s got a good face). at first it’s to get constant feedback on his dishes for her, but then it’s just because it’s what they’re used to. he’s always asking her what she wants and what she likes, and always makes sure she gets it in record time. once, love-drunk and halfway to a food coma from a machas a la parmesana he’d made, she joked to him that he’s the most perfect man she’s ever had in her life. it makes him blush over the banana pudding he was making for her, at the time
so he stays with her for months, and then months turn into a year, and then a year turns into three. they become family, mostly because he has so much of it and she has none. joel and her and two peas in a pod, and his daughters ellie and sarah become two of her favorite little beings in the whole world. tommy becomes a fixture in her life not just at home, but in her office, too. he brings her lunches and makes extra for her assistants, who always look at him with hearts and starts in their eyes. at least once a month, he and joel cater for her office, bringing lunch for all her staff. all her coworkers joke that she should marry him, and eventually, she really does start to consider it.
once at three am, she came home from a night out with tess a little too drunk and texted him to request a southern style lobster roll. she expected him to be asleep, because he’s the one between the two of them that actually makes an effort to get some shuteye, and that she would be treated to her craving maybe the following day. but by the time she’d gotten out of the shower, however, he’d texted back a simple on my way—within the next hour, he was at her door with 5lbs of lobster, fresh-baked butter rolls (where the fuck he got fresh rolls at 4 fucking am, she had no fucking clue. she still doesn’t), and his homemade cajun seasoning mix in hand.
that night, they each eat two rolls and share a bowl of the potato chips they’d made from scratch together earlier that week. they curl up on her couch, spending the rest of the morning bouncing between kitchen nightmares and scandal. between episodes, she kisses him for the first time, and he kisses her back. the next day, she offeres him the guest room. he accepts
for @clickergossip @ameerawrites and @bumblepony ofc bc i feel like yall would vibe with this and are always keeping ME fed with your brilliant fics
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skaruresonic · 8 months
>>pls give Shadow something to do. (stares at a flaming car wreck) actually, you know what, never mind, I'm good. >>the psychic damage you receive from increasingly Hautte Takes that either infantilize Shadow or portray him as an angst vehicle stacks and produces a poison effect. in other words: oof ouch ow my soul >>Shadow angst no longer packing the punch that it used to because by now you've seen it all. And you're internally begging somebody, anybody, to do some shit with him that has nothing to do with Maria or the ARK >>his backstory is plenty tragic already, why are you heaping even more suffering on him. it's not gonna change anything or provide more insight into his character. stop that. >>"if I see one more ~spicy plot twist~ that involves Maria's memory in some way, I'm gnawing on drywall" >>when they make Shadow wax poetic about his fee-fees while calling it "depth." have none of you heard of a kuudere >>God Maekawa can we pls not stuff him into a capsule for the 400th time >>people implying Shadow's base character isn't enough and he needs to be "improved" somehow: ahaha are we here just to suffer >>the eternal irritation of hearing everyone and their brother push the "Shadow mandates" urban legend as truth, when in fact it was the world's largest fandom-wide game of telephone started by some rando on Reddit with absolutely no receipts or proof >>no, he was not tortured by the ARK researchers, they were working on weapons R&D. even if we assumed they were all evil mustache-twirlers, they wouldn't have had the time to strap him to a table. you would know this if you played SA2. >>actually, have you played SA2? >>Shadow would not fucking Say That >>he definitely would not fucking Do That >>conversely, this is not inherently OOC because he has said it in a game before >>actually does have gripes with how limited Shadow's role is in the games while also appreciating the character ST established, but doesn't know how to walk that tightrope without accidentally coming across as "agreeing" with the bullshit idea of fictitious Shadow mandates, or otherwise coming across as though I think ST can never mishandle Shadow, which just isn't true >>you do realize Shadow has flaws right. like he's actually kinda mean and dislikable sometimes. I know, I love him too, but I also have chronic Mean Fictional Man(tm) brainrot and would rather you not sand off his rough edges, pls and thank >>has anyone in this Chili's played Battle? I feel like such a broken record whenever I ask but it seems to need asking pretty often >>reads a headcanon and eyes instantly glaze over because what follows is usually a bunch of uncorroborated bullshit stitched together with loose conjecture >>hehe reticent black hedgie. why are you such a cactus.
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Chapter 1 - Make Breakfast
Black!Carol Danvers x Maria Rambeau
Ft. Monica Rambeau
Not at ALL canon compliant, I just want my wives to be happy this time around (yes, Carol is BLACK in this series and if you don’t like that then don’t read it baby. Hope that helps. 💋)
CW: Mentions of separation and emotional pain, angsty but soooo much fluff, parenthood, lost memories, slight mentions of homophobia but nun too serious, dreaming/day dreaming/remembering, LOTS OF GAY YEARNING, implied mommy/daddy issues, soooooo much exposition LMFAO so sorry for the long paragraphs but that's just how I write lol. Less is not more this time, more is more, so lets all just indulge in some lovesick lesbians. 🥹 in my head they have such a lifeee together, I want to explore it! I want them to be fully rounded people, at least more than we usually get to see in the MCU. also, lets enjoy a fucking happy ending for these two for once PLS (fuck marvel, she will never die). They're happy, Black and Queer and that's all that matters okay!!!!
Word Count: 8,004 🫣
A/N: I pretty much already laid everything out but thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read something I wrote. I hope it can help ease your mind or at least give you a break (who doesn't love some good ol' escapism lmao). Take care of yourself, drink some water pls and stay safe. I hope you enjoy. 💗
(Also pls ignore any formatting issues, I wrote this on my laptop so it looks different on the app😭 sorry y’all!!)
˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆.˚̣̇✧.⋆ ✶˖·˳.✦ .˚
The August heat had no challenge sneaking its way through the dimly lit room and in-between the two women, who also had no problem sticking to each other. The closer, the better, they both agreed without having too. It had been nearly silent sans the soft howl of the wind and the sound of breathing coming from the two, for at least 45 minutes now, maybe longer. The brown skinned woman pressed against the superhero's chest stirred softly as the wind kissed her sweet, relaxed face gently, not seeming to wake her. Nows the time, the hero thought to herself as she skillfully snuck from under the woman and placed her gently on her side, tugging her own pillow under her arm to replace her body and pulled the sheet over her nearly bare shoulders. She almost planted a kiss on her forehead but forced herself against it.
She tiptoed, almost comedically, around the edge of the bed and past the open window. She was mindful with every step, intentionally avoiding the floor boards she memorized, knowing they would creak and wake the sleeping woman. She made it nearly to the door before she was startled and exhaled sharply.
"Don't you even think about leaving yet, Danvers."
The still half sleep but always on point Maria shoots at the woman attempting to sneak out the bedroom door, still in the position her spouse lovingly placed her in without even opening her eyes or turning around to face the woman. A move she's pulled on both Carol and Monica many times, to their utter frustration and to her own satisfaction. Her voice is raspy and playful, but holds a level of something that neither are ready to fully acknowledge, yet.
"Wouldn't dream of it, Rambeau. Just have to pee."
Carol winked out as she continued her step forward as she hears Maria accept this answer and shift back to comfort, less careful to avoid the creaking floor boards this time. The hero in her scolds herself for being able to take down entire intergalactic warships without alerting anybody on board before its too late - but yet again, she can't get one over on the sleeping woman. She scoffs and relaxes her shoulders as she walks through the upstairs halls, lightening her steps as she passes Monica's room. She smiles inward, seeing "Lt. Trouble" still scribbled near the bottom on the door in blue crayon. No one had the heart to clean it off, nor felt the need to either.
God, she missed this. She missed her family. She missed her, and how warm and natural it felt to just be Carol Danvers. She also missed not leaving behind a trail of disappointment and anxiety for her family to pick up after her. They did their best but how was anybody supposed to balance life, the military, parenting and being a tween with... well, a literal supernova? Not to mention the things they were purposefully not mentioning.
Carol felt herself losing her grip on the stress she had been pushing down for what felt like years but especially the past few days as her return to earth approached, as she sat in the bathroom, long since having peed and washed up. She sat on the edge of the bear claw tub they had dreamed about having together when Monica was first born. They were both so excited when they had found a house that had one. The perfect home. They had always talked about living together when they were growing up, happy to be able to put their military salaries together and buy a house instead of living in barracks or renting apartments like they did in college. Maria, still just her "friend" at the time (although she wasn't sure what they were now, after everything, she thought), said she always wanted to be able to give her child a 'proper' bath like her mother had given her growing up. Rubber ducks and all. It was one of her only happy memories growing up. Carol herself, felt delighted that any child, but especially one who was lucky enough to be coming from this woman, would be treated so lovingly. She was earnest to make all of Maria and Monica's dreams come true, even before she could shoot fire or whatever from her hands. Carol and Maria shared an unspoken agreement with each other while she was pregnant with Monica, and probably long before that. It won't be like how it was for us. We won't let her grow up not knowing she's loved, not knowing someones there to protect her.
She ran her fingers along the curved porcelain edge, remembering how it felt to take baths as a family, even before they knew that's what they really were. Monica's hair curling tight, smelling like the soft baby shampoo Maria was gently rubbing through her hair. The soft kisses they left on her face. The soapy smiles they shared, scrunched up in their bathing suits trying to fit comfortably even though there really wasn't enough space. Not daring to let it ever be anything more than a smile or a laugh. Until they did. Until everything was covered in soap and love. Carol didn’t remember that part yet.
It had taken the pair a long time to realize exactly what they were doing, which frustrated most people who spent more than two seconds around them. They were both well respected for the most part for being women in the armed forces, and widely well liked for their similar and yet somehow opposite personalities. Both so bold and daring. Their differences balanced them out, making them the perfect team - perfect for each other, most people agreed. Despite the times, somehow they both seemed to evade the homophobia of both the armed forces and their peers. Even most of the neighborhood was waiting on them to just say it, do it, be what they already were. Yet, both of them being too stubborn for their own good and equally oblivious, persisted - mainly to themselves - that they were just good friends, copilots and roommates. After Monica was born, they were all of that and coparents but in a 'best friend' way, whatever that meant. They never humored the conversations, they didn't even stick around to hear them - which was quite the feat, being that the entire town was having the conversation for them. They couldn't, though, could they? If they listened too long, if they looked too closely at the thought, daring to touch the idea even slightly, even just to make a joke out of it - they both knew they would crumble. Because it wasn't a joke, it wasn't something they could continue to ignore then. It would end up being only one of two things, in their shared minds:
It could have been nothing. Maybe one felt these things and the other just, didn't. Maybe one of them really was a deplorable, hellbent sinner as they had both been taught but never agreed with, and maybe the other one was just a good, innocent woman, unaware to her friends inner workings. Maybe, maybe, maybe. But finding out, for a long time, felt too much of a risk. The rejection would burn them too much. Neither wanted to risk losing what they did have, the home in each other they both desperately needed. They had been best friends since they were 6, Carol being just a few weeks older but never letting the other forget it - though no one ever believed her. April and May. Just a few sunrises and sun sets separated the days they were born. They were instantly joined at the hip as much as they could be. Maria always carried herself in a more grounded way, but always loved Carols way of always being a million feet off the ground. They both were secretly jealous of the years other people had with them as girls, that they didn't get to have together. 6 years of being on earth and not knowing of the other felt like an injustice, especially now after everything that had happened - another 6 years that kept them apart. Their time together on this planet was so, so precious to both of them. They both always wanted more. Which was why neither was willing to risk what they had already made together. Truth is, they had loved each other since the moment they met. It changed, over time, in different ways. But it was always there, waiting to be what was always meant to be. That's what scared them. So they didn't look too closely, and they played pretend for years. Growing from girls who looked at each other too long, to teens who held hands when they walked, to women who fought for each other tooth and nail at every instance, to who they were before the accident and who they were now. They had a life and they wanted to keep it safe. It was their most precious thing, aside from Monica, who made it all the more important.
But, neither could really ever commit to that way of living either. Neither wanted to face the possible rejection but neither wanted to give up on the prospect of possibility number two, either; The 'maybe' that said "I can't imagine a life where loving you is the wrong thing. A life where you are not for me and I am not for you, wholly, in every conceivable way. I can't imagine a life without you, at all". The one where they kissed and breathed into eachother and finally touched - not for too long but not for long enough no matter how much time it was, and it worked and the heavens opened up and the stars all shined brighter and space and time and everything else stopped mattering - nearly stopped existing if not to give them a world to live in together, and it was just them. It was always just them. It was always just her, they would both think. They would both know.
Needless to say, once they finally caught on (or were forced into each other, perhaps), no one batted an eye or said a word to the contrary. Finally, they all agreed, things were as they should be. It was a good few years, everything was right. But then the accident happened and everything changed, all over again.
Carol laughed to herself, reminiscing back as far as her sleep deprived mind would take her. Thinking about all the times she had made herself stupid or awkward around Maria, despite how comfortable they both were with each other - forgetting that the woman already knew how she felt. Forgetting that she was the one who had forgot what they were to each other. How she fumbled around trying to be Monica's parent, without ever being asked to - without ever being asked not to, she affirmed to herself every chance she could. Monica was her daughter to the same degree that she was Maria's, the woman always reminded her.
"Just because you didn't pop her out doesn't mean she isn't yours. Look at her, she's just like you! I will not take responsibility for all of it!" Maria would say, laughing that sweet laugh whenever Monica would act up or do something so Carol-like. An earnest laugh, hoping Carol would not just hear her but know she was telling the truth.
Carol sighed, standing up and looking in the mirror. She was tired, in ways that sleep wouldn't fix, but she did feel sleepy. She ran cool water over the backs of her hands, trying to give herself reprieve from the heat in the air. She dried her hands on towels with all of their colorful names messily embroidered into them (one of Maria's hobbies while she was pregnant) and rubbed over them with her thumb. She was grateful to have so much to remember, she thought. It must have been a rich life, so full of love. She could tell, even before the memories had started coming back. The love was built into the home, every inch held a part of her that she just had to look at, pick up, feel. They had never let her go. She smiled and felt a pang of longing run through her as she let the towel go. She walked back down the hall and made her way to her bed. Made her way home.
"Took you long enough. C'mere."
Maria said, not asking but telling, sleepiness filling every word. She grabbed at Carol's collar and tugged, not entirely gently but not rough either. Carol laughed as she laid down, facing her best friend and scooting under the light sheet with her back to the breeze as it wrippled against the teeshirt she found in the things Maria had pulled out the closet for her. She used to keep Carol's things in the dresser with hers, like they used to be, but it felt too painful after a while. Now she just wasn't ever sure how long the woman would be staying and made the excuse to herself that she needed the space for her own things, when really she just didn't want to have another physical reminder of the woman's absence as the days passed and piled into months. They hadn't slept in the same bed in so long, but even through the obvious ignoring they were both doing about where their relationship stood, they both felt comfortable enough (or maybe desperate enough) to cuddle. They had always slept together, even as kids, whenever they could. It had helped them both get through a lot of tough things as girls, and they kept close to each other all throughout the years they spent growing up. Their sleep overs were sacred to them, they would build forts and pretend they were living in far away places - away from what life was like for them where they were, grateful to have each other. Their second semester in college they finally beat down the housing office to just let them share a room, figuring it made sense since they both slept in each others room nearly every night anyways. They had pushed their beds together the whole rest of their time in school, only moving them apart for the one big argument they had. How silly, they both thought at the same time, not knowing they were both reminiscing in the same direction.
"I thought you were asleep."
Carol prodded, kicking her socks off.
"You always think I'm asleep before you try to sneak out."
Maria teased, eyes still closed but her hand finding it's way to Carols forearm, trying not to squeeze.
"I mean, you were snoring. Were you not asleep?"
"Hey! I don't snore. And yes, but that's besides the point. You just suck at sneaking out, you always did."
Maria nudges Carol playfully, knowing she would get a response.
"Alright now, you try sneaking out of a preachers house in the middle of the night. That second story jump was no joke on my prepubescent knees! I didn't even have my powers! And you do in fact snore, hate to break it to ya'."
Carol returns the nudge, mindful to be 'human gentle' not 'super human gentle' as both Maria and her daughter would say. This created a small space between them that both were ready to fill. Maria did first, per usual, eyes opening to smirk.
"Whatever you say, Danvers. What's your excuse now? Aren't you supposed to be like... light on your feet?"
She laughed, pulling herself into the woman in front of her without a beat. She didn't need any extra breathing room. The multiple galaxies she was used to having between them had been much more than enough for her. She decided to let any awkwardness that was between them from earlier in the night when dinner was over and Monica went to bed sit on the sidelines for now, they could deal with it tomorrow. She knew she should've brought it up, but she settled for hearing about Carol's adventures and missions instead. She listened for as long as she could stay awake, trying to balance her awe with her jealousy quietly. Right now, she was sleepy and needed the comfort only Carol could provide.
"Very funny. How do you even do that? One second you're asleep, the next second you're catching me in the act. Are you hiding some super powers I should know about?"
Carol laughed, wanting to talk more, selfishly. They were both tired and Maria had work tomorrow that she couldn't get out of, but they were both tired of not being with each other even more.
"I don't need super powers. I'm a mother, sweetheart."
Maria said matter-of-factly, rubbing her hand over Carol's then turning over and scooting her back against the woman, making herself the little spoon. Once again leaving no space. It was almost too familiar for both of them. Carol had to fight the urge to touch her in places, in ways, that friends wouldn't. She settled her hand on the woman's side respectfully, not knowing Maria was yearning for more than that, even if it was just a little more.
"How come I didn't get those mama powers then? Is it biological?"
Carol jokes, pulling Maria impossibly closer without thinking, resting her chin on the woman's shoulder. She wasn't sure about it while being completely sure at the same time. Maria didn't bat an eye, thankful for the contact. "This is normal, I can be normal. She's just Carol. Just the same, just also not. Keep it light, Rambeau." She reminded herself with an exhale before she spoke.
"Dont’cha think you have enough powers? Plus, you're basically a child anyways. You and Mon' are more alike than anyone could've imagined."
The brown skinned woman answered, rubbing her thumb over Carol's hand in a circle mindlessly. Trying to fight the sleep weighing her eyes down just as much as she fought the urge to turn over, pull the woman in and kiss her so deeply. She felt Carol's breath on her skin and reveled in it. God, I missed this, she thought.
"Ha, I'll let that one slide for tonight. I guess I'll just have to work on my sneaking skills."
She resigned happily, knowing the woman was right (although she would be hearing about it tomorrow), but also knowing Maria was more of a superhero than anyone she had ever met, including literal superheroes. She let out a breath and shuffled to get comfortable, leaving a soft whisper of a kiss on Maria's shoulder, no more than the idea of it as her lips grazed her skin every so slightly and pulling her in close again, chest to impossibly soft back.
"Good luck, Captain Marvel. I can always feel you coming and I can always feel you leaving."
Maria said, half awake. They both knew she was only half joking, for the sake of the night. It stung them both in a deep, hidden away part of their hearts. They were both so much more than tired.
"I missed you, Rambeau."
Carol whispered, almost too low, not sure if she wanted the woman to hear her or not. She was almost sure she hadn't.
"More than you even know, Danvers."
Maria replied just as quietly, finally letting sleep take hold of her body. She hoped she would dream something sweet, sweet enough to hold her over until she could wake up and finally be next to the woman she loved. A morning she prayed for every day, even if it might not ever be the way it was. Even if they were never lovers or girlfriends or partners or whatever they were again, this could be enough for her, she thought. She missed her friend just as much as she missed the woman she wanted to marry, so it would have to be enough. She hoped, knowing she had to make herself believe it.
Carol fought her sleep, trying to take in every moment, counting every breath they took in unison, trying to memorize the faint constellations of freckles on Maria's skin. She missed the way she smelled, the way she felt, the way she looked at any angle. The weight of her body against her own. She wasn't sure what she was going to say or do tomorrow, feeling the same weight she had felt all those years of not knowing. She wasn't sure what she knew and what she didn't anymore, but she knew she didn't want to lose what she had just gotten back, even if it meant playing pretend again. She would do it every day for the rest of her life, if it meant she could be with Maria and Monica in any way. She sighed to herself, having to let it just be what it is in the moment. She didn't want to miss even a second more than she already had. But even super humans need to sleep, so she drifted off slowly, giving up the fight eventually knowing she would wake up and still be there. She was finally home. Finally.
˚  ✦   .  .   ˚ .       . ✦     ˚     .   .   ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚        ˚ .˚ ✦.
The sun beating through the window was unforgiving to both women's desire to sleep in and pretend the world wasn't waiting for them. Much like the two of them, greeting the day felt opposite for once. Maria would drag herself through her day of dealing with white men in suits and making more decisions than any one person should really be making (but she was the best one to do it, whether the men agreed or not - although, the smart ones did), longing as usual to make it home. At least today she would have the excitement of making it home on a Friday evening after a longer than ever week, to not only her daughter who was on summer break for a few more weeks, but to her person. Carol, on the other hand, would take on the somewhat daunting responsibility of taking care of a small human tween (which should be easier than a non human child, right?) who just happened to be her daughter, and any other domestic duties about the house and the land. She was grateful for this level of domesticity, eager to wash dishes, do laundry, mow some grass and make her best attempt at cooking for her and Monica. Although, a part of her did feel intimidated. Sure, she could do pretty much anything but she hadn't just been a stay at home mom in a long time. A lot of the time she did spend doing it, pre-powers, she was still fighting to remember. She was happy as the memories made their way back to her, triggered by smells and sounds, old pictures and falling back into routines like muscle memory. She had most of it back, it had been a few years since everything happened. But she was excited when something new (or really, just old) popped back into her mind. She always wrote them down, secretly, making sure she would never lose such precious moments again. As the light made its way across her face, she didn’t want to give into the brightness she felt disrupting her sleep. She wanted just a little more.
She dreamt of Monica running through a wide field, sun shining and bubbles blowing into the air. She was younger, in the dream, than she was now. Carol felt bittersweet at the time she had missed but grateful that her daughter was growing, existing in such an unapologetic way. As Monica ran through the field, Carol watched her, aviators blocking the bright sun as she sat on the steps of their home, arms behind her as she thought of all the ways life was perfect in this moment. Maria walked out the screen door with drinks in her hand. A way too sweet lemonade for Monica and Carol, a lemon iced tea for herself. She bent down and kissed Carol on the top of her head, sitting next to her and handing her a drink. Carol sipped it, tasting a familiar sweetness as she pulled her sunglasses over her head, resting them in her soon to be tangled hair. Maria could make even the simplest things taste so good, she thought to herself, never having to say a word. They laughed as Maria called Monica over, before sipping her own drink. They looked up at each other with such knowing eyes, longing for connection. In this dream, there was no confusion, there was no awkwardness or uncertainty of certain boundaries. They leaned in to each other, ready to kiss as they both had a million times before, just as Monica skipped over and said "ewwww" and giggled in the way only she could. She sat between them and they all looked up at the setting sun, normal and happy and sure of all of it. Monica leaned her head on Carol's knee and sang whatever song she had learned in school that day. The mother's both filled with joy, bubbling up over top of them and pouring out of them. They were happy. They leaned in and kissed, finally, and it was as if nothing could ever be wrong.
As the sun broke through the drafty curtains and the shadows moved across the room letting the light sprawl across the women, Maria began to stir. She always woke up before her alarm clock, always against her will. She had been like that forever. This morning though, she didn't roll over to turn it off before it went off. She was just becoming aware of how softly entangled she was with Carols body, gratefully taking in the way the woman's skin meshed with her own. Through sleepy eyes she almost couldn't tell where hers ended and Carol's began. It was nice. Nicer than nice. It was right again. As it should be, she thought. She smoothed her hand over Carol's shoulder, realizing they had found their way to facing each other through the night. They were both sort of sweaty from the heat but unrelenting in holding each other, making sure most parts of them were touching no matter what. She looked over the woman, eyes running over the contours of her face and down her body, landing on her hips and running back up again to her bed head. No matter how many times Maria bought her a scarf or bonnet, she wouldn't wear it. She always said she couldn't sleep if she felt restricted, even though she would complain about having to detangle her curls every day. But she knew there was no way she was doing all that in space before and after every mission, she thought with an internal laugh. She was sure she just wanted easier access for Maria's fingers to find their way in and rub her head every night when she was home, just like it was before she was a space cadet. Besides, they slept like they were tied in a knot together - neither ever felt restricted then. She made a mental note to braid her hair back later, so at least she could avoid the tangles - even though she knew she would have to do it over and over again as it grew frizzy in the southern humidity. She tried to remember what she had dreamed about as she continued looking at the woman. She always dreamt about the two of them, sometimes it was good and sweet like them sitting on the front steps together watching Monica play, sometimes it was scary and dark, like the day she lost her all over again. No matter what it was, she always dreamed vividly when Carol was away - like she was living the moments herself. It had both helped and hindered her grieving, so lucidly living two lives: one where Carol was hers always, and one where she was still hers but wasn't there. Wasn't anywhere, she was afraid of for so long. She would wake up sweating with tears down her face every time, sometimes happy tears and sometimes not, but they always puddled in her when she regained consciousness, breaking the dam she built every day to contain herself. But whenever Carol did return to their house, it was like nothing could be sweeter or more real - sometimes even more daunting - than having her home, so she never dreamed when she slept in the same house as the woman, even when she tried. She was slightly startled out of her thoughts when Carol spoke up in her slightly raspy but almost innocent sleepy voice that Maria loved so much.
"Take a picture, it'll last ya' longer, ma'am."
She smirked at Maria with only one eye half way open, vision still blurry. Maria smiled big, white teeth on full display before she rebutted.
"That's my line. You always tryna be like me."
She said, pretending to flip her hair over her shoulder even though it was wrapped in her signature lilac satin scarf. It was her favorite color, even though no one ever expected it to be. No one ever expected her to be as soft as she was, for a lot of reasons, but mainly because she would never let them. No one but Carol, and even sometimes her too. The color reminded her of her mother, and she held onto it with both hands.
Both women smiled while Carol rubbed her eyes with one hand, holding Maria's with the other to the woman's surprise.
"Who wouldn't wanna be just like thee one and only Maria Rambeau."
Carol replied sincerely, planting a kiss on her hand. Maria felt a warm blush run over her face, a feeling no one else could produce in her. They locked eyes for a moment before Maria broke it.
She remembered that she had to go to work and her alarm would go off any second. She remembered that Carol would have to leave again, probably soon although they hadn't talked about it yet. She had only gotten home last night, just in time for dinner, with flowers in her hand that she had probably picked from some unsuspecting person's garden and a big smile. She also remembered the elephant in the room. They hadn't talked about their relationship, neither wanting to waste a moment together or risk Monica hearing them. They hadn't kissed or been intimate either, in far too long for both of them although they would never let on, unsure of where they stood though they both longed for each other in ways they couldn't even find enough words to describe if they tried. They had been too occupied on whatever was going on in front of them every time they had the chance to see each other since Carol came back. They had both been nervous to approach the subject, and had thus settled for somewhat awkward but 100% needy hugs and cheek kisses so far. Maria had all but tackled the woman when she first came home, after she was sure it was okay for her to embrace her. Even the last few times Carol was home, it had only been for a day or maybe two here and there every few months and after a while it had been almost a year. Carol made it home this time just 6 days shy of 12 months away. She had sent Monica and Maria flowers on their birthdays (quite strange to call some obscure flower shop in Louisiana from a communication device that could call almost anybody in the universe). All three had been surprised she even remembered their birthdays, let alone her own. They had lit a candle and blown it out together for Carol on her birthday, both sadly eating a cupcake and watching sit coms together that night. Maria had let Monica stay up later than normal out of sympathy for the young girl and maybe more so out of not wanting to be alone on a day they usually spent together for the past few decades. The flowers had notes promising to celebrate their birthdays when she made it back across the universe, addressed to 'Lt. Trouble' and 'The only Taurus I'll ever like, Captain Rambeau' which got a somber but real laugh out of both of them. But before all that, it was 6 years in-between when Carol went missing (or "died" as the Air Force liked to refer to it). Carol took a few weeks to even question if they were ever 'more than friends', so Maria played her part as the woman's best friend as she had for many years before. Carol was only brave enough to ask once, after they had hugged and already said their 'see ya laters'. Something in the way they embraced made her look at the woman and remember. She remembered more then than she had ever been able to. She placed a nervous hand on Maria's face and touched their foreheads together, desperate to understand, letting a tear roll down her cheek. She had started to ask but it got stuck in her throat, so Maria had wiped her cheek and gave her that all knowing smile. "Shh. Don't. We'll figure it out later. Go save the world, or the Universe. I'll be here when you get back, baby." She had whispered it so Monica wouldn't register it but she probably had. As they parted, Carol turned away and lifted off, knowing she had to rip herself away that very instance or she may never take flight again. Only turning back once she was far in the air, but not too far to look down and see Monica and Maria still standing there, holding each other while Monica pointed up at the sky. All Carol could manage was a final wave before she left the atmosphere faster than she could think.
Baby sat in Carol's mind for months after the fact, replaying it every free second she had. It played in Maria's too. She wasn't sure if she should've said it but she needed to say something or she thought she might drown in the thick Louisiana air. She missed her partner more than she had been really been able to endure, but at least she had her friend back, she reminded herself, so she did. She pushed forward, every day, knowing at least her Carol was out there somewhere and she'd have another chance. At least Monica had two parents again, kind of. Now, even though they hadn't talked about it, they had eased back into a different type of relationship, it just still wasn't exactly the same. It was and wasn't enough for the both of them. But it was also hard to purposefully face more difficult things when there was years worth of catching up to do, a shared daughter to raise, and entire galaxies between them more often than not. Most times Carol was home, all their time went to just being a family for as long as they could from sun up to the inevitable sun down.
Remembering all of this sent a small shiver up her spine and she refocused. She playfully pushed the woman's shoulder trying to break the tension she was sure they both felt and sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed right before her alarm went off. She felt flustered and borderline frustrated that Carol could be so goddamn charming even when she wasn't trying to be. Even with bed head and only partly aware of who she even was. She turned the alarm off after one beep and sighed, leaning her head back and yawning.
Carol missed her body being next to hers, aching at the abrupt disconnection between their skin. She watched as Maria pulled on an old oversized Air Force teeshirt over her bra and stood up, putting on her her pajama shorts with Santa on them that they had all pulled out last night with Monica, and started stretching. She knew why Maria pulled away, equally aware that there was much between them that needed tending too. She too, didn't want to keep living like they weren't even just a little bit more than friends, like they used to - only this time they both knew it wasn't true. Carol did remember somethings, she remembered - no, she knew what it felt like to be in love, to kiss, to be more than this. Only know, neither knew if that's what the other wanted back anymore, if the feelings remained. Carol was truthfully not even sure she was remembering correctly but she so badly hoped she was. So much time had passed, maybe things had changed in more ways than what was visible. It was almost worse, that way, wasn't it?
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆✰⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
While Maria was in the shower and getting ready, Carol made her way downstairs. Monica was still asleep but she would be up soon, always getting up just a bit after Maria did even when she was on break from school. She always said she didn't want to miss any 'explorin'' time, which could mean a plethora of things knowing Monica.
Carol walked down the stairs and looked out the front door, rubbing her eyes to adjust to the light. The sun was just fully making its way to the sky, creating moving shadows across the living room through the windows. It was beautiful. The house was so still, but so full of comfort. She walked over the the front door and looked out, opening the first door and then peaking her toes out the screen door. The days heat wasn't yet fully upon them, and she could smell the dewy grass all around them. Out of all the expansive space and all the planets she had seen, there was nothing like a deep southern morning to make you remember how beautiful things can be, she thought.
She questioned with herself whether she should check the mail, not sure if it was appropriate for her to do so. She knew there wouldn't be anything for her, as most of the people on the planet that even knew she existed either thought she was dead or forgot about her entirely. For a moment, she felt a wave of grief roll through her. She wanted normal again for the first time in a long time. She would even settle for the not really normal 'normal' that the Air Force provided. She would settle for a piece of mail, waiting for her to open, sitting in the mailbox she shared with her companion and child. Even if it was just jury duty or some scam trying to get her to get a credit card. She wanted it all back so bad, sometimes it made her forget why she ever left the planet in the first place. How much more justice did she have to bring to the universe before she could just be a human again? She reveled in what mundane life could be like, how exciting the not exciting routine of working a regular job, taking a kid to school and watching tv could be. She shook her head, trying to rid herself of the thoughts. It was too early in the day to have an existential crisis.
Thankfully, she turned around when she heard smaller feet pitter pattering against the hardwood floors upstairs and making their way down each stair not so gracefully. She smiled and nearly teleported over to the stairs to catch Monica before she jumped, as they always did. She lifted the girl, zooming her around the living room like she was flying. The once still room was now filled with matching giggles from both of them, just affirming Maria's comment about the two of them being almost too much alike to not actually be related.
"Good morning, Lt. Trouble! What's on the agenda today?"
Carol asked as she made her way into the kitchen and sat Monica on the edge of the counter top with a sound effect.
"Reporting for duty, Captain! Today's agenda includes catching more frogs and naming them, finishing my blueprints for my next invention, and climbing the big tree!"
Monica exclaimed, somehow still giggling. She kicked her feet back and forth as she sat, looking up at the woman before her with eyes bigger than they'd ever been. She was purely happy to have her mother home, and had no intention of leaving her side - which meant Carol would just have to catch the frogs and climb the tree, all while offering supportive feedback on the next Rambeau invention. Carol smiled at this, knowing all too well she had a busy day ahead of her. She always struggled to say no to both of the Rambeaus' in her life.
"Is breakfast on the agenda, too?"
Maria asked with a laugh, walking into the kitchen and leaning against the counter top next to Monica.
"Uhhh, sure but only if youuu cook it mama."
Monica says, trying not to hurt Carol's feelings but being authentic.
"Ouch! Is my cooking really that bad?"
Carol half laughs, half interrogates the pair in front of her. They both look at each other and somehow wince and smile at the same time. Maria points to the scorch marks above the stove left in wake of Carol's last attempt to cook dinner. It was Spaghetti, mind you. Carol laughs defeatedly.
"Hey! You can't prove it was me! Plus it came out good!"
"Yeah, after I remade it!"
Maria laughs out loud.
"Oh hush. It'll be good! I'll make my famous pancakes for you, and you'll both love them! Isn't that right Lt. Trouble?"
Monica looks at Maria, who just shrugs with a smile that says "good luck kid", before she answers.
"Give it your best shot, Captain."
She says with a smile. Carol accepts it, knowing they're right. As she laughs, she turns to the cupboards and looks around for pancake mix. Monica whispers to her other mother who is staring lovingly at Carol's back, watching her shirt lift up in the back as she reaches up to find what she's looking for.
"If I eat mama's breakfast, can I watch extra tv tonight?"
Maria fights back a laugh before nodding silently.
"I have super hearing too, remember?"
Carol says without turning around, still shuffling through the cabinet. Maria and Monica chuckle as Maria tussles Monica's hair and walks over to the other side of the kitchen.
"Wrong cabinet, Captain."
Maria teases as she turns on her coffee machine that she prepped the night before. Carol smiles and Monica grabs a new box of cereal from the cupboard above her and jumps down to sit at the table and starts solving the puzzles on the back.
Everything is good, its calm and lighthearted. Carol starts measuring ingredients (a few too many for boxed pancake mix) and starts whipping them together. Monica is sure that Carol added too many eggs, which she didn't really need to use but insists that it makes them fluffier, and continues with her puzzles. Maria looks through paperwork while she waits for her coffee. Once it's done brewing, she walks over to the cupboard that's right next to Carol and reaches up to grab her favorite mug. Carol's eyes meet the woman's chest as she reaches up and she almost doesn't look away. When she does, she hopes Maria hadn't caught her looking. She did, of course. She never misses a beat, but she chooses not to address it for how it might undo her whole morning routine. She daydreams about the woman pulling her in by her waist while she's reaching up, picking her up and kissing her. Rolling against the counter. She misses how they used to start their mornings, before Monica was awake. Passionate but slow, never rushing through movements even though they both risked being late. Maria shakes her head as she catches Carol's eyes on her way back down, daring to peak back at her again in an attempt to mask the first time. They both offer up soft and innocent smiles before carrying on. Carol whips the batter a little harder, almost too hard, feeling the whisk crack in her hand. At the same time, Maria spills a bit of coffee on her hand as she walks away, fighting to steady herself against her own thoughts. Monica watches them, laughing to herself as they both try to clean up their little messes.
"Allllrighty, first ones in."
Carol excites as she pours batter into a way too hot pan, hearing it sizzle. Everyone knows its going to burn, but Carol will make the excuse that its the first pancake and they all do that. Maria give a reassuring "mhm" over her mug as she chuckles, trying to support the woman. Monica will point out that Maria's never burn, and they'll all laugh while Carol ignores it, fidgeting away with the spatula.
When she pours the second one, she makes a cute M shape. It's messy but you can clearly make out what its meant to be, for the most part, and that's enough of a triumph for her. While it cooks, she pulls out a baby blue plate and the syrup from the cabinet she was in before and sets them on the table for Monica.
"Voila! Special delivery for Lt. Trouble!"
She slides the misshaped, almost burned but not quite pancake onto the plate with a big cheesy smile. A smile Maria takes in fully while she can, while Carol's focus is on Monica. Monica claps and digs in, opting to rip it up with her hands and dip it into the syrup rather than use a fork. Carol slides her a napkin.
"Wow! It actually tastes like food!"
Monica congratulates Carol, not meaning it to be a backhanded compliment like how it sounds, and lands a genuine a high-five on the woman's bigger hand.
"You know what? I'll take what I can get!"
Carol laughs.
"Can I whip you up a magical pancake, Captain Rambeau?"
Maria smiles, finishing her coffee and checking her watch. She was almost running late, which almost never happens. She was almost thankful to avoid another one of Carol's creations, but she would eat the pancake too if it meant she had more time with her girls.
"I'll have to take a raincheck. I gotta head out. Seems like the world always needs saving."
She smiled apologetically, walking over to place her empty cup in the sink. She leans down and plants a kiss on Monica's forehead, pulling her hair back from her face. She looks up to see Carol already looking at her, unsure of how they should part ways. Would a hug be too much? The kiss they both wanted danced between them, but they wouldn't dare. Monica watched them over her plate, interested to see how they would handle this too. She remembers more than Carol does, and more than Maria knows.
In an attempt to quell the impending awkwardness, Maria reaches out and pats Carols shoulder softly, before deciding that that's too friend zone-y. She slides her hand down the woman's arm to her hand and squeezes it twice, tighter the second time. She smiles and it means "It's good to have you home". Carol smiles back, and it means "I'm happy to be here, too". Maria walks towards the door and pulls on her jacket and puts her sunglasses on, aviators just like Carol's old ones in the box of belongings they kept. It makes Carol smile to herself, thinking about her dream.
"Not too much trouble today, okay Mon'?" Maria says, without fully turning around to acknowledge the two. She doesn't want to leave but someone's got to lead SWORD and she might actually need the time away to think.
"I can handle it, don't worry Captain."
Carol whistles out, smiling at Monica as she finishes her pancake rolling her eyes. The door closes behind Maria and she feels the sun on her face and lets out a happy sigh.
"I know."
She says, mostly to herself, but she remembers that super hearing too.
☄⋆。°✩ *️ ⚛ *️ ✩°。⋆☄
hi my loves. I wrote this whole thing, and realized it was incredibly long so I'm breaking it into two parts. you won't have to wait too long, I'll post it tomorrow! I sincerely hope you enjoyed this and I hope you read the next part when it's posted. please lmk what you think! I appreciate any and all feedback so pls pls pls lmk what you think!
I'll also be posting this to ao3 later today as well, and will add the second chapter on there as well. Also lmk if anybody wants to be tagged in part 2?? Idk lol. thank you for reading!!! 💕
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astrolo-t · 2 years
Morning Sun Pt. 6 (Epilogue)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Ellie x Reader
Word Count: 700~
Warnings: MDNI pls, Cursing, Alcohol, LOTS of Angst, Ellie running at literally any sign of conflict or messy feelings.
A/N: That's all folks :)
1 year later
Ellie saddles up to a house on a horse she’d acquired from Jackson. She hadn’t come up with a name for this new friend just yet, but she had a feeling that someone would know just the perfect name to give it. 
As she’d expected, Dina had returned to Jackson. The community there was just what she needed to help raise her son. As for JJ, he was already walking! He didn’t seem to recognize her anymore but she was just happy that he didn't cry when she held him. Maybe some part of him remembered? She wasn’t sure.
Ellie had expected red hot anger from Dina, resentment, and maybe punch or slap to the face. But all she got was a fierce hug and genuine happiness to see her alive. She should’ve known, if she’d had time to work through her shit, there could be no doubt that Dina had too. She visits with Maria, pays her respects to a few graves:  Jessie’s…and Joel’s. 
She sticks around for the year, spending time with Dina and the friends she’d left behind there. Thinking of you often, she finds solace in her old sketches of you, laughing at one that depicts you napping on the couch in a pose that said “paint me like one of your french girls”. 
Dina had come and asked what she was laughing at and Ellie didn’t even try to hide the sketches. “Someone I know?” She asks, sitting down across the kitchen table.
Ellie shakes her head no, but offers no explanation and so Dina presses, “Ok, well obviously someone you know. Someone who's got you making that goofy grin.” 
“Fuck you, I’m not!” Ellie laughs, a slight blush making its way across her cheeks. 
“Mhmmm, sure.” Dina says with a knowing smile, “Well come on. Out with it. Who is it?”
Ellie walks up to the door, twists the knob and sure enough, the door is unlocked.
Unbelievable. Some things never change, she thinks with a shake of her head, smiling slightly to herself. She couldn't help but hope that sentiment would hold true for the rest of what lay within the home in front of her. 
She steps through the door, immediately smelling the familiar smell of fresh lavender, and she hears humming coming from the kitchen. She walks forward heading toward the sound when she steps on a loose floorboard. The old wood lets out a slight creak, bringing Ellie’s gaze to the ground momentarily. When she looks back up, it’s just in time for her to see a knife whizzing just past her face and into the wall behind her.
“Holy Shit!” Ellie exclaims, nearly jumping out of her skin, she continues, “I see we’re still violence first ask questions later huh?”
She turns her gaze from the knife in the wall to see you standing there eyes widened as if you’d seen a ghost. 
Ellie just smiles sheepishly, holding her arms open wide in an invitation. You’re still for a moment, staring at her in disbelief until you realize she was here. You take off running and tackle her to the floor, nearly knocking the wind out of her. In her lap, you lay small sweet kisses all over her face. When you get to her lips you pause, looking at the girl beneath you, unsure.
Your uncertainty was unnecessary as Ellie surges forward planting her lips on yours, kissing you til your toes curl. 
I want you. I want you. I want you. I love you.
“You came back.” you breathe out cradling her cheeks in your hands.
“You surprised?” 
She covers your lips with hers again, laying her head back on the wooden floor letting you chase her lips with yours. You smile into the kiss and grin even bigger when you realize Ellie was smiling too. Just for a moment, you pull away to say three words, knowing that the rest could wait until after you kissed her senselessly.
“Welcome home Ellie.”
A/N: Thanks for reading until the end! There are a lot more scenes I wanted to explore with these two and write about but I think this feels good for now.
This was completely self-indulgent and perhaps a tad unrealistic. But what can I say? I love a happy ending. Hope you all enjoyed. Thank you to the friends who liked, reblogged, and even commented :)
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGKNG TELL ME IM THE FIRST PERSON TO DROP AN ASK FOR THE FANDOM GAME FOR NARCOS MEXICO, PLS LET IT BE SO bc you stuck to OG narcos for the other ask with the exception of Calderoni which, fair. Like I am a Calderoni apologist through and through but I would also totally throw him off a roof. It’s complicated. But anyway, since you kept it OG specific I feeeeeellll like you must be begging for an Nmx specific ask. Am I wrong??? If not, I am here to deliver this ask.
Kay, my beautiful, wonderful mamadas enthusiast. You're never wrong. And I can never say no to you. 😌
The first character I first fell in love with: Okay so we all know who I ended up having severe brainrot over as the series went on 😂 I am not immune to the meerkat man. HOWEVER!!! I will say that the first character that I started to like right off the rip was Rafa. And also Don Neto, too, but Rafa is way prettier 😂 I just loved his chaotic energy idkidk
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The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: The way that Victor blew into s3 like a hurricane and immediately threw me for a 180. I feel like at first I was just curious about his character and what the whole deal there was, but by the end of the season I was weeping. The tears I've wept. I love him.
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The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Okay so I said my piece about Calderoni in the last Narcos ask. And I don't wanna repeat answers, so I shall reach into my hat and pull out another unpopular opinion. Because there is nothing I love more than swinging bats at hornets' nests lmao. I feel like I should preface this with saying, I do NOT hate him. I don't. I just, I don't really get/feel the hype around Ramon Arellano. Like I can look at him and see that he's pretty, and I enjoy his scenes well enough, but he has not bewitched me. Idk if he ever will lmao
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The character I love that everyone else hates: I don't think??? I have one?? I feel like the closest I get to this is being a Walt Girlie but I don't think anyone actually hates him. He is just not the preferred entree on the NMX menu lmao.
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The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Okay so coming into the series, I was already rooting for Felix because I am in love with Diego Luna lmao. Unfortunately, however, I realized that no amount of loving Diego Luna was ever going to make me love Miguel. Literallyyyyy who cheats on Maria???? Dumbass. 😂
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The character I would totally smooch: God. Most of the cast??? What do you want from me?? 😂 Nah but fr I think Mayo could fix me. I'd let him try, at least. 😌
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The character I’d want to be like:  Solid tie between Dina and Andrea. I love them both. I can't choose one.
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The character I’d slap: A long fucking list if ever there was one, Kay. 😂 Am I allowed to put Calderoni here? In a different category?? Is that allowed? 😂 Fuck it we ball.
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A pairing that I love: Miguel and jail. 😌 Sksksk no but for an actual pairing, there is just something that I really love about the whole Claudio/Dina dynamic that I just love, for as short-lived and tragic as it was. I love them. I want someone else to write fic about them so I can read it sksksk
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A pairing that I despise: Ooooo this is interesting. I'm not...I'm not sure if there is one? I mean obviously allowing Miguel to be near any woman is criminal. Maria deserved so much better and so did his second wife that I don't remember the name of even though we literally just watched the fucking episodes 😂 But that has to do more with Miguel than the actual pairing hahaha. I don't think I have a pairing that I hate off the principle of it. Maybe I need to be more of a hater or something sksksk
Thank you for this!! tqm 💕
Send me a fandom!
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someonechaotic · 3 months
Ze conner chaos onc agin its aa uhh part 3?????? whyayayayytryeysyayyeeee
Okay, what happened last blog? Well.....
I raised both Zaidan's and Julien's child except I found out that Julien is a very shit father, Haylee grows up happy and Jase grows up unhappy. Sky fishes for some Angelfish whilst Zaidan reaches Level 10 in Gourmet Cooking and whilst Sky gets a new job as an Astronaut and goes into the Interstellar Smuggler branch, we get some Ambrosia, revive Lucas who was previously fucking died. Julien keeps pissing on my fucking living room floor, Haylee got aged up into a teen, Jase is now a child (I aged him up after last chaos blog). Haylee almost died, Lucas almost died again.
Okay, caught up? Good. Now, in this blog is going to be TWICE the chaos, because the previous chaos blog I couldn't post for a week, but I had already done it and couldn't be bothered to update it, so instead, all of its gonna go here!!!!!!
Now be prepared, because I don't know if next week's chaos blog will top this one off....
First week...
After one too many times of Vito possessing Dumbass's gay hearts, I move him back into the household and whip him up a plate of Ambrosia, half as punishment, half because it felt a bit lonely.
Vito lasted.... Surprisingly well, but, well. this sentence is in past tence for a reason....
I also now age up Jase unto a teenager somewhere in this time, I think? i uh idontreemmber
Sky gets to the top of his career and is now constantly on the run from the Space Police
And, on the Saturday after I posted last blog, I had acquired MC Command Center, meaning LARGER HOUSEHOLD WOOOOOOO!!!!-
Well, I had made it larger as a joke, but someone saw it as a grand opportunity to... well.....
:Anne Maria starts playing:
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So zaidan, in record time. Gets abducted, impregnated and gives birth. All in the matter of one real-life hour after raising the household cap.
(Also, the way I found out zaidan ws pregnant was so fucking hilarious, I was recording him and possessed Sky having the most fucking terrifying dinner date(?) I've never seen a possessed sim eating a bowl of chili whilst looking totally in love with someone, meanwhile the other sim is so completely fucking confused. And then he did the pregnant animation and i freaked the fuck out)
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Possesssed sky says hi ✨️
Meanwhile Sky had his own child, well, Creation. Sky finally build a motherfucking servoooooo woooooo- whom upon entering my household, was assigned traits that practically made Sky the creator of a sociopathic robot I am not joking its the traits I have in my mods pls do-
but don't get too attached because,
One quick change later and Zaidan giving birth, I found out the hard way that I cannot edit my sims normally in a 9 sim household and have to go into the MC Menu and go into CAS from there, because Sky's servo swiftly evaporates from the gace of the earth, never to be seen again.
Zaidan's 5th chikd, Kurtz, grows up to be happy a conspiracy theorist and a pain in the fucking ass, just like his step-father, Dumbass
(Furute me here realising I forgot to mention the 4th, Luz, she's got a mohawk, she's an overachiver, she's a badass lesbian, okay moving on)
Speaking of pain in the asses, Vito gets stuck in a wall, in which case I use this comment to capture some of the most unflattering picture of a sim out there
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And speaking of pain in the asses aga- yeah zaidan got pregnant again.... This is his 6th..... This one I named Rez, now this time Dumbass and Zaidan was raising Rez (Which Luz was not happy about as a child)
Thats all of week 1.... Now its on to the real chaos.... the we
Week 2
Week 2, I panic, realising I can't age up my werewolves, Haylee and Lucas up. Why? Because some stupid fucking idiot made them both immortal (me)
So after swiftly resetting and redoing all my werewolves perks (Thank MCCC that MC Command Center has that otherwise I'd of been fucked), I finally age up Haylee and Lucas, who both do not have a job still as I'm writing this.
Meanwhile, Sky has finally finished the Nerd Brain aspiration, meaning he can now Insta-Repair which honestly does fuck all AND INSTA-UPGRADE WOOOOO!!!!- So Sky's been upgrading everything, the stove, the fridge that keeps breaking, the toilets...
And that's when it all went wrong.
As per usual, Zaidan getting abducted, dumbass getting abducted,
Lucas are you sat in your sister's bedroom naked..?
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Julien stop pissing on my living room flo-
Al the sudden, one of the toilets in the basement set fire to one of Zaidan's daughters, Luz. I'm panicking, thinking it was that bastard ghost who, idfk fucking planted a grenade in the fucking toilet bowl. I quickly get that sorted out, but I didn't know the true reason.
By now I've finally aged Kurtz into a child, yes it took this long....
But then, Zaidan bursts into flames, where? In the bathroom, it's now the first floor toilet, I'm panicking again, dumbass is there fucking celebrating meanwhile I'm screaming watching the firefighters tumble down through
Meanwhile, Zaidan:
A, Dosnt give 2 flying fucks.
B, stands there and does absolutely nothing
And C, Goes so feral that his eyes go red because he's tense and makes me giggle tf out.
oh and also D, grants me one of the best pictures I've had in ages
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I also now have a video of dumbass casually wafting the air like it smells like shit as Lucas is screaming bloody murder beside him pointing at the fire right in front of them.
Ten seconds after that
NOW the UPSTAIRS toilet is on fire, and then another... and then another... and anothe- and zaidans getting fucking abducted again... and another
And then, the first death in a long while. Jase Conner, whom died not only by the toilet's murderous flames, but also by Lucas, who proceeded to only extinguish the fire after he had collapsed on the floor and died.
Considering Jase and Lucas were enemies before, I think Lucas had some intentions...
After which Dumbass and DEATH HIMSELF become BEST FRIENDS FOREVER????
anyway, these pictures later
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Possessed sky looking at a burnt toilet
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And... this...
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And then, we have our second death, which came a little while after Jase's. Rez, who was still only a child, also died to toilet fire, because when I got him to extinguish himself in the shower, he glitched and stayed on fire, yet everyone else couldn't extinguish him because the game registered him as not on fire. And so, Rez dies to a glitch in the system....
can you, can you guess what happened? I bet you can't, you will never guess, literally never guess, it is impossible to guess, can you guess it? Can you? Can you? Can you guess?
They both come back Fucking PRENGANT
I got some silly pictures of them, this one's just like: - "Julien, I don't fuckin' understand what's going on"
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and he's just like - "I've seen this shit before"
I decided to keep only Lucas', who's named Kamila, because I don't trust julien anymore and I do not have the strength to take care of 2 toddlers.
I also, most recently, moved Rez's ghost back into the household.
And I leave off here. The household being Sky, Zaidan, Julien, Haylee, Lucas, Luz, Jurtz, Jase, Rez's Ghost and Kamila, a 10 sim household on it really ever dying, unless there's a really bad toilet fire that happens
Or Jase sets my Fucking STOVE ON FIRE
Some final images that didn't make the cut yk how it be
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These two deserve their own segment
– " Zaidan how the fuq you end up like this!?"
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– " Maybe the fact you made all the toilets... Flammable..??"
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– " ...That was me??"
ok sorry sorry bye bye
Future Future me realising I didn't mention the fact that Vito evaporated mid-way through week 1 (he died from laughter)
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mellowpiepizzalamp · 2 years
period tryings
Summary: The male avengers trying period cramps.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, my rubbish writing (it’s a warning)
Word count: ~700 words
A/N: I was suffering from heavy period cramps and I felt the need to write this, I used the “this isn’t bad” thuff from other reviews, pls don’t come at me. 
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“No way cramps are worse than getting kicked in the balls,” Steve said to Nat, Pepper, Maria and y/n as Wanda entered. 
“I don’t have any context but are you serious? That’s bullshit,” Pepper said. 
“I was laying on the couch suffering from severe period cramps when Steve thought it was a good idea to tell me it was nothing,” Wanda said and readjusted her heating pad. 
“I've never had a period because my reproduction organs were ripped out before I could have one so I'm anonymous about this because I think they hurt,” Nat said. 
“Wait, I have one of those things to simulate cramps in my lab,” Tony said and ran away. 
“We'll see how you'll talk after you feel it,” Wanda said and leaned into y/n’s hug. Tony returned with the thing and attached it to Steve's abdomen. 
“Since he's a supersoldier I think you need to skip the first few levels,” Wanda grumped. Tony smiled and put it to a five. 
“Ah fuck,” Steve said as his abs moved. 
“Wait, how do we know those are the same as normal period cramps?” Bruce asked. 
“Y/n you test it and say what's comparable to yours?” Tony asked and she nodded.
“Okay, here's it on the second level,” Tony said when the stickers were placed. 
“Is it on?” She asked. 
“Yes, you don't feel it? I'm turning it up now,” Tony said and turned it up to a three. 
“Oh yes I can feel it, it's nothing,” she said and Tony turned it up again to a five. 
“This is like the cramps you get when it's almost over, at least for me,” she laughed and looked at Wanda. Eventually, they turned it up to almost the highest setting. 
“Yeah, this is not that bad, this is like they aren't that bad, I go to work with this,” she nodded.
Turning it to the highest setting, “Yeah, for me this is when it’s quite bad,” she said and took the stickers off and handed them to Tony. 
“Well Steve, you heard her, let's go seven to start,” Tony smiled deviously. 
“Fine,” said and clutched his stomach when Tony turned it on. 
“Ah, ah, fuck.” 
“Turning it up all the way now.” 
“Ah fuck get it off of me you son of a bitch,” Steve said while he went on his knees and almost ripped the stickers off. 
“For a supersoldier that’s supposed to have a high pain tolerance you’re not doing great, steve,” Tony grinned. 
“I heal fast stark, the serum also heightened my senses, thus feel more,” he shot back.
“Sam, you want to try?” Tony asked. To Sam, he did the same thing and it cheered Wanda up to see men's respect for women grow. Bucky had entered and stood behind y/n with her wrapped up in his arms as he watched the others. 
“Barnes? You want to try?” Tony asked. Bucky doubted for a second, think of when y/n had her cramps and how bad they seemed, he wanted to know. 
“Alright,” he said softly and walked over to Tony. He felt y/n’s gaze on him as he lifted his shirt for the stickers, and smiled at her. Tony started low and Bucky grunted when he felt the unpleasant sensation. 
Tony kept turning it up and at seven he was already clutching the countertop. Y/n walked over and held his hand for support while silently laughing. At the highest setting, he was losing it and was kneeling on the ground. 
“Y/n how do you do this?” He asked with a grunt. 
“That's not the worst, but when it is like how I feel like this I want to curl up too.” She soothed and stroked his back. 
“Take them off,” he said as another strike hit. She gently peeled the stickers off when Tony turned it off. 
“That was horrible,” he said and tried to stand up. Y/n helped him and gave him a kiss to lessen the pain.
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obscurest-reference · 2 years
there's so much to impact so i'll just go down the list of whats been announced (and leaked)
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (Feb 17, 2023)
i have no thoughts on this movie. i am excited for more Kang lore and for Cassie to be a bug (?) but that's about it. i hope Luis returns
Secret Invasion (Spring 2023)
okay so i get the Skrulls and Kree mixed up but after googling it i now remember the difference
i am honestly really excited for more Fury and Maria. i miss Fury and Maria had so much potential so i'm just. i'm vibing with this one
Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3 (May 5, 2023)
i'm only slightly more excited for this one than for Quantumania
i do remember hearing that this'll be basically the end of the GotG (feel free to correct me if i'm wrong) so i'm kinda sad but if it's anything like the other two films i'm so ready for this one
Echo (Summer 2023)
Jessica Jones better show up at the end of this one >:(
but in all seriousness Echo seems like a really cool character and I can't wait to see and learn more about her (and see more of Fisk?)
Loki s2 (Summer 2023)
The Marvels (July 28, 2023)
I heard it was gonna be part musical?? idk i'm not looking forward to that part. could work with Joker but not with the Marvels, sorry
but! i am excited to see more Maria and Kamala
my theory is that Carol found the second bangle and that's how her and Kamala switched places
Blade (Nov 3, 2023)
tbh i know nothing about Blade other than he hunts vampires and Eternals was supposed to set this up
and also that there was already a Blade movie
should i watch the old Blade movie? was it good?
imagine if he kills Morbius in the movie.
Ironheart (Fall 2023)
i'm actually pretty excited for this one despite hardly knowing anything about the character!!
i know Riri is gonna be in Black Panther II so i bet it'll set this show up
Agatha: Coven of Chaos (Winter 2023/Early 2024)
ok imma be honest, i think i'm least excited for this one
idk! i liked Agatha as a one-off villain, i didn't really see her character going anywhere after WandaVision
i have no idea whats gonna happen in this show. is her husband finally gonna show up or
Daredevil: Born Again (Spring 2024)
Captain America: New World Order (May 3, 2024)
i really fucking hope Bucky doesn't die, not only because he's been my comfort character for 8 years, but because i also want him to be in
Thunderbolts (July 26, 2024)
okay okay so i skimmed the wiki page for 616 Thunderbolts and this is the group i wanna see:
Zemo and Bucky as reluctant and hateful co-leaders (or one or the other as the leader, but i def want both to be in it)
John Walker as U.S. Agent and Yelena Belova as the Black Widow
(these four alone are such a fun combination and i cannot express how much i want them to be a group)
Kate Bishop (and maybe even Clint Barton!) as Hawkeye
bonus ones that don't make sense but would be fun: Taskmaster and Ghost
also, i know Val was Madame Hydra, but considering how she went to both John and Yelena, what if she's putting together the Thunderbolts?
Fantastic Four (Nov 8, 2024)
if Krasinski is Mr. Fantastic can Emily Blunt be Sue Storm pls
oh i'll also take it if Joe Keery is Human Torch
if none of those people are in the cast then I Don't Want It
Avengers: Kang Dynasty (May 2, 2025)
holy fucking SHIT
Avengers: Secret Wars (Nov 7, 2025)
I really really fucking hope this isnt supposed to be a sequel to Kang Dynasty
i am!
Other thoughts on other announcements/leaks
after seeing the full She-Hulk trailer, i can safely say i am now more excited for this one than i previously was (it was the one i was least excited for lmao)
when is the black panther trailer supposed to drop i thought it was gonna get released like an hour ago sobs
no?? no Shang-Chi or Moon Knight news?? none?? come on Marvel y'all know those are the best ones. you can admit it.
i'm so fucking excited for Marvel: Zombies too i know that show is gonna be ELITE
so Spider-Man: Freshman Year is just gonna be another Spider-Man show i guess?? got me thinking it would be canon to the MCU
and i guess X-Men 97 is just a continuation of the 90s animated show so i'll have to watch that. it looks goofy and fun though
the Multiverse Saga. what a fucking power play
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serpenteve · 3 years
and AU where y’all have the white acient oppressor of poc tryant performan genocide on all the asian people aka alina people and y’all want the asian girl to be part of that 👁👄👁 we knew darklinas were racist but y’all aren’t even hiding anymore! so this is what it feels like to witness mental illness in its full effect y’all said let’s outdo hit*ler and the natz* gotta give it to you darklinas y’all somehow mange to be even more of freaks then what people think! Bravo keep it up.
and you are suprised why leigh didn’t do that see this why she’s writer and you guys write fanfics and au of fanon stuff! thank god for it
Better book they said the book we want they said who’s we your fellow natz* and pro genocide of asian people? As pro killing alina people and including her? okay 👀👀👀👀
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First of all,
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Second of all, you absolute clowns want *so badly* for Darklinas to be a bunch of racist neo-nazis to justify your incessant harassment and stalking that you have to reach so far up your own ass to find new depths of of shitacular takes.
Third, the words "genocide", "oppressor", and "nazi" (yes, there's not an extra 't' in that word, child) have specific meanings that do not even remotely apply to the situation you are ascribing them to. You keep calling any fictional villain a "nazi" and any fictional killing a "genocide", or any person you don't like an "oppressor", and you'll give your freshman history teacher a headache from your clownery. This is also an extra layer of offensive considering the Grisha were based off of Jewish scientists literally fleeing genocide at the hands of the Nazis and the Darkling is the leader of a persecuted minority fighting to expand their rights in a fictional setting. In what fucking universe does that scream "fascism" to you? 🤡
You're acting as if the original source material was some bastion of leftist wisdom when it is literally another shoddily written YA book that contains canonically racist depictions of Asian and Romani people. The only reason they even racelifted the characters for the adaption was because of how painfully bland and white the original setting was. So don't come into my inbox and preach to me about how woke you are based on what you ship when I, as a queer woman of color, saw so much of my own identity and struggle for acceptance in Alina's grappling of her Grisha identity. The entire series is another example of a leftist revolutionary getting cast as the villain while the centrist heroes side with the right-wing monarchy to return the setting to the status quo-----like every other whitewashed history lesson of civil rights.
You think because they racelifted the characters, the adaption is somehow more racially sensitive, when arguably they added a coat of racism sauce to Alina's entire arc and muddled the moral landscape of the series even more. As POC, we are meant to map our experiences to Alina's journey of navigating this mostly-white world, but at the same time, we are told we can't map our experiences to the Grisha persecution, which mainly exists as background ~aesthetics~. Literally just imagine the Grisha characters as another real-world minority: what if only POC characters were Grisha? What if only queer characters had magical summoning powers? What if Shu!Alina magically became a white person at the end of the series?Do you see what a complete fucking mess the plot of the novel is?
Also, it's just hilarious that you just assumed I don't ship show!Mal with show!Alina because once they scrubbed book!Mal of his toxic sewage waste of a personality, I literally just added him to more ships: Mal x Alina, Mal x Zoya, Mal x Darkling, Mal x Alina x Darkling, the list goes on.
So please kindly, read a dictionary and
✨go fuck yourself✨
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
The Get Together
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Pairing: Bruce Banner x female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: 3550 words
Outline: It was known to everyone working on the Avengers tower that Bruce had a crush on you but it takes one party and a severely drunk Bruce to finally confess his love to you.
Warnings: swearing, bad grammar, drug mention, alcohol consumption, use of condoms, nipple play, love bites, pet names, dirty talk, vaginal sex, finger sucking, slightly dom! bruce, creampie, finger fucking, cum eating, un beta-ed, if I missed anything pls let me know!
Author’s Note: Requested by a lovely anon right here. Tons of fun to make and it's to date my longest fic! :D
dividers by @firefly-graphics ​//​ banners by @maysdigitalarts
Main Masterlist ・❥・Bruce Banner Masterlist
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“He’s staring at you again,” Natasha comments while sipping her drink sitting on top of the counter. 
“He’s always looking at you.” You raise your eyebrow at her but then you turn your attention to Bruce from across the room and wink at him directly. Bruce quickly fumbles with the stack of papers in his hands of which half are falling onto the ground and you giggle returning to typing on your laptop. 
“I’m waiting for the moment he does more than staring.” You continue focusing on your work. 
“Well, that’s really up to you.” The red-haired comments. “You could have him in the palm of your hand if you wanted to.” 
“Don’t I, already?” You retort, glancing at her. 
“I just would prefer it if he made the first move. All these starings and giggling and awkward bumping into each other.” You sigh deeply shaking your head. “He is not going to last for long I know it.” 
“Well, Tony’s having a charity party next Saturday. Maybe…” Natasha says before jumping off the counter and moving across the floor. “Just…maybe…” 
It has been two months since you started working at the avengers' tower under the command of agents Maria Hill and Steve Rogers. Your job was to be a close secretary and first assistant to all matters on hand so you were close by to the Avengers all the time. 
Yet it hasn’t been that long since Bruce has been back in the USA and living in the tower. But the spark and the chemistry were there from the very start. You saw him as he messily gulped on his coffee in the mornings when you walked by and how he always seem to get blushy and frustrated around you. The truth is you loved that type, the awkward smart guy thingy and you couldn’t wait till the moment he asked you out. 
Until then…
The next several days passed relatively easily with no world threats happening and the occasional familiar friendly conversations between you and Bruce. He was smart and charming, in a completely old-fashioned way, sweet and well-spoken, and with the warmest laugh, you had ever heard. Each time you felt your heart vibrate along with it. 
There wasn’t anyone working in the tower left who didn’t know that Bruce had developed a romantic crush on you. It was obvious by the way he coughed every time you offered him tea in the afternoon. It was way too evident and the teasings and pushings from both Tony and Clint hadn’t seemed to bring anything to fruition yet. But tonight they shared a plan. They would make sure that Bruce gets drunk enough to ease himself and finally let loose. 
Once the party started assembling, their goal was to keep Bruce by the bar until they were sure enough he was loose enough. Natasha was in the plan, of course, she was to make sure you would show up. And you would. You had already purchased a new pink shiny dress worn along with matching medium-heeled booties. Parties in your opinion were always fun as long there was good food and good accommodations. Since starting the new job you had already attended 3 of those and each time was better than the last. 
Taking a long last look in the mirror before leaving your room at the tower, you click on your heels and take the elevator down. There you find Steve and Sam, talking to each other about what seems to be sports, and continue on your merry way to the main event. You looked beautiful, shining through each glass window and the image made you smile to yourself. A woman’s confidence in herself is one of the most important things. 
That’s when Bruce noticed as he was coming down the stairs, he saw you laugh at yourself and it flattered his heart and more than that. Stuck in a daydream looking at you walking across the room till you reached Natasha, he accidentally misses the last step of the stairs and almost loses his balance. Thankfully there is Clint to save him and encourage him to go to the bar with him. 
About an hour passes before he sees you again, this time Clint had made sure that at least three shots of tequila had gone through him followed by two long island cocktails. Clint was anything if not completely efficient in his plan. And his plan had only gotten started…
“Y/N!” You hear the frantic voice of Clint with his arm around Bruce’s shoulders holding him up. 
“Poor fella got too drunk…need help to get him to his room.” You jump to your feet from your position on the couch next to Maria. Momentarily you can hear Maria giggle and scoff at the same time. Frantic you wrap your arm around Bruce’s back and begin to walk him with Clint back to his room. When you reach the elevator Clint leaves you alone shrugging his shoulders and announcing his work is done. You roll your eyes as a mumbling Bruce seems to become chatty repeating your name. 
“Y/N…Is...this you?” Momentarily you begin to wonder if Clint momentarily drugged him.
“Yes, I got you, you drank too much and I’m moving you to your room, we are right outside.” Carrying Bruce wasn’t difficult, he held easily on to you and followed your steps, the only thing missing was his glasses which were in his pocket. Looks like Clint had thought of everything. You push the door handle open with your free hand and he quickly moves to fall on top of the bed taking you with him. 
“Oh, shit, sorry.” You apologize as your whole side lands on him but he only wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer. For a moment you could feel a familiar kind of heat building up inside. You stare deeply inside his brown eyes, feeling his breath on you as he is observing closely. 
As if he is searching for the right words to say. 
“I like you.” He whispers in his deep clear voice. 
“I like you a lot.” He nods his head and shallows a dry lump in his throat. The alcohol smelled heavy on him yet it only made him more appealing. 
Heartwarmingly, you grin widely at him and let out a soft chuckle. “I know.” You nod your head slowly. “I have noticed.” His grip on you gets tighter as he begins to softly runs his fingers on your back. 
“I like you too.” You match his level of whispering in his voice, an overwhelming emotion taking over your mind. 
“I want to kiss you so bad right now.” He blurts out, exhaling through his nose, and you could swear his eyes grew darker. For once you feel frozen, you want him so bad to take control and do whatever he wants to you, the way he is looking at you, the way his body feels against yours, and the pure lust you can hear in his voice are driving you crazy. 
 "I really really like you…" Bruce continues to muse. As if he is lost in a trance as if his deepest fantasy has come to life. 
"I want to kiss you, I want to hold you, I want to feel you" His nose brushes yours, and in a voice lowers than a grown he whispers once more. "I want you so bad…"
“Then have me.” You blurt out finally, and less than a second later his lips are crushing yours so needily and passionately that leaves your legs wobbly. His hands are holding your waist frim against his touch as he is devouring your lips like he has tasted the sweetest nectar. His lips feel velvety and soft and you are moving your hands to wrap around the back of his head pulling him closer to you. Any distance feels too much right now. 
Hands begin to roam touching and feeling anything they can grope on and Bruce never leaves your lips for more than a second. He climbs on top of you, ready to take control, rolling you and pinning you against the mattress. He begins to leave wet needy kisses on your neck and your collarbones, and your hands get lost inside his fluffy curly hair while he is sucking and biting on your naked skin, drunk and in lust. 
“Fuck!” You moan out as he begins to explore your breasts, his hands going to push your dress down setting them free for him to use. He is leaving kisses anywhere he can find, the way you grip his hair is driving him feral and he needs to feel you, feel every part of you right now. His hands move to fumble with your dress and you help him get it off you, leaving in you just a small pair of lacy underwear. The pure image of this could get him wild. He is shaking his head slowly looking at your body frame and you can see a little bit of drool forming at the curls of his lips. 
Then like a predator right above to devour his prey he dives inside your chest once more and that’s when he starts to absolute feast on your breasts. Using the palms of his hands to squeeze them and touch them darting his tongue out to feel your nipples with the flat of his tongue and always looking up at you. The pleasure is getting too much for you, you are getting wetter and wetter and you feel yourself squirm underneath him. 
It drove you insane how he was still so dressed and you were as good as naked, and you begin to tug at his waistband trying to find the buttons of his shirt. But with just one loud pop he lets off your breast and quickly rips off your shirt throwing it on the floor before going right back at what he was doing before. That was enough to drive you wild and you begin to moan loudly, wrapping your legs against his back. 
“Look who’s all needy now…” He chuckles after leaving a soft suckle on the side of your breast. 
“You wanna feel me, sweetheart?” You nod frantically drawing your eyebrows together. You needed him to have his way with you desperately. Fuck you, stretch you open, anything at all. You were all his. Bruce only chuckles as he positions himself to unbuckle his pants and push them down. Your eyes fixated on his boxers and you wondered just how big he was. 
“Already greedy?” He cocks his eyebrow so authoritative that it makes you squirm and whine, squirming your body underneath him. He chuckles as he takes your hand and places it on top of his clothed crotch, moving your hand slowly up and down his length. He feels big and girthy under your touch and you can’t wait to have him. 
“Please! Please, Bruce.” You plead at him and Bruce only coos at you before moving your hand to push his boxers down and free himself. Your eyes widen at the sight of him, it was everything you could have ever dreamed of and you licked your lips together looking at him. Bruce uses his hand to stroke himself a couple of times and you can only shake your head looking at him mesmerized. 
“Are you sure?” He asks once more for your consent and you frantically nod your head. “I’m gonna need your words, baby.” 
“Yes.” You breathe out. “Please give it to me.” 
Bruce is biting his bottom lip as he hovers above you to reach for the bedside table and fumble with the drawers till he pulled out a pack of condoms. So he was prepared. You stare at him taking on his muscular masculine form and the way his bicep was shining in the night light. He rips the packet open and goes to put on the condom with a grunt. His own erection seemed to be getting too much for him. You both knew that the first time wouldn’t last long anyway but thankfully he had a large pack right there. 
He positions himself back above you spreading your legs and he carefully pushes your soaked panties to the side taking in the sight of your pussy. 
“Prettiest I have even seen.” He praises you watching as your pussy clenched and unclenched around nothing for him. 
“Gotta treat her well, she has been so patient..” He chuckles before placing his dexter finger above your pussy lips stroking it gently up and down, causing you to moan out his name. The next moment Bruce is offering you his finger. 
“Taste how good you are.” He commands and you obediently do so locking his finger between your lips. Bruce realizes immediately as he watches you suck on his finger greedily. With a curse he lines himself to your entrance with his free hand and then pushes the tip of his cock inside you slowly, making your mouth fall open, and setting his finger free. He gives you time to adjust as the warmth of your pussy engulfs him and he stays like this until you begin to beg him to continue. 
“So eager…” he scoffs and pushes his thumb back inside your mouth. You obediently look at him with doe eyes while you try to move your hips against his. Slowly he begins to slip more inside you, pushing what feels inch by inch until he is fully inside you and then he softly begins to move his hips a little bit faster than before. 
The sheer sensation of the way his cock is stretching your pussy leaves you a moaning mess and Bruce seems to really know how to work his hips. He begins to thrust deep inside you, moving his cock inside while his hands are wrapped around your face staring right into your eyes, his fingers inside your mouth while saliva is falling off the sides of your face, each of his thrusts moving you both along with him. 
It feels amazing, better than you could ever have imagined. There is nothing you wouldn’t do for this man, there is no position you didn’t want him to take you in. 
“I’m not gonna last long.” He warns you shaking his head slightly. You knew that you didn’t mind that, you knew more will be coming, so you just nod your head as best as your can, unable to speak. And then is as if all hell breaks loose and Bruce begins to move his hips wildly against your frame drilling your body into the mattress feeling himself spill inside his condom. Feeling that warmth triggers your own orgasm and it hits you in waves of pleasure, groaning and arching your back until you were trying hard to escape from his tight grip but Bruce only held you tighter. 
“You are not going anywhere.” He shakes his head. “I got more plans for you.” His voice causes shivers down your spine and you only sit obediently relaxing your well-pleasured body just for him. 
“You’ve been so patient, I just wanna treat you well…” He muses, and you note how relaxed the alcohol was made him. Who would have thought? Bruce slips out of you making you whine at the sudden loss. You watch him carefully as he discards the condom and not wasting one moment picks a new one. Your pussy is clenching while watching him place it on his cock. 
Then he is coming back to you and resumes his position entering you once again. “Be good for me, alright?” he coos while he slowly moves his hips, his lips beginning to explore your neck once again. Yes, you would be good for him, you wanted him, you have been craving him, fantasizing about him. For a moment you get lost in your thoughts wondering if Bruce wanked in this bed thinking about your pussy.
The daydream is broken by his hand holding up your chin as he begins to thrust in you deeply. “You’re so tight.” He scrunches up his face. “Been waiting to get fucked properly, huh?” He chuckles setting another fast brutal round of constant thrusts. The room is filled with the sound of skin on wet skin, thankfully the rooms are soundproof and no one would come looking for either of you.
It feels good, it feels right to have him there, inside you holding you up, looking at your face the way he is looking at you right now. You feel yourself getting weaker for him, your pussy clenching his cock. Then you watch him as he grins widely, eyelids heavy letting go of your chin and tracing his finger down your stern to your pussy, pushing it inside, he easily finds your clit and begins to rub it with his thumb. 
“I wanna see you.” He nods his head. “Give it to me, pretty girl.” His softness and the way he is talking to you have you falling into a magical trance. You need to do exactly as he is, wouldn’t want anything else. You let go, feeling the coil inside you tighten and then you feel like you can explode. Your orgasm comes hard and strong vibrating your whole body, shaking your body underneath him. You try to push him out but Bruce stays firm, watching your juices fall.
And all he does is look at you, admiring you. Like you were his favorite masterpiece. 
“Thank you.” He smiles at you and you shake your head. “You..” you begin to whisper but is still hard for you to breathe and speak. 
Bruce doesn’t talk, instead, he only slips out from you, positioning himself on the bed. He once again discards the condom, throwing it on the floor, and spits on his hand, spreading it on his length and stroking himself a couple of times. You place your hands under your breasts and hold them up for him darting out your tongue for him and wiggling your body. 
Bruce curses then, the first time you’d ever hear him do so, and then thick white cum is spreading on your breasts forming a line up to your chin. He grunts watching his cock getting softer. With the tip of your tongue and your fingers, you are gathering his cum and letting yourself have a taste moaning. Bruce falls on the bed next to you and he grabs your chin kissing you with extreme passion. You know he can taste himself like this, you love the fact that he doesn’t seem to care. 
Exhausted you wrap your body close to his and shut your eyes. You had been fed and loved and cherished, you were ready to rest. 
Several hours pass and the morning finds you both wrapped in one another, naked and with no blankets in sight. You feel cold but Bruce seems to run hot, you roll your body closer to him, feeling more and more alert. 
“Good morning.” You whisper as you watch him blink slowly, facing the front of him, your legs and body wrapped around his torso. You watch him as his eyes widen, panic kicking in. He has no recollection of what had happened. 
“Y/N?” He draws his eyebrows together looking at you confused, and then he glances down looking at your naked wrapped bodies and begins to move fast, trying to find some kind of clothes with his hands but all he can pick is your dress from last night. 
“What happened? Did I?” You nod your head and place your hands on his face trying to calm him down. 
“We did.” You whisper slowly. “We made love, confessed our love.” Bruce’s eyes widen again and his mouth hangs open, relief written on his face. 
“We did?”
You nod your head again and smile.  “And it was perfect.” 
“It was?”
“Are you sure it wasn’t?”
“Bad? No, it was perfect, Bruce trust me, you are quite good at it.”
Bruce’s face blushes all the way up, glowing bright red. The thought of this man being embarrassed about his sex makes you laugh and you shook your head. “I can still feel you inside me. Actually.”
Bruce takes a moment to stare at you completely bewildered at your statement and then wraps his hands on your face pulling you in for a hasty kiss. He needed to make sure all of this was real and actually happening. He needed to make sure, no more daydreams. 
“I love you.” He blurts out. And his breath is short, still drunk on your love. 
“I love you too.” You confess and smile softly rubbing the thumbs of your hands on his beard.
“We should go out on a date.”
“Yes, we should.”
“Central Park, 1 pm?”
“I’m available.” You chuckle and let out a small laugh.
“What can we do till then?”
“I got an idea.”
“Really? I got several to match.”
You giggle once again and let him roll you on the bed, arms on each side of your face kissing you and kissing you again. 
Amazing what can happen when a whole group of people works together…
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for updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary and turn on post notifications!
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koitrash · 2 years
I like your voice
Okay this is my first ellie fanfic and i'm a sucker for slow burn so these r gonna b long ;D also first time posting any of my work so bear w me pls! This is purely self indulgent, i just wanted to write about smoking with Dina and Ellie LMFAO Also ive already written the second part so i might post that later Also not proof read cos i'm lazy :P
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You've only arrived in Jackson about a year ago. You really only keep to yourself but you and Jesse immediately hit it off. Becoming close, Jesse needs help with trying to talk to Dina so he makes you his wingman. And somehow you've gotten yourself stuck in the middle of a smoke sesh with two hot girls.
Paring: Ellie x Fem reader
Warnings: Slight cursing
Word count: 1.9k
You loved Jackson. It was like your little heaven on earth. In a world full of chaos and hate Jackson was the most wonderful thing you've ever laid eyes on. There was no fight for your life everyday. No dread for where you were going to sleep every night. No need to hoard water or food because you don't know the next time you'll come across something actually edible. They had fresh food. Electricity. Structure. They had cute town meetings. Little seasonal dances. They had a farm, fresh produce. They had schools. They had bars.
So why the hell were you outside Jackson right now?
You weren't excited to do patrols but Jesse convinced you to keep your skills sharp. Jesse was your best friend. You loved that man to the moon and back. Ever since he gave you a tour of Jackson a year ago he was the most gentle human being you've ever met. He could fully be doing the bare minimum but that felt like home in a world like this. But man did he work your last nerves.
You thought back to your conversation as you stared holes into the back of the black haired girl's head just a few feet in front of you.
"You should really get to know Dina. She's honestly amazing." You watched Jesse as he lugged a stack of hay in a not-so-neat pile of more hay.
"Puh-lease" You popped your P in exaggeration. "You're so in love with that girl, it's honestly disgusting."
He stopped and stared at you for a moment. Poker face on 9000. You were honestly a little nervous he would accuse you of being jealous. Nothing made you scrunch your nose and wrinkle your features more than the thought of someone mistaking your platonic love for something more... romantic. Although Jesse was easy on the eye you can't exactly say he's your type.
Jesse's shoulders surprisingly sagged as he let out an exasperated sigh. "It's that obvious huh?" You let out a belly laugh at the comical face he wore. It was so obvious, how did he even think for a second it wasn't?
"Jesse come on man- seriously?" You chuckled as you nudged his shoulder.
Whipping around you he looked you square in the face. "Come on Y/n I need an inside wing man!" He cried as he shook your shoulders.
You let your head bobble back and forth as he shook you. A soft smile still playing on your lips. "What about that Ellie chick? Isn't she your friend?"
He grumbled as he let you go and continued walking straight. It took you a second to unscramble your thoughts as the tall man shook them all out of you. "What was that?" You leaned your head over like a curious puppy. Why was he talking so low anyways?
"Ellie won't help me for shit" He grumbled out again. You chucked. "And why is that?"
"I personally think it's because she has a crush on her too." You mentally noted that you really needed to see this Dina chick that everyone is so obsessed with.
"But she says I never returned her favorite comic book she let me borrow." He continued, face now scrunched like he's in deep thought.
"That's it? Just give it back to her, no need for me to get involved." You marched forward grabbing a crate of veggies. You needed to take them over to the Tipsy Bison before the sun went down or Seth would get upset again. You fucking hated that guy. Every time you were late to bring him something he would tell Maria about it. Getting her on your ass was the last thing you wanted.
You glanced back at Jesse now looking incredibly guilty. Your shoulders slouched in defeat knowing exactly what happened.
"You lost it." get a load of this dude. You thought to yourself.
"It's on my to-do list to find her another one okay!"
"Well no wonder she won't help you! She likes her too and you lost her favorite book!?" You would equally be hesitant to help if you were in her shoes.
"Come on, just go on one patrol with them! You'll probably end up liking her as much as I do!"
You didn't necessarily dislike meeting new people. You just didn't see the point of making new friends. Sure you were friendly to everyone but you really only had one friend. Jesse. You didn't need to hang out with him everyday but doing patrols with him was nice. You were a very capable person yourself but he was an excellent fighter. There was little to no fear you weren't returning home.
Either way you felt more than one friendship was draining. You live in a zombie apocalypse.. There's seriously no reason for more than one friend. You watched your older brother die for you as you were left alone. Wondering place to place. You learned it's better off to be by yourself. No one to disappoint you. No one to cry over when they inevitably died. It was the circle of life in this fucked up world.
Jackson didn't have many casualties on patrols. But accidents happen. Not everyone is as capable as you or Jesse. You'd say they had about 2 casualties a week from patrols which is pretty good odds for a zombie ruled world.
You arrived at your destination, snapping you out of your thoughts. Jesse opened the door as you thanked him and pushed past. Humid thick hot air greeted your face and you scrunch your nose. It was warm out but it was so cramped in here the air was gross. It was sundown and everyone was finishing their assignments for the day. Filing into the small bar after a long day's work. You pushed through the crowd to see Maria and Seth talking.
"See Seth, she's on time today." Maria said, glancing back at the man. He scoffed and mumbled something along the lines of 'about time'. Man this dude always struck a nerve with you. You set the crate on the bar, shoving it at him and aggressively swinging around to try to find Jesse again.
"Wait Y/n!" You heard Maria call at you. You glanced back to see Seth holding 2 neatly wrapped sandwiches in his hand. You couldn't believe it. This ass was trying to be nice?
"Thank you Y/n '' He mumbled, setting the sandwiches on the counter. You can't say you were hungry but you took them anyway. Pivoting around without a word to find Jesse again. Which contrary to his height was surprisingly hard. It even crossed your mind that he left for a second.
You hear an angelic bark of laughter to the right of you, close to the door. You squint to see Jesse standing awkwardly by two girls who, from the looks of it, just entered the bar. Both Shorter than him, one with black wavy hair in a ponytail and the other with brown locked back into a sloppy bun. You approached them sticking the 2 sandwiches out in front of him. "Sandwiches." You mumbled glancing at the two girls now eyeing you like a piece of meat. You retreated slightly behind him as he grabbed the food from your hand.
"Y/n I'd like you to meet Dina and Ellie." He side stepped so he was no longer your shield. You mentally cursed him out as you nodded your head at them. You wouldn't say you were shy but you certainly didn't like meeting the people Jesse has been pressuring you to befriend.
"Y/n" You politely repeated your name to them with a soft smile.
"Hi!" The black haired girl chirped. "I'm Dina and this is Ellie." She gestured to herself then the girl next to her. You glanced at them both paying more attention to Dina since she's the talk of the town. She was pretty alright. You can certainly see why Jesses got a crush on her. She wore nicely fit jeans, sporting a mauve t-shirt. Her side burns poked out of her ponytail and she honestly had a smile that would light up the room. You felt this glowing confidence beside her. Unlike the girl, Ellie, standing next to her.
She looked awkward and shy. She had traces of a smile played on her lips and freckles that you could trace consolations on. You swore God himself actually came down and placed that beauty mark under her eye. Not to mention her eyes were beautiful. The prettiest shade of green you'd ever seen. If it wasn't for the fact that she's staring bullets into your head right now you would have fallen in love with that cold glare. Ellie wore a brown flannel rolled up at the sleeve with a white tee underneath. It looked amazing on her and quite frankly made you feel a bit insecure about what you were wearing as you judged every aspect of their clothing. You didn't look bad but you were working all day and definitely didn't look the best.
"Hi nice to meet you." Ellie croaked out. And if you were being honest with yourself it felt like you was just shot by fucking cupid. Her voice was the best medley to your ears. It was so smooth. You can't explain why but you felt this warmness in your heart as soon as she spoke. Man you need to get laid soon because this is ridiculous. All she did was say hi, jesus christ get it together y/n.
"Wait... y/n..." Dina said as she twisted her face in concentration.
"She's the one going on patrol with you guys tomorrow." Jesse chirped as he gleamed at you. You could seriously punch him in his throat right now. You knew you were going on patrol tomorrow. What you didn't know was that it was with them. Jesse was the coordinator for patrols and you frankly just assumed you were going with him like you always do.
"Three people on one patrol?" Ellie spoke up this time.
"Well this would be both you and y/n's first route on the back trails. Exceptions were made." Jesse shrugged.
That cunning fuck knew what he was doing. You squint your eyes at him hoping he would feel you drilling holes into his head.
"Well Y/n, you'll love this route! It's one of my favorites, I can't wait to show you guys." Dina beamed, turning your attention to her. You politely smiled at her before taking a deep breath in.
"Yeah, I'm super excited." You said tightly as you moved past them towards the door. "I, uhh gotta go... clean up my... porch?" You said nodding at them and pushing past the heavy doors. As soon as your skin hit the fresh outside air you closed your eyes taking a deep breath. Why in the world would Jesse make you patrol with someone else!!? Why would he leave out the fact that Ellie was the hottest girl you've ever laid your eyes on!? God this air felt like water in a desert.
"Don't worry about it too much Y/n!" You heard Jesse's voice behind you as he smacked your back pushing you forward slightly. You swiveled around punching him square in the arm.
"You got some fucking nerve." You chuckled now stuck on a patrol with 2 random hot girls.
"Go home and get some rest, Soldier! You've got a long day tomorrow!" He chirped, excited at the new information that was soon to come. His plan was finally set in motion. You scoffed and headed home as he started in the other direction.
"And don't be late!" He shouted now far enough that you could squish him in between your fingers.
This was going to be hell.
Ahhh thanks for making it this far!!! Thank you so much for reading get ready for part 2 it's a whopping 3k words long so that's fun
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oh--youprettythings · 3 years
so......... i wrote something about malex after 3x07 like a total loser, pls take this as proof of me being the most untalented person alive ENJOY!!!
Alex finally texted everyone to let them know he found Kyle and he was ok. "In a coma, but ok."
Michael and Liz showed up half an hour later to check on them. Liz rushed in to Kyle's bed carrying some medical tools she brought to try and run some tests. She had the usual worried expression on her face, but the relief in just seeing the sight of Kyle was apparent. Michael stood by the entrance of the barn, letting himself breathe in relief too.
Alex came closer, hesitant, his hands tucked inside the pockets of his jacket.
"Why is Kyle in a barn in the middle of the desert? And also, since we are on this topic, how the hell did you find him?" Michael asked, worry and fear disguised as anger, as usual.
Alex almost regretted texting him. He didn't want to put anyone in danger, specially Michael, who is known for running head in into danger. But he knew he needed help, and Michael had been offering it for a long time.
"Yeah, I know, we need to talk."
"You're working on a machine that's killing you??" Michael yelled, standing up.
They are outside the barn, Alex sitting in a tree trunk. Liz still inside, talking to an unconscious Kyle.
Alex scoffed. "I just told you I'm working for yet another organization that may be targeting aliens and that's what got your attention?"
"Well, aparently there's always some organization targeting us. I honestly don't know how we managed to escape becoming lab rats for this long." Michael holds back the usual sarcastic smirk, and after a second, he looks down. "But yeah, of course I am worried about you, because you've been keeping all these secrets."
Now it's Alex's turn to look away, unable to hold Michael's stare and explain that if something were to happened to him, Alex would never forgive himself. He glances at Michael's covered left hand.
"I'm fine." Alex finally says. He looks over to the barn. "And I think I can find a way to help Kyle. But I need your help."
Michael doesn't say anything, the expression on his face implying that Alex didn't even need to ask.
Alex is driving the car, forcibly grabbing the steering wheel, his knuckles pale white. Michael notices it but doesn't say anything.
The plan, or... something resembling a plan, is to get the Lockhart machine. Something in the files caught Alex's attention and he realized that with an alien engineer, they could find out something helpful.
Michael looked outside the window, thinking about too many things. The machine's dangerous radiation emission, Alex's evasive behaviour the other day, Max missing, his fucking dad, Kyle and Maria both in a coma and nothing he could do about it. He closed his eyes.
"You know, when I found out about you being an alien, I was so scared of what that could mean. There was already so much going on between us." Alex broke the silence, as if he could read Michael's cloudy mind. "Kyle was the one who convinced me to just... talk to you." pause. "He said I was treating it like a confrontation. War."
"Yeah, you do that a lot." Michael replied.
"I know... I just- I don't know how to talk to you." Alex kept his eyes on the road.
"I guess that makes two of us." Michael breathes in. "Stop the car." He says.
"What? No."
"Alex, stop the car or I will."
Having no other choice, Alex stepped on the brakes, getting off the road. Michael opened the door and got out, leaning on the side of the truck.
Alex sighs, still on the seat, hands on the wheel. "Why are we always running away from each other?" He says, mostly to himself.
"Just to be pulled back again." Michael adds. "Get out of the car, I need to say something."
He waits, unsure. Alex stands up in front of him, both separated by the car.
"I don't know how to make you understand. I have been in love with you for amost half my life now. And I'm here. You can talk to me. I want you to talk to me. It's not war."
Michael doesn't know what else to say, words don't come easy for him. But he thinks about everything he has lost and everything that's crumbling right now, and all he knows is that he doesn't want to lose Alex too.
Alex looks away and doesn't say anything for what feels like eternity for both of them. Just as Michael is about to give up and get back in the car, Alex shouts "I love you. Present tense. Never stopped. And I know this isn't enough but... I want to talk to you too." And as simples as that, that's a start. Their start.
Michael's look almost makes Alex forget every single thing that's been weighing on his back for years.
And for a moment, for both of them, there's no pain.
"So... let's save our friends?" Michael asks, the smirk back on his face.
Alex nods, his lips on a smile too. "Just get in the car, Guerin."
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bellamyblakru · 3 years
a very beginner’s guide to gif making (ashley’s version)
(ill be using one of my favorite merthur smiles in this example from 4x01 when they are alone together with the dorocha)
for @its-hyperfixation​ and @mykingdomcomeundone !! sorry its taken me so long to do this sigh this was my first free night lately 😭😭
download free ad blocker (i use uBlock Origin). pls dont skip this step, it protects you and your computer from the bad ads!!
go to a completely “free website” aka illegal lol. i use yes.movies because that is what im used to, but you can use whatever one you prefer. 
go to merlin bbc, click the episode you want, and record. on my “not as cool HP computer”, i have to click the windows flag button and the key “g” to record my screen, but your computer might have a button for it already to just go right to recording. if you are not sure, google your computer type and how to screen record (its fast to learn!!)
THE SHORTER THE SCENE THE BETTER! tumblr only takes up to 10mb gifs, so normally thats up to 3.5 second scenes if you color them too. however, if you are doing black and white, you can get away with longer scenes (this is what i did for my very first gifset actually LOL they were eight seconds long dude)
go to this website to convert to gif: https://ezgif.com/video-to-gif
chose the file of the video where asked, upload, then where it says: Frame rate (FPS) select 33 (max 10 seconds) for a better quality gif, and convert
WOO your first gif!! this process isnt done, but im proud you got this far!! 🥰
now, go to resize. this is important since tumblr gifs are usually up to 540 width and 330 height (these are my normal go-to proportions). lately, ive been liking the more square looks, so 540:340 or 540:440 works too! if your gif has too many movements, a square look might not be the best choice. (if you are doing two side by side gifs i recommend 268:230, and if you are doing three side by side 177:177 works best (learned from maria my beloved)). you dont need to change anything else here. (if your gif is over 10mb for some reason, you can optimize -> lossy gif and go in small units to not ruin the quality too much). 
now, i like to make my gifs a bit slower to make it more like a slow moment in time. press speed if you wanna do this and explore different settings!! i like to do 80% usually, but here i did 70%. here is what we have so far:
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not too bad!! but as you can see, this scene is rather dark and gloomy and their smiles deserves something better in my opinion, so OFF TO PHOTOPEA WE GO (free photoshop my beloved)
10.  now we are at https://www.photopea.com/ and click file and open up our bad boy. DONT BE INTIMIDATED!! there are so, so many choices, but it is solely up to your preference and desired look. i like my gifs bright and saturated, but you might not, and thats okay!! you can fuck with all of these things over time (i do still LOL)
11. THE BASICS: go to layer -> new adjustment layer -> color balance. you do this layer first if you are going to use it at all. you’ll soon find that merlin has a very yellow early seasons and an extremely blue later seasons (it drives me crazy), so here is where you just mess with them til you get a baseline look you like. i start with shadows and go up from there (i dont change too intense ever. i go up or down like 6/7 the most on blue or red at any gif tbh). for this gif im working on, i want it to look less blue, so ill focus on the blue mostly.
12. now, remember all of these steps are optional and this is just the order i go, but that is not the only way. do what you feel makes the gif to your liking!! i then go to selective color (i like doing the contrast with the black coloring option here more than the choice later, but it up to you). i mostly make most of the colors darker here so the lightening later looks a bit cleaner.
13. next for me is the hue/saturation layer. i normally try to avoid using this, but it may be needed if you want to make the gif a bit less red or smth like that. if i want one particular to be really saturated, ill do that here at this level. its good to put this third tho if you are gonna use it.
14. vibrance layer time!! i love this bitch. i go ham with it fnesfljesfk i like my stuff really saturated (like “i went up 45″ hard). i dont usually use the actually vibrance option on top since i read in a post by the incredible maria that it makes gifs more grainy (btw @arthurpendragonns taught me like so much. her gifs are TOP TIER and literally take my breath away every time. so fucking talented man. the goddess of gifmaking, if you will).
15. then i click brightness/contrast and THROW THAT BRIGHTNESS UPPPP. here i just went up to 126 LOL. (this is where my comment about the selective color comes up. you can do contrast here, but i think it looks better if you increase the black in the black selective color option. again, up to you)
16. CURVES LAYER MY BELOVED. i literally just fuck with the curve on RGB until i like it lolol
17. im going back to the hue/saturation to make the blue pop more since it is so much in the background!! and then just fuck with them all to get something you like!! this gif is making me upset so i redid it rn lnrelkjfrmf 
18. ADD TEXT IF YOU WANT!! we can do blending two gifs together and fun text stuff next time if you want in another list (lmk!! ill do anything if u want it).
19. woo! she done now. onto the next gif to start this over, or one and done! ive never done this kind of tutorial before, in the past ive just went live on my discord and some people have sat in to watch the process, so let me know if you wanna join my server to do this, too, if you are more of a watch learner than reading!!
20: the final product (not my best work frdiusnr im sorry ive been writing this up for like three hours LOL)
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toasteaa · 3 years
Ooh! Another Risott-hoe lol! Same, he's so great ;u; I loved your hcs about him and I think ur post about his parents being Maria and Polpo is so crazy that it works perfect for Jo Jo!
Im rambling aaa can I ask for some hcs about him with a much, much smaller s/o? Gn or fem pls! Clown makes my heart go !!!
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Risotto loves the height difference between you two! He doesn't say it very often, but his adoration is in his hands when he picks you up so easily and sets you on his lap💕
He loves having you around while he works! Setting you on your lap and letting you sit there while he looms overhead.
If you place your hand on the desk next to his, his heart gets all soft seeing the difference between your tiny hands and his huge ones.
He thinks it's adorable when you try to climb on top of the counter to get something from the cabinets and has caught you multiple times after you've stood up on the counter, but still gently reminds you to come get him if what you need is important or would be dangerous for you to get on your own.
Kisses with him are so cute because he has to lean so far and you're practically on your toes trying to reach him. Sometimes, he'll conveniently stay out of your reach and give one of his rare smiles when he hears you whine for him to come closer.
His tshirts that he saves for sleeping and lounging are full dresses on you and you often steal one or two to sleep in.
His cape/coat is a blanket on you and he has caught you sleeping under it at one point.
Speaking of sleeping, coming to join you in bed is always a fun game of hide and seek because you're so small that he has accidentally laid directly on top of you at one point and didn't know until you startled him awake with a little squeak.
Now he always pokes around the bed before scooping you up and laying down before letting you settle on his chest💕
Man is a full body heater and completely covers you in warmth, so why get a blanket when his huge arm is there resting on top of you?
Is the big spoon most of the time and loves to press his face into your hair as he's drifting off to sleep.
His favorite sound to hear is when your little feet patter down the hall to greet him after he's been gone all day!
NSFW below the cut
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I was not kidding when I said he loves the height difference between you two. He really, really loves your size difference. It's a massive turn on for him.
His hands being able to hold your entire chest when he squeezes and toys with your tits? The way he can place his hands at your waist and his fingers still connect? Immaculate
And when he fingers you??? Don't even get him started on how it feels to have your sweet cunt squeezing around his fingers so greedily 💕
Can probably get off to the sight of your hands struggling to fit around his cock. Has gotten off to the thought and image of you trying to fit him in your mouth.
Despite that, he's still adamantly careful when it comes to prepping you. He knows you want his nearly foot long cock, but you're so small and he absolutely does not want to hurt you -- even if he wants to get a few tears out of you.
Holding back from fucking you like a toy is already hard enough, but seeing the bottom of your tummy bulge from how big his cock is inside of you? Practically begging him to impregnate you.
Most of the time has you riding him so you can control how much of him you can take. But he has been known to be absolutely ravenous and will rip off your panties to fuck you doggy style while you stand on your tip toes to try and take all of him.
He will manhandle you. If he wants you in a position, he's going to get you in that position, as long as it doesn't hurt you.
Aftercare is always so good with him and to be so pliant in his big hands always makes you soft after such rough sessions. Letting him clean you up and tuck you under his chin in bed is always a blissful end to what was probably five to six rounds of fucking and multiple orgasms from you 💕
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