#march arc is one of my fave arcs so I just NEEDED to take a shot at drawing marsh arc Alfred
royalnavyart · 1 month
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He is Alfred, a man. King of nothing.
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phosphoruskim · 11 months
25. Topic that brings the most rancid discourse
9 and 10 - Worst part of fanon, worst part of canon
3 - Worst take youve seen. I dont need a screenshot, thats probably mean.
14 - What do you see in fanfic all the time?
22 - Fave part of canon that people ignore?
17 - what do you want to see more of
25. Topic that brings the most Rancid Discourse:
Honestly I'm not sure if it's 'topic' so much as like. Proximity. Which is a really heart wrenching thing to type.
The most fun discord servers I've been in have had lots of different kinds of people. Really fun friendly types who were welcoming sure, but also snarky people or shy ones or others who were a little neurotic and rarely talked (me).
That leads to lots of different conversations and lots of different ideas which I think is a lot of fun for a fandom to have. But in retrospect it feels a little like there was this. Seemingly inevitable march towards division. Like small cracks keep forming as every one branches out. The internet as a whole has become pretty... discourse filled.
that doesn't exactly answer the question since the real Most Rancid Topic is like, problematicness or something. But I think division between friends in fandom hurts the most. I've started to come to the opinion that having a discord server in a fandom is like, a garden, and if you want an excellent community it probably takes some great amount of conscious effort and planning, but I'm not an expert in that
9 & 10. Worst Part of Fanon:
This isn't the 'worst' or anything but something I love about the show is how messy every one's feelings are. Glimmer and Catra practically kiss on screen (in my heart). Adora crushes on like half the girls she sees, Perfuma and Bow go on a date, Entrapta says 'its a date!' super casually. Catra blushes at scorpia etc etc
It's really fun to see the whole cast getting criss crossed in modern au's, but a lot of fanon just has them all destined for their endgame pairings from the start and I'd love to see some genuine glitra or glimmadora or scortrapta that's more than just the initial plot for something else.
Worst Part of Canon:
The worst part of canon is probably either like... Scorpia getting almost no resolution or Glimmer's season 4 plot line pretty much stopping dead in its tracks.
My real curveball opinion is that Spinerella and Netossa got WAY too much screentime in season 5!
They were pretty much entirely absent the first 4 seasons (even when glimmer was suddenly struggling with being queen.) So it was really surprising. Now, I of course loved their scenes. Extremely cute and gay, I absolutely see why they were included. But I feel there was so much to do and so little time setting up an entire arc that didn't necessarily have to be there.
14. What do I see in fanfic all the time:
(just a quick note that I've read lots of fics from really cool people I know on discord or have never met! She Ra fandom has GREAT fanfic. This isn't targeted at any one and if you're seeing this it's not about your fic!!)
TENSION AND BUILD UP FALLS APART CONSTANTLY!! for me I'm a fight scene writer and I think everyone can benefit from giving these serious attempts. When you write 3000 words of straight combat, you're forced to learn the push and pull and management of the stakes. The characters can't just yell loudly and keep going higher and higher, you need dips and crests and variety
Most fanfics don't have fight scenes (in this fandom anyways), but many have scenarios with the *pacing* of a fight scene. I consider arguments, sex, and reveals to be types of fights. They're great, but using only dialogue or straightforward descriptions will get cumbersome very quickly.
Fights teach you to pace out steps, descriptive variety, build up, all sorts of things!
Unfortunately a lot of she ra fics don't have a 'fight scene' (read: [big] argument, sex, or reveals) until late in the story. I think this causes a lot of authors to fumble their build up, moving too quickly and not lingering for dramatic effect. That's why it's important to practice 'fight scenes' so that you'll be ready for the climactic finish!
22. Fave Part of Canon that people Ignore?
she rewrote my entire brain and is my discord icon and I think about her constantly but there's like a few dozen fics that have chipped catra which is heart b
17. What do you want to see more of?
mostly just wild totally out there ideas. In the course of writing this I imagined a Speed Dating AU where it's the entire cast dating each other and then being like 'hey you're cool can we-' 'TIME ALRIGHT EVERY ONE SHUFFLE' 'wAIT I WASNT FINISHED YET'.
I also want to see more of myself writing. The last several months have been nails on chalkboard!!
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I strayed a little bit from the questions and didnt add all the detail I wanted to but it's super late for me lmao so calling it there. Thanks for the ask and also Tipsy I will get to your other ask (the tops/bottoms headcanons one >:3c) tomorrow
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c-h-pictures · 2 years
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I posted 21,601 times in 2022
That's 7,539 more posts than 2021!
1,542 posts created (7%)
20,059 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,076 of my posts in 2022
#faves - 373 posts
#bungo stray dogs - 182 posts
#bsd incorrect quotes - 135 posts
#bsd manga spoilers - 97 posts
#band tour chaos - 90 posts
#bsd chuuya - 74 posts
#bsd dazai - 70 posts
#own characters - 42 posts
#incorrect oc quotes - 28 posts
#bsd fyodor - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#learning any language in the english education system is hell when you don't have things that affect your learning and i have a few of those
My Top Posts in 2022:
Dazai: Maybe the real treasure was the friends we made along the way.
Chuuya: No, I want my fucking gold.
123 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
Ranpo: Wait, Poe’s leaving today?
Fukuzawa: Yes, it’s bec-
Ranpo: I thought it didn’t start for another two weeks!
Fukuzawa: Look at me, Ranpo. If there’s anything you need to tell him, you need to get over to that library and tell him now.
Ranpo: I have to! Thanks! *runs off*
Fukuzawa: The library’s that way.
Ranpo, running the other way: Thanks again!
194 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
Bnha actor au
USJ/Season 1
Everyone has their quirks, so they're used where they work for the camera, i.e., using Kurogiri's warping ability to warp into USJ to make it look as accurate as possible.
Everyone has embarrassing bloopers, no matter what they say.
Interviewer: What's a blooper that no one could get over?
Tenko: I kept falling over when we entered the USJ. There wasn't anything for me to fall over and, on one take, I gave up on staying in character and just yelled "what am I falling over?"
There's pictures of Aizawa in the USJ arc where he looks like he's dying and is just drinking coffee.
The child actors are meant to have their parents on set as well since they're children. The definition of "parent" changes. Izuku has Tenko because Tenko is an adult and related to him. Shoto has Touya there.
Touya spends most of his time saying "go villains! Kill that bitch!"
280 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
Dazai: Chuuya? Wake up.
Chuuya: Five more minutes.
Dazai: Come on, I made breakfast.
Chuuya: Lies. I don't hear the smoke alarm.
334 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Person, jokingly: On Tumblr you can say [made up word, never before used] and [massive number] people will reblog it.
Everyone: Time to make that reality and this person's life torture.
1,873 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
I'm glad Chuuya got so far on here.
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 years
hi hunxi!! i just finished the poppy war series and i’m currently :) reeling from the trauma :) and wanted to ask for your thoughts about the books? like in general, or re: your fave characters or themes, or honestly whatever you want to talk about lol - i always love and appreciate hearing what you have to say about, well, Everything
ps. i also wanted to say a huge THANK YOU and ILYSM for the joy & inspiration both your blogs bring me on a daily basis 🥰 THANK YOU FOR EXISTING
ahahaha congratulations on surviving the trilogy anon, I think we're all still reeling from the trauma
like, I shut the third book and kind of sat in my desk chair for a moment like "well fuck"
"I don't know how else it could've ended but fuck"
I'll be honest, 90% of my thoughts on this series is just "I WOULD FIGHT A HURRICANE FOR CHEN KITAY" because I really would, I love my sweet spreadsheeting summer son who somehow continues to be the only voice of reason in the entire trilogy, and his intense relationship of trust and sacrifice with Rin means so much to me. I mean, how many times do you see 1) a male character being a morality pet for an overpowered, intensely traumatized, and viciously brutal female protagonist, and 2) how often do you see a nonsexual variation of this relationship?
(realized I was about to get into some very specific spoilers, whoops)
R.F. Kuang's characters are carefully, delicately, exhaustively, and brutally realized on the page--all of Rin's hurt and hope, all of Kitay's suffering and stubbornness, even Nezha's titanic and tragic burdens, to the point where you can't really point at a character and go "dumbass, you only did this for the progression of the plot." No, R.F. Kuang really gets her fingers deep into the machinations of their desires and fears, needs and wants, traumas and flinch-points to propel them along this careening downhill slide straight into hell. And she refuses to soften any blows, to pull any punches, throwing us straight into the vicious, meaningless cruelty of total warfare, the body horror of shamanic power and shamanic violence, the insidious whip-sharp motivation of hunger and desperation. hell, she even rendered an iteration the Long March on paper, in text, which is--woof. holy fuck
like, have you ever seen a more ringing indictment of fantasy tropes in a fantasy series? book three is basically this: it presents you with familiar narratives of resolution and then systematically deconstructs (destroys with prejudice) all of them. In the beginning Rin's like "ah yes we'll take the south and then win the war against the north" only to have the hell bombed out of the one (1) nice celebration they have going. then she goes on a shamanic arc with Su Daji and Jiang Ziya with the promise that waking up Riga will end the war through sheer shamanic firepower, only for that to go up in flames when she realizes that Riga might be even worse than the slow imperialism of Hesperia. and finally, she wages a war against Nezha, with the idea that so long as she wins and takes his city, defeats his dragon, they'll end the war, only for Nezha to slap her with the reality of what unrest has done to supply lines, the destruction of cropland, the looming famine. the violence of martial law, the bone-chilling reality that they need Hesperia and its resources to survive.
violence begets violence begets violence begets violence, this trilogy tells us, but cruelly, you must keep on living
I really admire R.F. Kuang's tendency to take a look at a lot of complex issues and themes that I would run away screaming from (morality in violence and warfare, imperialization and modernization, the impossibility of love in a fight for power) and run straight toward them. I think a lot about the interlude in The Burning God where Rin, Daji, and Jiang go to jailbreak Kitay from a Hesperian-colonized city. Kitay is silent and troubled for a long while after they've made it out, and when Rin asks him why, he turns to her and asks if colonization by Hesperia is such a bad thing, which--holy shit
Kitay is the kind one, yes, but he's also the smart one, the principled one, and the one who can and will still fuck someone up if necessary, if he needs to in his defense. just because Kitay is the best of them all doesn't mean that he cannot bend when he must, and the fact that he continues to fight with Rin about her actions all the way to the end is one of the most stubborn and powerful actions of any character in the series. I was at Golyn Niis too, he repeatedly reminds Rin--he's seen more than his share of atrocity and violence, knows the throat-choking desperation of terror and survival, but he still chooses to be good
(and by god that's a theme I'll read an infinite variations on: characters who have been deeply wronged by the world, and still choose goodness despite that)
so for Kitay, the voice of reason, the voice of goodness, to turn a troubled, haunted look on Rin and ask if it wouldn't be better to let Hesperia's scientific and hygienic advantages in, just enough to get Nikara out of its aged, backward ways and improve the standard of living for the common folk they're ostensibly waging this war for? what an impossible question. what a historic dilemma. and what cruelty, to be presented with such a barbed gift and your own brittle reality
basically I love and fear R.F. Kuang, okay
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theawkwardterrier · 2 years
2021 fic roundup
To Learn Twice
and the last age should show your heart
lay your worries on these shoulders
my whole trajectory's toward you, and it's not losing momentum (call it anything we want) 
Harry Potter
An Alliance with an Earl
Hold Your Voice In My Heart (Till I Can Hold You In My Arms)
When in the Depth of Winter
Blossoms Every Day
neither are you free to desist
Amicus Curiae
Day by Day (you're making all my dreams come true)
turn the dark cloud inside out (we come home)
Where the Heart Is Fixed
Now I Thought that I Was Clever (you couldn't take me by surprise)
Build Ourselves Together
sometime, I'm goin' to build a little home (for me and my gal)
from the tunnel came a voice, and it seemed to say "there you go"
All Frightful and Delightful 
for peace comes dropping slow
Here's All the Melting Thrill (And Here's the Kindling Fire)
1. Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?:
I've long said that I don't want to predict (I'm more likely to be disappointed than anything) but...more! Way, way more! Including an actual chapter fic - with a plot and an arc and multiple characters and everything (well, sort of).
2. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?:
I'd watched Bridgerton just at the end of last year, so it wasn't a huge surprise that I kicked off the year with that as inspiration. Outlander, however, was absolutely not on my radar at all until March, and even afterward it was months before I actually posted fic for it. 
3. What’s your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
I actually have a bunch that I like this time around, which is a bit unusual for me. But I think I’ll go with my whole trajectory’s toward you: even though it doesn’t have a particular line that’s a fave, one of my biggest issues with a lot of my other fic this year was pacing, and I think that I was pretty spot on in that regard there even without making the story super long, plus the characterization is good and the humor really flows; it has something of what I call “the AO3 tone,” which is something I rarely achieve.
Honorable mention to Here’s All the Melting Thrill, of course: it’s been a Project, and I’m proud of and really pleased with much of it.
4. Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Small writing risk: writing Blossoms Every Day as a second person, outsider POV story. In the end, it came out pretty well, even if I was nervous about it at first (and strongly debated not posting it at all) so I think sometimes I need to ignore my instincts about these things.
Bigger writing risk: starting to post chapters of Here’s All the Melting Thrill before I was fully done with it, something I told myself to never do again. I think I planned it okay, and the scheduling did work out, but the unexpected time needed for writing some of the chapters just reinforced for me that I need to think ahead and at least get a good head start; writing chapters and posting them whenever I get a chance just doesn’t really work for me because it’s so stressful and I don’t want to let people down. However, it also reminded me of how encouraging feedback can be on a work, and how that can push you through writing more.
5. Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
I've already started a new Jamie/Claire fic, and I'd like to work on, finish, and post that. Otherwise, I'm just looking to go on with participating in my usual fandom stuff (perhaps with more natural enthusiasm than I sometimes felt last year), and maybe even just getting some inspiration out of nowhere to write something random, even if it's small.
Fanfic related goal: trying to make sure I comment more on the fic I read. Comments make such a huge difference to me, and I’m trying to break my bad habits in regards to them.
6. From my past year of writing, what was…
Story Most Underappreciated by the Universe:
By the numbers it’s for peace comes dropping slow, but I think that earned about what could be expected (Jamie/Claire is such an integral part of Outlander fandom, plus I didn’t realize that Brianna is so disliked by many fans - kicking things off with a story with her as the narrator and them in the background was an unintentional risk, I suppose!). In my heart, though, I think it’s Hold Your Voice In My Heart (Till I Can Hold You In My Arms) because I thought the writing there and the domesticity/family/marriage stuff was pretty solid and it got seemingly less notice than my stupid high school mock trial minific...
Most Fun:
I think maybe An Alliance with an Earl, which I see as a slightly surprising but well-integrated AU (avec some classic fast and loose Regency romance tone 😜) but I also have a bit of a fondness for from the tunnel came a voice, and it seemed to say "there you go" - it’s just weird and fun and about podcasts and commuting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Most Disappointing:
To Learn Twice, for sure. The premise - a new slayer bonds with a newly human but struggling Angel - was actually okay, but the pacing and build is all off and the OCs didn’t get rounded well enough to carry the story properly, and it didn’t coalesce around a theme. You can always tell when my themes don’t come together because the titles feel random.
Most Sexy:
Haha, for a while I thought it was going to be either the implied sex dream/masturbation in my whole trajectory’s toward you or the equally implied actual sex in neither are you free to desist, but now I have actually written on-page sex in Here’s All the Melting Thrill - congratulations to me, even if it’s without specifics and couched in flowery language! 😁
Hardest to Write:
In different ways To Learn Twice (struggled and failed to fix the problems listed above) and Here’s All the Melting Thrill (just a long slog sometimes, especially when no one else had seen or enjoyed it and I was just fumbling around with it alone and it would have been easy to just give up).
Most Unintentionally Telling:
In an odd way, maybe Build Ourselves Together: just the idea that a sweet, gorgeous guy might chance upon someone and be kind and want to be friends and eventually more even if things are complicated with them...In a more amusing way, Now I Thought that I Was Clever aka “I think bearded Steve is hot.” 
Choice Lines:
I wrote so much that even for me, the world’s biggest fan of my own fic, it’s hard to go back and find specific lines (if you have faves, feel free to let me know!). But there’s one phrase from for peace comes dropping slow that I think is really good because of the double meaning: “...whose hands construct and kill equally as love.” It’s referring to Jamie, and on its face, it can mean that he uses his hands equally for construction, killing, and love, but at the same time it can also mean that he uses construction and killing equally as expressions of love. I don’t know, I just thought it was both a good character note and a cool writing trick.
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permanentreverie · 3 years
ten fave female characters tag game
RULES: list your favorite female characters from ten different fandoms and tag ten people to do the same
was tagged by the lovely @stars--above, thank you my dear Olive! So, in no particular order;
1. Sophie Hatter (Howl’s Moving Castle) - either the Ghibli movie or the book, I adore Sophie. The entire story is really about her journey of self-love, from going from believing she is nothing to openly loving herself and becoming more confidant. Plus, she is absolutely Chaotic™️ with Howl and doesn’t put up with any of his shit, and we just have to respect that
2. Circe (Circe) - I have so much love and sympathy for Circe, especially in Madeline Miller’s retelling. Treated wrong by almost every single person in her life, she still grows in her magic and accomplishes many things, and is one of my favourite characters in all of mythology. And she gets the happy ending she deserves!!!!!! (the ending of Circe still makes me tender)
3. Jo March (Little Women) - I feel like it would be against the law if I didn’t include Jo. I have grown up with her, and I identify with her in so many ways. She has this passion and adventure within her that I look up to, and she is so brazenly blunt with her words and actions that feels painfully familiar. Out of all the characters, she is the one that feels closest to my soul
4. Belle (Beauty and the Beast) - I just!! Love her so much!! She is such a strong female character, yet is kind and compassionate!! Her love for reading makes me go <3 and truly I think she is such an underrated Disney character. I think about how she wanted to save the Beast, and refused Gaston and snapped at him (he’s no monster, Gaston, you are!) we love!!
5. Queen Anne (The Musketeers) - it’s almost a tie between her and Constance, but I can’t not talk about Anne! Having to put up with Louis as a husband, she remains the queen that France deserves! Her speech with the Cardinal in the S1 finale lives rent free in my mind, she is kind and soft and oh-so incredibly powerful
6. Katherine (Newsies) - the second character that I identify most with! I love her aspirations to do great things, Watch What Happens is my anthem (especially during finals season ayyy). And maybe it’s Kara Lindsay’s performance but she’s just … so full of personality and spunk and fire and I love her so much
7. Julia Trojan (Bandstand) - her story of grieving! I have so so so much love for soft heroines, and Julia fits that role so well. Her arc is astounding, Who I Was is the underrated song of the soundtrack! Plus, she gets Donny Novitski … like yes girl get it!!
8. Anya (Anastasia) - I think I almost prefer the 1997!Anya more!? Both are fantastic, but Meg Ryan’s voice acting is so full of spunk and snark, I wish to have an ounce of her cleverness. And don’t even get me started on Christy Altomare’s performance, we love a short queen!!!
9. Jude Duarte (The Folk of the Air) - she is badass, and I don’t think anything more needs to be said. “If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse.” YES MA’AM!!! (***SPOILERS***) she stabs her hand with almost no hesitation! I love it when women are allowed to be just a little bit evil, and Jude is so full of ambition and her journey from wanting to become a knight then being the queen of Elfhame, she is so good and all the other needlessly cruel female characters in literature who claim to be feminist need to take a page from her.
honourable mentions are Danielle de Barbarac (Ever After: A Cinderella Story), Jane Eyre (Jane Eyre), Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables), Kat Strafford (10 Things I Hate About You)
tagging @maddiebvckley @musicallisto @kazzzbrekkers @asecretshekept @riietveld @all-you-wanna-do-your-best @augstlandrys @gladerindistress @maraczeks and anyone else who wants to!
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redbullseb · 3 years
HEYA is there any mcr song that you associate with seb? totally random question, sorry 🥺
so there are several aka their whole discography and i hope u will indulge me while i extensively type out which mcr songs are seb's and why ok thank u <3 going by album...
early sunsets over monroeville: so this song is on the surface obvs about dawn of the dead but god. it's so fitting for ferrari seb bc of the themes re: illusion of happiness and killing a loved one and knowing about the certainty of the end and it's all just so fucking profound. the way the music gets stripped away until it's just gerard screaming "there's a corpse in this bed"??? ferrari seb. also the fact that g was suffering from major dental problems and had to be physically told to pussy up before he marched into john naclerio's basement to blow the boys all away too with the ending of the song always just makes me so. emotional. imagine ur frank anthony iero aged 20 and u just hear That come out of your friend's brother's mouth after only really knowing him as a weirdo introvert tangentially related to the jersey music scene. fucking life changing. i too would drop everything and follow him to the ends of the earth. this song makes me emotional this band makes me emotional. okay moving on before i start crying
helena: this is like . specifically seb leaving red bull and moving on. also could be ferrari seb. as u might be able to tell i have a lot of feelings about seb's ferrari arc. anyway the lyrics like . goodnight, not goodbye. and more to the ferrari seb point: g was just. filled with so much self hatred and regret and he was in such a bad place in his life when he wrote the lyrics but it has such heart and inspired him to let go of his grandma's death and kicked his ass to getting sober and yknow MAYBE i'm just projecting seb onto like my issues and g's issues bc i'm pretty like. i hate to say it. not a fan of gerard these days? or more like, i’m tired of his bullshit. and his wife's bullshit. that's irrelevant. the point is that this song is widely applicable to all tragedies and it's a seb song
fashion statement: ASTON! MARTIN! SEB! god okay i love this song it's probably my fave off revenge. i love the idea of him coming back in full glory. and we saw flashes of him being hungry in monaco and baku and scream!!! scream!!!!!!!!! this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i never told you what i do for a living: MORE ferrari seb. this album is just. ferrari seb how many fucking times have i said ferrari seb. anyway "touched by angels though i fall out of grace" HELLO. no further comment needed methinks.
before i continue: pauline aka @formula-whine makes an excellent case for revenge being an album about red bull seb and is ceo of the emo seb agenda and has amazing art and asks and i will link/reblog them when i am back on my laptop tomorrow but they should be under the emo seb tag on my blog too!
black parade
wttbp: this song is a skip imo except for the rare occasions where i REALLY want to be 13 again hearing this for the first time but omg have u seen the vid of him mouthing along to the lyrics 😭😭😭 he goes so hard he has an air guitar this is a boy who had an (internal) emo phase i just know it. we know he likes the misfits and punk rock and my chem is just one step away. in all seriousness tho the whole message to carry on? and the entire post chorus i.e. “do or die, you’ll never make me / because the world will never take my heart / go and try, you’ll never break me / we want it all, we want to play this part / i won’t explain or say i’m sorry / i’m unashamed, i’m gonna show my scars” isnt that seb in a nutshell throughout his whole career? this man does not give the fuck up and neither should we!
house of wolves: HAVE YOU SEEN THE VIDEO OF G SPANKING HIMSELF ON STAGE WHILE SINGING THIS SONG… anyway red bull seb’s whore behaviour is off the fucking charts like that gifset i reblogged today where he just gives off Man Who Fucks energy??? yeah this song suits him. also recently he was talking about being naughty and what do u know… “tell me i’m a bad man, kick me like a stray / tell me i’m an angel, take this to my grave”?????? HORNY!! frank was insane for this
sleep: ferrari seb yet again. “and through it all, how could you cry for me?” “kiss me goodbye and sleep / the hardest part is letting go of your dreams” also the entire second verse reminds me of like when that whole dts arc where seb tried to fight against charles replacinf him in ferrari and was a bastard on track. side note this song is criminally underrated ngl like i think g’s screams from tbpid will haunt me forever
disenchanted: i already screamed about it eep
famous last words: that one moment in dts when seb’s talking to christian and is like “and then come home.” THAT’S IT. also again the theme about carrying on and perseverance and holy shit i’m actually tearing up mcr has saved my life so many times i never planned on making it past 16 but here i am 20 years old alive and trying and lying in bed typing about them
blood: seb @ the media and social media. yeah
skipping conventional weapons for personal reasons
danger days
this entire album is rb seb and the anti capitalism stuff is current seb like LOOK ALIVE, SUNSHINE! 109 in the sky but the pigs won’t quit!! you’re here with him: sebastian vettel!! he’ll be your surgeon your proctor etc etc LOUDER THAN GOD’S REVOLVER AND TWICE AS SHINY he’s a rock n roller a crash queen a motor baby listen besties the future is bulletproof. the aftermath is secondary. gravity don’t mean much to him. and that is red bull seb. eeee for the sake of avoiding redundancy i’m just gonna list lyrics <3
“if my velocity starts to make you sweat, then just don’t let go”
“i’m unbelievable (yeah) i’m undefeatable (YEAH) let’s ruin everything BLAST IT TO THE BACK! ROW!”
“so hit the lights, i’ll do it again / and keep your cars and your dogs and your famous friends”
“ain’t nobody gonna take my life / ain’t nobody gonna get the best of me”
“everybody hit the pyro cue / we’re gonna blow this off and show you what we do”
“this ain’t about all the friends you made, but the graffiti they write on your grave”
“when the lights go out, will you take me with you? / and carry all this broken bone / through six years down in crowded rooms and highways i call home?”
“they don’t believe in us, but i believe we’re the enemy”
the horny part in destroya. all of it
“all the cameras watch the accidents and stars you hate / they only care if you can bleed”
“‘cause you only live forever in the lights you make.”
eep i am so tired but essentially i have a lot of feelings about seb and his legacy also many many feelings about mcr’s breakup. yes they’re back together but i doubt mcr5 is ever dropping and how perfectly sad is that alshdksg they need to make another album just so seb can get his fifth world championship etc etc okay it’s 2 in the morning i am going to bed if u made it this far hello congrats stream death spells for clear skin
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jostenneil · 3 years
hi! Thank you so much for taking the time to recommend all those small town books and adding your thoughts and descriptions of them! It helps so much. I’m adding them to my list, I’m so excited! Also, if it’s no trouble, can you also recommend me dramas or tv shows with this narrative? I’ve been wanting a new show to watch :D
SOOO as i am sure you've seen over the course of the past few days,
hometown cha cha cha - a new gem that is absolutely fantastic to me. it's about a dentist who loses her job and takes a trip to a seaside city for some perspective, only to end up moving there and set up a dental clinic in semblance of a fresh start. the problem is that she's a city girl, and this isn't the city. there's a lot of preconceived notions that she has about the people in town, as do they about her, and so far the show has been a slow and steady practice in the kindness and patience we learn to emulate when meeting new people and understanding that they are as troubled and hopeful in their own lives as we are. also, the romance thus far is positively swoonworthy. i went into an emotional crisis last night over it
into the ring - another kdrama fave that i was positively obsessed with last year. it centers on the politics of a small town, and how a girl who is notorious for making (rightful) complaints to city hall ends up running as a district representative. initially this is only something she does bc she's in desperate need of money, but the mc has so much inherent love for her town that she ends up being a pretty proactive representative anyway. her relationship with one of the people who fields complaint calls at city hall is also a focus, and it's one of the most tenderly developed romances i've seen in a long time. there's just a lot of care and attention to detail in the show that makes your wholehearted investment worth it. every character brings something unique to the table
anne with an e - obviously if i was going to rec the book series then i was going to rec the show as well lol! if we are going to be completely technical then admittedly i do think the sullivan movies have the best portrayals of anne and gilbert as well as the best depiction of their romance (esp in the sense of accuracy, the third movie aside), but the more recent show i think does a better job of staying true to the books' nature of investing in a full cast. it really captures that homey, small town feel that i so love, and i think it expands on the cast in ways that other adaptations haven't really cared to
gilmore girls - admittedly i don't know that i need to include this bc i think everyone knows this is the go-to small town show. but nonetheless. there is a lot about the show that has aged poorly over the years (namely how enjoyable rory is as a character, which is. . . very little unfortunately as seasons go by) but i still think it possesses a lot of small town charm, esp in its comedy. the way everyone's lives just seamlessly interweave in stars hollow is both incredibly real but also ridiculously funny bc sometimes overlaps in episode plot points are so obscure as to be bizarre. i genuinely think it's a really enjoyable show up through the fourth season (the affair plot point aside)
sweet magnolias - this is a new show that started airing last year but oh my god! the level of invested i was as i watched it was so crazy. the plot touches on a lot of different characters but it centers itself in the friendship between three women who are each dealing with their own struggles and decide to open a spa together as a sort of healing project. the character arcs aren't particularly unique but everyone is nonetheless so endearing and i really appreciate how almost every character is human. like i think a lot of shows with teens can tend to make them out as unforgivable esp bc it's so common for adults to portray them these days, but the teens in this show are actually teens, and i like that they're given opportunities to grow and change in spite of mistakes they may make. i rly value those kind of narratives and overall the atmosphere of the show was just very healing. also heather headley is so damn pretty i was completely enamored with her the whole season
everwood - little to no one has heard of this show likely bc it started airing at around the same time as the oc and one tree hill and i mean. obv it was going to be overlooked in comparison. but personally i love it a lot! the initial plot's about this kid ephram who's just lost his mom and moves to colorado with his dad and sister. his dad worked a lot before his mom's death and as such ephram doesn't really have much of a relationship with him, so rebuilding that is a huge focus. there's also amy, aka the girl ephram likes, who's dealing with some trauma of her own bc her brother landed her boyfriend in a coma. there's a lot of baggage in this show re: death and i think there's a sadness that really permeates the atmosphere, but not in a way that's disconcerting per se. it's just real. it gets down to the ugliness and loneliness of trauma, esp wrt the teen characters, and i really appreciate that. the only major flaw is there's a plot point where ephram dates his college babysitter who is in college and gets her pregnant although his dad scares her off so he never finds out. but we ignore that
friday night lights - as someone who was in marching band and could still not for the life of me tell you what is what in football, this show is so damn good. it's about a rural texas town exclusively driven by its football team, except this year, the first game starts off with the star player being paralyzed from the waste down, putting a number of different people on the spot: the star player's girlfriend, his best friend, the new head coach, the runner-up qb who has never actually played a real game. i think anyone who watches the show ends up watching it for a specific character or dynamic but at the core it's just about the like. inherent goodness of people. like some of these people make mistakes due to pressure or grief but most of them are irrevocably human and that's what drives the show forward, as do the unlikely but endearing relationships formed between various people in the town. my personal favorite dynamic is between tim and lyla, who are in a bit of a unique place as the best friend and boyfriend of the injured star player
i hope you enjoy! let me know if you try any of them hehe
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allislaughter · 3 years
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A look at some of my best pieces from each month this year! I started two new comics this year, did a 100 day challenge, got into a new fandom enough to make OCs and challenge myself by both writing and illustrating multiple fanfics. Creative-wise, not a bad year!
Additional notes about each piece shown under the Read More:
January: From an RP I did with @glowstickia - it’s Footlight telling his life story via visuals for a neat effect/usage of the Skeleton ability to speak in images
February: The month I had that momentous dream that led to me creating Rig. Made this image and used it in the first chapter of The System is Rigged
March: Shippy Nick/Deacon using a palette - I did a lot of palette stuff this year they’re so fun to do
April: Finally finished chapter 7 of SIT! This is an important page because originally I was going to save Alistair’s name/gender change for a different arc but it was bothering me that it would take so long to get to, and I realized that I could just throw it in as a casual conversation at the very end of this chapter and I’m a lot happier for it ♥
May: Nick/Echo, @falloutglow‘s OC - I really love Glow’s characters and Nick/Echo makes me happy and I’m so grateful Glow let me use Echo for my fanfics. It helped shape the stories a lot having Echo along for the ride, and it’s also a lot of fun to intentionally throw in shippy things of her to tease Glow wink emoji. This illustration is from Ye Mighty and Despair, the sequel to The System is Rigged
June: One of my favorite Clown Boy comics, a project I started earlier this year. The fun thing about this comic is that I have a set end-date for it (52 comics) which is good for me since otherwise I end up with things like SIT where it’s both Long and also idk when it’ll end (well I know what SIT will end with just not when we’ll get there)
July: Another Ye Mighty and Despair illustration, featuring a happy Rig in his “season 2″ outfit (pineapples instead of flamingos!). I like this fanfic a lot since I get to explore Rig’s relationship with Nick in it (which means... a third story focusing on Rig’s relationship with Echo is needed :3c)
August: This is the month I started the 100 face challenge! I hadn’t drawn a lot of the characters for it either in a while or at all, so it was fun to do this. I had fun with Rapid Fire’s by adding dramatic lighting hehehe. Note: I also challenged myself by doing body poses for as many of the faces as I could
September 1: More dramatic lighting with Suriv’s face challenge; the idea behind this one is that [Spoilers for Et Al] it’s mid-Vitrular civil war where Suriv still trying to get close to Emissionary to alert him to the unethical cloning experiments the previous Dracon leader had ordered and that are still happening, and as he’s looking up at Emissionary he just gets a big huge crush. [End Spoilers]
September 2: And then we have an illustration for the Apollo/Hancock AU which I love for that really great lighting ♥  - Shout out to @diredigression for letting me use their setting for the Apollo/Hancock stuff (we ought to discuss it more when you’re not so busy! I want to talk more about Apollo and Sole’s interactions :>)
October 1: Is it clear yet that I really love the dramatic lighting? A Man Named Law is a fave of my recent characters, made this year for a future comic project. A really enigmatic man who seems to want to stop Footlight’s party from helping West Side and who also wants to stop Creed from looking for his wife
October 2: Rig Miller in the Teashop AU Mark II Glow and I were discussing. Serious Rig is really fun to do - Also there’s a part two to this piece where the tentacles grab onto Rig to drag him away, so rest assured, they are not his tentacles ;3c
November 1: Doomrail! One of the clones from a certain experiment, and one of my favorites of the clones. He compulsively says the opposite of what he means, with the twist that if he wants to he can turn on a program that lets him say what he actually means (though it drains him more than he’d like) - So it’s impossible to tell if he’s bluffing about that whole “you aren’t going to die” thing
November 2: And another clone, Mirrorsmoke! tbh I just really like this one because of the bright green on the background it makes me really happy to look at. Look at this little jerk, he knows what he did and he’s glad for it
December: And finally, the second page of the second comic I started this year, this time featuring Rig in an original setting! I’ve been wanting to do a Rig comic and I decided that I didn’t want to wait until I had a story idea and that I’d write this one as I go and see what happens. The fun thing about this one is that in order to fill out the cast, I’m using characters from other projects of mine, like some of my Et Al characters and human(?) versions of my SIT characters, and more! I’m particularly proud of the last panel on this page, doing the aerial view of the city. I referenced a few different cities in florida, including my own, for that, making up an original beachside city that currently does not have a name.
A lot of art and a lot of art improvement this year, with the goal for even more in 2021! Heck yeah!
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So I wanted to share this lovely commission made by the lovely @tangledinart! Thank you so much for putting me in a selfie with this amazing, one of a kind gang that means so much to me! I also wanted to reflect and share my overall experience with the show and characters. All my critiques aside, the show has been an incredible, life-changing journey for me.
I didn't start watching it back in 2017, but I did start it around late March-early April 2019, before I was about to graduate from university. I was at a major time point in my life where I was about to no longer be a student after being that for my whole life, I was about to embark a new journey of being a full time adult. For me it was a rather terrifying time of my life and I was so afraid of what was to come next, that maybe I was not going to be good at handling adulthood (not gonna lie, I still am struggling with getting the hang of it, but I'm learning so much).
Then of course, I decided to start watching the show because I wanted more Tangled content and New Dream lol. I definitely DID NOT expect to fall in love with so many of the new characters or the story or for it to be so impactful and inspiring to me in so many ways. This show gave me characters that were around my age going through their own struggles and life-changing adventures. Characters that I can relate to in so many different ways that I didn't expect to!
Personality wise, I'm definitely most similar to Rapunzel. Her bubbly, optimistic personality, her thirst for adventure, her always trying to make the best of the worst situation no matter how hard it is, and her having to fight and overcome her trauma Yup! That's definitely me! She's the number 1 character in the show that I see myself in. I felt for her so much whenever she was happy or when she was going through a tough time. It was like I was seeing me going through these situations (I know it's cliche but that's just how I felt 😂😅).
Eugene is definitely the embodiment of what I would love to see in the love of my life. He's funny, and he loves Rapunzel so much and risks so much to do what's best for her. He's also very respectful of her and her wishes and is always willing to give her space she needs. New Dream is just such a healthy and safe relationship and they are without a doubt couple goals! 😍❤
I also wanted to talk about Eugene as an individual and how the number 1 thing I relate to him on is his identity crisis and figuring out his role in life (pretty much every student/millennial lol 😏). Fitzherbert PI is definitely one of my favorite S1 episodes because Eugene trying to find his career and even getting rejected is such a realistic representation of what so many young adults and students have to go through before finding their right path in life. I love that a constant recurring theme in his character arc is him struggling with his identity, whether it's putting his thieving days behind, finding out he's the dark prince, being appointed captain, it's such a strong and relatable crisis that many people go through in real life. On a more personal note, being an American from a minority population who has also moved to another country and lived there for years, I have dealt with so many questions and conflicted feelings over "Who I'm supposed to be?" Or "Where do I belong?" Or "Do I have a place to call home, even though I technically have 2 countries that I'm a citizen of?". Seeing Eugene deal with so many identity crises just reminded of myself dealing with my own identity crises too!
Cassandra! Also one of my faves! I think her primary struggle and conflict were her feeling of self-worth. To me, she's someone who always felt like she had to prove herself to people and fight too hard to do it that it could even take a wrong turn, especially if she felt that someone got in her way. My favorite moment of her in the whole show was in Waiting in the Wings, when she was singing about how she felt that no matter how hard she worked and no matter how hard she tried, her dreams and goals felt unattainable. When I was younger, I definitely dealt with so much self-esteem issues and felt a lack of self-worth. I felt like I had to prove myself to other people, especially people that undermined and derided me. Even in undergrad, I would sometimes feel like no matter how hard I studied or worked hard, I just could never achieve the grades or the success I wanted. I'm not gonna pretend like I don't deal with these issues but when I look back, I can definitely say that I grew and fought hard to reclaim my self worth, but I am still learning to let my self love grow ❤ And yes while I think her S3 arc should've been better executed, I can say that I was very proud of Cass that she finally reclaimed her self worth at the end. In fact, the reason why her finale outfit is my fave outfit of hers is not only because it looks the best on her, but also because at that point, she has accepted all her struggles and her conflict and has finally reclaimed her own identity. She no longer feels the need to prove herself to anyone and has grown and learned to love herself. ❤❤
Lance! My boy! Gosh I love this goofball so much! 😂😍 I'm not gonna lie, I wish he was given better character development and depth. But a major thing I loved about him was his endless love and loyalty to his friends (I got the feeling that would probably be the least likely to ever betray the gang because of that). My 2 favorite moments for him in the show was in Destinies Collide when he was the one who came up with the idea of destroying the statues to defeat the ghosts! I was so proud of him! 😭 And of course, Bigger Than That! His solo! I screamed with excitement when he got his moment to shine and sing! He helped everyone fight and overcome their fears and I just can't!! 😭😭❤😍
Varian! This cute little baby boy! 😍 So at first, when I was introduced to him, I didn't like him lol. My first impression of him was "who the hell is this cheesy, annoying random character?" And I still didn't like him in Great Expotations. I would definitely say that my feelings about him changed once I got to Queen For A Day. This episode showed us so much depth and emotion to his character that I was totally not expecting to see! And his turn to villainy! Oh boy! I was so excited!! 🤩 I personally enjoyed and loved him as a villain and it also made me appreciate him in prior episodes as well. Then of course S3 Varian was the best! I was like "My boy is back!" When I first saw him in Rapunzel's Return. I know many people felt his redemption was rushed (I somewhat agree) but I personally felt that it was well handled and I was so happy to see him back on the side of good and him being friends with Rapunzel again! And just him being nice again and also retaining his sass was just the best thing ever! 😍😂 Of course how could I not mention that I'm also a chem geek (I majored in Biochem in undergrad) and that seeing Varian geek over alchemy/chemistry was just soo cool!! 😍🧪
Overall, I’m so happy that I got to experience this amazing series and these amazing well-crafted characters that I connected with and was inspired by! I’m also glad I got to join this incredible fandom with a strong, endless love for tangled ❤ I will forever be grateful. 
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miggydiaz · 3 years
for the salty ask: 3, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 27 for spn
I had to do this one today because I have a LOT of Supernatural feelings and so a lot of these are even longer than my CK one. But thanks for the ask @wonderwolfballoon!
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? 100000000% I have unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion in the SPN fandom. SPN was the fandom that taught me to make JUDICIOUS use of the blocking feature tumblr offers in order to curate my experience. I would actually encourage anyone and everyone to use the blocking feature if they disagree with people. Honestly, we don’t owe anyone our time or energy, especially on the internet! It is much healthier than sending or responding to hate, IMO. 7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* This is actually a hard one for me to answer, so let me start by saying -- I have not seen a SINGLE episode since 9x05? I think? Whichever episode was the Dr. Deanlittle one where he talks to animals. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the first 5 seasons, and they are all I watch anymore and I pretend nothing else exists after that (except The French Mistake because that episode is hilarious). But uh... I guess the simple answer is when I was originally watching it, I really loved Dean. He was brash, snarky, rough around the edges... but kind of soft in a I’m too toxically masculine to deal with my softness sort of way that I love seeing characters grow out of as they mature. But when I go back and rewatch now, much older than I was in 2006 when I first started watching, I see how awful a lot of his older behavior truly was. I still love Dean, and I will be a Dean girl until I die probably, but sometimes you gotta remind yourself that your faves have been problematic in the past so you don’t put them up on fandom constructed pedestals.
10. Most disliked arc? Why? AND AS A BONUS, MY ANSWER to 11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I could write a literal essay about all of the problems I have with the later seasons (the ones I watched, which encompasses 6, 7, 8, and a few episodes of 9). But by far and away, the thing I hated most, was the Men of Letters.
Okay, this is where I am going to recognize my love of certain characters is at FUNDAMENTAL ODDS with how that character develops later and what history and background we get later on them. I RECOGNIZE this character is problematic, and I would NEVER STAND for his shit IRL, but fiction is complicated and nuanced, and fantastic circumstances do not make for normal behaviors. That being said, with all warnings I could possibly give, and with the full understanding that what I am about to say is basically fandom blasphemy of the highest order...
I like John Winchester’s character.
I know, I know. If you wanna stop reading and block me now, you are free to do that. I will not hold it against you. I am not about to apologize for anything he has done. I just need to contextualize why I have such an issue with the MOL storyline and it starts with the simple fact that I liked John Winchester as he was originally presented.
To me, and with the full understanding that I am answering this from the perspective of someone who DOES NOT regard anything past season 5 as personal canon, John Winchester is the perfect example of a truly complicated character. Here’s a parent who, if we take the pilot and the original s2 Djinn episodes at face value, could have been a great parent, who then got shoved into a fantastically impossible situation and made terrible choices that he thought were necessary in order to keep himself and his sons safe. That does not EXCUSE the heaps of abuse that he piled onto Dean in any way. We know John and Mary didn’t have a great marriage. But we also know from the pilot that John was at least a caring and present father, mostly,  for the 4 years he got to parent in a normal world, and that if Mary had lived, John would’ve been a softball playing dad who raised his kids and had a loving marriage with his wife. (Again, I need to reiterate, I did not watch anything past the early episodes of s9. If there is later canon that negates this, I do not know about it, nor do I want to because I don’t think of anything past 5 as canon) This is all important to me because these things emphasize that John was “NORMAL”. He was a mechanic, from a family of mechanics, whose father didn’t bail on him (a man in the episode where Dean is transported back in time to Lawrence tells John to ‘say hi to your old man for me’ or something to that effect). He was just a midwestern dude. Giving John Winchester a fantastical background through this Men of Letters bullshit made me SO MAD. First of all, I hate when later canon negates previous canon. I cannon TELL you how much I hate it. And the later seasons of Supernatural are riddled with stuff that doesn’t make any damn sense in the context of original, Kripke written canon, which is exactly why I stopped watching. That’s not ~Evolution of the show.~ That’s conveniently forgetting stuff that made your show and its premise so successful to begin with in order to keep filming episodes so you can keep making money. It’s the sacrifice of art for capitalism and yes I know this is a stupid TV show but as a writer myself it PISSES ME OFF.
ALSO, the idea that this toxically masculine family was set on this path by Heaven, and inherited this curse that put them on this path from their mother was such a good plot twist in its heyday. We spent four seasons thinking of Mary Winchester as a victim of circumstance, whose fate could not have been avoided because she was the mother to Sam, who is effectively cursed. And then, we learn that its BECAUSE of Mary that this ball even got rolling in the first place. IDK if you were around for that time in the fandom but at least in my circle, this was a big fucking deal. There had been so much (rightful) discourse about John before this, and what kind of parent he was, that Mary became almost deified in the same way Dean deifies her. And then we find out that this whole story gets set in motion by a decision she made because this was the life she found herself in. This was great. It was interesting. And even though the MOL doesn’t negate any of this, it does give John this weirdly fantastical that isn’t necessary. Let this guy be just some Joe Schmoe who fell in love with a kick ass hunter and had no idea any of this even existed. Let Mary and her want to be ‘normal’ be a complicated moral choice that fundamentally altered the paths of her husband and sons. It’s good tv!
Also, I fucking hate the bunker. The best episodes are Dean and Sam having moments in the car, or while in motel rooms on their cases, or whatever. I don’t mind them having a home base. I’m fine with that. But if a building could ever be a Mary Sue character, the bunker is it. I hate all of the MOL storyline, starting with this place.
I may not even tag this as Supernatural, I don’t need angry later season stans in my inbox.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
There’s nothing good about anything that happened after season 6. It’s all a bunch of retconning bullshit. Season 6 had its moments where it was interesting, so I cut it a little bit of slack, but as far as I’m concerned, the show ended in season 5. I’m not sure that’s necessarily unpopular, but it does feel that way on tumblr, so. 
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Aside from ending it in season 5?
Oooh, I’m about to blaspheme again. I am definitely not tagging this as Supernatural.
I would never have introduced Castiel, and I would’ve given that entire storyline to Anna. Or, alternatively, I would’ve flipped their story lines.
Look, for whatever it’s worth... I agree with the idea that Dean Winchester is a repressed bisexual. His Dr. Sexy love, the entire storyline with Benny in season 8, etc. I just don’t think he feels romantically about Castiel. And like, that’s okay! Just because you’re not into someone who is into you doesn’t mean you owe them a relationship or anything, no matter what the fandom thinks.
But I also think Dean has a big problem when it comes to women. Again, obviously later on in the series, Dean shifts and Charlie happens and Claire Novak and I know all of these things from gifs okay, context is not applicable here because I have none. But early on, Dean struggles A LOT with thinking of women as A) capable and B) trustworthy. He exists in a perpetual state of identifying women along the Madonna/Whore binary. Even Jo, however you feel about her, and to be clear, I loved Jo, but he doesn’t stop thinking of her really as a kid until they’re about to shoot the devil. Up until then, he’s genuinely surprised Ellen lets her out of the damn house.
Giving him a strong, capable woman who rebels against Heaven for HIM would have fundamentally altered Dean’s perceptions of women much earlier on than we get and would have forced him to examine some of that misogyny head on.
Dean has no problems trusting men. This is why the entire Gordon fiasco happens, right? It was less work for him to trust Castiel because Castiel is the inverse of Ruby. Angel to her Demon. Angels and demons don’t really have genders, but for the sake of presentation of vessels, man to her woman. Not even getting me started on the problematic parts of having significant demons mostly symbolized by women (Meg, Ruby, Lilith) and having significant angels mostly represented by Men (Castiel, Michael, Lucifer, Zachariah, Gabriel, Raphael), and how that ties into the idea of Original Sin and yada yada, but just like it’s interesting to have Mary and her decisions be the catalyst for the story, it’s interesting to have this badass warrior angel in Anna who marches down to Hell to yank Dean out, and through her interactions with him, decide to rebel against the ultimate patriarchy, while Dean gets an equally strong female counterpart to Sam’s Ruby, a woman for all intents and purposes that he respects as a soldier and an ally and not just a potential piece of ass.
Also, Castiel fans being literally unbearable is why I left the fandom. Nothing against Misha or anything, and not even anything against Cas as a character (who I very much enjoyed in seasons 4 and 5), but his fans have always been the worst and they try to insert him into everything.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Castiel/Destiel fans, which even though I also hated the direction the show was going, drove me out of the fandom. Not like, personally or directly, but just the sheer mental hoops they had to jump through in order to make their ship work and I just got tired of seeing all of the contrived meta on my dash. Oh, and the rampant misogyny that came out of those early Castiel fans. I didn’t appreciate it from the Wincest corner, and I definitely didn’t appreciate it from the fans of the new guy. Gross.
22. Popular character you hate?
Oof. I don’t know. I don’t really hate Castiel, because again, I liked him a lot in seasons 4 and 5. Even 6 was interesting, even if I don’t regard it as my own personal show canon. I don’t think there was a popular character in those first five seasons I ever really hated. I didn’t fundamentally hate a character at all until the MOL stuff came around. Um. Yeah, I don’t really have an answer for this.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Pretty much every female character ever. Jo, Ellen, Ruby, Meg... although Meg became more popular as the series went on, Anna. Um. OH, BELA. Bela ESPECIALLY, I recently rewatched season 3 and I cannot emphasize how MUCH I love Bela. She was the best purely human foil ever. Bela is hands down the character I love most that the fandom had frothing at the mouth hatred for. It doesn’t help that I legitimately think Lauren Cohan is one of the most beautiful women on the planet. But seriously, Bela. Hands down.
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? 
I have! Many of times, and ALWAYS WITH THE CAVEAT to stop at the end of season 5. Not a single one of them has listened to me and almost all of them came to me at the end of the finale and were like WHY DID I WASTE SO MUCH TIME, and I don’t want to say I told them so, but like, I explicitly in neon colored text once told them so, so like, idk what to tell them. But yes! I think if someone is interested in some classic mystery television that has an overarching theme of family and forgiveness and striking out against the boxes that life tries to put us all into, SPN is a great show. But only the first 5 seasons. Also, be prepared for some thematically problematic parts of the show because there’s a lot of cishet toxic masculinity in those early seasons, and we should examine our media critically. There’s also a lot of good though too, and IMO, the good outweighs the bad.
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
I would’ve ended it at season 5. I would’ve had Sam escape the pit and seen him standing under the street lamp, but then I would’ve had him walking away to leave Dean with Lisa (btw, side note, I DIDN’T like Lisa because I don’t think Dean would ever be truly happy with someone completely outside the life). Not because Sam doesn’t love his brother, but because he *does* love his brother, and because he would want Dean to be happy, even though Dean and Sam’s ideas of what makes the other happy have always been a little bit screwed up.. but that’s a different story.
27. Least shippable character?
Probably Zachariah. God, could you imagine? And... maybe Alastair, but I’m sure there are fics out there that I do not want to think about.
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snowbellewells · 4 years
CS Fic Rec Monday: Fics I LOVED in 2019 /// January-March
Okay friends, I apologize if this WAY longer than anyone wanted, but I thought it might be fun to pay tribute to the stories I enjoyed in the year that has passed. I found there were so many, that I’m going to break it up and do about three months at a time. (That’s how blessed we are in this fandom!!! And I’m really bad at narrowing down! ;p)  Anyway, check these out and give the authors some love if you didn’t get to read them. I hope you’ll enjoy!!
**(Also, these are by no means all of the fics I liked, but I tried to stick with ones that appeared to have begun in 2019, or that I found and enjoyed in 2019 - per when I had reblogged them.)
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Here goes:
~ “Making My Way to You” by: @resident-of-storybrooke​
A lovely long one shot working in the destiny of Emma and Killian finding each other, soul mate marks, and all of the feels.  A lovely read all the way around!!!
~ “Take a Break” by: @arianakristine​
Okay, full disclosure: this fic is actually Gremma, not CS, but I couldn’t leave it off the list. I discovered and read it this year, and I loved it. (as I do all of @arianakristine​‘s writing. If you, like me, loved Gremma before CS won you over, then don’t miss this.
~ “Pardon the Way that I Stare” by: @laschatzi​
This is a lovely holiday-themed CS modern au, and love the misunderstanding they overcome, the humor and friendships woven into it, and of course, Emma and Killian’s undeniable chemistry! ;)
~ “We Make Our Own Fate” by: @hollyethecurious​
I really can’t say enough about how much I love this epic that mashes up adventure, danger, emotion, relationships, CS, KnightRook, and Colin’s movie What Still Remains. I was salivating for each update throughout the year.
~ “The Queen’s Librarian” by: @shireness-says​
The is a lovely Enchanted Forest au, with Emma as Queen and Killian as the new castle librarian.  It was written for last year’s JJ event, as it is completely wonderful!
~ “Bundling Against the Cold” by: @distant-rose​
This was another JJ 2019 entry, featuring sweet, healing CS warming each other from the remembered cold and loneliness of their pasts - a one shot not to be missed!
~ “True Love’s Song” by: @kmomof4​
This one shot gives us more of Killian taking Snow and Charming to the Evil Queen’s castle in the season six musical episode - and gives us a precious added glimpse of the very first seeds of CS.
~ “Rising from the Ashes” by: @let-it-raines​
Oh my goodness! An angsty modern au, but so SO GOOD!  I love the Captain Cobra in this as well as the CS, and it will just absolutely wrap around every one of your heartstrings, plus there’s a bit of a mystery you keep wanting to unravel as you go...
~ “Priceless” by: @searchingwardrobes​
This one is an ongoing WIP, and though Killian, Emma, and those with them are seriously going through some danger and pain, this is a needed and touching story to be told. There’s some KnightRook, the Frozen ladies, and some alive and present Liam Jones to make this all the more affecting.  I am always beyond excited for each new update!
~ “If I Could See Your Face Once More” by: @shireness-says​
A re-imagining of 5B and the Underworld arc which delivers so much more satisfyingly than the canon version. This one is simply not to be missed!
~ “The Princess and her Sultan” by: @hookedonapirate​
A unique AU with Emma as Princess of Misthaven and Killian as the Sultan of Neverland. This takes many engaging twists and turns so far, and it isn’t over yet!  I have loved seeing them in this different setting and situation than I have read before, and how their love still flourishes despite new obstacles and opposition.
~ “Another Attachment” by: @gingerchangeling​
I hardly know how to sell this one without giving too much away! Still, I’ll try... CS celebrates an anniversary, and the depth of love and caring shown in the gift Emma bestows on Killian will be enough to melt your heart for sure. (This story may have been around since before 2019, but I discovered it and loved it this year.)
~ “The Wife” by: @effulgentcolors​
I realize that I am by no means the only person in love with this very Jane Austen / Charlotte Bronte style CS tale, but I simply couldn’t leave it off the list.  It absolutely cannot be recommended enough! The way Emma and Killian care for each other and understand each other in this is so beautiful, it will make you adore the both of them even more than you already did!
~  the Fandom Birthday Playlist by: @searchingwardrobes​
I know for a fact this entry is going to show up on every single one of my lists, but there are so many entries which are SO great! An impressive collection of one shots written to celebrate fandom birthdays, I’m just going to highlight some of my faves from the first three months of 2019...  “Shatter Me” , “Black Balloon”, “Halo” and “Blackbird”.
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Do you think Caryl might happen now that you think Beth won’t be back until the end of the series?
When I mentioned Beth returning at the end of the series, that wasn’t a prediction of any sort, it was a wish. I think that TPTB originally intended to bring Beth back, which included that missing footage from season 5, but something might have changed off screen that led them to nix the storyline. So Beth’s survival is possible, we just might never see it. In regards to Caryl, I don’t think it would happen for several reasons.
For one thing, Norman has opposed it as a romantic pairing for years. (The earliest source I could find dates back to March 2012.) He’s mentioned in interviews that he has spoken with producers and writers on this topic, steering them away from a Caryl-romance when it’s been brought up. He has described Caryl as a platonic bond, often like siblings, and that goes back to March 2013, months before Bethyl first hugged onscreen. Melissa McBride also has described them this way. Example quotes included below:
Daryl saved Carol during the zombie attack on the farm in true superhero style, sweeping her away on his chopper. Will love finally bloom?
Not if Norman Reedus can help it! The fan fave who plays Daryl hopes things stay platonic, though he adores working with Melissa McBride. “I’ve fought against having C@rol and Daryl hook up because there’s already too many of us doing it on this show,” says Reedus. “It’s more interesting to see these two damaged people gravitating to each other, needing each other’s friendship. But I gotta admit it would be hysterical watching Daryl put on a bunch of deodorant before he goes in for his first kiss.”
—Norman Reedus; March 23rd, 2012; TV Insider (x)
ETonline: Fans obviously love Daryl and C@rol – will we see any developments in their relationship this week? Does she try to soften his facade?
Reedus: Is she like an emotional roofie? [laughs] It’s there, but I think their bond is so much deeper than “stick your tongue in my mouth.” I like playing that and am glad the writers agree because it’s so awkward when boys meet girls, girls meet boys or boys meet boys, and they want to hook up. But this is a whole different set of uncomfortable rules. They love each other on a different level – it’s not about wanting to get together, it’s more like a sibling relationship. “If you hurt my sister, there’s nowhere you’ll be able to hide.” It’s an impenetrable bond. I know people want them together, but if that happens, I think it’ll be more epic than, “They did it!”
—Norman Reedus; March 29th, 2013; ETonline (x)
“There is a part of me that sees them both when they are with another as sort of a wounded child,” McBride said. “It’s like sometimes I see them when they joke together, or they’re happy together, or they’re sharing smokes together, or arguing together, being nit-picky together. I just see like Daryl could have reverted to that wounded child on the porch at the reunion, and I sometimes I see C@rol the same way, like a little girl almost, younger. […] “I think it is they’re wounded children, really get one another,” McBride said. “I don’t see her becoming a mother to him at all. I see her becoming that wounded friend.”
—Melissa McBride; September 5th, 2017; comic book.com (x) (x)
Though I haven’t watched the show since the beginning of season 8, I’ve picked stuff up from osmosis and basic research. From what I’ve gathered, Carol is on the warpath after her son’s murder, and she also recently left Ezekiel. She’s not in the headspace for a romance.
In addition, Norman has said for years that once Daryl falls in love, that will be it. Daryl loves for life like a wolf or an eagle. And multiple people related to the show have said that Daryl and Beth fell in love, or at the very least were on the brink of a romance. There’s also all of the romantic imagery, tropes, and music related to Bethyl.
“I like playing these awkward moments in between that build relationships. I don’t ever want to play that character that grabs the girl and has my way with her. That’s just not who that character is. If Daryl falls in love with you, he’s going to love you for the rest of his life.”
—Norman Reedus; October 10th, 2013 (X).
“I think if he’s going to zero in on one, it’s going to happen by accident, and he’s not going to be the one zeroing in first. Then he’ll just stay with her. I think he’s like an eagle — once they start flying together, they’ll always fly together.”
– Norman Reedus, Entertainment Weekly’s Sirius radio show; February 10th, 2015 (x) (x)
Thanks to Beth, Daryl closes the book on his past. How will this free him up emotionally now? He’s definitely moving in the right direction now. He’s interesting in that he’s very guarded and very loyal. Once he breaks that wall down with someone, he’s loyal forever. Especially with Beth in this episode: she means a lot to him and took time to get to know him and open up to him and that got him to open up. It created a stronger bond between these two. He still thinks everyone else is dead and has little hope for the future, but Beth gave him a little light at the end of the tunnel and that means a lot to him.
Norman Reedus: The Hollywood Reporter; March 2nd, 2014
Greg Nicotero’s thoughts on Alone at SDCC 2014:
When they pitched Season 4, they were talking about when the prison goes down and having Daryl and Beth be bunkered together. And it’s interesting because I get to see all the cuts and I see all the edits from the director’s cuts onward. And I loved the scene in the kitchen when they’re talking, and I got the sense that Daryl was starting to kind of fall in love with Beth a little.”
Emily’s thoughts on Bethyl for Insider October 2014:
“Last year, I definitely felt like there was a really special connection between Daryl and Beth that happened. My take on it was that there was a very deep growing connection that could become something more romantic or could become just … you know that was my personal understanding of it. I do feel like Beth has opened up to Daryl in a way that she hasn’t with other people and I do feel like Beth has never been really in love even though you’ve seen her with the two different boyfriends. I don’t think she’s ever been like, ‘grownup in love’ in the way that you feel like someone actually understands you and in sort of that special intimate way. And I do feel like she’s been closer to that with Daryl then with anyone else.”
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Emily wrote ‘Last Chance’, a love song about Still, from Beth’s POV. Norman listened to ‘Nervous and Love’ while filming Still. He even wanted it to be the closing song for the episode. Daryl carried Beth’s knife on his person for more than a season, and in a 2018 Q&A, Norman confirmed that Daryl still had it. Bethyl developed into a romantic bond, period, and unless the narrative addresses Daryl’s grief, maybe letting him actually say her name, I don’t think he could move on from her. Daryl loved Beth and always will. No other Daryl-related romantic pairing would feel satisfying and in-character without closure, and even then, any pairing would contradict his monogamous nature.
But again, all my speculation is predicated on the writers having common sense and following through on their established story arcs, character histories, and Easter eggs.
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littlewomenpodcast · 4 years
 write 10 faves from 10 fandoms and tag 10 people.
This is going to be tough! I have been tagged to these things before so I will try not to repeat myself.  Got tagged by @onceuponmystory
1. Luna Lovegood, Quite possibly my favorite female character in Harry Potter books. I love quirky and eccentric people and Luna just has it all.
2. Beast from Beauty and the Beast, I am talking about the beast in the 1991 animation, not that cgi beast filled-with-nothing-but-emotional-coldness in the live-action. Beast in the original animation is a complex character with a full arc (and I love my character arcs). Soulful eyes and fight me...Glen Keane did masterful work making the beast feel pain, love and sorrow without turning him into a joke and even though he is a beast, Keane kept him very human. He might even be the  most human character ever created. 
3. Hector from Coco, I just re-watched Coco.I have only seen it about 30 times but I am just phenomenally found of Hector. Maybe I have some sort of - Jack-Skellington-syndrome. I love his bonding with Miguel.
4. Friedrich Bhaer. Not a surprise for anyone who has been following my blog. I didn´t thought I could love  him more than I already did but after doing all this Alcott-research turned out I was wrong. We really need those adaptations with Friedrich´s backstory and hints about Louisa´s high-level germanophilia. 
Headcanon: with assistant of older Mr Lawrence Tina got to be the flower girl at Jo´s and Friedrich´s wedding. I wand my Bhaer! thy shall have thy Bhaer
5. Meg March. Let´s stick in Little Women. I didn´t like Meg at all when I was younger. I thought she was dull and boring. It seems that every time when I re-read the book again I identify with Meg more. I´v heard other people going through something similar. Maybe this tells something about our own maturity. 
6. Philippa Gordon, Anne of Green Gables. I recently made a post why I adore Philippa. She is so funny and genuinely laugh out loud when I read any chapter where she is in.  I wonder what it is keeping people from adapting Anne´s later years. How many times Anne´s younger years have been adapted. What about Anne in Redmont and Anne and Gil´s house of dreams. 
7. Miss Cornelia, Anne of Green Gables. Cornelia Bryant is another character who makes me laugh out loud. I was talking about this in an Alcott group that Cornelia is like Jo March as an adult AND Cornelia married an eccentric bearded guy!!! I love how devoted she was about women´s right to vote and how she made clothes for the newly-borns when no one else clothed them. Heck Cornelia deserves a film of her own. 
8. Just realized I broke the rules since this is supposed to be about 10 fandoms :D sorry Mattis, from Ronja the robbers´s daughter. How well are you guys acquit-ant with Scandinavian children´s literature. Mattis is Ronja´s father and the king of thieves (story takes place in the middle of a magical forest somewhere in Medieval ancient Sweden). He is feared and powerful and has a temper but when he is Ronja´s dad he is goofy and lovable. I love all the references that the story has to Swedish and Finnish forest folklore. 
9. Kurt Hummel, Glee. Kurt was really the only reason why I started to watch Glee. I loved him and Blaine together. Series did them dirty on the later season which sucked. Considering the time when the show just started running I though he was one of the best lgbtq role-model characters on tv. 
10. Since I already broke the rules what the heck, but seriously NOBODY talks about the side characters in AGG because the later books don´t get adapted. I freaking love Paul Irving. He was Anne´s favorite student for a reason and I kinda want to adopt him. 
I am tagging @shirbert-mileven444 @heroinicyfingers @firstaudrina and who ever wants to do this :D
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nightqueendany · 5 years
The Original Final Season 7 - Preface
Okay guys. I’m still polishing up some of the later episodes, but this whole thing is almost done. And as motivation to make me finish the later episodes and publish them, I’m going to give you Episode 1 today, in a post directly following this one. If you do not see the link just yet, simply refresh this post and I should have put it in place, pending no issues with my Internet connection.
I’ve talked about this A LOT. What follows below and in subsequent weeks (I’m going to make you guys suffer, I’m going to put each episode out weekly) is 1) my explanation for WHY specifically I believe there was an “Original Final Season 7” and also, 2) WHAT I believe that Final Season contained.
NOTE: I will refer to the actual show events of Seasons 7 and 8 as “show canon” and will refer to my speculation as “Original Final Season 7.”
*Disclaimer because I have this weird feeling I’m going to get bombarded with anons asking me for links to “the original scripts” or interviews where this is all mentioned or something:
Alright, now that that’s taken care of, I’m gonna lay this out here for you guys. (Parts of this may get fanficky but whatever, this is what makes the most sense in my mind based on what we’ve got on the table).
(Also note, this series will be really really fucking long because it includes what I *think* the original Season was, and evidence from aired episodes as to why I think that, along with long-winded, detailed descriptions of scenes, etc. Sorry not sorry)
Here is how I went about this speculation to determine what I believe was likely the “Original Final Season 7”:
1) I looked for instances in the series as a whole where plots were never finished OR scenes/lines were either retconned or never paid off  - i.e. Dany’s S2 throne room scene script clearly saying “snow” and in 8x06 it’s now ash - post Emmy script release note: the script may say “snow” but remember, it’s the same day as the attack on the city from 8x05 when it was sunny and super hot outside. Either the script was changed just to make it say “snow” OR it was snow in the 8x06 episode, but D&D literally changed the fucking weather just to make it snowing in Dany’s throne room scene when King’s Landing hasn’t had snow since 7x07. Either way, something was retconned and it’s fucking idiotic and hella obvious.
2) I examined Seasons 7&8 specifically for the same things - scenes/lines never paid off or left unfinished/unexplained, i.e. Yara’s line “somewhere the dead can’t go” when this was never needed because the Night King was defeated in one episode; also all the baby talk between Jon and Dany and Dany never being pregnant in show canon.
3) I looked for instances in the series where a plot was “undone” in a very short span of time. Meaning, something that could have taken seasons upon seasons for buildup but was scrapped or easily deconstructed an episode later or same episode - i.e. Jaime/Brienne finally getting together in 8x04 and Jaime leaving Brienne that same episode; also Theon rescuing Yara from Euron’s ship very easily in 8x01 when she was a captive for most of Season 7.
4) And lastly, I looked for things that have been said/mentioned either in show canon or by cast/staff that ignores something previous that is a contradiction of their words - i.e. Jon pledging to Dany in 7x06 after she already said she would help him and Jon in 8x01 saying he gave up his crown so Dany would come help OR Dan Weiss saying in 7x05 that Dany isn’t mad and isn’t her father and then in S8 naming Dany the “Mad Queen”.
There are many of these instances in the series so it wasn’t hard to map out a rough outline of what I believe the “Original Final Season 7” was.
So, why do I even think there even was an original, final Season 7 outline/possibly even an entire Season of script? Why do I think this a likely possibility rather than me just being a delusional Dany Stan who wanted a different ending for my fave?
Back as early as 2013, after season 3 ended, the number 7 was being thrown around. Seven seasons to finish the series.
[Producer Frank] Doelger said: “[The number of series (seasons)] is being discussed as we speak. The third season was the first half of book three, season four will be the second part of book three. George RR Martin has written books four and five; six and seven are pending....I would hope that, if we all survive, and if the audience stays with us we’ll probably get through to seven seasons.”
Keep in mind, at this same time, D&D had also JUST had their meeting with George about the series endpoints.
“Last year we went out to Santa Fe for a week to sit down with him [Martin] and just talk through where things are going, because we don’t know if we are going to catch up and where exactly that would be. If you know the ending, then you can lay the groundwork for it. And so we want to know how everything ends. We want to be able to set things up. So we just sat down with him and literally went through every character.”
Vanity Fair, March 24th, 2014 (LAST year being spring 2013)
So this meeting on the series conclusion took place right when D&D were just polishing up the scripts for Season 4, before filming began that summer). A year after their meeting with George, (the same 2014 Vanity Fair article), D&D apparently played with the idea of an eighth season, but that could have just been the reporter’s speculation.
In other interviews, they were fairly adamant about 7 being the “magic number.” And back in the very beginning when Dave and Dan first started Thrones, they always said they imagined the series taking 70-75 hours to tell the story - so again, the equivalent of 70 episodes or a normal full 7 Seasons of 10 episodes each).
With the major complaint from both last season and season 8 being that it felt “rushed” however, people may wonder how the hell the series was supposed to conclude after Season 6. However, when you think about it, Season 7 being the final season doesn’t seem that odd if it were originally going to be a regular 10 episode arc. The final two seasons only totaled 13 episodes anyway, so really, it’s just three fewer episodes than in the version that we got. And if some episodes in the final Season 7 were over an hour long, the series as a whole would easily reach that 70-75 hours D&D always talked about.
So, what was the original 10 episode final Season 7 supposed to look like?
Season 7 Episode 1: ?
Season 7 Episode 2: ?
Season 7 Episode 3: ?
Season 7 Episode 4: ?
Season 7 Episode 5: ?
Season 7 Episode 6: ?
Season 7 Episode 7: ?
Season 7 Episode 8: ?
Season 7 Episode 9: ?
Season 7 Episode 10: ?
To figure out the outline of the 10 Episode Final Season, let’s start near the end.
Author George R.R. Martin, whose series of novels forms the basis for Thrones, had revealed to the duo the broad strokes of how his Song of Ice and Fire saga secretly ends, including a description of an epic FINAL BATTLE that’s been teased from the show’s VERY FIRST SCENE. But this climactic confrontation was miles out of reach for a series that cost about $5 million per episode. “We have a very generous budget from HBO, but we know what’s coming down the line and, ultimately, it’s not generous enough,” Benioff said.
When Entertainment Weekly interviewed D&D back during the filming of Season 3, D&D made it sound like George had planned only ONE final battle - the battle between the living and the dead. Not two battles, one with the living against the dead and another later battle with the living against the living. Just ONE.
(Also should note, this says the FINAL BATTLE was teased from the show’s FIRST scene, which contained the White Walkers but not Daenerys. Daenerys didn’t even appear in the episode until sometime much later meaning the “epic final battle” was about the White Walkers, not Dany burning down King’s Landing as we got in show canon).
Both the books and the show begin by showing the audience the threat beyond the Wall. This is the main threat. This is the main event. The Game of Thrones doesn’t matter and is a distraction for both the audience and the characters. In GRRM’s original outline, he explicitly says that the greatest threat to the realm of Westeros is the Others and that there will be one final battle.
So this was our original “Episode 9”. Literally and figuratively. Episode 9 is always supposed to be the episode where the craziest thing happens in the entire season - Ned’s death, Battle of Blackwater, Red Wedding, Battle at Castle Black, Dany flying away on Drogon from the fighting pits of Meereen, Battle of the Bastards.
The only exception to this could be argued to be Season 5 as Jon Snow is killed in Episode 10, not episode 9. However, the change in structure of the season was probably the biggest clue to the audience that Jon wasn’t going to stay dead, as they had never ended a season on a cliffhanger of the death of a major character. We’ve always been given one more episode afterward to process said character’s death.
If Jon were going to die and stay dead, he would have died in Season 5 Episode 9, because of this pattern: Season 1 Episode 9 - Stark death (Ned). Season 2 Episode 9 - Battle (Blackwater). Season 3 Episode 9 - Stark death (Robb). Season 4 Episode 9 - Battle (Castle Black). Season 5 Episode 9 - no Stark death (where there should have been - and a Battle was in Episode 8 - Hardhome). Season 6 Episode 9 makes up for the flaw in the pattern where we get a Battle and a Stark death (Rickon).
Ergo, based on George’s original outline, D&D’s previous statements about George’s plan, and the pattern, 7x09 was the original Battle for the Dawn. So that’s what I’ll call this episode.
Season 7 Episode 1: ?
Season 7 Episode 2: ?
Season 7 Episode 3: ?
Season 7 Episode 4: ?
Season 7 Episode 5: ?
Season 7 Episode 6: ?
Season 7 Episode 7: ?
Season 7 Episode 8: ?
Season 7 Episode 9: The Battle For The Dawn
Season 7 Episode 10: ?
I don’t want to give the entire season away just yet, as I’ll be posting each episode in full detail, but I will fill in one more “event” from the outline above.
In the 7x06 Inside the Episode, David Benioff said something that I’ve always found very interesting.
“The whole path of the show, in some way, had been trying to map out all the episode endpoints and with this one, it was the dragon opening its blue eye. And realizing that the Night King has finally gotten his own weapon of mass destruction.”
This statement really made me think because a) it tells us how D&D planned the series - mapping everything out by episode endpoints. And b) Benioff doesn’t say “the ending of the penultimate episode of Season 7.” He just says, “this one.” So this tells me, if anything, D&D had always planned to kill Viserion and have the Night King raise him as his mount. BUT it also tells me this was always meant to happen in 7x06, regardless of when Season 7 ended….either at an Episode 7 or an Episode 10.
Season 7 Episode 1: ?
Season 7 Episode 2: ?
Season 7 Episode 3: ?
Season 7 Episode 4: ?
Season 7 Episode 5: ?
Season 7 Episode 6: ends with Wight!Viserion opening his blue eye
Season 7 Episode 7: ?
Season 7 Episode 8: ?
Season 7 Episode 9: The Battle For The Dawn
Season 7 Episode 10: ?
So what does each episode of the “Original Final Season 7″ look like? The following posts will be my rendering of a final, ten-episode Season 7 with explanations as to why certain events happen and why they’re likely based on the show canon, Seasons 7 and 8.
Without further adieu, here is what I believe to be the Original Final Season 7:
(Links to come weekly as I post each Episode, if link does not work immediately, just refresh a few times until it does. Two episodes today as Episode 1 is very short and familiar, Episode 3 next Tuesday!)
Original Final Season 7: Preface Post (Current Episode)
Season 7 Episode 1: Family, Duty, Honor
Season 7 Episode 2: Greywater Watch
Season 7 Episode 3: The Last of the Dragons
Season 7 Episode 4: Dragonglass
Season 7 Episode 5: The Storm
Season 7 Episode 6: Summerhall 
Season 7 Episode 7: A City Fit For A King
Season 7 Episode 8: Protectors of the Realm
Season 7 Episode 9: The Battle For The Dawn
Season 7 Episode 10: ?
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naruhearts · 5 years
14x11 Thoughts, Destiel, & 10x09
(copy-paste from Twitter) 
- - - -
So I finally got around to watching this week’s ep — the whole thing — and it was...okay. I don’t think it packed super good characteristic/emotional punches like we’ve seen in recent weeks but it definitely spoke to Dean’s long-running low depressive self-worth (and ever-increasing queer Dean subtext via Michael’s closet!box and 14x10 closet!mind).
What stood out to me was the absence of Cas: no mention of him or Jack. And I don’t know if I should take that as solid or sloppy negative space placement by Perez or what, but there were callbacks/reduxes to Dean’s MoC arc — specifically 10x09.
Interestingly, it seemed like the infamous D/C burger date was reflected by Dean and Donna the Dean mirror’s burger meetup, with both scenarios unfolding in the same narrative context of Dean’s self-sacrificial worthlessness-induced Bad Decisions™ that altogether served as some kind of contrast for platonic vs familial vs romantic interpersonal dynamics.
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In 10x09 Sam was also deceived by his brother — observe the visual Dark vs Light difference of both settings — in that Dean obviously wasn’t fine but he still cooked for him (he cooks with Mary in 14x11 as well)/successfully tricked Sam into thinking all is well. Afterwards, Dean went on his heavily Dabb romance-coded burger date with Cas.
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In sombre-coloured 14x11 Sam knew Dean was visibly off, whereas Cas is...nowhere to be heard, seen, found. Dean doesn’t mention him at all either, and again I don’t know if that was just some weird lapse in writing consistency, but Perez probably intended to convey the primary negative space: that Dean can be stopped by his lover-coded best friend Cas who, indeed, won’t talk Dean out of his plan like Sam can, but would drill through the box and metaphorically/literally yank Dean out — grip him tight and raise him again from proverbial Perdition (Dean’s metaphorical/literal burial directly ties back to Lazarus Rising, and well, this is what cyclic S14’s thematically highlighted generally all season so far: the old beginning and new beginning of Dean’s first rebirth) aka Dean knew that Cas, like in 10x09, would call him out on his bluff asap. Dean knew that Cas saying “No, you’re not [fine]” could break his free resolve to go through with his self-punishing World Saving scheme.
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Dean knows that Cas finding out would stop him in his tracks, because he can’t bear to feel like he’s failing him, but that’s the rub of the episode’s characteristic premise isn’t it? Dean’s Hiding-to-Protect-My-Family is paradoxically counterproductive - he’s failing them, and he’s always internalized that saying goodbye before marching off to his own death isn’t a commonality but a rarity. He almost got away with not telling Sam, and we’ll see how Cas finds out next ep (Sam’s “secret sick farewell tour” comment was accurate). I mean, these are the only logical points I can think of in terms of almost unequivocally Cas-less dialogue (seriously, where’d he go?) UNLESS, like I said above, Dean’s deliberately and consciously holding back (voila, repressing feelings and words) from bringing Cas to his own awareness so that he has an uninterrupted burial go-ahead.
***Recall that in S10 Cas was unable to follow through with Dean’s intimately-confided wish for Cas to kill him as soon as he fell MoC darkside, anyway. In fact, Dean excluding Cas entirely from his conscious functioning may be his Operation: Burial failsafe to protect his family — to protect Cas — from what could become the 10x22-reminiscent line of Michael’s fire. Yet Cas shall remain by his side. Forever, if need be, precisely because “everyone you know, everyone you love? They could be long dead. Everyone except me.” I’ll-Go-With-You Cas is the one Dean absolutely trusts.
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And when Perez relays the Who Am I-linked thematic question of How Are You? Dean says:
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(Sigh. This is why you must ‘die’, Dean. Break the remaining shackles of miscommunication and performativity that hinder you from TALKING ABOUT IT, from OPENING UP ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU’VE ALWAYS AVOIDED TALKING ABOUT ESPECIALLY ON THE LOVE AND...LOVE FRONT.)
What I really enjoyed were the overt naked cowboy beefcake posters in Donna’s shed that evoked Dean’s subtextual preference for dark-haired thick-bodied male cowboys a la 13x06 Cas etc. Those men?! Yep, they’re exactly your type too, Dean. Just last episode we observed the biggest Repressed Gay Hits of Dean’s subconscious/Michael’s dream construct, poised to nudge at the walls of text. Here, Dean got, uh, pretty distracted for a few seconds until he remembered that he had to “die” (literally locking himself up in his closet!box with naked Cas-representative men surrounding him and oh boy more 4x01 sparks flew during the closet!box building process: meta in meta) but I digress—
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Overall 14x11 isn’t one of my faves. Dean basically revealed, more or less, what was in Billie’s Single Win endgame book, and it seemingly overhauled the very notion of Free Will and blank slates that Dean (and TFW) always embodied x. It felt disjointed in certain respects, and I hated that Donna and Mary were DiDs (come on, TPTB, get past the damselized misogyny, in all its veiled and obvious forms). Personally heart-wrenching to me though was Dean’s one-on-one time with Mary (he belittled his cooking abilities by claiming he’s a “terrible cook” *hello low self-worth*) — including his grief-tinged bologna & cheese Winchester Surprise story that almost segued into angry John memories — despite it falling short by missing the mark for true expositional discussion between them re: Dean’s actual feelings (no substantial emotive breakthrough. But yeah, I guess it should make sense that Dean’s regressed to toxic depressive behaviours and maladaptive secrecy before he metaphorically “dies” and is resurrected again).
Rating: 5/10. 6/10 if I’m being generous.
p.s. Donna was trying to ask Dean how he is, but Dean deflected during their burger outing (“Everybody keeps asking me how I am”) —> contrast to Cas seeing through Dean’s walls during burger date. And it’s intriguing that Doug comes up in conversation; her split with Doug — who couldn’t integrate into or commit with Donna’s hunting life — still affects her. It’s as if Dean’s ‘splitting up’ with Cas, which, he technically is (temporarily).
I’m sure I might have more thoughts on 14x11 later on, but this is the gist of my summary for now. Feel free to throw your thoughts around, peeps!!
And by the way, 14x12 promo has Cas saying “Stop with your suicidal plans” to whom I’m assuming is Dean. I just hope next week explains what happened to 14x11’s narrative cohesiveness at least :P
Now I’d like to call on @coinofstone‘s symbolic analysis of the books Dean chose for coffin-building :D 
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