#making and then watching this was therapeutic tbh
Thinking about disabled AK!Jason tonite with a disabled s/o
Let's be fr this man could/should be an ambulatory wheelchair user but he won't because he doesn't know that's a thing and wouldn't think he deserved it. If you're an ambulatory wheelchair user maybe one day you manage to lovingly bully him into just TRYING it and it is life changing
He uses his ambulatory energy to do Red Hood shit nbd
if he doesn't use a wheelchair he's got at least 2 braces--shoulder and knee
Baby has chronic pain, arthritis, chronic migraines from being beaten
Missing some teeth too
take this boy to your neuro or your ortho!!!! he is totally unaware he does not need to live like this. better living through chemistry
let's get him some therapy too
you WILL have to go to his drs appointments with him. mans WILL freak the fuck out for ANY medical procedure, has very serious medical abuse trauma. if he can see how your drs help you he is much more likely to go if he can see that you are benefiting from your providers and that they haven't harmed you
if you're scared of drs he will FULLY stand behind you. probably not that healthy tbh but he gets it
having a special Migraine Protocol for each of you (it's basically just a snack and a drink, blue light filter glasses, a sleep mask with headphones for that special Migraine Playlist)
make your own pain scales and talk through frequency of pain bc when you have constant or near constant pain it fucks up your ability to quantify it so making your own pain scale is helpful (he probably uses shakespeare plays or authors. like a 5 for jason is twilight, because you can see some problems but it's fun and fluffy but when you start looking closer OH NO SO MANY PROBLEMS)
pain meters on a wall near the kitchen so you can know what you're working with
CBD patches
the AK suit is basically a giant brace/mobility aid so you help him figure out how to adapt it for his red hood persona, how to make it lighter and allow for greater ROM
will remind you to do physical therapy
resistance bands ALL OVER THE HOUSE
learning bodywork techniques
AT LEAST once a week using a special oil or lotion to work into some of his bigger scars to make the tissue more mobile
giving him a back/neck/scalp/face massage
after a while obvi that's a lot of trust he's putting in you
NOT deep tissue. don't hurt him more. you can have effective therapeutic massage without hurting a person
trager work involves basically shaking a limb and letting the weight of the muscle do all the work but it feels weird the first time and he'd just start laughing at you
specially if you do his glutes
but it feels really nice so he stops laughing and it does help his lower body pain
putting magnesium lotion on each other's neck and shoulders
start to ask each other "are you angry or in pain?"
hand massages
teaching him to stop pushing through the pain
one of his knees is basically bone on bone so you always know when the weather is changing
if u both have bad knees u just don't even when the weather is changing. take some pain meds, use your topical pain reliever of choice, prop those joints up and snuggle in bed. watch a youtube series or he can read to you
heated blankets as heating pads supremacy
occasionally he'll be in pain and the kind of pain where you feel like you're going insane, so as a distraction he will go online and buy a bunch of weird pain-relieving gadgets and you'll spend a week trying them out
(sometimes his pain fog shopping spree is blind boxes, or nail polish, or statement shirts)
all of his siblings know to come to your place if they get beat tf up because your medicine cabinet is UNreal
you're about to give cass or steph a Controlled Substance Pain Reliever and you pause "this is technically drug dealing, isn't it? dOn'T teLL rEd hOOD" jason is literally patching them up right next to you
soft blankets
reminding each other it's ok to take it slow
he's constantly tearing into the other rogues for not having ADA accessible lairs (except Ivy who successfully argued that the plants make it ADA accessible which will do. FOR NOW.)
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lvrcpid · 1 year
headcannons ii - modern!au
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— he was the type of kid who did the lemonade stands as a kid, backwards e and all.
— his led lights are always set to white. he doesn’t even use the light in his room
— he definitely goes trick or treating still. no matter the fact he’s almost 6 foot. he’s gonna get him some free candy
— speaking of candy, his favorite candy is..TWIZZLERS 🤢
— if there’s one thing neteyam will do, he gonna take a deep sigh like he a stressed father of 5
— he has his caps lock on 😟
— such a mommas boy
— ‘you need help ma?’ ‘i can pick her up for you ma’
— idc what y’all say him and jake ARENT THAT CLOSE
— nete def strays away from jakes old veteran ass but the first one to use his military discount anywhere they go 💀 he’s so me
— that boy loves him some the weeknd
— die for you is his favorite song
— the type to literally hit you while laughing
— he’s always in some sort of pain
— ‘my back hurt’ ‘my ankle hurts’
— he was the type of kid who got caught with kik at age 12
— when he finally got his car, he got a dent in it not even an hour later
— he thinks those a.i president videos are top tier comedy
— his closet is where he records his raps 💀
— neytiri has to FIGHT with him to make him wash his favorite hoodie
— under his bed is literally comparable to a landfill. ITS SO DIRTY UNDER THERE
— when he was a kid, he ran into a wall and knocked his two front teeth out
— something tells me lo’ak is a fast eater like you could blink and his plate is CLEAR
— jake made him join jrotc 💀
— she’s def a morning person
— you can find her in her room mediating or doing yoga
— very in touch with her higher self
— she’s given herself a lot of stick and poke tattoos
— her favorite one is a heart on her finger
— shoes? hell no. crocs and slippers.
— funniest person in the family hands down
— she actually enjoys cleaning, it’s therapeutic
— the type to make twitter stans mad on purpose
— has way too much blackmail on everyone in the family
— she probably can’t dance tbh shed rather watch
— gives the MEANEST side eye to people
— he has facial hair (teehee)
— he probably was the type to go “boi 🫱🏽” in middle school
— he smells like irish spring ¿
— big big big sneaker head
— ‘where my hug at’ AONUNG GO TO HELL
— got that stiff athletes walk to him
— something tells me he has a letterman jacket with ‘A’ on it
— he definitely needs his license taken away. he has three tickets already
— speaking of license, his picture is his rizz. he looks so pretty in his picture
— poor baby hates eye contact, it makes him nervous
— he’s so fruity. talking bout some “POOKIE 😆”
— he’s a beast at mini golf
— da hood is his favorite roblox game. he definitely gets annoying and tells people to mic up
— she actually believes in the tarot readings on her fyp
— she’s confident. not cocky.
— she can whoop ass. PRAY WITH HER DONT PLAY W HER
— she wants to dye her hair but she’s so scared
— she got a tattoo of a heart behind her ear behind her parents backs
— my girl loves her some astrology
— ‘WHATS YOUR RISING??’ ‘tsireya get the hell out of my room’
— she has a pet kitten named wiggles
— her lock screen is of her , lo’ak and wiggles
— she loves oreos
— her and the sims locked IN
— she’s spent at least 500 dollars on packages for the game
— she wears glasses but never wears them so she’s always squinting
— she’s a concert junkie. she’s been to almost every single nct concert she could attend
— ‘lo’ak let’s get matching silk presses’
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olive-fics · 8 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨-Harvest of Hearts-Abby Anderson Headcanons-୧ ⋆ ˚。⋆
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I'm sorry I can't help myself with October and my Abby Anderson head-canons tbh..hdsfkjhf
- Also this makes up for the fact I wont be doing KinkTober -`♡´-
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-October held a special place in Abby's heart; it was her absolute favorite time of the year. She adored the crisp autumn air, the rich tapestry of colors that painted the landscape, and above all else, the enchanting magic of Halloween.
-Abby cherished the moments she spent with you, her girlfriend, in your shared love for autumn. Some of her most treasured activities with you included Pumpkin Patch Dates, Haunted House adventures, Apple Picking, cozy Movie Marathons, and dreamy nights of stargazing.
Pumpkin Patch Date: Abby would insist on an early start, knowing that the morning sun cast a warm, golden glow over the pumpkin patch. It was the best time to choose the healthiest and most vibrant pumpkins for carving.
-As you would wander through the pumpkin patch, she'd giggle affectionately when you picked out pumpkins with quirky shapes, unusual spots, or even ones with multicolored splotches.
-She'd suggest taking polaroid photos of each other holding the chosen pumpkins, capturing your smiles and the sunlight filtering through the leaves from the mostly barren trees.
Haunted Houses: Haunted houses held a special place in Abby's heart, and the anticipation built throughout the year was her favorite. It wasn't merely the chilling thrills or the eerie ambiance that drew her in; what excited her the most was seeing your scared face and when you clung onto her after someone in a cheesy mask jumped out at you two.
-To comfort you Abby would let you squeeze her hand and she would do the thing where she rubs her thumb over your fingers. Her touch was not just comforting but almost therapeutic, she made sure you were okay throughout the house with soft pecks and giggles.
-When startled by actors in costume, Abby wouldn't just scream, she'd also burst into laughter, turning the scares into a shared joke between you two.
Apple Picking: Abby fucking loves apples, there's no way. Abby's excitement for apple picking was contagious, and she wanted to ensure that your day in the orchard was nothing short of perfect. She'd insist on an early morning start, well before the orchard's gates opened to the public. It wasn't just about the freshness of the apples; it was about the serene ambiance of the early hours, the gentle sunlight filtering through the trees, and the crispness in the air that made it the ideal time for picking.
-Abby would gently coax you into parting your lips as she playfully stuffed the apple into your mouth making you share one with her, giggling.
-Abby paid close attention to your preferences, and if you had a specific type of apple you favored, she'd make it her mission to seek out and handpick only those varieties
Movie Marathons: Abby made sure to remember your preferences on scary movies so she could make a list to watch with you..
-The couch or bed would be adorned with a multitude of plush pillows and a couple of cozy blankets for you both to snuggle into. Abby had a way of making you feel at ease, she often became your preferred pillow since you got easily scared at these movies..
-Abby held you even closer, her arm wrapped protectively around your shoulders. She made sure to comfort you when you shook or gasped. Abby's grip would tighten briefly, as if to say, "I'm here", and "I've got you hon."
-If you fell asleep during the movies she wouldn't even be disappointed because she knew you were like this when all snuggled up and cozy..
Stargazing: Abby would lay out blankets on the grass, creating a cozy nest for both of you to snuggle into. The softness of the blankets and the warmth of her presence was all you needed.
Abby would hold you close kissing your forehead and whispering soft compliments and sighs.
Sometimes if it was damp out Abby would set up blankets and pillows just like she would in the fields and do it in the 'bed' of her pickup truck..
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Okay this was really lazy, I have a headache and I need to write smth about mechanic Ellie (?)
I love Abby and October so I needed to write my fav head-cannons.. There's probably a bunch of spelling errors but..whateverr...
Okay bye bye!! -`♡´-
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lyney-s-bitch · 11 months
a/n: surpriseee (not so much but shh), once more dedicated to @sugarkage😌♥️
Nagi Seishiro - spicy hcs || 18+
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• Nagi is definitely a switch - he’s neither particularly dominant nor particularly submissive, he’s just lazy but also needy af, so it all comes down to his current mood
• he will fully expect and demand for you to "spoil" him, but it’s not like he would ask you to do anything for him specifically - he merely loves watching you use his body for your own pleasure, that’s all he wants and needs
• so yes, you will have to be the one to take the initiative most of the time, but once you get him riled up enough, he will definitely help you and himself out
• if he’s feeling a bit mean though, he will cross his arms behind his head and not lift a finger, only watching attentively as you struggle on top of him, his eyes half-lidded and hair even messier than usual
• "So so pretty…" is what he mumbles almost to himself, his hands ghosting along your sides before gripping your ass, giving it a tight squeeze before growling "More… need more, princess"
• by now your legs are probably close to giving out, and he will most likely push you to that exact limit before finally taking over, complaining about it being such a hassle
• his body, however, tells a very different story: he’s breathing heavily, trembling ever so slightly from both excitement and pleasure, his voice low and practically dripping with lust (btw unless you tell him, he is absolutely oblivious to the effect it has on you… he will notice but he won’t be able to pinpoint why you squirmed like that all of a sudden)
• Nagi adores your boobs; not only in a dirty way though, he just loves using them as pillow (or as hand-warmers if needed, even in public, he dgaf) and burying his face in them - it’s definitely a plus for him if you’re more on the cushiony side, but not a necessity
• he neither puts any effort into dirty talking, nor into holding back anything - everything he says and all the noises he makes express exactly what he thinks/feels in that very moment (which makes it even hotter tbh)
• he is a total sucker for cockwarming, especially while the two of you are gaming; it will probably end up turning into a competition in itself, making it a matter of who can make the other lose focus first
• if he’s the only one gaming though and you‘re the one feeling needy and going up to him, he will allow you to help yourself and just take him in for a bit, telling you "I’m almost done with this round princess, I’ll take good care of you after, 'kay?"
• if you’re being a good girl, he will reward you by giving you exactly what you’ve been craving once he’s done, but if you keep moving around and distracting him… you’re on your own after LOL
• even if you apologize and assure him you’ll behave, he will literally pull out and tell you to finish yourself, going back to his game and even ignoring his own hard-on for the time being
• so yeah don’t test him too much, he usually has nearly zero tolerance for being teased lmao
• oh, but have I mentioned yet that he kinda enjoys eating you out? yes, he is lazy and can’t be bothered with most things, but it’s borderline therapeutic for him to just bury his head between your thighs, especially after a long day
• I feel like he’s just naturally good at it, just like with soccer - has no clue what he’s doing but it works, clueless genius (it’s almost frustrating, really)
• as you might’ve guessed though… that by far doesn’t mean he’ll always put effort into it - more often than not he’ll just go at it for a bit before literally dozing off between your legs, it’s kinda cute but also hella frustrating (for obvious reasons), but if you end up dozing off too, you might just get woken up to a nice surprise
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
When Dream gets out of his prison, he tries to find Hob only to discover he has been missing from the human realm for decades. Dream cannot find a trace of him. Until finally he attends a gala in the fae realm and is shocked to discover him there, sitting on the lap of king Oberon himself. It turns out the king and queen have acquired a new plaything.
Hob is being alternatively teased and sent to dance with other enthralled humans for the fae’s amusement. Indignant, Dream yanks him free from the dance and calls his name, but Hob looks past him with no recognition, as if Dream is a total stranger. There is no sign of his usual spark. He looks tired, malnourished, as if his life is being slowly drained away.
Dream demands his freedom, but Oberon and Titania just laugh. They inform Dream that his claim on Hob long since faded and they have no intention of letting Hob go.
Finally, Titania offers a cruel bargain. Hob may choose who he’d like to belong to. First, Dream and the rest of the fae will watch as she and Oberon fuck him, right there in the middle of the ballroom. They have an hour to do whatever they want to him. And then, Dream will have an hour to do the same. Whoever makes him come the most times will get to keep Hob. If Dream doesn’t agree, he knows he will never see Hob again.
Gritting his teeth, Dream agrees. Then he’s forced to sit and watch them tear off Hob’s clothes and push him to the ground. He’s mindlessly enchanted, and he cries as Titania sits on his face and Oberon pounds into him. They wring orgasms from him, without relenting. He’s made to beg on his knees, spanked and degraded and laughed at and it only seems to make him come harder. By the end, he is covered in scratches and bites, hickeys and bruises, and he’s glassy-eyed and mindless with want.
Dream alone doesn’t jeer or laugh. He is no longer sure what will remain of his friend when they are done. Perhaps he is too far gone. Perhaps he will never be the same.
When it is his turn, Dream kneels down beside Hob. He touches him softly, stroking his hair back from that dear face. First, Dream kisses each bruise tenderly until a healthy flush begins to rise under Hob’s skin. And then, he eases between his thighs, parts his cheeks and teases him open with his tongue. Soon, Hob is mewling with pleasure, not the same desperate, unhinged lust from before. When Dream has him, he goes slow and deep and starts whispering all the things he’s been wanting to tell Hob. That he is beautiful. That Dream has thought of him often. That Dream has seen the best and worst of him through his sleeping mind. That he is such a good slut, and that he has nothing to fear. That he deserves to be cared for. Hob looks at him and for the first time there is a distant spark of recognition. Dream hopes he is not imagining it.
By the time the hour is up, Dream has beaten the king and queen at their own game. Victorious, he scoops Hob up in his arms and takes him away to sleep off the decades of enchantment. He has no idea how Hob will greet him when he wakes up… But he know what he hopes for.
Hob definitely has the vibes of a guy who would get kidnapped by the fae. I'd be surprised if it hasn't happened to him tbh.
Poor Dream can't believe what he's seeing. He came to the gala to relax, and now all he can look at is Hob being touched and fondled by the faerie king. It's pretty traumatic for Dream to see his friend imprisoned by magic, after everything he's been through. But also it might be therapeutic for him to rescue Hob from this whole situation, right? Anyway, he's got to do SOMETHING.
At first Titania and Oberon offer him the opportunity to share Hob with them (just for the night), but Dream refuses. And so The Oldest Game (Orgasm Style) begins. Poor Hob is reduced to a puddle on the floor, surrounded by jeering fae and constantly brought to his peak again and again. His body is dripping sweat as he's used, and even though he seems to physically enjoy every cruel touch or smack, his eyes are very far away. When the fae royalty have finished with him he slumps on the ground, exhausted and barely recognisable. A man who's at his limit.
Dream doesn't know if he even has the power to help Hob, but he has to try. He kisses him sweetly (much to Oberon and Titania's great amusement), and holds Hob’s exhausted body against his chest. Dream finds his sweetest and kindest words from deep down in his heart, and pours them into Hob’s ear like honey. With soft touches to his genitals, and coaxing whispers about how beautiful he is when he cums, Dream draws more and more orgasms from his dear friend. Even the fae are impressed.
At last, Dream is allowed to leave freely with Hob bundled up in his arms. He hurries to the dreaming and ensconces Hob in the warmest, softest place in the whole realm. Hob needs to sleep off the terrible things he's endured, and Dream honestly needs a minute to take the equivalent of a cold shower. Talking Hob through multiple climaxes has made him so fucking horny.
When Hob wakes up and the enchantment properly breaks, he's mostly just mad that now he'll have to start a whole new life with a new identity. He doesn't remember much of his time with the fae, but he does remember that Dream came to save him... he blushes scarlet as he realises that his oldest friend made him cum so many times, and he never even got to reciprocate! It's so frustrating.
He quickly starts trying to adjust to his new life and the changes that have happened while he was gone. But he constantly wonders how he could get Dream to come and visit him in the real world. He's got a lot of thank yous to say...
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kyber-crystal · 2 years
my little love || jake “hangman” seresin
summary: headcanons of what it would be like with hangman taking care of your kid :) and slowly falling for each other in the process. requested by @newlibrary​ !
words: ~no clue
warnings: brief mentions of angst, relationships, but for the most part this is fluff
a/n: i sobbed reading this request i love this sm and i’m so sorry it took me so long to answer
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when you first met hangman he was drunk off his ass
you’re busy talking to penny when your son (let’s call him max) says “mommy look at that man” and there he is, slumped over by the bar
you immediately hit it off
so you’re talking and hangman asks you “who’s the kid”, you say he’s yours and like. he just goes !!!. because he can see so much of you in that little boy and it makes him melt
you’d split from your husband of four years last year, but tbh the relationship was doomed from the start — you tried to be forgiving but after a certain point you couldn’t turn back, so you split, taking max with you
you end up talking all night and giving hangman advil for his killer headache. oops. someone needed to keep him in check yk
from then on you become close friends and he comes to visit you pretty much every chance he gets
usually, that’s in the evenings after he’s done with daily training
you know he’s here when max starts smiling and babbling about “mr. hangman”
as soon as max sees him he reaches his arms out and hangman scoops him up into his arms. it’s the cutest. fucking. thing. ever. & he spins max around and around as he continues letting out laughs of pure delight and jesus christ it makes your heart burst.
one night penny has let you off early (”you deserve a break. i’ll watch max for you, so go relax for a bit” — she did have to force you to rest lol.) and you’re sitting next to hangman in a booth, sharing a milkshake
the subject of your ex comes up and he notices the pained look in your eyes when you talk about him
“max will sometimes ask me ‘where’s daddy?’ and i never know how to answer. i’m afraid i’ll never find one...and by the time he’s old enough to understand, what if he hates me for it? i’m doing everything i can, but...”
“i know you are. and you’re an incredible person for doing what you do. max knows it, and so do i. trust me. that kid loves you so much; don’t ever doubt yourself”
"thank you”
the night grows longer and you keep talking and talking and it’s the most therapeutic thing ever
at one point max comes waddling over. but instead of coming to you he climbs up into hangman’s lap, rests his head against his chest and falls asleep. right on the spot
“i think max believes you’re his dad,” you said as you watched him sleep. there’s a smile on hangman’s face at this
“i wouldn’t mind that”
then you and him lock eyes and you’re silent for what feels like forever. it got so quiet that you thought he could hear your heart beating super fast...
ahaha i’m screwed, you think: you tell yourself you can’t fall for him. you’re busy. hangman’s busy. and you’re still trying to heal — you have a child, and you need to put him first above all else
but what if hangman was the key to said healing? he was always there for you when you needed him and gave max something to look forward to every day. the kid was smiling more often than he used to, and that said a lot
one day the top gun class was playing beach football. max points at the window and says “mr hangman!”
he doesn’t talk a lot. but this was one of the phrases he said the most
you’re busy getting supplies from the storage room, so you don’t notice him when he toddles out the back door and onto the beach — he also wanted to join in on the fun
hangman immediately drops what he’s doing and kneels down to the kid’s eye level
everyone else is confused bc they’ve never seen this toddler before so who’s kid is this tf???
“jake, don’t make him cry or i’ll kill you” — phoenix doesn’t know who this kid is nor where he came from but she right away goes into protective aunt mode
“don’t worry. i got this”
and so he puts the kid on his shoulders and starts introducing him to everyone
“there’s your uncle bob!” bob offers the kid a tiny fist bump
“and there’s uncle payback, coyote, and fanboy”
“and here’s your aunt phoenix” and like
phoenix hates kids. can’t stand them. but as soon as she sees this kid she changes her mind. she’s in love
i mean everyone is. they can’t help it. nobody can
“and over there is uncle chicken!”
“uncle chicken!” he repeats
“and there’s grandpa mav”
“why am i the only grandpa???” maverick questions but he can’t hold back his laugh
you’re worried sick at this point and have been looking for him all over the hard deck
but then you come outside and see your son being carried around on the shoulders by hangman, who’s making airplane noises and pretending he’s flying him around in an f-18. the man is DEDICATED
seeing everyone flock around your kid and shower him with love makes you feel whole again
like it’s this feeling you’ve been trying to find for ages and you’ve finally felt it and it’s so gratifying 
“there’s my second favorite person!” hangman smiled at you 
you’re like wtf 
and he’s like “max is my first favorite, of course. you’re a close second”
“oh! this little one’s yours?” phoenix asked and you’re like yup he sure is
“okay i’m stealing him he’s too cute. he’s mine now”
i 10000% believe everyone in top gun gets severe baby fever after meeting max and it’s so funny because nobody ever thought they’d act like this. but yk. 
and then hangman hands your son over to phoenix, who looks completely starstruck : ‘)
“if you’re off work now, i’d like to ask you on a date”
you wait a few seconds to watch him panic for a bit loll
and then you say yes obviously
he’s internally freaking out, but on the outside he just laughs and smiles 
“alright, 7:00 tonight”
you got together officially by the end of that dinner date
and then maybe less than a year later you get engaged by the beach (the same spot where you all played football). hangman got max to help him propose and it was adorable
dude and everyone is fucking sobbing at the wedding
(i’m pretty sure phoenix cries harder than everyone else)
oh and don’t get me started on when you name her the godmother weeks after you and hangman get married
she’s a mess but she couldn’t be prouder
now she’s known as the world’s coolest aunt. duh
and you couldn’t be happier
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tags, including people who may be interested: @totomoshi​ @sarcastic-sourwolf​ @sebastianstangirl01​ @altheadarling​ @ellabellabus07​ @hay-9105​ @purelyfiction​ @93joons​ @criminalyetminimal​ @yeehawnana​ @lunamoonbby​ @hazelgirl355​ @multifandom-fangirl4​ @paintballkid711​ @lyn-lc​ @whatlovegattado​ @azari-anna​ @thelifeofthelifeofme​ @lets-be-gay-for-the-angel​ @quivvyintheclouds @phoenixhalliwell @winteryoungie @mychoso @lt-b-rooster-bradshaw​ @jenny-riversmith​ @krisitzeneva​ @daethsticks​ @sithwidow​ @rosie-posie1313​ @sadpetalsstuff​ @glossydi0r​ @i-simp-much​ @hay-9105​ @meeeeees-stuff​ @sweetdayme4427​ @unicornlover92​ @intrxde​ @rhiannon-russo​ @dolce-clout​ @theghost1345​ @baby-girl-e​ @greatbigshiningstar​ @joyfulbookreviewmarvelspy
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darlingpwease · 10 months
It would be funny if the system did allow reader to become Shang Qinghua disciple and make him a father figure to them as a little treat for being the author.
Shang Qinghua would be a father who will spoil reader. Bonus points reader knows some memes because Shang Qinghua taught them.
Reader probably doesn’t take him seriously at times but is protective of him.
Reader: He may be an idiot but he’s my idiot.
Shen Yuan is probably smacking his fan at Shang Qinghua for this (or perhaps he’s jealous because reader won’t be his disciple like he expected)
shang qinghua is my lil meow meow<33 deserves to be called daddy tbh he is the author after all /hj /affectionate
creator's favourite<3
reader: wow hehe silly guy who thinks he's my dad... I love it in shifus.
♡ unhealthy behaviour, pet names, mention of violence, adoptive family themes, parent/child dynamic (and some pinning from shen yuan but you can treat it as you want); drabble + headcanons
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But more seriously, SHANG QINGHUA actually looks like someone who will be a good father to his cute little darling sweetest summer baby boo that he sometimes just wants to put in a box and shake or put in the palm of his hand and watch with wet eyes, trembling.
He was doing research... And it's normal for men to get carried away with cute things... And gosh — who can say that you are his favorite character and no one can be your fan even more than he is?
(one may try to compete, but he prefers to ignore the existence of Cucumber Bro, although he admits that in some things he has a taste, especially with this cute art, similar to how he represented you, as his pfp.)
(he also puts your art on his pfp, because no one else can be your big fan.)
It's not that you are described in any way at all or look especially against the background of other characters — apart from the fact that he may be too self-indulgent when he describes you as candy for eyes whenever you appear, as if you are a character from a much better story, but what can he do??? — and your backstory may look like one of those that he created for a long time and thoughtfully, as if connecting the pieces of a puzzle, putting his mind, heart and hours into you that he could have spent sleeping instead, but!
He doesn't regret it.
Even in the morning, when he slept for only two or three hours, he does not regret that for just a few hours he said to himself, "it's okay, it's okay, just a couple more words and that's it..."
Every author should have two favorite characters in the story — one whom he wants to associate with himself (or next to whom he wants to associate) and one whom he wants to wrap in a blanket, put on his chest, kiss on the forehead and saying that they are gorgeous and beautiful. After all, for the audience, he has a beautiful cold cultivator and a fateful passionate demoness, so he can have his beautiful cold demon and his charming bright cultivator, right?
Perhaps you are not part of Binghe's harem (not his cutie!!! too precious!!! his baby can't be part of something like that!!!) and such a detailed study, which is hidden behind your description, does not make much sense, but it makes him happy, especially when he can introduce you to the narrative, briefly describe or invent what you can say. His cute little meow meow, who is Luo Binghe's senior fellow disciple under Shen Qingqiu's care (no you don't need that character development where you experience bullying!!! he has the right to be delusional in his works!!!), and tries to do something to the best of your ability, even if there is little you can really help...
... You die in a battle against demons. Although in his drafts a plan of how you actually survived, it was also not very pleasant for him to write this scene, even if it was pleasant to describe an emotionally strong reaction, — and subsequent plans for revenge and murder also had some therapeutic effect, — but no, brother Cucumber, he does not feel any pleasant feelings at all from having killed his pet! And he is not at all happy that he killed the only worthy character!!
And your death was not at all predictable because of how pure and catchy you were!!!
"... Maybe a little delusional after all," SHANG QINGHUA thinks when looks at you. Small, with a straight back and an indefinite peak, although he knows that you will become a member of another peak, and this realization for the first time causes him damage to such an extent that he wants to cough up blood. He just wants to get on knees, hug you and shake, but instead can only watch — and when the System says that he can get you as his disciple, since he has already become the head of the peak?
Yes, your participation in the plot is important, but not to this exte–
Not a word more — he doesn't hesitate for a second!
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SHANG QINGHUA treats you like a mother hen with an egg, wanting to just constantly take you in arms and kiss cheeks like a proud father, and for sure he has... moments where you allow yourself some tenderness because of which he falls to the ground, covering face, as if you killed him with charm, while you look down on him — at first frowning and worried, then you just pull him up yourself.
At some point, you even begin to like it; one day you even allow yourself to call him 'father' — but when he almost has a deviation of qi from what you call him, you never do it again, even if now he definitely desperately wants to hear it again. But — no way; how will you explain to the head of Qian Cao Peak why your father shifu looks like this? It would be extremely embarrassing, especially if you still had to drag him.
(you still unwittingly unconsciously call him that several times, though — and each time SHANG QINGHUA understands that if he dies right now, he will die happy.)
Your backstory is definitely the story of an orphan or an abandoned child, even if it has some noble origin, and it's hard to deny that being immediately in the adoring and pampering presence of the head of An Ding Peak, who deals with all economic affairs and supplies in the sect, being literally the peak of logistics, is a little overwhelming... at first. Someone may view An Ding Peak as useless or meaningless, but when all the supply, procurement, economic transactions are circulating around one peak, and this is not something secret...
... can't your loveable father afford to pamper his beloved child?
You were such a sweet and smart disciple who always follows him (at his request, but you could also theoretically disobey him, so he should reward you anyway!), how can SHANG QINGHUA not try to make you smile and be spoiled?
He knows how bad life was for you, he described it all himself, so he only makes amends to you, even if you definitely do not know because of whom in some sense you had such a past, but only look at him as a parental figure who is always ready to help, protect and pamper you. SHANG QINGHUA always brings your favorite food (which you share! wow! this is definitely fate!), gives you the best, sometimes even unparalleled, clothes or things of the best quality — and never neglects you, as if your very presence activates in him all this incomprehensible desire to protect and adore you.
Does he spoil you too much?... Yes — but you forget one fact: he is also the proud father of one little sweet celestial whom he wrote especially for himself and now can shamelessly love them! Period!
Perhaps the only thing SHANG QINGHUA violently opposes is your fights with anyone, even if you are a head disciple and a member of a sect that, in addition to the economy, is often forced to deal with the dirtier and borderline gray or obviously black things common in the world of cultivators, — but SHANG QINGHUA knows that the sect will be destroyed much earlier what will you become the head... so what's stopping the two of you from just living your life together? Somewhere in a house near the city or in a small but rich city, where you can spend your life in a carefree and moderate pace until old age next to him, needing nothing and never shedding tears... a small pond for you or a garden where you can grow whatever you want, or a place where you will raise small or not-so-small animals...
SHANG QINGHUA is not the most active or aggressive person, he does not seek to expand influence at all, as the original owner of the body did, but when he gently combs your hair, looking at your straight back, he understands that this is impossible if he wants you to survive. Yes, he described that you 'didn't die' and even put forward several ideas about what happened to you after, but now, looking at you, none of them suits him. Why should you suffer? Isn't what was in the original novel enough for you? Don't you deserve to live in comfort and safety?
He is your father — not in the biological sense, but in a much more important way, in both of his lives, and it is natural that your future falls on his shoulders, since he has made the past for you and takes care of you in the present. He would prefer a calm, trouble-free life with the flow, but when SHANG QINGHUA looks at you rejoicing at his gifts as if for the first time or trying to take part of his responsibilities and difficulties to help, how can he think only of himself?
Maybe that's why he's here — to make you happy and make sure you'll never be sad again. After all, SHANG QINGHUA gave you his soul, so it's natural that he could even overcome reality itself and time to be there — and if you think about it like that, then everything falls into place!
His ability to take you as his disciple and almost-child, his need to pamper you, his adoration...
He loves you so much that his heart bursting.
“Shifu, why are you lying down again???”
Papa will protect you.
Shen Yuan really tries not to get angry, but when he sees SHANG QINGHUA shamelessly purring and spoiling you, clearly mocking him about the fact that you love him as your 'dad' shifu, the desire to hit becomes much stronger.
It's not fair, okay? After all, you were originally supposed to be his disciple; that's why he called you, wanting to see his beloved spousefu character — only to find out that you are not his disciple. Perhaps it was then that he realized that something was wrong — just as SHANG QINGHUA understood it, who later heard at a secret meeting that Shen Qingqiu, who woke up after a fever, asked about you for some reason, thinking that you were his disciple, and was amazed when he was confirmed several times that no, this is not so, you are a disciple of another peak.
A disciple of another peak? No, it's– no, it's possible, but unlikely. Since Luo Binghe is already studying at the peak, then at about this age he should already have had a connection with you, right? It's strange if the semblance of 'white moonlight' for the protagonist still did not exist at the peak, although your first meetings probably should have already happened. Isn't that about when that meeting should take place where you save him from mockery by appearing in time as a 'famous young phoenix under the guidance of Shen Qingqiu' and saying your cool speech?
Isn't that when you first demonstrate yourself as a domineering and self-aware beauty, but also able to be modest? Where your 'presence alone is enough for everyone to immediately disperse, let alone look or words'? Where were you still an unblemished white lotus that made Luo Binghe take an example from you, whose gait was 'as silent and graceful as leaves dancing in tandem with a wandering wind in a silent bamboo forest' and 'voice similar at the same time to the purring of a well-fed tiger inspecting their mountain in search of the next prey to playfully tear it apart' and 'like the first gentle snow showering everything around like a blanket, covering and forcing all living things to be silent and heed the serenity and greatness'?
These were some of his favorite scenes, excerpts from which he regularly reread and kept screenshots in the "favorite" in the phone gallery!
"Someone remembers," SHANG QINGHUA thinks, rubbing his nose after sneezing — and smiles affectionately when you carefully throw a cape over him before returning to his business next to him, deliberately ignoring shifu's loving gaze. You really are a hardworking little thing, aren't you? Of course, what his child should be like; although not at all like your daddy, but you still take great care of him, even if you don't give him some expensive gifts and don't try to physically serve, unlike him. But he likes it — to take care of you, pamper you, try to accustom you to his culture and jokes, teach you some things that later become 'internal' and are not familiar to anyone else.
... Almost no one else is familiar with them.
“You yourself know they were supposed to be my disciple.”
“... The author has the right to make changes to the work.”
Shen Jiu– No, Cucumber Bro looks up at him because of the slight difference in height, and there is such obvious discontent and irritation in his eyes that SHANG QINGHUA is sure: if it were real, acid would dissolve him right now so that the earth would open up and swallow what would remain of his body.
“Don't you think that such an intervention will have consequences?”
What are the consequences? That you can't pamper them now and take advantage of their care like I do?
“Are you jealous that they call me 'baba' and not you?”
Shen Yuan still hits him with a fan from the heart, but does not answer anything — and SHANG QINGHUA does not dare to continue teasing or pressing button, even seeing how annoyed he is, not wanting to admit that yes, damn it, he is angry that his favorite character, the thought of which caused and causes euphoria, got not him, but SHANG QINGHUA.
You don't really call him ''baba' — but if you did, his heart would immediately stop and there would be a serious deviation of qi.
... Hmm...
He definitely found something with which he will pester you now — and the way Shen Qingqiu looks with jealous irritation, clutching a fan in his hand, only adds to the situation of fire.
Even if you don't have the slightest understanding of what's going on.
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one-vivid-judgment · 22 days
Hello. Could I please request some comfort headcanons with Joon-gi, Seonhee, Zhao and Tesso with a verbally domestically abused s/o? Tbh your headcanons and just any random post are kinda soul healing and even therapeutic. They give me strength to mentally deal with any unpleasant situation. So, um, thank you.
I'm so glad my posts give you strength, anon! Tbh I picked up writing myself for therapeutic purposes, so it's good to know someone else is getting something out of this as well! I genuinely wish you the best!
Joongi Han
He can relate, actually. He didn’t exactly have a normal childhood: mom passed away when he was still too young to know any better, and his dad who was already abusive before, turned to drinking and his behavior only got worse. He wouldn’t wish that on his worst enemy, much less someone he loves as much as you.
Thankfully, he is no longer in that stage where he will get queasy talking about the subject because the wound is still too fresh. He would have probably had a breakdown if you had brought up the subject a few years earlier, but now he’s... grown used to it. Any pain is dulled out by now, so you can freely talk to him about your situation. He knows you need someone to turn to, and if he is not that person for you, what kind of boyfriend would that make him?
Will hold you silently and just let you talk, hands running up and down your back. He’ll suggest using the Geomijul surveillance system to keep you safe—even if you say no, he will probably go through with it anyway because he can’t stand seeing you like that. If not the entire Geomijul, just himself is enough. He can free up hours of his schedule to watch over you; Seonhee will understand. It will also be her who suggests he brings you over to the Geomijul to stay for good. They have enough bowguns left and are still a threatening enough presence around Ijincho to know no one would dare mess with them.
Unlike Joongi, she hasn’t gone through abuse herself. She’s heard the horror stories from Yeonsu though, so she has some idea of just how bad it can get. Enough to be absolutely fucking fumming by the time you are done telling her about your situation. You can be sure she will take matters into her own hands, even if you try to stop her.
Don’t worry, it won’t be anything like straight up murdering your abuser (though, why lie, she really wants to, and the Geomijul has the means to do that; she can ask Zhao for help disposing of the body, too. Meat bun filling). She will, however, make sure there is always someone watching over you. Most likely Joongi, but if he is out of comission, then it will be anyone else. If it gets too bad, she will do the watching herself. And if it gets real bad? Seonhee is outright snatching you away. She can make extra room for you in the Geomijul HQ, to make sure that person is too scared to come get you.
Not a day goes by where she doesn’t ask you how you are holding up. She’s seen what abuse can do to a person (see, Yeonsu, and to an extent, Zhao), and she has learned the importance of asking those questions. You can come to her with whatever is troubling you, you know that, but she still makes sure to remind you.
Zhao Tianyou
It will take you some time to convince him not to do anything that could potentially land him in jail. You’ve never seen Zhao so mad in your life, and he doesn’t usually yell for no good reason, but man, does he want to kill the bastard that’s putting you through all this. But he also knows it wouldn’t be useful (albeit pretty satisfactory) to get thrown in the slammer and leave you alone.
You Tian is your new home. You can stay for as long as you want: hours, days if you want to. Anything that doesn’t involve you going home to your abuser sounds great in his book. His Liumang loyalists are now basically your full time bodyguards, and if that doesn’t work to intimidate the asshole in question, he’ll have to give them a very stern talking-to. Full of death threats and intimidation tactics. It will prove hard to not take his saber with him though.
He makes sure to be extra sweet to you. Always cooking your favorite dishes, always making sure you are feeling okay. He’ll introduce you to Kasuga and the others if you are up for it, and they’ll quickly become your biggest and best support network. To be honest, Zhao may have grown a little paranoid after the whole ordeal and might need to have you within eyeshot to make sure you are safe. He knows, he knows. But he won’t let it go too far to the point it gets unhealthy.
Honestly, he wants to get angry. Hell, he should get angry! But all he can muster is hug you.  He is at the verge of crying when he does. He’s a sensitive man, these things affect him, and the fact that you are going through that when you don’t deserve it at all? Well, you bet your ass it upsets him.
It’s not professional of him, but he’ll admit he sometimes skips Liumang work to go check on you. Like Zhao, he might get a little paranoid about what happens to you when you are out of his sight. He might have hired Tsukumo and Sugiura (Yagami too, if he happens to be in Yokohama) to keep an eye on you; as far as he’s concerned, that’s money well spent. He wishes he could do more—he’ll suggest you run away and stay at his apartment in Restaurant Row. It’s deep enough in Liumang turf that it’s pretty much guarateed your abuser won’t chase after you, if they have half a brain.
His hugs are therapy in and of itself. Helps that he’s a cuddler and pretty much can’t sleep if he isn’t hugging you. Now that he knows what you’ve had to go through, he has all the more reason to do that. He can’t help the smile when he wakes up and sees that you are by his side and not back at that shitty home you grew up in.
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cowboy-like-mee · 2 years
i wish i could change
summary: depressed! reader and boyfriend! harry
warnings: depression, mentions of wanting to d word
word count: 1.1k
a/n: hello. i am ending my year and a half long hiatus. i am writing this in the midst of a depressive episode, so it is based off real life me rn! it was kinda therapeutic tbh. i feel a lot better after getting this out.  i listened moon song by phoebe bridgers, my tears ricochet by taylor swift, and a different age by current joys on repeat while writing this. have fun!
p.s. i kind hate this :/ i feel like the end is rushed but whatev. i hope you enjoy. i feel like i might want to write more about this couple. i have many ideas also! if you have any requests let me know! or i can post what my ideas are and yall can tell me what you want first!
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Sitting in the filth of your room never made it any better. But you just couldn’t help it. There were empty bags of chips and dirty clothes everywhere. The floors need vacuuming. The bed hasn't been made in weeks- the fitted sheet isn't even on the bed anymore. You've just been lying on the bare mattress with a blanket covering you that doesn't even reach your feet. The smell of old food and dirty laundry stings your nose every time you breathe in a little too deeply. You needed a shower. There were clumps of your hair sitting next to a pair of scissors on your desk from where you had decided it was a good idea to chop a few inches off at 3 am yesterday. 
You're pretty sure you hadn't been to a single class in at least a month. You were failing only two at the moment, luckily. Last semester it was three. Emails and text messages were piling up in your inboxes. There was no point in setting alarms anymore. You knew you weren't going to wake up anyway. 
You really just missed your mom. You missed her encouraging words and her hugs. Her hugs. Any of your problems were made to be nothing with just one of her hugs. You know she would be beyond disappointed to see the state of your life right now. 
Nothing even happened to make you feel this way. It's just a part of that never-ending cycle of depression that seems to hinder everything you try to do. There are no words to describe what happens in your head when you get like this. No therapist or medication could ever stop this feeling. It's like the weight of the world sits on your chest. You can't breathe. You can't think. You can't move. You can't even provide yourself with the basic necessities one needs to survive. 
You try to tell yourself to get out of this funk, but nothing will help. Nothing has ever helped. 
Well...maybe one thing has.
Your boyfriend on two years. The man who has helped you out of funk numerous amounts of times throughout the last couple of years. Of course, you don't always feel like this. It comes and goes. It seems nowadays it mostly comes. It never seems to go. But when it has come, Harry has been there for you. He has fed you and showered you and loved you and kissed you and never ever judged you. 
You feel like a burden. 
No matter how many times he tells you he does it because he loves you. He hates seeing you like that. He wishes he could take all of your pain away. You mean everything to him. He loves you. He loves you. He loves you. He loves you.
You don't know why. What kind of man wants a girl who goes four days without showering at times. Or a girl who wakes up at 3 pm because at night her thoughts wander so far she has to hit herself in the head to stop them. A girl who can't just...be normal. 
Either way, you know one thing is for certain. You love Harry. You really do. You probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for him. He has changed your life. There have been more good moments with him than bad. He kisses you just to kiss you. He watches your favorite movie with you weekly (even though you know he despises it.) He goes out to brunch with your parents because he loves talking to the people who created you. He buys you flowers every time he goes to the market just because he loves to see you smile every time he gives them to you. 
He really was made for you. Nevertheless, you felt like you didn't deserve him. 
You wish you could change. You wish you could change for him. You wish it was easier to be alive. You wish you didn't want to die. For him. Not for yourself. You wish you could be the perfect girlfriend. The girlfriend he deserved, not one that rots away in her room.
Harry walks in. You hear the door to your apartment creak open and gently shut. Footsteps lead into the kitchen, probably putting down the food you know he probably bought for you. You sit up and try to put on your most neutral face. You sniff your armpits and wince a little. It's only been since yesterday morning you showered, but a little deodorant wouldn't hurt. Your door opens letting in light, making your eyes squint and your hand instinctively come up to block it. 
"Y/N?" Harry says. You smile for the first time since you saw him last a few days ago. "Hey, baby." He gives you the softest, pure smile you've ever seen in your whole life. He tilts his head at you with a concerned look on his face. 
"Hi." You croak out, using your voice for the first time in a while. He walks up to your bed and pulls the blanket down to lie with you. You scoot over to make room for him. He climbs in and immediately wraps his hands around you. His face buries into your neck and plants soft kisses along your throat. Your hand goes into his hair and softly brushes through his soft curls. 
He hums. "Mmm, I love you." He kisses you again right on your jawline. "I've missed you, baby. How has my girl been?" Your throat tightens. You're regretting not answering his texts. He's probably been worried. 
You smile sadly. "I love you more, angel. I-" You pause to think of an adequate answer to your disappearance the past few days. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I haven't answered your texts. I've just been...not feeling well. I've missed you too. So much." Your eyes are welling with tears, but your room is dark so maybe he won't notice. 
He pulls back a little to look at your face. His heart breaks. His girl has been feeling bad and he hasn't been here for her. "Oh, honey. It's okay. You know I just want to make sure you're okay." He kisses you sweetly. Your heart swells. He really is perfect. "I brought you dinner. I hope you haven't eaten." He smiles at you.
You laugh wetly. " Eating hasn't really been my number one priority today." 
He frowns, "Y/N, you have to eat, love. It's important to take care of your body." He sits up and grabs your hand. "Come one. Let's go eat and watch Silver Linings Playbook." He pulls you up from your nest. He wraps his arms around you and engulfs you in a hug. Your head rests on his chest and you just breathe in. 
You reach up and kiss him. You will never understand how this man can be so selfless. He really has changed your life. You will love him at your highs, and you will love him at your lows.
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bingoboingobongo · 1 year
task force 141 + holiday traditions
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: buhruh the hardest thing abt this series is finding gifs istg
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john price:
okay so i feel like price's favorite holiday tradition is watching the nutcracker
fhhdhshs ok this is like a super duper random headcanon that's gonna go off on a tangent here and if ur a possessive price girly maybe u won't like it but oh well
but i can see price like at one point having a small little relationship with some other lady whatever she's kinda irrelevant ngl
what matters is her child
omg that sounds bad wait lemme finish
what im trying to say is that the ex's child danced in the nutcracker and his ex brought him to see it
but this was like quite a few years ago
either that or he just dated a dancer that was in the nutcracker
idk man all that matters is that the tradition of watching the nutcracker was started
he likes going to a different theatre/company every year so it sorta switches it up
so sometimes he'll go watch the royal ballet or sometimes he'll watch some amateur recital thing
he just enjoys watching people dance and listening to the music
he thinks it's so cool how effortless they make it look
especially since he knows it's anything but
he really likes the mouse king vs nutcracker part in the beginning
and he thinks the dance of the sugar plum fairy is overrated
lives for the snow queen tho
kyle "gaz" garrick:
man kyle just likes to hang out with his family
mainly because his family has like twenty different traditions they do together
making gingerbread houses, making christmas sweaters, making ornaments
i mean it's like an advent calendar of christmas festivities at the garrick household
honestly gaz is a family man but he's not ready to have his own family yet ykwim?
like he loves his family
but he want to wait until he's older to have his own family
absolutely loves hanging out with his younger brother and sister tho
and we've already established this before but they're like little kids
so he likes sorta bringing the magic of the holiday traditions to them
one of his favorite traditions is to take his younger siblings on a drive to watch christmas lights
and then he drives until they fall asleep
it's so sweet
guys im becoming a gaz girlie ngl and it's criminal how little fics there r of him
simon "ghost" riley:
ok so idek if this counts as a tradition im ngl my family is not very festive but whatever
but simon really enjoys (and is really good at) making popcorn and cranberry garland
i mean guys let's be real
simon is a seamstress at heart and on the surface
i mean it's not like he has the time to stop by the store and get someone else to sew his mask on for him
there's just something so therapeutic about sewing
and he really likes the sweet and tart smell of cranberries mixed with the buttery smell of popcorn
it sounds weird on paper but irl it's really good (i assume)
he also eats a lot more cranberries than he probably should but tbh who can blame him
on another note he also really likes making sugared cranberries and just keeping them in a bowl so he can snack on them
and i can't even blame him bc i tried them for the first time during thanksgiving and oml they slap
so yeah he honestly just lives for cranberry stuff
but ofc like everything else about his life this is a secret that can never come to life
but he will decorate his house with strings of popcorn and cranberry garland
also every year he always eats some by the end
kinda gross ik but like same
he doesn't eat the popcorn tho only the cranberries
and even then he pulls them all off and washes them
but he doesn't always eat much because they taste sorta weird by then
but yeah ghost is an ocean spray cranberry juice kinda guy
john "soap" mactavish:
soap absolutely loves gift exchanges
white elephant, secret santa, or just general gift giving
it doesn't matter soap loves them all
he loves to see who he gets and to buy presents for them
and ofc he loves getting presents in return
plus he really likes seeing just how much thought and effort everyone puts into their gifts
and he always keeps a camera on hand during gift opening so he can try and get that perfect moment of surprise
he's gotten a few good shots but a lot of them are really blurry
he's not the best photographer okay
but yeah he just loves seeing everyone so happy
his favorite one is probably white elephant though
because the randomness adds to the fun
and he likes to be able to look back at some weird object and be reminded of the good memories
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
okay so call it corny call it cheesy call it lame
actually don't call it lame i will fight you
but whatever
anyways rudy really likes taking christmas family photos
his family does one every year on christmas day and he lives for it
one of his uncles is a photographer so it works out anyways
and they always get the family matching pjs or outfits or costumes or something
and his family has a whole album of them
so he literally has like a christmas picture every year since he was a baby
his favorite one was a few years back where his grandpa was santa, his grandma was mrs. claus, his parents, siblings, and him were elves, and then his nieces and nephews were reindeer
he keeps that one on a frame in his desk
and it's cool to see how every year the crowd gets bigger and bigger as people get married and have kids
and guys it's been happening for a while but i am a rudy girl at my core
i can't help it im sorry
alejandro vargas:
honestly i feel like alejandro really likes advent calenders
he doesn't even really know why it just gives him something to look forward to everyday
before his break starts he always brings rudy over to open the day's gift with him too
he usually gets different calenders every year
some years he gets ones that have candy or chocolate
and other years he gets some with pocket knives or tools
is that a thing?
tactical advent calenders?
idk they should be
sometimes when he's feeling especially festive he'll get himself a few different ones that way he can have multiple things to look forward to
his favorite one is the neuhaus chocolate ones
he really has to fight the urge to sneak one in a day early
idk alejandro's just a fan of chocolate in general
but like fancy chocolate not just like hershey's
he needs truffles or cadbury or specialty chocolate
is cadbury even fancy?
idk i've never had one
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cherryjuiceblues · 8 months
I picture mb y/n to be a swiftie girlie and enchanted just screams mb harry and y/n tbh. Like " 'cross the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to me the playful conversation starts" is when niall introduced them "I was enchanted to meet you this night is sparkling don't you let it go I'm wonderstruck blushing all the way home" is when they go home "the lingering question kept me up 2 am who do you love" is after their first time because harry was such a pleasant encounter and y/n wants to see him again and don't get me started on "please don't be in love with someone else"
So the first time since she met harry y/n listens to enchanted she's like "wait a minute, this is me and harry!!" and now everytime she listens to it she thinks about harry and sometimes when she's got her headphones on and she's smiling to herself and harry notices. he's curious as to what she's listening to but he knows how music can make someone feel and he assumes y/n is particularly sensitive to music.
One day, y/n is at harry's house, waiting for him to come home from work and she's blasting taylor's songs (because being a girlie and listening to taylor is just so therapeutic) and I think she'd be too shy to sing even home alone so she's just humming to herself while baking in the kitchen. Harry comes home at this moment and he's blessed with this sight and a part of him feels bad for interrupting her "me time" but he's home and he's craving attention from his girl. He walks to her and puts his hand on her shoulder blade and stands beside her and she's startled because obvi she didn't hear him and he's like "i didn't know you liked taylor swift" and she gets shy because it's y/n we're talking about and she admits that this particular song makes her think about him and he teases her about it although deep down it gives him butterflies to know that she thinks of him :( and then they spend the evening talking about music
BELTING OUT ENCHANTED IS A LIFE ALTERING EXPERIENCE !!! and i'm only a casual taylor fan but that song. phew.
and that is so cute :((( and real :((((( admitting to harry that it reminds her of him. and then harry would remember all the times he's heard her listening to it and his heart swells. "yeah? you think about me?" 😣
music is so transportive too like y/n definitely gets really taken away by it. with noise cancelling headphones on and closed eyes just properly someplace else. and harry would love seeing her like that. really really peaceful :( sometimes she'd grab hold of hand too and he'd just watch her :((((
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anitalenia · 1 year
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─── about anitalenia ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑜 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑒! my real name is Aja Anita, and it’s pronounced Asia. Everyone always gets my name wrong and they always call me crazy things 😭 it’s okay though, I learned to accept that my name was weird. anyway, below you will find FAQs about me and what I like and just some things I wanted to share with ya’ll. Enjoy ♡
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╰₊˚ʚ my birthday is November 9, 2002, and I am twenty years old. I am a proud scorpio. I am Scorpio Sun, Gemini Rising, and Taurus Moon, so do with that what you will.
╰₊˚ʚ I AM A WOMAN and I identify as a woman. My pronouns are she/her/hers. I am currently located in Chicago right now, and I moved here a few years ago. I was born in Florida, moved to Tennessee for a while, and then moved to Chicago. I always moved around to different houses like every year, and I love to travel probably because of that. I hate staying in one place.
╰₊˚ʚ I BELIEVE IN pro-choice, my body my choice. If that is a problem for you, you can leave. I don’t believe in controlling another person or their choices, manipulating them to fit your agenda. Everyone is equal, everyone is important, and everyone has the right to their own opinions and choices. I believe animals are important, and that nature is very special and should be treated fairly and with care. I am atheist, as i do not believe in Jesus/God. I don’t believe in socialized religion. Again, if you don’t agree with this then that’s okay, I’m not trying to offend anyone with my beliefs. I do kinda consider myself a spiritual person, and I believe everyone is connected to the earth and all that stuff. But yeah, just a little context as to my beliefs and ideas. But in general, you should love everyone, treat everyone fairly, even animals and plant life, and project good things cause then good things will come to you. Karma is real 🤌🏻
╰₊˚ʚ MY FAVORITE FOODS include anything seafood related, especially sushi and lobster. I love wings, especially garlic parmesan, bbq, and buffalo. I love bbq anything. bbq ribs, brisket, pork sandwiches. I love love love salad and I love caesar salad. I love cheese fries, with the melted cheese, bacon, all that good stuff 😫 I love cheesy anything and I love Mexican food. tbh, I love all foods. I just love eating 😭 I don’t really like carrots tho. Especially when they’re cooked in something and they’re all soggy 😅 just no.
╰₊˚ʚ SOME OF MY HOBBIES include writing, reading, looking up recipes I’ll never cook, and doing my makeup/hair. I love writing and creating characters and their own little backstories. I love food but I can’t cook, so I just watch everyone else do it on YouTube 😭. I love doing my makeup and it’s actually kind of therapeutic for me. I love making eyeshadow looks but I don’t really like using graphic liner. Idk tho, I’m trying to expand my horizons. I love having a different style from everyone else, and being as unique as possible. Always embrace your weirdness 🤌🏻
╰₊˚ʚ I LOVE FANTASY related things. I love learning about mythology and whimsical creatures. I love vampires, werewolves, fairies, mermaids, sirens, all that stuff, and learning about their abilities. I love creepy things others would find melancholic, but then I love bright pink sparkly things 😭 my aesthetic always changes.
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ANYWAY, I hope this gave my followers some insight into who I was, of course I could’ve gone on for days but this is just the surface level. Hope you all have a great day 🫶🏻
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pumpkinnning · 10 months
leo you didn't know what you got yourself into, baby.
for the "know your ficwriter" thingy:
2; 4; 14; 15 & 16 (that's a lot i know, hehe, but i love to hear your thoughts)
ahah joke's on you i love ranting about my writing so thank you so much for humoring me <3
2 : Do you plan each chapter or do you write as you go ? I have an outline for at least a few chapters ahead, in general, with a scene list, but those often end up changing a lot as I actually write. I've never written a story without at least a little bit of an outline though, I don't like writing if I don't know where I am going, I need that flow of energy that the story gives me, if that makes sense
4 : Where do you find inspirations for new ideas ? I don't know, everywhere ? Writer is like one of the basic modes of my brain lmao so whenever any information or experience enters one of my first reactions is like, so how can I use this in a story ? And then it's constantly running scenarios and trying to fuse ideas into each other and I think that's when my stories come together - by making interesting mixes of stuff. Like a recipe or a potion lmao. There are a few big themes that come back constantly - like awe for big scary overwhelming forces of nature, loneliness, trauma, the sacred, the horrors and wonders of having a body, power, freedom, devotion, etc - and then I'm just looking for more specific lenses to explore them through. I honestly think if you're paying attention you can find ideas absolutely anywhere. That said when I'm blocked or my writing feels stale I love reading a good book or watching a cool movie because that regenerates my belief in the power of good storytelling. Or going somewhere I've never been to before.
14: how do you write emotional scenes ? Do you ever feel what the characters feel ? Do you draw from personal experiences ? Tbh for me all scenes are emotional, if there's no emotions it feels dead and there's no point in writing it. And yeah I'm very method with my writing, I need to feel it to be inspired - generally it's an enjoyable process, even for negative stuff it's cathartic. And yes, I draw a lot from personal experiences, not directly but transformed and amplified - writing is in general very therapeutic for me, even though I try to not go too far with that because it doesn't always make for the most interesting stuff to read haha.
15: How do you write smut scenes ? Do you get very visual or detailed ? How important is it to be realistic ? To me smut is a great way to get into the mindset and emotions of characters and peeling back some layers, so that's the most important thing to figure out - although sometimes it's just yeah that would be hot, does it fit the Theme lmfao. In real life it's silly to assign arbitrary meanings to particular acts but in a story it's very interesting to figure out what it symbolizes. I like writing kinky stuff as well because it makes that more explicit. In terms of details - no, not really, because honestly I think if a character's POV gets too fixated on details it means they're probably too in their heads and not really enjoying the experience so it can quickly feel artificial. I think the key is about picking the right details. But also it's just HARD to find words to describe that kind of stuff without sounding corny lmao. As for the realism, hm, as long as you can understand what everybody is doing and there's no weird impossible anatomy going on, I'm not THAT hung up on it, it's meant to be a fantasy anyway - but the best smut does tend to have some realistic moments at least because it's more human and interesting and sexy if it's not just acting out a perfect boring choreography.
16: how many fic ideas are you nurturing right now ? share one of them ? I have a shit ton of ideas but I am trying to be disciplined and not start anything until I have finished sanctuary. (except maybe a few short one shots like my solarpunk wizards AU). All sebchal for now. One I have been thinking about a lot is an absolutely insane multiverse thing with several seemingly unrelated stories that get framed in several different ways - one that happens in a decaying post apocalyptic seaside town ruled by the mob with haunted old hollywood vibes/romeo + juliet/also with illegal car racing and a bad ending ; one where Seb is a cult leader ; one where they're both women in a cyberpunk crap future where Seb is a bounty hunter and Charles is an escort and they end up teaming up against the kingpin that wants to make their lives miserable and then they leave town together ; anyway a few others i'm not sure if i'm ever going to get to it because it would be enormous but it's very fun to think about. also i really want to write a BDSM focused fic at some point. and maaaaaaybe a sanctuary sequel.
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bottomburt · 6 months
vent/long train of thought post
ive been so fucking stressed over this past week. ive had an assignment that ive had to put off until now because of literally everything else thats been happening. ive been dealing with several health concerns that have ended up being nothing serious but it still ends up freaking me out or stressing me out more. ive had a cough that hasnt let up for weeks now and im fucking tired of coughing to the point my chest hurts. then when i get it checked out its always "everything looks fine, your lungs are fine" when it doesnt feel like everything is fine. its not like im coughing up blood but it feels like im on the verge of it constantly. the random chest pains that end up just going away but always freak me out because im thinking its a sign of something worse. im so fucking tired. im so tired of being so stressed out. it feels like this time will pass and ill feel better eventually but it doesnt stop me feeling so exhausted from having to deal with all of this shit. i need to go to bed, it felt good to finally write out how im feeling rather than just push it down and say im fine. its kinda therapeutic in a way. i should do it more often tbh. i just never find an opportunity to sit down (both literally and metaphorically) and write out my feelings. just in general i guess. its been nice to be with my family for a bit. living on my own kinda gets to me after a bit. maybe ill try coming back home every now and then, even if its just for a weekend or something. i think im realizing more as i try to be more independent how much i really depend on closeness with other people. its not really enough to just be in a class with other people or to stream and have other people watch. i need connection. i need people who have similar interests to me or who i can really feel like i can talk to. the other students are people sure, but it always feels like theyre just in the same room as me. they arent people i actively talk to, they arent really people i consider friends. acquaintances more than anything. it makes it harder to connect with other students in a way that feels fulfilling. most times theyre just another student listening to the same professor and writing/reading the same things. there isnt much more than that. it makes me more happy that i have people like inky and trumbloola. theyre both people i feel like i really have a true connection with. im really really happy i have that. anyway vent/long train of thought post over goodnight
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8bit-mau5 · 2 years
mundays passed ik, but 16, 20, 29?
Something you are good at but don’t really have fun doing
I have friends that say I'm great at legs but I don't really ENJOY drawing them TBH, I overthink their position, proportion, and anatomy more than anything. I'm getting better though!
Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
I talk about this so much but I don't understand peoples hate for lineart. i LOVE LOVE LOVE working on lineart, especially traditionally [: It's so nice and fun and easy to get into the groove of, and for me the process is therapeutic. I can turn my brain off and just INK things and enjoy the process, though sometimes I DO get a little too caught up in it when I know the finer details will be painted over. I started with fine liners and Japanese brush (and felt) tip pens so I have a relatively steady hand and find so much fun in playing with line weights and HATCHING. Most of my stabilizers are at 0 or 5 (i hate watching the 'delay' since i use a screen tablet. I used stabilizers more with a regular tablet cos I couldn't look down and draw.)
Media you love, but doesn’t inspire you artistically
I really love Dimension20 but I've never really been inspired to make fanart or do things with it the way Homestuck has inspired me. Hell even the close second (CR2) only inspired a few doodles at best. I also love and adore Pokemon + Digimon but they don't make me wanna draw for it.
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cosmicdreamt · 2 years
Positivity anon's back at it again with apologies for not being as consistent as I would have hoped with sending out messages to others so that they know that they're wanted and needed in the RPC! :D Have you done anything fun over the last couple of weeks? Do you have anything you're excited about for this week or not really? Lastly, I do hope you're having a great day and will have a fantastic week! Never forget that the RPC needs you and your unique take on characters! ♡♡♡
[[ Nonny you are truly so sweet 😭 Don't ever feel bad because this is something you CHOOSE to do, not that you HAVE to do, so the fact that you're making the effort to be something good is so precious and appreciated! You have no idea how much joy you bring to people and I hope you know that YOU'RE needed too.
I have been Going Through It, but honestly that's been my mood for literally this entire year. I've just been good at hiding it 😂 It’s just been bs after bs but I’m just.....I’m trying really hard to tell myself I’m allowed to feel my feelings as long as I don’t let it consume or control me. I’m trying to focus on all the good I have here because despite how awful things seem to be around here, I do have a lot of good things and I need to show that I appreciate it more than I do. I have lovely mutuals, lovely friends, lovely relations both ic and ooc, and the hypocrites and fake personas of others shouldn’t make me forget that.
I did go to a wedding at the beginning of the month though! It was the first time I saw my cousin’s wife but from a glance alone it was easy to see how much they love each other and are happy together, so it was a really lovely experience. I don’t have much coming up. I’m just trying to pick myself off the floor after being slammed by seasonal depression. I’ve been watching anime and playing games with friends which has been nice. They’re friends I talk to often but didn’t really get to spend that personal quality time with for a while so it’s been warming my heart :’> I’m just a sensitive baby tbh
But thank you for checking in <3 It was therapeutic to just be able to write about me because someone genuinely wanted to know. I’m feeling a bit more motivated to be here again so please look forward to more of my Neffie invading the lifes of others ^^ ]]
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