#literally me with triple threat though I was like wait did I decide to do this or??? but it’s done so yay
letstrywritingmaybe · 9 months
Now that it’s September and no longer CoAi week, I finally get to reblog all the things I wanted to that didn’t necessarily relate to the ship. Also means I gotta start on the September prompts! I’m not entirely sure where I want to go… I had sorta an idea but now I’m like maybe we should do this instead… but more importantly! I was pretty productive during CoAi week, I think I finally finished triple threat and the first three chapters of the midnights album fic (don’t get too excited these are hella short, so it’s not a super big accomplishment. I’m just glad it’s getting worked on)
Update 2: I’m going back to sleep after this cause it’s way too early for me but… I have titled the September prompts! But now I’m kinda like damn maybe I should switch the roles… there’s also one prompt that I’m still trying to figure out, but I’m thinking of indulging myself in a callback (which I love!) Anyways I still say Superposition is a CoAi song, but there are other Young The Giant songs I love that fit them too <3
Addition, okay I know my bias is obviously for him swooning over her. But I do also think it’s cute when she’s falling too. That being said I know my ratio is way off for my fics. I definitely write about him pinning way more than my queen. I just adore ships where the guy is more in love, like I don’t care about the cool guy who treats love like a secret, no thank you. I want the love to be expressed, like even if you wanted it to be a secret you can’t hide it. Showing in your actions, speech patterns and every day life. It’s why I always say everyone ships my ship, cause you’d be blind if you didn’t see the love they share
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mypimpademia · 4 years
Worth It.
Shinso x reader
TW: Swearing, reader steals a man, pure bad bitchery
Note: this concept has been in my head for literal MONTHS and now I'm finally writing it bc i had no idea how to before (i still dont know how to write it as I'm writing this, I'm bouta wing it like a mf)
I made Intelli the mean girl for this fic bc she a bitch fr
A college AU but its hardly relevant + a lil smau
Towards the end of writing this, I started hating it. I'm so sorry😭
I recommend this song too bc this is where the idea for this fic came from:
This was getting annoying to watch.
How long was Hitoshi planning to stay miserable with that girl?
Intelli and Hitoshi have been dating for awhile now. You had honestly never liked her, but you just barely tolerated her for Hitoshi. But only a few weeks into their relationship, things went to shit.
Intelli became overly controlling over him, and even tried to force him to stop being friends with you, and some other people. You, being his best friend, told him to break up with her.
Of course, Hitoshi agreed that it'd be best to do that. But not even a few hours after talking to him about it, he came back to say it didn't go as planned.
Intelli was holding blackmail over Hitoshi's head, and posed a huge threat to his dreams of becoming a hero. Most of what she said she'd expose was no where near true, but with her intellect she could easily make people believe it.
But frankly, as their relationship went on, the sight of even a strand of her hair made you want to either puke or fight her.
"Toshi~" Intelli cooed, coming up behind Hitoshi and wrapping her arms around his neck.
Hitoshi visibly cringed, but tried to hide it as best as he could.
"Hey, babe." He boredly muttered, doing a terrible job at faking any enthusiasm.
Unlike your best friend, you made no effort to hide the disgust you held for her sheer presence.
"Y/n..." Intelli muttered, her tone dripping with distaste for you, making you scoff. "Mind if I steal Toshi for a bit? No? Thanks-" She attempted to drag Hitoshi away by the arm, but you placed a firm hand on her shoulder to stop her.
"I do mind actually, we were in the middle of a conversation before you interrupted." You told her. She chuckled, before tugging on Hitoshi's arm more.
"Yes, but he's my boyfriend-" She attempted to give reason for her to take him away, before even Hitoshi stopped her.
"I've got a project I need Y/n to help me on, I can stop by your dorm later though?" Hitoshi suggested, lying through his teeth.
Intelli's eyebrow twitched, but she gave in, letting go of his arm. "Bye, Toshi." She said, kissing Hitoshi's cheek and looking you up and down, before walking off.
"Sometimes, I can't tell if she's just plain a bitch or if she's secretly a dumbass." You sighed. "Maybe she's a little bit of both..." Hitoshi chuckled, making you laugh with him.
"You really need to find someone new." You told him, shaking your head. "I know, but I'd rather not chance losing my dream career." He groaned.
"True... Whats your type anyways? I know its not Intell anymore, she's probably traumatized you." You giggled.
"She did, but I think my type is someone who can really understands me, and someone I can have fun with." Hitoshi said.
"Like a best friend?" You questioned him. "Yeah, exactly like a best friend. That'd be my perfect version of a s/o." He replied, expression growing soft.
Since Intelli and Hitoshi's relationship had gone down hill, you've been there for him more than ever. It eventually lead to this unspoken romance that constantly roamed between the two of you.
But because of Intelli, neither of you pursued it, for the wellbeing of Hitoshi.
"Well, if I were you, I'd find someone and just make sure the bitch doesn't find out." You told him. But if you were being honest, it was more like a suggestion, because he really did need, and deserve someone other than Intelli.
"Like cheating?" He gawked. You were both thinking the same thing— Intelli would likely find out. But it was better than simply being stuck with her, so you nodded.
"Well, I'd at least make sure the other person knows. But it'd be worth it."
'I'm worth it.' You thought.
You sighed, looking down at your phone, the time on your phone displayed.
"Shit, I've gotta get to class, we've got a guest lecturing us and my professor will tear me a new one if I miss it." You told him, stuffing your phone into your pocket.
"See you later?" Hitoshi asked you.
You were about to say something about how he told Intelli they'd hang out later, but decided against it.
You sighed, feeling your tired feet throb as you walked down the hall to Hitoshi's dorm. Taking one of your backpack straps off your shoulder, you began rummaging around the pocket where you usually kept the spare key to Hitoshi's dorm.
You blinked, as you weren't able to find the key in the small pocket. You began searching your entire bag in the middle of the hallway, taking nearly everything out.
"Shit." You mumbled, thinking you had lost it.
Then you remembered, 'Thats right, I was in a rush this morning. Its on my desk.' You thought to yourself.
Like hell you were going all the way back there though.
You placed your items back into their bags, then pulled out your phone to text Hitoshi.
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You hummed, rocking back and forth on your heels as you waited for the door to be opened.
A moment later, you heard the lock click, and the door swung open.
Hitoshi looked you up and down before smiling. Then looked both ways of the hall, before tugging you into the room and shutting the door.
"Why are you treating me like a side piece or something?" You questioned him.
He hummed in confusion as he locked the door.
"Does it feel like that? Sorry." He apologized. "What did she do this time?" You asked, referring to Intelli, as she wash the only person the put Hitoshi this on edge.
"She said if we were doing anything other than a project we'd break up, and you know what that means." He told you, shaking his head.
You hummed, and pulled out your phone.
"What are you doing?" He asked, peering over your shoulder.
"You'll see." You blunty told him.
You sent your message, and tossed your phone onto his bed.
You grabbed onto Hitoshi's collar, tugging him towards you so he was looking you in the eyes, making his breath hitch as his face tinted red.
"You're crazy if you think I'd get you snitched on." You playfully consoled.
"What did you do?" He questioned again, watching you flop down on his bed as you kicked off your shoes.
"I texted Monoma and Momo to post about a project on private snap that only has Intelli on it so that it'll be more believable." You told him.
Hitoshis eyes went wide, as he mentally questioned how you came up with that so fast.
You patted the space next to you, beckoning him to sit with you.
He sat down, shaking his head and laughing.
You and Hitoshi talked for hours and hours, but it each flew by. When you finally checked the time, you barely had enough time left before dorm visiting hours were over.
"What? Already?" Hitoshi gaped, as he watched you sling your backpack over your shoulder.
"Mhm." You hummed.
He groaned, clearly not wanting you to leave, but sat up anyways so he could come see you out.
Hitoshi unlocked the door for you, but upon opening the door, you were both met with an unwanted sight.
"Hey Toshi!" Intelli greeted, completely passing over you even though she saw you.
"H-hey, Intelli." Hitoshi spurred, trying to keep composure.
"I came to help on the project. Even Momo was complaining, so I thought you could use some help." She offered, clearly not convinced that there was actually a project.
But like you said, you weren't going to let him get caught.
"No, we finished it." You told her bluntly, folding your arms across your chest.
But clearly, Intelli didn't plan on letting up either.
"Well then, I could proof read the written portion." She insisted, taking a step towards you.
"We already did that already."
"Well I'm sure there are some mistakes."
"We triple checked."
Hitoshi looked back and forth between the two of you, silently preparing himself to break up a fight.
"You must not get what I mean—" Intelli straightened her posture more than it already was, and leaned towards you. "There's probably mistakes because it was you helping him." She mocked.
Hitoshi already had a hand reaching for your waist, ready to pull you back in a situation where you lunge at Intelli.
"You wanna talk about mistakes? How about we start with you, bit-" Before you could take a single step towards her, you were being pulled back by your waist.
"Watch your dog, Hitoshi." Intelli retorted.
Damn, was she lucky Hitoshi could hold you back.
"At least I bite, unlike some people." You shot back. She narrowed her eyes, leaning towards you again.
"Y'know Y/n, you're not as good as everyone thinks you are. Everyone thinks you're so great, and nice, but I know how you really are." She said.
"You only think that because everyone's not you. Its no goddamn wonder your blackmail folder is thicker than you." You hissed.
Intelli, clearly flustered that you even knew about her blackmail folder, stood straight again. She crossed her arms and cleared her throat slightly.
"You think youre so much better than me. A better person, a better best friend, you probably think you'd make a better girlfriend too, right?" She asked you.
"Of course I do, who the hell wouldn't?" You chuckled.
You felt Hitoshi's grip on your waist loosen. Either he was getting just as angry and was going to let you fight her, or he thought it the tension was thawing.
"Alright, since you're so much better than me, show me." Intelli insisted.
You smirked. "Alright, you asked for it."
Slipping out of Hitoshi's grip, you turned to face him.
His brows raised in surprise and confusion. And next thing he knew, you had him by the collar for the second time today.
But this time, your lips were pressed against his.
It took him a moment to process, but soon, he melted into it. Moving in sync with you, he placed his hands back on your waist.
As much as you wanted to continue, you still had to tell that bitch off.
Pulling away from Hitoshi, wiping away the string of saliva that connected your mouths, you turned back to Intelli.
You walked straight up to her, and placed a hand on your shoulder.
"Toshi doesn't react like that when you kiss him, does he?" You hummed, hearing Intelli audibly gulp.
"Like you said, I'm a better person, a better best friend, and a better girlfriend." You repeated her words from earlier.
"I wouldn't lie to him, expose him, whether what he did was true or false, and i wouldn't hold him back from doing what he wants." You taunted.
"And the thing is—" You leaned in, next to her ear.
"I dont think it, I know it."
"I'm perfect for him." You whispered to her.
Intelli nearly toppled over in defeat, leaning against the nearest wall to support her body.
"Anyways, see you tomorrow, Toshi." You mused, before walking away.
The next day, you met up with Hitoshi in your free time like usual.
You were aimlessly walking around campus, talking about random topics, laughing as you watched random people do stupid things, and just having fun.
Except now, you were hand in hand, and the air around the two of you seemed lighter. And the look of adoration you and Hitoshi shared was more evident.
But in the middle of it, of course, something had to happen.
Intelli had stopped you both in your tracks, her brainless groupies behind her.
"Did you know everyone is talking about you, Hitoshi? And with all the things they're saying... you might not be able to recover from it." She said snarkily.
"Not too worried about it actually." Hitoshi admitted, a slightly bored tone to his voice.
"Tch, well you should be. So tell me, was she worth it, Hitoshi?" She inclined.
Hitoshi looked over at you, a grin spreading across his face.
"Hell yeah."
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mikrowrites · 4 years
•aaron tveit headcanons•
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a/n: aight guys I’m not dead! i haven’t really had the time to write much, but aaron tveit lives in my heart rent free so here’s these dumb kinda specific really long headcanons:
so you both probably met pretty early into aaron’s career
it’s probably safe to say both of you would have the same if not similar careers, broadway and acting
and though aaron was lucky enough to get his big break, you had unfortunately not (yet) and had to wait tables for a couple years after college
(insert waitress/customer troupe here)
you worked at a restaurant close to the theatre district after undergrad and aaron was starring in Hairspray
the boy saw you and was w h i p p e d
would come to the restaurant like 4 days a week
kinda creeped you out ngl
finally got the balls to actually start a conversation and boom: instant friends
and you guys were friends for a while! dumbass and chaotic conversation was a YES
“did you know barcodes scan the white space and not the black lines”
“how many orders of fries would put me in the er?”
“uhhh... 30”
you first caught feelings when aaron invited you to see him as Fiyero in Wicked
was it his amazing talent and charm? or was it his tight pants? you’d never tell
but nevertheless, oh shit! the friends to lovers troupe!
aaron is a manly man™️ and will always say he asked you out first
which is somewhat true, but you always argue the dinner you took him to after that show was the first date
because that’s when you first kissed him
and just like that! he asks you out!
first date is literally a d r e a m
no romantic dinner, no dress and tux
there was wine tho
you and aaron watched a Yankees game and got drunk off your asses laughing and screaming at the tv and annoying aaron’s roommate
did it end with both of you passed out on his couch cuddling? maybe it did
best. first. date. ever.
the second date WAS a nicer one, going out to eat and wandering the streets of New York City
and yes, some dates were ABSOLUTELY a par 9 on a golf course
you didn’t really put a label on your relationship for a while
because aaron’s career began to take off with next to normal and you finally got your big break on a national tour!
it was pretty bittersweet, though
you and aaron had a healthy conversation about your relationship, and decided you weren’t quite dating yet, but still talking. you guys wanted to see if you could manage the whole “gone for months at a time” thing
and you could!
skype, texting, and random 1 am phone calls
one time you feel asleep during one of the calls, and aaron just smiled and watched you sleep (not in a creepy way guys)
when you came back from tour you’d think you had come home from war
he all but tackles you into a hug, and kisses you
“let’s make this work”
so lo and behold! you were dating!
takes you to meet his family on thanksgiving
they love you
attending the tonys together, which was basically the first time you two confirmed a relationship
he said “I love you” first
a couple years would go by, catch me if you can and such, and you make your broadway debut!!
you’re def a triple threat
aaron’s so gushy about it, constantly brags about you
rumor has it he cried watching the opening night, denies it every time
literally glued to you for the entire after party, he’s just seriously so proud and in love awwh
and then he books les miz and graceland
you’re unable to travel to London w him since you’re in your own show, and it hits both of you hard
so what does this mfer do?
it’s the morning he leaves for shooting and you’re dropping him off at the airport
“hey when i get back from filming wanna get married?”
totally gave you a little prize machine plastic ring at the airport
you guys are literally SO NONCHALANT about it as everyone around you goes insane
“i’m engaged, i guess”
the internet blows up because they actually can’t figure out if you guys are serious or not
don’t worry, aaron actually proposed properly with a proper ring eventually
you still wear the plastic ring on a chain around your neck for a while tho
you both decide to get an apartment together
domestic couple things
Your neighbors probably hate you from the amount of times you both have “sing-offs”
slow dancing in the kitchen, laundry day, watching football games together gets aggressive
i firmly believe that you aren’t a Dallas Cowboys fan
the biggest fights you have honestly is about the NFL
in all seriousness there is still small conflict every once in a while, but you both are fantastic at communication
attending the oscars with aaron
“yeah but lOoK aT mY BeAuTiFuL FiAnCeE”
you’d be lying if watching the oscars performance didn’t turn you on a bit
you guys get married!
it’s definitely not a huge fancy wedding, just friends and family
you know for a FACT he’d sing “marry me a little” at the reception he so would
you guys dance all night
it’s adorable, his hand literally never leaves yours
you end up with a sinus infection from all the cake frosting he smears on your face
aaron felt really bad for it, so like a good wife you hold it over him for eternity
“remember that time we missed our flight to Belize because we were in the ER-“
went to Belize to honeymoon eventually anyways
aaron was very much like that one john mulaney sketch
“that’s my wife!”
“hey! have you met my wife yet?”
“i love my wife”
life goes on for you two, you remain hopping from broadway show to show
aaron ends up working on his acting career more
lots of time apart, but that just makes the time together more precious
adorable phone contact names
“wifey❤️” and “hubby❤️”
you were on set a lot for rehearsals of Grease Live
you actually helped assist in some of the choreography from time to time
impromptu golf cart rides
and you get to watch it live! like, you were AT the carnival on the set!
you’re just really proud of your mans :,)
family and friends keep pestering you both to have kids
so you adopt a dog (MILES BBY I LOVE YOU)
also as a side note, you love Braindead
you laughed HYSTERICALLY during the salami sex scene
aaron filmed it and posted it on twitter
fast forward, you get offered to help choreograph a new show! woah! and you’d get to swing for it!
it’s super top secret tho, and you literally cannot tell aaron
you do eventually relent the information that you’re working on a new show, and the man doesn’t pry. he’s respectful like that.
you meet the team, and boy you are IN LOVE
auditions are fun, creating the choreo is exhilarating
you don’t hear about casting much at all tho
so when aaron walks into the studio you both immediately freeze
“wait what the f—“
yup. you both were working on Moulin Rouge! and had NO clue
you both share (1) braincell
the lab went great, and soon you were on your way to Boston!
you HATE aaron’s longer hair, mostly because he won’t let you mess with it >:(
he eventually relents, and you teach him the secrets of “the man bun™️”
you also braid it a lot
“stop being a pussy about it”
“your hair’s the money maker don’t make me shave it in your sleep”
performing with your husband is a dream
sneaking looks on stage
aaron calls your frustrated choreo-instruction voice “mom voice” and the rest of the cast picks up on it
“no, it’s 7, 8! Up on 3, down on 5, 6, spin 7,8!”
“ok, mom!”
then broadway!!
the ricky-aaron lives
you had to go on for nini one performance and ricky teased aaron ALL DAY
you were totally in on it too
but aaron isn’t really the jealous type. he knows you are so in love with him, the same way he is in love with you
so basically he knew it was all fun and games
shenanigans backstage
one time during intermission you convinced aaron to give you a piggyback ride the ENTIRE 15 MINUTES
“hey aaron nice backpack”
small talk between scenes
like aaron would be sprinting to his next cue and you’d just
“i’m ordering domino’s for dinner pepperoni or sausage?”
you both drink too much iced coffee, like people are actually concerned for you both
neither of you are party-ers really, but you can GET DOWN
i am convinced aaron can cook
like if he’d have a day off, you’d come home from an evening performance with a cooked meal and two wine glasses
never candles tho
not after the valentine’s day incident
y’all are cute :,)
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Bonus Level Unlocked
This week marks the release of Jason Schreier’s Press Reset, an incredibly well-researched book on catastrophic business failure in the gaming industry. Jason’s a good dude, and there’s an excerpt here if you want to check it out. Sadly, game companies going belly-up is such a common occurrence that he couldn’t possibly include them all, and one of the stories left out due to space constraints is one that I happen to be personally familiar with. So, I figured I’d tell it here.
I began working at Acclaim Studios Austin as a sound designer in January of 2000. It was a tumultuous period for the company, including a recent rebranding from their former studio name, “Iguana Entertainment,” and a related, ongoing lawsuit from the ex-founder of Iguana. There were a fair number of ghosts hanging around—the creative director’s license plate read IGUANA, which he never changed, and one of the meeting rooms held a large, empty terrarium—but the studio had actually been owned on paper by Acclaim since 1995, and I didn’t notice any conflicting loyalties. Everyone acted as if we always had been, and always would be, Acclaim employees.
Over the next few years I worked on a respectable array of triple-A titles, including Quarterback Club 2002, Turok: Evolution, and All-Star Baseball 2002 through 2005. (Should it be “All-Stars Baseball,” like attorneys general? Or perhaps a term of venery, like “a zodiac of All-Star Baseball.”) At any rate, it was a fun place to work, and a platformer of hijinks ensued.
But let’s skip to the cutscene. The truth is that none of us in the trenches suspected the end was near until it was absolutely imminent. Yes, Turok: Evolution and Vexx had underperformed, especially when stacked against the cost of development, but games flop in the retail market all the time. And, yes, Showdown: Legends of Wrestling had been hustled out the door before it was ready for reasons no one would explain, and the New York studio’s release of a BMX game featuring unlockable live-action stripper footage had been an incredibly weird marketing ploy for what should have been a straightforward racing title. (Other desperate gimmicks around this time included a £6,000 prize for UK parents who would name their baby “Turok,” an offer to pay off speeding tickets to promote Burnout 2 that quickly proved illegal, and an attempt to buy advertising space on actual tombstones for a Shadow Man sequel.)
But the baseball franchise was an annual moneymaker, and our studio had teams well into development on two major new licenses, 100 Bullets and The Red Star. Enthusiasm was on the upswing. Perhaps I should have paid closer attention when voice actors started calling me to complain that they hadn’t been paid, but at the time it seemed more like a bureaucratic failure than an actual money shortage—and frankly, it was a little naïve of them to expect net-30 in the first place. Industry standard was, like, net-90 at best. So I was told.
Then one Friday afternoon, a few department managers got word that we’d kind of maybe been skipping out on the building lease for let’s-not-admit-how-many months. By Monday morning, everyone’s key cards had been deactivated.
It's a little odd to arrive at work and find a hundred-plus people milling around outside—even odder, I suppose, if your company is not the one being evicted. Acclaim folks mostly just rolled their eyes and debated whether to cut our losses and head to lunch now, while employees of other companies would look dumbfounded and fearful before being encouraged to push their way through the crowd and demonstrate their still-valid key card to the security guard. Finally, the General Manager (hired only a few months earlier, and with a hefty relocation bonus to accommodate his houseboat) announced that we should go home for the day and await news. Several of our coworkers were veterans of the layoff process—like I said, game companies go under a lot—and one of them had already created a Yahoo group to communicate with each other on the assumption that we’d lose access to our work email. A whisper of “get on the VPN and download while you can” rippled through the crowd.
But the real shift in tone came after someone asked about a quick trip inside for personal items, and the answer was a hard, universal “no.” We may have been too busy or ignorant to glance up at any wall-writing, but the building management had not been: they were anticipating a full bankruptcy of the entire company. In that situation, all creditors have equal standing to divide up a company's assets in lengthy court battles, and most get a fraction of what they’re owed. But if the landlords had seized our office contents in lieu of rent before the bankruptcy was declared, they reasoned, then a judge might rule that they had gotten to the treasure chest first, and could lay claim to everything inside as separate from the upcoming asset liquidation.
Ultimately, their gambit failed, but the ruling took a month to settle. In the meantime, knick knacks gathered dust, delivered packages piled up, food rotted on desks, and fish tanks became graveyards. Despite raucous protest from every angle—the office pets alone generated numerous threats of animal cruelty charges—only one employee managed to get in during this time, and only under police escort. He was a British citizen on a work visa, and his paperwork happened to be sitting on his desk, due to expire. Without it, he was facing literal deportation. Fortunately, a uniformed officer took his side (or perhaps just pre-responded to what was clearly a misdemeanor assault in ovo,) and after some tense discussion, the building manager relented, on the condition that the employee touch absolutely nothing beyond the paperwork in question. The forms could go, but the photos of his children would remain.
It’s also a little odd, by the way, to arrive at the unemployment office and find every plastic chair occupied by someone you know. Even odder, I suppose, if you’re actually a former employee of Acclaim Studios Salt Lake, which had shut down only a month or two earlier, and you just uprooted your wife and kids to a whole new city on the assurance that you were one of the lucky ones who got to stay employed. Some of them hadn’t even finished unpacking.
Eventually, we were allowed to enter the old office building one at a time and box up our things under the watchful eye of a court appointee, but by then our list of grievances made the landlords’ ploy seem almost quaint by comparison (except for the animals, which remains un-fucking-forgivable.) We had learned, for example, that in the weeks prior to the bankruptcy, our primary lender had made an offer of $15 million—enough to keep us solvent through our next batch of releases, two of which had already exited playtesting and were ready to be burned and shipped. The only catch was that the head of the board, company founder Greg Fischbach, would have to step down. This was apparently too much of an insult for him to stomach, and he decided that he'd rather see everything burn to the ground. The loan was refused.
Other “way worse than we thought” details included gratuitous self-dealing to vendors owned by board members, the disappearance of expensive art from the New York offices just before closure, and the theft of our last two paychecks. For UK employees, it was even more appalling: Acclaim had, for who knows how long, been withdrawing money from UK paychecks for their government-required pension funds, but never actually putting the money into the retirement accounts. They had stolen tens of thousands of dollars directly from each worker.
Though I generally reside somewhere between mellow and complete doormat on the emotional spectrum, I did get riled enough to send out one bitter email—not to anyone in corporate, but to the creators of a popular webcomic called Penny Arcade, who, in the wake of Acclaim’s bankruptcy announcement, published a milquetoast jibe about Midway’s upcoming Area 51. I told Jerry (a.k.a. “Tycho”) that I was frankly disappointed in their lack of cruelty, and aired as much dirty laundry as I was privy to at the time.
“Surely you can find a comedic gem hidden somewhere in all of this!” I wrote. “Our inevitable mocking on PA has been a small light at the end of a very dark, very long tunnel. Please at least allow us the dignity of having a smile on our faces while we wait in line for food stamps.”
Two days later, a suitably grim comic did appear, implying the existence of a new release from Acclaim whose objective was to run your game company into the ground. In the accompanying news post, Tycho wrote:
“We couldn’t let the Acclaim bankruptcy go without comment, though we initially let it slide thinking about the ordinary gamers who lost their jobs there. They don’t have anything to do with Acclaim’s malevolent Public Relations mongrels, and it wasn’t they who hatched the Titty Bike genre either. Then, we remembered that we have absolutely zero social conscience and love to say mean things.”
Another odd experience, by the way, is digging up a 16-year-old complaint to a webcomic creator for nostalgic reference when you offer that same creator a promotional copy of the gaming memoir you just co-wrote with Sid Meier. Even odder, I suppose, to realize that the original non-Acclaim comic had been about Area 51, which you actually were hired to work on yourself soon after the Acclaim debacle.*
As is often the case in complex bankruptcies, the asset liquidation took another six years to fully stagger its way through court—but in 2010, we did, surprisingly, get the ancient paychecks we were owed, plus an extra $1,700-ish for the company’s apparent violation of the WARN Act. By then, I had two kids and a very different life, for which the money was admittedly helpful. Sadly, Acclaim’s implosion probably isn’t even the most egregious one on record. Our sins were, to my knowledge, all money-related, and at least no one was ever sexually assaulted in our office building. Again, to my knowledge. On the other hand, I’m pretty sure we remain the only historical incident of corporate pet murder. The iguana got out just in time.
*Area 51’s main character was voiced by David Duchovny, and he actually got paid—which was lucky for him, because three years later, Midway also declared bankruptcy.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
Toppat!Charles Part 13(Final)
This is it. The big 13.
What a ride.
I'm not holding back on this.
Dramatic recap: Triple Threat has spent time reunited, though Charles has some trouble relaxing before their mission. Speaking of which, all goes well at firs, but Charles is recaptured by Right and Ellie is found by Toppats and Reginald, leaving Henry alone in the vents.
To catch up before this finale, here are all the previous parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2 Deleted/Extended Scene
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8 Preview
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
I just really want to say thank you all for enjoying this series since it started. It means a lot to me. I never knew how 'big' this would get and I'm honestly really glad you all liked this. And for putting up with my nonsense 😅😂
Anyway, onto the finale!!!
If this was a tv special, the camera would do a glidey thing from the side of a vent to an open path, which Henry crawls through.
He's hot, very uncomfortable, and really hopes that Charles gets back to him and Ellie.
It probably doesn't help that he can't hear Ellie anymore. At all.
Alone, Henry sighs as he is left to follow a humming sound that he KNOWS has to be the core.
He's ditched a lot of his space gear and tied his hoodue around his hips, but he presses on, because he's really starting to hate the Toppat Clan right now.
Charles panics as he tries to break free from his binds, in a cell very much like the one Henry was locked in in the Free Man Ending. He's in pure panic mode and only knows that Right is leaning against the wall and he needs to get the hell out.
Charles is trying as much as he can, kicking up, trying to throw off the balance, even trying to go for the remote, which is where Right intervenes, taking it just as Charles is about to kick it.
After a few more minutes of kicking and flailing, Charles lets out a very loud scream.
"Are you done, kid?"
Charles breaks down and stops his struggling, keeping his gaze on the floor as he asks, "Why are you doing this? You already have your friend back."
"You're the one who came back, not me. Let me guess: the government didn't want you back?"
Charles keeps his head down, even as Right stops leaning on the wall and approaches him.
"Why're you really here?"
With a rush of adrenaline, Charles kicks Right, smirking at the fact that he'd managed to send him into the wall.
Right scowls and punches him in the face.
"Don't get cocky, or I'll send out into space," Right snarls as he points to a button on the remote. He keeps his thumb on this button, making sure Charles doesn't get any ideas. "Tell me why you're here, kid. What're you up to?"
Charles gulps and opens his mouth to explain, but is cut off by either Burt or Sven or any other toppat clan member.
"Sir, we've found someone in the ventilation system. He's heading to the core, now."
Charles freezes and Right turns to him, a 'gotcha' smile growing on his face.
Henry has found the core and climbs out of the vent, bomb in hand; it has enough power to cause critical damage to the core and should give him and Ellie enough time to get back to Charles, and give the toppats time to evacuate and return to Earth, where they'll be arrested.
He walks along a ramp and gets ready to toss the bomb onto the core, near the middle where a lot of the power is.
His aim is heavily disrupted when he hears footsteps racing toward him.
As toppats approach, Henry runs to the other side of the core, tapping Morse into his earpiece to alert Ellie and Charles that he's been spotted.
He stops dead in his tracks when he sees two toppats holding Ellie back by her arms as she struggles, a little bruised and beaten, and sees Right holding Charles, who has his hands bound behind his back, by his hair.
"'Ello. 'Ere for something?"
Henry, after a quick glance to both Ellie and Charles, lowers the bomb and quickly draws his gun.
Which is shot out of his hand by from behind Reginald, who gives him a dainty wave.
Henry sneers at him before turning to Right.
"Seem familiar to you, 'Enry? One friend injured by toppats and the otjerneeding you to rescue 'im?"
The memory itself is like salt on a wound. Almost a year ago, they'd been trying to stop the rocket feom getting into orbit.
Now they're trying to blow the station to high Heaven, high water, Hell and back again.
"Don't listen to him," Charles hisses out, but Right slams his head on the railing and holds him on the other side of the railing by his neck.
Henry panics and sets down the bomb, much to the objection of Ellie, and holds his hands up.
Right merely scoffs at this. "You're good at making history repeat itself."
Charles is conscious enough to see this and feels his stomach drop, as Henry is possibly breaking his promise.
That's until he sees Henry sort of making a slight scissor motion with his middle and index fingers as subtly as he can, Morsing the following messages to Charles and Ellie:
'Bite their wrists. Kick someone's ahin and they're useless for a few minutes.
'Kick him. Kick him. Kick him. Kick him. Kick him.'
With a deep breath, Henry quickly drops for his gun as Ellie sort of reverse axe kicks one the toppat guard's shins and bites the other, making both let go of her.
Henry shoots Reginald in the foot, which gets Right to instinctively take a step forward and pull Charles closer, which leads to him getting in a really good kick to Right's jaw before he falls onto the platform.
Ellie headbutts one guard and punches the other before running to the bomb.
Charles covers himself as Right kicks him before the cyborg charges to Henry, who shoots him in the shoulder and goes to do it again, but is tackled by Reginald.
There's a lot of kicking and punching, but Ellie eventually knocks out one guard, only to be slammed into the wall by her hair and thrown down.
Before he can get any other hits in, he is shot and falls to the platform, clutching between his neck and shoulder.
Ellie looks to see Charles holdimg Henry's gun before he turns it on Henry, Reginald, and Right, using a couple shots to scare away Reginald.
Right, mad as all hell, beats the ever loving heebie jeebies out of Henry, smashing him into the platforming and daring, "You think you're some kind of hero, kid? You think just by taking us out, you're helping yourself!? All over some damned pilot and a rat you found!?"
Henry, very much offended and sick of all the salt, strikes Right with Reginald's gun, hitting the metal side of his head and even getting in an uppercut before Charles delivers a phenomenal kick that shatters Right's cybernetic eye.
Right falls back, knocked out cold from the hit.
Charles holds a hand out for Henry, who takes it with a clap and lets himself get picked up by Charles, though he does help.
"Good shot," Charles sighs. "And... thanks."
Henry hugs him, and Charles tenses before hugging back, crying as relief floods him. Relief that his friend actually kept his promise, which he totally knew he'd do, 100% without a doubt.
"Um, guys?" Ellie asks. "Shouldn't we...?"
Henry pats Charles and the two pull away, ready to blow this pop stand.
Without the detonator, they'll have to do this the risky-but-badass-if-this-works way.
Ellie throws the bomb onto the core and both Henry and Charles shoot it, making the bomb go off.
It knocks all three of them down, but don't worry they all come to.
They decide to take Right and Reginald, who got knocked out by the blast, and race to the escape pods, with guidance from Charles.
Henry fights a flashback of Valiant Hero before realizing Charles isn't leading them to the normal escape pods.
"You guys might not believe this, but this isn't just the room for the clan leader," Charles admits ehen they get to what used to be his room, which became Reginald's for a short time.
They load in and lock Right and Reginald in handcuffs, but Charles decides to pull one more card out of his sleeve: an 'override' feature that guides the escape pods to a certain location.
"Where dhould they go? The base or...?"
Henry and Ellie trade glances before Henry smirks and nods.
"The Wall," Ellie replies.
"You sure?"
'They gave us enough trouble, and they'll keep Dmitri off my back,' Henry signs as quickly as he can.
Charles sets the location and they leave just as the orbital station explodes.
All three take a sigh of relief, especially Charles.
"It's... It's over. We did it."
Ellie nods and puts a hand on his shoulder as Henry holds his hand on his other side and gives him a smile.
'It's all over.'
Charles rests his head on Henry's shoulder as Ellie moves to hold his hand as well, and lean on him as he lets himself cry.
Galeforce paces back and forth at the base, waiting to hear a word from Henry, Ellie, and Charles.
Rupert has informed him that they have lost contact with the destroyer, which has been destroyed with the Toppat station.
Escape pods have been landing in The Wall, but there hasn't been a single report on Triple Threat.
Terrence sits in a chair with one leg folded over and doing that foot shake thing, because he's stressed.
Bill Bullet is also waiting, though he's keeping his eyes on the ground, and he's not talking about anything because Galeforce will kill him.
All three jump when they hear the sound of some sort of space craft landing near the base and rush to investigate with a lot of the soldiers.
They have to fight their way through as the door opens and Reginald and Right are thrown out.
Henry, Charles, and Ellie stumble out, their injuries having caught up to them, leaving them tired and needing some medical attention.
The soldiers are literally elated to see these three, even though Henry's shady, Ellie's also shady, and Charles is the youngest and best pilot. Some take Right and Reginald away to a cell before they're sent to The Wall, but the rest somewhat dogpile the trio, patting their backs, ruffling their hair, shaking their hands, and just celebrating the fact that they're all back on Earth and alright.
They make way for Galeforce, Terrence, and Bill, the corporal standing back as Terrence reunites with Henry and Ellie and Galeforce throws his arms around Charles.
After so much excitement, Charles passes out and is carried to the infirmary.
Through the crowd, Henry spots Bill, who gestures for him to follow, which he does.
Ellie sees this and also starts following, but Terrence stops her.
"Let's leave them be. Corporal kept saying he needed to talk to him alone."
Henry and Bill walk until they're a really good distance away and just stand in a clearing, watching the now clear sky that is missing the orbital station.
"Looks kinda empty without it, doesn't it?" Bill asks.
Henry shrugs, but nods all the same. 'When do I leave?' he signs instead.
Bill fights an eye roll and he pockets his sunglasses. "You know, I've seen a lot of crminals, but never ones that were selfish enough to do the right thing. Hell, I think I know a couple that would take over that orbital station instead of destroy it for someone they care about."
'They had it coming, after what happened.'
"If you say so." Bill passes the chaos readings to Henry, who reads them over as much as he can because he doesn't get a lot of it.
"You'd be surprised how much numbers matter. They go up when you're on your own, but they go down when you're surrounded by people to keep you in check, whether you know it or not. Call it whatever you want, strange, lucky, interesting."
Henry takes one more look at the readings before turning back to Bill, a smile growing on his face. 'You changed your mind?'
"As much of a good study you'd really be, yes, I have," Bill sighs. "Just do me a favor and don't make a habit of losing your friends, okay?"
Henry nods and returns the readings as he sprints bak to the base, almost running into Ellie.
"What'd he say?"
Henry smiles her and the message is clear:
He's not going anywhere.
The two hug and highfive, though they stop because they're sore and still a little injured.
They walk to the infirmary and are put in beds next to Charles, who's resting a little easier than they've seen him in a while.
"Fine work you three," Galeforce says as he joins them. "Just about every member of the Toppat Clan was sent to The Wall." He notices Charles stirring a little before resting again and gives a small smlie. "You three rest up now. You've earned it."
Galeforce leaves and both lie down, Charles opening his eyes and staring up at the ceiling.
"They're... really gone. We did it."
Neither speak as he continues.
"In my cell and when they made me the leader, I used to imagine destroying it myself. Just shooting it as much as I could before it all went up into smoke. I never thought we'd actually do it. I can't believe we did it."
From where they all lay, the three hold hands and fall asleep, the endeavor of the past year slipping away.
Henry in particular lets out a sigh as he drifts off, glad that all three of his friends are back and safe.
Outside the base, Terrence leans against the hood of a car and watches the sunset, and Reginald and a one armed Right be loaded into a van headed toward The Wall.
The two toppat leaders are not looking forward to their incarceration, but Reginald holds Right's human hand, which seems to at least simmer his temper a little bit.
"They make a cute couple, don't you think?"
"I'd say," Bill sighs as he types on a laptop on the ground; just an email to his workers and to Dmitri. "I'd be surprised if I heard there was a Wall wedding for the two of them."
"A wedding? WITHOUT me? And you call my son a criminal," Terrence gasps as he holds a hand on his chest.
Bill snickers and finishes up those emails. "Come on. We need to head back."
Terrence rolls his eye as Bill sets his laptop in the backseat.
"Do I have to stay in that same room all the time? Or can I have Henry's?"
Bill scowls at him.
"I like the idea of having a window, watching some sitcoms, and just keeping up a good appearance, sue me."
"Depends on how well we get along on the ride back."
Terrence watches Bill get in his seat and start the car and takes one last look at the base before he climbs into the passenger seat. "Hope you like country."
"Don't touch my damn car, Suave."
Terrence laughs as Bill fights a smirk, driving back to the CCC headquarters and leaving Triple Threat to rest and heal for future shenanigans and missions for the government.
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georgescatcafe · 4 years
gonna be around
rating: t warning/s: blood mention, and an unconscious person is kissed pairing/s: dreamnotfound genres/tags: realistic minecraft au, potions, bad ideas word count: 4603 summary: In which Dream and George do not listen to Sapnap, a run-in with a witch goes wrong, and what the heck is ree-tuh-velo? (Or is it reh-too-velo?)
For all intents and purposes, it should be easy. All they have to do is cross a swamp biome to get to the stronghold containing the End portal, and voila! They’re done. And it is easy, for a time. George ignores the weight-gain of his jeans as the ends of them fill with water, and Dream ignores the tiring of his arm from holding his shield for so long. Sapnap ignores the squelch of his leather boots in the mud. They’re fine. It’s all easy; it’s all good.
And then Dream comes to an abrupt stop, leaving George to run into him, and Sapnap to almost stumble if it weren’t for how firmly his feet were in the mud. “What?” George asks, as the trio stare ahead of them. “What is it?”
Dream points a finger directly ahead. “There’s a witch’s hut over there.”
Sapnap sighs. “See, we should’ve just gone around. Maybe if you two listened to me more often—”
“Do you think there’s anything in it?” George asks, turning to Dream with wide eyes hidden behind his sunglasses.
Shoving down his irritation at getting cut off, Sapnap crosses his arms over his chest. “Everybody knows there’s nothing useful in there, just trouble. So why don’t we just keep going, keep our heads down, no one gets hurt, no one gets killed—”
“Maybe,” Dream says, and with that, the two take off towards the hut, leaving Sapnap to follow, though he finds himself stuck in the mud. With wide eyes, he watches as Dream and George head further into the swamp. Concern inflates like a balloon in his chest, but until he’s out of the mud, out of his boots maybe, he’s unable to help. His gaze drops to his feet, though he can’t even see them, so covered in gunk they are. He’s sunken a fair amount, and when he tries to move, he swears he only gets deeper. He gets his hands around a leg and pulls, trying his best to make some progress in getting unstuck.
“Seriously,” he grumbles to himself as nothing seems to work, “they really couldn’t’ve thought for one minute. One minute. Like, hey, maybe we shouldn’t go inside the scary witch’s house that literally everyone knows only has a little table and mushroom in it? I don’t know. Just an idea. But hey! I’m sure that days-old water is great! So refreshing!” He’s still muttering to himself, working on getting his other leg free, when he hears the sound of footsteps, and sees Dream running towards him at a near-full sprint. Honestly, forget whatever monsters they’ve fought. Having Dream running straight at him full-speed might be one of the most terrifying things he’s seen.
His shield is obviously banged up now, and it shines with some unknown substance that drips down it and onto the ground below, though some flies off behind Dream while he runs. What is also flying off, apparently, is his mask. Sapnap, out of strange respect (he’s really not sure), finds himself looking away from the other’s face, however, to instead inspect the rest of his person. He’s got red staining his front, and Sapnap is pretty sure some of it spreads onto his back too, from his shoulder. His hands, too, are bloodied, but Sapnap doesn’t care when they get a grip around his arms to help pull him the rest of the way out of the mud.
“George,” Dream is saying when Sapnap is finally out of the mud, the name choppy with how hard Dream is breathing, “left him, he—”
This is the most panicked Sapnap has ever heard Dream, and he reaches out a hand to steady his friend when the other turns to go back towards the hut and stumbles. When Dream looks back at him, Sapnap accidentally gets a clear look at his face, and it’s almost his turn to stumble at the sheer fear on it.
“What happened?” Sapnap asks, brows furrowing, that concern from before back in full, no, doubled, tripled now, as Dream falls into an explanation, something about a fight with the witch, it using some kind of potion on George, one Dream’s never seen (one Sapnap has definitely never seen), then using a basic harming one on Dream, resulting in his current state, Dream having managed to only hurt himself worse when on his way to Sapnap.
“So George is still back at the hut?” Sapnap asks, all caution thrown out the window out of worry for his friend, ready to turn and run into danger himself.
Dream nods. “The witch, it’s gone. It—”
“Not an invisibility potion,” Sapnap groans, looking back to Dream with wide eyes.
Dream only shakes his head, and Sapnap is ready to sigh in relief, though also that means a witch still has George , but then Dream continues: “I killed it.”
Dread fills Sapnap whole. “What?”
“I was panicked; I wasn’t thinking; I was dumb,” Dream looks at Sapnap, one hand with its knuckles turning white from how tight it grips the end of his sword, “we need to go back.”
“Uh, yeah,” Sapnap agrees, finally deciding to just say fuck it and head off in the direction of the witch’s hut. “So the witch is really gone?”
Dream makes an affirmative noise from behind him, and Sapnap sighs, continuing on through tall grass and murky water.
When they reach the hut, the sun has started to set, and Sapnap’s muscles burn as he pulls himself up onto the porch of the hut. He bites back a wince of sympathy when Dream makes a small noise as he follows, and Sapnap is fully able to see the blood that’s begun to stain his shirt down the back. Unable to fight the caring instincts he has, Sapnap kneels down to help Dream get fully on the porch and catch his breath. “Come on, big guy,” he says, placing what he hopes is a comforting hand on the other’s uninjured shoulder, “we’ve got a George to save.”
He’s about to turn and go in when Dream’s hand on his wrist stops him. “Wait,” Dream gets out, “George is—”
“Are you sure George isn’t dead?” Sapnap can’t help the way his voice pitches as he stares at the eldest’s body laid out on the ground, looking definitely worse for the wear, his glasses no longer even on his face, instead lenses-down on the ground next to him.
“He’s not dead,” Dream says, and this time the voice comes from slightly above Sapnap, so he knows the other has managed to push himself up to stand. “He’s breathing.”
“Must be pretty barely,” Sapnap murmurs, moving to go inspect George. His eyes are shut, and ignoring the rest of his body, bruised and slightly bloody, probably from the fight and him falling to the floor, he almost looks peaceful, expression blank, brows relaxed. “What did that potion do to him, dude?”
There’s the sound of scraping and then the hut brightens, making the mottled marks on George’s skin more obvious, the lack of color in his face definitely moreso. But it also makes the slight rise and fall of his chest visible too. “Yup,” Sapnap says, “still breathing.” There’s a soft thunk as Dream sets down the lantern on the crafting table before he’s coming to sit next to Sapnap.
“There’s got to be some notes here or something,” he tells the other. “There’s no way that potion’s been used before. That witch made it, I know it.”
Sapnap looks around at the mostly barren room. True to what he thought, it’s just got the crafting table and a cauldron, and when he glances to one of the windows, there sits a flower pot with just a single mushroom in it. There doesn’t seem to be any secret room, no place to hide any confidential information. It’s just an empty hut, its original owner and all their knowledge now gone.
“Okay,” Sapnap says more to himself than anyone else, though the only other people there are an unconscious man and a desperate man frantically tugging at rotting wood planks, “this is fine. We can handle this. This is fine.”
“Not fine,” Dream says, making Sapnap look over at him. “Come on, dude, we need to search for something.”
Sapnap nods before looking down at George just one more time; his face is still relaxed, his body still awkwardly bent from his fall. Sapnap, for as much as he pokes fun and does his best to annoy the other, doesn’t actually dislike him, so he readjusts George, making it to where he’s laying there flat on his back, arms over his chest, legs stretched out pointing towards the door, minimizing the possibility of unnecessary soreness.
When Sapnap rises, Dream is paused, staring down at George. “Dude,” he says, “don’t make him look dead.”
“He’s going to be more comfortable this way,” Sapnap argues. “Have you found anything?”
Dream flashes him his empty palms, and Sapnap grits his teeth, joining the other in the search. When he can’t find anything either, Sapnap glances up only to see Dream looking over at George. His mask, which had fallen off completely some time on their way back to the hut, Sapnap spies shoved haphazardly into his pocket, as if Dream couldn’t be bothered to put it back on, as if he couldn’t care less if it were to fall out either. This is the most open Sapnap has seen Dream, and he’s not sure he likes it.
Considering their friend is lying unconscious on the floor, the pair of them with zero certainty that he’ll ever wake up again, Sapnap becomes sure he doesn’t like it.
“I’ll check outside,” Sapnap tells the other, making Dream look away from George. His eyes glint in the candlelight, and Sapnap swallows, turning away as he heads to the door. When he pokes his head out, he sees no threat, despite the sun being down, so he makes his careful way out of the hut.
He gives a small grunt when he lands on the ground in front of the hut, the impact worse than it should be because of how tired he is. Nevertheless, he continues the search. It is when he’s starting to fear that he’s walked too far that Sapnap smells sulphur and burning. Dream had killed the witch around here. Sapnap looks around, though the swamp is full of shadows that stretch endlessly no matter which way he looks, even with the dim light coming from the hut, even with the pale moonlight that tries to break through the trees.
Despite this, he pushes forward, reaching out to see if he can feel anything the witch might’ve dropped that Dream didn’t pick up. With the way Dream had been when he reached Sapnap, he doubts Dream picked anything up at all.
Sapnap pauses. Dream is usually the type to roll with the punches, his brain faster than anyone’s Sapnap has ever met, having solved the problem before he’s even faced it—a quality Sapnap has always admired him for. He’d never throw it all out if he weren’t truly afraid. Sapnap’s hand catches on something lodged in the mud. He gives a tug.
A notebook, muddied, maybe, likely, probably illegible. But a notebook no less.
He’s quick to get back to the hut.
When he gets back inside, it’s to find Dream sitting with his back against the wall, the window with the flower pot above his head. He’s got his eyes shut, but Sapnap spies his sword flat on the ground next to him, his hand covering the hilt, ready to wrap around it and spring into action if necessary.
“I found it,” Sapnap says. “You really weren’t thinking today, huh?” It’s supposed to be a joke, meant to lighten the mood, but it falls flat as he tosses Dream, who’s now got his eyes open and on him, the notebook.
“Didn’t know what to do,” Dream replies. “Thanks, man.”
“It’s fine. It’s George,” he says. “I’d do it for you too.”
To that, Dream just hums, working on peeling the pages apart.
“So?” Sapnap asks when a minute has passed and Dream has managed to flip through most of it. “Anything?”
Dream begins to shake his head, and Sapnap’s hands curl into fists at his side, anger rising in him—at Dream, for being so reckless; at the witch, for doing this to George; at himself, for not stopping them; at George, for being the one to suggest such a stupid thing anyway—the anger turns to hate at the last one. But this time, it’s all directed at himself. He’s ready for… something, a fight, a rest, a fucking break, maybe, but then Dream gives a shout, and Sapnap turns to him faster than lightning.
“What is it?” he asks.
Dream shoves the notebook out towards him, and Sapnap steps around George to take it from him, moving closer to the candlelight to better see what’s written.
Base + [Ghast tear + Phantom membrane + Blaze Powder] = RETUVELO
Underneath that, there’s something else, but even with the lamp right there, it’s still hard to read.
Sapnap frowns. “Uh… great. But what is ree-tuh-velo?”
Dream gives a shrug, though it’s distracted, and Sapnap allows himself a smile hidden behind the notebook. Distracted is good. Distracted means he’s thinking. Distracted means he’s thinking the way he normally does.
“A Ghast tear added is regeneration,” he says, making Sapnap lower the notebook. “Membrane, slows down falling.”
“Blaze powder is strength.”
“So what do those combined do?” Dream asks it aloud, but Sapnap knows he’s talking more to himself than him.
That doesn’t mean Sapnap doesn’t have an idea though. “Well,” he says, “the Ghast tear might be what makes him… like this,” he gives a pathetic wave towards George. Dream nods, fingers drumming against the floor.
“What about the strength? When he wakes up will he be like a golem or something?” Dream’s got his eyes locked on George’s face now, staring at it like it’ll somehow hold the answers.
“He doesn’t look any stronger,” Sapnap says. He chews his lip before looking at the notebook again. “Were you able to read whatever is underneath that? What if it’s like… some fine print?” At Dream’s furrowed brow, Sapnap hands the notebook back to him.
“I tried, but…,” he holds up the notebook, making a sputtering noise, lips pursed, cheeks puffed. It’d be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.
“Give me that,” Sapnap orders, taking the notebook back, sick of not having anything. Even with the recipe, it’s like they’re no closer than they were an hour ago. He holds it as close as he can to the flames without it burning and squints, doing his best to read the words. Then his eyes drift back up to the name of the potion, and he gives it another good stare, and then he looks at the ingredients, and looks at the name, and the ingredients, and the name, and then he looks over his shoulder at Dream and George, then he looks at the page as a whole, and oh.
“So…,” Sapnap says, “I think I know what the problem is. And also that that witch is braver than all three of us combined. It was still fighting a losing battle, though. And it lost. I guess we’re just that good.” He gives the notebook back to Dream. After he does, he makes his way over to Dream under the pretence of looking out the window. When he turns around to lean against the wall, standing while Dream is sitting, he glances down at the other. “You can thank me later for this, by the way. You’re going to hate me at first, though.”
“Why?” Dream asks. “What’re you—”
Sapnap puts his hand on the other’s head.
“Dude, stop. What the f—”
“Only know that I’m doing this because I care deeply about you both, and that I think this will be better for all of us. Also, I’m doing this because if I tell you to, you’ll say no.”
“Do what?”
“Dream,” Sapnap says, “kiss him.”
“What? No!”
“See?” Sapnap cries. “I knew you’d say that.”
“He’s unconscious, man! That’s weird.”
“I should’ve gone with my original plan,” Sapnap mutters. “Okay, then I’ll do—”
“Your original plan?” Dream stares up at Sapnap with wide eyes. “Dude, what are you thinking? And, wait, don’t get closer, stop!” Sapnap, who had gotten on his knees to sit next to George, moves in closer, glancing at Dream innocently. “No,” Dream says. “Whatever. Fine. I’ll do it.”
Sapnap bites back the yes he wants to give, instead simply scooting back so Dream can instead be the one to hover over George. He’s sure Dream’s about to do it, their faces barely an inch apart, when Dream sits back up and looks over at Sapnap.
Sapnap holds back a groan. “Because it’s the only way to wake him up, idiot!” He stretches to get the notebook off where he left it on the table. He points at RETUVELO. “True love!”
Dream gives him an incredulous look. “How do you know?”
“Okay,” Sapnap begins, and Dream straightens, “look. No. I know what I’m talking about. At first, I wasn’t sure, yeah, but then I saw ‘reciprocated,’ see?” He points at one of the words beneath the recipe. “Here. And it, like, clicked.”
“You were going to kiss him,” Dream says, accusatory.
Sapnap could bang his head on the table then and there. Maybe the cauldron, even. “Because I know it’d make you do it instead! I love George, but not like that!”
“Then how’d you know I—”
They stare at each other, Dream’s hands have come up to cover his mouth.
“Ignoring the fact that I’ve known you eight years,” Sapnap says, the bitterness in his words (mostly) playful, “it’s kind of obvious. Your mask came off and you didn’t even care.”
“You’ve seen my face,” Dream replies, as if he hadn’t put the mask on one day and just… never took it off. As if the one time Sapnap saw him without it after that moment Dream hadn’t immediately slapped it back up against his face until Sapnap turned back around.
“You didn’t think, man,” Sapnap says.
“I thought my friend had died!” Dream argues.
“Uh-huh,” Sapnap says, “like you’d be half as frantic if it were me.”
“I would,” Dream frowns, “seriously. I love you too, man.”
“Not the way you love Goerge,” Sapnap sing-songs. And then he gets tired of this because the information given on the potion was still really bare bones so for all they know George could actually be actively dying and not just… in a coma. “Just… don’t believe me? Fine. Do it and prove me wrong.”
Dream stares at Sapnap, gaze piercing even in the dim candlelight. Sapnap stares back, refusing to back down on this. He’s had his dumb moments, sure, but this is one thing he’s certain of. Not to mention (and not to brag), but Sapnap has always been the best out of all of them with the potions. Just saying.
“Fine,” Dream says, and then he’s ducking down to press perhaps the most pathetic kiss Sapnap has ever seen onto George’s lips, sitting back up less than a second later, eyes wild, cheeks flushed in a way Sapnap’s never gotten to see with the way he’s always wearing his mask. “There,” he continues, “I did it.” And then he looks at Sapnap, almost smugly, which is funny because that means he’d be smug about not curing George.
And then George gasps.
“You’ve got to be joking me,” Dream groans, while Sapnap lets out a yes! that was probably most definitely louder than necessary.
“I told you,” Sapnap says. “I told you.”
“Told him what?” George’s voice is hoarse, and he winces with every word.
“Don’t worry about it,” Dream snaps before Sapnap can get a word in. “How’re you feeling?”
“Like I’ve fallen down a ravine,” George replies, not even trying to get off the ground. Granted, there’s nowhere much else he could go. Not while it’s night and he’s still weak from the potion. Dream feels round his pockets then, and both Sapnap and George watch as he pulls out a new potion, one that glows a hot pink.
“The witch dropped it,” he says. “Here.”
When George doesn’t take the potion, Sapnap is about to take it from him, but then both he and Dream seem to realize why he’s not taking it.
“Your mask,” George says. It comes out like a whisper. Sapnap looks over Dream’s head out the window. It's night, sure, but it’ll be morning soon. The shadows dance on the wall as George places a hand on Dream’s face; Sapnap considers sitting out on the porch. “Should’ve kept it on,” George suddenly continues. “You look like trash.”
“Oh my god, shut up.” George’s hand falls from Dream’s face as Dream ducks his head to laugh. George is smiling as he finally takes the potion. Sapnap steadies him when he tries to sit up to take it.
“I tried it on you earlier,” Dream admits. “It didn’t work.”
George is slightly flushed with the effects of the potion working their way through him, and his eyes are bright even in the darkness as he looks up at Dream, who’s still hovering just slightly over him. “What was that stuff?”
Dream looks over at Sapnap, who looks back before dropping his gaze to George. He still feels Dream’s eyes on him, but he doesn’t say anything. What can he even say? The truth will have to come out some time, but it shouldn’t be him to say it.
“Potion,” he says anyway, just to… get the ball rolling, that’s all. “Something new.”
“When I killed the witch,” Dream continues, “it dropped a healing potion. I managed to catch it and come back, see if it worked, before going to get Sap.”
“It didn’t work,” George repeats.
“You were out cold,” Dream replies. “Sapnap thought you died.”
“For, like, a second,” Sapnap cuts in, leaning back on his heels and crossing his arms. “It’s a fair assumption. You were just… laying there.”
“I was unconscious!” George replies. “I can’t exactly get comfortable.” His voice is still scratchy, though less so. Even then, Sapnap’s hand is back on George’s shoulder, and Dream is reaching for the potion, though George shrugs off Sapnap’s hand and smacks away Dream’s. “‘M fine.” He takes a breath then sits up properly, the shadows on his face changing as he moves, though his eyes still shine from the potion. “Is the potion all it dropped?” he asks Dream.
Sapnap should go now. He really should go now.
“A notebook,” Dream answers. “Sapnap went back and found it.”
“You didn’t get it right away? I could’ve been awake a lot sooner!”
“You’re awake now,” Dream snaps back, brow furrowing, “isn’t that enough?”
“I was in fucking limbo, man!”
George glares at Dream, and Sapnap bites back a laugh. “I’m the one who was unconscious, me, so don’t even—,” and then his free hand comes up to his face and his eyes widen as when they touch the skin beneath his eyes and not the plastic of his sunglasses.
Sapnap shakes his head as he picks up George’s glasses and hands them to him. “They’re probably all scratched up now,” he tells the other. “Sorry, dude.”
“It’s,” George slides them on, “whatever. Thanks.”
Sapnap gives him a smile before glancing back out the window, where it’s definitely either close to sunrise or the sun is already over the horizon. He pushes himself up off the ground. “Well, I’m going to go look for something we can eat. Don’t forget to tell him about ree-tuh-velo, Dream.” Because knowing them, they’d probably get distracted and end up having that conversation when Sapnap is in a room with them with no quick escape route. At least now he has the excuse of doing something. He gives the pair a wave as he heads out the door, not bothering to look back and instead looking out into the swamp, hoping for just about anything other than mushrooms.
By the time he’s done, he is covered in a new layer of mud, though he’s got a bucket of clean water with him to wash that off this time, and the mess is worth it, if the raw pork he carries with him is anything to go by. When he reaches the foot of the hut, he pauses at the sound of voices.
“... was a dud,” George is saying. “It can’t detect emotion.”
“That’s not true and you know it,” Dream replies. “I tried the healing potion on you at first, and absolutely nothing happened.”
“Because that reh-too-velo shit overpowered it!” George argues.
“You saw the recipe!” The sound of paper. Sapnap leans against one of the posts holding the hut up. “None of that stuff should’ve hurt you.”
A pause.
“Why can’t you just admit it?”
“Because it’s not true.”
“On your side maybe.”
“Dream, what—”
Sapnap looks at the cloth he wrapped the pork in. He’ll need to start a fire. Best not to do it in a wooden hut. He focuses on Dream and George’s conversation one more time. Just to be safe.
“Since when?”
“Since—I don’t know! I just kind of… noticed!”
“Like I believe that—”
“Well, what about you?”
Setting the bucket down then readjusting his grip on the pork, Sapnap moves away from the post, deciding to find somewhere else to start a fire. Hopefully they’ll have figured it all out before he gets back.
Returning to the hut what should be a conversation later with cooked pork chops, Sapnap is happy to find his bucket has remained untouched, and he sets it up onto the porch before following.
“Hey, guys,” he says as he enters, showing off the pork, “I got food.”
“You didn’t mention Dream having to kiss me!” George immediately shouts, near causing Sapnap to drop the pork.
“Uh,” he says, and then, “nope. Figured it’d be better if he did. Since he’s the one that… y’know. Kissed you and all.”
“I can’t believe this,” George says, though he accepts the pork chop Sapnap offers him.
“He wouldn’t have had to if y’all had just listened to me,” Sapnap replies, unable to help it. He’s right, anyway. They could have avoided this whole fiasco if Dream and George had just… not gone to the witch’s hut. Simple as.
“Dude,” Dream says.
“Like you were going to confess anytime soon.” Sapnap raises his brows as he takes a bite of his own pork chop. Dream makes a face and that’s when Sapnap realizes—“You’re still not wearing your mask.”
Dream looks down to where it’s still stuffed in his pocket. He gives a shrug. “Don’t really need it right now.”
Sapnap takes another bite of his pork chop before leaning his head back against the wall. “Guess not.” And then he muffles a laugh behind another bite. “So does this mean I need to look for another room when we stay in villages?”
“Oh my God,” Dream laughs while George just throws his hands in the air, “I didn’t even say anything!”
“Didn’t even have to,” Sapnap replies. “I’m just that good.” And also he’s willing to eavesdrop just a little. But still. Considering he’s the one who figured out the Retuvelo potion, he’s pretty good.
“But seriously. Am I going to have to stay in another room?”
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A Compromising Engagement - Chapter 5
Inspiration strikes out of nowhere but here we are! Honestly I got this idea while on a trip a while back. It’s been sitting in my head for a minute but FINALLY the ideas started flowing. Once I get conversations in my head THEN I know it’s time to begin writing. Honestly, getting inspiration for this was rough recently because I have a new fic idea that absolutely will not leave my head. I was trying to force myself to think for this one instead so I could finish a work first but that’s literally the worst idea when you’re trying to write something. Once I stopped pressuring myself, BOOM, idea. I also had to watch an episode to get their voices straight in my head again but that’s another story. Hope y’all are staying safe!
Watson settles into her seat eyes piercing the suspect across from her. The woman is eerily familiar to her, a pompous air that resonates from her very being. An attitude calling that she can’t be caught.
The case is a rough one, triple homicide with no solid evidence. Even what they managed to obtain from witnesses is circumstantial at best. The woman knows that without a confession, she’d slide by in court. Enough money for a good lawyer and an alibi that she didn’t trust. She’d been at this for an hour and she’s growing weary. There’s absolutely no security footage of her where she claimed to be. It simply doesn’t make sense.
A scream cuts her question short. She leaps up into action, medical instincts taking over as people outside the door call for 911. She grabs the door handle only for it to remain still in her hand. She tries again and again only for the realization to dawn on her that she’s locked inside. “Sherlock?” She calls to her partner who should be just on the other side of the mirror. “Sherlock let me out so I can help!” Her heart sinks when there’s no response. “Marcus?” Again, nothing. “Abreu? Coventry?” Nobody’s on the other side. Great.
She pounds on the door hoping to catch somebody’s attention. “Someone! Let me out! I can help!” She shouts. A chuckle behind her sends a chill down her spine. Her eyes flash back to the woman in the handcuffs, Elana March sits where the woman once was. A wicked grin spreads across her face.
Action settles into her as she pulls out the keychain Kitty gifted her for her birthday. She presses the blunt end against the two way mirror turning her head as the spike inside shatters the glass. She hoists herself through the new opening, adrenaline rushing too fast to feel the glass likely piercing her palms. She reaches for the door only for it to stubbornly stay in place yet again. She looks through the window in the door hoping to catch anyone passing, even in a rush to assist but what catches her eyes sends her into full blown panic.
Two cups of coffee spill across the precinct floor. Marcus is leaning over an all to familiar form giving manic chest compressions. “Sherlock!” All sense leaves her as she slams her shoulder into the door, trying desperately to force it to swing open. “Sherlock!” She cries his name, tears spilling down her cheeks. A scream rips through her when Marcus sits back on his feet, grief consuming his expression.
She shoots out of bed with a strangled gasp desperately trying to catch her breath. It takes her mind a second to catch up to her surroundings. A shadow passes across her room and her body moves unconsciously fetching her singlestick from her bedside drawer. She’s not quick enough, however, as the looming figure catches her wrist midswing.
“Watson!” Sherlock shouts, snapping her out of her state. He sits on her bed in front of her, worry etched into his face. She disguards her singlestick flicking on her lamp.
Her chest is still heaving from adrenaline as she tries to piece together what happened. “Why are you in here?” His brows furrow, confused.
“You were screaming my name.” His knees bounce trying to rid of the remaining anxiety in his own way. “I thought you were in danger.”
Her eyes close in both embarrassment and realization. Her nightmares had been recurrent since that night she stood up to Morland. They all ended the same with someone she cared about dead by the hands of someone she and/or Sherlock helped put away. This one, however, was the worst of the bunch. “You’re hurt.” His right hand is held close to him but she can tell he’s bleeding.
“I was doing an experiment when I heard you scream. I wasn’t careful getting out of it but it’s fine. Merely a scratch.”
“Let me look at it.”
“Watson.” He tries to bat her off again but she only looks at him. A look that tells him that she needs this right now. He obediently follows her to the bathroom for supplies and better lighting.
Once in there she determines that he is correct. It’s a painful cut but stitches are not necessary, thankfully. An apology is on the edge of her tongue when he speaks up instead. 
“What was the dream about?” She tenses not wishing to explain. Not when she’s had so many in the course of two weeks. He’d understand, of course he’d understand. The answer is simple.
“Make sure you wash this so it doesn’t get infected. I’ll go clean up the mess from the experiment.”
He catches her wrist as she tries to walk away. His grip is more gentle than before, his eyes begging her to talk to him. “Joan.” Her name makes her breath catch and for a moment, she wants to tell him everything. How she’s been extra on edge since Morland’s threat to remove his ‘extra security’ if there ever even was such a thing. It did its job, however, as she always brings her singlestick on cases now. She wants to tell him about how she’s worried he’ll take their whole livelihood away in one fell swoop. She knows he supports what she said that night, yet parts of her wish she could just take it back. Taking it back, however, would mean not standing up for Sherlock and that’s absolutely not an option.
“I’m fine.” She insists instead. It’s easier than explaining what he already probably knows.
He doesn’t push, thankfully. He only nods slightly with a sad smile. “Very well. I’ll clean up my mess. You get some rest, we have lunch with your family tomorrow, remember?”
“My mother won’t let me forget.” She jokes halfheartedly. He relaxes slightly at the return of the banter and it’s enough for now. She sulks back to her room hoping to reach a point where she’s tired enough to fall in a dreamless sleep.
Sherlock keeps his eyes on her the next day. The rest of the night he’d kept quiet, listening for even the slightest cry. When none came he assumed she’d managed to fall into a peaceful sleep and resumed his experiment. However, when she came down the steps ready for lunch it’s more than clear to him that she hadn’t slept any more at all.
He makes no mention of it, only making her a cup of coffee before they set out which she gratefully accepted. She hides her exhaustion well with others but he’s more than familiar with it by now. With his habits of waking her up early he’s recognized her patterns at different levels of needing sleep. He tries to curb his concern when she drags her feet across the kitchen floor. He bites his tongue when she catches herself going to rub her eyes for the third time only stopping to not ruin her makeup concealing the dark circles under her eyes. He rocks when he has to repeat himself several times when she misses something he says about the experiment he’d conducted the night prior. She’s far too tired, is what he concludes. A type of tired where if they had a case he’d wait another hour before waking her lest he be on the wrong end of a snap in her exhaustion.
“You ready?” Her head lifts following the sound of his voice. He wishes he could give her more time for her coffee to kick in but they’re behind as is.
“Remind me why we scheduled this again? As if that brunch with my mother was bad enough now we have to answer to Oren, Grace, and Lin?”
“Come to recall I don’t believe Lin gave us a choice in the matter.”
“Right.” She chuckles dryly. “Let’s go.”
The ride to the restaurant is blissfully long. It gives Watson the time she needs to wake and him time to think. Not that he hadn’t done it all night but paired with the opportunity to observe Watson, it’s beneficial at least. She no longer seems shaken by the events of the night prior, also not shocking as Watson in the past has pushed back emotions for the lack of confrontation. 
Everyone is already seated when they arrive at the restaurant. Sherlock places a hand at the base of Watson’s back for the appearance but stays back when she goes in to hug her family. He waves politely pulling out Watson’s seat before taking his own.
Conversation flows naturally with the Watson family, all things given. She seems to forget her exhaustion as they discuss how they’ve all been recently, though she does order a coffee with her meal.
“I can’t believe I had to find out about your engagement through mom.” Oren laughs. Watson shifts in her seat a little only offering an apologetic smile.
“At least you found out through someone.” Lin challenges, “I found out via the engagement party invitation.”
“And she will never let me hear the end of it.” Watson shrugs. “Truthfully we were going to keep it a secret for the sake of professionalism and the danger in our jobs.”
Lin gasps, a realization hitting her. “Did you never tell Marcus?”
“No, we didn’t.” Sherlock provides biting the inside of his cheek.
“He’s going to flip when he hears about it. I mean, the whole precinct had a pool deciding when you two were going to get together but engaged?”
“They had a what?” Watson sits up a little straighter, “How do you know about this?”
“I’m the confirmation for when you two finally get together.” He and Watson both share a look of alarm.
“Did you tell anyone?” He asks, Watson’s hand grabs his leg under the table. He’s not sure if he’s grounding her or the other way around. The entire precinct knowing about their ‘engagement’ would complicate things in unimaginable ways. They’d already lied to Hannah at the gala. If that were to get out they’d be dealing with more than minor knowing looks from coworkers but actual anger and hurt from Bell and Gregson both. Dealing with wedding questions from family was bad enough. In the workplace? Sherlock can only grab her wrist in return in order to keep himself from spiraling.
“Of course not. I got Joan’s message loud and clear that I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone. Nobody has even asked recently so you’re off the hook.”
They both breathe a sigh of relief. He lets her go but Watson’s hand remains, though relaxing her grip. He’s caught by how natural the position feels. Simply holding each other was an action he’d never thought he’d find so comforting yet her hand just above his knee curbs his anxieties he’d been feeling having to pretend. They’re partners, afterall, how much pretending did they really need?
The rest of lunch is unremarkable at best. Discussion of wedding ideas fended off with excuses over how busy they’ve been with work. Lin threatened to plan for them and for a moment it didn’t sound like a horrible idea until he thought of how long that guest list would be.
He shakes his head when that thought truly settled in. How long had he been thinking like this engagement was real? Thoughts of actual weddings and Watson going dress shopping as if that weren’t something Mary and the whole Watson clan in general wouldn’t want to be involved with.
“I think I broke him.” Lin teases gently. He’s more than used to her at this point but he’s certainly overwhelmed. Watson squeezes his knee pulling his gaze to her.
“It’s ok.” She coaxes with a smile that could calm him instantly, “We’ll figure it out.” He offers her a small smile, if only she knew what he was trying to figure out.
When they say their goodbyes his hand reaches for Watson’s, his fingers interlacing with hers as they make their way to the car. Even as the climb in the back of a cab his hand covers hers in the drive finding the comfort he yearns for in the simple touch. He didn’t realize how badly he needed it until she climbed out when they arrived home and her touch was gone.
He almost forgets about Watson’s nightmare in the panic that gripped his mind for the rest of the night. It’s not until Watson lingers in his doorway, her face more vulnerable than she lets most view her as, that he remembers the encounter. She schools her emotions so well most days.
“Any new cases?” Her voice sounds pleading and tired.
“I thought you’d be reading your book right now.”
“I finished it last night.” She admits with a sigh.
“Unfortunately nothing. It appears all the interesting murders have taken a holiday.” He jests, “I’d say let's take a trip to New York City but I believe they’re not quite keen on having me back any time soon.”
“Well you did lick what they thought was a deadly poison and made an officer faint.”
“Anyone with a sense of smell knew that it was italian dressing Watson.” She looks away when he meets her gaze. “Are you alright?”
“Clearly not.” She shifts her weight from left to right and back again.
“You died.” He rears back, almost shocked that she relented so easily. “I was stuck in interrogation with a suspect and I heard screaming. I was locked inside and I couldn’t get out. I saw you on the ground. Marcus just stopped trying to save you. Nobody could hear me and I could’ve helped, I know I could but.” He’s up easily and in two steps he’s wrapped his arms around her. Her hands freeze in the air but when he holds her tighter she relents trembling in his arms like he could make it all stop.
“It’s alright.” He whispers into her hair. “I’m ok.” He feels her nod into his shoulder. He’s more than familiar with these nightmares, however. No amount of words can shake that uneasiness they bring. “Was this the only one?”
Her silence is enough of an answer as is.
“Only me?”
She tightens her grip but he can feel the just barely there shake of her head. “We saw your family today. They’re happy, if a tad relentless in pushing us to plan our fake wedding.” He feels her shoulders shake: a laugh, that’s good. “Kitty and Archie are likely cuddled up together after watching a Disney movie that Kitty pretends not to like but we both know she’s a secret softie hm?” A nod. “As for me. Well, you can stay in my bed if you’d like that way I’m right here if you need me.”
She stiffens and for a moment he believes he’s gone too far. She lets out an agonizingly long breath contemplating his offer. She swallows heavily, nodding more distinctly this time. It’s slow, almost giving herself the opportunity to change her mind. He guides her to the bed laying down first, controlling his breathing tightly so as to not make the smallest move that could scare her off.
She looks so small as she crawls in beside him. This woman that he associates with so much strength looking so vulnerable in this moment. He wishes he could take her pain on as his own. He’d do it in a second if he could. He opens an arm making the silent offer to her. A small smile that he hopes tells her if she doesn’t need it she doesn’t have to take it.
He has to force himself not to stop breathing when her head settles on his bare chest where she can listen to his racing heart. Her hand comes to rest on the base of his ribs content to just feel like slight expansion and contraction of his breathing. His own hand settles on her back, content to spell out meaningless formulas and ludicrous patterns until she’s lulled into a deep restful sleep.
He listens to her slow even breaths as his eyes drift closed.
@tamarknott @averageinside
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years
I Hate You, Park Jimin!
Chapter 3
Words Count: 2.7k
Link to Chapter 2
Link to Chapter 4
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I was done with classes for the day. I glanced at my watch. Ah Young should be done by this time too. We had the same class this morning but she had taxation classes just now while I took financial reporting. I texted her but there was no reply so there I was standing awkwardly in front of my locker looking at my empty phone.
I sighed as I looked up. About 3 metres away, I noticed a familiar back, Park Jimin. He was at his own locker, and seemed to be forcing his books into his locker. Beside him leaning against the locker was Kim Taehyung, his ultimate best friend and absolute partner in crime. He too had the divine visuals, perfectly sculpted features. Damn those jawlines. A combination of Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung were very dangerous.
At that moment, Kim Taehyung’s eyes flickered at me. I froze. Is it possible that Kim Taehyung can read minds? Then he looked at Jimin. He said something and there’s a high probability that it was about me because Jimin stopped whatever he was doing and turned around, his eyes finding me.
My eyes widened. Shit. Thank God I was saved from the embarrassment of staring at the two Godly handsome men by Ah Young running towards me.
“Hana!” She said as she flung herself towards me, breathless. “I’m sorry I was late! I got called by Professor Kay on my essay.” She rolled her eyes as she opened her locker door and stacked her books inside.
“It’s fine,” I said. My whole body still tensing because I was unsure whether Jimin was still staring at me. I sneaked a peek. And yes- I regretted it instantly. My eyes met his. Immediately I looked down at my shoes.
“Hana-ya.” Ah Young nudged me.
“Hmm?” I said without looking up, pretending to be particularly interested in my shoes today.
“Hana.” She called me again.
“Park Jimin is staring at you.” Her voice went serious.
As if my whole body could get anymore stiffer. “No, he’s not.”
“He. Is. Coming. Here.”
“What?” I looked up and momentarily I thought I forgot how to breathe as Jimin made his way towards me.
Suddenly I felt a firm hand clasped my elbow and the last thing I saw before I was whisked away by Jimin was Ah Young’s shocked expression with her mouth wide open. He steered me away for a good five minutes and I could see other students turning twice at the sight of us. He pulled me into an empty lecture hall and after closing the door carefully behind him, he turned around to face me.
Wait, I was mad at him right? So I put up the coldest expression I could.
He cocked his head to one side and I swear he looked so hot. I cursed my own brain as I felt my anger evaporated effortlessly. “You’re bad at being angry.” He smiled in amusement.
I snorted. “What do you want Park Jimin? I don’t think we have any business with each other anymore.”
“Let’s do it.”
What? My eyes went round. “What did you say?”
“I said let’s do it.” He calmly repeated.
I regarded him for a moment. Was he trying to pull a prank on me? “Why?”
“I need to graduate and there’s nothing for you to lose I guess.”
I considered his point. It was true, there was nothing for me to lose. The amount of money offered to me as mentioned by Ms Choi was lucrative. Triple the amount I earned from my part-time job at the cafe. Does Jimin know about my financial situations? I mean, I can live by but it would be nice to have savings or being able to afford nice gifts for my mom. But I wasn’t going to let him get his way so easily. “No thanks.” Before turning on my heels and making my way out of the lecture hall, I could see his shocked and confused expression. Oh, how I want to picture and savour the image of shocked Jimin forever.
The next morning I woke up feeling content. As I brushed my hair, I smirked as the image of shocked Jimin crept into my mind. The rude, obnoxious, vain, self-centred and full of himself Park Jimin. Park Jimin, THE bad boy. And to think that I somehow managed to put a shock expression on that Godly features of his face.
I arrived at the campus feeling giddy. I don’t have the same classes with Ah Young this morning so I was saved by her infinite inquisition, for now.
As soon as I was done filling my bag with the next subject’s books, someone shut my locker door. I looked up to see Ah Young. She crossed her arms.
“What?” I said, feigning innocence as I turned on my heels. I knew what was coming.
“Oh no girl. You’re not running away.” She blocked my path.
I rolled my eyes in exasperation. “What?”
She threw me an incredulous look. “You need to spill the tea, sister! You and Park Jimin. What is going on?” She was almost half screaming and her hands were now on both side of her waist.
“Oh my god- keep it low!” I glared at her as I glanced sideways, making sure no one was paying attention to us. I dragged her to the cafeteria and chose the furthest seat available away from any other human in existence. Then I told her everything. I was dead serious but I almost couldn’t suppress my laugh each time Ah Young ‘oohh’ and ‘ahhh’ at the appropriate time.
“What the fuck?!” She was literally hyperventilating.
I nodded as if saying ‘I know right.’
“Oh my god! I can’t believe it. This is your chance to get into his dick!” She shrieked while vigorously tapping the table.
My eyes widened. “Ah Young!!!” I glanced around. Thank God no one had their eyes on us.
She seemed oblivious to my state of panic. “What? Don’t tell me you don’t have a slight crush on him? He’s a fine piece of ass.” She stared into space dreamily. “I wonder how rough he is in bed.”
“Oh My God!!” I quickly clasped my hands on her mouth, afraid that she would drop another bomb. Trust my best friend to be this straightforward.
“Hhvgrnkk-“ Her voice muffled below my hands.
I chuckled but released my hands anyway.
“But I said no to him.”
At this, her mouth went agape. “Are you kidding me?”
I shrugged. “He was getting too cocky! I am sure as hell not going to feed his ego.”
“You can’t be serious! You have this golden opportunity to get his dick and you’re throwing it away just like that?”
“You’re making me sound like a slut. Girl, it’s just a study session.”
“I know. But it can always evolve to something else.” She winked at me.
“Yah!” I wanted to hit her but she was quicker. She stood up and ran away, laughing.
Days passed and every single day I caught Jimin trying to catch my gaze. He seemed pissed off that I’ve been trying extra hard to avoid any eye contact with him. Ah Young kept telling me to stop my act already though. Apparently I am throwing my chance away of getting into the divine man that he is, Park Jimin’s pants. I ignored her every single time. I smiled satisfactorily. This is my victory.
I was happily skipping my way out of Ms Choi’s room after I submitted my assignment that evening when I felt my wrist being pulled by someone and the next thing I know I was in an empty lecture hall.
“What the-“ I almost cursed when I saw Jimin pushing me against the door. The close proximity was making my breath uneven. Park Jimin with orange hair was illegal.
“So you thought it was fun to test me?” He said, his voice low. His hands on both side of my head. His face inching closer to mine.
“W-what are you going to do?” Damn it, I stuttered. I looked away.
“I’ll show you how fun it is to test me.” His tone laced with threat. I gulped. What is he trying to do?
He inched closer and closer. When I felt like he wouldn’t stop, I mustered as much courage and pushed his shoulders away while closing my eyes.
To be frank, I was scared of his next action. But I didn’t sense any movement so I slowly open my eyes and I saw Jimin blinking at me. His face confused as he stared at my palms on his chest and back at my face.
“I-“ I began but no words came out. I felt my cheeks reddening and I pulled my hands away.
He smirked. “I haven’t even laid a finger on you and your face is already this red.” To my relief, he backed away. “So, I guess if you don’t want anything of this sort happening again, I suggest that you accept the proposal.”
I considered saying yes, I really did. But my pride just won’t let me especially when he tried to threaten me with what-? Trying to touch me? Park Jimin is indeed a jerk. So, naturally and firmly, I replied, “No.” My pride stood up, clapped loudly and bowed with a flourish. I smirked at him and turned on my heels immediately.
Days after that, I think Jimin had sort of gave up trying to earn a simple ‘yes’ from me. I couldn’t care less. I was happy enough that he practically had to beg although obviously he didn’t because he tried to threaten me but it’s his loss so I just continued to fan my ego.
Ah Young on the other hand seemed to disagree with me. “You’re probably the only person in this world who dared to say no to Park Jimin.” She said as she shook her head at me.
Lunchtime that day, we both decided to eat outside near the bleachers. There were a few boys playing basketball at the court. We sat there munching on our food.
“You know, I really think it’s time for you to say yes to Jimin now.” Ah Young said as she took a huge bite out of her Subway.
I rolled my eyes. “Not again, honey.”
“I mean seriously! How long do you think you can run away from him? He may be hot as fuck but he is also scary as hell.” She reminded me.
As if on cue, we heard some noises that caught our attention. We searched the court to find the source. We sat quite far at the bleachers so I zoomed my eyesight to my best ability and could make out some boys were fighting at the court.
“Holy shit- see? I told you Jimin is some scary shit.” Ah Young said, her eyes fixated to the court.
What? I squinted my eyes. Holy fuck- I could see Jimin was in a fight with one of the boys playing basketball. I did not realize he was one of the players just now. The way he threw his punches mercilessly.. I shuddered. Perhaps Ah Young was right, I should probably stop messing with him. He’d beat me into a pulp in an instant if he wanted to. But would he? Another voice popped in my mind. I never see him beat girls. But best not test his patience Kim Hana. The small voice in my head nodded in agreement.
That evening, as soon as I was finished with my classes, I stood waiting at my locker. Jimin’s classes finished at four too today. I watched his locker like a hawk, waiting for his appearance while also trying to remain inconspicuous. A few minutes after that, he walked past me and went straight to his locker. Beside him was Kim Taehyung.
I had no idea since when did the prospect of talking to Jimin become so easy, I found myself taking strides towards him. Jimin had his back on me while Taehyung leaned against his locker. When Taehyung saw me, he gave a signal to Jimin. Shit, now that I’m here it felt like my legs had turned Jell-O. He turned around and there he was, his visuals blinding me as usual. I struggled to remain composure.
He raised his brows at me. “Yes? What can I help you with?”
Shit. Am I going to say it? Have I really decided this? My mental war must’ve gone on for quite some time as Jimin had now propped his elbow on his locker door. “Let’s do it.” There, I said it.
He then leaned in closer and closer to me I had to step back. “Are you sure about this?” He asked, his voice low. I cursed because it’s unfair to how sexy he sounded.
“Yes.” I answered.
He raised his brow as if perplexed by how easy I came to a conclusion.
I drew a breath. “I’ll tell you when to meet. Since this is very sudden, give me some time to prepare-“
“Tomorrow.” He cut me.
“But I haven’t-“
“2 PM. Library.” He finalised, already turning on his heels while Taehyung followed suit after regarding me for a moment.
Link to Chapter 4
Posted on 200505 09:53PM
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Triple Threat (Rhea Ripley x Toni Storm x Reader)
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Last minute changes to matches were never fun. You hated it whenever you were told about them, so you were certain that Toni and Rhea would hate you once they found out that you’d be entering their match for the NXT Women’s Championship. It would have been one thing if there had been an email or memo sent out, but you had to tell both women yourself, literal minutes before the match. You weren’t set to win the championship, but this would what would put you over so that you could go up to the main roster.
“Hey, Toni,” you said softly, deciding that she would probably take the news better. There was a chance that neither of them would actually care since you weren’t really changing the outcome of their match, but Rhea wasn’t overly happy about losing the title a month into getting it.
“Hi Y/n, what’s up?” Toni asked you. She could tell that you were off. The two of you went way back and had wrestled quite a bit together before you were signed to NXT. You met both Toni before she’d gone to Japan, where both of you had first really encountered Rhea.
“So, um, I got some news about the match. Regal wanted me to tell you that I’m going to be in it. It’s not a triple threat,” you said and Toni nodded. “The outcome is still the same, but it’s for my story.”
“What about your story?” Toni asked, leaning forward a little.
“I’m going up to the main roster within the next couple of weeks,” you said and Toni launched herself over to hug you.
“This calls for some celebration,” Toni said with a big smile. “When the match is over, I think we should go out and do something.”
“Yeah, that sounds great.” You were surprised that she was taking this so well. It was only very recently that you had been reunited with Toni at NXT. “I should go tell Rhea.”
“Oh yeah,” Toni agreed. She stayed back while you went over to tell Rhea that you were in the match and going up to the main roster.
“Y/n,” Rhea greeted you happily. She had a sort of dorky grin on her face, the one she always had when you were around and the cameras were off. Despite your close off-screen relationship, creative and the fans loved your on-screen rivalry. She hugged you and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. “What’s up babe?”
“I got some news today,” you said and Rhea pulled a chair back for you to sit in. You sat down and Rhea leaned forward on her elbows, her head resting on the palms of her hands. “Regal expanded your match to a triple threat and I’m the surprise entry. Oh, and I had my meeting with Hunter and Stephanie was there.”
“And?” Rhea asked, hopeful that your contract was renewed at NXT.
“There was a contract for Smackdown waiting for me,” you said and Rhea looked a little sad, but only for a moment. “I don’t know a lot about what my part there will be, but I’m looking forward to it. I’ll still come to as many of your shows as I can make it to.”
“Hey, relax, that’s great news babe. I think we should celebrate after the match, we can go out or stay in if you want,” Rhea said and you bit your lip. “What?”
“Toni has plans,” you said and Rhea nodded.
“Wait here, I think I know a fix to this,” Rhea said. She left you there and before you could go look for her, it was time for your match. Rhea and Toni were already in the ring and ready to go when your music hit. They pretended to be surprised about your entry into their match. There was a bit of banter between Rhea and yourself before you turned your attention to Toni, who was cocky as ever. You loved seeing her like that, even though both of them were sweethearts, watching them act like arrogant assholes made you feel a little fuzzy.
The bell rang and immediately, you speared Rhea onto the ground. Toni pulled you off of her and the two of them focused on you. You got your comeback and kicked Rhea in the head before getting Toni into a submission hold. Rhea broke it and “knocked you out” before she went for Toni. Toni was ready for her though and after a series of strikes between the two of them, Toni German Suplexed Rhea and got the pin. Toni was celebrating her win whenever Triple H and Stephanie McMahon walked out from the gorilla.
“Congratulations Toni,” Hunter said and Toni was beaming as she held the title.
“Yes, that was well earned Ms. Storm,” Stephanie said and Toni nodded her thanks to Stephanie. “However, it is not you that we are here for tonight. A new signing has been teased and I am happy to announce that Smackdown Live will be adding Y/r/n to their roster. Next Wednesday, Y/n will face off against Tegan Nox, Candice Lerae, and Rhea Ripley in a six woman tag match with two teammates of her choosing. That will be her last NXT match, so choose wisely.”
The crowd had a mixed reaction to the news and Toni walked over to you and held your arm up. Rhea stood up, clutching her side, and held your other arm up. The crowd cheered at that and both women hugged you before all three of you exited the ring. You got a quick shower in and changed out of your ring gear. You waited for Toni in the parking lot, where you ran into a few fans who congratulated you on your big move up.
“Ready to go?” Toni asked, putting her arm around your waist. You nodded and walked you over to Rhea’s car. She put your things in the trunk and then opened the door for you to get in. Toni pulled it up to where Rhea was waiting for you and then got into the backseat.
“I was thinking we go home tonight and then Wednesday after that match, there’s gonna be a party,” Rhea said and that sounded good to you. The ride to the hotel was pretty short and Rhea decided to just keep all your bags in the trunk. Toni got the room keys while Rhea went to the little store that they had in the lobby to get some snacks and stuff in case anyone got hungry after whatever celebration they had in mind. Rhea kept her hand on Toni’s ass during the entire elevator ride up to your room and Toni had her arm draped across your chest. She held you against her and would press a small kiss to the tattoo behind your ear. “You did good during that match.”
“I felt useless,” you said and Rhea grabbed your hips. She moved you away from Toni and pressed a solid kiss to your lips. Contrary to what you had originally thought whenever you had first started hooking up with Rhea and Toni, Rhea was the gentle one.
“You weren’t useless love,” Rhea said softly. You smiled and walked over to the bed. Toni climbed onto the bed behind you and started kissing your neck. Rhea stood in front of you and leaned down to kiss you that way. Toni moved up your neck and tugged on Rhea’s sweatshirt to get her attention. Rhea stopped kissing you to leaned past you and kiss Toni. Toni broke the kiss and pulled you so that you were laying down against the bed. Rhea started on removing your pants while Toni slowly unzipped your jacket. You were left in a sports bra and the Dragon Ball underwear that Rhea had bought you as a Christmas gift. They were a litlte more for her than you, but you didn’t mind wearing them for her. Especially since you knew they made her happy.
“Nerds,” Toni said with an eye roll. Rhea lightly shoved her back against the pillows and then hopped over you. She landed with her knees on either side of Toni. You watched as Rhea nearly ripped her sweatshirt as she hastily took it off. Rhea knew what you liked doing, so she would leave Toni’s clothes for you to take off. You sat up and crawled over so that you were sitting near Toni’s head. Rhea pulled you forward for a kiss. Toni moved your legs so that you were straddling her head. She pulled your underwear down and then lowered you down so that she could eat you out.
“Fuck,” you gasped against Rhea’s neck. You bit your lip as Rhea leaned her head down and pushed your bra up. She took a nipple into her mouth and teased you. All of the stimulation was a lot, especially as early into the night as it was. You were so used to Toni and Rhea starting off with each other if the three of you were altogether, but now they were focusing their attention on you. “Ah, shit. That’s so good.”
“I think she’s close Toni,” Rhea said with a smirk. She pulled you off of Toni’s face and then laid you against the bed. She sank down in between your legs and finished the job for Toni. Toni made out with you while Rhea ate you out. You could taste yourself on Toni’s tongue and once Rhea had made you cum, you got to taste yourself on Rhea’s as well. You sat up and pulled Toni’s shirt off of her body. You pressed kisses to the newly exposed skin as Rhea rubbed Toni through her leggings. You started to pull Toni’s leggings off and Rhea bent Toni over so that her face was in between your legs.
Rhea kneeled behind Toni and made sure that she was wet enough to take the strap that you hadn’t known she was wearing. Toni’s tongue teased your entrance, barely testing the waters. Rhea stood back up and slid into Toni, pushing her tongue into you. Rhea’s thrusts controlled the way that Toni’s moved inside of you. It never took long for Rhea to make someone cum, and since you were already a little sensitive, it didn’t take long for Toni to make you cum. Rhea moved Toni from in between the two of you to the bed next to you before she slid into you. Toni straddled your face and you traced patterns on her clit while you fingered her. Rhea wrapped your legs around her waist to get a better angle and slowly thrust in and out of you.
“Keep going,” Toni chanted over and over again. She grabbed the sheets with her fists and leaned forward so that her head was almost hitting Rhea. Toni’s arms shook as she came, but you kept going with your tongue. Rhea stopped as soon as you came and you released your grip on Toni’s legs. She fell backwards against the pillows and neither of you had noticed that Rhea was really gone until she came back from the bathroom.
“I ran a bath,” Rhea said and Toni sat up. She walked into the bathroom and got into the bathtub. Rhea carried you there and let you sit in between Toni and herself. You realized that once you were on the main roster, you wouldn’t really be getting to have moments like this one, but it meant the ones you would get were so much more special.
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shinyobjectreviews · 3 years
An In-Depth Analysis of my Observations Playing CROSSBOW: Bloodnight
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CROSSBOW: Bloodnight looks like shovelware, and I don’t blame anyone for thinking that. There’s a lot missing from the game. There’s a typo in the launch announcement. However, the lack of standard triple A bloat means it’s rather easy to dissect the game. So I’m going to break apart some of what happened to me as I was playing and started to question the quality of the game only to determine it was my own skill lessening my experience.
Devil Daggers
Credit where it’s due, a lot of stuff in the game is a blatant ripoff of Devil Daggers. It will occasionally come up. If I say DD know I’m referring to Devil Daggers. The developers have said publicly the game is intended for fans of DD, so they’re not trying to hide it, and though the games are extremely similar, it’s still worth analyzing CB:Bn to see what they decided to keep, lose, or change. Originality is nice to have, but it’s not everything.
The Crossbow
Let’s start at the beginning. The crossbow is amazing. When sustaining fire the triple-chambered crossbow fires each chamber individually. When firing like a shotgun, they all fire at once. When firing the rocket, the center chamber pulls back further, and the prongs bend back considerably to emphasize the weight of the projectile. The appearance starts to resemble a modern-day compound crossbow, as though it is focusing the strength from other prongs into one. Your character also slows down: thematically this shows again the strain of this massive projectile, but practically it also helps you line up your shot better, since the rocket has more pinpoint accuracy and higher damage than the standard projectile and can therefore be used to fire at long distances. Something taken from DD is that the projectiles have a rather significant spread and a slow velocity, meaning that you can deal more consistent damage faster by being closer to your target, a dangerous but rewarding and skillful strategy. The crossbow also changes color as it upgrades, which you won’t miss due to the camera slow and bright glow, but it’s nice to see it on the crossbow itself as you’re playing. It’s an easy signifier, but it also just looks nice and feels cool.
The Introduction
The first half minute of the game is slow. A single zombie (The Restless One) spawns, then a couple more. You then get the big tentacle monsters (The Tainted Ones) that spawn the bats (The Hungry Ones). Of the few comments I’ve seen in the game, one was a complaint about this intro being slow and uninteresting after the first few runs. After all, while it does a great job at slowly introducing elements to new players, you learn pretty quick, but it can’t just be removed from the game because it would interfere with the time-attack scoring. I also disliked this part after my first few runs. However, I have come to love this part of the game. The end of a run can often feel dissatisfying, and most players will immediately want to try again. While most just want to rush to where they were at, the game forces you to wait, calm down, and get reacclimated. You also get to blow off some steam by obliterating the weak early enemies at almost no risk. I’ve also used this time to practice: learning exactly how long after the spawn animation takes until a demon is vulnerable, how close to the eye I have to shoot, rehearsing projectile timing, anything that I feel could use work.
The Spawning
This was one of the first issues I had with the game. I often died to demons spawning in behind me, or werewolves (The Feral Ones) using their long range dash to hit me from the other side of the map when I hadn’t even seen them appear. Even with the big red circles that appear before they spawn, However, there were two things I learned in short order. The first is that each enemy has its own unique spawn sound, each one roughly as loud as its importance (I wouldn’t even think the zombies had any if I didn’t hear it isolated during the introduction). The howl of the werewolves is especially notable, which is good because their dash has incredible range. The second thing I came to realize is that the game was pushing me to look where I was going. Shooters are all about circle strafing and firing while walking backwards, but not CROSSBOW: Bloodnight. In this game, you have to fire forward. Where you’re looking. It is safer to run towards one of the stationary Tainted Ones to try and kill them while letting the zombies and bats chase you from behind. The Feral Ones will dash at you, but you can pay attention to the noises they make to try and dodge them, or just turn and look if you dare. Once again, the game offers you a choice: run away from enemies while shooting behind you and risk bumping into guys in front of you, or charge at foes head on (remember the primary fire is better at close ranges) and try and thin out the herd later.
The Dash
If you check out the reviews on Steam, the primary difference between CB:Bn and DD is that the former has a dash. Once again, It didn’t really think of this while playing, and didn’t really start using it until after my first dozen runs. I actually started using it almost jokingly in the introduction as a way to get from the first spawning zombie to the second. I started learning the exact distance of the dash and it’s timing. Eventually, I started using it in game. It has the same issue as above, where dashing into a crowd of enemies is just as common as dashing away from them, but if timed well and planned well it can be a literal lifesaver. If you can properly perform it, you can also dash into the Tainted One and fire off a one-shot kill into the eye with the shotgun.
The Special
The game has an ability it grants you once every 60 seconds roughly where , if you press Q, it will slow down time a bit and show you a giant line the width of a house directly in front of you. Your crossbow is also aimed up and glows with radiant light. If you pull the trigger, every enemy in the highlighted area will be skewered with a holy lance and get one-shot. Like the dash, I was unsure of how best to implement it, but I have three theories. The first use is as a emergency clear. If you’re panicked and want to just get rid of some enemies, you can hit this to get a little space. It’s a nice way to bring the tension down if you’re starting to not enjoy it. The second option is as a time-saver. If you have multiple enemies you want dead, especially Tainted Ones whose weak points you can’t reach, you can line them up to hit at least two and maybe more. This is a use of skill and lets you try and optimize your runs. Lastly you can just show off with it. Use it for some dumb reason because you feel like it. Whatever the reason, the fact that it’s on a cooldown encourages you to use it aggressively rather than save it for a powerful attack, since the sooner you use it the sooner you can start charging up the next one.
The Enemies
I’m solidly impressed at the enemy variety. The Restless ones are bolt fodder, keeping you aware of your surroundings, but never dealing enough to kill you without you knowing it. The Tainted Ones are stationary to give you fixed goals, and they spawn bats to harass you but only until you give them a little attention. The werewolves are the first big threat: they do not exist to be killed, they exist to kill you. You must know where all of them are to stay safe. The Troubled Ones shoot shockwaves, and are the first true long-range foes. They force you to jump at the right time, forcing you to stay aware of your jumping, and punishing those relying too hard on bunny-hopping. Those are all of the enemies I’ve encountered for now, but they all come together in such exciting ways. Even the Tainted Ones themselves have neat interactions. Nearly all of them spawn at the edge of the map, making it harder to kill them form the other side and forcing you to get up close, but I also encountered one in the center of the map, whose positioning forced me into an awkward spot in order to get to its weak point.
The Map
I’ll be honest, I don’t have much to say about the map. It is donut shaped: big circle with a spot in the center no-one can get through. I much prefer it to DD because it has some landmarks around it that help orient you, allowing you to more easily remember where enemies spawn and where you are in the moment. The hole in the center also give you just enough of a safe space that your circle strafing doesn’t get weird with demons just sitting in the center getting constantly kited. I also expect a boss to spawn there at some point, making for a nice focal point.
The Setting
On a thematic level, the map is heavy with gothic arches and pointy spires. While I assumed this was an anachronistic stylistic choice, I did my research, and it turns out gothic architecture did in fact originate in the early 12th century, where the game is set. The opening text tells us that the game takes place close to 1193 AD, a time when the church outlawed the use of Crossbows against Christians. The game recontextualizes this as declaring the Crossbow as “ungodly” and “demonic,” which is a clever way of getting an excuse to use Crossbows against Demons. The crossbow in question, is mildly inaccurate not in terms of time but location. A triple-chambered repeating-crossbow seems far-fetched, but China had been using repeating crossbows (Cho ku nu) and triple-bed mounted naval crossbows for hundreds of years by this point in time. Firing multiple bolts simultaneously at the cost of reduced range and accuracy was actually a real tactic used at the time as well. The idea of either being hand-held requires some suspension of disbelief, as does the ammo storage, but that’s well deserved for an arena shooter like this.
The Story
There isn’t much of a story here, but it’s there if you look. As mentioned, the game declares the Crossbow ungodly, and implies that it is used in some form of demonic ritual. However, the glowing light implies otherwise. Each enemy is named after some form of torment: hungry, restless, troubled, tainted, etc., and with exception of the Restless Ones, each one releases a soul when slain that the player can “collect.” This implies that these demons may be corrupted forms of humans that are being slain to release their tormented souls from some form of punishment and collecting them for some unknown reason. The fact that the zombies and the bats don’t leave souls follows this logic, since the zombies seem more like animated lifeless corpses than living creatures, and the bats are, well, bats. They also spawn from the Tainted Ones, so they are kind of just extensions of that. The game also has achievements that I have yet to understand, and seem to imply I am either evil or not evil based on a statistic I have not found. It intrigues me, but I will have to keep playing I guess to find out what it means.
Minor things
I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t have anywhere else to put these so here’s some other stuff I just want to throw in there.
The first upgrade you get is from killing a werewolf, after which another werewolf immediately spawns, letting you directly compare how long it took to kill the last one and how long it took to kill this one.
You can actually see the werewolves jumping in from outside the map before they spawn.
When you’re hit, the screen goes bloody like any other game, but there’s already blood everywhere, so the game give you a scary tone that plays until you heal back up.
And that’s all I can really say about the game. I’m not here to convince you to buy CROSSBOW: Bloodnight, I’m not here to convince you it’s good, I’m not even trying to convince you to play it. I just wanted to talk about this. I’m not even sure if it’s my favorite game of the year, if only because Hades is about the toughest competition it could have faces. So if it’s not my favorite, not the best, and arguably not worth your time, then what is CROSSBOW: Bloodnight?
My best answer? It’s mine. This is a game I want to exist. This is a game practically built for me. I bought it, played it, I loved it, and I feel like I’m the only one who has, and that makes me feel special. So maybe don’t look too much into this review. Perhaps I’m overblowing it because I feel personally attached to this game in a way I never have before. But hey, if you’ve gotten all the way to the end, maybe you care about what I have to say. So here’s the summary.
CROSSBOW: Bloodnight is a really cool video game, and I really like it.
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Jughead//No Serpent Stands Alone
Request: Could you write a reader/Jughead where reader’s from a rival gang (ghoulies maybe?) You’re sent to learn everything you can about the Serpents to break them from the inside out, of course you have to fall in love with the leader, who’s playing as a newbie alongside you, knowing what you’re been sent to do, he slowly realizes you’re not a threat and trapped in the gang for some reason?
Two and half weeks ago you’d joined the Serpents. Being initiated around about the same time as their new leader, Jughead Jones. Of course the two of you didn’t go through the same initiation, however every time you saw any of the Serpents, it felt as though you’d been punched in the face by Sweet Pea. 
You see, you’d been sent as a spy. And not just by anybody, by Penny Peabody and her stupid gang the Ghoulies. They’d heard of the change in leader and thought that this would be the perfect time to infiltrate. To send somebody in to take it down from the inside. And lets just say, to the Ghoulies, you were the perfect person to send in. Plus you didn’t have much of a choice about it. According to them ‘you owed them’.
For the past two weeks things had mainly been quiet. With their being a new king, it was just people getting used to changes and setting new things up. Nothing big, but that wasn’t good enough for the Ghoulies. After the fifth meet up with no news, they’d sent you back to the Serpents with a black eye. Which, to no surprise, literally everyone noticed. 
Sweet Pea was the first to say something. 
“Nice eye Y/l/n! Now you’re actually one of us.” He teased as he walked passed you in the school corridor. This was closely followed by Fangs, who after he pushed Sweet Pea mouthed an apology to you and asked if you were okay. You quickly smiled and nodded at him before continuing your walk to class. 
Toni saw you next, she looked at you confused before asking what had happened, to which you simply replied Ghoulies and she gave you a knowing look. 
A few of the Northsiders sent you dirty looks and glares, until you finally made it to class and sat at the back. Once the teacher walked in she looked around the room, stopping on you and sending you a concerned look. You smiled slightly at her and she nodded before starting to teach. 
For the rest of the days you were bombarded with questions from practically everyone you saw, the only person who hadn’t talked to you was Jughead. But, when you thought about it, you hadn’t seen him all day. The end of the day rolled round and you were by your locker, sorting your bag out. 
“Hey Y/n.” Jughead appeared beside you and you jumped slightly. “Sorry.” He apologized and you shook your head. 
“Its fine.” You closed your locker and smiled at him. 
“Wow. Sweet Pea told me about your eye but I didn’t think it was this bad.” He scanned the rest of your face, checking for any other injuries. “What happened?” 
“Just some Ghoulies.” You shrugged. Please leave it at that. You pleaded in your head. 
“Why’d they do that?” 
“I dunno. Cause I’m a Serpent?” 
“Hmmm, sorry.” 
“Its fine.” You shrugged. “I chose to be a Serpent.” You added, the feeling of being punched coming back. 
“True.” He replied and the two of you walked out of school in silence. “Do you wanna lift to the Wyrm?” 
“Serpent meeting.” 
“Sure.” You forced a smile. Oh shit.
“What’s this about Jones?” A Serpent shouted from the back of the room. Once you’d gotten to the Wyrm, Jughead had bought you a drink and the two of you chatted until the rest of the Serpents arrived. Within twenty minutes, everyone had got the Wyrm, and some were happier than others. 
“Yeah! The next meeting isn’t until tomorrow.” Another one shouted. 
“We have lives you know!” Fangs added. 
“No you don’t.” Several serpents shouted back and you laughed softly. If you hadn’t been sent by the Ghoulies, you could have actually enjoyed being part of a gang. When you were younger you’d heard stories of the gangs of Riverdale, the wars they had, the sense of family with one, the sense of dread with the other. You never thought you’d join a gang, and now you were part of two, both against your will. 
“Its the about the Ghoulies.” Jughead interrupted and looked at you. 
“What are you doing?” You whispered. 
“What do those low life want?” Toni asked.
“Yeah, I thought they would have crawled back to the rock they live under.”  Sweet Pea added and your breathing quickened. 
“Apparently not.” Jughead started. “They’ve started to victimize our newest member.” He said and everyone looked at you. You waved awkwardly before staring at the floor and hoping it would swallow you whole. 
“What are we gonna do about it then?” Toni asked. 
“You really don’t have to do anything.” You said. “I’m okay, really.” You tried to reassure them. 
“No Serpent stands alone.” Jughead placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder and you forced a smile. 
“I’m not a Serpent though.” You mumbled. 
“Y/n.” Penny drawled your name out. You’d met her and a handful of Ghoulies on the darkest part of the Southside. You’d considered not telling them what was happening, to just let the Serpents turn up and beat them, but you knew someone would figure out you knew and then you���d be worse off than any Ghoulie would be. “For what do we owe this pleasure?” 
“They’re gonna attack you. Tomorrow night, at 8.” 
“Why?” One of her henchmen asked, walking towards you. You moved back a little, bumping into another one. 
“Because of this.” You pointed to your eye. “I told them it was you because I thought they’d leave it at that, but apparently they aren’t.” 
“How many?”
“I dunno. A few?” 
“Yeah, you’re gonna have to be more specific.” Penny replied and you sighed. 
“Maybe five?” 
“Five? Good. You did alright Y/n, better than usual, even if it is your fault. But thanks for telling us, we’ll make sure we have triple what they will.” Penny slapped your face slightly, a sickly sweet smile gracing her features. “Give her another one.” She shouted behind her back as she walked away. “Just to send a message.” 
As soon as you got to school the next day you were running around to try and find the Serpents. All last night you’d been worrying about what you’d manage to get into and how you were gonna fix it. You could tell them that the Ghoulies know what’s gonna happen. But then they’d ask how they know, and then how you know that they know. And then it all just get a bit complicated. So you’d decided to try and persuade them into either not going or bringing more people. 
“Jughead!” You practically shouted down the corridor before weaving your way through the mass of people. 
“Oh hey Y/n. What happened to your other eye?” He asked. 
“Not important.” You shook your head. “Are you sure its a good idea to fight the Ghoulies.” 
“Yeah.” He nodded. 
“They attacked one of our own.” Sweet Pea added. 
“Of course we’re gonna get payback.” 
“Yeah, but don’t you think its kind of a silly reason to attack them. I mean they only punched me in the face, its not like they killed me. I just feel like there’s no point.” 
“I get that you don’t want to make a big deal out of it.” Jughead started. 
“If we let them get away with this shit then they’ll think they can get away with even more things and we can’t let that happen. The Ghoulies don’t run the Southside or the Serpents.” Toni interrupted. 
“And we won’t let that happen.” Jughead smiled at you and you felt your heart rate pick up. You decided you were going to blame that on the nerves of everything that was happening, and not on the fact that you suddenly thought he was cute. 
“If you’re really doing this, why don’t you take a few more people.” You suggested. 
“Why?” Sweet Pea narrowed his eyes. 
“Just in case they bring more people.” You replied. 
“Okay?” Jughead agreed. “But how many?” 
“Oh, I dunno. Twenty, twenty-five? Just to be safe.” 
“Twenty-five?!” The Serpents around you repeated. 
“Twenty-five?” Jughead asked and you nodded your head. 
“Ya know. Just to be safe.” You smiled awkwardly and he sighed.  
You’d been at the Wyrm for an hour. Jughead had told you to wait there with a few others so you could patch Serpents up when they came back. A part of you wanted to go with them, wanted to fight for them and protect them. Protect him. The other part of you was thankful that you’d been told to stay, you didn’t know if you could fight against the Ghoulies. They had always given you the black eyes and the broken ribs, not the other way round. 
A few Serpents that had been sent back early had been patched up and sent home, and now you were anxiously awaiting the arrival of Jughead and the others. 
The door to the Wyrm swung open and you were the first to greet them. Serpents carrying other serpents, stumbling through the doors, bleeding, bruised, but smiling. They won! 
“We did it!” They all cheered. 
“You won!” You smiled, the other Serpents congratulated them as they spread out across the bar. You hugged Jughead making him flinch slightly and you pulled back quickly. “Shit sorry.” 
“Its fine.” He laughed. “Just a bit bruised.” He added and wrapped his arms around you. You hugged his as tightly as you could, burying your head in the crook oh his neck. You could get used to this, you thought before your eyes widened and you pulled back. 
“Thank you.” You said quietly. 
“No problem.” He shrugged. “It was an honour and a privilege to defend you.” He teased and you laughed. 
“Come on.” You pulled away properly, your arms dropping by your side reluctantly. “Lets clean you up.” You grabbed his hand and pulled him to an empty table. “Sit down.” You instructed and he sat on the table. You grabbed a first aid kit, as well as a few other things you might need before starting to work on his face. 
“So what happened?” You asked as you dabbed the cut in his eyebrow. 
“We got there and there was a lot more than we thought, but luckily I took your advice so there was more of us.” He smiled brightly at you and you looked at him. “You’d make a great leader! A great queen...” He trailed off and you both looked at each other. 
“Anyway.” You changed the subject and moved to a different cut. “Any plans for the weekend?” 
“Not much.” He shrugged. “Me, Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs were gonna go to Pop’s but they’ve got other plans now soooooo. Oh! Maybe we could go?” 
“Just us?” You asked. 
“Yeah.” He smiled. “If thats okay?” 
“Yeah. Of course. Its a date.” 
“Yeah.” He nodded and the two of you froze. 
“I mean, not a date date.” You said quickly. 
“Yeah. Oh God yeah. Us? On a date? Can you imagine.” He laughed awkwardly. 
“I know right.” You replied, also forcing a laugh. The two of you stayed silent for a while as you cleaned the cuts and scrapes. By the time you were finished there was only a few Serpents left in the bar, and the majority of them where cleaning up the stuff they’d used. “I’m gonna need you to take your shirt off.” 
“Excuse me?” He asked. 
“When I hugged you it hurt. I need to see if you have any cuts on your chest.” You explained. 
“Oh.” He said, a blush appearing on his face as he took his shirt off. 
“You’re good.” You smiled at him. “Just bruised.” Your fingers brushed the large bruise forming on his chest before you coughed and pulled your hand back. “I can’t do much with a bruise, just put ice on it when you get home.” You smiled at him and turned away, putting the stuff back in the box. 
“Thanks.” He replied. 
“No problem.” You said, still focusing on tidying. You felt movement, until Jughead was stood behind you. Turning around you, you jumped slightly, realizing just how close he was.
“Y/n?” He asked, and tipped your chin up with his finger. 
“Yeah?” You asked breathily. His lips ghosted over yours making you close your eyes. 
“How’d you know how many Ghoulies there was gonna be?” He asked and your eyes snapped open. 
“Lucky guess I suppose.” You said quickly and gathered your bag. “Thanks again.” You said before practically sprinting out the door. 
“Y/n?” Jughead’s deep voice makes you jump and you look around the empty Wyrm. “You okay?” Two months you’d been part of the Serpents and so far you’d told the Ghoulies about the fight and a few of the jobs they’d been doing. You’d also told them a few of the rules and some stuff about how they worked, but that was it. You liked the Serpents, they were all really nice to you, they accepted you and they never made you do anything you didn’t want to. 
All the serpents were having a party at the trailer park, Jughead had invited you, but you’d decided against going. You wanted to, you really did. But you’d already infiltrated so much of them, you thought you’d let them have one thing un-poisoned by you. 
“Yeah.” You nod and try to avert your gaze. 
“What are you doing here? I thought you said you were busy tonight.” He asked, sitting opposite you. 
“I was, but then I finished being busy and I just wanted to hang out here.” You shrugged. 
“Its okay you know. I know...” 
“Know what?” You asked and stood up quickly. 
“That your anxious. Its normal. Ya know, new gang, first gang all that.”
“Yeah, first gang.” You gulped. 
“I was just as anxious when I joined.” 
“Oh, I’m sure you weren’t.” You mumbled and he raised an eyebrow. “I mean because you were leading it.” 
“True. But its still scary.” 
“If you ever want to talk to someone, you know I’m around.” 
“Thanks Jughead.” You smiled at each other softly and picked your jacket up. “I er, I need to go.” You interrupted the moment you were having and walked to the door quickly. “I’ll see you around Jones.” 
“Bye Y/n.” He replied and you looked at him one last time. This couldn’t be happening. You can’t like him, you can’t fall in love with him. Nothing good will come from it and either way, one gang will kill you if they find out.
You couldn’t handle this. You absolutely could not handle this. Five months you’d been doing this and every time you met up with the Ghoulies they demanded more and more information. So much so that sometimes you just made up mundane shit to get them off your back. 
But both gangs were starting to catch up, poking holes in stories, asking where you’d been and it was starting to get too much. 
An emergency serpent meeting had been held and you had just gotten to the Wyrm after meeting up with the Ghoulies. Nobody had told you the nature of the meeting, just that it was urgent. You were about to walk into the Wyrm when you realized you had your Ghoulie jacket on. 
“Shit.” You mumbled and took it off quickly. Dumping it round the side of the Wyrm before walking in. 
The bar turned silent as you walked in and you looked around to try and find Jughead. Over the past five months you’d been getting closer and closer, the two of your sharing God-knows how many almost kisses. 
“Whats the meeting about?” You asked. “Where’s Jughead.” 
“He’s not here.” Sweet Pea replied and moved towards you. 
“Okay?” You looked around confused. “So whats this about?” You repeated your earlier question. 
“We have a traitor. A mole.” Sweet Pea continued and you started to back up. Frantically you looked around, the Serpents were closing in on you and you were sure you were going to die. The feeling of being punched in the face came back, this time 1000 times worse, and then you realized you had actually been punched in the face. To be honest, it was the least you deserved. 
“I found this out back.” Toni said and your eyes widened. She’s walked in holding your Ghoulie jacket. 
“Shit.” You muttered. 
“Shit indeed.” 
“Just wait until Jones finds out who you really are.” Sweet Pea smiled evilly and pulled his knife from his pocket. 
“Please don’t tell him. I’ll leave and never come back, just don’t tell him.” You pleaded. 
“I wonder what he’s gonna do when he finds out he’s been sleeping with the enemy.” Fangs added.
“He’s not gonna do anything.” The door opened and making everyone look. 
“Yeah, what?” You asked in disbelief. 
“I said, I’m not going to do anything.” Jughead repeated. “And we haven’t been sleeping together. Now, everyone go home. This Serpent meeting is over.” He instructed. Serpents started mumbling and whispering between themselves while leaving, but you couldn’t hear. You were stood in the middle of the Wyrm, a bruise forming on the left side of your face, while you tried to control your breathing. 
Once everyone left you rushed towards Jughead. 
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to do this, I literally have nothing against the Serpents but the Ghoulies they made me and I can’t get out of it because they know stuff about me that is best kept to themselves. But I promise I didn’t tell them anything important, and to be honest I told you more than them. I’m really sorry Jughead. I screwed everything up.” You rambled, tears streamed down your face while you hugged yourself. You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t see, but you could feel a pair of arms around you. “Jughead? What are you doing?” 
“Comforting you.” He replied and squeezed. “I’m not mad.” 
“You’re not?” 
“And I’m not upset, or angry, or sad. Well I am but I’m sad for you that you were put in this position.” 
“Because you didn’t have a choice. And I knew who you were within the first few weeks of you joining.” 
“Do you really think I wasn’t going to do a little research on a new member that came from nowhere? I was going to say something but then I followed you to one of your meetings and you seemed so scared of them. I figured there was something more to you. And there is.” 
“Yeah...” You trailed off. 
“I know that you’re part of the Ghoulies because you had no other place to go when your parents went to prison.” 
“Yep. You err. You really hit the nail on the head with that didn’t you?” 
“I asked around about you.” 
“Oh.” You sighed. “Sorry I didn’t tell you.” 
“Its fine. We all have a fair few secrets that we’d rather no one know. Its just yours put you in a shitty situation.” He replied. 
“Thats an underestimate.” You laughed bitterly and he smiled softly. 
“You can stay if you want? In the Serpents I mean. You were really good and I’d hate to let you go to waste in the Ghoulies.” 
“I don’t think they’re gonna be very happy about that.” 
“We’ll deal with that.” He reassured you. “We’ll get you out of this. I promise.”
“Thanks.” You pulled away from him. “For everything.” 
“No problem. Like I said before, no serpent stands alone.” He replied. You leaned in slowly, your eyes fluttering shut and taking a deep breath. No better time than now to kiss him. He closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you softly, his hand cupped your cheek, and it was everything you’d built it up in your head to be and more. 
I’m not a Serpent though.” You said after pulling away. 
“You are. No matter what.” 
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vernonfielding · 4 years
The lies, the secrets
Story No. 3 of my Season 7 Countdown Project! Also: I’m still taking prompts for future missing scene fics.
Summary: “My time undercover in the mafia was actually kind of lame. I mean, I wanted it to be badass, but I'm good at computers, so I mostly just helped them switch over from AOL.”
The story of how Jake became the mafia’s IT guy. Takes place during Undercover. (Read on AO3.)
What he doesn’t tell any of them, after he’s back, is that going undercover with the mafia is mostly just- really lonely.
Jake spends most of the first week alone in the crappy one-bedroom the FBI hooked him up with in Bushwick, waiting for one of the Ianuccis to get in touch. At night he lies awake on his mattress on the floor, mustard-yellow streetlight glaring through the grimy bedroom windows, and thinks that he’s already failed his assignment, that he couldn’t pass himself off as a disgraced cop for even one night. (The irony does not escape him.)
Then a guy calls Jake’s burner at 3 in the afternoon on the sixth day, and he introduces himself as Derek and says he’s downstairs. It’s now or never. Jakes takes a deep breath and blows it out hard, then steels himself and heads down. By the end of the week, he’s got a pierced ear and a gold-chain necklace and a cigar burn on the back of his neck, just below the collar of his new silk shirt. Years ago, before he’d gotten into the Academy, Jake had thought about getting a tattoo (“yippee ki yay” in calligraphy, very classy) in that spot and he’s grateful now that Gina talked him out of it. The burn was an initiation, and it didn’t hurt as much as he’d thought it would, but the scab is itchy and sometimes when he thinks of the smell of it he gets a little nauseated.
Leo Iannuci sends him out with Derek on a couple of jobs – mostly picking up cash from people they’re extorting from, but sometimes they’re the ones making the threats and Jake hates that part, hates it so much. Derek’s a nice guy, an Academy dropout who seems to shed his tough-guy attitude with his velour jacket every time they leave a bodega or laundromat or some other business where he’s had to smack someone around. Derek always does the hitting, never makes Jake do it, and Jake can’t decide if it’s because he likes the violence or if he just senses that Jake really, really doesn’t.
Either way, he’s grateful, and he has to keep himself from feeling too much fondness for Derek just because he protects Jake from the dirty work. Jake’s gotten that talk from the FBI: It’s natural to think you’re making friends, making connections, they’d said. But you’re not. Don’t ever forget that. Jake is always, always on his own.
About a month in, Jake is at Leo’s penthouse in Flushing, reeking of cologne that one of the Sals had doused him in while another Sal held him down, when Leo swears loudly and slaps the side of his computer, a rickety old desktop with a fan that sounds like it’s working triple-time.
“Motherfucker, it won’t let me fucking update!” Leo slams his fist down on top of the harddrive.
Jake looks around the room but everyone else suddenly seems to have important business on their phones, so he approaches Leo and says, “What’s the problem?”
Leo snarls at the computer. “I had to add some new clients to the ledger and now this son of a bitch won’t save the changes.”
Le’s “clients” could mean extortion victims or dirty cops or assassins-for-hire or any or all of the above. Jake hasn’t seen the ledger yet – he wasn’t actually sure there was one before this moment.
“You want some help?” he says, casually.
Leo finally turns his glare to Jake, staring him down long enough that Jake has to fight to keep from shifting on his feet and curling his hands into fists. “You any good with this shit?” Leo says.
Jake shrugs. “Yeah, I know computers.”
“All right, have at it,” Leo says, and gets up from the desk.
Jake sits, and Leo grips his shoulders, sudden and fast, fingers digging hard enough to bruise. And then just as suddenly he’s let go. He stays behind Jake, though, watching him click through open windows to find the source of the problem. It doesn’t take long.
“You’re using AOL,” Jake says. His voice sounds a little strangled to his own ears.
“Yeah, I guess,” Leo says. “So what?”
“So that’s your problem,” Jake says.
Jake’s definitely not an expert at computers, but he’s always had an affinity for the basics and it only takes him a few minutes to fix the immediate problem – an outdated file type that the desktop won’t recognize anymore. Jake saves the document, which, infuriatingly, is a table someone made in Microsoft Works. It’s so horrifically formatted that Jake can’t help but imagine the devastating stroke that Amy would suffer if she even knew it existed. She would seriously start bleeding out of her eyes.
Later that night, Jake smokes his first full cigar and convinces Leo to let him move all of their documents to a Google drive. By the end of his first full month undercover, Jake’s become the mob’s IT guy. It’s exactly as dope as it sounds. (It’s not remotely dope.)
It takes him a couple of weeks to transfer everything to the cloud; he has to carefully rebuild all of the ledgers in proper spreadsheets. Leo assigns one of the Sals to keep an eye on him, but after the first hour Sal gets bored and retires to the couch to play Kwazy Cupcakes on his phone (the sound effects touch off a profound homesickness that Jake tries his best to ignore). So Jake has no trouble copying the ledgers onto a thumb drive that he later passes on to his handler. It’s almost all the evidence they need. Then it’s just a matter of waiting for the FBI to get its teams in place, to mark the right time and place to take down the biggest targets.
Jake does a few more jobs with Derek, and he just misses getting sent on a drug run that ends in a shootout and two of Iannuci’s guys in the hospital (Jake was back at Leo’s penthouse trying to figure out why his computer suddenly refused to talk to his printer). He knows he’s dodging literal bullets, but that doesn’t mean he sleeps well at night, or that his nervous system doesn’t light up like a Christmas tree every time someone racks a gun near him (which is pretty much all the time – mafia guys love cleaning their weapons).
Jake ends up giving a seminar to half a dozen Iannuci men (plus two women) on file encryption and two-step authentication and he feels a little guilty for teaching the mob how to evade hackers – some of whom will surely be cops – but weirdly, he’s starting to get bored, and he figures none of them are going to remember any of his lessons anyway.
The night before Marco and Angie’s wedding, Jake gets super drunk with a bunch of the guys and he sings “The Longest Time” with Derek, slopping rye whiskey all over their polyester shirts. The next day Jake’s going home. But that night, for the first time in 62 days, he forgets to be lonely.
End Notes:
Title is from Feed the Beast (Bash Brothers).
I know there is a lot of mafia-Jake fic, and that this take is not like the others. But I always thought Jake’s comment to Pimento about what he really did undercover was interesting and worth exploring. I don’t think it means the job wasn’t dangerous or super stressful for Jake, though my version is probably less so than some of the more violent takes some writers have offered (which are just as valid!).
I couldn’t decide if this story should be considered a missing scene for Undercover or Adrian Pimento. It fit better here for obvious reasons, but the revelation is in the later episode. But really, it doesn’t actually matter.
My darling beta @fezzle wisely pointed out that Jake the Computer Wizard doesn’t exactly fit with what we learn about him in Ticking Clocks. My solution/answer to this is that Jake is actually pretty good with day-to-day computer stuff (there’s quite a bit of evidence of this in canon – or at least, evidence that he’s not BAD with computers), but hacking-level stuff is way over his head. That’s why he starts Ticking Clocks full of bluster with the so-called security expert and then eventually has to admit he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Unfortunately, what he actually says is “I don’t know anything about computers.” That could be the writers just forgetting their own canon, but I choose to believe that it actually fits just fine with Jake’s “I’m good at computers” in Adrian Pimento. It’s all about context!
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crystu-cii · 4 years
Thank you!! I had a lot of schoolwork so that's why I was so busy(cough and I definitely did all of it and didn't leave any of it for today since I stayed up til five am being productive, most definitely. Yep.) 💕💕
Moodd-- XDD
Oh wow-- okay but that reminds me of something- I've heard of adults taking on a "worksona" to get things done so you?? Basically did that?? You took on a persona that caused people to take you more seriously! I don't think it's cringey at all, it's actually super cool!! Especially taking on the attitude/mindset of a character? That's so interesting and neat!!
See that's ALSO cool, and evidence of it having a desired effect :3c
OOOOH-- me too tbh- or like a video game protag? But if I were a video game or anime protag, I'd better have or recieve animal ears XDD MAKE IT FUN AT LEAST XD
OMS XDD That's p h e n o m e n a l -
!!! ;w; aww I see what you mean- damn you're getting rhcb on your dash? Why am I not getting rhcb?? XD NOOO YOUR BLOG ISNT BORING-- I love it with all my heart and I think it's great, and even though breakfast seemed a little long that's cause transitioning is difficult and stuff, so that's okay :3
Ahhh I wish I had an au ;w; but I d o n t, and I definitely don't have an ellie-centered one ;w; I really want to make an ask blog I'm just like- ah- no thoughts, head empty-
Also dw advice is g r e a t l y appreciated!! ✨💖💕💞❤️
omg same- i have a crap ton of work that i can literally do NOW and get it over with but im like "NAHHHHHHH" xD but i at least did some work of it- even tho im sure its not even good but its my teacher's fault for saying "something is better than nothing" a whole dam lot XDD
and ohHHH that might be what it is- yeah ! thinking back on it i also do find it hella cool- i was able to be the teacher's pet for some of my classes xD- but then if any of my classmates see me during lunch time i would be here loud ASFFF and also saying the weirdest nonsense ever- omg i can ramble about how cool school was WITHOUT the work yknow? like all the events- friends- and ALL that is awesome xDD and also thanks for thinking its neat! i kinda had fun messing around with people- god i feel kinda mean- XDDD
and HELL YEAH GIVE ME ANIMAL EARS GOD-- XDD omg whats funny is that i am in LOVEE with animal headbands- headbands are literally my comfort item at this point- when i go outside without one- i just dont feel the same xD one time at christmas my bro gave me a cat headband that has switch so it lights up- and i was OBSESSSED with it that i wore it literally everyday at school- and OMG YKNOW WHATS FUNNY: thats how people know who i am- because of my headbands- which is actually convenient cause NO ONE KNOWS MY NAME- like they would know me as a smart girl but they would have no clue who tf i am (because i am soooo not social in school xD)
and cause i wear the same headband everyday- people have kinda known me for it- and kinda just started calling me "cat girl" or "cat ears" or SMTH along with cat in it- it was funny XDD but also my brain tells me "people call you this because thats what happens when you dont have many friends-" and im like "yeAh i KNOW-" xD but after like a semester i stopped wearing the cat headband cause got new headbands! they are like pom poms! i had white ones and the other headband is black ones- i switch between them usually to match my outfit or how im feeling today xD
and AS YOU KNOW IT- i got crazy nicknames- and little did i know it WAS WAYY FUNNIER than with the cat headband- omg- i can list you all the things i remember:
"snowballs" "fuzzy ears" "white/black fuzz" "RABBIT TAIL EARS-" (THAT one was what my teacher called me before knowing my name and my friend witnessed it- in fact i got the audio recorded xD) and also names something along the line of "bear ears" or smth- gosh it went wild- i felt popular xD i would also have friends that would softly bap on of my pom poms just for the sake of messing with me- xDDD
but anyways- with rhcb OH BOY OH BOY- YOU SHOULD SEE THE HENRY STICKMIN CHARACTER TAGS ON INSTAGRAM- the cat ears on characters was WIILLLDDD- there were also so many neko reginalds and shit it was crazy but awesome xDDD
and yeah the breakfast arc i felt like it was the oppurtunity for the triple threat themselves to answer lotta questions- kinda a filler arc- but thank GOD the questions i got now were just boring- or it would be better for the toppats to answer- youd never know! and yknow what- ill just say it now- yknow how henry doesnt know all that much of stickcats? yeah- but guess what- reginald knows a whole lot more ( or well- supposed to) so i wished the people viewed it as reginald the master of knowing stickcats- i even thought of a spinoff comic series where when someone asks a good question about stickcats- it would trigger a class lesson as a jokey concept XDD with sensei reggie! BAHHAA sadly i think i, as the mod, already answered a lot of those questions- so sadly it might not become a thing xD
and YESSS I FELT BIG BRAIN FOR IT- and i think sending myself questions was what made the blog spread easily- cause when you make a blog- its going to be hard for someone to ask you questions first- especially since your post will takes days til it finally shows up on the tags- so may as well make your own questions! at first- i created the blog on my phone- and sadly on my phone it wouldnt let me ask my own blog( but i didnt know you CAN send yourself asks just by going on a computer or laptop- xD) so i yelled at two of my friends like "HRYHEYEHYEHEY THIS IS SOO OUT OF CONTEXT BUT CAN YOU GO ON TUMBLR FOR ME-" XDD and those two friends were the first asks of the whole blog! when henry woke up! (this is all- what i call- a pro gamer move-- /hj XDD)
and awhhh- i feel that- i literally also have the power to make an very suspenseful story with an interesting au- but what i decide to do? "HEY- WHAT IF WE ADD CAT EARS AND TAILS ON STICKFIGURES- " and what i tell myself? "OH- GENIUS- gonna start a whole ass blog-" XDDD but ALL of my AUs are just comfort AUs- i wrote stories of three of them(if you count the stickcat au) while the rest i just daydream- xD i could list them in the next post if you are somehow interested XDD
and thank gosh! i hope what i say would be considered advice- even though im just stating what i do and all xD but thank you!!! 💞💞❤️😭❤️❤️😭💞
0 notes
vertigoambrosia · 6 years
i got angry with my boss and today was bad but here’s gwf
lucky kid is in the thumbnail so it’s gotta be good, right?
on amazon prime thios time since it takes forever to come up on youtube
omggg did vincenzo just sneak the salami into george’s pocket?
erkan is suich a lil shit except not because he’s toll
umm ahmed, mike i know you are at odds but maybe you should decide how to talk to people before you call them in
aw wesna be nice to kati
ooh wesna would be a fun matchmaker
i love how that’s the super importanmt
lmaooooooooo he had put it in ali’s pocket
oh no new wave are getting the blame though :(
‘peok? PORK???’ ‘me?’
guys i had to stop the video to laugh i love everything pascal spalter chooses to be
*pascal voice* don’t bother me while i’m making autographs
oh lucky honey you’re too trusting
pascal does not have your best interests at heart with this advice!
boi how are you so naive
yay kati and wesna are in the opening credits!
~circle of justice~?
oh it’s weber
this boy should not be wearing a backward hat
oh ok kati is in circle of justice it’s good then
he has such a baby face no wonder he use to wear facepaint
here comes an internet saiyan
i do not approve of this goatee
i like how he’s literally billed as being from the internet
wtf commentary just called a slingblade a clothesline
also, interestingly, on amazon the commentary is subtitled as well
i think it’s auto populated though
either that or someone hasn’t heard of the word ‘tutelage’
‘short live winning streak’
i think its just someone’s fuckups actually since ‘Genki Dama’ is perfect
main event already? interesting that htey chose to do a lot of plot first and then both matches in a row
anyway here’s orlando silver...who i guess wears a mask all the time now?
oh hey bad bones
from bad bones city, because wrestling owns
THE MAN OF CONTEMPORARY EVENTS i love pascal so much
lmaoooo people who boo him are “under the influence of society” and deep inside they secretly love him but are afraid to admit it
‘that is a sad development’
‘hey pascal you’ve had bad luck in triple threat matches, havent you’
‘how dare u i’m fucking leaving’
the commentary subs are actually kinda distracting
also the way they bunch it up you’ll see stuff before he says it
which is bad when he’s commenting on what’s going on in the match
i can never tell the difference between if people are chanting ‘bad bones’ or ‘sad bones’
not really sure if klinger is a face or heel or what
‘the oppoirtunist’ suggests heel, but it’s not clear
oh now it’s titty slap time
did not really expect orlando to win that one, but ok
damn pascal fucked his ches tup though
it’s tarkan
vincenzo no
stay away from him sweetie
*vincenzo voice* hmm, death threats? something is definitely bothering you today
wait what?
who’s this perv looking dude who’s apparently tarkan’s new brother
lmaooo they stopped the credits so olaf could do the thing from the right side
i can’t tell if olaf is drinking boxed wine or orange juice
lol its boxed wine he’s complaining that the stars get wine in bottles
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jwgammuto · 5 years
The Good, The Bad, and the WTF for Monday Night Raw 4/22/19
We’re officially on the road to Money In The Bank, typically one of the more anticipated and entertaining shows on the WWE calendar. Should we be excited? Only one way to find out and that’s with The Good, The Bad, and the WTF: Bray’s Clues Edition.
The Good: We’re going to get AJ Styles vs Seth Rollins at MITB for the Universal Title. Getting there ate up a little too much of this show for my liking but you can’t hate the result. Also a fun fact, MITB is up against the Game of Thrones series finale on May 19th and I suspect this matchup is a direct result of that. Not that everyone watches both or that you can’t watch either at your leisure because of how 2019 TV works but I find this an odd choice regardless. But all that said, this should be MOTY type stuff and no matter what the rest of the card is, this is a great start.
Styles vs Joe vs Mysterio. Great match with an insane ending. Really showcased how great Styles can be without making the other two guys look terrible. Maybe best Styles Clash ever? One against Nakamura is springing to mind but that’s about the only comparison I can come up with.
Miz vs McIntyre vs Whatever the hell Vintage Corbin is. BAD COLE! God he’s the worst. This was another good match, just a hair less entertaining than the previous triple threat. Miz looked great and had a couple of near falls that almost had me convinced he’d pull it off and even though I shouldn’t be I was fairly shocked that Corbin got the win here. McIntyre seemed like the logical choice. Not sure what they’re waiting for with Drew but Corbin continues to get the cheapest heat possible and that’s who he is and it works.
Cesaro vs Cedric Alexander. Two new toys for the red brand and I dig it. Solid match that ended with Alexander looking like he might die from a vicious uppercut. My lone disappointment was a lack of Lumbar Checks because I need them all. Alexander showed off some impressive strength here against arguably the strongest guy on the roster. Can’t be mad at any of this. Fresh and great. Ok that’s not true. New entrance for Cesaro please. Give the guy some originality again now that The Bar is done.
Teaser for the USOs vs The Revival. This is literally the only reason I wanted Jimmy and Jey on Raw. Give it to us immediately. Welcome to the Revival Reformatory!
Lacey Evans continues to shine on the mic and in this feud with Becky 2 Moves. I do still like Lynch but I think the edge is gone a bit and having two belts and being on both shows is starting to expose her a bit. While Becky throwing Alicia Fox around was fun for a spell, the real highlight here comes when Evans slides into the ring delivers two Women’s Rights, the first of which wasn’t sold terribly well but Lynch made up for it the second time. Really made it look like she got her bell rung. I don’t know what to expect from this match at MITB but I’m hopeful. The feud is building nicely thanks to Evans delivering on every level with her character.
Robert Roode and his GLORIOUS lip sweater vs Ricochet. First and foremost, thank god Roode is finally a full blown heel. Long overdue. This guy is a star when he’s allowed to be a dick. He cuts a solid promo about Gable being dead weight and moves right along. This was also a damn good match with some great back and forth that ended with a sick Glorious DDT (thank you Jake). Right guy won here and we get a fresh take on a performer who has been buried too long.
The Bad: The opening segment. What a predictable and overused slog of a template. 1/3 of the men’s roster  come out to say three lines and make their claim against Rollins. It’s been done to death and it took up 20% of the show time. Just give me something original. I love most of the competitors here and loved the idea of triple threats to decide who was going to get a shot but this can be done in about 100 different ways and they just used the same old same old. Also Triple H, who historically forgets nothing, seems awfully Buddy Buddy with a guy who was nicknamed the Kingslayer just a couple years ago. He doesn’t have to be Vince. But he doesn’t have to be Teddy Long either. Bleh.
The fourth name change for the War Raiders under the WWE banner. They are now the Viking Raiders, which is only mildly better. Notice how the fans no longer chant WAR!? Thanks a lot, Vince. That was one of the most fun things about these guys. On a bright note, they absolutely destroyed The La Tolteca Experience so that was fun.
Styles vs Corbin in the main event. It certainly wasn’t awful and given how they’ve booked Baron it probably shouldn’t have surprised me if he won. But thankfully he didn’t and that was the predictably right call. This wasn’t anything special though and maybe it should have been given how most of the ring work for the rest of the show was pretty damn good.
Just gonna put this out there. It’s time for Sami Zayn to do something. This mic work is brilliant and all but it’s getting stale. It’s the same act in every city. It’s quickly becoming Evans’ catwalk. Sami is a great performer in the ring. Someone come to the fans’ rescue soon.
The WTF: Naomi vs Billie Kay. This marks the third singles match The IIconics have lost since winning the tag titles. There was no point in putting the titles on them if you’re going to make them a joke who can’t beat anybody. This lesson was clearly marked by how they booked Dash and Dawson after they gave them the titles. I know Royce and Kay aren’t world beaters and are still raw in the ring, but it doesn’t take much effort to write a cheap win. This does very little for Naomi and damages the rep of the women’s tag titles even further. Just bad.
Finally. The Firefly Funhouse. I honestly don’t even know where to begin. This is like if Steve from Blues Clues was on heroin. Oh wait. He was. Well this is worse than that. The internet is strangely divided on this. Wyatt looks slimmer and a bit revamped and this angle is certainly right in his wheelhouse of creepy but I find myself wondering what’s the best case scenario? He’s psychotic Mr Rogers/Pee Wee and it’s hilarious? Is the King of Cartoons coming? A talking plush chair? It’s certainly original it just also very well may go sideways and be utterly and ridiculously bad. The Meth Den of Horrors match is clearly Bray at his worst. I’m not certain this won’t be worse. What if he ends up with another god awful talk show segment, that WWE never gets right anymore? It’ll be him and his puppets interviewing Bobby Lashley. No thank you. This is what we’re getting so we obviously have to give it a chance but the odds of it being in this column permanently are extremely high. Prove me wrong, Mr Wyatt.
This show had very little that was mediocre. There was a stark gap between what worked and what was head scratching. But we did get some hope in a lot of ways so I can’t be mad. The Firefly FunHouse really sucked all the air out of the show for me. Maybe that’s why I didn’t enjoy the main event as much as I wanted to. 3.25 Hogan Belt Whips because MUSTACHE, Styles/Rollins, and the Lady of the WWE nearly made me forget about Pee Wyatt’s den of potential molestation.
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bigbrotherorre · 6 years
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WEEK 13 
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if someone who doesn't love me wins this week then bye bye ashvika 
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annoyed that sammy nominated me because i kept him safe last week whereas i could have just as easily flipped to keeping alivia and he could've left...but more than that, i'm annoyed at his speech. i dont think he should've used "you nommed me" as an excuse bc that's lame and he was the first to nom me and i nommed him back so we were even, and then i let him have veto pick when he was nommed and i made sure he got taken off. also conversation is a two way street and i dont see him trying to make a conversation with me either, he could have just said the real reason....i love hearing about how good of a player he thinks i am.... the worst case scenario is if bryce or zeezo win, i think even if the noms stay the same that i have a good chance of staying? granted that autumn and ali don't decide to turn on me and evict me 
why is bryce spreading lies :( i didn't tell ali to nominate sammy.... 
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ive made a lot of mistakes this game and there all coming at me now.. my position in the game is terrible and i can blame it on ppl playing not to their win condition or on just the wrong ppl winning comps at the wrong time, but ultimately i could have tried harder convincing ppl to see the light or to do better in challenges so ultimately its on me. feeling really hopeless this week even tho i avoided being a preveto nom i think ill be a post one if literally anyone but me wins veto. and i flopped veto (cwl). i cant wait for after the game for ali to admit that he did tell me that ashvika pushed for sammy to be nommed. order in which id vote ppl zeezo- always worked with me and if she makes it to the end she truly DID THAT ashvika- really took control of the game with her hoh win and after jose left smartly picked up the goats and became the biggest threat randy- a king love us working with/against each other throughout the game and even tho he was voted out im not one to discredit buyback winners autumn- never spoke to me but guess she didnt need to KASDHFK ali- fakest person ive ever met dennis- knows how to get to f2 at least sammy- ignores obvious facts and always makes the wrong move  but good at comps so wooh (me teas too tho...)
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somehow i didnt get nommed but like so sad what the heck zeezo is going home like why is everyone so jealous that shes prettier and funnier than them :( why cant we all be her goats <3 i guess its good bc like i cant win with zeezo in the game and i can vote to keep her still, but honestly if i lose in f2 with zeezo itd still be fun bc she has had my back all game :] I AM SO SAD UGHHHH GOD HATES GAYS AND HES TAKING MY TWO WOC QUEENS BACK TO BACK. Now i have ashvika who is a queen but not my queen!! And autumn yikes hates me always :(
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SORRY IVE BEEN GONE!!! I did one video confessional for Week 11 and just like never posted it lmao but I will haha and that's all behind me. But anyway I just have so many feelings. Live  night is about to begin, me and Zeezo's war is finally concluding, IM STILL TRYING TO GET MY FIRST COMP WIN, and I'm trying to protect my allies at all cost. Some cracked shit is about to go down and I'm so excited and so so glad I took a nap before this cause I'm ready for anything wooo
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OK BUT DAT TRIPLE DOE http://media2.giphy.com/media/xUA7aViRhBQPzXNAAM/giphy.gif It was dramatic, over the top, emotional, satisfying, show stopping, gut wrenching- literally everything you want out of a triple. I... don't feel bad for Breezo lmao, not after all the messiness they've caused. But doing Ashvika dirty is literally the hardest choice I've had to make in Orre. Sis I am so so sorry. I should've thrown you a vote but you know how Randy is and you really know how Dennis is. I just--- that was something I like wasn't prepared to ever do, break Ashvika's heart. But like in my beautiful dark twisted mind? It was perfect because I knew I couldn't go to the end w/ Ash but I was never going to nominate her. So here we are rip ALSO LAB AND BREEZO ALL SITTING IN JURY??? BIIIIIIITTTCCHHHHH https://media.giphy.com/media/zcAii7T9JXezS/source.gif If you're reading this, you know I sure did say I would wipe that whole group out and send them to jury and it really did come to pass. John sure did gas all of them up to win and I sure did tell him in my Week 10 goodbye message that they were all bout to walk in behind him. So in the spirit of prophesizing, let it be known that Auli aka Ali and I will make Final 3 because we are the strategic dynamic duo y'all slept on. Like correct me if I'm wrong: we've been on the right side of all 8 "merge" votes (there's no word for like opposite of pre-jury lmao), we ain't been on block since Week 6/7 and it's now Week 14, and we've downplayed our iconicism left and right so we're the last duo standing at Final 5, and no one wants to take a shot at us. BUT YALL STILL SLEEP CAUSE THE MIST IS THAT STRONG. That's ok though! When Randy and Sammy walk into jury next y'all will see Also I'm  dead at how much jury hates Ali hahaha. Deadass he has to stay in the game for safety reasons. Like soooo many jurors wanna kill him. That's my ride or die though so I can't let that happen. Anyway I still feel like shit for obeying Randy, which hurt Ashvika, made Dennis cry, and further dragged Ali's corpse. But the good news is woooo it's Final 5 and these boys all want to take Auli to the end. So do I NEED to win this HOH? No not really. Am I still praying and pleading with God like I do before every comp? Absolutely https://media1.tenor.com/images/1a11748f0c7ce30ab4afd057fab66751/tenor.gif?itemid=5677211
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Me when I shocked the nation and won HOH and finally had power in the house after 13 weeks https://78.media.tumblr.com/2a8c6d7cc298da364a847f8f9d767c7c/tumblr_opiih6Z7tB1ub3fcfo1_500.gif Me then using said power to target my baby Randy for the greater good https://media.giphy.com/media/hic9t15zsdwfC/giphy.gif And now me that I'm selling my entire family, land, soul, and wig collection to get Dennis to keep me and kill Sammy so that I'm not Ika Wonged because I know for a fact Ali would take me to F2 and Dennis would be a dumbass not to take me too. AND I ALWAYS BELIEVED IF I WENT UP A FOURTH TIME THAT WOULD BE THE TIME I GO UP ON THE BLOCK AND DONT COME BACK DOWN SO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DENNIS BE STRATEGIC AND KEEP ME https://i.pinimg.com/originals/23/53/9d/23539d4ab6c13adab50940426d73ed6e.gif
WAIT WHAT HOW AM I ALIVE?? https://media.giphy.com/media/TZ388aYpsLMcM/giphy.gif AND HOW THE FUCK DID I MAKE FINAL 3??? https://yiaelxzosjw9p4bs-zippykid.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/happy-crying.gif Pray for me if I win Final HOH cause fun fact: I, the strategic legend, have no clue who to fucking take to the end and that's the biggest gag of the entire season BECAUSE I DIDN'T PLAN OUT THIS FAR GODDAMMIT AND I WISH I HAD. Ok that's not entirely true- I knew I should either sit next to Dennis or Ali because ya know contingency plans matter. BUT NOW??? Bitch ion know I just wanna win
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i've never seen a better reflection of the emotional rollercoaster that is my mental state than these two being filmed less than 12 hours apart jasldfa
okay i have lots of post finale thoughts but i need to type them up tomorrow. i just hope the jury knows how sorry I am if I ever upset them, because I love them all so much and would never want that :(
time for my post finale wrap up and.... whewie. This is so upsetting because, I just did this for all stars. Like it's looking like my track record is LITERALLY going to be 2nd 9th 2nd 2nd 2nd, I CANT COME 2ND AGAIN. I really can't take this. Here is the bigger problem though and this is why Orre will be my last game whether I win or not. I can't keep playing these games when I upset so many people. Like it honestly broke my heart yesterday hearing how much I upset people like Bryce & Ashvika, people I love SOOOOOOO much. I don't want to upset people. Like... what upset me about finale is I don't think the jurors realise that.... I didn't just upset people for the sake of it and ahhh. Honestly, I'm really upset, like not even that I'm coming second but that I upset people. So with that said, I really apologise to the jurors. I got the impression that I hurt you all so bad that you are giving me 2nd as like.... punishment? And while I hate that, if I hurt you all that bad I really owe you all an apology. Anywho, since this is definitely my last game, I've played 183 days worth of games to just come 2nd, and that's just too much. I'm too flawed of a person and player to continue playing these games and just keep coming 2nd. Like it just hurts. so yeah, i'm sad but mainly because this is deja vu. I'm so proud of Dennis for winning, he is such a sweet genuine guy and when he was complimenting me during the finale, it was the nicest thing I've ever heard and I'm so greatful. No matter my game or his, I'd be happy to see Dennis represent our season.
Can I just say... Dennis is such a king. What a kind-hearted, genuine guy. A true king.
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okay so I lost.... and I'm weirdly at peace with it. I know I answered the jury questions terribly and I had... some jurors that would never have it in them to vote for me and would actively campaign against me. Dennis is a king, and in a cast with toxicity and SUCH bitterness, I think he is a phenomenal representation for the season. Otherwise, I am really honoured to get Ashvika's vote, she is such a deserving POTS, and to get POTS' vote is always an honour. Autumn and Jose are amazing friends and I am so happy to have got to work with them, John is a player with SUCH potential and he is WINNING BOTS & Zeezo I'm really honoured to get her vote too! For the others, Bryce is a KING and so is Blake (they both seemed really upset by me so I hope we can be friends). Lynn I never spoke to and seems... very bitter about the season's result, but I hope she gets over it because she is also a QUEEN. Randy is a funny one and I'm starting to worry all his friend talk was just him playing into my emotional side, but he is a good egg really I know it. Sammy is a ghost king. I kinda want to end on Alivia. Alivia is a person whose personality is obviously very different to mine and the way she speaks to me and others really upsets me a lot of the time. However, her bitterness against me is understandable and I hope she gets over it, because she defines herself by anger and bitterness when she is such a funny and likable person and doesn't need to do that. but woo... to wrap stuff up, I'm so grateful for Nicholas & Julia for casting me, Owen & Emily for being amazing.... OH, I forgot what I wanted to say. Autumn is a queen, a legend and amazing. She is honestly soo soo amazing, like... someone I really admire and see as a rolemodel? she is inspirational, a queen and a legend. Dennis is the nicest, most well intentioned guy ever SO sweet and really just a genuinely nice guy. I have made lasting friendships with some members of this cast and I'm so happy. so yeah.... i'll probably do another one of these in like a day or so, but if not.... ali out woo
we love coming to jury and being told about my ""showmance""".... wanna die jadfkl. my only showmance was to snakery, my way of life. blake was robbed but also is a broccoli. last words? autumn and dennis are my faves, best F3 ever.
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