#but I promised I would write the midnights album fic one day so here we are
letstrywritingmaybe · 9 months
Now that it’s September and no longer CoAi week, I finally get to reblog all the things I wanted to that didn’t necessarily relate to the ship. Also means I gotta start on the September prompts! I’m not entirely sure where I want to go… I had sorta an idea but now I’m like maybe we should do this instead… but more importantly! I was pretty productive during CoAi week, I think I finally finished triple threat and the first three chapters of the midnights album fic (don’t get too excited these are hella short, so it’s not a super big accomplishment. I’m just glad it’s getting worked on)
Update 2: I’m going back to sleep after this cause it’s way too early for me but… I have titled the September prompts! But now I’m kinda like damn maybe I should switch the roles… there’s also one prompt that I’m still trying to figure out, but I’m thinking of indulging myself in a callback (which I love!) Anyways I still say Superposition is a CoAi song, but there are other Young The Giant songs I love that fit them too <3
Addition, okay I know my bias is obviously for him swooning over her. But I do also think it’s cute when she’s falling too. That being said I know my ratio is way off for my fics. I definitely write about him pinning way more than my queen. I just adore ships where the guy is more in love, like I don’t care about the cool guy who treats love like a secret, no thank you. I want the love to be expressed, like even if you wanted it to be a secret you can’t hide it. Showing in your actions, speech patterns and every day life. It’s why I always say everyone ships my ship, cause you’d be blind if you didn’t see the love they share
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cocochannel00 · 4 years
Only Wish (This Year)
All Y/n wants for Christmas this year was Harry to be home... so what happens when Harry can’t make it? (a part of the ‘Christmas song fic challenge’)
Word count: 3k Pairing: Harry Styles x reader
A/N: hello my loves! This is my submission for @goldenbluesuit​’s christmas fic challenge, Christmas is literally my favorite holiday of the year and I’m so happy I got a chance to do my first fic writing challenge based on the absolute bop that is Britney Spear’s “Only Wish (This Year)”. If you want to read more great Christmas fics by some amazing writers checkout the Christmas Song Masterlist Here and if you want to read and more of my writing check out My Masterlist Here. I hope you enjoy!! 
"Love I think the tree looks a little crooked"
"No, it's not! It looks fine," you grumbled as you tried to fluff one of the branches that was limping to the left a bit. You had just gone out with Anne yesterday to the Christmas tree farm to get it. The two of you spent nearly two hours walking around the field looking for the perfect tree to put in the living room and after your fingers and toes had officially gone completely numb the two of you gave up and settled for the lanky one in the corner of the field that no one wanted. The tree towered over you quite a bit and had a bit of a tilt, but it reminded you a bit of Harry and this Christmas that was what you wanted, him.
"The reindeer you just hung up is about to fall off, Love" he mumbled from the screen of your computer as he face-timed you from the studio in LA. Rushing over to the left side of the tree, you scooped up the ornament quickly just as it was beginning to slide off of the scrawny branch you had placed it on earlier. As you less than gracefully began to pick yourself off the ground, you heard a wolf whistle come from your husband.
"On second thought, if you keep bending down like that I think I might actually like this tree" Harry stated with a smirk as you gave him the middle finger. "Your mom and I picked it out yesterday cause we thought it looked like you. A little lanky, a little scrawny... looks like he just rolled out of bed" you replied with a laugh.
"I'm going to spare my ego and pretend you didn't just compare your beautiful, loving, and supportive husband to that sad drooping tree you have in the corner."
"(Y/n) is that Harry you're talking to in there? Tell him he better be making it home for Christmas Eve dinner or I'm going to be having a stern talking with Jeff" Anne shouted from the kitchen where she was finishing up some cookies for when Gemma and Michal' today.
You could see the color drain from Harry's face as he scratched the back of his neck. You and Harry have been married now for a little over a year but had been dating for well over three, so you know his every tick and giveaway and when Harry begins to scratch and rub at the back of his neck you know it's bad news.
"I've got this really good chorus started with Mitch, but were still trying to figure out whether-"
"We spent all of yesterday  working through the tracklist and I think I've narrowed it down to-"
"I think I'm going to end the album with the song I wrote on our honeymoon. I tweaked the melody but it's still-"
"Harry" you whispered for the last time before he finally stopped his rambling. You could see him by the way he was avoiding your stare that he didn't want to say the words you both were dreading. He isn't coming home for Christmas. You both knew it was a possibility when he flew out to LA nearly five weeks ago to finish the album before the new year. Despite Harry's offer of having you come to LA with him, your job didn't allow you the luxury of taking off that much time especially during one of your busiest times of the year. You had held out hope that Kid Harpoon and Harry could tie up all of the loose ends ahead of time, but clearly, that wasn't going to happen.
"I tried baby, I really did. There are just too many little things that need to get done here. I promise I'll try and make it back next week, we can have our own little Christmas together in London" he stated trying the lighten his crushing words. This was supposed to be your first Christmas as a married couple together so to say you were disappointed would be an understatement, but you knew that if you let Harry know he would be on the first flight out to London.
"It's ok, we both knew this could happen. I'm sure Anne and I will spend way too much time fussing over Adelaide to even notice you're not here" you replied back trying to lighten the mood a bit more by mentioning Gemma's adorable two-year-old daughter.
"Stop rubbing it in" he joked as Jeff called his name in the background. "I need to get back in before they all have my head for keeping them here past midnight again. I'll try and sneak another call later tonight if you're still up"
"So good, H. I love you"
"I love you too, (Y/n). See you soon" Harry replied back as he hung up. You closed your laptop and continued your quest to finish decorating your slightly distorted Christmas tree. Securing the lights onto the tree had somehow become the hardest part of decorating the tree, so while you were wrapped in a mess of bulbs and strings you didn't even notice Anne come in with two cups of hot chocolate.
"Oh dear let me give you a hand" Anne muttered as she placed the mugs on the coffee table before rushing to your side, delicately untangling you from the lights while placing each string perfectly in its place. You gave her a quick thanks before you walked over to the couch to admire your work.
"He texted me to check up on you, that crazy son of mine. Swear I love him, but sometimes he's got just no sense of priorities. Leaving his wife all alone for the holidays, just not right" Anne said as she passed you a mug and sat down next to you.
"I appreciate you belittling your son on my behave, but reset assured that I am ok. I'm sad we won't be able to spend our first Christmas together as a married couple, but I'm sure we'll have our own little Christmas once he gets back. Besides, I still get the full week off of work and I get to spend time with you and baby Adelaide for the next couple of days and it will be great!"
"Well if you ever need me to put him in his place you let me know, ok sweetheart? Can't have my favorite daughter-in-law feeling upset" she said as she wrapped her arms around you.
"Thanks, Anne" you replied as you gave her a tight squeeze, placing a kiss on her cheek.
"Anytime dear. Now quick, turn on channel Hollywood Gossip before Gemma shows up,  she never lets me watch this show. I heard Lily James was spotted with an ex-boyfriend again"
The two of you spend the next hour catching up on some gossip and making lists of everything that still needed to be done before Christmas in two days. If there was one thing you were certain about, it was that you were going to make the most of your situation and try and have the best Christmas possible
It was Christmas eve and you had spent the entire morning cooking and prepping for the large family meal you and Anne were hosting for Gemma and Michal and a couple of close friends. The two of you had been absolutely buzzing and Christmas tunes had been playing throughout the house since you both woke up bright and earlier at 7 am. You had scoured your suitcase for the perfect Christmas outfit but after spending 20 minutes trying on outfits in the and had settled for one of Harry's red cardigans and some dark washed jeans. The smell of the vanilla candle that smelt just like Harry that Anne had left in your room last night made you miss him even more as you finished getting yourself ready just in time to hear the doorbell ring downstairs.
You peeked out the window and saw Gemma and Michal standing at the door with little Adelaide at their feet and quickly ran to the door to greet them. Once you opened the front door a pair of small arms wrapped themselves around your legs as Adalaide screamed your name.
"Well hello, my sweet girl. I missed you so much! Did you miss me?" you asked as she nodded quickly. You picked her up carefully and smothered her face in kisses just as Anne came over to greet everyone.  The five of you made your way out of the foyer and into the kitchen as Gemma wrapped her arms tightly around you and dragged you to the far end of the kitchen.
"Good afternoon my favorite sister. How is the married life treating you? Any surprises I should be worried about this Christmas?" she asked as she stole a Christmas cookie off of one of Anne's various dessert displays.
"It's been very nice, thank you. I don't think you'll be having any surprises from me this Christmas"
"Pitty I was hoping they be able to be in the same class as their cousin could go to school together," she said nonchalantly smirking at you as you stood there confused.
'What do you mean cousins? Adelaide already in day-care and I don't-- Oh my gosh Gemma are you -"
"Shh don't say it out loud, but yes. About eight weeks along, but we haven't told anyone yet. I'm telling you because last time I told you everything went well, so I think you're my good luck charm... and I need you to drink all of the shots Chloe tries to feed me tonight" She mumbled as you laugh and give her a big hug.
"Well congratulations Gem, I wish you both the best. Hey Adelaide, did you know what special person is going to be joining you really soon?" you asked the little girl in your arms as she played with the butterfly necklace Harry had gotten you for your second anniversary together.
"You're right baby Santa is coming tonight. Why don't you help me and Nana Anne finish decorating these last cookies before everyone gets here"
The night was fantastic. After all of the guests had arrived, you all sat down to eat the wonderful roast Anne had been making all day. The room was filled with laughter and smiles as people recounted their most embarrassing Christmas stories. Your favorite was Michal's who as a child got so excited about seeing Santa at the mall that he actually peed on Santa's lap while telling him what he wanted for Christmas. Gemma discreetly slid her shot glass to you numerous times throughout the night and despite the questioning looks coming from Chloe, no one questioned Gemma's excuse of being the designated driver this year. Overall it was by far one of your favorite holiday meals to be a part of, you only wish Harry could have been there to share it with you.
"Me pants are about to explode, but does anyone fancy a little Christmas Eve stroll outside?" Michal asked as he cuddled a sleeping Adelaide to his chest.
There was a chorus of agreements and your large group slowly began to clean up their placemats and prepare themselves for the trek out in the snow. You helped Gemma load the dishwasher as Anne distributed Tupperware for everyone to take leftovers home with them before running upstairs to grab your winter jacket and boots. After everyone was all bundled up, you all headed outside into the snow, Gemma, and Michal leading the way as walked along the sidewalk. You watched the way Gemma placed a snowflake on Adelaide's nose and waited for the little girl to giggle before quickly wiping it off just to do it all over again. You continued to watch the interaction with a yearning in your heart at the thought of having your own kids with Harry and being able to take them on walks and show them ordinary things like snowflakes. Just as you had begun to drift off into your subconscious world Anne came up next to you and wrapped her arms with yours.
"That will be you someday, I can just feel it" Anne stated as she squeezed your hand tight. You gave her a small smile and nodded your head.
"I hope so. Just have to get your son to stay in one spot long enough" you joked as you rubbed your hands together for warmth.
"That man worships the grown you walk on, Love. If you tell him you want kids right now he'll drop everything"
"Hopefully when I get him back next week we can talk about it all a bit more" you replied as Anne nodded her head.
Your walk lasted about a half-hour until Adelaide began to cry saying she was tired and wanted to go to bed. You all preceded to head back into Anne's home for a bit to warm up before everyone would drive back to their respective homes to continue to celebrate their Christmases. Being the busy body that you were, you began to make tea for everyone in the hope of avoiding the dreaded interrogation about Harry and your's relationship that always came towards the end of these gatherings, but it never came. You think Anne must have warned them that you were feeling somewhat sad about Harry not being there because they managed to avoid the topic throughout the rest of the night. Just as the clock struck midnight everyone slowly began to say their goodbyes and exchanging any last-minute gifts that needed to be given. You helped Anne gather everyone's things and waved your last goodbyes before heading into the living room to relax a bit.
"I'm a bit wiped out dear so I think I'm going to head to bed early. Will you be ok here by yourself?" Anne asked cautiously as you scrolled through some pictures Harry had sent you the other day of him at the studio.
"Yes, I think I'll be ok. Have a good night Anne and thank you for a wonderful Christmas"
"No thanks needed dear, you're family now and always will be. I'll see you in the morning".
You waved a quick goodbye as Anne left upstairs to her room. The silence downstairs was only making your feelings of missing Harry worse so you decided to put on the TV and watch a Christmas movie to lift your spirits a bit as you cuddled Harry's picture to your chest. You know he was having Christmas Eve dinner with Jeff's family now and you didn't want to bother him so you decided that you would suck it up and wait until tomorrow to call him and tell him how much you really miss him. All you wanted this Christmas was to have him sitting next to you, sipping on a couple of hot chocolate and making fun of your weirdly patterned socks.
You hoped that flipping through the tv channels would help distract you but the minute you started channel surfing and Love Actually popped up on the screen in front of you, the waterworks began. You cried because you missed Harry. You cried because you didn't get to share all of your happy memories of today with him. You cried because you could cuddle him to sleep and wake up to his delicious scent. There you sat in his childhood home wrapped in a fuzzy blanket crying. You sobbed into the blanket as quietly as you could in the hopes of not waking up Anne and after what felt like an eternity, you finally fell asleep on the couch
You were peacefully asleep on the couch until the sound of music blasting from the kitchen speaker startled you awake. 
“I signed my letter that I sealed with a kiss I sent it off, and just said this...”
"Oh, fucking shit. Stupid fucking Tom calling me at..." you heard as a crash came from the kitchen.
You jumped from your curled up position on the couch and turned around to see where the noise was coming from. As you sank deeper into the couch hoping not to be seen, you saw a silhouette moving around the kitchen searching the drawers. Your pulse began to race as you start to run all of the potential ways in which this intruder could kill you right now. Just as you were about to reach for your phone to call 999, the intruder turned on the light and you saw a familiar head of curly hair.
"Jesus fucking christ Harry nearly gave me a heart attack" you stated as Harry nearly jumped out of his skin.
The two of you stared at each other for a while before you finally processed what was going on. Harry was here. Harry had made it. He was here for Christmas. He came. You all but sprinted off of the couch and launched yourself at him, hearing release gasp as you latched on to his body like a koala.
"Nearly gave me a heart attack there, love" he stated as he wrapped his arms around you and ran his hands through your hair.
"I could say the same thing. Who comes home after midnight and doesn't say anything, especially when said person said many times that they weren't going to be to make it home"
"Wasn't supposed to be home but then mom said you looked upset after our call yesterday so I told Jeff I would finish the rest in the London studio and zoom call any last-minute details. Excited to have me home?" he asked with a smirk.
"No" you stated trying to hide your excitement.
"Come on Love, don't lie to me. I'm excited to be home. Get to spend Christmas with my beautiful, smart, kind, amazing wife.  Get to shower her with gifts. Best Christmas ever"
"Definitely best Christmas ever" you mumbled back as you leaned in and kissed him, savoring the taste of his lips after so long.
"I have one more surprise for you that I think you'll like" he stated as he broke away from the kiss.
"What" you whined as he laughed at you.
"Told Columbia that I'd make the record, but that I'm not releasing it till the end of next year. Want to settle down a bit more, gain more stability in case..." he trailed off as he cheeks turned pink.
"In case what?" you asked innocently even though you knew exactly what he was insinuating.
"In case you want to try for a baby like we talked about on our honeymoon. Said you wanted more stability from me before we started trying so this me giving you that. Don't want to pressure you or anything and this is your choice and I don't- "
"Yes," you whispered.
"Yes?" he questioned before you nodded your head and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Tears appeared in his eyes as he spun you around the kitchen. You laughed as he chanted "baby baby baby" quietly as to not wake Anne but the joy in his expression spoke volumes. You were both ready for this next chapter in your life and whatever happens next, as long as you were together, you knew everything would be ok.
“Hey babe” you whispered as Harry continued to cheer quielty. 
“Yes, Love?”
“Is Britney Spears your ringtone?”
“Maybe... It’s festive!” he defended as you laughed
“Ok love, whatever you say” 
Hope you all enjoyed and happy early Christmas to all who celebrate and a Happy Holidays everyone!!
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aswellingstorm · 4 years
taylor swift x catradora playlist
in honor of evermore dropping tonight (midnight, EST) i humbly present the following by album break down of songs that miss swift wrote solely for catradora
taylor swift (2006)
tied together with a smile--the struggle adora faces being the hero/put on a pedestal from her horde days to becoming she ra
invisible--catra facing jealousy over adora’s new friendships
i’m only me when i’m with you--young catradora/growing up in the horde
fearless (2008)
forever & always-- broken promise. need i say more
white horse-- catra’s resentment for adora’s hero complex
breathe-- mutual catra & adora--struggling to cope with the other choosing the opposing side
you’re not sorry--adora coming to terms w post s3 catra & having to accept her former best friend has gone too far this time
change-- post s1 victory for adora
speak now (2010)
the story of us--princess prom catradora vibes
mean--unfortunately.........could see the best friend squad singing this therapeutically & adora thinking of catra
better than revenge-- ‘stealing other peoples toys on the playground won’t make you many friends//i’m just another thing for you to roll your eyes at honey’....jealous catra really comes thru here
innocent-- feel like this could be applied to adora but more specifically catra losing herself and her innocence in this war/getting caught in the cycle of abuse shadow weaver set her in at a young age
if this were a movie-- adora’s naïve hope that catra might make the right choice one day
haunted-- ‘all this time you and i have walked a fragile line, never thought i’d live to see it break’, easily fits into adora leaving the horde, but def has the angsty vibes for ‘save the cat’
back to december--regret. longing. wishing u could take something back but knowing you really cant
enchanted--ok hear me out. not necessarily a ‘meet cute’ for them, but could def see this song playing at a princess prom post s5 and being a cute look for them over all.
red (2012)
treacherous--post ‘save the cat’, catra learning redemption is....something she Wants
the last time--post-portal. def reminds me of the scene where catra saves glimmer and apologizes to adora
sad beautiful tragic-- break up sadness
the lucky one--more adora becoming she ra/learning the truth of mara
i almost do--catra & adora missing each other on opposite sides of the war
come back...be here--^^
state of grace--end of/post s5
1989 (2014)
out of the woods--i mean..........those ladies entered the whispering woods in s1 on a stolen skiff and did not leave until the end of the series
all you had to do was stay-- aside from the title... “let me remind you this was what you wanted // you ended it// you were all I wanted //but not like this”. def catra yearning
i wish you would--all of the lyrics. all of them
bad blood--warrants no explanation
this love-- “when you’re young, you just run// but you always come back to what you need”......................the defense rests
clean--s4 adora accepting and coming to terms w catra’s decision
wonderland-- really captures the betrayal/hurt of s1 catradora
you are in love-- adora POV// subtle moments leading up to realizing she loves catra
new romantics--”we need love, but all we want is danger//we team up then switch sides like a record changer”
catra’s personal memoir reputation (2017)
i did something bad--a title that could (unfortunately for everyone else) summarize a large majority of catra’s decisions. the song is very justified/righteous anger/revenge. basically a ‘fuck you, i know i’m bad’ & embracing that. reminds me of her kicking sw & hordaks ass (the rebellion could never) and her just...war criming it up in the crimson waste
Look What You Made Me Do-- void!catra void!catra void!catra void!catra void!catra void!catra--
getaway car--could see this from adora’s perspective to catra solely for the whole leaving/betrayal bit. but might be more fighting for double trouble & catra’s relationship
dancing with our hands tied-- i mean...lyrically. everything. but esp ‘I'd kiss you as the lights went out//swaying as the room burned down//I'd hold you as the water rushes in//If I could dance with you again”
dress-- “i dont want you like a best friend”. period. end of sentence. 
this is why we can’t have nice things--s1 promise feels. the lack of forgiveness, the shade. u know.
lover (2019)
cruel summer-- “i scream for whatever it’s worth, i love you--ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?” the heart. the longing. the ‘i dont want to keep secrets just to keep you’
the archer-- ‘who could ever leave me, but who could stay?’ + the rest of the song is v fitting for both catra/adora
afterglow--making up, admitting wrongs--catra perspective
miss americana & the heartbreak prince--idk just the narrative of the song reminds me of them
it’s nice to have a friend--whooooh boy this post is not about glimbow but this song works equally as well for them
daylight--enjoy the healing
lover--enjoy the healing pt 2
death by a thousand cuts-- warrants 0 explanation
folklore (2020)
the 1-- definitley adora POV, reminiscing on maybe what they could have been. maybe in a world where catra never redeemed herself or they never reunited and adora watched her friends pair up/get married/build lives w each other, she might realize there is a whole in her heart. a part that’s missing and cant be explained, but she feels it every time she looks at glimmer&bow. 
cardigan-- feels like catra writing a letter to adora. reflecting on the feelings of hurt and betrayal after time has passed and the anger fades
exile -- lowkey the premise of my fic but. ‘i’m not your problem anymore/ you were my crown/ now i’m in exile seeing you out’ catra was raised to feel like she was adora’s problem to fix. she feels cast aside by her for a majority of the series etc
my tears ricochet-- “i didn't have it in myself to go with grace//and you're the hero flying around saving face//and if I'm dead to you why are you at the wake?//cursing my name, wishing I stayed//look at how my tears ricochet” tswift explained this in the doc about how no one can hurt you like your best friend turned enemy. so i think in that sense this song works from adora’s perspective--but there’s so much bitterness and anger that i feel like it fits more from catra’s POV
seven-- “love you to the moon and to saturn//passed down like folksongs//the love lasts so long” i feel like this is so young/child adora and her feelings of protectiveness over catra. their bond through trauma and abuse
august--lmaoooooo i know. ok i KNOW what the deal is. i KNOW that cardigan, august and betty are a narrative story and really there are 3 POVs--james, betty & august. but i will do with that what i please. i just see catra’s pov from this song just as much as i see it for cardigan. her losing adora/feeling like adora doesn’t want her back or will choose other ppl over her. 
this is me trying--can fit adora’s need to be everything for everyone/fear of failure--leading to burn out. also works for what i assume how catra’s redemption arc continued post s5. progress isn’t linear and this can show both of them struggling to recover from abuse
invisible string--if u strip out the imagery of taylor and her mans then sure
mad woman--i MEAN...is this not catra’s villain origin story? so often she was just poked/kicked/provoked into continuing down the dark path. not always by adora but regardless.
epiphany-- ‘with you i serve, with you i fall down’ reminding me of them both fighting/practicing/training together pre-s1 as well as them finally teaming up
betty--betty betty betty. the worst thing these two have ever done is what they did to each other. i see it more catra to adora, but it can go either way. gotta admire catra’s range for fitting into the role of betty, august + james... who else is doing it quite like her?
peace-- adora to catra. she can never not be she ra. is that enough for catra?
hoax--def more of a catra POV
evermore (2020?)
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
I Miss You
A/n: I hope this is good because I put this off for so long wanting to do it justice. And this is based very loosely off I Miss you.
Summary: you two broke up recently, and it's not sitting well with Shawn, even though he's the reason you broke up.
Requested by @it-isnt-in-myy-blood: Hi, I recently listened to the song 'I Miss you' (Clean Bandit, Julia Michaels). Maybe you could write a fic based on the song, angsty but with a fluff ending? Thank you... ❤️
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Kinda_yourname Cabo sunsets >>>> anything else
It may have only been a week, but I'm missing it here! 😭
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I shut my phone off and toss it to the end of the bed. I should have been with her on that trip, but tour got in the way. I got in the way. It's crazy to think that if you asked me three weeks ago, I would have said that my girlfriend and I could overcome any obstacle thrown at us. But ask me again a week later, and I would tell you I was wrong. That being away from her for months at a time was too much for me and I broke it off because I thought it would be what was best for both of us in the end.
Now ask me if I still believe that.
I don't.
I haven't told anyone about us yet. I mean, everyone probably suspects because there haven't been Amy preshow FaceTime calls for good luck, and I'm not texting like a madman during dinner or when we're on our way to the venues. And I know she hasn't said anything to anyone either. How? Because for one, she hasn't blocked me on any social media - I know, I've checked at least ten times just within the last two hours. And two, she hasn't deleted the three pictures of us that she has on her Instagram. They're still there for everyone to see, me included.
Now my fingers are hovering over the keyboard and I'm staring at her name on my phone which is still My Love 😍, and I'll probably never change it. Because she is my love, and to strip her of that title because I'm an idiot just isn't fair.
Hey... I miss you
I type and backspace and type and backspace at least ten times. Because I want to text her. I want so badly to text her, but what if she doesn't want to hear from me? I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want to. I was the worst. Breaking up with her over the phone, no less because I was hurting being away from her. Never once did it occur to me that, yeah, she was hurting too. Or maybe she's with someone else. Maybe she's found somebody new. I want her happy, sure. But I selfishly still want to be the one that makes her happy.
Y/n I miss you.
I delete it one last time and open my photo gallery. I have an album saved for photos of us. Photos that I never got to post because she wanted to keep us as private as possible without being a secret. Which is why both of us only have 3 photos of each other on our Instagram. One for our six months, a year, and a year and a half. Two more months and we would have had a fourth picture.
I'm swiping through the photos landing on one I took of her when we were flying back to Canada after our first trip together. We're on a private jet because this was before we went public with our relationship. Andrew made sure that we weren't seen together in the airport or anything. She's sitting in the seat across the aisle from me, legs up to her chest, earphones in, head resting on her knees as she smiles brightly at me. There's another one of us curled up together on this tiny chair in a green room in the UK that Andrew sent me. She's literally curled into a ball on my lap, sleeping peacefully and my legs are spread in front of me, arms wrapped tightly around her body, head resting against the back of the seat.
The next one Brian took. We were at my place for a very impromptu new years party. It was just gonna be me and y/n, but she insisted we invite the guys over. And we did. It was one of the best nights of my life. We're watching the ball drop, with her in my lap, arm around my shoulder. I have one arm behind her back, the other on her thigh. I think Brian knew something was going to happen because at ten seconds to midnight he pulled his phone out and captured out first new years kiss. She's holding my face and I'm practically leaning her back against the couch. It looks like I'm seconds away from crawling on top of her, and it be honest, I probably was. She's just too perfect for me to resist.
Then there's one that Josiah took of us just a few months ago at the studio house. I had y/n on the kitchen counter, she was in these jean shorts that I loved her in and a button up that she'd stolen from my suitcase. Not that I was complaining. It looked far better on her than it did on me. I stood between her legs, my hands on her sides, slipping under the shirt a little bit, leaning her hips exposed. Not that either of u cared with her fingers threaded in my hair as casually as they were. My face is blocked by her figure, but there isn't a doubt in my mind that I was smiling entirely too wide standing between her legs.
The video that follows knocks the breath out of me. She giggling like crazy, but the camera isn't on her, it's on me. On my back, more specifically. She laughs even more when I wince at the feel of her fingers on my red, raw skin that is now home of her fingernail scratches.
"Baby? What happened to your back?" She asked, amused.
"Don't know," I said, turning to face her, my cheeks still holding a slight blush. "But I think the real question is, what happened to your neck, missy?" I pluck the phone from her hands and turn the camera to her where she's trying to cover her face. I manage, however, to take her hands in my free one and the camera focuses on the flourishing bruises that litter her beautiful neck, my favorite place to rest my head.
I close my eyes, the memory of that night filling my mind. Watching her come down from her high, my face still buried between her legs. The weight and cold touch of her hands as she pulled me up to her, into her, because she needed me closer. I can hear myself murmuring the words 'I love you' all over her skin, still remember the way her back arched when I hit the right spot again and again and her finger ran down my back over and over, once more and she probably would have drawn blood. And I may not be home, but I can smell her on the sheets, that constant aroma of warm vanilla penetrating my nostrils. God, do I miss her.
I'm only making it worse for myself by doing this, I know that. But I should feel bad. I lost the greatest thing in my life and I didn't need to. So I got back to our messages, but instead of going to type a new one, I scroll through, reading through our old texts. There's countless paragraphs of us professing our love for each other. Lots of random pictures sent, most from my side. There's conversations about getting a home together, and a dog. And her telling me how much she loves my family and me telling her how much they love her, how much they ask about her. It's all hitting me too hard right now.
And it doesn't help that im literally sobbing at 2 in the morning, in Paris. The city of love. The place she told me was her favorite trip to ever take with me. Where we stood atop the eiffle tower and I gave her a promise ring, a ring that said I would love her and keep her forever. A promise ring that was now probably in the ocean in Cabo because I tore us apart so easily.
I sit up suddenly, struggling to catch my breath. It takes a few minutes, but I'm able to pull myself out of this empty bed that would only be comfortable with y/n laying next to me. I'm scrambling through the room, picking up the pair of jeans I threw off my body earlier and slipping back into them. I find a torn work out shirt in the bottom of my back and push my head and arms through before throwing my youth hoodie over my already overheated upper body. My passport is sitting in my guitar case, and I grab both things without a second thought. My suitcase trailing behind me.
It's difficult booking a flight and carrying a suitcase and guitar all at once, but I get along just well enough and adjust myself in the lobby while I wait for a taxi. I don't text Andrew until I've made it to the airport and am in my seat on the plane, ready for take off.
Emergency... had to fly home. Promise to make it back in time for the Paris show.
And I turn my phone off before he can text or call me back. Because there isn't a damn thing that he could say that would keep me there in a city that's meant for lovers, when my lover is across the world instead of laying in my arms the way she should be.
I know I shouldn't be doing this. I know there is someone out there who is better for her. Someone who isn't constantly on the move. Someone who can come home to her every night and help her make dinner. Someone who can cuddle her until she falls asleep when she's having a particularly bad day. I know there's someone who can do those things.
But I also know that he won't love her the way I do. He won't know all the little things that I do. Like how she only uses a blue toothbrush. Always has. And he won't notice the tiny scar that she has on her right middle finger from when we tried to make dinner together one night and she cut herself. He probably won't know that she wakes up at 3:34 every single night, because she hasn't been able to sleep fully and soundly through the night since she was four years old. And he'll mess up the way she likes her tea, using tea bags instead of leaves. (She like the herbal taste that you get when you use the leaves. And she likes when you do two scoops of them, and two scoops of sugar, but just cane sugar, the rock sugar makes it too earthy. And of course, she drinks it on ice because she hates burning her tongue with hot drinks.)
I'm thinking way too much as I get off the plane, reluctantly turning my phone back on only to see texts from just about everyone I know. They're all asking where I am, but I ignore them, because what I'm about to do is far more important than anything they threaten me with. I have to make things right.
Standing in front of this door that I've stood in front of hundreds of times should make me feel at ease. Remembering all the times I had her pressed against the other side of the door because I just couldn't wait to have her all to myself. But if anything, it's making me more nervous. So nervous that my hands are shaking, palms sweating, my breathing is jagged and I know if I don't knock right now I might never get the chance again and I can't lose her for real this time. So without giving myself the chance to rethink, I knock on the door three times and I wait, handing in the pocket of my hoodie.
I wait a solid thirty seconds, which feel like an eternity, before the door finally opens and I see my beautiful girl. Her face is bare, hair only halfway straightened, and she's in those shorts I love and my old Led Zepplin t-shirt.
"Shawn," my name still sounds like heaven spilling from her lips. "What are you doing here?" She crosses and then uncrosses her arms, shifting her weight from one leg to the other before standing completely straight.
I didn't even realize I was crying until I sniffled and heard my voice crack with just three words, "I miss you."
"Shawn," she shook her head.
"I tried not to," I insisted, still standing like a fool on her door step. "I swear I did. But I couldn't stop. I looked through all our pictures and texts, and I couldn't stop myself from missing you. And I know I have no right to because I broke things off. But I was in Paris and I was miserable because Paris was your favorite place, and that was where I promised to love you forever, and I'm still keeping that promise. I was an idiot," I continue to ramble. "If there's a better word for that, then I'm that too, because I thought it would be easier if I broke things off. This tour was going to be so long and to go that long without each other, I was scared that it wouldn't be enough for you. But it's not what I wanted, y/n. It's not, and I just-"
"Shawn, stop."
I shut my mouth instantly, ready for her to tell me to leave. But what she does instead throws me completely off guard. She pulls me into the apartment and wraps her arms around my neck, burying her head deep in my chest.
"I miss you, too." She mumbles and I exhale slowly, only to inhale that scent that I love so much. The scent that is naturally her. She starts to pull away, and even though I don't want her to, I let her but she only leans back enough to take my face in her hands and before I even have time to blink, her soft lips are on mine and I'm whole again.
She's mine again and I'm never letting her go.
Tags: @curlyshawny @shawns-badreputation @anamariel2301 @bbellbagel
This took me longer to write than it should have, but I kinda really like it. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you Wednesday for more content! 💙
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mooosicaldreamz · 5 years
Hello! I just read your track by track of Lover and really enjoyed it - did you do one for Rep? I’d love to read it!
i’m sure i have before but i will again for FUN. 
since i’ve had years now to listen and dissect reputation i’d like to give my overall opinion that this is a concept album about fame that, in the process of its production, became about something very real which i think is why the album has a bit of a sea change from song to song sometimes. anyway
ready for it: this song is a fuckin bomb, can’t wait for her to sing it at the super bowl let’s go taylor let’s go. it reminds me unequivocally of college football bc the first time i heard it was for that and i cried. let’s fucking GO IRISH
endgame: this song bores me. it has a rapper, which is like, what? and ed sheeran which is like……fine. this is what i mean when i say this album is a concept bc this song does not scream taylor swift in the way that i think 1989 before this (a poppy step for a country princess) and lover after this (a country princess realizes she can be whatever she wants to be and not give a shit) are more centrally her creations. which is not to say that these songs are coming from deeply inauthentic places - i think it’s likely that htey are still more authentic than most other pop outfits - but this song is sort of a nothing even when it’s trying to say something
i did something bad: i have never had very deep feelings for this song. but that reeee duh dud duh duh noise is the best and such a fascinating bit of production. what happened sonically on this album, despite the fact that i think it was an intentional and maybe too-far step outside of taylor’s ouevre, is fascinating. she’s so dark. i’m not even sure you realize how dark she is until you compare it directly to lover. 1989 clearly starts to pick up the grey feeling of this album but it isn’t overwhelming. anyway. this album is so interesting
don’t blame me: like i said earlier, this song started out as a concept and this song is a continuation on that theme. for the most part, most of the rest of the album becomes at least one measure more authentic. this song, btw, is so dramatic. the beat drops on some of these are bomb. i love this song on the rep tour video “my name is whatever you decide” just a messy bitch. god
delicate: this song is a crown jewel and i think any pop artist or singer songwriter would kill for this song to be theirs, genuinely. imagine stevie nicks singing this song in 1970. it’s a BEAST, because it’s authentic in a way that the songs preceding it and most of the songs after it are not. i love the beat dropping away on the break down “is it cool that i said all that?” it’s so gentle. i think you can put a lot of sound in a song and not say anything in the end, but if you control yourself and produce something that’s lyrically and sonically compact, you can write a song that hits people where it hurts. “he must like me for me / can’t make any promises now can we babe? / but you can make me a drink” GOD this song is a bomb
look what you made me do: i’m often surprised that this song is not the like, second song on this album, but it’s a mean song. if you watch the music video of this (which i do, constantly, because i love it), she’s so mean in it. she plays a villain in this song that i don’t think she’s really content with. “all i think about is karma / and then the world moves on but one thing’s for sure / maybe you got mine, but you’ll all get yours” is so vindictive and so…….sad. 
…so it goes: this is the outro song on the rep tour video and i think it’s hitting on the same chord delicate hits without digging as deep. i think this song has grown on me a lot. but it’s kind of boring.
gorgeous: i love the lyrics of this song. the first line is a bomb, and the noises of it are so fun and light, and i think this song is one of the combo breakers on this album, like - taylor wanted to make an album about being so famous that you want to just hide away and be alone and feeling so scared that you just have to be loud, and the album suddenly became. not about that. it’s a journey. “you should think about the consequences of you touching my hand in a dark room”
getaway car: rip calvin harris 
king of my heart: this is the best performance of the rep tour movie and it is the thesis of the album it has the wings of fresh love “you try on calling me baby like trying on clothes” my god she should get a poet laureate for that one and it’s sonically big but has this heart that’s so apparent and bold and that synthy voice work on the bridge is such a good palette cleanser before the break to the drums THE DRUMS are the best part of this song. it’s so propulsive and it carries you so well. “your love is a secret that i’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep” ugh shut UP. 
dancing with our hands tied: i always thought this song was about karlie kloss and i think it ties a direct line to like, out of the woods. i think those two songs could be pure sequels. i love the big wall of sound on the chorus and the urgency of the verses leading up to that. the minor quality of the tone, too, really makes you feel the dread. “i kissed you as the lights went out / swaying as the room burned down”
dress: this song……..takes me to the shed and kicks my fucking ass. i’ve spent a lot of time thinking of reputation as the soundtrack to stn which i’m sure you’re all tired of me talking about, but this song…………….my god. every inch of it is so different. i’d think it was one of the last ones produced if i had to guess “i’m spilling wine in the bathrub / you kiss my face and we’re both drunk” ugh god. it betrays so much feeling in a dreamy vocal quality and sound - the key repetition on the choral break is just blah BLAH i could cry. “flashback when you met me / buzzcut and my hair bleached.” this song is real in a way that some of these songs don’t have specifics - this one sits in the center of your stomach bc you know it’s real.
this is why we can’t have nice things: in a former life i worked for years at a retail store and i don’t anymore which is why i’m hardly ever here bc i work a real job that exhausts me all the time and the taylor swift reputation album played often and this song grated me and it still does. on the rep tour movie it’s very fun! and i enjoy it! but it feels petty.
call it what you want: this song is very related to king of my heart and so it goes in my mind. but it has connections into lover as well that. “starry eyes sparking up my darkest night” it makes me SO HAPPY that taylor was clearly, towards the end of the 1989 production and then into tour in a bad place and then in a worse place when she started this album and accidentally fell in love and started to feel a precious happiness that i think is all over lover. GOD I M SO HAPPY
new year’s day: this song fucks me up hardcore it’s a stn beast boy and if we could rename the fic i think this song might make a hardcore run to get the title like “i want your midnights” maybe. this song. is so soft. and so real. the evolution and devolution of sound that happens over this album deserves this culmination
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writerunsolved · 6 years
The Drunken Mistake - Ch. 4
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: F/M
Fandom: Real Person Fiction
Relationship: Tom Hiddleston/Reader
Genres: Fluff and Humor
Language: English
Chapters: 4/?
Summary:  You're a young up-and-coming singer based in London who has just released her first album.
After a wild night at the VMAs and some heavy partying and drinking at the afterparty, you write and publish a drunken tweet about a certain celebrity and one of their friends. You only realise what you've done the next day when a slew of texts and calls wakes you up to a dreadful but expected hangover. You immediately delete the tweet, but you're left to deal with the consequences. A public apology would probably be enough to make everything go away if you hadn't been invited to a movie premiere where said celebrity is most certainly going to be.
You decide that the best course of action will be to try and avoid them, but your plans almost never go the way you want them to.
Author’s Note: I had hoped to release this chapter a lot earlier, but I won't lie, the new Tumblr strikeout put me out of sorts, and I had a rough couple of days. Writing Hiddleston has turned out to be a bigger challenge than I had previously anticipated, but I hope it can still feel genuine to the fic.  Thank you all for your great patience, and I hope you enjoy this one!
Ch. 1 - Ch. 2 - Ch. 3
Chapter Four - One Cheesy RomCom
After the premiere, life got back to the usual. Your workload somehow increased, even.
Seen as the event had been right in the middle of the week, the next day you were allowed a late morning, but had to be right back at work in the afternoon so you decided to grab a quick lunch from Caffé Piccolo, and make your way to the label offices a little earlier than when you were supposed to be there.
While you were at it, you also bought Nina a couple of her favourite doughnuts from the coffee shop, sure that she would appreciate them as a thank you for letting you sleep in even though she’d still had to go into work early in the morning.
You were pretty sure the first commitment of the day was a radio interview for BBC1. You usually got a car with Nina from the label building to the destination the interview would take place, but this time you were lucky enough to have been invited to one of the programmes that filmed in the same skyscraper where the label was located. The building also housed some recording studios for voice acting and music recording. It was there that you had recorded your entire first album as a published singer, and the place held huge sentimental value for you for this reason, despite looking like most unimpressive office buildings would.
As soon as you got there, you caught Nina in the lobby of the ground floor dictating what was sure to be a countless number of instructions to a spooked intern you’d never met before who was furiously taking notes.
You made your way to the two, carrying the paper bag full of steaming doughnuts in your hand.
“...and that needs to be done by 5:25 PM today. Got it?” was all you gathered from the tail end of the one-sided conversation Nina was having.
The intern looked at you then back at her and nodded fervently. “You can go now, Liam.” was all Nina said to dismiss him. At that point, she turned towards you, but before you had any chance to greet her, she eyed the paper bag and asked “Are those from Caffé Piccolo? Are they blueberry and cream cheese?” snatching them out of your hand.
Nina was already biting into one of the doughnuts when you spoke, in a sarcastic monotone “Don't mention it, Nina, you’re so welcome. I’m so glad you like them.”
She moaned around the huge bite in her mouth and when she finally swallowed it down she asked rhetorically, “How do they make them so good?!” then she bunched the top of the paper bag closed with another doughnut in it and announced, “I have news.”
“Oh?” you inquired.
“ Someone’s manager asked for your contact info,” she explained, “Thanks for the heads-up, by the way.”
“Oh my god! I completely forgot!” You hadn’t told her about your agreement with Tom the night before, so you apologised, “I’m so sorry, Nina. It totally slipped my mind. What did you tell them?”
“Well,” she began, “I gave it to her. I guessed that was the plan, considering the circumstances.”
“You are the goddess of order and knowledge!” You grabbed her before she could protest and squeezed her in a tight hug.
“Yes, yes, I know.” You were certain she was rolling her eyes. She patted your back weakly with her free hand and continued, “Now please, let me go. We have work to do.”
When you released her, Nina pulled out a business card from one of her back pockets and handed it to you with a “Here.” You stowed it away in your bag and resolved to enter the contact information in your phone as soon as you had a couple of minutes. Finally, Nina started walking towards the elevator, so you followed her up to the floor where your interview was going to take place.
It was a couple of hours before you could leave the recording booth of the radio. Between the waiting and the actual interview, the whole thing had run a bit later than expected, which luckily didn’t turn into a problem. As a matter of fact, your next appointment was for dinner with Nina and Nadia, and an agent from a fashion magazine.
You had been asked to give your input for an upcoming campaign you would be taking part in and be photographed for, and the dinner was the meeting to finalise the deal. Because Nadia was your personal stylist, she was also to be involved to make sure you were comfortable with the aesthetic of the photoshoot. These kinds of jobs didn’t usually require you to be so engaged in the decisional process, but you didn’t mind. You were actually quite enthusiastic about getting to work on the creative part of the project, rather than just standing in for the pictures.
Nevertheless, the dinner was the reason why a few hours went by before you could check your phone and finally type in Tom’s info.
At the end of the night, Nina dropped you off at your apartment building. While you waited for the elevator to get to your floor, you pulled out your phone from your bag, but before you could do anything else, you noticed you had a new message from an unknown number. It read: “ Hi. This is Tom, I thought I should let you know that my manager gave me your contact info. Hope you’re doing well, have a nice evening :) ”
You couldn’t keep the smile off your face as you shot back “ Hi! My manager also gave me your number earlier today, sorry for not letting you know before... It’s been a long day, but a good one. Hope your day was also good (: ”
You finally reached your floor, keeping your phone in your hand while opening the door, and soon enough it vibrated with another text.
“ I can’t say I worked as hard as you, I had a free day so I caught up with family. Unfortunately, the rest of the week won’t be as merciful… what about yours? ”
“ It’ll be just the usual, I guess, ” you typed fast, “ Some promotional work at the label and a couple of interviews here and there. What are your plans? ”
You took advantage of the wait for his answer to get undressed and ready for bed. Unlike that morning, you had to work early the next day and it was already past ten. Nevertheless, your mind kept drifting to the conversation you were having. It had been surprisingly easy to enter the conversation, you did it with almost no thought. It felt liberating to communicate this way - even though you didn’t know each other very well and you weren’t really expecting a conversation to start, it definitely did wonders for your shyness. And the exchange came strangely natural.
It reminded you of catching up with a friend you hadn’t seen in a while, even though the warmth in your chest that didn’t seem to want to go away was unquestionably a new feeling.
You pulled on a soft t-shirt you used as pyjamas, and finally settled in bed with your earphones in and some soft music to help the day flow out of you. You checked your phone and Tom had answered again.
“ I’ve been recruited for voice acting this time, ” his text read, “ It’s a fairly big project, I’ll be on the job for the next couple of weeks. ”
“ That sounds exciting! :D ” you sent back, “ Should I wait until you’re free again to schedule our promised dinner? ”
“ I hope we can arrange something before then, but I’ll let you know in a few days. :) ”
“ Great! ” You should have probably toned it down with the exclamation marks, but you couldn't stop yourself, “ Is it okay for me to ask about your voice acting project, or is that top secret? ” You didn’t feel like letting the conversation end just yet.
Luckily, it turned out that he could indeed talk about it, and he told you as much along with some more details. You asked him more question, and he did the same in turn. Before the talk could end properly, you drifted to sleep, the both of you still deep in conversation until almost an hour later. You didn’t say goodnight, but when you woke up the next day - earphones still in but music long faded away - you found you had a couple more messages.
One of them was a continuation of your chat, while the other had been sent around midnight and read, “ I’m guessing you fell asleep, so goodnight… and good morning. :) ”
The next few days proceded in much the same way. Sometimes you were the one to text first, and other times he was: you would greet each other with a “ Good morning ” right before work, and the conversation would continue from there.
That wasn’t to say you could text continually, you were both quite busy - you were often at the label offices, or you were out for interviews and small musical matinées - so the conversations weren’t always linear, but they happened almost every day.
Some days you would text him and he could only answer after several hours, and the opposite could also happen, but all the days you heard from each other ended with a goodnight text.
At some point, talking so often became natural enough that you stopped worrying about bothering him, you just saw something funny or that made you think about him, and a text followed shortly after. Of course, some days that little voice in your head going “Don’t text him, he’s just being nice, you’re actually bothering him a lot!” would come back with a fiery passion, but the way he would end a sudden text with an “ I’m glad you texted. ” made all your doubts dissolve on the spot.
It was rare that either of you would delve into intimate matters - you’d only met around a week before after all, and the understanding that the texts should remain light seemed mutual - but the way you spoke to each other felt like a prelude to something greater, always on the brink of that one word you were nervous to say or hear. You realised with an exhilarating mix of apprehension and excitement that in the short time you’d known each other, you had somehow started trusting him, and it hit you out of the blue like a bat to the stomach.
A little over a week after you’d started texting, on just any day, you were in a meeting with some old man from another label who was requesting your presence at an event you couldn’t quite remember in detail. The reason for that was that, seemingly out of the blue, he had made a sexist joke at your expense, and you became blinded by rage. You felt humiliated and belittled, afraid of how to tell Nina you wanted out of the agreement.
You should have trusted her to have your back, though, because the minute those foul words left his mouth, she stood up, said glacially, “Thank you for your time, but we’re not interested,” and made quick work of getting out of there. You were left scrambling to follow after her, completely stunned.
As soon as you were both out the door, she turned to you with an irritated expression and apologised, “That was completely unacceptable. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I’ll take responsibility for the deal being called off.”
You struggled with a response, mouth gaping but unsure of what to say. So you didn’t say anything at all. You just threw your arms around her and hugged her with all the strength you had, hoping that your gratitude could seep out from your skin and into hers. She hugged you back without a word and when you separated she touched your cheek gently, a rueful smile on her lips, and told you, “I have another appointment after this, but you should go ahead and enjoy the rest of the night. This was your last meeting for today.”
You nodded and thanked her before saying goodbye, and then you watched her back as she walked away. Nina’s support had definitely helped lessen you initial anger, but the whole situation was still nagging at you, leaving you with the acute prickle of disappointed and a sour taste in the back of your throat.
You decided to make a quick stop to the restroom to cool down before leaving. You looked into the mirror, and your mind instinctively thought of Tom, the urge to contact him mounting with every second.
You exited the room and started rummaging inside your bag for your phone with shaky hands, ready to text him. You had just grabbed the device and were unlocking the screen when you felt something lightly brush your shoulder, making you jump out of your skin.
You whirled around with a jolt, expecting some kind of fight, and sighed in relief when you realised it was Tom.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologised. He was looking at you with concern.
“It’s okay,” you reassured him, “Don’t worry about it.” Then you forced out a smile and started over, “Hi! What are you doing here?”
“Hey,” he greeted too, “I didn’t realise you were signed under this label. This is where I’ve been recording for that project I told you about,” he explained.
“Oh!” you exclaimed, remembering the previous exchange. You tried to think of something more to say when he spoke again.
“Are you alright?” he asked you, a frown had taken over his features and was deepening by the second, “You seem a little shaken.”
You closed your eyes briefly, your unconvincing smile disappearing entirely, and tried, “I… Yeah...” You gave up halfway, sighed again and started over, this time sincerely, “Actually, not really.”
You finally opened your eyes, he looked right into them with intense worry, it made you weak in the knees for just a second. Registering that he was giving you time to gather your bearings for an explanation - if you were willing to give one - you continued, “I had a harsh meeting.” You paused again, diverting your eyes, unsure of whether to say it or not and in the end, you decided to do so, “Sexism doesn’t magically disappear when you start selling music, apparently,” you concluded, unable to keep the bitterness from your voice.
He reached a hand and circled his fingers around your wrist in a delicate grasp, not once turning his focused gaze away from your eyes. He took a deep breath and finally said, “I am mortified that you had to go through that. I will try and be of support to you if you were to decide to take legal action.”
You recoiled, completely blindsided by his words. You didn’t think that was necessary, and it definitely wasn’t something that you had even considered. Nevertheless, warmth spread through your chest, and you felt all the remaining anxiety drain from your bones. The thought of someone so readily believing you, not even knowing the whole situation, was as unfathomable as it was touching and the fact that that person was Tom, whom you’d unwittingly started trusting and hesitated to believe the sentiment was reciprocated in the way it seemed to be, made something deep within your soul shake in fear and trepidation.
You smiled, earnestly this time, your hand sliding backwards so that his fingers were touching yours. You could feel heat seeping in from where your fingertips were pressed against his. “I am genuinely moved, I don’t know how to thank you for what you just said,” you almost whispered.
His frown dissipated, a tiny smile taking its place, and his cheeks darkened in an almost invisible blush. You kept silently smiling and looking at each other for a few more seconds, then a door along the corridor closed with a loud bang and the moment was broken. Your hands separated.
Tom looked around embarrassedly, stroking the side of his neck in a nervous gesture and searching for what to say. He smiled nervously once again and finally asked you, “There’s a canteen on the 18th floor, would you like to get something to drink?” then he seemed to have forgotten something and hastily added, “I mean right now. With me.”
You couldn’t stop the small giggle that left your lips, seeing him flustered made your heart swell with affection. You lifted the strap of your bag higher on your shoulder and replied, “I’d like that very much.”
You made your way to the elevator walking side by side, neither of you speaking. When you finally entered the lift, he selected the 18th floor as you stood next to each other, silence turning stiff. Suddenly, you twitched with realisation and said, “I know I should have asked this sooner, but how is the voice acting going, by the way?”
“It’s been a lot of fun, thanks for asking,” he replied with a genuine smile, “It’s been quite intense, considering the hours, but I’ve been enjoying it greatly.”
You smiled back. Right then, the elevator pinged to signal you had arrived, so you exited it and made your way to the canteen on the other side of the corridor.
“I’m really glad to hear that,” you told him, “You have an amazing voice, it’s surprising that you’re not flooded with offers of voice acting work,” without thinking you also added, “But then again, it would be a shame to hide your lovely face behind a virtual character.”
He suddenly stopped walking, you did the same. “Oh?” he asked, his tone entertained.
You were confused for just a second before realising what you’d just said, “No! I meant- uh- I-I… Wha-”  you scrambled to explain yourself, “Because of your acting!” He pursed his lips, obviously trying to suppress his laughter, and you continued, “The things you do! With your face! While acting… are just, so good!” you finished with a grimace.
He finally started laughing.
“Ugh, I can’t believe I did this again.” you groaned.
“It’s completely fine,” he reassured you, still smirking, “It gets more endearing every time.”
You couldn’t help but smile back, a deep blush staining your cheeks.
You both started walking again, finally reaching the entrance to the canteen. He opened the door and gestured for you to enter ahead of him, then followed you inside.
The canteen was a spacious area on the left side of the building, it was furnished with small wooden tables and wrought-iron chairs, all along a wall of windows overlooking a district of mostly other office buildings. The tables surrounded the central space where an island bar was located and the cashier worked. Off to the side, there was a small door closing off the kitchen area where most of the food was prepared. The place was mostly used by the employees that worked in the building as a lunch area, but it wasn’t unusual to find other faces of the music or show businesses drinking a coffee and enjoying the view at all hours of the day.
You’d been there several times with Nina and the rest of your crew for a coffee break or to wait between meetings. You loved the view, watching the grey London skies and looking at the bright city lights when your work kept you busy until late was a great way to take in the vastity of other people’s lives.
You looked around for an unoccupied table, there were quite a few but you set sight on one right next to the windows with two empty seats.
“Go on ahead,” Tom told you, following your gaze, “What would you like? I’ll go grab it for us.”
“Just a cappuccino, please.” You then motioned to pull out your wallet and added, “Here, let me-” but he stopped you with a hand on your forearm and said with a smile, “No need, I got it.”
You smiled back and thanked him, so he headed for the small bar and you made your way to the table you’d eyed. You set your bag on the floor against the legs of your chair and sat down, looking out towards the city while waiting for Tom to join you.
When Tom reached your table with a small metal tray - two coffee cups and a few sugar packets on it - and set it down, you jumped slightly. You’d been staring intently out onto the city, and your mind had begun to drift off on its own over what had happened earlier.
“Thank you very much,” you told him, sitting up, “I really appreciate it.”
“You’re very welcome,” he answered sitting down, then asked you, “Are you sure you’re alright? You seem a little spaced out.”
“I’m fine, really. Thank you for asking.” You ripped open one of the sugar packets and poured its contents into your drink and started stirring it absentmindedly. “It just kind of feels like a long day on my shoulders now, that’s all,” you smiled, your eyes on the cup.
He answered with a soft “Mhmm...” and said nothing else. When the silence stretched out, you finally looked up at him and he was staring right back at you, a scrutinizing but gentle expression on his face, but he didn’t say more.
You blushed under his gaze but covered it by taking a sip out of the large cup of steaming cappuccino. He did the same with his drink, then set it back down. Finally, he said, “I had a chance to listen to your album.”
You tried to read his expression with no luck. When he didn’t continue you prompted, “Oh?”
“I was very impressed,” he explained, “I already knew you have a wondrous voice - as I said before, your song for the soundtrack was quite astounding - but I was very surprised to find out you wrote most of the lyrics, too,” he paused for a second, then finished, “You have an amazing way with words.”
You were lost for words, didn’t really know how to respond to such high praise. You started, “I-” but had no idea what to say. In the end, you only said, “Thank you,” hoping that your gratitude would somehow translate in your tone. So much for the amazing way with words.
He chuckled, “I didn’t mean to embarrass you,” he didn’t quite apologise.
“Oh no, that’s not it at all,” you insisted, “I’m just really stunned, I don’t get such huge compliments every day.”
He seemed like he wanted to say more, but just at that moment, his phone started ringing from his pocket. He pulled the phone out and looked at the screen with a frown. “I’m terribly sorry, I really need to take this,” he apologised.
“It’s alright, go on,” you reassured him and took another sip of your drink.
“Hello?” he answered into the phone. He listened to the person on the other end and said, “I understand, see you later,” then he ended the call.
He put the phone back into his pocket and told you, “I’m afraid I can’t stay much longer. That was my manager,” he explained, “It seems something has come up, and my presence is required. I’m really very sorry.”
You put down your cup and told him, “I completely understand, you don’t need to apologise.”
“Before I go,” he started regretfully, “I wanted to talk about dinner.”
Hearing the negative tone in his voice and bracing for a rejection, you said, “I will understand if you’ve changed your mind,” but he stopped you.
“No, no, that’s not it,” he rushed to deny, “I just don’t think I’ll be able to make it before my voice acting commitment ends. I know I said I would, and I apologise-”
“It’s alright, honestly,” you stopped him, “There’s no need to apologise, I can wait.” You smiled genuinely.
He responded with a smile of his own. You both got up, his now empty cup still on the table, and you finally said your goodbyes.
“It was tremendous to bump into you, I’m glad we could sit down and chat even if only for a bit,” he looked into your eyes and said, “I look forward to meeting again.”
You were disarmed by his charm. “It was the same for me,” you replied with a shy smile, “I hope we can talk again soon.”
“Of course,” he said, pointing to the pocket where his phone was. He hugged you briefly and kissed your cheek. “Have a nice evening,” he said, and with that, he walked away. You sat back down to finish your drink and looked at his retreating back. He turned around just once, noticed you were also watching him and saluted you with a small wave and a smile before finally disappearing behind the doors of the canteen and into the corridor.
You finished your drink slowly, gaze back towards the city. You couldn’t keep a dreamy smile from blooming on your lips.
Chapter 5
@honeybournehippy @namelesslosers @huntersvibe @unlikelytigerqueen @effielumiere @theoneanna
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cheshirehatter666 · 6 years
Perfect By Ed Sheeran(Singer!Bucky x Reader) AU
Pairing: Singer!Bucky x Singer! Reader
Summary: You and Bucky have been inseparable since he was recruited by Stark Records from HYDRA beats. Being the close friends you are everything was open to each other, well everything but your feelings. So what happens when your current relationship starts getting serious?
Warnings: most likely bad writing, swearing, kinda angst, cringe most likely, Brock Rumlow (is that a warning)
Word Count: 2626
Authors Note: This is for @your-highnessmarvel Song Challenge, and I hope to god I’m not too late.Also I’ve  never really written a Song Fic so I’m sorry that this is bad.
It was the middle of the night and you were sitting on your couch eating rocky road ice-cream with tears streaming down your face as you watched Disney’s Mulan 2. Your boyfriend of 2 years who you thought loved you was just using you to get famous, and you fell for it. So now here you are watching Disney in your sweats. 
You felt like sitting there forever, just wallowing in your own self-pity, that is until you heard front door open and a few seconds later your best friend Bucky Barnes appears in front of you with his arms crossed.
“Alright, (Y/N) its been 2 days, you need to stop with this.” he says with an exhausted sigh as he motions to the junk food all around you, while you just luck up at him with more tears welling up in your eyes,”But Buck, its Disney.” you say with a pout.
“I know doll, you’ve been saying that for the past 3 days, and I know you would hate to admit it, but Disney isn’t gonna work this time around.” He says sitting down and facing you “And the (Y/N) I know wouldn’t just sit here and let some guy take advantage of her, while she just sits indoors and eats her career away. i mean, come on doll when was the last time you were in the studio?” 
You just looked up at him with a pout before sighing in defeat, “I know but, with whats happened I haven’t had any inspiration and I don’t want to be like Taylor Swift and use this break up as a vase for my music.” You say placing the ice-cream on the coffee table in front of you. “Let’s face it, I had a few good hits and that’s all. (Jerk’s Name) was right, I am a washed up artist at 25.” You sigh leaning back on the couch with your arm thrown over your eyes missing the completely shocked and disbelieving look Bucky was giving you. Shaking his head, he got up and stood in front of you once more grabbing your arms and pulling you up. 
“Nope, I am not having some jackass make you think lies.” he tells you as he pulls you to your small backyard. Placing you in the middle he starts moving around and turning off the light in your house and turning on your fairy lights you have strung up, “What are you doing?” you ask as he starts scrolling through his phone only for (Your Up-Beat favorite song) to start playing from the blue-tooth speakers he brought out. “We, are going to help you forget that jackass and have some fun.” He says standing in front of you again, grabbing your hands and trying to make you move. “Buck, I look like a mess right now, and it the middle of the night, and I’m not even wearing shoes.” you say in vain, trying to make him stop. 
“Come on doll, just dance, it will make you feel better I promise” he says as he does some embarrassing dance moves making you laugh. He continues to try and coax you to dance until you finally give in and your both dancing in the dark together. “Besides you look perfect” he whispers, thinking you couldn’t hear him, but you did.
 *~Time Skip- 1 year later brought to you by Steve’s Patriotism~*
After that night, you had an influx of inspiration which helped boost your music career, and it was all thanks to your best friend Bucky Barnes. Ever since then, random dances, barefoot and in the middle of the night, became a regular stress reliever for the both of you.
The two of you couldn’t have been closer if you tried, you went to each others concerts, always gave shout out to each other during interviews, and were often photographed together, you even had keys to each others houses. Everyone thought you two were perfect for each other and they could see how Bucky looked at you. The only people who couldn’t see it were the two of you. That is until your albums release party.
You and Bucky had just walked into the club together, where he was swept away by Pepper to be introduced to some people who would help boost his career, leaving you to walk to the bar by yourself where you met the newest Artist at HYDRA Beats, Brock Rumlow, also known as the punk rocker Cross Bones.
“So, Congratulations on the new album” he said lifting his whiskey towards you in a toast. You looked at him with a small smile thanking him after ordering your drink. “I didn’t think HB was going to be attending after what happened with Bucky” you say turning to face him in your seat. 
“Well I was advised to stay away, but, eh, who doesn’t like taking a walk on the wild side” he said with a smirk. You smirked back and the two of you began an easy conversation.
Bucky was now talking to Steve after getting away from Pepper, looking around for you discreetly, or at least what he thought was discreet. “So, when are you gonna confess to (Y/N)?” Steve asks as Bucky was taking a sip of his drink, making him almost choke. “What?” he sputtered out in between coughs.  
“Come on man” Steve began while patting his friends back, “Everyone sees the way you look at her. And you can’t pretend you weren’t just looking for her just now.” Bucky tried denying the accusations thrown at him, but he just gave up and agreed with his friend. “It’s not like she feels the same way. We’ve been friends for so long I think I’ve missed my chance.” He said with solemn look on his face. 
“Are you really that dense?” Steve asked incredulously “If anyone has a shot with her its you.” 
“You think so?”
“Yes, now go get your girl!” Steve answered pushing him away, Bucky just stumbled with a laugh and nodded, heading over to the bar where he found Nat and Wanda “Have you girls seen (Y/N)?”
“Yeah, she just left with HB’s newest artist Rumlow.” Nat said drinking her whiskey, seeing Buckys face fall.
“They’re probably just getting some air” Wanda rushed out trying to make him feel better, and it worked, until he got a text from you.
“Met a cute guy ;) Don’t wait up- XOXO (Y/N)’
*~Time Skip- 4 years later brought to you by That Gossip Girl Reference~*
 What Bucky hoped was a one night stand, wasn’t. Over the years you and Brock had held the medias attention, being considered the it couple in several magazines, the modern Romeo and Juliet, minus the death. He was happy for you, but couldn’t shake the ache in his chest every time he saw you together. You both still had your midnight stress reliever, but it was less frequent as the years went by. Being busy with both of your careers you rarely had time to hang out and the one time you did Bucky was left heartbroken.
You and Buck had made an arrangement to meet every Sunday for Lunch, and at this day Bucky decided to confess his feelings for you before you got even more serious Brock, only for you to ruin his plans. 
As soon as you both were seated you blurted out your news “Brock proposed.” You said seriously, not excited as most girls would be. Over the years you were happy with Brock but couldn’t shake the feelings you had for your best friend, never wanting to admit it and ruin your friendship. You stayed with Brock because you did love him but your weren’t in love with him, but you thought it was already too late to be with Bucky and you were to scared to make that leap. So here you were at lunch with your best friend waiting to see his reaction. And all he did was stare at you and go “Oh”
Looking at him expectantly he coughed and asked “What did you say?”
“I...um... didn’t answer him. Well... I did its just that.. I asked if I could think about it.” You said looking at him expectantly, not really sure what kind of reaction you were looking for. Outside Bucky looked indifferent, but on the inside he was slowly breaking. Looking at your expectant look he answered the way any good friend would.
“Well you should say yes, you love him, he loves you. You should say yes, as long as you’re happy I’m happy.” He said with a shrug looking down at his menu. You just looked at him with a sad smile, “Okay, I guess I will” And your lunch went on in silence.
After that day, you and Bucky never really saw each other, you being busy with wedding plans and Bucky busy with avoiding you. Don’t get him wrong he was happy for you, but he was heartbroken. He threw himself into his music. The months went by in a flash until the day you received the RSVP’s for the rehearsal dinner and wedding, seeing Bucky’s as a maybe for both.You had heard he was busy, but you never thought he’d miss your big day. You wondered what hes been up to and went online to search him up. Seeing hes been active putting out new singles you listened to a couple. When you got to one song he sang as a duet with Nat. Listening to the lyrics you almost cried. Your feelings for Bucky never left even though you weren’t as close as before, but hearing him sing with Nat made you believe they were good with each other and seeing the gossip articles about the two being together made you feel as though you missed your chance even if you were currently with Brock the spark, was way gone but there was no turning back.
The day of the Dinner Rehearsal arrived and Bucky was no where in sight. Sighing you just faked a smile as you greeted more guests.
Seeing Steve you walked over and for the first time in hours you placed a genuine smile on your face “Hi, Stevie” you greeted happily giving him a huge hug. “How’ve you been?”
Smiling back at you he answered with a sigh “Tired, Buckys been quite the busy artist”. He was Buckys manager, so it was strange to see him here instead of Bucky. “Yeah, I’ve heard. So whats with him and Nat.” you asked innocently. Not
“Nothing” he said with a smirk. “Why?”
“Nothing I just heard their latest duet, and I haven’t seen him lately.” you answer acting as nonchalant as possible. “That song is really romantic, I just thought he wrote it for them.” 
Steve was baffled by that statement “Have you not heard his speech during their concerts, (Y/N) he dedicates that song to you on the DL” it was your turn to be shocked but before you can answer the dinner is about to start and Steve excuses himself to his seat as you go to yours still in shock. As the dinner progresses you can’t help but think over Steve’s words and actually thought about the lyrics. Looking around at the table of guests as Brock makes his speech thanking everyone for coming you can’t help but feel like this is wrong, you didn’t want this. Looking up at Brock you took his hand making him stop abruptly and look down at you. And all you could do was say you were sorry and run out of the building, leaving your ring in his hand.
Bucky was getting ready for his last song of the night, it was the duet with Nat, and every time he sang it he couldn’t stop thinking of you. Today was your wedding day and he couldn’t attend it because watching you walk down the aisle to someone who wasn’t him would kill him, so he missed it figuring you were happily on your way to your honeymoon, with you new husband. Glancing at a old picture of the two of you he smiled sadly, getting up to get on stage as a stage hand told him 2 min.
Walking out on stage with Natasha he began the first lines of there very popular duet.
I found a love for me Oh darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
He sang thinking of you as he twirled Nat around like they rehearsed. This was the song that let him poor his soul out for you without actually telling you.
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me 'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love Not knowing what it was I will not give you up this time But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own And in your eyes, you're holding mine
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arm. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song. When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight
Looking at Nat to sing her part he was confused as she just smiled at him looking at where the spotlight pointed at the walkway looking into the crowd. He stood breathless as he saw you standing there with a smile on your face as you sang the Natasha’s part.
Well I found a man, stronger than anyone I know He shares my dreams, I hope that someday we'll share a home
You slowly made your way towards Bucky never breaking eye contact.
I found love, to carry more than just my secrets To carry love, to carry children of our own
Hoping this was a good idea you continued your slow trek towards him.
We are still kids, but we're so in love Fighting against all odds I know we'll be alright this time Darling, just hold my hand Be your girl, you'll be my man And I see my future in your eyes
Finally you were standing in front of him looking into his eyes as he stared into yours you reached out for his hand. Your smile growing bigger as he grabbed your hand with smile of his own.
Well baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, while listening to our favorite song When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight
The two of you began to sway on stage like it was just the two of you in your backyard. Bucky didn’t understand it, why were you here? He was happy to see you of course but he was confused. Shouldn’t you be with you new husband. Looking up at him, you whispered before the next part “I didn’t go through with it” Looking down at you he smiled wide the next part of the song becoming more intimate.
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, while listening to our favorite song I have faith in what I see Now I know I have met an angel in person And she looks perfect And he looks perfect No I don't deserve this You look perfect tonight
As the last chords played Bucky and you stood in each others arms foreheads touching with smiles on your faces, completely deaf to the cheers from the fans as you whispered to each other at the same time.
“I love you”
A/N: So I apologize if that was bad. I feel like it was, sorry that it was all over the place. And yes I did use HSM 2 in there. Honestly I wish this went a different way I’m sorry if its bad. I might rewrite this for fun but IDK yet I may need to plan a bit more. But even so please reblog and like and PLEASE give feedback, nothing negative only constructive and nice ones please. Thank you @your-highnessmarvel for allowing me to sign up for you wonderful challenge. 
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Fanfic: Tears Of Love Pt.2
Challenge: 2018 VDay Chalenge by the amazing writer and my friend and proofreader @prettyxlittlexwriter
Prompt: Feb 6: A song that you’ve always wanted to write about
Song: Midnight Rambler - The Rolling Stones and my personal favourite live version
Pairing: Deacury (Freddie Mercury x John Deacon)
2nd and final part of the story with the worst title I could make up. Wait! No! You haven’t read the other titles I had thought of. Yeah! Let’s not go there…
Here is Pt.1 of Tears Of Love
John takes care of Freddie a night he returns home drunk and the rest takes care of the following events. (Did that sentence even make sence? Does anyone ever laugh with the things I write in the introductions? Can you inform me about that last question?) I guess I ment the rest takes care of itself/themselves whatever, you call it.
John heard someone attempting to insert a key into the lock of their apartment door. The bassist looked up to the clock. It was three past midnight. It could only be Freddie who, after trying very hard, finally managed to put and turn the key into the lock. John walked to the hall, only to find the frontman in a pitiful state. He was so drunk he could barely walk and a stream of tears was running down his cheeks. The older man, when had, finally, noticed the presence of the younger one was embarrassed despite one would expect to not even understand what was happening.
John took Freddie by the hand and led him to the kitchen. He sat him in a chair and prepared some coffee for him. After forcing Freddie to drink some amount of the liquid, he took him to the singer’s bedroom took off his clothes and dressed him in his pyjamas and then put him to bed.
John proceeded to bring a glass of water and some aspirins, since those could come handy once the singer woke up.
The bassist arranged a chair so that he could half sleep while watching out for the older man.
When Freddie woke up the next morning, he found John sleeping in the most uncomfortable place and way the frontman had never imagined was possible. Just as he was about to start wondering why John was there, sleeping like that, he remembered the events of the previous night. He debated whether he should leave John be and not interrupt his sleep, or if he should wake him up. When he had made up his mind and was about to wake up the younger boy, John came to consciousness again.
The two bandmates made eye contact which led to an awkward silence. After what felt a way too long and uncomfortable one, John decided he should speak. Freddie didn’t dare to, having in mind the state he was at, the moment the bassist found him the previous night.
“How are you feeling Fred? How’s your hangover? Do you need some aspirin?” the bassist spoke softly, sounding quite worried, Freddie thought to himself.
“Well, I have a headache, yeah, I’d take one. Thanks.” Freddie replied, relieved, since John didn’t sound mad at him.
John gave him the aspirin and the water and watched him down it slowly. Then, the younger one, took a deep breath and confronted Freddie about his behaviour lately.
“Fred, I know you might not want to talk about this, but the rest of us are worried about you. You are very emotional and keep your thoughts to yourself, but now these thoughts and emotions are wearing you down. I don’t want to pressure you, but I will, if it is needed. You are tearing yourself apart, getting drunk every night and you aren’t even productive in the studio, and that is the least !! We are worried about you more than we do for the album. Darling, please, talk to me. Open up for once.” John pleaded with a stern voice nevertheless.
Freddie sighed “Don’t call me Fred, you know I fucking hate it!”
“Don’t try to change the subject, you will get nothing out of it.” John responded to Freddie’s fruitless attempt to get away with not telling him.
The singer let out a series of sighs this time, trying to find a way to say what he had, since he had no other choice but to give John the answers he demanded. “Okay, well, do you remember my ex?” after John nodded, the frontman continued “So, one day I was trying to reach him and he was not responding, I realised he didn’t actually love me and he was manipulating me too, thus I found him, confronted him about all these and ended it.” Freddie summed it up.
“Okay, so why do you do this to yourself now that no one is ignoring, abusing, neglecting or manipulating you? Why do you stay out so late, ending up drunk, with a bad hangover the next morning? I know I am not your mother, but Fred I, we worry about you, we care about you, we are concerned about you, we want to ensure your well-being.” John had a tone in his voice which convinced the frontman how much the bassist really cared.
“To be completely honest, I don’t exactly know. I just feel so inarticulate lately, I am not in a position to comprehend which emotion exactly bothers me. I can’t even tell those apart!” when the frontman spoke up, he sounded quite fed up with these exact feelings.
“Freddie you shouldn’t blame yourself for anything. You should be in synch with your emotions, not burying them inside you. Everything you feel is completely valid. Whatever you tell me, I am not going to judge you.” the younger boy both assured and encouraged the older man to go on.
“Okay… Well… I, I don’t know. I want someone to love me and understand me for who I am. I am a romantic and very emotional. People think I am not easily approached, and the ones who are courageous enough, pretend to love me for their own benefit. They think my stage persona is who I really am.” the frontman let his thoughts flow out for once, but what was to happen next, he had not expected.
The bassist, in a moment of bravery, leant in, and kissed Freddie. The singer, after overcoming the first shock, reciprocated the kiss, deepening it, making it more passionate.
When the two men broke apart, John didn’t know what to say, he had only hoped for a positive reaction to his initiative. During the few seconds before either of them said or did something, John thinking about his action, he realised he had no idea how he would act depending on Freddie’s reaction in any case.
Freddie was equally speechless for a while. This was mostly because he had never thought the younger boy would have an interest in him, and it was a lot to take in. Yet it had become apparent to himself the two of them were attracted to each other. “John,” he breathed out “you managed to surprise me in the best way possible. I had never thought we could be in love, even though we were always really close to each other. I believe you can give me all the affection I need and I can give you whatever you are looking for. I guess we could say I can trust you and you can trust me.”
John flashed him a faint but genuine smile. “I surprised myself too, to be honest. It was an action on the spur of the moment. I don’t even remember since when I have been in love with you, but lately I was way more concerned about you than usual.”
The two men shared a hug, and the frontman pulled the bassist to sit beside him on the bed.
“Promise me you won’t keep all the things that bother you inside you and I won’t find you ever again in the state I did yesterday night? Well, I’m talkin’ about the midnight rambler.” John begged.
“You know, the one you never seen before! Okay, I promise. And I’m honestly sorry you found me like that.” Freddie responded with a sincerety in his voice that calmed the bassist down.
“Well, honey, it’s no rock ‘n’ roll show! More like extremely important, since it’s your health.” John replied and then placed a kiss against the older man’s lips, again.
I hope this didn’t have any spelling or grammatical errors, but I’m sure it does. Anyway…
I really hope you liked this part, please tell me what you thought of it with an ask (anon or not), private message, comment, even with a like. I don’t care whether it is bad or good, I wanna know if it’s worth losing so many hours of studying for school lately to write 14 fics.
You can reblog if you want, I would appreciate it more than you could think… So, if you feel like reblogging don’t hesitate. Much love…
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