#lin and tenzin's kids are so fun to work with
risingsoleil · 2 years
*Updated* Visual of Linzin's Kids
Note: I updated the boys, so the girls are the same.
Also, they would not wear these in everyday life haha their clothes are all based on their personalities. Alright, so let's do round 2 of Lin and Tenzin's children visual intros in their birth order
Mei Beifong (Earth)
Fun fact: Invented glassbending and is a master with a rope dart
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Jin (Air)
Fun fact: He's seen Lin cry the most out of his siblings and unlike Tenzin, he loves hanging out with Bumi
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Kang (Earth)
Fun fact: Knows most of the loopholes to Republic City's laws (courtesy of Toph) and consults Lin on almost everything from girls, food, life, and potentially bad decisions.
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Areum (Air)
Fun fact: Insecure about her ears (thanks Tenzin) and has a small obsession with perfume
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kidcataldo · 7 months
Lin Beifong Headcanons
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She smokes, but is constantly trying to knick the habit. Each cigarette is her last, she claims.
She likes gardening, which started with helping Aang on the island as a little girl. Toph made fun of her for it, so she quit pretty early on. She takes it up again after retiring.
She retires when Toph dies.
Her becoming police chief is why she and Tenzin broke up, not because of some love triangle with Pema. Both understood she couldn’t be his wife/mother to his children and be the leader of the police force, and her taking the job made it clear to both of them that their relationship would never move beyond the two of them. (As I type this, I realize this might actually be more canon than headcanon but I’m putting it in here anyway.)
She chose not to have kids because she didn’t want to fuck the kid’s life up like her own mom did with her.
The stress of her job makes her have severe migraines.
She’s a casual probending fan and catches a match on the radio once in a blue moon, mostly whenever it’s just her working late in the office. She likes reading the results in the newspaper the next day.
She does a lot for the community, but does it anonymously. Like, donating money to the local homeless shelter and sponsoring rookies who can’t quite afford gear/supplies at the police academy (she anonymously sponsored Mako).
She’s super wealthy because she invests and lives a very frugal life. Su, however, lives the lifestyle of a wealthy person but is actually in debt. When they reconnect, Lin helps her organize her finances.
Tenzin called her before his wedding begging her to reconsider a life with him. She hung up on him. And out of (eventual) respect for Pema, she never tells anyone the truth about it. She holds her tongue whenever somebody—usually Korra or her gang—brings up Pema stealing Tenzin from her.
She was close with Katara and Kya, but intentionally pulled away after the break up. It would be weird/awkward hanging out with her ex’s family.
She knows Tenzin can’t go into the spirit world.
She met little kid Korra a few times (but kept her distance).
She introduces Mako to his eventual wife.
NSFW She and Tenzin had a very passionate sex life (and none of them have felt that intense passion with anybody else). But they’ll never admit it out loud.
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since you talked about Izumi in some of your posts (like Dad!Zuko and Mom!Mai and their “conquering Ba Sing Se adventure”) and the Hou-Tong/Izumi beef, I was wondering if you were open to make Gaang kids headcanons.
and if you were, can I request Kya and Izumi headcanons on their friendship etc?
Ok so, anon refers to this post and this other post in the ask, FYI.
But yes, I absolutely am down to make adult gaang/Gaang kids’ headcanons of any kind. So if y’all want any headcanon of that kind feel free to send an anon!
Anyway, back to the ask. I absolutely love the potential of Kya and Izumi’s dynamic. But since I love angst, here’s some little HCs with p a i n.
Izumi and Kya are roughly the same age, maybe Izumi is a year older than Kya.
Ever since they could sit straight, they’ve been inseparable. And as kids, with the republic city construction, they used to be constantly together
I headcanon that Izumi was more responsible and protective of Kya, while Kya saw Izumi as her idol, because you know, pretty firebending princess who punches everyone who looks at Kya the wrong way
I also like to think that Izumi was Kya’s gay awakening in her teens, but never acted on it because Izumi was straight and uninterested. Also, I HC that Izumi had a thing with Bumi, but that’s another story
Anyways. Since Izumi most likely had Iroh at like, 20, Kya would always hang out with Iroh as his fun aunt, doing mischief around etc.
But, and let’s go to the angsty part, I also HC that Kya and Izumi kind of began losing contact once 30s approached. Because you know, Kya was always traveling, and Izumi had crown princess duties to partake in.
Also, given that Zuko was Fire Lord and kind of not as involved in republic city as he used to be, the FN royal family did not hang out with the rest of the gaang as often, and Izumi ended up being often excluded from the drama etc. nothing unfixable, but stuff that definitely hurt Izumi.
I also feel like Izumi (and parents) was always invited to all of the gaang’s and their kids’ milestones, like weddings, ceremonies etc.
And when in 158AG Sokka died protecting Korra, Zuko and Izumi were at the funeral despite their problems in the fire nation.
But, and here we reach the most angsty part, a year later it was Mai who died, of an illness that had taken her like, five years prior. Of course Zuko and Izumi were distraught, and asked Katara, Toph and the others to attend.
But the day of the funeral, only Katara showed up. Because Bumi was in the United forces, Kya couldn’t interrupt her spiritual travels, Tenzin had a heavily pregnant Pema at home, Lin was working, Suyin was just up in her business in Zaofu and Toph was nowhere to be found.
This made Zuko very sad, but Izumi? She was furious. Absolutely furious. Because, how could they miss the one time they needed to be there for her after all the times she had gone out of her way to support them?
And especially, Izumi felt betrayed by Kya, for not even passing by or answering back to the news. So Izumi kind of ghosted and stopped talking with everyone.
The first time she saw any of the Gaang kids was during Kuvira’s storyline. And even then, as cold as ice
So I kind of headcanon that Korra had some business to do in the fire nation and the gang kids tagged along, and kind of had a some of fight with Izumi about her ghosting them and them never visiting
Izumi would be the most angry and hurt with Kya, and they would kind of be angry with each other for the entirety of the storyline
But then by the end, they would have an actual talk and begin speaking to each other again
So yeah, happy ending but TONS of angst. I know right? Amazing❤️
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wilcze-kudly · 7 months
Kyalin sound of music au because this has been marinating in my head for a loooong time
So I've had this idea for a few weeks now. At first it was a bit of a lil joke but then i ended up putting too much thought into it. So here is that too much thought:
So Kya is living with Katara and working at her clinic but she's sorta feeling like she wants to branch out, but also struggling with the feeling of responsible to her mother.
Tenzin and Lin had dated for a while, so Kya knows Lin but not that well
Lin lives with Su and her family, but Su and Baatar travel often, so it's often just the kids and Lin in the house
I've aged everyone down, most notably the kids- with the oldest, Baatar being about 15 and the youngest, the twins being about 10.
Kuvira gets to be that jackass mailman Nazi sympathiser. (no kindness for kuvira in this au)
Kya takes a temporary job as a nanny/governess for the Beifong kids, who are quite well known in the area for being absolute menaces.
You're telling me that Lin wouldn't train her niece and nephews to respond to a whistle?
Lin of course is having difficulty bonding with the kids and doesn't exactly understand that children need to, y'know play and have fun.
Kya is very much a fun hippie nanny and the kids are almost immediately like 'yes. New aunt.'
Lin and Kya having very romantically charged arguments. Su and Baatar watching like 'just get together already' whenever they get back home.
Kya would play the guitar
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btheleaf · 1 month
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YES. And inversely; Lin watching the kids so Tenzin and Pema can have a date night, and Lin taking the kids out into the city for some fun in the park and a mover!
Master Jinora takes her babysitting responsibilities VERY seriously. The kids are in good hands.
Pema and Lin dates usually involve ice cream, holding hands, and taking Oogi on little rides to find romantic moon-lit spots.
Lin and Tenzin dates usually involve dinner, pro bending matches, and volunteer work (sorry but they're both dorks).
All three of them going on a date involves dinner and a stroll. They walk around hand in hand in hand and switch out who goes in the middle unless Lin has had something to drink then she exclusively goes in the middle because they both like how handsy she gets, and they know that she likes to feel safe between them. The night typically ends back on Air Temple Island. Tenzin will lift them up to sit on rooftops and in towers where they typically can't reach. They sit and talk for hours while snuggling and kissing and fucking.
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azulas-lightning-bolt · 3 months
uhhh guys I just realized I have a really big problem
I’ve officially oc-ified mako I repeat I have oc-ified mako. it’s happened. do you know how I know this? I drew him (I know, shocker) with grown out-ish hair and a lightning scar on his face. HE DOESNT EVEN LOOK LIKE CANON MAKO ANYMORE BESIDES HIS DUMB EYEBROWS HELP
I genuinely cannot escape this goofy ass orphan.
anyway here’s a list of mako hcs (under the cut)
gets called pretty boy four hundred thousand times a day and bolin makes fun of him for it because he’s a big scary police officer who gets flirted with by criminals he brought in. and I know I have it in the tags of some old post somewhere but bolin got called champ by a girl he was on a date with once and mako absolutely used that against him in retaliation
he’s shy but not in the nervous around people way. he’s shy in the awkward really intense eye contact because he doesn’t want to sound weird when he talks way. if he didn’t have extrovert guidance counselor bolin he would just never speak to anyone
i also firmly believe he is either mildly autistic or has severe anxiety (he’s me)
he cries once a year (exactly 365 days apart) at exactly four o’clock on the hour and has done this since he was ten.
remember that one episode where mako was like ‘where’s chief beifong’ ‘are you okay chief you’ve been asleep for sixteen hours’ and ‘chief is really good at her job the city’s lucky to have her’ on zaofu. pretty sure it was ‘old wounds’? that’s how he is all the time. he says chief at least 463 times an hour and a month into working at the station people just give mako an update on the chief as soon as he walks up to them. she’s his mom your honor. tenzin is always fighting demons when he sees mako look at lin like she’s his mom and she’s like. chill with it. he’s like ain’t NO way. basically mako gets one female figure of authority in his life and immediately latches onto her as a mother figure. lin is grudgingly accepting because he’s kind of pathetic and sad looking (he reminds her of herself)
he’s transmasc. I don’t make the rules (I do in fact make the rules)
as you know from that one post, mako is absolutely a great chef.
I think he’d either be a charcoal artist or a really good writer. only charcoal artist, but he would do all kinds of writing—short stories, novels, poetry, journalism, whatever. he’d occupy himself on late nights he couldn’t fall asleep on an empty stomach with made up stories and he just started to get really good. but he also hasn’t gone to school since he was eight so he’d get frustrated if he doesn’t know the word for something. if he drew it would be hyperrealistic portraits (he’s trying to remembers his parents’ faces)
kind of related to that but I think mako loves reading/writing but is a natural math genius.
I know I’m a little insane about, like, character parallels but I just KNOW katara sees herself in mako.
so azula is my all time fav girl right. so she and mako both generally maintain a good poker face or a facade that masks genuine constant rage right. (just agree with me) but at the end of atla. azula’s breakdown. now, now hear me out. mako->azula style breakdown when he finally loses his shit. he’s just so girl coded and azula’s rage seems so. fitting for him I guess. it’s also the inherent feminine anger of firebending I guess? I’ll explain that one later. probably. hopefully. I have so many posts I’m planning to write oh my god.
korrasami r still in love with him and they all get together post canon 😋🤞🏼
HETEROCHROMIA!!! idc if it’s central or in each eye but that man has one gold/brown and one green eye.
the mako in my head also looks a lot more like bolin—and bolin might have some of the more angular fn features as well to balance them out and make them look like, yk, actual mixed kids.
that’s probably it for now but by god if I don’t update this list
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superliz6 · 2 months
Lin! 3, 5, 21, 22, 23 | Tenzin 5, 21, 22, 23 | Pema 2, 3, 13, 23
Lin: 3. Least favorite canon thing about this character? Oh this is easy, I think. I really hate the fact that she joked about tearing up Air Temple Island after Tenzin broke up with her. I just felt like it was so OOC just for a cheap joke which was actually at her expense. I like the idea that she did tear it up, but I think actually she would not share that story willingly or make a joke about her personal life at work.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? Shake It Out by Florence + The Machine. I think it perfectly encapsulates her entire story arc in the series. 21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love to observe Lin in ways we don't typically get to see in the series (ie her personal life- where does she live? what does she do for fun? Who are her friends? does she have friends? is she seeing anyone?) I don't normally like to write action scenes, which I think realistically would occur more often than I personally incorporate. Its something I would like to improve upon, but generally I avoid it. 22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like? I love anytime Lin is shown appreciation by another character. Hands down. I don't like when it's over the top OR when Lin herself is wildly forthcoming about her feelings. Characters (and Lin) need to work for that! 23. Favorite picture of this character?
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I can't pick one, but it's probably between these two. Tenzin: 5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? Pressure by Billy Joel 21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like? If there is one character in this universe who is less open about their feelings than Lin Beifong, it's Tenzin. So I like writing fics where he is forced to confront his own emotions. As for what I don't like writing, I get bored writing his relationship to his kids lol. Sorry! It's just that I think it's pretty straightforward.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
Absolutely love it in fics when Tenzin is stuck in a situation with his siblings or anyone from his upbringing (Lin especially). I don't like reading fics where he is like madly in love with Pema for obvious reasons, but also bc I think he loves her but he isn't like *in love* with her. 23. Favorite picture of this character?
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Dude is in a constant state of acquiescing. Pema: 2. Favorite canon thing about this character? Honestly, her general function in the narrative lol. But also- her audacity should be studied. Oh! And I love that she's still clearly insecure about Lin hahaha. 3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Same as above quite frankly. 13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
Snake emoji lol 23. Favorite picture of this character?
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I hope she's exhausted.
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a list of head canons
I tried to keep them in somewhat chronological order.
If you read the others most of these are repeats I just wanted to put the safe ones in their own post. 
HC: all of the kids have their own rooms on ATI, Aang and Katara make sure they know they always will have a place on the island no questions asked.
HC: Lin hates the cold
HC: Toph doesn’t hang anything up in the house. There’s no point. If Lin or Suyin want an award or art displayed it’s only allowed in their own rooms. Lin has a Hard Time when Katara puts her work or an award she got up in the hallways and in the living spaces of ATI.
HC: growing up Lin was always brought along when Toph went to talk to Iroh and she remembers watching them play Pai Sho and stealing sips of his tea, usually Jasmine.
HC: Lin starts teaching herself to sculpt stones into shapes and statues and gets really good at it. She actually makes a small sculpture of her and Suyin because Toph made a comment about school photos being useless to her.
HC: Iroh taught all of the Gaang jr how to make tea the right way and Lin’s go to comfort tea is always been Jasmine.
HC: Lin starts painting and drawing and is actually really good and it’s a private hobby she keeps to herself because it’s something she can’t be compared to her mother.
HC: Lin is the top student in all of her classes and her ProBending team wins the junior championship and even beats an actual Pro Team that volunteered to fight the junior winner after their win as just a fun match. She and Tenzin start dating when she’s 16 and he’s 17.
HC: Over her time in the force she redesigned the metalbenders uniform to be more protective and streamlined.
HC: She designed the mechanism to get her officers OUT of the uniform that anyone could pull when a few of her fellow officers were stuck in their gear when they were downed in a fire and ended up with severe burns because the healers couldn’t bend the metal off of them.
HC: She invented a blade that sits in the gauntlets of the uniform with another release mechanism that non benders can used to get the blades out should a situation call for it.
HC: When she’s handled her anger Lin tries to reach out to Tenzin trying to reconnect to when they were childhood friends and keep him in her life in that capacity. She even has gifts for Pema and baby Jinora. But Tenzin is Awkward as fuck and just ghosts her, only talking to her when their job required it. Lin Got the Hint and just quietly kept an eye out for the family without getting too close again.
HC: Lin grows close to Saikhan and his family, being invited over frequently for dinner and Saikhan’s youngest, Taiyo, looks up to her and is always drawing her pictures and making crafts that Lin keeps in her home office.
HC: Lin starts to teach the air kids better stances for fighting while they’re in the south for recovery and Ikki starts up with Aunt Lin then they all join in.
HC: Lin wears readers and especially starts needing them after B2
HC: Lin is the only one Rohan will Always listen to.
(So y’all know I’m not feeling sick lmao)
HC: Lin was in the process of painting a family portrait of Tenzin Pema and the kids when she was killed. It’s their clothes and a little bit of Rohan that’s noticeably unfinished but Tenzin hangs it up at ATI anyway, cherishing her work.
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Hi!!! For the ask me anything, do you have any Linzolt headcanons?
Hi yes of course! I stopped at 10 because I was droning on a bit much lol.
They enjoy spicy food, black coffee, and firewhiskey.
When they were younger, they'd have secret spots hidden around the city where they'd meet up for a drink. Under a bridge, by the canal, obscure parts of railway tracks, and dark alleyways. And once they're older, they revisit these same spots to reminisce.
Zolt loves Lin wholeheartedly. He doesn't have any hidden agendas and so he'd hate the idea of Tenzin wanting to be with Lin but pressuring her for airbenders. Given the opportunity, I could totally see them getting into a fistfight over Lin.
Of the two of them, Zolt is more blatantly affectionate while Lin is more reserved. She has her own ways of showing him that she cares and Zolt treasures those moments.
Whenever Lin throws herself headfirst into danger, while internalizing his worries, Zolt is her biggest cheerleader. He knows his girl can do whatever she puts her mind to, even if it's callous and dangerous, he is rooting for her. And should things not go awry, he wouldn't hesitate to jump into anything to save his damsel in distress.
Lin is good friends with some of Zolt's friends from back at school. She can't tolerate any of his criminal friends and Zolt thinks that special, because he's the only criminal for her.
Zolt often makes Suyin the butt of his jokes because that's his own snide way of getting back at her for everything that she has done to Lin. He isn't rude or offensive. And given Su's personality, what she sees as friendly banter is a well-masked, convenient jab from Zolt.
To further mess with Tenzin, Zolt is very friendly with Bumi, Kya, and the kids. He is simply cordial with Pema so as to not make Lin uncomfortable and often wonders out loud how Tenzin could make such a wrong choice.
Lin and Zolt love taking vacations around the world. If it weren't for work, they probably would've scoured through every fun, summery beach. (Yes, Zolt prefers beaches to mountains).
Firelord Izumi is the biggest Linzolt supporter. She doesn't care about either of their backgrounds. To her, they only come across as two people madly in love with each other, and nothing else matters.
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rahleeyah · 2 years
Had a moment on Wednesday when I was floating in the ocean with my nephew and he said something that led me to ask him if he'd seen atla, which it had never occurred to me that he might have done, bc it's not something the older kids watched and I would be surprised if my sister had ever even heard of it and I guess I didn't think about him like. Being able to choose to watch new things for himself. But he had seen atla and he was so excited to talk about it - he wants to be a fire bender so he can bend lightning - and it was just so fun to have that moment with him. There's not really a point to this except that it was nice and that verse has been on my mind bc people keep liking an old linzin post I made and I wish I could reach into my brain and just pull out the fully written fic where kuvira is actually lin and tenzin's child and they have to work together to bring her down and acknowledge that all of this pain and suffering was caused by their own pride/dedication to legacies they never even really wanted
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risingsoleil · 4 months
Fic Writer Interview
My lovely friend @sheepwithspecs tagged me here, and I will spread this by tagging @yellowsalt3 @linnorabeifong @vr-tb @chiefbeifongcanrailme
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 14!
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 414,633
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Choices, Chances, Changes
You Are My Life
Talking to the Moon
The Other Side of Heaven
Lay All Your Love on Me
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I definitely try to respond to comments! The fact that someone spent time and energy to comment means so much to me, and I want to acknowledge that. I'm not the best at leaving comments, but I'm trying to do it more often as a reader bc I, too, am often dying at how awesome fics are
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
It's probably Meant To Be. Now that I think about it, I might write an extra piece for this fic just bc I feel like being salty lol
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
The Only Light We'll See - The whole fic was just an excuse to write steamy, smutty Linzin and let them have a happy life together. I guess you could argue that the main Linzin and family AU I write could also be one of them, but I haven't completed their story yet in this universe. Tbf, I don't think my Linzin AU has an "ending" but whatever happens, Linzin gets their happy ever after
7. Do you write crossovers?
Right now, I don't. But I was more open to writing crossovers when I was a kid.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I haven't thankfully, I have really awesome and sweet and kind-hearted readers in my circle 💞
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Hell yeah, I fucking do! It's prob one of my fav things to write 😂 Idk what they mean by "what kind" but I've written possessive, romantic and loving, quickies, foreplay, first times, and spontaneous stuff. It's fun and my otps tend to be...super horny vibes
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven't, but I would be interested in seeing one of my fics translated!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! It's Come As You Are with picajc and @alemanriq, and this holds a special place in my heart
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
404 error. I have too many, but for now it's Lin/Tenzin
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Probably Olvídame y Pega La Vuelta just bc I lost the vision for it
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think emotions are a big part of my writing process and it comes through in my fics. I channel my own emotions into my writing and it does leave a more profound impression.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I want my writing perfect in the first draft, and it stops me from just enjoying the process. Recently, I've been wanting to write and that has manifested into writing for "results" rather than quality. I mean, I still try to write my best and for the fun of it. It's just that work sucks my energy and the time I have left for myself is recharging 😭
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I need more context with this question. Does this mean if I do something like this:
Lin and Tenzin raised their brows at the girl with the electronic device.
"어머, 죽겠다! 린베이퐁과 텐진 진짜 앞에 있다," she said aloud, though the language is not her mother tongue. "어떡해...인스타로 올리겠지"
In general, I would be open to it because it can open up new pathways for writing
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Meet The Robinsons
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I don't think I have one. For the most part, if I want to write for a fandom, I just do it lol
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Choices, Chances, Changes. I swear a divine force guided me into writing this bc I was so compelled to bring it to life. The updates were posted every few days, and the story was completely written in 6 months.
There were 21 chapters.
Also, it was the first fic I completed in like 14 years (omg I sound old now 💀)
Thanks @sheepwithspecs for tagging me! 💜
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lilacmooon · 2 years
Your 90s au idea is already *chefs kiss* ♡ I need to know more about The King of Omashu and their relationship with Bumi! And what is the band's name? (Also, drummer Pema and groupie Tenzin? LOVE)
Okay so I have an OC from my Coriander and Lilies fic who I had Suki end up with later in her life. Mira. I was thinking that Mira would be The King of Osmashu (o SMASH u lmao. idk it was goofy and fun twist on Omashu 😂 but like, a drag king name lol) Mira would own a gay bar that the gaang kids frequent a lot and Bumi works there (Bumi also drags too) and eventually, Bumi takes over the bar when Mira retires and moves back to Kyoshi Island with Suki or something idk. But I love the idea of Bumi owning the bar later.
THE BAND. Oh my god the band. Okay. I have thought so much about them. I have thought of so many names but none have stuck just yet. I do know that the dynamic is this though:
Kya - bass
Izumi - lead vocals
Pema - drums
Leda - guitar
Leda is another OC of mine from Earth After Rain who Bumi kinda has a thing with. She's trans and from the Fire Nation.
That's the other thing about this fic is that I want it to be 90s/modern and non-bending AU but still take place within the world. So all the nations and what not.
Band name ideas: Honey Dragon, Elemental, Moon Peach Pity Party, Magma Maiden, Ember Island Igloo
I have no idea and I also have so many more.
Also Kya writes a song called Two Lovers that Leda and Izumi duet and it's about how much she wants Lin but can't have her because Tenzin likes her but jk he doesn't actually. He likes Pema. Or maybe he does like Lin idk I haven't gotten that far.
Other song ideas:
10 Ton Flying Bison
Kyoshi's Kisses
She Smells Like Seaweed Lotion
Blame the Cactus Juice
Clouds, Tell Me My Fortune
and so many more in my head. rattling all around. please send help. thanks.
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vodka-and-tvshows · 3 years
if its alright, for the fluff prompts #48 “Stop flirting with me, I’m not going to fall for it.”
lin @ kya but kya keeps flirting and lin does fall for it ;)
This should have been up earlier but life got busy after I got off work. After yesterday night my brain shifted to young Kyalin mood so here’s some young Kyalin!
send me a dialogue prompt!
48. “Stop flirting with me, I’m not going to fall for it.”
Lin would bet anything at this point that Bumi had put Kya up to this. Since she accidentally let it slip in front of Bumi that she liked Kya a few months ago, he would not stop teasing her every chance he got. Now they were on vacation on Ember Island and Lin could swear this was a game to make fun of her. 
Kya had been flirting with her since they arrived, and that was a week ago. She'd been throwing bad, cheesy pick up lines at her. Lin refused to give the siblings the satisfaction of reacting.
"Hey, Lin. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"
"Kya, we have known each other our whole lives, literally."
"This must be a museum, because I'm seeing a real work of art"
Lin just rolled her eyes at this one and continued reading her book.
"Lin, do you like my dress? Because it's made of girlfriend material."
"That's your worst one yet. And stop flirting with me, I'm not going to fall for it." She grabbed an apple from the kitchen table and turned around, hoping to hide her blush.
Now it was late night and they were on the beach. They lit a bonfire after dinner and all the kids, except for Suying who was already asleep, gathered around it. Tenzin was the first to leave, followed by Bumi and Izumi short after. Kya was lying on the sand next to her, eyes closed. Lin wanted to leave as well before Kya could throw another pick up line at her and save herself from embarrassment. But what if Kya was sleeping? She didn't want to leave her alone either, the nights could get cold by the sea, even in the Fire Nation. But She didn't want to wake Kya up if she was sleeping, she looked too comfortable in the position she was in to be disturbed.
"I can feel you staring at me, Beifong."
Lin blushed again at being discovered, thankfully it was dark enough and Kya remained with her eyes closed. "I thought you were asleep."
"It's a full moon. I feel more awake than ever."
Lin muttered a soft "right" and went silent again, still sitting next to Kya.
Kya turned her head to look at Lin then and sat up, studying her face. "I can also hear your thoughts, you know. What's on your mind?"
"I-" Lin debated, "Did Bumi put you up to it?"
"What are you talking about?" Kya asked confused.
"All the flirting! Did he tell you?"
"Lin, I honestly don't know what you're referring to"
"That I like you." Lin whispered, and Kya began to giggle. Great, there goes my dignity.
"Lin, did it ever occur that I was doing it because I like you?" Lin only let out a confused noise and Kya placed her hand on top of hers. Looking at Lin in the eyes "I like you, Lin Beifong," and then a smug smile appeared on her lips, "you know, your lips are looking lonely, would they like to meet mine?"
With a smile, Lin said "Oh, shut up."
"Make me," Kya dared, and Lin complied.
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linsallyworld · 3 years
Hiiii :D
for the prompts...I was thinking...12 fluffy👉🏻👈🏻
your writing is amazing and I love it :3
I hope this one can be as sweet as you 🥰
Prompt Fluffy 12: "Do we really have to babysit them? What if we throw them in the river?"
Words: 2.190
Ship: kyalin
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"You agreed with WHAT?" Lin's eyes are wide and she looks on the verge of collapse while all the airbender kids come in through her apartment door. Jinora observing the atmosphere with Rohan in her arms, Ikki climbing on top of the leather sofa and Meelo already making an airball to walk all over the place.
"Tenzin and Pema went to the North Air Temple to check on the new benders with Bumi and the acolytes can't take care of the kids the whole night. I don't even think they want to." Lin tilts her head and Kya can tell what she is going to say in the next second.
"And since when do I want to take care of the kids?" Kya's smile is slightly teasing as she approaches to place a delicate kiss on the police chief's cheek.
"You knew I had nephews and nieces when you decided to date me." Lin rolls her eyes so hard she believes they can easily be trapped behind her head.
"I didn't know they were included in the package." She steps away so that Kya can enter the hall before closing the metal locks with a gesture of her hand. She no longer sees Meelo and Ikki and this is starting to panic her with all the possibilities of things they could destroy within those walls. Kya seems to know exactly what is going through her head. She leans in again and just her smell, sweet and like the sea itself seems to soothe Lin's senses.
"I promise I will reward you later." She whispers before holding the earthbender's earlobe between her teeth and pulling. Lin winces and Kya walks away with a smirk that is further than suggestive.
Something fell in the laundry room and the police chief closed her eyes.
Spirits ... It would be a long night.
"What do children eat?" Jinora gave a glorious laugh as she sat on the kitchen counter. She looked a little taller than the last time Lin saw her, she took after her father, would certainly go over 5'7 feet before she could predict.
"We eat ordinary food ... But we are vegetarian." If Lin was honest with herself, she was already becoming a vegetarian after Kya came back into her life. The waterbender didn’t eat meat as well, which meant Lin didn’t eat in front of her out of courtesy. It ended up becoming a custom and now she didn't even miss it.
She can hear laughter coming from the hall bathroom. Kya was bathing Rohan and Ikki and Meelo seemed to be having a great time.
"Are you okay with vegetable chile and baked potatoes?" Jinora nodded, brownish eyes shining in Lin's direction, which made her frown. The police chief goes to the sink to wash her hands and start making dinner when Jinora comes down from the counter.
"Can I help you?" The question seems to echo for a moment. The earthbender doesn't know if she ever cooked with Toph. Her mother was more of a mother who ordered food than cook. She smiles and nods at the girl.
"Just stay away from the knives." She warns as a wide smile crept across Jinora's face. She already had her tattoos but it didn't mean Lin would let her rip her own fingers off.
"Yes ma'am." She salutes and something particularly hot rests on Lin's chest. She doesn't want to admit that it's just affection, so she blames the heat in the kitchen.
She and Jinora work well together. She left her stuffing the potatoes while cooking the chile. The girl didn't speak much like Ikki and didn't do anything out of the ordinary like Meelo. It was a quiet company to make dinner.
She felt the vibrations of Kya's footsteps and the other children a few minutes later. The waterbender never managed to surprise her, but it's still just pleasant to feel her arms wrapping around her waist from behind. Kya's head fits perfectly in the curve of her neck and the way she's smiling at that moment ... Spirits ... What would Lin not do to see her smile like this always?
"How's it going?" Her lips are hot when they touch the police chief's shoulder with a delicate kiss.
"I'm making potatoes," Jinora announces as if it's the most incredible thing in the world. Kya raises her eyebrows at the girl and then tilts her head in Lin's direction. It's a silent question. Lin doesn't want to answer.
"What are you doing?" Meelo flew over Ikki's head and the counter, landing with a crash on the kitchen island. Lin opened and closed her mouth in surprise before looking at Kya who laughed. It was a very closed space for airbender kids.
"Do we really have to babysit them? Can't we just throw them in the river?" The healer nudged Lin's sides, shaking her head. She took Rohan from Ikki's arms and breathed in the baby's scent for a moment. He giggled and it was a sweet sound.
"This smell even makes me want to have one of my own." Lin really widens her eyes at her this time. Kya laughs and Jinora, who seemed to be paying attention to the whole interaction, wheezed.
"We are making potatoes and chile, Meelo." Jinora announced, showing the full tray proudly to Lin. The police chief nodded and then the siblings were arguing because Meelo tried to stick a finger inside the potato.
"The river is still standing." Kya nudged her waist with her free hand before going to take Meelo by the hand.
"We are going to play a game while aunt Lin and Jinora finish dinner." The police chief was about to protest about "aunt Lin" but she didn't. The kitchen was empty again, just her and Jinora, and that made her sigh with relief. No children flying over knives and hot pots.
"How can you handle your siblings?" She asks Jinora, almost rhetorically, her hands busy slicing the vegetables with one of the shiny metal knives.
"I think ... just as you handled your sister." Lin frowns at that statement, even though the girl can't see it. "I kind of have to be the responsible one ... And for what my dad told me, you had to be as well." She wasn't wrong. The police chief had solved her issues with Su, but she will always wonder what her sister would have become if Lin hadn't been the mother Toph wasn't. "It's a little bit of work, but I love my siblings." Lin turns her head so she can look at Jinora. She was growing up ... So much.
"I know the feeling." She smiles smoothly and Jinora does the same.
And a very loud laugh from Meelo breaks their little moment.
Jinora was really good at Pai Sho and won all rounds against Kya. Lin won by one point, but the girl didn't seem to care because she was shining ... Lin hadn't realized it before but Jinora seemed to really have fun around her and Kya. They played rounds of guessing as well, but the police chief was terrible at showing things with her body. It was Meelo who won, with a smashing advantage over Ikki. The earthbender really laughed at his imitation of a flying fishopotamus and she felt Kya's eyes on her when it happened. It seemed like she always had her eyes on her when she laughed.
Lin doesn't remember her living room ever being so messed up. There is a Pai Sho board on the coffee table and colored cards scattered and bowls with chile remnants. At some point Meelo rested his head on her lap while Kya told one of the stories about the northern water tribe, or perhaps about the fire nation, she no longer remembers and now he was sleeping heavily. Ikki's sleeping on the other couch, her head hanging off the pillow. Jinora is still awake, but she seems really immersed in what her aunt is saying. And Kya's holding Rohan in her arms.
It's silly and childish the way Lin's heart seems to swell to see her caressing the baby's black-haired head as she proceeds with her story. She looks quite like a mother. Lin never thought of herself as a mother. The children liked her for some reason, but she...Her experiences with motherhood weren't very promising ... She was pretty well without children. She couldn't imagine having a baby at this point in her life. But seeing Kya with a baby ... Humming, breathing in his head's scent ... Maybe they could be good mothers if they tried. The police chief would be very strict, which was obvious, it was written in the way she walked, but the waterbender could lighten up a little. Their child would have someone to play with since Rohan was still young. But it's just a silly thought. A silly thought that brings a smile to the corner of Lin's mouth.
Kya seems to feel she's being watched because she stops the story and her blue eyes turn to the earthbender. She smiles at her. Wide. The smile made Lin's heart ring in her ears.
"We should put them to bed." Kya says, nodding at Meelo and then at Ikki. Lin nods and takes the boy in her arms first, he complains and lets out a loud sigh. Kya laughs softly and it's so wonderful to hear her.
She accommodates Meelo on one of the beds in the guest bedroom, returning to pick up Ikki and give her the same destination. Jinora followed her. Kya arranged with pillows on another bed so that Rohan would not fall out while sleeping, which she found very ingenious.
Lin left Ikki on the bed, next to Meelo, but the girl opened her eyes as soon as she found her head on the pillow.
"Good night, a-aunt Lin." She wrapped her arms around the police chief's neck and placed a kiss on her cheek. Lin was stunned for a second, but she couldn't contain her smile this time and stroked the girl's hair when she walked away.
"Good night to you, too, Ikki." Kya was grinning when Lin's eyes found her again. A smile full of excitement and so childish.
"Good night, auntie Kya." Jinora hugged the waterbender quickly and then turned to Lin with hesitation for a moment as if she was considering whether to hug her or not. That's why the police chief extends her arms, a little hesitant too. Jinora hugs her gently and she smells a lot like pine, her hair is short, but it's soft and smells truly nice.
"Good night, aunt Lin." Apparently ... She would have to get used to 3 more people calling her aunt around, besides Opal.
Kya's smile was still on her mouth when they closed the bedroom door to the dark corridor of the apartment.
"What?" Lin asked and the waterbender just shrugged for a moment.
"You would be a great mother, you know." The police chief frowns and just shakes her head. She would be the mother the child would like least, that was for sure. "Don't make that face." She says, taking a step closer to take Lin's hands in hers. "I bet Mako and Bolin would agree with me." She rolls her eyes, but Kya grabs her chin so that she looks into her eyes. Hers seems to be glowing in the soft night light coming from the windows. "I think the way you treat those who are more vulnerable than you is beautiful." She puts a kiss on the corner of her mouth, it's warm and lovely. "And even if you don't agree with me." Kya's hands move up her arms until she can reach her neck where she allows her fingers to touch Lin's veins. Her mouth puts another kiss, this time closer to the lips, and the earthbender shudders. "Children love you because they can see how pure your heart is." Lin can tell her heart is a little racing now, Kya can probably feel it for the soft grip she is holding around her neck.
"Kya." It's just her name, but the waterbender leans towards the sound as if she were being massaged. She bends to run her tongue over Lin's bottom lip, gently, just expecting a kiss.
"At least you didn't kill any of them, so I think I owe you a reward." Kya chuckles and then places a tender kiss on Lin's lips before pulling her by the hand down the hall.
Before she can reach the master bedroom door, though, the police chief pushes her against one of the walls, her lips falling on hers like rose petals. Kya clings to her, her fingers, her mouth, her tongue. The same woman who was humming to a baby.
Lin kisses her as deeply as she can and the warmth spreading through her heart is incredibly different from sexual desire.
Maybe having a big family is not a bad idea after all.
It was pleasant to do her duties as a temporary mother.
And now she expected to do her duties as a wife.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Lin and Tenzin first kiss? I can imagine Tenzin barely working up the courage to kiss Lin while they're kids/teens and Izumi is like "I CALLED IT. GIMME MY MONEY. NOW". Cue Bumi blabbing to everyone INCLUDING Toph saying how Tenzin has a crush on Lin and how he kissed her
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask! Love a good next gen discussion haha.
I can see that for a Linzin first kiss scenario! They both seem like shy kids, but out of the two, I bet Lin would be a tad more daring. But if in that moment Tenzin is able to be brave enough to initiate the kiss, I think that would be super sweet, and I feel like Lin would love and appreciate that as well!
They for sure don't get much privacy for their first kiss though lol. They think they're alone when they kiss, but then Izumi and Kya and Bumi (maybe even Suyin??) just pop out of no where and are like "WE KNEW IT"
Izumi would be the smart one to place an educated bet on when they first kiss, while Kya would just place a bet to place a bet haha! Bumi definitely blabs to everyone what just happened, even to Toph who already knows about Lin and Tenzin's little crushes.
I feel like Toph would be pretty chill about it. Maybe she teases them a bit, but she tries to not be too hard with the teasing because they're both little sensitive croco-kittens :) But she's happy as long as Linny is happy, but if anything happens she will definitely whoop Tenzin's ass if he's being a brat LOL.
(And if you'll let me be indulgent, Kanto Is happy that Lin is dating a nice boy but he's being protective dad Kanto and jokingly but seriously threatens Tenzin to not hurt his baby girl).
But at the end of the day, I feel like Lin and Tenzin were very happy with their first kiss. They both thought it was romantic, even if they did get interrupted after haha!
Fun question, Anon! Thank you so much for the ask, and I hope you have a great day!
Send me asks about ATLA, or anything, really! :D
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superliz6 · 3 months
From the questionnaire: 3,23,21 (If you wrote a “missing scene” in Spirit of Change, what would it be?)
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Angst, relationships, slice of life and Lin suffering/being rewarded in ways she could never imagine on the show.
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in Spirit of Change, what would it be?
Oh very good question! If I wanted to insert bits that are fun, but don't matter I would have followed Lin for a time in the Fire Nation Capital, like what she did all day while Kazuo was at work. I HC Lin as a person who goes for a run first thing in the morning so perhaps a jog around the caldera rim and visiting shops/food stalls.
Alternately the one thing I really kick myself for forgetting to include is after this scene in Chapter 6:
“How was your journey- I trust you had calm seas,” Tenzin continued. 
Kazuo nodded, “Yes, we just arrived this afternoon. Ready to get to work.” 
“Plenty of time for that,” Tenzin assured, “tonight is for breaking bread, as it were.” 
Kazuo gave Lin a puzzled look, stifling a derisive laugh he turned back to Tenzin, “You kidding? I think I’ve had four informal meetings just walking from the door to this spot, ” he chuckled realizing Tenzin was not, in fact, kidding,  “You’ll have to give me some tips on how to achieve that Air Nation passivity, I suppose.” 
I wanted to have a moment where Kaz is bitching about Tenzin and says "who the fuck talks like this? 'breaking bread' jesus christ"
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
I have two nebulous ideas for "there's only one" bed for both Linzin and Linzuo
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