#linzin oc kids
risingsoleil · 2 years
*Updated* Visual of Linzin's Kids
Note: I updated the boys, so the girls are the same.
Also, they would not wear these in everyday life haha their clothes are all based on their personalities. Alright, so let's do round 2 of Lin and Tenzin's children visual intros in their birth order
Mei Beifong (Earth)
Fun fact: Invented glassbending and is a master with a rope dart
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Jin (Air)
Fun fact: He's seen Lin cry the most out of his siblings and unlike Tenzin, he loves hanging out with Bumi
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Kang (Earth)
Fun fact: Knows most of the loopholes to Republic City's laws (courtesy of Toph) and consults Lin on almost everything from girls, food, life, and potentially bad decisions.
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Areum (Air)
Fun fact: Insecure about her ears (thanks Tenzin) and has a small obsession with perfume
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Linumi Hc
An incomplete and not in order list Because my brain is running a hundred different directionssssss
He is 10 years older than her but nothing starts with them until after the Linzin breakup so Lin’s like 33 ish he’s 43, long after she’s established in the RCPD and Toph and Su are gone.
Bumi wasn’t a violent man towards family and friends but the next time Bumi was in port after he heard what Tenzin did to Lin. Dropping her for Pema. (And expecting a kid within a year of breaking up with Lin) he decked Tenzin in front of Pema and the other air acolytes on ATI. Dropping Tenzin like a sack of bricks to the stone. “That’s for Linny.” He all but spat at the dazed Tenzin.
They write a lot. A LOT a lot. Lin receives several letters at the same time because Bumi has to mail them all at the same port after a while at sea. She saves every one of them but she would never admit it and Bumi assumes she tosses them but they’re hidden under a stone in her house. Lin doesn’t write as often to him as it usually ends up at the wrong port for him to be able to collect it.
They’re actually married but NO ONE KNOWS because Lin won’t wear a ring when she’s at work and no one can catch her when she’s not at work and Bumi doesn’t feel the need to tell anyone if they haven’t figured it out yet (*cough* Tenzin being oblivious)
One time Korra catches Bumi kissing Lin while they think no one was around at ATI and she was shoook
Bumi didn’t get any updates on what happened after Amon until it was weeks after everyone was at Katara’s house and as soon as he heard about it he couldn’t get there fast enough and no one dared tell Commander Bumi II that he couldn’t leave his assignment to get to his wife after what they heard happened.
Lin was in such bad state omg all the other hc injuries and nightmares but she was so pale and sickly thin when he got to her. He pulled her close to him and Lin just breaks down crying and apologizing over and over. (The night terror / comfort ficsssss please I beg)
When Bumi gets his airbending Lin grows distant a bit not really a huge fan of the new development but not discouraging him from his excitement. They do eventually talk it out but that’s kinda post series.
Bumi frantically digging through the wreckage of Kuvira’s mech to find Lin. (A Fog Au where Lin and Su are thrown into the spirit world by the explosion and Lin gets lost in the fog of lost souls- I think I have a few of those posts somewhere still)
Bumi joking that Mako/Rina(oc) or Bolin/Opal need to give him and Lin grankids soon because he’s retired and his niblings are growing up and finding other things to spend their time on than joking around with uncle Bumi.
Bumi loves making Lin smile and always manages to get a smirk at least as he’s goofing off in company. Sometimes he gets a chuckle and his week is made. Nothing can beat his Linny smiling and laughing.
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lis-muerta · 18 days
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Despite my Hc being Lin not liking wanting kids. I get crazy ideas and want to explore other ideas because theirs many options and space . so here is my Linzin child oc Yun An.
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risingsoleil · 2 years
Breakdown of Linzin's Kids in the "You Are My Life" AU
For any readers who keep up with my Linzin AU called "You Are My Life" and my new storyline for this particular universe, "Choices, Chances, Changes," I always thought that sometimes it can get confusing to keep up with Linzin OC kids.
And mine is no exception. So I finally took the time to break down my OC linzin kids to make easier for the readers to keep up with their names/bending/personalities. In order from oldest to youngest:
Meilin Beifong
Looks almost exactly like Lin, except with grey eyes
Earthbender/metalbender - according to Toph, she's going to be her successor
Talented in the performing arts (particularly music and dance). She's a singer, dancer, and performer. Dance and music has been her passion from a very young age, and Linzin encouraged this talent because they saw that this was a path she wanted to pave for herself. Bends a variety of her metal costumes on-stage as part of her act
Personality - think current Lady Gaga vibes. She's sensual, elegant, badass, brutally honest, yet speaks kindly about others and to them. Has high expectations of herself and especially in her craft, constantly trying to improve as a singer/dancer. As the oldest sibling, she is extremely protective of her family and that might be a trait she inherited from Lin. Due to a particular incident (this will be referenced in a future chapter of "Choices, Chances, Changes") it was the catalyst that made her the strong and beautifully minded woman she is now.
Flaw is that she expects everyone to work as diligently as she does. Clashes with Lin because they have the a lot of the same habits and outspoken nature with each other. She's also extremely particular about the types of friends she has bc she's unsure if they genuinely want to befriend her or if they're trying to get close because of the Beifong name
Also, she's horny. Must have gotten that from her parents. She knows she's hot af and can get any man she wants. Down for a hook-up or long-term. Depends on the person.
Jin Beifong
Resembles Tenzin if he had hair, but with green eyes
18 months apart from Mei (yup, the math is pretty easy here)
Very reserved personality, laid-back, enjoys reading, not much of an extrovert. However, he is extremely competitive. No one believes it until they play against him and the siblings in kuai ball. Or hear him yelling at his brother during the school probending competitions.
He is academically inclined and has excellent memorization skills
Although he is an airbender and wants to carry on the Air Nation culture, one of the things he wanted to do was become a professor and teach about his own culture in a more modernized way. This kind of created some clashing between him and Tenzin bc of their conflicting views on how to preserve their own culture.
Flaw - he always has to be right or prove others wrong. It comes off in an arrogant manner at times with people who aren't familiar with his personality. Also, he didn't go to school with two of his siblings so social skills aren't as strong.
Kang Beifong
"first twin" by 4 minutes
Personality - a combination of David Rose (Schitt's Creek), Five (the Umbrella Academy), and Toph.
Sassy af, he will tell you what's wrong with your face directly to your face. Anytime he roasts someone or is about to spit straight facts to his opponent, his language becomes academically elegant to reinforce his intellect and sass. Also loves to joke around, especially with Lin. He's very in tune with his emotions and often talks it out with his sisters because they're more willing to listen than Jin. He likes to look sharp and good, so often collaborating with Mei over fashion and presentation when they attend galas with their parents
Flaw - he can be very judgmental of others and is also extremely selective about his group of friends bc of the Beifong name. His sass and extremely outspoken nature makes him intimidating to a lot of people, especially when his voice gets loud.
Has a wide set of interests including sports and also fashion design + tailoring.
Areum Beifong
Second twin
The sweetheart, the cinnamon roll of the Beifong children. Definitely inherited Aang's peaceful and sweet-tempered nature. She sees the best in people and is empathetic. Spiritually inclined and always attracting animals or children who manage to wobble away from their parents.
She has a tendency of self-comparing herself to her siblings because she feels that she's not as outspoken or sassy like many perceive Beifongs to be. From her POV, her older sis is a famous celebrity in the entertainment world, her big brother is an academic genius, her twin brother is known for his snappy comebacks and sassy personality, while she's not quite sure what she really brings to the table. Except that she's the sweet one.
Has a good relationship with all of her siblings and parents. Very close with Mei, not just bc they're sisters, but bc Mei saved her life.
Siblings will say she's Linzin's favorite, but she argues no
Loves to paint with Tenzin, artistic with crafts and art
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ok what do you think about linsami (lin and asami)? I don't ship it but I know quite a few people who take the ship seriously
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I don't know what I need to say. Asami is apart of the Kang is she not?
She's still 30 years younger than Lin?!
I ship Lin with Bumi and Kya and That's It. I'm okay seeing Linzumi and Linzin maybe even a Lin / oc but they have to be appropriately aged.
30 year is gap is a HUGE NO
The 15 year gap between pema and tenzin is sketchy but she was an adult and there's no uneven power Dynamics.
10 is fine, like it's pushing it but it's fine.
Then anything under that like as long as a minor isn't involved (or uneven power dynamics) it is fine, right.
No I do not and will never ship Lin with
- korra
- asami
- mako
- Bolin
- wu
- Suyin (because apparently there are nasties in the woodwork) 
- Kuvira
- idk who else I need to add the air kids?! Are y'all gonna ask me about Rohan next??? /sarcasm/
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