#like with our murder bunny here
randomthunk · 10 months
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IT'S TIIIIME FOR OXYEEHAW!!! Kicking it off with our very own murder bunny, Delacy!
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humanityinahandbag · 1 year
Eddie's April Fools joke would be him bringing Steve a baby that he's watching while he volunteers at the foster center (because kids aren't as judgemental as adults and he can actually do some good without getting nasty looks or whispers about satanism and murder behind his back).
He'd show up at Steve's door and hold out a wide eyed, rosy cheeked, somewhat confused baby like, "Steven, I know it's been a few months since our night of passion, but she's yours. I'm taking you for all you're worth!"
And it's such an obvious joke. Such an obvious prank. He'd just been taking this kid out for a walk and getting some fresh air.
But jokes on Eddie, because Steve wouldn't even think before lighting up, reaching out, and snatching the baby to his chest like oh aren't you so sweet, do you want to come inside? Yes you do!
Eddie tries to explain that it's a joke, but Steve just grabs his hand and squeezes it tight and the words die on his tongue.
"Bah phhhfp," said the baby, giving Eddie a look like, dude, you've got it bad.
Steve didn't drop his hand. His fingers were warm and strong against Eddie's. "Where'd you find her?"
"... foster?" Says Eddie. "I'm uh. I'm watching her?"
"And you brought her here?" Steve's eyes crinkled at the corners. His smile was sunshine.
Eddie opened his mouth. Closed it. Nodded. And then nearly fell backwards when Steve brought the hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss to his knuckles.
"Glooof," said the baby, staring at Eddie. You're an idiot if you don't make a move right now.
Thankfully, he didn't have to. Not when Steve was giving him a tug over the threshold.
"C'mon. Let's get you both inside. I think she needs to be changed. You got a diaper bag hiding somewhere under all that leather?"
It was meant to be a joke. It doesn't land as one. Because somewhere in Steve's head, the paternal switch is cheering, lit up so brightly. Free baby? And the person he liked brought him the baby?
Well. Then there's only one real solution to the problem.
(For Eddie, that solution hits him just as quickly. Especially when the guy he's been in love with since the sixth grade is holding a baby to his chest, shirt speckled in spitup and drool, making coffee the next morning, smiling across the kitchen at Eddie so softly and sweetly. Well. He was done for long ago. Might as well fall all the way.)
Ten years later, Eddie and Steve are sitting on a park bench watching their daughter April try to sacrifice her stuffed bunny on top of the jungle gym.
"You do realize that she was supposed to be a joke, right?" He'd say to Steve, a little teary eyed and so unbelievably happy.
"Jokes on you," Steve would reply easily. "Because I kept you both."
Jokes on him indeed.
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queers-gambit · 3 months
Blue Bunny
prompt: you and the Twins show up to collect the same debt.
pairing: Tangerine x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Bullet Train
word count: 4.4k+
warnings: Tan's real name being Aaron, Lemon's real name being Brian, Mafia antics, depiction of murder, blood, guns, brief physical violence, given nickname, Daddy's Girl trope? dialogue heavy fic.
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"I like the lilac, what do you think? Maybe the yellow?"
"The pink's rather nice."
"How's about green? For St. Patrick's Day? Celebration of spring?"
Your lover chuckled over the receiver, phone set on speaker to the desk in front of you. "Think I prefer the blue," he replied, the smirk evident.
"You always prefer blue," you teased, handing the bottle of pale blue nail polish to your nail tech. "So, tell me, where are you now? Haven't seen yah all week," You pouted, placing your AirPods in to keep the conversation private. Not like it mattered, your nail tech, Collette, only spoke French, and she was the only other person in the room.
"'Fraid I can't divulge that information, sweetheart," Aaron sighed, "on a bit of business right now."
"Now? Like, in the present?" You chuckled, nodding at Collette when she pointed at the length of the acrylic.
"Yeah," Tan mused back, "say hello, sweetheart!"
"Hello, luv!" Brian, or otherwise known as Lemon, was heard calling. His twin, your lover, used the codename Tangerine for the contract agency they worked for - keeping their identities safe. Something you didn't necessarily have to worry about, being as your name held power. It was something like a shield in the criminal world, everyone knowing your surname dictated fear.
"Oh, hello, my sweetness," you cooed, grinning slyly. "What's it you two are up to? What sort of business are you on?"
"Ah, hang on a tick, love," Aaron mused, setting his phone down. You waited patiently, hearing a series of gunshots ringing out as you watched Collette paint the pale blue in sleek, professional strokes. Screams echoed over the line, tires screeches, several grunts of exertion, but you didn't so much as flinch, just admiring the work your nail tech did.
You blew on your nails, admiring the color.
Collette asked if you wanted to keep the paint shiny or add a matte overcoat, you humming, replying in French that you preferred the shiny coat. She held up a bottle of silver glitter, perking her brows, watching you nod - trusting her artistic eye.
"Hello? Still there, Bunny?" Aaron got back on the line, using your pet name he bestowed on you after your first date. You had a cold coming on, and after he kissed you, you instantly sneezed - nose screwing up like a fluffy bunny.
"I'm here," you smiled.
"Right, what color did you go with?"
You grinned, "Take a guess."
"Blue's your color."
"More like yours. I much prefer pastels, but I think this color's the best of both our preferences."
He chuckled, "Listen, yeah? You free Thursday? I'l be in your neck of the woods."
"Ah, I'm traveling this week," you answered with a pout, "what about next week?"
"I might be able t'swing that, yeah," Aaron agreed easily. "You hear from that Edward bloke recently?"
"No, no, I've told you, I'm done with him. You're quite the jealous type, you know, scared him off real good."
"Ah, well, don't like folks touchin' what's mine, now, do I?"
"Apparently not," you smiled, phone line beeping with an incoming call. "Oh, shit, I gotta go, Aaron, Daddy's calling."
"Mhm, and we all know you betta answer, huh?"
"It's how we all stay alive," you laughed. "Bye."
"See yah real soon, Bunny. Make sure your toes match!"
You hung up with a laugh, then accepted your father's incoming call, "Hi, Daddy."
"Hello, sweet one," he answered. "What are you up to?"
"Collette's doing my nails."
"Ah, very good. What color?"
"A pretty pale blue."
"Wonderful. Tell Collette I say hello. We'll have t'get her a sensational Christmas bonus with the way you work her."
You chuckled, "Yeah, yeah, I know."
"Listen, poppet, I need you to do something for me."
"Mhm, anything you need, Daddy."
"One of our associates is late on payment."
"How late?"
"A week."
"Oh, you're taking time in collecting," you mused, appreciating the full set Collette was detailing. "What's the hold up? Why wait?"
"I'm stuck in Prague."
"I know," he rushed, "but I need you on this one, princess."
"Who's the associate?"
"Fella name Wilmer DeLano."
"I know of him, doesn't he own the chain of pharmacies? His son and I went to university together, right?"
"The exact same," your father confirmed. "I need you to go collect, princess, please."
"How much is the debt?"
"With the added week, chalks it up to $3 million."
"US dollars?"
"Since when do we deal in US dollars?" You asked with a curled lip.
"Not the question I think you want to be asking."
"Uh, no, you're right, okay, sure, I can collect. Tonight?"
"He's not expecting it, knows I'm still in Prague. Take Rufus and Gunther with you for protection detail."
"I'd rather take Samuel."
"No, he's doing a different favor for me."
"He's making a delivery, all right?"
"What about Gunther and Casey? Rufus creeps me out."
"That's fine," your father agreed with a sigh. "Listen, princess, tonight might get a little hairy, so I want you prepared."
"Daddy, I'm literally getting my nails done, I'm not handling a gun. That's what Gunther's for."
"I taught you better than that. You protect yourself, you can't depend on anyone else."
You nodded, "Yes, sir. Do you wanna call the boys or...?"
"I'll call them, don't worry. Just be ready to go by 8. Remember, princess, $3 million - and make sure you count it, too."
You agreed, promising you loved him, then wishing him luck in Prague on whatever his business was. After hanging up, Collette smiled, asking in French, "When are you going to tell him?"
"Tell him what?"
"That you have a boyfriend," she laughed. "He's your father, he'll be happy for you."
"I don't have a boyfriend."
"Oh, please," she scoffed, swiping the glitter on your nails. "That boy that you're always on the phone with? You're not hiding it, not from me."
You felt warmth flush your chest, heating your core. "He's still not my boyfriend," you mumbled stubbornly.
"He picks your nail colors," she grinned, "that's a boyfriend!"
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You double checked the address your father sent, nodding at Gunther in the driver's seat. "All right, lads, I want this a clean collection. Just got my nails done," you smirked, the lights of the three-story home still on and indicating DeLano must've been home.
"Yes, ma'am," Casey agreed, getting out of the backseat and opening your passenger door; helping you out, letting you readjust your clingy black dress. Gunther moved around the back of the car, grabbing the usual go-bag brought to every collection.
Slowly, carefully, you stalked up the long driveway, heels clacking with every pace. You let Gunther peer through the windows, him nodding before leading the way to the backdoor. It was simple enough to jimmy the lock open, silently swinging the door wide open and stepping over the threshold.
Casey went around the side to enter through the living room as you walked through the kitchen, surrounding your target. Wilmer DeLano was sat at his dining room table with his wife, looking up when you cleared your throat. He jolted in shock, but Casey blocked the only other doorway; his gun in hand, both clasped in front of him.
Gunther checked the rest of the house.
"Hello, Mr. DeLano," you greeted casually. "Oh, something smells wonderful in here, you cook this?" You asked his wife, casually strolling up to the table, Red Bottoms sounding over the polish hardwood floors. You plucked up a slice of roast, tearing a bite off and humming, "Oh, very good that. You're a lucky man, Mr. DeLano to have such a talented wife."
"Who are you?" The portly woman begged, flinching when you hummed and brandished your gun.
"Right, guessing you don't know," you nodded. "Your husband's in a bit of a lucrative business, Missus. Nice house, though," you gazed around, "lot of fine art you've got hung up, saw all name-brand appliances in your kitchen."
"H-He owns a chain of drug stores - "
"Yes, yes, yes, I know. Very true," you agreed, "but that's only a front, it's not the full picture. I'm here to help illustrate, if you will. C'mon, why don't we all go into the living room? Hear that's where the safe is kept."
"What is happening!?" Mrs. DeLano demanded, gun pointed at her temple.
"Up, up," you demanded.
Slowly, Wilmer lifted from his seat with his hands held in peace, "Okay, okay, we can - let's go talk in the living room. Just don't threaten my wife, she's got nothing t'do with this."
"For now," you agreed, gathering the couple to the living room couch.
"Boss," Gunther alerted, dragging your old university classmate and a previous lover, Edward DeLano, up from the basement, "found this one down there, smoking a joint. Rest of the house is clear."
"Wonderful," you nodded, gesturing for Eddie to sit. "You bring enough to share with the class?" But your old peer just looked around the room of criminals. "Guessin' he didn't wanna share," you pouted, then rolling your eyes. "Well, now that we've all gathered - "
Suddenly, there was a noisy crack and bang as the front door was kicked in, making all three of you gangsters turn with weapons drawn and aimed. However, you chuckled and dropped your arm when you realized it was the Twins, Aaron and Brian, or Tangerine and Lemon, standing in the splintered doorway.
"At ease, lads," you chuckled, holstering your gun to your thigh. "These are friends of mine."
"You outsourced the job? Out your fuckin' mind, princess? Huh?" Casey growled, not lowering his gun as Tan and Lem strolled in.
"Don't fuckin' talk to her like that," Aaron snapped instantly.
"Fuck off, Casey, I would never outsource, I know the fucking rules," you sound more amused than anything.
"Well, ain't this fun?" Aaron mused with a grin, strolling in casually before pausing in the open foyer as Brian tried shutting the door again - but it the very doorframe was shattered, making it impossible. "Sorry 'bout the front door, ol' chap, but you understand, yeah? 'S just business," He nodded at DeLano. "Bunny," he smirked at you, hands in his tailored suit pants pockets; polished Italian leather shoes gently scoffing across the floor.
Aaron magnetized to your side, coiling his arm around your waist to lean in and peck your cheek.
"Hi, handsome. Thought you weren't in town until later?"
"We wrapped a different job early," he answered. "Question is: what're you doin' here, love?"
"Collecting debt payment."
"No shit," he grinned, "so are we."
Your head cocked; leaning into his side with your own arm wrapping around his chiseled waist. You asked, "He owes my father money. You?"
"Owes an associate, too." He smirked at the DeLano's you two stood in front of, "Ain't that right, geezer? Got yourself into a bit of a pickle, didn't yah? Got a bit of a problem with the nose candy, don't'cha, naughty boy?"
"You told me you quit!" Mrs. DeLano hissed, "now you're in debt!?"
"I have it under control," Wilmer deflected stiffly.
His wife sobbed and begged, "W-Would someone please just explain what's going on!? Who are you people!?" Tears fell fast. "What do you want from us!?"
"This ain't rocket science, love, fuck you mean what do we want?" Lemon snickered. "You not listenin' or something?"
"Ah, right, well, I was in the middle of explainin' the situation," you told the Twins, waving a manicured hand in the air as if swatting away a pesky fly. "'Ello, lovie," you grinned at Lemon when he stationed himself on your other side, "good t'see you."
"Sweetheart," he nodded, offering a side hug when you released his brother, "been too long, hasn't it?"
"Since Cancún," you agreed. "Right, then! Onward, ho! Casey, darlin', would you be a doll and open the bag? Get us set up t'count up?"
"'Course, boss," he agreed, kneeling at the mahogany coffee table and unzipping the duffel you brought.
"Right," your hands clapped, the family jumping at the sudden sound, "back to what I was sayin'. See, your husband owns the drug stores, that's true," you allotted, "but he also launders money for the Mafia. For my father, my family. Maybe you've heard of him?"
You relaid your father's first and last name, seeing the Fear of God paint over the DeLano's. "What?" Eddie snapped at his father sat beside him. See, despite dating briefly, you kept your identity a secret from Ed. "What have you done!? Do you know who her father is? Know what he's done!? He fuckin' gutted his own brother - "
"Allegedly," you interjected sharply.
" - all in the name of business! You don't know what this family is capable of!"
"Yes, boy, I'm well aware, the man is my bloody business partner," Wilmer snapped right back.
"Well, not so much of a partner now, are yah? Just more of a fuckin' nuisance," You smirked, earning the attention again. "So, you see, your husband washes our money, earns a significant cut for shouldering the risk. Payment's collected every two weeks and as of today, your husband's a week late on delivering our cash load."
"I-I can explain, please - "
"No need," you cut Wilmer off, "because I didn't get t'where I am now by listening to pathetic explanations. I don't listen to excuses. Fact is, you own my father money, and because you're late, the total is now $3 million - and he wants it in US dollars."
"Well, ain't that somethin'?" Tan smirked at Lem. "Turns out, he owes our client some million, too."
You hummed, nodding, "Right, right, but see, thing is, if my Daddy ain't paid, he goes postal. Nasty business, truly messy, just a chaotic clusterfuck, bodies left everywhere, cities in shambles." Turning back to the family, you offered, "So, we're just gonna make this easy. You cough up what you owe, we won't blow your brains out all over this nice Persian rug. Mmmh! See that, love?" You pointed to the fabric you stood on, looking at Aaron. "That's real authentic, you can tell by the threading. Be a shame to ruin it, yeah? Exquisite work."
"Sure is," he agreed, "but did you see up there, Bunny? 'Bove the mantel?"
"Oh, yes," you breathed in impression, "an ancient Aztec tribal mask. An artifact, very hard to get your hands on. Heard the British Museum was actually lookin' for that particular mask."
"Seems like Mr. DeLano is quite the collector of finer things," Lemon admired, pointing at a portrait on the wall. "Oi! Is that what I think? Is that a fucking Monet?"
"Priceless," you nodded.
"Listen, right, we've got strict orders, yeah?" Your lover sighed, shifting his weight. "We're t'collect payment by any means, a message is t'be sent. Right?"
"That's right, yeah," Lemon agreed, crossing his arms. "Make sure this kinda misunderstanding don't happen again."
Gunther asked, "You need tarps for this?"
You refused, "No, we're not here to kill anyone. We're here to let a loyal man the opportunity to pay us what's owed."
"Listen t-t-to me," Wilmer begged, stuttering in fear, "I don't have the money. Okay? The government came sniffin', I had tax liens to pay off to avoid prison time - "
"More fuckin' excuses! Jesus, fuck, man!" You groaned. "Who do you think can do more damage - the bloody government or my family? Huh? Look, lad, I know you've got what we're owed, so, be a good li'l boy and open the safe. Huh?"
"Fucking do it, Dad!"
"What're you doing, Wilmer? What are you waiting for!? You can't play this game! You'll get us all killed!"
"I don't have the money! How can I pay with what I don't have!?"
"Why do I not believe that?" You mused to Tan.
"'Cause you've been in this business a helluva lot longer than he has," Tangerine / Aaron answered. "You know a rat when you smell one, I reckon."
You nodded, then pulled your gun out again, aiming, and firing at Eddie's knee to shatter his kneecap. Blood splattered onto the couch. He screamed in agony, you raging above the panicked cries and shocked shouts, "Do I have your fucking attention now, Mr. DeLano?"
Edward sobbed in pain, trying to staunch the bleeding, Mrs. Delano gasping and shrieking. "Do whatever they want, Wilmer! For fuck's sake! Just do it!"
"Listen to your wife, mate," Lemon advised. "Unhappy wife, unhappy life, innit?"
You aimed at Eddie's other knee, firing, causing another flurry of screaming, crying, and begging. "If you want your son t'only have two bullets in 'im, I suggest you get moving!" You barked, aiming at Wilmer. "Now!"
"Well, wait a tick," Tangerine halted, "if we're both on the job, how's it gonna look if the geezer's telling us the truth, hey? Who gets the money?"
"Let's find it first, darlin', distribute later," you breathed as Casey finished setting up the automatic money counter. "Mr. DeLano? I advise you to do what we're asking. See, I use to duck hunt - I'm an excellent shot. The next bullet's goin' in your son's head and I never miss. Now, where's the fucking money!?"
"I don't have it! Please!"
"The money, DeLano, where's the fucking money!?"
"Please - "
"You want a dead son!?"
"All right!" He sobbed, "All right, fine! Yes, you win! Just please, please! Don't hurt my family anymore! Please, just leave them alone! I'll do what you want, just - leave them out of this!"
You nodded, "Well, you fucked with my Daddy's money. Only right I cripple you in a sense. Hey? Now, chop chop," you checked your watch for the time, "I'm a very busy bee and don't have all night."
"You're a smart lad, DeLano, we know you would've wanted to prep for a comfy fall if it came to it," Lemon laughed easily from beside you. "Ain't no way you're bone dry, know you have money stashed for security. Just c'mon, mate, these two sickos consider this a sort of foreplay, they'll go all fuckin' night with yah if you continue to refuse," he gestured at you and Tan.
You tacked on, "Lotta places to shoot someone without killin' 'em. Just saying..."
Wilmer stood from the couch, his wife shooting across the newly vacated space to embrace her whimpering son. The money launderer approached the Monet painting and lifted it from the wall; revealing an iron safe. You shared a look with Tangerine, smirking as the combination was entered and the door opening.
"That's what we fuckin' thought," Tangerine sneered, seeing the stacks and stacks and stacks of money. " Fuckin' hell. Right, so, look, count up the lady first. We'll settle after," he sniffed, fluffing his suit's lapel, picking off a piece of lint.
Wilmer began handing stacks to Casey to count, one of your arms crossing over your stomach to prop up your other arm; hand limp in the air. "Faster," you demanded, the man sweating bullets.
"Oh, now, look at that," Tan mused, taking your hand to admire your fresh manicure, "you went with blue."
"Like it?"
"Looks real pretty, Bunny, but I know something these would look better wrapped around," he grinned, making you smack his stomach playfully. "You wanna go get drinks afta this? My treat."
"Sounds like a date," you accepted, Gunther storing the counted cash into the dark duffel. "How's it lookin', Casey?"
"Looks 'bout right, boss," he reported, handing over another stack of banded money. "You want me t'count the Twins up?"
"Oh, if you would please, darlin', it would be very helpful," you nodded. "But I'm having a thought, right? Stay with me, would yah?"
"Oh, go on, toots, you've got great ideas," Lemon encouraged with a chuckle.
"Not always," Casey snickered, "remember what happened in Texas? At that Western bar?"
"Oi, the electronic bull was not my fault!"
"But the incident with the tequila and donkey was!"
"Hush!" You scolded. "Listen, all right, you see, this fucker tried to stiff us all... Let's clear the safe out. Take away any safety net? Truly cripple him, set him back to nothing?"
"Sound like your father," Gunther chuckled.
"That's a compliment," you shot back. "Go on, I want the lot."
Gunther agreed, standing, and approaching the safe. He shoved Wilmer out of the way, sweeping his arm into the safe and starting to load up the duffel. "You can't do this! If you take it all, what are we supposed to do!? How is my family supposed to survive when leeches like you suck us dry!?" Wilmer barked, making the amusement drop from your face.
"Watch your tone."
"No! No, I will not! You think you're high and mighty because of your father, but you're just a spoilt little girl! You all break into my house, extort me - "
"Can you truly extort a criminal? For the money they owe other criminals?" Brian / Lemon wondered out loud as he meandered the living room, making you shrug.
"He likes playing victim," you mused, but in the time you looked over your shoulder, Wilmer charged. You gasped when his shoulder bullied into your gut, tackling you past Tangerine and into the coffee table, shattering it.
"GO! RUN!" He shouted at his family, Tangerine lunging instantly to wrangle him off of you; the breath knocked from your lungs.
"Got some fuckin' nerve, don't yah!? Touchin' my girl!?" He raged, throwing the man to the floor again. "Nobody fuckin' moves!" Aaron growled, gun pointed at Wilmer.
"Not like they can, two blown out knees," Brian grunted as he helped pick you up from the wreck.
"Yeh all right, Bunny?"
"All right, love, yeah," you answered and adjusted your dress, picking up your weapon as Tan began wailing his balled-up fist into Wilmer's face at a jackhammering pace. It was wildly attractive, watching the man you were in-love with beat the shit out of someone who offered you threat and harm. Then something caught your eye, gasping, "Oh, you rat bastard! You broke my fucking nail!"
You yanked Tan back; aiming at Wilmer, pulling the trigger to let a close-range bullet explode the man's head; leaking brain matter on the Persian carpet. You turned to Mrs. DeLano and Eddie, cocking your head as they begged and pleaded for their lives, but you weren't listening anymore. "Got it all, boss," Gunther informed, dropping the stuffed duffel. "What we doin' with them?"
"Exactly what my father would do," you decided. "No witnesses."
Three more gunshots sounded, Tangerine's gun smoking before being tucked back into his shoulder holster under his jacket. "Well," he fluffed his lapels again, sniffling harshly, "shall we be on our way, Bunny? We good here?"
"Oh, might as well - got what we needed," you agreed, grimacing when blood bloomed towards your expensive shoes. "Ugh, what a mess. I'll make a call, have this cleaned up, pose it as a murder-suicide," you side-stepped the puddle. "Gunther, Casey, take what you want from this place, get the cash back to the stash house. I'm gonna grab a drink with the lads," you smirked, looping your arm with Aaron's.
Lemon / Brian packed up their share of the money, following behind as Tangerine / Aaron lead you from the house; placing a cigarette between his lips and lighting the end, inhaling, tossing his free arm around your neck. The night was dark and brisk, refreshing on your clammy skin as you stabilized your breathing; always a little shaken after taking life.
Call it morality.
Once in their tinted Mercedes, Brian got in the backseat, Tan rolled his window down to smoke, and you pulled out your ringing cell phone to answer, "Hi, Daddy."
He breathed in relief, "Good, you answered. Means nothing bad happened."
"That's not entirely true," you admitted. "We're leaving now."
"What happened?"
You winced, brushes already forming, "DeLano got bold, he attacked. So we left no witnesses."
"Good girl," he praised. "You feel all right?"
"Yeah, I'm good. I'm actually going to drinks with some, uh, friends," you glanced at Tangerine - seeing his lips pulled in a smirk as he started the car and pulled off down the street. "Turns out, DeLano didn't just owe us, but some coke dealer, too. Right, love?" You checked.
"Right," Aaron confirmed, reaching over to plant his hand on your thigh and give a soft squeeze.
"Right, yeah, so, he tried lying 'bout money, I shot his son's kneecaps - "
"That's my girl!"
" - and cleared the safe out. That's when DeLano attacked me - "
"Daddy," you reprimanded softly. "I'm okay. Actually, the hired contractors on the job saved my arse - they showed up after we did with the same agenda. Gunther and Casey are gonna take the cash to a stash house, I gotta call Mr. Brooks about cleaning up."
"Did you say contractors?"
"Yeah, uh, you know, from The Agency?"
"You mean hitmen?"
"Yeah, guess you could say that. Think they're more like contract killers? Verbiage is so fickle."
"Who? Who exactly was there?"
"The Twins, Daddy. Don't worry, they're absolutely charming, only took their payment. We're gonna go for drinks, yeah?"
"Huh," he grunted, "must've been some bigwig t'send them two. Or a considerable debt." You were about to reply when he gasped in realization, "Wait, no. No, no, hang on a tick, don't bloody tell me."
"This the lad you've got a thing for, innit? The one that sends yah flowers every other week?"
"Don't tell me it's that Tangerine fucker, princess, please!"
"Oh, no, look at that, we're heading into a tunnel! I'm gonna lose the call; talk tomorrow, be safe, good luck in Prague, okay, muah! Muah! Muah! Love you! Bye, bye, bye!" You rambled quickly, blowing air kisses, then hanging up swiftly.
"The hell was that about?" Aaron chuckled. "He mad we were there?"
"Not entirely."
"Was he mad you're gettin' drinks with us?" Brian laughed from the back.
"That's a little more accurate. Well," you winced, "he was a bit testy that I'm goin' with Aaron..."
"I haven't done a damn thing to him," he grumbled.
"You do have a bit of a reputation, bruv."
You smiled sweetly, gripping Aaron's hand on your thigh, "He's my father, 'course he's gonna worry."
"'Bout time he found out, keeping you two a secret was mad frustrating, yeah? You two are disgustingly in-love."
Tangerine squeezed your thigh again, sending you a bright grin, "That we are."
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Bullet Train masterlist
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ruh--roh-raggy · 7 months
Pretty Little Wife (William Afton x Wife! Reader SMUT)
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Hi everyone, this is my first fic for the FNAF fandom, AU where William isn't a murderer, he just owns the pizzeria with Henry. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, THIS STORY CONTAINS ADULT CONTENT, 18+ ONLY, MDNI, mirror sex, soft dom William, slightly possessive William, fingering, multiple orgasms, throat holding/slight choking but not really, hand job, praise, fluff at the end, William is just really obsessed with being your husband, she/her pronouns used, AFAB reader, sweetheart, honey, baby, bunny used as pet names. I hope you guys enjoy!
If anyone knows who came up with this head cannon originally please let me know so I can tag them! William Afton absolutely fingers his wife with the hand his wedding ring is on, the thought has been making me feral for days.
You can find my Masterlist here! ~ AO3 Link!
William loved nothing more than showing off his pretty little wife. Having you holding onto his arm, giving his bicep a tender squeeze whenever you joined in about one of his accomplishments. It was nights like tonight when he wished he had turned down his friend's request to join him and his wife for dinner. Every small shift in your movements highlighted something he absolutely adored about you; how you crossed one leg over the other, causing your dress to ride up slightly and show off the plush flesh of your thigh, how you would lean your head on his shoulder and he would catch the intoxicating scent of your perfume, how your much smaller hand would fidget with his when prompted to talk about yourself. “Will, I still don't know how you managed to pull a dime like that.” Henry chuckles as he pours the both of them a glass of whiskey. He hands him the crystal glass, the dark amber liquid swirling around inside.
“What can I say? I'm a lucky guy.” He smiles as the sound of your laughter drifts in from the other room.
“To our beautiful wives, my friend.” The glasses clink together as they toast. William eyed his business partner with disdain. He had noticed his lingering gaze on you the entire night, the sight alone was enough to nearly throw him into a jealous rage. How dare he look at you in such a disgusting manner, his best friend of all people.
“We should probably get going.” William forces a casual grin of dismissal. “I'm sure (Y/N) is getting pretty tired, she's had a long day.”
“Of course.” William nods courteously. “I wouldn't want to keep you and the Mrs. out too late.” The pair make their way back into the dining room where you sat chatting excitedly with William’s wife, Emilie. Your bright smile sent a surge through Williams veins, your bright eyes landing on him the instant he had entered the room. “Honey, you want to start heading home?” You nod, rising from your chair and molding into his side. He wraps his arm around your shoulders, shooting a possessive look towards the other man.
“Goodnight, it was wonderful to see you.” The pair make their goodbyes before you head out the door with your husband. “We should do that again soon.” You smile up at him as you cuddle into his side. A brief scowl flashes across his features as he thinks of the way his friend looked at you.
“Of course honey, I know how much you love spending time with Emilie.” His thumb languidly trails over the bare skin of your shoulder. You pause, your husband halting in time with your stopping movement. You gaze up at him lovingly, your hand sliding over his stomach as you turn him to face you.
“I love you, Mr. Afton.” You say softly and with a smile.
“And I love you, Mrs. Afton.” His head drops lower, allowing his lips to meet yours as he pulls you into a sweet kiss. The ride home was spent with you tucked comfortably into his side as he drove. You pulled up in front of your house, your gaze drifting up to meet his. “I can't get over how beautiful you are.” Your breath shudders from your chest as you feel yourself drowning in him. William always seemed to have this effect on you, his strong and dominant gaze holding you firmly in place as he admired your beauty. His hand slowly slid over your thigh, a shiver running up your spine at his subtle movements. His hand drifts to your face, tilting your chin up slightly as he brings his lips to yours. “Let’s head in.” He whispers.
“Okay.” You respond in the same tone as a smile creeps across your lips. William slides out of the driver's seat, taking long strides around the front of the car to open your door for you. You giggle as he offers his hand to help you out, allowing him to spin you around before he pulls you into his side. “I’m going to make some tea, do you want some?”
“That would be great, baby, thank you.” He kisses your forehead, both of you lazily walking to your shared bedroom to change into something a bit more comfortable. You had opted for one of your husbands button down shirts, the loose fabric cascading off one shoulder as you left it half unbuttoned, the lace of your lingerie peeking out just below the hem. William was forced to suppress a groan as he caught sight of you in the mirror, admiring the way you looked in his clothes with a giddy expression on your face. “Sweetheart,” you perk up at the sound of his voice before turning to face him, “come here.” You saunter over to him, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as you look at him with bright, excited eyes. He gently takes hold of your waist, turning you around and guiding you back into his lap. You could see both of your reflections in the full length mirror across from you, your husband’s massive stature easily dwarfing your smaller frame. You sigh softly as you feel his lips press against your shoulder, your eyes meeting his in the mirror as you watch him trail kisses over your exposed skin. You feel his hand slide over your thigh, the cool shock from his wedding band drastically contrasting his warm skin. William always loved the way the gold band looked as his hands roamed your body. You push your back into his broad chest as he eases your legs open, “I think you look even better in this shirt than I do.” He breathes next to your ear. You squirm in his lap as he languidly trails his fingers up and down the inside of your thigh.
“I don’t know about that.” You run your hand over his strong forearm. “You’re always very nice to look at.” Your eyes drop to his lips before slowly raising to meet his again. His chest rumbles as he lets out a quiet chuckle.
“Is that so?” His hot breath fans over your lips. His finger trails along the edge of your underwear before he hooks into them, slowly easing the lace down your legs. He holds your face in his hand, directing your attention to the mirror in front of you. “You seem to forget how beautiful you are, sweetheart.” His massive hand wrapped around your thigh, massaging your soft skin as he presses a kiss to your cheek. Your head falls back against his shoulder as he finally runs his fingers over your dripping folds. “Look in the mirror, bunny.” He growls. You struggled to meet your reflections gaze, warmth immediately spreading across your cheeks at the sight of your husband's fingers quickly becoming covered in your arousal. Moans fell effortlessly from your lips as he gradually increased his pace. You cried out his name as he suddenly sinks his teeth into your neck. Your body jolts as his thumb grazes over your clit. “Look how pretty my girl is, already so loud from just my fingers.
“W-Will-” You gasp out his name, struggling to keep your eyes on the mirror as you watched him relentlessly fucked into your soaked cunt. He whispers sweet praises in your ear in an attempt to keep your mind from getting too hazy.
“You know, I never get tired of seeing my wedding ring disappear inside of you.” He hums. You could faintly make out the glint of the gold band in the dim lighting of the bedroom. William felt your walls flutter around his fingers. “Cum for me sweetheart.” He speeds up his pace rubbing your clit, your orgasm crashing over you not long after. You screamed as white hot pleasure ripped through you, William taking your chin in his hand to force you to look in the mirror. Your legs shuddered, your hips desperately grinding against his drenched hand. “That’s it honey, good job.” He praises you gently. “Think you can give me a few more.” He grins mischievously at you. A whine escaped your lips as he slowly began to pick up his pace again, your throbbing cunt already growing oversensitive from his touch. You squirmed, keening at his touch as he grazed your sensitive bundle of nerves. Your body jolted at the smallest stimulation, your husband very easily able to bring you to the brink of your second orgasm. He chuckled slightly as you pushed yourself further down onto his fingers.
“Fuck.” You groan, your climax just out of reach.
“Just relax honey, let me take care of my pretty little wife.” He says as he nips at your neck, causing you to yelp. He caresses your jaw, guiding your eyes to meet his in the mirror. He traces a finger down your throat before wrapping his hand around your neck. “Who do you belong to honey?” You feel the smirk spread across his lips as they press to the corner of your mouth.
“My husband.” You suppress a grin as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth. You hear a growl rise in his throat, hearing you call him your husband always did something to him. You scream as his fingers begin to fuck into you at a relentless place.
“Such a sweet little wife I have, look at how well you’re taking my fingers baby. Fuck, I love you so much.” You feel him start to rut his hips into you, his hard member pressing into the curve of your ass. He somehow managed to understand you begging to cum through the sobs that cracked free from your throat. The light pressure he was putting on your throat was making you delightfully lightheaded. You watched as his fingers slid in and out of your soaked core. Your body went rigid as he thrusted perfectly into a spot inside you that turned your vision white.
“Shit, that’s it, right there.” You gasp out. He places hot open mouthed kisses to your jaw. After a few more pumps of his fingers you screamed out his name, begging him to keep fucking you as you rode out your second orgasm. Your husband curses under his breath, you feel him struggling to pull off his pants. His hands wrap around your waist, moving you to sit on his stomach, guiding your hand to wrap around his cock. He hissed as you gave him a few tentative pumps. You moan as his fingers slip back inside of you, his rhythm matching your strokes.
“Faster.” He groans out a command, both of your rhythms increasing. You whined, resting a hand on his thigh as you struggled to stay upright. His hips stuttered as he tried to resist fucking into your fist. Your legs trembled as you fought against your impending orgasm, wanting to finish at the same time as him. You felt his cock twitch in your palm.
“I’m gonna cum.” You moan, rolling your hips against his hand.
“Finish for me sweetheart.” He holds on tightly to your hip with one hand, keeping you in place as the other pounded into you. You hear his breathy moans and strangled gasps as his own climax begins to creep up on him. He growls out your name as hot ropes of cum shoot from his aching member and splatter on his stomach, You collapse onto the mattress, his hold on you the only thing keeping your hips in the air as he forced one more orgasm out of you. You sobbed into the sheets, hot tears trailing down your cheeks as the intense pleasure became almost painful, your gummy walls clenching around his fingers as your whole body shook. Your body slumped as you came down from your high, William gently eased his fingers out of you and laid you down. He pulls you into his arms, his chest heaving against your back as you both try to catch your breath. He carefully tilts your chin up, kissing you softly as he holds you close.
“I love you Mr. Afton.” You smile sleepily, your eyelids already feeling heavy as you sink into the mattress. He chuckles at your fucked out state. He helps you out of his shirt before fully stripping down himself. He pulls your back to him, placing a kiss to your shoulder.
“I love you Mrs. Afton.” You laid in silence, the two of you just enjoying the quiet intimacy. It wasn’t long until you drifted off into a dreamless sleep wrapped up in your husband’s embrace.
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jarofstyles · 8 months
Reaper 13
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This is SUPER LONG and dirty but enjoyyy it for as long as it lasts hehe.
Check out our Patreon for early access and exclusive writing
Warnings- possessive behavior, aggression, threats, mention of murder, stalking, illegal acts  we do not Condone, knife play, impact play (slapping x spanking), daddy kink if you squint, breeding kink mention, degradation, dom/sub dynamic, dumbification if you squint, choking, bondage w belt, hair pulling.... you get the gist everything is filthy as per usual 
WC- 11.3k
Tourist attractions really weren’t Harry’s thing, especially in his own city. He thought it was all a bit underwhelming, he’d rather look at a photo and be over it. He never thought he’d ever step foot in the Victoria and Albert Museum, Kensington was no place for someone like him. Yet there he was, watching his own work of art, Bunny, read the plaques by each painting.
The way her eyes lit up this morning when he told her they’d do whatever she wanted, he didn’t have it in himself to say no. So he let her drag him along to all the sites, even going as far as taking photos with her. If she were anyone else, he would tell her to stuff it- but that smile made it worth every moment of internal suffering.
“I’m getting hungry,” Bunny whispered to him, wanting to be respectful of the environment. Her arm had snaked its way under his, her hand curling around his bicep for comfort.
Harry chuckled when he felt her squeeze at the muscle, mindlessly going to place a kiss on the top of her head. The mindless affection had become more and more common. “You okay to head back towards the hotel? The options around here are a bit shit.” Harry continued in a hushed tone, guiding the two of them towards the stairs to begin exiting. “Plus, there are a bunch of pubs back that way… can get you some of that authentic food to try.”
“Authentic food?” She raised a brow. “You mean beans on toast? Egg in the hole?” There was teasing in her tone, a giant grin on her face as he looked down at her. She was taunting him, but it was good to see her really fucking smile after these last few weeks.
A scoff sounded from his throat, eyes rolling as they continued. “Lucky you’re cute. Or I’d toss your ass into the Thames, and that is particularly unpleasant.” He retorted, lightly pinching her side to make her squeak.
“Oi! Precious cargo here.” Her hip bumped into his as they walked, looking at her fake wedding ring. Although it wasn’t real, seeing it and what it represented made her stomach flutter. Would that be a possibility? Would he ever actually propose? What ring would he actually choose? He’d probably do it somewhere very private and secret, just the two of them. Shaking herself out of that thought, she continued. “What I was saying was, yes. I’m happy to head back. Your arm must be tired from holding all of my stuff.”
It wasn’t too bad. A few bags with the very tacky and overpriced London swag, things he knew she would probably stick on a shelf and not use- but part of him felt some sort of happiness that she liked it enough to buy souvenirs. “S’fine, darling. Snow globes and tee shirts and magnets are surprisingly lightweight.”
“Right, so you don’t mind if I drag us into the gift shop?” Bunny teased and squeezed his arm, tripping over her feet a bit as she leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek.
Harry had never thought he’d experience this type of relationship. It almost felt juvenile with how they clung to one another and got shy at each other's teasing ocassionally. It felt so out of character for him, but then again, it came naturally with her. He thought, if his life had been different, that maybe that’s how he was meant to be.
“Thought you said you were hungry?”
Pubs were a quintessential part of the British experience. You could go just about anywhere in the UK and there would always be a pub to welcome you in. Sure, the decor was a bit outdated, but Harry always thought it made them more charming. No two pubs were exactly alike. Some had different stools.
“What do you fancy? Fish and chips? Bangers and Mash? Gonna take you for a roast at the weekend.” Harry’s speech had already adjusted, his accent thicker than she’d ever heard it before. It made Bunny smile fondly, she’d never seen him in a mood like this and she was cherishing every second.
“Fancy, huh? You’re sounding incredibly British today, Mr.Davidson.” She winked, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and looping them as they settled at the end of the bar. The mood was just so good today, and she was relishing it.
“Fancy, yes. Like I fancy you.” His voice was quiet, a tiny smirk on the corner of his lips as she felt her heart stutter in her chest. His hands came to hold her hips, cuffing them with his cool skin and making her shiver. Her outfit wasn’t particularly thick- which was why she had stopped to buy the coat she’d hung up when they walked in. If someone stole it, oh well. It was pretty cheap.
“You do?” She peered at him through her lashes, toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Gonna make me blush. Look at you, flirty man.” Harry had been exceptionally affectionate today and it had almost taken her off guard. Like he could finally let go a bit and give her the proper boyfriend treatment, loved treatment, whatever it was called. It made her all fuzzy and hot in her stomach.
“Good. Like making y’shy.” He tugged at the ends of her hair. “Soon as a table opens up we can sit down and properly eat.” But he didn’t mind standing here. He soaked in every second of her leaning into him, playing like a proper couple on a ‘honeymoon’. He liked the feeling of the ring on that finger.
Bunny nodded along, letting her eyes wander around the dimly lit space. The place wasn’t too packed, though as the clouds drew in it seemed everyone was looking for shelter.
“Y/N? No fucking way.” A familiar voice interrupted Bunny from her train of thought. Her head snapped in the direction the voice was coming from, swallowing thickly. Fuck. Not here- not now.
“Ian?” She hadn’t seen him in years, not since he moved away for college. She had been so devastated back then. Sterling’s departure had taken a toll on her and well, Ian wasn’t man enough to tell her he too would be leaving her.
“Are you stalking me?” He joked, taking a step towards her. It seemed as though he hadn’t noticed just who she was there with.
Harry was quick to place himself between them.
Who the fuck is this? And why the fuck did he know Bunny? His jaw clenched so hard he was surprised his teeth didn’t crack, feeling fingers gently pressing against his arm as he looked down at the shorter man.
Was this some sort of sick joke?
“Who the fuck are you?” His words were cold, his molten relaxed nature from before cooling quickly before shattering like glass on the pavement. His eyes were sharp and hard as he looked down, feeling her peek over his arm and try and move closer but he extended it to keep her behind him.
Whoever the fuck this Ian was, he was in London. A place where she knew no one. The world couldn’t possibly be that small, and he was on edge all over again. “Are you following her?”
Oh god. Bunny stepped forward, clutching Harry’s arm in her grasp to try and chill him out. It looked bad, it definitely looked bad and she could understand his irritation, but-
“H, it’s okay-“
“No. It isn’t.” His harsh tone stung his own ears as he approached further, eyes zeroed in on him. “I’ll ask again, How the fuck did you find her here?”
“Find her?” Ian looked like he had seen a ghost. He had remembered Reaper, very very well. How could he forget all the times he’d come over and he’d be outside working on his bike? The death stare he gave was enough to have him rushing inside without turning back. He was aware of the reputation Reaper held, to say Ian was scared was an understatement.
“Dude, I swear I wasn’t trying to make any moves, just surprised she’s here— I live here man.” Ian was in a rush to finish his sentences, attempting to clear the lump forming his throat.
“Baby, you know that, remember? I was dating him before Sterling left.” Bunny peeped up from behind him, her heart beating out of her chest. The last thing she needed was for Harry to cause a scene when they were trying to lay low. While the coincidence was shocking, she knew full well Ian was too stupid to pull off what her stalker was pulling.
“Where?” Harry barked, preparing to grill the man for all he was worth. If he couldn’t tell him a way a Londoner would understand, he was worried he would do his head in right here on the bar. His stomach had already been turning at the mere mention of him dating her before, but the thought of being face to face with someone who could possibly be part of this ongoing torture of his girl? He was seething.
“Canary Wharf, a few stops on the DLR. I’m not giving you my address, sicko.”
“Sicko?” He laughed without humor. “I’m not the one following girls around. How’d you know she’d be here?” He took a step closer, the hair on the back of his neck prickled as he tried to scan the man’s face for any hint of lying.
He was scared shitless, as he should be, but Harry was thrown right back into the paranoia that he usually felt back home. The hesitation and distrust of anyone who got around her. How perfect would it be for her obsessive ex to be the one following her around?
“I didn’t! I swear I didn’t, bro. I’m just as surprised as she is- t-tell him, Y/N. Please!” He was backing up slightly as Harry took another step forward, making her grab his arm and try and tug him back.
“H- Hey.” She gently dragged her fingers down his arm. “Please. It’s okay. He’s been here for a while, he left a while back. I didn’t know where he was moving to.” Trying to diffuse the situation was unnerving. She’d seen Harry get like this a few times, but she didn’t want to make a scene here. “Look at me, please. He’s not the person you think.” Meaning her stalker. She could see the cogs turning in his mind, the nervousness from how he worked his jaw, how his other hand had slipped behind him to have a hand on his gun if he needed it. They couldn’t afford to have that happen in such a public place, but it was well known that Harry, when he was Reaper mindset, didn’t care. He would take out a threat and deal with the consequences. As much as it warmed her that he was that dedicated to her safety, it wasn’t any good if he went down for taking out the wrong guy.
��Babe.” Her stern tone cut through the tension, her hand moving to squeeze over his hand tightly. This couldn’t happen. Bunny’s heart was beating out of her chest, looking between the two of them as she tried to figure out what her next move was. “Ian, you remember Harry yeah?” She began, her fingers rubbing gentle circles over the wedding band on her boyfriend’s hand. It would be hard to explain it to Ian, so she figured it was best to keep them hidden. “He brought me here to London to show me around, we’ve been together for a while now so it felt like a good time to see where he came from.”
Harry was still sizing Ian up, chest heaving slightly. Focusing on the sound of Bunny’s voice, he could still hear the faint sound of blood pumping in his ears. This guy was harmless, she had ruled him out but Harry’s brain was still on high alert.
“Anyways, we were just leaving,” Harry interjected, no longer wishing to be in this idiot's presence. He needed to be back in a safe space with his Bunny.
“We don’t have to-“
“I just remembered our reservation. Let’s go.”  The tone of his voice had taken her off guard, unfamiliar with the sweet one he usually held specifically for her, but she would let it go despite how it stung under her skin. He was wound up and nervous, and he had just had a scare in the one place he had seemed to key his guard down. She had to remember that. He had just been knocked over, metaphorically speaking.
“You don’t have to run off,” Ian said with a laugh, feeling a bit bolder and wanting to reclaim that stupid masculinity he had felt was stripped of him from the interaction. “I’m not going to try and steal her-“
Before he could finish, his shirt was fisted in Harry’s hand, his body whipped around and pressed to the bar as the cocky look on his face faded to fear. His eyes were dark and cold, though the anger was simmering under the surface of his skin.
“You can’t have her. She isn’t an item to be stolen. I’ve heard about your puny cock and the lack of care you’ve given my girl. Bold of you to assume she’s mentioned more than her dissatisfaction over you.” He did indeed remember this dickhead. It made him want to drag him to the back alley and use the silencer on his gun to take him out. But he was in public. So threats would have to do. “If you breathe a word of her being here, if you try to contact her, if you even look at her again tonight, I will end you. Make your life a living hell, and end it with your body sunk in the Thames.” His words were quiet, but so matter of fact that Bunny’s eyes widened. The pub noises would filter out anyone else hearing, but she could.
“I know the people from the deepest depths of the underground here. One fucking call and I’ll have your entire flat ruined, your bank account drained, and your body strung up in an abandoned building before they dispose of you. So heed this warning very, very carefully.” He got closer. “You’ll stay here, order a pint, and forget that this night and my woman has ever existed. If I hear a word of this breathed out -and I will- I’ll make good on my phone call.” Eyes traced him in disgust. “And you won’t make very good fish food, either.”
Finally, he dropped the guy and pulled Bunny with him, trying to be mindful of how hard he pulled so her shorter legs wouldn’t make her fall. But he was livid. Angry, his face blank and nostrils flared as he grits his teeth.
She decided to stay silent, following him and wrapping her arm around his, their connected fingers an anchor for the both of them. “I’m sorry.” Her voice peeped, looking up at him. “I-didn’t know he would be there. I swear I haven’t known anything since he moved.”
He froze. Why was she apologizing?
Harry could hear the sound of his teeth grinding, though it seemed he felt no pain. His focus was purely on getting her back to the hotel as safely and quietly as possible. Stupid fucking idiot had to choose this pub of all pubs in London to walk into and ruin the perfect end to the day for his perfect girl.
“S’ fine, Bun.” Harry tried his best to reassure her, though his breathing was still heavy and his mind was still racing. He was on high alert as he guided the two of them through the busy crowd of Leicester Square, no one paid much attention to them there. Only one more turn and they’d be safe in the street right by their hotel.
Bunny wasn’t sure what she was expecting as they entered the hotel and made their way up. She chose to stay quiet, her arms wiggling their way around his waist as her head rested against his chest in an attempt to soothe them both. His heart was pounding, though his muscles were noticeably less tense than they had been at the pub.
She didn’t think she’d be able to eat much now, her main concern was tending to Harry. It’d been a good while since he’d snapped back into his protective state, they’d worked so hard to get him to actually relax on this trip. She had been worried it was all for nothing.
“Talk to me.” She murmured as they entered the safety of their room, the sound of Harry double-checking the locks behind them had her eyes squeezing shut. She wished he didn’t have to go through this. If only they didn’t go to that pub.
His throat bobbed as he scanned the room again, only broken out of the trance when her hands gently grabbed his face, cradling his jaw. All she did was gentle. She treated him with a softness no one else ever had, one that he had never even thought of himself being able to have.
There was a moment he stood without a word, looking down at him as he tried to gather himself. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her or make her feel neglected like he had the time before, but it was really fucking hard to do that. His body was taught, tense and he held back tremors of both rage and fear. It was a false alarm, sure, but he had felt all the feelings he imagined surfacing from finding the son of a bitch stalker. His uneven breathing filled the room as she continued to try and soothe him, her soft and concerned gaze killing him. How the fuck was she being so good with him even after what he had done? How he had shut down?
“I was terrified.” He admitted into the silence of the room. “That it was him. I’m still not convinced he isn’t involved.  I was letting myself get too relaxed. You’re in danger.” He stressed, head tilting back as he ran his hands over his face. There was obvious regret and self anger in his tone, breaking her heart just a bit more. “I was selfish for not letting my head be on a swivel.  I could never forgive myself if I let you get hurt. Ever.” Hs hands peeled off his cheeks so he could look at her, the seriousness of his words bleeding through.
“I promised to protect you. Not only to your father, to your brother- but to myself. This whole thing, you and I? It isn't just sex to me, Bunny. You’re- you’re mine. In every fucking sense of the word. The one person that means anything to me and if I fuck up because I want to- I want to be selfish and just let go? I’d die. If you hurt, I hurt. I can’t ever let it happen.” He felt the intensity in his stomach rise, the feelings he had been trying to keep in check boiling over in the pot. Frothing over the edges, he couldn’t stop himself from falling for her, no matter how many times he had stirred and tried to keep the overflow at bay.
“You mean the most to me. I’ve never cared this much about a person. I felt so much rage… not only at him but at myself. I’m so angry.” He growled. “He looked at you. He touched your arm. How much fucking clearer does it have to be?” Slowly backing her up, Bunny trusting him as her back bumped against the door and her head tipped up to look up at him. Her angry knight. So passionate about protecting her. “Do I have to get you a sign to tell people you’re mine? That I’m yours and I will rip their hearts from their chest, I will slice off any finger that touches you?” His eyes blazed, Harry’s discomfort obvious. He meant every word. AS gruesome as he could be, she hadn’t seen the whole of it yet. This girl got to see the good parts of him and he was convinced that she would be the only one they were reserved for.
Bunny’s eyes searched his, trying to find some kind of sign. Sure, his emotions were on high, but he meant each word he was saying. She could feel it— never once did his words falter, his gaze never leaving hers as his fingertips delicately began to push her jacket off of her shoulders.
“Say something.” Harry breathed, his eyes too scanning hers in an attempt to anchor himself in the moment. When he was with her nothing else mattered, he didn’t have to be anyone he wasn’t. With her he was free. “I mean every word—“
“I know.” Bunny’s voice had been so quiet she wasn’t even sure if he heard it. The words she had wanted to say were hiding just under her breath, if only she felt brave she would tell him. Profess that she loved him and that she trusted him more than anyone else in this world. “I keep thinking,” She started, her sentence interrupted by the thump of her jacket falling on the floor. “You’re the only one I’d want to be here with. The only one I want…” Her words trailed off with a soft moan. God, she was sick.
Cold fingertips dragged up along her arm, Harry’s other hand finding the warmth of her lower back just under her top. He really couldn’t help himself, she was the only thing that could get him to relax.
His stomach heated with a different sort of passion. A flick of a candle, a switch of a blade, a single moan. Her soft body melted into his own as her eyes bore into his own, that calming energy sinking into his skin and melding into arousal that he couldn’t help. She was aroused by this?
Yes. She was. The woman was affected by his words, by his protective nature. Even as deprived and awful, inhumane as his version of justice could be perceived as, she was excited by it. Flattered. His face got closer to hers, bracing with his arm against the door.
“I mean it.” His words were a shaky exhale. “I mean every fucking word.” His hands slipped further under the fabric, her hot skin melting his icy interiors yet again. “Anyone touches you… anyone even thinks about stroking this perfect skin… tasting your mouth…. Harming a single hair on your head. I’d end them.” He pressed closer, fingers finding the nape of her neck. “I’d kill for you, baby. D’you know that?” Harry doubted that she would ever actually know the full extent of what he would do for her. How close she had him to being on his knees at her wish.
She nodded, their noses brushing together. Harry smiled, not a normal one but what she could consider almost feral. Hot. Her thighs trembled as she couldn’t recall anyone else who had been able to gain such a reaction from her body. Their interactions were always something she felt fully, but his intensity was ringing in her ears, throbbing through her body. There wasn’t a shadow of a doubt that he would.
“I almost did tonight. I meant every word. And I’ll do the same back in Vegas. I’ll find who is tracking you… I’ll send them to meet Hades myself. And then… then I’m going to take you on a proper vacation. I’m going to take you to a beach and fuck you on the sand, I’m going to fuck you on my bike, I’m going to do everything you deserve.  I know I don’t deserve you. But I’m a selfish son of a bitch, Bunny. I’m mean, I fight, I do illegal shit, I’ve got blood on my hands and targets on my back, but I’m keeping you anyway.” Their breathing mingled as he tried to control himself but it was slipping.
His lips pressed against hers hard, feeling her fists on his shirt to pull him closer. It was no use.
“I will burn the entire fucking city down to make sure you’re safe. I’ve never been afraid of anything. Death, fire, pain. But I’m fucking terrified of losing you.”
Time stood still as the two of them stood barely a step into their hotel room. Harry cradled her with his arm, unable to get enough of his skin on her own. Her shivers only drove him all the more insane, he was hypnotized by the feeling she brought him, the comfort of her existence was something he felt himself continuously getting drunk on. He didn’t want to stop himself, he couldn’t. Not when every moment felt like it could be their very last.
“I’m not going anywhere, Harry. I’ll always find you.” Bunny knew there was very little could do, but on the off chance that this fucker managed to find her she would leave as many clues for Harry as she possibly could. No way would she let some monster get in the way of this beautiful blossoming relationship. “Even if it hurts me.” She whispered, eyes flickering down to his lips. She was hungry to taste them again, it was the perfect remedy for the comedown of shock. What if she wanted it to hurt?
“Please let go just for tonight… just take me how you want to.” She would do just about anything to get him back to a relaxed state again. This feral look on his face awakened something in her, he’d previously mentioned he’d been holding back. There was something about the dark breathy chuckle he let out that had her mind reeling.  “I’m serious.” Bunny felt her heart rate picking up as he toyed with the delicate skin of her neck. “Please.”
“You don’t know what you’re asking.” He whispered, trying to keep that curated delicacy he had reserved for her at hand- but failing. Failing miserably.
“I do.” She whispered back, arching into him. “You’re upset. You want to prove that I’m yours?” There was danger in taunting him. The girl knew that. But she wanted him to break down, to give in to those urges again. The last time had been so, so good. She could still feel the slight ache but she wanted more. Greedy. She was so incredibly greedy for every lick and drop of affection, his real self she could get. Her hand reached for his, pulling it towards the front of her throat to collar it.
“Fuck me, Harry. Own me. Use my body, mark me, make everyone know.” She bleated, eyes wide for him. “Please?” Her lips pressed against his. “Please, please, please. Just for tonight- make me ache. You know my limits. Push them.”
“Baby, I don’t want to hurt you.” Harry breathed through his nose, trying so hard not to give in to her even though she was offering herself up on a silver platter. The feeling of his hand around her throat was something that’d felt natural, her kiss tempting him even more. She knew just how to get him to succumb to her desires but there was still that bit of fear.
Sure, the other night they dabbled into the territory. A few good slaps, her slipping into subspace. This, however, was a whole other beast. Harry could be truly sadistic, relentless in the way he fucked women. While his girl had proven to be the perfect slut for him, he still worried that he would lose himself. There would always be more caution in this because he cared about her, he adored her, her life meant something to him. It just made him worry a little about self control when she taunted him. Especially when he was in a mood like this. Where he knew he wouldn’t stop himself from absolutely ruining her.
“I want you to.” Bunny was confident that she could take it. The slaps yesterday were manageable, hot, even and with the right aftercare, she was positive there was nothing he could do that would truly hurt her. Harry in his feral state was terrifying, yes, but a thrill that made her sopping wet. She was the object of his desire, surely the aggression he would lay upon her would translate differently than it had with anyone before her.
“Want you to show me the real you… want to know what it’s like, I can handle it.” She had opened up for him so nicely, let him see her slip into the softest of spaces. She had hoped to see him enter his own headspace, one where they could interact together.
“God….” Harry rolled his head back on his shoulders, his erratic breathing amplified by her fingers pressing over his own, making him squeeze. It got his attention right away. Damn it all to hell. The woman had a road map to the paths to drive him wild the quickest, the buttons installed in the tips of her little fingers.
She moaned. The vibration of it stung his palm. She was serious. Her head rolling back on the door as she hated herself to him with her eyes fluttering at the feeling. She was showing him, taunting him, and Harry could feel the tether to his rational being fraying.
“You… can handle it?” His lips curled up in one of the most cruel little smirks she had ever seen. “The soft, sweet little slut can handle it? Just a bit of slapping has you slipping. You really think you can manage it? When I make a mess out of you?”
Her nod made him narrow his eyes, watching as she blinked up at him. Did she?
He tested the waters, gathering saliva under his tongue and spitting it right on her closed lips, getting a surprised gasp from her. A flinch. “Lick your lips. Clean it up.” He stood straighter, seeming to loom over her. She stood with wide eyes, looking like she was going to speak before he took his fingers from behind her and lightly smacked her cheek.
“I didn’t fucking ask you to speak.  Did I?” Her head shook, a tiny whimper making him laugh before continuing on. “No, I didn’t. I know you get a little brainless when I touch you, all you can think about is cock… but I gave you instruction. Try again.” He hissed, feeling his cock throb at how quickly she let her tongue rub over her lips. Pink brushing over the glistening pair of lips wet with his spit, she slowly dragged the muscle over the pout.
“There we are. Pretty little pet does have some sense floating up there.” He cooed, thumbing the rest she couldn’t get over the rest of her chin and rubbing it into the skin.
There was a pause, his eyes softening for a moment as he checked in. “My messy baby. Are you sure you can handle it? Y’know I adore you.” He pressed a soft kiss to her wet mouth, a direct contrast to his previous actions. “You’re my girl but… I’m gonna be mean to you. You know how to get me to stop, yeah?” It had to be abundantly clear. There wouldn't be unnecessary risks of losing her trust.
Bunny nodded her head, not wanting to risk speaking and making him unnecessarily angry. Just one word, that’s all it would take for him to stop. She decided to take his word for it and behave while she was still grounded in reality, god knows what she’s getting herself into when she was drunk on him and his cock. He’d given her a taste of it last time, blown her expectations out of the water, but she was his greedy girl after all.
His actions had shaken her up just enough for wetness to start pooling in her panties. She loved seeing him in this state, it was so animalistic. He was only focused on one thing and that was pleasure— in this case, his own. She would happily give herself to him a million times over if this meant he could get it out of his system. If it was anything like before she knew she’d enjoy it.
He’d never been mean to her before, it would definitely be a new feeling. However, it was all in the name of sex. Sex makes you say all sorts of things, it’s part of its nature. It’s a connection people can’t properly put into words. Bunny was eager to explore their connection even further and prove their trust.
“That’s a good girl.” He sighed, stroking over her hair before wrapping it around his fist. “Come.”
There was no other option- but Y/N didn’t mind. She followed, relishing in the slight prickling pain on her scalp as he stayed true to his word and led her like a naughty pup over to the bed.
“You’re such a nice girl. It really is such a shock to me that you love acting like a depraved whore.” He said with a chuckle. “Y’know, I thought… the first time we saw each other again, you were so sweet looking. Grown up, not a little girl, but sweet. That big smile and sparkling pretty eyes, bouncing on your feet. And then, later in the night… you crawled up on my lap. Tried to tempt me, with your brother just feet away. That’s when I knew there had to be something with you. Something that made you dirty, just like me.”
He undid his belt with his free hand, the sound of the leather snapping out of the belt loops making her whimper. His start was intense, intently on her eyes as he released her hair. “Wrists in front of you.”
There was no second request. She did it quickly, letting herself feel the warm leather wrap snugly around her wrists and through them. There was a shot of jealousy when she realized she was not the only one he had done this to. No- Harry must have done this dozens of times because of how well he did it, but she kept her mouth shut as he secured her.
“There.” One last tug and she was secure enough to not escape, but easy enough for Harry to be able to undo it quickly. “What a fucking vision you are, darling. Look at you.” His voice aired out, walking in a circle around her. Reaching into his pocket, he steadied himself behind her. His nose brushed her neck, inhaling the scent of her. This was enough to get him drunk. The perfume, her soap, the scent that could only be her…. Biting down on the flesh in a nip to make her yelp.
“Too good. Too fucking good for me, and yet…. You let me do such filthy things to you. I wonder what everyone would think if they knew how eager you were to get my cock in your mouth. So quickly after we agreed I’d be your boyfriend… taunting me. Almost crying because I didn’t give you my cum. And now? Now you want it dripping down your thighs.”
There was a metallic slice in the air, Bunny stiffening as she felt cool metal brush her chest. The flag of his pocket knife. “If they knew you shivered in anticipation while having a knife held to you. You know how nasty you’ve got to be, darling?” He laughed, the heat of it making her shiver again. “Oh, that’s why you’re so perfect for me, little Bunny.”
She gasped as he sliced through the upper part of her top in a swift motion, using his hands to rip the rest off. “But what good is having a beautiful slut at my beck and call if she’s clothed?”
The anticipation was killing her, all her senses heightened. She’d been waiting for him to bring the knife out again, but the unexpected action had her feeling warm. There was something that washed over her, a feeling reminiscent of embarrassment but was much more pleasurable. Sitting there exposed to him, clothes cut, unable to move her hands. The danger of it all was too appealing, Harry played the part well. Though, he wasn’t playing at all.
Harry noticed her breathing pick up, the way her chest was heaving made his cock stir in his jeans. He let the blade of the knife trace down her denim-clad leg, teasing her with the sensation before the tip met the zipper. “I bet you’re soaked under these, my perfect whore. Always ready for me to stuff you.” He was debating cutting the jeans off of her but decided against it, using one hand to unbutton them and pull them down.
Harry wasted no time in slicing her panties off, a dark laugh leaving his lips at her gasp. “Always liked that move, hm? Filthy slut. Open.” He commanded, waiting for her jaw to drop down before stuffing her mouth full of her panties. “Don’t trust you to stay quiet so I think this will do.”
It was degrading, absolutely, but there was just something about the way Harry could make it feel good. The humiliation swam in her stomach pooling down to her cunt, the damp spot on the fabric pressed against her tongue.
“Tastes good, doesn’t it?” He ran the cold metal over her thighs, over her mound ever so carefully to get it wet before moving in front of her. His eyes were dark, tongue licking up the flat of the blade and groaning at the taste. “Yeah. You can see why I love being parked right between these gorgeous thighs. If you weren’t such a baby, you’d stop complaining about being over-sensitive and let me lick you up. But…” he tossed the knife to the side. “I think….” His hand pushed her to fall on the bed. “It’s time for a proper taste. I’ve got you gagged, bound… I can lick you up, and prepare you for my cock. How does that sound?” He turned his back towards her to the drawer beside the bed, where he had left the cleaned and unpackaged toys. “Oh, that’s right. Y’can’t reply.” The snarky reply somehow left her feeling a bit more hot. How did he manage that?
“Gonna make you so sensitive, and you’re just going to lay there and take it. You loved being my fucktoy last time, so let’s see.” Standing between her legs, he tugged her by the ankles toward the end of the bed while he ignored her muffled squeak.  “Three kicks with your foot if it’s too much. Otherwise? Don’t complain.” Establishing a safe system was imperative regardless of verbal ability.
Bunny felt her cunt throbbing but resisted the urge to squeeze her thighs together. It wouldn’t do her any good, not when Harry was standing there looking down at her cunt as if it was his first and last meal all at once. He took his sweet time, picking up one of her legs so he could kiss and bite his way down to her core.  He loved the way she reacted to him, her sensitivity made him crave her that much more. Her scent had him forgetting what he had initially planned to do, eyes zeroing in on her puffy slick folds. Harry’s hands gripped around her thighs, lowering himself till he was kneeling on the floor.
With the panties gagging her, Bunny assumed her moans would be silenced. Instead, she was met with muffled sounds that only elevated the feeling of Harry’s tongue lapping her up. It was an erotic blend, the sound of slurping and sucking making her legs twitch. He was so good at this. Creating environments built to break her down little by little.
He was relentless.
Of course that was a given, but it seemed he was even more desperate tonight to get her, to get every bit of her slick on his tongue and she couldn’t keep quiet, even with her gag. He wasn’t holding back, licking up from her entrance to her clit before spitting back down and using his hand to gently smack over her.
When she squealed, Harry’s wet mouth grinned, filthy promise written in his eyes as he smacked harder over her clit and watched her hips buck up. “Slut for pain. Like when I do that to you?” He shook his head, picking up the toy and dragging up her wet folds. “I hope that extends to some overstimulation. I want you to cry for me today. Good tears. Tears only I can ever get out of you.”
Turning it on he felt her jump, the lower setting making her squirm as he situated it right on her clit whilst his finger slipped into her cunt. “Drooling little hole you’ve got… you’re lucky you love this so much. It’s going to make it far easier for us when I’m fucking you.”
The woman’s breathing was staggered, her stomach clenching at the tension he was creating. It hurt so good, the burn paired with a deep lull of pleasure creeping throughout her body. The gentle vibration of the toy was tormenting her, if only he had turned it up even just one degree she swore it wouldn’t be as agonizing as this.
Whimpers managed to push through the fabric lodged in her mouth, her thighs twitching in his grasp. She was trying her best not to squirm, breathing heavily through her nose as she mentally coached herself through the pleasure. Her cunt squeezed around his fingers, desperate to be filled by his cock once again. He said he was being mean, there would be no point begging. She did tell him he could do what he wanted. Bunny would be good.
“What a perfect fucking whore, I can feel you squeezing me. Want more?” Harry mocked, rubbing the pads of his fingers over her precious g-spot. He was slow with the movements, coaxing more of those delicious little moans out of her. “Should’ve known you could take it— don’t you dare cum before I say so.” He didn’t want to stop touching her, he intended to flood her senses for a good while before giving her her first of many orgasms.
Harry clicked the toy up a speed, chuckling darkly at the way her body jolted. “So sensitive, so greedy…” He just about growled into her thigh, teeth sinking into the skin enough to satisfy him. The man could tell she was gone, but he didn’t want to stop it. Not when she was taking it so well, not when she so clearly wanted more.
She yelped against the fabric, body jerking as his teeth marked her. He hadn’t been joking when he had said he was going to go for it. While he’s bitten her before, this one was a claiming one. Dark and hard and a promise of more, making her drip for him.
“So-ee.” The poor attempt of ‘Sorry’ was muffled through a gag, apologizing from her jolt. His eyes glazed up at her, shaking his head but continuing his slight torture.
Harry loved to see her wet like this. To see the wet juices of her cunt coat his fingers and drip down her folds, all the way down to her ass. Soon enough it would mark the bedcover, and he couldn’t wait for that. His cock was aching, pulsing in his briefs but he was satisfying a different urge.
“Sorry? Mm… Slutty thing is sorry she can’t take a bite. What are we going to do with you?” Adding another finger, her legs twitched as her toes curled, the sloshing, wet sound of them fucking into her the music he needed to hear to his ears. “Don’t fucking cum.” He warned, pressing the vibrator harder against her clit. “Don’t do it. I know you’ve got a filthy set of holes back here, but have some self control.” He could feel it, the beginnings of clenches around his fingers and her thighs trembling as she began to protest behind the gag.
She almost did it. The pain had buzzed on to pleasure as his joined fingers curled right against a spot that had her stomach jumping, but he could tell. Immediately, her muddled moans were disrupted by a screech. His hand yanked away the toy, his fingers pulling out and the wet palm of his hand coming rough roughly onto her cunt.
“What did I say? Did I not just fucking tell you to hold it? You were going to do it anyway.” Again, his hand came down right over her clit, the sharp sting making her writhe under him.  Again. And again. The stringing of slaps to her most intimate area hurt, but they felt good. So good, and Bunny could feel tears gathering at the corners of her eyes.
With a glare, Harry’s fingers pulled her spit soaked panties from her mouth and held her jaw roughly, speaking to her through a cruel smile. “Does it hurt too bad?” He cooed, shaking her head back and forth before he narrowed his eyes. “Or…Did you like that? Did my pretty little pain slut like having her cunt smacked around?” He asked, wiping his wet fingers on her cheek. Y/N was stupified, eyes wide and wet and mouth open as she tried to find the words. “Yes or no, Bunny. Use those words. Or did Daddy take them away from you so quickly?”
“Yes, I liked it, Daddy.” Bunny could feel her face heating up as she breathed out her answer. Admitting it to him always made her feel so shy, even more so than being spread out like this. Her body belonged to him, she never wanted to hide from him after the first time. But saying she liked his twisted methods of domination was another story.  She used all the strength she had to hold herself up, using this opportunity to take in his expression. His face was wet—covered in her arousal, and his eyes were dark with pure lust. Primal desire, he couldn’t help himself. Every bit of her struggle to manage the immense pleasure sent him further into the headspace. He swore he could swallow her whole if she’d let him.
“Yeah? You like it, gorgeous?” Harry cooed, noticing the floaty look in her eyes. She was just as far gone as he was, he was glad she had convinced him to give in. His perfect girl, she really could take it.
“I do... I do, I love it.” She mewled, seeking his approval as she looked at him with glassy eyes and pouty lips. “Love e-everything you do to me. I want to make you happy.”
Harry felt that tiny bit of softness leak through the primitive layer, making him pet over her face softly before it melted away. She was dazed, looking like a baby deer- his helpless little Bunny. “I know you do. I could do anything I wanted and you’d thank me for it.” He sighed, shaking his head before pressing his lips to hers. A hint of softness before he had her.
“I could take this little toy….” He took the vibrator, switching it back on to a higher setting and placing it on her clit as he loomed over her shivering body, her mouth open and wet as she took uneven inhales. “And I could tape it to you. I could keep this little thing connected to your poor little clit and make you cum over and over for me until you can’t take it. And you’d thank me.”
A tear dripped down her cheek as she tried to hold back, the orgasm quickly rising as he had found the perfect spot, the perfect pace. “H-sir, sir- please let me cum, please, please, please.” She wrung her hands in the belt, the bite of the leather making her moan. “I can’t hold it, I can’t hold it, I wanna be good-“
And then, it was gone. A sob left her throat, frustration raising as Harry’s smirking face was her only vision.
“That was a cute beg. I liked it.” His smile resembled a wolf. Hunting her down, playing with his food. “Let’s try it again.”
“No, no, no— Please!” Bunny cried, thrashing slightly in disapproval. “Please, please, please, please—“
“Quiet,” Harry commanded, his voice stern as his hand roughly gripped her face. With furrowed brows he stared down at her, daring her to look away. “You were doing so well, what happened?” He kissed his teeth, dropping her from his grip. “If you want to cum you have to listen to me, brat.” He was testing his own patience. Hearing her beg was a weakness of his, but he wanted to prove a point.
Bunny simply nodded, bottom lip quivering for a moment. She wanted to cum so bad she could cry, the smack he placed across her cheek only fueling the fire in her core. “I’m sorry, sir.” She squeaked, blinking away her needy tears in hopes that he would touch her.
“Can I have a kiss? Please.” Her voice changed momentarily, needing him to ground her and remind her that she was doing well despite his harshness.
It was a moment of clarity, her shaky voice bleeding into a slightly unsure tone that had him softening up nearly immediately. It was good to know that his body truly could tell a difference. His fingers stroked her cheek where he had smacked, eyes gentle as he tipped her chin up and pressed their lips together for a loving kiss. “Doing so well for me. Can’t believe how well you’re taking this.” He murmured against her lips. “You’re okay?” The last thing he wanted to do was upset her seriously.
Thankfully she nodded, puckering her lips for a few more kisses which he readily gave to her before he could sense her melting back into position. “There. Good girl. Just tell me if you need me to stop, you know the safe word.” He gently tapped the tip of her nose before he let that dark mask take back over.
She was in awe of how he could do it. How he could be so loving and tender to her and then call her all the names in the book- and even more so because she loved it. Ate up every single piece of it
Without a word, he slipped his hand under her jaw to keep her eyes on him while the other flipped the vibrator back on. “You can cum this time. Then I think you’ll be nice and open for my dick. I want to see you be the pretty, needy little brat. Talk to me. Because as soon as I’m inside you, you’re not going to be able to.” He nudged their noses together. “Because you get so dumb on my cock. I love every bit of it. But someone’s got to remind you who you belong to.”
She belonged to him.
Everyone in this hotel would know that by the end of the night, Harry would make sure of it. Granting her permission to make noise, he knew there was no reason for her to hold back. He himself was tired of the muffled sounds, he wanted to hear her loud and clear.
“Thank you, sir, I-aH” Bunny’s breath hitched, relaxing into the feeling with a low whine. He had started it off deliciously slow again, though the pain from his previous torment had built up. She was sensitive.
“Just wanna cum, wanna show you how good you make me feel.” Bunny’s hands instinctually went to cup her tits but forgot about her bound wrists. She cursed him in her head, quickly losing herself in the pleasure as he turned the toy up another speed.
“Please slap my tits, want you to bite me again— I wanna cum for you over and over and over like you said, sir.” She was gone, far gone.  “I’m your good girl, I promise.”
Harry loved this. He loved every bit of it.
This woman called to every single part of him, making him feel slightly feral as she spoke. This was his best friend’s little sister, the woman he was supposed to protect, and yet she was here telling him to slap her tits, bite her, to make her cum. It was wrong in many senses of the word but Harry had found that part of that made it feel even better.
He growled under his breath, doing exactly as he wanted. “That’s what I wanted.” He chuckled, slapping her bare breast before pinching her nipple. The noise that came from her swollen mouth was unlike what he’d heard before, but it continued when he pulled on it. It was visible in her face, she was wrecked already and he wanted to get her there. Make her babble again, her shaking legs struggling to stay open as he leaned down to bite right on the swell of her breast.
Bunny let out another desperate mewl, the bite hurting so fucking good she was close to seeing stars. “Please, please, I’m a good girl. I’m a good girl for you, I’m yours, keep biting me- M’gonna cum, gonna cum, gonna….” Her frantic squeaks were paired with a dark noise from Harry’s throat, moving to her neck to bite down on the soft curve of her shoulder. As soon as his teeth dug in, she lost it.
The vibrations, the pain of them, his fingers twisting and pinching her breast, the perfect mixture to make her cum. A wail left her plushy mouth as Harry rutted slightly against her thigh, pulling his teeth away to watch her face scrunch in pleasure.
She could feel pins and needles in her legs, crying as she came. The work up to the orgasm, the restraint, his closeness, she was greedy and got one of her wishes.
Bunny sighed in satisfaction, her body convulsing as she rode out the orgasm. “Fuck! Ah-“ She hissed, finally feeling the buzzing of the vibrator on her clit. It seemed that Harry wasn’t satisfied with just the one. “It hurts, Daddy.” She couldn’t bring herself to tell him to turn it off though.
“Shh, give it a few moments, pet…” Harry mumbled against her skin, knowing if she waited long enough the pain would turn to pleasure. It took a few more moments and whines from her till he felt her hips buck up against the toy. “That’s it, give me another one like the greedy little whore you are.” He let his mouth move back down to her chest, sucking at the skin before finding another perfect patch to bite.
Her skin was so warm and smooth against him, though he was starting to get annoyed at the layers he still had on. He hadn’t even bothered to rid himself of his clothes, getting carried away in the moment. He couldn’t bring himself to let go of her either.
“Can I? Fuck— can I cum again? It feels so good, can I, can I, can I—“ Bunny’s breathing was picking up again, eyes squeezing shut as if that would stop the quickly building climax from ripping through her. “I can’t hold it, please say yes, please—”
Pulling off her nipple, his hand smacked against her breast before he barked out the order.
She felt like she wasn’t in her own body, on her way out. Halfway in. She was hot, sweat on her brow as she shuddered under him. It was fuzzy, her eyes clenching shut as her mouth opened in a silent screech.
Harry loved watching her cum. How her body arched, how she shook, her jaw clenching and her chest heaving. He was going to make sure he could keep this vision exclusively his for the rest of his life.
“That’s it, that’s my fucking girl.” He praised, laughing in disbelief as he felt her gush a little on his hand that held the toy. Messy, wet, everything he had been going for. He knew when it was starting to get too much, her squirm and whine signaling him for the right moment to stop. Pulling it off, he tossed it to the side and pressed their lips together, peppering filthy praises between the kisses.
“My fucking girl. So pretty when you cum for me. You drive me crazy. I’m so obsessed with you.” He panted, pulling back and taking her bound hands, and untying the belt off of her wrists.  They looked a little irritated, making him take a second to stroke over them and bring them together to kiss the irritated skin. “M’not sorry, precious. You loved it.”
He was quick to dispose of the rest of his clothes, kicking them whenever they landed. He just wanted her. She was boneless on the bed, his gorgeous woman, panting as she looked at him with wet cheeks and clenched thighs he had to pry back open.
“C’mon,Baby. Up.” He lifted her towards the top of the bed. settling her onto the pillows, her hair haloed across the linen pillowcases, her bitten lips plump and dark, cheeks wet with her tears from the pleasure. His angelic picture with a frame sent from hell.
“You can touch me now, but I need to be inside of you.”
“I want you,“ Bunny’s hands immediately flew up to his hair, tugging at the roots with vigor. She had been itching to do it since the minute his tongue swiped over her clit, her grip so tight she swore her knuckles were white. “Inside. Right now.” She was still breathless, lifting her head to connect their lips once again.
She loved to kiss him. She would be happy just kissing him forever, but why would she want to when he could fuck her like this? “You’re so hot,” She whined against him, “please put your cock in me. I can’t stop thinking about it.”
Bunny let one of her hands trail down his back, nails digging into the skin to inflict a bit of pain and emphasize her words. She needed his cock. “Call me greedy, I don’t care, I want it so bad— I wanna make a mess all over you. Want to feel you,” She trailed off, her eyes glazed over with desire. Her hand moved to grab his, placing it over the softest part of her belly. “Here.”
He had definitely broken her a bit. That shy, soft spoken spirit with a hint of tease had gone full blown need, showing her hand as she broke,  egging him for it. Whining. She liked to be manhandled, she liked how regardless of his rough actions he took time to praise and check in and it drove her mad.
His hand flexed on her stomach, a fire flaring through his body.  His Bunny begging him for it, not a hint of hesitation- it did something for him. A new wick lit inside, engulfing the rest of him in flames.  It triggered a thought. One that would have repulsed him had it been quite literally anyone else…but the girl under him had a way of making him completely and utterly ruin any walls he had up. Rubble on the pavement.
He obliged, settling between her legs and brushing the dripping, ruddy tip of his engorged cock through her slick and puffy lips. It was so easy to get wet enough, wasting little time as he began to push in.
“Then take it.” He whispered, sliding his hand under her neck to hold her there. Right at the nape, eyes watching as hers watered at the stretch. “You want me in your belly, baby? Want to be full of me?” Lips brushed hers. “You are such a needy, desperate little bitch. Y’know that? I adore every part of it. Makes me even more glad that you’re mine… but…” he hissed as she welcomed him in, finding his home deep seated in her cunt with his balls up against her ass. “When you do things like that, makes me want to breed you.” Their mingled breathing paused as Bunny’s caught in her throat. “Ought t’knock you up. Keep you full….. because you’re mine. You know it… but the world should know too, shouldn’t it? Should know *exactly* who you belong to.”
Y/N whined, wide eyed looking at him as her body reacted to the ultra possessive claim. He’s always been a domineering man, but something about such a permanent claim had them both hot. It would be the worst timing, but her legs tightened around him to keep him close.
“Please.” The bleated word hit his lips. “I- yes. Yes. I want it, I want you in my belly. Please do it.”
Harry snickered at her pleading, feeling his cock grow impossibly heavy inside her. She was begging for his load, to have his child. Part of him knew she was just spacey, but he decided he’d let himself imagine she truly meant it for the moment. Would hurt right?
“Asking so nicely, like a good little slut.” He purred, the same feral smile returning to his face. His hips pulled back only to snap back inside her with a guttural moan leaving his throat. “Fucking love your cunt,” He set a slow pace for himself, wanting to meld his cock into every part of her walls. “Think I could spend days inside of you and still never get enough…. And you’re squeezing me so tight, you still aren’t satisfied?”
“No, too slow.” Bunny breathed, at her wit's end. Feeling full of him wasn’t cutting it in this state, she was feigning. Her hips bucked up on her own, her back arching to lean further into him. Her bratty self wasn’t taking too well to this position. He was still going easy on her. “Don’t tease me anymore, know you want to fuck me stupid. Make me hurt. Show me how you want it.”
What she hadn’t expected, though, was the sting in her scalp as he gripped her hair and kept her face still as he filled her to the brim, stopping the thrusts.
No. No, she needed more.
“I think you forget who’s in charge here.” He snarled. “No matter how good your cunt is, I’m the one who owns it. Making demands?” He laughed through his nose. “I’ll do as I damn well please.” His cock pulled back out to the tip before slamming back in, making the bed lurch and hit the wall.
She swore she saw stars, a scream leaving her lips as he repeated it again. Deep, so fucking deep that she didn’t know what to do with herself.
“Where did my good whore go? I love that beg but-“ he gave another devastating thrust, making her pant, nails digging into his back roughly. “You turned into a brat. Lucky I need to empty my balls and you’ve got a perfect hole for it, or I’d take it away from you.”
Her grip was strong enough to break skin, nails clawing down the length of his back with primal need.
Harry groaned at the feeling, the burn adding to his arousal. He liked the pain she was inflicting upon him but needed to be closer, deeper.
Without much of a warning, he pulled out and flipped her around, slamming back into her with such force the bed frame smacked against the wall again.
“No more words, Princess? Already gone dumb on my cock?” Harry couldn’t stop his hips from pistoning in and out of her with force. The feeling of her milking him was far too good, he’d teased himself enough and it was time to give in. “Take it. Every, last, bit.” His voice grew dark, pushing himself up off of her so he could take in his view.
Beautiful supple skin ready to be marked in any way he pleased. Her ass was something he couldn’t resist. “Wanted to plug you up today, make you squirm till you begged for me to fill both of your holes.” Thwack. Harry paused to admire the trace left over on her skin. “I couldn’t wait. I knew you couldn’t either— filthy little slut. You’re dripping f’me.” He smirked, placing another heavy handed smack on the opposite cheek.
She didn’t know how good it would feel.
There had been a feeling. With how he had smacked her before, how he had held her a bit rough. She knew that she liked pain and liked to see him in a darker, dominant headspace- but she hadn’t expected to feel the stinging prickles on her cheek and have it travel down to her cunt, showing clearly now as he fucked into her. His smacks had made her moan, the garbled noise fueling him further. His fingers brushed over her hot skin gently and massaged the flesh as his cock pounded into her. A contrast to the heavy thrusts stealing her breath and the slamming of the headboard into the wall behind them.
“Fu-uck. I can’t- I….” She choked on her words as he shifted, one leg over her hip while he stayed between his thighs with the other one. Her ass was spread open with his hand, thumb pressing into her hole as she squealed and thrashed under him.
It was too much. Both her holes being filled, the jostling of her body, being tossed around with her face in the sheets, she came without permission. Screaming muffled into the fabric as her face was stained with sweat and tears, noises punched out of her as he didn’t let up.
If anything? It spurred him on.
The steady sound of the headboard smacking against the wall kept the two of them anchored in reality. They paid no mind to the slow cracking in the bed frame, instead, Harry found himself sinking deeper into a new headspace.
“Greedy girl,“ He growled lowly, his voice settling in the thick air of the room. The smell of sin was enough for him to feel high. “Can’t wait for permission?” Another smack reverberated throughout the room. “You‘ll give me another.” He demanded.
Bunny opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Unable to form a single sentence, she screamed while writhing beneath him. Everything felt fuzzy, her vision blurry, her body completely open. His words made her cunt clench, surprising herself with how much she could take. Her body was begging for more. Her head turned so she could catch her breath, attempting to stabilize herself with her grip on the sheets and mattress. It was no use.
“Knew you’d shut up.” Harry was feral. “Keep screaming, slut. This is exactly what you wanted wasn’t it?”
It was, it was exactly what the both of them wanted- and they wouldn’t be stopping.
Not until it was 3 in the morning, the bed had broken, and their muscles ached.
And a hole in the wall from the bed frame- but that would be a problem for when they woke up. So would Harry’s raised and bleeding scratch marks, the bruising on Y/N’s hips and wrists, the lack of voice she was going to have from screaming when he hit it just right- but that was tomorrow’s problem. Right now, it was time to relish in their unfiltered, unadulterated passion.
Who knew when they’d get this opportunity again?
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melbatron5000 · 1 month
Murder Board 2.0
Updated 4/30/24
Since I've figure a few things out, I need to re-do my Murder Board. New answers, new questions.
What I think I know:
NEIL GAIMAN IS A LYING LIAR WHO LIES. Except when he's dropping hints or answering straight out. All of his answers to anything anyone asks about GO are suspect at best. (I cannot blame him or anyone else on the cast or crew -- they spent A LOT of time and energy building this very meticulous puzzle game for us -- why would ANY of them give ANY of it away? That would ruin all the fun!)
Most of the discontinuity of Season 2 can be explained by POV switches between characters. See here and here for more. I think the title/location cards are also probably POV Clues, that needs a closer look.
Crowley gave something to Aziraphale in his mouth when they kissed. It's the fly. Now, what else was in the fly besides Gabriel's memory? RECORDS. Incriminating records that are why the Metatron let Beelzebub and Gabriel go, but nailed Aziraphale. The Metatron knows Gabriel has those records, he doesn't know they got passed to Aziraphale.
Saraqael and Crowley and by proxy, Aziraphale are all working together. See here and here for more. That explains A. the tiny miracle blowing up into a 25 Lazarii miracle. It didn't. They had to cover for something else that did. B. Saraqael showing the archangels the book shop in 2019 in the spy hole. C. Crowley's spy turtle neck and where he went during Aziraphale's Job flashback. D. Why Saraqael helps him see the trial in Heaven. (Oh! Muriel's now in on it, too!)
Crowley's memory is fine, it's a red herring. He is dissing Furfur, he is denying knowing Saraqael even after she gives him a reason to recognize her to hide that they are working together. He tells Jim he doesn't remember why they invented gravity, but that whole scene if from Aziraphale's perspective, so the conversation likely didn't actually go just like that.
Shax is on a mission besides Gabriel -- she's looking for whatever Aziraphale and Crowley are hiding. Gabriel is a side-mission.
The hand-washing comment from Crowley in the Resurrectionists minisode -- he tells DaVinci about helicopters in Good Omens the novel. It's just a thing he can do.
What is up with Maggie? Maggie's freaking Jesus 2.0. She's what Shax is looking for, and who Crowley, Aziraphale, and Saraqael are hiding. Also, where is God? God is busy being Maggie, that's where. That's why Crowley says "Oh God" before his speech in the final fifteen. He's bringing up what they're hiding, reminding Aziraphale that someone has to stay and keep an eye on Maggie. That's why he can't go. Now, how the FUCK did Jesus 2.0 wind up owning a record store she inherited from her family NEXT TO AN ANGEL?? (Ah, shit, now I'm doubting this one. But I still think Jesus is there, and Maggie means SOMETHING -- but so does Nina.)
SECRET SONGS??? Why are the songs secret?? I'm losing my mind, what is happening?? I think this is a message that A. Aziraphale and Crowley are okay, and B. We will absolutely be getting part 3 of 1941.
I still think the scenes might be out of order. Is it as simple as watching them in chronological order? Could be.
The Metatron is a naked man.
Aziraphale and Crowley are talking in subtext A LOT. Aziraphale's tells are easier to spot than Crowley's. He raises his eyebrows and does vocal bunny rabbit ears. "Our Gabriel miracle," "The establishment in question," "Certainly on to something," "Haven't yet cracked the case." I haven't picked out Crowley's tells yet.
What still needs answering:
The clocks jumping time still don't make any sense. And why are the extras moving in double-time when we first arrive to Whickber street?
The weird hand in the 1941 photo still doesn't make sense.
Aziraphale's chair position being moved still doesn't make sense.
The extras behaving strangely still doesn't make sense.
Crowley's car being in the wrong spot on the road after Shax threatens him still doesn't make any sense.
I'm not sure that the POV switches explains all the weird sounds -- Aziraphale turns to look at a crashing sound when he returns from Edinburgh, the very loud clock in the final fifteen BUT ALSO when Jim says he will go out to the demons.
I'm not sure that POV switches explain Crowley's sunglasses going from silver to black.
I still don't know why Aziraphale went to Edinburgh, or why he stopped at the graveyard where Gabriel's statue is.
Why does Michael do the "nothing's in the box" thing with the matchbox? It's a petty specific action. Someone pointed out that Michael's nails look chewed and terrible, are we meant to stare at the matchbox while something else goes unnoticed? Well, duh. But what?
We most certainly did not get the whole scene where the Metatron is talking to Aziraphale. What else was said?
What did Crowley do during his ALL-NIGHT JAUNT in Heaven? Did he sneak around and steal something? Did he uncover something? Did they hurt him?
What did Aziraphale do with his briefcase that he took to Edinburgh? We see it in the book shop from his POV, and Edinburgh is seen from Crowley's POV, so they both know it exists. And then it's gone.
Why does Gabriel prophecy with God's voice? IS it God's voice? It's a woman, is it Frances McDormand? It's hard to hear. When he remembers the beginning, I think it's God's voice. When he prophecies, it may be someone else. Frances McDorman has no credit in that episode.
Why the heck did Maggie and Nina go talk to Crowley while the Metatron was talking to Aziraphale? What they had to say wasn't important enough to leave Nina's shop during a rush, and I definitely don't think they derailed Crowley from what he needed to say to Aziraphale, though it might look at first as if they did. So what was that about?
When Shax stops Aziraphale for a ride, he says, "Oh, I really need to get to --" and then is cut off. He really needs to get to where? It's an easy assumption to think he means the book shop, or London. But is that all he means? Or was he on his way somewhere else? And if it was just the book shop, what does he mean he's late? Late for what?
Crowley can tell "something's wrong," and he doesn't just mean the demons. What?
When Crowley leaves Heaven, he tells Saraqael and Muriel to come, too. But in the elevator, Michael and Uriel are there! When the fuck did they show up??
Why does Beelzebub tell Shax to attack the bookstore? Aren't they worried about Gabriel being harmed? And they know Hell is understaffed. Maybe that's why they command it? Because they know Shax won't be able to get the demons?
What about the Masons? It's such a specific thing for the pub owner to bring up, what is the meaning of it? And Maggie has a Mason symbol on her necklace. Did the Masons carve the statue of Gabriel? When did they see him?
The only narration we hear in the entire season is Aziraphale in the Resurrectionist flashback. I believe this is to throw us off the POV character switches all season. But still, why do we only hear him narrate 1 flashback? I think he's reading the diary to himself in the present day. That would explain the end, "And that was the last I was to see of Crowley for some time." He JUST heard the story of the jukebox from Maggie. And Gabriel appearing -- same city that statue is in. Of course he thought of something important from that diary entry! Now, what did he notice?
Is the Book of Life a real threat? We hear two stories about it, that it's real and that its ability to erase beings was something to scare the cherubs with, this is inconclusive. Crowley gets nervous after Beelzebub talks to him, but I think he's pissed that Heaven and Hell have taken an interest in them again, especially since they're trying to hide Maggie!Jesus.
So many promo posters show Aziraphale, Crowley, and Jimbriel together, or symbols of them. Three feathers: two white, one black. Tea cup, cocoa mug, wine glass. The three of them. Not with Beelzebub, not with Muriel, the three of them. And all three of them have been Jesus-coded in some small way. No one else. Those three. What. Why. Are they the sacrifice required to bring about the new world? Why not Beez, then?
Wait. Two Crowleys?? WTF. There are two Crowley puppets in the magic shop. Am I insane? I have no theory here, just some wild speculation that needs a lot more time to simmer. Two actual Crowleys, or two ideas of Crowley? Or something to hurt my head?
An album on the wall in Maggie's shop says "Rat Keith." This seems to me to be an allusion to The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, by Terry Pratchett. In the book, some men have tied several rats' tails together to create a rat king that keeps the wild rats under control -- except that the rat king has too much power and is doing way more than just that. People die. So who's been given too much power and is now running the show instead of being a puppet? The Metatron, perhaps? Hm . . .
WHAT is going on with that damn white head statue in Aziraphale's book shop? It's centered in more than one shot, as if it's a character. Is it a POV hint? I wonder, if it is, whose POV it represents?
A blog that I didn't reblog pointed out that the record Aziraphale is listening to when Garbriel shows up is neither Shostakovich nor 21 minutes long. That seems important, but I'm not sure how.
What the heck does Furfur mean by "little monkey in the waistcoat?" How does that sound like Crowley?
Why does Mrs. H say "for God's sake" two times in a row? No one says that on this show without a meaning.
I count at least three times that Crowley approaches Aziraphale and Aziraphale looks to his left, but Crowley is not on his left. In fact, Crowley is not on the left a LOT this season.
Shax notices Crowley going to Heaven and makes an epiphany face.
Why is the end credit music for the ball French cafe music? French must be important. And the end credit music for The Hitchhiker is old timey and scratchy, then skips and becomes the same song in a newer, clearer style. Because they repeat the bullet catch trick in the modern day, perhaps?
I thought I heard that Crowley and Aziraphale are in the fly in the opening sequence, but nope. So why are they in a cave?
Why are there multiple elevators and multiple mountains in the opening sequence??? What the hell does that mean??
Repeating themes: (I am just realizing that these aren't just themes, they are all Clues!)
Beverages of all kinds -- tea for Aziraphale, wine or whiskey for Crowley, cocoa for Jim. Oh, and LAUDANUM.
Time -- lots of clocks/mentions of time. Everyone notices the ticking clock during the Final Fifteen, but it's ticking loud when the demons attack the ball, too. Also, why is the first scene of Whickber street shown at high-speed? Is time sped up? Or something else?
Love/partnership/togetherness being stronger than separateness
Payment -- money comes up in both the Resurrectionists minisode and the Flesh Eating Nazi Zombies minisode, but no one pays for anything in present. There is bartering, but no money. Actually, both times money is brought up, it's Crowley using Aziraphale's money. It's funny, but I feel like there's a point to it.
Rising from the dead -- Job's kids (even though they weren't actually dead), bodies used for science, Nazi zombies, the Second Coming. I think this is all just hinting around Jesus -- sure, hinting around Jesus, who we were expecting to show up in Season 3, but she's already here. The hints indicate that she is already on Earth, not going to show up next season. Ha!
Unreliable narrators. Because we are seeing the whole show from various characters' points of view. Because of that, we can only see what they know, expect, believe, or understand, but also what they want us to see. We need to take the whole second season with a grain of salt.
Death in general -- but 9a., I'm a dirty pagan, why didn't I make this connection sooner, death always leads to REBIRTH, change, something totally new and 9b. there are tarot cards in the magic shop, and even if you're not a dirty pagan, the Death tarot card means transition, something must die before a new thing can be born. Hmmmm.
Morality and what is "good" and what is right
Recognition and identity and hiding one's identity. Ah! Probably at least partly because Maggie someone? is Jesus. How would you recognize them? (Do I still think it's Maggie? Not sure.) She doesn't look like White Jesus, or even a more realistic Middle-Eastern or Black Jesus. She looks like Maggie. Who would know her? I think there's more to this theme, but Maggie as Jesus 2.0 adds up.
Licenses, permits, permissions, rules, proof, evidence, what's allowed. All of the minisodes mention this, and it all gets mentioned again over and over. Because Heaven and Hell do have rules they have to follow. Which drives home my theory that Gabriel stole some very incriminating records from Heaven when he left, Crowley got hold of them and gave them to Aziraphale during the kiss, and now Aziraphale is going to nail them.
Colors. Lots of colors!! Job's kids are dressed in the colors of Nina, Maggie, and Aziraphale's shops. Jesus on the Resurrectionist Pub sign is in blue and orange, blue and orange crop up a lot in extra's clothing, as do yellow and red, Crowley colors. The Ladies of Camelot are in orange and blue. Maggie's shop is orange, Nina's is blue.
Horses. Horse statue, horse wine label, people saying "dark horse." The four horsemen again?
Repeating words and phrases:
Isn't it just?
Too late
Funny old world
Not as such
Made for each other
Two shakes of a lamb's tail
Dark horse
What are you/am I? As opposed to WHO. Aziraphale asks in the Land of Uz, and Crowley asks Gabriel.
Are you sure? Quite sure.
The Marvelous Mr. Fell is described as marvelous in his mysterosity, Shax says the demons have dangerosity.
Mrs. H in 1941 says "for God's sake" twice in quick succession.
Powell and Pressburg films
The Crow Road
Catch 22
The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, Terry Pratchett in general
Jane Austin
Book Good Omens
Season 1 Good Omens
The titles of episodes, minisodes, places, etc. 7a. The Arrival: a book and a movie, though the book seems far more relevant. And lovely. The Clue: a movie. Companion to Owls: a line from a Bible story. I Know Where I'm Going: a movie. The Resurrectionists: two novels, each called The Resurrectionist, singular. Both look unhinged. The Hitchhiker: a Twilight Zone episode. Nazi Zombie Flesheaters: Literally no other reference. ?? Nazi Zombies do appear in a LOT of movies, comics, and video games, usually as a dark joke. The Ball: a video game. Irrelevant? It's a puzzle-based game, so maybe not. Every Day: a song AND a movie. Some themes repeat here: Puzzle games, being re-directed from one's path to find true love, death and being brought back to life in a gruesome and unpleasant way.
Objects that get a close-up/centering:
Starmaker's nebula book
Shostakovich record
The box
The Bentley
Eccles cakes
The bell
Head statue
The book Jim drops
Gabgriel's statue
Laudanum bottle
Phones in Edinburgh episode
"Very closed" sign
Broken whiskey bottles in 1941
Hourglass in Hell
Furfur's camera
Bullet catch in the magic shop
Instruction booklet for bullet catch gets 3 close ups
Dancer's silhouette
Mr. Fell sign
The actual bullet
Angelic beings book
Photo evidence
Shax's shoes
"Surrender the angle" brick
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brummiereader · 8 months
Summary: Enter the mad paranoia of Tommy and his brother Arthur as they try to prove to themselves that you and Bunny's loyalty belongs with them after their discovery of your planned escape.
Warnings: Language, violence, angst, mentions of blood, mentions of murder, psychological mind games, psychological manipulation, psychological abuse, controlling behaviour, Dark!Tommy & Yandere!Arthur (This is a dark fic, please read the warnings before continuing)
Authors Note: This story is a merge of two worlds, Dark!Tommy & Y/N from "Killing Me Softly" and Yandere!Arthur & Bunny from "Hey Bunny", written by my incredibly talented friend and mutual @call-sign-shark. I can't recommend enough to go and check out her fantastic series!
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" Look at 'em Tom" Arthur said quietly to his brother as he turned his back to you and Bunny from across the room sitting at the large mahogany table next to eachother. " They think we don't know what they're up to" he grinned darkly as his younger brother smirked in agreement, watching you pull up the strap of your emerald dress. Little did you know yours and Bunny's plan to escape the shackles of torment the two Shelby brothers had been relentlessly inflicting on you both would soon be eclipsed by another plan, one the siblings had concocted a fortnight ago after finding out your intentions to flee. "Why would they do that ay, scheming behind our backs like that? Don't they fucking love us? " Arthur said through gritted teeth, his mood quickly changing from anticipation of playing out their sadistic game to a temper rapidly rising within him. Volatile, unhinged and quick to snap. If Tommy wanted the night to go as planned he needed to calm his brothers erratic emotions and keep control of the situation.
" Here" Tommy said pulling out a small blue bottle of cocaine from his suit pocket which Arthur snatched out of his hand like a starved animal, snorting its contents within a few seconds. " After tonight we'll... Ey! Arthur, Listen!" Tommy said tapping the side of his brothers cheek in attempts to hold his attention as Arthur wiped the remnants of the white powder from his nose. " After tonight we'll know. We'll no where their loyalties stand" Tommy said with his hand firmly placed on his older brothers shoulder as Arthur nodded his head glancing over at Bunny.
"I can't lose my Bunny Tommy" Arthur said, his eyes wide, his body suddenly jittery with panic as he looked back to his brother.
" Fuck sake..." Tommy mumbled under his breath. Clearly the sweet release of his brothers preferred drug of choice hadn't warranted the affect he had hoped for or at least, not yet. " Arthur will you calm the fuck down, you're starting to creep me out" he replied cocking a brow as he returned to looking at you. His eyes roaming over your body as he bit his bottom lip imagining you naked as he pinned you...
" Tom, Tom..." Arthur said nudging his brothers arm with his elbow, breaking him out of his fantasy or rather, the plans he had for you at the end of the evening.
"She nearly escaped a few weeks ago" Arthur said quietly as he looked over to Bunny staring aimlessly into her glass, watching the amber liquid glisten from the warm light of the chandeliers as the soft music from the gramophone played out.
" And I told you. You gotta double lock. They're sneaky Arthur, they'll try and find a way out" Tommy replied as Arthur's eyes cast down to the wooden floorboards, mentally scolding himself for forgetting his brothers wise words of wisdom. After all, Tommy had become an expert in this field of debauchery. "Chin up, ey?"
" Yeh Tom, yeh..." Arthur replied as he pinched his bottom lip together, sniffing back his worries. " Right, fuck" he said clapping his hands together shaking of the last remnants of his wandering paranoia.
" That's it brother. Come on, let's have some fun" he said patting his back as they strode over to you both, the evenings festivities minutes away from starting. "Bunny" Tommy said with a smirk etched on his face as Arthur stood beside him, biting his inner cheek as he tried to hold back his excited amusement. " Sweetheart" he said sending you a wink as he looked at you from head to toe, his eyes glazing over with a smoky hue of lust as he got lost in his thoughts once again. "You two have been busy, haven't you?" Tommy said as he lit a cigarette looking between you both as Arthur wagged his index finger back and forth.
"Con..cocting something" Arthur added, his jaw tightening at the mere thought of deception as Bunny's hand squeezed yours under the table, her pulse beating so fast you could feel it vibrating against your skin.
"Arthur" Tommy said nodding to his brother who reached under the table, pulling out both of your suitcases. " Tut tut tut, going on a holiday without us, huh ladies?" Tommy said with a smirk glaring at you as your eyes widened in disbelief. You had both been so careful, so diligent in your plans. It was a miracle you managed to get as far as you had with the few times Arthur had brought Bunny over to Arrow house. "Your clothes, the children's clothes. Did you not pack anything of mine for this little getaway?" Tommy said as Arthur slammed the suitcases onto the table in front of you, pouring out both of their contents.
" Yeh, didn't see my swimming trunks in there Bunny" Arthur spat as he stared her down, the vein in his neck protruding from his escalating fury.
" A..Arthur, I...I" Bunny sobbed, stumbling her words out as Arthur loomed over the table, his fists clenched so tight they turned a ghostly shade of white. He was keeping her safe, keeping her from the dangers this city held for every woman that dared to venture out alone, why didn't she see that? Who knows what crazed person she could have run into, it's a good thing he was there to stop her from making that mistake. Arthur thought to himself as he stood up straight, rolling his shoulders of the tension that had been building up.
" Now you've both been very naughty. And we don't like naughty girls do we brother?" Tommy said picking up one of your lace knickers from within the pile by the end of his finger, cocking a brow as he put it in his suit jacket.
" No we don't. We like respectable, honest, loyal...obedient girls" Arthur said sniffing back the remnants of the cocaine he had snorted.
"That's right. You see, me and Arthur are starting to feel like your loyalty doesn't belong with, like you don't... love us"
" We feel betrayed, unappreciated"
" Those are strong word's brother. But betrayed and used we are, and after everything we have done for you" Tommy said furrowing his brow, an expression of hurt spread across his face, believable if it wasn't for the smirk playing mischievously on the corner of his mouth. "So, seeing how you two like to play games we have each come up with a way you can prove your loyalty to us and put our poor tired minds at ease. Right Arthur..."
" Tommy... darling, wait..." You panicked, tears welling in your eyes as Bunny quietly whimpered beside you, her hand now gripping yours even tighter.
" Not now sweetheart. The games about to start" Tommy said as he stood up from the edge of the table. "Arthur, if you don't mind" he said taking a drag of his cigarette as he leaned against the back of the sofa behind him.
" Eeny, meeny, miny, moe..." Arthur started to sing as his finger moved from you to Bunny. "Catch a spider by.."
" Tiger Arthur, it's fucking tiger" Tommy sighed, rubbing his brow with his thumb.
" Same bloody thing" Arthur replied snapping his head back to his brother about to finish the rhyme when Tommy interjected again.
"Tell me eh, when was the last time you saw a spider with toes Arthur?" Tommy huffed as he and Arthur started get into an argument over the words to the nursery rhyme whilst bunny squeezed your hand, her eyes darting to the door then back to you to which you furiously shook your head at. There was no way you would both make it out, no matter how intense their ridiculous argument was getting. Whatever punishment was heading your way would be far worse if you tired to take your chances and make a run for it. " Alright! Alright! Just get on with it" Tommy said giving up, as Arthur's face lit up with a satisfied grin.
" It's toe, if it wiggles..." He said stopping his finger at bunny, wagging his finger from side to side with a unhinged grin on his face. " I'm gonna come over there and make you wiggle" Arthur giggled climbing over the table to Bunny when Tommy kicked the bottom of his boot.
" Arthur, behave " Tommy chuckled, they were enjoying this, their twisted little game no doubt the highlight of their week.
"Let it go, eeny, meeny, miny, moe" Arthur finished his finger pointing at you." You're up Y/N" Arthur announced as Tommy stood up grinning from ear to ear. " Y/N get up" Arthur said with his arms on his hips huffing as he looked back to Tommy. He wanted his turn and you were holding up the nights festivities with your reluctance to move. " She ain't budging Tom"
" Tommy please I'm sorry. I got scared, we got scared we panicked. Tommy our children..." You said tears streaming down your face as your eyes darted from Bunny to your husband .
" It's true Arthur, we just..." Bunny started to say as she swallowed back her tears.
" See this is the kind of shit you shouldn't fool for. Crocodile tears that's all that is. Arthur, please..." Tommy said cutting Bunny off as he motioned to the table, which Arthur flipped over in one quick motion.
" Aw would you look at that Tom. They're holding hands" Arthur pointed out to his brother at you and Bunny still clinging onto eachother for dear life, a film of sweat the only thing separating you.
" Adorable" Tommy said as he blew a cloud of smoke through the smirk on the corner of his mouth.
" Sister in law's supporting eachother, it's gonna make me cry." Arthur taunted as Bunny's eyes snapped to him, her face suddenly going a deathly shade of white at the thought of being shackled to this crazed man for life. " Yehh that's right Bunny, gonna make a Shelby out of you one day. Put a Shelby in that belly too. Maybe we'll skip the wedding part first, ay? He grinned as his tongue pressed on the roof of his mouth, his rabid eyes roaming over her body.
" Come on Arthur your scaring her" Tommy chuckled darkly as he flicked the ash of the end of his cigarette onto the floor.
"Yeh well, you're already on your third I gotta catch up" Arthur replied in annoyance that his baby brother was ahead of him in anything.
"What can I say I have strong swimmers" Tommy smirked winking to you. The only reason why Tommy was now a father of three was he never gave your body a moment's rest before he would climb on top of you again and have his way after each birth of your children, you were a laying hen, not a wife. "Come on darling, up you get" Tommy said walking over to you as he grabbed you by your arm, pulling you away from Bunny whose hand was still desperately holding onto yours, both of you now crying uncontrollably, every sob every whimper laced in terror. Breaking you apart, Arthur grabbed hold of Bunny as she scrambled forward to you.
" Now now Bunny, we have to take turns " Arthur said as his hand came down to her waist his fingers lacing between the soft fabric of her white flowing dress, one he had brought especially for her. She looked so innocent so pure. But Why was she crying, tonight was supposed to be fun? He thought to himself as he tried to catch her eye, her refusal to do so twisting his stomach into a knot of anger that he quickly digested before he lost his temper and spoiled the evenings games. "Come on Bunny" he said guiding her over to the sofa as you and Tommy were now sat opposite eachother at a small table in the corner of the room.
" Do you love me Y/N?" Tommy asked as he pulled a revolver from his holster.
"Of...of course..." You replied sniffing back your tears as he placed it on the table in front of you both, your eyes widening further as he pulled out one single bullet. You were used to Tommy's mind games, but they never involved lethal weapons like the one sitting in front of you. He had already warned you to never attempt to run again, and this time you had been so brazen about your plan you had made it clear with the contents of your suitcase you intended to take his children too.
" And do you trust me?" He asked sitting back as he spun the bullet on the table in a circle.
" Tommy... what's happening, what are you going to do? You replied, your voice shaking as you looked at the bullet spin around one last time, the curved edge now pointing at you.
" I'm the one asking question, now do you trust me?"
"Answer the fucking question Y/N!" Tommy snapped slamming his fist onto the table as Arthur giggled at his brothers outburst of anger. " You're making me angry love, and you know what happens when I get angry"
" I trust you Tommy" you quickly reassured him as Tommy glared at you, playing with the bullet between his fingers.
" Good" he said taking the gun, his hand hovering over the chamber as you closed your eyes, blinking the tears away from your blurry vision." We're going to play a little game" he said snapping it shut, spinning the cylinder before placing it back between you both. " Russian Roulette. Learnt it from some batshit crazy Russian years ago. Didn't want to play with her, but I do with you" Tommy smirked as he looked at the confusion on your face having never heard of the game." You won't have to worry your pretty little head with the rules. It's simple" he said, taking every opportunity he could to belittle you. " One bullet, 6 chambers. We take turns firing the gun..." he paused watching your eyes widen " Right here" he finished pointing to the side of his temple, when you abruptly stood up, pushing your chair back as Tommy reached over the table grabbing your arm.
" Tommy no, you're sick! You're fucking insane. I won't do this, I fucking won't!" You shouted to him trying to pull away from his vice-like grip circling your wrist.
" Yes love I know, I'm such a bad man" Tommy said sarcastically having heard you already insult him plenty of times before. " But you will play or else I'll send one of the girls away. And you'll never see them again. Do you understand me?"
" No! You can't do that, Tommy..." You pleaded as he pulled you down back into your chair. Three daughters, you had given him three beautiful girls in the short time you had been married, but that wasn't enough. Tommy wanted a son, an army of sons. And with his lack of a paternal bond with his daughters you knew he wasn't bluffing.
" I can and I will. It's not like we can't have another. He smirked, pushing the gun towards you. " Ladies first"
"Tommy .." you pleaded one last time as you looked at the gun in front of you.
" You're testing my patience sweetheart. If you really want to do this, then fine" Tommy said as he leaned back in his chair looking over his shoulder to the door." Frances, bring me the baby" Tommy called out his eyes darting back to see the fear rising within you as he waited for a response, waited for you to play along. Within seconds you picked up the gun, sobbing as tears streamed down your face. "Never mind" he called out as he nodded his head to the gun in your hand. Lifting the revolver to your temple you squeezed your eyes shut, the coolness from the metal pressing against your skin sending a shiver down your spine. You would die for your children if it meant keeping them safe, if it meant keeping them from their father's torment. With your finger resting above the trigger you closed your eyes, hoping for a way out, from this life, from him. The gun pressed against your head didn't feel so damming after all...click. The chamber was empty, no bullet spent. You was still here, you was still alive. Gasping for air you threw the gun on the table which Tommy picked up, instantly putting it to his head and pulling the trigger without a second thought. Another click. No shot fired. The second turn mirrored the first. Through sobbing tears and thoughts of your children you pulled the trigger again, while Tommy's calm demeanor stayed exactly that, calm. Only two chambers left, one empty one with a bullet that would end either one of your lives.
" Tommy please, I love you, I trust you. We don't need to do this, we dont need to prove anything." You cried as Tommy took the gun putting it in your hand and placing it to your head.
" Pull it Y/N" Tommy said pushing your finger over the trigger.
" Tommy!" You wept uncontrollably, as a rush of fear overtook you, the sudden thought of your children being motherless the only thing holding you back from the years of torment you wanted to escape.
" Fucking pull it! he yelled at you as you wailed holding onto his arm, begging him to stop."Pull it!" He shouted again as you closed your eyes, the image of your daughter's playing within the grounds of Arrow House flashing before you...click. Dropping the gun on the table your hand flew to you mouth, you felt sick physically sick. But with no time to reflect on what had just happened Tommy had the gun already pointed to the side of his head...click. The gun was empty, it had been fucking empty all this time.
" See Tommy lad, she does trust you!" Arthur cheered as you abruptly stood up from your chair, your hands out behind you as you stumbled back away from Tommy's piercing stare, away from the smirk and enjoyment spread across his face.
"You tricked me! " you screamed as Tommy stood up and marched towards you, pinning you between the wall as his body.
" What, you think I want the mother of my children dead or fatherless? Oh darling, I never play by the rules, you should know that by now" he said as his hand cupped your cheek his eyes centimeters from yours. " I told you to trust me and you did, there's no doubt where your loyalty stands where your love stands" he said quietly in your ear, a slow exhale of hot air from his lips sending a wave of goosebumps down you neck.
" Look how your getting me" he smiled against your delicate flesh as he grabbed your hand cupping it around the growing bulge under his suit trousers, his aroused state throbbing under your hand as you turned your head away in disgust at his sadistic kink. " I'm gonna fuck you so hard tonight, I'll put a fourth in you. A fucking son." Tommy seethed in your ear whilst an untimely hint of a smirk graced your lips, unable to hold back the satisfaction that Tommy, the man who gets what he wants whenever he wants didn't have control over mother nature. You should have known better than to let it slip, for everything you did that displeased Tommy was worthy of punishment, and that small smirk hadn't gone unnoticed.
" Don't look Bunny" Arthur laughed with his arm wrapped around her shoulders. " My baby brothers pretty sick, he gets off from that kind of thing. Don't worry though sweetheart, I'm not like that" Arthur said with a smirk, his legs widening, pushing hers further to the edge of the sofa as he glared at her heaving chest.
"Your turn Arthur" Tommy said grabbing your hands, putting them behind your back as he walked you over to the sofa opposite them.
" Y/N..." Bunny cried wanting to reach out to you and she watched you slump into the sofa, the colour drained from your body. You were a broken woman. And as Tommy placed his arm around you, pulling you into his side, his lips ghosting over your neck, she suddenly felt like she was watching her own future. Beaten, broken and tired. Would this be her fate too?
" Bring in the contestants" Arthur jumped up as he walked over to the door snapping Bunny out of the haunting image of herself chained to a life of misery and abuse.
" Come on, fucking move" Arthur said behind the door as he walked in with two young men bound and gagged his gun pointing to their backs. "Kneel" Arthur spat, pushing the two men in front of Bunny as they struggled to keep themselves from falling over at her feet.
"Arthur, what's going on?" she said shifting forward in her seat, her eyes darting in a panic from Arthur to the two men in front of her as your own eyes widened in horror at the realisation of who they were. A chauffeur Tommy had hired only a few weeks ago, a sweet boy who's sole focus was the job in hand. And then...Harry. The stable boy who had been working on the grounds of Arrow House since he was a child. Both innocent young men, but not in the eyes of Arthur. For Arthur they had overstepped the line and he was seeking justice.
"Both of them were ogling you when we visited three weeks ago, so pick" he said matter of fact, without any further detail.
"Pick, what .."
" Pick one" Arthur replied handing her the gun as he sat beside her, his arm back securely draped over her shoulders as she watched the whimpers and cries of both the men, or rather boys hunched over eyes cast down. " So bunny, who's the lucky fella?" Arthur said turning to her staring blankly between both men. "Bunny?"
" Arthur no, nobody looked at me and even if they did I... I only have eyes for you I only want you. " Bunny pleaded knowing the very words he wanted to hear. Smiling, Arthur brushed his thumb down her cheek wiping the lone tear from her soft skin.
"Sorry darling but you're gonna have to pick. Both of these dirty fucks were looking at you, and I can't have that Bunny. But since I'm a forgiving man, a gentleman..." He said his moustache twitching at his high regard for himself. "...you only have to pick one" Arthur said as Bunny started to cry at the realisation she couldn't escape Arthur's sadistic game as much as you couldn't escape yours.
" Arthur, will you get your girl to fucking hurry up" Tommy said moving his lips from your neck for the briefest of seconds, his hand firmly grasped on your hip to stop you from moving.
"I know this is a big decision but you're making my brother upset Bunny " He said kicking the chauffeur, his muffled whimpers irritating him. "He wants to fuck his wife you see, and since we're guests in his house it's only polite we don't make him wait. Tick tock, tick tock" he smiled looking at the gun in her lap then back to her quivering bottom lip. " Fuck sake " he said standing up taking the gun from her realising her unwillingness to play along. Arthur was precariously on the edge of loosing his temper, his thirst for revenge was strong and he wouldn't end this game before one or both men were six feet under. " Which one bunny, the stable boy or the chauffeur" he smiled unnervingly as he pointed the gun at the back of each of the men's head.
"Arthur no! Stop, please..." Bunny pleaded endlessly, her strained efforts going unheard. You can't reason with a mad man, a man not only consumed by his own paranoia but also his obsession and love for the woman he had be holding captive.
" Pick bunny now! Arthur shouted putting the gun down on a small table beside him as he took a pair of black gloves from his back pocket as the muffled sobs of the two men intensified, the suffocating atmosphere in the room only increasing when Arthur picked up the gun again.
" Arthur we...we just greeted one another...it was innocent, don't make me do this dont do this, please..."
" Bunny I ain't repeating myself. Now pick!" He yelled as he pushed both his hands onto his forehead, pushing back the escalating fury within him, trying with all his might to not...snap. "Fucking pick, pick, pick!
"Arthur stop it, stop!" Bunny screamed closing her eyes when a loud gun shot boomed within the four walls and a heavy thud of a body hit the wooden floorboards below them. " Arthur..." Bunny said as she opened her eyes, her bottom lip wobbling in terror as she looked down in front of her to see the young chauffeur laying on the floor, a pool of blood surrounding his lifeless body.
" Picked for ya bunny" Arthur said his chest heaving up and down, hair disheveled, his eyes crazed as he smiled manically at her.
" Fucking hell Arthur, you got blood all over my walls!" Tommy said gesturing with his hand, more bothered about his immaculate home now splattered with blood than the dead body a few feet away from him.
" Sorry 'bout that brother" Arthur said smoothing his hair back away from his face as he looked down at his work, his grin turning into a satisfied smirk.
" Right we all done for tonight?" Tommy said standing up pulling you up with him, his hand snaking along your back down between your thighs as you squirmed under his touch.
" In the big guest room tonight yeh? With the big bed?" Arthur asked grabbing bunny by the arm pulling her trembling body over the lifeless man below her, dismissive of her horrified state, the tears cascading down her cheeks.
" Enjoy" Tommy winked nodding his head to his brother as he pushed you forward out the room. " Light a fire " Tommy said to one of his men standing by the entrance, gesturing back to the room where a night of carnage and terror had just played out, where Harry was still knelt beside the young man whose life had been so brutally taken. With Tommy's hand firmly on the curve of your back you slowly walked up the stairs, your body still trembling from the nights events.
" Arthur your Bunny's hoping away, keep control of it or put it back in its cage " Tommy said as you came to a stop in front of your room, watching Bunny frantically run down the corridor.
" It's alright, we're just playing" Arthur replied with a crazed giggle as he chased after her. Closing the master bedroom door behind him Tommy watched as you stumbled back to the edge of the bed a devilish grin gracing his lips as he stalked forward undoing his belt.
"Now about that smirk..."
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chaotic-mystery · 1 year
I would commit first degree murder to know your thoughts on calling best friends dad Joel daddy for the first time because 🥵🥴.
Just imagine being bent over his lap as he fingers you, squirming because it’s too much and his hand is covering your mouth because you’re being “too fucking loud”
Loosing control and begging daddy to let you cum
Okay bye I gotta sleep
- 💆‍♀️
"Say it again sweet girl, say what you said at the dinner table when you thanked me for dinner." He hissed at you while rubbed his hand over your ass cheek before giving a firm smack. You were joking earlier when you repeated Sarah's words after she thanked her dad for cooking dinner, but somehow it was different when you said daddy instead of dad. She didn't seem to mind or notice the intent with it, but Joel did. Maybe it was the way you batted your lashes at him while you watched him choke on his water a little bit, maybe it was the way your foot rubbed against his leg under the table.
"Daddy, please I- I need you please touch me." He chuckled and yanked your panties down roughly and went back to caressing your ass. “Where should I touch you baby? Hm? Tell daddy where you want him to touch you.”
You reached under yourself as you were laying across his lap and started giving yourself relief with your fingers on your throbbing clit, whimpering and moaning his name ever so quietly. He spanked you roughly and jerked your arm out from under you, “I said tell me, not show me. Use your words, had no issue before, bunny.” His tone was intimidating but warm enough to leave you wanting more. He set your chest on fire and sent your mind to the heavens, you needed him like a plant needed water, you were in heat. He drove you mad earlier the way he gripped his wine glass, the way he winked at you when he gave a small toast to the two of "his girls" being home for a couple weeks from college, he knew the smirk he had would get your head spinning.
"Touch me between my legs please- oh my god- I need you so bad, please daddy" you whined out and rested your head on the couch cushion. His warm fingers glided against your wet folds, grazing over your sensitive clit. "Oooh you mean right here, pretty girl?" Joel purred quietly and watched as your face contorted with pleasure. Your eyes screwed shut as he moved his fingers faster, his groans matching yours. He loved seeing how much you needed him, how much power he had over you and your body. "What if I touch you here baby doll? Would you like that?" He asks as he teased your entrance. Your hand squeezed the couch cushion and he didn't even finish his sentence before you were nodding your head in agreement.
"You're so mean the way you tease me after being gone for so long" you whined and wiggled impatiently, trying to create more friction between your legs somehow. "I'm mean, is that it baby? You haven't seen mean." Joel's hand pressed against your back to stop your squirming and his two fingers slipped inside you with ease and he let out a grunt. "Like a fuckin' glove baby doll, soaked for daddy, huh?" he was practically purring from the way your body reacted to him, how you squeezed around his fingers as they curled inside you while pumping in and out.
His warm hand held you in place as he went faster, groaning along with you while he watched closely at what he was doing to you. Your whiny moans got louder and his hand flew from your back to over your mouth, squishing your cheeks tightly to muffle you. “S’that feel so good bunny you can’t keep your dirty mouth shut? Bein too fuckin’ loud, that’s not what good girls do when they’re trying to secretly fuck their best friends dad.” Your legs squirmed from pleasure and you cried our as your nearing orgasm started to take over.
“Don’t you fuckin’ cum until I say so, you got that baby doll?” He mumbled against your temple before kissing your ear and biting it softly. Joel’s fingers never slowed once, they consistently hit the right spot inside that just made you melt and have you do anything he wanted. How the hell did he expect you to hold off having one of your best orgasms? “Daddy please I can’t please let me cum, I wanna cum for you, make me feel so good” your begging only turned him on more as it was muffled against the palm of his hand. He had full control over you and that alone could’ve made him cum in his pants.
He was the first man to make you feel this way, like you were mere seconds away from feeling like your world was crashing down. “You think you deserve to cum, sweetheart? Tell daddy why you should get that privilege.” His hand left your mouth and you gasped for air a little bit before trying to get your sentence out. “I’m a good girl for you daddy, please- I won’t tease you anymore in front of people I’m sorry. I won’t do it again, let me cum and show you how much I missed you, please daddy.” He watched you talk circles around yourself and stutter from his fingers pushed into you harder, your thighs squeezing shut as hard as you could to keep your orgasm at bay. “Go on then, bunny. Cum all over my hand, show me you missed me.”
You buried your head in the cushion as you practically screamed while your body shook, your orgasm taking control. He pulled you close as he slowed down, fingers stopping just before they were almost out of you, then plunging deep back inside. Jolting and wiggling ensued as it felt like crashing waves over your body and Joel quietly shushed you. Your muffled moans were almost silent with how hard you had your face pressed into the cushion. His fingers make their way out of your entrance and to his lips as Joel licked them clean and moaned desperately as he tasted how good you were. “You taste so delicious my pretty baby" Joel whispered before he kissed the crown of your head.
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lavouredior · 7 days
Would you be willing to do Alastor x Shy!Bunny?
Like she constantly gets flustered easily around him and he enjoys making a game of it? Please and thank you!
i have been DYING for someone to request alastor & bunny!reader so i am going to be LIVING this one up !!! might do a part 2 of this one tbh
warnings: cannibalism mention, murder mentioned, reader is referred to as prey
“oh and who would this be?” a demon you’d never need before asked charlie who was touring you around the hotel as you were their newest resident. you didn’t make eye contact with the demon. you were small to begin with and one thing you knew from the demons you had met on the street is eye contact is a bad thing to make.
“our newest resident!” the cheery hotel owner replied. the taller demon nodded. “let me continue the tour with the little bunny charlie, i’m sure you have more important things to do.” charlie nodded excited that alastor was taking charge for once.
once charlie left alastor grabbed your chin to make you look up at him. “you know little bunny it is indeed rude to not make eye contact with someone.” you just stared back at him. too scared to say anything causing a static laugh to come out of him. “oh dear, little prey like you would have never made it alive out on the streets good thing you came here. although i do love the taste of bunny.”
his last comment scared you. “b-but you’re a deer? aren’t you prey too?” he took a deep breath at that comment. “i may be prey animal but you will find that i’m quite capable of holding my own unlike you.” he let go of your chin causing you to look back at the ground. “my i must’ve forgotten my manners. i’m alastor. the radio demon.”
your heart practically stopped at the last comment. although you are already dead so it was stopped to begin with . . . you had heard about the radio demon from many different places, specifically some tv demon named vox who was very angry about the demons return.
“oh don’t look so frightened my dear! i am not planning on harming you for now!” you chose to ignore the last part of his sentence. “now i must ask what did a little bunny like you do to end up in hell hmm?”
you just stared at the ground playing with your fingers. “i stole food once for my little sister.” your response caused the demon to let out another chuckle. “how pathetic! no wonder you’re a bunny.”
he wasn’t wrong. you lived a pretty pathetic human life and being a bunny in the afterlife caused you to be even more pathetic. your nose twitching at any sense of fear, like now. you just were scared at pretty much everything.
“why are you here?” you questioned, stupidly. “why i had killed a few people, ate a few as well.”
his response caused you to back up a bit from the demon. “y-you killed people?” he let out another chuckle this time crouching down to your height so you couldn’t fight eye contact with him. “oh my dear, don’t be scared.”
that’s when alastor got a specific idea in his head. you were horrified of him, he could use it to his own advantage. have a little fun with you and your pathetic self. make a deal with you so he owns your soul before ultimately forcing you to have some sort of usefulness to him.
alastor eventually toured you around the entire hotel before leaving you in the living room for the beginning of charlie’s “team bonding”
alastor had sat on a couch opposite of you, he watched you. even though you looked everywhere but him. a tap of his microphone on the ground and your attention was immediately to him. his smile grew as he saw your face start to turn red and you pull your knees to your chest for comfort
once the team bonding was over he motioned you over to him. “quite a shame you don’t hop around.” you just looked at the floor as you stood in front of him. “oh you pathetic little bunny. how long were you out on the streets before you found yourself here?”
“a couple months . . .” he nodded. “they were horrible weren’t they?” you nodded back looking up at him for a second before turning your gaze back to the ground. he shook his head at your refusal to look at him before pulling you onto his lap.
“you know i could help you. make sure you’re protected and safe.” your ears, which were usually flopped against your head perked up, causing alastor’s smile to grow again.
he set you on the ground before extending his hand. “you sell me your soul, i protect and keep you safe?” you just stared at his hand. “why my soul?” he chuckled “because hell is no place for a shy little bunny, my dear.”
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yellowbunnydreams · 6 months
The Blood Runs Thicker ~vampire!William Afton x F! Reader~
~Yes yes, you read the title right. I'm that maniac who is going to write about a slightly more perverse maniac than usual. This was slightly inspired by stumbling across some of the ancient parts of the FNAF fandom and fanfics in general (Remember Vincent and his toast?), and that weird period in fanfics when everything was either set in the apocalypse, adoption fanfics or vampire tagged. And I saw that and went 'what if our favourite murder man got the vampire treatment?' So here we are! May write more to this, but I just wanted to write something different and potentially a bit humorous and dark in places compared to 'Bunny Ears'.~
Tag-List; @ruh--roh-raggy
CW:Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 50's), acts of violence, biting, knifeplay, blood, blood-drinking/licking, vomiting/retching, mention of dead children, anaemia. The suit stays ON
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You weren't entirely sure why you had taken on the job at Freddy Fazbear's pizza, but you supposed it was a little bit of your morbid curiosity that had driven you to a place like this.
You were too young to have grown up with Freddy's, but you knew of the dark rumours and mysteries that surrounded the place and the company that had tried to sweep it all under the rug repeatedly. Missing children, presumed dead, whispers of haunted animatronics, a killer in a mask who evaded capture and death repeatedly no matter how many times he was burned to the ground. It had piqued your interest, so when you had seen the ad in the newspaper for a night-guard at the old location, you couldn't help but jump at the chance.
Shining your flashlight around the main dining area, you swore that shadows moved on their own accord in the dingy room. Clearly once a place of joy as prizes remained unclaimed in the prize counter, birthday hats lined the tables on faded confetti patterned table-cloths like they were simply waiting for the party to turn up despite the thick dusty cobwebs that strung between each of them. Even the spiders had long since passed away.
Heading back to the security office, you plopped yourself down into the office chair, hearing it creak slightly as your weigh settled into it. Wheeling over and throwing on the breaker to get the security system up and running according to the instructions that had been left for you. The woman in the careers office where you had gone to express you interest seemed shocked when you'd agreed to take the job.
'We have to legally disclose that there have been...disappearances...with the previous guards.'
But something had called you there, and you weren't going to ignore that siren song of curiosity.
Flicking through the monitors, you noticed that one of the animatronics had moved its head slightly, looking towards the camera instead of straight ahead. A smile quirked at your lips as you looked at it.
"So maybe you're not so worn down after all this time after all." You murmured softly, wheeling over to the door and checking the corridor for any signs of them moving towards you yet, but spotting nothing of the sort. Humming quietly as you pushed yourself back to the monitors. Pausing as you saw that all three of the main stage animatronics had turned their heads towards the camera instead, lifeless eyes boring into your soul as your hands hovered over the controls.
"Are you trying to talk?" Whispering to air as you felt a chill creeping down your spine. Almost as if you were being observed, although the theory was ridiculous and you knew it logically. Head tilting as you looked at the animatronics, trying to figure out what made them suddenly pay attention.
The sensation of being watched grew stronger, making you turn around to confirm to yourself that you were alone in the tiny office. Seeing nothing but dust and faded posters from the hay-days of Freddy's that had remained miraculously intact after so long. Checking the cameras again, you noticed that the bear had moved off of the stage. How it had done so silently was anybody's guess, but you assumed it wasn't natural, whatever it was. Looking down the hallway again as you wheeled yourself over, you could see two white pinpricks in the darkness, slightly taller than you thought the bear was perhaps. But you hadn't exactly measured them in case you had to compare by animatronic height and eye colour to determine who was knocking at your door.
"Alright, so Freddy's coming to play with me." Voice soft as if it would disturb things that weren't there should you speak any louder. Checking the monitors again, noticing that the other three seemed to be moving about a bit more, moving through various places in the restaurant as if searching for something. Looking closer however, you realised that they weren't quite searching, rather, the way they positioned themselves, it was like they were trying to move away from something you couldn't see.
Where there more ghosts than you had heard from the stories? You weren't sure, but looking back down the hallway, your heart pounded uncertainly in your chest as you noticed that the eyes were closed in the dark. Barely lighting enough to notice a slight flicker to them as they stood on the edge of the darkness ending at the end of the hall. Almost as if it was afraid of the light.
Glancing back at the monitors, you frowned as you counted four animatronics on the screens. Freddy and Bonnie looking towards the cameras, Freddy's head tilted slightly and mouth partially open as if to say 'look at me'. Your eyes flickered back to the hallway, back to the monitors. You were staring at a fifth, one you hadn't seen and that had moved as silently as the grave, approaching when you weren't looking.
Motion at the edge of your vision forced your eyes away from those piercing silver ones, watching the light catch the glint of something metallic at around mid-thigh for the thing at the end of the hall. Confusion written on your expression before it moved a little more, revealing the long thin edge of a blade in the light.
It felt as if your pulse suddenly stopped as your body froze up in fear. More so than the thought of animatronic monstrosity coming to kill you, this thing was too human, too real.
Leaping from your chair, you slammed the door shut as you saw the thing moving towards you quickly. Screaming slightly as the weight slammed into the door and made you slide across the floor despite all your body weight pressing against it. Hearing something like a low growl glitching out on the other side of the wood as it seemed to crash into it again. Your boots sliding across the tiled floor as you desperately threw your weight against it, panic making bile rise in your throat as you struggled to breathe whilst adrenaline set in.
It stopped throwing itself against the door, and you wondered if it had gone. Before the part of the door next to your head exploded in splinters, making you scream in shock, another punch coming through and finally revealing a glove-like yellow hand. The fingers all too articulate as it reached in and started to grab for you, forcing you to move away and release the weight pressing back against the door.
Finally, you were forced away from the door and it slammed open, hearing the wood crack as it slammed into the edge of a filing cabinet. Your eyes wide as you remained on the floor, breathing heavy as you watched a yellow rabbit standing in the doorway. The white eyes boring into you, seeming to flicker over your face with a low chuckle as it watched your fear. The knife in it's right hand twirling around with some skill as it stepped slowly towards you, menacingly.
You decided in that moment that you weren't going to die in a corner like a coward.
Yelling, you managed to push yourself to your feet, launching your much smaller size and weight against the thing's stomach, hearing something like a grunt and then a sickening click of metal before the sound of it ripping through something soft. The rabbit suit doubling over in pain as an electronically mixed scream ripped from within, lacing over the very human one from within the suit. You didn't want to know what had given way as you managed to shove it to one side slightly, writhing your way past it and into the dining room.
The other animatronics were nowhere to be seen, and you were grateful for that as you ran for the front doors, trying them and swearing that they were locked. Your keys in the office where the screams had stopped. You weren't turning back however, and you turned around, searching for your next exit. Spotting a corridor with the 'fire exit' sign faintly lit up over it, sprinting towards it as if it was your last hope.
Until a searing pain erupted in your thigh, making you scream and fall harshly onto your stomach and shoulder, grunting as you hit the floor and knocking the wind out of you. Looking at your leg, you saw the knife sticking out of your thigh, hilt deep and you swore you could feel it scraping your femur as you tried to weakly move the leg. Hand hovering around it as you wanted to pull it out but you knew it would potentially bleed you out if you did.
Looking up, the yellow rabbit stalked towards you, you noticed one of the pieces of its ear was missing, giving it an oddly lopsided look, and the fur around the muzzle had somewhat worn and decayed, leaving a permanent grin on it's face.
"Well well, aren't you a pretty sight for sore eyes?" It's distorted voice chuckled, wheezing slightly as you noticed that blackish-brown staining had started to seep onto the suit from the bottom of the torso, whatever you had heard snapping inside clearly striking flesh and making it bleed.
"Please, please don't." You begged, still trying to crawl away and screaming as it moved unnaturally quick again, grabbing onto the knife in your thigh and pulling. Tears streaming down your face as you sobbed, feeling the adrenaline mixing with so many other things in your body as you tried to beg for your life. Only eliciting a chuckle from the rabbit as it looked down at you, crouched besides your weak body as twisted the knife, making you see stars of pain as you cried out again.
"Oh but I was just getting started. It's been a while since anybody's run from me. You've really made me want to hunt, but you did hurt me." It spoke darkly, pulling the knife from your thigh and making you cry out, hands automatically moving to the wound and trying to stop the bleeding. "You know, I think you punctured a lung, you little brat." You could hear the wheezing more clearly now that it was closer, that sickening sucking, crackling sound that you instinctually knew was the sound of death.
"We'll die together then." You laughed bitterly, spitting at the suit before you heard the laughter rising from it's chest. A full blown laugh that glitched out the voice box inside and made it double over itself eerily before the person inside the suit was wracked with coughs, watching bloody spittle coat the teeth of the suit as the person inside clearly wasn't joking about you taking out their lung.
"Oh sweet thing, if only it was that easy to kill something like me. You've just picked how I'm going to kill you instead, that's all."
You shrieked as one of the heavy knees planted into your thigh, crushing your fingers beneath the weight, feeling the warmth of your own blood blooming against your jeans and the fabric of the suit, making your fingers slick with it. You watched it toss the knife to one side as it forced you to lay on your back, your breath being restricted by the heavy weight of it's hand on your throat as the other hand worked on ripping your blouse open on one side. Exposing your shoulder to it. Confusion running through your woozy, adrenaline overloaded mind before its hand adjusted on your throat. Forcing you to look the other way by gripping your chin and exposing your neck and shoulder to it.
Clicks could be heard from just above you, and as the weight bore down on your smaller body, you whimpered. Feeling sudden warm breath against your neck before a slick tongue ran up the side, making you squirm uncomfortably as your hand weakly struck out at the suit. Hearing a chuckle next to your ear as you swore you felt the brush of stubble against the sensitive skin of your jaw.
"It's nothing personal, you understand don't you? I can't help myself when I have something so pretty to eat right infront of my face." The voice was no longer distorted, but rather deep and gravelly, sending a cold chill sliding down your spine as suddenly your enemy was all too human, too alive. Heart pounding wildly in your chest as you still continued to fight. Hands scrambling for purchase, your one free leg kicking out and trying to catch anything to maybe force the crushing force off of you.
The breath was back at your throat, the feeling of stubble brushing your throat, hearing an animalistic snarl before the hand on your chin moved to cover your mouth. Filling your nose with the scent of old fabric and faintly hot pennies as searing pain flared down your shoulder and neck. Making you scream into the hand as you felt the hot wetness against your skin, almost like the man in the suit had his mouth clamped down and was biting into your shoulder. A sucking sensation against your skin, head feeling light and eyes beginning to roll back before the weight suddenly lifted from your body. Allowing you to suck in desperate breaths as you struggled to orient yourself with what was happening.
Retching, you heard retching and more clicks, the shuffling of fabric. Trying to sit up, you managed to prop yourself onto your elbows before you collapsed onto your side instead, able to faintly make out in the dim lights of the restaurant as the man in the suit knelt by your side. Retching as he clung to his stomach. The rabbit's head sat up on a table nearby and what you could now see was a glove discarded onto the floor. His fingers in his mouth as if he tried to dig the taste of you out of his mouth, prompting a weak chuckle from you. His eyes snapping over as he growled lowly. Baring bloodied teeth, his canines perhaps longer than you would have thought, but your vision was still swimming.
He crawled over to you, picking you up and making you groan despite the fact he kept you sat on the floor for the most part. You could sort of make out features as you struggled to focus your eyes, seeing a masculine face and the dark hair around his mouth, now smeared with red. He shook you harshly, making you weakly whimper.
"What the fuck did you take? You taste disgusting!" He hissed, making you furrow your brows and chuckle despite the fact that you wanted to close your eyes.
"I....I don't think humans are meant...to...consume...human blood." He shook you again, making you groan as your eyes rolled back and he shook you again, fingers digging into your shoulders with bruising force as you felt his tongue run against your neck again. Shuddering at the feeling before you heard him spitting.
"You're fucking anaemic? Great, my first victim in two weeks and I get the anaemic with the bad diet."
"Hey!..." You quietly protested, brow furrowing more as you still tried to fight against the insinuation that you were somehow lower quality than his other victims.
"Hold on, little stupid blood-bag. I'm not going to let you go to waste, you have to pay me back for the fucking lung." The voice growled and coughed again, making you feel the warm splatter across your face as he didn't bother to cover his mouth. Feeling the arms slip under your body and your head span more as you seemed to be lifted up. Groaning and going limp as you felt tired. Too tired to keep your eyes open, and cold suddenly too.
The rhythm of his steps made it all too easy to close your eyes however, and you didn't remember anything else as you laid in his arms life a bloodied sacrifice to some old-god.
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chaotic book ramble so I can stop spiraling into the abyss: dark academia books you've heard of and probably already read edition
I need to talk about books I love to stay sane please stand by <3
Bunny by Mona Awad. I love this book SO MUCH. it's beautifully written, the characters are all unhinged women, there's murder, there's creation, there's a creative writing class. it drips with insanity and eroticism. reading it is like living a fever dream. you can picture the events of the book perfectly, but could never hope to explain it to anyone.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt. this book is the entire world to me. I love the characters [they're all terrible and irredeemable people], I love the story [they kill a man then they kill their friend and also worship Dionysus], and I absolutely want a friend group just like the Greek class [to reiterate: they are all walking red flags]. it's a book you have to read once, then again, and again, just to notice more and more so you can analyze it and make deductions. at the end of the day, it goes beyond the age-old "moral implications of murder" and delves into "moral implications of love". don't ask me how many times I've read it. that's my red flag.
If We Were Villains by ML Rio. it was only recently that I read this over the course of twenty four hours, and I honesty have yet to recover. I'm not a Shakespeare girlie, but I still loved the way his work was so inherently and intricately woven into the story of the iwwv characters. it was transcendent. it was a tragedy, it was a love story, it was a comedy. it depends on your perception of it, I suppose. but I digress - it's a really good bloody book. expect the ending to make you cry.
The Picture of Dorian Gray, by our lord and savior Oscar Wilde. this, technically, can't really be classified under the textbook definition of "dark academia" since there's not exactly any academia (can Harry even read let's be honest here), but it goes in this list because VIBES. this is one of my favorite novels of all time, and another one I've read one too many times for it to not be a red flag. I mean, the name of my damn blog is my red flag. I love it so much. it's got everything, from art to obsession to murder to gay people to the most heartachingly profound lines you've ever read. I mean, why wouldn't you read it if you haven't already?
These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever. this one snuck up on me. towards the beginning, I wasn't sure if I'd like it, but by the middle, I was hooked. by the ending, I was shooketh. reading the author note, I was sitting silently in abject horror. more gay people, more obsession, more murder - what else do I have to say?
this has been a chaotic book ramble. thank you for being here <3
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rowretro · 4 months
𝕆𝕙 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪
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WARNINGS: Blood, violence, mentions of sexual things, like wyr games if ykwim
✧tag list✧: @strawbsj @nikipedia07 @enhypensccstarlight @nikisdubblchococake
Y/n watched as the kids hugged their parents before running to the school bus, to go to their school. Sighing, she went downstairs, smiling as she heard her little pet bunny hop to the door part of the cage, wanting to be set free. "Suzi~" she cooed, opening the cage as she stroked the bunny's head, softly booping it's pink nose.
The girl lifted the bunny by it's ears and left it in the bigger cage that was in her backyard, not wanting to take the risk of letting the bunny in her house, knowing full well the tiny menace will chew threw the wires and get electrocuted. She glanced at the small greenhouse she kept just for her butterflies. Her late mother was a lepidopterist, since her murder, y/n was given this extremely expensive build in the back of her apartment.
Locking all the doors, she hopped onto her motorbike and rode to school. Upon arriving at the school, she didn't even bother entering the building, because there he was, getting into yet another fight. Riki harshly punched male in the same spot multiple times, the male striking back, aiming for Riki's face, but he ducked. She wore her earphones, and purposefully pushed past him. Riki glared at the girl, already pissed, Sungchan used this chance to finally punch Riki.
He pulled on Riki's hair and kneed him in his stomach before running off. "MOTHERFUCKER GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE YOU PUSSY!" Riki yelled, running after him. God how bad he wanted to kill y/n. The girl smirked to herself as she slumped in her seat, in the back of the classroom, doodling on her notebook. She was only a few minutes late, her head down on the table, one earphone in, as she tried to nap.
It wasn't that easy to nap when she could hear Yeonjun and Taehyun, just a few rows in front of her, mention her name a few time, disgust evident on her face as she overheard them "Would you rather... be locked in an empty classroom with Mrs Lee, or... have sex with y/n?" Yeonjun asked with a grin as Taehyun snickerred. "Please, she's hot but she's our teacher, plus Y/n is kinda hot... Yeah Ima go with y/n" the male said.
The girl threw a paper ball in their direction, then pretended to be asleep. "Who tf was that?" Yeonjun asked, sounding like he meant business. "It was me." Y/n simply said, glaring holes into his head "w-well uh... Don't do it again!" he said sheepishly, trying to put on a tough act, before turning away and continuing his little immature game. The girl was suddenly yanked off of her seat, a painful tug at her hair.
"You fucking bitch look what you did!" Riki yelled, pointing t the small blood stain on his white shirt "I wouldn't have cared if it was his blood, BUT IT'S MINE, you think I'll let you get away with this?!" Riki asked glaring at her, as she looked back at him, unamused. Riki was never the type to hit women, but with y/n it's like something possesses him, and all he wants is to beat her until she begs for mercy. God he hated that dirty smirk on her lips.
"babyboy I'll count to three, and if you don't let go of my hair, then your pretty face will be met with a chair." she dared as Riki didn't let go "3...2... 2 and a half...1 bitch ur dead." She simply said, pulling onto the chair and swinging it at him, to his luck, a teacher stepped in, grabbing the chair from her. "NISHIMURA RIKI! KIM Y/N! TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE RIGHT NOW!" the women yelled as they both walked there.
The 2 were now stuck in a room, each writting the word "sorry" until 5 pages were full, beside them was Y/n's older brother, Sunoo who had to come off of work early to see his sister's hair a mess, and blood stains on his dear friend Riki. "How many times do I have to tell you? STOP GETTING ME CALLED INTO THIS OFFICE. Y/n, I replaced dad's contact details with mine for your wellbeing, NOT FOR YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT AND HAVE ME COME IN EVERYTIME YOU TO SQUABBLE OVER SOMETHING STUPID!" He yelled as the girl groaned.
Yep, this was what everyday in a high school these two went to would be like. Sunoo sighed, using his hands to detangle the girl's hair, as he brushed it out for her, glaring at Riki "And you, Didn't I tell you not to motorbike race with those boys?! so fucking egoistic, do you need to prove every 5 seconds that you're better than them?! I told you so many times, don't mess with them they come from shitty backgrounds and the police won't dare to lock them away, you have sisters right? can't you behave for once?!" Sunoo lectured as he rolled his eyes.
"Ah- you're pulling too hard!" y/n whined as Sunoo flicked her forehead "I won't let you do my nails if you keep getting into trouble like this!" Sunoo added before aggressively, yet gently brushing her hair out. Riki just slept, his head on the blank papers as y/n pulled out her back up phone to scroll through.
✧𝕆𝕙 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪✧
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blueparadis · 1 year
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( 𝐜𝐰. )_ makima x demi-human!f!(dom)reader, supernatural au, slight canon typical elements, pov!shifts, pwp, 1night-stands, pinning, wlw, friends with benefits, ēxplicit sūmt, power dynamics, s/d dynamics, mention of succubus, undertones of violence and murder. 𝐰𝐜 :: 2k.
( 𝐬𝐲𝐧. )_ being an assassin in the world of devil hunters was not a walk in the park; until y/n was forced to make a deal with the demon.
( 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬. )_ @6-022-10-23 OMG bunny finally it's here 😭 I'm so sorry that I made you wait for so long. I finished it earlier than expected... I tried my best to align with the ideas you gave me but can't promise much. Well, i hope you enjoy this. Ik i did >:)) | redirect to blog navigation.
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Being born to a renowned family with a long chain of pure bloodlines, where the next generation is blessed with astounding abilities to surpass the previous heir, is not in everyone's stars. Those who have it, despise it and those who do not, they envy it. But neither was the case with y/n. She came from a family of trained guards. Her family was part of a small clan who were devoted to ‘leaders’. They have dedicated their life, body, and soul to their leaders and they must protect them at all costs. That is their fate. That is their purpose in life. That is why they are born.
Another lukewarm Friday night rolled in.. Y/n was humming to herself as she combed her hair. It has been ten years since her parents passed away. They were killed by a local mafia gang who claimed to be as their ‘money-lender’ and hence, y/n had to work for them to pay off the debt. But fate is such a fickle whore when it comes to enacting a perfect revenge. While the money-lender slept peacefully every night, y/n spent every night being wide awake drunk on revenge. On one such night she decided to visit the church, just to calm herself but instead came back with blood all over her tattered clothes and a demon residing inside her, a succubus. The demon insatiable with lust, and her mind hungry for vengeance. What could be more appropriate than to make a deal with a succubus to enact her perfect revenge? It was a Friday just like today when she killed all the made men of the local mafia gang along with the leader and received loads of cash from the government as a reward. Her parents must be proud of her.
“Lily, I can now braid my hair like my mother.” Y/n chimed looking at the mirror. She blinked twice and uttered, “Amen” The reflection in the mirror did not change except for her eye color. It turned red. Although there was no one in the room, she kept talking. “Well, I hate that I can't cut my hair now. It has become so long and sometimes it gets in the way.” She let her body fall on the soft mattress and exhaled deeply. “You know you cannot cut your hair.” a voice echoed in her room.
“Should we go to the parlor to color our hair?” she asked scrolling through her contact list. They were full of gang leaders from several parts of the town. “yeah. We can. I don't think it would affect our bond.” Hearing such a green signal made Y/n’s heart jump with joy. She laughed and mentioned that the first thing in the morning she would do is eat a burger from Mcdonald's and then go straight to the parlor.
Yes, being in contract with a demon came with more pros than cons or at least that is how y/n wished to see it. From the day she had a contract with the succubus, she was never alone. Lilith, in short, Lily, the succubus was always there to watch over her whether she liked it or not. Better to get along than to enrage a demon— that was the idea; she wished to follow it till the last breath of her life. And why should not she? She is now a government-aided bounty hunter who has a deal with a demon. What could possibly go wrong?
“Is this seat taken?” A woman with peach-colored hair, perfectly braided who wore a pair of formal trousers and a shirt enquired softly holding her food tray that contained a soft drink and a pack of french fries. Y/n scanned the cafeteria and found two men in black suits guarding the entrance and exit of the place. You moved to a side without responding hoping she would take the sit next to you but she did not. Instead, she sat in front of you.
“She looks tasty.” The food stuck in your throat, your cheeks warming instantly at the voice of Lily at the back of your mind. She has a habit of doing this, especially around men. Maybe y/n was too comfortable as a vessel for her. Chugging half of the water bottle you were about to ask her. . . but she shot her chance first. “You are,” She rested her chin on the back of her palms leaning over the table. “You are the one who killed a group of fifty men of a local gang a few years ago. Isn't that right?”
Bingo. Damn right. She came doing her research. Just like the people say, her presence alone is formidable. Wonder how much she knows about you? Is she aware of the fact that y/n knows the devil she is in contract with? Taking in a deep breath through your nose you tartly spoke, “And, you are the one who died quite a few times, Makima.” you took another bite from half of the burger. “quite fatal I presume yet here we are.” She cocked her head to a side, eyes almost ready to devour your presence, your soul, your spirit, and everything else around you. But you kept eating. Grabbing the napkin you left your seat exclaiming, “Yet here we are drinking, eating. chatting.” without maintaining eye contact. As you walked passed by her you heard a sharp intake of breath. Makima gasped as she felt your presence fade away. what on earth was that? it was as if two famishing comets crossing each other while destroying other celestial bodies.
That was the first time when y/n met Makima. Strange things started to occur after that, as in, you kept seeing her several times, crossing paths at local bars and restaurants. Must be work you thought and brushed it off. But one day you spotted her at a cozy bar that was adorned with neon lights in a quiet revealing dress — that is unlike her. “She’s alone.” Lilith’s voice echoed in your head.
“you think so?” you whispered lowly. “she is always with her guard dogs.”
“no, no. I meant she is lonely.” Sharing a look with Lily through the reflection of the wine glass you thought, ‘Really? How could you tell?’
“Y/n L/n we know our kind. no matter how much power we have, we are lonely. We can have anything using that power, so in the end, without it we're nothing.” You swirled your drink as she added. “she must be having one of those days.”
“Like we have periods?” you asked a little louder than usual, earning a look from the bartender. It is a good thing that you always keep the Bluetooth headphones plugged in, even if they are turned off. They saved you many times.
“Perhaps. But we sometimes get tired of it. Of our power.” what a cruel thing to say for a powerful being to a powerless creature. You gulped the rest of the drink, grabbed your purse, and left the place. You can not make the same mistake twice. You can not take another demon into your house.
A few weeks passed.
When the full moon was beaming at her brightest, the stars were celebrating her beauty, human life was being absorbed by you and Lilith was having her share of meal y/n crossed paths with Makima again. She was in her work attire. Both of you had blood splotches here and there. Without exchanging any set of words you offered her a cigarette. She took it. Puffing out a drag you blurted. “My house is nearby. I'll get you fresh set of clothes.”
“Is that so?” she asked lighting her cigarette. Part of you presumed she would be such a good girl unaware of how to light a cigarette to upload her reputation. “Fine by me.” It was a friendly walk under the full moon. She told him that she is grateful for this, might as well repay you if given a chance.
“It's fine. sooner or later I'll probably work under you. Better to appease you than to lock horns ” you said in a robotic manner like you were taught. But you did not expect Makima to laugh at this. “oh!she likes you.”
‘Lily not now. NOT. NOW.' you warned.
You showed her the bathroom and gave her a fresh set of clothes. Meanwhile, you got refreshed too. When you were out of the bathroom, in just a pair of spaghetti and shorts you noticed Makima was drying her hair with the towel. You smiled exchanging glances. You stood behind her to get a look in the mirror. Makima’s hands turned lithe, eyes focusing on your reflection as you closed the gap between her and yourself. You could feel her breath rising and falling faster than usual. All you did was stare at her a little longer and then Makima tore her eyes away. Before she could escape you clamped your palms against the edge of the dressing table. Her hands blocked her chest, in a manner of self-defense or being embarrassed. You leaned closer, closer than she expected, closer than you expected.
“you look very fresh.” leaning further to reach her petite shoulders, you whispered. “you are staying for tonight, right?”
’course she is. You felt her fingers on your boobs, lightly grazed and the next thing you knew was you had her pinned against the wall, her hands clasped above her head and another grip on yours holding her in place. Melodious moans filled the room, no resistance from her side. Warm - wet neck kisses, boobs being pressed to one another, rubbing against each other as both of you hungrily shared mind-numbing kisses.
She was trying to get rid of your hold from her wrists. At least she was trying to but it was not enough. Your lips peppering kisses on her chest overpowered her strength. Makima was in no state to use control. You broke the kiss standing inches apart from her, looking right into her galactic eyes — last chance before you devour her, a last chance to say no.
Makima was quick and straightforward. So, you expected her to be like that in bed too but she was not. All she does was work. She goes for a drink but that is not enough to blow off steam for the line of work she is in. Y/n had thought about this many times after spotting Makima in that bar. She looked every bit of you when you were human.
Carefully, getting rid of the nightgown Makima looked at you sheepishly. You smiled and guided her to the bed, hovering above her, maintaining eye contact as you inserted your hands inside her panty. Warm, wet, needy. It did not take you long to push two sets of fingers inside her while your lips worked over her areola. Her hands tried to reach your feminity but she was too lost in chasing her high. You pushed your fingers further and quickened the pace feeling her strong grip over your arms, eyes shutting, back arching as her fluids coated your hand.
Sure, Lilith fed on lust but her preys were not on women, only men. It has been a while since you had slept with someone and they were still alive. To think that, a girl like her would be a virgin was every bit of shocking it was as much as it was exciting otherwise she would not have been tired just after three rounds of orgasm. At least, you expected her to be awake for pillow talk or even sharing a smoke. Stealthily, you left the bed standing in front of the mirror in the same spaghetti and shorts but with bite marks all over your neck, and waistline.
“told you she was a virgin.”
You rolled your eyes and headed towards the bathroom grabbing your phone.
@tokyometronetwork @public-safety-network @underratedcharactercorner
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jarofstyles · 1 year
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surprise! we have a new story we'd like to share with you. It's a bit different than our other stories, but as you know we love to put our spin on classic tropes. This reminds us of our roots of fic writing-- please read the warnings for every part as this story contains some toxic behavior and many red flags from both of the characters, but it's all for the sake of entertainment. it's going to be a darker fic so we aren't offended if it isn't your cup of tea! just thought we would spice things up for those who have been asking :)
Check out our Patreon for exclusive writing and early access!
warnings: y/n has a stalker, angst, toxic behaviors, gang violence and activities, mentions of guns and murder, age gap (6 years y/n 21, h 27)
wc: 6.7k
He was going to kill her.
She probably should have told him the second she started noticing something was off, but after three months of taking different routes home and keeping busy by being out with her friends, she thought she had escaped its escalation.
“Harry, someone’s been in my room.” Y/N breathed into the phone, “I know it wasn’t my ma, she’s working a double today, I left it out on purpose and it’s gone!“
There was too much for Harry to unpack in that sentence. He was wondering whether it was even worth it to question her when she was in a shaken state, she already had trouble using her words as it was.
“Pack a bag, I’ll be there in 15.” His tone was flat despite the worry that had filled his entire being.
Harry had been best friends with Y/N’s older brother Sterling since they were both prospects for the Devil’s Keepers. Being in a biker club is not something Harry expected a guy like Sterling to get into. The scrawny kid with a friendly approachable face, but that man had a punch that could knock teeth out— and it has. On multiple occasions.
Sterling went nomad earlier this year, hopped on his bike, and took off leaving Harry with very simple instructions:
“Look after my girls, yeah?”
It seemed that Sterling forgot who his sister was.
Worry and anger radiated off of him like heat on a car hood in the middle of summer. He knew damn well his stance said not to fuck with him as he stalked up her front porch, opening the front door to find her standing in front of him.
“I don’t see a bag.”
His tone was clipped. Harry wasn’t a man of many words to begin with. He loved the open road, his bike, the leather cut with the Devil’s Keepers logo on the back and his patches, and his mom- but words? Words weren’t something he loved. People talked too damn much to say nothing at all.
Someone had been inside her house, someone had been watching her. Bunny. Little Bunny, Y/N to most but Bunny to him and the rest of the club. He was tasked with keeping her safe- the whole club was, but him especially- and she had been messed with.
“Explain.” His arms crossed, the inked skin stretching and catching her eye. As intimidating as he may be, he was attractive as all hell. Distractingly so.
“They were right here,” Y/N walked to her desk, tapping the spot with her fingernail. Of course, it was empty now, but she’d left her panties on her desk for a reason. “I left a pair of panties on my desk and they’re gone.” She knew it was a bold move, but she wanted to leave something a potential creepy stalker would actually be interested in. Y/N didn’t think that they’d actually take them. She’d done it to prove herself wrong, she thought she had been imagining things.
“Don’t make that face, Harry, listen—“ The girl sighed, “things have been moving around my room for a few months or so now, but this is proof! Someone’s been in here.” Y/N didn’t want to admit that she had been dealing with a stalker for the past 3 months. She logically knew she should have told him sooner, but it didn’t feel real until now. She had been handling it just fine on her own.
Y/N swallowed thickly as she saw his demeanor change, still not able to read him after all these years. She’d never been one to miss a change in his usually expressionless face, but she’d never seen him make this face before.
“And now would probably be a good time to tell you that I also think whoever took them has also been following me around… and please spare me the speech on how I should have told you. I was doing fine on my own and now I’m telling you because I need help.”
His face was tight. Jaw clenched, eyes a dark, cloudy green as she could see his displeasure. Harry was not happy at all. In fact, he was more pissed than she had remembered seeing him.
This wasn’t good.
“Months?” He grit out. “This has been going on for months?” He felt the rage rising in him. Both from her not telling him and the fact someone would dare try to break into her space. Follow her. Stalk her.
Harry had promised to take care of her and had told her to call him whenever something happened. Of course, her stubborn pain in the ass self didn’t. And now he was fuming, looking at an empty spot where a perverted, deranged stalker had snatched her panties from.
How did they get in? His boots were loud against the hardwood as he messed with the window, moving the lock back and forth- only to find it broken.
He closed his eyes, his back to her as he took a deep breath to try and even his temper out. This wasn’t safe. At all.
“Pack the bag.” He snapped. “Now. You aren’t staying here.”
“And where will I be staying then?” She asked, letting out a breathy laugh. “I’m sure whoever this is won’t have a problem finding me again so what difference will it make?”
Truth be told, Y/N didn’t want to leave her house. She felt safe here even after realizing that there was someone who had been breaking in regularly. It had comforting memories, her favorite bed sheets to hold her a night, and her mother among other things that would actually help her cope with her new reality.
“Easy. You’re staying with me.” Harry spoke the words as if he couldn’t believe she’d ask such a stupid question. He was the only one who’d keep her safe, from now on he wasn’t letting her out of his sight.
“With you?” She tried her best not to act excited. Y/N had always liked Harry the most out of all the members of the Devil’s Keepers… a little too much. He was her brother's best friend, but he was also a strong, sexy, intimidating, and powerful man. A strong, sexy intimidating, and powerful man who had always shown her the patience others failed to.
“That’s what I said. Keep up.” He grunted, going into her closer and grabbing the Mickey Mouse duffel bag he knew she had gotten at Disney world and taken on every trip with her. It was tossed on the bed as he gave her an expectant look.
His place was safer. Far safer than here. Her mother was a nurse, she worked nights when she was sleeping and he knew that would be the time that the stalker would try and hurt her. That usually was the goal. To take or harm. He wouldn’t let her find out.
He had top-of-the-line security systems in place, his own personal armory, and the rage in his gut that had been brewing since the initial phone call to keep her safe. There was nowhere safer than with him. She should know that.
“Move. Or you’ll be forced to wear the same shit every day. I’ve got shit to do.”
It didn’t take long for her duffel bag to be stuffed to the brim with all the essentials. She wasn’t sure how long she’d be staying, but she had a feeling Harry appreciated not having to make any back-and-forth trips.
With one final scan of the room, she stopped in her tracks in an attempt to remember anything she had forgotten.
Her journal.
She couldn’t believe she had almost left it there. That journal knew everything about her, and could potentially create even more trouble if her stalker somehow managed to find it and read it. Thankfully, she’d kept it hidden in a secret compartment her brother had built into her bedside table.
Harry watched as she carefully placed the book into the pocket of the duffle. He was glad she’d thought to bring it, lord knows he wasn’t good with feelings. Judging by how quiet she was now, she’d have quite a few to write about.
The ride to his house was quicker than usual. For once, he wasn’t in the mood for a ride, instead opting to get the girl into a comfortable and safe environment as soon as possible.
The door was unlocked with the code and key, something he would show her later. Bunny walked in first, her duffel bag falling to the ground with a ‘splat’ as she began her scan of the place.
Harry never let people come here. It was his safe space, literally. Photos of the people he considered family hung up and his record player and records in the corner, his bedroom tucked away as the open concept floor plan left everything else to the eye.
He picked up the duffel with a sigh, wordlessly hauling it into his room as he heard her pad around looking at things. Harry wasn’t one that willingly shared a lot and Bunny was a nosy girl, so he knew she was going to take every opportunity to analyze something else about him.
“Bathroom.” He pointed to the door beside the bedroom. “Bedroom.” He looked around. “You have eyes.” For the rest. His kitchen wasn’t huge but it was decent for the apartment, and it had dual ovens. For what reason? He didn’t know. But he knew she would eat it up.
“Don’t touch my guns. Don’t care about the rest.”
“Okay cool. Are you hungry?” Y/N spoke up, immediately going to his fridge to see what he had for her to work with. “I’m starving, please tell me you have something good in here please…” Y/N hummed a tune to herself as she rummaged through the shelves in search of inspiration.
“These peppers are about to go bad, you know?” She pulled them out of the fridge along with some other vegetables and then went to check his freezer. “Wow. Okay, so you invite me over and you have no food?” She teased, expecting a reaction out of him. If there was one thing about Y/N, she loved to push his buttons.
Looking through his cupboards she managed to find some rice and pasta— ultimately picking pasta because it was quicker and she was starving. It wasn’t long before she had a vegetable sauce going, the apartment smelled incredible, and Harry couldn’t help but wonder in to see what she was up to.
“Here,” Y/N took a spoon and picked up a bit of the sauce, bringing it up to his lips for him to try. “Tell me if you think it’s missing something.”
Harry wasn’t quite sure what to think.
In the small time he had gone to the bedroom, showered, and changed his sheets, she had come up with some sort of something for them to eat.
It wasn’t something that he expected. He had his small menu of meals that he kept in rotation and a lot of it was instant ready-made stuff. Takeout was his favorite so he was going to get pizza or some shit, but Bunny had been standing at his stove like a little housewife. Like she owned the place.
He gave her a look, one of apprehension as he opened his mouth to try it. It seemed… oddly intimate for them. Sure, they had been around each other for years but he always kept a distance.
The sauce though? He was very pleasantly surprised. “Looks like culinary school’s done you good.” He said simply, nodding in approval before moving away.
He had been too close to her. Having her here was probably a bad idea, but it was the only option besides the clubhouse. God knew he wasn’t taking her there. As much as he loved it, it was pure debauchery as soon as the sun fell and the moon came up.
“I’ll take you to the shop tomorrow.” He sat down on the couch, spreading his legs as he cracked his knuckles. His body usually was a bit sore from riding and… other activities of the not-so-legal variety, but the tenseness he usually held had increased tenfold.
Someone was stalking her. Someone he had no clue who they were, but damned if he didn’t find out soon.
Y/N was used to him being tense. His jaw was perpetually clenched, brooding, carrying himself like he was ready to throw down at any given moment. Most people thought Harry was abrasive and hard to know. Hell if she hadn’t known his heart, she probably would have thought the same about him.
From what Sterling had shared with her, Harry had a rough upbringing. In and out of Foster care, homelessness, the biker club. There wasn’t much softness in his life aside from his mother he had reconnected with, whom he sent a large chunk of money every month to support.
Y/N didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable in his own home, so she opted to give him space as she plated a meal for him and brought it to the living room for him to eat while he worked on god knows what.
“Here. There is more in the kitchen if you need—" She kept her voice calm and low, seeing the man was on edge, likely thinking about the stalker issue she had brought on to him. Y/N knew he would help, and knew the guy would be dead the minute they found him. It brought her great comfort, to a point where she probably was desensitized to the idea of someone actually hurting her.
He’d never let that happen. Club rules.
“Hold on.” He grumbled, pointing to the other side of the couch. “You will tell me about this shit as soon as you’re done. No more hiding. I need to know every little thing.” He steeled her with a look that made sure she was well aware of how serious he was.
It was his job, his promise to protect her. In a way, he had failed. While he wasn’t sure what he could have done to prevent it, if he had known earlier he could have gotten the club to dig into shit. Stood watch all night. She was family.
He’d always been fond of her. Perhaps a little too fond in the recent year or two, so he kept a distance to ensure that never wriggled out of control. That only seemed to make it worse.
Harry wasn’t a good guy. He really wasn’t. There were reasons his road name was Reaper and that’s what people knew him by. Bunny didn’t need to get caught up in the shit he was involved in. It’s why he and her brother had kept her as far as possible from the club life as they could.
“Well, I’m not exactly sure what else there is to tell.” Y/N answered him with a shrug, “I’ve told you what I know, but I’m sure you have questions I could answer.” She explained further, knowing this wasn’t a time to play games or joke around with him.
“I started noticing it in February. I transferred to culinary school and I was always getting home late, I thought it was just my tired brain telling me I was misplacing things.” Y/N was trying her best to remember the events as they were, but again, she wasn’t scared so she wasn’t registering it. She just had a bad feeling.
“And when I visited Hannah back at my old campus, she noticed that there was a guy following us one night a few weeks after… but I figured it was just some drunk guy headed to the dorms. So every day after, I took a different route home just in case.”  Y/N had the basic knowledge of this stuff, her brother had drilled it in her to stay alert and what to do in case something did start happening.
“I’ve seen the same car around the area around the same time I was coming home, but everyone around here drives the same fucking black truck so that could be a reach. The only thing is the plates changed and that wouldn’t be my first thought but it had a massive scratch all up the front of the hood so it sort of made it obvious.”
He stayed silent, listening to her explanation. Each tidbit of information was filed away for further use.
What bothered him was how casual she was. Did she not realize how dangerous it was? Sure, she had been scared when she called him but this was serious. Did she not think to call him?
“You should have called me the minute you realized someone was following you.” His tone was cold as he looked over her. She had no scratches or bruises yet but what if she hadn’t told him and stayed at home? He could obviously get into the house very easily at any time he wanted.
“I don’t think you’re understanding how serious it is. We could have fixed it- I could have handled it months ago when you noticed someone messing with your shit. When you noticed someone was following you.” He was obviously angry.
“You know to call me. That’s what your brother said to do. I know you think you’re all grown up now, whatever the fuck, but you are still vulnerable. We told you to always come to us.” He was a little hurt, too. Did she not trust him?
“I know that— I just told you I didn’t think it was an issue till now. I didn’t want to have to get you involved, what if I was just being paranoid? You guys have better shit to do than follow me around like a lost puppy.” Y/N had been made to think she was incapable her whole life and frankly, hearing those words from Harry stung.
“Fix it now. What difference does it make? I’m here anyway, should be fine shouldn’t I?” Her attitude was masking her true feelings. “Can't go back in time can I, Harry? Don’t talk to me as if I wanted this to happen, how the fuck is this my fault now?”
She was definitely taking it the wrong way. His tone had struck a nerve and she was too proud and too embarrassed to care if she was being irrational. She wanted him to think she was strong. She wanted him to believe she didn’t need the protection, that she could handle things on her own. That she wasn’t 17 anymore and that she was an equal.
“What would you prefer for me to do huh? Call you every time something feels off? I’m not the boy who cried wolf, this shit happens to women all the time. I’m always on edge about these things— I know what could happen. Do you really think I’m being careless? Please, be serious.” She rolled her eyes.
His teeth grit, jaw clenched as she spoke to him with an attitude. He was angry, far too angry to deal with this shit. Her attitude would get her nowhere with him.
His palm itched, wanting to spank the hell out of her ass for speaking to him like that and taking her safety for granted. Where the hell had this come from? Why would she do this?
“I’m not saying you wanted or asked for that shit. Don’t put words in my mouth.” He warned, his glare cold. “I’d rather you waste my time and be safe than not call me and end up in a Fuckin’ ditch. Are you kidding me?”
He stood up, crossing his arms as he looked down at her. She was too witty and too smart for this shit. “Guys who stalk like that? They aren’t there to be a friend. They either want to take you or take you out. I’m fuckin’ serious. I’ve lived in this fucked up world long enough to know and deal with some of the worst.” Bunny had a clue about the fact the club definitely didn’t do the most moral things, but still. She hadn’t expected him to say it.
“So yeah, I’d rather get annoyed at somethin being nothing than have you in trouble. Fucks sake.” He rolled his head back. He needed to get away before he hurt her feelings.
“Going out for a smoke. Don’t follow me.”
She didn’t have to be told twice, staying silent while she cleared their plates from dinner and packed up the rest. Y/N was fuming. She didn’t like being talked down to, especially by Harry. Telling her off for not saying something sooner, making her feel like she did something wrong.
She was just living her life! This happened to happen, sure she should have called, but what could she do about it now? Not that she was expecting him to be all lovey dovey with her or baby her, but he’d always been more understanding with her. Why was it so different now?
Y/N took herself from the kitchen to the bathroom, aiming to shower away all the icky feelings left in her body from the conversation. She hated it. The scolding hot water wasn’t enough to soothe her, the tears flowing down her face as quickly as the water down her back.
She’d messed something up again. Made it difficult for them, again. Harry would surely think she was stupid now if he hadn’t before.
He could pinpoint why it bothered him so much as he stood on the balcony.
He cared. He cared far too much, and the idea of something happening to her sent an absolute panic into his bloodstream.
Bunny was special to him. She was someone he grew up protecting and someone he always wanted to make sure felt at ease. He couldn’t always figure out why, but she had always been a bit delicate. That wasn’t a bad thing at all.
He admired her softer traits. The sweetness of her voice and the softness of her skin. She looked like a dream and smelled like one too. It’s why he wouldn’t let himself get too close to her. She was a good one. He wasn’t. His life would chew her up and spit her out.
But what choice did he have now? Someone was stalking her and he hadn’t been there to protect her. Maybe he would have noticed if he hadn’t been so weak in his convictions. Nervous that if he spent more than his check-up times with her, that she would wiggle her way into the soft spot she had already been chipping into his icy heart.
He groaned quietly, sending a text to the President of the club, Viper. Letting him know he had a situation to speak to him about. He would know what to do. There weren’t many people Harry respected, but his brothers in the club? He would lay down his life for.
By the time Y/N had finished up with her shower, Harry was back inside sitting on his place on the couch typing away at his phone trying to find answers and solutions for the situation that had been causing him to feel more than he’d felt in years.
It was strange. He hasn’t been this worked up in… well, ever. Not in a violent way at least.
Seeing her walk out in her comfy clothes, hair still damp, face clear of makeup, eyes puffy, Harry felt the pang in his heart again. Had he pushed too far? Had he said too much? He was simply expressing his feelings, he didn’t think she would take his words to heart, she had always been good at understanding where he was coming from.
Y/N put the kettle on in silence, avoiding walking to the couch and facing him again. Not when she was so obviously vulnerable.
He sighed to himself as he felt a little antsy. Foot tapping against the floor he tried to figure out what to do.
He wasn’t… a comforting person. He was the last person a lot of people saw before meeting Hades. But christ, he wanted to make her comfortable. He just wasn’t good at it.
He stood up from the couch and approached her in the kitchen, leaning against the counter.
“You’re going to the clubhouse with me in the mornin’.” He said quietly. It was something she had always wanted to do, but he always refused.
It wasn’t too bad during the day. Of course, it was extremely safe considering it was where they all met and kept their shit. But he didn’t want to introduce her to the people. They’d like her, they’d love her even. He didn’t want her to integrate into the society there because she deserved more.
It wasn’t a knock to his brothers. They didn’t want their sisters or daughters, hell even their wives or girlfriends around it sometimes. It put a target on their backs- but it seemed she already had one there.
She was Sterling’s sister, she was a low risk but they had enemies. They had to make sure it wasn’t one of them. “I know you’ve built it up in your head but I just gotta say it isn’t anything special.” It was a compound with a large garage to work on their bikes, a house with an open downstairs with a large bar and couches and pool tables, a meeting room and tables to eat the food the girls who worked there made. “You good with that?”
She looked up at him with a cautious look. She hasn’t expected that. It was something he said he would never do, she wondered why the change of heart but decided not to push it. Y/N simply nodded, giving him an ‘Mhm’ and a small smile before passing him a mug of tea.
It was clear he wanted to smooth things over but wasn’t sure how. She wondered if maybe this was his way of trying to comfort her. Either way, she would definitely need more from him than that.
Y/N was never really aware of Harry’s love life or lack thereof. She knew he definitely had slept with loads of women but she never heard about any of them. She wondered if he even liked intimacy and if he ever got it from someone properly.
She always did her best to show it to him in the ways she would allow herself to. His reactions were always so wholesome despite his tough appearance. He practically melted, always so shocked that she would do something like that for him so easily.
He slowly rose the cup of tea to his mouth. He loved tea but rarely had anyone make it for him anymore. She knew how to do it right, for some reason, which always did freak him out a little.
“Thanks.” He mumbled. There was a bit of silence in the kitchen as his eyes stayed locked on her form, watching as she puttered around the kitchen, looking over the shit in his fridge and pantry. It was pretty bare bones and he could practically hear her remarks about how he could ‘live like this’ and how he ‘stayed in shape when all he had was blueberry pop tarts.’
“Make a list.” His words broke his silence and made her jump. It made him want to smile seeing her jump and squeak, gripping her chest in fright. It was a harmless scare. “If you’re gonna complain… I’ll buy you whatever shit you want to cook. Put the shit you want to snack on too. You’re gonna be on lockdown for a bit.” He didn’t take for granted that she had come with him without a fight. She knew far better than to fight him on that when danger was around.
Lockdown made things sound a lot scarier. She knew having a stalker was a big deal but Harry was making it seem like it was a whole operation. To him it was. Y/N decided not to think too much about it, opting to make the list full of their favorites.
When Harry and Sterling first became friends, Y/N used to cook for them all the time when being a chef was just a pipe dream. Harry used to compliment her cooking even when it tasted shit, he never let her think she wasn’t good at it, but she could tell when it started improving just by the way his eyes would widen and his brows would furrow as he took another bite.
Y/N decided she needed to wind down after making the list, night had fallen and she knew they’d be going to sleep soon. A little bit of TV couldn’t hurt, right?
Harry finished up his third cigarette, smashing it on the ashtray as he finished the phone call.
Tomorrow wasn’t going to be easy. They had to hatch a plan on how to best keep her safe and he had a feeling she wasn’t going to love the ideas they’d been mulling over the call.  But he trusted Viper.
He stretched his aching bones, opening the sliding glass door to find her curled up in a ball on his couch. In the corner of the sectional, she watched Gordon Ramsey yell at someone about unclean kitchens, her eyes falling as she sat there. How she slept with his incessant yelling, he had no idea, but it was time for bed.
“Time to sleep.” He grabbed the remote and turned the tv off, ignoring her pout. He didn’t want to think about it being cute, or how soft and sleepy she looked. Warm. Like if he laid down with her and tucked his face between her breast, he could fall asleep to the sound of her breathing.
That thought was quickly shaken away as she stretched out, standing up like a kitten waking from a nap. “You can just show me where the extra pillows and blankets are.” She murmured, wrapping her arms around herself.
“No.” He blinked. “Come on.” He didn’t give her a choice but to follow him, walking across the room to his bedroom. The light flickered on and he tossed his house shoes to the side, adjusting them with his feet.
“In.” He didn’t have to look at her to know she was behind him as he took each ring off of his fingers, plopping them in the ring dish.
“Are you sure?” She asked with caution. Harry was used to being alone and she didn’t want to crowd his space. It was his bedroom after all. “Where are you going to sleep?” Surely it wouldn’t be in the bed with her.
She could already feel herself getting giddy at the thought, unsure if she’d actually be able to get any sleep lying next to him. It was always so easy to deal with her crush because it wasn’t often that they had spent time together alone.
With Sterling being away he had come to visit her more often, but even that didn’t compare to being surrounded by his smell in the comfort of his home. How he had no issues with her doing whatever she wanted here, how he was always close by keeping an eye on her.
“Here.” He said simply. “Couch hurts my back, you don’t want me weaker.” He untucked the gun from his waistband and tucked it into the bedside table drawer after checking the safety. The knife attached to his ankle was next, the holster tucked neatly away.
He could feel her eyes on him, heard the uptick in her breathing. She wasn’t used to Harry like this. Harry… being himself in the way other people saw him. Of course she knew he was dangerous but seeing him place the gun into the drawer, knowing he had the capability to use it and has in the past? It made her insides twist.
She couldn’t decipher if it was a good or bad way quite yet. It was a mix of nerves and arousal. That certainly didn’t help her keeping cool. She made her way over to the bed, leaving her hoodie on the side and stripping from her sweats so she could be comfy in her t-shirt and sleep shorts. The left side of the bed because Harry seemed to have his own little setup on the right.
“I sleep closest to the door. If we separate and someone gets in through the balcony, which they won’t- I have take first hit.” He knew it wouldn’t happen though.
“You’re against the wall.” He didn’t look at her as he undid his belt, back to her as he grabbed sweatpants from his drawer. Naked sleeping would have to wait until this was all resolved.
“Put up a pillow if it makes you feel better. But until I find out where this piece of shit is,  you aren’t leaving the sight of me or someone from the club.”
It was all she could really manage to say as she realized that this wouldn’t be the only night she spent sleeping next to him. He said she was going to be on lockdown for a while. It was finally clicking that she was going to be locked down with him.
Y/N climbed under the covers, his scent-soaked sheets invading her senses. She practically purred, letting out an audible hum that she pass off as a sleepy coo.
“It’s really comfy…” She mumbled, shoving her face into the pillow with another hum. “What time do we have to be up tomorrow?” Y/N wanted to continue the conversation so she didn’t get too lost in the fact that he was shirtless and in grey sweats in front of her.
It’s like he was doing it on purpose.
“7. You take forever to get ready.” He remembered Sterling bitching about it all the time when they’d go out. Bunny always managed to look incredibly pretty and put together though, so he assumed it probably was for the greater good.
A selfish part of him wanted her disheveled and sloppy so maybe the guys wouldn’t be as interested- but it wouldn’t matter. Bunny was a fucking model regardless of makeup or clothing. It stroked an irritated, possessive cord he didn’t want to be strummed.
“We get there at 8. Meet with Viper, then breakfast.” He was making up for his coldness before by filling her in. His body was tense knowing she was snuggled into his bed, getting her scent all over his sheets. It seemed like he was a glutton for punishment.
His hair was put into a loose bun so it didn’t get fucked up immensely when he slept, but he knew he’d have to fix it again in the morning.
He wordlessly excused himself to the bathroom, brushing his teeth quickly to get the smokes off of his breath, and gave himself a once over. He looked like every father’s worst nightmare for their daughter- and it was true. Harry was quite literally the worst thing that could happen to a girl. He fucked and left, and while he left them satisfied, never went there again. One and dones were his thing, even if the club girls who volunteered themselves liked to think he would give in one day.
He wouldn’t. People got attached.
He came back into the room to see her staring at the ceiling. It wasn’t like her, really. Bunny was nosy and noisy and giggly. A seed of discomfort welled in his throat, unsure how to approach it.
“Y’good?” Was his attempt, throwing the covers back and sitting in the bed.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” She nodded as she looked over his body once more and gently closed her eyes. Letting out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding in, she turned on her side to face him and wondered how he felt about all of this.
It wasn’t until he turned off the lights and got comfortable that she spoke up again, letting the darkness fuel her courage.
“Thank you for letting me stay here.” She was feeling guilty for giving him an attitude earlier. She knew he was just trying to help even though his delivery did hurt her feelings. Harry had her best interest at heart, she knew that. She was just craving emotional support.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
Damn it.
He chewed his inner cheek. He felt the guilt inside of him grow. Of course, he didn’t have to be so coarse with her but it was hard to find a happy medium. If he leaned into the softness in his gut it could put him in a situation where he liked her more than he should. Sterling would kick his ass, and in turn, it would make her life even more dangerous than needed.
He exhaled slowly, looking over to where she was laying. “Told you I’d protect you. I’d do it if Sterling was here or not.” He mumbled. “M’not gonna let this dick hurt you. Yeah, should have told me sooner but….” He paused to lick his lips, thinking his words through. He didn’t talk this much to other people. Didn’t want or need to.
“Can’t do anything about it now. You’re safe. Got me and the club to take care of you. Just… listen to me. Don’t be reckless. Don’t fight me at every turn. Kay?”
It was as good as it was going to get to comforting for him tonight. It was still not where she wanted it to be, but from him, it was what it was.
Y/N felt content with his answer, it’s the most she’d ever gotten out of him and she didn’t feel like pressing him for more. She wanted to let him choose if and when he wanted to open up more. However, she still wanted to ease his worries even if he claimed it was part of the job.
“Kay.” She mumbled, lifting her head off of the pillow so she could lean into his frame and press a sweet kiss to his cheek. The small gesture made her feel giddy as she pulled back and got comfortable under the covers again.
“Goodnight, Harry.” She whispered, not trusting her voice due to how fast her heart was beating. She felt like a teenager again, giddy at the idea of him feeling flustered. Of course, she couldn’t tell because she had her eyes closed and it was dark, but still! She hoped maybe it made him feel good and appreciated because he deserved that.
It was so simple for her, but for someone like him, softness wasn’t always well received. She felt honored to be one of the ones he allowed to be soft with him.
His cheek burned. Both from the blush and her kiss, making him feel a bit squirmy.
It was annoying how much she had an effect on him. He was a grown man who’d had plenty of pussy in a variety of ways, who looked death in the face every day. And yet here he was. Blushing over a cheek kiss.
“Night.” He said gruffly, eyes wide open as he took his turn to lay back and look at the ceiling.
This wasn’t like him. He wasn’t someone who likes this sort of shit or tolerated it. He simply didn’t. He hated softness and touches it was rough and hard and hands tied behind backs and faces buried in mattresses. Not a fucking cheek kiss. It was disarming to feel something when he was so used to being numb.
The real option Viper had offered him today had been weighing on his mind. Could he do it without losing himself in it? Could Bunny? He wasn’t sure. But he’d rather it end up with her mad at him than her hurt. It pissed him off fully to know she was in any sort of danger, he was working hard to make sure that it wouldn’t be the case again.
His eyes eventually drifted close as he turned to look at the dark outline of her, listening to her breathing and sleepy noises. In another world, he would let himself crave intimacy like this every night- but he couldn’t.
Especially not with her.
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aftgficrec · 7 months
I would loveee fics where Andrew defends Neil to aaron and the other foxes (but definitely Aaron), i’ve seen so many of Neil defending Andrew but not a lot of the other way around and Neil deserves to have his man defend his honorrr
In canon, post-medication Andrew does not talk much to anyone besides Neil. Still there are definitely fics with this. Just know Andrew’s defense of Neil can be one sentence in a story, and physical violence is often his preferred method of communication. -A
previous recs  
‘The Ash is in Our Clothes’ here
‘Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder’ here
‘in the common tongue’ here 
‘I hate him,’ ‘One day we'll reveal the truth,’ ‘i'm getting static from my better sense’ and ‘My brother under the sun’ here
‘some1 saying something…’ here
‘Ember’ here
‘Can he play?’ here
‘Surreal But Nice’ here
‘Least Favorite Only Child’ here
‘Fighting Words’ here
‘Trust Fall (And Welcoming Arms)’ here
‘(Don't) Stand So Close’ here
‘In the Eye of the Beholder’ here
‘Beach Bois’ here
‘I'm Not Okay (I Promise).’ and ‘It’s not living (If it’s not with you)’ here
‘soft spots make easy targets’ here
‘Even the Darkest Night Will End’ and ‘The Andreil escapades’ here
in Masterlist for Nicky Kissing Neil: ‘The Kiss,’ ‘History Repeating,’ ‘Andrew Finds Out,’ ‘Something, Nothing & Everything’ (also big twinyards confrontation), ‘A Crack in the Mask,’ ‘Truth Time, ‘Truths Come Out,’ ‘The Unkindness of Ravens’ ch 16, ‘Delayed Reaction,’ ‘Delayed reaction (the fear of falling remix),’ ‘All For The Game Musings,’ ‘andrew finds out about what happened…,’ ‘Hold Each Other’ ch 6 and ch 15, and ‘Slip’. Finally, ‘Lessons in Cartography’ has Andrew defending Neil to both Aaron and Jack throughout
Andrew defends Neil to non-foxes
‘Something About The Sunshine’ here
‘Warmth’ here
Foxhole Tidbits ‘Ch. 22: Silent, but Snarky’ here
‘Through A Glass Darkly’ and ‘Some Things You Just Can't Bury’ here
‘Martyr’ here
‘The Bones of You’ here
‘monsters at night’ here
‘Killer Bunny’ here 
‘you're not next before forever’ here (completed)
‘looking for you’ here
‘Give Me Another Minute (to Lay Here in Your Echo)’ here 
‘Ficlet Collection…’ ch 35-37 here
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feral protective Andrew here
protective/possessive Andrew here
overprotective Andrew here 
protective Andrew here
protective Andrew gets hurt here
protective Neil/Andrew here
jealous Andrew here
previous recs where Andrew kills Nathan here
our latest Neil & Aaron ask here
Unconventional Therapy by JostenlovesMinyard [Rated M, Twinyards Appreciation Week 2021]
Twinyard Appreciation Week - Day 2 | “bottle episode” Andrew and Aaron attend their weekly therapy session but things don’t quite go to plan when the door handle falls off and they’re stuck in there together.
tw: implied/referenced rape/nocon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
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tw: vomit, tw: bullying, tw: nonconsensual touch/assault  tw: dissociation, tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: blood, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced murder, tw: implied/referenced animal death, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon
this is me trying by crownowl [Not Rated, 2142 Words, Complete, 2023]
After Neil has a panic attack Andrew finds out exactly what happened when Nicky drugged Neil and he is not happy.
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tw: dissociation, tw: violence
One Step Forward by thecompletebookworm [Rated T, 1665 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange Winter 2020]
Based on the prompt: “Andrew and Aaron talking and solving their problems” "If you really don't care about Andrew, why does Neil bother you so much?"   Dobson asked during their Wednesday session. Aaron dug his fingers into the couch.  He hated this.  Hated that the only time he could get answers out of Andrew was when he was sitting in front of a shrink.   A shrink who was undoubtedly on his brother's side. And that in order to get answers he had to rip himself raw first.  
tw: implied/referenced rape/nocon, tw: implied/referenced child abuse
Angry Alone by obsessivereader156 [Not Rated, 1799 Words, Complete, 2023]
“Of course I’m not homophobic, you asshole. What are you even talking about?” “Aaron, please don’t use that type of language here,” Betsy softly interjects. “You’ve been very hostile towards Neil,” Andrew says plainly, as if that’s enough of an answer. ______________________________ Aaron has been feeling angry and alone lately. Maybe he doesn't have to be alone about it.
Everything's Alright by DarkD [Rated E, 182901 Words, Incomplete, Updated June 2023]
Souls weren't meant to be left alone, so they split, always looking for their other half. No matter how long it took, the moment a soul existed, it sought the one that would complete it. The main indication is, when one of the halves of the soul turns seven years old, an identical mark appears on both parts. Along with that comes a set of unique abilities that soulmates can only use with each other—for protection, for finding each other. Soulmates would never be alone.
tw: graphic depictions of violence, tw: child abuse, tw: torture, tw: blood, tw: gun violence, tw: homophobia, tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced csa, tw: murder, tw: canonical character death
A flash of anger. prompt fill by @nickyhenmick [Tumblr, 2016]
All reporters got on Andrew’s nerves. They were invasive and never asked interesting questions, and there was probably a reason he was rarely allowed to be on press duty.
a stupid ass decision prompt fill by @find-yourself-in-passion [Tumblr, 2017]
“I recognize that you have reached a decision,” Andrew replied over the top of Neil’s protests, unwrapping his right hand in such a rush that Neil knew he was going to have red marks where the tap ripped at his flesh. “Andrew-” “But given that it is a stupid ass decision,” He continued on, refusing to acknowledge the other man’s piercing gaze on him as he threw his bag and shoes in the closet, knowing what faced him when he turned around. “I have elected to ignore it.”
3 & 10 art by @thematicallycoherent
im thinkin bout these two art by @wiltkingart
Safe. art by @eislekaj on instagram
exy banquet smoke break art by @twohiddenhalves
Vkook as reference art by @reyko__ on instagram
roof. andrew. tattoos. and two cigarettes. and neil. art by @puhnatsson
Someone strong to lean on art by @fornavn
123 notes · View notes
beautifuldisaster88 · 4 months
Tumblr media
Forever by my side
A/N: After coming across the gif, this idea randomly came to me. If I get the inspiration, I MIGHT make a part two. I used the same McKenzie/Kenzie, but you can picture reader as yourself or whoever you want. The only description of reader is; female, 17, eye color (mentioned only once) Rafe always called her 'bunny'
Summary: Rafe's girlfriend is John B's twin sister and he tells her everything. She's seen a lot of bad shit, but swore to always keep her mouth shut because she loves Rafe. Ward on the other hand becomes Paranoid that the Routledge girl will go to the sheriff, so he takes matters into his own hands, causing his son to finally snap.
Warnings: mentions of murder, actual murder, violence, Rafe seeing hallucinations not knowing it's not real, cursing, mentions of torture. I think that's it?
Rafe's tall frame appeared in the doorway. The young man looked at his father, Ward Cameron, as he made his way inside his office. What the hell did Ward want from him now? He didn't have time for this shit.
"What the hell do you want, dad? I already told you that I need to find-"
The dirty blonde was cut off by Ward, clearly making Rafe grow even more irritated.
"That's why I called you in here, son. You don't have to worry about that anymore. It's all been ta-"
Ward was then cutoff by a breaking news report on the TV. The older Cameron man sighed, knowing exactly what the news report was about. He was hoping to be the one to break it to Rafe before anyone else.
"Breaking News. Kildare County Sheriff's department was called out to the marsh earlier this morning, witnesses claiming they spotted a body."
The news reporter began, immediately catching Rafe's attention. He ignored his father, giving the TV his full attention. Outer Banks wasn't a big place, so it was more than likely that Rafe knew whoever's body was found. The last thing he ever expected to hear came next.
"According to Sheriff Shoupe, 17 year old McKenzie Routledge's body washed up early this morning. It's still unclear how the young girl died, and the Sheriff's department is currently undergoing an investigation. If you have any information we urge you to call the Sheriff's department. We will update you with new information as it becomes available. McKenzie left behind her twin brother, John B Routledge, not even a year after the death of their father. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends."
Rafe stood there frozen in place, his heart breaking and ears ringing, as tears fell from his eyes. Not his Kenzie, please, anyone but her. Who would want to hurt her, she was always nothing but sweet to everyone and she had no enemies. That's when it hit him.
He violently jerked his body around to face Ward, Rafe's blood already beginning to boil as his heart shattered into a million pieces.
"What the fuck did you do!?" Rafe screamed as he began to pace, jabbing his finger into his own chest. "I-I loved her, dad! She fucking saved me, saw me for me! W-why would you take her from me!? She never fucking hurt anyone!"
"Rafe, I need you to calm down. I did what I had to do.. to protect us... Protect you. The Routledge girl knew too much, and it was only a matter of time before she slipped up and told someone. She had to go, son. I did this for you."
Now Rafe was beyond angry, his vision immediately turning red, blurred with tears. He grabbed Ward by the collar of his shirt and slammed the older Cameron man violently against the wall. Rafe got right in his face, seething like a rabid animal. His piercing blue eyes were now dark.
"You didn't fucking do shit for me! You never have! You fucking killed her for your own selfish fucking needs! She's not like the other Pogues and she would have never opened her fucking mouth! You took away my only happiness! The only girl I have ever fucking loved! I swear to you, I will fucking kill you, but first I'm going to make you suffer, just like you did to my Kenzie. You're not my father, you're nothing but a pathetic, scared piece of shit. The scum on the bottom of my shoe. It's fucking over for you, Ward! I will avenge my love's death."
Rafe had his hand gripped around Ward's throat so tight, that he looked at the man with a sinister smile, tears still running down his face. He watched as Ward tried to gasp for air, clawing at his son's hand as his eyes and face began to turn colors. Rafe was going to kill Ward eventually, but first he wanted him to suffer, until he was begging Rafe to kill him.
A dark laugh rumbled deep from Rafe's chest, a clear sign that the Cameron boy had officially completely lost it. Ward tried to beg Rafe to stop, barely able to speak from his airway being cut off.
"Did you make my Kenzie beg for her life too, huh? Is the last thing you saw were those beautiful emerald green eyes filled with tears, begging you not to hurt her!? She was fucking innocent! Would've taken our secrets to her motherfucking grave... Which ironically enough, she did all because of you."
Rafe then began to repeatedly slam the back of Ward's head against the wall, over and over again, as his fist connected with Ward's face, jaw, nose, you name it. The Cameron boy beat the man he once looked up to to a bloody pulp, before literally dragging him down the stairs and into the basement, where he threw Ward inside the wine cellar.
Weeks went by, and nobody had heard from Ward. Rafe played the distraught son, acting like he was worried sick about his missing father, when the truth was he had him locked away where nobody would find him, Ward's days were numbered. Rafe had used every type of torture imaginable.
The worst part about the Cameron boy finally completely snapping? He held full on conversations with his Kenzie, as if she was standing right beside him, telling her that he was going to kill Ward for her. In Rafe's mind, Kenzie WAS there, even responding to him when he spoke.
"I love you, Rafey. I knew that I could always count on you to keep me safe. Once Ward is out of the picture, it'll be just you and me. We can finally leave this island and start our life together, away from everyone."
Rafe grinned like a maniac, looking directly at his Kenzie, when in reality he was looking at nothing. She wasn't there, she was dead, but he refused to believe that.
"I'll always protect you, bunny. This time next week, you and I will be on a private beach somewhere far away, sipping on cocktails and fucking under the sunlight. Ward is barely hanging on, and tomorrow is when we finally end him. I'm gonna marry you, Kenzie, yeah? Make you my wife and have a bunch of little ones running around. 'm gonna give you the world, baby."
Rafe caressed her cheek, actually caressing thin air, as he leaned his forehead against 'McKenzie's.
"I can't wait, Rafey. Now, come on, baby, we have a gruesome murder to prepare for. Don't listen when Ward tries to convince you that I'm not real. He's just trying to get you on his side, save his own ass. You can see me, touch me, feel me, you know I'm real, right baby?"
"Of course you're real, bunny. I don't believe anything Ward says, talking about he killed you. And they say I'm the crazy one? He's the one talking about you being dead, when I'm holding you in my arms right now."
The next night, Rafe murdered Ward, with his Kenzie by his side, cheering him on. He stabbed him over and over again, the same way that Ward had killed McKenzie, but in Rafe's mind both him and his Kenzie came up with the idea.
After disposing of Ward's body, the same exact way Ward had disposed of McKenzie's, Rafe packed his and Kenzie's bags and loaded up the truck. The two of them, in reality just Rafe, left the Outer Banks and never looked back.
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