#like they can't even laugh at a bad ad. they have to point out how bad it is and exclaim that the company is going downhill
dorianwolfforest · 8 months
Rave reviews from sso reddit regarding the aita for kidnapping someone ad
not only can they not tolerate hearing the word gay, they also, unsurprisingly, have no sense of humor. Sad day all around.
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gremlingottoosilly · 1 month
Slasher!König crashing a small Halloween party. Reader starts flirting with him, thinking he’s just dressed in a costume as another party goer. Even when he starts saying ominous words, she thinks he’s trying to keep up his act with some weird role play. Reader also has a big mask/fictional slasher kink. The music also drowned out the screams of her friends, making her unaware that she’s probably the last one standing.
Party is lame. Decor is cringey, costumes are lazy. The only movie the host brought is the latest Screams, and you kinda hate the sequels past the third. No streaming services either - you brew in boredom, drinking too much for one person. Not like you give a fuck, obviously. Honestly, you are one of few people who actually thought about their costume. You and some other guy. Wears a GhostFace mask - basic. His body isn't. Tall, broad, muscular in a way that stretches his black compression shirt. Some tactical harnesses across his pecks, makes you want to tug on it and see if it would be useful while riding him. Oh shit. You're definitely drunk. You plop on the side of the couch, your buzzed drain ignoring how quiet party suddenly got. Probably half of the part is already gone - you wouldn't blame them. Music is too loud, the weird horror mix with added screams makes you want to puke, and the only thing still keeping you around is snacks and this guy sitting on the couch. You try to appear nonchalant, scrolling on your phone. Checking out other, much more fun, parties. With your side vision, you can see the guy leaning towards you, shamelessly looking at your phone screen. Bad boy. "You should pay more attention to your surroundings." He says, in his perfectly hot voice. You ignore the threat, instead opting to graze your knee over his. He grunts under that heavy mask of his. Smells weird - like metal and booze combined. You think you have already started getting hallucinations from drinking too much. "Or what, big guy?" He places a hand on your hip, playing with the hem of your shorts. You're not usually like this, but you're bored and lonely. You spread your legs, thinking about condoms you had in your bag - just in case. Smile as his fingers linger even further, closer to your mound. He knows what he wants, at least. And his hands are nice. "You mind end up in a horror story" You laugh, pressing your body closer to him. Gets on his lap, grind your ass against his erection. Smile when he grabs your waist and settles you down, a hand already getting in your panties. Asks you quietly for confirmation and you get him a condom from your bag. Grind your hips over his cock again. Smile. You push yourself up, looking around the room. Something is wrong - you can't quite point out what, but you squint and... Konig slips his cock in your welcoming pussy. You stare at the body of the party host, head severed and laying just behind the couch. You blink. "Going to keep you, Schatzen. Don't worry, ja?" You really should have paid attention to your surroundings.
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misshugs · 3 months
Is this what you wanted to see? || Colby Brock x Reader
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You thought it was just going to be another funny, intriguing investigation with the guys, but things went south real quick. Whatever was in this hotel, didn't like you.
warnings: gore/blood, cursing, violent paranormal activity, reader getting attacked by ghosts, seeing shit that's not there (aka, being a bit of a medium), angst?
a/n: the story is fictional, therefore, the place/video that I based the story from, is not real.
word count: 2k
[u n e d i t e d]
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
"What's up guys! It's Sam and Colby. Today, we're standing right infront of one of the most haunted hotels in America..." Colby began.
The frame of my body visible to the camera as they continued their intro. I threw a tiny wave when they called out my name to the camera.
At this point I'm so used to all of this that Colby doesn't even need to ask if I'm okay with it anymore, although he still does, which I love about him.
We've been dating for months now and I swear that I'm just falling deeper in love every day. I didn't even notice myself staring lovingly at him throughout their intro to the point they had to shake me out of it.
"You good?" Nate asked, I looked up at him and nodded.
"Yeah, yeah, just zoned out for a little bit, my bad." I smiled at him and he nodded.
"Just making sure."
"You guys ready?" Sam asked, looking at us.
"Yessir!" Nate responded.
"As I'll ever be." I added.
"We'll see you guys inside." Colby said back to the camera and turned it off. He looked back at us and smiled. "So, shall we?"
"We shall." I responded, laughing slightly as I got closer to him and walked inside with them. While they weren't looking, I felt a short kiss on my cheek coming from him, which just made me smile wider.
God, I love him.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
While we were all walking through a corridor, I looked back and saw an employee with a tray of food. He saw me and I nodded with a smile at him as a kind gesture. He smiled and nodded back. I looked back at the boys, only to slightly look back for a second and then completely looking back in shock.
There was no one there. It would've been impossible for someone to run and hide in that short amount of time.
Was it my imagination or did that really just happen? It seemed too real to be true.
"Co..Colby." I softly said, as my feet were unable to move after the thought of having seen something so real, yet not being there.
"Yeah?" He looked back, so did the other two. "You okay? What happened?" He got closer and looked at my face then back to the corridor, trying to see what I was looking at.
"I... there was someone here. An employee... with... a tray. I looked at him, even greeted him for a second and when I looked back he was... gone."
"No fucking way." Sam said.
"Are you serious?? You're telling me you just saw a full-on person then it disappeared?" Nate asked, shocked.
"I guess, yeah?"
"Oh, this is gonna be a good night." Sam put the camera on my face. "One of us already saw something unexplainable, wish that would've been me." He laughed.
"Next thing we know you begin to levitate brother." Colby laughed back.
I laughed as well, trying to brush away the thought of genuinely seeing a ghost.
All night, I've ended up having this eerie feeling of someone just watching us, but there was no one around. I tried to hide my uneasiness but Colby saw through me right away.
Every time he noticed, he began to flirt with me, making me feel good the best way he knows how. "You know we can just leave if you're too uncomfortable, baby." He kissed my forehead, putting his arms on my shoulders.
"Don't worry about it, I'm good. If I couldn't handle it, I would tell you right away."
"You better." He chuckled and kissed me, making all of my stress go away for a moment.
I can't lie, it did make me feel better, but somehow it just made things worse. I started seeing figures at the corners of my eyes, movements around me where nobody was walking around, even feeling touched a few times around my shoulders, hands and even ass. It felt weird, it made my anxiety grow by the minute, but somehow, it felt safe because of Colby.
And so, we ended the tour of the place and thought about trying to get some activity at around 3 in the morning. Meaning, we had nothing else to do. I was already tired enough, feeling as if the energy in my body has been drained to its core. I believed that it was solely because of the much walking and anxiety that was rising constantly.
Although the others planned on staying awake until the hour came, I told them I will try and get some sleep. And so, they would wake me up when the time comes.
Lying in the bed, I didn't stay up for long until my eyelids were closed and my brain just shut down. Usually, I'm quite the light sleeper, but this time I was knocked out.
Until I felt it.
I felt some hands on my legs. Honestly, I wasn't conscious enough to know if it was in my dreams or in real life. It turns out, it was real. And it wasn't Colby, or anyone else. But I felt it, tight on my leg. I couldn't even think right before I felt a pull and suddenly I was on the floor.
I could feel a sharp pain on my head as it was the first thing that touched the floor. I quickly woke up, shaken up by the sudden act. I whined in pain as the other seemingly stood up from their places and looked at me, possibly concerned, believing I might've just moved and fallen off the bed.
Before they even got closer, I got pulled back. This time, being completely awake, I yelled out, looking back at whatever force was holding my legs, one to see nothing at all.
And it was at that point when I felt genuine fear. I tried my hardest to hold onto the floor or anything really, but to no avail. Tears filling my tired eyes as I tried to focus my vision to the things around me. Next thing I knew I was thrown onto the wall, my back throbbing with pain as I felt a huge headache from the mild concussion I probably had after all of this.
To this point, everyone was frightened. Fear made them almost unable to walk, talk even. I could see them, their scared faces, trying to do something but there was this tension that made them... stop in place. Like this pressure, this force that was throwing me around like a ragdoll. They couldn't help me, it seemed.
At least in my point of view.
Unbeknownst to me, they were actually trying to set themselves free from this invisible pressure. Trying to move, but feeling like they've had a ton of weight on top of them that they couldn't escape from.
As I fell to the floor, I tried to gain back my breathing. Shaking on the floor, I looked up and saw Colby screaming my name while being set free from the pressure, running towards me. I looked at him with hope in my eyes, trying to pull my arm up to hold him, only to feel myself getting pulled again. This time, thrown towards the couch.
Although the direct hit to the couch didn't feel as bad, I had enough force to fall back behind the couch and to the floor. Since I tried to hold myself with the couch, unfortunately, it leaned back on itself and fell on top of me. Just the cherry on top.
I whined in pain, unable to move, stuck underneath the couch with bruises all over my body and the wet feeling of warm liquid on my back and the top of my head, wishing it would've only been sweat.
My vision was blurry.
My senses were all fucked up.
It all happened so quick that I don't think even they would've reacted in time even if they were able to move freely.
With my eyes closed, I could feel the pressure from the couch lift from my chest and a pair of arms holding me tightly.
"Oh my fucking god. Oh shit. Fuck. We need to get the fuck out of here." I heard Colby desperately scream. As I opened my eyes, I could see his teary ones. Holding me onto his arms, his eyes filled with guilt and fear. "Are you okay? Fuck..."
"Hurts..." I was able to whisper out those words, shaking and I feel myself coughing onto my hand. Looking back at the now blood-drenched hand, the pain began to intensify. My vision kept on failing, only able to see blobs of colors here and there.
Colby held me on his arms and pulled me up from the floor, which made me whimper in pain, feeling my back getting even more wet by the moment.
"Shit. Her back is bleeding... Fuck." I could hear Sam's shaky voice as I tried to gain back my breath, trying to calm myself down as I heard the rapidly increasing heartbeat of Colby.
Somehow, it made me feel okay. Being by his side, the rush of everything around almost seemed softer, calmer. I could no longer listen to everything that was going on.
Muffled sounds were the only thing that could pass through.
A tight squeeze.
I felt numb. For a moment, at least.
My name.
I heard my name and suddenly, I was conscious again. I blinked a few times and looked up at the desperate Colby. "Please... tell me you're okay... fuck..." His tears probably blurring his eyesight.
A glimpse of strength came back to me and I was able to touch his cheek with my hand. He quickly looked down at me. "I'm fine... I'm fine..."
"Right after we walk out of the room..." Nate pointed out, holding all of their stuff in their hands.
"We need to get the fuck out of here and get her to a hospital." Sam said, walking quickly with the others. I was confused, seemingly forgetting for a brief moment about how I was brutally assaulted by a ghost.
"Hospital? Why are we going to a hos..." As I was talking, I realized why they were hurriedly walking away. I felt the pain all over again. I groaned at the feeling, shaking on Colby's arms.
"You'll be okay, you're going to be fine. Don't move. Deep breaths, baby." Colby tried to calm me down, his shaky breath giving away his anxiety.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
My back was all bruised up. I had some unknown hand marks on my legs, where I was pulled from. Some scratches tinted my back red when I got into the ER, as well as a few bumps in my head that gave me a red face.
The memories of what happened were blurry, yet so vivid.
And the only thing keeping me conscious was him. I could see it in his face, he felt guilty. Guilty for something that wasn't even his fault.
"Shouldn't have let you go with us... we should've stopped when you began to see so many things... I'm so stupid." He whispered under his breath.
"Hey, hey. Look at me." I said. He reluctantly looked up and into my eyes. I smiled. "It wasn't your fault. Nothing about this could've been predicted, alright? Don't blame yourself." He smiled slightly, only to sigh.
"Yeah, but..." I interrupted him.
"No buts. I'm fine. I'm still here, with you. Right?" I responded, softly while holding his hand. "No need to feel guilty, no need to be sorry. You just have to promise me a good time when I get out of here, yeah? And a good meal." I smiled. "Food here kinda taste like shit." He chuckled, making me smile even more. "That's the face I like to see."
"I love you, so much." He said, holding my hand up to his lips and leaving a soft kiss on them, making my cheeks flutter by the site of his sensitive side.
"I love you too. Now, do that again, but closer to my face."
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
it's been a while since i've written something like this, and honestly i just remembered how fun and angsty it is to write about getting literally beaten up by a ghost lmao
hope you liked it, requests are appreciated!
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pitinthelanepages · 1 year
La Route Vers Toi
summary: moments where charles leclerc found himself having questionable feelings for his best friend, you, since he was seventeen.
pairing: charles leclerc x best friend! reader
word count: 4.5k
genre: romance, angst, drama
a/n: please be aware that this piece of writing mentions death but it isn't the focus of the story. it is mentioned to show how the characters deal with loss and the grief and sadness that comes with it. if it's upsetting to you. i advise you not to read it. thank you!
gif credit to @countingstars-17
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Charles was seventeen when he had realised something was awfully wrong with him. It was a Friday night, and he was sitting on the couch with his best friend, you, watching a low-budget Christmas movie. The main reason to do that was so that both of you could point out the mistakes and get a good laugh out of it. Just like how you did once in a while when you finally had free time.
However, on that particular night, his eyes kept wandering to you, who was sitting next to him with your legs tucked under you. He couldn't help but notice the way your long lashes brushed against your cheek when you laughed, or the way your full lips curled up in a smile.
It was then that he realised he had been feeling this way for a while. He had always thought you were beautiful, which, of course he would think because you were his best friend. He couldn’t just think you are not beautiful but now he found himself drawn to you in a way that he couldn't explain and now, it’s not out of the reason that you were his best friend. He just didn’t know what that meant, not yet.
He couldn't stop noticing the small things about you, like the way your jet black hair fell in soft waves around your face or the way you absentmindedly twirled a strand of hair around your finger.
As the movie continued, Charles found himself growing more and more restless. Instead of pointing at the screen of the TV before him and bursting out in laughter before saying something awfully mean about the movie, he went still, as if he was frozen. 
He tried to focus on the movie and ignore the flutter of his stomach when you placed a hand on his arm, but it was impossible. He found himself studying your hand instead, how it’s so much smaller than his. How it would fit perfectly in his-
A hand appeared in front of his eyes before he heard the fingers snap. “Charles? Are you even listening?” you asked, a frown taking over your features.
Charles snapped out of his thoughts and looked up at you. "Uh, sorry. What were you saying?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.
"I said this is so bad it's good," you said with a chuckle, pointing at the screen.
"I can't believe they even made this," Charles replied, shaking his head in amusement but also relieved that he could finally distract himself from thinking about you.
"Look at that CGI," you pointed out as the poorly rendered reindeer flew across the screen. "It's like they didn't even try."
Charles snickered. "And the acting! It's like they picked up random people off the street and put them in the movie."
You couldn't help but giggle at his comment. "I bet we could do a better job than this."
"Definitely," Charles agreed, a mischievous glint in his eye. "We should make our own Christmas movie."
You couldn't help but grin at the idea. "With reindeer that actually look like reindeer?"
"And actors who can actually act," Charles added with a chuckle.
At one point, you paused the movie and got up to make some popcorn. Charles watched you as you moved around the kitchen, admiring the way you moved with such grace and ease.
When you returned with a bowl of popcorn, you plopped down on the couch next to him and resumed the movie.
As the movie went on, the jokes and laughter continued. Charles found himself feeling more and more comfortable in your presence, like he could truly be himself around you. He couldn't help but think about how lucky he was to have you in his life, as both his best friend and someone he was starting to feel more for.
Finally, the movie ended, and both of you collapsed on the couch in exhaustion from laughing so hard. Charles turned to you, a wide smile on his face.
"That was so bad," he said, shaking his head.
"I know, right? I can't believe we actually watched that," you replied, giggling.
Charles leaned in a little closer, feeling a rush of courage. "You know what wasn't bad though?" he asked, his eyes locking onto yours.
"What?" you asked, looking at him with a quizzical expression.
"This. Just hanging out with you. It's always the best part of my tiring weeks of training," he said, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.
You smiled at him, and for a moment, Charles thought he saw something more in your expression. But before he could fully process it, you leaned in and gave him a warm hug.
"I feel the same way, Charles. You're the best friend I could ever ask for," you said, squeezing him tightly.
Charles felt a pang of disappointment, his face falling. But he pushed it aside, what mattered is having you beside him for now. The two of you stayed on the couch for a while longer, talking and laughing until the late hours of the night.
Charles was nineteen when he had lost the most important person in his life, his idol, his father. The world had come crashing down on him, leaving him in a sea of grief and sadness. It was as if someone had pulled the rug from under his feet, leaving him stumbling in the dark.
Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, but the pain never went away. To the world, he was a strong young boy who had won the Formula 2 race in Baku just four days after his father’s demise. However, the grief had become a part of him, a constant companion that he couldn't shake off. Everywhere he went, he saw reminders of his father. The sound of a car engine, the smell of gasoline, the sight of a racing track, all brought back memories of the times they had spent together.
Charles sat on his balcony, his eyes fixed on the distant skyline. The sun had just set, casting a golden glow across the city. He didn't move, didn't speak. He just sat there, lost in his thoughts.
As you approached him, you could see the sadness etched on his face. You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, and he turned to look at you, his eyes red-rimmed from crying.
"I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to be so distant."
You shook your head. "It's okay," you said, taking a seat beside him. "You don't have to apologise."
Charles sighed deeply, and you could feel the weight of his grief pressing down on him. "It's just...it's hard, you know? Losing someone you love."
You nodded, knowing that there were no words that could ease his pain. "I know. But you're not alone, Charles. I'm here for you."
He looked at you then, his eyes searching for something. "Thank you," he said softly. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
You smiled, reaching out to take his hand. "You don't have to do anything alone. That's what friends are for."
Charles leaned his head back, his eyes closing as he took a deep breath. "I know," he said. "It's just...sometimes it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders."
You squeezed his hand, feeling the warmth of his skin against yours. "You don't have to carry that weight alone, Charles. I'm here for you, always."
He looked at you then, his eyes shining with unshed tears. "Thank you," he said again, his voice choked with emotion.
You sat there with him, the two of you watching the city lights twinkling in the distance. You knew that you couldn't take away his pain, but you could be there for him. And in that moment, that was enough.
In those dark moments, when Charles felt like he had no one left to support him, you were there. As his best friend, you stood by him through thick and thin, offering a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear whenever he needed it. You never judged him for his tears or his anger, but rather held him close and whispered words of comfort and encouragement.
It was in those moments that Charles realised just how important you were to him. You were his rock, his safe haven, his confidante. Without you, he didn't know how he would have made it through those dark days. You gave him hope and reminded him that he was not alone.
Charles is twenty-five years old and things aren't exactly going his way. Actually, things are only going downhill. The 2022 Formula 1 season started off well for him, but lately, everything seems to be going wrong. His car has been malfunctioning, and he's had to retire early from the last few races. His team wasn’t exactly the best at their job, in fact, they were nowhere near descent and his confidence is at an all-time low.
Adding insult to injury, his girlfriend recently broke up with him. They had been dating for a while, and Charles thought things were going well. But then things somehow didn’t work out for them. They were adults with two very different lives and priorities after all but Charles couldn’t help but be devastated. It’s like the world was punishing him for some godforsaken sin he had committed without knowing. 
He's been feeling lost and alone, with no one to turn to. You have been busy with your own life and job, and he doesn't want to burden you with his problems. But as he sits on his couch, staring blankly at the wall, he can't help but feel like he needs someone to talk to.
Just then, his phone buzzes. It's a text from you. "Hey, how are you doing?"
Charles hesitates for a moment before typing back, "Not great, to be honest. Can we talk?"
You reply immediately, "Of course. I'll be there in 20 minutes, let me finish this meeting."
And you do keep your word. You arrive at his apartment in about thirty minutes, the apartment door opening to reveal a Charles who has lost the glow of his face. You can sense the pain through his eyes. 
"Hey, what's going on?" You ask, concern evident on your face as you frown.
Charles takes a deep breath before starting to speak. "My season's going terribly. My car's malfunctioning, I keep crashing, and my girlfriend just broke up with me. I don't know what to do," he shrugs, doing a terrible job at playing nonchalant because you know him too well and can see through his facade before anyone else.
You nod, sighing. "I'm sorry, Charles. That must be a lot to handle." 
"I just feel so lost," Charles says, his voice cracking. "I thought things were going well, but now it feels like everything's falling apart."
Honestly you have a lot to say but Charles doesn’t seem to be in the mood to take advice so you place a hand on his shoulder, knowing what he needs at the moment is comfort. "I know it's tough, and what I am about to say is gonna sound toxic but you can't give up. You're a talented driver, and more than that, you have worked too hard to be where you are right now, Charles. You know I have witnessed you going through it all, don’t you?"
"But it feels like nothing's going my way," Charles says, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm so tired of all of this."
You look at him with concern. "Have you talked to anyone on your team? Maybe they can help you with your car."
Charles shakes his head. "I don't want to seem like I'm not capable of handling things on my own. Plus, they are the last people I would wanna talk to right now knowing how they’ve been recently." He mumbles, his head on his palm. 
"Charles, you don't have to do everything on your own," You say firmly. "It's okay to ask for help when you need it. You have people who care about you and want to see you succeed."
Charles looks at you, his face softening. "What would I do without you?"
You smile at him. "You don't have to worry about that. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
Both of you sit there in silence for a few moments, with your arm around Charles' shoulder. The only sound is the ticking of the clock on the wall.
Finally, Charles speaks up again. "I'm sorry for burdening you with all of this. You have your own life and your own problems."
You sigh, here he goes again. “Charles, please. Why do you have to make things awkward by saying these, huh? I’m your best friend for a reason. Stop saying sorry,” You huff, looking annoyed to which he chuckles, his voice resonating in the living room of his quiet apartment. 
“There you go.” You say, smiling as you poke at one of his dimples. “Here is the actual Charles who is back.”
Charles rolls his eyes before pushing you by the shoulders, playfully. “You’re so cheesy, eww.”
Later that night, Charles lies in bed staring at the ceiling, his mind racing with thoughts. The conversation with you had helped him feel better, but it had also brought up some confusing feelings.
He has always known that he cares about you deeply. You have been best friends since forever, and you have been there for him through his good and bad times. But now, he wonders if there could be something more than just friendship between you two.
As he lies there, he can't help but wonder if you ever thought of this possibility. He has never been good at reading people, but he has always thought that there is something more between you two.
He shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts. This is not the time to be thinking about this. He has enough on his plate as it is.
But no matter how hard he tries, he can't shake the feeling that something has changed. He can't stop thinking about the way you had looked at him earlier, the concern evident in your eyes. He can't help but wonder if there is something more behind that concern.
He sighs, turning over onto his side. He knows he should talk to you about this, but he is scared of ruining the friendship you two have built over the years. He doesn't want to risk losing you, but at the same time, he can't keep these feelings bottled up inside forever.
As he drifts off to sleep, his mind still filled with thoughts of you, he knows that he will have to confront his feelings sooner or later. But for now, he will try to push them aside and focus on getting his life back on track.
Charles is sitting on his couch, lost in thought, when he hears a knock at his door. It's late, and he isn't expecting anyone, but he gets up to answer it anyway. As he opens the door, he sees you standing there, completely drenched from the rain, tears streaming down your face.
Despite the tears streaming down your face, Charles can't help but notice how beautiful you look in that moment. The rain has matted your hair to your face, your nose and lips are red and swollen. The vulnerability in your eyes makes his heart ache, and he wishes he could do something to take the pain away. He doesn’t remember the last time he has seen you like this before, so raw and exposed, and it makes him want to wrap his arms around you and hold you close.
Without a word, he pulls you inside and closes the door behind you. You collapse onto his couch, still crying, and Charles sits down next to you, unsure of what to say.
"Hey, it's okay," he says, brows pinched together in concern, placing a hand on your shoulder. "What happened? Why are you crying?"
You take a deep breath before answering. "It's him," you say, your voice shaking. "He's left me for another girl. I don't know what to do."
Charles feels a pang of anger and sadness for you. He knows how much you care for this guy and how much you have invested in the relationship. But he also knows that he hasn't been the best friend to you lately, too wrapped up in his own problems to notice yours.
"I'm so sorry," he says, squeezing your shoulder. "That's terrible. Do you want to talk about it?"
You nod, wiping away tears. "I just don't understand how he could do this to me. We were so good together. And now he's just gone, with someone else."
Charles listens as you talk, offering comfort and support where he can. As you speak, he realises how much he has taken you for granted as a friend. He has always known that you are there for him, but he has never fully appreciated just how much you have given to him.
He stares at you, noticing yet again how even with tears streaming down your face and your clothes drenched from the rain, you still look so breathtakingly beautiful. 
"I'm sorry," he interrupts you, voice laced with guilt. "I should have been there for you more. I've been so wrapped up in my own stuff that I haven't been a good friend to you. And that's not fair."
You look up at him, surprised by his words. "What are you talking about?"
"I mean it," Charles says, looking you in the eye. "I should have been there for you more. You've always been there for me, and I haven't done the same for you. And I'm sorry."
Tears well up in your eyes again.. "Thank you," you say, leaning into him for a hug. "I don’t think that’s true but saying that means a lot to me."
Charles wraps his arms around you, holding you close. In that moment, he realises that he doesn't just care about you as a friend. He cares about you as something more, something deeper. And as he holds you, he wonders if he will ever muster up the courage to tell you about it.
But for now, he will focus on being the friend you need. Because that's what you deserve, and that's what he should have been all along.
Charles doesn't know how to react when he finds his phone buzzing at the odd hour of 3 am. He rubs his eyes and squints at the caller ID. It’s you. He can’t help but frown. You have always been the more responsible one out of you two. What could have caused you to call him this late at night?
"Hello? Are you okay?" Charles asks, his voice deep and hoarse from sleep.
"Chaarlessss!" You slur into the phone. "Dude, I am at this stupid club… and I have no idea where the exit is," you giggle into the phone as if it’s something funny.
Charles’ brows pinch together in concern, his heart sinking at the sound of your voice. He can tell from the background noise that you are drunk at a club and making little sense.
"Okay, turn on your location so I can come find you," he says patiently, trying not to sound disappointed. How down bad did you have to be for a man to react like this? He can’t help but let the wave of sadness wash over him. You must’ve liked the guy a lot.
You do as you are told, and Charles quickly gets dressed and heads out to the club. When he arrives, he can hear the thumping bass from outside. He soon finds you sitting slumped against a wall, looking lost and dishevelled. And yet at a time like this, he can’t help but notice how pretty you look, even in your current state. Your hair is a mess, but your eyes glimmer in the dim light of the club.
"Hey," he whispers, gaze softening, kneeling down next to you. "Let's get you out of here."
He helps you up and leads you out of the club, shielding you from the flashing lights and thumping music. He carries you in his arms at one point to settle you into the passenger’s seat safely, and gets into his Ferrari before speeding back to his apartment.
You are still talking nonsensically, but Charles tries to listen only to fail because he can’t understand a single word coming out of your mouth. His chest feels tight at witnessing the person who usually gave him words of encouragement and strength, being a mess herself.
Once he arrives outside his apartment, he turns to find your eyes barely open. "Hey," he says, nudging you gently. "You alright?"
You mumble something incoherent again as your eyes are unfocused. Charles sighs, realising he has to carry you again.
"Come on," he whispers, crouching down beside you. "Let's get you to bed."
You don’t seem to have the energy to protest as Charles carefully lifts you into his arms. He can feel the weight of your body against his chest, and he adjusts his grip to make sure you are comfortable. He walks to his apartment with calculated steps and then to his bedroom, being careful not to jostle you too much. You lean against his chest, your head lolling to the side during the process of him carrying you.
Once he arrives in his bedroom, he carefully sets you down on the edge of the bed as he kneels down in front of you before gently beginning to remove your shoes, one at a time. He can see that you are struggling to keep your eyes open, and he knows that you could fall asleep any moment.
With your shoes off, Charles stands up to run his fingers through your hair in an attempt to untangle the mess. He has known you for long enough to know you are a control freak who would hate waking up with tangled hair, and he wants to make sure you are comfortable. He can feel the softness of your hair against his fingers as he gently brushes through the knots.
Finally, when your hair is smooth and soft, Charles gently guides you back onto the bed, pulling the covers up to your chin. You look up at him with bleary eyes, a small smile on your face.
"Thanks." you hum, before your eyes close.
As he is about to leave, he feels a hand wrap around his wrist. He turns to find you looking up at him, a sad smile playing on your lips as you struggle to keep your eyes open. 
"He told me I have been in love with you and not with him, that I don't know," you mumble, your words slurring together.
Charles's heart skips a beat as he stares at you, frozen in disbelief. He has always suspected that his feelings for you ran deeper than just friendship, but he has never allowed himself to entertain the thought that you might feel the same way about him.
"What?" he whispers, leaning in closer to hear you better.
Your eyes turn glassy with tears as you shake your head slightly. "Do you know how mad I was? I was more mad than upset because I knew he was right the moment he said those words. Him leaving me for another woman feels deserving," you say, your voice filled with emotion.
"Hey, it's okay," he says softly, reaching out to wipe away your tears with his thumb. "You don't have to worry about him anymore. You're here, with me."
You look up at him, your eyes shining in the dim light of the room. You reach out and touch his cheek, your fingers warm against his skin.
"I know," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. "And I'm glad I am."
A warm sensation spreads through his chest. He can’t believe that this moment is finally happening, and he wants to savour every second of it.
"Me too," he whispers, kneeling down before he runs his hand through your hair gently. He contemplates for a moment as he stares at your long lashes to your plump lips, wondering if he should kiss you or not.
“What?” you frown, pouting your lips in the process. “I know what you’re thinking. What’s stopping you?”
He smirks, amused at your growing confidence. “That you’re drunk…? And that, you might not remem-”
“Shhh. I am drunk enough to confess but not drunk enough to forget all of this by tomorrow. This is done purposefully for a reason,” you place a finger on his lips while winking at him. 
He gasps, “Oh wow! Amazing! Elaborate what that means or you’re not getting the kiss.”
You roll your eyes. “You’re so annoying. What I mean is that I knew I would never have the courage to confess to you unless I am drunk but not blackout drunk so that I’d forget everything by the time I wake up. Happy? Or do you want me to say I love you again?”.
Without hesitation, Charles takes your face in his hands and leans in to kiss you. His lips soft and tender against yours. He can feel you responding eagerly to his kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck to pull him closer.
Your tongues tangle as his hands slide down to your waist, pulling your body against his. He can feel your curves press against him, and he savours the sensation of your warmth and softness.
As you kiss, Charles can’t help but feel like he is finally where he belongs. He has spent so many years pining for you withouting even knowing, hoping and praying that you would one day see him the way he sees you. And now that you have, Charles feels like he is on top of the world.
He deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring the depths of your mouth, and he feels you moan softly in response. The sound sends shivers down his spine, and he knows that he never wants this moment to end.
But eventually, you pull away, your breaths coming in short gasps. Charles gazes down at you, his eyes sparkling with love and desire.
"I never want to let you go," he whispers, his voice husky with emotion.
You smile up at him, eyes crinkling to signal how happy you are. "You don't have to," you reply, your hands still resting on his shoulders.
Charles leans down to kiss you again, his lips tracing a path down your neck as feels you shudder. You have waited so long for this moment, and now that it is here, Charles knows that he is never going to let it slip away.
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brodieland · 3 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Can we finally call a Truce? ´ˎ˗
Percy Jackson x Fem!Hades!Reader Synopsis: Percy finally takes you on that date, who would've thought he was so romantic !!! Warning(s): some swearing Word Count: 2930 A/N: felt like adding some social media into this one, ignore all there faces, imagine whoever you want for the photos
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The shower is your thinking spot. You think about anything. You think about your day, things you have to do, what you're gonna eat later, basically anything. Except now, all you could think about was Percy. The more you think about it, the more you realize how much time you've actually spent thinking about him in the past. Maybe not the way you are right now, mostly just pranking, but still. After about half an hour of standing in the water thinking of Percy, it's time to get out.
After hopping out, and changing into some clothes, you head to your room. You decided to check if you had any messages on your phone. Instead, you found a mention on Instagram from Percy.
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@seaweedbrain • 20 min
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Liked by wisegirl and others.. @seaweedbrain: why is this lady invading my motherland?? @StyxGirl View comments..
@wisegirl: she's added the flare you can't →@seaweedbrain: @wisegirl its literally my home?? →@wisegirl: @seaweedbrain whats your point???
@deathboynicoo: saying she's invading ur space after asking her out is crazyy😭👋 →@seaweedbrain: @deathboynicoo maybe im bipolar?? what happened to mental health matters?? →@deathboynicoo: @seaweedbrain you actually wanna be me so bad holyy🤦 →@wisegirl: @deathboynicoo HE WHAT?? HELLO??
@StyxGirl: when did you get these pictures of me you actual stalker →@seaweedbrain: @StyxGirl she want mee🤭 →@BeaurengardOnTop: @seaweedbrain me and my mama stay plotting on yall‼️
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After laughing and going through Percy's comments, you decided to FaceTime Silena and Annabeth. They pick up immediately.
"Y/N" Annabeth and Silena shouted.
"Hey guys" you said calmly, sticking out your tongue.
"Erm, explain??" Said Silena. And you did. You explained everything that happened, starting from when you pulled him out of class, all the way till when Nico sadly interrupted the two of you. He was never gonna let you live that down and you knew it. By the time you were finished their eyes were WIDE.
"Bro Nicos so funny" Annabeth was laughing so hard at that fact Nico pulled you out of Percy's grasp. "Love that kid."
"No cause let me catch him with Will" you said, making to two on the phone laugh even harder. "Let's see whos laughing then!"
After everyone caught their breathes, Silena spoke up. "So tell us, what's happening on this little date." Silena was wiggling her eyebrows as she spoke.
"Well, I actually don't know yet-" you cut yourself off when you saw a text from Percy. "Speak of the devil he just texted me."
"Well what does it say" Annabeth demanded.
'Meet me at my dorm tomorrow at 5. Wear something nice.'
"His dorm at 5. He said wear something nice" you read aloud.
"What a little romantic" Silena said.
"Gods, you and Percy are my favorite show right now" Annabeth said.
"Heyy, thats what my mom said" Silena shared happily.
"Alright guys I'm gonna go now, night night" you said
"Goodnightt" Silena and Annabeth said simultaneously.
After hanging up the phone you remembered to text Percy back before putting your phone down. You decided to grab your laptop and watch some Netflix. After a few episodes of Gilmore Girls, you accidentally dozed off without realizing.
[12:06] AM
You woke up to the sound of your phone vibrating next to you. You picked it up to check the caller ID. 'water boy.' At this hour?
"Percy?" You answered groggily.
"Oh, did I wake up, sorry I'll go" Percy apologized.
"Wait no, no. It's fine, whats up" you quickly spit out. You were now sitting up in your bed.
"Oh um, I just can't sleep, so I wanted to come over. Like last time you know" Percy asked. You smiled at the request.
"Sure Percy," you were kinda warm. "I'll be waiting." And with that you both hung up the phone. Ten minutes pass by and you get a text from Percy.
'Hey I'm here, I didn't want to wake up Nico or something.'
Without responding you, you quickly put your phone down and speedily, but quietly, ran toward the door and swung it open.
"Someones excited to see me, aren't they" Percy laughed as he walked inside.
"Hey you're the one who wanted to come over" you pointed out as you started walking to your room with Percy trailing behind. "Someone wanted a little sleepover" you started to tease.
"And you're the one who let me wake you up and insisted I came over." You stopped in your tracks, turning around to stare at Percy with your jaw on the floor. "Like you just had to ask, no need to twist my arm about it."
"Okay lets just get to my room buddy" you said as you continued to make your way back to your room.
"To your bedroom already? Buy me a drink first maybe" You let out an exasperated sigh.
"Your minds in the gutter. And let's be honest," you turned your head around to look up at Percy "you wouldn't need me to get you a drink to get you in that bedroom." You jokingly threw a flirty wink and made your way to your bedroom, almost leaving behind a flustered Percy. You jumped into your bed and Percy followed next to you.
"Anyways I'm tired come here." Percy said as he pulled you into his embrace, making you laugh. You wrapped your arms around before you looked at him.
"Wow, you really came over to sleep in my bed with me" you said.
"Well of course, why? Did you think I came over for something" Percy smirked at you. You rolled your eyes before snuggling in closer.
"No I didn't, now go to sleep water boy" you said into his chest.
Percy kissed the top of your head before saying goodnight. The both of you were out and started dreaming of each other.
[11:19] AM
When you woke up, you noticed you were alone again. You were sad until you turned over and saw a note lying on your nightstand. AW, Percy wrote you a note with your pink glitter pen. It said
'Sorry to just leave you alone, you seemed so peaceful I didn't want to wake you. I left to go set up for later, see you later styx girl ;)'
You held the note up and smiled as you read it. Styx girl was something he came up with back at camp. You hated him but the name was catchy so you didn't mind it. After finishing you put the note back down and headed out to the kitchen and found your amazing brother, Nico, making two smores pop tarts.
"I hope one of those are for me" you said.
"Oh of course your hungry" um, rude?
"I literally just woke up, what with your attitude kid?"
"No attitude. Here" he threw you one of the pop tarts and you just barely caught it mid air.
"You couldn't just leave it on a plate?" You looked at him wide-eyed as he almost just socked with you a pop tart.
"I definitely could've" he looked at you with a face saying, 'but why would I do that when I could smack you with a pop tart.'
"Okay.." you started to walk away and sat in the living room of your dorms common area. After you finish slumming down your pop tart you start slouching down on the couch and scroll through your phone.
"So Y/N," Nico stared as he creeped on over to the couch. "Do you think you could just sleep over at Percy's tonight?"
You looked up at Nico to see if he was joking but he was looking at you straight faced. "Excuse me" you asked happily, knowing why he made the request.
"You're excused" he said. You continued to stare at him till he said what you wanted to hear. And he knew what you were waiting for too. "Wills sleeping over."
"Of course I can leave the lovebirds alone!" You said as you let out a toothy, close-eyed grin. Nico just rolled his eyes and scoffed as he walked off, annoyed by his sisters teasing.
'Knock, knock'
Who could that be?
"It's Annabeth and Silena, OPEN UP" Annabeth yelled as she banged on the door. You groaned and yelled back at her as you went to open the door before it was knocked down.
"No need to break down my door, I'm right here" you said as you stepped aside to let the girls in.
"We wanted to borrow you before that little boy does" Annabeth joked.
"A little girls day, if you will. Plus we could help you get ready perhaps" Silena said.
"Alright, alright. I think I might have some face masks or something we could do." You said. You and the other two girls spent the day gossiping and just relaxing as the day flew by.
[4:43] PM
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@StyxGirl • 10 min
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Liked by seaweedbrain and others.. @StyxGirl: feeding my girls before I forced them to help me get ready😛 @wisegirl @BeauregardOnTop
@BeauregardOnTop: stop acting like you didn't want us there😘 →@wisegirl: @BeauregardOnTop can we talk about her taking credit for our idea for coming over?? →@StyxGirl: @wisegirl no bc its not even that srs lets take it down a notch
@seaweedbrain: yoo that girl in the last pic kinda fine who is that?? →@deathboynicoo: @seaweedbrain bro this shit is NOT rizz💀 →@seaweedbrain: @deathboynicoo shut tf up maybe?? →@StyxGirl: @seaweedbrain hey😁 im on my way😁😁 →@deathboynicoo: @StyxGirl your still going after he spoke like that to your beloved brother?? →@StyxGirl: @deathboynicoo didn't you want the dorm to yourself or am I going crazy?? →@deathboynicoo: @StyxGirl stay safe❤️
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You put your phone in your pocket and kept walking out to Percy's dorm. You couldn't help but smile on your way over, you couldn't believe it. Percy was setting up a date for you, you. You still couldn't stop thinking about what he said when you guys were out at the beach riding the hippocampi. How he said he should've taken you out before you guys started hating on each other. Is this something he had thought about for a while? Did he always think you were cute or something. Well if he did, it didn't show. Ha.
You kept thinking as you finally made it to Percy's dorm, and you thought it would be funny if you did it again. And by it, you meant banging on the door till there was a hole in it. Though, before you could hit the door a second time, Percy was already opening it.
"Let's calm down with that fist of fury now shall we" Percy said as he took your hand in his. "Follow me." Not like you had a choice, since he never let go of your hand and it didn't seem like he planned too. As he dragged you to this date location, you couldn't help but admire Percy. He cleaned up well. That black button down, with the top button undone and with the sleeves rolled up? Wow. You were truly a simple, simple woman.
And finally you made it, the rooftop. It was a relaxing evening. The sunset was beautiful out, the breeze was gently, and after a few seconds, you noticed it. Percy had set up a little picnic that was set on the edge of the roof giving a perfect view of the sky. "Let's take a seat" Percy said.
When you guys sat down you looked inside the basket sitting in between the two of you. Blue. It was filled blue food, mostly sweets, and it all looked so good. "So Percy is your favorite color pink, just wondering" you joked with Percy. He just laughed.
"Blue food is a tradition thing between me and my mom. Thought I'd let you in on it" Percy explained. All you could think was 'aw.' You knew how close him and his mom were. I mean he even he mouthed off your dad, the god of the underworld, to get her home. That's ballsy. You wondered what he'd think about how you've taken a liking to this boy.
"Wow, I feel so special" Percy smiled at you as you took a bite into one of the cookies. "Holy shit. This is so goood" you were basically rolling your eyes to the back of your head as you said this.
"Wow, they look good, but are you sure its cookies? Are you sure you're not hiding anything somewhere?" Percy said as he quiet down and tried to listen for a suspicious noise. It took you a second to understand his joke before you smacked him in the arm with a shocked look on your face.
"Wow! You expect that on a first date! What do you think I am? A blasphemous whore?" You and Percy leaned over on each other, laughing so hard you couldn't breathe. As you both calmed down you spoke up again. "No but really, these are really good."
"It's my moms recipe, I was worried I would mess it up so I made her stay on the phone the whole time I made them." Percy said.
"Aw you called your mom to help you with a date" you said. His little mama's boy side was something you always liked about him. Wait.
"Yeah I did, she's like Annabeth and Silena. Always pestering me about you" you stared at his with admiration.
"You would talk to her about me" You asked, you were probably grinning from ear to ear.
"Of course I told my mom about the girl who was threatening to kill me every few seconds. She even knows about the snake in my bed." you started laughing.
"Well, I'm glad we're both past that." You laid back and looked up at the sky that was now covered in stars. Percy followed after you. "The views amazing."
"Yeah" Percy said in almost a whisper. You turned to you when you realized he was looking at you when he said that. Making you the amazing view.
You playfully smacked his arm and rolled your eyes before shouting out "woow you're soo cornyy" you giggled out. Percy started tickling you viscously.
"Take it back" Percy didn't stop, not even till you were out of breathe.
"Fine, fine, I take it back. You're not corny, you're the most romantic man I've ever met" and with that he finally stopped. Not before getting you to lay relaxingly on his chest. You were now both stargazing and just enjoying each others presence.
"I'm glad we did this" you said.
"Me too" Percy said as he kissed the top of your head. After he did that, you leaned up on rested on your elbows while your head hovered his. That's when Percy brought his hand to behind you neck and pulled you in. You guys started making out softly. As it went on for longer, it got more intense. You swung one leg over and straddled him. Both your hands in his soft hair while hands gripped on your waist. Slowly sliding lower as he gripped on the top of your thighs and pulled you closer..
[8:51] PM
You were sitting up in Percy's bed, in Percy's shirt, scrolling through your phone. Wow, on a roof. Not expected at all. Finally, Percy walked back in the room wearing a pair of sweats and laid down next to you. He looked at you with stars in his eyes. He lifted his hand up and making soft circles on your neck, tracing the newly formed purple spots on it.
"I stand by what I said the other day, you looked good in my clothes. Maybe even better with no pants on" as Percy said that, you took the hand that was tracing circles and threaded your fingers threw it.
"Aw you don't think of me as a blasphemous whore even after doing it on the first date."
"I could never think of you like that."
You slide over and sat on top of Percy again. "AGAIN?" he looked at you with a shocked face, but not actually shocked of course, just messing with you. You softly smacked his chest before laying down and just relaxing. You closed your eyes and just embraced Percy.
You guys were quiet for awhile before Percy asked "soo, what now? What are we?"
"What do you want us to be?"
"I'm not letting you leave this dorm if you're anything less than my girlfriend." Percy started sitting up, making you do so as well. You couldn't believe what you were hearing, maybe just a little. "I let us go around and hate each other for years, I'm not missing my chance again, so please, let me just be your boyfriend."
Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy. SHIT. These few days have been insane. It truly didn't take long for Percy to make you feel things you never would have expected to feel for him in a million years. Who would've thought a night of drinking would've brought you together. Definitely not you.
"I mean if you reallyy want to be, then, yes you CANN be my boyfriend." You were trying your best to finish your sentence without giggling. This second you stopped talking Percy just grabbed your face and kissed you fiercely. You could feel each others smiling as you did so. And suddenly you were back to laying down and Percy was back on top of you.
You now had a boyfriend and his name was Percy Jackson. And you couldn't be happier.
Did I eat be honest. Maybe pt 5 if the people still want it.
taglist: @ayanazoldyck <3
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goingmerryfics · 29 days
Previously Betrayed/Cheated on w/ Killer, Zoro, & Mihawk
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Content: Gender neutral reader, SFW, mentions of past cheating/betrayal in another relationship
Notes* Added a few more characters here! Thanks for the great prompt @juinewasbonker !
Killer is very calm as you explain your past to him, even while you’re a mess as you do it.
Offers physical comfort; he’ll hug you or hold your hands while you talk, never interrupting you even for a second
His patience also knows no bounds- he will wait there while you half to calm yourself in-between sentences as the painful memories and feelings begin to surface. He helps you by guiding your breathing by example
The great thing about Killer is how stoic he is here. You know he would never turn it around and make you feel as if it were your fault like your narcissistic ex did- in fact, he’s the opposite, and when he does speak to you, it’s so validating.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that. You deserve so much better than someone who would betray your trust."
He pushes your hair out of your face and wipes your tears away so gently while going on and on about how it wasn’t your fault, and praising you for coming to him and letting him know so the two of you could become closer in your own relationship. He tells you that it's normal to feel hurt or distrustful after such an experience, and that he doesn’t take it seriously when you’re apprehensive about certain things with him.
Being who he is, he does get a little protective and asks if there is anything you need him to do. You know what he means by that, and it makes you laugh a little at the notion of him beating down your ex for something that had happened ages ago. He’s already a criminal, but you still shake your head at his offer and let him know you’ll keep it in mind, though.
"I promise to always be honest with you and to never do anything to hurt you. You mean everything to me, and I'll always be here to support you."
Zoro is very direct, even to the point of that being a bad thing sometimes. So as you explain your past to him, you search his face constantly for any hint of a reaction, as if you’re trying to prepare yourself for him to tell you that you must have done something to cause the betrayal- that you were too much of a prude, or maybe it’s the way you speak
But he doesn’t say anything like that at all. This isn’t the time for his problem solving, and he knows that. He hasn’t experienced a betrayal like you have, and that’s all the more reason why he knows that this is an active listening situation
When it is his turn to talk, he knows exactly what to say and doesn’t hesitate for a moment
“You're better off without someone who can't stay loyal. You deserve someone who respects you."
In this situation he would be talking about himself, but it comes out so fast that he forgets he’s your current boyfriend for a moment
The both of you share a bit of a laugh at that, and you let him know that you hope he can be patient with you while you learn how to trust your romantic partner again. He understands that you need some time for that, and he’s not worried about having to wait.
"You're not alone in this. I've got your back, always. If you need anything, just say the word."
He’s not big on initiating physical contact, but he gladly returns it when you pull him in for a hug and a kiss.
You let him know that you appreciate him, and the two of you go off for a nap to regain the energy from the exhausting reveal
His strong suit does not lie in handling big emotions, so this conversation takes a while. 
He keeps asking you what’s wrong, knowing from your actions that there’s something you want to tell him, but you keep mentioning that you don’t want to talk about it yet- and he doesn’t want to push you, but he’s getting worried
Finally, you two sit down to have this talk over a glass of wine. You keep yourself calm while you explain, and you talk about how the situation had destroyed your self confidence in the past and your ability to trust. He listens to every word, and even sets his glass down so you have his full attention.
"I admire your resilience in the face of adversity. Remember, you are not defined by the actions of others."
The way he leans forward to take your hands in his and kiss your palms is so romantic that you can’t help but to swoon and break into a smile. He can be so sweet very suddenly, and you were glad that this wasn’t something he would find as a waste of time, or a nuisance
He shares that he has gone through this before, too. He understands your feelings of hurt, and he understands the malice towards the person that destroyed you just as he felt to the person who destroyed him, too
He urges you that dwelling on that hurt will only keep you stuck in that time of pain, and even offers to guide you back into self-love in many ways. He asks if you’d like more insight into his life, like coming with him to warlord meetings, or if you simply would like more compliments, which he is always happy to do
Whatever it is, if anything, he commits to doing it for you if you say it will help you to feel better in your relationship with him
"Should you ever require guidance or assistance, know that I am here to offer what counsel I can.”
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samandcolbyownme · 4 months
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TRIGGER WARNING: This one shot will contain mentions of a knife. If you are at all uncomfortable with that type of thing - PLEASE SKIP THIS CHAPTER!
Summary: Anon request - "Jake smut with knife kink????"
Warnings: SMUT18+, KNIFE PLAY!, strong language, teasing, hair pulling, scratching, biting, dirty pet names, unprotected sex, begging, praising, use of a knife during sex, maybe some breeding kink, filth.
Word count: 3.9k | not edited
I will going off the 'trying every fast food fried chicken sandwich' video on Johnnie's channel, but I will be adding some stuff to make you fit into the story - but I did shorten it a lot to not make it as long. Enjoy !
You sat in the chair behind the camera as Jake and Johnnie prepared to start recording. You and Jake had plans to hang out, but he totally forgot he already had a date with Johnnie to rate chicken on a scale of one through five.
"Have you ever wanted a chicken sandwich-"Jake cuts Johnnie off, "yeah." Johnnie continues, "well now you can-"
Jake stares into the cameras trying not to laugh, "yes."
"Well today -"
Jake interrupts him again, " yep."
Johnnie says nothing else as he leans over and grabs, what looks to be the handle of a knife. You and Jake both stare at him as he struggles to open it. You watch as Jake closes his mouth and reaches over to take it from Johnnie's grasp.
In one swift flick, the silver blade pops through, revealing its sharpness. Johnnie raises his hands, "Okay. Okay. Take it easy."
You felt relieved that Jake was staring at Johnie while holding it because that gave you time to get your cheeks back to a normal color. That was one of the hottest things you've seen Jake do, even if it was just as simple as him opening that knife.
It still got your mind going and blood pumping a mile a minute.
Jake glances at you as he sets the open knife on the table and you smile at him, sitting up as he looks away because a nasty and dangerous, yet super sexy thought, sneaks its way into your mind.
You don't even know how Jake would react to what you just thought of, but you knew that you weren't going to stop thinking about it until you got an answer from him.
You pull yourself from your thoughts and wind up listening to a very strange, yet normal Jake and Johnnie, comment, "..and and we're gonna be putting lots of meat in our mouth and we're-"
Your weird look turns into quiet laughter behind your hand as you watch Jake's face change quickly into a caught off guard confused stare.
He blinks a few times and looks at you and just shakes his head as Johnnie continues to ramble on. Then, the conversation turns into dissecting frogs before Johnnie says something about his merch.
"I'm proud to be an Americas favorite lady.." Johnnie sings and you just stare, thinking about why you agreed to sit in on this when you knew it was going to be hard to be quiet.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Alright, the first one we're trying is- mm-blah- uh- fuck." Johnnie looks down and Jake points to him, "Ha. You stuttered this time. Ha, ha."
You watch as Jonnie stares at the table for a few seconds in silence before he reaches for the knife again, and your eyes instantly move to Jake.
Jake watches as Johnnie struggles again and you pull your bottom lip between your teeth as Jake reaches over, waiting to watch his thumb slide up to open it once again.
"It's got a child lock on it." Jonnie says right before Jake takes it from him, popping the blade out of the top.
You don't know why, but you are so turned on by Jake opening the knife. You thought the first time was bad, but the more he does it, the more you feel like you can't breathe.
Jake closes the knife and hands it back to Johnnie, watching as he finally figures out how to open it. Jake raises his hand as he laughs, "Okay, okay. Now I'm scared."
Jake glances over at you and back to Johnnie, "Now I'm scared."
"Who stuttered what?" Johnnie asks in a funny voice and you can't help but laugh.
"Let me see that." Jake says and your eyes snap back to his hand that's reaching out for it, "Let me see that."
"Wait wait wait." Johnnie says and Jake drops his hand, "Come on. It's not a toy."
"Well it's real, it's dangerous, and illegal." Johnnie says and that just fuels the fire.
You watch as Jake takes the knife, laughing as he sets it down. You look up, eyes meeting his as he sets it down and you tilt your head with a smile.
He squints his eyes, picking up that there's something going on with you and you cross your leg over the other as you lean back against the wall.
He smirks slightly before going back to doing the video.
Every time Jake laughs, you smile because it's like you fall in love with him all over again, even the weird comments, you can't help but love him more.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You have your head resting on the wall, watching Jake do his reviews when all of a sudden your eyes go wide and your hand slaps over your mouth.
Jake looks at you, tilting his head before looking over his shoulder.
"Hello!" Johnnie, or as you call it, his alter ego, Timmy yells. Jake's eyes go wide and he snaps his head back to you, "Oh.. my god."
Jake covers his mouth as Johnnie walks up, grabbing the sandwich, "Chicken sandwiiiiich." He screams as he clings to it for dear life.
Jake's hand is still over his mouth, "Oh my god. No way."
Johnnie continues to scream before taking an obnoxiously loud bite. Your hand slowly moves off of your mouth as you try to contain in the laughter.
You were super turned on, ready for this video to be done, but now thanks to Timmy, you were no longer focused on Jake dragging a knife across your neck.
"Holy shit." Jake lays a hand on his chest and drags it down to drop it into his lap as Johnnie slowly walks up to him, "If I just sit still, he won't know I'm here."
Your eyes flick back and forth from him to Johnnie, "oh my god. This isn't real." You whisper into your hand, "Holy fuck."
It's quiet, all but the sound of Johnnie eating as he walks up to Jake. Jake's eyes are on you, fighting to not look at Johnnie.
Johnnie leans down, "Want eat?"
Jake laughs, "No." he turns his head to look at Johnnie, "Get back." Johnnie moves back and yells something that's muffled by the food in his mouth before touchdown slamming the sandwich onto the floor.
Jake's mouth drops as he leans over, looking at you for help. You shrug, "I don't know what you want me to do. We just have to.. wait it out."
Johnnie leaves the room and you sit there staring at Jake, "What the fuck was that?" You watch as his fingers drag on the table against the knife and he looks up at you, "I'm going to stab him."
You laugh slightly, "Oh my g- Jake. No you're not going to stab him. He can't help it." You hold back your laughter as Johnnie walks back into the room.
And that feeling you had before returns, all it took was for him to touch the knife.
"Anyways." Johnnie says walking back into the room, like nothing even happened.
Which makes it a lot funnier.
You lean back against the wall, falling back into your thoughts after Johnnie's little Timmy outburst.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
Johnnie picks up a hammer, holding it up and Jake quickly picks up the knife, giving you a quick glance. 
You bite down on your lip, watching as he brings it up and opens it with no trouble.
You wanted him. And you wanted him to play with it, press it up against your neck.
Drag it down your body.
You wanted him to tease you with it.
Do whatever he wanted to you with it.
You never thought you'd bring a knife into sexual pleasure, but hey. Things can change, right?
A short time later, they wrap up the video and Jake stands up, "I hope you know you're cleaning this up yourself."
"What? Why?" Johnnie groans with a laugh, "No, don't answer that. I had an outburst didn't I?" He hangs his head and sighs loudly.
"I swear to god you're schizophrenic." Jake shakes his head and turns to face you, "Ready to hang out?" You nod, "Yeah, but first.." you lean around him and grab the knife off the table, "Close this for me."
He gives you a confused look but complies, taking the knife from your hand, closing it with ease, "Can I as-"
You cut him off, "Not here."
He tilts his head, "You're being weird."
You roll your eyes, "If anyone's weird here it's-"
Johnnie lets out a random scream and Jake spins you around, "Let's get out of here before he sees us." He pushes you forward and you walk out laughing.
Jake lays his arm over your shoulder, "So are you going to tell me what's brewin' in that noggin of yours.. or do I have to guess?"
You bite your lip, resting your head back onto his arm, "I mean, you can guess."
"Does it involve sexy time?" He wiggles his brows and you laugh, "that's not a guess, but yes, babe."
He pushes open his door and walks you in, turning around to close it.
"Okay. I'm just.." you sigh, looking up at him, "I'm just going to say it because it's a pretty.. wild request."
He holds up the closed knife in his hand, "It doesn't have anything to do with this.." he dangles the knife in his fingers, "..does it?"
You bite your lip, locking your hands together behind your back, "I told you it was a wild request."
He purses his lips together, eyes moving to the object in his hand, "You.." he laughs slightly, looking back to you, "You want me.." he points to the knife, "To do.. what exactly?"
"I'm not asking you to stab me, Jake. Just.." you walk up and take the knife from his hand. You try to get it open, "there really is a child lock on this isn't there."
Jake smirks and takes the knife from your hand, holding it up between your bodies and he flicks it open.
Your eyebrows raise and you bite your lip, "Uh huh." You nod, "You are so hot when you do that."
He smirks, looking away and back to you with a smile, "Oh shucks." He raises his shoulders and tilts his head all cute.
You move closer to him, wrapping your hand around his wrist, "I just.." your eyes move from the knife in his hand, up to his eyes, "I want you to, I don't know, intimidate me with it.. tease me with it."
"Isn't.. this a little bit dangerous?" He stares down at you and you shrug with a slight smile, "I mean, yes it's dangerous." You grab his shirt and move closer to him, "But that's what makes it fun right?"
A smirk toys with his lips as he brushes hair from your face, "I don't want to hurt you."
"You won't. I trust you." You tilt your head back, "We don't have to if-"
The sudden gentle graze of the blade across your cheek shuts you up instantly.
Jake's eyes bounce from your eyes to the knife resting on your cheek, "You know.. you have such an angel face." He bites his bottom lip, "But these thoughts you have, baby.. they're the devils thoughts."
He bends down, quickly lifting you up. Your legs circle his waist and you look down at him, "Only for you, baby."
He smirks, "I sure hope so."
He walks you over to his bed, moving his hand with the knife before letting you fall backwards onto the bed, "What do you want me to do?"
You lean up onto your elbows, "You're holding the knife, babe. You're in control."
"Oh shit. Okay." He laughs slightly and twirls it in his fingers, "if I see blood." He points the blade towards you, "I'm stopping."
"Deal." You smile and lay back, watching as he moves in between your knees after taking off his shirt. He drops his hand, dragging the point of the blade gently down your fishnet covered thigh.
He reaches up to undo your jean shorts, slowly pulling them down your legs until they're off and dropped to the floor.
You watch as he picks up the knife, slipping the sharp side of the blade against each thin piece of fishnet, cutting all the way up to your hip.
He moves to the other side, "I hope you didn't like these."
"I have more." You glance up at him, biting your lip as you feel the loose fabric sliding off your legs. He moves up, leaning down to press his lips against yours.
"How do you-" you reach over, pulling his hand with the knife over, "Just.. like. This." You lay the blade against your neck, "Just enough pressure for me to feel it."
"You're fucking crazy." He smirks and you tilt your head back, "You love it."
"I love you." He pulls the knife away, crashing his lips into yours. Your lips move in sync as his hand slips under your shirt, a small moan slipping from your lips as his fingers twist and pull at your nipple.
"Please don't tease." You whimper out.
He sits up and pushes your shirt up. He reaches over picking up the knife and dragging it down your torso, "I thought that's what you wanted?"
You fight back a smirk, knowing he's right, "Mhm."
He smirks, slipping it into the thick band of the fishnets, "Thought so."
With a swift swipe up, the band splits. He finishes cutting the fishnets and pushes the loose pieces away.
He spreads your legs more and you bite your lip as you feel the blade rest against your clothed pussy. Your eyes lock onto his and he drags it down, "Jake.."
Your words are barely audible, "P-please."
Your adrenaline was pumping. Any second that blade could puncture your skin, but the amount of trust you have for Jake, especially when it comes to you, make it even better.
"Please what, baby?" He drags the knife gently down the inside of your thigh, "Where do you want it?"
"Anywhere.." You breathe out, "I just.." you whimper as he presses the flat side against your clit, tapping a few times. He tilts his head, continuing to tap, "You just what, baby?"
"I need you." You move your hips slightly, "Please."
He leans down, kissing up your torso, "Fine." He rolls over, sitting his back against the headboard, "But you're ridin'."
You sit up, slipping your shirt up over your head, "okay." You smirk at him, kicking off the torn fishnets before moving up to straddle him.
He reaches behind you, making sure to gently drag the blade down your spine. You arch your back slowly, pushing your chest out and he kisses in between your boobs.
"You are so fucking hot." His other hand moves to grip your ass, squeezing before sliding it around to pull the band of your panties outward.
He drags the knife over your hip before slicing the band of your panties. You watch as he moves to the other side, cutting it and letting it fall between your legs.
He looks your body up and down and slides his hand up your back, gripping the back of your neck before pulling you in for a kiss.
Your hands move to the sides of his neck as you grind down on him, earning a low groan.
Your hands slide down, undoing his jeans before moving off of him so he can kick them off. He moves his boxers down and pulls you back over, "I hope you know, I love watching you ride me."
He spits into his hand, moving it down to rub the outside of your pussy. You moan, gripping his shoulders as his fingers move to rub circles on your clit, "Fuck."
He moves his hand to hold his cock steady, "go ahead babe."
You let out a loud moan, clenching around him as you sink down onto him. Your moan is cut short by a gasp from the knife against your neck.
"Why didn't I think of this?" Jake groans as you slowly move up and down, "This is fucking.." he groans, eyes gawking at the knife pressing against your skin, "Do you like it?"
You moan out, "Yes, yes."
"Tell me what you like, babe." Jake moves his hips upward and you sigh, "I love how you hold this knife against my skin."
"You look so fucking hot." He drags the knife down your neck and over your boob. He moves with your motions, pressing it a little harder into your skin.
You let out an excited whimper as you dig your nails into his shoulders, biting your lip as you roll your hips into his, "Jake.." you moan out, "You feel so good." 
He tilts his head back and you act quick, taking the knife from his hand and pressing it against his neck. His eyes widen slightly as his hands move to grip both of  your hips, "Fuck." He swallows, keeping his jaw up, "You're such a demon." 
You giggle slightly, a moan following quick as you sink all the way down, letting his cock rest inside of you, "You're so hot." You lean in, pressing your lips to his as you gently drag the knife down his skin. You replace the blade with your lips, sucks a mark into his skin which earns a low groan from his lips. 
He slides his hands up to the front of your shoulders, pushing you back as he leans forward. He pins your wrist down by your head before he starts thrusting into you, "Fucking shit." 
You arch your back, moaning loudly as your legs tighten over his thighs, "J-Jake." You gasp, "So c-close." 
He slips his hand up, taking the knife back into his possession. He leans down, holding up his weight on his forearm as he drags the knife down the side of your torso, "Cum for me." 
Your breathing shutters as the knife grazes over your skin. Your eyes roll back as you tilt your head back, whining loudly as he kisses down your neck, biting and nipping at your skin. He proceeded to give you a matching hicky, groaning lowly as he feels you tense around him. 
You let out a loud moan, digging your nails into his back as you cum. His thrusts slow down as he guides you through your high and then come to a stop, "Hands and knees baby." 
Jake pulls out, sitting all the way up to watch you lazily roll over. He lays a hand on your hip, biting his lip as his eyes gaze down to your soaked pussy on display, "You're so fucking wet." He brings the knife up, dragging it down over your ass and tapping it gently against your pussy. 
You gasp, trying not to move. Your fingers ball up the comforter underneath you, whimpering as you grow more impatient for him to be inside of you again.
"Please.. you whimper out, "Jake.." your words are breathless and Jake loves it. 
"Please what?" He moves the knife up, dragging it down over your other cheek. 
You sigh, "I need you." 
He rises up to lean down, pressing his lips against your shoulder, "I want to cum in you so bad. Fill you up completely." He groans at his own words, "Fuck, you would look so sexy pregnant." 
Jake has never said anything like that before. You guys were always careful, you didn't think he was thinking about anything like that. 
"W-what?" You ask, making sure you heard him correctly. 
"You heard me." He leans up, dragging the knife down your spine as he moves his hips to rub the tip of his cock against your pussy, "Would you like that?" 
You push your hips back, biting your lip as you try and think, but your mind is so scrambled right now, "I-I-" you gasp as he thrusts into you, knife pressing into your skin, "Yes." 
"Yes what, y/n?" Jake reaches up, gathering your loose hair into his hand, "want me to cum in that pretty pussy of yours?" 
You nod against the hold he has on your hair, letting out a whine when he pulls harder, "Fuck, yes. Yes. Yes!" 
Jake bites his lip harder as he starts thrusting, groaning as he watches you push your hips back to meet his thrusts.
He drops the knife, moving his now free hand to grip your ass, "That's it."
He lets go of your hair, moving it back to lay on your hip, fingertips digging hard into your skin, “Fuck, I’m so fucking close baby.”
You moan in response, moving your hips up and down repeatedly until he grabs them, pulling you fully down onto him as he pushes all the way in.
You squeeze his cock, moaning as you feel him coating the inside of your pussy white.
“Fuck.” He sighs, “That was surprisingly fun.”
You laugh as you lay down on his bed, “It was.” You look back at him, watching as he picks the knife up to close it.
“Open it, again.” You bite your lip as you watch him smirk, switching the blade open, “Wanna see me do it again?” He jokes, but you nod, “I could watch you do it all day.”
“Really?” He asks with a laugh, “What’s so hot about it?”
You sit up, “Just you.. and that knife.. it just.. gets me going.” He moves to stand in front of you, resting the blade under your chin, “You know I can’t let Johnnie touch this again, right?”
“I would hope not.” You smile and lick your lips, “That would be kinda weird now that it’s been on .. places.”
Jake laughs and closes the knife, “Yeah, that’s going to the dresser drawer with its new friends.” He walks over, opening the drawer that you store all of your other sex toys in.
You shake your head, “I’m stealing a shirt.”
“Yeah, take whatever you want babe.” Jake smiles at you as he shuts the drawer. As you go through his closet, there’s a knock on the door, “Jake, where’s your knife? I want to practice opening it. I can beat that fucking child lock.”
You and Jake lock eyes and it’s instant laughter.
Johnnie is silent for a few moments, “You didn’t have to laugh at me, holy shit.”
“Sorry Johnnie.. that knife is out of commission.” Jake yells as he tries not to laugh.
“Aw, did you break it? Stupid fuck.” Johnnie yells and Jake sighs, “You’re the stupid fuck, but yeah I guess I broke it.”
Jake looks at you, shaking his head as he smirks.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I know this was long awaited, so I thank you for being patient and for reading. I hope you enjoyed 🖤
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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The Man 8
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: mob!Lloyd Hansen
Summary: a demanding customer complicates more than your work life.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You gag into your hand, shaking. You gurgle and shake out your fingers, the motion of the car adding to your sickness. The man beside you growls. 
"What the fuck is your problem?" 
"Eeek, it's so gross," you drag your tongue against the roof your mouth, like a llama about to spit, "it tastes so bad!" 
You give another repulsed noise and shudder. The salty, sticky, sweaty flavour stains your mouth. You feel like you can even smell it. 
"You don't think it tastes gross?" 
"Do you think I taste my own cum?" He snorts. 
"Like I said, the internet--" 
"Maybe you should cut that out and grow up. You might not be knee deep in shit if you did." 
"I-- me. Sir, you're the one--" 
He reaches over and flicks your throat, right in your esophagus, and cough in pain as you fold over. 
"You think your funny? We'll see who's laughing soon enough," he grits as he slaps his hand back on the steering wheel. "Come into my town and.... bullshit... laughing..." 
He rants under his breath as he drives on. You feel the daggers he sends in your direction as he drives. You'd rather he focused on the road because he just blew a red. 
"So... if you're not the mayor..." you begin as you sit up. You see your reflection in the side mirror; yikes.  
"Don't fucking start," he warns and points a finger, hitting the wheel, "I swear you want to die. Don't you?" 
"Mayors don't talk like that so... no," you frown. "Look, Fl-- Lloyd," you enunciate slowly, "you keep saying I should know who you are but I don't, okay?" 
"Are you going to keep talking?" He grumbles. 
"Sorry, sorry," you rub your neck, your throat still throbbing, "I'm... trying." 
"Not hard enough," he sneers, "all you need to know is to shut your mouth and listen. Got it, sweet lips?" 
You nod and cross your arms, "got it." 
He sighs and eases off the gas. You sit forward and crane around. Where the heck are you? You've never been to this end of town. 
"Sit back," he shoves your shoulder so you hit the seat, "can't see through you despite the empty space in your skull." 
You curl your shoulders in and lower your head. Your adrenaline slowly recedes. Oof, that hits hard. Not worse than anything you've been told before but having a moment to think about it, about everything that's happened on the last few hours, it doesn't feel good. 
You languish in the silence and watch the blend of brick and pavement through the car window. This is just another I told you so. Your parents will be all too happy to laugh on your face. And those old friends who kept you around to make themselves feel better. 
He huffs as he slows and rolls up to a large gate, "come on, cheeks, don't get all pouty now. The fun part's not even begun." 
You lean forward to see beyond the gate as it opens at the touch of his phone screen. You can't help but feel awe at the sprawling yard and towering modern mansion. These places only exist on screens. 
"Aw, baby face, you're seeing all sorts of big things today, huh," he scoffs. 
You don't react. He sways dangerous between menacing and mocking. He might not have told you outright who or what he is, but you can guess by his flagrant threats and even more exorbitant wealth. No on is that cocky or that rich through innocent means. 
He rolls through and the gate shuts without prompt. Like a motion sensor or something just as fancy as the rest of this place. You wonder how long it takes the army he no doubt employs for the task to trim and style the lawn. You almost understand why he was so finicky about his coffee. Almost. 
Yet that glimmer of defiance needles in the back of your head. If he's so rich and better than you, why wasn't he hitting some high end place where they infuse their coffee with diamonds or whatever? You suppose he might enjoy feeling like a giant as he walks among the anthills. 
Figuring out this man won't do you any good. Even if you could. None of that matters. You've stepped on his toes and he's not going to let yours go unstomped. 
He pulls in along a row of egregiously expensive luxury cars; one for seemingly every day of the week. It wouldn't surprise you. Well, you’re in such a stupefied state, nothing can. 
His seat belt repeals sharply and he swings open the driver's door. You jolt back and look around. Do you get out too? He slams the door and your doubt is quashed as he taps on the window with his knuckles.  
You undo your belt and feel around the door. Where the heck is the handle? These things have to be so sleek and sophisticated that you can never figure anything out. The door opens before you can find the release and you look up sheepishly at Lloyd.  
You get out and step aside as he shut the door with a flick of his wrist. You peer around and twiddle your thumbs. What exactly happens now? 
You stop short as he heads toward the stone steps along the house's facade. You're struck by a startling epiphany. He might be right about you in some ways. How did it take this long to realise?  
You've been abducted. 
He stops at the door and looks back at you, "look, honey bun, I'm getting fucking tired. Stop pussyfooting around and come on." 
"Um, sir, F--Lloyd," you put your hands up, "Mr. Hansen, so, when do I get to go home because this feels kinda... entrapment-y." 
"If I have to drag you," he snaps. 
"Alright, alright," you keep your palms put and scurry forward, "I'm just asking questions. It's been a strange day." 
"Fucking tell me about it," he mutters. "Ah, ah, sweet lips," he puts hisbarm out to block you from the front door, "rule one: beyond these doors, you're naked. That's it. Full access all the time." 
You double take. Full on Three Stooges pantomime. You nearly fall on your ass. 
"Wh-at?" Your voice catches. 
"If I have to keep repeating myself--" he warns. 
"But what if I get cold?" 
"Oh my fucking god," he grabs you by the shoulders and turns you to face him, "I should fucking break that jaw." 
He claws at your shirt and rips it up your body. You flinch with the force of his rude undressing. You squeak as he untangles your tee then shoves down your sweats, nearly taking your undies with them. He snaps the elastic with his index. 
"Everything, baby girl," he demands and glares at you, crossing his arms. His cheek twitches and his jaw squares. Without the lip fur he might be decent. 
You wiggle free of your pants and step out of them, then your panties. Your bra gives you some trouble as one of the hooks is bent. As you stand naked out in the summer breeze you feel strangle calm. It's kind of freeing. 
You look at him and find him eyeing you up and down; that's a little more oppressive. You make a face. "Shoes off or..." 
"Everything. Fuck, you gotta ruin it with that mouth," he barks and turns to strut through the door, "...drive me fucking insane...for what...pussy?" 
You stare after him and exhale, stepping over the threshold. A lot has happened and you still haven't got your head around it all. Maybe it's better that way.
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mewhenimanangel · 11 months
the babysitter ʚɞ
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pairing: miguel o’hara x reader
synopsis: miguel offered you a job babysitting his daughter, gabrielle. his marriage is going through a rough time and you’re someone he can confide in
wc: 2.2k
warnings!: alcohol, age gap, infidelity, loss of virginity, piv sex, oral sex (f receiving), cowgirl
nia’s ౨ৎ notes: i lovee dilfs so bad
"y/n can you make me ramen, please. i loveeeee the way you make it" gabby came downstairs to ask you. currently, you were lolling around on the couch in the living room watching tv on the big screen. you were babysitting gabrielle o'hara, your neighbors' daughter. you started the job when your mom invited them over for dinner and her dad asked if you were available to watch her for a while, you weren't that busy so you said yes and after that they decided to officially hire you.
her parents were out at the moment, miguel at work. "yeah sure" you smiled, pausing your show and getting up to the kitchen while gabby sat on the couch with her tablet. you reached in the pantry for a pack of noodles, grabbing hot sauce, green onions, and extra seasonings on your way. you waited for the ramen to boil then began adding everything.
"hey you guys okay?" you heard a voice coming from the front room. miguel threw his his keys on the counter and took his shoes off at the door. "daddy!" gabby exclaimed running up to give her dad a hug. "ahh mi cielito, what are you still doing up?" he asked giving her a kiss on the cheek and picking her up into his arms. "oh that's my fault actually she asked to stay up a little longer and she's too cute i couldn't say no" you giggled. he nod his head and smiled before gabby yawned "you ask to stay up and you can't even thug it out?" he laughed. "why don't you go upstairs and brush your teeth and go to bed huh?" he told her.
"okay daddy" she grumbled running up the stairs to go to bed. you'd completely forgot about the noodles you just made "wait i actually just made her some noodles.." you pointed to the kitchen. "oh well, i'm starving" he smiled moving towards the kitchen.
you put some noodles in a bowl for each of you before you sat next to him at the kitchen island. "so how's school going" he asked you, taking a bite. you were a sophomore in university, studying for your degree. "good, it's a little tough but i can manage" you answered him. "you're a good kid, you'll do great i'm sure of it" he smiled. "hope gab wasn't too much trouble today" "no no she was great, she's so adorable i love her." you giggled. "yeah, think she misses her mom" he sighed.
"oh, where is she anyway?" you asked him, as nosy as ever. "she's on some business trip" he answered, mockery laced in his tone. "but between you and me, i think she's seeing someone behind my back." he rolled his eyes. "oh i'm so sorry." you looked at him with a sympathetic expression. "ah it's alright, things've been kind of rocky lately anyway"
he moved his leg ever so slightly, the fabric of his jeans rubbing up against your knee. and he didn't move it, you two sat like that just talking for the next twenty minutes until you checked the time and figured you should head home. "have a good night and thank you as always" he smiled, handing you $200 and sent you on your way.
you were curled up on the couch, stressing about an assignment you had to finish by the end of the night. "hey." miguel greeted, resting his hands on the chair behind you, leaning over. "oh, hi mr o'hara. i didn't hear you come in, gabby's in bed by the way i'm just trying to finish up this assignment without destroying this laptop." you sighed. he snorted a little at your frustration. "rough day?" he asked you. "yeah, kinda"
"why don't you take a break for a little? have a drink?" he offered, moving to his wine cooler to grab a bottle of champagne and two glasses. "i've had a bit of a rough day too." you weren't one for drinking - you couldn't even do it legally yet, still a year away from that. but you were stressed and you figured a load off couldn't hurt so you got up and went over to join him at the island.
he moved the glass in front of you before finding his seat next to you. "so what were you working on that's got you so tense" he asked taking a sip from his glass. "just some stupid shit from my business class, what about you? why'd you have such a bad day?" you answered. "well, turns out bella has been seeing someone. from work, buddy of mine told me" he sighed.
"oh i'm sorry mr o'hara" you put your hand out on his  arm, face expressing your sorry. "really it's fine" he brushed off "just don't know how she could break us up like that, especially for gabby. probecita bebé" you frowned, feeling bad for him. i mean who could ever cheat on him. he was smart, kind, and really handsome. you studied his features looking at his messy brown hair, the way his 5 o'clock shadow graced his chiseled jaw, his milky brown eyes under his surprisingly long lashes. you looked at the way his t shirt clung to his biceps and the way his jeans rode low on his waist.
"what?" he chuckled at the way your stare lingered on him. "n-nothing" you nervously laughed, downing your glass of champagne. "thanks a lot for all you do for gabby, she loves you a lot. always talking about you and it's never one bad thing" he smiled at you. "think she's gonna need us a little more now with what's coming." "what do you mean?" you quirked an eyebrow. "well m'gonna file for divorce, which'll be hard on her" he poured more champagne into your glasses.
the two of you talked for a bit before you told a joke which got him laughing. he rest his hand on your thigh, the other hitting the table. when the joke was over he didn't take his hand off, he instead inched it higher up your leg. you looked at his hand before looking back up into his lustful gaze. you weren't gonna lie and say you didn't want him but he was a little more than twice your age, he had a kid for god's sake. but your wine clouded your judgement and you allowed him to lean in, attaching his lips to yours.
when you were moving an arm up around his neck your elbow bumped your wine glass off the counter, smashing on the ground. you gasped "i'm so sorry" "don't worry about it" he chuckled kissing you again. this time your hands entangled through his hair deepening the kiss. he picked you up, put his hands under your ass cheeks, kneading his fingers into it as your legs wrapped around his waist.
he moved to the stairs before you broke away "wait mr o'hara what about bella?" you breathed out. he scoffed "please she's not a problem anymore and please miguel is fine" he latched his lips back on yours. you broke away again "what about gabby?" "you said she's asleep right? just gonna have to keep it down" he smirked before kissing you again.
you got to his bedroom and he threw you on top of his comforters, crawling his way on top of you. you held onto his strong shoulders as he pressed kisses down your jaw and neck, sucking on your soft skin. you let out a few groans in his ear before pressing your hands against his chest. "um i-i've never done this before with anyone" you admitted.
he took a moment to look at you before taking your hand into his. "that's okay, i'll take care of you. you do still want to right?" he asked rubbing a thumb over your knuckles. you bit your lips and nod your head "m'gonna need an audible response princess" "yes, i still want you to fuck me"
that was all he needed to hear before he was back on your lips. he pulled you in his lap reached for the bottom of your shirt and tugged it over your head, rising your body to help him. he rubbed his hands up and down your waist before reaching to take your bra off. you moved your arm to cover your breasts "no need to cover up. god you're gorgeous" he whispered pressing a finger to your nipple rubbing in circles over it before pinching it between his fingers. you let out a small moan watching him as he looked up at you with a teasing smile. "so sensitive" he lapped his tongue around your nipple sucking and pulling on it while he played with the other one.
your moans began to fill the room "you're already a mess and i've barely even touched you" he teased, lightly biting your nipple. he moved you off him laying you back onto the pillows. he hooked a finger into the waistband of your sweatpants tugging them off you. he looked at the pool of moisture that stained your pretty pink panties "god baby you're soaking" he chuckled, pulling those off you too. you looked away biting your lip in embarrassment "look at me princess" he pulled your chin back to face him. he got on all fours lifting your leg over his shoulder, pressing kisses down it until he got to your entrance.
he pressed his thumb against your clit causing your body to jump in response. he licked at your entrance while continuing to rub his finger over your clit. he sucked and licked at your pussy like it was his first meal in weeks. a moan ripped out of you before you slapped a hand to your face. he squeezed a hand around each of your thighs, them caving him in as he continued to work on making you cum. your hand shot down to his head, taking a handful of his hair in your grip.
"fuck miguel, i think i'm gonna cum" you moaned out, eyes rolling to the back of your head. "go ahead princess, cum all over my tongue" he spoke against your cunt, the vibrations sending you crazy, his facial hair tickling against you. you reached your climax and miguel lapped it up, taking every last drop in his mouth.
he wrapped you back up in his arms shoving his tongue in your mouth. "it's not fair that i'm naked and you've still got all your clothes on" you frowned reaching for the hem of his shirt. he chuckled, helping you out with the shirt before taking off his jeans and dropping them to the floor. he opened his nightstand and reached for a condom "why don’t you ride me baby, you wanna take some control for your first time?" he asked, pulling his dick out of his boxers. you gulped looking at his length, how was that supposed to fit inside you.
"uh huh" you mumbled. he laid back on the bed, taking your hand and guiding you on top of him. you straddled him before he grabbed his dick and lined himself up with your entrance. “i’ll be gentle princess” he said, moving your hair out of your face. you eased down onto his dick, his inches splitting you apart. “fuck oh my god” you whined. you rode up and down his length leaning forward to place your hands on his chest. he wrapped his hands around your waist holding you and helping you create your pace.
the lewd sounds of your skin slapping together and both of your moans and whimpers filled the room. his dick slipped out before you grabbed it again and put it back inside you. you sunk further down on it, hitting right on your g spot. you threw your head back, a pornographic moan coming from you. “fuck you sound heavenly, feel it too” miguel groaned. “m-miguel i’m gonna cum” you whined biting your lip. “go ahead baby, cum all on this dick” he whimpered. and so you did.
he leaned up to grab you and flipped you over so you were laying on the bed with him on top. he threw your legs over his shoulder so he could really drive into your cunt. he rest his hand on the headboard, leaning down to kiss you, now sloppy and rushed. “fuck, you are tight” he moaned. soon he reached his climax as well, throwing his head back, his pace slowing down.
he got up and threw the condom away, grabbing a rag with warm water on his way back. he cleaned you off and got you a pair of fresh underwear. he cleaned himself off too putting his boxers on before climbing into the bed with you. he put an arm out indicating he wanted you to lay in it, so you did and you rest your head on his chest. “so did i do a good job pleasing you for your first time” he asked, grabbing your hand to hold. you looked up at him and nodded your head “yes, i loved it” you smiled.
he traced things along your bare back until he heard your soft snores and felt your light breathing on his chest. he smiled to himself before he too fell asleep with you wrapped up in his arms.
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rowretro · 4 months
ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℂ𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕤
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✧warnings: F-boy Sunghoon so mentions of sex ig, may be a lil suggestive, possessive hoon
❁synopsis: The campus hottie, was practically perfect, smart handsome talented and rumour has it among the girls, good in bed. The male is a fuck boy, a jerk face, never once wanted to fall in love after having his heart broken once by an unlucky bitch. Heck he believed he'd be like that forever, until he came across the new girl. Yang y/n.
✧❁PART 1/???❁✧
"Oh my god you slept with him?!" one of the girls exclaimed as the other girls had their shocked reactions too "Yeah... then he broke up with me" the girl admitted "Isn't Sunghoon a fuck boy though? girl why'd you date him he doesn't even hide the fact he doesn't love you?" another girl pointed out "It doesn't matter, at least I had a great night" the girl said shrugging as the others laughed it off.
Y/n fiddled with her phone as she waited outside the classroom, one earphone in, hidden by her hair. She's heard many crazy things about this high school, having been transferred from a school in UK where she was used to everything, to a high school in South Korea. Everything is so new there, education system, driving on the different side of the road. but she had her best friend, Danielle by her side.
"Hey it's going to be ok" the girl reassured. One thing y/n is glad about, is the fact that she's fluent in Korean so language will not be a big problem for her. She smiles at Danielle as she follows her in. The teacher asks her to introduce herself as the girl blinks, staring at the class in disbelief. Introduce? first day and she has to speak in front of all these judgemental 18 year old strangers?!
"I'm y/n..." she says, forcing a smiled, the teacher points at an empty seat which was sadly not next Danielle. Making a sad pouty face at Danielle, she sat at the seat. 17 minutes. That's how long it took "Park Sunghoon late again?!" The teacher scolded as the male scratched his head then he froze. His eyes on y/n.
The girl's jaw rested in her palm as she doodled in the margin, false lashes fluttering against her glasses, her lips stained with a rosy, nude shade. Fuck she's everything. Is this what cupid felt when he saw psyche? love at first sight like Romeo experienced with Juliet? Sunghoon was captivated.
He slammed his palm on the desk of the person beside y/n. The girl didn't even flinch and probably didn't care due to the earphone blasting Itzy in her left ear. the student sitting beside her immediately got up and went to a different seat as Sunghoon slipped into the seat beside the girl. he turned to her, tapping her shoulder. the girl paused her music turning to him.
So this is Park Sunghoon, the handsome fuckboy they say. Y/n knew he was bad news "Im Sunghoon... and you?" the male asked "Not interested" she said, turning back to do her work "Come on baby, don't be like that" he said, winking as she sighed, looking at him. She then turned back and ignored him, doodling.
"Wah you can draw- that looks so realistic gurl" he complimented as the girl groaned, slamming her head on the desk. "Park Sunghoon stop distracting the new girl and get on with your work. or you can switch spaces with Eunchae!" the teacher warned as Sunghoon groaned, picking up his pencil.
2 lessons passed by and break time rolled in, she smiled, sorta running over to Danielle with grabby hands. they jumped up and down squealing like typical girls as their fingers intertwined. "I can't believe we're finally in the same schooool!" Danielle squealed as y/n smiled. "I know right?! we can finally do typical bestie stuff get our nails done, do each other's makeup, gossip, and hang out~" y/n added with a smile.
"All of this and I don't hear boyfriend... i'm assuming it's because you have one?" Sunghoon asked with a raised eyebrow as the girl sighed "No I don't never had one and never will... I don't like the idea of putting all my trust in a guy." She said, in a slight passive aggressive manner. "Ok but I'm telling you, a pretty girl like you NEEDS to end up with a trust worthy guy like me" Sunghoon said.
Y/n gave him the 'be for real' look as she rolled her eyes, walking away with Danielle. "So stupid. He really thinks I'm going to let him get in my skirt?!" y/n scoffed, handing danielle a cherry lollipop as she sucked on her own. "Please. He can't flirt for shit, and just yesterday he had two girlfriends whom he dumped back to back." Danielle added as Y/n shook her head, disappointed. Sunghoon having over heard all this, decided it was time to stop playing girls like a gameboy, and pursue his princess.
✧❁PART 2❁✧
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fangirlandtheories · 10 months
Do you remember when we used to sing?
Eddie is away on tour while Steve is taking care of their daughter a few hours away. Too bad she can't fall asleep without her special bedtime song...
Steve’s brows pinched together as the cries grew in pitch and volume, almost drowning out the familiar click of ‘Hey it’s Eddie, call me back or don’t, I’m not your mother.’ from the speaker of his phone. 
He had shifted from frustrated to desperate as he glanced over at their daughter, red faced and snot nosed. Bedtime was a solid hour past due and didn’t seem to be looming any closer. 
“It’s okay, sweets, we’ll call him again.” Steve soothed as he ran a hand down the toddler’s back. 
“Daddy!!!” She screamed again, choking with the effort of her sobs, as she squeezed her eyes shut. It had been love at first sight for Eddie and Steve when they had met Rayne’s mother. She was young, just turning 20 in the fall, with curly blonde hair and big brown eyes. She was looking for someone who wanted a baby that couldn’t naturally have their own and the agent connected the dots for them. After several months, little Rayne was theirs.
“I know,” Steve muttered as he pulled up Eddie’s contact again. Eddie had taken a break from touring after the adoption of their daughter but had recently started back up. It started off pretty well, the excitement of getting to have a Dad weekend with Steve pulling her through, but now the newness was gone and all little Rayne Munson-Harrington wanted was Eddie. 
Eddie usually found weekend gigs but had found a week long slot in a club in St. Louis that promised great publicity and even better payment, so Corroded Coffin hit the road and Steve held down the fort with some help from Robin and Wayne. They were obligated to babysit, she was named after both of them afterall, and he was grateful because work had been taxing enough without adding a feisty 4 year old to the mix. 
A flu bug was sweeping it’s way through Hawkin’s Elementary and it spared no casualties in Steve’s kindergarten classroom. He spent the day trying to keep the class from putting things in their mouths and making sure everyone washed their hands, sending a child or two home after seeing the greenish pale tints of nausea pass over their faces. He knew that he’d have to deal with kids puke at some point, especially as a parent, but he’d like to avoid it at all costs. 
“Pick up your phone you ass.” He hissed through clenched teeth, rocking the inconsolable girl in his arms as he dialed again.
Eddie first felt the familiar jolt of vibration in his back pocket  just after the first chorus. The second time was just a few verses later. He smiled into the microphone as he continued to sing, ignoring his phone. The third time was in the bridge of the song, a particularly terrible time to take a call as Eddie’s hands were preoccupied with his guitar. The fourth time happened in the final notes of the song. The fifth during the applause. Eddie frowned as he pulled the device from his pocket, ignoring a glare from Jeff.
“Hey guys, you won’t believe this but my husband is facetiming me right now. This is like the fifth time he’s called so I’m going to answer, everybody be quiet and let’s see how long it takes him to remember that we had a later show tonight.” Eddie laughed as the audience silenced quickly. Steve’s irritated yet grateful face popped up on the screen seconds later.
“Hey love…” He crooned with a cheeky smirk.
“Your daughter is very upset with you.” Steve ignored the affectionate nickname. 
“Why is she my daughter whenever she’s mad?” Eddie rolled his eyes. “Is she alright?”
“She’s been screaming since 8:30 Eds.” Steve ran a hand through his hair and blew out an exasperated sigh. “She’s refusing to sleep until you do it, that’s why I’ve been calling.”
“Steve I’m um…” Eddie glanced nervously at the audience in front of him. “Kind of in the middle of something.”
“Yeah I wanted to be relaxing right now too but our kid needs her dad and since he’s five hours away the very least he could do is sing her the damn song so that we all can get some rest.” Steve squinted at him. “You’re being weirder than usual. Are the guys there with you?”
“Yeah the guys are definitely with me.” Eddie ignored Gareth’s snicker. “Can I call you-”
“Edward, so help me God, sing the song so that she can go to sleep.” Steve interrupted. “Look at her.” Steve turned the camera to the distraught little girl and Eddie’s heart clenched.
“Hi angel, I hear you’re a little sad.” He frowned in solidarity with her as her lip stuck out. “No, don't cry, it’s okay Ray Ray.” She howled louder, tears popping from her wet lashes. He winced as he lip quivered, his resolve wearing down to nothing. He glanced over at Gareth, leaning over to whisper to him before looking back to his phone.
“Alright fine, let’s sing it, yeah?” Eddie placated. “You’re breaking my heart Bambi.” The wide eyes and long lashes practically gifted the nickname to her. He glanced back at Gareth who gave him a thumbs up before looking at the audience. “Daddy’s band is going to help him sing it, is that okay?” Rayne whimpered as she nodded, snuggled into Steve’s arms as he held the phone in front of her.
“Wait, are you on stage right now?” Steve leaned forward. “Shit, I’m sorry babe, I didn’t mean to interrupt the performance.”
“You couldn’t interrupt if you tried.” Eddie smiled. “Isn’t that right?” Steve could hear cheers from the audience. “We love our rock and roll family here and we honor our traditions, most of all the bedtime song. Ready boys? Sing along if you know it, our most honored guest is in the audience tonight and would love to hear you guys.”
With that, Jeff  played the opening notes on the guitar while Gareth tapped out the beat with the rarely used tambourine. The bass thumped along to Eddie’s singing, and though it admittedly wasn’t their usual style, the band loved Rayne like she was their niece and they would play anything to make her happy.
“-In the misty morning fog with our hearts a-thumping” Eddie held the microphone in one hand and the phone in the other, beaming at the smile on Steve’s face. “And you, my brown eyed girl.” Rayne giggled and clapped, tears still on her cheeks but sadness having finally passed. 
Hours and miles away, Steve smiled as he shut the door to his daughter's bedroom, the nightlight softly glowing, as he hummed the song to himself. Tomorrow there would be a series of tweets about Eddie going soft and videos flying all around the internet, but for now, and for the first time that evening, the Munson-Harrington home was quiet.
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maple-the-awesome · 4 months
Body Swap || Part 2/2
Part 1 ||
Pairings: Legend, Time, Twilight, Warrior x Reader
Overview: A wizard's spell leaves you both in a state of confusion, especially upon realizing you're no longer in your assigned bodies. No Wind for this one, so we'll just give him a cookie and spare him the trauma for today -.-/🍪 The other boys are at my mercy, though
Zelda Masterlist 💙Fandom Masterlist
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Panic ensues nearly the second your situation becomes realized. Legend frantically tugs at his hair and clothing, hoping this to be some sort of illusion cast by that wizard, however his senses only confirm his fears: you've switched bodies.
You're him and he's you which probably shouldn't be as big of a deal as he makes it out to be considering how much worse this could've gone, after all, a greater enemy might've caused actual harm, yet that doesn't stop him from being upset.
Out of everyone this could've happened with - out of all nine of his traveling companions - why did this have to happen with you, the only girl in the group?! Nevermind that you're also his crush!
"I can't believe this..." He groans, picking at another strand of hair and holding it in front of his face. Alas, the color isn't the same as his usual faded pink, "Give me back my body!"
You whip your head around at Legend's demand, finding yourself mildly offended by it which is shown through the placement of your hands on your hips, "Don't you think I would if I could? Like it or not, I think we're stuck like this –"
"- Are you kidding me -?!"
"- Until the spell either wears off or we find a way to reserve it," You narrow your eyes when he interrupts. Standing, you dust yourself while he copies the action except with some added complaints and curses mumbled under his breath.
"I can't believe this. Of course, this is how my day would end. I can't ever catch a break, can I?! The others are never going to let this go. It's all we're going to hear about for the next week!"
"Geeze, I didn't know a day in my body would be so terrible for you."
Legend frowns, not intending to make you feel bad. It's not like you asked for any of this yourself. You’re equally as inconvenienced. It's just...reeeally weird and uncomfortable knowing that he's technically you right now. He's currently in the body of the girl he finds most attractive and sometimes daydreams about –
"I'm sure you're not having any more fun than I am. Let's just get out of here and find a solution as fast as possible, okay?" Legend hastily grabs your hand, intending on getting you both out of this dungeon before you can notice the redness to his cheeks (at least, he's sure he'd be blushing if in his own body right now. Is it even visible on your cheeks, though?), however almost as soon as he pulls, he's nearly thrown back against your unmoving weight.
Kill him now. He isn't used to not having his power bracelets.
"Did you...want me to follow you?"
"Do you also want me to hold your hand so you don't get lost?" You give his hand a squeeze, all the while wearing a shit-eating grin that makes his face even warmer than before.
"...Forget it and fuck off," With that, he drops your hand and marches off, yet you aren't far behind, chasing after him while clearly having too much fun with his reaction.
"You know, this is usually the point when you ask me if I'm on my time of month! Is that your problem, Vet? You're already hormonal after just a few minutes in a girl's body?"
Has his laugh always been this obnoxious? Does he owe Warrior an apology?
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"...Well, this is troublesome."
Your eye twitches after Time's calm 'evaluation' of the situation, "...'Troublesome'? You THINK?! You know, when I woke up this morning, I did not expect to end up becoming a sixty-year-old man -!"
"- Sixty? Is that how old you think I am?"
"Well, you act like it sometimes!" You defend, huffing at the end of your sentence before trying to rise onto your feet which still feel wobbly due to that wizard's spell. It takes you a second - and you almost tumble forward like a newborn giraffe, causing you to start swinging your arms around in a desperate attempt to regain balance - but eventually you do succeed in the basic human function called 'standing', "We need to find the Veteran. This is his stupid world, so I'm blaming him for this happening!"
Time, meanwhile, takes pity upon you by letting your previous comment slide. Unlike you, he easily gets to his feet as if ending up in someone else's body is an everyday occurrence for him. His new height is something you take immediate notice of, mentally noting how strange it is to be looking down at someone – let alone him – from so far up. Is this how it always feels for him? No wonder he took on the mantel of being the 'dad' of the group so quickly. You all probably look like literal children to him!
"Thank Hylia we camped close to the dungeon. The others should be getting ready for dinner at this point, so they'll all be in attendance to take joy in our misery," You smile sarcastically with a wave of your hand, however you only take a few steps forward before turning around and realizing that Time isn't following you. His face also looks rather...alarmed?
"...You okay there?"
He hums and gives you an awkward thumbs up, yet that doesn't change his expression any nor does he immediately move to follow you. He simply stands there, his face bright with embarrassment until he finally clears his throat, "I...think I might've had an accident?"
"An 'accident'...?" You scrunch your nose, needing a moment to understand what he could possibly mean. Did he just piss himself as you? You would've thought he'd have more self-control even if he isn’t technically himself. Sure, it might be scary opening your eyes to find yourself in someone else's body, but it's not that scary to warrant - ...Oooh...You get what he means now...
When the realization sinks in, you can feel your own face grow warm. You had forgotten all about that, "Oh shit. I, um...Yeah that's not – It's harmless, really. You'll be fine, it's just -...You know what, just don't worry about, okay? Let's focus on getting ourselves switched back around first. You, uh...gonna be okay dealing with it for now?"
Sympathy laces your voice, however it isn’t exactly strong enough to hide your embarrassment. Seriously, could this get anymore modifying? You weren't trying to think about the whole 'my-crush-is-currently-in-my-body' thing, but you definitely can't ignore it now! Out of all the days of the month this could happen - How embarrassing for you both!
Fortunately, Time, ever the brave gentlemen, nods, that be it slowly and unsurely, "If you can do it your whole life, I can manage for a day..."
"That's the spirit!" Please, please, please say Legend knows a solution for this because you will absolutely die if you have to talk Time through a 'change' of certain materials tonight.
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“Oh no…”
“What do you mean by ‘oh no’? What happened? Are you hurt?” Twilight’s voice – which doesn’t really sound like his own – gets progressively more concerned by each question until he finally manages to escape the wall of smoke around him. Once finally receiving a clear view of his hands, he suddenly understands the meaning behind your less-than-thrilled expression.
“That’s what I mean by ‘oh no’,” You frown, watching as he flips his hands around front and back to confirm the notable difference he sees. It would be difficult to ignore how much smaller and smoother they’ve gotten…or to turn a blind eye to all the other major variations throughout the entirely of his body.
“Has anything like this happened to you before?” Whatever surprise you have towards your shared predicament is either quickly recovered from or masked well, because you don’t hesitate to pick yourself up and start collecting your fallen belongings – or rather Twilight’s – from the ground.
“Can’t say it has. I’m guessin’ you’re in the same boat?”
“Yeah, this is the first time I can knock ‘switching bodies’ off the bingo board,” You shake your head, pausing to watch him stand as well, “I know Wind mentioned being able to control other people’s bodies or something like that before. ‘not sure if it’s the same or if he’d know how to fix this.”
“Even if not, we’re in Legend’s world. He’d have to know some kind of solution,” Twilight sighs, going to place a hand on his hip out of habit, but he instantly decides against it in a quick movement he hopes wasn't too obviously. Even if he's consciously in this body, it's still yours. Touching his hip now would be no different from touching your hip any other time which is NOT a friendly place for hands to be! At least that's what his awkward brain tells him.
Trying not to dwell too much on any of that, he makes himself useful by plucking your dropped sword off the ground and returning it to your scabbard the same way you had done with his before reaching down to grab -
“- Don’t touch that!” You’re startled to a halt by Twilight’s sudden shout and turn to give him a puzzled look as he gulps while eyeing the shadow shard you were inches away from picking up next, “It, uh…It’s sharp.”
You narrow your eyes suspiciously at him, and for a second he’s worried he might just have to tackle you to prevent you from touching the object in question (which now that he’s considering it, would probably only be as effective as a sparrow attacking a horse seeing as you’ve switched bodies not to mention you’d only have more reason to question him in that case but -)
“- All you Links are such terrible liars,” You huff after a minute. Nevertheless, you step aside and allow Twilight to pick up the necklace himself. He’s careful to only touch the string and tuck it securely in a pocket because the very last thing he needs added to this day is you finding out one of his greatest secrets by literally becoming it yourself which would then undoubtably lead to his second greatest secret being discovered, after all, it's one thing for a random wolf to let you give him kisses free of charge, but there'll be a lot more to unravel there if you find out it's been your travel companion the whole time.
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"Okay. Try not to panic. There has to be some way to reverse this - ARE YOU CHECKING ME OUT RIGHT NOW?!"
Warrior jumps with a start after having been caught, although he must not be too embarrassed because he doesn’t immediately remove his hands from their place on his hips nor does he show much shame in currently having his body turned at an angle to look at his – or more importantly – your back side, “What?! You do it to yourself all the time!”
"T-That’s not - When I'm in my own body!” You stammer, blushing at the realization that you apparently haven’t been as subtle with your habit of checking your own appearance here and there, “Excuse me if I don’t want to walk around looking like a mess with dirt and leaves stuck to my backside! I’m not over here looking at your dick!”
"I hardly think you can equate that to an ass," He deadpans.
"Well, I'm not looking at your ass, either, pervert!"
At last, something you say seems to get to him, your words causing Warrior to bow his head with a pout and that shared discomfort he should’ve had from the beginning, “I’m not a pervert. If it’s such a big deal, then you can come over here and fix the backside of this tunic. It’s riding up on me and it’s driving me crazy.”
You blink then glance around him to notice that your tunic is indeed all out of sorts, one end lifted and tucked in your belt. It must’ve gotten stuck that way during your fight with that wizard…Now you just feel like an idiot…
“Oh,” Warrior mocks with a roll of his eyes, not saying much else – perhaps out of pity - as he waits for you to help fix the tunic correctly, although truthfully he’s just busy redirecting his eyes and cursing himself internally for not having explained the situation from the start. He maybe-kinda spaced the fact that he’s currently in your body and didn’t consider the implications of what it would look like for you to see him fussing over your back end. How were you to know he was simply fixing your tunic? He really did probably look like a massive pervert.
“There,” You finally step away.
“Thanks,” He coughs into his fist awkwardly with his opposite hand rubbing the back of his neck. Even in a different body, he carries the same nervous habits, “Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to –“
“- No. No, you’re fine. I, uh, should’ve had more trust in you," You mumble, running a hand over your hot face before shaking your head. You need to get it together, "Come on. Let's just get out of here and find a way to fix this before any other misunderstandings can happen."
Warrior nod and follows after you out of the dungeon without another word to be said. He won't say it aloud - He refuses to even admit it to himself because he's supposed to be a gentleman and what if you've suddenly become a mind reader?...But if you were to for some reason ask his opinion, you do in fact have a fine ass.
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breanime · 2 years
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For the gif drabbles ❤️
"This looks like shit," you threw the money on the table, "Do it again."
Annie and Ruby groaned in tandem, but Beth sighed. "It looks perfect," she said, looking up at you as you stood over her, "We've printed this same design four times--"
"--and it keeps getting slightly less like shit," you cocked an eyebrow, "Look, if you can't hack it anymore..."
"We can!" Annie spoke up, eyes wide. "We can, we'll get it right!"
"It's just..." Ruby chewed on her lip.
You could feel your patience thinning. "Just what?"
"Well," she continued weakly, "Lucy was the artist, so... without her..."
"Ya know, since homeboy did... what he did," Annie added in.
"...It's harder to print. We have her blueprints, but some of these subtler details are just... We need an artist," Ruby finished.
You nodded, scanning the three women before you. Annie looked nervous, as did Ruby, but Beth looked annoyed and defiant.
You were sick of her face.
"So get another artist," you said, getting bored with the conversation.
"Why? So your boss can shoot her?" Beth ground out, glaring up at you.
Your eyes narrowed at the same time Rio chuckled. You turned a bit, angling your body so that you could see him.
He sat on a chair next to a monitor, a hand on his chin and smirk on his face.
"That's funny to you?" Beth spat, anger clear on her face. "You shot a defenseless girl!"
You raised an eyebrow at Rio, but he was still chuckling. If he found her little outburst amusing, then you guess you would allow it.
"Nah," he said, shaking his head, "I'm not laughing about that. I'm laughing at what you said," he smirked over at you, "She called me your boss."
Annie frowned, looking at the two of you. "A... Aren't you?"
"She," Rio gestured towards you, a pride grin on his face, "is my boss. Yeah, see, a real bad bitch don't shy away from the dark parts of this business," he went on, "And so when I told my boss," he pointed at you again, "that I had to kill Lucy cause of your," he looked at the girls, "bullshit, well. She wasn't pleased. And I'm telling you now, looking at her face right now," Rio made eye contact with you, and you could see the pride in his eyes as he looked at you, "My girl ain't letting you dumb bitches fuck our shit up again."
Beth spoke before she could stop herself, "Your girl?"
His smirk stretched over his plump lips, "My boss," he clarified, "and my girl," he looked over at you again, "So, what you think, ma? Have 'em print it again, or have Mick take them downtown and put a slug in each of their heads?"
You turned back to the women, watching the fear swirl in Annie's eyes, the way Ruby stiffened, frightened and trapped.
And Beth's reddening cheeks, you could see the humiliation on her face, now that she was looking at what she could never be, what she could never have, standing right in front of you.
You looked over at Rio, and you thought back on your life with him--meeting him when he was just a runner for your father, Rio remaining loyal to you even after your father died and you took over his organization, the first time you kissed, when you had blood on your hands and he had thought he lost you, the way Rio had grabbed you and held you to him, the first time he ever let himself act like anything but a loyal subordinate to you. You remembered that sick, cold feeling in your gut when you'd heard that he had been shot three times, that he was with the feds. It's what brought you back into his orbit, you'd sworn to keep it professional with him years ago, but that... that pulled you right back in.
You watched Rio watch you, and you felt a wave of protectiveness come over you as you looked at him--the man you loved. You turned to Beth, your gaze cold as ice and as strong as steel, using every ounce of your status as a boss to intimidate her. "How about you choose, Mrs. Boland? You want to print it again this time, and do it right, or would you and your gal pals rather take a ride with Mick?"
"W... We'll print," she said weakly.
Rio's chuckle warmed your soul, and as the ladies worked on the new print, you turned to him. He gave you a special smile, one full of love and appreciation for you, and you turned your back to the girls as they worked.
They didn't get to see the loving smile you gave him back.
That was only for him.
Thank you for reading! Lemme know what you think!
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piftamere · 3 months
part five - stunned (wc : 0.5k words if you don't want to read there's a tl:dr just under it!)
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As you stepped off stage, still feeling exhilarated from your first gig, you saw a freakishly tall man approach you, a smirk on his face.
When you recognized who he was, you inadvertently grimaced.
Come on, let’s be mature, i shouldn't base my opinion of him on hearsay. You thought, taking a deep breath and replacing your expression with a polite smile.
"Hey!" he greeted with a toothachingly sweet voice "I just wanted to come by and congratulate you, it was a really good performance, for a beginner artist like you." He was probably trying to flatter you, but instead sounded impossibly condescending.
Ok, so maybe the rumors were true.
"Thanks." Your voice and expression were deadpan. "Can I ask how you got backstage?"
"No, it's a secret," he winked at you, flashing a playful smile. However, when he noticed that you didn't even flinch at his joke, let alone laugh, he quickly added, "The security guard let me in because he's a big fan of me."
You wondered if he could sound even fuller of himself… and made a mental note to hire stricter security next time.
Deciding to be polite you replied "I have to admit you make good music, I've been a fan of Geto since forever."
He noticed the hint of admiration in your voice, making him relax a little.
"Not of me huh? I'm hurt." he pouted, taking the liberty of teasing you. "Geto was the one who invited me and i'm glad he did… I really liked 'before you can', i think that's my favorite from tonight."
Your eyes widened a little, "Really? I'm… surprised, it's a little sadder than the others. To be honest, it's my favorite one too."
"Surprised I'm more than a pretty face?" He teased again.
"I never said that." You rolled your eyes but the corners of your mouth tilted up slightly, he noticed that too.
“Can i ask what it’s about or if it’s about your own experience?”
Even if he could be genuinely interested, you can't help but decline. "Sorry, but it's a little too personal."
“Shame.” he paused and smiled “Can i get your phone number?”
You couldn’t suppress the frown on your face. He choked a little at your visible disgust and laughed awkwardly, passing a hand through his hair. “For business reasons, sorry I should have clarified.”
Only half convinced, you gave him your number, worst-case scenario you could simply block him.
After typing it in his phone, a hint of mischief in his eyes, he continued “You didn’t have to look so horrified that i might be hitting on you though, I’m deeply wounded.” his voice dramatic as ever, a hand on his heart.
“How will you ever recover?” you retorted, smiling. Without giving him a chance to respond, you said "It was… nice meeting you, but i gotta go. Bye!!"
And with that you disappeared behind a door, leaving Gojo Satoru stunned.
[tl:dr : gojo comes backstage, he’s arrogant (and a tiny bit charming), he congratulates you, asks for your number for “business reasons”, you give it to him and you leave quickly.]
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fun facts
gojo really didn't notice he was condescending until shoko pointed it out
y/n doesn't know what to think of gojo yet...
author's note
i've eaten cereals in orange juice and it's not that bad tbh
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ tugging on heartstrings ⋆⭒˚。⋆
as an aspiring solo artist, you dream of making it big in the music industry. With your talent and unwavering determination, you find yourself entangled in a web of romantic pursuits amidst rumors and betrayal. Will you emerge unscathed and manage to navigate your love life in the chaos of fame?
Part five - Next
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rbs and interactions are highly appreciated <3
taglist : open :) to be added leave a comment on the masterlist of the smau
@lysaray @swissy23 @d6za1 @minzxec @sleepy-waffle @saturn-alone @dreamxiing @reiluvr @nikkimvriee @mellozhi @cre8ing @ichorstainedskin @inosfavgf
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animemensblog · 1 year
Bad side
Toxic!Toji x reader
Pt.2 pt.3
Summary; Toji has finally found someone he would kill, no, die for. He'd give up everything to have y/n, except she already gave up everything for him. So what does she get in return?
Warnings; angst, very small makeout session, Toji is kinda toxic ngl, cussing, hints at a panic attack, mentions of cheating, alot of arguing, happy-ish ending
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You were thinking about how you and him met when you were interrupted by a text
Unknown number
Is this y/n?
Who is this?
Unknown number
Hi, I just wanted to let you know Toji is asking some of his fan girlies for a fun night out if yk what I mean
How often do you even see these? You wonder to yourself while making your way to the white board, adding another line next to the other 10.
"Hm, 11 now. And I thought I wouldn't make it past double digits" you laugh at yourself, then went to sit back down on your bed, resuming your show waiting for Toji and his friends to arrive. You let out a sigh when you settle against the pillows and fluffy blankets.
You begin to doze off, the singing from the TV wasn't helping but it was too soothing to change channels. Not long goes by before a knock comes to the door, then your doorbell going off. None of which you woke up to; resulting in your door being busted open.
"Y/n?! Where are you?" A worried, yet furious, Toji yells out
"This isn't the warm welcoming we're used to! I'm a princess who needs my princess treatment!" Gojo jokes, earning a chuckle from Geto.
"Shh she could be sleeping, you two need to calm down" Geto says as he walks to the bedroom, hearing your soft snores as he approaches. He peeks around the corner, then Toji joins, and lastly Gojo. All 3 were tilting their heads past the frame just to see you clearly sleeping.
Toji loves watching you do anything, whether being hyper focused on dinner or when you're out like a light, drooling onto his chest. You could trip over cracks on the sidewalks and he'd fall in love all over again. He's that whipped.
Gojo and Geto, however don't find everything you do to be a miracle. So they ran to jump on top of you while Toji moves behind trying to grab them before they land. Unfortunately for you, he's a little too late. You jolt up at impact as Geto let's out an 'oomph' and Gojo, a squeal.
"What the fuck is wrong with you" you spit out as they have their laughing fits, holding their stomachs as steam flows from your ears. Can't forget about Toji, who snuck out the second they landed, knowing you are far from an angel when you awaken from your slumber.
He's out relaxing on the couch, pretending he didn't know what was going on, sipping a beer and scrolling through his phone. Next thing he knows, Geto is jumping over the couch, planting right next to Toji.
Geto was panting like he's been sprinting for miles, you could practically hear his heart. "I see she got you" Toji says with a grin as he points to the victims arm, highlighting the already bruised mark.
"She's got a mean swing dude" Geto says, covering up his wound and pouting
"What about Gojo?"
"He's still.. still in there"
"Awfully quiet don't you think?"
"She was smothering him with a pillow, last time I checked" Geto whispers as he leans back
Toji only let's out a chuckle, then fell silent. Hoping to hear the fight in the other room. Then, Gojo walks out, head hanging low, plopping inbetween Geto and Toji. They both turn to him, ready to hear the story.
"She's scary, Toji" he speaks softly, as if you're still sleeping
"What happened?" Geto asks
"She- she made fun of me.."
Silence is what Gojo receives, it lasted a few seconds as the other two process his words. To Gojo, it felt like hours. They started laughing, while Toji was smacking his back.
"She knows you well, went straight for your core" he said as he shook your latest victim.
You come walking from your room, in clean clothes and your usual bright smile, "Hey guys!" you say with a wave. Heading towards the kitchen for coffee. Toji following suit,
"Hey baby", he wraps his hands around you grasping under your shirt "how'd you sleep?" He places a kiss to your cheek.
"I slept great", you turn to kiss him back.
"Mm tasty as always" he hums while bringing his hands higher, slightly groaning when he stops at under your breasts.
"Mwah MwAh MWAH", you hear Gojo and Geto mocking you two from the couch, 'pretending' to rub their hands on one another. Toji pulls away with a sigh and pats your hip,
"You're fucking perverts" he yells while reluctantly pulling his hands from you, heading back to the couch with you in tow.
As he sits, he yanks you to his lap, taking your coffee and setting it aside. "You can have that later, I wanna nap right now" Toji mumbles against your shoulder. His confidence when he acts and talks like this in front of people.. is astonishing. He's groped and grinded on you in a room full of strangers, with no music. Just rubbing against you like a dog.
"Um no, I need this. I have a busy day ahead, remember?"
"That was a yes or no question, dear" you say as you drink your coffee
Gojo and Geto spin to you, noting how Toji is unbothered by your remark. If anyone else said that, they'd lose their tongue. Naturally, watching Toji act like an obedient boyfriend is entertaining to them.
"Yes, I remember" he says dramatically, dropping his arm over his eyes while fake crying- you, remain unfazed. Only shocking your guests more. He's pouting and you're not bending to his will?
"Alright, knock it off" you pat his thigh and stand up, "I'm making breakfast, would you guys like some?" All of them nod and follow you into the kitchen.
As you cook, the 3 watch you gently flip the eggs, then curse at the bacon when grease splashes you, then go back it being gentle.
They can only think, 'this is some emotional roller-coaster Toji deals with', but when they look at him, he's in awe. He giggles when you cuss at objects and food, he thinks it's adorable.
Then several buzzes come from your phone, you ignore it but Toji picks up. "Hello?"
"Who is this?" The random person asks
"I think I'm supposed to ask who you are, Mr. Unknown number"
"It's miss to you. And I'm looking for y/n."
"She's busy right now, bye"
"Wait- is this Toji?"
"Why?" He grumbles
"Oh. My. God. How are you?! How's the girlfriend?"
"She's great, as always" he watches you slide around the floor with your socks, completely ignoring the words flying from the girls mouth.
"Hey, you remember that one night, Toji?" She finally asks in what sounds to be, a slutty tone? You hear her question and slow down to listen in.
"What do you mean?" He asks
"I mean, the one where you got plastered last weekend.. you came home with me and.. held me like you used to."
Finally, it clicks for him. His ex. It's the only explanation why you seem a little more hesitant with him, somewhat distant. You weren't inviting him over as much, or out on errands and parties.
"Last weekend?" He askes before you spin around to meet his gaze, eyebrows furrowed. Gojo and Geto turn to Toji, whose eyes have gone wide. He's confused as well, because like she said he was black out drunk kind of level. Enough where he missed your birthday party the next day, then somehow the following day when he said he'd make it up to you.
Knowing how he's been treating you so nicely for the last week, you didn't suspect anything. You genuinely believe he got too drunk to move for 2 days. But that nice treatment started almost 2 months ago.. no way he was fucking other women every weekend when he got drunk, right? And then coming over to kiss your ass, to make up for his mistakes?
"Don't you remember, daddy?" The girl asks, and your angry expression fell. When Gojo and Geto heard, they immediately stood up to defend him. Saying he was knocked out at their house the entire day, except not the second day Gojo added.
You left the room, as the two tried to follow you swatted them away, "I need a minute" then shut the door.
"Cmon y/n, open up" Geto speaks, Gojo is long gone trying to stop Toji from interrogating his ex, to focus on you. His woman.
Gojo tosses the phone, but only after a quick prayer it won't break, he'd rather Toji be the only murder victim today. Pushing him to your bedroom, and shoves him against the door.
"Baby? Cmon let me in, please? I swear I didn't see her last weekend or ever" he pleads
"What about the other weekends, huh?" You cry
"What about them?"
"I've gotten 10 texts saying the same thing in the past couple months, that you're out searching for women. 2 of them were even the same person" you scoffed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
Toji remained silent. Was he guilty? Absolutely not. Was he shocked you'd believe some hoes? Yes.
"I don't know what they're talking about baby, I really don't. We go out drinking then I pass out at these asshole's place. I promise." He plants his head against the door.
Geto, being even closer to you then Toji is, decides you acknowledging them isn't enough. "Would you say he's tough enough for an ass kicking?" Geto asks Gojo
"I'd say so, he at least deserves it for worrying her". Geto accepts that answer and bodyslams Toji, using him as a cushion to break the door open (yes, they did that earlier when you didn't answer).
When you turn, Gojo is laughing and Geto is smiling up at you while laying on your boyfriend. "How you feeling?" He asks, legs kicking back and forth, his hands holding up his chin.
"I'm fine, angry with him, but fine otherwise!" Toji feels a chill run down his spine at your words. 'Shit' he thinks. Geto steps all over him to stand, then Gojo walks over him to sit with you. Leaving Toji all alone on the ground.
"Are you sure?" Geto asks, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look in his eyes, trying to provoke your boyfriend. Of course Toji notices, and pulls you to the edge of the bed collapsing on your lap. He was spilling apologies and running circles against your legs.
"I'm not happy with you Toji." You push him off and walked out of the room, once again leaving him all alone on the floor.
"Soooo, did you really fuck other girls?" Geto asks
"I really didn't, but I've turned down alot of girls" he knows he's popular around town for being a slut, but it all stopped for you. Since then he finds himself only craving you, being tempted by you, and all you need to do is breathe the same air as him.
Toji stands with a grunt, turning to his friends. "Give me a minute, would ya?" They nod and he walks away, chasing after you.
"Baby? Where'd ya go?"
"Sweetie?" He approaches your figure sitting by the window
"Love of my life?" You scoff at that, making him physically wince. He's never gotten on your bad side before, ever. You've always forgiven him or come to an understanding before it got worse.
"I know I've said this already, but it's all I can say to defend myself. I promise I haven't been with anyone but you since we've met."
"Can't even keep up with your own lies, huh? Don't you remember? A week or so after meeting, we ran into each other when you were walking home with her."
"That was over a year ago baby, it didn't take long for me to fall for you and only you. You know that"
"Do I.. know that?"
He reaches for your hand, you let him take it just so he'd feel you shake. Feel your anger and sadness radiate off you, he needs to feel how insecure and unstable this relationship makes you feel.
The second he grabs it, he pulls you in and holds you. He takes a deep breath and you hear him shudder, how uneasy this is making him. "I don't know what they've been saying but they're lying, I promise. I swear I'm telling you the truth, y/n."
He wants you to cry or something, just anything but this.
"I just.. don't believe you, Toji"
He could feel the tears building, and he still wishes they were yours. You seem emotionless, like you've been thinking about him cheating for a while, like you're prepared.
"Why don't you?"
"Gojo said Sunday you weren't there, and you didn't respond to me all day. She didn't specify the day. We both know you were drinking both days, because Monday you were severely hungover. Friday's hangover wouldn't carry over that badly, that long."
"You're right about that" he chuckles, making up you sit up and seperate yourself. He's really laughing right now? "I mean, the last part. I was drinking Saturday too which is why I couldn't-"
"You mean, wouldn't."
"Right. Why I wouldn't come over like I said I would on Sunday. Then I drank more Sunday too."
"Regardless, where did you stay after blacking out? On the street? Inbetween your exes thighs? You definitely weren't at Suguru's. But you definitely were cleaned up Monday morning when you came over, so not the street. Hmm" you brought your finger to your chin, mocking him.
He simply couldn't think, he doesn't remember. He couldn't, he drank too much. He was getting frustrated and being made fun of like this is pushing it. "Fine. If you're not going to believe me, just break up with me. I can find someone else." Big mistake.
"Oh I'm sure you can. Can't even go out without asking for pussy, apparently."
"God you're such a child" his voice started raising, "you can't even listen to me! I've said sorry, I don't know how many times. Just accept it!"
"Exactly! That's all you've done. You aren't making an effort to think where you could've gone, you can't even try to prove them wrong. You're just excusing those 'lies' with a sorry! I'm not expecting you to stop the earth from spinning and rewind time, I'm just wanting you to think. At least try to convince me they're wrong, without saying 'I promise'." Toji knows your right, he does, but his tongue won't allow him to say it.
"Easy for you to say, when I thought you were cheating you didn't try either. You left me to solve it! Like I said, you're a child who's too scared to grow up. To take responsibility, to do something with their life. It's fucking ridiculous! I wonder sometimes, why.."
"Why what, Toji?"
"Why I stay with you" he yells.
"You know, it'd be nice if we could talk about your issues without covering it up with mine. Regardless, I did stop my world from spinning and ran with you. I left family, friends, even my fucking dog Toji, because you couldn't stand the idea of sharing a town with my ex fiancé."
"You know he wanted you"
"Yeah, maybe 4 years ago when he asked to marry me, you know he cheated and ran off with her."
"Then explain why he was all over you when we ran into him", why was he still yelling?
"You were there! He felt obligated to flaunt his already pregnant, soon to be wife, I begged you to stop the conversation and leave. You ignored me, Toji."
"You're such a fucking liar, that's not what happened" yes it was, why is he saying this "you can try to twist the narrative all you want but I saw what happened, the way you looked at him, the way you smiled." That's wrong, he knows you weren't happy. He felt it.
"If you think my faces and reactions then was love for him, then maybe this past year and my move was unnecessary. You should know my genuine smile because you see it every day. Besides the fact I've explained this to you and you've reassured me that you understood, we're moving off the current issue. You and-" your voice was still soft enough where his shouting completely blocked it out.
"Have you always been this insecure or is this a new thing? It's so stupid you can brush off your cheating but can't forget mine." An even bigger mistake.
"Oh so, you admit you did see her" your head drops, and a tear falls. Finally he comes to his senses, he feels like he's succeeded all because you're showing an emotion. While he's lost in his ego, you stand there crying. He's content, and you're crying alone. Reminds you of the weekends you spent without him, thinking about which girl will text you on Monday claiming he stayed with them.
Geto realizes Toji's yelling has stopped, but it's too quiet. He makes his way out to find you there silently crying, while Toji is standing a few feet away looking.. happy? He walks behind him and flicks Toji's ear, then goes to you. Using his sleeve to wipe off your tears and you gripped onto his shirt as he hugged you.
The scene in front of him sets Toji off, he knows why Geto is comforting you- it's because of him. Though it doesn't stop his next accusation,
"Seriously? Geto of all people? I'm disappointed in you y/n." You lift your head up and meet his glare, and his heart shatters at seeing you. You looked stressed and like you've been crying for hours when it's been minutes, you're shaking and clearly having problems breathing.
"Baby, I-" he's stopped when your shaky hands tells him to.
"I don't wanna see you, God I wanna throw up just looking at you." You left holding your stomach and shut your bedroom door, with Gojo inside. He immediately engulfed you in his big arms trying to calm you down, as Toji tries to make himself leave you be, but he can't. He goes towards the hall before Geto stops him, "nah you don't get to see her after that huge stunt."
Geto drags him back to the couch and babysits him until you come out. Surprise; you never did. You ended up crying yourself to sleep while Gojo told you the dumbest and longest story you've heard. He was sitting on the floor while you laid on your side with your head slightly off the bed, as he tried to learn how to braid.
Gojo texts Geto telling him you passed out not long after, plus sent him all the pictures of the different braids he successfully did (they ended up going home and Geto had Gojo braid his hair).
"Hey, she fell asleep" he nudged Toji, he doesn't hesitate to come back to you. He walked slowly and sadly into the room, but smiled when he saw your peaceful figure.
"You're a bitch Toji" Gojo said as he braided your hair one final time.
"I know"
"You don't deserve her"
"I know"
"But she wants to believe you"
"Of course she does" Toji sighed, laying across from you but trting to avoid touching you. "I want her to"
"It is the truth, right?" Toji nods before bringing his gaze back to your face.
"Alright then, you better work your ass off when she wakes up" Gojo says as he stands, "we'll head home and we can have dinner movies and games another day, huh? It'd be best if you spent the rest of the day together anyways."
"Sounds good. Sorry I ruined all our days, didn't mean to."
"Wow! Toji Fushigiro apologizing to me without being forced? My luck day" he ends with a loud laugh. "Text me when you wanna come back, if you make it out alive." With that, he waves goodbye and leaves.
After a while, Toji fell asleep still facing you, but not until after he cried. A couple of hours go by and you wake up from a nightmare, opening your eyes to find a wet faced Toji. The blanket underneath him was damp from his tears, and you could tell his nose was stuffy, causing him to breathe through his mouth.
You place your hand on his cheek, wiping it dry. He slowly opened his eyes and faintly smiled upon seeing you.
"Hi baby" he says as he kisses your hand
"Hi", he sighs against your palm. Content you're talking to him, touching him and looking at him. All are a win in his book.
"I'm sorry for saying all those things, I didn't mean a single one" he places a hand over yours, "just so you know I will stop the world from spinning and rewind time if it'll prove myself to you. I should've just said that instead of losing it. I'm truly sorry y/n."
"It's okay babe"
"Do you forgive me?"
"Fuck no, you're gonna have to work for that"
"Understood" he smiles and kisses your palm, "first I can go finish cooking. This time when your ex calls, you pick up the phone" he jokes.
"Not funny" you pull your hand away and roll off the bed.
"Awe too soon? And here I thought you got me" he chuckles
"Not too soon, you're just a bitch and all your jokes have lost their humor, for now." You kiss his forehead and head towards the bathroom.
"So she's gonna forgive me eventually, what'd you know" he says to himself before moving to his stomach, taking in the smell of you on your blankets. He hopes this never gets taken from him, and hes gonna do everything he can to keep you, for starters he's getting you a new phone and number.
A little longer than expected🥴 also debating how I like it haha, hope you enjoyed it though <3
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deadpool15 · 7 months
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The best
"Hello, we are the feisty, sexy JAM REPUBLIC!!" The yelling always gets me, I sit there smiling while fixing my dress or simply trying to pull it down. When the girls agreed on wearing black, I showed up in pink, trying to represent all both of the national colors. I was then given a blanket as I thanked the staff and placed it on my lap. "We are here to work hard, though I can say I'm excited to see what everyone brings to the table. It's fun because we are the serious judges now." I stated while smiling at my team and holding Audrey's hand. We are then brought the cards, "I have a feeling about some of the other teams. What do you think about it, babes?" She turned around, showing off her little dimples before saying, "I feel like it's gonna be some teams we have seen before and a few mysterious ones, you know."
I agree before adjusting the blanket on my lap and watching our wonderful leader reveal the crew. Of course, when I saw BEBE, I wasn't shocked. Bada and I had been dating for a while, technically before the show started, well, at least in her opinion. She had been trying to get with me way before we got to street women fighter, but I genuinely believed those feelings weren't real. No matter how much she tried to tell me of send me gifts and pick me up from work. I know what you're thinking, "like fuck can you be any more dense." Well in my opinion I've had people work extremely hard for a fuck, I'm talking overtime with no breaks. Though she showed me the real her and we opened up to each other about some tough situations and at that moment I knew I was in love with her. Shit I had been the entire time, and I was simply trying to protect my heart.
Other crews weren't exactly a surprise either, though when 1MILLION added another dancer I was a but surprised, I've seen her dancing style for a while and she was good as fuck. "New scenery, me like it, girls." Latrice laughed at me while hitting my shoulder, with Kirsten giving us the motherly like pointed eye stare, meaning she meant business. Though in this situation I think it just meant to shut the fuck up politely. We saw some other times with Hook coming back and making an appearance, Aiki was a judge last time I saw her, and even though I didn't watch her season, I've heard great things about her. Like Bada, she had her students on her crew, and they showed out. "Still can't believe she is older than us or has a kid." We joked a lot about how the hottest people on set were taken.
Seeing LA CHICA was new as well. As soon as the cameras turned off, Latrice looked at me. "Is it bad I don't know the last crew?" I laughed at that. I mean shit not that funny but funny. "Stop laughing and tell me what they have done." I tried to stop my laughs but ended up laughing harder. "To be honest, the leader is just known for a lot of cultural appropriation in my book." The rest of the girls turned around with Kirsten stated we are in korea, so that's accurate.' We all start to get up and move towards set. We were really the only ones to film the outro since we arrived late. Seeing all the crews stand sit there on their podiums was kinda amazing, mainly knowing we would go up there as well. "Funny how we aren't the ones dancing."
After a while of sitting and the occasional introductions of different crews. We also had the smoke challenge performed by BEBE that awed the crowd. We were finally sitting down, and a few selective girls had already shown their dancing skills. Everything was going well so far. Until some girl thought she could pull a sexy choreography. It was actually sad to watch. "It simply wasn't for me, I felt like it could've had more of a wow factor or just better moves. Everything seemed sloppy, and it didn't fit your persona at all." Everyone looked at me after the harsh criticism, I guess no one expected me to be real. I turned to the side to notice Redlic has been winking at me. Weird. You see, me and her didn't exactly have a friendship. She and Bada were friends due to working together previously on dances as well as classes. In my opinion she was too friendly.
Though, not to Bada but to me. She was always winking and trying to hug me or asking me on dates. Now everyone pretty much knew that me and Bada were a thing except the public per my decision. Bada thought it would be a good idea to show the world our love, and while I was glad she wasn't ashamed of it, I knew the outcomes of it. Now I'm not scared by any means of what the world has to say, shit I came out while working as a dancer for beyonce during a tour to thousands of people. But, those opinions mattered to Bada, and as much as she liked to tell me this and that I knew the truth. Redlic saw this as an opportunity even going as far as stated. If you aren't public, then it doesn't really count. After a while, I realized I spaced out and was brought back to reality when I heard Redlic open her mouth. "I'm sure my sqeet angel Ellie could show you how it's done. She is known for being sexy without trying. I mean, come on, people just look at her."
I sat there shocked while plastering on a fake smile shyly shaking my head to disagree with her statement. But it was too late. She had already convinced half of the crowd, and before I knew it, everyone expected me to dance. I took a look over in my girlfriends direction and saw her face. She was smiling, but I knew that smile. She was anything hut happy. She also looked like she wanted to kick Redlics ass. I guess I was taking too long before I felt a hand reaching over to grab me and pull me to the stage. I looked over and saw Redlic smiling at me, telling the crowd to watch and learn. "So much for not dancing today." I whispered. I heard the music, Beyonce, of course it was. Realizing they had decided to play partition out of all the songs seemed like the world was against me today. Redlic had grabbed my hip, squeezing it while smiling at me. At that moment I knew I was fucked.
We danced together with me, somehow ending up between her legs while smirking st thr camera seductively. Might as well put on a show. If anyone would see us, they would think we were involved or fucking. After we finished, she pulled me closer. It almost looked like we were kissing, so I pushed her away softly and laughed nervously. Seeing the look on Bada's face, let me know I wasn't gonna walk tomorrow. I heard the crowd giving us applauds with Redlic, not trying to let go of my waist, like girl you trying to get me killed in this bitch. After a while, we were called on break. I was scared as shit obviously. I managed to avoid Bada for some time before I was waking down the hall going back to meet uo with the girls after getting a snack, and I saw Lusher. I tried to slowly back away, and she noticed to me. "Bada said she would like to talk to you, unnie, and she said she wouldn't bet on you running because you know. I don't really know what the second part means, but apparently, she said you do so, yea. She is in our crew room, and she seemed pissed so I wouldn't keep her waiting. Plus, you two live together, so don't prolong the war." At times like this, I wish she wasn't so clueless. She was literally leading me to my death.
I sighed and started walking to the direction of the crew room, fuck I can already feel the pain in my legs. As I was trying to give myself a little pep talk I realized I was standing in front of the door. Thinking about it, maybe this was a bad idea. Fuck I'm scared. "Get you ass in here, and don't make me repeat myself, little girl." Yearing her voice like that kinda turned me on until I realized she was gonna murder me. I walked into the room, seeing her sit there on the couch man spreading while staring at me with a glare. "You put on quite the show, didn't you? I would say I loved it, but I mean, did I baby? Was a bit confused on why you randomly decided to throw you ass. Wait, let me rephrase that. Throw my ass back against that girl." She motioned me to walk over na di stood between her legs until she pulled me down. "You hear that, my ass. Because you mine, belong to me. All of you are mine. Seems like you forgot, let me remind you then, what do you say, baby?" I nodded mindless to her commands. "Who's the best baby, say it?" I could barely heat her when she started to grind me against her lap. "Say it pretty." I managed to mutter it out finally. "You're the best, baby. Only you. Always you."
(Request by @pinksults)
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