#like before i made that blog all my ocs were just random people in my head that i'd forgotten about for years and would occasionally think
eggmeralda · 1 year
the oc brainrot has been growing so much since i made an oc blog and it's getting more intense every day.......
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spiders-around · 4 months
Oh wow, look at that! YET ANOTHER post urging you to make a webbed site! What a completely new thing that people haven't made a thousand masterposts for already!!
• Making a website might look scary. It is Not.
At first, I too thought making a website was too much work. It really isn't! It turns out that all you need is
an HTML file,
a web hosting service and
w3schools tutorials,
and that's about it!
This post will point you towards these resources, and others I found useful while figuring out how to make a website.
What's HTML and CSS?
HTML is the content of your webpage, the skeleton of it. What shows up in a webpage is what's written in the HTML file!
CSS is the way the HTML is styled; the colour of the background and the letters, the size of elements, the font, all that!
Do I absolutely NEED JavaScript for a website?
Not at all! You don't need to worry about learning it before getting started.
• What do I make a website for? What do I put in there?
ANYTHING AND ALMOST EVERYTHING. Here's some ideas for pages from a post of mine were I was very normal about websites:
You can make a page that's only pictures of your pets.
You can make an interactive adventure.
You can make your own academic blog full of your own essays or articles.
You can just post a ton of art or make a full music page.
You can make a blog and infodump eternally, give book reccs and reviews. You can host a thousand virtual pets and nothing else.
Upload entire books in a single html file. Make a wikipedia for your ocs. Make a fake site for a random fictional place (restaurant, hotel, whatever). You can make a thousand fanpages/shrines about your favorite media. You can upload your own webcomic and make it all like a fancy website and shit.
I could keep going but, for the sake of "brevity", I won't.
If I started listing the websites I know, this post would be bottomless. Here's only seven:
https://publictransit.neocities.org/ - A webbed site, for sure
https://ribo.zone/ - A personal site
https://leusyth.neocities.org/ - An art archive
https://solaria.neocities.org/ - Personal website with A Lot of stuff (it'll come up in a bit, because it offers web making resources)
https://hog.neocities.org/ - The Hogsite
https://thegardenofmadeline.neocities.org/ - Another personal site! It also has a web resources page and has made another masterpost like this one (but better)
https://spiders.neocities.org/ - My own website, which must be weird to see in mobile . sorry
• You've convinced me. I want a webbed site. Where do I start?
FIRST OF ALL: Neocities. It is a free web hosting service, and it's the one I and the sites I linked use!
When I first started, my website was a black page with red letters and a drawing, and nothing else! It was like that for a month, till i started picking up on how to do things.
Here's what helped me get an idea of how to make things work:
An absolute beginners guide to neocities -- while when you make an account there you get a tutorial page from the site, this one's extra support for that.
Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript and MANY other coding things for free. All the tutorial/reference pages have live testing windows for you to mess with!! helped me a LOT while figuring this stuff out!
Cheatsheets for HTML and CSS, respectively. It includes a JavaScript one too!
Sadgrl's webmastery resources! Also includes the next resource listed here:
Sadgrl's layout builder; not a lot of customization at a first glance, but I've seen wildly different websites all using it as a base, plus it works using CSS Flexbox, so it generates a responsive layout!
(basically, a responsive layout is one that translates well in different sized screens)
Tumblr user fysa made this layout imitating a wiki page!
At some point, you might want to do things outside the Neocities code editor and get one outside the site. I recommend Brackets, because my old as fuck computer can run that and absolutely nothing else apparently, and it works wonderfully! Though I recommend either turning off the code autocomplete or using it after a good while of already using the Neocities code editor, so you get used to coding on your own.
Turn your text into HTML code! i use this kind of pages for my lengthy blog entries that I don't feel like formatting myself.
The heavier an image is, the more your site weighs and the more time your page will spend loading. You don't want that, specially if your site is heavy on graphics. This might help!
Some CSS, JavaScript and Accessibility guides! Worth checking out!
This is a free, interactive book for learning JavaScript! NOTE: It is very intuitive, but JavaScript is HARD!! I still haven't learned much of it, and my website does fine without so don't worry if you end up not doing much with it. It's still useful + the exercises are fun.
And now, accessories!
• Silly stuff for your page :]
Make a virtual pet, copy the code and paste it in your HTML file! You'll get a little guy in your webbed site :]
Music player for your website!
JavaScript silly effects for your site :]
Blinkie search engine!
Add a chatbox to your site!!
Infinite gallery of gifs. i've spent hours in there looking at moving pictures and out of them all, the ONLY gif i actually ended up using on my site was a rotating tomato slice. it is still there. trapped.
A widget that gives you a random tarot card!
Sudoku widget!
That's about it for now! I don't know how to end this!!! Remember to have fun and google everything you don't know :]
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the-hydroxian-artblog · 2 months
I love your animatronic toy OC guys so much, they have so much personality to them and their colours are really good (especially umbra)
Thank you! The funny thing about Umbra's design was that while I was developing it about two years ago and had some colors in mind, I described in text what I already came up with to an image generator for fun (shitty unconvincing old kind, vs now where it looks like shit but in a somewhat more convincing way) and it produced something so silly that I made her design better than what I would've settled with out of spite.
More details of my process and anti-AI ranting below the cut, so the examples given won't show up on search results. Google Images is getting polluted too much with slop to begin with.
Let's begin.
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In 2022 I was drafting up Umbra's design with mostly concrete details. At this time image generators were newer and much less convincing, and I was a bit less aware of just how unethical they were, so I fed one a text description of what I had drafted for her design out of curiosity. Something along the lines of, "doll of an anthropomorphic owl librarian in glasses, blazer/suit jacket, skirt, corset, high heels, sitting on a bookshelf" and probably a few more terms. Really specific, lengthy prompt.
I try to be open-minded and give new things a shot, but the results were Not Great. Ideally, I'd want to not share the AI pictures at all on-principle, but I feel like it's useful, transparent, and necessary to show them. Both as a means of not hiding anything, but also just to appreciate where the design is at in spite of it.
Outside of this particular collage of Weird Owls, no other pictures on this blog are AI-generated. AI Image Generation is harmful, and I am against its usage.
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But hey, two of the generated pictures look close, right? The top left is the closest, and bottom right is second.
That's because they started out worse, and I had to actually erase chunks of them and have the generator fill in the blanks to get anything remotely close to what I wanted. Misshapen limbs, unrecognizable anatomy, fever-dream clothing details, etc. They didn't even have a corset or proper legs until I slapped the generator in the face enough times to make it produce them. I was just using it to photobash, which was such an annoying process, I just went "this is dumb" and stopped. They're literally posed like that because I kept erasing and regnerating their limbs until they looked vaguely in-character. It literally only looks passable thanks to STRANGLING it with human input.
Before I used the image generator, I already drafted her to be night-themed with yellow eyes and something like purple, dark blue, or sky-blue as her main color; the generator making one owl yellow-eyed and purple was a happy coincidence, and the only thing the generative AI "came up with" that I didn't already have in mind or included in the prompt was the light blue shirt, which I did adapt into her cyan shirt and stockings/socks as well. That was a good call. You get One Point, Mr. AI.
...Which still meant that at its absolute best, it was a largely redundant step in the creative process if its contribution was worse than what a randomized palette generator or character creator could come up with.
That's already putting the ethics of it aside, like carbon emissions, data pollution, using artists' and photographers' work without credit or permission, the incentive to plagiarize, flooding sites like deviantart with slop, Willy Wonka Shit, etc etc etc. When people say "you can use AI as a tool though", this ordeal was enough to convince me that it's more trouble than its worth, even in its most ethical usage. I feel gross for having even tried. I wish I knew what sources went into the creation of those Weird Owls. It'd be better for research if the right people could be credited.
Nothing else on this blog is AI-generated or ever will be. The art below is purely my own (2022 vs a few weeks ago)):
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Actually drawing Umbra and solidifying her design was far more rewarding than having an image generator vaguely approximate my own ideas. I wanted her to look really special, so I used a black cape and pants, gold highlights and buttons, and blue undertones to make something more distinct. Also, neck floof. Very important. I wanted the head in particular to look distinct and original, going with bold black streaks to really help her look distinguished.
I also have certain inevitable Hydroisms for Fancy characters like her; most apparent in these designs for Chasey and Kaita from even longer ago, which were more of an influence than anything else. (Old art of mine from like 2021, Kaita ref looks wonky but Chasey still holds up nicely):
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Most of Umbra's other design elements were already commonly used with established ocs like Kaita, like her shape language, corset, skirt, heels, etc. It was my previous work with Chasey that inspired the use of gold buttons and highlights.
Umbra is also now a bluer shade of purple partly to distance the current design from that ordeal. All things considered, I'll probably make her more indigo next time. I already wanted her to have a wide color range from the get-go (Featured below is, again, purely my art from 2022:)
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I may use a different colored shirt and stockings in the future. I like to think she has many different shirts and clothes based on the different stages of the night sky, from dusk to dawn, and the painting I made in the top right there was an exploration of her range in different lighting.
All in all, it's frustrating. I'm proud of her design, but explaining all of this is annoying, because it's technically all relevant to showing how her colors were picked and how the design was made. I still technically have AI to """Thank""", in the way you thank a bad experience for encouraging you to make things better out of spite.
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lutzlig · 1 year
Tumblrwoman Election Wrap-Up
To celebrate the end of this election, I'm gonna answer the rest of your questions!
First off:
Thanks everyone for participating! This ended up way bigger than expected. It was pretty exciting, seeing everybody chime in and participate.
Shoutout ESPECIALLY to all the people making fanarts, memes, etc... you people are incredible!!! Most of it can be found under #twe23, be sure to check it out, everybody!
Here's some highlights you people have made:
this github live number tracker made by @twilight-sparkle-irl during the vriska/katya poll. A THRILLING read!
this hollow knight miku oc by @anonymous-utility!! shes so cute...
@seasoned-cabbage made a wiki sandbox for the polls... it's so satisfying to see the stats laid out like this : D
@unidentifiedfroggy wrote fanfiction that just perfectly encapsulates the whole experience : ' )
General Q&A
"Who did you want to win?"
I myself think Vriska deserved the title most! I think vriska is just as integral to tumblr as Cecil is, if not more.
As for the other 2 involved, they didn't really care who won!
How often did you hear "Why are you pitting 2 bad bitches against each other"?
Often! One of us was going to count, but he got so annoyed that he stopped. You people need to get a new sentence.
"Why are there minors in a tumblrsexywoman contest?"
It's not a tumblr sexywoman contest, it's a tumblrwoman election! Before we made the poll, we considered whether it's better to throw out the minors or remove the "sexy" angle. We decided on the latter, mostly because this kind of competition would feel incomplete without tumblrgirls like miku and vriska.
Will you be doing this again next year?
Hm, not sure. Probably not! At least, I wasn't planning on it. We did this on a whim, and this is (SUPPOSED TO BE) my art blog.
I might make a blog for it next year, if these are still relevant and the demand is high (which i highly doubt).
Why didn't you answer my question?
I got like 130 asks this week and most of them were cries of pain and outrage. I was also incredibly busy irl until a day ago. If I didn't answer your question, Sorry!
Concerns about Corruption
According to the tags on these, every single one of the polls was rigged in some way or another. Particularly grievous examples of this were Miku's loss (I suspect Vriskavoters doing foul play (I am vriskavoters. I voted Bayonetta to sabotage Miku. Then i spent the whole day listening to Miku voicebank comparisons.)), and Marcie's win (Somebody accused the Adventure time subreddit of having swamped the poll. The post in question had 19 upvotes. The poll on tumblr had 92,123 votes).
What's more, I've been offered bribes!! Several american dollars! The political landscape of tumblr sure is a scary place...
Some of you really don't know how to act. This goes out to a small (but very, very vocal) minority - don't be a dick! Just because it's the internet does not mean you can just insult random strangers! This is a poll about fictional women, this is NOT a place to call people the r-word or imply someone is stupid for liking a character.
Some people left pretty graphic, violent messages. Most of these were jokes, but still. Take caution with the words you choose. This should go without saying, but telling strangers to "eat glass" and the like is not acceptable behaviour.
In the end, this was a competition between fictional characters, so seeing people arguing in the replies and trying to gain some sort of moral high ground was a little bit saddening.
Most of you were nice though, luckily : )
To everyone who left kind messages, to everyone engaging and having fun, the fan art, the posts, to everyone expressing their thanks to us - thank you!!!
In the end, this was a lot of fun, and it was nice to see the website come together like that!
What's next?
For the next few days, I'm going to be promoting my friends' projects as much as I can to scare all of you people off of my blog.
I got WAY too many followers from this and frankly, that is simply not acceptable. You all need to leave NOW, because I want to get back to posting art eventually and I would rather not be on everybody's timeline.
That's why I have decided to become a massive sell out and reblog my friends' stuff on main for a bit. Peace!
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Bunny (Part 1)
masterlists, part 2
Tw: self depreciation
Minors and ageless blogs please DNI
My first proper Yandere OC, with actual names and appearances. There will be many parts to this, kinda slow burn yandere , short introductory post for now and i no i did not proofread </3
hope you like it <3 enjoyy
So you're this lonely office worker, looking for love. Maybe perhaps you're just trying to follow the mainstream channel of Studying well, working well, get good at office politics, finding a good spouse, not get into crippling debt, having kids then finally die. In that order. Or you're just, simply lonely.
But it is hard though. So damn hard. It wasn't because you're undesirable. With the help of dating apps, you could easily get a partner. You may not be that 1% of people who are Aphrodites or Adonises, but there is still a demand for you, the average person, on the dating market. If you made the first move, a lot of your coworkers would say yes, a lot of the regular patrons at the bar would say yes and a lot of the random passengers that also rides the subway train would say yes, because they too, are fucking lonely.
Now you would simply settle for a good Ol' average Joe or Joessica. Have an average relationship with average ups and downs, average life and average funeral. But you don't want to, you have a debilitating fear of abandonment, and, you believe that everyone will eventually find you annoying and would finally leave you. Not if you leave them first.
You understand, you get it. You're just like everyone else, wanting assurance that their partner would never leave them. Wanting their partner to prove their undying loyalty. But... you're not even sure how can someone give their 101% to you, what does that even look like? You don't even know how to prove that you'll stay in the relationship. That's fair, everyone is simply trying their best and you should too.
You can't really stay long in a relationship because of that fear of heartbreak, fear of abandonment, fear of giving all of you and having the other party just throw it all away, fear of betrayal, fear of disappointment. Well, you can't really be disappointed when your expectations for others are in the negatives, can you?
But you still try, and that's admirable.
You met him through a mutual friend. Your friend likes playing matchmaker, so they were more than happy to pair you up with the 'perfect' candidate they have in mind.
You're going to try and stay longer than three months this time. Even if you only made it to three months and a day, its still an improvement. It will be scary, it will be easy to fall back to your usual habits of gradually withdrawing and finally breaking off through text, then blocking your ex on everything, fearing their ultimate response. You're going to try.
You didn't get to have a preview , or a sample of this blind date of yours before the date itself. All you know is; It is a he. He is a legal adult, he is mentally sound enough to make decisions for himself and he is attracted to people of your gender or lack thereof. So rest assured, he won't immediately walk away as soon as you present yourself to him.
Thrifty Lunch, Cheap Dinner, coffee meetups or free walks at the park, you expected any of these to be what he planned. But brunch? Bougie, stylish brunch? And at an expensive, reputable restaurant to top it off. That is new. You must admit, this strange, unexpected decision made you tingly with curiosity and excitement inside. How interesting, right off the bat, you can tell your blind date is at least middle to upper middle class.
It did add a bit of stress on you though, you're used to lower effort dates that you're not even sure if you have the appropriate outfit for the occasion. You do have a ballgown and a tuxedo, but you think that is a little too much for brunch. Flipflops and dirty sweatpants seem a tad too embarrassing for brunch. What do people even wear for brunch?
You asked around and got some advice. You work with what you had and you managed to put together a decent, semi-formal attire. You made sure that it's comfortable though, you're sure that you're going to need the flexibility when your grabby hands got a hold on some bottomless mimosas.
So the day came and you entered the establishment. There were no kids and generally, the target demographic for brunch are adult women having quality girlfriend time, flamboyant men enjoying and laughing among their peers, families and a lot of millennials. At least, from what you can see.
It wasn't hard to find your date. He is the only patron there sitting alone. Everyone else had their own companion, be it a singular friend, giggling away, or a gaggle of twenty.
He was sipping his own glass of mimosa when he saw you. Your date gave you the warmest, kindest smile you can imagine. His full, lush, naturally pink lips wrapped around a perfect set of pearly whites. His lovely smile reached his hazel eyes, it was a Duchenne one as there were crow feet at the outer corners. Endearing fat pockets under his eyes made him look extra cheerful, Aegyo sal, was it? It made your heart skip a beat, he was drop dead gorgeous.
Your not-so-blind date had fabulous, pitch black hair with a healthy sheen, you're absolutely jealous of his beautiful, curly blowout that waterfalls to his upper back. Though, you're not sure if he dyed the hair on his scalp that way or he dyed his eyebrows copper red. Charming aquiline nose, attractive high cheekbones, fluttery eyelashes, youth-signifying dimples and skin clear as glass, dewy and glowing in prosperity. He has a distinct beauty mark on his right cheek, above his lip. Just like how a certain 1950's, iconic, blonde bombshell of a sex symbol, has it too.
He gave you a finger-wiggling wave and a wink, quite the flirt, he is.
Your jaw is on the floor, you're ready to bolt out of the restaurant and that block button is looking mighty fun to push. He is in that 1% Adonis demographic, an androgynous deity of love, lust and beauty. How are you going to feel secure in the relationship when he looks like this? You're freaking the fuck out, man! He is way out of your league, how is this a good idea?
You're in the middle of short circuiting when he comes up to you and gave you a polite, yet intimate, welcome hug. You're pressed against his chest, clothed with a cotton turtleneck shirt. He smells of expensive, masculine cologne, the type that you would always spray samples on yourself but not buy because it costs half your paycheck. His fashionable blazer's lapel brushed against your arm as you gently pushed him away. You feel severely underdressed for the occasion.
"You look adorable." He cooed, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. Your mouth is open, but you say nothing. What is there to say? Compliments? You don't know what he haven't heard.
So you stutter, stumble over your words out of nervousness, trying to tell him he looks good, you feel inadequate, you don't want to do this anymore and you're going to shit on your friend, all at the same time, nothing coherent came out, all he and you heard was gibberish.
He chuckled, "Well, Hello to you too." You just shut your mouth up and turned redder than a tomato. You must have sounded silly.
"Come, let's sit." He enveloped his smooth, professionally manicured, bony hand around your relatively smaller one. He held your hand, palm facing downwards, fingers locking around your hand. His grip on you was tight, snuggly so but not uncomfortable yet.
You stared at his fingers as he lead you to the seat, you can't believe his ring fingers are bare. No way, this seems too good to be true.
You soothed your nerves by telling yourself he must have some flaw, a flaw so bad that no one tried to keep him to themselves yet. Yeah, that must be it, he must be toxic in some way, that's why he is still single. Please let that be true, you don't know how you're going to deal with your inner critic if he's actually stunning with a heart of pure, 24k gold.
He pulled your chair out for you and adjusted to your liking once you sat on it, like the gentleman he is. Your date went to his own seat, your fingers are crossed behind your back, hoping that he just has a downright horrible personality so you could feel better about yourself. Then you caught your thought and realized, what a weird wish.
Now that his face returns to a more neutral expression, you get to examine his actual eye shape. It is strikingly upturned, mischievous with an unreadable glint to it. You brush off your intuition that something feels a little strange when you look deep into his eyes, though it felt like he knows something you don't, it's probably nothing.
There is already a glass of mimosa waiting for you already. You just went for it, you need the fucking booze dealing with him.
Your head shot up when he addressed you by your name. He grinned at you, propping his head up with his elbow on the table, leaning his cheek against the back of his fingers.
You asked him how he knew your name.
"I was just guessing, my dear. Looks like I'm correct." He laughed.
You eyed him warily. You don't think anyone could guess your name. Your friend must have said something to him, that's not fair, isn't it?
You asked him what his name is.
"Leveret, it's a pleasure to meet you. And you?" Your eyes momentarily darted at his index and middle fingers, they're twitching, strangely like bunny ears. You don't think he's doing it on purpose.
You told him that he already 'guessed' your name correctly. He widened his eyes a bit before beaming again.
"I have? Silly me, I must have been distracted by you."
You gave him a confused and hesitant apology.
"You're just so cute. So adorable. I could just eat you up." His hands were squishing the air, eyes peering intensely into yours. Leveret must be trying to quell his cute aggression.
You don't know whether to feel shy or patronized by his reaction. But you kept your distance.
He took the hint and calmed down. He took a deep breath and smiled, Leveret asked if you were ready to order. He is going to call the waiter if you are.
You nodded. You're going to need some food and the bottomless mimosas to keep you going.
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cookieeevee · 3 months
Hello Yellow and Welcome People!!
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Most people tend to call me Cookie or Cookieeevee because of my blog name, but call me Alice! I use the pronouns She/Her and They/Them (I don't mind which one you use)
I am into Rain World, OneShot, Pokemon, Warrior Cats, Kirby, Sonic, Pikmin, Ori, Chicory: a colorful tale, Steven universe, MHA, Epic Mickey, and many more
You can ask me anything, I'd love to chat with you all (Ask about ADH au or ask Lily if u want too)
Art requests are always welcomed :D
My designs of the slugcats and Iterators My Rain world OCs My other OCs
Side blogs of mine:
Cookie: @ask-cookieeevee03
Madge: rainworld-starsandclouds023
Droplet (Old, should probably reboot at some point): rainworld-ask-the-medic
SOES: rainworld-lifeisendless230
Slugcat's: rainworld-cycle-of-slugcats
just doodle/art blog: mossy-doodles85
Silly adventurers of my plush's (feel free to send me art in Messages of the sillys if you want, I will post it and credit u, if u want :3)
you can draw for me if ya want
Amazing Friends Of Mine!: @rainworld-obsessed-cat-reborn (One of my first tumblr friends! Probably one of my closes friends here! They are really silly and has great art! I thought I'd never see them again once their main blog got deleted... I'm very glad they're back now. I care for them with the might of a 1000 suns and always wish for the best of them! I'll always have their back, no matter what <3) @stargazer0001 (A great friend, who I really care for! One of the first people I go to talk to about silly ideas and aus of mine. They're art is a joy to see and our silly chats we had before were really fun! Thanks for being there for me <3) @critter2 (Super silly bud that I met because of Star! Their art is amazing and its always a blast to be around them! Sadly they aren't on often so that kinda sucks... ALSO THEY ARE WHOLESOME WHEREVER THEY THINK/KNOW THAT OR NOT!!!!) @lanternlightsovercloudyskies (I've actually never checked if we're friends or not, but see her as one! Cute silly art that a joy to see, and shes super wholesome in my opinion! I always hope for the best for her!) @bananacat76 (My silly great friend! They're super cool and wholesome, all things I wish to be. They've let me add their RW persona, Banana cat, to my RW AU and even let me make Banana Cat Enot's sibling! Lots of hugs to them! A joy see and a gift to be around ^^) @rcranger (THIS SUPER AMAZING AND COOL PERSON IS MY FRIEND!!! Hes made super cute and silly art that is a joy to see and always puts a smile on my face! Cherry has been a super great person and he need MORE LOVE so go check him out and give him some love!!)
@puffstarss (I'm pretty sure we're friends, at least to me she is! Puffs is probably one of the most kind people here! She's a big UT and UTY fan and is the owner of The Undertale Yellow Runaway Route AU! If your a fan of UTY aus and stuff be sure you check out her blog! also I will die for them like all friends of mine)
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Random things about me: My favorite colors are mint green and lavender I want to write but am too scared to put it online and I get writers block a lot... I wish people would ask me more things (on any of my blogs)... My IRL friend group and I do a lot of dark humour I draw all the time, in class, at lunch, at home, in the car, and many other places Cream is my favorite Sonic character I my 3rd favorite Sonic character is Chris from Sonic X, FIGHT ME ON IT I have four brothers and no sisters... I have many AUs which I will probably never tell anyone about because I am scared of doing that Rain world brain rot I REALLY want to play SA2 just because of the chao garden Undertale Yellow fan! I'VE DODGED DEATH!!!! If you want to be friends with me, just ask. Cuz I'm probably not gonna ask you that and I'm always happy to have more friends I need help
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caelum-et-ocean · 10 months
You have been bitten by the mutual virus. To cure yourself, you must provide one reason why you follow each of your mutuals before sending this to others (whether mutuals or not) while in anon.
Good luck!
(if i forgot anyone i’m sorry T^T (also these started to turn into me just appreciating some ppl so uhh))
@emmaoftoomanyfandoms : Super sweet!!! Even if we don’t get too many chances to interact with each other I enjoy seeing your interactions with others :3
@kieranmew : I LOVE YOUR ART SM also you’re really silly and fun to talk to!! I remember one of your messages made me smile so much to the point where i think my mom questioned me 😭
@p0pp3t : UNAAA ILYSM I think you were one of my first mooties on here, tysm for being you!! You’re such a great person, I’m really grateful to have you here <3
@anunmarkedface : My first Redacted mootie (i think)!! I enjoy all of the talks we have, and being around you feels like a breath of fresh air
@lunaaltair : HII i love your art style soooo much, and it’s interesting hearing you talk during calls :D
@sweetangle8 : GABRIEL ILYSM youre sooo silly and i like making OCs with you and just talking about the most random stuff ever LOL
@4letteraroace : Andiiii!!!! You are one of the sweetest people i’ve ever met, keep on shining, ily!!
@cyc-chilla : Super funny and easy to talk to!! LOL i think i really got exposed to your blog because of that one Erik photo(?) in general though I like seeing your posts on my dash :D
@shawslut : Aaa you were also one of my first mutuals here!! You honestly make me feel so welcome and I love hearing from you!!
@mirrorchannel : I think we’ve been friends for over a year now (?) even though we don’t really speak as much as before, I still cherish all the time I get to spend with you 🫶🫶
@deviantaj : You are such an amazing person in general!! The way we met is still fresh in my mind LOL and I’m super glad we got that opportunity
@crescentgrim : The stuff you post about Redacted puts a smile on my face every time!! You’re such a good and loyal friend, anyone would be lucky to have you on their side ^^
@peacefullibrarian : Really kind and nice to talk to!! Ngl whenever I think of you my mind also thinks of pink lilies :3
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rockybloo · 5 months
hello!! (love your art btw it scratches a part of my brain in a good way) apologies if it's already been asked or something else but who are your oldest oc's? I'm just curious
And I don't think I've really answered this before (or at least not in a good long while) so excuse this essay dump here...
If we are talking "Who out of the lineup you actively use now are the oldest", it'd be my Beanstalked cast. But I never truly get rid of an OC. They all live on forever and occasionally get reinvented into a newer being. So if we are talking about my OLDEST OCs in general, they are actually none of the ones you guys have been seeing me post on this blog frequently.
Before Glitter and Guilt, Bondwidth, Beanstalked, literally EVERYONE you see as part of my main story lineup, I had a entirely different cast of Rockstars.
Off the top of my head, I recall one story being called Mythical Mayhem and the other being called Zodiac Fighterz. Both of which were made during my middle school days (though Zodiac Fighterz might have been near the end of elementary as I recall one of my first days of middle school was me drawing the main character on the whiteboard for class...the memory still haunts me)
Mythical Mayhem was about a friendly demon named Spike (who was basically the Jack of my old OCs: a very good boy who could do no wrong and made friends with everyone) who wanted to become a guardian angel...but as a demon. A guardian demon basically. But he kept running into folks that didn't trust him due to being a demon-so it was basically a never ending journey of him winning people over by being wholesome and collecting pals.
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The cast was filled with OCs based off mythical creatures. I had a whole map of the world and regions and flags and EVERYTHING before I just dipped out mentally from it.
Zodiac Fighterz was basically my magical girl series before Glitter and Guilt. It was made when I learned about the 12 Chinese Zodiac animals as a wee kid. The story was about a random group of teens who had been marked with one of the 12 zodiac animals fighting crime under the guidance of a talking cat and having to use their animal abilities to fight against a group of evil cat people and the corrupted animals they'd make using blood magic...let it be known this is what little baby me was writing and drawing after getting home from elementary school.
I do not have the original designs from baby me's times of drawing them as those were literally on paper with colored pencils and are currently buried in my notebooks as, just like with my OCs, I rarely ever throw out my own physical art. That sounds so deep but...it's just bc I live in a constant state of "but what if I need this for reference later".
HOWEVER I do have this 2017 pic I drew of some redesigns for everyone.
Both of these stories are retired but I do plan to recycle some of these characters into my new stories. All my OCs live in the same storyverse so no one is truly gone anyways.
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Welcome, the tournament starts!
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The polls will start being posted today, July 9, at 3 pm BRT, they will be posted every 15 minutes, they will finish being posted at July 10 at 6:45 am!
• All matches were randomized, this gave some interesting matches (insert the illusion of free choice meme here)
• All polls have the the tag #round 1
• I can't check if all things people said about all the 129 characters are true, so if someone lied on their submission that's on them
• If you see any mistakes (wrong pictures, misspelling, etc) please tell me ^-^
• I tried my best to short long descriptions, key word tried
• If you see sentences in first person in the posts, remember it's not me (the mod of this blog), it's the submitter talking!
• All submissions (except one) made it to the tournament, I didn't take a submission away if the content/media was problematic, I just put almost all the submissions in the tournament
• Some posts don't use the characters canonical pronouns, some of them use they/them for extra mystery
• You can guess who the characters are, but if you are 100% certain please don't tell. I wanna maintain the mystery ^-^;
• I won't reblog any propaganda (but like try to do propaganda only if you are really sure of the character, or you might give a wrong propaganda to a character ^-^;)
• The [...] means that this part of the description was shortened!
• Also there's OCs here!
• When a character loses, the reveal will be tagged as #reveals and there will be a #[insert media name here] spoilers
• If you want to talk more about the character after they lose, you can talk in the reblog of the reveal, and I will reblof it with the tag #flowers for the fallen (because I wanted to it be related to flowers but I didn't know how)
• If you want me to tag post as something, to like put a tw, please tell me ^-^
• I will reblog the polls 4 hours before they end!
• If a tie happens, a tie breaker polls will happen. If they also tie in the tie breaker, a polls with 3 characters (the 2 that are tied + the one the winner would fight) will happen
The matches are under the cut!
Side A
Gladiolus 3 VS Blue rose 3
Yellow Rose VS A bouquet of black-eyed susan, orange lily, amaryllis, canna, black petunia and purple hyacinth
Marigold VS Hibiscus
Rose 1 VS A bouquet of lily and sunflower
A bouquet of aloe, fern, blue iris and sage VS Blue Rose 2
Roses 4 VS Nasturtiums
Violet 1 VS Sunflower 4
Amorphophallus titanum VS Ceropegia Adrianae
Spider Lily VS Himalayan blue poppies
A bouquet of bittersweet and rhododendron VS Wisterias
Fire Poppy VS Butterfly weed
A bouquet of forget-me-nots, dill, purple hyacinth, hyssop, thyme, lotus flower and marjoram VS Lily of the valley
Sunflower 2 VS Lotus 1
Daffodil 1 VS White Lily
Baby's breath VS Clematis 2
Acanthum VS Red Geranium
Side B
Daffodil 2 VS Lavender VS A bouquet of coral bells, caladium and carnations
Bluebonnet VS A bouquet with love-lies-bleeding, forget-me-nots and sunflowers
Gum cistus VS A bouquet of white orchids and purple hyacinths
A bouquet of yellow foxglove and snapdragon VS A bouquet of gladiolus flowers and lilies, with spiky knautia, shield, dogwood, iris, lotus, lily of the valley, foxglove, rock rose, water lily, daffodil, green and black roses, sunflower, poppy, crystanthenum, wolfsbane, liatris, buttercup, and bleeding heart flowers. There's a sole kadupul flower in the middle of it.
Blue rose 1 VS Snapdragons 2
[A bouquet of azalea, red calla lily, thistle and amaranthus (love-lies-bleeding) VS Tartarian Aster](https://www.tumblr.com/mysterycharacterflowers/722410802542428160/a-bouquet-of-azalea-red-calla-lily-thistle-and?source=share(
A bouquet of coreopsis and columbine VS A bouquet of columbine and geranium
A pair of two desert petunias VS Black rose
Amaranth VS A bouquet of 3 lupins
A bouquet of red spider lillies, forget-me-nots, purple hyacinth, deadly nightshades and white lillies VS Ornithogalum
Clematis 3 VS Lilac
Orange blossom VS Red spider lilies
Forget-me-not 2 VS Black Dahlia
A bouquet of purple hyacinths, a oleander, a few rhododendron, some belladonna and a hollyhock VS Plastic/fake strawberry flowers
A bouquet of black dahlia and red spider lily VS Violet 2
Forget-me-nots 3 VS White Egret Orchid
Side C
A bouquet of yellow rose, plantain lily, amaranth, heather and sunflower VS Sunflower 3
Daisy 2 VS Red daylily
Yellow carnations VS Iris florentina
A bouquet of rue, tansy, monkhood, milkweed and dame's rocket VS A bouquet of blue roses, edelweisses and yellow azaleas
A bouquet of lotuses, dandelions, sunflower, gerberas, forget me nots, nemophilas, narcissus, lilies, purple and light blue hydrangeas, leaved corepsis, yellow cosmos, roses, peonies, periwinkles, bellflowers, white paper daisies, christmas rose, dahlias and carnations VS Buttercups
Thistle VS A bouquet of dandelions, buttercups, roses, both black and yellow and sunflowers
Gladiolus 2 VS Crimson rose
A bouquet of ginger torch lilies and blue carnations VS Vanilla Orchid
A bouquet of fern and forget me nots VS A bouquet of daffodil, yellow roses, sycamore, purple hyacinths, irises and poppy
A bouquet of sunflowers, dandelions, ferns, foxglove, hollyhock, lotus, balsamine, green carnation, fennel, black eyed susan and queen of night VS Forget-me-not 4
A bouquet of poppies and opium flowers VS Chrysanthemum
A bouquet with blue morning glories and saxifrage/rockfoils VS Gloriosa Genus
Rose 2 VS Love-lies-bleeding
Begonias VS A bouquet of red balsam, cockscomb amaranth, scarlet auricula, wheat stalks and dead leaves
A bouquet of star magnolia, lavender, dark crimson rose, white carnations, sweet pea and forget me nots VS Lotus 2
Snapdragon 1 VS A bouquet of belladonna, cyclamen and iris
Side D
Rose 3 VS Gladiolus 1
A bouquet of purple hyacinth, purple columbine and hellebore VS Bittersweet nightshade
Forget-me-not 1 VS A bouquet with begonia, carnations, anemones and snowdrops
Tamarisk VS White crocuses
Sunflower 1 VS Clematis 1
White Alyssum VS A bouquet of sunflowers, geraniums and hollyhock
Catnip VS Valerian
A bouquet of lavender, gardenias and limelight hydrangeas VS Sakura
A bouquet of purple hyacinth, hydrangea, acanthus and purple columbine VS Carnations
Blue roses 4 VS Sage
A bouquet of buttercups, yellow hyacinths and cyclamens VS A bouquet of cockscomb, white poppy, white acacia and pink chrysanthemum
Firecracker plant VS Red Rose
Oleander/Nerium/Dogsbane VS Geranium
Rainflower/Rain lily VS Mountain Laurel
Pistachio Flower VS Daisies 3
Cherry Blossom VS Daisy 1
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community! I’m Malice and I’ll be your host today. 
Here today to talk all things whumpy is the brilliant @another-whump-sideblog!
We’re thrilled to have you here! Do you mind starting us off with an introduction?
You can call me Cam, my favorite color is green and I have a snowglobe collection!
Let’s get straight to the point! What does whump mean to you? 
To me, whump is any media that focuses on pain (of any kind) and how the characters cope (or don’t cope) with it.
And how did you find the whump community? What made you want to join? 
I first got super into whump during a depressive episode. I’m not sure exactly why, but it was comforting. I read pretty much all I could find in the fandoms I was in, and then I just started searching whump in general! I actually don’t remember the first whump fic I read, fanfic or OC, or else I’d shout it out. For quite a while I was reading a lot of whump without interacting at all, out of fear of people realising I was into whump, but eventually I got over that and even started sharing some of my own whump writing!
Do you think your view on whump has changed since you joined? 
I’ve gotten a lot more into OC whump and less into fandom whump as time goes on. I’ve also gotten less afraid of publically liking whump.
Everyone’s favourite question: Favourite whump tropes!
I like pet whump and torture whump a lot. I also like long recovery arcs with imperfect caretakers. And I’m always a big fan of unreliable narrators.
Do you have a favourite piece you've written?
I really like the first chapter of Jane’s Pets. The style is pretty fun and I think it’s a good introduction to the series.
I love the format and second person pov! It’s a really intriguing idea! What does your writing routine usually look like?
I tend to write at complete random, whenever I’ve got a free moment. I write in my phone’s notes app, which is a bad choice but it would take too much work to switch over to something else at this point.
Do you find that some things are easy for you to write? Is there something you struggle with writing? 
I’d like to think I’m pretty good at describing characters’ inner feelings, and I know I’m not great at setting a scene or describing how things look or feel or things like that. I love writing dream sequences because then things can not make sense physically and I can purely focus on the emotion. I also struggle with editing. I tend to edit only very rarely, and usually only after I’ve already posted something. I just known that if I say ‘I can’t post this until I’ve edited it’ I would post things very very rarely lol.
And is there anything you're working on at the moment? 
I’m working on the season finale of season two of Jane’s Pets right now! I’ve also been trying to work on describing the world outside of my characters’ heads and not starting every single scene in medias res.
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today?
Did you hear about the performer who fell through the floor?
It was just a stage they were going through!
I haven’t heard that one before, it’s good! Is there any writing advice you’d like to share?
Just have fun! I guess I don’t really have advice for professional writers, but for those of us here just writing stuff and putting it on the internet for free, there’s no need to get bogged down in what you ‘should’ be doing in your writing. Just do what makes you happy! 
Shout out to your favourite writing/whump blogs, bffs or people who've inspired you.
The first friends I made in the whump community were @whumpyourdamnpears and @whump-in-the-closet! Both are great people who I’m glad I’ve gotten to know!
Finally, is there anything you'd like to add?
Thanks for interviewing me, this was fun!
Thank you so much for joining us , @another-whump-sideblog ! 
And to all you swell folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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stovetoast · 10 months
i know this is my art blog but i can do whatever i want. agents posting GO (WARNING THIS IS MESSY)
agent 3: lake. 19 (11 in splatoon 1), they/them
i dont have a lot on lake!!! they actually didnt get recruited at all, they just kinda... stumbled into the battlefield while the octavio fight was happening and insisted on sticking around afterwards because they had Way Too Much Energy. they dont really know a lot about their past before that, even less after oe. they now spend a lot of time researching turf game strategies (theyre not legally allowed to play because their special limiter is broken) and trying to push through the chronic fatigue. oh, and theyre in a qpr with 8.
personality . uhh basically lake likes to pretend theyre still silly but its Not working. they cant really speak above a certain volume either without it hurting. im so bad at describing personalities heeellllp hellllp help meeee helllllp
agent 4: mari(elle). 21 (15 in splatoon 2), any
the child of two splatlandian grizzco higher-ups! like... they work with the bear himself! they worked under the company at the inkopolis location for a while, including while the whole callie disappearing fiasco was happening, at least until the company got big enough where he could quit and her parents wouldnt notice. they didnt. cool! there may or may not be a reason that they didnt (wink) but i havent decided yet.
mari is kinda uhhhm. well. ive described it as theyre working on being silly without being mean. and hes been getting better :] + toni kensa fan oh heeeeelllllll no
agent 8: august/kass. 19 (13 in oe), he/him
oh god yeah i dont have a lot on him either. basically baby kass and baby lake met a few weeks before the Oe Incident and became fast friends. but then the metro happened and uhhhyeah you can imagine what happened to that. they both know they were close but dont really uh. actually i explained this better in another thing let me grab that.
"the key difference between a normal playthrough and this is that, not only did he run into agent 3 a few times in the metro, he… lost an eye when they were sanitized. the same eye, in fact. plus, his memories weren't entirely… restored, like how it i assume its implied to in oe. the contents of the mem cakes were merely evidence that there was a life before this, something to evoke feelings, and something to keep him going. that isn't his life anymore."
anyway. oe happens and now were here. present day kass is SILLY okay? but in the way that like. he dunks bread in pepsi and stares at mari (roommate) with the most blank face imaginable when they look at him weird. i dont know where im going with this hes just weird. he also has a strange fixation on death as a coping mechanism for the fact that his first memories are pretty much of zombies but hes respectful about it dw
new 3: clementine "kit"/patch. 16, it/its
basically it was forced to take on an unhealthy amount of schoolwork (+ a few extra years of school) because its parents live all the way in calamari county and didnt want it doing stupid shit. its primary guardian is its older sister, whos a lot nicer about this stuff yay! but yeah uhh splatoon 3 basically happens because it wanted to escape that. why it actually went in the manhole is up to interpretation .
through the nss bonanza business it made a friend, my friends oc ball :] together they are agent 6 and agent 9 (dubbed by lake because they knew itd get confusing) and theyre Siblings Yaaay. its smallfry friend (agent 3) is dubbed sen, short for baby sensory video, at least while kits learning their language. it doesnt know a lot about sen but is in the process of learning!!
its generally very quiet and soft-spoken to most people because of how it grew up, but in more of the ^_^ way ig??? despite that its also known to not have a sense of self preservation, again because of how it grew up. it goes out in the scorching hot desert for random junk. it ended up with severe facial scarring because it dove into danger so much in alterna. im describing this very badly im so sorry.
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fnaf-imagines · 10 months
Hello, this probably seems like a very random post out of the blue, huh? Unfortunately I have been thinking about making a post like this for quite a long time now and I think today is the day I'll actually go through with it and do it.
Unfortunately, I have lost a ton of motivation for this blog to keep it running. That's no surprise since I've mentioned it before and keep disappearing for weeks/months only to return quickly for a few days/hours. A lot of my motivation to write for the characters on this blog simply isn't as strong as it used to be, because if I'm being honest Fnaf and a majority of the fangames are in the back of my mind as I focus on other projects and irl things. My interest in it is still going but overall I focus more on my own stories/OC's/and AU's I have for it than anything else. I can't seem to find the actual motivation to write for this blog in particular.
All this to say that basically I think I'm going to discontinue this blog and leave it behind. It's helped a lot during a rough time in my life and I'll always love the things I wrote and the people I met and talked to along the way (even if some events that happened weren't too great at times)!
I'm thankful for all the readers and kind people I met who had fun ideas and really loved and enjoyed this blog!!! I'm happy that it made other people's days and they loved what I wrote!
I will leave the blog up, mostly as an archive so people can still continue to enjoy it and read through it if they ever want to again!
But I will not be writing anymore for this blog and will most likely leave tumblr overall to focus heavily on my personal OC projects and irl stuff I have going on currently.
Unfortunately this means that no more posts will be made on this blog. I will close the inbox for good and then leave it behind. I apologize to those who were probably waiting to see their asks be answered. I wish I could find the motivation to write them just to finish them off but there are around 50 of them and I simply don't have the energy to do so. I hope you all understand. <3
Thank you all for sticking to this blog for as long as you have! I genuinely appreciate all the support it's gathered and it was fun talking to you all while I was around. I hope you guys all continue to love this franchise, the games, and even the movie coming out too! May you all have a wonderful day/night! ^v^)/ <3
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hey hi how are you??!! sorry this is out of nowhere and completely random but you are one of the few people i could remember from the negan fandom. i just have a question but feel free to ignore it. do you know what happened to jeffreydeanneganstrash? i remember you had these back and forths with her about your ocs (and there was another blogger too i don't remember now); her oc was addison from why i love and yours, victoria, of course. i even remember someone even made an art of your ocs before. i assume you two were online friends. idk why she popped into my head like that but i always felt like she just disappeared overnight and we've never seen any trace of her again. sooo yeah. whether you reply to this or not, thanks in advance! <3
Hello, anon.
I was indeed, very active in the TWD fandom for a while.
My dear friend jeffreydeanneganstrash decided to take a break from tumblr for her mental health and she simply didn't find it in her heart to come back to all of it (something I've always found valid and brave from her).
She is absolutely fine, thriving even.
Every once in a while, I get some questions about her and it warms us both to know she evokes good memories.
And yes! There is some art of our ocs somewhere in my blog and I think also in i-am-negan-trash's blog. I just suck at tagging, but there should be tagged for Tory.
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lostcauses-noregrets · 11 months
ASDFDSADF I am sorry for showing up uninvited but oh my god that other asks speaks to me! I joined Eruri fandom in January and the whole "you are a fake Eruri if you love Levi more than Erwin" thing (someone posted several screenshots of Eruri shippers and blamed them for liking Levi more????) happened back in the first or second day of February so I was pretty new to Eruri and its fandom and it ruined my entire vibe because I'm not interested in fandom dramas I just want calm and nice fandom interactions. You probably understand me considering how I have never seen you involved in any shipping or fandom drama. Anyway, that really made me feel :/ about this ship and 2-3 days later I saw someone mocking OC shippers and L*vihan shippers "oh he's a gay man he'd not fuck you you can't call yourself a Levi stan if you don't ship him with Erwin" and I was only a baby Eruri, only for a month and I thought no matter how amazing the ship is the fandom was terrible but luckily I saw how the fandom reacted to that first tweet they were all joking about how they are fake eruris for random reasons and thank god I stayed around to see that because for me honestly Eruri is the best ship ever and I really enjoy all the fan arts and fanfics but that tweet still haunts me SDFGdsadf some people need to realize that Erwin's position didn't allow him to get close to anyone else and his deepest bond was with Levi so a huuuuge majority of Erwin stans ship Eruri while Levi is extremely popular especially in Japan and he interacts with other characters more and he's "shipping shaped"/perfect for shipping so I think his stans are often multishippers and that's why it seems like Eruri is an Erwin ship to that other person, there is no consipracy theory or anything, it's simple as that. I know some Eruri fans pick fights or argue with other Levi ships but my experience after that tweet was very calm and wholesome, I think it's because Eruri is a mature ship? Most Eruri shippers I see are adults. (Sorry if I sent this twice I am drunkish but I got excited because lol that was my first Eruri drama and I never saw anyone else mention it before) love your blog by the way lots of love <3
Ooh....right! This is actually starting to ring a bell now! I do remember seeing people posting the most hilarious shit about being fake Eruris, but I missed the original tweets that caused the whole drama in the first place. This is invariably what happens, I miss the actual drama and end up catching the tail end of the fall out which leaves me completely confused. Literally me when there is drama on the timeline 😂
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Fandom, by its nature, attracts people who tend to be...a little obsessive (to put it mildly) and no fandom is immune to drama, no matter how old or supposedly mature the fans are. The Eruri fandom is no exception. However I do think that with an older fanbase there is a better chance that drama will be viewed more dimly and shut down more rapidly when it inevitably arises. This is a case in point. I have no idea if anyone took the original posts serious or not (I hope not) but the fandom was pretty quick to turn the whole thing into a joke and pour ridicule on the idea that you were a "fake Eruri" if blah blah blah.
Anyway, I'm so glad you didn't let this nonsense put you off the Eruri fandom Anon and I'm glad you stuck around to enjoy all the amazing fic and art that we've been blessed with over the years.
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chronicbeans · 11 months
Hey I just thought of this and I feel like it needs to be said (btw sorry if my thoughts are scattered. My ADHD is doing backflips. Hope my message is clear, lol):
I love writing completely self-indulgent fanfiction. Like the fanfiction that is EXTREMELY specific with specific details others may find odd, but make you happy for whatever reason. The fanfictions that have the whole "neko-princess-winged reader" or "half-demon-half-vampire reader" or OCs that some people make fun of, but people like because, as said before, it makes them happy! It helps them express themselves in a fun way! I feel like more people need to be open about writing it, lol. That way, others don't have to feel embarrassed about writing it, or wanting to write it! Sure, some fanfictions may be very serious, and these fanfictions can be taken seriously, but for many I feel it is just something they make because they like it! Like how some fanfictions are passion projects made from a love for the fandom, while others are made to ship themselves with a character, then there are others that someone may make because they were bored and wanted to have fun!
Life's hard sometimes, so people need to find what makes them happy, even if others think that it is odd. As long as you aren't hurting anyone, it's fine! Don't let others put you down or take the fun out of it! If you want a self-ship fanfiction, write it! Or if you don't feel comfortable writing it, don't be afraid to request it from someone you trust to write it! Same goes for any other type of fanfiction, really. Canon x Canon, Canon x OC, or maybe an AU fanfiction or crossover that has no shipping at all. You want something silly? You want something serious? Something fluffy? Maybe you just want something about yourself represented, like your culture, past experiences, etc? Don't be afraid to write it, request it, or whatever! Maybe you want to draw it!
This was just a random thought I had, as I realized how much I really enjoy writing fanfiction that involves my own experiences in them. It might be why I have a lot of self-insert OCs that only take very specific parts of myself, lol. It's always the same experiences, too. I love writing most every type of fanfiction, but I find those to be the most rewarding. Then I also find that, for some reason, I get nervous about posting it, despite the fact that I like it and am kinda proud of it. Well, I guess this is me saying "No more" to that nervousness, and I am now willing myself to write and post some of them for this blog (those fics are a bit old and I wanna rework them). I think a lot of people seem to be very nervous about talking about self-insert, at least in my personal life and from experience, so I just wanted to express my support of this type of content.
If anybody really wants me to write something for them, I'll happily do my best! If you want me to write for an OC, just give me some info and I'll give it a shot! Do you have a more specific request for an x Reader? I'll try it out. I'll even make sure to go out of my way to research things I don't know (I love doing that tbh I find it fun). Don't be scared to do so!
This blog is a safe space for self-indulgent content of any kind, really, as long as it follows my request rules.
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eveandtheturtles · 11 months
Started with a Kiss - Chapter 10: Where do we stand?
Summary: Best Friend Talk and a trip to the lab.
Ship: Donnie x Kara (OC)
Rating: PG-13 so far
Tags for: @madammuffins @tinkabelle19 @leosgirl82 @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @sharpwindow @m1dnyt3-w0lf @pheradream-15 @pheradream-15 @dilucsflame33 @scholastic-dragon
A/N: Beta Read by the one and only @thoughtfulraven Lemme know if anyone wants to be removed from the tag list or added! Hope you enjoy this, comments bring me so much joy lol As always crossposted on AO3. Masterlist of chapters is pinned on top of the blog!
When Cheryl came to visit Kara she didn't expect to be tackled and dragged away to the more private section in the lair. It was actually Donnie's "snack cave" by the garage. It had a fridge, heaps of random junk shoved on multiple shelves, and a couch. It was also where April would hide her snacks as well. The only place Mikey was too afraid to snoop. 
<I almost kissed Donnie,> Kara dropped the bomb.
Cheryl needed a moment. Her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped a little. <ALMOST? Girl, you can’t just drop things like- I thought you wouldn’t- WHAT?!> 
Kara needed to pace for a moment, to gather her thoughts. She pinched the bridge of her nose and rubbed her face before she flopped down on the sofa next to Cheryl. <I didn’t mean to! I don’t think HE meant to either! And I don’t know what to do!>
<Okay, okay, just- run me through this slowly. First, you and Donnie - yay or nay?> Cheryl straightened up. <Wait, is this why you wanted me to grab the wine on my way here?>
Kara nodded. <Did you get it?>
<You know I did,> Cheryl said then reached into her bag and pulled out two bottles of red wine. <Glasses?>
<Bottle is good enough.> Kara snatched one. <This is a bottle for each conversation.>
They grabbed a corkscrew and were ready to go.
<Alright, start from the top,> Cheryl said after they had the first swig. 
Kara took another one before she started sharing. <Well, you know I told Donnie about Ryan-,>
<Yes, you were hyperventilating about this to me on that night, I remember,> Cheryl nodded, interrupting Kara. <Go on.>
<So, I just, you know, didn’t know if he looked at me any different. I don’t want people’s pity. God I couldn’t look at him, I was freaking out.> Another swig. 
<Slow down or you’ll get smashed before we get to the good stuff.> Cheryl reached her hand out to Kara’s bottle, ready to take it away for now.
<Right, sorry.> Kara let out a breath, she was holding. <Anyway, so Donnie got shot with the nanites, so I made an EMP, and saved his life, yeah?>
<Yes,> Cheryl knew this stuff so far but apparently Kara needed to organize things in her brain first.
<So… What you don’t know he kinda told me something after he first came to. He was tripping balls after the amount of morphine we pumped into him. But-,>
<What did he say?> Cheryl straightened up. Kara left that bit out the last time they talked.
<Well, one he doesn’t trust me as far as he can throw me - can’t blame him though,> Kara grimaced and reached for the bottle again. <But he does want to make out with me.>
Cheryl snorted the wine as she was mid-swig. <What?>
Kara rolled her eyes and took another swig. <Then HE started avoiding me, which I’m pretty sure meant he remembered everything. I took pity on him and didn’t bring it up, so we got on talking terms again.>
<That’s good,> Cheryl nodded. <I mean talking again.>
<And yesterday! We were like working together! You know! And I thought: I might as well get everything straight, yeah? So I told him I won’t backstab them and- I don’t know!> During the whole speech she got up from the sofa, pacing around, stopping for each sentence then back to making a trail on the already worn-out carpet.
<Okay?> Cheryl was getting confused about where all that was going.
<He leaned to kiss me! We were holding hands!> Kara flopped down on the sofa again. She grabbed the bottle and drank deeply. <We didn’t kiss because Raph came in to get us for dinner.> She held the bottle in her hands, staring ahead of herself, head empty, until: <Do you think he has brain damage? Should I do an MRI on him? I could probably download some schematics, and build the machine up to his specs… Or maybe it’s me. The kidnappers did toss me around.>
Cheryl recognized Kara rambling. She quickly waved a hand in front of her face.
<Slow down. Nobody is having brain damage,> Cheryl tried to calm her down. <Just breathe. You’re both just experiencing a very common symptom of joined insanity called a crush.>
Kara looked at her friend like she was completely deranged. <I mean, he’s handsome in his own way. And cute. And smart and funny. He has this snorty laugh-,> she paused and looked horrified at Cheryl. <Oh god.>
Cheryl clinked her bottle against Kara’s. <Congrats on having feelings.>
Kara rubbed her face and stretched her skin to the sides, processing the new discovery. <That can’t be happening.>
<Why not? Honey, you deserve to find an actually nice guy! Even if he’s on a bit more scaly side.>
<But what if I’m wrong! What if something happens-!> Kara’s breathing was quickening. The multiple ‘worst case scenarios’ began to zip through her mind like frames in a movie projector.
Cheryl quickly got up from her spot on the sofa and snapped her fingers in front of Kara’s face. <Hey, look at me. You’re okay. Nothing happened yet. One step at a time okay?>
<Cheryl, he knows-,> Kara started but Cheryl gently took her hands in hers and lowered them. 
<Maybe that’s a good thing? There are no terrible secrets between you. Does he treat you any differently now from how he did before?>
Kara shook her head.
<Then that’s a good thing! And look on the bright side - he could throw you pretty damn far if he tried> Cheryl joked a little. Kara looked at her confused for a moment, then smacked her with a pillow. 
<Thanks.> She glared at her bitterly.
<That’s what friends are for,> Cheryl replied with a wink.
Kara snorted and then hugged Cheryl tightly. Cheryl returned the hug gratefully, taking it as a good sign. Her friend hadn’t dated seriously ever since The Incident. Which she couldn’t and wouldn’t blame Kara for. That shit messed up a lot of the already limited trust her short friend had for other people. This would be a big step if it worked out in the first place.
They parted finally and Cheryl noted the redness in her friend’s eyes. She smiled. Silly Kara. 
<When you two do kiss though, I need to be the first one notified,> Cheryl stated firmly, sitting back on the sofa.
Cheryl noted the panicked look on Kara’s face. She very slowly signed: <Well….> spreading her arms wide.
<What?> Cheryl took a swing from her bottle, watching Kara from the corner of her eyes.
<We kissed back in Cali.>
The wine spray that happened would definitely have a 10/10 rating if wine spitting was a competition.
The two paused, stared at each other then broke into uncontrollable laughter. 
<Is there anything else I should know?> Cheryl asked once they calmed down enough.
<He’s Moira.> Kara informed her.
<Of course he is, Jesus Fucking Christ,> Cheryl snorted. The wine was definitely getting to her. <Any other secrets?>
<Well…> Kara paused for a moment and Cheryl lowered the bottle immediately frowning. Then she noticed the way her friend's lips were quivering at the corners. 
<You're a dick,> she laughed and threw a pillow at Kara. 
The short woman caught it, giggling. 
<I'm sorry.> She grinned. <I had to.>
<How do I even put up with you?> Cheryl rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. But right after that, she smiled. <So wanna hear some university gossip and finish the wine?> She asked.
<Sure, sounds good.> Kara agreed, making herself more comfortable on the couch.
Cheryl smiled. To be honest she had a bit of her own secret but that one was more of a surprise. She needed to talk to the turtles and Splinter about it first though. 
The two passed out on the couch much later with empty bottles on the floor. Later, Donnie came to investigate. He snorted seeing Kara sprawled on the low table, laying on her back, mouth open and snoring. He shook his head. That couldn't be comfortable. 
Cheryl was in a much better position, laying on her stomach and snuggling a pillow. 
Donnie sighed and decided to move Kara somewhere nicer. Like a bed. When he leaned down and carefully moved his arms under her to pick her up in a bridal carry Kara briefly woke up. She noted the purple mask and her mouth moved to the softer skin just under his jaw, sucking on it lightly.
Immediately, Donnie dropped her, jumping away as if she was radioactive. Alright. She can stay right there. He quickly left the nook. Just to return five minutes later with two blankets which he threw over the drunk women. And slid a pillow under Kara's head as gently as he could from an arm distance.
There. He was guilt free.
The next day between her and Donnie were… jumpy to say the least. She wasn't exactly sure but he would always put some sort of distance between them. Was it really reasonable to behave like that over a kiss that didn't even happen?
<Where is Leo?> She asked, annoyed by the cold shoulder Donnie was giving her.
"He's not in his room?" Raph looked up at her from his knitting. 
She shook her head. <He kind of left late afternoon yesterday, right?>
Raph set down the needles and yarn. <Donnie should have a tracker on him.> He got up from the sofa and went to Donnie's control center. <Why do you want to talk to Leo?>
<Humans need to see the sun sometimes. I have been stuck here for too long. Plus, you guys took care of Big Boss or at least most of his operations, which by the way, you’re welcome.> She argued. <I need to go outside. Live in my own flat. Not here. No offense.>
<None taken.> While Raph didn't regret smashing the Kraang serum, there were days when he wanted nothing more than to be able to just take a walk down the street without causing a scene. He could imagine being stuck in the sewers wasn't ideal for her. 
Raph headed to Donnie. Over 24 hours with no sign from Leo was bad. 
"Donnie, you got the most eyes on all of us. Do you know where Leo is?" He stood behind Donnie's chair. 
Donnie looked to Kara who merely stood by, curious about the whole situation. "Leo's fine." 
"What's that supposed to mean?" Raph narrowed his eyes.
"What you heard. I called him last night. He's fine," the purple terrapin reassured his elder brother. 
"Oh so we're too good to know where Fearless is?" Raph growled. 
"No, shut the hell up," Raph stomped about. "When I do it, he rides my ass for weeks! But when he does-!" He was going into a full-on rant.
"He's at his girlfriend's place," Donnie blurted out, tired of Raph's assumptions and the ever-present rivalry. 
"Yeah. There's… I don't know, things that happened," Donnie sighed. "Just let him come to us later, okay?"
Raph grunted noncommittally. He and Donnie had a brief staring context, which surprisingly the red turtle lost. 
This whole 'Leo dating someone' was unexpected. They knew nothing about this girl. Well, they assumed some things, like they weren't blind and Leo couldn't lie for shit. Of course, no direct questions were ever asked. 
Too ticked off to argue, Raph headed to the gym to work his thoughts out. He was definitely going to take pleasure in interrogating Leo and later teasing him as much as possible. For now, he was still annoyed. 
When he left Kara was still there. She looked at Donnie and bit her lower lip. She swayed on the balls of her feet. 
<I'll go work on the rig,> she told Donnie.
Donnie was about to respond but she turned her back to him. Donnie inhaled deeply and folded his hands back on the desk. 
He desperately wanted to talk about the almost-kiss situation. And maybe her drunken stunt. This whole "will we/won't we" situation was driving him up the wall. 
But he was still terrified. Not because of her past but just… Kara was human. A human who was beautiful. Sassy, flirty, smart. She could have anyone she wanted. What the fuck could he offer her in terms of a relationship? He couldn't go anywhere she could. There was that little project of theirs but will it even work? When will it work? What if she goes back topside and just… forgets about them? He wouldn't blame her. And there was also the issue of her ex still being out there. Hardly a moment to start new relationships, he argued at himself.
There were so many concerns and he didn't know what possessed him to even consider kissing her back then. He just wanted to apologize and… forget it ever happened. 
<This is stupid.> Kara suddenly barged in again.
He blinked, taken by surprise. <What is?>
<This! Us! It’s like-!> She moved her hands quickly, huffing and puffing with annoyance. <We keep going back and forth between friends and smooch partners like what the fuck is wrong with us?!> She glared at him.
<I’m sor-,> he started but she then slapped his hand stopping him.
<No! None of that! I’m tired of walking on eggshells every time one of us trips over the other,> she continued so he just sat there listening. 
<What do you propose?>
<I don’t know!> She groaned and stomped her feet. <I have no idea! I- I don’t feel it would be fair to you because I can’t, I can’t be with someone right now. I want to and god, I’d love this to be you. Can we just… can we just be close? Friends but… more than? Without the kissing parts? Just hang out and be…> She noticed her vision was getting blurry. Oh god, she was going to cry. No! None of that! She blinked quickly and wiped her eyes. 
Donnie pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her tightly. She wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging for dear life. April was right, they needed space to gain perspective. Kara needed to return topside.
Kara sighed. This really wasn’t fair. She wanted to cling to him, let him make her feel safe. But how much of this was just her survival instincts, how much of it was just cabin fever? She pulled back. Cheryl was right, one step at a time, or she’d go crazy.
<When Leo gets back…> She signed slowly.
<We’ll get you upstairs,> Donnie agreed.
She nodded. He understood her so well. <I hope you’ll go with me, I have some things at the lab at uni to pick up for our project.>
Yes, their big project. They were progressing so fast on it. <Well…> He looked behind her. Raph would definitely not say a word. Mikey might hardly notice them gone and he doubted Splinter would do anything either…. He checked the clock. It wasn’t that far from sunset. He honestly doubted Leo would come home straight away.
Kara arched her eyebrow seeing Donnie’s brain cogs and wheels working. She grinned. <Prison break?> She asked.
He looked at her with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. <Prison break.>
Donnie always wanted to go to school. To university. To study and learn. Unfortunately being a turtle mutant didn't exactly look the best on the application. 
<Ok, I disabled the cameras. We can move in.> 
He and Kara were on top of the university's building. Because of the robbery Kara had had her building pass stolen but thankfully to Donnie it wasn't that much of a problem. In no time he made her a brand new one. Wasn't he the best? Now they used the card to sneak inside. 
Dodging the security guards made her feel like in a spy movie. Or like she was 10 again playing hide and seek. There was about the same amount of giggling. With a lot of fancy acrobatics from Donnie they finally reached the lab. 
The place was enormous. The machinery around, workstations with microscopes, the whiteboards with schematics… Kara looked at Donnie who seemed to be frozen in place, slack jawed and eyes wide. Then he swallowed. His eyes darted between her and the space. He squeezed his bō staff tighter and shuffled his feet in. 
She grinned. She could tell exactly what he wanted to do. 
<Do you want a tour?> She asked, knowing the answer. 
<Can we?>
<Of course, just, give me a second.> She dove to the side and to the closet. There was no lab coat that would fit him but maybe… 
She sighed and gave up. <Just don't touch the stations, ok?> She gave him a stern look. She herself had her own lab coat on. Her locs tied up with a band she always had in her coat's pocket and a pair of safety goggles and gloves. Now he was looking at her the way he stared at the lab. 
Kara snorted and shook her head. He was too cute. 
<Come on.> She gestured for him to follow her. 
Donnie's head was going everywhere and as they walked Kara had to pull him away from multiple stations and slap his hands from trying to fix some mistakes other scientists and students did on their boards.
<Let them find out on their own!> She scolded him.
She had to push him to move on. She dragged him to her own section. 
<Here, you can mess around with my stuff,> she told him. <I actually wanted you to take a look.> She showed him the calculations she had done before leaving for California… almost two months ago. Wow, time flies. It didn't seem like anyone had changed anything on it. Good.
<Is this related to the microchip?> He asked, approaching it closer. 
<Yep.> She handed him a white marker. 
His fingers itched as he studied the equations. She also supplied him with schematics. They were lost for hours. They stood close to each other, minds focused on the work. They both would steal a glance at the other, consumed by the task at hand. 
At one point their hands brushed over each other and somehow they just held together for a moment. 
Suddenly Kara's phone vibrated. It was nearing 10pm. They really have lost track of time. Kara checked the messages. 
[🍒] You need to get back to the lair. 
[Karfuffle] I took Donnie to the labs. We'll be back in an hour.
[🍒] K.
"K."? What sort of trouble did she get herself into this time? She wasn't alone. They, sort of, told Raph they were going out. 
Donnie looked at her waiting for information. 
<We need to get back,> she told him. <Let's go get the materials.>
They quickly finished up at the lab, grabbing what they could and left. All the way she racked her brains up for a possible reason why she and Donnie could be in trouble.
They entered the lair, ready to defend themselves against a lecture from Leo. 
"We're back!" Donnie called to give everyone heads up.
What greeted them was everyone sitting around the kitchen table. But what drew her attention was the new person sitting at the center. 
She froze, her eyes growing big and she gripped Donnie's wrist. Something cold dropped into her stomach. 
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