#like I wanna have it as a print or a tote or a shirt or SOMETHING
louvsona · 1 year
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Phan in Japan!
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bats-and-anarchism · 4 months
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This tote bag is nice and big but it had this annoying print on it because years ago i bought it at a fast fashion store to avoid a single use bag. And since i don't wanna be a walking ad and i am a little punk i am covering the print with patches. I might also make longer handles for it, so i can wear it over my shoulder. I painted most of the patches myself. This bag seems like a better place for them than my pants since i do wash my pants regularly /j. Also the weather in germany is always either too hot or too cold to wear denim jackets or vests (at least for my neurodivergent ass) so even though i do have a battle vest and a battle jacket, i barely wear them which is sad
So if u have some handy tote bags which have annoying logos on them, just cover it. U will probably use them more then since u put effort in it and they look much cooler :D
If u don't like the punk look, u could use an old shirt with a cool print on it that u don't wear anymore for whatever reason or make one big patch out of any piece of fabric big enough and paint something on it urself. It's a really fun project and hard to mess up and even if u mess it up, u can just detach ur patch and try again
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netherworldpost · 4 months
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A Comic About the Business of Art (and Comics) That I Wish I Had Ages Ago
I drew this as a warmup because it is the beginning of a long cycle of drawing and comics, my friends! This understanding took about 4 years to cram into my brain and structure and compile into a super simple graphic.
Sharing is caring.
When you have an art business, you have 3 basic structures you can pick, and the third has two paths.
You can do a LOT of art on a FEW things. I am focusing on greeting cards as the main project, printable downloads as the secondary, and comics/zines as a tertiary.
Medium difficulty, small difficulty, large difficult, in order that order.
When I want to tackle a project, I'll work on a greeting card. When I want to sink my teeth into something for a long time and get deep into the details, I'll do a comic/zine. When I JUST WANNA MAKE SOMETHING NOW, I'll make a printable.
You find success because your customers and audience are interested in the latest pieces of art.
You can do a LOT of things, with a few pieces of art each. This is a very common approach because it lets an artist/art shop/etc. bounce from project to project, eventually having a large platform of stuff to sell. Often a slow build up over years.
It is particularly great if you especially enjoy production wrangling, finding vendors, and doing The Business part in the Business of Art Stuff.
By nature, your focus is split.
You're going to get so focused on wrangling shipping times and building in overlaps of Vendor A and Vendor B to ensure you can fulfill orders quickly and efficiently.
Your success is found in efficiency -- better vendor relationships, easier packing orders, increasing volume of production to decrease costs.
You have less time to focus on specific pieces of art. The above focus never goes away, because even if you say "Okay well I'll just order 10,000 of ART THING and then use the rest of the year to make more art" you still have to handle the business of storing 10,000 things, building up sales to cover the costs of initial production AND storage, etc.
You find success when your customers say "Hey, I like this art print. I also want it on a shirt, and a tote bag, and a key chain, and a sticker." (etc.)
OPTION 03-A: Focus on collaboration
Similar to Option 02, you can focus on having collaborators make the art and you manage the project, manage the production, putting stuff into boxes, putting boxes into the mail.
Extremely popular in the zine space, the independent graphic novel space.
You can be one of the collaborators to the project! That helps keep your art bones happy!
But the bulk of your job and time and energy is going to be corralling Incoming Art into Product(s) into Production into Customer's Order into Mail Boxes.
OPTION 03-B: Focus on an internal team
Same as Option 03-A, but instead of spending time finding external collaborators, you have an internal crew. Either as employees (more direction, less negotiation) or partners (less direction, more negotiation).
Your team(s) will focus on either Options 01 or 02.
Or you scale your company HUGE and they focus on both. I want to stress, though, by "huge" I mean each portion of your company is going to have a team. Instead of 1 team, you have teams of specialists.
Focus on Variety in Art (Option 1), Variety in Stuff (Option 2), or a Team (Options 3).
One is not better than the other. All can be great.
You can start down one path and reverse course then head down another.
But you DO have to pick.
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verxn · 11 months
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Description: you guys go on the trip to Italy but it doesn’t end very well
Pairing: Peter Parker x black fem reader
It’s been a while , I didn’t know what to write about please don’t get me 😭 - v
They were everywhere…literally everywhere, i couldn’t even turn the corner without seeing them smooching off of each other
We are currently in Italy for a school trip and I kinda regret coming, there’s so much couples everywhere and I cannot seem to escape
Plus looks like Peter is hopping in the bandwagon right behind ned with trying to get with MJ
“What happened to being American bachelors in Europe” I heard peter say to ned
“Dude I’ve changed those were words of a little boy, I’m a man” Ned said to peter
“Jesus Christ Ned you just get a girlfriend now your acting like your some kinda of saint” I said flipping through my engineering book
“Y/n- you weren’t even in this conversation” Ned replied frowning a bit “she’s kinda right through” Peter said to Ned
“Peter you still trying to do that plan?” I looked at him “yeah hopefully I can go through with this without any problems ahead” he said
“When is there never not a problem Peter? Guarantee you might have to pull out the suit” I whispered to him “but anyways enough with the couple talk I can’t stand it” i put my book back in my tote bag
I wore a green tan and brown striped shirt , black slacks with checkered print vans, I put my dreads in a lazy ponytail and I had glasses on even though I could see perfectly fine I just wanted to wear them with my outfit
“Y/n your style is weird” Ned said, I looked up at him “whaddya mean?” He thinks for a moment “I don’t know it’s lazy yet so professional” he added
“Lazy yet so professional? Hm I’ll take it” I said smiling at him “how did you even come up with this style anyway?” Peter said I looked up at him “oh I just had inspiration from certain people” I nodded to myself
“That’s cool, who are those people?” He said curiously “uh- favorite artist like people I listen to” I said to him it was a bit awkward probably because I confessed to him 5 months ago and he sadly turned me down but I moved on …..kinda?
“oh nice nice” he said to me I nodded and folded my arms “well long trip ahead I better go get some snacks” I said to the two and walked away
While I was walking away to one of the random stores I heard “WAIT” I turned around and saw peter running towards me “what the..” I mumbled confused on why he was running towards me
He stopped right in front of me out of breath “are you good?” I said to him “y-yeah I’m fine you just walk really fast” he said to me still out of breath
“yeah I get that a lot” I chuckled to myself “but why did you run over here for ?” “I needed your advice about my plan-” I shucked my teeth and walked away “nope I don’t wanna hear about couples”
We arrived at the hotel and everyone else left but, I didn’t feel like going out so I stayed in, plus all that lovey dovey would rub off on me
I sighed and pulled out my phone and started scrolling through social media, but it was filled up with couple posts and pictures of our classmates on the trip
I groaned and turned off my phone “let’s just take a nap” I said to myself, I laid down and got comfortable and drifted off to sleep
Knocking woke me up from my nap, I sat up rubbing my eyes “just a moment” I said getting off the bed “what the hell” I said to myself
I opened the door and found peter and Ned standing there “what?” I said clearly tired Ned opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off “wait wait wait, before you start if it has to do with anything couple related I will shut this goddamn door on your face” I said now fully awake
“We got attacked” Ned said “attacked how what?” I said confusedly “actually wait come in” I said opening the door wider so they can step in the hotel room
“What happened?” I said with my arms crossed “some big water giant attacked us” Ned said “thank god that guy was there, without him we’ll be toast” he added
“You got Spider-Man right there what you mean?” I said pointing to peter “did you do anything peter ?” I turned to him
He nodded “yeah I webbed up some buildings so they wouldn’t fall and also held up a tower but it fell” I nodded “okay at least nobody is hurt” i said while sitting down
“But what do you want me to do about this? You guys had to come to me for something” I said looking at the pair
They stared at me
“What…?” I said shifting uncomfortably
“Y/n….can you…”
“Don’t tell me you want me to upgrade your suit” I said grabbing my brown coat
“Listen…I know you only do that if it’s necessary but I really need it” Peter said desperately
I looked at peter “look…I’m sorry but, I have no lab to work in and I didn’t bring my materials with me…I’m sorry Peter” I said looking at him sitting on the bed next to ned
Peter nodded and got up while leaving the room , ned slowly looked back at me and mouthed ‘sorry’ and closed the door behind him
I then plopped down on the bed and held my hands to my face “why the hell would I do that”
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tunabesimpin · 1 year
LETS GOOOOO BEACH PARTY HYPE!!!! THIS IS SO FUNSIES. JUMPING INTO THE SEA RN <333 and SUPER GRATS FOR YA TUNA!!!! 800 MILESTONE IS HELLA HYPE nice job!!! GL W HANDLING THIS EVENT TOO <3 anyway here’s my entry 🙏 (hopefully this is an okie way of submitting)
“Whaaat?! Tuna’s having a seaside party?! That’s so sick! I wanna go!!! Let’s take a looksie~ Gotcha! I’ll get this submission done in no time!”
“I’m plannin’ on having the GREATEST TIME OF MY LIFE, duh! Splashing around and having tropical drinks?! Totes my vibe! Gonna wear a cute swimming suit with ruffles n’ all, with a cute pair of sunglasses! The color? Salmon, obvs! Gotta go with the fave! Oh, oh! And one of those shirts with the flamingo print!”
“I’ll probs bring some floaties too, a boogie board, a big duck maybe. Aaaand a water gun or two. Me and Acey’ll have the greatest water gun fight EVER! How’d I convince him to come? Pshh, DW, it’s pretty easy. Just tell him he’s a chicken to face you in a water gun fight, and done! I can get a plus one in no time flat. Teehee, maybe I can get Leona to join in too~”
“Though... maybe we’ll have to do it when Floyd’s distracted or something. He’s fun to play around with most of the time, but I don’t wanna die when there’s so much fun to be had...!”
I HOPE ITS NOT TOO LONG WWW 🙏 here’s her profile just in casies too!!! AND FINALLY. the fit
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--- Ashi and Ace arrived to the beach as things were still getting started. Tuna waved at the two as they continued to blow up various floats. Tuna quickly pointed towards an array of items ready to play with, among them shined full water guns. Remembering Ashi's previous teasing, Ace was quick to secure one and run into the water. Ace gave his signature smirk and yelled "Come oooon Ashi!! Or are you the chicken now huh?" Not taking any of Ace's tom foolery, Ashi ran to the water with her duck float, determined to make him eat those words! Taking higher ground seemed like a great idea! Ride the duck and shoot freely! However, that was a short lived idea as Ace was quick to get the upper hand and knock the float over. Despite this, Ashi readied her next attack and began a barrage of splashes. The two were back and forth in a heated battle of true youth! After a good few rounds of back and forth bickering over who was winning, Ashi and Ace had to stop and see what Tuna was yelling about now. Turns out the drinks and snacks were finally set up. A comical gurgle of stomachs brought the fight to a truce and the two raced to the buffet for some ice cold drinks! ---
💖 💖💖 AAAAAA!!!! THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST AND THE HYPE!!!! WHEN YOU SAID BIG DUCK I IMMEDIATLEY WAS LIKE DUCK FLOATY!!! DUCK FLOATY NOW!!!!! LOLOLOL This was a great entry thank you so much for attending!!! ^o^
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aphrostiel · 1 year
NEW SHOP NEW SHOP ! ♥ (+ info)
Hello everybody, I wanted to let you all know that I have some of my art for sale!
I have two shops, prints only and miscellaneous.
Prints only: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/aphromera/ (INPRNT)
Miscellaneous: https://t.co/dPrO2xLAm9 (TeePublic)
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TeePublic is mainly shirts, stickers, tote bags, etc. I had friends buying from INPRNT and the prints arrived perfectly and with amazing quality, so it should be no problem! With TeePublic just now some friends bought me some but naturally they didn't get it yet, but it should still be all ok. If anything do not hesitate to send me a message!
I couldn't have done this without the support and love I get from you, btw. I feel like I gotta say this daily because I never could've imagined I would sell my art ever, and more than that knowing people would wanna buy something. Of course not everyone can buy and that's more than understandable, just by having you love my art is more than enough. So thank you, very very much. I hope I can continue to bring nice art for everyone to enjoy.
I'll leave a permanent link in my profile where you can access my https://linktr.ee/aphrostiel and go to the shop!
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millenniumdueled · 1 year
A package arrives, inside the cardboard box is another box, this one wrapped in a pretty, holographic wrapping paper that shines beneath dozens of doodles of yugi and his his partner and friends. Inside the present is a ton of tissue paper, all glittery and decorated with confetti.
The contents are:
A black t shirt with the sleeves clipped up, the front printed with a graphic of BunnyBee in a dark magician girl costume
Several phone pics that have been printed on the classic polaroid prints, each a picture of Yugi and Honey from their times hanging out
A selection of hair care products and a note on how and when to use them
A selection of high quality, water/smudge proof eye liner in a variety of colors
And a pair of newly released chunky boots with all hell of buckles and studs
There's also a note at the bottom that reads, "surprise!!!!! im totally bad abt like giving gifts immediately so like, i totes arranged this 2 b delivered on ur birthday, so like i totally hope it like, isn't late or i didn't spoil the surprise lololol. but shyeah i hope like, ur day is totally fabulous and unless i supes messed up my days and am busy 4 some reason, i should b free if u wanna come visit <3 i love u a ton and happy birthday!!!!!"
"just a minute!! i gotta grab something real quick!!" Yugi calls over his shoulder as he runs up the stairs to his attic room. Downstairs, so many of his friends mingle and chat, enjoying the tail end of today's hotpot party before the more fashionable of them excuse themselves to get home and dressed for clubbing later.
The unassuming package on his desk catches his eye, and for a moment, Yugi is hit with curious excitement. Another gift from a tumblr friend? Don't mind if he does!
But as he opens the plain cardboard box, he's met with a more colorful package that makes his stomach drop. He pauses as he appreciates every doodle more than the last. This time, he's so careful as he removes the paper, cursing when his shaking hands betray him and rip even just a tiny tear.
Every one of the contents he removes makes his chest ache. His missing friend smiles up at him from the photos, and his runs his fingers over her image. Even the shirt bares her visage, and in a moment of weakness he hugs the garment, presses his nose against the cloth, hoping to breathe in some hint of her.
But it's the note that really breaks him. He sucks in a sharp sob of a breath as he reads the words over and over and over. Tears sting at his eyes. God, what he wouldn't give to see her now. To hear her laughing downstairs with the rest of his friends.
His name is called from somewhere far away, pulling him from his thoughts, reminding him there's still partying to do. He takes a moment to press his lips against the kiss mark staining the page before he carefully sets the note back into the box, along with the carefully folded wrapping paper.
Now isn't the time to break down crying. It's his birthday, and he has people to keep happy and entertained. For now, he has to set the letter aside, to be strong for their sake, to keep the pain in his heart Silent. He wipes his eyes with the back of his hand and puts on a big smile before bouncing back down the stairs.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Okie dokie, so for part of the happy new year and frankly happy new era, and a variety of changes in life, I've actually opted to invest effort in my Patreon and adjacent things. Server members have said for a long time they want swag. For now, there's a basic sticker and a few alchemy prints, a mug, et cetera on different tiers of rewards.
This Patreon was really made like, four years ago or something and just kinda sat there, so the old tiers were uh. Pre-inflation if you will. $3 is barely one starbucks coffee much less after fees. Old tiers have been retired, but initial patrons on those tiers still maintain it, and I think I got them hooked up with stickers. If I did that right.
The new tiers are:
5$: Guildman. You acknowledge me being google as a guy is, itself, a tremendous investment of my time in y'all. And the energy to cultivate the space everyone enjoys. You help cultivate it too. Get a sticker. Jazz hands.
12.19$: The Future Is Now. Reward program comes with two stickers (second still in development, I'll post it here when done) and a few alchemy prints. Being your witching hour DJ the last few years takes time.
15.18$: The Rugaru Mistake. Reward program: One sticker, two prints, one mug. These meta bibles and spirals didn't write and edit themselves. The leaks sure verified themselves though.
20$: Fixed It. Includes better membership swag. Did you know this is the rate of an hour of video editing? It's hard work guys, much less for the teaching part of it! Consider this voluntarily donating for all the classes I basically get asked to hold. I love those! But they take a lot of time. This compendium didn't build itself! Sticker, Mug, Shirt, Tote
$35: I just wanna represent. So all that above stuff took a lot of time and energy and still holding lessons almost daily, but the end rewards are almost here. And with it, some higher end merch to represent The Cult and your studentship or whatever. I'm literally just making this to make hoodies and the higher end in-market swag affordable for everyone before my comedy-level tier. Higher end loyalty package. (Mug, T-Shirt, Hoodie, Tote) -- I'll probably move the hoodie around seasonally, but it'll be warm by the time anyone gets it otherwise. The Patreon Hoodies are expensive af for some reason.
I do have a redbubble for them at basic value I'm setting up (I don't know if they're buyable yet?) if you just wanna target a POLOL sticker or mug or something before I get the ravens and other stuff up.
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byebyeiwannadie · 11 months
It's a good moment to remind you that I have a INPRNT profile where I will upload all the new illustrations I've posted here
so if you wanna buy a print, a card or a sticker check the link below
I also have a redbubble profile where I sell some others stuff that aren't aviable on INPRNT like pins, cups, tote bags...
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mayraskywalker · 2 years
Hello! I’ve had this story in my head for a long while. And I finally wanna share! WARNING! This may be inappropriate for minors under 18! With that being said, enjoy this naughty story of our favorite sorcerers as teenagers. 🥰
An impatient white-haired young man, and an indifferent man sit at a bar. A coffee bar, that is.
The white-haired man, excited as can be, waves to the petite barista, who would sometimes stop what she’s doing to look back at the pair of handsome third-year students. Satoru Gojo is used to this kind of attention from girls, boys, men, women, and children alike…he is, after all, extremely good looking, in a boyish way. It also helps that he’s the inheritor of the 6 Eyes AND Limitless cursed techniques. So any stares coming his way are inevitable.
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“Wave, Nanami. The pretty girl will put extra whipped cream in our drinks if we amuse her”, he says as he coyly smiles at the flustered barista.
“I ordered tea. Waving would be useless”, an annoyed Kento Nanami replies. He doesn’t even look up from the graphic novel he brought to the mission. Gojo knows Nanami dislikes him, but for the time being, he finds a certain type of amusement from the banter. They almost never get sent on missions alone together, since they both are from two different classes with different sensei’s, but they needed Gojo’s strength to protect Master Tengen’s prize, and Nanami is up for a Sorcerer Grade promotion, pending Gojo’s recommendation.
“I wonder what this one will be like. It’s been a good 70 years since the last vessel was chosen. I heard this one is a girl, and she’s a senior from Oxford Academy in LA. Master Tengen sure likes them young, huh? And a foreigner at that! I’m sure she had her whole life ahead of her. Her file says she’s an honor student, part of her school’s council, an amazing athlete, a proficient polyglot, and comes from a prestigious family. WHOA! Look Nanami, they own the third largest fishing port in California!” he places the open file right on top of the novel Nanami is reading.
Nanami groans and slides the folder off, then slowly places his book on the counter, making sure it stays open on the current page, and looks up at Gojo, “Yes, I read the file last night, although I’m surprised they didn’t attach a picture to this case. They usually give us detailed files, so as there won’t be any confusion. But I suppose it would be obvious to see a young, foreign girl walking into this secluded coffee bar.”
The barista walks over, flustered and whispering her shy words, “here you are, one iced Americano with hazelnut foam and extra whipped cream. And one black Oolong tea, hot.” Gojo lowers his shades, flashing his gorgeous blue eyes, batting his long white eyelashes, and gives her a wink. She practically squeals. Nanami rolls his eyes.
The scene was interrupted by the chime of the front door of the establishment opening. The barista and Gojo keep their eye contact, while Nanami looks over and sees a young woman, long dark brown hair, fair skin, and eyes like pools of honey, walk in and quickly close the door behind her. She’s no taller than 5’5, maybe 55 kg, and plump, mocha, pouty lips. She is wearing a high-waist leopard print skirt that loosely flows down to her calves, and a black, long-sleeved, fitted turtleneck. She’s carrying a cream leather tote and wearing knee high suede black boots. The cold, winter air momentarily penetrates the coffee shop, and blows in Nanami’s direction, rapidly flipping the pages of his book. For a second, he faintly caught the scent of her jasmine and vanilla perfume mixed with the smell of snow. “She’s here,” Nanami softly says as he stands, and tugs on his black uniform shirt, trying to smooth out any creases that may have formed while he sat. He adjusts his glasses as he feels his cheeks begin to warm.
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Gojo swiftly turns, completely forgetting the flirty brunette who had just been the focus of his attention for the past 2 minutes. He unapologetically scans her up and down as she approaches. He stands straight, sticks his hands in his pant pockets, and with a smirk on his face says, “umm, aren’t you a little young for animal prints? Might give older men the wrong idea.” Nanami shoots him a death glare.
The young lady stands in silence for a second, one that seemed an eternity in this awkward situation. She looks straight into Gojo’s brilliant blue eyes, and without hesitation or a stutter, lightly scoffs and replies, “Aren’t you a little old for school boy outfits? Might give young girls the wrong idea.” Silence again, but then immediately broken as Gojo scratches his head with his right hand and giggles. “You’re a lively one. You do know why you’re here right?”
She shoots a playful smile back at him, and confidently says, “Yes. I’m here to die.”
Both Nanami and Gojo widen their eyes in disbelief as this 17 year old nonchalantly speaks her fate, without even so much as a flinch.
“Right, well, that’s rough,” exclaims Gojo, “sorry about that. But you know you can always just say no, right? You’re not being forced to do this. I certainly wouldn’t,” he continues, “I mean, yeah Tengen is cool, but not enough to die for them.”
“She’s not dying,” Nanami interrupts, “it’s more like a merger. Both their consciousness will still be fully intact, so they both know what’s going on. It will be her body, but MASTER Tengen will be calling the shots.” He made sure to emphasize the word MASTER, since Gojo so easily said it informally before.
Master Tengen is an immortal jujutsu sorcerer that has lived for over 1200 years. They are the source of the veil/curtain that’s protecting both Jujutsu High locations. They are powerful, but in order to stay alive, they have to switch vessels every couple of decades. But every time they do, it’s a very dangerous process.
The vessel must be young (18 years old to be exact), pure (a virgin of course), smart, and good-hearted. Also something about blood compatibility. A vessel is very rare to find, and of course there are also enemies of the jujutsu sorcerers that want to destroy Tengen and the schools. So every time a compatible vessel is found, high grade sorcerers take on the mission to safely deliver them to their destination. Usually, a vessel is of legal adult age when found. But this time, she was found at the age of 17, only 2 days shy of her 18th birthday.
That’s where Gojo and Nanami come in. They must both keep her under their protection until she is ready to merge with Tengen.
“They gave us enough money for food and necessary things,” Gojo says, “Unfortunately, since this is a super top secret mission, we aren’t allowed to go sightseeing. Sorry, princess. No tourist stops for you.”
“My name is Eleanor, NOT princess.” She rolls her eyes at Gojo and looks over to Nanami, who is looking down at her skirt. “Is there something down there that interests you?”
Nanami quickly looks back up at her, adjusts his glasses, and replies, “No, forgive me. My name is Kento Nanami. It’s a pleasure to meet you miss Eleanor.”
He bows once more, and Gojo follows suit. “The name is Satoru Gojo. You can call me Gojo, since I am your senior. Do you know how honorifics work here in Japan? Usually the youngest greet the eldest with a bow and ALWAYS talk formally. You speak pretty good Japanese. I heard you were a polyglot. How many languages do you know?”
“Gojo,” Nanami interrupts, “I think you need to cool it with the bombardment of questions? The girl just got off a 13 hour flight. How about we pick up some dinner, and head over to the hotel. I’m sure she wants to rest.”
“Riiiiiight,” Gojo casually comments, “I know a good sushi place just a block from where we are staying. You know how foreigners love sushi.”
“I’m actually not that hungry,” Eleanor exclaims. “I had a heavy lunch on the plane, and honestly, I kinda just want dessert. Does this coffee shop sell pastries?” She takes a quick look up at the menu.
“I’ll take a banana-nut bread, please. The boys will pay for it.” Gojo smiles at her and hands her a bill. Nanami looks at his watch, and the three head outside and into the car that picked up Eleanor from the airport. It was assigned to the trio by Jujutsu High, driver and all.
“By the way,” Nanami whispers to Eleanor as they walk out, “I like the print.”
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pressedinthepages · 3 years
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next fill for @witcher-rarepair-summer-bingo
also big thanks to @major-trouble for beta-ing and @sometimesiwrite and @rawrkinjd , as well as friends in the Cake Shop for helping me spin this story together <3
Prompt: Remote/Magical Toys
Relationship: Geralt/Eskel
Rating: Explicit
Content Warnings: modern au, soft dom/sub play, subspace, domspace, public sex (kinda), marking, bruising, reverse stripping (aka getting dressed), dressing each other, edging, orgasm denial, frottage, penetrative and oral sex (m/m)
Summary: After a hard day, Geralt found his husband, Eskel, getting ready to treat him to a relaxing evening out.
Geralt sighed as he pressed the garage control that was hooked onto his visor. He leaned his head back against the well-worn interior for just a moment before pulling out his keys from the ignition and pushing open the driver’s door. The bed creaked as its weight resettled from Geralt rising out of the truck. He pushed the door shut with his hip, wincing a bit as the hinges groaned. Gotta add WD-40 to the list.
He ran his hand down the line of his jaw, scratching the tired skin lightly. His feet hurt, his back hurt, hells, even his eyes felt strained on the drive home in the light from the late afternoon sun. But even before he opened the door that led into the house, Geralt could feel the low thrum of music being played just a bit too loud, and he wouldn’t have been able to suppress the grin on his lips if he tried. Eskel was cleaning.
Something low and cozy unfurled itself in Geralt’s stomach, stretching out languidly in the relief of feeling at home. Eskel, with his broad shoulders and penchant for wearing trousers that were just a tad bit too snug around his bum, was just beyond that door, tidying his big ol’ heart away while waiting for Geralt’s return. Coming home to his husband never failed to make Geralt’s knees wobbly with affection and sweet words spill unbidden into the air. No matter what had happened that day, no matter how drained Geralt felt before he crossed the threshold into their home, Eskel was somehow always exactly what he needed.
And it varied. A lot. Some days, Geralt needed soft words and cuddles on the couch that stretched into the pastel lights of pre-dawn. Other days, Geralt needed Eskel’s sharp wit and bold hands that took him apart atop their crimson bed sheets. And still others, such as this day that found Geralt, he didn’t really know what he needed. He was really looking forward to their dinner out, a chance to relax and unwind without any of the outside world pressuring in, but he couldn’t quite place where he needed his head to be to feel at peace.
Geralt shook his head fondly as he turned the brass knob, stepping through and letting it click shut behind him. The sweet, crisp scent of Pinesol greeted him as he walked into the house before toeing off his work boots in the laundry room. Geralt’s socked feet padded quietly out into the hallway, following the sound of instrumental lo-fi playing through a speaker towards the kitchen, where he was met with a pair of fiery golden eyes and a palm facing him, willing him to stop in his tracks.
“AH, ah, don’t come into the kitchen. Just mopped,” Eskel smiled as Geralt backed away with a smirk, his own palms turned up in peace. “Just have this last corner to hit and then I’m good to go.”
Geralt hummed and leaned on the frame of the doorway, his eyes tracking down the swell of Eskel’s arms at the seams of his well-worn henley, the dark hair flopping down into his eyes with just the hint of a little curl at the ends. Eskel turned his back to him and pushed the mop into the corner, scooting backwards bit by bit.
“Hair’s getting long,” Geralt drawled. “You’ll be needing some of my hair ties soon enough.”
Eskel huffed and glanced over his shoulder, still swiping back and forth across the floor and blowing his hair away from his eyes. “Got an appointment next week for a trim, it’s gettin’ to be a bit mu-”
“Cancel it,” Geralt whispered as Eskel reached the edge of the tile and his bum knocked into Geralt’s hips. Geralt set his hands on Eskel’s waist as he stood to his full height. One of his hands trailed up Eskel’s back and tangled into the soft strands of hair at the nape of his neck. “I like it long like this…”
Eskel hummed from low in his chest, rumbling back into Geralt. “I’ll think about it.”
Geralt pressed his lips into the hollow of Eskel’s neck. “Please do. We should get ready for dinner.”
Eskel nodded and swallowed thickly, taking a calming breath before reaching for the mop bucket and toting it back into the laundry room. He wiped the sweat from his brow, the echo of Geralt’s lips still floating on his neck. He heard the low hum of the water heater kick on as Geralt got into the shower, so he unceremoniously dumped out the dirty water and left the mop propped up to dry.
He puttered around briefly, rinsing off his hands and patting them dry on his jeans as popped back into the kitchen, keeping his feet light as he grabbed a glass from the cabinet. He quickly filled it with ice and water from the dispenser in the refrigerator before walking back down the hallway towards their bedroom. Eskel pondered as he walked, honing in on Geralt’s disposition. He had clearly been in a good enough mood to be a tease, but Eskel wasn’t blind. He could see the dark circles tinging the tender skin under Geralt’s eyes, the weight of his consciousness dangling heavily from his solar plexus and pressing behind his ears.
Eskel moved over to the bedside table and set the glass of water down and left his phone to charge before walking to their closet. He had an idea, and a damned good one at that. He just needed to move quickly in getting himself ready so that he could focus on what Geralt needed. Eskel stripped out of his comfortable lounging clothes and chucked them aside, cocking his hip as he decided what to wear.
He slid on a slightly more respectable pair of jeans that hugged his ass quite nicely, sitting comfortably on his hips. Next, a simple hunter green button-down, loosely tucked in with the top few buttons left undone. Eskel finished it off with a dark brown leather belt and a pair of grey oxfords. Easy enough, he thought as he heard the shower turn off. Now, for the fun.
Eskel strode back and forth between the closet and the bed a few times, depositing new items with every pass. A pair of dark, not-quite-black jeans, a blue shirt with silver pearly buttons and a subtle paisley print, a soft pair of briefs, all folded neatly at the edge of the bed. Geralt’s most comfortable pair of nice boots, the soft leather buttery as Eskel set them with a pair of socks peeking out.
A simple black box, no larger than a shoe box, was set atop the comforter as well. It had been tucked away for a solid two weeks, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to reveal as Eskel’s surprise. Eskel put his hands on his hips and looked down at the spread just as the bathroom door opened, the soft spice of Geralt’s body wash carried over on a burst of steam. Eskel turned around and smiled as Geralt quirked his brow at him. “What, no red shirt tonight?”
“Variety’s the spice of life, Geralt.” Eskel tracked his eyes slowly, obviously, reverently over Geralt’s hair already neatly tied at the nape of his neck, down his broad chest and his narrow waist, his skin glistening with water droplets that trailed their way down to the towel slung around Geralt’s waist. “Speaking of, can we do a scene tonight?”
Eskel flicked his eyes back up to Geralt’s face, his sharp eyes catching the blush that just barely crept up Geralt’s neck. It even peeked a bit over the faint freckles on Geralt’s cheeks, like watercolors sweeping across parchment. It was that, those little things that no others had the privilege of witnessing, that always gave Eskel the most euphoric sense of joy.
Geralt nodded and cleared his throat lightly. “What-uh, what did you have in mind?”
Eskel held out his hand and his smile grew as Geralt slipped his fingers in between his own. “I want to take care of you, let you have a quiet night where you can get away from all those thoughts bouncing around your skull.”
Geralt hummed and looked over Eskel’s shoulder to the bed with a cheeky smirk. “Picked out an outfit for me?”
“Mhm.” Eskel ran his other hand up Geralt’s shoulder and watched the goosebumps bloom in its wake. “Figured that even if you don’t wanna scene, I could still help you get ready.”
“Tell me more.” Geralt appraised the box on the bed suspiciously, but with an enthusiastic glint in his eyes.
Eskel followed his gaze. “We’ve got a quiet booth for dinner tonight, set aside in a corner. I’ll dress you, be sweet. But I figured that tonight might be good to try this out…”
He turned and grabbed the box, handing it to Geralt to open. Geralt’s fingers worked quickly, tipping the lid open and turning out what lay inside into his palm. It was a toy made of velvety black silicone, a sleek graduating plug with a tapered tip and a flared base. It was reminiscent of some of the toys that they had used in the past, but Geralt could tell by the way that Eskel was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet that he was in for a pleasant reveal of just what this toy had to offer.
“I’ll work you open,” Eskel rumbled, reaching behind him for his phone, “and put that in. I-I’d like for you to wear it at dinner. And...I’ll be able to do this-” Eskel pressed on the screen on his phone and the toy gently vibrated in Geralt’s palm, practically silent, “whenever I want.”
“A-are you gonna make me cum at the table?” Geralt whispered, glancing back and forth between Eskel’s fingers and the still-vibrating plug.
“Would you like that?” Eskel asked, removing his thumb from his phone, letting the toy fall still.
Geralt swallowed thickly and let his mind wander. No work, no outside world. Only Eskel, the man that he loved more than words could dare to say, doting on him and showering him in pleasure that he so rarely afforded himself. It didn’t take long for Geralt to make up his mind. “Y-yeah, I’d like that.”
“Then when we get back home,” Eskel slipped his phone into his pocket and rolled his sleeves up to his forearms, revealing olive skin dusted with pearly scars here and there, “we can indulge more. But I think we should just keep the scene for the dinner.”
Geralt nodded, “I agree. I know that I’m going to want to ravish you by the time we get back here.”
Eskel brought his hand up to Geralt’s neck and pulled him in, resting their foreheads together and closing his eyes. He breathed in deeply, the soft musk of clean Geralt warming his chest and down his hips. “Safewords?”
“You know my word.”
“Doesn’t matter. Still need you to tell me.”
Geralt sighed with a smile that betrayed the tease on his tongue. “Steel.”
Eskel nodded. “Steel.”
“And yours?”
“Silver.” The word dripped from Eskel’s lips, passed merely on his breath to Geralt’s ears.
“Silver.” Eskel watched Geralt’s eyes begin to haze over with his eagerness, his readiness for what was so close to come.
“Ready then?” Geralt nodded and blinked, clearing himself for the touch of Eskel’s hands and the mind-bending surge of Eskel’s being bleeding into his own.
Eskel took a deep breath and felt himself slip into the role, the dominant, the caretaker. He stood up straight and allowed all of the bold streaks within him to flare out into the very tips of his fingers where he reached to pull Geralt to the edge of the bed. “Let’s get you dressed, love.”
Geralt sighed as soon as he felt Eskel’s strong touch on his skin. Eskel could feel the steady thrum of his heart in his chest, and he watched Geralt’s eyes haze over and flick down, slipping into his own role as the submissive, the wanted, the cared-for. A lazy smile pulled at his lips when he looked back up into Eskel’s eyes, and Eskel could practically taste the adoration that swam around in his vision.
Geralt’s skin was warm and dry as Eskel ran his hands over his shoulders and down to the towel at his waist. He untied the little knot and pulled it away, leaving Geralt’s side for a moment to hang it on the hook on the bathroom door. He heard the low whine that tore itself from Geralt’s throat and he hummed reassuringly. “Don’t worry, love. Just don’t want to leave a mess. You saw all the cleanin’ I did today?”
Geralt nodded as Eskel came back to him, stopping behind him and resting his hands on his hips. He peered around and met Geralt’s gaze when he turned his head, two pairs of maple-gold eyes boring into each other. “Did it for you. I’ll always do it for you, anything.”
Geralt gasped as Eskel’s hands pushed at his hips, leading him to prop one knee up on the edge of the bed and brace himself on his hands atop the dark sheets. Something low and intense burned in Eskel’s stomach at the little noise, so acutely aware of how difficult it was to drag noises like that from Geralt. “Y-hmm. You know that I’d do anything for you, Eskel. You need only ask.”
“I do,” Eskel murmured, kissing down the line of Geralt’s spine, smirking at the goosebumps that erupted around his hips, “in a heartbeat. You’re my everything, and I know that you love me more than you can rightly say.”
Geralt could feel the denim of Eskel’s jeans scratching against the backs of his bare thighs, setting their two roles apart in stark contrast. Naked, needy, exposed. Dressed, giving, guarding. The rough planes of Eskel’s cheek glanced over the small of Geralt’s back as he kneaded his hands gently into the swells of Geralt’s bum, leading him into the headspace of comfort, care, trust. Geralt felt the reins of his mind loosening with each moment that passed, yielding to the loving hands that roved restlessly atop his skin.
Eskel’s blood thrummed molten in his veins as he reached to the bedside table and found the bottle of lube, watching the little shudder along Geralt’s hips as he clicked open the cap. “Now,” he groused, slicking his fingers in a generous amount of the lubricant. “Don’t want to get you too worked up. This is for later, but I want you to be stretched out and comfortable.”
“A-alright-” Geralt hummed as Eskel gently pushed at the tight ring of muscle between his thighs, not actually pushing in, but more around. Loosening him. Relaxing him.
Eskel’s mind and body warred with themselves as he watched Geralt shake ever so slightly under the ministrations of his fingers. Eskel inhaled deeply, centering his energy in his pelvis and the tender spots behind his ears. He slowly pushed into Geralt’s entrance just up to his first knuckle, smoothing his other hand back and forth over Geralt’s hip. He bit the inside of his cheek in an effort to keep it together, dammit as the keen from behind Geralt’s teeth reached his ears, the sight of Geralt’s toes curling as he attempted to quell any other little noises from betraying his tender state. Geralt’s hole fluttered and pulsed around him as he slid his finger out and back in again, working it just a bit deeper each time. Once he was buried up to the knuckle, Eskel let out a breath that he hadn’t realized that he had been holding.
“Gods, Geralt,” he breathed, entranced by the sight of his finger, shining with lube, pressing in and out and around Geralt’s entrance. Eskel’s cock was certainly showing interest, twitching in the rough confines of his jeans. “You always feel so fucking good for me.”
Geralt’s breath punched out of his chest, his arms suddenly falling slack so his hands bunched in the soft fabric beneath them, his face braced against the comforter. A small voice at the back end of his mind fought the praise, told him that he didn’t need it, that he didn’t deserve it. But this was Eskel talking. Eskel, who had known every inch of Geralt, inside and out, for as long as either of them could remember. Eskel, whose own secure walls had been methodically weathered by Geralt’s love. Eskel, who loved him more and more every day.
So Geralt really couldn’t find it in himself to listen to that insignificant voice. It wasn’t terribly often that either of them had the opportunity to scene quite like this, as Geralt’s mind tended to be far more...stubborn than Eskel’s when it came to letting go. Oh, but when he could? Geralt indulged.
Eskel dripped more lube down Geralt’s cheeks, sliding in a second finger on his next pass. Geralt’s back arched and Eskel watched as the muscles in Geralt’s thighs and down to his calves rippled. Geralt let out a shuddering breath, the end tinged with a growl from the back of his throat.
Patience, Eskel. He had a very specific goal in mind, and that goal required resistance, endurance, restraint. Never mind that his cock was trying valiantly to make itself known, to get him to just rip his trousers off and sink into that tight, wet heat. Eskel hung his head as he worked Geralt open, willing himself calm, searching out the path to Geralt’s pleasure that had become so well traveled for him.
Geralt pushed his hips back into Eskel’s fingers, searching for more. “Esk, please. I-I need-”
“I know what you need, love,” Eskel hummed and tightened his hold on Geralt’s hip, stopping the roll of his hips back onto his hand, “and what you need, Geralt, is a bit of patience.”
Geralt gasped as Eskel thrust a third finger inside of him, stretching him wider and searching for that hidden spot nestled away. Eskel shifted, placing his knee up on the bed beside Geralt and twisting his arm so that he could crook his fingers just so. He finally brushed over that spot that sent stars up Geralt’s spine, but he didn’t linger. He couldn’t.
“You ready?” Eskel rumbled, loosening his grip on Geralt’s hip. A low growl peeled from his chest when he saw the red marks shaped in the pads of his fingers, knowing that they would soon be pretty purple bruises on one of Geralt’s most intimate spots.
“Y-yes,” Geralt sighed, sliding into a whine as Eskel pulled his fingers from inside of him. The toy was light in Eskel’s hand as he coated it with lube, dripping an extra little bit between Geralt’s cheeks as well before pressing it just barely against his entrance.
Geralt tried to rock back into the contact, his hand reaching back and grasping desperately to twine his fingers with Eskel’s. Eskel’s heart soared in his chest, feeling just how badly Geralt wanted this. He stroked his thumb over the back of Geralt’s fingers as his other hand slowly guided the toy into Geralt, lightly thrusting through the tight ring of muscle until it sat comfortably flushed inside of him.
Now, it was nowhere near the size of Eskel’s cock. It was only about the length of a typical plug, and the girth of two of Eskel’s thick fingers. But it still filled Geralt quite nicely, his slender fingers clenching the blanket with enough vigor to leave creases in their wake. His eyes rolled back into his head and all he knew was pleasure in its purest form, a constant thrum inside of him as his body adjusted to the toy.
Eskel couldn’t tear his eyes away. Geralt, bent over on the bed, his shoulders heaving with heavy breaths, his ass shining with the lube that dripped languidly down the insides of his thighs. The peek of the toy, a black flare sitting nestled along the slope of the inside of Geralt’s cheeks. Eskel slid his hands through the coarse hair on Geralt’s thighs and back up once again, spreading his ass and taking one last, long look.
“You alright if I go grab a towel? Need to get you cleaned up before dinner.” Eskel murmured low, trying to keep his voice steady and calm while a different part of his brain that he was trying very hard to ignore was stomping its feet and losing itself in the ideas of just what Eskel could do with Geralt right now, dammit.
Geralt grunted and relaxed his hands, searching for words that landed no further than the tip of his tongue. Eskel grinned to himself as he watched the gears kick back on in Geralt’s head, cracking through the haze of the subspace that he had so gently, so lightly been cradled into. He hadn’t truly slipped completely into that haze beneath consciousness, but he was lingering in that odd, yet still quite pleasant, space in-between.
Eskel shook his head and gave Geralt just a moment longer. It was so easy for either of them to fall silent while in the cozy embrace of subspace, even one as light as where Geralt found himself. But then, when adjustments needed to be made and the two of them needed to move on to the next part of the scene, they needed words. Not mumbles, not shaken heads. Clear, not cock-drunk words, that show that they came from a settled mind and knew just what they wanted.
“Geralt,” Eskel gently stroked his thumb back and forth on Geralt’s hip, coaxing him back into himself and lowering his head down to be level with Geralt’s. “Need you to use your words. Tell me, can I get a towel for you?”
Geralt’s chin turned lazily towards him, his honey-golden eyes blinking with an ever so slight furrow of his brow. “M-mhmm. Yes, Eskel. I’m good. I’m here.”
Eskel nodded, pressing his lips to Geralt’s temple and scritching the hairs at the nape of Geralt’s neck. “Alright, I’ll be quick.”
He stepped into the bathroom and found a clean washrag, running it under some warm water and ringing it back out before quickly washing his own hands. As he stepped back into the bedroom, Eskel found Geralt sprawled exactly as he left him, thighs open and head resting on the comforter. “Melitele help me,” he whispered so as not to startle him out of his fragile state of bliss, “Geralt, you are far too pretty.”
Geralt grunted again, a huff of laughter playing on his tongue. “Nuh-uh,” his voice was muffled where his lips turned into the soft red blanket, “y...you’re too pretty. With your long hair, fuck. Can’t wait to pull on it.”
Eskel shook his head and smiled, carefully reaching out to drag his fingers up Geralt’s leg. His heart warmed in his chest and the swell of Geralt’s wish sent lovely visions through his head. “Hush, you. Let me clean this up…”
He slid the warm towel around Geralt’s bum, gently wiping away the stray lube and beads of sweat that had found their way into the small of Geralt’s back and down around where the toy poked temptingly out of him. Eskel hummed low as he went, carefully wiping around Geralt’s front and finding him a bit more than half-hard.
“Well,” Eskel rumbled, using a firm hand to clean away the last few drops of lube from where they had dripped down his thighs, “someone has been enjoying themselves…”
“Mhm,” Geralt sighed, lifting his head up and propping himself onto his hands. “No shit. You were buried to the knuckles and have been whispering sweet things into my ear. Can you blame me?”
“Never,” Eskel whispered, wiping his hands off and pressing his lips to Geralt’s shoulder blade. ��Now, I need you to roll over so we can get you dressed. Go slow, don’t want to jostle anything unnecessarily. And don’t even think about tryin’ to help me get you dressed. That’s my job.”
Normally, Geralt would give him snark with his sharp tongue about getting him worked open and kind of sticky so soon after his shower. He wouldn’t want the praise, the soft attention. But Geralt in this role? He had needs locked away that his conscious mind wouldn’t let spill from his lips, wouldn’t allow him to seek out with just anyone. But Eskel? Oh, Eskel had torn right past the walls that Geralt had kept so strongly built around his most tender parts long ago, but it wasn’t often that Geralt let himself get this relaxed, this malleable.
Eskel guided Geralt gently but with confident hands, hands that had squeezed and molded and felt every inch of skin on his body more times than either of them could count. Eskel smoothed his hands down Geralt’s hips and over his thighs as he settled on his bum with his legs hanging off the side of the bed, resting back on his elbows and looking up at him through his lashes. He’d started the journey back into himself from the fog of pleasure, though he was still pliant and smiley when he met Eskel’s eyes.
“How’s it feel, Geralt?” Eskel’s breath caught in his throat when Geralt swallowed thickly and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. His cock, nestled half-hard at his hip, was beginning to flag just a tad, though it was clear that Geralt was fighting for any modicum of self-restraint.
“Mmm. ‘s good. Comfortable.” Geralt’s voice was rough gravel at the bottom of a riverbed, bubbling and tumbling up his throat. Eskel squeezed Geralt’s thighs, reassuring them both in the soft gesture.
Eskel nodded with decisiveness, letting his fingers slip from Geralt’s legs. “Right then. Let’s get movin’. Underwear first.”
Eskel picked up the soft dark pair of briefs, running his fingers along the waistband. He knelt down between Geralt’s legs, pressing his lips to the inside of his knee. He slipped the shorts over one of Geralt’s feet, followed closely by the other. He pulled them up slowly, letting them chase the path that his lips made until he reached the crest of Geralt’s hip. Eskel tapped his fingers on the side of Geralt’s leg and flicked his eyes up to him, a wordless request. Geralt clenched his jaw as he lifted his hips off the bed and Eskel quickly pulled the underwear into place.
Geralt let out a soft punched noise from his chest as he landed back down on the bed. “Alright?” Eskel asked, standing back to his full height.
“Mhm,” Geralt sighed, his eyes fluttering slightly. “Just...snug in there. ‘S nice.”
“Good,” Eskel grinned, reaching down to adjust how Geralt’s cock was sitting in the soft cradle of the briefs. He was hot and heavy in his palm, valiantly pulsing with Eskel’s barest touch. “Now, give me your hands. I’m gonna help you up and into your pants.”
Geralt grunted, moving like his arms were pushing through jello, slowly sitting up and slipping his fingers into Eskel’s. His chest was flushed pretty pink and his skin was pleasantly warm to the touch. Eskel gently pulled him up, smoothing his hands up Geralt’s arms as he adjusted his weight to standing on his feet once more.
“There’s my man,” Eskel growled from the space nestled right beneath his sternum. Geralt’s knees wobbled as he gasped into Eskel’s ear, clenching his teeth before setting himself right once more.
“M’kay,” Geralt swallowed and nodded, that same soft look still swimming in his eyes. “We can do pants now.”
Eskel pressed his palm firmly into Geralt’s chest above his heart, running his fingers through the dark thatch of chest hair. He leaned over to the bed and picked up the neatly folded jeans, letting them open as he dropped back to the floor at Geralt’s feet. He felt Geralt’s eyes on the crown of his head as he situated the legs of the pants in between them.
“Ask first,” Eskel looked up, catching the bright flicker of Geralt’s eyes boring down into him.
Geralt’s cheeks flushed a bit further, trailing down his chest. “C-can I touch you? Please?”
That was always the most difficult part for Geralt, scene or no. Saying, out loud, what he desired. Not for lack of trying on either of their parts, and they had known each other intimately for so long that they knew, most of the time, just what the other was seeking. But they both knew, too, how long Geralt’s stubbornness would keep him bottled up and silent, keeping down his own wants and needs in pursuit of Eskel’s. But that wouldn’t do.
So Eskel, in an effort to nudge Geralt into being more comfortable with saying what he needed, asked him to. Often. And Geralt had responded well, especially when Eskel offered his soft, gentle praise in return.
“Of course, love,” Eskel said, lowering his voice to as growly as it dared get. “I am yours to touch, always.”
Gods-be-fucking-damned, Geralt thought as he looked down at Eskel, his face level with Geralt’s still quite interested cock and his comfortably full ass. Eskel was clearly affected too, his chest flushed red through the peek at the top of his shirt, his trousers just a tad too snug around his arousal. Geralt threaded his fingers in the soft mahogany strands of Eskel’s hair, just running idly as Eskel’s hand found his ankle.
“This one first,” Eskel said, still staring directly into Geralt’s eyes. Geralt lifted his foot and let Eskel slide the denim over and up, letting the leg pool around his ankle when he led it back down to the floor.
“And the other, now.” A mirrored repeat, Geralt’s fingers still running rivers in Eskel’s hair. Longer than it had been in quite a while. Little curls on the end, enticing him to wrap his fingers in and hold fast. But that wasn’t part of the plan.
Not that night, anyways.
Eskel stood slowly, hooking his fingers into the waistband and dragging the jeans up Geralt’s legs. The denim hugged his legs firmly when Eskel stood back to his full height, his eyes still locked with Geralt’s as he settled the waistband on his hips and did up the zipper and buttons. Geralt had softened enough by that point so as not to be completely obvious in the tight pants, though Eskel still used a gentle hand to guide his cock into a comfortable position.
Geralt bit the inside of his cheek as he felt Eskel’s hands smooth up over his stomach and onto his neck, cupping his cheeks and pressing a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. Geralt turned his head just a tad and slotted their lips together, not pushing or deepening, just sort of... holding each other, feeling the sweet embrace of their lips against one another. Geralt sighed as Eskel moved away, grabbing Geralt’s shirt off of the bed.
“Come now,” Eskel chuckled, “can’t just kiss you all day. We’d never actually get to dinner.”
Eskel led Geralt with a hand on his hip to spin, his chest now at Geralt’s back. Eskel dragged his nose down the slope of Geralt’s shoulder as he slid the sleeves of the shirt over Geralt’s hands and up his arms. The fabric was cool over his flushed skin, light and breezy despite the stuffy appearance. Eskel adjusted it so it sat correctly over Geralt’s broad shoulders and skated his hands back down to Geralt’s hips. He tapped his left hand twice right over Geralt’s hipbone, prompting a spin once more.
Geralt smirked and spun around on the balls of his feet, just slow enough that he knew would push and prod at the bottom of Eskel’s almost endless well of patience. He knew he had hit it perfectly when Eskel’s crooked brow came into view, one of his hands resting comfortably on his cocked hip.
“How long do you think I can keep this up before you look at your watch?” Geralt drawled, playful affection tinting the heavy snark in his voice.
“Well, you’ve spent a decent chunk of time playing with my ass, at this rate we won’t be getting to any sort of restaurant before …”
Eskel tilted his head, a playful warning, but a warning all the same. He was, after all, the one in charge. “As much as I would love to watch you try and find out, we’re not testin’ my resolve this evening. Not yet.”
Eskel smirked, hooking his fingers into Geralt’s belt loops and yanking, slotting their hips together and brushing their noses. “For now though,” he whispered into Geralt’s mouth, having ended that bout of silliness quite effectively, “let’s wrap this up, shall we?”
He ran his hands up beneath the edges of Geralt’s shirt, all the way up to his collarbones before grabbing onto the fabric. Eskel started a few buttons down, showing off a triangle of pale skin marked with shiny scars and smattered freckles. Eskel’s fingers danced quickly down the rest of the pearly buttons, neatening and straightening as he went all the way down to the last one. He leaned in and pressed his lips to Geralt’s cheek as his hands snaked around his waist, tucking the hem of the shirt snugly into the band of his trousers as they moved back around to the front.
Geralt returned the peck on the cheek before Eskel backed too far away, smiling at the soft blush that skated over Eskel’s nose. “Anything else?”
“Sit back down on the edge of the bed,” Eskel slipped his phone out of his pocket and looked at the time before setting it on the comforter. “Need to get your shoes on, then we should be ready to go.”
Geralt nodded and sat, kicking his feet idly while Eskel knelt back on the floor. “Got my good boots out?”
Eskel looked up at him through his lashes, “Of course I got the good ones, this is not amateur hour, Geralt.”
Geralt nodded and set his feet on Eskel’s thighs. “I like these boots.”
Eskel smiled and pressed his lips to the inside of Geralt’s thighs, kissing the rough denim and feeling the yield of the soft flesh nestled beneath. “I know. ‘S why I picked them.”
Eskel moved quickly, easily slipping the socks onto Geralt’s feet, followed by the comfortable leather boots. Eskel did up the laces, only knotting them a single time. Just as Geralt preferred.
He stood, bracing his hands on the bed on either side of Geralt’s thighs. He kissed Geralt gently before grabbing his phone, backing up just outside of arm’s reach. “Right then, love. Wanted to ask you something. Would you like to see how the toy feels when it’s on before we leave, or would you rather it be a surprise?”
Geralt met Eskel’s eyes, finding them clear and soft. Not the eyes of his dom, demanding answers and compliance with only a look. No, those were Eskel’s eyes. The eyes of the man with a heart of gold that Geralt loved more than life itself. Geralt shook away the last tendrils of the hazy submissive role that had enveloped him so nicely over the last while, mulling over his two options clearly in his mind.
If there was something that Geralt tried to avoid at all costs, it was surprises. Generally speaking, it was rare that anything ever truly surprised him, but there were always some exceptions. Even still, he preferred to be prepared for any possible outcome, especially when his ass was involved.
But fuck, when it came to Eskel? He would put his life in Eskel’s hands without a second thought. He knew that Eskel would never do anything to put him too far outside of his own self, his own comfort. Eskel knew him better than any other person, inside and out. He would never ask for anything outside of what Geralt would ever want, and he would handle Geralt with the finest gloves like the finest china.
Geralt’s eyes flicked to Eskel’s fingers. Before, when he had been teasing, Eskel’s fingers tapped his hip and flexed impatiently. An act. But in that moment, while Geralt was deciding just how he wanted to find his pleasure? His fingers were still, his posture relaxed and his eyes searching Geralt’s as if he could find the answers to all of life’s problems in the sunrise-golden irises.
Geralt cleared his throat and smoothed his hands over his thighs. “I...I want it to be a surprise, please.”
Eskel smiled warmly, clicking to lock his phone and slipping it back into his pocket. “Alright, good. But...and just so you know, I would’ve said this either way, but you have to be vocal with me. Need you to be honest, all evening. Less, more, not enough, stop. Anything and everything that you’re feelin’, I need to know. You have to promise me that, Geralt.”
Sure, Geralt was putting his trust, his vulnerability, his control, into Eskel’s well-worn hands. But...not really. They both had control, they both knew that this was a two-person dance that needed communication. And Geralt knew that Eskel would never ask for something that Geralt could not give, not now and not ever. So Geralt didn’t need to think twice about nodding, saying, “Of course, Eskel. I promise.”
“Wonderful,” Eskel rumbled, slipping back into the dominant headspace now that he had gotten confirmation of their needs. “Now, let’s get in the car.”
The car ride was quiet, peaceful. Eskel drove, one of his hands gripping onto Geralt’s thigh the entire journey. Not with any sort of force, but strong enough for Geralt’s mind to latch on to and yearn for more. Besides that, Geralt didn’t really know where they were heading. He figured it would be somewhere nice, especially as Eskel had spent so long planning this evening out.
“I can hear you thinkin’ from over here,” Eskel grinned, peering over at him before returning his eyes to the road. “Go on. Ask.”
Geralt swallowed and blinked out the window at the sunset, bright oranges and reds and purples painted across the sky. “What, uh… where are we going for dinner?”
Eskel grinned and squeezed his thigh lightly, pouring every ounce of his love into the tips of his fingers to bleed into Geralt’s leg. “I’m taking us to Falenti’s, I know you like their Saltimbocca…”
Geralt’s eyes lit up and flicked over to Eskel, finding the self-satisfied grin that tugged at the scar over his cheek. “I do love that sauce. Will… will you order for us?”
“Was hoping you’d ask that,” Eskel blinked slowly, his voice tumbling lower and lower the closer they got to the restaurant. “I like when you let me take care of you like this. You won’t have to think about a thing.”
Geralt preened the slightest bit in his seat and threaded his fingers with Eskel’s, letting Eskel stroke his thumb over the back of his knuckles as they pulled into the parking lot.
The weight of the toy in Geralt’s bum shifted as he rose out of the car, drawing a gasp up into his chest. Eskel knew, of course, and walked around to slide his hand back into Geralt’s. “Alright? Still good?”
Geralt grinned and leaned his head onto Eskel’s shoulder. “Yeah, still good. I’m… I’m excited.”
Eskel’s eyes went soft and his smile felt so much more real in that moment when he pressed his lips onto the crown of Geralt’s head. “Me too, love. Me too.”
Eskel led the two of them into the restaurant, a burst of cool air welcoming them as the door opened. They approached the host stand, finding a young woman with kind eyes and a bright, if not a little too much so, smile on her face. “Hello gentlemen, doing alright this evening?”
Eskel smiled and pulled Geralt closer, wrapping his arm around Geralt’s hip. “We’re doin’ wonderful, thank you. We have a reservation under ‘Rivia,’ please.”
The young woman tapped a few keys on the desktop in front of her before grabbing two menus. “Follow me to your table, your server will be right with you.”
Eskel guided Geralt by the hip, feeling the barely-there softness of the tummy that he had been trying to get Geralt to build for years beneath his fingers. Just as requested, the two of them were escorted to a booth in the corner, sequestered away from other patrons. Private, or as much as they could be in a public restaurant.
It was dark, lit only by a lone sconce on the wall that bathed the mahogany table in a warm glow. “As I said, your server will be with you shortly.” The young woman left their menus on the table and departed, leaving the two men to relax into their seats across from one another.
Eskel watched Geralt shimmy and shift around in the seat, attempting to find a comfortable position with the secret hidden inside of him. Eskel smirked, pulling his phone out of his pocket and onto the table, Geralt’s eyes immediately shooting over to it and back up to Eskel.
“Now, we won’t start at least until I’ve ordered,” Eskel said as he opened his menu, his tone borderline flippant. “After, though, ’s free game.”
Their server came over, another young woman dressed entirely in black, with a black apron tied around her waist. “Hello gentlemen,” her voice was quiet and calm, gentle waves in the dark air. “My name is Lou, I’ll be your server this evening. Can I start you boys off with something to drink, or are you ready to order?”
Eskel slid his foot up the outside of Geralt’s calf, causing him to jump slightly in his seat. Eskel grinned with a wink before turning to Lou. “I think we’re ready, actually. We’ll just do water to drink, and we’ll start with the Zucchini Fritti. I’ll have the chicken Bellini, and he’ll have the Veal Saltimbocca. We’ll have to see how we’re feelin’ for dessert, so we’ll decide on that later.” Eskel’s voice was still low, almost growly, and Geralt was mesmerized as he listed off their order. Struck dumb, he watched their server bounce away before returning with their glasses of water, leaving them alone once more.
Eskel sipped his water, looking straight over the table at Geralt, whose own eyes were glued to where Eskel’s free hand now hovered over the screen of his phone.
“T-thank you for ordering for us, Eskel,” Geralt murmured, watching the minute tease of Eskel’s fingers just barely not touching the screen.
“You’re very welcome, my love,” Eskel replied, just as quietly. “Wanna start you slow, so you have a chance to get used to the feeling.”
Geralt nodded, feeling a rush of heat bloom up his chest as he squirmed a bit in his seat. Eskel chuckled, seeing the enthusiastic glint in Geralt’s eyes as a good sign.
Geralt watched as Eskel finally, gently pressed his finger to the base of the phone and dragged up, only just barely on the screen. He felt the toy rumble to life, and he gasped despite being prepared for the sensation. It was pleasant, and Geralt already itched for more.
Geralt hummed and let his eyes fall closed, his fingers gripping onto the edge of the table. “Fuck, Eskel,” he breathed, his lungs playing catch-up with how intensely his heart was beating, “f-feels so good.”
Eskel was enraptured, watching in real time as that familiar submissive haze fell over Geralt’s eyes. “’M glad, will this be what you need?”
Geralt nodded and swallowed thickly, letting his head fall to his chest. Eskel hummed and drew his fingers up under Geralt’s chin, lifting his eyes back up to him. “Words, love.”
Geralt’s cheeks flushed and Eskel smiled, keeping his eyes soft. “Y-yes, Esk. It’ll b-nnng. It’ll be perfect.”
Eskel bit the inside of his cheek as he spotted their server returning to their table just as Geralt’s hips started to shift back and forth, chasing the soft vibrations of the toy. Eskel took his finger off of the phone and Geralt’s eyes shot open, defiant and his mouth fell into a grimace that disappeared as soon as their server came into view.
“Alright boys, one order of the Zucchini Fritti. Anything else I can get for you?”
“No, thank you,” Eskel said, shooting a sly look at Geralt out of the corner of his eye.
Lou left them once more and Geralt sagged into the cushions, his chest heaving with deep breaths. “Shit. Can always trust you to let me get all caught up and then fucking cut me off-”
Eskel hummed and reached for one of the little rounds of crispy zucchini. “You gotta trust that I know what’ll be good for you. Within reason, of course, but I want you to be able to let me take the reins. Without attitude.”
“You love my attitude.”
“I do, just as I love the rest of you. But if you want to be bratty, maybe I’ll just keep you on the edge all night, not let you finish at all?”
Geralt coughed as he sipped his water, sitting back up in his seat. Well. I guess that’s me shutting up... for now. “N-no. I’ll behave. Promise.”
Eskel grinned wolfishly. “Good. Now, let’s eat for a bit, then we can keep playing.”
They ate quietly, letting their minds relax and settle back into the liminal space nestled between their brows. As the plate was emptied, Eskel reached across the table and grabbed onto Geralt’s hand. Lou came back around and took the dish, letting them know that it may be a while before their entrees came out, as there had been a mishap in the kitchens.
“Not a worry, Lou,” Eskel smiled kindly, “we’re a patient bunch.”
“Most of the time…” Geralt grumbled under his breath.
Eskel clenched his jaw and shot Geralt a Look with his eyebrows raised. “When it counts, we’re very patient. Don’t worry about us Lou, we’ll just... relax for a bit.”
Lou had no sooner spun on her heel away from her table when Eskel slid his finger back onto the screen of his phone, cueing the toy inside of Geralt to vibrate significantly more intensely than it had before. Geralt clenched his fingers in Eskel’s hand and his body clenched before relaxing right back into the weight of the toy. His hips thrusted absently with the vibrations, following the pattern that Eskel drew back and forth on his phone.
In the back of his mind, Geralt was minutely aware of their public situation, especially as the crotch of his trousers drew tighter around his growing erection. But Eskel was whispering across the table to him, boring his golden eyes up and down Geralt’s body as if it were the first and only time that he’d ever get the chance to see him like this.
“Gods, Geralt,” Eskel breathed, tracing arches up and down on his phone to increase and decrease the speed of the vibrations of the toy in waves. “You know, I bet that if anyone were to look over here right now and see you thrustin’ up so desperately into nothing, they’d be so godsdamned jealous of me... cause I’m the one that gets to sit here and watch.”
Geralt felt like he couldn’t breathe, his body like one big nerve ending that kept twitching and shaking. The toy pressed against his prostate and he could feel his cock leaking into his briefs, and he just barely bit back a moan that threatened to escape from behind his teeth. Geralt glanced up at Eskel and came this fucking close to cumming in his pants then and there.
To anyone on the outside looking in, anyone who didn’t know the intimate tells that Eskel so carefully kept stowed away, he would almost look bored as he absentmindedly scrolled around on his phone. But Geralt, who knew every minute thing that made Eskel who he was, could see right past it. Eskel’s barrel chest, dusted with coarse dark hair that peeked through the V of his unbuttoned shirt, was flushed maroon and hitched with deep breaths taken through his nose. His hand, still gripped in Geralt’s fingers, was sweaty and his eyes were dark and lusty as they tore like fire over Geralt’s skin.
Eskel slowed the toy down, tapering the vibrations until they stopped all together. Geralt knew now to trust in Eskel’s judgement, especially considering that he really was gloriously oblivious to the specifics of their surroundings. Eskel took a deep breath in and leaned over, giving his hand one last squeeze before letting go. “Food’s on the way. Take a deep breath, love, you’re doing so fuckin’ well.”
Geralt let a dopey smile pull at his lips as he stretched his fingers and his legs out, still comfortably aroused, and maybe a little frustrated with being cut off again, but endlessly loved. His mind swam with the look in Eskel’s eyes, the lingering warmth of Eskel’s hand still nestled in the grip of his fingers.
Two steaming plates were set before them, deep aromas tickling Geralt’s nostrils. His mouth, having already been watering from their previous activities, sighed in contentment.
“Alright, how’s everything look?” Lou asked, looking back and forth between Eskel and Geralt.
“Looks perfect, Lou. Thank you.” Eskel smiled as Lou turned away, lifting his fork and putting together a generous mouthful of sautéed chicken smothered in a creamy white wine sauce with roasted peppers and olives. His eyes fluttered shut as the softly savoury taste hit his tongue, indulgent and instantly satisfying the craving in his stomach. He still felt the tingles of a craving much lower, baser, but it was quieted for the time being.
Geralt discreetly adjusted himself as soon as Lou had stepped away, giving him the perfect timing to make himself comfortable once more. His prosciutto wrapped veal wafted a heady scent of sage and fire-roasted garlic up to smother his senses, and though Geralt could not ignore the still weight resting in his bum, he found himself seeking out the intense flavors that rested atop the plate.
The two of them ate in relative silence for a bit, broken only by the occasional murmur or offer to try each others’ dish. Every now and then, Eskel would nudge his knee up against Geralt’s, putting soft pressure to just... feel him.
“Geralt...” Eskel put down his fork and finished chewing, looking for his husband’s eyes across the table.
“Yes, love?” Geralt’s eyes flicked up briefly to Eskel’s, then back again when he saw the fond look at him across the table.
“Can—sorry, do you mind if we step out? I’d like to just talk for a bit if that’s alright. Only if you want, if you need to stay in it, I’m happy to stay.”
Geralt’s chewing slowed as he, too, lowered his fork. “Sure, we can pause. You alright?”
Eskel smiled reassuringly, “Yes, Geralt, I’ve never been better.” He reached for Geralt’s hand across the table, “I’m just… I’m incredibly happy, you know. With the life we built and the life we share.”
“It’s quite something, isn’t it?” Geralt said fondly. “If we can ever get the tiling in the downstairs bathroom finished.”
“That is your pet project Geralt, and you know it.”
“Well, if it’s any consolation, I finally decided on the colour—”
“Aaand let me guess: you’re waitin’ for it to go on sale?”
“That was one time, Eskel, and you know it.”
“That’s all beside the point. This all started because I was feelin’ a bit romantic, you ornery old thing.”
“Alright, alright. I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to side track you. There’s a reason I married you, you know?” Geralt sighed fondly and rested his chin in his hand.
“Only the one?”
Geralt shook his head with a smirk turning the corner of his lip. “If we’re counting the entirety of ‘Eskel’ as a single thing, then yeah. Just the one. Although, putting a vibrating plug in my ass and taking me out to dinner is pretty high on the list.”
“Shame those things weren’t around for our wedding night,” Eskel cheeked, waggling his eyebrows.
Geralt narrowed his eyes playfully. “First of all, are you calling us old? Secondly, I cannot imagine walking around with this thing in my ass at our reception.”
Eskel shrugged. “Who said it would’ve been you wearing it?”
“Careful, now. I can’t get too far away from the scene or I’ll never get back in.”
Stroking his thumb over the back of Geralt’s knuckles, Eskel smiled softly. “Of course, love. Maybe we’ll revisit that idea later. You know, sometimes I wonder just what I did to deserve you in my life.”
Geralt’s heart swelled and he squeezed Eskel’s hand. “You didn’t have to do anything, Esk. We deserve each other, always.”
“I love you Geralt, I can’t say it enough times, but I do. So much.”
“I know, Eskel. I love you too, forever.”
They slipped back into a comfortable silence, just relaxing and enjoying each other’s air. Their plates slowly emptied, neither of them bothering to worry about saving anything for leftovers. Just as Geralt was sopping up the remainder of the sauce at the bottom of his plate with a chunk of bread, Eskel coughed lightly.
“Wanna get back into the scene, love?”
Geralt nodded, giving Eskel’s hand one last squeeze before slipping it away. “Yeah, that’d be nice. Might need a minute, though.”
Eskel smoothed his hand on his jeans and set his fork down on his barren plate. He dropped his voice back down into the just barely growly register that he knew set Geralt’s blood alight. “What do you need from me?”
Geralt’s fingers flinched and he dropped the bread onto the plate, spattering the sauce just a bit. “Shit, just that. J-just talk to me for a second.”
Eskel cocked his head and leaned back in his seat, letting that bold streak that rested low in his stomach crawl up into his chest and down the line of his shoulders. “Want me to tell you how good you’ve been all evening? How I’ve been sittin’ here, watchin’ you give yourself over to me like it’s still that very first time, or maybe how nicely you fit in the palm of my hand?”
Geralt’s eyes, already hazy and soft, followed Eskel’s hand as he reached over to his neglected phone. He felt himself clench around the toy in anticipation, but Eskel only slipped the phone into his pocket and bored his intensely golden eyes back into him, so deep that Geralt felt his very being warm with the twin suns of Eskel’s eyes.
“You alright, Geralt? Feelin’ good, drifty?”
Geralt hummed and nodded his head, resting his hand in his lap, letting just the tip of his fingers brush over his comfortably interested cock. His breath pushed out of his lungs in a soft keen, briefly closing his eyes in an effort to keep himself together under Eskel’s scrutinizing gaze.
“Geralt, I need words. Feelin’ good?”
Geralt cleared his throat and reopened his eyes, patting his own thigh a few times to wrangle what little bit of control that he still felt behind his eyes. “Y-yeah, Esk. ‘M floaty. But not too floaty…”
“Good,” Eskel rumbled, and Geralt felt the soft vibrations up his spine even without the toy inside of him even being turned on. “Will you be alright for me to run to the restroom for a moment?”
Geralt clenched his jaw with a light chuckle. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ll try not to get into too much trouble without you here.”
Eskel smirked. “Geralt, that’s the only time you ever do get into trouble. Ah, hang on. Lou’s coming back, but I’ll take care of her. Just be good for me, yeah?”
Geralt hummed a quiet, “Yeah, Esk,” just as Lou rounded the corner of their table. “Everything good here? I’m guessing you won’t need any boxes,” she smiled, lifting their empty plates away from the table and balancing them on her arm.
Eskel smiled back, crossing his legs beneath the table and brushing against Geralt’s shin. “It was delicious. Now, I think we’re actually going to skip dessert tonight, but is there any way that we can just sit here for a bit longer? We don’t get to go out terribly often, an-”
Lou held up her free hand and shook her head with a grin. “Not a worry, gentlemen. You can have this spot for as long as you’d like, and I’ll leave you be. Just poke your head around if you need anything, and I’ll leave the check up at the host stand.”
Eskel nodded and he shifted in his seat, the weight of his phone burning a hole into his patience. “That’s perfect, Lou. Thank you so much, we’ll be sure to give you a shout if we need anything, but I think we’re good for the time being.”
“Wonderful,” she smiled and turned away, leaving Eskel to quirk his brow at Geralt.
“Sure you’ll be alright?”
“Mhm. I’m good. Gonna miss hearing you talk. But ‘s okay. You’ll be right back.”
Eskel smiled and nodded. “I sure will. Won’t be but a moment. Promise.”
Geralt watched through hooded eyes as Eskel sauntered off towards the restrooms, his shoulders broad and imposing even through the low, dim lights of the dining area. Geralt’s mind felt warm and while he immediately felt the loss of Eskel being within his reach, he knew that rationally, Eskel would never actually leave him for long, especially not during a scene. Over the years, they’ve figured out a balance, a dance back and forth of where their hard boundaries lie, and what could give with the well of their trust. Geralt allowed himself to relax back into his seat and his mind began to wander, floating out into the hazy edges of his awareness while waiting for Eskel’s return.
In the meantime, Eskel pushed open the swinging door to the restroom and let it fall shut behind him. He took a deep, calming breath in through his nose and held it, clenching his jaw as he counted back from ten. Watching Geralt, so willing, so relaxed, so eager, fuck it was doing things to his head. Well, and to his cock.
Eskel stepped up to one of the urinals and undid his belt and opened the fly of his jeans, letting his half-hard cock bounce into the open air. He was tempted, just for a moment, to take himself well and truly in hand and finally grant himself that sweet relief that had been hovering on the horizon for the better part of the evening. But no, no he couldn’t do that. It would be wrong, a cheat in their game. They were both clearly aware of the expectations, and Geralt had handed himself over to Eskel with the explicit trust that Eskel would be in complete control. And Eskel choosing to get up and leave Geralt alone in the tender embrace of his light subspace while he jerked off in the bathroom felt... wrong. Like he distorted and tainted the trust that was so delicately gifted to him and had lost control.
They both knew that nights like this, placing their very beings into the hands of one another in pursuit of comfort and indulgence, were for each other. They focused in on what the other needed, what they wanted. Geralt trusted Eskel to handle him with hands honed from years of practice with each other, and Eskel trusted Geralt to do the same.
Eskel sighed and hung his head, closing his eyes and focusing on anything other than the hot thrum of his blood calling him to seek out his climax. He relieved himself quickly, tucking himself back into his jeans and washing his hands. The hum of the hand-dryer was still resounding off the walls as Eskel glanced around the empty bathroom. He smirked to himself as he slipped his phone out of his pocket. Just a tease…
Geralt’s mind had just started to feel thorny around the edges, turning in on itself with harsh spikes when he felt that same soft rumble start up at the base of his spine. Ah, he thought to himself as his lips turned up in a soft grin, just as I was starting to miss him.
His arousal swelled between his thighs as the vibrations intensified, growing higher and dipping back down to a gentle hum in slow waves. Geralt’s mind wandered to Eskel, his beautiful, glorious Eskel, hidden away and still thinking of him. He arched his back and tried to sink his hips into the comforting pulsations inside of him, so achingly close to the sensitive bundle of nerves that had been relaxed away. His body yearned for more, everything tensing and relaxing and seeking out that which had not yet been awarded.
Three long, hard bursts shot up his spine and Geralt gasped, his eyes flicking over to where Eskel was exiting through the restroom door. His eyes were on Geralt the entire way back to the table, but Geralt’s eyes were on Eskel’s thumb, still pressing up and down on the screen of his phone. Feeling the patterns as he watched the separate movements that caused them in real time made his cock flex hard in his jeans, his hips stuttering as he felt the beginnings of climax overtake him.
“Not yet,” Eskel growled as he slid back into his seat, lifting his thumb completely from the phone screen. The toy came to a halt, dragging the explosive release of Geralt’s climax back down into the small of his belly as his lungs heaved in desperate breaths.
The phone clattered onto the table just as Geralt felt the tinglings of feeling return back to his fingers where they had been gripping onto the edge of the table. Geralt clenched and unclenched his jaw, seeking Eskel’s eyes in his own.
“Got pretty close there, huh?” Eskel drawled, thick and husky with just the hint of a tease seeping from behind his teeth.
Geralt swallowed thickly and nodded, screwing his eyes shut, still achingly within reach of his climax, even without the constant hum of the toy inside of him.
“Do you wanna cum, Geralt?”
His eyes shot back open and found Eskel’s finger hovering over the phone’s screen. He felt every thing all around them: the cool air coming from the vents above them, the well worn cushions beneath them, the lacquered wood beneath his fingers, the rough denim over his thighs. The soft cotton of his briefs sliding and pressing into his cock, slick and catching with the amount of precome that had been leaking from his neglected tip.
“Tell me,” Eskel whispered, coaxing Geralt along, putting the words right at the tip of his tongue, leaving Geralt with only the need to push them from his lungs. “Tell me, and you’ll have it.”
The air felt suspended around them for what could have been the beginnings of a lifetime. Neither of them could look away, their golden eyes melting into ore between their prone forms. Geralt was ready, so fucking ready, and Eskel was ready to give it to him. It wasn’t exactly the most difficult choice that Geralt had ever had to make.
“Yes,” Geralt breathed, tasting his desperation claw its way up from his chest. “P-please, Esk. M... make me cum.”
Eskel smiled, his teeth bared and almost wild as he pressed his finger firmy down to the screen, causing the toy to vibrate strong and fast and hard, pulsing against Geralt’s prostate and fucking holding there. They both knew how close Geralt was. His cheeks were flushed high and pink, trailing in soft brushstrokes down his neck and below the collar of his shirt. Eskel reached out with his free hand and grasped onto Geralt’s once more, watching Geralt’s hips reach a breaking point in their rhythm before suddenly stilling.
Geralt came with only the slightest noise, just little stunted, guttural grunts escaping up out of his chest, his eyes screwed shut as his climax overtook him. Geralt’s hips twitched and stuttered in aborted thrusts, completely unconsciously. His conscious mind was nowhere to be found, floating through time and space with the comfort of being cared for and grasped onto whiting out his vision. His mouth hung agape and he threw his head back against the high back of the chair, his chest heaving, racing, trying to bring him back into his own mind and into Eskel’s waiting hands.
Their surroundings started to push at the fuzzy edges of Geralt’s mind, the muted sounds of a still busy restaurant, Eskel’s finger slowing the toy down to a low rumble, the cooling wetness pooled in his briefs. Eskel’s voice, fading into the soft mush of his mind, “-so fucking good, Geralt. So beautiful, you’re killin’ me. You’ve gotta know how much I need you, need you more than air, love.”
Geralt blinked his eyes back open, finding Eskel in a... precarious position. His own chest dark and ruddy, little pearls of sweat beading in the hollows of his exposed collarbones. Sitting across from Geralt with his broad shoulders, hips slightly slumped to accommodate the now far-too-tight crotch of his trousers, eyes dark, mouth open slightly with his free hand beneath the edge of the table. Gerat could see from the way that he was moving that he was just barely palming himself through his pants, not seeking his own climax yet, but so starvingly desperate that he truly could not help himself.
Eskel’s thumb rubbed slow, soothing circles over the back of Geralt’s knuckles, escorting his mind with an anchor to tether his focus. “M-may I come sit next to you?”
Geralt smiled dopily and nodded, chuckling a bit as Eskel clambered out of his seat and into the spot at his side with all of the grace of an over-excited newborn horse that hadn’t quite found its legs yet. Eskel set his hand at the nape of Geralt’s neck and pulled him close, slotting their lips together with a fervor that only barely made its way to the light of day. Eskel rumbled soft whispers into Geralt’s mouth as they kissed, praises and words of wonderment, somehow sounding half-drunk and stone-cold sober in the same breath.
Eskel pulled back only enough to allow words to drift over the air between their lips, resting their foreheads together and rubbing his thumbs back and forth through the soft hairs at the base of Geralt’s skull. “How’re you feeling, love? Comin’ back?”
Geralt smiled, blinking slowly at Eskel and glancing around. He was no longer exactly blindingly comfortable, especially with the feeling of his own spend cooling in the tight embrace of his briefs, though he still felt safe and content and sated, wrapped in Eskel’s arms. “Yeah, Esk. ‘M good. That was... fuck, that was nice.���
The smile that Eskel shot Geralt was one that would saunter unbidden through Geralt’s mind until the day he ceased breathing on this earth. It was light and soft, lilies preening in the moonlight under which they bloomed. “Yeah? Here, hang on. You sh-”
“Yeah yeah, drink some water. I know,” Geralt grinned, pecking his husband on the lips once more before pulling away, though Eskel still kept him comfortably within his embrace. The glass of water, sweaty with condensation, was cool as Geralt lifted it to his mouth, letting it calm his humming muscles as the water spilled out and down into his throat. “You always break out of the scene so soon, ‘s always when I cum-”
“You’re just so damn sweet when you finish, Ger…” Eskel nuzzled his nose into the crook of Geralt’s neck, his brown curls tickling the tender skin and bringing goosebumps in their wake.
The weight of the toy still sat warm inside of Geralt, and though he flexed around just the smallest tinge of oversensitivity, it was... well. It was another thing for his mind to focus in on and cling to. “So, handsome,” Geralt set the empty glass down onto the table and ran his finger down Eskel’s neck, trailing through the dark thatch of chest hair that peeked out and hooked into the V of his open shirt. “Wanna let me take you home?”
They wasted no time in making themselves scarce, Eskel nearly ripping his jeans in his haste to remove his wallet from his pocket. He left a (thankfully, already prepared) wad of cash on the table as a tip for Lou and tucked his far too obvious for polite company erection into the waist of his pants. Eskel scooted out of the booth first, holding out a hand for Geralt to take as he followed suit.
They hurried to the host stand, settling their bill before leaving, tearing through the front doors as if their very lives depended on them getting back to their home right the fuck now. Eskel reached over the center console once they got into the car and kissed Geralt with enough heat to make a damn volcano jealous, nipping his lip and breathing his name into his mouth before pulling away like he had been struck by lightning.
“Gotta-” Eskel swallowed thickly and put on his seatbelt with a look on his face like it was physically paining him to part from the soft warmth of Geralt’s lips. “Gotta get home, or else I’m just gonna fuck you in the car.”
Geralt hummed and did up his own seatbelt, letting Eskel shift the car into drive and pull away from the restaurant and onto the highway. “A tempting offer. But both of our backs would be fucking shot in the morning. Gettin’ too old for that.”
Eskel chuckled, crooking his eyebrow. “You’re tellin’ me. Maybe we should take up yoga-”
“Don’t you even start. Unless I get to watch you do nude yoga on a mountaintop while the sun is rising, I don’t wanna hear it.”
“Maybe we’ll head up the mountains for our next vacation, see the leaves change colors?”
Geralt sighed with a lazy smile playing at his lips. “T-that’d be nice.”
Eskel hummed, and they sat in comfortable silence for a while. That is, until they got about halfway home and Geralt started to get bored. He looked over into Eskel’s lap, finding him still hard and tenting his jeans, his hands twitching restlessly on the steering wheel.
“You know,” Geralt hummed, reaching over and placing his hand high up on Eskel’s thigh, firm and holding fast just shy of where he knew Eskel was aching for his touch. “I have some ideas for just what I’d like for us to do when we get home.”
Eskel quirked his brow and kept his eyes stubbornly on the road, though his knuckles grew white with how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. “Y-yeah?”
Geralt then started whispering, honey-laced sweetness tinging the fucking list that he rattled off into Eskel’s ear. Everything from how he wanted to draw out Eskel’s pleasure for as long as he could last, down to licking the salt of his spend off of every inch of where he marked Eskel’s body as his own. Eskel groaned and his breath hitched every now and then, his knee bouncing with anticipation and just the briefest tinge of impatience.
Eskel threw the car into park once they pulled far enough into their driveway to not get clipped by cars passing on the road, his parking job about as straight as he was. He jumped out of the car and didn’t even make it to the damned door before he started stripping out of his clothes, popping open the buttons of his green button down and tugging it free from where it had been tucked into his jeans. Geralt followed behind him with a smirk, stepping across the threshold of the house and over Eskel’s haphazardly abandoned shoes.
Geralt pulled the front door shut and locked it just as Eskel crowded up behind him, spinning him ‘round and cupping the nape of his neck with his hand.
Eskel kissed him deeply, licking into his mouth and moaning, trying to undo the dainty, pearly buttons of Geralt’s shirt that he had so delicately done up only a few hours prior.
“Geralt,” he could taste Eskel’s moan on the tip of his tongue, calling out to him and begging for everything that he had.
“Yes, love?”
“Take me to bed.” Eskel’s eyes were wide and dark with lust as he finally yanked the sleeves down Geralt’s arms and let it fall to the floor.
Geralt led him towards the stairs, both of them frantically stripping their clothes away, leaving Eskel completely bare and Geralt still in his briefs when they got to the foot of their bed. Eskel dropped to his knees and mouthed at the soft cotton of Geralt’s briefs, nosing along the mostly-soft cock that was still damp with his spend.
Eskel’s eys swam with the vision of Geralt, his hands spread out on their table as his climax washed over him, his eyes hazed and his jaw slack with all-encompassing pleasure. Eskel shifted his knees forward and dragged his hard cock along Geralt’s shin as he teased his cock with his lips, suckling and groaning into his hip.
“E-Esk,” Geralt breathed, sinking his fingers into mahogany brown hair that had no business being as soft as it was. “Fuckkk, you’re too good to me.”
Eskel shook his head and rutted his hips against Geralt’s leg, dripping precome into the coarse hairs that trailed down towards his feet. “N-no. Not good enough. Never good enough for you. But you make… you make me better. Better than I ever thought I could be.”
Geralt knew that feeling. Hells, he felt it every damn day. But they both knew, logically, that they were everything that the other needed, everything they wanted. Eskel would say it though, whenever it popped into his mind, he would question why Geralt chose him. After all these years, everything that they went through together, he still couldn’t let himself believe that he could be enough for Geralt.
Geralt gently tugged Eskel’s hair, tilting his head back to look him in the eyes. Those beautiful golden eyes, brimming suns nestled in the warmest face one could ever hope to find.
“Doesn’t matter if you think you’re good enough,” Geralt murmured, tracing the line of Eskel’s brow and down his jaw, “but that I choose you. Everyday, I choose you. I love you more than every moon, every planet, every star in the sky. And I love you more every day.”
Eskel groaned and leaned forward, licking the line of Geralt’s growing arousal through his briefs. He could taste Geralt’s spend through his briefs as he licked and sucked at the dark fabric, coaxing his husband back to full hardness while Geralt’s fingers combed his hair back from his face, his spine shuddering.
“F-fuck,” Eskel gasped, resting his forehead into the crook of Geralt’s hip, still licking softly at the base of his cock through his briefs. “Ger, I-I need to be inside of you, please”
Well, and who was Geralt to deny a request like that?
"Hmmm, best quit dawdling with my briefs, then. Get in me," Geralt rumbled with his fingers still snugly nestled in Eskel's hair.
"Is this proactive enough for you, then?" Eskel smirked up at Geralt as he yanked his briefs down his legs. Geralt chuckled as he stepped out of them and Eskel shouldered his way between his thighs. He was gentle as he reached back behind Geralt’s balls, wrapping his fingers around the base of the toy and wiggling it free, soothing his fingers around the now empty, pliant hole. “Fuck, you’re still so fucking wet. All this lube and cum here, bet I could just slip right into this loose little hole, couldn’t I?”
And then Geralt felt his feet leave the ground as Eskel gripped hard onto his hips and shoved him backwards, sending him flying through the air to bounce onto the bed. Now, Geralt would deny it till the day he died, but he let out a short, barking, high pitched squeal of delight in the brief moment of being sent airborne by his husband’s hands.
Eskel crawled onto the bed and hovered over him, growling as Geralt planted his feet and twisted the two of them, pushing and yanking and wrestling atop the covers until Geralt was firmly settled atop Eskel, straddling his tree-trunk thighs.
Geralt settled his bum on Eskel’s hips, slotting their cocks together and thrusting lightly, sending sparks up both of their spines at the sudden rush of pleasure that shot through their bones. Eskel keened from the backs of his teeth and his grip tightened on Geralt’s hips. “D-don’t tease, please-“
Geralt grinned wolfishly. “You’ve been teasing me all night, love. You can’t take even a little?”
Eskel growled and his hips thrust harder, faster, bouncing Geralt in his lap. “You already came, I’ve been half-hard since I got you dressed.”
Geralt ground his hips down and cut Eskel off with a groan, still the great heft of muscle and softness under his hands. “I want to ruin you, love.”
Eskel moaned and threw his head back. “Do it, please Geralt. I’m yours. Fuckin’ wreck me.”
Geralt shifted his hips and lifted up on his knees, taking Eskel’s cock in his hand. He watched the shiver ripple through the small of Eskel’s stomach before he scooted himself forward and lined him up at his comfortably stretched entrance and started to sink down oh so slowly.
“F-f... fucking shit, Esk-” Geralt could barely connect strings between words as he was filled so completely, so perfectly.
Eskel moaned loud and unabashedly, his voice cracking as Geralt’s hips met flush with his own. “I-I was right. Sti-mmm. Still so fuckin’ loose, took me like nothing.”
“Now,” Geralt leaned down and brushed his thumbs over Eskel’s nipples, relishing the shockwave that it sent through the surface of his skin. “I’m going to ride you, and I want to make you cum so hard that you won’t be able to walk until tomorrow. Deal?”
Eskels eyes rolled back in his head as Geralt clenched his muscles around his cock, groaning into the space that kept Geralt’s lips just out of reach of his own. “Hu-h... yes, fuck. Deal, p-please…”
Geralt circled his hips and rolled back and forth, not driving Eskel in and out, just coaxing him into every nook and cranny nestled away inside of him. He sat up, bracing his hands on Eskel’s chest, his fingers dimpling into the soft muscle that tensed under his touch. “Mmm, feel so good, love. I wanna watch you shatter for me-”
Eskel’s breath hitched as Geralt shifted up and rocked back down, the slick slide of his hole gripping his cock like the last tether to the map of euphoria he was so desperately following. “I-shit, not... not gonna last long, not like this--”
Geralt leaned back down, the angle pushing Eskel deeper inside of him with each soft, devastatingly slow roll of his hips. “Then don't.”
Eskel felt every inch of his cock dragging along Geralt’s walls, impossibly warm and slick and tight, overwhelming him as he finally found the path to his release. But Geralt was trying him, forcing his hand at patience and restraint. Long, slow thrusts down, driving them further into truly becoming one. His mind frayed at the edges, electric tendrils sparking alight as Geralt’s pace just barely, minutely started to falter, both of them finding themselves at the edge of their patience.
And as Geralt was ruining Eskel, Eskel blabbered endlessly about how good Geralt was. How he loved seeing that floaty look in Geralt's eyes at dinner, knowing Geralt was trusting him entirely. Fuck, how good he looked when he came, and how Eskel could hardly control himself.
Eskel knew how to make it go a little faster. Geralt admired Eskel’s patience, it was something that had cradled him during the hardest days and the warmest times. Especially since Geralt had the patience of a hamster. All it took was a little... tactile persuasion.
Eskel’s hands found those same marks on Geralt’s hips that he had left behind earlier in the evening and fucking lifted him, dropping him back down as Eskel’s cock drove into him at the pace he’d been chasing so desperately.
Geralt slid his hips up and down, taking off at a breakneck pace that Eskel encouraged with wordless gasps and huffs from the depths of his lungs. Their skin slapped hard, Eskel’s shouts of pleasure tearing from his throat nearly drowning out Geralt’s sighs and quiet groans in response.
Geralt tried to keep control, to keep Eskel worn thin and ragged. But Eskel had at least 50 pounds of muscle on him, and besides, Geralt was fucking weak for being a little manhandled like he was nothing. He could feel every shudder that worked its way beneath Eskel’s skin, calling out to him and enticing him closer and closer to his own release.
“E-Esk-” Geralt breathed, his thighs quaking and his stomach clenching with anticipation of what was about to spill from his lips. “Ta...take what you need. F-fuck me, go on-”
Eskel ground his hips up, shoving his cock deep within Geralt with a dull roar that clawed its way from his throat and into the static air that dripped with their arousals. Eskel sat up and wrapped his arms around Geralt’s waist, his fingers digging into the hollows at his shoulder blades before twisting them around, practically throwing Geralt down onto the bed and hovering over him.
His hair, soft and curled at the ends, dripping beads of sweat onto Geralt’s cheeks, hung down in curtains that bounced and flailed as Eskel ploughed into Geralt. He was mindless, everything he ever wanted to know was hurtling towards him relentlessly from where it was tucked away inside of Geralt. Eskel would follow Geralt to the very ends of the Earth, and Melitele’s tits, it fucking felt like he was about to find that threshold.
Their arousal kept building, bouncing and amplifying off of each other, neither of them able to so much as think further than the immediate moment. Completely lost, with only each other to guide them. It was an overwhelming, all encompassing euphoria that just refused to reach a peak. They sprinted together, needing just that one last little push to finally plummet into blissful oblivion.
It was Geralt who finally spoke, husky whispers as his nails scratched along Eskel’s scalp, clawing at his hair in an effort to find something to hang on to. His bottom lip was swollen from where he’d been biting it, and the words tumbled off of his tongue unbidden. “Esk-love, p…please-“
Geralt didn’t often beg. But when he did? It was almost exclusively when Eskel was balls deep inside of him. And Eskel was weak for it.
The fucking sound that Eskel made when he climaxed was world-shattering, to say the least. A growl torn up from his chest that bursted into a shout, followed by high, breathy gasps into Geralt’s mouth. Eskel’s eyes screwed shut as he ground deep, his hips stuttering and his jaw flexing and shaking as his climax overtook him. Geralt felt the vibrations of Eskel’s chest where it pressed into his own, and when Eskel finally leaned down and mashed his lips to Geralt’s:that’s what finally set him off.
Geralt’s cock flexed and his legs shook where they were wrapped around Eskel’s waist, hot white spurts of spend shooting out of him. Nothing outside of that moment mattered, there was nothing that existed other than the heavy weight of Eskel resting atop him and grinding as he spilled into Geralt. Geralt’s body shook with waves of pleasure that threatened to send him into an impossible spiral into endless euphoria.
Eskel dragged his hands along Geralt’s sides, pressing his lips to any and every inch of skin that he could reach as their orgasms faded, leaving them dripping sweat and breathlessly gasping into each other.
“Damn,” Eskel panted, his voice hoarse and lined with velvet. “Geralt, you came on the sheets again.”
“Fuck,” Geralt twisted his head around, finding the small pools of his spend seeping into the dark maroon of their sheets. He grinned and stuck his tongue out, lapping up a few drops of spend from where it had spattered onto Eskel’s chin. “You love it. I’ll throw the laundry in before I go to work tomorrow.”
“We gotta get better about puttin’ the towel down,” Eskel sighed, resting his forehead down onto Geralt’s. He felt the occasional stunted flutter of Geralt’s ass around his softening cock and fuck he was so warm and good and everything Eskel could ever dream to want.
“Sheet’s are already fucked, go ahead and pull out,” Geralt murmured, trailing his fingers through Eskel’s hair and twisting around the ends.
“What if I wanna keep it in? Just for a bit,” Eskel rumbled, brushing their noses together and blinking his bright golden eyes with just enough softness to melt Geralt’s heart.
Geralt hummed and ran his hands down Eskel’s flanks. “I like when you keep me full. I could take a little nap like this.”
“Go ahead,” Eskel whispered, watching Geralt’s eyelids flutter diligently. “Rest, love. You know I’ll still be here come morning.”
Geralt shook his head and huffed from his nose. “Nuh-uh. W-wanna just hold you. Like this.”
They lay together like that for a long while, Eskel wrapped up in a tight warmth and feeling Geralt’s hands slowly track up and down and across the planes of his back. Everything was so soft, so warm, and watching Geralt’s eyes slowly drift shut, stubbornly blinking back open before falling closed, was lulling him into that liminal space that drifted just before sleep.
“L-“ Geralt cleared his throat and pressed his lips to the corner of Eskel’s mouth, right in the crook of his scar. “Love you, Esk.”
Eskel rolled them to the side and tucked Geralt into his chest, shifting their legs so that Eskel’s soft cock could still rest nestled inside of Geralt. “Love you too, Geralt. Endlessly.”
39 notes · View notes
suituuup · 4 years
Beca and Chloe meet during Pride
Word count: 2,7k
Rating: T
ao3 link
inbox open to prompts!
It was Stacie’s idea. 
 Of course it was. Everything that leads to Beca asking herself what the fuck she’s doing here can often be linked back to Stacie fucking Conrad. 
 Beca’s got a few examples to argue her case. That time she ended up in the ER on New Year’s Eve because Stacie thought riding a Segway while being drunk would be super fun, or when they got stuck in a snowstorm while driving up to Vermont that one year and nearly froze to death. 
 So when Stacie suggested a few days back that they go to the Pride parade, Beca initially said no. Don’t get her wrong; she’s all for the event, she just doesn’t do well with crowds. That Friday before the parade happens to be one of Beca’s worst days at work probably since the start of her career though, so when Stacie insisted she should tag along with her and Amy, Beca rolled her eyes, huffed, and eventually agreed, because  what the hell. 
 She doesn’t know it yet, as she stands in packed 7th avenue that hot and humid Saturday afternoon, but she’ll be  so glad she decided to go to Pride.
Right now though, she’s struggling for breath as panic slowly creeps into her body, tangling around her limbs and making her legs feel as heavy as lead. There are people  everywhere, the music is pounding against her skull and it’s just too fucking  hot. 
 “I’ll be right back,” she tells Stacie, curling a hand around her wrist to get her attention. “Check your phone if I lose you guys?” 
 “Yeah, you got it.” 
 Beca uncomfortably weaves through the crowd, muttering various apologies to the few people she bumps into as she keeps her eyes fastened on the sidewalk. The knots in her chest tighten when she reaches an adjacent street, leaning against the wall and tilting her head back. She’s focused on her chopped breathing and willing her heart to slow the fuck down when a voice cuts through the fog clouding her brain. 
 “Hey, you okay?” 
 Her eyes snap open to find twin twinkles of bright blue staring at her in concern, standing out despite the colorful rainbows painted on the woman’s cheeks that should steal Beca’s attention.
 “I’m uh,” Beca winces, bracing a hand on her chest when her breathing derails even more. “Not really. I’m having a sort of panic attack.” 
 “Oh shit, okay, um--” The redhead glances around them, then focuses back on Beca. “Anything I can do?”
 Beca shakes her head, her eyes screwing shut as she goes through the 5-5-5 breathing technique a few times, until her lungs don’t feel as deprived of oxygen as before. 
 The redhead is still standing there when she opens her eyes. She fishes into her tote bag, pulling out a bottle of water and extending it to Beca. “Here. It’s still capped.” 
 “Thanks,” Beca mutters, taking the cool bottle from her and drinking a few sips. She takes a few beats to observe the other woman as she hands the bottle back. She’s wearing a white shirt with a cute dinosaur waving a pride flag, faded denim shorts and sneakers, and has got a camera slung across her chest. “You’re a photographer?” 
 “Yeah. Well, not professionally, but hoping to become one someday.” She extends her hand, that genuine smile still in place. “I’m Chloe.” 
 Beca flushes, knowing her hand is probably clammy and disgusting compared to how soft Chloe’s feels. “Beca.” 
 “First Pride?” 
 Beca nods. “Yeah, and kinda regretting it.” She scrunches up her nose when she realizes how that might come across. “Not because of-- I think it’s great that it exists, I mean, I’m not straight so of course  I don’t have anything against Pride itself.” God, just  shut up.  “I just don’t like crowds. Or the heat.” 
 Chloe hums, seemingly barely able to keep her amusement at bay. “I kinda need a break, too. Wanna come check out the Stonewall exhibit at the public library with me?” She raises an eyebrow, then adds, “Less people and AC…” 
 Any other day, Beca would have probably said no. But the journey back to Brooklyn if she goes home now will most likely be slow and painful, and she kinda wants to hang out with Chloe, for reasons she can’t explain as they’ve only ‘known’ each other less than five minutes and Beca is usually wary about strangers. 
 “Sure, why not. Let me just shoot a text to my friends.” 
 Once she tells Stacie not to worry about her, Beca follows Chloe through the crowd, Chloe’s hand finding hers before they get in the thick of the crowd. 
 “So we don’t lose each other,” Chloe says over her shoulder, winking softly. She doesn’t let go even when they reach quieter streets, but weirdly Beca doesn’t mind.
 She chuckles at herself, shaking her head softly because this is so unlike her. 
 “What?” Chloe asks, a mixture of curiosity and confusion swirling in her eyes. 
 “Nothing, I just…” Beca shrugs. “This is not how I expected today to go, at all.” 
 Chloe’s head tilts to the side as she stares at Beca’s profile. “In a good way?” 
 “Yeah, I really think so.” 
 Chloe smiles in response, then emits a soft gasp, letting go of Beca’s hand. “Hold on, one sec.” She crosses the street before Beca can say anything, stepping up to this drag couple and asking them if she can do a mini photoshoot. 
 Beca watches on in amusement, grinning when Chloe walks back to her after thanking the pair. They fall back into step, and Beca resists the urge to slide her hand into Chloe’s once more. 
 She lets out a sigh of relief as soon as they step inside the cool building.
 “Better?” Chloe asks. 
 “Yeah,” Beca breathes, nodding. 
 They hike up the staircase, Chloe coming to a stop to snap a picture of the  Love & Resistance  neon sign above the door leading to the exhibit. As they stroll about from one picture to another, Beca finds herself glancing at Chloe often, finding Chloe’s clear love for photography endearing. 
 “That was really cool,” Chloe says when they step back under the scorching sun after spending about an hour inside. They stopped at the gift shop, where Chloe purchased a few prints of the photographs exhibited. “Did you like it?” 
 “I did, yeah,” Beca nods, smiling softly. “Those people were really fucking brave. It’s inspiring.” 
 “I think so, too.” She licks her lips, glancing at Beca. “What are you doing now?” 
 “Not sure yet,” Beca says; one thing she’s sure of is that she doesn’t want to part ways with Chloe just yet. “Why? Wanna whisk me away again?” 
 Chloe’s soft laughter sends Beca’s heart for a spin. “Maybe.” A soft hand emcompasses hers once more. “Do you trust me?” 
 Beca cocks an eyebrow, a smirk ticking the corners of her lips. “Kind of a bold question seeing as we’ve known each other for an hour. You could be a serial killer for all I know.” 
 A giggle flits past Chloe’s lips, and she tugs on Beca’s hand. “Come on.” 
 “I’m low key concerned you didn’t try and correct me on the whole serial killer thing,” Beca teases, catching up so she falls into step with Chloe. “Or maybe you’re just a stalker? Would explain the fancy camera.” 
 “Stop,” Chloe requests with a chuckle, shoving Beca with her shoulder. 
 “I’m kidding,” Beca assures her, lacing their fingers before she can think twice about it. “So where are you taking me?” 
 “There’s a street fair a couple blocks away with crafts, food and drinks. Should be less crowded but still festive.” 
 “Sounds cool.” 
 They get there about twenty minutes later, Chloe stopping a few times along the way to snap a few street shots. The fair has a family-friendly block-party kind of vibe, with various vendors displaying their arts and crafts. Live music is drifting through the street, and Beca instantly feels more comfortable than she did during the parade.
 Her heart swells at the sight of a family just ahead of them; two women and their two young kids with rainbows painted on their cheeks. Beca is filled with hope that someday she’ll get to have that, too, that being gay won’t prevent her from building a family and finding happiness, like her dad said it would when she came out to him a couple years ago. 
 “Where’d you go?” Chloe’s soft voice once again cuts through Beca’s thoughts. 
 “Nowhere,” she murmurs, glancing towards her new friend. “I just really like it here.” 
 After strolling about the different booths, they grab a bite to eat and settle down at a picnic table near the makeshift stage where the live band is playing. 
 “Do you know if there’s a face painting booth somewhere?” Beca finds herself asking once she’s finished her fries. “I wanna get flags on my cheeks, too.” 
 Stacie offered before they left the apartment, but Beca turned her down, preferring to keep it low-key. Chloe’s rocking it though, and Beca is definitely more ready to embrace her identity than she was a few hours ago. 
 “Oh, I can do it!” Chloe reaches inside her bag, producing a small paint palette and a brush. 
 Beca chuckles, shaking her head in amazement. “Of course you’d carry that around.” 
 As Chloe settles down next to her, straddling the bench, Beca mirrors her position and gathers her hair up and out of the way, piling it up on her head in a messy bun. She inhales sharply as Chloe takes her chin gently and leans closer to apply the first stroke. 
The cool brush sliding over her heated skin makes her shiver, and the sudden proximity has her heart thud harder, and she feels a bit overwhelmed by the sudden urge to tilt her head up and forward just slightly to brush a kiss across Chloe’s mouth. 
 She doesn’t though, because she’s never kissed a girl before and that urge is soon suffocated by the nerves that sprout in the pit of her belly, shackling those butterflies back towards the ground. 
 “There,” Chloe murmurs, backing away to check her work. Beca realizes she hasn’t been breathing properly and sucks some air into her lungs, blinking. “Cute.” 
 “Thanks,” Beca croaks out, clearing her throat. She takes her phone to see it for herself in the reflection of the screen, and a bright smile spreads across her features. 
 “You’re rocking it.” 
 Soft blush coats Beca’s cheeks as she meets Chloe’s gaze, quickly averting her eyes because those striking blues are really messing with her ability to function properly. 
 “So I’m supposed to meet a couple friends of mine at this cool bar in an hour or so, I was thinking maybe you and your friends could tag along? No pressure, though.” 
 “Yeah, um, I’d like that. I’ll text my friends to see if they’re down.” 
 Cue to Beca being a bit more drunk than she initially planned in a gay bar in Soho a few hours later. The scorching heat probably (definitely) got to her head over the afternoon, so the two cocktails she had really feel like four. 
 She doesn’t mind, though. That pleasant buzzing thanks to the alcohol loosens her up a little and makes her second guess a lot less. 
 “So what’s up with you and Red?” Stacie asks over the music as they stand by their table. Chloe’s friends Jessica and Ashely are currently dancing, and Chloe’s gone up to the counter to get water. 
 Beca wonders if her attraction to Chloe is that see-through, or if it’s just Stacie being Stacie, and poking Beca has always been one of her favorite things. “What?” 
 The tall brunette rolls her eyes. “Come on, you guys have the hots for each other.” 
 Beca is thankful for the dim lighting as her face flushes hard. “You-- you think she’s into me?” 
 “Duh,” Amy confirms with a twin eyeroll. 
 Stacie slaps Amy’s arm. “Oh, here she comes. Let’s go dance, Ames.” 
 Beca’s eyes widen and her jaw drops when she realizes her friends are abandoning ship. “Guys!  Seriously?? ” 
 The confirmation that Chloe’s attracted to her only makes Beca all nervous again, and she jumps slightly when Chloe shows up beside her. 
 “You alright?” Chloe asks, gently cupping Beca’s elbow. 
 “Yeah, yes. I’m grand.” Grand?  Grand??  God, it’s like she can hear Stacie cackling in her head. Beca slams her eyes shut and wrinkles her nose as Chloe giggles. “Ugh. I mean good. I’m good.” 
 “Good,” Chloe echoes, her smile teasing. “So why are Stacie and Amy staring at us?” 
 Mortified, Beca glances in the direction of Chloe’s head tilt to find Stacie and Amy both innocently looking away as they stand across the room. She groans in annoyance. “I’m gonna kill them.” 
 Chloe laughs again, and Beca realizes her hand is still on her arm, her thumb stroking Beca’s skin back and forth. “It’s okay. I’m glad they’re looking out for you.” 
 “They’re not looking out for me,” Beca grumbles. “They’re just having the time of their lives because they know I’m a terrible flirt and I don’t know how to act around a beautiful woman.” She chuckles, her blush flaring up once more. “Oh wow, I can’t believe I just said that out loud.” 
 “Which part?” Chloe asks. “You being a terrible flirt or calling me beautiful?” 
 Beca wets her suddenly dry lips. “Me being bad at this,” she replies, sucking in a sharp breath. “I definitely meant the second part.” 
 Chloe licking her lips like she does in the next beat makes Beca’s knees wobble. “You wanna dance?” 
 Beca’s phone lights up with a text from Stacie before she can respond.  We’re heading somewhere else. Coming or staying? ;)
 She throws Chloe an apologetic smile as she grasps her phone. “Sorry, let me just reply.” 
I’m gonna stay. 
 Stacie’s reply is instant.  Happy scissoring. 
 She makes the mistake to glance towards the pair, catching Amy doing a V with her fingers by her mouth and flicking her tongue between them. 
 “Oh my god,” Beca mutters, setting her forehead on the table. “Any chance you didn’t catch that? My friends are an embarrassment.” She eventually straightens, shaking it off. “And yeah, I wanna dance.” 
 Chloe doesn’t beat around the bush, setting her hands on Beca’s hips and tugging Beca closer once they’re facing each other. Beca’s top doesn’t quite meet her high waisted skirt, and Chloe’s touch sends an electric jolt down her spine, its aftershocks echoing in the tips of her toes.
 Her arms loop around Chloe’s neck and it’s only now they’re standing so close that Beca notices how blue Chloe’s eyes are. She also notes the want and passion burning in those irises, and feels another chill travel her body. Chloe moves flawlessly to the beat, and Beca matches her rhythm, gradually crushing the sliver of distance between them until her own hips are swaying flush against Chloe’s. 
 The song blends into another one, but Beca doesn’t really register it; she’s slowly being consumed by the desire to kiss Chloe, and this time doesn’t let her damn insecurities get the upper hand. Leaning in slowly, she captures Chloe’s lips in a kiss, a delighted hum mingling into it as Chloe kisses her back instantly. One of Chloe’s hands leaves her hip to hold her face gently, warm and reassuring over her skin. 
 The kiss is slow and tender, exploratory on Beca’s end, and probably the best Beca’s ever had. Her head soon spins from those wonderful, foreign sensations spreading through her body, and she finds herself needing a break shortly after. She pulls away just a bit, her lips tingling as Chloe’s breath skates across them. 
 When Chloe asks her if she wants to get out of there, Beca should probably tell her she’s new at this, that she’s never been with a girl before, but the words never surface from her throat. She does admit it half an hour later as they’re heavily making-out just outside Chloe’s place, but not to put a stop to it. 
 She wants this more than she’s probably ever wanted anything else, but she’s afraid of not knowing what to do. 
 Despite their palpable desire, they slow down once they eventually make it to Chloe’s bedroom, and Beca’s grateful for that. The next couple hours are a blur of yet unparalleled pleasure and Beca sleeps hard afterwards, waking up a bit confused the next morning. 
 She flushes when memories from the night before surface, explaining the wonderful aches her body’s experiencing when she stretches. She’s alone in bed and the apartment is silent, but a note lies on the pillow next to her. 
  Hey you. Had to run to work and didn’t want to wake you up. Help yourself to coffee and a shower, if you’d like. Yesterday was pretty awesome. I hope we can see each other again soon. Here’s my phone number: 917-695-8691. Have a good day. :)
Chloe xx
 Beca fails to keep her smile at bay and she might even squeal a little bit as she flops back against her pillow. 
 She guesses she should thank Stacie for dragging her to Pride, after all. 
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vhsrights · 3 years
What Not To Do On A Movie Date
a movie date - @bridget19
Jemily has a fun day at the movies planned. :)
WC: 1369
“Come on, babe! Let’s go! I don’t wanna be late for the movie!” JJ stood with her hand on the doorknob, checking her watch for the umpteenth time.
“Yeah, yeah, babe I’m coming! Give me a second.” Emily called out from somewhere inside the apartment.
“If you take any longer, I’m leaving you here.” The blonde called out to her scatter-brained girlfriend.
“NO, no. Hold on, Jayje, I said I needed a second.” Emily reappeared from behind the kitchen wall, tugging at the straps of the tote bag in her hand.
Her dress shirt was tucked into khaki pants; its deep emerald color contrasting light blue bag. Emily fiddled with the buttons for a few more seconds before looking back at JJ. Her girlfriend was wearing a white and yellow sundress that was covered in lemon patterns. JJ’s blonde hair was loosely curled back, topped by her floppy, beige sun hat.
“Oh shoot!” Emily smacked her forehead, hiding the smirk on her face.
“What? What did you forget?” JJ turned around as they walked down the hall to the stairs.
“They don’t allow outside snacks in there! How am I going to get you into the theater?” Emily chuckled as JJ rolled her eyes.
“Oh my god, Em.” She smiled brightly and grabbed the brunette’s hand, turning the corner to the staircase.
The women walked outside and let the gentle sun hit their faces. They had decided to walk to the theater because it was only 20 minutes away and the air was relaxing. When JJ and Emily had been looking at apartments, the proximity to the city and its movie theaters had been a big plus. JJ walked slightly ahead of Emily, her eagerness spilling over into her quick steps. Her fingers were still laced with Emily’s as they made their way down the sidewalk.
The day was beautiful and the happy couple let each bit of its positive energy boost their mood. Occasional chirps from birds that fluttered from post to post and the whirr of passing cars filled their ears. Spread-out trees provided patchy shade with their tall canopies and were often surrounded by little patches of yellow or white flowers.
At one point, Emily pulled her phone to take a picture of her girlfriend. JJ didn’t notice the camera and continued to frolic forward, her ease apparent on her face. This sunny day felt like a reprieve after their long weeks stuck inside for their jobs. Traveling for work was one thing, but JJ and Emily loved enjoying things in the comfort of home as well.
They approached the final crosswalk, the theater in sight. JJ waited for Emily to catch up to her before wrapping her arms around Emily’s. She stayed close at the brunette’s side as they finished their walk to their destination. The large lights and signs outside the theater were like a unique gem in the middle of their residential area. JJ stopped outside the door.
“Okay, so I bought us tickets to see ‘Isn’t It Romantic’ with Rebel Wilson, Adam Devine, and Priyanka Chopra. I know you said that you “don’t like romcoms” but trust me, I’ve seen clips. You’re gonna like it.” Emily rolled her eyes before raising JJ’s hand to kiss it.
“Alright, I’m trusting you on this one. But if it’s cheesy and bad, I’m making you watch a Russian movie with me with no distractions.”
“Oh shut up, you know you love the cheesy ones just as much as I do, babe. So, what’s in the bag that took you so long to grab?” The blonde gestured to her tote, her eyebrows raised.
“Maybe, but I don’t have to admit. That? You’ll see.” Emily gave a fleeting answer and pulled JJ into the building.
She kept the smirk on her face as they stood in line to get their tickets printed. JJ wouldn’t get an answer until they were inside the theater. Every time the blonde asked, Emily simply leaned over and kissed her. It was a good way to get JJ off her case for a bit. Eventually, JJ gave up and simply leaned against Emily as they waited their turn.
5 minutes later, the women had their tickets and Emily directed JJ to the ticket checker rather than the concessions stand. JJ looked at her girlfriend with confusion. She knew that JJ needed snacks in the movie, and enjoyed having food with the picture. So what was she doing? “Um, Em, what about snacks?” JJ spoke, hoping to understand Emily’s behavior.
“Yeah, what about them?” Emily forgot that JJ had no idea about her plan, being the reason for the tote bag.
“Aren’t we going to get them from the concessions?”
“Jen, those cost an arm and a leg. We are not paying 30 bucks for some buttered popcorn and a watered-down Pepsi. Plus, I have a plan.”
Still confused, JJ decided to trust her girlfriend. They walked up to the ticket check station and no employee was in sight. Emily made an executive decision (to save them time and reduce the chances of getting caught) and pulled JJ past the line, towards their theater.
“Trust me,” Emily said as she pushed through the big door.
“Always,” JJ answered without hesitation as they walked to the back row.
Emily set her bag down and let JJ go to her seat. The movie had been in theaters for a while and they had missed it for the sake of cases, so the room was mostly empty. The only other people they could see was a middle-aged couple sitting a few rows in front of them.
Emily finally opened the tote and showed JJ what she had been holding.
“Oh. My. God. Look at all these snacks! When did you have time to do this?” JJ looked up at Emily incredulously.
“I may have been stockpiling them for a bit. Go nuts, Jen. I got pretty much everything you like in here.” Emily beamed back at her girlfriend, watching JJ grab the bag of Cheetos on top first.
The movie started soon after and the two settled in their seats. They laughed with Rebel Wilson’s quips and her exaggerated obliviousness to Adam Devine. Emily made a joke that it was like them before they got together. JJ rolled her eyes.
The movie was enjoyable for both, filled with enough laughs and cheesy moments to have a perfect balance. JJ and Emily were both focused until JJ felt her feelings peak with love. The movie was channeling her inner romantic, so she lightly turned Emily’s face to the side and kissed her. Emily must have been feeling the same thing because she returned the favor.
They kissed again and the movie became long forgotten. JJ’s lips moved against Emily’s and that was all that mattered. Emily and JJ didn’t happen to notice the middle-aged woman approach their row with a theater employee. The bright light of his flashlight finally pushed the two apart.
“I’m sorry ladies, but we have a no PDA rule in here. You’re gonna have to leave.” His voice was dejected. It was obvious that he didn’t want to be telling two grown women to stop making out in the back of the theater.
“Yeah, I suggest you leave before you distract me and my husband from more of our movie.” The woman beside him chirped up, earning death glares from both of the agents. Any other annoying remarks died in her throat.
“Okay, fine. We’ll be out of your hair.” JJ spoke quickly but surely, making sure that Emily didn’t blow up at the lady.
“Ma’am? I don’t think you should be worried about your husband. He saw this movie a couple of days ago with his girlfriend, Becky, is it?” Emily made one last snide comment before they walked out.
All they heard from inside the theater was exasperated cursing from the lady that had them kicked out. Emily’s bluffing comeback had actually worked. She giggled as she and JJ made their way out of the building. The day was still young, and the street was filled with options.
At least now they knew what not to do on a movie date.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Two kinks, One love. (Soul eater)
Two Kinks one love
It was just after sun set, but in Death city two boys were about to engage in a very out of the norm date by any stretch of the imagination. They had run into each other while out and about, indulging in their respective fetishes late one night and while both had been shocked, they had also quickly fallen hard for each other.
The first Boy was the son of Lord death, the slightly prissy but kind hearted Death the kid. he'd been wearing his favorite black dress which came down to just above his knees and had been wearing pantyhose too of course, like a proper lady. Black high highs that he could run in without pause and a black purse, his make up had been spot on and he looked fabulous and knew it. It was the worst kept secret that the son of lord death was a trap, but most people just pretended not to notice because either they didn't care, thought he was MUCH nicer in girlie mode or well, who wants to piss him off? The second boy was in a small group of those who didn't know Kid prefer to be a sexy trap, though that was because he was busy with his only little fetish wear love. He was Black star, a legend in the making (if you listened to him) And he was also a goo goo gaga big baby. The night they met he'd been going on a waddle of shame and had been in 3 thick diapers that puffed out the crotch and butt of his black diaper shirt and blue short-all's (that of course, had his trademark sign on the front pocket.) He'd also been sporting blue sneakers with black laces that lit up in the back as he went for his once around the block waddle of shame and it had been by chance (or maybe fate) that the two had stumbled onto each other.
Black had been rounding the corner, after almost going into a late night shop for ice cream but then recalling he had left his wallet at home so no one could id him. (Silly when you consider how well he stood out and his instance on making sure everyone knew him..but it was a well know fact putting diapers on a big baby reduces logic by 40 percent.)  In any case, he knew his store credit was tapped out and decided to call it a night. looking back at the shop he wasn't paying attention to where he was going and bumped into a pretty lady sending them both down to the ground. "Oh Gosh! I-I'm Sorry!" Black whined, trying to scamper but but the bulk around his hips made that a bit harder then normal.  "I wasn't paying attention to where I was.." And Black trailed off as he looked down and recognized in a instant the face of the 'lady' he had bumped into, Kid! "heh..It's ok Little guy." Kid said, eyes narrowing in on the padded crotch. "Little boys like you shouldn't be out here along. where's your mommy?" Black gulped BIG time at that, He had always loved the idea of having a mommy for his diaper adventures but was gay as could be..and suddenly a obvious solution he had never thought of had just bumped into him.
Kid himself had been soaking in the semi attention and had let his gaze drift, looking at a dress on display in a store shop window and so had been just as responsible for the collision as the little guy. Looking up and seeing Black dressed like a over sized un-potty trained toddler Kid almost had little hearts in his eyes. if there was one thing he loved more then being a hot little trap walking the town.. it was being a good mommy dom. Sadly his picks for big babies in the city had been limited to Liz Thompson due to her cry baby ways. it wasn't that the older Thompson didn't make a good baby (she did, very much so) it was more that due to her doing it by request not want she could be difficult at times. But here in front of him dressed perfectly on his own free will.. Meow~ "well, I asked you a question little star~" Kid said getting up and smiling ear to eye and then dusting Black off first then himself. "I..I don't..have..a mommy..Miss Kid" Black said, blushing and poking two fingers together. "Do you want one?" Kid asked and winked. "YESH! I-I Mean..if that's ok with yo-" And Black was silenced as Kid kissed the baby on the lips.
From then on Black had been mommies little guy and despite some of the challenges involved (read: Black's mega poopie diapers) neither of them had looked back on it, and while they both wanted it to be a more 24/7 thing they both knew realistically with their duties and responsibilities that just wasn't possible. Besides, while Kid was more or less out in the open, Black was mostly unknown as a public diaper boy having kept his adventure to around his block. He wasn't ready for EVERYONE to know his favorite place to make boom boom was in the seat of his pants.
But tonight was date night, and it was Kid's turn to host. truthfully either place would of done for their in house date nights butttt Black's place had a funk to it that wasn't from the diaper pail the big baby maintained and more from his poor cleaning habits. Kid had taken the guest room of his place and turned it into any big baby boys dream nursery (and Black had been clear, he was a baby BOY..Mommy might be able to pull a dress off but not him.) and held out hope that one of these days Black would finally take him up on the offer to move in. Their friends knew they were dating of course (just not all the fun details) so it wasn't like that was holding them back. Kid was jolted out of that train of thought as his door bell rang and before he went to answer it he stopped and checked his reflection in a full body mirror. He had gone with a stepford house wife dress for tonight, reaching down past his knees and in a white with pink floral print on it and had a white apron on over it. he was wearing a pair of white socks tugged up high and a pair of pink flat heels and have a pair of pearl earrings in. a light bit of make up was on, some eye linger, lipstick and blush, and he smiled at his reflection and blew a little kiss as the doorbell rang again. "Best not keep the baby waiting darling." he scolded himself and walked to the door with a soft clip clap from his shoes on the hard wood floor. answering the door Kid was a little disappointed (though not shocked) to see that Black had come over in jean's and a t-shirt, though he'd brought his 'diaper' bag so to speak and had it slung over a shoulder. it was of course really just a tote bag but Kid made sure to refer to it as such as while he had loads of supplies, he made sure that Black would bring his own ba-ba and first diaper(s) to help him get used to carrying his baby gear around in public. (and maybe just a tiny bit to try and drive home if Black lived with kid, he wouldn't have to lug the stuff around) "There's my little guy~" Kid coo'ed and smiled, loving how bright the boys cheeks lit up when he was the one dressed like a 50's house wife. Standing to the side he gestured for Black to come in. "well come on, are you gonna stand there and squirm looking at mommy till you have a accident or come in and get di-" Kid started but Black let out a soft yelp and dashed in the house. "..works every time." Kid chuckled and waved to a neighbor who had been watching with quiet amusement then shut the door.
Black was squirming and huffy as he waited for mommy in the living room, having made sure to slid his sneakers off. "I wish you wouldn't do that." he sulked as mommy came into view. That wasn't exactly the strictest of truths.. he didn't wanna be a outed big baby but mommies teasing had a small part of him all excited "Mhmmm.. I know you hate it sooo much.." Kid teased and eyed the front of Black's tight pants that gave him away. "Come on little man, let's get you in a nice thick diapie before you piddle all over mommies floor again." Kid coo'ed and coming in close, tickled onto Black's chin and made the boy squirm and giggle even as he tried to huff. "Mommmmmmyyyy! that was ONE time!" He whined, hating/loving how small and little Kid could make him feel with a few well chosen words and just a chin tickle. "And that one time too many. Come along now." Kid coo'ed and gently took the little guy by the wrist, leading him to the nursery.  "Did you pack one of your super thick diapies like a good boy? or does mommies have to use one of the ones we have here?" Black whined and squirmed. he had SORTA kinda maybe been trying to just bring thin diapers over here..not because he wanted thin but well mommy had SO many thick ones here and he only had about 5 left and was trying to save his. Sadly for the little rascal mommy had figured him out and loved to tease. "I uh..well..see.." Black started up. "That's what i thought. you know, not to beat a dead horse but if you moved in you could have ALL the massive diapies you could want little man. I'll order anther pack and have them ship it to your place tomorrow though. just food for thought." Black star nodded and just let mommy take control, knowing that mommy knew best.
The nursery had baby blue walls with some silly chibi ninja's painted on them here and there fighting chibi monsters and the floor was covered with a plush cream white rug so if the baby lost his balance he wouldn't hurt his tush on the floor. (Of course with the thickness o0f Black's diapers it wasn't likely to happen but hey, Kid paid for all of this so he was allowed to justify it as he saw fit.) there was a wooden crib that had been made to order so could handle a bigger babies weight and left the little guy lots of room to play in by one wall, and it had been painted light black by black's request. (the little guy had wanted to help paint it but Kid had foreseen the mess THAT would of ended with and had told a little fib that the builders insisted on painting it themselves.) there was a cream white colored changing table, again made to order and had a black cushioned top those the cover was waterproof and made for easy clean up in the event of leaks. It also had a set of drawers on the side that held the different baby powders, rash creams and of course diapers that Kid's big baby had picked out one night in Kid's lap squealing and giggling. 'I'm gonna make him a spoiled rotten brat.' Kid mused briefly. 'ah well..he'll be MY spoiled rotten brat.' Adding to the spoiled brat theory was the MASSIVE toy chest that even as big as it was couldn't be fully shut from just how many toys little Black had, and there was a shelf built on a wall filled with nursery tale and story tale books. Of course one of the most important parts of the nursery had actually been the cheapest..it was a large metal diaper pail that Kid had stenciled 'BLACK STAR'  onto and helped keep his little man's nursery smelling like baby powder and love instead of poopie diapers.
"You strip down like a good boy sweetie while mommy goes and picks out something adorable for you to wear..unless you wanna just go in your diapies tonight." Kid said and smirked. "IIIII um..yeah..just diapies sounds good ta me..we're gonna eat soon anyways and then you'll hafa just strip me down after anyways mommy." "oh how true! such a clever baby I have!" Kid coo'ed and more chin tickles. "I guess i can help the silly big baby strip then." Black squirmed and nodded, and then just relaxed and followed orders as Mommy would tell him to raise his arms or the like while 'she' got him undressed, getting him down to his his little ghoulies briefs.(Little Ghoulies of course being Black's favorite toddler show) "oh my.. Somebody either been having accidents or just isn't very good at wiping!" Kid teased, clicking his touge as he looked at the large brown stains in the back of the undies. "and I JUST got these for you last week little man." "S-Sorry Mommy. I um..I just.. I had some not farts an-" Black mewed and pointed his index fingers together. "Shhh it's ok. I knew what I was getting into when I brought a big baby big kid undies. though maybe we better start looking into some pull ups for when your playing big boy." Kid coo'ed and kissed Black's cheek, making him tent out his briefs and shushing any argument, at least for the moment. hooking his thumbs in the waist band he tugged the undies down with one smooth practiced monition and then took a step back and clapped his hands and gestured towards his widdle boy. "Come on, walk out of your stinky undies and over to mommy~" "Yesh mama.." Black gurgled and Kid almost melted as he did so, with arms outstretched. 'it's official. i am the god damn luckiest mommydom trap in the world.' Kid mentally gushed and then helped the big baby up onto the changing table. sure the little guy smelled a little and had a few poo stains on his cheeks, but Kid figured with them having a whole night together he could just give the little guy a bath after din din. "Nowww what kinda diaper does my widdle guy want on, aside from thick. Baby blocks? Space ships? zoo print?" Kid asked tickling Black's tummy and black giggled and coo'ed. "Ummm All three!" he said and giggled more. "oh, somebody want to crawl tonight hmmm? Maybe after your bath sweetie. for now we'll go with baby blocks." Kid chuckled. "Awwww..dun want a bath! I smell nice and sweet!" Black pouted and then to prove his point raised his left arm up and took a whiff of his pit..and coughed.  "Then again..Mommy knows best." "mmmhmm. and don't you forget it~" Kid chuckled.
With baby black padded and a sucking on a white mouth guard paci that was attached to a black cord hanging around his neck (kid couldn't very well use a shirt clip if the little guy wasn't gonna wear a shirt after all.) he helped the baby down and then got out five toys for black to play with, though they were Black's choice as Kid would pick them out one at a time and hold them up for a head nod or shake. Black meanwhile suckled away and enjoyed the sight of mommy's butt when he bent over, sometimes mommies dress would ride up a little and ALMOST maybe give a peek at what kinda panties he was wearing. It didn't really bug Black that while Kid saw him naked and in his 'undies' most of the time, Black could count on one hand the amount of times he'd seen Kid's Bra and panties. that just wasn't the kinda relationship they had, though then did find ways to make love in their own fashion. Finally picking out a stuffed bear in a tux, a green and purple dragon stuffie, a stereo type bed-sheet ghost stuffie, a teddy in a suit of armor and finally a tiger stuffie he started to play with them, mumbling around his paci and making drool go down his chin. Kid watched mentally gushing and while he wished he could hear the cute little adventure that was being played out as Black loved to narrate, it was worth it to hear him mumbling around his paci. he could of stood there watching for hours honestly but the front door rang and he sighed, why of ALL the nights had his usual delivery place had to of lived up to it's 30 minutes or under delivery time? "Din din's here buddy, can you put your toys away and come meet mommy in the kitchen while he goes and pays?" Kid asked, patting Blacks head. Black whined a little and mumbled something, then sighed like ALL of the worlds problems were on him and nodded.
getting to the front door Kid opened it without checking and found himself looking face to face with soul. "Alright ma'am i got a order of...of..Kid?! Kid is that you?!" Soul asked, being anther one of the rare people not to know about the trap. "uh..yeah.. " kid said and blushed then smiled. "anyways, my order?" "I..oh wow. heh. I didn't know you and black were this kinky! wait, is he a little sissy too?" soul asked. "I believe it's none of your business. now can you ple-" Kid started, but then a loud "MOMMY! I SLIPPED COME KISS MY BOO BOO'S BETTER !!" was heard from the living room and Kid facepalmed while soul laughed. "you know what, I think i got a pretty good idea.. Mommy." Soul chuckled, and took the money he was offered for the food and tipped the hat of his delivery uniform. "You and your widdle one have a good supper Ma'am." he said and then took off. "..Hoo boy..this isn't gonna be fun to explain." Kid thought as he closed the door.
The end.
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prettyboongi · 4 years
Our Very First Night Together
Reader x Jeon Jungkook
1.9k words
A lots of fluff with a hint of smut
[Note: A requested story. I really liked this since it reminded me of the first time I spent the night with my boyfriend. The hardest part when writing this was coming up with realistic dialogue, which is something I really struggle with. I’m really trying to improve so please have mercy on me. Deuces!]
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Jungkook was in the middle of playing a game on his computer when he had gotten your text. Your text read:
“Im outside your door. plz open :p” 
Excited, he quickly logged off his game, took off his headset and hurried himself to the door. 
Tonight was a big night for you two: it would be the very time you spending the night. Although you two have been dating for almost a year, things have always been too busy to do normal couple things, like, in this case, spending the night at each other’s places. And with that, you and Jungkook have been taking your relationship extremely slow. Besides some intimate cuddling and brief makeout sessions, you two haven’t gone further than that. And since spending the night could mean taking that particular huge step in your relationship, he wanted to make sure you were comfortable. He cleaned his entire apartment; he vacuumed and dusted the living room, cleaned the bathroom, and straightened up his kitchen. Once he was finished with that, he went grocery shopping to pick up your favorite snacks like the caring boyfriend he was (he also picked up a box of condoms, you know just in case). Jungkook just wanted to make sure that you felt right at home at his place, maybe even come to think of it as a second home. 
Jungkook opens the door to find a smiling you, carrying a large floral print traveling bag in one hand and a filled green grocery tote in the other. 
“Hey!”, you exclaim as Jungkook gestures for you to come inside. “Thanks again for letting me spend the night.” After placing your belongings on the floor, you wrap your arms around Jungkook’s neck as you two lean in for a sweet kiss. 
“Of course, babe”, he says while still holding on to you. “I’ve been wanting this for a long time.” He looks to your side, “What’s in that green bag.” 
You released yourself from Jungkook’s embrace to grab your tote. “I got us snacks!”, you said enthusiastically, holding the bag towards him. 
He chuckles at your keen attitude. “Y/N, I told you I would cover the snacks,” he says taking the tote from you. 
You shrugged and smiled, “Well now we have more snacks.” 
I mean she wasn’t wrong but Jungkook still shook his head. “What am I gonna do with you?” He hears you giggle as he places the bag on the kitchen counter. 
“So,” you began, “What are the plans for the night?” 
“Anything you wanna do, to be honest,” he answers. 
You couldn’t help but smile, he’s always treating you like a queen and, Jungkook’s eyes, you were a queen. His queen. “Let’s just stay then. We could order a pizza, watch some Netflix, gorge on a bunch of these snacks and pass out from food comas.” 
“Sounds great to me.” 
<a little bit later in the evening>
“So I just placed the order for the pizza,” Jungkook says to you, “It should be here in about 40 minutes.” 
“You made sure to get my fave?,” you asked him coyly. 
He leaned over to where you were sitting on the couch, inches away from your face, “Of course, Y/N. A large pepperoni, extra pepperoni and extra cheese.” 
“With a side of breadsticks and dipping sauces?” 
“Yes, Y/N, anything for the spoiled princess”, he sighs exaggeratingly, clearly messing around. You playfully hit his shoulder as he lets out a breathy laugh. 
You start to get up from the couch and grab your traveling bag. “You mind if I go take shower real quick?” 
“Of course not,” he says, “You remember where the bathroom is at?” 
“Yes, Jungkook,” you mockingly say, getting back at him for teasing you. You run out of the living as he light-heartedly chases you. 
40 minutes passed and the pizza arrived. Jungkook places the pizza down on the coffee table, accompanied by paper plates, bottles of soda and some of the snacks you both bought. Once he turned on the Netflix app on his TV, everything was set. Now the only thing he had to wait for was you. 
“Hmm? I wonder when she’s gonna be done,” he thought to himself. He picked up his phones and checked his messages to preoccupy himself as he waited. Soon enough, he hears your footsteps approaching. “About time, Y/N”, he says, still looking at his phone. 
“Oh, be quiet,” you rebutted, “Is the pizza here?” 
“Yeah, you're lucky you came just in time, I would've been more happy to eat all by myself.” Once Jungkook notices you in his peripheral vision, he looks up and stares at you for a moment. You’ve changed into an interesting piece of nightwear: a light pink, knee-length nightgown with short sleeves, lined with pink lace at the bottom hem. The nightgown wasn’t too baggy, fitting you like a casual everyday dress. The satin material made it seem like you were glowing under the living room lights. For some reason, Jungkook expected your pajamas would be a t-shirt and sweats, so seeing you in your cute nightgown surprised him. 
You noticed him staring at you. “What?,” you asked. 
"Nothing", he says. Jungkook quickly looks away from you, hiding his faint blush. You were confused by his sudden bashfulness but decided to shrug it off. 
You spent the next few hours watching two anime films; the first one being a film adaptation of a classic anime series and the other currently on was a romantic drama that brought Jungkook close to tears (even though he would deny it.) Frankly, you thought the movie was a bit boring but the movie was halfway over anyway. You both were sitting on opposite sides of the couch; Jungkook was sitting up, totally invested in the movie while your entire body was propped up on the couch, leaning you rest on the armrest. You tried your best not to doze off but ended up passing off before the movie’s ending. 
As the movie credits rolled, Jungkook discreetly wiped his tears, hoping you wouldn’t catch him. “That was a pretty good movie. What do you think?’ He looks over to your side of the couch and finds you in a deep slumber. “Hmm, maybe I made the apartment a little too comfortable,” he thinks to himself. Looking at you peacefully sleeping made him terribly happy. To him, you looked so adorable, as if he wanted to protect you from anything that troubled you, like a good boyfriend would. 
With you fast asleep, he thought it would be a great time to take a quick shower himself. After he leaves you asleep on the couch, he heads to the bathroom to wash up and then change into a baggy hoodie and sweatpants. As he was drying his hair with a towel, he headed back to the living room where he had left you. Seeing that the Netflix menu was still on display, he assumed you were still asleep. Once he got close to the couch, he abruptly stopped in his tracks. Looking down at you, he sees you curled in a fetal position with your original knee length nightgown riden up to your hip area. Jungkook stood there, frozen and blushing furiously. He knew he shouldn't be looking at you that way, but he really couldn’t help but gaze at you; the exposure of your shapely thighs and the soft curve of your hip were both hard to look away from. To make matters harder for him, he also had a glimpse of your black, lacy bikini briefs. Eventually, Jungkook got himself to snap out of it and go find a blanket to hide your exposed boy. After retrieving a blanket in the linen closet, he carefully places the blanket on you without waking you up. Sure, you stirred a bit but quickly went back to sleep. 
Jungkook sat back down to the opposite side of the couch and turned on a random documentary to take his mind off what he’d seen. However, it proved to be difficult as seeing you in that kind of way really worked him up inside. It wasn’t until then he realized the pent up emotions he held for so long. More than ever, he wanted you. He felt that he was more than ready to have sex tonight but he was worried if you weren’t. And the last thing he wanted to happen was to pressure into doing something you weren’t ready for. "But she had to be ready right?", he thought. I mean, why would he wear a paper thin nightgown and sexy panties if you weren’t. Jungkook pondered these thoughts, trying to figure out what was best to do. His thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of you sitting up from the couch. He looks at you stretching your arms and yawning loudly. 
With sleepy eyes, you look at him, “Sorry for passing out. That movie was pretty boring. But I bet you loved it a lot.” When you met Jungkook's eyes, he quickly looked away. “Hey what’s wrong?”
Avoiding eye contact, Jungkook simply responds, “It's nothing.” 
A bit annoyed, you took the TV remote and turned it off. Surprised, Jungkook looked at you, “I was watch-”
“Jungkook,” you said in a rather stern tone, “What’s been going on with you? You’ve been acting strange right before we started the movie. Please, tell me what’s on your mind.” 
The expression on your face was with genuine concern and, with that, he felt like he owed you a proper explanation. Jungkook took a moment to find the right words to use but ultimately decided to be as honest as he could be. 
“Y/N, do you ever think about, you know, having sex?” 
Your eyes widened at the bluntness of his question. “W-what in the world brought this up,” you stummered. You felt flushed, your face was getting warmer by the second. 
“Well, we’ve been together for a long time. Like I understand I’ve been busy with the group and you have your own obligations to handle, so I get there never has been much time to be intimate. But now that you're here with me, maybe it’s time to take the next step. What do you think?” 
While you were pretty much at loss of words, you did understand where Jungkook was coming from. The seriousness of this conversation made you nervously fidget your fingers. “I do think about it, Jungkook. And I do want to sleep with you, it’s just that I still have my fears,” you confessed to him. 
Jungkook moves closer to you on the couch and gently takes your hand. “Yeah I do too,” he says, “Being busy is one thing but we really should’ve been honest about this a long time ago.” 
You shook your head. Feeling Jungkook caress the back of your hand melts away any nervousness you felt before. He was right about being more honest with each other. You trusted him after all, and you loved him with all of your heart. 
After gazing at each other’s eyes for a moment, Jungkook leans towards you, placing a soft and lingering kiss on your lips. In response, your hands cupped his face causing you to deepen the kiss. Similar to how Jungkook felt when he saw your exposed thighs, the sincerity of your conversation as well as the passionate kissing between you two was waking something within you: pent up emotions that you’ve constantly buried down for the longest time. 
After a minute or so, the two of you broke away from your kiss and gazed at each other lovingly. 
“I love you so much, Kookie.” 
“I love you too, Y/N.” 
You wrapped your arms around his and sensuously whispered into his, “I want you so bad.” 
Jungkook took that as an obvious sign that you were 100% ready and, for that night, he gladly obliges.  
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
March 2020 Angel Fish Awards and Raffle
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Send us the fics that make you wanna bathe in holy water, that make you sob into a pint of ice-cream, that make you squee and giggle like a schoolgirl. This is one of the best ways to shine light on the fics that are near and dear to your heart- the fics that you absolutely love that aren’t talked about enough- the fics that stop you in your tracks- the fics that deserve all the love in the world.
Not sure if you or the writer is in the Pond? No worries, just shoot us a message (@manawhaat or @mrswhozeewhatsis) or check out our registries and we’ll help you find out.
Does the fic have to be from this month? Nope! As long as they are a SPN Fanfic Pond member, you can nominate any (spn related) fic they’ve written.
How do I make a nomination? Easy! Simply send us a submission / ask /IM with the link to their fic (or title and author’s url) and a review of why it stood out to you. Tell us your favorite thing about it, about the author’s writing. Tell us why we need to read it and show your favorite authors some love. Any fic, old or new, is welcome and will be listed on our masterlist as long as the writer is a member of the pond.
*We kindly ask that you keep your noms to a max of 4 noms per author. If you really love that writer, great, but the point of these monthly ‘awards’ is to share the love, not make it a one person show.
Thanks, Management
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Nominate a fellow Pond member’s story and get yourself an entry into the raffle! Remember, every nomination is an entry, and you can nominate as many as you want! So, share the love, guys!!
Deadline for Angel Fish nominations is Midnight, PST on Tuesday, March 31st!
Details on prizes, how to enter, and how it all works below the cut!
To see the complete list of prizes and pictures of all of them, CLICK HERE to go to the prize post!
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Every month, the winner gets an SPNFanFicPond journal from the CafePress shop! 
Along with this fabulous prize, the winner also gets to choose from this list of prizes:
The SPNFanFicPond shop over at CafePress has all kinds of items with our logo on it (logo designed by @revwinchester) that you can choose as a prize! T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, totes, phone cases, keychains, baby clothes, duvet covers, throw pillows, shower curtains, hats, and even jammies and underwear!! Want a thong with our logo on it? YOU CAN GET THAT!!
Story Commission from @queen-of-deans-booty!! Have a request you want written by an awesome writer? Here’s your chance to commission one! If you choose this prize, you would negotiate the details like ships/reader insert, characters, and content, and we would pay the fee! Story is subject to the writer’s individual commission rules.
GISH box prizes!! One of our Big Fish, @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish, donated a whole box full of stuff that she got from GISH! All of these items are still in their original packaging where possible. - Unicorn Pool Floatie - GISH silly straw (If you choose this prize, you can also choose another prize from the GISH box!) - GISH sock monkey hat - GISH Assbutt plushie - GISH tote bag - GISH flag - The Rebel’s Workbook - GISH sticker 3″  (If you choose this prize, you can also choose another prize from the GISH box!) - GISH enamel pin 1″  (If you choose this prize, you can also choose another prize from the GISH box!) - GISH merit badge  (If you choose this prize, you can also choose another prize from the GISH box!) - GISH dice set  (If you choose this prize, you can also choose another prize from the GISH box!) - GISH assbutt charm  (If you choose this prize, you can also choose another prize from the GISH box!)
Writer Emergency Pack (Click here for more info on this prize!)
The Writer’s Toolbox (Click here for more info on this prize!)
Aqua Notes - Waterproof notepad and pencil so you don’t forget ideas that hit you when you’re in the shower!
Vintage Enochian Pendant from Supernatural-Things.com
Supernatural charm bracelet from Supernatural-Things.com
8x10 season 4 promo print from CultureFly
8x10 art print (Dean/Castiel/Crowley) from CultureFly
9x12 art print (s4 Dean/Sam/snake) from CultureFly
9x12 art print (s14 promo pic Sam/Dean/Cas) from CultureFly
Gil McKinney’s (Henry Winchester) Christmas album (signed CD)
I wish for this enamel pin 1″
I wish for this t-shirt, size XL (Misha not included)
You Are Not Alone enamel pin 1″
What a great load of prizes!!
How To Enter:
All you have to do is submit a story by another Pond member for an Angel Fish Award, and you get an entry for the raffle! Each nomination equals one entry, and you can nominate as many stories as you want!
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
If you have any questions about submitting nominations or prizes, send a message to either @manawhaat or @mrswhozeewhatsis​ and they’ll help you out!
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