#life republic aros
gera-winds-of-joy · 4 months
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
assumes 4 likes from nice people is there to enable me 😂
some stuff about marriage (which I know can rub people the wrong way, so to disclaim this is not about personal choices, this is about an institution/structure/social construct)
I see posts on here about why marriage is important and they’re wondering why there’s queer pushback against it, and I think they misunderstand the politics and the philosophy behind marriage abolition, in the sense that they posit these hypothetical queers as young, naïvely idealistic, and/or uninformed
I’d say anecdotally most queer people I know who do get married are more pragmatic about it than many straight people, and I know a fair few straight people who are incredibly pragmatic about it too for that matter. hell, I generally am like “I’ll get married to any of my friends that need to get out of a country if that should happen” -- that’s about the only reason I would get married. 
there’s some element of starry-eyedness-gonna-be-with-person-I-love, sure, but people know about taxes and healthcare and parenthood rights and inheritance and the like, they’re not ignoring those things -- the people who don’t get married (like me) aren’t not doing so for shallow understandings of what marriage is for
anti-marriage politics has been around for quite some time (literally every text I’ve picked up with political essays from the 80s-2000s has included some form of it, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see it earlier) and it’s not technically at odds with individuals getting married because they have to -- in fact, the point is that this isn’t about individuals, it’s about systems of assimilation that force people to make choices to conform simply in order to survive, but also assimilation as something some people were going for the whole time:
(mostly white, middle/upper-class) gay people who were in the fight for queer rights, until marriage equality meant they’d gotten what they came for, and they stepped out of it. which also on some level maybe didn’t feel like a choice (I’m sure for some it was), so much as that’s what happens with the violence of assimilation -- you become the in-crowd and the idea of creating waves (after all, you’re married, what are you still complaining for) becomes a lot less salient. head down, live your life, forget the rest of the reasons the fight was happening at all
and suddenly the coalition of queerness -- fights for non-segregated healthcare, for asylum-seekers and refugees, assisting homeless queers, disabled queers, sex-workers rights, the rights of less clean-cut easily digestible queers, and rights for non-queers that were part of the understanding of many who were involved: unions and working class rights was a big one, all of the above encompassed people who weren’t queer, etc. -- that coalition was broken up into becoming about individual lives, it became a private thing, it folded into the idea of LGBT+ and never shall the letters overlap, you are now “allowed” this much leeway as long as you conform and melt away into individualism and consumerism. your family is now you, your spouse, and a couple of potential kids.
the people asking “why marriage” were/are asking why straight systems were getting to define when and how somebody is allowed access to basic rights. because while marriage can go from the “we’re deeply in love and want to show the world by shelling out so much money” to “we went and got a piece of paper signed with our friends, maybe ate some cake” it’s still structurally shutting out non-traditional wider coalitions of support, and wider family structures
marriage is the end-goal, pack up, go home (to your monogamous spouse, and your nice, clean house)
it’s not necessarily saying that there are fixed better new systems all ready to go (although in various places those systems are created out of necessity), it’s asking who is shut out of marriage as an institution and why, and if financially stable queers -- or heck financially unstable queers who need marriage to just keep afloat -- are so focused on this, then what and who is being forgotten about in return? 
a lot of the texts point out that in America it was healthcare that was the big focus pre-marriage equality fight -- I cannot say for the rest of the world, but I know the UK is relatively similar in that regard, because AIDS highlighted just how vulnerable queer people were in these systems, and of course the UK also had Section 28, which while no longer in operation legally, is alive and well in discussions about what children “ought” to learn in schools (especially now that transphobia is really just the new cool way of attacking queer people en masse, despite what some LGB-transphobes believe, they are affected by this too)
I’m sure that there are people who are disconnected from the texts on what marriage abolition as a concept is all about beyond “I don’t want it on a personal level, because it’s monogamous and I am not monogamous” but I also think a lot of those people instinctively do get it, like I instinctively got it when I was a bit younger and only knew that it wouldn’t work for me, because, well... I simply don’t believe in its beliefs. and to get married would be as much a lie for me as a romantic relationship, as being cis was, as being heterosexual was -- you might as well ask why I fight for non-segregated healthcare, for non-binary to be recognised legally, instead of just living as a binary cis person. it’s all the same thing
I get that it’s a piece of paper that would give me the right to be supported by [insert person-whom-I-have-entered-into-an-agreement-with here] but it’s also a symbol, and a powerful social demand, and it is amatonormativity and heteronormativity and it’s a system that is used to cover up all kinds of ethical fucked-uppedness, while also having limitations of personhood within it that this post is already too long to get into -- but consider women were fighting to have rights outside of marriages and once those rights started to happen divorces rose astronomically (good for them).
I would never judge someone for getting married for whatever reason, just recognise that I’m one of the people shut out of that structure, and so I am more vulnerable, and instead of thinking that’s naïve of me, ask whether a structure that excludes so many people in its design and demands conformity to enter into it, can be a very powerful tool for violence
and now I need to make a list of those texts, because they do say it with more examples and contexts than I do
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aroace-museum · 8 days
Are you on the aromantic or asexual spectrum? Tell your story!
We're looking for individuals from all ends of the asexual and aromantic spectrums and a wide range of backgrounds to tell their stories!
Essay Length: 500 - 1500 Words
Deadline: 21 June 2024
Submit Here!
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Topics may include (but are not subject to):
• Self Discovery
• Acceptance
• Intersectional Identity
• Representation
• Aphobia
• Relationships
Not sure what to write about? Here are some topic ideas!
When did you first release you were a-spec?
What's it like to be alloace, aroallo, aroace, demi, grey, an other micro lable etc?
Are you heteroromantic and asexual? Bisexual and aromantic? Gay and demisexual? How has your experience with intersectional identity been?
How have your experiences of gender and sexuality effected one another?
How does your culture/ethenicity/gender/disability status etc. affect the way your sexuality is perceived by yourself and others?
What was it like when you first saw any representation of your identity?
Has your identity changed with time?
Did your journey towards understanding your sexuality come later in life?
When did you last experience euphoria or joy in your identity?
Have you struggled with internalised aphobia?
Have you been offered/undergone conversion therapy?
Are you part of an a-spec community/project/organisation? What's it's story?
Do you have a complex relationship with sex/romance/friendship/kink/etc?
Are you an ace/aro person in a relationship with allo person or vise-versa?
Are you seeking a platonic partnership, or do you have one, what does that mean to you?
Do you have children? What was your journey to parenthood like as an aro/ace person?
Has being aro&/ace affected your life such as housing, benefits, laws?
Submit Your Story Here!
We're putting on an community exhibition this Pride and want to offer a community library where people may read essays from asexual and aromantic spectrum individuals about their experiences from different communities and cultures within th UK as well as around the world.
Exhibition Details:
Brace Yourself Presents: A is For... (The Museum of Asexuality & Aromanticism)
A is for… is a community exhibition and temporary hub set during Pride month exploring Asexual and Aromantic identities. Run by Brace Yourself, a Bristol-based meet-up group for a-specs, we're opening up the conversation about what it's like to fall under the A-umbrella in LGBTQIA+.
29 - 30 June 2024
People's Republic of Stokes Croft, Bristol, UK
For information on workshops, discussion circles and more, visit @brace_yourself_uk on Instagram.
This project has been supported by Bristol Pride Community Fund.
Any questions, DM me here, message us on Instagram or email us at [email protected]!
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jazaesis · 5 months
Original SW Characters
Below is a little about my main Star Wars OCs and their tags!
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Avani of Cathar
Jedi Temple Guard and founder of the Guild of Force Users. 
Pronouns: she/her Born: 37 bby  Era: Clone Wars Sexuality: Ace/Aro
Padawan of Master Chyaro Xalendren, Avani is deeply spiritual, compassionate, and perceptive. She possesses a strong connection to the Force, guiding her actions and interactions with others. Avani's compassionate nature is evident in her willingness to aid and support those in need. She demonstrates a sense of wisdom, resilience, and a relentless commitment to the ideals of balance and harmony within the Force.
Avani served in the Clone Wars alongside her sister Jedi General Kalon, as they led the 107th “Storm’s Edge” Battalion. Knighted during the war, Avani was permitted to participate in the Jedi Temple Guard Trials, her life long dream. Her trials lasted a week, and when she emerged, the temple was in flames…
Following the fall of the Republic, and serving the Rebellions for years, Avani found herself questioning the established norms of the Jedi Order, but still finding a need for an alternative approach to understanding and utilizing the Force. She spent many years traveling the galaxy, observing the impact of the Jedi Order on the galaxy, studying ancient force related civilizations, and the wars that left scars on the galaxy and her friends. Avani established the Guild of Force Users on the planet of Avalon, and dedicated herself to teaching the ways of the force to everyone.
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Aro Rua Ris
A chronically ill, Ryloth-born Twi’lek and Jedi Knight. 
Pronouns: he/him Born: 43 bby  Era: Clone Wars Sexuality: MLM
Raised for the majority of his life in the Jedi Temple, Aro was a quiet, distant youngling. He frequently found himself in the Halls of Healing for mysterious ailments that hindered his training progress, and he often felt that he fell short of his peers. Despite displaying significant aptitude with his Force abilities, Aro was nearly ejected from the Initiate program due to his health before he was taken on as a Padawan by Jedi Master Ima Gun Di. 
Aro was Knighted in the early months of the Clone Wars when he was 20 years old. He was given command of the 482nd Battalion where he met Clone Commander Nite. Despite Aro’s commitment to the war effort and the Jedi Order, he found himself caught in Nite’s orbit and the two of them began to form a bond that lasted the duration of the Clone Wars and beyond. 
Aro is a fun loving and sarcastic, yet deeply caring person that struggles with both familial and romantic attachment. Although he had been warned against those types of relationships, Aro proved time and time again to be made stronger and more confident by those around him. He is very humble, often attributing his accomplishments to the support of those closest to him.
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Commander Nite, CC-23-6483
An ARC Clone Commander and Rebel Leader. 
Pronouns: he/him Decanted: ?? Era: Clone Wars Sexuality: Bi
Honorable, loyal and strong, Nite is an ARC Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic, known for his dedicated leadership alongside Jedi General Aro Rua Ris. Nite led the 482nd battalion during the Clone Wars. He can be serious yet maintains a humorous side, possessing a witty sense of humor. Nite is exceptionally skilled in battle and deeply cares for his troopers' well-being. He deeply values Aro's companionship, the two growing closer throughout the war, and eventually falling in love. Nite deeply values family, standing by Aro Rua and Thalia’s side no matter what challenges are thrown their way.
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Thalia Ris & Mei
A Togruta healer. 
Pronouns: she/her Born: 16 bby  Era: Original Trilogy/Guild of Force Users
Adopted daughter of Aro Rua and Nite and an orphan of the Clone Wars. Thalia is extremely emphatic and can feel the emotions of those around her, she’s particularly attached to Aro and is easily concerned and upset when he’s ill. Force sensitive, but not trained as a jedi, Thalia could often see force ghosts as a young child. Thalia is the light and joy of Aro’s life, extremely compassionate to all those around her, has a deep love for animals. She’s also super artistic and loves drawing and painting. Thalia grows up to become a doctor, traveling the galaxy and aiding those in need - much like a Star Wars Doctors Without Borders. Thalia is often accompanies by her grumpy tooka Mei.  
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Amarinda “Arri” Amar 
A Jedi learner in the Guild of Force Users.
Pronouns: she/her Born: 11 bby  Era: Guild of Force Users AU Sexuality: Bi
 Amarinda is a spirited and impulsive individual with a penchant for mischief and adventure. Growing up under pirate occupation on her homeworld of Caelisole  instilled in her craftiness, cunning, and resourcefulness, making her adept at sneaking, bluffing, and improvised problem-solving. Despite her impetuous nature, she deeply values her friends and family, displaying loyalty and care towards them. However, she can be stubborn and holds onto grudges. Amarinda's fiery personality often drives her to take risks and act impulsively, but her good-heartedness is evident in her desire to help others, even if it leads to unforeseen consequences.
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Kalon Marean
Former Jedi Shadow and First Sister Sith Inquisitor, “The Scylla.” 
Pronouns: she/her Born: 53 bby  Era: The Clone Wars Sexuality: Pan
Caught between two prodigies, Kalon struggled to live up to legacy left behind by Master Xalendren’s previous padawan and forge her own path through the shadows cast by the light of his new padawan. Trained by Master Chyaro Xalendren, Kalon harbored resentment toward Avani, feeling overshadowed by their shared master. Desperate to forge her own path, Kalon joined the Jedi Shadows. Her path diverged when she became a Sith Inquisitor during the Empire's reign, but eventually found redemption with the aid of Avani, reconciling with her past. 
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Chyaro Xalendren
Anomid Jedi Shadow, former Jedi Temple Guard.
Pronouns: he/him Born: ??? bby - idk he’s very old Era: Clone Wars
Initiated into the order at the end of the High Republic, Xalendren was raised with the oldest of Jedi traditions by his late master. After the death of his first padawan, Thayeon Tehom. Xalendren served in the Jedi Temple Guard, until his removal due to his “aggressive”  approach. Xalendren took on Padawan Kalon, training her to be better and stronger. Years later, Xalendren crashed on the world of Cathar, and discovered young Avani, taking her on as his next padawan. 
Experienced and knowledgeable, Xalendren is a dedicated mentor to Avani, but is quite stuck in the old traditional ways of the Jedi. His holds a high regard for hierarchy, order and tradition, and holds vast knowledge in the force, combat and negotiations.
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Hala Dymostra 
Pronouns: she/her/they/them Born: 15 bby  Era: Original Trilogy Sexuality: lesbian
A Nightsister in the Elomnii Coven born during the reign of the Empire. As “Prya’s Eye,” Hala is dedicated to her coven and well-being of her sisters. Hala can often be found hunting in the Dathomir mountains on her orbak Magick Man or sparring with her wife, Togruta assassin Morticia. 
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Gaia’voshi Laparedo
A film maker from the distant outer rim, studying filmmaking on Alderaan, documenting the Clone Wars and Rebellion. 
Pronouns: she/her Born: 15 bby  Era: Clone Wars & Original Trilogy Sexuality: lesbian
Born on a distant agriworld in the outer rim to farmers, Gaia'voshi was raised in the great outdoor with a great appreciation to all creatures and life. At the age of 12, Gaia'voshi's family moved to Alderaan in hopes of better opportunities and land. There, Gaia'voshi fell in love with filmmaking and earned a scholarships to study at one of Alderaan's greatest universities. Gaia’voshi spent the majority of her university years traveling the galaxy documenting cultures and communities. At the start of the Clone Wars, Gaia voshi realized she could use the power of her voice through documentation and journalism to raise awareness and support for civilians & troops. This project would go on to be called "A Galaxy Divided: Beneath the Fire.”
Gaia is joined by her film droid "Beq,” trusted ottabura, Leto (original species by @/sundownsquad), and later her speed-racer girlfriend Lu-Dal Kore. Gaia is an open character! Check more info here.
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Golden Guard Raze, CT-21-0019
A clone trooper serving with the Jedi Temple Guards.
Pronouns: he/him Decanted: ?? Era: Clone Wars
During the Clone Wars, Jedi Knights aided in the war efforts through supporting the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) through the Orders partnership with the Senate. Jedi Knights, often acting a Generals or leadership roles, accompanied Troopers into battle and lead operations. However, this meant the Jedi were limited in their abilities to oversee certain operations by the powers of Senate. The Jedi Temple Guards were crucial in the protection of Jedi temples across the galaxy and investigating force-related matters. However, since the Temple Guards solely operated under the jurisdiction of the Jedi Order, not the Senate, they were often unable to complete investigations, especially in matters involving the war or Separatists.
So, the Jedi Head of Security, Din Drallig, made a special request to the Jedi Council and Senate to have a trooper placed with the Temple Guards. This trooper would allow the Temple Guards to operate in war related matters. The trooper, ultimately selected by Commander Fox himself, was Coruscant Guard Special Ops Raze.
Raze, later nicknamed the Golden Guard for his gold detailed armor, accompanied the Temple Guards in investigations, battles, and galactic conflicts. While Raze may don the golden symbols of the Temple Guards, he himself was not a Jedi, nor force sensitive, and such, was not permitted in restricted zones of the Jedi Temple. Raze further is not privy to the secrets of the Temple Guards.
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 6 months
Sorry, it took me a bit to get this request to you, and Tumblr is being Tumblr 😅.
Hello, love! For the first kiss ask:
How about Tal with an accidental first kiss ooooor taller gently grasping the shorter's chin. (The chin grasp kills me 😫).
Feel free to use one or both or switch it up! 🥰🥰
hiiii friend! I'm so sorry this took so long for me to get to; between realizing that my OC Tal is in fact aro/ace and does not feel like they'd fit the prompt, and just general life things, and also the muse being a fickle beast, things have been A Lot! but I'm finally happy with how this turned out, and I really enjoyed the chance to explore the softer side of another OC: Commander Creed! <3
Broken Rules
Summary: Creed decides the best path forward is to just be honest about his feelings.
Warnings: this is mostly just fluff but blog is still 18+; gn!reader
Word Count: 887
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Creed has always been a man of action, of direct words, of clear intentions. He says what he means, and means what he says—even when everyone around him would rather waffle and oscillate and obfuscate. Even as a cadet, participating in the training simulations with the other young clones destined to become commanders, he earned a reputation for being rough, abrasive, blunt.
His Jedi commander calls him grumpy. He calls them naive. Without fail, they laugh with a mischievous smile—and that always gets you going, a tiny grin threatening to break over your face. 
As a nat-born handler assigned to his battalion, you’re one of very few personnel aboard the Messenger that Creed doesn’t fully understand how to act with. His Jedi colleagues at least make sense; they’re part of the war effort to minimize loss of life and to protect the Republic, same as he and his men are. His brothers, of course, he has no problem connecting with. Most of the other nat-born contractors stay out of his way, which is more than fine with him. 
But you? You baffle Creed, and the only thing more confusing to him is the way you make him feel. 
If he’s being blunt with himself, he knows it’s a crush. It’s the only thing these feelings can be—the anticipatory tightening in his chest when he hears your voice around the corner, the fluttering in his chest whenever you smile in his direction, the maddening urge to tilt your head up so you meet his gaze straight on. If he’s being honest, he knows that the way you act around him, shuffling your feet and glancing away from his gaze, probably means his feelings aren’t one-sided. But these are things the Kaminoans never trained the clones for, and instead of facing the situation head-on like he does everything else, Creed waffles. 
And he’s so karking tired of it. 
So he’s not entirely certain what he’s doing outside your personal quarters, but he’s knocking on the durasteel door before he can talk himself out of this. It’s late—at least, his body tells him it’s late; there’s no way to know for certain when they’re in hyperspace—but despite the hour, it’s only a moment before your door slides open. 
“C-Commander!” You immediately stand straighter, smoothing out your sleep clothes. “What can I help you with, sir?” 
Your name falls from his lips before he can process it. Your first name, not your title, or your last name, but a name that feels so unfamiliar and yet sounds so right coming from him. “I’m not here on business.” 
“Oh.” You blink at him. “Well, still. Is there something you needed?” 
“I—” Creed sighs, drawing a hand over his face. “May I come in? I’d like to speak with you.” 
He catches the momentary flare of panic that crosses your features, but you step aside regardless. The door slides shut behind him. Your quarters are sparsely furnished; it makes his heart feel funny, that you haven’t made this space your own yet, despite being attached to the 387th for months now. 
“No decorations?” he asks. 
“Um.” You sound taken aback. “It’s...against GAR regulations to—”
“Right,” he says, waving his hand. Maker, could he be any worse at this? “My ARCs would tell you regulations are in place to be broken.” 
“Are you...giving me permission to break the rules, Commander?”
“Call me Creed,” he says, finally lifting his gaze to yours. “Please.” 
His eyes flicker down to your lips as they part in surprise. Stars, you really are a sight, and he wonders why he hasn’t taken the time to fully appreciate the view until now. Heart pounding in his chest, he wipes his palms on the fabric of his blacks. 
“The answer is ‘yes’,” he says. When your brow furrows in confusion, he continues, “About breaking regulations. Because I’m about to break several.” 
“What’s going on?” 
Idly scratching at his ear, a nervous habit he picked up as a cadet, Creed sighs. “I like you.” 
He winces internally at the brusque timbre of his words, but understanding dawns over your face like the sun’s first rays. Swallowing harshly, Creed forces himself to stop fidgeting.
“May as well throw out all the handbooks,” you say after a moment. “Can I break a few more?”
You close the distance until you’re in his personal space. Peering up at him from beneath your eyelashes, you reach with tentative hands to brush your fingertips over the swell of his cheeks. Creed nearly leans into your touch. Instead, he does what he’s been wanting to for weeks, and he tucks one finger under your chin to tilt your head up as he leans down. 
Your lips are soft and warm against his own. He exhales a shaky breath as your hands slide around his neck, anchoring him to you; this is so far beyond uncharted territory that Creed can’t help but simply marvel at the rhythm you set. Mouths moving slow and in sync, you tilt his head, deepening the kiss. 
When you pull back, he finds you already gazing when he opens his eyes.
“Never woulda thought our big scary commander would break so many rules,” you say with a soft, teasing smile. 
Creed hums. “I won’t tell if you won’t.” 
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Ragu: @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter @bobaprint @dickarchivist @a-single-tulip @thorsterstrudle @droids-you-are-looking-for @goblininawig @cw80831 @mssbridgerton @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @9902sgirl @dreamie411 @jedi-hawkins
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kitkatt0430 · 23 days
So I'm interested in reading more stuff from Star Wars Legends - do you have any recommendations? Particularly anything with Mara Jade and Wedge?
hehehehe, why yes, yes I do :D
For Wedge specifically
The X-Wing Series I've mentioned this one to you before. It is a long series, but worth it. It covers a lot of the early years of the New Republic, including the battle to retake Coruscant, and also has a lot of the teething issues of a new government having to be built out of a Rebellion. Wedge is one of the main characters here, but so are Tycho Celchu and Corran Horn, both of whom I think you'll come to like. The series is ten books long so even though this is one entry on the list... it's also 10 whole books with Wedge in them. ^_^
For Mara Jade specifically
The Thrawn Trilogy Mara was introduced here, along with a number of other original characters (Talon Karrde and Grand Admiral Thrawn being stand outs alongside Mara) and it's definitely my favorite series for her. There's also a lot of thought put into the Clone Wars backstory here - contradicted later by the Prequel Trilogy, but a lot of Star Wars Legends books have that issue - that's pretty interesting. Leia is pregnant with the twins for much of the trilogy, but it doesn't stop her from being her badass self. (Wedge shows up in this trilogy and some of the other books below, but more as a side character than a main character.)
The Corellian Trilogy The focus of this trilogy is on the Han's home world (and home system) Corellia and the political climate being less than ideal (of course) when Han, Leia, and their three kids go to visit. The first time Han's been back in a very, very long time. For a change, his side of the family is part of the overarching problem the Skywalker-Organa-Solo clan is smacking face first into. However Mara gets brought into things about midway-ish in the first book and she's her own boss at this point and I'd say she definitely gets her moments to shine throughout the trilogy. (I could do without Lando's side quest to marry for money for so, so many reasons, but at least it gets him and Luke into position to be useful later.)
The Hand of Thrawn Duology This duo is the reason I strongly read Luke as aro and his marriage to Mara being queer platonic in nature. The two of them team up to dig into the rumored return of Grand Admiral Thrawn while Thrawn's former protege is on the verge of bringing peace between the Empire and the New Republic. It's never romantic between Mara and Luke they just... kinda realize they fit together and want to be life partners.
Survivor's Quest Luke and Mara (now married) discover what happened to The Outbound Flight, a Jedi expedition from the Clone War era that was destroyed by Thrawn. It's not my favorite of the books on this list, but it's an interesting look at the Luke and Mara as a married couple as well as what three years of peace between the Republic and the Empire looks like.
Other books
I, Jedi This one is in first person PoV so it can be a bit hit or miss. I actually read it before the X-Wing series, so it was my introduction to Corran Horn as he trained as a Jedi before heading out to save his kidnapped wife, Mirax. I had already read the Jedi Academy Trilogy that the book is concurrent to and is a bit of a fix fic for and... I like I, Jedi a lot better than The Jedi Academy Trilogy. Luke was not at his best in that trilogy, so Corran calling him out on a few things was rather satisfying to me.
Children of the Jedi This one had some interesting backstory for the Jedi and introduced a Jedi Knight of the Clone War era, Callista, who has survived in spirit form and aids Luke throughout the book, though she gains a physical form at the end in a somewhat... polarizing manner that is examined further in two follow up books. I found Callista to be a very interesting character... but I never bought her as a love interest for Luke so I wasn't too sad when two books later she headed off to go rediscover the Force on her own.
Dawn of the Jedi Set long before the birth of the Old Republic, on the ancient world of Tython, Lanoree of the Je'daii Order - precursor of the Jedi - is tasked with defeating a fanatical cult bent on traveling beyond the reaches of known space at the risk of destroying the entire star system. There's some call forwards that don't necessarily make sense, but overall it's got some fascinating world building going on.
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thrawns-babygirl · 1 year
Blue Chapter 1
So I'm trying my hand at a multichapter OC x Canon fic and wanted to post the first part to see what people think.(I'll think of a better title later dont @ me)
This is the OC info
Summary: After numerous Traumatic events as a front line medic for the Grand Army of the Republic, Dr Izrin Voz takes a post on Kamino, wanting a break from the gruesome realities of war while still helping the clones as best she could. While there, she meets Clone Force 99 and gets involved with their aloof sniper. Pairing: OC x Crosshair
Pre-Echo to start off with, it's going to follow canon as best as I can with a potential divergent point. Eventual Smut. No relationships in this part, this is just giving y'all a bit of an idea about Izrin's character.
Pls give feedback because this is my firs time writing OC x Canon so I wanna know what everyone thinks. Thank you for reading my loves <3
Izrin took a deep breath before walking of the transport surrounded by various clones and other medical personnel. A permanent placement on Kamino was never something that she was really expecting, nor that she ever really wanted before now, but life is funny like that sometimes.
After long stints aboard different venator class ships, working among some of the best and bravest clones in the galaxy, after watching those same clones be marched to their deaths repeatedly while there was nothing she could do to help, she was ready for some routine. With one final look towards the pilot, she took her small bag of personal belongings and marched off the ramp with her head held high.
At the bottom of the ramp was a Kaminoan woman, beside her a small human girl. “You must be doctor Voz” the kaminoan spoke in the intonation typical to her species, voice soft and melodic as she inclined her head slightly in greeting “I am Nala Se, chief Medical Scientist on Kamino, you will be reporting directly to me during your term here. My assistant, Omega, will take your bag to your room.” She motioned towards the small girl next to her who gave her a small wave before grabbing your bags and retreating out of the rain into the building. “Come, we have much to discuss” with that Nala Se turns and leads Izrin into the large cloning facility on Tipoca city.  While walking through the winding, sterile white halls, the Kaminoan tells Izrin about her duties here on Tipoca City, while being quite overt in her displeasure about having an outsider involved in her operation.
This is fine, Izrin thought to herself, as she watched a young group of clones no older than ten or eleven walk down the halls, as long as I’m here I don’t have to watch them march to their death. I can help them in my own way. Nala Se stopped walking in front of a door, uniform with each of the other doors along the seemingly never ending hallway “This is to be your office. You will be examining cadets and clearing them for active service, should you have any questions, your comm has my frequency. I trust you will perform up to our standards.” Without another word Nala Se turned and walked down the long hallway, presumably to her own lab or wherever she worked from.
With another sigh, Izrin opened the door to be greeted with yet another sterile white room, fitted with two beds, a small desk with a terminal on top of it and various medical equipment. She could do this. She could.
The first few weeks passed by in a blur, wake up in her tiny quarters to the ever present Kamino rain, eat whatever slop was served in the cafeteria, check over various squads for anything that would stop them from performing less than optimally out on the field and repeat.
“Something on your mind doc?” the clone trooper she was checking over currently looking up at her with those bright eyes. The eyes of a man who hasn’t seen the front lines yet, the eyes of a man who didn’t know what horrors awaited him after he left the safety of the walls of Tipoca City. “Nothing CT-0216, still just getting a feel for how everything works around here” she smiled down at him before looking up at the readouts from his blood work. Another totally healthy clone, another piece of meat for the Republic to throw at the seemingly never ending waves of battle droids.  “Please, call me Cutter” he smiled.
She both loved and hated it when the clones would tell her their names. Knowing their names made it harder for her to send them out, to send them away from their safe haven. Knowing their names made it harder for her to forget the names of the other clones that she was not allowed to put in her mission reports, reduced to only their numbers, regardless of which Jedi general she served under it was always the same. Log the CT number as deceased and move on with the war. Swallowing the lump in her throat she looked down at Cutter with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes “Well Cutter you’ve got a clean bill of health, I’ll send your file through and you and the rest of your squad should be getting your first assignment in the next few rotations”
You don’t want this, she thought. You don’t want to be there, you don’t know what its like for you out there, but the look of fire and determination on Cutter’s face made her bite her tongue. This is what he wants she had to remind herself. This is what he was designed for. Thankfully, Cutter was her last patient of the day, having already seen the rest of his squad, she could retire to her quarters soon. She could log the rest of the files, forget their names and let sleep overtake her. Not long to go now.
“You’re a legend doc, I’ll see you around” she couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm, no matter how misplaced it was “You stay safe out there trooper” and with one final nod, he was gone. Gone but not forgotten. No matter how hard she tried she could never truly forget them, any of them.
Reclining back into her chair, setting her glasses down on the desk and running a hand over her face and letting her hair down from its regulation bun, Izrin fixed her eyes on her terminal. Not long to go now.
A chime at her door alerted her to a visitor, hurriedly pulling her hair back should Nala Se be coming to check on her, she opened the door to reveal Omega standing there with a bright smile on her face. Izrin couldn’t help but smile back at the young clone. Omega had such an infectious enthusiasm that was impossible not to share, she held up a cup of caf before walking over and sealing the door behind her.
“Did you hear? 4 more successful missions! They should be on their way back now! Maybe Nala Se will let me talk to them this time” Omega puts the caf in front of her on the desk before sitting in the seat opposite, fidgeting with nervous energy. “Omega, I don’t track Clone Force 99’s mission reports like you do, but I’m glad their doing well” she gave the girl a small smile before putting her glasses back on and sipping on her caf, slightly sweet just how she liked it. “They aren’t just doing well Iz, they are unbeatable! You should meet them, they are so cool” Omega was spinning slightly on the chair, a stark reminder that she was, in fact, still a child.
“Meg, how do you know they’re cool if you haven’t spoken to them?” Omega frowned and Izrin inwardly cringed, maybe that was the wrong thing to say.
“Well… I just know. I think you’d like ‘em. If they get back to base tonight, you could watch while Nala Se does their post mission check-up. She never lets me join; I don’t know why… But I’m sure she wouldn’t have any issues with you tagging along” her smile really was infectious, “And why would I want to do that Meg?” Izrin asked, eyebrow raised as Omega shrank slightly into her seat. Caught. “Well… if you meet them… maybe you could bring me along some time and you could introduce me” she was looking up at her with such hopeful eyes. Curse this small child for having her wrapped around her finger. With a resigned sigh, Izrin places her now empty mug down on the desk. “Alright Omega, if Nala Se lets me join her when they return to base I’ll see what I can do. But absolutely no promises, she is not exactly my biggest fan” and as though speaking her name summoned her to Izrin’s office, Nala Se walks through the door eyes training on Omega.
“We have much work to do Omega, please stop distracting Dr. Voz from hers” Omega looks sheepish but quickly gets to her feet following Nala Se out of the office before giving Izrin a quick wave. “See ya Iz, have a good night” The door swooshes shut behind her and the young Pantoran is left with nothing but a pile of reports to submit and her thoughts. Maybe she would meet this Clone Force 99, if for no other reason than to help Omega meet her brothers. The kid deserved some joy in life and if meeting these specific clones would do that for her then who was she to deny her. Izrin was never the best around kids, but Omega felt like an old soul, far too old for her age and it made her sad. Kids should be allowed to just be kids.
Hours later, the conversation with Omega having slipped from her mind, after submitting her final reports for the night and wiping her weary eyes, the sound of her comm chiming gives her a slight scare, the ID telling her that Nala Se is requesting her presence in the other side of the medical wing. Odd she thought, what could Nala Se want with her at this hour. With a frown and one final look over her office she makes her way to the indicated room, bones aching after working for the last 12 standard hours before standing in front of a door that looks identical to her own, hearing boisterous laughter from inside.
Of course, these must be the clones that Omega was talking about, but… she didn’t talk to Nala Se about them, maybe Omega had taken it upon herself to volunteer her for this. Shaking her head at the young girl’s antics, she inputs a code into the door and steps inside to meet the… clones? These guys didn’t look like standard clones, while they shared a few similar features, these ones all looked vastly different.
Doesn’t that defeat the idea of… clones?
Her attention was initially drawn to the source of the loud laughter she had heard out in the hall, a hulking mass of muscle clad in a Republic issue black under suit had a grey haired clone in a headlock. The former with a massive smile on his face while the latter… well if looks could kill. Scanning the rest of the room, she saw one with long hair and a bandanna, half of his face covered in dark ink, speaking softly to a clone wearing goggles with his head down in a datapad. Nala Se was nowhere to be found, leaving her seemingly alone with the clones.
The one in the bandanna turned to face her before addressing the rest of his brothers. “Boys we got company, quit messing around” his tone was authoritative, the leader of the squad by the looks of things. All eyes in the room landed on her, making Izrin shift uncomfortably on her feet. “I’m Dr. Voz, Nala Se instructed me to meet her here” she managed to keep her voice steady as her gaze flicked from one clone to the other.
“Yeah she said something about needin’ to do something else and that she sent another doctor down. I’m Hunter” he was definitely the leader, but she didn’t get long to think about it before the goggled man started talking “you are a Pantoran” he stated, adjusting his goggles. She smiled, stifling a slight chuckle “what gave it away?” the clone takes in a breath, looking like he’s about to go on a rant about the defining physical characteristics of Pantorans when he was interrupted by the grey-haired clone “tch she’s joking Tech” he says putting a toothpick in his mouth. The one with the goggles, Tech, seemed to deflate slightly before the massive clone with bulging muscles walked over “yeah ignore him, he can talk for hours about anything and we gotta get to the cafeteria before they stop servin’ food” he beams.
Hunter sighs, shaking his head “this is Wrecker, Crosshair and Tech, we’re Clone Force 99.”
Maybe Omega was right, maybe she did like these clones.
didnt add my taglist for this one but let me know if you want to be tagged in future parts
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clonehub · 1 year
oo kiki is cool!!!
also i have a question, what's the shadowy network she's described as leading like to like. know about and be in? im interested in that
also. me 🤝 kiki
being arospec (she's greyro, im aro)
OMG ok ok ok
So kiki is a Jedi General in the GAR, but right before the war starts, she and her master were doing anti-slave work all throughout the republic and non-Republic. Thats what her entire padawanhood was dedicated to.
So teh war starts, and she still has contacts across the galaxy to all these anti-slave efforts. she recognizs imemdiately that the clones are in fact a slave army. she gets to work setting up ways for them to escape the GAR--contacts in the GAR, safe houses, escape routes, fake IDs, etc. most of them get sent to verocia
so this is all very stressful. there are successes, yes, but there are also close calls and some failures. she takes all of them kind of personally. she's not good at letting her emotions out so she tends to push through everything until she cracks.
its hard. she has her best friend and her cousin involved. at one point her sister gets involved, but there are things kiki cant reveal to them because its too sensitive and the risk is too high. she literally kills a Jedi to keep the network secret. the pressure of it is building on her every day.
her favorite Jedi master is a man named Bernie (created by @jaigeye mwah) and he's been an amazing mentor to her for her whole life, especially in areas where her own master failed. but she can't talk to him. she cant tell him anything. she needs someone to be able to confess everything to--how isolating this is, how sometimes it doesnt even feel right even if the clones thank her a million times, how sometimes she wishes she could stop, how terrified she is that the whole thing will be exposed and the political and social blowback will be greater than she anticipated, etc. sometimes she lays awake at night thinking of the close calls and thinking of the gaps in the machine of it all and she can't breathe.
so for Kiki, it's righteous work, its good work, but its isolating. her best friend and fwb Hahkin feels more fulfilled helping with the network than she does fighting in the war. kiki's cousin sunlaou is loyal to kiki to a fault, so he'd be following her regardless.
and yeah me using a million words to describe how kiki isnt big on romance and she kinda likes it but she hesitates and she sometimes feels it a lot and sometimes its like nothing but the love is still there but Different....when this whole time what I meant was Greyro (the other side of her sexuality coin is that she's bi). so when she's developing her relationship with Jax, she has to parse all of her feelings about relationships, especially the deep romantic ones, and figure out how much of it is residual Jedi Hang Ups, how much is her own fear of commitment (too used to isolating) and how much of it is literally her being Meh on romance 95% of the time.
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greenreticule · 2 years
Hello there, Star Wars fandom, specifically those who like to consider themselves supportive of queer representation in the franchise.
Let's talk about aphobia
That is: disdain for aromantic and asexual people, be it active or ignorant.
(This is not an exhaustive list of how aphobia can show up in fandom, nor is it taking into account intersections such as race, disability, gender, etc.)
Some definitions for people new to the conversation:
aro = aromantic. experiencing little to no romantic attraction ace = asexual. experiencing little to no sexual attraction allo = alloromantic or allosexual. experiencing sexual or romantic attraction a-spec = somewhere on the aro or ace spectrum
Earlier this year, the twitter @/QueerSWatch posted about the number of queers present in The Fallen Star by Claudia Gray. There were two gay queens in minor roles, and then Leox Gyasi as a lead character, who is explicitly asexual and strongly implied aromantic.
Aside from two replies, the rest of them were bemoaning the lack of queers. Sure, three characters is not a lot. But what additional representation were the replies clamoring for?
Someone wanted Lucasfilm to hire a creator known for creating allo queer characters.
Someone who asked if Claudia Gray has ever written any queer characters, somehow missing the giant ace flag behind Leox in the tweet.
Someone who was insisting that a side character had to be allo queer.
Someone celebrating the side allo characters without a single mention of the leading queer character (which also happened with Into The Dark, where Leox gave a whole speech about his queerness).
And someone was clamoring for the aggressively straight Elzar Mann to be confirmed as allo queer.
In short, every single one of these people were replying to a tweet that was highlighting an asexual character, saying "not enough queers," and then offered fixes to that by suggesting EXCLUSIVELY allo representation.
That's aphobia.
That might not have been the intent, but it was still a very loud indication of what they considered actual, worthwhile representation. And it wasn't the leading aromantic, asexual character.
A less recent, but loud conversation, was about Rey.
Part of the fandom interpreted The Last Jedi as Rey's sexual awakening, and then were loud about how any disagreement with that interpretation was cowardly, misogynistic, infantilizing, and repressive. Actual words used.
They insisted that a sexual awakening was essential, critical, and universal in people becoming adults. Not only did this actively ignore the asexual fans who saw themselves in Rey, these arguments are a repetition of actual pressure that asexual people face in real life.
We are considered "late bloomers," repressed by religion, or prudish just by being who we are, and many of us end up pressured into relationships that we do not want because we are considered broken for not wanting them.
Real aphobic arguments were deployed in defense of a ship.
For a more pervasive, ongoing discussion... let's talk about how a significant part of the fandom talks about the Jedi Code and Jedi chastity.
Some clarifications first:
Sex drives, participating in/enjoying the act of sex, virginity, chastity, being single, etc. are NOT the same thing as asexuality.
Asexuality and aromanticism are NOT the same thing. Not everyone who is aro is ace and vice versa.
However, allos often conflate all of these. Star Wars conflates all of these. The fandom conflates all of these.
Therefore, your opinions on #1 often reflect your beliefs about a-spec folks.
Whenever someone headcanons that Obi-Wan either is a-spec or chastely follows the Jedi Code, the constant reply is "Satine Kryze" or "no, I KNOW that he has sex!"
And some of the replies actually are written as if they are offended by the idea that Obi-Wan doesn't have sex.
Contrast this with the time that wording in an official Star Wars release suggested that Palpatine might have had sex. The day after International Asexuality Day 2021 (thanks!), the Star Wars fandom was flooded with people insistent that Palpatine could NOT have sex.
One reply to the myriad of tweets literally said "I know aphobia is bad but I just can't imagine him having sex."
Someone actively recognized they were near or in aphobia, and thought it was okay to continue on anyway.
What does it mean that the fandom will get offended by the implication that a desirable and good man might not have sex, and an undesirable and evil man might have sex?
That someone would prefer Obi-Wan to be allosexual and Palpatine to be asexual, based entirely in desirability and morality, is aggressively aphobic.
In general, the fandom attitude towards Jedi chastity consistently seems to include the assumption that it is wrong for the Jedi to be chaste, that it is repressive to avoid sex.
Obviously there are going to be parallels that people draw to fundamentalist Christianity and their rules about abstinence, but as someone who was raised in fundamental Christianity, I can tell you that those ideas about the Importance of Sex is also harmful to asexual people. It holds this threat of sex as a requirement after marriage, which is also considered a requirement. Because it’s That Important.
And this Importance of Sex gets repeated outside of the church too. Insisting that sex is an Inherent Good that All People Must Experience And Desire is elevating sex in the same way that fundamentalist Christianity does. It is still dictating how and when people must experience sex in order to be a full person.
This is reflected in fandom by being offended at the thought of a desirable character not having sex.
This is reflected in fandom acting as if it is an inherent evil for someone or a group of people to not desire or to choose to abstain from sex.
You need to consider how these things reflect upon your perception and treatment of a-spec people in real life.
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meanbihexual · 2 years
OC Masterlist
Current OC Masterlist
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Safiya Adraiel | Jedi Knight | half human, half Miraluka | she/her | bisexual | romancing Theron Shan
personally shy, professionally outspoken | courageous | kind and generous | perfectionist | no concept of self care | believes in second chances | mom friend | too serious | funny when she lets herself be
(art by @commander-sarahs-art and @chenria)
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Phila Evander | Republic Trooper | human | she/her | pansexual | romancing Aric Jorgan
athletic | girly but tries to hide it | bubbly | makes friends with everyone | loyal | brave to the point of occasional recklessness | roots for the underdog | knows she's privileged and tries to use it for good
(art by @chenria)
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Kattori Desai | Smuggler | half human, half Mirialan | she/they | pansexual | romancing Corso Riggs and Risha Drayen
sassy | here for a good time, not a long time | found family is everything | sarcastic | says fuck every other word | restless | robin hood but acts like she’s not | does not have time for bad fashion
(art by @chenria)
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Amytis Adraiel | Jedi Consular | human | she/her | lesbian | romancing Lana Beniko
physically incapable of lying | gentle and nurturing | could probably tame a feral rancor | sees good in everyone | emotional intelligence off the charts | shrewd diplomat | too trusting in her personal life
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Ixaila Kaveri | Sith Warrior | Sith Pureblood | she/her | lesbian | romancing Ynnara Xenathys
noblesse oblige | commanding presence | dry humor | cold anger | high expectations for herself and everyone else | likes fancy things | always giving gifts to friends and family | great speeches
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Ynnara Xenathys | Sith Inquisitor | human | she/her | lesbian | romancing Ixaila Kaveri
genius | would rather be reading | no tolerance for stupidity | 100% that bitch | never acts serious | rules from the shadows | mean but funny | hyperfocus | forgets to eat and sleep on a regular basis
(art by @dingoat, pictured with @sithwarblade's OC Char'yal)
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Tsia Cyrillis | Imperial Agent | cyborg | she/her | pansexual | no romantic relationship
trust issues | needs a vacation | could talk state secrets out of jace malcolm probably | fantastic strategist | creative | always four steps ahead | backup plans for backup plans | sex appeal ^100
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Jy’tana Telar | Bounty Hunter | Zabrak | she/her | aro/ace | no romantic relationship
survival of the fittest | loves animals | finds the humor in everything | up for anything | protective of her found family | always bets on herself | credits burn a hole in her pocket | act first, think later
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Adira Cavell | Jedi Knight (not canon) | Mirialan | she/her | bisexual | romancing Kallie Vosh (who belongs to @sithwarblade)
always in motion | can’t stand a bully | good intentions | bad influence | flying by the seat of her pants most of the time | happy 99% of the time | hard worker | silly | says oops at least twice per day
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What if somehow in the vampire clone au Fordo was left completely alone with Hunter?
Ok so in this au I am still debating on making all vampires yandere or if only a few.
Here Fordo did have an interest in Hunter which developed into an obsession during their time together, it also didn't help that Hunter was the first living sentient being he fed from without killing it, as I explained in a previous post, vampires only feed in this way from either extremely close friends because ace and aro people exist or lovers this is mostly to generate a sort of bond that allows both parties to know if the other is in any sort of danger and even in some case to communicate telepathically but for that, the bond must be quite old and very VERY strong.
Anyway, Fordo's obsession and possessiveness over Hunter were addressed and both were separated when Fordo went a little too far, this separation has been going for so long that the bond is so thin it's almost nonexistent.
And Fordo has accepted that he became a danger to Hunter so in this case, he wouldn't go crazy or anything unless they had been both captured by say Separatists and he had been starved for far too long.
In this case, Fordo would jump Hunter and almost feed on him, picture Legoshi from Beastars when he almost ate Haru.
But of course, he wouldn't sink his teeth into Hunter remembering how last time he almost killed Hunter, and hurting Hunter in any way is out of the question.
But he would be unhable to let Hunter out of the embrace and would instead keep them both in the same position mostly to keep him safe from their captors.
Here Hunter would understand that Forde NEEDS to feed or he WILL die so he offers.
At the start, Fordo would reject the offer to the point that Hunter would need to put his arm in Fordo's mouth because he worries and doesn't want Fordo to die.
Fordo would finally cave in but would instead bite Hunter in the hand to not bite into any major artery in case he lost control.
The taste of Hunter's blood has always been intoxicating but to Fordo it was more than that, it was as if he was drinking the most exquisite thing in the entire universe.
But as he felt Hunter begin to weaken he stopped having taken enough blood to gain back enough strength to get both out of there.
They manage to escape and return to Republic space where they are rescued but Fordo would not let Hunter go, keeping him tightly wrapped around his arms.
After this Fordo will try to get back into Hunter's life, using experience to prove that he is no longer a threat to Hunter.
The others would be very skeptical and wary, never really leaving Hunter alone with him.
But if Fordo is anything he's stubborn, he'll show them he is worthy of Hunter, just give him time.
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gera-winds-of-joy · 4 months
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liife republic aros, hinjewadi, pune
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realestatehinjewadi · 23 days
Life Republic Aros Pune, which covers 9203.59 square meters and is set to be finished by December 2026, is situated on  2.27 acres. Kolte Patil Life Republic Aros can be seen by its 739 units spread across 5 towers. Kolte Patil Developers’  project shows their dedication to creating homes and a community that encourages existence.
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sagardizital · 4 months
7 Reasons Why Aros at Life Republic in Pune is Your Ideal Choice
Discovering your ideal home is an exciting journey, and Aros at Life Republic in Pune offers a unique mix of luxury, convenience, and tranquility. Located in the vibrant area of Hinjewadi, Maharashtra, this residential gem by Kolte Patil ensures an exceptional living experience. Here are seven compelling reasons why Aros at Life Republic should be at the top of your list:
Immersive Lifestyle: Aros offers an extraordinary living experience, encouraging residents to escape the ordinary and embrace a vibrant lifestyle. The community hub, Club Aros, provides an array of thoughtfully designed amenities spanning 19,000 sq.ft., fostering connections and rejuvenation.
Nature's Retreat: Amidst the urban chaos, Aros provides a serene retreat within its expansive 2.6-acre Nature's Nest. Residents can reconnect with nature, surrounded by lush greenery, offering a peaceful sanctuary away from the city hustle.
Sky-High Enjoyment: Elevating the living experience, Aros features a stunning Sky Trail at a remarkable 70-meter height, offering breathtaking views of Pune's skyline. It's an ideal spot for residents to enjoy mesmerizing vistas and create lasting memories.
Luxurious Living Spaces: Aros offers lavish 2 & 3 BHK homes within the sprawling Life Republic, a 400-acre integrated township. Each residence is meticulously crafted to provide luxury, comfort, and functionality, ensuring an unparalleled living experience.
Exclusive Privileges: Aros presents a world of exclusive privileges that redefine luxury living. From guest suites in each tower to modern geek pods facilitating remote work, every aspect is designed to enhance the quality of life for residents.
Convenient Connectivity: Strategically situated near Hinjewadi, Aros provides seamless access to the Mumbai - Bangalore Highway, ensuring easy connectivity to key destinations. Residents also benefit from proximity to essential amenities, educational institutions, and entertainment hubs.
Exceptional Design: With a 9.5-acre land parcel, Aros boasts an impressive elevation featuring three-level parking and 22 habitable floors. The design emphasizes maximum light, ventilation, and privacy, creating a harmonious blend of aesthetics and functionality.
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worldofthraeia · 8 months
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WIP Intro
📚Chronicles of Thraeia: Cramming for Magic Class📚
Note: This is going to be a webcomic.
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Slice-of-Life
Location: Folimere, Sylmafrae, The Elven Republic
Tropes/ Vibes:
Strangers to friends to lovers. Magic familiars. Crushes. Learning how to be an Adult. ✨Magic burnout✨. A fell first, B fell harder. Oblivious idiot in love. Gifted kid burnout. Overcoming perfectionism.
Progress: 3 eps sketched, scripting
A new school year is about to start at Lilium University of Magic. Zephyrine, who recently moved in with their cousin and her friend, is simply breezing through life. At least until they meet Soulaetia, a high-born magic prodigy with some very poor study habits. When they happen to cross paths, they change each others' lives in ways neither expected.
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Zephyrine Amethus
They/them- Nonbinary Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Pan Familiar: Kato the hortensia dog
My most emotionally stable character probably. They have two dads and are the eldest of their three siblings. Zeph recently moved in with their cousin Juniper and her friend Aurelius. They're very chill and kinda just floating through life. They love to cook and draw.
Quote: "Either you come take a break now or you get no cookies."
Soulaetia Dives
She/her Romantic/ Sexual Orientation: Lesbian Familiar: Pollux the unicorn
A magic prodigy who is also a perfectionist. Soul is an only child who could have gone to a highly prestigious school, but chose Lilium to escape. She has a specialty in illusion magic.
Quote: "You cannot be friends with me and not know your way around a library."
Juniper Amethus
She/her Romantic/ Sexual Orientation: Aro Ace Familiar: Mabel the rosy amphithere
Junie is studying transmutation magic to help with her job as an assistant greenhouse keeper. She loves plants. She's good at making friends and is very attached to Aurelius, who has been her friend the longest.
Quote: "You guys will not believe what happened at work! A Pomgon got into the greenhouse."
Aurelius Luxfero
He/They- Genderqueer (He has no idea and neither do I) Romantic/ Sexual Orientation: Bi Familiar: Vesper the auroch
Ellie has been friends with Juniper since they were five. He is a half-Elf and likes to visit his Human mother from time to time. Ellie is studying Abjuration to follow in his Dad's footsteps, protecting the border. He loves to read.
Quote: "I found this skirt the other day while we were shopping and it's really pretty but I'm not sure about it."
0 notes
kathrynalicemc · 2 years
🧡 song or playlist <3
I was thinking for a while about who I should do this for as Ive done it for most of my OCs but I have decided ill do them all again! At least ones that are my favorites and relate soooo well to certain songs. Im also gonna put which lyrics relate to them the most out of their song.
Eleanor Amaranthine - Phoenix by League of Legends
"It's your reflection looking back to pull you down, So are you gonna die today or make it out alive? You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly. Fly, phoenix, fly"
Aros Varangr - Love is a Battlefield by Luke Evans
"They're begging me to go then making me stay. Why do you hurt me so bad? It could help me to know, do I stand in your way? Or am I the best thing you've had?"
Dafne Arcano - Bones by Imagine Dragons
"I-I-I got this feeling, yeah, you know where I'm losing all control 'cause there's magic in my bones. I-I-I got this feeling in my soul, go ahead and throw your stones 'cause there's magic in my bones"
Iolanthe Arcano - Secrets by One Republic
"So tell me what you want to hear, something that will light those ears. I'm sick of all the insincere, so I'm gonna give all my secrets away. This time don't need another perfect lie. Don't care if critics ever jump in line, I'm gonna give all my secrets away"
Unni Arcano - Wake the White Wolf by Miracle of Sound
"Torches of war under hatred's sails. A whisper of doom on a wary breeze. Scorching the shores in a blazing trail. Cinder and fume foul the air we breathe. Blood of fallen kings, blades of chaos ring, steel and silver sing for justice"
Eloise Yaxley - The Rumbling by SiM
"All I ever wanted to do was save your life I never wanted to grab a knife, I swear. I'm tearless, I'm fearless. I'm burning, I'm burning. You tell me what have I missed? Still wandering in the deep mist. If I lose it all, slip and fall I will never look away. If I lose it all, lose it all, lose it all"
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