#ler tara
lopsicle · 5 months
I’m writing this fic as a gift for a friend that means so sooo much to me!! @blushyeleven , you are an amazing friend to me, you always have been, your one of the best girls I know and I’m so sooo glad to be friends with you!! With that being said, enjoy the fic!
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The Best Kind of Arguments
Pairing: Ler Tara x Lee Y/N (romantic)
Summary: Y/N decides to be pouty over a small argument and Tara tickles her out of her mood
Warning: Tickle Fic, Y/N will be referred to with either They/Them or You/Your, mostly tickles and not much buildup,
‘You know you can’t stay mad at me forever, right?’ Tara Carpenter asked, sitting on one end of the couch, with Y/N curled up on the other.
‘Mm.’ Y/N responded bluntly, barely managing a hum in response to their girlfriend. See, the two had gotten into a mini argument over a show they were watching together, resulting in a very pouty Y/N, turned away from Tara who was trying to console them.
Tara shifted towards Y/N, pinning them between her and the edge of the couch. She wasn’t taking this entirely seriously, she knew you weren’t really mad at her anyway. You only really got pouty with her when you were trying to get…oh. The Carpenter smiled to herself, before looking over to Y/N, who had their eyes locked on the dark, carpeted floor, facing away from Tara.
Y/N always got into moods like this, when they didn’t feel like asking for what they wanted. It took Tara a while to understand what you wanted but it became second nature to her. Y/N just liked being tickled, yet saying that out loud was an utter nightmare for them, so acting all annoying and pouty in the hopes someone would tickle them was the next best thing. Luckily for you, Tara was just dying for someone to tickle the life out of.
After being a victim of Sam’s tickle attacks when she was around, Tara picked up a lot of ways to make someone laugh, and squeal and scream from tickling and who better to use them on then her partner? It took her a while to notice that you never really tried to stop her from tickling you, but was ecstatic when she found out. Of course, it took a lot more tickling to get a confession out of you. Having a partner who loved liked being tickled was adorable in her eyes, even if it wasn’t easier to tickle you, it was a lot more fun.
‘You know Y/N, maybe you just need to smile,’ Tara exclaimed, her tone being slightly threatening and playful, you recognised it far too late. Those long nails of hers ran up your side; you could feel the sliding, sharp nails against your bare skin thanks to your crop top. The stimulating shocks jolted through your body, and reflectively, your arm crashed down to your assaulted side. You fought a smile coming onto your face, wanting to stay mad at Tara and wanting more tickles.
‘Come on, don’t hide that smile from me, Giggles,’ the black haired woman smiled playfully, crawling towards you a little more, not wanting to give you a chance to escape your tickles, even if she knew you wouldn’t want to. Tara then pried her hand between your arm and your side, squeezing it a bunch like she was trying to force the laughter out of your torso.
You wanted to respond but you know opening your mouth would lead to some laughter coming out, and that was far too risky. How were you supposed to look mad if you were giggling your head off? But that nickname did cause a bit of red to rush to your cheeks, your expression softening as you kept your face turned away from Tara. Your legs twitched and squirmed from the squeezing, fighting a smile even if she couldn’t see it.
‘Your never normally this difficult with tickling, do you just really want it today? What did you call it, a lee mood? Are you just in a bad lee mood?’ Tara know full well that it was called a lee mood but felt like riling Y/N up a little more. The heat radiating off of your cheeks was proof enough that it was working, making Tara smirk as reached her other hand over to your left side. Tara just kept squeezing your sides over and over and over, toying with the delicate skin while you shook in her grasp, but the tickles only lessened a little when you began to laugh.
Your legs curled upwards to your torso, a halfhearted attempt to protect yourself from Tara’s tickle attack. With your laughter freely pouring out, a wider smile inches onto your face, to Tara’s amusement.
‘There’s the smile I’ve been waiting for! You really are so ticklish, I didn’t even have to try hard to make you laugh!’
She pointed out casually, those annoying, mean nails of hers working their way over to your stomach. Ecstasy and dread built up in you, the tickling shocks getting oh so much worse, forcing you to suck your stomach in. Your hand slapped against the couch repeatedly, like the tickling was filling your body with a sense that you’d die if you stayed still and just let it happen. Even if you knew you liked it, sitting still was a death warrant.
‘Shuhuhuhut up!’
You gasped through your laughter, feeling like being extra difficult if Tara was going to be annoying. It was only fair, she knew that being tickled was the one thing you couldn’t resist…sure you were trying to get her to tickle you, but that didn’t matter! It did seem like your comment worked there, as she let out a fake offended gasp.
‘Oh, really? Your telling me to shut up when your the one being tickled and your the one acting like a brat?’ Tara asked, prodding her fingers into your belly button occasionally, emphasising her words. She was tickling you before out of pure enjoyment, and she was still enjoying it, but now there was an element of vengeance to it which made her all the much scarier. You body felt still, like a predator was watching you and at any moment, it would just-
Instinctively, you smacked against Tara’s hand, which had its nails dug right into your belly button, scratching and scribbling against the sensitive skin, tracing against the outline of your navel. Her fingers worked like clockwork, poking at all the right spots to make you squeal and burst out with laughter.
‘You should’ve thought about that before acting like a brat!’
Tara argued back, forgetting that she was tickling you to get you to stop being angry with her, just enjoying making you scream with laughter. She kept her nails antagonising your navel for a little longer, before, like spiders, they crawled over to your ribs. The raven haired woman’s fingers jabbed below your bottom set of ribs, making you squirm about beneath her at the lovely awful, mean feeling.
‘I-I wahahahahahasn’t!’
You argued, finally able to catch your breath again. Your ribs were a real bad spot, but nowhere near as bad as your navel was, so you could at least calm down a little. Tara didn’t seem that amused at your arguing though, or maybe she was, it gave her an excuse to sink her nails right in between your ribs, tickling every nook and cranny she could get her malicious nails on.
‘Oh, your telling me to shut up isn’t acting like a brat?’ She smirked. ‘You know you were, your just trying to get more tickles from me!’
‘N-nahaha, I-I-eeeep!!’
Her nails jammed themselves between your ribs again, scribbling around in a swift, skittering manner.
‘And you keep on lying to me, you know you love tickles! I’ll just keep on tickling your ticklish self until you can admit it!’
Tara said, adding the word ‘tickle’ in there a lot more then necessary, just to see your cheeks go even more red. Your girlfriend’s fingers ran up and down your ribs, tapping against them like they were a piano. She had a wide smile on her face, mirroring yours, despite your being brought on by a sadistic tickle attack. Even if you’d never admit, you were enjoying your time here with Tara…and the tickles.
‘Stahahahap shahahaahying it!’
Which really meant keep saying it, but Tara had gotten used to the weird reverse psychology you operated on. Tickling was just so flustering for no good reason, and your girlfriend teasing you with it? It felt like it should be illegal!
‘Saying what, ticklish? It’s not my fault, your the most ticklish person I’ve ever seen! I mean, do I even have to remind you…’
With that, Tara poked a single nail down into your belly button again, making you promptly curl up and seat at her hand like it was an annoying pest, because that’s what she was being!
That did seem to catch Tara’s interest though, a mean glint of mischief shining through her pupils while her hand left your navel.
‘Oh, not sensitive, huh?’
She asked, her words felt like a trap, like she’d pounce on you no matter your response. She emphasised the word ‘sensitive’, just reminding you that you couldn’t say the word tickle. You couldn’t match her gaze as you caught you breath, feeling the heat flush up to your cheeks.
Without warning, she’d suddenly take a hold of your wrists, your eyes widening in shock. You tried to fight back, just to make whatever she was doing harder, but her grip was ironclad. Seriously why was she so strong? Tara sat up high on the couch on her knees, dragging you by your arms so you were awkwardly laying on your side. Your girlfriend then slipped your hands under her knees, making your lay on your back with your arms trapped above your head, her grinning face looking down at you.
‘I mean, if your not sensitive, then you wouldn’t mind if I did this, right?’
She asked, planting two fingers on each of your forearms, beginning to agonisingly slowly walk them down to your armpits. Your armpits were, to put it lightly, nightmarishly sensitive. Tara learned quickly that you basically needed to be pinned if you were ever tickled there, being very ticklish also came with being very squirmy. And of course, seeing her go to your death spot poke by poke by poke was bringing out that anxious squirming in you; it was useless though, there was nothing you could do to protect your death spot now.
‘Tara, cahahme on, you dohohohn’t need to dohoho that!’
Came your desperate cry, not even able to hide your face from here now, so she could see those rosy cheeks, that pretty smile and the way your eyes light up whenever she just said the word ‘tickle’. Right now though, they were a lot more desperate for an escape. Her fingers came closer and closer to your armpits until…
You basically screeched, your eyes as wide as they had ever gone while you twitched and bucked underneath her. Your laughter, which sounded so sweet and beautiful to her, poured out of your mouth with no way to stop it. Your legs kicked all around, pounding your feet against the arm of the couch, twisting your head all about. Yeah, you got really squirmy.
‘Stop? But I’m having so much fun, you know this is my favourite spot!’
She said, clawing her nails right in the centre of her armpits, scratching them against one spot, making those ticklish feelings build up more and more.
Tara just giggled at your outburst, staring down at you.
‘It’s hard to take you seriously when your laughing so much, and when you were being such a brat earlier, why should I listen to you, hm?’
The Carpenter asked, pinching her nails against the hollows of your armpits at the ‘hm’ just to add to her question. You Damm near shrieked at that, your hips buckling up into the air from the sudden sharp feeling.
Tara’s smirk grew a little wider now, she always loved this part, where you’d been tickled enough to be reasoned with. It was a sign you were reaching your limit, but until then, Tara was gonna keep tickling her beautiful partner!
‘Oh, your sorry, huh? That’s cute, but I seem to remember you lying…something about hating being tickled?’
Tara tilted her head, really going for the kill with that one. You shook your head in denial, feeling that blush creep to your ears like an infection, but once you did, her sharp nails just began scribbling against your exposed armpits, making more and more sweet laughter spill out.
After that horrifying revelation was forced out, the tickling actually ceased. Tara’s hands left your armpits but she didn’t get off your hands, your eyes closed as you caught you breath, finally letting your body be still and relax. Until her nails dove right back in, tickling away at your armpits again.
‘And am I the best girlfriend in the world?’
You shot up instantly, half expecting you spine to snap off with the speed you reached. That same adorable smile you had for the whole tickling session was forced right back onto your face as you stared up at Tara.
You screamed as loud as you could, totally caught off guard by the surprise tickles. Luckily, Tara pulled away for real this time, gently rubbing her hands up and down your underarms, just to rub away any of the lingering tickles. You’d totally forgotten you were made at her at this point, all the sweet tickles you’d just received were clouding your mind like some cushy, comfortable bliss. Your eyes opened though, staring up at your girlfriend who had scored off your hands but was still staring at you adoringly.
‘Your the best girlfriend ever, Tara.’
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blushyeleven · 8 months
Tickletober - DAY 7
characters: lee!y/n, ler!tara, ler!sam
Warnings: tickles, swearing
a/n: I hate this sm it’s so rushed ahgsjsbwejev
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𝓐 𝓼𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓼𝓸 𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓭
“Hey, Tara?”
You called out from the hallway after receiving the text from Tara 10 minutes prior to you getting their, stating “hey when you get here just let yourself in” so that’s what you did, leaving you standing in the hallway with no response, the only thing that could be heard was.. excessive giggling? You slowly walked from their hallway and followed the sound of girlish giggles before finding Tara and sam in their living room. Tara was sat on Sams waist.. tickling her. Your eyes couldn’t help but widen as your cheeks began to fade into a crimson red. Tara then looked up with a giddy smile, stopping her attack on sam as she said “oh! Hey y/n!” You decided it would be best to advert eye contact and look at the floor, fiddling with your own fingers. “Hey!” You said, trying to act normal even though your brain was scrambling. Sam was just laying on the sofa, her cheeks equally as pink as yours as she was gasping for air “hi y/n!” She said through deal and heavy breaths. You gave a nervous wave before saying “hello!” Still avoiding their eye contact as Tara began to lightly scribble at sams sides while still looking at you, her smile turning into confusion after seeing your unusual mannerisms. “You okay, y/n?” Tara asked gently, seeing you standing their awkwardly. “Hm? Yeah! I’m okay!” You then looked at Tara and then looked at her hand.. tickling sam.. your cheeks intensifying in colour. You thought it would be best to look anywhere but at the situation that was right in-front of you. Sams laughter could be heard in the background as she desperately flailed her arms around, trying to push at taras. “You sure?” She asked again, not understanding why all of a sudden you seemed so uneasy. “Yeah! I- um.. Can i get a drink please?” Your tried to find your words as you still stood their, in that one position, trying to find any excuse to take yourself away from the situation in an attempt to calm your nerves down. “Ofcourse! You don’t need to ask silly” Tara reasured before you nodded and swiftly walked to the kitchen. Sams laughter, desperate and still echoing through the apartment.
You opened the silver metal and took out and can of cola before slowly treading back, sitting yourself in the sofa. Taking small sips of your canned beverage. Tara then began just mercilessly tickling sams stomach causing the older girl to squeal and continue with her giggle fit. You focussed your eyes on your drink as your blush grew even more. Your mind racing.
“You want to join in?” Tara asked with a warming smile, still befuddled with how you were acting. “No! I- It’s okay!” You tried to sound as calm and as ordinary as possible but the fact you couldn’t even make eye contact was giving you away. “Why not?” The shorter girl furrowed her eyebrows. “I… I don’t wanna ruin your guys fun!” “Oh please, it would be more fun if you joined in!” She insisted, trying to get you to loosen up but you couldn’t even bring yourself to look at them.. let alone join in. “No really! It’s okay!.. I’m fine with just sitting here!” Tara giggled, still clearly very skeptical, you never acted like this. “Your acting weird” she stated, the stupid smile never leaving her face. “No I’m not!” You replied instantly, clearing being quick to defend your position. Even Sam, who was practically screaming with laughter still managed to not, agreeing with Tara. But it wasn’t untill Tara noticed the dusky pink colour spread across your cheeks that she then realised.. were you.. flustered? She couldn’t understand why though. So she just decided to stop her assault on sam and sat next herself to you. Leaving sam laying on the sofa? Gasping for air.
“You don’t have to stop because I’m here!” You reassured, trying to act casual but failing miserably. “No it’s okay, I think Sam needs a break from it anyway” Tara giggled “but really what’s the matter with you?” She asked, an eyebrow quirked, still with the widest smile on her face. Showing her dimples. “Nothing!” You tried to say again, with another wobble in your voice. “No, there’s definitely something.. you seem.. flustered” she giggled watching how defensive you were getting and she couldn’t even understand why. Sam finally managed to recollect her breath before sitting up in the sofa. “Yeah! Youve been acting weird since you got here!” Sam questioned. “f-flustered? I’m not flustered! Im fine!” Even though it was painfully obvious, you still chose to deny everything. “I’m just tired!” You added, seeming as it was your best excuse. Tara then began to giggle “tired? God, your still terrible at lying” she stated giggling some more. You then looked down at your drink, taking a few more sips of it. I mean, she was right. You were awful at lying. Your brain always to muddled to think of a decent excuse and the fact you always avoided eye contact when you were lying. “Yeah” Sam chuckled “no but really, what’s up?” Her voice was soft hey curious. Clearly just as intrigued as Tara was to find out the reasoning behind your on edge behaviour.
“Was it the tickling?” Tara asked out of no where and your eyes widened and the red on your cheeks smeared around your whole face. “No!” You responded quickly.. a little to quickly as you shuffled nervously on your seat. Sam chucked again. “As Tara Said.. still awful at lying” she pointed out, making you even more flustered. “Oh my god is it actually?” Tara began giggling as she covered her mouth, trying to suppress the giggles. You couldn’t even bring yourself to say anything. It was like your voice automatically put itself on mute.. “Okay, that’s actually adorable” Tara said, still in her giggling fit. “But why?” She asked innocently, trying to calm herself down. You simply shrugged your shoulders, still clearly unable to respond with actual words. Sam smiled and just lightly shook her head “oh y/n, what are we going to do with you?” She stated, her lips curved upwards. “You find tickling.. flustering?” She asked, still giggling like a Little Girl, her hand still clasped to her mouth yet again as you then looked at her. With absolutely zero response. “Okay sorry! I’m sorry! I’m not making fun of you.. it’s just really unexpected.. but it’s cute” she said trying to pull herself together.
Tara then had a mischievous idea as she smirked to herself. I mean.. you were flustered over tickling.. so that should make this more fun. She reached out and started lightly scribbling at your ribs for a few seconds, just to see your reaction. She was actually pleasantly surprised as you let out an ear splitting squeal and immediately recoiled at her sudden touch. “Woah, y/n..” Sam said, also realising taras intention, so she got up from her seat and walked over to you. You looked between the two girls, your face glowing with red as you couldn’t even bring yourself to utter a word. “Wait- no! Dont!” You tried to plead but it was all useless. As Tara reached back in to wiggle her fingers across your side. A light feathery touch at first. Just innocently fluttering her fingers across your strip of skin. Causing the most endearing and adorable giggles to escape your mouth. Tara watched you in awe as she watched you become even more flustered by the second. You reached your hands to cover your blushing face as you figured it would be better to not look. This wasnt really happening.. was it? This had to be some hyper realistic dream and that you’d wake up and you’d be fine. But no, alas it was reality. Tara was really tickling you. Quickly followed by Sam, who added her fingers to the ordeal, slowly skittering them over your stomach. Starting of soft, clearly not wanting to drive insane.. yet.
“Cohohome ohohonnn!!” You tried to protest.. but both the carpenter sister knew deep down you weren’t hating this. Or you would have put up a better erteilt of escaping, instead of sitting their and accepting it. “Oh y/n! You honestly are adorable, I almost forgot how ticklish you were!” Tara cooed seeing you remove your hands from your toasted cheeks to continue giggling endlessly. “Ihihit ti- feheels fuhunny!” You stated, clearly unable to announce the dreaded tword. “ti.. feels funny, yeah?” Tara teased, obviously noticing how you avoided the word. “What, can’t you say tickle? Is it to.. flirting?” Sam chuckled at her own tease as you wiggled around on the spot. “Fuck ohofff!” You tilted your head back slightly, shutting your eyes. “Oh you already know I’m not letting that slide!” Tara giggled before speeding up her antics, clawing aimlessly at your ribs. As sam followed, scribbling at your armpits. “NohoHOHO- DOHONT!” You shrieked and fell into heavy laughter, not like the adorable giggles you were producing before.
“Come on! This is funnn~” Sam teased, naturally she was an expert at it. She was the older sister. It’s just something she was always good at. “AAHHAHAHAHA GUHUYS!!” You laughed uncontrollably, not evening tempting to hold back. It was impossible, the laughter just poured out of your mouth like a water fall. You kicked around desperately, not trying to escape their evil hands just yet. It was all on instinct really. Tara moved her hands to repetitively squeeze at your hips while sam moved to the sides of your stomach. “AHAHAHHAHAA SHIHIT!” “I can’t believe we never knew this sooner!” Tara exclaimed, grinning at you and your current position. SAM was just snickering at you every so often and how hard you were laughing was clearly hilarious to the both of them. Before they decided to stop and let you actually breathe, seeming as you were gasping during your forceful laugher.
“that was..” you couldn’t even manage to finish your sentence as Tara continued to grin at you “adorable” she clearly finsihed your sentence for you. I mean.. not what you was going to say. “Agreed, that’s definitely becoming more of a thing” Sam agreed and you couldn’t help but nod as Tara rested her head on your chest, listening to your pounding heartbeat. As you tried to steady your breathing still. Your stomach filled with butterflies. You then wrapped your arms around Tara in a comforting and affectionate way. As sam sat at her previous seat, giggling at you.
Even though at the time, it seemed like you wanted the ground to swallow you whole. Right in this moment, you couldn’t be happier at the time you walked in and arrived.
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galacticlee3 · 2 years
hey! is heartstopper still in your fandom list? I checked, it was? but I just want to double check. anyway, if so, can I have some darcy/tara hcs?
YES this is gonna be so late but I just got reminded of this and I’m in a heartstopper mood so here ya go
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When they first meet, Darcy is pretty quiet at first, Tara is actually more extroverted between the two. They became fast friends after sharing many classes together and Darcy got a huge crush on her
Darcy tends to show off in class when Tara is around, being generally goofy and distracting in their classes together to get her attention
Tara was always super affectionate with Darcy, giving her hugs and holding hands with her in class, she’s just very very oblivious to the fiery blush that makes its way onto Darcy’s face every time
Darcy usually sleeps in class so it’s not unusual for her to put her head down, but whenever Tara is around she does it to steel her nerves and hide her very obvious crush on the sweet girl
Tara loved it when Darcy came out of her shell so she would poke her in class to see her squirm
Darcy’s playful nature obviously made her plot to get Tara back, starting a war between them that would end in mutual feelings
When they started dating, Darcy made sure to tell her *everything* she noticed in their tickle fights
The way Tara’s nose would scrunch when she was tickled, her squeaks when Darcy dug into her armpits, the way that her laughter would give Darcy the biggest smile, and most of all how she never told Darcy to stop
I think Tara’s worst spots would be armpits, stomach, and her feet, although she is pretty much ticklish everywhere if you try to get her flustered
And if Darcy is the one teasing her that’s very easy to do
Darcy loves to give Tara kisses while she wrecks her with gentle tickles, sweet little reminders of how much she loves her gf
And of course Tara gets revenge, but it’s not as easy, Darcy has to be caught off guard
But once you get the initial surprise she’s a ball of squeaky cackles and Tara absolutely loves it
Darcy’s worst spots are her ribs, ears, and knees, but she absolutely loves back tickles, she will beg for them when she hangs out with Tara because they make her melt like a popsicle in the hot sun
And Tara finds it so cute, so she keeps her nails long just so she can scribble on Darcy’s back and make her girlfriend giggle and nuzzle into her happily
these two are so cute istg
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randommusicalfluff · 1 month
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Tickle Art Fight ref sheet!! I’m so so excited for this event! 💪🏾✨ Let’s go team brushes!! 🗣️🗣️ @tickleartfight
Brief run down of my oc’s personalities!!:
Tara: They’re very meek and don’t really talk a lot! They’re my tickle monster oc though which means they are a one hell of a ler! Very soft spoken when it comes to teasing people! Very gentle but if you somehow manage to piss them off they’ll wreck you to the max lmao. Very stoic first meeting people but their walls come down pretty quick! Not super ticklish in most places besides their ears 🫶🏾🫶🏾
Luke: Under paid lowkey high key depressed worker core 🙏🏾 he’s pretty bitchy because of this but has a heart of gold! Presents as very mature but at the end of the day he’s like. 19. Also parades around like he’s a Ler but no no he’s more of a Ler leaning switch if anything. 10/10 would curse anyone out for tickling him but he wouldn’t fight much!! Pretty ticklish everywhere but is tummy is a hot spot! Text book tsundere I guess 👏🏾👏🏾
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damnhotmsimmons · 3 months
What do you *actually* think will happen in 17?
sorry to take so long with this. I had a rough weekend and needed time to think this through so here is a list of things that "might" happen in s17. Be warned for some passive aggressiveness
the obvious:
More of Garcia being a stubborn bitch: I doubt the show will make her realize how shitty the character was in s16 and continue to derail her character somehow
Garcia being easily forgiven for her hookup with T*ler G*een cause god forbid anyone can be "rightfully" upset at the beloved Penelope Garcia
Tyler Green getting a shit ton of screentime, since he's now a series regular and him being irrelevant in s17
Luke being a glorified extra once again and only getting scraps about his life cause god forbid he and Tara take away any screentime from the beloved white men
More unnecessary screentime of Rossi in pain and suffering
Reid being mentioned a 1000000 times while Matt is forgotten (they haven't mentioned Matt after 16x02)
The gold star storyline being underwhelming
Luke and Tara still being out of focus
Evolution!Garcia being much ruder to Luke, even with their last scene in 16x10, the show will find ways for her to revery back to bullying Luke cause god forbid they let them be happy and less toxic together
Rossi's trauma after being trapped in a container being ignored after 17x01. I mean cm has an obvious track record of ignoring their character's traumas so why stop there
the rest of the characters having ooc moments besides Garcia
Will being mentioned several times by JJ, since Josh isn't coming back to s17
Garcia still having no remorse over her actions in s16 and they get brushed off with no consequences
Another cliffhanger in 17x10
Tyler Green still not dying and disappearing in 17x10
Elias possibly dying or disappearing before Tyler Green in 17x10
Emily missing out on fun team bonding moments cause of "work", based on the bts photo with everyone
Tyler Green trying to be "friendly" and helpful with everyone on the team
Tyler also having no remorse for sleeping with Garcia, a federal agent and not caring that there could be repercussions especially if the case goes on trial
The Gold Star Storyline being about Rossi, and the show trying to showhorn Tyler Green into the mix
More swearing from the characters
Tyler Green trying to "win" Garcia back
Luke still giving heart eyes
Luke still not getting a storyline, cause god forbid cm gives him more screentime than any of the white men
Shit, I almost forgot, JJ being calm and chill regarding Will despite seeing him get shot (despite surviving) with the same thing as Rossi and his ptsd
50/50 chance of happening:
JJ having slightly less screentime than s16 due to Will not appearing in s17, and the writers not knowing what to do with JJ that doesn't revolve around her and her husband and sons
Emily's "storyline" revolving around Bailey. Just cause he's dead, doesn't mean that the show isn't gonna stop having the women's storylines focus on anything else but the men around them. I do understand why Emily would be the most affected by his death despite their differences as the two were close but I don't want Bailey's death to take up all of Emily's storyline in s17, idk if that makes sense, like I don't want it to be the only thing s17 has for Emily. All we know that Emily goes through some "serious shit" which could mean anything
more random Tara and Rebecca drama, assuming if Nicole comes back
The garvez/greencia love triangle taking up more screentime than necessary, especially with Tyler Green being a "main" character
Elias Voit becoming Cat Adams 2.0, ruining an interesting villain by having him overstay his welcome longer than needed, not helped that Zach is also promoted to series regular, a first time they did that with an unsub and I don't understand why, despite interviews stating Elias' role in s17 being a hannibal lecter type role
Elias finding out about Garcia and Tyler Green's relationship and using it as leverage and preventing the BAU from prosecuting him for his crimes, which is why the
Garcia defending Tyler Green, moreso in front of Luke whenever he has any valid criticisms of him
Luke and Tyler having a verbal argument of some sort and it leads to a "fallout" between Luke and Garcia
The characters wearing more browns and grays
50/50 of fans and viewers being disappointed and let down
Person behind the door at the cliffhanger being anyone but Reid
Elias only interacting with Rossi
Bailey having more screentime than Luke and Tara despite him being dead and only in flashbacks or hallucinations
Garcia being conflicted about getting back together with Tyler
Garcia bragging about her therapy sessions once again
JJ's storyline revolving around her sons and some unnecessary drama to the boys, especially Henry. Him either getting bullied or anxious for whatever reason, not to mention his concern for his parent's safety and it gets brushed off after an episode or two
Tara and Rebecca possibly reconciling before breaking up, again
This is all I have so far, might update this if I come up with something else. Again, sorry for the passive aggressiveness, I'm still bitter about certain things in s16
@snailsandpuppy-dogtails, you're welcome to add more to this
@missmitchieg, @blackbird-brewster, @gaelic-symphony, @bacchicly, @baubeautyandthegeek, feel free to add more to this
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dokidobe · 24 days
Hi! It's me Aoi <3
Can u pls do lee!Triton? since he's finally have more screentime!
Ler: Tara! (OC)
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(you can draw her in any way you prefer it's the best. XOXO and stay safe =D )
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HERE~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)✧And I'm sorry for the long delay…💦
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octahedral-chaos · 8 months
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Ay first Ratatan oc! (I have like, four ideas for ocs, including this guy-)
Basically, she's a lochfolk who somehow got isekai'd into Redo, without any memories whatsoever. Due to this, they ended up giving herself the name of "Lerarta", which is a portmanteau of the Old Irish word for sea (Ler) and a corrupted form of the Irish word for Forgotten (Dearmadta). They also took on the form of a Ratatan, and also made some Hydro Mimics that resemble Cobuns in order to blend in even more.
However, her true story is even more interesting. They had a near fatal run-in with another (tainted) lochfolk, and somehow got teleported to another world.
Image ID under cut:
[Image ID: A digital reference of a fan Ratatan and Cobun characters. They both have the wings and tail of a lochfolk, and antlers, with the Ratatan having a broken antler. The Ratatan mainly Phthalo green, and also have Java green gradients on their right arm, legs and tail fin. They also have Phthalo green tips and stripe on the tail fin, as well as tips of the wings and eyespot. The left side of their face is covered with Tara green bandages, with their visible eye (Right side) having Chilean Heath yellow sclera and Stratos blue iris. They are wearing a Green haze cloak, the left side being much longer than the right, with two laser lemon yellow stripes on the left side, and one single large stripe on the right, as well as having a Silver tree inside. They are posed with its right wing outstretched and head facing slightly to the right. The Cobun is also mainly Phthalo Green, with Java green tail fin, "socks" on legs and eyespot on wings. It also have Phthalo Green tips and stripe on the tail fin as well, and with Java green iris with black sclera and pupil. They are both on a Dove grey background, with the edges being slightly darker. There's also some circles that are overlayed on one another representing the colour palette of both the Ratatan and the Cobun, as well as a close up of the Ratatan's eye. There are also writing that have been somewhat messily written in black digital pen, which says from top right to middle left: "Lerarta", "She/ they", "Lochfolk", "Spellcaster (Steelpan)", "Same on both Sides", "Missing arm" and " "Cobun" (Actually hydro mimic)", with the "Same on both sides" and "Missing arm" having arrows pointing to the right wing and left shoulder respectively. /End ID]
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mayrod · 2 months
Lidos sem ler
Uma postagem extra aqui no blog porque recentemente aconteceu uma polêmica dentro do mundo literário que rendeu conteúdo para muita gente comentar sobre a situação em suas redes sociais e canais no Youtube e eu quis aproveitar para falar também.
O caso foi que a editora DarkSide contratou uma influenciadora fora desse mundinho literário para gravar um vídeo com uma resenha do livro do Drácula, escrito pelo Bram Stoker, mas a tal da influenciadora fez a resenha de um filme do Drácula e não do livro.
E o problema surge pelo simples fatos de que os filmes baseados em livros são uma adaptação da obra literária, ou seja, não são 100% fiéis do conteúdo original e até onde eu ouvi as pessoas comentando, perceberam que não era resenha do livro porque a influenciadora começou a falar sobre acontecimentos que não existiam dentro do livro do Bram Stoker.
A influenciadora cometer esse deslize ficou feio, mas como eu disse, ela não era do meio literário, de forma que aceitou um trabalho que saiu da zona de conforto. Não justifica, óbvio, foi um tanto quanto antiprofissional não fazer direito algo do qual foi paga para fazer, uma vez que bastava apenas ler o livro e falar sobre ele, mas a meu ver, o que piorou a situação foi a equipe da própria editora não ter percebido que não era a resenha do livro lançado por eles mesmos!
Por quantas pessoas aquele vídeo passou antes de ir para o ar e ninguém, absolutamente ninguém da DarkSide se tocou que não era a resenha do livro? E assim, Drácula é um clássico. Isso quer dizer que facilmente se acha resumos, resenhas, análises rápidas da obra do autor. Até no Wikipédia tem um resumo do enredo e todas as teorias pertinentes ao livro para fingir que leu alguma coisa e deram uma gafe desse nível.
Lendo os comentários dos vídeos que saíram desse assunto, houve uma exposição feroz desse meio literário sobre coisas desse tipo. Muitos “booktubers” aparentemente falam que leram, porém não leram de verdade e meio que são pegos quando as pessoas que leram de verdade começam a perceber divergências do que foi dito por esses influenciadores e do que foi lido pelo espectador.
Cá entre nós, também sempre me questionei como essas pessoas conseguiam ler tanta coisa em um único mês. Leio no máximo uns três livros por mês, quatro se a leitura render bastante, mas isso acontece porque leio dois livros simultaneamente, um de estudo e um de entretenimento.
A verdade é que literatura virou, como dizia o padre Sertillanges, uma tara. Hoje em dia o valor de alguém está em ter uma estante lotada de livros coloridos que ficam lindos na prateleira do que admitir que leram dois livros no mês, ainda que tenham sido muito bem lidos. E por livros bem lidos quero dizer que mastigaram e digeriram o conteúdo, absorveram de tal maneira que se lembrarão dele daqui a meses, quiçá anos.
Muita gente fala da importância da literatura sem ter uma real compreensão do benefício do livro. Quantas pessoas dizem que leem muito, mas não sabem regras básicas de gramática? Não usam pontuação correta, confundem “mas” com “mais”, não sabem usar os porquês. Vão escrever uma história e usam gerundismo ou indicadores como “falou a loira”, “falou o mais velho”, “falou o mais alto deles” e nem percebem que nenhum livro publicado por uma editora, escrito por um escritor profissional, que efetivamente estudou escrita criativa, observou e aprendeu com a escrita dos grandes mestres não escrevem dessa forma.
Quantas pessoas não conseguem nem mesmo explicar o que gostaram, por que gostaram ou mesmo identificar lições que podem levar para a vida real de uma leitura?
Há algum tempo, enquanto rolava a página do aplicativo do Skoob no celular, vi um usuário dizendo que 1984 do George Orwell é uma distopia legalzinha, com um bom cenário e personagens bem construídos, mas não entendeu o porquê da hype do livro porque não era tão bom assim. Curiosa, entrei para ver a estante dele. Ele tinha mais de cem livros lidos, mas ainda completamente incapaz de compreender a crítica política muito real contida dentro da ficção.
Vim a descobrir ao ler Didascalicon que o verbo legere, do latim, poderia ser traduzido como “ler” como também “estudar” porque na época em que foi escrito pelo padre Hugo de São Vitor, em meados do século XII, não havia diferença nessas duas ações. Quem lia, impreterivelmente estava estudando. E para se aprofundar nos estudos era necessário ler, levasse o tempo que precisasse.
Hoje é tudo quantidade e aparência. Tanto é verdade que pessoas que falam sobre literatura não leem os livros e quando leem, leem tão rápido que passa um mês e já não sabem o que leram. Uma editora contrata uma pessoa que não lê livros para fazer o marketing de um livro. Uma editora não sabe o que o livro contém para perceber que o vídeo estava errado.
Alguém ainda realmente enxerga as benesses da leitura ou a maioria está apenas repetindo o que ouviram certa feita sem se dar conta da real vantagem da leitura?
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heartstopper-tword · 7 months
Fic List
Cheater, Cheater - Ler Nick, Lee Charlie
Sweet Afternoon Giggles and Relaxation - Ler Nick, Lee Charlie
You Deserve Better - Ler Nick, Lee Imogen
Missing You Making Me Laugh - Ler Nick, Lee Charlie
Turning the Tables - Ler Charlie, Lee Nick
Nick Nelson
Charlie Spring
Elle Argent
Tao Xu
Tara Jones
Darcy Olsson
Imogen Heaney
Prompt #33 - Ler Nick & Lee Charlie
Prompt #24 - Lee Nick & Ler Charlie
Prompt #18 - Ler Nick & Lee Charlie
Request - Nick & Charlie (TBD)
Current Prompt List
(will change once i finish all my drafts!)
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houdinicarpenter · 2 months
i've decided to make a secondary blog attached to BLACKWOLFSTABS for writing that's inconsistent with the primary content i share on my main. with this being said, if you don't like/approve/agree with what i share on this blog, kindly scroll past - that's why i have a main blog!
contain elements/content that i want to experiment with or have experienced with and just found that i'm good at it so why not write more of it lol non-canon ships x readers other fandoms (besides scream)
if you disagree with anything i write on here, i don't need for you to be rude about it. just scroll past, you have the freedom to read what you want and how much of it you want!
masterlist 🖤
experimental fics
the other side // tkl fic // lee!sam | switch!tara | ler!mindy | ler!chad
sam carpenter x fem!reader
she's a tramp // coming soon you have stolen my heart // coming soon
secret society // vent
as i write more stuff or this blog, i'll create a separate masterlist :)
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lopsicle · 7 months
So I’ve only watched up to Scream 5 but I couldn’t resist writing a fic of Tara getting wrecked so sorry if this is inaccurate to Scream 6!
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Get Off The Couch
Lees: Tara, Sam (brief)
Lers: Sam, Tara (brief)
Warnings: Not Proofread, mentions of stabbing, Tickle Fic, foot tickles.
Summary: Tara’s a little shit and Sam tickles her for it
(Not a ship! DNI if you ship these two!)
After being stabbed over seven times, being reunited with your sister, learning horrifying information about your past and surviving the Ghostface killings, it was nice to just…relax. It was hard, Tara still got a lot of nightmares as did her sister, Sam’s scars were still visible and hadn’t fully healed but they were managing. It was a lot easier now that they were together.
Sam couldn’t move back in with her mom unfortunately but, against her better judgement, stayed in Woodsboro for her sister. She was staying in a small house that Tara visited so frequently it was hard to tell if she actually lived with her mom anymore. And deep down, she knew she wasn’t. The girl even had her own room in Sam’s house, upstairs which is where she currently was, fiddling around on her phone aimlessly. Eventually she sighed, too bored to stay on her own as she turned off her phone and made her way downstairs to bother see her sister.
She saw Sam in the living room, watching TV while she was splayed across the couch, like she owned the place (even though she did). The woman’s head was resting on one end of the couch, with her feet hanging over the other. She turned to face Tara as soon as she heard her coming down the stairs, still a little concerned over the girl whenever she saw her, silently relieved to see that she was okay. Tara wordlessly made her way to end of the couch, glancing at Sam expectantly until she finally asked, ‘What?’
‘Can’t you move over?’ Tara asked, though it was more like a smug demand. Sam’s head flopped down to the side, not staring at her sister anymore, finding the TV more important.
‘Nope, physically incapable of moving,’ she smirked to herself, even stretching her body out just a little more just to annoy Tara. Her sister just sighed, glancing at Sam from up to down as a small idea came into her mind. Being the youngest, she was always a victim of Sam’s tickle attacks when she was around and Sam was brutal. She was the most skilled, mean tickler that Tara had ever met, but Tara had never had the chance to get Sam back. Until now, given that her feet were conveniently stretched close to her hands. It was Sam’s own fault really, she thought, for being such an ass about this.
With another, almost frightful glance up to make sure her sister’s eyes were still glued to the TV, she raised her hands and quickly walked her fingers up Sam’s socked feet. The reaction was immediate, Sam bit down on her lip and only let a couple giggles out and yanked her legs back away from Tara’s mischievous fingers. She sat up, staring at her sister with a look that Tara recognised from when she was little.
‘You better start running.’
Was all Sam needed to say for Tara to take off in the opposite direction, speeding up as she heard her sister fly up off the coach. Her heart was already pounding out of her chest at the thought of getting t-worded (no, she’s not too flustered to say it) by her sister again. Despite her head start, Sam gained on her quickly, partly for revenge and partly because she missed tickling her little sister.
Suddenly, Sam’s hands snatched around Tara’s torso as she roughly started wiggling her fingers against Tara’s tummy.
‘Tickle, tickle, tickle!’ Sam teased in a high pitched tone, making Tara’s face go even redder. Why did she have to be a good tease as well?!
‘S-sahahahaham! W-Waihahahah-!!’ Tara tried to plead with her but it fell on deaf ears as Sam’s dexterous fingers only worked on her stomach more and more, playing the girl like a piano.
‘You really haven’t changed a bit from when you were a kid, you have all the same tickle spots, don’t you?’ Sam observed, smirking as she sinked her nail into Tara’s belly button which made the girl absolutely shriek. Tara was bouncing, wriggling and shaking about from side to side but her sister kept a tight grip on her from behind; with all her squirming, Tara’s knees began to get weaker and became too unstable to support her.
Luckily (or unluckily), Sam was still holding onto Tara and slowly, carefully lowered her down onto the ground, face down as she sat on her thighs. Tara began catching her breath, trying to hide her increasingly red face.
‘Tell a lie, I think you’ve gotten even more ticklish,’ Sam cooed, pinching the sides of Tara’s long sleeved shirt and pulling it up gently, leaving about half of her sides bare.
‘N-no, I haveheEHEHEHEN’T!!’ Tara’s desperate cry was cut off by a couple rapid squeezes to that delicate area on her sides, just above her hips. She immediately got squirmy again, smacking her hands against the floor as she tried to buck her sister off of her, to no avail.
‘What was that? Tara, honey, you’re laughing too much for me to understand you, you gotta use your words!’ Sam teased her, which only made Tara lose her voice even more, unable to form a response without stuttering.
‘P-PLEAHAHAHAHAAHASE!!’ She eventually forced out as Sam’s warm fingers began making their way up and down her sides, slipping under her shirt to scratch at the protected, sensitive areas just below her ribs.
Sam just smiled fondly at Tara screeched and thrashed like a maniac, unable to sit still. Her legs bucked and kicked out whenever Sam hit a particularly sensitive spot, which just encouraged her to target that spot even more.
‘This takes me back, you know, back when you were a kid and still afraid of the tickle monster. I think you’re still a liiittle scared of her, given how quickly you went running!’ Sam called her out but was genuinely enjoying herself, and she had a feeling Tara was as well. Sam began squeezing and clawing her fingers up and down Tara’s sides, vibrating against that oh so sensitive skin. Tara’s sides felt like a button that could make her squirm at will.
‘IHAHAAHAHT T-TIHAHAHAAHAHCKLES!!’ Tara screamed, getting a little caught up on the tword, which Sam noticed but decided to take pity on her and not being up. Tara was smiling from ear to ear at this point, her face feeling so, so warm from all of her blushing; her body shook with each bout of laughter Sam’s fingers would send her spiralling into.
‘Now, are you sorry for trying to tickle me?’ Her older sister asked while she scurried her nails up to Tara’s lowest set of ribs, wriggling around right underneath them.
‘Y-YEHEEHEHEHEHEHES!!’ Tara nodded desperately, pushing her arms and legs against the floor as she tried desperately to cope with her sister’s ravenous tickle attack.
The tickling slowed down for the most part as Sam dragged a single finger down Tara’s side, making her twitch and giggle softly. ‘Hmm…you know, I’m not sure if I believe you!’ She said, and suddenly pressed her fingertips against Tara’s hips before drilling into them, scraping her nails against the ticklish spot.
Tara exploded at that, the mostly calm girl immediately began thrashing around desperately to get away from her sister, arching her back while burying her blushing face in her arms.
‘IHAHAHAHAHAAHAH’M SAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHRRY!!!’ Tara pleaded again as tears of laughter pricked in her eyes through all the torment Sam made her endure for just a bit of tickling, looking just about at her breaking point.
Only then did Sam finally get off the girl’s thighs, pulling her shirt back down before standing up off the floor. Tara rolled onto her back and flopped back down to the floor, like a starfish. Tara took in long deep breaths, blinking away her tears as her face finally returned to a normal colour, not a bright burning red.
‘Good, now never try that again!’ Sam smiles happily, turning to leave and right as she was in the kitchen doorway, she heard Tara mumble, ‘..so mean..’
And with that, the tickle monster turned right back around.
‘Oh, I’m mean now, am I?’ Sam said, in a tone Tara also recognised from when she was a kid, meaning that she had fucked up. Sam approached her worn out sister, who tried to scramble back, not getting far before Sam grabbed her right ankle. She pulled Tara’s foot closer, sitting down cross legged on the floor, keeping a tight grip on her ankle as she faced Tara. The girl squeaked and felt her heart nearly stop, curling her toes in a futile attempt to save herself from the tickle monster.
‘Then, why don’t I show you how mean I can be?’ Sam whispered slowly, pinching the tip of Tara’s sock and pulling it off, letting it drop to the floor.
‘nononononono, youdonthavetodothAHAHAHAHAAHAHAT!!’ Tara’s fast, nervous rambling was cut off by Sam scribbling her nails on her arch, letting them scrape and wriggle against the skin.
‘You didn’t think I forgot where you were most ticklish, did I? I mean, you are just one walking tickle spot but your feet always had you screaming!’ Sam grinned widely while Tara thrashed around, a bit more freely this time. She tried to fight back one last time, kicking at Sam with her left foot but that backfired as Sam just grabbed her ankle again. Her big sister quickly got her into an ankle lock, while Tara sat up, a big smile still on her face.
‘Plehehase, you know that’s a b-bad spot!’ Tara begged her, reaching out her hand to Sam.
‘Aw, Tara, sweetie, if your gonna pretend you don’t like this, then you shouldn’t be all smiley and giggly!’ Sam reminded her, instantly making her blush get worse by tenfold. Barely giving her anytime to process, she ripped off Tara’s other sock and scribbled her free hand all over her feet, walking her nails all over then randomly just so Tara had no way of knowing where she’d be going next.
‘I-I DAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAN’T!!’ Tara tried to lie pitifully but it was hard to be taken seriously when you were a laughing mess.
‘Oh, sure you don’t, little miss giggles! Sure, you always get real squirmy but you never try to get away, you only ran because I told you to.’
Sam called her out as Tara buried her face in her arms, still kicking her legs but her feet wouldn’t budge, save for a few twitched that didn’t get her away from Sam’s fingers. Tears welled up in her eyes again as Sam scribbled at the centre of her soles, not moving to another spot at all. It felt like all the tickles were just building up in one spot, getting worse and worse and worse by the second.
‘FIHAHAHAHAHANE, I LIHHAHAHAAHAHKE IT!! JUHAAHAHAHAST STAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHPP!!’ The younger flailed her arms all about as tears spilled down her red cheeks, Sam just kept smirking, walking her fingers around Tara’s feet a bit more.
‘I already knew that, but thank you for admitting it! Now, am I mean?’
Sam said with the most shit-eating grin that almost made Tara explode right there, but she still seemed like she could take a little more.
‘Really? Am I the bestest sister ever in the whole wide world?’
San hummed in delight at that, finally removing her fingers from Tara’s death spot and letting her ankles go. Tara caught her breath faster this time, putting her socks back on before Sam changed her mind. The girl began wiping the tears off her cheeks before she felt herself being picked up by Sam. She shuddered a little, but her fears were quickly put to rest as Sam cradled her in one arm, wiping Tara’s tears and brushing her messed up hair into place.
‘Don’t worry, Tara, I’m not gonna tickle you right now, you just seemed pretty tired after that.’ Sam admitted, making Tara smile softly as she clung into Sam.
‘Thank you..’ she mumbled as Sam brought them back to the couch, setting Tara down before sitting right next to her.
‘Just remember, if you try and tickle me again, I will not be that kind.’
Tara blushed and nodded, crossing her ankles. ‘Y-yeah, I weren’t planning on it!’ She smiled a little as she said it, and Sam could see a little bit of mischief in her eyes. Still, she decided not to comment on it.
‘Good, cause we don’t need another little tickle monster running around, I’m more then enough.’ Sam leaned back, as Tara turned to her.
‘Yeah, your a lot more then enough.’
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blushyeleven · 8 months
Tickletober - DAY 23
characters: switch!sam, switch!tara
warnings: tickled, swearing
a/n: sorry this is a day late😭
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𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍
The two carpenter sisters were driving through New York, in search of a maccdonals to satisfy their cravings. So sam was driving about with pop music blasting in the car as they drove ok the busy roads of New York. “I’m so hungryyyy” Tara said in a whiny voice. “Yeah we’ll be there soon” sam said giggling, her stomach also rumbling slightly.
And it wasn’t long after that until they pulled up through a drive through of maccdonals and waited in the que of cars. That’s when Tara had a random but mischievous idea. On social media Tara had seen this prank going around.. which involve being in a drive through. So the gilt unknowingly smirked to herself and waited for the car to pull up to the speaker.
As the car slowly came up to the speaker and sam rolled her window down, the maccdonalds worker spoke “hello, how can I help?” She asked and as sam replied with “hi can I get a doUBLE CHEESE-“ but sams speach was cut off by a squeal and her voice raising in volume half way through as she felt taras hand scribble into her side for a few seconds. She jumped so high she almost hit her head on the car roof. Sam quickly darted her head around to stare at Tara “Sohorry about that.. can I get a double cheeseburger burger and a six piece chICKEHEN NUHUGGET-“ but taras Hand went straight back into sams side and started skittering her fingers faster and for longer. Sam immediately started batting at taras hand and trying to fight for her life. “I’m sorry, what was that?” The worker asked as sam had to cover her mouth to stop the giggles coming out.
Sam then kept herself facing towards Tara was sams own hands trying to block her sides “I’m so sorry.. a six piece chicken nugget with a medium cola..” sam said, her back was still backed up against her car door. “And can I also get a mcchIKEHEN-“ Tara then reached out her hand to try and poke sam as best she could before sam pushed at her hand “a mcchicken with chips.. and a caramel ice coffee please?” Sam spoke with a slight edge of nervousness in her voice as sams eyes stayed glued on Tara.. and her hands. “Yes Ofcourse, is that all?” The worker asked patiently. “Yes please” sam responsed politely and then the worker said “okay pull up to the window please” so Sam obliged, starting her car and slowly pulling up to the window.
“Your such a little shit” sam said with a sigh, but a noticeable smile on her face as Tara could barely control her own laughter as they got to the window and sam reached to get the food saying “thankyou so much” but as sam reached up her arm out of the window, Tara quickly wiggled her fingers just into sams armpits causing the girl to practically throw her arm down. And Tara had to cover her mouth to try and not burst out with laughter right then and there. But sam grabbed the food with another thankyou and drove off, her face a little flushed.
“Thanks sam” Tara Said giggling and sam just simply shook her head with a small upcurve of her lips. Sam didn’t even bother to ask Tara why she did what she did, she just guessed it was one of taras stupid pranks. Although as if she was going to let her little sister get away with that. She wasn’t about to let that one slide. So sam had her own plan brewing in her head. A plan that involved her revenge.
Then after sam Parker her car in the apartment car park, her and Tara carried the bags into the apartment and ready to eat. They both practically threw themselves on the sofa and sorted out what was theirs before diving into the food with no hesitation.
After the two sisters finished their meal they put everything in the rubbish and continued watching tv, it was just a nice day of de-stressing from a long day. Although, sams plan was still in motion and Tara had absolutely no idea was fate was upon her.
After a few minutes of sitting there in a non awkward silence. Sam finally spoke up “so.. your prank earlier in the car” sam said, with a small smirk noticeable on her face. “Oh my god.. I’m sorry but that was so funny” Tara said giggling to herself as she brought her hand up to cover her mouth. “Yeah.. but you know I’ve still gotta get you back for that.. right?” Sam said with a slight edge of mischief to her voice as she watched taras eyes double in size.
“no- I-.. Sam.. I’m sorry-“ Tara shuffled back in her seat as sam started coming closer. “To late for apologies now” and with that sam pounced ontop of Tara, immediately scribbling her fingers into taras sides, at a rapid pace. “AHAHAHA SAHAHAMM!!” Tara shrieked out as she fell into heavy, forceful laughter. “Nuh uh, you deserve this!” Sam snickered before moving her fingers faster and trying to make sure Tara couldn’t wiggle away. “IHIHIM SOHOHORRYYY!!” “Nope, not gonna work!” Sam teased, clearly having no empathy for her younger sister. “BAHAHAHHAH” Tara tilted her head back as her laughter just freely floweee out of her mouth.
As much as she tried to squirm her way out of there, nothing worked. She couldn’t escape sams iron grip. So she was forever doomed to be trapped being tickled by Sam. Well until sam decided she would let the poor girl up. The older sister then dived her fingers to the girls stomach, her fingers skittering over the sensitive spot as Tara couldn’t help but squeal out in laughter and aggressively kick her legs around. “AHAHAHAH I CAHAHAHNTTT” Tara practically screamed as her face was becoming redder and redder by the second. “Well, you shouldn’t have done your stupid prank then” sam said smugly, before keeping her fingers all over taras stomach. “BUHUHUT IHIT WAHAHAS FUHUNNY!” Tara countered, still trying to get rid of overbearing sensation. “Hm.. yeah well.. was it worth it?” Sam asked, like a mother trying to teach her child a valuable lesson. “YEHEHESS!” Tara was flailing about but sams reaction at the drive-thru was so worth it. Sam just simply rolled her eyes in response and moved her fingers to her little sisters ribs, spidering at them speedily and even wiggling her fingers in the spaces between. Earning a loud, squeaky laugh from the poor girl.
“NAHAHHAAHAH FUHUCKK!! SAHAHAMM!!” Taras face was fading into a piercing red as she couldn’t stop the helpless laughter as she continued to thrash about but her limbs were falling weak under the weight of her older sister pinning her down. “oh stop being so dramatic Tara!!” Sam giggled, seeing the girl starting to become more and more out of breath from her explosive laughter. So sam took the opportunity to target her worst spot, her nails swiftly scratching into her armpits “DOHOHOHONNTT!! NAHAHAHHA” Tara screamed as her arms immediately came crashing down in order to try and protect her death spot. The spot that causes the loudest laughter from her, the spot that causes the most thrashing and flailing. And the spot that just tickled the worst.
Tara was beginning to get more out of breath with every passing second, she didn’t even know how much longer she could take it for. “SAHAHAHHAHAMMM!! PLEHEHHEASEEE!! STAHAHAHHAPPP!!” Only because Sam was feeling.. forgiving she let up. Not wanting push her sister past her limits. So she pulled her hands away and climbed of Tara, who was left in a puddle of her own residue giggles and the fact she was trying to regain any oxygen.
“I don’t even care.. it was still so worth it” Tara tried her best to state through her hyperventilation. Sam just rolled her eyes in reponse, again as tara just layed there, trying her best to catch her breath.
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sleepy--anon · 10 months
Sleepy's Writing List
I will also write ler!reader, (there is a severe lack)
Dream XD
Sapnap 4K
George HD
Captain Puffy
Foolish (Noah)
Awesamdude (Sam)
Pmbata (Parker)
JJ Olatunji
Simon Minter
Harry Lewis
Ethan Payne
Josh Bradley
Tobi Brown
Vik Barn
Nick Nelson
Charlie Spring
Darcy Olsson
Tara Jones
Elle Argent
Tao Xu
Issac Henderson
Imogen Heaney
Sahar Zahid
Tori Spring
Otis Smith
Sai Verma
Christian McBride
Maddie Buckley
Hen Wilson
Karen Wilson
Denny Wilson
Mara Wilson
Chimney (Howie) Han
Athena Grant-Nash
Bobby Nash
May Grant
Harry Grant
Evan (Buck) Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Christopher Diaz
Tk Strand
Carlos Reyes
Ravi Pannikar
Tommy Kinard
Red, White, and Royal Blue
Alex Clermont-Diaz
Henry Hanover-Stuart-Fox
Beatrice (Bea) Hanover-Stuart-Fox
Nora Holleran
Percy (Pez) Okonjo
Anthony Padilla
Ian Hecox
Shayne Topp
Damien Haas
Courtney Miller
Olivia Sui
Keith Leak Jr.
Tommy Bowe
Spencer Agnew
Amanda Lehan-Canto
Angela Giarratana
Trevor Evarts
Kimmy Jimenez
Jackie Uweh
Chance McCrary
The Walking Dead
Arasha Lalani
Rick Grimes
Michonne Grimes
Carl Grimes
Judith Grimes
RJ Grimes
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Daryl Dixon
Carol Peletier
Rosita Espinosa
Eugene Porter
Paul (Jesus) Rovia
King Ezekiel
Juanita (Princess) Sanchez
Michael Mercer
Max Mercer
Gabriel Stokes
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mickeytheticklee · 1 year
Scream 6 tickle hcs with Mindy, Anika, Sam, and Tara
Doing this in hopes it'll spark a future tickle fic out of me
Mindy: Can figure out the tickle monster/lee
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If she can figure out who's Ghostface she can figure out who can be a tickle monster
100% it's always Sam, even with the long discussions about it
Her as a lee is just running away 24/7
A tickle scene can come on TV and she'll immediately go to the other room, thinking someone will tickle her
Big squeaky laughter, squirms a lot
Anika tickles her A LOT
Usually she would tickle wrestle someone to get to her but with Anika she doesn't mind
She can survive being tickled all day by her
Let it be Sam and she's hiding
Has very ticklish armpits.
Anika: So clingy ler
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Sweet baby that happens to be a ler
Loves cuddling Mindy anywhere then sneaks in a few pokes to her side
Or squeezes to the thighs like when they were at the frat party
She just won't keep her hands off of Mindy
Will sneak her hands from under her shirt to lightly get her tummy
Loves how Mindy won't admit she's ticklish until she kisses her
Will give tummy noms type of person
Won't be too much unless she's planning on getting revenge
Doesn't really do teases
I need a Anika to my Mindy 😭😭
Tara: Stubborn lee
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She'll never be a ler with how short she is
I'm sorry but Tara is always grumpy like everyone needs to tickle her
Plus it's easy to put her into a tickle hug
She hates when Chad puts her into a big bear hug and ends up getting her sides tickled
Poor baby can't escape with how strong Chad is
Also a big squirmer
Is ticklish everywhere, only because Sam has tickled her everywhere
Hates (but loves) being tickled on her backside
Tries to be a tickle monster but can't tease for shit
Plus one poke and a few feet tickles and she'll automatically come back to being a lee
Sam: Dangerous ler
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“Its me guys, I'm the tickle monster." Then everyone bolts out of the house as if they've seen Ghostface
Personally never liked tickling at first
But she saw it as an opportunity to bond with Tara more
Plus she likes giving small pinches to everyone while they're in the kitchen
Once tickled Tara at 2am at night and someone has an obsession with it
Tickled Chad once dressed as Ghostface to scare him
I'm sorry but girlie is truly evil at tickling and everyone knows it
“Where are you Mindy? Just wanna give you a hug ~" , with Mindy hiding in the closet
Can win in a tickle fight with whoever
Good asf in raspberries, just saying
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anatelesblog · 1 year
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Livro 03/2023 📖Uma Educação | Tara Westover 𝚄𝚖𝚊 𝙴𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚊çã𝚘 é 𝚊 𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚝ó𝚛𝚒𝚊 𝚊𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚡𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎 𝚍𝚎 𝚞𝚖𝚊 𝚖𝚞𝚕𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚚𝚞𝚎 𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊. 𝙼𝚊𝚜 é 𝚝𝚊𝚖𝚋é𝚖 𝚞𝚖𝚊 𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚝ó𝚛𝚒𝚊 𝚙𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎 𝚍𝚎 𝚕𝚊ç𝚘𝚜 𝚍𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚖í𝚕𝚒𝚊 𝚎 𝚍𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚛 𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚕𝚊ç𝚘𝚜 𝚜ã𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚜. 𝙲𝚘𝚖 𝚘 𝚎𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚑𝚘 𝚍𝚘𝚜 𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚜 𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚜, 𝚃𝚊𝚛𝚊 𝚆𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚍á 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊, 𝚊 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚛 𝚍𝚊 𝚜𝚞𝚊 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒ê𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚊 𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚛, 𝚊 𝚞𝚖𝚊 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚊 𝚚𝚞𝚎 𝚟𝚊𝚒 𝚊𝚘 𝚌𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚚𝚞𝚎 é 𝚊 𝚎𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚊çã𝚘 𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚚𝚞𝚎 𝚎𝚕𝚊 𝚗𝚘𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚍𝚎 𝚘𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚛: 𝚊 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚊 𝚍𝚎 𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚊 𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚊 𝚌𝚘𝚖 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚜 𝚘𝚕𝚑𝚘𝚜 𝚎 𝚊 𝚟𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝚍𝚎 𝚖𝚞𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚘𝚜. • Aceitam-se sugestões e recomendações.📖🔖📚 https://www.goodreads.com/analuisateles #livro #livros #livrospt #ler #leitura #leituras #bookgram #biblioteca #book #bookreading #booknerd #bookworm #books #booksofinstagram #reader #readersofinstagram #bookreader #bookphotography #bookaesthetic #bookstagramfeature #bookstagrampt #bookstagramportugal #bookstagramofportugal #goodreads #bookstragram #sugestoesdelivros #tbrlist #toberead #igbooks #igreads https://www.instagram.com/p/CpcrAc8NKH3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nhasablogg · 2 years
These are my tickletober plans so far. I don’t wanna write a pairing twice, so if you have any suggestions for other pairings to add in please feel free to share! Also I might end up switching pairings around if I feel like something doesn’t work or I change my mind, so this isn’t set in stone.
1. Anticipation - Steddie (lee!Eddie, ler!Steve)
2. Drawn on - Byler (lee!Mike, ler!Will)
3. Shriek - Wolfstar (lee!Sirius, ler!Remus)
4. Reward - Tony/Steve/Bucky (lee!Tony, ler!Bucky, ler!Steve)
5. Punishment - Tony/Bucky (lee!Tony, ler!Bucky)
6. Cuddles - Pynch (lee!Ronan, ler!Adam)
7. Massage - Simon/Bram
8. Death spot - Stony
9. Trapped - Rey/Poe/Finn
10. Ticklish kiss - Achilles/Patroclus (lee!Patroclus, ler!Achilles)
11. Competition - Ari/Dante (lee!both)
12. Surprise - Wilhelm/Simon (lee!both)
13. Blush - Destiel (lee!Dean, ler!Cas?)
14. Tracing - Lucius/Pete (lee!Pete, ler!Lucius)
15. Games - Steve and/or Eddie, Dustin
16. New discovery - Nick/Charlie (lee!Charlie, ler!Nick)
17. Trick or treat - Steve/Robin (lee!both?)
18. Chase - Sam x Dean
19. Revenge - Stucky
20. Counting - Bilbo/Thorin 
21. Wake up! - Ed/Stede (lee!Stede, ler!Ed)
22. Monster - Elmax (lee!both?)
23. Spidering - Peter x Peter x Peter (lee!Peter 1 probably)
24. Don’t move - Spirk (lee!both)
25. Teasing - Ginny/Luna
26. Favorite spot - Harry x Ron
27. Hiding - McKirk (lee!Jim, ler!Bones)
28. Distraction - Darcy/Tara (lee!Tara, ler!Darcy?)
29. Ghost tickles - Jim/Oluwande (lee!Jim, ler!Oluwande)
30. Flinch - Lumax (lee!Lucas, ler!Max)
31. Aftercare - Reddie (lee!Richie, ler!Eddie)
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