#lena is a great big sister
barcaatthemoon · 15 days
fade into you || lena oberdorf x reader ||
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lena takes your virginity.
minors dni, 18+, smut warning.
not proofread because i have 30 minutes to get to work and still need to eat breakfast.
the move from manchester to bayern was a big one, but you hadn't made it alone. your older sister keira's best friend, georgia, had transferred with you. with georgia there, you practically had another older sister there with you. and it was great, up until you met lena.
the bayern and wolfsburg games were pretty intense, but you loved it. english soccer hadn't necessarily been physical enough for you, aside from your very heated games against arsenal. lena could match your aggression and put you on your ass if she really wanted to.
at first, there had been a couple of close calls. georgia had gotten herself carded arguing with lena twice before someone said something. after that, you had players like magda and pernille, your team mothers, who looked out for you instead. they were a lot more protective, not even letting the german player talk to you after games.
lena hated the way that they watched over you like a hawk whenever she was around. all lena had wanted to do then was talk to you, and she had to wait months before she finally had a good chance to do so. georgia had tried to step in to "protect" you whenever lena approached you after an international game against each other, but she wasn't nearly as intimidating as magda.
"(y/n)!" lena called out as she chased you down in the tunnel. you froze on the spot, unsure of what lena could have wanted with you. that game had been difficult to say the least. tensions had been high, and several players on both sides had gotten a little sketchy with some of their tackles and challenges. "do you mind if we talk for a minute?"
"you want to talk to me?" you tried not to sound so surprised, but you couldn't help it. lena nodded as she extended her hand towards you. georgia looked a bit angry as you took it, not noticing the looks from leah, lucy, and your sister behind her.
"i'd prefer to do it alone," lena told you as she led you away from everybody else. "i've wanted to talk to you for a long time, but there are always other players around. your friends don't seem to like me too much."
"they are protective. we have a tendency to go a bit harder after each other than anybody else," you pointed out. lena couldn't argue with you on that one. she admittedly did play a bit rougher with you than she did with other players. however, lena knew that sometimes that was what it took to stop you from trucking through their defenses.
"i like how you play. i can't wait to be on your team." lena rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. you studied her for a moment, just long enough to be distracted by her features. your eyes bounced all around her face and body, shamelessly checking her out a bit. "before that, though, i'd like to get to know you better. maybe we could go on a date when you get back to germany?"
"why wait that long?" you asked her. lena looked surprised, like she couldn't believe that you wanted to spend time with her so soon. "i won't be drinking with the rest of the team tonight, and playing cards in my sister's room can wait. you guys leave tomorrow night, and i think that leaves just enough time for us to go out together for a night."
"the whole night?" lena asked. you were quick to shake your head, but refused to elaborate any further. lena didn't know that you were a virgin, she couldn't have. not a lot of people actually knew that, and while you had been told that it was nothing to be ashamed of, you couldn't help but feel like you were lagging in your age group.
"i'd like to see where things go first. hooking up isn't really my thing," you said quickly. you hoped that it came off casually, but you knew better than that. you weren't that lucky, not when it came to relationships. you had only ever dated one other person, and it had ended so badly that you kind of thought you'd never date again.
naturally, as your relationship progressed, lena eventually learned about your lack of experience. she had been kind about it once you told her. a lot of things that you had done over the past few months made sense to her. lena had known that you were shy, but now she understood why certain things messed with you as much as they did.
"good morning." lena greeted you with a kiss as you walked into the kitchen. it was her first week in her munich apartment, and she had asked for you to stay with her. the two of you had been together for nearly half of your first season at bayern. now, you'd get to play at the same club together, so she would be there to keep you company instead of georgia.
"this isn't good for my german," you told her. lena shrugged it off and wrapped her arms around your waist as she pressed several kisses to the side of your face. "i really do want to learn, lena."
"liebe, you are doing fine with the german. relax, we practice together every single day. rest your brain for a morning, it will be fine," lena said. you sighed as your body sank back against hers. you hadn't been with lena for very long in the scheme of things, but you knew for sure that you were in love with her. keira had once told you that love was a feeling that often took you by surprise, and your feelings for lena had blindsided you early on in your relationship.
the two of you had expressed your love for each other in words before, but you wanted to do more. you wanted to give yourself to lena fully. the thought was beyond terrifying for you, but you also knew that lena was trustworthy. she would take care of you, just like she had been doing for months. more than that, you trusted lena fully and wanted to show her just how far your trust reached.
"what are you thinking so hard about?" lena asked you. her voice was full of concern, breaking the blissfully relaxed energy that had been filling up her room. you had been ready to tell her exactly what you wanted, but when you opened up your mouth and looked at her, your words died out on the tip of your tongue.
"i want-," you paused, unsure of whether or not this was the time. lena would never push you towards anything, but you hadn't considered whether or not she wanted sex from you. everybody around the two of you had made a teasing remark here or there about sex, only to be shut down by an extremely defensive lena.
"it's okay, take your time." lena pressed a kiss to the top of your head as she pulled you to rest against her chest. you gave yourself a couple of moments to relax where she had guided you. once those moments were over, you shifted so that you were sort of leaning over her. "everything okay?"
"yes, i just, need to ask you something. lena, i'd like to have sex with you," you told her. lena's normally expressive face went completely blank as she stared at you. a wave of panic overtook your thoughts, but lena didn't let it get far enough for you to retract your statements.
"this is a big deal, are you sure liebe?" lena asked you. it was true, this was a big deal for you. some of your teammates had tried to play it off as something that didn't matter, but to you it did. lena knew this, and she had been fully prepared to wait until marriage if that was something you had wanted. a part of her hadn't expected you to want to talk about it again so soon, but she was glad that you trusted her.
"yes, of course i am. i love you, and i want to show you that," you said sheepishly.
"there are other ways to show that you love someone. it's not like i can give you this experience back if you decide that i wasn't the right one." for a moment, you thought lena was trying to talk you out of having sex. that idea was promptly snuffed out whenever you finally looked her in the eye. lena looked almost to tears, but there was no sign of anything other than joy on her face.
"i'm sure. i want you, and only you." lena had never heard you speak with such confidence or conviction before. you were shy, always keeping to yourself or your very carefully selected circle of friends. "just, please remember that it's my first time."
"always, we will take it slow," lena promised you.
neither you nor lena had really brought up having sex again for the remainder of your stay with her. you had assumed that lena had forgotten, not that she was working on making the last night of your week together so special. for the most part, you had been completely oblivious until she was practically shoving you out of the house to go shopping with sydney and laura.
they were nice, but still very much lena's friends. you had a lot of fun with the girls, who had definitely talked you into spending more money than you meant to. by the time that you headed back to lena's, you had enough things to fill an extra suitcase.
"lena?" you called out into the apartment. it looked empty, but lena had obviously cleaned and rearranged a few things. you could see the table set very romantically, and you wondered for a moment if you missed some sort of anniversary. all of those thoughts were practically thrown out of your head when you saw lena walk out of her bedroom. "you look amazing."
"i know that we did not talk about this before, but i really want to be with you before you leave. only if that's okay with you," lena said. she brushed a strand of your hair back behind you ear as she stepped into your space. there was never an invasion with lena, she was always welcomed eagerly with open arms.
"i'd like that. i've been thinking about it a lot," you confessed. lena smiled as she pulled you in for a kiss. something told you that lena would have kissed you either way, but this kiss felt different. this kiss built to something bigger, something that your body had been anticipating for a couple of weeks now.
lena pulled back from the kiss to lead you to the table. you sat there a little awkwardly by yourself while you waited for her to return. lena had obviously put a lot of effort into the meal, preparing things that you recognized as supposed aphrodisiacs. you noticed the distinct lack of alcohol at the table, which lena explained away as not wanting anything to possibly taint the experience.
"how are you feeling?" lena asked you. she leaned back against the counter as she watched you put the last dish in the dishwasher. you had fought her about leaving the dishes in the sink for tomorrow and cleaning up, but lena relented in the end. she had rinsed a few of the pots and pans before you were even home anyway, that was enough help as you'd accept.
"nervous, but in a good way. i trust you though, just show me what you like i guess," you told her. lena smiled as she pulled you in for a kiss. this one was soft and sweet, a gentle press of her lips against yours. the next couple ventured away from that territory, right up until lena was pinning you against the counter by the kitchen sink and kissing you absolutely breathless.
"i'm going to find out all of the things that you like. maybe it'll take more than a night, but we have the rest of our lives to figure everything out." lena picked you up with ease and carried you into her bedroom. every part of the house had been done up for tonight, so it shouldn't have come as a shock to you to see the candles and flowers all over the room.
"you spoil me. what if i want this every time we have sex?" you asked her.
it was a teasing question, but lena answered you with complete sincerity, "then i will do this every single time. there is nothing i wouldn't do to make you happy."
"i love you," you told her. lena blushed as she pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
"i love you too," she mumbled. you threaded your fingers through her hair and lifted her head up so that she was looking at you. she repeated herself, suddenly a little afraid that you hadn't heard her. you pulled her in for another kiss, opening your mouth almost immediately to welcome her tongue.
lena dropped onto her knees on the bed to lay you down gently. her body quickly covered yours once again, and lena slotted herself in between your legs. the two of you had laid like that before, but now it felt different. both of you knew where this was leading, and while lena would assure you that you could turn back whenever you wanted, you knew otherwise.
you were grateful for lena taking her clothes off first, even if you had been head over heels for the outfit. it was rare that you got to see lena out of her kit or the sweats that she liked to wear around the house. and while there was little hotter to you than lena walking around in a tank top and sweatpants, the black slacks and white button up that lena had worn for tonight drove you a little crazy.
however, you were glad to not feel quite so underdressed for the occasion. you hadn't changed from the jean shorts and t-shirt of lena's that you had worn out for shopping. lena had barely let you go whenever she saw you in her shirt that morning, but you had compromised with her by cuddling on the couch until laura and sydney came bursting through lena's apartment doors.
"can i touch you?" lena asked as she motioned towards your bare chest. she was almost completely naked above you, only wearing her underwear. your shorts were still on, lena slowly making her way down your body. your lips were bruised from kissing her, and there were little wet spots from lena kissing along your neck and jaw.
"please do," you told her. lena smiled, dipping her head down to press a kiss to the little dip in between your collarbones. lena's hands massaged your breasts as she littered kisses all over your chest. you could feel that you were wet, but you didn't want to rush lena. as many times as she had told you that this was for you, you had reminded yourself that this was also for her as well. it was your first time, yes, but it was also your first time together.
with each inch that lena moved down your body, you felt your arousal and anticipation grow. you were practically shaking by the time that lena finally reached your shorts. she opened her mouth to ask if you still wanted to continue, only to be met with you impatiently shimmying yourself out of them. lena had the tact to hide her amusement, but you didn't miss the little glimmer in her eye.
it wasn't the amusement that you had mistaken it for. after your show of enthusiasm, lena let her own eagerness be known. the kisses that lena pressed to your hips and thighs were messy, much messier than the ones placed on your chest. lena paused and sucked a hickey onto the inside of your thigh, barely an inch away from where you were practically frothing at the mouth waiting for her to touch you.
"mine," lena muttered sweetly as she ran her finger over the hickey.
"make me yours," you begged her. you weren't sure what had compelled you to say that, but if lena's reaction was anything to go by, it was the right decision. lena grabbed your thighs and held them apart. you heard her swear as she really got a good look at you spread out in front of her.
there was nothing that could have prepared you for the feeling of lena's mouth on your cunt. you had kissed her hundreds of times already, but her lips felt completely different between your legs. you blindly reached around for something to grab until you felt lena take your hands in hers. it was sweet and grounded you, distracting you from your rapidly approaching orgasm.
"i don't want to cum yet," you whined. lena lifted her head to look at you. there was something reassuring in her eyes, something that quelled the panicked thoughts about embarrassing yourself in front of her.
"it's okay, let it happen. it always happens faster than you'd like the first time." lena spoke gently, more so than you had ever heard her before. you closed your eyes and tried to only focus on the way that lena felt as her tongue moved between your folds.
you couldn't stop the moans and all the little noises that normally would have embarrassed you. lena hummed appreciatively at each noise you made, like all she wanted was to hear them again. the focus of lena's tongue switched from just lazily lapping at your cunt to zeroing in on your clit. you felt a finger press against your entrance, rubbing teasingly as if she hadn't planned on actually entering you.
"lena, i think i'm gonna cum," you warned her. lena just sort of squeezed your hand as she continued with a steady pace. lena didn't want to overload your senses, so she tried to keep things going a little slower. she paid attention to every little signal that your body was giving her, helping you reach your peak and work yourself through it.
"you did so good," lena praised as she littered your face with kisses. your cheeks were flushed and your chest was heaving. you had made yourself cum a couple of times before, but it was nothing like having lena touch you. the feeling of lena touching you made you never want to even try to get yourself off ever again. "how are you feeling?"
"i've never felt like that before," you told her. it was a good feeling, but you couldn't quite articulate that yet. lena nodded, seemingly in understanding, and cupped your cheeks to pull you in for a kiss. "i can't believe i didn't ask for that earlier."
"go on to the shower. i'm gonna put the sheets in the wash," lena told you. she tried to move away, but you clung to her like your life depended on it. "liebe, we have to clean up."
"yes, and you can come shower with me. then, when we're out, you can put the sheets in the wash while i pick out something to watch in the living room." lena wasn't going to argue with you, especially not when your plan included a chance to shower with her. you knew that you had won when lena didn't try to argue with you, so you pulled her out of bed and towards the bathroom. your legs were a bit shaky still, so lena held onto your hips to steady you the whole way.
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nataliasquote · 10 days
Double the trouble | Yelena’s day | n romanoff
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Double the trouble AU
Summary: it’s finally Yelena’s turn to babysit the twins… a big responsibility for a usually messy Russian.
Age: 4
Warnings: none
wc: 4.3k
note: Double the trouble is back! The twins are back, and so is the cuteness. Sorry for making you wait so long!
“Mama’s got to go, Y/n.”
“Mama go, Y/n go!”
Why was she even arguing with a four year old at this point? Natasha was crouched by the front door, her work purse resting against her calf as she held onto a whiny four year who was pouting hard.
“Aunty Yelena is coming today, you’re going to have so much fun!” Despite how animated her voice was, Y/n was not impressed and she pushed herself further into Natasha’s arms, grabbing the collar of her suit jacket in her little fists. “Come on baby, please.”
“No!” Great. She was still in the ‘no’ phase, much to the moms’ disdain. “No Lena, only you!”
Natasha sighed and stood back up, absentmindedly smoothing over her daughter’s curls as she looked over to the kitchen. Yelena was going to be there any minute and Wanda was packing the last few snack items into her purse whilst Isla showed her a drawing she’d done for her favourite aunt. She was a lot more accepting of extended family members and had been babbling about Yelena’s visit for weeks… until Y/n threw a barbie at her head.
With a sigh, Natasha hauled Y/n up to sit on her hip and wandered into the kitchen with a soft smile at her wife who looked so gracious in her red summer dress.
“Any word from Yelena?” She asked, holding Y/n tight. “This one isn’t too happy we’re leaving.”
Wanda approached the pair and kissed her daughter’s head, laughing a little at her scowl. “Should be any minute now, I hope,” she replied. “Do you girls want a snack?”
“Fruit roll ups?” Y/n was now suddenly interested, her head lifting from the comfort of Natasha’s shoulder. Ever food orientated, she was.
“I want fruit roll ups too!” Isla chimed in, finally putting her markers down as she added the finishing touches to her drawing. “Strawberry one?”
“I’m sure I can manage that,” Wanda said as she turned around from the cupboard, two snacks in hand. Y/n wriggled out of Natasha’s grip and ran over, but not before Wanda instructed her to sit at the table like normal. Snacks were never eaten standing up in their house, it was the paranoid mothers’ number one rule.
Natasha checked her watch anxiously, watching her time slip away as she waited for her sister. Punctuality wasn’t Yelena’s strong suit, but as the clock struck ten, there was a loud knock at the door and Natasha was pulling it open before the twins could even react.
“Where are my munchkins?” The loud blonde announced, tossing her bag by the door and completely ignoring Natasha as she stepped inside. But the redhead was used to people bypassing her and Wanda to get to the twins, she knew how gorgeous her daughters were.
“Hello to you too… again,” Natasha muttered, more to herself than her sister who was too busy trying to call the twins as if they were dogs.
Isla was the first to greet her favourite aunt, her arms and legs flailing as she launched her small body at the blonde Russian, giggling as she was caught and spun around. Y/n was still chewing away at her snack but she watched their interaction from her seat, shaking her head at Wanda’s offer to go and see.
Y/n was bubbly until she was around anyone who wasn't her moms. Then she clammed up, often ducking behind her curls to avoid eye contact or hiding behind Natasha’s legs if she was close by. She didn’t trust anywhere near as easily as Isla did and was always the last one to approach.
“Y/n? Doesn’t Aunty Lena get a hug?”
Y/n’s eyes darted between her Mama and her Aunt, debating hard. With some reluctance, she slid off her chair and wandered over to Yelena, but only for Natasha’s benefit. The last thing she wanted was her Mama getting mad at her over not cooperating… again.
“What are you eating?” Yelena asked, gesturing to the small piece of food still clutched in the young girl’s hand.
“We had fruit roll ups!” Isla exclaimed, grinning widely at Yelena’s animated expression.
“No way!” Even Y/n was smiling now, waving her snack up at Yelena. “I loved them as a kid!”
Natasha smiled fondly at the scene in front of her. She knew how much Isla loved Yelena, she babbled on enough as it is, and she also knew of Y/n’s hesitancy. But seeing her now, almost completely out of her shell, talking over the top of her sister in an attempt to hold Yelena’s attention, Natasha felt pride blooming in her chest and she wished to capture this moment forever.
Wanda appeared at her side, her smile mirroring her wife’s as she took her hand. “Ready to go?”
Natasha nodded and squared her shoulders in her fitted suit jacket. “Yelena, we’re going to be late. Do you have everything you need? We’ll be back at 6, there’s lunch in the fridge, all you need to do is heat it up. And don’t let Y/n run too much because she has her heart check up next week- oh and Isla can’t have raspberries because she’s allergic so don’t-“
“Yes yes,” Yelena waved her off, effectively pushing her sister out of the door. “You worry too much, we’ll be fine, won’t we girls?” Isla cheered and Y/n copied, luckily too engrossed with her sister to notice her moms were leaving.
“If anything happens, I mean anything, call me and we’ll be back as soon as we can.” Natasha was a typical worried mother and she hated leaving her girls alone, even if they were in the questionably capable hands of Yelena.
“Nat, honey, they’re going to be okay,” Wanda tried to reassure, rubbing her hand up and down her wife’s arm. “It’s only a few hours and you need this deal to go through. You deserve it baby.”
Natasha bit her lip, watching the twins who were running around chasing each other in the hallway. She so desperately wanted to stay with them as much as she could before they started kindergarten, but her business in the city was for a deal with a bank that would allow her to open up her very own dance studio, as opposed to the small rented rooms she was currently using. It was her dream and she couldn’t give it up now.
“I know, I know,” the redhead muttered, more to convince herself than anyone else. With a final smile from Wanda, the couple disappeared down the driveway and used the twins’ moment of distraction to make a tear-free getaway.
“Right, rascal 1, rascal 2, who wants to go to the park?” Yelena clapped her hands together as the door shut and the girls halted in their steps.
“Me! I got the wiggles!” They chorused.
“Well we need to get those wiggles out, don’t we!”
Yelena inspected their outfits and quickly concluded that their matching dungarees was an appropriate park choice. She would never admit it to Natasha, but she’d been reading books and online articles ever since Natasha asked her to babysit. Making a good impression was the one thing the blonde wanted so desperately, and she was determined to make sure everything went right.
After tying both pairs of converse to two sets of small feet and retying one of the pigtails in Isla’s hair, Yelena checked her backpack for her supplies and they were ready to go. It was an indescribable feeling to have her nieces clutching her hands as they walked down the street and Yelena finally understood how her sister had such a hard time leaving her daughters.
Isla babbled away for the whole ten minute walk, mainly talking about Fanny and how she wished she was here with them. Y/n listened happily, more than content just fiddling with the rings on her aunt’s fingers as they stopped at a crossing. It had been a month since they’d last spent time with their aunt and almost a year since their first meeting, and Y/n had definitely warmed up to her in that time. Which gave Yelena immense pride and huge bragging rights.
The sun really had chosen the right day to shine and Yelena made sure both girls were lathered in sunscreen before she allowed them to run free, laughing as they both made a beeline for the swing. Isla climbed up on the horse shaped seat just beside the swing set easily, her giggles echoing through the park as it began to move.
Y/n didn’t have quite the same luck. She couldn’t quite reach the swing she wanted and turned back to Yelena with a pout, her hands grabbing at the plastic.
“Hold on malyshka, I’m coming.” The blonde ran over and scooped up her youngest niece, tickling her stomach a little before slotting her legs in the holes of the swing. Y/n’s pout disappeared as quickly as it appeared and she chanted ‘higher’ as Yelena gently pushed her.
Yelena didn’t let her go too high, but she watched as Y/n stretched her legs out in front of her and lifted her arms, almost as if she was flying.
“L’Isla look!” She yelled at her sister. “I’m flying! I’m a birdie!”
Isla looked for a moment but was far too invested in her own activities to care too much, so Y/n just kept shouting for Yelena to push her higher, to which her aunt obeyed.
They were content on the swings for a while until Y/n got distracted by the slide. Yelena was grateful to give her arms a break, even though she’d have pushed her nieces for hours if they’d have asked. Taking a seat on the bench beside the slide, she watched as the energetic four year olds ran around and slid down the slide, wriggling the whole way down.
It was adorable the way they played together, often hand in hand as they circled the giant wooden structure. Isla always climbed up first before helping her sister up the last section, taking her ‘big’ sister duties very seriously.
“Aunty Lena, watch!” Y/n yelled, holding onto the red handle by the little slide as she tapped her feet together. “I’m gonna go fast!”
“I’m watching, little bug, go on.”
Y/n let go and slid down, stopping at the bottom with a grin as Yelena clapped. She raced over, breathing hard, and grabbed her little water bottle to take a sip.
“That was very impressive,” Yelena said, taking the bottle from Y/n when she was done. “Look, let’s watch Isla now.” She put her arms around Y/n’s stomach and held her in place as they watched Isla slide down before she too came running over, asking for her water.
“Have you both been practising your slides?” Isla nodded between sips.
“Mommy takes us to the park after pre-k.”
“And she gets us ice cream.” Y/n flashed a cheesy grin, trying to win over Yelena even more than she already had.
“Well, if we see the ice cream truck, then maybe.” A chorus of ‘yay’s sounded and Yelena felt like the coolest aunt on the planet. It didn’t matter that the girls already loved her to pieces, every time they smiled at her it thawed her heart and she was sure that one day she would be charged with kidnapping for stealing them both. If she barely coped with them now, prom night and graduation would hit her like a truck.
“Can we go play again?” Y/n asked, bouncing on her toes like she was eager to run off. Yelena gave them the all clear and she sprinted away with Isla yelling her name as they approached the climbing frame. Y/n scrambled up the smaller side and whizzed down the slide before Isla could stop her.
“Y/n!” Isla yelled, running back over to her sister who was sat at the bottom of the slide. “You can’t run!” She tapped her sister’s chest where her heart was before taking her hand and dragging her back to the steps. “Slowly. Mommy always says slowly.”
“I just want to play,” she huffed, placing her palm on her chest. “I’m fine.”
“I’ll tell Mommy!” Isla didn’t really understand what she was supposed to tell Wanda, but the threat was enough and Y/n walked away scowling to find the sand pit. It was slightly sludgy from the rain a few days ago so she wandered around the park again before going back to Isla and giving her a hug.
“You play on the bridge with me?”
“Only if I get to be the pirate!”
“I’ll be mermaid.”
Yelena watched from her spot on the bench, her phone resting in her hand as she filmed the girls playing. The park was relatively empty, only three other children were playing. But they looked older than the twins and so kept to themselves, which the blonde was grateful for. She wasn’t all that trusting of other people’s kids.
There was something relaxing about watching them play. It took her mind off everything else and every time the girls flashed her a smile she felt herself soften. Her sister really had won the family lottery and she felt so grateful to be an established part of their lives as they grew up. Swearing off having kids forever, this was the only way Yelena would purposefully interact with children and she was totally okay with that. The best thing about her nieces was that she could spoil them as much as she wanted and then let her sister deal with the inevitable sugar rush that followed.
An hour went by before Y/n and Isla trudged over once more, significantly more dishevelled than they were before. Long gone were the pigtails, their curls now wild about their shoulders, the colour almost matching their rosy cheeks.
“Did you have fun?”
“I think I got a rock in my shoe,” Y/n whined, standing on one leg like a flamingo. Isla went to sit on the bench as Yelena sorted out Y/n’s shoe, shaking the pieces of gravel that were stuck to her sock. “Ice cream?”
“I don’t think the ice cream truck is here, malyshka,” Yelena admitted, her heart breaking at their disappointed faces. “But we can get some at home, how does that sound?”
“I don’t want to go home!” Isla pouted, folding her arms in a little tantrum. Y/n copied her, leaning against Yelena as she stood between her legs. “Want to stay here forever!”
“Are you guys not hungry? All that running around, I’m sure your bellies are grumbling at you.” To prove her point, she tickled Y/n’s stomach, mainly to hear more of the adorable giggles she loved so much.
After some reluctance and agreement that cookies will be provided with lunch, they made the slow walk home. Y/n was dragging her feet, begging to be carried despite Yelena saying no. She couldn’t carry both of them, even if it was evident how tired Y/n was.
To brighten their mood, she started singing an old Russian song, making everyone march in time with her singing as they turned down the final street. The twins had no idea what she was singing about but their spirits were lifted and they marched happily, swinging their arms and nodding their heads as best as they could.
A quick clean up was needed as they got back home to wash away the park germs, but with soap bubbles and a mini water fight, Yelena managed to make even the most mundane activities interesting. She distracted the twins with some colouring pages whilst she located and heated up the pasta dish that Wanda had left in the fridge, instructions written on a bright yellow post it note.
The mothers really had thought of everything, which made the Blonde’s job ten times easier as she sectioned the food onto the twin’s trays. Pink and orange, just the way they preferred it.
With two tired out toddlers seated at the table, hands washed and lunch served, a quietness descended on the house as they tucked in and Yelena allowed herself a moment to breathe. Natasha and Wanda must be superpowered, she thought to herself, because doing this everyday must be exhausting. She couldn’t wait for a nap.
But when was Yelena’s life this idyllic for long? It certainly didn’t last and the blonde had just finished her pasta before she heard the sniffles beginning. Isla looked happy enough, but the same couldn’t be said for the red-eyed and teary girl beside her.
“Y/n what’s wrong?” Yelena asked, her brows furrowing in confusion. “Do you not like it?”
“I want Mama,” she spluttered, her bottom lip trembling as tears rolled down her cheeks. She brought her fists up to wipe her eyes but it didn’t stop them much. “I want Mama!”
“Oh malyshka, she’ll be back soon, I promise.” But Yelena’s words did little to comfort the young girl. “Do you want to eat a little bit more?” Her plate was hardly touched, only a few pieces of cucumber and pasta gone from her portion.
Whilst her sister cried, Isla looked at her own empty plate and back at Y/n’s, the little cogs in her head turning. Having such empathetic mothers had rubbed off on her and she looked at the little chocolate chip cookie sitting on the dessert section of her plate for a second.
“Y/n/n, do you want my cookie?” She grabbed it and pushed it towards her sister who stopped sniffling for a second to nod, taking the treat even if she had her own on her plate.
Yelena had to stop herself aweing out loud and she pulled her phone out as quickly as she videoed as much of the interaction as she could for Natasha and Wanda.
“That was kind of you Isla, well done.”
“She’s just noisy,” Isla answered back, her lips curling up in disgust that looked quite comical. Clearly she hadn’t changed and her sister crying was still just as annoying.
Yelena stifled her laugh and stood up to grab another cookie to replace Isla’s lost one. Her attitude at four years old was a clear indicator that Wanda and Natasha were going to have their work cut out as she grew up, especially combined with her ‘older sister complex’.
Y/n had eaten half of the cookie, the distraction working, before she quickly realised why she was crying in the first place. She locked eyes with Yelena and let the tears fall once more, wanting nothing more than a hug as her active morning caught up with her.
“Y/n it’s okay, it’s okay,” she tried to comfort once more, rounding the table to give the young girl a cuddle. “Why don’t we all go and find a movie to watch, hm?
“Mermaids?” Y/n asked between sobs, holding on tight to Yelena’s t shirt as she was lifted into her arms.
“Isla, do you want to watch The Little Mermaid?” The girl nodded, hopping down off her chair and running into the living room.
“Come on, big girl, let’s go get comfy and you can have all the cuddles you need, yeah?” Y/n sobbed into Yelena’s neck and held on tighter, more like a koala than a child. But Yelena never refused hugs from her nieces, not whilst they were still young and small enough to want to spend hours on her lap.
Isla had dug through the dvd shelf, leaving a mess on the floor, to find the most worn case holding their current favourite film. She passed it to Yelena and jumped onto the couch, sitting beside Y/n who was holding the corner of the soft blanket to her chest with a frown.
“Don’t be sad, we can see Sebastian! And Ariel.” Isla suddenly gasped, turning to her aunt crouched by the dvd player. “Aunty Lena!”
“Yes, lenya?” (Sunshine).
“Ariel has hair like me and Y/n/n! Does that mean we’re princesses?”
Yelena smiled to herself and settled on the couch between the two girls, Y/n immediately crawling onto her lap as Isla snuggled into her side.
“Of course you’re both princesses. What does that make me?”
“The evil queen,” Y/n mumbled, giggling as Yelena gasped dramatically. The opening credits of the Disney movie sounded in the background but no one paid attention as the twins erupted into laughter over Yelena’s expression.
“The evil queen? What!”
“Yes!” Isla squealed. “Evil queen!”
“Your mama didn’t tell me you both are little terrors!” She exclaimed, grabbing Isla by the foot so she couldn’t wriggle away. “I can’t believe you!”
“I didn’t say it!” Isla tried to defend herself, but Yelena was having none of it. “Please, Aunty Lena please!”
Yelena let go of her foot and turned Y/n around so she was facing her on her knee. “Okay then, what about Mama? Is she a princess?”
“Mama always a princess!”
“Okay,” Yelena said, wondering how her sister would take anyone but her daughter calling her a princess. “Is Mommy a princess too?”
Isla nodded frantically. “Yeah! We all princesses!”
“But Aunty Yelena isn’t?” She faked an offended expression, sending Y/n into another giggle fit. Which was a lot better than the tears that had dried on her cheeks.
“No you’re the evil queen!”
“Or S’bastian!”
Yelena paused, tapping her fingers on her chin in thought. “So… a singing crab, or a witch? That’s all I get?” The twins both nodded before Y/n stood on the couch and leaned to Yelena’s ear.
“S’bastian is my favourite,” she murmured before flopping back onto Yelena’s lap, her arms leaning on her chest. Yelena felt her heart clench, why were these kids so goddamn cute?
Only thirty minutes into the film, Isla had stretched herself out along the couch so Yelena wrapped both arms around Y/n whose head was flopping to the side as she tried to fight the sleep. But the combination of hearing Disney songs and feeling Yelena stroking her stomach had her falling asleep in a matter of minutes. Isla was watching, but barely. They really had tired themselves out for today, which made Yelena’s job a lot easier.
The jingle of keys in the door woke Yelena from her accidental nap and her heart shot to her stomach momentarily before she realised both twins were still asleep safe and sound. With Y/n’s dead weight sprawled out across her chest, she could do nothing but wait for Natasha to find her, the overplayed soundtrack of the title page luring the attentive mothers towards the living room.
Natasha had her suit jacket hanging over her arm and her white button up shirt was unbuttoned slightly lower than normal, but she still looked professional in her black slacks. Yelena craned her neck over the back of the couch and pressed a finger to her lips, gesturing to the sleeping redheads surrounding her.
“What did you do to them?” Wanda whispered as both women rounded the front of the couch. “They’re flat out.”
Natasha crouched down by Isla and studied her face momentarily before looking at Yelena with a small laugh. “I’ve never seen them so tired. What happened?”
“I let them run out their wiggles in the park,” she began, careful to not disturb Y/n. “And then we had a little meltdown so Isla picked a movie.”
“She got upset?” Wanda asked, concern lacing her tone. It wasn’t like her to get upset at all, which set alarm bells ringing in the mothers’ heads.
But Yelena quickly clarified that Y/n was the one with the tears, to which both mothers looked less concerned about.
“She just kept asking for her Mama, but that’s probably down to tiredness, right?”
Natasha narrowed her eyes at her sister, slightly unnerved at the calmness that she radiated. Yelena was not a calm or collected person, so this was a weird sight.
“Who are you and what have you done to my sister?”
The blonde rolled her eyes. “Shut up. I just did my research, that’s all.”
Natasha went to tease her about it but Y/n shifted on Yelena’s lap, the voices disturbing her sleep. She rubbed her eyes softly before blinking them open and almost launching herself at Wanda with a squeal.
“Home! You’re home!” She squeezed Wanda tight in a hug, the woman melting into her daughter’s embrace as she held her close. There was something so special about welcome home hugs and Natasha didn’t feel left out as Isla woke up only seconds later and attacked her Mama with cuddles.
“Oh my big girls, we missed you!” Natasha peppered Isla’s face in kisses, having missed the way she squirmed in her arms. “Did you have a good day?”
“The best day! I love Aunty Lena!” Isla jumped back onto the couch and hugged Yelena tight, allowing Y/n a moment to shuffle over to Natasha and completely lean against her. Nothing would ever beat her Mama’s hugs. Ever.
“I missed you, babygirl. Are you okay now?”
“Missed you too Mama.”
Natasha stood up and brought Y/n up with her, holding her tightly on her hip as she stretched her legs. She smiled at the familiar feeling of her daughter fiddling with the necklace that lay on her collarbones - she always gravitated towards jewellery.
“You’re staying the night, right Lena?” Natasha clarified, watching Isla’s face light up as her aunt said yes.
“More Aunty Lena time!”
“I think it’s safe to say you’ve won them over,” Wanda added, shaking her head with a smile. She didn't mind what it was, as long as her girls were happy, she was too.
And no one was injured after Yelena’s first babysitting adventure, so there would be many more to follow.
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doudouneverte · 1 year
2nd choice, but 1st place
a/n: okay I was very inspired for that I don't know why. And it should be my last last football (soccer) fic at leat until the world cup
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: VfL Wolfsburg (frauen) x Putellas!Reader; Alexia Putellas x sister!Reader; (hint of Lena Oberdorf x Reader)
Summary: You need to prove that you're notjust La Reina's little sister.
Type: Fluff
Warning: nothing
word count: 5433 (i was inspired sorry)
(///////) means change POV to TV pov (I tried something very new)
Dreams are made to come true, they say. Yours just started when you signed your first professional contract for Barcelona. You were nervous, but you were not alone; there was your sister, the great Alexia Putellas, and the one who will become your best friend, Ona Batlle. But your debut was not really like you expected; according to your previous coach, you were too much like your big sister, and the club decided to send you on loan to Levante.
You shouldn’t be angry by their decision, but you got more play time there, and you were with Ona, at least until she joined the WSL. The defender tried to convince you to go with her and maybe play with her in Manchester, but you declined. You were really happy with your new club, and they even decided to keep you after the left back left.
But fortunately or unfortunately for you, Barcelona wanted you back after their Champions League final win against Chelsea. At first, you thought that they finally found an interest in you, but you learned late that it was more of a way for them to be sure you didn’t sign with the rival, Real Madrid.
At the end of the 2022 season, you received some calls from a lot of clubs who were ready to sign you next summer. Honestly, you didn’t know how they could recruit a bench player, but two clubs caught your attention: Manchester United and VfL Wolfsburg. When you talk about it with your sister, it’s unnecessary to say she wasn’t really happy with it.
You were with the team celebrating the three trophies won this season. You talked a little with Ingrid and Fridolina; you three grew up close because they joined the club with you. After they gave you some advice, you decided to pull your sister away from the girls to announce your decision.
"But why?" Alexia asked, and you rolled your eyes.
"Do you really need to ask?" You were not really shocked by the fact that she seemed oblivious to your situation; every time you played together, she looked as happy as when you were both children and you were trying to reach her level. But there is the problem: you were not that little kid anymore, and you definitely didn’t want to reach her level like you did in the past. "Listen, I already talked with the coach and everyone. Ingrid and Frido said that Wolfsburg is a great team to improve myself so I think I can try."
"But why? Is it because we lost in the Champions League? I’m angry too, but don’t worry; we will do it next year, I promise." She said, and you sighed.
"No, it’s not—" you groaned. "I mean, yes, I’m angry that we lost, but it’s not because of that."
"So what is it? I thought you wanted to win the Champions League together. I thought you wanted to show the world how incredible the Putellas sisters are." She said, and gave you a nudge.
"I want; I really want, but look at us. You won the freaking Ballon d'Or; you're the captain of the team and the national team. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really proud of you; nobody deserved it more than you. But look at me; I struggle to make my way on this team. Until I’m still in your shadow, I could never reach your level; it’s not your fault, but it’s just that no team needs two of the same players." You explained, and your sister stayed there, processing everything you said.
"I didn’t know," she said. You wrapped your arm around her shoulders and gave her a weak smile. "I’m sorry," she said with tears in her eyes.
"Hey, it’s okay; it’s not your fault; it’s just that you started to create your own legend here, and it’s a good thing, but if I want to improve my skill, I need to leave." You said, and she hugged you.
The final whistle echoed in the stadium; it's over; Spain lost against England and was out of the Euro 2022. It took you a moment to realize what that meant. The coach called you just before the first match to let you know you'd replace your sister because she got injured just before the competition, and now you were angry and disappointed because you didn't qualify your team for the next round.
You were sitting on the pitch with your head in your hands when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned your head to meet Ona's eyes. She was trying to restrain her tears, but you knew her better than anyone else. You didn't say anything; you just stood up and pulled her into a tight hug before your teammates came a few seconds later.
After a little while, you went to congratulate the winners with a sad smile, and you could see some English players were truly sorry for you. Leah came and hugged you while you tried not to fall apart on her shoulder. "I'm sure she's proud of you." She whispered to you, and you nodded. When you broke the hug and looked at the crowd, you saw her. Alexia was there, visibly sad, but she gave you a smile to reassure you and let you know that she's proud of your match even if Spain didn't win.
Later that night, you were with Ona, packing your things, when Alexia knocked on the door. The defender took a moment to analyze and make sure you were okay before she left you two alone.
"You did great." Alexia said, and you hummed, not really looking at her to avoid a possible deception on her face. She grabbed your hand, and you finally looked at her "I'm serious, you were the best player today."
"Yeah, but that was not enough to win." You replied, and she sighed. She knew why you were acting like that, why this defeat seemed more important to you than anyone else, and secretly she couldn't help but blame herself for something she couldn't change.
"This shot in the second half was extremely precise, and if their captain didn't touch the ball, I'm sure you would score." She added and rubbed your cheeks with her hand. You lowered your head to look at her leg and the clutches she carried with her everywhere.
"How is your knee?" You changed the subject; you were definitely not ready to talk about it right now.
"It will be hard, but I should be back before the end of the next season." She said, and sat on the bed where your suitcase was while you continued to fulfill it. There was silence until your sister spoke again. "You know, we'll miss you." She said it with a sad smile.
"I know, but it's not like I'll change continents or anything. We will stay in the same time zone, and if you're good without me, we will face each other in the Champion's League." You joked, and she gently pushed you.
You spent the rest of your summer with your family before being called to Germany. In the airport, your mom and Alexia were making sure you hadn't forgotten anything, while Alba and you just rolled your eyes at them. When they called your flight, you gave them a last group hug, cautiously avoiding touching your sister's knee.
To your surprise, everything fit perfectly; your new teammates were really happy to have a new face, and the coach seemed to really trust you. Due to your position on the field, you didn't start every match, but it was definitely enough to grow some ties with your teammates and one in particular, Lena Oberdorf.
You were used to playing behind your sister in Barcelona, so of course you didn't mind playing defensive midfielder beside her, and it was definitely a game changer to have both of you on the pitch. The Bundesliga seemed too small for you two; rare were the strikers who were able to pass you and the German.
You definitely shined during the group stage of the Champions League, when everyone was prepared to stop Poppy or Pajor; they didn't know you were able to play as N°10, and every goalkeeper was shocked to see you so close to their penalty areas.
Because of your perfect performance on the group stage, Lena started to call you Prinzessin, or princess in German, because of Alexia's nickname. You found it funny and started to call her your knight because she always cleaned up after you every time you lost a dual.
Everything couldn't be better; you were one of the best scorers in the Bundesliga and definitely the one with more assists. While you were eliminating the PSG, your best friend was becoming the best left back in the WSL, and your sister started to work out to prepare for her comeback.
At the press conference before your first leg at home against Arsenal, a journalist asked something funny to Tommy Stroot: "What can you say about the transformation of Y/n?"
"What?" Your coach asked back.
"I mean, it's not the end of the season, and she already beat her record from the two past seasons. She was involved in four goals in the semifinal of the DFB-Pokal against Bayern. So, I'm asking if you know something about her transformation on the pitch."
There was a little silence; the response seemed so obvious that the coach couldn't even believe he asked him that. "I don't know if it's really a transformation; when she trained with us for the first time, she beat my expectations. I don't think we did something to her; maybe she just needed some confidence and play time. She's a young player, and it's the most important thing."
"Talking about play time, she got injured in the last match; do you think she'll get back in time for the match tomorrow?" Another journalist asked.
No, definitely not, but she works hard on her side to be available for the match in London, so I'm not worried." After a few rounds of questions, the conference ended.
To your surprise, the first leg ended in a draw. You were frustrated not only because you couldn't play but also because you knew you had to win the next match. In London, things were a little different; the Gunners were favorites, of course, but the atmosphere was almost suffocating, and things didn't go better when Stina scored the first goal. You were on the bench for this match; you were ready to play, but your coach wanted to use you as a super sub, and this man rarely gets it wrong.
At the end of full time, the score was 4-4 in aggregate, so that meant overtime, and overtime meant super sub. You just need 15 minutes to install fear in your opponent's mind. You barely lost a ball, and even when it happened, Lena always had your back. And in the next fifteen minutes, you did what you did best this season: assisted Bremer eight minutes before the end and qualified Wolfsburg for another final in their history, and more than that, because it will be against Barcelona.
Until then, you win the dfb-Pokal without surprise, and you place yourself as the second-best scorer of the season in the Bundesliga. At the end of the season, everyone's eyes were locked on one thing.
The day before the final, you were in your hotel room in Eindhoven talking with some teammates who had invited themselves into your room when you received a text from Ona.
Ona: good luck for tomorrow, Princesa. I come with Leila and Laia You: you come to see me or the girls? 🤔 Ona: everyone  You: okay but I need to tell you that we will win tomorrow, so prepare the girls to comfort them Ona: I don't come here to see my best friend lose You: don't worry, you'll not You: I need to go. the girls need me to annoy the older. see you tomorrow. I'll let you touch the trophy 😜  Ona: yeah sure 🙄
On D-Day, the pressure was at its highest level; the fans were expecting a victory, and you, the players, would do anything for that. In the changing rooms, everyone was tense after the lecture from your coach. You started your little routine before any big games to focus until you saw Lena beside you, totally nervous.
"Hey Lee, are you okay?" You asked after you gently paused your hand on her tight. She looked at your hand before locking her gaze on yours.
"I don't know. I mean, it's a big game, like, THE big game of the season." She said, and you chuckled. You found her very cute when she was stressed, but she didn't need to know that, at least not yet.
"Yes, but you played a big finale last summer, remember?" You asked.
"And I lost." She replied.
"Okay, that's not what I was expecting." You admitted; you sighed and gently cupped her face with your hands, forcing her to look at you. "Listen, I know it's a big game. I know how terrifying it is to face a team like that, but you're not alone. There's all the team to help you in the first half, and I'll be there in the second, whatever happens." You said quietly, and she chuckled, leaving you confused.
"I was more stressed about making your ex-teammates cry because we would crush them, but I think your little speech helped me too." She joked, and you rolled your eyes, even if that made you laugh too.
"Okay now, enter that pitch and show them what my knight in shining armor can do." You said, and all the girls cheered you up.
"Good afternoon, everyone, I'm Dave, and I'll be your commentator for this final of the Champions League. I'm not alone; I'm with Selena, our consultant for this match. Good afternoon, how are you?"
"Pretty good, thanks, Dave. And yeah, we're here today for THE most important match of the season, one of the most equilibrated matches of this Champions League journey, at least on paper."
"Yes, on paper, the match would be beautiful to see, but we need to remind ourselves that FC Barcelona start this match with a little advantage. They were declared champions a few weeks before the end of the season, so they could rotate their squad and rest their players for this final."
"Of course, it will be a great advantage, but we saw how Wolfsburg can be really dangerous when we're not ready. I don't think Alexia and her teammates will take it easy; I think the defeat of the last year is still in everyone's memories."
"Talking about Alexia and her teammates, the players should enter the pitch in an instant now." The players started to walk out of the tunnel, and everyone was focused on one thing: the victory. You were on the bench watching your first team against your provisory team.
The anthem of the Champions League was playing on the speaker of the Phillips Stadion; the supporters started to be impatient, and you were more nervous.
"I will never get used to this tension just before the kickoff."
"I totally understand you; it never misses to give me goosebumps. I was watching the composition of the two teams, and I'm a little shocked to see Y/n in the starting eleven. What do you think about it?"
"It's a surprise, but not as big as anyone thinks. We know that Tommy Stroot likes to use her as a super sub, and it's technically those types of matches where anything could happen that you need someone like her."
"Her big sister doesn't start either, but it's not really a surprise, so I think I'm talking for everyone when I say that we are really excited to see the both of them on the pitch. And now the kickoff."
Surprisingly, after the kickoff, the advantage was clearly for the German team.
"The Spanish seem to struggle to keep the ball out of their side of the pitch."
"Yes, but we know they can reverse this; we just need to—"
"Oh no, big mistake from Bronze. Pajor can shoot, and- she didn't miss! Wolfsburg take the lead with a missile from their Polish striker."
"I was saying that they can reverse, but this didn't go well, haha."
"It's not your fault; nobody can predict that Lucy Bronze would leave a little place for Pajor to shoot. But only after fifteen minutes, the teammates of Alexandra Popp can dream to lift the prestigious trophy."
"—she's doing one of her best performances today, but– but right now the Catalans recuperate the ball! Graham Hansen is alone by her side. Oh, what a great move to push the ball in front of the goals; she can shoot—no, she passes, why she—"
After only fifteen minutes, everything needed to be redone.
"It's Patri!! After only fifteen minutes, ladies and gentlemen, Patri scored the equalizer!"
"That was the best way to finish this action, Dave. What a great goal and great performance from the Spaniard since the Germans took the lead! The solution didn't come from the strikers, so she just decided to take it into her own hands. 1-1, the real game starts now."
"You said it, Selena; she had the lucidity to stay away from any defender, and the finish is just amazing."
You and the girls were gutted; you didn't plan to win this game with a big goal difference, so any goal against you is barely a synonym of defeat. The real nightmare started only five minutes before halftime.
"A corner kick for Barcelona. It's shot very well, and—it's Rolfö! The Swedish give the advantage to the Spaniard only five minutes before halftime! What a goal!"
"Like you said, Dave, what a goal from Fridolina Rolfö. She used to score beautiful headers, and that's why corner kicks are one of the most dangerous weapons on this team. She just freed her from any defender and easily put it in the back of the net."
"You can see the joy erupting from Barcelona's bench; the supporters are uncontrollable, and it's totally understandable. The Swedish player may have just secured the victory with this goal."
In the next five minutes, your teammates pushed but failed to score against a visibly blessed Paños.
"And the referee blew the whistle; it's halftime, ladies and gentlemen. We will remind you of the score for the one who just joined. There is a 2-1 lead for Barcelona. Pajor scored the first goal of the game, but only fifteen minutes later, Patri equalized, and Rolfö gave them the advantage a few minutes ago."
Back in the changing room at halftime, your teammates looked defeated, and after another lecture from your coach, the room was pretty quiet. The girls seemed to be trying to focus on the second half. Lena rested her head on your shoulder, and you intertwined your fingers with hers.
"Okay girls, you heard me out." Alexandra started to speak and gained everyone's attention. She gave a pretty encouraging speech. During this time, you were rubbing your thumb on the back of Lena's hand.
After the speech, when it was time to go, you unconsciously kissed the defender's hand and made her blush, but you were totally oblivious. "I believe in you; I know you'll be better in this half." You whispered to her, and she squeezed your hand.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back. We're here for the second half of this final of the Champions League, opposing Barcelona to Wolfsburg, and the Spaniard took the lead just before halftime." The two teams were going back on the pitch with a little change in the Spaniard's side.
"We were just talking about her before during the halftime, and Jonatan seemed to have heard you." You were one of the last ones to come out of the tunnel, and you were a little surprised to hear the Barcelona fan chanting your sister’s name, but you were more surprised to see her ready to start the end of the match. "No, you’re not dreaming Alexia Putellas will play her first minutes in this campaign! Now the question is how Wolfsburg will react to this."
It was not surprising that the Spaniard took the advantage at the start of the second half, and things went worse when what everyone expected happened.
"Bonmati for a cross in the box, the defense struggles to kick the ball out. Alexia recuperates the ball; she places herself and aims, and—it's a goal! Barcelona is now leading by two goals!"
The joy erupted from the benches of the previous finalists. All the Spanish supporters were screaming; it was almost done. Almost because it was only the fiftieth minute, they had to conceive the score for forty minutes, and your coach was about to make his biggest move.
Your teammates were about to start the end of the game until the referee blew the whistle for a sub.
"Things are going to be more exciting now. The coach of Wolfsburg just made his super sub, Roord, let her place to Y/n." As a reminder of the start of this second half, all the German fans were chanting your name when you entered the field. You found your position beside your defensive midfielder, and the match started again.
"I have an interesting statistic for you, Dave. Wolfsburg only lost three games this season when they aligned their duo Lena-Y/n. And what is most incredible is that Y/n is a former offensive midfielder, but she didn't struggle to play a little lower on the pitch. She's very versatile."
Yeah, it's very incredible, but you know what is very unbelievable?" 
"No what?" 
Is it that since they became pro, the Putellas sisters have played more against each other than with each other."
"Wait what?"
"Yeah, Y/n played for Levante until the last season, but she played only four games with her big sister on the pitch in Barcelona."
"It's quite funny because when we saw them playing together, it was almost like they had done it all their lives."
"Yeah, but I see almost the same result this season between Lena and Y/n, like now."
You recovered the ball, dribbled Aitana, and passed to Lena before being stopped by Keira. The German gave it back to you just perfectly in front of the penalty, and that led to you shooting and hitting the crossbar.
"She was so close to scoring only after five minutes of her appearance in this match."
"I think Tommy Stroot made a great choice to sub her on now; like we said earlier, even if she played alongside Oberdorf, she's a former offensive midfielder, which means that she can contribute to the offensive task. But she also gives hope to the team and their supporters; I think it's important too."
A few minutes later, Lena recovered the ball pretty high on the pitch and gave it to Sveindis, who made an incredible run, followed by Rolfö, but managed to cross it in the box, where you pushed it into the net with a big header.
"Ooh, what a goal! Y/n just scored a beautiful header, reducing the gap between the two teams."
"I wanted to say that the defense was too chill, but her placement was just perfect. She was quicker than anyone on this action, and I think it's not too bad to say she's quicker than anyone since she's here. She scored a striker's goal."
After thanking the Icelander and hugging some teammates, you were ready for the rest of the game. The game was more tense. The Barcelona players pushed really hard, but you were almost suffocating all their actions with Lena. Talking about action, your team just got one after a great save from Frohms, who kicked the ball far away. You controlled it and looked around to find yourself almost alone on the right side of the pitch, which means if you want to find a way to be in a good position to shoot, you have to use your left foot.
Alexia knew that; she was the one who praised you when you became more skilled than her, and what helped you was your ability to use both feet almost perfectly. Patri otherwise seemed to forget that because she was surprised when she got nutmegged; Rolfö just behind her tried to surprise you, but she got crocheted. You were running to the box, and when Mapi came to stop you, you noticed Popp alone was not offside yet, so you just lobbed the defender, and your captain controlled it perfectly. And she didn't miss her 1v1 with Paños.
"And Alexandra Popp for the equalizer!"
"What beautiful action from Y/n. She totally danced with her ex-teammates; she reached another level in this final."
You wanted to apologize to Patri, but you were stopped by the tall body of your captain, who pulled you into a tight hug. You laughed when she let you go, but not before she messed up with your hair like she had loved to do since the start of the season.
"I think we can say that Y/n is literally the definition of a supersub. She's implied in the two goals that helped Wolfsburg come back in this match. And from her expression, we can think it's not finished yet."
The German fans were chanting your name like you had been in this club for a few seasons now. That made you blush, and you made a heart with your hand to show them your love before the next and hopefully last quarter of the match.
Your sister and her teammates were more nervous and reckless in the last minutes, maybe because of the stress that led to some ugly tackles, which almost made you feel nostalgic about your matches against Georgia Stanway.
"The fourth referee announced 5 minutes of extra time. If Wolfsburg continue like that, maybe they could win in overtime like against Arsenal."
Only five minutes of extra time, despite all the fouls, was a miracle. Barcelona's players were more aware of you, and sometimes you were almost never marked by only one player. But you found a little breach where you forced your passage, and you found yourself trying to keep the ball from your sister and Ingrid. You wanted to pass, but they blocked every angle, so you took some steps back and decided to do it quickly.
You easily erased your sister with a dribble on her wrong side, and the Norwegian received your fourth nutmeg of the match. You wanted to pass to Pajor when you felt something collide against your foot, and you fell to the ground.
"Ouch, it's a pretty bad tackle from Mapi Leon."
You were on the ground with your ankle between your hands, trying to ease the pain, when you heard multiple voices arguing.
"Hey, are you crazy?" You recognized Poppi’s voice.
"I didn’t do that on purpose, okay?" Mapi replied.
Lena quickly came to you and tried to distract you while your sister tried not to let your captain hurt her best friend. "Hey, do you hear me?" she asked, and you nodded. "Okay, good. The medics should come in a few seconds. Do you think you can continue the match?"
"Yes, of course." You spoke through the pain, and she nodded. Like she said, the medics came a little after; it was not serious, but it was not a good move from your national teammate. After the approval of the medic, you prepare yourself for the free kick.
A foul in front of the box, not so far, a little on the right side. Svenja took the ball, placed it, and looked at the players in the penalty area. You were still beside her, lightly testing your foot.
"It seems that Y/n and Svenja Huth are talking about who’ll shoot this free kick. It can be the last action of the match. Who should shoot it for you, Selena?"
"Oh, it’s a tough question. We know Svenja can find a teammate in this situation; she took all the free kicks like always, and she was good like always. But, even if the last time she took a free kick was in her time at Levante, Y/n have pretty good statistics on this exercise."
You took two steps back and a step to the left, took a deep breath, and focused on the goal. The referee blew the whistle. Alexia met your gaze; she knew. Svenja raised her left hand to indicate the near post. She started to run but stopped herself in front of the ball. She just took a step to the right, and you made your way to shoot.
Your feet hit the ball, and you saw it fly toward the goal in the opposite upper corner.
"Y/n took the free kick and—she scored! In the last minute of this final, Y/n gave the victory against her former club! It’s totally unbelievable!"
"You say it, Dave! I thought Svenja would shoot it, but she let the young Spaniard, and for her first free kick with the wolves, Y/n just scored a beautiful one! She perfectly hit the opposite corner; Sandra Paños didn’t see it coming. This final is incredible, and this player is incredible. And the referee just blew the end of the match."
"They did it! Wolfsburg are Champions again for the third time in their history!"
All the bench ran to you; you couldn’t process what was happening until you felt yourself being tackled on the ground by Lena, quickly followed by the rest of the team. You did it; you won your first Champions League. The tears started to run down your cheeks, and you wrapped your arms around the defensive midfielder.
"We did it," she said to you, and you nodded. She brushed away your tears and discreetly kissed your cheek.
You wanted to celebrate more, but you noticed your national teammates’ faces. You went to console a lot of them when you spotted Fridolina and Ingrid with Mapi and Alexia. The ex-Wolfsburg players noticed you first and were the first to hug you and congratulate you.
"We told you it'd be a good team for you." The Swedish said, and some tears started to fill your eyes.
"Hey, don't cry. It's okay." The Norwegian said this time, and you just gave her a sob as a response. They broke the little group hug when Mapi came closer to you.
The defender was the next to catch you between her arms. "I'm sorry for earlier." She and you shook your head to let her know that you weren't angry about that. Congratulations, hermanita." she continued.
"Thank you," you replied shyly. The girls patted your shoulders and left to see the rest of the team. It was just you and your sister now. She was crying, of course, and that made you cry too. When she noticed your tears, she just opened her arms wide, and you filled the space.
"You did it," your sister said, and you nodded against her shoulder. "I'm proud of you." She pulled away to look at you. "I meant it; you were the best player today."
"I'm sorry." You said while you were crying, but the captain immediately shushed you and pulled you into another hug.
Hey, no, don't be sorry. It's okay; we lost, and it's frustrating, but you deserve it. Listen," she pulled away from the hug and pointing to the supporters around you. Even some of Barca’s fans were chanting your name. "You proved everyone that you’re more than my little sister; you start to create your own history." You wanted to say something, but you were required to do an interview.
After that, the final ceremony started. You were a little surprised to be the player of the match, but Lena kept saying that it couldn't be anyone except you. While you were talking with the midfielder, Alexandra was talking with your sister. Their conversation was a little interrupted when they saw you chase the German with a big smile.
"Do you think I need to say something?" the Spanish captain asked.
"Not yet," the tall captain replied, and your sister nodded.
This third June, despite what everyone thought before this final, you led the Germans to number one in Europe. Your dreams came true.
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
Hey since father's day is coming can i request a daddy nat x reader fic? It's ok if you ignore this ^_^
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x afab!reader
Word count: 7102 (still can’t believe this only took like 3 hours)
Warnings: smut, fluff, angst, divorces, cheating (R to their boyfriend), daddy kink, degrading, praise kink, soft sex then rough sex lol, breeding kink, strap ons, squirting, multiple orgasms, fingering, cunnilingus, mutual pining, arguing, Nat being a dick beforehand, slapping, spit kink (very brief), filming, body worshipping, mentions of masturbation, marking, kinda beefy!Nat, lotssss of pet names, cum-filled straps, happy ending
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
“Momma!!” Came the yells of your two children as they entered the large home of your ex-wife. She picked both of them up in her arms and hugged them tightly, giving a kiss to their foreheads before setting them down. It was Father’s Day weekend and before your divorce last year, your little family would always celebrate Nat while they celebrated you on Mother’s Day. And now, this was your first year being divorced during the holiday. And while you were planning to just drop the kids off for the weekend, they begged you to join them, to do it as a family again, as they had said. And their puppy eyes which were exaggerated to the max were impossible to resist. So, you had contacted Nat and told her the plans, that you and your kids would be spending the weekend at her house and would leave Sunday night.
“Oh, you guys are getting so big! I’m not gonna be able to pick you both up soon.” She pouted, receiving shared giggles from the twins standing at her feet. Alex, your 6-year-old son, had similar hair to you with light shades of red shining. His eyes were an exact copy of Nat’s, as were his sisters, Lena. Alexei often bragged that his grandson was named after him, even if it was just a coincidence. But Lena, she had been named after Nat’s sister, Yelena. She didn’t show it, but you knew she was beyond ecstatic to know her niece was named after her.
Your son looked back at you, trying to signal the card that had been put away in your purse. You knew what he was asking, he wanted you to give it to her, they were both too shy to see her reaction. You smiled at them and stepped forward, both children immediately clinging onto you and watching with filled nerves as Nat grasped the card, letting her fingers gently brush against yours for such a small moment that you almost didn’t notice, but you did. You retreated your hand back quickly and watched your kid's excitement grow as Nat let out a gasp, smiling with tears starting to pool in her eyes as she read their messy handwriting inside.
“You guys...Did you make this all by yourselves?” They nodded and you could’ve nearly wept watching the interaction your ex-wife had with them. You knew she loved you and your children more than anything in this world, but she wasn’t great at showing that.
“Are you sure? Because if you asked me I’d say a professional drew this masterpiece.” You could see the pride in their faces at her words.
When it was nearing the end of the day you were trying to figure out the bed situation. The kids had their own rooms, Nat made sure of it. But she didn’t have an extra room for you or any guest at that.
“Don’t worry about it, I can just take the couch.” It had been a while since you two had a conversation face to face and all alone.
“Oh, shut it. Here, you can have the bed and I’ll take the couch, you are my guest after all.” You sighed, knowing there was no way of fighting this argument but you still tried. You didn’t want her to sleep on the couch with those painful edges that you had bruised yourself on many times before.
“You’re not taking the couch, I am. There, it’s settled.” You both shared a look at the couch and back at one another, both being able to sense what was about to happen. You two ran as quickly as possible, trying to beat the other onto the furniture. You had landed first, but you both tackled over the spot.
“Stop, stop!” You yelled out as her long fingers tickled your skin and caused laughs to pour out of you.
“Accept your defeat and I’ll stop.” There were so many giggles from the both of you and, for a small minute, it was like everything in your past had disappeared, you were just in this moment.
“Okay, okay! You win!” Her legs that were around your waist loosened and her hands finally retreated back, she placed them right next to your head on the sofa. They were trapping you in from both sides, and you couldn’t deny the way it still left you as breathless as it did many years ago.
Time seemed to have stopped as you both stared into one another's eyes, her emerald ones looking identical to your children. You seemed to have realized the position you two were in and nervously chuckled, trying to stand but she wouldn’t let you.
“Nat, we should probably get to bed.” She licked her slightly dry lips and nodded, still refusing to move herself from you. She wasn’t looking at you but instead had her gaze lowered, it hurt to see how affected she was by you.
“Please. Please don’t leave me tonight.” You looked at her with confusion, furrowing your brows and silently pleading her to continue.
“I haven’t been sleeping well, Y/N, I haven’t been for the past year. I miss having you by my side, no other girl could ever replace your warmth.” The mention of other girls lying in her bed, the same one you two had shared the most intimate and sweetest moments in, made your stomach drop.
“I-I get if you think it’s weird since we’re, you know.” You noticed the way she refused to admit what it truly was, that you two were divorced, separated. No longer a pair. “But, I think you know I’m secretly a better cuddler than your boyfriend.” Your eyes widened at her words, she seemed to have picked that up.
“The kids mentioned him. I promise I wasn’t, like, stalking you or anything.” You chuckled dryly and she joined you. You could sense the small tension that was still there, it never truly left you both. It would haunt you in the nights, as it did with her. There had been so many times where you had almost called your boyfriend Natty, your favorite nickname that only you were ever allowed to call her. The thought that someone else might take that spot, might be able to share those sweet moments like you two had shattered your heart completely. Neither of you ever fell out of love with one another, and you both knew that too. But it wasn’t working. She was barely home, and when she was she was working. During your family movie nights, she would have paperwork in one hand and a pen in the other. The work had putten stress on her, stress that she didn’t know how to handle. So, she had taken it out on you, something she would forever regret. The arguments were taking a toll on the kids, and that’s when you knew it was too much. After that, it took you less than a month to get the divorce papers. You tried just getting it over with and freeing your kids from the pain of seeing their mom’s like this, but you didn’t want to accept the fact that it would be over. And she didn’t either.
She hadn’t taken the news well when you told her. She cried, dropping to her knees in front of you and holding onto your legs to not let you get away. You had Alex and Lena stay at your parent's house, you didn’t want them to see you two like this.
It wasn’t the same since then. You’d often get the urge to text her throughout the day, only to remember she was no longer yours.
“It’s okay, I guess we can share the bed for the night then.” She smiled, quickly trying to hide it as not to scare you away. There was a hair strand covering her cheek, your hand instinctively reached out to pull it back, letting your hand linger on the side of her face. She leaned into your touch, wishing this moment could last forever. But it didn’t, and you removed your hand just like you did earlier in the day.
“Uh, let’s go then.” You said with a tight-lipped smile and she sighed, knowing the small moment was done for.
“Yeah. Yeah, let’s go.” It was awkward lying next to each other. You both wanted to hold one another like before, although neither of you made the move. You both lied there, staring at the ceiling before finally falling into a deep sleep.
That morning you were lucky to be greeted with the sight of the sun blaring through the curtains. You turned, stretching and being surprised to see Nat next to you, that was until memories of last night flooded your mind. Her arm was draped around your waist and you wished it could be this way again, and not just for the weekend.
“Mm, good morning, angel.” She hadn’t seemed to notice her slip up and you didn’t correct her on it either.
“Morning, Natty. How’d you sleep?” The refresher of the nickname felt so relieving to finally get out.
“Better than I have in so long.” She chuckled, trying her best to capture this moment before it would get ripped away from her once again.
Your faces were so close, you nearly could’ve kissed. But then there was a sudden burst of the door opening and your two kids running in quickly to jump on the bed. Lena cuddled in between the two of you while Alex immediately went into your arms.
“Happy Father’s Day, Momma!!” They both yelled at once. You’d never get sick of how they interacted, it was the sweetest thing.
“Thank you, kiddos! Now, how about we all go make some pancakes together, hm?” She was as much of a child as they were, picking one up to rest on her waist and the other receiving a piggyback ride.
You started getting ready in the bathroom and looked back at the bed where your ex had just rested. It reminded you of the years before when you’d wait for her to wake up since she slept in so late. When she’d never want to leave the comfort of her bed unless you left as well, or if you were about to get into the shower. When her smile was the first thing that greeted you in the morning. And that smile of hers always got you, it continued to make you melt every day.
Your sniffles were unheard by anyone, you were left all alone. You knew that you needed to hurry or your kids would come to get you and see you like this. Or maybe even Nat. You wondered what she’d do if you told her the truth, that you never wanted to leave her, that you would still love her no matter what. That you felt like a coward leaving her instead of trying to fix it. That you missed her, the old her. The one so deeply in love with you that nothing ever made you think otherwise. If she saw you, and you told her everything cascading through your mind, would she be mad? Sad? Would she feel guilt or remorse? You didn’t want to ruin her day, but you feared that if you didn't tell her, it would haunt you for the rest of the time.
“Y/N? Y/N, you in here-“ She stopped in her tracks when seeing your tinted cheeks and the sad look she knew all too well.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” She walked closer, hesitating to take your face in her hands in case you were sensitive or frightened, she had learned over the years how to do that for you.
“Nothing. Nothings wrong. Now, why don’t we have some pancakes, I bet you and the kids made some delicious ones like always.” You tried to walk past her with a false grin on your face, but she stopped you in your tracks.
“I’m not letting you go until you tell me what’s bothering you.” She was persistent, she always was.
“I told you, it’s nothing-“
“Bullshit, Y/N, I know when something is bothering you, we were married for fuck sake.”
“That’s the point.” Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at your statement, it was a silent urge for you to speak again.
“Do you think I wanted to come here? Do you think I wanted to sleep in the same bed with you after everything?” Your voice wavered while you tried to hide the depths of your emotions.
“What do you…what do you mean? I thought you were okay with this, I thought you agreed to sleeping in the same bed as me.” She backed up, hands being held at her sides defensively as she looked at the ground.
“You needed me to, you couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d help and maybe that was a fucking mistake! I-“ You cut yourself off, trying your best to hold back the tears already arising at the surface. “I can’t do this with you, I can’t.”
“No, no, no, you don’t get to just walk out on me again, not when the kids are right outside.”
“Walk out? I walked out on you? You walked out of this marriage way before I decided to end it.” She was near shouting, only to remember how small of a distance there was between you both and the children.
“Look, I never walked out of our marriage-“
“Oh, really?”
“Let me finish my fucking sentence, Y/N!” She started, anger looming in her voice. “I never left you, and I never wanted to lose you either. You left, not me. You signed the paper, I didn’t want to. You were the one who took the kids and left your wife, the love of your goddamn life.” You couldn’t believe her, even after all this time she didn’t realize what she had done. She didn’t realize the reason you were forced to leave her.
“You think I wanted to leave you? You really think I just, fell out of love with you or something?”
“Then what was it, Y/N? Truly, I want to know what I did so wrong.”
“You left me, maybe not physically but mentally you did. Work was your new love, not me, not your kids. The breakfasts that were spent with your arms around me while I cooked turned into the kids wondering why momma forgot to give them their kiss goodbye. Picking up the kids from school with you turned into them wondering where momma was. Even the teachers questioned where you were when you didn’t show up for parent-teacher conferences. Dinners were spent without you and if you were there you had your work in your hands. One mission led to several, and days turned into months. I was tired, Nat, so tired. I knew you loved me, and I know you still do. I will always know your love, but I’ll still always know that you’d choose your work life over me. Do you even understand how hard it is to explain to your children that momma wasn’t there? That you didn’t know if she’d even make it back? They looked up to you, but you weren’t there! And I guess being back on that bed, seeing you there, just brought back everything I’ve been fighting so hard to get over. I never stopped loving you, Nat, but I stopped loving what you did to me, to us. To our family.” Nat looked at you with something you’d never seen before. After more than ten years of being together and six and a half years of being married, you still have never seen her look at you the way she did now. It broke your heart knowing you had hurt her, but a part of you wanted her to feel the same pain she caused you.
“I’m sorry..” Before you could say anything else you felt yourself being pushed against a wall, lips being placed against yours. You melted into her, your hands holding onto her hair for dear life.
“I love you, baby, I love you so much.” She mumbled against your mouth, her tears landing on your cheeks as well as hers.
“I know you do-“
“No, my love, I love you, you hear me? I love you more than anyone, I’ve never felt this type of love before I had you, and I wanted to hate you for ruining that but- but I couldn’t. I could never hate you, and that’s the part that I hate. So, please, please just be with me right now.” It was more of a question than a statement. You didn’t want to say no, so you didn’t.
“I’ve got you, Natty. I’m right here, you feel this?” You grabbed her hand and placed it against your chest, your heartbeat being just noticeable by her. She nodded, her forehead gently hitting yours with every movement she made.
“That right there, that’s my heartbeat. My heart beats for you, sweetheart. It beats for you, and it beats for our family.” She grinned happily, rejoining your lips together in a hungry kiss. You were desperate to have each other, to just feel one another. Her hands wandered your body and landed on the back of your upper thighs, lifting you up into her hold and sitting you down on the counter. Some of the clutter fell to the ground when coming in contact with your body.
“You feel so good in my arms again, my darling girl.” Her lips slammed against your neck, her heart and soul wanting to leave marks, any symbol to show you were still hers, that all that grievance wasn’t real, that it was just a nightmare. But her mind knew she couldn’t. The kids could see, or better yet, your boyfriend could see. Your boyfriend. Alex and Lena’s stepfather. No. No, she was their mother, their father. Not him. You were her wife, not his. What if he was to take her place? What if he was to put a ring on your finger and replace the one that you still had a hard time taking off? She had never taken off the one you had given to her, she refused to.
“Mommy? Momma? The pancakes are all decorated, just like you said.” Alex said through the door, his little hands knocking so gently you almost didn’t hear it. You both retracted from one another unwillingly and you sighed, realizing that this moment was ruined and, as much as you loved your children to death, you really wish they had slept in this morning.
“Come on, the kids are waiting.” You tried to stand, but once again, she stopped you.
“Wait. Just, wait.” She pressed her forehead against yours and fluttered her eyes shut. “Please don’t tell me this is over. Please don’t tell me I won’t get this with you again.” Her lip quivered and she bit it to hide her sadness from you.
“This isn’t over, baby, we’re not over, okay? Later tonight, once the kids have gone to bed, we’ll talk more. But for now, we need to be there for our children. You need to.” She nodded with a tight-lipped smile, kissing you once more before opening the door to a waiting Alex.
“What are you doing in here, Momma?” He could see you, and while he still didn’t understand most adult things at his young age, you could almost feel his judgemental gaze.
“Oh- well, me and mommy were just playing a game of hide and seek while you guys made our surprise. And, well, you know how bad of a hider momma is.” He gasped, looking at his mommies with a hint of betrayal.
“You played hide and seek without me? But, momma, I thought we always played hide and seek together.”
“Well,” You could see her struggling with an excuse to make, but she always knew what to say to him. “Me and Mommy wanted to let you guys finish before we invited you to play with us. We thought we’d get some good practice at hiding since you’re such a good seeker, aren’t you, little guy?” She booped his nose and he giggled, pulling her with him to the kitchen where the food awaited you both. You followed her after taking a quick moment to look at yourself in the mirror, a saddened grin breaking over your face when you took in the whole situation. You had a boyfriend, a lover, but Nat was still yours. While she may be your ex-wife, she was still your wife. She still was the only carrier of your heart. Your family, you and Nat’s family, was the only keeper of your broken little heart.
“Mommy, I wanna stay longer.” Your daughter pouted, the clock reading late into the evening and nearing the time you were planned to leave.
“Yeah, why can’t we stay one more night?” Her twin added on, giving you those puppy eyes you couldn’t ignore, and neither could Nat.
“Yeah, Mommy,” Nat teased, mocking her kids' words. “Why can’t my three babies stay a little longer, hm?” You didn’t miss the obvious gesture towards you and you didn’t complain about it either.
“Alright then, I guess since you kiddos don’t have school tomorrow we can stay another day. But just one more night.” They all cheered in excitement, nodding along to the compromise that you knew would be hard to keep. Your kids rushed to the living room, trying their best to figure out the remote for movie night. You and Nat were left in the kitchen alone. She stepped closer to you, brushing her fingertips against your arm and holding the sleeve of your sweater.
“So, one more night I get to spend with you, huh?” You grinned to yourself at her words, nodding and copying the move she had done to you by running your hand up and down her arm. You stopped at her hand, interlacing your fingers with hers and holding them up together. Her face was nearly touching yours with how close you became, you could practically feel her breath hitting your own.
“Kiss me, baby.” And she did. She moved her lips on yours like a starved woman, hungry for the attention of you. Neither of you cared to pay much attention to your kids bickering playfully in the other room, you were too engrossed with one another to notice anything else around you.
“Mm, what about them?”
“They’re stuck on the tv, they won’t notice us.” You giggled as her nose tickled against your neck while her mouth left marks of her love.
“No marks, Natty…Richard will see.” She paused in her steps, shocking you into a gasp when you felt her teeth sinking into your neck this time.
“N-Nat, let’s do this when the kids aren’t around.”
“You’ve already made me wait so long, I just want to feel you again.” You brushed the messy hair out of her face, cupping her cheeks and she leaned into it.
“Trust me, once we put those little ones to bed, I’ll let you touch me however you want.” You said. “Remember all those nights before we had the kids, and even after we had them, where it was all just so perfect? It was raw, meaningful, and so unbelievably hot. Our sweaty bodies just rocking against each other, desperate for anything we could get our hands on because we were just so deeply infatuated with one another. All those moments are what have kept me up at night for the past year, I’ve just been so needy to have you.” Shivers traveled down her spine as she pictured it with you. It was true, you two shared some of the best sex known to mankind. Even your friends were jealous of your love and intimacy with Nat when their partners barely acknowledged them.
“Fine, I’ll wait. But know this, the second I get you on my bed, sprawled out and ready just for me, I’m not gonna stop ‘till you’re begging me to. And I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you won’t even remember your own damn name.” You bit your lip in excitement, your hips slightly grinding into nothing. She noticed with a sly smirk, departing from you and entering the living room while her eyes were stuck on where you had just been, she thanked all Gods that the wall was there to cover your moment from the kids.
The time had finally come when your kids were knocked out in their beds after your bedtime stories. They were tired after all of their running throughout the day and you both knew there was no waking them from their slumber.
The second you closed the door behind you, you were being dragged into Nat’s room, the one you used to share with her for many years, and being pushed onto the bed. Nat was moving faster than the speed of light as she removed her shirt along with yours, noticing with hungry eyes how you lacked a bra.
“Baby, baby, just relax, we have all the time in the world.” She took a deep breath and agreed with you, dragging her hands down to your breasts that had been calling her name. She grasped them in her hands as if there were stress balls and ran her thumbs over your hardened nipples. You hummed in delight as she continued, now straddling your lap while ducking her head to your chest. One hand continued her actions while the other was taken into her mouth. You ran your fingertips through her hair and pulled gently, eliciting a soft moan from her cherry-red lips.
“I missed you so much, sweetheart.” You didn’t know whether she was referring to you or to your breasts, but you smiled anyways.
“Show me how much you missed me then, Natty.” You pulled her face closer to yours, your eyes seemingly stuck in the endless loop of falling in line with her own. But her eyes were just so enchanting, so beautiful. You could stare at them for hours on end and never get bored.
She leaned in for a searing kiss and it felt as though the world stopped spinning. Everything came swarming back like a bee hive. All the memories, good and bad. All the kisses, sensual and sweet. And all the touches, hot and sweet.
Nat could feel the way you softened in her hold and sat back upright, examining your face and nearly copying your saddened expression.
“Oh, love, please don’t cry.” It only caused you to do so even more. You had been trying to hold back your emotions this whole stay, but just like Nat had said long ago during one of her fits that she took out on you, you were too emotional.
“I’m sorry, I-I just, I don’t even know.” You let out a fake chuckle to lighten the mood, but Nat didn’t return it.
“It’s okay, we can just lie here or talk, we don’t need to have sex.” You quickly tried to explain yourself before she got off of you, you really didn’t intend to ruin the moment.
“No, no, I want to. I do. I guess just being with you and kissing you again just makes me miss you even more.” She gave you a small grin full of pity and understanding. But you didn’t want her pity, you just wanted your Natty.
“You don’t need to miss me anymore, I’m right here. And I’m not going to risk losing you again.”
“You promise?” She stuck her pinky in the air, pointing it your way. It was a sweet memory you both shared. When you were children you had met under the circumstances of your parents being new friends after she moved into town. Anytime you asked her to promise you something she had held her pinky high and not once did she break her promise.
When she was taken away, she made a pinky promise to herself to find you again. And when she did, she promised you to never lose you again. But that was the only one she had broken, but she intended to fix it. She was going to make you hers again, and she’d do anything to achieve that.
“I promise.” You moved your mouths together once again, her tongue occasionally poking your lips until you gave her access. Her hands explored your body as if she’d never seen it before.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N.” While you loved her pet names more than anything, the compliment felt more sincere when being followed by your name.
Your hands copied hers but on her body, traveling to her stomach where you felt her abs nearly pulsing. She clenched the muscle and caused you to laugh into the kiss. She smiled against you and brought her mouth to your neck, continuing her earlier abuse of the skin, this time the hunger was replaced with care. She didn’t just want you, she needed you.
When you let out a small whimper as her teeth brushed over the bruised skin she smirked, “You like when I do that?” You nodded in response.
“No, no, tell me. I wanna hear that sweet voice I love so dearly.” You bit your lip as she did it once more, teasing you further.
“I love it so much, daddy.” She groaned at the title, bucking her hips into nothing.
“You’re so addicting, love.” Her face had traveled down to your chest, kissing the skin with adoration and affection that was only ever masked as love. She kissed her way down to your stomach, letting her lips linger for a second too long on your stretch marks. They were the marks of your children, her children.
She took notice of the way you tried to hide in embarrassment, thinking she didn’t like the way you looked anymore. After all, it had been a while since she’d seen you like this.
“Don’t shy away from me, my love, you’re breathtaking. And so, so gorgeous. These marks adorning your skin only makes me love you even more. It shows your bravery, and your pain. It’s a symbol of our love, and of our beautiful babies.” She kissed each one and you nearly broke at her softness. While you two often shared hot, steamy sex that left you both breathless, the soft nature of her made you crumble in the best ways possible.
She had made her way to your waist after climbing off on you and resting her body in between your legs that she got permission to spread. She stared at your wet cunt, licking her lips and smelling your sweet nectar.
“Oh, how I missed this pussy.” Her tongue licked a stripe up your cunt, letting out an enthusiastic moan as your juices entered her tastebuds.
You threw your head back as she sucked your clit for dear life, her eyes fluttering shut as she became engrossed in you.
“You like how that feels, hm? You like how daddy’s mouth feels?”
“Daddy, you eat me so well. God, I- I need it!” She leaned back, your whines filling the room from the loss of her warmth.
“You need to tell daddy what you want, how else will she know?” You tried pulling her head back in place, but she didn’t budge.
“Ah, ah, ah, you know what to do.”
“I need you, Natty. I need your mouth, I need your cock, I need your fingers, I just need you. I don’t want anyone but you, you’re all I think about.” She smiled at that, replacing her tongue with her fingers like you asked. Your clit was rubbed in small circles and your hips bucked up, only to be held back down by Nat’s strong hold.
“You think about me, baby?” You nodded and she leaned over your shaking body.
“What do you think about?…” It was an open question that she couldn’t help but mumble out. The big, Black Widow was shy above you.
“You. Whenever Richard would fuck me, fill me up, and have me bent over, all I thought about was you. I’d- I’d think about your cock, how he was nothing compared to you. He never- ah! He never made me cum the way you do. He’s never made me squirt. He’s never hit my g-spot. And he never pleased me the way you always did.” You paused, your nails scratching her back red as her fingers eased into your hole.
“When I touch myself, you immediately come to mind. When I’d- oh shit! Yes! Right there, daddy!” She fucked you deep with two fingers, curling them to hit your g-spot repeatedly.
“C'mon, be a good girl and tell me everything in that pretty little head of yours.”
“When I fucked myself, it would never be enough. I’d use my fingers, toys, the- the pillows, I did everything, but it wasn’t enough. I haven’t had an orgasm since we broke apart.” This made her stop in her tracks. The realization hit her, she really was the best you ever had.
“You didn’t- you didn’t have an orgasm until me?” You shook your head in embarrassment and fear. You didn’t know what you feared, but you worried she’d leave you after hearing the information.
“Please, I need to cum so badly. It’s been so long.” Her fingers continued after her sudden stop, immediately picking up a quick and sensual pace.
“I want you to cum all over me, Y/N. And then, I wanna fuck you hard with my cock.” Your orgasm came crashing over you, your nails still left on her back digging into her skin and causing small amounts of blood to leak from her.
“Yes! Don’t stop, daddy, don’t fucking stop!” Your moans and pleas only turned her on further and caused wetness to paint her cunt.
“God, you have no idea the effect you have on me.” She whimpered. She let you ride out your release, slowing down her rough speed and watching your blissed-out face. She moved her face down to your cunt, licking up the juices that coated your thighs before pulling out completely. You mewled, the noise soon being muted by her fingers in your mouth. She made you suck off the sweet taste of your cum.
“Where are you going?” You asked when she stood up, walking towards the closet and soon returning with the toy in her hand. Your question had been answered when seeing it. The strap-on she held was your favorite, it never failed to have you screaming by the time she was done. It was long, at least six inches, and had the perfect amount of girth to fill you to the brim and have you begging for more.
“Like what you see?” She teased, only receiving a nod from your end as you were still too spaced out to speak. She harnessed the toy around her waist and sat back on the bed in front of you.
“You gonna fuck me now, daddy?” She groaned in pleasure and held you down, both hands wrapping around your biceps to keep you still.
“You tell me if it’s too much, alright?”
“I will.” One of her hands went to wrap around her length, guiding herself in your tight hole before returning to its spot on your arm. She clenched her teeth together when the strap rubbed against her clit ever so gently. You tightened your fists together as she bottomed out inside of you, pausing to let you adjust before you gave her the okay to continue.
“You’re so fucking tight- fuck! You think your little boyfriend can fuck you like this? Can that pathetic bitch make you cum like I do?” She already knew the answer; no. You had already confessed the embarrassing truth, but she still wanted to use it against you.
“No one can make me feel as good as you do, Nat.” She moved her hips faster, the sound of skin hitting against each other filling the room. You followed her rhythm, sloppily trying to match her pace as to fuck yourself on her cock.
She grabbed your phone from the bedside table, already knowing the password that was her birthday. She opened the camera app and pressed record, showing off your fucked-out face, your mouth wide and your eyes shut. Moans and whimpers escaped you repeatedly, your body bouncing up and down on the bed as the headboard hit the wall over and over. You prayed it wouldn’t wake your kids.
“Look at the camera, baby.” You did as she said, taking the thumb she rested on your lower lip into your mouth and sucking like you had earlier.
“You wanna put on a little show, hm? Wanna show the camera just how much of a dirty slut you really are for me?” You nodded, unable to speak until she ripped her thumb from your lips.
“Answer me, whore.”
“Yes! I’ll do anything you want daddy.” You were cut off by a moan, feeling her tip poking at that spongey spot deep inside of you.
“Shit! I’m your little slut, daddy, only yours!” Your hands grasped the sheets tightly, nearly ripping the soft cotton material in half.
“Mhm, and how do you think your boyfriends gonna react when knowing you’re mine?”
“I don’t care- ah! I’m gonna cum! Please let me cum again, Natty?” She gripped your chin in her free hands, squeezing your mouth open and spitting on your tongue. You swallowed it without a complaint, the action making a smirk cover Nat’s face. She took her palm that had just been resting on your face and slapped your cheek, hard. You bit your lip to hide your moans, too ashamed to show how badly that turned you on.
“Oh? You like when daddy slaps you, little girl?” Both of you had forgotten about the camera filming your every move.
“Mhm, love it so much.” Your stomach was tightening with how badly you needed to finish, but she kept you on edge.
“Please, I’ve been so good for you. Please, please let me cum.” You weakly murmured, only to receive another slap on the same spot.
“Is that how you ask for things? Oh, love, you need to beg better than that.”
“God, please! Please, I’ll do anything, anything you ask of me. Just wan’ you to fill me up, turn me into your breeding bitch and make me a mommy again.” You lost all composure, only being focused on the orgasm waiting for you. You knew how much she loved to hear those words, so you used it to your advantage.
“Yeah? You wanna be daddy’s cum slut? I’ll fill you up with so much fucking cum, you’ll be dripping for me.” The strap was filled with artificial cum, making it possible to fulfill both of your fantasies.
“You want me to put another baby in this precious stomach? You’ll be so beautiful all round and full of me.” You felt like you were holding your breath with how long you were waiting for her permission, but that was her whole point.
“Cum with me, pretty girl. Make daddy proud and fucking cum.” You threw your head back in pleasure and succumbed to the feeling of release. It felt so good, so fucking good. You could feel her cum shooting deep inside of you, it only turned you on further. You could hear a small gasp but you were too far gone to care. You were seeing stars, it was all too euphoric to be able to take in.
“Holy fuck, baby.” You had begun to regain yourself at this point and looked up at Nat with worry.
“What? What’s wrong?” She was staring down at your conjoined bodies, completely mesmerized.
“I just made you squirt.” Even in the long ten years of being together, she had never done so. You don’t think you had ever even done so in your entire life, until now.
“Shit, I-I’m sorry-” You rushed out but she was quick to ease your worries away with a gentle hand leading you back down.
“Don’t you dare apologize for this. I’ve never been happier.” You chuckled and she tossed the phone somewhere on the bed, already ending the recording moments before. She was planning to send it to your boyfriend, Richard, but she knew she needed your permission first.
“Thank you for that, Natty.”
“No, thank you.”
Nearly half an hour later and you two were finally laying in bed after a soft moment of care was shared between you.
“So, are we going to talk about this or what?” Nat sighed, turning to sit on her side, her arm holding her head up.
“Yeah, let’s talk.” And while you hoped it was true at the time, that weekend saved your already-ended marriage. You left your boyfriend soon after with an apology that didn’t matter to him, you still cheated and would always be a cheater in his eyes, but you didn’t blame him for that one.
Your kids were more than happy when you told them the news. No longer would they have to spend weekends with one and weekdays with the other, you were a true family again. Nat finally retired with a promise to be a better mother and a better wife. She felt like she was able to come to you for anything just like you hoped she would. You both attended couples counseling every two weeks and while it wasn’t always easy, you would never make the mistake of letting go of each other again. But really, if you hadn’t divorced, and if you hadn’t spent the weekend with her, you don’t know if you’d be able to fix what was already broken. So, you had the break up to thank. Some thought you were crazy for saying so, but it really did bring you two closer than ever before.
But as pinky-promised, you two would love each other till the end of time. And as she had pinky-promised to herself many years ago, she would always find you in the end. But this time, she didn’t just find you, she found herself, her true self. And nearly four years later, you were able to remarry the woman you spent your entire life loving. And you weren’t going to stop loving her anytime soon.
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tokuvivor · 7 months
Okay, we absolutely talk about the main 4 kids as friends (the triplets and Webby), but why not these 4 as their own group?
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I raise you…The B-Team!
I think one of the brilliant things about this foursome is how great each would be in a duo, no matter who you pair them up with.
Configuration 1:
Lena and Violet-Sisters and fellow magic enthusiasts.
Boyd and Gosalyn-Besides the fact that they were added into the friend group a bit later on, they’re both kinda superhero-adjacent (Boyd with Gizmoduck, Gosalyn with Darkwing), plus they did work together in the finale.
Configuration 2:
Lena and Boyd-Both came from abusive pasts, and were helped to overcome it. #TraumaBuddies Plus, I think they’d both be super protective of each other, in a big sister-little brother kind of way.
Violet and Gosalyn-Despite their obvious differences in personality, they both thrive on danger and the unknown. See this post by @writebackatya for a better explanation.
Configuration 3:
Lena and Gosalyn-They’re both total bad Bs. And I see them both having a very dry sense of humor.
Violet and Boyd-They’re both Junior Woodchucks, they’re both nerds, and both had an episode focusing on their dynamic with Huey (I cannot talk enough about the three of them as a trio, though. #StreamThePowerofThree)
But yeah. Lena, Violet, Boyd, and Gosalyn would be an interesting quartet together.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 2 years
Protector | part 2
Summary: Be the person you needed as a kid.
Pairing: big sister!Yelena Belova x female!reader, big sister!Natasha Romanoff x teen!female
Warnings: violence, angst, death of a character
Word count: 7746
a/n: The timeline here is obviously different compared to the real MCU, this fic starts after Black Widow and there’s more time between Black Widow and Infinity War. Ideas come from these two asks. I do realize this is similar to Two sides but that’s okay :) read the first part before this!
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore
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Natasha will take great care of you.” Yelena reassures as she drives towards the compound. She wasn’t the happiest to leave Y/N behind, but this mission was something she didn’t want her to be part of.
“I don’t need a babysitter, Yelena! I’m 15 and I know very well how to take care of myself.” Y/N looks out the window, pouting she has to be away from Yelena for such a long time. “I’ve done it for my whole life.”
“See, that’s not something we’re going to normalize. Family takes care of each other.”
The word family still makes Y/N feel weird. She isn’t sure how she’s supposed to feel hearing it. She does have some sort of family now, so she should be happy, but at the same time it makes her feel bad. Caring about people always ends badly. No matter what. You can’t win.
Y/N sighs, she knows Yelena won’t change her mind. “Will there be other people.”
“I think so.” Yelena mumbles. That’s also something she wasn’t very excited about. Leaving Y/N with Natasha is okay, but with other unknown people as well is a whole new story. Yelena doesn’t know the Avengers and she doesn’t know how Y/N will be with them. “Nat lives at the compound and I think they fixed things, so no one is a fugitive anymore.”
Y/N hums. “I get to be part of the next mission, yes?”
“Yes, I will keep my promise don’t worry.” She glances at Y/N with a grin. “It’ll be the best mission ever.”
Y/N giggles quietly. “You know every mission we do turns to shit.”
“Hey, language.” Yelena glares at her, while Y/N rolls her eyes. Sometimes Yelena takes the motherly big sister role a bit too seriously. “The next one will be good, I can feel it.”
“I will bet you ten dollars something goes wrong.”
“Deal.” Yelena and Y/N shake their hands at a red light, both having a smile on their face.
“You’ll keep her safe?” Yelena has been standing on the compound’s front door for fifteen minutes already, going over everything Natasha should know about Y/N and making sure she’ll be good.
“I will, Yelena.” Natasha smiles lightly, starting to get annoyed by her sister. She’s holding Y/N’s bag on one hand while the other lays on the younger one’s shoulder. “Nothing bad will happen to her.”
“Good, because if something bad does happen, I will kill you.”
“I know.” Natasha chuckles.
Yelena grumbles at Natasha not taking her threat seriously, so she just turns to Y/N and gives her a tight hug. “I won’t be gone for too long and you can contact me whenever you want to, okay?”
“Okay.” Y/N mumbles to Yelena’s shoulder. She is pressing her head against her, not wanting the involuntary tears to fall. “Be safe.”
“I will.” Yelena kisses her head and backs away from the hug. “Have fun with Natasha!” She starts walking away to her car, waving at the two until the door closes.
Y/N lets out a shaky breath as Natasha starts leading her towards a guest bedroom that’s next to Natasha’s own. “You’ll be sleeping here, is that okay?” Natasha sets Y/N’s bag to the bed.
“Yes, thank you.” Natasha keeps standing around the room quietly while Y/N carefully sits down to the bed. “You don’t have to hover. I know I’m not your sister like Yelena is. Besides, Lena hovers over me more than a family of five combined.” She scoffs with a small smile. She doesn’t hate Yelena’s hovering. It actually makes her feel cared for and safe, but sometimes she takes it too far. Like right now, Y/N would’ve been perfectly capable to go on the mission.
“I’m not doing this just because Yelena asked me to, I genuinely like you and think of you as part of the family.” Natasha sits down next to Y/N. She has a small smile on her face.
Natasha hums, looking at Y/N’s hands that keep moving. “There won’t be a lot of people around. Wanda is away with Vision, she really wanted to meet you though. And the rest of them are kind of all around.”
“That’s okay. I prefer being around fewer people anyway.”
“So do I.” Natasha stands up, swiping invisible dust off of her hands. “You should rest. You can meet the people who still are here tomorrow. That sound good?”
“Yeah. Thank you, Natasha.”
“Of course.” Natasha gives her a smile before leaving Y/N alone in the room.
Slowly opening her eyes, Y/N looks around the room. The unfamiliarity of it makes her panic momentarily, but she regains her sense of surrounding quickly. The Avengers Compound. She is supposed to be here. She is safe.
Y/N moves the covers aside to stand up. She crosses her arms around her waist, holding herself tightly. She stands in front of the bedroom door, too nervous to actually leave.
At least fifteen minutes pass by. Y/N keeps staring at the door. She isn’t sure which rooms she’s allowed to go, or where the different rooms even are.
Biting her lip, Y/N takes hold of the handle and opens the door. She steps outside. The corridor is almost fully white and full of doors, probably to other bedrooms. She picks a direction and starts walking, her eyes going through everything, especially corners. Old habits die hard.
After a few turns, she starts to hear talking, so she walks towards it. Glancing around a corner, she sees Natasha and an unknown man talking together. With a deep breath, she makes herself known to the pair by walking in.
Natasha turns her way first. “Good morning.”
The man turns to look at her as well. “Y/N, this is Steve Rogers, the Captain America. Steve, this is Y/N, she was in the Red Room.” She doesn’t mention Yelena or being sisters, Y/N isn’t even sure if Steve knows about it all.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” Steve walks over to her and puts his hand out.
Y/N stares at him. He’s big and looks strong, but Y/N thinks she could take him down if necessary. “Yeah, you too.” She mumbles, shaking his hand for a very short amount.
“I made breakfast.” Natasha shows a plate of waffles.
“She didn’t actually make them, they’re from the freezer.” Steve fake whispers so Natasha could clearly hear him.
She rolls her eyes, setting two plates down to the table. “Don’t you have a run to go to?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Steve holds up his hands in mock surrender, a smile on his face. “I’m going. Have fun you two.” He walks away.
Natasha gestures towards a chair opposite of her. Y/N walks over to it, sitting down. She stares at the plate full of waffles. There are so much it could feed her and Yelena.
“I wasn’t sure how hungry you are. No need to eat it all.” Natasha smiles quiet sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. “There’s berries and syrup, take whatever you want. Do you want orange juice? Or apple? We also have water, of course.”
Y/N looks at Natasha. She seems nervous, which is different. She didn’t think someone like Natasha Romanoff could get nervous. “Orange.”
“Got it.” Opening the fridge, Natasha pours orange juice to Y/N’s and her own glass, leaving the jug to the table afterwards. She sits down to her own chair. “I hope you like waffles. I didn’t think to ask yesterday what you’d like for breakfast.”
“I like them.”
They start eating in silence. Y/N takes small pieces at a time, keeping her eyes on the food, while Natasha keeps glancing at her direction. She analyses her face every time, looking for any sign of uncomfortableness or dislike, but she doesn’t see any. Although, Natasha isn’t surprised, Widows are good at keeping their emotions in check.
“You and Yelena have been freeing the other Widows?”
“It’s going well?”
“Mhm.” Y/N nods, chewing on her food.
Natasha taps the fork with her finger. She isn’t sure how to keep the conversation going with the teenager, or how to overall get more than one word answers.
“What will you do after all the Widows have been freed?”
Y/N shrugs, moving pieces of the waffle around with her fork. “I don’t know. I don’t really know what I’m good at besides killing.”
“That’s what I thought too, but I figured it out. So will you.” Natasha offers her a gentle smile.
“Don’t you still do it?”
“Killing. Don’t you still kill people? You’re just on the other side now.” Y/N stares at Natasha who struggles to provide an answer. “You would’ve been killed if you weren’t recruited to Shield, yes? So I either have to become an Avenger or a mercenary. And I’m not becoming an Avenger, so I’ll be a paid killer until someone kills me.”
“Well- no.” Natasha looks at Y/N, who has very monotone look on her face. She doesn’t understand how Yelena makes it look so easy. She interacts with Y/N with ease and makes her feel better with just few words.
“It’s okay. I’m just trying to be realistic.”
“Right.” Natasha pushes the empty plate to the side. “Listen, I’m not good at this.” She gestures between the two of them. “Teenagers aren’t my forte, and you aren’t even a normal teenager. Yelena somehow makes it look so easy.” She chuckles. “But I really do want to get close to you, okay?”
Y/N nods, she looks down to hide a small smile. “It’s not easy.”
“With Yelena.” Y/N turns to look at Natasha. “It’s not easy with her. We fight a lot and disagree on many things. We’re somehow exactly the same and complete opposites, so everything is just a…shit show.”
“Language.” Natasha mumbles with a smirk. Y/N scoffs, smiling at herself. “Yelena can be headstrong and idiotic at times, but she is great.”
“She is.” Y/N frowns. “I don’t think I could do anything without her. She’s the reason I’m sane.”
Standing up, Natasha walks over to Y/N’s side and hugs her. “I know she couldn’t be without you either. And you’ll see her soon. Until then,” Natasha pushes her to arms length, holding onto her shoulders, “we’ll have fun, okay?”
“Okay.” Y/N giggles
“I told you I’d take you to the next mission.” Yelena whispers as she, Y/N and Sonya, a third Widow sneak around the huge house. Y/N only shushes her, making Yelena shush her back in annoyance.
They all freeze when the target, Ana, another Widow, steps in front of them. Yelena and her start fighting, while Y/N fishes out a vial of the antidote. “Yelena!” She shouts, throwing the vial towards her.
Yelena grabs it and releases it in front of the woman’s face. “The next bit is going to be really scary, but we are here to help you.”
The woman scrambles up from under Yelena. She stares at the big red spot on her carpet. “Look what you did to my rug. 20 000 dollars down the drain, thanks.” Y/N frowns, she sure didn’t think that’d be the first thing on her mind after being freed from mind control.
“Excuse me?” Yelena looks just as confused.
“I don’t think she was brainwashed.” Sonya chimes in.
“What, you thought I was some rich pervert’s prisoner?” She stares at all three of them.
“Well, yeah, kind of.”
“Wait, this is your house? How can you afford all of this?”
“By doing the thing we’re all best at. Killing for money.”
Y/N sighs at the sentence. No matter how hard she tries to get away from it, everything just keeps reminding her of the purpose she was made to do. Kill people.
The four of them go to sit in the living room and talk in a more civilized manner. Y/N keeps mostly to herself while the three adults talk about the freed Widows.
“Yelena, how is your other sister doing?”
“She’s doing okay.” Yelena smiles lightly.
“Yeah, she’s good.”
“And then, you and Natasha will be reunited and go live your Sex and the City fantasy in New York.” Sonya giggles, missing the solemn look on Y/N’s face. She and Yelena always did want to go to New York, but it doesn’t look like she’s involved in the plan.
Yelena hums. “Excuse me.” She stands up and walks away from the trio.
Y/N sighs, sinking to the chair. She looks around the apartment. It would be very luxurious to live in a place like this, but she doesn’t want to kill people anymore. There has to be something else she’s good at.
Ana turns on the television to pass time. The sound of it is all smushed to Y/N as she thinks about her future. “I’m gonna go see what’s taking Yelena so long.” She mumbles, standing up and walking towards the bathroom Yelena went into. She knocks on the door and waits. Nothing. “Yelena?” Knocking again, louder than before, she starts to feel worry bubble in her stomach. “I’m coming in.”
Y/N opens the door, but the room is empty. With a frown, she starts looking inside the rooms close by. They’re all empty. Starting to get panicky, Y/N goes back to the living room.
“I can’t find Yelena.”
“Y/N.” Sonya has a horrified look on her face as she turns to look at her, but Y/N pays no mind.
“Are there any other rooms she could’ve went into in this giant house of yours?” Ana’s face is glued to the television. “Hello?”
“Y/N.” Sonya grabs her arm.
Sonya turns her towards the television. “Listen.”
The News channel is on. It’s showing chaos all over the city. Cars crashing into each other, a helicopter falling down, people disappearing. “It seems like people are randomly turning into dust and disappearing. No one knows why this is happening or where the people are going. We’ll conti-“
The news anchor continues to talk, but Y/N doesn’t hear it anymore. People are disappearing. “No.” She mumbles, shaking her head. “She didn’t turn into dust, she’s here somewhere.”
“Y/N…” Sonya sets her hand on Y/N’s shoulder, but she brushes it away instantly.
“No!” Her breathing picks up as she continues to shake her head. “No. This is some cruel joke. This isn’t real. Yelena!” She shouts, starting to walk towards a hallway, but Sonya stops here.
“She isn’t here.”
“No!” She tries to pull away, but Sonya wraps her arms around Y/N. “Let go of me!” She starts wriggling around, but the older Widow doesn’t let go.
“Let it out. Let it out.”
“Stop it! She can’t be gone.” Y/N sobs, slowly losing her fight. “She can’t be gone.” She drops to her knees, crying, while Sonya continues holding her.
The phones have been ringing for a half an hour already, but Y/N has no energy to pick it up. She just stares at Yelena’s bed. It’s empty. It shouldn’t be empty. Her eyes have already dried, she doesn’t think she could physically cry anymore.
Yelena’s phone rings. She didn’t have it with her on the mission. She doesn’t dare to pick it up. Yelena always said: ”Keep your hands off of it! You have your own phone.”. The phone stops ringing.
After a minute, Y/N’s own phone starts ringing. Finally she answers it. “What?” Her voice cracks from all the crying and screaming she did earlier. She doesn’t even remember how she got to the house, all she knows she was sobbing her heart out.
“Why the hell haven’t you and Yelena been answering your phones?” Natasha’s loud and angry voice comes through the speaker. Y/N knows she’s only worried. “You can’t do that! I was so fucking scared.” She hears Natasha take a deep breath. “Are you two okay? Can I talk to Yelena?”
“Yelena isn’t here.”
There’s a long silence on the other side of the phone. It almost sounds like Natasha hung up, but the occasional shaky breath lets Y/N knows she’s still there. “Where is she?”
“She’s not here.” Y/N repeats.
“You already said that.” Her voice gets louder again. “Where is she?”
“Not here.”
Y/N’s hold of the phone tightens momentarily. “I don’t know. I guess she’s with the other half of the world.”
“No… No, no, she can’t.” Natasha mumbles. She sounds worried. There’s a pause. Y/N can hear her pacing. “Where are you?”
“At our house.”
“Okay.” Natasha clears her throat. “Okay, you should come to the compound. Yelena wouldn’t want you to live alone. We’ll fix this, I promise.”
For a moment, Y/N actually believes her.
The first year of the blip, Y/N stays in the Avengers compound. She finally meets the rest of the team, or the ones that are left. She doesn’t like them. Why do they get to be here but Yelena doesn’t. It’s not fair. Yelena should be here. She’s glad most of them have already left. Y/N doesn’t think she could have spent longer with them. They’re pathetic.
For the first few months she didn’t speak any more than she had to. She stayed in the guest room assigned to her and ignored everyone. When someone talked to her, she’d mostly nod and hum. Although, sometimes she couldn’t even do that. She’d just stare into the abyss.
Then she started to get angry. When Natasha tried to talk to her, Y/N would shut her off completely. Yelling, slamming doors, throwing things, anything to shut her up. It didn’t work, at first, Natasha would keep coming back. She made a promise to Yelena after all, she’d keep Y/N safe. But after a while, she stopped trying as much.
Y/N started to resent everyone and everything. She hated the feeling of uselessness. The survivors. The ones who started to forget and move on. The Avengers. Natasha. Yelena.
There’s a knock on her door. Y/N puts down her phone. She’s been on it a lot these days. She goes to open the door. “What?”
Natasha holds a plate of food on her hand. “You haven’t come out of your room for days. You have to eat something.”
“I’m not hungry.” Y/N starts closing the door, but Natasha stick her foot in between.
“I don’t care. You’ll eat.” Natasha welcomes herself in the room. It’s tidy. It’s always been tidy. Y/N is still accustomed to order and organization. It’s also empty. Y/N never wanted to get anything extra to her room. Because this isn’t her home. Her home is where Yelena is. “It’s just scraps from yesterday. I can’t cook, you know that, and Steve isn’t here today.”
Natasha gives the plate to Y/N, sitting next to her. “How are you?”
“Perfect, obviously.” She holds onto the plate, but doesn’t eat.
“Y/N.” Natasha sighs. She rubs her forehead. “I know this is difficult to you, I understand. But y-“
“No!” Y/N pushes the plate back to Natasha as she stands up. “You don’t know. You don’t understand!” She laughs, her eyes wide. She’s hollow. There’s nothing in her voice or eyes. “You have your second family or whatever you call them. All I had was Yelena. She was my family!”
Natasha sets the plate down to a side table, grabbing Y/N’s hands. “I know. And I promise you that we will get her back.”
“Don’t you dare promise me things you don’t even believe in.” Her words come out like a bite. Sharp. Cold. Rough.
“I do believe we can get everyo-“
Y/N pulls herself away from Natasha. “Oh shut up! We both know you can’t do anything alone. And everyone else has already given up.”
Both of them turn quiet. They stare at each other. Y/N’s chest is rising up and down as she breathes heavily.
“I want to leave.”
“You know where the door is.” Natasha mumbles.
Y/N clenches her jaw. It hurt. She knows she’ll regret leaving, so does Natasha letting her leave, but both of their judgments are clouded by emotions.
Y/N packs the few things she has and strides out the door, bumping into Natasha on the way. Natasha spends the night in Y/N’s room, crying.
The next four years go by rather quickly. Y/N doesn’t let herself have any free time to think or feel. She just works and then works some more. She was grateful to have a lot of work. People became angry and violent during the blip. They wanted other people dead. And Y/N was there to grant their wish. It also paid well.
Still, Y/N never moved out of her and Yelena’s old apartment. She never even changed anything in it. She wanted to keep Yelena’s side clean and pristine for her return. If she ever does return.
She cleans her knives from the blood that’s coating them. She always has preferred them over guns, even though the gun collection she has is big. The only sound in the house is coming from the television. The News channel is on.
Y/N throws a clean knife to her bag and picks up the next one. She stares at it. It’s Yelena’s. It has blood on it. It doesn’t feel right. Taking a wet cloth, she starts scrubbing it furiously, gritting her teeth together while doing it.
“Shit!” She drops the knife. Her palm is bleeding. “Motherfucker.” Mumbling, she goes to pick up the first aid kit.
While she bandages her hand, her attention turns to the television. The news anchor is speaking quite frantically.
Y/N ups the volume. ”We’ve just gotten new information from the fight against Thanos. Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff are confirmed dead.” Her whole body freezes. “But their sacrifice has brought back the half we lost during blip. Thank you for your heroism Ave-*
Y/N screams, throwing a knife straight to the television screen. Her breathing picks up quickly. She has to kneel down so she wouldn’t fall down. One of her hands is on the door while the other is pressing against her chest.
Natasha is dead. They’re back. Natasha is dead. They’re back.
The words circle through her brain. She starts feeling sick. Natasha tried calling her few times. Y/N didn’t answer. Then she texted how they’ll save Yelena. Y/N didn’t answer that one either. She didn’t believe her.
Running to the bathroom, Y/N kneels in front of the toiler just in time before vomiting. She coughs. It feels impossible to breathe. There isn’t enough air. The walls are closing in.
There’s a harsh knock on the door.
Y/N freezes. The knocking doesn’t stop. She flushes the toilet and washes her mouth with water. It’s all going in slow motion for her. The walk to the front door feels so long. A shaky breath leaves her mouth when her hand touches the handle.
She opens the door.
“No.” Her voice is quiet, but she sounds and looks just the same as five years ago. Y/N on the other hand, she almost looks unrecognizable to her. Of course she’d always recognize her little sister no matter what. But she’s so…adult like. “You didn’t disappear.”
Y/N shakes her head. She isn’t sure if her voice even works.
“You were alone, for five years.”
“I was.” She croaks out.
“You are an adult now.”
“I am.”
Yelena pulls her into a bone crushing hug. Y/N can’t do it back, so she just stands there. After a while Yelena pulls back to properly look at her. Her hand traces through every feature. Y/N’s face is rougher now, there’s a ragged scar near her left eye. It hasn’t healed properly. Yelena’s thumb caresses it. All that’s running through her mind is how she wasn’t there to protect her.
“You still owe me that ten dollars.” Y/N whispers.
“What?” Yelena’s gaze turns from the scar to her eyes. She instantly frowns. They look so cold compared to when she was a kid.
“You owe me ten dollars, from the mission. I told you it’d turn to shit.”
“You can’t say that to me anymore.”
“Yes I can.” Yelena laughs. It’s airy and sad. “I’m still your big sister.”
The words make Y/N frown. Yelena doesn’t have a big sister anymore. “Natasha is dead.”
“I know.”
“She saved you.”
“I know.”
“I didn’t believe her.” She whispers. “She promised to bring you back, but I didn’t believe her.”
“It’s okay. She knows you didn’t mean it in a bad way.”
Y/N scoffs, walking further in the house. Yelena follows her after closing the front door. Her brows scrunch when she notices the broken television, knives and bloodied papers near the aid kit. Only now she realizes Y/N’s hand is bandaged.
“What happened?”
“This is not nothing.”
“Just leave it, Yelena.” She snaps. Y/N groans, rubbing her head. She doesn’t want to get angry at Yelena, especially not right now. She just got back. “Nothing happened.” She rips the knife out of her television. It definitely won’t work anymore.
Yelena sighs, deciding to change the subject. “What have you done during the five years?”
“I was at the Avengers compound for the first year, then I left.”
“And then?”
“You don’t want to know.” Yelena raises a brow. Y/N groans, rolling her eyes. “I…killed people, for money.”
Yelena purses her lips together. She’s mad, obviously. She didn’t want Y/N to live this kind of life, but at the same time, she would’ve done the same. “Okay. Who do you work for?”
“Different people. Whoever needs me.”
Humming, Yelena looks around the apartment. It looks exactly the same. It’s comforting to see that at least something is the same. “Does your current boss need another employee?”
Y/N slams the car door closed, watching as Fanny runs right past her. She walks behind Yelena. The whole car ride there was quiet, Y/N didn’t know what to say, if she even should say anything. She doubts there’s anything that’d help the grief Yelena is feeling. And she’s mourning too, though at times she wonders if she’s allowed to. Anytime those feelings come, though, Yelena seems to be there to remind it’s okay for her to be sad.
Yelena cleans up the grave, while Y/N kneels in front of it. She isn’t sure if her legs would hold her.
Natasha Romanoff
Daughter Sister Avenger
Yelena presses her head against the side of the grave. Whistling to it and then pausing, hoping that maybe, just maybe, someone would answer.
She stands and helps Y/N up as well. They stare at the gravestone in silence, until the sound of blowing a nose disturbs them. Turning to look at the person, they see Valentina.
“Wow, sorry.” She sniffles. “I’m allergic to the Midwest. What this woman did, honestly, I can’t even imagine.”
“You’re not supposed to be bothering us on out holiday time, Valentina.” Yelena comments, refusing to look at her.
“Oh, bothering you? Oh, no, no. I’m just here paying my respects.”
Yelena hums, not believing a word that comes out of her mouth. “You know, coming here makes you look desperate.” They laugh, but Yelena turns serious very quickly. “We want a raise.”
“Oh, yeah. You and me both. Believe me, you’re gonna earn it.” Valentina takes out a tablet. “I’ve got your next target. Thought I’d hand-deliver it. Maybe you two would like a shot at the man responsible for your sister’s death.” Yelena takes the tablet, showing it to Y/N as well. “Kind of a cutie, don’t you think?”
Y/N stares at the picture. Clint Barton, an Avenger, the one Natasha was stuck in Budapest with. She turns to look at Yelena, who has mostly a emotionless look on her face, but she can see the fury deep within.
Here they go again.
Y/N stares at her phone while Yelena is changing out of the uncomfortable suit. They’re in New York, staying in a fancy apartment Yelena got for them. She has always been the one who thrives in fashion.
’We have a plan, Y/N. We’ll save Yelena and everyone else. You don’t have to be alone anymore. Just like I promised.’
It’s the last text Natasha sent to her. The one she didn’t answer to. Natasha died thinking she’s still mad at her, when truthfully, she never was. Y/N shouldn’t have left. Maybe Natasha would be still alive if she stayed.
“Aren’t you going to change out of that?” Yelena stares at Y/N.
Glancing down at her own suit, Y/N shrugs. She doesn’t have the energy to move. Her side hurts. She’s pretty sure the other woman sliced her with a knife, but Yelena never noticed, so Y/N will keep quiet about. She’d worry too much.
“Are you hurt?”
“No.” She sighs. “Just tired.”
Yelena hums. “I think I lost my mask in there.” Clint pulled it off in the middle of the fight. It never looked practical to Y/N.
“Do you want to go get it?”
“No, I’ll get a new one.” Yelena keeps staring at Y/N, whose eyes are still glued to her phone. She’s reading the text over and over again, as if magically Natasha would text her again and she could apologize. “I think we should visit Kate Bishop later.”
“You’ve been very distant recently.”
Y/N puts down her phone to look at Yelena. “I don’t know what you mean.” She presses her hand against the wound to slow down the bleeding, hiding the grimaces of pain.
“You don’t talk, you don’t want to do anything but work.” Yelena walks closer. “I’m worried.”
”There’s no need to worry.” Y/N mumbles. She sighs, combing her hand through her hair. Standing up, she starts organizing the things around their apartment. She wanted to keep everything neat and Yelena is more messy than her. It was also way to escape her thoughts.
“You’ve changed.” Yelena states. Her voice is full of worry, but she tries not to show it too much.
“You don’t get it, Yelena.” Y/N’s voice is desperate as she moves her hands around. “Of course I’m different. It’s been five fucking years!”
“Language, please.”
“Stop acting like you’re still my overprotective older sister. I don’t need that anymore.” She starts pacing around her spot, rubbing her forehead. Her head is starting to get cloudy. She can’t get her thoughts straight.
“You don’t just magically stop needing your big sister!” Yelena frowns. “Which is why I’ll al-“
Y/N throws an empty glass to the wall. “Oh shut up!” Yelena doesn’t flinch from the burst of anger.
“Throwing things isn’t going to solve anything.” Yelena takes a few steps forward. She can see the struggle in Y/N’s eyes. “You talk to me when you feel angry. You tell me what’s going on in your mind. You come to me. Because you still need me.” She grabs Y/N’s hands, tightening her hold when she stats pulling away.
Y/N grunts, getting increasingly frustrated by Yelena, who pulls her even closer and closer. “Stop.” She mumbles.
Yelena wraps her arms fully around Y/N, locking her arms under them. Slowly, Y/N starts breaking down. Her tears fill with tears and they fall down her cheeks. Yelena shushes her as she starts sobbing, whispering sweet nothing into her ear. “We’re going to be okay.” She lifts up her hand when she feels something wet. Blood. “Lets get this cleaned up.”
Kate is sitting right in front of them. Yelena is talking with her while eating mac and cheese. Most of the conversation has gone past Y/N, she doesn’t have any energy to listen.
Her head is still a mess, somehow she can’t clear it as well as before. Maybe it has something to do with Yelena being back, or Natasha dying, Y/N doesn’t know.
Kate’s eyes keep glancing at her. She isn’t sure if it’s because of how quiet she is being or how roughly she fought at the rooftop. Her fighting style has changed, though it still involves knives and combat, but she’s more brutal, more calculating. It has helped her a lot at being a mercenary. She learned to detach her feelings from the job, which just made her better.
“No. Our sister saved the world. Natasha Romanoff, she saved the world.” The sentence brings Y/N back down to Earth.
Sister. She isn’t sure if she even knows what the word means anymore.
“You’re really Natasha’s sisters?”
“No.” Y/N mumbles, speaking for the first time since they arrived to Kate’s old apartment.
Both Kate and Yelena turn to look at her, the latter having a questioning look on her face. “What?”
“She’s not my sister.” Her voice is quiet and her eyes are stuck on the table. “She’s not.” Standing up, Y/N leaves the apartment alone.
Yelena doesn’t come of call after her, she isn’t done with Kate Bishop yet. She also knows she wouldn’t get anything out of Y/N when she’s being so distant.
Y/N walks through the streets of New York until she’s far away from people. After a few seconds of utter silence, she lets out a loud, bloodcurdling scream. She screams until she doesn’t have any air left. Holding onto her stomach, she takes deep breaths.
She couldn’t call Natasha her sister with good conscience anymore. Not after what she did, or didn’t do. It’s her fault she died. Maybe if she stayed at the compound she could’ve taken her place. She didn’t deserve to die. She had people who needed her, like Yelena.
“She’s dead.” She mumbles, closing her eyes. “She’s dead and I killed her.” Blowing air out of her mouth, she relaxes. It helps her, in some sick sense. She’ll spend a lot of time saying things out loud, to remind her what’s real. It clears her head, because sometimes things get mixed up.
After spending three more hours on the one spot, Y/N finally starts walking again. She’s going slowly, staring at her surroundings. She hasn’t really spent any free time exploring the city like Yelena. Not that she had any free time. When Yelena went to see the tourist spots, Y/N did side jobs. She hasn’t told Yelena about it.
The lights are beautiful during the night. She looks up at the buildings. The mist from her breath comes to her field of vision every time she breathes out.
She stops in the middle of an empty street, taking in the cold. She always hated it after the Red Room, but now she misses it. The slight pain from being out in the cold for too long feels like an embrace.
With one last deep breath of the fresh air, she starts walking towards the apartment her and Yelena are staying at. She doesn’t say anything when she comes in, neither does Yelena. She’s grateful for that. At times Y/N hopes Yelena has given up on her like Natasha did. That she’d let her walk out of the door without stopping her, and her every action brings her closer to it.
Yelena and Y/N split right away as they enter the huge Christmas party. They’re looking for Clint, both of them wanting to get the mission over, especially Y/N. It’s too close to Natasha.
Y/N rolls her eyes when the sniper starts shooting. Of course nothing ever goes their way. She follows Yelena to go after Clint, but they lose him momentarily in the midst of chaos and darkness. However, they find a hallway leading to the elevators Clint is in.
As they wait for one, Kate walks up to them. “So, I know you’re chummy with my mom, but I gotta say, I didn’t think you’d make the cut for the Christmas party.”
“Kate Bishop.” Yelena smiles, making Y/N rolls her eyes. She gets too sidetracked in her opinion. “We’re not here to ruin anything. We’re just going to kill Barton, have some appetizers, and then we’ll go.”
“I hope you enjoy the bruschetta, ‘cause it looks like you already lost him.”
“He’s in the elevator.”
“Yeah, what, out of 65 floors, you think you’re just gonna magically guess which one he’s on?”
One of the elevators dings. “Twelfth floor.”
“Damn it.” Kate mumbles.
“Can you two shut up.” Y/N grumbles, staring at the other elevator’s numbers to will them to go faster.
Yelena shakes her head with a sigh before grinning at Kate. “She’s a bit grumpy.” The elevator opens. “Enjoy the party.” The two assassins get in, Yelena stopping Kate from entering. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as she slips in right before the door closes.
The three of them stand there in silence. At least for a while. Kate decides to disturb it by trying to push all the elevator buttons, multiple times, which Yelena stops every time. Until the third time when Kate slaps her. Y/N actually snorts at it.
As the elevator door opens at the next floor, Y/N and Yelena run out of it, the latter cursing Kate and throwing her jacket at her. Kate runs right after them.
She catches up to them in the middle of some offices. They fight, though not with their full strength. Y/N isn’t opposed to leaving casualties behind, but right now she just wants to get past her.
Kate blocks the doorway forward. “What are we doin’?” She smiles widely. “I mean, it’s Christmas Eve. Let’s grab a drink, huh?”
Yelena nods. “Okay. Yeah. Sure. After we kill Barton.”
“No. No, that’s not what- Come on. You don’t need to-“
Y/N huffs, getting tired to the stalling. “Get out of my way.” She slams herself against Kate, making her fly out of her position. She holds a foot over her chest. “And stay out of it.” Irritated, she jogs away from Kate, who gets up quickly to continue fighting with Yelena.
They finally get to the window, but right when Yelena is about to use her baton, Kate throws an object straight to her hand. “Ow! That really hurts!” Yelena throws her hands around, grimacing in pain.
“Yeah. Yeah, well so did the kick in the ribs.”
“Oh, yeah. That was a good one. That was good form.” Y/N rolls her eyes at the conversation going on. “But you did the really cool body throw.” Yelena motions the throw with her hands.
“Yeah, thank you. Thank you.” Kate purses her lips. “Stop making me like you.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it.”
“Oh my god.” Y/N groans, throwing out the wire and jumping out of the window.
Yelena stares at the now empty window. “She’s not one to make friends.” She shrugs at Kate. “That was really fun. Bye.” Jumping out of the window, she takes out her gun and starts shooting at Clint with Y/N. Unfortunately for them, they miss their shots. On the ground, they run to hiding.
They attack Clint again on the ice, Yelena body throwing him to the ground. Clint lays on the ground as Y/N and Yelena stand near him. “Before I kill you, I need to ask you one question.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Yelena and Y/N.”
“I need to know what happened.”
Clint sits up, taking ragged breaths. “Look, Yelena, if I told you what really happened, you’d never believe me. But what you need to know is your sister sacrificed herself, and she saved the world. I’m sorry.” He glances at Y/N, who is intensely staring him down.
Shaking her head, Yelena frowns. “You’re lying. You’re pathetic. You’re so pathetic.” She kicks him down and starts fighting him.
Clint holds Yelena on her place. “Nobody killed her. She made a choice.”
Y/N’s body freezes as she stares at the fighting going on. She knows Clint is lying. She’s the reason Natasha is dead, whether he knows it or not. It’s her fault.
“You’re not listening to me. She sacrificed herself, understand?” Clint holds Yelena on a chokehold, while Yelena looks like she’s about to cry. “I couldn’t stop her.”
Y/N just stares at the fight. Her eyes are glasses over. It’s like she can’t move. Like she’s in the middle of a nightmare that she can’t wake up from. She supposes it is in a way. Just the other way around. Sleep is her escape, but she can’t sleep forever. She has to live day after day in her forever nightmare.
The fight flashes before her eyes. Suddenly Yelena has Clint overpowered. “You should’ve fought harder.” Yelena takes out her baton, nearing Clint as she starts beating him until he can barely hold himself up.
That’s when Yelena drops the baton and takes out her gun, aiming at him. Clint whistles. It makes goosebumps appear on Y/N’s skin, and Yelena stops moving.
“How do you know that?”
“Your secret whistle with Nat. She talked about you all the time, Yelena. She told me about how you got separated as kids. She was flying that plane.” Y/N knows the story. It’s one of the first memories Yelena told her about Natasha. “I asked her if she was scared. All she could think about is that you were safe. That never changed, Yelena. She loved you. And always wanted you safe. Both of you.” He turns to look at Y/N.
“No.” She mumbles.
Natasha told Clint all about Y/N. How the first year of the blip they were together and how regretful Natasha felt after letting her leave. “She was never mad at you.”
“Stop it.”
“She forgave you right away.” Every word he speaks, the more Y/N hurts. “All she wanted was to have you back with her, so she could keep you safe. Like she had promised Yelena.”
Y/N shakes her head. All the thoughts in her head are getting too much.
“She loved you.”
“No!” The change happens in a split second. She takes out two knives, starting to fight Clint who can barely dodge her. Her moves are rough and all over the place. She isn’t calculating all of her moves like usually, now it’s pure emotion and brute force. “She’s dead!” Her yell echoes through the area. Clint is getting littered with cuts while Yelena stands on her place, too stunned to move. “She’s dead! And it’s…it’s-“
Clint gets holds of Y/N’s hands, holding them tightly so she couldn’t move them. She fights against him, but eventually drops down to her knees.
“It’s my fault.” She whispers. ”I killed her.” Dropping the knives from her hands, she stops fighting. Yelena frowns from the sidelines, she didn’t know Y/N thought like that. ”I never answered her. I could’ve stopped her, I could’ve helped.” She mutters.
“You couldn’t have. She made her decision.”
Y/N glares at him, ripping her arms off of Clint’s grip. She stands up and walks away, pulling away from Yelena’s touch as she walks past her.
She continues walking until her legs physically can’t carry her anymore. There’s a small bridge right in front of her, so she goes to sit down on the railing. No one is going through it, giving Y/N a chance to be alone. Her nails are digging deep into her palms and her teeth are clenched together, causing a constant headache.
“It wasn’t your fault.” Yelena’s voice breaks the quiet atmosphere. “Natasha’s death wasn’t your fault.” She says it again to make sure Y/N hears her.
“I didn’t answer her.”
“What do you mean?”
“She tried to call me and sent me a text before she died, saying she’d bring you back. I didn’t answer. I was angry at her.”
Yelena leans against the railing while staring at Y/N. “It’s still not your fault.” She sets her hand on Y/N’s back. “I should’ve been there for you, raising and protecting you. You shouldn’t have been alone.” Yelena huffs, frustrated at the whole situation. “I should’ve protected you.”
“Well you didn’t, did you?” Y/N turns around, dropping down from the railing to stand in front of Yelena. “You weren’t there to keep me safe or comfort me, and that’s shitty, but you can’t do anything to change it. So, just stop it.”
Yelena purses her lips together. She knows Y/N is right. In a way, they can probably never get back to the way they were. Y/N is an adult now. She was all alone for years and that changed her for the rest of her life.
“I don’t need a protector anymore. I don’t need you anymore.”
Swallowing, Yelena frowns. The words hurt to hear. Because she still needs Y/N. “Family never stops needing each other.”
“This family broke a long time ago.” Y/N whispers. “I know it was only few seconds to you, but to me it was five years. And during those years I grew up, it’s time for me to move on. You should do the same.”
“No. I don’t want to.” Yelena shakes her head, stepping closer to Y/N. “I’m not leaving you alone again.”
“You aren’t leaving me, Yelena. I’m walking away.” Y/N clears her throat so her sound wouldn’t waver so much. “Thanks for giving me a family, even if it was only for a short while.” She nods and turns around.
“No, Y/N.” Yelena’s eyes turn glassy as she stares at Y/N’s back. “I forbid you from walking away from me!”
“You can’t do that anymore.” Y/N shouts out with a sad smile, not stopping, not looking back.
Yelena keeps standing on her place, just watching as Y/N moves further and further away. She doesn’t follow her.
She can’t do that anymore.
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You make great art!
Your opinions on Vi’s alternate designs?
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I could stare at her all day. Perfection.
Design wise? Her final one is (chef's kiss) SUCH a good balance of showing and contrasting Violet’s personality.
And the alternates show why!
She’s a nerd. Shorthand for that is usually glasses, as seen in almost all her alternative designs. (Think Velma from Scooby Doo.) Not a bad trope.
But at the same time, does her character need a visual short hand for smartness?
Just the way Violet SPEAKS tells you she’s a nerd. She uses big words, and calls people by their full names. When we first meet her it’s in a LIBRARY and her and Webby instantly start switching between various ancient languages.
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We don’t need glasses to know she smart and a nerd.
So unless the show is willing to commit to some moments or gags where Violet loses her glasses / takes them off specifically not to see something / cleans them regularly as a character tick (think Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Conservation of Character Design says get rid of them.
Which the show creators did.
(also her introduction scene includes Quackfaster, and I appreciate that, instead of them both wearing glasses- a thing that isn't actually about smartness literally it's just wanting to be able to see- the thing Violet shares with the Terrifying Librarian is... hair tie / hair band, including the color thereof.)
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(It's a more personal choice. And it's message is "Practical")
Next is clothing style. Most of her alternates have a more fancy, ‘outfit’ kinda look to them. Like this is something she put together to get a specific Look. Nothing wrong with that. Nerds can be fashionable (Ellie Woods queen thereof).
But… there isn’t anything in Violet’s personality, story, or situation that connects to that idea.
Her things are Books, Learning, Forbidden Magics, Honorable Conduct in Contests and Duels, Adopting Stray Shadow Teens Off The Street As Her New Sister, Brining Pie To A Sleepover, Smacking Invading Moon People With A Spiked Mace, and Using Tibetan Breathing Techniques To Survive Eating Three Bowls Of Deadly Hot Spices In A Row.
The closest she gets to caring about her appearance is when her and Webby (and then her and Lena) put on gruesome costume make up and prosthetics for fun.
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So a snazzy outfit, while cool, doesn’t really… jive with the vibe of Violet Sabrewing.
Nerd clothes, like a vest, isn’t needed the same reason glasses aren’t. Also the details would be a pain to draw over and over again. Even Webby’s clothes don’t have that much little bits in them.
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High collars again look cool… but Lena’s already got that covered. Stand them next to each other, and where’s the contrast?
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Violet wouldn’t “pop” next to Lena if they had that on top of Violet’s dark color scheme and Lena’s dark sweater.
Wearing the same thing (to show characters are connected to each other) works best when either the color or the style DOES contrast sharply
(Huey Louie Dewy and May June wearing basically the same thing as their siblings, but in very different colors)
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(side note I’ll make a separate thing for someday: Lena and Webby with button down collar shirts worn under something, but with different style, effect, and colors)
The leggings are seen on two of Violets alternates and I think that got picked for Meta Simplicity and also In-Character Practicality.
They’re athletic, the kind of thing that isn’t at risk of snagging on stuff (befitting an eventual Senior Junior Woodchuck), and the dark color balances out with her hair. And they’re VERY easy to draw. Very good!
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Sweater with turtle neck (unless it’s one of those very loose ones) usually gets used as shorthand for “Comfort over Appearance” (Velma again, contrasting Daphne)
And in this case it’s a contrast with Lena who LOOKS like she doesn’t care at first glance but actually has put maybe the most effort into her outfit (sweater stolen from favorite band, dyed her hair, wears bright colored converse in a world where most people go bare foot)
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and Webby, who is wearing basically a uniform (picked by her Granny or by herself while daydreaming of experiencing Normal School Things???)
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So to balance out Lena’s rebel teen punk look, and Webby’s prim and proper look, Violet has a comfort and practicality look.
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They kept the eyeshadow.
See, eyeshadow on someone who wears an ‘outfit’ (Lena, Daisy) says fashion minded and image conscious.
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(this includes Beakly the former spy taking up the role of grandmother).
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Eyeshadow on someone who wears a non-snazzy turtle neck and legging with her hair tied away from her face in a simple ponytail says something else completely-
It says, Violet likes eyeshadow, and that is the ONLY reason she wears it.
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Either she doesn’t notice that it’s unusual to do this, or she doesn’t care.  
THAT is showing her personality.
If it’s that she doesn’t know it’s unusual, then that fits with her in the Woodchuck Challenge not knowing about smack talk until Lena teaches her, and in Friendship Hates Magic brining a pie to a sleepover, and in The Split Sword of Swanstantine wondering in the middle of a fight if she should change in to more occasion appropriate clothes instead of, you know, running.
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Smart yes, savvy to social norms? Not so much.
If it’s that she doesn’t care, then that fits with her direct and blunt way of getting what she wants out of situations, never mind others' objections-
-Instantly running to Webby’s loft so she can see the picture of the demon lord and confirm the crookedness of his fang, repeatedly pressing for using the runes to try contacting the shadow realm despite Webby’s nervous boggle deflections, happily employing smack talk so she can learn it properly without stopping to ask what it’s effect on her competitor might be..
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So the clothes of her final design all work really, REALLY well telling new parts of Violet’s personality, without just repeating what we’d instantly know from listening to her talk for half a minute.
One of her alternates has loose floofy hair, which I imagine is what canon her would look like without the hair tie, and it rocks.
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But the hair tie is kinda important.
Violet isn’t a book nerd who never leaves the library- She’s active, she gets in the thick of things, she’s happy to jump in a fight, and she’s a Junior Woodchuck. Practicality, again, makes more sense. Keeping her hair out of her face works with her character.
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Her little flop of bangs is really fun to me too because… well…. It reminds me of Lena.  
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Again, it’s different enough to pop while the two stand together, but it’s there. Lena has flopped bang thing. Violet has a curly bang thing. They are sisters. It’s cute!
Also helps her silhouette stand out more against Webby and Lena, who’s hair is pretty smooth and down in general. Gives her this sharp thing that moves around and makes her extra easy to pick out, even when you just see part of her head. Important for a main side-character.
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If you're going to add detail, add it to the silhouette -> very big visual payoff.
Colors! COLORS!!!!
Already mentioned the pants balancing her hair nicely, dark on top, dark below, but then there’s her eyeshadow and sweater!
They ALSO tie her with Lena!!!!
Lena’s shirt, hidden under her sweater, is pale blue- the same color her friendship magic is later- it’s the color of Lena being happy and being connected to people.
And Violet’s eyeshadow, is also blue? And Lena’s eyeshadow is purple! Like Violet!
Eyeshadow! That thing both her and Lena wear, them the Sabrewing Sisters, but Webby doesn’t!
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That’s so cool! That’s a way to show a connection between them AND their personal tastes, before they even become family! And once they ARE family it helps them visually LOOK like one!
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Also, Violet’s green sweater?
Again we’ve got the color contrast compliment thing (huey red dewy blue louie green) this time with Team Magic: Webby pink, Lena blue, Violet green. It helps them feel… individual in scenes they’re all in frame together, while also making them look good next to each other.
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The choice of all of team magic’s colors to be either more pastel or duller than the Primary Colors Trio also lets all six of them work together visually, like in Nightmare on Killmoter Hill.
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But again, LENA.
Lena has two other bright colors tucked into her design, aside from her pale blue.  
The pink in her hair (visual cue to Webby) and her lime green shoes. Green. GREEN. It’s enough of an important color for it to ALSO be in her friendship bracelet.
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And it’s the main color Violet, her adopted little sister, wears.
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Oh my heart….
Finally, it’s looks like they tested out ideas of Violet being some kind of, parrot maybe, or wren, or such.
I love her being a humming bird for one very queer reason.
Female violet sabrewing humming birds are actually green, not purple.
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And Violet.
Is purple.
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Just like her dads.
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(also name puns for the win yeeeeessss)
So on the whole, looking at the designs Violet could have had, I guess I’d say they’d make nice occasional outfits for her...
but if you’re going to make her an important supporting member of the cast and if you have to draw her over and over again, almost always with the same other two characters… and if those characters are Webby and Lena...
Then they picked exactly the right design to go with <3
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gigglymarvel · 2 months
From Strangers to Sisters
Final Chapter - Smiles Into the Sunset
We have decided to wrap up our series! We hope you’ve enjoyed it, we loved writing it ❤️
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“I can’t believe we have to leave now...” Yelena commented as she sat down on the couch, full from the buffet they had. “It has gone so quickly.”
Wanda nodded as she sat on the other couch, sighing sadly. She had enjoyed her time with the three other women, and she felt that everyone was going to go their separate ways after this was all over, and this upset her a lot.
Kate flopped next to Yelena, "Almost as fast as you just ate that food," she chuckled but felt bittersweet about it too. The blonde rolled her eyes and shoved at her.
“Oh shush, the food was great, was it not?” Yelena asked, pouting and folding her arms. The brunette poked her side, "Of course it was," she giggled cheekily and then kept poking Yelena. 
Yelena flinched, biting her lip as she wiggled away from her. “Y-yes so quit it….”
Nat noticed Wanda's demeanour and sat next to her, "Hey, what's got you down sweet girl?" She asked as she put her arm around the younger woman. 
“I don’t want to go” she whispered, biting her lip.
The redhead hugged the witch, "I know sweet girl, I'm not ready for it to be over either, but now we all know each other right?" 
Wanda shrugged. “Yeah, but what if everyone just wants to go their separate ways? Then everyone will ignore my existence again.” 
Nat hugged her even tighter, and Kate noticed Wanda getting emotional so she turned and hugged her too, tapping Yelena to do the same. 
The Widow had an idea, and fluttered gently into Wanda's belly, "What if we make a promise hm? A swear that we all have to be here for each other and if anyone remotely forgets, needs cheering up or gets distant, we all wreck them?" She smiled fondly, "And you my dear Wanda need cheered up."
Wanda shrugged, covering her belly a little as she tried hard not to giggle. “M-maybe…” she murmured as she curled up a little. 
Kate grinned, "C'mon Yelena! Let's get her!" And then helped Nat by shaking lightly into Wanda's ribs, making the witch squeal and curl up, shaking her head as she eventually broke into giggles.
The blonde rolled her eyes but understood why Wanda was so sad, she hadn’t felt this peaceful for a while, and she didn’t want to go back to her crazy life.
Nat smirked and poked Yelena's sides, "Lena," she winked, "Do you need tickled too?" She asked the blonde, who shook her head. “Nono…”
"Are you suuuure?" Nat smirked and shook her ribs gently. 
Kate fluttered up and down Wanda's belly, "Gitchiegitchiegitchie goooooo little witchy woooooo!" She teased, making Wanda giggle helplessly and curl up. “Nohoooo!”
"Awww there we goo Wands! We've got you see! No matter what you'll always have us, love and…" she grinned and pulled up her top to raspberry her sides, "Raspberries!!" 
The witch yelped and squealed out, shoving her shirt down before Kate had the chance to do anything. “Nuh uh, none of those!” She protested as Yelena gasped and bit her lip. “I am positive.”
Kate chuckled, "If they don't tickle then why are you afraid, big bad witchy?" She asked, looking over at Nat, who grinned at her sister.
 "Nah, you need the tickle monster!" The Black Widow announced spidered up into her armpits, causing the blonde to yelp and slam her arms down. “Nonono I do not need that silly thing.”
"No?'  The redhead grinned and squeezed Yelena's sides just above her hips, causing her to yelp and hold her sister's hands away. “Found the spot?” The redhead asked fondly.
Yelena shook her head. “Nope, never, just looking at the time, we should get going?” She tried.
“Not till I find your smile,” she insisted. Yelena just groaned. “We have to go…”
“Then get up,” she giggled fondly at Yelena, who nodded and stood up. “There we go, we can leave now.”
“You still need to have your smile found," Nat smirked fondly.
Wanda tried to keep her cool. “Me? Afraid? I’m not afraid of anything.”
"Oh? Then why won't you let me raspberry you Wands?" Kate asked cheekily as the witch shrugged and folded her arms over her belly. “I am sure it’s too much effort for you”
“I'm like, an overgrown kid, it's no effort,” Kate smirked and bounced her fingers along the witch’s sides, smiling as Wanda whined and let out a few giggles. “Quiiiit!”
“I win!” Kate giggled fondly, making Wanda roll her eyes. “Yeah yeah, whatever.”
The raven-haired archer hugged the redhead fondly. “Ok, let’s go,” Wanda told her after hugging Kate back.
“But Yelena still needs to smile,” Kate said, pouting. Yelena just shrugged. "I am fine, it is time to go."
Kate hugged Yelena and nodded, “If you're sure.” 
Nat rubbed Wanda's back, still with one hand on her sister, “Are we all packed and ready?” Yelena nodded silently as Wanda used her magic to float everyone’s bags back to the RV, taking one last look at their hotel suite sadly.
Kate frowned and then clung to everyone, “Hey, the trip is over but our relationships aren't!” 
Yelena rolled her eyes. “That is the most cheesy thing I have ever heard you say, Kate Bishop.”
Kate grinned up at her, “Good!” 
Nat laughed fondly, “Little Kate is right,” 
Wanda bit back a chuckle. “So shall we all link arms and skip off into the sunset?”
Kate beamed at that, “YES!” But Yelena just face-palmed herself.
“She was being sarcastic.” She murmured and got into the RV. 
Kate furrowed her brow for a moment, but then shrugged, “Well either way,” she smiled and followed Yelena, while Nat just chuckled, “Play nice you two!” 
Yelena playfully shoved at Nat, squeezing Kate’s sides to put a smile on her face before getting comfortable on the top bunk bed that was in the RV, with Kate on the bottom and Wanda and Natasha curled up on a couch each.
The auto drive soon kicked in to take them all home, it didn’t take long for the drive to rock them to sleep, completely exhausted from their time away but feeling thankful that it happened. They built memories for a lifetime and a sisterhood they can always lean on. 
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natashasnoodle · 2 years
Actual Children | Natasha Romanoff x Reader
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Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
Words: 0.8k
Summary: When Natasha introduced you to her sister she had no idea that you would be two peas in a pod.
A couple of months ago you were introduced to your girlfriend's sister, Yelena. 
Natasha had initially been worried that Yelena wouldn't like you, not that you were a bad person. You just had major golden retriever energy and Natasha was just worried that Yelena wouldn't take you seriously or something.
However, the complete opposite happened. You brought out the stupidest and most silliest side of Yelena, and now Natasha had two of you to deal with. 
It started when you two first met. You didn't exactly scream 'confidence' when people look at you, so when you walked into Yelena's home looking a bit lost, she raised an eyebrow at you. Natasha was preparing to throw her sister into a wall if she said anything that would upset you, but she needn't have worried. 
When you immediately complimented her vest and showed great, genuine interest in the pockets, she smiled and dragged you upstairs to show you more vests and how she makes the modifications. 
Nat scoffed and sat on the couch, playing games on her phone to pass the time. But when an hour had passed she got bored, so went upstairs to look for the two of you, but you weren't there. She frowned and looked all over the house but you were nowhere to be seen. 
She started to get a bit worried when there was absolutely no sight of you, so ran outside to see if all of the cars were still there, however, she was stopped in her tracks when she heard the sound of your infectious giggles along with Yelena shouting things. 
Looking down the street, she had to hold in a laugh as she saw you and Yelena racing golf carts. You two looked like you were having the time of your life, and she was glad that you were getting along, but she was a stickler for health and safety when it came to you. So, she scolded you slightly when you came back inside. 
Yelena told her to remove the stick from her ass, to which you laughed at, earning a warning glare from your girlfriend.
This was just the start of your adventures with Yelena. 
She would often visit the compound, which you loved, everyone else not so much. They all loved you. They all loved Yelena. Together though... let's just say they tended to hide the pointy items that may be lying around. 
There had been multiple occasions where Tony had to fix a wall or something because one of you had ended up being thrown through it. 
The team would often be concerned when they heard your booming laughs getting closer, as they knew that something was about to happen, and they could never predict what. 
Natasha would always have to get up and check on what you were doing and put a stop to your antics. Sometimes she could let them go, like when you two were just skidding around the compound's hardwood flooring in fluffy socks. 
But when you two were found to be heading up to the roof wearing parachutes, she had to drag you both downstairs by the collar of your shirts. 
"Don't be a party pooper, Natasha", was often mumbled by Yelena. 
Today you had been left mostly alone as the rest of the team seemed to be very busy with paperwork, something you didn't tend to dabble in unless Steve yelled at you for not doing it. But today you weren't going to do it, you were taking your sixth 'me day' in a row. 
Your day was interrupted, however, by a certain blonde showing up unannounced and immediately asking FRIDAY where you were, running into the common room when she got her answer. 
At hearing footsteps approaching, you turned and smiled when you spotted her, "Lena!".
"Hey Y/n", she beamed, then threw a huge bag of giant marshmallows at you. You both gave each other big Cheshire cat grins, having wanted to do this for a while, so you knew exactly what to do. 
Natasha had asked FRIDAY to inform her of Yelena's presence when she was in the compound due to her new tendency to just show up unannounced, and so when she was told of her arrival, she immediately headed into the common room as well. 
She saw you two giggling as you opened the marshmallow packet, it seemed like an innocent enough gesture, but with you two there was never anything innocent, so she placed herself on the couch next to you. 
"Who thinks I can fit fifteen of these marshmallows into my mouth?", you asked the room with excitement. 
Nat shook her head, "You're a hazard to society".
"You're also a coward, do twenty!", Yelena matched your energy.
Your joy was soon taken away though when Natasha yelled "NOPE!" as she snatched the bag away and threw it in the bin, laughing when she turned around and saw how your faces were painted with betrayal.
"You monster", you muttered, placing your head in the crook of Yelena's neck as she comforted you over the loss of the precious squishy marshmallows. 
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multifandominfj · 8 months
A New Beginning: A Supergirl 6x20 Re-Write
Chapter Two: The Big Reveal
With a box of chocolates, wine and flowers, Kara flew home as fast as she could. “Lena?”
“Hey you.” That melodic Irish brogue of her carries through the apartment. “How was your day?”
“Good.” What was before Kara was Lena in her NCU sweatshirt, flannel bottoms and cupcake slipper socks.
“What’s all this for?” Curious of the meaning of the things Kara had in her hand, she first dragged her to the couch, then got back up to get a couple of wine glasses.
“I saw the second half of the text you sent me, and my mind went over everything. So…this is essentially an ‘I’m Sorry.”
“Kara, sweetheart, you have nothing to be sorry for.” A spritely chuckle was Lena’s response. “The gift, albeit very thoughtful, and yummy, that is not what my text was about. Did you even see the first part?”
Pulling out her phone again, she read the first sentence multiple times, before looking back up at Lena, feeling slightly embarrassed. “Ah…”
“Yeah, it was definitely quite the surprise, seeing you on TV. And I gotta say, you looked pretty smoakin’.” Her famous eyebrow arch accompanied with a heart melting smirk was the sure fire way to get Kara to relax.
“You sure flattery isn’t your superpower instead of Magic?” Kara jokingly asked as she opened the box of chocolates, kicking her shoes off before leaning back on the couch and accepting the wine.
“Cross my heart. And…Andrea was watching with me.” She revealed.
“Really? How did she process?” Intrigue was an understatement about how Kara felt about her former boss knowing.
“She looked like a cartoon that had gotten squished by an anvil at first, but then she felt really bad about all of the times she treated you horribly.”
“You know I’m over that now, Lena.” She dismisses.
“I know Kara, but she really did feel bad. I wouldn’t be surprised if she reached out to you. She really does want to make amends.”
“Then I appreciate the thought. Whenever she reaches out, I will gladly accept.” Kara sighs, sipping her drink.
“You really did look great on camera.” Not once had Lena taken her eyes off Kara. “I’m proud of you. Out of all of the years I’ve known you, seeing you on camera and how you handled yourself with grace and poise, you were practically radiating sunshine.”
Kara always did this thing where, whenever she was complimented, she would get the biggest smile while simultaneously biting her lip and bowing her head to hide the cherry red blush on her cheeks. “You always know what to say. And, to be honest, while I was answering, I was worried about stumbling over my words. Yet, with every second that passed by, there you were. In my head, like always. Pushing me through.” It had become second nature for Kara to reach for Lena’s hand whenever they sat on the couch together.
“Kara, there is actually something that has been weighing on my mind.” Sure to not spill a drop, Lena sets her glass on the table before her, and turns her attention back to her Kryptonian Adora.
“What is it?” Kara mimicked her actions, watching her face.
“Ever since your sister’s wedding, and that…..” Lena was now turning a shade of apple red, and with her skin tone, it was as clear as day. “Life changing, time stopping kiss of ours, I…”
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it either.” Kara hadn’t let go of Lena’s hand saying this, in fact half way through Lena’s babbling, she started to gently massage the space between her thumb and index finger. “It was pretty great.” Like the human Golden Retriever she was, she raised both of her eyebrows to get Lena to smile.
“That, and it got me thinking…about us. And how I feel about you.” Taking a deep breath, Lena fiddles with her hands to keep some of her nerves in check. “Kara, you know you’re my best friend, but I don’t think that’s going to cut it anymore. I don’t like hiding the fact that we’re together from our family. I get that you want us to keep things private because we are a new item. Damn those consequences. I want to be able to show you off. I want to be able to declare to the world how lucky I am to be your girlfriend.
“Lena…” Kara had a sense of where this was going. She was listening to Lena’s heartbeat as she spoke, and with every word, it got faster. She knew of three reasons why this would happen: Anxiety, Stress…and she was about to say I love you.
“Please, let me finish?” Lena’s voice squeaked with how nervous she was. “I’ve never felt this was about someone before, in my life actually. And thinking back about all of the times you’ve saved me, and were willing to risk your life…Nobody has ever done that for me. Every time we shared a hug, I never wanted to let go. And when I found out all of the times you defended me to the others. It’s like…you’re my knight in shining armor. Even when I had hurt you, you still trusted me with your life. That day, I vowed to do everything in my power to be worthy of your trust again…”
As Lena was nervously babbling, rather adorably, Kara had slowly begun to scoot closer to Lena on the couch. Yes, she was paying attention to the words, but every other word, she would look at Lena’s lips. The dark red lipstick that was as crimson as a rose practically hypnotized her. But what Kara loved the most…was just listening to Lena talk. Whether it was the inflection in her voice, or the way she talked with her hands. Now was as good a time as ever.
“And, I guess what I’m trying to say is, Kara…I…”
Before Lena could even finish, Kara had gently cupped her face and closed the distance between their lips For Kara, kissing Lena just turned all of her senses up to 11. Her lips fit perfectly together like a puzzle piece with Lena’s. This kiss was just as passionate and fiery as the one at the wedding, but this one was also more intimate and gentle. Kara deliberately let it linger longer than the one at the wedding…because she was just as in love with Lena, as Lena was with her.
“I love you too, Lena.” That delicate whisper. The declaration of love accompanied with a soft forehand touch, it was definitely a moment out of a Hallmark movie. “I realized it when Mxy and I…tried to change the timeline to fix our relationship.” Not once did Kara’s hand leave Lena’s cheek.
“Okay…I’m definitely going to need a full story.” She wasn't surprised. At this point, she knew Kara would risk it all for her, no matter what.
Here’s Chapter 2, everyone. Hope you enjoy!
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supercorphypes · 1 month
The Value of Love by @autisticlenaluthor
Read the fic here.
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First of all, I would like to state that I'm always such a fan of Lex having kids. It would be all the sweeter still in these AUs if Lex were alive or out of prison, so he and I could raise the Luthor heir to be the best weapon possible. But I digress.
As it is, Lena having to take care of Lex's child would be such a bad idea. Can you imagine the havoc she would wreak on their lives? Her little boxes only go so far, and she never uses them to their full potential. You'd think I had trained her to withstand better.
Ooo, Miss Danvers the elementary school teacher. How the mighty have fallen.
Miss Danvers is already rambling on about how My Granddaughter, Lori needs to show her work when she's busy with her equations. Please. If I were teaching Lori, this little girl would be truly challenged, and yet instead she's forced to waste away under Danvers' teaching.
I have one (Okay maybe I have multiple) criticism about Lena's parenting. What kind of parent tells their child they love them without them first earning the affection!? Is Lena out of her mind?
Surely this Miss Danvers has better things to do than give My Granddaughter her college work. And besides that, shouldn't Miss Danvers already have her degree? What's the point of getting Lori to correct your answers for no point value?
I don't get it.
Why my husband's spawn is so concerned about Lori getting lost in a park is beyond me. Free yourself of the burden of raising greatness, Lena. Leave her to me.
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WHY IS MISS DANVERS COMING UP TO MY DAUGHTER AND GRANDDAUGHTER IN THE PARK? Does she have NOTHING better to do than bother the Luthor girls? Please.
Lori was right to be suspicious of Miss Danvers and Lena talking to each other, and that's all I will say about that.
For now.
And another thing-- why does Lena find her peace with socializing with a ten year old? Is that as high as her intelligence, and conversational skills can manage? I paid for those Cotillion lessons, and for what.
She's such a disgrace.
Oh no. Oh, oh no. Lena and Lori are discussing My Prized Child. Lex-- Lori's father. Surely Lena knows better than to besmirch the Luthor name by disgracing him with her beliefs.
Apparently not.
Okay, and now Lionel's bastard has not only managed to make My Granddaughter cry, leave work early (all things considered) and she agreed to a "coffee get together" with Miss Danvers, who she has been suspiciously calling Kara for some time now.
This just keeps getting better and better.
As the kids of this generation (Perhaps even Lori) would say, "smh"
Wait. A. Goddamn. Minute.
Lena takes medication for anxiety? Depression? That ratbastard. Next, she'll send Lori to a therapist. God, what I would do to her....
In all seriousness, go read this fic right now!
Oh joy, now the teenage-pregnancy CFO is here. Woopity doo.
Between this and the insightful conversations with "Kara" and her adopted sister, Alex, I'm going to be sick.
Ruby Arias does not deserve the honor of being My Granddaughter's first friend. Sigh. How the mighty have fallen.
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The ninth chapter ended on quite the cliffhanger.
I do believe I know who's coming onto the scene, dear scrappylittlegleek. And all I have to say about it is:
Fucking Finally
If Lena Walsh, or whatever her original last name was, thinks she can get away with keeping Lex's child from Me she has another thing coming to her.
And that's final!
My God, does this vapid blonde ever go away?
I'm aware this is a "Super" Corp fic but let's put more emphasis on the "Corp" part. As in LuthorCorp. It deserves more attention than Lena is giving it. Big Sigh.
Ugh, I don't think I'm going to win this custody battle, assuming the writer has anything to say about it. Pity, I would have molded Lori into something truly great.
Instead she will have to waste away with Lena.
kArA DAnvERs yoU arE My HerO
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And now, to make everything ✨even better✨ my daughter is sending Lori to a therapist. God, what kind of madness is this? Everyone knows you're supposed to suffer silently.
Oh yay! I'm back in action. Let's get this show on the road- Lori, you're coming with me. Lena, my lawyers will see you in hell.
Or not. God, why must all SuperCorp writers insist on portraying me as weak? Should have just had one of my men grab the child.
At least the one good thing about this is that "beloved Kara" already has a date. No more messing around with the brats!
Careful Lena, one more denial and you might end up in the Nile.
Can't wait to break out of jail and bring Lori with me. Sigh. Her potential---
Why is Lena kissing the Danvers teacher?
Why - also - is she complaining about how I weaned her off of her teddy bear? She was four! Plenty old enough to be without.
I hate this. This is godawful. Why oh why do I continue reading this?
I'm holding out hope that I break out of jail with Lex at my side.
End of the story, and yet....
I didn't break free.
What a disappointing end.
In all seriousness, go read this fic right now!
Feel free to recommend fics to me here!
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kvetchlandia · 1 year
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William Gottlieb     Sarah Vaughan Performing at Café Society, West Village, New York City     1946
Barney Josephson opened Café Society at Sheridan Square in the West Village in 1938.  When he opened the club, a small, basement room, he wanted it to be fully integrated, both on stage and in the audience.  In 1938, that was unheard of in the United States, even in as cosmopolitan and sophisticated a city as New York.  Josephson had gotten the idea while visiting Paris and seeing the integrated jazz clubs that were flourishing there.  He chose the name “Café Society” to mock the snooty Clare Booth Luce, who wrote puff pieces about the habitués of the upscale nightclubs uptown, which she called “cafe society.”  Josephson’s slogan for Café Society was “The Wrong Place to the Right People.”  He booked many of the great jazz and blues acts of his era, as well as comedians, and he ensured that black customers were as welcome as whites.  Among the acts featured at Café Society were Billie Holiday, Lena Horne, Big Joe Turner, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Josh White, Teddy Wilson, Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee, Hazel Scott, May Lou Williams, Count Basie, Lester Young, Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, Leadbelly, Big Bill Broonzy and many others.  It was at Café Society that Abel Meeropol showed his poem abut the lynching of Black people, “Strange Fruit,” to Josephson, who had him show it to Billie Holiday.  It became a part of her set for the rest of her life.  Josephson insisted she use the song as the last piece of her set, so people would be left thinking about its powerful lyrics.  The club also was a performance place for comedians, most of whom were leftists and did political humor, like Jack Gilford, Zero Mostel, Imogene Coca and a troupe called “The Revuers” that featured Betty Comden, Adolph Green and a young Judy Tuvim, soon to become known as Judy Holliday.
In 1947, the anti-communist witch hunt was in full swing.  The progressive politics of Café Society, its integrated scene and the artists who worked there all came to the attention of the House Un-American Activities Committee.  Barney Josephson’s brother, Leon, one of the founders of Café Society although not actively involved in running it, was a long time member of the Communist Party as well as being the attorney for his brother and the club, was summonsed to appear before HUAC.  He was an unfriendly witness, who refused to name names or to answer questions.  He was convicted of Contempt of Congress and spent a year in jail.  After his conviction, reactionary columnists like Walter Winchell began attacking Barney Josephson and Café Society as a notorious nest of communists.  Customers rapidly fell away and within a year, Barney Jospehson had to close the club.  
Most of the artists who performed there remembered there remembered Café Society fondly.   John Chilton, author of “Billie’s Blues,” wrote, “Café Society was probably the happiest booking of Billie’s life. It did wonders for her confidence onstage, enabling her to project a more sophisticated act. Barney Josephson encouraged and advised Billie; later he was to do the same thing for Lena Horne.”  Horne said Café Society was “the sweetest job I ever got in my life.”
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goldenempyrean · 11 months
can you write something supercorp where lena has to do a public announcement but is obviously sick and is doing a bad job at hiding it bc shes sneezy and sniffly? Please 🙏
Working Too Hard
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〚 Notes - This request was super super cute and I had fun writing it :D Im still super open for requests too, I might update my prompt list later today! 〛
〚 Pairing - Supercorp 〛
〚 Summary - After buying Catco Lena has to announce it to the public - just her luck that she ends up sick on the day of the announcement 〛
〚 Wordcount - 1700 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
〘 Part 2 〙
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Lena Luthor, CEO of L-Corp and scientific genius. The last thing anyone expected of her was to buy CatCo Media. 
Yet, here she was, the day of the announcement. Some might’ve expected her to be beaming with excitement or enthusiasm. Any two would be a normal reaction to such a big day but excitement was certainly not the emotion was she currently feeling. 
Sat in her brand-new office, Lena sniffled and rubbed her red, irritated nose with a tissue, crumpling it into a ball before tossing it into a nearby wastebasket. She had been dealing with this cold for a couple of days now, and it seemed to be getting worse at the most inconvenient time possible - much to the worry of her girlfriend. 
Her head was pounding, and her nose felt like it was on fire. She sniffled and reached for another tissue, but to her dismay, the box was empty. "Of course.” she muttered to herself, frustrated at her lack of preparation. She rummaged through her desk drawers, desperately searching for any spare tissues, but to no avail. Just great. 
The press announcement was scheduled to start in just a few minutes, and Lena knew she couldn't delay it. CatCo's employees were already gathering in the conference room, and reporters were waiting downstairs.  
This deal was significant for both L-Corp and CatCo, and she didn't want to disappoint anyone, especially not the CatCo staff who were looking forward to a new beginning under her ownership. Not only that, with her the weight of her last name constantly overshadowing her work, it was imperative this went as smooth as possible.  
And so, she stood up shakily, trying to collect herself despite feeling so under the weather. Her vision blurred for a moment, but she steadied herself on the edge of the desk until the dizziness passed. She knew she had to just make it through this announcement, and then she’d be swiftly taken home by the blonde Kyrptonian who was anxiously waiting to dote over her. 
The large double doors of the conference room sneaked open as Lena quietly came in - she wasn’t one for making scenes - the room was packed with bustling reporters from across the city and she tried desperately to land on Kara’s soft familiar eyes in the crowd. Lena had no such luck however, not with all these people constantly moving, but she did see the hurried form of her assistant rushing over towards her. 
“Are you sure you should be doing this, Ms. Luthor? You don’t look well at all. Should I call Kara? I think one of the security guys pulled her aside for a moment.” She said, nodding over towards the front of the stage where Lena recognised Alex in her DEO issued security vest talking with Kara. So thats where she was. 
"I'll be fine," Lena managed to say with a forced smile, trying to hide the severity of her illness, “Everything will be fine.” Her tone wavered a little, almost as if she didn’t quite believe herself there. 
“Lena!” The worried voice of Kara was instantly at her side as she approached the stage, “Sorry I had to talk with my sister for a second there. Are you feeling any better than this morning?” 
She shook her head. Kara had tried so hard to convince her to postpone this morning, but the Luthor was stubborn, and she muffled a hoarse cough before replying, “Kara, love. You don’t need to worry so much, it’ll be fine…” She shivered, a sharp chill running down her body – her low cutting shirt did little to ward off the cold. 
The blonde sighed, taking off her thin cardigan and pulling it around her shoulders. There wasn’t much more she could do. Maybe if there weren’t so many people, she would’ve just flown her home there and then. “Just... don’t push it. I’ll be right behind you.” Kara whispered, taking the Luthor’s hand as they both stepped on stage before the Kyrptonian took a few steps back to let Lena have the podium. 
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here today," Lena began, her raspy voice in stark contrast to her usual confident tone. "I'm here to announce that L-Corp has officially acquired CatCo Media. We believe that this acquisition will lead to exciting new opportunities for both companies and revolutionise the media industry." 
She tried her hardest to focus on her prepared speech, but her congested sinuses made it difficult to enunciate her words clearly. Not only that but every word she spoke felt like a struggle, and she had to suppress several sneezes that were threatening to escape. Which worked…for about 30 seconds. 
"Hh'uhh… hih'schhh! Ehh'tschh!" Lena's face scrunched up as she stifled the sneezes, her cheeks turning slightly pink from both the effort and embarrassment. 
Whispers started to spread among the audience, and Lena's assistant discreetly handed her a glass of water. She took a sip to soothe her throat and continued, attempting to maintain her composure. But as she spoke, her voice grew progressively weaker and more congested. 
Kara stepped closer; concern etched on her face. "Lena, honey, if you’re not up to this we can reschedule. People will understand.” 
"No," Lena insisted, her voice wavering. "I can't… hh'uhh… afford to postpone this. It's… important."  
With some heavy reluctance Kara left her side and Lena continued to soldier on, determined not to let this overshadow the significance of the announcement. But the more she spoke, the worse she felt. Her nose was running, her head was spinning, and her body was growing weaker with every passing moment. 
Just as Lena was about to conclude her speech, she let out a sudden, powerful sneeze that she couldn't hold back any longer.  
"Hh’hhiii…Hh’iishieew!" The sneeze echoed through the room, and Lena's shoulders slumped as she tried to catch her breath. Kara was by her side in an instant, keeping her steady arm wrapped around the Luthor’s waist.  
“You’re okay, you’re okay.” Kara whispered as she saw the panic settling into her girlfriend’s eyes as turning her head to avoid her lips being read, “Sweetheart just wrap things up now, you’ve done more than enough here now.” 
The audience was now fully aware of her condition. Some looked concerned, some sympathetic, and some even suggested calling off the rest of event but Lena raised a hand, signalling that she had a few more words to say. 
"I apologise for my condition, as you can see from this spectacle I’m just as human as the rest of you." she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper but it earned a small chuckle from the crowd, "I am truly excited about this acquisition, but it seems my body has other plans. Rest assured, though, that CatCo is in excellent hands, and I will ensure its continued success." 
With that Lena turned away from the podium, straight into the waitings arms of Kara who carefully helped her down. The room was filled with a mix of applause and sympathetic murmurs, and Lena could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment as the blonde ushered her back up to her office. 
“You did so well love.” Kara whispered one they shut the door behind them before reaching out to move the several stray strands of hair which had fallen out of place and in front of the Luthor’s eyes, “Oh baby, you’re really burning up here, aren’t you?” She whispered, as her hand moved to press against her forehead. 
“Do you think they accepted it?” Lena mumbled in reply, her feverish head still swamped up in work. 
“Of course, they did, you made everyone proud out there today.” The blonde gently soothed her nerves before nudging her back to the prior conversation, “Should we get you home then love? Come on, I’ll fly us just this once.” Kara didn’t like to use her powers for personal reasons but flying was the fastest way to get her home. 
As they stepped outside, Kara noticed the chilly evening air. She gently wrapped her red cape around Lena, providing her some extra warmth, and then scooped her up into her arms with ease.  
Lena snuggled closer, resting her head on Kara's shoulder, finding comfort in the warmth of her super-powered girlfriend. 
Kara's flight back to Lena's apartment was swift, and she gently landed on the balcony. She carefully carried Lena inside, making sure not to jostle her too much. Once in the living room, Kara set Lena down on the soft, plush sofa, and Lena immediately sank into the cushions, her eyelids heavy with fatigue. 
"Stay right here, love. I'll get you some water and a few blankets," Kara said, her voice soft and soothing. She quickly went to the kitchen and fetched a glass of water, along with a couple of blankets from the bedroom. As she returned to the living room, she saw Lena already lying down, her eyes closed. 
Kara couldn't help but smile at the sight of her girlfriend looking so vulnerable and cute, even in her current state. She gently draped the blankets over Lena, making sure she was warm and comfortable. Kara then sat down next to her on the sofa, stroking Lena's hair tenderly. 
Lena stirred slightly, mumbling incoherently, and Kara couldn't make out what she was saying. But it didn't matter; she knew Lena was exhausted and needed rest. The Kryptonian leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Lena's forehead. 
"Just sleep, Lena," Kara whispered. "I'll be right here, watching over you." 
Lena's hand weakly reached out and grasped Kara's, holding it tightly. "Mmm, 'ove you," she mumbled drowsily. 
"I love you too," Kara replied, her heart swelling with affection for the woman before her. She stayed by Lena's side, keeping a watchful eye as her girlfriend's breathing gradually steadied and deepened, indicating she had finally fallen asleep. 
And a watchful eye she kept indeed. Throughout the rest of the day Kara stayed back her side, ready with soothing words when fever fuelled nightmares plagued her dreams or when fits of coughing left her unable to rest. Through it all Kara was there, holding her close and never letting go. 
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doudouneverte · 5 months
Grumpy cloud
a/n: should I be sleeping or revising for my exam the next week? Yes but I think you deserved that before
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: Ewa Pajor x Léon!reader; Wolfsburg Frauen x reader
Summary: Ewa is jealous [in the same universe as 'Ray of sunshine']
Type: Fluff
Warning: use of Google translate for Spanish and Polish like usual so let me know if there's some mistakes
word count: 1653
January. The start of a new year, and with that, a little camp in Portugal before the next part of the season. Today's training was really good, and now you could just rest until your friendly game against Hoffenheim the next day.
The team was split into some small groups but was rather close to each other.
"She's staring again." Sveindis commented and gained the attention of the few girls around her. The little group composed of Jule, Obi, and Lynn looked at where the Icelandic players pointed out Ewa, who seemed to be in an intense eye contest against the back of your head.
"She's been doing it a lot since the start of the season." Jule said.
"Do you think Y/n noticed that?" The Dutch defender asked.
"I don't know, but I find it funny." Lena said with a smile, which confused the girls around her.
"Why?" Sveindis asked.
"It's been a while since I saw her jealous like that." The defensive midfielder explained.
A few metres away from them, there was another group composed of Ewa, Alexandra, Dominique, Svenja, Kathrin, and Feli. They were chatting about something until they noticed that the Polish striker was focused on something else.
"You're staring. Again." Dom said to Ewa, a little amused by this.
"I know." Your wife replied but didn't lose her focus.
"Hey, she will not disappear when you look away; don't worry. I don't think she could take away your girl."
"I'm not worrying about anything." The comment was cold when she saw you being a little more touchy than usual.
"Okay, no. We don't start this. Not today." Alex said, standing up and placing herself in front of your wife. Ewa grumbled and wanted to protest, but was cut off. "You know what? I think we need a little tour of the city. What do you think, girls?"
"I think that is a great idea. And maybe we will not see Ewa ripped off the head of someone today." Feli agreed instantly.
Ewa really wanted to protest, but she was forced on her feet by Alex and Dom and quickly moved by them to the nearest group.
"Girls, do you want to join us for a little tour?" The tall captain asked the younger players, who exchanged some glances before accepting the offer.
When the girls were out of view, you received a text from your best friend.
Obi: taking your wife away before someone gets killed
You laughed at this and just asked her to let you know where they were going in case you wanted to join them.
"She was definitely staring." Merle said when you finally put your phone back in your pocket.
"I know, but she also knows that she doesn't have to worry about anything." You replied.
"Where's everyone?" Fenna asked when she noticed that a lot of players had already left.
"They decided to visit the city and maybe stop to eat something. We will join them later." Merle explained to the young striker.
"Vale, now tell us how you scored the goal against Arsenal last season. It was almost impossible to score from this angle." Nuria spoke this time.
You liked these two, first because they always spent all their time stuck around you, like you did with your big sister when you were younger, and also because, with Nuria now on the team, you were not the only Spanish player anymore. And you loved your teammates, but being able to speak in your native language with someone else was something special.
Something special that didn't get unnoticed by your wife. At first, she was happy to see you being a sort of big sister for the young Spanish player when she signed for Wolfsburg; she even found it cute. But with the months passing and the two girls getting more attached to you, it started to slightly make her jealous of not being your principal interest.
After a good walk, the girls decided to stop at a cafe and have a little pause. After the waiter took their commands, the whole table turned their attention to your wife, who had been pouting for a few minutes now.
"Can you stop acting like a child for a minute, please?" Feli said, making your wife pout even more.
"Come on, we all know that she will never think about anyone else except you." Lena tried to reassure her, but it seems that nothing worked, so the girls just gave up for the moment. A few minutes later, the food was served, and that's when you decided to show up with the girls.
Seeing that, Svenja decided to move some girls to give you a free seat next to the pouty player. A seat that gets quickly taken because, even in her current state, you missed your favourite girl.
Sensing that Ewa was not in a mood to be teased, you just distracted yourself by talking with the girls while you intertwined your little finger together. The little thing seemed to enlighten her mood a little, but not as much to make her openly happy about it.
After that, you all walked back to the hotel, where you sneaked out of the team with the striker to your room. It was one of the advantages to be a married couple, always sharing a room at every camp or game away.
In the room, you dragged her on the bed despite her protest and made her lay next to you. You stayed like this for a moment without saying anything, just staring at each other and sometimes smiling like idiots.
"So, will you tell me what's that about?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't know what you mean." She replied with a shy smile.
"Oh, so you're telling me you were not jealous?"
"Me, jealous? Come on, I have never been jealous."
The lie almost made you laugh, but you needed to keep your composure. "So you'll not be angry if I invite Merle, Nuria, and Fenna to watch a movie with us tonight?"
The mention of the names made her instantly lose her facade, and the look she was giving you meant a lot. "I think you forgot that this room is for Léon-Pajor only."
At this point, you finally laughed and showered her face with a lot of kisses.
"Seriously, kochanie (honey), I don't know why you need to spend all your time with them." Ewa said after you stopped.
"I don't spend all my time with them." You protested. "It's just that I just want to make sure they're good with their move and don't feel homesick."
"Fenna lived only a few hours of flight from Wolfsburg, and Nuria goes back to Barcelona as much as she can."
"Amor (Love), are you really being jealous of two kids right now?" You asked with a very surprised face. "I thought you were jealous of Merle, not of the kids."
"Why would I be jealous of Merle?"
"And why are you jealous of some kids?" Ewa just groaned and started to leave the room, but you stopped her before. "Hey, I'm sorry. Okay, I didn't know. Well, now that I'm aware of it, it seems more funny than I thought, but anyway."
"Can you stop making fun of me?"
"Sí, but can you just let me explain it?" When she didn't make any move to leave you again, you put her back on the bed and sat her on your lap. "Señora Ewa Léon-Pajor, amor de mi vida, no hay mujer en este mundo de la que estaría más orgullosa y feliz de llamar mía que tú. Puedes descansar en paz. Te amé, te amo, y todavía lo haré en el futuro. (Mrs. Ewa Léon-Pajor, love of my life, there's no woman in this world that I would be more proud of and happy to call you mine than you. You can rest peacefully. I loved you, I love you, and I will still do so in the future.)"
From your tone and your expression, Ewa knew you said something important but couldn't understand everything.
"I'm sorry, but I don't understand everything." She admitted shyly making you laugh a little.
"I said that you don't have to worry about anything because I love you, and I will still do it in the future." You briefly explained.
You saw her eyes start to get filled with tears, but her expression reflected everything but sadness.
"Ja też cię kocham, pani Léon-Pajor (I love you too, Mrs. Léon-Pajor)"
"Did I ever tell you that I love when you speak Polish?" You asked with a mischievous smile.
"Yeah, and you also told me that you love when I speak Spanish or German." She reminded you.
"You know what? I think I just love you." You commented, making her smile.
"And I love you too," she replied before finally giving you a proper kiss. You stayed in your room for a few more hours until it was time for dinner.
You joined the team with Ewa by your side and her arm around your waist, which earned a shocking look for your teammates and a thumbs up from Lena and Dom to the striker.
After you got your plate, you made your way to where Merle was seated, but you were stopped by your wife, who gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before going to sit with her previous group.
"I don't know what we did to deserve to see Ewa showing PDA in front of us, but I think we have to thank her for this cute moment." Alex commented loudly and earned a lot of applause from your teammates.
You watched your wife, who was trying to hide herself, until she finally met your eyes. You just smiled and blew her a kiss, which made her blush even more and made everyone laugh.
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superdanverstrio · 11 months
Kidnapped PT.6
PT.1  PT.2   PT.3   PT.4  PT.5  PT.7
Summary: Baby Danvers Get kidnapped and it’s up to Kara and Alex to do everything in their power to save them.
Warnings: Torture, kidnapping, graphic description of injuries.
A/N: Will a 100% be a marvel x supergirl crossover.
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A few weeks passed, and you were recovering pretty well. Even tho you still had a lot of nightmares, you did felt a lot better. Fortunately for you, today was your last day of your stay at the D.E.O. you were totally ready to get off this room.
 “So, are you excited to go home?” Alex asked, entering the room. “Yes! I love the D.E.O, but I really miss my bed. You said and Alex laugh. You tried sitting up on the bed, but you winced in pain as your wounds were still healing. “Are you ok? Alex asked coming to help you.  “Yes, I just need to take it slow.” “Good idea.” Alex said, and you both chuckled. Once seated, you tried to get on your feet. “Nope, don't get up right away, let me get a wheal-chair.” “What! No, I don’t need a wheal-chair.” You wined. Alex gave you her big sister look, she knew it always worked on you. 
 “Fine.” You said pouting. Alex smiled and went to grab a wheel-chair, She came back a minute later with the wheel-chair and helped you in it. 
 It’s been 2 weeks since you got home, and it wasn’t much different from the D.E.O. You weren't allowed to do anything fun and there was Always someone with you. Right now you were with Lena, out of everyone she was the nicest. She was really nice enough to let you go out for some fresh air. “Thank you.” You said as you and Lena were walking through the park. “ Why?” She asked.” For letting my go out and stay inside all day. “Oh you welcome. I know it must be boring staying all day inside.” She said. “It is.” you said. 
 At some point during your walk, you felt a sudden sharp pain in your side, you groaned and sat down on a nearby bench. You were still healing, so you didn’t think much of it. “Are you ok?” Lena asked. “Yeah, I’m good, just a little tired.” You said feeling really weird. “We’ve been walking for a while, maybe we should get back?” “Yeah, great idea, just give me a minute.” 5 minutes later, the pain subsumed enough for you to get back. 
 When you came back home, Kara was waiting for you. “Where the hell were you, I was worried sick.” She said, but you were too tired to argue with her. “Yell at me later, I’m exhausted.” You walked to your room and almost as soon as your head hit the pillow you fell asleep. 
 Kara, frowns at your behavior. “Are they alright?” She asked Lena. “Yeah, we went on a walk in the park for some fresh air, I don’t think it's good for them to stay inside all day, so they are probably just tired.” Lena said. “ I guess you're right. I just don’t want them to be hurt again, you know.” Kara said, flopping back down on the couch, Lena sat down beside her. “I know, but we got the alien, nothing will happen to them.” Kara sigh again but agreed. 
 You woke up some time later to Kara shaking you awake. You really didn’t feel good it was even worst then before, you felt nauseous, the pain you felt earlier was now in your entire lower stomach, and you felt lightheaded. You didn’t say anything to Kara because it wasn’t unbearable, and you didn’t want to worry her for nothing. “Hey hon, I’m sorry to wake you, but it's time to take your medication.” Kara said. You groan and sit up, you took the pill, water, and you swallowed them at the same time. “Are you good?” She asked, looking at your tired face. “I'm just exhausted. 
 Siren ran off in the distance, and you could tell Kara wants to go, but you could also see she was worried about you. “Go, I’ll be fine.” You said, “Are you sure?” She asks and you nodded. She got up from your bed and looked at you one last time before flying out the window. 
 After her rescue, Kara was called to the D.E.O. “Kara could in now.” “Coming.” She said turning back. 
 “What’s up?” Kara ask when she arrived. “Ok, I don’t want you to panic, but something happened.” Alex said, walking to the control room. “Alex, what is it?” Kara asked, starting to panic and think of the worst scenarios. “Just give me a second, ill show you.” Alex said. She pushed some buttons on the computer and a video of the alien that hurt you was brought on the big screen. It was a video of him in his cell. He was sitting in his cell looking at nothing, then all of a sudden an orange circle appeared. Vexok walked through it and the circle closed. 
 Alex stopped the video and turned back to Kara. “This was 10 minutes ago. We already send agents on the lookout for him, but I don’t think they’ll find much.” Alex said. “What the hell was that, I’ve never seen anything like this.” Kara said, obviously panic. “I don’t know, I’ve never seen anything like it either. I’m going to talk to J’onn about this, maybe he knows Something.” Kara nodded, and then she realizes something. “Oh god, I need to go.” “Why what's wrong?” “Y/N they are alone.” Kara said flying out the D.E.O to your apartment.  
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marvelover-3000 · 11 months
The Day I almost lost my World
Kate Bishop x Reader
It was a bright Saturday morning, and I was out on my usual morning run around central park. My plan was to take Lucky, but we all know that dog isn't much of a runner, despite being a golden retriever. I was walking back to Kate and my apartment when outside my door, probably about to barge in is my sister with not so many boundaries Yelena Belova. "What's up Lena, did you need something?" I say as I move past her to unlock the door. "Sestra you might need to sit down for this" she says with a uncharacteristic soft tone. We walk through the door to find lucky the lazy pizza dog and my girlfriend Kate on the couch watching tv. "Hey babe, I'm home and oh yeah Lena's here for some reason." With those words Lucky jumped off the couch and was bound for my sister. "Wow thanks lucky, just ignore your other mom over here." Kate then walks over and pulled me into a kiss "Don't worry Y/N, I missed you.' Just then Yelena cleared her throat and focused her attention back on me and away from the furry betrayer. "Y/N we really need to talk about the file in my hand. We also may want to do it in private, I don't think you want Kate knowing anything."
We both turned to my sister who had an expression I couldn't exactly read, sadness, guilt and maybe a flash of anger. "Well, you didn't use Kate's full name, so this must be serious. Though I think Kate can stay, since we have no secrets." I said the last part proudly and full of adoration looking at Kate. "Y/n is right, no secrets between us that's what great couples do. So, come on what's the big secret my future sister in law" Yelena then grimaces "Alright for starters gross and lastly, Sestra are you sure you want Kate here. It's about someone who you wouldn't want her knowing about." I sigh and hold out my hand "Yelena I'm sure it's fine, just please trust me and give me the file." She looks at the file and back at me "Before I do, Y/N it's about Abigail I think she's alive." I look back at her angrily "I told you to never bring her name up again, you know what happened Yelena she can't be alive she-" I cut myself off closing my eyes trying not to picture one of the worst and best days of my life. "Y/N, this file was at my door this morning and inside is a few pictures and it looks to be her, its Abigail she's alive." I take the file from her hands and open it not wanting to believe what was inside was true, until I looked at the pictures. Just then Kate says in a low tone "If it's alright, can I ask who she is?" Yelena gaze remains on me holding the file with a blank expression. "Abigail was Y/N first love and girlfriend, she was in the red room with us." Yelena then turns to Kate "Don't worry though Kate bishop I much prefer you, then her for my sister. I never really liked her anyway."
My eyes then snap up and meet Yelena's as I throw the file on the kitchen table. "I'm going for a walk to clear my head alone." I then turn to grab my jacket and start heading to the door. "Y/N, you better not be going to try and find her." I turn to face my sister with a scowl "No mom I'm not and so what if I am. What does it matter to you?" She then meets my gaze and matches my expression "Don't give me any attitude dear sister I'm older which makes me the one in charge remember. Which means you're not allowed to go looking for her especially not without me." Just then Kate chimes in "Alright, I think we all need to take a minute and sit down." I keep my gaze locked on Yelena "I'm an adult you can't be in charge of me anymore, it's not your job. I'm going after Abbie, by myself and I'll be back in a while."
I turn to leave, before Yelena stands in my way with her arm raised "Sestra please, just stay here while we make a plan." I look at her and laugh, "Really Lena you're going to what, shoot me with a widow bite if I don't stay here. Who's the mature one now." Kate then gets Infront of us and hold up her arms "Y/N and Yelena please just stop and listen." I keep my gazed locked on Yelena "Move and stay out of this Kate. This is between Yelena and me." Yelena then chimes in, " We both know who the mature one is and if Tasha was here, she would be on my side." I then raise my arms aiming over Kate's shoulder at Yelena "Say one of their names again I dare you, also of course she would be on your side. You were the favorite, I know she secretly wanted you there and not me with the avengers all those years." Yelena then laughed "Of course she wanted me there instead, because I was her actual sister. You were always the girl we found when we were kids in the red room together." I looked at her with anger and hurt which is why without thinking I fired a widow bite right at her shoulder hitting her. She then fell to her knees cursing in Russian peeling the bite off. Kate was standing there near them frozen unsure of what to do or say to stop this from escalating further. I look down at Yelena with a hurt expression "Sestra I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Just then I was cut off by a loud crashing noise coming from the opposite side of the room where someone just came flying through the window landing somehow gracefully.
We all got to our feet ready to fight when the intruder pulled their hoodie off and I was met with a face I thought I would never see again. "Hey Y/N, did you miss me?" she said with a smirk as she strolled over to us. "Don't come any closer to my sister Abbie." Yelena says with her arm in front of me. "Yelena, I promise I just want to talk, I thought you or Y/N would have found me by now. I see now that you guys were preoccupied fighting. I'm guessing over me right, I may have been spying on you guys from the rooftop across the street." I finally meet her gaze "Abbie how are you here, when I last saw you-" Abbie then laughs and cuts me off "You thought I was dead, since you know I did die in your arms, which by the way was pretty romantic. I wouldn't mind us getting to know each other again, since we clearly have grown up and matured." She says while she checks me out not caring bout Kate or Yelena. Kate then intervenes and holds out her hand "Hi I'm Kate, the girlfriend. I mean Y/N's girlfriend, not Yelena's that would be weird and honestly, she's scarier." I turn to look at Kate "Hey, I can be scary and intimidating to you know." Abbie then walks closer in my direction "I would say it's scary how hot you grew up to be, we would definitely be the hottest couple and still can be if you want." She says with a smirk and trailing her hand down my arm. Kate then gets in between us "Alright that's enough touching, what did you say you were here for again." Yelena then marched up to her and got in her face "She didn't say anything, so either you talk, or I kick you out myself. Also, Kate bishop is right don't touch my sister again, unless you want to lose a hand.
Abbie takes a step back and collects herself "Right sorry, I came here because I need your guys help. I've been trying to get out of the assassin game and retire. You know some place in the tropics, like we talked about where we would always live together, right princess" she looked over at me with a grin and a wink. "Abbie can we umm please get back on topic." I say flustered. "Anyway, I'm being tracked by too other assassins, which wouldn't be a problem for someone like me. If those people weren't some of the bests in the game." I step closer to her and take her hand away from her hair. "You still like to play with your hair when you're scared or nervous." She meets my gaze and laughs "Guess somethings never change huh. Y/N the people who are after me, it's my brother and his girlfriend, guess he must still hate me." I take her hand and squeeze it reassuringly. "Hey, we won't let that monster get you, not again. I will do everything to keep you safe Abigail." Before she could get a chance to respond Yelena walked up and broke us apart "Alright that's enough, Kate bishop is getting jealous of you guys and I don't like you, especially around my sister." Abbie laughs "Come on Yelena, we were kids would you just relax and move on." I then turned to a furious and jealous looking Kate. "Kate, honey you know I only have feelings for you right?" She looks at me with a forced smile "Yeah, totally I know that babe."
I then look back towards Abbie and Yelena "Alright you too break it up, Abbie do you know where your brother is?" She turns to me after one more smirk at Yelena. "Of course, but maybe I should just do this on my own, he's my brother and-" I hold up my hand to cut her off. "Abbie he may be your brother, but you need us, and we need to finish this." Yelena turned to me "If you mean kill them it's going to be me or Abbie. I'm not letting you get more blood on your hands Sestra." Then it was Kate's turn to object "Wait do we have to kill them, can't we just bring them in, so they face justice or badly injure them, so they don't come back or something." Yelena turned to Kate "Maybe its best you don't come Kate. This is our fight not yours, also we are all better fighters than you." Kate then scoffed and looked at me for help. "Kate, baby maybe its best you stay behind just this ounce. Before you argue with me just, please trust me, I can't have you getting hurt and trust me these guys are deadly." Then it was her turn to interrupt me "What about you, I always have your back remember. Also, wouldn't it be better to have the number advantage." Yelena turns to Kate "Normally yes Kate bishop but not in this case, they will just target you. Which will distract us especially Y/N." I turn to Yelena and Abbie letting out a sigh. "Can you guys get ready and give us a minute." They both nod understanding, Yelena and my eyes meet for a moment, and I gesture to my jacket. She luckily gets the message and gets my equipment on the way out knowing I'm about to trick Kate into not coming somehow.
I turn my attention back to Kate who looks at me with her arms crossed. "You're not going to convince me to stay Y/N I'm going." I sigh "If there's really nothing I can say or do then I guess you better grab your bow and get ready. I think I put it in the closet when I was cleaning before, I left for my run." She walks up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek "Thank you and I promise I'll be safe Y/N" she says before walking over to the closet. I walk behind her and when she opens it and looks confused when there's no bow. Before she can turn around, I gently shove her into the closet trying not to hurt her more than I already am. I lock the door and put a chair there for good measure. "Y/N, please don't do this. Baby please don't leave me to worry about you here and alone." I turn to lucky "Make sure that mom doesn't escape, please boy" he then barks in acknowledgement or at least I hope he understood me. "I'm sorry my love but I can't let them hurt you. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you, I'm sorry I hope you can forgive me for this" With that I left a confused Lucky and angry and hurt Kate. I make it to the roof where Yelena and Abbie are waiting. "Alright, I'm ready let's go." Yelena looks at me with concern. "Y/N, about everything that happened earlier." I cut her off by pulling her into a hug. "It's ok Lena, we were both very emotional and thrown off about the whole Abbie news. I love you sister and I always will." She returned the hug, "I love you to Sestra and I was not emotional. You were the one who was thrown off by the news, I tried telling you." Just then Abbie cleared her throat "Sorry, not that I'm not happy for you guys but I think we should probably go and find them now." I break apart from Yelena and focus back up "Right sorry, let's go finish the job and move on from this mess already."
We arrive at the abandoned warehouse that Abbie's brother and girlfriend are supposed to be. I turn to Abbie and Yelena "So, how do we want to go about this. I think we could either just go through the front doors since there probably already watching and expecting us or through that window up there" I say pointing to a window above the big old metal doors. Just then the doors creak open and out walks Abbie's brother and his girlfriend. "You guys all showed up, this is going to be a perfect reunion." He then focuses on me and Yelena "Well might I say Y/N you look incredible. If I wasn't with Becca here, I would totally steal you from my sister." I let out a laugh and shake my head "I see you haven't changed at all Derek, also my heart doesn't belong to anyone but my girlfriend Kate." He then lets out a chuckle "Ah yes the archer, I notice she isn't here. I was hoping for more of a challenge and to meet her, but I guess you three will have to do." Now it was Abbie's turn to laugh "I think you will find that the three of us are more than enough to take you down dear brother. Now let's end this ounce and for all."
With that said Abbie launched herself at her brother while Yelena and I took Becca. It was a pretty even fight so far, all of us trading punches and kicks, with the occasional knife jabs here and there. Until I saw Abbie being kicked into some cargo boxes while her brother was walking towards her with a sword, ready to finish her off. "Abbie look out" I yell while running over to them and picking up a sword laying on the ground. Before Derek could finish the job, I intercept his blade with mine and when our blades connect, I look him in the eyes and say, "You know, you really shouldn't leave your weapons laying around." He grunts in response while parrying my blade creating some distance between us. "If you would have told me we were allowed swords. I could have brought mine, you really should have sent a list of weapons in the file you left at Yelena's door or something." I then turned to Abbie "Go help Lena, I got your brother handled." She nodded in response while I focused my attention back on Derek. "You know, your sister Natasha was the only one who could beat me. She really was the best, shame she died a coward." My eyes then blazed over, and I yelled out angrily while charging him "Don't ever say her name again, you coward." I slashed my sword at him while he quickly dodged, and we then started trading hit after hit.
Meanwhile with Kate, she had successfully broken down the door and was on her way to the warehouse, she tracked Y/N's phone cause Abbie was the only one with the location. When she arrived, she first saw Yelena, Abbie and who she assumed was Abbie's brother's girlfriend. She then quickly scanned for Y/N and spotted her fighting Abbie's brother not far from where Yelena and Abbie were. She than reached for her zipline arrow, which she now noticed wasn't there. "Shit, the onetime I don't bring it, see this is what happens when someone locks me in a closet, and I have to hurry." She lets out a sigh of frustration and starts making her way down the building and across the street where they were. If only she could have made it quicker than she could have stopped what was about to happen.
Back with Yelena and Abbie were both gaining the upper hand on Becca. Yelena disarmed her, while Abbie was about to finish the final blow with her gun pointed at Becca. Derek looked over in time to see his girlfriend about to be executed. He then turned back to me and when I was about to go in for another strike, he caught me off guard and knocked my sword out of my hand. "My sister takes my world, I take hers." saying that his strikes got more aggressive and harder to dodge. I tried to kick my sword up and into my hands when Derek saw an opening and took it stabbing me right through the chest. I then hear Kate scream my name getting Yelena's and Abbie's attention. Abbie then pulls the trigger shooting Becca through the chest while racing over with Yelena to take down Derek. He pulls the sword from my chest while I start to collapse, Kate races over and catches me in her arms. Yelena and Becca both start trading blows with Derek until Abbie gets the upper hand and stabs Derek right through the heart. "I hope your final thoughts are filled with regret dear brother. You should have always been there for me in the red room, not resenting me for our parent's death even though there was nothing we could have done." With that thought she pulls the sword from his chest and focuses her attention on a sobbing Kate.
"No, no, Y/N please stay with me, I can't lose you to. Your all I have left, please don't leave me my love." I look up at Kate and let out a weak sigh "Take care of Yelena for me ok Kate. I love you, my archer." and with that my eyes started to close as ambulance and police were heard nearby headed in our direction. After a long drive to the hospital Kate, Abbie and Yelena were sat in the waiting room. Just then after hours of surgery, the doctors came out and told the three girls that Y/N would be ok and is resting but they could see her now. Kate was the first one to rush to Y/N side and take her hand "I know you can't hear me Y/N, but I just want you to know that we all love you and want you to come back to us now, please." Yelena then rested a hand on Kate's shoulder "She will be fine Kate bishop there's no need to worry. Y/n is the strongest out of all of us." Abbie then walked by Yelena "Shes right Kate and Shes lucky to have someone like you looking after her. You're a lucky girl." Kate then smiled and looked at me and said, "I really am, Y/N's my world and ill do anything to protect her." Just then Y/N started to open their eyes and blinking rapidly trying to adjust to the bright lights. "Hey guys, we won right, I didn't just get stabbed for nothing." Everyone's attention was then drawn back to me as I sat up a bit. Abbie then looked at me and smirked, "We sure did fearless warrior. It's finally over." With that we all went back to Kate and my place, ready to get some sleep and put the day and night behind us. However, when we got there Yelena said she would have Abbie stay with her for the night before her plane gets there to pick her up in the morning. Currently Kate and I were laying on the couch with my head on her shoulder. "I'm glad it's all over and your ok my love." I looked up to meet Kate's loving gaze, "I'll always come back to you Kate. I promise." Kate then leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead "Good, cause when I thought I lost you it broke me. When my dad died, he was my heart and a piece of it died that day. You are however my dear Y/N are my soul, my heart, my everything."
Meanwhile with Yelena and Abbie, they were currently tangled in Yelena's bed. Both agreeing though that it would just be a one-night thing. Also, they would never tell Kate and especially Y/N. The next morning rolled around, and Abbie was currently at Yelena's door ready to leave. "Make sure to tell Kate and Y/N bye for me and that ill hopefully see you all soon when you visit me in the tropics." Yelena then let out a laugh "Of course, I'll go over there sometime today to check in on them. Have a safe trip Abbie and well visit soon, promise." Abbie then hugged Yelena and said, "You have to come visit so we can have more mind-blowing sex." she let go and shot Yelena a quick wink leaving the former assassin flustered before she was out the door.
After a few hours have passed by Yelena was on her way to Kate and Y/N place when she saw the news on her phone. She immediately started rushing over to the apartment quicker. Kate and Y/N were on the couch when they both saw the news that a plane matching Abbie's private jet went down on the way to their tropical location. Yelena then came bursting through the door "Y/N you need to see the news." Y/N then sprung from the couch not caring about her sore injuries. "Lena, she made it right, there's no way the great Abbie went out from a plane crash right." Yelena then shook her head "No way, I guess we know what our next mission is now." Kate then shot up and looked at Yelena and I with a glare. "This time I'm coming, someone needs to have your guys back because clearly you need me. Especially my future wife who almost died." I then turned to Kate with heart eyes "Aww babe, you're the best" Yelena then started to gag "Alright love birds that's enough, we have an Abbie to save. So, let's get going."
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