#leading joker
gravitysoda · 2 months
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refusing an impossible wish and settling for one last game of chess.
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bepoucorp · 1 month
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happy birthday joker!!
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lar-mx · 6 months
writing prompt #5
The room fell silent, Steph wasn't expecting the pain filled look they were giving her. The question repeated itself in her head a couple of times as her mind searched for a way to save the situation.
"I see you don't have an answer." The silence was still palpable in the room as well as the cold she felt when she saw those beautiful blue eyes lose their shine. "I should have known it was too good to be true, tell bru… Mr. Wayne that if he wanted to know about the projects so much, he could come ask for them himself instead of using a sugar trap." Steph tried to say something before an alert went off on Danny's phone, at which point she saw the panic that took over his eyes, before he ran to an adjacent hallway that led to a room, in which she was not. I had had the opportunity to enter. As she followed him she could see how Danny took a series of vials and several injections. She hesitated a moment before walking through the half-open door. At that moment she saw how he proceeded to apply several of the injections to a girl of about 5 or 6 years old. Steph knew just by seeing her that she was Danny's daughter. and some of the things they discovered while investigating the Nightingale medical company made a lot of sense.
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personishfive · 2 years
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in which goro is recruited
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battybrownboo · 1 month
If I missed anything (which I definitely did with only a max of 12 slots), or if you want to elaborate on your choice, sound off in the comments!
Upcoming batjokes polls: favorite era, favorite non-comic/ other media ship
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nelkcats · 1 year
Harley's bad bad day
When his parents excitedly talked about a family trip to Gotham, Danny was skeptical. Why would he want to vacation in New Jersey?
He ended up accepting. But he couldn't leave his duties as King unattended so he made some arrangements with Wulf and the other ghosts. They promised to behave in the best possible way. Danny didn't believe them but had no choice.
Without him realizing it, as soon as he set foot in Gotham the city got filled with ambient ectoplasm. Achieving that the shadows of the spirits could form correctly as ghosts in the city.
Many of the ghosts decided to seek an entrance to the Realms, maybe visit the King who was visiting their city. Others were furious at their deaths and wanted revenge. The Joker was number one on the list.
Harley was the second closest. Although she had parted ways with the Joker a long time ago, the ghosts didn't care that she had changed. She killed them, all her change wouldn't fix that.
The dead do not forget
When Harley woke up that day she didn't expect to find a knife stuck to the side of her face. She got up upset but the knife seemed to have fallen from the ceiling. She frowned, not remembering how it got there.
The more time passed, the more she suspected that something was up. Around midday she was convinced that someone was trying to kill her. So many accidents happened to her that it was ridiculous. The girl couldn't help but become paranoid and seek refuge with Bruce.
Batman wasn't one to accept or deny the existence of ghosts but he was sure Alfred wasn't talking to himself. When Harley told him what was going on with her he frowned.
Why was there paranormal activity in Gotham? And why was it after Harley? He grunted at the thought that he should call Constantine.
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frothing-at-the-mouth · 2 months
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mogoce-nocoj · 2 months
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kompas več me ne posluša
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providence-park · 1 year
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Jai Courtney as Captain Boomerang
Dir. David Ayer
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radioactive-cloud · 7 months
i wonder if nace's neck hurts after the concerts given how often he turns his head to look at jan
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lovvecherrymotion · 4 months
i've had more than one friend harassed over fanfic/shipping now and i'm so fucking done.
i know i don't have a lot of followers and i'd hope most people around here don't do it but if you think this is in any way acceptable, unfollow me. there are real people behind the screen and bullying them and sending them hate is not justifiable at all.
if you don't like something, unfollow/block/ignore. move along.
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bepoucorp · 2 months
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at first i sillyed and then i serioused...
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scintillyyy · 5 months
anywho i think that 2024 should be the year of making an unrepentant female villain who just wants to be bad simply to be bad (but definitely not the year of taking a character with previously interesting nuance & flattening her out to just make a bad guy character because dc is uncreative). like i don't mind exploring nuances in female villains, but i also want none of this sad backstory about how she was wronged or failed by anyone, none of this she went through a tragedy or was manipulated so it is kind of shitty to make her a full-on villain so we will soften her edges & make her an eventual anti-hero, none of this having anything to do with the joker being so evil he inspires or victimizes yet another woman into becoming evil. give me gladys, who from the get-go just wanted to rob banks & also always wanted be a dinosaur so she genetically altered herself with alligator dna for funsies & now she roams the sewers causing havoc just cause she can. she needs no redemption. i call her. gladiator gator.
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sparkles-oflight · 10 months
Kris: I was made fun of by being labeled a girl and I even cut my hair short. I just wanted the attention of girls and that's why I started playing the guitar...
Fandom: lesbian icon, right there
(my art, don't repost)
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stickyvoidpaper · 2 months
how fucked up would it be if Sheila Haywood survived the warehouse when Jason died protecting her.
Would the bats know she sold him out? would she become close to the bats under the pretense they both lost a son? What would happen when Jason came back?
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oifaaa · 10 months
cw / tw: death
thoughts on those sorts of people making jason todd's death his entire personality?
Like I understand where people are coming from bc Jason's death was such a big event thing and people like focusing on it but at the same time it gives off the Jason's the most special little guy he died vibes I hate bc that's just a thing that happens to comic book characters they die they come back to life when you make Jason dying his whole personality it comes off as very surface level understanding especially when you remember he's not even the only main bat that's died damian, cass, steph and dick have all died
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