#last week he was like it’s okay you only practiced twice… try to do it every day next week though
gay-dorito-dust · 3 days
(If you’re not up for it simply ignore. I love your work and hope you’re happy and healthy and taking care of your own mental health ❤️)
The bat boys with a reader who has really low days and really just wants to be held?
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I just wanted an excuse to add Kyle Rayner as a bonus cuz I’ve been wanting to write something for him but dunno what. Plus I’ve been needing something like this after the week I’ve just had lol.
Dick would smile softly as he held you in his arms, tightening his grip on you as he peppers you in kisses however he could.
He knew that days like these were the hardest for you and he wasn’t going to hold it against you, not in the slightest as he would softly hum a song to you as he carried you to your shared bed, Hayley hot on his heels as she was worried about your change of attitude.
Speaking of Hayley, she never leaves your side, in fact when she sees Dick hold you against him , she immeditly joins in and tries to wriggle her way in between you both in hopes of covering your face in comforting licks. She wants to see you happy and she’ll gladly cuddle up with you if that’s the only way to do it.
Dick would spoil you rotten with cuddles, kisses and words of encouragement when you felt as though all hope was lost, for the last thing he wanted was for you to feel as though no one had you back when he did this entire time of being together.
‘You’re amazing baby and I’m so fucking proud of you, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise you otherwise because you outshine them without having to try.’ He says while pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Dick would gladly make a fool of himself if it was to make you feel better but holding you, kissing you, and praising you will have to do for the meantime as he could hope that he has given you the strength needed to get out of this dark place that you’ve found yourself in.
He believes you can do it but until then he’ll gladly hold you until you could stand on your own two feet again.
Jason doesn’t need to be told twice as he was well aware of what you want the moment you came through the door of your shared bedroom.
‘Come here sweetheart.’ He would say as he sets aside his book and held out his arms for you to burrow into as you rested your head on his chest, arms latching onto his waist with an iron like grip.
He didn’t need to ask about the day you’ve had for he could feel the fatigue and weariness within your body and the deep sigh that left your lips that told him you have been holding in for a long while. Your body practically radiated with tiredness in all its forms that made it impossible for him to ignore even if he tried.
‘Rest your heavy head and your weary eyes chipmunk,’ he tells you as he begins to rub up and down your back soothingly, ‘I’ll be right here when you wake up, so just relax for me okay?’
You hummed out a small and a tad muffled ‘okay’ and Jason presses a kiss to the side of your head as he tightens his hold on you. He’d even read passages of his book to you in hopes the tit would take your mind off of things quicker as he knew how much you liked the sound of his voice.
Jason knows there’s want much he could do when you experienced days like these but all he could hope was that he was making enough of an effort to make you feel just that little bit better.
Tim makes sure he has everything you could ever need during days like these such as your favourite plushie, blanket, comfort foods, and some water just to name a few as he wants you to be comfortable and taken care of if he was to not be moving away from the bed anytime soon as he held you in his arms.
He just wants you to be okay and doesn’t want you run in on an empty stomach.
‘We’re human, we have limitations and breaking points that tell us to stop and take a break for ourselves, but yet we have been made to think that we shouldn’t and that we should neglect our health and well-being for temporary achievements and successes; almost as if that’s the only thing that should mean something to us.’ Tim tells you as he cuddles you against his chest as a movie played on his laptop as background noise.
‘You’ve done so well for yourself and now your more then deserving of a rest, we’ll return to reality in our own time, we’ve got enough of it that it shouldn’t matter whether we’re still here an hour or two later.’ Tim continues as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
And he meant it, Tim didn’t care how kind he’d have to wait for you to get better because he understood that it wasn’t going to be as easy, having had shit days where he couldn’t be bothered to bring himself to do anything other then lay in his bed, wondering to himself about what he could’ve done to feel such deep pain and isolation.
He knew that it would take time for you to feel even remotely better and even when you did you’ll still need all the help you can possibly get, and he’ll be there for as long as you’ll need him there too.
Damian isn’t well versed in the art of comforting someone but with you, suddenly he’s an expert as he lets you flop against his side as he holds you protectively.
He doesn’t trust his words enough to bring you any comfort as he wasn’t given much himself when he was growing up, so Damian instead just lets you cling onto him and watch in silence as he draws whatever in his sketchbooks: in this instance it was quick sketch of you, him and all of his pets on a field somewhere.
Damian knew his drawings were somewhat therapeutic to you as you got to watch him go through every step he took to make the perfect drawing, no matter if it was heavily detailed or less so, that and he was proud of his artwork that he doesn’t mind showing you some of his precious works and telling you the stories behind them.
Titus joins you, obviously, as he could tell something was wrong with you and will lay in your lap to provide you with some comfort until he’s fallen fast asleep, rendering it impossible for you to move but you didn’t care and neither did Damian as you were surly to follow the Great Dane into dream land where you would be laying in that field that Damian drew.
You were a lot more stronger then you let yourself believe in Damian’s eyes but that didn’t mean he wasn’t more then content in holding you in comfortable silence until you felt better, even if it was just a little bit but even then Damian was determined to outdo himself and find other ways of helping you no matter what.
He just wants to see that smile he loved so much again that told him that everything was going to be okay.
Random Bonus character: Kyle Rayner
Kyle hates seeing you so down and will do absolutely anything and everything he could even if it meant only getting a little smile out of you he’d take it wholeheartedly!
Anything was better then that distant, solemn look on your face as you stared out the window as though life didn’t look as bright or pleasant anymore as it did before.
He’d conjure up anything your heart desired if that helped even by the smallest amount, any amount of progress was better then none. Kyle just wants to see your eyes light up again with childlike wonder again, even if it was momentarily.
However he doesn’t mind if him holding you in his arms was the only way to achieve such a thing as he could keep you close and squeeze you tightly as he tries to pour everything encouraging into your ears in low hushed whispers.
‘You’ll be okay,’ Kyle begins, ‘whether that’s within days, weeks or even months, you’ll be okay. You’re not missing out on anything nor are you going about life at a slower pace compared to others, you’re going at your own pace and that’s okay, you’ll get where you need to be in due time so there’s no point in rushing yourself to get there quicker.’
Kyle would even do some silly little doodles for you just to hear you chuckle or even let out an amused huff. He’d gladly make himself look silly if it meant brining a little light to your heart and life back into your eyes.
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southislandwren · 9 months
I already know clarinet prof is gonna yell at me for not practicing but in my defense. I am overwhelmed with my actual schoolwork to the point of a two-week long severe mental health crisis. So clarinet is not exactly high on my list of priorities
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dumbseee · 3 months
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boyfriend!iwaizumi when you’re a famous idol.
iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader.
genre: fluff.
warnings: bad english/grammar :p /mention of the kpop industry (in here, dating someone is less taboo than it is in real life) / first work so it’s not that good.
after high school, you left japan for south korea, you always had this dream of becoming a kpop idol. during your time in seijoh, you were already known for being an amazing dancer but also for your angelic voice.
iwaizumi would always brag about you to the volleyball team, oikawa would tease him about you leaving him for a famous korean actor, after you became famous. to which, iwaizumi would respond with a kick in his friend’s back. truth be told, he was actually very scared of what the future had in store for you two after high school. he didn’t know if long distance would work for you, or if you even wanted it in the first place.
during your last school day, iwaizumi walked you back home, like he always did, but he seemed out of it and almost, sad? you asked him what was wrong and he told you that if you wanted to break up with him to focus on your dreams, he’d respect your decision and always support you. he couldn’t even look at you, tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes as he tried his best to keep a straight face. his words surprised you and broke your heart because you never knew that iwaizumi could be so dumb to think that you’d break up with him like that. "no matter the distance, it will never make me forget about how much i love you, hajime."
so you left for south korea and he left for america to study. you two called each other everyday, when you two were too busy, you’d try to call at least twice a week. iwaizumi was busy with school and finals took all his time while your trainee program took up yours. but somehow you two made it work. a few years later, you debuted as a soloist and sold millions with your first album whilst iwaizumi came back to japan after graduating, and became an athletic trainer for japan national volleyball team. you couldn’t be prouder of him, and you were his pride. he streamed all your songs, putting them on speaker while the boys would practice, he brought all your albums and watched the variety shows you were featured in. he was basically the president of your fanclub. and he wasn’t ashamed of it.
you two always made sure to go together on vacation in a foreign country, where kpop wasn’t really the thing. the distance actually strengthened your relationship since being apart of each other for so long, made the reunion better. you knew iwaizumi was it for you, and he was also your muse for your music. your fans often joked about how inspired and how deep your love songs were. it made you laugh to read all their theories about you being married to a farmer. if only they knew…
iwaizumi never minded being your secret boyfriend, he actually liked it that way. he didn’t know if he could bare being in the public eye every time. knowing that you were south korea’s sweetheart, being your public boyfriend would mean saying goodbye to his peaceful life, and iwaizumi wasn’t ready for that. well, he wasn’t ready yet. one day, he woke up to his phone being blown up by messages, actually tons of messages, from the groupchat he shared with the japan national team. he even had missed calls from oikawa, and all his close friends.
kageyama: learn how to spell, idiot.
ushijima: blowing up his phone isn’t the best way to announce something like that.
atsumu: JUST SHUT UP
let the man wake up peacefully damn
iwaizumi: what the fuck?
ushijima: you should check twitter, hajime.
iwaizumi had frowned, but went on twitter, an app you forced him to subscribe to. apparently it was the genz’s newspaper. to his surprise, your face was all over his feed, it wasn’t surprising because he liked everything about you, followed dozens of fan account and basically became a fan account himself. but what surprised him was seeing those big account talking about your "relationship" with a famous korean actor.
"l/n y/n, the famous soloist who stole everyone’s heart with her heartfelt songs and beautiful looks, is dating a/l a/n!"
his eyes widened as he typed your name to call you immediately. his heart was beating so fast as he didn’t know how to feel about this. of course it was fake news, right? he knew you’d never cheat on him, you loved each other and iwaizumi couldn’t see his life without you in it. he quickly became aware of how much he loved you and how important you were in his life. without you, iwaizumi would be nothing but an empty shell. "hajime? thank god, i tried to call you!" your voice made him release a breath he didn’t know he was holding. "you saw, right?" your voice was small and for a second he thought that maybe you called him to announce your new relationship with this dumbass actor. "yeah, it’s not that fun to wakeup to your friends blowing up your phone and news outlets talking about your girlfriend’s relationship with that fucker." he rubbed his face with his free hand. "these idiots took pictures of us while we were in cabo and thought it was a/n. apparently you two look alike." he heard you chuckle which made him feel warm inside. he hated the fact that he doubted you for a second. suddenly, an idea popped up in his head, a crazy one but still. "you have an award show in a week right?" he asked you, a smile tugging at his lips. "yeah, why?"
well, iwaizumi’s idea was indeed crazy but you didn’t care, you were down for it. and as your name got called in the category, "best female artist", iwaizumi was next to you, he stood up before you could even understand what was going on, and he kissed you. showing to the world, that you were his as much as he was yours. it was a crazy way to launch your relationship to the world, but you didn’t care, because as long as you were together, nothing could happen.
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siriussslut · 3 months
desperate for some kind of part two to the regulus getting head for the first time☹️🙏
my man needs to last longer😞
maybe him getting introduced to a fucking vibrator and he loses his shit
pretty lips, warm mouth AND a vibrator pressed against his balls? he’s gonna need that practice.
- 🦕
i’m actually dripping right now oh my god
warnings: oral sex, blowjob, cum in mouth, vibrator, one playful use of “slut”
pt 1, pt 3
you scoop up a handful of pebbles, tossing it at the dark second story window. you shiver in the cool night air, pulling your fleece jacket tighter. when nothing happens after a moment, you throw some more.
a light switches on inside and regulus’ head pokes out. his brows furrow when he sees you. you grin cheekily up at him. since you sucked him off for the first time in his life last week, the two of you have been practically inseparable. you’ve been sucking his cock at every available opportunity, practically drunk on his taste.
he’s tried to return the favor by offering to finger you and last night he even brought up trying to eat you out, but you declined. letting him touch you made it feel much weirder. the two of you were just friends… the blowjobs were totally for practice.
regulus looks behind him like he’s scared his mother will catch him before opening the window all the way, beckoning you forward. you obey, climbing up the tree in front of him and hopping onto the roof. you slide into his bedroom, a wave of warmth welcoming you.
“what are you doing here?” regulus asks, his grey eyes practically bulging out of his skull.
“i think you need more training,” you say, pulling a hair tie off your wrist, reaching up to put your hair into a ponytail.
he flushes red. “what?”
you ignore him, pushing him back on to his bed. he falls over, plopping onto the mattress.
“this okay?” you ask, sinking to the floor. his carpet is soft beneath your knees, soothing the bruises you’ve formed this past week.
“y-yeah.” his voice is an octave too high.
you pull down his plaid green pajama pants, letting the cloth pool around his ankles.
you smirk. “wow regulus, no underwear?” you yank on his hardening cock then fling it back into his thighs. “you’re such a slut.”
you can feel his blush deepening, his skin growing warmer beneath your fingers.
“shut up.” he sits up straighter so he can look down at you.
you look up to meet his eyes. “brought something special tonight.”
“yeah?” you can see the excitement hiding behind his eyes.
you pull the object out of your pocket. it’s a small pink vibrator.
his face turns a darker shade of crimson. “what is that?”
“a vibrator. it’ll make you feel really good, i promise. can i?” you gesture at his cock.
he nods, still eyeing the vibrator apprehensively.
you press it to his balls. before turning it on, you stroke him a few times, feel his dick fill with cum. his tip is almost as pink as the vibrator. you pull him into your mouth, resisting the urge to let your eyes roll back into your skull from his mere taste.
he whimpers, leaning into your lips. “your mouth is so warm,” he whispers.
you feel yourself grow wetter, soaking through your panties. you smirk around his twitching shaft, reaching to turn the vibrator on. you set it to medium speed.
immediately his cock jerks around in your mouth, sinful sounds spilling from his lips. he chokes on his own noises. “holy—“
you tug on his balls, pressing them closer to the vibrator. you feel a tear of pleasure land on the top of your head.
his cock jerks against the walls of your throat, once, twice, before he’s shooting hot ropes of cum down your hole.
his seed warms you from the inside out, and you make sure he’s watching as you swallow. you keep the vibrator pressed tightly against him until he’s gone completely soft, slumping over exhaustedly.
“you lasted only a little longer than your first time.”
he breathes deeply, his face flushed, before plopping his back down on his bed. “so tired.”
you reach down to touch his cheek, watching the way his pulse flutters behind the skin of his neck. “goodnight.”
you hurry home, aching to get off on your fresh memories.
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iloveboysinred · 1 month
I won't say I'm in love [Prince Zuko]
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pg. 13, fluff | Zuko x gn! reader
synopsis; Zuko had never been one to express himself in the right ways, anger had always been his primary emotion. But, when he meets you, a rouge fire bender helping the Avatar, it becomes hard for him to accept the growing warmth in his chest every time you look at him.
cw; emotionally constipated Zuko, fluff, pining, Clueless Zuko, Zuko doesn’t know how to deal with feelings, awkward turtleduck, light fluff.
Zuko never had time to really sit and think about relationships. After spending his early teenage years on a wild goose chase hunting the avatar, and now having joined the Gaang, with only a week to teach Aang how to firebend so he could face Ozai, he had a lot going on.
However, when he had started to fit in with the gaang better, you had definitely caught his attention.
You were a firebender yourself, highly skilled and light on your feet. You made a formidable opponent in battle, your elegance and lightweight movements almost resembling an air-bender. Zuko couldn’t help but stare as you practiced basic maneuvers, your muscles flexing with every movement, the thin sheen of sweat on your brow, and the fierce look of concentration on your beautiful face. To say Zuko was whipped was an understatement.
You were the last to accept him into the group, having always been a bit of a loner and standoffish, you didnt trust him. Especially with him being the crown prince of the very nation that has caused you nothing but pain. So Zuko worked extra hard to earn your friendship. Doing good deeds like helping Sokka clean up camp, going on water collecting trips with Kitara, helping Toph with her hair, and of course, befriending Aang and teaching him firebending alongside you.
While Zuko was still miles away from getting close to you, he was running out of ideas on how to gain your approval. So, naturally he went to Sokka for advice.
“Its like no matter what i do, y/n still hates me! I dont get it, you guys all like me, you know i’m good now. So whats their problem?” Sokka looked over Zuko’s exasperated face, putting two and two together. Not that it was hard, everyone caught him staring at you like a creep once or twice already. “I dont think y/n hates you, honestly. Thats just the way they are. It took like, 2 months for them to really open up to us.” Sokka shrugged, smoothing his hair down. “If i’m being honest, you’re trying too hard. Seems like you got a thing for them.” Zuko gaped, staring at Sokka like he had grown another head. “What are you talking about!? I dont like them. I just want them to trust me!” But despite his words, the flush on his face betrayed his denial. Sokka raised his eyebrows. “Right. Okay. Why don’t you just talk to them? I mean, obviously what youre doing isnt working. Maybe you should get them a gift or something.” Zuko nodded to himself. Why hadn’t he thought of that before? He quickly stood up, a new objective in mind.
“Thanks Sokka.”
“Anytime, bro. And a word of advice, if you’re trying to make it less obvious that you like them, try not staring so hard. It creeps everyone out.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever. Get out before you burn my tent down.”
Zuko rolled his eyes, storming off with a deep flush on his cheeks.
The next morning he set out to the village nearby, wearing a cloak to disguise his face. He looked around the market, stopping by a jeweler, who had a whole array of different bracelets, necklaces, and rings. A peculiar necklace stood out to him. It held a beautiful ruby, plated in gold and held on to a thin, gold chain. Before anybody could see, he snatched it up, quickly leaving and heading back to the air temple before anybody could confront him. On the way back he stopped by a patch of fire-Lillies, picking a few to make a messy bouquet. “Y/n will like these.” He muttered to himself, trying to tie them together with an old piece of twine.
When he made his way back to camp, the others stared at him with questioning glances, momo crawling up to sniff at the flowers. “Whats with the flowers? You into gardening or something?” Sokka asked, eyeing the bright fire-lillies in his grasp. “I got these for Y/n” Zuko blushed as he realized how this looked, averting his eyes from Sokka’s teasing gaze. “Aww thats sweet, Zuko. Who knew you were such a softie.” Kitara cooed, fluttering her lashes in a mock swoon. Zuko gritted his teeth, cheeks burning hotter than the sun. “Yeah, maybe you’ll man up and confess. We all know you like them” Toph chided, smirking. “I don’t!” Zuko protested. “You’re lyinggg” Toph hummed, and Zuko cursed her abilities to see with her feet.
“Whats going on?” Zuko froze when he heard your voice, quickly turning towards you, hiding the bouquet behind his back. “Oh nothing, just teasing Zuko about his undying lo-“ Sokka was abruptly cut off by Zuko slapping his hand over his mouth, glaring at him. “What Sokka was trying to say is, we were teasing Zuko’s undying and super obvious crush on you.” Toph stated nonchalantly. The others snickered at Zuko’s panicked expression, his cheeks couldn’t have gotten hotter, wide eyes turned to you. “I dont know what they’re talking about! I don’t have a crush on you! They’re just trying to be funny i swear-“ “uh, Zuko-“ “I just want you to trust me, so i got you these flowers-“ he pulled the bouquet from behind him, presenting it to you. But what he didn’t realize was, he had accidentally set the lilies on fire. He gasped and dropped the bouquet, stomping on the charred flowers to put the fire out. You just gave him a blank look, the others snickering behind you. Zuko had never felt so embarrassed in his life.
“Wow Zuko, that sure was a good way to confess!” Kitara teased, watching as you just threw your hands up, being completely done with… whatever that was, and walking away to your tent. “Yeah Zuko. Maybe try not almost burning the camp down. I think Y/n will like it better if you just told them how you feel!” Aang chirped, just irritating Zuko more with his upbeat attitude. “Whatever, you guys are impossible” he snapped, storming off in a random direction. “And I told you i don’t like them!” Once he was out of earshot, Toph snickered, laying on her back against Appa’s side. “He’s lying again.”
For the rest of the day, Zuko avoided you at all costs. Leaving you to teach Aang by yourself, even sitting a considerable distance away from you during lunch. It was confusing you, but you didn’t say anything. You guessed he was still embarrassed from the spectacle he had made of himself that morning. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. Zuko was sweet, and if what the others are saying is true, you couldn’t deny that you could start feeling something for him too. You’d observed him ever since he joined the group, and his surprisingly gentle heart had impressed you. You’d watched him teach Aang during your training sessions. Appreciating the way his body moved flawlessly, his dark hair bringing out the gold in his eyes. You had to admit, you weren’t complaining when he would show up to your lessons shirtless. There was no denying he was cute.
So, you decided to approach him, surprising even yourself. You waited for everyone to settle into their tents, then you made your way to his. You stood outside for a second, thinking about how you were going to start this, what you would say. But your thoughts blanked when Zuko crawled out of his tent, now face to face with you. “O-oh hi- Zuko- i, um” you stuttered, lost for words. His eyes widened at the sight of you, sputtering like a nervous wreck. “I just wanted to u-um say, t-that i think the flowers were beautiful and u-um that was very sweet of you” “o-oh” you stood in awkward silence, the ground suddenly very interesting. “Anyways i think i’m gonna go-“ “wait, i-i um, i got you this too.” He quickly handed you the necklace, eyes averting yours and a deep blush on his cheeks. You looked the piece of jewelry over, smiling at him. “It’s beautiful Zuko. Um, thank you?” “You’re uh, you’re welcome..” you don’t know what took over you, but you leaned forward pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. You stared at each other in shock, now it was your turn to blush, face as red as a tomato. “Uh well, its getting late- i’m gonna go back to my tent. G-goodnight” the words came out quicker than you could think, racing off back to your tent. Leaving Zuko standing there, hand on his cheek, feeling how warm the skin was under his palm. His brain short circuited and his heart was beating 400 miles per minute, he swore he was gonna pass out.
Hope you enjoyed :> notes and reblogs are appreciated, comments, asks, and requests are welcomed! 💗
part 2
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kitashousewife · 6 months
hii idk if I missed it but did u ever expand on the sakusa perfume ad thought 👀
YES please let me do so (sorry this is so late)
“yes, that’s perfect. right here,” the photographer snaps another shot, clicking sounds echoing through the small set as sakusa lets out an exhale.
really he’s not sure why he agreed to this. some new perfume line contacted the team a few months back, talking about some sort of collaboration to boost each others popularity. a few phone calls later and now, most of the teammates have had their turn behind the camera.
sakusa was last. he really didn’t want to. he was flattered, a little flustered that they thought he would be good for a perfume ad. he’s seen them this whole life, casting movie stars and other famous athletes. the mere fact that he’s now at that level is mind blowing enough.
but now that he sits here, uncomfortably warm and sick of the attention, he’s thinking maybe it isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
until you call him.
you’re in your local grocery store, picking up things for the week after work. thoroughly worn out, you grab a magazine from the racks while in the check out line to pass the time. your fingers flip through aimlessly, completely unaware of the contents of the glossy pages, until you are.
staring back at you is sakusa kiyoomi. head rested in his palm, in a partially unbuttoned black silk shirt, with a bottle of cologne to his lips.
you almost shut the magazine. your body feels warm, your head spins. almost ripping it open again, you stare right back at the photo. his jaw is sharp, and his milky skin glistens behind the shiny bottle. and his eyes, they feel like he’s staring right at you. before you can think twice you’re shoving the tabloid onto the belt, and begin to try to catch your breath.
“kiyoomi,” your voice sounds apprehensive, strained even.
“what? i just got back from practice, i need to sh-“
“we’ve been friends for over ten years and you forgot to tell me that you were in a fucking cologne ad?”
sakusa about chokes before he slams the mute button on his phone. he completely forgot, he hadn’t even been told by the marketing team that the ads were out. he feels embarrassed, suddenly worried about everyone in the entire world seeing a completely different side of him than normal.
but he’s also curious.
part of him wished this would happen. while he was staring down the lens of the camera, the thought did cross his mind about how you specifically would react.
he can’t help but find out.
“it slipped my mind i guess, i’ve been busy,” he sets his phone on the kitchen counter. “kinda cool, huh?”
you don’t even know what to say. the most beautiful photo of the prettiest man you’ve ever met is in front of you, and his raspy voice is coming through your phone, making for an incredibly distracting combination.
“you look so irritated,” your voice is quiet. sakusa smirks, only slightly.
“i was. i was there for hours,” his smirk grows for a moment. “i think there’s going to be a short video ad, too.”
you rub your temples. your mind is blank. you’ve always thought sakusa was handsome, but not like this. your tongue feel heavy in your mouth, and you can’t stop staring.
“a-and what do you think of it? what did your mom say?”
sakusa shorts at the desperate conversation change attempt. “she had a fit, you know how she is.”
the thought of how could she not crosses your mind, and thankfully you don’t say it out loud.
“well, it’s really something. congrats, omi,”
sakusa smiles. “thanks,” he can hear you sigh on the other end. “everything okay over there?”
no. “y-yeah, yeah, just fine,” you shut the magazine and toss it onto the coffee table.
“staring at my picture?”
“n-no!” you’re quick, and sakusa laughs.
“miss me that much? jeez, want me to come sign it for you too?”
you pause. he laughs out loud. “shut up, omi,” you groan. “i’ll see you friday anyway, for motoya’s dinner,”
“okay, see you then.”
he hangs up, and he can’t help but snicker to himself. he can’t wait to see you on friday now. and, he even has the shirt from the shoot.
he decides he’s going to wear it, just for you.
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augustinewrites · 1 year
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“your nose is running again.”
you shoot a glare at alhaitham’s reflection in your vanity, swiping at your nose and clearing your throat a few times before croaking, “it is not.”
“tch.” he has the audacity to look unimpressed with your lie, fiddling with the collar of the nice shirt you’d practically wrestled him into for tonight. “this happens every year, i don’t know why you keep trying to deny it.”
“there’s nothing to deny, because i’m a doctor and we don’t—” you pause, face scrunching when you feel a sneeze trying to fight its way out of your system. “— get sick.” 
so what if your throat was scratchy and your entire face felt hot with sinus pressure? one could claim it was allergies, not sickness. 
taking a seat to pull on his shoes, alhaitham only scoffs disbelievingly at you. he’s acting so smug, and maybe that’s because last week you’d ignored his warning about how cold nighttime in the desert got. or maybe because you refused to take the vitamin c tablets he put beside your coffee each morning because their texture was like that of chalk. 
before he can open his mouth and say these things, the sneeze you’d been fighting takes you by surprise. you immediately turn away and lift your elbow, sneezing into it not once, not twice, but five times in quick succession.
(okay, so maybe you were feeling a little under the weather.)
you turn away from the dresser with a sharp look in your eye, just daring him to let slip the i told you so that always seemed to be sitting on the tip of his tongue.
instead, you feel his fingers tugging at the laces of your dress and his lips pressing softly against your forehead. (too warm, you swear he murmurs.)
“we don’t have to go if you aren’t feeling well. nilou will understand. do you really want to be fighting a cold while you’re surrounded by a group of your friends—”
“our friends,” you correct with a sniffle.
he ignores you. “who are going to make you—”
“make us.” 
“—endure cake and small talk?”
you roll your eyes. for someone so fearsome, your husband really could be quite dramatic, brought to his knees by something as simple as cake and small talk. 
“we missed her performance last month because we were stuck with work, so we’re not missing her birthday.” you turn around to shove lightly at his shoulder. “and don’t think you can use my cold as an excuse to get out of this party.”
alhaitham pulls back to look down at you with an irritating combination of a scoff and a smirk on his lips. “ah, so you finally admit that you have a cold? maybe if you’d taken the vitamin c for your immunity like someone suggested...”
“those supplements taste like shit, haitham,” you cough, expression pinching as you recall the disgusting tablets that you’ve called ‘not as good as the real thing.’ “the only vitamin c i like is in those mondstadt imported sunsettias...”
“you’re like a child,” he scolds. “now get undressed and back in bed before—”
“undressed?” you question, swatting his hands away from your dress. “i’m going to the party.”
“no, you’re not.”
“what if i—”
“but darling—”
“sorry, love, but you’re not going anywhere tonight,” he decides, ignoring your quiet grumbles of protest. “i know you don’t get sick often, but when you do it hits you pretty hard.”
he leaves the room briefly at that, returning with something sitting in his palm. 
you shake your head, holding your hands out to keep him back. “no. no! that stuff is worse than the vitamin c.”
“huh, if you’d taken that, then maybe you could have avoided this.” he hums, unscrewing the lid and letting that disgustingly sweet, syrupy scent flood the room. it was so potent that even you clogged sinuses could pick it up. “perhaps, doctor, one of these years you’ll learn to take your own advice. or perhaps listen to your husband’s…”
you lean backwards when he reaches for your chin. “haitham, if you make me drink that i will call the general mahamatra on you.”
“go ahead, he doesn’t scare me.”
he tries again, only for you to side-step his hand. “take your damn medicine!” 
“you’re not supposed to yell at a sick person!” 
“i’m not yelling. i’m simply insisting because you are being childish.”
maybe you were being childish, but that medicine was just so damn gross. “can i at least go down and say hi to everyone?” you try. “it’s been so long since i’ve seen them all.”
“fine, but only for ten minutes. and you have to take your medicine first.”
“but it always makes me sleepy,” you argue. “then you’ll be there enduring cake and small talk all by yourself.”
“it’s a birthday party, not a war. i think i’ll survive.”
you scowl at him, snatching the bottle and taking a gulp of the bitter liquid. “yeah, yeah. just wait until a drunk kaveh gets his hands on you and i’m not there to save you.”
the medicine starts taking effect almost instantly. you make it eleven minutes on your own feet before you’re clinging to alhaitham’s arm and leaning heavily into his side, nose still leaking and throat still tickling.
by then, all it takes is a single, ‘you don’t look too well’ from tighnari to convince alhaitham to drag you up into nilou’s spare room and into bed. 
too disoriented and drowsy to argue anymore, you thank him dazedly and reach out to pat his cheek before letting your eyes drift shut.
you’re not too sure how long it’s been when you wakes, but when you pry your tired eyes open, there’s a tray of steaming food on your bedside table. the room is glowing and warm, the source being the flickering candle that alhaithm is reading his book under
he glances up when you shift in bed, closing his book. “feeling better?” 
“‘m not leaking anymore,” you shrugs, rubbing at the tip of your nose. “how long was i out for?”
“a little over two hours,” he answers, taking a seat at your bedside and pressing a hand to your forehead. “you’re not as warm as before. the medicine must be working.”
“yeah, well i still feel gross,” you mutter, not wanting to give that disgusting concoction too much credit.
“you look it, too.”
“the akademiya scribe,” you mutter, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed. “charming as ever.” 
he scoffs at that, scooping up the tray of food in one hand and offering you his other. “charming enough that the amurta darshan’s sage took my last name.”
“well, don’t let it get to your head,” you huff, taking his hand and letting him pull you to your feet. his thumb strokes your wedding band as he guides you to sit on a fur rug positioned in front of the fire. “pretty hard to say no to a guy that practically begs you to marry him.” 
“it was not begging—”
“haitham, dearest, that’s exactly what it was.”
you burst into a fit of giggles when he tells you to save it, his cheeks turning pink at the memory. your laughter quickly dissolves into a series of coughs, to which alhaitham pounds you on the back a little harder than necessary. 
“alright, you had your fun,” he murmurs, picking up a bowl of soup. “you need to eat something. i made your favourite,” he dips the spoon into the bowl. “i already picked out the cabbage,” he adds when you open your mouth to complain. 
unable to deny the slight rumble of your stomach, you reach for the spoon in his hand, pouting when he pulls it away. “i can feed myself,” you protest, voice hoarse from your coughing fit.
“the last time i let you feed yourself when you were sick, you sneezed and ended up throwing a spoonful of soup in my face,” he reminds you, the grim look on his face making it seem as if you’d stabbed him with the spoon instead. “open up.”
you narrow your eyes at the spoonful of soup. “it’s red,” you state. the original colour of recipe was a warm, almost translucent gold. 
“good to know your eyes are still working.”
“haitham,” you groan. “you know i don’t handle spice as well as you.”
“it’ll help clear up your sinuses,” he reasons, though there’s something teasing twitching at the corner of his lips. 
your body is wracked by another series of sneezes, each one stronger than the last, making him laugh.
“are you sure you’re done?” he teases, handing you a tissue.
“a good husband would just say, bless you,” you pout, blowing your nose and weakly tossing the soiled tissue at him. 
defeated by a clogged nose and a smug husband, you reluctantly open your mouth and let him spoon-feed you the eye-wateringly spicy soup. it slides down your throat like fire, and it…kind of does help with your sinuses and throat. 
you’d never admit that, though. it’s a new low you’ve discovered, a doctor taking medical advice from a semiotics major. 
the universe always finds ways to keep us humble.
when the bowl is half-empty and alhaitham is convinced you’ve eaten enough, he sets the bowl aside and wraps a blanket around your shoulders before he goes. your eyes are drooping again, the result of a warm blanket enveloping you and a satisfied stomach. 
he returns with a glass of water and a cool washcloth, gently pressing it to your forehead before situating himself behind you. “need anything else?”
letting yourself relax against his chest, you shake your head. his arms are warm around you, the steady sound of his heart and the soothing light of the candle slowly lulling you to sleep once more. 
“shouldn’t you get back to the party?” you murmur sleepily. but you’re already snuggling against him, hands curling greedily into the soft material of his shirt to keep him close.
“not particularly. i’ve already greeted nilou and done my share of…small talk,” he explains quietly. his small sigh is heavy, his posture deflating slightly. it wasn’t that he disliked your shared friends or their company, it was just that his social battery ran out faster than others, and without you there to keep him afloat? two hours was more than enough for him. 
“besides, i can’t exactly relax if i know that you’re up here positively suffering.” 
“you’re teasing me, but fine, i’ll let you stay.” 
no medicine or soup could do to you what a warm blanket and your annoying, teasing husband could for you, anyway.
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yunjardi · 1 year
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝!𝐣𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐱 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
[𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 [𝐦𝐝𝐧𝐢], 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲, 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐣𝐚𝐤𝐞 & 𝐲/𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠), 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫, 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐚 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤, 𝐩𝐞𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐭, 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝, 𝐭𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐥𝐦𝐤 𝐢𝐟 𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠!]
𝐩.𝐬. 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 '𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬' 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞!
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"but babe," jake pouted as he looked up at your face from the way his head was positioned on your lap, "trying for another won't hurt, right?"
'another' meaning another baby.
"jakey," you sighed, lacing your fingers between strands of his silky black hair, "i love you but being pregnant was such a pain in the ass, and i'm not sure if i wanna do that again. besides, when we tried for a baby last time, we ended up with two." you chuckled softly, recalling the shock on jake's face when the ultrasound revealed two little peanut-shaped things inside your tummy. needless to say, having twins was far from anything you planned, but you wouldn't want it any other way.
"okay, but think about it," jake started excitedly as he sat up from your lap, "having 3 cute little babies running around the house and playing with layla. isn't that so cute? i know how much you love the little pitter-patter of the twins' tiny feet on the floor." he became an excited puppy by simply voicing his thoughts of having another baby. "plus, your sex drive was way up while you were pregnant," jake added with a smirk.
he wasn't wrong; your sex drive was completely out of control while you were pregnant with the twins. so much that you and jake had sex or did something of sexual nature at least twice a week.
and as for the thought of your family growing, jake was right; it was adorable to think about, but you weren't too sure you'd be able to handle it. you and jake's daughters were still young, and adding another baby into the picture would most likely drive you crazy but after thinking about what jake said, you weren't completely against it. maybe this time the baby would bear more of your features than the twins do, both of them sharing most of jake's genetics such as his boba-like puppy-dog eyes and pretty lips. also, jake was an amazing father to your kids, and you knew he was more than capable of handling anything baby-related that came his way.
your baby girls getting pouty? jake knows exactly what to do to put smiles back on their faces. putting the girls to bed? jake is a natural at getting the two to fall asleep. teaching the girls how to use their manners? jake is an expert at guiding them toward kindness.
after all, he'd been dreaming of having a family of his own for years.
and that's how you ended up caving.
"okay, we can try on one condition," you stated to which jake nodded for you to keep going, "we stop trying at the end of the week when the girls come home." jake sighed lightly but agreed, giddy and excited that you agreed to try for another baby.
the girls were with jake's parents for the whole week because his mom figured the two of you could use a break from your daughters considering the fact that you've been practically hovering over them for 2 years straight. little did his mom know, you guys were about to use this little break to make another baby, which is the whole reason you were given a break in the first place.
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jake was quick to begin running his big hands all over your body, not wanting to waste a second of precious time he could be using to fuck you until you were guaranteed pregnant. you undressed yourself until you were only covered by your matching bra and panty set that jake had bought you as a way of hinting that he wanted to have sex as often as you two used to before having the twins. you pulled on jake's arm as a way to get him to lay on the bed as you became needier by the second, but he insisted on getting undressed before hopping onto the bed, wanting to tease you by making you wait.
"please hurry," you begged quietly as his metal belt buckle clinked lightly, the sound making you more aroused knowing that you were about to get your pussy pounded.
"my needy girl," jake chuckled sexily as he climbed into the bed wearing only boxers, "tell me how badly you want to be filled up, how badly you want me to give you another little baby." jake's words were sweet but had a somewhat mischievous undertone which never failed to turn you on.
jake knew exactly what to say and do to make you become so aroused that you couldn't think of anything but him.
"daddy," you mewled needily, "need you now." jake couldn't help but get an ego boost from witnessing how impatient you became when you were deprived of his touch.
carefully, jake hovered himself on top of you, balancing himself with one forearm while using the other to spread your legs wider. you let out a soft whimper when jake lowered his hips down to yours, rubbing his clothed hard-on on your wet panties. the pace that he chose to go at was painfully slow, making you needier and needier by the second.
"please?" you begged once again as you grew more and more desperate to which jake let out a low and sexy chuckle at your neediness. "you want me already?" jake asked with sarcasm, his hand trailing from your abdomen down into your panties, his cold fingers sending chills all over your body, "i can tell by how wet your pussy has gotten for me in such a short amount of time." you felt shy at jake's sudden comment, your head instinctively turning away to avoid him seeing your bashful expression. "you're gonna make me blush," you pouted from underneath him. "it seems i already have," jake pointed out with a chuckle as he swiftly swapped your positions, him now being on the bottom while you straddled him, "i love how innocent you look before i fuck you like a slut." his comment almost made you pout again, but you held your true reaction in because you knew that he'd only prolong his teasing if you reacted like that; jake loved seeing how flustered you got when he'd sweet-talk you.
"wipe the innocence off my face, jake," you breathed out whilst running your hands down his torso. he gulped at the sudden sensation of goosebumps forming on every inch of his body. "fuck," jake breathed out as he toyed with the elastic waistband of your panties, eventually beginning to pull them down your waist until they were around your ankles to which you lifted your legs up one at a time to fully take them off and discard them onto the floor somewhere. now that your bottom half was left bare on his boxers, jake became more eager to touch you.
swiftly, jake lightly lifted you to the side so that he could discard his boxers. you bit your lip at the sight of his pretty cock springing out of his boxers and hitting his lower abdomen. jake couldn't help but smirk at the way your eyes were glued to his member.
"are you ready for me, baby?" jake asked amorously as he pumped his cock with his hand. in response, you gently grabbed his hand and led it down to your dripping hole, moaning quietly as you let his fingers dance around your entrance before letting go of his hand. "well, that answers my question," jake chuckled sexily as he rolled you into your side and put one of his big hands on your thigh, lifting it up so he could have easy access to your pussy. you couldn't help but get wetter at the fact that jake was starting off in your favorite position. he knew how much you liked being fucked rough but also maintaining romantic skin-ship, therefore side-fucking was the way to go.
he teased your clit with his thick tip before letting it pass through the first few inches of your entrance, causing you to let out a gasp as you gripped on the duvet. jake gave you some time to get used to his size since you guys weren't having sex as often anymore, but it ultimately turned him on even more to feel your walls grip desperately to his hard cock. you mewled out as he slowly began to pull his cock in and out of your needy hole, your body becoming more engulfed in pleasure with every stroke. you felt yourself becoming weak upon his touch.
"it's so deep," you moaned out as jake trailed his hand down to the skin right below your belly button, applying pressure to the spot where you could feel him inside you. you couldn't help but squirm as jake let his free hand touch all over your body, still continuing to pound your pussy while leaving harsh spanks on your ass until you were sure his hand print was left on your skin.
"if i cum right now, you'll feel it all up in here, right, baby?" jake smirked while rubbing circles on your lower abdomen, "you're gonna be so full when i'm done with you." nodding, you grabbed onto his wrist to squeeze it, overwhelmed with pleasure as you bit down on your lip to conceal your moans. "jake!" you moaned out loudly in pure pleasure, instinctively putting your hand over your mouth to keep quiet since you were used to having to do so. jake gently took your hand off your mouth and guided it down to your clit instead. "no need to stay quiet, baby," jake whispered in your ear, kissing your neck softly, "let it all out; moan like a whore for me. you know how much i love the way you sound when i fuck you." his statement alone was enough to cause a little mewl to escape your lips. "that's my good girl," jake praised lowly as he continued his clean thrusts.
"w-want to be on top of you," you subtly requested with a quiet squeak, "please, daddy?"
hearing you call him 'daddy' while he fucked you was enough to make him cum hard right then and there considering that you were about to make him become a father of three by giving him your body.
"fuck, okay," jake breathed out as he pulled his wet cock out of your pussy and leaned against the headboard, giving you time to get up and sit on top of him. you placed your hands on his shoulders for support as he guided your hips back down into his throbbing hard dick, making you let out a lustful moan once he was all the way inside you again. taking it slow, you began to roll your hips against his, causing his head to fall back in pure pleasure whilst you fucked yourself on his cock. "s-so good," you whined out while bouncing on him, "need to cum so bad, daddy." jake let out a deep groan, melting at how vocal you were being about wanting him. his grip on your waist suddenly tightened as he adjusted himself underneath you, getting ready to abuse your pussy the way he knows you like it. without warning, jake began to thrust his hips into yours, the two of you meeting in the middle with your lower halves.
you couldn't help but let out a loud moan for him as you lost all the stamina you thought you had. jake hammered his thick cock into your tight entrance whilst keeping a strong grip on your waist, wanting you to feel him as deep as you possibly could. he repeatedly hit your sweet spot until you were crying out as you creamed all over his veiny cock, your lower half numbed with pure ecstasy. while you were distracted by your intense orgasm, jake took it upon himself to slickly unclasp your bra and begin sucking on the soft skin of your boobs, causing you to grow even more overstimulated though you didn't mind.
"good girl," jake praised in between the kisses he planted on your breasts as he felt his member become coated with your arousal, "yeah, just like that, keep cumming for me. fuck, i can't wait until your tits get all swollen again when you're pregnant; it's so fucking sexy." jake added, the images of your pretty breasts already sparking in his sex-clouded mind as he continued to tease your sensitive boobs with his tongue.
the deep yet whimpery moans that jake was letting out along with the way his core stiffened was a dead giveaway that he was close to the edge.
"please fill me up," you begged, knowing that he was getting closer and closer by the second, "w-want to have your babies. a-all of them, please." you practically pleaded. and with that, jake was creaming your pussy. the two of you let out synced moans as jake worked his cum deep into you, making sure none of his seed went to waste.
panting, jake let his head hit the pillow that laid beside him as you rested your head against his chest where you could hear his still rapid heartbeat.
"god, this is gonna be a fun week," jake let out an airy chuckle as he held you close.
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"this is our last day to try, so you better make the most of it," you teased jake as you booped him on the nose, making him pout. "okay, okay," jake breathed out, "i'll make you feel good." he promised.
gently, jake slid his veiny member past your wet slit as you whimpered and held onto his forearms for comfort. your legs trembled once he fully bottomed out and began thrusting into your sore hole.
after all, you two had been fucking every day that week. jake's determination to get you pregnant again was stronger than you anticipated.
"feeling sensitive?" jake cooed, placing a kiss on your neck. you nodded your head gently while focusing on adjusting to his size. eventually, you were able to calm your body down and let jake take control of pleasing you.
he left no part of your body neglected: your neck was being kissed gently while simultaneously having one of jake's hands tangled in your hair all while being stuffed with his cock. jake always managed to spoil you when it came to sex whether it be rough or slow and passionate. needless to say, you were a lucky girl to have somehow managed to bag such a charming and caring man like jake.
soon, your core began to heat up at the feeling of jake passionately making love to you, the sensation becoming increasingly difficult to handle, but you didn't feel too self conscious about it considering that it was obvious that jake wouldn't last long either.
the two of you fucked so much this week alone to a point where you'd definitely need to take a long break from it.
that being said, the two of you quickly came undone only minutes after starting.
"only time will tell if all of this sex was successful," you giggled, giving jake a kiss on the lips to which he smiled as he kissed you back. "pregnant or not, i still loved fucking you for a whole week," jake remarked, kissing you one last time before the two of you drifted off to sleep.
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"i swear, jake, you've gotta make another batch of brownies. please, please, please?" you begged, pestering jake into baking more for you, "plus, even the girls love them as just as much as i do, so it'll be a good surprise for when they wake up from their nap." you added, still trying to convince him by using the family card.
"okay, okay," he sighed with a smile, "after all, i can't say no to the love of my life." jake was met with a swarm of kisses all over his face before you let him make his way into the kitchen. little did he know, you tricked him into making one of your biggest cravings just so you could have some alone time to take a few pregnancy tests while he was occupied.
for the past few weeks, you'd been experiencing some of the same, and a few new, symptoms that you had during your first pregnancy, so taking a test was a bit overdue considering how you'd been feeling.
you quietly crept into you and jake's bedroom and dug through one of your clothing drawers to find the pregnancy tests that you've been hiding away ever since jake mentioned wanting to have another baby.
unboxing the tests, you took a deep breath before taking them, your stomach in knots due to your anxiousness regarding the results. waiting for the tests to process felt like the most grueling three minutes of your entire life, and you felt like you were about to explode. finally, you looked up at the clock and saw that three minutes had passed which meant that the pregnancy tests were fully processed.
taking a deep breath for the nth time, you flipped them over to reveal the results:
double red lines all across the board.
you tried not to squeal with excitement too loudly, still wanting to surprise jake with the joyful news.
you wanted to think of a creative way to tell him, but your excitement got the best of you and caused you to simply walk into the kitchen to tell jake. you kept the tests hidden in your sleeve as you approached the kitchen where jake was stood putting the brownies in the oven. sensing your presence, jake looked over his shoulder to see you watching him with a warm smile on your face, causing a smile to grow on his face as well.
"you may or may not be making those brownies more often," you started, jake cocking his head in confusion, "...because i'm officially eating for two again!" you exclaimed as revealed the tests to him. "no way, really?" jake said in disbelief, hoping that you weren't joking but upon looking at the tests, he knew you were serious, "oh my god, we're having another baby!"
jake's ecstatic reaction to the news made your heart flutter as you pulled each other into an embrace, slowing rocking each other back and forth.
you knew the next step was to schedule an ultrasound appointment, after hugging jake, of course, so immediately after breaking your embrace, you called the doctor's office.
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the highly anticipated day was finally upon you.
the drive to the doctor's office felt like an eternity, and you could tell that jake felt the same way from the way he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. eventually, you arrived and eagerly climbed out of the passenger's seat, holding jake's hand as you walked in. thankfully, you were let in right away with everything ready for your appointment.
you went through the whole question process with the nurse before she finally pulled out the ultrasound machine. you took a deep breath before she placed the camera against your stomach which was a familiar feeling. searching for a few minutes she finally found the area where the baby should be. you studied the screen for a second and after looking hard enough to see, you looked over at jake who had the exact same shocked expression on his face that you remembered from two years ago...
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a/n: hi gang 🫵 the (lowkey crappy i'm sorry) sequel for ms. double lines is finally here after a literal month lol. i hope you guys are able to enjoy it :,)
perm. taglist (send an ask to be added!) : @axartia @jjhmk @valiantwastelanddelusion @jayroseyy @ayohahaha @asaheyow @lhsng @i-dalso @bunhoons @red-xherry @duolingofanaccount @lix-freckle3 @l0st-h0p3s @leeis @muffinminnie @green-orangeade @imbaeksbae @sunghoonmybeloved @tum73er @dilftime
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non-stop-imagines · 10 months
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Girl Almighty
Pairing: Oscar Piastri x Black Driver!Reader
Summary: In which Oscar is his girlfriend's number one fan and advocate for getting onto the Formula 1 grid.
Word Count: ~3.3k words and a lot of smau
Warning: Twitter environment, mentions of food, crying, parents (it's happy though 😁), goofy friendship fun with various other drivers, Logan being an Oscar and reader stan lowkey
A/N: Like all the other requests, this one was just the best to make. I had to do such a deep dive into Oscar Piastri history because I wanted this idea to really work. This is actually the first of the "drabble" requests I have received so this is the first time you guys are seeing how I'm gonna approach those requests. So if you do ever just request a general "drabble", no specific prompt, I'm gonna put the story to a song that I think fits, unless you want to suggest a song. I do have an 83 hour playlist on Spotify, so if you don't have a song in mind that's fine by me 😁😁😁 Anyway, I hope you all enjoy, especially after Oscar's DNF today, I think this little bit of joy is needed. Love you all! 💖💛💖💛
A/N 2: All of the pictures used for the smau portions are all from pinterest and are not my own product.
2020; Start of the FIA Formula 3 Season
   “Okay, breath, Oscar. You can do this.” The pep talk is whispered from Oscar’s mouth as he mentally encourages himself to walk over to you, chatting away with other drivers as you guys wait for the driver meeting to begin. He starts to take a step, watching his feet and taking another deep breath, but when he looks back up again he's stopped in his tracks. It was like a spotlight shone on just you, teeth visible and accompanying the exuberant laugh coming from you, smiling glossy lips and hair half up in 2 fluffy ponytails. Everything around you came back into view when he watched you reach a hand out to push the shoulder of your teammate, Theo, after something he said. Oscar could only watch, waiting until the audience you had around you tapered off one by one.
   “That’s her, right?” Oscar jumps at Logan’s arm finding its way around his shoulders.
   “Yeah, that’s her.” Oscar practically sighs, cursing Theo who seems to linger around you a little longer.
   “She looks different. A really good different.” Logan keeps his attention on you as he speaks, so he’s caught off guard by the elbow Oscar throws into his side. “Alright, man. She’s yours.” He removes his arm from his friend so he could rub his hurting side.
   "No, that's not-" Oscar's hands run through his hair to express the conflict in his mind. How, yes he wanted you to be his because he has had a crush on you since you both were 10, but also that he was trying real hard to not make a fool of himself because you've only met twice, once when you guys were 10 and once when you were 14. But both of your rises up the karting ranks, champions in your own rights, all the way up to your F3 debut has been public. So it wouldn't be crazy for him to tell you he remembers you, right?
   "Well, whatever it is, now's your chance. She's alone." Logan briefly points your direction and sure enough, there you were, tapping and scrolling on your phone, beautiful face in a neutral position that made your lips pout.
   "You know what? Maybe I don't-" Oscar starts to back track, stunned by you, but Logan turns him back around and starts to push him over there.
   "No, you've been talking about this for a week straight. If you guys aren't sucking face by the end of the month, I'm writing a formal complaint." Once considered to be within earshot, Logan starts talking about something random, something that goes in one of Oscar's ears and out the other, his heartbeat pounding in his head as he gets close. "Oh hey, I'll be right back I, uh, there's something over there…" Logan gives Oscar one last pat on the back and walks off. For Oscar, the world went silent when you looked up at him, enticing brown eyes putting a shame to his own, lips starting to curl into a polite grin until you get a good look at him, and tilt your head as you visibly began thinking about where you've seen him before. Oscar clears his throat.
   "Hi, uh, I don't- I'm, uh, I'm Oscar." He holds out his hand for you to shake. Your hand is nice in his, soft despite calluses that have developed from years of driving, but fit like a puzzle piece. He forced himself to keep his eyes on yours, though it was hard for him to look at you, an angel among men, without doing something drastic.
   "Y/n." Your hands linger in each others for a moment after the greeting, but once you pull back your hand you cross your arms and bring an amused smile to your face.
   "I don't know if you remember me. We've, um, raced each other a couple times before…" Oscar had no idea what to do with his hands. He wanted to touch you, so bad. Wrap his arms around your waist and push the bit of curly hair that escaped to your shoulder back to its place and wait for it to happen again just so he can be as close as possible to you. Instead he settles with rubbing the nape of neck with one hand and the other waving mildly as he spoke.
   "Oh, I remember you. But a couple times…I only remember when we were 10. Karting in Australia. I remember because I lost badly to you." You smile and he melts, and your laugh almost makes him miss what you said.
   "Wait, when we were 10, you finished second." He copies you and crosses his arms, that being his best bet of keeping his hands to himself.
   "Okay, yeah. By like 4 seconds. That's quite the gap." You look down to pick at your nails, but then jerk your head back up as Oscar's words come back to you. "Okay, so 10, but when was the second time?"
   "We were 14. Australia again." He uncrosses his arms and brings his hands to his hips when he sees the confusion on your face. "You won! You beat my ass, actually. By nearly 8 seconds. Logan got third." You thought about it for a moment, eyebrows scrunching as memories moved through your brain, but it was obvious the moment you remembered because a large grin that revealed a dimple in your left cheek spread across your face.
   "Okay I remember that. I also remember you doing, like, everything you could for me after. I asked you why and you simply said 'Because you won.' and I asked no more questions after that." You chuckle, bringing a hand to your forehead. "It didn't help that I had a major crush on you, too. I was on cloud nine that entire weekend."
   "Oh, you had a crush on me?" The snarkiness of his inquiry far from matched the speed of his heart and the drop in temperature of his hands.
   "Don't make fun of me, okay? I was 14, and apparently had a thing for Australians with floofy hair." You motioned at his hair, then replaced your hand on your hip. "I've since gotten over it, but I guess you'll be delighted, and me thoroughly embarrassed, to hear that you and Ashton Irwin from 5 Seconds of Summer took turns being my hand when I used to practice kissing." Something got into you in that moment, where it was more important for you to let it be known to Oscar the intensity of your old crush on him, like it would have any influence on your current curiosity.
   "Oh. Ha. Well, the feeling was mutual. But, I mean, what boy wouldn't have a crush on the girl who beat them at karting?" Oscar shrugs with his arms still crossed, head tilting toward his left shoulder with the movement. 
   "It's only natural." You both giggle at the interaction, the words and the timing.
   "Well, I think Logan, Frederik and I are trying to figure out something to do tonight, you know after all of the media festivities. Would you want to come? And Theo, too. I don't know what you usually do pre-race weekend, but…" Oscar trails off as he uncrosses his arms and places them in his pocket, looking everywhere but you, subconsciously looking for Logan so he knows what direction to go if he needs to make a quick getaway.
   "I think I can find some time to hang out with a couple of old fans." Your smile nearly knocks Oscar off his feet, literally, because after you accepted his invitation, he heard Logan calling for him, to which he automatically started moving in that direction making him stumble over his own feet, but luckily he catches himself.
   "Okay, good-uh, cool. I'll, um…I'll text you the plans once we figure them out." He starts to jog away, confident in what had just taken place.
   "You'll need my number for that." You stayed in place, arms crossed, smiling when Oscar turns around to jog back to you.
   "You are correct." Oscar gives you a beaming smile as he reaches for your phone while pulling out his.
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Liked by oscarpiastri and 34,012 others
drivetimeyn Seasons Greetings 😌🎄 (you know, cause it's the end of the season and it's also Christmas and-) Oh yeah, congrats, Oscar 😚
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oscarpiastri You took a lot of pictures of me eating > drivetimeyn It was the only time you were sitting still 🧍‍♂️ swisssauber Who else is gonna miss this group? 🥲 theopouchaire21 See you next year, teammate 😎 > drivetimeyn Hope everyone is prepared for more shenanigans 😼
> swisssauber HAHA JK premaprincess Yn is the best thing to come into these boys lives. Convince me otherwise > oscarpiastri We agree 🌞
2021; FIA Formula 2 Season
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drivetimeyn Happy Birthday to my Pretty Podium Pal ❤️ Hope you have a wonderful day, my love
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oscarpiastri I get to see you later, that alone makes this a great birthday 🥰 Love you, baby 😘 > drivetimeyn Love you too, honey cake ☺️ > oscarpiastri That's new robertshwartzman Thank you again for those cookies! Keep an eye out for a request around my birthday 🤩 f2freak ...my love? Who- when... lecooleclerc And everyone thought I was crazy 😔 prettypiastri These two are too freaking cute, I can't take it 😵‍💫😫
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Liked by artgp_official and 40,093 others
drivetimeyn Thank you for inviting your biggest fan. So proud of you! Have fun up in the big leagues next year 💙🩷
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oscarpiastri My stunning forever +1 💗 😍 You should be moving up with me but at least now I can watch you be great 🤩 naomischiff I feel like I'm always instastalking you but you're always stunning and this is no different. LOVE! 💗🤎💗 oscarnyngoals The way these two can step out, EAT, and leave no crumbs is impeccable✨ > oscarpiastri It's all Yn, I'm just an accessory > drivetimeyn You're usually more than an accessory, but when you are an accessory, you're the best one😘 ferrariyn I don't know what I'll do with these two not on the same grid
2022; Your 2nd Formula 2 Season, Oscar's Alpine Reserve Season
   "Hey, baby. Did you just get home?" You wave to one last person as you leave the Alfa Romeo facility in Zurich, harshly inhaling as you step out into the nippy mid-October Swiss air.
   "Yes, after a long day in the sim. I see you're just leaving, too. It's, like, 7pm there, right?" Oscar props his phone on the bottle of cooking oil next to him at enough of a distance so you can see most of him while he's cooking his dinner.
   "If it 6pm in Enstone, theennn…." You flash a bright cheeky smile at your sarcasm as you spot your car and head over to it.
   "I am not afraid to hang up." Oscar chuckles, briefly looking at the phone while his hands are occupied sautéing vegetables.
   "Yes you are, you love me too much." You unlock your car and quickly get in, recoiling from the slight relief that you got from the cold temperature outside. "You also know I could beat you in a fight." You start up your car and allow it to warm up, placing your phone in the holder on the dashboard and removing your coat to toss it in the seat next to you.
   "Correct on both points." He pushes his phone back slightly to open up the counter so he had somewhere to place the package of sausages. "You had a couple of workouts today?"
   "And a quick sim session and, uh, a meeting. With Fred." You put your car in drive and pull out of the parking spot that you had backed into.
   "You were going to talk to him today weren't you? How did that go?" Oscar was fully invested in what you had to say, to the point where he turned off the burners on his stove and sat down on a stool at the counter.
   "Well," You chuckle sarcastically thinking about the interaction, trying to bring yourself to talk about it. "It wasn't bad, just…disappointing." You sigh, looking left and right before leaving the Alfa Romeo campus and entering the main road.
   "Oh no," One thing Oscar has always done was sympathize with you whenever you felt a strong emotion. You were happy, he was ecstatic. You were mad, he was furious. So when he heard the annoyance and sadness in your chuckle and sigh, he wished he could jump through the screen to comfort you and ring the neck of whoever made you feel that way, which seems to be Fred Vassuer at the moment. 
   "I asked about the possibility of being a reserve driver or something for Alfa next year. He wasn't rude or anything, I think he actually liked the idea, but in the end he just told me to keep my head down and focus on racing. He also said that while it is nice to be up with the F1 teams, it would be a waste of my driving talents to not be racing on a grid next year, so I think that was his way of telling me it's F2 again next season." You flick on your turn signal and move into a turn lane, slightly more irritated than usual at the slow driver that was in front of you.
   "That's stupid." That was all Oscar could say as he set down the phone and ran his fingers through his hair.
   "But it was weird because, the way Fred was talking, it was like he had no control over what happens once the season is done." When Oscar picks up his phone again he couldn't help but calm down slightly at your driving concentration face that occasionally turns towards him. "Also, he has never been so adamant about me doing something as much as he was about me staying in a position where I can drive, even if it is F2 again. So, I guess I'll go with it, but I'm not happy about it." You stop at a light and lean back into your seat. You both sat in tense silence, Oscar waiting to see if you had anything else, and you waiting to see if Oscar had any words of wisdom or mutual anger. 
   "Let's go to Paris." Oscar's words shocked you, even more than the honk behind you that signaled for you to go before anyone got too mad. 
   "What?" You were tempted to pull over so you could watch Oscar's face as he spoke, to see if he was just kidding you, but you kept on heading home.
   "Next week. I'll be at the Viry HQ all week next week, but I'm off during the weekend, and I'm sure you are too. I'll fly you out there. You need to decompress from all of this." He stands up from the stool to head back to his stove, completely serious about his suggestion.
   "Really? I love Paris." You start eyeing fast food restaurants the closer you got to home. Maybe it would be too bad to stop for food.
   "I know, we'll go to that little café you like. Go to every park we can find. Go to the Louvre so you can look at the art and I can watch you look at the art." He smiles to himself as he cuts up a sausage to toss into another pan.
   "Why not just look at the art?" Your stomach rumbles as the smell from a restaurant wafts into your car as you wait at another red light.
   "Because, I think it's much more interesting to watch art look at art, and I think myself lucky to be able to do so." You knew this light was long, so you had enough time to stare at Oscar after his cheesy pick up line.
   "That was terrible, but…I'll agree to the Paris weekend. As long as there are more jokes like that." You start to drive again as the light turns green.
   "No promises. Bad jokes are my MO." Oscar pours the cooked vegetables onto a white plate. "On another note, I see your eyes looking that the restaurant while you drive. I was there when you were cooking your meal prep a couple of days ago. Get home and eat that so you can go to bed." 
   "Fine." You finally stop searching for a good restaurant and set your sights on home, which was your original plan, but you liked it when Oscar instructed you to take care of yourself. So, home you went, you and your boyfriend blabbing each other's ears off.
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oscarpiastri Had to help my baby ✨decompress ✨
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drivetimeyn Thank you, my love ❤️ Definitely recharged and ready to finish out the season 👊🏿 logansargeant Where was my invite? > theopouchaire21 Yeah me too? > drivetimeyn Please, children, mommy and daddy had to take some time to be alone 😚 > awaywego SEE IM NOT WEIRD FOR CALLING THEM MOM AND DAD theoandynbesties We all deserve someone that invests as much energy in us as Oscar does in Yn
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2023; Your 3rd Formula 2 Season, Oscar's 1st Formula 1 Season ; Spa- Belgian GP
You park your car in front of the first place sign in parc ferme and quickly and somewhat clumsily remove the steering wheel, climb out your car and replace it, hands shaking from nerves and exhaustion after a hard fought race in the rain. You, first, place your hands on the halo, taking a few deep breaths and grounding yourself to the present, something necessary for you after each race because for you, racing is an out of body experience, something where you are a heightened version of yourself and at a certain point it feels like your watching from a third person view. Once back to the present, you go to get weighed and take note of the cheering. Loud cheering. Much louder than when you normally win. You turn and see your team excited for you and you’re startled when you feel Theo run up and hug you tight once he gets off the scale, yelling something that you didn’t quite catch because he still had his helmet on. You spot your boyfriend and head his direction, confused at the wide smile he had on his face.
   “Do you know what you just did?” He had his hands on your shoulders, but you felt a third one touch your shoulder blade when Arthur, who got third in the Sprint, came up behind you.
   “Congratulations. You deserve it after the drive you just had. P5 to P1.” You were looking at everyone wide eyed. Did you just do what you think you did? You knew you were ahead in the championship, only needing a few more points to be considered champion because no amount of points would allow anyone to surpass you.
   “Did I do it? Drivers’ Championship?” Your voice was light and airy as your gaze switched between Oscar and Charles, who you just then realized was there.
   “You did it baby! I knew you could!” You stood in shock, grateful Oscar’s hands were at your waist because you needed to stay steady. As soon as it sunk in you wrapped your arms around Oscar’s neck and started bawling. You worked so hard to get here, tiring yourself out mentally, physically and emotionally. You felt like you were going nowhere but now here you are, your name etched into the history books forever. Oscar consoled you, rubbing your back, and then sent you in the direction of your parents, to whom you continued to bawl on. Nearly every person you encountered received tears somewhere on their person, but luckily by podium time you had no more tears left, so you were able to enjoy your champagne celebration without the embarrassment of crying, Oscar watching happily below until he received a tap on his shoulder.
   “I expected nothing less from Yn. She has been amazing since you guys were in F3.” Charles pats Oscar’s back as he turns his attention back to the podium where you and his brother were knocking champagne bottles before taking a swig. 
   “I know. I’m glad she got this chance but, I can’t help but be pissed because even with all of this,” Oscar waves his hand at the excitement. “She has yet to receive any offers. Even from her own driving academy.”
   “Well, I’m sure they’ll start rolling in now. You’ve just got to be patient.” Charles takes off after that to get one more chance to see his brother before getting ready for the Qualifying day, leaving Oscar to stew.
   “To hell with patience.” Oscar says under his breath before pulling out his phone and walking to go meet you with your parents, taping something angrily out on his phone.
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   “So, Oscar, before we let you go we wanted to ask about the tweet you sent out after Yn’s Sprint Race win that secured the driver’s championship for her. What was going on in that moment as you were tweeting that out?” Oscar looked slowly, wide eyed toward his PR manager who shot daggers through him with her eyes, urging him to not speak which for him wasn’t an option. He was finally given the platform to truly speak on this, but he had to be careful. 
   “Um, I’ll just answer this briefly because I do have to get going, but…Yn has proved herself time and time again how great of a driver she is. Today was the ultimate testament to that. So it’s up to the teams now, seeing who’s gonna take that leap. Thank you.” Oscar is quickly ushered away, quickly heading back to the McLaren motorhome to recoup before qualifying.
   “You just had to, huh?” His PR manager taps her foot and she scrolls and types something out quickly.
   “Yes. And it felt amazing.” Oscar lays his head on the tall counter next to him, smiling like a clown down toward the floor before turning to the woman next to him, who lets a satisfied grin flash briefly on her face.
   “Fine. I guess it was for a good cause. But please, warn me next time.” The exhausted woman pleads with the smiling boy, twisting her phone in her hand as she waits for the greatly needed confirmation.
   “Yes ma’am.” He wraps an arm around her and hugs her close, to which she pulls back since he was still sweaty from the third practice session.
   “Now go to the debriefing meeting before you get in trouble for being late, too.” Oscar does as he is told, jogging off to the computer filled room to first be scolded before the important pre-qualifying meeting got underway.
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drivetimeyn I love my hot boyfriend. That's it. That's the post. ❤️
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oscarpiastri It's an honor to be called hot by someone as lovely as you, gorgeous 😉 > drivetimeyn Sorry, I'm taken by the loser in the crazy colored helmet ✋🏿💅🏿 landonorris We all have our own opinion 😐 > oscarpiastri It's okay, Lando. Everyone knows you have a thing for me 😗 > landonorris Yn, come get ur mans rn ynonthegrid They act like a middle aged couple that been married for years but still act like horny teenagers and I truly wouldn't have it any other way
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f1 Yn Yln, recently crowned FIA F2 Drivers' Champion, to drive alongside Zhou Guanyu at Alfa Romeo in 2024
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alfaromeostake Welcome to the team! > drivetimeyn Excited to keep rising with Sauber ❤️🖤 zhouguanyu24 Couldn't be more excited to have you as a teammate > drivetimeyn Next season, we're going feral 🤪 futurechampyn We all know Yn's driving got her here, but can we give an honorable mention to the leg work Oscar did? Boy put his rep on the line and would gladly do it again oscarpiastri See you on the grid, Love ♥️ > drivetimeyn Let me know how my rear wing looks, okay babe? > oscarpiastri Won't need to, it always looks great 🤩
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dall'inizio - eren x reader, 18+!!!!
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welcome back to the ti penso universe everyone!!!! this is a continuation/prequel of the little series we've followed from my first eren x reader fic. i was really interested to see how they met and ....unsurprisingly, it's a one night stand that doesn't turn out as planned. this one is also super fun because we get to hear from both eren AND reader alternatively, plus reader is a confident, bad bitch and we love that for her. this one goes out to @philliam-writes bc ik you love this eren as much as i do!!!!!! here's ur part 3 bestie >:)
if you'd like to catch up and meet our eren x reader, find them here:
(1) ti penso ogni giorno
(2) nel bene e nel male
pairing: eren x afab reader
wc: 6.7k
DISCLAIMER: this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. if you are a minor, please do not read below the cut.
CWs: smut (duh), consensual hook-up, rough sex, biting, dirty talk, oral sex (fem!receiving), alcohol/drug use (just weed nothing crazy), cussing, penetrative vaginal sex, swearing, use of names (baby), crying, multiple orgasms, eren being a lovestruck idiot (and so are you if you're being honest)
title (as always) means "from the beginning" in italian i'm obsessed with them <3
“You look like a whore,” Ymir says bluntly, dragging her eyes over your outfit– or, lack thereof.
“It’s not that bad,” you wave her off, turning back to the mirror to tug at the hem of your little black slip. You do look like a whore, but it’s intentional. You haven’t gotten laid in three months– your friends have been calling you dramatic, but that’s a lot, okay? You’re in college, you’re supposed to sleep around, right?
On top of that, your last few situationships just haven’t quite…well, they weren’t bad, but they didn’t scratch the itch. You desperately need a fuck– not just a fuck, a good fuck, and you have a feeling tonight’s going to be the night. It’s Halloween, the international holiday for running around in basically zero clothes, and you’ve taken great care to adhere to that tradition.
“Are you a mouse?” Historia wrinkles her nose at you from her spot at the vanity in the corner. She’s in a dalmatian costume; cute, spotted ears sticking up from her blonde hair, blue collar tinkling when she cocks her head at you.
“I’m a fucking cat,” you mutter, drawing a black triangle of eyeliner on the tip of your nose, “I didn’t have time for a real costume.”
“She just wants to get laid,” Mikasa announces, pushing through the studio apartment door with a huff, arms laden with plastic bags that are making a tell-tale clinking sound, “it’s been like, two whole weeks.”
“Three months!” You correct her, defensive.
“I understand,” Ymir, appropriately dressed as Cruella de Vil, grins, “it’s been…what, Stor? Two hours?”
“Ymir!” Historia, scandalized, flushes a furious red. Both you and Mikasa are unphased; in the last four months they’ve been together, the three feet they’re sitting from one another now is the farthest apart you’ve seen them.
“I’m not a whore,” you turn around, hands on hips, “I just…it’s been awhile since I had good sex. Floch was–”
“The worst?” Mikasa finishes for you. You hate how well she knows you; even after less than two years of knowing each other, she can practically read your mind.
“Yeah, you may have mentioned that once or twice,” Historia turns back to the mirror, immediately disinterested. “Or a thousand times.”
You throw your hands up, turning back to the mirror to finish your whiskers. “So none of you can blame me.”
“While you two,” Mikasa points between Ymir and Historia accusingly, “have been screwing like rabbits, and you,” her black-painted fingernail finds its way to you, “have been trying to figure out how to sleep with half of Manhattan, I took the liberty of actually making plans for us.”
“Jean’s?” You raise a knowing eyebrow at her, grateful to put someone else in the hot seat for the night. Mikasa’s cheeks tinge pink. Busted.
“He’s throwing a party, yeah,” she answers slowly, trying to talk her way around her obvious attraction to him, “but it’s not those douchebags he usually hangs out with. My best friend from home, Eren, just got into town, and,” she looks at you pointedly, “some of his friends are actually cute.”
You’re unconvinced. “Pictures?”
“You’ll have to wait and see,” Mikasa bites her lip mischievously, “but if you take a few tequila shots with me, I might be persuaded to show you one or two.”
You’re dubious. Mikasa’s definitely shown you a photo of these guys before, and you don’t remember a standout in the lineup. This Eren character, however…Mikasa has a framed picture on her bedside nightstand of them in high school, and you remember him being sort of cute. Dark, short-cropped hair, big green eyes so wide and earnest that he almost reminded you of a movie character. That picture was three or four years old now so…who knows? Maybe he’d grown into his features.
“Eren’s a no-go, though,” Mikasa continues, knowing your exact train of thought of course, pouring out shots of lukewarm, cheap tequila. Your stomach gurgles in protest at the smell as you accept yours. “He’s a nightmare to women, trust me.”
“Who knows,” Ymir pipes up, nodding her head towards you, “she’s a nightmare to men, so.”
“I am not a nightmare,” you narrow your eyes, “I just don’t like to be tied down, that’s all.”
“You’ll have to be at some point,” Historia argues, smiling when Ymir slips a hand into hers. You wrinkle your nose, uninterested.
“It’s 2018, Stor, not very feminist of you,” you tut, throwing back your shot and practically choking it down. Ick.
“I’m a lesbian, how much more feminist can I get?”
“Just promise me you won’t get wrapped up with him?” Mikasa eyes you, still not trusting the glint of curiosity in your eye.
Ymir crosses her arms over her chest. “Are you positive you like Jean and not this Eren dude?”
Mikasa makes a fake retching sound. “Eren’s practically my brother. I’ve seen his bare ass more times than I can count. Way past the attraction threshold, trust me. I just…I know him. And I know you,” she glares at you, “it’s a toss-up as to who would do more damage to the other.”
“I’ll behave,” you placate her, throwing your arms around her shoulders, “…maybe.”
Eren might puke. No, wait, he’s going to puke– oh, no, just an unbelievably loud burp. Eren smiles contentedly, feeling much better even as it stinks up the entire taxi. Connie leans over Armin, scrunches his nose and squints his eyes.
“That fucking reeks, dude!”
“Sorry,” Eren shrugs, turning his head back to the window and ignoring Armin and Connie’s complaints. They were all a few beers deep- what did they expect? 
Eren’s lived a few hours outside of New York City all his life, but he’s never been, except maybe once or twice for field trips as a kid. He never remembered it looking like this, though: each little apartment twinkled like a star, giving the wall of skyscrapers the appearance of the night sky. Even as the cab screeches and jerks in the Lower West Side traffic, Eren feels like he’s in a spaceship, free and flying amongst the stars. 
Maybe he could talk to Zeke, convince him to move their little operation out of their garage and into the city. There was money here, right? And plenty of musicians who weren’t quite good enough to get signed by any major labels…
“Mikasa says she and her friends will be over in five,” Armin squints at his phone screen, holding it far away from him like an old man to type a response. Eren nearly rolls his eyes.
“Would you just get some fucking glasses already?”
“Annie said they made me look nerdy,” Armin shrugs. Connie groans.
“You two broke up like, a year ago–”
“Six months,” Armin corrects him, eyes growing sadder by the second.
“Okay, six months, whatever, we’ve got to get you laid tonight, dude.”
Eren lets the two slip into an argument about the “appropriate amount of time” to wait to sleep with someone after a breakup, much preferring his unusually contemplative mood to Connie and Armin’s bickering after their four-hour train ride together. He smiled to himself; God, it would be good to see Mikasa again. He wouldn’t have admitted it at gunpoint, but she was practically his mom growing up, and she’d been gone for over a year, only visiting for Christmas. Rumor had it that she’d been spending a lot of time with Jean as of late, so he needed to see what that was all about, too.
And who had Eren been spending a lot of time with lately? No one but bar rats and slim pickings from the frat parties at Trost University near his hometown. When was the last time he’d even gotten laid? A month? Two? Her name had been Jenna…no, Jenny? Josephina? Fuck, he should remember that. Eren needs to get laid, regardless, but if he dares to step near any of Mikasa’s friends, she’ll kill him, he knows that from experience. Then again, maybe this weird-ass Jean situation would come in handy. If Mikasa ends up distracted…
“Excuse me!” Armin disturbs his thoughts once again; Eren scowls. “Excuse me, sir? I think we’re here.”
Eren pays for the cab. Armin had bought the train tickets and the chain-gang costumes they were all currently sporting, and Connie was always flat broke, insisting his music career would work out soon. That could be Eren’s fault, though: Connie was one of his and Zeke’s first “clients”. None of them even bothered keeping up with the money exchanged between each other anymore; Connie had been in their kindergarten class, Armin’s mom had changed all of their diapers, Mikasa’s parents were the “cool parents” that let them smoke weed in the backyard, Jean’s mom made the best potato salad. They were a little family, separated by life and college at the moment, but a family all the same. Eren felt a little tingle of appreciation in his stomach as they climbed the stairs to Jean’s walk-up.
“Jaeger!” Jean was dapping him up and smacking a fist against his back before Eren could even properly look around the dark apartment.
“Kirstein,” Eren returns his embrace and has to shout over the music, suddenly smacked with a wave of homesickness at the familiar smell of weed and Jean’s tacky Hugo Boss cologne.
“Make yourself at home, dude,” Jean’s nearly inaudible over the thumping house music. He’s got some stupid mummy costume on that exposes his lean stomach, basically just shirtless and wrapped in toilet paper. Eren stifles a laugh, looking around the apartment for any other familiar faces.
Reiner approaches him next, a goofy, drunken grin splitting his face wide open, tackling Eren in a bear hug. Most of the greetings go like that; I miss you! How are you? How’s the business? Are you still in Shiganshina? It makes Eren’s chest tight, makes him miss the closeness of the people he loves. He was just always fucking working, helping Zeke with paperwork, running around town talking to clients, pulling at his face late at night looking over the finances of everything. He feels wound up, ready to burst, but the blunt and beer Bertholdt just handed him should fix that, at least somewhat. He needs…fuck, he needs to get laid.
His eyes search the room, looking for the one person he’s looking most forward to seeing, but he doesn’t find Mikasa where he expects.
She’s perched on Jean’s lap, giggling over her drink as Jean waves his arms wildly, telling her a story. That bizarre sight only holds Eren’s gaze for a moment, though, because there you are beside her, grinning wickedly with one of those stupid vapes between your teeth.
Eren stops dead in his tracks, speechless. Where do they even make women like that? He goes bottom to top, letting himself be impressed with how well you’re balancing on those high heels, ravishing every naked inch of your exposed legs until he reaches the hem of– fuck, is that just lingerie? Whatever little black thing you’re wearing, it makes his heart race, makes his pants tight. It’s low-cut in the chest enough to tease, a little collar around your neck, and your face…even your face makes him hard, so beautiful in the low lighting, eyes glimmering. You look evil and fun and sexy all at once, and Eren’s sold within the first ten seconds of seeing you.
Before he can make a beeline in your direction, he realizes he’s taken his gaze off of Mikasa and Jean long enough for them to approach him, Mikasa throwing her arms around his neck.
“Eren!” She squeals in his ear, clearly already drunk. Eren chuckles, trying to rein himself in enough to hold a stable conversation. The little black dress flashes behind his eyes as he smiles down at Mikasa.
“Hey Mika,” he ruffles her hair, making Mikasa grumble and reach towards her head to right what he’s ruined. His eyes wander back to you; you’re watching him too, sizing him up. He wonders if you like what you see, pulls at the zipper of his orange jumpsuit to inch it down, reveal some of his stomach. Eren’s not conceited per se, but he spends an unhealthy amount of time in the gym, and he knows it shows. As your gaze travels down to where he holds his zipper, Eren can’t look away, knows it must be obvious that he’s distracted.
“Bro,” Jean snaps his fingers in front of Eren’s eyes, looking over his shoulder to see what Eren’s staring at. He turns back with a smirk. “Yeah?”
Fuck, now Mikasa’s looking off in the same direction, returning her eyes to him with a scowl. Drunk or not, she never fails to scare the shit out of him. “No. No fucking way, Eren.”
“What?” Eren sips his beer innocently, shrugging. He was only staring…for now.
“She’s my best friend, Eren, no,” Mikasa says, firmer this time.
“Thought I was your best friend?”
“Didn’t she just break things off with Floch like…” Jean trails off at the withering glare Mikasa shoots him, turning red.
“She’s off-limits.” Eren nods, her words going in one ear and out the other. Mikasa’s scolded him before, and she won’t stop anytime soon, so what’s one more? She can read his mind, evidently, because she reaches up and pinches his cheek, yanking him down to her level.
“Off. Fucking. Limits.” Mikasa seethes. “Do you hear me?”
“Yeah, yeah I- fuck, let go! I hear you Mika,” Eren rubs his sore cheek, frowning. He can see you laughing at him, eyes barely visible over the edge of your drink. Great, Eren thinks; getting a talking-to from Mikasa like a child was not the first impression he wanted to give you.
Mikasa’s grabbing Jean’s hand and pulling him back towards the crowd, presumably to play guard dog for you, but before she can get him too far, Jean leans back towards Eren, cups a hand around his mouth.
“She’s single, bro,” Jean manages to get out before Mikasa pulls harder, “go for it!”
Eren grins. If Mikasa wanted to bite his head off for this, now he could blame it on Jean. What the hell was he supposed to say to you, though? You’re leagues above the girls he’s been pursuing. If Eren’s honest with himself, he’s intimidated by you, but his only solution is to throw some more of his beer back for liquid courage. He’s always loved a challenge.
When he pulls the cup away from his face, you’ve appeared in front of him, smiling demurely and nearly making him jump out of his skin.
The second you saw him, you were hooked. He was gorgeous, dark hair pulled into a little half-bun on the back of his head, pretty eyes, and tall and broad to boot. He was almost stern-looking, dark eyebrows shielding his eyes. Dark and mean, just the way you like them.
Mikasa had given him a massive hug, interrupting the clear eye-fucking you were engaged in across the room; so that was Eren? Her long-lost best friend that was always too busy to visit? The happy kid from the picture? You watched her scold him, giggling to yourself at how childlike he became, crumbling under Mikasa’s pinch and pouting when she let him go.
You had no choice, really. Your promise to Mikasa had flown out of your mind the moment you saw those full lips pursed around the blunt, blowing out a puff of smoke, stretching into a wide, dangerous smile. You’re an only child and admittedly, a bit spoiled, so when you want something, you get it.
“Hi,” you can’t manage anything more clever, not face to face with his bare chest. Jean’s apartment is stuffy, and you catch the gleam of sweat on his chest in the LED lighting. You lick your lips.
“Hi,” Eren responds stiffly, looking as surprised as if you’d just punched him in the gut.
“You’re Eren, right? Mikasa’s friend?”
Eren hits his blunt again, nods slowly. “I don’t think we’ve met though, you’re…?”
You give him your name. He smiles and repeats it, rolling it around on his tongue and getting a taste for it. You can already see little hearts in his eyes, it makes you grin to yourself. You had expected him to put up more of a fight; there’s a dozen girls in this room alone that would fall all over themselves to get him in bed, but he’s enraptured by you, eyes never leaving your face. You’ve got him. 
“A cat, huh?” Eren addresses the costume, dipping his head in the direction of the little black ears on your head. You’re suddenly embarrassed, feeling a bit silly.
“I, uh, didn’t really have time to shop,” you shrug, pulling at the hem of your dress. Eren’s mouth quirks up. “A prisoner?”
“Yeah, I didn’t get to pick. I like yours, though, it fits you.”
You cock an eyebrow at him. “A cat fits me?”
“Yeah,” Eren says, growing surer by the second, “I don’t know. Just fits. S’cute.”
You’re embarrassed by the giddy flutter in your stomach. God, he’s delicious. “You think I’m cute?”
“I think lots of things about you,” Eren replies, voice low and sultry and hardly audible over the music. His eyes widen like he hadn’t exactly meant to say that out loud, but it’s too late now. You grin, all teeth and bad intentions.
“We just met,” you point out. Eren’s confidence has returned, he boldly brings a hand to the spaghetti strap of your dress. His fingers are hot– why do men always run so hot? His touch almost burns.
“You wore this,” he rubs the fabric between his fingers, “and expect me not to have a few thoughts on it? Wasn’t that the point?”
The breath leaves your lungs. Your confidence fizzles at the same rate as your arousal grows. There are plenty of hot guys here, but you might have jumped into the deep end with this one. Something flickers in his eyes, something hungry.
“Why don’t you tell me about these thoughts of yours?”
“I will,” Eren nods, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth, “later.”
“We’re at a party,” Eren takes the empty cup from you, replacing it with his own, much larger hand, “shouldn’t we at least dance a little?”
Before you can argue, he’s pulling you out into the center of Jean’s obnoxiously spacious living room, into a jungle of sweaty, gyrating bodies. You’re close enough to the speakers now that the bass pounds through your body to the same rhythm as your heart thudding in your chest. The crowded, makeshift dance floor pushes you into Eren, skin against skin. You have a fleeting moment to be grateful that you’re likely now obscured from Mikasa’s view before a pair of strong hands around your hips prevent any more conscious thoughts from taking shape in your brain.
“One of my thoughts,” Eren’s right beside your ear now, voice echoing in your brain, “is that I like you. Like this body.”
“T-thank you,” you stammer out, wanting to facepalm at not only your stupidly simple response, but the weakness in your voice.
“Move it for me.”
You obey him, letting your body move with the music, trying not to get too caught up in whether or not you look ridiculous with how you’re pressing your body into his, arms thrown around his neck. Eren seems to like the way you move on him, pushing and pulling your hips in the rhythm you’ve set, looking down his nose at you with bloodshot eyes.
Your panties are growing wetter by the second; he’s intoxicating, the feel of him against you, firm and tacky with sweat. His hands are tracing up your sides, dragging slowly as if he’s memorizing the curves of your body. You haven’t known him long enough to want him the way that you do, humiliated by the carnal desire simmering in the pit of your stomach, but you’ve had enough tequila not to care. The whole thing is too similar to what you really want, and you make it through a solid seven or eight songs before you can’t take the stifling tension between the two of you any longer, thick enough to cut with a knife.
You lean up on the tips of your toes, wobbling in your heels, and grab him tight around the neck, pulling him to you. Your lips finally meet; Eren’s slow to respond as you’ve caught him off guard, but he catches on quickly, lips falling open so you can kiss him deeper. His lips are softer than you expect, supple and giving as they move with yours. You trace your tongue through his teeth, hardly suppressing a whine. He tastes good, like cheap beer and weed and lust. You drink him in, a satisfied hum buzzing in your chest.
Without warning, Eren practically rips you off of him. “Not here.”
He’s dragging you through the people around you, knocking them out of the way and not stopping to apologize when he gets offended looks. He pulls you into what you know to be Jean’s room, wastes no time in shoving you up against the door and blocking you in with his wide shoulders.
You swallow hard; you’ve underestimated him.
“Another one of my thoughts,” Eren mouths at the area beneath your ear, makes you groan, “is that you’re pretty. Like, very fucking pretty. Bet you’re twice as pretty under this dress.”
“I think you’re pretty, too,” you manage to say, forcing the words from your mouth. Eren chuckles, smiling against the shell of your ear.
“C’mere,” he tilts your chin up, kissing you again. It’s troublingly gentle, long and languid as your mouths move against one another. He kisses you like he loves you; the thought makes alarm bells ring in your head, and you nip at his bottom lip to break up the emotional momentum, sink your teeth into it. Eren pulls back, chuckling down at you. “You’re mean.”
“Only a little.”
“Is that what you like?” Eren thumbs at your mouth, slipping his finger between your lips. You suck greedily, rubbing your tongue against the roughness of his fingertip. “Like it a little mean? Between you and me, I like ‘em a little mean, too.”
You nod, gently biting on his thumb. Eren groans, a low rumble deep in his chest. “Oh, I’m going to have fun with you.”
He’s pulling your dress over your head before you can stop him, sucking in a sharp breath when he gets an eyeful of your lace-clad breasts, the tiny thong you’ve slipped over your hips. Stronger than you’d expected, Eren pulls you up to wrap your legs around his waist, slamming your back against the door with a loud thud and knocking your stupid cat ears to the floor. You can hear a few sounds of surprise from outside; surely that got a few people’s attention, but you’re lost in him, whimpering at the feel of his jumpsuit costume rubbing against your clothed center.
Eren’s sloppy, placing open-mouthed kisses down your neck, pausing to suck a bruise underneath your ear. You gasp, canting your hips into his stomach, desperate for friction. You’re normally not so uninhibited, but Eren’s doing something to your head, has your mind spinning. He’s carrying you over to the bed, dropping you down onto Jean’s sheets. Eren leans down to pull your heels off, a sweet gesture if you could find the presence of mind to acknowledge it. You feel a flicker of guilt about doing this in Jean’s bed, but when Eren starts sliding a hand up your thigh, it flickers away into nothing, swallowed by your bottomless want. 
“Look at that,” Eren smirks, rubbing his fingers over your panties, “soaked. This all for me?”
“Mhm,” you whine, hips jerking up towards his touch. It is for him, it was from the moment you laid eyes on him, and you both know it. His hands are everywhere: unclasping your bra, pulling your panties down, palming at your tits. You arch your back up to him, offering him your chest; he responds by closing down on one of your nipples with his teeth.
“So pretty,” Eren’s murmuring around the mouthful of your flesh he’s got, twisting the neglected nipple of your right breast between his fingers, “so pretty.”
“Eren,” you sigh, running your fingers through his hair, pulling it out of its bun and wrapping the hair band around your wrist. His mouth is hot, scalding, even, but you pull him closer to you anyway, pressing his face into your tits. Eren doesn’t seem to mind, letting you move him this way and that, show him what you like and how to pull those pretty moans out of your mouth. Before long, he’s kissing his way down your stomach, hands gripping your hips like a lifeline.
“Want a taste,” Eren sounds more like he’s talking to himself than to you, “need to taste this pussy.”
“Eren,” you reach for his hair, trying to pull him back up to you. While you’d love to see what the mouth that had just kissed you breathless could do between your legs, the thumping music outside is an annoying but consistent reminder that there’s an entire party outside and you’re in Jean’s bedroom. The clock’s ticking. “Want to feel you, we don’t have time for–”
“Don’t have time?” Something wicked lights Eren’s face up as he shimmies your panties down your legs. “Believe me, it won’t take long.”
“Eren,” your protest is feeble but earnest, and you make another attempt to reach for him when a long, thick lick up your center renders you near-unconscious. You moan, a little louder than you would have liked to.
“See? Gonna make you feel so good, trust me,” Eren’s punctuating each word with a little kiss somewhere on your pussy: your clit, your lips, right over your fluttering entrance. You have no choice but to whimper and nod, canting your hips up towards him. You look down, immediately regretting it: Eren’s wiggled out of his costume, naked and beautiful and staring up at you from between your legs. You’re hardly able to swallow the inhuman sound that threatens to rip from your throat.
Where he’d been cool and calculated pulling you onto the dance floor, you quickly learn that Eren eats pussy like he can’t control himself, like his life depends on it. His massive hands wrap around the tops of your thighs, securing you against his face as you try to squirm away. He licks into you enthusiastically, moaning against you at the taste, sending a succession of vibrations through you that go straight to the fire in your stomach.
When his lips close around your clit and suck hard, you have to slap a hand over your mouth to stop a wail from reaching the ears right outside the door. Eren takes the opportunity to sneak a finger into you, curl it right against that gummy spot in your walls that has you seeing stars. As he works his finger in your cunt, he kisses his way back up to your mouth, greeting you with a sloppy kiss.
“Feels good, right?” Eren’s face is literally dripping with you, a sharp-toothed grin barely visible in the dim light.
“Feels good,” you whimper, daring to look down to where he’s grinding his palm against your clit. You can see the veins of his muscular arm straining as he pumps in and out of you; it’s a lewd sight, one that makes your head spin. “‘S so much Eren, I— fuck.”
“Yeah?” Eren’s smile grows darker, another finger slips into you easily. You’re practically dripping onto the sheets at this point, rolling your hips against his hand with your mouth hanging open. It’s humiliating but too gratifying to stop. “Gonna cum for me? You can do it, give it to me.”
“God– close, so c-close,” you can barely find the words to respond, the pressure in your belly swelling at an alarming speed. You’re going to squirt, you know you are, should move off of Jean’s bed or warn Eren or do something, but it’s too late.
You thrash in Eren’s grip, cumming so hard you think you can taste blood where you bite your lip. You can feel the wetness spraying from you, soaking Eren’s hand and the sheets and your inner thighs, can distantly hear your pitiful cries, but you’re powerless to do anything about it until the mind-numbing orgasm’s run its course. Eventually you do settle, babbling incoherently into Eren’s shoulder about Jean’s ruined sheets, about how you’re sorry for making a mess. Eren shuts you up with his mouth on yours; you can hear the distant rip of a condom wrapper.
“You’re so fucking perfect,” he laughs, rolling on top of you and lining himself up, “gonna have to keep you.”
Before you can even think to offer to return the favor or make a sarcastic remark about how you’d never let anyone keep you, Eren’s pressing into you, and your mind short-circuits. Shit, maybe you’d let him keep you.
You hadn’t gotten a good look at him in the darkness, but he’s big, bigger than you’ve ever had before, and big enough that you realize this when he’s not even halfway in.
“Eren…it’s so– s’big,” you hiccup into his shoulder, fingernails clawing into his biceps.
“Is it too much, baby?” You hate pet names, hate them, but from the greek god splitting you open right now, you love it, want to lick the word right out of his mouth and taste it on your own tongue. The genuine concern glittering in his eyes, the little furrow between his brows as he pauses, frowns down at you, fuck, you might be in love.
“No, not too much– feels good.”
Eren’s grin is feral. “Yeah? Tell me.”
“Feels so fucking good,” a little giggle sneaks out from your clenched jaw, Eren smiles wider and cups your face to kiss you again, far too gently to match the way he’s stretching you, bullying your cunt into the shape of him.
“Feel full?”
“Mhm,” he’s bottomed out now, impossibly deep, and you give him a little roll of your hips to show him just how okay you are, that you’re ready to see what he can really do.
“You’ve got–” Eren rolls his hips experimentally, punches a moan from your chest– “the best fucking pussy. So tight for me.”
Ordinarily, dirty talk makes you cringe, but something about the way he words things, as raw as if his inner monologue is spilling out of him, turns you on, makes your cunt clench down around him. That makes him happy, he sucks in a breath of air and starts pounding into you hard enough to make tears well in your eyes, hard enough to make you squeal in a way no one else ever has.
“Taking me so fucking well, baby,” Eren’s hands are grabbing your face, his lips pressing into your forehead, “never gonna let this pussy go.”
You grant him a long moan of agreement, so cockdrunk that for now, you’re more than happy to sign your freedom away to stay in this bed, pinned underneath him for all of eternity. He’s fucking into you so deep he’s practically in your throat; your breath comes out in short little huffs, choking on the brutal pace of his fucking. And god, he’s so big, but you’re taking him somehow, like you were made for it.
Eren moves one of his hands away from his face to swat your fingers away from where you’re digging into his arms, surely close to drawing blood.
“Fucking hurts,” he hisses, “just as mean as you are pretty, y’know that?”
He easily manhandles your arms above your head, pinning them above you by your wrists. The way he stretches his body to do so changes the angle he’s fucking into you at; now he’s hammering into the spot inside of you he’d found far too quickly with his fingers. Your eyes shoot open at the change, and Eren doesn’t miss it. He smirks.
“Right there?”
“God, yes, please– right there,” you sound pathetic, the few surviving rational brain cells you possess are laughing at you, but there’s no help for it. He’s already got you spiraling towards cumming again, the wetness from your cunt creating a sucking sound where he’s moving in and out of you.
“Fuck, m’close. Think you can cum again for me?”
“Yes,” you breathe, tilting your head up to nip at his neck, a tear or two running down into your hairline. You can do anything he asks, you think, anything in the world just for him, for how he’s making you feel. Eren practically growls, pistoning his hips faster.
“Need you to cum for me, okay beautiful? Cum right now.”
“S-so close– I– Eren, oh my god,” you’re babbling, eyes rolling back into your head. Eren smashes his lips to yours, grinding his hips into your clit and shoving you over the edge for the second time that night. You sob and convulse around him, back arching desperately and pressing your chests together. You’re seeing stars as he fucks you through it, grunting in your ear and growing sloppy as you tighten around him.
“Fuck!” Eren bites into your shoulder, hard enough to bruise, stilling his hips as deep inside you as he can manage. Your fucked-out brain wants the condom off, wants to feel the full warmth of him as he cums inside of you, grinding his hips against yours. Before he’s finished, Eren moves back to your mouth, kissing you deep and slow, a kiss that means a whole lot more than what you’ve just done together as a party rages just past the door.
As you’re panting beneath him, trying to ground yourself and come back to reality, Eren rolls off of you, whips the condom off, and to your surprise, takes you into his arms, pulls your head to his chest.
“You okay?”
You’re so blissed out right now that it’s a laughable question, and you giggle, watery and light into his chest. “More than okay.”
Eren laughs at that, a real laugh from deep in his stomach. The sound of it makes something warm and happy spark in your chest. “That good, huh?”
“You’re alright.” You’re trying to keep your eyes open, more than aware that your teeny tiny thong is on the floor and you’re naked in the arms of a stranger in Jean’s fucking bed, but Eren’s so warm, so comfortable, your eyes are fluttering despite your protests. 
“Oh?” Eren’s voice raises in pitch, gets breathy. “Yes, Eren! Right there, Eren! I’m cumming, Eren!”
“Oh my god, shut up!” You smack at his chest, cheeks burning, but you make no move to roll away from him, preferring your snug little hovel against him to the loud, smoky party that awaits you should you leave.
“S’okay,” Eren presses a kiss to your hairline, “I like that you’re loud.”
“Not loud,” you grouch, resolving to let yourself enjoy just a few minutes of keeping your eyes closed before you return to the party. The last thing you remember is Eren humming, tracing circles into your shoulders with his fingers. You think you recognize the tune; it’s a love song.
“Oh my god, oh my fucking god, is that Jean? What time is it? Eren!”
Eren’s first peaceful sleep in months is disturbed rather rudely, in his opinion; he shields his eyes from the brightness of the overhead light, peering through his fingers to see you, hair a rat’s nest and smudged makeup in rings around your eyes. He scowls at the warm, empty spot next to him in the bed that you’ve already leapt out of, frantic with energy even through your hangover. You’re alternating between running around the room naked, trying to find your dress, and shaking him urgently. He bites back a grin; so you are real, and just as hot as he remembered.
“Chill the fuck out, Jean!” Eren shouts, using far more energy than he can afford to expend if he’s leaving the bed anytime soon. The alarm clock on the nightstand reads 7:01am. Shit. “We’ll be out in a second!”
“Get your ass out here, Eren!” Shit. Mikasa’s here too? Oh, he’s dead the second he leaves this room. All the better to stay put, then.
“Get up,” you hiss at him, looking every bit of a pissed-off racoon as you scrounge around on the floor.
“Need my hair tie back if you want me to get up.”
“Ugh, here,” you fling it at him, hitting him squarely in the forehead. Eren chuckles, pulling his hair off of his neck and into its usual bun. He feels empty, feels alone, realizes that he wants your touch, the same body-to-body contact that he’d enjoyed last night.. 
“They’re fine,” Eren grumbles, hoping you can’t see the amusement written on his face, “we’ve got a few more minutes.”
He reaches sleepily for you, pulling you back into the bed with him amidst your whispered protests, pulling your lips back to his where they belong. He kisses you slowly, indulgently, convincingly. Your skin against his does wonders for the soul-crushing anxiety he’s been putting up with over the last few months. You’re like a drug to him; just one hit and he feels worlds better, feels like he can actually get through everything weighing on him for now. Jesus, even your morning breath doesn’t turn him off; his cock twitches in interest beneath the covers. Cute when you’re angry, he thinks to himself. He has a feeling you’d smack him if he said it out loud.
“We can’t,” you breathe into his mouth, pushing weakly at his chest. Eren loves the feel of your palms on his chest, necessarily resistant in the name of a one–night stand, but lacking the force to prove your point. You want him too, he realizes. The thought goes straight to his dick, and he takes a deep breath to keep his composure, to stop himself from jumping all over you with Mikasa and Jean right outside. He’s rather impressed with his efforts, rubbing small circles on your lower back instead of grabbing a handful of your ass and pulling you into his lap like he wants to.
“We can,” Eren murmurs back, already ten times happier than he was a moment ago, “just want to kiss you, that’s all.”
That makes you pull back, fix him with a stern look. “I don’t want to come off as a bitch, but I don’t really do the morning-after thing. Don’t you live, like, five hours from the city anyway?”
Eren’s not the brightest when he’s tired, and he’s even stupider around beautiful women. He cocks his head at you, smiling. “Mikasa didn’t tell you? I’m moving to the city in a few weeks.”
You eye him suspiciously. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Eren’s bullshitting, bullshitting very badly and he knows it, “just have to get some things worked out with my brother and our business. Get the operation moved here, that’s all.”
He knows your type: flighty, heavily anti-commitment, and meaner than a snake when you’re cornered. But Eren hopes, he hopes stupidly and against all reason because even if it was just a night, he meant what he said in the throes of passion. You’re funny, you’re interesting, you’re sexy, and he doesn’t want to let you go. He wants to fuck you stupid, just like he did last night, for the rest of his life.
He can’t say any of this out loud, of course, but what if he’s not bullshitting? What if he can convince Zeke to move their amateur record label into the city, where they can pick up real artists, and he can fuck you stupid whenever he feels like it? Maybe he can even learn how you like your coffee, what your bra size is, where the junk drawer in your apartment lives. Eren doesn’t know you, he knows that, but he inexplicably wants those things, wants the mundane parts of you for himself.
“Get the fuck out here, Jaeger, that’s my fucking bed!” Fists pound against the door, threatening to barge into your little sanctuary. Mikasa’s calling your name from outside too, voice harsh and angry. Eren waits for you to scold him, waits for you to shove him off of you and tell him to fuck off.
To his surprise, you make no move to get up and offer him a sheepish grin, shrugging shyly as if you’re not fully naked in his arms. “I guess I’ll see you around, then.”
Eren’s heart swells. “I’m not chancing that. Give me your number.”“You can earn my number if you buy me breakfast,” you scoff, “and help me find my dress before Mikasa kills us both.”
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augiewrites · 7 months
"secret admirer" - dead poets society (part 5)
summary: y/n receives a curious invitation from meeks and has a surprise encounter with neil and todd
pairing: anonymous!dead poet x gender neutral reader
word count: 1.2k
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It was finally Friday, and Y/N was looking forward to spending the weekend recovering from a week of non-stop exams, cramming, and a nonexistent sleep schedule. The morning’s classes had been a drag so far, and they were looking forward to the reprieve of Keating’s class. Knowing they'd be in close proximity to their admirer aside, Keating’s class gave them an opportunity to activate another part of their brain—one concerned less with grades and formulas.
No, this part was more concerned with matters of feeling. Matters of love, art, expression—everything crucial to finding true meaning in life.
Something that Y/N’s life—and the students of Welton’s lives—was severely lacking.
Y/N shoved the existential crisis to the back of their mind, shooting Todd a smile as he occupied the desk at the front of the class.
Their desk compartment was empty aside from their textbook and notes. Y/N felt their heart drop. It had been empty for days.
Did I make a mistake leaving that poem?
Y/N did their best to not look disappointed. The only thing more embarrassing than their poet’s lack of response was the thought of him observing their discontent.
Keating’s class didn't give them much reprieve that day.
Against their better judgment, Y/N found themselves in the library during common hour. In all truth, Y/N just wanted to go back to their dorm and bang their head against the wall until they fell asleep. Alas, the expectation of a 4.0 GPA was looming over their head.
Thankfully, Meeks was the only other person to show up. Y/N didn't think they had the strength to deal with Dalton.
“So are you just going to keep side eyeing me, or do you have something to say?” Y/N set down their pencil and turned to face Meeks.
“Y/N, you've sighed three times within the last minute,” Meeks quipped, "seems like you're the one with something to say."
“But I'm right, though. You have something you want to say."
“I'll share with the class if you will.”
The two stared at each other for a moment—Meeks' expression much lighter compared to Y/N’s frustrated features.
Y/N gave in first.
“I’m tired, Meeks."
“You’re going to have to give me a little more here, Y/N.”
"I'm waiting."
“My GPA dropped to a 3.7," Y/N’s gaze was fixed to the table, “my parents are not happy. I feel like all I ever do is try, but it's not enough, and it never will be. My social life is practically nonexistent, I don't remember the last time I had fun, and I can feel my spirit dying. Some days it feels like I'm dying."
“You’re more than your grades, Y/N. You have to know that."
“I know that, Meeks. They don't,” Y/N let out a bitter laugh, “they ship me off to this prison, don't let me come home for breaks, and they call me maybe twice a semester if I'm lucky. They see my grades more than they ever see me."
Meeks was silent for a beat as Y/N cradled their head in their hands.
“Tomorrow night. Meet me outside the East wing at 10PM.”
“Meeks, what are you—“
“Just trust me. If you care about your spirit, anyway."
“Fine,” Y/N began packing their bag and stood up, nodding absentmindedly, "yeah, okay."
Because everything was cosmically determined to go wrong, Y/N crashed into Charlie as they rounded the corner out of the library. Their armload of textbooks crashed to the floor.
“Don’t you know to look both ways before crossing the street?" Charlie joked as he knelt to pick up Y/N’s books.
Y/N kept their head down as they gathered the mess of note paper that exploded out of their trig book.
“I mean, really, Y/N. If you want to feel me up you don't need to be so aggressive about it—“
Charlie’s sly smile melted into concern when he noticed the tears in Y/N’s eyes.
"Hey, are you okay, Y/N?” Charlie passed the books to Y/N and placed a gentle hand on their upper am.
Y/N gave the boy a tight lipped smile and stepped away from his touch.
“I'm fine, Dalton," Y/N was already moving down the hall.
“If you're looking for Meeks, he's still in there."
Y/N disappeared around the corner, leaving Charlie staring at the space they just occupied.
Y/N wasn’t one for skipping class, but it was the last period of the day and Y/N thought their head would explode if they didn’t get away from everyone as soon as possible.
They triple checked that the hallway was empty before rushing into the storage room filled with students’ empty luggage.
But the room wasn’t unoccupied like they expected.
Neil Perry and Todd Anderson were in the middle of the room, locked in a gentle embrace.
They jumped apart when they heard Y/N’s soft sound of surprise, and the trio looked at each other in shock for a beat.
“We were just—” Neil took a step away from Todd before the other boy cut him off, surprising everyone, seemingly including himself.
“We’re together.”
They all stared at each other for another moment before Neil stepped forward again.
“You can’t tell anyone, Y/N.”
“I won’t,” Y/N blinked, suddenly coming alive again, “I would never.”
Relief washed over the two boys. Todd was more red than Y/N thought was humanly possible.
“Okay, I’m just gonna,” Y/N took a step back and jerked a thumb over their shoulder at the door, “go…”
They turned quickly to leave.
“Y/N.” Neil’s hand enclosed their wrist as they reached for the doorknob.
They looked up into Neil’s soft gaze, a faint smile on his face, “thank you.”
“Of course,” they returned the smile and waved to Todd as they slipped out the door, rushing to their dorm to avoid being caught for truancy.
Y/N had been laying in bed for all of fifteen minutes before they heard the familiar sound of paper sliding under the door.
They were out of bed and rushing to open the door before they could think twice. Truancy be damned.
The empty hallway mocked Y/N.
Frustrated tears welled in their eyes as they slammed the door and grabbed the envelope off the floor before ripping it open.
Beloved Y/N,
In your eyes, a storm silently brews, Emotional tempest, tears it strews. I stand close, a silent observer, Love entangled in your pain, a fervent preserver.
Your hurt, a whisper in the quiet air, A shared burden, a weight to bear. In the shadows, love stands strong, A balm for wounds, a solace lifelong.
In the heart's tempest, emotions entwine, Love persists, a steadfast lifeline. I may not heal all that pains your soul, But together, in love, we find a way to be whole.
x, Yours.
Y/N let the tears flow freely as they sunk down onto the bed.
They were certain of who wasn’t their poet, but they were in denial about who it could be.
part six
a/n: any reality where neil and todd aren't in love is a crime against nature
taglist: @vvnbxz @edb954
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caramelberzatto · 8 months
need some filthy carmy smut to distract me from studying for my midterms 🫣
okay but real i get that bae-- (nsfw below, minors dni. fem!reader.)
the days were long, and you're pretty sure the baristas at the cafe down the street knew your name by now. they saw you twice, sometimes three times a day, and one of them once gave you a free brownie after a particularly sleepless night last week when you'd been doing practice test after practice test.
but today was alright, albeit torturous. the words had begun to swim on the pages of your textbook, and you simply couldn't focus. you were ready to throw your highlighter out the window.
meanwhile, carmy was in the bedroom, flicking through old tax invoices, a deep wrinkle taking up permanent residence between his eyebrows.
'stop frowning,' you muttered as you climbed onto the bed, straddling his lap. gently easing the papers from his hands, you tossed them onto the nightstand, then peeled your shirt over your head. 'i'm so bored.'
carmy knew what you wanted, and was more than happy to oblige you, but he wanted to tease a little first.
'what did you get done?' his hands roamed, thumbs running over your hips, tracing up your ribs, sliding gently down your back. he leaned in, placing a line of gentle kisses up the side of your neck.
'couple of chapter summaries,' you whispered, breath hitching as his teeth scraped against your pulse point. 'flashcards and shit, and f-fu-uck me.'
he had gripped your waist, pulling you down against him properly, the hardness of him settling against your core.
'what was that last one?' his gaze was locked on yours, eyebrows raised as he waited for a coherent response.
you stammered, choking on a soft, pathetic sound. how the fuck were you supposed to think straight when he was shifting his hips beneath you, dragging you up-and-down the length of his cock with only fabric separating you?
'yeah, baby?'
'please don't tease.' it came out as a whine, and carmy smirked. that insufferable little smirk that made you want to kiss him.
'but it's so fun,' he murmured, dragging his tongue up your throat, his hand snaking into your hair to tilt your head so he could kiss you. his teeth scraped against your bottom lip and you whimpered. 'especially when you're like this.'
'fuck off.' you were trying to sound tough but it fell flat as his other hand slipped beneath the waistband of your pants. his soft chuckle when he discovered just how wet you were made warmth rise in your chest.
'lay down for me,' he said, guiding you onto your back.
all you could do was obey, and your heart thudded in your chest as he positioned a pillow beneath your hips. you couldn't help but bite your lip as you watched him spit into his palm, and when he pressed it against your clit, easily sliding two fingers into you, you moaned his name.
'get yourself off.' the way he looked at you, meeting your gaze, only to then watch where you began to grind against his palm as he curled his fingers to hit the spot that made your back arch... jesus christ.
'carm, please.' you weren't entirely sure what you were begging for.
'use me, okay? let me help you. you've been working so hard, my clever girl.'
and i can just see him giving you whatever you want, whatever you ask for. and when you're begging for his dick, all needy and thoughtless, he holds your hips while he just fucking pounds into you. and with your hips supported by the pillow, he's hitting at just the right angle, you're running your nails down his back, with your legs crossed behind his ass, keeping him close and i just- agkjbwrgkjwrbgtiwrtg i can't fucking deal oh my god.
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bcacstuff · 5 months
So, after quite a bit of convo between different people and a bit of investigating I got some news about this last weeks revelations.
Let's first resume what we learned this week!
First Davie posted a pic with Sam in his kitchen at home on Wednesday 3 January still in Scotland
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Next day Thursday January 4th, a fan pic is posted from a boat.
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The fan confirms she saw Sam on the Shuttle boat in London, she got on the boat at London Eye, he was already on the boat and he got of the boat at Greenwich. She also said he was with a friend (female). Someone had a private convo with this lady and she confirmed these things practically. She mostly said he was low profile and very discrete.
Of course I got all kind of Anons, is he on a date and others trying to make me believe the craziest things again, naming people. You really gotta up your games Anons, if you want me to believe he's with someone who posted a picture of a gondola in Venice at sunset, while he is on a shitty shuttle in rainy and cold London, you're far of convincing anybody here. 😂
Anyway, lots of speculation, why is he going to Greenwich and who could be the friend.... 🤷‍♀️ My guess is as good as yours, though one or two options could be plausible. Like f.i. his friend Matt lives in Greenwich, and f.i he could be doing a photoshoot, like he did a couple of times for magazines like Men's Journal or similar. Anyway, we don't know.
But, then we get the hair cut pic of Charley at FOUR in London. It was posted on Saturday 6 January
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Was it a latergram? Or not? Well I can answer that and confirm t was slightly a latergram. The haircut was at the least before Friday night! And as we can see the boat pic he still had the longer hair. (well you can argue about that and make up your own mind, IDC) Most likely it was done on Thursday the same day as the boat pic, same shirt.
And doing a hair cut for a photoshoot also makes sense, now doesn't it?
Then last night (Saturday as well) we found a tweet he was named in. Someone had met him twice in 2 days. Ah, well it was just a tweet but, okay. In the same tweet Callum Beattie was named.
Bit of investigating here another convo took place between people. It was all shared to me and I saw it all. I don't want to share their names, as I don't want these people to be bothered in DMs or anyway. But I saw the whole convo. It was a a very sweet convo and the person was quite willing to share a lot.
It confirms that the person who saw Sam twice in 2 days as reported in the tweet, saw him on Thursday 4 and Friday 5th January in London. Both times he was alone according to this person. It's asked a number of times and confirmed both times alone and in West end London, which makes sense as that's the area he often goes when in London.
Anyway, you all not gonna believe me on. my blue eyes, I figure. And even while I am not gonna share the convo obviously, I have permission to share the picture the person took with Sam on Friday. (yes I'm gonna watermark, as I only have it and I'm blurring the name. It's on a private account anyway, so can not be found there. But I have permission to post it on here.)
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So after the person saw him on Thursday but was too late to get a pic, he saw him on Friday again and now managed to get the picture. As you also can see (I tried to keep the watermark as transparent as possible), he then clearly had his hair cut already.
So that's it, and that's all I can share. I just really need to thank the ones that had the convo's and shared it all with me. You are all incredible people to do it and all so graciously! If anyone wants to accuse them of stalking or harassing or bothering someone, I can confirm, totally not. The convo's I've seen are very nice and sweet! Thank you all, you know who you are and told me you don't want to be named, but you know I'm very thankful for it. 🧡🧡🧡
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rrenzwrld · 6 months
secreto de amor VII
chapter 7! read chapter 6 here
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“y/n~i need to talk to you.”
“you always need to talk to me. talk to your other friends.”
“don’t get smart with me. i just wanted to remind you about the business trip i’m going on. i leave next wednesday.” jean worked with a company that providing them with relaxing trips out of the country twice a year because they know how taxing the job can be.
“where you going this time?”
“it’s actually a cruise, going to the bahamas. i’ll be gone for two weeks tho, much longer than last time.”
“two weeks??” that caught your attention. you were used to jean and his trips but you’ve never been left alone for two weeks.
“i figured you don’t need a babysitter because you’re 18 but some people will swing by to check on you.”
“you tell—“
“yes i told mom and dad. they’ll come check on you and if you get scared just stay over there.”
“anything else i need to know?”
“nope, think that’s all. love you!” jean closed the door behind him. although it was only tuesday and he had about a week to prepare, it shouldn’t worry him about leaving you. he knew that you were a good kid, you don’t cause trouble , and you’re practically already independent apart from you living with him. so he didn’t know why he was feeling weird about all of this.
later on that day, you called tia to have your daily conversation and some interesting things were brought up.
“you said he said what now?”
“just reposting tweets n shit and relationships, talkin bout some ‘i’ll take my old bitch over a new bitch any day’” the dude in question was your ex you dated for two years until he cheated. he was your first and last boyfriend and luckily you hadn’t lost your virginity to him or else you’d be going mad even now.
“a weirdo for real. remind me why you follow him again?”
she shrugged. “to be nosy. give us something to talk about.”
“your brother still going on the trip thingy?”
“yeah, why?”
“just asking. don’t he always go around the same time?”
“yeah but i didn’t think you were paying attention. he’s gonna be gone for two weeks this time.”
“two weeks?? oh you’ll be dead before he gets back.”
“don’t say that! i can handle myself fine for two weeks.”
“you don’t even sound like you believe yourself. but look at the bright side,” you rolled your eyes as you already knew what would come next. “connie can come over without any interruptions and he’ll stay and keep you company, and then~” tia started clapping her hands and moaning.
you laughed. “i fucking hate you. i don’t even think about him like that, he 22.”
“so? older dick be the best dick.”
“i’m gonna hang up on you.”
“it’s okay if you wanna hang up on me to call your man.”
“i don’t have a man.”
next wednesday rolled around quicker than you thought and it didn’t seem real to you up until you saw your brother all packed up in suit and tie.
“why you dressed up? i thought you were going on the trip to relax.”
“there’s a meeting right before we board the plane.” you nodded as you watched your brother put on his dress shoes. “are you sure you’ll be okay? you’ll call or text if you need anything right?”
“yes, i’ll be okay. just have fun.”
“i already called everyone to let them know so some one would be there everyday to check on you. and don’t throw any parties or anything while i’m gone.”
“i’ll try not to.” you joked. but he knew you weren’t like that. the most you’d probably do is have tia sleep over or something and just the two of you do stupid shit in the comfort of your own home.
“well,” he started as you helped him load the last of his things in his car. “i love you, i’ll be back in two weeks. i’ll call and text everyday, just don’t die on me.” he laughed while he pulled you into a tight embrace
“i won’t die, promise.”
after the both of you struggled to let go, you bid him a formal farewell as you watched him back out the parking lot, “love you too, be safe!”
after all that, it was weird having the place to yourself but you’d just operate how you would normally do. the only difference was that jean wasn’t present and you had to get used to that. but as he said, over the two weeks, people came to check on you every day.
you had visits from your older stepbrother elliot snd his girlfriend, your mom, your stepdad, and even your biological dad who really just started speaking to you after your mom remarried. but family wasn’t the only people who were there for you. you had visits from sasha who you’d hang out with from time to time, and sleepovers with your friend tia. but one person you really should’ve saw coming was connie. but you didn’t know how you felt just yet.
“y/n~” you heard connie call out to you from your room but he stopped in the doorway when he made it. “your brother told me to—“
“check up on me?”
“yeah, but.. a little more than that.”
“he gave me a key, see?” he held it up proudly but you were shocked and maybe a bit upset.
“when did he give you a key? and why?” connie walked into your room and sat at the chair by your desk.
“he wants me to check on you
“people do that already.”
“yeah but he wants me to check on you everyday.. for multiple times a day.”
“so i don’t have a choice.. but to see you everyday?”
“multiple times a day, yes.” he smiles. “but that makes it easier for us to get to know each other.”
“don’t you have things to do? like work or..?”
“yeah but i’ll just come here after.” you rolled your eyes. although jean suspected that connie was trying something with you, he still trusted connie to keep you safe if anything else.
“whatever.” you went back to whatever you were doing.
“right,” connie stood up to walk out the room. “and imma need your number or something.”
“to track me?”
“no, just to keep in contact with you. weirdo.” he laughed. you were the weirdo? you ended up putting your number in his phone and he put his number in yours. “i turned locations on by the way. i’ll be back, bye!” he left before you could even get on him about it.
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evansbby · 2 years
Ok but Older! Ari training tiny reader to take his BIG dick. making her ride dildos everywhere and whenever, even leaving them in her tight little pussy and just telling her to go on with her day. Him just chuckling as he watches her whimper and squirm, struggling to take even the smallest size in deeper. He'd be so filthy, calling her a good girl but also teasing her for not being able to take it, calling her a slut and little girl. Just major emphasis on SIZE KINK and beefy ari.
Oh yes yes yes! Ari + size kink practically goes hand in hand! Like, just imagine him being so turned on by the fact that you’re so much tinier than him, that you can’t handle him or take his size… and everything he’d do to help you take him inside you…
Warnings: SIZE KINK, beefy Ari, daddy kink, dumbification, dd/lg undertones
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“That’s it baby, ride daddy just like that. Doesn’t that feel good?” Ari cooes. He’s holding your waist firmly, lying down on the bed while you straddle his hard abs. With ease, your big, beefy daddy is moving you over his six pack, grinding your wet pussy against every ridge of muscle on his toned, hairy stomach.
“Ah, yeah! F-Feels so good, daddy!” You moan, trying to move your hips faster, grind your clit against his abs more vigorously except he’s too strong as he holds you at bay, making you go at his pace — which is torturously slow.
“Not so fast, sweet girl. Don’t wanna overwork your tiny body do you?”
You press your lips together, hating how he teases you. “Daddy, please! Th-This feels good but… But I wanna have big girl sex! Want you inside of me for real!”
Ari’s rule is that big girl sex — penetration — is for, well, big girls. And you’re just a tiny baby according to your daddy. He says it’s too dangerous for babies like you to get fucked by a dick as big and thick as his.
“You know the rule, baby. You can’t take daddy’s big dick. You started crying last time, remember? So keep that pretty mouth shut and continue rubbing your little baby pussy on me, since that’s all you can handle.”
Your lower lip wobbles, “Want daddy’s dick inside me so bad, though!” You whimper, “N-Not fair. All other daddies fuck their baby girls. My friends told me! An’ I’m the only one who hasn’t! Not fair, daddy! Not fair!”
Ari is still moving you on top of him — it’s so easy because you’re so small. His muscular stomach is glistening and coated with your juices — he’s made you squirt twice already. Your daddy is very generous when it comes to pleasuring you — he just won’t fuck you.
“Don’t get whiny with me, sweet girl.” Ari warns, his huge hand cupping the back of your neck and pulling you forward till your lips latch on to his in a fevered kiss, “Last time, daddy could barely stuff a finger inside your virgin pussy before you started crying and begging me to stop.”
“Wasn’t crying! Just had something in my eye!” You lie, now circling your hips rhythmically into the hardness of his abs, loving how his body hair feels against your clit. Ari is the manliest, most beefiest and perfect daddy ever and all you want is for him to finally fuck you and claim you as his for real.
“Now you’re lying to me,” Ari smirks, licking a tantalising stripe up the side of your neck and making you shiver, “You must be the dumbest little baby alive to do that. Okay then, if you’re feeling so brave, how about you let daddy work that dildo inside of you? The one you ran away from last time?”
Your blood runs cold and you find yourself shaking your head vigorously, holding onto Ari’s bicep and gazing up into his blue eyes, “Nooo daddy, not that! It’s scary!” The silicone dildo had hurt so much when Ari had put it in you last week, and he’d only got a quarter of it in before you’d sobbed and ran away.
“Scary, huh? That dildo wasn’t even half the size of daddy’s dick, so how can you expect to have big girl sex, hm sweetie? God, your little baby brain really doesn’t think things through, does it? Well, it’s a good thing daddy does all the thinking for you. Now grind faster, dumb slutty baby. Daddy wants you to cum.”
Ari starts moving you faster on top of him, as if you’re nothing more than a doll to him. A little rag doll that he can move at any pace because of how big and strong and commanding he is.
“Ah, okay daddy! Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“Mm, that’s right baby! Soak me again, daddy wants to see you squirt one more time. Maybe then your baby pussy will be wet enough to take a quarter of daddy’s dick. And then you’ll be ready for big girl sex.”
Ari smirks when you cum, and you’re whimpering and screaming his name as you clutch his bicep and pull yourself closer to him, burying your face in his expansive, hairy chest as he holds you close and pats your head as if you truly are a baby.
“My little baby, you’ll have daddy’s dick soon enough,” he whispers in your ear, “Just have to stretch out your little baby pussy first, don’t we? But don’t worry — daddy’s gonna take such good care of you, and soon all your holes are gonna be used and abused by your daddy. You just wait, baby. You’ll see.”
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thelocalconstellation · 7 months
okay okay okay. so we all like us a good danny damian twins au, yeah? I'm a sucker for duos who are twice as dangerous together than alone, either adapting to or being taught to cover each others weak spots.
Samurai typically carried three swords on them, if what I recall from 8th grade and what my 10 minutes of googling tells me is correct, a longer sword that was used for longer-range combat, a shorter sword used for close range combat, and then the third was a smaller sword, if it really counts as a sword, that would be used to honorably kick the bucket in case of failure. Anyways.
now this could work with three people, I dunno make it more interesting or whatever, but the primary two swords, a longsword and a shortsword, (technically there were five swords (???) , but I'm not going too deep into it right now) they were to be used in different scenarios, to cover different weaknesses. Do you see where I'm going with this? Now obviously they'd be trained to use both, but Damian uses a katana specifically, a longsword and one of the longer swords used by a samurai. I know they aren't samurai. Doesn't change the fact that the weaponry is at least similar in some regards. Damian learned to use a katana, the longsword of the pair primarily used, where Danny could have primarily used a shortsword. Damian, taught more longer range with the sword, meant to cover the broad majority, being more comfortable with everything and the older twin. Danny, younger by only a couple minutes raised with the shortsword, usually being less comfortable with the whole killing thing with the exception being when it comes to Damian. Whereas Damian would cover the broad majority, Danny more agile and ever sneakier would cover blind spots.
They both still learn to use the others weapon. They both still learn to have their own backs. But when they're nine or so, something goes wrong, an intentional test to both where Danny can't move fast enough, and to avoid the heir taking the hit, takes it himself. He doesn't quite get back to base soon enough to survive. Talia rolls him into the pit, and Danny is sent away, practically kicking and screaming. Gets picked up by the fentons, and learns to fight differently. He learns to shoot, he learns all kinds of ranged combat, and he is gifted a proper katana that can be used against ghosts for his 14th birthday, three days before he walks into the portal. He learns to fight in ways that the league hardly ever considered, so that when Damian finds him again, or the day that he can go back arrives, Damian will never be at risk from Ra's and neither will he. He never uses the katana.
Eventually, someway somehow, Danny finds Damian again, out in Gotham. I'm impartial to trying fenton parents, who don't quite know how to react, never poorly, but unsure regardless. Danny doesn't know how to deal with the tension in the house and follows Jazz to gotham, locking the portal finding ways around it on his own.
Whether it be a night that Robin is out on his own, or maybe seen with another bird, but not the bat himself, he is on his own, and he missteps. A wrong footing, an instinctual move that cannot be followed up without a partner to battle with, regardless, Danny is there in a moment, eyes as green as the day he rose from the pit, to fill in the blanks again. A moment, a word, a name exchanged (Pollux, to Castor. The Demigod who survived after his mortal brother died, an ironic tale for the two now.) and the scuffle lasts no more than a few moments after.
Damian thinks he'll keep this one to himself for a moment, ensure it's him, not another twisted clone, and learning about the time spent apart. A week later, Bruce is hearing of Robin's shadow coming to life, before Danny is brought into the fold. The first time there's an Arkham breakout is when the bats and the birds really understand why the simple slip ups on the training mats happened, why Damian seemed to much better and clumsier when fighting alongside somebody else.
They also learned how dangerous the two can really be.
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