#language of the chronically ill
compo67 · 2 months
i'm in so much pain today ;-;
the weather change from yesterday to today has been brutal on me. my hands are swollen and red. this isn't keeping me from typing but goddamn.
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audhd-space · 3 months
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ID :
“I remember you said that thing has caused you so much discomfort/pain, so I actually take note of it and after much careful consideration and hundreds of researches I actually decided to buy/build this for you.”
underneath it there are 14 green flags to emphasize the importance
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pyjamacryptid · 8 months
me surrounded by all of my medical paperwork that disability services deems “not enough evidence” to claim support, after applying for the 5th time:
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melodymorningdew · 3 months
Ableist language content warning:
Just a PSA: Many people believe they aren't ableist but as soon as someone's disability inconveniences them in the slightest, they're immediately up in arms about how horrible this person is for being disabled.
So tired of hearing "you have to help yourself"
"Have you tried [insert completely unhelpful tip]"
"You can't expect the world to bend to your will." (When asking for accommodations)
"You don't LOOK disabled."
"Well you did ___ yesterday why can't you do it today?"
"You need to stop making excuses."
"You complain too much."
"You can do anything if you put your mind to it."
"You just have to force yourself to work you have no choice."
"Just go home if you're going to act like that [my legs collapsing beneath me/fainting/saying I'm having a panic attack]" (same people who tell me I just need to push through)
"Oh that person is being so rude" (when they are overwhelmed and unable to carry on a normal masked conversation bc they are overwhelmed)
"ADHD isn't an excuse to be late or forget things you can set alarms and have planners"
I and many others are rightfully pissed off at being dismissed and condescended to and belittled and stomped into the dirt EVERY OTHER DAY. (Not exaggerating.)
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mumistarrr · 2 months
When I did this song. The rapper Dax through me under the rug and then dusted an hearie who signed everything wrong. Of course ppl in deaf community stood up for me about this but Dax ignored all of us. The thing is. I can’t hear the music. It takes me a lot of work to do something like this. As a deaf artist I don’t let anything stop me. But this right here knowing how much work I put in. I don’t want to sign music anymore. That’s how I felt. But I will I just won’t sign his songs anymore. Hearies some of them don’t appreciate what deafies go through to show our beautiful language. I’m not only deaf. I’m disabled with chronic illness. Ppl learn to listen to any marginalized group when we tell u something. Show respect and educate yourself
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aintgonnatakethis · 5 months
whenever i see the view of 'always be 100% honest with the medical professionals providing you with healthcare' i just... how much privilege do you have to have to not see the pitfalls with that statement?
i understand 'always tell first responders what drugs you've taken'. but when it comes down to trans healthcare or people who're disabled or have "scary" mental health conditions. do you really think being honest the entire time is safe?
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Why do abled people always fucking suggest the most basic things to “fix” disabled people’s problems/disabilities and act like they know better than we do???
If you, a person who does not live with the disability you’re trying to “fix”, can think of a solution off the top of your head without any research, experience, or even trying to actually understand what we have tried and what we’re actually dealing with don’t you think that we might’ve already or are already trying that???
For me this comes most from my mother saying that I need to change my diet (even though I have so many sensory issues surrounding food and have tried and failed so many times), that I need to lose weight (ma’am I am trying), that I should try stretching (you know what I’ve tried that for years and guess what it just stretches my ligaments because I’m fucking hypermobile and it ends up causes me more pain), that I need to exercise more (I’m trying but I’m also limited by pain. Pain that keeps me from being able to exercise most of the time. Pain that usually gets worse when I try to exercise), that I should try to not use my mobility aids because I’ll become reliant on them (ma’am they help me. They are not hurting me. They are what keeps me able to do stuff you want me to be able to do. Why should I try to not use them???), and so much fucking more
Like seriously abled people stop pretending you know our bodies better than we do I promise you you don’t. Even doctors (as shit as they might be) are supposed to listen to us before they even start to make recommendations (yeah many don’t but they’re supposed to)
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asickandtirednobody · 2 months
Sign Language Should be Every second language we learn. Not Spanish, English, French, German, etc. Some people cannot verbally communicate/ hear! I want to not have to struggle to be understood because you forget we exist!
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'Patience is a virtue' Wrong. Patience is a skill more valuable than GOLD
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compo67 · 20 days
met with my therapist and my psychiatrist today. kinda figured out that i've been struggling depression wise for the past 3 or 4 weeks. we're changing some meds around and i'm keeping up with appointments. just kind of a difficult time, you know?
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plague-of-insomnia · 7 months
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WIP Wednesday: Synchronize, Ch 6 Snippet #2
The next chapter is very, very close to done, so hopefully I can post very soon!
Here's another snippet, this one from Agni's POV from when he was young. It may seem familiar to the snippet I posted last week. That's intentional.
This chapter will focus largely on the nurse as we begin to see parallels between him and Sebastian become more and more evident, even if they don't see it yet.
TW for effects of bullying/violence and homophobic terms.
Breathing was agony.
Agni lay in his bedroom of his aunt’s house, adjusting how he moved his chest. Slow, shallow. Sweat dotted his brows. He honestly wasn’t confident he could get out of bed. Would he be able to convince Mina he was sick?
He hated lying, but he couldn’t let her see the bruises.
His bullies had left his face alone aside from tugging his hair, mocking its color and length. Their cruel laughter filtered in his mind, their taunts of fairy and fag and little princess sneaking through the fortress he’d tried to construct to shut out the memories. The pain was bad enough.
All summer they’d been tormenting him, and he’d had to work harder and harder not to let his aunt know anything was amiss. But his determination had wavered after this last beating.
He’d come so close to telling her how he’d woken up in a dark corner of the schoolyard one afternoon after passing out from pain, gasping. Barely able to breathe without screaming. Standing had been almost impossible, and it had taken him nearly a half hour to get to his feet and stay upright without collapsing back to his knees.
Even now, he wasn’t entirely sure how he’d managed to walk home in that state.
Any plans to confess all to his aunt had slipped away when he’d arrived home to find a stack of binders on the kitchen table. The ones Mina had brought with her after her meeting at the temple with some of the other moms.
Now that Agni was of age, she’d explained, it was time for him to find a nice Bengali girl to enter into a marriage agreement with. While he was an orphan and his aunt unmarried, they were still Brahman, and white hair or not, he was handsome. Mina was convinced he could find a lovely bride.
The thought made a fresh wave of nausea swirl inside him. What would she do if she learned the truth, that no matter how beautiful or charming a girl might be, Agni could never fall in love with her?
Would Mina understand?
He was terrified of the look of horror, disgust, and disappointment that might play on her kind features if he told her the truth. That she might tell him he deserved the harassment and beatings.
If she rejected him, he would have no one.
He could handle a pain if it meant he wouldn’t lose her.
If it meant she wouldn’t stop loving him.
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studyzu · 7 months
my studyblr intro!
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⋆ ★ about me
✦ my name is zuri, i’m 15
✦ any pronouns
✦ british, living in the south of england
✦ interests: video games (fnaf, minecraft, phas), marvel (loki for life), music, dogs + sharks !!
⋆ ★ my study life
• grammar school -> now homeschooler
• currently in year 11
• studying for gcses: psychology, sociology, biology, english language + literature, further maths
• chosen a levels: psych, socio, bio, maths
• academic dream: study psych at york university
• long-term goal: becoming a psychotherapist!
⋆ ★ my goals
spend time with loved ones regularly
daily yoga/meditation
remember to listen to my body
work on my mental health
make new friends!
grade 6+ in language and literature
grade 7+ in psych, socio, bio
focus on essay writing skills
work through further maths this year
continue learning spanish
vary study methods
keep on top of flashcards + assignments
⋆ ★ other stuff
✦ i am kinda struggling with keeping motivated, so i’ve come to studyblr to try and work on that!
✦ reading books is so fun but hyping myself up to read a book is not fun
✦ i’m autistic + chronically ill so there always seems to be obstacles when trying to sit down and just study, therefore if i don’t look like one of those A* top grade students and don’t manage to post every day then burnout/flareups may be why 😭
✦ i have 2 adorable lil doggos who i love very much
✦ my fav music artists/bands are: taylor swift, harry styles (+1D), james marriott + lovejoy!
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i think that is all for now! thank you very much for reading and i wish you luck with your studies, friend! <3
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spookietrex · 22 days
So I don't use a lot of social media for this very specific reason: I find that there are a lot of ableist and stigmatized attitudes and I no longer have the energy to fight sometimes. (I realize this is a stereotype but I am speaking from my experience.) But outside of Tumblr, I do have a friend/dating (am not dating just use for friends/meeting people in my area) app installed that I mostly ignore. However, today, I got a notification that the app's question of the day was "Would you date someone who is disabled and can't walk?" Here are some of the top posts from that. As a disabled person, I am thoroughly disgusted. (Except by the meme. That person wins.)
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I used to be part of this (sometimes unknowingly) ableist culture and actually identified as differently abled myself because I was so high-masking. I used to think that because I was AuDHD I could say differently abled because I was super creative. But that's not showing the full picture. My autism is disabling in the sense that I have meltdowns if things don't go a certain way, I have to have my things sorted in a certain way before I can play with them, there are certain rules/I can be bossy/very rigid when engaging with others because I don't understand social rules. The list goes on.
It's called a disability because it disables you. My autism doesn't make me fucking superman. I can't fly because of it. I can't do things that neurotypical people can't. Sometimes I can notice patterns? But I also have multiple meltdowns and it takes me 45 minutes+ to figure out how to fix an error I made when I accidentally shipped something to the wrong place....I have a master's degree and had a 4.0 in grad school. I was HIGH MASKING because I knew how to play the game. Just because I look like I can do things doesn't mean I'm not just scripting my way through it. I just read a lot and like research. I used to write 20 page research papers for fun. My EDS, fibromyalgia, and POTS all impact my ability to stand and walk. I use a wheelchair the majority of the time. That also doesn't suddenly mean I can see through walls or have telekinesis.
You know what it means? It means I lay in bed the majority of the time with my heating pad, THC cream, muscle relaxers, ibuprofen, and numerous braces, and just try to not go out of my mind. Which is hard when you're also mentally disabled. So like that person is just spreading harmful misinformation.
Let's talk about the person who said they can't run away. O.o Like I assume they're joking but like that's hella creepy. Red flags. I'll hit him with my cane if I have to.
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i-likefrogs · 2 months
So ur boi is completely FUCKED
I lost like 9 weeks of memory due to some meds. I'm getting of them but they're still fucking with me and my joints have been giving me hell for WEEKS
I got an extension on my school work so i can fix things over break and now I'm up to a passing in all but 1. The thing is my dumb ass chose asl for my language. Which I now can barely do due to joint pain. Great..... fml.....
And I have to pass my language otherwise I can't graduate 🙃
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violetjedisylveon · 10 months
It is Disability Pride Month!
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I would suggest using the opportunity to learn more about all the different disabilities and how they impact the lives of people with them, and how that struggle is made worse by ablism in our society.
Take the chance to learn from actual disabled people, talk to us and hear our stories, listen to us when we tell you how to help us and make our society more functional and accessible.
Learn about disabled history, about the crimes and injustices done to disabled people. Look up disabilty holocaust and you will get a bunch of articles on what the nazis did to disabled people. It's depressing, but important to learn.
Disability isn't a bad word, it's an accurate description unlike calling someone differently abled. They aren't the same. Disability = not abled, like not able to walk because you are a leg amputee, not being able to do things like everyone else because you have no executive function capabilities. Differently abled = something like left handed, you are still fully abled, you just do it differently but you do it without any aid or tools.
My friend @poeticallydisgraced gave that example when our school put up a sign about recognizing differently abled students. And I think that fits the situation very well.
If you're curious, I've given a bit of a description of my experience under the cut.
Happy disability pride month!
I am nuerodivergent, Audhd, I have autism and Adhd. I also have chronic health issues with severe allergies and I get some bad migraines. I have hearing issues too but wouldn't call myself hard of hearing, it's more of a disconnect between what's said and what I hear. Makes for some entertaining conversations.
I tend to get over stimulated in social settings, too much noise and too many people really mess with me, light and sound trigger my migraines which can last for days, which is never fun.
I have no social awareness, and can't tell the difference between teasing and bullying, the line is super blurred/non existent for me.
This causes a lot of problems, because when people make those jokes and tease me, I don't get it, and to me it's rude and mean, but it also goes the other way cause when I joke I cross a line I can't see, and then everyone gets mad at me even though I'm doing the same thing as them.
I technically have a minor hearing loss in my left ear from a surgery as a child, but I had started having those hearing issues during the phase of development where you learn to speak, so my understanding of language is a bit skewed and I frequently hear things wrong, or don't hear the words said and have to ask for people to repeat it.
My family is starting to get annoyed and won't repeat anything but it's not like I'm choosing to do it, and it is very frustrating when they refuse to repeat it.
All these things leave me feeling a little isolated from my family and people around me.
I am expected to change and be someone else that is more acceptable to nuerotypical society, I jump through hoops and put on an act to appear less different, I've always been singled out as weird and other, and while no one has bullied me, at least that I was aware of, I got left behind by my peers.
The constant masking and acting like something I am not is exhausting, after a week of school I am fully drained of my energy and ability to put on that act.
My mom has gotten upset that I don't act the way I do at school at home, but I shouldn't have to act like a different person with my family.
I am not ashamed to be nuerodiverse and disabled, no one should be shamed or looked down on for something they can't control. A lot still needs to be done to make our society accessible to everyone, the current disability protection and aid laws are insufficient and full of loopholes that allow for disabled people to be ignored.
Have fun learning!
Happy disability pride month!
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S.C. law lets health care providers refuse non-emergency care based on beliefs
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