#laffitte x reader
I am begging for literally anything for Lafitte please I'm desperate
At His Mercy
Laffitte x GN!Reader
2.8k words
Warnings: police brutality, power imbalance, coercion, Laffitte being a warning in and of himself, yandere themes
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Corruption was a common occurrence in this world. The laws- if you could even call them that- were based around the whims of some high and mighty pricks that thought they were better than the rest of the world. Worse yet, these whims were enforced by the marines without question. It was easy to feel like justice was a mere concept to be thought of but never realized.
Doubly so when your local police officers were just as bad, if not worse. Particularly one of them.
Laffitte was a man to be feared, and of course he managed to worm his way into a position of power, like most of his kind do. Having someone like him in the position of a sheriff was nothing short of terrifying.
Every second you spent out on the streets of your hometown were spent in terror, wondering when he would find some minor infraction to assault you over. For whatever ungodly reason, he seemed to have a special interest in you. Oh, what you wouldn’t give to know why he was intrigued so that you could change immediately.
Right now, all you wanted to do was get home as quickly as possible. Unfortunately for you, the only place to get groceries in town just so happened to be opposite of where your home was. You couldn’t even run home, lest you risk giving him “probable cause” to “investigate” you. Instead, you had to settle for walking.
The bag of groceries you’re carrying are almost dropped when loud screams sound out from an alleyway. In a better world, you would run to help. But in this one, the real one, you keep your head down and walk faster. It isn’t hard to guess what’s happening in the alley. Especially when you hear the man plead and beg, swearing that he’ll never do it again. It’s best to mind your business around here.
You don’t make it more than a block before you hear a voice directly behind you.
“Fancy seeing you here.”
The voice is almost sing-song. Light and melodic. A stark contrast to the owner of said voice.
Swallowing your fear, you do your best to speak evenly, “Good evening, Sheriff Laffitte.”
He chuckles, “How formal. I’ve told you, you can simply call me by my name.” Laffitte fell in step beside you, his towering form casting a large shadow.
“Ah, right. How could I forget?” The implied closeness and familiarity of just using his name disgusted you, but you couldn’t show that.
Mercifully, Laffitte didn’t carry on the conversation further, rather choosing to whistle some tune you didn’t recognize. He continues walking directly beside you, something that he was most certainly doing intentionally. With his long legs, he could outpace you in a second. Instead, he kept right by your side.
Despite knowing you shouldn't, you hazard a glance at the man beside you. You watch out of the corner of your eye as he pulls out a handkerchief and begins wiping down his weapon of choice. A large, wooden baton. Blood was splattered over almost every inch of it and dripped onto the ground. Laffitte continued to casually whistle while cleaning the gore off it. The red liquid stained his white handkerchief more with every swipe.
Laffitte caught your stare, his burgundy lips pulled up into a smirk. He spoke in a tone of mock concern, “Oh, don’t worry your little head about this. That no good purse-snatcher won’t be trying anything again anytime soon, definitely not with all of those broken fingers.” The now clean baton was slid back into its holster, and the bloodied handkerchief was stuffed into a pocket on his uniform. “It’s hard work, but I’m happy to make this town a safer place for obedient citizens such as yourself.”
The way he emphasized the word obedient made your skin scrawl. You saw the way his gaze lingered on you expectantly, and you knew what he wanted. You weren’t bold enough to not give it to him. “Thank you for keeping this town safe, Sheriff Laffitte.”
A quiet, strained chuckle came from him, “If only you would follow my personal requests as well as you follow the law, dear. Laffitte, just call me Laffitte.” His stare hardened, waiting for you to correct yourself. 
“R-Right, sorry. Thank you, Laffitte.”
“That’s more like it,” his voice lost the edge it previously had, thankfully. Much to your dismay, he continued to walk alongside you with slow and measured steps. People ahead of you were crossing the street to get away from him, something he appeared to be taking delight in if his growing sneer was anything to go off of.
“A little birdie told me you picked up another job recently.” The words were spoken evenly, “Is everything okay? You’re not having financial troubles, are you?”
Internally, you cursed. Of course he would catch wind of that. You hug your bag of groceries tighter, “No, nothing like that. I just wanted some extra money… You never know when there will be an emergency.”
“That is true.” He hummed in thought, hanging his head slightly to be able to stare at you better. “Still, I wouldn’t want you to work yourself to the bone. You know, if you ever need anything, you can come to me. I am here to help after all.” One of his hands settled on your shoulder, guiding you ever so slightly closer to him.
“That’s… very kind of you.” It took everything you had not to openly cringe from his touch. He is the last person you would ever ask for help, you would rather take your chances with pirates than him. 
“Of course, it’s my pleasure.” His fingers started to knead your shoulder with more force than necessary. It was bordering on painful, and wholly uncomfortable.
A loud commotion broke out in the bar nearby, bringing Laffitte to a halt. You were forced to stop with him thanks to the iron grip he had on your shoulder. It sounded like a typical bar fight with drunken yelling and furniture crashing.
To the sheriff next to you, this was like blood in the water. A wide, malicious grin spread across his face as he released your shoulder after a brief squeeze in favor of grasping his baton. He tips his hat to you, “Well, duty calls. Hurry on home now, I wouldn’t want you getting hurt.”
The instant he strolled into the bar, a hush fell over the crowd. You didn’t stick around long enough to hear the silence turn to screams. You break into a light jog now that you know Laffitte is otherwise occupied.
Having such an exchange with the sheriff left your heart pounding. He was absolutely suspicious of you now, that much was clear. You would need to be extra careful going forward. Him figuring out what you were up to now would be the worst case scenario.
In two weeks time, a large cargo ship would be docking at the island for a couple of days to sell goods to the locals. They travel all over the four blue seas. If you offer enough money for room and board on the ship, you’re sure that this could be your chance to get the hell out of here. You’re unsure of how much this will cost, especially since you want to go as far as the East Blue, so you’re working your ass off to scrape together as much money as possible. Both for the sake of getting onboard, but also to help you get your new life started.
You aren’t the only one planning on doing this. With how much Laffitte and other officers have been escalating, everyone is terrified. This fact does make you a little nervous since it could very well increase the chances of Laffitte noticing your departure, but you had to take the risk. While what you were doing wasn’t illegal, you wouldn’t put it past him to invent a reason to arrest you and keep you off that ship. The less he knew, the better.
Once you’re home, you set your groceries on the table and go to your closet. Inside, you rip up a floorboard and pull out a small box. You unlock it and pull out today’s wages from your pocket and stuff it inside. You’ve got a nice little nest egg here, so you feel confident that you’ll be able to get on the cargo ship. The box is put back in its hiding place and you return to the kitchen to put the food away.
If you can just keep your head down, everything will be fine. You’re sure of it.
Today was the day. The cargo ship departed tonight, and you were going to be on it. The cost was a bit higher than you initially expected, but it would be well worth it. As long as you were off this hell hole of an island and could kiss the West Blue goodbye, you would be happy.
Night had already fallen over the island. You had a small bag packed with the most crucial essentials in it, not wanting to slow yourself down by carrying too much. It was risky, but you decided to head for the docks by taking back roads and alleyways. Sure, bad people could be lurking around these areas, but if you took the main roads, you ran the risk of encountering Laffitte. There would be no believable way to explain away your suitcase.
The docks weren't too much further now, and you walked faster, excited for this nightmare to be over.
Something odd caught your eye. There was this bright light coming from the docks. You slowed your gait, and crept closer to the exit of the alley you were in. Hesitantly, you peek around the corner, and your heart sank when you saw where the light was coming from.
The ship was on fire.
Dozens of people were strewn about the docks, all appearing to be handcuffed and surrounded by police officers. Your hand flew up to your mouth to keep yourself from making a sound as you slowly backed away. This was bad. This was really bad! You need to get home now! You turn and run, only to immediately crash into something. No… Someone.
Hands clamped onto your shoulders, keeping you from trying to run again. Laffitte towered over you, clicking his tongue. “I must say, I’m awfully disappointed in you. Truly, I thought you were better than this.”
“I- I- I don’t know what you’re talking about! I haven’t done anything wrong!” The terror coursing through your veins made it impossible to stay calm and collected.
“You don’t? Is that your story? You have nothing to do with that ship over there?” His voice is nothing but condescending, and the wide grin on his face only makes it worse. He’s bent down so that your faces are only inches apart.
“I don’t! I was just out for a walk and came closer when I saw the fire! That’s it!” You were pleading with him desperately now to believe you.
His grin widened, and he returned to his full height. “If you truly had nothing to do with that ship, then why,” he pulled a booklet from his back pocket and flipped to a specific page in it, “is your name in the ship manifest?”
Your heart falls into your stomach as he holds the booklet out, with your name written plain as day on the page amongst all the other people who were supposed to be onboard. “It.. It’s not what it looks like,” you can barely get the words out past the lump in your throat.
Laffitte slams the book shut and returns it to his pocket. “It’s not? Then why do you have a suitcase? Most people don’t take one of those on a late night stroll with them.” He holds his hand out expectantly with a pointed look. You don’t want to hand it over to him, but you know better than to do something to upset him. Shakily, you hold it out to him.
He takes the suitcase, only to immediately toss it to the side and grab your wrist. He spins you so that you’re facing away from him and you can feel the cool steel of handcuffs clamp around your wrists. Your panic is instinctual and you try to wrench yourself away from him. The effort is all in vain, you’re unable to make his hands budge at all.
A gloved hand grabs your chin and twists your head around to force you to look Laffitte in the eyes. “Stop that. You are only going to make this worse for yourself. Do you really want to also be charged with resisting arrest and interfering with an investigation?” His voice maintained its typical playful tone, but the look in his eyes was downright predatory.
Hot tears poured down your face as it fully hit you how bad this was. “Please! I haven’t done anything wrong! I just bought a ticket!”
Silence hung in the air as Laffitte distinctly didn’t answer you. He backed you into a wall in the alley and brought out a second pair of handcuffs. He locked one around the chain of the pair you were already wearing, while the other one was put onto a pipe jutting out of the wall. Not only were you handcuffed, but now you couldn’t even move. This only made you sob harder.
Laffitte started rummaging through your suitcase, paying your cries very little mind. After a lull in conversation, he speaks up again, “Do you know why the cargo ship is on fire?” He took your silence as a cue to keep going, “We got a tip that there may be some illegal activities going on, so of course I had to do my due diligence and investigate. And you know what I found? All kinds of contraband. Drugs, weapons, and many other things that they shouldn’t have had, and were trying to infect our community with.”
“I didn’t know about any of that, I swear!” 
Your suitcase was shut and pushed to the side. Laffitte crouched down so that he could be at eye level with you. An expression of faux-compassion decorated his face like a mocking mask. “I want to believe you, I really do, but you have to look at this from my perspective. I caught you sneaking around alleys with a packed bag, ready to board a ship full of criminals. It’s your word against all of my evidence.”
This is so unfair, none of this was supposed to happen. You should be setting sail to start a new life, and now you’re about to be brutalized and thrown in prison. In a last ditch effort, you repeat your previous pleas, “I promise you I didn’t know, I just wanted to leave and get a fresh start somewhere else.”
It was remarkably brief, but there was a flicker of irritation across his face before it was replaced with a sickening grin. “Tell you what, let’s make a deal.”
The offer leaves you dumbstruck, “H-Huh?”
“Since I’m so nice, and this is your first offense, I’m willing to work with you. Let’s talk this out. Maybe if you come clean and are completely honest with me, I can pull a few strings and drop these charges.” He reaches behind you and removes the second set of cuffs from the pipe. “However… I do have a reputation to uphold. I can’t let just anyone witness me giving you special treatment, so we’re going to have this talk at my private home rather than the sheriff’s office. Alright?”
All you can do is gawk at him and try not to break down in tears again. You know that nothing good can come from this.
“Unless you really want to go to jail tonight? It’s an awfully rough place, I can’t imagine you would fare well. So tell me what you want. Do you want to spend your foreseeable future in a cell, or do you want to come with me?”
You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t. But… if you go with Laffitte, you’ll only have to deal with one officer. The voice you speak in is hoarse and barely above a whisper as you resign yourself to this fate, “I’ll go with you.”
“Wonderful, I knew you would make the smart decision.” He picked up your suitcase with one hand and guided you with the other. “I’m sure we’ll be able to get something worked out between us that will make this whole, awful mistake of yours disappear.”
What this mistake will be replaced with makes you shudder in fear, especially as you feel Laffitte’s hand drift further and further down.
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harpylass · 1 year
Hiii, I noticed you’ve written headcanons for some of the blackbeard members. Would you be interested in writing some sfw headcanons for Laffitte? 👀
Hello there, thanks for noticing my hcs.😊 Sorry for the wait but here ya go!
Here's some Laffitte headcanons 👁🪶🍭:
I like to think his devil fruit might have to do with an owl or an angel because his laugh sounds owl-like (ish) and he arrived in silence to Mary Geoise. 
If there's a draft I'm sure Laffitte can offer his lover to stay underneath his cape or wings for warmth.
He likes to tease his s/o a whole lot. He does this by using his cane to poke or prod them. He could also give them kisses on areas their lover is sensitive to (neck or ears).
He likes to give his lover a scare by being stealthy. Creeping up on them until they notice the last minute. He finds their reactions priceless and adoring.
I imagine Laffitte having a thing for fruity-themed lollipop flavors. However, he doesn't mind his s/o giving him any sort of flavor.
Taking a stroll becomes a routine between Laffitte and his s/o ever since he met his s/o. The longer the walks, the better conversations he shares with his s/o.
Maybe Laffitte likes to outfit coordinate with his s/o. They'll be days where Laffitte and his loved one look stunning together to the point where it puts other couples to shame.
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meloarto-me · 7 months
Blackbeard's Pirates x You
Something quick, because I was bored and haven't posted anything in a long time.
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I hope you enjoyed it (: Again, I apologize for the mistakes.
Box Opened <3
Marshall D. Teach: *Eats a Cherry pie and sips it with alcohol*
You: Can I have a piece of cake?
Marshall D. Teach: No *slices of cake fall from his mouth*
You: 😩 I won't bake you any more cherry pie.
Marshall D. Teach: What!
You: Bake it yourself *stands up and walks away*
Marshall D. Teach: *Has already given you a piece, but you leave. (The sad admiral will no longer have a delicious cake from you)*
Jesus Burgerss: *taps his muscles/shows off in front of you*
You: your vein is about to burst old man
Jesus Burgers: 🙁 *sad_puppy.exe*
You: *sighs*. Come on give me a hug *spreads arms*
Jesus Burgess: *hugs you* Thank you! *happy child child.exe*
(You are in the stork's nest)
You: I want to eat...
Van Augur: Then go eat
You: No
Van Augur: *looks at you with this look on his face 😐*
You: 😩 I don't want to go down
Van Augur: I'll drop you and you'll be closer
You: 😐
Van Augur: 😉
Laffitte: *stabs you with grace*
You: Tap me again and I'll shove this stick up your ass
Laffitte: *stabs with a smile*
You: I'll KiLl you you whore!
Laffitte: *runs away screaming like a little girl*
You: *takes a kitchen knife. And you run after him*
Jesus Burgess in the background: 😬
Doc Q: *is as sick as ever and lies on the floor*
You: Are you dying?
Doc Q: Yes for many years, I was born in the wrong body
You: Whatever, more important question *you look at him* Can I take your body after death?
Doc Q: What-
You: Body, your, I will take, after, garbage?
Doc Q: ...No....
Shiryu: *smokes a cigar and wipes his sword clean*
You: Fucking smoker *whispers*
Shiryu: *looks at you* Did you say something?
You: Nooooo~~ *Innocent eyes*
Shiryu: I heard what you said
You: 😇 Well what are you addicted to and you will die, plus you are poisoning my precious air 😇
Shiryu: I'm not an addict, if I wanted to I would stop
You: Then you have a challenge, stop smoking
Shiryu: ...
Avalo Pizarro: *Playing with a cat*
You: *looks at him*
Avalo Pizarro: *starts purring like a cat*
You: I knew he was Furry *whispers*
Avalo Pizarro: *continues to play with the cat unconsciously*
You: *Takes pictures of him with the cat from hiding*
Vasco Shot: *Drinks alcohol like water*
You: *looks at him, ponders something*
Vasco Shot: *feels your gaze on him. I look at you* Topu~ Topu~ Topu~ what are you looking at me like that? *cough*
You: *folds hands in front of you*
60% of the mass of the human body is water, but in your case it's Alcohol.
Catarina Devon: *Reviews herself in the mirror*
You: *sits politely beside her*
Catrina Devon: God~ how I wish I was the most beautiful woman in the world
You: You are beautiful, the most beautiful!
Catrina Devon: *you say right away*
Catarina Devon: Oooo~ how lovely!*Hugs you to his chest*
You: *You try to breathe into her ample m breasts*
Sanjuan Wolf: *sleeps*
You: *sleeps on him*
Kuzan: *sleeps*
You: *touches him on the cheek*
Ey are you sleeping?
Kuzan: *tries to ignore you*
You: Ey don't sleep. *continues to poke him*
Kuzan: Let me sleep. *takes you in his arms and buttons you to sleep with him*
You: 😊
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moustacheshe · 1 year
A little teaser for Laffitte x Reader x Van Augur (smut) 😏
[...] "So we're in a threesome today..." Auger stats monotonically followed by a smirk forming on his lips. It's very rare to see the snipers mouth turn upwards. You slowly realise what they're planning to do. "I-I can't... I-I'm not... I mean I-I like you two but... I-I can't do-" You stammer while avoiding eye contact with both of them. "There's no need for excuses. Your fate has been decided..." Auger interrupts you while putting down his cape.
Suddenly a good excuse pops up in your head. "Yes but who's watching over the ship? I don't think the captain would be very pleased about this." Much to your dismay neither of them seems to care and Laffitte just swoops you off the ground. You struggle against him as he carries you over to his bed. He sits down and places you over his lap. "I don't think anyone would want to come onto the ship if they hear your screams.~ [...]
By the way I have this one 'headcanon' where Laffitte knows Shibari. (For those who don't know: 'Shibari' is a Japanese type of bondage. Google it if you want to know more about it.) I'll use this in the one shot and you can NOT change my mind xD
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ddevilfruits · 8 months
should've been me instead of him | one-sided!van augur x reader x blackbeard (smut/18+)
ao3 link | minors dni!
Summary: You don't realize what you do to him.
Content Warnings: Voyeurism, exhibitionism, vaginal sex, GN reader, just general fantasies involving you and Van Augur (from his POV)
“Come to my quarters later tonight.”
Those words had echoed in Van Augur's mind all day, distracting him from most of his duties that he had been assigned. He couldn't focus - what could possibly be so important that Blackbeard requested his presence? And in his quarters, no less?
“Hm? Something the matter, Van Augur? You've been purposefully missing your shots today.” Laffitte had appeared suddenly beside him, successfully derailing his train of thought.
The man cocked his head to the side when Van Augur didn't reply.
And after a brief period of silence between the two, Van Augur finally lifted his gaze to make eye contact with his crewmate.
“The captain requested my presence in his quarters later today,” he drawled on. Laffitte frowned.
“Admiral. The admiral,” he corrected matter-of-factly.
“Yes, admiral,” Van Augur responded, stopping himself from rolling his eyes. Did he have to do that every time someone called Blackbeard the captain? It was getting to a point where it became frustrating to hear. “Well anyhow, he asked me to see him later. I'm not sure whether I should think of it as a good or as a bad thing.”
He sighed and lowered his rifle, letting it sit on his lap as he leaned back against the wood of the ship.
“What do you think, Laffitte?”
There was just the slightest upturn to Laffitte's lips, as if he was holding back a smile.
“The admiral wouldn't have requested that of you for no reason. I'm sure that whatever fate has in store for you, you won't have any regrets. You should see what he wants.”
There's a spark of truth in what Laffitte says- Blackbeard wouldn't have personally asked him to show up if there wasn't a reason for the request in the first place.
Van Augur heaves out a sigh, letting his head fall back so that he’s facing the sky now.
“I suppose I should, then,” he murmurs, letting his eyes close for just a moment. And in that moment, one voice stands out above all the others. It’s your voice.
He lets his eyes open and peers out at the deck from his spot behind the stern. Laffitte seems to notice this and laughs lightly to himself.
“Something catch your attention, Van Augur?” He asks, smiling semi-smugly at his crewmate. He’s more than aware of the man’s feelings towards you, which is such a shame given that you belong to Blackbeard.
“No.” The answer is short and to the point, albeit a complete lie. Van Augur’s typical blank expression doesn’t waver, though. He watches as you laugh about something he can’t hear and something twists inside of his chest.
Laffitte follows Van Augur’s gaze, and then lets out a delighted little gasp as if he didn’t already know just who he was looking at.
“My, my, what have we here? Does Vanny have a bit of a crush on the admiral’s little plaything?” The words get under Van Augur’s skin a bit too easily, and it doesn’t help that Laffitte is saying them with such a light and airy tone.
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he responds, looking up at Laffitte. “Your assumptions are simply absurd.”
Laffitte laughs, mostly to himself, and taps one of his shoes twice on the wooden deck below. “Surely.”
The conversation ends and the two fall into silence, with Laffitte continuing to navigate the ship through the waters. Van Augur steals a glance back down in your direction only to find that you’re no longer there. Such a shame. He always liked how you looked when you stood directly in the rays of the sun.
It’s just before he retires to his room that Van Augur remembers that his presence had been requested at Blackbeard’s quarters. So, instead of turning left down the hallway, he turns right and makes his way towards the single room on this side of the ship.
His hands feel a little clammy from nerves - he still never figured out why Blackbeard asked him to meet him here. Was it going to be bad? Was Blackbeard going to kick him out of the crew after everything?
He had no idea.
There’s some shuffling from behind the doorway as Van Augur raises his hand to knock once, twice, three times on the wood. There’s even more shuffling, and then Blackbeard calls out: “Come in!”
He’s not sure what he should be expecting, but it’s certainly not the scene laid out in front of him.
There you are, face-down and ass-up in Blackbeard’s bed, the captain looming over top of you with his cock buried deep inside of your walls.
Van Augur’s face flares up into a deep shade of red and he coughs into his hand, averting his gaze. Oh god, he’s going to be thinking about you being in that position for him for weeks.
“I-I’m sorry, captain, I didn’t know you were, uh-” Van Augur actually stuttered, embarrassment overwhelming him as he clears his throat. He did say come in... right? He didn’t just walk in on something like this, did he?
“Didn’t think ya remembered to show up!” Blackbeard exclaims, laughing heartedly and confirming that, yes, he did, in fact, invite Van Augur into his quarters while he was in the middle of fucking his partner.
Van Augur doesn’t say anything, instead covering up part of his face with his cape. What is he supposed to say? This situation took a turn he never expected - he thought he was going to be kicked off of the ship!
“C’mon in! Shut the door behind ya there, and take a seat over there.” Blackbeard points towards a chair that’s set up on the side of the room that’s opposite to where the bed is, and Van Augur awkwardly closes the door behind him and shuffles over, taking a seat. He still doesn’t look up, choosing to focus on the floorboards rather than the way Blackbeard’s cock throbs inside of you.
Good god does he wish that could be him right now.
“We’re gonna put on a little show fer ya, if ya don’t mind watchin’,” Blackbeard goes on, laughing a bit as he gives your ass a light smack. You wince ever so slightly, letting out a gasp that shoots straight towards Van Augur’s own dick that he realizes is slowly hardening. He clears his throat again.
“...is this why you requested me to meet you here?” He asks, finally risking a glance towards the bed where the two of you are currently located. The captain laughs again.
“Figured ya wouldn’t mind. I asked Laffitte first but he said you’d be a better option.” Blackbeard sure likes to talk a lot, he realizes. “Somethin’ about you being a voyeur? Ah, who cares. Jerk off, or whatever ya’d like to do. I’ve been lookin’ fer a third party to watch us go at it.”
Yeah, he really wasn’t expecting things to go the way they were going.
Blackbeard turns his attention back to you, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
“You gonna be good and loud for Van Augur over there?” He asks, brushing the tip of the digit against your lower lip. You nod and make a little “mmhhmm” noise, your back arching ever so slightly from the lack of stimulation coming from Blackbeard.
“Good,” he responds, pushing the tip of his thumb into your mouth. “Let’s get started then.”
Blackbeard wastes no time in grabbing your waist with his other hand and picking up right where he left off - fucking you hard, fast, and deep.
Fuck, you already sound so wet too. If Van Augur wasn’t hard before, he certainly was now.
He watches intently as Blackbeard’s thumb disappears into your mouth, drool completely covering his large digit and only getting slicker with each rough shove past your lips. Slowly, he trails a hand down towards his pants, shifting himself just enough so that he can pull his pants down and take out his hardened cock. The tip is already leaking, and he’s sure that he’ll have to do his laundry before going off to bed tonight.
Your muffled moans are getting him all worked up and he hadn’t even touched himself yet.
With a light shudder, he finally takes his dick in hand, fighting back a groan from how much relief he felt with that single squeeze. It was a miracle how he hadn’t blown his load yet.
His eyes trail from your pretty little mouth to the way Blackbeard’s cock is pistoning into you - he can just barely see the outline of it with each rough thrust forward, no doubt fucking into your womb. He’s had his own fair share of fantasies involving you, and he wouldn’t be lying if he said a few of them involved breeding you and making you his forever.
The idea of his cum filling you up makes his head reel, but this? It was absolutely dizzying to him how he’d even been allowed to see you this way. The expressions he thought about you making were never quite right, but now he’s seeing those same expressions personally. And they were better than he could have ever imagined.
Blackbeard takes his fingers out of your mouth and pushes your head down into the bed, drawing a whimper from your lips that causes Van Augur to squeeze his hand around his shaft again. If he concentrates hard enough, he’s sure he can replace Blackbeard with himself.
The strokes of his hand get a little faster as he imagines it - you, bent over just for him, whining and whimpering and begging his name, his cock being the one driving you over the edge.
He gets so caught up in his own fantasies that he hadn’t noticed you switched positions.
You were on your back now, your wrists being held together above your head with one of Blackbeard’s hands while the other cupped your chin, forcing you to look up at your lover as he continued to ravage your audibly wet cunt with his oversized cock.
Blackbeard leaned forward and kissed you, speeding his thrusts up as he squirms his tongue past your lips to tangle with your own. Your hands clench and your whole body trembles, a loud whine escaping from you as the man undoubtedly fucked up against your G-spot.
Van Augur squeezes the base of his cock, feeling it throb in his hand as he pauses his strokes just for a moment so that he can last a little longer. He can’t cum yet- not when he hasn’t yet seen how pretty you look when you fall apart.
When Blackbeard pulls away from the kiss, your tongue still chases after his lips, lightly protruding from your lips. Van Augur has to know what they’d feel like against his- how they’d feel wrapped around his dick while you knelt in front of him.
The captain says something to you before he lifts your chin up and raises his voice.
“Go on, doll, tell him how you feel.”
Van Augur’s heart nearly stops beating in his chest as all the blood in his body seems to rush straight to his cock.
“I-I feel good,” you quietly whimper out, embarrassment evident on your face.
“Yeah? You feel good?” Blackbeard teases, once again thumbing your bottom lip before he roughly tugs your face to the side so that you’re looking directly at Van Augur. “Tell him.”
“V-Van Augur...” He bites his lip as you cry out his name, his movements completely halted. His name. You said his name.
He’s not going to be able to ever stop thinking about it.
“His cock f-feels so good inside of me,” you slightly fumble over the words, Blackbeard’s thrusts getting visibly rougher.
He’s not going to last much longer and he knows it.
“Maybe we should have him join us, hm? Would ya like that? Taking two large cocks instead of just one?” Blackbeard continues rambling on, a low groan escaping him as your walls clench around him. You hum in agreement, your breaths getting shorter.
“Then why don’t ya ask him?”
You’re still being forced to look at him and for just a moment you bite your lip before the words come tumbling out of your mouth: “I want you to fuck me, Van Augur.”
Your voice came out so breathy, so whiny and submissive that his back arches, his head bumping back against the wall of the cabin as thick ropes of hot, white cum spurt out from the tip of his cock, staining both his hand and his clothes as he shakes from the force of such a sudden orgasm.
It seems that just seeing Van Augur get pushed over the edge forces you to your own limit as well, a soft cry escaping your lips as your thighs lightly shake. Blackbeard forces you to look back at him as he brings you in for a kiss, feeling you milk his cock as he spills into you. Van Augur watches, face flushed and hair sticking slightly to his sweaty forehead as a few dribbles of Blackbeard’s cum drip out of you, dribbling down your gorgeous thighs.
He wishes he could be in between them, holding your hips still as he laps greedily at your cum-filled hole. He’s always loved your thighs.
Blackbeard pulls himself out of you, his dick now limp and spent as he sits back, legs hanging off the side of the bed as you catch your breath. He catches Van Augur’s gaze just for a second before smirking wickedly at him.
“I’m gonna get cleaned up,” he says. “Take care of ‘em while I’m gone.”
With that, he gets up and exits the room. You look over at Van Augur, a tired smile gracing your features as he himself stands up and makes his way over to you.
You scoot aside just enough for him to slide into the bed next to you and you pull him close, wrapping your arms around him to bring him in for a cuddle before you start to doze off.
It takes everything in him not to freeze up right then and there. He’s never been this close to you before, and even if he had been, it was never without so little clothes covering you.
He doesn’t know what to do with his hands, but ultimately decides to pull you into his chest, holding you even closer than before. His thumb traces circles against your back as you close your eyes and finally allow yourself to sleep.
Your breathing starts to slow and your body relaxes with each passing second.
Oh fuck.
He’s really in too deep now.
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animefans-stuff · 1 year
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What I'll write; fluff, angst, headcanons, one shots, platonic relationships, yanderes.
What I won't write; anything nsfw, oc x reader, cheating, suicide, romantic adult x minor.
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Rules when requesting/Interacting;
Please be kind, not only to me but other people and remember that some of the stuff I write (anything yandere related) is purely for entertainment only I don't support any of these actions in real life.
Don't be scared to talk too me. :)
Please be patient when requesting something. I have a life outside of tumblr, and a terrible habit of procrastinating with certain things.
Remeber that I can say no to any requests I don't feel comfortable writing.
If you enjoy any of the stuff I write PLEASE reblog or leave a comment. It lets me know you like/possibly want more, it also keeps me motivated to write.
Lastly, Have fun :)
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Fandom(s) I write for + who I write for.
Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Two Face, Mr. Freeze, Joker, Harley Quinn, Killer croc, Victor Zsasz, Firefly
Outlast Whistleblower
Eddie Glunskin.
Black Butler
Grell, Undertaker, William T Spears, Othello, Ludger, Sascha, Snake, Ciel( platonic only!), Sebastian, Ronald Knox, Eric Slingby and Alan Humphries.
Hades (The Game)
Zagreus, Hypnos, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Artemis, Dionysus, Achilles, Patroclus, Chaos, Theseus, Charon, Thanatos, Orpheus, Eurydice, Demeter, Persephone and Hermes.
One Piece
Sir Crocodile, Enel, Mihawk, Boa Hancock, Eustass Kid, Killer, Wire, Heat, Donquixote Doflamingo, Viola, Monet, Corazon, Dellinger, Baby 5, Gladius, Caesar Clown, Law, Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Nico Robin, Van Augur, Laffitte, Ace and Nami.
Resident Evil
Ethan Winters, Karl Heisenberg, Lady Dimitrescu, Donna Benevento, Mother Miranda, Dimitrescu Daughters.
Dead By Daylight
The Wraith, The Huntress, Trickster, The Spirit, The Oni, The Doctor, The Legion, The Plague.
Record Of Ragnarok
Heimdall, Thor, Loki, Adam and Eve, Shiva, Parvati, Kali, Durga, Jack The Ripper, Brunhilde, Buddha, Odin, Aphrodite, Hermes, Ares, Forseti, Heracles and Hades.
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myonepiece · 3 years
Could you do hc's for Laffitte 'n Ace where they wake up next to their crush, and when he asks what happened they're like "you got drunk as shit, barged into my room, confessed your ever lasting love, quite loudly I might add, and passed out. It would have been endearing if not for the fact you woke me up"
Laffitte, Ace reaction to waking up in their crush’s bed
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description: Laffite and Ace (separate) wake up in bed with their crush not knowing what happened the night before, and their crush tells them they barged in, confessed, and passed out
warnings: very mild cursing, alcohol consumption, mild suggestive comments
a/n: I’m supposed to wake up for school in 3 hours
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♡ Laffitte
the light stung his eyes and he turned over in bed, hiding his face in the pillow and inhaling deeply- finding your scent? 
his eyes shot open at movement in bed next to him, he looked up and spotted you leaning against the pillows. he looked around the familiar room, cheeks reddening slightly. hiis eyes landed back on you and he realized he grinned.
“______-san, why am I in your bed?”
he winked and placed his hand on your blanket covered leg, making your cheeks burn. 
“stop thinking so dirty, you barged in here last night drunk off your ass and confessed your ‘undying love’ for me, then passed out.”
that was all Laffitte could say, but the way his pink dusted cheek quickly became more scarlet, made you realize he was only feigning confidence.
he sat up and moved closer, his leg connecting with your while his hand trailed up and rested on your waist while he leaned his face closer.
“and... what do you think?”
“I think you were drunk...”
“and? do you feel the same?”
his hand moved again, cupping your cheek and gently running his thumb over the skin.
“what would you do if I say yes?”
he closed the space between your completely, connecting your lips in an agonizingly slow but passionate kiss, you could practically feel his late-night confession within the kiss, leaving you breathless when he pulled away.
he hooked his arm around your waist and pulled you aginst him as you slid down against the pillows, with Laffitte ssoon following suit and laying beside you, his hand lifting your chin so he could press another light kiss on your lips.
♡ Ace
Ace groaned in discomfort from his headache, turning his head and slamming it into the pillow in attempt to distract himself from the pain in his head. 
he jumped slightly when he felt a hand on his back, turning over quickly and seeing you sitting beside him, a cup of water in hand.
“drink this.”
he stared at you wide eyed, not moving an inch because of the panic his brain was in. you sighed and reach forward holding the cup to his lips while you asked-
“did you mean what you said last night?”
“w-what did I say last night?”
Ace took a gulp of water, his eyes unable to leave you despite how much he tried to tear them away. 
“well, you kicked the door in and declared that you’re, and I quote- ‘deeply in love with me and you’ll explode if you don’t tell me’.”
Ace spit the water from his mouth, dousing you from head to toe.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry ______-san!!” he lept from the bed and and stumbled over to one of his shirts lying on the floor, running back and wiping the water from your face. you grabbed him by the shoulders, holding him in place and making his cheeks as red as his fire,
“did you mean it?”
you let go of him and dropped your hands, Ace’s mouth fell open and he looked like a kicked puppy,
“okay? do you... not love me back?”
“don’t be silly Ace! I’m waiting for you to brush your teeth before I kiss you.”
his jaw dropped even farther and he didn’t hesitate to sprint off to the bathroom, brushing his teeth feverishly and bolting back to your room, falling right into your arms and making the two of you fall back laughing.
he placed his hand on your cheek and crashed him lips into yours, kissing you with the same passion and intensity that you saw in his powers, but his touch on your cheek was soft and gentle. he pulled away and kissed your forehead, then your cheeks, followed by your nose, and finally your lips again.
his arms wrapped around your neck and he pulled you up against him, squishing your face against his chest in excitement- then shoving his face into the crown of your head when Thatch and Marco’s “awhh”s were heard from the doorway.
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Hello!! 👋 Fantasic job reaching the big ol' 700; finally your skills are being recognized en mass! May I ask for headcanons of the Blackbeard Pirates (the smaller original crew but +Shiryu, if that's alright?) and how their first kiss with their S/O (male or gn) would go? Thank you and have a lovely day. 💖
Thank you Anon! I realised this was my first time for writing any of the Blackbeard pirates, I hope I did them some justice. Enjoy! 
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Blackbeard is a man who takes what he wants, when he wants. Setting up a romantic atmosphere for your first kiss really isn't his style. You're in a relationship, kissing you should be fine, right?
So that's exactly when he does. He kisses you when he wants to. It doesn't matter that his breath smells because of everything he ate before, or that you're out in public. It doesn't matter either that his crew is watching and whistling. Let them watch. He has absolutely no shame in letting them know that you're in a relationship.
He gives you very little warning, simply calling out your name, pulling you towards him and meeting you halfway to place his lips on yours.
The kiss is sloppy and wet, and lasts for a few seconds. Once he pulls away from you, he will laugh and keep you close to him with one arm, going back to eating whatever he was holding in his other hand.
To Blackbeard, a kiss is a kiss. Whether it's the first or the last matters very little to him, as long as they're enjoyable.
Jesus Burgess
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Burgess is a stubborn and ruthless man, and he’s not that different in a relationship. Once you’re in a relationship, he’ll kiss you when he wants and he’ll get incredibly frustrated and annoyed when you refuse him what he wants.
He’ll tell you to come over and give him a kiss. If you do so, he’ll be in a great mood and keep an arm around you for a while, even after the kiss has been broken. The kiss is a little forceful, with Burgess pulling you so close to him it almost hurts. He doesn’t know his own strength well, certainly when it comes to romantic/affectionate gestures.
He is not above using underhanded tactics to get what he wants, not when it comes to battles and not when it comes to you. If you refuse him the kiss he wants, he’ll use some excuse to get you to come close to him so he can steal a kiss from your lips anyway. This kiss is much shorter, just him smashing his lips against yours to still have gotten his kiss.
Whether you gave him the kiss or he stole it, Burgess will be grinning like an idiot after that, very much pleased with himself.
Van Augur
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Van Augur has a better sense of romance than Burgess and Blackbeard, and for his first kiss with you he’ll definitely put some thought in it. He will make sure his first kiss with you is shared away from prying eyes, certainly away from the eyes of his crewmates. It’s an intimate moment, and he does not need their catcalling in the background.
He will slowly close the distance between the two of you while talking with you, then when the moment is right he’ll gently tip your chin towards him, look you in the eyes and ask ‘may I?’. Once he has your permission, he’ll close the distance.
His first kiss with you is soft and slow, careful to not overwhelm you. It’s just enough to make you feel like you’re floating.
Once he pulls away from your lips he will keep you close, enjoying this moment of peace and intimacy a little longer. These are rare moments to come by for the Blackbeard pirates, so he’ll enjoy it for as long as he can.
Laffitte, Doc Q and Shiryu below the cut
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Laffitte is a bit different from the majority of the crew because of his refined and sophisticated personality. He’s one of the rare calm members who’s usually calm and he is always smiling. When it comes to you, he is no different. Laffitte treats you with the respect you deserve, and he reprimands, or even threatens, those that are rude to you.
When it comes to your first kiss, it’ll be a bit more spontaneous and playful. During a nice date, he will be talking with you, complementing you, making jokes,… anything to make you laugh as well. Then, once you’re smiling properly and he can see you’re comfortable, he’ll lean over and ask if he can kiss you. Once he has your permission, he’ll close the distance.
The kiss is playful and soft, which is much like your relationship with Laffitte in general. He keeps you close during the kiss. Once he pulls away from the kiss, he places one more quick peck to your lips before he steps back and goes back to whatever he was doing before that.
Doc Q
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Doc Q counts himself lucky that he has you. He knows he isn’t the best-looking person, and certainly not the healthiest person, but still you chose him and that makes him very happy.
He will take a while before initiating your first kiss, he first wants to make sure that you truly are happy with him as your partner, and that you’re not just being with him out of pity for a sick man(which he still would accept, though he’d handle it in a different manner).
Once he knows it’s not out of pity, he’ll just let you know that he would like to kiss you. He’ll say it as he’s lying on top of Stronger, leaving the choice up to you. If for some reason you don’t want to kiss him at that moment, he’ll just leave it at that.
If you do give him a kiss, he’ll place his hand on your cheek and let you take the lead. The kiss is soft and careful, neither of you quite sure what would be too much but neither of you even risking to try it.
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Shiryu has a perverted side that he isn’t even trying to hide. You knew about it already before you got into a relationship with him, so he’ll continue acting that way towards you as well. He is who he is and he’s not changing that for anyone.
Once you get into a relationship with him, he’ll want to kiss you pretty soon, if not right that moment. He likes you and you like him, that should be more than enough reason to kiss, right?
He’ll pull you towards him, his usual relaxed smile still very much present on his face, though it would likely be better described as a grin this time. He’ll close the distance and press his lips to yours in a passionate kiss.
Shiryu is not holding back for this kiss. He wants to enjoy himself, and he wants you to enjoy yourself as well. Only when you’re out of breath will he pull his lips away from yours, though he will keep your body close to his. Then he’ll take another drag of his cigar and relax, happy with what just happened.
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nakunakunomi · 3 years
Could you please do 💋 Favorite kind of kisses / where they like to kiss s/o? For my main man, the horrid bastard, Lafitte?
Here you go anon, hope it’s okay QwQ 
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💋 ~ Favorite kind of kisses / where they like to kiss s/o?
Seemingly calm and sophisticated, Laffitte’s softer side comes up a little when he’s around you. He’s not that much of a fan of PDA nor does he like loads of physical intimacy, much preferring quality time over actual physical affection. 
When it comes to kissing, he’s a fan of kissing as a means of greeting, kissing your cheek and lightly brushing his lips past yours. He loves teasing you, making you want for more, something you’re definitely not gonna get in public. 
Other than that, kissing your hands. When your fingers are intertwined, he’ll bring your hand up to his lips and softly press a kiss to the back of your hand. It’s a quiet, yet very meaningful gesture. 
join my Valentine’s day event (click) 
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Stealing Bases
Come watch a baseball game with Benny in this fluffy drabble based on the song Ball Cap by Dylan Scott! (647 words) Song 4 from Deluxe Edition
“Look, all I’m saying is someone should have told me we would be outside today,” Y/N complained, holding a hand out in front of her face to keep the sun out of her eyes.
“It’s a baseball game, sweetheart. What did you expect?” Dean’s amused voice shouldn’t have made me bristle possessively. Okay, it wasn’t his voice that made me bristle. It was the term of endearment.
But Dean called every girl sweetheart. I knew that. Hell, we’d been friends for years. Went through the purgatory of high school together. In all but blood, Dean was my brother. I knew he didn’t have any feelings besides friendly ones towards Y/N. And it wasn’t like she was mine to get possessive over anyway.
“I don’t know, sweetheart,” she retorted sarcastically. “Maybe that we would sit somewhere in the shade?”
Jo snorted at the banter between the two, balled up the empty popcorn bag, and threw it my way. “Hey Benny, be a darling and get me some more?”
Maybe a walk to the concessions would do me some good. Clear my mind. Remind myself that Y/N wasn’t mine to get jealous over. We’d been friends forever and I was too cowardly to ever make the first move.
As I stood up, Dean looked up at me. “Darling? I’d like a beer.”
“Get your own beer,” I mumbled, accidentally hitting his head with my elbow as I stepped past him. When I glanced at him, he looked just as amused as he had when Y/N was complaining. But with a hint of some sort of knowing behind his eyes. Like he knew something I didn’t.
“Hey, Ben?” Y/N piped up. “If I don’t call you darling like Dean did, will you grab me a pretzel? Pretty please?”
Oh, how I wanted her to call me darling. “Sure thing, cher.”
“If I get Y/N to call you darling, will you get me that beer?” Dean tossed out.
“Actually,” Y/N said, standing up. “I’ll come with ya. Get away from this idiot here.”
As she passed by Dean, she hit him in the head with her elbow too, playing it off by apologizing profusely. As soon as we were out of the seats, Y/N wrapped her arm around mine and leaned against me so she wouldn’t lose me in the crowd. Little did she know that I have a Y/N-Radar and always know exactly where she’s at.
But I wasn’t about to complain at the contact.
“So, you’re rooting for the Braves today, right?”
“I’m rooting for the Braves every day, dar—”
Her smile at my slip made my heart skip. “Dean and Jo aren’t here to tease you, Ben. You can say darling and cher all you want.”
The crowd thinned for a moment and Y/N reached up and grabbed my ball cap from my head, walking backwards to get ahead of me with an alarmingly enchanting grin on her lips. When she put my hat on her head, it was a wonder I wasn’t struck dumb right then and there.
That Braves cap was my favorite hat. I’d worn it for years. It was a constant witness to the ups and downs in my life. My family joked that they couldn’t recognize me without it. Everyone knew it was my hat.
But on Y/N? She was breathtaking.
“Now this will keep the sun out of my eyes,” she said, still smiling like a goddess. “What do you think?”
Ah, hell. When she asked me straight out like that, I couldn’t help but answer truthfully.
Her t-shirt was crumpled in my hand in seconds as I pulled her close until my lips were on hers. Her lips were as soft as I’d imagined, and I nearly died right there when she overcame the shock and fell right into me, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me back.
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Misc. Pirates Masterlist
Red Hair Pirates
Better Left Unsaid - Yandere Shanks x GN Child Reader / Platonic
Donquixote Pirates
Thoughts on dad Doflamingo
Black Cat Pirates
Captain Kuro
Yandere Captain Kuro 6 & 12 (VDay Event)
Blackbeard Pirates
At His Mercy - Laffitte x GN Reader / Romantic
Buggy the Clown
Sir Crocodile
Was It Worth It? - Yandere Sir Crocodile x Daughter Reader / Platonic
- Was It Worth It? follow up for if Robin takes the daughter with when she joins the Straw Hats
Yandere Sir Crocodile 7 (VDay Event)
Dracule Mihawk
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fayettenyx · 3 years
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Just a quick doodle today 💕
A what if… piece as I like to them.
My inspiration comes from a lot of Laffitte x reader a common theme seems to be he had to leave a girl behind. But what if he didn’t……
Base by bubble bases.
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Learn to Love a Beast
Summary: Reader is a vampire and she tells her best friend, Benny, and he comforts her confessing his feelings for her in the process.
Characters: Reader, Benny Lafitte
Fandom: Supernatural
Word Count: 530
Disney Movie Writing Challenge, @that-was-not-supposed-to-happen 
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I couldn’t believe what happened to me. I didn’t want to believe it. I was a vampire, a monster. I went to the only person I could trust, Benny.
I got to the little cabin of his and I knocked on the door. “Benny you home?”
The door opens and I’m met with beautiful baby blues. “You don’t need to know cher, you practically live here,” his southern accent calming me.
“Thanks Benny,” I pass by him and catch a whiff of his smell and I trip over myself a little.
“You okay there Y/N?” He lays a hand on my waist trying to steady me.
“Yea but um, there’s something I want to tell you,” he leads me to the couch and we sit side by side.
“What’s wrong darling?” He takes my hand in his and rubs circles with his thumb.
“I don’t even know where to start,” I say looking at our hands.
“From the beginning cher,” he’s patient with me, always has been.
“I uh, I’m a- a vampire Benny,” I look up to his eyes and I see confusion in them.
“What do you mean a you’re a vampire?” He questions.
“I mean, some guy turned me into a blood-sucking monster,” Benny bring his other hand up and wipes the tears, I didn’t know had fallen, from my eyes.
“You’re not a monster Y/N, you can’t be.” He says with determination.
“But Benny I am,” I mumbled, I let the fangs slide out and I felt Benny stiffen next to me. “I’m a monster,” I said before retracting my new fangs and stare at the ground with tears running down my face.
A pair of burly arms wrap around me and I stiffen because I wasn’t expecting him to hug me.
“I don’t care that you’re a vampire. You're still you and I will love you no matter what,” he hugs me a little tighter and rubs my back in a comforting way.
I sniffle, “You love me?”
“I do cher. Ever since I first met you I knew you were the one for me. I love you and I’ll always love you no matter what, you hear?” He pulls back to look at me. I nod my head.
“I- I like you too Benny,” I whisper, looking down. Benny grabs my chin and tilts my head so I look him in his eyes.
“You don’t need to shy away from me Y/N,” I look into his baby blues and I lean forward connecting our lips, I pull away almost as immediately as I leaned in.
“Benny I-” I’m cut off by Benny kissing me. This kiss is deeper and holds more meaning, we kiss until I feel my fangs come out and I break the kiss moving across the room in the process.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to hurt you.” Benny gets up and walks over to me slowly.
“You could never hurt me darling. I trust you,” he’s close enough I put my arms around his neck, hugging him. “We’ll figure this out Y/N, we’ll do it together.” He promises.
“Thank you Benny,” I mumble into his neck.
Tag List: @uncomfortable-writers @archer-whovian-violinist 
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moustacheshe · 1 year
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I still have a story that I started... But never continued... This story is pure smut... And I'm thinking about rewriting and continuing it xD
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ao3-onepiece · 7 years
The scat man - Laffitte x Reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2gZiumr
by RanaParra
Words: 540, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Piece
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Laffitte (One Piece), Reader, You
Relationships: Laffitte (One Piece)/Reader
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2gZiumr
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myonepiece · 3 years
1000 followers event- 15, 18
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15- Laffitte
18- “what do we do now”
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warnings: mild cursing
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Laffitte smiled and poked you again with his red cane. you eyes flicked over to where he was sitting beside the table, a shameless grin plastered across his. face while he watched you become increasingly annoyed.
he slowly moved his cane forward again, dodging your hand that tried to hit the. cane away, and poking you right in the stomach.
“Laffitte I swear to god.”
he merely smiled and retracted the red colored wood, leaning on it while he looked back at the hand of cards Shiryu had just dealt him. 
it was a few more hands into the game before Laffitte glanced at you where you sat reading a book. he very slowly began to reach towards you with his cane. your view was blocked by the book but you could sense Laffitte’s impending excitement- right before the came in contact with your leg, you shot your hand out and grabbed at the cane, grasping at thin air.
Laffitte gasped patronizingly as he swiftly brought his cane back towards him.
“that’s it.”
you growled right as Blackbeard burst enthusiastically through the door.
“who’s coming with us to the town’s bar, hm?”
your captain was followed by a few crewmates as well as Burgess and Devon. Blackbeared seemed to sense the tension in the room and the furious scowl you wore towards Laffitte,
“what’s going on in here?”
“Laffittes flirting with ______.”
the ex-sheriff grinned and tipped his hat at the captain, grinning even wider at his crewmate’s words. Blackbeard threw his head back and cackled while you quickly crossed the room.
“I’m coming with you guys captain!”
you felt a hand on your shoulder and you were shoved back by Shiryu who smirked at Laffitte before ushering the captain and the rest of the group out ofthe room. you whined in annoyance.
“what do we do now?”
Laffitte inquired, most likely sarcastically. right before you turned around to shoot Laffitte a glare, an object jabbed at your side. you whirled around just in time to catch Laffitte tipping his hat to you and merrily tap-dancing off down the hall.
“Laffitte you get your ass back here!”
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