#kyrs asks
fuckitwebhaal · 10 months
kyr’s whole bit is that he is the hypocrite. like he tells all of his companions “oh we will defy your fate!! we will find another way” and is meanwhile foreshadowing his own seemingly inevitable demise.
to Gale, Lae’zel, Shadowheart; they need not let gods and masters deign their fates
To Wyll, Karlach, Astarion; you are not monstrous, you are not what others made you to be
But for himself? To stand at the edge of Bhaal’s oblivion? that’s his fate. That’s always going to be his fate. It’s in his blood, it’s inescapable. Oh, he’s the lamb. Oh, he’s the scapegoat. Oh, the gods are bleeding him over Faerûn and he is the one with the knife to his throat.
There’s another way for you. Not for me, gods no, not me. But for YOU.
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vyingeyes · 2 months
Project Crown - 2 - Recovery
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Myth’s favorite place in Tipoca City had to be their barracks. The stark white tiles might freeze bare feet and blind unsuspecting eyes from time to time, but they were consistent. Quiet peace compensated for the lack of privacy that came from being bunked with other squads, and a sleep pod was about the closest thing any of them had to a personal space.
Myth’s least favorite place had to be the hangar. The only experience he had with it was during storms, so he had only ever seen the metal floor slick and hazardous. Freezing sheets of rain blew in from the open bay doors, and the chaos of everyone running around trying to get sorted sent him into a tizzy of his own. It probably didn’t help that every time ended up in the hangar, it was due to a situation that did nothing except cause him stress. It didn’t matter that there were other, less-severe places in Tipoca that he was subjected to more frequently—the hangar was just worse.
“When we touch down, I want 48 and 8ball to help Course to medical. Myth, with me.”
The transport ship rocked ominously in the gale of the storm as Kyr gave them their instructions. Myth found himself relaxing despite it. If he was with Kyr, that meant he’d probably be doing something administrative. Helping with the combat report, maybe, or recounting inventory and expended supplies. No matter what, it would almost certainly be better than a trip to the medical bay.
8ball seemed to think the same. “I’m sure 48 could take Course alone,” the scout implored. “Or, hell, Course could probably get to the medbay on his own?” He inched a bit closer to Myth.
Kyr fixed a tired glare on 8ball. “No. You were both there when Course got hurt, you’re responsible for making sure he gets helped.”
8ball bristled immediately. “He was supposed to be the one watching for bugs! I was shooting an SBD—and so was 48! You can’t just put us on babysitting duty because you’re mad you didn’t do anything to stop Course from—”
“He can.” Course’s voice cut in flatly, immediately shutting 8ball up. “He is squad lead, and he tells you what you do, where, and when.”
Blood buzzed in Myth’s ears at the undercurrent of anger in Course’s voice. Course was… not frightening. None of his brothers were frightening. But Myth hated conflict on a good day, and today… hadn’t been a good day. And Course was never the one to start a conflict. He was the closest thing they had to a mediator—the only one that could ever hope to redirect Kyr—and hearing him with that barely concealed hint of something boiling under the surface did frighten Myth.
“—miserable existence! Ooh, wow, he’s got a fancy title! He’s still got the same brain as any of us!”
Uh oh. Myth missed the first half of that, but it didn’t take an information analyst to see that 8ball wasn’t responding well to Course’s attempt at grace. His mouth opened uncertainly, but he quickly shut it as 48 began to speak.
“Shut up, man.” Myth could hear the rolling eyes, even if his brother still wore his helmet—48 was not impressed. “It’s been a long day already. Do you have to do this right now?”
It was as close to defending Kyr as 48 would get right now. Probably more for Course than anyone else, but Myth doubted any of them were enjoying this argument. Green Squad, silent backdrops in the dim transport, made no attempt to intrude on this display. Pull and Push shared a look, and Myth’s stomach dropped.
“It won’t take too long,” Myth blurted. “If you just get out of the ship as quickly as you can and go directly to the medical bay—you probably wouldn’t even have to stay to explain the situation to the medical droids, Course is awake, and it isn’t like there’ll be any trainers looking to cause problems right now with everything going on—”
“You’re stressing Myth out,” 48 interjected, annoyance growing. “Just suck it up.”
8ball elbowed 48 in retort, but he turned to glance at Myth, eyes searching for a moment. “… Fine. I’ll do the thing that nobody involved thinks is necessary to satisfy Kyr’s ego—but I’m not doing it because you told me to,” he directed at Kyr, an accusing finger tapping the squad leader on the chest.
Kyr did not respond. Probably for the best. He was probably seething—he had a temper just as bad as 8ball, but he was usually a little better at handling it. Plus, it was typically reserved for just 8ball and 48. Myth and Course got a little more lenience from him—except for when one of them had two broken limbs and tried to argue against being helped, apparently? That was a new development, and he’d have to take it into account. Myth couldn’t remember Kyr ever blatantly disregarding protocol like that before, and it concerned him, but Myth hoped that they could convince Course to at least be a little kinder to Kyr in the medical report than he’d been in the canyon.
The transport shuddered as it landed in the hangar, jolting Myth out of his thoughts. Kyr put a hand on his back while Punch and Punt slid the transport door open. All ten troopers immediately poured out of the cramped space, more than eager to get away from the stifling air they’d been stuck in.
Kyr set a steady hand on Myth’s shoulder to both ground him and guide him through the cacophonous hangar. Myth glued himself to Kyr’s side, not eager to get nudged or shoved by any clone that didn’t put much stock in the idea of personal space. One of the best parts about being placed with Kyr was that he had a certain way of walking that made other people move out of his path. Even when he had full kit, just the set of his shoulders and the weight with which he stepped had even the brothers that didn’t know him scrambling to make space. In another life, he would have been a CC. Maybe even an RC. Myth didn’t like to think in “could-have-been”s, but that was one thought he couldn’t help but sit with sometimes.
People steered clear of Kyr because he was intimidating, in-control, and good at what he did. People avoided Myth because he talked too much and never gave a straight answer.
… It wasn’t quite the same.
“I want you to help me with this report,” Kyr said in the quiet of the sterile white halls, voice as steady and confident as always. Only the barely perceptible swivel of his head (searching for eavesdroppers?) told Myth why he wanted help.
“Do you think Course will really put your protocol breach in his report?” Myth couldn’t help but ask. He wanted to backtrack immediately, nervous about speaking it into being. “I mean, he wouldn’t, right? That would hurt all our chances at a decent placement. He was bluffing to get you to back off.”
Kyr didn’t answer immediately, steering Myth into the cafeteria. Not many troopers had found it in them to eat yet, so the usual chatter was a pleasant murmur. They got in line, Kyr ahead of Myth. Myth didn’t comment on Kyr filling his tray for him.
Kyr took him toward the far wall, leaving a couple tables of buffer for any incoming troopers who preferred to hug the wall outright, and they sat together at a round table. It was only once Myth took the first bite of his meal that Kyr answered his question.
“He said he would, so he will. He might let 48 talk him into being a little forgiving about it, but he won’t go back on the threat.”
Anxiety burst through Myth’s chest, freezing tendrils wrapping around his heart. He tapped his foot on the metal leg of the table. If one of the biggest outliers of their performance in their reports was that Kyr had ignored protocol, they would be lucky to get a placement at all. The idea of the Kaminoans reading that, deciding they wouldn’t get deployed after all, and putting them back in training popped into his head and refused to leave. They could hold them back. Use them as an example to any of the ninth-cycle cadets getting too big for their helmets. Or they could recondition Kyr and send them all to a moon where he'd never get the opportunity to break protocol ever again, even if he wanted to.
“Myth. Myth! Hey.” The warmth of Kyr’s hand between his arm plates snapped Myth out of his thoughts and reminded him painfully that he had been shot earlier. “We can make it work. That’s why I want your help. There’s a reason they use us instead of droids.” His voice dropped a bit, careful not to be overheard in the relative quiet of the mess. “If I can give a really good reason why I didn’t listen to Course, we’ll be fine.”
He wanted to wave it away. If they could justify the decision effectively enough, Kyr’s hardheaded decision could prove the benefit of using clones, not the drawbacks. It could work. It could at least keep them away from the attention of the wrong people.
 “Okay. Okay. You—have you started the report? I can help.”
Kyr exhaled, and Myth watched the crease between his eyebrows relax as he removed his hand from Myth’s arm to take another bite of his food. “I did inventory and expended resources on the transport. Finished everything up to the… attack, on the way into atmo. Once you’ve eaten, we can head to the barracks and finish it. I need to submit this—soon. I got an alert when we landed that they’re reviewing and assigning us ASAP.”
Another quick bolt of anxiety raced through Myth. “Already?” He set his spoon down. “I don’t—we don’t have to eat. We can work on it now.”
“No. Eat your food.” Kyr nodded at Myth’s tray. “You’ve had a long day, and you barely ate before we left.”
Myth stared at his nutrient mush, mouth suddenly dry. “… It’s really fine. I’d rather get the report out of the way.”
Kyr sighed, and Myth shrank back a bit. “How about this. You eat, and I’ll start working on it. I’ll ask you for your help as I need it.”
“… Okay.”
The mush did not grow any more appetizing as Kyr put on his helmet and started tapping at his bracer. Myth knew he was looking at the report draft, but between the emotionless visor and the rapid typing, he exuded an aura of annoyance that did nothing to ease Myth’s discomfort.
He began poking at the mush. Really, it wasn’t appetizing on a good day—not since they’d changed its consistency. Where before you could at least pretend to chew it, the new mush was almost slimy. It made the exact same taste seem vastly less appealing.
When they’d originally made the change, Myth hadn’t been able to stomach it. He’d tried—really, really tried, but he couldn’t manage to eat more than a bite at each meal before his rolling stomach stopped him. He’d given his portions to 8ball for a week before his body started to get too weak for their squad training. Despite the physical issues, the real catalyst that had forced him to start eating again had been his specialty track scores. The brain fog that came over him had resulted in him getting the worst scores he’s pretty sure any information analyst had ever gotten. He never scored great—he could never settle on a single strategy, and the trainers never let him forget it—but the threat of detracking looming over him was more than enough to make him push through the nausea.
He'd gotten used to it. Eventually. Staring at the goop now brought him memories of the way he threw up the entire meal the first time he’d managed to make himself eat all of it. Not fun memories. He’d gotten odd stares from all the other squads in the mess, and more than a couple cadets had laughed at him. He’d been dragged off to the medbay by a droid and poked and prodded for an hour before it declared that he must have eaten too quickly and sent him back on his way with a ration bar, since he didn’t have time to go back for a new meal before his squad training.
Myth took a deep breath, studying the glint of the overhead lights on the mush. “You sent Course with 48, 8ball, and Punt because Course has the highest scores in close-range fighting and the position of the SBDs at the intersection of the passes meant he’d be best positioned on the frontlines.”
Kyr didn’t have the audacity to pretend he’d originally had a good reason to send Course with the smaller group, so he nodded and tapped away accordingly.
Slowly, Myth lifted a small glob of nutrient mush to his mouth, swallowing it quickly. “… Course was ambushed by a Geonosian warrior. He was disarmed and lifted while the others were in the middle of eliminating the SBDs, leaving them unable to help quickly enough to prevent him from being taken. They split their focus between the remaining SBDs and the Geonosian—Punt and Eighty finished off the supers while 48, who was sent as backup, began to shoot at the Geonosian. When the last super went down, they focused all fire on the Geonosian. The increased fire provided enough distraction for Course to extract himself from the hold, and he fell.” Myth paused for a moment.
Kyr didn’t push him, continuing to tap away with increased speed following Myth’s massive information outburst.
Myth breathed in slowly, then out, then took another small bite of his food. In, out, bite. After a third repetition, he spoke again, slowly, but as firmly as he knew how. “Course hit his head against the rocks on the way down. Although he was verbal and cognizant, you did not think him fully aware at the time of his landing.” He paused again, air stalling in his chest until he remembered to breathe. “You expressed concern of Course’s ability to walk quickly enough to the rendezvous point. He only repeated the protocol for broken limbs. Believing him to be concussed and not fully understanding of the extent of the damage to his legs, you followed protocol to deliver stim shots to the affected limbs, as well as to his spinal cord in case of spinal injury and to hopefully alleviate the suspected concussion.”
Kyr nodded slowly, tapping with deliberate intent.
“Following the injections, you carried him through the majority of the mountain pass until you were certain we would make the rendezvous on time with his impeded pace.”
“So, we’re playing up the urgency aspect of it?” Kyr took off his helmet to take a bite of his own food.
“Course likely won’t include the exact timeline in his own report,” Myth reasoned, slowly growing more confident in his words. “His reports are very short. It’ll be something like ‘advised squad lead of protocol but was dismissed’.”
“I almost feel bad for implying he isn’t a reliable source of medical advice,” Kyr muttered dryly.
“For good reason,” Myth said mindlessly. “He’s never given us any reason not to listen to him before.”
Kyr went quiet, picking at his food for another minute before putting his helmet back on and continuing to fill out his report.
Myth made slow work of his mush. With his job fully completed, he wasn’t as anxious, but his hunger had already been spoiled. Not much any of them could do to fix that.
The rest of their squad would have long since made it to the medical wing by then. Myth wondered if he and Kyr would pass 8ball and 48 on the way to their barracks. He was pretty sure both of them had eaten all of their food pre-deployment, but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t be hungry. But if neither Kyr nor Course hounded them to go get food, would they…?
“Are you not going to finish your food?”
Kyr’s unmodulated voice snapped Myth out of his mind abruptly, and Myth stared as the goop dripped from his spoon back down to his tray. “… I’m really not hungry,” he mumbled.
Kyr sighed, and Myth shrank back a bit. Kyr shook his head. “It’s fine. You ate something, at least…”
Myth pushed the tray away from himself at the—not quite permission, but acceptance. He watched Kyr finish his own food in a couple bites, then stand.
“Well, we may as well go to our barracks,” Kyr said with another sigh. “Our training is cancelled for at least the next day cycle. I’m sure the trainers are trying to figure out what happens now.”
Myth stood with him, wringing his hands a bit as Kyr took both of their trays to disposal. “You submitted your report?” he verified.
“Yeah. It’s getting processed now.”
Shoulders relaxing, Myth found it easier to breathe. If their report was turned in, that meant it would be reviewed shortly. He wondered if Course would even have time to submit his medical report. He hadn’t been looking during the flight; had Course submitted it while they were still on the shuttle? Surely, they wouldn’t make judgements on placement before both reports were in.
Despite himself, Myth’s anxiety began to blossom into anticipation. If their generous take on the events of the day were taken at face value… Well, it wouldn’t look half bad. Only one major injury, 100% survival rate, and they followed instructions to a T.
Myth startled guiltily, quickly turning to Kyr, who stood waiting for him. To his credit, he didn’t seem like he was actually annoyed with Myth’s spaciness, but the tired look in his eye and the tenseness in his back made Myth still feel like he was only adding on to his squad lead’s stress.
Kyr’s expression softened after a moment, and his next sigh was not nearly as severe as the last several had been. “Let’s go back to our barracks,” he said, voice gentler. “We’ve done our jobs. Now we get to shower and rest.”
Myth faltered for just a moment, then nodded. That nervous anticipation remained, but if Kyr deemed there to be nothing more they could do, then that was that. He stepped in beside Kyr and let himself be herded toward the promising chill of their sleep pods.
The walk itself held no surprises for them, but upon reaching the door to their wing, a small droid sat stationary. As they approached, its eyes lit up—eerie, opaque white windows—and its head swiveled toward them.
Myth’s eyes widened, and his attention snapped directly to Kyr, who looked as stricken as Myth felt to hear his full identification code spoken at him.
It took Kyr only a moment to recover from the surprise. “That would be me.”
The rest of the droid’s mechanics began to start up. Its boosters activated with a high whir, and it lifted itself a few feet to bring itself level with the clones’ eyes. “CT-0918, you are summoned to briefing room 27-8 to await orders. The rest of your squad may continue their designated recovery period.”
Myth couldn’t help but stare. Kyr’s expression schooled itself in a matter of seconds to something more confident, like he wouldn’t have expected anything less.
“Alright. Are you here to escort me?”
“Affirmative. Follow me.”
Kyr put a warm hand on Myth’s shoulder as the droid began to drift down the hall. “I’ll be back,” he said, promptly following his escort.
Myth stood in the hall for a few seconds after he lost sight of Kyr. Even though Kyr had told him that they would be placed as soon as possible, pulling squad leads to wait for results sounded like a sudden decision. How long before they were given their placement? How closely would the details of their reports be examined, really?
He wandered into the barracks in a daze, oblivious to the bemused glances he received from the other squads as he made his way to the Crown Squad bunks.
48 was the one to jar him out of his muddled state. “Did you hear? We’re going to be placed! Pull heard a nattie saying that the CCs were all reviewing the reports ASAP.”
Myth started to regret eating the caf food, given how much his stomach began to roll. The thought of a CC—a future officer—reviewing their messily spun report made him want to throw up again. What if they realized it was intentionally skewed? What if they pulled the security footage of the caf and realized Kyr asked Myth for help? Myth’s earlier paranoia of reconditioning sprung back to the forefront of his mind. Falsifying official reports wasn’t a light crime. Did this count?
“… hope we go somewhere busy,” he heard 8ball telling 48 from his place in his extended pod.
“Like Coruscant?” 48 asked, dubious. “You wouldn’t find me dead there. If I’m gonna get deployed, I’m gonna be somewhere I can show the clankers who’s the superior soldier. Can’t do that so close to the core.”
“I was thinking more like big warzones. Somewhere I can run around, y’know? Lots of fun angles to catch ‘em off guard.”
48 rolled his eyes. “So you wanna give Course a heart attack? Poor guy spent the whole time on Geonosis hovering over Myth’s graze. He wouldn’t survive somewhere busier.”
Myth realized then that Course wasn’t present. His pod was closed, and the panel suggested it wasn’t occupied. He glanced between 8ball and 48. “Is Course still in medical?” he asked.
 48 turned back to him. “Oh. Yeah, apparently his legs are super fucked up. The droid said it wasn’t that big of a deal, but they held him to make sure the injections didn’t get screwed by him walking around.”
Frowning, Myth nodded. That made sense.
“Did you get your graze checked out?” 8ball asked. It wasn’t said accusingly, but it didn’t need to be for Myth’s expression to turn guilty.
“I forgot,” he said. He really had. He hadn’t thought about it at all since Kyr put pressure on it earlier—he’d been quickly distracted by the borderline insubordination they committed.
48 shook his head. “It’s just a graze, and Course treated it anyway. Probably better to wait until the medbay isn’t so busy with the guys who really got injured.”
“Hope you’re ready for Kyr and Course to accept that answer,” 8ball warned. “They’ll be fussing the minute they figure you out.”
Myth moved to their storage bins and started methodically removing his armor. “I’ll go when it isn’t so busy,” he echoed 48. “They’re probably oversaturated with injured by now.”
A passing clone laughed, and Myth froze mid doffing.
“Don’t suppose they could fix your head while you’re there?” Myth did not turn his head, but the unknown brother kept teasing anyway. “Or is your condition terminal?”
“Fuck off, Hud,” 48 ground out. “You’re not any funnier today than you were yesterday. Or the day before that.”
“Just a joke, bud. I know you clowns are delicate, but you gotta lighten up.”
Myth saw 8ball jumping down from his pod from the corner of his eye.
“Yeah? We aren’t the ones that threw up in the dropships. Unless Bingo was misremembering when they told me about that?”
The passing brother—Hud—went quiet for a few seconds before hotly going, “It was motion sickness. We’ve never been in actual ships before, I couldn’t exactly help it.”
48 spoke again, evidently gleeful to learn this piece of gossip. “Delicate stomach, Hud? I didn’t expect that out of you.”
“Oh, fuck off.” Hud’s voice grew fainter, and Myth relaxed as he realized the other clone was walking away. “You guys’re gonna regret that in a year when I’m an officer.”
A hysterical laugh broke out of 48, and he collapsed onto his bunk in sporadic giggles as they were left alone again. “That dumbass? An officer? Over my dead body.”
8ball scoffed in response, walking over and beginning to help Myth remove his armor. “If he can’t even handle a little turbulence, you won’t have to worry about it.”
Myth bit the inside of his cheek, slowly continuing to doff his armor with 8ball’s help.
“I mean,” continued 48, “seriously, good on him for having plans, but really? He’s gotta find some more attainable life goals. Like surviving.”
8ball floated into Myth’s peripheral in the process of unlatching his rerebrace, and Myth watched him raise an eyebrow. “What, like you? Sir ‘I Can Become A Commando, No Really, It’s Entirely Feasible’—”
“It is!” 48 insisted. “Just because it hasn’t happened before doesn’t mean it won’t.”
Their voices faded out while Myth focused on removing his armor. He couldn’t pretend that he wasn’t upset by the teasing. He never could—he just didn’t know how. 48 always did it without problem. Course and Kyr hardly seemed to blink whenever cruel words ended up being thrown in their direction. 8ball could give it back better than he got it. Why was Myth the only one that always shut down?
The teasing wasn’t even that big of a deal. It wasn’t malicious. Like Hud said, it was a joke.
8ball put a hand around Myth’s wrist, drawing his eyes up.
His brother wasn’t making a deal about it, but Myth could see the concern creased in his brow. “What about you?” 8ball asked, those creases easing a little while he spoke. “What’s your plan? Where would you want us to get sent?”
Myth took a moment to find his words, and when he did any energy from earlier was gone. “… Somewhere with an interesting ecosystem,” he mumbled.
8ball nodded, pulling him toward the ladder to the bunks. “That sounds good. I’d probably have good cover, too.”
“… I want to see different plants and animals.” Myth remembered his modules; he’d always gotten more modules and more in-depth modules than the rest of his squad, as an information analyst, and he remembered how many times he’d come back fawning over the flora and fauna of different planets. He understood more about the different lifeforms of Felucia than he understood about natborns as a whole.
“So definitely not Coruscant,” 48 laughed. “Unless stray tookas and criminal lowlifes count?”
Myth climbed up to his own bunk while 8ball responded.
“I think Course’s the only one who’d actually like us to end up there. Although, Kyr…” 8ball got a thoughtful look on his face. “Maybe.”
“It would be them,” 48 complained.
8ball did not climb back up to his bunk, instead sitting cross-legged on the cold metal flooring. “Well, wherever we end up it’s gonna be with Green Squad. I’m pretty sure they’re legally not allowed to separate us, what with Punch being Kyr’s handler.”
48 sighed. “Truly, a masterclass of a soldier. Able to lead without leading… What would we do without him?”
“Get chewed out. Constantly. And maybe killed,” 8ball deadpanned.
Myth weighed the merit of closing his pod. It wasn’t that he disliked his brothers bantering, but his nerves had been fried throughout the course of the past twenty-four hours, and the thought of them talking poorly about their squad lead in the middle of the crowded barracks made him want to smother them with his thin pillow. Best to just not hear it at all.
Despite his misgivings, Myth did not close the pod. Hearing his brothers joke like their world wasn’t changing irrevocably put Myth a little bit more at ease than he would be with his own thoughts, even if the jokes added to his overall stress. The lesser of two evils.
His compromise for this was to zone out. He didn’t have a datapad, which had been left behind in the rush of the first call to Geonosis, so he couldn’t study his modules—which, he hadn’t considered before then, likely would not be continued. If they were deployed, they would have no more time for educational modules. Would they just have to get by with briefings? Would the information analysts have time before engagements to study the terrain and wildlife modules for the planets they were being sent to? They wouldn’t always have time for that.
There were too many unknown variables. Myth couldn’t finish drafting a single plan without it being countered with a potential roadblock he hadn’t ever dreamed of two moments prior.
 Myth wasn’t sure how much time had passed between climbing into his bunk and the door to the barracks opening again. The Crown bunks weren’t terribly close, but it didn’t take proximity to figure out that the flood of clones entering were the squad leads. Within moments Kyr approached, fully absorbed in a datapad. A quick glance to Green Squad across the room confirmed that Punch had a matching one. Our orders.
All three present Crowns dropped down to the floor without hesitation.
“Well?” 8ball pressed. “Where are we going? What’s the verdict?”
48 clasped his hands together pleadingly. “Don’t say Coruscant.” he muttered. “Don’t say Coruscant, don’t say Coruscant, don’t say—”
“It isn’t Coruscant!” Kyr snapped, physically swatting at 48 without looking up from the datapad. Then, reading directly from the screen, he said, “Following the Green-Crown Unit’s performance at Geonosis, CTs—well, all of us, I’m not reading that—have been selected for deployment with the 212th Attack Battalion—”
“Led by who?” 8ball pressed.
“Do we get a Jedi?” 48 cut in.
Kyr finally broke eye contact with the datapad to glare at them both. “If you two would shut up for twenty seconds, I would answer those exact questions!”
Both of their mouths snapped shut, too excited at hearing about where they’d ended up to bother being nuisances.
“As I was saying,” Kyr muttered. “Let’s see… deployment with the 212th Attack Battalion of the 7th Sky Corps, led by High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Commander Anakin Skywalker, alongside Marshal Commander CC-2224—”
48 interrupted again immediately. “2224?”
“Wrong focus,” 8ball shook a hand in 48’s face. “Hello? Who are the Jedi? We get two?”
“Jedi Commanders are Jedi apprentices,” Myth found himself saying. “The High General would be his mentor.”
“Second priority focus,” 8ball said pleasantly, physically covering 48’s mouth when it opened again. “High General? That’s for the corps, obviously. What about the battalion?”
“That is for the battalion.” Myth did a double take, but Kyr’s face stayed deathly serious. “The 212th Battalion’s only listed commanders and general are the same as that for the corps.”
“Surely that must be an error,” Myth muttered.
48 did not seem nearly as bothered as Myth was to learn this. “Oh, Hud is about to hate me.”
Kyr raised an eyebrow, but rather than question it, he said, “Only if he got deployed to the same battalion as us. We ship out first thing in the morning.”
Every new piece of information made Myth’s heart palpitate more sporadically. “First—? But—Course…?”
“The wounded will be transferred to the medical bay of the Star Destroyers,” Kyr said emotionlessly. “From my understanding, we’re being transferred to Coruscant, where our home ships will be designated, and the Jedi briefed.”
48 sighed bodily, but 8ball’s eyes lit up. “This really is just starting, huh?”
“Very suddenly.” Myth’s mouth felt dry.
They’d had ten years and yet no time at all to prepare. Course’s legs were broken. 48 had just barely reached the final stage growth requirements last cycle, and Myth wasn’t any of them had ever passed their exams with anything more than a “Permissible” score. How had they ended up in a High General’s battalion? A Marshal Commander’s battalion?
Something had gone wrong. He couldn’t be more certain, but none of his brothers seemed to be nearly as concerned. The Kaminoans are using us as fodder, his mind whispered traitorously. We’ll all be dead in a month.
An attack battalion of this calibre had to have sandbags to throw at the front lines. That would be the Crowns—and Green Squad, unwitting but unavoidable casualties in the crashing dropship that was the Crown track record.
Myth felt ill.
But looking at his brothers, 48 and 8ball excitedly scheming and dreaming up all of the crazy battles they’d surely see and even Kyr cracking a smile in their beaming presence, Myth couldn’t find it in himself to say any of his thoughts aloud. Instead, silently, he returned to his bunk. He would skip his shower for now.
His brothers noticed his movement, quieting down a bit as he moved, but Myth didn’t bother sitting in his extended pod. Instead, he climbed directly in and closed it, flimsy pillow over his head as though he could still make out any of the words in the barracks beyond. He didn’t think about their odds—or the disaster that had followed them from decanting to deployment. Instead, he recalled the way Course had twisted out of the grasp of that Geonosian. He remembered the excited sound 48 had made when he got his first confirmed kill, and the way 8ball had clapped him and 48 both on the shoulder when the mission was complete, when it was time to move to the rendezvous.
He and his brothers weren’t fodder. They weren’t meat droids, and they weren’t going to die easy. Not after they’d made it as far as they had. In a way, the hard part was over. They’d never had a simple day in their lives, on Kamino. Geonosis… hadn’t ended well. But up until Course got picked up, it was the closest Myth had ever come to feeling like they were doing something really right.
Remembering Green Squad truly put Myth’s racing heart to rest. As long as they had the Greens, they would be fine. Maybe he didn’t have quite enough faith in his own batchmates, but their brothers from Green Squad were needed to temper some of the worse habits of the Crowns. The thought of being deployed without Punch to temper Kyr or Pull to make sense of Myth’s own nonsensical plans was just a bit nauseating.
He remembered Course pulling him aside to repatch his arm, and the way Kyr had insisted on carrying Course out of that canyon. He remembered 8ball’s adrenaline-filled hurtling back to their unit, pursued by a squad of B1s who weren’t prepared for what Green Squad and Crown Squad had in store for them.
They would stick together, and they would survive. They always looked out for one another.
They would be fine.
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I still hate web tumblr. Why can't I just insert a line? Why have the gods forsaken us?
Chapter 3 is in an interesting purgatory atm but the accompanying ficlet has been written for literally like 6 months, so there's that.
Chapter 1 (Tumblr)
Chapter 2 Spotify Playlist Here (Spoiler Free, I believe)
AO3 Chapter 2
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sodapopbuoy · 3 months
did u know tbat uhhh. uhmmmm.
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gika-ghost · 7 months
how about 12 & 15 ?
Hi thank you so much for participating!
12. Does your oc have any special skills/abilities? How did they acquire/learn these skills/abilities?
I might've answered this already actually. like forever ago, but that's ok i love talking. Besides the touch telepathy, G'ika's been trained to sword fight, shoot a blaster, and play the flute. I think i've mentioned all those before, but what I also want to talk about is that G'ika can hide his presence in the force. Unless he's having a bad day, other force users typically cannot tell that he has a connection to the force just in passing. Powerful force users have to like make an effort to dig in order to reveal his true nature. I think i want this to come from the fact that G'ika was never meant to have the force, so his connection is wonky at best and feels awful and Wrong to other force users.
G'ika's parents taught him most of what he knows, but the hiding his force thing specifically was forced onto him by his buir who didn't want jedi(or worse) to find him, plus the touch telepathy was inconvenient and the more control G'ika had, the better
15. Does your oc have any close friendships? Describe them.
G'ika and his older sister Fresa are only 2 years apart, they are super close. When G'ika has his NDE and comes back wrong, she's the first one that figures it out. I think it'd be cool bcs she's a twi'lek and they're lekku are sensitive to stuff, G'ika's touch telepathy didn't necessarily make sense to Fresa, but she was the most patient with G'ika when nobody in the family knew what was going on. G'ika moving to Coruscant hurt Fresa, she felt a little abandoned, but they both make an effort to call each other at least once a week, and they're constantly sending memes to each other in between calls.
Another close friend of course is G'ika's roommate Tosa. They immediately clicked with each other, Tosa thinks G'ika is just a riot to be around, he comes with his own orbit and everyone that gets swept up in it is in for a wild ride. They go out shopping together, Tosa's parents invite G'ika over for dinner all the time, G'ika and Tosa even eventually become smuggling business partners. G'ika acts as a great wingman for Tosa and cooks meals for her all the time.
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ageofevermore · 2 years
hi! could you maybe write a blurb with tom in which the reader has a car crash & she‘s waking up in the hospital but gets really anxious & starts panicking bc she hates hospitals but tom is there to calm her down? 🤍 thank you if you write it, you‘re amazing!!
this request is from april of twenty-one, but going through my inbox i felt drawn to writing something. it’s short and sweet, but i don’t hate it, so i hope you enjoy it! also, i no longer write for tom holland, so i adapted it for peter parker. i hope thats okay!
you woke up to the sound of your heartbeat in your ears and your pulse in the tips of your toes. your muscles everywhere ached, and from what you could feel, there was something heavy and restrictive around your left arm. groaning, whatever lights were above you blinded you when your eyes fluttered open. feeling like a herd of elephants was keeping your eyes shut, your head lulled to the side, trying to escape the bright florescent lighting.
you had no idea where you were, nor did you remember anything. it was like your body had wiped away the last twenty-three years of your life. struggling to open your eyes, a whimper broke from the center of your chest, alerting your roommate of your consciousness. unaware that peter had been sitting with you, his arm hands grabbing onto your bruised and cut up skin shocked you.
waves of panic spread through your chest like a wildfire, your eyes shooting open with an aching sense of adrenaline. it was like everything had come rushing back all at once. the fight, the storm, the car wreck. you’d been t-boned at an intersection near brooklyn, but everything after that was lost to you. you don’t know how long its been since the crash, you don’t know if you hit your head, but by the feeling in your body and the soft red cast around your left arm, you assume the damage is lasting, at least for the moment.
“hey, hey.” peter coos, brushing his fingers across your forehead. he tied your hair up and away from your face a few hours ago, but in your distress you’d pulled a few baby hairs away from the elastic. “shh, calm down baby. can you do that for me? take a deep breath in, that’s it.”
every muscle in your body ached, and the deep breathing wasn’t helping. you whimpered, trying to wiggle away from your own skin and the unbearable pain and tension. peter saw your discomfort, his eyes becoming glassy again as he took in the state of you. the fight was stupid, but you going out in the storm was even stupider. he told you not too, but you’d been so mad at him you grabbed the keys anyway and slammed the door behind you. it was his fault you were so mad, his fault, and now look at you. bruised and cut, a broken arm, a concussion. its all his fault.
“let me go get the nurse, baby. she’ll give you more pain medication.” peter pulled away from your touch, his warmth simmering away into a memory, letting goosebumps cover all the places he’d been touching.
you shook your head, “stay. please. i need you.”
“you’re hurting baby, it’ll be quick.”
“i just need you, peter.” becoming hysterical all over again, peter came back to your side, one hand in yours and the other brushing fly always away from your eyes and forehead. “i love you.”
“i’m sorry.”
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jrueships · 11 months
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time for my honest onion on bron/AD...
i think they are very compatible like either way you view it, friendship or romantic relationship. Like they are on kyle/demar levels of compatibility in terms of opposites attracting. Lebron is driven and AD is deep. Lebron is willing to investigate and explore any of AD's unique passions (like gta rp) even if it's very new to him or he has to borrow a shitty mic from his streamer son to do it 😭. AD is willing to go the depths of Lebron's wants and desires by seeing him more than just the crown status he has. He doesn't want to please necessarily, but to just help in general because their relationship (whether platonic or romantic) revolves heavy mutuality. I think people can be too hard on Lebron/too judgemental because of him having the spotlight and all the issues that surround that, so whenever AD doesn't perform well.. people blow the thing up into a huge problem. And while that IS a problem... i think their relationship builds off of having problems tbh. Not big ones but like small ones that you can consider accomplishments when they're solved. Their relationship is built off of constant solving VIA investigating, helping, and just tending to other's needs. They REALLY get closer together by actually. Getting closer together. And to get closer.. they need a little problem first.
Problem has this whole negative attachment to it, especially to people who live more comfortable, less competitive lives, but it's different for people like Lebron who's faced more options to deem definitions toward. Their relationship works on workable problems. Not to be confused with a big.. actual actual disruptive problem. Lebron is a big solver who turns into a big feeler when something isn't solved right and AD is a big feeler who turns into a big solver when something doesn't feel right. They work well with each other because they work WELL with each other. They compensate not JUST bcs they're willing.. but because they both see it as a NEED. They're both 110% devoted (afterwards) to help out on a problem.
BUT..... the whole thing with little problems... can be a Little difficult tho. Sometimes. And it's not about having those little problems, because those are unavoidable and in both of their minds necessary for greater development...
it's maybe.. Not having any little problems. At least with the other. It's the problem of 'what more can we do?' That makes them antsy. If Lebron somehow started out with AD from the beginning as a sidekick (and not kyr*e first) .... like idk somehow they get on the same team sooner.. the relationship would still be good because it IS.. i just don't know how long it will be sometimes (both duration and depth). BCS LIKE. Lebron came off of a lot of issues during and after kyr*e. I'm not a big follower of bron, so I can't go into details, but I am an empathizer with him, even as an MJ fan. Lebron loved sticking with AD despite everyone making fun of him for being LeGM. That gave him a conflict he could easily conquer by showing out and connecting with AD, which in turn strengthens their relationship. But to start off on a cleaner slate..? With less issues to work with him on and in turn grow closer with him?
In my opinion, it's a relationship that works best the way it was found. If you take it out of the timeline too forward or backwards.. it'll still be compatible.. but it won't be. it won't have the OOMF, u know?
which leads me to say..... i think it's a relationship that really has to be like. A 2nd/3rd one. Like a trying again NOT WITH EACHOTHER but with the self. You can't just HAVE it.. and it'll be.. IT, you know? It's a strong relationship.. but it definitely NEEDS other factors that aren't exactly from the self to make it work even stronger BCS IT ALREADY IS STRONG FROM THE SELF... there IS a connection and an ability to make that connection even stronger.. it just needs an external enzyme to activate that. They can't exactly just activate that themselves with them alone. They need at least a little something else to push them into shared goals.
SO LIKE I MEAN!!! I LIKE IT ! I DO !!!!! But i think I like it a lot more as good friends bcs idk... I feel like you'll just get that more the more you try to adjust the timepieces and whatnot. Like yeah, they're super helpful to each other when pushed to be, but they're always kinda helpful to each other in general and the fact that they need a push that's forced to be outside just.. idk. It makes the friendship go from a lot less magical to me and more mechanical.. there's more reasons and definitions for it WHICH SOME PEOPLE DO LIKE!!!!! I definitely like being able to say more stuff about things!
But idk... im kind of a sap for things being sometimes just like... u know! They besties! They love each other! Besties!!!
The whole addition of the need cycle makes it go from besties!!! To woooah! Here's a reason for why that happened and if that reason wasn't there this would not be happening ! And it's not some cute elaborate romantical story from the heart.... it's cause and effect or cause and rebuttal. IDK MAN like it definitely WORKS. But like. Me, personally, VERYY personally, i love when things just sorta WORK and u can't really explain all the how's (bcs there's more than one. It's a whole jumbled story and more and more reasons for them to love/interact deeply with each other) but it just kinda.. WORKS !
If the people were even slightly different, like if ad wasn't the person he was.. it would not run like that. So they DO need that kind of specific relation between them to get that relationship specifically to survive below the surface.. so I CAN see the beauty in that tho!!! I just like seeing it better in something more platonic like a friendship tho... but i do understand the beauty of the working relationship and I think that's nice too :) !! It works great for them and especially lebron lol, maybe it's Him....
#will lebron ever escape the cycle of work???????#it looks like his zodiac says noooo !#im not the biggest fan of bron/kyrie#or any bigger ship in general#this spans across just the nba fandom.. ive always been a lover of rarepairs/random pairs#so it's similar to this where it's mainly just a personal thing and it doesnt necessarily mean it's suddenly so BAD#just bcs one particular person just so happens to not get that spark others may feel around it#BUT... i do think in order for this relationship to happen... it NEEDS other relationships to have happened before it#like bron/kyr*e#WHICH DOESNT MAKE IT HORRIBLE!!!!!!!! it's very realistic! but maybe a bit too? realistic?#like the relationship doesnt need to be based on trust..care..etc. it already has that. it needs to be based on the outside. the past#pg/kawhi is also a very heavy needs to consider the past ship... but it also has heavy internal needs that are brought into the equation#lebron and ad dont need that included bcs theyre the tools#bron/ad are like... two automechanics who need business first so they can start working in genuine tandem with the tools#that they already have and already know they work well with#pg/kawhi are like two automechanics that are like.. there isnt even a car from a customer in here yet but theres work being done#kawhis trying not to knock over all of pgs fishing pictures hes got on the bench along with his own weird items kawhi#has to understand first to work with. pg has to try and keep talking to kawhi over the sound of his strange lyricless music playing#pg needs his suit kept dustfree bcs itll tickle his nose and kawhi could care less abt that etc etc u know what i mean??#idk i feel like demar lol anyways tho thanks for asking anon!!! this was rlly fun!!#ted tumbunity things#i hope u get what i mean? idk if i do lol#lebron
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the-fandom-abyss · 1 year
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put five songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to ten of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
2. Still Alive - Demi Lovato
3. Lilith - Halsey
4. About You - Fletcher
5. Favourite Person - Peach PRC
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weirdfishy · 2 years
if i listened to music you liked, i love you. you might not know i did, that your music sits among mine because i love you- that i feel your love of the song each time i listen to it, that i think of you and smile, that i enjoy the song even more.
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elnotwoods · 1 year
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
kyra, dear fellow clown!!! thank you for asking 💛
hmm… trying to think of songs i listen to a lot, it’s been all over the place lately so:
i am also a total hoe for soundtracks and sometimes i just listen to full soundtracks for days on end, one of the recent ones being the interstellar ost cause i just can’t help myself and also hans zimmer creates amazing osts with his team!!
then my brain remembered a scene from an older movie of a girl singing mariah carey in the back of a car and having the time of her life so of course i (adhd ridden ass) had the song stuck in my brain for weeks and am still listening to it now
and i have been going through lauryn hill’s discography as i do once every few months and someone also reminded me of this amazing song of hers
thank you for asking friend! it sure was fun going through my spotify lists and seeing what i keep listening to on repeat!
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unknownako · 1 year
"I want to help him." (Kyr to Enzo about Naruto)
Enzo looked at his mate and noticed that he brought home the orphan kid Naruto, he knew that Kyr wanted another kid and him wanting to help the blonde was no surprise. He looked at the kid then back at the demon, “In other words you want to adopt him?” he asked, he had no issue with it but he wanted to make sure he was right before he gave his answer.
He ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh, “If you want to adopt him, then we can. I see no issue with it” he said with a smile as Naruto looked at both Enzo and Kyr. He didn’t fully understand what the male had said but he could tell that the demon was extremely happy. The small child tugged at the demon’s shirt with a confused look, “What’s happening?” he asked.
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 2 years
spotify wrapped is out 👀
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I shared my Spotify with my brother this year, and he has kids, so Encanto held the top 3 spots for my top songs but maroon and anti hero made it to the 4th and 5th spots in just over a month so I’m kind of proud with that accomplishment 😂
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fuckitwebhaal · 9 months
Bg3 asks 17 and 23 for kyrran
What does your Character think of Withers? (17)
Gotta remind myself of Act 1 and not Act 3. Here we go: Kyrran found Withers to be a strangely familiar face in an unsettling way, like someone he should know but can't quite place. Which, admittedly, is a pretty common thing for him throughout the first two acts. He is convinced that Withers is more and knows more than he is letting on.
What are your Character's thoughts on the dream visitor? (23)
Doesn't trust that shit for one second. Kyr has never been one for a peaceful night's sleep, even before the whole mind-flayer tadpole thing. Between nightmares, amnesia, and weird dream visits? He'll take Lae'zel's word that it's a fucked up trick.
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family-house-of-m · 2 years
It's kinda weird that you're being this nice to me... 🤨
But I will accept
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sodapopbuoy · 2 years
i see u were turned into a ferret! what if we were both ferrets and we kissed (we're both boys)
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indeed what if !!!! that'd be pretty nifty i think
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gika-ghost · 8 months
✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
hiii ty for the ask <3
✈️ G'ika loves to travel! The galaxy is huge there's so much to see!! That's why he felt like he needed to move out of his family's house, he needed more. Once he's on Coruscant he also starts traveling all over to find new homes and connections for deserting clones
🤍 1. G'ika cannot drive a speeder on Coruscant, it just doesn't click for him
2. G'ika has a disturbingly high pain tolerance
3. Despite drowning and having a near death experience as a kid, G'ika never developed a fear of swimming or anything like that. it sort of had the opposite effect and made him obsessed with bodies of water for a minute
☕️ after he moves to coruscant g'ika cannot survive without caf. he develops such a weird sleeping pattern you pretty much will not see him out in public without some sort of caffiene space drank. His drink, whatever it is, must be sweet
🤔 G'ika doesn't acknowledge sneezes or coughs, his family just never taught him a social cue for them and he doesn't bother to pick up any responses when he moves jfjshfksh dont expect any bless yous or excuse mes from him
he doesnt usually wear his hair down outside of the apartment
his whole personality seems to shift when in armor, he does itnon purpose. that armor confidence man its like wearing big stomping boots. G'ika likes to play up the tough guy act
he puts hot sauce on everything
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ageofevermore · 1 year
where you gonna be on march 18th at 11:59?
are you gonna put your lips on mine at midnight?
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