#kray twins x reader
natailiatulls07 · 6 months
Lemon Sherbet
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Mafia!Lando Norris x female!reader
Summary - When Mafia boss Lando Norris comes knocking, you share your lemon sherbets with him obviously
Warning - Mafia??
A/n - I watched Legend yesterday, got inspired by this scene <3
When the legendary Lando Norris, Londons infamous mafia boss came knocking on the door of his top client. He didn’t know he’d come face to face with the love of his life.
Dressed in an oversized jumper and some small white tennis skirt, a bag of lemon sherbets in hand. “Mind if I help you” Y/n asked politely.
Unlike the usual Lando Norris, he became nervous. Something about this women stood on her doorstep, made Lando Norris nervous.
“Yeah I um is Leo L/n here?” She nodded, quickly calling down her brother. This gave Lando that little chance to shamelessly devour her beauty just before she turned back to face him.
“Mind if I have a crack?” The gangster got his confidence back, pointing down at the bag of lemon sherbet sweets.
Y/n just smiled softly, letting him take a sweet for himself. “All right…”
Popping the sweet into his mouth, Lando was quick to politely thank the women. If you know one think about Lando Norris, the London mafia boss, it was that he never ever said thank you. Was never his style.
“Oh that’s nice, innit?” Bristol accent well on show. It was silent until there was a crunch. He had bitten into the sweet.
Y/n’s laughter filled the air. “You’re not supposed to chew it” Smirking slightly.
“No?” Lando continued to chew the citrus sweet, the sherbet delighting his tastebuds. “How else am I supposed to get to the sherbetty bit?”
Shaking her head with amusement, Y/ns giggles continued. “By being patient…”
Swallow the rest of his lemon sherbet, the curly hair lad leaned forward mirroring the same smirk. “Nah, being patient doesn’t get you what you want does it?”
Their eyes locked and he knew in that moment, Lando Norris knew he was gonna go to the ends of the earth for this women.
He knew he was going to make this women his wife and love her until his dying day. His mafia was no longer his first priority, she was. She had taken that spot, and nothing was ever going to take that from her.
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beah388love · 1 month
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Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x fem!pregnant reader
Summary: Your pregnant and get cravings…
Warnings: Swearing,cravings,pregnancy!!! (Please tell me if I missed any!!!)
"Reggie!" You whispered into his ear, poking his side with your pointer finger.
"Mh?" Reggie groaned turning in his sleep.
"Reggie baby..m'craving a'gain" you whispered louder in his ear.
"Again? What do'ya want this time?" He muttered into my neck, his other hand massaging my hips.
"Mmh...an ice lolly" I whispered with a shit eating grin.
"Of course why am I shocked" Reggie chuckled as he gave me a kiss and got up from the bed.
"Thank you baby" I said as I tried to take the lolly off of Reggie but he kept pulling it away smirking widely as he did.
"Reg..give it please..." i whined but he didn't give in.
"What's the magic word?" He smirked
"Give it"
"Nope" he grinned pulling his hand away.
"Pretty Please..the boys are hungry" you whined with a pout looking down at your bump,
"Fine.. the magic word was noodles but I'll give it to ya cause I feel bad" he handed it to me smiling.
“Dick” you gave him a playful nudge when he sat back down giving your bump a kiss before giving you a kiss.
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wandawiccan60 · 2 years
"That's A Wrap!!!"
A Reggie Kray X Abigail Hathorne(FemOC) One-Shot
***LIT SMUT***
A/N: Hey everyone I hope you all are doing good and yes I haven't posted much I actually wanted to take a little "break" and also just haven't been feeling myself lately. But I wanted to give you guys a new One-Shot. And this time finally I'm touching on my favorite gnagster of all time, Reggie Kray. I actually was daydreaming about this piece of cinema a couple of days ago and I said "Reggie and his GF making love in the movies?" what an idea right? And here it is and I hope you all enjoy this short and fun short story of Reggie and Abigail. Again thank you all for the support and please comment and reblog it'll mean a lot for me and my blog as a whole. Thank you to each and every one of you guys love you guys to death. As always guys please enjoy and see you in the next post. See Ya!!!!
MORE OF THE PRINCE OF EAST LONDON???X👈🏻(If you want to go out with him Saturday night?💞💓😇)
TAGS: @hecatemoon87, @kittycatcait219, @zablife, @theshelbyslimited, @theshelbyclan, @mollybegger-blog, @professor-alfie-solomons, @pottersolomons2, @potter-solomons, @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @jarvisrocks, @alikaheroes, @annisse, @rikki-b-lake, @solomons-finest-rum, @symbean, @omgeternal, @ao3feed-symbrock, @weirdgirl16355, @thefics-that-drip, @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons, @raincoffeeandfandoms, @bubblyani, @buttercup32sstuff, @darklydeliciousdesires, @rayanee05, @thehardy-boys, @thealmightybitchgoddess, @tea-atfive, @smellslikeillusorydreams, @mariadecapitated, @97freaknik, @edwardthomashardy1, @veddieiscanon, @quarterpastmidnight, @queencoraline3, @queenofthefaceless-main,
Word Count: 4,520
WARNING 18+ ONLY!!!: Mentions of Violence, Some Graphic Blood, Mentions of Trauma, Death, Gang Affiliations, Fluff, and Lit SMUT
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Abigail and Reggie had been together for almost a year since he laid eyes on her that night at The Esmeralda’s Barn. It was very unexpected for Abigail to encounter the notorious and fearful prince gangster of East London. She was solely focused on getting herself a quick drink to enjoy the many cheerful sounds of the people surrounding her. In her perspective, she never had a single thought of ever finding a man in a place such as The Esmeralda’s Barn. But that thought alone would change her point of view of men when she met Reggie that same night when he step foot inside the hall of the club.
It happened so quickly when Abigail was sitting alone at the bar counter while drinking her second cup of red wine since she got there. She didn’t notice his presence after she heard that smooth, charming, and yet booming voice he possesses once Abigail eyed him sideways.
“Two gins like usual,” Reggie said while he took out his pack of cigarettes, placing one between his lips as he lit it up with his small gold light. 
Abigail suddenly felt chills running down her spine as she caressed the top of the cup with her right finger. Lost in her thoughts, however, the man behind the bar came back with some drinks that they accidentally tumbled in front of Abigail. Making her gasp, and stood up on her feet at the cold liquid now all over her long sleeve dark brown dress.
“I’m deeply sorry miss, please let me help you clean that for you,” the bartender said in a panicked and stuttering voice, trying to find a towel for Abigail to dry herself up.
“You mate, yea, FUCK OFF NOW!!!” said Reggie, shouting out at the young man behind the counter. He didn’t question him back and did what he was told.
Some people around her were looking on, suddenly feeling embarrassed as her cheeks became red as blood. 
“Sweetheart, you alrigh’? Come on, I’ll escort you to the ladies’ room so you can get yourself clean up, yea? And I’m sorry abou’ that young lad, he is a bit of a clumsy bastard but he won’t be coming back here anymore now. But I am terribly sorry abou’ that love,” the tall man said as he was then handed a small wet towel from Albert as he gently placed it against her dress.
“No, it is alright. It’s not a big deal this happened to me before, believe me, but thank you, good sir,” Abigail said as she and Reggie made their way through the crowd making their way to the bathroom.
“Sir? Did you just call me sir? That is actually very cute of you there love, from now on alrigh’ you will only call me by my first name. And that is Reggie, not sir, yea? Especially for a lovely-looking woman like you, that seems so pure and innocent just by looking into your eyes,” he said as Abigail gave a smile at his nice compliment.
After about an hour later of cleaning her dress to the best of her ability, she then made her way out of the ladies’ room. To her surprise, Reggie was there waiting for her all this time, which made her feel a bit confused.
“Reggie, were you really waiting for me all this time? Why?” Abigail said in a shy tone as he took another drag from his white cigarette and let out a slow and smooth blow.
“Because why not?” he said, making a small shrug of his shoulders as he walked his way to her, taking another puff of his cigarette, “I wanted to know you looked good and well, you are pretty much alone around here. Wanted to ask if maybe if you don’ mind I be some company for you tonight if that is something you wish to have?”
Abigail didn’t know what to say about this unexpected request from someone as handsome as Reggie did. She then bit her bottom lips lightly, trying to accept his request or reject him, since Abigail felt like it wasn’t what she wasn’t expecting tonight. She never really had any boys come up to her and ask her for a drink or a dance since she got there at the club. Abigail was thinking of leaving after she got her second cup of wine until Reggie came along tonight.
“Well, I was thinking of leaving right now but… actually…,” Abigail’s words trailed off for a second while collapsing her hands together once again, feeling her face flushed red again.
She could feel Reggie’s warm presence as he took in another puff from his cigarette as he side smiled in her direction.
“How abou’ this then yea? Would you like to go out with me sometime this week, like maybe Saturday night? I can take you on a nice dinner date and I’ll let you choose whatever place you like. If that is something you might like and be interested in and also if you feel comfortable, of course. It is up to you, darlin’, and if you say no, I’ll respectfully take your word, love.”
Before Abigail could speak again, a gentleman with a very nice-looking suit and his light brown hair combed smoothly back on his head, then disrupted them. 
“Reggie Jack is here, and he wants to speak to ya, and he said it’s urgent too,” the man said as he noticed Abigail in front of him, “Oh my apologizes miss for the interruption, I’ll see you in a bit Reg.”
Reggie just nodded his head as the man left them alone again, seeing his facial expression change, looking a bit disappointed at being called for.
“I must go now love, I’m very sorry to leave you soon. If you want to find me and need anything, I’ll be sitting with my brother at a corner table booth. Again I must apologize miss… I’m sorry, what’s your name dear?” 
“Abigail, my name is Abigail Hathorne, but you can just call me Abi for sort,” she said, giving Reggie a small smile. 
“Abigail, well, that is quite a lovely name. I like it a lot. It was a pleasure to meet you then and again. I apologize for leaving you in such circumstances, really. But you have a lovely nigh’ love,” Reggie said as he now made his way down the small brown-lit hallway until Abigail called out to him and placed a hand on his left forearm.
“Reggie wait, I… I accept your date with you and what do you say maybe 7:30 at night at most? And if that hour fits for you, then as well?” she said, feeling nervous now that she quickly welcomed his offer.
Reggie did that same attractive side smile at her, and Abigail looked away for a moment.
“Of course Abi, Saturday night at 7:30 in the evening. I’ll be there for you then. Would you like another drink with me, love hmm?” he said as he searched for those brown almond eyes that he had been growing fond of since this entire night.
“Hehe… I would love that very much Mr. Kray,” she said as she looked up at his astonishing brown dark eyes, which he then gave her a quick wink.
“Right this way than Ms. Hathorne.”
Having a movie date night was one of the best things that Abigail enjoyed the most when Reggie wasn’t away from work. She already knew what type of business Reggie and older brother Ronnie were into, not really minding how much blood and bones were being broken or shed. Especially that one night when he was released from prison, he and Ronnie got into a terrible fight with each other. Finding out that Ronnie was going overboard and fucking their entire system while he was away made Reggie infuriated, and they got into a bloody fight. Abigail felt devastated at seeing both brothers fight almost each other to death, but after all, they were still brothers by blood in the end. 
Reggie afterward felt terrible that Abigail had to witness such a thing, but she didn’t mind it for one bit since she had seen that type of violence growing up with her older brother Vincent. 
Back in Manhattan, where she and her family used to live, wasn’t such a pleasant and welcoming area. Filled with lots of poverty, violence, drugs, and alcohol, and almost everywhere she would go there would be girls hanging out on the sidewalks. Her brother Vincent was a good boy, the best brother she could ever have and asked for. But he did some things that no young boy isn’t supposed to do at such a young age. Vincent joined a gang for a small period, where he had to beat the living hell out of anybody that his boss would tell him to do. He has seen things that made him have nightmares almost every night that her parents didn’t know what to do with him. They didn’t know about his little secret about him being in a gang, but Abigail was the only one who knew about his secret troubles. It saddened Abigail to see her big brother go through such multiple traumas, knowing that she kept it between herself and Vincent. One time she accidentally stumbled upon his brother hitting this other young boy in an alley when she went out with a friend. She remembered really clearly how the boy’s face was covered in both his and Vincent’s blood and she felt disgusted to see such a thing. Vicent realized her little sister and her friend as he then gave the big another big hit, making him go out old and tumbled down to the cold pavement floor. He took out a small red towel as he cleaned his bloody knuckles while Abigail’s friend breathed in and out uncontrollably. Abigail only stood there quiet and frightened to see his brother do such horrifying things, not knowing what to think about his actions. Abigails’s friend only ran away from the gruesome scene while Vincent took Abigail’s left arm gently. They walked their way down to an ice cream shop where they would hang out most of the time. Vincent knew inside of his heart he felt terrible to know her sister had to see him that way.
“Abi, hey, look, I’m sorry that you had to see what I did to that boy. You were not meant to see that at all, but I promise you something right now. I will go clean after I win a good amount of money, no matter how much I have to stay. Please don’t tell mom and pops about this too because I know you won’t say a single word of this. Can you do that for me, Little Abi?” he said as he took a spoonful of his vanilla ice cream. Abigail only nodded her head shyly as she was picking out her strawberry ice cream with her spoon.
“Do you really mean it, Vincent, about you going clean? And cross your heart that you will do it whenever you get enough money for us to get out of here?” Abigail said sometime later as she was finishing her ice cream.
“I promise I am being serious with you, dear sister. I cross my heart,” he said, making an X on his chest with his finger, believing in his words.
Mostly when it came to the money, he would store it away in a secret redwood box he hid inside the walls of his room. Promising his sister that one day he and hopefully his parents would understand that they will move out of Manhattan and live a better life than where they were. 
“You will never have to worry about those scary bastards that you hear from outside your room window. We will get out of here no matter what Little Abi, I promise you so much,” he would say one night as he showed her his secret box where the money was stashed.
She patiently waited for Vincent to do the dirty work that he did for his boss. Some weeks later, Vincent however turned his life around after he came back home one night later. He realized he wanted more than just a life of corruption and violence, and risking himself between life and death. So he then had the courage to tell his boss that he quit and wanted nothing to do with him and the rest of the gang. His boss didn’t take it nicely, but he let Vincent go. 
He then got himself back to school, trying to get a degree in something better and wanting to make his family proud to see his oldest son graduate strong. Abigail was very grateful and relive to see him strive in school instead of seeing him in the streets. However, it wasn’t easy to get what he dreamed of and wanted for himself and for his little sister and parents. Until one day, they found her brother dead in a small obscured alleyway around Manhattan. Abigail didn’t lose just a big brother but a best friend, a mentor, and a protector that she will never get back for all eternity. She knew who her killer or killers might have been, but after the police were finding and searching for her brother’s killers. Suddenly, they also were found dead. Their bodies were hanged under a small bridge as their own blood dripped down to their shoes. There wasn’t any justice in her brother’s death but only grief and loss of someone she was close to and someone who promised her a better life than where they all were. 
After two months after the death of Vincent, Abigail and her parents moved out. Ending up going to London out of all places, she and her mother were confused about why his father thought it was better to live in London other than in America. Her father found it would be a fresh start and be away from all the terrible violence around where they lived. He thought it seemed like a better choice and this made her mother upset and thought about it for quite some time. And so that is where she is now and to her surprise, found herself again in the world that she grew up in. But Reggie, however, was another man that she didn’t expect, and also he reminds her too much of Vincent. Reggie is very overprotective of Abigail going out by herself when she had to go to the marketplace or when she just walked her way to work. She found it annoying at first to see Albert and another young gentleman named Frank outside of her front door. But after some time going by, she got used to them being there and then offered their rides to take her anywhere she desired.
Reggie and Abigail then walked their way to the ticket booth and paid for two tickets for the film Cleopatra. Inside the dark, dimly lit theater room, they sat down on the seats where the projector was above them. As they got comfortable with each other, he then looked at Abigail as he gave her a soft small smile, giving her a small kiss on her small sweet lips. She then leaned back for a moment, smiling as bright as the sun.
“Do you want me to get any treats or popcorns for you, babe?” Reggie asked in a whisper, caressing her soft skinny cheek with his hand.
“I”m alright my Reggie thank you, I’m happier that you are here with me, especially on nights like these,” she said placing her hand against his large strong hand, which he chuckled giving her another big kiss on top of her head.
As the lights dimmed, the movie then played. Abigail rested her head against Reggies’ broad chest.
When the movie continued playing sometime later, there was a romance scene that appeared in front of their eyes. Abigail then gave a small kiss on Reggie’s right cheek. Feeling those sweet lips of hers made him feel goosebumps through his body. While having his right arm wrapped around her tiny shoulders, he then softly cupped her chin with his left hand as he gave her a deeper kiss than the first one. Hearing the background audio and music of the movie, their kiss became passionate, sensual, and overall erotic. Abigail placed both of her hands on the side of his face. Reggie caressed her right leg with his hand. Their tongues then dance smoothly between thrift mouths. She let out a quiet moan, making Reggie kiss the side of her neck, biting her bottom lips at his kiss. 
“Reggie…,” she whispered next to his left ear, nibbling his ear as he continued to leave small kisses on her neck down to her left shoulder.
“You like that, don’ you, my little princess?” Reggie said seductively in a whisper, making Abigail get goosebumps through her now warm body.
His hand made its way underneath her black shirt, feeling her silky lingerie panties craving to touch what’s beyond the small material. Abigail let out a soft gasp once she felt his hand caress soothingly against her white panties, giving him those hypnotic eyes that made Reggie go mad. Those familiar begging eyes that Reggie has known already for a while, then move his hand inside of her. Feeling her wet, sloppy pussy between his fingers made Abigail tilt her slowly back. She felt like she was above the clouds, as Reggie tried his best to unbutton her dark blue blouse with his free hand. All the while, she felt one of his fingers thrust in and out of her wet walls, as she then reached for his now aching budge with her right hand. This made Reggie bite gently down on her now exposed collarbone as Abigail caressed and rubbed his hard crotch with her small hand.
“You want me to go down on my knees like a naughty slut? While I take in your hard, lovely cock of yours inside my dirty mouth, babe?” she said devilishly seductively, leaving a small hickey on her left shoulder. 
Reggie then thrust another two more fingers inside of her, making her gasp louder, which he quickly covered her mouth with his right hand.
“Shhhh quiet love,” he said in a whisper as he looked around the theater to see if anyone was around to their surprise they were the only ones there tonight, “You so fuckin’ wicked my little horny spawn, get on your fuckin knees and give daddy some love hmm?”
“Yes daddy, your wish is mine to command,” Abigail said as she slowly made her way down between his legs, she took her small and yet lovely tits of hers out from her small white bra. 
Reggie bite his lips together once he saw Abigail’s nice, small, and round chest while she unbuckled his black belt. Once she got the belt unbuckled, she then went on with his zipper while she gave him a tantalizing look while excavating out his lovely long wood. 
“Just like baby, take out that enormous cock so it can feel that hot and lovely slutty mouth of yours,” he said while caressing her long silky black hair with his hand, as Abigail did what she was told.
Feeling the cool air around his erected bulge, Abigail bites her lips while letting out a small chuckle, knowing what was yet to come. She gently thrust his length with her right hand as she gave a few small kisses on the top of his cock’s head. While her other hand massaged his small yet smooth balls as she then licked the head of his dick. She then slowly consumed his cock with her mouth, making Reggie groan quietly as he felt her warm mouth go lower and lower on him. Abigail then gently bobbed her head up and down in a lovely rhythm while having both of her hands now thrust between his length. All the while licking and sucking Reggie like there is no tomorrow. 
“Fuckin’... shit… Abi… oh babe yes, yes,” Reggie moans out, quietly closing his eyes in concentration, feeling many erotic emotions throughout his tingling body.
She picked up the pace as she then deep throat him as she felt the side of her mouth drip a bit of saliva, not caring if her red lipstick makeup gets sloppy. Her thrusting and sucking became faster while she also closed her eyes in concentration, knowing that she wants to make her king burst sooner than she wanted him to. Feeling his insides were building up more and more, he then tighten his eyes harder as he grabbed a fist of her black hair with his right hand. This made Abigail get even faster than she now felt the tip of his cock all the way behind her throat.
“FFFFUCCKKKK!!!! yea, yea, yea, don’t stop babe, don’ stop,” he said medium loud tone, as he was breathing in and out feeling her moaning vibrations around his cock.
Abigail went faster until in a few seconds his wet and tasty white milk burst inside of her, making her bob her head slowly. Consuming every bit of his heavenly milk inside of her mouth. Abigail’s mouth was now filled with Reggie’s semen as she teasingly opened her mouth to show his man how much she has inside. This only made Reggie get harder while his beautiful angel was being a joker and yet naughty at the same. She then swallowed everything whole as he gave her another deep kiss, tasting a few of his own fluids between his lips. 
“Now, you sit back and let me take care of my queen now yea?” he said as he gave another peck on her lips, which Abigail giggled, knowing it was her turn to be his toy now.
He then looked around the room once more to see if anyone was around, but in relief, there was no soul to be seen. The movie then continued playing in the background, while Abigail pulled her panties down as she felt the material down against her ankles. Making herself sit more comfortable against the seat, Reggie then lifted a bit of her black skirt. Abigail desperately wanted Reggie’s wet tongue to lick her out, knowing how much she can’t resist right now. Reggie caressed her right cheek as they smiled at each other.
“You’re my good girl aren’t you, my little Abi?” He said as he caressed his thumb gently against her cheek.
“Yes, my love, I am your only good girl in this world and you are mine to claim and have. I love you, Reggie Kray,” she said, kissing his hand and giving a side smile towards him.
“Well, let me take care of you now. Would you like that, my sweet Angel?” He said teasing as he reached further between her legs, biting her lips together to resist a smile and a chuckle.
Abigail simply nodded her head, and Reggie now reached where he wanted to be. He started slow once he inserted two fingers inside her lovely wet canal, making Abigail moan out quietly. Reggie massaged her right tit with his free hand while thrusting into her pussy ever so lovingly.
“Hmmm… Reggie please… don’t stop just like that make me feel like a dirty whore you want me to be,” she said rearing her head back, feeling his tongue licking around her sensitive clit.
Reggie licked the place up as he thrust and lick in a wonderful rhythm while Abigail closed her eyes, seeing some black spots around. She felt so much like she was in heaven loving how Reggie would treat her to her sinful desires that had grown to love. Anytime or anywhere, she and Reggie would always try to have time for each other, and no matter where they make love to each other. What Abigail cared about the most wanted to be close to him and have his warm body be against hers. Felt at home, safe in his arms, happy, and overall, a life that she expected to have with a man like Reggie. 
Abigail felt so many tingles through her body as Reggie worked on his speed as his tongues twirled and nibbled around her clit. She knew she was this close to reaching her climax when Reggie thrust his fingers as he looked up at her beautiful face.
“Who do you belong to, hmm? Tell me who this little cunt and this slut belong to?” He said as he placed a gentle hand around her white neck as he thrust his three fingers in and out of her, making her curl her toes together.
“Ohhh fuck Reggie… I belong to you… ohhhh… I’m your only slut… for you to fuck me… and, oh god I’m about to come,” she said couldn help but love how her pussy was building itself up to her and burst out her juices. 
Reggie then tightens his hand around her neck, making fingers thrust deeper inside of wet walls until she can’t resist the temptation. Abigail then came around his fingers, feeling her face flush red riding her organs around his large fingers. They both breath heavily for a moment once Reggie takes his fingers out of her now undone pussy. He licks her juices off with his tongue that sting a bit of a sweet hint that he only knew. Abigail giggled at seeing Reggie do such a naughty thing that he then placed his fingers in her mouth to lick off the rest of her juices. She erotically licked and suck his fingers while giving those devilish eyes in his direction. This made Reggie feel hard between his legs, once again loving her nice little tongue playing around his fingers. 
The finale of the movie then came to an ending as the projector and the theater then lit up a bit, realizing that the film was over. Abigail quickly put her panties on again while Reggie buckled his belt around.
“That a Wrap, as they say in the movie industry,” Abigail said jokingly, making Reggie let out a small chuckle finally zipping his trousers.
“Don’t be such a joker love, come on, let’s get out here. Don’t you think this isn’t the last scene of our movie not yet? Because there is a continuation after this little misbehaved young lady has been very, very mischievous. Because she doesn’t realize she has a little surprise that her Prince Charming wants to give to her. What do you say, my darling? Are you ready for the big finale of this story of ours?” Reggie said, cupping her face with his hands and giving her another sweet, small kiss.
“I would love to know very much about my lovely king,” Abigail said as they made their way out of the theater excitedly, looking forward to seeing where this would go to.
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lgwifey · 1 year
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platonic!lennon gallagher x fem!reader
platonic!gene gallagher x fem!reader
summary : In which a nepotism baby finds herself dealing with her first true life issue, letting him go.
warnings : n/a
It was Saturday, Saturday morning.
Near eight-thirty five, Saurday morning.
Y/n had been woken up by clattering outside. She'd found out that the block of apartments across from her's where going to be having work done on their roof starting tomorrow, today they where just putting the scaffolding up.
She didn't live anywhere too fancy, it was a nice neighbourhood of run down 80s council estate flats which had been bought by a developer a decade back and refurbished.
She moved out of her dad's house when she was seventeen, moved into this place on her £500 a month sallary from small modeling jobs.
At first she had lived there with Lennon. They split the costs, it made it more managable to pay for the overpriced London housing. But when they both became more well known to more inclusive brands, Lennon moved out. They where going to both moved out, each get a apartment near each other in a better part of the city, but y/n had already made a home there.
Plus, it wasn't a bad flat and it was only her living there, so it wasn't as though she was running out of space or squashed.
It was too chilly of a morning to be walking about in the thin, satin pyjamas, so y/n had immediatly grabbed one of the hoodies off of her floor and searched the depths of her sock draw for some of her hiking socks, from when Gene went on a fitness spree and made them all climb up Snowdon in the October weather.
When she came to think about it, she didn't actually hate that day, like she always told Gene. Sure, she started her period early and had to climb the sheep infested rock whilst she was pratically dying from cramps, and they had to get the train back down because Thalia had an asthma attack when they reached the halfway point, and Lennon was hungover and nearly fell of the side of the mountain. All in all, it was a total shipwreck of a day out, but it was a little bit fun. Not that she'd ever admit that to Gene.
Her mind paused as she felt herself laugh a little. Why was she suddenly remenising everything ?!
She pulled the hoodie, which happened to be another one of Gene's which he had 'borrowed', this one was from a night out when her dress was refusing to protect her from the cold.
"Alexa, play 2000s indie rock." "Playing station, noughties indie rock."
She muttered a thanks to the machine before rolling the socks up to slide them on, and once they where on, throwing her folded pyjama bottoms back straight.
When she realised she wouldn't be able to hear the dot in her bedroom, she stopped it.
The model catwalk strolled through the open doors to her kitchen to find a bottle of the smoothie Gene had totally butchered the day before. She wasn't one for throwing away perfectly good food and drink.
"Alex, wait no, Echo connect to Y/f/n's iphone" "Searching... Connecting to Y/f/n's iphone... Connected."
"Merci Beaucoup."
As she scrolled and tapped her phone to find her favourate Spotify playlist, the one filled with breakup songs which was hidden under the concerning amount of true crime, girl's beauty, general waffle and ancient history podcasts. After second thoughts, she clicked onto one of her favourate true crime podcasts and played the episode which was based on the Kray Twins, having been obsessed with the gangsta siblings since Tom Hardy played them in Legend when she was fourteen. She had already listened to it twice but always found that she would end up hearing a fact that she hadn't picked up on the first time round.
As she listened to the slightly annoying Bristol accent start talking, y/n opened up the rustic red bread bin which was sat on the worktop counter and dropped two peices of the bread her mum always freshly made for her, once her daughter left home Debbie made sure to drop by every other day 'just to drop off a loaf of bread', into the more modern designed, bright red toaster.
As her breakfast began to toast, she tapped onto her insta to see if anyone had updated their stories or pages, if they hadn't then she could always resort to some good ol' fashioned 'stalking people you went to school with to take the mick out of them'.
As y/n clicked off King Alfred's Year Eleven slag's account, a text came through from Lennon.
"Dad's for dinner 6:30 . U and gene are together still"
Gene had a hold of Y/n as they arrived back in the dining room, Molly having had left a few minutes before them so that they could act out the situation they had thought up.
Just a simple situation which would infuriate Lennon, well hopefully infuriate Lennon.
The younger man's arm rested around her waist, the metallic black fabric being slightly dissheveled.
Lennon was the first to catch sight of the 'couple' when they reappeared after their twenty minutes of dissappearing. That meant that he was the first one to catch sight of y/n's faded out lips and the slightly rose tint around his brother's mouth. The slight tint which ran a trail over his cheeks and neck.
Upon seeing the expression on her brother's face, Molly held off a smirk from her face.
Liam caught onto their presence once they had seated themselves.
The chairs had been pushed in from where they had left them so the sound of the wooden floor having something pushed along it awared the rest of the table to y/n and Gene.
"Had some fun ?"
The time had arrived.
Gene gave an annoyed side eye to where Molly sat, slightly hunched over with her hand over the bottom half of her face.
"I wish."
Y/n lightly smacked him up the side of his head, pulling him to sit down in the chair beside her.
"So, Jane" Y/n took a sip out of her crystalised glass, the lightly shaded pink liquid slipping down her throat like it had been doing all day. "Why d'you like our Lens then ?"
Jane looked over to where she was sat with large eyes, completely shook by the question. Before she could open her mouth to answer, the Taylor was already blabbing on.
Gene and Molly where holding in laughter whilst Liam pretending nothing out of the usual was happening, Debbie sat excluding herself from the conversation in hopes she wouldn't laugh too loud and Lennon glaring at his friend as she made hand gestures and almost knocked a full glass of white wine over Molly.
"Because, sure he could be considered attractive but why do you actually like him."
"Y/n/n, I think you've had enough now-"
"No it's alright babe."
The evening continued like that, y/n coming up with bizzare question which interigated Jane and annoyed Lennon. Sometimes Liam, Molly and Gene joined in whilst Debbie attempted to discourage them.
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alikaheroes · 2 years
Stays the Same (Reggie Kray)
Anon Request: 
“Heyy can I request a Reggie kray x reader (dramatic/sad) fic, where the reader has put up with lots of gangster bs under the name of love and finally on the day of her marriage with Reggie she's the happiest woman on earth until some bad guys arrive and they want to deal with Reggie and the reader is DEVASTATED because his gangster life just ruined the most special day of her life; Reggie handles the shootout quite well no-one gets injured but enough was enough for the reader, she calls off the wedding. Take it from there 🤧🤧 happy or sad ending up to you.“
Warnings: 18+, some mature content
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I was the luckiest girl in the world. I was finally marrying my Reggie. Everyone was there. I had on my most beautiful wedding gown, and felt like an actual princess. And Reggie. Oh my goodness, his hair slicked back, gorgeous eyes, kissable lips. That jaw line, his strong shoulders, just…I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. He was the most handsome fellow I ever laid eyes on. 
But of course there’s always a catch. Him and his twin brother, Ronnie, were among the most notorious gangsters in the city. And it devastated me. We had to always go into hiding. Always on the run. He was always, always getting into fights. I admit, at first it turned me on. Who could resist a badass who protected you and was into crime the way he was. And the sex after was always out of this world…
But then it got out of hand. There were situations where I would be in danger and it got too close for comfort. Guns pointed at my head. Threatening letters. Mysterious packages. And no matter how often I asked. Begged. Pleaded. Reggie was set on his ways and I couldn’t change him. 
It was so, so hard. But I just know he has a good heart. There’s no way I could have fallen in love with someone so evil. He’s never hurt me or any woman and that alone means so much to me. He means well...
“Y/N, are you there?”
A voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked up and saw Reggie looking at me with that gorgeous smile as he squeezed my hands. His eyes had a softness that made me so weak I felt more in love than ever. We had to say our vows. 
“Oh Reggie, I—“
The whole crowd screamed as I ducked, everyone hitting the ground. Reggie looked up and saw him. 
“Son of a BITCH!!” He screamed, pulling out his gun and running toward the man. 
It was Jimmy, one of the men from the opposing gang. He immediately shot at Reggie, who dove behind one of the empty rows of seats for cover. Jimmy hid behind a pillar as Reggie jolted up and shot at him. He missed. 
Jimmy came out from the other side of the pillar and shot at Reggie, who ducked down again. As he ducked down, he pulled out a longer rifle that he had under the row, pushed up, and fired repeatedly. At this Jimmy, turned around and ran out of the building. Reggie threw the gun on the ground and shook his head, cursing loudly. 
He turned around and saw everyone slowly getting up. Reggie went to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the building and we ran outside, around the corner. He stopped and gave me a hard kiss when I pushed him off.
“Reggie! What the HELL was that?!” 
“Oh, you know it was just Jimmy being silly. Thank goodness everyone in there knows what’s going on since they’re on our take and—“
That did it. I couldn’t believe how damn nonchalant he was. I burst into tears, crying. It was years of build up. I felt myself gasping for air as Reggie pulled me in to give me a hug when I pushed him off. 
“Are you serious right now? I can’t. I JUST CAN NOT ANYMORE!! Reggie. We’re done. I can’t stay with you if this is what you plan on doing and you just blow this off so freaking nonchalantly like it’s no big deal?! You just had a shootout on our WEDDING day!!”
I pulled the ring off and threw it on the ground. 
“Y/N, wait!” 
I stormed away. 
And that’s how it happened. I never saw Reggie again. I saw in the papers that he had been imprisoned….again. And again. And again. I moved on with another man and was happier. But I always felt I never had closure. Until…
I was at a party with some friends. I sipped a drink when I looked up and saw him. Anyone could recognize that handsome face from a mile away. My heart felt like it had stopped. It was Reggie, talking with his cronies. It seems he always avoided jail time. It really did take a lot of love to hate him the way I did. 
But I also wanted closure so, so bad. But I didn’t know how to even th—
That familiar voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned around and saw Reggie. 
“How are you? It’s been a long time.”
I looked away. He took his finger and gently placed it under my face, turning it to me. We just stared at each other in silence for what seemed like an eternity. 
“I’m sorry. I never should have put you through all of that. I…I can’t put into words how it hurt to see how much I hurt you…” 
He tried to lean in for a kiss, but I put my finger to his lips. I wasn’t in love with him anymore. Not in the least bit. I moved on and he was a part of my past. But I just needed closure. 
“Thank you. I wish you well.” 
That was all I said. I turned around and walked away. I could feel those icy blue eyes staring at me but I didn’t want to even look at him again. I was done and had my closure. That’s all I ever wanted. 
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komotionlessqueenmm · 4 years
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Imagine # 685
Gif NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If this gif is yours please let me know, so I can give you credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2020
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iamkatehardy · 5 years
Imagine teasing Ron in public, making him  want to punish you.
Anon :“Hello, requesting prompts 107 and 24 from the smut prompts list for Ronnie Kray 🤗 something along the lines of the reader being a tease in public and Ron fuming about it, just waiting to get home and punish her.... the reader maybe flirting with Reggie just to get on Ron's nerves lol”
Anon: “IF ron can lift reggie by the balls then he can life me to fuck me against the wall that’s the mf tea.. can we get an imagine if you have time? I need to hear ron get rough and dirty talk to me with that thick (cock)ney accent against the wall (make that noise baby) YEET”
Anon :“Sm*t 1; 93 ;107 😏🙈 with Ron Kray”
(Prompts in Bold!)
Warnings: Smut ; Ass spanking. 
A/N: My little gift for my babies , before I leave ! Feedback is really really reeeeaaaally appreciated 😁
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Esmeralda’s birthday; although it was an important event, you were dying to get home. Your feet hurt from the heels you had been wearing for too many hours and your face almost hurt too, from all the smiling to greet the guests and all the pictures taken; your patience had definitely come to an end.
You walked over to the Kray’s table; as you did so, you swayed your hips slowly, confidently, almost hypnotically, in your tight dress. Everyone wanted to congratulate the twins; since there was barely room for another person to fit there, you sat on Ron’s lap. Stroking his slicked hair, you lowered your head to whisper quietly in his hear.
“When can we go home?” – Trailing a finger on his jawline, you kissed under his ear, making your way down his neck, all the way to his soft spot, which you gently sucked into your mouth.
“I’m sorry, not yet, doll.” – Slightly drunk on all the events of the night, the whiskey, or simply in all the affection you always gave him, he grabbed your hand and kissed it, before he intertwined his finger on yours. He took another drag of his cigar and let out a huge cloud of smoke.
“Please?” – Impatience crossed you features and you pouted teasingly, moving slowly on his lap.
He opened his mouth to talk but only a raspy growl came out of his throat.
“Today is a big day, right? I can’t leave Reggie alone, isn’it? C’mon, don’t give me that look.”
“Fine.” – You left his lap and moved to the available seat near him instead. Your fingers tapped impatiently on the table. – “Can we at least dance?”
He didn’t even bother to answer; he was shaking hands with another business partner. The night was about celebration and renewal of alliances, but not for you.
As he spoke with other gentlemen on the table, your hands slid to his inner thigh, caressing it mindlessly, before you moved to his groin, feeling his cock hardening with every touch.
He took a moment to look down at your hand, then at you, then your hand again; he grabbed it tightly and moved his lips to your ear, taking the lobe in his teeth.
“Bahave.” – Again, he growled in your ear.
“You like it, don’t you, darling?” – Rubbing your palm against his cock, you looked down at his bulge and bit you lips, wondering how hard and big he was underneath his clothes.
He sucked his lower lip, sliding his teeth across it.
“Take me home, you won’t regret it.” – Tracing the outline of his cock over his pants, you gasped lowly in his ear, before you started stroking him rhythmically, with need.
“But you will, if you don’t stop right now, doll. Don’t make me take you home and punish you.”- Taking a deep breath, he grabbed your hand once again and pulled you towards him until you ended up hitting his hard chest. He could feel your perky breasts and your protruding nipples, noticeable beneath the delicate fabric of your dress.
“Please do, Ronnie, I’ve been asking you that for hours!” – Stroking him even harder, you were commanding the whole attention of his flesh.
He carefully put his cigar out by rolling the tip on the edge of the table, the laid his head back, sighing deeply.
Squeezing his bloating cock tighter, you could feel it throbbing vigorously in your hand; you kept stroking his erection until you relieved your need of driving him insane. Ron twitched in his place, grunting lowly with pleasure.
“I’m just saying you might want to go home, to get changed, Mr. Kray.” – You whispered in his ear, when you felt his warm load dripping through his pants, leaving a deep stain.
When your teasing gaze settled on him, he shot you a burning look in response, fuming.
Without a word, you got up and moved the opposite side of the table, where Reggie gave instructions to one of his lackeys. Standing behind him, you slid your hands down his shoulders to his chest, leaning to talk in his ear.
Frowning, Ron followed the motion with his fiery eyes. He was both, possessive and jealous; his fists clenched slowly, so tight his knuckles turned white.
Smiling and nodding in response to what you whispered, Reggie rubbed your hand gently with his thumb and then held it, getting up and placing his other hand on the small of your back while leading you to the dancefloor.
Dancing slowly, you wrapped your arms around Reggie’s neck, while his encircled your waist, closing the distance between you. When you unexpectedly laid your head on his shoulder, Ron suddenly punched the table with full force, angrily getting up, but when he remembered the stain in his pants, he sat back down, waiting for the end of the song.
Holding Reggie’s hand and laughing, you returned to the table and bowed courtly before returning to your place, next to Ron.
Hs jaw was so clenched he though his teeth might break.
“You ass is going to be seven different shades of red after that little stunt, (Y/N).”
“What stunt? I asked you if you wanted to dance and you…”
Before you could finish, he got up, holding your arm tightly and making you walk ahead of him, in order to keep the mess you made on his pants hidden, as you both walked to the office.
When you reached the office, he slammed the door and locked it behind him, before he walked slowly towards you. He stopped by your side and grabbed your neck, not too tight, just enough to hold you.
“You can’t tease me like that and expect not to be punished, doll.” – His angry breaths were hot against your ear, making your legs shiver slightly.
He turned you abruptly around and bent you over the desk, clumsily pushing you dress up your hips. He firmly held your wrists together behind your back with his hand and his free hand started slapping your butt, sending ripples across the soft flesh. His hand already hurt and your ass was getting red, but he kept on until he could see a purplish bruise resembling the imprint of his hand.
Pleasure surpassed pain and a string of grool dripped out of your lady parts. You wriggled your ass against his crotch, moaning lowly.
He let go of your wrists and slid his hands through his hair.
Breathing irregularly, you turned to face him, pulling your dress down.
“Hey, who said I was done with you?” – Firmly pulling your body against his, his lips devoured yours, making you feel his hunger for you.
His hands gripped your ass, lifting you in the air and you immediately wrapped your legs around him.
“Don’t you dare be loud.” – He made a hush sign.
“That might be complicated.” – Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kissed him wildly, brazenly, urgently.
He pushed you against the wall and pressured his body against yours, before he quickly undid his pants and dropped them below the knees. His massive cock was twitching against your thighs, a large amount of precum flowing.  He then ripped the top of your dress and his hand cupped your breasts.
You breathed quicker against his lips; your insides were tingling all the way down to your toes, aching to feel your lover.
“Baby…” – You stroked his cheek gently, with a pleading voice. – “I want you.”
“Then you shall have me, doll.” – Using one hand on your hip to steady you, he guided his cock inside you with the other; he intended to go slowly, but you were so hot and wet he couldn’t control his most animalistic side.
Kissing you senselessly to shut up your moans, he pounded harder and harder; the slapping flesh of your bodies was making loud rhythmical sounds.
Giving in to the overwhelming sensation of having his thick cock hitting your soft spot, you squealed loudly.
“What did I tell you?” – He  slapped your butt hard and covered your mouth with his again, so the people outside wouldn’t know about your dirty little secret.
“I’m trying, ok?” – Closing your eyes, you nuzzled your nose against his. – “Harder, love, please.” –Your nails dug in his back as you tasted pure ecstasy.
“If you’re loud one more time, that perfect little ass will be black. D’you understand me?” – Panting heavily against your lips, he mercilessly thrusted his whole length inside you, in one go. And again. And again. His cock was painfully hard, all up inside you, throbbing and oozing while your pussy clenched around it.
He fucked you so hard and fast you could perfectly hear him slamming against your wet pussy.  Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through you, as you creamed around his manhood, easing his way even more.
“You were a fucking naughty girl today, weren’t you?” – He tickled your breasts with his tongue. – “Didn’t even wait for us to get home.” – Teasing you even more, he nibbled them gently. – “Well, I can’t ruin the office, so I’ll just have to cum inside you.” – He grabbed your chin and bit your lower lip, drawing it with his teeth.
“Please do.” – Messing his hair up with your hand, you leaned your head back against the wall, smirking playfully.
“Ron, are you there?” – Reggie knocked heavily on the door, after looking for his brother everywhere.
Ron made you a hush sign, before he got a better hold of your hips and pounded you harder and harder, until his cock was drenched in your juices and his warm cum dripped down your legs.
Tag List: @carmen-kray , @titty-teetee , @iv-nyc , @but--dear-this-is-not-wonderland , @eap1935 , @ellar21 , @tiredoffeelinglost , @original-krays , @marvelgirl7 , @captstefanbrandt , @evilispretty-dead , @mollybegger-blog , @bignastyfan-nz , @scarrasco1325-deactivated201905 , @miidailyinspiration , @harleyquinns , @haroldpain , @marvelslut16 , @willowick13 , @outofbluecomesgreen , @elemeph , @my-little-lucky-scissors , @overitall2018​ , @innerpaperexpertcloud​ , @matoki-darkpanda , @jay-bel , @tarjanisfrye
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mrsragucci · 5 years
Creating your own business behind your brothers back would include:
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You didn’t plan on making your own business at first. Honestly you wanted to join your brothers business, but of course they wouldn’t let you.
You tried to convince them why it would be great to have you on board
But they didn’t see you as an assist.
They told you that they were already worried about you as it is, imagine having you apart of there business!? Yeah good luck with that.
You decided that you’d have your own business, now of course it wouldn’t be easy
But it would be a big FUCK YOU to your brothers
Sure, some might consider it being petty. Making a business because your brothers wouldn’t let you join their own. But in your defence, you were trying to show them you weren’t a little girl anymore.
So you got started
You tried to figure out what was the best type of business to go into, you thought about it for a while. Then it hit you, money laundering.
You could create a store, to which criminals can rent to Launder their money.
Of course there are a lot of except, and things you have to think about, but hey right now that’s how you see it going.
So you start, and 4 hard working years later, it’s a goddamn success.
You were suprised by the fact that your brothers never noticed, not found out.
Well they did eventually but for 4 years they knew absolutely nothing about it.
Your business was at the highest point it’s ever been.
That’s when your brothers found out about it.
When it became so popular amongst criminals.
You didn’t use your real name so at first they didn’t know it was you. They decided to book one of your fake “stores” to use. Usually that meant to do so there was a meeting.
You knew that of course, so you were more than excited to reveal to your brothers that you in fact were behind all of this.
When they found out....they weren’t exactly too happy about it.
Well for starters they were mad that you lied to them and kept this a secret.
Well more so Reggie was mad. Seemed like Ronnie wasn’t give many fucks that day.
Ronnie did give you his two sense, but it was more about how you weren’t being too smart with keeping your business discreet.
Reggie was more mad that you were in the business
You told them they can either take it or leave it, because you have no plans on stoping.
Reggie was beyond piss with you, this whole situation led to him not talking to you for 7 months.
Ronnie was mad for three minutes than stopped caring
He knew you were serious about it and there was no changing that.
You genuinely felt bad, your petty attempt at showing your worth (that took a lot of time) didn’t get the response you wanted
You wanted them to respect you
Instead you got one brother somewhat respecting you, and the other one being pissed as hell.
When it was almost 8 months without any contact with Reggie, you knew this had to stop.
You went over to talk it out with him.
Once you explained everything he seemed alright with it.
He still didn’t like it, but eh understood it
He apologized for doubting you
And you apologized for being petty.
Things didn’t go right back to how they were.
But they did eventually, and when they did.
It was one of the best moments of your life.
A/N: So this was requested by: @original-krays I hope you like it, and I’m sorry it took so long, I planed to do it sooner then I stuff came up. Hopefully it’s up to your standersz
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pandoras-princess · 3 years
Turn Back In Time (Ronnie Kray x fem!reader)
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*gif not mine//credit to the owner
A/N: Hellooo my lovelies! 🌸 Long time no speak I know. I’ve had a rough few months and stepped back from writing for a while. Buuut I’m back. I started writing this months ago and it somehow turned into 5k long and no where near the end so I’ve decided to split it into two parts. It’s an AU world in which Ronnie never went to prison and has instead been married to you for 5 years. I’ve been watching both Legend and The Krays (kemp brothers version) and the depiction/story of Frances really struck me, so I’ve decided to centre this fic around her and the impact the Kray’s had on her. I’ve kept some parts of the original plot from the movies, although following a different timeline, as I feel they’re key to Frances’ story but I’ve put a little twist on them. Happy Reading People’s! 🥳🥳 As always I appreciate every like, comment, reblog and follow so thank you so much for the love shown already on this blog 🥰🥰 feedback is always welcome 😌
Summary: Everyone has something to say about the Kray’s, but only you know the full story...
Pairing: Ronnie Kray x fem!reader
Warnings: swearing, violence, blood
━◦ ♡ ◦━◦ ♡ ◦━◦━◦ ♡ ◦━◦ ♡ ◦━
“Serving as keeper of the Kray’s was an impossible feat. An impossible feat that always came as second nature to me. It wasn’t until Frances came along that I realised just how hard it really was.
She was a kind soul. As delicate as a dandelion swaying in the wind. A kind soul, but a troubled one nonetheless.
So often would the darkness take her. Wrapping her up in conflicted thoughts and shattered dreams. Reg didn’t make it any easier, dressing her up like a doll and parading her around for all the world to see. As soon as he slid that ring on her finger, she stopped being Frances Shea and became Reggie Kray’s wife...”
“Is that so?”
“Course it’s so. Sure as the day is long, that girl couldn’t handle being part of the Kray’s. It weren’t her fault mind, you had to be bloody barmy to put up with those two.”
“Are you calling yourself barmy, Mrs Kray?”
“Course I am. We’re all barmy really, till some man in a white coat says different. My dear Ronnie, God rest his soul, never suffered a dull moment that’s for sure. Another part of the Kray life Frances couldn’t handle. If you married Reg, you married Ron right along with him. Drove her mad it did, not that Reggie ever noticed. That’s what did it in the end, I think. Reggie never noticed...”
[Many years before]
“That’s it dear sit down, sit down. Ron get her that little stool- that’s the one. There you go, now you put your feet up and we’ll sort out the tea.”
You do as you’re told and rest your aching feet on the footstool provided, sinking back into the cushiony chair as everyone fusses over you. You’re now into your 20th week of pregnancy and every opportunity to put your feet up and relax is shamelessly exploited. It hasn’t exactly been plain sailing so far, but the time spent at home surrounded by the ones you love make up for it all.
Ron stands behind the chair, on guard for anyone that dare to touch you. Given the complications with the pregnancy Ronnie’s protectiveness had reached it’s peak or rather what you hoped was it’s peak. Despite your wilful protests it was now akin to signing a death warrant for anyone to get within a foot of you.
“Ronnie sit down! You’re putting me on edge!” you hiss.
Reluctantly he perches himself on the edge of the sofa, sticking his bottom lip out like a sulking child.
Rolling your eyes you turn your attention to Violet carrying in the tea and for the first time you notice the petite young woman standing in the doorway of the kitchen. Her hair is pruned to perfection and her clothes are as dainty as a dress up doll. With her big brown eyes and high cheek bones she is undeniably beautiful... but she is definitely new.
“Who’s this then?” You ask no one in particular. You’re quite surprised the two of you hadn’t been introduced yet.
“Oh, I’m Frances-”
“She’s with me.” Reggie cuts in and snakes an arm around her waist, pulling her flush against his side. She smiles sheepishly in response and tucks a non existent strand of hair behind her ear. You don’t miss the look of disapproval from Violet.
“Well then... nice to meet you.” You offer her a polite smile and decide to stop asking questions.
After an hour or so you’re feeling much more tired than you would’ve liked. One look at your face tells Ron the same thing and he is soon helping you into your coat and saying his goodbyes. It’s a short ride back to the flat but you can barely keep your eyes open, settling for resting your head on the cool windowpane as Ronnie’s hand finds your thigh.
The next thing you know he’s waking you up and helping you out. Once inside you waste no time and head straight to bed, clambering in as Ronnie makes you both tea. By the time he brings it up you’re snoring softly into the pillows. So, with a shrug of his shoulders, he strips down to his boxers and climbs in next to you. His arm settles around your ever-growing bump as your sleeping form curls into his side. Stroking it absentmindedly, a smile spreads across his lips. Images of your daughter-to-be dance through his mind, whirling and dipping perfectly in sync.
Would she have your hair? Wild curls the colour of burnt oranges and fallen leaves of autumn. Or would she have his? Smooth and silky... but boring old chocolate brown. Would hazel eyes come through? Or would she defy all odds with irises the colour of the deep blue sea? The excitement is intoxicating and the possibilities endless as they go bouncing about his head.
You were carrying a girl, he was sure of it. Everyone else says as much and he’d be lying if he said that isn’t exactly what he’s hoping for.
The comfort of your embrace wraps itself around him like a warm fluffy blanket and he is quickly lulled off to sleep.
You spend most of the next few weeks like that. You in bed, Ron joining you in between meetings and nights at the club. Soon enough though there are more good days than bad and you often find yourself strong enough to relax at Violet’s while the boys go about their business.
Today Ronnie had vowed to stay firmly by your side, supposedly irked by the ‘funny look in your eye and pale skin’ as he so elegantly put it. You sit nestled between him and Violet at the kitchen table while Frances busies herself with making the tea.
“This is so kind of you” Violet gushes. “A real treat, isn’t it?”
“Mm lovely yeah.”
You notice the complexion of the hot liquid as soon as she starts pouring it and wince for what’s surely coming next.
“Oh. No, no, Frances no, that won’t do. That won’t do at all. You go and sit with Mr Kray and I’ll sort it out.” Violet’s tone is dripping in disappointment and her face says it all...
Frances would never be good enough for her little Reggie.
She rushes off into the front room and hides herself away on the chair, oblivious to Mr Kray’s presence. Your heart went out to her; it’s not easy making your way into the Kray family. 
“She can’t even make a decent cup of tea!”
“Yeah, poor Reggie, ay? It was a good effort.” Ronnie snipes, quite obviously loud enough for Frances to hear.
“Ron!” Your palm connects with his bicep and his lips part in protest but the murderous glare overtaking your features stops him dead in his tracks. “Don’t be so rude!”
“Go easy on him Y/N, he’s only stating the obvious...”
“She looks like a budgie in that dress, don’t she?” Ronnie chooses to ignore the daggers you’re shooting at him, clearly egged on by his mother’s reassurance.
“The rag-and-bone man wouldn’t pick her up if she was laying in the gutter!” Violet chuckles.
“No... oh well, Poor Reggie. I shall, um, I shall flush that.”
The mockery proves too much and Frances leaves without saying another word, the slam of the front door casting a stunned silence over the room. Staring at the now empty seat, you can’t say you blame her. Ron’s tongue was razor sharp to the untrained ear and could slice open the toughest of souls in no time at all. Violet’s could be far worse, the apple having fallen none too far from that particular tree. 
Rumour has it she ran all the way home that day, rushing down the roads and stopping for no one on her way. You can’t say how true that rumour is, but more often than not the feet take on what the heart finds too much to bear.
The weeks roll by and before you know it you’ve passed 7 months. With only a couple of months left until the baby arrives, it should be a joyous time for you all. But disaster had struck, as it so often did in the chaotic gangland of the East End. Reggie’d been collared for an old warrant, the judge denied his appeal and he was to spend the last 6 months of it behind bars. He was ordered to surrender the next morning.
What should’ve been happy days quickly became solemn and with Reggie gone it was clear Frances was never going to be accepted into the family.
Spending so much time lounging in the cushiony chair you’ve laid claim to and walking the streets aimlessly for a scrap of relief as the baby makes a boxing ring out of your womb means you pick up on the things that go unmentioned by everyone else.
Frances is not happy. In fact, she’s miserable and in no way enthusiastic for the life she’d unknowingly signed up for. Reggie’s constant absence is taking its toll on the fragile woman and you aren’t sure how much more her shoulders can carry. In the months that have passed since your introduction she’s like a whole new person, in the worst way possible.
One evening you’re nestled beneath a number of blankets, engrossed in the copy of Moby Dick you’ve read a thousand times before when Ronnie comes home. He pours himself a whiskey and settles into the seat beside you bringing your legs to rest on his lap.
“Guess who I bumped into today?” He asks, completely disregarding the item already occupying your attention.
“Good old Frances.” 
“Oh! How is she...?” 
“I don’t actually know. I shouldn’t think too well though. You see I told her- and before you say anything it’s fucking true -I told her that she’s turned into a ghost, right before our eyes. Now don’t give me that look love because with the right kind of lighting I’d be able to see through her clearer than a butchers window.” 
“You did not say that to her?!”
“I absolutely fucking did. Somebody had to tell her and it wasn’t very well going to be you or Reggie now was it.” 
“You can’t go around saying things like that to people, they don’t tend to like it very much.”
“Princess, I don’t give a fuck what other people like. Not a single fuck in the world.”
“Don’t you think she’s sad enough already Ron? She doesn’t need you rubbing salt into the wound.”
“What I think about that right, is that Frances is so sad she doesn’t actually know what sad feels like anymore.”
While you’re not a fan of Ronnie’s way of going about things, you find it hard to disagree with him on that one.
That night laying awake in bed it isn’t the baby keeping you from sleep. Images of Frances flash through your mind and as you nibble away at your bottom lip they show no signs of stopping. With an exasperated sigh you roll yourself out of bed, the shift in weight proving more than enough to wake your sleeping husband.
“Are you okay? Is it the baby?” He asks, voice laced with concern.
“I’m fine, the baby’s fine. I just can’t sleep. Help me with this please.”
Moving behind you he takes hold of the dressing gown you’re battling with and untangles it. Within seconds he’s holding it out for you.
Mumbling a quick ‘bastard’ you slide your arms into it and secure the belt around you. Ronnie chuckles, amused by your childlike frustration and draws you into his arms. His large hands settle over yours on your bump and he begins swaying the two of you from side to side.
“What’s up love? What is bothering you?”
The swaying stops and he spins you around to face him, confusion etched onto his features.
“Frances? Has she done something? Or said something? I won’t be having that. It’s not on. Not on at all. You are a pregnant woman- my pregnant woman -I won’t be having her do anything untoward-”
“Ron stop. Stop- stop it’s okay.” Spluttering through your giggles you attempt to shut him up long enough to explain. “She hasn’t done anything to me. I’m just worried about her.”
“Worried about her? We’re all worried about her. It’s not any of our business.”
“Reggie loves her and that makes it our business. You said yourself she’s turning into a ghost. How can I sit back and watch? Just watch her fade away into the background without doing anything at all?”
“That’s easy love, you don’t watch her.”
“Ron!” You groan. “Be serious.”
“Look Y/N, you’re weeks away from giving birth, Reggie’s inside and I’m losing my fucking mind. You’ve got enough on your plate without worrying about her worries n’all. Focus on you and the baby and let Reggie worry about the sanity of his woman, yeah?”
“Reggie isn’t here to worry about her and I can’t very well ignore it and do nothing Ron. It’s not right!”
“What do you suppose we do about it then love? Invite her to move in? Tell you what she can share the cot with the baby how about that.”
“Oh stop it. I don’t know what, I haven’t gotten that far yet. I do know that I’m going to do something, before it’s too late to do anything at all...”
Your plans to save the day are very quickly derailed when it becomes apparent Frances isn’t the only one lost without Reggie around. Ron is completely distraught without his twin by his side and his grip on reality loosens that bit more with every day that passes. You’re sure he’s stopped taking his medication. Heavily pregnant, you don’t have the energy to run around after him so you manage his moods as best you can when you’re with him and pray to the high heaven’s for anyone unlucky enough to cross his path when you aren’t.
Those prayers weren’t to be answered.
A few days later you’re dozing in bed when three sharp knocks shake you from your sleep. As you slowly make your way to the door the three sharp knocks sound again.
“Alright alright keep your hair on I’m coming!”
Cranky and half asleep, you fail to hide how much of an unpleasant surprise it is to find Lesley Payne on the doorstep.
“Ronnie’s not here.” You quip, hoping to end the conversation before it had even started.
“I know Ronnie’s not here. I’ve come to speak to you.” His voice is a mixture of anger and panic, his suit entirely disheveled. Tufts of hair stick up on his head suggesting he’d spent quite a lot of time pulling at it.
“What could you possibly have to say to me?”
His eyes dart around the surrounding houses and scattered neighbours along the street. “Let me in and I’ll tell you.”
Growing increasingly agitated by his elusive behaviour you grit your teeth and fold your arms over your chest.
“I don’t think so. What do you want? Ronnie would have your head on a stick if he knew you were here. I’m half tempted to tell him.” 
“I’m here to tell you your husband has lost the fucking plot love. He wants me to take money out of the casino to fund some fucking pipe dream in Africa. I had him in my office today shouting the odds and throwing his weight around. Not only that he’s scaring away every customer half worth serving at the barn. I came here to warn you. He is dangerous. Put him on a tight leash and sharpish before he does damage that can’t be undone.”
Not giving you the chance to reply Payne mutters a quick goodbye and scurries off down the street. His body is hunched over his briefcase, which is held tight against his chest.
‘He’s obviously scared of something.’
You have no doubt that something is indeed Ronnie...
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rodeoxqueen · 3 years
Hi! I saw that your requests were open and I was wondering if you could do hc’s of like the dmc boys as Mafia bosses and what would it be like dating them??? Thank you! 🙏🏼
Only did Dante and Vergil’s. I don’t know too much about them mafia leaders, got enough work lassoing them wanted outlaws on my side of town. 
If you want a good reference of mafia Dante and Vergil, I’d recommend you check out @cssmuse ‘s drawings of Dante and Vergil wearing suits. 
Before meeting Dante, you meet Tony Redgrave first. A charming man with a family business, a cozy Italian restaurant in the city. 
However, it’s a cover for all the money-making crimes he commits heavy-handedly.
He’s a natural at reading people. He’s a walking lie detector. Good luck trying to f*ck him over a deal when making business with him in the underground. 
Dante is like Reggie Kray, the twin mobster to Ronnie Kray who were notorious in England. 
He decides to court you, flirting heavy-handedly and taking you on nice dates. He never lets you touch the check. 
While next to you at a nice bar, he smiles off-sightedly at the in-disguise private investigator sitting a few tables away. 
You get expensive flowers delivered to you every day, richly colored and freshly imported from Denmark. 
Dante is a regular around bars and other dives, but he hasn’t brought another person with him ever. Not since you. You quickly become the talk of the underground, his love interest with starry eyes and clean hands. 
Dante is a dangerous and careless man. He doesn’t leave evidence around because he’s an idiot, he does it because he knows no one can do anything to him anyway. 
This man doesn’t need backup, but his enemies do. He likes to do the dirty work more than you think. With Ebony and Ivory, he walks into confrontation with his Beowulf brass knuckles on his hands. 
He tries so hard to keep his real identity and reputation away from you until eventually, it catches up to him. He needs to tell you. 
“Tony Redgrave died decades ago,” Dante says. The infamous Dante Sparda, the Twin Terror, stares at you with his true self revealed. 
“But Dante Sparda has been using his name for the last forty-odd years.”
He only tells you once he knows you won’t leave in disgust, but he still has that crawling thought that you will. When you truly don’t, it’s a breath of relief.  
He’s a stubborn man and he’s raised from violence. He’ll break a man’s face in and hold you tenderly with the same hands. 
Dante always has an arm around you or a hand on the small of your back. He likes to show you off, dressed in his favorite red shades and shining rings. 
He never wants you to get into his business, he would much rather have you “sit there and look nice” rather than participate in crime with him. It’s easier for him if you don’t get that involved. 
Dante would get thrown into the slammer sometimes for a petty charge. He gets offered a phone call and he will never ever spend it well. 
“You got one phone call, inmate,” Dante smirks at the guard, dialing a familiar number. 
“Devil May Cry?” 
“Is your refrigerator running?” 
“Goddamit Dante, are you in jail again?” 
“You know it, nephew.” 
“(Y/N) is going to tear you a new one.” 
“Oh, I know. Bail me out?” 
He loves you a lot, he never wants to see you behind bars because you loved him and got looped into his crimes. Even though you’re rather entwined in a relationship with him, there are times when he pulls away and you have to return him to you. 
“I’m not a good man. You know that.” 
“I’m not a good person for sticking around with you. But maybe that’s why we should be together. If we’re both going to Hell, I’m going down with you.” Dante’s hands wrap around your frame and he hugs your tightly. 
All empires fall. When Dante takes that plight to damnation, he’s got your blessing- lipstick kisses all along his jugular. 
He’s the Ronnie Kray To Dante’s Reggie Kray; the colder twin with little trust for others. 
Unlike Dante, Vergil treads quietly up the underworld’s ranks. He’s extremely difficult to approach and impossible to reason with. He will not let you get the better end of the deal without being at the sharper side of his sword. 
Vergil wears the same styled suit all the time. It isn’t until he undresses when you discover he’s covered in tattoos. 
He doesn’t want to see you killed or used against him as a pawn. He’s incredibly overprotective and even the slightest chance of someone endangering you ends with them being dead in the gutter.
Vergil is busy all the time but every night, he sheds his sins to be with you. He’ll be gone in the early morning, a feeling of cold lips grazing your cheek before he leaves. 
Vergil works with Dante in their now-shared crime syndicate, although he is not one for fake identities. He’d much rather be known to the criminal underbelly only. Finding him and falling for him is a very very rare situation. 
While people beg for their lives, he sits in his seat with his hand resting on his face, a silver band on his ring finger. Lately, anyone who dares to put their hands on you sees that new shining ring before they die, Vergil’s cold eyes watching their end. 
Vergil goes shopping with you, once in a blue moon, to make you feel better. Someone made you upset and he beat them to an inch of their life before taking you to the finest establishments. He thinks you do not know what he has done, but the single fleck of red on his collar tells you enough. 
He’s so stuck in his pursuit of power and sometimes it scares him that he’s attached to you. It distracts him and he hates distractions. He says this yet a single glance of you diverges his mind away from his throne, and he indulges upon it heavily. 
Despite his avoidance of flashy appearances, he makes sure you are adorned with the finest clothes. He takes good care of you, and you take good care of him. He dislikes social outings but takes you with him when his brother forces him. You are his star jewel, the blue dragon clutching you gently between his claws. With this dangerous man, the crowd parts for you. 
Dante and him butt heads often. Dante wants alliances but Vergil wants to monopolize. Debates end with bloody noses and disheveled suits as the twin terrors fight anytime and anywhere. 
“Goodness, you should stop them.” A patron asks of you as Dante and Vergil throw gut punches and right hooks. You sip a drink. 
“It’s just business.” 
Dates are sparse but lavish. A simple dinner with the two of you, where you discuss everything but what Vergil does every day. With you, he’s just a dry-humored man who likes classical music and poetry. 
Vergil isn’t like his brother, who deals with law enforcement all the time. Vergil has to deal with rival mafia leaders trying to one-up his empire. 
“All things end. This won’t be forever, this life.” 
“I’ll spend forever with you anyways.” 
“You’d be a fool.” 
“I’m your fool.” 
“And I you.” 
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mx-pastelwriting · 1 year
𝙆𝙧𝙖𝙮 𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙨 (𝙇𝙚𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙙 2015) 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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⭑ 𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙣 𝙐𝙥 ⭑
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𝙍𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙚 𝙆𝙧𝙖𝙮
𝙍𝙚𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙚 𝙆𝙖𝙧𝙮
𝙆𝙧𝙖𝙮 𝙏𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙨
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♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their work being copied, translated, or reposted on any other platform without permission.
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clairecrive · 3 years
“Holding horses”- Ronnie Kray x reader
this is for the anon that asked: Hello, could you do 46. "Please don't say that about yourself. Please don't believe that. You're so much more than that. You're so..." from the prompt list with Ronnie, please?
A/N: gosh it’s been so long since I’ve written for Ronnie. Hope it doesn’t seem weird. Also, I’ve just noticed that I’ve only ever written for him. I wonder what that says about me lmao. Anyway, hope you enjoy x
Warning: none, I mean it’s Ron but it’s fluff all the way
Taglist: @mollybegger-blog​, @evelynshelby​, @br0ck-eddie​, @shadow-of-wonder​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​, @fandom--0verdose​, @sopxhiea​, @fuseburner​ (let me know it you want to be added or removed)
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You had heard about the fight. You didn't bat an eyelid though. Given their job and simply knowing their dispositions, the twins were always in some fight. It wasn't exactly news. You could almost state that it was their routine.
However, the call you received from Reggie certainly wasn't.
Usually, you'd go to their bar to see Ronnie in the evenings. You tried to make it at least three times a week, not counting the weekend, but whenever they got in a brawl or whatever kind of fight, you'd always be there to welcome him.
Despite his burly looks and brash gestures, Ronnie deeply enjoyed your presence after such a display of violence. He said it grounded him. You also thought that you nurturing him, taking care of his wounds or simply touching him gently, stroked that sensitive hidden part of himself that made him so very Ronnie but was squashed deep inside him.
This time, it seems that it was that very part that had been bruised. Reggie had called to give you some heads up on how to deal with Ronnie now that he was going to see you.
Control was something that defined both twins. How quickly he could lose it particularly defined Ronnie.
He had never lost it on you, but you had been there when he had countless of times. While it was true that he was prone to anger, he was also very quick in cooling off. Maybe that only really happened when you were near but as far as your experience with him went, he managed to hold his horses fairly easier than anyone who ever witnessed his anger fits would think.
At first, you thought it was because he was in public and he had a reputation to uphold but you discarded that thought quickly as you realised that he didn't give a diddly squat about others' opinion of him. There were few who Ronnie cared for, they could be count on one hand. There were his twin and his mother of course and then you.
It took you a while to realize that you were among those selected few he trusted completely and when you started to notice how he tended to restrain his reactions when you were around, the awareness stroke you.
It was for you that the club wasn't being refurnished twice a week because Ronnie had broken everything in one of his fits. It was for you that the club wasn't suspiciously closed in during the busiest hours. The thought, wasn't as comforting as one would think.
It would be if it was Ronnie's way of shielding her from the ugliness of his world. And maybe in that played a small part in his behaviour. The biggest part though, was played by fear. His fear of letting you see the very core of him, that part that would always drove people away, scared them. The fear of loosing you.
You had never shied away from that part of him. When you had professed your love for him, you meant every little thing that made him Ronnie. But fear was an interesting thing, it didn't listen to reason nor logic. So all of your talks and reassurances would be rendered null by a word or two said by others if they happened to confirm what Ronnie thought was true. That he was a monster. That he was a freak. That he should be locked away.
When he finally arrived at the pub where you were waiting for him in his office, it took one look at the anguish on his face for you to realise that someone had rub salt in his never-healing wounds.
"Ronnie," you tried tentavily as you watched him pace the room furiously, hands in his hair, heavy breath as he tried at keeping calm. You knew better than approach him when he was like this so you stayed in your place behind his desk waiting for his anger to simmer even the tiniest bit to make a move.
It seemed as though he was loosing a battle to himself though 'cause not a second after you had opened your mouth, his fist hit the wall once, twice , three times before his head fell against it followed soon by his  slouched body.
You watched as his back rised quickly up and down for a while and when you noticed it rising and falling in a less frantic rhythm, you knew it was okay for you to approach him.
"I know what you're thinking Ronnie," you spoke as you walked to him so as to alert him that you were moving, "Please don't believe that."
Your hands gently touched his muscly back before moving to his front so that you were embracing him. Your forehead pressed between his shoudlerblades and you let out a big breath trying to coarxe him to emulate your breathing. Only when his right hand gently closed on yours you spoke again, "You're so much more than that, baby."
At this he realised a shaky breath, his shoulders tensed remembering what were no doubts harsh words but relaxed when you pressed a kiss where your head had been. Not stopping there, you trailed butterfly kissed from his shoulders all the way to his neck and jaw. As your mouth moved up you could feel him relaxing more and more under your touch. When you raised on your tippy toes to press a kiss on his right cheek, he turned his head a bit to lean into your kiss. Taking him by surprise, you maneouvred yourself so that you moved under his raised arms and was now standing between him and the wall.
Human contact and closeness were natural remedies to get someone to calm down. Whether it was an universal knowledge or not, it had always worked wonders for Ronnie.
Welcoming you into his embrace, he lowered his arms so that they were around your shoulders while his forehead leant to meet yours. Taking his shirt in your fists, you pulled it to get him to get even closer to you.
Shifting your head a bit so that your mouth touched the shell of his ear, you whispered sweet nothings into it, remembering all the things you loved about him. All the things that made him so very special and that no one knew.
Five, ten minutes passed like this. When you felt his plump lips touching your shoulder, you knew that he was himself again. Rage had left his body.
Holding him tight, you searched for his eyes before speaking again, always in a soft voice, "Let's home, hm? I have a surprise for you."
Humming, he agreed with you and took a step back to give you space to move. He didn't move very far though, only a step back from you, one of his arms still on you. And that remained so even when you stepped out of his office and eventually out of the club, all the way home.
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beah388love · 29 days
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Silent Treatment
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Reader (nicknamed bee)
Summary:Reggie accidentally hurts you…
Warnings: swearing,fighting,punching,slapping,blood,broke glass,injuries,crying!!! (Please tell me if I missed any!!!)
Im not gonna lie I don’t even know how this fight started.
I think it was about some business deal or something stupid but it escalated quickly…
“You’re a fuckin Disgrace mate.” Reggie yelled at Ron
“You fuckin cunt! cunt!” Ron yelled as he slapped Reggie across the face.
“Ron! No. Ron! Stop!” Reggie yelled back punching him in the face and ducking when Ron punched back.
Ron grabbed a Wine bottle and held it up. “Ron! No! No that’s a bottle! Ron.” Reggie yelled as he held up a finger at him.
Ron screamed as he lunged at Reggie, bottle in hand still.
“Fuck! Ron!” Reggie yelled as he grabbed the bottle off of him.
Ron screamed as he bit Reggie’s hand, reg yelling as he punched him again.
“Fuckin! Wanker!” Reggie yelled pushing Ron off of him and “Reggie!” You yelled trying to get his attention and that’s when he threw the bottle directly at you.
You screamed, as the bottle smashed into pieces, luckily you held your arm up, but now your arm was bleeding and you had cuts scattered all over your face.
Reggie stood there in shock, “right that’s enough!” Albie yelled holding his arms out between the brothers.
You wiped the blood off of your lip, looking up at Reggie.
You stared at him with a blank expression before walking to the bar, grabbing a glass of wine and your purse and leaving the club.
“Y/n- I-“ Reggie stuttered
“enough reg. Mate.” Albie said holding his hand out.
“C’mon help me up.” Ron asked looking up at reg.
And he shook his head as he held his hand out and Ron pulled him down on top of him.
“Fuck sake Ron!” Reggie shouted
“Im very sorry.” Ron said and reg nodded
“It’s okay. Are you done?” Reggie huffed
“Is she gone.” Ron asked looking around the club
“Yes. She’s gone mate.” Reggie sighed
“She’s a keeper.” Ron said and Reggie stood up.
“Yes. Thanks mate” Reggie said patting him on the chest before wiping the blood off his face.
“Albie! Take care of Ron!” Reggie yelled as he ran out of the club.
Run in down the road to find you.
Fuck it was late, there were weirdos about.
“Fuck!” Reggie yelled as he kicked a wall in anger when he saw no sign of you.
The next morning.
“there she is.” Reggie said pointing to you through the car window screen.
“Yeah. I got her.” Albie said as he followed you through the market.
“All right, stop here.” Reggie said as albie pulled the car over.
“That girls gonna be the death of me.” Reggie said as he got out the car.
“Mind how you go.” Albie said before he shut the door.
“Bee. Bee. Excuse me sorry, ” Reggie said as he pushed past people as he tried to catch up with you.
He ran up next to you, “I need to have a word with you about something.”
You didn’t reply.
You were beyond pissed and he knew it.
You were always mad but this was the angriest you had ever been before.
You was so mad you didn’t even yell.
“Bee? C’mon…talk to me?” Reggie said as he walked faster when you did.
“Bee? Please can we forget last night. Let’s restart.” Reggie said walking in front of you.
And that’s when he saw your cut up face.
He didn’t even want to think about what your arm looked like.
“I- I didn’t mean to- it was-“ Reggie stammered and you huffed walking past him quickly and he followed you.
“We- we can forget everything that’s bad right? And we can just keep everything that’s good?” He said and you shook your head walking quickly and leaving the market.
And he still followed after you.
“Silent treatment? Really?” Reggie huffed behind you and you rolled your eyes.
You headed towards your house door and quickly knocked.
“Bee! Please talk to me? We need to talk!” Reggie said walking towards you but luckily Tommy answered the door and you rushed in.. “Bee? What happened to your face?!“ Tommy asked worried
You was about time walk away but Reggie grabbed your arm making you yelp in pain.
Billy came out after hearing shouting “Bee Are you alright?” He asked you and you shook your head
“Fuck! I didn’t mean to-“ Reggie was cut off by you running upstairs.
“What did you do?!” Tommy shouted at him.
“I didn’t mean to hurt her- I” Reggie said running his hand through his hair.
“You did that!” Tommy yelled and Reggie punched the skin between his brows.
“I didn’t mean to it was a fuckin accident!” Reggie yelled.
“Oi! Get inside” Billy said to Tommy and he glared at Reggie before waking away.
“Reg, I don’t know what happened but I suggest you leave and leave her alone for a couple hours” Billy said sternly to Reggie and he rubbed the back of his neck and nodded.
Billy shut the door and hurried to your bedroom.
“Bee? What happened?” He asked knocking on your door.
“I’m coming in okay?” He said and walked in, you was laying on your bed holding your face into your pillow.
“Talk to me?” He said and you nodded
“Reg and Ron had a fight..and reg threw a wine bottle at me…” you said removing the pillow from your face and he sucked in a breath.
“Please don’t be mad at him. It really was an accident I promise.” You said to him honestly and he sighed.
“Promise?” He asked holding his pinky out and you shook it.
You never broke pinky promises.
“Alright, this is his last warnings though” he warned and you nodded.
“Tommy said something about your arm?” Billy said scared to see the injury.
You gently pulled your sleeve up and he sighed again.
“That looks..painful.” Billy said looking at your bruised,bloody arm.
“It is.” You rolled your eyes making him laugh.
“Ronnie and Johnny are not gonna like this.”
“Please don’t tell them yet” you pleaded and he sucked in a breath and nodded.
The next day.
Reggie was stood outside your house. Knocking on the door.
The house was empty besides you.
You opened the door sucking in a breath.
“Bee…I’m sorry please listen to me.” Reggie pleaded waiting to see if you’d shut the door but you didn’t.
“It was an accident! It won’t happen again! I would never hurt you. Well I did- but it was an accident! I didn’t-“ Reggie rambled on and you had a small smile watching him.
“God, please say something! Yell at me! Anything I don’t care just say something.” Reggie said looking at you sadly.
“You’re a real prick.” You said and he relaxed.
“I know. I know. I’m sorry” he said opening his arms and you hesitantly hugged him, relaxing into his embrace.
He rested his face into your hair, smelling your comforting scent.
“I love you so fucking much it hurts. How can I make it up to you?” He asked sniffling.
And you smiled into his chest.
“Babysit with me this Friday?” You asked and he nodded “I don’t think Tommy likes me”
“Then you can bond with him” you said smiling raising your eyebrows. Making him laugh.
“And you might wanna talk to my brothers…they do not like you right now” you said and Reggie sighed nodding.
“Yeah I’m already planning that..”
Your brothers forgave him with a last warning.
And Tommy and Reggie grew a little bit closer.
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wandawiccan60 · 2 years
To Be Young And In Love
A Reggie Kray X Florence(FemOC) One-Shot
A/N: Hi everybody I hope you are all doing good and I am back once again today with another One-Shot of our favorite lovely gangster prince Reggie Kray. This one has been on my docs for a while and this short story it just popped out in my head this is the final result and I hope you all like this new One-Shot. Again guys thank you all for the support and as always please comment and reblog please It'll mean a lot for the blog and for me as well. You guys rock so much and thank you all for the amazing support. Enjoy this new lovely shirt story of Reggie and Florence and I'll see you in the next one guys. See Ya!!!!
MORE OF THE PRINCE OF EAST LONDON??? X 👈(If you want to share a lemon sherby with him? 🍬💗✨
Word Count: 3,645
TAGS: @hecatemoon87, @kittycatcait219, @jarvisrocks, @edwardthomashardy1, @zablife, @theshelbyclan, @theshelbyslimited, @mollybegger-blog, @professor-alfie-solomons, @potter-solomons, @pottersolomons2, @tomhardyspinkyfinger, @alikaheroes, @annisse, @ao3feed-symbrock, @rikki-b-lake, @solomons-finest-rum, @symbean, @omgeternal, @weirdgirl16355, @thefics-that-drip, @ninja-potato-shelby-solomons, @raincoffeeandfandoms, @rayanee05, @bubblyani, @buttercup32sstuff, @darklydeliciousdesires, @thehardy-boys, @thealmightybitchgoddess, @tea-atfive, @smellslikeillusorydreams, @mariadecapitated, @97freaknik, @edwardthomashardy1, @veddieiscanon, @quarterpastmidnight, @queenofthefaceless-main, @queencoraline3,
WARNING 18+ ONLY!!!!: Lots of Fluff, and A Bunch of SMUT, SMUT, SMUT!!!
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It was finally the day that Reggie got released from prison as Florence was waiting patiently at the front gates. She was very desperate to have him in her arms once again since it has been almost 5 months since he left to do his sentence. Ever since that day, he said his goodbyes to Florence. She couldn’t really sleep for days. The silence that surrounded her room only made her go mad at his touch and his warmth.
Reggie would, however, send her letters almost every day when he would get back in his cell writing to her about how much he misses her touch, her smooth skin, her eyes, lips, everything. He would, after writing two pages would end with a small yet romantic poem every time he would sign in the end.
“With Love, Reggie.”
It only made Florence’s heart flutter with radiance, pressing his letters against her heart after reading his words of compassion and alienation. Florence met Reggie when they used to go to school together, back when they were just teenagers. He was friendly and kind to her whenever Reggie would say hello to her or pass her by. But something about him attracted Florence very much that she felt she was with him. Sometime later, after they both graduated from school, he then got himself in the gangster business while Florence became a nurse around Haggerston. She loved her job very much, seeing that she liked to help people that needed it the most, especially with children. Reggie, however, was known for something more notorious than a man like him. He was a gangster of all East London, along with his older brother Ronnie who both brothers were unstoppable and very ruthless. Florence has heard about Reggie in the newspapers and it shocked and surprised her. She never thought to see or hear Reggie become such a famous and well-known person. However, he never stopped thinking about Florence ever since the day they last saw each other at school. So one day he paid a surprise visit to where Florence works and it made her heart stop when he saw him that day. She felt nervous as her hand's sweating, seeing how handsome and fine he looked in the wonderful black suit he was wearing.
“Ello darlin, do you still remember who I am or you have forgotten about me already?” Reggie ask her, seeing that she was still in shock to see him at her workplace.
“Of course haven’t forgotten about you Reggie, it’s good to see you again. I have to say you’re looking rather dashing today. How have you been dear?” she said while giving him a tight gentle hug around his buildup body, catching a pleasing scent of his cologne. “Oh my god Reggie, did you start to workout or something? Your body feels wonderful and strong. What is your secret?”
“My secret love? Hehe, well, just eatin’ good and boxing you know, and I have to say so myself you look lovely as I last remembered seeing you back in school. You haven’t changed a single bit,” Reggie said as he took in her hands and made her slowly twirl around, making her chuckle at his silly comment.
“Ahhh, so you're saying I’m not an attractive woman is that it Reg?” she said giving him an arched eyebrow at him which he just chuckled at.
“When have I ever said you are not attractive, eh? But I am serious love, you are gorgeous like the first time I met you that day,” he said, placing his hands on top of her shoulders.
They went out on a date after he visit her at her job, not knowing what to expect of this new Reggie. It was a very wonderful evening with him as they ate at a very high-end French restaurant. Florence didn’t really mind how much Reggie was showing off in front of her, what matter the most to Florence was being able to spend some time and catch up with Reggie knowing what he does for a living now. She didn’t see that gangster person who she has been reading about in the newspapers, she only saw that same cute-looking boy she has had a crush on for a very long time. For a young and lovely girl like Florence, she has never felt such an enormous feeling of love for someone like Reggie. To be someone so young and in love with someone like Reggie, she felt like he was sent from the heavens. She felt like she was the luckiest girl alive to have met someone like Reggie. And so that same night, she confessed to Reggie her feelings for him. To her surprise, he also felt the same way for her and he asked her to be his woman and will treat her with many riches and vast wonders that he would give her in a heartbeat. 
“I would love to be yours forever Reggie, just… I’m nervous to lose you since you are a famous gangster around these parts. And I’m afraid that some of the other gangs want to kill you and I don’t know if…,” she trailed off while Reggie cupped her chin with his right hand.
“Love, known of those things, scares me. What I am more concerned and worried about the most is you. If any twat ever gets near or touches you even for an inch, they are dead. You are my responsibility and yes, I am a gangster, but that doesn’t change the fact that my love for you has never faded away. And now that you are here with me, I am grateful to have you here in front of me and in my life. I will always be there for you to protect and give you all of my compassion and my life for you. Even if it means anybody tries to kill me to save you, I love you, Florence,” he said, lastly placing a small kiss on the top of her head.
Florence smiled at this as she returned the gesture to his plump smooth lips of his saying “I Love You” in return. And so, from that very night, they both weren’t inseparable wherever he went. She followed. Even if it meant she had to come along with him to his ‘business” meetings, where she also had a brother and sister bond with Ronnie. She was at first very unsure about Reggie’s older brother since he as well as “The King” as he says of East London. But after getting to know him better, he was an interesting character and Ronnie also had a soft spot for Florence out of all the women around their hometown.
“You know somethin’ Florence yea? You and my brother are lovely together considering that I don’t have any attraction toward women. But you are still a good one, no matter what. You treat him good as much as he will do. Because he never stops thinking or talkin’ about ever since we left school. He said he would be more than happy to marry you. That’s what he said to me one time. And I have to say righ’, that wanker should,” Ronnie said to her one time when they were at the Esmerelda Barn one night later.
This fluttered Florence’s heart never thought that Reggie had already planned to want to marry and be with her since they both were still at school. Before he could propose to her that same night, Albert told Reggie that he had to serve some time in jail, which upset him very much. Both Florence and Reggie did, however, spend a good amount of time dancing, drinking, laughing, and being with each other for one last time. Florence didn’t have a clue that Reggie had to serve his time until the end of the night when they had sex for the first time together in 3 months. She was, of course, devastated when the next morning rose. She felt the side of the bed that they shared was empty. 
While Reggie was away, Ronnie took over The Esmeralda Club, knowing she would have to be there to watch over Reggie’s older brother. Hoping that he didn’t screw up or do something that would make his younger brother upset after he comes back from prison. In no time, however, that fuck up quickly came true after Ronnie made the worst decision he could. Knowing it would make her beloved infuriated once he sees what Ronnie Kray has done to the club.
Once the front gates to the prison opened, Reggie appeared in front of Florence’s sight. Without a single constraint on herself, she ran her way to hug him with a few tears of joy glistening over her dark green eyes. Reggie caught her mid-way as he lifted her from the ground, twirling her around in a circle, making her yelp and giggle at the same time. 
“There she is, me favorite woman in all of East London, in all of her fuckin’ beauty. How have I missed you, my dear Florence,” Reggie said, placing a kiss on her pink thin lips, wrapping his arms around her small waist.
“I have also missed you very much, my sweet prince. Oh, my god, your face. Look what they have done to you, those bastards,” Florence said in a furious tone, caressing his smooth left cheek.
“Darlin’ that shouldn’ matter anymore. Don’t waste your anger on these coppers. Now, what do you say you and I get out of here, yeah? I am hungry for somethin’ special, if you know what I mean, love,” Reggie said with a cheeky smile to his girl, adding a sly wink in the end.
“I thought you would never ask my handsome gangster.”
Once they made it back to Reggie’s flat, luckily the place was empty and quiet from the inside. And not long before he shut the door behind him, Reggie placed a hard kiss on Florence’s lips. His hunger for wanting to taste those lips for so long was happening right in front of him. Their kiss became deeper than their tongues twirled together in unison while Reggie hoisted Florence up from the floor. Pinning her hard against the wall, letting out a hard groan between their lips. Florence then undid his black lace tie as Reggie massaged her round buttocks under his rough, muscular hands. A moan escaped between her lips as she leaned back, a smile formed on her face.
“I’ve been wanting this for so long my Reggie, take me now my naughty devil,” Florence said seductively, licking his thick lips that made him go even madder than before.
Reggie closed the gap between them once more than he lifted her white long sleeve blouse over her head. Revealed her sexy black lingerie bra, making him want to consume more of her seductress. Reggie placed his now wet lips on the side of her neck, grabbing his combed brown locks with her right hand. Before they went any further, Florence stopped him mid-way as she led him upstairs to the bedroom. Once they got to the front door, they then continued to kiss once again as he gently shoved her onto the silky bed.
“How much do you crave me, my little troublemaker?” Reggie sensually asked as he licked the side of her neck, feeling his hot breath against her skin, feeling goosebumps forming throughout her body.
“So fucking much, oh please stop your teasing and make me feel like a filthy slut,” Florence said, desperately placing a soft grip around his sturdy neck, missing her small and yet dominant hand against his throat. 
“Oh, my darlin’ I will do whatever you command, for you are my slut and only mine to fuck whatever way I please,” he said cupping her chin with his fingers, as he stuck his thumb between her mouth as Florence sucked on it.
Florence then sat up from the bed as she undid her bra, revealing her fleshy chest in front of her lover. Reggie cupped both of her breasts without holding a second, placing one nipple in his mouth. While the other he started to teasingly play with her, as he was sucking profoundly on her hard nipple.
Florence let out delicious erotic moans, while Reggie continued to suck into her nipple a little harder than he did before. She then gripped the bedsheets with both of her hands, loving the way his hot mouth felt against her nipple.
Reggie…,” she said, closing her eyes at feeling these sexual vibrations she has been king waiting for months.
He then finally left a small hickey on top of her tit, as he then went for the other nipple. This time, however, his right hand then traveled down underneath her dark navy skirt. Making Florence buckled as she bit her bottom lips at this unexpected touch. Once he was done leaving another red hickey on her other breast, Reggie left wet kisses to her flat stomach. And as he reached her down to her shirt, removing the soft material, revealed her sexy black garter belt. With hungry eyes, Reggie removed the material in a quick gesture, exposing her wet, delicious pussy.
“You are all wet now, are you my mischievous little girl?” Reggie said, eyeing up at her gaze, making a cheeky devilish smirk at Florence.
“Stop wasting your time Reggie and fuck me already,” Florence said massaging both of her tits with her small hands, making Reggie grow hornier against his black trousers.
“With pleasure, love,” Reggie said, inserting two fingers inside of her warm wet walls, making Florence moan out loud as she rolled her eyes behind her head.
“Fuckk Reggie… yes fuck me fast and fuck me hard,” Florence moaned out, feeling his sinful tongue licking away on her clit. 
The feeling of his fingers thrusting in and out of her made Florence’s cheeks go red, moaning his name out to go faster. How much she has missed feeling his tongue and fingers against her pink pussy.
“Ohhh Reggie… yes, fuck me just like that,” Florence pleaded, gripping her hand on top of his brown locks, as he continued to finger fuck her and lick her sweet cunt out dry.
Florence felt she was coming at her peaking point. Before she could stop him, her orgasm came around his mouth and fingers. Reggie licked off her juices, tasting a hint of something sweet that made his horniness go off the edge.
“That was fuckin’ tasty now was it baby?” Reggie said, giving a small kiss on his girl’s lips, making her chuckle between their gaps.
While they shared another lustful wet kiss, she now hovered over on top of Reggie. Her nice, round breasts looked marvelous in front of his eyes as she rousingly massaged them with her own hands. Florence gave Reggie a small grinding dance around his bulging trousers while still massaging her beautiful tits. 
“Love what you’re seeing, my naughty boy?” she soothingly said while unbuttoning his white long sleeve shirt revealing his muscular body.
She roamed her delicate, smooth hands around his chest pecs while Reggie placed his hands on either side of her hips. Still grinding her hips from side to side, leaning in to kiss the side of his neck. Florence licked her way down between his pecs, to his stomach until she made her way to where she wanted to consume the most. Undoing his belt, Reggie breathed in through his gritted teeth, feeling his trousers being unzipped. Florence then dragged down his pants while keeping a locking gaze up at him as his now erected penis towered in front of her. She then bites her lips at his hard rock, and without further words, she then thrust him slowly with her hands. Reggie groans at this touch, missing the feeling of her lovely hands around the length of his cock. 
“Ohhhh Florence… baby stop your teasin’ and suck me,” Reggie moaned out, closing his eyes in concentration as Florence sucked the top of his dick.
The warm walls of her mouth consumed the entire length of his cock, as she lowered and lowered. Reggie let you a grunt, feeling the back of her throat. She then bobbed her head up and down in a fast motion as her right hand massaged his balls ever so lovingly. He then placed a hand on top of her dark black hair, giving a soft grip on her locks. As she continued to bob her head faster than she did in the beginning.
“FFFFuck… baby hmmm yea, yea, shit,” Reggie said mid-sentence, gripping tighter around her dark locks as she sucked on his cock, increasingly feeling like he was about to reach his climax inside of her mouth.
Before his orgasm could flow inside of her, she then stopped abruptly, removing her mouth away from his still hard member.
“You may not come just yet my dear,” Florence said in a seductive tone, getting herself on top of Reggie while he then threw his white shirt off to the side of the bed. “How much do you want my wet little cunt around your hard cock, my love?” 
“So fuckin much baby, I’ve been waitin’ for so long and so desperate to feel that little pussy of mine again. I’ve missed you so much, darlin,” Reggie said as Florence adjusted herself between him and her private parts.
“I have missed you more, my lovely bad boy, and I love you so much as well. My Reggie Kray,” she said, entering down on his cock as both of them broke into moans together. 
She then rode him slowly as she stared lustfully into those dark brown eyes of his that he possessed. Feeling all those tingling sensations she had been craving for such a long time. Her thrusting increased ever so slowly, arching her back, tilting her head back while Reggie’s cock pounded further inside her walls.
“Oh, fuck… Reggie… Reggie… oh god,” Florence exclaimed out loud, feeling Reggie’s hands gripping tightly against her hips, rocking back and forth ever so pleasurably. 
The way her breasts bounced up and down made Reggie go berserk, wrapping a hand gently around her thin neck. Florence increased her pace as she placed her hand around his muscular neck as they both thrust with each other in unison. 
“Oh, god babe… I’m about to cum,” Reggie said while hearing his woman’s moans grow louder, feeling they were about to burst soon.
Everything went by so quickly as they both finally cummed together, Reggie hissed and grunted between his teeth, riding his orgasm inside of her wet flower. Felt some twitch here and there as Florence rode out her juices, feeling his warm white semen inside of her. As they both relaxed while catching their breaths, she then lay next to Reggie’s side. Wrapping an arm around her body as she rested her head against his chest, hearing his now steady heartbeat. Reggie then caressed her dark locks with his fingers, placing a gently sweet kiss on top of her head. 
“Did you love the many poems that I have written to you, my darlin?” Reggie asked after a moment of silence.
“Oh yes, I loved them and held them against my heart after reading every single one of them. How I wished to hear you read them out loud while I was in this room filled with nothing but silence and sadness. But those days are gone now, for you are nowhere next to me, and that’s all that matters to me,” Florence said looking up to Reggie placing a hand against the side of his face, closing his eyes at the feeling of her soft skin.
“And I too think the same way, wha’ matters now is I am here with you again, oh how I have long to want to touch you again. I won��t ever leave your side anymore, my precious flower. Anywhere I go. I want you there with me, yeah? What say we go down to the Esmeralda Bar tonight? See how the place has been runnin’ while I was away? What do you think, love?” Reggie said, smiling down at Florence, returning a small and uneasy smile, not fully prepared for Reggie to see how Ronnie had brought the club to the ground.
Before they got themselves ready, Reggie reach for his nightstand on the side of the bed. Where he then took out a small dark blue velvet square box showing it to Florence.
“Reggie, what is that love?” she said, wrapping her soft blanket around her body, wondering what the small box had inside.
“Florence, I was going to surprise you with this before I left for prison, but I think tonight is best that I give it to you now. Florence would you like me to be your loving husband as much as I want you to be my loving wife,” Reggie said as he opened the small box revealing a nice-looking light diamond, silver ring making her gasp out in happiness.
“Reggie… I… my god, why yes, yes I do very much. I want to be yours forever, my gangster prince,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck, making him smile at her acceptance.
He then took her right hand, placing the ring on her finger, fitting perfectly well as he expected. Florence felt in awe at seeing the new piece of jewelry on her finger, which made her heart flutter even more.
“It is beautiful Reggie. I love it very much, thank you so much, my sweet king,” she said, giving her now fiance a deep kiss on his lips, excited to see what her new life as Mrs. Kray will be like.
109 notes · View notes
bubblyani · 4 years
‘Just For Show’
(Ronnie Kray x Reader)
A Ronnie Kray One Shot
Movie: Legend (2015)
Word Count: 6253
Rating: Mature
Requested by: @97freaknik
Summary: Upon his brother’s persuasion, Ronnie Kray dates, and marries a ‘nice’ girl, in order to cover up unsavory rumors about his sexuality. All just for show. Until feelings come knocking.
Author’s Note: Loved this story idea so much I couldn’t resist. Thank you for this. Hopefully everyone will love this! Enjoy y’all!
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Light or Dark?
Staring at your reflection in the mirror, you were at a sheer dilemma as you held on to two lipstick shades, comprising of light pink and dark red. Whatever color that would be painted on your lips tonight, must indeed leave an impression, deemed 'perfect and memorable’.
“You think he is taking the mick?”
A concerned voice inquired. With your eyes still in the mirror, the inquiry urged you to recall the sole reason you had difficulty deciding a simple lipstick shade in the first place.
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(A few days ago)
Regardless of the years of baking experience you had under your belt, the simplest task of carrying a cake dressed with heavy icing on a cake stand, yet proved to be your most challenging task, ever. Finally placing the stand in the countertop display, you sighed silently with relief. As you gazed at the delicious treat, along with the others next to it, you could not wait to see the lineup of customers ,eager to satisfy their sweet tooth.
“Psst! He’s here!”
You turned upon the whispers of Ethan, your cousin, who stood next to you. Being the same age as you, Ethan had been working in your family’s Bakery for years, receiving the required training until he would be ready to start his very own elsewhere.
With your eyebrows raised, you shot him a glance.
“Who’s here?”
You whispered back, quickly standing straight. He motioned his head towards the door that opened with the ring of the bell, finally revealing a figure.
A figure responsible for your heart to skip a beat every single time : Ronald Kray.
You caught your breath, attempting to suppress a smile. Your cousin sniggered in response. “What?” You hissed under your breath, giving a nudge. “How can I not? When you’re all lovestruck!” He replied, in mid-snigger. “Well, Stop it!” “Shhh!” Ethan's shushing finally made you look back front, all to see Ron walk towards the counter. You involuntarily dusted your hands off the apron. It was something you could not help but do, every time he walked in, to be exact. “Morning, Ron...”
You greeted, offering a soft smile to the well dressed man. Looking around, he merely replied with a low grunt of acknowledgment. Silence afterwards was not of any surprise. And with no further question, you quickly found yourself packing the usual order for him. Only to realize he had come alone today. What could be the reason?
The famous Kray Twins always preferred to fulfill their sweet cravings from your Bakery. And their preference had tempted the rest of the Firm to be fanatics as well. Though he was the silent one between the two, Ron certainly succeeded in capturing your attention with the least of intentions.
And with the fullest of intentions, you found yourself falling for him, deeply. In secret, of course.
Smiling, you placed the neatly wrapped treat on the counter before him.
“Lemon Drizzle Cake...just the way you like it” You said, certain those will be only words you will need to spare for him that day. “Hmm...” Ron grunted, his gloved hand grabbing it slowly. And just as always, you expected him to turn.You expected to indulge the view of his broad back as he slowly walked away. As always, you expected to be grateful for even seeing him again for a mere few seconds.
Except, he defied all your expectations.
"Y/N?" “Y-yes?” You stuttered, surprised by the timbre of his deep voice when he uttered your name. You watched him take a deep breath, his eyes still on the cake.
“Would you like to…" he began, looking at you, "....go out with me?"
You swore no trace of breath was left in your body.
That query seemed completely ludicrous, exiting the lips of someone such as Ron Kray. Yet for you, it was heavenly music to your ears.  
And when heavenly music played, who would not want to sing with joy?
“Yes…” You replied mindlessly, all to your cousin's surprise.
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“Oi!” The snap of Ethan’s fingers forced you to return to the present. “Where were you off to?” He asked, with raised eyebrows. With the lipstick pressed against your lips, you smirked. “I’m sorry…” you replied, “….you were saying?” “I was saying…” Giving you a quizzical look, Ethan continued, “Do you think he was taking the mick?” Concern still evident in his tone.
After the entire recollection, all you could do was smile to yourself. And given the dark red shade that ended up on your lips, your heart seemed to have already decided.
“Honestly, I don’t know…” you said, “Only one way to find out, hmm?”
‘Cool and unaffected’ may have been your exterior. But only you were the witness to your excited self who jumped up and down on the inside.
A man you adored finally wanted to take you out.
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The last long note of the jazz trumpeter was responsible for the storm of applause that emerged in the club, and you certainly were a willing contributor. Though your hands had turned red from the the chaos of the claps, the smile on your face did not seem to fade away. Offering a standing ovation to the musicians on stage, your response seemed to attract the attention of the other customers as well.
“Jazz tickles your fancy, innit?” 
 Ron Kray asked, causing you to sit down shyly. “I admit, it does” smiling, you replied with honesty. “What about boxing?” He continued, “Do you like boxing?”
What was this? A questionnaire, a survey? Was he ticking off certain invisible criteria that you had not laid eyes on? Regardless, you found it all so amusing. Chuckling, you crossed your leg over the other.
“Thanks to me Dad, I do…” You said, straightening your back, “Although he won’t let me attend any games…” you added, looking around with wonder. Esmeralda’s Barn was as amazing as you had imagined it to be, and more. Your eyes did not fail to sparkle from the moment you set foot in this venue, for all that existed, really seemed to posses a touch of glitter.
“This is a really nice club…” You said, looking over to Ron with a smile. With no words in reply, he raised his glass of champagne to you. Inviting you to raise yours in turn. Though conversation was not of the expected frequency, you were enjoying the night with him.
“Well...Hello Hello! What have we here?”
Reggie Kray was full of smiles and cheers, making his way over to your table with a few from the Firm. You were certainly surprised to see how all of them were quite joyous to find you there with Ron. As the chairs were dragged with screeches, a mini party was suddenly held at the comfort of your own table.  
Time flew by gloriously. In the midst of sipping champagne, you eagerly listened to stories told by the Krays, and even some others from the Firm. Stories, that were mostly unfiltered. Nevertheless, they all caused you to laugh so wholeheartedly, even the sides of your stomach began to ache. The jazz music, the stories, the company, all the bare necessities to fill you with happiness. Seeing Ron smile with his mates was definitely a highlight of the evening. If only you could have been responsible for a feat as amazing as that was. If only.
When the Firm finally left the two of you alone, you were in the midst of laughter, hitting the table hard with your eyes closed, upon remembering the dirty joke Reggie uttered a few seconds beforehand.
“Oh!…” you breathed, recovering from the laughter, “I am having such a blast” you said with all honesty, waving to the others before turning to Ron, “Thank you…” you told him, presenting the most genuine smile you could ever portray, as you calmed down to watch the performance on stage.
It was certainly an evening you hoped to remember. Granted, you would have preferred more intimacy with the man sitting next to you. But you did not wish to complain. Not about Ronnie Kray. Being at his presence was a gift itself. The sound of the empty glass landing on the table firmly made you look back at the Kray Twin.Why would he gulp down such a fine brand of champagne in one setting?
“Y/N…” “Yes?” You replied, as you indulged in your own champagne.

“Will you marry me?”
Spitting out the alcohol in a flash, you looked at him with wide eyes, and a dropped jaw.
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With the Kray Twins claiming the title of Royalty in East End, a scandalous story about them hitting the papers was certainly a stain that was hard to wash off.
Ever since the story of the sex party scandal came to light, featuring popular figures such as Lord Boothby, the curiousity about the sexuality of Ronald Kray had garnered more attention. Along with that, Business with the current clients, found itself to be difficult to be built up, or even being carried on. Awfully desperate to wipe this slate clean, Reggie Kray and Leslie Payne had but one solution.
“Are you out of your FUCKING minds?” 
Ron Kray’s reaction was simply justified, especially when their solution, was for him to marry a ‘nice girl’. Marry? And to a woman?  Rubbing his chin, Reggie looked at his brother.
“Just think about it, Ron…” he said, his hands resting on his hips, “Or else people are going to talk…” “Business ain’t going to be good for us, Ronnie” Leslie added coolly, blowing smoke as he held on to his his cigarette. Looking around at the only two occupants in the pub, E.Pellicci on a Tuesday afternoon, Ron pointed his fork at his twin. “Reg, you’re my brother…” he muttered deeply, “You know better that I never hide my preference…”
“And as your brother…” Reggie said, sitting in front of him, “I know better to have your back before things go fuckin south…yeah?” He added, “Come on! It’s not like you have to fall in love with her…” he smiled, patting Ron’s shoulder “It’s all just for show…”
Looking at one another, a silent conversation had suddenly begun, a silent negotiation more like. Or perhaps was it an eager salesman trying to make a sell to the difficult customer?
Finally, Ron sighed, grunting in acknowledgement. He seemed to have given up. Feeling victorious, Reggie and Leslie nodded at each other with relief.
“You have someone in mind?” Ron asked casually,  resuming to pick at his Eggs Benedict with his fork.
Looking at his brother proudly, Reggie smirked. For he was eager to share his grand plan.
The grand plan that involved their favorite Bakery.
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Relieved you were to have saved your best nightgown for a night such as this one. Your wedding night, to be exact.
Tracing the material with your fingers, you permitted the silk to caress your skin whilst you brushed your loose hair. With Ron still in the bathroom, you had some time to reflect on the whirlwind adventure you had experienced. All in just one week.
Just when the idea of a date seemed ludicrous, a proposal from Ronald Kray was simply unimaginable. He made some fair points, you would admit. How he 'loved you’, and how he ‘wanted no one else but you’. Truthfully, his tone may have seemed monotonous, it could have easily been a tad bit insincere, yet you were certain that was only because he was not like everyone else. For a different aura existed within him, and that being one of the primary reasons you adored him. Some attractions in life could never be explained.
Besides, with you hopelessly in love with him for almost a year, there was no trace of hesitation when you accepted it. Your family did not seem to mind whatsoever. With the Krays and the Firm showing their loyalty to the Bakery, your parents never felt safer and more proud. No wonder you had no difficulty loving Ron Kray all this time. For everything seemed to make complete sense. He may not be the most expressive man on the planet. But that did not bother you, not even the slightest. Confident you were to pull out something new from him. You had never been this certain about anything in your entire life.
The wedding, it was simple yet lovely, including all that you ever hoped for. There was music, there was laughter and there was company at its warmest. The Firm may intimidate the others, but in your eyes, they were the epitome of sincere friendship and family.Just married for a few hours and yet all of them felt like brethren to you.
You jumped out of your thoughts the moment Ron cleared his throat. Coming out of the bathroom, he managed to look robust even in his pajamas.
“Sorry about that…” He said, embarrassingly. Being inside the bathroom for quite a long time, the apology did not seem shocking. You shook your head slowly.
“It’s fine…” You said, as you watched him sit on the edge of the bed. Slowly walking over, you joined right next to him. You felt giddy, empathizing with a teenager hoping to catch the attention of her senior classmate.
Silence took center stage for brief moment. Almost to the point it grew awkward. You felt your breath quicken in silence as your heartbeat increased along with it. You found it difficult to gain control. But fortunately, Ron began to speak.
“Many people think Reggie is the more beautiful one …” He said, “Do you agree?” He asked, turning his head to face you. With his glasses still on and his hair slicked back, Ron certainly looked too formal for bed. With your eyes on him, you took a deep breath, finally calming down thanks to his inquiry. A proper distraction.
“Well, I won’t lie…” you began,  “Reggie is beautiful…” Ron sighed, “Eh…” as if this was no surprise. “And so are you…” You added, with an extra dose of affection. Which made him look back at you with shock.
“Yeah?You think so?” His query was sincere, to which you nodded, chuckling. 
“Of course…” you giggled, “Why else would I say yes to you?”
Your heart sang when you heard him chuckle in return. It was very rare, his chuckle. A chuckle only heard when the others in the Firm jested. Only then did he chuckle. Until now.
Feeling the softness of the bed on your fingers, you were even more convinced he was not really ready for bed. You wanted him to loosen up. Inching closer, the distance between the two of you finally closed. Suddenly, you felt so brave. Brave enough to make an impression on the feared Kray Twin: your now-husband.
Ron did not flinch when you took his glasses off, for you were as delicate as you could be with it. Neither did he move an inch when your fingers began to affectionately stroke his head, stealthily digging into his hair, pulling his locks out of the constraints of his hair wax. Tonight and for always, he was to be yours, and you were overjoyed.
With his hair falling on the sides of his face, it came to your realization as to how handsome he really was. He was quite underrated, to be honest.
Your eyes quickly fell on to his lips. Ever since you first laid eyes on him, those lips had driven you mad. Lips that could enslave a thousand if needed. You knew for certain of their softness, you had an inkling they were luscious. All you needed was proof. 

Frustration came over you when he kissed you at the ceremony for the first time. Being in the presence of many, the kiss was short. Too short, to be exact. You wondered if he was just shy. Many a doubts came to mind, yet you were too quick to dismiss them. Why would he marry you if not for love? You had no wealth nor mafia connections. So indeed for love, yes?
 Staring at his lips for too long, you felt your heartbeat increase with urgency. You were hungry. With your hands still in his hair, you leaned forward for a taste. Until you felt him grab you by the shoulders, pushing you into bed. With grunts and growls that exited his lips, you realized his preference for lovemaking: Rough.
You gasped when he surprised by climbing on top of you. Pulling down his pajama bottoms in a flash, he rubbed his manhood with intensity whilst spreading your legs wide open, causing your eyes to widen as well. No, not yet! Not this ways!
 “Ronnie Wait!" you cried, " I’m still a virg-”
Your own words were cut off by a loud cry of surprise, feeling your inner lining break with a sharp pain as his shaft finally entered you, for the first time, ever. With your eyes closed, you tried to handle the pain, that disappeared soon afterwards.
 “You’re a…?” Ron croaked, finally realizing the depth of his actions. You nodded slowly. To your surprise, you found the tone of his eyes change. It grew into something that could even be considered sad. Or regretful. That was when you felt your heart melt. What you thought you would get cross, you could not, you did not. All because you loved him too much. 
 Cupping his face so delicately, there were so much you longed to say. Certainly, this was not the best way for a virgin to experience sex. Yet, this was life. But when you cupped his face, you had other agendas at heart. What could those lips offer you?
With his attention tightly held on to, you moved close, finally kissing him the proper way.
You cherished it, every second. At first, it was a peck, innocent and sweet. With the longer peck, followed increased affection that was motivated with every touch. Being braver, you proceeded to lick his lips, only to place your lips over his once again, kissing  him with added pressure, longer than before. Only then, only then did you feel his own lips kiss you back. With his equal reciprocation, it was possibly the best kiss you ever experienced. Moving your hands over to his head, you encouraged the kiss to deepen, moaning into his mouth, as he began to rhythmically move inside you once again.
No clothes were in need of disrobing. Not tonight. For the priority was met. Vulnerabilities were disrobed instead of clothes. Intimacy was displayed instead of the bare frame. You moved along with him, and he was wonderful, fitting so well within you. Pleasure was felt to the core. And to your relief, the kisses did not end so soon. Stealing long, expressive kisses here and there, Ron Kray made love to you until finally the release was met. Groaning, he fell on to the bed right to you.
As you brought your legs together, you felt a sense of wetness in between your thighs. With a swift stroke, your eyes widened by the sight of blood on your fingers.
“Where are you off to?” Ron asked, as you slowly attempted to get off the bed. “Uh….” you struggled, looking at him shyly, ‘The blood…” you said, motioning to the bottom part of the bedsheet stained with red,  “Need to clean ‘em off…I-Ah!” But you were far from it, especially when you were pulled back into it by Ron. Ending up in his arms that wrapped your frame, you rested on you elbows, looking at him confusingly, only to be met with his long kiss. 
 “No rush…” He grunted coolly, bringing you to his chest, “No rush…”
Pleased by your husband's wishes, you complied, savoring the softness and warmth he had surprisingly brought to you.
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“So?..Did you get it over with?”
Reggie asked, the very next morning when Ron made his visit to the E.Pellicci. Sipping on his tea, Ron merely grunted in acknowledgement. Little did he know of the growing curiosity of Reggie Kray and Leslie Payne in regards to the juicy details of the wedding night. Given his usual displeasure in women, they were indeed quite curious about this particular woman. 
 “And...How was it?” Reggie was persistent. Looking up from his cup, Ron found himself staring into the distance. “You know what?" he said, " It wasn’t half bad…She…" he paused, bringing his hand up , "....she is an interesting one” 
 “Is she now?” Leslie asked, chuckling with amusement, "So will there be more that interesting one then?" "Fuck off!" Albert Donoghue’s sudden appearance in the pub caused the trio to quieten with concern. “Reg, Ron…Heads up!” he muttered, as the pub doors swung open dramatically. Along with its dramatic swing, came in a group of men, wielding nothing but iron pipes and shameless grins.
“Congratulations Ron Kray!” One of them called out loudly, “The Richardsons would like to give a little…wedding present…”
Gang wars. What’s there to be said?
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You sighed, sitting comfortably on the sofa, as you continued to apply the medicine over Ronnie’s hand. Just a small brawl, Reggie said, when he brought his brother back home to you. One day after the wedding and you already were forced to face this. Helping you realize all that you were to anticipate in the near future. All as the wife of Ronnie Kray. 
 “So…will this be something usual?” You asked, making him throw you a look, “Just for future reference…” you added defensively. Ronnie looked back at his bruised knuckles.
“Every job has its challenges, yeah?” He began, as you nodded, “I suppose these are mine…” he added,  “…and more…” You chuckled. It was clear when you married him, you married everything about him. So who were you to judge? “Well said, Mr. Kray” you smirked as you were quite impressed,  “There! All done…” you said, staring at his cleaned bruises as you slowly got up, “I’ll just… make you some tea and-Ah!”
He was always the surprise, pulling you back to him. Ever so comfortably, you ended up on his lap. Wrapping one arm around your waist, he brought you closer, making you blush.
“Would you mind just…staying like this?” Ron asked, his tone filled with shyness, all the while looking at you. His words made your eyes warm. And also your heart.
“I would love to…” you said, blushing harder when he took your chin to kiss you. Long and quiet, the kiss was proficient enough to convey enough to your heart and soul.
 “Y/N?” “Hmm?” you hummed, still drunk by his kiss. Pressing his lips together, he inhaled softly. “Do you like…poetry?” Ron asked all the sudden. You could reply with nothing but your bright smile.
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“Oh darling, these are just wonderful…” Violet Kray, mother of the Kray Twins cried with joy as she accepted the basket, filled with warm Loaves of French Baguettes. All from her daughter-in-law. 
“Straight from the oven, Mrs. Kray” She said with pride. Violet scoffed.
“Don’t you dare be so formal, love. Call me Mum…” The matriarch replied, bringing the young woman to an embrace.
“I will, Mum”
All this Ronnie Kray watched, with a surprising sense of satisfaction. The fact that his wife won his mother's heart was definitely a good sign. And as days and weeks went by, Ronnie Kray was coming to terms with what an amazing woman he was forced to marry into.With the fascination of a woman and a man combined, her interests were beyond incredible, fit to make conversation with simply anyone in the Firm. He certainly had judged her too fast before. Just because she worked at a baker, did not mean she was not interesting or amazing.
Apart from conversation, she was sexually surprising as well. Never did Ronnie imagine to feel a sense of pleasure that was never experienced before.  And besides the pleasure, he felt love. Although he had more preference to men earlier, the aura she had given out in the bedroom was what he could not get enough of. Sex with her was just as exciting as sex with a man. With a colorful imagination, she made sure every time to be as unforgettable as the one before.
Watching a somber or serious news telecast would never be boring with her sitting on his lap. Especially when his erect and hungry shaft was buried inside her as she moved in steady rhythm. Holding his head securely, with his face pressed against her neck, he watched her moan, all the while she made her way up and down on his shaft. Impressed he was with her eagerness to be so open minded, even urging his hands to roam around her frame as she unbuttoned her dress from the front. All so that his hands could touch, pull, pinch, tickle and caress every inch of her skin as he pleased while she moved.
“Never knew you had this side to you…” Ron breathed, to which she looked at him. 
“Well, you never asked, Mr. Kray…” she purred, crying out in pleasure soon after, as he tugged her erect nipples.
And before knew it, Ronnie Kray had more appreciation for the female anatomy than ever before. Ever since then, he would spontaneously show off his appreciation with his lips more than ever. The simple favor of undoing an apron may have gone further, merely triggered by the sight of her bare neck, forcing him to unzip her dress, only to let it fall to the floor. All the while he held her, as he took his sweet time, kissing, licking and sucking every inch of her skin that his eyes could trace. And with her gratuitous moans and cries filling his ears, he had never felt so proud.
Ever since the wedding, Ron visited the E.Pellicci less. But whenever he did, the pub was filled with cheer.
"We hardly see you anymore, Ron!" “Probably too busy getting hands on with his new Missus!” “Or maybe even busy training her to stay out of his way…” “No! No! He really seems to like her…” "Bugger off, you cheeky fuckers!" Ron would say, with a cigar between his teeth, laughing alongside the mates. All the mates who laughed. All except Teddy Smith.
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You watched the Firm gather around Teddy, all with champagne glasses in hand. "Happy Birthday, Mad Teddy!" Ronnie cried out on behalf of all at Esmeralda's Barn, "May you be as mad as ever!" "To TEDDY!" All cried with cheers.
Teddy Smith flashed his brightest smile. You clapped your hardest, watching the Firm sing their songs of camaraderie. This really should have been just the boys. Why on earth would Ron bring you here?
"I would just ruin the whole mood" you remembered telling him, whilst putting on the earrings a few hours ago. "Fucking nonsense!" he said, as you turned to fix his tie, "The Firm loves you..." he stated as you finished, “Besides… who doesn't want to show you off?" he teased, forcing you to playfully smack his shoulder.
Smiling to oneself at that recollection, you headed towards the restroom while your ears were enlightened by jazz musicians who played on stage. Too much champagne had you running off to the loo even before 11pm. But before you could enter the ladies room, you felt someone stand behind you. 
 “Enjoying the party?”
Teddy asked, making you turn to him. You smiled widely. “Oh yes, very much…" you said, "Happy Birthday again Teddy!” you clasped your hands together with a sincere wish. He was the adorable brother you never had.
Except he merely scoffed with disgust. 
 “You think you have all of us figured out, aye?” He asked, displeasure very evident in his tone. Confused, your eyebrows furrowed.
“What do you mean?” you asked. Taking one more step towards you, he folded his arms.
“Do you really think the great Ronnie Kray…married you, for love?”
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With your pulse running high, you quickly turned on the sink tap in the ladies washroom, letting the water run as you moistened the mouth with some. You hoped it would calm you down, but it did not.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you watched yourself take deep breaths. Each breath in a dire need to to help you take in the information you just received from Teddy.
Also known as the truth.
He disclosed it all, Reggie’s desperate plan to save his brother's reputation, and how that plan mainly included marrying you. Rumors of his bisexuality you were familiar with, yet you never expected that to be true. Not after everything you had experienced with him. And you did not expect to hear all of that from Teddy, the man who claimed to be Ronnie's former lover. 
 “You’re nothing but a bloody cover up…” You remembered him saying. Chuckling with pride, he continued to taunt you: “How do you know where on earth he fuckin ends up, after you fall asleep?” he continued, “Face it, love! You’re nothing but a public please-”
“Stop it!” You cried out, covering your ears with an innocent plea, storming into the Ladies Room. Bringing you back to where you were now.
A fool, You felt like a fool. How could you have been so blind? You should have not come here. You should not have said yes to anything Ronnie had asked of you. More importantly, You should not have loved him in the first place.
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He always had her in his sights, no matter how busy he was with the Firm in the party. With her been in the loo for too long, Ronnie was getting impatient.
The moment she was within his sights he felt relief, except that was robbed from him once again when he watched her leave the club with a possible look of dejection.
It worried him, infuriatingly. He followed her, tried to at least through the crowds in the club. And Teddy Smith was the biggest hurdle of all, bumping into him as he came from the same corner as she did. 
 “Why is she leaving?” Ron asked him. Teddy however, was silent, enraging Ronnie even further, “Answer my fuckin question!”,he said, pulling him by the collar. Teddy however looked far from upset.
“Cause she doesn’t belong here…" he said, "...she never belonged with us, Ronnie…” he added with dedication, “Forget about her…” his breath felt seductive, running his hands over his clothed chest. Ron was immune to it surprisingly. He was far from aroused.
“You fucking bastard!” He yelled, pushing him away,  “I’ll get you next time!” pointing at him, “Wankers!” Ronnie cried out, leaving the club. Passing him by, Reggie appeared quite confused. 
“Ron…what’s going on?” He called out to his brother, who clearly ignored him. Reggie turned to Teddy, finally sensing the reason for this contradiction. Shaking his head, Reggie Kray sighed. “Teddy, …the fuck did you do, mate?”
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“Come on! Come on!” You prayed, turning the dial of the numbers frantically as you stood inside the telephone box. You hoped someone would answer your call, you hoped someone would come to pick you up. But your hopes were in no luck for consideration. “FUCK!” You yelled at the phone frustratingly. Clearly, it was not like you to swear like this in the open. Has his habits rubbed off on you?
And just like that, you turned to find Ronnie standing outside the booth. “No!" you shook your head immediately, "Go! Leave me alone!” you cried out, putting the phone down. “Y/N…” Ronnie began, “What the bloody hell you doing?” “Avoiding you, that’s what!” You snapped. 
“Let me in…” he demanded. “No!
“Let…me…in” his demands were repeated, through gritted teeth, leaving pause with each word, which truthfully scared you. Left with no choice, you opened the door, allowing him to enter, and lock it right behind him.
With such little space between the two, you felt uncomfortable for the very first time. If it were a mere few days ago, you would be finding any excuse to be wrapped around him, just to listen to him grunt, to listen to him moan, to listen to him chuckle.
“What did Teddy tell you?” He inquired in seriousness. Averting your gaze, you kept silent for a few seconds before you finally answered: “The truth…the whole truth and nothing but the truth…”
“Never knew you could be snarky”
“Well, you never asked…”
Your banter with him, it was such a lovely surprise. Which made this even more disappointing.
“I’m not even angry…I’m..." you paused, "I'm hurt” you said, feeling your nose grow sour, “I may not be smart as any of you. But I'm no fool…” you added, involuntarily sniffing, “I’m not foolish enough to stand by when someone plays with my emotions” with your hands on your hips, you tried to gather your self, “I don’t…I don’t think anyone has ever loved you the way I did" you said, making Ronnie open his mouth slowly, “It was silent, but it was strong. For many years. I never cared that you were a gangster, I never even cared of the other foul things they said about you.” you continued, “But if you were to tell me, this was all just for show and nothing…was ever…real-I…I don’t understand” you struggled, taking a step closer to him, his cigar smell strong in his coat, “Was none of it real?” you asked, “Our conversations? Our kisses?" you paused, taking a deep breath, "... Every single time we made love…Were they not real?”
A single tear trickled down your cheek by the end of that question. And with your question, you expected a well deserved answer. You think you earned it after all this. Yet, Ronnie did not answer. Staring at you, he merely stood there pondering. Disappointed, you did not know how to cope with this. Sighing symbolized your surrender, and you turned to leave with a heavy heart.
Until he grabbed your wrist with a grip hard as iron. 
 “If you know me well.…" he began slowly, "You would know very well that I am a difficult man to deal with” he said softly, yet he remained feared. You gulped, not knowing what to anticipate. However, his grip loosened soon after. Instead he held your hand gently.  
 “You're right..." He began, “It was just for show, yes. In the beginning. At the bakery, at the jazz club…” he said, making your stomach clench, “I had to, it was the plan…”
So that was it, It was the truth. You were being strung along all just for show. Your feelings felt used, like a wet cloth being wrung so tight there was no water left.
“But not anymore…” Your eyes widened upon hearing his words. Looking up, he looked at you. His hold on you tightened, yet not with pain. But warmth instead.
“I…” he paused, “...I think I love you" he gulped, "And I don’t want to lose you…ever” he said, tracing his tone to comprise of softness and vulnerability. A thick liquid of warmth began to pour down on to your heart. You wanted to accept it wholeheartedly, except it was blocked by a lid of doubt. 
 “What about Teddy?" you asked coldly. 
“Oh! He’s a jealous faggot! But he means well…” Ronnie said in a matter of fact tone, forcing you laugh out loud. He certainly could make you smile always. That Ronnie Kray. 
 “He loves you, I can tell…” you said, feeling envious to the core. 
“Well, it’s a pity now…” Ronnie said, driving that jealousy away. Yet you were still not convinced. "How can I believe you?" You inquired, still realizing your hand was being held, "How can I sure absolutely sur-“
Your words were cut off when Ronnie Kray pulled you to him for a passionate kiss. And your lips did not hesitate to hold back at all. Though your mind was the provider of that lid of doubt, your heart was the one pouring that warmth, and it seemed like it was stronger. Lips were happy to be reunited once again, opening to each other so that the tongues could play their usual dance. You moaned involuntarily as you felt his hands grab you by the buttocks, pulling them up whilst you both kissed. But your mind was not impressed, not yet. This was just too easy.
 "Ronnie..." you said, pulling away, “..that's just cheap-”
"This! This is what I want...for the rest of my fucking life..." he snarled, but with meaning, "I may get arrested, I may even go to fucking jail..” he said, "But this…” he paused, “I don't want this to change. Ever" Positively moved, you chuckled. “Well said, Mr. Kray”
You admitted, lips not holding back when Ronnie fully kissed you once again. Never did you expect a man like Ronnie Kray to be this way.
As he kept kissing you with all his heart, you wondered. Did you really pull something out of him to change? Would a better version of himself be a possibility because of you? For the moment, none of that really mattered.
For all you needed to remember was your love for him. And from tonight onwards, his love for you.
Tagged: @starlightmornings​​​​​ @rogerfxckingtaylor​​​​​ @daydreamerinadazedworld​​​​​ @courtney-thevixeniris​​​​​ @kimmietea​​​​​ @shigarakitomuraxxxdabi​​​​​ @tealaquinn​​​​​ @rach5ive​ @thebeckyjolene​
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lollie2479 · 4 years
Falling for the enemy - Part 1
Reggie Kray x reader
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Summary : You were with the Richardsons but you fell for Reggie Kray. You need to chose between your family or the handsome gangster that has your heart. 
Warning : Swearing, violence and mention of blood.
A/n : I recently watched Legend and I love Reggie so much. It wasn’t supposed to be in different parts but I had too much to write so I decided to create a longer story divided in different parts. I already started writing the second part. Hope you like it! 
I’ve been absent lately being too busy with school, work and everything but I missed writing so here I am. I might start writing more often so send requests.
Part 2 Part 3
Your father was a member of the Richardsons so ever since you were a child, these men were your family. When your father died, Charlie took you under his wing and raised you like you were his own daughter. He taught you how to fight and how to shoot. He needed to make sure that you were able to defend yourself in any situation. Pretty soon, you became the best and nobody could beat you. 
“Don’t worry pretty girl, I won’t hurt you.’’ The blonde man said chuckling while his eyes kept staring at your breasts. You walked slowly towards him, a grin on your face. His eyes locked with yours and before he could say anything else, your fist collided with his jaw sending him to the floor. You smiled and got down on one knee next to him. Your mouth was close to his ear and you whispered to him. “Don’t ever call me pretty girl again.’’ You heard clapping coming from behind you which made you turn around. Charlie was standing there with admiration in his eyes. You were his secret weapon, nobody knew about your existence. You were his best one and he made sure to keep you for himself. “Look at you, he smiled coming closer to you, you are still unbeatable.’’ Before you could respond, one of the members of the gang barged into the room with a bloody face. ‘‘Who did this?’’ Charlie asked already knowing the answer to his question. The man spat the blood he had in his mouth. He only said one word : Kray. 
The next morning, Charlie called a meeting to talk about what they should to about the twin brothers. They were a gang on the other side of the river and since the beginning of time, the Richardsons and the Krays fought each other to get London all to themselves. You never met them but you heard a lot of things about them from the other members. You knew that they ruled the East End where they owned many clubs and that you didn’t want to be on their bad side because they were violent. “We need to do something boss.’’ A man said out loud which brought your attention back to the meeting. Another one spoke up. “Yeah, we need to go to their club and get revenge.’’ You were standing in the corner listening to everything that was happening in front of you. “Maybe it’s time that Y/n gets involve and shows them who the Richardsons are.’’ Charlie immediately turned around, his eyes landing on you. You gave him a small smile and nodded your head. He knew you were ready but he didn’t want to use his best asset just yet because if it didn’t work, he would have revealed you for nothing and you were his best chance at winning against the Krays. He took a puff of his cigarette before throwing it onto the floor and stepping on it. You could read in his face that he didn’t know what to do so you decided not to say anything and to let him decide of your fate. He chose not to send you yet and instead he sent his men which was a bad choice because everyday of the following week they would come back all beaten and bloody. “Don’t you think it’s time? They won’t survive if you keep sending them and soon enough, we’re going to lose.’’ He brought his cigarette close to his mouth. “Don’t you think that I fucking know that Y/n’’ he said while taking a long puff. You stood up angry. You were never going to win if he kept you hidden behind these walls. “Then why don’t you let me take care of it. You always say that you are keeping me as a last resort, well right now, I don’t think that you have any other choice.’’ He took another puff of his cigarette before letting out a small “Fine’’ under his breath. 
You spent the next three days working on a plan. You knew how to get close to the twins since they had no idea that you even existed but you had to find a place where you could meet them without being suspicious. You had your men following them so you could get as much informations about where they would be and what they were doing. You learned that they would be at their casino, Esmeralda’s Barn, on Friday night so you decided that it was your best option. It would be easier for you to blend in and get as close as possible to the Krays. 
It was finally the night of the casino and you were excited to go out even if it was only for business. You put on a red dress that showed some cleavage and that hugged your curves in all the right places. It had a slit on the left that ended in the middle of your thigh making your leg and your shoes visible. You wore red heels that matched your dress and the lipstick you applied to your lips. You tied your hair into a low bun and put on some earrings. You were proud of your appearance. You made sure that everything was in place before going downstairs where everybody was waiting for you. When you got there, you could hear whistling coming from the back. They all had their eyes glued on your figure. Charlie approached you and placed his hand on your back. “You look ravishing Y/n. Now, go on and make us proud.’’ You kissed his cheek and took the arm of the gangster that was driving you to the event.
 When you arrived, he opened your door and gave you a hand to help you step out of the vehicle. You locked your arm around his and made your way inside. “Where are they?’’ The man accompanying you locked his eyes on Reggie Kray and you followed his glare. Your eyes fell on the handsome man that was sitting at a poker table. You had seen pictures of Reg before but they were bad ones that didn’t show his beauty. He was playing with the coins he had in front of him while his other hand went to his slick hair trying to smooth it out perfectly. He was wearing a black suit, a bow tie and a white shirt that was tucked in his pants. His attire fitted his muscular body perfectly. “So, what’s the plan?’’ You turned rapidly towards the man that held your arm close to his. “I,hum, think that,hum,I’’, you lost your words completely when your eyes found Reggie once again. You turned around so you could stop staring at him and focus on the plan. “I’m gonna get close to Reggie and try to gain his trust. During that time, try to find Ron.’’ He nodded and the both of you went into separate directions. He was heading for the bar while you were making your ways towards Reggie Kray. You walked slowly so that he would notice you and he did. His blue eyes fell on you and you could feel your heart beating faster as they watched every move your body made while you were walking. He watched the way your hips swayed at every step you took and how the dress hugged your curves. How the slit would open making your leg apparent. How the hair falling from your bun would bounce and so would your breast. He watched every single detail of you and his eyes kept following you until you were sitting across from him at the table. Even then, Reggie didn’t look away. His stare created a fire inside your chest and you wanted throw yourself at him but you couldn’t. “Don’t think we had the pleasure to meet, right?’’ He lifted his brow trying to figure out if he had seen you somewhere before but he knew that he wouldn’t forget someone as beautiful as you. You smiled flirtatiously at him “Y/n’’. He smirked ‘’Reggie.’’ Your eyes dropped to the coins in front of you but you could still feel his eyes on you. When you lifted your head up, he gave you a wink which gave you goosebumps. You stayed and played until you knew that he would follow you if you went anywhere else. “It was nice playing with you all.’’ You smiled while locking eyes with Reggie and stood up. You turned around and started walking towards another table when you felt someone behind you. You turned around quickly which caused Reggie to bump into you. You lost your balance and were ready to fall on the ground but he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him and preventing your fall. You tried to get yourself steady by placing one hand on his chest and the other one on the shoulder of the arm he still had wrapped around you. He took his free hand and removed the strand of hair that was falling from your bun into your face, gently placing it behind your ear. Your eyes were locked with his and everything around you disappeared. His face was getting closer to yours and it started to be harder to breathe. His nose was now touching yours and before you two could kiss, someone called out for Reggie. His head dropped and a growl escaped his beautiful lips. He turned around facing the man that was standing behind him. “Don’t you fucking see that I’m entertaining the lady.’’ The unknown man looked embarrassed but he had to let the boss know about something important. “It better be fast mate. I have other things to take care of’’ he said looking at you. Reggie turned around, placing his hand on your hips. “Don’t go far because I intend to finish what we started, alright?’’ You lifted yourself on your toes and kissed his cheek. “Promise, I’ll stay close.’’ He chuckled softly before turning around and leaving you alone. 
You tried to find your accomplice in the packed room but there were too many people blocking your view so you decided to walk towards the bar, hoping he was still there. You didn’t find him but instead you found the other half to your handsome twin, Ronnie, staring at you. He looked like Reggie but you could still see the difference between them. Ronnie wore glasses and the way his suit fell on his body wasn’t the same as his brother. His face seemed larger and harder. You knew by looking at him that you shouldn’t get on his bad side because it could get ugly real fast. You sat next to him on a stool and waved at the bartender to bring you a beer. When he laid the cold beverage in front of you, you heard chuckles coming from the man sitting next to you. “How does a pretty lady right like yourself right takes such a manly drink.’’ You rolled your eyes at his comment before taking a sip. The liquid went down you throat and you smiled. You were raised by men around boys only so you often found yourself liking manly things one of them being beer. “I just love it what can I say.’’ You shrugged raising your shoulders before taking another sip. The corner of his lips raised a little in what appeared to be a smile but his face turned hard once again. “What’s your name?’’ he asked scanning your face, trying to find if he had seen you somewhere before but like his twin, he couldn’t find anything. You took another sip. “Don’t think we met, I’m Y/n’’ you told him slightly smiling. “Ronnie.’’ He brought his cigar close to his lips before taking a long breath and slowly releasing the smoke he held in his mouth. “What brings you here?’’ he asked his eyes not leaving your sight. You took yet another sip of your delicious drink. “I heard a lot about this place and thought I shall try it and see for myself.’’ He nodded at your answer. “What to do you think so far?’’ You smiled. “I love it.’’ He raised his glass in front of you and you slightly knocked the two glasses with each other. He liked the answers you had for him. 
Before he could ask you anything else, the door opened violently and Charlie's men barged in. You froze and tried avoiding eye contact with any one of them not wanting your identity to be revealed. You were just starting to get close to the Kray brothers and you had a lot more digging to do before going back to your gang. Ronnie grabbed your wrist with his large hand that swallowed it completely and pulled you close to him bringing you back to reality. Normally, he didn’t like woman and he hated them even more if they were after his brother but something was different with you and he couldn’t figure out why but he liked you. He approached his lips to your ear. “You see the door back there yeah?’’ You looked around trying to find it in all the chaos. When your eyes landed on it, you brought your head close to Ronnie once again and nodded. “It leads to the kitchen and the backstore. On your right, you’ll find another door. You take it yeah and you’re outside. Understood?’’ You nodded once again. “Thank you.’’ He released your wrist and you started making your way towards the door, avoiding anyone that was in your way. You pushed it and sneaked your body into the kitchen. You went to the right as quick as possible so that nobody could see you leaving. You pushed the other door and you were met with the cold air of the night. You brought your arms close to you so that you could try to get yourself warm. Your eyes were searching for a familiar face outside and they landed on Charlie. You ran to him. “What is your fucking problem!? I was handling it!’’ You slapped his cheek in anger. He sent you a death glare. “Yeah, by wanting to fuck them? That’s what you call handling it, Y/n, yeah, that’s not really it.’’ You gasped. What had he heard? You had to pretend that it was for the mission and not because your heart was screaming Reggie’s name. “If i want to get as close as possible to them, I have to do it that way. Otherwise, they won’t trust me and I won’t learn anything to bring them down.’’ He sighed, believing you. “Get into the car, I’m driving you home.’’ You opened the door and sat in the back. The ride was silent which was nice because you didn’t feel like talking. Reggie made his way in your thoughts and you couldn’t think about anything else. You couldn’t let yourself fall for the enemy, you had to fight the urge to be close to him but even with your best efforts, you couldn’t get yourself to forget about him. What the fuck were you going to do...?            
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