#kiwis i'm sure you know the ad
reborrowing · 9 months
a mouse in the basement, part 4 /6(?)
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I'm sure she's fine.
Kiwi's not doing so well and she doesn't much appreciate David's attempts to help her. word count: ~1400 tagging @whumpsday (dm/comment to be added please) contains: continued captivity, blood/injury, restraints, manhandling, language barrier and fear, same as usual.
Any relief about having his hands free evaporated as David felt Kiwi fall to the floor. He slowly felt around behind him until his fingers brushed against her soft fur. She still didn’t respond so he gently rolled her onto his hand and brought her around to where he could see her. She was hot and worryingly damp against his palm.
He unfurled his fingers and rolled her over as delicately as he could, then inhaled a sharp breath of horror. The skirt of her dress rode up to reveal a pair of deep gouges in her left thigh. The red-brown stain he’d noticed on her side this morning had grown a bright red border of fresh blood that stretched across her back.
“Kiwi? Are you okay? Please wake up.”
David brushed a knuckle against her fuzzy arm to rouse her and she shivered back to life. Her face stretched into silent terror as she looked around. Her eyes widened as she saw the fingers arched over her tiny frame and a broken, creaking noise crept out of her mouth.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s me. It’s just me,” David whispered.
She shook her head and struggled to her feet, her steps unsteady against the leather of David’s palm. He held up his other hand to help her steady herself. She ducked underneath it and made for the edge of his hand, collapsing when he blocked her path. 
“Pokyó yá!? Piyískasakes! Ma yékakwamasó,” she cried.
Kiwi’s shoulders hunched as she curled up in defeat until she seemed hardly any larger than David’s thumb. He swept her feathery curls away from her face. Their eyes met for a second and she whimpered before folding her head down into her chest.
“Ma paiyomosó, pease,” she moaned.
“Kiwi, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you. I thought—I didn’t know what was going on,” David said. “You should rest, you need to heal, you shouldn’t be…god, what happened to you? Who hurt you like that?”
He stroked her hair again and she shuddered at the unfortunate attempt to soothe her. He wanted to scoop her up into his chest to keep her safe or at least reassure her that she would be okay. His heart broke that he couldn’t even manage that.
“Pease, ne hyóyén.”
“I’m sorry. Really, I don’t mean to scare you.”
He repeated his apology as softly as he could until she looked like she might believe it.Kiwi swallowed some of her tears and looked back up at him.
“T-tóna pópasa krát, pease?”
“Krát, yeah. I’ll have a look at the window. See if I can’t yell for help, even. But you really need to rest, you’re gonna kill yourself if you don’t,” David said.
Her eyes widened. If she had had any color left, it would have disappeared now.
“Kill? You kill?” 
“What? No, no. No kill. You…look, just… just wait here, okay? Try to sleep. Please. Sleep?”
He set Kiwi down on the blanket he’d brought her the night before. He fluffed the corner that he could reach into a little bed and set her down beside it, making what gestures he could to get her to try to get her to understand. It felt kind of like coaxing a cat into bed. She followed him when he turned to go back to the window and he waved his hand to shoo her back. 
“Kuh chítisi séchí pen,” she said, her voice wavering.
“I’ll give you your say-chee thing if I can reach it. Please, just rest.”
She grimaced and lunged after him as he moved back, leaping onto the hem of his slacks. He watched her climb for several stunned seconds. She dragged her way up his shin before he shook himself free of the shock. He bent down to pull her off about when she reached his knee. She squeaked when his fingers hooked around her waist to bring her back to the blanket. As soon as she touched down again, she scurried back until she felt she was well out of David’s reach.
“Ma mókyemesó wun!”
She hugged her bag to her chest as she turned back towards him. The next time he stepped back, she didn’t follow. Maybe scaring her like that was for the best, if it meant she would slow down and take a break.
David still couldn’t reach the windowsill, even with his arms free. He was close, just a few inches shy, but he had to let the chain bite into his ankle to get there. He swung the handcuff at Kiwi's…thing hoping to knock it loose but his aim was terrible. The cuff clanged loudly against the glass on his third try. Something thumped the floorboards upstairs and David froze.
He didn't know the kidnapper had heard anything, but he wasn't eager to draw the man's attention by making any more noise. Especially not while he was enjoying free hands. If Kiwi was from upstairs, the kidnapper might put together that she’d come down here to hide. And even if not, David was sure there he’d end up in heavier restraints if they knew he could somehow get free of the cuffs. He backed down from the window. He’d have to figure out something quieter.
As he shambled away, he stepped on the tack he’d found last night. He grunted, as much out of surprise as actual pain, and it went rolling out from underneath his foot. It took a moment for him to track it back down. It was Kiwi’s, he realized.  The plastic piece had been whittled down and shaped into a handle. She probably hadn’t found it because she kept to the shadow along the walls.
He went to give it to her as a peace offering after scaring her so badly. The far corner of the blanket shifted as he knelt down. He apologized again and waited but Kiwi kept herself tucked out of sight. David sagged, guilty over shattering whatever trust she’d been willing to share. 
“I couldn’t reach the window, but I have this for you. I’ll leave it here, okay? I am sorry.”
The rest of the day passed as slowly as all the others in the basement had. David spent it on the cot, arms splayed to stretch out his cramped joints. Some would call this behavior sulking, but that was more dramatic than he felt he deserved. It wasn’t as if there was anything else to do, so he was just sitting here. Waiting. Unhappy and unsettled.
Hours later, as the sun set and the basement got dark, Kiwi finally emerged. She crossed the room in silence, slowly enough David didn’t notice her. Not until he heard a small tink-tink-tink noise from the base of the stairs and there she was, staring up towards the door again.
She had a length of thin rope the same color of the blanket. One end was tied around the tack that David had left for her and was tossing it up at the bannister. It worked as a weight and after several tries she managed to get her thread wrapped around the bottom bracket holding up the handrail.
“Hey. Are you leaving?” David asked.
She jumped, nearly losing her grip and David cringed. He should’ve just let her go. She scrambled up the last few inches to the edge of the handrail, where she turned to look at him. Some of her confidence was back at least, if not her strength. He eyed the distance between her and the concrete floor nervously. It was a lot farther than when she’d slipped off his wrist.
“Íqíchówóts, you, ah…rest? Tsíkyés,” she said guiltily, just loud enough for him to hear.
He got up to get closer. She sat still and watched him until he reached the end of his chain. She stared suspiciously at David’s hands rather than look up to meet his eyes. He folded them together and hoped that could convince her he wasn’t trying to be threatening.
“Will you be able to get past the door? Are you going to be okay on your own?” he asked.
“Rúsura wun kyú piyískaki, I’m sorry. Fipiyískasaró, kuh hyókyóts pé wun. Áchyomosó rowou, David, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’m not upset with you, okay? I was trying to help you. You take care of yourself, please.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered.
She turned around and disappeared up the handrail. He waited at the base of the stairs for some time, but she didn’t come back. She made it out.
David went back to staring idly at the wall.
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politemagic · 2 months
Okay I absolutely adored that fruit salad question, so I'm bringing it to you! Musical fruit salad from your favourite artist, 5 fruit minimum, go go go 💙
oh boy i love this question so much okay okay okay i really couldn't decide if i would rather do sleep token or twenty one pilots... so you will ALSO get two fruit salads!!
my fruits:
strawberry 🍓 <- one of their more popular songs that i would show someone who had never heard of them before blueberry 🫐 <- it may seem like just a little tune, but to me the album would NOT be the same without it melon 🍈 <- she may not be for everybody, but real ones will appreciate these underrated tracks (underratedness was determined by spotify streams not science) kiwi 🥝 <- we're adding a lil something special to this fruit salad. these are songs that are near and dear to me cherry 🍒 <- my personal favorite fruit, so my personal favorite song
sleep token salad:
🍓 The Summoning - it's the song that seems to have really set them on their current trajectory, and it is indeed a fucking BANGER so if i'm trying to get someone into sleep token, this would be my go-to
🫐 DYWTYLM - honestly didn't really like it on my first listen to the album, but on my second go round i could not BELIEVE i ever felt that way. it is so incredibly necessary to the overall album + vessel's journey and i will defend her until my dying breath.
🍈 Drag Me Under & Descending - i really couldn't pick between these two UNDERrated queens get it? get it? i'm so sorry . but there was one morning that i was listening to my sleep token playlist watching the sunrise on my back porch and these songs played back to back and tbh it was a spiritual experience
🥝 Take Me Back to Eden - i actually can't stress enough the personal significance that this song has to me. the line "i don't know what's got its teeth in me / but i'm about to bite back in anger" is in total honesty the thing that motivated me to get the help that i needed during the darkest time in my life. i can't talk about it or i WILL cry
🍒 Aqua Regia & Telomeres - it's my fruit salad so i get to have extra cherries since they're my favorite😌 aqua regia is the baddest bitch in town to me and the guitar solo in telomeres is possibly my favorite part in any st song ever.
twenty one pilots salad:
🍓 Fairly Local - i would have chosen car radio because that was my personal introduction to them, but i think fairly local is more representative of where they are now musically. (but if i was to pick a first album i would def be showing them vessel)
🫐 Neon Gravestones - not sure how universal this is, but most tøp fans i know skip this song on trench but i personally have always loved it. the lyrics are phenomenal, and it's a very powerful song.
🍈 Redecorate & March to the Sea - i couldn't choose just one because i think both of these albums as a whole are underrated (listen. i know that scaled and icy wasn't their best but. those are some fucking bops okay?). whenever i need to have a good cry i listen to self-titled and march to the sea has always been my favorite from that album.
🥝 Trees - seeing them perform trees in concert was a canon event for me. my best friend, who i have known since i was 5 (and was not familiar w them at all), said she had never seen me experience emotions like i did when they performed this song. it makes me so happy that they still end shows with this song, i think its a rite of passage.
🍒 Doubt - honestly, i can't even remember why at this point but this has been my favorite twenty one pilots song since blurryface came out, it's my most played song by them FOR SURE.
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The boys in their cycle/partners cycle and their happy trail is just matted down with ✨fluids✨😋. Nail scratches all over their body from their partner trying to hold on
goddamn it, kiwi. i'm DIZZY
i've added similar things to some of my wips and whew.... it's a NEED..... like....
i feel like wereroomies!chris would keep himself neatly trimmed... maybe so trimmed you can barely notice the mess pretty has left.... however, he'd certainly be c o v e r e d in her scratches... nail dents on his back, shoulders, thighs... red marks down his back... she'd probably be bruised all over, but only because it all feels so good ))): and chris just can't contain his strength too well )):, but even when he apologises profusely after pretty reassures him that she likes it <3
wereroomies!minho would certainly keep himself trimmed but not as much as chris. there's certainly a decent amount of hair down there for kitten's mess to be very noticeable. i'm sure they both love the sight. minho would probably tease her a lot, calling her his bitch (or queen) in heat while she sinks her nails on his arms and stomach if she's on top.... he's got a good grasp of his strength when he goes into rut, but that doesn't mean there won't perfect marks of his hands on her bum by the end of it
wereroomies!changbin, on the other hand... would probably be the hairiest of the alphas. there's a m e s s on his crotch, all over his body, honestly... red marks on his chest from autumn obsessively touching those perfect pecs of his... she'd probably stimulate his nipples until they're all puffy and sore... he'd leave scratch marks on her back and waist... ooof.......
wereroomies!hyunlix keep themselves well groomed, but there's enough for them to see combined fluids from either of them + their dear moss. WAIT.... MOSS IN HER RUT????? if both felix and hyunjin are spending it with her.... she's gonna have them shooting blanks, i just know.... it'd be so hard to know whose limb is whose with how intertwined they are. if triggered, hyunjin's heat probably wouldn't make it any better... i feel like the three of them would have to take a whole week off after.
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thepaintedlady00 · 1 year
Nightshade Chapter 17 Sneak Peek
Enjoy the peek y'all!
"Where is she?" I asked Prue as I slid into the seat across from her. 
"Work." Prue glances around. "She should be off soon, though."
"Arcade again this year?"
"Hell yes!" Her enthusiasm was infectious as Will followed the conversation without a clue as to what we were talking about, but still, he got excited anyway. "It's her favorite place."
"Do we need to book it?"
"Already done."
I grinned, giving her a quick high-five. "You're a saint!"
Jake sat down next to me. "What are we talking about?"
 "Quinn's birthday party. You wanna join the planning committee?"
He leaned forward with that mischievous grin of his. "Desperately."
"You can be in charge of the cake," I offered, relaxing back in the booth. It wasn't something I thought would be particularly challenging, especially considering how little Quinn cared about the cake, but the slight widening of Jake's eyes told me he considered it quite the task. "You don't have to."
"I can manage a dumb cake," he insisted with that deep-set scowl that was starting to grow on me.
"Quinn could care less about the cake," I continued. "She doesn't usually even eat it. It's more for everyone else."
Will's brows furrowed. "What does she eat then?"
"Candy apples!" Patrick proclaimed as he and Peter slid into the booth, shoving Jake into my side. "Nana makes 'em special for her every year."
Peter smiled fondly. "Nana makes sure everyone gets something special on their birthday."
"An angel, that woman," Patrick added lovingly. "Always makes me the best, booziest rum cake."
Will tapped Peter's shoulder, asking with a dumb grin. "What does she make you?"
Though it was a simple question, I could see Prue's eyes light up as she answered, "Jam. She takes Lena and Quinn berry picking and makes me my jam and a big plate of jam tarts."
Peter leaned back, closing his eyes slightly. "Can't wait for my batch of cookies this year."
"Same," I replied. "I won't have to try and smuggle them to you."
"What does she make you?" Jake asked, glancing at me as he took a drink of his beer.
Before I could answer, Patrick spoke, "The real question is, what doesn't she make on Lena's birthday?"
Jake turned to my brother with a chuckle. "Should've guessed Lena got the royal treatment."
"Lena's not special," Pat insisted. "She just gets a big party because that's when she got back."
"Got back from where?"
My brother's mouth shut. He scratched the back of his head, chuckling nervously as he talked over himself, trying to find something to say. Something that wasn't a lie, but that wasn't the truth either.
The truth. How was a person supposed to casually discuss how they narrowly escaped death at the hands of a rich and psychotic "ex" just a few days before turning sixteen? How could anything I said possibly explain the horrors every birthday previous to that had been filled with? The mixed emotions my birthday brought were a can of worms best left untouched, so I didn't meet Jake's curious eyes, instead letting my eyes lock onto Quinn as she emerged through the crowd. "There's the birthday girl!"
She welcomed the attention, not stopping until everyone had wished her a happy, almost birthday. "All this love and attention is good for my skin." She sat down next to Peter, smudging glitter onto his shirt. "What'd I miss?"
"Nothing," I said quickly. "Just discussing your birthday."
She clapped. "Let me guess! Prue already booked the arcade, and now you're trying to find people to dump cake and booze on?"
I rolled my eyes. "We all know I'm on booze duty."
"Til the day we die bitch." Quinn laughed. "So, who's the poor bastard on cake duty this year?" Narrowing her eyes, she pointed at Peter. "Kiwi?"
Peter rolled his eyes at her new nickname for him, a term almost everyone had adopted upon seeing the fuzz growing on his head. Secretly, Peter enjoyed it. The kiwi fuzz meant he could get his old hair back. "Nope."
Her finger turned toward Patrick, who nearly rolled out of the booth to avoid it. "Don't even try to curse me like that."
Quinn frowned, shifting her gaze to Jake, who gave her a shrug. She clicked her tongue. "Oh, you poor boy."
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marvelous-harry · 2 years
I am in dire need of Harry ben and Oliver content please give us A LOT I beg of you
Ben and Oliver are by the side of the stage as they watch Harry rock the encore of his show. They're both smiling and bobbing their head to the beat.
"I really do like it when he wears overalls," Ben mused loudly as he watched Harry pretty much leap from the bottom of the stairs to the top. "I'm positive he has springs in his feet. No human should be able to just do that," he said.
As It Was wrapped up and the build-up for Kiwi was in full swing. Oliver wrapped his hand around Ben's shoulder. "Please tell me you've noticed that he definitely touches himself more when we're here?" Oli asked.
Ben chuckled and nodded. "Oh yeah, I've noticed. It's not exactly news that the boy likes being watched.. especially by us," he said and nudged Oliver with his hip.
"Well we'll be sure to give him that attention later tonight," Oliver said while watching. Kiwi for sure was one of those songs that were just magic to watch even if you'd watched it many many times before. The energy was just electric and Harry would always give it his all.
It was nearing the end and Ben bent down to grab his bag. "We should head to the car," he said and they gave Harry one last look before they were escorted to the car they'd all be driving off in.
Oliver and Ben plucked their earplugs out as they got into their seats and put them away. The door was open so they could hear the screams of the crowd before it got quiet, letting them know Harry had gone off stage and was making his way to them.
"What time is our flight tomorrow?" Oliver asked as he ruffled his hair and leaned back in his seat. "Want to sleep in,"
"We have to be packed and ready to go by 10.30 so that's plenty of time," Ben looked down at his watch before looking out the car door and down the hall. He had a bad feeling and it felt like it was taking forever for Harry to show up.
"Sorry, is everything alright?" Ben asked as he saw the security guard listening closely to his radio.
The security held up a hand as he kept listening. "Yeah, he's on his way. Something about his foot though?" he said. "Just stay in the car," he added.
Ben grimaced and nervously started bouncing his foot.
"Hey, I'm sure it's nothing. If it was really bad they wouldn't be coming here," Oliver said and put his hand on Ben's knee and stroked his thumb back and forth.
"Should've just stayed up there with him until he was done," Ben mumbled but put his hand on Oliver's and squeezed.
Suddenly the doors opened and Ben saw Harry in between Paddy and Ryan, one arm around each of them as he hopped on one leg towards them.
Harry's face was pinched and he was looking down at the ground as they walked/hopped over.
"What happened?" Ben asked as he and Oliver helped Harry get into the car with Paddy keeping Harry steady while Ryan got in the front seat. Paddy closed the door before joining Ryan in the front and then they were driving.
"Harry?" Oliver asked and touched Harry's neck softly.
Harry's bottom lip started trembling and he pressed his hands against his eyes. "I think I sprained my ankle," he whimpered. "It hurts," he whispered.
Ben looked down at Hary's foot before looking over at Oliver, and he could feel the panic growing in him.
Oliver met his eyes and showed him a deep breath while he moved closer to Harry and hugged him. "I'm so sorry, baby. Once we get to the hotel we'll have a look at it and put some ice on it okay? See how it looks," he said gently before he kissed Harry's cheek.
"Okay," Harry whispered, his body shaking as he tried his best to not cry and fall apart in the back of the car.
After the longest 10-minute car journey of their lives, they pulled into the parking garage at the hotel.
Oliver and Ben each took a side and helped Harry make his way into the elevator and up to their room before they said goodbye to Paddy and promised to let him know if they needed a medic or anything at all.
Once the door clicked shut and Oliver had locked it, Harry let out a sob. "Daddy! It hurts!" he sobbed and held on to his foot as he sat on the bed.
Ben propped some pillows behind him before helping Harry ease down on them. "I'm right here. Sir is going to look at your foot okay? And I'm going to stay right here,"
Harry shook his head. "No! It'll hurt! Please, I don't want it to hurt," he begged and tried to sit back up but Ben wouldn't let him.
"I'm going to be super careful alright? Take it nice and slow but you need to lie back and try to relax as much as possible," Oliver explained. "Focus on Daddy"
Harry whimpered and looked at Ben as he cried.
Oliver very carefully started untying Harry's shoe and every so gently eased it off his foot. "How does that feel?" he asked, keeping Harry's ankle steady with his hand.
"I don't know," Harry sniffled and rubbed his eyes. "Hurts," he whined, grabbing on to Ben's shirt and pulling him closer.
"Being so brave, baby," Ben told him and kissed his forehead.
Oliver started easing off the sock Harry was wearing and carefully looked at the ankle. He couldn't see any swelling or bruising yet which was a very good sign. "Ben, can you hand me a pillow or two?" he asked.
"Is it broken?" Harry cried and whimpered.
Ben handed over some pillows before taking a look at the ankle himself.
"No, I don't think so, bubs. Think you're very lucky and have just rolled it badly. There's no swelling or bruising so that's very good but I'll wrap it up and put some ice on it so it'll feel better," Oliver explained as he propped Harry's foot on the pillows.
Harry glanced down at his foot and whimpered before he popped his thumb in his mouth and grabbed for Ben.
Ben sat down next to him and wrapped his arm around Harry, pulling him close for a cuddle. "Hey, I'm so proud of you. You did so good tonight at your show," he told him as he stroked his arm.
"Thank you, Daddy," Harry mumbled around his thumb as he snuggled closer while watching Oliver getting something to wrap his ankle in and an instant ice pack from his workout bag.
Oliver came back over to the bed. "You ready? I'll be really careful but it might not feel too nice," he said as he got the bandage out from the plastic.
Harry whimpered but gave a little nod before closing his eyes and turned his head towards Ben.
Once Oliver had wrapped Harry's ankle and had gotten the ice pack cold and it was resting on his ankle, Oliver looked up and smiled as he saw Ben stroking Harry's hair slowly and Harry's chest was rising up and down slowly and evenly.
"Turn down the lights," Ben whispered as he looked over at Oliver before carefully lowering Harry down on the bed after taking away the pillows behind his back.
Oliver turned off most of the lights, just leaving on one of the lights by the bed. "Never seen him fall asleep so fast after a show. Must be exhausted," he commented quietly. "Still in his show clothes,"
Ben nodded and put the blanket over Harrys one lag and his chest. "Mmmm, we can try and take them off him a bit later. Want him to fall asleep a bit deeper first," Ben replied as he looked at Harry's face. "I'm always amazed how he goes from Harry Styles the singer to our Harry. He looks so little and vulnerable like this," Ben whispered while stroking Harry's cheek gently.
"Yeah, I know what you mean," Oliver smiled. "From running his hands over his crotch in front of thousands of people to sucking on his thumb,"
Ben smiled too. "He's pretty special," he leaned over and pressed a kiss to Harry's forehead. "Love you," he whispered before pulling back to let him sleep in peace.
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
Hi Ryen 💕💕
I feel like I haven't dropped by in a while but I promise that I've been enjoying everyone's chaos on here, it's all so incredibly entertaining lmaooo.
3tan summer cookout sounds so so good! I'm such a sucker for them being together with the whole gang and those kinds of questions being asked 👀👀👀 The tension is so nerve-wracking but so so good. And Yoongi being a menace with everybody around is just.... yeah, I'm already speechless, I don't know how I'll be when I read it. Also really looking forward to seeing Shiv again!
Also I started reading 3tan in the summer. I even vividly remember reading sundress season while I was at the beach. So I have a feeling that it will make me miss those days and long for summer to come faster.
Thinking back to the first time I read 3tan is always so fun though, I always say that it inspired me to make my blog and actually be active on here and that's completely true. It fully just blew me away and sucked me in immediately. It's like a whole separate comfort world to me and I love it with all my heart 🥺🥺🥺
Also I listened to your ryenfm update a while back and you just confirmed my thoughts that you're one of the coolest people ever. (A bit of a belated) Congrats on everything and I'm so happy for you!!! I hope despite being so busy you still find time to take care of yourself too. Sending lots of love 💞💞💞
IVI💞 my love, so sorry for being incredibly late to this ask! i was in the zone writing summer bbq and this got buried in the meantime.
everyone here and on the fic blog is gd hilarious. chaotic. wonderful. thirsty, too, can't forget that one lol. and I GOT UR REVIEW FOR SUMMER BBQ AND CAN I JUST SAY... CRIED. you're so lovely with your commentary and that one just made me super happy for some reason. like you just added another layer of summer to the whole thing and i read it a good amount of times already. gotta respond with my own screams soon enough!
you read sundress season at the beach? wow. that sounds like the perfect scenario.. damn. and it's funny that you said what you said here, bc your review p much reflected it. glad i was able to capture the essence of nostalgic summertime<3 3tan did start in the summer, after all.
i'm so happy you made your blog. bc not only are you making me feel loved, but you're spreading all that love and encouragement to others and i'm sure you are making countless people happy. that's something special, and you have a very, very big heart. i'm always gonna remember you as kiwi and as ivi. both are precious to me.
AHHH you listened to the update?? thank you so much! i am.. not that cool but thank you LOL i just like trying things and i make an effort to not let too many opportunities pass me by anymore. it's busy af over here, but i think i'm finding some time to myself, too. going for runs definitely helps with clearing my head!
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30 Days of OTP: Day 8, Shopping
Rating: K
Verse: Human AU
AN: Turns out, James is an impulsive buyer and an absolute nightmare to take shopping. Who would've guessed. However Kainga won't go anywhere without a list in his hand, making it all the more stressful
“Put it back.”
He’s not sure how many times he’s had to say it now, not even looking at the trolley as he says it because he can tell who has put it in depending on the sound it makes. Low and behold, it's James. Holding up a plushie of a crotchet crocodile he'd found from running around the store like a loose canon. God only knows how much chaos he's caused and where on earth he'd got that plushie from.
The heaviness of the sigh that escaped Kainga's lips was enough to weigh anyone down like a boulder. He took off his reading glasses to rub his tired eyes, clearly rather fed up by James's antics. Having to deal with a fully grown nation running around a store like a hyper-active puppy off its leash was enough to make anyone stressed. Kainga simply shot him a glare before putting his glasses back on.
"Because, I said so. Every time you buy something like that you only pay attention to it or a day or so. Then it becomes nothing but more junk that I have to clean up."
From the look that James pulls, Kainga knows he's made a good point. James impulsive spending habits is something that could make the worlds most patient person's blood boil with how infuriating he can be sometimes. No matter how hard he tries to be subtle about putting something in the trolley, its about as subtle as being hit by a train. Never paying attention to the list that Kainga had wrote out beforehand, often the reason he never lets James go shopping alone. He'd made the foolish mistake of sending James out for bread and milk, only for the New Zealander to return with no bread, no milk but a Bearded Dragon he'd fondly called Edmund. After one Sir Edmund Hilary because James always named his pets after his famous people, coupled with his Monitor lizard called Bruce McLaren.
"I promise I'll take good care of it." James smirked sheepishly at him before not-so-subtly placing the crocodile plushie into the trolley. "Please Kai-boob?~" His pleading tone only adding to the Tongan's rising frustration as all he can do is glare at him.
"No, James, I said put it back. We're here for groceries, not stupid stuffed toys. Take it out of the trolley and but it back."
“I didn’t put anything in baby, you’re just paranoid~”
Kainga is more surprised by the fact that James seemed to actually think that he was being subtle and sly about this. As if he hadn't just put the crocodile plushie into the trolley and the rattle that it made when he did was simply just the wind.
"I'm not paranoid," Kainga seethed in frustration, putting his reading glasses back on before looking down at the list in his hand. ",I saw you put the damn thing in-"
He’s not going to listen to either, he knows he’s not, swearing under his breath as he turns to find James gone, unsurprisingly, and yet another item that wasn’t on the shopping list in the trolley. As of right now, shifting through the shopping to find that plushie and put it back was the last thing he wanted to do. He had to make a mental note to NOT take James shopping with him in future, he just knew that one day it'd lead to disaster. Now with the moron no where in sight, he could try and continue in peace. Hopefully getting round to paying for everything before James could return with another strange item that took his fancy.
He soon found James, dicking around in the Beer and Wine section of the store. Picking out a variety of cheap Kiwi booze, the kind of stuff only a man like him could stomach and actually enjoy. Maybe getting some for himself wasn't a bad idea, after dealing with James all day he probably needed it at this point. He still had some of his nation's popular drink back home, Kava, but it didn't go too well with alcohol as it was plant based. His favorite was Tonga's infamous Ikale beer, overly disappointed to find they didn't sell it in New Zealand supermarkets. In the end, he just put a bottle of fruit flavored Champagne.
James placed the beer into the trolley and for once, Kainga didn't argue with him about it. Kainga caught sight of his grin when he placed the Radlers into the trolley, he couldn't help but be suspicious about it however. Like James had somehow snuck another item in without his knowledge this time.
"Is that everythin' Kai-boob?"
Kainga ran his eyes over the list again to make sure everything was ticked. "I think so, also stop calling me that, it's stupid."
"Aw I think it's cute, what's up with it, Kai-cutie?~"
Kainga turned a bright red but only grumbled in response as they headed to the checkout. He just gets nowhere with him, not noticing that there’s something that shouldn’t be there until the cashier has put it through the scanner and, by this point, he’s too tired to even argue with the woman over not wanting to buy it. Shopping with James is frustrating, blood boiling and frankly is going to result in him punching himself in the face one of these days.
Shopping with compulsive buyers is truly a nightmare but, maybe the look on James's face as he holds up his newly bought crotchet crocodile plushie makes it worth it after all.
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breserker · 9 months
okay, for vel: 🍎 red apple, 🥝 kiwi, 🍏 green apple!
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else?
His mother (dead) his girlfriend (dead) his best friend (dead) his other best friend (alive! good for him!) his alive best friend's daughter whomst he calls niece (alive), and to some extent, his girlfriend's best friend (also alive). He also does value and respect Lieu but the relationship can be tenuous.
🥝 [KIWI FRUIT] How does their outside appearance differ from who they are?
IT REALLY doesn't differ that much!! He'll make fun of his "national geographic eyes" sure, but that's more sly bitterness on other people commenting on them ad nauseum. i think the most his outside appearance affects him is that he, 6'7'' and wiry, has a tendency to curl up on himself and force his body to fit into places instead of stretching it out and letting it breathe.
🍏 [GREEN APPLE] How do they differ from the norm and how are they punished for it?
my brother in Islam why this question THE VERY DEFINITION OF VEL IS A MESSING OF BORDERS, of the destruction of the idea of borderlands within onesself, to be whole and not pieces of things, because everything every goddamn thing societally socially or otherwise asks of him--of everyone--to cut their identity into bitesized pieces and select the ones most palatable to present. This is punished when it's hard to say "I'm Mexican but I don't speak Spanish", hard to say "My mother was accused as a Witch but I respect and believe her practices. However my Tia was a nun, and while I don't go to Church anymore I still count Hail Marys on a rosary", hard to say "I didn't know my father or what Native Nation he belonged to, I feel both accepted and a burden when I try to figure that out." Hard to say "I'm both" when really you're neither at all times, hard to say "I'm one" when you have to tick "mixed/other" on a census. It's not so much a direct punishment, it's the shame that comes when you must be a reduction, it's the shame that comes when you're not enough of one thing to be it and yet you are still undeniably It.
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parfumieren · 1 year
1804: George Sand (Histoires de Parfums)
The subjective nature of scent can override even the most detailed fragrance brief. Gérald Ghislain can explain to me six ways to a Sunday why 1804 is a portrait of George Sand. I will nod and smile and not budge one inch from my belief that it's really about Paul Gauguin. I'm not the only one to reach this conclusion, but as my father used to quip come household chore time, This ain't no democracy, honey.
I'm not sure why Ghislain would associate Sand with tropical fruit, but I concede that if I had to smell like fruit at all, tropical would be the way to go. In fact, all my memories of living on Maui seem to feature fruit-- bountiful and everpresent, in all the colours of a Fauvist rainbow.
In our little upcountry town, my housemates and I had only to step outside each morning to pick fresh bananitos (apple bananas) for breakfast. Going for a walk, I might freely pluck an avocado or a handful of lilikoi (passionfruit) from a curbside tree if I felt peckish. Staggering numbers of ripe clementines glowed like tiny orange lanterns in a neighbor's tree; he welcomed us all to invade his front yard and pick as much as we liked. Nature was generous-- why not he?
Generous, too, was the produce manager at the health food market where I worked. Island farmers arrived daily to bring him locally-grown organic fruits and vegetables, and each new shipment called for an impromptu taste-test. We sampled sweet pink "strawberry" papayas as well as the yellow-fleshed, bilious native variety. We nibbled slices of mellow cherimoya, carambolas (starfruit), and kiwi, and let guava and tamarillo juices run down our chins. I looked wistfully on as Jeff passed around cubes of fragrant fresh mango, to which I've always been severely allergic. As for lychees, I didn't know until I ate my first one that I'd have to chase it with six Benadryl in order to keep breathing. (Those few minutes before my throat closed over? So worth it.)
One of our vendors was an elderly Japanese couple who grew the most astonishing pineapples-- tiny, hand-sized honey grenades bursting with golden nectar. They sold us only one crate at a time, each flawless fruit carefully nestled its own bed of straw. One day I plucked up the courage to tell them - in the only Japanese I knew - that their pineapples were dai ichi (number one, the best). Faces creased with pleasure, they selected a single gemlike pineapple from their crate and presented it to me with a bow. Believe me, my bow was deeper still.
Though pineapples are not native to Hawai'i, they thrive in the rich loam of this volcanic archipelago. Each fruit is a self-contained chemical laboratory where acid (citric/malic), sugar (fructose/glucose), ester (ethyl butyrate) and enzyme (bromelain) create miraculous harmony. When subjected to heat (on a grill, or at the ground floor of an upside-down cake), the sugars in pineapple readily caramelize, breaking down all boundaries between tart and sweet and revealing the fruit's syrupy, liqueur-like attributes.
This melting quality figures large in 1804, a fragrance suffused with equatorial heat. Mitsouko subjected the simple peach to a flamebroil; 1804 ups the ante by adding pineapple and a shot of Charbay vanilla rum for a full-on, righteous flambé. If this sounds a bit de trop, be forewarned that it will segue into a dewy gardenia chord designed to hypnotize you into a state of hammock-swinging lassitude. This is not the perfume to wear when you've got a lengthy to-do list waiting. (If, however, your plans include a two-hour nap on a shady lanai....)
But all this leads me once again to question the logic of this perfume's name. No writer as mercurial and rigorous as George Sand would have endorsed so heavy-limbed a name brand-- and no one as enamored of male privilege would have wished to give the game away with so blatantly femme a scent. I imagine her instead roaming through the park at Nohant whilst wearing a stylish fougère, or a brisk West Indian bay rum appropriated from her estranged spouse...
On the other hand, Paul Gauguin -- grandson of Sand's frenemy, the feminist Flora Tristan -- filled canvas after canvas with worshipful images of the Polynesian feminine ideal. To him should go this soft, rounded, luscious perfume-- and to Sand, maybe a bottle of YSL Nuit de l'Homme?
Scent Elements: Pineapple, peach, gardenia, jasmine, lily-of-the-valley, cloves, sandalwood, patchouli, benzoin, vanilla, musk
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One on One Queer Community Roleplay with a Splash of Something Else (Advanced/Casual)
I left most of an old add in for context, but what I mostly want you to pay attention to is stuff marked "May, 2022". Also - new shows we can draw from... Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy.
  BIG EDIT: I could really use a lot more writing to keep me busy right now, so here I am.  I have a lot of time on my hands and nothing else to fill it with - at least not in a rewarding way. Translation: My muse is on. Everything else is... weird right now. Anyway...Thanks for reading my ad.
Currently Craving: Some kind of m//, slice of life, best friend drama and fluff. I have a character in mind for this that needs attention. - This is usually always true. XP! Also - werewolves. Something loosely based on WoD, Werewolf the Apocalypse would be great. Maybe something based on the idea of AFK, the Kiwi webseries. I just need things to write.
Okay! I feel like I’m horrible at these things, but here goes…
For the purpose of the roleplay, you can call me Phina (hi!). I seem to have slowly lost all my roleplay partners – such is life, I know - but entropy is only natural, right? I think I've recently had an RP partner and friend of four years ghost me and I have no idea why…. Let's hope I'm wrong.
Anyway! I’m sure I’m going to scare people off by saying this, but I love both quality and quantity. I love writing detailed stories with strong character development and relationships. For me, it’s the characters that are most important. I do understand that posts tend to vary in length as the roleplay goes on – I don’t want filler, but please try for at least two paragraphs every time. I will write you novels (at least four paragraphs, probably more), especially if I am inspired. If that bothers you, we are not a good match. That being said, I am very laid back once I get to know you. If you have a character that I love, I will probably be more accepting of shorter replies (no less than a paragraph) - especially if I know a lot about them already.
Big edit here - May, 2022: While I still love to write novels, what I'm currently into with how busy my life is is actually literate/advanced rapid fire with a full cast of characters. Probably queer, modern fantasy meets slice of life. Just a bunch of interconnected, diverse (in so many ways) queer people trying to live their lives. Just a few well thought out sentences per character, casual but character driven. We can move around character groups or even see how one small change ripples and create different verses with the same characters. Werewolves and humans and fey, all gay!
I hate that we have to cover this at all, but all the standard rules apply. If you haven’t been roleplaying long enough to know them, it’s very unlikely that we will make a good match. As a big thing, please don't control my character. Even little things can be done badly so easily, taken too far or in the wrong direction. I don't want to lose creative control over my character ever. I know sometimes it can be tempting to do it to move the plot along and there are some small exceptions once two characters/the roleplay are established and flowing well, but in general, please don't. Just don't. It will completely turn me off writing with you. Fast. Talking first, at least, is important. Communication is everything.
Just show me respect and I will do you the same kindness, okay? If you need to drop the roleplay, please tell me. That way, I know and I can move on (or we can create something new together). If you’re going to be away -again- please tell me. Don’t be afraid to tell me if something isn’t working, either. Overall, I think communication is really the key thing here. I want us both to be comfortable with everything about the roleplay, and we shouldn’t roleplay at all if something doesn’t feel right. Other than that, just do your best to create/write a realistic and engaging character and we will be best friends - and being friends with the people you write with is generally the best.
Blood and Gore: None; realistic blood and gore is totally okay and a natural part of life Swearing: None; swearing is a valid and a much needed form of expression Smut: We fade to black unless I know you well. I will write it, but not until we are established as partners and friends. If we work and it's needed for the story, great.
*I live in the Eastern Standard time zone.
 *I’m finished school and I don’t work, so I have a lot of time on my hands, but I do spend a lot of time training for three different sports and LARP/tabletop has become a passion. I can still get pretty busy, trust me.
 *I will probably have time to post about once a week. However, as workload and other commitments change, it could be more often – or less often. I think the main issues now are energy levels and muse. I’m finding myself needing more roleplays than I had during school because I do have both more free time and more energy. I still get busy - I still have days where I can’t reply - but I would like to have more than one active, long-term roleplay at a time. Muse and energy levels be damned. 
*I will try my best to keep you updated on those changes. I expect you to try to do the same. 
Big edit May, 2022: While these feels still apply to longer roleplays because I'm a busy person, I will reply to more shorthand roleplays on and off every day. This is what I really want. The pandemic sucks. 
*I would love a reply once a week (more often is great, too!). However, I totally understand those when life eats you whole and you have to painstakingly de-zombie-fy yourself because there is/was just too much life going on at once for you to both handle and stay sane at the same time – never mind roleplaying! Just try to warn me?
Important Notes 
*This roleplay will be 21 (preferably 25) plus (I’m 32 now) and over email or Discord - Discord preferred by a lot.
 *Also! I primarily do queer roleplays. I haven’t found a standard mxf roleplay fun in years. However, the full gender spectrum is more than welcome. I guess you could get me to do mxf that way…lol!  
*I’m queer and NB myself. (I love they pronouns. <3)
On to the genres! 
*Sci-fi *Modern/futuristic fantasy
 *Gifted *Runaways 
*School (boarding school, arts school, high school, college)
 *Dystopian Society/Post-Apocalyptic Society 
*Anything with disabilities included in a positive way 
*Some modern, slice of life stuff, where we can make cute, fluffy awkwardness together; think close childhood friends that accidentally get separated by life and are reunited years later and all the feelings that could/would bring up, or a long time unspoken crush that is only brought to light when a mutual friend brings together an unlikely couple 
*Modern vampires, werewolves and mages
I like characters with depth. I want fluff, but I also love it when a character has a backstory chalked full of things that make them them, both good and bad. I love to see how they are feeling, what they are thinking and why. I want to see them change and grow as time goes on and they process the things that have happened to them in life. I would love a roleplay and characters that I can get invested in, one that will make me both laugh and cry. Basically, I want realistic characters that I can relate to. 
Odd Pairings Rich x Poor (street kid) Deaf x Hearing Gifted x Gifted (or non-gifted human; think X-Men style) Gay x Closeted (Childhood) Best friend x (Childhood) Best friend
I’m sure there are more I’m forgetting…but any of these can also be combined together for even more fun! I want to take the time to plot with you.
Note: I don’t really do fandoms, and I definitely don’t play with canon characters.
Random: The friendship between Matt and Foggy in Netflix Daredevil is really well done and adorable. Too bad I never play cannon characters. <3 That’s the kind of bonding and character development that I live for!
Also! Something based on Sense8 would be cool. What I’ve seen of it so far is awesome - though I’m not sure how a roleplay could be done or how it would go. Falling Skies is also cool, as are Firefly, Orphan Black, AFK and Guardians of the Galaxy. 
 Oh! A note about my writing style: I tend to like to paint pictures with my writing, especially when inspired. I write detailed, flowy and almost poetic posts a lot. Everything has to fit together. If you like that sort of thing and have a writing style close to that, we’ll be wonderful. That’s a bonus in my mind. 
Thanks for reading all this. I look forward to hearing from you!
Contact: [email protected] OR Phi#2381 on Discord.
0 notes
absjsjhsjsks you're not gonna believe this. i don't believe this. my life is a goddamn joke. so i wake up in the morning after sending you that last ask. and the first thing i see that morning is that the guy i told you about TEXTED ME. and we haven't talked in over 10 months so that's obviously weird. and, like any sane person's, my first thought is: you replied to my ask, he has a tumblr, he follows you, he read it, i have been exposed, he knows, i revealed too much, i'm fucked. so naturally, because i'm not gonna walk into a conversation like that without being sure what i'm dealing with, i go to your tumblr and see if you replied. you hadn't, so unless you're that guy in a trench coat, life just really likes playing jokes on me (the conversation by the way was so random, i have no idea why he texted me)
honestly though, if he had asked me out while standing in front of me and not through a text, my reaction would've been absolutely the same as yours. just a lot of staring and panicking. i definitely would not have come up with any lie, because even through text i kept taking about 5 minutes to reply to each thing he said (how I expected him to believe me i don't know). so that's definitely a valid reaction.
ok but can i just say that i love your lie about the boyfriend. my 15 year old self wishes she had that much imagination. and honestly aside from moving because the parents don't approve it's a pretty solid lie, i'd believe that. also i would just dig the star-crossed lovers thing so much that i'd be like, oh he moved to the other side of the world just because his parents didn't approve? seems like a typical doomed-from-the-start-love thing, i don't even CARE if it's not plausible
and thanks! it definitely took me a while to understand that i was ace and it wasn't just that everyone feels like that. realising i'm pan was definitely easier. and english does attract all of us queer people, doesn't it? i love that, it's very cool
oh no, that is the worst coincidence. I would be so sure I’d been found out in that situation. i am glad the conversation was just random! not tryna expose anyone on here except myself. life is playing with you HARD. but i can confirm i don’t own a trenchcoat, probably because i’m too short for any of them to fit me probably and give off the correct vibe and also i’m not shady enough. yet. i own a puffer jacket if that’s close enough. and a dressing gown. the fluffy dressing gown is actually probably the closest item of clothing i have.
ohhhhh through text is better. if it was through text i would’ve blocked them, dropped out of school, moved countries, changed my name and started a new life in a large city where no one knows me. a much better response tbh. luckily no one at school had my number and so that could never happen :). I think basically the ideal situation here is just no one ever likes me. that works out well.
sdjhfkshdfsdf i cannot believe any part of me thought that lie would work. i was just like how do i explain the american thing without saying we met on the internet. i know. we met in new zealand but he moved because ... [rolls dice] his parents didn’t approve. this is DEFINITELY a much better explanation for the long distance thing. i think i grew up a LOT slower than most of the people i knew so it was a lie that probably would’ve suited a younger audience better sdfkshdfk.
oh yeah dude. i’ve had friends willing to kind of explain sexual attraction to me and it...still does not seem believable. I still feel like I’m being tricked. this seems fake. you just...see people and...no that sounds fake. no way. that’s a bit extreme don’t you think. for me it wasn’t until i started to click with how others felt that I realised I didn’t personally get that and did my research. i didn’t think twice of it beforehand. being bi on the other hand, well, i knew since primary school that girls were significantly more attractive than boys,, didn’t know what about the concepts of being straight or gay or so on back then but i learned once i hit high school and i was like oh yeah. girls. let me find a label. well it was more like [several years long sexuality crisis] but y’know. regardless i still knew that. girls. 
can confirm english and writing studies attract queer people. possibly the arts more broadly but i can just confirm my little area. shoutout to the one writing lecturer who tried to draw a straight line on the board, failed, then muttered to herself, ‘that’s not very straight...but then neither am i.’ that’s legend behaviour right there.
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hepalien · 3 years
Ao3 Tips and Tricks
So I thought I would make a post about some cool stuff you can do with Ao3 and userscripts, and some tips I’ve learned from setting them up for myself! I promise it's not hard, though this is a lot of info. I'm happy to help if I can.
What You’ll Need:
First, you will need the Tampermonkey extension for your browser (depending on what browser you use, Greasemonkey is the equivalent). On Android, you can even run Chrome extensions on mobile with Kiwi Browser! It is easiest to configure the scripts on your desktop and then sync to mobile with Tampermonkey’s cloud sync feature or by exporting the configured scripts and importing in your mobile browser (I will explain how to do this later in the post). If you use any of the tweaks I outline below, be sure to backup your scripts in case your settings are lost.
Once you have Tampermonkey installed, you can get scripts from GreasyFork. The inimitable @flamebyrd also has some great scripts and bookmarklets and has been incredibly helpful while I figured all this out.
Find a script that looks interesting, click on it, and then click “install this script.” Pretty straightforward. Once you have it installed, you can go to Tampermonkey to configure it (only necessary for some scripts) by clicking on the Tampermonkey extension icon in your browser (under the three dot menu in Kiwi) and clicking “dashboard”, then clicking the edit icon next to the script you want to configure. When you’re done, click File->Save.
Scripts and instructions under the cut
Some of my favorites:
Flamebyrd’s Incomplete Works script - fades out WIPs on works listings, and displays the work stats (wordcount, chapters, etc) in red on single works to make it more obvious that they’re WIPs as you’re browsing:
Tumblr media
Flamebyrd’s Ao3 to Pinboard bookmarklet/script - if you click the bookmarklet while on a work’s page, it opens the Pinboard save screen and prefills the title, tags, description, word count, etc, and adds ?view_full_work=true&view_adult=true to the URL so Pinboard’s archiver will archive the complete work and not the adult content warning screen (note that Pinboard still cannot correctly archive works locked to Ao3 users, so you may want to download them as a backup. I’ve asked him about fixing that.), based on your selections when configuring the bookmarklet on the linked page. If you use the userscript, it adds a button to the works listings page so you don’t even have to open the work to save it:
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I tweaked this script so that it only grabs the first pairing tag, since I don’t typically care about secondary pairings and they were clogging up my Pinboard tags. It’s a simple fix (though I know nothing about coding so I had to do some googling and inspect-sourcing; kinda proud of myself tbh):
Just change this part of the script
if ( options.relationship_include ) {
- $(".relationships a.tag", $work).each(function () {
To this
if ( options.relationship_include ) {
- $(".relationships a.tag:first", $work).each(function () {
I also found this cool mobile-optimized Pinboard bookmarklet called Pincushion and combined it with Flamebyrd’s script. Everything works except the auto-tagging, but I’ve reached out on GitHub to see if he can help (according to Flamebyrd, there’s no tag field ID attribute to map to). However, this bookmarklet has tagging autocomplete features that make it easy to tag manually. For example, if you type “steve 21st” it will suggest “steverogersvsthe21stcentury” rather than having to type out “steverogersvs…” in order for it to autocomplete like it does on the regular Pinboard bookmarklet. I actually have two buttons set up (which you can see in the next screenshot) - Flamebyrd's to quickly grab the tags and close without me having to do anything, and then the Pincushion one to quickly edit the tags. If anyone's interested, I can explain how to do that.
To combine Pincushion with Flamebyrd’s script (so it works from the Ao3 works listings page as mentioned above), simply change this part of Flamebyrd’s script:
t = t.split(" ").join( options.space_replacement );
var pb_url = "https://pinboard.in/add?url=" + encodeURIComponent(q) + "&description=" + encodeURIComponent(d) + "&title=" + encodeURIComponent(p) + "&tags=" + encodeURIComponent(t);
void(open(pb_url, "Pinboard", "toolbar=no,width=700,height=350"));
To this
t = t.split(" ").join( options.space_replacement );
var pb_url = "https://rossshannon.github.io/pincushion/?user=YOURUSERNAME&token=YOURAPITOKEN&url=" + encodeURIComponent(q) + "&description=" + encodeURIComponent(d) + "&title=" + encodeURIComponent(p) + "&tags=" + encodeURIComponent(t);
void(open(pb_url, "Pinboard", "toolbar=yes,width=600,height=700,left=50,top=50"));
You’ll need to get your API Token from your Pinboard account and plug it in where it says YOURUSERNAME and YOURAPITOKEN (number part only) above.
FanFictionNavigator - mark fics as Like/Dislike/Mark/InLibrary, highlight with colors based on which option you select, hide/show based on category, like/dislike author and highlight with color. Only you will see how you've marked things.
You can tweak the colors for the highlighting by configuring the script (I find the default colors make the text hard to read because I use the Reversi skin on Ao3 for white-ish text on a gray background). I also changed it so that when I click “hide likes” it only hides liked fics and not liked authors (i.e. hides fics I’ve read, but not unread fics by authors I like), changed the color of the like/dislike/etc links to match the highlighting color and to show up better, and changed the way it highlights authors (I think the default is bold/strikethrough which doesn't really catch my eye. I changed it to highlight the author name in red/green):
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Here are my configured scripts if you’d like to use them instead of tweaking yourself (you need to install both):
FanFictionNavigator - Colors
Note: Your settings for this script will sync via Tampermonkey but not your data (i.e. fics you’ve liked/marked/etc). If you ever switch between browsers, you’ll need to go to your Ao3 Dashboard and click FFNOptions, export your data, then go through the same process to import it into the new browser.
AO3: Kudosed and seen history - highlight or hide works you kudosed/bookmarked/marked as seen. If you want to use this with FanFictionNavigator, you’ll need to turn off “highlight bookmarks” from the settings under the “Seen Works” dropdown that gets added to your Ao3 navbar or FFN’s colors won’t show. Again, data doesn’t sync between browsers but you can copy it from the dropdown settings. However, it pulls your kudosed and bookmarked fics from Ao3 itself, so that will always show. It's just seen/skipped that doesn't sync:
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Ao3 download buttons - adds a download button to the works listings page so you don’t have to open the fic to download it. However, it also doesn’t play nicely with FFN’s colors, so I’m using AO3 Review + Last Chapter Shortcut + Kudos-sortable Bookmarks script which also has a download button that works with FFN (a small down arrow next to the author name). The download button doesn’t work as-is from that link, so here’s my tweaked version based off of this comment. You can configure what format you want it to download by default in the script. There’s also a tweak in the comments to fix kudos-sorting, but it overloads Ao3 and you get a “retry later” error for a few minutes when you try to open Ao3, so I don’t recommend it. I don’t know if any of the other functionalities of the script work because I don’t use them, but it looks like there are tweak suggestions in other comments you can try:
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I was using Ao3 Replace Words to replace words in fics that bug me but I realized it wasn’t working on mobile, so I’m using zensurf instead which is not Ao3-specific but works basically the same way. If you want to limit it to just Ao3 (so it doesn’t change words on non-fic sites), just add this
// @include http://archiveofourown.org/*
// @include https://archiveofourown.org/*
Above this line
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
You can // @include other fic sites like ffnet that way too.
AO3: Links to Last Chapter and Entire Works does what it says on the tin, but the creator was kind enough to give me a code snippet to add that makes the “E” (for Entire Work) appear next to all works and add ?view_full_work=true&view_adult=true to the work URL so that I can easily right-click and share to Instapaper and have it be saved correctly (not just the first chapter but the whole work + not the content warning screen for NR/M/E works). Here is the script with this tweak applied:
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I think those are the only ones that I’ve done special tweaks for. Here are some others that I find useful that either don’t require any configuration, or should be pretty straightforward to configure and are explained on the script page.
AO3 author+tags quick-search - doesn’t require configuration
Generates quick links from AO3 fics to more by the same author in the same fandom (or character/pairing/any other tag):
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Remove leading spaces in AO3 - doesn’t require config
Removes the leading indents for paragraphs in AO3 works.
Ao3 Only Show Primary Pairing - you have to enter the pairings you want in the script, and you can change how early in the sequence they must appear before the work is hidden. Also works with character tags.
Hides works where specified pairing isn't the first listed. Hidden works show a placeholder that you can click to unhide:
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AO3: highlight tags - have to enter the tags you want highlighted, as well as the color you want. It matches case so you may have to enter both “Dog” and “dog”, for example.
Configure tags to be highlighted with different colors. This makes a tag more obvious to your eye when browsing. I use it to highlight things I’m wary of in red so I don’t miss them and start reading a fic I might not want.
AO3: Tag Hider - configure how many tags you want to see before it hides them
Hide tags automatically when there are too many tags. Add hide/show tags button to browsing page and reading page.
AO3 Remove Double-Spacing - no config
Removes awkward double spaces between paragraphs on AO3. Doesn’t smush together paragraphs that have a single line break - it leaves those alone.
ao3 series collapser - no config
Collapse works that are later than part 1 of a series. Leaves a placeholder so you can uncollapse if you want to see it.
AO3 Blocker - no config, but you enter what you want to block from the added navbar dropdown in Ao3
Fork of ao3 savior; blocks works based on certain conditions. I find this simpler to use than Ao3 savior.
FYI there are also style scripts for Pinboard on greasyfork and userstyles.org (this site is slow af for some reason, so be patient while it loads). I use show unread bookmarks more clearly and Modern Pinboard Style (basically a dark mode). Neither require config unless you just want to tweak the settings to your liking. To install to Tampermonkey from userstyles, scroll down to “Install style as userscript”.
I also use these extensions in Kiwi:
Ao3rdr - Adds a star rating system (pictured in some of the screenshots above) to Ao3 works that only you can see. This one will sync your data between devices if you use the cloud sync option, which I recommend so you don’t lose your data if something happens to your device or browser.
Dark Reader - not really necessary for Ao3 if you use Reversi skin, but does make all browser pages dark mode if you want it on sites other than Ao3.
Speaking of Ao3 skins, I have another one set up in conjunction with Reversi that shows all the fandoms on a user’s profile, rather than having to click “expand”:
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Unfortunately, I can’t remember where I found this. To set it up yourself, go to your Ao3 -> Dashboard -> Skins -> Create Site Skin, fill in the Title (has to be unique), and paste the code below in the CSS box:
#user-fandoms ol.index {
padding-bottom: 0;
text-align: center;
#user-fandoms ol.index li {
display: inline;
margin-right: .5em;
line-height: 2.15em;
#user-fandoms ol#fandom_full_list {
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 1.5em;
display: block !important;
#user-fandoms p.actions {
display: none;
Then hit Submit -> Use. There are ways to hide or highlight various elements (ships, characters, blurbs, work stats, etc) on a works listing page using skins on Ao3. This is getting long so I’m not going to go into that, but I’m happy to help if you want to try it. It’s very easy.
Once you have everything configured on Tampermonkey on your desktop, you can migrate it to your mobile device in one of two ways:
Option 1: Go to Tampermonkey settings and change Config Mode to Advanced
Go down to Script Sync and select your preferred cloud service and save
It will ask you to log in to said cloud service
Install Tampermonkey in Kiwi and do the same thing
Wait for it to sync (this can be slow)
It should sync any changes you make moving forward, but again, it’s slow
Option 2: go to Utilities and check all 3 checkboxes under general (include script storage, include Tampermonkey settings, include external script resources)
Either export to your preferred cloud service or
Export as a zip file, move it to your mobile device, go to this same screen and import
I would recommend exporting as a zip for a backup even if you don’t use it to migrate your scripts
You can unzip and upload individual script files (.js) on this page if you ever need to reinstall a single script with your settings instead of all of them
Let me know if you run into any issues and I can try to help! The script writers are also super nice and helpful if you reach out to them. Yay fandom!
443 notes · View notes
also in leu of pirate couple!Gingerbin, here is the renaissance/medieval ideas we brainstormed while sharing a turkey leg
1)wolf king! Chan and forest ranger! Pretty. And like feral wolf king. OG Wolfgang performance vibes for his human form. Or bar wench/mercenary, she is THE town beauty but impossible to win over according to the other villagers
2)princess/bodyguard mitten. Or princess/chef mitten. she is princess vibes. Or flip it. We liked there being a “power” dynamic that also leads to pseudo forbidden love. Still the storyline that they have known each other for years. It’s pivotal mitten.
3) baker! Felix/ royal artist!hyunjin/ trapper! Moss. But also moss as a forest witch known for meadow “parties” that rebel the strict rules of the town. Basically just debauchery, pleasure, and lust.
i'm OBSESSED with all these, kiwi plssss 😩😩😩😩😩😩
thinking about that feral wolf king............. is doing things to me.
i have an idea written down in my spreadsheet for a prince!minho x knight!reader........ not sure if it'll ever become anything, but i felt like pointing it out after you sent this 👀
also our favourite trio.....
i'm going crazy over these AUs you guys came up with. 10000/10. would write something for them if i had the time and energy.... for now, hope you don't mind me adding them to the list 👀 because, who knows... maybe one day.....
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Now that the new headliner is announced, how are you feeling about H headlining Coachella? Any thoughts on how they will be creating a setlist that works for the size and variety of an audience for that spot on the lineup? Or maybe the approach they will take to the possibly iconic fashion opportunity?
Hi dear,
I'm super happy for him, just like I was when it was originally announced. It's an incredible opportunity and a great way to promo his new album too.
I'm pretty sure for the setlist he's going to do his biggest songs, more upbeat vibe, and then also of course debut As It Was live. I've also been suspecting that he may debut or surprise drop his second single. If not during Coachella, sometime after and before the album.
In terms of specific songs, I'm thinking Adore You, Medicine, Golden, Watermelon Sugar, As It Was, Kiwi, Only Angel, Canyon Moon, Sunflower vol 6, Lights Up, She, TPWK, Carolina, What Makes You Beautiful (?). Basically his Love on Tour set, with As It Was added in. Maybe a new song too? A new cover perhaps.
I'm also thinking they'll do a new arrangement for the songs, so things are a bit more upbeat, poppy and rocky.
Since Coachella is not his regular fan audience, it's mostly gp, it's an opportunity to showcase his sound for this new audience.
For fashion, I think he'll do something glittery and cute. His classic stage boots. Maybe he'll wear the outfit from As It Was so people make the connection to the video. Then another similar outfit but in a new colorway. Maybe the outfit he's wearing in the pic where he's sitting on his giant egg.
It'll be fun. I think that's what they're aiming for. And you know H is the best on stage, he can entertain any sort of crowd. He truly shines on stage, so I think he'll win a lot of new fans from this, bc he really really shines on stage.
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mandoalorian · 3 years
I'll See You Again, I Promise [Din Djarin x Reader]
Author's note: Spoilers for the Season 2 finale of the Mandalorian. Just like last time, I wrote this in three hours. The episode literally came out three hours ago. I'm so thankful for how many people liked my one shot based around last week's episode— and as promised, this is a continuation of this week's episode (the season finale). You don't have to read the previous part in order to understand this, but if you wish to read it you can find it here.
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 2k
Permanent taglist - let me know if you want to be added: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth
Taglist for this part: @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @dantakuart @yikesdameron @artsyzartsi @karnita-mexicana @multifandomfollower @saavikchekov @what-is-life-in-general @karnita-mexicana @pcrushinnerd @tillytheslytherin @jedinerd27 @queenofspades20
Din Djarin taglist: @alecdamndario0
gif by @cavill-henry
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When you saw Din return, holding the child in one hand, and the ancient Mandalorian weapon in the other hand, relief washed over you. Your whole body deflated and you let out a sigh you didn't even know you were holding in.
"Where are the others?" Din asked, his voice gruff as he pushed a binded Moff Gideon to the ground. You gasped when your eyes met with the ex-ISB officer who you knew had given Din so much trauma and hurt. There was a dark and menacing glint in his eyes that you could see right through.
"With Boba on the ship. They didn't think you'd come back," you admitted sheepishly, biting your lip as you cautiously looked back up at Din. "But I believed in you." You desperately tried to search through his visor and locate his brown eyes.
You wanted to cry; your little family had been restored. Grogu had been rescued. You were once more a clan of three. And now, things could be different. You had seen the beauty that was hidden beneath the beskar. You had seen Din for who he really was. You imagined starting a new life with him and the Child, far far away and out of any danger. You could be happy. Of course, you had to deal with Moff Gideon first.
You took a step closer to Din, breaking any remaining distance and placing a hand on his chest. "I'm so glad you're safe." Din revealed with a shaky exhale as you caressed the child. You wanted nothing more than to curl up into his arms and tell him how much you loved him, how proud you were. Grogu was so lucky to have a father as loving as Din.
"We can leave now," you smiled weakly. "We can be free. Go to the lake county on Naboo and start a new life. Live in peace." You had half forgotten Moff Gideon was even there. You just wanted to live in the moment with Din. All you could see was the love of your life holding his child. Everything else in your peripheral vision was a blur. It didn't matter.
"How cute," Moff Gideon's lips curled into a snarl. "The Mandalorian has a lover? What an unexpected twist of events." Din knocked Gideon to the ground the second those malicious words left his mouth, leaving him doubled over and grumbling in pain.
"We don't have time to stick around, we have to go." Din told you, grabbing your hand and interlocking his gloved fingers with yours. You were ready. You were so ready to leave this life behind and be with Din and Grogu forever. It was the happily ever after you knew Din deserved more than anyone else in the galaxy. Before the blast doors could open, the nav system began to beep hysterically, illustrating that a single light Starfighter was boarding the same Imperial cruiser you and your little family were on.
"It's an X-Wing…" you were rendered speechless. Din considered who it might have been. Had Cara comm’d the New Republic from the ship? If so, why was it only just one fighter? Could it have been the likes of Trapper Wolf who had granted Din a favour back when he encountered trouble on the ice planet of Maldo Kreis? Din was truly clueless.
Grogu began to coo and shuffle around, prompting Din to carefully place his son on the floor. Grogu waddled over to you by the terminal, gargling and pointing his finger up at one of the screens. "What is it buddy?" you asked, leaning down and picking up Grogu. Grogu guided you to the CCTV where you saw a cloaked figure emerge from the X-Wing and ignite a lightsaber. Your heart stopped. "Din…" you said nervously, your grip tightening around Grogu defensively. "You might want to see this."
Din approached the small screen and looked closely. "A Jedi?" he asked, although it almost sounded rhetorical. He looked back at Grogu who was already staring up at him. "Did you… did you bring him here?" Din asked the child, his voice breaking slightly. Grogu made a small and indistinguishable noise in response.
"No," you placed a hand on Din's shoulder with comfort. "No, Grogu wouldn't…" you reassured him.
"The seeing stone," Din deadpanned, his gaze not tearing from his son once. He remembered Ahsoka Tano's words. "Grogu reached out with the force and if a Jedi felt his presence, they'd come looking for him," Din turned to you, his body stiff and his voice shallow. "And they've come."
Your lips parted slightly as you turned back to the screen, watching as the mysterious figure roamed through the halls of the Imperial cruiser. Part of you deep down knew that Din was right. It was the only plausable explanation, but that didn't mean you wanted it to happen. You knew it wouldn't be long until you were found.
"Din, let's go," you said with teary eyes, feeling your anxiety bubble up in your stomach. "Please Din? Can we just go."
Din clenched his fingers into a fist. "No." he said sternly, his voice returning back to being gruff and modulated. He was doing what he always did when fear consumed him. He'd shut himself out and go into hunter/protector mode. He'd become the fighter he was trained to be since he was just a young boy.
"Din." you hated the way his name fell from your tongue, sounding needy and desperate, but you were just as afraid. You didn't want to stay any longer. You had what you needed; Din and the child. You didn't need anything else. You could go now.
Din picked up Grogu and nursed him in his arms, holding him close to his chest. Just like always, Grogu curled up into his father, taking comfort in feeling his beating heart, learning the true feeling of unconditional familial love.
The blast doors shot open and the cloaked figure entered the room. Your fingers dropped to the blaster in your holster as he approached you both. The man put his lightsaber away, signifying surrender, and pulled down his hood, revealing himself. He looked slightly older than you, with pale skin with mousy brown hair. He looked like he had seen a lot in his lifetime.
"Are you a Jedi?" Din asked eventually, breaking the silence through the need of confirmation.
"Yes, my name is Luke Skywalker," he introduced with a small nod. You recognised that name… Skywalker, perhaps from old tales, the likes of myths and folk stories. You didn't spend long contemplating the mystery man's identity. There were more pressing matters at hand and so you opted to brush it off completely. "I have come for the child," Luke announced and Grogu turned from Din, his ears cocking at the mention of him and looked at the man with curiosity. "Hello little one." Luke smiled.
Grogu cooed in response before turning back to his father with big pleading eyes. "He doesn't want to go with you." Din gulped, his heart aching. There was no way to be sure, Din could never know exactly what Grogu wanted. But he was aware of the bond he had with his son, now more than ever he was aware. He knew that there was no way his son would want to leave him. Din loved Grogu. Din loved Grogu with every inch of his being.
"He wants your permission." Luke explained, and Din turned back to look at the little green bean in his arms. His… permission? "He is incredibly strong with the force and without learning how to utiIize his powers he can become a danger to those around him… and a danger to himself. It's important that he understands the nature of the power he possesses."
Luke's words became a blundered fuzz in the back of your mind. This was Grogu— this was Din's little boy. When Din looked into Grogu's eyes, he saw nothing but memories. From the pair of them sipping spotchka, to chasing frogs and playing in the hull of the Razor Crest, everything just felt so distant. Din took a deep breath, his finger softly brushing against Grogu's cheek.
"Hey go on… he's one of your kind," Din winced at his own words. One of your kind— something the Armourer had implanted in Din's head all those months ago. "I'll see you again. I promise."
You felt your heart shatter in your chest. This… wasn't meant to happen. It wasn't meant to end up like this. You wanted to speak, you wanted to say something and put a stop to this absurdity. You knew better than anyone that Din needed Grogu and Grogu needed Din. It felt like your throat had closed up, like you could hardly breathe. All you could do was stand there and watch it play out.
Grogu reached up with a small wail, his green claw tracing the curves and ridges of Din's beskar helmet.
Din knew exactly what his son wanted, and right now, Din was certain he wanted it too. Just for once, he wanted to look at his son with his own eyes. Not the eyes blinded by his visor blade, Din wanted the child to know his face. Recognise him. With a hiss and a click, Din removed his helmet. You swore your heart stopped upon seeing him again. Brown eyes, but this time they were glazed with tears and there was nothing you could do about it.
Grogu reached back up and rested his claw over Din's jaw. Subconsciously, Din leaned his cheek into Grogu's hand, never wanting to pull away from his touch. His heart was broken beyond repair.
"All right pal," Din rasped. "It's time to go." He didn't want this. He couldn't do this. But he had to. He had to be strong for his son. He had to be a good father. "Don't be afraid." Was Din's final words to his son.
He placed Grogu down carefully and nodded towards Luke, accepting his fate. Grogu clutched onto Din's leg, not wanting to let go. His little mind was racing with wonder— why can't his daddy come with him? Why must he go alone? The erratic beeps of a white and blue astromech droid were what eventually tore the curious child from his father. Grogu waddled towards the droid and Luke picked him up.
No matter how hard he tried, Din couldn't seem to swallow the lump in his throat. Everything Din had done so far had led up to the moment, and he wanted to curse himself for letting it affect him this much. He should've been prepared. It's just, he really didn't think this would happen. He really didn't think Grogu would want to leave.
He didn't blame the child of course. He could never blame the child. He just wished he understood. Just before the doors to the elevator closed, Luke spoke up. Unfazed, unbroken. "May the force be with you." he wished. Din ignored the comment. It meant nothing to him. Nothing meant anything anymore. No meaning, no purpose. Luke tapped the key that would shut the doors and Din offered his son once last nod, trying his hardest to break out an impossible smile. When the doors finally closed, Din let out a choked sob and fell to his knees.
You sprinted over to Din, kneeling down and pulling him into you. He cried, hot salty tears falling from his brown eyes and dripping down his face. You pulled his head into your lap and smoothed out his hair trying your hardest to lull him. But you couldn't. You couldn't even bring yourself to comfort him. Your shoulders curled in and you fell limp, whimpering into his hair. You felt completely broken. Grogu was like a son to you, and you cherished him so very much. You couldn't even imagine how Din was feeling.
His little family was no more but he knew that Grogu was going to go on to do bigger and better things. No matter what, Grogu was going to make Din proud.
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radiant-reid · 2 years
Have your ears been blessed with Harry’s House yet? If so what’s your favorite?!
I have !!
it was a bit more techno (is that the right word) than i was expecting, but there were a few that i loved. As It Was, Matilda, Satellite, and Keep Driving were probably my favorites
below the cut is a little more critical..... it's controversial, but free speech and all that. probably don't read if you can't handle people having different opinions to you
to preface this all, i've been listening to his music since 2011, right from One Direction to now and I think Harry is an incredibly talented artist. His stage presence is also commendable and I've always been a very big fan.
but this album, i'm not sure if it was fair, but I expected something more ? to me most of the tracks just sound like background music that don't have their own personality and it really surprised me because I've always found his music (ranging from Lights Up to Falling to She to Kiwi to Sign of the Times) to have tons of character. None of the songs sounded different from each other in a way FTDTvsKiwi and TPWKvsShe way
Pre-Album, I expected more after Fine Line. The posters, the music video easter eggs, and the whole Eroda thing added so much excitement to the album which Harry's House just didn't have... maybe it soured me before actually listening to the music, but there was definitely more room for a better buildup.
The lyrics... *sighs* the lyrics. I guess I was expecting more cleverly thought-out metaphors and references, but it all felt slap-dash. There were a few, don't get me wrong I thought Sattelite, Matilda, and As It Was had more good lyrics than bad.
However, the whole album did feel like a lyrics vs tune debate where most of the tracks had neither, a few had one, and a couple had both.
HS1 and Fine Line undoubtedly had better bridges with much more buildup. Keep Driving was okay, but again the lyrics of the bridge weren't my favorite so As It Was might be my #1 pick. Still, nothing rivals Kiwi, FTDT, and Canyon Moon.
The sad songs were good, no complaints there. Matilda, I thought paralleled Cherry, Fine Line, and Two Ghosts with the slow, sad song vibe that I love and think Harry does really well. I thought it was one of the best and it's a very relatable message for a lot of people.
It's also all quite mumbly which I know some people are into, but i prefer lyrics that i can sing. it's not an indie vs pop debate either, because i listen to a lot of music in both genres.
Following that point, there are no tracks that I really want to scream my lung out to in my car (maybe As It Was) but there isn't anything comparable to Canyon Moon, TBSL, Sunflower, Vol. 6, Kiwi, Carolina, Only Angel or even Adore You. I really would have liked to see something of that variety
To my knowledge, the idea for the album wasn't something pop-y, which i think is a completely fair direction for an artist to go in. Taylor Swift did it after Lover with Folklore which is why I understand the songs just aren't for me, they're not meant to be for everyone and i don't see any problem at all with that. I think it's applaudable to go outside the traditional box and I respect Harry for doing Harry. I'll hang with Fine Line and HS1 until the next album comes out
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