#kira x lydia x malia
moths-in-hats · 1 year
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moodboard: kira x lydia x malia
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Ship post made from friends picks. If y’all have other ships you wanna see please lemme know, I need more ideas 🙏🏼
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ryoto-kuki · 2 months
Stiles (angrily reorganising the cabinets in the kitchen) :
Derek (being grumpy Derek on the couch) :
Scott : What's wrong with Stiles? Why is he so angry?
Erica : Derek and him had a fight...
Scott (extremely confused) : But Derek is acting normally???
wrote this cause im extremely pissed off rn.
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flower-slut004 · 9 months
Hey guys this is something I have been working on but I'm not sure in what direction I want to take it in so I'll let you decide :) Tell me what you think.
"Stiles I am not going to help you cheat in Spanish..."
"What! I would never ask you to help me cheat, I am simply just asking my best friend in the entire world to sit next to me during the test..."
Scott frowns and punches Stiles lightly "Hey! What am I? Chopped liver? I speak spanish too!"
"Ok so tell me the ABCs in Spanish then" Stiles rubs the spot where Scott punched.
Scott glares at Stiles and Yn shakes her head "Just because Scott doesn't know Spanish doesn't make him any less Latino Stiles. Don't be an ass."
"Primo, Tu entiendes español, si o no?" (Cousin, you understand Spanish right?)
Scott shakes his head yes. Yn nods and looks over at Stiles "Don't be an ass to my cousin and don't cheat off my test" she sighs as she gets up from the table.
"Let me cheat and I'll...uhhh I won't tell Isaac you like him!" Stiles smirks smugly.
"Stiles, she's gay..."
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gremlinbabe · 10 months
Teen wolf headcanons: number????
-Stiles and Erica always have the best snacks Because they’re both insatiable bottomless pits for food.
-Lydia has a secret knife collection and the first one was given to her by Allison’s father before she was even in the pack
-Boyd Is a bachata king (he’s been in classes since junior high) 
-Erica is Peruvian, Portuguese, and Dutch.
- Scott took up boxing classes sometime after his dad left because he wanted to be more macho but quit after somebody clocked him in the jaw and it left his jaw crooked
-Allison is a horse girl.
-Isaac likes going to cat cafes and is regularly given cat ears by other patrons who think he works there
-Cora has participated in underground MMA fights to bring in some extra cash but was actually so good that she ended up with a decent Fanbase
- Peter is a ranch retreat owner and doesn’t tell the pack because he feels like they would crash every weekend just to be petty for all the bullshit he’s done to them
- Jackson’s adoptive parents have been treating him to mani and petti’s ever since he came out to show they’re supportive
- Derek started working part time as a mechanic because of a recommendation from his therapist
-Kira is the fastest in the pack even tho she’s clumsy. Short distance she can even out run the born wolves
-Derek and Mason have weekly Uno matches that last for hours that the entire pack likes to bet on
-Liam plays Pokémon go and is well known for being found in weird places just to catch Pokémon
-Mason is an art student & is extremely good at police sketches and that’s how he got recruited
-Jordan can turn any pool into a hot tub if he tries hard enough
-Derek asked stiles to start taking self-defense classes after Girard
-Kira convinced Malia to crochet every time something upsets her and now the whole pack Owns sweaters, blankets, scarves, and socks. Malia is currently working on hats
-Lydia and Peter regularly gamble and place bets on who will do the most stupid thing in the pack today but neither are allowed to place bets on stiles or Derek
-Stiles purposely learns wind magic just to do aang marble trick from avatar the last Airbender
-Boyd and Isaac have a secret tick-tock account where they regularly post to pack
-The entire pack knows in theory that Peter fucks because there was no other way for Malia to come into existence but still wholeheartedly believe that he got no bitches or swag (except Scott and Allison because peters flirted with both their parents and They don’t want him to actively seduce their parents out of spite so they leave him be)
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ramen-flavored · 2 years
How are you gonna bring back the Nogitsune without Stiles or Kira?
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azraphels · 7 days
Inspired by an episode of "The Big Bang Theory" and staying with the theme of my new Thiam-Sterek Fanfic "Fall In Love With A Kiss" coming soon to Ao3
(In my new Thiam there will be no existential, suffering drama of Theo alone where everyone hates him!)
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Lydia has been Theo's best friend since they were seven years old! Ah their discussions about how stupid Stiles was filled their days, along with movie nights (horror movies of course!) and secrets!
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Theo met Allison in high school because she started dating Scott. It was really a troubled affair between Scott and Allison, they were on and off for quite some time and Theo didn't know who to listen to! Scott was stupid and just screwed up, and Theo felt sorry for Allison!
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Malia met her in junior year when she moved out and started dating Stiles (definitely bad breakup apparently!) but still they hated each other especially because Theo always stays at her house! (Peter's fault of course!)
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For Theo, Kira is so innocent that she doesn't know why she is his friend! She was an ex of Scott's but their affair had lasted only a year and then Kira got a crush on Malia but she was still dating Stiles... Luckily, Theo's policy was "Never have romantic relationships with your friends, you always get in trouble!"!!'
Theo has endured too many conversations about his friends' sizes and how they have sex to say with certainty that this rule has actually saved him a lot of trouble! (Theo would never admit it, but he has been head over heels in love with the same person for two years, without having had any other romantic relationships)
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"Theo Raeken's ✨Council Of Ladies✨" meets every Thursday night!
A cup of tea, a fancy dress, lots of pastries and a big white cloth and a projector!
Bridgerton awaits them!
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daintylovers · 8 days
having sleepovers with allison! smoking weed with malia! gossiping with lydia! cuddling with malia! baking with kira! having your first kiss with allison! swimming in lakes with malia! having a picnic with kira! crying on lydias shoulder! having allison teach you how to shoot an arrow! holding hands with lydia! falling asleep on malias shoulder during a road trip! catching allison staring at you! watching lydia put on her makeup! going with cora to get her nipples pierced! encouraging allison to get her hair cut! cleaning up malia after a fight! playing with lydias hair! running around in a field with malia! sharing perfume with lydia! taking tons of pictures with kira! helping lydia pick out an outfit for a date! going for a sweetreat with erica! smoking cigarettes with cora! kissing malia to test it out! going to the library with lydia! getting into a fight to protect cora! laughing at Instagram reels with malia! dancing with allison!
i just want to have homoerotic friendships with all the teen wolf girls! i think it would heal me fundamentally!
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multifandom-imgns · 11 months
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winnie-the-monster · 2 months
“I wouldn’t leave without you. I would never leave without you. Them I would leave.”
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sunnyie-eve · 2 months
23 | Useless
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: None
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"Go back to school." Derek says as Boyd. Isaac and Julia show up at his place.
"Well actually we can't. Boyd, Julia , and I are incredibly and unbelievably sick." Isaac tells him as Derek then says with brain damage.
"Well, I have a migraine, Julia is throwing up, and Boyd here has explosive diarrhea." Isaac points at them so Boyd explain his plan to Derek.
"So why is Julia here if this plan can kill her if something goes wrong?" Derek asks as Boyd lets the water run.
"We did think that." Boyd says looking over at her sitting on the table looking at what Stiles texted her about Deaton.
"I'll be fine if I stay out of the water. And the third person taken was Deaton so Scott and Stiles are trying to find him before it's too late." She lets them know.
"You should go help them." Derek tells her.
"How am I supposed to help? I just predict and know when death happens." She tells him as Stiles texts Julia saying they needed her help finding Deaton since she can seek out supernatural things.
Julia: Just get Lydia to try to do it. It will give her some practice into what we are. I'm busy helping the others.
Stiles: Fine, you're such a pain!
Once the room had enough water Boyd threw the line into it, "Is this gonna kill them?" Isaac asks looking at the water.
"I hope so."
"You feel anything?" Derek looks over at Julia.
"You mean death wise?" She asks him, "Not so sure yet." She closes her eyes to pass the time. "Hey, isn't the light on that supposed to be on?" Julia point out after some time.
"Yeah." Derek says not happy.
"What does it mean if it's not." Isaac asks him. "Derek, what do we do now?" Isaac takes Julia's hand into his.
"We fight." He makes his eyes red and the boys get behind him while Julia stays off to the side as the alphas show up.
She wondered what she would have to do to get him alone so Aiden and Ethan enter holding Jennifer. Kali says that the fight will be between her and Derek with no interference or the twins will tear Jennifer apart. Derek sends Isaac and Boyd away.
"I'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth." Derek says leaping at her.
Julia texts Cora letting her know the plan didn't work since they cut the power and now Derek was fighting Kali alone.
"Now." Isaac picks Julia up running through the water before the electricity came back on.
Once they get to Ms. Blake he goes to protect her while Julia watches as Boyd is thrown into the fray by the surging current. Kali and Derek both go down from the shock.
"BOYD!" Julia screams his name getting the bad feeling as Kali is the first to recover and orders the twins to grab Derek and hold him with his hands cupped while Kali lifts Boyd up and drops him onto Derek's claws.
Since Julia screamed his name so loudly, Stiles and the others could hear her from where they were, "That means only one thing." He sighs as Cora and him take off running so Lydia follows.
Cora runs past Julia, who was just standing there because she knew she couldn't do anything and wish she felt it earlier. Stiles rubs her back before going over to Derek. When Lydia gets to the doorway she looks at her sister just standing there before turning to leave.
It's been a few days since Boyd was killed and Derek went MIA and Julia and Stiles learned more about Derek's past from Peter when they were younger. Julia still felt that she could have stopped Body from dying so she's been awful quite around most people.
At the moment she was at school alone at night because she had a the instinct that she was finally used to. There she found Tara lying on top of the school name.
Not much longer the other four show up because Lydia called them saying she's experiencing the same thing as the pool. None of them saw Julia or the dead body until Scott walks a few feet away from the group, "Guys, Julia found the dead body."
"What?" Stiles rushes over to see her standing there just looking at Tara. "Julia!" He calls out for her so she turns to face them.
"It's Tara, Stiles." She walks over to join them.
"What?" He looks behind her.
"I just called it in so your dad will be here soon with the others."
Later in the day at school during class, Julia didn't pay attention since she was drawing in her notebook. She was so zoned into what she was doing she didn't pay attention to Stiles and Scott talking.
After class the three of them go look for Ethan while Lydia distracts Aidan. "Why are you even talking to me? I helped kill one of your friends. How do you know I won't kill anyone." Ethan says looking at Stiles.
"Is he looking at me? Are you threatening me? You know what I'm going to do. I'm gonna break off an extra-large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane and roll it in mistletoe and shove it up your freaking-," Julia stops Stiles from going on.
"We get it." She pats his chest.
Ethan tells them the story him and Aidan. That they had been Omegas within a pack. They were badly abused by their Alpha and their pack mates who Ethan claims were all brutal killers. Stiles wanted to know why the twins didn't just become Voltron Wolf and fight back, but Ethan explains that they didn't know how to do that back then. He explains that they owe fealty to Deucalion because he helped them develop their innate ability to merge their forms. That they were then able to kill their oppressors one by one, saving their Alpha for last. Ethan explains to Scott that all of the Alpha Pack's original emissaries, with the exception of Deucalion's, are dead.
Ethan suddenly seized by a sharp pain in his chest saying he is feeling the damage that Aiden is having. They all run to the locker room and Scott and Ethan stop Aiden from killing Cora.
Cora tells them she had to do something since they weren't expect finding the bodies before leaving. Stiles and Julia look at each other before following Cora to make sure she gets home okay. On the way taking Cora home, Allison calls Stiles saying he had to tell his dad literally everything.
At Stiles' house he paces his room back and forth with his dad in the room with him, Cora, and Julia trying to figure out how to explain everything to him. He comes up with using the chess board to show how he's never seen the whole board before.
"Scott and Derek are werewolves? And Kate argent was a werewolf?" Noah asks.
"Hunter." Julia corrects him.
"That's- Purple's Hunter." Stiles adds.
"Along with Allison and her father." Cora adds.
"Yeah, and-and my father Deaton. The veterinarian is a Kanima?" Noah says so Stiles is explains what Deaton is.
"So who's the Kanima?" Noah asks confused.
"No, Jackson's a werewolf." Noah points out.
"Jackson was the Kanima first and then Peter and Derek killed him and he came back to life as a werewolf. Now, he's in London." Julia explains to him.
"Who's the Da-rack?"
"It's Da-rock." Stiles corrects him.
"We do t know yet." Cora tells Noah.
"We don't know yet." Stiles and Julia say pointing at Cora at the same time.
"Bug he was killed by werewolves?"
"Slashed up and left for dead." Stiles answers.
"We think." Julia adds causing Noah to sigh.
"Why was Jackson the Kanima?"
"Cause sometimes the shape that you take reflects the person that you are." Stiles explains.
"And what shape would an increasingly confused and angrier-by-the-second father take?" Noah looks at his son.
"That would be more of the expression on your face right now." Julia points knowingly this wasn't working.
"Yeah." Noah gets up.
"Dad-dad, would you- I can prove it, okay? Look, she's one of them. A werewolf." Stiles tries to get his dad to listen to him but it doesn't work since Cora passes out.
"Call an ambulance." Noah tells Stiles so he does so while Julia stays with Noah and Cora.
Cora ends up getting a hospital room while Stiles and Julia wait and get a call from Scott saying that these sacrifices are teachers. Even still at the hospital Stiles tries to get his dad to listen to him but Noah still doesn't believe it. Stiles and Julia leave the hospital to get to the school to try to stop the third teacher from getting killed.
"Hey, where is my sister?" Julia notices as soon as they get to Scott.
"What?" Scott looks around.
"Where did she go?" Julia panics rushing outside yelling for Lydia, "Scott can you sense her?" Julia looks around.
"She's not answering her texts." Stiles looks at his phone.
Julia panics looking around before letting out a shriek causing Scott to cover his ears and Stiles. "Julia..." Stiles looks at her as she starts to rush off so he follows her then Scott does the same knowing where she was going.
Scott has of course runs past her and as she and Stiles gets to the door Jennifer blocks the door so they can't get in. And by the time they do Jennifer disappeared with Noah.
"Lydia!" Julia rushes over to help her get free.
"So we really are Banshee..." Lydia just stares at her.
"Yes, we are."
Julia takes Lydia to Allison so she can go help the guys tell Derek about Jennifer. When she gets there she plays dumb but Scott uses mistletoe to prove it. Jennifer tells Derek she was the only person who could save Cora.
They all head to the hospital but Stiles and Julia still had a bad feeling about things going on because of how Jennifer had a look in her eyes.
"What's that?" Scott sees Stiles with a bat.
"Well, you got claws. I got a bat."
"What about me?" Julia asks.
"Just stay behind us." Stiles tells her.
As they all get out of the elevator Peter is thrown through doors saying they had a big problem and it was the twins. Both werewolves go at Ethan and Aidan and Julia spots Cora on the ground, "She's our job." She rushes over to Stiles gets Peter to help them.
"Stiles! What are you doing?" Julia sees him to go stand by the door. He uses the bat on the twins but it breaks, "Now get your ass over here." She tells him as they run off.
They all hold up in a room and the guys talk to Ms. Blake as she shows up. As they talk, Scott moms comes through the sound system saying Deucalion wanted Jennifer in ten minutes.
While Derek takes Cora to the ambulance with Stiles, Julia, and Jenifer, Scott and Peter hold off the twins. Hearing Kail, Stiles shuts the ambulance doors while Derek and Jennifer run off.
"We're sitting ducks here without anything to protect us." Julia says with her eyes closed.
"They aren't after us at least."
"Stiles, She's not breathing." Julia notices Cora making him panic before performing mouth-to-mouth until she begins breathing on her own again.
Once she was stable, he says the next time he put his lips to her mouth she better be awake making Julia laugh at him, "Shut up." He glares at her.
"It's funny. And the situation we're in, I need a laugh." She sighs then sees him fidgeting with his hands so she takes one into hers, "We're gonna find you dad..." She says so he looks at her, "Alive. I know we will." She gives him a little smile, "I can't say I know for sure but I have a very strong feeling we will." She squeezes his hand then wipes his tears away with her free hand.
Stiles just stares at her with a million of thoughts running through his head before pulling her into a hug without saying a word. But he didn't need to say anything because Julia knew what he wanted to say just by how tightly he was hugging her.
They stop suddenly hugging when they heard growing outside the ambulance. Carefully looking they see the twins as one still so they lean back to stay out of view. Not much later they hear footsteps getting closer but it was just Scott with Peter. Stiles explains the two problems they have before Scott leaves them again.
"God I wish I was safe with Lydia right now."
"Honestly, yeah. I wish you were with her somewhere safe but no you choose to join Scott and I." Stiles agrees with her.
"I wanted to help so my bad." Julia rolls her eyes causing the two to quickly start to bicker while Peter watches them closely.
Scott texted Stiles saying that Isaac was going to pick them up to get Cora out of here. When they hear the car Julia opens the door jumping out first while Peter puts Cora in the car. "You get the front." Peter says running to get in the back on the other side.
"Stiles, come on." Julia says as he was looking at something.
"Stiles!" Isaac yells at him as he runs off so Julia takes runs to see what he put together and gets it herself running after him as Isaac yells for her too.
She catches up with Stiles so they rush after Scott to see him with Deucalion and he leaves they to go with him. Julia takes Stiles' hand into hers and he holds it tightly as they stand there alone till they go back to wake Derek up.
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moths-in-hats · 11 months
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—And California never felt like home to me
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davinashifts333 · 1 year
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BLUE EYED WONDER PT. 3 (Isaac x Witch! SO):
⚫️summary; After Isaac is arrested under false murder accusations, Scott figures out he’s a werewolf, Lydia invites Y/N to the “hangout” with the boys and Allison, everything starts going wrong. On the day of March 9th, Y/N takes advantage of her and Isaac’s bond and trues to convince him Lydia is not the Kanima.
⚠️warnings; mentions of unaliving someone, swearing, implied smut, dirty behavior/talk, beacon hills shit because yes all of it is a huge warning, 18+ ONLY!! k thx bye!!
March 9th, 2011. I walked into Beacon Hills High with Scott on my trail followed by Stiles. "So you knew about Isaac.. And you.. you're a witch!? And why didn't you think that information needed to be shared, young lady?" Stiles begins the interrogation.
"Yeah, you easily could've said something the night we went over but instead you went and played footsie with him.. IN BED Y/N!" Scott's voice growing louder by the word. I abruptly stop at the last sentence and turn around, irises bright red causing them to stumble back. They quickly look around in hopes no one saw them afraid of their 5'3 best friend.
"I didn't say anything because I thought it was clear. i used to always do magic tricks for you guys and you never seemed to mind especially when Scott began a werewolf, I thought maybe they're used to the supernatural world, seeing as THEY'RE A PART OF IT! And with Isaac? He's literally Derek's only friend like, ever. So it wasn't a far stretch that he'd be a werewolf okay? Now keep my business down." I turn back around making my way to my locker to grab my notes for chemistry.
"Wait, so those magic tricks were real when we were kids? Awesome.." Stiles blurts out earning an eye roll from both Scott and I. I huff into my locker and begin to feel the same thing I always felt when Isaac was close by, a sense of calm growing in my chest. I look around and Scott takes notice.
"What is it? Why is your heart racing?" I hadn't noticed that it did that but apparently it did. It had been weeks since I last saw Isaac being dragged off the Lacrosse field by Sheriff Stilinski for murder charges. "It's nothing, I thought I heard something but I guess I was wrong. Now come on, can we please just let this go and get to chemistry? I'm exhausted enough as it is." I plead with the two.
"Fine but, you gotta show me your powers when we get back to your place. Deal?" Stiles compromises and Scott nods along excitedly.
"Ugh. Fine. I have an entire chest full of spell books and books about me anyway, you can read them aloud and I will perform." Planning a nice after school activity to help me rid my mind of if Isaac was okay or not. As we walk into chemistry we all sit down, I partner up with Lydia and Stiles and Scott sit in the table behind us.
I overhear them talking about a certain problem, being Isaac. Little to my knowledge these last few weeks he was on the run as a fugitive, Derek had been letting him stay at his loft. But, Derek had also been turning him against Lydia, in belief of Lydia being the Kanima we were all after.
"Please tell me it isn't who I think it is.. Scott.. Stiles.." I whisper as I turn around to confront them only to make eye contact with Erica and then Isaac who sat directly behind them. Isaac shooting me a wink and Scott turning back to look at me.
"Oh shit.." I turn back around both excited and confused as to how he was back. I hadn't really been in on the loop of the entire thing until last night so I'm guessing Jackson retracted his statement which made Isaac look guilty and like the number one suspect for his dad's death. We continued class and attempted to stop them from giving Lydia the Kanima venom to test and see if she was in fact the giant lizard who killed people every time the sun went down. When it was suddenly my turn to partner up with Isaac in the experiment.
"Hey princess, miss me?" He whispered into my neck quickly placing a kiss to my collarbone when no one was looking but I could very well sense Scott listening in. Isaac was not one to hide our relationship or attraction to one another from anyone, not even Derek. So this, wasn't a ruse or a plot to get me to spill anything on Lydia.
"Of course I did but you have to stop. It's not Lydia." I look him directly in those gorgeous blue eyes that I had missed so much and his gaze flickers to my lips. Mine following short after.
"I have to do this. If not for us, for Derek. He trusts me and the evidence is all there. She was immune to Peter's bite so, only one way to find out. I'm sorry." The teacher calls for us to switch again and I quickly grab my things in hopes of catching Lydia to be my partner but Isaac knocks my books over beating me to the punch.
"Sorry about that gorgeous, maybe next time." He sits next to Lydia who Allison had already warned not to talk to Isaac and looks over at me. I sit across the walkway from him listening in the entire time as Stiles and I fail to even try the experiment at hand. Lydia picks up the crystalized sugar covered in Kanima venom and Scott abruptly stands up shouting for her Lydia shoots him an annoyed look and takes a bite. Nothing. It was insane, it couldn't be real. She couldn't be the Kanima. The class ended soon after that and I grab Stiles' arm, making my way to my locker, Scott in tow.
"It's not possible. Tell me it's not possible. Scott!" I shout and Stiles clasps a hand over my mouth to shush me.
"Well to be fair Y/N/N you have missed a lot these last few weeks due to the whole 'I miss Isaac' episode you went through. And you saw, the venom did nothing to her. A snake can't be killed by their own venom. So." Stiles clarifies and Isaac is obviously listening in from his locker across from mine.
"So, my best friend is a giant man eating lizard who seeks revenge on people for what? Is there a pattern? Anything?" I ask Stiles and he shakes his head, Scott still too in awe of what had just happened to speak.
"We can't let them kill her, we have to find hard proof, video or actually see her turning into the Kanima." I make sure to focus my voice in Isaac's direction for him to hear me clearly and he slams his locker before walking to where I could only imagine Erica was. Had he changed? Was Derek doing this to him? Or was it guilt from his father dying the same night we slept together? I had to come up with a logical reason for Isaac basically switching over to the 'dark side'.
"I'll see you guys later I have to do something." I say shutting my locker and heading straight for Isaac. I walk up behind him and before he can turn around, Erica cuts in front of me.
"What do you think you're doing here." She growls at me.
"Listen bitch, this has nothing to do with you and as I am well aware you know, if you don't wanna be blown to bits I suggest you get out of my way." Heart steady and irises on full display. Isaac grabbing my arm to pull me closer to him.
"I wouldn't piss her off, Erica." He said, face adorned with that classic smirk of his. "Oh, is this the infamous Y/N Hale? Well honey, I think I can take you." Isaac's grasp tightening as I attempt to free from it.
"Don't, she's not our target, Lydia is. Focus, Erica."
"No, let her find out. Baby girl, I am not afraid of you, my brother or any other supernatural being known to man, got it? If you want a fight, you'll get it but I'll be the one walking away.." Erica scoffs, heart racing at the thought and just before I could pounce, Stiles comes by grabbing my arm.
"Okay! Hello! Y/N, let's go." He drags me away my hands shaking at the thought of ripping Erica to shreds.
"God! I fucking hate that girl, you get hot and all of a sudden you think you're the shit. Please, I'd like to see her try me." I mutter and Stiles shushes me as he walks me into the empty classroom.
"Listen, listen.. Husband privileges! You need to stay calm, so far from what you've told us you could very well blow the school up with one wrong move so please, Y/N.. Breathe.." He cups my cheeks pulling me into a hug. He knew I hated him using the 'husband' title against me even if it was a joke as kids, I always knew it was serious when he brought it up.
"I'm trying.. I just can't believe Derek would do something like this.. Trying to kill Lydia without any proof.. Without any solid evidence.. I.." I finally break. The only people who've ever seen me cry besides Derek, were Scott and Stiles. I guess Scott heard the ruckus and came rushing in.
"Hey, I just heard what happened from Isaac.. Why would you even think abo-.." He stopped when he saw me crying. Coming over to join the group hug we left school and headed to my place to come up with some form of evidence to prove to Derek that Lydia was innocent. Much to my dismay, Isaac had heard the whole thing from outside of the doors. Later that night he texted me, wanting to meet but before I could respond there was a knock at my door. Seeing Scott and Stiles fast asleep on the couch, I walk over and answer it.
"What're you doing here?" I sighed knowing exactly who it was.
"You cried.. But not because you were scared.. Because you were angry.. And I wasn't there.." I step out onto the porch and close the door behind me.
"I'm fine.. Just still learning to control my emotions so I can control my abilities.."
"Do you hate me?"
"Do you? I wouldn't be surprised.. I know what Derek's doing is insane but he saved me when I had no one but then, I had you.. For all of two weeks before everyone thought I killed my own father.."
"I didn't. Because that same night you were with me. And I don't hate you. I told you. I'll never hate you, Isaac."
"Well I guess you'll just have to keep telling me whenever I do something wrong."
"Or maybe stop doing crazy shit and we'll be okay."
"Can't promise that, not with our lives. Now can you please kiss me?" His eyes twinkling like stars in the darkest night sky. My hands make their way up his arms, one reaching behind his neck, pulling him down to me.
"Look who's begging now.. I missed you.."
"I missed you more.." I beamed at the confession and finally after weeks of wondering if he was even still alive, I got my guy back.
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s0urw00lf · 2 years
Honestly I’m watching teen wolf again and I think malia and Theo could pull off being siblings… just a random thought
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gremlinbabe · 10 months
Teen Wolf Headcanon: sterek edition
Derek likes singing random songs when he’s home alone and one day Stiles forgets to take off a cloaking spell and catches him and tells the pack. No one believes him and Derek doubles down on being more cautious of his surroundings when singing. So stiles waits out Derek for six months and he’s finally able to catch a video of Derek hale singing Obsession by Aventura.
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allisonslover · 1 year
chapter two: the dead parent club!
word count: 2.5k
content warnings: language, slight references to nightmares and a car crash but nothing too graphic
It was late in the night, an alarmed Max after bursting into his cousin's room to see if they had both heard the ear-splitting noise from outside. They could rule Melissa out as the culprit, the nurse after leaving for a late night shift not too long ago.
That was what led the pair to creep into Jade's room, grimacing as she stirred, the light from the hallway shining into her room. They were most definitely going to have a riot on their hands in the morning, the girl always being moody until she got a coffee in her at the best of times. They were already mentally preparing for the scolding they were about to get for waking her up but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Max and Scott squabbled silently, both backing away from the bed as they fought over who would wake her. Max smiled triumphantly, tilting his head after shoving his cousin ahead of him. If someone was going to be beaten with a pillow, it wasn't going to be him. He had learnt that lesson too many times to make the same mistake.
Jade woke with a jolt, scream muffled by her pillow as she screwed her body in on itself, trying to make a shield to protect her from the splinters of glass that were flying through the car.
"Calm down, it's just me!" Scott whispered gently, flicking on the lamp on her bedside table in hopes of bringing her back to her senses. To be fair, that was their fault; they should have known not to wake her so suddenly, especially when she was suffering from nightmares so frequently.
"Sorry," Max muttered sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously as he flopped onto the bottom of the bed, getting a light kick as he sat on her feet. Yeah, thinking back on it, it wasn’t a great idea.
"What the hell is wrong with you two? What time is it?" she asked groggily, burying her head back into her pillow as her heart rate eventually slowed to a normal place. God, what was it with people sneaking up on her? It seemed to happen too often, making her on edge even when she was asleep. It was like the twins couldn't catch a break recently. Well, they could never really catch a break to begin with, it was just getting worse lately.
"It's only twelve," Scott shrugged nonchalantly as if he was usually up at this time on the first day back to school. He had tried to get to sleep, honestly he had, but the nerves and excitement made him restless, no matter how many meditation podcasts he listened to (and trust him, he had listened to a lot of those, even the ones with white noise, brown noise, pink noise, the whole shebang).
"You better have a good reason for waking me up at this godforsaken hour, or I swear, I’m gonna crack up," she hissed furiously, voice muffled from her face still being delved into the pillow. She refused to move from the warmth and comfort of her bed until she was given an explanation she deemed compulsory, although she could gradually feel the sleep start to slip from her body.
"I think there's someone outside, we heard a bang," Scott rambled, eyes widening for emphasis. If she could hurry up and come with them before an intruder broke in, stabbing them all in the process, it would be a great help. "We want you to come with us."
"Remind me, how does this affect me again?" she queried, recoiling away from the bright flashlight that was being shone directly in her eyes. She was seriously going to kick them down the stairs one of these days. The four walls of her jail cell would finally give her some peace. Hey, she might even be able to get some sleep!
"Because it could be a murderer. And if I died you would miss me so much because I'm your favourite cousin," Scott argued his point, nodding along, giving Max a high-five behind his back when she sat up.
His short speech seemed to have worked, the girl begrudgingly forcing herself to her feet, slipping on a pair of trainers, glaring daggers over her shoulder all the same. The string of curse words she muttered under her breath showed she wasn't happy, yet she was coming with them, which was the main thing. "Scott, you're my only cousin," she sighed, throwing on a flannel shirt over her pyjamas. It was destined to be cold outside; spring in California was never the warmest.
Max shared a short-lived glance with his sister as she passed, discreetly nodding as he followed the pair out onto the landing. He wouldn't have woken her up unless he was genuinely worried that someone was outside.
"That's why you'd miss me the most, right, Max?" Scott slammed the door closed behind him. God, the twins wondered if sometimes he momentarily forgot that he had neighbours. What they were more surprised about was that the McCalls hadn't gotten a noise complaint yet. Hey, there was still plenty of time left for that.
"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night," he rolled his eyes playfully, cracking his knuckles anxiously. He could already tell that Scott was about to quip back a sarcastic joke, their teasing cut short when another crash sounded from outside— this time a lot closer than the last.
The teenagers' eyes shifted nervously between the three of them, wondering who was going to be the sacrifice if it came down to it. Logically, it would have been Jade, considering she was the slowest when it came to running. Although, if she pushed one of the others back— every man for themselves and all that jazz—, she would probably have a higher chance of getting out alive.
Scott motioned for the others to follow him down the stairs, running a hand down the banister to maintain his balance. Jade shoved her phone into her jacket pocket, after grabbing it off her nightstand. She had seen too many horror movies to leave it behind; that was a rookie mistake that the characters made. What if they got kidnapped and needed to send someone their location? Okay, they would kinda be fucked, considering Melissa was the only other phone number that she had from this stupid town. Although she loved her aunt dearly, god the woman didn't have a clue how to use technology.
"Are you seriously going towards the noise?” Max hissed, mouth agape as he waved his hands about. See, this was a prime example of why he was going to start forcing Scott to watch horror movies. Whenever someone went to investigate, they always died, and that was a fact. In his opinion, he'd much rather hide under the covers and pretend he'd never heard anything until it went away. It seemed like the safer option— the less stupider one, anyway.
Scott shushed his cousin, tightening his hold on the wooden banister. He had to know what— or who— was outside, otherwise he had no chance of getting to sleep tonight. Grabbing the baseball bat that he kept beside his back door, he raised it up as if prepared for battle. He knew it wasn’t a weapon that would do the most damage, but a quick swing to the face or the groin and they’d go down like a sack of potatoes.
Jade held her hand out slightly beside her, ignoring the look that she received from her brother. It was merely an instinct by now, magic being a part of her since she was born. Even though her powers weren't working how she wanted right now, that didn't mean she wasn't going to try to help. Besides, it was only a backup plan, in case they really were being attacked. If all came to all, she could just fire as many spells as she could and hope for the best. It would be hard to explain that away, but it was the best plan she had right now.
The McCall boy and Pierce twins stampeded onto the patio, screaming as something fell from the oak tree that resided just outside of the patio, swinging in front of them. Hanging upside down from the tree was the one and only Stiles Stilinski.
Max and Jade hadn't seen him in roughly a year, the same amount of time they hadn't seen Scott in. After arriving at Beacon Hills, there hadn't been a lot of spare time to visit friends they hadn't seen in a while. There were more important things to do, such as planning a funeral for two thirty-four-year-olds.
Stiles had changed a lot, one of the only noticeable consistency’s being his terrible sense of fashion (which wasn't that big of a shocker.) Since his mom had died, he had kept his hair at a short-ish length because she adored it like that, but now he had a buzzcut, something that took it to a whole new level of commitment.
"What the hell are you doing!" Scott screamed at his best friend, firing the baseball bat to the ground in a temper. Thank the heavens his mom was at work or they would have been grounded before the spring semester had even begun.
"You weren't answering your phone!" Stiles shouted back, voice cracking halfway through his sentence. It took a second for it to register that there were other people with Scott, eyes finding the twins, who were awkwardly standing by the back door. "I completely forgot you were here, sorry!" he was fighting a losing battle by trying to untie himself from the tree, after getting his leg caught in a rope of some kind,. "Jade! Max! Long time no see, how have you been!"
He fell with a painful grunt, landing flat on his back like a starfish. Jade covered her mouth, pressing her lips together in an attempt not to laugh, while Max winced and held his back in pain. Apparently, he had an empath connection with Stiles, which was just his luck, considering the hyperactive boy was a walking ambulance.
Stiles continued to ramble on excitedly, brushing the leaves off his jacket. "I'm fine, totally didn't hurt, not at all. That was a stupid question, sorry, you’re obviously not gonna be fine. Hey, at least you're both members of the dead parent club now!"
They'd forgotten the boy had no filter and was as blunt as a pencil, but they knew he meant no harm. Scott kicked him in the shin, trying to communicate with his eyes that were dangerously dark.
Stiles hissed away from his best friend in pain, confused as to why he had gotten brutally attacked before realisation finally dawned. His hand flew up to cover his mouth, trying to take back what he had just said. It hadn't been done out of spite, he just sometimes started talking and didn't know how to stop the words from spewing out. "Oh my god, I said that out loud, didn't I?"
"It's okay. What are you doing here, anyway? It's really early in the morning," Jade pointed out, laughing lightly in an attempt to diffuse the tension that was strangling her like a blanket. There was a knife that seemed to be reserved for especially slicing through their hearts every time someone brought up Sean and Elizabeth.
"Oh, yeah! We need to go to the woods," Stiles tried to stay on topic for what he had originally drove over for, ignoring the bump in the road as his voice filled with excitement, eyes lighting up with devilment— something they had learnt was never a good sign, as it usually ended with them sitting in the sheriffs station.
"Why?" Max questioned sceptically, not wanting to be dragged into a dark forest the night before school. Their eyes met, a blush dusting both their faces. Jade and Scott both had razor-sharp eyes when it came to romantic gestures, not missing the small movement even in the darkness. They knowingly glanced at each other, taunting smiles tugging at their lips.
When they were younger, Stiles and Max had a thing for each other, and both Jade and Scott knew it. In fact, pretty much everyone knew it. Thinking back on it, she was ninety-nine percent sure she had heard Melissa and Noah betting on the kids love lives. Scott used to always tease Stiles over it— he still did, even to this day. Jade used to tease her brother, until one day he said he'd had a seer vision of her falling into a ditch and he was going to let the monster drown her. It had soon shut her up and kept her quiet from mentioning it again— until now. In her defence, she had only been nine!
"Ditch," Max whispered, lips barely moving as he hissed the singular word to his sister, who merely snickered.
"There's a body in the woods," Stiles averted his eyes from the boy's as he rocked backwards and forwards on the balls of his feet.
"A dead body?" Scott scoffed, confused about what was so special. Stiles’ father was the sheriff— they saw dead bodies all the time. Besides, if he wanted to see a dead body so desperately, he could pay a visit to the hospital morgue.
"No, a body of water. Yes, a dead body!" Stiles spat impatiently, already itching to get going. It was good to see that he hadn't lost his signature personality trait— sarcasm.
"Seriously? Screw this, I'm going back to bed," Jade groaned, head already starting to pulse with pain, a sign that a migraine was surfacing. This was too much thinking, too early in the morning.
"I'm getting to that, hold your horses. They only found half of the body," Stiles paused for dramatic effect, nodding reassuringly when their eyes widened in disbelief. They didn't know what on earth they had been expecting, it most definitely hadn't been that.
Max caved, hands on hips as he rushed forward to the baby blue jeep, Stiles following close behind him. "I'm in. This, I wanna see. Dibs on passenger seat!"
Sighing, Jade ran a hand through her hair, turning to her cousin tiredly. "We better make sure they don't get themselves killed."
"Yup," he chuckled, kicking a stray stone out of his path. "You trying out for the lacrosse team in school?"
During the summer, when the Pierces used to visit the McCalls, Scott and Jade used to love playing lacrosse together. Max, on the other hand, stood on the side, on his iPad or phone and screamed when a ball came within an inch of hitting him.
"I think I might, but I don't have any equipment or a kit," Jade trailed off, the two cousins' steps falling in line as they walked down the pebbly driveway. It was pitch black outside, the street lamps and stars in the sky being the only guiding light. It was surprisingly quiet; considering they were on the main road, there was only a rare car that passed by during the night.
"Coach usually has some spare," Scott waved a hand about, stopping to tie his shoelace that had come undone.
"Is Stiles coming to wake us up to go find dead bodies gonna become a regular thing?" Jade sighed, waiting for him to finish the double knot.
"Of course it is."
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