#kink tomato
xx-slug-xx · 2 months
Pup hood discourse is fucking stupid imo. If people are just wearing them, and not acting like complete fools, who fucking cares?
“Bluh it’s kink gear!”
Yeah. They CAN be. So can fursuits in general. Some fursuits are murrsuits, but not all of them are. A chain necklace can be kink gear. So can leather boots. A LOT of things CAN be used as kink gear. But a lot of things can also just be a form of expression. Hell, there’s a shit tone of things out there that were a HUGE part of the kink community that, over time, just became part of normal fashion in the modern day. Croakers, leather, chains, and a ton of other things all have a huge role to play in kink. But I can go to most places in public and probably see people wearing things like that.
Unless I see someone in a pup hood who is obviously engaging in kink in public, I don’t care. It’s about the person and the way they behave in a public setting, not the accessory they are wearing.
Pup hoods are cool and so is the pup community! Never had a bad experience with anyone in that community and I’ve only had positive interactions!
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darthstitch · 1 year
Me, watching my mutuals go nuts over a fic that has kinks that I'm squicked by:
"You guys have fun, you horny little feral gremlins you. You do you."
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craycraybluejay · 11 months
Puritans on this site are so funny imagine making a wholeass post bc someone tagged something u reblogged with a kink ur not into.
Ykinmkato is lost on some people tbh
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Have you read something you don’t like? (And I talking preference not something triggering)
Did you see the CW and still read it anyway?
Well that’s on you, not the writer.
Don’t like? Don’t read. Just scroll away.
It’s okay not to like certain kinks, but don’t yuck someone else’s yum- what they do/write is not hurting you. Be a grown up and walk on by. Ykinmkato! 🍅
I am fed up of my friends being sent hate by small minded folk with nothing else better to do in their lives than try and emotionally hurt a stranger on the internet, from behind the cowardly mask of the anon function.
How would you feel if it were you friend, your sibling, your spouse receiving such things? It’s not funny! These words of hate can have a devastating effect on the person behind the blog- you don’t know what is going on in their lives- your childish vitriol could be the straw that breaks the camels back. If I could I’d have the anon hate of all my moots directed to my inbox to stop them from having to see it.
The key message? If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
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Hey friends, just a quick reminder that YKINMKATO means "I don't like that thing, but it's okay if you do/you're not a bad person for liking this thing I don't get"!
Be careful when you're calling a kink or trope you don't like "disgusting/gross/immoral" that you're not also calling people who are into that thing those same names.
Enjoying something in fiction does not equal endorsement of it in real life. And! Even if it does in some cases, other people enjoying something doesn't have any impact on you or your life.
You can dislike/be squicked by something, and just... Not engage with it. Don't read it, but also don't shame. Be kind to yourself and avoid it, but also be kind to others and let them enjoy in peace 💜
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runawaymarbles · 1 month
Would you be comfortable sharing that flow chart you mentioned in the tags about different ways Black and white people start conversations? It seemed really interesting and practical, but of course no worries at all if not! Thanks!
it wasn't about Black vs white conversation starters specifically: it's about making small talk at work without starting off with assumptions or putting them in an awkward position of having to explain something they shouldn't have to. (E.g. I do not outright ask people where they're from, what they do for work, etc.)
Context: I photograph newborns for work.
Example: Grandparents are usually good for at least three minutes of conversation, but you cannot ask about the baby's grandparents, because there's a non-zero chance that they are deceased (worse: recently deceased) or on bad terms with the baby's parents. So instead I'll say something vague like "is everybody very excited about the baby?", which gives the parents the choices of saying something like "Yes, all my friends are texting me for updates" (inference: they do not have close family; I might follow up by asking if many of their friends have children already) or "I didn't tell anybody I was pregnant" (got that once, it was fascinating, we had a good time discussing how she planned to spring it on people) and "Yes, she's the first grandbaby on the dad's side so his parents are thrilled"
The last one unlocks dialogue options like: oh do the grandparents live in town? No, they live in Nevada? I went to Reno as a kind and it blew my tiny mind. Is that where you grew up, or did they move there later?
Then they'll either say "yes that's where I grew up" and I can ask what brought them here (potentially opening such topics as: their jobs, if they say they came here for work; whether they miss sunnier weather, and so forth) or they can say "no, I grew up in Scranton but my parents retired to Vegas" or just "they moved later" and not mention where they grew up, if that's not information they feel like sharing. Then I can ask if their parents are enjoying wherever they've moved to, possibly fall back on some vague and unoffensive personal anecdote about said place, or go on to my next pre-programmed question* without anyone feeling awkward about it.
Some people are happy to tell me about how they grew up in Ethiopia and where their family is living now and how they came to the US to study microbiology and whether or not they like it here and if they'll be getting the baby dual citizenship and so on and so forth: some people do not, and this usually lets me skip around that without sticking my foot in it. (I'm pretty sure a lot of people don't want to say that they're Russian, for example, which makes me sad.)
The TL;DR is that I try to ask vague/open-ended questions that people can narrow down themselves, if they choose to, or make sure that a question is sort of an either/or so that they don't feel like there's a wrong answer. And I try not to assume anything about them whatsoever: sure, 99% of my clients with Indian names and Indian accents are in fact from India, but once in a while they're not. *"Do you guys have any pets? if yes: Do you think your pet knew you were pregnant?" [Most people think their dogs noticed the pregnancy, and some suspect their dog was the first one to notice they were in labor. It's fascinating. Alternately they say "no my cat's an idiot," and I can tell them about the time my aunt's cat stuck his face in a candle twice, and so forth.]
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momentsofamberclarity · 3 months
If you're putting dni banners or bright dni wording on the bottom of all of your posts in 2024 believing this will actively stop people from interacting then we are on entirely different wavelengths and I'm automatically determining that you do not have critical thinking skills and blocking you regardless of your self-proclaimed stance on anything.
This is the internet. The internet is a free-for-all, always has been, always will be. People are going to interact with content regardless of their age, regardless of their stances vs your stances. In fact, the more you draw attention to not wanting attention the more troll attention you are actively inviting in.
It is up to you to curate your own online experience and use your block button when you are uncomfortable with people interacting with your content. And you are under no obligation to offer an explanation to anyone as to why you've blocked them.
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toasteaa · 1 year
Do you think Diluc, after setting his rugged (if a little worn at the seams) gloves aside for the evening, sighs just a hint wistfully down at the scars and callouses littering his hands before giving a brief smile and a slight hum at they way you take them in your own?
Or Albedo, having felt nothing but the icy cold of Dragonspine for the majority of his existence, feeling something akin to what can only assume is pleasure when he gets to feel the warmth of your skin bleeding into his bare hands?
Or Zhongli, having seen nothing but the past etched in his ethereal palms, regards the way your eyes light up brighter than the mora he used to make himself at the sight of them on the rare chances he's taken his gloves off (and shown the evidence of his divine nature) around you with curiosity and hope for the future?
Or Tighnari, despite scolding you for getting sick in the first place, can only keep his composure if he keeps talking because the scent and feeling of your skin against the rarely seen pads of his fingers is making his heart race and his own cheeks burn hotter than yours?
Or Dainsleif, having been alienated from any form of human contact for the past 500 years, can only let out a sharp breath at the feel of the softness of your cheek cupped into his palm and the warmth of your fingers sending shivers down his spine with how gently they press against the back of his hand?
Or -
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heymrspatel · 8 months
jujubee, i come with Very Important Discourse regarding ian “is not an ally” gallagher!
we all know he’s gay dude, not queer, & takes that distinction incredibly seriously. BUT have you thought about him being at best a kink questioner, but at worst, a kink shamer?! that’s right. i’m talking about when his sleepover inviting, courageously smooching boyfriend shared his Big Ass Beads with him & he said:
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not cool, ian baby, not cool… 🙃
also thank you to @mickeygifs for the screengrab of a scene that is very hard to find online with captions because of all the trauma that happens just after this moment! bah!
bee in my inbox! with Very Important Discourse and an evidence screenshot to boot, just like old times 🥰
look, this baby orange did not know a thing. he thought he did, but he did not. he's gaaay not queer, what is this rosary for giaaaants mick, play what chiiiiill, what is a quiiiinoa, etccc... so, i can't blame the tiny tangerine as he was missing critical information and life experience. "why sex if not selfish?" oh mini satsuma 😓... but i know he got there, i'm positive of it!
i sleep soundly at night knowing that ian found the fun in wrecking mickey within an inch of his life with any fucking toy he's feeling that day! i know he had a big epiphany all caps bold italicized OH moment in finding how much fun that can be! he's a fucking beefsteak tomato now. mickey's fun is HIS fun, and shit do they have the best time! 😌
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smallest-moon · 8 months
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imagine being barbatos and having to see your lord flirt with his crush while you know that bitch can't take a genuine compliment to his face because he has a praise kink and also likes your lord
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onlytibki · 6 months
Today’s feral OPLA take!
(Funded by: my low blood sugar.)
If Netflix weren’t cowards they would let their costume dept do to Sanji’s hips what they did to Mihawk’s shoulders
I saw Taz have to awkwardly hike up his slacks to get the required range of motion for his kicks. That is Not Efficient in a combat heavy world like OP.
Mihawk’s coatsleeves being disconnected and loosely held at the shoulder seam by rope addressed the same issue perfectly.
They should’ve applied it to Sanji’s pants. Yes it would’ve looked a little lewd but we could’ve gone entirely without Ass-meppo in return and I don’t think anyone would’ve complained
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Fandom aro culture is wanting to be obnoxious about your arospec headcanons but the idea of anyone coming after you for them makes you want to scream
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juanabaloo · 6 months
me: ship and let ship! it's OK if it's not for me, just move on. no need to comment.
also me: *sees a screencap of Cordelia and Connor* oh sweet jesus no. BOOOOOO!
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july-19th-club · 1 year
overall i really like that space sweepers has next-to-no romance in it; like, even the grieving father never had a partner, he was a single dad. bubs isn't boy-crazy, just super girly, and we know nothing whatsoever about tiger's romantic history (i think he's gay, specifically in a belligerent 'whaddaya got, a problem? a brutally violent cartel hitter can't be gay? get off my ass' way). and i think this opens a lot of room up for other interesting kinds of relationships. but i also love that the only person with what MIGHT be a sexual history is captain jang, with a stereotype of a Lovelorn French Man who she POSSIBLY had a one-night stand with and he's still thinking about it years later while she behaves as if she's never even heard of him to such a doth-protest-too-much degree she is almost certainly also, sometimes, thinking about it. it's a very minor subplot but at the same time i got the distinct impression that jang doesn't really hate him per se, he's just, like, her embarrassing ex-friends-with-benefits who she wishes wasn't actually a pretty nice guy
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ovaryacted · 2 months
Felt honestly. liking things as a joke is a great way to develop said kink or whatever it is, once a guy called me momma, I think, not sure if he was just joking but I was like yes please 😃 he was cool to talk to then one day I asked something random and pretty stupid, silly stupid not breaking human rights stupid, and he never answered and I was like ok got it
Dropping some Nic lore for y’all today.
I’m not even trying to be funny right now, most of my kinks all started as jokes. Like I have a few that I’ve had for as long as I started getting sexually active and others I’ve always been curious about from reading smut/fics at a young age (I know we all did it, sue me) and liked them more when I practiced them.
But I have a lot of them, especially the taboo ones, that started as jokes and I actually ended up having them. My mommy kink started out exactly like this, because I actually hate being called momma/mami in general (I think it’s corny especially coming from the wrong person). But one time, my ex called me mommy in bed by accident and it just kinda clicked for a while, but I didn’t get to explore it more cause he’s a fucking dickhead womp womp.
I actually was initially talking to a guy once who claims he was a switch and liked being called daddy, but the second I said I wanted to be called mommy suddenly it’s “no that’s weird I don’t wanna do that”. Double standards much?? Like get out of my face with that shit boy. I’d do anything to have a proper submissive man that is willing to do more than just say mommy cause I be deadass about the whole dom/sub lifestyle, but nobody wants to be as real as me. 💔
I’m sorry that man just went ghost boo, his loss cause he’ll never know the pleasure behind exploring a mommy kink fr. HES A LEWSER! 😡🍅
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Dear Person Who Sent Me Feet Pictures,
Thank you for thinking of me, I guess? But that is Not For Me, so please do not do that again.
YKINMKATO and all that, but please no.
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