#kenway trilogy
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Edit: changed Haytham’s hair a bit since I was dissatisfied
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demigoddessqueens · 10 months
Summary: Adam and Eve were inseparable, and they were always stronger together. Until they weren’t.
A/N - for July’s monthly codex prompt/ finally I post something 😅 on the last day of July
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Every Adam had his Eve, and they bright out the best of each other. But like all good things, it comes to an end with a hefty price.
Bayek created the Order in his grief, and though Aya was the closest to him in this matter, he never truly had her. She was never just his wife anymore after that day, and nights felt colder without her.
Altair thought he would have that semblance of a peaceful life with Adha, but that dream slipped away when she left his arms. At least it was a life he got to have with Maria and his beloved sons before it was taken away in just one day.
Ezio was young and reckless before his tragedy struck. With a family gone and the memories of sweet Christina shattered, the remaining Auditore son tried to pick up the pieces. For the longest time, he always felt the need to constantly look over his shoulder after one too many betrayals. He never realized it stopped when he was with Sofia.
Edward and Haytham thought their directions in life would lead them to better futures, but it felt so alone in the end. At least there was the sense of bittersweet relief for Connor as he remade the Brotherhood.
Desmond felt a kinship with Lucy, but it be-grieved him to let her go. But it was for the greater good, right? All just to save the world?
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You told me sweet lies
And I trusted you because you’re the only one left alive
Sam, don’t do that again
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assassins creed headcanons
idc how backed these r by actual canon btw. if u have a different view of these characters, that's completely okay. that's great, even. i'm just sharing mine ._.
altaïr is autistic. he fidgets a lot in private/when he's not "working." when he's ab to assassinate someone, he's hyper-focused and gets almost obsessive about every detail. his life as an assassin is his special interest and he has a waxing and waning hyperfixation on greek philosophy, specifically empedocles. he's demisexual and in love w malik. switch but always ends up bottoming.
ezio is obviously a slut. he likes to refer to himself as a playboy, and some ppl see him as a bit of a womaniser, but in reality he is literally out to give ppl a good time. in that way, he is a little whore of a man. pansexual. non committal but deeply loyal to his friends and fellow assassins.
connor likes to pretend he is stoic but i feel as though he is just shy and socially awkward. he desperately wants to understand the templars, but he finds it so difficult to sympathise with them after everything. i hope he kills colonisers for fun.
edward is secretly (or not so much) into men but refuses to admit it. he's a pirate so he knows all ab buggering let's just b honest. jim gave him like the fright of his life bc he thought he might actually be falling for a man so when she told him she was mary, he had mixed emotions. first, disappointed. next, oh thank jaysus i'm straight. that was not something he was ready to confront.
shay is fucking depressed and has issues w moral perfectionism. he wants to be good but wonders how he can b if he remains loyal to the assassins. he's also secretly not sure if the templars are in the right but thinks siding with them is the way to helping the most ppl. ambition is his fatal flaw. he regrets that things w the brotherhood ended as they did.
arno has an addictive personality. canonically, he's struggled w booze and gambling, but i think it's something that he is constantly fighting. he thought he would never be sober again after élise died, but surprisingly he found that drinking didn't bring him any comfort. he was just empty :(( he is also transmasc and i will not be elaborating.
jacob has adhd (though doesn't know the term for it obviously). one way he manages it is through exercise. so whenever he feels especially unfocused or irritable, he just freeruns the rooftops of london or finds someone to train with/fight. i can't help but imagine him as the jocks at school who ARE allies and would do anything to stand up for his queer friends but says problematic shit sometimes bc he just doesn't know the correct terms or anything. (edit: at the time of posting this i didn't know that he is canonically bisexual. as far as i can tell it was only made clear by one post from ubisoft. and i am disappointed in myself for not realising that. i feel like this is a part of a bigger issue of ambiguous queer storytelling especially in video games. it should have been far more explicit imo. but i'm always happy to see more gay rep)
evie wants to travel. she secretly writes poetry and doesn't show it to anyone. she studies latin for fun. she's really really good at maths actually. she was a bit of a snitch as a kid, but then she grew up and learnt it was better to just keep quiet about stuff she wasn't meant to see. she's a simp.
aya/amunet died before bayek. he had to recover her body from the roman hidden ones. he made sure that she had the best embalmers, a lavish burial chamber. and when he died, the community made sure they were buried together. back in the day, the chamber held scrolls that spoke of amun, with images of sekhmet and horus lining the walls. an earthquake left the tomb in the state u see it in in origins. they're buried not far from the necropolis that holds khemu's body.
kassandra loved her immortality initially. she spent her days doing impulsive things just because she could. only they got stale after a while. the fear of being alone for an unknown amount of time overcame her as she started losing people. until we get to valhalla and she learns that maybe it's okay not to be alone always, but feels like she always has to keep moving.
eivor is gender fluid. she eventually loses her eye, like odin, and despises how it makes her look like him. she never had children. ik that she's canonically into men however i feel its more comphet than genuine attraction. she ends up w randvi.
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boltlightning · 5 months
Top 5 assassin's creed games
the breath that i drew upon receiving this message.........god. i could rant about these games for days and still not be done
ASSASSIN'S CREED 3. this would be the game i recommended to everyone if the modern day plot didn't make it completely incomprehensible to newcomers...and if the prologue wasn't six entire hours long. get bayoneted in colonial boston! fall in love with connor kenway and commit patricide!!!!!! live a little!!!!!
representing the ezio trilogy so it doesn't sweep this list: BROTHERHOOD. renaissance rome is so precious to me, and so is ezio auditore.
black flag. pirates! shanties! edward kenway! the fashion!
rogue. gets lost in the discourse about unity, but i think it's fun! it's got more teeth than almost any other plot in the series! it executes it poorly but what ac game doesn't! this is definitely not affected by haytham kenway's presence in the story! he just happens to be in it and i just happen to love it!
odyssey. i wish it were half the length and size, but i loved running around in this world. i burned myself out so thoroughly i can never play an open world game again. thanks.
top 5 asks! 🧐
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jofie-does-things · 2 years
Who's your favorite Assassin? It's for... research purposes 👀
It’s really kind of a toss up between Ezio and Connor
I could 100% go on for hours about their individual characterizations bc they’re such sweet and genuine gentlemen in their respective games, but I’ll keep it simple. They’re my two fav boys. ❤️
I also have loved writing for them so far. I have a Connor one shot in the works and it’s been fun! I can’t wait to share!
Thank you for the ask! <3
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darkaac · 2 years
ACRogue is also pretty ship-heavy but it’s not making me want to Commit Acts like AC4 did
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clingyduoapologist · 8 months
Dude assassin creed 3’s main theme bangs so fucking hard
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grimmboytezxd · 2 years
I have a project that I've been working on for the past 5 years, and I'm so happy it's going to come to fruition pretty soon. I'm in debate where to post it to since it's a book series. Any suggestions?
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subjxctseventeen · 2 years
i love you early ac games i love you altaïr i love you ezio trilogy i love you kenways i love you modern day assassins i love you animus glyphs i love you recruit missions i love you forest parkour i love you bureaus and dens i love you subject sixteen i love you eagle vision that stays on while sprinting i love you precursor lore i love you assassin tombs i love you ten year old graphics i love you
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I was genuinely surprised that black flag actually had a really solid tie story wise in with grief and regret and had good quiet moments to just,, process. I wasn’t really expecting much of that going in to be honest so I’m pleasantly surprised? It made the ending so much stronger
And I love how it all circled back (Edward returning to England with Jenny, and the final cutscene at the opera house, where the first mission in ac3’s animus began). It made me wanna play ac3 again just,, I love narrative circles coming to a close,,,
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
PART 8 - AC1 Edition
i talk a lot of rubbish tbh but anyways
i think i’m gonna go through each arc over the games - ezio trilogy, kenways + shay, french + british - and make a compilation for each cuz i feel like sometimes i do too many for certain characters so expect a series to slowly come together, might not do newer games cuz i haven’t played any but lets see what happens - oh and def a modern edition to end the series OBVIOUSLY i eat that shit up
also this was much longer but for some reason the file size was way too big so sorry it’s short i cut out,,, so many videos it was meant to be almost 3 mins… this will mean those videos will go in the upcoming arc series
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myrddin-wylt · 1 year
hetalia/AC crossover rambling
okay. okay. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla leaves a lot to be desired but it does make it easier for me to picture a lot of environments etc for hetalia. even as a straight up crossover, I think Sigrid/Norway and Mathias would at least get along with Eivor. and Arthur fits into the story very well by virtue of Alfred the Great being a main character, so presumably Arthur is just hanging out with him when he’s not captured by Guthrum.
(Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is the fucking best but absolutely does not crossover with hetalia very well so, RIP to that. haven’t played AC Origins so RIP to that too, though it looks great for Romulus to run around causing chaos.)
Assassin’s Creed I is perfectly okay with hetalia crossovers too, though the lack of caliphate nation-tans does cause a little difficulty. at the very least, Arthur is hanging out with Richard the Lionheart who you briefly interact with in-game, and of course Solène/Knights Templar has a very bizarre but fun role in the story since the Templars have the double role of the actual military order and this ancient conspiracy that acts as the franchise antagonists. 
Assassin’s Creed Ezio trilogy is interesting and has so much potential. AC2 is the heyday of Veneciano/Feliciano’s power and wealth, ACB is entirely in Rome so I guess would feature Romano, and ACR is in Constantinople just as it’s changing to Turkish rule, so we have great Herakles and Sadik potential as well.
Assassin’s Creed 3 was made for this crossover you can’t change my mind. American Revolution? Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, all those events? the main character’s father is aligned to the British and directly opposes his goals? Connor Kenway is Connor Goddamn Kenway? the narrative being focused on the constant struggle for the colonists’ freedom versus the fact that that doesn’t include natives and slaves? George Washington is there, we get to stab Charles Lee, it’s all perfect. absolutely made for a hetalia crossover. 
and meanwhile the other fucking million AC games I simply haven’t played. >_>
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glowpop · 1 year
Ubisoft needs me in that fucking writers room if I had my way I would essentially strip away all that isu shit focus entirely more on the templars vs assassins instead of the random bullshit about protohumans LIKE AC3 HAD IT EZIO TRILOGY HAD IT I DONT GIVE A FUCKKKKKK ABOUT THE APPLE OF EDEN OR THE WORLD ENDING I WANT TO SEE THE KENWAYS. AGAIN
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teecupangel · 1 year
So apparently the Layla Trilogy is called the Antiquity Trilogy? I don't know if that's official or not but Imma keep calling it the Layla Trilogy because I still believe that the modern day setting of AC games means something.
I still call AC1 to AC3 the Desmond Saga anyway even though AC wiki cuts it as AC1, Ezio Trilogy and Kenway Saga.
As far as I'm concerned, the main AC games are split into:
Desmond Saga (AC1 to AC3)
Nameless MC Oneshots (Black Flag to Syndicate)
Layla Trilogy (Origin to Valhalla)
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cut-small-but-deep · 11 months
I now have all of the Assassins Creed games from 2 to Syndicate three of them for the Playstation and three for the Switch, (I’m counting Ezio’s Trilogy as one since I got the collection version), and I’m happy I accomplished that. Though, I wish I could get the first one, but I don’t have the consoles for it and also don’t wanna deal with all the damn glitches that comes with it, being the first game and all.
Today, I decided to play Rogue and already I was getting so bored of Shay being an Assassin and wishing I was already a Templar; though I can tell you, there are some things I love just playing the game in general and he is hot no matter what tho to me. Anyway, I’m already at the point where I’m going back into the animus to see Shay’s ‘transformation’ and I’m just so excited to wake up tomorrow and see what’s next.
I have the Ubisoft club to help me get rewards and redeeming things just for the games, meaning DLCs. I was kinda excited with the results though. But when I played Rogue, and I think of my OC for the game, Alanna, and how she uses katanas as her weapons, just seeing actual katanas I can use for him that came with the DLC, I was like, “I’m using these as my weapons now.” And I love them, especially the little Creed Insignia imprinted into it.
Go to my Haytham Kenway blog for Part 2 cause, uhhh yeah.
P.s. Dumbass me laughs at Shay for ‘lusty buttocks’ while talking about where are the most beautiful women at with Liam
P.s.s. Dumbass me again forgetting that Connor is the name that Achilles gave to Ratonhnhaké:ton as an English name and that Connor was the name of Achilles’ actual son.
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