#kellan lutz imagines
halesinger · 8 months
⟡ 𝔱𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔰 making art with you <3
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✦ jasper is the type to put paint on your face instead of the canvas.
. you're painting your own canvas then out of nowhere you feel something cold and wet on your left cheek. you look over to jasper to see a shit-eating grin on his face and red paint smudged on his finger.
✦ rosalie is secretly a very talented artist.
. "your's is really pretty." rosalie's voice cut through your train of thought on what color you were going to use next. you smiled at her and gave a quiet 'thank you' in response. "i don't really like mine that much." you heard rosalie mutter. but when you look over the most gorgeous, realistic painting of the outside scenery is on her canvas.
✦ alice isn't the best painter but still enjoys it.
. she lightheartedly laughed at her poor excuse for a painting. you grinned along, still painting your own canvas of art. her laughter eventually died out so you looked over, catching her staring at you with a look of adoration across her features. "what?" you asked, tilting your head slightly. alice scooted closer and gave you a tight hug. "you're the best piece of art." she whispered.
✦ emmett is a messy painter.
. you were showing emmett techniques to make different textures on the canvases, but now he made it seem like he was just flinging the paint everywhere. "emmett!" you shrieked as he got some on your shirt. he laughed loudly at your reaction and continued shaking the brush. thank god you decided to place a towel down before this.
✦ edward would rather paint on your arm than the actual canvas.
. the canvases were long forgotten about, because edward wanted to see if the paint would look the same on your skin as the canvas. now it has just turned into him doodling on your arm. you giggled softly as the paint brush tickled a sensitive spot, causing edward to smile. "how does this look?" he asked quietly. you nodded in response and he continued moving up your arm to paint.
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↳ sorry jasper's is short, couldn't think of anything for him. hope you enjoyed! :)
⟡ likes and reblogs are appreciated !!
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sweatergirlsposts · 4 years
Imagine Emmett Tries to be Silly to Make you Laugh on a Bad Day
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“Hey (Y/N), baby!” you heard your vampire boyfriend call for you. You turn around to find your boyfriend hanging upside down from the tree you stood beside.Letting out a yelp, you jumped back and rolled your eyes at how Emmett was acting. You told Emmett about your rough day at work, and how you just needed a pick-me-up. He suggested to go out for a walk to talk about it, because being outside can actually make you feel better. 
“I’m Spiderman, come give me a kiss”
“No you look like a bat or a monkey hanging from the tree,” you giggled looking at him up and down and placed your hands lightly on his face, “And you’re more handsome than Spiderman.”
“Feel better?” 
“Maybe,” you nuzzled your nose against his before stealing a short sweet kiss from his lips and started running away him from him so he could go catch you. Your monkey man really knew how to brighten your day.
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vnderoos · 5 years
game rage ✧ emmett cullen
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warnings / language, minor injury.
word count / 3.2k
(gif is not mine, credit to the owner) masterlist in bio ↴
⠀⠀⠀⠀"OKAY, I think we're good if we just wait here, Em. You watch for dudes coming from the left and I'll shoot whoever comes from the right," Y/N suggested, hoping that if she added some sort of battle strategy to their Friday afternoon game session, it would push them towards victory. She could see Emmett nod understandingly out of the corner of her eye and she pressed down on the joystick of her controller, putting her avatar in a crouching position. She pushed down one of the back buttons, opening up her scope, and she used the other thumb control to check their surroundings, surveying the fields of tall, animated grass through her gun lense.
There was a soft chink as someone, Emmett she figured, opened up a grenade. "Which way are they coming from?" She asked, her voice quiet as she spun with her scope, but the realization of what her best friend planned on doing dawned on her when she heard his digital grenade clatter against the ground. "Really, Emmett? Again?" She exclaimed, trying to move her character away from the explosive, only to realize that her scope was slowing her down. She frantically pressed the circle button, hoping that it would close but nothing was happening except for the quickening beeping coming from Emmett's side of the television screen. "This isn't— damn you," she hissed as the grenade detonated, knocking her character down into a crawling position as it had taken down her health bar immediately.
Emmett erupted into laughter, throwing his head back as he did, and his bulky body swayed into her own. She scoffed as his shoulder knocked against her, causing her to lean beneath the temporary burden of his weight, and she wasted no time pushing him off of her. "It gets easier every time," he pointed out in reference to the act of blowing her character to smithereens and how this was, unfortunately for Y/N, his fourth time doing so.
She huffed and turned to look at the beefcake beside her, narrowing her eyes at him as he flashed his sparkling white teeth in return. "And more annoying," she countered, enunciating to emphasize her frustration but it only made the smug smirk on his face spread.
Emmett pressed one of the rear buttons of the controller and another chink sounded through the television speakers, his person equipping another grenade from his utility belt and holding it up in the air. "We'll see about that," he mumbled, tucking his tongue beneath his bottom lip as he concentrated on aiming.
"Don't you dare," Y/N scolded as the bright red arch, indicating the path of trajectory his bomb would follow, ended right over her lady. "Emmett Cullen, just put that thing away and revive me, already. We could win this," she protested, smashing the joysticks ruthlessly in the direction that she wanted her person to go. Frustration built up inside of her as her avatar moved painfully slowly around the Jeep that they'd been using as cover. She'd gotten around the hood of the car, but since Emmett's character was much faster than hers—having the advantage of, you know, not being knocked out—he was following her with no trouble at all. "Are you serious right now?" She blurted as her woman somehow glitched and ended up between the two Jeep tires. She tried to get her unstuck, but without being able to jump and without Emmett reviving her, she was royally screwed.
Emmett, that son of a bitch, swerved his guy in front of her own and she watched helplessly as he rolled the grenade in front of her. "This is so much better than winning," he explained and then, Y/N's character died in a fiery explosion.
"Screw you, Cullen," she muttered before setting her controller in his lap. "I'll see you on Monday." Y/N stood up from her place on the couch and started towards the front door without even sparing Emmett another glance.
She could hear the vampire's frustrating little chuckle as he stood up, as well, his footsteps echoing on the wooden floors as he trailed behind her. "You're not seriously leaving right now, are you?" He taunted, throwing his arms out in a gesture even though she was hellbent on not paying him any more attention. When Y/N reached the front door, she roughly twisted the handle and swung it open as hard as she could. She trudged out of the house and tried to close the door on Emmett—to give herself some sort of head start since she knew he was as persistent as anything—but, being considerably taller and impossibly stronger, he bypassed it with no trouble at all. "Y/N/N, stop. This is ridiculous," he called after her but she shook her head and picked up her pace. Emmett groaned, but he kept after her anyways.
At that point, she was practically storming down the steps to the Cullen's driveway. "Oh, almost as ridiculous as blowing me up for a straight half an hour?" She retaliated, but she refused to look at him, determined to keep walking.
Emmett let out a noise that was somewhere between a chuckle and a groan and he kept after her anyways. "C'mon," he said, reaching out for her but she evaded his touch just in time. He rolled his eyes. "Swan, you can't throw a hissy fit just because you suck at combat games," he tried to tease and, finally, she whipped around to look at him. Her face wasn't lit up with the bright, mock-offended grin he was hoping for, but instead, it displayed a glare that she was trying extremely hard to make intimidating.
Instead of backing down like he knew she wanted, he laughed at the sight of her angry expression.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me, Emmett," she snapped. "Can't you see that I'm pissed at you right now?" She asked, crossing her arms almost challengingly over her chest.
"Please," he scoffed, tilting his head down at her and dismissing what felt like every ounce of confidence she had in herself. "I don't care how pissed you are, you'll never be as scary as you think you are," he confessed.
She knew that Emmett hadn't meant it as an insult and that he was just trying to get a rise out of her in the moment, to get a little chuckle out of it, but that didn't change the fact that his comment made her blood boil. Her fists clenched at her sides, so hard that they started to vibrate, and she stared blankly into the swirl of amusement that pooled in his blue eyes. "Can you stop acting like a dick for two seconds, please?" She asked, too heated to even think about softening the harshness of her tone.
Emmett, although slightly taken aback by the flare of fire that she expressed towards him, let out a dry laugh and he nodded slowly. "Alright, fine," he agreed, lifting his hands up in surrender and forcing his lopsided grin off of his face. "Why don't we just put this behind us and head back inside, huh?" He asked. "And, since you're acting like such a baby about this, I'll go ahead and fix you a bottle, too," he added, his sneaky little smirk slipping right back into his lips. The eyeroll that he got from Y/N was one of the grandest he'd ever witnessed and he could see the flushed pigments of her skin grow hotter as her annoyance started to get the best of her. Emmett chuckled at the sight, crossing his bulky arms over his even beefier chest.
"This isn't funny," she snapped.
Emmett shrugged his shoulders and flashed her a crooked smile. "Well, not to you, because you don't know how to take a joke, but—"
"That's it, Cullen," she growled. Y/N didn't know what came over her after that. It was like some sort of white hot rage, fanned by her low tolerance for Emmett's bullshit, clouded her vision and propelled her towards him. She balled up the fingers on her right hand and, before her brain had a moment to process what she was about to do and tell her to knock it off, Y/N drew her arm back, ripped her fist through the air, and slammed it, with as much strength as she could muster up, against Emmett's cheek. There was a soft crunch, like stepping on broken glass, as a hairline fracture split over his crystalline skin, but Y/N hardly registered it. Her mind was reeling with nothing but pain as every bone in her hand felt like they'd shattered upon impact. "Fuck," she hissed immediately, stumbling a few steps away from the diamond-skinned vampire and cradling her injured hand in the palm of her free one. She dropped to her knees. She rocked back and forth on the ground, trying to distract herself from the searing pain in her hand and the burning tears in her eyes, which she screwed shut. "Fuck you and your stupid fucking vampire shin," she cursed, shaking her head profusely and gritting her teeth through the pain. "Fuck you, Emmett," she seethed.
She could hear the snaps of dry twigs and the crunch of dead leaves beneath the soles of his shoes as he took the few steps towards her. He knelt down at her side. "Are you fucking stupid, Y/N?" He asked, his words ridden with disbelief and frustration as he placed a hand on her shoulder. When Y/N, despite being in the worst pain she'd been in since she broke her leg in the seventh grade, still found it in herself to shrug his hand off of her shoulder, Emmett rolled his eyes. "You know, I was gonna ask why the hell you'd risk your own safety to punch me, but I think 'stubborn as fuck' sums it up pretty well," he said and she opened her eyes to shoot him a look.
"Will you stop making jokes and just fucking get Carlisle, already?" Y/N snapped at him. There were hot, pain-induced tears streaming down her pink cheeks, but Emmett wouldn't have even noticed that she was crying if she hadn't turned her head to face him.
"I'll do you one better," he promised, before hooking one of his beefy arms beneath the bend of her knees and moving the other to support her back as he lifted her up off of the ground.
Y/N pressed her free hand against Emmett's taut chest, pushing against it as she squirmed to try to get out of his arms. "Emmett, I said to—"
"Shut up and let me carry you, okay?" He shouted at her and her eyes went wide, hand retreating back to its injured equal and she hung her head slightly. "I'm sorry, I just... it's faster this way," he admitted and she nodded, deciding it was better to just stay quiet before she broke something else.
Emmett sped forward and they were standing before Carlisle before Y/N even had the chance to blink. The blonde vampire studied the two carefully, eyes flitting between the injury she'd sustained and his son, and he shook his head. "Emmett, you should know not to tease the girl so much," he chastised and Emmett huffed in response, rolling his eyes in the man's direction. "She is a Swan and the Swan sisters have proven to make irrational decisions."
Y/N would've laughed if she wasn't halfway between crying and trying to catch her breath. "Look, if we're gonna talk irrational decisions, that's gonna take a while. So, can we wait until I'm not about to pass out?" She asked in one breath, getting the words out as quick as possible.
Carlisle laughed and nodded his head. "Of course."
"Very bold of you to sucker punch a vampire," Carlisle commented as he finished adjusting and buckling the fabric splint he'd slid onto her wrist, an amused smile playing on his lips as he brought up the situation. The device covered her wrist, as well as the ring and pinky fingers that she was almost certain she'd broken. It was also wrapped tightly around her hand, but not enough to where it might cause a problem. "Does that feel alright?" He questioned, tapping his fingers lightly on her covered wrist.
Y/N nodded, glancing over at the closed office door, where she knew that Emmett was waiting for her out in the hallway. She looked back at Carlisle. "It's fine, thank you," she told him, managing a small smile. "And, yeah, my sanity kind of got swept away in the moment and this," she paused, gesturing to her hand with her head, "is the result," she finished.
Carlisle chuckled softly, gathering whatever medical supplies he'd used to help with her hand and placing them back in his first aid kit. "I understand," he told her, glancing up at her with a small smile as he returned the kit to its rightful place in a desk drawer. "Emmett tends to have that effect on people," he added and Y/N immediately scoffed.
She nodded her head, standing from her place in one of Carlisle's office chairs. "You could definitely say that again," she agreed with a hint of playfulness in her voice, despite the temporary annoyance she still harbored for the doctor's son. "I know he means well, though."
"Especially when it comes to you," he pointed out, a grin making its way onto his face as he adjusted the cuffs of his blue button down and crossed his arms over his chest. Y/N's cheeks flushed at the comment and she shook her head slightly. "Oh, I mean it. He really cares about you, even if he has a strange way of showing it," he promised.
Y/N glanced down at her knees and back up at Carlisle. "As much as I hate to admit it, I know," she confessed, smiling sheepishly. Of course she knew that Emmett cared about her. She loved that boy with the entirety of her being and even if he drove her crazy with pranks, teasing, and the occasional argument, he'd proved to her on more than one occasion that he would give his life to keep her safe. She looked towards the door. "I think I need to..." She trailed off, nodding towards the exit.
Carlisle followed her gaze and a knowing look flashed across his face. "I believe so," he hummed.
Y/N moved forward to give the man a hug and he happily draped his arms around her. "Thank you for helping me," she told him and he squeezed her shoulders affectionately.
When they both pulled out of the embrace, they shared gentle smiles. "Of course, Y/N. You're family," he assured her. "Now, your wrist and fingers are only sprained, so they shouldn't take too long to heal, but let me know if you come across any complications," he instructed.
She nodded her head and after bidding her farewell, she made her way to the door and stepped out into the hallway. For some reason, before she'd even laid eyes on Emmett, her heart was thundering in her chest. Maybe it was the thought of admitting she was wrong or the fear that he wouldn't accept her apology, but she was nervous as she shut the door behind her.
Before Y/N could even process the fact that Emmett had been waiting outside of the door for her to come out, he was making his way over to her with a guilty expression settled on his face. "Hey, Y/N/N," he addressed her quietly, his head hung slightly and his arms crossed over his chest as he came to a stop in front of her. "You gonna be okay?" He asked, nodding to the brace around her wrist.
Her eyes followed the jerk of his head and she laughed awkwardly, holding it up briefly. "Oh, yeah," she replied softly. "Carlisle said it's just sprained, so I should be fine in a few weeks," she added, shifting awkwardly as Emmett continued to look at her hand. "I'm fine, seriously," she promised.
Emmet glanced up at her and she could see the regret swimming in his eyes. "Maybe you are, but you have to understand that I'm so sorry, Y/N," he said, reaching out to take her injured hand delicately in his own. "I never meant for you to get hurt, you know that right? I was just being stupid and I—"
Y/N shook her head up at him and she brought her other hand to his, sandwiching his hand between hers affectionately. "Don't apologize, Emmett," she said. "You were just messing around, I get it. It was stupid of me to blow up at you like I did because I know that you were just trying to goof around and laugh with me. I'm sorry that I got so mad at you and I'm sorry that I punched you," she confessed sincerely, her eyes mulling over his features as she looked for any form of forgiveness.
Of course, she found it when he flashed her a small smile. "It's fine, Swan, I'm perfectly okay. You're the one who's stuck with that stupid splint on for the next few weeks," he teased and she rolled her eyes playfully, managing a lighthearted grin. "Seriously, though, I'm not mad at you or anything, but promise me you'll leave the punching the supernatural to your sister next time," he told her.
"I promise," she agreed with a small laugh and she took a step closer to him, wrapping her arms around his torso and pulling him into a hug. "Thank you for caring about me so much," she hummed, letting her eyes fall closed as she felt the warmth of his arms embracing her in return.
She could feel him nod against the side of her head and he pressed a gently kiss against her temple. "Of course. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you," he admitted, pulling away from her just slightly so that he could make eye contact with her. "I love you, Y/N," he said quietly.
Her heart skipped a beat at his confession and a giddy smile rugged at the corners of her mouth. "God, you're making me feel really bad about punching you," she joked and he chuckled. "But I love you, too, Em," she reassured him.
Emmett simply grinned and he hooked one of his fingers beneath her chin, tilting her head up so he could give her a kiss. Y/N nearly melted into a puddle when his soft lips met hers and she was almost certain that her insides had turned to mush.
"Anyways," he muttered when he pulled away, literally radiating happiness. "Do you wanna go play our game again?" He questioned.
Y/N scoffed with amusement, but she nodded all the same. "Fine. Just as long as you don't blow me up this time," she negotiated.
Emmett only smirked. "No promises, sweetheart."
author's note / sorry, this is terrible haha, it was cute in the beginning but i'm horrible at endings. thank u for reading though! xx
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tonesplash · 3 years
tune up (emmett cullen drabble)
a/n: i have decided i can post things regardless of whether or not i like them 😌
warnings: he makes u squart ❤️
Emmett loves his cars. Loves to show them off, loves to watch Rosalie tune them, loves joyriding through rough terrain until they crumple around him like paper and he has to run home. On the rare nights he isn't down to chase a bear across county lines, he finds there is nothing better than hopping in the driver's seat and clearing dozens of miles a minute.
When he first shares this love with you, he completely forgets to hold back amongst the exhilaration, pressing the pedal flat and then some- until he pulls over to ask what you think, and you trip over yourself to empty your stomach on the side of the road.
After that, he learns to take it slow. And by slow I mean like, 90 mph regularly, 85 if you're lucky and he brings the Wrangler. The acceleration doesn't get the metaphorical blood pumping as much, but it does have windows.
But taking it slow means taking in the views, and now you're discovering back roads and canyons he'd wrestled his brothers in on hunting trips.
Tonight he pulls into another spot you'd never seen before, and when the headlights clear the trees, your lips can't help but part in awe. You’re on the backend of some state park, just mossy cliffs and a wide-open sky to see stars for miles. He turns off the headlights but keeps the heater going so you can watch them together. You talk and smile and kiss over the food you picked up along the way, and he forgets what he was saying when he catches you sucking the salt from your fingers and-
The heater is blasting, you're just so pretty and warm, you wouldn't mind if he slipped a few in, right? Is this okay?
The windows are fogged to high hell, and the time on the radio has rolled back to single digits, but you don't care. Not when he's reaching into you like that, wide and rough, pulled over his lap and against the window, pants around one ankle and the other on the dashboard. You're too hot now, overheated by the food and the vents, and now his hand as he pushes that spot again and again.
You feel it building, and this time it's big. You try to buck away, to pull at his clothes, but he doesn't let you, just coos sympathetically when he brings another massive hand down to play with tour clit. Actually, play isn't the right word because what he does is—immediately motorboat them into the most sensitive part of your body like a missed call.
Your back pulls taut and your unrestrained limbs spasm for something to hold on to, one catching at his dark crop of curls as you cry out something broken into the air. Your clit feels white-hot with the friction, but he's not stopping. You make the mistake of checking and the sight of his massive arm working meticulously at your apex pushes you over, grinding wildly into his lap while he smiles viciously into your shoulder, curling the active digits and pressing harder.
Is this is what we have been waiting for? Huh? Is this is the big one?
You manage a smack against his leg before you're pushed harder, arching like a bow and yanking his hair while you squirt all over his imported radio.
Rose was going to kick your ass.
"Oo-oh shit." You manage to yelp, even mid-orgasm, having half a mind to yank at his hair harder, but he doesnt budge, retaliating by keeping his pace, relentlessly following your hips as you try to jerk away.
"Nuh, uh, one more for a good nights rest—" He presses the heel of his hand rubbing your clit into your stomach and holds the fingers inside of you against your gspot, only jerking them slightly to wring that last bit out of you as you gasp for air before he lets you drop to his lap to leak onto his pants.
Your thighs tremble and his hands return to sooth the overworked muscle while you both turn your attention back to the stars. Its a bit harder to see through the crime scene you'd left but he thinks it's romantic <3
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little-diable · 4 years
Sharing a mate - Emmett x Reader x Jasper (smut)
Okay so like an Emmett x reader x jasper threesome? I cannot get enough of those boys and I feel like it’d be an interesting combo. Some plot points in case you can’t work with vagueness: trio are all mates, your choice if reader is human or not, Emmett being more dom than jasper, reader getting absolutely WRECKED, and some cuddling at the end.
So, this is my first ever try at a threesome, please, be gentle with me haha. Enjoy my loves. xxx 
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(Credit to the gif owner) 
It was a rare occurrence for a vampire to share his mate with somebody else, but there had been cases here and there where a vampire had not one, but two mates at the same time. 
Even though it took both Jasper and Emmett some time to get used to, they came to terms with the fact that (y/n) was their mate and that they had to share her with each other. 
(Y/n) was a beautiful girl, full of life, the boys were obsessed with her, felt very protective of her, they wouldn’t leave her out of their sight just once. And as much as (y/n) had been confused in the beginning, she liked the attention she was receiving from both boys, liked to be able to love not just one but two vampires at the same time. 
Her head was placed against Emmetts chest, legs were draped over Jaspers lap, a book was placed in her hands, the boys had their eyes focused on the massive tv. Slowly Jaspers hands began to wander, both boys had absolutely no impulse control over their instincts when it came to (y/n). Emmett couldn’t stop the smirk from spreading as his eyes found Jaspers, the arousal that began to pool between her thighs was hard to miss, Emmett had her draped over his shoulder in a second, carrying his human mate towards her bedroom. 
She slightly bounced against the mattress, Emmett helped her out of her shirt, straddled her middle, while Jasper began to unbutton her jeans, “you’re soaked darlin’.”, his voice vibrated against her clothed core, shivers ran up her spines, she was beginning to lose all her control. Emmett toyed around with her nipples, only stopping as she popped open the button of his trousers, palming him through his boxers. 
Just as Emmett grasped his length, rubbed it a few time and pushed it past her awaiting lips, Jaspers tongue licked a long stripe through (y/n)s wet folds. The moan that escaped her mouth was slightly muffled by Emmetts movement, her cheeks were hallowed around his size, the salty flavor heavy on her tongue as he kept on thrusting his hips forward. Just as Jasper began to pump two fingers inside of her, she gagged around Emmetts length, tears left her eyes, Jasper was building up the pressure, he attached his lips around her pulsing clit, drawing her closer to her release. 
Emmett rose from her chest and flipped her onto all fours, she kept on sucking him off as Jasper teased her entrance with his tip, Jasper always liked to take his sweet time with her, he wanted her to feel relaxed, didn’t want to pressure or stress his mate. Emmett on the other hand, played the dominant part of the two brothers, he liked to wreck her, liked to litter her body with bruises, bruises that would make her blush later on, only to mark her as his.
(Y/n) gagged around Emmetts member once again as Jasper thrusted forward, his tip gazed her sweet spot, every inch of his member stretched her core so deliciously, he knew exactly what he was doing, knew her body like the back of his hand. “Fuck babe, your mouth feels so good, wrapped around me.”, Emmetts voice was restrained, fingers tugged on her roots, he felt his orgasm approaching, he grunted at the feeling of the vibrations as (y/n) kept on moaning around him.
Jasper could feel that she was near, she kept on clenching around him, kept on gripping the bedsheets tighter, so he stopped his thrusting and slowly backed away from his mate, “your turn”, was all he said as he swapped places with his brother, giving her a second to breathe. Emmett pounded straight into her, not giving her any time to stretch around him, his hips snapped against hers, (y/n) eyes were closed as she sucked on Jaspers length, “you’re doing so well darlin’.”, Jasper kept on praising her.   
Emmett had a tight grip on her hips, marks were already beginning to form, she was clenching around him, a deep moan left her lips as Emmett kept on building up his speed, he was wrecking her, not showing any mercy at all. (Y/n) felt her orgasm nearing, the sensation was slowly getting too much, she kept on bopping her head around Jasper as Emmett kept on pounding into her heat. Emmett started to draw circles on her clit, his thrusts slowly began to falter, just like Jasper, he felt his release approaching. 
All three of them came at the same time, loud moans left the boys mouth, (y/n) kept on groaning around Jaspers member, his cum was dripping down the back of her throat, a taste she’s grown to love. Emmett slowly pulled out of her, he walked into the bathroom and came back with a warm washcloth, cleaning her. Jasper pulled her into his chest, a tired smile on her lips as she felt Emmetts hand moving along her spine. “I love you.”, (y/n) couldn’t stop the yawn from escaping her mouth, still drunk on the feeling of the orgasm that just washed over her a few minutes ago. 
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For fun I decided to combine my recent She-Ra pieces into a movie poster, also added Kellan Lutz as He-Man in the mix... 
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the104yearoldvirgin · 4 years
Okay I get why they cast Luke Hemsworth to play Thor in the play in Thor: Ragnarok but forreal they should have cast Kellan Lutz. Can you imagine the glorious chaos of Matt Damon and Kellan Lutz making homoerotic eye contact during Loki’s “death” scene? 
Someone get me on the phone with Taika immediately.
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whyiwrite · 5 years
Six Crushes
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Obviously Kellan Lutz... LIKE HOW IS HE HUMAN 
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also like how could you not
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love me some dorks 
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obscure-imagines · 6 years
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you walked back into the house and Emmett looked up from the paper, “you’re smiling, break a lot of stuff?”
you collapsed next to him on the couch, “i had the best time.”
“aren't you supposed to be watching her and making sure she doesn't break stuff?” Bella asked. 
“you’re right i should go with you next time.” Emmett said to you.
“then we can break even more stuff!” you grinned.
“hell yeah!”
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Big Bad Wolf
Request:  Ur emmetts vampire mate and he sees a guy/girl flirt with you so he gets possessive and you start to tease him until he gets so mad he walks off and when he come back he teaches the reader who she belongs to
Requested by: ANON
Context: Emmett gets jealous when he sees you flirting with a cute boy at school and has to show his little lamb who she belongs too.
Warnings: SMUT!!! :D
Emmett wasn't one to get jealous very easy, especially when it came to you. You were already so infatuated with him that he didn't feel the need to worry about anyone taking you from him. But that didn't mean he wasn't just as infatuated with you as you were with him. He loved you; your quirky little dance whenever you got food, the way you would sing out words to him mid-sentence, the way you snorted when you laughed way too hard, or how you always seem to miss a step on the stairs when you go up them. It was the little things that he noticed about you every day that had him falling deeper and deeper for you.  
But things gradually got different.
A new guy was in town, a very handsome and athletic guy who was in your gym class. He was always smiling at you and helping you off the ground whenever you fell. All the girls in your class were envious of you, because not only did you have the hottest guy in school as your boyfriend, but the newbie who was almost just as attractive was hitting on you.
Emmett stood at the gym doors watching you play basketball with a careful eye. He knew you would fall eventually and he wanted to watch it happen so he could pick on you later about it. You went to reach for the ball and one of the girls pushed you out of the way, making you fall backwards on your ass.
You groaned as you went to get up, but a strong hand encircled your upper arm.
"Are you alright?"  
You looked up to see the new boy, James, smiling down at you and for a split second you forgot that you were in gym class.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just sucks that I can't play one single sport without falling all the time." You said, shaking off the fall.
"Hey, it's all part of the sport. You got to fall a bunch of times before you learn how to not fall again." He said moving just a little closer to you. You felt eyes boring into the back of your head so you turned to peek over your shoulder and saw Emmett glaring at you two.
"Doesn't seem like your boyfriend is a big fan of me." James said.
You looked at Emmett confused and then realized that he was jealous. This was new, especially since he's never been jealous around you. As usual, you decided to see how far you could push it. Reaching up to touch James' arm, you gently brushed your fingers across his bicep.  
"Oh he'll get over it. He's not a fan of a lot of people. Especially ones who help his girlfriend out on a daily basis." You said flashing your best smile. James couldn’t help but push a strand of your hair behind your ear and you knew that would send Em over the edge.  
You turned to look at him but he was gone and you felt anxious the rest of class wondering what would happen after school.
The rest of the day flew by and you hadn't even caught of glimpse of your vampire anywhere. He usually walked you to your last class since his was right across the hall but he was nowhere to be found.  
"Hey, Y/N, where is my brother?" Alice asked as she sat down next to you. Both of you had chemistry together and were inseparable during that class. Always talking and passing notes. Alice always knew when the teacher was going to call on both of you to answer so she was always one step ahead of the game.
"I don’t know," you said. "I saw him while I was in gym earlier but that was the last of it. Can't you see him?" You knew that Alice had visions but she just shook her head.  
"No, I haven't gotten anything. I usually don't try to see the future for Em. He gets weirded out by it sometimes." She said. You laughed and looked at the door. You could usually see Emmett's classroom from where you were sitting but he didn't seem to be in there.
"Maybe he skipped out and went home." You said.
"Or maybe he's mad at you for flirting with the new boy." She said, poking your arm.  
You rolled your eyes. "I was not flirting with him. I wanted to see how jealous I could make Em and then he disappeared and I haven't seen him since."
The rest of class went by and you were finally free. You walked to the parking lot to see Em leaning against your car.  
"Oh, hey there big boy. Haven't seen you in a while." You walked up to give him a kiss and he deflected it. "Or not." You muttered as you rounded the driver side.
You felt a cool wind before you felt him behind you, pushing you against the car. His hands placed on either side of you and his mouth was at your ear, sending a cold shiver through your body. His frontside rubbing against your backside.
"We need to talk. I'm driving." He said as he whisked you into the passenger seat. He turned your car on and gunned the engine out of town.
The car filled with a deafening silence and the only sound was that of your heart. He never took his eyes off the road; one hand on the steering wheel, the other in a fist clenched at his mouth.
You sat in thought about how to break the silence. "Babe." You said. He didn't even acknowledge that you said anything. You sighed and turned to look out the window as the trees blurred past you in a dangerous speed.
Before you knew what was going on, you were parked in a field. Emmett had gotten out of the car and was walking humanly slow around the side to your door. He helped you out of the car and then walked off into the field where a big boulder was sat in the middle.
A loud crack filled the sky before you saw the boulder split into two. Emmett had punched it and was staring directly at you now. You blinked once and he was right in front of you, angry.
You felt fear rise into your throat but you knew he wouldn't hurt you. He grabbed you and pulled you to the rock where he pinned you to the smoother part with his body.
Taking both of your hands and raising them above your head, he leaned in and brushed his lips along your jaw. "You think it's funny to flirt with someone in front of me?" He asked, his breath cool on your skin making your inner fire soar.
He took his free hand and wrapped it lightly around your throat, giving it a bit of a squeeze before looking right into your eyes. "Well I guess I'll have to teach my little lamb who she really belongs to, now don't I?" He said before he kissed you.
His lips were like ice against your very hot ones. His command to keep your arms above your head sent chills through your body and you stayed in the position that he put you in. He left trails of ice on every inch that he touched, gradually taking off your clothes though he did it without even trying. Hands travelled every inch of your burning body, whimpering for more only to be shushed by lips against yours.  
"Does my little lamb want to be devoured by the big bad wolf?" Emmett growled and you nodded fervently. He returned to his task at hand watching you wiggle and squirm as he kissed down your body stopping just above your sex.  
"Let's see how wet this little lamb is." He said, dragging your panties down your legs. You knew how wet you were. When Emmett would get angry with his brothers, he would always have angry sex with you which was some of the best sex you guys would have.  
He turned you around and slid his dick between your legs, pushing gently against your entrance. "Oh you're very wet," He said kissing your neck, "and very warm." As he said that, he thrusted his full length into you, driving you to gasp and scream his name.
It was good thing you were both fucking out in the middle of a field because the way he was fucking you had you screaming every time he thrusted.
"You belong to me, babe. No one else. All of you belongs to me." He said, biting your shoulder and pushing deeper into you. You felt your high coming before you could react to him and you came undone, him still thrusting inside of you. Everything beame sensitive and you felt your body crumble beneath him. He slowed only for a moment to catch you and then continued. It didn’t take him long to finish inside of you.  
He held you in his arms as you tried to catch your breath. Gently getting you cleaned up and dressed, he carried you back over to your car and set you inside. "You can't go home like that babydoll, so you're coming back to my place."  
You just nodded and closed your eyes, unbeknownst that you had fallen asleep. When you had awoken, you were lying in Emmett's room. Arctic Monkeys was playing softly in the background and you knew that he was happy again.
"Hello beautiful." He said, running his hands through your hair.  
"I love you Em." You said. "No one will ever take your place. Not now, not ever." That's all you wanted to say to him.
"I love you too princess." He kissed your forehead as Mad Sounds played throughout the room, leaving you in bliss.  
A/N: Happy New Year to you all!! I hope that this year brings many good things to you. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!
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sweatergirlsposts · 4 years
Imagine being a hiker, in northern Forks, and almost being hit by one of the Cullen’s baseballs but Emmett protects you from the blow
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“Well aren’t you gorgeous, but probably wouldn't have been anymore if that curveball hit you”
“Am I supposed to say thank you?”
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mama-tumblz · 3 years
Hi Mama. Actress Teresa Palmer had a baby two weeks ago and her husband traveled for work for six weeks. Actor Kellan Lutz also had to travel and leave his baby daughter with his wife because he is recording a show. Sam himself already said in the Q&A that he is working, but people prefer to opt for an alternate reality and regulate SC lives according to their own limites
Exactly. Armchair experts. If they can't imagine themselves doing it then it's either impossible or immoral.
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little-diable · 4 years
Kinktober Day 11 - Emmett Cullen
Feedback is very welcomed, my asks are always open. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Day 10 - cock warming
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She was trembling, head pressed against the crook of his neck, rubbing her hands against each other, flinching as Emmett wrapped his arms around her. “I’m sorry”, he mumbled, hating that he couldn’t do anything to warm her up, “it’s fine”, she pressed a kiss onto his jawline, trying to pull the covers closer, snuggling into the soft fabric. 
Emmett pulled her in for a kiss, hand grasping her chin, moaning at her taste, pulling her even closer. (Y/n) was now straddling Emmett, covers falling down from her shoulders, exposing her frame to his wandering hands, chuckling as he squeezed her behind, “maybe I can warm you up after all”, he smirked against her lips. 
(Y/n) chuckled, forehead pressed against his, “you think so?”, she replied with a smug smile, “I know so”, Emmetts hands wandered underneath the shirt she was wearing. A shuttered breath fell from her lips, palms pressed against his naked chest, trembling as her body seemed to remember how cold the air around her truly was. 
He moved her down his waist, settling on her thighs, pushing his basketball shorts down just enough to pull out his already hard length. “Let’s warm you up”, he interlaced his fingers with hers, just now she seemed to realize, what Emmett had in mind. (Y/n) tugged her panties to the side, giving him enough room to line his length up to her heat, tip slipping through her folds. 
A gasp spilled out of her, muscles tensing around him, she felt full, almost too full, the sensation alone could push (y/n) over the edge any moment now. Her head fell back, walls stretched around his length, “come here”, Emmett pulled her into his chest, trying to stop himself from moving his hips, how easy it would be to fuck her into oblivion. 
“Thought this would be easier”, she mumbled into his chest, struggling to keep still. She could feel his every vein, throbbing inside of her, Emmett combed his hands through her hair, down her spine, clawing his nails into her behind. “Mhm”, she mumbled some incoherent words against his skin, eyelashes fluttering, fuck, she wouldn’t be able to endure this much longer. 
Emmett seemed collected, calm, as if he wasn’t struggling just as much. “Baby”, he breathed out, “stop squirming”, the tone of his voice dropped even lower, giving her a chance to finally calm down. She let out a deep breath, “sorry”, she panted, (y/n) sounded as if she had just run a marathon, so out of breath. 
His chuckle rumbled through him, her skin didn’t feel as freezing any longer, finally he had managed to warm her up, to over flood her with heat, stretching her in the best way possible. 
“I love you”, she mumbled, her yawn echoed through the room, “I love you too”, Emmett kissed her forehead, watching her fall limp in his embrace, off to sleeping through the night, with her walls still stretched around him. 
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volturialice · 3 years
When people say that other vampires shouldn't "treat" Carlisle and Esme as "parents", I just roll my eyes and continue to make headcanons about the Cullen family and C&E "parents". Like, I imagine a lot of Jasper and Emmett being grounded the most, because, for heaven's sake, there's no way those two could live in the same house without breaking 1 or 2 of Esme's vases a day. It's kind of funny to do that. but anyway, do you have any thoughts on Carlisle & Esme as parents?
((But, I agree, it would be MUCH BETTER if Smeyer made them in their late 20's or early 30's (since they consider themselves the age they were turned, and not the age they really are, otherwise Jasper would be older than Esme) and not as young as "their children" (speaking more of Carlisle here, since Esme was turned at 26 or so))
yeah, I think the debate about whether or not the cullen kids should think of their parents as parents stems from a couple different disconnects.
on carlisle's and esme's ages
first, carlesme's movie ages vs book ages. 23 and 26 in the book vs the 33 and 34ish -year-old actors.
I think this was a wise decision on the filmmakers' part, especially considering the actors playing their 17-20 year old "kids" were all, in typical hollywood fashion, in their early twenties themselves (except kstew.) like, kellan lutz was the same age as book!carlisle. it was a smart move to cast actors in their early thirties as the "parents" because they still look absurdly young to be these teenagers' parents, but at least they look old enough to pay taxes and practice medicine now, and the age gap between them and the "kids" is wide enough to make them more plausible mentor/parent figures (rather than the mere three years between emmett and carlisle in the books—that's the age difference between me and my sister, and in no universe would I make a fit parent for her lmaooo. also I'm 27 and I was mistaken for a teenager literally yesterday, so the idea that esme would even appear older than her kids is kind of a tossup to begin with.)
so with that in mind, I've pretty much adopted their movie ages as my own hc. smeyer's intention was to have them be Absurdly Youthful Parents, and that much is fun and works, but she went so extreme that she strayed into doesn't-make-sense, can't-suspend-my-disbelief territory, so we Reject her version of canon there (except for memes.)
second...I know it's the fandom-wide adopted hc, and something smeyer trumpets about, but I'm not sure they do consider themselves the age they were turned at (or that we as readers should, anyway.) I personally don't. No matter where your brain's development was halted, someone with 109 years of lived experience just isn't a teenager. they just aren't. I think if we're gonna handwave away the ~discomfort~ of seeing a 109-year-old vampire date a human teenager by going "it's ok because he's also a teenager" that kind of defeats the point of gothic/supernatural romance, y'know? it's about that discomfort. it's about loving the monstrous, in monstrous ways. it's about conceptualizing things that are impossible in real life.
so I don't see edward as 17 or 109, I see him as a guy who is 17 in some ways and 109 in others.
and the same goes for carlisle and esme! like, this man lit rally came over on a ship in his tri-cornered hat and colonized america, he is not the same as your 23-year-old cousin who works at bath & body works. or even your extremely wealthy and driven 23-year-old cousin who just got into stanford med school.
thoughts on carlesme as parents
I think carlisle and esme are very aware of how weirdly they're positioned, age-wise, in relation to their kids (even in my own little hc-universe where they're in their thirties.) I imagine they chose to take on the role of parents due to a combination of 1) that's what these particular "kids" needed (which I think is true in most of their cases—more on that in another meta), and 2) that's what they themselves wanted. it's pretty obvious in esme's case, having just lost her biological infant son and then choosing to fill that void. she feels she was meant to be a mother and has all these maternal instincts she's just gotta use on SOMEONE, y'know? and in carlisle's case, he's never lacked for friends and peers (see: all of breaking dawn) but he has lacked a family, and I guess he too wanted kids. not to mention, edward's mother entrusted him to carlisle, in this sort of "one adult guardian to another" way that kind of sets up that relationship.
so yeah, I think they treat their immortal, centenarian kids differently than they would treat actual human teenagers. said kids are all married to each other (pause to lmfaooo), they have decades of adult experiences, they have superbrains, and they accordingly get a lot of freedom. carlisle and esme don't actually have to do much care-taking or "raising," they can mostly sit back and provide love, guidance, and support as needed, which I think they're very content to do.
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providencepeakrp · 2 years
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Character Name: Rüya Seren.
Type of Connection: High School Ex/Former Roommate/Complication/Forme Mark?
Connection Name: UTP.
Connection Age: 31-34.
Suggested FCs: Serkay Tütüncü, Matt Barr, Ben Robson, Kellan Lutz, Miguel Gomez, John Clarence Stewart, Lewis Tan, Patrick Flueger, LaRoyce Hawkins, Serkan Cayoglu - UTP.
Okay so please bare with me I can never do anything short lmao and I have a lot of ideas for this!! Also trigger warnings for police, drugs, money laundering, jail.
So Rüya and this guy met in high school and dated. It wasn't a super serious relationship or anything and they broke up amicably and remained friends (She was very... wild child in hs due to some home issues and guilt issues so I imagine he'd have been part of that partying scene as well even if it wasn't as extensive or even more so. Up to you!)
Lost touch throughout the years, ya know, as people do
Once Rüya moved back to New York she reached out to him to see if he knew of anyone looking for a roommate and he was like 'Yeah! Me and my friends!' so she moved in with them
Prior to moving in with them, and tbh probably for the first few months, she had no idea about any of the criminal stuff they were doing- she just focused on taking care of her mom and working
She and this character kind of reconnected during this time, they became closer friends and just kind of vibed ya know
Slowly Rüya kind of became overwhelmed with her mom's medical bills/debt and her own bills and she was kind of floundering, vented to this character, who was like... maybe I can help
He talked to his pals and vouched for her and they brought her in on their operation
She started off slow because she had to gain their trust, but she did it quickly and she was *good* at it all
Then she got caught by an FBI agent trying to sell a big shipment of pills and was turned into a CI in lieu of going to prison
So she turned CI (one of the agents she worked with is actually in game and there's a WC for the other so!!) and she kind of... got closer to this character in order to get more information
He wasn't the like top dog of the operation, he trusted her, they got along *very* well so it made sense to her- esp since she was kind of trying to get as much information as fast as possible at first so she could get the whole thing over with
I was thinking that she kind of "dated" him during this time, pretended to have feelings and got closer to get this information... but the lines kind of got blurred between her actual feelings and what she was pretending in order to be trusted and brought further in
Whatever she WAS feeling for him was muddled/overshadowed by the v intense kind of... fling? Idk what to call it, she was having with one of the agents (that this character obviously wouldn't know about)
Anyways, all this to say his feelings were very real and so was his trust in her; so when shit hit the fan and she was produced as the prosecutions big ass confidential informant witness he was hurt, livid, confused... you name it, he probs felt it?
Rüya left NYC after the trials of her now former roommates were over and moved to Providence Peak six months ago
Rüya carries a lot of guilt about how she screwed this character over specifically, because she really did/does care for him in her own fucked up way especially with their history, so she wrote him a letter
I wanna say maybe a month or so ago? (Totally up to you, pls feel free to change it) this character was released from prison because his conviction got thrown out. The cops arrested and Mirandized him, he asked for a lawyer, and in their infinite wisdom/arrogance they ignored him and kept questioning him. SO his rights were violated, his lawyers found out AFTER the trial was over, and worked real hard to get him released
So dude is out now, and I think he's decided to track Rüya down- whether it's for revenge, to find out why she did what she did, or whatever- it's totally up for discussion and plotting!
We could also go the route of him just showing up in Providence for a fresh start and finding her working at one of the bars she works at and... oof. Instantly angry lol
I know this is a lot but I'm open to anything! And his history/future/everything his pretty much up in the air aka totally up to you. I just want the angst and the drama of him popping back in, her being scared/guilty, him being angry. And see where it goes. Please note though, I don't see him as a violent person so any sort of revenge isn't like... he'd kill her sort of thing. I have a Pinterest board for them here.
Do you need to be contacted before someone applies? Yes Please.
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msfilmdiary · 3 years
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn–Part 1
Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Nikki Reed, Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Peter Facinelli, Anna Kendrick, Elizabeth Reaser, Billie Burke, Michael Sheen, Dakota Fanning, Jamie Campbell Bower, Christian Serratos, Chaske Spencer, Mackenzie Foy, Rami Malek, Christopher Heyerdahl, Alex Meraz, Bronson Pelletier, Julia Jones, Booboo Stewart, Sarah Clarke, and Jodelle Ferland
Screenplay by Melissa Rosenberg
Directed by Bill Condon
Cinematography by Guillermo Navarro
I do not own any of the pictures posted. 
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Breaking Dawn–Part 1 begins a few months after the events of the previous film, showing us many of Bella’s loved ones receiving invitations to her and Edward’s marriage. We see Jacob receive an invitation, and as a result, he turns into a wolf and skips town. 
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The night before the wedding, Bella has a dream of the event with all her friends and family there, and like her, wearing white. The dream ends with both her and Edward covered in blood, with them standing on a the ever-growing pile of Bella’s dead loved ones from bites of a vampire. 
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After this dream, Bella, with the help of Alice and Rosalie, gets ready for her wedding. She enters wearing a simple-yet beautiful white fitted gown to a a crowd full of her family and friends, with Edward waiting for her at the end of the isle. They marry, and all is to celebrate.  
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During the reception, Jacob returns after he had skipped town after receiving an invitation for the wedding. Bella and Edward happily exchange their vows and are married. Bella is thrilled to see Jacob, and the two share a dance in the woods. Bella admits that she and Edward plan to consummate their marriage on their honeymoon while she is still human, and Jacob becomes furious, knowing that this could possibly kill her. Sam and the other pack members restrain Jacob before he phases, and they leave. 
After the wedding, the now married Bella and Edward spend their honeymoon on Isle Esme, and they have sex for the first time. The morning after, Edward realizes that Bella has numerous bruises and is upset at himself for hurting her, and vowed to not have sex again until she is a vampire. 
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Two weeks after their wedding, Bella vomits after waking up and notices that her period is late. Alice called Bella to ask if she was alright, as she saw a vision of something happening to Bella. She then talks to Carlisle, and Bella tells him that she believes that she’s pregnant. Edward is distraught because he knows that it’s highly unlikely that a human will survive giving birth to a vampire baby. Edward tells Bella that Carlisle needs to remove the baby, and Bella refuses, wanting to keep the child. She confides in Rosalie, and she acts as her bodyguard. They fly back home to Forks, Washington, and the baby rapidly grows. 
Jacob rushed over to Cullen's house to see Bella. Bella is now heavily pregnant and is pale and underweight. Jacob is upset by Bella’s daily health and says that Carlisle should terminate the pregnancy to save Bella. Bella ignores both Carlisle's medical advice and Alice’s visions of her pregnancy, allowing the pregnancy to therefore progress. Bella soon realizes that the baby is craving human blood and she begins drinking human blood supplied by Carlisle from the local hospital. Bella’s health improves and the baby grows at an alarming rate, and as half-vampire, the fetus’s growth is accelerated more than a human one. Edward’s dislike for the baby lessens when he begins reading the baby’s thoughts, and Bella and him share a tender moment with their unborn child. 
Then, Bella’s backbone breaks, and she collapses. Edward and Jacob realize that Bella cannot cope with the pregnancy, so Edward, Jacob, and Rosalie begin a C-section on Bella. Rosalie begins the procedure as Carlisle is out getting blood, but due to her hunger for human blood, Bella’s blood tempts her greatly. Jacob stops her and Edward picks up the blade and finishes the procedure. The morphine that Bella was given has not spread yet, so the pain she is experiencing is excruciating, and she falls unconscious. 
After Bella wakes up and sees her healthy daughter, she chooses the name Renesmee, a combination of both her and Edward’s mother’s names. Before anyone knows it, her heart stops beating. Jacob desperately tries to resuscitate her with CPR while Rosalie takes the baby away. Edward then injects Bella’s heart with vampire venom in order to transform her, but it appears to be futile as Bella remains completely lifeless. 
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Panicked, Edward begins chest compressions. Jacob tells him that he won’t kill him, as it will be greater punishment for Edward to spend eternity knowing he was the reason for Bella’s death. Seth and Leah tell the pack that Bella didn’t survive the birth, and Jacob goes back inside in an attempt to kill Renesmee, as he believes that she is the reason for Bella’s death. After locking eyes with Renesmee, Jacob sees all the future versions of her and decides not to kill her, but imprints on her instead. 
When the werewolves learn of Bella’s “death,” they travel to the Cullen’s in an attempt to kill Renesmee, fearing that she is too great of a threat. Edward, Alice, and Jasper defend their home with the help of Leah and Seth, later assisted by the rest of the Cullen family. Edward reads Jacob’s mind, and announces that Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee. The wolves’ absolute law is that they cannot harm anyone who has been imprinted on, so they leave. 
Edward’s venom heals Bella, and she is cleansed and dressed. Over the course of a couple days, her bite marks heal, and her broken back and chest repair. Finally, the transformation is complete, and when her eyes open, they are blood red. 
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In the mid-credits, Aro, Marcus, and Caius receive a letter from Carlisle announcing that they have a new member of the Cullen family. Aro informs the two that their feud is not over yet, as they still have something that he wants. 
Breaking Dawn–Part 1 translates key events from its source material onto its screen. The film is followed with romance, passion, and of course, none other than Bella and Edward’s wedding, honeymoon, and long-awaited consummation. 
When compared to Eclipse or even the first installment of the series, Breaking Dawn–Part 1 gets pretty underwhelming after Bella and Edward’s honeymoon. I feel like this big moment between these two characters was built up to a point where me, along with the millions of other teenage girls watching the series, were disappointed. I knew what was going to happen, Edward would somehow hurt Bella (destroying what seems to be every piece of furniture in the process) and still give off this “I’m dangerous, stay away from me” vibe. 
That being said, Breaking Dawn–Part 1 and Part 2 come from the same source material, so it's understandable that one feels a little more underwhelming than the other. The most excited I got when watching this film (after the honeymoon scene, of course) was when Bella woke up from her seemingly dead but not dead vampire transformation, and her eyes were blood red. There’s something about watching a character completely transform into something else. Bella, for three movies prior, was written to be sweet and demure, and give off this “damsel in distress” sort of feeling. But when she wakes up with blood red eyes, it's saying, “Everything now, as you know it, is about to change.” 
I could only imagine seeing this film in theaters on opening night. Sadly, I was eight and a quite bit too young to see any of the installments in the series. However, I remember that the series was everywhere. You could not escape the Twilight craze, or the teen romance vampire craze, for that matter. Breaking Dawn–Part 1 changed the course of the whole series. We get the excitement, but dangerous, and sometimes bothersome Cullen clan dealing with a new matter–Bella Swan becoming a vampire. 
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