#karl is a 50 year old child
drewlyyours · 1 year
ND #24
Karl Weschler - Jack Black
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Anja Mittelmeier - Florence Pugh
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Lukas Mittelmeier - Iain Armitage
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Renate Stoller - Jessica Lange
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the worst monsters are self-made
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justrainandcoffee · 3 months
Vendetta is not over (Luca Changretta x fem!oc)
Part 1: Ada Shelby.
And there's only two left.
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Masterlist - Prologue
Summary: Almost 25 years ago, a black woman visited the Garrison. She was Luca Changretta's wife. Arthur Shelby remember that day very well because from that moment he lived his days thinking about her and the promise of death. He knew that she wasn't lying. Those black eyes... No matter what Tommy says. Vendetta is coming for them. Killed, one by one. And the first one is his sister Ada.
Warnings: Murder.|| Finn died in the second world war.
Words: 2.5k
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Mr. Changretta for his men. Just The Musician for the outsiders. That was his nickname, because the young man was a talented saxophonist. His mother, people said, was an extraordinary singer. Both passionate about jazz and blues. When he was a kid and accompanied her to her shows he always wanted to play an instrument and at the age of nine, his mother bought him his first saxophone and took classes with a prestigious friend of hers. Over a decade later the kid, now a man, was still playing music as a hobby.
His work was one very different.
The Musician's slender fingers, touched his sax the same way he pulled the trigger. With extraordinary precision.
"Don't give these bastards a second chance, Fabrizio."
"No, Mr. Changretta."
"Good boy, Fabrizio."
The Musician let out a sight before lit a cigarette. The lighter illuminated his face a brief second. His new white shirt was the only thing visible in that almost dark room. His skin was dark, same as his mother, he's tall -really tall- and thin. He never knew his father, but his mother always said to him that Luca was equally elegant as he was.
The Musician had a mission.
Kill the Shelbys.
One was dead. Sadly. The less important. The youngest one perished in war. His source in England told him that the news were devastated for the once numerous clan.
The Musician had three names now. Ada Thorne, Thomas Shelby and especially: Arthur Shelby.
His mother was against of killing a woman, but it just happened that Ada Thorne wasn't just a woman. She was the head of the Shelby company. And despite she was over 50 years old, Ada Thorne was dangerous like her brothers.
The Musician knew that her son was now living in France. Karl Thorne was a collage teacher but had no contact with his mother. His half sister was there in New York, married to a man and pregnant of her first child. Elizabeth Younger was a beautiful black woman a bit younger than him.
As far as the Musician knew, John Shelby's children were dispersed around Great Britain, minding their own business. Raised by Esme Lee, the once kids, grew up far away from the Shelbys business. Same as Billy Shelby, Arthur's son, who was now a priest something that Linda was proud about.
The cigarette smoke helped to create a mysterious atmosphere around him. Augustus Caesar Changretta, also known as, The Musician, smiled.
He had to go home. His wife was waiting for him. His beautiful, beautiful… Elizabeth Younger.
He loved her. She's sweet and tender. For her, he was just a saxophonist. A saxophonist named Caesar Young, his mother's last name. 'Ces', for her.
Little Elizabeth knew, that her husband was about to kill her mother, Ada Thorne.
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The war is part of the past. For almost five years now.
Arthur left the cemetery. Finn Shelby didn't survive the battle. Being too young between 1914 and 1918, the boy didn't know about the horrors that him, Tommy and John had to witnessed.
"He was forced to kill for the Peaky Blinders, it's the same" his mind said to him.
Arthur tried to ignore that voice. He didn't expected another war two decades later, but humanity never learn. So, Finn went to fight for his country. Like millions of men. Like many other millions, Finn returned inside a coffin.
Of five Shelby siblings only three remained alive. He saw his face reflected on a window. He was old now. Finn was a still a young man. Poor Mary and the kids.
Lizzie left Tommy, Linda left him, Esme and Mary left the family. Freddie died ages ago. Love and Shelby apparently weren't compatible.
Arthur planned to go to London to see Ada. Maybe the next day, now he needed to rest.
On the corner of the street, he saw a young handsome black man. He was playing the saxophone for some pennies. He was really good.
The blood of Luca Changretta will chase you.
Those words returned to his mind. Changretta's wife warned them about a black man, Luca's son, seeking to revenge his father. Adelina was her name? Alina?
Aveline Changretta. The tall and beautiful black woman. The one who swore that Vendetta wasn't over.
For a moment the saxophonist and Arthur stared at each other. If it wasn't because he was playing the instrument, Arthur could've sworn that the young man was smirking.
"It was him, brother. It was him."
Arthur was in front of Tommy. Both men now had grey hair and wrinkles on their faces. Arthur was 62 years old now and Thomas, 60.
"You don't know that, Arthur. World is full of black men."
"I fookin' know! Why don't ya believe me?"
"You've been paranoid about a black kid the last 20 years or more, Arthur. Nothing happened, eh? We're still here. People always threatened us, no one succeeded."
"No one of those were a black woman with cold eyes talking about Changretta like that, either. Tommy…"
"Arthur, stop! I'm busy! That life it's part of our past. Women are impulsive, maybe she forgot. Maybe she married another man and have other kids. When back then I sent people to investigate, they found nothing. So, calm down!"
"Ya are underestimating this, Tom. Don't tell me I didn't warn ya. I'm goin' to visit Ada tomorrow."
"Ok. Maybe a a little trip will help you to think something different. London is full of black men, don't think that evry single one of them is his son."
Arthur didn't respond. He knew that Tommy was pretending that nothing of his past happened. He was a member of the parliament and wanted to be Prime Minister. He was a busy man. But the things they did… Arthur left his brother's office and went to the streets again. That corner where he saw the saxophonist, was now empty.
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"I wish I'd be there with you," Elizabeth said. "I miss England. Isn't a coincidence that you have the opportunity to go there, Ces?"
The Musician was in his hotel bedroom speaking with his wife by phone. On the table was a gun and several bullets.
"It's a coincidence, my dear. But planes aren't safe for pregnant women. The air pressure…but I'll be back soon."
"Will you go to visit mom? I can call her and tell her about it."
"I don't know if I'll have time, Liz. But if I can, I'm going to pay a visit to her. I need to know my mother-in-law, sooner or later, after all."
"She's nice, Ces. People say that she's severe and some fear her, but she's nice. Don't ask Karl, tho. Their relationship is quite different."
"I'm sure of it. I'm going to sleep, Liz. It's late here. Love you."
"Bye, Ces. Rest well."
He hanged the phone and stared at his reflection on the mirror.
"I'm already planning to visit your mother, my dear," he thought.
It happened that the first time visiting his mother-in-law, it was going to be the last time, too.
The Musician smiled.
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Arthur went to London the next day as he had planned. Good thing about cars now that they increased their speed considerably. Their old cars from decades ago had nothing to do with those made after the second war.
God bless the 50s.
London was the same as ever. Chaotic, noisy, polluted. People barely paying attention at those in front of their noses. Men reading newspapers sitting in benches, women walking their dogs, kids running…
Ada lived in a new house. This one was smallest than the previous one considering that she lived alone there. No one of her children were there anymore. Sweet Elizabeth even was pregnant. When Arthur knew the good news was extremely surprised. Where time went? Ada was about to be grandmother? How old was he, then?
Arthur knocked on her door and his sister opened. He always had a soft spot for her, she was still the little girl who was born in that old house in Watery Lane.
Arthur also noticed how small was his family now. There was a time where it was easy to mistake Karl and John's kids when all of them were running around. Arthur didn't know where they were. Fuck, he didn't even know where his son was, only he was a priest.
All of them put distance between them and their fathers. And mother.
Who could blame them? They killed. They tortured.
"Arthur!" Ada's voice brought him back again to reality.
"Get in. I just finished a call with Tommy. Same as ever."
"Yes. I know. He's just too old now to change."
"Talk to me about that," she said closing the door behind her.
Arthur never noticed that a black car was following him from the moment he left Birmingham. He never never noticed that a young man was standing in front of Ada's house. Neither did she. Far away in time were those days where she was hyper alert about everything and everyone around her around her.
The Musician felt his heart beating fast. But he was a patient man. If his mother was capable of waiting 25 years for this moment, he could wait a couple of hours.
"Are you sure?" Ada asked when at night Arthur was ready to leave her house after spending there the whole afternoon.
"Yeah. I need few drinks and then I'm going back home. Good to see ya, Ada."
"Same, Arthur. Take care right? Don't do nothing stupid."
"I'll be fine," he said hugging her for the last time.
One more hour passed. Arthur was in a pub very similar to the Garrison he owned once. The tv there was showing a contest show. Three men and a woman were participating. But he wasn't paying attention, he was thinking about other things.
"The blood of Luca Changretta will chase you."
Why was he so obsessed with it?
The black saxophonist. He couldn't stop thinking about him, even when he had seen plenty of street musicians before.
Aveline Changretta was in his mind. Smiling at him. And so was Luca. He could see the Italian man so clear like he was right in front of his eyes.
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Ada was in her car. She was looking for some papers she had forgotten inside it. The street was empty but the lights inside the people's houses were on. Families at that time used to enjoy tv programmes or they just were reunited to listen to the radio.
"Ada Thorne?"
A deep male voice made her shiver. And Ada was a woman who feared nothing. Through the opposite car window he could see a black man wearing a hat. He was smartly dress.
"Can I help you?" Under her car seat was a gun. She just needed to extend her arm and grabbed it.
"No. I'm just here because my father was killed by your brothers, long time ago. I just wanted tell you why I'm going to kill you…"
A woman occupied the seat next to his in that pub and asked for a Martini. Arthur didn't look at her, until her black hand brushed his. Arthur looked at her and his heart stopped.
"Hello, Mr. Shelby. So long… how are you?"
"The fook are ya' doing here?"
"Enjoying the night, like any other person."
Aveline smiled but Arthur didn't. She looked older, clearly the time passed for everyone, but she was still beautiful. Arthur remembered that she was tall but not that tall. Her lips were red as her dress. A white fur coat was over her shoulders.
"How life treated you, Mr. Shelby?"
Arthur didn't respond. He was staring at her, trying to read her thoughts, but Aveline was just smiling.
"I'm good," she continued "I kept singing, I learnt to play the piano… I raised my child…"
Bang. Bang
Two shots and Ada Thorne was part of the past now. She had time to grabbed her gun, but The Musician was faster.
He put a match in the fuel tank. The car started to burn immediately. When the neighbours could understand what was going on and go out, The Musician wasn't there anymore. But they saw a shadow.
In that street, in front of that white house, a car was burning and inside it was the only Shelby sister. Dead.
"It's a beautiful night, Mr. Shelby," Aveline said. "In other times, I used to go out and sing in front of a bonfire. By the way, Arthur… how is your sister Ada?"
Her smile was tremulous. Arthur stood up immediately. His brain was screaming Ada's name.
"Fook ya! Fook ya, ya bitch!"
No one listened to the conversation. The only certain thing was that people at the bar just saw a white man yelling at a black woman sitting there.
Aveline looked at Arthur ran out. There was a ghost of smile on her face.
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Next day was a nightmare. Tommy went to London as soon as he knew what happened.
Police was asking them about the night before. Tommy was far way. But Arthur… As far as the police knew, Arthur was the last person who saw her alive.
"I didn't kill my fookin' sister!"
"Easy, Mr. Shelby. No one is blaming you," the detective in front of him was a black man in his forties. "You say a black woman is behind this?"
"She is! She fooking is!"
"But you don't have any proof. And witnesses say that you yelled at black woman last night."
"Are ya implying that I'm a fooking racist?! My sister is dead and ya say I'm a racist!!" Arthur stood up abruptly.
"I didn't say it. And please calm down or I'm going to arrest you."
"Fook ya," he said once last time.
One hour later, the detective ended the questions and finally they let him go. Still, he was a suspect.
Tommy was at Ada's house when Arthur returned. As always, his brother didn't express any emotions and that was what Arthur found more annoying. Their sister had been killed like a dog, or worse, and he was there cold as ice.
"What do you want me to do, eh? Scream at a police officer? Yell at God? To throw a tantrum?"
"I fookin told ya! I fookin told ya! The Changrettas! I saw her fookin last night! And now Ada's dead!"
"I heard you insulted a black woman. It's the only thing I know."
"You too? Ya fookin' too!! It was her, Tom! It was his wife!"
Tommy lit a cigarette and sat down in Ada's sofa. She was in the morgue now. Once the autopsy was over, police will give them her body.
"I called the cemetery," Tommy said "we're going to bury her in a good spot. There are trees there."
Arthur was crying.
"After the funeral I'm going to make some calls and see if there's a place where Mrs. Young is staying. Hard, considering her last name is quite common."
Tommy stood up again and patted his brother shoulder before going to Ada's office searching one of her bottles of whiskey.
Alone in that room, the man made of ice, cried too.
Very few people went to her funeral, three days later. Karl's flight landed that very day and for the first time in years he saw his uncles. Neither of them talked to each other and after it, Karl left England this time forever.
Police didn't have any news and Arthur was still the main suspect, but they didn't have any proof. And the black woman Arthur talked about was nowhere to be found.
Tommy knew he needed to focus but he was tired. The last person who deserved to die was Ada. She wasn't part of the business like the rest of the Shelbys. But her last name…
A vinyl record was over his table when Thomas Shelby arrived from the cemetery. Nothing but the silence received him. His mind was still processing the death of his sister. Tommy could read the legend:
"Mafia Records. Black Hand vol I"
There was a short message next to it "listen to me."
Tommy put the vinyl on his record player.
He could hear a soft music and a female voice humming. Then, she started singing. Her voice was indeed beautiful… except for the lyrics:
"Thomas Shelby, Thomas Shelby… are you there?
Thomas Shelby, Thomas Shelby… you're next."
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offender42085 · 1 year
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Post 959
Karl Bruce Westgate, Florida inmate V44886, born 1995, incarceration intake in 2015 at age 19, sentenced to 25 years, died in custody 2015 after 48 days of incarceration
Burglary, Grand Theft, Traffic in Stolen Property, Lewd Conduct with a person under the age of 12
Karl Westgate, the 19-year-old Palm Coast resident sentenced in summer 2015 to 25 years in prison for molesting an 11-year-old girl, died in prison 48 days after his incarceration, and five weeks after writing a Flagler County judge to say that his plea had been coerced, and that he wanted his case re-opened.
Nothing was done by the court system or the public defender’s office—which had defended Westgate—after receiving his letter: Reginal Nunnally, his public defender, was shocked to learn of his death—from a news reporter—and had to take a moment to collect herself before addressing matters related to the case when asked about it.
Westgate was sentenced by Circuit Judge J. David Walsh. Until then, he had spent 221 days at the Flagler County jail, time that was credited to his sentence. He was then sent through the Florida prison system ending up in the East Unit of Apalachee Correctional Institution, a 1,322-bed prison for minimum and medium-security inmates off of I-10 just to the west of Tallahassee. The Department of Corrections records his death as taking place on July 16, or three days before his 20th birthday. 
“They call it prison justice,” said the victim's father, Daniel Westgate. “He was a dead man the minute they sentenced him.”
Prison officials would not detail anything surrounding his death. “The Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) Office of Inspector General (OIG) is proactively working with FDLE to provide investigatory assistance,” the Department of Corrections’ communications office wrote to local media in an email. “The Department will employ all available resources to ensure that a thorough investigation is completed. As this is an open and active criminal investigation, this is all of the information available at this time.”
But a week after the initial publication of the events in local media, a prison official said that although the medical examiner’s report has not yet been released, “it’s not entirely accurate to say that he was killed,” but rather, that “he died while incarcerated.” The implication is that Westgate took his own life.
Daniel Westgate–his father– and Westgate’s sister, however, say that Daniel had received letters from his son saying that his life was being repeatedly threatened, that in his last letter he said he’d asked to be placed in protective custody. The request was rebuffed.
Westgate was convicted on a series of sex crimes resulting from his relationship with an 11-year-old girl that entailed his sending her lewd pictures of himself, coercing her into sending naked pictures of herself, and subsequently visiting her at her home and raping her in her bedroom. He continued the rape even as the victim tried to push him off and complained of pain.
Inmates serving sentences for sex crimes against children, particularly very young children, are at a notoriously high risk to be themselves the victims of violence or murder by other inmates, who rank child-sex offenders at the lowest rung of the prison hierarchy, along with snitches. In November 2014, William Dillow (Florida inmate D45679), a 27-year-old man serving 45 years for raping two prepubescent girls–his girlfriend’s daughters–was murdered at Jefferson Correctional Institution, an 1,179-inmate prison in Monticello, just east of Tallahassee. The girlfriend, Rhonda Wilkerson (Florida inmate V45955), is serving 50 years.
According to the Department of Corrections, at the time of Westgate’s death; 40 inmates have been victims of homicides in the prior 5 years in Florida prisons, not including some 300 pending cases. The homicides are not explained.
Westgate had had a troubled life before his final incarceration. He’d been charged with burglary, theft, and fraud in the two years before his arrest on the sex charges.
He was sentenced wholesale to five years for burglary, five years for grand theft, 15 years for dealing in stolen property, 25 years for lewd and lascivious molestation of a girl younger than 12, five years for transmitting lewd materials to a minor, 15 years for use of a child in a sexual performance, and 25 years for lewd and lascivious molestation of a person younger than 12 (all to be served concurrently), followed by life on sex-offender probation and the designation as a sexual predator.
On June 6, 2015, Westgate wrote Judge Walsh. He claimed that since his incarceration at Apalachee, “I have not been able to contact my public defender or family to get any legal materials, or do any case work or start an appeal in my case. I would like to withdraw my plea and go fully through trial. I have reason of insufficient counsel, I have a wrong sentence, and was coerced into my plea.”
An inmate who tendered a plea may, under various circumstances, do what Westgate was requesting even after being sentenced.
He could have been out after serving 80 percent of his sentence, in early 2035, when he would have been 40: still young enough to have a life.
At the his sentencing hearing, the proceeding was routine.  Near the end of the proceeding, with the judge seemingly done and the bailiffs were readying to take Westgate’s fingerprints and DNA sample, he leaned over and whispered something in the ear of Regina Nunnally, his attorney and public defender.
There is one other thing, Nunnally told the judge. Westgate was requesting a furlough.
He wanted five hours to go to his family’s house. He would take a sheriff’s deputy’s escort. His family would pay for the escort, Nunnally said. He just wanted to go home, she did not explain for what, “for a period of time, and then back.”
The judge did not think about it. “I can’t allow that,” he said.
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strawberrygutssss · 2 years
Crew boys as your older sibling(separate)
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•Starting off strong with everyone's fav overprotective brother🙏
•From quackity im getting preteen younger sister vibes
•His #1 secret is that he actually loves hearing about your school drama and when you to come to him for advice even though he acts like you're annoying
•He would do that thing where he moves you to the side walk and he’ll walk on the side where the road is(help I hope y’all understand bc it’s hard to explain)
•Firmly believes in the "No boys(or girls) til you're 50" rule
•He acts like its dumb but he does enjoy when you put makeup on him or paint his nails,he likes bonding with you.
•You steal his beanies,shirts and hoodies alot because mens clothing is just more comfortable
•seriously tho,he only has like 2 hoodies left because of you
•Can't cook for shit so expect him randomly taking you to burger king at like 1am
•He invites you to be on stream alot and normally lets you wear his beanies
•I feel like you'd have a small accent or a sorta rasp because of the fact english isn't your first language
•again with the english not being your first language,he might have to translate the stuff you say on stream
•You're either chaotic n loud or saracastic and quiet,there's no inbetween.
•He likes to come into your room and just lay on your bed and bother you
•If you lay on his bed,he'll probably try to kick you off as a joke
•He buys you alot of stuff when traveling because he loves to see your reaction
•Dream has you white listed on the dsmp for lore reasons and because fans love you
•Refuses to snitch on you and will lie for you if you get caught doing something
•Your lore character is also quackity's sibling but you're a ghost
•Overall rating on the brother scale:10/10
•Im getting 13-15 year old sister vibes
•Clingy asf
•Like i mean it,he goes with you everywhere
•Store?He ran out of monsters so might as well go with,Restaurant?Hes hungry,he'll pay for it anyways,school?just let him drop you off or pick you up.
•He spoils the shit out of you,hes constantly giving you plushies,candy,etc.He just wants you to be happy
•again with the clingy,if hes not with you in person,hes texting you.
•"did you get there?Are you safe?""Karl you just dropped me off,you havent even left the school zone yet"
•I think he'd want to dye your hair or paint your nails
•like just imagine having matching nails with karl
•He'll cook for you and usually makes you breakfast and lunch
•constant compliments."SHES SO PRETTY""Shes literally heather""#Y/Nfanclub"
•Invites you to jackbox streams
•sapnap and quackity love you but they tease you in the same way karl would
•checks up on you to make sure you've eaten,brushed your teeth,drank water,etc
•You'd probably get featured on some mrbeast challenges and i can see you either winning or getting pretty close
•the mrbeast crew absolutely adore you
•Overall rating on the brother scale:11/10
•All im seeing is 14-16 year old sister vibes
•bullys you but nobody else is allowed to(except the rest of the crew boys)
•playful arguments
•Calls u stinky😢💔
•You team up with dream and george to annoy him as much as possible
•Hes the type of sibling to eat the food you left in the fridge
•Yall are both sassy asf
•he sends you random tikoks alot
•half of them dont even make sense,it could literally just be a monkey with the caption 'monke' and he'll piss himself laughing
•You cook for him alot because he can't cook for shit
•He loves your cooking like he could have the same meal everyday for years but never get tired of it if it was made by you
•Buys you alot of manga and lends you his
•chat says you're a better chad than him(true bw)
•helps you with homework but it ends up with both of yall confused
•Playing valorant at 3am with him and punz is a must
•You,Him and Punz=Toxic trio
•You're a part of the dsmp lore as a blaze hybrid and as karlnapity's child
•He'll pick u up randomly then just drop you
•Would definitely sit on your back while your laying down and say some shit like "damn this pillow moves alot"(idk if this is a universal thing,my brother used to do that to me)
•This man has perpared you for almost every situation because hes afraid you'll get hurt or taken advantage of
•Overall on the brother scale:9/10(1 point off for calling u smelly)
•16-18 year old sster vibes
•You definitely know and love drista,yall are besties
•you love teasings him about dreamnotfound
•you send him random ship edits and moments that pop up on your fyp
•hes one edit away from blocking u
•will yell your name for like 10 minutes and when you finally respond he tells you to go get him some water
•Chat loves you
•"Pretty privilege runs in the family apparently"
•dream thinks your absolutely hilarious
•you take his sweaters all the time because how could u not???they're so comfy
•Anybody remember the stream when tommy and quackity were asking george what sexual things meant?You were apart of that
•Tommy make alot of "I TALKED TO GEORGENOTFOUND'S SISTER IN MINECRAFT" videos and fans absolutely eat that shit up
•seriously nobody can get enough of you.
•you were trending on twitter for a while after posting a tweet captioned"I saw dream and george makeout,never going in the kitchen again" with a pic of u fake crying attached
•he knows all your secrets and teases you for them but never tells anybody
•he can actually be comforting and give good advice at times
•will randomly ask you to go get fast food with him
•You have over atleast 400 inside jokes like where they do keep coming from
•crew boys love u,probably more than they love george
•dream makes alot of jokee about being your future brother-in-law
•Overall on the brother scale:9/10
•you're drista's twin
•You're calmer and way shyer than drista but yall have the same sassiness and wittyness
•You're apart of the canon dsmp lore as both of you and drista are gods
•he likes to pick you and throw you on couchs,pools,beds,etc just anywhere he knows you won't get hurt
•he normally drives you and drista to and from school
•best part of having him for a brother is that nobody recognizes him in person
•alot of jokes about you replacing him in the dream team
•You,drista and dream are unstoppable when all together in dsmp lore
•he helps you with homework and actually helps*cough cough*sapnap*cough cough*
•you vent to him alot and he always there to cheer you up
•makes the dumbest minecraft mods to make you feel better
•you've stolen his merch around 20 times in the last week
•patches is attached to your hip at all times
•You send him dnf edits because you think its funny(it is)
•he fowards it to george
•You and sapnap are frenemies
•like yall just casually threaten each other then continue doing whatever
•hes protective but not as much as quackity
•hes fine if you get a bf or gf but if they hurt you,he wont be afraid to hurt a minor.
•Overall on the brother scale:10/10
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i-restuff · 1 year
You know what? You asked, and you shall receive. I didn't want to flood the comments of the post with my reactions, but If I had to read that then everyone must read (what I consider to be) the worst parts:
(my reactions in parenthesis)
It was revealed in All Hail King Julien that he is at least more than 50 years old. He is old enough to be in history books of Madagascar and the lemur kingdom. (Oop)
He loves King Julien's feet, an obsession which started when he saw King Julien using them to kick some foosas. (Remember this one lol)
Mort's love for feet is so extreme that, while sleeping, he can rip down a tree to get to them (BRO WHAT????)
Mort is protected by a "force field" of ignorance and can't feel pain, but he still hates drowning, as seen in "Assault and Batteries." (WHAT THE FUCK IS A FORCE FIELD OF IGNORANCE WHY CAN’T HE FEEL PAIN AND WHEN IN TEH WORLD DID HE DROWN???)
it is revealed that Mort is of a species that can absorb other Morts in the multiverse or, MORTiverse. However, Smart Mort, and later “Groovy 60's cult leader” Mort, also known as Hippie Mort, are two alternate versions of Mort, created by him due to the effects of both coffee, and tea- also known as Brown Julien, and Golden Julien- in both One More Cup and it's sequel episode. Smart Mort is an intelligent character, while “Groovy 60's cult leader”/Hippie Mort is a peaceful character. It is also revealed that Mort absorbed his own grandmother, and now she lives inside his mind. Also, it is seen in some episodes that Mort has versions of him inside his mind that he can talk to when he needs something. Mort is also portrayed to have some traces of Jewish heritage, as seen in Karl-Mageddon, after his grandfather shows up and a flashback appears of Mort as a child getting a present on Hanukkah from Grandpa Mort. He did mention that he got a pencil. (THERE IS SO MCUH TO UNPACK HERE??? HE ABSORBED HIS GRANDMA AND SHE LIVES IN HIS MIND???? WHY ARE THERE SO MANY MORTS AND HOW IN THE FUCK DID HE ABSORB THEM??)
It is indicated in Revenge of the Prom that Mort was abused by Grammy Mort, leading to her consumption. (Damn.)
He creates a romantic relationship with Zora in the All Hail King Julien: Exiled and marries her in The Day Before Tomorrow. However, in King Julien is Watching You, Zora leaves Mort and decides to live with Uncle King Julien. But Mort doesn't really seem to mind that. (He got married???)
At the end, he smiles when all the fur of King Julien gets lost since he had a bath his own 'love' potion. (what does that mean- WHAT DOES THAT MEAN)
After the penguins left, King Julien says to Mort that he expected a "little more pizzazz". Then, Mort eats King Julien in one gulp and amazes King Julien since it is 'pizzazz". (PLEASE- WHAT THE FUCK)
Mort shoots cobwebs from his palms in Night Creatures. (spiderman confirmed?)
Mort also tries to keep and preserve King Julien’s body multiple times when he believes he is dead, going so far as to create a display box for his severed feet in Phantom of Club Moist. He also tried to preserve Julien’s body in Pineapple Of My Eye and Julien 2.0. (WHAT WHY????)
He can turn his head 180 degrees anticlockwise in The Good Book. (That tracks yeah.)
Smart Mort who is seen after Mort consumes coffee Political Mort (Political Mort lmao) “Groovy 60's cult leader” Mort from One More Cup, Part 2 when he drinks tea An unnamed violent version of Mort who is never seen in control, but who often poses aggressive ideas to the other Morts inside Mort's head (Seen in Pineapple Of My Eye and The Strife Aquatic). Mort says to his grandpa in Karl-Mageddon that this Mort accuses him of doing crimes that he can't remember committing. (What???????) Cool Mort who is seen in Who Arted?, when he goes to meet King Julien for dinner.
He can breath and survive in space, as shown in Zoo Tube. (WHY CAN HE BREATH IN SPACE??)
Also, in response to you showing his wiki page, I would like to raise you this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JpqPu2lSew
as someone who doesn't remember anything about the show, reading the whole wikia was a literal trip. pretty sure I choked more than 5 times just reading some of the paragraphs.
I genuinely wanna know what the crew meeting was like-
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Do you have any hcs for other misc grandkids of Germania ?
Hey anon, sorry this has taken me 3 days. I wasn't sure exactly what you meant but this so I have not one, but two forms of answer for you.
Answer 1. All of Germania's grandkids (in age order, including human names, and parent [that is Germania's kid])
Shetland - Fiona (Norway)
Orkney - Bodil (Norway)
Faroe - Ida (Norway)
Caithness - Ailsa (Norway)
Iceland - Ari (Norway)
Greenland - Aputsiak 'Sia' (Norway)
Vinland - Dagny [deceased] (Norway)
Åland - Kirsi (Sweden)
Kalmar Union - Karl [deceased] (Denmark)
Canada - Mathieu (England)
USA - Alfred (England)
New Netherlands - Otto [deceased] (Netherlands)
New Sweden - Johan [deceased] (Sweden)
Liechtenstein - Liesl (Austria)
Australia - Jack (England)
Germany - Ludwig (Austria/Prussia)
Luxembourg - Henri (Belgium)
New Zealand - Liam (England)
Austria-Hungary - Edith [deceased] (Austria)
Sealand - Peter (England)
Freetown Christiania - Benedikte (Denmark)
Kugelmugel - Franz (Austria)
Ladonia - Arvid (Sweden)
(there are definitely more that could be in this list but for now they're who I have)
Answer 2. actual hc, about them interacting with each other.
Tbh its a good thing Germania isn't alive, bc sleepovers at grandpas would be insane with this group.
You know how with cousins there is absolutely the age gap groups? The group that gets to sit at the adult table first vs the group that's gonna be at the kids table for the next decade?
group 1 is Fiona to Dagny
group 2 is Mathieu to Liesl
group 3 is Jack to Edith
and group 4 is Peter to Arvid
Karl and Kirsi got to be their own group :p (too young for the viking age cousins, too old for the America's cousins (and brother))
they have a stupid tradition when they play board games at family reunions to leave 5 extra settings(?) for the game out.
They throw stuff at each other at UN meetings.
Half of them don't understand each other even if they're all speaking the same language. (Henri stopped trying to understand a single word from Jack years ago)
Because of travel and stuff they didn't see each other regularly until like 50 years ago.
Now they rarely go 2 months without a full blown get together.
Norways kids, so Fiona to Sia, claim absolute reign as the eldest kid :)
The elders have gotten in trouble multiple times for sneaking the youngers out
Benedikte technically only has one older sibling, and Karl is obviously not around anymore. So Norways kids are basically her surrogate siblings <3
Henri! is the only only child in the group! He's got only child habits! his cousins are hellbent on getting rid of those!
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scouts-thingsandrps · 2 years
Resident Evil Muse List
Note: This is semi-exclusively centered around Village, and the ‘main timeline’ will not follow canon
(I.E. Mother Miranda actually sees the lords as family, they’re five lords instead of four, Rose never gets kidnapped, etc.)
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Canon Characters:
Ethan Winters • He/They • Bisexual • Trans Man • 43
Karl Heisenberg • Any • Pansexual • Agender • 36
Alcina Dimitrescu • She/Her • Lesbian • Female • 46
Daniela Dimitrescu • She/It • Omnisexual • Agender • 25
Bela Dimitrescu • She/It • AroAce • 25
Cassandra Dimitrescu • She/It • Lesbian • Agender • 25
Salvatore Moreau • It/He • AroAce • 45
Donna Beneviento • She/They • DemiAroAce Omnisexual • Trans Woman • 42
Angie • It/She • Ageless
Rosemary Winters • She/Her • Bisexual • Enby • 18
Mia Winters • She/Her • Hetroromantic Asexual • Female • 44
Mother Miranda • Any • AroAce • Agender • 47 (Though technically over a hundred years old)
Chris Redfield • He/Him • Hetrosexual • Male • 48
Eva • They/She • Biromantic Asexual • Female • 19
Eveline • Any • AroAce • Agender • 12
Marguerite Baker • She/Her • Hetrosexual • Female • 52
Jack Baker • He/They • Hetrosexual • Male • 51
Lucas Baker • He/Him • AroAce • Trans Man • 25
Zoe Baker • She/Her • Pansexual • Female • 22
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Hemera Embers
Pronouns: Any
Gender & Sexuality: Agender AroAce
Age: 14 (Techically 50 years old)
Appearance, Alt Appearance
When they were about six years old, they got separated from their parents while camping and ended wandering to the village during the winter months.
Mother Miranda ended up finding the young child and caused Hemera to have the Cadou parasite put in them in an attempt to recreate Eva.
While Miranda’s experiments proved unsuccessful in recreating a vessel for her daughter, the Cadou gave Hemera inhuman strength and speed, as well as the ability to manipulate the shadows around Hemera.
However, these powerful abilities come with a cost, as the Cadou stunted Herema’s growth, along with making her sensitive to the cold and bright lights.
Donna and Heinsenberg eventually offer to take the child in and raising her together.
[Note: Hemera’s shadow powers function similarly to Wanda’s magic (mainly the creation aspect of it).]
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bloodplussharp · 2 years
When Diva first wakes from hibernation in 1917, she licked at Amschel’s bloody hand. She behaved like a docile feral child.
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In the same year, she transforms Karl. Here, she speaks clearly and shows preference for Karl’s blood. It’s clear that Amschel spoke to her beforehand about bringing a child to turn into a chevalier.
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Unlike when she was in the tower, a time when she couldn’t speak and could only mouth words, this Diva is different.
In her most recent wake cycle, she is frequently given toys to play with:
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Later, she is dressed beautifully and asked to behave like a doll. She has done this before in Berchtesgaden, Germany.
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In Germany in 1945:
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In episode 24, she dances in a waltz style with Riku’s corpse. She is well-versed in the manners of upper-class aristocrats. She disguised herself as Grand Duchess Anastasia during WW1, and then as Eva Braun in WW2. Currently, to the public, she is Amschel Goldsmith’s daughter.
What was Diva like before her first hibernation?
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This is an image we get in episode 21, when an old man recounts that a girl with a blue rose was seen in the area.
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This is what Diva was like in the tower. She had only a single sheet with her much like when she was a baby.
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At the time of Joel’s death, this is what she was like:
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She had a dress on, her hair was long and not unkempt. Saya came to Joel’s party right after Hagi had a seizure from receiving her blood. We don’t know if Amschel was already turned or not. The manga has a different view on this. Amschel uses Saya’s hand to release Diva from the tower. Saya is the one to give Diva a dress.
Diva seems unaffected by the physical and emotional neglect she experienced growing up. That was 50 years. Her chiropteran abilities help her adapt. She is not like a human whose language and neural development would be halted from such extreme abuse.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 6.12
910 – Battle of Augsburg: The Hungarians defeat the East Frankish army under King Louis the Child, using the famous feigned retreat tactic of the nomadic warriors. 1240 – At the instigation of Louis IX of France, an inter-faith debate, known as the Disputation of Paris, starts between a Christian monk and four rabbis. 1381 – Peasants' Revolt: In England, rebels assemble at Blackheath, just outside London. 1418 – Armagnac–Burgundian Civil War: Parisians slaughter sympathizers of Bernard VII, Count of Armagnac, along with all prisoners, foreign bankers, and students and faculty of the College of Navarre. 1429 – Hundred Years' War: On the second day of the Battle of Jargeau, Joan of Arc leads the French army in their capture of the city and the English commander, William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk. 1550 – The city of Helsinki, Finland (belonging to Sweden at the time) is founded by King Gustav I of Sweden. 1643 – The Westminster Assembly is convened by the Parliament of England, without the assent of Charles I, in order to restructure the Church of England. 1653 – First Anglo-Dutch War: The Battle of the Gabbard begins, lasting until the following day. 1665 – Thomas Willett is appointed the first mayor of New York City. 1758 – French and Indian War: Siege of Louisbourg: James Wolfe's attack at Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, commences. 1772 – French explorer Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne and 25 of his men killed by Māori in New Zealand. 1775 – American War of Independence: British general Thomas Gage declares martial law in Massachusetts. The British offer a pardon to all colonists who lay down their arms. There would be only two exceptions to the amnesty: Samuel Adams and John Hancock, if captured, were to be hanged. 1776 – The Virginia Declaration of Rights is adopted. 1798 – Irish Rebellion of 1798: Battle of Ballynahinch. 1817 – The earliest form of bicycle, the dandy horse, is driven by Karl von Drais. 1821 – Badi VII, king of Sennar, surrenders his throne and realm to Isma'il Pasha, general of the Ottoman Empire, ending the existence of that Sudanese kingdom. 1830 – Beginning of the Invasion of Algiers: Thirty-four thousand French soldiers land 27 kilometers west of Algiers, at Sidi Ferruch. 1864 – American Civil War, Overland Campaign: Battle of Cold Harbor: Ulysses S. Grant gives the Confederate forces under Robert E. Lee a victory when he pulls his Union troops from their position at Cold Harbor, Virginia and moves south. 1898 – Philippine Declaration of Independence: General Emilio Aguinaldo declares the Philippines' independence from Spain. 1899 – New Richmond tornado: The eighth deadliest tornado in U.S. history kills 117 people and injures around 200. 1900 – The Reichstag approves new legislation continuing Germany's naval expansion program, providing for construction of 38 battleships over a 20-year period. Germany's fleet would be the largest in the world. 1914 – Massacre of Phocaea: Turkish irregulars slaughter 50 to 100 Greeks and expel thousands of others in an ethnic cleansing operation in the Ottoman Empire. 1921 – Mikhail Tukhachevsky orders the use of chemical weapons against the Tambov Rebellion, bringing an end to the peasant uprising. 1935 – A ceasefire is negotiated between Bolivia and Paraguay, ending the Chaco War. 1939 – Shooting begins on Paramount Pictures' Dr. Cyclops, the first horror film photographed in three-strip Technicolor. 1939 – The Baseball Hall of Fame opens in Cooperstown, New York. 1940 – World War II: Thirteen thousand British and French troops surrender to Major General Erwin Rommel at Saint-Valery-en-Caux. 1942 – Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday. 1943 – The Holocaust: Germany liquidates the Jewish Ghetto in Brzeżany, Poland (now Berezhany, Ukraine). Around 1,180 Jews are led to the city's old Jewish graveyard and shot. 1944 – World War II: Operation Overlord: American paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division secure the town of Carentan, Normandy, France. 1950 – An Air France Douglas DC-4 crashes near Bahrain International Airport, killing 46 people. 1954 – Pope Pius XII canonises Dominic Savio, who was 14 years old at the time of his death, as a saint, making him at the time the youngest unmartyred saint in the Roman Catholic Church. In 2017, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, aged ten and nine at the time of their deaths, are declared as saints. 1963 – NAACP field secretary Medgar Evers is murdered in front of his home in Jackson, Mississippi by Ku Klux Klan member Byron De La Beckwith during the civil rights movement. 1963 – The film Cleopatra, starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, is released in US theaters. It was the most expensive film made at the time. 1964 – Anti-apartheid activist and ANC leader Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life in prison for sabotage in South Africa. 1967 – The United States Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia declares all U.S. state laws which prohibit interracial marriage to be unconstitutional. 1975 – India, Judge Jagmohanlal Sinha of the city of Allahabad ruled that India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had used corrupt practices to win her seat in the Indian Parliament, and that she should be banned from holding any public office. Mrs. Gandhi sent word that she refused to resign. 1979 – Bryan Allen wins the second Kremer prize for a man-powered flight across the English Channel in the Gossamer Albatross. 1981 – The first of the Indiana Jones film franchise, Raiders of the Lost Ark, is released in theaters. 1982 – A nuclear disarmament rally and concert is held in New York City. 1987 – The Central African Republic's former emperor Jean-Bédel Bokassa is sentenced to death for crimes he had committed during his 13-year rule. 1987 – Cold War: At the Brandenburg Gate, U.S. President Ronald Reagan publicly challenges Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. 1988 – Austral Líneas Aéreas Flight 046, a McDonnell Douglas MD-81, crashes short of the runway at Libertador General José de San Martín Airport, killing all 22 people on board. 1990 – Russia Day: The parliament of the Russian Federation formally declares its sovereignty. 1991 – Russians first democratically elected Boris Yeltsin as the President of Russia. 1991 – Kokkadichcholai massacre: The Sri Lankan Army massacres 152 minority Tamil civilians in the village of Kokkadichcholai near the Eastern Province town of Batticaloa. 1993 – An election takes place in Nigeria and is won by Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola. Its results are later annulled by the military government of Ibrahim Babangida. 1997 – Queen Elizabeth II reopens the Globe Theatre in London. 1999 – Kosovo War: Operation Joint Guardian begins when a NATO-led United Nations peacekeeping force (KFor) enters the province of Kosovo in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 2009 – A disputed presidential election in Iran leads to wide-ranging local and international protests. 2014 – Between 1,095 and 1,700 Shia Iraqi people are killed in an attack by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant on Camp Speicher in Tikrit, Iraq. It's the second deadliest act of terrorism in history, only behind 9/11. 2016 – Forty-nine civilians are killed and 58 others injured in an attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida; the gunman, Omar Mateen, is killed in a gunfight with police. 2017 – American student Otto Warmbier returns home in a coma after spending 17 months in a North Korean prison and dies a week later. 2018 – United States President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un of North Korea held the first meeting between leaders of their two countries in Singapore.
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greatlydelirious · 2 years
𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞
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Karl Heisenberg x F!Reader
wordcount: 6.5k words
summary: As the town’s only healer (the title “Witch” used by your detractors) you try your best to save those under the foot of a false prophet. A wicked agenda was growing its roots and unbeknownst to you, you were at the center of it all. This is a tale of two unlikely people coming together in the name of lust, love, and retribution.
chapter warnings: smut, semi-public sex, light angst, porn with plot
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previous chapter | next chapter | (AO3 Link)
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I: Into the Woods
“The wolf is carnivore incarnate and he's as cunning as he is ferocious; once he's had a taste of flesh then nothing else will do.”
A young woman lived alone in the midst of a cold, bitter winter. Some speculated that she drained the energy of the vulnerable to keep herself warm. For the only way to explain her survival was the doings of dark magic.
Your roaring fireplace and tired eyes would refute those claims, however.
From the outside, your cabin looked like every other residential one in town. The only thing that distinguished yours was the small wooden sign on the door, “Wounded and Ill Welcomed”. Inside lay a makeshift hospital. You considered yourself more of a healer than a doctor though.
Jars of different herbs, salves, and disinfectant fluids were strewn about. There were also tools you collected over the years and homemade bandages/ wraps you made from various cloths. Although it wasn’t much, it was effective enough. Your kitchen also ended up storing more of your supplies than actual food. Even your “work” seemed to seep into your small bedroom.
Books upon books sat atop your dresser and desk. Many of them were botany and medical books The Duke was able to obtain for you. At this point, you had probably read each one five times. You craved to learn more. Before the village was under the control of the Black God it was a pleasant place to live.
That’s what your grandmother used to tell you at least. She was the one who fed your thirst for knowledge. You would always find old books she snuck under your covers. It was your own little secret. Unfortunately, it had to be. It was important for people not to know your mind wasn’t focused on the prophet Mother Miranda. Those same books sat on your nightstand to this day.
Small sniffles fill the space of your home. A boy from the village came running to you in such a crying mess you were barely able to understand what he was saying. Turns out he had gotten a little too adventurous for his own good and gave himself some deep scrapes. You move the child’s leg back and forth to test his freshly bandaged knee.
Plucking the last piece of candy from your jar you hold it out to the little boy. “Let this be your lesson as to why you need to stay away from the Reservoir. Next time a giant sea creature might gobble you up.” The boy finally rewards you with a giggle as he takes the candy from you. Fishing around in his pocket he produces a pouch that holds 50 lei.
You’re surprised that during his tumble he managed to not lose the coin. After you take the payment you mother the boy one more time, “Stay out of trouble now!’’ He leaves you with a meek “yes ma’am” before scurrying back home. A heavy sigh rushes out your nose. You couldn’t figure out who injured themselves more; the kids or the town drunks. One was definitely better to tolerate than the other though.
You bask in the newfound silence as you clean everything up. Today was full of people coming in and out. Although it was good for your pockets, it concerned you. Not only were Lycan attacks taking their toll on the village, but people have been letting their fear cause them to obtain easily avoidable injuries.
You take stock of your inventory and put together a list of everything you would to gathering the next day. Some stuff you were able to forage, while others only The Duke could supply. That included your coveted bowl of sweets. It was something you did for the younger people of the village. (Or it was used to convince some sniveling men to stop squirming.)
Life as the only healer in town was far from easy. Even so, your conscious wouldn’t let you turn your back. Not again.
Locking the front door, you decide to turn in for the day. You had a lot of work to do tomorrow. Not even bothering to change you flop on top of your bed and knock out the second you close your eyes.
Sun shining onto your face through your dingy bedroom window wakes you. A groan slips past your lips as you squint your eyes. If only you could sleep the whole day away. Sadly, days off weren’t a thing you could afford. It takes all your willpower to pull yourself out of bed and get changed.
You pull on a cropped sleeve brown dress that has a V-shaped neckline. The dress flowed down to just above your shins. Short by conservative standards, but the perfect length for traveling through the woods. If the fabric was any longer it would snag on all the overgrown plant life. You learned that lesson when you almost ripped your skirt to shreds on a broken branch. The thought of having to run back through town in only your undergarments was enough to dissuade you.
To keep your modesty, you tie your black cloak around your neck. You had the item since you were a teenager. It was a gift from your mother on the last birthday you got to spend with her. No matter how many times you attempted to be convinced to get something warmer, you couldn’t get yourself to get rid of it.
With only slight difficulty you synch a darker brown corset around your waist. There wasn’t a lot you had control over, so you tried to with the way you dressed. Some older women of the village gave you judgmental stares, but when did they not? Almost stumbling out the door you manage to pull your boots on. Stupid clunky things.
Wrapping your cloak tightly around your body you try to shield yourself from the harsh cold as you start your errands. On your path to the altar, a friendly face pops into view. “Look who decided to see the light of day!”
You shack your head at the young woman Elena. Not only did you grow up with her, but her father Leonardo came to you with a new injury nearly every week. The man worked hard to provide for himself and his daughter. You respected him for that.
“Just because I don’t skip around the village doesn’t mean I don’t go outside Elena.” The girl’s smile doesn’t falter. “That would be quite a sight.” She wasn’t wrong though. You were so busy either healing people or reading books that you didn’t venture outside unless you had to.
Continuing forward, you notice how she takes the liberty to join your walk. You were successful at keeping other people at arm’s length; however, you couldn’t help but have a soft spot for Elena. How could you not when she was always so eager to talk to you? It could get very lonely in such a secluded place, especially with the lack of people your age.
For a while, you enjoyed each other’s company in silence. That was until Elena leaned towards you, her voice just above a whisper. “Rumor has it that when you’re not healing people, you are repeating incantations in the dark.” At her tone, you can tell she is merely teasing you, but those rumors were actual whispers around town.
The locals took slight issue with your makeshift clinical. Someone even yelled at you once about how you were a non-believer and Mother Miranda was all the village needed to bring them good health. Many who had this mindset were too far gone to even try to convince them otherwise. Not you though, never.
Suspicions of your intentions never ceased to loom over you. The old hag of the village even paid you a visit once. She was the last thing you expected when you turned around to the sound of the door of your home opening.
“I’ve heard a lot about you lately my dear. I trust you’ve been holding your faith in Mother Miranda close.” The hag gestures to your shrine that was tucked in the corner. Despite your disdain, you knew how to play the game. Was it the nicest one you could have made? Not by a longshot; but it served its purpose.
Almost like she was analyzing you the older woman walks slowly up to you. “Your ability to heal shines bright. Do you covet that gift?” You could tell where she was going with this. There was no such thing as someone creating their own success. “I am only a conduit of Mother Miranda’s blessing. I gratefully collect from the land she graced us with and help the village to assist in her vision.”
The words were masked in a fake softness. On the inside, you wanted to tell her that Mother Miranda only brought death to the village she supposedly protected. Of course, you weren’t brain-dead enough to even mutter those words alone. As much as you wanted to lash out you shifted the energy to other outlets. The smile that spread across the old hag’s face at your answer gave you chills to this day.
Despite her devotion to Mother Miranda, Elena is a smart enough girl to see the difference between fact and fiction. “Ah, I see. I’ll make sure to be a little quieter next time. Be careful talking with me, Elena. You don’t want to be my next blood sacrifice.” Your heart warms at the laugh that racks her body.
Looking up you notice that you’ve reached the gates that lead into the area of the altar. “Tell your father that I miss him, but wish not to see him anytime soon.” You tense slightly when you’re enveloped in a tight hug. When Elena pulls back you smooth out your clothes. “I will!” You watch the girl for a moment as she heads off. She was too nice for her own good.
It takes your whole-body weight to push the gate open. You’re greeted with a large caravan and an even larger man as you round the corner. “How lovely to see you, my dear! I trust that business is going well?” A genuine smile is sent your way. Happiness, or jolliness rather, was a rare thing to come by. It felt nice to be on the receiving end of it.
“Too well for my liking. It seems as the days drift by people are becoming more stupid or careless or both.” Extending your hand, you pass The Duke your list. He scans the paper before tucking it in his breast pocket. Some items you could purchase today, but others he would need to purposely seek out for you. “I would injure myself frequently as well if it meant a beautiful woman would be taking care of me.” You laugh at The Duke’s friendly teasing. Strangely the large man was the most normal person you interact with. He always had a friendly smile, great jokes, and even better merchandise. No wonder he was such a great salesman.
“Oh, hush. I bet you have a harem of women from all over the world Duke.” Two bags full of the items you requested are placed in front of you. You note how fast and efficient The Duke always is. It would have freaked you out if you paid too much attention to it.
“Are you trying to flatter your way to a discount?” Double-checking your lei, you hand the merchant the pouch they sit in. “If only it was ever that easy.” That earns a laugh from him. “I shall acquire the additional items you requested by the end of the week. I hope that is satisfactory.” The timing was perfect. You always made sure to ask for certain items when they run low and not when they run out. It was too risky to gamble about.
In a rare gesture, you smile at the man. “Of course. I don’t know what I would do without you.” When you turn to head back from where you came from a small cough catches your attention. “Do stay safe my dear. Wolves like to wear wool this time of year.” Without another word, you make haste back home.
You considered The Duke’s words carefully. What he told you always hinted at something deeper. Someone had it out for you, that was apparent enough. Figuring out who was the difficult part. Unfortunately, you had ruffled quite a few feathers over time. In your “line of work,” you interacted with the entire village.
You were still grateful for The Duke’s concern though. At this point, the two of you had a good understanding of the other. It was great to have someone who watched your back. Everyone was out for themselves, and you had to keep reminding yourself of that.
Halfway back home the load in your arm starts to wear on you. This was a workout in itself. When you try to juggle both bags while unlocking your door, one slips out of your arm. You watch in horror as it falls to the ground. Before it can hit the mud two hands swoop in to catch it just in time.
Looking up you go to thank the person over and over until you see who it is. Anton is standing in front of you with the cockiest grin you’ve seen on him yet. If only you had the courage to just smack it clean off. “Looks like I’m your knight in shining armor.”
Your mouth makes a thin line in a small attempt at a smile, “Looks so.” Of all people why did he have to be the one milling around? You go to take the other bag from him, but he steps out of reach. “A fragile thing like yourself shouldn’t be carrying so much. That’s why you need a strong man to help you.” Strong man? That descriptor wasn’t accurate for Anton. Fat asshole with an even bigger superiority complex? Now that was more like it.
The poor excuse of a man had been trying to get with you for longer than you could remember. To be fair you were really the only eligible option. Thankfully for Elena, her father scared any creeps off. You didn’t have such a luxury.
Finally getting the door open, Anton follows you inside. Was there a giant sign over your head today that said, “please talk to me” that you didn’t know about? When he stands next to you to put your bag down the pungent stench of alcohol wafts toward you. Anton was a notorious drunk.
“I’m surprised your head isn’t shoved inside an outhouse at this time.” To your dismay, Anton laughs at your comment that was meant to be a dig. One of his hands comes to rest on the table so he can lean closer to you. “Aren’t you going to show your gratitude?”
Nerves start to consume you. “T-thank you for being useful for once.” Anton narrows his eyes at you. He normally wasn’t this pushy, but he wasn’t drunk enough yet to be aggressive. “I think you can do better than that.” You try to think fast. As he goes to move closer you quickly pull out a piece of candy and hold it in front of his face. He is taken by surprise but accepts it anyway. “Playing hard to get? We’ll see how that goes next time.” His words come out more threatening than playful.
Before he leaves Anton takes ahold of your hand that still sat in the air. He kisses the back of it swiftly enough so you can’t move out of the way. You try your best to suppress a grimace. Seemingly satisfied with himself, Anton sees his way out.
Right when the door closes you practically rip open the new bottle of disinfectant you bought and lather your hand in it. That man had to have SOME kind of disease; you were sure of it.
After a few minutes, you finally can collect yourself. Although that was by far not the worst thing that has ever happened to you, the look in his eyes always made your stomach churn in the worst way imaginable. You pray that someday he finally drinks himself into the grave.
Shaking your head, you start to put away everything you bought. Something at the bottom of the bag catches your eye. Pulling the item out you smile. It was a new book. The Duke had given you a novel titled “Pride and Prejudice.” Glancing over the contents you see that it’s a romance novel. Your collection was large, but you had very few of those. They tended to get you too hot and bothered. Even so, you decide to read it tonight. You had to thank The Duke the next time you saw him.
Maybe today wouldn’t be so bad after all.
It’s mid-evening by the time you make it deep into the woods. Your last “errand” of the day was to gather herbs and plant life you had run low of. Although your visits to the town merchant were frequent, similar could not be said about venturing away from the village. Distant howls were all you needed to have you stay away for as long as possible.
Alas, some things were too necessary for your practice for you to go even a day without. You made sure to grip your knife tightly in your hand. It was small, but it was also very sharp.
Scanning the ground, you notice a growth of what your books called, “Anethum graveolens”. It was commonly just called dill though; that first word was too much of a mouthful. The plant was one of your favorites. You often boiled the dill seeds to treat stomach aches. The tea it created was quite nice; it had a flavor similar to citrus with slightly earthy undertones. Even the stems of the dill could be used to treat kidney and heart diseases. Studying and collecting plants were the only thing to bring you excitement nowadays, but you were content with that.
You set your cloth-lined basket on the ground and bend over to cut off pieces of the dill. To make sure the plants keep growing you only take what you need and nothing more. Lost in your task you hum aimlessly. The song was an old Romanian lullaby your grandmother would sing to you every night before bed. It was a soft melody that helped distract you from the world around you.
It seems as though you get too distracted because the interruption of another voice almost makes you scream in surprise.
“Well, well. Look at what we have here. You look like your straight out of a fable, doll.” The hair on the back of your neck stands up. That voice was unmistakable. Nothing good ever came to anyway who encountered Lord Heisenberg. At least that’s what you had always been told.
An elder of the village once told you to be cautious, because the Lord and his domineering sister captured, “pretty little things like you.” That warning feels all too real when your knife is pulled from your hand by an invisible force and thrown in the basket beside you.
Despite your nerves, you straighten up and turn towards the man. “Were you never taught that it’s not polite to stare OR sneak up on women, especially in the woods of all places.” You had the same tone you saved for scolding the children of the village.
A surprised laugh leaves Lord Heisenberg. You would be lying if you said he wasn’t a sight to behold. He lifted a leather-clad finger to wipe a stray tear that fell from under his dark shades. Defined lines and veins protruded from his skin that trailed underneath his many layers. Heisenberg’s hammer was slung on top of his shoulders, the metal items around his neck shaking slightly. You couldn’t help but tighten your thighs together.
Heisenberg pulls himself together after a full minute. “Spunky and a nice ass? What a pleasant surprise. Do you always collect flowers like that?” This is the one time you wished you had worn that damned skirt. Your face heats with a mix of arousal and anger. “I’ll have you know that I’m not just collecting flowers. I’m an experienced healer who is foraging. Not that it’s any of your business anyway.”
When he laughs again you catch a glint of canines that were much larger than the average man. At that moment you’re reminded of have dangerous he is. “You’ve got fight. Not many people have the balls to talk back. Well, and live afterward that is.”
Why couldn’t you have just kept your mouth shut?
When Lord Heisenberg advances you step back. Leaves crunch under your feet at each backward step you take. Before you know it your backed up into the tree behind you. Sharp bark bites into your back, but you don’t dare to move even an inch.
Heisenberg moves his hammer off his shoulders. Instead of smashing your head in, he merely tosses the giant creation of metal beside you. “You’re lucky I was the one to find you. Would have been a shame if a Lycan tore into that pretty body of yours.” In an instant, he is invading your personal space. His hand comes up to easily pull the knot of string holding your cloak up.
When it falls to rest on top of the leaves below your feet, Heisenberg touches the curve of your waist. The Lord smelled of heavy tobacco and metal. It should have turned you off, but the masculine scent only added to your attraction. Logic screamed at you to get away, but your body shuttered in anticipation.
He seems to mistake your reaction for fear. “No, ‘I’m so sorry my dear Lord Heisenberg?’ or ‘I shall pray to Mother Miranda for your forgiveness my Lord?’” Pure disdain is laced in his questions. It was clear that he loathed the brainwashed fools who spent their life worshipping the so-called God. You were raised to be better than that though.
“If you expect me to grovel at your knees, you’d be sorely mistaken. I don’t kneel for anyone; especially not false prophets.”
At your words, Heisenberg tears off his shades and throws them haphazardly near his hammer. Green eyes meet yours in a heated stare-off. “Is that so?” His gaze on you is so strong it makes you squirm. You’ll definitely come back to this memory when you’re alone in bed.
Lips descend on you to glide against your jaw. You try your best to suppress your quickening breaths. The swell of your breasts doesn’t go unnoticed, however. “Oh, I like you, little healer.” He only breaks away from you to assess your body.
It was no mistake the type of state you were in. Your pupils were blown wide, face flushed, thighs clenched, and chest heaving. Despite all the sanity still left in your brain, you wanted him.
“Where have you been hiding? You’re clearly local. I would remember you, especially dressed like this.” Heisenberg’s voice came out deeper than it did before.
Even though you were trembling you try to regain some confidence. “What are you trying to imply? If you’re trying to give me fashion advice…“ You make a show of looking over his outfit, “I don’t think you have the credentials to do so.”
Heisenberg puts a hand to his chest in mock offense. “Not a fan? I’m sure you’ll change your mind when you see what’s underneath.” You have to suppress a gasp when you trail down to where he motioned. A large bulge was straining against the front of his pants. Any snarky remarks that appear in your head melt out of your mind. “Cat got your tongue doll?” More like a wolf got your tongue. At this point, a Lycan would be more merciful than him. The look in your eyes must have said enough because he grins wide and proud.
You watch as Heisenberg uses his teeth to slide off one of his gloves. Just that image alone causes a new wave of heat to travel through you. You felt almost embarrassed. When was the last time you even had sex? You were propositioned many times, but you prided yourself in having standards. The rugged and primal nature of Lord Heisenberg was stirring something deep inside you that you thought didn’t even exist anymore.
Calloused fingers trail up your thigh. Without having to be asked you spread your legs for him. Heisenberg slides across your clothed slit. Even with little to no contact you were already soaked. Something that can only be compared to a growl comes from the man. “Holy shit. Today must be my lucky fucking day. Are you always this wet? I could slip into you right now.” The vulgarity of his words makes you blush. There was no way you were going to answer his question though. The shame running through you was already bad enough.
Heisenberg grabs your hand and moves it to the hem of your dress. Getting the message, you pull the fabric until you’re in full view of his greedy eyes. You had to be bright red by this point. Without another word, Heisenberg slides your panties aside before pushing a digit inside of you.
A grunt comes from the Lord at how tightly you wrap around him. “I guess you don’t dislike me that much, huh?” You moan in response when he starts pumping his finger. Fabric crumples in your white-knuckled grip as you revel in the foreign feeling.
Your lack of a filter has gotten you into many situations, but none like this. Due to years of abstaining from sex, the small friction is enough to make you pant. Before you’ve fully adjusted another digit slips inside you at the same time Heisenberg’s thumb brushes against your sensitive clit. Incoherent moans are all you can manage. That mixed with the sounds of your wetness coating his fingers is beyond obscene.
Heisenberg buries his face in your neck as he fucks you. His fingers were much thicker than your own. They gave you a sharp burn that quickly melted into pure pleasure. Not minding your surroundings, you cry out when he hits the most sensitive spot inside you. In your haze, you reach a hand down to palm his erection. You were so close it almost hurt. The second your walls start to quiver around Heisenberg he stops.
A curse leaves him before he pulls out of your slick sex. Before you can protest wet kisses are trailed along your neck. “If you’re going to cum it’s going to be on my cock.” You whimper when sharp teeth graze your skin. Heisenberg’s words gust out through warm breath, “Hop on.”
Not waiting for you to respond Heisenberg pulls you up and you instinctually wrap your legs around him. Your hands scramble to his shoulders for some type of leverage. Rough lips crash onto your own as you’re slammed against the bark.
Heisenberg’s hips trap you against the tree. Not that you planned on going anywhere. It had been so long since you let yourself indulge in your desire. You reason with yourself that with all the hard work you do for the village you deserve this.
You gasp when Heisenberg grinds into you so hard you can practically feel his full length. This gives him the opportunity to push his tongue into your mouth. Each slide of his tongue made it feel like he was trying to savor the taste of you. All the wanted attention was intoxicating.
His touch doesn’t leave you as you hear his belt and zipper come undone. Metal manipulation could be more convenient than you originally imagined. Leaning back Heisenberg pulls himself free from the confines of his clothing. You can’t help but moan at the size of his manhood.
Not only was he long, but so thick. It was bigger than his personality, which was already huge. Your conversation seemed to have riled him up because he was already rock-hard.
“Nothing to say doll?” A cocky grin is set on his face while he fists himself. Only one comment from earlier is thumping around your overheated brain. “I-I’m a fan.” Your comment comes out meek, but still gets the heated reaction you hoped for.
The sound of fabric being torn echoes around the woods. You only realize what just happened when a cool breeze hits your now-exposed sex. Heisenberg tore your panties off.
“H-hey! I liked those!” Any frustration quickly melts away when his cock glides in between your folds. “Not as much as you’re going to like this.”
He didn’t have a shameful bone in his body. The unshakeable confidence was doing something to you. Not even needing to use his hand he pushes just the tip inside.
You throw your head back and try to suck in any air you could get. Heisenberg was almost too big. As though he read your mind, Heisenberg brings his thumb back to your clit. You moan when he slips in more. A groan of his own tumbles out. “That’s it. You can take it.” Not long after that, his groin is flush against you. Something noticeably shifts in Heisenberg. “Hold on tight, doll.”
He pulls all the way out only to slam back in again. Heisenberg pounds into you with manic force. One of his hands moves up to cup the back of your head. This gives him better leverage to thrust into you without hitting your head against the harsh wood. Your nails dig into his jacket. Every high-pitched whine you give spurs him on even more. You were truly being fucked like an animal.
A familiar pleasure builds inside you. Each time he pushed deeper you felt more and more like you were going to burst. “I’m going to, oh fuck, cum Lord-“
“Heisenberg.” His name comes out deep and raw. The sound was like an untamed beast. “Call me fucking Heisenberg.” You answer by nodding your head. That doesn’t seem to be sufficient enough. The hand that’s holding the back of your head flexes tightly into your hair.
“Say it.” Heisenberg tugs your head forward. Warm breath swirls together as your lips sit mere inches apart. His hips still snapped into you at an unrelenting speed. “Say my name with that pretty little mouth of yours.”
This man was going to be the death of you. “Please, Heisenberg! I’m so close!” Fingers rub and press against your pulsing clit. Your breath catches at the same time your walls squeeze around Heisenberg. At that exact moment, you are enveloped in his body.
You could feel him almost tremble as he chased his high. A noise comes out of Heisenberg that for a second, scares you. Teeth meet your neck again. This time they lay their claim when sharp canines break through the skin. The pain made a sinful concoction with the overwhelming pleasure. You tighten your arms around his shoulders when your orgasm finally hits.
Each wave of your release is euphoric. Any stress that sat on your shoulders was lifted even if it was just for a moment. This felt too good. He felt too good.
Moans and cries of Heisenberg’s name fill the woods. Cawing birds and howls can be heard in the distance. Heisenberg’s nails dig into the flesh of your hips. Loud groans vibrate your neck as warmth spreads in your groin. Even through the process of coming down from your orgasm, he continues to rock into you.
Your brain feels like pliable mush. Never did you ever imagine that sex could be like this. Reality washes back over you when you feel Heisenberg pull out of you. Coldness washes over you at the loss. Metal clatters as he tucks himself back in his pants. When he leans back you slide your legs off his hips, only to almost crumple to the ground. Strong hands grab your waist to steady you.
Well. There goes your ability to move for the rest of the week.
You narrow your eyes when Heisenberg laughs. “Careful now little healer. We don’t need you messing yourself up anymore now do we?” His knuckles move to ghost against the dark bruise that is already forming on your neck. Thankfully you had the right ingredients to fix that problem. The last thing you need is to give more fuel to the rumor fire.
Using the tree behind you as support, you stand straight. Wetness soaks down to your inner thighs. When you scan the ground for your undergarment a cough makes you look up. Heisenberg puffs away at a cigar in one hand while he dangles your panties in between his fingers. “Looking for this?”
“Yes.” No humor is evident in your tone. The thought of walking home with no barrier makes a chill run down your spine. That is far from your definition of a nice stroll. Before you can go to snatch it from him, Heisenberg shoves the material in the pocket of his coat.
“Lighten up little healer. They were ripped. Wouldn’t have done you much good either way.” To your dismay, he seemed to enjoy the nickname he picked out for you. At least it was way more friendly than the name the other villagers call you.
You mentally curse at yourself that simply watching him smoke and taunt you was making you earn a warm flush again. How much more pathetic could you get? Reaching down you smooth out your dress and pick up your cloak with a shaky hand.
“What am I supposed to do now? I have a long walk back.” Okay, maybe it would be more of a hobble than a walk. Heisenberg’s small smirk exposes that he is likely thinking the same thing. To all things good and holy left in this world you swore you would get him back somehow.
“Don’t worry that pretty head of yours. Let’s just say that my… scent will keep any stragglers away from you.” You blink dumbly at his response. Stragglers? Gears slowly turn in your head as your brain works its way out of its fucked-out state. Oh. He must mean the Lycans that tend to wander close to the village.
That wasn’t what you were asking, but the concept intrigues you. His scent on you is all you need to keep them at bay? The thought is oddly comforting.
You sit in silence for a moment not knowing what to say. Thank you for the best sex of my life see you around? You didn’t know the protocol for this kind of stuff. Especially concerning the most powerful man in the entire village.
Staying against the tree you watch as Heisenberg puts his shades back on. His hammer levitates back to its original place on his shoulder. Smoke billows from him while he regards you one last time. “That was fun. I’ll leave you to go back to your… what was it?” He gestures his hand as if he was trying to pluck the answer from the air. “Foraging! That’s right. Foraging. Till we meet again, little healer.”
At the end of his sentence, he gives a comical bow before turning around. And just like that, he left from whence he came. Your mind grapples to process what the fuck just happened. One minute you were fangirling over some dill you found and the next you were being pounded into a tree by Lord Heisenberg. Just when you thought your life couldn’t get any crazier.
A small part of you wished it all didn’t happen so quickly. You knew it was silly, but you would have liked for him to stay with you longer. Soreness flares in your body when you bend down to grab your discarded items. You fasten your cloak around your neck and rest your basket in the crook of your arm. Sighing you smooth a hand over your face.
You couldn’t deny that you loved every second of what he did to you. It irked you to admit that you were already craving more. Not even bothering to fix your hair, you pull the hood of your cloak over your head. You did not look forward to the walk you had ahead of you.
By the time you made it to the village, the sun was starting to go down. With a sore neck and shaky legs, you manage to only stumble a couple of times on your way back home. You even managed to harvest a couple more plants along the path. Thankfully, whatever real God was out there made sure that no one decided to come up to you again as you approached your home.
Placing your basket on the supplies counter you sigh. The amount you were able to forage was sufficient, but not as much as you would have hoped for. It wasn’t like it was entirely your fault though. If Heisenberg hadn’t introduced himself with his dick, you could have collected more.
A new sense of self-loathing washes over you. In retrospect you let yourself get fucked like a whore by a man you quite literally only met seconds prior. Putting your face in your hand you let yourself laugh. At least it was good sex.
When you shift your body, you’re reminded of the sticky sensation between your legs. Thankfully, you had a showerhead that was controlled by a pull-down handle. It was often used to quickly rinse off people with more severe injuries. Or it was used for times like now when bathing outside felt less than savory.
Grabbing an old towel, you are more than happy to strip off your clothing. Once you are finished washing up you tend to the bruising, soreness, and light scratches. The light pangs of pain are a teasing reminder of the pleasure that outweighed it. If someone stumbled on you like this, they would think you got into a fight.
Not wanting to dwell on your afternoon, you lock yourself in your room and slip on a night dress. Although it wasn’t too late for you to be working, you couldn’t be bothered. Exhaustion had finally sunk its claws into you.
“Pride and Prejudice” is nestled in your hands as you climb into bed. You can’t help but groan when your soar body makes contact with the sheets. No medicine you owned could do anything about that.
Sinking further into your bed, you let yourself relax. The quiet moments before going to sleep were your favorite. That was prime reading time. The oil lamp on your nightstand kept you company as you read the new book.
On more than one occasion you find your thoughts drifting from the page to somewhere else; Mr. Darcy morphed into Heisenberg and Elizabeth Bennet into you. It wasn’t a crime to let yourself drift into fantasy land. Not long after that your body finally succumbs to sleep. The book lays forgotten on your lap as light snores slip past your lips.
Something flutters nearby. The sound makes you slightly shift, but you were too deep in your sleep to be alerted. Unbeknownst to you, a single crow sits just outside your window. Watching.
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Any and all interactions are greatly appreciated.
a/n: The dill thing is a real fact by the way. I did light research on Romanian plants used for medicine just for this lol. It was an interesting read.
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mcyt-sh1t · 3 years
writing prompt #23.ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴏʟᴅ ᴛᴏɢᴇᴛʜᴇʀ -sᴀᴘɴᴀᴘ
Words: 670
Not proofread
A/N: i am NOT good (at all!!) at writing past tense but here you go :]
you and nick had always planned on being together forever, having your own family, growing old together. yet you didn't expect it to happen so soon. 30 years ago you had had 2 beautiful children, parker and and aria. you had decided to do it in a vlog that you, nick, wilbur, niki, tommy and (yes, his girlfriend), tubbo and his girlfriend, karl, dream and george had planned for a few days. you had told niki, karl and tubbo first as you trusted them the most out of them all. then you all agreed to tell everyone else and then eventually tell nick on the vlog.
it went like this:
"heyy guys! its tommy here and i'm here with my GIRLFRIEND, yes she IS my girlfriend and the others and we are going for a picnic."
"nick, can you go and get our basket?" "can't you go get it?" "NO! i mean, i'm going to help wilbur and niki with their stuff and you can just bring the basket here." you see the trick was that ontop of the basket was the pregnancy test. you had wanted to tell nick for a while now but didn't know how. you, karl, niki and tubbo all agreed on 'telling' him this way.
"fine." he said kissing your cheek before walking back to the car. as he opened the truck you watched apprehensively wanting to see his reaction as he grabbed the basket.
"what the fuck- what- THE FUCK-"
you chuckled softly. he sprints to you as quickly as possible.
"is this yours? is this real? or is it a prank? please tell me its not a prank.."
you kissed him softly, before taking his hand and putting it on your stomach and saying: "its real nick.." he stared at you dumbfound. at first you thought that he wasn't happy but then he picked you up and spun you around while shouting: "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!" everyone else looked at you two confused,thinking it was a prank.(apart from niki, karl, and tubbo, because they were the first to know) tommy just pointed his camera back at you two and started yelling.
"tommy! you don't have to tell everyone! let y/n and nick have their private moment for once!" tommy's girlfriend, ava said sternly to the boy.
"right.. i'll cut that bit out. sorry y/n and nick."
"its fine, we were going to tell everyone soon anyway, you might as well do it now." you say softly as nick kisses you again. tommy smiled. "thank you!" as he turned his camera back on and started yelling about how you and nick were becoming old.
aria and parker. 2 years apart but closer then ever. parker has always been protective over aria since he was older, he felt the need to protect her at all costs. true, they did have their arguments(especially over dating-) parker always was mad at guys who would check aria out(LMFAO-) and aria kept on telling him(parker) that she was never interested in any of them. a few years later (aria was 16, parker 18)aria told you and nick that she was lesbian. you all accepted her, as a good family should(ISTG IF YOU DON'T-)  parker eventually found 'the girl of his dreams' at the age of 17. you also bought 3 dogs. everyone was happy.
now 30 years later (yall are about to turn 50-), parker and aria both had their own families. parker (and his now wife) had a child named abbie. aria was engaged to her fiance kayla and they had adopted a toddler which they both named matthew.
"i never imagined we would be forever.." "hm?"
"i- i mean, i did but i never imagined it would be so quickly."
"i did. i knew it when we first met."
"you did? how come?"
"we were just meant to be.."
you giggle as he pulls you in for a kiss.
"i love you y/n."
"i love you too nick."
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deafchild2000 · 3 years
H2O Headcanon #23:
Gracie Made All Of Annette's Dresses
A Word from our sponsor: All dresses can be linked to this IG Page:
Alright, let's get started!
So, I had been thinking about this for a while and I was like: Why not have Gracie learn sewing? Considering she's lived through the 60s, 70s, 80s, and early 90s, it wouldn't be ridiculous thing to pick up maybe a lesser known talent. So, I got to thinking of narratives:
Gracie is a mostly forward person, but even as she grew up, she had a divided taste in fashion, especially in the 80s. On one hand, she loved the vibrant neon colors and fabric that came with the new decade, but sometimes the mother in her turned her head from the more newer designs. Gracie guessed the girl from the 50s inside her preferred more classic and somewhat conservative looks to what else was being worn nowadays [80s]. Just don't get her started on two-piece bikinis! (It was one thing having the top part as a mermaid, where there was nothing to show from the waist below, but the bottom part was something she still needed getting used to.)
But that didn't mean she didn't enjoy new ideas! Working in a restaurant as a manager paid the bills but she enjoyed working on her artwork most of all (tied with spending time with her daughter, Annette.)
However, she wasn't blind. Her daughter was entering her teen years and for the curly, blonde hair she inherited from her father, Annette - to the dimples, high cheekbones, and rose cheeks - got all the beauty from Gracie, which made both of them head-turners, unfortunately.
However, unlike her mother's reservations, Annette was immersed in the 80s trends of big hair, scrunchies, leg warmers, fingerless gloves, leotards , oversized shirts, plastic bangles, large funky earrings in neon shades, mesh accents, fanny packs and pearl necklaces (probably the only thing in regards to accessory Gracie appreciated!)
Gracie HATED it all! The 80s was very materialistic and all about flaunting wealth and who payed the price for all these fancy and designer clothes!? Where did the pearls come from? How much labor went into sewing a shopping out clothes to stores? What about the work laborers and the excessive need to mass-produce at fast rates? What happened to quality over quantity!?
(Annette got these lectures every time she asked for something out of a catalog and just beared with it.)
In some ways, it was lucky enough that Gracie preferred handcrafted quality items, with the occasional vintage jewelry found in second-rate stores and market stalls. She enjoyed the classics, but there was something divine in wearing something handmade. Back when her husband was alive and she lived on the military base with him, she had told this to a friend and fellow army wife one day, who reckoned her an "Old Soul" and suggested she take up sewing if she disliked name-brand clothes so much. At the time, she never considered it, but it wasn't a foreign concept. She grew up in a well-to-do family and her mother always made her dresses for special occasions. From her evening gowns to her school formal, perhaps there was something to it that she could do for her future child. Alas, it wasn't easy, but she had her mother and local wives to help with her exciting projects! Even once she left, she never really stopped making dresses.
If anything, she found it challenging to make dresses to prove to Annette that homemade was better than store brand! And especially bring the 50s to the 80s!
The Debutante Dress (Age 16- 1981)
Ah, the debutante ball. A girl's coming out to society and the elegance of being accepted as a lady - and there was just something about that flowing white, silk dress that Gracie just loved! When she had the first opportunity to be a part of one, it was for charity and her mother convinced her. To be frank, the etiquette lessons were a bore and the only real excitement was the dance lessons. Looking back, those lessons did pay off whenever she had to attend functions with her husband. She and Julia had been selected and their escorts had been Max and Karl (perhaps that was the only reason Julia took fancy to the entire event.) It had been held at the Cloudland Ballroom and been an invigorating event! She danced all night in the gown her mother made for her and she felt like the wind gliding through the air.
So perhaps it was destined that the very ballroom (unaware of its drastic fate) would be danced upon by Gracie's daughter, the very floor where she once danced with her first love and later met and fell in love with her future husband! Annette however wasn't taking being a debutante so well and fought every minute of it. It took time to get her stubborn daughter to get used to the idea and perhaps her hand-sewn dress also helped:
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(The pearls were once Gracie's...and she realized she had turned into her mother!)
Halloween Costume
This one caused a fight between mother and daughter. See, while Annette wasn't going all-out Disney, she requested a princess dress that would make her stand out. And Gracie did just that, only it mirrored something more traditional with a red cloak when what Annette wanted was something more glamorous. The fight wasn't bad (compared to the ones they'd have in the future) but it did leave Gracie a bit heartbroken and the girls in separate rooms. Eventually, Annette came around and apologized, saying she'll still wear it. (Which she wouldn't regret seeing as a lot of people enjoyed a more realistic take of medieval fantasies!)
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First Date
Annette had her first date! Gracie knew that he was taking her out on a beach date (Sugtons Beach) and wanted to express just that. Turns out her date was the one who was commented Annette on her Halloween costume! Annette had nothing to wear and consulted with Gracie again, this time asking if she owned anything and could modernize it. Well...Gracie did have something, but though she herself thought it could have been done better, Annette loved it! [10 points to whoever recognizes such a design from H2O!]
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Year 11 Formal (age 17 - 1982)
The formal was the first dance Annette had gone without a date and was just going with her girlfriends. She turned out to like her mother's sewing skills and told her she didn't want anything too fancy to go in. However, she begged her to make it something 80s-like! But alas, Gracie could only grant that request so much before she had her artbook in one hand and needle & thread in another! [With a reference to a dress Tiffany Lamb (Annette) to rein the 80s!)
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Wedding Guest
Annette and Gracie had been invited to a wedding! Well, it was more of a vow renewal, as the couple were old friends of parents back when they lived on the base and had a bit of a nostalgic touch! Considering Gracie was a bit of the same way, she found an old dress she owned when she was 16 and spruced it up a bit for Annette.
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Dance Party Dress
After so much time and begging, this would be the ONLY dress Annette got from her that even resembled the 80s glitz and glam they once fought over. To be fair, the glitz existed in the 60s but she wasn't a fan of them. However, Annette was over the moon once she saw this:
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Yearbook Photos
Annette may have been getting only a headshot for her school yearbook photos, but Gracie wanted to make memories. With the help of a friend, she and Annette took pictures all over Brisbane to add to the photo album. And once again that pesky beauty the mother and daughter shared cropped up when someone thought it was a genuine photo shoot and tried to recruit Annette into modeling! Gracie herself was a model in her teens and while she can say she had a good experience, there was a reason she never joined the industry full time! Luckily for her, Annette was more into becoming an inspiring chef than photos.
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Year 12 Formal (age 18 - 1983)
At this point, Gracie had decided to take her daughter's advice and try to at least incorporate modern 80s with the classic 50s, and at the right time. Unlike the last formal, this time, Annette had a date, Gracie decided to do something to reflect the occasion. It also hit her how much she changed herself at 17 (most, she would never bring herself to tell Annette) and found herself designing a dress that brought back an old memory.
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Gracie's 50th Birthday (age 25 - 1990)
There must have been a hint of irony in the world as for as Gracie knew. For weeks, her daughter had been quite secretive and she couldn't guess why. And when she questioned her son-in-law, he had the nerve to be cheeky and not confide in her daughter's secrets (but then again, that's how she knew he was the one for Annette!). However, during that time, she had asked once more for a dress. At the time, it had been year's and the last thing she made was the veil and reception dress for her daughter's wedding (the wedding dress she wore ended up being the one from the Debutante ball.) However, that night of her 50th birthday, Annette presented her a gift: A seafoam blue dress with pearls that she recognized as being something out of the 80s (irony Is that she liked the dresses when the 90s hit!) Annette has made it - with help, as she didn't inherit the skill from her mother and grandmother. She, Annette, and her son-in-law went out to what she thought was some fancy dinner...when it was revealed to be a small dance hall with the theme: Cloudland. Everyone they knew from friends (old and new) to coworkers, and even strangers she befriended who kept in touch, attended the party. She did raise an eyebrow at Annette being fit for the 50s while she was in the 80s...at least until an old song started playing and Annette asked her to dance...dance to the very song she fell in love with her father to. And then, she told her the most surprising news: She was to be a grandmother.
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Task 1: Concept Mind Maps
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In pairs we produced a mind map of each others concept, for our final project, planning and considering how we can explore the following factors:
Personal Reflection/ Evaluation 
Project/ Time Management 
We was asked to write down our narrative on a piece of paper and swap with our partner so we had each others narrative. We then wrote down our ideas that came to mind related to their narrative, in order to help them with new ideas they may not have thought of or knew about. I really enjoyed this task as it helped me learn new facts about the petite world and I was able to complete lots of research. I always loved hearing about my peers narratives and their stories as to why they are focusing on a certain topic. 
My completed research from this task:
Petite models - 
After researching about types of work available for petite models I found out that other than Moss, most petite models do commercial and catalogue work. Models who work in fashion generally work with high street brands specialising in petite clothing. It is very rare for a petite model to find high-fashion work on the catwalk or for designer labels. This is something that I find unfair as your height should not matter. However, petite models are not restricted when finding work. This is due to an increase in brands catering for men and women with smaller frames and shorter legs, petite models are now employed to keep up with this fashion industry demand. 
Successful petite models - 
Models who have refused to obey the stereotypical image associated with top designers, catwalks and campaigns are creating a path for petite models. These inspiring successful models have completely ignored the height restriction demonstrating that a smaller stature is required in the fashion industry. “Successful petite models are making an impact in a tall girls stomping ground, ignoring the confinements set upon them.” 
Twiggy -
A british icon in the sixties and only 5″4. She revolutionised the stereotypical look of the era, starting a new breed of supermodels. Her height is rarely mentioned due to her confident persona that demands attention. She is still the shortest model with such a supermodel status. 
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Beautiful dreams - Twiggy records her first single 
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Anja Konstantinova - 
Russian-Australian model, her impressive range of work includes, Vogue, Marie Claire, Urban Outfitters and French Connection. At 5″4 her height is not an issue with each shot demanding attention with her striking features, blonde hairs and natural posing instincts. The successful model discovered in a melbourne hair salon has received lots of rejection in her career, but she continues to break boundaries in a predominantly tall industry. 
She explains: “People in Australia don’t accept shorter girls because they are a bit harder to work with, you have to photograph them in a certain way.”
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How to make the most of your petite frame - 
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Don’t draw attention to your shorter height when interacting with clients and via body language. You will have to work extra hard to get noticed, which means standing tall and learning to highlight your height in photos. Never be caught slouching and be sure to work on poses that lengthen your lines. Good posture and strong stature goes a long way when presenting yourself to an agency meeting and photoshoot. 
Petite models who changed the fashion industry -
Lily-Rose Depp
Lily-Rose made her runway debut with chanel in 2016. She is just 5″3, but that did not stop her from becoming the muse of fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld. 
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Amina Blu 
This German/ Pakistani beauty is 5″1 and no stranger to New York Fashion Week. Amina has walked for Kanye West more than 5 times. With her unforgettable looks and signature looks, Amina will keep making headlines. 
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The ‘Size 0′ movement
Sizes range from 0-2 which is extra small to 14-16 which is larger. Smaller sizes are usually petites, and larger sizes usually found in womens or plus size departments. 
The size-zero ban is proof fashion industry on finally listening to customers. The use of size zero models has been a fashion industry scandal for many years. France’s top fashion house have committed to stop underage and size zero models from featuring in catwalk shows and advertising campaigns. Owners of brands such as Saint Laurent and Louis Vuitton say they want to persuade others in the industry to follow suit. The industry has long been accused of promoting unhealthy body images of women and ignoring well-documented health problems experienced by models. In 2017, the French government voted through a law requiring models must have a medical certificate confirming they were not dangerously underweight. 
“No model under 16 years will be recruited to take part in fashion shows or photographic sessions representing adults.” Models between 16-18 years will no longer be allowed to work between 11pm and 6am and must be accompanied by a parent or chaperone if required to stay away from home. 
“The wellbeing of our models is a fundamental subject” the statement from LVMH read. 
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Mallory Schlossberg - “I’m part of a huge demographic that retailers largely ignore - here’s why it’s so frustrating” 
When reading this article I very much related myself to it, she mentions being reminded of her height near enough everyday, she is 4″11 like me. “There are only a few times when I'm reminded how short I am: when I'm riding the subway and someone pushes right into me because I'm not in his peripheral vision, when I can't reach my kitchen cabinets and hop onto the counter, and when I'm shopping.” 
When she was in high school and college she frequently shopped in the kids section. She mentioned it being impressive to see the selection that’s available for wealthy, stylish kids these days. She is able to wear a lot of designer apparel that are much cheaper than adult prices as kids clothes takes less fabric to make. However, it comes to a point in an adult woman's life where you do not want to shop in kids section anymore, she wanted to wear apparel for women because she is a woman. Adult size small dresses zip up just fine, but they hug in all the wrong places and drag on the ground or are longer fit on her than they’re supposed to be. 
“It's frustrating. How do you shop for clothes and not look like a child in children's clothing — or a child playing dress up in her mother's closet?”
There are retailers that do cater to petite women although the ranges are very limited. 
“Walk into Ann Taylor, Loft (where I buy my jeans), J. Crew, Banana Republic, or a department store, and you'll see selections of petite clothing, often relegated to a small corner with an odd amalgam of apparel, as though the merchandise team is wondering, "who is this petite woman? Is she a mother? Is she frumpy? Is she a decaying 90-year-old? Is she youthful and feisty? Is she too young to show off her curves? Is she a virgin?" The answer  — from a petite woman — is that she is none of the above, and she is all of the above. The petite woman is just like the regular-sized customer...only shorter.”
Retailers seem very confused with how to deal with short women. Topshop and Anthropologie are starting to recognise that short women like to look fashionable too, but the lack of options and concern for petite shoppers is noticeable. The reason as to why there are fewer petite options and not all stores offer apparel for smaller-framed women is because it requires a different design pattern. 
As blogger TanyaTheAnonymousModel wrote on Jezebel:
"For a dress to look the same on a petite woman, a standard size woman and a plus woman — for the hem to hit at the same place on each woman's leg, for the waist to sit at the appropriate height, for the neckline to flatter but not overexpose, for the pockets to be useful, easily reached, and neither too small nor too big — requires, in effect, three totally different paper patterns, each with a separate, and expensive, development process."
The Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City offers a continuing education course in image consulting, combining petite and plus size bodies together as "special size" customers — noting that they make up about a tremendous amount of the population. The course description reads as follows:
"Over 70 million U.S. women fall into the special size category, that 50 % of the population is actually under 5'4", and 65 million women are considered plus size. Designers, patternmakers, retailers, stylists, and image consultants, and wardrobe technicians can all benefit from this in-depth workshop that demystifies the special size business potential. Learn the facts behind the figures with practical information for fulfilling the expectations of the special size customer with proper fit, fashion, and service. Highly recommended for anyone looking to increase sales and services. Interact with our two industry experts as they each tackle the dilemmas facing both the petite and plus-size customer and give concrete directions for satisfying their shopping needs and fashion passions."
An undergraduate course "sketching for fashion designers" mentions that "Large, half-size, petite, and junior-size figures are featured to study proportions used in the industry". Showing petites aren't entirely ignored in design school, they just aren't given equal attention. They're generally not on runways; runways are about aspiration, and who aspires to be 5'2''?
“Petite women have not been celebrated loudly as equals. They have not been given body-positive model icons to speak on their behalf, although we do have Kelly Ripa, Snooki, and Kim Kardashian in our corner. There has not been a call to action. There hasn't been any real vocal repugnance, but instead, there's been a silence and a void, which is too telling. Petite women have been pushed aside, not permitted to speak — much like the children for which many try not to be mistaken.”
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sabbaticallife84 · 3 years
Second Day in Vienna, Gotta see it all
I got up in the AM. I had a nice long talk with my aunt. We had a great time, we talked, laughed and shared. It is incredible how much she and I are alike. 
  I was going to get going earlier to try to beat the heat a little, it was supposed to be like 95 degrees that day in Vienna. But of course, I was chatting and so my start was a bit later than I planned. I didn’t get out until 11:20 AM, and it was hot already. I walked to the D tram stop to take it to the Belvedere Hotel where I was going to get to see the real live painting, ‘The Kiss’ by Gustav Klimt. I was so excited to see this painting. I also got to see a sculpture by Rodin and a painting by Van Gogh, and more paintings by Klimt. I got to see his painting: ‘Judith’. It was an awesome painting, really beautiful and a little haunting. 
‘The Kiss’ was amazing! The painting looks very different from different angles. There is real gold, silver and precious metals in the painting. From one way, the painting looks dull and lifeless. From the other side it is sparkling and precious. I can’t believe my aunt lives 15 minutes away from the real Kiss, the painting, that work of art. It’s like living 15 minutes away from the Mona Lisa. The Belvedere Palace was much bigger than I thought. I thought my walking tour guide had told me it was a hotel and the painting was on the upper level of it. It was not a hotel, it was a palace and it had a lot more art than just the Kiss. 
The other night, when I was walking, I thought about ‘Whistling Vivaldi’ But I couldn’t remember who the composer was in that story, I just knew it was “Whistling something”... Then I walked by St. Karl’s Kirche and they had posters up, showing they would be having a Mozart concert there and a Vivaldi ‘Four Seasons’ concert there. Then I realized that Vivaldi was from Vienna. He was born in Vienna.
13:37: I was sitting down to eat. I was going to be eating more delicious Austrian food. I couldn’t wait! The food I got was this sliced meat thing, one of their menus called it meat loaf (in the English translation). But it’s more like thick bologna, maybe. It’s called leberkäse, which means liver cheese. I don’t think it has either thing in it. But it’s cooked and can be baked or fried. Maybe kind of like spam? I don’ know. My meal was leberkäse, sausage and German potato salad and it was delicious. When we lived in Germany when I was little, my mom hated leberkäse, so when my mom went to the hospital to have my little sister, Dad would could us this yummy dish. 
  I had like 5 museums on my agenda but the walking to different museums in the 95 degree heat was a little daunting. I didn’t have a great map and was trying to find stuff without my GPS, that I am addicted to. So I remembered what my walking tour guide had told us about this Habsburgs burial place, under a church, in a crypt. It was under ground. When I got there, they even advertised that they were a cool 20 degrees celsius (or whatever temperature) and out of the hot hot sun. I have been getting a bit over heated when I walk around too much in the 90 degree weather days. My body was meant for cooler climates, I think. 
15:10: the crypt and the many metal boxes show that life was hard in the 1500, 1600, and 1700′s. These real families that had all the money, land, power, and would still lose baby after baby, child after child. Few queens and kings made it to 50 or 60. It was crazy what mortality was like. Several of the women’s coffins said they died during child birth, one was 17 years old, one was 40 yrs old, one woman’s inscription said her baby son was buried with her. The women and men had no birth control, or weren’t supposed to use any, if they did have some rudimentary form of it. One woman had as many as 18 children that she gave birth to, many lying in metal boxes that died their birth year or the next year. (Don’t count on me for real Habsburg history, here. I am hopelessly ignorant about them, and I hope to read a book about their family, because they sound fascinating.) Count on me, the nurse, to find the macabre side of the Habsburgs. 
I went from the crypt to the Cafe Central. I wanted to see the beautiful pillars and stone inside. My city tour guide had told us about this cafe. It was a famous haunt of writers, painters, etc back in the early 1900′s. It was part of the Vienna coffee culture. He said that if you wanted to go in, you could sit with one cup of coffee all day and they wouldn’t bother you. He said, if anything, you would need to track down the waiter to order. He warned us of the snooty Viennese waiter, they are down right rude, he said. He said there was no point in complaining to try to change it, cause it wouldn’t change. 
The waiter greeted me, he was confused why I was vaccinated so long ago.. I told him that I had been a nurse in the US. He immediately looked at me with new interest and kindness in his eyes. He asked me if it had been very hard. He said he was so happy it was getting better, slowly. We got to talking. He was so kind and concerned for me. He said he was so glad I was taking a break from the hospital. He was the opposite of what my tour guide said to expect at the Cafe Central. He came back to to chat later. I could hear him tell his coworker that I was a nurse from America. He asked me which state I was from. He also wanted reassurance that we were almost out of this thing. I told him we will see what the fall brings. The staff were so kind, they helped me plug in my almost dead phone into the wall behind the bakery counter with tons of heavenly cakes and pastries on display. 
16:55: I left Cafe Central. I entered the U-Bahn and breathed a sigh of relief. It was so cool and breezy down there! I could have stayed there all day! I love that weird basement (Keller) smell of musty and wet stones. All in all, it was a great day! 
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 6.12
910 – Battle of Augsburg: The Hungarians defeat the East Frankish army under King Louis the Child, using the famous feigned retreat tactic of the nomadic warriors. 1240 – At the instigation of Louis IX of France, an inter-faith debate, known as the Disputation of Paris, starts between a Christian monk and four rabbis. 1381 – Peasants' Revolt: In England, rebels assemble at Blackheath, just outside London. 1418 – Armagnac–Burgundian Civil War: Parisians slaughter sympathizers of Bernard VII, Count of Armagnac, along with all prisoners, foreign bankers, and students and faculty of the College of Navarre. 1429 – Hundred Years' War: On the second day of the Battle of Jargeau, Joan of Arc leads the French army in their capture of the city and the English commander, William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk. 1550 – The city of Helsinki, Finland (belonging to Sweden at the time) is founded by King Gustav I of Sweden. 1601–1900 1643 – The Westminster Assembly is convened by the Parliament of England, without the assent of Charles I, in order to restructure the Church of England. 1653 – First Anglo-Dutch War: The Battle of the Gabbard begins, lasting until the following day. 1665 – Thomas Willett is appointed the first mayor of New York City. 1758 – French and Indian War: Siege of Louisbourg: James Wolfe's attack at Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, commences. 1772 – French explorer Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne and 25 of his men killed by Māori in New Zealand. 1775 – American War of Independence: British general Thomas Gage declares martial law in Massachusetts. The British offer a pardon to all colonists who lay down their arms. There would be only two exceptions to the amnesty: Samuel Adams and John Hancock, if captured, were to be hanged. 1776 – The Virginia Declaration of Rights is adopted. 1798 – Irish Rebellion of 1798: Battle of Ballynahinch. 1817 – The earliest form of bicycle, the dandy horse, is driven by Karl von Drais. 1821 – Badi VII, king of Sennar, surrenders his throne and realm to Isma'il Pasha, general of the Ottoman Empire, ending the existence of that Sudanese kingdom. 1830 – Beginning of the Invasion of Algiers: Thiry-four thousand French soldiers land 27 kilometers west of Algiers, at Sidi Ferruch. 1864 – American Civil War, Overland Campaign: Battle of Cold Harbor: Ulysses S. Grant gives the Confederate forces under Robert E. Lee a victory when he pulls his Union troops from their position at Cold Harbor, Virginia and moves south. 1898 – Philippine Declaration of Independence: General Emilio Aguinaldo declares the Philippines' independence from Spain. 1899 – New Richmond tornado: The eighth deadliest tornado in U.S. history kills 117 people and injures around 200. 1900 – The Reichstag approves new legislation continuing Germany's naval expansion program. It provides for construction of 38 battleships over a 20-year period. Germany's fleet will be the largest in the world. 1914 – Massacre of Phocaea: Turkish irregulars slaughter 50 to 100 Greeks and expel thousands of others in an ethnic cleansing operation in the Ottoman Empire. 1921 – Mikhail Tukhachevsky orders the use of chemical weapons against the Tambov Rebellion, bringing an end to the peasant uprising. 1935 – A ceasefire is negotiated between Bolivia and Paraguay, ending the Chaco War. 1938 – The Helsinki Olympic Stadium was inaugurated in Töölö, Helsinki, Finland. 1939 – Shooting begins on Paramount Pictures' Dr. Cyclops, the first horror film photographed in three-strip Technicolor. 1939 – The Baseball Hall of Fame opens in Cooperstown, New York. 1940 – World War II: Thirteen thousand British and French troops surrender to Major General Erwin Rommel at Saint-Valery-en-Caux. 1942 – Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday. 1943 – The Holocaust: Germany liquidates the Jewish Ghetto in Brzeżany, Poland (now Berezhany, Ukraine). Around 1,180 Jews are led to the city's old Jewish graveyard and shot. 1944 – World War II: Operation Overlord: American paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division secure the town of Carentan, Normandy, France. 1954 – Pope Pius XII canonises Dominic Savio, who was 14 years old at the time of his death, as a saint, making him at the time the youngest unmartyred saint in the Roman Catholic Church. In 2017, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, aged ten and nine at the time of their deaths, are declared saints. 1963 – NAACP field secretary Medgar Evers is murdered in front of his home in Jackson, Mississippi by Ku Klux Klan member Byron De La Beckwith during the civil rights movement. 1963 – The film Cleopatra, starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, is released in US theaters. It was the most expensive film made at the time. 1964 – Anti-apartheid activist and ANC leader Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life in prison for sabotage in South Africa. 1967 – The United States Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia declares all U.S. state laws which prohibit interracial marriage to be unconstitutional. 1975 – India, Judge Jagmohanlal Sinha of the city of Allahabad ruled that India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had used corrupt practices to win her seat in the Indian Parliament, and that she should be banned from holding any public office. Mrs. Gandhi sent word that she refused to resign. 1979 – Bryan Allen wins the second Kremer prize for a man-powered flight across the English Channel in the Gossamer Albatross. 1981 – The first of the Indiana Jones film franchise, Raiders of the Lost Ark, is released in theaters. 1982 – Nuclear disarmament rally and concert, New York City. 1987 – The Central African Republic's former emperor Jean-Bédel Bokassa is sentenced to death for crimes he had committed during his 13-year rule. 1987 – Cold War: At the Brandenburg Gate, U.S. President Ronald Reagan publicly challenges Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. 1988 – Austral Líneas Aéreas Flight 46, a McDonnell Douglas MD-81, crashes short of the runway at Libertador General José de San Martín Airport, killing all 22 people on board. 1990 – Russia Day: The parliament of the Russian Federation formally declares its sovereignty. 1991 – Russians first democratically elected Boris Yeltsin as the President of Russia. 1991 – Kokkadichcholai massacre: The Sri Lankan Army massacres 152 minority Tamil civilians in the village of Kokkadichcholai near the eastern province town of Batticaloa. 1993 – An election takes place in Nigeria and is won by Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola. Its results are later annulled by the military Government of Ibrahim Babangida. 1997 – Queen Elizabeth II reopens the Globe Theatre in London. 1999 – Kosovo War: Operation Joint Guardian begins when a NATO-led United Nations peacekeeping force (KFor) enters the province of Kosovo in Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 2009 – Analog television stations (excluding low-powered stations) switch to digital television following the DTV Delay Act. 2009 – A disputed presidential election in Iran leads to wide-ranging local and international protests. 2014 – Between 1,095 and 1,700 Shia Iraqi people are killed in an attack by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant on Camp Speicher in Tikrit, Iraq. It's the second deadliest act of terrorism in history, only behind 9/11. 2016 – Forty-nine civilians are killed and 58 others injured in an attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida; the gunman, Omar Mateen, is killed in a gunfight with police. 2017 – American student Otto Warmbier returns home in a coma after spending 17 months in a North Korean prison and dies a week later. 2018 – United States President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un of North Korea held the first meeting between leaders of their two countries in Singapore.
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