#renate stoller
Renate: [playing Raid] I think you should know that this money is cursed. Nancy: What? Renate: Oh, I cursed it! So now bad things will happen to he who spends it. Karl: That's all right, I'll take it. Bad things happen to me anyway.
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drewlyyours · 1 year
ND #24
Karl Weschler - Jack Black
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Anja Mittelmeier - Florence Pugh
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Lukas Mittelmeier - Iain Armitage
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Renate Stoller - Jessica Lange
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the worst monsters are self-made
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thornidraws · 2 years
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Some Nancy drew Fanart I did of my favorite side character to side character, Renate Stoller from The Captive Curse.
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tfg5 · 7 months
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mrwooglewogle · 8 months
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nancyclue · 1 year
Brady, Enrico, Renate!
Brady Armstrong: What was the worst job you ever worked?
ok I’ve really only worked like 1 REAL job but probably the time I worked at a sushi restaurant for like 2 days and it was confusing and I had to make like a million reverse sake bombs for college kids and they never asked me to come back or paid me LMAO
Enrico Tazza: Favorite card game?
I lowkey dislike a lot of card games bc they have too many rules and I have a baby brain so probably go fish hehe
Renate Stoller: Tell us the best story you’ve got.
off the top of my head I was at work one day (I work at an art museum) and we have radios to call our bosses and stuff and one of my coworkers called in saying “um are people allowed to take off their shoes in the gallery” and my boss responded with “unfortunately no” and that really sums up my job
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longflying · 2 years
Nancy drew the captive curse keycharm
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Waking Renate while snooping through her bag.Snooping in Karl's desk when he is coming back after a monster sighting, or snooping for too long and getting caught.Snooping in Anja's things when she is coming back after a monster sighting, or snooping for too long and getting caught.Pulling the gate lever, which lowers the portcullis directly on top of you.If the player doesn't wish to retry, then the game is over. Unlike the other games, when you make a mistake, it will give you a funny 'Good and Bad News' before giving you the choice to try again. Like all Nancy Drew games, there are fatal accidents you can make. He is also available to give slight hints to Nancy, hints about both her case in Germany and his possible romantic feelings for her. In the game, Frank is a good friend of Nancy and Ned, and helps them resolve their disputes. Ned can also be contacted for slight hints in the game.įrank Hardy - Frank Hardy is a character known from the Hardy Boys book series. He resents her mystery-filled life, and wishes he could be off solving mysteries with her. Ned Nickerson - Ned Nickerson is Nancy's longtime boyfriend, who isn't too thrilled with Nancy's latest adventure. At the time of the mystery, Markus is driving en route to the castle he expects that Nancy will have solved the case by the time he arrives. Despite being wealthy, Markus is planning on bringing in potential investors to Castle Finster. Markus Boehm - Markus Boehm, the owner of Castle Finster, has hired Nancy to solve the case of the monster. The Legend - What sort of creature lurks in the woods waiting for the chance to wreak havoc? Is there more to the legend than the locals are letting on? Well-versed in the monster legend and the castle's dark history, is she bringing her own tale of terror to life? Renate Stoller - Renate Stoller is an old fashioned storyteller who travels around the local countryside practicing her craft. Are his antics harmless fun, or does he have something more dangerous in mind? Lukas Mittelmeier - Lukas Mittelmeier has earned the title of castle troublemaker who knows all of the castle's hidden areas. Is her friendly manner hiding darker intentions? She's one strong lady who's not happy with the castle's current leadership. How far is he willing to go to keep them away?Īnja Mittelmeier - Anja Mittelmeier is the castle castellan, in charge of the household and second in command to Karl. He is against the Bavarianization of the castle and dislikes the tourists. Karl Weschler - Karl Weschler is the Burgermeister (mayor) of the castle community. As Nancy delves deeper into the case, she begins to fear that someone in the castle plans for her to be the monster's next victim. In the present day, young American detective, Nancy Drew, has been called in by the castle's owner to discover the truth behind recent monster sightings before the monster can strike again. So far, every victim it has claimed has been a young woman, reputed to be wearing a peculiar jeweled necklace at the time of her disappearance. According to the legend, the monster will vanish for years at a time, until without warning it reappears to claim its next victim. For centuries, a legendary monster has terrorized residents of a fictional Bavarian castle, called Burg Finster, in Germany.
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Nancy Drew Characters for Each MBTI Type
ISTJ - Henrik van der Hune, Carson Drew, Ethel Bossiny
ISTP - Dagny Silva, George Fayne, Gray Cortright
ISFJ - Miwako Shimizu, Ollie Randall, Gunnar Tonnisson
ISFP - Dave Gregory, Charlie Murphy, Kate Drew
INFJ - Henry Bolet, Renate Stoller, Jamila El-Dine
INFP - Emily Crandall, Harper Thornton, Niobe Papadaki
INTJ - Frank Hardy, Zoe Wolfe, Mason Quinto
INTP - Mel Corbalis, Charleena Purcell, Wade Thornton
ESTJ - Clara Thornton, Deirdre Shannon, Alejandro del Rio
ESTP - Jenna Deblin, Jason Danforth, Dylan Carter
ESFJ - Ned Nickerson, Chase Rellerford, Pa Ochs
ESFP - Grigor Karakinos, Lamont Warrick, Jing Jing Ling
ENFJ - Anja Mittelmeier, Big Island Mike Mapu, Helena Berg
ENFP - Joe Hardy, Bess Marvin, Ryan Kilpatrick
ENTJ - Yanni Volkstaia, Simone Mueller, Dwayne Powers
ENTP - Nancy Drew, Sonny Joon, Alec Fell
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knittingbee1987 · 3 years
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Renate Stoller - The Captive Curse
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barbiestuffps · 4 years
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Nancy Drew: The Captive Curse, 2011
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Renate: You see what we have to put up with. He’s an airhead.
Karl: Oh yeah? Well, you’re a barbel!
Anja: That’s a dumbbell, you twit!
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drewlyyours · 8 days
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renate stoller stimboard
A knight in shining armor never did nothing for nobody. He never fought. A knight in dented, scraped armor - now that's what you want.
x x x | x 🐘 x | x x x
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thebeastofblackmoor · 4 years
yo The Captive Curse was like the second game I ever played in this series I would love to hear your thoughts
yes yesyesyes okay thank you anon I am going to replay it tonight to refine my thoughts but I hope you like my stream of consciousness quasi-analysis!!
Ok so it’s all like
when Karl said “The villagers hundreds and hundreds of years ago, they knew the monster. They would leave food for him, deep in the woods. The were all terrified of him, of course--but so were the wolves. If they kept the monster fed he would not bother them, and they could raise their livestock in peace.”
when Renate said “A knight in shining armor never did nothing for nobody. He never fought. A knight in dented, scraped armor - now that's what you want.” And that her older sister died alone in the dark woods trying to save her!
and when Anja said “I was honest. I was honest every day and I worked hard at my job. I worked hard every day and no one noticed. No one cared” and when the woman from Castle Cast said that she would never have gotten the job she had if she was honest--
and when Lukas says he can see a gallows from his bedroom window, and he thinks that’s cool, because most people can only see stuff like a grocery store from their window, but the kids at school think he’s creepy because he lives at the castle and he is not afraid....
Basically, this was like the first time I played this game while playing close attention to everyone’s backstories and motivations and I finally put all of it together and realized that yes, the castle has a dark and a bloody history, and that those two things are interconnected--it is not just about a Creepy Old Castle! And ohhh, a scarey monster! I mean yeah, it’s that, too, it is a kid’s game, but because it’s a good Nancy Drew game, there’s more. The whole history of the castle is about how times were so hard and people had to fight to survive, and the world was dangerous. And in order to survive, they had to do some very bad, very bloody things, to themselves and others. They had to make a pact with the bloodthirsty monster and the knights got beaten within an inch of their lives and the innocent girls got kidnapped or killed; the innocents simply disappeared.
And it hasn’t changed when Nancy is there. Renate lost her sister, and her reward for trying to avenge her is a distrusting reputation. If Karl wants to protect the people he loves, he thinks he must be resigned to living his life in misery--because of the doppelganger’s curse he is afraid of hurting the people around him so he cuts them off and has to live a lonely life-- and Lukas is happy with the castle, but that makes him an outcast, and we are left to believe Anja was once really good but soon she realized she would get nowhere like that (she would get left behind by people like Markus and she could never move forward without playing dirty). 
So the curse of Castle Finster is not a monster but that you will become a monster or else suffer at the hands of monsters... (Or something.)
Of course, then Nancy comes along and subverts the story by being the girl from the stories and taking down the “monster” and saving the day, because it’s a Nancy Drew game, but everyone’s whole situations before she got there and the sacrificial setup Anja had planned to provide a warped kind of justice just *clenches fist* really satisfies my Gotta Think About Angsty Scary Stories brain 
anyway this used to be at the bottom of my list but now that I’ve given it a long hard look and actually kinda understand what it’s about it’s risen a lot higher. oh, and also Monster is straight up addictive.
in conclusion: talk to me about this game I got thots man
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hotchkiss-and-tell · 4 years
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Renate will wake up from a food coma if you drop a marker in her cloth bag, but you can play multiple rounds of this loud clunking color game lock box right next to her and she won’t stir.
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gaypapercuts · 4 years
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[Image description: A papercut of the Freiherr’s Daughter portrait from The Captive Curse. Text above and below the portrait reads” You’re here for the monster. Now I tell you something you don’t know. This monster, he is here for you.” End ID]
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nigelspookerjee · 5 years
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