#just english being weird
facts-i-just-made-up · 6 months
Why do homophones exist?
Eye halve know clew.
Its A reel gambol too chews witch whirred two yews.
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atmothart · 1 year
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Jon he's really trying here cut him a break
(tumblr crunched the resolution of this comic a lot rip)
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junespriince · 14 days
Little Chickadee meet little Sparkle au
8yo Dick, picks up 3yo Wally: so this baby kid flash?
Barry: yeah, this is apparently him at three years old according to Iris.
Dick, looks at the tiny boy in his arms: and his dad hated him!? Adults are useless.
Bruce, sighed: can't wait for Constantine and zatanna to fix this... Alfred where's the leash? *Leaves*
Dick, gives Barry, Wally back: I will make sure nobody hurts him again.
Barry: aw, that's so sweet of you.
A few hours later
Bruce: I told you to watch him, how could you let him get away!?
Barry: he said he went to the bathroom, how was i supposed to know he would leave, the time I knew him he listened in Central!
Wally, fussy because people are yelling:
Bruce: where could he have gone to, all his usual hits are protected.
Barry: ... Oh my god, OH MY GOD HE'S AFTER RUDY!
Bruce: Rudy?
Barry, grabbing his things: Wally's shitty bio dad, he read Canary's file on Wally and asked me questions.
Barry: I'm sorry I forgot he was blood thirsty as a child, okay!
Jason, holding a now crying Wally: hush it dipshits, and he's like eight how far on foot could he have gone.
Tim: he knows about the zeta tubes.
Jason: oooo, yeah that mother fucker dead dead.
Cass: I also saw him grabbed Barry's phone and called up Iris.
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2sw · 1 year
it's a very long post about THAT scene in 7x03... (30 gifs)
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season 4 was one of the darkest periods of sam's life and his relationship with dean. but at the end of s5, in swan song, sam showed how strong he could be. he took control of lucifer and sacrificed himself to stop the apocalypse. sam could do that cause he wanted redemption. he was able to do that cause he loves his brother. dean was there with him the whole time and just decided to keep doing this shit? especially when sam is struggling with the hallucination of the devil?? sam took on hell memories so he could be there for his brother. and later in season 7, he lets hallucifer in because he's so desperate to save dean... Sam's devotion to his brother is always so quiet and sacrificial. give your baby brother some credit, dean!!!! no wonder why sam was so suicidal in s8.. wait why did I say that. now I'm officially sad anyway, I couldn't believe what dean did in this episode when I watched it for the first time and still can't so I'm posting this.
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demadogs · 7 months
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(2023) Dir. Shawn Levy
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lord-pain · 4 months
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I think a lot of how Paul was more phisically willing to touch John in their early days (or that's just what it seems to me). I can't stop thinking of how he was extra flirty and didn't seem to care about coming across as gay, until he started to look completely afraid of touching men. I like to think young Paul knew that John found him atractive and he loved it
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starrysmiling · 26 days
ephemer's song
(read right to left)
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i blacked out and when i woke up i had a(n albeit roughly drawn) comic
original (jp) version underneath!
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neversetyoufree · 1 year
Lord I cannot believe it took me this long to realize this, but. Vnc's refrain of Noé trying to grab Vanitas's hand is a metaphor.
This whole time I've been reading the constant references to "Noé grabs Vanitas and saves him from falling, but one day he'll fail" as very literal foreshadowing for a day when Vanitas is going to fall and get hurt (or die?) and Noé will fail to catch him. And I still think there's a good chance that's true! However, it's also really obvious symbolism for the idea of salvation in general.
I've beaten this drum to death, but Vanitas is more or less the ultimate example of a character doomed by the narrative. He is going to die; the entire story is the buildup to his death. And one of the main conflicts is that Noé wants desperately to save him (and wants it more and more as they grow closer), but by nature of the story, we know he can't.
At least by Noé's definition of salvation, Vanitas is unsaveable. His death and suffering cannot be prevented, and despite Noé's best efforts, he is going to die by Noé's hand.
Enter the falling metaphor.
The absolute certainty of Vanitas's death works like the force of gravity. He is constantly being pulled down and down toward his doom like an endless free fall. But then Noé steps in and tries to save him, and in little ways he even succeeds! In all the little less important ways, he grabs Vanitas's hand time after time.
When Vanitas goes toppling off the ledge in Gévaudan, Noé catches him and shortens his fall. When Vanitas sinks into despair in Moreau's lab, Noé snaps him out of it. And when Vanitas gets lost in his own trauma and self-hypnosis at the amusement park, Noé brings him back to reality. For all of the little free falls, both literal and metaphorical, Noé is there for Vanitas before he hits the ground. The beating heart of their relationship is Noé's constant attempts to catch him.
However, Noé is haunted by the fear that he is going to fail someday. When Faustina reverts back to Naenia and dissipates in Gévaudan, he's shown a vision of Charlatan(?) telling him his hand cannot reach Vanitas. Naenia preys on people's worst fears and weaknesses, and this is one of Noé's. He fears that his hand will not reach the one he's grasping towards, and he will fail to save those that matter to him. The very broad line "you persist in reaching out for them" in the middle of Noé trying to literally catch someone more or less tells us outright that the falling and catching is a metaphor for salvation.
And when he speaks from the future, Noé confirms that this exact fear has come true. Noé in his narration is haunted by the regrets of "that day when I didn't grab your hand." His grand attempt at Vanitas's salvation has ultimately failed, and he didn't catch him when it mattered most.
The night that he first meets Vanitas, Noé throws himself out of an airship in the attempt to catch and save him. And from that point onward, he tries to catch him over and over again. Their relationship is one long straining outstretched hand as Noé attempts to pull Vanitas from his endless plummet downward. He is the one person deeply focused on Vanitas's salvation. However, Noé cannot ultimately stop the forces of tragedy and gravity and doom, and in the way that matters most, he can never quite reach Vanitas's hand.
There is going to be a day when Noé will be unable to catch him, and that day is the day that the entire rest of their relationship (and the entire rest of the metaphor) is building to. Noé is constantly reaching out, but he cannot save a man that is already dead, no matter how passionate the outstretched hand.
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allamericanb-tch · 25 days
HELP ok do i text him or not
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satsuha · 2 months
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ageswap au made by @tenretsuzan on twitter! there's a brief explanation beneath the readmore
your name is hikari ku, age 30. you were banished from your home nation of ku at a young age and led a failed rebellion against your treacherous brother, laid low by a harsh betrayal.
"even if it means harnessing this darkness... i will see my country freed from war."
marred by scars left by your once erstwhile friends and plagued by a darkness that grows uncontrollable, you grasp onto the small hope that you may one day reclaim your nation once more...
your name is temenos mistral, age 21. you led a peaceful life in flamechurch until one day your brother disappears after leaving you with an ominous message about the church.
"roi... what could have led someone like you down a path like this?"
despite your father's protests, you follow after his footsteps in hopes of uncovering his whereabouts, as well as the church's secrets that forced his departure...
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
Does Opal still speak very formally around Team Skull? Because this scenario is playing out in my head and I want you to hear it.
Opal: *says something in an archaic manner, the specifics don't really matter*
Skuntank: "Chaw-haw! Uh, Yeah! Sure I can do that!"
Opal: *content, leaves to go do something*
Skuntank: *leans over to zubat and koffing, sweating* "Do either of you boys know what I just agreed to?
Oh my word.
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lesbiangiratina · 3 days
Never not having a crisis over how much i should allow things only present in localized media inform my perception of it yes this is about testament
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lightofjedi · 9 months
I wish people understood that a female character being written by a dude who objectify and sexualize her is not her fault but the writter's, and that going on about the importance of not sexualizing female characters while simultaneously using said sexualization as a reason to sprout misogynistic remarks about and dehumanising sexualized female characters just shows your hypocrisy and how little you actually care about women.
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shikai-the-storyteller · 10 months
There are SO many cool interactions and lore things we can look forward to now that Rubius says he'll come back to QSMP (not only as an angel / demon, but potentially as a human too!), but that little detail reminded me of something:
Even though q!Vegetta and q!Rubius were mutually interested in each other wayyyy back in the beginning of the series, as an Angel / Demon, Rubius said he can't have relationships with humans because it's against the rules.
But a bit ago on stream, Rubius said that he's thinking about having a "human" side so he can build and do more things on the server as a regular player. I'm excited because this means he can have more casual interactions with people and we can see him interacting with his friends more (and he can experience The Horrors), but also...
I think we're in for some very interesting drama in the next few weeks.*
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* ( Assuming Rubius doesn't get harassed off the server by toxic shippers and weird fans of the Eggs again. Please be nice to Rubius and welcome him back kindly, he's a very cool guy and his character is SO interesting )
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princessnijireiki · 9 months
it's always such a strange thing when people say stuff like, "oh, my developmental cognitive delay, mental illness, etc NEVER gets believed in, not like PHYSICALLY disabled people," or, "oh, I NEVER get accommodations for my physical conditions in school, not like other students' LEARNING disabilities," "THIS kind of thing I experienced is uniquely oppressive and one of many roots of evil in the world, other power structures & people in positions of authority are NOT as harmful as the one I experienced, and the world is soooo much nicer & easier to everybody & every kind of cripple except me"
like I know of all the social media platforms tumblr has the rep of being the pity party site, but while you truly may have suffered and nobody is here to diminish that, y'all are moving very weirdly through life
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junipershouse · 5 days
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loppits who live onboard the same ship rrikrik works on
their names and jobs are are (top to botton, left to right) sister swii-qui and sister uuuii, students on a work experience apprenticeship position, little yui, a mechanic specializing in "biobotics" - machinery using biological function as opposed to electricity to run, big yui, the main doctor and biological scientist onboard, and finally gwii, an electronic coder.
i also drew big yui's entire body, because i was trying to think how the large loppits would move and interact with the world around them.
#oc#xenobiology#speculative biology#alien species#worldbuilding#loppit tag#im really happy and grateful for the love that loppits have gotten! i wasnt expecting it!#im still not so sure about using english feminine terminology for loppits...#its hard in general to write stories about aliens when you have english#because english uses gender is such a way. at least it isnt worst case scenario language for such a situation#so i think it could be useful to use english gendered grammatic structures to convey an alliance or a similarity to english gendered#expression. for example i think im gonna use she/her and feminine terms for sadum cows for now on and he/him and masculine terms for hounds#not because sadums reproduce like humans or have reproductive or social categories of “male” and “female”#but more because sadum society's use of gender based oppression and sex exploitation is similar to patriarchy for humans#but then that terminology wouldnt make sense for ki despite them also having gender based oppression#because ki society is much more complex in how they structure both sex and gender#while sadum society is generally binary much like how patriarchy is binary#anyway in this example i use “sister” less in a gender way and more in a religious way#because the educational establishment that swii-qui and uuuii come from is a religious one and theyre like nuns#theyre very sheltered and priviliged and also very annoying about things but theyre just learning#like they try and tease little yui for being an industrial worker and l yui gets really sensitive about it cus theyre a sensitive person#and then they try and tease big yui too but big yui takes no shit and shuts them down and they gain an appreciation of them because of it#OH YEAH. the little pink section of skin that is open on swii-qui and uuuii's faces is not a mouth!#it is like a VNO like dogs and cats have on the roof of their mouths but for sound#they eat thru the weird slit they have on their “chests” and they breathe thru their tail bumps#oh yeah ONE MORE THING#uuuii and swii-qui are both very flashy alt fashion fans and so their outfits are very weird for loppit standards
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