#junkook scenario
soft-pxachy · 3 months
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⤷ ❝hands on❞ — jjk (s.m)
➤ Pareja: jungkook!tatuado x lectora!fem
➤ Recuento de palabras: 7.2k palabras
➤ Género: compañeros de clase, smut y obscenidad.
➤Resumen: Cuando conociste a tu compañero de proyecto nunca te imaginaste terminar babeando y obsesionada por sus manos y por un bocado de él, en un esfuerzo por aliviar algo del estrés decides alimentar tus sucias fantasías con algunos textos y mensajes inocentes sobre Jungkook con tu mejor amiga, detallando, explícitamente, lo que quieres que esas grandes y jodidas manos te hagan, hasta que un día le envías por error unos de esos mensajes a Jungkook, y es ahí cuando él decide cumplir todos tus deseos al pie de la letra.
➤ Advertencias: 18+ | lenguaje maduro y explícito | lenguaje vulgar y obsceno | sobreestimulación | las manos de Jungkook (sí, es una advertencia) | sexting | masturbación | charla sucia | tensión sexual | halagos durante el sexo | sexo oral (r. mujer) | juego y estimulación del clítoris | un poco de insultos | bofetadas en los pechos | chupar pezones | la lectora está atada de manos a una silla | follar con los dedos | jalar el cabello | nalgadas | bromas juguetonas durante el sexo | sexo duro | sexo con protección | JK ama tus tetas y juega con ellas (mucho) es dulce pero también engreído | Jungkook tiene un gran pene! 
➤Si no eres mayor de 18 años, POR FAVOR, no leas. Si lo haces es bajo tu propia responsabilidad, ten en cuenta las advertencias. 
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Esto es malo.
—¿Crees que realmente revisará y contará todas nuestras fuentes? —Jungkook preguntó pero yo no podía escuchar nada de lo que decía.
Esto es realmente malo.    
—Solo tengo diez, pero miré documentos de la época medieval y aún así no encuentro más…
Sus dedos se abrieron paso a través de esos largos mechones negros de su cabello con frustración y sus ojos se cruzaron con los míos por unos segundos.
Esto es jodidamente malo.
—No mucha gente ha escrito sobre este tema en específico y nos estamos quedando sin información…
Jungkook tomó distraídamente su lápiz mientras seguía hablando y mi pulso se aceleró por el pánico creciente en mi cuerpo.
No, por favor no, el lápiz no…
Lo hizo girar hábilmente sobre sus nudillos, moviendo su muñeca casualmente para que crujiera con un pequeño estallido agudo.
Y luego; apretó los puños. Duro. Si, este es el final para mí.
—¡Agua! — casi grité mientras saltaba bruscamente de mi asiento, los papeles de nuestra investigación se deslizaron en todas direcciones y la mirada sorprendida de Jungkook se lanzó hacia mí.
—¿Estás bien? —Jungkook me preguntó sin dejar de mirarme y yo traté de relajar mis nervios.
—Sí. Oh, sí. Solo tengo... sed. —respondí formando una sonrisa forzada, y esas fueron las palabras más verdaderas que jamás había dicho.
Mi dulce, amable y jodidamente sexy compañero de proyecto sonrió; felizmente inconsciente de todas las formas en que lo profanaba mentalmente.
—La cocina está a la vuelta de la esquina, si no tienes problemas en ir sola en lo que investigo más sobre nuestro tema. —Jungkook habló con calma sin borrar su bonita sonrisa y yo solo pude asentir rígidamente antes de desaparecer por el pasillo.
Y unos momentos después, en la relativa privacidad de la cocina de Jungkook, apoyé ambas palmas de mis manos sobre la mesa y traté de respirar correctamente antes de gruñir por lo bajo.
Dios, soy una desgracia.
No siempre había sido así. Todavía podía recordar una época (hace 3 semanas exactamente) en la que era una persona normal, lejos de ser una completa exhibicionista.
Mi carrera era mi prioridad justo ahora, estaba a punto de titularme y debía esforzarme el doble si quería terminar mi último año sin problemas y poder obtener un trabajo decente, tenía todo planeado, nada se me salía de control, sabía lo que quería y lo que tenía que hacer para conseguirlo, tenía toda mi vida organizada y estable.
Hasta que Jeon Jungkook envolvió sus gloriosas manos alrededor de mi piso de cotidianidad y aburrimiento y me sacó de ahí.
A primera vista, Jungkook no representaba una verdadera amenaza. Sí, era hermoso, no estaba ciega, estaba bien formado y era abrumadoramente educado, pero no era una novata inexperta en eso, el salir un par de veces con Park Jimin me habían dejado en claro que había llegado a un nivel superior de belleza con él.
O eso pensaba.
Tal vez era su costumbre de usar mangas holgadas que colgaban sueltas sobre sus brazos hasta que solo se veía el más mínimo indicio de las yemas de sus dedos, pero mi impresión inicial de Jungkook no fue cuando ingresó de último a clase de arte, eso habría sido inolvidable. Más bien fue hasta que el Dr. Kim anunció a los compañeros de tesis que había descubierto mi error fatal.
—Trabajarás con Jeon Jungkook. 
Y ahí los dos nos miramos el uno al otro a través de la pequeña sala de conferencias e intercambiamos amistosos asentimientos, y después de finalizar la clase, mi nuevo compañero se dirigió a mi escritorio.
—Hola, déjame darte mi número, envíame un mensaje de texto con tu disponibilidad y puedo reservar tiempo en la biblioteca para nosotros.
Y entonces sucedió.
Jungkook se arremangó las mangas de su camisa y mi cerebro sufrió un cortocircuito.
Santa mierda.
Sus manos eran obscenas. NSFW. Básicamente pornográficas.
Sus dedos eran largos y con un toque suave en cada nudillo, uñas bien redondeadas y palmas anchas con un toque de venas que subían por sus brazos hermosamente.
—¿Está bien? —preguntó pero su voz solo se escuchaba de fondo mientras yo seguía observando sus manos sin descaro alguno.
Los diseños hábilmente tatuados en su piel sobresalían de su mano derecha y se entrelazaban con su muñeca y su antebrazo, no podía ver más allá de lo que me permitía la manga de su camisa pero estaba segura que todo su brazo estaba tatuado, y juré que moría por pasar mi lengua por cada trazo en su piel.
—A menos que no te sientas cómoda…— volvió a hablar y casi estuve a punto de decirle que se callara para seguir observando sus manos como tanto quería.
Esos anillos; uno en el meñique y otros dos más en sus dedos índices y… el pulgar, Dios, tragué saliva al imaginarme de rodillas frente a él mientras Jungkook me obligaba a chupar su pulgar como si fuera su polla, preparándome antes de…
—Quiero decir, así no tienes que darme tu número, como sea, escríbeme y nos ponemos de acuerdo.
¿Esas eran pulseras de cadena? ¿Quién era este hombre? ¿Quién era yo? ¿Cuál era mi nombre? ¿Qué tan profundo podrían esos dedos deslizarse en mi...?
¿Por qué se está alejando?
—¡Oh, joder! ¡Espera, Jungkook..!
Y realmente todo se había ido cuesta abajo desde allí.
Sus manos eran solo una droga de entrada al resto de todo lo que era Jungkook. Cada detalle que había ignorado sin esfuerzo ahora fluía repentinamente a través de mi conciencia en alta definición.
Su olor era algo deliciosamente masculino con un toque de vainilla que me dejaba aturdida cada que estaba cerca de él, los suaves rizos de su cabello colgaban románticamente sobre los perfectos rasgos de su rostro y ojos, y ese pecho tan ancho, firme, lamible.
Jungkook era un plato completo. Y yo me estaba muriendo de hambre.
No era un secreto que mi libido había estado encarcelado durante demasiado tiempo por todas las horas extra de trabajo y clases que me exigía a mí misma, y ahora solo se había vuelto completamente salvaje, rasgando mi cuerpo cada que tenía alguna sesión de estudio con Jungkook.
Había logrado milagrosamente compensar el mal funcionamiento inicial en el que prácticamente había babeado sobre sus manos en lugar de darle mi número y establecimos un horario de trabajo, pero en realidad, las reuniones con mi compañero se convirtieron rápidamente en un ejercicio diario de incontrolable sed de deseo.
Y era necesario tomar medidas.
No iba a dejar que Jeon Jungkook y sus gloriosas y varoniles manos destruyeran años de arduo trabajo casi autoimpuesto.
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—Necesitas una salida.
La voz de mi amiga Jungyeon interrumpió otro de mis sueños de clasificación porno que tenía sobre Jungkook; en el que me daba una palmada en los muslos en el parque público en el que estábamos.
—¿Qué tipo de salida? —pregunté en medio de un suspiro de tristeza; mirando mis muslos y viendo la notable falta de la mano de Jungkook antes de arrugar mi nariz al tener una sospecha de cuál era la solución que Jungyeon ofrecería.— Por favor, dime que no vas a sugerir una noche sudorosa con algún tipo sucio del bar al que vas cada viernes.
Jungyeon puso los ojos en blanco y me dio un golpecito en la frente.
—No princesa, estaba pensando en una salida más creativa. Como... escribir.
—¿Quieres que empiece a escribir poemas calientes?
—Se le dice literatura erótica.— Jungyeon me corrigió en tono de burla y ahora fue mi turno de rodar los ojos.— Pero como sea; tu pequeño y sucio secreto podría traer mucha alegría al mundo, específicamente a mi mundo.
—Debes estar bromeando. —respondí casi a punto de echarme a reír ante su sugerencia.
—Por supuesto que no estoy bromeando, en lugar de pasarme horas buscando combustible de fantasía en esos blogs usaré tus fantasías como combustible. —Jungyeon explicó con calma como si fuera la solución a todos sus problemas .—Solo envíame un mensaje de texto cuando tengas otra de tus fantasías y podrás estar más tranquila y yo disfrutar un poco, será como un servicio de suscripción sucio.
—Estás loca.
—Soy una genio.
Pero dejando de lado la falta de límites y tacto de Jungyeon, ella era, de hecho, literalmente una genio, porque todo lo que necesité fue intoxicarme de Jungkook durante nuestra próxima sesión de lluvia de ideas que yo ya me estaba escondiendo en el baño para escribirle mi primera fantasía.
Yo: Quiero que Jeon Jungkook envuelva sus manos alrededor de la parte de atrás de mi cuello y presione mi cara contra la mesa mientras me folla con fuerza hasta que esté gritando.
Jungyeon: Definitivamente soy una genio. ¿Te sientes mejor?
Yo: Sí, un poquito.
Y así comenzaron varias semanas de lo que cariñosamente llamaba "porno kookie".
Algunos eran bastante explícitos:
Yo: “Quiero que Jeon Jungkook arranque mis bragas empapadas y mueva mi clítoris desnudo en sus gruesos muslos hasta que sus jeans estén mojados con mi orgasmo.”
Otros eran de naturaleza más filosófica:
Yo: “Si muero antes de lamer el sudor de los abdominales de Jeon Jungkook, ¿realmente viví?”
Y algunos otros fueron extrañamente específicos:
Yo: “Quiero pasar mi lengua por cada vena de las manos y antebrazos de Jeon Jungkook mientras lame y muerde mis tetas.”
Jungyeon estaba viviendo su mejor vida por supuesto y esperaba con alegría mis reuniones de estudio con Jungkook para poder tener más “kookies".
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Los textos, sin embargo, no eran más que una curita en la herida de bala que tenía. No eran suficientes.
Cada vez que Jungkook me sonreía o me miraba con esa expresión suave y brillante, o decía algo extremadamente inteligente; el latido insistente en mi entrepierna se intensificaba cada vez más hasta que me veía obligada a buscar un alivio inmediato cuando realmente tenía que hacerlo. Frotando mi entrepierna sutilmente contra el respaldo de su sofá cuando Jungkook iba al baño después de que usara la parte inferior de su camisa para limpiar algunas gotas de agua en la mesa; casi asesinándome con un destello de sus abdominales bien marcados por unos segundos.
Pero la peor parte de todo era que sabía muy bien que mi fijación hacia Jungkook no era simplemente sexual. Cuanto más lo disfrutaba genuinamente como persona, menos efectivos se volvían mis espeluznantes textos.
Y ahora aquí estaba: escondida en su cocina con el calor y la humedad pegándose incómodamente entre mis piernas y sin ningún tipo de alivio a la vista. Gruñendo con irritación, saqué mi teléfono y me preparé mentalmente para servirle a Jungyeon un Kookie humeante recién salido del horno de mi imaginación.
Yo: Quiero que Jeon Jungkook me ate a la silla de su comedor. Quiero que rompa mi blusa por la mitad, me golpee las tetas y me chupe los pezones hasta que grite...
La fantasía en mi cabeza se construyó a un ritmo alarmante y mis dedos apenas podían seguir el ritmo de la suciedad que estaba imaginando.
Yo: Quiero que me suba la falda y frote mi clítoris a través de mis bragas empapadas hasta que esté gimiendo su nombre una y otra vez…
Yo: Quiero ver como mete sus dedos en mi coño mojado. Quiero que me incline hacia atrás y juegue con mi clítoris hasta que no pueda recordar quién soy.
Yo: Quiero que me parta por la mitad con su polla y me golpee el culo hasta que no pueda sentarme por días. Quiero ver como sus jodidas y sexys manos recorren todos los lugares de mi cuerpo caliente por él…
Me dolía el cuerpo. Estaba atormentada. Los textos que alguna vez habían sido una válvula de presión ahora estaban aumentando activamente la presión dentro de mi cuerpo. Estaba gimiendo de frustración, presioné el botón de enviar y volví a guardar el teléfono en mi bolsillo, lista para enfrentar una vez más la fuente de mi miseria cuando de repente...
El sonido de un celular a través del pasillo me regresó directamente a la realidad. Y yo conocía ese sonido.
Era el sonido que Jungkook había programado como alerta de mensajes para mi contacto, y ahora… ahora significaba el sonido de mi mundo derrumbándose por completo.
Con las manos temblorosas saque mi teléfono para confirmar la terrible verdad que muy en el fondo de mi ya sabía. No le había enviado un mensaje de texto a Jungyeon.
Le había enviado un mensaje de texto a Jungkook.
Por un momento, un momento increíblemente breve, consideré la idea de que él simplemente ignoraría el mensaje y continuaría con su búsqueda de información para nuestra tesis. Pero no fue así.
El jadeo débil pero insoportablemente claro llegó a la cocina. Fue el grito ahogado de un hombre que acababa de descubrir que su compañera de tesis quería que la "partiera por la mitad con su polla".
Debía correr. Huir a cualquier otro país y cambiar mi nombre. Mis ojos recorrieron frenéticamente el lugar que me rodeaba; buscando desesperadamente un medio de escape.
Había una sola ventana en toda la habitación, justo encima del fregadero, y estaba segura que si debía trepar por el fregadero para poder salir de aquí. Por supuesto que lo haría; saltaría directo a un tiburón si eso significara librarme de la cocina de máxima seguridad de Jungkook.
Tenía un pie sobre el fregadero y el otro colgaba precariamente en el aire a punto de arrastrarme a la salvación y huir de ahí justo antes de que dos manos grandes y fuertes rodearan mi cintura; tirando mi cuerpo hacia atrás de regreso a la cocina con un esfuerzo vergonzosamente pequeño.
El pequeño chillido de sorpresa que solté no fue nada al darme cuenta de que Jungkook me había arrojado cuidadosamente y con suma facilidad  sobre su hombro como un saco de harina mientras se alejaba conmigo en brazos de lo que había considerado como la única forma de salir viva de su casa.
Un quejido de indignación se me escapó cuando sentí mi trasero golpear la silla del comedor y traté de hacer todo lo posible para mantener mis ojos pegados a sus rodillas; estaba segura que sería incapaz de encontrar la mirada del alma inocente que muy probablemente había traumatizado de por vida.
Por un pequeño instante de silencio todo quedó extrañamente suspendido, no podía decir alguna palabra sin que la vergüenza se apoderara de mí después de que Jungkook hubiera descubierto mi sucio secreto acerca de él, y entonces sentí que dos de sus dedos se presionaban firmemente debajo de mi mandíbula; elevando mi rostro hacia él.
—Debo decir...—Jungkook murmuró arrastrando sus palabras pensativamente, dejando que su mirada intensa se posara sobre mi.— Que esto es algo sorprendente dada tu... historia.
Estaba cerca. Demasiado cerca. Lo suficientemente cerca como para que su aroma, esa mezcla familiar de vainilla me hiciera agua la boca.
Y definitivamente no se veía traumatizado. O inocente.
Tragué saliva al darme cuenta del hecho que el hombre frente a mi parecía más una estrella de rock empapada de sexo; con carisma puro envuelto en tatuajes y músculos sólidos.
—¿Oh? —balbuceé por lo bajo sin entender sus palabras y Jungkook solo me sonrió.
—¿Sorprendida? Eso es lindo viniendo de la mujer que quiere que yo…—alardeó con suficiencia en su voz antes de sacar su teléfono para comprobarlo.— La parta por la mitad con mi polla.
Y ahí estaba.
—Obviamente no quise enviarte eso... a ti. —murmuré por lo bajo sintiendo como la vergüenza subía por todo mi rostro.
—Oh, lo sabía incluso antes de que te atrapara queriendo saltar por la ventana. —Jungkook se rio entre dientes sin dejar de mirarme y yo solo me encogí en la silla.— Hablando de eso…
Su cuerpo se inclinó sobre el mío para tomar algo sobre la mesa y cuando regresó a su posición de antes mis ojos se abrieron al ver lo que era; una cuerda para saltar, la misma que había visto colgada en la pared cuando entré a la cocina y que ahora estaba enrollada sin apretar alrededor de su muñeca. Apenas tuve tiempo para procesar eso antes de verlo moverse hacia un lado y tomar mis manos hacia atrás contra el respaldo de la silla.
—¿Me estás… atando? —pregunté aún sin creerlo y jadeando por lo bajo al sentir un tirón fuerte con la cuerda en mis muñecas, fijando mi posición para que no pudiera moverme.
—¿No es lo que querías? —Jungkook susurró suavemente contra mi oído y su voz melosa y profunda me hizo temblar de forma vergonzosa. —Esta fue la solicitud que enviaste, ¿no es así? —agregó inclinándose para inspeccionar su obra y cuando estuvo satisfecho volvió a estar frente a mi. —Además no puedo permitir que intentes saltar por otra ventana, esto es realmente por tu propia seguridad.
Me sonrojé aún más al ver la sonrisita burlona que me regaló y abrí mis labios para decir algo, pero todo lo que salió fue una especie de sibilancia mientras Jungkook seguía mirándome con diversión engreída.
—¿Sabes que eres una especie de leyenda en la universidad? Te llaman la nena pura y casta. —Jungkook comenzó a hablar y no pude evitar rodar mis ojos ante sus palabras.
—Y se preguntan por qué nunca me acostaré con ellos. —farfullé con amargura siendo muy consciente de lo que se decía de mí y eso solo hizo que Jungkook riera por lo bajo mientras le daba un considerable repaso a todo mi cuerpo a su merced. —Sabes que no puedes andar atando mujeres a sillas contra su…
—¿Contra su voluntad? —Jungkook completó con una sonrisa diabólica adornando su perfecto rostro antes de inclinarse y quedar frente a mí, cara a cara. —Supongo que es bueno que tenga tu permiso por escrito aquí mismo.
Sentí mi respiración atascarse en mi garganta al escucharlo hablar, Jungkook me dio un rápido vistazo antes de enterrar su rostro en mi cuello y su aliento cálido aliento me hizo cosquillas en la piel segundos antes de sentir sus bonitos labios besar mi cuello con hambre, ahogué un gemido por la forma en que su lengua se deslizaba por toda mi piel; marcándola con intensas lamidas y pequeñas mordiditas, y cuando se alejó de mí no pude evitar lloriquear en silencio.
—¿Por qué no me lo lees, hmm? —Jungkook pidió elevando su teléfono a la altura de mi rostro.
—Yo no, no puedo…—balbuceé sintiendo como la vergüenza inicial regresaba a mí y respiré entrecortado cuando Jungkook pasó su pulgar por mi labio inferior lentamente; obligándome a mirarlo.
—Hazlo. —Me ordenó con su voz más dura de lo que esperaba.
El áspero timbre de su orden disparó una chispa caliente de placer directamente al centro de mis piernas, y juré que nunca había estado tan nerviosa como ahora, había algo en su mirada, algo que me hacía querer obedecerlo en todo lo que me pidiera, y así lo hice.
—Yo... quiero que Jeon Jungkook…. —comencé leyendo el texto y mi respiración se detuvo cuando el calor de su mano libre se deslizó sobre mi torso. —Me ate a su silla del comedor.
—Listo. —Afirmó en un susurro dejando que sus dedos delinearan las correas alrededor de mis muñecas.— Continua.
—Quiero que rompa, oh Dios… —balbuceé con la respiración agitada al sentir sus dedos deslizándose por mi pecho haciendo que cada palabra que decía se escuchara rota. —Quiero que rompa mi blusa por la mitad, golpeé mis tetas y…
No pude seguir leyendo más porque la mano pecadora de Jungkook se enganchó en el cuello de mi blusa; tirando con fuerza hacia los lados y rompiendo la tela, haciendo que los botones volaran en todas direcciones y que mi piel se estremeciera al sentir el aire fresco colándose por todo mi pecho.
—Me vuelves jodidamente loco… —Jungkook murmuró con una voz tan sensual y ronca mientras sentía sus ojos posarse en mis senos que subían y bajaban con cada profunda respiración que daba, lo vi relamerse sus bonitos labios al notar el sujetador de encaje negro que me había puesto hoy solo porque todos los demás estaban sucios.
Sus manos eran dulces cielos ardientes mientras se acercaban para palmear mis pechos levemente uno por uno, y yo simplemente no pude evitar gemir en voz alta; arqueando mi espalda hacia adelante y hacia sus manos sin vergüenza. Mi dignidad ya había desaparecido hace mucho tiempo a este punto y no deseaba recuperarla por ahora.
—Por favor… —rogué por lo bajo antes de soltar un pequeño gemido cuando sus grandes manos amasaron mis senos con una presión perfecta, podía sentir el peso de sus anillos a través de la tela de mi sostén.
—Nunca pensé que podría hacer esto. —Jungkook habló mientras sus pulgares rozaban con brusquedad mis pezones; arrancándome un gemido involuntario y haciendo que tirara con fuerza de la cuerda en mis manos. —Deberías de ver lo bonita que te ves así… —continuó hablando en medio de un denso suspiro, y el calor de su aliento chocó contra mi pecho haciéndome remover en la silla mientras sus manos seguían amasando con fuerza mis senos. —Pero quiero que sepas que yo también tengo muchas ideas de lo que yo te quiero hacer.
Y tan pronto como dijo eso su boca ya se encontraba sobre mi pecho; dejando besos húmedos y calientes por encima de la tela en uno de mis senos, haciendo que arqueara mi espalda más a su boca y que el calor en mi entrepierna aumentara incontrolablemente.
Había pasado tanto tiempo y estaba tan sensible, demasiado sensible.
—¡J-Jungkook! —jadeé entrecortado al sentirlo mover su boca hacia mi otro pecho sin previo aviso, dándole la misma atención con su deliciosa boca hasta que estaba retorciéndome y apretando mis muslos juntos sobre la silla.
—¿Ansiosa, bebé? —Jungkook preguntó formando una sonrisita burlona aún en mi pecho y yo solo pude lanzarle una mirada desesperada; rogándole mudamente que me diera lo que tanto quería.
Jungkook sonrió al ver mi estado de necesidad y volví a gemir cuando tomó un nuevo bocado de mi seno en su boca, sus dientes mordisquearon mi pezón sin mucha fuerza por encima de la tela que solo envió una punzada aguda de dolor teñido de placer directamente a mi clítoris, a este punto mi interior ya estaba apretando alrededor de la nada.
—Suenas tan bonita, bebé… —Jungkook elogió gentilmente, dejando que sus labios calmaran mi pezón. —Déjame darte lo que quieres…
Solté un pequeño suspiro de alivio al escucharlo justo antes de que sus dedos se engancharan al borde de las copas de mi sujetador tirando con fuerza hacia abajo hasta que mis senos desnudos se derramaron por encima y lo escuché gruñir ante la vista.
—Joder… —Jungkook jadeó antes de estirar sus manos ahuecar mis senos; como si estuviera probando su peso en ellas, su mirada me devoraba con hambre y ya podía sentir mis bragas empapadas bajo sus atenciones.
No hubo pensamientos más allá de ese segundo, mi deseo era desesperado en este momento, necesitaba más de su toque, más de él, lo necesitaba, lo anhelaba tanto que sentía que podía quedarme sin aliento, empujándome hacia él como una gatita necesitada, hasta que…
Jadeé de placer por lo bajo cuando su palma se conectó contra mi piel, golpeando bruscamente un lado de mis senos.
—¿Es esto lo que querías, bebé? —Jungkook preguntó encontrando mis ojos llorosos antes de sonreír al ver mi estado y dar otro rotundo golpe justo del otro lado.
Mi boca se abrió de golpe al sentir mi piel arder, pero no surgió ningún sonido, salvo mis suaves y ahogados jadeos de placer, podía sentir como mis bragas empapadas se pegaban a mi entrepierna con cada impacto exquisito que recibía en mi piel ardiente.
—¿Quieres que marque estas tetas perfectas? —Jungkook volvió a preguntar solo ganándose un asentimiento desesperado de mi parte acompañado de un nuevo gemido cuando volvió a golpearme, y un gruñido primitivo retumbó en lo profundo de su pecho mientras los veía rebotar, completamente hipnotizado.
Jadeé cuando uno de sus dedos comenzó a acariciar alrededor de mi pezón adolorido, calmando mi piel rojiza con tiernas caricias en todo mi seno y cuando menos me di cuenta sus bonitos labios estaban en la misma zona; plantando pequeños besitos y erizando todo mi cuerpo una vez más.
—Debo haberte imaginado así mil veces… —susurró por lo bajo con su boca aún pegada a mi pecho solo para completar. —Y aún así nada se le acerca a lo jodidamente sexy que eres…
Sus ojos se lanzaron para encontrarse con los míos antes de sacar su lengua para lamer la punta hinchada de mi pezón una y otra vez, mi pecho se agitó ante la deliciosa sensación y gimoteé con fuerza cuando se metió todo mi seno a la boca; la obscena imagen de Jungkook chupando con hambre mi pecho mientras su mano grande y pecaminosa apretaba el otro era sacada directamente de mis fantasías más oscuras, y sabía que podía correrme con la simple vista.
Jungkook era implacable, mi cuerpo se inclinó hacia atrás contra las ataduras en mis muñecas al sentir como sus manos bajaban por mi cuerpo, acariciando cada porción de piel que tenía a su disposición con casi adoración mientras mi coño se apretaba desesperadamente alrededor de la nada.
—Jungkook, por favor yo… —sollocé por lo bajo antes de ser interrumpida cuando me tomó por mi barbilla con firmeza, su rostro de porcelana y sus rosados labios estaban a escasos centímetros de mí y tuve que reprimir la necesidad de lanzarme a besarlo.
—¿Y ahora qué, cariño? ¿Qué más quieres? —preguntó sobre mis labios, su voz era suave e indulgente, parecía dispuesto a querer complacerme en cualquier cosa, y yo jadeé de solo pensarlo. 
—Yo… necesito tus manos… —rogué sintiendo mis mejillas arder al pedirle aquello, pero él solo me sonrió.
—¿Dónde las necesitas, mhm? —Jungkook instigó acariciando burlonamente mis piernas desnudas haciéndome temblar en mi lugar, sus ojos oscuros estaban observando cada expresión que hacía mientras me tocaba suavemente.
—Más arriba… —balbuceé a medias moviendo de a poco mis caderas hacia él, desesperada por sentirlas donde más lo necesitaba, pero él era un burlón y solo las deslizó una o dos pulgadas más.— Jungkook…
—Dime. —Susurró contra mis labios con su voz ronca y grave antes de robarme un pequeño y casi imperceptible beso que me dejó queriendo más. —Dime dónde quieres mis manos, cariño.
—Por favor, por favor, quiero tus manos en mi coño… —rogué en medio de jadeos desesperados inclinándome para poder besarlo de nuevo y solo recibiendo una sonrisa llena de lujuria de su parte.
—Buena niña. —Elogió con un tono meloso justo antes de acortar la distancia que nos separaba y besarme con dureza.
Apenas y podía seguirle el ritmo a su demandante beso, sus labios sabían delicioso y chocaban contra los míos con firmeza y hambre una y otra vez, una especie de ronroneo se derritió a través de su garganta cuando nuestras lenguas se encontraron para jugar entre ellas, haciéndome tirar de la cuerda detrás de mí para poder besarlo con más fuerza, su aroma varonil se me pegaba como perfume en todo mi cuerpo e inundaba todos mis pensamientos, de repente un gemido salió de mi boca rompiendo nuestro húmedo beso ganándome un leve mordisco en mi labio inferior cuando mi cuerpo tembló al sentir sus dedos frotando suavemente sobre mis bragas, forzando mis piernas a abrirse para que pudiera seguir tocándome, y yo, obedientemente lo hice.
—Mmh, estás tan mojada, bebé… —Jungkook se maravilló mirándome a los ojos; sonriendo con lujuria mientras su mano seguía frotando pequeños círculos sobre la mancha de humedad en mis bragas, ganándose un gemido desesperado de mi parte. —¿Es todo para mí?
Asentí con la cabeza frenéticamente sin poder articular alguna palabra justo antes de ver como el rostro de Jungkook se endurecía en desaprobación mientras chasqueaba su lengua, sus dedos presionaron con dureza directamente en mi clítoris, y el impacto del placer hizo que mi cuerpo se tambaleara hacia atrás con tanta fuerza que la silla raspó el suelo.
—No puedo escucharte, cariño. —Jungkook demandó ralentizando sus movimientos en mi entrepierna, claramente dispuesto a que le diera una respuesta.
—S-sí… —sollocé incoherentemente tirando con fuerza de la cuerda y moviendo mis caderas hacia sus dedos; desesperada porque me tocara más. —Es todo para ti, Kook…
Jungkook me recompensó con una sonrisa radiante antes de verlo moverse hacia abajo por mi cuerpo y depositar un húmedo beso en mi abdomen antes de abrir más mis piernas con sus manos, y lo escuché gruñir por lo bajo cuando pudo ver lo mojada que estaba realmente.
—Que linda… —tarareó para sí mismo mientras deslizaba un dedo justo por la mitad de mi coño vestido; hundiendo la tela entre mis pliegues hinchados y arrancándome un jadeo desesperado.
Lo vi lamer ligeramente la piel de mi abdomen como si fuera un gatito al mismo tiempo que apartaba la tela húmeda de mis bragas hacia un lado para que sus dedos se deslizaran por completo entre mis pliegues resbaladizos; haciéndome gemir con fuerza y recogiendo la humedad cremosa de alrededor con sus largos dedos.
—Entonces supongo que no te importará si pruebo un poco… —Jungkook habló haciendo contacto visual conmigo, observándome expandirme en lujuria cuando colocó sus dedos dentro de su boca, chupándolos seductoramente y gruñendo por lo bajo ante mi sabor mientras me veía morderme el labio con total necesidad.
Y sacó sus dedos con un chasquido de saliva, estaba completamente segura que este hombre me iba a volver loca.
—Sabes tan delicioso… —ronroneó justo antes de hundir su rostro entre mis piernas, jadeé de sorpresa al sentir sus labios envolver mi entrepierna goteante y medio vestida antes de sentirlo cubrir rápidamente la zona con besos profundos con la boca abierta, la sensación era tan extraña y deliciosa que mis caderas empezaron a temblar por la intensidad, pero sus manos me sostenían por mis pantorrillas; obligándome a soportar el placer que me estaba dando hasta que el vacío en mi coño se volvió realmente insoportable.
—¡Ah! Dios, no puedo... yo... —gimoteé negando con mi cabeza sintiendo como Jungkook me daba las últimas lamidas a mis bragas empapadas justo antes de quitármelas por completo. —Mi falda, quítame la falda, quiero...
Jungkook se echó hacia atrás, inclinando la cabeza expectante al no entender lo que quería.— ¿Oh?
Sentí que mis mejillas comenzaban a calentarse una vez más, pero en este punto ya nada se interpondría en la realización de mi fantasía, no cuando ya estaba atada con las piernas abiertas y las tetas afuera.
—Quiero ver tus manos. Cuando tú... quiero verlas en mí…— Pedí en un tono necesitado sin dejar de mirarlo.
Por su semblante pude notar como si algo en su mente hubiera hecho clic y estuviera entendiendo todo; su vista se movió de sus manos a mi rostro sonrojado y de nuevo a sus manos, su sonrisita burlona se ensanchó aún más al darse cuenta de mi pequeño fetiche con sus manos y como si estuviera recordando el mensaje que llegó a su teléfono.
“Quiero ver como sus jodidas y sexys manos recorren todos los lugares de mi cuerpo caliente por él.”
—Ya veo… —resopló suavemente y luego sus palmas golpearon mis muslos haciéndome jadear y a él reír por lo bajo. —Cualquier cosa para ti, cariño.
Ni siquiera pude entender lo rápido que Jungkook me había quitado mi falda, porque de un momento a otro ya se encontraba amontonada alrededor de mis tobillos; dejándome completamente desnuda a él, su mirada oscura rápidamente regresó a mi coño reluciente y lo vi relamerse los labios ante la vista que tenía.
—Mira este hermoso coño, bebé… —Jungkook tarareó, pasando su pulgar sobre mis pliegues hinchados y resbaladizos, evitando cuidadosamente mi clítoris necesitado, juré que podía morir ahí mismo cuando deslizó su dedo índice dentro de mí, hasta el nudillo, el acero frío de su anillo hizo contacto con mi piel sensible y gemí con fuerza apretando su dedo en mi interior.
Había pasado tanto tiempo desde que algo que no eran mis propios dígitos inadecuados habían estado dentro de mí de esta manera. La sensación era tan diferente y tan deliciosa, y si lo combinaba con la vista erótica de su mano venosa y tatuada presionada lascivamente contra mi coño era como una inyección de puro deseo potenciado burbujeando en mi interior.
—Tu coño está tan apretado… —Jungkook siseó, moviendo lentamente su dedo dentro y fuera de mi antes de agregar un segundo dígito; haciéndome gemir ante el estiramiento. —¿Cómo tomarás mi polla si estás tan apretada, cariño? ¿Cómo lo harás si tu pequeño coño apenas puede manejar dos de mis dedos, eh?
Jungkook hablando de esa forma tan sucia me puso aún más caliente de lo que ya estaba y simplemente no podía apartar la mirada de entre mis piernas, la visión de sus dedos desapareciendo una y otra vez dentro de mí sólo para reaparecer cubiertos de mi humedad me hacía jadear, el sonido lascivo y húmedo alrededor de su mano con cada embestida que daba solo hacia que mi cuerpo se retorciera contra la silla, gimiendo erráticamente mientras la sensación de placer continuaba creciendo dentro de mí, me estaba acercando al borde y él lo sabía. Su mano libre me sujetó por el cuello con la cantidad perfecta de presión para mantener mi mirada enfocada en el lugar donde sus dedos me estaban follando.
—¿Quieres correrte en mis dedos, bebé? —Jungkook preguntó y soltó una risita oscura ante un gemido particularmente fuerte que me dejó cuando su pulgar comenzó a frotar mi sensible clítoris, y todo mi cuerpo se sacudió con fuerza.
—Sí, sí, por favor… —jadeé desesperada moviendo mis caderas lo más que podía hacia su mano; haciendo que sus dedos se hundieran más dentro de mí, sus labios se envolvieron una vez más en mi entrepierna comenzando a chupar mi clítoris al mismo tiempo que sus dedos encontraban ese punto dulce en mi interior, rozándolo suavemente.— ¡J-Jungkook!
Estaba llorando su nombre a este punto, siendo incapaz de poder escapar del abrumante placer que me inundaba, sentí a Jungkook succionar mi clítoris y golpear mi coño con sus dedos sin piedad hasta el momento en el que simplemente me rompí. Mi boca se abrió en un grito silencioso mientras ola tras ola de exquisito placer corría por mi cuerpo una y otra vez, Jungkook susurró sucios elogios contra mi coño tembloroso mientras lamía con hambre mi orgasmo como si se tratara de un néctar de la fuente más dulce.
Solté un sollozo de sensibilidad y Jungkook se apartó de mí, poniéndose de pie entre mis piernas temblorosas antes de tomarme por el cuello e inclinarse para besarme con dureza, sus labios se estrellaron con los míos de forma desenfrenada y yo gustosa lo acepté, estaba tan caliente, y sabía que necesitaba más de él, mucho más.
—Lo juro… —murmuró cuando nos separamos y yo no pude evitar hundir mi rostro en su cuello, comenzando a besar su mandíbula afilada. —Hubo días en que pensé que moriría si no podía tenerte.
—Tómame, entonces… —rogué por lo bajo, mordisqueando levemente su cuello y ganándome un suspiro tembloroso de Jungkook, como si quisiera controlarse un poco.
Casi chillé cuando se alejó de mí para mirarme desde arriba, sus ojos quemaban agujeros en mi cuerpo desnudo, caliente, cubierto de sudor y aún atado a la silla, lo vi relamerse sus bonitos labios y formar una sonrisa arrogante mientras tomaba mi cabello desordenado en su mano con dureza para guiarme hacia su pelvis; solté un gemido cuando movió mi cabeza de lado a lado y cuando mis labios chocaron con brusquedad contra la tela áspera de su pantalón, justo sobre su dura erección.
—Mira lo duro que puso verte así… —Jungkook farfulló con diversión cuando mi lengua salió para intentar lamerlo aunque fuera por encima de la tela y él solo soltó una risita oscura al verme así antes de alejarme jalando mi cabello hacia atrás con fuerza.— Otro día podré sentir tu boquita en mi polla, ahora necesito follarte.
Y tan pronto como dijo eso soltó mi cabello para alejarse de mí y caminar hacia un cajón de la cocina; sacando un condón de él y regresar junto a mi mientras se quitaba la camisa por su cabeza, y yo pude haber babeado ahí mismo sin darme cuenta, joder, este hombre lo era todo, tiré con fuerza de la cuerda en mis manos queriendo poder tocar sus marcados abdominales y eso fue suficiente para que Jungkook soltara el nudo rápidamente y me hiciera ponerme de pie antes de girarme y colocar mi cuerpo con brusquedad sobre la mesa, con mis senos presionados contra la fría superficie.
Sentía mis brazos débiles y adoloridos por tenerlos tanto tiempo atados que cuando escuché a Jungkook bajar la cremallera de sus pantalones con urgencia giré mi rostro hacia atrás queriendo poder verlo, pero ni siquiera pude hacerlo cuando con su pie separó mis piernas; abriéndome para él mientras deslizaba el condón por todo lo largo de su pene en un rápido movimiento.
No podía respirar bien, aún sentía irreal que estuviera aquí, lista para ser follada por Jungkook y sin poder verlo por completo, todos mis sentidos estaban a mil, quería verlo, tocarlo, darle una buena mamada, pero todo eso se esfumó cuando lo sentí frotar la punta de su pene contra mi entrada un par de veces, cubriéndola con mi humedad antes de alinearse correctamente y empujar su pelvis hacia adelante; colando varios centímetros de golpe dentro de mí.
—¡Ah! ¡Jungkook! —me quejé al sentir como si una especie de rampa me hubiera partido por la mitad, había subestimado su tamaño, Jungkook era tan jodidamente grande, y tenía cada centímetro de él en mi interior, tratando de ajustarme a su grosor y lo podía sentir a la perfección palpitando dentro de mí.
—¿Te gusta, bebé? —Jungkook preguntó con su voz ronca y profunda, su densa respiración chocó contra mi nuca enviándome escalofríos por todo mi cuerpo mientras me sujetaba por mis caderas para salir y volver a introducirse en una embestida dura y profunda.— ¿Te gusta mi polla?
—Sí… —sollocé cerrando los ojos mientras lo sentía comenzar a marcar un ritmo más fuerte y constante, sentía mi humedad deslizarse por el interior de mis muslos, cubriendo su polla y haciendo que sus penetraciones fueran más deliciosas tocando lo más profundo de mi.— Me encanta, Jungkook…
Y ante eso recibí un audible gruñido de su parte contra mi oído, su pelvis chocaba con fuerza contra mi trasero, hundiendo su gruesa polla una y otra vez en mi coño, su agarre en mis caderas mantenía mi cuerpo firme contra la mesa justo antes de que la palma de su mano se estrellara contra un lado de mi trasero con fuerza; haciéndome gemir su nombre mientras recibía un nuevo golpe en el mismo lugar, y luego otro, y otro, y cuando menos me di cuenta mis ojos se llenaron de lágrimas ante la dureza de sus azotes y penetraciones.
Sentía la piel mi trasero arder con cada choque de su pelvis cada que volvía a hundirse dentro de mí, podía sentir todo mi cuerpo húmedo de sudor y flujo, solté un gemido particularmente fuerte cuando el ritmo de sus penetraciones se volvió brutal, los jadeos goteaban de mis labios sin que siquiera los pudiera controlar y todos mis pensamientos racionales se esfumaron cuando un fuerte y posesivo jalón en mi cabello me hizo levantarme de la mesa; Jungkook tiró de mi cabeza hacia atrás hasta que mi espalda chocó contra su firme pecho.
—Tu coño se siente tan bien, bebé… —Jungkook jadeó en mi cuello, su respiración agitada y caliente me hizo cosquillas en la piel y gemí fuerte cuando su gran mano tatuada se envolvió alrededor de mi cintura, manteniéndome al ras de su pecho mientras que la otra se aferraba a uno de mis senos; apretándolo con fuerza y haciendo rodar sus dedos sobre mi pezón endurecido y sensible.
—Jungkook… —gimoteé, incapaz de procesar nada más allá de las deliciosas sensaciones de su polla enterrándose en mi coño con cada embestida dura y profunda, tanto que ya podía sentir el nudo formándose en mi vientre cuando comenzó a golpear repetidamente en mi zona de placer.
—¿A quién le pertenece este lindo coño? —Jungkook gruñó posesivamente al mismo tiempo que sus embestidas se volvían más desordenadas, follándome con una fuerza sorprendente mientras mi orgasmo me esperaba ansioso en algún rincón.
—A ti… a ti te pertenece… —jadeé con fuerza aferrándome a sus manos, sintiéndome tan colapsada con todas las sensaciones de él, en cómo su polla me llenaba tan bien, en cómo su aliento cálido me hacía sentir increíblemente más húmeda, estaba tan cerca del borde.
—Buena niña, ¿Vas a correrte de nuevo para mí, cariño? —Jungkook me alentó mientras sus labios se unían a mi cuello para chupar mi piel sensible con hambre, dejando varias marcas rojizas por toda la zona y haciéndome asentir débilmente antes de que mi cuerpo temblara cuando sus dedos se hundieron en mis pliegues resbaladizos, encontrando mi clítoris para frotarlo furiosamente mientras sus penetraciones perdían ritmo.— Córrete en mi polla bebé, vamos, quiero sentirlo.
Un placer abrasador me atravesó en respuesta a su orden, mis piernas temblaron cuando mi orgasmo golpeó mi cuerpo borrando mis pensamientos y haciéndome gemir su nombre una y otra vez mientras mi interior se apretaba alrededor de su dura longitud, Jungkook gruñó y me sujetó con fuerza mientras seguía empujándose dentro de mí antes de dejarse ir con dos estocadas más, la última hasta me dolió, pero era esa clase de dolor placentero por el que pasarías mil veces en la vida.
Estuvimos así por varios segundos o minutos apretados el uno con el otro, tratando de regular nuestras agitadas respiraciones, hasta que la voz de Jungkook rompió el denso silencio.
—Sabes lo que esto significa, ¿verdad, bebé? —musitó con calma pasando sus manos por mis caderas y cintura con calma.
—¿Qué significa? —pregunté girando levemente mi rostro hacia él y casi volví a gemir ante la erótica imagen de su frente cubierta de sudor y su cabello húmedo pegándose a los lados de su rostro mientras mordía su labio inferior con fuerza sin dejar de mirarme.
—Significa que es mejor que a partir de hoy todos esos mensajes sucios me lleguen directamente a mí. —aclaró formando una sensual sonrisa y yo no pude evitar sonreír también al escucharlo antes de volver a besarlo con pura necesidad.
Bueno, algunas cosas eran más importantes que nuestra dichosa investigación. 
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n/a: omg pupiss por fin estoy de regreso a mis andadas de escribir nsfw y eso me hace feli, gracias a todxs lxs que esperaron pacientemente mi regreso y que me siguieron hasta aquí, las amo demasiado ♡ para las personitas nuevas espero que les haya gustado esta historia, pronto seguiré publicando mas os que tengo por ahí guardados y que algunos de ellos ya conocen, gracias por todo y no duden en comentar lo que piensan ♡
taglist: @guvgguk @lessuwu @cometaart @AnnieKCV @darysnowflwr @nunubly @choco-linny
241 notes · View notes
bunnybubae · 7 months
(M)🚦Red Light: The Fear | Ch1 [JJK]
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👉🏻[Series Masterpost]
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Reader (GymOwner!JK/MotoRacer!JK/Biker!JK-TattoArtist!OC)
Genre: S2L - Smut - Fluff - Angst
Summary: Jeon Jungkook never lets any distraction take him away from his motorcycle or his gym for more than one night. He just wants to speed around the track and feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins, the sex he gets thanks to his charm, is just a side dish to his life. A tough past brought him on that Ducati that he learned to love, a past  you'll uncover, as you slowly seep in under his skin. It's a hell of a ride, in all senses, as you try to escape your own hell in the meanwhile.  Where will this ride bring you? Will it be worth it in the end?
Chapter Warnings: This chapter describes an episode of harassment (it involves an unwanted kiss), please be aware of this if this theme makes you uncomfortable, description of past emotional abuse (manipulation, toxic jealousy), Angst, mention of alcohol consumption, Oc's ex is a stalker, cops are grossly negligent in this au, Tae and Hani to the rescue, Jk is hot af but this is nothing new.
Wc: 7.4k
A/N: Hello there! I've been planning this whole series for over a year and I'm finally able to make it come to life, slowly but surely! As always, I'm sorry if there are some grammatical mistakes, english isn't my first language and I don't have a beta, so pls bear with me! 🫶🏻
Let me know what you think about the series, my box is always open! - Joy 🐰
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September 12th, Tuesday
The sun has already set, leaving the place to the colors of dusk.
You feel that your heart might explode in your chest at any moment. Is it the september evening breeze that's causing the chills covering your skin, or if it's all due to this visceral fear that's blocking your muscles right now? You can't quite tell.
After some extra hours at work, you thought you could finally close the tattoo shop in peace and go home to enjoy some leftover pizza in front of your laptop, but no- Ray evidently had other plans for you, deciding to unexpectedly visit you in the most unpleasant way possible. 
You wish Hani had stayed a little longer today to close the shop with you, because this sickening feeling it's becoming unbearable. You feel like a mouse in front of a ravenous cat and you want to scream, but you just don't find the courage to do it. 
He caught you off guard from behind, while you were looking for the keys in your bag, then he effortlessly spun you around on the spot and you found yourself blocked by your shoulders leaning against the entrance door of the shop. 
Your throat tightens as you struggle to breathe regularly. 
You're helpless and right now the only thing you can do is curse the day you replied to his message on Instagram, curse the invitation to participate at that damn workshop you and Hani organized for an exchange of advertising between tattoo artists. You can only curse that day and the following ones you spent with him. Of course you couldn't imagine that your perfect relationship would turn into such a nightmare, your ex used to be so kind and loving with you at the beginning, not even close to the obsessive, pleading mess that's keeping you trapped in utter fear right now. Jealousy can sometimes turn into such an obsession evidently, it can change people and you never expected something like this to happen in your life. Everything only got worse when after almost a year in your toxic relationship, you found the courage to finally break up with him. 
Weeks had passed since the last time Ray had disgusted you with his threatening messages and unexpected visits during work, you were almost convinced he had found another hobby but as a matter of fact, you were wrong. 
He understood that you can ignore his messages or even block his number for good, that you won't listen to him when Hani or your clients are around, but you certainly won't be able to ignore his forced presence, especially now that you're totally alone. He knows he has your undivided attention in this way.
He slurs something but you can't even pay attention. His inked arms are situated on each side of your head, while he looks down at you with desperate eyes. You don't even recognize him anymore. He used to take extra care of his appearance and health back when you two used to date, but now it seems like he is facing a grave problem with drinking. His body is close to yours, way too close for your liking and his warm breath mixed with whatever alcohol he drank, almost makes you gag. 
The smell of his cologne is the only thing that's still the same and that you recognize, it hits your nostrils and it brings back memories that now only hurt.
“Y/N, baby- why do you keep ignoring me like this?” his voice is strained and his face is contorted in anger- or nostalgia, you can't even tell. "You're killing me and I always treated you well" He is trying to stop the thoughts that are clouding his mind, slurring out the words breathlessly.
"I fucking miss you! I don't know what else to do to make you mine again!" 
These words are filled with desperation and you hate it, his need for possession is crystal clear in his statements. He threatened you multiple times saying that if you didn't get back together he would harm himself, claiming that the pain was too strong for him to bear, but he never said he wanted you back because he loved you, not even once. The only thing that he misses is controlling you, the only thing that he loves is taking away everything from you, putting himself at the center of your world.
He only wants to call you his, like a mere emotionless object. You hate it, you hate him.
He probably never wanted to take care of your heart as you believed and the realization that you were in love with him once, that his twisted feelings were strong for you but not in a healthy way, it makes you sick to your stomach. You should have known better, but you were blinded by your feelings.
There was a moment when you thought that you deserved this treatment, you told yourself that you allowed all of this because you were too naive to notice that those toxic feelings were poisoning your persona, till it was too late and they suffocated you, caging you. 
"G-get away from me" you manage to say in a small voice as your heart thunders in your ears. Your stomach twists in a knot when you sense his moving hands. The fear turns into pure horror when his hands find their way to rest on your cheeks a little too harshly and you instinctively hold your breath.
His drunken lips crash into yours with urgency, and you feel like you might throw up at all the disgusting sensations you are experiencing right now. Your body reacts of its own accord, rejecting this desperate, unwanted kiss before he could deepen it or do something worse. 
“I said get away from me!” you scream in a broken voice as you try to push him away with all the strength you possess. 
Ray is looking at you, almost surprised that you had the courage to reject him. Despite your effort he doesn't budge much, it's like his feet are planted to the ground. 
You're not able to meet his bloodshot eyes as you desperately try to free yourself. He's mumbling something that you can't quite comprehend and then his heavy hands are pushing your shoulders against the cold glass of the shop entrance, once again.
You didn't know you were crying until your vision started to blur with tears. This feeling of helplessness is the same one that kept you stuck in Ray's twisted love for months. 
Red flags were scattered all around, he started by making you doubt your abilities as an artist to then insistently ask you to pass all your male clients to Hani, co-owner of the shop as well as your best friend ever since you were children. She was the one who covered up your lies with Ray, as you tried to keep your clients aways from his madness.
He bulldozed everything around you, but Hani always stayed by your side, refusing to believe Ray's lies. She was your sturdy pillar when everything around you was falling apart. 
It was when Ray began to spread heavy lies about her, to lead you to break the agreements and contract with her, that you finally understood the gravity of the situation, that he was capable of totally ruining your life if you allowed him to manipulate you further. 
The threatening texts and stalking episodes that followed are nothing compared to what keeping a relationship with him could have entailed.
You're not sure when Ray started behaving in a toxic manner, cause you still remember the rosy beginning of your relationship and everything was just fine. Hani says she started noticing changes when he decided to surprise you one day at the shop and found the both of you engaged in a simple conversation with some male regulars. This evidently made him very jealous, because from that moment, the ordeal began. 
Your thoughts and sobbing are interrupted when Ray goes from mumbling pleas to insulting you with hatred, while his hands squeeze your shoulders as if to make sure to imprint on your skin all that he is feeling for you. 
You're not sure how you managed to free yourself from his grip, next thing you know you're running with all the strength you have left in your body, abandoning the alley of the shop to find a safer place. You hear him calling your name a couple of times as you put more and more distance between you. You fear that he might follow you and block you once again and the mere thought of finding yourself defenseless in the arms that once wrapped you with apparent affection, is enough to make new tears flow down your cheeks. 
The streets are almost empty and after reaching one that is well illuminated by shop signs, you look around to make sure he is not after you. When you make sure he is nowhere to be found, you grab your phone with shaky hands to call your best friend. You keep walking down the sidewalk as you try to calm your crying. 
After a few rings, Hani answers the phone and hearing her voice ruins your desperate attempt to stay calm. You let out a liberating cry as you tell her that Ray really went too far this time. 
You knew that Hani had a date with her boyfriend, Taehyung, who she met several months ago at the shop. Tae got a tattoo from her and from that moment they became inseparable. You knew they were going out to dinner and you feel bad ruining their date like this, but they are the only people you can trust who know everything about your struggles with your ex.
Hani speaks quickly but gently on the phone, she clearly tries to keep calm while she tells you to go to the bar that you often visit after work, located just a few minutes away from the shop. She reassures you, telling you that they would be there as soon as possible. 
“Don't hang up until you get there, okay?” Hani adds, she can probably sense how shaken you are by what just happened and leaving you alone, even if it's over the phone, is out of question.
“I'm almost there,” you reply weakly through your sobs as you keep walking. You dry your face and try to normalize your breathing when you reach the small street where the bar is located. It's a quiet little place that holds countless memories for you and Hani, it was there that you and her celebrated the purchase of your tattoo shop a few years ago and it's where you return whenever you feel the need to unplug for a moment, while remaining in an familiar environment that makes you feel at ease. 
You walk through the entrance still holding your phone to your ear. The warmth hits your limbs pleasantly while lounge music and the smell of beer begin to envelop you like a blanket. 
On the other end of the phone you hear a loud windy noise and you deduce that Hani has already gotten on the motorcycle with Tae and that they are therefore about to arrive.
You feel a little calmer.
You end the call, knowing that Hani can't hear you and instead you opt for a text, informing her you'll wait for them at your usual spot. 
When you scan the place, you're glad it's only a tuesday as there are only a few people. You reach the slightly more secluded area of the place and you sit at your favorite table. The place is filled with fairy lights hanging above your head, their light hitting the brickstone of the walls and the wooden furniture just right, giving a cozy vibe that you always liked.
You then take off your jacket and your bag before sitting down, glad to have some dividers shielding you as you feel the aftermath of the adrenaline rush coming to you, all your strength drains away. Your shoulders ache from the tension and because of Ray's grip on them, your feet throb from the wild run and your heart continues to beat like a concert is taking place inside your ribs. You lean on the table with your elbows as you bring your hands to your head to massage your temples.
How could you ever imagine to find yourself in a similar situation?
You naively refused to believe that Ray was capable of hurting you in any way. He was too sweet and helpful with you at the beginning to think he was evil, your shared passion for arts was the core of your relationship and you also learned something new about the art of tattooing thanks to him. You were grateful for all the help he gave you in the shop. Ray is also objectively hot and the physical attraction and sexual chemistry were very strong between you.
Everything was pretty perfect.
Too much indeed, to the point that thinking about it now you wonder how you didn't notice how much the whole thing was stinking a mile away. You couldn't imagine that behind his perfect appearance and behavior, there was such an obsessed manipulator. You truly believed that he loved you like you loved him.
You sigh, rubbing your eyes with the heel of your hands. Whatever he has done now, you're sick to ask help from the cops, they did nothing useful when you needed them in the past.
"We can't handcuff a guy without clear evidence that he's acting in bad faith, he's a heartbroken young man trying to win his girlfriend back!" 
These were the words they said only two months ago, when you tried to report his constant messages and stalking episodes. Nobody did anything. They dwelt mostly on the threats he sent, on the fact that he said he was going to hurt himself if you didn't answer or consider getting back together with him and they also didn't think his repeated visits were something to worry about, since he used to do that when you were still together, in their opinion.
They even had the courage to tell you that you guys are young, that people are made to make mistakes and learn from them and all that bullshit people say when they need  to give air to their mouths. 
They made him seem like the victim here and you are so sick to deal with this bullshit, you'd rather lock yourself home and never get out than asking their useless help once again. 
You don't feel safe anyway, neither without nor with them.
You've resigned to the idea that you can't count on them and that you must do something yourself, but what can you do against a much taller and stronger guy?
You shiver at the thought but then your attention is drawn by a soft voice.
“Hey,” when you lift your head, your gaze softens as it meets your best friend's face. She promptly sits next to you without even taking off her motorcycle jacket and gloves and she pulls you into her arms.
"I swear if I see him around I'll gouge out his eyes and make earrings out of them." 
Hani states as she continues to soothe you in her embrace. A little smile creeps on your face, mostly because you know that she would be perfectly capable of doing what she just said. 
She is scary sometimes, but you love her nonetheless. 
You feel an extra hand caressing your shoulder "That's a creepy way to do some recycling but I approve" Taehyung adds in a lighter tone, when you move to look at him you notice he is looking down at you with a sad smile on his face.
Since Tae started dating Hani, he has become a dear friend to you, you love the natural way he takes care of her, and you appreciate the several times he came to your rescue, having a fight with Ray to defend you. He is a good friend. You smile at him but the smile doesn't reach your puffy reddened eyes. 
It's nice to know that your friends are always there for you, you feel so helpless though, so fragile right now. 
Tae orders the usual for the three of you and some snacks from a passing waiter, and then he joins you and Hani at the table, both of them ready to listen to you.
“Thank you guys for coming- I'm sorry I ruined your date.” you feel guilty and your voice is still trembling a little bit. 
“Don't even joke about it, Y/N.” Tae's tone is almost scolding as he fixes their motorcycle jackets next to him. 
“You know that Tae and I see each other almost every day," Hani says "You don't have to worry about that.” 
“It's just that I- I never felt so weak before” you admit as your eyes begin to shine again, unshed tears gathering on the rim of your lower eyelid, threatening to fall at any moment. 
“I tried to push him away when he kissed me.” the memory of his lips on yours makes you shudder, so much so that you can't believe that there was a time instead when you craved those lips all over your body. 
"I was barely able to push him off of me." Hani and Tae keep listening, anger readable on their faces as you recount what happened. You manage to speak on the verge of crying, your eyes glimmer but this time you find the strength to keep your tears at bay. You feel anger taking over your fear right now, that's probably why you refuse to cry over your disgusting ex and his demeanor yet again.
Hani interjects, stating that she'll do all the closing at the shop with you from now on, adding that she's starting to consider buying you some pepper spray, so you can empty it on his face if he shows up again.
The waiter returns with your orders and some water, telling you to call him back if you need anything else. He seems to have noticed your mood and doesn't want to interfere too much while remaining at your service anyway. You thank him with a warm smile before he goes back to doing his job elsewhere.
“Pepper spray is a good idea and you should buy it if it makes you feel a little safer," Tae begins "but I have another idea.” he adds before sipping his drink.
“I have a friend who races with me who also owns a gym, he even teaches kids how to throw good punches and stuff.”
You had almost completely forgotten that Tae participates in a regional motorcycle racing championship every year, Hani did nothing but talk about it at the beginning of their relationship. 
Hani nods vigorously after taking a sip of her own drink, agreeing with her boyfriend. 
"It wouldn't be a bad idea actually!" she says “Punching the shit out of that dick head would be even more satisfying!”
Tae fishes his wallet out of his jacket pocket and then rummages through its folds. When he finds what he was looking for, he places a business card on the table and pushes it towards you. 
"Jungkook took care of the gym full time before also dedicating himself to racing" he explains "Now there is a guy who helps him with the management, but he prefers to take care of the main courses himself"
You collect the business card while pondering what to do. Taking some boxing lessons might help you boost your confidence, your strength and it might be a good distraction as well.
"It's not that far from the shop" you recognize the name of the gym having passed in front of it a few times while you wanted to buy breakfast in a nearby coffee shop before your shift at work. You could use the opportunity to learn something new that you could also use to your advantage if needed.
You listen while Tae tries to explain what he knows about the gym, telling you that his friend Jungkook mainly handles the children's class in the early afternoon and the adult's class that starts at 7pm. That wouldn't be bad for you, since your closing time is around 6 pm, cleaning up and preparing the shop for the next day won't take much time.
“If you decide to try, tell him I sent you,” Tae continues “I can already tell you tho- Jungkook loves to joke, sometimes a little too much, but he's a good guy and knows how to be serious when necessary” 
You slightly nod, looking back at the piece of paper in your hands. 
You can try, and if you don't like it you can always leave. 
You can grab an uber or whatever to reach the place and to go back home. It should be fine if you book it a little earlier, so you don't have to wait alone outside.
"Okay," you suddenly say "I think I'll give it a try." 
Hani and Tae both smile, visibly content with your choice.
"Do you want me to walk you there?" Hani asks "It'll be a 30ish minute walk" You accept Hani's proposal without thinking too much.
"How about thursday?" you add "We can go together and then I'll get organized with uber and stuff"
Hani agrees, then she drifts her attention to Tae, who starts to discuss with her the time and place he will be coming to pick her up after she drops you at the gym.
The evening continues normally, you regain your tranquility bit by bit, even tho there is always a pinch of sadness and anger bothering you in the back of your mind. Sharing some quiet moments with your friends managed to cheer you up enough to genuinely laugh at the silly bickering between the two lovebirds. 
You can't help but wonder if you'll be able to get over this mess anytime soon.
When it's time to go home, Hani decides that she will be spending the night with you at the apartment you once shared for more than a year, before she started to crash often at Tae's.
Ray could always decide to make the situation worse by showing up at your door, you think. If he decides to do so, Hani could create those famous eyeballs-earrings much sooner, she said. The joke makes you all chuckle, you are happy to have them by your side, gosh- you truly are grateful.
Spending time with them definitely improved your mood and you feel like you can overcome this bad period of your life, with time and patience. 
You thank Tae who waited for your uber to arrive before putting on his helmet and get on his motorcycle.
You feel incredibly tired but hopeful, this new experience could really help you on multiple fronts.
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September 14th, Thursday
When you wake up, you feel like you've slept for barely 2 hours, but it's been like this since the whole stalking shit started, so. You lack your usual enthusiasm, that unbridled desire to create works of art on other people's skin, it's slowly vanishing away and that worries you. 
You do your best to react though. The day goes by better than yesterday, your appointments at the shop flow smoothly one after the other and some potential customers have come to ask for some info on the costs of piercings, something Hani mainly manages. 
You keep your mood up to meet your customers' requests, to smile and make them feel comfortable.
You are finishing the last touches on the skin of your last client of the day when, looking up at the clock hanging on the wall, you realize that soon it will be time to close, you shudder a little even if you know that Hani will close the shop with you this time, it's been only two days after all, the events are still too fresh. You let the buzzing sound of the pen distract you as you fill the last bit of skin with ink.
In no time, the shop is empty and silent again, except for Hani who has the pleasant habit of humming as she tidies up her side of the shop. You finish cleaning your station while your mind wanders. You think that it was so natural and easier to enjoy the peace of this place before. 
This has always been a safe place for you, your very home. Of course, the concept of home is usually a place where you don't do your job, where you sleep, eat and rest. You pay the rent for the apartment, but this is still where you spend most of your time, this is that place that you know you will never leave, that you feel it's yours, that when you walk through the door makes you feel in your element.
It shouldn't be that difficult now, it's still the same shop, but the need to hide your appointments to avoid arguments with your ex in the past and the fear you began to feel as time passed, have tarnished what this place means to you. Your face drops in sadness at the thought. You want to go back to loving this place like you've always done at all costs and find some serenity again. Tattooing has always been your passion, something that sadly distanced you from your parents, who always wished you would pursue a different career. You won't let Ray ruin what you accomplished with sacrifices.
The shop shines when you're done, you pick up the bag previously prepared for the gym and you and Hani close the shop together. 
You hope these lessons can help you release some stress.
Hani walks by your side, talking about everything and nothing, sharing a little laugh when you tell her that you can't wait to punch a sandbag imagining Ray's face. 
The evening is pleasantly chilly and you're almost at the gym when you ask Hani if she wants you to wait with her for Tae to arrive.
“Don't worry I'll meet him at the corner,” she reply "besides, the class has already started, you should head inside."
You look at your phone, realizing it's way past 7:30pm already and you begin to feel a little anxious. Hani then tells you to call her or Tae if you need anything, even if they're going to spend the evening at the movies, she makes sure that you know you can always rely on them.
You nod, smiling "Thanks for being there Hani, I don't know how I'd have reacted to all of this alone" You truly don't know. Hani waves her hand "Don't even joke abaut it" she replies, mirroring your smile. 
"You even talk like Tae now!"
She rolls her eyes but she knows you are just teasing her.
“I want to know everything about your first lesson tomorrow!” she emphatically throws a few empty and totally random punches. You giggle at the scene shaking your head “Sure sure- I’ll show you what I learn.” 
“As long as you don't punch me, I'm fine with it.” You push her playfully and then you say goodbye as she walks away and you enter the gym.
It seems like a recently renovated place. You expected the usual smell of sweat and plastic typical of the gyms, but you are actually surprised to catch a fresh hint of flowers in the air. You notice a small reception near the entrance door, a well decorated counter with all sorts of flyers on top and red and blue led lights that illuminate the gym logo in the front, but there is no one behind the counter to welcome you. 
You take a few steps through an arch that leads to what is apparently the main area of the gym. 
The floor is mostly covered with a rubber tatami and you see some hanging plants and flower pots by the walls, which explains the very subtle smell in the air. Different tools and dumbbells are scattered around while several people are engaged in exercises of various kinds in front of some floor to ceiling mirrors.
You scan the place, pleased by the vibe it radiates. It surely is strange to find so many flowers and plants in a place like this, but it gives an original touch to it. Your gaze lands on a bunch of guys wearing boxing gloves while observing the explanation of an exercise. The one that's explaining, according to Tae's description, should be his friend Jungkook, who is standing in front of them while performing the exercise in question as an example.
Wow. Those are some wide shoulders right there. 
You watch him intently as the dark haired guy moves. Something about his movements is attractive and you guess it's just him when he turns around and you notice the lip ring that Tae had told you about and the right arm completely full of colorful tattoos that you are already dying to curiously inspect. Yup, he's hot.
You watch him from the entrance as he performs the exercise with ease, his muscles flex and you can glimpse at them while his clothes deliciously wrap around his body. Tae could have warned you, it's gonna be hard to concentrate with this guy.
Jungkook almost seems to sense your gaze on him when, once his explanation is over, he turns towards the entrance you are standing at and your eyes meet for a moment. You tense up cursing at yourself, gawking at a complete stranger at the gym is creepy, But then you notice he's smiling while he approaches you and the group of guys he left is now performing the exercise.
"Can I help you?" 
Of course, even his voice had to be hot. Fuck. You shift on your spot, clutching the bag you're carrying on your shoulder as you hope the warmth you're feeling on your face doesn't color your cheeks.
"You must be Jungkook," you reply, feeling a little awkward. Why even the sound of your own voice sounds stupid to you right now, damn.
"In the flesh." he responds confidently, pushing his hair back with his fingers.
Ok, now it's fucking clear as day that this guy knows very well that he is good looking and that he has an effect, which makes you think that he must be used to the women eating him up with their eyes.
"And you are?" he asks with curiosity laced in his voice. 
"Uh sorry, I'm Y/N" you compose your thoughts trying to ignore the increasing awkwardness you feel explaining that "Taehyung told me about your class and I would like to give it a try." 
"Kim Taehyung? Are you two friends?" He seems surprised as his eyebrows raise.
“Yeah, his girlfriend is my best friend.” 
Jungkook chuckles by himself, amused by something you ignore. 
"You're the tattoo artist, aren't you?" he asks, smiling as if he figured a puzzle or something like that.
“Did he say I was coming?”
“Not exactly,” Jungkook replies “but I met your best friend at Tae's a few times and I heard her say your name while speaking to Tae.” He seems pleased by the coincidence. 
The fact that he remembers this small thing doesn't surprise you that much, but you start to feel anxious wondering if he happened to hear something related to your situation with Ray, you'd rather avoid talking about it. It's already difficult to deal with it with your friends, but most of all, you don't need compassion.
Jungkook observes you momentarily, and almost as if he sensed the drift of your thoughts, he beckons you to follow him towards a freer area of the gym. You follow him till you reach a set of gloves neatly arranged in one corner. 
“Can I see your hands?” he asks casually.
"Sure." You leave the bag you're carrying on your shoulder on the ground, moving it to the side so it's not in the way, then you bring your hands forward with your palms facing up to let him observe them. Jungkook gently gathers your hands, and his touch is so delicate you barely feel it. He observes carefully, humming while he tries to figure out which pair of boxing gloves would fit you well.
It's not even a proper touch, it almost feels like the slight tickle that a feather would give and it's... pleasant. You're not completely indifferent as his fingers continue to brush the back of your hands, the sensation making you feel a little shy even though he is just looking at your hands and nothing more.
"Try these" His fingers leave you to take and offer you a particular pair of boxing gloves that he thinks might fit you. You inspect them briefly, wincing a little at the sweaty feel that envelops your hands as you put them on. 
You feel your hands swimming inside, indicating that they are too big for you. You look at Jungkook asking “Do you have a slightly smaller pair?” Jungkook seems to have already considered the possibility that these were too big. He is giggling as he hands you another pair of seemingly smaller and more colorful boxing gloves and you see him try to bite back the smile that's on his pink lips. You can't help but think that the way he scrunches up his nose is actually cute.
You switch up the gloves with the colorful one, immediately understanding why he was chuckling like that. “I know, it's a big problem for me,” you admit, chuckling at your own hands, “I can't find latex gloves that fit perfectly 'cause of this” He laughs with you, amused by the smile that formed on your face when you noticed that the gloves he gave you are for children, specifically a blue and red spiderman themed pair. 
"Using the words 'big problem" just made the whole thing funnier!"
"Well, I'll throw spider punches today." you joke.
Jungkook let's out a small laugh as he is looking at you with something in his eyes, you're probably the first grown up who needs kid's gloves and you catch him subtly checking you out.
This sense of lightness, simple yet helpful for your tired mind, is doing some good to you, you can feel it as you notice that you're exchanging genuine smiles and gazes since you started talking.
You follow him, avoiding to step on the tatami with your shoes as you approach the corner with different punch bags. He stands next to you in front of one of the standing punch bags available.
“Alright- so, there's no need to throw hard punches, for now just show me how you throw them.”
"But I don't know how!" you admit.
"Exactly, I want to see your natural movements, to understand what we'll have to work on'' Jungkook replies as he crosses his arms on his chest. The motion captures your eyes for a moment too long. That sleeve tattoo looks perfectly done and you barely refrained to take a closer look, the delicious way his tatted muscles are popping out of his white t-shirt is too distracting.
"Now show me how those little hands would hit the bag" his tone has slightly changed and he is smirking at you. He's teasing purposely and you think you saw him winking at you, or maybe you just imagined it. You roll your eyes as an attempt to save yourself from the embarrassment of being caught gawking at him like that. 
You ignore the persistent warmth on your cheeks and try to remember the movements you saw earlier, as he explained to those guys. They seemed to get into position before they did anything else, so you try to imitate the movements you remember as best as you can.
You bring your left arm across your chest as your right arm punches the punch bag in front of you with ease. Jungkook's face is fully concentrated, he hums as he nods a couple of times, his gaze lost as he ponders on the movements he just saw. 
“Okay, first of all- your left arm.” Jungkook moves, putting himself between you and the punch bag. 
"Get back in position again, the one before you throw the punch" 
You promptly do what he asked, repeating the previous movements once again. You stop when your arms are folded like before and you're ready to throw the punch. Jungkook's hands move as he says "Relax your shoulders." and then they gently rest on you.
This time his touch is not a simple featherlike brush, you feel the weight of his hands resting delicately on your skin and you stiffen at the contact. He said you should relax, but his hands on you caused the opposite reaction.
Ray and his hands come to your mind, the feeling of him holding you against the glass door is fogging your thoughts again, even though Jungkook's touch is soft and gentle on you.
You wince a little, taking a step back instinctively. Jungkook immediately withdraws his hands, sensing your discomfort. 
"S-sorry, I was trying to correct your posture, I didn't mean to-"
“No- it's fine" you interrupt him, suppressing the negative emotions that started to poison your guts.
You really want to focus and learn and until now, you had no idea your ex's behavior has affected you up to this point. 
Jungkook watches you dubiously, you can't decipher the expression adorning his beautiful face right now, he seems worried, thoughtful, maybe he's wondering what kind of an idiot would want to learn how to throw punches and then reacts like this at the slightest physical contact. 
The idea of having to give up because of this sensation, pisses you off. You gulp the lump on your throat while you close your eyes briefly, then you resume the position, being careful to relax your shoulders this time.
"Better?" you ask in a calm voice. Jungkook nods with a faint smile on his face. Even if he probably noticed there's something wrong, you're glad he's not asking questions. 
"What else wasn't right?" 
Jungkook notices your determination to continue and returns to your side again, opting for a demonstrative explanation this time.
He moves his body naturally and you observe him carefully. His movements are so precise and satisfying to watch and the desire to learn, to achieve more or less this naturalness, gives you the right push to continue. Most of all, now that you know that Ray left this horrible sensation on your skin, you're determined to get rid of it. 
Jungkook explains the importance of taking a correct position, to be able to hurt and not get hurt. A faint smile returns to your face at his way of explaining this kind of thing with passion and care. 
You imitate his movements by moving your left foot forward, your left arm at your chest like before but slightly higher, until your glove touches the side of your chin. When you feel that you have planted your foot well on the ground, with a slight movement of your shoulders, you accompany your right fist towards the bag, also rotating your pelvis slightly.
And just like that, you land a perfect punch on the punch bag.
Jungkook cheers softly so as not to disturb the others but his satisfaction is evident. You smile to see him so taken for so little, but you have to admit that you feel pumped, and yes- it was only one perfectly landed punch.
“That's a great start!” he adds enthusiastically. 
"So even small hands can throw some good punches huh!" You laugh softly and Jungkook joins you, genuinely amused.
"I'm sure those little punches will be able to do a lot of harm soon!" he declares "If you wanna join the gym, of course." 
This is what you needed to hear, it gives you courage, you can't wait to feel totally comfortable with your abilities, you're ready to commit to this and Jungkook saw it, when you eagerly said "Of course I want!"
That -little episode- long forgotten when you two started to talk comfortably that evening. Jungkook took some time to explain how and when he gives his lessons and to show you around the gym as well as the female's locker room, making sure you knew you could use everything you wanted once you felt comfortable enough to train alone.
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From that day, you started going to the gym almost regularly. To be honest, as time passed, you couldn't wait to get back on that tatami to train after work, it soon became a healthy habit.
And, on the other side, you could see Jungkook.
You like having him around, you and him started bantering all the time almost instantly. You got used to his presence and his ways of teasing pretty fast and he's been a breath of fresh air for you. You've been attracted to him since day one, you're not gonna lie, but he soon became some kind of a friend. 
Yeah, that kind of friend you'd gladly rip their clothes off, but whatever.
The lethal mix of wide shoulders, buff body, lip ring, tatted arm and that sweet face of his when he smiles and scrunch up his cute nose… 
Yup, you're kinda crushing on him and training with him almost everyday it's quite challenging.
You two share a nice friendship, but it's clear that something else is hidden underneath. The constant glances and flirty jokes at the gym are proof of that and from time to time you also catch him pretending not to be looking at your butt. 
You are more at ease now and that's also thanks to him and his lessons.
Everything seems to be falling back to place, if not an even better one. 
Ray has been silent since that night outside the shop. No messages, no calls, no unexpected visits, no nothing. The fear to meet him again is still persistent and sometimes the horrible things he did to you still haunt your mind, but you're now able to manage to get rid of it in no time. You're more confident, you sleep better and you're learning a bunch of new stuff that keeps your mind busy.
You feel like you're able to breathe again, like you got your life back in your hands. 
Hani walked with you to the gym a few more times after the first time, but you soon started to book an uber to go and get back. It wasn't difficult to get into a rhythm: you book it through your phone a little earlier, so you don't have to wait outside and that's it, like this you're able to close the shop and get into the car immediately and when you have to go back home, you take a shower at the gym, say your goodbyes and head outside, where your uber is already waiting for you. Simple and effective.
Just to be extra sure, you leave your lessons a little earlier, like at 9pm instead of 10pm. Better safe than sorry.
Jungkook never asked the reason why you always leave early, not explicitly at least. Sometimes he's teased you by asking if you quit training early to fight crime with your cute hands, a recurring joke you always involuntarily smile at. Tae had warned you after all, Jungkook jokes a lot and in all this time spent at the gym, training with him, you had the opportunity to see for yourself.
There's something though that seems to creep behind his eyes every now and then and you can't quite put your finger on what. Sometimes he seems extremely thoughtful or even sad, even a few moments after he just cracked a joke. 
You never had the courage to ask, just like he never asked why you reacted like that the first time he touched you. You don't want to ask him what's bothering him and apparently he doesn't want to ask you either. Jungkook began to invade your thoughts just like that, with ease, and this hidden mystery behind his beautiful brown eyes keeps drawing you to him more and more.
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bambikisss · 1 year
Summertime Inferno: Jungkook
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Inspiration from: Singles' Inferno on Netflix
Summary: After joining Single's inferno on a whim, you end up regretting your decision after you meet someone at home. When you arrive at the villa, hoping to explain that you didn't want to be on the show no more, you end up meeting Jungkook who promises to make this one of your best summers ever if you do one thing for him: stay.
Warnings: Jungkook (he's his own warning lol), those thick thighs, drunk unprotected sex, mentions of JJ sleeping around with the other cast members, spitting into your mouth, sex in the water, tying up
A/N: per usual, this took longer than I thought. My bad, loves. Jungkook is clean in this and of course, the ending is sorta shit.
You had a knack for joining things on a whim. If it seemed interesting enough, you decided to give it a chance. So when you noticed the Netflix show Single's Inferno was allowing applications, you decided to give it a shot; you hadn't dated anyone in a while and this was a good way to meet someone, you thought.
That's before you met Taehyung.
While you were working your part-time bartending job at a rich country club, he came in and you both instantly hit it off. It was like he was placed in front of you for a reason; he was everything you wanted in a man and more. He took you out on dates regularly, always being the perfect gentleman the whole time. You enjoyed being in his company and it wasn't hard to notice that you had started to gain feelings for him. So, you wanted to become exclusive. You wanted your relationship to be official, which you hoped he wanted too as he had kissed you often.
However, that would now have to wait.
"Wait, wait, wait, lemme get this straight: you're still going to be on Single's Inferno? Even though you wanna be with Taehyung? Y/N, that sounds stupid, sorry to say."
You rolled your eyes at F/N's disappointed voice, sighing as you explained your plan to her once more. "No, I'm not. I'm going to meet with the staff and explain I can't do the show then go home," your friend let out a soft 'oh,' letting you know that your friend finally understood your plan. You hoped the staff would be understanding, not wanting to lead any of the other boys on when you had someone at home.
When you arrived at the large beach house, you made a b-line for one of the staff, pulling her to the side to explain the situation. She nodded, then sadly explained that since you had already signed the contract, you had to be on the show. But, you could be sent home first if none of the boys ended up choosing you to couple up. "You basically have to just friendzone all of the boys and then when it comes time for them to couple up, they won't pick you so you can go home."
You knew there was no other way out, thanking her before hauling your luggage into the house, and looking for your room. It looked like a beachside hotel room: a large bed, a beautiful bathroom, and a perfect sea view. It looked amazing. As you admired the view outside, you heard a gentle knock on your door, making you turn your head to see-
Leaning against your doorframe was a man wearing a floral loose button-up shirt. His left arm was covered in a full-sleeve tattoo, his right arm had some scattered tattoos on it as well. He had a sliver lip ring that glimmered in the sunlight along with an eyebrow piercing. He looked completely to die for.
"So there's the last contestant," the man offered you a smile before pushing himself off of the doorway. You glanced at his biceps, the man catching you. "Hey, my eyes are up here."
You rolled your eyes, beginning to unpack as he plopped himself down onto your bed, bouncing lightly. He said nothing at first as he eyed you, watching as you move around the room before he tapped the headboard to get your attention. "You aren't here to find love, aren't you?"
"Excuse me?" You couldn't help but cross your arms at his accusatory tone. Even though he was right, it still rubbed you the wrong way that he said it so bluntly. It made you wonder if it was all over your face. "Everyone else I've met has made an effort to get to know everyone as soon as they see someone. You, on the other hand, don't seem so interested in meeting someone here." You watched as he pushed himself off of your bed, turning to point at you. "You're here for the screen time, aren't you?"
Now you were really offended. You tossed the shirt you were folding onto your suitcase, looking at the man with annoyance. "I am not here for that. I just-"
"So then why aren't you throwing yourself at me like everyone else has?" You wondered if this whole interaction was a confidence booster for him. You couldn't help but scoff, telling him about Taehyung; how you had already gone on many dates with him at home already, and how you two may not be exclusive, but you both were getting there. Once you finished, he stared at you for a moment before he broke out into quiet laughter, shaking his head as he made his way closer to you, resting his bodyweight on his hand that he now placed onto your closed suitcase.
"If he wanted to be exclusive with you, he would've already done it. He would've asked you after you guys had your fifth date." You couldn't help but pause at his words, realizing that he may be right. But, maybe he could also have wanted to take things slow, right?
At your silence, he sighed, pushing himself upright once more. "You're already here so why not stay and see what happens, right? Maybe you could meet someone who actually wants to be with you." You watched as he made his way to the door, suddenly blurting out "Y/N. My name is Y/N."
He turned around, smiling at you he leaned against the doorknob. "I'll tell you my name if you promise to give this a chance." You bit your lip, thinking back to Taehyung; how would he feel seeing videos of you floating around with you and other men? What if he's already moved on since you both last spoke? This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity...
"Fine, I promise." he seemed to smile wider at your words, his once annoying and cocky aura fading to someone you thought was cute yet blunt. "Mine is Jungkook. Nice to have you, Y/N."
You watched as Jungkook walked away from your room, leaving you alone with the sounds of the waves and the promise you just made. You couldn't help but feel bad as you replayed the promise, thinking about Taehyung. But, you both weren't exclusive, right?
You needed a drink.
~ * ~
"It's giving... Gaston and Belle," you gasped at Hannah's words, asking what she meant. "He's out here chasing after you when he already has the rest of the women gawking at him. Plus, all of the other women are calling you the prettiest girl here but you're always to yourself." You took a sip of your drink, letting her words set in. She was right; since you had joined the villa, you had been keeping to yourself and not really interacting with others unless they come to you.
"Plus, your 'Gaston' has been busy," you turned to face where the private patios were, watching as Jungkook and a girl walked out. It was obvious that they had sex; her hair was less well-kept than usual and there were hickies on her neck. She looked proud as she joined her friends, all of them gawking at her neck and gossiping about it. You hadn't really spoken to him since the day you came here, all of the other girls obtaining his attention. "I'm pretty sure he's slept with every girl here except for you and me," You nodded at Hannah's words, watching as Jungkook passed by you both, offering you a wink as he made his way into the mansion. You couldn't help but feel something ping at you, not being able to identify what it was.
"I've heard from the staff that fans keep asking about why you aren't getting with anyone," you turned to face her, sighing about it. While you did love being left alone, you were here for three weeks already and hadn't made a single connection with anyone. It made you wonder why you were still here.
You and Hannah talked for a bit longer before you decided to go get ready for tonight's elimination. You were probably going home first, so you started to pack your suitcase after you finished getting ready. As you were closing it, a knock came to your door, Johnny walking in soon after. "What are you up to, Y/N? Planning to run away in the night?" Besides Hannah, you had become friends with Johnny; he was a sweet guy. While it was obvious he was interested in Hannah, he often kept you company when she was busy.
You shook your head, walking with him outside to meet with everyone else. "I think I'm going home first so I was just preparing for it." Johnny offered you a sad smile, saying how he was going to miss you before offering you a side hug, which you accepted. You had actually become at peace with it, saying that it was alright; you got to meet him and Hannah, along with having a nice vacation.
You sat down next to Hannah as Johnny sat next to her, Hannah's arms wrapping around your shoulder to offer you some comfort. Jungkook and some of the other guys soon joined everyone else, his eyes glancing at you before sitting next to one of his friends, the girl he was with earlier moving to sit next to him as the host walked up.
"Alright, everyone. It's time to couple up." You watched as every man stood up to choose the girl they wanted to get to know better, every girl looking a bit disappointed that Jungkook didn't pick her. You kind of felt bad for all of the guys, offering them a smile as their girls sat down, looking a bit sad. When it was Jungkook's turn, the girl Jungkook had been with earlier sat forward with a huge smile on her face, as if she knew he'd pick her.
Jungkook fiddled with his rings as he took a deep breath, playing with his lip ring as the host let him know that he could now pick the girl he wanted to couple up with, along with having the option to pick someone who was already coupled up, which made the girls all excited to now have the opportunity. You watched them in disgust as they all removed themselves from their suiters, all looking at him with hopefullness.
He took another moment before clasping his hands together, turning them in your direction. You thought he was going to pick Hannah, turning to her as she did the same to you. He and Hannah didn't have very much chemistry when they had met, so you wondered why he was going to pick her, until...
"I pick Y/N."
You could've sworn your head would've left your shoulders by how fast you turned to face him in shock, every girl's face mirroring the shock. Heck, even all of the staff who were recording nearby were shocked. "I've been wanting to get to know you better all this time but you never made the first move, so, I'll make it." He walked over to sit next to you, his left arm moving to lay on the couch behind you as his right hand met yours. You couldn't help but look down at your intertwined hands in shock, asking what he was doing, only to be met with silence. Maybe he was just trying to get in your pants next, you thought.
Apparently, you were wrong.
You joined Hannah and Johnny at the bar following the coupling, watching as the girl from earlier packed up her things into her car to be driven home. "I can't believe he didn't pick her. She's stunning." You turned to see Johnny looking at you, mentioning that you were pretty too. Before you could respond, you felt an arm wrap around your waist, everyone turning to see Jungkook smiling down at you. You could tell he looked annoyed, asking him what was wrong. He didn't say anything, asking to talk to you alone, which you obliged.
You noticed everyone watching you as he walked with you, not towards the private patios, but to the same area where the coupling had taken place. With all of the lights on, you could finally meet his eyes, never being close enough to see them. They were dark, clouded by something you couldn't understand. "So, how's things with Johnny?" You gave him a look of confusion, asking him what he meant, making him chuckle. "Don't think I don't see how he looks at you. If you're not with Hannah, you're with him."
"How do you know how he looks at me when you haven't even spoken to me?" You couldn't help but step up to him, both of your chests pressed against one another as your eyes stared into his. You could tell Jungkook was a bit shocked by your words, shaking his head before saying "I just...thought you were trying to get to know him." You could now see Jungkook's jealous feelings leave him, watching him soften as he felt somewhat disappointed in his actions: here he was, watching you from afar be with some other man while he ran around with the other women. He thought he was going to be able to make you jealous but realized you were better than that.
You sighed, backing up from him as you spoke. "I haven't been thinking about talking to anyone else besides you." His eyes widened at your words, giving you the queue to continue. "I made a promise to you and you haven't kept up with it."
It was now Jungkook's turn to sigh, running his hand over his face before he held his hand out, silently asking for your hand which you gave him. He pulled you close so you were once more chest to chest his free hand coming to cup your hip. "Let me make up for it, Y/N. I always go through with my promises." You met his eyes, smiling when he gave you one. You felt your heart race as he leaned down to press a kiss on your forehead, his hands squeezing your hip. He seemed so much softer than he was before, showing you his sweet side.
After you both had your moment, he left to return to his room as it had gotten late, leaving you to walk around with Hannah, who was happy for you. "I haven't seen Jungkook take it slow with anyone else he's been here with. Looks like he's trying to prove how much he likes you."
You let her words stay with you for the next few days; you noted how Jungkook made you breakfast and held your hand when you both were walking around. He'd come to your room and just talk to you until late at night, holding you close as you both tried to not fall asleep. You found this side of Jungkook to be so sweet, admiring how easy it seemed for him to make your heart race with a simple gesture.
It was now time for a challenge to see who could head to the private mansion for the night, and you noticed how competitive all the girls had suddenly gotten except for you and Hannah. You thought maybe they were eager to go somewhere private with their suitors, but your thought proved to be wrong when you noticed how they all eyed Jungkook as he walked to stand with the boys. You then realized that they were vying for the chance to ask him, despite being paired with someone else. You couldn't help but be upset due to it, using your annoyance to fuel you as you played tug of war with the girls, successfully winning the challenge. As you clapped, Jungkook came over to kiss your cheek as he hugged you, a proud smile on his face as he said "that's my girl.'' You looked up at him as he spoke, your smile now mirroring his as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
He rubbed your back before returning to the guys, all the girls hiding how upset they were as they returned to stand next to you. You offered them a smile to try and be nice, only for them to all ignore you and scoff.
Alright then.
"Y/N, it is now your turn to pick who you want to go to paradise with. Who do you choose?" You smiled as your eyes immediately went to Jungkook, who you could immediately tell was nervous; he was fiddling with his rings and his eyes were filled with worry. It made you wonder if he thought that you wouldn't pick him after all the time you'd spent together. It made your heart hurt a bit, smiling at him as you said his name. Just as fast as he was nervous, he was now excited and happy. You couldn't help but hug him, whispering how you wouldn't want anyone else.
"Y/N, this place has a nice ass shower!"
You laughed as you sat up on the bed, Jungkook sharing his own laugh from the shower. You were happy to finally be alone from Jungkook, excited to spend your first night together. As you looked through shows on the TV to watch while Jungkook showered, you didn't notice the bathroom door open, showing him in just a towel around his waist. Only when he asked you for his bathing suit trunks did you face him, your words now caught in your throat as you were now met with Jungkook's wet chest and abs. As you held the trunks, you let your eyes shamelessly roam his body, biting your lip as you followed a single drop that ran down his thighs, then following a drop that went down his chest to his v-line. He looked like he was sculpted by someone who definitely took their time with him.
Jungkook noticed where you were staring at, chuckling as he accepted the shorts from you, leaning down to kiss your hand. "Thank you, Y/N," he winked at you before walking away back to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. It took you a moment before you snapped out of it, shaking your head as you changed into your bathing suit. You hadn't seen him bare like that and when you do, you stare at him like crazy.
You wrapped yourself in a towel as Jungkook came out to you, wrapping his arm around you as he kissed your cheek. "C'mon, let's go before they close the hot tub."
You nodded, walking with him outside to the deck where the hot tub was with LED lights inside. You watched as Jungkook tossed his towel onto the nearby bench, getting inside before looking at you. "Come on, baby, join me."
You tossed your towel to join his, getting in the hot tub next to him. He pulled you close to his chest as you both enjoyed the hot water, his hands staying on your lower back as he kissed your forehead. "I'm glad to be alone with you for once, Y/N," he smiled, hitting down next to you as he let his head fall back to the side of the tub. "I thought you were going to pick someone else other than me."
"Why wouldn't I pick you?" You laid your head on his chest as he shrugged, mumbling out "there's a lot of guys who are eyeing you now."
You pushed back to look up at him, asking what he meant. You already knew about the newest guy who joined thinking you were hot and flirting with you at least once, but you had turned him down. Jungkook opened his eyes to look at you, his tongue coming out to play with his lip ring before sighing, moving to pull you onto his lap, helping you to straddle him. Before you could ask him what he was doing, you were met with his lips, the kiss starting out slow before turning hot and needy. He gripped your hip as he moaned against your lips, pressing his chest against yours as he pulled your swimsuit bottoms to snap against your hip.
He gently placed you down to sit next to him, his lips moving to your neck as he gently untied your bottoms. He tossed it to join your towels, working on removing his bottoms. You dug your nails into his shoulder as he gripped your hips, grinding his hard cock against you, making you toss your head back. "That's it, Y/N. Lemme know how good this cock feels for you," he kissed your neck, pressing his face against it as you began to move your hips faster. You couldn't tell if it was the heat that drove you crazy or how long and hard Jungkook seemed. You let your hands go into his hair, tugging hard so he tossed his head back, giving you the opportunity to leave hickies on his neck. He moaned loudly, his hands coming to grip your ass as his dick twitched against you. "Oh fuck, Y/N. More, baby, fuck."
You liked how your name sounded from his lips, leaning down to play with his lip ring like he always did, making Jungkook moan loudly. He gently pushed into you, making it your turn to toss your head back. He was on the longer and thicker side, stretching you out deliciously, pausing when he was halfway in. When you noticed he was half in, you moaned out for him to push all the way in, Jungkook moaning before pressing his hands on either side of you, gripping the sides of the tub. "Do you think you can handle all of it, baby? You already feel so tight," you could tell how much he wanted to by the way his hips moved slowly. You nodded, wrapping your legs around him so he could push into you deeper making you both moan loudly. Jungkook started out slow, giving you time to adjust to his whole length before he gripped your hips, moving faster. You couldn't help but moan his name loudly, your nails moving to dig into his sides. He moaned as the water splashed around you too, Jungkook reaching down to move one of your legs onto his shoulder. He then let his other hand grip your chin, having you look at him as he fucked you hard, kissing you to silence both of your moans.
You begin to feel yourself tighten around him, Jungkook noticing as well, making him groan. His finger slipped down in between you to play with your clit, his lips wrapping around your nipple as he moved faster, watching as you arched your back, coming. He gently bit your nipple, licking it afterward before kissing up your body to his lips. He slowed down, gently pulling out of you. You noticed how his dick was pressed against his stomach, still hard, Jungkook's hand moving slowly on it. "Can you walk?" it took you a moment to register his question, nodding as his hand sped up before getting out of the tub, putting on his trunk before helping you out of it, placing your own bottom on before wrapping you in the towel and leading you back to the room.
He was silent the whole walk back, only holding your hand once you entered the elevator. However, the minute you both entered the room, he picked you up to press you against the door. He kissed you messily, his tongue moving with yours as he hastily tore off your bathing suit. He moved you to the bed, tossing you onto the bed, watching as your body bounced gently. He watched with a smirk as he began to remove his shorts, his hands coming down to grip your wrists before you could touch his cock. He reached down to pick up one of your abandoned bathing suit pieces, tying it around your wrists before leaning down to move closer to your face. "Glad you could walk before, but you aren't going to be able to now."
"Well then, get to it, Jungkook." He smirked at your tone, his hands coming down to squeeze your cheeks before he spits into your mouth, watching as you swallowed it. He pushed you back, his hands moving to grip the wrists as he pushed into you, smirking at your moan. He moved your legs to his shoulders, his thighs slapping against your own as he pushed his hips roughly. He let his eyes roll back as you moaned loudly, your legs squeezing his head as he fucked you. He leaned forward to press his chest against yours, kissing you as he pushed your legs back against your chest. His dick moved deep into you, stroking into you deliciously as he kissed you, moaning your name.
"God, I only want you, Y/N, fuck. Goddam you feel so fucking good, fucking love you," you moaned at his words, your hands hastily gripping his biceps once he untied you. He pulled back to look at you, his hips pounding into you as he chased his orgasm, his eyebrows furrowed as he bit his lip. You rolled your eyes back as you came again, his hips rolling into yours before pulling out, cuming onto your stomach. He breathed out shakily, pressing his head into your neck, resting on his knees as he held you. You rubbed his back as you basked in the afterglow, kissing his forehead as you both tried to calm down. He took a moment before whispering "I love you, Y/N."
You couldn't help but smile at his confession, taking a moment before responding. You thought about all the small things he did, how good he made you feel; how he took the whole summer to prove how much he wanted to be with you.
How much he loved you.
Before you could respond, he stood up, cleaning you off before saying "you don't have to say it back, I just couldn't hold it back anymore." He offered you a tired smile before heading to the bathroom, shutting the door gently behind him.
You could tell he was embarrassed as he exited the bathroom, his cheeks a bit red as he put on new boxers and shorts, then join you in the bed. It took a bit for him to meet your eyes, moving to hold you close as you turned off the light. The room didn't feel awkward as he held you; it felt like there were some unsaid words hanging in the air that had to be said. He pressed a kiss on your forehead, pulling you so you could lay on his chest as he fell asleep, leaving you awake. You pressed a gentle kiss to his chest, whispering that you loved him too, which made him smile. "I thought you were asleep!" you gently hit his chest which made him laugh. "I don't fall asleep that fast, Y/N."
You couldn't help but pout, turning away from him. Jungkook took a moment before wrapping his arm around your waist, pressing his chest against your back as he kissed your shoulder. "Don't worry, I meant what I said. I love you too."
~ _ ~
"Y/N, is that all of your luggage?" You nodded as you watched Jungkook close the SUV, stretching as Hannah came over to hug you. "I'm gonna miss you, girl! I can't believe it's over."
After your night with Jungkook, the show went on for three more weeks, finishing filming two days ago. You and Jungkook had been named the "fan favorite couple," while Hannah and Johnny got "one true love." After having a party, it was time to say goodbye and return home. "I kind of glad. I miss my bed."
"Not all of us miss our apartments compared to the mansion, Y/N" You and Hannah watched as Johnny brought over Hannah's luggage, placing it into his SUV. You only offered him a middle finger, which he returned happily. "Don't look now, but some girls are still trying to get their final moments with your man." You turned to see a group of girls surrounding Jungkook, asking for his number and what he was going to do now. He only offered friendly answers before pushing through the group to stand with you, asking if you were ready to go. "You don't want to stay longer with those ladies?" he let out a fake laugh at your question before shaking his head, tugging you to the car, making you laugh. You waved goodbye to Hannah and Johnny, promising to text them when you returned home.
After the car dropped you both off at your home, he helped you bring your things inside before looking around your home. "This is niiiice, Y/N, ooh." You laughed as he walked through, noticing a letter from Taehyung on the kitchen counter. He handed it to you, asking about it as he sat down next to you. You hadn't spoken to him since before the summer, kind of forgetting about him. You placed the letter back down, turning to face Jungkook once more, kissing him softly, the kiss making him forget about the letter as he pulled you to his lap. "Don't think I totally forgot about the letter, Y/N," he moaned, moving to start untying his shirt. "We can discuss it afterwords." You nodded as you pushed off his shirt, your hands resting against his chest as he pressed his forehead against you. "I love you, Y/N."
You pressed a short kiss to his cheek, smiling at him as you said you loved him too, making him smile as well before picking you up, carrying you to the bedroom, kicking the door shut as he kissed you.
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btsmosphere · 2 years
hello :DD i saw your drabble game was up and i just couldn’t resist!!
may i ask for jungkook x reader ( she / her prns or gender neutral!), mafia/gang au, e2l, treating an injury and “what happened to you?” “where did you get that?”
thank you so much! i love your work and can’t wait to see what you do with this if you choose to work on it! <33
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~summary: Close enough to touch, far enough never to dare. But Jungkook knows you well enough to know something isn’t right. And that locket the new player is wearing? Isn’t his. Will this be what it takes to break the distance you keep with Jungkook? ~pairing: jungkook x reader ~angst, fluff, comfort, enemies to lovers, mafia!au ~word count: 3k ~rating: pg13 ~warnings: violence, alcohol, blood, injury
~a/n: thank you!! you’re so sweet🥰 I’m sorry this has taken more than a week since the last request I posted but as you can see, it’s also longer than a drabble! srsly, the moment I saw this one in my inbox, I was thrilled. it’s like this prompt was made for me haha. the biggest problem I had was not making it too much like Flame on Water, but I’m pleased with what I came up with! I hope you enjoy it too!💜
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Jungkook’s eyes flitted in your direction the moment you walked in.
The bar was dark, filled with people, but it was like he could sense you in spite of the hum of chatter and low music fighting for his attention in this atmosphere. Fingers circling the rim of his glass, he eyed you as you crossed the threshold.
Your little acquaintance with Jungkook began some time ago. But there had been no friendly introductions; you had had a knife to the throat of one of his members and the next thing you knew, you were being pressed against the ground with Jungkook at your back.
Over time, you had proved to be quite a match for each other. Just as your gangs skirted around each other, testing boundaries, winning and losing skirmishes for territory, the two of you were seemingly in orbit of the other. One way or another, you would always end up toe to toe, a constant challenge – or, perhaps, annoyance – to the other.
Tonight may be no different. Your eyes locked as you passed his table. Always close enough to touch, but too wise to move until the time was right.
In your line of work, you had to settle for a cool distance with the enemy. After all, you knew that while you were capable of taking him down, the opposite was also true. And either action would invite more conflict that your gangs’ tentative hostility could bear.
You approached and Jungkook sat back, anticipating your arrival. Neither of you would dare make a move in here, you knew that. But it was always fun to flirt with danger.
His smirk grew, a brow cocked as he waited for you to bite first. A simple ‘what are you looking at, Jeon?’ was enough for a spark.
Instead, your expression darkened.
“Not tonight, Jeon.”
Without even staying to hear a response, you kept your head down and moved past.
Jungkook frowned, leaning forwards to catch a glimpse of you, melting into the hubbub of this bar. Something was off.
For the brief moment he could, he scanned your form. He could be imagining it, but were you limping? If you were, you hid it well. In any case, you were gone too soon for him to be sure.
Still, his eyes lingered. He swallowed down a growing unease. This wasn’t like you – but then, why should that mean anything to him? Better still, he should revel in this. To have you in such a sour mood, something must have happened in favour of his gang. And at the expense of you.
He pretended that made him feel better.
But Jungkook had no time to spare thinking of you. Why he would ever want to was a concern in itself.
He was here for a reason. And that reason was crossing to the bar right now.
The man was alone, but Jungkook wasn’t stupid enough to rule out the possibility of anyone keeping an eye from the crowd. This was a new player in town, Ilwoon, but wasn’t someone Namjoon was keen to put in the ground straight away. He was clearly smart, having gained connections before trying to emerge as a powerful figure.
Jungkook had been given instructions for a hassle-free discussion and deal, but he took that with a pinch of salt. They didn’t know much about this guy, and it was Jungkook’s job to show him they weren’t going to be pushed around easily.
Still, he approached with a decidedly cool exterior, letting nothing slip in his expression.
“Two Manhattans.” The order confirmed to Jungkook that this was in fact the right man. His voice was rough, a contrast to the fine trimmed haircut he sported.
Allowing a cordial smile onto his face, Jungkook seated himself beside the newcomer while the bartender busied herself.
“Nice evening,” Jungkook muttered off-hand, “busy.”
Ilwoon bristled, clearly not sure what to make of the smalltalk. But a moment later, a smile bloomed on his face. Jungkook didn’t like it at all, but made sure not to flinch.
“Good place to end a long day,” the man said.
Their drinks slid across the counter, Jungkook watching the other take a sip first, taking note of the way his dark eyes crawled over the occupants of the bar. Like he owned the lot.
Taking a sip too, Jungkook could pass the disgusted curl of his lips off as a response to the burn of alcohol. About to resign himself to a tense but necessary conversation, he turned his eyes back to his drinking partner.
Jungkook’s hand tightened around his glass, not lowering it to the tabletop. Frozen, he stared.
Ilwoon lowered his arm, revealing a charming red pendant which was just visible around his shirt buttons. Finishing his own drink, the man noticed Jungkook’s staring and frowned, shifting in his seat. A small flash of red bounced from the jewel at the movement.
It was beautiful. Jungkook had always thought so. But that was just the problem.
“That isn’t yours.”
Raising his eyes fractionally, Jungkook finally met the man’s gaze with steel in his own.
Quirking a brow, that same repulsive smile flitted onto Ilwoon’s face.
“Told you I’d been having fun in this town,” the man shrugged, “now, shall we talk?”
Fast as a whip, Jungkook had sent his chair clattering to the floor as he sprung at the man, grabbing him roughly by his collar and sending him colliding with the bar.
Any previous noise dissipated, silence shooting through crowd place like a wave.
Jungkook didn’t even break the man’s gaze. One of the glasses slowly rolled off the table, smashed loudly on the floor.
No one moved.
Holding his stance, Jungkook’s only move was to tighten his grip, drawing closer to the man.
“For someone in your position, I would think you’d want to play nice,” he hissed.
Despite the way his feet scrabbled for purchase on the floor and his breath grew shallower, the other man narrowed his eyes, spitting back with vitriol.
“No honour among thieves, I thought. This shouldn’t be your concern.”
“You’re going to tell me who is and isn’t my concern?” Jungkook all but yelled, shaking him.
“I never touched one of yours!”
“They don’t belong to you either,” Jungkook growled. His spare hand reached up, just below the one holding his foe, to grab the locket.
It was true that it was nothing to do with bangtan. That his actions now would spark rumours of some weakness, some compromise. That he need not be interested in the fate of anyone other than the boys he called family.
But Jungkook didn’t recall seeing this around your neck earlier.
He tore it off. Releasing the man and leaving him panting, leaning against the counter, he stalked away without looking back.
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The thin metal chain felt heavy in Jungkook’s fist.
Falling fast and heavy, his shoes clattered up the stairs. If Ilwoon had any sense, he would be long gone already, but he was a long way down Jungkook’s list right now.
The bouncer nodded him through instantly, Jungkook not even sparing time to look at her.
While this bar was supposed to be a neutral place for gangs (something he would certainly have to explain if the owner got wind of his little stunt downstairs), many of them frequented the place. With the absence of violence came somewhere for meetings, perhaps the only spot this side of bangtan’s territory where Jungkook could brush shoulders with enemies without trading blows.
At the moment, he was rather closer to shoving them as he carved a path through the crowd. The top floor was solely for those in his… profession. He had no doubt you had been heading here when he saw you earlier.
Emerging from the dense group by the bar, he quickly scanned the tables, ruling each one out.
Chewing his cheek, he exhaled harshly through his nose, turning his head erratically. You were nowhere in sight.
There was only one place left.
Walking purposefully past the tables, he pushed through another door. The bathrooms were here, four gender neutral ones lining the corridor.
Toeing open the nearest, he peered inside. It was empty, as was the lockable cubicle inside. Crossing the hall in one stride, he tried the next with the same results. The third, however-
You eyes snapped up, meeting his in the mirror just before you whirled around with a gasp, straightening your top.
Jungkook’s brow creased, gaze lingering even though you were now totally covered by your turtleneck. Once again, it had been too quick to be sure, but-
“What happened to you?”
Jungkook’s intense gaze met yours as he stepped inside, the door falling closed behind him. He didn’t miss your guarded stance, the way your eyes flickered to the exit.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Jeon,” you replied tersely.
Turning back to the mirror, you leaned over the sink to make a show of inspecting your hair. As if you couldn’t care less about his invasion.
But much as you hated to admit it, Jungkook may know you more than most people. Despite your… situation, it was hard to keep secrets and emotions at bay when your lives revolved around pushing the other, whether it be in a physical fight or in tactical play. Even those in your own circle were kept at a further distance. Trust wasn’t exactly an abundant resource in your world.
You just hoped the amount of times Jungkook had seen you hurt, sometimes from his own doing, wouldn’t pay off now. You knew he was still watching you.
He ground his teeth, then looked down at something.
“What’s this then?”
Turning back to him in irritation, you opened your mouth, only to freeze like that when you saw the pendant dangling from his fingers. Your father had given you that, a symbol of your belonging to his empire just before he died. While many of his members believed you weren’t fit to be with them, it reminded you they wrong.
You always wore it.
“Where did you get that?”
“What happened to you?”
Jungkook repeated his question rapidly in response to your own. All it prompted was more silence. But he had watched your unbothered air crack in front of him the moment he showed you the locket – something was wrong.
“Listen, Jungkook,” you spoke low, trying not to betray your shaking voice, “I’ve had quite enough for today. If you want to add to that, go ahead. Just tell the cleaners on your way out.”
Your words jarred Jungkook. Reminded him of all the reasons you would expect him to be here, and with good reason. A startling realisation of how far his feelings seemed to have strayed from the familiarity of your rivalry.
He took a breath, horrified. Expecting you to laugh any second, or even kick him in the face.
But you just waited.
“What did he do to you?” he pressed, taking a step.
He jolted to a stop the next second when you actually stepped away from him, backing against the sink.
“You know Ilwoon?”
“I hate the bastard, but yes,” Jungkook spoke through gritted teeth, “care to tell me why he had this?”
You rolled your eyes.
“What do you think?”
“Is it the reason there’s blood in the sink?”
“Well done, Sherlock,” you bit, “don’t you think you could save your gloating for later?”
“He hurt you.”
You smirked drily.
“Are you just bitter because you never managed?”
He stared in disbelief. How were joking about this?
You still stared defiantly up at him, arms folded over your chest.
His next words came as little more than a breath.
“Let me see.”
You didn’t move.
“I’m sorry?”
He cleared his throat, suddenly hesitant to meet your eyes.
“Let- let me see. I can help.”
You were silent for so long that Jungkook looked back up at you, finding you still staring at him like he was crazy.
Perhaps he was.
But eventually, you dropped your arms and stepped to one side with a soft huff.
Stepping forward, Jungkook laid the necklace quietly on the counter before reaching out. Just before his fingers touched the hem of the fabric, he looked back up for confirmation.
You took a breath. Somehow, this didn’t feel as strange as it should.
A small nod from you, and he gently lifted the material, a crease emerging between his brows.
Chewing your lip, you looked away. Still, you couldn’t help eyeing the damage in the mirror beside you. The wound wasn’t of too much concern, but the blood was certainly a sight to behold. Your cleaning had done nothing to improve it.
A slash ran across your side. He had poor aim, the knife striking your ribs which had deflected it, extending the cut around your side where it was hard for you to reach without having to contort and receive a warning blast of pain from the injured spot.
You couldn’t help the hiss that left you when Jungkook’s fingers brushed against it. Withdrawing instantly, he looked back to you.
“Sorry, go ahead,” you muttered, averting your eyes again.
Still, when he turned on the tap to wet his hand, it returned cautiously, barely touching if he could help it. For the odd time he aggravated the wound, you simply bit your tongue.
Turning your eyes towards yourself in the mirror, you watched blankly. What should have been the most bizarre scene felt all too easy. Jungkook’s gaze remained focussed, fixed on his hands as they were painted red with your blood before it swirled away down the drain.
His hands left you then, prompting you to whip around in panic. Where was he going?
All you were met with was a low chuckle, a lopsided smile falling onto Jungkook’s lips. He stayed where he was, shrugging off his jacket.
“What are you-?”
Your question died on your lips as he bunched it up, bending slightly to tend to your wound again. Lost for words, you simply raised your arm slightly to give him better access as he pressed the fabric against your side.
Part of you felt bad for what was clearly an expensive jacket – the material wasn’t scratchy at all, barely irritating your injury.
“It should be treated properly,” he said.
“I’ll live.”
“I don’t doubt it. But… you’ll have someone look at it, right?”
You quirked a brow at him.
“So you can give me another one next week?”
“Of course not!”
His exclamation took you by surprise. Apparently, it did the same to him, both of you blinking at each other in the following quiet.
He sighed roughly, looking down to his shifting feet for a moment.
“Are you going to tell me what happened?”
“Why would I do that?”
Your protest was weak and you knew it. Your voice came out tired. The care Jungkook had just showed you left you caving to the very thing you had always tried to resist. But after today’s events, you just wanted to let your guard down and tell someone.
He didn’t even have to say anything else. You sighed, leaned back against the counter.
“The new guy wanted to meet up, talk business with our gang. I didn’t turn up expecting anything, but the moment he saw they sent me, he seemed to take that as a sign of weakness. Not a word of business, just him being a creep until he attacked me when I wasn’t having it.”
Kicking the tiled floor as you spoke, a bitter scowl took over your face. You were more than capable of taking on/quick enough to take on this stupid newbie, but the knife had really taken you by surprise.
“I shouldn’t have even given him the chance,” you cursed, “but when this happened, it threw me enough for him to grab me. He seemed to enjoy it. Like that necklace was a bleeding trophy.”
Jungkook’s expression of hatred mirrored your own.
When your eyes fell on the jewellery sitting on the side, his followed. Saying nothing, he reached for it, stepped behind you.
Instinctively, you turned, meeting his eyes as he came behind you in the mirror. The necklace glinted innocently in the light as he raised it above your head, fastening it out of sight at the nape of your neck.
His fingers only grazed your skin as he pulled away. And if he saw the bruises on your neck, he said nothing about them. He knew all too well how humiliating it could be to come out this side of what should have been an easy fight.
“He wanted discussions with bangtan as well,” Jungkook said, as if it was the most innocent thing in the world.
But his smirk in the mirror ignited hope in you again.
Spinning around to face him, you pretended not to notice just how close this brought you to Jungkook. You were no stranger to being a breath away from him, but it was a different experience now you weren’t trying to attack each other.
“You mean he’s been in contact with both of us?”
“Would have thought he’d be smart enough to know not to get between enemies. When our bosses find out he wants to play us like this I don’t think they’ll be too happy, do you?”
Like falling into your magnetic pull, Jungkook shifted closer still. A smirk was growing over your features, eyes glinting in the light.
Your gaze dropped slightly, a finger coming to rest on his chest. Looking up at him, you tilted your head playfully. This confidence fit you much better, more familiar than the weakness Ilwoon had inflicted on you.
“And what about how we found out?”
“I don’t think that should be of concern when he’s running for his life.”
And you fell together at last, all that time you had spent fighting fading in the work of an instant. The tongue that loved to cut you down now tasted so sweet as you indulged in his lips at last. How you had ever been able to resist, you didn’t know.
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Thanks for reading! Please let me know your thoughts💜
For more mafia fun (and other stuff too!), here’s my masterlist
Taglist: @aianloveseven @preciouschimine @un2-verse 
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kxxkiecxre · 1 year
ʚ✟⃛ɞ Mercy Me ʚ✟⃛ɞ M.Y.G
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PAIRING: min yoongi x FEM!reader
SUMMARY: yoongi and you might have been a lost case in terms of love right now, but if you there was one thing both of you were sure of, is that when it comes to sex, no one… no one, can fuck yoongi like you, and no one can fuck you like yoongi.
WARNINGS: penetrative sex, unprotected sex (use protection and I’ll give you a cookie pookie), oral sex f! & M! Receiving. Idol! Yoongi, switch reader, switched yoongi. Mirror sex. Exes. That’s all I think???????
An: unedited but honestly did you expect any better?
There was only a few things Yoongi was sure of, his career, his members and you. He could always depend on you, just like you could always depend on him. It wasn’t necessarily like both of you couldn’t find someone else. God he knew you could find someone who’d treat you like the little spoiled brat you are. A Princess in his eyes nonetheless.
He wasn’t sure of just one thing. Is he ever going to love anyone other than you?
Because by the way you are standing in front of him right now, with a gaze that of a very seductive feline, soft pale skin and pink lips. Eyes as bright as the moon outside the very window you leaned against. Slim arms spread out on each side of you, the little black satin dress doing a poor job of covering your perky nipples. God did he love your breasts, so round and thick. He was in love with everything about you.
He never pegged himself for a guy to be into women who are taller than him, but fuck, you knew exactly how to use it to your advantage. It wasn’t like you were much taller than him, not at all, but Christ did he find it sexy. Your red lips pulled into a smirk as he slowly strolled towards you, hands in the pockets of his black slacks, black button up half way unbuttoned. He looked ravishing as always.
“Can’t live without me?” He asks, voice as deep as the neckline hugging your breasts.
“I’m just a girl Yoongi” you practically whispered, hair as red as a flame as it covered your covered your face slightly.
“Just a girl,” he chuckled, standing in front of you now, long, rough, fingers gripping onto your chin softly, “just a girl who loves me?”.
You smiled softly, icy eyes staring right into his, “just a girl who loves your cock”.
Licking his lips and biting his bottom lip as he looks at your own he mutters, “that’s basically being in love with me.”
His lips caught yours in a kiss so lewd from the start it could leave anyone breathless and faltering as quickly as you right now. It wasn’t your fault. His hands now pressed against your neck, applying some pressure for the right amount of tension. It burnt, the kiss. It was hot, his tongue fighting with yours as you finally regained your balance. As much as you loved yoongi being all dominant, you also loved taking control over him.
And it was so easy. Oh so easy to have him submitting.
With just the softest push from your palm, he detached from the sloppy kiss. Though your lipstick was slightly smudged now, you didn’t really care. Instead, you propped yourself up on top of the piano, the dress bunching up around your hips, bare ass sticking to the surface of the black tile.
Looking I’m as deeply in his eyes as possible, you smirked once again, leaning against the back of your palms, your feet planted themselves against the surface. Spreading your legs slowly, you revealed to him your bare pussy. He scoffed in amusement. Both hands now back in his pockets as his head tipped to the side. Cat like smirk on his face.
“Easy access hm?”
“Less talking yoongi,” you whispered back, “more eating”.
Eyes shining with something dangerous, you immediately knew this wasn’t going to be an easy night. He stood between your legs now, palms baring his weight against the piano he looks at you one last time, before pulling you further up on the piano, dropping his lower half more onto it, his eyes shone darkly. Then as you were about to scold him for taking so long, you noticed the saliva dropping onto your pussy. And you had to bite down on your lip as he disappeared between your legs.
The first contact the tip of his tongue made with your clit is what made you catch your breathe. Immediately dropping onto the piano flat. It was subtle at first, just small flicks with the tip of his tongue on your clit. He was teasing, not as easily submitting as you thought he would. But it all just makes it so much more exciting.
As you started to lift your hips up, trying to push yourself further on his tongue, he chuckled. Finally opening his mouth wide enough to kiss your entire pussy in one go. Licking from the bottom to the top. God he was so fucking good at this. His wet muscles continued to do that for a few strokes, before eventually he got bored of it. He finally suctioned onto your clit, earning his first audible moan. His tongue peaked out again, softly rubbing circles against it as you became wetter and wetter, your breathing becoming more ragged as you pussy clenched around nothing. Whimpering a little when it wasn’t enough. God you wanted him so deep inside you right now.
His middle finger circled your entrance, dancing around it before he entered just the beginning of it. You felt stimulated now. His tongue circling your clit in medium pace as his lips suctioned around it. Finger now dipping in and out of you, he continued like that for a few minutes, watching your slow build up. The way your stomach would rise and fall as quickly as your breathing. The way your hands moulded your breasts, pretty fingers rubbing your nipples in stimulation with his tongue. He drew your first orgasm pretty quickly and without much effort.
But he wasn’t done. No this was his warm up, this was what he called the first stretch. He rode your high out, and without letting you catch your breath, he added his ring finger inside you. Making you hiss out of overstimulation. They were soft at first, in and out. Steady. His lips kissing around your pussy, sucking on one lip before moving onto the other. Then, his tongue flattened against your clit, shaking his head side to side as the small screech that left you fuelled him on. His mouth went back to sucking onto your clit, tongue now flicking up and down vigorously. Fingers picking up their pace and curling upwards inside you. With your moan getting stuck inside your throat and your head picking up of the flat surface, your free palm slammed down into the piano, other hand grabbing onto his hair tighter. Pulling him off you as your first squirt drilled onto the shiny tile. It was small but it was there, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your legs closed.
“Isn’t this what you wanted Y/N?”
Hopping off the piano on wobbly legs, you pushed him with such intent onto the chair in-front of it. Quickly dropping to your knees as you worked on his belt, pulling him out like your life depend on it.
Smirking at how hard he was you chuckled softly, “always so ready for me aren’t you Yoongi?”
Not letting him answer, you wrap your pretty little lips around the tip of his cock. Sucking gently before swirling your tongue. He immediately sucked a sharp hiss in, his hand splaying down on the piano as your lips continued to travel further down his dick. Your tongue flat underneath him. He looked so pretty like this, hunched over you with his eyes shut close and his lips wide open, cheeks blushing.
Taking him further down your throat, you didn’t waste time before you started bobbing your head up and down, slowly at first, building the tension in his stomach. His other hand around the back of your hand, forcing you to go faster, and you did, immediately hollowing your cheeks even tighter. Making him groan as you looked right up at him, eye to eye. Your last move almost killed him, lips suckling on the tip as your tongue applied pressure right underneath it, right on the bottom of the slit were his soft spot was. That’s when he harshly pulled you off, practically ripping the black dress off of you.
Leaving you bare in front of him, he pulled his slacks further down his legs, beckoning you to come forward and straddle him as he helped you sink down onto him slowly. Your jaw hung low as you gazed into each others eyes, feeling him everywhere. So deep inside your stomach and so deep inside your head. Fuck you hated and loved him at the same time.
“Promise you one thing Y/N” he mutters in your ear, both hands on your neck softly, resting right under your jaw, “no one will ever fuck you the way I do.”
“I’m glad you still love me” you reply, just as hazily and quietly.
He doesn’t deny it, he shakes his head with a soft chuckle, and instead he says, “I never will stop loving you. Even if we can never work this out”.
Scared you might end up wounded right after this, you shut him up with your lips, kissing him deeply and harshly as he feels everything both of you are too afraid to say.
Starting your slow movements, you watched in the mirror opposite you. The way you rose up and sank down back on him. The way his face nuzzled inside your neck and the way your cheek rested on-top of the mop on his head. Rolling your hips into his, you moaned. Digging your nails into his shoulders, before you could feel the fire buzzing off him. Within seconds he had you on the floor. Knees digging into the hard panel.
He didn’t beat around the bush, kneeling in the same position as you but behind, he entered you again. This time the moan leaving your lips was loud. His hand wrapped around your waist, flushing you against him as he began moving at an animalistic pace. Having you in a mess on the floor. His dick was reaching places you know only he knew of. He had you panting with him, his hand forcing your head to looking the mirror.
“Look how pretty you look getting destroyed by my cock hm?”
You were far too gone to respond, watching in the mirror through hooded eyes. Fuck he was good, your pussy was begging to for relief. Begging to cum. You could feel it down your legs and in your toes. The coil in your stomach ready to snap any second and you were done for when his hand reached for your clit, rubbing circles as you moaned his name like a chant, sounds of skin on skin and wetness so lewd anyone who’d pass by would know of the sinful scenes behind the locked doors.
“Fuck, cum for me slut”.
And within a few more sloppy thrusts of his own, you came right with him for the first time. Both of you panting messy and hot. Your orgasm so good you forgot your name for a second.
“Hobi is going to hate us.”
AN: poor hobi :’) hope y’all enjoyed.
No rewriting, copying, translation or reposting on any other platform other than sharing on tumblr permitted!!!
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axigailxo · 2 years
fix you | jjk
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pairing. jungkook x reader established relationship au
genre. angst, eventual fluff
w.c. 1.6k
summary. Jungkook sings to you in the bath after an argument that lead to you getting wasted and him having to take care of you.
contains. mentions of alcohol, implications of alcohol abuse, explicit language, toxic behaviors, angry jk, caring/soft jk, wasted oc
"It was one fucking bottle, Jungkook."
Jungkook gently shuts his eyes and takes another deep breath as if acting calm and breathing shallowly will potentially ease the bitter mood that's engulfed you both.
This isn't how he had hoped to spend his night with you. The complete opposite is what he originally aimed for. So when he discovered that 'one fucking bottle' carelessly shattered on the kitchen floor when he got home from work, he knew he had to go through another one of these with you.
'These' being a talk, or lecture, where he attempts to calmly and politely ask you to ease down on your alcohol intake, only for you to downplay his absurd accusations and question him for questioning you about something you don’t think is such a big deal.
"Yeah, one shattered bottle. Y/N, you're wasted, you could have slipped and hurt yourself on that glass." Jungkook's tone is of gentle disbelief, angry that you can't see the blatant danger you had put yourself in all while trying his best to remain soft and calm since he knows you're not in the right headspace.
However, you genuinely don't understand why he's blowing it out of proportion. You're not even drunk, you tell yourself.
"Stop talking to me like I'm drunk, for fucks sake. And okay I dropped the bottle? I was going to clean it before you got home, I got dizzy earlier and couldn’t." You get up from your seat on the couch and walk over to the kitchen which is now also known as an apparent crime scene. "Are you even complaining as my boyfriend who cares or a roommate that's upset about the mess?"
His jaw clenched the more you continued to downplay everything, and when he sees you go to pick up another bottle from the wine rack, he ditches that subtle approach he was taking and lets his anger be known to you.
"I don't give a fuck about the mess! I'm upset at how careless you are, always fucking drinking irresponsibly and making me seem like I'm insane for worrying about it. It's exhausting, Y/N. So fucking exauhsting."
You scoff as you take the corkscrew out of a drawer.
"Then you should go to sleep and stop worrying about me if you're so tired and 'exhausted', Jungkook.” You make a petty note to bump into his shoulder as you walk past him with the wine bottle and corkscrew in hand and to the bedroom, the door slamming shut behind you.
Pressing the power button on the remote, Jungkook tosses it back onto the coffee table as he crashes back against the couch with a sigh. He tried to distract himself from the past events, but it’s not working as all he can do is wonder what’s going on in your mind right now.
He’s not even mad, just concerned. He tried looking at it from the perspective of him being wrong, but his pride and overall mind just didn’t make sense of it. He had a right to be angry. As your boyfriend, he’s supposed to get angry at things like that. Especially when you don’t take accountability for it.
He did wonder for a while if he was too hard on you. Was there another approach to take other than accusing you like how he did? Or did he do exactly what he should have? Jungkook narrowed it down to the second one. He nicely tried to start a conversation with you, not an argument. He was concerned and needed to have that conversation. It’s not his fault that you weren’t being mature about it.
And just like that, all thoughts vanish from his once clouded mind as he hears a harsh thump coming from the bedroom.
“Y/N?” he instinctively calls out while jogging up to the door. It’s locked.
Wiggling rather profusely on the locked knob, his other hand goes to knock.
“Y/N, what was that noise?”
He started to become more and more panicked the longer you didn’t answer, so out of options he runs over to the kitchen to grab a toothpick before rushing back and inserting it into the small hole in the center of the knob.
After succeeding, his eyes scavenge the room and when you're nowhere in sight, his heart clenches.
“Y/N!” he shouts as he peeks over the bed, next to the dresser, and every other open space that you could possibly be.
His ears perk up at the vague mumble of his name, rushing into the direction it came from which was the bathroom.
Sitting against the shower door in a soaked t-shirt, your tear-stained cheeks and red nose stand out to him as he makes his way over to you, holding you against him as he frantically checks your body for any major damages.
You continue your silent sob, and he notices as he sits up straight and observes your saddened features again.
His brows furrow in confusion and hurt, hardly able to bear seeing you like this, and just as he gets ready to ask what you were trying to do, you speak.
“I wanted to wash off all the sadness.” you drunkenly pout, head-nodding over to the shower behind you that's still dripping droplets of water out of the shower head.
“Jagi.” Jungkook breathes before shaking his head, palm rubbing at his temple. “You can't do that, okay? Let’s get you up, you need a bath then some rest.”
He’s well aware you’re out of it, the alcohol highly apparent in your breath, and he doesn’t doubt you finished the whole bottle again.
“Did you drink it all?” he asks calmly, almost nicely, as he throws one of your arms over his shoulder to guide you up.
You shake your head no, leaning your weight onto him as he walks you over to the edge of the bathtub.
“I’m s-sorry.” you sob again, this time into his shoulder. He focuses his attention on getting you sat against the tub, your back leaning against the wall as he peels the wet fabric from your body.
“Jungkook, please say something, I don’t want you to be mad. You’re right, I shouldn’t have -”
“I’m not mad at you, Y/N.”
Your pouty lips and wide red eyes find his, and he gives you the smallest smile you think you’ve ever seen.
He’s quick to advert from your eyes, though, keeping himself busy by reaching over to flick the tub’s faucet on. He wants to talk to you about what happened more than anything, just not right now. Especially not when you’re like this.
Despite how drunk you may be, you somehow understand that. You can understand how that’s reasonable, so you close your lips and refrain from shedding any more light on the topic.
Just pretend you never argued.
Pretend as if nothing happened.
Only to wake up and be reminded.
You sob again, your thoughts seeming to be never-ending. Jungkook decides it’s best to just let you cry. He hates it, but realistically there’s nothing he can do.
“Let’s get you in,” he speaks loud enough so you can hear him over your own cries, his hand guiding your arm to slump over his shoulder again as he very carefully walks you into the tub, helping you sit inside as the water continues to fill.
“Is that comfortable?” he asks while stepping out. He takes your new silence as a yes, and just as he believes your okay since you stopped crying, you pull him back in.
“Shit— Y/N!” he exclaims as he falls into the half-filled tub, his once dry clothes now drenched from the waist down.
“Stay in here with me.” you softly plead, like a child who just had a nightmare and wants their parent to sleep with them. He sighs and rubs at his temple, a habit that he picked up just tonight.
He debates in his head for a prolonged moment, not wanting you to cry again but also not wanting to stay sitting in a bath fully clothed. He settles on stripping just his shirt, getting himself as comfortable as possible in the claustrophobic tub before pulling you to lean against his chest.
He turns the nob off, reaches for the loofa, and you beat him to the liquid soap. He halts his pace as you take it upon yourself to squeeze the bottle all over your naked chest.
You sit there frozen and waiting for a second or two before asking him “are you going to wash me or not?”
Your tone wasn’t rude, it was humorous. And Jungkook lets himself smile at it. He’s glad you’re back to being happy again, even if it’s temporary and just a dumb joke.
He brings the loofa to your chest, lathering the floral-scented soap softly along your breasts, then to your neck, then back down your breasts and you giggle when he reaches a certain spot on your stomach.
He can’t help but lightly giggle back, softly apologizing and explaining how he forgot you were ticklish.
As he continues to scrub at your arms and shoulders, he realizes the mood is finally normal. He tries to pretend like nothing else happened tonight except for this moment. He wishes he didn’t fight with you, wishes that you didn’t drink. He wishes he can stay like this forever with you.
But he also knows it was a minor fight and with the right words, you’ll both work it out and use this as an excuse to become even better than you were before. That is the power of love after all.
"Gukkie, can you sing for me?"
A/N: we love a full circle moment 😗 but i’d be lying if i said i didn’t rush the ending bc i have major writers block rn 😭 forgive me lol :/ but in case you did like it, make sure to like, reblog, and send feedback <3
*also this was originally supposed to be a quick drabble for the attached audio but i decided to build it up im sry 😭
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Jungkook x Reader - Your Brother's Best Friend (College AU)
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Title: Brother's Best Friend
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 1.3k
Prompt: hii, if you are taking requests am I able to request a brothers best friend type scenario with Jungkook? (for @alexnicolaidisss)
The opportunity to have sleepovers when you shared your college apartment with your brother - consequently also your boyfriend’s best friend - were few and far between. So when your brother had announced his intention to head home for the weekend to spend some time with your parents, you had jumped at the chance to have Jungkook over for a night of movies and cuddles.
The two of you had decided ages ago that you'd wanted to keep your relationship quiet from Y/B/N. You knew he wouldn't have been fond of the idea of you dating one of his college sports league teammates. Besides, it would've made for a mess all around if the two of you had ended up splitting and he was stuck in the middle of it all, so for the time being, you just wanted to stay in your own little bubble.
And it had been working out swimmingly. It was actually kind of fun sneaking around and having a little secret just between the two of you.
Until, of course, it wasn't.
You had been waiting for what felt like half an hour for Jungkook to return from the kitchen. He’d insisted on going to the refrigerator to get some water; having you dehydrated during the night was not something he was going to stand for. When a couple of minutes turned to five, you’d assumed he’d made a pit stop at the bathroom. But when five minutes turned into ten and then fifteen, you started to become confused. 
Finally, you rolled to check your phone, your heart jumping with panic when you saw the message that had been waiting there for you for the last five minutes.
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You shot up from your bed, pacing your room for a moment, trying to keep your thoughts straight. Making your choice quickly, you made your way out of the room, sneaking past your brother who was laid out across the couch watching sports. You inched your way behind the counter, kneeling down behind the counter where Jungkook was hunched, the glass of water he'd gone to the kitchen for still clutched firmly in his hand.
"He wasn't supposed to be here tonight," Jungkook whispered in his panic, though careful not to elapse the volume of the TV.
"You think I don't know that?" you replied sarcastically, shuffling to maintain your balance.
"We're screwed. We're so screwed."
"We're not screwed," you whispered reassuringly, taking the glass of water from his hand, "I'm going to distract him and you're going to go back to my room and wait for me. It's fine."
"Trust me. He's oblivious to pretty much everything. You'll be fine."
And with that you were on your feet, taking wide strides into the living room. "I didn't think you were going to be home tonight," you said conversationally, sitting down across from your brother on a lounge chair.
"Ah, yeah," he let out a sigh along with a shrug, sinking further into the couch. "Mom said she wasn't feeling 100% so we decided to just wait until next weekend. Figured I'd just come home and watch the game in the meantime. You wanna have a beer and watch?" he asked, pointed to the six-pack on the floor beside him.
"No, that's alright," you chuckled, shaking your head and waving your glass of water by way of explanation, "I was going to call it an early night anyway. I've got a little bit of a headache."
And with that, you pushed yourself up from your seat and made your way back to your room, having given Jungkook enough time to skirt the edge of the living room and flee back down the hallway to your bedroom. Once you were back in the bedroom with the door closed behind you, you and Jungkook breathed out a shared sigh of relief.
"That was too close," he said, lips pursed into a tight line when you turned back to him.
"He didn't notice and that's all the matters," you said, flopping back on your bed. In the months that the two of you had been doing this you'd had several close calls, whether it be around campus or in the apartment, but this was the first time you'd come this close to being found out. And the feeling was unsettling to say the least.
"We can't keep doing this," Jungkook said, raking a hand through his hair, "we've got to tell him. This is too much."
"Jungkook, it's fine-"
He shook his head again, taking a seat on the edge of the bed and burying his hands in his hair. "No, it's not. I don't think you understand how stressful this is for me, Y/N. I see him everyday. I probably see him more than you do. And I just have to smile and lie. Eventually, we're going to get so far down the road and the lie will have grown so much that there's no way he's going to be able to forgive us when it comes out and-"
"Kook-ah, you're spiraling," you whispered, coming to rest in front of him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing a kiss to his forehead to try to calm him, "is it really effecting you that much?"
"Yeah," he finally conceded, letting his head drop against your shoulder, "I hate lying to him. You don't?"
"No, I definitely don't like it either," you agreed, prying yourself away then and sitting down alongside him, intertwining your fingers, "We're going to have to talk to him in the morning, aren't we?" you asked, giving Jungkook the option to refuse if he wanted.
"In the morning? Not now?"
You shook your head, reaching across the bed for the remote on your nightstand. "Not now. Tonight, I just want to have a movie night and cuddles, like we planned. Tomorrow, we'll come clean. Okay?"
"Yeah, okay," he agreed, laying back to sprawl out across the bed and you did the same, picking something on Netflix to give you some ambient noise.
"Hey," you murmured a moment later, hoisting yourself up and over Jungkook in order to press a peck to his lips. "Love you."
"Yeah, I love you, too."
With that, his normal chipper attitude was restored and your movie night continued until you both drifted off into a sweet slumber.
My inbox and messages are currently open! Please send me any drabble requests and MTLs you would like to see! Happy reading! &lt;3
Click here for my Masterlist!
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yoongikapi · 2 years
cold outside | jjk | oneshot
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jungkook’s large hand warmed yours as the two of you walked hand-in-hand down the road. it was his idea to go on a nice, romantic walk to the park regardless of the freezing temperature. you tried to hold your teeth back from chattering as you didnt want to ruin this moment with him. you silently were relieved when the two of you finally reached the park, you wanted nothing more than to get back to the house and take a nice warm shower.
“common (y/n), i’ll race you to the swings!” jungkook laughed out. regardless of how cold you were, you couldn’t resist a little competition and gave into jungkooks’ request. he ended up beating you and you had to push him on the swings as a punishment. the two of you laughed together, enjoying each other’s company and you soon forgot about how cold you were until jungkook had said something.
“hey (y/n) i think its time to head back, you’re starting to shake.” you looked down at your hands and realized that jungkook was right; they were numb and shaking. you ran over to him and he hugged you tight. as the two of you began to walk home, he took his own jacket off and wrapped it around you then squeezed your hand tight in his. he smiled down at you and the two of you enjoyed the rest of your freezing walk home together.
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bunnykoos · 9 months
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sillytaetime · 10 months
BTS Master-List
Just A Spark~ J.JK 💜
Visiting them~ Reaction 💜
Fight Night~ P.JM 💜
Fluff AZ : K.TH 💜
Fluff AZ: J.JK 💜
Fluff AZ: P.JM 💜
Last time fully updated: 06-25-2023
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bunnybubae · 8 months
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I've had this idea for a multi-chaptered story in my mind for like 1 year.
This idea grew and grew, details started to add up all together, changes occured and some scenes left the original plan while others fitted in just right!
After a month of planning, I can finally start working on the actual writing!
I'm so excited to make this baby a real thing! Can't wait to share this 10ish chapters with you all! 🥹❤️
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agustdtown1 · 13 days
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PAIRING: jeon jungkook x fem!reader.
SUMMARY: jeon jungkook was a man like no other, one that cared for you and your sinful needs more than he should, and for that you will forever be grateful.
WC: 5.6k
WARNINGS: age gap, jungkook’s older than reader (although there’s no mention of a specific age), their relationship is not the healthiest but they manage, jk’s line of work is not specified but it is hinted that it’s illegal, small (very small) mention of blood, pet names (doll, princess, pretty girl…), it is hinted —and mentioned, that reader doesn’t have much experience about sex, smut, pwp (porn with plot because I got carried away, but only here and there), restraining, blindfolding, unprotected sex (be better), fingering, light choking, biting, marking, name calling (slut, dumb), jk cumming inside reader, i kinda rushed the end so it’s not that good tbh. 18+ only!
A/N: so… this is my first time writing for the boys since I created my account, I hope this is not as bad as I think it is and that you can enjoy your reading. Lmk what you think and also, english is not my first language so if there’s any grammar/spelling mistakes pls just ignore them <3!
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“Stay still.”
A husky voice rang into your ears, making a feeling as warm as the sun start to spread through your whole body; an electrifying sensation running through your veins, while goosebumps found solace on your skin. His voice has always been your favorite sound. The raspiness and low register adorning the man’s voice often got you weak in the knees, whenever he would whisper to you or call your name. And this time was no different, however, it seemed to have a stronger power over you. As magnetic as the voice of a siren, pulling the unlucky sailors out of the safety of their boats and into the depths of the cold water of the ocean; ready to devour them in such a frenzy that the last thing you could hear from the poor men was the start of a plea that would forever be unfinished.
Regardless of the difference between scenarios, the comparison seemed to be fitting. Jeon Jungkook was often described as magnetic, with the words alluring and charming following not so far behind. It would explain why you were found in such an interesting predicament at the moment.
A chill breeze brushing over your warm, bare skin, snapped you out of your wandering thoughts. The indication was short and simple. Discard your clothes from the very first moment you walk into the room and wait for him in bed. And so, your body, as many times before, was left completely exposed to Junkook’s hungry eyes; moreover, his eagerness to devour you was crystal clear, not daring to hide his fervent desire of having another taste of your sweet body. Watching you like a predator would to its prey.
His hands were tingling with excitement, for the future adventure both of you would go through, in a matter of minutes. Tonight, like many others, was dedicated solely to you, to your enjoyment; for you to, once again, discover a part of yourself that has yet to see the morning sun and yet to taste the deliciousness of the unknown. A new experience, a new journey, a brand new feeling for you to replay over and over again in your head, during those painfully lonely nights, when you could only find calmness in the feather-like touch of your fingers, running through your needy and greedy body.
Jungkook, however, knew exactly what he was doing by making you wait until your breaking point, waiting for a whine to fall from your precious lips, or for your desperate hand to reach out to him, whatever happens first, but in a silent plea for even a sliver of his attention. He had memorized every gesture, every reaction, every movement you would do, and it entertained the man more than it should.
“You’re tense.” Jungkook pointed out, easing the knots in your shoulders with his skillful hands. “What’s gotten you this aggravated, princess?”
It was the mocking tone, the graceful touch, or even his inviting eyes; whatever it was, it served as a decisive factor to push yourself forward and wrap your arms around his empty neck, like a snake would with its prey; hard and firm.
Desperate hands were first, then.
“You.” An answer was uttered, yet there was a lack of reaction from the man in front of you.
“Could’ve fooled me.” Jungkook taunted, acknowledging the power he had over you. “But don’t think I have forgotten the order I gave you.”
It left you confused for a good second, before his strong hands reached out for yours, stripping himself off from your needy touch.
“Stay still.” Jeon ordered once again, smirking once you obeyed.
You knew better than to challenge him, knowing that your safest option was to follow his instructions with no objection, if you wanted to get your awaited reward, that is.
Who would have thought that you’d be so accustomed to this routine. If asked, then give. If given, then be grateful for it.
The older man has improved your sex life in a matter of a few months, introducing your inexperienced self to the wonders of healthy and eccentric intercourse. Jungkook has proven to you many times in the span of a few months that your negative expectations of sex were granted by your poorly skilled sexual partners. Never once experiencing a dull moment since you were left in the dangerous hands of Jeon Jungkook.
If asked, then give. If given, be grateful.
Just like a believer would with whatever God sets in their path. Just like a kid would when a gift was left under the Christmas tree. You were grateful. It was easy to be. For it was gratefulness that had been installed within you from the moment yours and Jungkook’s paths have crossed.
Nonetheless, as grateful as you were, the hesitation in the back of your head didn’t seem to want to leave. The more Jungkook gave you, the more you wondered if you deserved it. But it reasoned with you that the true cause for your indecisiveness was the premise under which your relationship with the tattooed man had developed.
They don’t make men like him anymore, it’s what your friend had told you when she first introduced you to him, and it scared you. It frightened you that your only option to survive in such a cruel world was to cling to a man that was yet to explain what his line of work was. But then again, you didn’t want to know.
If Jungkook came back from work, looking unkempt and exhausted it was none of your business. That blood stain has always been on his shirt for all you knew. His sketchy friends have never once disrespected you, and that was enough for the time being. If he has broken the law, you don't need to know.
You would never know.
If asked, then give. If given, be grateful. If grateful, show it.
That’s a matter in which you could actually participate. In fact, it’s the way you were taught to be for the past few months.
You earn what you’re given, so show manners and be thankful.
Don’t question, just take. A mindset that has gotten you to where you were right now. In the bedroom of, by far, the most dangerous man in all Korea. Yet, not once has your well-being been threatened, and for that you're grateful.
And you're about to show it.
“You deserve it.” Jungkook reminded you before straying away to roam through his drawers.
The anticipation was killing you. Your eager eyes couldn’t see past his bare and muscular back facing you. Jeon thrived on the way your lustful gaze would always settle on his body, hence the lack of a shirt. Only a low waisted pair of jeans, that allowed you to see the hem of his Calvin Klein underwear, were preventing you from seeing his firm thighs.
You enjoyed the view, more than you probably should. How his muscles flexed when he moved, and the way his toned back shone under the dim light of the room.
It was such a delectable sight for your painfully sore eyes.
“You ready?” The question snapped you out of your thoughts, making you notice how close he was now.
“Yes.” You answered with light hesitation.
Your major enemy showing up once again: indecisiveness. But that wouldn’t stop you from giving yourself to the man in front of you. Not this time.
“Yes, what?” Jeon insisted. “Don’t forget your manners.”
“Yes, sir, I’m ready.” It fell naturally from your lips.
A satisfied smirk appeared on his face.
“Good girl.”
The dark haired man reached out for your wrists, placing a delicate kiss on both of them before tying them with a silky tie of his, and forcing your wandering hands to stay still once and for all.
“Do you trust me?” Jungkook gently asked.
“No, sir, I don’t.”
It was the only correct answer, and both you and Jungkook knew it.
The moment he earned your trust would be the moment he’d have to leave you behind, to fend for yourself and for you to learn how to navigate through the dark corners of your unlucky life.
Trusting him means leaving your guard down, leaving your guard down means being vulnerable, and Jungkook knew better than to be vulnerable, especially in the type of life he lived in. He didn’t want you to make that mistake, and if it meant giving you reasons to doubt him, then so be it.
“Are you gonna do as I say?” Jeon inquired.
“I will.”
“Good.” He leaned down to steal a harsh kiss from you. “You have no idea how bad I’m going to ruin you tonight.”
A slight shiver ran down your spine, knowing too well that his words were far from being an empty promise.
His tattooed hands descended on your bare body, ever so delicate, ever so tender. A stark contrast to what his real intentions were, and it left you craving more of it. Your insatiable desire for being thoroughly worshiped by his lips, his hands, all of him. It was never enough, and it will never be.
Like a stray dog in need of being fed, you needed his touch to be satisfied. Luckily for you, Jungkook was always a man to deliver everything you asked for, even if not verbally.
His eyes, never swerving from your body, took in all the reactions you gave him; from the way your lips formed a perfect o-shape, freeing the most delicious sounds, to how your back arched oh so naturally when his already trained fingers made their way towards the south part of your body. The place where he would get baptized every night, like a strong believer. Ending his thirst with the holy liquid you would suffice him with, not once asking for anything in return, but thankful of his merciful goddess showing appreciation for his dedication.
The only thing is, you weren’t a goddess and he wasn’t a believer. And the whole scenario was way more dirty in reality than what you’d often fantasize.
“Such a pretty doll.” Jungkook brought you back into reality with his husky voice, “Always so responsive.”
His middle finger traveled down to reach your entrance, teasing you with his light touch. Waiting for your reaction, waiting for you to beg. But just like he knew you so well, it was easy for you to tell when he wanted something from you. So rather than give Jungkook what he wanted, you settled for playing a game that would get you in a situation where not even God would help you.
You moved your hips ever so lightly, testing how far you could go without the tattooed man reminding you who’s in charge. Chasing his touch was easy, attaining it was a whole different story. And it was proven to you that tonight the ball was not in your court, when all you got was a chuckle from the man, while he retrieved his hand and leaned down to be face to face with you.
“Have you not learned anything yet, princess?” His dark voice made you tremble in your spot. “Or have you forgotten how things work around here, hm?”
Unwilling to answer, the only response he got from you was a strained whine, yet Jeon could see the desperation in your eyes, the fervent desire to be ruined by him, to be left defenseless and at his complete mercy. Your body wasn’t yours anymore; it stopped being yours the moment he set his eyes on you.
Jeon Jungkook owned you, that much was obvious. And as terrifying as it was, the fact was equally thrilling.
“How badly do you want me?” He tried again, with a question that drove you crazy. “Be good for me and say the words, princess.”
Wasn’t it evident? People often thought that you were too harsh to deal with, too rude, too much to handle. It didn’t offend you, nor did it crack your heart whenever someone would complain about your hot temper and crude attitude. However, at this precise moment, you were giving the man in front of you exactly what he was asking for, albeit not verbally, but your body was working on its own accord. For every light touch, Jeon would get a shiver, squirming, even a plea from your eyes. Any reaction that was in the books, you were already serving it for him.
Nonetheless, it seemed like you weren’t compliant enough for the older man.
“So bad.” You opted to respond instead, finally giving in. “I need you, I want you. Please, sir.”
It was like music to his ears. Your delightful voice, flying through the room as if it were the sweetest melody. Not even the singing of an angel would achieve the reaction that you were pulling from Jungkook right now. Just listening to you beg for him, that’s all Jeon ever wanted.
“You are being so good and polite, baby.” He praised you. “I’ll give you what you need, but…” The dark haired man drifted off, pulling out a blindfold from the back of his jeans. “I’m afraid we’ll do it my way.”
Terrifying, as looking into the depths of a deserted forest, but it was sinful enough for you to crave it. It was exciting regardless of what the whole ordeal entailed. Therefore, when the tall man approached you, with a silky blindfold resting on his hands, you were ready to follow his orders with no objections.
In a matter of seconds you were deprived of Junkook’s hard features, leaving you with a view of pure darkness, and causing your body to start squirming and moving around due to the anticipation. It was difficult to find calmness in such a stressful moment, but you managed. However, Jeon decided to start toying with you, taking advantage of the fact that you were unaware of your surroundings. And so his fingers commenced a trip down the tender flesh of your neck, rapidly traveling down your collarbones and lightly gracing your nipples, only for later on to pinch both of your buds in a harsh manner, one that ripped a strained gasp out of your mouth.
A sardonic smile took place on his face, however, you couldn’t see it. His free hand traveled up to push your cheeks together, enjoying how plump your lips looked and not being able to resist the urge to bite them.
Your breath hitched in your throat when you felt his teeth sinking in the flesh of your lips, along with the way his fingers were kneading every inch of your body.
“Relax and stay still.” Jeon ordered. “I know you’ll love this.”
His soothing voice was helping you to calm down, but it wasn’t enough. The sensations that were running through your body and the lack of proper touch left you in an unbearable agony. You craved to feel him closer, for his skin touching yours, for his breath mixing with yours while your bodies were intertwined in a passionate race to free both of your souls. What he was giving you wasn’t enough, but then again, when has it been?
A greedy little thing, that’s what Jungkook has always called you. And rightfully so, because you longed for him in ways no one else had done, and it scared him. Jeon was afraid you might be too attached to him, moreover, to your own idea of him. The way you would reach for his hand, almost as second nature, when you were out and about, or how your eyes always gravitated towards his figure whenever he stepped into a room. That terrified him. Because it meant you were addicted to him in the same way he was to you, and that could only mean trouble in the long run.
Tonight, however, was not about his fears and insecurities. Tonight was meant to be for you; to supply you with the utmost pleasure you were able to handle, and even if you couldn’t, Jungkook was willing to give you more than what you asked for. So rather than letting his mind wander to places he wasn’t fond of, the man decided to grant you what you were desperately looking for.
His slender fingers slid into your warm hole, filling you up as best as possible. Moving in ways that would haunt you forever, as a reminder that no one —not even yourself, will be able to touch you and treat you like he could.
“There you go…” He muttered, so close to your ear that made you shiver. “Is that enough for my little slut?”
His husky voice echoed through every corner of the room, pulling a light gasp out of you. It wasn’t strange for you to hear him say such lewd things or call you such unspeakable names, but every single time he did, it awakened a wild sensation within you.
Answering to his question you shook your head no, adamant to get more of him, and desperately wanting to be filled to the brim with something more than his fingers.
“More…” You begged. “Please, more.”
His fingers were avidly moving, pumping in and out of your velvety walls at a steady pace. His touch seemed to be enhanced and it felt much more than any other time. Whether it was because you couldn’t see nor could you touch anything, or because of his skillful movements, you couldn’t tell. Nevertheless, there was no complaint. It felt terribly good.
“Yes, please don’t stop.”
Your whiny voice was making Jungkook experience unspeakable things. He was eager to have you, eager to touch you, eager to have a taste of you. But more importantly, so desperate to fuck you. In the same way he awakened a wild side of you with his dark stare, you drove him absolutely crazy with the little noises you made. Furthermore, having you underneath him, moaning his name while squirming in pleasure, and feeling pure bliss due to how good he made you feel, was boosting his ego.
Jeon Jungkook was a man that always strived to be praised, even for the little and insignificant things. So to say he was thrilled and satisfied by the way you were chanting his name like a sinful prayer, along with how your body was responding insanely good to his touch, would be an enormous understatement.
He was on the verge of losing control and claiming you in such an animalistic way, that would leave anyone who happened to be near his room, concerned for your well-being.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you look like this?” It was a question that didn’t need an answer.
Jungkook was entranced by the way you were reacting to his touch, watching your skin coated in goosebumps and how your legs would try to wrap around his waist to pull him closer, in need of him. It has always amazed him how innocent and clueless you looked and acted on the daily, yet somehow you knew what to do to make him act up, to drive him crazy. It was as if you were just pretending to know nothing just to tease him, just to make him never leave you, but deep down Jungkook knew you were sincere.
Your life has been tough, to say the least, and he knew you were in need of guidance, in need of someone to hold your hand and walk you through the crude stages of life. Jeon has never told you, but part of the reason why he took interest in you was due to his protective instinct. The older man knew you needed protection, from who or what? It wasn’t clear, but he instantly knew he was the right one to do it.
Oddly enough, there was no one better than the most dangerous man in South Korea to keep you safe.
But the way you would act so innocently drove him crazy.
Even when you tried to act confident, there was this sprinkle of hesitation every time you did something —indecisiveness striking again. And it was difficult to ignore it, moreover, it was difficult to hide it. The man could see right through your weak act, and spot your nervousness from miles away.
Even when you sucked him off in his office after a tiring meeting, he knew you were slightly scared to do such a thing.
Someone pretending to be clueless wouldn’t act as eager and clumsy as you did back then, although there has been some improvement since that time. Your teeth wouldn’t make an appearance anymore, you would use the right amount of saliva to make it messy but still look appealing for Jeon. The man loved how now you use more of your tongue to tease his tip and how far he could go into your throat. But none of that would’ve been attained without his help.
If given, be grateful. If grateful, show it.
It all goes back to the same predicament: you often showing your thankfulness for every little thing Jungkook has done for you.
He saved you, in the same way that a human would take an injured bird into their home to help it heal. Only for the person to cage it after the bird it’s back on its feet. Whereas Jeon Jungkook saved you from your previous way of living, he also owned you, preventing you from leaving his side.
Your broken moan snapped the dark haired man back into reality. His eyes were glazed with lust, looking right down on you and your tempting body.
“Are you close yet, doll?”
He knew you were. Jungkook could feel you clenching on his fingers, but he wanted to hear it from you.
“Yes, I’m so close.” You whined.
Your hands were moving so much, trying to break free from the tie that was preventing you from touching him. Jeon silently enjoyed it, he enjoyed how addicted to him you were, that it was a torture for you to not touch him in any way. You were so accustomed to feeling him, every single inch, that being restrained felt like pure hell.
“Please… More, faster…” You once again begged, and this time Jungkook couldn’t handle it.
Ignoring your protests, he pulled his fingers out, rapidly stripping off the rest of his clothes to position himself in between your legs. Because yes, he was on the verge of losing control before, but now his racional side flew out the window, and so he couldn’t wait a second longer to be wrapped in the warmth of your walls, ready to take him in.
“My sweet girl, don’t be impatient.” Jungkook cooed at you. “I’ll give you something better.”
Without further ado, he thrusted into you with a hard pump. It ripped a moan out of you, making you tug at the tie even more. You were beyond annoyed that you couldn’t touch him nor could you see his beautiful figure while he fucked you, although it enhanced the rest of your senses.
You could hear his little noises more clearly, feel his touch even better than you usually would, and taste him so much more in every kiss he gave you. It was truly a blessing and a curse.
“You’re so tight, Y/n.” Jungkook gritted through his teeth, preventing himself from moving manically just yet.
Jeon could see the struggle in your face, the way you were clenching on his dick so hard that it was almost impossible for him to move. No matter how many times he’s fucked you, you would never get accustomed to his size. But in reality, the actual problem was that the man hasn’t done exactly that in a while.
Truth be told, there was a reason for your eagerness, for your desperation. For your ambition to have more of him. Jungkook has been neglecting you the past couple of days, perhaps not on purpose, but his line of work has required him to travel to the other side of the world for a whole week. And now that he was back you were ready to trap him in your limbs for as long as you could have him.
“I haven’t fucked you in a while that your pussy is already forgetting how my cock feels, huh?” He acknowledged the situation. “Maybe I’ll have to remind this tight cunt who owns it.”
Without a warning, he gave a hard thrust once again, bottoming out. You wanted to tell him that you didn’t forget how big his dick was or how good it felt. Many nights you fantasized about his fat cock pounding into you while the only thing you could use to pleasure yourself was your fingers. It was such a sad comparison, especially because it proved that what he once told you was completely true.
No one will be ever able to satisfy your carnal needs in the same way that he does. No one will be able to make you come undone with their touch. You could only daydream about Jungkook rocking into you hard and rough, during those lonely nights when the only thing you could use was your small fingers.
Luckily for you, now you have it, the real thing. Now you could feel the tip of his cock hitting every right spot the more the thrusted into you. His veiny member slamming over and over into your throbbing cunt, crying for more of him.
“So fucking greedy. My dirty slut can never get enough of me, huh?” Jungkook groaned, “Look at you, already a mess and I’ve barely done anything, sweetheart.”
It was such a true statement. Even if there was no way for you to look at yourself, you were sure of your disheveled appearance. Sweat was coating your skin, making your messy hair stick to your forehead and nape, your lips were now swollen and shiny due to the wet kisses Jeon has shared with you.
But it has always been like this. Jeon always knew what to do, what to say, how to touch you to turn you into a babbling and whiny mess, one who could only chant his name and ask for more, like the little ambitious and greedy girl you were. Regardless of the way you would sometimes demand more of his attention, more of his touch, he loved it. The tattooed man loved how ruined you looked at the end of your rendezvous, staring at your tear stained cheeks and swollen lips. Jungkook was always fascinated by how fucked out you were once he was done with everything, it was his favorite look on you.
“You like this, don’t you? Being used like a fuck toy, not being able to do anything to fight me.” The older man let out a dark chuckle, while one of his hands crept up to wrap itself around your throat. “So defenseless and needy, letting me do anything to you.”
The more he talked the closer you got. You knew it was a matter of time for you to cum. And you couldn’t be more thankful for that.
Jungkook kept rocking into you at a rapid and harsh pace, fucking your brains out while calling you names that he knew would pull a reaction out of you.
“My dumb baby, taking me so well.” He praised you. “You always know how to take my cock, willing to let me fuck this pretty pussy however I want.”
You could only nod, gasping for air and moving your hips to meet his thrusts as best as possible. It was like a race to see which one would finish first, although it was clear that the man ramming into you would not relent until you were crying and shaking underneath him.
“Fuck, you drive me crazy.” He confessed, leaning down to kiss your soft lips.
His free hand traveled down in between your legs to place his skilled thumb over your clit. His movements were like a bucket of cold water poured over your burning skin. It calmed the building fire in between your legs, just as much as it fueled your already approaching orgasm.
“You feel so amazing around my dick.” Jeon hissed over your lips, hypnotized by the way his aching cock would get lost into your soaked cunt.
“Oh god…” You moaned. “Please don’t stop, I’m so fucking close.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” A promise, far from being empty.
It was clear that Jeon was getting close as well by the way he so desperately was pounding into you, moaning lowly and leaning down to bite your neck.
His lips and teeth were doing wonders on your skin, marking you up with his bites and sucking on your flesh as well. Jungkook was devouring you, tasting you, ruining you as he promised.
“Holy shit…” He said in a raspy voice. “You’re all mine, aren’t you? Only I can make you feel like this.”
“Yes, yes, yes…” You chanted back, but it wasn’t enough for him.
“Come on, tell me, pretty girl.” He requested. “Tell me you’re mine.”
“I’m yours. I’m all yours.” You slurred your words out.
It only encouraged the man to fuck you harder, meaner, faster… Exactly how you liked it. Jungkook was aware of it, he knew you like the palm of his hand, and although it was concerning how much he knew about you, it also came in handy in moments like this.
“Shit, I’m gonna cum.” Jungkook alerted you, snapping both of you from your wandering thoughts.
“Cum, inside me.” You croaked out, biting on your bottom lip.
It was a risky request, something that you might regret in the future, not only because you weren’t on any contraception, but it entailed being connected to him in such an intimate way, one that neither of you were ready for.
“Are you sure?” He asked with a soft tone, yet you could hear the agitation in his voice. “Are you okay with… oh fuck, with me cumming in you?”
“Yes, yes, please. Just do it, fill me up, please.” You struggled to say. “I need to feel your cum deep inside me.”
Jungkook felt like dying with the lewd words you were spewing.
You were drunk on the ecstasy of the whole experience. Not being able to look at your surroundings, being restrained, the way Jeon was pistoning into you, hitting spots that no one has ever been able to reach before; the sinful words spilling from his lips, his hand still wrapped around your neck, albeit more loosely now. Everything was clouding your mind and leaving you in such a lax state, that prevented you from forming any coherent thought.
Regardless, your consensual words were all he needed to let go, shooting his hot cum inside of your greedy pussy.
“Oh god…” Jungkook moaned, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
His orgasm triggered yours, throwing you over the edge in a matter of seconds, right after he came. Your whimpers were loud and high pitched, your body was burning and trembling, and you were sure the light makeup you were previously wearing was smudged by now.
You were panting, trying your best to calm your agitated breathing. Jungkook was still inside of you, with his face hidden in your neck, breathing as heavily as you were. Both still intertwined in a mess of sweaty limbs.
After a few minutes where both of you recovered from the intense orgasms you just had, Jeon finally pulled out, separating himself from you. His hands flew up to free yours, making you whine softly; he placed a soft kiss on both of your wrists, making sure the tie didn’t hurt you. The blindfold came off next, and it took a few seconds for your eyes to get used to the dim light after seeing pure darkness.
“How was it?”
A simple question, one that, in the ears of an oblivious listener, would mean nothing. An inquiry that held more significance and concern than a simple are you okay?; it was subtle but it spoke volumes the way Jeon Jungkook would still feel the need to protect you, even from himself.
He never voiced his worries properly, trying to play it cool but secretly concerned that he might have hurt you in any way. The man never learnt how to correctly communicate with others, but he would be damned if he didn’t express how much he cared for you in other ways.
“Amazing…” Was your response, albeit in a hoarse voice.
Your throat was slightly aggravated, feeling terribly dry after attempting to voice the pleasure and enjoyment from the experience, through the small space there was left from Jungkook’s hard grip on it. However, it didn’t stop you from answering his concerns.
Amazing, fascinating.
It was the only way to describe it, your mind was too foggy to think of a proper answer, but by the way he was smirking you could tell he was satisfied with your response.
“Good.” He nodded. “Don’t move, I’ll bring a towel to clean you up and a bottle of water.”
Before he could step out of the room your weak voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Wait…” You called for him.
If asked, then give; if given, be grateful. If grateful, show it.
“Thank you.” A small whisper was all it took for the man to walk back at you, leaning down to place a tender kiss on your forehead.
“Get some rest, I’ll be right back.”
You were left alone in the big room, spread out on the mattress while your mind was trying to comprehend all the events that just happened. Your heart was filled with questions, but you knew better than to ponder over those inquiries.
Jeon Jungkook was a man like no other, one that cared for you more than he should, and for that you will be forever grateful.
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mono-moonchilds · 2 years
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⤑ series: smutty song series (smutty little scenarios based around smutty songs)
⤑ pairing: idol!jungkook x femblack!reader
⤑ genre: smut!!
⤑ rating: explicit (18+)
⤑ word count: 1.7K
⤑ summary: Girl, I fuck who I want and fuck who I don’t. Got that A1 credit and that fillet mignon. She said, “I never wanna make you mad I just wanna make you proud.” I said, “Baby just make me cum, Then don’t make a sound.”
⤑ warnings: mean!junkook, shy/innocent!y/n, OC kinda dumb highkey lowkey, riding, creampie, jungkook is manipulative, player!jk, overstimulation, post nut clarity, producerdaugther!y/n
⤑ Song:  Love Me ft. Drake, Future
⤑ A/N: I feel like every time I write jk on the blog he is an asshole lmao. IDK why I just love writing asshole/mean jk, it's actually a problem. hope you guys enjoy it! and that it matches the song well enough. i was writing one thing and then it turned into something else. oh well  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not gonna think too much about it just glad to be back writing on this account
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“Don’t even think about it.”
Was the first thing Namjoon said to Jungkook as they walked out of the room. He didn’t ask what he thought about the opportunity, didn’t even ask if he was excited. With a serious glare, he just turned to him and lowly told him, making sure to repeat it a second time just for good measure.
“Don’t think about what?” Jungkook questioned playing dumb. He knew precisely what Namjoon meant. Jungkook had known what the older was gonna say to him from the moment you’d introduced yourself.
“I’m Y/n,” You spoke softly, your hand stuck out for each of them to shake. You kept your head down, fidgeting nervously with your jacket. 
“This is my daughter.” 
From the way the man smiled brightly as he looked over at you it didn’t take much for anyone to come to the conclusion you were the man's pride and joy. From the expensive things you wore to the pricey handbag clutched tightly in your hand it was quite obvious you were a daddy’s girl. You kept close to your father's side, barely even sparing a glance up and when you did, you were quick to put your eyes back to the floor. 
You were shy. Jungkook couldn’t help but smile to himself. 
“Jungkook,” Namjoon groaned. “This is a big deal. He’s a big deal. He came all the way from America just to help us with producing this next album. Don’t fuck this up because you can’t keep your dick in your pants. No amount of sorry’s will fix it this time if you do.”
“I’m joking. The girl’s off limits. I promise.” 
And Jungkook had intended to keep that promise. He really did. He didn’t want to piss off Namjoon or potentially ruin an opportunity for the rest of his bandmates but saying no was always a task that was much easier said than done. 
You always looked so lonely, preferring to keep to yourself and stay by your father's side. You never really spoke unless spoken to. Jungkook could count on one hand the number of times he actually heard you talk. After a while, his perverted interest in you died down and a more innocent one came to play. It was obvious you needed a friend and Jungkook was going to be that for you. 
A friend. Was what Jungkook told himself and at the time he had truly meant it. When he first started asking you to hang out with him it was with the purest of intentions. Hell, he rarely would even hit on you when the two of you went places. Of course, he didn’t never hit on you because he was still him but it wasn’t with the goal of fucking you it was just because Jungkook was a flirt and couldn’t help it. 
So how the two of you ended up like this was beyond him. 
Him seated on his sofa while you sat on his lap working his cock with everything you had in you. Your neon pink nails dug into his skin as soft whimpers left your plump lips. 
“Suh-so…so big.” You deliriously whispered. With his head leaned back against the couch Jungkook watched you with low eyes, a smirk resting on his lips. You were so pathetic it was cute. Your body shaking like a leaf as you grinded down on his cock. At this point, he’d lost count of how many times you’d come, and by the way your eyes went crossed every few seconds he was sure you had too.
 “No..no,” You shook your head pushing his hand away. “I got it.”
“You’re doing so good, baby.” Jungkook encouraged not missing the lazy smile that spread across your face. “Lift up your shirt for me,” Jungkook ordered. “Play with your tits.” 
Following his directions, you did as you were told squeezing and rolling each of the brown pebbles between your fingers. “Fuck…” Jungkook panted softly. 
“Mmm…am I-am I…doing good right Kookie?” You questioned softly. Jungkook nodded his head rolling his hips up into yours pushing his cock deeper into your wet cunt. 
“Please don’t ever be mad at me again.” You whimpered. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you looked at him with those big glossed-over eyes. “Don’t ever want to make you mad. Just want to make you happy. Be your guh-good girl.”
Your voice hitched at the last word, thighs shaking, as another orgasm ripped through your body. Your body fell forward convulsing against his chest, a loud moan falling from your lips. The way you looked was pornographic. Skirt bunched up against your hips with the signature dark eyeliner you always had on smudged down your face. 
“Just want to make you happy.” You repeated with a cry. “Want you to be proud.”
“Shush, shush.” Jungkook hushed. “Make me come. You don’t want to be selfish do you?” 
You shook your head. “Shit…” You swore beginning to move your hips again. “So much.”
“That’s right. You're doing good.” Jungkook encouraged. You shook your head again, another loud whine falling from your mouth. 
“Can’t…too much.” 
Jungkook rolled his eyes in fake annoyance. He could take over any moment easily flip you over and fuck you into the couch for as long as he wanted but he didn’t want that and that wasn’t what you’d promised. 
“Jungkook please,” You begged, following him around his apartment like a lost puppy. “It’s been two weeks. I said I was sorry. Stop being mad at me.”
In all honesty, Jungkook had no reason to be mad and he knew that. The two of you were just friends and he’d never really shown any interest in being anything more than that. Of course, he did but he was trying to follow the rules. The stupid rules that Namjoon had put in place that apparently only applied to him. 
“It’s just…Taehyung? You want to be with him.” Taehyung was just as bad as him. He fucked anything with a pretty face.
“No-I just…” You shrugged. “He’s been nice to me and we’ve been talking.”
“He’s been nice to you?” Jungkook repeated in disbelief. “Are you fucking stupid Y/n? He’s nice to you so send him your nudes? The whole company has been nothing but nice to you does that mean you’re going to fuck them too? Wish I would’ve known how much of a slut you were.” 
That last part was too much and as soon as he said it Jungkook regretted the words coming out of his mouth. He expected you to go off on him and finally react properly in the way you should have all along. But instead, your head just dropped in shame. 
“Shit Y/n…I’m sorry. I should’ve never-”
“I’ll make it up to you.” You cut him off. 
“I’ll show you how good I am. I can show you that I won’t ever do it again.”
“Okay…” Jungkook’s voice trailed off. “But how?”
“Whatever you want. Just want you to forgive me Kookie.”
It was sick how quickly the idea popped up in his head. A sly smile filled his features as his eyes looked your figure up and down. 
“I’ve been nothing but nice to you too. I’m the one who started making sure you had someone to hang out with but Taehyung is the only one who gets rewarded?” 
For once the light bulb clicked in your head almost immediately. Your face grew flustered as you fidgeted around nervously. He almost expected you to say no but then your hands went up to your shirt slowly beginning to pop open the buttons. Within seconds your lacy white bra was on display.
“Didn’t think you liked me that way.” You said a shy smile filling your face.
 Despite being the one who initiated everything Jungkook couldn’t even make the first move. Too much in shock that it was actually happening he just stood there. He could hear Namjoon’s voice telling him not to do it but once your body was pushed up against his he quickly ignored it.
“I want to make it up to you. I want to be good for you.” Jungkook mocked you with a whiney voice. “You can’t even do that right.” 
“No, I’m sorry.” You apologized. “I can do it I promise.” 
With newfound energy, you slammed your hips down onto his cock. Your tiny pussy clenched tightly around his cock as you worked yourself through the overstimulation. Jungkook didn’t think you could get any louder, but you did, loudly moaning and repeating how sorry you were begging him to forgive you and promising that you wouldn’t talk to Taehyung again.
“I’m yours only yours.” You cried out. 
“Shit..shit.” Jungkook groaned. At your words, he could feel the tightness in his balls swelling up. “Say it again.” He demanded. 
“I’m yours Jungkook. I’m always going to be yours.” 
With that Jungkook came with a loud moan. This time it's his body that's shaking as the pleasure wracks through his bones as his brain goes black. By the time he comes too your body is laying slack against the couch. His lower stomach was soaked wet, something he would’ve just attributed to sweat until he saw an equally as big wet spot on the front bottom of your pleated skirt. 
“Shit,” Jungkook swore to himself. He hated that he missed that. 
A smile filled your tired face as you looked at him. Jungkook knows he should’ve felt the exact opposite as he looked at you right now but he couldn’t help the feeling of regret that began to settle deeply into his chest. Whenever you looked at him your eyes were always full of stars. Usually, it made him feel good, made him feel like he was important, but this time it only reminded him of what Namjoon had told him not to do. 
If it was any other girl Jungkook wouldn’t have cared. He got what he wanted and that was all that mattered.  But this was you and your dad was your dad. 
Clueless you reached over grabbing his hand and pressing your lips to his knuckles. “Think I love you.” You giggle tiredly.
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foxymoxynoona · 6 months
Did amended jk every come across Miranda again? Do you think Miranda would react to seeing the couple together? Please give us a scenario lol. Missing the story way too much
I mean, she still teaches at the kids' school, so absolutely. He's got three kids going through that elementary school. Lily and Kai won't have her as a teacher though, and maybe by then she's moved up to middle school or high school anyway.
I would think (hope!) that over time the rejection and drama loses some of its sting. Miranda will probably always be a little bitter seeing them together, but I hope for her sake that she manages to move on and meet someone new --maybe some she flaunts just a little at school family events so that Junkook can see what he missed. He doesn't notice at all and is just genuinely happy for her. Isabella just shuffles them along and avoids the drama haha.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the story so much!
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mini-pretzel · 5 years
sweater weather
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Genre: ooof that smut, hop on board the angst train whooo, some fluff to help you cope, humour i think? (i tried)
Music: sweater weather
Additional tags: friends with benefits to feelings, slow burn, pining, profanity, oral, teasing, spanking, dirty talk, daddy kink (ok im sorry it just happened ok?), car sex (because beds are for chums)
Word count: 14k
You and Jeongguk have that unspoken rule; just sex, no strings attached. And it’s worked well for you for years. But lately, it’s been harder and harder to keep your feelings separate.
You get turned on by Jeongguk’s constant comfy look and a lot of feelings are involved.
“Fuck you.” you narrowed your eyes at him, hoping that your glare would burn a hole in his head. Your arms were crossed on your chest. “We got pizza last time. I’m sick of it.” your lips thinned. “Why can’t it be chinese tonight?”
Jeongguk didn’t look up from his Switch, too immersed in his quest; unlocking Link’s new armour. “Because it sucks, that’s why. And the one we both like doesn’t deliver.”
“Then it can be something else.” You were half a mind ready to tell him to get his ass up and go drive to pick it up because you were hungry for chinese and, goddamn, as if you were going to let him take that away from you.
You poked him with your toe when he ignored the gesture sank further into the couch with a groan. He didn’t even flinch at your touch. Still playing his game. The little shit.
Jeongguk was sitting on the floor in just a wrinkled white shirt and sweatpants, hair a tangled mess on his head. His eyes were focused as he clicked and moved the pedals around on the console. And yet, despite you being so annoyed with him, he still looked gorgeous in your eyes. Or maybe it was just you with your love for his unkempt boy look.
“I want pizza.” he whined.
You sighed, eye twitching, as you scrolled through the food app on your phone. “Anything besides pizza.”
“But I want pizza.” he repeated. God, he acted like such a child sometimes.
“And I want to punch you in the face.”
“Oooh,” he raised an eyebrow at that, and finally looked away from his game for a moment to send you a wink. “Kinky.”
You grabbed a pillow from behind your head and threw it at his face. It hit him with a satisfying thump and you sank back further into the couch in a grumpy manner. You hated nights when you two couldn’t agree on something, especially on something as simple as food.
“Oof, someone needs to get laid.” you heard Jeongguk say as he moved the pillow back on the couch with a free hand, eyes still on the screen. “Need some help with that?” you could hear the grin in his voice without even looking up from your phone.
“We need to decide on food first.” you replied, though you weren’t against his proposal in the slightest. The sudden heat in your pants told you so. Only Jeongguk could get you aroused just from one simple proposition.
“Pizza.” he mumbled and you heard yourself groan and feeling around the couch for another pillow.
“How about chicken wings?” you tried.
Jeongguk stopped for a moment, pausing his game, eyes calculating as he stared into the distance.
You almost feel pleased with yourself that you finally got to him, but then when he turned to you with a mischievous glint in his eyes and you knew you’ve pretty much lost all hope.
“What about a compromise? A chicken pizza?”
“That’s not a compromise. That’s just you getting pizza.” you frowned and huffed. “Fine, if you’re gonna be like that I’m going to get my own food. You can order your pizza, or whatever.”
“Chicken wings sound great.” he said all of a sudden, his focal attention still glued to his game as he conversed with you.
You tried to hide your grin as you knew why he agreed so quickly.
It was easier for him to give in than have to get off his ass to do something, especially when you were here. He seemed to have gotten used to you being around to take care of the small things. He was a bit of a lazy guy, but you weren’t complaining. You finally achieved a real compromise. You wouldn’t be getting your chinese and he wouldn’t be getting his pizza, but you would both be getting something else just as delicious. Everyone was happy.
“You gave in only cause you want me to do all the work, like always.” you mumbled, mostly to yourself as you punched the buttons on your phone screen to complete the order. The grin was showing a little more on your face. You liked the fact that he needed you, just a little. It made you feel appreciated, especially since Jeongguk wasn’t one for words.
“You know how it is, I do all the work in the bedroom, you do all the work in other aspects; like food.” you saw him grin as you looked up. “That’s what makes this such a great partnership.”
You quirked your eyebrow at him, almost daring him to explain himself as a silence stretched out after his words.
He must have felt your piercing gaze and gotten uncomfortable with the silence because he immediately said, “You know what I mean.” and you both laughed, mostly to ease the situation before an awkward tension formed between the two of you.
Yeah. You did. Partnership as in friendship. You both knew that despite what it might have looked like on the outside to anyone that didn’t know the two of you, this wasn’t anything close to a long term romantic relationship. Or anything romantic for that matter. It was just two friends that had a simple sex arrangement, albeit sometimes getting chicken wings because both were too lazy to cook most of the time.
You knew Jeongguk wasn’t good with the whole dating thing; he had told you so when you met him four years ago when you just got out of high school. The two of you met at a college mixer and instantly hit it off. He was cute, a little dorky, could keep a conversation going and had gorgeous eyes that immediately caught your attention.
Aside from that, he always wore the comfiest of clothes, baggy and usually dark toned, that had awakened your love of boyfriend looks; especially on him.
Interestingly, despite the bagginess, his clothes somehow still gave away that his tanned body underneath was ripped to hell. Sometimes the tshirts he wore showed the curl of his biceps when he tossed golf balls into red cups full of beer. You had always found yourself watching the way his muscles moved on him instead of playing the game whenever you were on the same team.
Initially, the two of you had begun just by being friends without any initial fucking around business, but sexual attraction was there, present and relentless, from day one. And after a year of desperate pining (from both sides, as you later came to find) and secret, sweaty masturbation sessions that only made you crave that physical intimacy just that much more, the whole ordeal had gotten past the point of undeniable.
You had wanted him, and bad. But you didn’t want a relationship. Not with the amount of school work and personal stuff you had going on. And especially not with Jeongguk, who couldn’t keep a fling going for past two days at most.
Then one night after a lot of drinking Jeongguk confessed to this pestering lust that dug away at him for the entirety of the year you’ve known each other. You were surprised to find out just how much Jeongguk had a hard time with not staring at your ass or imagining your mouth sucking him off in every situation imaginable. He hadn’t seem so dirty to you before that, despite you imagining him doing the filthiest things to you at night with your hands in your panties.
You blushed hard at him telling you how hard he would cum thinking about fucking you into the mattress or imagining your hand around his cock as you whispered dirty words in your candy voice into his ear. You were squeezing your thighs together so tightly from how instantly all of his confessions had turned you on.
At some point during the heated discussion the two of you stopped talking and stared at one another. Just then, at that moment, it seemed as though something had finally snapped, the air growing charged between you, and the both of you finally gave in to all of those repressed inhibitions. And the sex, fuck, well, it was something you didn’t know could actually be a real thing that existed.
No one before Jeongguk had come close to the tricks and shenanigans he could pull in bed, and that blew your mind especially the first time you stripped down in front of him and he went for it like an animal in heat. Nipping, scratching, licking, slapping; he didn’t hold back. The way he groped your hips and pulled your hair left you a loud, shivering mess in his arms. He completely broke you apart that night, and put you back together with a hum of his sweet voice and a gentle press of a warm towel afterwards, when your body was buzzing from your pheromone high after being fucked right for once.
After that fateful night, everything you liked to experience in the bedroom, Jeongguk could provide for you. Even the things you didn’t even know you wanted. He would always bring out to the best of his capabilities when it came to sex with you. His abilities were quite impressive, and the guy knew it too. You could tell he reveled at making you scream his name when he hit the spot just right.
Thus, your sexual relationship was born.
It was the perfect arrangement; university life was stressful. Deadlines, exams, essays, the horrible group work where nobody did anything and it was impossible to set a date to meet. So much of it had caused sexual frustration to bottle up in you. And with the tight schedule it was too demanding-- impractical, even--for you to hold a steady relationship just for the sake of getting off. Not that either of you were interested in that sort of thing in the first place. You and Jeongguk were both casual hook-up seekers. A kiss here, a touch there, a bit of a rough grind there. There was so much to explore, so many bodies to feel and experience. Especially in college.
You didn’t bat an eye when you saw Jeongguk leave with other girls at parties, because you knew exactly how it was between the two of you. He would come to you when he needed you or vice versa. Some nights he wanted someone else, and some nights you both wanted each other. And you had no doubt that he’s seen you leave with other guys as well. There was never a problem of jealousy between you, since both of you knew you had each other to lean on if either needed a quick fuck and no one else was available.
There was never anything more than that, and there didn’t need to be.
But the one thing neither of you could deny, was the pull and the incredible sexual chemistry you had between one another. So, you created an almost unspoken agreement between the two of you; you were friends, great friends that enjoyed each others company. Friends that also just so happened to fuck when things got a little too stressful or difficult to deal with at times.
The two of you would hang out and do things that your other friends in your friend group did. Like watch movies and eat out, help each other out with assignments, argue over sports and other stupid things. But you didn’t talk about feelings, you didn’t kiss or hold hands and you didn’t go on dates. You were just friends with sexual benefits.
And it was perfect.
You heard the door bell ring and as you looked up from your phone, feeling as if you were awakened from a trance. You hadn’t even been looking at Taehyung’s new instagram post, despite it being in front of you for the last few minutes, instead much preferring to let your mind ponder over your history with Jeongguk.
“Must be the food.” you mumbled, mostly to yourself as you prepared to get up from the couch.
“I got it.” you heard Jeongguk’s voice as he got up from his spot and handed you his Switch. “Kill some bokoblins for me, will yah?” he winked before leaving you dazed on the couch with his most prized possession in your hands.
You stared at his back and shoulders as he walked over to the door to accept the food delivery and felt yourself clutch the console tighter in your hands as a sudden heat spread on your cheeks.
The arrangement was perfect and had worked for you for a while.
You swallowed and tried to steady your quickly beating heart as you looked down at Link on the screen and started playing like nothing was wrong.
Well, it did, it very much did.
You narrowed your eyes on the screen, praying your heart would ease up before he returned.
Until recently.
In the last couple of months, as the end of college was approaching and a lot of reflecting was done on your part as the fear of impending doom was upon you; you had felt yourself slipping more and more into what people called feelings.
You were suddenly forced to face your future--which looked uncertain despite how fast it was approaching--and you had a lot of decisions to make in the meantime. What were you going to do with your degree? Would you stay in the same town or move? Were you going to keep going with your friends with benefits relationship with Jeongguk? And what was this thing with your heart rate speeding up whenever he looked at you?
You found yourself thinking about the guy more and more, found him slipping into your mind during the most mundane things that took place in your life. Getting groceries? You would immediately start wondering if he’s eaten. Checking out books at the library? You’d wonder if he read it and if not, what he’d think of the book. Hanging out with friends? You wondered if he would join you. Making shots at a party? You’d wonder if he was anywhere nearby watching your pouring skills at work.
Everything you were doing, Jeongguk seemed to be in the back of your mind, as if he was there living your life with you, and you found yourself pining for him in other ways than just sex. You had just wanted him nearby, with you.
And that was scaring you, because you liked what the two of you had and weren’t about to let something as stupid and fickle as emotions get in the way of a long term good thing.
But it wasn’t so simple. Your feelings weren’t easy to control, in fact they were making it quite difficult for you. No matter how much you told yourself that Jeongguk didn’t feel the same way, or that he didn’t feel anything at all (you were certain that the guy didn’t dig deep into his feelings), the heart-wrenching clutch in your chest pushed back at you, eager to be fulfilled.
And it tired you out. You didn’t want to be that girl. You didn’t want to be the one that gets involved in something as simple as friendship with sex only to fall head over heels over the guy. That was not you. You weren’t into feelings. You didn’t like feeling vulnerable with anyone.
You liked quick hook-ups, tactile satisfaction and no obligations. The only depth you wanted to feel in a relationship was how deep the guy of the night could thrust into you.
You liked being in control of yourself and your emotions, and this was not control. It was slippery slope to a disaster. And you had to regain your resolve and focus, somehow.
Maybe if you took someone new home tonight. That would take your mind off Jeongguk. You had always enjoyed the feel of a new body pressed against you. Someone new and eager to please with a whole new set of skills and pleasure buttons that you would press and undo with your touch.
Yes, that sounded like a solid plan.
“Are you listening to me?” you heard Hoseok say your name and it snapped you out of your thoughts. You blinked at stared back at him, suddenly aware that you just missed everything he talked about.
“Sorry, Hobi. I was thinking about something.”
“Uh, yeah, that much is obvious.” he laughed as you broke away from his gaze to stare at the textbook in front of you, utterly forgotten due to your insistent daydreams.
You and Hoseok had a presentation due tomorrow, but your mind kept wandering as you were going over bullet points of the main facts to present. This wasn’t like you. You were usually on top of assignments, but this new thing developing inside you had really messed with your concentration.
“Sorry about that, Hobi, I guess I’m not feeling too well today.” you apologized to him again, feeling embarrassment creep upon your cheeks as you played with the corner of the page. You withheld from meeting his eyes because you knew, you just knew, that the perceptive Hoseok would see right through you and start asking questions if you weren’t careful.
You cleared your throat, trying to shake off the fog that was Jeongguk in your mind. “What were you saying?” your grip over your pen tightened as you made movements as if you were going to write down his words.
“I was saying,” Hoseok began, and you could feel the intensity in his stare during the brief pause before he continued, “that we should include some statistics into the presentation, to help with the validity of the statements.”
You made a short note of his words. “That’s a good idea. Maybe we could make some graphs?” you added, drawing a box next to the written words, “Easy to decipher, especially in the back. Then nobody would have to read walls of text.” you explained before daring to spare a glance at him.
His gaze was as dissecting as you imagined it to be and you quickly looked back at your notes.
“You’re hiding something.”
You forced out a laugh, albeit a little hoarsely, which obviously showed your discomfort with the action. “What do you mean, Hobi? You’re being ridiculous.”
You heard him say your name in a firm voice, something akin to a mother’s tone used to discipline a child, and your lips tightened.
Not now, please, this was the last thing you wanted, especially now. Hoseok couldn’t know. He was already worried about Jeongguk and yours nightly escapades. Saying anything about your developing feelings into the mix would definitely stir something bad. You knew he’d blame Jeongguk even though it’s not his fault, you had wanted it. You had requested the arrangement. And it was you who was falling for him, like a goddamn idiot.
“You’re barely paying attention to the assignment. That’s not like you.” Hoseok observed, and you could feel his gaze burn into you as you fiddled with your pen nervously. “Also you have that frown on your face when you’re spaced out, and that only happens when something is bothering you.”
He leaned back, crossing his arms. “So, spill. We don’t have all day.”
When you remained quiet to his demand, he sighed again before saying your name again. “You know I’ll find out eventually.” you could hear his voice softening. “I just want to help before it gets any worse.”
There was that care and concern that Hoseok was known for.
You swallowed thickly, touched by his words, but not ready to divulge such a shameful secret. “Thank you, Hobi, for your concern.” you cleared your throat after a pause. “There’s some things going on that I’m dealing with, and I’m not comfortable talking about them just yet.”
It was no use to lie to him, you knew that, so you opted into buying whatever time you could to deal with these feelings before breaching on the topic again. Which you knew you would have to. Very soon. This was Hoseok you were talking about, he would find a way to bring it up again.
You looked up at him and found his eyes full of something you couldn’t quite place. They were gentle, but attentive. Hoseok studied you for a moment before shutting his lids and giving you a curt nod.
“Alright, I’ll drop it.” he leaned back toward you, eyes blazing, and placed his still crossed elbows on the table. “However, if I see you with that frown on your face again, I can’t promise I won’t try to slap whoever put it there.”
You stared at him for one long moment, knowing exactly what he meant, and who he was talking about. A small smile--a foolish attempt to ease the tension--formed on your face as you placed a hand on his forearm. “I promise, Hobi. It’s nothing serious. In a few days I’ll be just like I always am. You’ll see.”
He pursed his lips, hints of doubt showing behind his stare. But he did seem to relax a bit from your touch. “Okay, I just want to make sure you’re alright.”
“I promise, I’ll be just fine.”
You will be. After you find yourself a nice boy to help you take your mind off of Jeongguk.
“Why are we here, Jeongguk?” you heard yourself asking, more surprised than annoyed, your eyes glued to the sea in fascination. It was mid-autumn, the classes were in full swing and you had a butt load of assignments to do, yet somehow Jeongguk had managed to get you away from all of that with the promise of a late night drive.
He had somehow remembered how much you loved those. You were surprised he actually listened to you, considering how often your conversations took place over him playing video games. But he paid attention, apparently. And now you were standing on a deserted beach with the sky a little too dark and the wind a little too cold for your liking.
“You said you always wanted to go to the sea.” you heard his voice behind you and turned to meet him.
“Uh, yeah, in the summer time, you dolt.” you threw a playful punch at his bicep and he pretended to be hurt by your assault, rubbing his arm and cursing you softly in a hushed voice. He still looked good with his grey puma tracksuit and mess of a hair. So natural, so comfortable and easily kissable, it made something in your chest tighten at the thought. Oh no, there it is again.
“Hey, at least you’re here, princess.” he tried to sound annoyed and you rolled your eyes at the tease behind the nickname.
“It’s too cold to do anything.” you pointed out. “In case you haven’t noticed, it’s autumn. And autumn is usually cold.” you hugged yourself to add emphasis and shivered even though you didn’t feel that cold.
You saw him laugh. It was rich, low noise that made his Adam’s apple dance on his throat. You caught yourself staring despite not wanting to. Your heart thumped.
Oh no.
“It might be cold out here, but the water is warm.”
Yeah, right.
“I’m not going into the water. No way. You couldn’t pay me.”
He pouted, and it hurt you physically at how cute he looked. “You’re such a party pooper. You need to learn how to live.”
“Jeongguk, we don’t even have swimsuits with us. How are we supposed to swim? Do you want me to get my clothes wet?”
He grinned. “Who said anything about clothes?”
You were taken aback for a moment, with your mouth open. Then you quickly shut it and your eyes widened as his words sank in. Did he-
“Y-You don’t mean…”
Jeongguk walked closer to you and leaned in, eyes wicked and full of mischief. “Strip. We’re going skinny dipping.”
You could smell the cologne on him and it made your mind feel dizzy. Skinny dipping? In the middle of October? What was this guy on?
“Are you crazy? We could get sick!” you protested weakly as he started taking off his sweatshirt.
“Won’t happen. The water’s too warm.” He was stepping out of his pants now and it clearly showed that he wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Oh no.
You held your breath for a moment. You could never get used to seeing Jeongguk naked. The sculpture of his body and toned muscles, and how wonderfully defined his features were; from his shoulders to his calves and the perfect balance of proportions. Smooth and easy on the eyes. Perfect for biting, nipping and grasping on with your fingers. You could stare forever and never get enough.
“But what about after? We don’t even have towels.” your voice sounded so weak, you felt yourself slipping.
“I have some in the back trunk.”
“You really planned this, haven’t you?” you looked at him incredulously.
He smiled and pressed himself against you, hard enough that you could feel his dick against your stomach even through your clothes. He was half-hard. Fuck. That wasn’t making it any easier. Why did he have to look so charming and pure when doing something far from it too?
“I’m not sure about this, Jeongguk.” your voice trembled, your hands tightened around you. You weren’t usually uncomfortable being naked around him, but something about this was making you nervous. This wasn’t something the two of you usually did. Or, like, ever, if you were honest.
And the novelty of it was making the thing blooming in your chest expand further. Oh no.
However, it would make sense for him to do this, it was mischievous and thrilling, like he was. The thought of being young and wild like this, and the excitement of getting caught. It was all so him, it hurt. And he would probably want to fuck after too. It made perfect sense.
You wouldn’t meet his eyes, so he placed his fingers under your chin to lift your face to face him. His eyes were dark, warm and gentle, but had that glint that was Jeongguk. Sweet, but far from innocent. You had come to know that for sure.
He said your name with the softest pronunciation, the vowels sliding off his tongue easily with years of practice and care, and you felt your knees go weak. Fuck, please, no. The way he said it had almost made you melt.
“You need to learn to let go.” you heard him speak in an even softer, breathy voice, just barely above a whisper.
You stared at him, transfixed, caught between the pools of his eyes and glistening of his lips. You swore he could easily kiss you right then and there--and you’d let him--but neither of you moved, stuck and staring. You were too frozen to move, too afraid to break the moment and have it end, but also afraid to lean in and indulge yourself in something that would ruin everything.
“A-Alright. Fine. But if I get sick, it’s on you.” you spoke, and sounded much more confident than you felt.
He laughed again, breaking the tension you felt in your chest. “Fine. If you get sick, I’ll buy you pizza.”
You smiled. “Deal.”
Then you shed your clothing, carefully placing it next to his and made your first steps to the ocean, the cold air nipping at your exposed skin. You prayed Jeongguk was right and the water was as warm as he had said.
You saw him run past you and jump into the water with a gleeful laugh, a huge splash emerging after him.
“Dude, what the hell?” you yelled as you got hit by some of the aftermath of his childlike mischief. The water had not felt as cold as you had originally feared, it was actually nice and warm, almost as if it was summer.
“C’mon, get in before I make you.” you heard his voice but before you were able to respond his hands were already on your hips and you were slung over his slippery shoulder.
“Hey- wait! Jeongguk!” you wiggled, but to no avail, his grip on you was tight. Your backside was exposed so lewdly to the air that it made your cheeks redden, especially because Jeongguk kept a steady hand on one of your ass cheeks.
He started moving further into the water and you suddenly realized what he was about to do.
“No- dude I-”
His laugh echoed in your ears followed by a loud hard smack of him hitting your ass and your blush deepened.
“Wait- no I-”
And suddenly you were airborne and time seemed to stop. He actually did it. That mother-
When you hit the water and felt it go in your nose and through your hair you realized just how warm and nice it was. For a moment there was just the muffled sound of waves and comforting wetness. You could feel the water envelop itself around your body almost as if giving you a hug. It was actually kind of relaxing. The numbness of it all. You stayed under just for a moment, savoring the feeling.
You had never been able to let go like that before. This was so foreign to you, it made your skin tingle from excitement of experiencing something new. Only Jeongguk would make you do something like this; make you come out of your comfort zone like that and not hate it.
When you reached the surface again you started coughing as the water came out of your nose, moving your legs to ensure that you stayed above water. You rubbed your eyes to see that Jeongguk was also wet from head to toe was swimming around you in circles.
“You are the most insufferable person I have ever met.” your eyes stung from the salt water but there was a smile on your face as you said that. You felt alive. What has this boy done to you.
“But I was right -- it’s warm.” he looked proud.
You laughed. “I hate you.”
“I know.” he smiled, something gentle behind his eyes that almost made you give away something you didn’t want to admit to yourself. “Swim with me.”
Your heart squeezed in your chest, and that was the first time when you realized that you were falling. Falling for the boy who was your best friend. Falling for the boy you would have sex with to ease the tension in your academic life. Falling for the boy in the comfy clothes and wrinkled sheets. Falling for the boy who’s name was Jeon Jeongguk and who was slowly becoming the only person you wanted to talk to, sleep with and just be around.
Oh no.
Your eyes shot open and you found yourself staring at the darkness of your ceiling. You weren’t in the sea anymore, but in the comfort of your bed. You inhaled a strangled breath and closed your eyes trying to understand what just happened.
It was a dream, a dream of previous events that took place last fall. The night Jeongguk took you out for a drive and roped you into skinny dipping. And after that you ended up doing more than just swimming, particularly in the back of his car. If you thought about it long enough you could still remember how hot his tongue felt between your legs and how easily you came apart around him.
You whimpered.
That was also the first night you realized that you may have liked him more than just a friend and the occasional fuck buddy.
Your teeth bit hard into your lower lip.
Drat, now Jeongguk was following you into your dreams. First it was your conscious thoughts, and now he’s conquered your subconsciousness too. You almost laughed at how it was such a Jeongguk thing to do, too. That guy never half-assed anything he set his mind to. He might have been lazy in some things, but he was intense with everything that mattered to him; like video games, sex and editing on his computer.
And making sure he was on your mind 24/7, apparently.
You exhaled slowly and tried to steady your beating heart with your palm. What time was it? You tilted your head to see the green numbers stating 3:08am next to your bed.
It was quiet, save from the soft snoring coming from beside you.
Wait, snoring?
You blinked and turned your head to the side to find a guy sleeping soundly next to you. There was barely any light in the room, but you could sort of make out his features. It wasn’t Jeongguk, but he closely resembled him. That was something you hadn’t noticed when you picked him up at Hoseok’s house party last night.
You held in a groan. Great, now you were even bringing people that looked like him into your bed to try and get over him.
You were so far up Jeongguk’s ass it wasn’t even funny anymore.
You brought your hand up to your face to massage the bridge of your nose. This whole thing was ridiculous. You just wanted to go back to when the only thing you felt for Jeongguk was friendliness and lust, without all of the complicated and clingy feelings.
You heard the guy move slightly next to you before plopping onto his other side, facing away from you, and found yourself sighing.
The guy was alright. He held himself in bed fine. Was a good size too, and it definitely caught you off guard at first, but still it was nothing to write home about. You hadn’t remembered his name and couldn’t be bothered to anyway.
You hated to admit it to yourself, but despite the guy’s decent performance, he still wasn’t Jeongguk. And the fact that you were even comparing based on who he was as a person and not his skills in bed left a bad taste in your mouth.
Especially since the only reason you came was because in your last desperate moments nearing close to the orgasm you imagined it was Jeongguk fucking you and not some random guy that looked like him.
You shook your head, feeling the shame wash all over you.
You were truly fucked if you didn’t figure a way out of these feelings.
A chime of your phone broke you out of your daydream. You sighed as you put your pen down on the book, all over pages and pages of homework you’ve yet to finish. It was going to be a long evening and you were already dreading it.
You picked up your phone to check the messages, sliding past countless instagram notifications.
Tae: hey u in for tomorrow night? wings, beer and that horrible movie that jimin picked out.
You stared at the text for a moment. You always met up with the guys for movie night. Always. But now with the whole Jeongguk situation you were hesitating and didn’t think you could bring yourself to come over. What if you stare at him for too long? What if he wears his puma tracksuit again like he did that night at the beach? It was a weakness of yours and he knew it. What if you start stuttering when answering him like a fool? You weren’t that girl. You never were and damn you if you were ever start being one because of some boy.
You had to deal with this issue first before laying your eyes on Jeongguk again.
But who knew, maybe he wouldn’t be there? It was a very unlikely, but worth a shot.
You: maybe, i’m drowning in assignments. who else is coming?
You clicked to check other messages when you already got a reply.
Tae: same as always. jin, jimin & jeongguk. the whole j gang.
Your hand tightened around your phone as you typed your answer.
You: i probably won’t be able to make it this time. lots to do. sorry. let me know how it goes.
In a few moments, Taehyung responded.
Tae: alright, but u hmu if anything changes.
You: thanks, i will.
You didn’t.
“I can’t believe you made me do that.” you said, wet and shaking from the cold as Jeongguk opened his trunk to grab you both towels.
“I can’t believe you’re acting like you didn’t enjoy it.” he winked at you as he threw the towel over your head. It landed softly over your face, shielding your view of him and you raised your hands to begin drying your hair with it.
“It was alright.” you mumbled, not being completely honest. In actuality, you had really enjoyed it. Before, you had never considered skinny dipping as something you would partake in your life, or take pleasure in, for that matter. But Jeongguk had changed that. He had changed a lot of things for you, that boy.
“Uh huh, just alright.” he chuckled and wrapping a towel around his waist and opening the backdoor of his vehicle. “Hand me the clothes, I’ll toss them in.”
You grabbed the folded clothes from your underarm--the ones you folded cause he couldn’t be bothered to--and handed them to him. Jeongguk threw them in without a care and you winced at how they probably landed messily on the backseat.
“Alright, now that that’s done.” he turned to you and placed his calloused hand on the side of your neck and trailing it down your shoulder, the motion erupting goosebumps all over your body and sending heat down between your legs.
“Why don’t we do something even more fun?” his eyes darkened as he said that and you held in a whimper at how his gaze trailed your body, hungry and eager. You suddenly remembered that the only towel you had was drying your hair so you were completely naked in front of him. You felt your knees start to shake from anticipation. You wanted him all over you, for him to touch you in that way that always broke you.
“Sure, ok, yes.” You said, maybe a little too awkwardly for your liking, but Jeongguk didn’t seem to mind as he moved you by your hips, fingertips gripping your skin roughly and pushed you into the backseat.
You felt your head fall into the pile of clothes he had so nonchalantly tossed in a few moments before and decided that they would work great as a pillow. Did he plan on that? You didn’t know or care. The leather felt cold against your bare skin, but you found that excited you more than anything.
Jeongguk wasted no time climbing on top of you and spreading your knees apart, bearing all of you to him. A blush spread on your face from the action, and yet you impatiently bucked your hips up, wanting him to touch you all over. You could feel yourself dripping just from his gaze and you were shameless in your yearning.
“Please.” you begged. “Jeongguk, please touch me.”
“Mmm, how do you want it?” he inquired, his fingers trailing up and down your thighs. You shivered, a smile tugging at your lips. God, you loved how he teased you. This was just the beginning stage. Soon, his roughness would come out and just the mere thought of that made your insides squirm.
“The usual, please.”
A wicked grin spread spread on his face and he tilted his head back, hair falling over his eyes and his tongue running over his bottom lip.
“Please, what?” his hands reached your ass and gripped your cheeks roughly and spread them apart. You let out a moan, keen on being touched, on being filled, clenching your pussy lips against nothing. And you knew he could see it. See how much you wanted it, wanted him.
“Please, daddy.”
“Good girl.” you felt a hard smack on your ass and arched your back as you moaned even louder. Fuck, you loved his level of rough. It was just starting.
“Please, daddy, fill me up with your large cock.” you whined out, moving your hips, aching and desperate.
“Mmm, I love it when you beg, kitten.” he brought your thigh close to his lips for a kiss then you felt a sting from his bite and whimpered, your legs shaking.
He stared at you from his position, his eyes dark orbs that could swallow you up if you weren’t careful. And you weren’t. You never were when it came to sex with him. “Make those noises for me, kitten. Make noises for daddy.”
You nodded obediently and let out another loud whimper when his calloused fingers trailed up your wet slit. Not going in, or rubbing, but just trailing. God, it drove you mad.
A soft whine escaped your lips as he slowly moved his fingers up and down, coating them in your juices while his mouth was biting down into the flesh of your thigh. With every bite he was getting closer and closer to your cunt and the anticipation of what he was going to do was stirring in your belly.
“Daddy.” you gasped out as he stopped inches away from where you wanted him.
“Yes, kitten?” his hot breath was hitting your erect clit.
You groaned. “Eat me out, please.”
You expected him to reply, for him to say something snarky back or keep teasing you further, but he surprised you by fulfilling your request by licking a long stripe up and down your slit. And as soon as his tongue made contact with your folds it was like electricity ran through your veins.
A harsh breath escaped your throat and you bit onto the flesh of your wrist. He had always known how to use his tongue in just the right way to make you squirm under his mercy.
“Ah, ah, ah,” you felt his tongue leave you and you made your hips follow it in a desperate attempt to feel it on you again. “What did I say about noises, kitten?”
You swallowed, moving your hand. “To make them.”
“Good girl.” one of his fingers poked at your entrance and he smiled when he heard another one of your noises. “Now, will you be good and do as you’re told?”
“Yes.” you bucked your hips against his finger and felt it slide in just a bit.
“Yes, what?” the grip on your thigh got tighter.
You grinned. “Yes, daddy.”
Another slap on your ass that you relished in.
And then his fingers--yes, fingers, not one, but two--were back at toying with your entrance. He took his time gathering all of your juices on them before sliding them in and out with much more force than you expected. It had caught you off guard and the feeling stung, but the pain quickly subsided as he kissed your thighs with every stroke.
“Just like that, kitten.” he cooed as he heard your voice get louder with every thrust, his fingers making loud and wet sounds as they slid in and out of your cunt.
You eyes were shut and your whole body shook, covered in a sheet of sweat. Ugh, you needed him in you so bad. But you knew he wasn’t done yet. He barely did anything to you.
You heard him let out a grunt as he stared at his fingers disappearing into your warmth, as if mesmerized by the view. You wished you could see what he saw. He wet his lips and you bucked your hips, urging him to lick you again. And he did, enveloping his mouth all over your clit, entrapping it in the hotness of his mouth.
Your head fell back and you stared at the ceiling of the car, stars dancing in your eyes. Your hands found their way into his hair, tangling in the damp curls and tugging on the strands harshly. Fuck, how you loved his tongue.
Jeongguk moaned against your clit, slipping more fingers in you to stretch you out and you shuddered against him, broken noises trailing from your mouth. You were suddenly glad the both of you were in a secluded part of the beach, because you were sure you were much louder than you usually were. And you could tell Jeongguk was pleased about that.
“Mmm, you taste so good, kitten.” he trailed his tongue across your folds, bringing it up and flicking it teasingly against your clit, making you jerk. “Like saltwater, candy and you. I could eat you all day.”
You blushed at his words, staring into his eyes for a still moment and you felt something tighten in your chest.
Oh no.
You bit your lip, acting like nothing was wrong, like there wasn’t anything growing in your chest. “Fuck me, daddy? I’ve been such a good girl.” you smiled sweetly. “Please?”
He smirked back at you, his teeth so perfect and white. He looked so handsome with his hair wavy from the saltwater, riled up in tangles from your hands, with that mole hidden underneath his lower lip and with that smile that made his cheeks look puffy and cute, much more innocent that he actually was, but it made your heart flutter nonetheless.
“In a minute, kitten. You like it rough, right?”
You nodded.
“Then daddy needs to be rough with you first, before he fucks you into the seat.”
A rush ran down your spine and a grin spread on your face. “Be as rough as you want, daddy. I can take it. You know how well I can take it.” you glanced at him, eyes dark.
He growled and surged forward, removing his fingers from inside you. You were about to complain over the lack of fulfillment, but as soon as he was towering over your body you forgot all about it. He looked too good, the muscles of his chest and stomach displayed in front you. They were taunting you, reeling you in. You wanted to bite, taste and touch every part of him.
His lips found your neck and you smiled at the way his teeth grazed your sensitive skin, nibbling, sucking, scraping. You knew there would be a mark next time you looked in the mirror, but you didn’t care. You reveled in this. In being marked. Almost as if owned by him. Almost as if he was yours, too.
The hand that was covered in your juices squeezed one of your breasts as he left trails of wet kisses and hickeys down your throat and collarbone. And you felt yourself rub against him, against the towel that was so inconveniently in the way.
“Want me to take it off?” he asked, and you felt his smile against your skin.
“Yes, daddy.” your nails scraped against the back of his neck and he grunted, landing a harsh slap on your the side of your ass once more.
His free hand grasped his towel and it was thrown somewhere to the other end of the car. Neither of you really cared where, it wasn’t important. What was important was that his dick--thick, hard, tip red and precum leaking--was hitting against his toned stomach and your wet cunt was prepped and ready to take him.
“Please,” you mumbled, staring at him with your most innocent eyes. “Fill me up, daddy.”
He groaned, pupils dilated as he took you in and moved to position himself better between your legs. “Careful what you ask for, kitten.”
You were about to retort that you knew exactly what you were asking for when he moved away from you to search for condoms in the compartment between the two front seats.
It felt like it took forever for him to do that, but you weren’t about to complain. Safety was important. Especially for the two of you who were so sexually active with multiple partners.
“You look hot putting on the condom,” you mumbled, eyes trailing all over him as he slid on the rubber over his length. “I could stare at you all day.”
He let out a throaty chuckle. “Good to know, kitten.” and then he was towering over you again, aligning his dick against your hole with his hand. “I wouldn’t mind if you stared all day. I like an audience.”
And with a sly wink he pushed himself into you and you felt your mind go numb.
Pleasure erupted between your legs as you felt his dick fill you up, stretching your inner walls. Your eyes were swimming and your body was shaking, the wave of relief washing through your muscles. Finally. He was finally in you. Now he would be even rougher.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” he grunted and stopped after he hit the end of his length and you felt the hair around his pelvis tickle against your skin. The both of you stayed like that for a bit, savoring the proximity, the pulsing of his dick, the tightness of your walls. “I love fucking you so much.”
And then he started moving, setting a fast pace, roughly fucking himself into you and relishing in every moan that it brought out of your mouth.
“Y-yes, daddy,” you chocked on the amount of saliva in your throat, “f-fuck yes.”
You felt him breathe in your ear as he pulled you close and fucked you even harder, nails digging into your hipbones. “Fuck,” he breathed out your name, “I love it when you call me that.”
His voice sounded dangerously low and it sent chills down your spine. God, you were drowning in what this man was doing to you.
Your head was bobbing against the car door from his thrusts, but you didn’t care because the only thing on your mind was Jeongguk and how good his dick felt inside you. Fuck. He moved your hips up in his grip and that caused the tip of his cock to hit that spot. You screamed out his name.
You did again.
“Louder, kitten.”
Your voice was hoarse from your lewdness, but you obliged.
“I’m coming, Jeongguk!” you bucked your hips against him and were sent over the edge, your orgasm crashing all over you, enveloping you from the tips of your fingertips to the very end of your toes, turning your skin tingle hot in between.
You felt him tug at your hair as he sped up his pace, thrusting into you so hard you could’ve sworn you were becoming part of the leather seat under you.
“Cum for me, daddy.” you grunted out and wrapped your whole body around him, taking him all in.
And that did it. Jeongguk crashed into you in the very last of his force, his face shoved into the crook of your neck. His body twitched as he came and you felt his dick pulsing inside you with every blast. You wished he didn’t have the condom on so you could feel his hot cum filling you up inside you.
“Fuck, kitten.”
You both were breathing hoarsely, completely wasted and fucked out.
“You’re too good to be true.” you heard him say in your ear in between breaths.
Your chest tightened again.
So was he. And you couldn’t have him.
You heard your name amidst the laughter and piercing sound of the latest R’n’B song playing in the background and turned your head to the source of the sound. It was Taehyung, incredibly tipsy and swaying back and forth as he made his way toward you.
“You look as great as always, sweetheart.” he slurred out and winked which prompted a laugh out of you. Leave it to Taehying to start shamelessly flirting when drunk. He had always been the one that went his hardest at parties. No alcohol was off limits for him and shots were his best friend. You were impressed at how well he handled his liquor, you tried to out drink him one time but couldn’t keep up with his pace. The man was a monster when it came to drinking games.
“And you look drunk as always, Tae.” you smiled and held your hand out to help steady him but he waved it away.
“I’m good, sweetie. Not my first rodeo, you know?”
You nodded and let your arm drop. “What’s up? Did you need something?”
“Aside from another shot of tequila and an tight ass in my face?” Taehyung asked listing the things on his fingers. His cheeks looked so red, he must have drank much more than he let on.
You stayed quiet, an amused smile playing on your lips before he took the silence as a sign to continue. “Not much, just fulfilling a favour.”
You quirked an eyebrow. “Which is?”
Taehyung looked at you expectantly. “Jeongguk is looking for you.”
You felt your heart thump hard at that and your smile faltered before you could stop it. You tried not to let the fear prickling fear show on your face though.
The truth is, you’ve been avoiding Jeongguk since last Friday night when Taehyung had texted you. The last time you saw him was when the two of you had chicken wings together. And even throughout that whole meal you could feel the thing in your chest get more persistent and you were scared you would slip up and let it show. Especially around him.
So you were dealing with it the best you could by finding different guys to take home every night you went out during that time. Which meant you left Jeongguk high and dry. Which you felt bad for, but at the same time, you needed to fix this reoccurring problem of feelings. Once that was dealt with, it would go back to normal. At least that’s what you were hoping for real hard.
However, it has already been a while since you started avoiding him, so he must have noticed. The other guys sure have; they had told you so. It became pretty clear by your repeated declining of Taehyung’s plans to hang out when Jeongguk was present. It wasn’t hard to put two and two together.
You realized that Taehyung was still staring at you, waiting for you to reply and you smiled sheepishly through your guilt. God, you were so in over your head with this whole Jeongguk thing. You wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole.
“Thanks, Tae. I’ll go find him.”
And off you went, on your--hopefully--fruitless search for Jeongguk in this large party full of dancing bodies and encompassing tunes. You were really trying to keep it together in case you did manage to find him. By the looks of things there was too many people for you to cross paths, and that made you feel a little bit at ease. You just needed a couple more days, then you’d be able to see him like always. Without tumbling over your stupid crush. Without getting too attached. Without wanting something you could never have.
Suddenly you heard a voice say your name in that way that always made your stomach clench. Shit.
“I’ve been looking all over for you.” his deep voice rang through your ears and your feet stood frozen to the ground. You turned your head. When your eyes landed on him your heart sped up in your chest. Damn it. Why did it have to be him?
Jeongguk stood with his hands in his pockets, completely relaxed, still sporting that comfy boyfriend look that you have always loved on him. The ripped jeans showed his knees and a bit too much of his thigh, the black tshirt looked simple but it fit him so well and made his arms look supple and tanned. He also had his black hair styled a little, but it was still messy, no matter what he did.
You swallowed and tried to look like you haven’t been hit by a train of Jeongguk, destination: fucking feelings.
“You have? What’s up?”
A playful grin spread on his face and there was a dirty promise behind his eyes. “It’s been too long, kitten.”
Oh, of course it would be that. He probably hadn’t noticed you’ve been avoiding him all this time, working through all of your bullshit attraction to him by yourself. He was probably off enjoying banging every girl he saw this past week, and now that that endeavor had gone dry he came crawling back to you. Just like he always did. Just like you always did, too, before you developed the pull for things that weren’t just sex with him.
“Ah, I see.” you said, was your voice strained or was it just you? He seemed to have noticed, but you continued. “I can’t really tonight, I already have…” you eyed around you, hoping to spot someone worthy of taking home and avoiding leaving with Jeongguk. “…plans.”
He raised his eyebrow, clearly not expecting that answer. “What kind of plans?”
“You know, I’m good for the evening. I have someone I’m leaving with.” you lied, eyes still searching for someone, anyone at this point.
“Who? Do I know them?”
That wasn’t the response you were expecting. He never asked that before. Neither of you had asked that before. Well, neither of you had denied each other before, either. But you assumed he would just believe you and let you leave with whoever you pleased. It was never a problem before.
You swallowed, the air around you seemed to have changed for some reason. The tension was growing and it was suffocating you.
“Uhm, probably not.” you laughed, trying to look relaxed, but you weren’t sure if that’s what it came across as. “I just met them at the bar a couple of minutes ago. Didn’t get a name.”
“Huh, I see.” his face was stone cold. “And you’d much rather choose them?”
Your eyes widened and something hard caught in your throat. What was going on? What that- No it couldn’t be. Jeongguk couldn’t be jealous. That wasn’t how this arrangement worked. That wasn’t how any of this worked.
You stumbled over your words as you tried to form an answer that didn’t sound like you were shaken by how he was looking at you, then you felt an arm snake around you and a new voice enter the conversation.
“Beat it. She already has someone for tonight.”
That voice sounded familiar, you turned your head and your eyes widened. Hoseok? What was he-
“And you are?” Jeongguk asked him, eyes blazing. Your eyes snapped back at him. He looked like he was sizing Hoseok up, ready to take him outside to pummel him to death. Your eyes trailed down and noticed his fists were clenched. Oh, boy. This was not how this was supposed to go at all.
Hoseok grinned and leaned in closer to press his cheek against yours. “I’m that someone.”
Something choked in your throat at his words and you spared a glance at Hoseok, eyes pleading to understand what the hell he was talking about.
You were so distracted by his bold statement that you didn’t notice how quiet everything has gotten, it was as if the music stopped playing and time slowed down around you. You swore you could have heard a pin drop in the room. Hoseok glanced at you and winked as if telling you to play along. When you looked back you were met by Jeongguk’s piercing gaze as it moved between you and Hoseok. His jaw was clenched so tight you could see the outline of his jaw muscles on his face. You’ve never seen him so angry before.
“I see.” he said curtly, voice ice cold. “Enjoy your time, then.”
And with that he was gone, pushing past a sea of people, away from your view. You heard music return, a loud bass playing through your ears. But there was something heavy in your chest as you watched him leave. You wanted to run after him and explain everything. To make it all right. To reassure him that it wasn’t his fault, it was all you and your fucking emotions that were going haywire. But you couldn’t. You had an arrangement. You were just friends. You couldn’t talk about emotions like that. It was just sex.
Your eyes stung from tears that were forming and threatening to spill.
Surely he would be able to find someone that was more than satisfactory for tonight, right? He was Jeongguk. He could have anyone. Anyone much better than you could ever be.
You blinked, wiping the few tears that managed to escape with your fingertips and turned to Hoseok. “Uh, thanks, Hobi. You didn’t have to do that.”
He looked over you and you felt his hand run through your hair, gently massaging your scalp. “Hey, it’s ok.” he smiled, eyes gentle, “Do you want to talk about it?”
You laughed hoarsely. “I think you’ve already figured it out, Hobi.”
He hummed in agreement, letting go of your hair and pulling you with him to go outside. It was a gesture you greatly appreciated as you were starting to feel too suffocated inside with all of the smell of alcohol and sweat. Your chest was begging for fresh air.
Once outside, he leaned against the rails of the porch and gestured for you to sit next to him. You did, tucking your ankles behind one another and stared out at the driveway. What a mess. Why did you have to treat Jeongguk like that? He probably would never want to see you ever again. You knew you wouldn’t after that.
“You like him, don’t you?” you heard Hoseok ask beside you in a soft whisper. It was framed like a question, but it was more of a statement and both of you already knew the answer.
You looked over at him and bit your lip before nodding, not trusting yourself to admit it out loud.
Hoseok studied you with his gaze and nodded back, his eyes solemn. “And you don’t want to be? Because you can’t be together?”
“We’re not like that…” you began, searching for words to explain why this whole situation was so difficult for you. “I- We’re supposed to be just friends that enjoy each other’s bodies. Nothing more. I didn’t expect this to happen.”
Hoseok laughed, albeit bitterly but with sympathy in his eyes. “What did you think was going to happen? You were just going to be fuck buddies until you finish college and move on? Haven’t you seen all those friends with benefits movies? How they end up?”
You smiled wryly. “I suppose I didn’t think it could happen to me. I’ve had no strings attached relationships most of my adult life, it was never a problem.”
“But this time something was different, right?” he looked at you knowingly and you felt heat rise to your cheeks.
“There’s something about him…” you mused, a small smile on your lips. “He always makes me do things I’ve never done, but instead of me getting uncomfortable with it or hating him, I enjoy it and grow.”
You heard Hoseok hum, nodding, and stared at your hands in your lap before continuing. “I feel alive with him, not just physically. It’s like I can do anything as long as he’s nearby and I want him by my side more and more.”
“And you’re scared to tell him all this because you don’t want to get rejected?”
You laughed dryly. “Oh, I know I’ll get rejected. Because he doesn’t feel the same. I’m just his best friend that he fucks when things get hard.”
Hoseok snorted at your choice of words and you rolled you eyes. “Pervert.”
“Hey, you’re the one that said it that way.”
“Anyways,” you stared unamused at his sheepish smile, “he doesn’t see me as anything more than that, and I don’t want to ruin everything we have over some feelings that could evaporate as fast as they appear.” you said bitterly. “I don’t trust emotions, they never stay.”
Hoseok opened his mouth and looked like he was about to say something, but held back and cleared his throat. “So what are you going to do?”
“Avoid him, kill these feelings and go back to how things were.”
“And what about after that?”
You looked up at him. “What do you mean?”
“College is coming to an end for you, haven’t you thought what comes after that?” Hoseok pried, “Say you do manage to get rid of these feelings for Jeongguk, would you still keep the relationship going even after college? Do you even know if you’re staying here after?”
“I don’t.” you admitted, feeling like shit. “But it’d be easier to keep a no strings attached relationship going than a romantic one. Not that there’s a chance for it to develop into that anyway.”
Hoseok said your name and you met his eyes. “First off, stop trying to speak for him. You don’t know how he feels. You’re just telling yourself all this to hurt yourself because you feel guilty for enjoying something that happens naturally.”
You swallowed, taking his words in, but didn’t speak.
“Second,” Hoseok raised two fingers before continuing, “Figure your life out. Find out what you want, who you want, and whether you’re willing to try this with him.”
You heart skipped a beat at the thought.
“And third,” he raised another finger, “Talk to him. Tell him how you feel. You’ll need to anyways, regardless of what you choose to do with your life. Because he deserves to know what’s been going on with you.”
He saw you biting your lower lip in fear and sighed. “You at least owe him an explanation, it’s not just you who’s hurt here.” his eyes looked at you sadly.
You were silent for a moment, before you opened your mouth in defeat. “You’re right, Hobi.” you felt a tear slid down your cheek. “Like always, you know jut what to say.”
“Damn straight.” he wiped your tear with his finger.
“I should’ve told you all this weeks before.”
“Damn straight, you should of. I would’ve stopped you from letting it get to this point.”
You felt his hand on yours and him giving it a light squeeze. “Hey, it’s ok. We all fuck up in life, it’s part of learning.”
You laughed, your voice quivering. “Do you think he hates me?”
“Jeongguk?” Hoseok asked and shook his head. “No, I think he’s just upset. He cares about you. I don’t even know the guy that well, but I could see it. He’s been looking for you all night.”
You weren’t sure if that bit of information made you feel better or not. Perhaps not. Or perhaps the whole thing was bittersweet.
“Alright. I’m gonna go home and figure my shit out.” you said, sniffing, and stretched your back. You had a lot of thinking to do. A lot of words to scribble on pieces of papers before you could find the right thing to say to Jeongguk.
“I’ll drop you off.” Hoseok offered, wrapping his arm around you as you walked down the porch.
You nodded your head. “Thanks, Hobi. For everything.”
He smiled brightly. “Anytime. What would you do without me?”
“Probably still be bringing in Jeongguk look-a likes into my bed in hopes of getting over him.”
“Ew, tmi.”
“Haha, sorry.”
You: We need to talk.
Your fingers shook, palms clammy as you send that message. You hoped he was available. You were finally ready to face everything about what got you so twisted in this situation. And you were hoping he had calmed down enough to at least hear you out. That’s all you needed.
Jeongguk: I’m busy.
Your heart sank.
You: It’ll just take 5 mins. Please.
You set your phone down in your lap, hearing the waves crash in front of you and prayed, for the first time in your life, for some kind of cosmic force in the universe to convince him to see you, just one more time.
Jeongguk: Where are you rn?
Oh thank god, or whatever deity that processed your prayer in such a timely manner. Love and prosperity onto them. Bless.
You: At the beach. The one we went to last fall.
Jeongguk: ?? The hell? What are you doing there?
You: Sitting. Get your ass here so I can explain myself.
You imagined him smiling at your text, hopefully. Maybe it was funny. Maybe he didn’t hate you as much as you thought he did. You hoped he still tolerated you enough to come meet you. Or who knows maybe he hated your guts. The next text would tell you for sure.
Jeongguk: omw
Thank god.
You smiled as you read the text and slid your phone back in your pocket. You then took out a stack of pages of your thoughts and feelings to flip through as you waited.
So you might have lied about it taking five minutes. Yes, you were full of shit, but you could maybe try to summarize some key points to tell him. As if it was a presentation. Of your feelings. Wow, so that was a thing that was cringy. Jeez, you really were turning into an emotional mess.
It took him around ten minutes to get to you, and you could hear him stepping down the flight of stairs as he made his way down to the little blanket you had splayed out on the sand.
You felt him sit down next to you, crossing his legs and tore your gaze away from your scribbles to look at him. Your breath caught in your throat. He looked so devastatingly good, like he always did.
The leather jacket he sported looked too good on him, with a grey hoodie underneath and tight ripped jeans with black boots. Comfort and bad boy vibes all in one, you were blindsided for a moment.
Jeongguk cleared his throat. “Well? You said you wanted to talk?”
Was it just you or did it look like he had bags under his eyes? Was he sleeping enough? Has he been out partying the last couple of nights? You hoped he took care of himself without you, you knew how much he hated cooking.
God, that made it sound like the two of you were together… No wonder you fell for him so hard.
“Ah, yes.” you swallowed a large sum of saliva down your throat that you didn’t know you had before moving to face him, crossing your own knees. “I wanted to start by apologizing for blowing you off that night. That wasn’t cool.”
He shrugged, playing with one of the threads of the blanket. “It’s whatever, I found someone else. No big deal.”
Jealousy burned in your chest, but you swallowed, trying to calm it down. Take a breath, you’re here to apologize, not get possessive. Get your shit together.
He wouldn’t meet your eyes, so you continued.
“I also wanted to apologize for avoiding you before that too. That wasn’t cool either, friends don’t do that to each other.”
A wry smile spread on his face at the word ‘friends’, but he didn’t say anything. You cleared your throat, hating how awkward the whole situation seemed. He really wasn’t helping you. You had to crawl out of this mess yourself.
You braced yourself.
“And I also needed to tell you that I fucked up.”
That got his attention, he stopped playing with the fabric and raised his eyes to meet yours, they were full of confusion. He looked so cute with that face, you fought the urge to kiss him. Fuck, not now. This was important.
“I fucked up with our agreement,” you explained, “We were supposed to be best friends who occasionally helped each other get off. Just sex and that’s it. There wasn’t supposed to be anything beyond that.” you bit your lip, looking away from his gaze, not ready to look at him with what came next, “But I fucked it up by falling for you.”
He didn’t say anything, and you could hear your heart thump hard in your chest at your confession. Fuck, okay. It’s not over yet. Fuck, fuck.
You had to remind yourself to keep breathing.
“It started when you took me skinny dipping here,” you motioned to the sea, your eyes lost on the horizon. “I’ve never done anything like that before, and to be honest, I don’t think I would ever have if you hadn’t made me.” you smiled a little at the memory of how you felt underwater.
“It was the first time I let go, and it really made me think about a lot of things.” you tugged at your sleeves. “About how alive you always make me feel. And how I don’t mind you pushing me to try new things. I enjoy it, in fact.”
You still avoided looking at him, you were doing good. So far you were able to talk without fucking up. It was going good. Onto the next point.
“However, I realized that I should not harbor such feelings as it would endanger our friendship, and, well, just make things complicated in general.” you bit the inside of your cheek before continuing, “So I tried to deal with them before they caused any trouble.”
You let out a dry laugh. “Didn’t really work. I found myself taking home guys that looked like you and thinking about what you were up to constantly. It was kind of ridiculous.”
You thought you heard him snort softly, but it was hard to tell with the sound of the waves crashing.
“So anyways, while that was going on, I tried to ignore you in the meantime in fear of slipping up and you finding out about these, feelings, and well,” you laughed, “that clearly wasn’t a good strategy either, cause I should’ve expected sooner or later you’d want my company again and find me, despite my futile attempts.”
You let out a long breath. “So, here we are, awkward and uncertain about what’ll happen now.” your lips thinned. You still couldn’t look at him. “I just want to apologize for not telling you sooner and instead acting like a child. I didn’t mean for all this to happen.”
You felt your eyes stinging, fuck, no. Not now. Really, it was the worst time for you to start crying. Get it together. You’re almost done.
“It’s just-” but the tears started to spill. Ah, fuck.
You laugh at yourself, wiping them with the sleeves of your shirt. “Look at me, I don’t even have my life together; I don’t know what I’m doing after college, I don’t know who I want to be or what I want, and now I’m crying over a simple talk that most people would’ve finished with by now.” you shook your head, chest feeling tight. You took a deep breath.
“It’s just… the only thing I’m sure of,” you hiccuped and gulped, “is that you’re the only thing that make sense in my life.”
After that you finally dared to look at him. Once your eyes landed on him your breath caught in your throat. Jeongguk was looking at you with such wide glassy eyes, it stopped you in your tracks. You had more you wanted to say, but with just one glance you were stricken wordless.
Time around you seemed to slow down, and you focused in on him, on the bits of tears that stained the sides of his eyes, the slight agape of his mouth. How he was looking at you, as if staring into your soul, and not moving.
You felt your heartbeat thumping in your ears as you saw him leaning in closer to you. Up to the point your noses touched. He was so close you could feel his warm breath on your lips. Your eyes were glued to him. He was all you could see.
“Do you mean that?” he said, so softly you could barely hear him.
You choked a little and nodded, making your noses rub against each other at the motion.
And he was kissing you. Your eyes shut as you wrapped your arms around his neck, fingers tangling in his hair. He pulled you closer in his tight hold around your waist.
His lips were so soft and warm, and he kissed you like he was out of breath and needed oxygen, as if it was something he was born to do. You wrapped your legs around his frame and sat in his lap, just wanting to be close. As close as you could get.
His hands trailed up and down your back, slipping underneath your shirt to run across your skin. You shuddered.
Tears kept spilling, staining your cheeks and his. But neither of you stopped, you kept kissing until your lips were swollen and you both needed pull away to breathe.
The both of you rested your foreheads against each other, taking short breaths and eyes locked.
“Fuck, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” he said, gasping against your face.
Your cheeks reddened. “You have?”
Jeongguk smiled, “Yeah, but you said no kissing when we made that damn arrangement.”
You had felt foolish, so absolutely foolish. “I’m sorry.”
He pecked your lips.
You blushed and found yourself asking, “So, do you like me?”
Jeongguk raised his eyebrow at you and smiled. “What do you think?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d ever like me like that.”
“Stop saying sorry and just kiss me, you dolt. That’ll make up for it.”
Before you could respond his lips were on yours again. And you found yourself not really minding that. Or however many times it’ll take for you to make it up to him.
“Fuck you.” Jeongguk groaned. “I want chinese.”
You stuck your tongue out at him. “And I want pizza.”
The two of you were sitting on his couch, a bunch of take out fliers spread out around you, arguing over what to have for dinner once again. Somehow it felt familiar, almost like a routine. And something about that made your heart squeeze affectionately at the thought.
“How about this,” you stared at him seriously, “A compromise; we get a chinese flavoured pizza.”
Jeongguk threw a pillow at your face, his face unamused. “That’s not a compromise, we’ve been over this. That’s you getting your pizza.”
You cackled at him, clutching the pillow to your chest as he tried to grab it from you to throw it at you again.
“Fine, how about chicken wings?”
He stopped trying to pull the pillow away from you at that and smiled his beautiful smile that made your heart race every single time.
“That sounds perfect.” he said as he grabbed his phone to place the order.
And, for once, it was; perfect.
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
The Fantasy | JJK
You and your boyfriend try out a new form of role play, but it just keeps going wrong…
You realized how underappreciated you’ve become in your long term relationship and you can’t take it anymore, you want romance, you want excitement, you want to be wanted! So what happens? You find the courage to find someone better. You just hadn’t expected it to be Jeon Jungkook, who never took anything seriously, especially relationships. But that’s okay, because you don’t want a relationship, you want to be fucked. And that, Jungkook is very good at… ANYWAYS this is a lot of backstory for a shameless fic about getting railed a bunch of times. 
Warning: sadist!jungkook, yandere!jungkook, masochist!reader, CONSENSUAL-NON-CONSENSUAL, if you don’t like that kink at all, then stop right now, because it is literally what the title of the story is about :’), predator/prey, bdsm, I am not an expert, don’t take this as a healthy portrayal of anything :), drunk sex, dubcon, rough sex, safe word use, gaslighting, breakup, really really bad sex that I truly find more triggering than the CNC :’), over-jealousy, toxic behavior, body shaming, reader calls herself overweight (I never use the other word), fingering, knife play, slapping, oral sex, anal, multiple orgasms, overstimulation 
Word count: 10.6k
“Any fantasies?” 
You hesitate.
Your relationship with Jungkook was going well, perfect, actually. It’s probably the best relationship you’ve ever been in, you realize. Definitely the best sex.
It’s funny how what you thought would be a one night stand has turned into this: cohabiting with – cooking each other dinner, dancing in your kitchen to music, fucking in your kitchen to music, fucking on every surface of your shared apartment – and enjoying each other’s company even when you weren’t in each other’s company, when he was on his computer mixing beats and you were on your laptop writing, sharing each other’s lives and becoming the couple all your friends groan about because you can’t keep your hands off each other. Because Jungkook, like you, had a Guinness World Record breaking high sex drive. And almost Immediately, the very night you decided to hook up with your long time friend, you discovered how compatible you were in the bedroom as well. 
But this, was a bit different.
You finish chopping vegetables for dinner, cleaning the cutting board under tap water. Your boyfriend comes up behind you covering your mouth first, pressing his body close to yours next, so forcefully the counter’s edge digs in your abdomen. You grunt against his palm as he pulls your head back, hand squeezing your breast harshly.
“Shhhh,” he calms you down, lips pressed to your ear, picking up a knife from the sink. You stay as still as possible when he runs the knife flat side against the front of your body, up your stomach, between your breasts, tantalizingly slow. And then lets the knife’s tip go under your shirt, turning it, slicing the fabric.
You gasp in surprise against his palm, your noises muffled. He tightens his hold on your body, voice deep, angrier, “Don’t make any fucking noise.”
Jungkook flips you around, pressing you into the wall between the fridge and pantry. Hands wrapping around your throat, straightening your body, he kisses you hard, pushing his tongue inside your mouth. You moan, opening your mouth wider, letting him have his way.
“You’re not supposed to let me kiss you,” he breathes in. Hands pulling at the torn fabric.
“Oh? Oh, sorry.” You moan, “I’m sorry, you’re just so sexy, and I want you so badly,” you speak between kisses, “I can’t help it.” 
He smiles and sighs, carrying you to the bed instead. “We’ll try again,” you giggle. “I’ll be better, I promise.”
You look yourself over in your bedroom mirror, there’s so many straps and lace and ties across your body. You turn to the side and pull in your stomach, wishing you were twenty pounds lighter, so your rolls didn’t stick so noticeably through the tight straps of your lingerie. 
You turn again, twirling around to look at yourself from all angles, admiring the expensive intricate lace. It wasn’t a perfect fit, but overall you felt good, sexy even. It’s been so long since you did up your hair and makeup and tried to be sexy. You didn’t know if you even could be sexy anymore, but looking at the reflection in your mirror, you almost saw the old fun version of yourself again, attempting to break free. This was it, your final attempt. You were going to save your relationship! And show the love of your life that you were just as in love with him as the day you first met. Because you really were, and you missed him. You missed what you had. Somewhere along the way, you had stopped giving each other the attention you both deserved, Somehow it just all went wrong...
Before leaving the bedroom, you pulled on a silk robe, hiding your surprise. You felt self-conscious and unsure, but excited! You haven’t had sex with your boyfriend in weeks. And the last time you did have sex with him, you couldn’t even come. You had fallen into a rut.
“H-Hey-” you hug your boyfriend from behind, kissing his cheek.
“Hey, give me a minute.” Your boyfriend doesn’t even look at you, too busy concentrating on his video game. Ugh. You hated video games. You hated his gamer friends who preoccupied all his time, with their inside jokes, begging him to stay one more hour, two more hours. And you fucking hated that phrase most of all. ‘Just a minute.’ A game minute was not a minute, a game minute was half an hour if you were lucky. You didn’t always hate video games, but now, all you felt was disdain every time you heard the repetitive fighting noises, the ‘cheerful’ music constantly on loop in your house that made you want to rip out your own ear drums. You hated it.
You stand in the center of your apartment, watching bright blue light flood the empty living room. Your boyfriend is laughing with his friends, smashing the keys of his controller, his undivided attention given solely to the gaming monitor in front of him. 
You call out his name, pull the ends of your robe down lower. Just a tease of what’s to come. A preview of what you were offering if he just reached out and took it. He turns to look at you quickly, smiling, “Five minutes! We’re in a raid, I’m sorry!” Just like that, laughing again with his friends, yelling into his mic. 
As the seconds tick by you felt more and more conscious of how ridiculous you looked. How ridiculous you were being. How unwanted and unloved you felt. You pull the ends of your robe tight around your body, your eyes beginning to sting with surfacing tears, your throat painfully dry. Why couldn’t he just look at you, see you? Why couldn’t he just want to be with you?
You quietly turn around and walk back into your bedroom, sit down on your bed and look at your reflection again. You hear faint cheering, the game play restarting again, your boyfriend calling his friends for more backup. And you continue to stare, unable to move, weighted down by all your hatred and pain and heartache.
Sad pathetic overweight woman who can’t even get her own boyfriend to fuck her. 
Then you cried. Arms hugging yourself, because no one else was going to hug you or love you. How insignificant you felt in that moment, how invisible. And to prove your point, as you cried and held yourself together, your sobs were drowned out by loud music and your boyfriend's groans of losing. 
Both of you lost something. There were no winners tonight.
After midnight he joins you in bed. But by then you had already changed, took off your tight complicated lingerie, scrubbed off your makeup, put your hair up for bed and pulled over an old oversized t-shirt.
You keep your back to him, rubbing your eyes, red from crying, tears still dried on your face. 
He holds you, kissing your shoulder, and you feel sick to your stomach because no matter how angry you are at him, his rare affection still makes you feel better, makes your heart feel lighter. But these days, your heart felt so heavy from the weight of rejection, these small gestures were meaningless. 
He turns you around slowly, “I’m sorry for ignoring you, baby.”
You hum. It’s late and you’re too tired to argue or start a fight about it anymore. It’s always the same, every night, for months, and yet you’ve still never gotten used to it, never wanted to accept this was now your reality.
Because you yearned for the man you fell in love with. Who would cuddle you on the couch, fall asleep with you to old Blockbusters. And when you woke up he would still be holding you close, and you would wake him up with kisses, giggle softly together; and those soft moments would turn heated, and he’d get on top of you and fuck you into the couch cushions, he didn’t care about the movie anymore, all he cared about was you.
You missed those days. You missed that man. You barely recognize the man lying next to you now. You barely recognize yourself. When did you become like this? So broken, so unhappy and closed off, timid and tired? So fucking lonely?
“Stop, I look like a mess.” You try to shrug him off, feeling ugly.
“No you don’t, you look beautiful.”
“I had dressed up for you.”
“You don’t need to do all that.”
“I waited for you.”
“I’m here now,” He kisses you softly.
He rolls his body on top of yours, a familiar position…the only position you’ve had sex in for years, years! You can’t stand it. How fucking boring sex has become. How boring your entire life has become. You kiss him harder, moving your body from under his, pushing softly against his shoulder so he turns. You pull a leg over his torso, sitting on him. On top now, grinding on his lap, trying to find that spark again, some power for yourself again. You kiss his neck, moaning softly against his skin. He laughs at your enthusiasm. 
Did he just really laugh at you? When you’re trying, really trying to save your love life?
His hands find a hold on your hips, shifting your body back down, rolling over you again. “C’mon baby, you know I like to be on top.”
He pushes himself inside slowly, you spread your legs wider, barely wet enough to guide him in.
Does he love you still? Does he find you attractive anymore?
He pistons into your core, grunting into your shoulder. Quick strokes, chasing his release.
Get out of your head, y/n.
You want to be on top. You want to try something new and fun. You want to actually come. You want anything other than this boring ass vanilla sex every single time, in the same way…for the rest of your fucking life?
“More,” you beg. You wanted more. More passion, more effort, more love.
He pistons into you at a quicker pace. Hard fast strokes that slowly build up the pressure inside you too, his hardening dick finally making it feel good for you too.
You try to focus on that feeling, imaging yourself being fucked somewhere else, maybe in the woods, or in the car, where someone might catch the two of you. You used to do things like that before, in the beginning of your relationship. Even if it was awkward and clumsy, it was fun. You laughed together, and you would come together. You think about those nights again, you think about getting fucked by that actor on that new Netflix show you started watching. The one with the six pack and big arms that could crush your windpipe. You’re so close. 
“I’m close.”
“I can feel it,” He grunts. Focus. Cum. You were so close when he orgasms, his hips stuttering and losing their rhythm, you had been so close.
Neither of you move. He sighs, rolling over. “Do you want me to finish you?” he asks, eyes barely open.
You shake your head, afraid if you spoke you would burst out crying. You're exhausted anyways, you're so tired of it all. Running to the bathroom to clean yourself up, you feel like you can finally breath in.
You look at yourself in the bathroom mirror, staring at your reflection for a third time tonight. You look how miserable you are, eyes swollen and red for you crying, lips swollen from his kisses, hair a mess from his sloppy thrusts. 
‘Don’t look away,’ you tell yourself. Your eyes are glassy, with tears starting again. You’re still unsatisfied, still horny, still so utterly alone. 
Misunderstood woman. Used up woman. Ugly woman. Scared woman…scared woman…
You’re too scared to demand for better. One single weak cry for more doesn’t help you. If you can’t make your own boyfriend love you, to find you attractive anymore, what hope do you have to make a stranger love you?
You’re a scared woman, too scared to leave him. Leave…leave leave leave!
After cleaning away your shame you trudged back into your bedroom, saw your boyfriend snoring in your bed, content with his life, and you felt another familiar emotion. You felt furious. 
But this time, in this one single moment, in your anger, you felt courage.
When he woke up that morning, he called out to you, looking for you.
“Baby? Where are you?” You could hear his groggy voice from the living room where you slept. 
“In the living room,” you find your voice.
“Are you making breakfast?” He yells back, “I’m hungry!”
You were sitting on the couch, awake, dressed, with a suitcase, packed with some clothes and that expensive lingerie you had decided to buy.
When he finally does decide to come to the kitchen, you tell him, “I think we need some time apart.”
You let it sink in for him and continue, “I’m going to go stay with my friend while I figure some things out. I…need a break from this.” You stand up, suitcase, purse, and your favorite pillow in your arms.
“Wait wait wait, hold on a second? What?! Why?!”
“I just don’t feel…loved anymore.”
He rushes to your side, holding onto your tense shoulders, “I love you, what? Of course I love you! Is this about me not paying attention to you fast enough last night? Don’t you think you’re overreacting?!”
“It’s not about that. We need some space. I need some space. Don’t you feel it?” you ask incredulously. “That was the first time we had sex in weeks. I have to practically beg you to touch me-”
“What?! That’s not true!”
“We never have sex! We never have sex!” You repeat, pushing him away, “We never just fuck. Do you even want to fuck me anymore?!”
“Of course I do! We just had sex, y/n! What the fuck?”
“Then why don’t you?! Why don’t you fuck me?! Fuck me on the table.” You point to your tiny dining room table, irate. It wasn't about the sex, you knew that, but it also, had everything to do about the sex.
“The t-table, what?! You’re acting so fucking crazy. Why would we fuck on that hard table when we have a bed? We’re not teenagers in high school any more, y/n!”
“So what? SO WHAT?!”
“What makes you think I want to fuck you when you act so desperate all the time!?” You laugh at that, telling him goodbye. “Wait wait, I’m sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm just angry. Y/n, we’ve been in a relationship for six years.That’s just how couples act. We can’t have sex like rabbits all the fucking time. What is wrong with you?! You’re going to throw away SIX YEARS because I won’t fuck you on a table?? Is this a joke?!” He sounds like he’s about to cry, words cracking in his throat.
You’re already pulling your suitcase out the front door. “I’m sorry! Just give me some space. Please!” You can’t watch him be upset any longer, not when you are experienced in how much it hurts to have someone no longer choose you...
So this is why you’re here now, sitting at the bar while your friend dances with some guy she just met. 
This is where you first met him.
Well, technically, this isn’t the first first time you’ve met Jeon Jungkook, but it is the first time you thought about fucking him.
Okay, so technically, that’s not the whole truth either. How could you not think about it at least once in a while? When Jungkook is possibly one of the most attractive men you’ve ever met, and definitely the most attractive man in your friend group.
But you were shy and quiet, and always by your boyfriend’s side when you met up with friends, a loyal girlfriend...
Ugh, why won’t men approach you? It is so obvious you’re taken, spoken for, to be his for the rest of your life? You’ve sat at the bar and waited and tried to do what your friend does; be seductive, catch someone’s eyes and look willing and available, yet still, no one has come up to you and asked for a dance, or asked to buy you a drink, nothing, not one single person! 
Why does it work so easily for her and not you? Are you truly that unfuckable? You stir the ice in your drink around and contemplate why no man wants you, is it your face? Your body? Should you smile more? You feel like fucking crying again. 
The music is loud and becoming annoying, your feet are sore, you don't want to spend another twelve dollars on a drink, and just when you’re about to call it a night, send your girl friend a fake text that you’re heading out with someone, because that had been her ultimate goal for you tonight (and instead go back to her apartment with a New York style pizza and pint of ice cream), you finally notice him.
Jungkook sits across the bar from you, talking to a beautiful blonde. You’re not surprised he’s here, Jungkook is the biggest flirt you know. He’ll treat any girl to a good time as long as she doesn’t expect anything more in return. Because Jungkook is well known in your friend group for being a ho.
Not that you blame him, if you looked as good as Jeon Jungkook you’d be a man slut too. If you looked as good as him you definitely wouldn’t be in the position you are now, hardly no dating experience with not one seductive bone in your body. Ugh!
Jungkook catches your eye as you stare at him and you wave at him sheepishly. 
This is so fucking embarrassing. Why did your friend let you walk out of the house with this much makeup on?! It was the same style you wore last night, dark black eyeshadow, accentuating your eyes and red lipstick. It hadn’t worked on your boyfriend, why did you think it was going to work now? You shifted awkwardly in your tight dress. Too tight. You never wore dresses like this, the fit short and revealing. So embarrassing. 
But Jungkook, having seen you, has to go weaving through bodies to say hi to you, like the sweet friendly man he is. “Holy shit, y/n! What are you doing here? Jimin, finally let you out?” He yells over the music, leaning close to you, a friendly smile on his face. You know Jungkook was only joking, he loves teasing everyone, but it stings to hear his name.
“We’re, umm, on a break.” You say loudly into his ear, awkwardly stirring your cocktail. “Jen convinced me to come out.”
“I’m sorry, you were together for years, wow. Are you okay?” he asks. You can feel his uneasiness, how he’s worried to say anything wrong.
“I’m f-fine. It was my decision.” ‘This is what you wanted, y/n.’
“Really? Good, good for you.” Jungkook’s smile is bright and warm and makes you feel a little bit better about yourself. “You look great. I barely recognized you.” He laughs, looking at you up and down, eyes stopping at your curves, your cleavage. You’re sure he must be surprised, you never dressed like this. Jimin would have lost his mind if you stepped outside in a dress like this.
You try to joke with him, “I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not,” you laugh.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that. Sorry, I’ve been drinking! You always look cute. I just have never seen you like this. You know. It’s nice. You look hot.” He pats you on the back. It’s awkward, and also kind of funny they way it seems like he’s giving you a pep talk.
“Yeah, well no one else thinks so.” You mutter. “How am I supposed to get over him if no one wants to fuck me?” Maybe you’re a little drunk too.
Jungkook laughs. He’s always thought you were kind of innocent the way you dressed and acted. So, the moment he saw you, alone, looking so lost and miserable, he had to make sure you were okay. He definitely did not expect to hear you’ve broken up with your boyfriend. You were always glued to Jimin’s side and rarely talked to anyone else. Jungkook met you both as a couple, and if he was asked what he thought of you and Jimin yesterday, he would have expected you two were going to be married someday. You talking about fucking someone else so nonchalantly, that definitely would not have been on Jungkook’s bingo card of future expectations.
“You can find someone. Just be direct. Like this,” He grabs the shoulder of a guy walking past you. “My friend thinks you're cute and wants to dance,” he winks over at you, and your eyes widen, too shocked to speak.
“Yeah?” the stranger says, intrigued.
“Yep,” Jungkook looks over to you, smiling wider, pulling you up from your chair.
“Hey, so, you want to dance?”
You look at Jungkook gratefully, nodding yes.
You felt great. This was great, you were having the time of your life! After years of feeling neglected it was crazy how good it felt to just flirt a little, grind against a man, and feel just how much someone wanted you. It was the small confidence booster you really needed. If it took a stranger grinding his half chub against your ass in the dark nightclub to make you feel desirable, then so be it. You were also turned on, body buzzing, wetter than you wanted to accept, elated from just dancing and moving and living again.
But what really made you hotter than you’ve felt in years, what made the butterflies inside you dance as well, was the way every time you looked over to Jungkook, he was watching you too, his piercing eyes following your movements. 
Sure, he had a girl draped over him, one with larger lips, a thinner face, a hotter smaller figure you could only wish you were born with. But Jungkook would constantly look over to you too, between laughs, and sips, and exchanges. Staring at you shamelessly. You weren’t just seeing things, Jungkook had his eyes on you, and he liked what he saw!
He could be checking in on you, like a good friend does. Or maybe...
You keep dancing, even when you start to feel tired. You feel your dance partner’s hands move across your body, in patterns and pressure so different from what you’ve been used to all these years, and when lips that don’t feel familiar touch your neck, your body stiffens. You’re so used to your exboyfriend’s touch, even if it had become sour to you, and now it just feels wrong to keep letting this stranger whom didn’t even bother to ask for your name continue to touch you. You pull his hands off you to excuse yourself and feel crushed when he looks irritatedly at you.
So here you sit again, back at the bar, feeling defeated. It was nice while it lasted though, pretending to be everything you’re no longer, letting go for the night, and Jeon Jungkook eye fucking you on the dance floor. Like right now. He stares you down, doesn’t look away awkwardly when you meet his gaze, doesn’t smile timidly, just watches you lean against the bar, chin resting on your palm as you think, realizing Jungkook hasn’t stopped staring.
“Do you want to have sex?”
His face remains blank, “What?”
You ignore the ugly glare the woman next to him is sending your way. “I said did you want to have sex? With me?” You pause, “I’m being direct.”
The girl next to him scoffs loudly and Jungkook continues to stay quiet and now you feel like an idiot. He looks shocked, eyes large like a deer in headlights, and confused. You must have been seeing things, maybe it was the club lights or all the alcohol you consumed, that made you think Jungkook was the least bit interested in you. All the courage it took you to walk over to him is all gone now. You are sure you’ve now also ruined your friendship. Oh god, what if he tells your other friends? You’ll never be able to face anyone ever again. You shake your head, turning around, making a beeline to the bathroom.
‘How sad,” the girl Jungkook had been entertaining laughs, and Jungkook very delicately, removes her arms from around his neck. 
“I gotta go,” and he leaves before she can process his rejection.
Jungkook finds you near the bathrooms in a panic. “Hey.”
You jump. “Fuck,” you clutch your racing heart, swaying into Jungkook, “Oh it’s you. Just, just ignore me. I’m a mess. I get it,” you ramble. “I wouldn’t want to fuck me either.”
“Nononono,” He’s quick to reassure you, “I just...don’t do relationships,” he says slightly ashamed of himself for leading you on. As intrigued as he was witnessing this new side of you, what he had witnessed during all the years he knew you had led him to believe you were a serial monogamist. Someone who awkwardly laughed away inappropriate jokes, anytime a taboo discussion would take place amongst your friends on a chill weekend night, you would scrunch your nose and roll your eyes, probably disgusted by the way everyone overshared their sex lives. You and Jimin never spoke about yours with the group either. He couldn’t imagine you being a one night stand kind of girl, and he didn’t want to take advantage of you at your most vulnerable and end up hurting you in the end. That's what he wanted to explain to you, before you said,
“That’s okay.” 
Jungkook runs a hand through his unruly hair, fixing the strands back in place. “You know how I am, y/n.” he admits, so quietly you have to move closer to hear him above the music. “I’m not looking for anything serious,” he says wearily, making sure you understand. You stare at his mouth through half lidded eyes, lick your lips and he has to remind himself to act like a gentleman. He tried to look away but your stare was magnetic, pulling him in, closer and closer.
“I know,” you swallow, leaning against his chest. 
You let out a soft deep sigh. Jungkook could have sworn you moaned his name, but he didn’t believe it, you weren’t that kind of woman. His body responded to your call just the same, leaning into you, pressing you between his hard chest and the club wall. His voice drops down in octave, deep and raspy. “I’m a rough person.”
“Even better,” and pull him to you by the collar, pressing your lips to his.
To any passerby you looked like two very drunk people making out in the bathroom hall, a common occurance for the Club you were in. They didn’t know everything it took for you to get here, what you sacrificed and gave up, what you lost and tried to regain. Even Jungkook barely understood the change and shift within you, but he felt your passion and he couldn’t get enough of it.
So that had been your first kiss with Jungkook, hands and tongue and teeth, frenzied and unrestrained.
Jungkook was rougher than usual, testing you, expecting you to push him away and stop him, but you only matched his energy, widening your legs when he shoved his thigh up into your core, moaning when he yanked your hair. When his strong hands held you painfully tight you raked your nails down his back, pulled his hair until his scalp stung, kissed him harder when he bit your lip.
When Jungkook finally pulls away from you, he doesn’t hesitate. “Let’s go, I’ll call for a ride,” fingers intertwined, pulling you out of the club.
With the fresh night air chilling your body and sobering you up, you realize this definitely is happening, you’re about to have sex with Jungkook, you’re about to have sex with someone else for the first time in six years. You glance over to Jungkook and he smiles back softly. He hasn’t let go of your hand and you stand together in silence. He also hasn’t tried to kiss you and you feel too exposed to kiss him, and you wonder if he is regretting this. You look over to him again even more worried and he smiles again and squeezes your hand. He’s back to being sweet friendly Jungkook, calming your nerves and making you feel welcome, so you follow him into the cab and back to his apartment. 
As soon as you step into his apartment, he locks the handle and cages you against the door, tasting your lips again. “Fuck, fuck, sorry, I can’t wait any longer.” He pulls the hem of your dress down lower, kissing your shoulder as his skilled fingers unzips the back of your dress, as your shaky fingers try to unbutton his shirt.
He stops, admiring your body.
“This…was underneath that?” He smirks. “You really were trying to get lucky tonight, hmm?” His tattooed knuckles run along the intricate lace, finger hooking into a strap as he pulls on it teasingly.
“Yes,” you feel your voice catch in your throat as he admires the lace across your chest, pulling your dress down lower.
“Holy fuck, I guess it really is the quiet ones you have to look out for.” He holds your jaw with two fingers, lifting your chin so your eyes meet. “So fucking sexy.”
“I’m not always quiet,” you pant.
“Yeah, are you a screamer?”
“I guess that depends on you.” You guide his hand down to your chest, squeezing. His body knocks into you hard and fast, pressing his lips to your neck. You let your head fall against the doorframe, moaning loudly as his hands massage your breasts, pulling on your sensitive skin through the fabric. You can’t help but run your nails across his muscles, whimpering from how good it feels. His hands encase your wrists, pulling your arms above your head and he looks into your eyes, pausing briefly. There’s fire in your eyes when you stare back, setting off a spark that ignites his whole body, flaming his arousal.
He moves you to the couch, lips attached to your skin, his frame hard and heavy and welcomingly warm. He cups your breast, licking a long strip across your neck, and you pull your legs over his hips, hands fumbling for his belt. He stops you, placing them above your head in one tight hand. “You want me?” He squeezes your wrists, adjusting his weight. You can only nod breathlessly. “Once I start, I won’t stop,” he warns. His deep voice, commanding presence, only makes your heartrate escalate and your body vibrate with anticipation.
“Please, fuck me.”
“Mmm,” he hums, free hand pressing into your center, letting the fabric of your lingerie moisten it with your own slick. It begins to ache how much you want him to continue, breathing shallowly, your thighs tightening around his lean torso. “So wet. I make you that wet, hm?” he smirks.
He presses a single digit inside you and you feel like you might combust right then and there. Your core feels like it’s pulsing from the inside out. Less than a minute with Jungkook’s finger inside you and you’re about to come. How embarrassing would that be.
You arch your back when he adds another digit, push your arms up against his hold.
“Too much?”
“No!” You yell that a little louder than intended. Fuck, you’re really fucking this up.
“No,” you repeat calmer this time. “I just– If you keep doing that, I’m going to come.”
“That’s what I want, baby.”
“I don’t want it to end so quickly.”
Jungkook grins wide, kissing your cheek. ‘Like I said, once I start, I’m not going to stop.” He wiggles his fingers inside you, pressing up, “not until you beg me.” You’re so worked up he only has to press a couple more times inside and you’re tightening around his fingers, body tensing against him. 
You barely have time to catch your breath before his fingers delve in again, your body shaking trying to keep up with his ministrations. “F-Fuck me,” you moan into his mouth.
“No please this time?” he chuckles, letting go of your wrists, gripping your thigh instead and opening you up wider, pumping his fingers in and out, watching as you fall apart all over again. This time, your orgasm lasts, the intensity deep inside you spreading across your body. When it finally ends, you sigh, softly laughing. 
“Well, I’ve never gotten that reaction before.” You wish you could tell him that was your first orgasm in months that you didn’t have to coax yourself. You almost forgot how good an orgasm like that could feel, how freeing. 
Instead you look at him, a huge grin on your face and eyes sparking, admiring the man before you, happy it was Jungkook you found at the club and not a stranger.
No one has looked at him quite like that before, with starry-eyed reverence that makes everything feel so much more intimate, a deeper connection that he just isn't used to. Jungkook kisses you, trading in the feelings bursting inside him with the familiar need to satisfy his desires, to seek out pleasure in your body, to fuck.
“Yes,” you gasp when he finally pushes your panties to the side and pushes himself inside of you. He is so hard and he moves his hips so differently than you’re used to, long strong rolling strokes that take your breath away and make you feel like you’re going crazy with lust. It feels so good, too good. You need to control yourself.
“Jungkook,” you push against his shoulders, “I-I want to be on top.”
Jungkook’s tongue rolls across his bottom lip, “Then get on top, baby.”
After that night, there was no way you could ever go back to your ex. After the power you felt, the sexuality you embodied again, the joy you felt chasing your high. The pleasure you felt rolling your body over Jungkook’s twitching cock, watching Jungkook’s jaw tense, his brows furrow, his muscles jump and tense all from your touch. No, not after this, this was the best sex of your life.
“A-Are you sure? I like seeing you in pleasure,” he massages your ass, pulling you into his lap, “giving you pleasure.”
“You will! I mean, I will be in pleasure. I want it.” You kiss his cheek, cuddle into his chest. “I want you to.” You look at him, gauging his reaction. “I mean, you’ve tied me up before...” Jungkook hums, on the fence. “You don’t want to?”
“I like hurting you,” Jungkook admits almost guiltily.
“I like being hurt.” You whisper, encouragingly.
His hand envelopes yours, he cracks your knuckles and you try to wiggle away from him, laughing. “Ow, that’s not what I had in mind.”
“But I like it,” he pouts, biting your palm.
“Well, if you want to, surprise me, you can anytime. Use my body.”
Jungkook nods.
The next morning, you woke up sore all over your body and very hungover. You almost didn’t believe it. Jungkook was kind, he let you stay the night in his bed, and was quietly snoring next to you proving you did in fact hook up with your friend. You left quickly in the morning, but before you had made it out the door Jungkook asked if you wanted to come back for dinner. You knew what he meant, if you wanted to come back and fuck. You said you’d love to.
Of course dinner ended with you straddling Jungkook’s lap, eagerly kissing him, rolling your hips down with increasing urgency the harder he became.
“Fuck, Jimin is a fucking idiot for letting you go.”
“Mmm, let's not talk about him anymore,” you murmur, kissing him harder. But you kept bringing him up during dinner, and though Jungkook didn’t want to admit it, it made him jealous, so he couldn’t help himself bringing him up now.
“I fuck you better than him, don’t I?”
You agree quickly, dismissing his question, but Jungkook wasn’t satisfied, sucking and biting on the soft skin between your neck and shoulder until he saw marks. “Jimin kept this all to himself and didn't appreciate it.”
“I-I really don’t want to talk about him anymore,” you frown.
He stood up, placed you on the tabletop, and cleared away the empty plates. You jumped off the table and leaned against it instead, waiting rather impatiently for him, and when he comes back, he stalks over to you, fingers reaching for the end of your skirt. “Cute,” he says, inching the hem up your thigh, pausing while his dark eyes roam over your body. The tension in the room was too high, too much, and if Jungkook wasn't going to fuck you already, you felt like you were going to go insane. “Did you wear this for me?” He held down the urge to say his friend's name again, it having already left a bitter taste in his mouth.
“Yes, of course,” you kiss him softly, unable to resist tasting his lips.
He reaches for your neck, holds you still. Your eyes glaze over, mouth slightly parting, eyes staring at him with the same lust filled look as last night, the same look that made him want to claim you over and over again, to fuck you into submission just so you would look at him like that all the time.
“Turn around.” He gives you one short gruff command and you turn your back to him, breath hitching in your throat when he presses his erection into your ass, caging his body around yours. “Bend over.” This time he guides your back so you lie your body down across his table, your palms pressing flat into the wood. “There you go, stay like that.” Everything he did to you was new and exciting and fun and you didn't want it to end. You've always wanted it rough, wanted someone to want you so intensely they'd let their desire destroy any restraint.
And right now you can feel the cracks in Jungkook's restraints as he lifts your skirt over your ass and yanks the lace of your underwear down to your thighs, admiring how wet you already are for him, fingers running along the opening of your sex, pressing two fingers inside. “So did you go back to him with my cum still inside of you?” he teases.
You arch your back up as he sets a hard fast pace, and he pushes your head down, keeping you still. Your fingers curl, nails scraping across the surface of his table. He pulls out the wet digits and spanks you hard across your ass.
Your stomach flips with desire and adrenaline and guilt, confused, did Jungkook want to make you feel ashamed? Could you even feel shame being this turned on? “I-I don’t live with him anymore. I am staying with Jen.”
The way you talked about Jimin at dinner, it sounded like you missed him. Jungkook was not used to feeling so possessive over someone, especially a friend, especially a hookup. You were just too eager, willing, pliable; so perfect for him. As soon as last night ended he was already thinking about more ways to fuck you, how to bend you, ways to make you come. He just needed to get it out of his system, he just needed to fuck you more, that’s all. He just needed to listen to you cry out in ecstasy, listen to you moan, listen to you laugh.
“How many times has Jimin made you come during sex before?” When you don’t answer his hand comes down on the same cheek hard making you flinch. “Be a good girl and answer me.”
You didn’t like thinking of old memories with your ex, especially when Jungkook currently had two fingers deep inside your pussy, Jungkook's long fingers reaching deeper than Jimin ever could. You didn’t want to think of your ex doing the same thing to you, it made you feel dirty, it made you wetter. “T-Two, almost three.”
“Oh, I can beat that.” His hand moves from the back of your head to grip your shoulder. Jungkook lets his cock slip through your folds, pushing in with one quick thrust, pulling you back with one fluid motion that has you screaming.
“Bend over.” Jungkook’s lips hover over yours, catching the skin ever so slightly with his in barely a kiss, just a taste. “Now.”
You turn around quickly, bending in a perfect L, ass pressing firmly into his crotch. “Where’s your boyfriend?” He asks.
“My boyfr-”
“I don’t see him anywhere?”
“He’s at work,” you say, playing along.
“And he left you all alone? Doesn’t he know how dangerous that can be? What if someone were to find you and fuck you?” He emphasized the last two words by shoving his cock inside you, jolting your body, making you scream.
“Don’t move, don’t try to escape.”
You grunt, and try to push yourself off the table only for Jungkook to grab your arms, pulling them swiftly behind your back as he builds up a steady pace, thrusting in and out and taking his time with you defiling you.
“Yes,” you couldn’t help the moan that escaped you, filled so deliciously full by Jungkook’s cock.
“Yes? What about your boyfriend? Are you a fucking whore?” Jungkook rolls his hips into yours, pulling out only to shove you full of himself again in one hard fluid motion that makes you moan again. “You like this dick? Dirty slut.”
“Ahh, fuck!” you grunt, clenching around his solid length every time he rotates his hips against you.
“You like getting fucked by a stranger, huh? You like cheating on him?” He presses a palm down onto your back, holding you down so tight your chest stings. You let out a soft unconvincing no, lifting your ass up to meet his thrusts.
“Stop,” Jungkook mutters, “I don’t like it,” he pulls away from you, leaving you empty and unfulfilled, groaning at the suddenness of his change in demeanor. Trying to get your bearrings, you slowly turn around to a very upset looking Jungkook buttoning his pants.
“W-What’s wrong?”
“Do you like the idea of cheating on me?”
“Do you want to cheat on me?”
“Are you getting jealous...of yourself?”
“No-” he rolls his eyes.
“Really, because you seem upset-”
“Well, why did you like it so much?!” Jungkook always acted jealous. You liked it if you were being honest, you preferred it to the aloof way your ex treated you, but this was another level, it was laughable, but witnessing the anger in his eyes made you rethink joking it off.
“Because of you! I thought that’s what you were t-trying to do? You don’t want me to want you?”
“I d-do, but I thought the whole point-”
“Well,” you sigh, exasperated, “maybe be rougher then!”
Jungkook slaps you across the face, hits you the hardest he’s ever hit you. Your head swings to the side from his force, momentarily stunned by his action. He makes you face him again, pulling you into a rushed kiss, hands covering your cheeks, and the side he hit you throbs against his palm. Your try to pry his hands off your face, push him away so you can breathe, because you don’t know whether he hit you because you asked or because he is genuinely angry at you.
“Jungkook-” you stumble backwards, feel the world tilt when Jungkook lifts you over his shoulder. “Jungkook!” You gasp, his heavy weight on you once your body hits the sheets of your shared bed, arms pulled behind you again and tied together this time.
You don’t have a lot of time to think about what to do before Jungkook is scissoring his fingers inside you, pulling your hair and bending your body back at an uncomfortable angle. You don’t know what to do, let him manhandle you in a way that makes your nerve endings tingle, or stop him, Jungkook is mad and the lines are becoming blurred. His finger plays with your wetness, gathering your slick and running along your rim. You pull against the restraints, you should speak up, but he was finally giving in to your twisted fantasies. Why did Jungkook have to be upset with you!
Jungkook groaned as his cock entered into your tight hole. “Wait!” You weren’t opposed to anal, but Jungkook usually took him time stretching you out and making things as comfortable for you as possible. You reach out your tied hands, and his hard stomach knocks into you with every sharp thrust. He pushes in deep to an agonizing pressure. “Yellow.”
“What?” He stills, cock still buried deep inside you.
You try to wiggle your fingers against your bodies to get him to move. He pulls away from you slowly. “H-Hold on.” You breath through your mouth, “Okay.” You shudder when he pulls away from you completely.
Jungkook lifts himself up, also steadies his breathing. “Y/n?”
“You’re mad at me.”
“I am not.” But you can hear the clear edge of his voice.
“Yes, yes you are.” You sigh. You turnover on your back, “W-We can’t do something like this when you’re mad...”
“I’m sorry, I just realized I didn’t like that kind of role play.” Jungkook huffs, pulling you closer to his side.
“Okay, we will pretend I’m single?”
Jungkook frowns, “I don’t like that either.”
“Aish. All I want is you, I would never, ever cheat on you.” You cuddle into his side. “Can’t you tell?” You joke.
“Then it’s still me, and we can pretend you’re still dating someone else-”
“No anal either.”
“Whyyy?” Jungkook pouts.
“It didn’t feel good at all,” you wince.
“I’m sorry.” He pulls you into a hug, “…What if I find a way to make it feel good?” He encourages, lips lifting into a half smile.
“Maybe,” you laugh. “But that was…good. What you did,” you look down at his fingers playing with yours. “That’s what I want.”
“Mhm. Did want to try again?”
“No, right now I just want to love you,” he grins, rolling on top of you.
THIRTY FOURTH TIME (not that you were counting anymore)
“Where’s y/n? She’s supposed to be here,” Jimin asks Jen. It was the group’s monthly game night, and apart from the tense exchanges when you came over to grab some more clothes, he hasn’t been able to talk to you, or reconcile like he wants to. He just wanted you back, everything back to the way it was. He didn’t realize how much you did for him, how lonely it was without you there. Jimin is hoping tonight he can finally talk to you and convince you to give him another chance.
“Oh, um, she’s here somewhere, I gotta go, uh, refill the chips!”
“Shh.” Jungkook whispers as you let out a particularly loud moan. Even if your sounds were muffled behind his palm, you still needed to quiet yourself. “You’re being too loud, we’re going to get caught.” He ends the sentence with a hard thrust, knocking you into the bathroom mirror. You glare at him, unable to voice your retort and he laughs. You whimper when he picks up the pace, so close to release. This is the second time tonight you and Jungkook disappeared at the same time together. Both of you were doing a very poor job at hiding your new upgraded relationship from your friends, so poor in fact, that all your friends had to pretend they didn’t notice how you were unusually handsy together or that only one of two bathrooms in your friend's house were occupied when you both said you needed to go. So when Jimin showed up, everyone became unusually animated…and loud.
You hear someone yell, “Hey Jimin!” from your friend’s living room. You tap Jungkook on the head, tugging on his hair. He looks up, face between your legs. “If I come again, I won’t be able to make it through game night.”
“Ask Jen for some coffee.” He licks across your nub, arms massaging and pulling at your thighs, eyes looking up at you wide and hopeful. How could you deny him, when he looks so ridiculously cute and sexy at the same time.
“Hmm okay,” you open your legs wider, pushing the hair out of Jungkook’s eyes.
“Hey!” Jungkook reaches out to shake Jimin’s hand and embrace him while you make a beeline to the couch.
“Oh, h-hey.” He looks over Jungkook’s shoulder to your retreating figure.
“Hey, y/n!”
“Hi,” you put on your best smile to keep the peace during game night, falling into the space between your friends Namjoon and Hoseok.
“You look beautiful, you look great.”
Jungkook jumps on the couch, next to you. “Yeah, she does,” he says, pushing you over into Namjoon, “Scoot over!” He whines, leaning back into the small space, arms across the couch cushions an over your shoulders and Hoseok’s shoulders. “What are we playing?” He asks the group, leaning over into your side, arm casually draping over your frame.
“What about jenga?”
“What about scrabble?”
“I love scrabble,” you say.
Jungkook turns to you, “Why haven’t we played scrabble?”
“Because I will make you cry with how badly I beat you with my extensive scrabble knowledge,” you laugh.
“Oh yeah?”
“It’s true, she’s really good.” Jimin speaks up, looking over at you. He smiles softly when he catches your attention. Your lips curl up without you meaning to as you laugh to yourself, remembering he stopped playing scrabble with you because you kept beating him. Jungkook looks between you and the smile you shared, chewing on his bottom lip.
“What about pictionary?”
“Our side verses your side,” Jungkook adds, gesturing between the couches. Hand still around your shoulder, Jimin watches from across the room as Jungkook whispers something into your ear. You giggle and Jimin can't help but roll his eyes, small knives of jealousy stabbing into his chest as he takes another long sip of his beer.
“Oh no, all the ice is gone.”
“I’ll make Hoseok go grab some from his fridge,” Jen says behind you. Living in the same building as one of your friends has some advantages.
“So, you and Jungkook make a cute couple.” You stutter out a what, vehemently denying it and she laughs, “I’m just kidding! But you two are very close now, huh? You totally have, ‘the glow.’”
“I’m just being friendly,” you busy yourself with clearing away trash, “we’re good friends.”
“Just be careful,” she says, avoiding your eyes. “I know you’re trying to get over Jimin, but…Jungkook...just be careful.”
“I-I’m n-not-”
“Y/n, he literally won’t stop staring at your ass. He’s doing it right now.” she whispers, nudging your shoulder with her own inconspicuously, “look.”
She sure was right, Jungkook is shamelessly watching you, as if you were back at the club again, but you were doing the dishes! This man will be the death of you.
You can’t help but laugh, “It’s not serious, I promise! He’s just really fun to be around, and he’s funny, and makes me feel...I don’t know...”
“I just don’t want you to get hurt. You know how he is. I think I’ve seen him in one real relationship since high school.”
“I know.”
“Okay,” she sighs. “Well, anyways, I’m glad you're happy. I’ve never seen you this smiley! Must be some good dick, huh?” She elbows you.
You cover your face with your palm groaning, and then peak at her between your fingers, nodding shyly.
Jimin finds you in huddled in an arm chair with Jungkook, flicking a bottle cap string between each other. Your legs are lying across his lap where Jungkook is annoyingly resting his hand atop.
“Noooo,” you pout, having been the one to flick off the bottle cap string, you take a sip of the tiny liquor bottle you’re holding, giggling together, in your own little bubble.
“Y/n, can I talk to you?”
Jungkook answers for you, “She doesn’t want to talk to you.”
Jimin tries to calm his anger and jealousy, but the way Jungkook had to say it, Jimin curses, so full of himself. “I didn’t ask you.”
Jungkook looks away, chewing on his bottom lip, laughing to himself, “Well, I’m telling you, just leave her alone, don’t make a scene-”
Jimin waves his hand at the pair of you, “What is this? Some fucking joke?”
Jungkook leans back sighing, elbows above his head, “What are you talking about?”
“Why the fuck are you all over my girl-”
“She’s not your girl anymore-”
Jimin runs a hand through his hair, frustration building, “So what, you plan to swoop in like a fucking vulture because she’s the only woman you haven’t been able to fuck in a ten mile radius?”
Oh, Jungkook wishes he could tell him truth, throw it in his face every time he’s had you, but the horrified look on your face as you watch their argument is the only thing keeping him from shattering Jimin’s world.
“Let’s just all take a deep relaxing breath, yeah?”
Jimin spins around, directing his anger at Jen. “You think this shit is okay?”
“You said you were going to be fine if-”
“Well I didn’t expect my own friend would pull this shit, but Jungkook, you will literally try to stick your dick in anything, won’t you?! Even my ex-girlfriend!” Jimin yells, now being held back by Namjoon, “You know once he gets what he wants from you, y/n, he's going to leave you like every other fucking girl he does this to!”
Shit, what are you supposed to do? What are you supposed to say? Jimin and Jungkook look ready to tear each other's faces off and all your friends are looking at you now.
“Okay Jimin, let’s go talk-”
Jungkook stops you, reaching out to hold your hand. “I wouldn't do that to you. I wouldn't treat you like that, and I would never treat you how he did.” He glares at Jimin.
You know all the rumors, but the way you and Jungkook have talked about your pasts, Jungkook sharing his past relationships with pain he tries to hide under easygoingness. You know they have perceptions of you too, wrong ones, and you just don't care what they have to say.
You take a deep breath, whispering to Jungkook, “Be direct?” Jungkook's eyes widen in acknowledgement, and you turn back to your ex.
“Jimin, I don’t want to talk to you. I don’t want to be with you.”
“Y/n, please let’s just talk in private,” he pleads with you.
You sigh, “Okay, well, before we go and do that, I just want you to know, I believe Jungkook.” You hold your breath. “I believe him because we already had sex. A lot. Lots of sex.”
“I’m so glad I came over,” Hoseok whispers to Taehyung.
Jimin stop struggling against Namjoon and stares at you, his mouth partly open in shock.
“And before you blame Jungkook, I kissed him first!” You shield Jungkook because it looks like Jimin is about to punch him.
Jimin stands still, jaw clenched. “You kissed him?”
“Yes...and it was the best decision of my life,” you give Jungkook a weak hopeful smile.
“I wish I was recording this, Jin is never going to believe me.” Taehyung whispers to Hoseok. Hoseok shakes his head.
Jungkook looks at you in awe. “I think I am in love with you.”
“Holy shit, record this, record this!” Hoseok hisses.
“Did you forget your-” you never utter the word keys, just stare at your boyfriend and the way he leans against the door frame, watching you with downcast eyes. You feel heat rise inside of you at his silent hardened stare, usual sweet round eyes now sharp and full of desire, his jaw clenched, his demeanor changed and unrecognizable.
“Are you alone?”
Nodding, you try to calm your jitteriness. Dark butterflies in the pit of your stomach fluttering up into your throat, ready to fly even higher at his attention. 
“Yes.” Your throat tightens and you can barely get the words out, “My boyfriend is at work.”
Jungkook smiles, head cocked to the side, places an arm against the doorframe to keep the entry way open. He inches closer to you, watching you like prey about to be caught.
“Perfect.” He steps a foot inside.
You take one last look at the devastatingly handsome man in front of you, take a deep breath, push your butterflies down and spin around, adrenaline entering your limbs as you take off at full speed back into your apartment.
But Jungkook is so much faster than you and catches you in seconds. Hand in your hair, other hand snaking around your waist, pulling you back abruptly.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He pulls you off your feet. You knew Jungkook was strong, you saw how fast he could kick and punch when training, but he never really used his full strength against you. Even now he still wasn't using everything he had, and no matter how hard you kicked or tried to pry his hands off of you, there was no give, Jungkook remained locked like a vice around your body.
He drops you short of the bed, landing on hard carpet of your bedroom. Before you can readjust your body he's using his strength against you once again, straddling your hips and pinning you to the ground. So you slap him. A hit that completely unphases him, his mind too high on adrenaline and excitement, he looks down at you like he's expecting you to hit him again.
So you hit him across the other cheek, watch his eyes light up like you’ve given him the best present, exactly what he wanted. He slaps you harder, swifter. The noise rings loud inside your quiet bedroom. The pain momentarily stunning you, weakening your fight, and Jungkook takes the opportunity to flip you around, his thighs holding your legs together, he massages and kneads your ass through the thin material of your leggings.
“Fuck, you have such a nice ass.” His usual cheerful sweet voice is gruff now, a deep low whisper. “But first I want your mouth.”
You feel his weight leave your legs, his boots tread across the carpet as he stands up. You lift yourself up, look up at the calm man before you. He nods to the hallway, “Go ahead, try.”
You know it’s futile, Jungkook is going to easily catch you again, pin you to the ground again, your body is going to be his, no matter what you do. The idea that you can’t stop this, that running is exactly what he wants you to do, well, it makes you run.
He catches you in the hallway, knocks you down, keeps a tight grip on your jaw, his crotch pressed to your face, he rubs his dick across your lips and cheeks, pushes himself inside your mouth until you’re choking. He moans out, vocal in how good it feels to have your lips stretched around his cock, rutting into your face, he forces his cock down your throat, barely giving you enough time to inhale air. Minutes tick by, your face getting progressively more sloppy with spit and cum and tears as you try to keep up with his thrusts, and before you know it, he's filling your mouth, waiting until you swallow everything down before he removes his cock.
You gasp for air, your entire body already sore from his face fucking, you muscles aching from tensing every time he stole your breath away, over and over again. You look to your feet, notice Jungkook's unruly hair against your stomach, him momentarily hugging your waist before he moves lower, hand running down your body until he reaches your ankle.
He pushes off his knee, standing up, your ankle still in his grip.
You heave in air as you are pulled, you grab the closest thing you can reach, the edge of your hall closet door, fingers trying to hold onto the raised wood as he pulls your body back to the bedroom.
“F-uuck..” Jungkook had you, leggings ripped down to your thighs, shirt and bra pulled off, face down to the mattress. He stroked across your slit, shocked at how drenched you were. “You’re dripping all over my fingers. You’re so wet. I bet I could just-” he presses three fingers inside you, stretching you out, making you scream and shudder. His thumb rubs circles into your clit. “Ahh yes, dirty little slut, you’re mine now.”
“G-Get off of me.”
Jungkook chuckles, arm flexing while he rocks his hand into at a steady pace. “Make me stop, then,” he leans over you, warm breath in your ear, “But you’re not going to, are you? You’re going to cum around my fingers like a good little girl, and you’re going to take my cock all night long,” he whispers, “And no matter how much you beg or cry, you’re going to take it.”
You nod, heart jumping out your ribcage, wound so tight you feel lightheaded, you pussy throbbing around his digits.
“Now, think about all the things I’m about to do to you. Now, cum.”
“Did you like it?”
Jungkook rubs soap across your chest, “Yeah, but let’s just, umm, take it easy for a while. My back hurts,” he laughs. “Am I getting old?”
“No...maybe,” you giggle, sinking lower into the hot relaxing water.
“You can be on top for awhile,” he says, head above yours, his cute round eyes staring into yours in the opposite direction. You smile, nodding excitedly.
“Right now?”
“Aish woman.”
“I’m too sore,” you laugh. “What about you?” you tilt your head back, kissing his chin. “Any fantasies?”
Ever find a story in your WIPs you forgot you started and think well, it’s time to finish that. Anyways I hope you enjoyed another installment of my shameless smut + terrible plot series. :’D
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