#john seed x nick rye
derputy · 1 year
Far Cry 5 as Community (with terrible closed captions) Because I'm Running Out of Ideas & I Thought It Kinda Fit || @racheljo47 @ms-rampage @i-am-the-balancing-point
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moonliteve · 1 year
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tfw you're sent to stop a doomsday cult but you are not immune to four very charming and sexy people
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Chapter 4 is Here!!!
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Banner by @chazz-anova​
Chapter 4: Word Gets Around
Summary: Ramona becomes a special interest to Eden’s Gate.
Pairing: Sharky Boshaw/Ramona Belmont
Rating: M (for now)
Word count: 7.1k (oh god...!)
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of past r*pe/s*xual assault, panic attacks, brief plane jacket slander, John and Jacob being themselves
A/N: Hey there...It's been too long since the last chapter due to me loosing some motivation to write everyday when winter hit. There's just something about the cold air and early night time that just takes a toll on me. Anyway I felt so bad about basically disappearing for months, I made this chapter way too long for what I usually write and it still came out like it was rushed. Ugh...Thanks to those who were patiently waiting to see more of Ramona and happy reading!
Taglist: @euaveri @turbo-virgins @eur0paa-2 @strafethesesinners @henbased @adelaidedrubman(I guess both of our girls aren’t special) @aceghosts @shallow-gravy​ @alexmalikplays @gxmergurl @thomrainer @lost-poets-poetry @svsunflowers @mr-krinkle  @jfsfjjj
Prev. Chapters: Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3
Masterlist || Taglist
Read it here or on Ao3
"I think an apology is in order," Mary May admitted. "From me, of course." Ramona arched an eyebrow as she stopped sipping on the red, fizzy beverage the blonde had gifted her. "You strutted in them Jimmy Choo's got me thinkin' you were one of John's people," Mary May continued. "I thought Sharky had made the same mistake as last time and I just went off makin' you think I was some sorta bigot." Speaking of Sharky, he had just left the bar a bit ago to check if the garage in town was open or not. Ramona would've gone herself if Sharky hadn't insisted.
"This happened before?" Ramona asked, resting her head in her hand.
"Sharky had brought one of them Peggie girls in here some years ago." Mary May grimaced at the memory. "She started goin' on about 'The Father this' and 'The Father that' so much I had to kick 'em out."
"I assume 'The Father' is Eden's Gate's leader," Ramona inferred.
"Yeah. Joseph Seed. Some man-bunned, shirtless weirdo who convinced practically half of the fuckin' county that he's some sorta prophet," the bartender informed. "But he's not the only one you should worry about."
Ramona leaned closer to Mary May, bracing herself on the counter with her forearms. "Pray tell."
"Well the one you just met was John, the youngest brother," Mary May began. "He's the cult's recruitment lapdog and the reason they're able to 'get away' with alotta shady shit." She rubbed her forefinger and thumb together to indicate someone being in someone else's pockets. "Then you got the oldest brother, Jacob. You can't miss 'em. He's a redheaded biggun who's basically the muscle of the cult. And finally there's Faith. She ain't blood but she's just as creepy as the rest of 'em."
Ramona sensed the blonde wasn't quite telling her everything about Eden's Gate. If these people were doing "illegal shit," she wanted to know about it. But with the way Mary May's voice slightly trembled and her blue eyes kept shifting, it probably wasn't a topic she wanted to be pressed about.
"Either way just keep away from 'em. You don't wanna get involved."
"I'll do what I can. Though I doubt I could avoid John since I'm so 'fascinating' to him."
"Oh please, you're not the only woman who's rejected him. He'll find someone else to harass. Probably."
"And here I thought I was special."
Mary May snorted.
"I didn't think one woman could get you like this." John grunted at the comment as he laid out on the couch with his arm resting on his face. The one who made the comment was Jacob sitting across from him.
"I'm not 'like' anything. I just hate how fast those sinners can act when it comes to corrupting someone," John frets as he sits up.
"From what you described, I can tell she ain't the type to fall for your 'charms' so easily," Jacob inferred while crossing his arms. "Considering she'd rather hang around the redneck and the barmaid."
John grimaced at his brother's statement. "She was just so…vicious. Wouldn't even entertain the thought of hearing me out for even a second. She was gorgeous though."
"I'm sure she was." the redhead stated as he set his feet up on the coffee table. John glared at the action only for Jacob to ignore it. "But it shouldn't be your dick's decision who we add to our ranks. It's Joseph's decision."
"Speaking of which; isn't Joseph supposed to be here by now?"
The two brothers were waiting on Joseph at the Seed Ranch to give their weekly reports on their recent progress with their work within the Project and to have dinner later. John and Jacob were both sure that it was Faith making Joseph late. Before anything else could be said, the front doors opened alerting them to Joseph entering the Ranch with Faith following close behind. John and Jacob stood up to make their way to the foyer to properly welcome their leader. "Good afternoon, brothers," Joseph greeted fondly. "I have something truly important I want to share with you." The siblings moved to the dining room while John ordered one of the faithful who were stationed at a Ranch to make coffee for them.
As the siblings settled, Joseph let out a heavy sigh, bringing in the others undivided attention. "The Voice spoke to me the night before and has told me that a wayward soul would come to us seeking answers." He then turned to John. "I've heard you met someone today at The Spread Eagle. A woman with brown skin, long black hair, and a tattoo in the middle of her back?" The youngest Seed pondered to himself about how much Joseph knew of the incident; half hoping that all he knew was that they talked. If you could call what happened "talking." 
"Yes Joseph. A serpent and roses to be exact," John started as he sat up straighter. "My men made it known to me about a young woman coming into the county and I went to the bar to greet her. But it doesn't seem like she'd be seeking anything from us."
Joseph stiffened. "What do you mean?" The other siblings could feel the tension settling within the room. "Did something happen?"
"It was awful. She was so quick to be dismissive of our cause due to those sinners and---!" John faltered.
"Please John, calm yourself," Joseph soothed while still ridgid. "What are you trying to say?"
John took a breath. "All I'm saying is as it would please me to cleanse her, this woman's soul is probably too far gone due to the corruption of--."
Joseph held his hand up; silencing John's ramblings. The Prophet then stood up to look out the window. Hands behind his back and lets out a sigh. "Hey Joe, if you don't mind me asking," the eldest Seed spoke up, wanting to take his brother's coldness off of John. "Why did the 'Voice' deem this woman so damn important apart from the rest of the 'wayward souls' we took in before?" It was already known to Joseph that Jacob didn't believe in the higher power his brother answered to and he didn't expect him to. All Joseph asked from their protector was his loyalty.
Joseph turned back around to face his siblings. All waiting to hear his words. "The Voice has told me this woman would bring about a great upheaval to everything we've worked so hard on if she doesn't see the light and come join our family to help us guide our flock through the Gate into New Eden." A heavy weight was suddenly felt by the Heralds as their leader finished speaking. It usually wasn't so difficult for them to get people to join The Project. Unfortunate people with nowhere else to go were easy to attract when Eden's Gate advertised love and protection to any and everyone. The only price would be their unwavering devotion.
"And by 'upheaval' you mean…?" It was Faith's turn to speak up.
"The deaths of our faithful by the thousands, the destruction of our community, and the…downfall of our family," Joseph finished as he grasped Faith's shoulder warmly as if not to lose her to an unknown future. "So it's crucial we don't dawdle with this. Especially now."
The weight the Heralds felt earlier magnified after the Father's elaboration. "We won't disappoint you, Joseph," John impulsively exclaimed, feeling that last comment was directed at him. He hoped his enthusiasm would make up for his supposed transgression from earlier. He then looked to the other two, expecting them to follow along. They simply nodded. Joseph smiled in appreciation of their loyalty. "I'm sorry if I scared you, but I just needed you all to know how important it is for her to join our family," he explained while getting up to leave the room. The others stood up with him. "If there's nothing else to be discussed, I think I'll see how that garden John mentioned the other day is doing before we start dinner." Happy to get his brother out of the room, John gave a quick "of course" and signaled two of his faithful on standby to accompany their leader in the backyard.
Just as Joseph leaves the room, John exhales. "I'm glad that's over." It was unknown if the other two felt the same, but it was likely that the feeling wasn't mutual.
"So, how are we doin' this?" Jacob asked. "Like Joe said, we can't exactly wait around for her."
"She just needs more convincing," John assured, not letting on what that would entail.
"We can't hurt her or anything," Faith chimed in. "The Father wouldn't like that."
"I know!" he retorted, causing her to make an amused noise at his reaction. "We're just going to have to be smart about this."
We're? Jacob and Faith weren't usually included when it came to recruiting people for the Project, but they weren't going to question anything John was about to suggest. Especially since time was of the essence.
It looked exactly how it did in the pictures. One story, simple porch with a swing, huge front yard, a garage shed big enough for Rosa, and a field across the road. Ramona didn't know if she should be relieved to have finally made it to her new home or regretful for making such an impulsive decision. How was she going to manage a house like this? She knows it's already furnished, but there were other things she probably should've considered before coming here. A reliable food source, job security, clothing, and--!
"Hey, what's up? Thought I lost you for a second," Sharky exclaimed, waving his hand in front of Ramona's face and interrupting her frantic thoughts. She had forgotten that he was even here, which was kind of bad of her to do since if it wasn't for him, she would still be stuck on the side of the road. "Sorry Sharky. I was just taking it all in," Ramona explained while trying not to get put off by the blue eyes studying her face. "Thank you for doing this for me by the way. You probably had other things to do rather than help me." Sharky rubbed the back of his neck and grinned. "Nah it was nothin'. But to tell you the truth, I was supposed to meet up with my cousin Hurk…" He frowned as he checked his watch. "...two hours ago." Ramona noticed the negative shift in his tone of voice and decided she had taken enough of his time. Most of that time being used to get a new battery, driving back to Rosa to install it, and then following Sharky here.
"Then you should probably get going. You don't want to keep him waiting."
"It's alright. I can help with your bags."
"Do you wanna get out of here?" 
An unpleasant memory took hold just after Sharky made his offer. She turned her back. "No. You've done enough. Please leave."
Sharky exhaled noisily through his pursed lips and abruptly took a step backwards away from the woman's sudden coldness. For Ramona, it was already bad enough she had to show some guy she just met where she was going to be living, now he wanted to come inside? Alone with her? No way. "Alright. That's fine. I see where you're gettin' at. I'll go," Sharky complied, sounding dismayed. For a split second, Ramona wanted to turn around to say she had changed her mind. But when she actually did, he was already heading back to his truck. Accepting her missed chance, Ramona trudges on to Rosa to finally unload her. "Hey 'Mona!" She turned her attention to Sharky, who Ramona thought would've left already.
"Welcome to Hope County!" There was that crooked smile again.
And with that, Sharky takes off in his truck leaving Ramona confused about how this guy felt about her. It wasn't too much of a concern, but it was pretty weird for someone to shake off having the cold shoulder being directed at them. Oh well.
"Mrs. Belmont, I know you're upset, but I don't think we can classify this incident as anything more than a misunderstanding turning into a physical altercation." An older, timid man's voice is heard. "Happens all the time with students."
"Bullshit. This 'misunderstanding' scarred my baby's face because she didn't want some nasty boy putting his hands on her." Ramona then hears the outraged voice of her mother.
"The other student has already claimed in his statement that you're daughter fell after--"
"After he tried to rape her."
Ramona heard a huff of frustration next to her followed by a gentle hand rubbing her back after hearing her mother spit out the accusation. It was the soothing hand of Ramona's father who had let his wife handle the meeting.
"It's gonna be okay Rammy." After hearing her father's words, Ramona turned her head to see his reassuring face.
But she never gets to as Ramona's dream fades to white. She wakes up to an unfamiliar ceiling which gets her heart racing. Ramona shoots up from her laying position and frantically looks around her new home only to realize she fell asleep on the couch. Ramona puts her head in her hands to calm herself, feeling moisture on her palms. It's okay. Waking up to tears in her eyes after having that dream wasn't anything new for her.
You're okay. You're okay.
Ramona's legs wobbled a bit as she stood up to see one of her unpacked bags at her feet. She sighed to herself realizing all the work which still needed to be done. The woman looked at her phone to see that it was almost 10:30 pm, realized she'd napped for way too long, and decided all that would be "next day Ramona's" problem. It was time for bed anyway. Ramona did her usual nighttime hair routine, brushed her teeth, and changed into one of the sets of pajamas she'd brought. Ramona didn't think much of her new bedroom. It was simple and minimally decorated with the essentials. Basically a blank canvas setup for her to project herself on to make this house into a home. Her home. Ramona settled into bed and tried to ignore the slight musty smell the comforter gave off. Maybe she'll finish that dream.
It was the crack of dawn when Ramona was able to call her parents, letting them know she made it to Hope County okay. But that was after multiple "fine's", "alright's", and "okay's" in response to her mother's light scolding about not calling sooner and her father's repetitive questions about Rosa's condition. Even though she wasn't able to get a full sentence in, hearing her parent's voices soothed Ramona's nerves. Somehow during their conversation, her mother mentioned a letter left somewhere in the house for her to read. Ramona assured her she'd read it later.
The woman was now free to assess what she needed to do for today. The lingering smell of must and her stomach growling suggested her first two tasks of the day. Good thing she remembered the general store in Fall's End. As she combed out her hair, a loud, rapid knocking was heard, startling Ramona. Who could that be? No seriously. Who else knows she's living here besides Sharky? She doubts he'd come back after being on the receiving end of her iciness from yesterday but anything could happen. If it is him, Ramona would just take this as an opportunity to apologize. Something told her Sharky would accept it.
The knocking continued to Ramona's annoyance as she quickly threw on a hoodie while hurrying to the front door. The woman then frowned when she opened the door and saw it was actually John, holding a thick white book under his arm, who decided to drop by. Along with two other men, both wearing white uniforms, who were of course, glaring at her. "Good morning," John greeted, showing off that smile again.
"Uh…good morning to you too?" It was the only thing Ramona could say after believing she wouldn't see this man again anytime soon. "What brings you by?"
John gave out a light chuckle. "I didn't mean to disturb you so early, but I felt it was imperative for you and I to make amends after what happened yesterday," he informed while inching closer to her. "May I come in? I was hoping we could talk some more too." 
Ramona held out her hand; palm almost touching her visitor's chest. "You and I are good out here."
"PIease, I must insist. I want to make this right with you."
"And I must insist we're good out here." Ramona closes the door behind her and leans against it to make her point even clearer. "So let's talk."
Why are the men around here so eager to come into my home? John let out a soft sigh and clutched his book. "Alright. Have it your way then." He then signaled his men to step away from them so the two could have some privacy. The men nodded and obeyed without a second thought. "Now let me start off by saying I'm sorry for how…brash I was yesterday at the bar," John offered. "It was shameful of me to make such a bad first impression on you." Despite how obvious it was that John could have other intentions behind this, Ramona could at least hear some remorse in his voice. But she couldn't let her guard down just yet.
"Well John, I appreciate you coming to--."
John casually cuts her off. "I would also like to take this opportunity to properly introduce to you the key to your salvation." He cradled the white hardcover within his forearm, proudly presenting it to Ramona. "Without any distractions." It was titled The Word of Joseph.
There it is.
Ramona wasn't too enthused about having to listen to a possible cult member's spiel about her needing to be "saved." She's still not sure from what exactly. John had hastily mentioned the Collapse yesterday which sparked her curiosity. Ramona nodded, indicating to her guest that he could start. "Eden's Gate is a loving community for lost souls who have been wronged by the world and corrupted by sin," John commenced. "It is our job to cleanse those of their sins in order for them to enter through the Gate after the Collapse so that we can create a new world." Ramona crossed her arms after hearing what sounded like another one of those "it's the end times so give us your money" pitches televangelists like to use. "Is that what you think I am; a 'lost soul'?" Ramona questioned. "What makes you think this? We literally just met yesterday." John tucked the book back under his arm and straightened up the tacky looking jacket he was wearing; preparing for another pitch.
"My older brother Joseph, or The Father as he's lovingly referred to, has recently told my siblings and I you were meant to join our family," John informed, again stepping closer. "A wayward soul looking for a place in the world. Something we could provide for you."
Ramona put her hands on her hips. "Again, I ask. What makes you think that?" she asks, increasingly getting more annoyed.
"Impatient, aren't we?" he commented teasingly. "I saw you were a young woman traveling alone, willing to practically jump into the arms of anyone who looked your way. No matter how unsavory their true intentions were." John's tone darkens at the last part.
Ramona rolled her eyes at his claim. Yes, it was true she impulsively got into a car with a complete stranger, but she didn't have a choice. Plus Sharky respected her boundaries right off the bat when she established them. "I never 'jumped' into anyone's arms. I was offered help and I took it," Ramona retorted. Possibly a little too defensively. "Besides, it's none of your business I'm traveling alone." John took another step closer, causing her to step back. "Actually, we at Eden's Gate make it our business to keep those vulnerable enough from being dragged down into the trenches of sin," John states eerily, his blue gaze momentarily stunning the woman. "And Miss. Fairgrave was willing to do just that." Ramona's ears perked up when he mentioned Mary May.
"What does she have to do with anything?"
"Miss. Fairgrave and I had our…quarrels in the past."
"Quarrels? What happened?"
"She just couldn't accept her brother wanting to be with us. Obviously envious of the close bond he had with the rest of the congregation and tried so desperately to take that happiness away from him."
Ramona was silent; recounting how hateful Mary May was of Peggies and wondering if what John was saying was even true. Probably not.
John continued. "To cope with this, she and her lot spread lies about Eden's Gate to anyone who would believe them."
"Right…So the claim of you using money to get whatever Eden's Gate is doing around legal barriers is not true then?"
With the way John immediately frowned and glowered after the woman's probing question; it was obvious she made a mistake. "I don't mean any harm. I just need to know what--." Ramona's explanation was cut short as John abruptly strides forward to firmly thrust the book against her chest, causing her to be essentially trapped between her guest and the front door hard on her shoulder blades. Causing her to panic. "We do what is necessary to secure the future of Eden's Gate," John said harshly, increasing the pressure on Ramona's chest causing her. "Some may not agree with our methods, but I assure you, Miss. 'Bel-mawn', you will reconsider your ill-conceived notions about us if you take the time to listen." Along with being blindsided by John's sudden ambush, Ramona's blood ran cold when her last name, though mispronounced, fell from John's lips. She had never told him her name and had made it quite clear he didn't deserve to know yesterday. It was doubtful either Mary May or Sharky had told John; especially since she didn't even tell them her last name.
"Who told you my last name?" Ramona demanded, strained and on the verge of having a panic attack.
"This residence's previous owner," John complied. "Your uncle."
James! "How do you know him?" she pressed.
"I didn't personally know him. But a few years ago I paid him and his wife a visit to welcome them to the county and introduce them to Eden's Gate."
Ramona continued staring at him. "Go on."
"Well I couldn't really give a proper introduction due to him interrupting me with stories of his travels which ultimately lead him here. And his wife…spirited…shooed me out saying they weren't interested and they never will be," John reminisced bitterly. Possibly showing a bit of his true self.
Ramona had to fight to keep her face from cracking into a smile at the thought of James and Jackie giving John the runaround to avoid his proselytizing. She almost forgot her current situation. He continued. "But through all that nonsense, your uncle kept bringing up a certain someone. Someone I thought I'd never run into after all this time." John took a moment to caress a loose raven tress belonging to his captive before he got close to her ear.
"His favorite niece; Ramona Octavia Belmont," he chillingly whispered.
Ramona thought nothing of it when she gathered her strength and sent John tumbling backwards off the porch and onto the ground. Her personal space had been violated far enough. After hearing their superior's yelps of pain as he landed, the men rushed to John's aid.
"Brother John! Are you okay!?" one fretted.
"How dare you lay your filthy hands upon our Baptist!?" the other scolded.
"You're unworthy in receiving the Father's Word!" the first one accused.
Ramona remained on the porch, looking down at them heavily panting, only getting more pissed off. "Here, take it then!" the irate woman shouted while throwing John's "gift" near them. "Tell Joseph he's got the wrong woman 'cause I don't want the 'key to my salvation' if it means I have to deal with some creep who doesn't know the meaning of personal space!" Ramona would be lying if she didn't think seeing John flat on his ass in the dirt was amusing, but of course, in a moment of clarity, she realized this was the exact opposite of what she was advised to do. That clarity caused Ramona to almost immediately regret her actions when she realized she could be arrested for this. Even if John was the one who started it. The woman's heart started to pound as she braced for his reaction, but John just sat there hanging his head. Ramona thought about saying something to him but decided against it assuming she'd just make it worse for herself.
"You know Miss. Belmont. All of that…anger you harbor deep inside needs to be cleansed. Which I as your future Baptist will personally see to," John affirmed, ignoring the insult while sporting a wicked, chilling smile. Ramona felt a slight surge of nausea. "The Project has a place for you, especially someone of your profession. A social worker who gives counsel to those in need is someone who'd be perfect for us." Ramona just stood there unimpressed by his shallow praises and also wondering how much James had told this man about her. "If you're offering me a job, I'll have to decline," she dismissed while stepping a few paces forward. One of John's men quickly helped him up while the other scrambled to collect the sullied book from the dusty ground. Both looked hopeful to see him stand up against his assailant. John proceeded to casually dust himself off.
"Are you sure that is a wise decision to make? Financially managing a property of this size might be too much for one woman. Perhaps I could take it off your--," John began.
"No, that's not happening. Besides, it's already paid off," Ramona shot back, taking her turn to interrupt him for a change. "In fact, I have the documents to show for it."
"I bet you do," he responded sourly. "But you are sorely mistaken if you really think material possessions will help you during the Collapse."
"Then what will help, huh?" she challenged, hotly. "Tell me so you can leave already."
To Ramona's surprise, John didn't retort with a quick remark at her prodding. All the man did was signal to his men to hand him the book. The order is followed and John once again presents his gift to Ramona. "Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way," he states. "I believe you should hear it from the Father himself. He's better at this." The way John said that made it obvious he was getting tired of her too. Ramona looks down at the book. "Huh? I thought I made myself clear I didn't want the--." John held his hand up. "I know. I'm telling you the Father is giving a sermon about the Collapse this Sunday and will be delighted to answer any questions you may have. The address is behind the front cover," he noted earnestly. "But if you choose not to come, will you at least take his Word? I won't bother anymore after today if you do." Ramona sighed and promptly took the book from him, doubting he'd even keep his promise.
"I'll at least think about it. But if I do come to the sermon, it won't mean I'm joining your cult."
"It's not a--! Of course. But every cynic I've met says that at first, but then sees the light after they hear--."
"I mean it! I'm only going for myself and for you to leave me alone."
"So you will be attending?"
"Get off my property!"
While slightly startled by Ramona's outburst, John kept his promise as he and his men made their way back to the white truck they came in. "Farewell Miss. Belmont, I hope to see you this Sunday," John bids. The woman didn't say anything back as she stormed back into her house and slammed the door behind her. Ramona let out a short cry of frustration when she angrily threw the book a few feet away from herself, causing a harsh, loud thud on the wooden floor kicking dust up. She pressed her back against the front door and slid down to the floor when her legs felt weak. Reeling from the ordeal, dizziness and a rapid heart rate from earlier took hold while a ringing noise resonated within her head. Ramona started to feel hot and short of breath, so she clumsily removed her hoodie for supposed relief. But it wasn't enough. The pounding in her chest causes her to curl up on the floor, trembling and hyperventilating. The combinations of these symptoms were all too familiar to Ramona as a quick memory of her alone in her college dorm in the same position flashed in her mind. Despite the pains in her chest and nausea, Ramona forces herself to sit up halfway to regain control.
Deep breaths. Deep breaths. He can't hurt you. You are safe now. As Ramona inhaled and exhaled, she thought back to all the times she had to do this exercise to get through the first part of freshman year. She hoped these episodes won't be a common occurrence since Ramona wanted a fresh start, but achieving that seemed impossible now. Although Ramona had told John "no" to joining Eden's Gate and denied their "prophecy," she still made it known her interest was piqued; so it was likely they would still try to convince her. The dulling ache in her chest and decreasing heart rate allowed Ramona to sit up fully and the softening buzzing in her ear and her body stabilizing enabled her to think clearly. Ramona decided it would probably be best to listen to Mary May's advice more carefully and avoid them as much as possible--starting now.
Finding the way back to Fall's End wasn't difficult. A few left turns and then a left was easy for Ramona to remember which is going to be important since the general store might be her only source for food and other essentials she'll need in the future. After finding an appropriate parking place for Rosa, the woman made her way into the store. She made note of the small size and the Americana decor; hoping the store owner's patriotism was just an aesthetic. To Ramona's surprise, she didn't draw any attention to herself like yesterday. She figured dressing in Hope County-appropriate attire she found in the closet would do that. Thanks Auntie. As Ramona proceeded to fulfill her shopping list of necessities, she overheard two people, a man and a woman dressed in hunting gear, talking a few feet away. Curiosity got the better of her.
"Do you really think we can keep living like this?" the woman asked, sounding stressed. "I don't think I can take any more of this."
"Would you rather we'd live like brainwashed zombies?" the man asked her in turn, using a tone Ramona didn't like. "Our bunker is the only safe place from them taking over."
"I got that. But stocking that bunker is making you and others paranoid about something that may not happen."
"We know what we're doing. You think those Seed-fuckers made their people tote around those guns just for show? We're just looking out for ourselves since the cops aren't doing anything."
Ramona didn't hear the woman's response when she left the aisle and moved on to the dairy section so she wouldn't get caught being nosey. Brainwashing? Guns? This new information about Eden's Gate made Ramona realize it probably had to do with the "illegal shit" Mary May hinted at. Despite not wanting to probe her anymore about uncomfortable topics, Ramona would've appreciated the heads up about a confirmed violent cult who now had their eyes on her. Now she's definitely sure John won't leave her alone and most likely lying about what really happened between him and Mary May.
Back to the task at hand. Ramona reached up to grab vanilla coffee creamer from the top shelf only for her nails to barely brush against it. She internally cursed her height and whoever made this refrigerator. Not wanting to completely give up, she tried again, but failed again when another hand easily grabbed it instead. The owner of the hand was a tall, curvy woman with long dark, curly hair and dark brown eyes which were warm and inviting. She was very pretty.
"Here you go," the woman offered. "This was what you wanted, right?" She was referring to the creamer.
"Yeah it was. Thank you." Ramona acknowledged while accepting the small carton.
"A word of advice. If you're going to be listening to other people's conversations; you should at least do it from somewhere they wouldn't see you," the woman suggested bluntly and flickered her eyes to the side.
Ramona's stomach dropped when she quickly turned her head to see the aforementioned couple, now scowling, rip their gaze away from the two women and shuffled off.
"I'm just telling you from experience."
Ramona couldn't help but feel slightly ashamed of herself. She swore off anything Eden's Gate related, but her curiosity about them kept piquing even though every new piece of information about them just kept getting worse. But then again, any knowledge about the cult would keep Ramona from being ignorant of anything that would pose them as a threat to her. Even if it wasn't coming from a direct source. Anything to not talk to the Seeds again. "Sorry for asking but, do you know anything about Eden's Gate?" she asked, "Also my name is Ramona." The woman pursed her plush lips and loosely crossed her arms under her chest. "Deirdre. I'm a vet at the F.A.N.G. Center in the mountains. I've been living here with my husband and his family for about 10 years, so I...uh….know enough," she divulged tentatively. "They're a doomsday cult preparing for the Collapse. An apocalyptic event." Ramona figured that much on her own. But it was way better than the common "stay away from them" she kept hearing.
"Is there any real way to get them off my back for good?"
"Nope. Since you just moved here, Eden's Gate is not going to leave you alone anytime soon. They love new people."
"Wait, how do you know I just moved here?"
Deirdre frowned and averted her eyes.
"Hey Dee, what's takin' you so long?" Ramona inhaled sharply when she saw the owner of the rough, male voice appear from behind the row of shelves beside them. "Oh. You made a friend." A tall, scarred man with red hair went to stand beside Deirdre, putting his large hand on her shoulder. Combined with Mary May's description and the J. Seed stitched on the sleeve of his camo jacket; she concluded this was Jacob Seed. Ramona made a quick glance at Deirdre. She was still avoiding eye contact. Ramona put two and two together and it all made sense. John probably told Jacob about what happened and probably wanted to take a crack at recruiting the "lost soul". Not to risk straining her neck anymore, Ramona backed up a bit to accommodate her intake of Jacob’s imposing stature. Which wasn’t a bad sight. She definitely didn't lie about the "biggun" and "muscle" part. 
"I thought you were waiting outside," Deirdre pointed out crossly.
"I was. But you were takin' too long and folks were givin' me the stink eye. 'Specially that idiot pilot." Jacob stated. He then pointed his gaze at Ramona. "So you're the woman my brother's been talkin' about?"
She sighs. "Yeah. Why? Is it your turn to harass me?" Ramona retorted, suddenly becoming bold. "One of you was bad enough today."
"Heh no. After what happened between you and Johnny, I don't think I wanna tangle with you," he teased. "'Sides, I don't do the door to door shit."
"Then what do you do?"
"All you need to know at the moment is that I keep the congregation safe. And in line."
Remembering the mention of guns earlier, Ramona had a pretty good guess about what that could mean. It wasn't something she wanted to discuss further with him and was grateful he didn't take it upon himself to do so. She looked at Deirdre. She wondered how deep her involvement with Eden's Gate went. If it was beyond being married to one of the brothers. Telling from her tone, Deirdre also didn't seem too interested in discussing anything. Which was also fine. But she could help but be worried. Black women and religious cults run by white men have never been a good match. "I should probably finish up and pay for these," Ramona spoke up, sensing an opportunity to leave. "It was nice talking to you." Deirdre perked up. "I can pay for your groceries if you want," she suggested. "Y'know for your troubles." Jacob made a disapproving face which Deirdre ignored. Ramona thought about what happened between her and John and decided this should make up for it. She accepted the offer.
"These people act like we're the scum of the earth, but they'll still take our money," Jacob commented, sounding amused. He was referring to the store clerk who gave the group a dirty look while processing the payment. The three were currently outside the general store and Ramona was about to see the couple off. "I guess dressin' up your store like the Fourth of July was really just for show." Deirdre rolled her eyes and saw that Ramona was confused. "The locals here put up American flag stuff to show they're against Eden's Gate," she clarified. "It started happening after the congregation grew." Ramona could tell that wasn't entirely true.
"Hey Dee. How 'bout you wait in the truck while I talk to our friend here before we leave." Deirdre looked between her husband and Ramona and sighed. "Alright." The eldest Seed was mincing his words earlier about his role within Eden's Gate, so what would he possibly want to talk about now. And without his wife present at that. After Deirdre settles herself within the passenger seat of their truck; Jacob leaned his back against it, facing Ramona while crossing his arms.
"While I do think Johnny probably deserved what you did to him this morning, you gotta be smart about who you push away and who you align yourself with."
"What are you talking about? I thought you weren't going to--!"
"Down kitten. I'm just tellin' you this for your own good. Apparently Joe sees somethin' in you and he's usually right."
"Well he's wrong. And Like I told your brother, I'm not meant to join your cult and you can't convince me otherwise!"
"You say that now, but when the time comes, you'll make the right choice."
"Don't count on it."
Despite her stomach twisting in knots, Ramona immediately strode off from Jacob to where Rosa was parked, hearing the couple's truck drive off behind her. She knew people who were involved with cults were self-righteous, but having someone declare what's "good" for her for the second time today was just infuriating. Also frightening. The woman was surprised that Jacob's familiar, intense blue glare and ominous tone he used while practically threatening her didn't put her in another state of panic. Ramona guessed one was enough for today.
Head buzzing with rushing, irritating thoughts, Ramona hastily loaded her car, just eager to get back home. "You okay, Miss?" The woman popped up her head to the sound of another male voice. She saw a man wearing aviators and a shirt with a logo that read Rye & Sons Aviation parked next to her. Aviation? Was this the "idiot" pilot? "That Seed bastard was botherin' you, right?" Ramona let out a sigh and closed the passenger door. She wasn't mad at him or anything; strangers coming up to talk to her when she wasn't in the mood was getting exhausting.
"Unfortunately. Even though this is only my second day here, Eden's Gate has already decided I'm meant to be with them. Whatever that means."
The man furled his lip and shook his head. "That's how they get you," the man started, a rant seemingly brewing. "Damn Peggies make you feel all 'special' when all they really wanted was your plane."
Ramona blinked. "Plane? I don't have a plane?"
"Ah shit! I'm sorry! Got carried away and started talkin' 'bout myself." The man held out his hand. "I'm Nick Rye of Rye and Son's Aviation. I was talkin' 'bout my plane, Carmina."
Ramona, slightly amused at the confusion, shook Nick's hand. 
"I heard from Mary May you've already met John. That fucker's been tryin' to get my plane for years after actin' all buddy-buddy and shit with me at first. Them Peggies been harassin' my family so bad my wife Kim, who's smaller than you, had to punch one of 'em. Died down a bit after that and she didn't get in trouble for it."
"I'm sorry you were going through that. Eden's Gate might want my house, but other than that it's just 'me' they want so badly. I don't know what to do."
"Well if I were you, I'd go up to Joseph after one of their sermons and show 'em you mean business."
Ramona didn't quite know what Nick meant, but if it was relating to what his wife did, she's quite sure she won't get away with that. Taking that part out, going straight to the source of her problems seems like something she could work with. Ramona could go to the sermon and hopefully get Joseph to have his brothers to lay off and rethink this whole "prophecy" about her. Of course Ramona would have to figure out the details of this plan so it can be somewhat sound. "Thank you Nick. I'll put some thought into your suggestion." The pilot did a slight smile, noticing a change in her voice from earlier. "Well alright then! Maybe you can come by and I'll give you some flyin' lessons. Carmina's the big yellow one." She froze a bit. "I-I'll think about that too." His smile got bigger. "Great!"
Ramona didn't have the heart to tell Nick she was afraid of heights.
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alanalovescacao · 2 years
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Red Dead Redemption 2 x Far Cry 5 crossover (3/4)
John Marston as John Seed
Little brother John they said. Drew him as last brother Seed just for fun. In my opinion he's more like a Nick Rye (the're both young fathers at least :^] )
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 355
Comic Reviews:
Aquaman: Andromeda 1 by Ram V, Christian Ward
Dark Crisis 1 by Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere, Alejandro Sanchez
DC Pride 2022 by Devin Grayson, Ivan Cohen, Tini Howard, Greg Lockard, Alyssa Wong, Stephanie Phillips, Danny Lore, Stephanie Williams, Jadzia Axelrod, Dani Fernandez, Kevin Conroy, Travis Moore, Ted Brandt, Ro Stein, Nicole Maines, Lovern Kindzierski, W. Scott Forbes, J. Bone, P. Craig Russell, Lynne Yoshii, J.J. Kirby, Meghan Hetrick, Nick Robles, Brittney Williams, Jess Taylor, Evan Cagle, Zoe Thorogood, Samantha Dodge, Giulio Macaione, Rye Hickman, Tamra Bonvillain, Marissa Louise, Jeremy Lawson, Triona Farrell, Enrica Angiolini
Multiversity: Teen Justice 1 by 
Nubia: Queen of the Amazons 1 by Stephanie Williams, Alitha Martinez, Mark Morales, John Livesay, Alex Guimares
Poison Ivy 1 by G. Willow Wilson, Marcio Takara, Arif Prianto
Earth Prime Flash by Emily Palizzi, Jess Carson, David Lafuente, Pablo Collar, John Kalisz, Miquel Muerto
Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War 1 by Christos Gage, Donald Mustard, Sergio Fernandez Davila, Sean Parsons, Edgar Delgado
Jane Foster and the Mighty Thor 1 by Torunn Gronbekk, Michael Dowling, J.P. Mayer, Jesus Aburtov, Marte Gracia, Matt Wilson, Nolan Woodard
Love Unlimited: Red Dagger and Ms. Marvel by Nadia Shammas, Natacha Bustos, Ian Herring
Marvel Meow 8 by Nao Fuji
Skybound Presents: Afterschool 1 by Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead, Greg Hinkle, Giovanna Niro
Dark Horse
Ward 1 by Cavan Scott, Andres Ponce
Astronaut Down 1 by James Patrick, Rubine, Valentina Briski
Where Starships Go To Die 1 by Mark Sable, Alberto Locatelli, Juancho
Justice Warriors 1 by Matt Bors, Ben Clarkson, Felipe Sobreiro
The Very Final Last Girls by Josh Eiserike, Z Crockett, Andres Barrero
Code 45 1 by Benjamin Hunting, Joe Ng
Archie and Friends: Summer Loving
Doctor Who Origins 1 by Jody Houser, Roberta Ingranata, Warnia Sahadewa
Elivira: Wrath of Con by David Avallone, Elvira, Dave Acosta
Motherbridge: Seeds of Change by George Mann, Aleta Vidal
Grip of the Kombinat by Damon Gentry, Simon Roy
Girl and the Glim by India Swift, Michael Doig
Secrets of Camp Whatever v2: The Doors to Nowhere by Chris Grine
Slip by Marika McCoola, Aatmaja Pandya
Additional Reviews: Obi-Wan ep4, Ms. Marvel, American Horror Stories s1, Chip n Dale, Jurassic World Dominion, Many Deaths of Laila Starr
News: Joker 2, Ghostbusters animated series, Ezra Miller, Arcane series of prequel shorts on YouTube, more Kevin Smith He-Man, McKeever back at Marvel, Junji Ito anthology series on Netflix, Love Unlimited, Bruce Campbell Evil Dead/Sgt Rock crossover, Thunderbolts movie confirmed, Spot in Spider-Verse 2, Dark Horse gets Ghostbusters comic license, George Stacy cast for Spider-Verse 2
Am It Glenn?
Glenn meets Ram V
Trailers: Spiderhead, Prey, Sea Beast, Black Adam
Comics Countdown:
Oblivion Song 36 by Robert Kirkman Lorenzo De Felici, Annnalisa Leoni
Slip OGN by Marika McCoola, Aatmaja Pandya
Aquaman: Andromeda 1 by Ram V, Christian Ward
DC Pride 2022 by 
Secrets of Camp Whatever Vol 2: The Door to Nowhere by Chris Grine
Time Before Time 13 by Rory McConville, Ron Salas, Chris O'Halloran
Dark Knights of Steel 7 by Tom Taylor, Nathan Gooden, Arif Prianto
Twig 2 by Skottie Young, Kyle Strahm, Jean-Francois Beaulieu
That Texas Blood 14 by Chris Condon, Jacob Phillips, Pip Martin
Batman: Killing Time 4 by Tom King, David Marquez, Alejandro Sanchez
Check out this episode!
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oh-the-bliss · 6 years
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nothing special, just Jonathan fixing Nicholas’ plane in his hangar 👀
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youvebeenblessed · 6 years
Rating: Explicit Warnings: NSFW Relationships: Nick Rye/John Seed, John Seed/Nick Rye Characters: John Seed, Nick Rye Additional Tags: tattooing, handjobs, my two(2) plane boys, i blame discord Summary: John Seed gives Nick Rye a tattoo, and thoroughly enjoys it.
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morana-bel-blog · 6 years
You are not going to regret
John Seed/Nick Rye. Maybe it`s R.
Note: Well, how you can see, it`s a fanfic :D I`m so sorry for that shit just because I`m sure there are a lot of mistakes after translation from russian to english. However, I tried really hard to make it so I just can`t not share it. Sorry bros :D And of yes, it's kind of a songfic. So, Starset - It has begun.
- Nothing could ever stop us from stealing our own place in the sun, - another's voice was sneeringly shaking beside Nick`s ear, and anger boiled harder, ready to splash out worse than any volcano. Rage covered his eyes with a red shroud disturbing him from vision and thinking. That thrilling part of his heart which people usually called the Demon on the left shoulder annoyingly whispered in his ear about the importance of exactly this fucking sectarian blood. He was stopped from irrational but so challenging wish to beat showboat`s muzzle by ropes which tightly tightened his wrists
    Nick didn't even make an afford to take cultists seriously when they came up to their county. Their strange Father with a funny hairdo, his insane and just scaring family in which they all crazy as hatters. Psychopaths’ kin. Mostly – John Seed in his pricy outfit and with a sly spark in his blue eyes. Ray couldn`t understands how that person could belong to a cult – he can`t stands any rules and slightly looks like a rebel. By the way, interest in cult disappeared quickly just because Nick had some things to do and problems without them. Fanatics are everywhere. However, not everywhere fanatics have guns…
   Everything changed in some weeks. Maybe months. Rye couldn`t say exactly in what moment countdown started. He just understood on someday that it`s time to see off and get away with Kim from all this shit and shoot up more this bastards for last. However, Kim didn`t support his decision and insisted on being in their native soil. All variants in one moment lead to one – war. So, Rye had to learn war art really fast, moreover fact that he has someone to protect from cultists pushed him and gave more and more force. Fear that he can lose his meaning of life in one moment makes him clench his weapon stronger. Nonetheless, how good he could be as a pilot, the army remained an army even if it was unorganized and not really big. Sectarians wasn`t just relentless and ruthless, but absolutely fearless like if they thought that death can`t come for their souls. Although, Nick was sure that it`s not true – he checked it out without any request as soon as possible. He personally stabbed a bullet or two in their empty noggins with abnormal pleasure sending them to their non-existent God. Maybe he will teach his stupid child not to mess with Nick-fucking-Rye. So if immortality of «God`s servants» pilot denied a million times he wasn`t so sure about Seed family. They looked down on everyone next to them like they are Gods trembled from the Heaven. Unfortunately, Nick is atheist. And that couldn`t save him from meeting the God who stayed right in front of him with his poisoned grin and weirdly shaped knife. Wish to check his lifespan becomes stronger by every second.
    Be caught in his own house was really humiliating and silly.  All he made it was tossing Kim in deputy`s hands and closed the door after their leaving trying not to draw the attention of his wife`s fierce shouting and gloomy military glance. Almost that's more important than his life. Almost they wouldn`t kill him. No, they`ll try to enlist him. And knows John - it`ll be better just to kill him immediately.
- But now everyone knows that fairytales aren`t found, - the younger Seed keeps ranting watching useless but desperate attempts to escape with sadistic enjoyment, - It`s written on the walls. It`s downs out in the air. Collapse is just around the corner.    
John squat down nearby him, squashing his knife and looking into his wild and beastly eyes.
- Go and fuck yourself, - Rye hissing, baring one`s teeth. Inquisitor smiles wider and topples him on the floor by pushing him lightly on his chest.
- Someday we will face the odds against us together, - he spreads his hands and set on his knees to touch Nick`s cheek, snuggle his hand to his face. Rye growls and John mentally compares him with a cougar which is cornered in a small cage and wore a collar. This comparison makes him grin again, - And we will run away from the Collapse. Together, like a big family, - he leans closer and Nick huddles on the floor with the hope that his native house will save him from every danger, - And then, after the world ends, we'll see how the seed of new world grows up from the ash. I want you to be with us at this moment. You and your wife... - Nick lost his temper and spit in his face with understanding what will this cocky liberty cost him. However, he was ready to do it for hundreds of times just to see this human astonishment in his nonhuman face and make him shut his mouth. Sometimes it's necessary to remember that he and his family are just humans, like Nick. Just little bit crazy fucking and deserves a gallows. The public gallows.
  Other`s thin fingers clenched around Nick`s neck immediately, and Rye feels cold coming from them. Rage flows him with the head and spits out with a dry suffocating cough. Everything floats in his eyes besides these fucking blue eyes.
- You are a fucking psychopath, - he hisses it with all anger he has, and his voice wheezing because of lack of oxygen which was decisively dislodged after John`s knee pushed right between his legs. At this moment Nick really wants to suffocate but damned Seed keeps him closely in the middle of life and death. Ray truly can`t understand, where is he. Feelings like he`s close to the hell.
- Well, well… - John`s voice whispered it close to his ear and Nick, trying to find the rest of his power somewhere inside, twitched again, wounded his wrists. Something has fallen atop on the second floor, then Nick hears sectarian`s dissatisfied voice but John doesn`t distract from Rye`s eyes like if he heard nothing. Nick really wants to kick his ass. Nick really wants to run away, - The longer you resist, the sicker it`ll be for you. All you need is just say "Yes".
     Nick suffocates but resists.
- You`re a fucking asshole.
He has powers only for swearing and evil sight right in Seed`s soul. However, his experience tells him that John Seed hasn`t got a soul. And fear. And an ability to take his freaking grin away at least for one minute, fuck.
     The knife balked near his shoulder and cut off the skin, getting into and carving meat from the flesh. Rye starts screaming mentally or out loud. At some moment it becomes not just hard but impossible to understand. Blade touches his skin again, now near the collarbone, and Nick bites his teeth not to shout up something he`ll regret about.
- You`re prideful, - John chuckles and confidently seats right between Nick`s legs. Rye tries to fetch away what caused new wound from collarbone to armpit, - And wrathful. And most of all - greedy, - Seed looks on curve cut with dissatisfaction like he`s an aesthete who can`t find a meaning in some expensive exhibit. Nick doesn`t think that he would be an icing on the cake in this exhibition but he deserved the youngest Seed`s attention. Even if he didn`t want it as much as he can, - And then, when the Collapse begins, only peeled will survive. I just wanna to help you, - he leans forward and weakly, occasionally touches his nose to his and Nick roars again, making Inquisitor laughs more.
- And what`s your sin, bastard? – He tilts his head and boldness helps him see clearly for a moment. Seed stops only for second raised his eyebrow with astonishment after what he stretches his neck and unhooks upper button on his showoff blue shirt.
     Scratched "Sloth" upper his collarbone catches the eye not right away. Firstly Nick noticed some tattoos, scars, and scratches and only then inscription which were half-closed by the cloth. John, as if he read his thoughts, unbutton next toggle and Nick grins with mistrust. Inquisitor and Sloth? Rye can`t believe this. The Wrath would suit him better.
- Can you see, Nick? - he talks calmly and without his grin, looks at him seriously, so Rye feels shook, - I could accept my sin and get rid of it. Get rid of despondency and depression after losing my brothers and after abuse from my family. I could give thanks to them. Because without them I wouldn`t have a chance to atone my sins and went to this new world.    
Rye calms down for a moment just thinking about it, trying to understand and repeat his words in the head. It doesn`t help.
- You`re sick.    
Inquisitor grins again after Nick`s phrase. Knife edge abuts to his chest, not cutting too deep and slowly moving down. Nick hopes that he doesn`t whine aloud.
- I know you want me to stop.  
 In blue eyes over against - condescension and rage, mockery and hatred, pride and fatigue. Nick can hear his phrases only partly, Seed`s fingers release his neck only occasionally. Oxygen becomes not a necessity but luxury.
- I`ll save you, Nick Rye. Without asking a permission.    
Nick coughs because of shook and lack of air. Fucking Seed push on the knife right above his belt.
- And then you`ll be grateful. You`ll thank me. And not only for one time.
     The blade doesn`t stop and tear the cloth of his jeans, and Rye feels himself on a hell`s chill and on an infernal heat when his blood blunder Inquisitor`s hands and floor, and, still hot, warm his bones and flesh. It cures his mind and poisonous it again. Nick gets lost in his own feelings; tries to pull his hand, to ask for help, but ropes compel him to fall back call to memory about who is now in front of him.
- Just say…    
His voice breaks off or Nick ceases to hear. Wounds itch, hurt, whine and just prevent living in exactly this moment. Nick sure that they`ll leave behind some white stitched strips on his tanned skin. Back of mind, he catches himself on thinking about how scars adorn men. Every man. Sight abuts in scratched "Sloth" in Inquisitor`s collarbone.
     John bends over newly, and Nick can feel his breath on his cheek. In contrast, he feels cold steel on his hip. That sucks. Short and heavy exhalation, then - a cough. It seems to Nick that Death himself is sitting right in front of him. And if John Seed isn`t immortal, Nick Rye won`t believe this.
- Yes.    
His voice is so worn out that he becomes afraid. Then, when the heaviness of another`s body pressures on the lungs and cols thin fingers unclenched, it scares him stronger. Algidity of the blade finally receding so Nick can concentrate on his pain which isn`t so terrible but suffocating not worse than John`s fingers.
- Yes, - he repeats it again and can`t understand why he made it, trying to prove it to himself. Or to John. Or to the whole world which decides to stop in this fucking moment when thoughts about Kim, about the deputy, about his daughter faded into the background. Only indistinct spot left. Solid and foggy, this spot leaves behind the only scorched field, empty and dead. Only these fucking blue eyes of the youngest of the Seed left. With dilated pupils, flashed with childlike joy. Only his strange knife left, all in Nick's blood. And his voice. Left in Rye's head, sowing on the subcortex of the brain. Nick was sure that this voice is with him till` the end of the line. This fucking goddamned voice.
- You are not going to regret. I promise.
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ms-rampage · 3 years
What have I done?!?! 😅😅
This was floating around in my head at work.
Adelaide is the reason casual Fridays aren't a thing 😅🤣. What do you mean this never happened?!?!
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selfshippingwhore · 2 years
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OC INFO MEME  |  Rook Greene.
“I will accept any rules that you feel necessary to your freedom. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.”
A/N: That Image took me an hour to make.
B A S I C S:
Full name: Brooke Rosalie Greene
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: she/her
O T H E R:
Family: Brooke grew up in a rather normal family, her mother was a vet while her father worked in the police force. Being the only daughter out of five brothers she knew her father was rather protective of her. While he was fine with hunting or doing anything her brothers did he was hesitant of her working in the police force. Her Older brother was a pilot so he would often take her flying.
Birthplace: Hope County Clinic, later moved to Helena, Montana.
Job(s): She spent a lot of her time down at the animal shelter helping them. While she had a few odd jobs she’s always wanted to help people so joining the police force was her best option and becoming the Deputy was her first really job.
Phobias: Drowning, while fishing with one of her brothers she was knocked off the boat and nearly drowned, she hates being in waist length water.
Guilty pleasures: Eating chocolate and watching cheesy romance movies.
Hobbies: Reading-when she’s not running around shes curled up with Cheeseburger laying behind her, peaches by her side and Boomer laying his head on her lap. Cooking- she really loves to cook, she’s pretty good at it but she loves baking. Training the animals: she is a big animal lover so she spends a lot of her time with the animals, she love’s playing or training her little babies Cheeseburger, Peaches and Boomer.
M O R A L S:
Morality alignment: Chaotic Good:
Sins: Lust, Pride
Virtues:  Patience, Kindness
T H I S - O R - T H A T:
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
OTP: Dani Rojas.
Acceptable ships: Sharky, John Seed, Faith Seed, Jacob Seed ,Alejandro Montero, Clara Garcia, Espada,Jonron.
OT3: Jacob x Brooke x John
BroTP: Nick Rye, Hurk, Philly Barzaga, Bicho, Paolo de la Vega, Talia Benavidez,Jonron,Yelena Morales
NOTP{Family bond}:  Dutch,Juan Cortez, El Tigre,Lorenzo Canseco, Lucky Mama,Staci Pratt, Hudson,Whitehorse.
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derputy · 2 years
Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 now with (terrible, likely misspelled) captions! - As always, inspired from the wonderful @racheljo47 and @mrspaigeomega who inspired the second one and bonus @captain-spandex who's adorable fanart inspired the last one
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the-chaos-katzlein · 3 years
Far Cry 5: High school AU
(Keep in mind this is like a 2018-19 School year, no Rona)
Drug mentions
(Just a few HCS for now) (Thank you @hopecountysfavhoe for putting these ideas into my head 🤣)
• Is the only person who enjoys going to church at his age
• Is the one targeted at dodgeball
• The way he dresses, the way he talks, he could have any girl he wanted, but he believes in keeping himself pure until marriage.
• Tails his brothers around because he doesn’t know anyone else
• Always getting rejected by girls
• Never picked for dodgeball
• Is a bit more lenient when it comes to ‘purity’
•Stays near Joseph, he might not believe in God, but that’s still his brother
•If that sense of immunity gets to Joseph’s head however, Jacob will allow you one good hit before knocking you out.
•Always the first one picked for dodgeball
• Popular girl
• Cheerleader
• Does drugs in the girls bathroom before practice, convinced that they’re ‘performance enhancers’ gets addicted to them
• Takes shop class
• Starts dating Kim rather early on in high school
• Everyone thinks that they’ll break up soon, but it never happens
• Builds plane models and keeps them on a shelf in his room
• His dodgeball skill isn’t bad, but not as good as everyone else’s
Hurk Jr.
• Gets bullied by folks because of his weight, laughs it off most of the time.
• Those people usually end up beaten up in a bathroom, Rook, Sharky and Nick have bruised knuckles after the bully is found? They punched a brick wall...don’t ask.
• Always doing crazy shit with ‘the bois’
(Ever gone hog hunting with every gun in your arsenal, a 4X4 truck and lots of ammo? Imagine that level of chaos)
• Is actually really amazing at dodgeball
• Highschool Pyro
• Setting off fire alarms
• Just igniting lighters in the back of classrooms
• Set a dodgeball on fire once and threw it at the opposing team
• Was definitely suspended for a week after that
• Enjoys math class
• Loves participating in shooting sports
• Decided she wanted to train up to be a sniper after learning about the Coriolis effect in class one day (She played ‘All Ghillied Up’ she knows what she’s doing)
• Uses her mathematical mind to absolutely dominate in dodgeball.
• Someone’s running around? Allow her to properly spin the ball as she throws it ahead of them so that it smacks them right in the head, perfection.
Pratt, Hudson and Rook
• Buddies
• Pratt acts tough but melts under pressure
• Hudson is usually the one coming to Pratt’s defense if not Rook
• Hudson sees Pratt and Rook as the only real people she can go to if she needs something
Cousin HC • Hudson and Rook do less chaotic things than Sharky and Hurk, but they claim to have the most fun.
(definite thank you to @hopecountysfavhoe for helping me pick out a few of these whether you knew it or not)
• Boot couple, matching boots
• Jess is certainly the girl you don’t want to fuck with, Mess with Rook however...and a new type of beast emerges
• “The fuck you say to him?!”
Rook Is holding Jess back
“Calm down lady, we were only playing around with your ugly boy toy.”
Rook and Jess look at each other, then the bully, Rook lets Jess go
*Jess literally jumps at him*
• By their third date Jess and Rook are in the woods, around a campfire near Dutch’s place reciting shitty romantic poems to each other and eating pizza. (The dream)
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only--you · 3 years
❥ ♡
The Baptist ✰
-·=»‡«=·- 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 7 -·=»‡«=·-
Warnings/ Blood, Violence, strong language, substance abuse, choking, needles, insinuated sexual references, and potential smut. Viewer discretion advised.
A/N - Heyy!! I’m back with chapter seven! Just want to give a, heavy content warning, I know they’re listed above but this chapter includes choking and even smut...yes, I finally wrote some smut for this story, ha! I’d also like to say that I’m sorry that it’s taken me so long to get this chapter posted but I’m glad to be back. I’ve officially graduated high school (since may-june, I was homeschooled) so now I have lots and lots of free time so expect more chapters soon! One more thing, I posted a masterlist which can be found in my bio and I also have it pinned to my profile. Okay, I hope you enjoy this lengthy chapter! <<33
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
★·.·´¯`·.·★ 𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎 ★·.·´¯`·.·★
Delaney finally found out that while she was in John’s bunker, Nick’s wife Kim gave birth to their daughter, Carmina. Delaney decided that before things go any further with Sharky, she has to decide where things are going with John. Before she goes back to the bunker, she makes a pit stop to see someone special. 
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
𝙳𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚢'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅
“Hey, we can take my jeep. Once you drop me off at the bunker, you can just drive it back to my house unless John decides to send in the cavalry.” I said throwing Nick the keys and shaking my head. “It’s so fucking annoying when he does that, the bliss bullets make me feel so shitty.” I sat in the passenger seat and struggled to buckle myself because I was shaking so bad. “Hey, are you okay? Be honest.” Nick grabbed my arm and stopped me. “No...not really. I just - when I went to go arrest Joseph, I didn’t know this is how the county would turn out.” I put my head in my hands. I wasn’t crying, I was just disappointed. “Look, none of this is your fault. Nobody knew this is how it would’ve turned out. Don’t blame yourself.” Nick said as he rubbed my back. He took his hand off and started the engine. “Look on the brightside, we’re going to see Carmina right now. Don’t worry about anything peggie related until it’s time, D.” Talking stuff over with Nick, cleared my mind. We pulled up to Nick and Kim’s house, standing on the porch was Kim holding Carmina. “Oh my god! Congratulations guys. Kim, she’s gorgeous. How’re you feeling?” I said as I was rubbing Carmina’s head. “I’m doing alright! My feet hurt so bad though. Other than that, I’m so relieved she’s here.” Kim handed Carmina to Nick and pulled me in for a long hug. “Look, I know things are tough right now but I want you to know that Nick and I are always here for you. What’s going on right now isn’t your fault, remember that.” She rubbed my back. Tears rolling down my face, Kim pulled away. “Nick, why don’t you give Delaney her goddaughter, I’m sure she’s dying to hold her.” Kim said smiling sweetly at me. “Oh, she’s so small. She’s going to grow up to be an amazingly strong woman just like her mother.” I said as I was rocking Carmina back and forth. “And just like her godmother too.” Kim said smiling at me. 
𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚙
As the sun sets, I realize that I still need to head back to the bunker. “I’m going to have to hand beautiful Carmina back to you, Kim. I have to head back to John’s bunker. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t sent in the-” As Kim grabs Carmina, I feel a bliss arrow shoot straight into my thigh. Suddenly, everything around me fades to black. 
𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚙
𝙳𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚢'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅
As I start to wake from unconsciousness, I hear faint grunting in the background. I don’t know where I am but the last thing I remember is being with Nick and Kim meeting their daughter. She was so petite and wholesome. I’m heartbroken to know that she has to be raised in the current state of Montana. This isn’t how I wanted things to turn out. Innocent families ripped from their homes, citizens being held under their will to be converted to the cult, innocent people dying, I had no idea this would happen. My eyes are blurry but I’m now able to see where the grunting is coming from. Deputy Hudson is sitting right in front of me. Black mascara has covered her cheeks and she has duct tape over her mouth. I try yelling to her but it’s no use seeing as I have tape on my mouth as well. I start to look around and begin to realize that I’m in John’s bunker. I hear the door latch open and hear John whistling, We’ll Meet Again by Vera Lynn. He slams down a toolbox and opens it up. He removes the one storage compartment and stops. He turns around and begins to tell me a story;
“My parents were the first ones to teach me about the Power of Yes.” John turns around to the toolbox sitting behind him. He pulls out, what looks to be skin, and staples it to the wood of the table. “One night, they took me into the kitchen, and they threw me on the ground, and I experienced pain after pain after pain after pain-” He slammed down the staple gun he was holding. I winced because I had never had him act this way around me. John was usually loving and made me feel safe. He had his moments, yes, but he was never violent. At least towards me. “And when I didn’t think I could take anymore, I did.” Once again, John turns around. This time, he goes into the storage compartment he removed from the toolbox. He grabs a tattoo gun and begins to walk towards me. Hudson, behind him, starts screaming but her screams are muffled due to the tape covering her mouth. John adjusts the lamp that’s next to me and continues, “Something broke free inside. I wasn’t scared, I was-” John flicks the lamp on. “clear.” He plugs a wire into the tattoo gun. “I looked up at them and I started to laugh. All I could say was...yes.” John clicks on the tattoo gun for just moment and then immediately turns it off. “I spent my entire life looking for more things to say ‘yes’ to.” He places the tattoo gun down and popped open my shirt to reveal my chest. For a moment, he just stares...then, he continues. “I opened up every hole in my body and when those were filled, I created more.” John is now making eye contact with me. A single tear comes out of my right eye as I’ve never seen John like this before. I try talking to him but this damn duct tape is my goddamn way. He pulls away and still continues on with his lengthy story. “But it was Joseph who showed me just how selfish I was being.” Hudson is still in the background trying to shout at John. He grabs a bowl off of the table next to him and pulls out a sponge. He begins cleaning off my chest. “Always receiving. Always taking. The best gift isn’t the one you get, it’s the one you give and giving takes courage.” He finishes cleaning off my chest and places the bowl down. He begins to walk back towards the table which has the toolbox on it. “The courage to own your sin. To etch it on to your flesh and carry its burden and when you have endured -- when you have truly begin to atone -- to cut it out like a cancer and display it for all to see. Ha...my god that’s courage.” He stops and grabs a screwdriver. “I’m going to teach you courage. Teach you how to say, ‘yes’ so you can confront your weakness.” John begins pacing and speaking with more volume, clearly full of passion. “Confront your sin. You will swim across an ocean of pain and  emerge...free.” He quiets down and begins to walk towards me again, this time, pointing the screwdriver at me. “For only then can you truly begin to atone.” When he reaches me, he places the cold metal of the screwdriver onto my chest. He then, swiftly takes it off and walks back to the table. “So who wants to go first? Hm? Which one? Hmm? This is lesson number one. Someone’s got to choose.” Feeling the pressure and knowing if I don’t nod my head in agreement, John will just get angrier. I don’t want anything else happening to Hudson because who knows what she’s already been through. I nod my head and wave my bound hand at him. “Yes. YES!” I can hear Hudson screaming in disagreement as John begins to walk closer to me yet again. “You’re not going to regret this. I promise.” He points the screwdriver at me again. “Now, before we begin,” John begins to walk to Hudson and throws the screwdriver to the side. “I think it’s only proper that Deputy Hudson goes back to her room. Confessions are meant to be private, after all.” He reaches the back of Hudson’s chair and begins to roll her towards me. Screaming, Hudson makes eye contact me. We hold it for a moment and I begin to tear up. Hudson is now crying even more than she was before. “Shhh. Shhh...I am not here to take your life. I’m here to give it to you.” John straightens up and pushes the lamp out of the way that had shined on me prior. He places his hands around my neck and begins to choke me. “I’m going to open you and pour your worst fears inside and as you choke, your sins will reveal themselves.” Hudson, next to us begins shouting at John in hopes he’d let go of me. “Only then, will you truly understand the Power of Yes.” He removes his hands from my throat and continues back over to Hudson. “I’ll be right back.” John says as he wheels Hudson out of the room. 
I begin sobbing. I know John was probably doing all of this because Hudson was in the room but I’ve never felt like this before. I knew I should’ve gotten back to the bunker earlier. He probably hated the fact that I was having a good time out of the bunker, thinking I’d get too used to it and want to go out more often. Well, who wouldn’t get used to being outside after being locked in all day? 
𝙹𝚘𝚑𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅
I roll Deputy Hudson down the hallway of the bunker. I feel bad for treating Delaney the way I did back there but, that’s what happens when you don’t come back to the bunker after many hours of being out. If anything, she should be lucky I didn’t do anything worse to her. I just...I know that, after that interaction, she might not feel the same way about...us anymore. I reach miss Deputy Hudson’s room and I unlatched her door. I bring her inside and shut the door so when I remove her restraints, she doesn’t try anything...funny. I go down to her feet and begin to cut off the rope. Next, I come up to her wrists and finally get the duct tape off of her mouth. “What the fuck is your deal? What are you going to do to Delaney? Don’t you hurt her anymore then that petty fucking choking you did.” She gets in my face. I slap her and push her down onto her bed. “You don’t tell me how to punish my people. What goes on in confessional, is going to be none of your business. You’ll get your fill of confession soon, don’t you worry. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have work to get to.” I remove my hand from her face and head over to the door. I unlatch it and start back down the hallway to Delaney. I open up the door and see Delaney still in the spot that I left her. I place my hand on her shoulder and walk around to face her. I pull up a stool that’s near her and sit down. Reaching up to her face, I remove the duct tape slowly so I don’t hurt her as much. “So, I’d just like to apologize for acting different towards you. I was angry about your tardiness. I felt as though you abandoned me and I didn’t like it. I’d also like to apologize for choking you.” John said stroking my cheek and removing my wrist restraints. “Oh yeah? Well, you should’ve fucking said that instead of choking me and scrubbing me down with a sponge. I’d also like to mention, it didn’t make me feel any better knowing that Hudson was here. Has she been in the fucking bunker the whole time?!” Delaney yelled. “I don’t want to lie to you so yes, she’s been here the whole time. I’ve kept her in the lower rooms as to keep you from be able to hear her. I didn’t want to put you through that or risk other things so I didn’t tell you.” I told her as I started to cut through the rope around her ankles. 
*steamy scene approaching, btw, not just making out ;)*
𝙳𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚢'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅
“Yeah, other things meaning, saving Hudson and leaving the bunker. Look, I love you, John, but choking me and having her bound in front of me, wasn’t the most amazing thing either.” I said flustered as I started pacing back and forth. “Wait...wait. Did you just- did you just say that you loved me?” John grabbed my wrist and I froze. Oh shit...I fucking did. “Yes...yes I did. What are you going to do about it?” I said yanking my arm back and crossing my arms now. John shoved me against the table that had the toolbox on it. He sat me on top and started making out with me. John began unbuttoning my shirt. “You know, you could just rip it off. It would be a lot faster.” I said in-between kisses. “No I can’t, this shirt was expensive.” John pulled away so he could accurately continue unbuttoning the shirt I was wearing. I started laughing as he continued. He then began to unbutton his shirt so I starting unbuckling his belt. I took off my unbuttoned shirt and threw it to the floor. John did the same, as well as pulling his pants down. I undid my belt and threw my pants to the ground. John came back over to me and continued to kiss me passionately. He made his way to my neck and began sucking which left hickies. “Well, if no one knew we were together, they would now.” I said through heavy breathes. “Fuck it. Who cares right?” John said while making his way to nibble on my ear. “Um...maybe Jacob or y’know, Joseph. I’m pretty sure they’d care.” I said rubbing my hand up and down John’s chest as he continued biting my ear. “Okay so, do you want me to stop? Do you want this is to be over?” John said biting my bottom lip. “No...I’m just- making a point.” I replied as I hopped off the table. I grabbed John’s hand and led him over to the chair that I was bound to prior. I shoved him down and he fell onto the seat. I wheeled the chair over to the wall that way it won’t move as much once I sit in his lap. Before I sit down on his lap, I removed my underwear and unfasten my bra. I walked over to John and started to pull down his underwear. I climbed on top of him and he placed both of his hands on my hips to help stabilize me considering we were about to have sex on a chair with wheels. John slowly began to slide his penis inside of me. I arched my back a little and gasped at how it felt going in. I let out a small moan and beginning moving my hips back and forth, slowly. John threw his head back and let out a moan of his own. I placed a hand on his throat and I ran my fingers through his hair with the other. I started picking up speed. With the hand I placed on his throat, I now grabbed his face and roughly started making out with him. John slid his tongue into my mouth and I did the same with mine. He quickly took his tongue out and threw his head back once again, this time letting out an even louder moan. I started riding him even faster and due to how passionate it was, I let out a moan, however, I moaned his name. “John...” I could feel him finish inside me, however I wasn’t done. I got off of him and laid on the floor. In this moment, I didn’t care that I was laying on freezing, dirty, concrete...I was in love. John got the idea and got down on the floor but instead of laying next me, he got on top of me. He started making out with me then slowly worked his way down to my breasts and began running his tongue along my nipples. Taking one into his mouth, he began sucking. As he did so, he slid his hand down to my vagina and began to slide two fingers in. John, however, was a smart man and knew that’s not only what I wanted so he stopped sucking on my nipples and made his way down to meet his fingers. He placed his tongue on my clit and started working. He went as fast as he could, my back arching so far off the ground. I let out plenty of loud moans, even some with his name in there. Then, I felt myself release. But, like I said, John is a smart man...he kept going. Soon enough, I had finished a second time and lastly, a third. He took his fingers out and I was lying there, unable to move a single muscle. Once I had been able to breathe, I told John, “That...was absolutely amazing.” I stretched and stood up. Barely able to walk, I sat on the swivel chair. “John, baby, can you hand me my clothes please..I’m unable to walk.” John turned to me and laughed. He walked over to wear my bra, underwear, pants, and shirt were and handed them to me. He leaned down and kissed me warmly and began dressing himself. Once he was fully clothed, he came over to me and help me out. Buckled my bra for me, buttoned up my shirt, slid on my underwear and next my pants. Then he grabbed my socks and shoes and put those on for me as well. “I love you too, Delaney. I realized just now that I didn’t say anything.” John said, leaning his hands on the chair’s armrests. “You didn’t need to say anything, I knew.” I got close to his face and left him small pecks on his lips. “Would I be able to see Hudson?” I asked John with sad eyes. John let out a sigh. 
𝚃𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍… †
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hopecountysfavhoe · 4 years
If anyone wants to draw my OC Deputy and Jacob please send me a direct message I want to get them drawn so badly!!
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Down South (God’s Children, Part 1.)
Revisioned and rewritten: August 2023 🕊️
Description: In the year 2018, a huge nuclear attack took place, having its epicenter on Hope County, Montana. All the people were supposed to be gone, but the reality turned around to be much different from that.
A/N: So, the Seeds had always been my No. 2° Far Villains right after Pagan Min (Far Cry 4 was the first I've been introduced to, so it stuck with me much more than FC 3 and Vaas - I mean, I like Vaas, the personal attachment isn't there for me, though). And as the cycle goes on, I love to re-work my old stories to make them better suited for my current writing style. Enjoy!
Heavily inspired by Killshot (Magdalena Bay), LoveGame (by Lady Gaga) and I Wanna Be Your Slave is even indirectly used in the text (by Måneskin). Also inspired by Sex on Fire (by Kings of Leon).
Word count: 4.5 K
Read the rest here, babe: HERE
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Hope County, Montana, 2035 - seventeen years after the nuclear attack:
It was a beautiful day to have the big watch duty on the Prosperity's walls. The breeze felt warm, the sunshine was giving undeniable glory to the nuclear wilderness outside, to all of the pink weird flowers, mutated animals and trees. Many shoots of those surroundings were taken, but this just begged for more and more photos.
At those moments, you had a feeling of being in peace with nature, you almost felt the calm grace the world was greeting you with. It was subtly inviting you to discover it's glory and secrets by your own eyes. It was beautiful.
When Jason was leaning into the wall and watched the surroundings, he thought he was hallucinating. A woman with black curly hair grown under her waist in a khaki green blouse and black jeans was coming out of the woods. She held a big bowl of something; she had a dead state and pale face. He heard her singing in a high voice, but it was somehow mesmerizing to listen to.
'Amazing grace, how sweet the sound? That saved a wretch like me?' - Jason heard just as he slowly raised the submachine gun.
"Might have a female intruder on my fair sight, approaching the north wall on her own feet. Maybe she was sent by the twins?" - Jason mumbled into his walkie-talkie and slowly raised his gun.
"Is she armed?" - Kim's voice answered curiously. Twins were constantly surprising them with their attack, so Prosperity was naturally armed to react immediately at any time of the day.
"Doesn't seem so. Instructions?" - Jason answered and looked at Madison looking at the woman as well. They were too young to have any idea of who the woman was. He was three years old when the big nuclear attack happened and Madison was born in the bunker just a few days after her parents hid there.
"Let me see." - Kim answered and just two minutes later, she was climbing up on Jason's spot. She looked down for a minute before her whole face tensed up and her eyes for colder. - "You gotta be shitting me. Stay here. Watch every move she makes. If I give you a sign, shoot immediately. Maddy, come with me."
Kim was really not glad to see that woman appear. That was apparent. But any of the two young people haven't got an idea why is she acting that way. That woman only got out of the woods and Kim was thrown out of her normal chilling family mood.
They were walking to the woman until they stood ten feet away from her, staring her down.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" - She asked with furrowed face, ready to snap any minute. Maddy stood by her side with the submachine gun pointing at the woman. She had a bowl of mac'n'cheese. - "I couldn't care less if you're alive, but showing up here and look to all those people's faces? Too far fetched, even for you."
"Nice to see you too, Kim." - The woman smiled and pointed at Maddy, who immediately tensed up. - "You think it's necessary? I have only macaroni and cheese to defend myself."
"My men are ready to shoot your ass at the moment I give them a sign. Speak fast or you'll be dead in the next minute." - Kim walked up to the woman and look her in the eyes. She wanted to murder her right here and there. That woman was a monster capable of unspeakable horrors. She was a sadist to say at least, she was something much worse, torturing people being her daily hobby.
There were days when the name Y/N Y/L/N-Seed resonated with pure terror in everyone's head.
"Heard you had some problems with those fuckers sent by Mickey and Lou. I thought you could use my help. And I cooked a great dish and thought you might wanna taste?" - She offered Kim the bowl and Kim, in a slight shock, accepted it whether she actually wanted it or not.
"Why would you even think we might accept your help?" - Kim grinned and spat right onto the woman's shoe. If the Devil could be real, Y/N was them. She was the worst kind of person, arrogant and cocky. Borderline crazy.
"Because I'm just as crazy as those fuckers. I ain't afraid to be killed because I've got nothing to lose anymore. But you can. My family and home are gone." - Y/N said and with that, Kim took the SMG and hit the woman right into her chin to make her unconscious. The council needed to decide whether put their trust into a former member of the Seed family or if they murder her for everything she has done to the people of Hope County.
The University of Yale Campus, New Haven, Connecticut, 2008:
John Duncan Seed had never felt like a normal human being, not even for a second throughout his life. Truth be told, neither of the environments he grew up in didn't exactly allow him to develop into someone who'd keep his emotions in check as well as be allowed to express them. In the last few years, he began to notice it as he started to be around other people rather frequently. Humanity, as a trait itself, didn't resonate with John's view on life and how things should be. Being compassionate or empathetic wasn't something John would see himself doing. The very core of being human didn't make much sense to this man. On the other hand, he knew precisely why that was.
It started a long, long time ago. He was just a little boy being beaten up by his own father every fucking evening. His memories of this particular time of his life were rather hazy, yet he remembered a little here and there. His father was beating and beating until something broke inside of John. That was the night he told about this situation to his teacher. Shortly after, the Duncan family came to play. On the outside, they looked like an ideal family for such an intelligent, innocent and lovely child. John, even throughout growing up, was very delightful to look at, thanks to his angelic face and enormous baby blue eyes. But… The Duncans sure as hell weren't the perfect family they presented themselves as. While his biological father was more of a physical abuser, the Duncans tormented young John mentally. They tortured him for months on end, trying to beat every sin he had committed throughout the ten years of his life. That was when he was broken for the second time.
Soon enough, John trained himself to be a master liar as well as a master manipulator just to keep himself safe. These traits made John a perfect candidate for law studies, which he proceeded to do. He was very good with bureaucracy bullshit and even better at mind games. Duncans, at this point in his life, were very proud of John; they managed to eradicate him of sin, showered him with wealth and paid for everything you could imagine. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. John Duncan was everything but a good Christian boy. Everyone knew him as the wild shot, the man who fucked the entire campus. His name became synonymous with being the one who had the best drugs, alcohol, cars and prostitutes. Aside from his substance abuse, he was also a sex addict - even worse, he ravelled in hardcore sex practises, leaving his sexual partners bruised up and sore.
One important distinction to be made was that John was not monogamous, nor did he desire to be that kind of a man. Each of his dates knew he was fucking around, that was one of the first pieces of information John told his dates about himself. The day it all started was the first day of John's junior year, on a warm September day. That was the reason he was caught off-guard the first time he had seen her. Never before had a woman or a man caught his eyes with such gravity as she did. She wasn't even trying to get his attention, she didn't see him neither did she pay him an ounce of notice. The day he had seen her for the first time, she was rushing through the campus with her hair all messy and her outfit uncoordinated - she clearly put random pieces of clothes on because she was running late, and her backpack was still half open as she ran towards the building holding an enormous pink binder close to her chest. John was having brunch with his newest girl and a couple of his friends from the classes as they discussed the latest legislation changes.
Soon after, the first signs of infatuation started to show, which made John even more cautious about what was happening to him. He has never felt like this about any of his playthings, nor about any other person. As time passed by, John grew anxious to know more about her as if he’d die if he didn’t. The man started to make subtle changes; mixing up his schedule just so his breaks would match hers, getting to know which table at the study she used with her friend, John even paid attention to what she seemed to enjoy eating and drinking. While he still enjoyed having sex, his objects of lust started to imitate her features in one way or another. Some had resembling eye colour, some carried the same haircut or hair colour, and some had similar body type, similar ass or boobs. Others tended to resemble the features of her face - the curve of her lips, the bridge of her nose, her cheeks or the shape of her eyes. The point was that no matter the person’s gender, his mind visualized her in his arms, her voice mumbling his name or spitting cusses, her voice screaming at the top of her lungs.
As time passed by, September turned into October, and October into November. The slight infatuation grew into a full-on obsession. John felt unnerved each time he was on time at the place she was supposed to be at just to find the seats empty. He was feverishly looking for her at each party he was a part of in hopes of finally making the first step. She never went to any of the parties. The longer this obsession was taking, the more was John all over his head for this mysterious woman.
This was the very first time John Duncan obsessed over another human being. The craziest part? The woman never seemed to notice, she probably didn’t even know that someone named John Duncan exists; which had to be a superpower of sorts since basically everyone in the near vicinity of the campus knew John and his dick. John has never heard her voice yet in his mind, he was sure he’d recognise it amongst millions of others. She had never even looked his way, she didn’t bump his shoulder on accident as it often happens in romantic movies. No. The woman didn’t know about John.
Also, one major part throwing John off the beat was the fact that she… She didn’t fit into the usual criteria John had in regard to the people he was attracted to - when it came to either gender, Duncan usually went for people who were conventionally attractive, well-dressed and knew how to party. When it came to women specifically, he loved, loved, loved well-done make-up, and hair tied up high to show the contours of their faces. When it came to their body, he was a sucker for a prominent cleavage show-off. Body type didn’t play much role when it came to John - he could do with each type. Skinny? Great, they would venture into the venture of insane positions together. Plus-size? Great, more to suck on, more to slap, more to bold and more to bite. Anything between? Great, John knew how to make shit work. More than anything above, the one thing that got John going under any circumstance was high-heel and ripping ankles. The moment the woman knew how to wear this type of shoe, the moment she (for example) pressed the heel into his chest, he was lost.
So, it was unnerving to admit… That the object of John’s lust was none of that. She preferred oversized T-shirts, sneakers and leggings or jeans. She barely showed off her collarbones, John had never seen her wearing any make-up. Sometimes, her hair was styled, the other it was framing her face. The one thing he knew, however, was the smell of her. John knew her perfume thanks to the countless hours he spent in the study room, sitting near her as they both prepared for their exams in silence. He had to admit, her smell was taking over his rationality as it filled his nose to the brim. John Duncan was lost to this woman. He was obsessive about her and felt an unexplainable amount of possessiveness towards her. Each time she was laughing at her friend's jokes, he wished to join in and laugh alongside her; the moment any of her male friends dared to touch her, John was ready to pack a fucking punch into that motherfucker's nose; each time she took a snack out of her bag, John would do anything to kiss her just to know how it tasted. For her, John would become anything - her sex toy or teacher if she'd like that or, as the Duncans taught the man, he'd be her sinner and her preacher. Even if he wasn't the chocolates and flowers type, he'd attempted to endure romance for her. In his mind, he was willing to go to such extremes for her.
It was almost the end of the December exam period when Duncan finally cracked under pressure. His exams were thankfully over, but she still seemed to study for some as he met her in the study regularly. As the Christmas holiday approached, his friends finally hyped him to talk to the mysterious woman. Perhaps, he would be able to get her phone number or e-mail address so they'd stay in touch during the time off. John didn't dare to even think about possibly not seeing her for two long weeks. It was snowing heavily outside and the girl was sitting in the study room, all alone. That day, she was wearing a cosy sweater and tight leggings and her hair was neatly styled. There was a hot coffee in front of her as well as a muffin from a nearby caffé that closed just half an hour ago. Thanks to her taste, John had discovered this small yet charming place.
Slowly, as he walked in, he took a deep breath and tightened the grip around the jacket he was holding. After a short finally, he finally set off, walking closer until he stopped directly at her table, towering above her. The man was waiting around for long enough, waiting for the woman finally notice him - unbeknownst to him, she had earphones in and studied federal law intensely. Therefore, John did something he wouldn't see himself doing in a million years - his palm grabbed her notes as he turned them around to read them. Her handwriting was beautiful and neat to him, he oriented in it as if he was used to it. The woman, however, let out a long huff and put her pen down, taking the earphones out. If looks could kill, he'd die on the spot with a dagger sticking out of his damn back. - "Can I help you with anything, sir?" - She asked without a hint of interest.
"I was wondering…" - John asked silently, giving her a quick look as he looked into her face, finally putting the notes aside. God, she was so intriguing and his eyes were simply gravitating towards her as if he was physically unable to look away. - "Would you have a spot? I don't wanna study alone." "Do I know you? Have we ever spoken before?" - The woman wondered, her face emotionally flat. This caught John off guard; in his imagination, she'd be swooned by him and hanging onto every word he was saying. None of this was going according to the plan. "No…" - The man started off silently, giving you one of his boyish smiles as he scanned your face down and up. You were so… So captivating. - "But I was hoping we could change that, I'd like to get to know you better. My name's John. Is federal law bothering you?" With that, your eyebrows raised slightly, your mouth opened a bit. Then you rolled one of your sleeves and stood up. - "Aight, bucko, listen… Are you telling me that I'm stupid or something? What's this about?" "No!" - He answered as soon as the words left your lips. Fuck, John thought to himself. This was all wrong; instead of charming you with his words, looks and the tone of his voice, he almost got punched right to his nose by the woman he adored from the shadows for months now. - "Let me start over and rephrase it, okay? My name's John Duncan, I'm in my junior year now and I also have an internship at Phelps & Black. You seem to be spending an awful time here on your own right before Christmas, studying when you could be out, doing anything you'd like. That brings me to the thought of you struggling with federal law. And that is nothing to be ashamed of. I could help you if you'd like that."
As he told you his full name and the place he was currently working at, your eyes took proper sight of him for the first time. John Duncan, you started thinking. John Dun… Oh fuck, you realised. You've met him before, it was during your debate club where you learned to recognize your opponent's strengths and weaknesses. The professor overseeing the class invited him to show you how he deals with all sorts of stuff - Duncan showed you a whole new way with words, tone of your voice and non-verbal communication. Even though still studying and being in training, everyone knew that Duncan is a law prodigy. You've heard a lot about this man, yes, but funnily enough… It oftentimes didn’t have anything in common with school or academic achievements. The man standing in front of you was infamous for throwing massive parties in his loft located a few minutes away from the campus. Sex, drugs and alcohol; this was the way your friends described them. You desperately wanted to also take a part in partying and drinking, yet if you'd let your father find out, he's most likely kill you. Knowing your older sibling who was also studying at Yale, they'd snitch on you the moment you'd set foot in there. The man also had a little fling with your best friend Linda - she was hoping he'd text her and take her out, but ever since the night, Duncan hadn't even looked in her direction.
Slowly, you let his eyes wander on his face, letting your eyes take in his pleasurable features - John was undeniably conveniently attractive by each metric there was. A nicely trimmed beard that was regularly taken care of, fresh haircut, very fashionable clothes on a very attractive body… His eyes were the thing that made you slow down, though. There was this… Something about the look in them. It felt so known - as if you were looking into the mirror, watching yourself. Except for the shine in them, there was this little shadow in the back that was warning you about something very sinister deep inside of him, some sort of rage and evil John has never shown to anyone. That evening, however, you didn't think about it too much. You simply recognized the spark because, at moments, you could see it in your eyes too.
His offer was gaining more and more weight the more you thought of it. Being privately tutored by the university's law miracle child? What was there to turn down? "John Duncan, yeah?" - You repeated after him, sitting down once more. The way his name rolled off his tongue made John's pupils dilate, but he has done his best not to react to it. Instead, he sat down and smiled right at you. - "I've heard of you before." "Where did you hear about me?" "Linda." - The way you chuckled as you said it, shaking your head slightly as if you found this amusing. "Who?" "My best friend Linda. You've spent a night at her place? Like… Three weeks ago?" - You explained, starting to giggle as you leaned your knee into the table, pretending you were going back to your notes. As soon as you reminded him, John instantly remembered who Linda was; a sweet girl, but nothing he'd be into. He spent the night with her in hopes that it would somehow get him closer to you… But that didn't happen. The moment he realized this, he also let out a little 'awwww' of understanding. That sent you over the edge as you burst out laughing, covering your mouth immediately as you tried to guess if the study's overseer took notice of you.
"My sincere apologies, I'm really not the best with names and such. How's Linda by the way?" "Shut up, we both know that you have zero idea who she is and how the night with her was, Linda told me she watched down an enormous lane of coke right before. I honestly don't think that it's the names." - You countered, making John bite his lip as he watched your expression. Damn, you looked so lovely when you laughed - and the sound of your laughter? He wished to hear it again… And again… And again. - "I think it's the body count, but who am I to judge? Anyway, back to the merit. What's your offer?" "Well, private tutoring for starters, of course. Also, I'd lend you all of my notes to use however you see fit. Lastly, if you'd like to, I'd take to you Phelps & Black as my concipient slash assistant to show you the ropes. Practising law is the best way to learn the ropes, as soon as you see it in practice, things start falling into place." - Duncan described flat out, taking your words away for a good minute. All of that for what? What was there to say no to? This was a dream fucking offer. "Right, Texas, where's the but in all of that?" - You laughed nervously, being caught off-guard. - "Do I have to kill someone? Sign a contract with the devil? Because I might realistically be capable of doing so, that's a hell of an offer."
The but? The drawback? John could think of many; his fingers delicately wrapped around your neck ad you'd be digging your nails into the skin on his back, the fact that he was sure that if you let him put his hands on your body, he won't be able to stop. He'd remember everything your body would respond well to, his goal would be putting you on constant edge. And then, when everything would be said and done… John stopped himself in his tracks, putting his palm in front of his lips as he looked away in shock. The moment his cheeks started to catch on fire he knew he subdued to your spell. Never before had he imagined kissing someone outside of the bed; inside of it, it could be pleasurable for both parties as it had the potential to arouse. After the act? Kissing someone outside of having sex was always a sign of weakness for John, sign of not having his emotions in check. A simple kiss had the potential to ruin his entire cover and to expose the unsaid. Therefore he never done it; yet in his mind, kissing you would feel just right, for some reason. As he thought about all of these scenarios, watching you with a slight furrow and cheeks reddening, he wasn't able to take his eyes off you entirely. There was this little something in your eyes, a slight shade of darkness neatly kept away from everyone. This was the thing that gravitated John towards you unknowingly, both of you had the same kind of evil lurking within you, waiting to be released. Yet, neither of you knew about this part of you existing at that point in your lives. You were different in a similar way John was. It felt like… Coming home, it felt comforting and calming. Also, as John let all the scenarios run through his mind, the spark in your eyes made him feel as if you could read his mind, it felt as if you could see all the fucking images flashing inside his head at the speed of light.
"No drawbacks, no buts, no nothing. All I ask in return is for you to spend some time with me, that's all When I said I'd like to get to know you better, I meant it." - The man explained with a small smile, almost letting you drop your guard down. "Let me tell you that I have an idea of that 'getting to know me better' of yours." - It was the tone of your voice which made John aware that you looked right through his mascarade. "And is that idea of 'getting to know you better' so bad?" - Duncan asked, leaning his elbows into the table as he licked his lips… Very slowly. "No." - You whispered, watching the dim lights in his eyes grow brighter. That made you chuckle again. - "But you should know that I'm not your flowers, chocolate and romance kind of lady. I don't have time for that shit, I’m studying laws on Yale." "Oh." - John let out, playing as if this news didn't excite the everliving shit out of him. At the same time, you stood up and started packing your shit, grinning to yourself. - "You're suggesting…" "I'm talking about fucking the brains out of you, yes. Are you coming, hot stuff? We need to start on the federal law ASAP, my second term is in two days." - As you swung your backpack over your shoulder, you walked past him. After a moment, you walked a few steps back, putting your palm on his shoulder - the man was looking at you as if you were the most beautiful being he had ever met; his lips parted, his baby blue eyes wide open, cheeks reddened with excitement. And fuck, you'd be lying if you'd say that it didn't feel good to see him in such a state. - "Name's Y/N Y/L/N, by the way. I think you should know that."
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youvebeenblessed · 6 years
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence - NSFW Relationships: Nick Rye/John Seed Characters: Nick Rye, John Seed, Joseph Seed, Kim Rye Additional Tags: Suicide Attempt, Blood and Violence, Drug Use, Torture, Honestly this is a fucking shit show of emotion, please don't read if you're sensitive to these things, Anal Sex Summary: John Seed tries to convince Nick to join the cult, but there's a whole load of stuff inbetween. Things that could have happened if things were different. John becomes obsessed, and he can't let go.
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