#john seed x Grace
axelflare9700 · 5 months
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John Seed x Grace my wife's oc
Christmas Treats
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inafieldofdaisies · 10 months
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WIP Wednesday | Tagged by @black-dragon-posting & @socially-awkward-skeleton ❤️
A Sabrina POV time. Girl felt like breaking some rules.
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"John's room is locked. He's either ignoring me when I knocked and called for him, or he's not in there.", Savannah announced with disappointment as she entered the kitchen after going upstairs to notify John about breakfast being ready. "I told you it's quite late, so he's probably left for work already, Sav. Mathias is outside again." "Why is he acting so weird?", her sister scrunched her nose, observing Sabrina closely while she set down their plates at the table, "And shouldn't you be at work, too, Rin-Rin?" "I-", she hated she had to lie yet again, that she was breaking the pact of honesty the two had made, but with the current situation she felt like she had no other choice, "I took a little break, we don't have as many cases as we did in Portland. I'd rather spend my time with you, pumpkin, than chase some cattle that got loose. As for John… he just has other things on his mind. Nothing you have to worry about, okay?" It was the only answer she could offer, especially when it came down to figuring someone like John out. She wanted to spare Savannah as much from the gruesome details as she could, knew that it would be for the better if she wasn't too aware of the actual danger everyone in the County was in or that the man she believed to be a hero was in reality the most hated and feared person in the region. Telling her the full truth would only hurt her, make her feel unsafe at the ranch. "Do you want to bring his plate out to Mathias? No reason to have the food go to waste." Savannah nodded, grabbing the dish and rushing over to the front door, Sabrina heard her cheerfully call out "Morning, Benny." before it closed behind her. It wasn't long before her sister returned with a smile on her face, her mood seemingly improved at the interaction with the Peggie, "Benny smiled at me and said thank you!" "That's amazing, pumpkin.", Sabrina beamed at her excitement, the knowledge Mathias was being nicer to her helped her breathe easier. Breakfast was another precious opportunity to escape back to the days before Joseph's arrest so Sabrina tried to tune out every concern that emerged at their uncertain future as they two chatted away as usual and set on making plans for how they'd spend the day. "Okay, Sav, I'm going to wash those and we can head out again, maybe we can see-", Sabrina got up from the table, carrying the dishes over to the sink when a vision happened.
The entry to Rae-Rae's farm. Eden's Gate trucks barrelling into its driveway, then John's men getting out and approaching the house. Rae-Rae being dragged outside and forced to kneel on the ground as they led Boomer out by his collar. A Peggie locking him in a cage, screaming, "The mutt bit me!" as he kicked the door to the enclosure with hatred. Rae-Rae's loyal companion barking restlessly, trying to break out, sensing the danger looming over his owner. "You're time for Confession has come, Sinner. There's nowhere to run now." Rae-Rae lunging at the Peggie in front of her, shouting, "Fuck you all! You're not taking my land or Boomer. OVER MY DEAD BODY." Shots ringing out. Her body collapsing down in the mud, blood quickly pooling beneath her and staining her blonde hair. Lifeless eyes staring back at nothingness.
"Rin-Rin!", Savannah called out, pulling at her hand as the grizzly scene faded away and she found herself back in the kitchen. Sabrina's eyes shifted from her sister's worried expression down to broken porcelain pieces that somehow by pure luck had missed her bare feet when the plates had shattered on the floor. "Are you okay?", her sister asked and wrapped her arms around her waist, "Was it a vision? You weren't responding for so long, I got scared. I'm sorry if I pulled you out too soon." "I'm okay, Sav, you did nothing wrong. I saw enough, I promise.", Sabrina hurried to reassure her, despite still feeling miles away and on edge as she stroked her hair gently. Rae-Rae is going to die at the hands of John's men. Her sense of justice told her she couldn't allow it to happen, that she couldn't watch from the sidelines as the Project took more innocent people's lives over Joseph's twisted beliefs. I have to warn her, tell her to grab Ryan and Boomer and run while she has the chance. Maybe there's still hope. There's always time to act before a vision occurs. Minutes, hours, days, sometimes months or years if I'm lucky. I have to try. As her gaze met Savannah's, her mind was made up, embracing the fact she was about to risk their safety and sneak out in hopes of finding a way to reach the pumpkin farm and save Rae-Rae. "Sav, I need to do something, but I'm going to need your help.", she felt her sister nod against her side.
Sabrina bent down and quickly gathered the broken pieces off the floor. Her thoughts raced at the risky plan and the dire consequences it would bring if anything was to go wrong. Chances were she could run straight into a patrol the second she'd make it off the property. A part of her whispered how John would break off their deal, that she'd end up back in the godawful cell in his bunker. "Worry about Savannah, Deputy." No. "What do I need to do, Rin-Rin?", Savannah looked at her in determination, putting an end to her inner turmoil. "Remember Rae-Rae, the nice lady I was telling you about? Boomer's owner?" "Yes, you promised we'd visit her farm sometimes…" "I saw her in the vision, Sav, she's- she's in danger and I have to warn her." "Okay.", her sister chewed on her lip nervously, "Can we … call her?" Sabrina shook her head, knowing the phone in the living room was of no use, "She wouldn't have signal, because the lines are down." Savannah blinked slowly, realization downing on her as she processed her words, "Mrs. Darcy said the same. We can go then? Go to the farm." "I will, Sav. Alone." "Why? Can't you just ask John for help?" "I wish, but I can't. He's worried about us with all the Peggies around, wants us to stay put so he knows we would be safe. He wouldn't be happy at the idea. It's why he has left Mathias outside to keep watch. If he finds out I'm gone he would tell John… and he would be upset."
"So… are you going to sneak out then?" Sabrina took a deep breath, "I have a plan… When you go out to get his plate back, you have to act like nothing's wrong, okay? We can't risk him coming in and finding the ranch empty if he decides to return it on his own. Once you're back inside I will sneak through the back." Savannah nodded along, a calculating gleam similar to their mother's appearing in her gaze. "While I'm gone, you're going to stay upstairs, in our room. Lock the door and if he for any reason decides to check on us, you tell him I'm taking a bath. If they figure out I'm gone, you only respond you don't know where I went, okay? It would buy me time.", Sabrina took hold of her shoulders, "I will be back before you know it." "Okay.", Savannah gave her a small smile in response. "I just need you to be quiet, avoid raising suspicion, and stay safe, while I return, do you think you can do that, pumpkin?" "Of course, Rin-Rin. You know I will! You go help Rae-Rae.", her sister's eyes were shining with conviction. "Okay, give me a minute to go up and grab some things." While it was risky to leave the ranch and it effectively meant breaking John's only rule, asking for permission or relaying her vision to him was absolutely out of the question. What do I tell him?"Hey, John, your men are about to kill this sweet woman in cold blood. You're going to save her for me, right? Right?" No matter how much hope her visions of him provided, she couldn't allow them to fool her into relying on him completely. Any of their talks had proven to her he truly believed everything was unfolding as intended, so chances were he would refuse to help her, maybe even laugh at her for thinking he'd care.
His dedication to his brother's cause meant he would consider it the Will of "God" for Rae-Rae, a Sinner, to die for being against the Project. It would be a similar price to what Whitehorse and the others had paid for defying Joseph. Rae-Rae's life wouldn't be significant to someone that kept so many as prisoners. To someone that believed he was helping eradicate people's sins through torture. How would a believer take the fact I'm working against fate? Trying to change the course of things? No, in a situation where their interests weren't aligned, she could only really count on herself, especially when she had placed too much trust in him already. An array of dark thoughts plagued her brain as she rushed to her bedroom and quickly changed into a pair of grey jeans, throwing on a canvas jacket over the black top she was already wearing. She tied her bangs back and hid the grey sections of her hair under a ball cap, hoping it would enough to conceal her identity. Before she headed back downstairs, she pulled out the duffel bag and took out two of her throwing knives from her bag, securing them to her belt before grabbing her boots and making sure John's knife was still where she had stashed it away. Savannah was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs, "Mr. Fluffles and I are ready for the mission." A smile emerged despite how on uneasy she felt, "I'm ready, Sav. Go grab the plate."
She watched her sister head to the front door with sure strides, appearing absolutely carefree as she opened the door and called out for Mathias in a sweet tone, "Benny, did you like breakfast?" Bennett mumbled something out and whatever it was it made Savannah laugh. "Bye, friend. Stay in the shade!", the door shut with a soft click, followed by her footsteps as she returned to where Sabrina was standing. She presented the empty plate triumphantly, "He finished it all. I guess John wasn't lying when he said Benny wasn't angry." "Of course, Sav. Who could ever be angry at this cute face?", Sabrina lowered her voice, "I'm leaving now, okay? You drop that plate in the sink and head upstairs. Remember the plan." Her sister nodded, giving her a hug before whispering, "I love you, be careful." "I love you too. I will be right back.", Sabrina held her tight, guilt over leaving her alone swooping in, but she couldn't sit back and spend a carefree afternoon outside, knowing Rae-Rae was going to die. The visions came to her for a reason, they were a gift as Scott Donovan used to say and bore hope that something out there was looking out for people and had decided to give her a purpose. With the Project taking over she had to take matters into her own hands, protect anyone she could from it. It's what her father would have done, without a question, no matter how much danger it would present for him. Inaction was not an option. It was exactly why Joseph's influence had grown so much in the County: Whitehorse refused to rock the boat despite how serious of a threat the cult had become and how many laws they had broken over the years.
Sabrina put on her boots and sneaked out through the back of the ranch, breaking into a run for the treeline the second the door closed behind her. She used the pines and dense vegetation at the back of the house as cover as she trekked into a straight line, following the landing strip she had spotten from the truck when John first brought them there. Eventually, after walking for a while she reached a main road and remained out of sight while she waited for a car to drive by. The plan was to flag down anything that's not marked as belonging to Eden's Gate. Ten anguishing minutes passed and she was starting to question if she should head further along on foot, when she spotted a red pick-up truck. Without a second thought she popped out of her hiding spot, waving her hands and the car came to a halt next to her, the window rolling down and revealing a dark skinned woman that seemed around her age. Sabrina scanned her attire that was as far from a Peggie as it could get, from the camo shirt and the american flag she used as a scarf to her hat with a scope symbol that covered her black hair. "Well, you're not a Peggie. Quite a strange sight to see on this road.", the woman remarked matter-of-factly. "I need a ride to Rae-Rae's. Are you headed that way?", Sabrina shot her a smile, wondering if she would need to explain why she was so close to the ranch especially at such hostile times. "No, I was going to Fall's End, but I guess I can make a small detour. Get in, girl, before we have company crawling up our asses." "Thank you."
Sabrina climbed into the passenger's seat and the truck peeled off the road just as she was buckling her seatbelt. "Name's Grace. Grace Armstrong. What's yours?" "Blythe.", she lied, offering her middle name, worried about the potential consequences of using her first and how much the locals knew about what had occured at the arrest. Do they blame us for the whole mess? For giving Joseph an excuse to finally strike and take over? Grace nodded, "I'd ask you what you were doing so close to John's Ranch, but I doubt I'd get a real answer. If I were you, I'd stay as far away as possible from him. He ain't one to be messed with, especially not now." "Noted." "Though, have to say, many would be happy if you made his day a tad bit worse, me included. Bastard sure has been making ours hell since the goddamn Reaping." Sabrina bit her lip and nodded, not saying anything at her assumption. They rode in silence, driving through Fall's End when a sight in front of the Spread Eagle gave her a pause: a familiar black jeep was parked in one of the spots and she craned neck back to check the license plate, but it was too late. Leslie? No way, can't be. She wanted to laugh at the idea he'd be in Hope County, though she couldn't deny she missed him, that she missed Portland and the uncomplicated life she had there.
The truck followed a route Sabrina knew quite well and every few minutes they'd pass by an Eden's Gate vehicle or a Peggie holding hostages roadside, to a point it felt like the roads were crawling with more cultists than the woods with wildlife. Before everything had gone to hell, she hadn't seen so many in such frequent intervals ever. Grace finally spoke up again as she came to a stop near Rae-Rae's, "I'm dropping you off here. Gotta ask, are you gonna be okay on your own? The Peggies are running rampant, rounding up people that have been giving John Seed a hard time. Rae-Rae's most likely on that list." "I will stay out of trouble, just checking in on a friend, that's all.", Sabrina opened the door and climbed down, "Thank you, Grace. You're a life saver." "Good luck, girl. You ever need a sniper, I'm one radio call away.", Grace saluted her as she turned the truck around and sped away. "God, I hope I'm on time, Rae-Rae.", Sabrina took a deep breath, breaking into a sprint towards the cover the trees offered in attempt to avoid any Peggies spotting her from the road.
Eventually, she reached the turn leading up to the farm and the sight of a man that was unmistakeably a member of the Project standing in the middle of the path made her blood freeze. His presence was a bad omen, a bitter confirmation that she either was already out of time or her window of opportunity was closing. No. Am I too late? She gripped one of her knives in her hand as she approached him quietly, the plan was to try to subdue him, to not shed unneeded blood especially with her already breaking her promise to John, but facing the man unarmed seemed like a dangerous idea. She grabbed him swiftly, cutting his oxygen flow while whispering, "Go to sleep, I don't want to kill you, okay?" The Peggie struggled, trying to grab at her hands, but at the end failed. As he fell unconscious, Sabrina released the breath she was holding and checked his pockets. "Zip-ties? Why, thank you. You shouldn't have.", she said to his sleeping form and dragged him off the road in case anyone decided to look for him. After grabbing his pistol and tying him to a tree, she hurried further up the path to the farm, feeling ten times more tense than when she had gotten off Grace's truck. As she neared her destination, she could hear cult music playing and John's booming voice coming from somewhere close by, the recording was a harsh reminder of the side of him that had her strapped to a chair few days back and no doubt looked forward to torturing her for information. His tone in the address was full of calculation, it was the same one he had used when he had tried to convince her Whitehorse had bad intentions for making her arrest Joseph.This John was the man that smiled at her cunningly from every billboard, that spoke of sin in every wretched broadcast, that stood behind his brother and did his best to keep him out of legal trouble. It was a role he had been playing for a long time, a mask he wore with confidence but also a mask that had slipped enough times in her presence to give her hope.
"The Project of Eden's Gate would provide salvation. Do not be afraid, God has graced us with an opportunity to start anew, you just have to welcome the word of the Father into your hearts."
He began quoting Joseph like he was a prophet, and the certainty in his words made her skin craw. You're a true believer, John. Perhaps too far gone. Maybe there's no light left for me to find. No. Hope is all I have, I have to believe. Not in Joseph, but in my visions. She kept her weapon trained ahead and soon enough made it to the fence of Rae-Rae's property. Boomer's continuous barking mixed with the Eden's Gate propaganda and the visual of the house with its surrounding structures all pushed her pick up her pace. What met her eyes next was carnage. Death all around her. I'm too late, indeed. There were so many bodies on the ground, blood pooling beneath them. The light sweaters of the peggies were turning red, masking the crimson crosses on them. "Rae-Rae? Ryan?", she called out, knowing it was foolish to think she'd get a response, but she couldn't help holding onto the sliver of hope that somehow the woman had made it. That whoever had killed John's people had managed to save her just in time. Sabrina found Rae-Rae in the exact spot where she'd seen her in her vision. Her body was cold, the gentle eyes that greeted her anytime she'd come by- devoid of life. The woman that had been nothing but kind to her from her first visit to the farm and would never let her leave before having some of her homemade sweet tea was gone. She'd never get to hug her own son again or meet Savannah. The Project had taken yet another soul.
"I'm sorry, Rae-Rae. I'm so sorry.", she whispered, failing to hold back her tears when she took off her jacket and covered her still form with it. Boomer's whining pulled her out of her despair, reminded her she could at least get him to safety. The cage from her vision stood a few feet behind her, his paws desperately scratched at its door that was latched with a lock. "I'm coming, boy.", Sabrina exclaimed and rushed over, a note stuck to the bars grabbing her attention as climbed over the trailer cart's platform. She ripped it off in a haste and scanned over the writting on the page.
"This dog's a champion. Send it to our stronghold across the street and have it shipped North. We'll let my brother decide how strong it really is." - John
"I can't believe you, Seed. Can't even use the "champion"'s name. You sent them here. You put this in motion.", she whispered and tried to ignore the ache she felt at the confirmation John had something to do with Rae-Rae's death. She could picture him giving the orders in his matter-of-fact voice, not for one second considering the fact Boomer was more than just some dog, that he was the County's beloved hero, considered a part of a family. To John he was a "thing". Something to be shipped off, then used against innocent people that wanted nothing to do with the Project. "Hey, Boomer, it's me. I'm here, buddy, I'm going to get you out.", she spoke in a soothing tone, trying her best to settle him down, "This might be loud, boy.", she trained her pistol at the lock, just as she felt a barrel of another gun press into her back, then a gruff voice rang out behind her. "Drop the weapon and turn around, I won't ask ya twice." Fuck.
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Tagging @direwombat @clicheantagonist @josephseedismyfather @adelaidedrubman @thesingularityseries @detectivelokis @nightbloodbix @aceghosts @madparadoxum @vampireninjabunnies-blog @theelderhazelnut @purplehairsecretlair @dumbassdep @shegetsburned @poisonedtruth @cassietrn @voidika @harmonyowl @v0idbuggy @strangefable @schoute @jacobsneed @strafethesesinners @g0dspeeed @trench-rot @nightwingshero @josephslittledeputy @euryalex @florbelles @neonneurons and anyone with something to share ❤️
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deputyash · 8 months
Ships as Tarot Card Pairs Quiz
Tagged by @adelaidedrubman to do this quiz! Thank you! :D
Tagging: @strafethesesinners @harmonyowl @derelictheretic @teamhawkeye @purplehairsecretlair @peachyaliien @ri-a-rose @redreart @statichvm @shellibisshe @minilev @beemot @radiojamming @glowwormsmith @fuckin-nancy @wrathfl @isobel-thorm @jacobsneed @cassietrn @blissfulalchemist @direwombat @jacobseed @wrathfulrook @dumbassdep
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Dove x John:
the devil + the emperor
There's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. You two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. When they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. Your hearts beat for one another. When the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. Until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise. Deck: the tarot of vampyres.
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Dove x Grace:
the devil + the emperor
There's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. You two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. When they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. Your hearts beat for one another. When the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. Until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise. Deck: the tarot of vampyres.
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Dove x Cooper:
ace of cups + ten of cups
Your romance is the love story that seems only possible in movies. It starts from a youthful first meeting, innocent. And from what may seem like a lifetime later, you both end up happily in union, perhaps even married! Your coupling is the epitome of emotional fulfillment and devotion. Neither of you thought you'd end up here, but damn if you aren't glad you did. Deck: thelema tarot.
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Dove x Anya:
ace of cups + ten of cups
Your romance is the love story that seems only possible in movies. It starts from a youthful first meeting, innocent. And from what may seem like a lifetime later, you both end up happily in union, perhaps even married! Your coupling is the epitome of emotional fulfillment and devotion. Neither of you thought you'd end up here, but damn if you aren't glad you did. Deck: thelema tarot.
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Lyla x Daud:
the two of cups + the star
Your romance is a wish granted. Finally, finally, they're here. Finally, *it's* here! The time where you don't have to feel lonely anymore - you'll never feel that way ever again. Laughter, joy, sweetness, kisses - be at ease. All of these are things you have found someone to share with. Your love is a dreamy fantasy of love and devotion and miracles. At first, your chest gets too tight when they're around - until they become as natural as the air in your lungs. Deck: ethereal visions tarot.
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Izel x Astarion:
the devil + the emperor
there's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. you two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. when they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. your hearts beat for one another. when the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise. deck: the tarot of vampyres.
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Chapter 47: I Have Become Everything to Everyone in Order to Save At Least Some of Them
The end is coming. Armageddon looms. And Kit prepares for war. Her and John travel into Fall's End, and kick off his plan to take back the Valley for the cult.
- Kit's general mental instability - Boomer gets kicked - general violence with guns and hand to hand combat - discussion of religion - eye-gouging - arson
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atinylittlepain · 6 months
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Chapter Four
no-outbreak!Joel Miller x f!oc
series masterlist
series playlist
warnings: 18+ violence, physical injury, but there will be hope
a/n: this is a heavy chapter, i am not going to lie. as always, i have done my best to treat this heavy content with respect and truthfulness. i am not out for shock and horror, but honesty, yes.
The burdens that you carry now
Well they're not of your creation
So let's not weep for their evil deeds
But their lack of imagination
Sweetheart Come - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
There’s no denying winter now. Fall is always fleeting, and by the end of November, there’s no calling it anything other than cold. Sarah didn’t come home for Thanksgiving this year, a new boyfriend with parents to meet and a promise for Christmas. A small hurt still, tempered by how he and Dolores spent the holiday. No turkey, no stuffing, no stir or stress to any of it. A meal shared, simple as that, like any other day. 
It’s been a slow gift, this new and unfurling closeness. Touch is always cautious, and quietly asked after. Every new okay, allowing for a bit more so that now, some things have become simple comfort instead of anxious and unknown. Like in the evenings, nothing even has to be said, already expected that they will settle down and around each other on the couch, and if she has grace to give, she’ll read aloud to him from whatever book she’s currently working through. Like in the mornings, sleep still making everything small and quiet, it isn’t uncommon for his hand to find the dip of her spine as they pass around each other in their shared routine, and it isn’t uncommon for her to lean into that touch, to pause in his palm. And around noon, whenever he stops into the diner, his hand will often catch hers when she slides his check across the counter, the slow sweep of his thumb over her knuckles. 
“I might be late picking you up today, gotta help John with all the end of the month paperwork. You okay hanging here a little after four?” He tries to ask it casually, but the truth is, he doesn’t feel very okay about it at all. And he has no business feeling that quick curl of worry in his throat all because of the smallest, stupidest deviation from their usual routine. 
“Of course. If it’s easier, Sal can drop me at the station after we close?” He isn’t sure which idea he likes less, her waiting around for him at the diner, or her coming anywhere near the station when she doesn’t have to. But closer to him always feels better these days, so he nods, a reluctant break of his hand from hers. 
The thing about all this closeness is that it has only made that meanness, that hate blossom in their separation. Sometimes all he can think about when she isn’t around, the things he would like to do to husband. She has told him more, quiet in the night, things that make his heart stutter and then clench like a fist, like a jaw snapping shut. And today, moving through the day, he works all the poison over in his mind until John asks him from across the office what he’s scowling about. Oh, nothing. Nothing that anyone else could ever know about.
“Well, you got the last of this under control? I gotta pick up the kids from the bus stop pretty soon here.” Joel nods, working his mouth around civil words, polite words, sighing the instant John closes the door to the station behind him. He isn’t sure if husband has called this month. John hasn’t mentioned it, and Joel doesn’t want to ask. And there’s no point in telling himself that he shouldn’t. Shouldn’t be in the slow spiral of whatever this is with her. Because he is, and all the good of her makes him forget about shouldn’t. But the reality remains. That there is a man in Nebraska who called her his wife. That there is a man in Nebraska that Joel has imagined violence upon. An equal and accounted amount of it. 
“Hello?” Sudden and startling, he nearly jumps in his chair at the sound of someone at the front desk. Not dressed in his uniform, but he’ll have to do, getting up and walking out to the front of the station.
“Hello, sir, how can I help you?” Just passing through, no doubt. Tall man, thin man, wiry and a little worn-looking. A strange time for him to be here, though. One of the extreme types, he figures, cross-country skier or the like. The kind that enjoy pain, probably looking for directions up into the mountains for a novel excursion.
“Are you Officer Davis?”
“No, he just stepped out. Did you speak to him over the phone or something?”
“Oh yeah, a couple of times. I tell you what though, he hasn’t been much help.” Yes, definitely a tourist, probably out from Denver, full of himself and full of shit. Wearing an expensive-looking flannel beneath a puffer jacket, Patagonia, and making some snit, some little tiff about something, calling John like that. 
“Well, what exactly are you needing help with?” 
“Are you a cop?” Said with a raised brow and a once-over, and Joel has to remind himself that yes, this is part of the job, grinding his teeth to hold back a grimace. 
“I’m Officer Miller, yes. Could you tell me what you talked with Officer Davis about so I can see about helping you?” 
“My wife, we talked about my wife.” A strange feeling. A sick feeling. Pinpricked vision and a hard rush in his ears. Not just passing through, not just a tourist, and not from Denver. Suddenly, he’s not sure how he imagined this man, even though he built him in his mind over and over, a piecemeal Frankenstein that’s full flesh and bone and body before him now. 
Smaller and slighter than he imagined. But aren’t all monsters much bigger in our brains? Easier to fight something that looks just as evil as its rotten core. But this is just a man wearing an expensive-looking flannel beneath a puffer jacket, Patagonia. A tired-looking man at that, drawn and dark circles under his eyes. A man that wears glasses. Men that wear glasses aren’t supposed to be the ones beating their wives. Give him someone with tattoos up and down his arms, someone with enough muscle for it to menace, someone with greasy, long hair and a sneered scowl. This man looks like he goes to work everyday from nine to five in a cubicle, this man looks like anyone else, this man looks like someone who would never be suspected, someone who would never be caught. And just like that, it starts to make sense to Joel. 
“Your wife?” His wife, who is going to be dropped off here any minute now.
“Yessir, I’m Charlie Wright? I’m sure you’ve heard about what happened back in June. There was a car, reported stolen around your parts and well–”
“Oh yeah, I heard about that. With all due respect,  I’m not sure why you’ve come all this way after five months. Wherever your wife has gone, I can assure you she ain’t here.” At least for a few more minutes, at least enough time for him to get this man far away. No time for fight, not with the fine line of risk he’s currently walking just by having this man in the station. 
“Are you sure of that, officer? Has there been any kind of a search effort for her? I’m sorry, if you could just empathize with me here. I’m only a man who’s trying to bring home his wife.” No, not now to that quick flood of fury threatening up his throat. He clenches his fists behind his back until it feels like the skin over his knuckles may split. 
“I���m sorry, but it’s like I said, after five months, I reckon your wife is long gone from anywhere around here.” Whatever the man says back to him, he doesn’t hear it, eyes flickering over his shoulder to movement in front of the station. 
And what comes next happens so slowly, so stupidly. 
Dolores no longer feels anxious around the station. After five months, a figuring that it’s fine, that there’s nothing to fear or fret over. So when Sal pulls up and drops her off, she is barely even considering the building, idly walking over to it as she reads the back of a book she picked up yesterday from the library, using her shoulder to open the door and step inside. 
The rest does not happen slowly. A flash, a bright burst of motion. Something that sounds like a curse, a garbled, grunted you fucking bitch. Her book drops to the ground, spine splayed and cracked open, all the pages getting smeared to the side in an unfortunate crumple. And Joel can’t move. Husband has his hands on her. And Joel can’t move. It’s like husband knew exactly how he was going to move the next time he saw her, fingers closing around her throat, cage and crush as he walks her back until the terrible length of his body is pinning her up against the wall. And Joel can’t move. But husband isn’t just out for fear, a method to the way he takes one hand and clamps it over her nose and mouth while the other stays wrapped around her throat. Husband is looking to take something from her that’s past the point of fear. And Joel can’t move. 
Husband is saying something to her, sneering something to her, though Joel can’t hear it through the pure panic flooding through his brain. His whole body screams to move faster, to get big and mean and loud, but he feels so very small, shocked into a slow, stuttering step that stops just as soon when suddenly husband lets out a curdled scream, his whole body recoiling from her in a tight curl, bent at the waist and clutching at his hand. 
There’s blood, and that’s not right. Not the fact of it, of husband’s blood. The not right comes in how husband’s blood is smeared on her lips and dragging down her chin. In how there is nothing behind her eyes as she slumps back against the wall, a slow slide into a posture that he recognizes, curling in on herself, hands clasped behind her neck and her head ducking between her knees as she comes to sit on the ground. It’s a posture that’s taught to people to take when they’re afraid for their lives, a last hail Mary of protection to all the most vital, soft parts of the body. And Joel finally moves. 
Second drawer from the bottom in the front desk, a pair of cuffs that he’s never been sure why they’re kept there. But now he doesn’t have to think at all about grabbing them, doesn’t have to think about how to pinch the back of husband’s neck in his hand and take him all the way to the ground, a knee pressed between his shoulder blades as he collects his flailing wrists and snaps them together in metal. There’s a fine flood of red dripping down husband’s left hand, perfect punctures on his pointer finger. It looks deep, it looks like it hurts, and Joel is glad for it. 
The station has a single cell, used mostly and infrequently for folks needing to sober up after a particularly miserable night. Husband is still groaning and panting in pain as Joel hauls him down the hallway and behind the bars. All a bit cartoonish, all a bit garish. Lock and key and all that. And he only lets out a breath when the door to the cell is shut behind him. Much more important things that must be tended to. 
His thoughts had been moving so slowly, if there were any thoughts at all, that suddenly it’s like a rubber band snapping back into place, breaking the surface, big gasp and a quick flood of frenzy and fury and fret, needing to make all of this right when he got it so very wrong. She’s still curled into and over herself, the heels of her palms pressed into her ears. And he’s not sure if it’s okay to touch her right now, erring on the side of caution as he kneels down in front of her, calls for her once, twice. Dove, Dovey. It’s enough to get a flicker of her eyes, seeing him, enough for her hands to fall from her ears, though she still stays all tucked up. The blood has already dried, rusted flakes of it on her skin, and he has to tamp down his own want to get it off of her as quickly as possible, settling instead for something slow, a careful coaxing of  it’s okay now, please, let’s clean up, please, let me, please. 
She’s still not quite looking at him, not quite looking at anything, something unfocused in her unblinking stare as he leads her to the bathroom, a small mercy that it’s down the other hall. A hand on her shoulder, an ask that she doesn’t say no to, lets him move her to sit on the edge of the toilet. A hand held on her knee as he fumbles to get a paper towel damp in the sink, still afraid that she will be gone if he doesn’t keep a pulse running to her. 
He kneels down in front of her, and he tells himself that he has to be so careful, so gentle, violence already starting to split all her seams, all that slow stitching, all five months of it. And he can, for her, slow fingers tilting her chin for him. He is meticulous in his work, every last reminder of red until all that’s left is the suggestion of it and the shake in her lip. She doesn’t say a thing, shrugs out from under his touch, all he can do to make space as she stands up and shuffles over to the sink. And it is a shuffle, a limp, something heavy held somewhere in her body that she’s dragging with her. She dips her head under the tap, like prayer, like holy, lets the water run over her turned face until Joel starts to get worried. Pink water in the porcelain when she straightens back up, a slow unfurl of her spine. Still in her uniform, his stomach curls when he sees the spatter on the starched blue collar of it. 
“You sure you got this covered for the night?” 
“Not a problem, reckon your wife would have my balls if I kept you here any later.” 
“Well if he gives you any trouble, I’m a phone call away, you know?”
“Yeah, John, I think he’ll be just fine once he sobers himself up.”
“Alright then, I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks for taking care of this.”
“Sure thing.”
Joel made two phone calls. The first was to Patty. No explanation needed, not a thing said, already understood when she came and picked up Dolores, a careful arm curled around her shoulders and a murmured promise of home and clean clothes. Only a cursory glance to Joel, an implicit command for a conversation later. 
The second call was to John. And he had been ready to tell him the truth when he got to the station. But husband didn’t say a thing when the officer asked him what the hell happened, just kept his hands tucked between his thighs, a blank look on his face. Drugs, alcohol, drugs and alcohol, enough of an excuse for John to sigh and shake his head and agree that yes, he would have to be held overnight. And Joel is doing him a favor really, by staying overnight to keep an eye on things so he doesn’t have to. Joel is doing him a solid, Joel is a real pal, Joel is a real good guy for letting his partner off the hook like that. And really, Joel doesn’t mind, craning his neck to watch John’s car pull out of the parking lot, no, he doesn’t mind at all. Really, Joel is happy to stay at the station with the man in an expensive-looking flannel and a puffer jacket, Patagonia, getting striped and slanted between metal bars. 
The thing about the station is, it is very old and very small, and not very serious at all. Just enough power behind those silver stars to keep things in order over the years. But because the station is very old and very small, there is nothing like a security system, nothing like cameras recording anything. So no one else will get to see. Only him and husband bearing witness when Joel steps into the cell and closes it behind him. 
“Here’s how this is gonna go.” Husband scoffs, tips his head back until his skull rests against the wall, slumped on the paint-peeling bench. 
“You’re gonna get in your car, and you’re gonna go back to Nebraska. And you ain’t ever gonna come looking for her again.” Husband thinks this is a joke, Joel can tell, the way he tilts his head to the side, grimacing up a smile. 
“Like it or not, officer, that’s my wife you’re talking about. And by law, I can drag her sorry ass just about anywhere I want to.” Only him and husband. No one else will get to see how silence falls, only for a flicker, before Joel takes two steps toward husband. And she isn’t here now, so he can get as big and mean and fearfully fast as he wants to. 
Easy, really, anger makes it feel like nothing. Like nothing to get husband back down on the ground, prone and gasping little broken breaths with Joel’s hand clamped around the front of his throat. And he could, right now, he could. Break this man and bring what’s left of him to lay at her feet. He wants to, so very badly, let his hand crush that flutter, that pulse. But just on the heels of that anger is something else. Something small and sodden and sighing. All he can do to let a flame of frustration tamp it down, hauling husband up onto his knees, giving him enough coughed-in oxygen so he can understand what words come next. Speaking slowly, right in his ear. 
“By law, I could show the bruises that will surely be on her throat to any cop in a fifty-mile radius and have you put in jail for a very long time. But I don’t think that’d be enough, do you?” What did Dolores tell him at the bar that night? Once, right here. To temple, that’s right. Where Joel settles the mouth of his gun now. And there is no monster. Something far more pathetic before him now, beneath him now. A blubbering man, a begging man, tears and snot shining up his face. Please, please don’t, please don’t do this. 
Fear feels good, right. Making something right when his finger curls against the trigger. A burst of sound, a sob tearing through husband’s chest as he keels over, breathing hard, relieved and retching all at once. Joel lays a single kick to his stomach, sending him skittering back on the floor.
“Here’s how this is gonna go.” A hand gripped tight in husband’s hair to hold his face up, to make sure he is listening so very closely.
“You’re gonna get in your car, and you’re gonna go back to Nebraska. And you ain’t ever gonna come looking for her again. And if you don’t do as I say, that cartridge won’t be empty the next time you and I cross paths.” He lets him go, lets him slump back on the floor, still heaving. 
Not another word is spoken. The door to the cell is left open. By morning, husband is gone.
“She didn’t eat anything.” 
“I don’t know if she slept, I doubt it.” 
“Okay, thanks.” 
“You and I are gonna have a talk.” 
“Okay, Patty, later.”
“Yeah, later.” 
The house is quiet and still when he goes inside, ears pricking to the sound of Patty’s car pulling away. Her door is cracked, the thin light of morning slipping and slivering down the hall. He’s not sure how much of anything is okay right now, silent and standing in the doorway. At the very least, she’s not in her uniform, an old sweatshirt he had offered her when the nights kept getting colder. Not bruised yet, but blooming fast, a smear of dark red across her throat. 
“Is he okay?” It shocks him, startles him. He almost asks who, is who okay? But he knows who she’s asking after, asking for, and it makes him dizzy, makes him sick. 
“He’s gone, Dove. You don’t have to worry about him now.” Her brow pinches and pulls down, a full-tilt crumpling of her expression that forecasts tears, though they don’t come, just that tremble to her lip. 
“I hurt him.” Like confession, like sin, and he can’t stop himself from trying to sweep it away, two big steps to kneel between her legs where she’s sitting on the edge of the bed, hands on her knees to hold her where she is and tell her no, you did the right thing, you had to, it wasn’t that, it wasn’t bad or wrong or regretful, do not regret what you did, what you did was right, what you did was escape. And something else too, sorry. Sorry that she had to, because he didn’t, at least not in time. 
“Is he really?”
“He is.”
“He’s not coming back, I promise.” And this startles him too, the wrecked wail she lets out, head held in shaking hands, shaking shoulders, and shaking ribs that ache with sound and sob. And this isn’t relief, at least not entirely. It’s a mournful sound, it’s a losing sound, it’s a lost, longing sound. 
The thing about a cage is that it becomes comfort once it is familiar. And the thing about monsters is that it doesn’t take much to become one. Just power and presence and taking something that does not belong to him, and never did. Part of her still loves that man, part of her is still kept by that man. And what Joel did, well, a keeping of his own, wasn’t it? A deigning and deciding of his own. 
Something inside of him cracks, fine fissuring lines that splinter and snap, slumping back on his haunches, his hands slipping down to only a weak curl around her ankles as her whole body heaves. The loudest he’s ever heard her, a pure posture of agony in the way her spine snares and snarls up tight. And because of the crush of pain around her throat, the sound is near terrifying, broken and rasped, wounded animal,  and so very not right, big, hot gasps of not right. 
At first, he isn’t sure what it is, maybe just her body acting out some deep desperation in her hands reaching and grabbing onto his coat, still in his coat. Fists in fabric, asking him for something he is afraid to give her, though he does. An awkward contortion, lifting up onto his knees so he can bring his palms to span the shake of her back. She curls over him, into him. And what she says, what warbles up from her chest is an even sharper devastation. She thanks him, quiet and caught between gasps, thank you. Once, twice, his arms tightening around her to steady his own shake now. She thanks him for this undoing he has caused, and it in turn is his own quiet destruction. Because he would do so much more, unasked and unbidden. Dangerous, what he would do. 
There’s no making sense of it, of the strange stir of grief and grace. Eventually, everything slows down, turns silent, and he’s still holding her, and she’s still holding him. 
Nothing is said, not when bodies have already made so much clear. She lets him lead her to the bare light of the window, careful palms tilting her jaw so he can see what must heal. Asks her where it hurts the most and she just makes a dry sound that tries to be a laugh. There have been much worse hurts than this, he knows. 
Maybe mercy, that there is always something that must be done around the fact of the land and the animals. They sniff into the morning cold, silent but close. Bleats turn into puffs of pale air, the flock already beginning their slow wander for the day, snow crunching under foot. 
It’s a leap, a lurch of his heart to take her hand in his. She lets him, unspoken relief. Unspoken, all of it. But staying, both of them.
@cassiopeia @eleganthottubfun @anoverwhelmingdin @sscorpiiio @joeldjarin @casa-boiardi @suzmagine @syakhairi @spookyxsam @northernbluess @hier--soir @joelsgreys @wannab-urs @tieronecrush @trulybetty @softlyspector @noisynightmarepoetry @csarab615 @ratoonstown @harriedandharassed @survivingandenduring @lizzie-cakes @beskarandblasters @pedrostories @pr0ximamidnight
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seedofjoseph · 1 year
quality time
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Fandom: Far Cry: New Dawn
Relationship(s): John Seed x F!Judge; Polyseed feat. F!Judge
Rating: M (mature)
Words: 450
Warning(s): pregnancy kink; lactation kink; polyamory
Author's note: Check out the newest episode of my FC:ND AU. The first episode features Papa Jacob fluff and you can check it out here: link.
"I miss you."
He was putting away his paints, inks, and pens when you walked in on him.
"Missed you, too," he greeted you, still gathering supplies. "Had to color in a full sleeve, but I'm all yours now."
A brand new world meant everything was a canvas again. To John Seed, that meant every thing and every body in New Eden.
Slotting the swell of your belly into the curve of his back, and wrapping your arms around his waist, you spoke against his spine: "I miss you."
He halted the descent of your hand into his bottoms, pulling it up to place a kiss on it instead. "I miss you, too."
"Thought you were all mine," you escape the embrace and walk towards his work bank.
He follows in your footsteps and helps up hop on top of it. "Greedy, aren't we?" His mouth lashes you lovingly and his eyes take you in hungrily.
You were showing off the sin of Wrath he scarred you with almost a decade ago, pushing forward your breasts by pulling back your shoulders. Your belly wasn't the only thing swelling up. And you haven't yet forgotten the fever that consumed him during your first pregnancy.
You missed it.
You missed him torturing your tender flesh with his roughed hands, his mouth around your mound, the taste of you on his tongue. And you missed him being starved for attention, for your body, for its fruits.
"Greedy?" With one hand, you grab the hairs he let grow long at the back of his head. "My back is killing me." With your other hand, you tear at your top until a tit pops out. "I want to share my burden, not hoard it."
"Do you now?" John lets you lean on him, holding you up with one hand spread out on the small of your back, and the other kneeding the bare breast. "You'd let me have this one?"
"It's all yours," you pull him that much closer, legs incircling his waist and your fingers forcing him to your chest.
"All mine?" His fingers pinch the peaks, but he doesn't apply the same pressure he normally would. Though it did prove to be enough pressure to pull a sweet, strangled sound out of you and spread a smirk on his face. "What about your other husbands, my dear? Are you greedy enough to not share the bounty of your body with them?"
Your voice shakes as you say: "Not today."
He grazes your nipple with his beard and watches as gooseflesh and milk spread across the sensitive skin. Then, without saying grace, he latches onto it and drinks his fill.
"All mine."
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yeyinde · 7 months
what’s been on the reading list lev I’m personally interested in what you’ve been enjoying !!
Hiya!!! I'm reading some poems by Midang (Seo Jeong-ju), and my favourites are Haze, the Crane, Prayer I, and Prayer II. I've also been skimming through Norse Mythology by Gunnar Hylnsson. Not much else has been on the reading list, unfortunately. But I have been reading a tonne of fanfic.
I've linked some of the ones I've read this week under the cut if you want to check them out. I def recommend them! 🖤
Pi's Lullaby by T_pock - Hannigram. There's writing, and then there's writing. Also, imo, best characterisation of Hannibal and Will.
something (just like this) by OfMermaids - Izuku Midoriya x reader. Obsessed with this, truly. Their prose is gorgeous. Also, it was their Bakugou fic (and Blue Card) that actually endeared me to x Reader, and got me back into writing in the first place. TMYK.
Single Dad!Leon by @konigbabe - Leon Kennedy x Reader. Seriously peerless in terms of quality.
Animalic by @moondirti - Miguel O'Hara x Reader. It's honestly the best, but it's Dee so that's just a given.
Designer Dress by @halfmoth-halfman - Price x Canary. A must-read if you like Price. Or just good writing in general.
Late Night Texts and Nowhere by @undercoverpena - Javier Peña x Reader/Javier Peña x Luna. My comfort fic. One that I've been desperately needing between the hurricane, a new dog, and being sick.
Poisoned Apple by surveycorpsjean - SoapGhost goodness. Super smutty. But the banter? Top tier.
handsome stranger au by @alittleposhtoad - Price x Reader. It's just so cosy. It's a warm drink on a chilly November day. Very quickly becoming one of my all-time favourites for Price.
The Permanent Efficacy of Grace by hahaharley - Jacob Seed x Deputy. Obsessed with this fic. I can't even articulate how much I adore it.
Swallow by NoFootprintsInSand - John Seed x Deputy. Genuinely don't think I've read writing more beautiful or poetic in my life. Def an instant fave.
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red-riding-wood · 1 year
Drabble/Short Oneshot Requests
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So, have been holding back on doing this because I still do have a oneshot req I need to complete, and so many WIPs it's outlandish. That being said, right now, since I'm reconditioning myself to write, it's very difficult for me to tackle those projects and get even a sentence in them at a time. So I'm sort of asking for your help in this in my theory that drabbles are a good medium and that they might help me get used to properly writing.
I'm currently comfortable writing MxF, FxF, and of course platonic relations. I tend to write angst or dark fics so nothing is off limits with me, but if you want to send in something fluffy I can try my best! Anything smutty will likely not be too "in-depth" given the length of drabbles.
I will most likely do these x reader and 2nd person unless otherwise specified.
You can send in:
A GIF or picture prompt
A written prompt (use any but I do have some good angst I found)
A lyric or song + character
A description of what you'd like if the request is more specific (though keep in mind I will be keeping these short)
Fandoms & Characters below!
- Peaky Blinders -
Tommy Shelby Arthur Shelby John Shelby Polly Gray Michael Gray Alfie Solomons Tatiana Petrovna Luca Changretta Aberama Gold
- Game of Thrones -
(since I'm not far in this there are only a couple characters that I feel confident writing for as of yet, since I know their spoilers updated) (underage characters will be aged up if the request is sexual)
Petyr Baelish Daenerys Targaryen Jaimee Lannister Cersei Lannister Tyrion Lannister Jorah Mormont Viserys III Targaryen Jon Snow Sansa Stark Arya Stark Robb Stark Catelyn Tully/Stark Tommen Baratheon Stannis Baratheon Ramsay Snow/Bolton Theon Greyjoy Yara Greyjoy Margaery Tyrell Bronn Brienne Melisandre
- Adrien Characters -
* ones I am more picky with because I have full stories planned out for them, so I might not do the request or might use my OC for said story depending on how the inspiration goes
Henry Barthes (Detachment) *Jack Driscoll (King Kong) Clive Nicoli (Splice) *Dmitri (The Grand Budapest Hotel) *Peter Whitman (The Darjeeling Limited) Jack Starks (The Jacket) Leo Kopernick (See How They Run) Frankie (American Heist) Bloom (The Brothers Bloom) Jack Grace (Love the Hard Way) Steven (Dummy) Harry (Oxygen) Charles Boone (Chapelwaite)
- Aidan Characters -
If you ask me to write an Aidan Gillen character that isn't on this list, odds are I will say yes, lol. I may just have to watch whatever the character is in because I've not seen much with him... yet.
- Far Cry 5 -
Jacob Seed John Seed Joseph Seed Faith Seed
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wrathfulrook · 8 months
Wrathling - Chapter 2
Series rating: E
Relationship: John Seed x Patience Ekner
Word count: ~4.7k
Series masterlist
Read it on ao3.
“I can be real sneaky, that’s for damn sure, Dep. My grandma always said I was a sneaky bastard. ‘Course, she never wore her hearing aids, so sneaking up on her wasn’t exactly a real feat of stealth, if you know what I’m talking about. But I’m determined to be a real asset here and-“
“Sharky,” Patience hissed under her breath, “hush. Please.”
“Can do, boss.”
“You head around the north side of the property, and I’ll head south. We’ll meet up on the other side. Keep your eyes peeled for any prisoners, especially Deputy Hudson, and try to keep track of how many guards you spot. Got it?”
“Got it.”
“Stay out of sight and stay silent,” she emphasized.
“Silent. I can be silent.” He threw her a two-fingered salute. It did not inspire confidence.
She watched him disappear into the northern trees before heading south, herself. She didn’t have a lot of faith in that man. He wouldn’t be betraying her; she trusted him- but she really didn’t trust him not to get caught or cause a scene. Or cause a scene that would get him caught. He was hardly her first choice for recon. But Jess and Grace were both unavailable, so here she was with him. It was out of her hands now, though. Either he’d meet her on the other side of the property or he wouldn’t.
Patience kept to the tree line, moving slowly, flinching every time a dry twig cracked beneath her boots. The property was large, though, and the tree line far enough away from most buildings that she felt confident she wouldn’t be seen. Armed Peggies circled the buildings’ perimeters while pairs stood by every entrance, even outbuildings like the hangar. There was at least one sniper that she could see. Not only were they numerous, they seemed to be organized.
This place was far better guarded than she’d anticipated. The level of protection here was more what she’d expect around the Cult Compound, not around the ranch. Breaking anyone out of here really might require an army, and an army was one of the many things she didn’t have. She held her position for a while, silent among the pines. The guards marched the perimeter in regular intervals. There could be an opportunity to slip between them… On the hour, the guards stationed outside the doors of the garage and hangar were replaced. She had no idea how long they’d been there, but on the hour was helpful to know.
It was a beautiful night to be outside. The sky was clear, and Patience could see so many stars, so many more than were ever visible back home. The scent of pine on the air, the occasional breeze pulling loose strands from her braid. It was a night better spent around a fire than snooping around the enemy, but things had taken a turn ever since the failed arrest. She stood for a bit longer, but the men continued to circle, and she didn’t think there was much more to learn here. She needed to continue around the ranch.
As she kept moving south, just inside the tree line, she came onto Seed Ranch itself. The house was a house in name only. It was a log cabin, blown up to the proportions of a mansion. It had floor to ceiling windows, two stories, a huge balcony. It was exactly the sort of place she’d love to rent for a week-long vacation. She could picture herself luxuriating in there, maybe under a rainfall showerhead, or in a jet-pool tub, making an omelet in the huge kitchen the place must certainly have before heading out for a day-long hike in the woods of the valley. She’d spend all day exploring, maybe swimming in a lake or stream, to come back and have dinner and a drink on the balcony, and fall asleep in a large, plush, memory-foam bed.
But this was no Airbnb. Instead, it was home to that monster, John Seed. Interestingly enough, the front door to the ranch was not guarded. There were plenty of guards on the property, though, so perhaps he just valued his privacy. With the house unguarded, it may be possible to sneak past the sentries and walk right in. If she could get into the house, it may be possible to take the entire property.
The lights on the first level of the house shown through the huge windows, and she could see a figure moving around inside. Maybe it was John Seed, himself. She was far enough away that she couldn’t make out any details of the roaming form, and she could never make such a shot with her slingshot, but she could imagine pulling it out, putting an end to him right there, and taking down a quarter of the cult’s figureheads.
Patience couldn’t picture prisoners being kept inside John Seed’s personal residence, so it was best if she kept on. She continued on, relatively uneventfully, for a while. Quite a while, actually. Too long. She wasn’t sure exactly how far she’d gone, but it was more than halfway around the entire Ranch. A lot more than halfway. Even moving more slowly than she was, Sharky probably should have met up with her by now. Something could have happened to him. What was she supposed to do?
A sudden burst of light appeared on the property.
The light appeared again, and Patience was able to recognize it for what it was. Fire. A flamethrower.
“Son of slut,” she muttered.
Peggie guards ran towards the flames, hopping back just in time to avoid being roasted alive by the whooping pyromaniac. Their shouting was drawing more guards, and Patience feared one flamethrower was hardly enough to take on all of Seed Ranch.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” She took a deep breath as she switched her slingshot for her M60. She glanced up at the sky, as if beseeching a god she didn’t believe in, before running out of the relative safety of the woods and into the fray.
She managed to get fairly close to Sharky before the Peggies realized she wasn’t one of them. She only hoped Sharky and his flamethrower didn’t confuse her for the enemy. As soon as they began splitting their fire between two of them, Patience began firing back, shooting down Peggies as she got closer to the flames.
“Hiya, Dep!” Sharky jovially greeted her as she came up beside him.
“Hi,” she hissed through gritted teeth as she fired her last bullet. “How did this happen?”
“Got spotted. Threw some flames.”
“How did you end up in the open like this?” she clarified.
“Got caught when I was inside the hangar.”
“In?” That was not the plan.
He ignored her interruption. “Found a folder of documents meant for John. Had location info and specs on his bunker. It’s guarded. Like, no-fucking-around guarded. And it’s a lot bigger than we thought. Bet that’s where they’re holding people. Besides, it’s not like I’m gonna use a flamethrower in the woods, Dep. Safety first!”
She didn’t know how to respond to that, so she opted to let it lie. Though there seemed to be a momentary reprieve, from the sounds of it, more Peggies were on the way.
“We need to get the hell out of here.”
“No arguments from me, Shorty.”
Patience grabbed Sharky’s arm and headed towards the trees, stopping briefly to swipe some ammo off a half-charred corpse.
“Go, go!” she urged him as the volume of the guards’ shouts increased.
She could hear them clamoring through the woods even over her own labored breathing and the sounds of the approaching guards. Patience pushed herself harder despite the burning in her chest and the machine gun bruising her spine as it bounced against her back. She was impressed Sharky could keep pace while toting his flamethrower, but the woods were getting denser, and she increasingly found herself bumping into him as well as scraping against trees. They were slowing down in an effort not to lose one another. This wasn’t working.
“Split up!” she called, possibly louder than was necessary due both to adrenaline and to make sure he knew what was happening before she tore off on a hard right, not bothering to look back.
Patience ran. And she continued to run until she couldn’t hear any of her pursuers. And then she ran a bit farther, just to be sure.
Eventually, she collapsed against the trunk of a broad tree, and put her head between her knees while she waited for her heart rate to slow and her breathing to even out. That hadn’t gone well. Not horribly, though. Sharky did come through with that intel about the bunker. But certainly not well. Getting shot at was not part of the plan. Nor was letting the Peggies know the resistance was spying on them. Getting split up was definitely not in the plan.
Exhaling a ragged breath, Patience pulled out her radio, dialing to the frequency pre-agreed upon with Sharky. “Sharky? Boshaw, come in.” She waited a few, seemingly interminable, minutes before trying again. “Boshaw. Come in, Boshaw.”
“Hiya, Dep.”
“Oh, thank fuck,” she sighed to herself. “You’re safe?” she asked him.
“Free and clear. Outran those Peggie bastards easily. Flame-broiled a few first, though!”
Patience smiled gently at the laugh in his voice, in spite of the macabre image it conjured.
“Regroup tomorrow, Dep! Over and out.”
The deputy absently clicked the tuning dial on her radio as she debated the relative safety of spending the night underneath an outcropping of rock ahead of her. She’d be protected from the elements, barring a sudden and unexpected change of weather. She may be easy prey for something like a wolf, but with the machine gun by her side, she felt comfortable enough to give it a go. Besides, if any of her animal companions were nearby, they’d wind up beside her at some point in the night. She was rarely as alone as she felt out here.
There was nothing being broadcast but Peggie nonsense. She’d come across two different channels airing cult songs but heard nothing from the resistance. Good. Anyone not with the cult should be laying low. She turned the dial a few more clicks when she heard a third active channel.
John Seed was proselytizing on the airwaves, late into the night. Bastard probably couldn’t sleep after a flamethrower appeared on his front lawn, not that she could blame him for that. He quoted from the Bible and from Joseph’s inane book. She didn’t know why he bothered. Most Peggies probably didn’t depend on the radios. And none of the resistance would be listening, anyway.
“…and sin never rests. Just tonight two wayward souls attacked the brave and pious soldiers of the Project.”
Patience rolled her eyes.
“The junior deputy herself was one of the souls in question. Deputy, know that your sins can be forgiven. Even your actions tonight are not too much to be absolved. We simply want to help you, to save you. You and every soul in Hope County. You must accept that the Project is not your enemy.”
Oh, must she? Bold of him to assume she’d be listening to his broadcasts. Bold and vain.
She knew she should just turn off the radio and get some sleep. She knew what both Whitehorse and Dutch would say. She’d, in general, agree. But after past few weeks she’d had, she was willing to admit that she wasn’t in her best state of mind. She didn’t want to let him demoralize any potential resistance member who stumbled onto the channel. And, more selfishly, she wanted to piss him off.
“That’s an interesting version of history you’re writing, there.”
“Deputy, how kind of you to check in. And after already checking in earlier tonight.”
“Yeah, well, I’m thoughtful that way.”
The whackadoo actually broadcast his laugh. “You and Mr. Boshaw should return; it isn’t too late to confess, to atone.”
“No thanks. We’re good.”
“You may feel good now, but you won’t when the Collapse comes, when you’re consumed by flames.”
“Uh oh.” She knew she was pressing his buttons. She knew nothing good could come from it. And yet… Fuck this guy.
“Mock all you want, Deputy,” he retorted, voice hard. “The Reaping has begun. You can still be saved, but time is running out.”
“And if I don’t want to be saved?”
“A child doesn’t know what’s best. That’s why parents exist. To guide and to nurture and to take care of the child, even when they resist. The Father can guide us all on the path to Eden’s Gate.”
“So we all need Daddy to take care of us? Kinky.”
“You hide behind your sin, using it as a shield. But who are you when not weighed down by it? You don’t have to be your sin. You can rise above it. I can help you.”
“Not that you aren’t a great conversationalist, because, really, this is riveting, but I’ve had a long day, and I need to get some rest.”
“Yes, I imagine killing really takes it out of a person.”
“And I imagine you don’t have to imagine,” she spit into the radio.
“You’re very defensive, Deputy. Perhaps because you know you’re in the wrong.”
“Good night, John.”
“You know where to find me, Deputy. When you’re ready to be saved…”
Patience had woken up this morning beneath that outcropping of rock, cuddling her M60 like it was a teddy bear, because sure, why not, this was her life now. Add it to the ongoing list of horrors.
She’d wandered around the woods for a while before finding a river she could follow to the road into Fall’s End. For an hour there she was trying to make her peace with being one of those people who walked into the woods and never walked out, falling prey to starvation, or animal attack, or just literal falling. Running away from the Peggies and their bullets had seemed like a good way to avoid death at the time, but death by wilderness was still death.
But she did find that river, had rendezvoused with Sharky, and was now at the Spread Eagle, eating for the first time in over 24 hours. She shoveled french fries into her face, ignoring Mary May’s eyes on her from the opposite side of the bar. She knew she looked sad and pathetic, clearly dirty and tired, hardly inspiring. And she needed, now more than ever, to inspire the people of Fall’s End to take up further arms against the cult.
Sharky had not only been able to confirm the bunker was the only place Joey could be being kept, but also noted that the roving sentries changed guards on the hour. Aside from the obvious debacle, he had really come through last night. It was this morning when went things went really sour.
After she’d met up with the Cougars at the jail, Whitehorse had promised to send out scouts to determine what had happened to Staci and the Marshal. Unfortunately, the scouts hadn’t been needed. She’d found out this morning of more recent broadcasts from the Whitetails and the Henbane. Jacob Seed had Staci. And Faith Seed had Marshal Burke. And who knew how they were now? If those broadcasts had been recorded weeks ago…
Even more unfortunately, at least for Patience and Joey, Whitehorse was set on staying in the Henbane region, helping the resistance operating out of the jail. This left Patience to her own devices, unless she wanted to stay with the resistance there, which she didn’t. At least, not until she got Joey out. Even then, it might be best to leave Whitehorse to it and track down the rest of the Sheriff’s department.
But, if the people of Hope County weren’t going to come together then they certainly weren’t going to be able to keep the cult at bay. But before she could convince anyone in the resistance to go to bat for anyone else, she needed to make sure there was anybody willing to go to bat, point blank. She needed the people of Fall’s End to give a shit about helping to liberating Holland Valley beyond their own town.
And luckily enough, Joey was in Holland Valley.
“So what’s going on, Dep?” Mary May finally asked.
“Is that rhetorical?” Patience asked. With her mouth full, her clothes dirty, and her braid mussed, she imagined she made quite the picture.
Patience swallowed and wiped her mouth with a napkin before speaking. “Are you aware of the failed arrest of Joseph Seed?”
Mary May rolled her eyes and leaned across the bar, almost into her personal space. “I know what’s going on, Deputy. I’ve got eyes and ears.”
“Then you know we have to get those people out of John’s bunker. Drive all the Peggies out of the freaking valley, ideally. John Seed is practically your next-door neighbor. That has to make you nervous,” she argued to the bartender.
“More than you could possibly know.”
“So, let’s do something!”
“Deputy,” Mary May sighed, “The Seeds came to Hope County years before you did. We’ve been living alongside them for a long time now. This ‘reaping,’” she threw the word in air quotes, “is just the most recent in a long line of escalations on their part.”
Patience shook her head. “No. No, Mary May, the cult, while most definitely a cult, has never done anything illegal. I’ve read all the reports. The most trouble we’ve ever gotten from them is disturbing the peace, and they’ve always cooperated. Then all the sudden we get video footage of illegal violence and go to arrest Joseph Seed. The Marshal asked me to arrest him because it was supposed to be that easy. It was my first arrest, and I- I…” She paused to gulp down some water and compose herself before continuing. “Mary May, they kidnapped at least one officer of the law, and likely multiple civilians. This is not like anything they’ve done before. This is not like anything you’ve ever seen.”
She pictured again the bodies crawling over the helicopter, the man who let himself be pureed by blades…
“You can’t imagine what they’re capable of,” Patience finished.
Mary May took the dishes from in front of her, the tension in her form clear, before slamming them into the sink with so much force Patience was amazed they didn’t break. When she turned back, though, there was no fire in her eyes. She looked tired, almost absent.
“Deputy, I don’t want to make light of the experience you’ve had over the last few weeks.” Her words were strong but quiet, her tone measured. “But I think you’re the one who can’t imagine what these people are capable of.”
“No. You need to listen.” Patience shut her mouth. “The Seeds moved into town and started their little church and that was fine. They made friends in town, came to community events. They seemed like nice people. Then fancypants lawyer John Seed used his knowledge of property law to start buying up land for cheap. Lots of land, for far too cheap. He was practically robbing people, and no one even made a move to stop it from happening.”
“And that’s asshole behavior for sure, but it’s still technically legal.”
Mary May ignored her and continued. “Their number of followers kept growing and growing and then the intimidation started. Graffiti on the houses and businesses of so-called sinners. The Sheriff’s department said there was never enough evidence to pin it on the Peggies.” She stared down Patience, as if daring her to step in, and Patience wisely kept quiet. “You mentioned them taking people. Said it was an escalation out of nowhere. It wasn’t.”
“Do have evidence that they’ve kidnapped before?”
“Evidence, evidence, Jesus Christ, Deputy!” Her voice rose. “I know they’ve done it! You know they’ve done it! I’m sure the Sheriff knew they did it, too! But there was never enough evidence to do anything, and look where we are, now. They’ve gotten so bold they took Deputy Hudson in broad daylight, paraded her around on TV!” She took a deep, steadying breath. “This is not the time for stressing over the minutia of good policing. One junior deputy is not going to beat this cult. The entire sheriff’s department plus a US Marshal couldn’t even arrest one of the Seeds!”
She let an irritated huff escape her nose. “I know. I was there. That’s why I need Fall’s End’s help.”
“You’ll need a lot more help than that.”
“Sure, you’ve blown up some shit. You’ve freed an outpost here and there. But, they are prepared for you to come. They have an army. And they’ve been at this for years.”
The disbelief was evident in her tone when she asked, “Years?”
“Years! They took my brother. Converted him, they’d say. Brainwashed, more like. It broke my mother’s heart. Killed her. My dad tried to bust him out and they killed him for it. No ifs, ands, or buts. They murdered him.” Her voice shook with rage. “And when I went to get him, to at least tell him what had happened, they took me. John Seed took me to his bunker and forced me to confess. He decided my sin was envy and he did this to me!”
Mary May pulled down the neck of her t-shirt to reveal a tattoo across her chest. The word ‘ENVY,’ in all capital letters, in black ink, was etched into her skin. Patience blinked in surprise.
“Holy shit.” The words came out as barely more than a whisper.
“And at the end of the day, my brother was dead as well.”
“I’m sorry.”
Mary May shrugged.
“That’s horrible. And terrifying.”
“I know that. And you need to know that, too. These people are so much worse than you know. They are organized and they are prepared.”
“This sort of information is what I need! If people know where the Seeds are keeping people, why do I not know? I know I’m new in town, but fuck! This is stuff I need to know. People keep asking me to risk my ass for theirs and that’s fine! That’s my job!” She breathed a sigh through her nose, calmed her bouncing leg, ran a finger under the black choker around her neck before speaking again. “Look, this is all the more reason to stick together and get those people out. Tiny pockets of resistance in different regions won’t be enough, and Fall’s End, all of Holland Valley, barely even has that.”
“You aren’t the only person to have that idea, you know. Pastor Jerome has a group organizing in the church right now, actually.”
A small weight lifted from Patience. It wasn’t nearly enough. “Great, then. That’s the first good news I’ve heard in a while. How many people?”
“Pretty much everyone in town that hasn’t already been converted or kidnapped.”
“That’s good.” Patience did a bit of mental math. “It’s a good start at least. Do you think these people be willing to try to take Seed Ranch? He’s running the whole valley from that place. If we can take it from him, we might weaken their hold on the region.”
“Take John’s ranch?” Mary May’s eyebrows rose. “I don’t know. I’m sure they’d love to, but… I don’t know. I could talk to the pastor, I guess.”
Patience nodded. “Good. Thanks. What about out of town? Do you know of anyone else in the valley who might be willing to help?”
The bartender thought for a moment before responding. “The Ryes. Nick at least. Kim is pregnant and he’s been talking about getting out of the county for a while now.”
“Yeah. Nick’s been helping me on and off.”
“I believe it. John Seed stole his plane. And he needs it to get them out.”
“No,” Patience shook her head. “He’s got it back. But I can see if he’ll join the pastor’s group. I can head out there tomorrow, try and convince him to help out.”
“Good.” Mary May dropped a second plate of greasy food in front of her. Thank god.
Patience nodded again. “And while I’m mooching off your hospitality…”
“You need a place to spend the night?” Mary May offered with a half-smile.
“And a shower?” She hadn’t had a chance to rinse off in three or four days. She felt sweaty and gross, and if her hair hadn’t been tied in a braid the greasiness of it would be consuming her thoughts to the point of distraction.
“Sure.” She gestured to the ceiling and said, “There’s a small apartment above the bar that’s been vacant ever since the bastard up there decided he preferred the doomsday predictions to paying rent.”
The shower stall in the tiny apartment was appropriately to scale and horribly grimy. Yet, the 15 minutes Patience spent under the subpar water pressure were easily most relaxed she’d been in days. The twin bed she now found herself in was similarly small and inhospitable. The mattress was lumpy, the pillow was thin, and the sheets smelt vaguely of stale cigarette smoke. And still, just as in the shower, she was unbelievably comfortable. It was amazing how quickly one’s standards could fall.
As she did the previous night, she absently rotated through radio channels. It was starting to replace scrolling on her phone as a bedtime routine. She clicked away, halfheartedly hoping to stumble on resistance chatter. She didn’t find any. She also didn’t find anything on the channel John Seed had used the previous night. Was her radio no longer working?
“Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3…” she flatly broadcast out to the county.
After a moment or two of silence, she received a response.
“Deputy… What a pleasant surprise.” John Seed. Ugh.
“Don’t be too flattered,” she replied. “I just couldn’t picture you giving the county any peace and quiet, so I figured it was more likely my radio had broken.”
“Well, now that you know it hasn’t, would you like to unburden your soul? Confess your sins? Say yes to being saved?”
“I don’t have any sins,” she lightly asserted. Patience didn’t know what it was about him, but John Seed really brought out the asshole in her.
“That sounds like pride, my dear, and pride is a sin.”
“Is it? I’d consider it more like knowing my worth.”
“It seems that you could benefit from the word of the Father. You should come to services, perhaps read the Book of Joseph.”
“I’ll take that under advisement. Maybe we could start a book club? May I recommend the works of Anton Szandor LaVey?”
“Careful, Deputy,” he warned in a hardened voice. “You’re getting dangerously close to blasphemy.”
Patience hummed. “That’s disappointing. I was trying to get all the way there.”
“I can save you. Just like I’m saving your friend Deputy Hudson.”
Any sense of teasing joviality left her in a sudden rush. John Seed wasn’t just some asshole to verbally spar with. He was evil, pure and unadulterated. She thought about what he’d done to Mary May. He was probably etching alleged sins into Joey’s flesh right now.
Ignoring the trembling of her finger as she pressed down on the button, she broadcast, “If you hurt an officer of the law, I will hunt you down and bring the full force of the Sheriff’s Department against you.”
John ignored her obviously empty threat, and responded with his voice lighter. Patience could almost picture his slimy grin when he responded. “Pain is necessary to truly confess, to atone. Pain is temporary, but salvation is eternal. And as for hunting me down, you know exactly where to find me. Eden’s Gate is open to you, my dear, if you would confess. If you would say yes.” He hissed the final word, giving it an emphasis that made the word slither up her spine and give her goosebumps.
“And what if I killed you myself?” she eventually managed to ask. She’d never threatened anyone with death before, not really. It almost shocked her how easily she did it, how easy it was to mean it.
“You don’t want to do that. I’m not your enemy.”
“Oh yes,” Patience replied, “you fucking are.”
Chapter 3
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Musings-of-a-lovesick-fool's Fic Masterlist
Ao3! Kofi! WIPs List!
♡ — Fluff
♧ — Angst
♤ — Nsfw/Smut
◇ — Canon Typical Violence
□ — General, No Warnings
☆ — That special Enemies to Lovers flavoured spice
Last Updated: 7/04/2024
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Resident Evil Village
One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure: Colvyr Covali x Karl Heisenberg — ♡
What's His is Mine and What's Mine is Mine: Colvyr Covali x Alcina Dimitrescu, Colvyr Covali x Karl Heisenberg — □
Alcina's Notes on Colvyr: Features Colvyr Covali, Alcina Dinitrescu and her daughters — □
Kiss on the Forehead: Colvyr Covali x Karl Heisenberg — ♡
Hope: Features Darius Lupan, Ethan Winterd and the Duke — ◇
Far Cry 5
The Angels Right Hand: Features Anya Cherkov, Faith Seed, Simon Dallas and Sharky Boshaw — ◇
Guilty Conscience: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x John Seed — ◇♡♧
Tired: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Joseph Seed — No Cult AU ♡
Unwanted Visitor: Features Jerome Jeffries, Baptist!Dean Sinclaire and Peggies — Reverse Fc5 AU ◇
Misguided: Features the Seeds, the Sinclaires, Herald!James Rook and Marvin Brooks — Reverse Fc5 AU ◇
Not a Diva: Peggie!Dean Sinclaire x John Seed — ♡
A Glimpse: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x the Seeds — ◇♡☆
A Moment of Bliss: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x John Seed — ♡
Hard Decisions: Baptist!Dean Sinclaire x John Seed — Reverse Fc5 AU ♡☆
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked: Features Marvin Brooks, Deputy Dean Sinclaire, Deputy James Rook, Jess Black, Grace Armstrong, Earl Whitehorse and Peggies — ◇
A Mistake and a Saving Grace: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Joseph Seed, Features Sharky Boshaw — ☆♡♧
Head For Breakfast: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Deputy James Rook — ♤♡ [Consensual Somnophilia, Oral, Barebacking]
SMFYaM CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5, CH6: Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Jacob Seed — ◇♤♧
Dying Light 2
One Minute More Love One Minute More: Nikolas Reeves x Hakon — ♧
24/03: Nikolas Reeves x Hakon x Lawan — ♡
The Boy From Never and Ever
Scars & Ink: Nym Rosemerry x Eden Noble — ♡
May I?: Nym Rosemerry x Eden Noble — ♡♤ [Blowjob, Face sitting, Barebacking]
Day 1, 2 & 3: Wade Wilson x Dean Sinclaire — ♡♤◇ [Day 3: Praise kink, Butt plug, Oral, Handjob, Doggy Style, Overstimulation]
Day 4, 5 & 6: Heather Lucille Valentine x Deputy Dean Sinclaire — ♤♡ [Day 4: Thigh Riding, Handcuffs]
Day 7, 8 & 9: John Seed x Deputy Dean Sinclaire x Deputy James Rook — ♡♤◇ [Day 9: Thigh Fucking, Masturbating, Oral]
Day 10, 11 & 12: Mary May Fairgrave x Anya Cherkov — ♡
Day 13, 14 & 15: Faith Seed x Piper Vasquez — ♤♡ [Day 13: Dry Humping, Intoxication, Oral]
Day 16, 17 & 18: Karl Heisenberg x Colvyr Covali — ◇♡♧
Day 19: Cooper McCoy x Gabriel Stokes — ♡
Day 20: Rai Anderson x Casper Vasquez — ♡
Day 21: Michael Sinclaire x Alexys — ♡
Day 22, 23 & 24: Faith Seed x Deputy Dean Sinclaire — ♡♤◇ [Day 23: Intoxication, Strap On, Bareback, Public Play]
Day 25, 26 & 27: Jacob Seed x Deputy Dean Sinclaire — ♡♤◇☆ [Day 25: Public Play, Vibrator, Edging]
Day 28, 29 & 30: Joseph Seed x Deputy Dean Sinclaire — ♡◇☆
Day 31: Audrey Marshall x Deputy Dean Sinclaire — ♡
Under The Bleachers: Razahir 'Raze' Khemse x Salvador Hale — ♡
You Shouldn't Have: Razahir 'Raze' Khemse x Salvador Hale — ♡
Valentine, Bryne
The Rain Fell My Love and So Too Did We: Sybil Bryne x Eliad Bryne — ♧◇
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Resident Evil Village
Lunchbreak: Male!Lord!Reader x Karl Heisenberg — ♡
Tearful: Features GN!Reader and The Duke — □
Doll: Features GN!Reader and Salvatore Moreau — □
Dating Karl Heisenberg: GN!Reader x Karl Heisenberg — Headcannons ♡
Far Cry 5
Between the Pages: GN!Reader x John Seed — ♡
You're Important to Me Idiot: Male!Deputy!Reader x Sharky Boshaw — ◇♡
Hope County Residents Dating a Plus-Size, Pre-op Trans Man hc's: M!Reader x John Seed, Jacob Seed, Joseph Seed, Faith Seed, Jerome Jeffries, Sharky Boshaw, Mary May Fairgrave, Adelaide Drubman, Grace Armstrong, Eli Palmer — Headcannons ♡♤
Nights Like These: GN!Reader x Jacob Seed — ♡
Through the Pouring Rain: GN!Reader x John Seed — ♡
By The Fire: GN!Reader x Grace Armstrong — ♤ [Oral]
Good Boy: GN!Reader x Sharky Boshaw — ♤ [Praise, Doggy Style]
Intermission: GN!Reader x Nick Rye — ♤ [Public Handjob]
After Hours: GN!Reader x Joey Hudson — ♤ [Fingering, Oral]
You, Me and a Bottle of Whiskey: GN!Reader x Mary May Fairgrave — ♤♡ [Accidental Stimulation]
Caught Up In You: GN!Reader x John Seed — ♤◇☆ [Thigh fucking, Doggy Style, Barebacking, Creampie]
I Always Come Back to You Don't I?: GN!Reader x Eli Palmer — ♡◇
Tongue Tied: M!Reader x Faith Seed— ♡□
Dusk Till Dawn – Part 1: GN!Reader x John Seed — ◇♡
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Far Cry 5
As The Night Turns Into Day: Features Joey Hudson, Alexi (Daemon) and Peggies — Daemon AU ◇
No Cult AU Headcannon's: Features The Seeds — No Cult AU □
They Were Born...: Features John, Jacob & Joseph — Daemon AU □◇
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harmonyowl · 2 years
Cat and Bird
So I decided to write a companion piece to @deputyash's writing from Grace's perspective, so read her version here to get Dove's perspective. Thank you for writing it love! 💕
Pairing: Grace Seed x Deputy Dove Ash
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Suggestive-ish content, Mention of blood
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The footsteps coming up behind him made the man flinch, dirt and stone digging into his trembling knees but he didn’t dare lift his gaze from the ground in front of him.  Soon a pair of heeled boots came into his view, then the legs crouched down until Grace’s face was at level with his own.
‘Now you seem like a smart man,’ he lifted his eyes up to her face and was met with a kind smile, ‘will you do what I have asked?’
He looked over to his left where his two companions had also been kneeling, bullets lodged in both of their heads and blood pooling around their fallen bodies. They had said no to her. He was very aware of the gun being held to the back of his head by her Chosen and he nodded shakily.
‘Good,’ Grace held the radio up to his face, ‘say exactly what I tell you and then we’ll send you off to John, nice and easy.’
She pressed the talk button and the static noise drew his eyes down, he opened his parched mouth to speak:
‘Deputy Ash, come in Deputy Ash…’
The Deputy was starting to twitch and Grace could see her head groggily move, anytime now then. Taking the final sip of her coffee she placed the mug on the table next to her and crossed her leg over the other to wait. Grace could see Dove try to move her arms against the rope and she smirked a little, finally Dove lifted her head to look ahead and her body froze when she saw her there.  Grace didn’t say anything for a full minute, just watched Dove dazedly look around, the last tendrils of Bliss still clinging to her as she became more and more visibly uncomfortable.
‘I’m so glad you could stop by for a little chat, Deputy.’ Despite her voice being quiet, it seemed to hang in the dark room around them. Dove just scoffed in response.
‘It’s not like I had much of a choice.’ Grace just chuckled and moved forward in her chair, still snarky, very well.
‘Twenty-four,’ She pauses for effect, ‘does that number mean anything to you?’ Dove didn’t say anything, but her face showed how utterly confused she was and her eyes kept glazing in and out, this wasn’t exactly how she imagined her first interrogation with Grace to go. Her jaw clenched a little and her body started to tense, like Dove was readying herself for something; she was trying not to give anything away to her.
‘That, Deputy, is the total number of vehicles and properties that you’ve destroyed in the last five days alone,’ Grace tutted and shook her head mockingly, it was honestly quite a feat to watch this one woman undertake such destruction, John was definitely not impressed. ‘And who knows how many lives you’ve taken.’
Grace stands from the chair and walks closer to Dove until she’s standing right over her, making her look up, getting into her personal space. Dove just glared up at her defiantly, but Grace could tell the Bliss was giving her some trouble with holding her head up.
‘Would you like to explain yourself?’
‘Not particularly.’
Roving over Dove’s face Grace collected every bit of information possible, she was very confident despite the situation and seemed to be bordering on smug. The Deputy was proud, and Grace could use that in time. She wandered back to her chair and stood behind it, tapping her manicured nails on the metal back.
‘You’ve been a busy girl, haven’t you?
Unwittingly, Dove went to shake her head but she stopped with a groan as her head lolled back. Grace just sighed and sat back in her chair to wait for Dove’s attention to come back to her, but her eyes remained closed and her brow was furrowed in pain. Completely destroying her family’s hard work tended to leave one susceptible to injury.
‘Deputy,’ Dove’s eyes reluctantly opened again, ‘if you answer my questions, we can get you patched up. Sound like a deal?’ Grace pointed her hand to her longer table in the far corner that held her interrogation tools and the yellow first aid tin.
‘Fuck you…’ She just cackled, it was a mean sound, and made Dove flinch from how it pounded through her pained head.
‘In due time, sweetheart.’ Grace continued, she wanted to know how it was possible for one or two people to destroy so much in five days, but mostly she just wanted to see the Deputy’s tells. ‘I heard you were destroying my brother’s silos in the Valley. Would you like to tell me why?’
There it was again: pride.
‘Have you seen those things? They’re an eyesore. Not to mention they’re a danger to the people. I mean— they’re so explosive. One little grenade and they go up in flames.’
‘Oh, do they now?’ Only one little grenade? Good to know Deputy, thank you very much.
‘It’s my duty to keep the people safe and unfortunately they had to go.’
The cheeky smile would have been charming to Grace if Dove hadn’t been the biggest pain in her ass since the Reaping, but if she was trying to piss Grace off, she would have to try much harder. She was used to dealing with some of the most insufferable people on this planet, and she was also used to knowing how to bring them to heel when she wanted them to. Grace couldn’t help it, she stood from her chair and walked back over to lean down to Dove’s face, she reached for her chin and pulled her face closer.  Warm eyes meeting her own blue ones as she forced the Deputy to see nothing else but her.
‘Deputy,’ the title rolled out of her mouth, long and almost melodic, ‘What is it you and Jess Black hope to accomplish by breaking into the Gardenview Packing Facility and stealing the Project’s shipment documents? You know John is not as nice as I am when provoked.’
That got a reaction, a spark of anger, the Deputy seemed to take offence when her companions were threatened. Because that was a threat, and both of them knew that.  Grace moved her hand from Dove’s chin and tucked some hair behind her ear, face full of condescension, but she couldn’t help the smug smile that overcame her features at the Deputy being visibly affected by her touch. Maybe she wasn’t the only prideful one here.
‘What’s wrong? Why so shy all of a sudden, dear?’
‘I…I’m not.’ Dove stuttered and Grace just moved her lips around to her ear, so close she almost brushed her lips against them when she whispered.
‘You’ve been such a bad girl, haven’t you, sweetheart?’ Dove had completely frozen and Grace didn’t think she could sit any straighter, ‘you know what we do with bad girls, don’t you?’
Dove just stuttered again with an entirely red face, and when Grace moved her head back around she saw that the Deputy was entirely unsubtly looking at her cleavage. Well, if it worked to throw her off her rhythm…
‘My eyes are up here, Dove.’ When Dove’s eyes automatically snap up from embarrassment, Grace just clicks her tongue at her with a smirk and folds her arms over her chest to accentuate it further. ‘A little distracted are we?’
The Deputy tries to play it off nonchalantly but it’s too late, she was caught, and still looked clearly flustered by Grace still being so close. Once Dove’s eyes started to wander around, Grace grabbed her chin again and made her refocus, a smile that edged on mania spreading across her face that seemed to be a trademark for the Seed family. It simultaneously drew you in and unsettled you.
Grace was cut off by the door opening and Michael from one of her recon team’s asking for her, she just sighed deeply and returned her attention to Dove once he’d left. Releasing her chin she cooed sympathetically.
‘I’m afraid our little chat is being cut short.’
Dove just watched as Grace ran her fingers through her shorter hair, she could feel the grease and debris from whatever her last exploit had been before she slid them down to the back of her neck.
‘Don’t look so distraught, dear, you’ll see me again.’
She wasn’t sure why she did it, But Dove’s reaction seemed to be the answer to that as Grace leaned in and placed a light kiss on the corner of her lips. Dove didn’t reciprocate and Grace kept her eyes open to watch her stunned reaction with great amusement; she hummed against her skin when Dove’s eyes fell shut, she assumed unintentionally. As if it suddenly occurred to Dove what she was doing, Grace felt her start to pull away and she just chuckled and stood up to start walking away. Turning once she got back to her chair she pointed at Dove:
‘Don’t go anywhere now, alright?’
With a final look at her tools on the far table, Grace left the room and closed the door behind her. Michael was quietly waiting outside, shuffling in his spot and looking apprehensive. So this was bad news.
‘What is it?’ He moved in closer to her, wringing his hands a little before shaking them out.
‘There’s chatter of a defector.’ She froze for a moment before sighing, closing her eyes and rubbing them tiredly before she composed herself again.
‘Let Simon know and have him send out a team to retrieve them.’
‘And if we can’t get to them?’ Grace gestured for her Chosen, who was guarding the door dutifully, to follow her as she walked towards the stairs that would lead her higher in the farmhouse.
‘Kill them.’
Only when her Chosen had caught up beside her halfway up the stairs did Grace speak to her:
‘Kara, please start moving some of the essential staff away from the path out of here, I’d hate for the Deputy to kill them when she escapes.’  Kara frowned and grunted, and Grace looked over to catch her confused expression. “Yes, I’m sure our little bird is trying to use my knife to cut her bindings as I speak, or at least I expect her to be.’
Grace stopped at the top of the stairs causing Kara to do the same, ‘do give her a good show when she comes through, and-’ she stopped Kara as she went to leave, ‘I want eyeballs on her at all times when she gets out. I want to know where she frequents, I want to know her habits, who she talks to most, what she does when she’s injured, and in what region of Hope County she’s in, got it?’
Kara nodded and left in the opposite direction to carry out her will. Grace walked towards the security room and unclipped the radio from her belt, setting it to the right frequency.
‘Come in, John.’ She didn’t have to wait long.
‘Gracie, what can I do for you?’
‘Some more of your silos are about to go up in a spectacular blaze courtesy of our dear Deputy, my estimate would be the ones that are furthest away from Crane’s Farmhouse.’ There was a pause from his end.
‘What makes you say that?’ Grace hummed with a wide smile.
‘Oh, I just poked a little bit and the Deputy is going to want to antagonise me back. She’ll be with someone non-stealthy, Boshaw or his cousin, you might be able to catch her if you send some extra people.’ There was another pause but it was much longer this time, Grace hoped that meant he was taking her advice. How many times did she have to be right before he just took her word for it?
‘Alright then, maybe you should warn Jacob that Jess Black no longer has her Deputy leash.’ Opening the door to the security room Grace walked up to one of the monitors, she watched a black and white video of Dove cautiously opening the door and peeking outside before darting down the hallway.
‘Hmm, that’s a good idea, I’ll radio him after this. Oh and John-’ Grace’s fingers tapped the space next to the release button for the front door, just waiting for the Deputy to arrive, ‘we need to talk in person about some security changes.’
And with a smile, Grace just sat back and watched Dove scurry through her interrogation outpost every step of the way.
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Daisy Frost
Elmer Frost
Pumpkin Cookie
Pumpkin Spice Cookie
Sugar Glazed Pumpkin Cookie
Magician Cookie
Whipped Cream Cookie
S’mores Cookie
Milk Chocolate Cookie
Pharaoh Cookie
Strawberry Shortcake Cookie
Snow Cone Cookie
Sea Weed Cookie
I have 936 but here are my main ocs-
Angel Calvin
Alexander Allens
Angel May
Annie May
Ciara Layes
Ciera Layes
Amy Debeste
Dennis Tainne
Lianne Coleman
Lio Coleman
Liana Coleman
Jonathan Deiluv
John Deiluv
Clara Williams
Mathew P. Rick
Veronica Jules
Phay Saj
Alexander Koi
Michael Rollans
Amelia Monique
Among Us:
Potato Fries
Harry Potter:
Noel Silver
Lexi Silver
Mel Silver
Pepa Parrot
Luis Lynx
Hyla Hydra
Maddie Rider
Gem Rose
Grace Rays/Gay-mer #24
Emmie Silver (No,she is not related to Noel Silver)
Ginna Summers
Damien Michel
James Prince “JP” Jones
Apollo Mendez
Amy Mendez
Lia Shane
Lio Shane
Ellie Mina
Eliza Mina
M Mendoza
Mika Mendoza
Object Shows:
Paper Bag
Colored Paper
Pool float
Chocolate donut
Coloring book
Oil pastels
Picture frame
Drawing tablet
Colored pencil
Flower Pot
Spinning Ballerina
Daisy Seed
Wine glass
Water pitcher
Cream Puff
Crystal Ball
Hand Mirror
Magic Wand
Card Stack
Ice Cream
Invisible Wall
Fur Ball
Gift Box
Boxing Glove
Google Translate
Bumble Bee
Candy Heart
Lightning Necklace
Mood Ring
Comedy Book
Correction Tape
Water Bucket
Hidden Camera
Lemon Juice
High Heels
Permanent Ink
Dino Toy
Paint Bucket
Mini Paint Brush
Cake Pop
Last Place Medal
Pizza Slice
Treasure Chest
Golden Coin
Silver Coin
Bent spoon
Rusty Spoon
Bucket Of Sand
Toxic Waste
Polluted Air
Digital Battery
Camera App
Gacha Club
Cookie Run:Kingdom
IbisPaint X
Texting Story
Ellie Jamison
Ellen Jamison
Kristine Krupp
CN McArthur
Simon Tolentino
Adriana Maddison
Naixil Seyer
Tina Treys
Sown wayv(Music)
Job Simulator:
Tumblr Ocs:
Righty Tighty
Lefty Lucy
13 notes · View notes
deputyash · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Dove Ash x John Seed | Dove Ash x Grace Seed (FC5)
Dove Ash x Anya Cherkov | Dove Ash x Cooper (FC5)
(Vampire) Dove Ash x Cooper Mccoy (Other?)
“V” Vireo x Panam Palmer | Valerie “V” x Judy Alvarez (CP2077)
I made a second post for the RDR2 and FCND couples since I ran out of photo slots lol.
Tagged by the lovely @strafethesesinners to do my pairings in this picrew! Thank you! :3
Tagging: @harmonyowl @derelictheretic @teamhawkeye @ri-a-rose @tommymillers @cryptichobbit @krenee1drful @cobb-vanthss @shellibisshe @glowwormsmith @radiojamming @i-am-the-balancing-point @direwombat
27 notes · View notes
jacobbseedd · 2 months
I’m gonna be doing an oc master list on hear just so everyone can see it more better this is also gonna have the people relationship to .
Oc master list :
Eden gate :
Michaela Reece Campbell - Jeanine Mason
Katarina Maya Morgan - Elizabeth Gilles
Jayda Raven wright - Danielle Victoria Perry
Bryson Kai grant - max Parker
Adam Blaine Strickland - Travis fimmel
Trenton Enzo collymore - Kori Sampson
Jayla Rae ford - aj Naomi king
Renne Mia Huxley - Lauren cohen
Natalie Quinn Kramer - Katheryn winnick
Lindsey Cerys Morris - Bryce Dallas Howard
Braeden Weston Raymond - will Graham
Audrey Cara baker - Maia Michelle
Keira Beth white - Madeline peutch
Nicholas Matteo Pearce - Kyle Allen
Preston James huff - Richard harman
Darin Shane Reid - Brant daughtery
Martinez Campbell - Tom ellis
Stephanie woods - inbar lavi
Nadia Jane Sutton - Katheryn newton
Felix Micah porter - Freddy thorp
Parker Lance Dawson - Tyler Blackburn
Maliah cass Gordon - Morgan Crabtree
Kayden Lucian Morgan - Chris Evan’s
Michael trace Sullivan - will poulter
Antonio Kyson chambers - Kieron Moore
Blake chandler miller - Matthew naszka
Cassidy everly Quinn - Madeline cline
Relationship for oc :
Jacob & Michaela
John & Katarina
Jayda & Braeden
Bryson & Audrey
Adam & Natalie
Trenton & jayla
Renne & Nicholas
Lindsey & Keira
Preston & Nadia
Darin & Felix
Parker & Maliah
Cassidy &
Kayden &
Michael &
Antonio &
Blake &
Larissa Leah Palmer - Marie avgeropoulos
Terrence miles Harvey - Chris wood
Chase Luca gray - Theo James
Malcolm Jay Bryant - Ryan Guzman
Lauren grace Shaffer - Hillary Burton
Annabel Kaylyn Chavez - rose Salazar
Charles gage fisher - Pedro pascal
Elena Katie smith - Lucy hale
Izaiah Theo Farley - Federico massaro
Conner Ryder knight - Logan lerman
Robin Kelsey Norwood - Diana agron
Sean Corey Harrison - Alexander Ludwig
Aiden Nico Davenport - Rafael l Silva
Davina Brielle Ramsey - Rachel Zegler
Sage Damon Harrison - Travis van winkle not yet posted
Larissa & Conner
Terrence & Joey
Chase & Jess
Malcolm & Mary
Eli & Robin
Lauren & Earl
Charles & Adelaide
Isaiah & Skyler
Cameron & Annabel
Tammy & Sean
Aiden & Davina
Shaw &
Miner oc :
Jessica Nora miner - Rosamund pike
Calvin madden price - Tyler hoechlin
Trey Draven Sanford - Aaron Taylor Johnson
Emery cordella combs - ayo edebiri
Jayne rose Frey - Alexandra Breckenridge
Liam Cole mullens - Jesse Williams
Jessica & Calvin
Trey & Jayne
Emery & Liam
Kids oc :
Thea raine seed -
Cod oc :
Olive Maeve Rowland - Leah pipes
Makenna sky marks - Zoey deuch
Olive & soap
Makenna & konig
Red dead redemption two oc’s
Eliza Jane Evermore- Isabel may
Rdr2 relationships:
Eliza x Micah Bell
These are all my master oc list and I hope this makes it better some of my people are brother or sister with my sister oc just in case if anyone wonders why there are a last names that are the same .
0 notes
nijjhar · 1 year
Punjabi - First be of your tribal father "Ilah" - BRAHM KAE BAETTAE, the... Punjabi - First be of your tribal father "Ilah" - BRAHM KAE BAETTAE, then you will know Al-Ilah = Allah. https://youtu.be/zGexWSeFBKY First, be faithful to your tribal father "Ilah", then you will be the son of Al-Ilah = Allah. https://youtu.be/tux3tnEI1pg MERRY X-MASS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR OF TRIBULATIONS. Youtube “The Kingdom of Heaven”:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/faithfat.pdf BIRTH OF JOHN: - https://youtu.be/RNXvv-WwdI4 Proofs of the Virgin Birth of Jesus: - www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bojes.htm https://youtu.be/VUPgFlo6QcQ ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/GrimReaper.htm ATOMIC WAR COULD TAKE PLACE SOON AFTER 14/11/2023 – ISRAEL SHALL NOT CELEBRATE ITS 76TH BIRTHDAY. 14/05/1948 + 70 YEARS OF FULL PROTECTION TILL 14/05/2018 WHEN CHILD-LIKE DONALD TRUMP PRESSED THE TRIBULATIONS BUTTON BY PROCLAIMING JERUSALEM TO BE THE CAPITAL OF ISRAEL. THEN, AFTER FIVE YEARS OF TRIBULATIONS IN WHICH THE “TARES”, SALTLESS UNFAITHFUL TO ABRAHAM AND YAHWEH WILL BURN AND KILL EACH OTHER; HAMAS AND FATEH VS JEWS OUTWARDLY KILLED JESUS, SADDAM HUSSEIN, GADAFFI, ETC. INNOCENT PEOPLE OF THE ORDER OF CHRIST JESUS. THIS FIVE YEARS OF GRACE WILL END ON 14/05/2023 AND THE “JUDGEMENT ATOMIC WAR” IN WHICH 6 MONTHS WOULD BE OF YAHWEH, THE CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS AND THE 7TH MONTH, THE MIDDLE CANDLE OF THE MENORAH OF ELOHIM, ALLAH, PARBRAHM, ETC., OUR SUPERNATURAL FATHER OF OUR “SOULS” WILL SHOWER THE ATOMIC BOMBS TO END THE “TARES”. IN THE ATOMIC WAR, RUSSIA WILL WIN BECAUSE THEY HAVE A VERY STRONG TRIBAL INSTINCT AND THIS PLANET EARTH IS FOR THE HABITATION OF THE TRIBAL PEOPLE. THE 144000 THAT ARE MENTIONED IN THE REVELATIONS ARE THE TRIBAL PEOPLE AND NOT JEWS, HAMAS, FATEH, HINDUS, SIKHS OR MUSLIMS, THE TARES. Hitler and the British killed the Anti-Semitic sinner Jews outwardly of flesh unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the “Saltless Tares” whilst Super Hitler Putin will deal with Blasphemer sons of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa who destroyed Iraq, Libya and Syria, etc. https://youtu.be/GBbQAAj3l60 For the full article, please visit my website:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Twisted.htm Pilate was a just ruler and after finding the Truth about what type of the Royal King of heart Jesus was, he told the Jews outwardly, the “Saltless Tares”, he is not guilty but the Jews shouted more vigorously to kill Jesus and release their own type the Baranabass. No wonder the robbers were at large during the four years of the Great Siege. Pilate did dress up Jesus as the King of the Jews but he never got him beaten by the soldiers. How could a just Roman ruler hurt an innocent man? Jesus was beaten in the Temple mercilessly as expected of the Saltless unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, the Tares that most loving once-born Peter denied knowing Jesus. This is solid proof of the very harsh beating by the Jews. Also, the 12 Labourers of Jesus have nothing to do with the 12 tribes of Israel but 7 in the name of John, the Baptist for morality and 5 in the name of Christ for spirituality = 12. This is what is happening now:- PUTIN = NATHANIEL; WHAT IS INSIDE IS OUTSIDE = NO DUPLICITY VS THE USA AND THE WEST BLASPHEMER HYPOCRITES = TEMPLE HIGH PRIESTS, THE KILLERS OF JESUS AND HUMANITY. Putin, the man of God = Nathaniel, what is inside that is outside or no Blasphemy or hypocrisy. https://youtu.be/DP6Tt6tZN-8 Today, Matt 13v24-30 is getting fulfilled and the Tares, Jews outwardly of appearances like the Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, etc., the Tares are getting bundled up in Israel for the Final Burning through the Atomic Bombs especially of Iran, the fake sons of Abraham through circumcision, the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac and his seed but the temple Priests were making people Jews outwardly and dishing out the circumcision making them the sons of Isaac. Angel Stephen exposed their dirty business for money and they killed him.   Worse than that is happening now – Matt 12v43-45 is being fulfilled. The crook Rabbis proclaimed the works of Jesus performed by Beelzebub. The efficiency of the Rabbis is known by the Fruits, and the Disciples, they bear. The Samaritan woman at well, Saint Photina was the Proof of the good teaching by her Rabbi. That is why the one thankful Leper, who wanted to join the company of Christ Jesus, was told that go home among your people. A Gentile never dies for he doesn’t live to die. My latest Video:- Gnostics are not Christians of the Books like these Christians in the Churches of Mammon but they are Christs, who Preach the Gospel from their hearts. https://youtu.be/G-KoP4UqOtA My Book by Kindle. ASIN: B01AVLC9WO For full description, visit my website www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm I need IT Graphic help to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf And in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf John's baptism www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
0 notes
pastsplendors · 2 years
0 notes