#jill answers
mmothmanners · 8 months
im kinda frustrated rn because i want to draw Ris'daer in situations but my drawing skills are not much advanced, im only becoming a better human photocopier and drawing new things from references and imagination is extremely hard 😤 i have a "do it for him" board on my mind to keep the drawing motivation up tho lol
I am so flattered, Anon. I genuinely cackled at the mental image -- so I had to make a 'do it for him' thing
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But in all seriounsess, art is really difficult. But the fact you're trying at all puts up leagues ahead of the game. Takes years of practice to get there but I think you'll get it!
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biohazard-4ever · 2 months
Is Leon funny or what?
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alvivaarts · 3 months
How does mer Leon go through labor and delivery?
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Oooh! This idea got me thinking of a scene, which got me drawing for four straight days. (The page is divided, but warning for those who aren't a fan of viewing birth, blood, or 'eggs' - clear eggs? I'll get into it. They aren't actually eggs.) Anyway, full image below the break! Let's get into how it works first.
Anatomical charts/explanations and more below the cut!
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Anatomically and reproductively, most species of mer fall into the first example- the male can deposit genetic material into the female, the eggs in the female are fertilized, though females have a very long/large clitoral structure that is perfectly positioned to get into the male's 'sheath'. This locks them together fairly well and is the reason that mers tend to produce very quickly and in large numbers (though infant/childhood survival rates are another discussion altogether).
Leon, Ada, and their other pod members fall into another category: Their reproductive anatomy is very unique in that the interlock is very initially hard to get. The female also has a structure that comes out of her sheath very similar to that of a female hyena- there is a hole along the shaft that allows her eggs to be deposited elsewhere. Again, much like seahorses, this species found it more beneficial to have females deposit the eggs into a pseudo-womb in the male, which is either self fertilized by the male, or fertilized by other males. This way, the females can get right back to producing eggs and gathering enough nutrients to feed the young when they're born- which helps, because their infancy survival rate is much lower and their prime living conditions are much more particular. It also works out well, considering the social structure of most mers is already extremely matriarchal- so the eggs would be safer in the parent/guardian that's remaining in the den/home territory area. However, under extreme circumstances, females can and will carry their own eggs. They also vary in that they carry for 3 months longer than other species (ranging from 9-10 months), with fewer pups upon birth, and there's practically no 'egg stage', eggs are broken immediately after birth if it's safe to do so.
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Ada and Leon's (and Luis', though none of them knew that at the time) gestated for about 9.5 months. They were hanging out on the beach, though Leon had to stay in the shallows because it was far too much of a hassle for him to move on land. While he had experienced contractions in the months leading up to it, once the actual contractions hit, so did the new stress hormones, which tipped off Ada and Jill. They made their way down to deal with it. It should be noted that, at this time, Luis had been allowed to interact freely with the pod and was recognized as Leon and Ada's mate, however, being human, Jill wasn't thrilled on him being present for the birth or being directly in their den. (Also considering they were still being documented pretty thoroughly and it was pretty much a must for Luis to record what happened, at least for his fellow researchers). Leon had already insisted, however, so he was pretty quick to get geared up and come down. Normally births happen in a den, but the birth actually ended up happening outside the den. Though they did initially get there to hunker down in one of the bottom alcoves, the labor was taking about an hour and a half at that point, and Leon was getting restless. It actually ended up happening just outside their den while Luis kept his distance (for his own safety, considering Jill in particular was getting very territorial).
Of course Ada was present, though he was assisted by Jill (her being their matriarch and his defacto sister) and Sherry (considering she was already courting at the time and would likely have to assist her own mates in the future). Manuela and Ashley were a bit too icked and ended up cheering from the sidelines while their other pod members patrolled to keep any blood-scenting predators away from the area. Thankfully, they're already located in a very safe area, with lots of protection from the neighboring pod, so it went off without a hitch.
That didn't make it any less painful, though, and it's not like mers have access or the tools to use painkillers. The full labor was fairly quick and took about two hours, with a lot of yelling, swearing, wiggling and pushing. Ada helped a bit by pushing with her own hands, though she became pretty occupied as soon as the first pup was born. She was pretty quick to nurse all of them, though three total pups came out. Normally mers will 'wet nurse' for each other, but they weren't able to do it within their own pod, so they had to wait until Ada's cousin from the neighboring pod could come over (considering she'd recently had her own pups).
Lillie was born first, with a half hour gap between Lucia and Amaya... who were pretty obviously also Luis'. Which led to some shit for him on the surface, but hey, new babies!
Sorry for the extremely long post!
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valentineredfield · 3 months
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[Nicole Tompkins reading Elena/Daniela Dimitrescu lines as Jill] "Hey, kiss me?"
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steepedfoxglovetea · 7 months
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decolonize-the-left · 2 months
What do you think about Jill Stein or Cornel West as presidential candidates?
I think anyone against genocide would make a better president than the one we have.
Biden started a genocide and before that wrote one of the most racist bills in recent history, supported segregation, and fought against Roe v Wade. More recently he sided with private prisons to keep an ICE detention center open, promised to codify Roe v Wade for votes then didn't, and bypassed congress several times to sell weapons, bomb countries, and surveil us. But again, hasn't codified anything and yeah that's bad when there's 484 anti-lgbt bills alone that are trying to do things like redefine sex, censor curriculums, and restriction healthcare. And that's not getting into the fact that journalists don't talk about the accusations of SA women have made against Biden as well.
The bar is on the floor is what I'm saying. So yeah West and Stein are better Biden.
That said I really like Jasmine Sherman.
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effervescentdragon · 2 months
Can you do the Energy Alignment Chart that you did for F1 drivers, for football pundits and personalities??
(Just some suggestions, but please pick and swap as you wish!) GNev, Carra, Micah, Roy, Wrighty, Jill Scott, Jamie Redknapp, Gary Lineker, Alan Shearer, Graeme Souness, Thierry Henry, Dave Jones, Kate Abdo
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redknapp would go into dumb hoe category and lineker would go into sad category just bcs he played for spurs and everton, which is pretty sad imnsho, but i couldn't fit them in because this is pretty perfect tbh since carraville are together. jill has the biggest dick out of them all and kate is between big dick and big bitch bcs i am right 😹✌🏻
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howaboutcaptainwesker · 10 months
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from 2018 crimson-head exclusive interview with Kenichi Iwao (lead writer/designer for RE '96)
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valenfield-inspo · 4 months
They kind of look like they gettin ready to slow dance in the last gif 🤣
🤣 you know what? they do kind of look like that now:
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What are we setting this to? Something from the 80s?? "Time after Time" by Cyndi Lauper? 😂 Or what was the huge ballad in the 90s? I'll have to think about that but anyways 🤣
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jazzfordshire · 1 year
you think mime karas strap is striped too
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mmothmanners · 4 months
Heyy :))
First of all I'd like to say that I absolutely adore your art and OCs. Like I genuinely haven't been attached this much to a character in a while
I thought I could quickly ask if it's okay with you to use your characters in some way? Like write stories that include your ocs and maybe own oxs or something like that?
It's totally okay and understandable if you're not fine with it obviously but I thought asking never hurts :3
I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day <3
So I generally don't have problems with that sort of thing. Art, fics, etc. Go for it! As long as the character isn't doing anything vile or, and this is a personal preference for myself, anything to do with pregnancy, I'm good with it.
Share with me when you finish things too! I love seeing what people create for me (makes me extremely happy ngl).
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biohazard-4ever · 10 days
Question: what would each of the main cast reaction be when they found out that Leon is ONLY a weapon to the government? And let’s say they found out that they want to dispose him. Including Hunnigan’s reaction please.
Leon knows his role. He always knew. His utility was the only reason that allowed him to be kept alive even when he knew all about Umbrella and the Government.
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Claire would be taking it the hardest and not on a personal level. But for Leon. He is her friend! Leon and Claire are partners in this fight! He is the man who risked it all to keep Sherry safe, like how Claire did through Raccoon City. He is not a WEAPON, DAMN IT! He is a HUMAN BEING! 
Claire would be sad, mad... But also disappointed. Because deep down, she knows Leon always knew. He always knew his role in this.
"And you'll just accept this as your life until, what? I receive a call saying you "mysteriously" die and I'm left here to mourn your assassination?!"
Claire feels guilt. She should have never left that man and child behind. If she knew... If she could have known, by the GODS, she would have kept Leon close to her. Never out of her sight. Maybe... Maybe they could have been on the same side today. In Terra Save. Working as partners in and out of their work.
Who knows... What they could have been...?
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Jill knows what it means to become a weapon. Even your free will is destroyed. She feels it the deepest on a personal level. Not different from what happened to her when Wesker took control over her; but Loen is not being controlled on a physical level to do it -, he is being emotionally controlled to act and do works he normally wouldn't agree with. 
A sad destiny... Leon will either die on the battlefield or die as a "casualty" when the Government thinks he is of no use anymore.
"I know you. I know what you do does not equal to what you believe. You're a puppet, Leon. But that does not define who you are! If you need help to cut those ties, a place to be safe... Believe in us. Rely on us."
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For Chris, it all made sense now... Leon's defeatist mentality. How he felt like he would never escape from this endless circle. Because Leon is not fighting to end the Bioterrorism, he is fighting so the real masterminds behind it all won't get caught. It is like a Lawyer wanting to end crimes. It does not work.
He works and makes a living out of those disgraces happening. Leon lives in a walking hypocrisy. An ocean of guilt and shame. He can't even be proud of his job like how his friends are. 
Chris can't even imagine how would that feel. He is a proud B.S.A.A man. He wears the symbol for everyone to see. Leon keeps his hidden under his jacket.
"This is why you never make plans that far ahead? Because every day you're alive is just another miracle isn't it? Maybe ending yourself is the one comfort you have -, believing you're capable of at least choosing how you're going to die. But guess what, Leon? You're not alone in this fight... You're a friend. You're family."
Hunnigan... Hunnigan is really found of Leon. They are working together since, what? 2005?! Leon is... He is special to her. And knowing what the government has in store for him feels unfair. It IS unfair. Shouldn't her job be all about keeping him safe?! Ingrid would suggest him to just... Fake his death and she would want to give him all his freedom. Even if... A fake one...
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alvivaarts · 4 months
Can the mers "stand" on their tails to be taller on land?
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Image 1 Unlike many old fashioned depictions of mers, there's no species that can 'stand' on their tails! There were (and still are) a lot of misconceptions about merfolk based off of early theories and myths. Needless to say, Merfolk's anatomy simply doesn't support the 'upright' or 'standing' position while they're out of the water! Though they can often move vertically while in the water, they just aren't built for it on the surface.
1- Their skeletons don't have 'leg bones'. Where their hips would connect to femurs, instead, the joint is used for their 'primary fin' muscles, what would be 'pectoral' fins on a normal fish. This gives them much more power and maneuverability when it comes to using those fins, and they use those fins to 'crawl' on the surface. 2- Their spines are less supportive above their hips. 3- Their cardiac systems support more efficient bloodflow when they're horizontal, and the heavier affects of gravity on the surface prevent proper bloodflow from reaching their heads. 4- Exposing their bellies is a major no-no for mers! It's only ever used as a sign of affection towards trusted others, or otherwise can be seen as a sign of weakness.
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Most commonly, you'll see mers on the surface lounging on their stomachs or flirting on their backs. If they do want to get a higher perspective, though, they'll climb- and they're fantastic climbers! The most 'vertical' you'll see them is when they've propped themselves up on rocks, or on each other. While they can technically sit back on their own tails as well, it does disrupt the spines on their backs and butts and can be pretty uncomfortable.
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naomiknight-17 · 3 months
Can i get some jilly bean content 🥺 it's been a rough day
Hmm, I had planned to post something about her tomorrow on Tim's blog, but let's see what I've got in the ol' camera gallery...
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Some snuggly Jills I don't think I've posted yet :)
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yawnderu · 2 months
if we are talkin about re characters then what about jill valentine ??? especially in death island OMGG i love her she is my gf
She's always so fucking cute I absolutely love her jhehbjef death island was so good ngl
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kiose · 2 months
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9 Fav Characters! Thanks to @chimchiri for taggin me in this, it was a real fun to do
Choosing only nine was becoming hard enough so I limited myself to one character per franchise (and then I struggled choosing a SINGLE Fire Emblem character, also, why do I like series that have so many characters?)
Dunno who to tag for this, I'm tagging some people I'd like it to do it but no pressure BUT if you're reading this, are not tagged, and wanna do it, pls do and tag me so we can compare favs (or even if we have any in common we can chat about 'em) @hijirai @ratstuckinamarble @wolfie1991 @nopantsparade @23deecy @ink-sound
Names and series for each chara under the cut
They're not in any particular order, I just placed the pics in a way that felt like it looked cool :P from left to right we got:
1. Ariane Yeong - Signalis 2. Glimmer - SheRa 3. Rebecca Chambers - Resident Evil 4. R.Dash - My Little Pony 5. Brigitte Lindholm - Overwatch 6. Jill Fizzart - Fire Emblem 7. Alphonse Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist 8. Harley - Sleepless Domain 9. Sakura Kasugano - Street Fighter
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